#and it's probably the number one reason I unfollow here
kimabutch · 1 year
Everyone's guilty of this at least occasionally, but I do think that making fun of people for enjoying harmless & fun things is just kinda inherently unpleasant and pathetic, and that when we find ourselves falling into that, we should reevaluate the type of person are in the world
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
twitter is entering their "rts > likes" phase now that likes are private after they spent years calling us ungrateful for being demotivated by ratios lmao
#man fuck yall just support artists you enjoy#dont attack people who dont rb/rt your art (hell they might even have it scheduled) but also dont constantly demand ''content'' from people#ESPECIALLY without telling them that you appreciate the effort they put in to show you cool things they made for free#you should've been rt'ing/rb'ing from the START 😒 just show people you care!#im just waiting to scroll through post after post of ppl calling out ''entitled artists'' lmao#btw my opinion on the whole thing is painfully neutral if you couldnt tell#i dont think you should care that much about numbers and ppl take it wayyyyyy too far#throwback to that one guy who personally @ everyone who didnt reblog their art that was CRAZY. i would straight up report you KJFGHKG#i also understand and have personally experienced how much engagement can change your mood#a simple ''i love this!'' can make someone's day. it's not hard to understand why ppl like engagement#when they make post after post without so much as a little tag they dont care about sharing anymore#the fact that people call that ''entitlement'' is also crazy#i have a lot of drawings i havent posted or just left nonrebloggable bc it really doesnt make a difference lmao#the only ones i leave rebloggable are the ones that i Know will do well and get attention. like the little pig redraw#if it's cute or funny it gets positive attention. anything else is shit on here lmao#it's just not as fun to share. it either leads to no engagement or negative engagement#would rather have nothing than something rude so whatever#some ppl say it's always been like this but no it absolutely was not always like this#idk what exactly caused the change. probably a lot of factors#could even just be the fandoms i hang around in! but considering i've seen the same sentiment from a bunch of ppl i doubt it's that#the best solution to no engagement is to just make friends and have fun#but 90% of the internet is hostile and negative and rude for no fucking reason#when i unfollowed someone on my old public twitter and they @ me over it. damn i dont know why but NOW i know why 😭#this post has gone way off course im just ranting at this point. i havent talked in a while hi how have you guys been#work was a lot yesterday and today is too slow (im not at work im just going crazy in my house)#(and i cant leave my house bc there's construction blocking the road someone save me)#chat
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lounaticm · 5 months
Went to go to the ask box and hit unfollow instead *slaps forehead* two college semesters have reaaaally done me in 😂
Anyway, I'm here to beg ask if you have some soft Darkiplier headcanons for a starving simp? I have been craving soft Dark content for a long time, and I figure what better way to celebrate the end of the semester than with a request?💙
I'm sorry this has taken me this long to get to, I've been wracking my brain for what to put, having no further direction to play off of, and well… a lot of the soft stuff I have for Dark is also kinda angsty… 😅 and/or derives specifically from his time before WKM. But, I figure you probably won't mind either way, so. lol, I figured that was probably the case when I got that notification. And believe me, I've accidentally done that before. But hey! Congrats on two semesters down! 🎉
But anyways, here's what I've come up with as far as some random 'soft' HCs for Dark~
His favorite flower is honeysuckle, having an association of the flower with the DA, and he's always had plenty of honeysuckles - and roses - planted around his home, making him always smell ever-so-slightly of them.
His favorite color is actually pink - though black is a close second - and has been since long before the events of WKM. It's partially the reason why Wilford is all pink (the other reason being that pink is a derivative of red, which was Celine's favorite color… and Mark's).
He almost always wears black suits, only putting on white for particularly special occasions. Though he can easily be convinced to wear white more often.
Dating back to pre-WKM, he loves to bake - but hasn't been in an emotionally and mentally 'okay' mindset to even want to for a long time. But, once events occur to make him happy again, one would be hard-pressed not to find him baking often, or find the evidence of such in the plethora of pastries and sweets he's made, sitting out or put away in the fridge. And he's damn good at it. It's the best damn baking you will ever encounter. The happier he is, the more he bakes, and more often, too.
And on that token, he's got one hell of a sweet tooth - greater than Will's, in some aspects. He loves caramel and cinnamon and vanilla and cream, yes, but his absolute favorite is chocolate. And - so far as he's been able to find thus-far - his most favorite dessert is Devil's Food Cake, especially when the recipe uses coffee. (He's not as fond of more sour or bitter sweets, such as those that include berries, but he doesn't dislike them. Yes, I've had many thoughts about the WKM cast and what sweets they like lol)
His body temperature runs a lot colder than the average human's (a result of the events of WKM) and in moments where he's feeling playful, he will touch the back or side of your neck with his fingers just for the reaction to the sudden cold he'd get. Did I mention that he's a bit of a mischievous sort? Yeah. :) (He and the DA got up to quite a number of shenanigans back in their university days~)
That's all I've got for the moment. 😅 Sorry it's so short.
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wind-becomes-lightning · 10 months
Bye to Wind and Lightning
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Did you know that in 2020 when the pandemic held us all in a chokehold I decided to reread One Piece and Bleach, but consciously decided not to touch Naruto, as if I knew that I'd be sucked in real bad if I read it again? I was right. In 2021, I randomly thought "No, I will read it now" and then I did and boom I talked about nothing else for that summer and to channel my thoughts I made this blog right here separate from my main and not as a sideblog. I wanted to start completely over at a different place.
I had a terrible summer in 2021, constant mental breakdown. I don't want to bore you with the details because you don't care, but just being back doing the stuff I loved when I was 16 was such a blessing. I was truly happy in the first months here, especially with the discord servers and the oc talk and the friends I made. My boyfriend commented on it all the time, that I looked so very happy. And I was! But these things never stay.
The problem with me is, I want community, I want to talk headcanons and to bitch about characters I don't like and promote ships I love and cry and laugh and hug all of you for liking the same things as me and at the same time I'm terrified of rejection, of people hating me, of people spreading lies behind my back. I guess school does traumatise you in some way.
