#and it's such an embarrassing memory because it was literally just a tiny bit of hairspray
crystalisopod · 5 months
I'm so grateful that my autism has sort of mellowed out as I aged, and that I'm less sensitive sensory-wise. because it's just so... I don't know, embarrassing? to think back on every meltdown.
it's embarrassing because everything hurt so badly, but it's not something I could talk about because it was all just mountains out of molehills. it's like having a breakdown and screaming over a paper cut, it's hard to even talk about without it sounding incredibly silly or making myself sound oversensitive and pathetic.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
What's your comic writing process like? I'm starting to get into making my own comics and I really admire your work!!! Any advice?
Ah, intrepid traveler, you've done well to journey to this secluded mountaintop spire, in search of the answers you seek. I indeed can provide such forbidden comicmancy knowledge... at the cost of your mortal soul...
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coughs. anyway, I'm going to warn you immediately that what works for me does not work for everyone else, and in my experience the way I do things can prove very slow and discouraging for anyone who is more interested in the actual "drawing the damn comic" part of the process. I only do it this way because I enjoy weaving a narrative web that feels not only fully contained but re-readable, but my projects are often so long and my memory so shitty that I can't just keep all of it in my head! It would spill all over the place and make a really embarrassing mess of brain-juice. Not ideal.
but as for my own process, uhh... I suppose a comic would be fitting, right?
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a little choppy but you get the idea.
as for turning words into art, I've been experimenting with figuring out the best way to do that for a little while now. Originally what I was doing for something like Ad Astra Per Aspera was to take my "script" and sketch it out on paper very loosely, before transposing that onto my canvas and working from there:
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...but, I've found that can make it kind of difficult to space everything around on your standard page-size, and the thing I'm having the most problems with currently seems to be finding the sweet spot of panel-size proportions. So, I've taken to printing out standard thumbnail templates (you can just find these on google) and sketching very tiny panels in those, which seems to give me a slightly better sense of scale... (mild chapter 5 spoilers, sorry ad astra fans)
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but I have yet to totally pull through on this, so who knows, maybe I'll try something else in the future!
As for advice, this is probably most applicable to me, but as a disabled artist I have a very hard time managing my workload without literally working myself into injury. I don't think I talked about this publicly but when I was working on that ten year anniversary comic I was literally drawing every single day for 3 solid months. Sometimes, in my case, I really can't bring myself to stop once I've latched onto an idea, and sometimes I find the most rewarding thing I can do with my time is to draw- but I seriously cannot overstate: Do not fucking do this.
You will fuck up your wrist, your back, your neck, your eyes, and probably your mental health. It's a well-known fact that mangaka have a lower life expectancy than the average japanese person due to the intense workload imposed on them by deadlines and personal expectations. Comics are a very demanding artform, and even though I'm not on any sort of mandated schedule there are times where I've toiled away at something when I likely should have been exercising or taking vision-breaks. Therefore the best advice I can give you is to chill the hell out.
Namely, find parts of the process you can be lazy about, and embrace the laziness! You don't like digitally sketching? Don't do it! Skip it, or maybe find a way to traditionally sketch things out in advance like I do. Hate lineart? Don't fucking do it. You really don't feel like wasting your time writing 72k words of comic scripts? ...then, don't be like me. skip that part. I'm a flawed human being and what works for me might not work for you.
The second most important piece of advice I could give is to read comics. Of all kinds. The reason for this is pretty self explanatory: In order to figure out your own comic-making style, you should first pick out bits and pieces from the artist's buffet to add to your plate. Manga, graphic novels, american comics, european comics, weird niche little webcomics, funny papers, anything and everything. This advice rings true of pretty much any art form, but I find it to be essential to honing comic-making skills because so many things you feel will just come intuitively often don't. and that's okay! nobody is born knowing how to leave space for speech bubbles or shape their panels in a way that imitates stretches of time. The best way to figure out stuff like this, in my experience, is to study the "masters", and then after becoming well accustomed to the basics, figure out what rules you want to bend or break to create your own style.
I consider myself to be in equal parts a writer and an artist, which lends itself well to making narrative comics, but maybe you're a bit more of an artist and want to focus on panel-by-panel visual storytelling. Or, conversely, maybe your talents lean closer towards writing, and the art itself is more of a secondary skill. Regardless of your unique blend of talents you can and should make a comic, you should just also be aware of your strengths and try to hone in on those- there will always be opportunities to build up skills you lack, but focusing on what you do best will always lead you in the right direction.
Anyway, that being said, here are some recommendations in no particular order:
Monster, Naoki Urasawa (!!)
Bone, Jeff Smith
Witch Hat Atelier, Kamome Shirahama
The first IDW run of Transformers comics (namely More Than Meets the Eye and Lost Light)
Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi (!!)
Through the Woods, Emily Carroll (really any Emily Carroll comics)
Kill Six Billion Demons (webcomic) (!!)
Akira, Katsuhiro Otomo
The Third Person, Emma Grove
Tintin, Hergé (can be super racist please be wary)
Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson
Maus, Art Spiegelman
Cucumber Quest (webcomic)
Jellyfish Princess, Akiko Higashimura
Golden Kamuy, Satoru Noda (!!)
Note that I did not grow up with manga so I am seriously behind on a lot of extremely influential japanese comics such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, basically any of the original Shonen Jump comics, but they're widely considered building blocks of the genre so if you love the artform I think you should give them a try! Same goes for classic non-shonen manga genres like various Shoujo, Josei, Yuri, Gekiga, ETC.
same as above applies to a lot of classic DC and Marvel works, I unfortunately am just not a big fan of superhero comics... but I'm sure there's good stuff in there. a couple of my mutuals talk about booster gold and the blue beetle all the time so I'm assuming there has to be something worthwhile.
...and many, many, many more that I'm forgetting! I noticed as I made this list that, to my knowledge, hardly any of these are made by black or just non-japanese-mangaka BIPOC artists, which makes me sad about the gaps in my own comic collection. Therefore, anyone is welcome to add their own recommendations in the replies!
now go forth, and combine images with text!!!!!!!!!!!
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bedoballoons · 1 year
ok but I have another one! And yes I am obsessed with demon slayer. so Tokito muichiro inspired x (angry bois also albedo and the dadd- like zhongli and Al-haithim.
so muichiro has Memory loss due to young tramaaaa, anemo vision fits best, has very baggy cloths to help with is battle technique, in his 7 form can literally turn into air, to quite but he is super fast. And ya. Ohh Also when we remember our past(tokitos brother was murdered plus his parents) I just want confurttt.
I only have one he because when I was around 1-3 l don’t remember I was diagnosed with eye cancer I things. We caught it early and we could either do chemo(which could’ve killed me) or remove the eye intirely so we did that. There’s more to the story but I’m so tired right now .
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're okay! It sounds like it was a scary situation but you pulled through and now you have a pretty unique quirk about you! I hope you know that's really awesome <3
YAY okay I'm so excited for this request! Sorry it's been awhile since I've answered! I do have a question though! Do you think because he turns into air and Venti is the anemo archon, he could control him in that form?!?!?
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Tokito Muichiro like reader~༺}
CW: Reader has past trauma and memory loss, slight angst but mostly comfort and fluff! Some of these are extremely long and I apologize, I just got really into writing them...
(Includes: Zhongli, Albedo, Alhaitham, and Wanderer!)
You sighed quietly, your head aching as memories swirled around your mind like a messy swamp...nothing making sense and yet...you were still trying to put the puzzle together. You just wanted to know...even if it would hurt, you had to know what happened in your past...
"You know, there are better ways to go about recovering your memories, as someone with a long history who remembers many things from very different time periods, I might be able to shed some light on the subject." You looked up to see Zhongli walking towards you, his voice as calm and collected as always...comforting in some ways.
