#and it's still going on!!!
shinobicyrus · 2 years
Companies are no longer grounded in reality.
My roommate recently came home pale-faced, like he’d seen a ghost. More like witnessed a massacre. Mass-firings were just done at his company. His job, he’d been assured, was safe. All of his coworkers weren’t so safe, and he had to get texts and phone calls from his work-friends, people he’d worked alongside for years, people he‘d gone out to have drinks with, learn they were no longer employed. To say he had survivor’s guilt would not be hyperbole.
Was this because the company had fallen on hard times? The pandemic has been rough for a lot of industries. No, actually, the company had turned a very nice profit both last year and previous, even in such a troublesome market.
The problem was, you see, the company’s stock price hadn’t risen quite as high as had been projected. They’d made money, sure. Quite a lot of money, in fact. But too many people had projected, i.e., bet the company would do better.
How did the company offset this “loss”? Easy: fire people. Quickest and easiest way to pad the numbers.
No but you don’t understand stock had fallen a percentage point! There was no other way!
We see it all the time. Hugely successful companies reporting ‘record-breaking’ profits then fire huge segments of their workforce - the very people responsible for those record-breaking profits. Why? The money “saved” on personnel costs can boost the stocks even higher!
If your company is struggling, not turning a profit, losing money, people expect layoffs. But to work hard, be successful, your company churning along strong and healthy, and you still lose your job? For what? Because half a percentage point that was dictated by speculation, guessing, by gambling that things would go up or down a certain amount on a graph of rich-people feelings?
I wonder how next year’s speculations will be affected with the information that the company laid off a lot of the people responsible for last year’s profits? Probably not much because the workers are just the components at the company; it’s the leadership that drives the ship, that makes the successes. Those leaders whose bonuses are coincidentally decided by, among other things, the stock price.
Companies are no longer grounded in reality.
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soupwife · 3 years
man you guys have got to stop getting mad at people for tagging your post as whatever annoying thing. tags used to be sacred. you weren't supposed to see it. it's the culture. "Stop tagging this as [character]". No!! You have no right to make demands on me!! I can do whatever I want in the tags. Just cause Tumblr decided to set up a camera in my house and broadcast it live doesn't mean you get to make fun of me for going "wheee!!!" when I get into bed it's my fucking house and my fucking business!!!!!
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thevastnessof · 2 years
it should be illegal for society to make u do things when youre on ur period. also you should be given 500 dollars to buy whatever you want online
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queenangella · 2 years
obsessed with sokka’s name kinda popping up everywhere in school books years after atla. like yeah ur learning history about the end of the hundred year war? oh right with the avatars amazing team and some non bender named sokka who probably wasn’t all that important. on to gym class where u learn different fighting styles, did you know btw that the first guy to ever train with the kyoshi warriors was some random guy named sokka? oh well. can’t be late for physics where we learn about the invention of the air balloon and the submarine by … sokka? huh okay I guess, on to politics where we learn about all these important decrees over all the different nations which were first proposed by.. ah man, sokka? again? anyway art class now, here look at these paintings made by sokka
#‘well at least this fucking dude won’t come back in my favourite class spirits and mythology where we will read how princess yue became the#moon spirit with one last kiss to fucking sokka again I guess. anyway here’s a list of the very little people who ever managed to go into#the spirit world and come back guess who’s on there too’#‘aw man I’m still so mad about the loss of the spirit library imagine all that knowledge. the only thing we have left is a description of#one of the last people who visited the library. guess fucking who again’#like obviously all the names of the gaang will be remembered but everyone else’s#name when u first learn about them u know you need to remember them bc of course they will be important to history. like of course you’re#gonna remember avatar aangs name bc you know his name will surely come back. of course you remember firelord zuko who led the fire nation#into an era of peace. meanwhile sokka’s name is kinda a side note like yeah this guy was also#here you might need to remember this random detail for a test#except then he keeps coming back in every single class and by the end of your school career you’re just like ‘oh this test is asking me for#the name of whoever invented this or did that? well if I just answer sokka there’s like a 50% chance it’ll be correct do’#obviously then it becomes a meme#if tumblr exists 200 years after atla someone would make a post with a screenshot of some show with the text ‘ah they really invented love’#and someone also will reblog with ‘nice try but I think we all know who really invented love’ and then it’s one of those long posts in which#everyone reblogs with ‘sokka’ probably in a bunch of different fonts#atla.#sokka#mine.
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bananonbinary · 3 years
just saw a “period typical homophobia” tag on a fic set in the early 2000s and like...you arent wrong but jesus things changed fast huh
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
my boyfriend is not any flavour of queer. he says he "wishes he was" because queer people "just seem to understand the world so much" by which i assume he means we by default actually consider society wrt sex and gender, but he is unfortunately both cis and het. he's checked.
he carries around a copy of "the little book of lgbtq" in his backpack at all times in case he needs to look something up.
a good chunk of his youtube history is queer history / queer media / 'what it's like to be x' videos. he thinks all of you with the less famous identities (ie not the L G B or T) are very cool and funky and hopes you have a good day.
he knows he's straight because he has kissed men on several occasions and was not into it sexually. one of those times was a gay dude who promised to buy him drinks all night in exchange for a kiss and my boyfriend is nothing if not a wee whore. one of the others was kissing his gay friend who was depressed about not being able to hook up with anyone, because he is a very sweet wee whore.
he would do it again because he is very neutral on the kiss itself (not into it, but not grossed out by it. it's just a kiss, innit) and because he doesn't want people to be so lonely and sad that they cry in the smoking area of the club.