I can't survive in a cutthroat fandom like this one, I take things too personally too quickly. I don't understand that if you, a normal person with your own wishes, likes a thing I don't like or dislike a thing I like it doesn't mean you automatically hate me. You are just a different person and that is ok! It's not you. It's me. NO I'm not just saying that. It really is me.
Did you know that when I started out here I didn't tag my stuff? Especially not my OC stuff (and I still rarely tag it). The fear that someone might find it, hate on it, send me hate, make fun of it etc, sits so deep that I rather have my work not be seen at all. Yet, I need the attention to keep going because without the reblogs and likes and asks I feel like an utter failure.
My boyfriend says I am not good with the public eye on me and he is probably right. I envy those of you who can stand their ground and be self confident in their arguments. I envy those who don't care what others say, who can block and move on, who don't get a knot in their stomach when someone they had nice interactions with unfollows. I shouldn't care, but I do.
On my first tumblr blog I never looked at my followers, I never got asks either or was deep in fandom or anything, but I reblogged my stuff and posted my thoughts and was feeling good. I love tumblr, its the best social media out there for a reason. Yet, with this one, I got so self conscious about my followers, about what I can and can't say. If my presence would offend or not etc etc.
I was kinda looking forward to 1000 Followers because it is an insane number, but now at 997 I'm throwing in the towel. Isn't that like giving up before the finish line? Maybe, but I'm so tired and I want to be unknown again. I want to be nobody again. I want the naruto fandom to move on and forget I was ever here.
So I'm leaving! Sorry, I guess! At least for a good while. I might be back to finish the requests still pending on this account and then disappear again, but I don't know if I'll ever permanently come back. If you by any chance really, really really care about my presence, you can find me under @kikuneesama as a general spam blog with all sorts of things and under @konohamaru-sensei for anime-only stuff. This is also where my Naruto posting will be moving.
If you are a moot I will follow you from Kikuneesama again.
Thanks, I guess, for over two years of hanging out. I'm sorry I am such a lame loser.
One thing is for sure: Though I am moving to a blog named after Konohamaru, Kakashi will always be my love.
tschüss und auf wiedersehen, ~Nisi
PS: I'll q this a couple of times so I'm sorry if you have to see it a few times in the next few days. I swear I'll be gone after that.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Kpop end of 2022 shows
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In which I mostly slam 4th gen boy groups, so if you’re a stan skip this post or go in prepared to be offended. I am aware that this is off brand for this blog. But I’m also aware that I have a number of followers who are as deeply into Kpop as me, and...
who probably will unfollow me after reading this. Oh well, I’m gonna do it anyway. This is my tiny corner of the internet. MINE I tell you!  
Look, there was no Between Us airing today, and so nothing for me to get my watch-along snark out on except for the 2 Kpop shows that Viki popped into my feed. So skip this post if that’s not your thing. 
2022 Gayo Daejeon (stadium event) 
OMG! Either mic them properly or don’t mic them at all! This is a music concert, right? Why can’t Korea ever fucking get the sound right in these goddamn bonanza shows? I had this problem with Kingdom (arguably more of an issue since that was supposedly made for TV) but it’s 100 times worse with this show. It’s so frustrating. 
For example, with NCT, why is Johnny’s the only hot mic in the group? Sound tech on stuff out of Korea is mind numbingly confusing and ear wrenchingly annoying. I am reminded why I never watch the live shows and never go to Kpop concerts.
And now, here’s some offensive thoughts and unpopular opinions:
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Yeonjun of TXT is one of the best 4th gen dancers ever fielded, and one of the better all rounders. But Kpop stylists gotta learn how to dress a dancer so that they can be properly watched, ya know, WHEN THEY ARE DANCING. No puffer vests, you brainless fashionista numb-nuts. Poor thing kept having to do wardrobe adjustments. Honestly, this plus their red carpet looks this year? 
TXT desperately needs a new stylist.
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Stray Kids
As a group? They really can’t sing very well or consistently, their strength is in their performance and rapping. And their rappers MUST to be micced hot for live - just KILL 3racha's backup recording, okay? They can handle it. Otherwise please just let them all lip-synch so we can watch them perform. It’s a much better experience.
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Yuta has more charisma in his little finger than Taeyong has in his whole entire body. Doyoung is an incredibly underrated vocalist. Their’s was some of the worst miccing and sound of the night (which is saying a lot considering how terrible it was the whole time). Fantastic use of the stage tho. One the best stadium performance I’ve seen since GOT7. Also, 2 Baddies is an objectively terrible song - which is probably why it’s so popular.
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The Boyz
Definitely the prettiest, how are they consistently so glorious on their visuals? Sunwoo keeps getting hotter, it’s patently unfair. But, oh my god, if you are going to have a group sing ballads, then bring 2nd (Highlight) or 3rd (BTOB) gens up there don’t use The Boyz (or SK for that matter). No one wants to hear unstable vocals, even if it’s a CNBLUE cover. Is it weird that The Boyz make me miss Seventeen? Same vibe... better syncopation. 17 is not as pretty tho.
Who is? 
Well, UNIQ of course. But I don’t wanna talk about that. 
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Jongho is the only 4th gen idol in existence who doesn’t need a mic even in a goddamn stadium. He is insane. But there is a reason the boy likes a handheld mic, because he takes his vocals seriously. And still the sound tech didn’t trust him enough to leave that mic hot? Frankly, it’s a crime that Jongho’s voice is wasted on a performance group. (Yes, I said it.) But Ateez did give the best stage of the night. They really are one of the industry’s hardest working groups at the moment. I’m a little worried they’re being pushed too much.
Actually singing for a change *gasp* what will they do without auto tune? Ooof, I’m hella mean tonight. And... they seem to have been practicing their vocals since last time. Honestly? They lack the stage presence of some of the more experienced 4th gens. NCT fucking EATS up a stadium. Enhyphen looked a little sad up there by comparison.
MBC 2022 (New Year's showcase) 
Much better sound (mostly lip-synching) and most groups handle a showcase stage better than a stadium. 
The MC team was better on this one. 
Any time the Boyz and Ateez would like to dance together, I will be happy to watch it happen.
