#and it's making me anxious enough to stay away from this blog
papalrot · 2 years
updated my rules :) 
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*in feral mermaid mode* Araghafjk-!
Other Worldly
Part 1
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Alastor X Shy Reader
(Oneshot turned short story)
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, signing-ASL, shaking head = no, italics = thoughts ⚠
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Alastor curiosity grew after that encounter with the shy demon in the library.
So much so that he went to the Princess for more information.
"Oh uh..what would you like to know?", Charlie asked, turning away from activity plans.
"Nothing too important!", he said with a closed eyed smile. "Just wondering why they don't speak, such a quiet thing they are."
"I-", the blonde stuttered. "It's not my place to say, you'd have to ask them yourself.", she said firmly.
Oh? So the Princess knows exactly why..
"Hm..", he hummed and turned away to face the door. "Fair enough! I'll leave you to go back to your planning.", he said before walking out of the office.
Now all I have to do is find the interesting demon. He thought.
With a pep in his step, the deer demon used the shadows to travel around the hotel in search of them.
You were anxious.
Fiddling with the collar of your top as you walked down the stone path of the hotel's garden.
It was an accident. You thought, glancing at the red rose bush. Still, I should have at least checked to see if anyone was in the room.
Sighing, you made your way over to the pond. Watching the odd glowing fish swim around in the water.
Maybe I should check to see if he's ok? You shake your head soon after. No, Vaggie said to be careful around that demon.
The lingering feeling of guilt still sat in the pit of your stomach. You wanted to make sure he was alright but the previous warnings told you to stay away, now you were at war with your choices.
Being too distracted by your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure conjuring up behind you from the shadows.
"AH!", you jumped in shock and turned to see the demon, but your foot hit the edge of a rock and you lost balance.
Now Alastor did enjoy giving them a good scare but he didn't try to do that this time.
Perhaps they were too occupied with their thoughts.
He saw a flicker of fear in their eyes as they fell back into the water. Now there was some slight concern on his end but it was just water, he knew there was nothing in the pond that could harm them in any way.
Then there was an odd bright green glow coming from the water, causing him to lift his hand to block some of the light.
Once it stopped, he heard a splash of water.
Lowering his hand, he saw them clawing their way out of the pond.
"Apologies, I did not mean to frighten you so-", the deer demon started, kneeling down to help them out but he paused once noticing something red peeking out of the water.
Red fins and scales, a fish tail where their legs once were, then when he looked down at their hands. Seeing that it also changed, now having webbing between their fingers. The scales were vibrant. Red, scarlet, and speckles of candy apple red littered here and there.
It was quite the sight to behold.
Then he noticed them shaking. In fear or of cold, he was not sure but the Radio Demon lifted them out of the water and carried them back to the hotel.
"As I was saying dear, I apologize. I didn't know you were swimming in your thoughts.", he glanced at the mer and grinned when finding them peek up at him. "You had quite the splash."
They pouted and looked away from him.
Moving their hands, the left palm flat and facing up, while the right was similar to the left, it was vertical as it went down on their open palm like a knife on a cutting board. (Stop)
"You'll have to communicate with me another way dear.", he replied.
They let out a click of annoyance and remained quiet.
Maybe I could keep them.. Alastor thought as he entered the hotel. I wouldn't mind a pretty fish in my room.
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I am excited for MerMay. More mer fics for me to read! 🪼
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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sluttywonwoo · 2 months
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instead of you [part forty-one] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, angst, alcohol consumption, smut (18+ ; mdni)
word count: 3.2k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
additional smut warnings: semi-public messing around, oral - m+f receiving
The other resorts along the shore were nice, yes, but they were also crowded to all hell. There’s no way you would have been able to relax at any of them. Not just because crowds make you anxious, but because Minho probably wouldn’t be able to show his face anywhere. He’d have to wear a hoodie to the pool or swim with a baseball cap on, and even those weren’t guaranteed to be foolproof. 
There were hardly any people occupying the outdoor spaces so late in the day so it was like you had the place to yourselves. You and Felix continued to play in the pool while Minho grilled steaks and Jisung worked upstairs. You offered to accompany Jisung while he cooked but he assured you that he was fine to do it himself. Sometimes you kept him company at home but you knew he liked to work alone as well. 
The room that you and Jisung were staying in was a standard hotel room but Nikki and Dom had a suite with a kitchenette that he could use to prepare the side dishes. 
You ate gathered around one of the fire pits as the sun sank beneath the waves in the distance. When it got too dark out, Dom lit the fire so that you could all see what you were eating. There were path lights littered around the resort but they weren’t bright enough to illuminate the adjacent sitting areas too. 
“I wish we had marshmallows,” you sighed. “We could roast them and make s’mores.”
“I think the bar sells little kits,” Jisung piped up. “I remember seeing a sign posted on their menu.”
“How convenient!” Nikki exclaimed. 
“Want me to grab some?” Minho offered, already standing from his seat. 
You had once again put yourself on the spot. Everyone was looking at you, waiting for your answer. 
“I-I’d feel bad. I’m the only one who wants them, so you don’t have to!”
“Don’t be silly, we’d all eat them,” Jisung assured you with a pat on your knee. 
“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to try s’mores,” Felix agreed. 
Your mouth dropped open in shock. “Wait, you’ve never had one?”
“They’re an American thing, babe.”
“Does that mean you’re the only other one here who has had a s’more?” you asked Jisung. 
“I might have had one before,” Minho added thoughtfully. 
“Might? You don’t remember?”
“Yeah, well, when we were on the first world tour we had a lot of bonfires and shit but I was pretty drunk at all of them so there could have been s’mores there, there could not have been. I dunno.”
“Anyway,” Nikki swooped in, averting the attention away from her eldest son’s anecdotes of underage drinking. “Minho, why don’t you go grab a few kits from the bar Ji mentioned? I think your father and I would like to try a s’more too.”
“How many do you think we need?” Minho asked. 
“It depends on how many each serves. Why don’t we start with two and if we run out of supplies we can send Felix up to get more.”
Felix made a face. “What, me?”
“It wouldn’t be fair to send Minho up twice,” Dom explained.
“What about Jisung?”
“He cooked dinner.”
“I’ll be right back,” Minho interjected, cutting Felix off before he could protest any further. “Does anyone want anything to drink while I’m over there?”
    He took everyone’s order and then disappeared in the direction of the bar. 
    “Do you think he’ll need help carrying stuff?” you whispered to Jisung after he left. 
“Oh, shit, maybe.”
“Should I go help him? Would that be weird?”
Jisung looked back toward his parents to check that they weren’t paying attention before answering. “No, I don’t think so. No one suspected anything other than me. Do you want me to go with you, though?”
“No, you cooked,” you reminded him, “you should stay and relax. I’ll go help him.”
He nodded. “Okay. Oh, but kiss me before you go.”
Minho was still waiting when you joined him at the bar. It was almost as deserted as the rest of the pool area. Only a couple of people were occupying the stools and they seemed to be strangers to each other, drinking in silence apart from the waves crashing on the shore nearby and the occasional sound of the blender.
“Hey, stranger,” you said, grabbing Minho’s attention with an elbow to his side. 
“Hey... did someone forget to ask for something?”
“No, I came to help you. We realized it’s a lot of stuff to carry all by yourself.”
He scoffed. “You doubted me?”
The bartender placed the drinks and s’mores kit down on the counter in front of Minho right at that moment, leaving both of you to size up all there was to bring back to the fire pit. 
“You could have carried all that without spilling anything?”
“Fine, maybe it’s good that you came,” he grumbled. 
He set his jaw and took a deep breath. “It is good that you came. Thank you for helping. Happy?”
You grabbed two of the drinks while Minho took the rest, holding the plastic bags of s’mores supplies between his teeth. 
Nikki and Dom cheered when you reappeared with everything. The twins looked marginally happier. It was honestly as much as you could ask for from them. 
You spent the rest of the evening teaching the Hans how to make, what was in your opinion, the perfect s’more. There were only a few skewers to go around so everyone had to take turns, but it was nice to be able to take your time with something and relax. There hadn’t been much time to do that on this trip. Jisung had warned you of that in the beginning but you were still way more exhausted than you expected to be at this point. At least it was almost over. 
The thought of the trip ending was one that you had been pushing to the back of your mind for weeks now. Especially now that Jisung knew what had happened, you didn’t want to think about what would happen when you went back home. Would you grow apart? Would he distance himself once he was no longer in forced proximity with you? Would Minho break up with you? It wasn’t just something you could ignore now. There were only a matter of days left. 
When it was over, you would go back to Seoul with the Hans until the summer ended officially. But that would be different too. 
“You’re burning your marshmallow, love,” Nikki said softly, putting her hand on your shoulder to get your attention. 
“Oh!” you exclaimed and pulled your skewer out of the heat. You blew the flame out and transferred it onto a graham cracker. 
“Do you want a new one?” Dom asked. 
“No, that’s okay! I like them burnt, actually. I just didn’t mean to leave it in the fire for so long. It could have made a mess.”
Jisung’s dad shrugged as if to say ‘suit yourself’ before taking the rod from you and reloading it with fresh marshmallows. 
If it was woodburning, the fire would slowly start to dwindle as the kindling turned to ash. Since it wasn’t, it was still burning as brightly as it had been at the start of the evening when Dom finally turned the propane off. Nikki collected the empty cups and dirty skewers to return to the bar. 
“Good night, kids. Don’t stay up too late.”
Felix was the first out of the four of you to go up to his room, leaving you with your best friend and... Minho. 
The pool area was completely empty by then. 
“I’ll uh, I’ll leave you two,” Jisung said and stood to leave. 
You grabbed his hand to stop him. “Wait, no, you don’t have to go.”
“Yeah,” Minho agreed, a little less convincingly. “You should stay.”
Jisung shook his head. “No thanks, I’d rather not third-wheel.”
“Take as much time as you need,” he said to you. “Just don’t get fucking caught by anyone else.”
You waited for him to leave before slumping forward and sighing into your hands. 
“I thought you said he forgave you,” Minho whispered. 
“He did. That doesn’t mean he’s okay with it,” you sighed.
Minho leaned back and stretched his arm across the back of the loveseat, inviting you to sit with him. You crossed over to his side and joined him, allowing yourself to lean into his side. He wrapped his arm around you and squeezed your shoulder. It felt nice, to do something so domestic with him, even while sitting in complete silence. Still, you worried about someone seeing you.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked. 
“What about me?”
“Just you.”
You didn’t want to give him the details and risk ruining the mood so you hoped he was content with that answer. Thankfully, he didn’t ask you to elaborate. 
You shivered suddenly, unintentionally but thankfully changing the subject. 
“Are you cold?” Minho asked. 
“A little.”
“Should I turn the fire pit back on?”
You shook your head. “No, it’s so dark out now. It’ll only draw attention to us.”
“I don’t want you to be cold, though.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Minho didn’t look convinced. “Why don’t we get in the hot tub? You still have your bathing suit on, right?”
“Are we allowed to?” 
He shrugged. “I don’t see why not.”
You followed Minho over to one of the many hot tubs on the property. It was tucked away behind the now-deserted tiki bar and also totally empty. Minho turned on the jets and ventured down into the water, holding his hand out for you to get in behind him. 
You let out a sigh as you sank into the bubbling water, closing your eyes and resting your head against the pool’s edge.  
“So much better.”
You looked over to see him smile. “Good.”
You hadn’t realized how cold you were until you were warm. The chill had seeped through your bathing suit too. You could feel it ebbing out of the fabric as well as your muscles the longer you sat in the water. 
Minho settled next to you and put his hand on your thigh. It was comforting even though his hand was still cold.  
“This is nice,” he said. 
“It is nice,” you agreed. “I like being able to do just nothing with you.”
“We don’t get a lot of time to do that, do we?”
“No, not really.”
“Guess that just means we have to enjoy it while we have it.”
You sat up to look at him, wondering if he meant something more than what was implied when he said that. He met your gaze and gave you a questioning look. 
“What?”    You shook your head and sank further into the bubbles. You were reading way too much into everything. You needed to get a grip. 
“What’s wrong?” Minho repeated. “Talk to me.”
“I’m scared to,” you finally admitted. 
It wasn’t much, but you were finally being honest with Minho instead of skirting around his questions like you usually did. You could tell your answer hurt him but you were afraid that you’d hurt yourself even more if you told him everything. You had a feeling the conversation was going there anyway, though, and there was little you could do to stop it. 
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I don’t know... what we are?” You cringed as you said it. “And I don’t want to ruin things by asking, you know, because I like what we have going on and I don’t want it to go away but I also don’t want to get my hopes up by thinking we’re something that we’re not but sometimes you do things that make me think you want something more than... whatever it is we’re already doing but- mph!”
You were cut off with a kiss, like something out of a movie. It was brief, but enough to disrupt your train of thought. You stared at him incredulously, trying to read his expression. 
His face was even but his eyes were warm. You wished you knew what he was thinking. Moonlight and the flickering flames of torches in the distance were just enough to illuminate his features. The quirk of his cupid’s bow, the flutter of his long eyelashes... 
 “What was that for?” you inquired, even though you knew what it was for. 
“You were spiraling.”
You sighed, dropping your head into your hands. “I can’t help it.”
“I know,” Minho said softly. “For what it’s worth though, I feel the same way.”
You lifted your head to look at him again, your vision slightly blurred by the water dripping down your face from your wet hands. “What?”
He hesitated. “I feel... what you said. I feel the same way.”
“I don’t even know what I said,” you laughed. 
“Me either, but I got the general vibe of it and I’m in agreement.”
“Yeah, I... I thought I was making it kind of obvious that I wanted something serious with you.”
“You never said anything outright, though!”
“Because I didn’t know what you wanted,” he explained. “You never said anything either.”
“Well, you’re the man!”
Minho raised an eyebrow. “Oh, we’re going there? The feminism just evaporates from your body the moment you’re faced with confrontation?”
“See, you get it.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m telling you now, okay? I want you. In all the ways you’re willing to let me have you.”
You swallowed hard, eyes burning. You didn’t want to start crying and you didn’t want Minho to see you crying so you kissed him again, with more urgency this time. You couldn’t think, hell, you couldn’t breathe, until he pulled away, leaving you wishing and hoping for more.
When your lips met for the third time, he pulled you under with him, just long enough to shock your senses. You gasped for air when you surfaced, pushing your wet hair out of your eyes.
“You’re not supposed to do that!” you scolded, sputtering as you shoved him. 
He stumbled backward onto the bench, falling seated again and pulling you on top of him. 
“You believe that bullshit?” he scoffed. 
“It’s not bullshit! It’s not good for you to put your head under the water in a hot tub!”
“I know people say that but why?”
“I... I don’t know why,” you admitted, “but I know you’re not supposed to.”
“See, you don’t even know!” You gave him a look. “Will you accept an ‘I’m sorry’ kiss?”
“That depends, are you actually sorry?”
He didn’t bother answering. Instead, he kissed you anyway, cradling the back of your head as he slipped his tongue past your lips. He tasted like s’mores and whiskey and chlorine, a combination so strange you couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
One of his arms dropped to your waist, wrapping around your body and pulling you closer until your chests were pressed together. You could feel him through his swim trunks, growing harder by the second. You were tempted to take him right there, but you were in public and having sex in a hot tub couldn’t be good either, right? That sounded like an infection waiting to happen.  
“Upstairs?” Minho asked breathlessly, lips only centimeters from yours. Not for the first time you wondered if he could read your mind. 
You nodded. “Yeah, upstairs.”
You dripped your way back to his room, shivering despite the thick towel wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Wanna hop in the shower?” Minho asked between kisses as he fumbled with the straps of your bikini. 
“Yeah, don’t want to get your bed all wet,” you replied. 
“That would happen whether or not we had just been in the pool,” he joked. 
“Jesus, you’re freezing,” he hissed. “Let’s get these off of you, they’re so cold.”
“Is that the only reason you want them off?”
“I think we both know the answer to that.”
You knew Minho was expecting to have sex in the shower but you kind of wanted to fuck on the bed so you sucked his dick while he washed your hair and then took turns rinsing off before moving to his bed. You put your hair up in a towel to avoid the aforementioned wetness and wrapped yourself up in one of the hotel’s robes even though you knew it’d be coming right off. 
To your surprise, Minho left your robe on. He just undid the tie around your waist and let it fall open before shouldering himself between your legs. It was kind of like putting a towel down. He was killing two birds with one stone that way: protecting the sheets and keeping you warm. 
It didn’t take long for you to cum in his mouth. Minho knew your body like the back of his hand by now. It had taken him a fraction of the time it took your past lovers to learn what made you tick and he used all of that knowledge to his advantage. 
He kept going after you came the first time, eager to pull another from you, but you pulled him up by the hair to get his attention before he could get too into it. 
“Too much?” he asked. 
“Want you to fuck me,” you urged.
Thankfully, he was receptive to this and moved up so that he could position himself on top of you. He notched himself at your entrance and kissed you as he pushed himself inside, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue before pulling away and wiping his face on your shoulder. 
“Ew!” you cried and tried to push him away. 
Minho looked offended. “What do you mean, ‘ew’? It’s you.”
“That doesn’t mean I want me all over what I’m wearing!” 
“Since when?” he joked. “Seems like it’s always all over what you’re wearing when you’re around me.”
“Can we please talk about something else?” you begged, suddenly embarrassed and grossed out at the same time. 
Minho laughed and pecked you on the cheek. “What would you rather talk about? The weather?”
You tightened around him as punishment, making him swear and bury his face in your neck. “Fucking hell, you succubus.”
You smiled politely and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer. “Don’t people usually say that if she can talk at all, you’re doing it wrong?” 
He narrowed his eyes at you. “I was just taking it easy on you.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, this was for your benefit,” he continued. “Didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
“How gracious of you.”
He clenched his jaw as he started fucking you faster, muttering sarcastically, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was boring you.”
Ironically, you couldn’t respond right away, too caught up in the feeling of how deep he was inside of you to get any words out. 
“I forgive you,” you choked out finally. 
Your hands fell to his biceps, desperate for something to hold on to. You dug your nails into his skin, making him hiss through his teeth. 
“Harder,” he urged. You squeezed harder and he gasped. “Fuck yes, keep doing that.”
“Like this?”
“Just like that, baby. That’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
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┌─ “ ! „ ROGUE
tw. incest, spit, dom/sub stuff, reader is a textbook brat, size kink, i think i mention tummy bulge once, manhandling, jealousy, virginity, aemond is mean but pussy wipped, tiny lil bit of breeding and wifing up wordcount. 7.2k
a/n. local anime blog goes rogue and writes hotd smut. yes i know okay just look away if you only like anime boys, we will get back to out usually scheduled program soon i swear i sweaarrrrrr dont judge me i have such a fat crush, i sWear i am only doing it to stay sane iT iS MY CALLING ♡
aemond targaryen x fem!reader
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The heavy cover of smoke and dusty sage circles up in slow rounds towards the ceiling, like a flock of vultures. Candles burn low in the heavy air of the room, and the long curtains allow just enough fresh air into the room for the scent not to be stifling. Aemond assesses the whole of his room for a few breaths as the chambermaid softly slips out without another word, and pulls the heavy door to a clicked close behind her. Like a fleeing animal, he muses, unclasping and placing his sword upon his desk. The girl has always fled his company as fast as a mouse in a trap. Not like he’s ever done her wrong. Not like how he knows his older brother continues to do.
A small puff of annoyance comes out of his mouth as he starts to peel back some of the layers of his daywear, and drops them over the back of the chair.
Oh well, at least he’s alone.
His room is cast in a soft, golden glow that melts every want for pretense into the floor. Slowly dripping off him like wax, it seems to reveal a bit more of himself with each heavy drop. He only really notices how tired he is of spending time at court when the time comes to abandon it for the evening. Exhausting, ‘s what it is. The mastering of every trade is the lesser of the evils, but the constant ass-sucking, the looks, the reading of the room— he has no want for it. The Queen assures this is the life of a prince. He protests that it’s a simple lie to play at royalty. And no one gets to mark their own vision correct. No one gets to grab the upper hand. Because that’s the life of a prince.
Aemond finishes undressing most of the heavy, leather garb for a looser fit. Then moves to sit into the chair beside his bed, as always, and lets his eye fall to the sets of books on the desk. Few of them are untouched. For an acquiring of knowledge that is purely showy at best, because he is only a second son. A downright shame. He rolls the tip of his tongue against the back of his teeth for a few moments, and instead pours the can of wine, holding onto the cup loosely, with slow sips. If only to have something to do.