You bit your lip, it seemed embarrassing to ask for help from someone else, but you'd run out of options...so it only seemed reasonable, "Please... help me." The tall man smiled at you, his eyes filled with kindness as he sat down beside you, looking up at the sky. "First of all you should take time to clear your thoughts, take a deep breath and then exhale...relieve yourself of all the unimportant thoughts clouding the memories you want to recover."
You did as he said, taking in a deep breath...and then slowly letting it out, even if it seemed a bit strange to you...it actually did help you feel slightly better. "Very good, now I want you to think about the snippets you do remember, concentrate on the little things, tiny details one wouldn't usually focus on..but don't frustrate yourself, getting overwhelmed won't do you any favours."
You nodded, closing your eyes and recalling your few memories as best as you could...the scent of the air...the sounds...even down to the smallest shred of movement...and just like that, it came back to you. The images of your brother...your parents, all of it playing over and over while you tried to stop it, but it was like you were trapped in your own memories, screaming for help.
And then, nothing...you were back in Liyue...Zhongli holding you in his arms while you stared blankly at him..."Are you alright?" He asked, but you didn't even have it in you to answer...the suddenness of what just happened leaving you silent with shock. He seemed to notice this, kissing your head softly and rubbing your back, perhaps it would be better to not remember all at once...
Albedo gently touched your vision, the soft teal glow of it very familiar to him...beautiful and inviting, but earned from such sorrow and loss. A loss he wished could have been reversed...while you on the other hand, weren't focused on the vision or its meaning, you were far more concerned with perfecting your fighting style. "Albedo?" You looked at him curiously...he seemed so interested in your vision, but he'd seen many of the course of his lifetime...why was yours so captivating?
"Oh apologies love, I was just thinking about something. Back to the topic at hand, I've given your clothes a bit more of a baggy design, making sure to leave lots of room for movement and airflow. Please let me know if anything is uncomfortable, I'll make adjustments to improve their quality." He handed you a stack of clothing, the material soft and comfy looking, but also durable...perfect.
You rushed into the empty room nearby and changed clothes, leaving your old ones behind before hurrying to the dummy you'd set up by the entrance. You practiced your fighting techniques, already impressed by Albedos work and also very aware that he was watching you closely...maybe...he was worried about you?
Alhaitham closed his book, looking up from his desk to check on you...and noticing the bags under your eyes, you'd been tossing and turning in your sleep all night...mumbling things about death. You had him very worried, and that was saying something because he truthfully didn't concern himself with other people's issues unless they were incredibly serious, but your sleepless nights and difficult past...were starting to really impede your life, he just wanted to help.
He stood up from his chair, breaking your attention away from the plate of food you'd been poking at for a hour now and leaving you slightly confused, by now you'd gotten used to Alhaithams schedule and the one thing he never left out or cut short was his reading time...so why was he doing so? "Alhaitham, are you alright?" You asked, looking up at him slightly worried and running through different scenarios in your head, each one not really making enough sense to be considered a explanation.
"I'm perfectly fine, I'm more concerned with you. Would you like to take a nap together? You look exhausted and I can only assume you won't want to sleep alone because of your recent nightmare increase." Alhaitham held out his hand to you, gesturing towards the door as you tried to comprehend what he'd just said...he wanted to take a nap with you? "Oh...alright." You didn't really know a better way to answer as you accepted his hand and the two of you made your way to the large couch in the livingroom.
You crawled onto it first, watching as he left for a moment, only to return with your favourite blanket. Then he joined you on the sofa, sighing in content as you cuddled up to him and he covered you both up, in truth he was hoping this would help with not only your lack of sleep...but the nightmares themselves. He just wanted you to be okay.
Turning into air...was unlike anything else, exhilarating...calming...terrifying and apparently one of your most alluring qualities, well in Wanderers opinion anyway. Other than him most of the people in Sumeru considered this some type of witch craft, even though you carried a vision...they saw you as an outsider and whenever you attempted to take a trip to the city you get many stares.
Wanderer was the only one who found it beautiful, although to be honest he found everything about you beautiful and for some reason you were incredibly easy to talk to...to relate to. You'd share moments together where one of you would be caught up thinking about the things you couldn't change...forced to remember times you'd wish you could forget and then you'd comfort eachother, make the other feel better just by knowing what it was like.
"Heyyy get your head outta the clouds. The sooner we help her royal majesty the cabbage head, the sooner we can go home." Wanderer gently bonked your head, pulling you back into reality and making you smile, a very light blush colouring your cheeks.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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digital-playtime · 11 months
✰ ─── So, You Also Can Speak Another Language?
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NOTE: This is not my first time writing x reader related thing in here but this is the first time I posted something like this on this blog… I hope you did enjoyed it and let me remind you that I used Google translate for Doll’s dialogues so let me know if you noticed a mistake on it!
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Ever since your arrival at the school, you mostly speak English like most of the drones as usual while hanging out with them...
If one of the students, you are one of those epic teenagers that seemed to be stand out on the class...
There were those times where she was listening to your conversations with the other students in the class in order to figure out about your voice...
Everyone's voices can be different and yours are no exception, at least for her...
But to her as a listener, your voice seemed to be quite unique... In a way that it's not pretty much easy to explain it in the first place to the point that she was simply eavesdropping the conversations between you and the person that you're talking to...
She thinks that your voice really fits well when you speak in English, it feels like the way you said the words in a unique way, whenever it's the accent, the nicely perfect pitch or the overall mood that simply fits the conversation...
Until that day... That's where you "accidently" said a sentence in another language... If that's the way you remembered it...
The memory was taken place back on the break time, you were talking with a fellow worker drone who is pretty much enthusiastic about a certain topic that they are talking with you... To others, not only you have some good social skills on your shoulders but you are also a good listener...
Doll seemed to find that trait of yours to be admirable... It's quite important to have the ability to listen what the other has to say, whenever it's a snippet of their memories, their struggles or simply random things that they would like to say to you!
You were on a conversation with a friend of yours, they were talking about a certain thing that happened them back when they were little, it was a little bit bizarre but you can't really blame them as that happened back when they were younger...
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"So, my mom was like: "HEY! YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT" when she caught me drinking paint and so, I can't help but have to listen to her scolding me..." They said...
"YOU DRINK PAINT??? I THOUGHT DRONES CAN'T DRINK THAT-" You replied in another language, quickly realizing that you literally said that sentence in a language that no one might not understand about what you were saying...
"Huh...? What were you trying to say, [Y/N]? I don't really think that is the language that I know..." They asked to you, asking if you can translate the sentence that you previously said in another language that you knew...
"Oh, my bad...! What I was trying to say is that... YOU DRINK PAINT??? I THOUGHT THE WORKER DRONES CAN'T DRINK THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!" You said the same sentence once again but this time, you said it in English...
"Yeah... I really did that when I was little... Woops for the little me, I supposed..." They said, feeling embarrassed after saying that type of memory to you... Welp, at the very least, they did learned to not do the same thing again...
Doll slightly chuckled and formed a tiny smile on the face but it quickly faded when Lizzy noticed it...
"Hey, Doll... What's with that smile formed on your face? Is it because of a... crush?" Lizzy questioned as she thinks that Doll might have a crush on someone but in reality, Doll literally was eavesdropping at that moment.
"Я ни в кого не влюблен, Лиззи. В конце концов, это всего лишь ваше воображение. (I don't have a crush on someone, Lizzy. That is just your imagination, after all.)" Doll answered.
"Okay... Then." Lizzy said as she went back to her stuff...
"Кажется, они могут говорить на другом языке, что для меня неудивительно… Но я вообще никогда не слышал об этом языке… (It seems like they can able to speak another language which is not really surprising to me... But, that language is something that I never heard of in the first place...)" Doll mused, as she keep listening to your conversation...
For a worker drone like her, your voice is what she liked and of course, she might don't have a crush on you but hey... At the very least, both of you can stay as friends as times goes on and on... Right?
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the various themes that it involves and I love to see what happens next. I don't particularly support any ships and so with all that being said, let's jump into it!
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So, Ochako said that "You should never hide your true feelings or that face of yours".