I’m not particularly interested in either of them, but Tempest and Kepler covering Pretty U was pretty damn cute. But younger boy groups + younger girl groups intermixing on stage always comes off as awkward. Dancers should be dancing together when they share a stage together. It’s weird when they are clearly afraid to touch each other. 
Hanbin is such sunshine, so pleased to see a Vietnamese idol at last.
As expected the bands doing live Krock had the best music performances. Well and the opera singers, of course. 
NCT’s Jungwoo is Taemin’s little brother, they look too much alike, you cannot persuade me otherwise. 
It’s a sin that Jeahyun hasn’t has a break away acting role yet. No babies, he really isn’t going to do us a BL. 
It’s always great when the surfeit of music shows at the end of the year forces a group like NCT to divide and conquer, because we get to see some of the lesser publicized members do some killer performing. 
NCT’s choreographer is phenomenal. Best in the biz? 
A sexy cover of Love Killa is fine but if you can’t go hard on Monsta X’s raps then why bother? This only made me want to go watch the original. Which I did. 
I’d like to see SK cover Monsta X but that’s about it. Maybe P1H.
Speaking of MX. Why did they cover a song where Kihyun (one of the most consistent voices in Kpop) mostly has to sing falsetto? What a damn waste. 
Fun to see IM getting more confident in his vocals but I’d still rather see the MX maknae line rap. 
And… thank you for doing an end of year stage Monsta X! Holding onto my beloved 3rd gens by the skin of my teeth here. Look I just love them, okay? Even down 2 members Monsta X goes harder than other groups, but effortlessly. They gave the best performance of my whole night, both shows, 6 hours of content and I’m just left wanting to watch MX comeback stages.  
Am I 3rd gen biased? 
Bite me. But only if you can do it as hard as Monsta X would. 
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tzatairovic · 4 months
I'm sorry , but Anon is lying down. Those blogs are not just Tom fans. A few weeks ago was they were only covering Challengers press. They all kept up with her press interviews, and most of the blogs and anons watched the film. Before that, it was dune, and there was so much Dune content that was all what we were talking about. Now that it's Tom turn to shine, some anons are pissed for no reason, lol. Challengers and Dune are out, so why are you mad? Go watch them again and write about her performance, and then we can have discourse. You solo fans sometimes are so bitter for no reason. They are both talented and successful. We like them both equally. Tom going on stage is a big thing for him personally because he's worked hard, and praising him doesn't take away from Z's success.
On Twitter, Z gets a ton of support sometimes from ppl who also hate Tom. I know that isn't the majority of her fanbase, but because she was a child star, they are so entitled to her because she used to be so available to you guys, and imo that was a mistake. You guys font even read her interviews. I like these "tomdaya" blogs here because they are nuanced and have critical thinking, something other apps don't have. I'm sorry. It's a very herd mentality.
Well, I did say that I don’t believe what that anon said is true. Still, I maintain my stance that most of the blogs aren’t as described by that anon. I don’t want to generalize to all, as I'm unsure of who all we’re referring to, but the ones I follow definitely don't fit that description. But also, policing blogs just doesn’t make any sense since, as I've mentioned, you can simply unfollow if you don’t like what they post.
Regarding Z fans who hate Tom, I believe they're also a vocal minority, and to be completely honest, I think that the hate towards Tom coming from Z’s fans is often exaggerated on here. Whenever it's discussed, only two or three Twitter accounts are typically mentioned (from what I've seen, I don’t closely follow these convos), which is obviously a tiny fraction compared to the total number of Z fan accounts. And of course, there are probably Tom fans who don’t like Z too if you were to search for them. Personally, I really have no interest in giving either group my time and find both laughable at best.
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
To whom it may concern,
This pains me...
I know a lot of posts have been floating around the whole "system" of Tumblr.. i.e. the reblogs, likes, shares blah blah numbers. yeah.
And to start this off with, I don't care if you like my posts or reblog them.. this is not about me... I am saying this for the people that put a lot of time and effort into their content.. the people that push through this shit with blood, sweat, and tears... out of excitement to share their vision with people. the ones who are now feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and defeated from the lack of support that is given on this SOCIAL MEDIA platform, the ones who face dms of people attempting to control what they post, and how they post it.
first of all.... who the fuck are you to go into anybody's DMS and think that it's alright for you to BELIEVE you have any power here?
If you don't like something... move. on. Don't follow them. Don't interact with them. that's it!... the audacity, the fucking ego trips some of these people are on, it's unbelievable... get a life, read a book, drink some tea, masturbate... do something other than genuinely making someone feel like shit on a daily bases...
I am not saying you have to be a kiss-ass to everyone... a matter of fact. DO NOT. don't be fake. but if you like something why not tell them? SHARE IT! In this day and age when everyone has so much to say about everything else... you have nothing to say for someone who shares a common interest with you? when did everyone forget to support each other? has the world made you that cold?
I am beginning to see many content creators that I adore so much... drop off all social media (slow down, quiet down.. fade off) platforms due to the lack of support and the hate.... the hate... Stealing from each other, not just content but ideas too... belittling each other, asking people for stuff and not even having the common decency to say thank you or share what you have been gifted by another creator... talking behind each other backs, the envy, the stupid made up rule of "if you like and share one of my posts I'll do the same hehe" *rolling my eyes* This is called a community for a reason... but by the looks of it we are more divided than together... The fact that I read posts of people talking about how "stressed the fuck out" over this they are, or "Am I the problem?" is upsetting...
This is supposed to be fun... and for those of you who say "Well, they are just insecure, don't worry about the numbers, it's about you" go fuck yourself. because you probably get the likes and reblogs, who don't give to their community at all.. just shove that up your ass. respectfully -clears throat- excuse me that was rude... but I meant it. But it's supposed to be fun... there should be no malicious intent here... no undermining, no masterminding the system. what the fuck even? anyway... there should be none of that. Nobody should have to feel like that... ESPACIALLY HERE. did you all forget that we are a bunch of fucking NERDS! cool nerds. But A bunch of fucking nerds playing dress up and storytellers and builders and photographers in a goddamn video game. so what about someone is better than you. and? Did you forget that's how you get better?