The humming of the choir down in the bell tower reaches all the way up to his room, and gives the night an awfully dreary feeling, reminding of winter, of death, of the sniveling of people in the sept and those praying in the darkness. Not that he minds, or cares much— but he knows the sound well. Knows how it is the sign for Aegon to double the size of his own drink, the time for Heleana’s maid to start getting their children ready for the night, the moment his mother the Queen finally stops fretting for long enough to enjoy a moment of peace. And for you… He knows it’s a sound that makes you anxious, reminded that you’re alone for the next hours to come. And he supposes that makes the repeating, melodic chants the sign that he’s about to have company any second too, and for that he guesses he’s grateful.
Grateful for the warning, or for the company, he’s not quite sure. He swishes the burgundy liquid around the cup until he hears the familiar click of the door, and the heavy knock. “Come,” he doesn’t look up from the drink, instead perching it onto his lip.
“Her majesty the Princess, my Prince.” The guard doesn’t usher you inside as much as you waltz in, low dress falling every so softly over your frame as the man spares just a few looks and nods, retreats and closes the door back behind him without another word. Curt, quite unlike the older man. Aemond can only guess you’ve been at this for long enough now for the guard to have made peace with the fact that the Prince doesn’t care. And that whether or not he accepts, you’ll enter anyway.
“You shouldn’t walk around the palace after dark,” your brother says, taking a sip of the wine before his eye ends up falling onto you without wanting to. “You’re the first person to blame when people start spinning rumors.”
“I don’t care about the opinions of ladies in waiting or the small council. I am not the Queen,” you simply reply, pulling your dress up to sit down on his bed beside him, knocking knees. “If you’re worried about rumors, you should hear what they say about you, big brother.” You’re not a bold person, but somehow, when it comes to him… every smart remark is able to fall from you like it’s a game. It amuses Aegon to no end, and even dares bring a smile to your mother’s face from time to time. Any of them expecting an outburst, to be sure, a fiery bite back or a quick smack to the back of your skull. And if you were another of his siblings, he supposes his family would be right. But somehow… it doesn’t bother him as much when it’s you.
Still not enough to have him silenced, though. His lip lifts into a grimace. “Enlighten me.”
“I won’t.”
Your feet are bare on the stone floor and your untied hair sways softly with each movement, and like this you sit by his side late at night, as you’ve taken to doing ever since half of your family moved back to Dragonstone. You’ve always gotten along better with people, were able to ignore your grudges better. An admirable trait, if not a weak one. He searches for something to say back to your resolute refusal, but fails. And lets out a sharp breath, glaring.
Whatever is going on in your tepid, little mind, you slowly place your feet upon his thighs, and shuffle a little closer. And his hands follow to come grab your ankles, half to keep you steady, but the other half in warning. It is a fact of your family that everything exists in pairs. Your mother and Sire for one, your eldest brother and his sister the future Queen… and you seem to have taken that to mean that you and Aemond exist in a pair too.
Always shoving past his barriers like it’s your birthright, with those big, searching eyes and a dopey, genuine smile that seems to belong more to a story book than the stern darkness that is expected of your family. A part of him wants to hate you for it. For being so callous when the rest of them are struggling to stay afloat. Unburdened by responsibilities, or haunted by dramatics. He could tell you he hates you too, but that wouldn’t do him much good. Not with you.
Still trapped by his grip, you stretch your hands to his face and place them to his cheeks, and he groans. “Take your hands off of me.” The irony of your soft skin playing beneath his fingers doesn’t go lost on him. “If I wrestle you to the floor and belt your little ass, you won’t be able to go crying to the Queen for it. I’m warning you.” You don’t listen, or care, before your hands slide to the back of his head and start slowly unbuckling the clasp of his eyepatch.
“Your eye is hurting again, isn’t it? You always get difficult when the chambermaids don’t clear out the smoke.”
He squeezes his hands harder around your little ankles. “You’re not a Maester, don’t speak of things like you know them,” he snaps back, only to move his hands to support your bottom when you push closer and press to slide into his lap for better access. Settling so comfortably against him, he doesn’t move his hands. “Shouldn’t you be learning your rhymes and asking the septa for some hot blankies instead of fussing over me-”
“-If you didn’t make your own little sister fuss over you, maybe I could.” You stubbornly peel the patch away to reveal the brightly glistening stone in the candle light, casting blue flickers all over the room. But he’s too busy looking at you to notice, ignoring the way your weight is pressed upon his lap. He has to ignore it. You tuck the pink little sliver of your tongue between your teeth as you let out a nasally breath, and your lashes cast dark, little shadows into the depths of your eyes. Sure enough, he can feel the relief the second you take a wet towel from the jar to the side and press it to the irritated skin, scar pulling and sore.
You’re awfully gentle with it. With him.
“I told you to take your fucking hands off of me,” he repeats, softer this time, watching as you still and he titls his head back to lean atop the chair, and helping you up onto your knees on his thighs. This way you’re fully above him, and with better access to his face, and you stay so very quiet. Unflinching. You suck your lip into your mouth for a second before releasing it, and then slowly start wiping again.
“You shouldn’t speak to me that way.” If you make a sport out of prodding, he makes a sport out of making blows hit.
“I am your big brother, I’ll speak to you as I wish. And I wish you to know what an insolent little cunt you are.” It’s out before he stops to think about it, and you instantly let him know it lands. By slipping off of his lap with a huff and tossing the rag onto the table, while accidentally knocking over the cup and spilling it over the table. You don’t stop to see the damage you cause as you stomp toward the exit, and he’s up and pulling at your dress before you can get far.
“Get off of me, Aemond,” you screech as he wraps long arms around your waist and you let your entire weight hang into them, squirming to get out. “You’re so annoying! Agh-uhh—Seven Hells!”
He can’t help the grin that slips on as he clenches his jaw, and doubles down. Because that’s what he does. You know it, and he knows it— and you go round in circles. “I could tell your septa you’re a misbehaved brat.”
“You’re a gross pervert, you—Ugh, f- You get your dirty hands off of me.” You spew the words like hot venom in his face when you make it halfway out of his grip and dig your nails into his arm and go to bite at his hand, before he manhandles you to the cold floor and bars you from moving under his hard grip. “Ae- Aemond! You’re the worst!” One arm almost pressing onto your throat, and the other over the soft of your stomach, as he takes a few breaths. Your own equally winded, as you start blinking like crazy to avoid the onslaught of tears that is to follow. “Aemond, let go.”
“Pervert?” he raises his brows now that you’ve stopped struggling, and gives you a look that reads ‘really?’ as underlying question clear as day. One you’re not inclined to answer, because you bite your bottom lip as glare at him as a drop rolls down your temple. You’re hot in the cheeks, hair a mess with the struggle, and your body feels ever so small under him now. Reminds him that he’s been told you’re too small to defend yourself by his mother, his father, and even their uninvolved craven of a brother. But you sure don’t act like it. Even if they are right.
“Just get off of me, you’re heavy.” And there it is. When he invades too far and too aggressively, and you stop pushing back to win it, it’s suddenly like it's a matter of life and death in your mind. When you declare the game is no longer to be won, there’s not a single move that’ll sate you. The signs are easy to read. The way you avert your eyes from him is one of them, and the crinkle between your brows as you stare resolutely at the door like you’re hoping a guard will just burst in to save you. When he doesn’t move quickly enough, you change your tune. “Will you please get off of me? I want to go to bed.”
Aemond lets out a sound between a laugh and a huff, and rights himself a little, but keeps hold of your shoulders pressed to the floor. Making him feel bad is another of those magical traits you have, that he hates about you. Leave it up to his youngest sibling to make his stomach feel heavy and empty, like he hasn’t eaten in days. A hungry beast declaring war at seeing you this way. “Hate me again, do you?” he asks without much fire, and your eyes go hard, and mouth a thin line.
“All you want to do is try to hurt me,” you hiss back when his fingers creep up to wipe the silvery line of tears along your cheek, brushing hair away from your face and taking you in as you are. Before you finally look at him again as the hall outside the door stays quiet. You’ve gone through this same song and dance too many times, cried wolf a bit too often. The guards don’t want to risk disturbing him with that temper, he knows they whisper it behind his back.
But it’s of no difference to you, because if looks could kill, you’d have one brother less by now. You manage to worm your arm out of his grip to wipe your own eyes again, before lowering your tone. “If you hate me so much, feel free to kill me sooner rather than later.” As if he’d let just anyone do what you do. As if he’d be so close to someone he hates. He has only you. Still your chest rises and falls with a heavy motion. “At least I wouldn’t have to marry some ugly, old lord if you did.”
In moments like these, he remembers. You’re a burning wildfire with enough fuel to light up an entire city; and you have no intention of doing any less than the rest of them. But stupid. And ignorant. He gets up and takes his heavy body off of you to see the mark where his arm presses so hard into your collarbones, already starting to bruise. “You’re an idiot,” he simply says, and gets up from the floor and up from you. You stare as he does, but keep your mouth shut. And Aemond swears to himself and averts his eye from you to readjust his pants, with suddenly more interest in the canopy of the bed than the soft, warm body of his little sister. “Get out.”
You get up from the floor with slow movements, too slow for his liking, and he walks back over to grab your arm and hoist you up onto your feet as you cling onto his tunic. But though he wants to keep you as far as he can away from his sanity in moments like these, he doesn’t resist when you linger so close he can count your lashes, and feel your puffs of air on his lips. He keeps your dress sleeve fisted into his hand as you stand up onto your toes and pull his shoulders more down to your level, until you can nearly brush your noses and you press a kiss to his lips. Soft and warm, it makes his heart knot and roll around in his chest, and makes your little hands squeeze around his shoulders. “Aemond…”
He dips again, and connects that smart mouth of yours to his without second thought. Another long kiss is met by a soft rumble of his chest, and he is halfway to leaning into you further when you drop back onto your heels. Leaving his mouth tingling with heat. “Ser Arryc is waiting for me to return to my chambers.” You fix your dress and wait for him to slowly peel his fingers out of the fabric, before sucking hard on your bottom lip as you turn about here and there in sudden nerves. “Well, good eve.”
And then he’s left alone for the night, with the memory of your body pressed under him, withering, fighting, crying. And no one to plead him to stop as he twitches in his pants.
As younger siblings dare do, you have an intrinsic ability to set his nerves on end. Born and bred for it even, he’d dare say, as he lets his gaze trail after you. The dragonpit is no place for one of your disposition, and though perhaps the same could be said about Helaena, there’s a few cards laid differently between you both. Youngest sibling, and having grown up without any dragon to speak of. Blame the lack of eggs to distribute to the last of Viserys’ children. Helaena also doesn’t possess the uncanny and endlessly bothering capacity to make his blood sour in his veins with a simple look.
His older sister doesn’t really bestow a care to any of you, while you— care about being loving way too much. He can feel his brows start to pull almost distractingly as you prance around with wide eyes and flit about next in and out of the covered hall. Sunfyre is the current object of your affections, and Aegon’s glittering smirk as he watches you coo and bathe him in compliments has his hands tightening around the handle of his sword where it hangs against his side. “She’ll soon fetch a handsome collection of suitors, don’t you think?” his mother asks innocently, distractedly, as he juts out his lips in slight annoyance. She’s gone from distant and sheltering, to exceedingly fretful these last few years.
Aemond hums a vague noise, but doesn’t bother to look away from your soft shape set against the big beast— and how you shine up like a penny at his oldest brother with compliments. He clicks his tongue, and his mother distantly continues from his side. Out of all the people for you to fawn over… all the beasts to be impressed by— he attempts to focus on the conversation aimed at him, but glares around the field instead. At the guards who feel a bit too comfortable casting glances your way, or a brave squire taking a bit too fond a notice. Every second of it makes his jaw set tighter. “Your grandfather the Hand would rather see her married off sooner than later but— Oh, Aegon,” his mother suddenly speaks with a slight worry.
You’re climbing onto the dragon. No, Aegon -the fool- is making you climb up, putting his grimy hands under your bottom and just about heaving you towards the saddle himself.
“Aegon, stop that,” his mother tries again, starting to make her way down the stage as the eldest turns to look at them both, “your sister can’t be up there by herself. She’ll get hurt-”
“-I’ll get her.” For once he’s glad for his mother’s ever present concern, and hurries past to walk up to you. You, with your hair sun kissed in the evening light, and your cheeks and lips full of mirth as you glance over at your mother first, and then him. His brother’s staring up your dress by the time you’re standing fully on his shoulders, and doesn’t even bother to wipe the grin off his face, tongue peeking out in full enjoyment— Aemond doesn’t have time for this absolute mockery. “Get down,” is all he has to say, for your pretty, flushed face full of excitement to blank. You suck your bottom lip into your mouth as you stare back at him for a few seconds… before slowly starting to slide back toward him.
“Oh, Aemond, don’t be a bother—”
His hand is wrung in his older brother’s tunic before he has time to blink, glaring absolute venom his way, nostrils flaring. Alicent calls for him from a distance, but the plea goes unheeded. The fabrics of your dress are halfway obstructing Aegon’s face as you try to get down, but there’s still plenty of room for a dagger to be fit somewhere into it, a thought rings; one he banishes with some fight. Instead he simply reaches a hand for you to grab, and motions you to get down already. You jump and wobble upon landing, and he grabs your wrist tight when you try to run off. But he still hasn’t stopped glaring at Aegon, to his own surprise, chest rising and falling a bit too quickly to be normal. “You try that again-”
“-and you’ll what, little brother?”
“Don’t fight,” you quickly quip in, tugging softly on his pinky as Aemond’s mouth corners tug up, and he squeezes the fabric tight enough around his own brother’s neck to hurt. He leans in, ignoring your pulling and begging to really tower over Aegon. And Sunfyre gets restless beside them, scaring you even more. “Aemond, please. No harm was done.”
Aegon’s face turns a harsh ruddy color with each passing second, and Aemond’s never enjoyed a sight quite so much. “Shall we see how you do without your eyes, brother?” He releases all at once, just in time enough for their mother to miss how he steps back and gives you a look to keep your lips glued shut. If Aegon wants to tell, he’s at least smart enough to keep quiet, for now. The woman looks between the three of you in worry. But he has no intention of explaining. He couldn’t, really. The absolute blinding rage dies down enough for him to suck the sourness off his tongue and take your hand better, lacing fingers. “I’ll take her back to the keep.”
The Red Keep has never felt smaller as you don’t say anything until you get all the way to your chambers, staring resolutely at the floor. And though his mood hasn’t changed, there’s part — parts of him, that want you to just look his way like you usually do too much of. Your guard is quick to open your door, but stares a little too long when he lingers. “You may go see upon the King, Ser,” he says curtly, and before he can care enough to watch the man leave, closes your door behind you both. “Are you an absolute imbecile, that you’d let Aegon disrespect you in front of everyone?”
“It wasn’t anything to get upset over, he wasn’t hurting me!” you bite back as you do, making him crowd you against the door.
“Oh, no,” he rolls his eye, “he was only about to do much worse later!” You stay pressed between his body and the door as you stare up at him and hold your hands to his chest, both of you breathing hard. But you don’t back down, don’t roll over and apologize. And that bothers him. It shouldn’t, and yet… “Hah,” the sound of it is hard and sharp as he lifts your hands above your head in place with his own. Your lips are a puffy, flushed color, and eyes so focused on him that it momentarily distracts him. Before the feeling of you against him comes back full force, as always. Try as he might, he can’t escape you. “You like that sort of perversion, then?”
“I don’t know what kind of perversion you speak of.” You’re whispering now, long lashes spread over the haunting appearance of you below him. Swallowing hard, chest rising and falling. Hell, the way you look is entirely deviant, but he still leans in despite knowing better. You smell faintly of dragon, but the majority of it is still that soft, sweet innocence that drives him to grab at your chin and force your face to his. And your free hand reaches for his cheek, cold fingers brushing his skin. Your lips brush his as he allows himself to sink just a little lower, letting you moan into his mouth. “Aemond… big brother, please.”
“What do you think you’re playing at?” He lets the soft kisses be placed onto his lips in between the words, resolve growing weaker by the second. How did he get here? And why? Aemond isn’t like Aegon, so why does the sight of you all soft and needy below him have him so hot in the face. Heat burning all along his neck, chest, down to his… cock. He knows very well your poor mother would riot at his taking of your virtue. Because unlike Aegon, she knows he knows better. But you press your mouth against him again, and let your soft, little tongue push against the crack of his mouth with another moan— all while arching against him.
“Haven’t you thought about it?” He’s only half aware his hand is grabbing a handful of your ass and pulling you up against his hips as your lips make those little noises against his, lifting you so you can wrap your legs around his glutes. The pressure of your body grinding up against his is entirely wanton, your eyes glossy and lips even glossier. “Taking me to wife?”
“You’re set to marry a lord—”
“I want to marry you. Don’t you want to marry me too? Have me abide by your side, call me ‘yours’?” Your hands slide into his hair, pulling at the hair at the base of his skull just enough to have his tongue push back into a kiss and take the warmth of your mouth as his own. Hotly, with a demanding rumble of his chest you’re kissed- the sweetness of your mouth and warm, squirming tongue against his. It’s intoxicating, setting every hair on his body upright. He grabs your cheeks to keep you in place even when you try to pull back, kissing longer, deeper— like he could die in it. He probably could.
When you’re allowed to pull back you roll your hips against him with a slight smile, and pant against his mouth. “Isn’t that why you love laying on top of me?” His breathing ceases automatically, chest tightening a little more. All he ever hoped was never to hear it out loud. Don’t breathe life into it and it won’t exist, right? See no evil. Your little smile grows a little more as you kiss him again, and he doesn’t pull away, though he should. Your daring tongue moves down his jaw to his neck instead, licking along his pulse as you push. Can’t help but stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, right, a family trait? “Doesn’t that get your cock hard, big brother?”
He takes a stuttered breath as he turns and you cling onto him, walking over to the bed to lay you down and place his large hand over your mouth. “Shut. Up.” You lick the inside of his hand, and he hisses before grabbing your thigh instead, tight enough for your pretty little face to turn into a grimace, and you pull his hair a little harder. Doesn’t matter. He’s nose to nose with you, his own little sister, the one who was always so fond of him it was annoying as sin— as every bit of pretense evaporates by the second. “Do you even know what you’re talking about when you say that?”
“I know what Aegon taught me,” you breathe back against his lips, and it’s this -not any of the other stuff, though that should have done it too- that has his blood turning green with jealousy and has him shutting you up with a kiss, hands sliding up your body over the tight bodice. You’re burning underneath him, lifting your back from the mattress as he crawls further up the bed and over you. You’re so flimsy and small beneath him that it should be laughable. All it does is make his cock so much harder in his pants, as your noises ring above the smacking of mouths and tongues and teeth. Your little fingers press into his shoulders hard and needy. “Mhm-Ae-mond.”
He pulls at the clothing under his hands until you squeak and it rips, one of the too-many layers you’re wearing dropping to the side. He pulls back to stare at you and the way you’re biting your lip, eyes flicking from him to his pants. His cock is chubbed up against the fabric as much as it will allow, and starting to get too tight for his liking, but as you reach out a hand, he smacks it away. Instead he slides a hand under your head to pull your hair and you make a little noise of displeasure, until he leans back in. “When you talk like that it makes me want to smack you around. You understand that?” You whine into the silence, but don’t fight back as he makes your head nod. “You know what I am?”
“B-big brother-”
“Then treat me like it. Open your mouth.” For a few seconds and deep breaths through your nose, you seem to debate it, but whatever you see in his eye eventually has you obliging. He collects a good glob of spit and has it land onto your tongue, and you cry out something unintelligible— but let him slide his thumb into the wet mess of your tongue as your lips get even shinier with all the wetness. Before he can say anything though, you wrap your lips around his digit and whimper. It’s a little too disarming, and his cock twitches hard in his pants. Balls heavy and length straining against the confines. He lets out a little breath, before pulling back out of your suckling mouth to grab himself through his pants. “Shit.”
Your voice sounds so much more high pitched and girly when you speak again, a strange sort of mockery of him over top of you, but it works. Fuck, if it doesn’t. “Please, please, please, big brother.” You whine his name and press tens of little kisses to his mouth, he feels how his balls pull against his body at the display. You get impatient though, start pulling the top half of your dress down to reveal your shoulders and then, with another little noise, your tits. He’s ahead of you though, pulling you down more and leaning in to lock his mouth around your puffy nipple to suck hard, have you curling off the bed with pitiful whimpers. “Big brother, mh-ah- big- br-brother.”