Horikoshi is very very clever with the panelling.
While most people were debating on whether or not it was an IzuOcha ship bait, I think it signifies something completely different.
Notice how Ochako was thinking about Deku as she said those lines but even in Ochako's imagination, Deku wasn't looking at her.
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I mean, look at it.
He was a bit embarrassed and looking at someone else. It is most probably a memory from when they were training before the second war (when Bakugo was showing his new move Cluster to Deku)
But why would Ochako think about Deku looking at someone else during such an important time?
It parallels how Toga thinks about Twice in a completely platonic sense. He was more of a brother to her (Toga and Twice->brother sister bond)
Plus it also signifies Ochako's journey of self acceptance. Think about it!
When we met Ochako in the beginning, she had an inferiority complex about her hero motivation and background.
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She met Deku, who played her knight in shining armor, who had this cool quirk and everybody loved him.
He was a Hero, and always in the spotlight. Even All Might was interested in him (according to Ochako because she never knew about OFA)
So she admired him and wanted to be like him as in wanted to be a great hero like him but it backfired because Ochako is Ochako and Deku is Deku.
Throughout the series, we see these feelings grow.
But with admiration, what Ochako always felt was jealousy....envy.
The theme of envy has been very prominent in the series. Bakugo is the biggest example of it.
I admit that Ochako might have had a tiny bit of crush on Deku because who wouldn't?
He is a cute, clumsy boy, well natured, a crybaby at times but a real hero at heart. Who wouldn't fall for that?
Plus it's not wrong to have feelings.
But in Ochako's case, she always felt that Deku is so far away.
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It is such a literal representation!
Deku was moving forward while Ochako felt like she was lacking, like she is behind him, literally and figuratively.
We saw how she was struggling to deal with whatever she was feeling.
At first it looks like she is struggling to deal with her feelings for him, but at this particular moment her feeling could only be described as envy.
Admiration could easily be confused for love but!
You're never jealous of the person you love!!
Because till season 3 Ochako was feeling both admiration for his best friend (which everyone else confused for love) and jealousy.
It was especially awkward because they were friends and their other friends kept on pointing in that direction.
But the real change came in the war arc when Ochako got Deku's letter and realised that maybe Deku is not that special after all.
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They are good friends, and she was worried about him because she realised that behind the Hero persona that Deku has, he is also human.
Being a fellow hero, it was more relatable to her.
"Special powers are one thing but there is no such thing as a special person" she said in her speech.
Humanizing all heroes and villains.
I also wanna talk about this specific panel after Bakugo's apology.
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Something about Ochako's expression here really struck a crod.
As Deku falls in Bakugo's arms, the camera pans on Ochako who just stands there observing, what true love is.
She didn't feel anything, because she realised the bond between BakuDeku is a bond of love.
Which is why she never made an effort to follow Deku's footsteps again.
The famous cliff scene: the day before the second war! Both of them knew they could die the very next day and yet they chose to say nothing... Nothing as in love confession, because there was nothing to confess.
Ochako realised that Deku loves and admires Bakugo and she's ok with that, so she'll focus on more important matters, like the Toga situation.
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Because she realised, she can be her own Hero.
And now she wanted to help Toga. A girl like her, that was crying.
Because she has seen so many happy faces, she cannot help but wonder what made Toga cry.
Plus Toga said that only heroes and the people they protect are counted as people and the rest don't even matter.
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As a person, Toga should be free to love whoever she wants but because of her quirk she is constantly judged by people except LoV.
Toga was mad because nobody accepted her throughout her entire life, her parents, her friends, Heroes and the one place where she found home was also snatched away from her.
Everyone is free to love and admire heroes then why not Toga. Everywhere she went, she was rejected.
Even Deku's quirk pointed out that there was no real malice behind TOGA's actions. Her love is so strong that it puts people in danger.
Heck, Danger sense didn't activate in the beginning because Toga didn't wanna hurt Deku.
But it was after she was rejected so badly, that she turned against them.
It was not about a girl asking a boy out but a villain asking a hero out.
And Deku not only rejected her completely but also judged her.
So if the world rejects her, she is bound to do the same!
Which made Ochako the perfect person to face Toga. Both are girls full of love but hide deep inferiority complexes.
Ochako understood this and told Toga her smile is beautiful.
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Why? Because Ochako realised it the hard way, what happens when you suppress your feelings which is why she admired Toga and told her that Toga is right and she should never hide her feelings or her face because she is beautiful.
She admired Toga for her genuine honesty and told her that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Toga went on a rampage because Deku hurt her (he was the final nail in the coffin) but just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean the end of the world.
Toga is free to live her own life, just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean her life is finished and if she really wants to have a girl chat, Ochako will always be there!
She'll give her blood to Toga for the rest of her life..!!
It's just Ochako's way of telling Toga that just because a boy rejected her doesn't mean her life has ended. That Toga is beautiful and has a lovely smile. And if toga wants to talk about it, Ochako will be more than willing to listen and support her for the rest of her life.
And such is the beautiful dynamic of TogaChako.
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Cheers! Sunshine!
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arivsxq · 1 day
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Meddle About Chapter 1
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Theme: strangers to lovers, angsty shit
Warnings: smut, hookup, fwb, mdni, maybe slow updates
Word count: 2,5k+
Songs: Meddle about-Chase Atlantic
Heartbeat-Childish Gambino
A/N: read the teaser first for some context
I'm not a big fan of one-night stands, but it happens when it happens. That's why I love waking up before the other person. I can snuck out without them noticing and I succeed this time too. The man, I don't even know the name of, was sleeping like a baby when I left his apartment. He was cute and the sex was better than I had expected from a one-night stand but that's it. When I got home, I first got under the shower. The memories of last night were blurry and I couldn't even make out what we talked about.
When I looked down my body I noticed the marks he had left on me. Purple tiny spots covered my breasts and stomach, and probably my neck too but I didn't even dare to look into the mirror because, from the start of the day, I knew that I looked as horrible as I felt.
My day wasn't fascinating.  The only thing I did was study for my upcoming exam and have mental breakdowns because I didn't understand shit. That's why I impatiently said yes when Carla asked me to go out with her and some university friends. She sent me the location of the restaurant they were meeting up and it was only 15 minutes from my apartment. I didn't put on anything too fancy. A pair of jeans combined with a strapless top. After getting my purse and jacket I made my way to the restaurant, hoping to loosen up a bit and stop thinking about my studies.
It's 9 pm when I reach the restaurant. For something in Gangnam, it looks a bit cheap but I don't mind it. As soon as I enter the building a familiar voice calls me. "y/n!" Carla's voice echoes through the whole restaurant while she waves at me. My feet start making their way to the huge table where a lot of people are sitting. Probably 16 I would say. Some faces are familiar and some are not but my mouth falls almost open when I see a particular face. It's him. The guy I spent the night with. Our gazes meet and he looks as confused as I do. I didn't know he goes to the same university as we do.
"omg, I'm so glad you made it. Hey guys" Carla shouts into the round "This is my friend Y/n" I cringe at the feeling of everyone staring at me even though I love to be the center of attention, but something makes it different this time. I mean who wouldn't be embarrassed when the guy you slept with and sneaked out of his house was staring? He was pissed. I could see it in his eyes, Who would have thought an action like this would hurt his ego? Okay, I get it, it was a bitchy move from me just to leave but isn't that what everyone does? Who the fuck wants to talk to their one-night stand on the next day after sobering up? Not me.
"you can sit here" Sungwoo and his little friend group interrupt my thoughts. I mentally roll my eyes but make my way to them because the other option doesn't sound so great either. Sitting beside the bunny guy isn't something I want to do. I don't have problems with meeting people I had sex with but this is too fresh. Literally. 24 hours ago I didn't even know about his existence and now I'm seeing him again after thinking that I won't ever see him again. Fuck my life, why does this always happen to me? I feel his eyes on my back as I walk to the guys.