[Yeah yeah fight me, bite me, whatever me about the whole nerds shit. It's a compliment in my eyes. I love being a fucking nerd.]
being prideful has its perks but it can also turn ugly real quick if used wrong...
I posted this for a reason so if you have words you want to say to me or just in general by all means.
if you disliked my post and feel icky by me now.. you can unfollow me.. because I will not ever NOT speak my mind, and this generally hurts me... because these people I see fading away... are fucking great people. These genuine people just want to play a game, share the content of that game, and tell you about themselves... Just. like. you.
I just wish people were nicer to each other...
some hippy dippy shit but I am one.
peace and love
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grief-worn · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫.
my name is addi! they/them please. i'm 25+ yrs of age. est timezone.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬.
i do not want minors following or interacting please.
i write multi-para, one-liners, shitposts, whatever!
will only write with mutuals, but anyone is welcome to send asks.
personal or non-roleplay blogs are welcome to follow! but i will only follow back blogs i wish to write with.
i am crossover friendly and oc friendly. i will probably only write with crossovers that make sense with my character. (ie; other fantasy settings)
i don't have any problems interacting with duplicates! i would love to follow and chat with other sharts, but will respect your boundaries if you wish to avoid writing with a duplicate!
activity might be inconsistent! if we have a thread together i make it a point to reply often, but life might get busy :)
i am willing to write nsfw (gore, smut, etc) and will tag any content as such. if i need to add a tag for anyone please let me know!
if you've noticed i've unfollowed or you're randomly unfollowed it's 100% a glitch. i will hard-block if i no longer wish to interact!
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲.
i love plotting and will happily brainstorm an idea before we commit to any roleplay. but i can also improvise! tossing me a curve ball every now and then is lots of fun, too!
i am a hopeless romantic and adore shipping but i won't do so without chemistry and proper context between our characters. that being said, platonic relationships are incredibly fun to explore. (or antagonistic relationships!) i am willing to do all sorts of writing. let's have fun! :)
this character is set in the baldur's gate universe and story and thus will include lore and context specific to that series. i'm willing to write any number of timelines or plots related or unrelated to the main events of baldur's gate 3. (unfortunately i am sorely lacking in knowledge of the other games)
i do write on discord :) it will be available to people i end up consistently writing with.
boundaries are important! you are free to block or stop writing with me for any reason, but if there's something we can possibly discuss and work out then please just let me know :) i'm very open to communication over anything, nothing is too big or too small.
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫.
my portrayal of shadowheart will be a mix of fanon and canon interpretations. i wish to remain faithful to her character as seen in the game, but i may take small liberties with some details here and there.
i primarily write original characters, so writing a canon character is a bit out of my wheelhouse! i request a bit of patience as i navigate her portrayal!
i am OPEN to writing any number of shadowheart paths. dark justiciar, redeemed selunite, maybe something different. i'm super open-minded to plotting of any kind, just hmu!
i'm not sure if this needs to be added, but i'm not at all protective over any headcanons i have. if you see one you like and want to yoink it for your own uses, feel free.
i will not be tagging any story spoilers related to shadowheart or the game. please keep that in mind when interacting!
will add more rules as i think of them! thank you for reading.
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bloodsalted · 3 months
excessive ooc
DNIs in rules
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@sheldoney || send a number and i'll talk about it! || accepting!
6. excessive ooc -- i don't mind ooc chat on your blog. it's your space. do with it whatever you want. just if you're only going to talk ooc and not write like at all? and it's not tagged so i can filter when needed? then that's a lil much and i might unfollow. but as far as people just letting people get to know them better. or talking about their day? cracking out and having some fun?? or the fandom, etc? i don't mind. we're all here to be nerds together. might as well be nerds.
7. dnis in rules -- okay. so! depends on what it's about and very subjective. but if you have one for a certain writer? i want to know why it's there. more than just don't talk to me if you talk to this person. like why? what's going on? esp if i go to that person's blog (which i'm gonna) and see no mention of the person who wrote the dni? gets a lil sus. if someone's truly done something awful and a friend sees me interacting with them? approaching in private off the dash is the way to go. just slapping a dni on your blog with a list of names..i'm going to make the call for myself in that case.
dnis about faceclaims that are excessive? i'm talking a long ass list of people? i'll be honest. i probably won't follow. i don't have the mental capacity to keep up on a dozen or more people who's faces in pictures people might not like for whatever reason. unless they're utterly gross. we're talking bad people. predators, toxic af, etc. just not..i don't like them. so ewww dni.
other things like dni if you're racist, homophobic, etc? yeah ofc. i have one of those. who needs an asshole on their dash? not i.
dnis on triggers are cool. it shows me not to follow if i write things that might trigger the person. cause i may expose them to harmful matieral on my blog and that's irresponsible. and if they follow me with dnis in their rules about things that are heavy on my blog..say violence or demonic possession or whatever? i'll prolly reach out, let them know they might be in the wrong neighborhood. or if it's a long list of damn near everything on my blog? i'll give em a softblock because they made a wrong turn and weren't paying attention to the kinda blog they just followed. esp. cause i have it on my pinned post that there's horror and triggering subjects here.
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joannechocolat · 2 years
Society of authors members - a word...
Members of the Society of Authors, we have our annual AGM on November 17th.Usually, only a hundred or so members choose to attend the AGM, but this year is going to be different. This year, we face a well-organized attempt by a relatively small group of members to take over the AGM and push through two resolutions.
The meeting is virtual, so you can attend by Zoom. You can also vote on resolutions by proxy as long as you do so before the 15th.
Before we start, this post is mine, and not an official SOA statement. But –
As members of our union, there are a number of important resolutions for you to look at during this year’s AGM, which will help shape the future of the organization. I urge you to look at them all, and especially at resolutions 6 and 7, submitted by a group headed by some prominent gender critical members.
You’ve probably noticed that this year, there has been a great deal of attention given to our little group by a (mostly hostile) media. Much of it centres on me personally, and much of what they say is typically misleading, incomplete or untrue. Most of it has been driven by social media, where for several years I have been the target of abuse and attacks by gender critical people. I believe that the two following resolutions come as a direct result of this.