He starts working the drawstrings of his trousers to get them down as quickly as possible too, moving to the other tit and taking as much of it into his mouth to lave his tongue all over it. You sound almost beside yourself with pleasure, kneading at his shoulders and neck like you’re losing your clouded, little mind for him. He gets out of his pants enough to kick them off the rest of the way and lay his much larger body on top of you, back to your face to kiss you with slow, deeper kisses. Then he pulls back, for only a moment of true emotion, to grab your blushy cheeks between his fingers and stare. “Are you still…”
You go limp, and embarrassed and flushed with heat all at once, and squeeze his hips between your thighs like it’s meant to hurt. All it does is push your covered cunt against his rock hard cock and make him take a sharper breath. “Of course I am-” you bite out though, digging your nails into his shoulders a bit harder like you’re just wanting him to keep going. “What- that not good enough for you?”
But he’s quick to shake his head, and press a few spare kisses along your ear, finally being able to let out a little grin at your flustering. “You’ll let me take your maidenhood?” You’re back to whining his name in that overly girly, pouty voice; and he sucks at the shell of your ear for long enough to have you shivering below him. Your little breaths and noises are too fucking cute. And the way you’re pawing at your dress to get it up your body is even cuter. “Beg big brother Aemond to have you. Take you.”
“Just do it already,” you mumble though, and your eyes tear up at the corners.
So fucking cute. He shrugs the eyepatch off too, half for comfort, half at the grabbing of your hands. And pulls back just in time to see how much it pains you to admit it out loud, and rubs his fingers over your wet, pebbled nipples while your eyes flutter and your hands go open and closed at the feeling. He keeps one hand busy by unlacing part of your dress, as the other pinches each nipple until you suck your lip into your mouth and can’t stand it anymore. “Please, big brother? ‘Mond, please-uhh. Please, please do it? W-want you to.”
His lips curl up again at your admission, as he takes you in a few more seconds, grinds his center against your thigh while he’s at it. His cock is leaking enough pre to make a wet spot on his undergarments, red head twitching every few seconds. If he’ll wait any longer he might explode— until you finally give up and wrap your arms around his neck and pull him back close to you in total embarrassment. “I saved myself for my big broth-errr—” you whine like a child, burying your face into his neck, “so please! Only wanted my big brother to- I swear. Only love my Aemond.”
This way you don’t see— just what it does. This way you don’t notice it has him hook, line and sinker, and he grunts out loud as he has to grab the base of his cock tight not to shoot hot ropes of cum all over your thighs. He lets you press your tits into him as he shudders over you, and you make a little noise as he suddenly yanks the dress down your body, over your thighs and kicks it aside. “Off, get this off…” You open your teary eyes to see him plant another kiss onto your face, down your neck and to your tits as your chest heaves against him. Your panties are absolutely soaked, and he’d make a crude comment about it if he was any more lucid— but…
He can’t possibly think about anything but sliding his heavy cock inside your little cunt. “Fuck, fuck… you want to fuck me?” His fingers slide over the wet patch as your mouth cracks open a sliver, before peeling them off you with impatient yanks. You nod wildly into it in response, and let him press another kiss onto your mouth to tangle your wet, squirming little tongue with his. It’s vile, the way he thinks about fucking you like this. But it’s all that overtakes him, rutting his leaking cock against that wet little slit. And his fingers have to push in a little to make it halfway into your wet pussy, softly scissoring you apart as your mouth opens more. “You’re dripping all over my hand,” he breathes into your mouth, and you close your eyes and pull your lips into a tight little line.
“‘M sorry.”
“You imbecile.” The dry, non-humoured chuckle is unexpected even to him, as he pulls his wet fingers from between your legs to slip them straight into his mouth and his eye rolls into the back of his skull with a low groan. His fingers go back to rub at that wet slit, as you moan and whine his name like it’s a prayer. His cock bobs heavily between his legs while he fingers you in the heat of the shared bed, and you mumble noises against his skin.
“Aemond, Aemo-ngh.. big, you’re— r-big.” You’re panting, and shivering as his fingers slide in and out and get wetness to drip all the way to your ass, all over the inside of your thighs. Not even to talk about the pride burning along his neck at the way you’re clinging to him like you mean it. Your cunt stretches each time he moves them in and out and spreads them apart, staring at the way your little pussy clenches around his thick, long fingers with each pump. “Big brother—”
“Like that?”
“Mhm-” you’re nodding like a madman, and thighs shaking a little, but your tears are still glistening at the corners of your eyes, “I- f-feels good, bu-but you’re- going so- deep.” He doesn’t tell you that what you’ll be fitting in there in a few seconds will be much bigger, and only lets you drench the bed and wait for you to push back into his hand for that wet ‘pap, pap, pap’ sound and his palm can rub over your little nub. The sapphire in his eye socket makes obnoxious flickers on the walls, that only seem to cheer him on. Not for nothing, watching his baby sister cream all over his fingers like you are. “O-oh,” you say after a while, allowing him to curl his fingers all the way into you and your spongey, perfect spot to make your lower body curl so needily. “I… feel weird, Ae— feels- good- hng.”
Your little pussy is so wet everything’s glossy and needy, and his two fingers can finally slide in and out without much more resistance; though your noises would hardly convince him otherwise. Mewling and whimpering like you’re going to cry any second— it has him rock hard and so fucking sensitive. “I need you to keep that little cunt open for me, okay?” He presses the words into your mouth before rubbing his fingers over your puffy, needy clit; and you make to wrap your thighs around his glutes to keep him right to you— not that he’d go anywhere. “‘ll put it in. Have my cock filling my little sister up.”
He pats his cock against your clit a few times, before nodding at it. “Keep your thighs open, come on.” He doesn’t wait up for you to act as he pushes the leaking tip against your pretty, clenching hole and leans over you to nose at your neck, grabbing at your perky, pretty tits to pebble up your nipples more with each swipe, before kissing you again. He can’t help it, can’t get enough of your moans into his mouth, filling up the room. He pushes in, the slowest he can bare as your hot fucking pussy envelops his cockhead and you moan and whine. “Oh, dear g— goin’ to fuck my little sister for real,” he breathes back, too much to keep it in.
“Ah, ah, ah— Aemond- Aw, oh-hmn- ah.” Your desperate little noises are impossible. Sliding in deeper with each breath, over filling that tiny pouch of your tummy like he was always meant to be inside it. His arms strain not to fuck right into you hard and fast with the way you’re wiggling and curling against him, slick a soft pink when he pulls back to thrust in deeper. “Big bro—ther,” you whine it long and needy, as it has him sliding into you until he bumps up against the walls of your tight fucking cunt. So tight it’s making his balls pull up, entire body so hot it’s almost unbearable. Your one Targaryen claim to heritage. His little sister.
“Love you, big brother, l-love you.”
“Ugh, shit, you’re so tiny. So tight, hot— and wet,” he’s rambling to himself more than to you as he rocks himself into that spongy spot in you, watching your body try to take all of him in. Your eyes are a little lidded, glistening and so pretty and desperate as he pulls back and into you again, hitting your cervix once more. You shudder, and he can’t help but press onto your tummy to make the fit even tighter. It’s too much. Your clenching walls around his big, hard cock— that tight, wet little cunt clinging onto him each time he pulls back, your face as he takes you. “You’re only mine,” he hisses, “only mine, you understand? Gon’ make you my wife and make you carry my heirs. Waiting to give your maidenhood away to the better brother, right?”
“Hng, yes- yes, yes! Please!” You kiss him first, before grinding hard against him and pulling at his hand. “Aemond, Aem— b- I feel- weird-” you admit, smacking your lips and desperately curling your toes against his glutes. “Big bro-ther-agh-h—”
He can’t possibly stop now, frown instantly digging into his brows as you cling to him. He doesn’t bother to even pretend to care as his cock kisses your pussy walls and his white pubic hair rubs over your overly sensitive nub, but you keep on whining for him. “Weird how?” He pulls his face up from your neck only to watch how your cheeks are flushed and your eyes flick all over his face, your tongue jutting out. And suddenly, it doesn’t take you explaining for him to press his rough thumb to your clit and rub rapid circles into it, for you to start going all tense. “This? You want to come for me like a good, little whore?”
You can’t speak. Only clench your eyes shut as he keeps rubbing- and grabs your face with his free hand. “Look at me. Look at me as you get to come on big brother’s cock.” You physically can’t open your eyes through your tears, but he demands it anyway, and watches as you go a bit cross-eyed at the perfect pressure. Your cunny clenches so hard around his cock it hurts, but he doesn’t stop his hips and the loud sound of skin meeting skin. “No one loves you like I do,” he says it like a prayer, whispering into the silence as your mouth drops open and you let out some broken noises, “no one.”
And you desperately claw at his back and tangle your fingers into his hair to pull, your legs tightening around his thighs to get his steady, brutal pace to slow down even a little— but nothing stops your orgasm from crashing over you with a pitched squeak of his name, and your body shuddering so hard beneath him the bed creaks with the motion. Each hard bottoming out in your small cunt having you jerking and moaning a string of unintelligible explicites into his mouth, before he kisses you long and deep. Your tongue can barely do anything except take what he gives, until he fucks you through your orgasm and his balls are so, so hot, his cock twitching every few breaths.
You look perfect as you come down and let him fuck into you even more, pussy like a vice around his too-big-for-you cock. It’s a miracle really, it didn’t happen sooner. Two of a whole. As always, you take and he gives, as is your role in the family.
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cosmicstarlatte · 10 months
Your blog and headcanons are living in my brain since i got here, and i just want to say, thank you, i love your work 💕 also, i saw this in other posts (i was in the monster fucker side and end up in the lover side, but im not complaining) about demon relantionship dynamics and i have a question, who of the demons do you think would use an accesory made of something of MC?
TW: blood and hair being used as accesory, demon dynamic being a little disturbing.
Like imagine if with magic MC (safelly) could make jewells with their blood, or in a more victorian way, maybe a bracelet with a lock of their hair. In my mind there would be Satan and Barbatos who have the jewellry always on them but are discret, and then there is Mammon and Asmo who show whatever MC gave them with pride.
Thank you so much anon!!!♡ It's messages like these that keep me motivated, I'm honored!!! 🥰 I hope you don't mind I changed it to just items with blood 😎 I was gonna keep this short originally but ended up getting carried away. This was seriously SO fun to write! I rly think they all would!
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Giving Them An Item With Your Blood (Obey Me!)
Tags: Blood, Fluff, Demon Bros, Barb, Dia, GN!Reader, HCs
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Lucifer: "Hm? It's from ___."
If someone happens to catch a rare glance at it & are curious enough to ask, he has no problem proudly answering he got the bloody vial necklace from you. He's not shy or ashamed about it, but prefers to keep it between you & him. It usually stays well hidden behind his high collared shirts. Sometimes when he's at home in his office & shirt unbuttoned, he will fidget around with it while doing paperwork. He loves it but won't ever tell you or anyone else how very attached to it he is. ♡
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Mammon: "This one!? Not up for betting, scram!"
When isn't Mammon flashy??? The day you gave him the ring filled with some of your blood was basically the day you got married (in his mind) & he went around showing everyone. Of course some of his buddies asked if he'd bet it for a chance at clearing his debt but even that's one bet Mammon refused. He has a ritual of kissing his ring everyday, he thinks of it as his good luck charm even when he's actually having a bad day. He makes you kiss it to add extra luck (love) to it too. ♡
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Levi: "I will guard this with my life."
Let's be honest, he doesn't care what it is & would wear/take whatever you give him. Your hairbrush? He will cuddle it.
When you presented him a blood vial bracelet, he got all teary eyed & nearly fainted from excitement. It easily became his most prized possession, he takes such good care of it. He wears it openly & you can see him fidget around with it when he gets anxious. Sometimes he will lightly rub or hold it against his cheek, calming him down when he's overwhelmed. ♡
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Satan: "That's what you get for touching things that aren't yours."
His smile was radiant, blinding. Satan's gift is unique just like him & he appreciates the thoughtfulness of a handmade blood infused bookmark. It's one he takes care of & makes sure it doesn't get lost in the mess of his room. He did curse it (you'll get a hand burn) so no one else can touch it except you & him. From time to time he gets distracted by it when reading. He wants to ask if you'll attach a blood charm to the end of it too. ♡
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Asmo: "My outfit isn't complete until I put this on!"
He squealed, cried, & wouldn't let you go for the entire day after gifting him the little box of jewelry. He went on to rub it in everyone's faces & showed it off on all his socials. The main gift was a gorgeous charm, the blood swirled, glittering inside. You made sure he could pop the charm into the ring, necklace, or bracelet you also gave him in the box. He was impressed you went to such lengths just so he could always choose how to wear it each day. Even if it was a single piece though, he would've worn it no matter what, even if it "clashed" with his outfit. ♡
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Beel & Belphie: "We promise to never take it off." "You promise too ___!"
The twins immediately pulled you into bed & cuddled with you, happily accepting their gifts. You gave each a pendant, a sun for Beel & a moon for Belphie, the middle of each pendant holding your precious red liquid. You even got a star pendant for yourself to match with them although your pendant remained empty; something they noticed quickly. They happily offered up their own blood; they never minded sharing as long as it's with you. ♡♡
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Barbatos: "I'm...at a loss for words, thank you."
He kissed your cheek before turning his attention to the golden pocket watch you gave him. He handled it delicately, admiring the ancient designs etched onto it before opening it. It was a gorgeous watch, one of the inner side walls swirled beautifully with your blood. He enjoyed the hidden surprise inside for his eyes only. Truly, he was moved by your gift & made a mental note to give you something in return. ♡
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Diavolo: "An absolute treasure this is."
He gave you a tight hug, nearly cutting your air supply off. He's received many gifts throughout the years but the custom pen you gave him was now at the top of the list. Only a see-through compartment of the pen held your blood, floating around. The actual ink inside the pen was regular but refillable for permanent use. He found himself smiling a little more even when filling out the piles of paperwork on his desk. It also finally fixed his habit of losing pens, making sure he always has it on him for quick signing (& Barbatos thanks you for it). ♡
Also I like to think that if they really miss you, they'll hold their object close to their nose to get a whiff of your scent ♡ alakskfgllsskfkg
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⬦You might also like: Coffee Shop︱Two A.M.︱Pick-Me-Up
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persefolli · 11 months
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞, 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢
𝐩𝐭. 𝟑 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @seashelldom,@neteyamforlife, @shadowmoonlight0604, @arminsgfloll,@avatar4life,@jackiehollander,@theblukit2,@ demonic-black-queen, @dazecrea,@briasasinthewind,@toxicberrie,@zoetrope1997,@go-river-flows, @babyymeme,@ssc7514,@ducks118,@ok-boke,@pfifihannu,@myh3artttt,@graysonmalik2550,@vermillionzombie,@elegantzippercashshoe,@perseny,@papichulo120627,@ruyry,@jxrdxnh,@reallysparklychaos,@navs-bhat,@zoexme, @laylasbunbunny, @urlocalbum12-blog,@defiance749,@cheyehc,@ramdomhoe, @nilrilie,@misscaller06,@oh-no-tia,@rgbsona,@midnightliacr, @cupidddd-d, @strnger ,@depressedriches,@ellabellabus07,@lemonmoonmochi, @newjeansbonnie, @silententhusiastdreamer,@im-in-a-pansexual-panik,@ipang,@libdarkheart, @janelongxox, @stevebuckysdoll
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭
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“Let me speak with Jake.” You said as soon as the guards came for your daily ration of food. The clan members had separated and locked you up away from Tonowari. 
“No can do.”
“Do you want to make an enemy out of me?”
“You were made an enemy as soon as you stepped foot on forest grounds.” He threw some utensils at your feet and walked off.
You hissed and turned around.
“Mawey Y/n.” You heard Tonowari say in the distance. He was locked up as well, separated from you.
“I'm not going to-!” You began to shout but took in a deep breath.  “This is not right!”
“I am just as confused and angry as you are.”
You huffed and took a seat on the cold cavern ground. Tonowari being grounded in this situation made you see that you were indeed acting irrationally. When your trial occurs you would stand before Jake, and explain to him that it was all a misunderstanding. Honestly, if he didn’t leave you wouldn’t be in this situation.
While you and Tonowari were rotting away in a cell, Jake was strolling around the village, helping some na’vi that needed to be aided. Neytiri had instructed all guards and council members to not notify Jake about the arrest, but Jake already had a gut feeling that something was wrong. 
The villagers were acting quite strange. As soon as he helped one member of the clan, another issue would arise. This wasn’t him complaining, since he was the Olo’eyktan, but why today of all days. 
“Olo’ekytan!” A young soldier walked up to him. “They have been fed for the day.”
“Who’s been fed for the day.”
The young warrior's face dropped. “Uh..the direhorses.” 
Jake stared at the warriors as he chuckled nervously and scurried away. Jake stood still for a few moments, determining if that interaction should confirm his suspicions that everyone was acting strange. 
He knew he couldn’t ask Neytiri, he didn’t trust her. That meant he would have to figure this out on his own. 
On another part of the mountains, Neytriri stood pacing in an area as a clan leader watched. She had both you and Tonowari in her custody, yet she was anxious. She didn’t think this out thoroughly enough. 
Ignoring the invitation to the clan meeting just wasn’t enough to keep you two, and it certainly wouldn’t be smart to kill you. 
She didn’t want to hurt you guys, she just wanted Jake to forget. He stayed on Pandora because of her, so how come you and Tonowari got the happy ending with him?
“I can’t let them go, that would just start an even bigger war.”
“We were supposed to put them on trial, Neytiri.”
“Jake is supposed to be present for stuff like that!” She seethes. “He can’t even know they’re here.”
The clan leader sighed, clearly beginning to get irritated with Neytiri's back and forth with the whole situation. She was so determined to bring the two of you down, now that it happened, she was having second thoughts. 
“I have an idea….but this may not go the way you think.” The clan leader spoke up,
Neytiri looked at him, before nodding. 
You were woken up at night. Waking to see navi warriors holding torches and inching closer, one of them holding wrist ties.
You allowed them to tie your wrists tightly, and yank you into the open cavern. You saw Tonowari already standing there, looking ashamed once making eye contact with you. It wasn’t often you saw him vulnerable like this, and you knew he felt defeated for not being able to protect you. You mouthed the words ‘I love you’ before being shoved forward and guided by some na’vi warriors. 
They escorted you two down the mountains, touching down in the forest before stopping at an opening. 
Neytiri emerged, wearing her war paint. She had her bow slung across her body and the basket of arrows on her shoulder.
“Neytiri-” You began, but she hissed, intending to shut you up, but you did the opposite. 
“I beg of you. I don’t know what I have done to offend you, but I ask of you to release Tonowari. The Metkayina need him.”
“No-” Tonowari stepped forward, causing the na’vi to hoot and stop him by crossing two spears to block his path. 
“Tonowari I need you to stop being noble for once and let me handle this!” You snapped. You didn’t mean to be so harsh about it, but this was a stressful situation for the both of you, and for once you wanted Tonowari to be selfish and put himself first.
“Please. Tsahik to Tsahik. Let him go.” You watched as Neytiri’s face contorted. Uh Oh. You had forgotten that her mother was still alive, so she was not yet Tsahik. It was an insult.
“We’re taking both of you. No loose ends.” Is all she said.
Your heart dropped. They weren’t gonna let either one of you go, and it would only be a matter of time before the situation escalates and a possible war outbreak.
They nudged you forward, prompting you to walk a few feet behind your husband. They had the two of you walking for what seemed like hours, and the terrain became less and less recognizable the further you got. 
The trees became less voluptuous and the ground looked dryer. The grass began to disappear and loud booms echoed from in front of you. After a few more steps, everyone halted. You leaned to the side, looking past Tonowari and gasping at the sight.
Sky People.
Large and heavy machinery rolled around as it seemed like they were building something. Everything was metal, and dirty.
Neytiri took a large breath, and looked towards the clan leader she had discussed earlier.
“There’s no turning back.” He said.
Neytiri nodded and marched forward, you, Tonowari, and the rest of the warriors in tow.
It seemed that the Sky People were fascinated at the entrance, stopping what they were doing to watch the parade of na’vi. You all headed to the large building that rested in front of you. It made you anxious, shivers running through your veins. You wanted Tonowari, you needed him, to be in his arms, but unfortunately he was as stuck as you.