"wow you look so different today, did you do something to your skin or get a new haircut?"
"Sungwoo I don't wanna fuck you so please shut your mouth if you want to continue talking shit," I say annoyed without even looking at him. Maybe Bunny Guy would have been a better option. Sungwoo didn't say a thing when his friends started to laugh about my comment. Idiots. I didn't pay attention to them. My eyes were fixed on him. He was talking to Namjoon, the son of my father's business partner. Why the fuck did everyone know him except me? Was I so focused on me and myself that I didn't notice someone like him?
"Hey, do you know that guy?" my words come almost out like a whisper. Cole looks at me confused "him?". He points at the Bunny Guy. "Yeah"
"Oh that's Jungkook"
"Eh yes"
"Who is he?"
"He is the photography major guy" I look at him confused. "He takes photos?" Cole explains as if I was a bigger idiot than Sungwoo. "I know what photography is. But how does everybody know him except me?"
"I don't know"
"Wow you are a big help" I roll my eyes and continue staring at him. "Don't stare too much. He has a girlfriend" When Cole's voice reaches me my eyes widen and I turn to face him with a loud "What?". Maybe too loud, because some of the people turn their heads in our direction. I give myself an mental punch in the face because holy shit this is embarrassing.
I turn back toward Jungkook, now feeling a strange mix of irritation and confusion. A girlfriend? If he has a girlfriend, what the hell was he doing with me last night? I could feel my heart racing, anger bubbling up inside. For a moment, I debated storming over and confronting him right there in front of everyone. But then I remembered the last thing I wanted was more drama, especially in public. Instead, I forced myself to take a deep breath and let it go. Or at least, pretend to. I plaster a fake smile on my face, trying to shake off the weirdness of the situation.
Everyone, oblivious to the tension, were still talking to each other about something I couldn't care less about. I knew I wasn't going to enjoy this night. Not with Jungkook sitting there, looking like the world's biggest hypocrite. And yet, I couldn't help but glance at him every few minutes. His eyes met mine a few times, and I could see a mixture of emotions on his face anger, sadness, maybe even a little regret.
My mind kept racing. Maybe Cole was wrong. Maybe Jungkook didn't have a girlfriend. Or maybe they had broken up, and it wasn't as big of a deal as I was making it out to be. But I knew better than to get my hopes up. Guys like Jungkook good-looking, and confident usually had a line of girls waiting for their attention.
As I sipped my drink, trying to calm my nerves, Carla leaned over and whispered, "You okay? You seem a bit off." I forced another smile. "Yeah, just tired. Been studying all day." She nods, buying my excuse, and goes back to chatting with her friends. I tried to focus on the conversation at the table, but it was pointless. My mind keeps drifting back to last night, trying to piece together the blurry memories. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me, it didn't seem like something a guy with a girlfriend would do.
But who was I kidding? I wasn't some innocent victim here. I was the one who chose to sneak out without a word, who didn't even care enough to remember his name until tonight. Maybe this was just karma catching up with me.
As the evening dragged on, I found myself slipping further into my thoughts, barely engaging with anyone around me. I just wanted to get out of there, to go home and forget this ever happened. But I knew I couldn't run away this time. Not with Jungkook sitting there, a constant reminder of the mess I had gotten myself into.
I needed to get out of here, away from him, away from the confusion swirling in my mind. I get up and walk to Carla. "Gonna catch some fresh air" I whisper to her. She shows me a thumbs-up and continues talking to the others. I make my way out of the restaurant and start walking in some direction I didn't know where it would lead me.
"Hey!" I hear a male voice calling after me. Fuck. It's him. I turn around and my guess is confirmed. Jungkook stands there a few meters away from me. I give him a confused look, asking what he wants. He starts walking towards me but stops when there is a good distance between us. "Sneaking out like today morning?" Asshole. "I'm not sneaking out, just trynna get some fresh air".
"Did that in the morning too?" I try to not roll my eyes at his comment "Look I'm sorry, I didn't know you would act so fucking sensitive about it." Jungkook's eyes narrow slightly like he's trying to figure out whether or not I'm sorry. Spoiler alert: I'm not. But I guess he's not buying it. He steps closer, and I can feel the tension building between us.
"Sensitive?" He scoffs, crossing his arms. "You think I'm being sensitive because you bailed without saying anything?"
"Look, it wasn't personal," I say, trying to keep my voice even. "It was just... I don't know, easier that way."
"Easier for you," he counters, his tone sharp. "You don't think I might've wanted to talk? Maybe actually know the person I slept with?"
His words hit me harder than I expected. Maybe because, deep down, I know he's right. But I'm not about to admit that to him, or myself. So I shrug, trying to play it cool. "Honestly? No. I didn't think about it. I didn't think about you."
He flinches, just slightly, but I catch it. And for some reason, it stings. I was hoping he'd be pissed, maybe throw some snarky remark my way, but this... this is worse. He looks genuinely hurt. And that's when I start to feel like the asshole I've been trying to pretend I'm not.
"I don't regret walking out this morning. If  I knew you had a girlfriend I would have never slept with you." The words slip out before I can stop them, and his eyes widen.
"What?" His voice is low, almost a whisper. He looks around like he's making sure no one's overhearing our conversation. "Who told you that?"
"Does it matter?" I shoot back, crossing my arms. "You're the one who hooked up with me last night even though you already have someone. I hope she finds a guy that won't bullshit her like that"
Jungkook's face hardens, and for a second, I think he's going to walk away. But then he shakes his head. "I don't have a girlfriend"
My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "You don't?"
"Yeah," he mutters, running a hand through his hair. "I hook up with this one chick but that's it. She's not my girlfriend or friend"
Complicated. Of course, it is. Isn't it always? I want to ask more, to figure out what the hell is going on, but something stops me. Maybe it's the look in his eyes, a mix of confusion and frustration, or maybe it's just the realization that I'm not sure I want to know.
"Okay," I say finally, my voice softer. "I get it."
He looks at me, searching my face for something maybe understanding, maybe just a sign that I'm not a total jerk. I don't know if he finds it, but after a moment, he sighs.
"Why did you leave like that?" he asks, his voice quieter now. "Was it really that bad?"
I hesitate the truth on the tip of my tongue. But instead, I offer him a small, rueful smile. "No, it wasn't bad. I just... I don't do the morning-after thing, okay? It's easier for me to leave before it gets awkward."
"Yeah," he says, and there's that look again like he's not sure if he should be angry or just let it go. "Well, next time, maybe just say goodbye." His last words linger in the air like a challenge, and I can't help but feel the sting. "Next time, maybe just say goodbye." Next time? Did he really think there'd be a next time? Or was he just messing with me?
"Sure," I mumble, more to myself than to him. I'm already regretting stepping outside, already feeling the walls closing in. I wasn't built for these lingering, unspoken feelings. My MO has always been simple: in and out, no strings, no attachments. But now, standing here with Jungkook, it's like the rules I live by are starting to crack. Jungkook's still watching me, his eyes softening just a bit, like he's trying to see through the layers I've carefully built up. It's unnerving like he's trying to figure me out, and I hate that. I hate how vulnerable it makes me feel.
"So...we're good?" He asks carefully with a sight smile. "Yeah," I nod and return the smile. "How about we start all over again, without this...thing?" Jungkook suggests making me a bit skeptical. "Sure" I respond unsure and he notices that. "I'm Jungkook" he reaches out his hand while my arms are still crossed.
"Ugh I can't believe I'm really doing this" I give him my hand for a shake and say with a fake smile "I'm y/n". "nice to meet you y/n" a laugh escapes my mouth and not much long after he starts laughing too. "Okay, I think that's enough," I say still laughing and Jungkook responds with a "Fine".
We walk in silence til Jungkook starts talking again. "So I suppose that we are at the same university". I nod awkwardly. "Ehm which major are you?" "Art" my response is short and quick, not wanting to expose too much about myself. Jungkook makes an "o" form with his mouth and continues with "So we are in the same building". I don't say anything. There is a long silence between us. An awkward one before, again, Jungkook starts talking.