Resolution 6 is an attempt to get rid of me as Chair because of my “documented behaviour and comments”, which I take to mean my statements on social media in favour of trans rights, as well as my support of the three writers of colour who received racist abuse in the wake of the Kate Clanchy affair last year.
Resolution 7 includes a demand for a commitment to free speech, which, though it may seem reasonable in principle, in this context shows a basic lack of understanding of what the SOA already does for free speech, and implies that there is bias against certain groups within the organization.
First, let’s have a look at this accusation of bias, which runs through the whole proposal. Some of the people behind these two motions have made it clear that they think that my personal opinions, as tweeted on my personal account, somehow make me unable to exercise impartiality in my capacity as SOA chair.
Okay. Let’s look at my personal opinions. I have a lot of them, and I tweet a lot. I’m a Remainer. I’m left-wing. I’m pro-choice. I wear a mask in public places. I support trans rights. I’m afraid of climate change. I hate racism in all its forms. I really like musical theatre, and (full disclosure) once unfollowed someone on Twitter for saying they hated Les Mis. But the thing I keep being accused of bias over is – you guessed it – trans rights.
If you look at the list of people proposing these motions (and if you take a glance at their Twitter profiles), you’ll find some prominent gender critical voices there. I’m not remotely surprised by this. There’s a history and a context to this attack, dating back several years. If you’d like to know more, here it is. And all this has become part of a right-wing culture wars agenda that sees me as part of “a contamination by the woke”,  as this blog post (one of many) typifies.The way I see it, this targeting of the SOA is part of a wider attempt to force the organization to abandon its impartiality and to pander to the demands of the right wing, via the gender critical movement – demands that, in this case, amount to removing a democratically elected Chair, and effectively giving preferential treatment to people with gender critical beliefs.
I don’t think that having openly pro-trans beliefs is a reason to stand down as Chair. I don’t think that anyone would insist on this if I held any other belief – if I were Jewish, for instance. But having a trans son, and supporting his rights, is enough in the eyes of these people to justify this unfounded claim – a claim that either by expression my opinions, or by not supporting theirs, I have somehow “allowed” gender critical authors to be cancelled or to lose work, because of their gender critical beliefs.
This is utter nonsense. My Twitter is a personal account, like the rest of my social media. I don’t bring my clashes on Twitter into SOA meetings, or expect the SOA to defend me against criticism or abuse. Nor should anyone else: it’s not within the remit of the SOA to supervise social media, or to comment when authors disagree.What the SOA is very good at is resolving contractual complaints. But anyone needing this kind of help needs to ask the SOA for help, not complain on social media that they weren’t offered any. If my car gets a flat tyre, I don’t complain to the management of my local Toyota garage that they didn’t help me – unless I’ve actually been there first. I wouldn’t expect them to look on social media to find out if I needed repairs. Why? Because what I say on Twitter doesn’t concern my local Toyota garage. For a start, they probably don’t follow me on Twitter.  And I wouldn’t expect them to intervene if someone on Twitter complained that I’d left my Toyota blocking their drive, or if someone had left a rude message on the windscreen. Because – guess what? It isn’t their job. They’re a garage, not The Batman.
So, what do I actually do at the SOA? Well, I chair the Management Committee. We deal with finances and strategy, prizes and grants. We help direct policy and, with the help of the SOA staff, determine how best to serve the members. We are not a political party, though we do lobby politicians of all parties on issues that concern our members. We do not debate “what makes a woman” because the SOA has 12,000 members, including trans people and gender critical people, and we want to serve them all. The gender critical lobby has – or so it seems to me – consistently refused to understand this. I have been asked repeatedly to debate with them on Twitter over trans rights. I have been threatened over my refusal to sign a petition that I felt legitimized JK Rowling’s comments on gender. I have received death threats and abuse. I have been told that as Chair of the SOA I must engage with this debate, and then, when I have expressed opinions, have been told by the same people that I shouldn’t have said anything. But here’s the thing. Free speech is for all, even in the case of those with whom you disagree. And a democracy treats people equally, regardless of their status. The gender critical lobby seems also not to understand this. It may have the support of some very powerful and well-connected people, but that doesn’t make their voices any more important than those of our other members. That’s why the SOA remains neutral in disagreements between individuals, whilst still supporting the free speech of everyone concerned. I’m very sure that if my opinion had swung towards the gender-critical side, no-one would be trying to claim that I was biased now. And I think that where there has been prejudice, it has been directed at me, for exercising my right to a belief that a very well-connected group of people in the media feel I simply shouldn’t hold.
Please don’t see this an an invitation to attack these people on social media. Whatever they may have said about me, whatever lies and smears they have used to make their case, I do not condone attacks or abuse in my name. If you feel there is a legitimate complaint to be made about anyone, then please do so via the SOA, according to their Dignity & Respect policy, not on Twitter.  Twitter can be ugly, and things can quickly get out of hand there.
When I was elected to the Management Committee, I promised to concentrate on promoting diverse voices and ensuring that the SOA was an inclusive, fair and welcoming environment for every kind of writer. This current attack on our democracy by a vocal group of ideologues not only threatens that promise, but uses up valuable resources of time, expense and energy that would be better spent dealing with the needs of our members.
If you agree, please consider voting against Resolutions 6 and 7, either in person at the AGM, or by proxy.Here’s the link to register:  If you agree, please consider voting against Resolutions 6 and 7, either in person at the AGM, or by proxy.
Here's the link to register:  
See you at the AGM, where, whatever your views, I look forward to hearing you. 
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electricea · 3 months
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Anonymous sent - 6, 18, and 25, please. ( Send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics - Accepting! )
6. Excessive OOC.
Look, it's your blog and you can do as you like it but for me, sometimes it does reach a point where I have to quietly unfollow, for varying reasons - like I enjoy a good shitpost as much as the next person but if day after day, a blog is nothing but shitposting or inside jokes then in that case, I probably would quietly unfollow - I like to have fun and I like to shitpost but I do also like to delve into more than just that.