At the entrance, a woman in military gear and a mask stood next to a tall na’vi man in military gear. 
You watched your husband tense in front of you.
“Well if it isn’t the man who speared half my crew.” The na’vi said with a toothy grin.
“I’ll do it ten times over if I have to.” Tonowari said darkly.
“Save it ... .I see you brought your wife.” He said smiling, a country accent seeping through. He walked past Tonowari and leaned down to face you.
“Nice to meet ya, i’m an old friend of your buddy here.” He nodded towards Neytiri.
“She is no buddy of mine.”
“Oh!” He said surprised. “Well I'm sure me and you will get quite acquainted, we have some history between me and your dear husband.”
“And who do you think you are?!”
“Miles. Miles Quaritch.”
Jake sat in his home alone, holding a pen and some paper. He was writing again, to you, and Tonowari. It would upset Neytiri, but he missed the both of you dearly.
He’s felt a weight on his shoulders the past few days. Neytiri was vague with him, and the visiting clan leaders seemed tight-lipped.
It was only safe to assume she was having an affair,
Jake wiggled his hand, looking down at the pathetic excuse of an apology that was written in front of him. He was determined to finish this letter tonight, and he was going to send it to you. He didn’t need a response from you, but if he knew you got it, he would be content for the time being.
As he sat, he became uncomfortable with the silence. There were far too many things that were nagging at him. He decided to get up and nip that eerie feeling in his stomach, exiting his home.
First he had to find that young warrior, the one who looked especially nervous to talk to him a few days ago.
It didn’t take long to find the young warrior, seeing him standing on the outskirts of the village, attentive, seemingly on the lookout. His eyes widened seeing Jake approach, gulping and avoiding eye contact. 
“Show me those direhorses you fed.”
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𝐀/𝐧: 𝐏𝐭. 𝟒 (𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭) 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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aaron-m-geist-ff · 4 months
hello! I've been absolutely lurking on your blog lately, so I thought I'd give the zodiac headcanons a try too, maybe🥺
hvs for she/they pisces?? (I don't mind nsfw)
Hello, Pisces! I love my cute little fishies ☺️🩷✨
Here to deliver the goods!
For everyone else, shoot me an ask with your zodiac sign and I will give you a JJK man with headcanons.
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You got…🥁🥁🥁
Let me start off by saying one thing. Sukuna hates weak people. He literally can’t tolerate them because he thinks that there is no proper excuse for a lack of strength. So why on Earth is he interested in a crybaby Pisces, you might ask?
Sukuna has no idea why is interested in you. You cry easily, your human body is frail compared to his own, and you get anxious about trivial mortal problems.
But…There’s just something about you which draws him in. Your sweet personality, the way you get excited when you see cute animals. It’s endearing to Sukuna, which both confuses and frightens him. He thinks that he shouldn’t pursue anything with you, it would go against everything that he stands for. But he pursues you regardless.
Sukuna would only be interested in a strictly sexual relationship at first. Fuck you in every position imaginable and make you orgasm countless times. He would even use the mouth on his stomach to lick at your clit while he fucks you against any available surface. It would feel like heaven to you, getting thoroughly fucked by the king of curses himself. You would also be attracted to his secure masculine energy, his power and strength which could calm your anxieties.
Sukuna would end up getting attached eventually. He would probably scoff and roll his eyes whenever you show him pictures and videos of cute animals. But he would watch them just to see your pretty smile. Sukuna is the type to never admit to his feelings. But he would definitely murder anyone who hurts you 😅
“Stay away from my woman.”
His words alone would be enough to scare anyone away. That’s how powerful he is.
And if you cry, Sukuna will get a little annoyed but he will try his best to take care of you. He only gets annoyed because he doesn’t like it when you’re sad.
“Ah shit. You cryin’ again? What was it this time, Did a dog die in a movie?”
He would likely cuddle with you until you feel better, purely because he has learned that you enjoy that kind of attention. Sukuna might be a mass murderer and toxic as hell, but he would take good care of his woman. ✨
Read more Sukuna here
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
Ellis Twilight Both Ends Bonus Story 🗡
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is a SUMMARY/Semi-Translation of the bonus story. I am roughly translating this with out much research other than specific lines from certain scenes. Why? Because it's a huge task to translate a main route chapter line by line. So, this is what we're working with, and I appreciate your understanding ��︎ Cybird owns everything. Re-blogs are appreciated, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. The summaries will be uploaded in groups.
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I thought my love would make my loved ones unhappy. So I tried to only think about the other person.…..I think about my brother smiling happily that day. But I also suspect that I may have twisted my own memory. - I think he was actually very frightened. Like the lives I took for Crown. Such thoughts blur my brother’s smile that day. The truth is, I can’t even remember the look on my brother’s face at that moment anymore.
Ellis is waiting for Kate outside of a store. It’s been about 10 minutes since she’s entered and he’s getting antsy with worry about being approached by strange people. As he debates if he should go look for her or not he sees her through the shop window and is put at ease, but she was chatting with a man amicably inside which Ellis notes that she’s smiling at the man as he opens the door for her. He wonders about who the guy is and then Kate runs up to him apologizing about keeping him waiting. They talk about the man she was speaking with and he apparently helped in the past as a postal worker by drawing a map for her. Ellis called the guy a “nice person”, but was analyzing the guy in his head; he didn’t seem to have any ulterior motives, and his smile seemed genuine, plus he held the door for her. At this point, Ellis seems to compare himself to that man with himself because that guy can offer to help someone in a very natural versus Ellis who can not do that since he wants to kill someone even more if he likes them more.
He recalls his Dad telling him the day his brother died that, “Killing people and laughing about it is something demons do….Repent and atone and you may still be forgive.”
(Forgive me? Who?)
(I just wanted him to stay happy.)
(Is the way I show my love unforgivable?)
Kate is the only one he’s really confided to about his past and more and more he’s getting selfish with wanting her to love him. Because only she has forgiven him. He offers to carry the bags for him, but she refuses and it shocks him, so he let’s her carry them. He’s sad that he can’t hold hands with her, so he wraps his arms around her shoulders instead and they head back to the castle.
(I wonder if you’d be offended if I told you that I was a little anxious?)
There is a flashback to when he rescued her and she confesses that she accepts Ellis for wanting to keep the happiness of his loved ones within his grasp.
Flashing forward to the present. Jude & Ellis who’ve just finished a mission, he tells Jude that he’s sure it’s normal to feel pain when you kill someone, and Jude is like: Oh?? He wipes off the blood-soaked knife before he sheaths it; staring at the puddle of blood that spreads like splattered jam, Ellis says: “But, I’m not bothered to do this kind of work.”
(Kate is kind enough to grieve.)
The guy at the grocery store, I wonder if she’d be happier if he were her lover instead.
(But I could never let that guy take Kate away from me.)
(I don’t think I could tolerate it.)
Jude: Huh, what? Ya wanna be “normal”?
Ellis: ….no.
I don’t want to be someone else. Kate said she liked me because I’m me. It’s just -
(What can I do to make Kate smile?)
(I keep thinking about it.)
That night at the castle Kate greets Ellis when he gets back home, who was reading in his room. Kate had recently been taking an interest in Ellis’ and Jude’s work and so she decided to study up on business material. It was a serious task, but Ellis thinks it’s wonderful. Ellis didn’t let her go on the mission tonight because of the level of difficulty and because it was going to be so bloody that he wanted to protect her from it. So, she waited up for him so they could have a drink together.
She said that she’ll get the drinks ready in a set of new mugs that have matching designs on them. Ellis asked if the mugs were from her secret shopping trip before lunch earlier that day, and she confesses it was. As she offers herbal teak, hot milk or alcohol to him, he approaches her from behind and hugs her from behind and says that he prefers Kate over those options. Rubbing her cheek against his arm she says okay, feeling his hands slowly crawl up body.
(Kate’s so soft.)
It’s so different from his own, so when he touches it he gets worried.
(It’s too easy to break.)
Ellis pulls down the top of her negligee and slowly squeezes her breasts which makes her moan, and he asks if she likes it when he does this standing behind her. She says that she does because it feels like she is being completely surrounded by him and it makes her happy.
(It’s no good….Kate.)
(You’re too cute.) Ellis kisses and touches her in many of her favorite places, and even though he wants to make Kate feel good, he is painfully aroused….
Ellis: Then, I’ll do you from behind today.
Kate: Ah……
Kate squeezes his fingers inside her and Ellis pushes Kate onto the bed.
(My head is a mess.) ……Which one love???
I want to feel good. I want to feel good with Kate. He looks at her tear-stained eyes.
(It looks like Kate wants to feel good with me too….)
(Is it my imagination or….I don’t know.)
For you, for me, it’s all a jumbled mess..
Kate: Ahhhh!
Ellis: ……Ah…..Ah…..
Ellis hugs Kate’s sleeping body in the middle of the night and thinks she sounds cute. Sometimes, he thinks that they’ve reached their happiest moment as he loves her with his bloodstained hands, for another day. He dreams of the day when his dirtied with her blood.
(…..I want to stay like this forever.)
(With you in my arms.)
(I want to stare at your happy sleeping face.)
The end of this happiness, I don’t want it to come either. The moment you’re killed by me Kate is also the moment -
Kate slowly lifts her eyelids and look at him drowsily and she laughs at Ellis. He asks why she’s laughing at him and she says it’s because she woke up, and Ellis was right next to her and she thought she was happy.
-No matter how much I dread tomorrow. Even though I’m not sure if you’ll really be smiling on that day that will come someday.
(I can’t help but love this person.)
Ellis: Kate….
Kate: What….?
Ellis: I love you.
Kate: ….Hm.
Ellis: I love you, I love you…..I love you.
Kate: Hmm….hehe….what’s up…?
I bury my face into Kate and she holds me to her chest. It smelled like sweetly simmered jam and it made my heart ache.
Kate: ……Ellis, are you crying?
“No,” I almost reflexively said that, but now I don’t have to hide these feelings anymore.
Ellis: …..Yea, because I’m happy.
Ellis: I’m glad because you’re smiling.
Kate: I see…
Kate reached out and patted Ellis’ head.
Kate: I love you too, Ellis.
(I’m willing to be killed right now.) I bet that if I told you that tomorrow morning that I really thought that, you’d laugh again.
I’m sure there will be more of these supremely happy moments waiting for me.
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[Master List]
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wambsgansshoelaces · 5 months
Siobhan Roy x Reader
Prompt: “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
thank you @honeybeawhore for requesting I love youuuu and I’m sorry it took me so long I promise I’m back on that grind now 😭
aahh we’re at 200 followers!! I’m so thankful for every single one of you, you all get forehead kisses and a hug!!! thank you for being the sweetest most supportive consumers of my work, it genuinely means the world to me that you’re all here. youre all always welcome on my blog, in my pms, and in my ask box!!! I love you all!!! happy reading, I hope you all stick around 🫶🏽
Word Count: 2.059k
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Absentmindedly, you crack your knuckles, one by one. You know it’s bad for you, but you can’t help it. You’re just so damn anxious.
Shiv’s heels click on the marble flooring of her father’s townhouse. She’d recently gotten into an argument with her father, which meant by proxy, you were pulled into it. You don’t even know what half of it means, you just know it’s nasty.
There’d been only some raising of voices, no yelling. Not yet, anyway. That’s what tonight is for, you guess.
You don’t really want to be here, but your job, in your eyes, is to support Shiv. And if she needs you with her tonight, she needs you with her tonight. You aren’t going to let her do this alone. You’ll never let her do anything alone. She’s the love of your life, your the love of hers.
“God, he can’t fucking show up to dinner at his own house on time?” she asks quietly, the continuous click clack click clacking of her heels strangely soothing, the noises echoing off of the high ceilings.
“Come on, Shiv, sit down. Take a breath,” you say softly, scooting over on the sofa. She doesn’t respond, but sits herself down next to you anyway. She sits close enough to you that your hips are touching, her body leaning into yours. You kiss her cheek in an attempt to soothe her. “I’m here with you. Don’t worry.”
She kisses the side of your temple in return, her body a bit less tense. “What would I do without you?” she asks, her breath temporarily warming your skin before slipping away into the air.
“I don’t know. Die?”
“Yeah. Probably.”
The two of you stay like that, pressed flush against each other, until you hear Marcia’s voice from up the hall.
“Oh, my goodness, we are so sorry…” She smooths her hair down as she enters the room. “Your father is ready for you, Siobhan. I apologize that we are so late.”
Your girlfriend makes a subtle face at you before getting to her feet. You take her hand, following her, and her fingers lace comfortably with yours. “So, you’re changing up the place?” Shiv asks, eyes snagging on a tapestry hanging off of the wall. Paintings litter the floors, as well as cardboard boxes, buckets of paint, and several other sorts of decoration.
“Ah, yes. Out with the old, in with the new, as they say,” Marcia responds. “I quite adore art from the Renaissance.”
You and Shiv say nothing the rest of the way to the dining room. Even after you murmur terse hellos to her father, you’re gripping each other’s hands. She doesn’t really eat anything- she just picks at her food, to your dismay. You try coaxing a few spoonfuls into her mouth, nudging her every so often to eat. She only takes a few bites, staring down into her plate. You can practically see her thoughts bouncing around in her head.
She’s stressing over something, you just don’t know what. And it’s killing you.
“So, Siobhan. How’s the current campaign going?” Logan asks, voice devoid of any emotion.
“Fine, Dad,” she says back stiffly. “I’m not dropping Eavis for you. We’ve been over this.”
The clattering of silverware is all you hear until dinner ends. “Well, Siobhan, time for us to go speak? Hash this out?” Marcia, as if on cue, gets up and silently leaves the room. Logan throws you a passive glance.
“No. She’s sitting in.” Shiv gets to her feet, bracing her hand on her shoulder to help her get up. There’s a minuscule tremor in her gait, and now you’re worried. “Come. You’re coming with us.”
You quickly get up, following her and her father into his home office.
“I don’t see what professional input she could have,” Logan intones, dropping himself unceremoniously into his leather chair. “But I don’t see why not.” There’s already a whiskey glass on his desk, and he turns to choose a bottle of something from the shelves behind him. He pours, his attention entirely on the amber liquid filling his glass. He fills it all the way to the rim.
“I don’t think you should be drinking, Dad,” Shiv says quietly. “You just got out of the hospital. You shouldn’t be stressing your liver.”
“Tch, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do,” he quips back, voice suddenly gruff and harsh. Shiv doesn’t even flinch. He knocks back a few gulps, his daughter eyeing him cautiously. “Get on with it, then. Why have we all gathered for her Royal Highness?”
She presses her lips together into a thin line. “Because, Dad, I’m done with Waystar. I’m done fucking around. Are you going to give me the company, or not? Or did you only ever say those things just to get me to work for you?”
“You’ll get briefed when you get briefed, Pinky. Kendall and Roman just have some business to sort through before we let you in to everything.” Another sip.
“Okay, but you say that every time. Kendall and Roman are always doing something. There’s always business that you refuse to clue me in on. So clue me in. Just tell me what they’re doing, whatever it is that’s holding you back so much.”
“It’s nothing that concerns you.” His glass is halfway empty now.
“How does it not concern me when I’m supposed to run the company?” She laughs incredulously. “If you want me working for Waystar, just say so. You don’t have to lie and bait me like I’m a fucking fish.”
“I think that’s enough talking for the night,” he murmurs, tone laced with warning. He downs the rest of his glass, not bothering to look up.
“So I’m right? God, Dad, I thought you were fucking trying for once-”
“Siobhan, enough,” he says, louder, but she pushes on.
“-and I thought maybe, just maybe, you’d DO something for once, you’d help ME out-”
“Siobhan…” His fingers tighten around his whiskey glass, red seeping onto his face. You should intervene, you should say something, but you can’t, there’s no time, there’s no space.
“-but no. It’s all about Kendall, it’s all about Roman. You don’t think of anybody but yourself-”
“ENOUGH!” he shouts suddenly, smashing his glass down onto his desk. Glass goes flying in every direction, and you were stupid enough to sit in the cushioned seat pressed right up against his desk. A shard soars right into the skin of your cheek, digging into you. A smattering of glass clatters to the floor at your feet, some sprinkling into your lap. Your hands fly to the wound, and you stagger out of your seat. Shiv’s immediately at your side, her arms coming around you. She pulls you protectively to her side, face contorted in anger.
“ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?” she yells back. They aren’t tiptoeing around things anymore. You think your ear drums are going to burst.
“Siobhan, you are a danger to our family. To the company! I cannot let you gallivant around D.C., bestowing political power on whoever you see fit. You’re fucking me, and I’ve had enough!” He punctuates his last three words with a fist slammed onto his desk at each one.
“So I was right! You’re being fucking ridiculous!” She tugs you behind her, shielding you with her. The glass embedded in your face is beginning to throb. You don’t know how you got here. “Do you not fucking think? Even if that entire thing was real, I wouldn’t do it. I’m not taking that stupid fucking job- or any job you offer me. Enough is enough,” she spits out, throwing the words back into his face. “Don’t expect me back. Don’t ask me for anything, don’t text me, call me, don’t ever look at me again.”
Shiv ushers you out of the office, Logan’s obscenities barely following you out into the hall. You want to say anything, but you can’t. When you open your mouth, nothing comes out. All you can think about is the numbing of your face. She pulls you into the bathroom and locks the door behind you both. She retrieves a hand towel from under she sink and sits you down on the lidded toilet. She slides into your lap, cupping your jaw with one hand. Every movement is careful, affectionate, loving.
“Fuck, baby, how’d this even happen?” she asks under her breath. She plucks the glass away from your skin, making a face at the gush of blood the movement elicits. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have come.” You wince as the drags a cool, wet cloth over the wound, the pressure making you a bit dizzy. The beginnings of a whimper fight their way out of your throat despite your efforts to hold them back. “Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” She peppers kisses over your face, trying to chase the dazed look off of your face.
“I’m the one who should be saying sorry,” you mutter, earning a pause in kisses and dirty look from her. “I could’ve at least said something. I should’ve.”
“No. Absolutely not. My father is my responsibility,” she tells you. “Besides, I don’t want you hurt. It could’ve been worse. I’m so glad it isn’t.”
From the things she’s told you, you know she’s right. You can only imagine what her childhood was like. You just want to whisk her away and keep her all to yourself, safe in sound, snuggled up against you in bed.
“Can we go home?” you ask meekly, a bit embarrassed. The glass hadn’t cut deep- the initial shock and adrenaline made it hurt and feel worse than it actually is. You wipe absently at the gash. Only a little blood comes back on your hand.
“God, I’m sorry. Let’s go.” She slides off of your lap, taking your hand as she opens the door. The two of you hurry from the townhouse before anyone can notice. Shiv grips at your hand tightly. You know the conversation still isn’t sitting well; hell, how could you blame her?
“I’m sorry it has to be that way,” you say quietly, the soft droning of the car engine comforting you.
She heaves a sigh, keeping her eyes trained on the road. “Yeah. Me too.”
Once you’re home, and the front door’s shut, you pull her into a tight hug. “I’m being serious, Siobhan,” you murmur when you pull away. “If I can do something to help, I want to help. We can move away. We can go live in D.C. like you’ve wanted to.”
Her hands come to your face, cupping, taking your jaw. Her thumbs move up and down, up and down, up and down. “That won’t fix the issue,” she admits, “but it sounds nice.”
“What’s the issue? I want to fix it,” you say, trying to be persuasive. You do want to help, you really do.
“You’re sweet,” she says softly, eyes wrinkling with affection. “It’s just no matter how badly I want my dad to, you know, be my dad, he just won’t.”
“I know I can’t ever fill in that void,” you reply, interrupting yourself by planting a quick kiss on her lips, “but I’ll always be here for you. Now and forever in the future.”
“And me for you. I’m so grateful I have you,” she says, her voice cracking with emotion. You turn your head enough for you to be able to press a kiss to her palm. “And just so you know, I’m never letting Dad near you again. God, I can’t believe it. What if the glass had been bigger? What if he’d thrown it?”
“He didn’t, so we don’t need to think about it.” You tuck a bit of her hair back behind her ear. “How about we just watch a movie? Forget about everything?”
She kisses you. “I’ll get the Klondike bars.”
You’ve never been happier: her thighs flush against yours, her head tucked under yours, your arm hooked around her waist. You palm the plush of her thighs, delirious on your love for her.
You’d both changed into pajamas, your shoulders now bare. She shifts so that her cheek is pressed to your shoulder, and over the course of the night, her lips press absentmindedly to your skin. Over, and over, and over.