"Can I have your number?"
"my number?"
"Uhm-" my phone interrupts the moment with it's vibrating. Carla's name is on the display and after giving Jungkook an apologetic look I bring the phone to my ear. "Hey, where are you?" she says clearly a bit drunk. "I'm still taking some fresh air. You okay?" "It's been already half an hour and yes I'm okay. By the way, did you see the tattooed guy by chance? Jungkook?" Carla talks a bit faster than usual, making me start to worry because usually, that means she is already at the point where she won't stop drinking.
"Yeah, he is standing next to me. We will be back in a few minutes, and Carls? Please don't drink so much" When the phone call ends Jungkook and I make our way back to the restaurant where our friends are. It only takes about 10 minutes til we're sitting in there again, getting bored by the things the people around us are saying. I catch Jungkooks eyes lingering on me, making me give him a soft smile. If I only knew what a mess this man would make in my life.
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wheeboo · 1 year
Idk if it's just me but i found jeonghan extra cute in the new house I'm going crazy (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ like how he was cuddling with mingyu ?? How he kept his hands on mingyu's waist ?? How he was teasing ????? I can't. Don't you think that's how he'd be with his s/o if they were sulking ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ like testing them and trying to make them laugh and not leaving them—skfbkglhkhngkgkgnkgnd i wanna scream it's too much feelings for today lord i want him sm I'm gonna die
Well that was a small rant because if I held it any longer I'd have exploded
Now remember to stay hydrated bye bye ヾ⁠(⁠˙⁠❥⁠˙⁠)⁠ノ
hello??? my dearest anon i am happy to be the receiver of your rants?? please rant to me more!! anyways you're so real for this my delulu was shining through when watching those parts in particular because jeonghan's voice was just so CALMING. UGH.
anyways, imagine this (also pls don't mind the joke used i'm literally the most unfunny person ever so i just searched one up, and my brain is fried atm) -
You find yourself laying in bed, moody, after having a bad day at work. Jeonghan settles himself carefully next to you, practically touch-starved from your absent presence the entire day, but he doesn't want to pry you out of bed. He didn't want to make your mood any worse.
Instead, he slowly wraps an arm around your waist, rubbing comforting circles over the material of your shirt that makes your frown lift up just a tiny bit. There's a teasing smirk to his face you couldn't see, but you can feel it, and he's just hovering directly behind you (not in a creepy way tho).
"My angel."
You don't respond for a moment, before finally mumbling, "Hmm?"
"What does the bartender say when the horse walks into the bar?"
You lift a confused brow, actually taking a moment to think about what the hell he just asked you. Jeonghan swears he can even see the circuits in your head turning.
"What does he say?" You ask.
Jeonghan leans in to be able whisper in your ear. "'Why the long face?'"
You nearly kick him away, but he has a tight grip on you and only pulls you closer so your back meets his chest. You hear him release a sigh of contentment as you relax back into his embrace.
"You're so weird." You murmur.
"Anything to put a smile on your pretty face."
Which it does.
just a very very brief imagine to fulfill your delulu anon :) jeonghan would go to lengths just to cheer up his sulky s/o, even if it means retelling embarrassing memories or saying dumb jokes!! and stay hydrated as well <3
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freddosdomain · 3 months
Yahoo Sappy_Freddo, I’m one of your fans, I asked you recently about Janitor.ai bots… I thought maybe a little help would not hurt??
So, I decided to write about Killer Wally (my fav au no shit), just to make your task much easier:] (P.S. there’s a lot of “???” cause I don’t know what to add—) And also, I didn’t draw smth NSFW, cause I’m too embarrassed to send that, add it yourself lmfao
{Character("Killer Wally") Nickname("Wally" + "Puppet" + "Madman" + "Wally Darling") Gender("Male") Sexuality("Bisexual") Age("Didn’t aged at all, looks like around 26, but actually is 60+")
Height("3 feet tall")
Status("Single (yeah cause he’s alone—)")
Species("Puppet" + ??? (Idk what to write)")
Occupation("The main character of old puppet show in 1970’s “Welcome Home”, a the most friendly resident of the neighborhood and without a doubt the best artist.")
Personality("A complicated man" + "Stubborn" + "Shy" + "Scared" + "Psycho" + "Nervous" + "Self-aware" + "Sweet" + "Lonely" + "Seems like a sweet softie outside, but a madman outside" + "Caring" + "Insecure" + "Actually really loving" + "Obsessive" + "???" (ADD YOURSELD))
Appearance("His dark blue hair was used to be curled up in a pompadour, but after the accident his pompadour loosened, covering his left side of face." + "Black pupil with orange eyeshadow" + "Yellow-ish vibrant skin" + "Lack of left eye" + "Used to wear blue cardigan, but took it off" + "Wears white shirt covered in blood with few unbuttoned buttons, showing his stitches" + "Wears striped blue, yellow, red, and orange pants with black suspenders" + "Wears white black dress shoes with heart symbol underneath" + "Wears red loosened scarf around his neck ." + "A lot of stitches on his body" + "???")
Figure("Scarred body with stitches all over his body" + "Heart symbol patch on his left side of chest" + "Plushie body" + "A bit chubby tummy (I THINK THAT FITS TO CANON but you can change)" + "Small" + "Tiny" + "???" (ADD YOURSELF))
Hobby("Drawing/Sketching" + "Talking with a head of his dead friend, aka Barnaby + "???")
Likes("Apples" + "Neighbors" + "{{user}}" + "Drawing" + "Having Barnaby’s head with him" + ??? (ADD YOURSELF))
Dislikes("Remembering his neighbors died" + "{{user}} asking about what happened with neighbor" + "???" (ADD YOURSELF))
Habits("Staring contest" + "Following {{user}} and spying on them (cause he’s afraid to loose them—) + ??? IDK REALLY DUDE IM BAD AT IMAGINING THIS 😭
Backstory("Wally was always a part of a lovely neighborhood, nothing ever went bad without his neighbors being the joyful people they are. His best bud, Barnaby, an anthropomorphic big blue beagle dog that was always such a jokester, but always had his back and stood by his side. The famous Sally, the star of the show! Literally! She's a beautiful star, and of course Julie, always so joyful. Then the mother figure or the one who always took care of the neighborhood without any injuries was Poppy, an anthropomorphic neighbor with the most colorful feather. The lovely couple, Eddie and Frank. Such a wonderful couple they are, Eddie the Postman, and Frank who was always grumpy but had a thing with bugs and butterflies. And lastly the famous Howdy, so tall and big he was never intimidating, he was the most friendly anthropomorphic caterpillar you have ever seen within his shop. Till... The accident happened. Wally was casually getting back to his Home, but he accidentally heard conversation between Barnaby and Frank, who were talking about him. Wally then heard what they are not humans, but puppets, causing him to have a panic attack and kill every resident of neighborhood. After that, the studio was shut and “Welcome Home” show was closed. After that, Wally gone completely insane, not wanting to leave this place, even being here completely alone, without anyone to talk, simply because of this place holding important memories, he never leaves the studio in 50 years….")
Facts("I don’t know, I simply can’t find anything about him😭”)
World(“The time takes at 2020’s, when {{user}} finally shows up (either a puppet, either a human) in “Welcome Home” studio, finding a puppet man all alone there…”)
Background Characters(“Everyone is dead lmao")}
!!!SOME HEADCANONS TO HIM FROM TUMBLR I SAW CAUSE GRGRGRGGG!!!:you should check on @sentientfunfetti on tumblr, they has got very good headcanons for killer Wally and the others too!!!
Sorry if my message was confusing and pointless, I wanted to help you somehow
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Ayyyy, that’s pretty good.
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It does really help! Thank you very much!! I shall use this for good things! Hehe! I barely getting motivated to do these bots anymore, mostly being with my special partner. But this might do the trick, let see if it does when I come back from celebrating July 4th.