Same goes for excessive negative or venting posts - this is your blog and you've every right to post whatever you please but if I see just see negative posts day after day, especially ones that are passive aggressive or guilt trippy - not just 'oh i had a bad day today' or 'things haven't been the best mentally for me' but posts in the vein of 'nobody here cares about me' or 'i should just deactivate my blog because nobody would miss me'. Everyone is entitled to a good vent but if I see the same thing day after day after day, that to me feels like an indication that things aren't going to change and not really being in the best place emotionally myself right now, sometimes I just reach a point where I have to disengage and unfollow.
18. Shipping.
My policy to shipping is short and simple - 'ship and let ship'. So long as a ship isn't problematic - like abusive, or between an adult and a minor or involves situations like noncon or incest - I generally will be willing to ship almost anything - I'm willing to give almost any ship a shot and as far as other people's ships - like I said above, so long as it isn't anything problematic, I'm generally happy for most other shippers - happy that they've got a good ship going for them and I mostly just try to mind my own business and do my due diligence when it comes to shipping - like not shipping Ryuji with muses significantly younger, not putting him as a minor in any uncomfortable or sexual situations and above all else, writing a ship in which he (as well as the other muse in question) is treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve.
25. Your character.
I love my boy to death - he's got a heart of gold and he means the world to me.
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Uh, hello.
I'm very new to tumblr, and i'm not exactly sure how it works.
i was wondering if you could give me some basic tumblr rules and etiquette?
like how reblogs and stuff work.
I'm just really worried i'm doing something wrong, and i don't want people to get mad at me for it.
I feel like the number one way I can suggest figuring out the social etiquette of tumblr is just to follow blogs you like and observe how they use the site and just like work from there, that's how I figured out the site when I joined at least. Back when I joined there weren't actually a lot of people joining so there wasn't a lot of guidance but the site's been seeing a lot of user migration the last year or two so there are plenty of posts circling around with like tips on how to use the site and the general culture and such if that's the kind of stuff you're looking for though.
Generally, reblogs are appreciated, especially by artists since it's the best way for their work to reach new people. People will try to claim likes do nothing and so you should always reblog, this is generally a lie. Reblogs do more for artists but its not like it's the end of the world if you don't reblog every post you like that's just some weird moral panic bullshit people get on every once in awhile. Usually if someone doesn't want a post reblogged they'll say it explicitly in the post or tags so that's not something you need to be paranoid about. People talk in the tags on reblogs and original posts. If you're reblogging a text post or art op is probably always gonna be chill with you talking about the post in the tag, in fact that's the more common way here to leave praise for art rather than leaving actual comments.
I keep my reblogs and most of my personal posts on a separate blog but that's like a personal organizational thing I like having my art all easily accessible in the same place. If you're a content creator of some kind it's totally chill to have all of your personal work and all of your reblogs on the same blog. Really how much you organize or split up stuff is up to you. Some people have different blogs for every fandom they're in, some people put everything in one place. Some people tag everything thoroughly some people don't tag anything. It's really just up to you what kind of organization you want to have and what stuff you want to keep track of on your blog.
Block people you don't want to interact with. Block tags you don't want to see. Unfollow people whenever where ever for whatever reason and don't feel bad about it. Curate your experience on this site as much as possible. It's one of the best social media sites in terms of personalizing your experience by far and that's something you should absolutely take advantage of. Don't force yourself to engage in discourse you don't care about, don't harass people for anything, don't get pressured into reblogging serious political posts if you don't want to, turn your gaze away from anything you don't want to see. It's the funny fandom site, don't make yourself miserable, curate your space so that it sparks joy.
This is more site function than etiquette but. Tumblr live is a really recent addition to the site, it's stupid, might be a data harvesting scheme, and everyone hates it. No one uses it. There's a place in settings you can turn it off for a week at a time. Everyone does that every week it's a collective in joke basically.
Anyways mostly my point is have fun, curate and organize your space as you see fit, and watch other people to pick up on site etiquette. If anyone else wants to leave tips on this post it's totally welcome. Good luck out there dude o7
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gctchell · 8 months
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Evening, lovebloods! I’m Red, a gal in her 30s who has a powerful love for roleplay. Welcome to my rules page! In regards to my blog, this place takes place in Hell and as such, you're going to find positively dark, gothic, edgy, macabre, NSFW, and all that delicious wicked nonsense in terms of content! We are treading into the shadows here with no censor, so you MUST keep that in mind before you follow.
The mun herself has social anxiety and may take a very long time to respond to you in the IMs, but she will respond instantaneously if there is an issue to be found in our threads that’s made you uncomfortable. Don’t be intimidated by her by any means! Seriously, she’s probably more intimidated by you than you’re intimidated by her.
PERSONAL NOTES: Visual self-harm such as cutting, or needles in arms are two things that I cannot stand to a physical degree [ written is fine ] and I will likely not follow your blog if these things pop up. It is nothing on your character or you, it is simply for my own comfort’s sake. I do not follow blogs that ship Charlie with Alastor (Chalastor/Charlastor/Radiobelle) & Vaggie with men. It’s rare we have a canonical f/f couple and it’s incredibly upsetting for me as a lesbian to see either of these things. You do you! But I will not interact. Lucifer’s suggestive Eve comment is not acknowledged on this blog in the case of it being literal. Eluding to the apple and only the apple is one thing, eluding to actual relations is a no-go with my Lilith. I had her before this reveal dropped and she is heavy set in monogamy. I do not tag triggers. This is not a stubborn stance or anything, it's the fact I cannot remember and cannot keep up with these things. Please do not follow if you require something tagged - I don't want you to be exposed to triggering content. When I do post triggering content in terms of original posts, I always give a content warning beforehand.
Mature content will be featured on this blog. Do not follow if you are below the age of 21.
Dark themes and sexual content will be written, explored and posted. Genuinely, do not follow if either of these things make you uncomfortable.
I am not affiliated with my canon characters, or my faceclaims. They are simply characters I enjoy and wish to write for in the name of 🎊 fun 🎊. 