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peaky-shelby · 1 year
» summary: in which an arrogant and talented football player (the best of his time as some say) and a focused and harsh critic of a journalist are gonna have to find a way to co-exist.« previous chapter
» chapter 9: too busy dancing
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Taylor’s instinct was to dive in the water without saying anything at all. Kylian watched her as she tied herself around him so she could stay underwater. He heard the guard getting closer and looked up.
“Mr. Mbappe?” All Kylian could do was gulp and nod. “Party is inside sir. Pool Is closed”
He was struggling to come up with actual words, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, distracted by the skin to skin contact and her closeness to dangerous areas but this was not the time.
“my daughter’s a fan.”
“You don’t happen to have a shirt do you?”
“Not right now I don’t.”
Taylor pinched his thigh, not at all in a sexual way but only to remind him that she was about to run out of breath if she didn’t do anything. She closed her eyes trying to focus on her heartbeat, which echoed in the void of the water and would get quicker every minute that she didn’t let out the air. She could see her time running out right in front of her eyes. None of this was a good idea, definitely not for her weak heart which had already been through a lot.
“but give me five minutes I’ll get one for you.” Taylor could feel his entire body vibrating as he spoke. She couldn’t hear a response by the guard. Feared that if this took any longer she would loose all consciousness but suddenly she felt his hands underneath her elbows, pulling her up. She gasped for air, the second she reached the surface and jumped off the pool, getting up on marble and walking back and forth. Her hand always placed in her chest, over her heart while she was hyperventilating in attempt to stay calm. She put on her heels, quicker than any time before and picked up her phone as well. Kylian got off the pool reaching for his pants, jumping on one leg while walking so he could put them on at the same time. He wore his white t-shirt and snatched his jacket from the ground, attempted to put it over her but she slapped it away.
“are you ok?” he asked, kinda worried, kinda confused. She didn’t answer him, which only made him more anxious than before, trying to get near her and failing each time. He had followed her on the railings of the marine, for a second be thought she’d jump over them and into the sea. “taylor?” he tried again.
“this ends here!” it came out as an order. She was shaking in the cold while she said it and he thought she should be the one going inside. He attempted to put his jacket over her again, to warm her wet figure. She turned around abruptly, making him step back. “enough Kylian !” she yelled. “no more staring, no more insinuations, or jokes or following me. There are more than 20 reporters in that venue and im--” she laughed at herself, rubbing her face “what am I doing?”. If stars could speak they’d be doomed, both of them. It was the first time he noticed the sign of fear in her eyes, a woman fearless in most things was standing scared in front of him. Did he feel bad for her? Being the reason of the fear? “please.” She whispered “enough.”
He nodded, pressing his tongue on his teeth. “ok.” He raised his hands in defeat, still holding his jacket in one and made a step back. “I’m done. I promise.” He lowered his hand again, holding out the jacket for her “but take the jacket” Her eyes fell on it, looking at it like it was a gun that she’d put on her head later on. Like accepting would be accepting something worse, something like a curse. She snatched it away from him and put it on, leaving as far away from him as possible.
He started buttoning his shirt, looking up at the sky while doing so. Funny thing about stars, they see everything and don’t tell a soul.
He turned around in the sound of his name, Hakimi standing behind him. There was this kind of disapproval in his eyes like he had seen everything but was too kind to say anything. He took off his jacket and gave it to Kylian.
“Go back inside.” He said “before people start adding two and two together.”
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Taylor got back in her room. Changing away from her wet clothes as quick as she could. She had used Kylian’s jacket to hide how wet her dress was when going up to her room. She threw it on the couch across the bed and made herself a warm bath, her body sinking in the high temperature. Her heart finally finding a safe place to calm. No sort of shampoo could erase his touch from her inner thigh, another invisible tattoo by him. But she kept telling herself that’s all they were, tattoos. A simple addiction, she’d eventually get over.
Later, she laid on her bed, wrapped herself in her cozy robe and tucked under the blankets. She couldn’t sleep and she knew she wouldn’t. Not unless she found a way to get her mind off his dark eyes. Hey eyes were stuck on the ceiling, imagining thousands of stars starring down at her. Her phone buzzed on the table, the noise disturbing her but also giving her a way out from her thoughts. She sat better, reading the name on the screen. A sense of calmness she hadn’t felt in a while washed over her.
“Hey lion. I saw your call from earlier is everything alright?”
She hesitated “yes. Just missing you.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
“Ah I was talking with Beth about that. I was thinking I’d fly to you next week. Stay for a couple of days.”
She smiled at the thought “that’d be good. You sure you can travel though? How were your exams?”
“they were fine, don’t you worry about it.”
“you might as well tell me, I’ll call Beth otherwise.”
“sweetheart. I’m ok. I promise you. What about you? You sound troubled.”
“The match against AL Nssr is gonna be the first that they know I’m assistant coach. Guess I’m scared about that”
“Mbappe still giving you a hard time?”
Her eyes searched for Kylian’s jacket, she looked at it like it was actually him. “Sometimes”
“don’t think about it too much. Keep being yourself, doing what you know best.”
“thanks pa.” A pause between the two then she asked “do you think I have a tendency of self destruction?”
“why would you ask that?”
“I fear I might be doing it again.”
Kylian stayed on the even a while longer. He didn’t really talk to anyone or attempted to even look like he was enjoying himself. Taylor’s disappearance was talked about a lot. The boys would make theories about it and all the while he could feel Hakimi’s eyes staring at him. Still, he had made a promise to her to not talk about it with his friend, ever. He was going to keep it.
He Found himself close to a group of a couple reporters, it wasn’t intended. He just kept zoning out and unconsciously joining conversations, while being pushed around by members on the PR team or even Galtier himself. Hearing her name is what got him out of the zone.
“Taylor Wilock. She was on Chelsea.”
He made a step closer to the group, listening.
“she left very early on. Don’t you think?” asked one of the women. The man standing next to her laughed.
“Have we counted the footballers to make sure they’re all here?”
Kylian gripped tight on his glass. He didn’t like what the unknown man was suggesting.
“haven’t seen Neymar in a while.” Said the woman, laughing “god if I were her, I’d sleep with half of them as well.”
“Any other way for a woman in her 20’s to get that kind of a job?”
Kylian was fuming. He stepped in front of the two journalists, his posture strict and unwelcoming.
“She was 5 when she played her first game. She so good that her coach had to keep her benched in some games because she made all the other kids cry. When she turned 7, Birmingham city academy had already started making offers for her to stay and join the under 16s team. She would have, except she was picked out by Chelsea, as you also pointed out. Full scholarship. She was 10 at the time by the way. Starting eleven in every game and approached by national team for the world cup. She would have joined them at 16 years old, the contract was even signed. She could have had a bigger career than you could ever dream of if it wasn’t for her illness. But even then, she built a website from zero, with detailing and analyzing articles about player performances in ways that coaches in their 40s envied. That’s how she got the fucking job.”
Kylian was surprised of how much he had listened and remembered the things that Jude had told him about Taylor. His mind had kept all of the information without even realizing it. Perhaps, overhearing the things they said about her made him understand how much there was on the line for her, meanwhile he had been treating this as a game. A few weeks ago, and maybe he would have said the same things about her but now he knew she wasn’t underqualified, no matter how much he wanted to pretend like she was. Maybe this was a way of redeeming himself for the things he said and done after a much-needed wake up call.
“Do your fucking research.”
He left them after that. Didn’t stay to see their surprised or baffled expressions. He bumped on a few people while exiting the venue and going up to his room. He locked the door, changed into more comfortable clothes and started searching in his suitcase. He took out his tablet, sitting on his bed and opening his gallery. Scrolled down until he found the pictures he had taken of Taylor’s report. He stayed up reading that night. The taste of her skin lingering on his lips.
Taylor was surprised when she realized Kylian was keeping his promise. During breakfast they sat on different tables, keeping their eyes on the ones around them instead of each other. The only time he got close enough to her was when he asked to speak with Neymar. Only for a couple of seconds before the two of them left to go talk alone.
In the bus Taylor sat on the front next to Galtier, repeatedly checking on her phone to keep herself occupied. She hoped he couldn’t see through her performances. Truth was that since the night before she had this constant ache in her chest and a sort of dizziness. She thought both things would die out after taking her pills but the exhaustion seemed to be getting bigger. She ignored it.
The team dressed in their new yellow and black kit, photographed in the hall and then out on te stadium. She watched in awe as the people that had come to see the training screamed and yelled when the team walked out on the pitch. Turns you never get used to that feeling, the thrill of listening your friend’s names yelled in celebration. It didn’t take long before she was approached by the first reporters, asking about her experience in the team so far. She gave short answers and excused herself, saying he needed to work. She spent most of the time studying attitudes and performances. She noticed Kylian training alongside Neymar, the two of them passing the ball to each other. Galtier had assigned her to mostly watch for this training and get back to him with a starting 11 and a final strategy for the next day’s game while the other coaches took the lead in the training. She’d walk in between everyone, writing on her notebook and sometimes blow her whistle when she thought the boys were getting out of control.
Sometimes she’d get this feeling on her fingertips like she needed to type out the thoughts on her mind. A article like the ones she used to write. She’d ignore it the same way she’d ignore the growing ache on her chest. She was in the middle of the field when Neymar kicked a ball at her and she realized that she had zoned out.
“You good?” he asked, getting near her. “You look pale.”
“Yeah.” She said quickly, she showed him her notebook and started pointing on her notes about him. While she spoke, she kept missing a couple of words or dragging out sentences. Ney noticed it, his head cocked to the left while watching her. He was listening at her pointers but also examining on her features.
“You sure you’re good?” he asked.
She closed her eyes nodding “I just need water.” She exited the field, looking at the benches for her water bottle. she went inside the building when took it so no one from the team would see her. She leaned against the wall and started drinking slowly, fearing that her stomach might not take kindly on the liquid.
“Ms. Wilock?” She opened her eyes to see one of the medics standing in front of her, a kind smile on her face. “I’m jo. Are you feeling alright?”
“Do I look that bad?” she tried to joke.
“Mr. Mbappe told me you might need help.”
Her expression softened, she cleared her throat as to not show her guilt and turned her gaze at the floor so she wouldn’t be able to see her eyes. “I’m fine, really. This is normal.”
“Could I check your blood pressure?” she asked, holding a monitor in her hands. Taylor nodded and held her arm out. The medic wrapped it around her arm. Taylor leaned her head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling “are you diagnosed with a condition?”
“Inherited Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.” She answered, biting the inside of her lip “like I said. This is normal for me.”
The medic was focused on the monitor, watching the numbers getting higher. She shook her head “I need you to take a few deep breaths for me—”
“I need to get back on the field.”
“In a moment. Please, a couple deep breaths.” She obeyed; this was routine for her. Deep breaths and counting to 7. She had been doing it for most of her life. “You said inherited?”
“my father’s side.” She explained.
Jo unwrapped the monitor from her arm “you should take a break. Eat something.”
“I’ll take a break when the session is over.”
“Something wrong coach?” Kimpembe came in, jogging towards her. Taylor turned and looked at him, a little annoyed that this was turning into a scene.
“I’m fine—” “she needs to eat.” They said it at the same time, Kimpembe looking between them, confused. He narrowed his eyes.
“Well I was gonna go get a snack. You’re welcome to join.”
“Not necessary—”
“I think I’ll listen to the doctor!” he slipped his head around her arm and winked at the medic before dragging her with him to the cafeteria. She groaned, trying to move away but he was stronger. He had his signature smile plastered on his face while they walked and he was ignoring her threats and complaints. He ordered her a toast, since it was the only thing, she was willing to eat. They sat on the corner, the two of them. She’d cut small bites from her bread and chew on them slowly. Kimpembe laughed at her.
“You eat like a chipmunk.”
“I said I wasn’t hungry.”
He took a full bite from his banana, keeping her eyes on her and when he swallowed, he said “should have stayed longer last night.” She gazed at the toast, all of a sudden swallowing the whole thing in one go and chocking on it seemed tempting. “People were looking for you.”
She coughed on her own breath, looking up at him “who was?”
He shrugged “just people.” He laughed at himself “journalists are begging for an interview with you.”
“only so they can be sexists and annoying.” She bit on her toast.
“Kylian took care of that last night.” She stopped chewing. She lowered the toast, her big eyes focusing on the man across from her. “Someone made a comment about you and he set them right. Gave them your whole biography to shut them up.”
She blinked a few times, second time today that Kylian had tried to help without making any actual contact with her. “Why would he do that?”
“Trying to get on your good side? I don’t know.”
She thought about it. Imagined Kylian supporting her in a dispute, for some reason that sent a shiver in her heart, a shiver she couldn’t quite explain. She took another bite from her toast, zoning out while chewing on the food.
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Taylor got back on the field with Kimpembe next to her. Kylian was occupied with a group of kids that had circled around him, asking questions and taking photographs with their idol. He had this smile on his face for the whole time. She remembered the first time he saw him with that little girl on campus. It was like he was a different person. He raised his head and looked at her, all of a sudden, he was pointing at her while talking to one of the little girls. Taylor looked behind her to make sure he wasn’t pointing at somebody else. When she looked back at them again, they were closer, walking towards her for some reason. She stood awkwardly while waiting for them.
“Hi—” she exclaimed when they got close enough. Kylian smiled and knelt next to the girl.
“She wanted to meet you.”
The girl nodded. Seconds later and she had tied her arms around Taylor’s feet. Hugging her. Taylor gave Kylian and a questioning look. She knelt so she’d be on the same height as the girl “what’s your name?”
Taylor smiled “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Kylian says you’re the strictest coach they have.”
Taylor laughed “that’s true, I am.”
“I think you’re cool.”
“I am that too.”
Kylian took a picture of them together and the girl ran back to her parents. Before Kylian could follow her, taylor grabbed his arm. He stopped on his tracks turning around to face her. She let go of his arm quickly “I wanted to talk to you” she said and he nodded.
“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you as well.” Taylor expected him to go ahead and tell her about the events that followed after she left the venue or about what happened in the pool but what followed, left her with her mouth open “I checked your report again last night. There are some pointers, if you have the time, I need you to go through them together.” She thought she was hallucinating, that maybe her heart had really given up on her and now she was watching some weird dream. “I have some ideas for tomorrow I want you to speak to Galtier about if that’s alright.” She pressured her lips together, narrowing her eyes. She rubbed her head—
“Wai—wait, what?” she snorted “since when do you have a copy of the report?”
“I took pictures of it when I took it”
“Stole it” she corrected him. “And of course, you did.”
“Does it really matter?” he asked, letting both hands fall on his sides like he was tired “Do you have time to help or not?”
Her mouth hangs open while she was processing his request. She had to shake her head to get back on reality. “Yeah—” she murmured “of course—I—that’s my job Kylian.”
“That’s not what I wanted us to talk about though.”
“Why? Is there anything else?”
His question hurt but he wasn’t trying to be offensive or dismissive. If anything, he was keeping a promise that she had made him to, so she had no reason to be mad at him. Why did it still stink though?
She shook her head, puling up the corner of her lips “I guess not.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile and he left.
“Why am I here then?” asked Hakimi, looking at Kylian, who was scrolling on his iPad to find the picture he was looking at last night. They were sitting on a circled table next to each other,
“Back up.” Mumbled Kylian.
“In case she tries to kill you or kiss you?” he picked one of the welcoming nuts the waiter had left on the table, smirking at his friend.
Kylian gave him the side eye and let down the tablet, ones he opened the pictures he needed “don’t make any jokes when she’s around. I don’t want her to think it was planned,”
“Since when do you care?”
“I really want to win tomorrow. If working with her is what it takes then so be it.” He glanced at the entrance of the restaurant and then back at his friend “I don’t want this to look like an ambush with you here.”
“she’s here—”
Kylian looked at the entrance. Taylor came in, holding her files and smiling to the waiters. She stopped for a second when she saw Hakimi sitting next to Kylian but then went and sat next to him, using him as a wall of separation from Kylian.
“Achraf,” she mumbled, while drawing the chair closer to the table. Hakimi smiled at her and gave her a quick wave “couldn’t take all the heat by yourself, Kylian?” she asked, opening her files on the table. Kylian leaned closer on the table so he’d see better at her writings.
Hakimi reached for his water, moving carefully in between them and staring at table, avoiding their gazes “this is gonna be fun” he mumbled and drank from his glass.
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They ordered. They talked. They fought.
“That doesn’t make any sense!” complained Kylian
“that’s because you’re dumb!” she mumbled.
Meanwhile Hakimi was trying to enjoy his dinner in between their yelling. He was cutting bites of his dessert with his spoon, his eyes describing all the desperation he was feeling while being stuck between them. Papers were being pushed back and forth, he watched them with an empty expression until he reached his limit. He stood up abruptly, both of them watching him. “I need to go to the restroom.” He explained, any excuse to get away from this war zone. He pushed his chair back and walked away, leaving the two of them alone.
Taylor looked away from Kylian when Hakimi left and snatched a piece of paper that didn’t really say anything at all. She just wanted to pretend like she was reading something. Kylian started tapping on the table while looking at the screen on his tablet. “What about defense?”
“What about it?”
“you’re saying it’s weak.”
“Because it is…” she murmured. Kylian’s head shot up at her, he bit on his tongue. He slid on Hakimi’s chair, moving the tablet with him. Taylor glanced at him, a little worried for his intentions but all he seemed interested in was to make sense of her writings. She couldn’t understand where all this came from but she kinda liked it.
“Where are you gonna place me tomorrow?”
“I don’t have the final say, you know that.”
“What are you going to suggest?”
“What do you think? Forward. Alongside Neymar and Messi.”
“What do you know about Ronaldo’s team.”
She looked at him. She took out a pen from her folder and started writing on one of the papers while talking “You’re basically going against Vincent Aboubakar. He’s forward and he’s good. Neymar will have his eye on him—”
“He was on Cameroon team when brazil lost this year. Make sure Ney doesn’t get carried away. Konan plays left back and his style is mostly dribbling and shooting from a distance. He is threat number two but he’s weak at finishing.” She paused, writing all the information she could remember about him on the paper “And then of course there is your favorite.” She wrote Ronaldo’s name on the paper “do I need to write his stats?”
Kylian smiled “no. I think I got it.”
“Listen. I don’t think it’s a hard win, which is why I’m gonna be extra disappointed If we lose. They’re not even a team yet. I doubt they’ve found a way to communicate with Ronaldo so quickly.”
“You think he is a liability?”
“I think he is a big change. And a sort of change like that takes time to adjust.”
Kylian moved slightly, his knee under the table unintentionally bumping on hers. Both of them freezing at the contact for a moment. She looked away without moving her leg away from him. “It wasn’t necessary to send the medic after me today.” She said.
“You gave me a scare last night.”
“I was fine” she whispered.
He nodded. He knew she was lying. He had spoken with the medic himself, but he didn’t pressure her. He lowered his head, his knee still laying against hers.
“do me a favor.” She hummed, getting a little closer “keep up the good kid act or whatever it was that got you so focused today for tomorrow.” He scoffed, smiling. “I saw you trying with Ney. It was pretty darn great.”
The waiter interrupted them, leaving down the bill for the dinner. Taylor went to reach for it, Kylian grasped her hand before she could even touch it. He dropped her hand seconds later, opening the envelope with the bill and putting in his card in a slick movement. The waiter left with it.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Just keeping up the good kid act.” He told her. She smiled and started collecting all her papers back on her files. Hakimi returned a while later, only then did they move their knees away from each other. Sitting straight on their chairs. So, touch deprived, both of them and it was coming out in the most sinful way possible.
“The boys are in the bar. You guys gonna join?”
“What the hell are they doing in the bar? They have a game tomorrow!”
The waiter returned with Kylian’s card and Taylor got up. She was pissed. Hakimi bit on his tongue, rubbing his forehead.
“I’m sure they are not drinking, right Haki?” Asked Kylian, standing up next to taylor. Hakimi filled his cheekbones with air, shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m gonna murder them—”
“Wai-wait!” Kylian stepped in front of her before she could leave. “They are adults. You’re not their mother, if they wanna fuck up, it’s on them, right?”
“I’m sure they are responsible enough, not to wake up with hangovers.” Added Hakimi.
“Fine. I’ll go back to my room. Give them a warning though that if I see anyone with sunglasses tomorrow, I’ll shove them so far up their asses they are going to taste them.” She walked past Hakimi. Kylian snorted at her comment, for ones able to appreciate her evil remarks because they weren’t aimed at him. Hakimi glowered at him and his laughter came to a quick halt.