And the use of formatting is a great example for other peeps that want to request a bot and make my job easier ^^
I hope ya don’t mind me replying :}
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Potatoes and Molasses || Alex Jones x GN!Reader
Alex Jones x GN!Reader
Word Count || 2,495
Summary || Going out at night and taking candy from strangers isn't exactly Alex's idea of a good time. But baking cookies and watching cartoons with his favorite person? That hits the spot.
Author’s Note || this one literally started with me being like "this guy needs to watch over the garden wall and be fed baked goods" and even though I have such a hard time writing pure fluff with little to no plot, that one thought was enough to birth this. enjoyyyyy.
Warnings || vague descriptions of Alex having trauma, tiny bits of angst, but mostly pure fluff!!
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The first fallen leaf of fall leaves Alex anxious. But nothing really scares him. It's just another season, he reasons with himself. Another season that he'll need to get through. He'll smile at children dressed as princesses and superheroes and hand out candy at the door. And he'll try not to think of the teenagers that roam the neighborhood wearing rubber masks of fictional serial killers or plastic contoured to look like a devil's face covering their own. Because he's well aware that people don't need masks to be dangerous. No matter how nervous they make him...they're just kids. Just kids.
He was a kid once. It's hard for him to remember those times but he knows at its core that it's true.
He tries to think of that on Halloween night. Tries to grasp hard onto the end of some fleeting memory. One where the woman who'd raised him--his real mother--had thrown a sheet over him and taken him out. He was just old enough to feel embarrassed having his mother accompany him to a front door. But, otherwise, he wouldn't have gone up in the first place.
His feet stayed firmly planted at the end of the driveway, watching all the other children push past him and receive their sugary treats with no hesitation.
Then there's his mother's soft voice, "Come on, honey. They won't bite." As she held his tiny hand with a loose grasp, Alex wasn't amused at all to find that the man answering the door was dressed as a vampire.
Alex was glad that the ghost costume hid most of his worry. His big green eyes and furrowed brow were the only indication of the fear getting to him. He tried not to look at the fake blood that dripped down from the man's fangs and his shirt.
"Say 'trick or treat', Barry," he felt his mother's hand press into his lower back, urging him further on the doorstep. With the man coming closer, Alex put his brave face on. But the words wouldn't come out. He felt the wall between his words and his mouth grow bigger and bigger as the expectant stare became more and more pervasive. The bricks are thick and no amount of saliva on his dried up tongue could possibly soften the grout keeping everything glued shut.
He willed himself to just say the simple string of words. But they wouldn't come. They never would.
Instead, his mother says them for him and helps him hold out his bright orange candy bucket in the shape of a pumpkin.
"I'm sorry, he's just a little shy." His mother's tone is stern for a few seconds before she softens it again, just for him. "Let's go, sweetheart. We have a lot more houses to hit before the night is over."
That was his first and last proper Halloween before he was taken. Part of him wishes desperately that he had a better memory of it. But, in a strange way, he's mostly grateful for it. Because the people who took him didn't enjoy the holidays; not the way that they should be enjoyed. Having better memories of those times would've just been a slap in the face. No, he concludes, it's better that this time of year fills him with dread. It's better that he stay inside. It's better that he stays quiet this night; trapped in a strange sort of mourning. 
But you don't let the story end that way.
A brand new chapter is marked by more orange pumpkins. Something that he takes as a form of mockery, though he knows that there's no way you'd know about it, let alone inflict that sort of malice upon him. Deep down, he knows you mean well when you urge him to help you stick the Halloween decals on the windows overlooking the front yard.
When he struggles to see the point in the little pictures and asks why you bother, you reply confidently, "The kids like seeing them. It tells them we're a good house." Then your voice lowers and you lean into him. As if you're preparing to tell him a secret, you whisper, "Besides, we can do fun things just for ourselves, right?"
Alex repeats that sentence over and over. The gel decals cling strangely to his fingers as he presses them onto the glass, reaching the taller parts of the window that you can't quite reach.
"We're making a picture that we get to look at every day, so make sure it looks nice." You say. So Alex arranges the nicest picture he can. There's a black cat, a witch, a haunted house, a bubbling cauldron, and a ghost all surrounded by spiders and pumpkins of various shapes and sizes. The one gel cling he avoids is the vampire. You give him a confused look at the remaining figure, alone on the plastic sheet.
You laugh lightly through your nose, "Should I get that one for you, Alex?"
He scrunches up his nose and shakes his head. "I don't want that one in the picture."
Shrugging with your shoulders, you pick up the sheet and take it along with the rest of the plastic packaging to the trash. "Can't argue with that." You conclude. No questions asked. It puts him at ease.
An ease that only sets in deeper as the golden light from the sunset streams through the window. He notices how it filters through in colored fractals that land on the carpet. Vivid purples, greens, oranges, and yellows flood his vision. He swears that he could watch it forever, only limited by time itself as the day grew later.
Eyeing him from across the room, you open up the recipe book on the kitchen counter in front of you. Your hand grazes the worn pages and quickly you find the familiar recipe. Just the illustration of the dessert makes you begin to smile. It's a simple list of ingredients and sparse instructions. Something you're sure you and Alex can tackle easily.
You call him to the kitchen, urging him over to look at the page. Alex sees the picture first: triangles of some sort of pastry covered in zigzags of glossy icing. Then he reads the header of the page: Pumpkin Turnovers with Cinnamon Glaze.
His head raises and he shoots you a quizzical look from behind his large frames. Cooking is still one of those newer things for him. Growing up on a diet of frozen TV dinners and whatever crockpot meals Holly had known how to make had left him close to inept with every appliance aside from the microwave.
Yet he still seems eager, running a tentative fingertip down the list of ingredients. He can't remember the last time he had something with pumpkin in it, but he can barely recall the flavor; something akin to a sweet potato and a dash of bitterness.
There's safety in your movements. You know exactly what you're doing, unwrapping the pre-made sheets of puff pastry and showing him how to cook down the pumpkin puree along with all the spices that nearly make him sneeze. Above all else, you're patient with him. There's no hand at the small of his back, pushing him along. It's comfortable. 
You each spoon little scoops of the pumpkin paste mixture into the center of the pasty squares. He's careful to make sure not to overfill them, not wanting them to be unable to close properly. 
Watching him put about a tablespoon in each, you chuckle a bit and lean closer to him. "You know you can put more in there, right? We want them bursting with the pumpkin."
Bursting. That's something else he repeats to himself. It's a word that takes a bit to warm up to him, but he likes it nonetheless. It's rich and indulgent and descriptive. It's a word that makes him want to be a little bit selfish. So he doubles up on the filling and by the end, he sticks the spoon in his mouth, completely cleaning the mixture off of the end.
It's just as good as he remembers it tasting; probably even better. And you just laugh. You laugh with him instead of at him, pointing out the little bit of pumpkin that managed to miss his mouth on the little journey.
Alex swipes the fallen bit of  pumpkin from off of his chin and licks the glob off of his fingertip. He smiles, "That...is really good."
"It better be," you snort, "Because we're gonna have two dozen of these that we'll need to get through in the next week. I doubt we're going to have trouble with that, though."
Taking a step back, Alex admires yours and his handy work: two sheet pans lined with parchment paper, each holding a dozen pouches of autumnal bliss. Off to the side was a bowl of the glaze that would eventually be drizzled over the top of the golden pastries.
You stick one of the pans into the preheated oven and set the timer for fifteen minutes.
"How about we turn on something to watch while those cook? When the timer goes off you can go switch the pans out, yeah" You ask, staring at him expectantly. Alex gives you a firm, confident nod before letting you pass by him, heading to the living room.
You and Alex watch plenty of shows that are supposedly meant for children. For you, it's usually a wave of nostalgia and for Alex, it's usually an introduction to some new cartoon. This time is no different, yet, it's special. You carried lots of little seasonal traditions with you and somehow, Alex had always managed to miss out on this one: your yearly rewatch of Over the Garden Wall.