I am Mutuals Only. This means I will only interact with those I follow and I will not bend on this. However, everyone and anyone is allowed to send in asks, of course. 
Mutuals, please do not feel pressured into staying connected if you wish to unfollow at any given time - you’re more than welcome to do so. However, I request you soft/hard block me on the way out so we are no longer following one another. It is terribly awkward to be following someone who no longer wishes to interact. 
DO NOT REBLOG. My threads with other writers are not open for being reblogged if you are not personally involved, so please avoid doing so.
My muses views are not my own. If they were, I would be continuously tearing myself apart at the seams! Especially since this is Hell!
My grammar is not always top notch. And yes, I am English. I do my best, but we all make mistakes. 
I reserve the right to unfollow/block. My reasons would be my own and I do not owe an explanation, do not hound me for one, please. It’s invasive.
Granted, there is a tumblr unfollow bug that happens time to time. If I am still on your dash but I have unfollowed you, it is 100% the bug at fault and I am unaware of what has happened and had no intention of unfollowing you - feel free to contact me if this happens! I do not unfollow without soft/hard blocking, I promise you. No matter our disagreements, you’re not a number for my follower count.
I do not adhere to length expectation. It stresses me out and kills my motivation for threads and further interaction. I will write at my own length and I encourage you to do the same. If I write a wall of words and you respond with only a paragraph, that is fine. So long as there is enough meat for us both to go off of, we are solid gold. 
Icons are unnecessary. Icons are lovely, but they are not a necessity. There will be many, many times where I do not use icons at all, especially with muses who do not have a lot of visual material to work with. Please do not feel pressured into using them. 
Formatting. I write in normal text and regular small text, and I use 100x100 icons. I have bad eyesight, and I will not interact with blogs that use heavy formatting or use text smaller than the normal. 
My icons are my own, made by me or were taken with credit from rpicon blogs- please do not steal them, especially if they are fanart or stem from rp icon blogs. I do not want the credits lost - these people took their time to share their pieces with the public world and take time out of their day to make these icons, they demand respect!
Thread dropping. I am only human, and my muse guides me. I am guilty of dropping threads left and right, and I do apologize for that. However, this does not mean I am not interested in threading with you, it simply means my inspiration for that particular thread has dried up. Please do not take it personally; I am someone who loves having a thousand threads at once, so I would love it if we could have many more.
Shipping. This blog is multi-ship and very selective, as the mun can be very skittish about shipping. Chemistry is absolutely key, and forcing a ship will get you blocked. Please do not follow me purely to ship with me, it is very disheartening.
I will not roleplay cheating, dubcon / noncon, or open relationships.
Each ship will belong to their own universe.
I am comfortable to go the whole nine yards in terms of marriage, pets, family, etc., the whole shebang if that is the wishes of the characters. I love to build homes with my roleplay partner and figure out what their futures look like.
I am a fan of homosexual reproduction. It is not possible yet in our world, but I love it being able to happen in roleplay. F/F ships are absolutely allowed to have babies if that is where we wish to go with our ship.
I do not view one-sided love as forceful shipping - those are fine by me. My own muses will likely form crushes and I expect them to go nowhere unless my roleplay partner is interested; otherwise, it is simply a crush. Please do let me know if this might make you uncomfortable and I will erase completely it from my muse!
NSFW. Sexual content WILL be featured on this blog in the form of headcanons, and likely even roleplay content (Lilith is here, it's a given something might happen at some point). All sexual content will be tagged as '[ mature. ]' & ‘mature //’ as to avoid being flagged by Tumblr’s flagging system. 
I do not and will not roleplay smut with underage muns and muses. You should not even be here if you are below the age of 21. I will block you on sight.
I do not roleplay smut with strangers. It makes me uncomfortable and like I am being used as a fulfillment source. 
Mind yours manners. Common decency; don’t be a creep, don’t send uncomfortable asks. Remember there is a living person behind the screen.
Callouts. I do not follow blogs that partake in callout culture, and I will unfollow if I see it in my dashboard. We’re all allowed to control our dash atmosphere as we wish, and this is how I wish to keep mine comfortable. 
Reblog karma. Unless the source is unavailable, do not reblog memes from me without sending something in first, please. It’s disheartening and it clogs my activity.
Time. My response times can range from immediate to months, so I likely am not the ideal partner if you enjoy consistency.  Life has been very, very busy for me and I have the nightmare combo of ADHD & Depression.
FYI. I will write characters I do not have on the blog in the form of “special guests”, as flavor for threads or a necessity for me and my roleplay partner’s thread. 
Again, I cannot stress how this blog is going to feature dark content. This is Hell and I am playing with that! PLEASE do not follow if such things make you uncomfortable. Keep your comfort in mind first and foremost.
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threadsun · 1 year
That's absolutely understandable about the discord! I'm the same way, aside from wanting to be the one in charge, I am scared of conflict but my anger in situations does sometimes bring me into it. I'm in the server and it's nice and all, but with it's probably 50+ channels it's overwhelming, and being the kind of writer that I am I refuse to talk in it. There are certain things that they don't allow to be talked about in certain ways and unfortunately for me that takes out a lot of the nsfw things I would want to talk about, so I'm just there for announcements. It's sad I don't feel comfortable interacting but, that's the way it is :<
Oh yeah, I know that they're very much not about dubcon/noncon stuff, which is a valid limit for them to have. But unfortunately that's where a lot of my interests lay wrt writing and yanderes so like. Not the place for me, and I recognise and am okay with that! I think Moon is technically in the discord server, but they also only look at the announcements.
I'm just an argumentative person, and also like... idk I'm big on making the spaces I hang out in comfortable for myself? Which means I'm liberal with the block button. Whenever I get people on here trying to argue with me, I kind of work on the idea of "if you can't find the unfollow button, then I'll just use the block button."
But yeah, if I was running an 18+ only yandere discord server, I'd be super picky about rules and generally making it a place I want to be, and that probably wouldn't draw in enough people to make an actually active discord server. Like I know that a decent number of my mutuals and followers align with my interests and ideas and stuff, but idk...