“You know I think I’ll go to my room as well.”
Hakimi was still glowering.
“See you tomorrow bro.” he patted Hakimi on the shoulder and followed behind taylor. He reached her as soon as the elevator doors opened. Both of them walking inside and laying on opposite sides.
“You’re not gonna drink?” she asked, scratching on her nails.
“Good kid act” he reminded her and she laughed, closing her eyes.
Silence. Their kind.
“You sure everything was ok with the medic?”
“don’t ask me again Kylian.” She ordered.
The elevator doors opened again and they walked down the long hallway. Kylian stopped in front of his door while taylor continued. She stopped, turned back around to face him. He could feel her eyes on him, so he turned at her direction.
“I know you are scared playing against Ronaldo. I know what he means to you.” Her voice trailed off while she walked back to him “but you’ll do great as long as you remember the things we talked about today.” She smiled “the fact that you came to your sworn enemy JW for help, says a lot.”
He laughed. She reached for his hand, squishing it two times. He wanted to turn his hand and take hold of hers, pull her to him and kiss her, fulfill his addiction. But she slipped it away before he could hold it and she walked to her room, opening and closing the door while he stood outside his own. His body aching to be next to her, to make her angry so she’d yell at him. He was used to it.
She shut the door, a part of her staying on the other side. She realized his jacket was still laid on her couch. Tempted to return it to him, she traced the expensive fabric with her fingers. She left it there and fell asleep looking at it, a reminder of why she should keep away from him.
Chaos was one word to describe it. Yelling, heavy steps, thousands of people walking around the stadium, outside, in the halls, and in the seats. Taylor was just a small figure among them and if it wasn’t for her id card, security would probably have kicked her out already. She got down the stairs to the locker room, meeting Galtier in the middle, giving his pregame speech to this team. She closed the door slowly so she wouldn’t interrupt him but he turned to her anyway.
“Ms. Wilock. Wanna do the honors?”
She was caught unprepared. Looking around for some sort of hint of what he meant “the what?”
Galtier motioned towards the boys, who seemed to be waiting for something. She slowly began to understand, a soft ‘oh’ escaping her lips. She moved closer, studying their faces. Some of them still had little belief in her. One of them of course was Verratti. She went to him first. Knelt in front of him.
“I know you hate me so if you could use that hate into scoring tonight that would be helpful.” Verratti scoffed “for the record, I think you are one of our best advantages for this game. I always have. So, kick that ball like it’s my face if that’s what it takes. Ok?”
He nodded, half smiling at her. She stood up and looked at Messi.
“Let’s not kid ourselves half the stadium is here to see you against Ronaldo. Please don’t let me getting benched when I was 13 for punching a girl that said Ronaldo was better stand for nothing.” They all laughed, even Galtier cracked a smile. It went on like this for all the players but she very noticeably ignored Neymar and Mbappe, like she was saving them for last.
Galtier gave any last motivation he had, clapping for his team. When they were all out, Taylor called for Neymar and Kylian. The two of them turned at the same time to answer to the woman, she held on their shoulders. Looking in their eyes.
“Whatever you did at training, keep doing it here. Please.” She looked at Kylian “or I’m gonna bury you both. Get it?”
Neymar smiled and leaned in, pecking her cheek “don’t worry Princessa.” He left. Ones again, Kylian and taylor stayed looking at each other. She pulled on his sleeve before he could turn and leave.
“The only number 7 I wanna see lifting that trophy is my number 7— Our seven.”
“You will” he reassured her. Half smiling at the way she called him. Repeatedly reminding himself of the promise he made to her, to stay good and appropriate.
“Prove me right.” She requested “prove me right for all he the time I’ve spend analyzing every single detail of your playing and critiquing it. Prove me it was worth it.”
He had never though of it like that. That the time she had spent on him meant something, that it wasn’t just an excuse to be mean to him but an excuse to write about him.
“go” she whispered, coming out like a warning for both. He listened to her and left. The two of them walking on the tunnel. She zipped up her jacket, walking passed him in the tunnel. She stood next to Galtier for the beginning of the game. Rubbing her hands together. To shield them from the cold but also because she needed to keep moving otherwise, she’d explode from her nerves. The teams got on the field, on their respectful side. She felt her knees give out when she heard the whistle for the start of the game. She sat down on the bench basically cuddling herself but it 3 minutes later and she was jumping up yelling. Messi had scored the first goal.
She threw her fist in the air, her entire body shaking in excitement. She threw herself at Ektike who was still on the bench. The two of them celebrating together.
20 minutes later and Kylian scores but the flag for offside goes up and her heart sinks. She kicked on the foot of the bench annoyed. Galtier sat down, crossing his arms. “they’re ok” he whispers to her “they’ll make it through don’t worry.”
Christiano’s penalty was the first hit. Taylor already planned on giving Keylor a hard time for the foul. She huffed and sat on the ground, crossing her legs. Kylian spotted her from where he was. He gave her a thumbs-up and she nodded. The next hit came when Bernat saw the red card raised before him. Taylor stood up from where she was, yelling at the referee. Raising her hands. But minutes later Kylian kicked the ball to Marquinhos and he very easily scored what would be the second goal. The whole game continued in the same rollercoaster style. A win and a loss. A loss and a win. A lost penalty by Neymar before a goal by Sergio Ramos with the help of Kylian. When Sergio kicked the ball in the net taylor ran to him, jumping on his arms. He picked her up, Kylian joining in on their celebration. When Sergio lets her down, she looks at Kylian. She smiled at him, grasping his hand to congratulate him “Keep it up!” she encouraged him and he winked at her, running back on the field.
Perhaps the most scared she felt was when Kylian had to do a penalty, her heart pounding while she waited for him to score. Knowing what it’d do to him if he lost. She dropped herself on Galtier when he scored. Galtier didn’t push her away but he didn’t hold on to her either, reminding her that she had to keep a low profile as a couch. Funny because all she actually wanted to do was write for this game, every single detail. The way each team kept making a comeback, keeping the game entertaining until the last minute. Her fingertips were hurting by the lack of keyboards to press on. She closed her eyes, waiting for the final whistle and when she heard the sound, she opened them and looked at the score. They had won. She ran in Neymar’s arms who picked her up, spinning her around. Everyone else seemed to be celebrating as well. She hugged all of them, but the hug that lasted longer was the one with Kylian. He tied his hands around her waist to pull her of the ground just a little. Her lips brushed against his ear as she whispered “Proof of you.” Leaving him with a gentle peck on his cheek. And he wasn’t so surprised to hear her say it as he was by the fact that it actually meant something to him.
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Taylor was out in the hallway, giving her first postgame interview. A woman holding the microphone for her.
“Do you feel like you had anything to do with today’s win?”
“I’d hope so. Although, I haven’t been part of the team for as long as I’d need to and we still have a long way to go. Hopefully my presence will bring more good moments like this.”
“Is it hard handling these men?”
She looked behind the reporter. Kylian standing behind her, his chest bare, watching closely. She smiled “sometimes harder than others.”
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The celebrations continued on the locker rooms, with champagne, mostly sprayed on each other and silly dances around the locker room while they waited for the bus. Taylor was being pushed back and forth, unable to stay still for longer than 5 seconds before another of these big men came to pick her up and throw her back on their little celebrations. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. One gesture that stood out for her was Verratti’s, who came showed up in front of her, holding his hand out for her, a sign of truce perhaps. She took it with no question. Smiling.
Moments later and she had an entire bottle of champagne sprayed on her by Neymar. She tried to get away but it seemed everyone was part of the game. At least she got to taste a bit of it. She looked at her clothes with playful sorrow in her eyes but she was laughing at the same time. She chased Neymar, until she bumped on Kylian. His hands grasping on her bicep to keep her upright. She looked in his eyes, the darkness that she’d usually find in them had dimmed. So much so that she had a hard time recognizing him. He pulled on her arm and started dancing on the rhythm of the music, like everyone else had done. The two of them laughing while everyone around them was oblivious of their true thoughts and all their sins. He held on her one hand in a tango kind of pose and his other hand crawled on the small of her back. Moving her right and left and spinning her round, her laughter getting louder. Oh, what a happy picture.
The laughter’s died out when everyone started dressing up to leave, one by one exiting the locker room. She stood by the door, basically counting heads to make sure no one was going to stay behind. She had no idea if he did it, on purpose but he was last to go. Slipped in one of the private showers on the back while everyone else was leaving. She checked there was no one on the hall a couple of times before going to find him.
The door to the private shower was barely open. How ironic, she was the one peaking through doors now. She leaned on door frame, keeping her eyes on the ground.
“Planning on staying here?” she asked, scratching on the floor with her foot. She heard him halting on his movements. Mentally rewarding herself for catching him off guard.
“Are we alone?” he asked from his side of the door.
Taylor checked behind her, scratching the back of her neck. “Yeah.”
The door slowly opened, taylor peaked her head through the wall. He was just putting on his shirt when she walked in.
“You did good” she smiled, leaning on wall of the shower.
“Did you mean what you say?”
“I always mean what I say.” She said in a suggestive tone.
He fixed his hoodie, eyeing her up and down. Biting on the inner side of his cheekbone.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy before.”
“Haven’t been very happy since you came along.”
“touché” she pressed her lips together, accepting the sarcasm. She looked at his bag, motioning at it with her head “do you have another one of these shirts?” she looked at her own, pulling it down “this shit’s been sticking on my skin. I hate it.”
“You know—” he laughed, searched on his bag for a shirt “If you wanted my jersey, you could’ve just asked.”
Taylor snorted dismissively at him, rolling her eyes. He held out one of his jerseys for her. She took it quickly “I’ll use this as a cleaning pad when I get home.”
“Want me to sign it?” he asked, making a step forward.
“No, I’m good. Think I’ll start an eBay account with just your clothes. I still have your jacket on my room.”
He hummed. Stepped back again and hanged his bag over his shoulder. He walked passed her, the kylian she knew would have trapped her in between the wall already—
“Kylian!” He turned to look at her. Holding on his bag “how long do I have left of this good kid act?”
He smiled an evil smile. “Depends how good that shirt will look on you.” With that he left her alone to change. Taylor looked at the shirt, holding it fro each side so she could see it whole, her finger brushed over his name and then his number. She grinned.
When they reached the hotel, the team was still celebating, singing and dancing in their favorite tunes. Some of them even jumped on the pool with their clothes on. Taylor made sure to stay on the back, she wasn’t in the mood for another dive.
Kylian must have thought the same because while the rest were jumping in, sending the water in all sorts of directions, he looked at her from the other side. Their eyes meeting in the darkness. He noticed she had been wearing her coat, through the whole way back. Being the only one to know that she was wearing his shirt underneath did something to him. It was like a little secret between the two, that she had his name written on her back.
She was first to break eye contact, leaving to go inside the building while the boys were being boys. He watched her leaving, tempted to follow her. Something was holding him back and he couldn’t identify if it was the promise he made or pure fear.
He went to his room, leaving his prep bag on the floor and pacing around. Debating on what his next move should be. He rubbed his face, reminding himself of all the reasons they were a bad idea. Addictions were never healthy. The stakes were taller than LeBron James. Especially for her and did he really want to be the reason for her putting such a career at risk? Then again, would he be the one responsible if it was her that made the choice.
A knock.
Gentle. Low. But confident.
He looked at his door. Did he really have to guess who was on the other side.
His hand hovered over the door knob, his fingers barely touching it. He laid his head on the door.
Another knock.
He opened it. Her small figure standing on the other side. She was holding his jacket on her one hand, her shirt still covered by her own coat.
“Didn’t want you accusing me of stealing.” She said, her voice low. His fingers stroked hers as he took it in his hold. Both of them lingering on the contact, he made a step back and she mirrored his movements. Stepping in the room, both of them still holding on the piece of clothing like it was their lifeline. One last thread before oblivion. Kylian raised his hand over her, pushing the door closed. Hearing it shut while admiring her hazel eyes. Picking out on the details. She flinched at the sound, closing her eyes for a second.
“gonna give me the shirt back as well?”
“no.” she shook her head “I was thinking of keeping that one.”
He grinned finally pulling the jacket away from her and leaving it in one of the chairs so there would be nothing between them. “Does it look nice?” he asked making a step forward. She shrugged her shoulders, her expression indicating cluelessness. His thumb started playing with the zipper of her coat, before slowly pulling it down, revealing the black and yellow shirt more and more. Taylor stayed still while he did that, her eyes stuck on his lips which would slowly form a teasing smile. He let go of the zipper, his hand slipping on the shoulder, pushing the coat of her. So, he could see the whole shirt. He fingers trailed down her arm to her hand, holding on to it and gently spinning her the other way, his arm falling around and in front of her and trapping her in a way. He stood a little far from her only so he could see his number and then made a step forward. His lips ghosting her ear, his chin bumping on her hair, her back sticking on his chest. Her fingers crawled tighter around his. Like she was holding on so she wouldn’t sprint outside. Run for cover the same way that she ran the other night. Touch deprived, that’s all they were. She had to keep telling herself that, to make excuses for her actions.
“Kimpembe told me what you did. Defending me the other night.”
Kylian leaned closer, his lips now ghosting her cheeks that were starting to gain a rosy color. “That why you are here?” he asked.
She had to gulp so he wouldn’t hear the weakness in her voice “I don’t know” and somehow this was the most honest thing she had ever told him. Because she really had no idea.
“Do you wanna leave?”
“Do you wanna stay?”
She hesitated “I think if you asked me to, I would.”
“do you want me to be a good kid?” he smiled.
“yes.” She answered quickly. He moved his face away from hers and placed his lips on the top of her head, speaking on her hair.
“Do you really?” he asked.
She closed her eyes. Falling backwards on him “no.”
He spun her around again; her eyes were still closed. His thumb grazed over her eyelids before his hand cupped her whole face from the back of her neck “then will you stay?”
She opened her eyes, he was so close and this was so wrong. Self destruction at it’s best. To hell with it. She got on her tiptoes, her hands finding the back of his neck and she pulled him to her, her lips finding his. He responded to the kiss in seconds, despite how surprised he was that she was the one that started it, his hands slipping under her shirt, fulfilling the skin to skin contact they both were craving while he deepened the kiss. He picked her up, laying her down on the bed gently. This time there were no lies between them, no hidden agendas. They both knew what they were doing, they were both to blame but ones again it didn’t matter. Not when they fit together so well.
She was the one that had come to him. She was the one that kissed him first and she was the one whimpering under his touch. It was different from the first time; first time was just hunger and lust. There was some sort of calmness between them this time. Like both of them had accepted their fate; meant to sink together. So when his lips made a home of her skin under her chin, she held him closer to her and when her hands searched for comfort in his body, he gave it.
Sloppy kisses, fingers travelling around dangerous areas and frictions that ignited electricity between the both of them. And he took care of her the best way he knew how. Taking off her shirt because the only thing better than his name on her back was her wearing nothing. Letting her straddle his waist while she helped him take off his pants. Their eyes meeting in the chaos, reflecting the consequences. Was it the thrill of winning? Was it the need to finish what they had started in the pool, in a room that no one would bother them in? She cupped his face with her hand, studying every line on his face. Like it was the last thing she’d see. “this ends here” she told him, just two days ago. But it had only just began. And there was nothing romantic about it.
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We are on the final countdown. Can you believe it? I didn't think this story would reach as far as chapter 9 and still stay as popular. We have about 5 chapters left i think 😭 things we've still yet to find out: why is Taylor using the nickname jw? Is Galtier keeping her after the one month is over ?👀 Where the fuck is Ann? 👀 And is Taylor ok? Y'all always send me messages about how much you like her independence and I wanted to say thank youuu. The fact that you appreciate and love this character as much as me. See you very soon for chapter 10. It's gonna be the funniest one hehe, something @okayymochi has been waiting for a while 👀 i love you all, please keep comment with your thoughts, your comments make me cry laugh and most of all motivate me to keep writing. I adore you ❤️❤️
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iwaasfairy · 6 days
Hi, Fairy! Maybe your first blowjob with Sakura from Windbreaker?
this is awfully soft for my blog but for just this once I will provide you the fluffy smut you want bc it got awayyy from me :>> first impressions, I like haru
tw. blowjob, spit, neither are virgins but Haruka is having a first
“Okay, my turn.” You giggle, and roll over after putting your drink precariously close to the edge of the coffeetable. “Hmm… weirdest place you’ve gotten a blowjob?” Your head’s too close to his thigh, you’re not being subtle. Your toes basically curl without intent at even having this conversation with him. It’s the most overtly sexual you’ve been with him— and you’re alone. Blame a girl for being giddy. When it stays quiet for a few seconds, you get anxious though.
“What, you can ask me my favorite positions, but I can’t ask something personal back?” He’s still looking, and you swear you catch him staring at your lips when you look over.
“No…” His normally serious, predatory eyes flick away. “Never had that so, gotta pass.” Your lips smack, and he seems to tense at the sound.
“What’dyou mean? You’ve never…” You look up at him innocently, genuine curiosity making it’s way over your features. Haruka’s got a massive blush on his face all of a sudden, running from his nose to the tips of his ears as he stares resolutely at the corner of the room instead of you. He speaks much too loudly to be unbothered by the topic.
“It means what it fucking means. Stop staring at me, brat. You might’ve got around when you were young,” he bursts out -and you would take it personally if he didn’t look down at you like something to eat earlier- “but I wasn’t all that popular back home. I had a reputation of being a hardass, so no girls were jumping for the opportunity, alright?!” He’s loud enough that if your big brother was home, he’d come in to check in on you. Luckily then that he isn’t. Sakura’s all tense and balled fists, and it makes you quiet; then giggle when he finally takes those mismatched eyes away from the wall back down at your face.
Your giggles die down as soon as he starts getting up out of the couch, and you shoot into motion to wrap soft fingers around his wrist. “Haru~ kun, wait! You have to give me time to react first, seriously.” He’s so tense you can feel each muscle in his forearm flex when you slide your hand up just a little. After a bit of debating, with your big, soft eyes still aimed at him, he eventually sits back down. But pulls his arm away from you to cross them over his chest instead, with a ‘what?’ sort of expression.
You bite your lip. “Around the campfire the other night, you … Didn’t you tell the guys you weren’t a vir-”
Again that fucking blush, now also over his hands as he smacks it over your mouth— hot palm shutting you up as his eyebrows get so high on his forehead. When he realizes that this isn’t really the way to shut a lady up, he frowns, and his chest rises and falls a little too quickly. For such a tough guy- he really can’t handle teasing at all. “How did you know about that?! And- w-what about it, anyway?” He keeps your eyes with a searching expression for a bit longer. As if he’s trying to see if you’re mad. What’s there to be mad about? You’re both adults. When he doesn’t find any accusations in your irises, he lets go of you. Seriously, this guy.
“Was that a lie?” you ask.
You’ve known him for a while now. At least enough for you to get a slight little crush on your brother’s friend— and this is the first time since maybe high school that he got this flustered. Usually, you’re the one a flushed mess whenever he’s around. Tonight’s been different. Instead of backing down, he puffs his chest out a little, and looks back at you. You don’t want to let it go to your head, but when you ask it he lets his gaze trail all over your body where you’re resting, lingering on the way your shorts have ridden up between your thighs.
“No, it wasn’t a fucking lie. Some stuff happened back in highschool and I ended up getting plenty of experience.” Those pretty eyes keep yours, and he licks his bottom lip. “Believe me, I know what I’m doing on that front.” There it is. Under all of that thinly veiled temper— is the guy who makes your head spin when he’s around with his hopeless brashness. You’re smitten.
You sit up, instead shifting your legs under you as you run a hand through your hair and brush it away from your face instead, exposing the long stretch of neck that he also takes a slow journey down with his eyes. It’s as flattering as it is making your hairs stand on end, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth. When you manage to calm your racing heart rate a little, you smile, eyes on the ground.
You breathe out. “But you’ve never had your,” now it’s your turn to struggle through the words, “your dick sucked?” The dent in the wall from where your big brother once threw a chair is endlessly interesting now. “Do you want to? I mean- not- I’m not asking for me to- just- in general.” You smooth your hands over your shorts to readjust them. Now would be a good time to get a drink, tingles trailing up and down your spine. “I mean- isn’t that a lot of pressure for whichever poor girl is the first?” You can’t bear to look at him, but you have a feeling Haruka’s smiling at the side of your face. You could shoot yourself. “Thirsty,” you squeak.