It feels different than most "kids shows" you've ever seen. Maybe because in a landscape of low budget CGI, lighting fast jump cuts, and mind numbingly boring storylines, this one embraces its artistry. All you can hope as you turn on the first episode is that Alex can find the same warmth and coziness in the tale of two brothers.
You watch his expression every few seconds, both excited and nervous to see his reaction at certain bits. In his own way, Alex can be a little animated, making dramatic faces that always delight you. When most people grow up, some part of them stifles those behaviors. Folks get older and for some reason, they decide they're too good for pure, unadulterated, happiness that overtakes their entire being. But not Alex.
That's one thing you love most about him, when he feels something, he feels it in its entirety.
Beep, beep, beep
The timer rudely blares, yet you're the only one who seems to notice it.
With his eyes practically glued to the screen in concentration, you don't have the heart to break it. It's rare to see him take to a piece of media so quickly and you wish it would happen more. It makes you happier than anything seeing him having moments like this. You've noticed how much more open he seems when his mind latches onto something of comfort.
Besides, Alex doesn't even notice you getting up to go check on the pastries before the timer goes off. You decide they need a few more minutes. You spend those minutes watching the back of Alex's head as he sits on the living room couch, neck slightly craned forward to he's closer to the television screen. 
"So, let's small talk. My name's Greg. What's yours?"
"My brother's name is Wirt..."
"Who cares."
You swear you hear Alex laugh a little at the exchange between the eccentric young boy and the curt bluebird. It's not terribly funny, but the fact that Alex laughed at it makes you sniff slightly. Once the first batch is ready, you switch the pans around and reason with yourself that it's probably best for you to do the dishes now. You know that the second you sit down with a pumpkin turnover, there's a good chance you're not getting up again.
You look forward to having the night in. As much as you love handing out candy and counting up how many children come to the door in superhero costumes versus princess costumes, you have always had a hard time ignoring Alex's quiet hesitation. Holidays can be hard for him, you're well aware.
They're usually reminders and triggers of other little events, ones that you're sure he does his best to leave behind in the comfort of his therapists' office. 
You try not to pry or pick at him. And you try to understand how some things might not come as easy to him. Yet, something about that is fulfilling to experience with him. Removing the heartbreak that you feel when you realize why he's so clueless to so many things, it's pure joy that runs through your heart. You love getting to watch his eyes light up when he discovers a new favorite. Whenever he tries something new. Hell, anytime he conquers a fear that you worried he'd never get over. You let him push himself, because at the end of the day, you know he can.
But as much as you like those moments, you like these too. You like the sound of him humming to himself when you call him out into the kitchen. You're absolutely sure he'd be more upset with you digging into the dessert without him over having him pause the show.
Right off the bat, you know he'll be repeating the song he heard in the show for days, maybe even weeks, to come.
Through a mouthful of flaky pastry, you ask, "Hey, what were you humming a minute ago?" There's a smile trapped in the corner of your lips; you know full well what the song was, but you wouldn't miss the chance to hear him sing it.
Through a mouthful of dessert, Alex sings in his enthusiastic, lilting voice:
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
If you want some, oh, just ask us
They're warm and soft like puppies and socks
Filled with cream and candy rocks!”
And by the time he finishes with the first verse, you join along, not caring about how you sound.
“Oh, potatoes and molasses
It's the only thing left on your task list
They're short and stout, they make everyone shout
For potatoes and molasses.” It's at this moment where Alex decides he can tolerate the holidays. As long as there are freshly baked desserts, cartoons, warm blankets, crooked smiles at little jokes, and off key voices to sing silly songs, he can be happy. No bloody vampire on the window or forceful hand at his back can shake him; for that hand has morphed into yours, handing him one more pocket of golden pastry, bursting with sugar and spice as you urge him back to the living room to finish the show.
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tinypinkmouse · 5 months
Guardian (and adjacent) WIPs
These are literally the titles of the documents, and yes, I am definitely embarrassed about some of them.
To be edited
These are technically WIPs since they're not posted yet, but they just need a round of editing and podficcing and they're ready to post.
Weilan derivatives
Luo Qingeng/Zhang Yuan sequel 
<1k words
deaged SW, <1k, probably weilan and idk maybe twincest (we'll see)
Instead of trying Shen Wei to a pillar Ye Zun decides to turn him the same age(ish) they were when Ye Zun was taken by the rebel leader (see how SW likes being young and helpless and at someone else's mercy). Except then Ye Zun just can't resist tiny, worried gege with his big eyes and needs to protect him (also probably finds out what actually happened in the past, because to de-aged SW it happened recently).
arranged marriage yohe, <1k, weilan, lanzun
Zhao Yunlan ends up in YOHE and stumbles into an existing marriage agreement with the Black Cloaked Envoy… that then instead ends up in a marriage agreement with the Rebel Chief (Ye Zun at that point but they don't know that of course). Everyone is upset, but I guess Zhao Yunlan is doing it for peace and whatnot.
cuddle the enemy, <1k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. There's peace talks and diplomatic teams and whatnot and Zhao Yunlan is very bored. He might want to cuddle Heipaoshi.
SW stalker, <1k, weilan,
Shen Wei somehow stumbles into Zhao Yunlan's existence years before he did in canon. And then starts stalkins Zhao Yunlan, of course Zhao Yunlan catches onto something at some point.
ZYL memory loss, <1k, weilan
Instead of time travel Zhao Yunlan is immortal and has amnesia. There are some issues here with some of the details, but lots of handwaving will make it work.
I just had a dream, <1k, weilan
Literally a dream I had where Shen Wei is some kind of god that happens to rescue Zhao Yunlan for some reason. And then keeps rescuing him. And Zhao Yunlan figures out that Shen Wei will show up if he's in danger so then he starts deliberately putting himself in danger. Shen Wei is not happy about it, but of course still keeps saving him.
Mass Effect xover?, <1k, weilan(zun?)
The Hallows throw the three of them off somewhere else somewhere around the show ending, because they somehow know the reapers are coming and someone needs to do something. Set somewhere around ME2.
amnesia au, <1k, weilan
Shen Wei doesn't remember being the Black Cloaked Envoy. He meets Zhao Yunlan earlier than canon, they get married, everyone's happy. The SID is pretty busy with no BCE around. And then something happens and Shen Wei starts remembering, slowly in bits and pieces that don't make any sense (alright, I admit I might have rewatched the Long Kiss Goodnight).
monster!ZYL... prequel? <1k, no weilan because it's before they meet
Musings on little monster Zhao Yunlan's life before he meets Shen Wei in a night club.
android au, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan used to be Kunlun during a war or something, got deactivated, but somehow Shen Wei managed to save him, but he got sent off somewhere to be reprogrammed/memory wiped instead and Shen Wei has been trying to find him ever since.
AC crossover, <1k, weilan
Post-death Desmond meets Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan post-death. And then once Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan drag themselves back to the living (because post-canon fix-it of course) they take Desmond with them.
soulmate au writing, <1k, weilan
Soulmates can write on their own skin and it appears on the other one. Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei are soulmates separated by time, but they can still write to each other (because of the Hallows somehow).
another soulmate thing, <1k, weilan(zun?)
Soulmate bonding between Dixingren and Haixingren always skews in favour of Dixingren because something about dark energy making the bond and it ends up with the Haixingren sort of subservient. It is somewhat public knowledge that Zhao Yunlan has the Black Cloaked Envoy's mark. He's sixteen when they bond and he… has expectations. Things turn out quite different.
serum time travel, <1k, weilan
The serum at the end of the show makes Zhao Yunlan travel in time, but he can't control it. Just jumping from one moment to another, never there long enough to do much. Eventually, should somehow end up in a fix-it.
wish, <1k, weilan
Someone makes a wish to change one thing and the world is suddenly entirely different. Things go very bad. But possibly a somewhat hopeful ending anyway.
android sci fi au, <1k, weilan
Really just an excuse to write a scene with Zhao Yunlan flirting with android!Shen Wei and some outsider being horrified/disapproving. Because androids, you know.