I just wouldn't want conflict because I'm only here for fun. And I know I'd be a tyrant and people would have to be okay with that. Which... a lot of people probably wouldn't be idk. People have no reason to trust me to be the judge jury and executioner of the server, so like I wouldn't be surprised (or upset) if they didn't. But it's what I'd be more comfortable being because I hate petty arguments and prefer to just block and move on.
I think I'm just too self-centred to be part of a discord server maybe? idk.
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xhelladirectoryx · 10 months
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//Greetings! My name is Seth, but you can also call me Kakashi. I'm 35 years old and I’m from Brazil. I've been roleplaying for 11 years. About 4 years on forums, other websites, and 7 years on tumblr.
I work at school so that’s mean pretty busy most of the time. So slow activity and most online on the weekends.
Make sure to read my rules and muses bios before follow or interaction.
For personal reasons, I don't follow first anymore. But if you follow, I'll make sure to check out your blog. Just give me 3 days for it. If I don't follow in a week I probably won't follow back. I don't follow personal blogs. If you have rp sideblog just let me know.
If you are not interested in roleplay with me or with any of my muses. Please soft/hard block. Don't worry, I'll do the same and just move on. Don't ignore me or give me 'HINTS'. The best hint for me is just a block. Simple like that.
This blog will not engage in any kind of drama. If you try to involve me in some, you'll get a soft/hard block depending.
I am not native English. So forgive me for some possible typos and grammatical errors.
I don't roleplay on Discord.
I ask you to trim your posts. I probably won't follow or I'll unfollow if you tend to do that. It ends up getting too much pollution in my dash and it's complicated to navigate on desktop and mobile.
No godmodding.
My threads have a number limit because of my short time here and so as not to overwhelm myself. The number limit for interactions will be next to each muse in the pinned post. That number may change depending on drops or any other reasons.
I don't ship Sebastian with Ciel. Not even him in adult verse. My Sebastian can interact and make ships with other characters. From Kuroshitsuji and others fandoms. However, I only ship Sebastian with only one Grell Sutcliff that belongs to @pyramultimuse If you have a Grell muse, yes my Sebastian can interact but a romantic ship is out of the question.
This blog is multiship but singleship in each verse. I don't do polyship.
Don’t force relationships with my muses. Any ships only with chemistry. Pre-established relationships can be accepted but talk to me first.
Smut threads will be replied to an NSFW side-blog. I’m fine with fade to black as well. Remember that smut is not a priority here. It may happen but I prefer other types too.
I don't roleplay romance or smut with underage muses. But platonic relationships, like family, friends, guardian and teacher I don't see problems. As long as it doesn't go beyond that. If you insist, I hard block instantly.
Trigger themes mentioned in this blog in the vast majority will be death, gore, murder, weapons, alcohol, smoke, suggestive sexual themes and religious themes. If you have a specific trigger feel free to remind me. Personal triggers are lolicon, pedophilia, incest, rape, tripofobia. I ask that you tag these topics appropriately, please. As smut post too.
Any images or art don’t belong to me, obviously, but to their rightful owners.
These rules are not absolute. There might be changes, updates, or something removed at any moment. Thanks for reading this.
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mintacle · 2 years
I am so going to regret making this post. But I've been thinking about this for weeks, and if for nothing else but my peace of mind, I have to say this.
Let's talk about fandom. Specifically the batfandom, and very specifically the meta-fandom issue of batcest.
Before you unfollow me I would like to state that nothing of the content on my blog will change. I still personally don't ship batcest and don't post mature stuff. I just want to make a post in defense of neutrality. And I know that at least one of my followers is a victim of incest themselves, if you are reading this, this post is not about you. Your case is inherently different and I really understand and you really don't have to read this. But if you identify as anti-batcest, this is for you. And please read this, seriously please. I am asking you as someone who was in a sect, never take the right from yourself to read opposing views. They will not corrupt you. Have that faith in yourself and trust yourself to read things that oppose your views.
That having been said, let's start. I think there is a troubling trend for people to condemn other fans on the basis of whether they ship members of the batfam together or not. And I don't think it's wrong for people to say that it's weird bc it's incest. You are so allowed to have your own opinion and no one can take that from you. But the issue has become very polarized. I don't see people who casually say that they don't really like batcest. There is this push to filter and cancel everything on this basis alone. And the reason I think this is troubling is because it is opposition without discourse. If you really think that shipping batcest is morally aprehensive, then think about WHY. Really, really think about it. Who is getting hurt here? What problems is this creating? Why do you feel so strongly about this?
I think there is a massive effect of in-grouping causing this extreme opposition. It is hard to remain neutral when you see such a big number of other blogs proudly going on about how wrong shipping batcest is. And this is again coming from someone who was in a sect. That's a bit scary to me. You want to fit in, not be condemned as well, so you add your voice to the mix and say that batcest is horrible, repulsive. And the people who ship it are too.
But the thing you are raging against? This issue? It's not real. And I'm not talking about whether it really is incest or not, again, I don't personally care. I'm talking about how this is such a small problem with absolutely no real life implications. There's a lot of things that are wrong in this world, and I believe you that you have been hurt, but I don't think that this cause you've been fighting is one of those harmful things in the world. I think there is a reason why you are angry, why you are lashing out. I think there's a reason you are looking for someone to take the role of a predator you can attack in big numbers, anonymously, online. But batcest is always tagged, and always a place that intentionally discourages minors from engaging. That's not adult arrogance, that is adults trying to protect you. That is adults making safespaces for themselves. And that's not predatory behaviour.
One thing that I sometimes see within the batcest community which bothers me, is how I get this feeling some people do fetishize gay relationships and can't treat men having close and intimate relationships without it being romantic or sexual. But this is by no means a problem that was created or that is a defining trait of batcest, that's just a general problem of shipping culture. And this is not even something that is overly prevalent in the batcest community. A large number of fandoms are way worse in this regard.
I probably won't be talking about this again and I am worried that I'll lose followers just for this and I'm hoping to be proved wrong about that. If you follow me and feel in any way strongly about this post, please message me privately instead of reblogging to publically drag me. My private chat is open for that and I do genuinely care about all of my followers, feel welcome to message me.
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