When you slide your legs off the couch with the intention to escape to safety for a bit, a warm palm now grabs onto your upper arm, winding around it with just enough pressure to keep you from going. You’re so rigid that when he gets closer and the air of his breath dusts over your ear, you squeak. “Where are you going? Gotta give me some time to react first, don’t you?” You barely manage to look back at him, but when you do you’re nose to nose. He trails fingertips around your ear before nudging your chin up with one finger. “Say, if I ask for it myself, would it still pressure you? If I show you how badly I want you to?”
Then after a second he tilts his head in thought. “Only you.” You can’t think straight, can only focus on the sliver of distance left between your lips. Holy fuck, your heart is beating so hard it makes you a bit shaky. Sakura’s lashes flutter as he whispers the next words against your lips— and all you can think about is how good he looks in the low light of the tv. His words are slow, as his fingers drag through your hair to hold you in place. “Can I ask? To put that pretty fucking mouth on my cock?”
Your entire body tingles, and you nod. “Yeah.” Your mouth meets his eagerly, but not as eager as Haruka is when shifting his body weight into you and almost knocking teeth when you kiss. His tongue’s sweet, a little bitter because of the drinks, as it pushes against yours and kisses and sucks the air out of you. His free hand wrapping around your waist drags you against him more, tilting your head back for his access by a soft pull on your hair. When you disconnect for a moment you breathe his name, and he sits back to pat his lap a few times.
“Come. Sit for me first.”
“You have no clue-” you pant as you get onto him, feeling those strong thighs flexing under your own, “how long I’ve wanted to.” His brows slant up at the admission, as you pull your shirt over your head. “Do this, that is. I’ve had a crush on you for like three years. I haven’t been constantly thinking of ways to trick you into having you fuck my mouth.” A soft chuckle shakes his chest when he follows your lead to take off his own shirt, tosses it somewhere. Then he kisses you again, and smiles.
“I wouldn’t be upset if you admitted you had.” As you roll your hips against him, you’re pleased to already feel his bulge pushing against you. He looks positively radiant looking up at you like he is, biting his bottom lip as his hands grip your tits through your bra and he can’t hold back a smile. You can’t help but kiss him again, and start making marks on the pretty skin below his jaw. Haruka groans. “I’ve wanted you too, by- agh- the way. So much longer than that. Not to say that I waited or nothin’… ” He admits after a few seconds of trailing kisses down his neck and collarbones, making your way down to the patch of white hairs from his navel down. His voice gets heavier when he bucks up into your doughy pussy, only separated by a few bits of fabric. “But I’ve wanted your lips wrapped around my cock since freshman year- fuck.”
You’re halfway down his body and pulling his sweats out of the way when you look up at him with big eyes, and a surprised giggle makes it’s way out of your open mouth. “Freshman year?! You’ve been wanting to fuck your friend’s little sister’s mouth since freshman year?” He’s quick to lift his ass and push the pants to his knees along with his underwear, and grabs his cock at the base as another blush makes it’s way over his face.
“Shut up- just… If you’re gonna do it, do it.” He’s all flushed and honestly, adorable as he glances between his own body and you where you’re now on your knees on the carpet. He watches you lick your lips and give him some time to squeeze out a drop of glossy pre, before running his free hand through his hair to get it out of his face. “No p-pressure, though. Anything you do will be more than enough for me.” It’s so genuine it almost makes you hold back on giving him your best.
Almost. “No way. If you’ve been waiting to fuck my mouth for that long…” You smile up at him, blink your long lashes, and then pat the puffy head against your hot lips a few times.
Your lips meet his swollen tip with a hum, before blowing a bubble of spit and pushing your tongue against him, wrapping it around the hot head. Your tongue squirms as you wet it with as much spit as you can, before putting your lips on him and slowly feeding more of his cock inside with a hum- batting your lashes up in time to watch how Haruka’s eyes widen and then he has to push them closed entirely. “O-oh fuck. Fuck; You’re-” Your tongue rubs over his slit to taste the slightly salty, musky pre and your hand moves down to squeeze his shaft, then gripping his hot, heavy balls. “A- ugh- hold on.”
“Holy fuck- ah- fucking shit.” His normally tense expression takes on a wonderful helplessness as you push your cheeks together and hollow them around him, suck slow first and then harder— and Haruka groans deeply. “So pretty. Oh shit, I’m close. I’m already close- slow down.”
He opens his eyes for a few seconds, only to close them again, placing his hand on top of your head to hold you back a little. Your tongue strokes the underside of his shaft, melting along the curve of one throbbing vein. “Fu—ck me, you’re- so fucking good at this, you’re so good. Ah, agh ah.” He pants, opens his eyes, strokes your crown a few times as his cock fills your mouth up and you pull back, leaking spit. “Taste good, does it?”
“Mhm.” It’s too messy and hot between his legs for you to stay entirely untouched, as you rub his spongey, pink head on the outside of your cheeks. One hand makes it’s way between your own legs to grind against your own palm, while the other winds just tight enough around the base of him to make his breathing hitch. “Haru~ y’taste so good. Feel nice in my mouth too.”
“I promise you-,” his leg twitches when you stroke slow motions on the slick length of him, “you feel even better.” You dip your face to instead take his balls into your mouth instead and suck, and the nervous twitch becomes a full on spasm that has him grabbing your head by the hair. “Oh-oh don’t do that. I’m- I wanna come in your mouth. Fuck, baby. What the fuck.” The pull aches, but watching him basically glare at you from under thick lashes makes your entire body glow. When he wraps his larger hand around yours to hold you still for a moment, you can’t help the smile that breaks out on your face. “You can’t keep doing that, unless you want me to cum all over your face.”
“But I like tasting you so much.” You pout. Your hair sticks to your neck, and your tears make your lashes sticky. He looks at you like you’re a princess though. Your pussy clenches around nothing. “Stand up for me?” Haruka’s frown comes back at that, but he strokes comforting pets over your head as he thinks. He eventually grits his teeth when you let go of him entirely, escaping from his touch. It’s too hot, and really— you ache to be touched too. But it’s so nice to watch that blush spread on his neck. You get back a little and squeeze his thigh, and with a bit more urging he stands up out of the couch.
Thick, pretty cock right before your nose, he twitches before you. Your eyes find his when you smile. You stick your tongue out to drop some drool onto your fingers, and hold your hand out. Haruka’s face only blanks. “Want to fuck my face on your pace instead?”
“No.” It takes a few seconds to register the expression he’s wearing, but it isn’t one of annoyance. Instead he’s holding out his hand to pull you up— and you let him. “Bend over here. It’s my turn.”
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writers-vlogx · 2 years
When the waves call you home
Okay I swear I'm not complaining but I do not find enough fluff when I look for namor content so Ill do it myself. And please send me more ideas on what to wrote for this amazing man!!
I think his love for you runs very deep, he feels very strongly and is very protective over the people he cares about as we see when he talks about his people. 
I think that if you somehow made him feel something for someone that lives on the surface he would be very cautious at first, he would not want you to take advantage of his feelings or risk people finding his cities. It would take a long time to gain his trust because its not just him he has to consider but his people as well, he wants to protect them at all costs. He does not wish to lose anyone else.
But if you eventually did gain his trust, I think the next thing that would happen is that he would become worried, not for himself or his people but for you.
He knew you were mortal the anxiety of knowing how fragile you were terrified him, spending a lot of time trying to find the plant of his people to make it so that you could live with him, haha the second problem was that, he could not stay with you at all times, that made him anxious. He wanted to be by your side, be able to go look out for you, keep you safe, make it so that you did not wish for anything at all, but that was not possible as long as you lived on the surface.
Many nights he had asked you “love come live with me underwater” and the answer was always the same “I can’t” “My whole life is here” “how could I leave my family” “I'm not ready” It always resulted in the same answer, and each time the same dread washed over him hearing you say no. How could he make you understand that he needed to protect you, to make you see he would not be able to live if anything happened to you.
He cared so much for you that he gave you time, and understanding, he was patient but it was eating away at him he needed you. So when days became to long, at night he would come see you hold you as tight as possible as if by doing so you would never leave, but morning always came and he always gripped extra hard when he saw the sun start to rise, even then every time you would assure him you would be here when the moon rose and you would again be in his arms.
Maybe it was something in the air that day, maybe it was the way his eyes stared into your soul, trying to memories every feature on your face, because as his hand moved a strand of hair from your face, and the weight of your body’s made the bed sink under you, ever so softly he asked “Love come live with me, please” and maybe it was the fact that his eyes never left your face, or the way he frowned slightly trying to decipher you, trying to figure out what you were thinking, maybe it was the fact that you yourself felt that there had always been something missing that you stared at him for a long time.
You tried to remember all the memories you had made here, trying to find any excuse to say no, to turn back, anything to justify why but you found you could not. You had never felt full or complete here, despite the great life you had there had always been something missing, with namor however you felt like you had found some of that missing part of you. 
You put your hand on his cheek and caressed him softly admiring him, he closed his eyes and leaned into your touch, you knew this day would come sooner or later. You knew you couldn't avoid it, and you knew you didn’t want to either.
Your voice barley audible and if he hadn’t paid attention he would have missed it completely, he heard those words he had waited so long to hear “Yes” His eyes opening ever so slowly and his arms stretching out and pulling you in for a hug, he placed his head on your shoulder “Thank you so much” A weight had been lifted off his shoulders as for one he no longer had to worry about the one he loved most being taken from him, in a way you had both found peace in each other, peace in moving away from the dangers of the surface world and moving into the waves that had called you home all those years ago.
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strawberrystepmom · 10 months
safety first
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pairing: fake osha inspector!jiraiya x restaurant manager f!reader
word count: 2.2k
about: when an inspector unexpectedly comes to your restaurant, you figure out how to get yourself out of trouble.
contents: NSFW - MDNI. reader is referred to with feminine terms and has breasts and a vagina. piv sex, unprotected sex, partially clothed sex, walk in freezer sex, dirty talk, dubcon (just to be safe bc she is fucking him to get out of “trouble” lmao)
notes: this is a repost from my old blog. for my non americans: osha stands for occupational safety and health administration. they come and make sure businesses are meeting safety standards for their employees.
my meager contribution to @bastardblvd's collab. i love this old man and would love for him to stir me up with that hug- *gunshot* okay love you thanks for reading stay sexy!!!!
divider is thanks to @/cafekitsune
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“Uh, we have a problem."
You wish the mere sound of that word, problem, didn’t make your skin crawl but between shifts while you prepare for what will almost definitely be a busy Friday night dinner service, it’s the last thing you want to hear. The word is even more unpleasant to hear from your very anxious looking hostess who should be manning her station at the front of your restaurant.
Turning to look at her, you quirk a brow and she visibly shrinks as she approaches you.
“OSHA is here,” she mutters barely louder than a whisper. You blink. Once, twice. Your lips twist into a concerned frown, a crease forming between your brow as you look at her. 
“Excuse me?”
OSHA is here…right now. In your restaurant. Looking for violations of safety rules right before a busy dinner service. Your mind quickly runs through various scenarios that could have prompted the visit - did someone file a complaint? Was there an injury? Panic rises and you instinctively look down at your feet to make sure you wore your non-slip shoes today, a large shadow entering your periphery from behind the young woman standing in front of you.
“Are you the manager of this establishment?” 
The voice of the unfamiliar man booms and you look up, eyes widening as you take him in. He’s big - significantly larger than any man you’ve ever seen and his visage isn’t one you’d usually assign to the inspectors that have come in the past. The sight of him is intimidating enough and then your eye travels to the ID tag clipped on his belt loop, the glint of the plastic protector making you gulp. 
“Yeah, I am,” you nod and swallow again, straightening your posture as you feel him look over you and zero in on your shoes. A breath sticks in your lungs as he flicks his eyes back up toward your face and thrusts his hand in your direction to shake. “Great, my name’s Jiraiya and I’ll be inspecting the premises for any violations today.”
Nervously, your hostess shifts where she stands and you nod your head to give her silent permission to leave. She casts you a glance before scurrying away, leaving you alone with the man in front of you. Thoughts run through your head of how you can best distract him, uncertain of how the condition of your own kitchen stands at this point in time. 
“Can I ask what prompted your visit?” 
Jiraiya looks down at you and you meet his curious glance with a flat stare of your own, mouth in a line. In a futile attempt to seem more intimidating, you fold your arms over your chest and you make a note of the way the corner of his mouth lifts in a smirk while he watches you. He hums, folding his arms over his own broad chest.
“Well,” he starts, voice deep and rich. “We don’t have to notify you prior to arriving and here I am.” 
Your mouth rises in a tight smile and you nod once, tipping your head and blinking at him indignantly.
"On what basis are you here?" He shrugs, arms staying in place over his chest. Nothing about this situation seems normal but you suppose it could be his first day on the job or maybe you missed something - this is the start of the busiest time of year and you hardly have time to keep track of the most important things much less minor safety issues.
"I just go where they tell me, ma'am."
Another nod, another curt smile and you unfold your arms and slap your hands against your thighs.
"Well, tell me what you need to see and I'll show you there." Jiraiya turns his back and you roll your eyes, his voice very audible over the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. “To the kitchen then!”
You watch as your staff stiffens at the sight of him, everyone looking down at their shoes in the same fashion you did to ensure OSHA safety standards are being met in the footwear department. His purpose in being here certainly isn’t about shoes, you feel and you follow him silently into the kitchen and back toward the stock room. 
Watching as he inspects every shelf, pulling our cans and searching behind them, you begin to grow impatient. He still hasn’t given you his reason for being here and it feels as if he’s wasting time getting to the point. Just as you decide to speak up, he clears his throat and tips his head in the direction of the freezers. 
“Haveta’ check in there next.”
A defeated sigh escapes you and you unceremoniously fan a hand in the direction of the heavy doors that separate the walk in from the rest of the kitchen. He looks behind him to make sure you’re following and he opens the door with a grin, pretending to shiver. 
You roll your eyes. 
“Tough crowd.” 
His words are aimed at no one in particular but you follow him into the small space and watch as he does the same inspection of each shelf he performed in the store room. The scrape of heavy boxes against metal shelves makes you shiver and he tosses an apologetic frown in your direction. 
“Sorry about all this.” For a moment you soften toward the large man, your eyes dancing across his broad frame. A thought flickers in your mind, the small flame of a potentially bad idea, but you try your luck and walk into the freezer alongside him and shut the door behind you. The proximity forces your shoulder to brush against his bicep and he glances down at you with a knowing smile.
“What can I do to pass this little inspection?”
The words drip from your mouth like sweet honey and Jiraiya smirks, chuckling before wrapping a hand around your hip and pulling you to his side. Heat rushes to your face as you look up at him, standing literal head and shoulders above you, and you feel embarrassed at the way you squirm and press your thighs together.
“We can make all of this go away real quick if you wanna.”
Breathlessly, you let him press the front of you against the cold shelves of the freezer.  The boxes and bags that line the shelves rattle with the force and you moan as he leans against your ass, his bulge resting on your lower back. His breath against the shell of your ear and the heat of your own weeping cunt are the warmest things in the freezer.
Jiraiya cups your clothed breast, big hands palming you hungrily as he rubs his clothed clock against your lower back and moves his hands just enough that he can manipulate your body enough that your back is arched. Sliding one hand from your breast to your chin, he cups it and forces you to look up at him. 
“Smile, sweetheart.” He pants the words through gritted teeth, a soft moan escaping you as you notice the determined look on his eyes. “I’m about to take real good care of you.”
All you can do is nod as you stare up at him, the hand not gripping your face reaching for the waistband of your black slacks and pulling them down in one motion, the fabric bunching halfway down your thighs. Looking down at the curve of your ass pressed against him, he hisses and chuckles lowly. A hand caresses one of your plush cheeks before giving it a little smack, the jiggle making him rub against you once more simply to feel relief. 
“No panties?” He remarks, his large hand sliding across your cheeks again to pull them apart with his thumb and index finger. Whistling lowly, he lets go of your face and you continue looking up at him, entranced by the sight of this older man inspecting your body. “What kind of luck am I having today?”
The hand makes its way between your thighs and you feel his index finger find your slit, the digit running through your soaked and silky folds. This time it’s you pressing against him and spreading your feet just a bit wider to give him more access to you. Never one to miss out on the feel of a sweet leaking cunt beneath his fingers, he swirls the tip around your clit before sliding down further and inserting just the tip inside of you. 
“You like that?” 
You nod, humming affirmatively as he slides his finger through your folds again. Another arrogant smirk crosses his features as he buries his finger to the knuckle without warning you, the slick heat of you sucking him in with little resistance despite how thick his fingers are. He works one finger in and out of you briefly before adding a second, the stretch of two of them so delicious your eyes roll back in your head. 
“Oh fuck,” he mutters and you feel a hand slide toward your lower belly so he can press you against him until there is no space left between your bodies. The deep pants coming from him make you squirm and he moves his hand again with the unspoken expectation that you keep your position exactly as it is. You do and your reward comes in the form of small, dizzying circles being rubbed around your clit with his fingers. 
“Jiraiya…” the high pitched whine leaving your mouth would embarrass you in any other situation but your mind is numb with the cold of the freezer. He continues to rub diligent circles that are driving you crazy and you finally cum with a moan, clenching around his fingers so hard he has to keep them inside of you until you have relaxed enough to let him go. He pulls his fingers from you and places them in front of your face, your tongue darting out of your mouth immediately to suck them clean.
A chuckle rumbles in his chest as you hear the unfastening of a belt from behind you, the jingle of the buckle sending a rush of heat to your still spasming cunt. The cloth covered bulge slowly reveals itself against your back and you gasp feeling the girth. He backs away from you slightly, pushing between your shoulder blades so that you are bent at the waist and you look down to see him tapping the fat head of his very impressively sized cock against your sticky folds.
"Look at you," he coos and you arch your back further. He responds by slipping his head inside of you, a gasp all you can manage as you stretch around just the tip. This man is more than you've ever taken in your life and he can tell by the way your thighs visibly shake. His hands find your hips and anchor you in place as a slow, deep, experimental thrust quickly becomes one deep, hard thrust that makes a clap sound through the entire freezer.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you chant as you look over his shouder. His long hair flies around his shoulders wildly and his jaw is tense, eyes focused on where your bodies are joined. The sounds coming from your messy pussy are obscene but neither of you seem to mind as his thrusts begin coming harder and harder.
Time is of the essence when you're fucking in a walk in freezer, after all, and he doesn't want to waste any.
If you weren't being so thoroughly fucked, you'd worry they can hear what's happening inside the freezer on the outside. You are simply too engrossed in the way every vein of his cock rubs against your walls to even care. Your jaw slackens as he slaps your ass again and he taunts you from above, on the edge of stuffing you full.
"You fit me so well sweet thing," he grunts, tipping his head back as he holds your hips in place and thrusts shallowly. He brushes against your walls just right and you squeal, head thrown back and face toward the ceiling as you clench and cream around his cock.
Panting, he thrusts one more time and stays nestled deeply inside of you to cum. You didn't ask him not to and you aren't complaining now, struggling to catch your breath in the cold freezer.
Realizing what you've done, you scramble to get away from him with widened eyes, his cum dripping out of you and into the seat of your slacks as you pull them back up over your thighs. He smirks at the sight, your sweet, soft skin marked with a red palm print.
"Are we good?" You ask, still panting and he nods, wrapping his fist around his cock and squeezing it once before wiping his hand on his shirt and pulling his pants back up. Despite the situation, you smile up at him and your gaze is softer than it has been during the entire interaction. He clicks his tongue and situates his belt buckle square above the button of his pants.
"Everything checks out here," his voice booms as you reach for the door to open it, two of your servers standing across from the freezer looking pale and concerned.
"Hi guys, he's just leaving." They nod and one of them reaches out, grabbing your shoulder and leaning toward you.
"Hey, OSHA's here..." they start and you furrow your brow, looking at the man departing through the busy kitchen. "Yeah, he's right there."
You point at Jiraiya and your server shakes their head, passing a paper in your direction listing the complaint of cleaning products being stored incorrectly. Peeking around the server, you gasp at the sight of a man in a safety vest standing at the kitchen door while Jiraiya is nowhere to be found.
"God damn it."
You grab the paper and fight the urge to crumple it in your fist, shaking as you head toward the kitchen door. The man standing at the door eyes you cautiously and you look around his shoulder to see if you can still see the man whose cum is currently dripping out of you.
"Uh, hey. I'm Asuma and I'm here to perform an inspection as a result of a complaint."