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notgreengardens · 2 years
jesus fucking christ, one last time for the record: “the rhetoric western countries use against country X is racist fearmongering” and “the government of country X has done a lot of serious human rights violations that cannot be excused” are statements that can and should coexist
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frechiiie · 2 years
pictures taken before disaster
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clottedscream · 2 years
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fairness and equal treatment for catboys
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papa-m0thman · 2 years
I don't understand the desperation to make the show's version of Annabeth blonde when it wouldn't make sense. Like, the "dumb blonde" trope only applies to white people with naturally blonde hair. In my opinion, her being black fits the point Riordan was trying to make about Annabeth being underestimated due to her appearance just as well, and more fitting for the time period we're in. Like, I have never heard someone bring up the dumb blonde trope in 2022, but black girls are still seen as less intelligent than their white counterparts.
Also, the gray eyes are unnecessary because it never really made sense for Athena to affect her appearance when Rick straight up said the gods have no DNA.
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shouty-y · 2 years
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Some mermaid drawings I did the past years 💙
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icy-moons · 2 years
turning red is such a thinly veiled metaphor for the immigrant/diaspora experience of losing touch with your heritage. it’s all those stories of immigrant parents not teaching their children their native language in the hopes that they will assimilate easier into society. it hit me in such a particular way when the aunties all started singing in cantonese, and mei asked what they were saying.
the red panda means a lot of things in turning red, and i think one interpretation is the family’s relationship with their cultural roots. it’s spelled out in the movie already: when their family moved to a ‘new world', and the blessing became a curse. as much as the red panda is a metaphor for self-expression in general, a message that’s easier to empathize with too, cultural identity still plays into it. the fact that they had to cut themselves off from it is so telling.
and! they literally tokenized themselves. ming and her family literally packaged and contained this huge part of their identity into something small and palatable for the society they want to exist in, a shallow connection to their culture that they can wear as an accessory. it’s exotic enough to be interesting but ultimately not impactful or disruptive to their current setting. i cannot stress enough how obsessed i am with this detail. they made little tokens to contain their pandas. they actually tokenized themselves.
#turning red analysis#turning red#meta#meilin lee#ming lee#there's a lot of different ways to read between the lines on this one#this metaphor doesn't even translate 1:1 with events in the movie#it's about perpetuating the myth of the model minority#and separating yourself from your culture to facilitate that#this is why mei's chinese-canadian identity is inseparable from the movie#it's not *just* about female self-expression and puberty#the depiction of chinese immigrant family dynamics is not just set dressing#it's about the suppression of self -- all parts of it#i should mention probably that i'm an asian who has lived in my home country for all my life. this doesn't really involve me#tho there was a time in my life i was only allowed to speak englishat home because 'it will make life easier in the future'#so. the claws of western society still managed to claim me#but that's still a different experience#i have cousins in north america and i see this struggle in them whenever they come here or i go to visit them#theres this separation between us because i have always been immersed and had access to our culture#meanwhile they were never even taught the language#i recognized it immediately in turning red#their cultural heritage was something seen but not felt and this holds true for many generations of immigrant children#because they were forced to adapt to western society.... losing touch with their roots#and now the newer generations want to walk back from that and reclaim the identity they were raised away from#and that's what i think Turning Red is about#maziemade
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
I'm not sure where I read it - I think it was on the wikipedia page of that trans doctor from the 1920s, but I don't remember his name - but basically, it was talking about this trans man's experience being trans in the early 20th century, and his family's reaction. And it made a point of saying how his grandparents were entirely supportive and even wrote him as their grandson on their gravestones. And there's a similar story for a trans girl, also in a similar time period I believe, where her family took her to a doctor when she started Being Trans and the doctor's reaction was literally "Okay, she says she's a girl? Then treat her like a girl! Buy her dresses and call her by whatever name she wants!" and they did!!
Obviously transphobia still existed back then, and it was strong. But throughout time, there have been cases where people heard their loved one say "I am not that gender, that doesn't fit me," and their love and trust in that person overrode any prejudice or lack of understanding, and they just accepted them. Whether it's a doctor encouraging parents to treat their little girl like a little girl, or grandparents marking their grandson's gender in stone (even when, if I remember correctly, his parents had doubts), trans people have always had people who cared for us and believed us and supported us, despite what the rest of society might have said.
UPDATE: IT WAS ALAN L. HART, from his wikipedia page:
Hart wrote later, in 1911, of his happiness during this time, when he was free to present as male, playing with boys' toys made for him by his grandfather. His parents and grandparents largely accepted and supported his gender expression, though his mother described his "desire to be a boy" as "foolish." His grandparents' obituaries, from 1921 and 1924, both list Hart as a grandson.
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magic-can · 2 years
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this is his post now
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stevengrcnt · 2 years
genuinely sobbing at the fact that Marc went back for Steven because he would rather be dead with him in the duat than alone and at “peace” in the field of reeds
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softhe4rted · 2 years
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the thing is by Ellen Bass
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