You nod, a tight smile on your face as you move out of the way and allow him into the kitchen.
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Your blog is amazing <3
Could you do virgin!vampire villian x hero?
@epiclamer thank you for helping me with this <3 and thank you for being such a good boy who fought these exams so bravely <3
“Clothes off.” The villain’s breath hitched, even more than the hypothermia already forced it to do.
“What?” With a quick glance, the hero judged their enemy. As they started to undress themselves, the villain stood there and watched until they got embarrassed enough to turn around. Chances were relatively low to fall into freezing water with their enemy on a chase through the bloody mountains. And yet, here they were.
“Clothes off. They’re wet and you will die.”
“I’m immortal.”
“Well, then freeze for eternity. You won’t be able to move much,” the hero said. They were already naked from the waist up and the villain knew, capable or not, their entire face was red. The hero gave them a look as if to encourage them but honestly, the villain was a bit intimidated. They’d always stayed away from people, had never allowed themselves to get too close…which was why no one had ever seen them naked.
“I don’t know much about vampires but your body temperature is already super low. You may be immortal but you’re not undead. Hurry up.” The hero wasn’t supposed to follow the villain’s target. As an assassin, the villain was assigned to eliminate threats as soon as possible but most targets were incredibly hard to catch. Funnily, the only vulnerability this target had in store, was a vacation in the mountains.
And now they were stuck in this cave with the hero who wasn’t supposed to be there and a target that wasn’t supposed to be alive.
Reluctantly, the villain peeled themselves out of their icy clothes, numb fingers trying desperately to get out of the cold. But they failed, couldn’t even grab the zipper and had to wait eventually for the hero to come over and help them.
“We only have one sleeping bag, but we have to exchange body heat anyway.” The hero’s survival skills (something the villain did not have) seemed to kick in and make them think clearly. However, the villain was dumbfounded and their lack of knowledge regarding surviving embarrassed them. Once they were naked, they slipped into the sleeping bag and the hero followed quickly. At first, the villain let out an awkward giggle but when the hero’s fingers accidentally brushed over skin that wasn’t meant to be touched, they remained quiet.
The hero gently put their head down onto the villain’s chest, resting as if they were lovers already. It was the last place the villain wanted them right now, though, because coincidentally, they were in perfect earshot of their hammering heart. The crime-stopper was all too comfortable with their position and the villain found themselves increasingly warmer, not because of the sleeping bag.
“Why’d you follow me?” the villain asked breathlessly. The cold was pressing the air out of their lungs. Or so it seemed.
“Who wouldn’t follow such an…intriguing vampire?”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with me,” the villain said. They moved gently but the hero’s body was still there.
The hero’s fingers brushed the villain’s thighs, keeping their eyes closed, but they couldn't help a small smirk gracing their lips. However, the villain could feel the way the other grinned against their chest.
They were doing this on purpose.
A third time the hero’s touch inched even closer to the sensitive skin between their legs and the villain flinched, breathing hard before they could stop themselves.
“Stop…please…” It didn’t sound sincere but the hero pulled back anyway. “Why are you here?”
The hero shrugged. “HQ’s orders.”
“You don’t follow those,” the villain pointed out. The freezing cold was no more but they still felt anxious.
Lazily, the hero sighed and raised their head, putting their chin on the villain’s chest.
“I was worried about you. You alone out here? I was right to assume this would end badly.”
Eyes locked onto the hero’s concerned ones. Real concern. Not a cover up or a coercion, real, true, concern. When they blinked back into the moment the hero almost looked sheepish if it wasn't for the mixed in embarrassment.
“You’re alright?” the hero asked, softer this time. There was nothing left of their barking commands. “I’m sorry if I was mean, I’m sorry if this is too far. It’s all I can think of right now. I don’t know if there’s another solution right now.”
“You were worried?”
“I was worried.”
“Please touch me.”
“Come again?”
The villain groaned, bringing their frozen fingers to cover their face, they weren’t even sure they could repeat the stumble of words that had just come out of their mouth. The longer they waited the redder they got. It was now or never after all. They had been craving this type of attention for centuries, literally, and if they could’ve picked one person to get it from, the hero would’ve been their top pick. It was embarrassing. All this time and they had remained untouched. Because they didn’t want to get hurt. Because they felt like a ticking time bomb.
“Please…” The villain didn’t exactly know where to touch the hero. They needed them to lead, to guide them. Something they had never thought they wanted.
Maybe it was the proximity or just the fact that this was the hero. Their enemy. But the villain wanted this. Feeling warmth and human touch like this, in a situation where their suffering basically forced them to accept compassion, was beyond words.
Any ounce of embarrassment or nervousness drained from the hero's body language almost immediately. Their confidence coming back full force as their shit eating grin returned alongside. “I guess since you beg so nicely...”
The hero was surprisingly gentle as their mouth moved in perfect sync with the villain’s sloppy fumbling, their warm tongue gliding across the vampire’s fangs. The villain would never admit how attractive the sound of the hero's blood rushing between their thighs was.
Breathlessly, the hero broke their kiss, lips still touching as they spoke. “Are you sure?”
The villain swallowed, feeling the ways in which their body yearned for the hero's touch before they answered. “I’m…sure.”
“Doesn’t sound sure.”
“…it’s my first time.” That seemed to surprise the hero.
“Hm?” They looked as if the villain had told them a questionable joke which was lingering between hilarious and absurd.
“I’ve never done this before,” the villain said. Their eyes focused on something that wasn’t the hero’s eyes. It was embarrassing to admit and they were more than ready for the hero to make fun of them.
“Well,” the hero said, kissing the villain’s throat, dragging their tongue over it, “I guess I’ll have to make it unforgettable, then…”
“Be nice—” the villain mumbled as they tensed up. However, the hero only put a hand on their shoulder, massaging until they relaxed.
“I will. You have to tell me what feels good and when I have to stop, okay?” The villain nodded weakly as the hero’s index finger traced lines into their skin until they reached their hipbones.
“And don’t make a mess, will you?” Their finger reached the villain’s inner thigh, teasing gently and without mercy.
“Yes—” There, the hero’s finger lingered, going up and down but never reaching the space between the villain’s legs.
“Oh, one more thing,” —the villain wanted to groan. They were too needy for these games— “let’s not fall in love. Could get messy with the whole immortality thing you have going on.”
The villain broke that promise within seconds.
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silveryclear · 8 months
STNAF Coraline AU ch.3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
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Chapter 3
You walk down the rest of the the stairs of the porch, looking in the direction that the shape headed for. You walk to your right and see the distinct figure of a cat in the near distance. You chuckle. One of Other Friend’s cats must’ve escaped his watch, you better bring it back to him before it runs any farther.
You approach the cat slowly, making your presence known in order not to spook it. You notice, however, this cat has one eye in the middle of its face. Chucking it up to it being just a dream, you don’t expect your subconscious to keep track of every plot hole it creates.
The cat turns to look at you, it’s eye seemingly piercing into your soul.
“Hey there… what’s your name?” You coo softly as you kneel down to its level.
The cat stares at you, it’s gaze unwavering. “You are the first human to ask for my name instead of naming me yourself. This pleases me.” A smooth, potent voice slips from the cat’s tongue.
Your eyes widen and fall on your butt. “Y-You can talk??”
It licks its paw and rubs it along its ear, expressing no reaction to your bewilderment. “It appears so.”
You continue staring at the cat in disbelief.
It sighs. “My name is Scrim. Why do you seem so surprised, human?”
“I guess I wasn’t expecting you to talk…” You admit as you pick yourself up and pat away the dirt from your clothes. “I don’t recall Other Friend’s cats speaking…” You narrow your eyes softly, observing. “And you… don’t have buttons for eyes like Other Friend’s cats have…”
“Indeed I do not. That’s because I am not one of his creations. I am myself.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “One of his… creations?”
Scrim only stares at you and you start to feel that same unsettling feeling from the first dream you had, come back.
“What do you think this is, human?”
“A dream, obviously.” You roll your eyes at the obvious.
“Hmm. Of course.” Scrim chuckles in amusement before waking towards the house, you following quickly behind. He jumps on the railing and is eye to eyes with you. “Do you wish to keep dreaming this dream?”
“I was hoping this would be my last.” You chuckle nervously, finding the question to be odd. After confessing to Friend, you hope your mind wouldn’t have to cope this way anymore.
“Very well.” Scrim gazes at you with mirth and you fail to comprehend what your dream is trying to communicate. “If you ever find yourself needing my assistance, I am one whisper away.” Scrim says before climbing up the roof of the porch. It turns back to look at you. “He approaches.” Scrim whispers. “Be smart, and stay safe, human.” Those are the last words it utters before scampering away.
Just then, the entrance to the manor opens and Other Friend looks good outside in concern until he finds you by the steps of the porch. He smiles in relief. “Hey sweetheart. You’ve been outside for a while and I thought I heard some noise. Is everything okay?” His tone suddenly turns colder. “Were you talking to someone?”
You gulp and smile softly at Other Friend, hoping you’re convincing enough this time. “Everything is fine! I was just talking to myself. It really helps me process things rather than just keeping it all in my head.”
Other Friend smiles brightly at that. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. How about we eat some dinner together and then we get ready for bed?”
“Sounds good.” You feel slightly anxious at the thought of entering the house again. For some reason, Scrim’s words kept repeating in your head and you decided to keep his talk with you a secret until you understood what it meant.
You enter the house while Other Friend gazes lovingly at you from behind as he remains by the entrance. He then turns and gazes outside of the manor one last time, his button eyes cold and suspicious as he senses for any movement out of place. He grips the doorknob hard enough to make a slight dent, releasing some of his murderous aura before turning around with a bright smile and closing the door behind him. “Sweetheart~! How does pancakes for dinner sound~?”
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“I’m gonna finish cleaning down here. Feel free to get ready for bed, I’ll be there soon.” Other Friend says with a sweet smile.
Wordlessly, you nod and walk up the stairs, feeling his piercing gaze follow you with every step. While walking down the hallway, you recall the events of the dinner.
You were sure Other Friend could sense that something was different, and he made sure to keep himself at a distance from you while you feasted on his delicious pancakes— something you appreciated greatly. You had a nice conversation with him, finding it so easy to talk about anything and everything with him. He’s so sweet and gentle just like your red-headed best friend. But he was really attentive to your needs and that only made you even more confused about your feelings.
He gives you a concerned look. “Are you sure you’re alright, sweetheart?
You can’t tell him how you really feel. How can you tell him that you wish it was your Other Other best friend that made you pancakes and you had a fashion show with?
You sigh. “I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed this…” You murmur softly, staring at your almost completely eaten plate of pancakes.
He furrows his eyebrows and his button eyes gaze at you with what you can asume is sympathy. He places is large hand on yours.
“Hey… you know you can tell me anything, right? I’m your best friend.”
You swallow the lump in your throat as he says the same words that Friend had uttered this morning. You brace yourself for that inevitable phone call that usually follows this conversation…
Yet, it never arrives.
Instead, Other Friend gazes you expectantly, waiting patiently for you to vent your troubles to him.
And you felt your heart skip a beat. You ignore the pangs of guilt that wrack your stomach and decide to indulge in this desire to be closer to Friend— no matter how ephemeral it may be.
Because, fuck… you miss this too much.
You smile brightly at him, placing your other hand on his. He raises his eyebrows softly in surprise. “I’m actually feeling much better. Thanks Friend… I really appreciate everything you did for me today.”
Friend grabs your hands and brings them towards his lips, kissing them gently as he gazed at you with affection. You couldn't help but blush at his gesture. "Always~" He smiles softly. "I'd do anything for you. Anything." He whispers with so much conviction that you find almost... frightening. As if he'd do anything for you, no matter the cost.
Consumed by your conflicting thoughts and feelings, you hadn't noticed you've walked past your room and now stand in front of a door at the farthest end of the hall. Curious, you attempt to open the door only to find it locked. You find this strange. You try to recall ever seeing this door outside of this dream during your exploration, however, nothing came up. You hear the voice of Scrim echoing in your mind once again as an unsettling feeling overtakes your body.
You were just about to turn around and head back to the bedroom when you scream as you come face to face with Other Friend standing uncomfortably close. You clutch your chest and try to steady your ragged breathing as Other Friend attempts to soothe you.
"I'm so sorry for scaring you, sweetheart..." He coos and rubs your back gently. "I was so worried when I couldn't find you in your room."
Other Friend gently walks you back to your room and tucks you in with the little bunny rabbit plushie. Other Friend places a kiss on your forehead and strokes your hair. However, you can't stop thinking about everything weird that keeps transpiring.
Right before he can wish you good night and walks out the door, you speak up. "Wait. Why was that door locked?"
His smile tightens as he stands eerily still. His expression quickly softens, speaking to you with the same affectionate tone. "Oh! It's a secret~" He giggles. "Don't worry, it won't be like that for long. I'm just preparing something really special for you~"
"I see..." You chuckle at this, thinking that this is something both Friends love to do. "Can't wait to see what you have in store." You lay down and clutch the sheets and the plushie closer to you. You sigh and close your eyes. "Even if this is a dream..." You murmur as you slowly doze off.
Other Friend stands by the doorway, his face lighting up in amusement from the last words you uttered.
"Of course... a dream..."
Oh you're too cute. So smart, yet so naive... How he yearned to be the plushie that got to sleep in your embrace; yet in a way, he was.
He chuckles softly, making sure not to wake you up. "It certainly feels like a dream come true for me~" He whispers to himself. He turns off the light and looks back one last time. "And I have a feeling it'll be one you'll never want to wake up from~”
The door shuts behind him with a soft thud. From where he is standing, Other Friend turns his head, eyes landing on the same door at the end of the hallway. The air around him suddenly turns colder as he grins sinisterly.
Everything is falling into place.
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Already approaching the climax of the story, hope you guys are ready for what comes next~
Chapter 4
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Changbin is horny but, you're tired. You let him hump your thighs to get off though. That's it. That's the thought that inspired this lol. I was initially thinking about writing this with Mingyu but, I think Changbin works very well here too. Plus, I haven't written about my boy yet.
Heads up: Seo Changbin x Fem! Reader, power dynamics, Dom! Reader, Sub! Changbin, friends with benefits, Changbin is an anxious, horny mess, thigh fucking, dirty talk, praise kink (m. receiving), very mild degradation (m. receiving), cumming on thighs and lightly referenced cum eating.
I will block you if you are minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
You can usually tell when Changbin is horny. Your friend has many talents but, subtlety is not one of them. Which actually works out given the dynamic the two of you have. So, when he slips into your bed after an evening spent hanging out with the other members of your friend group and his arm wraps around your waist, you can already tell what he wants.
However, you hold back on your suspicions. Changbin is notoriously physically affectionate so, perhaps he just wanted to cuddle before the two of you went to sleep. He completely proves that thought wrong when his hand gradually moves upwards to rest just below one of your breasts, his hard cock pressing against the swell of your ass.
Even though you're frankly exhausted, you can't help the way your mouth quirks up.
He really is too predictable.
"Binnie, as much as I'd love to fuck right now, I'm too tired," you say, resting your own hand atop the one that was making its way to your breasts and giving it a soft, apologetic pat.
"Oh, that's okay. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything," he says, moving his hips away from your ass so you no longer feel the weight of him against your ass and, shifting his hand to place it over your stomach instead.
"Don't worry, you're fine. I just didn't want to set you up for disappointment," you say, giving his hand a squeeze to let him know you genuinely weren't upset or offended by his advances.
The two of you settle into a silence but, you hesitate to call it comfortable. There's some tension in the air and, even without seeing him, you can tell your friend is building up the courage to say something. Cute.
"What if I do all the work? I usually wouldn't ask but, I'm...really hard right now. Fuck, sorry. I don't want to make you feel like you're being pressured into doing anything. I'm sorry. I'll just go sleep on the couch or something-"
"Woah Changbin, breathe. You're not upsetting me. I know you'd respect my wishes if I say no. There's no harm in suggesting something that could satisfy both of us. Did you have anything in mind?" You ask, genuinely curious.
"Uh no, that was kind of just horny word vomit. I would be willing to do all the work though. You wouldn't have to lift a finger," he says and you can feel the desperation rolling off of him in waves. My, what's got your friend so worked up? His neediness triggers your own arousal, your insides beginning to grow slick with want. If you weren't so exhausted, you'd happily press him down and ride him until he lost feeling in his legs but, unfortunately that would have to wait for another time.
However, you do have an idea. Something you two have yet to try.
"Do you want to fuck my thighs?" You ask, glancing at him over your shoulder.
Fuck, he looks good enough to eat.
His cheeks flushed a light pink, either from his own desire or your question, his lips slightly agape and his dark hair appealingly messy.
He looks surprised at your question, "Fuck your...thighs?"
"Mhm, we can just stay like this and, all you have to do is stick your dick between my thighs and fuck them until you're satisfied," you respond. You can tell he's seriously thinking it over. You're well-aware how much Changbin loves your thighs so, you know the contemplation is mostly for show.
"Okay," he finally says, flush darkening when you give him a knowing smirk before turning back around.
"Just make sure to use lube. It's in the second drawer on the side you're on," you say, rubbing your thighs together to gain some sort of relief. For all your teasing of Changbin, it's not as though this left you unaffected.
Excitement builds in your system as you hear him getting ready behind you. Your pussy throbs when the sound of lube squirting into his hand hits your ears. It's made even worse when you hear him stroking his cock and, the labored breathing and quiet moans that accompany the action.
Maybe you should've just let him fuck you, honestly.
"Uh, sorry. I need to put some on your thighs too. Don't wanna make this unpleasant for you or anything," he says as his fingers prod between your thighs. You spread them slightly to allow him to smear the lube, and what you guess is his pre-cum as well, along your inner, upper thighs. The substance is cold and a little unpleasant but, the warmth radiating from Changbin's hand makes it considerably less unpleasant.
Eventually he seems to be satisfied with the amount coating your thighs and, stops. Fiddling behind you once again and it sounds as though he's cleaning his hands.
"I think I'm ready. Are you okay to start?" He says coming up behind you once more, the head of his cock pressing against you.
"Mhm, go ahead," you respond, pointedly ignoring the breathiness evident in your voice. Your arousal is beginning to coat your panties now. You make a mental note to fuck him tomorrow when you actually have the energy. For all your enjoyment of riling your little bunny up, he was just as good as working you up. Though, he didn't seem to realise it.
"Okay," he says quietly, shifting closer to you and pushing his cock into the space between your thighs. His arm coming around to wrap around your waist once again and grabbing a generous amount of your breast through your oversized night shirt.
"You're so warm," he groans against your neck, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Changbin slowly starts to thrust against you, his cock occasionally bumping against your panty covered centre as he finds his rhythm. His grip on your breast becoming harsher.
"Binnie, you're so hot. You're getting so worked up just from fucking my thighs. What a cutie," you coo out, your own hand soothingly rubbing his arm as his breathing speeds up against your skin.
The praise has its intended effect.
His moaning against you now, all whiney and cute in the way only he can sound. His hips snapping faster against you, cock smearing your thighs with his pre-cum as he chases his climax.
"You're just s-so pretty and warm and soft. I-I'm getting close," he whines out, the sounds of skin smacking against skin starting to increase in volume. Beginning to echo throughout your bedroom.
"Thank you, baby. I want you to cum for me, okay? Wanna see how much of a needy slut you are for me,"
Well, that'll do it.
Changbin moans long and hoarse against your neck, his arm holding you in place as his hips weakly spasm against you. His warm cum smearing all over your thighs and panties.
Honestly, this may be one of the hottest things the two of you have done together. You're mildly surprised you didn't cum untouched just from feeling and hearing how desperate he was fucking your thighs. You just might consider making this a more regular occurrence.
"Good boy. You did so well, Binnie," you say to him softly, lacing your fingers with his and giving him a little squeeze. He groans against you quietly, gradually coming back to himself and returning your squeeze of affection.
"That was pretty hot, not going to lie," he said, a shy and embarrassed tint to his voice.
"Mhm, it was incredibly hot. Though, you did make a mess. And you know what you need to do whenever you make a mess, Binnie," you say, glancing at him over your shoulder with mischievous and expectant eyes.
A deep satisfaction washes over you when you see his cheeks flush a dark red but, he nods. Thus, you roll onto your back and spread your thighs for him. His cum decorating your skin and, adding more fuel to the want that's been building inside of you since this all started.
Your friend settles on his stomach between your thighs, looking at you through his dark locks before beginning to clean his mess.
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