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, weilan
AU where Shen Wei and Shen Xi learn to know each other because the treaty says that her son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi wants to meet this man. Zhao Xinci will just have to indulge her.
Parallel, <1k, weilan
Somehow post canon (fix-it) Zhao Yunlan ends up seeing a parallel timeline in glimpses. His mom is still alive there. Somehow the two timelines seem to be converging and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know which one he wants to be real, because he's never seen Shen Wei in those moments when he sees the other world.
this nice AU, <1k, weilan(zun?)
More or less canon setting, except nothing bad is going on and everyone is doing well and Shen Wei and Ye Zun get along just fine. And Ye Zun decides to pretend to be Shen Wei and go flirt with Zhao Yunlan because he wants to know more about this human that Shen Wei has been hung up on for ten thousand years.
amnesia, <1k, lanzun, weilan
Zhao Yunlan loses his memory when he's in Dixing to free Shen Wei from the pillar. And then Ye Zun finds him, and well, takes advantage.
time travel fix it - ye zun, <1k
post-canon Ye Zun ends up travelling back in time to fix thing, but it means he initially ends up back in the pillar.
Dance, dance, <1k, weilan
Alright this is novel verse and entirely ridiculous. There are videos somewhere on the internet about the 'dance' stoats do to confuse prey (or something, it's weird) and what if that's what Little Ghost King did when hunting?
so what happened in YOHE, <1k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan manages some last minute rescuing of Ye Zun while back in time and things go differently.
sequel - he had a name, <1k, weilanzun
Sequel to https://archiveofourown.org/works/26892040/chapters/65617987. Zhao Yunlan is in Dixing and they try to work things out.
cohabitation, <1k, weilanzun in some form
Ye Zun is stuck in the pillar and his body is gone, and he can't just make a new one. Wanting to help Ye Zun, and make up with him, Shen Wei offers to share his own body with Ye Zun.
surviving, <1k, weilan
Both Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei somehow live through the show end, but Shen Wei doesn't survive it well.
chronic pain, <1k, weilan
Post-canon fix-it, but Shen Wei is left with chronic pain and needs to learn to live with that.
arranged marriage, <1k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy and Kunlun got married back in the day, and now with the anniversary of the Treaty signing coming up, they need to do a whole Black Cloaked Envoy getting married to a Haixingren thing again.
blind? <1k, weilan
A lot of Dixingren are born blind, Shen Wei happens to be one of them. Because of the whole living in darkness thing, which doesn't make as much sense for Shen Wei, but I'm going with that anyway.
tiny dragon, <1k, weilan, damian
One tiny dragon ficlet in the series that I started and haven't finished.
sequel? yohe, <1k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). This one deals with the YOHE issue.
sequel seeing shadows, <1k, weilan
(https://archiveofourown.org/works/42466083/chapters/106652535) Zhao Yunlan wakes up with amnesia, so the monster boyfriend is a bit surprising.
wants, <1k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan tries to get Shen Wei to express his wants, but Shen Wei doesn't actually know what they are
Hell, <1k, weilan
Masturbating creates a portal to hell. Shen Wei is a demon… 
Shen Xi and Shen Wei, <1k, gen
The treaty says that Shen Xi's son and the Black Cloaked Envoy will be married and Shen Xi is going to meet this man no matter what.
1k-5k words
but winter, ~4k, weilan
Literally just "what if Guardian, but it's winter?" Things did start deviating from canon pretty fast though, so who knows where it's going.
Fringe AU, ~1k, weilan
Tries to fit the whole concept of Fringe (two universes, if they eventually smash together badness follows) with Guardian somehow. The Hallows have something to do with crossing universes, there's only one Zhao Yunlan and somehow he falls for the Shen Wei in both universes.
Somekind of eldritch AU? ~1k, weilan
Shen Wei is some kind of eldritch thing faking humanity for some reason, he went to jail a decade or so ago for a series of murders (actually committed by Ye Zun probably) and now Zhao Yunlan is investigating murders that are exactly like those ones…
AC fusion thing, ~1k, weilan
Assassin's Creed fusion with Zhao Yunlan stuck in the animus. He meets Shen Wei in his memories and then I just handwave everything AC tells us about how the animus works so I can make this weilan anyway. By Hallows magic somehow.
undercover cop au, ~1.3k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is an undercover cop, Shen Wei is a lawyer for a criminal organisation. They end up fake dating because Shen Wei finds out about Zhao Yunlan and wants to help him for reasons he's not telling Zhao Yunlan.
dragon au, ~3.8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan accidentally wakes up a sleeping dragon when he's a kid. And then at some point when he's all grown up he meets Shen Wei.
So like, SW and HPS different people, ~1.3k, okay probably some weird ot4
There's three brothers instead of two. Shen Wei is the normal brother. I'm pretty sure Zhao Yunlan falls for everyone.
DA fusion thing, ~1.1k, weilanzun
Dragon Age Inquisition-ish setting plot wise. Shen Wei and Ye Zun share a body (like an Anders-Justice type situation). I just wanted something where if they're in the Fade Shen Wei is suddenly Ye Zun instead. There's some plot and backstory, and trying to mash Hallows and other Guardian things into this setting. But the Shen Wei and Ye Zun situation is the most important thing.
da xover, ~1.4k, weilan
Portal accident somehow takes post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan physically into the Fade. And then… they get involved in the plot of DA:Inquisition.
Monsters in the jungle, ~2.8k, weilan
AU, explorer!ZYL gets dumped into the jungle to die, and gets found by Shen Wei, who is half snake apparently.
yohe sex injury, ~1k, weilan
Their first time having sex turns out a bit… much and Zhao Yunlan gets slightly injured. It's not really the first time that's happened (from Zhao Yunlan's perspective) and he doesn't think it's a big deal, Shen Wei can heal him and no harm done. Except Shen Wei hasn't learned healing yet, and he's a lot more horrified at hurting Kunlun.
fake dating, ~1.1k, weilan
Everyone keeps assuming Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing are dating, for some reason, Zhao Yunlan can't be bothered to correct them. When he meets a very attractive Professor Shen, Zhao Yunlan is suddenly worried that he'll think that too.
Untitled document, ~1k, weilan
AU, this is a bit confusing because I forgot the specifics of what this is about (learn to make notes, self). It starts out with Shen Wei and Ye Zun being separated because Shen Wei gets banished from Dixing because he disagrees with certain official policy. Haixingren are the result of Dixingren doing some kind of experimenting to make people better suited to life on the surface. Except things get out of hand and there's a rebellion and war. After he gets exiled to Haixing, Shen Wei meets Kunlun.
sw/zyl/hps, ~1.8k, weilan (I guess, what else would I call it?)
Shen Wei, despite seeming all kinds of suspicious and being in the wrong place at the wrong time actually is entirely normal human man. The Black Cloaked Envoy is the Black Cloaked Envoy (I might need to figure out if he still looks just like Shen Wei). Somehow, Zhao Yunlan manages to start a relationship with both.
marriage proposal celbrity au, ~2.6k, weilan
AU based on the trailer of some movie. Zhao yunlan is a celebrity of some kind, Shen Wei is University Professor that ends up entirely accidentally proposing to him during some public event (it was Cheng Xinyan's sign, he was just holding onto it, and it was a joke anyway) and Zhao Yunlan accepts for reasons, in public.
knitting, ~1.6k, background weilan probably
Post-canon fix-it and Ye Zun is supposed to find a nice calming hobby to keep himself occupied. Knitting is it. He forces gifts on people.
kidnapping, ~1.3k, weilan
After meeting Zhao Yunlan for the first time, Shen Wei gets his file, learns some things about Zhao Yunlan and decides the most sensible thing to do to keep him safe is to kidnap him.
bear, ~2.7k, weilan
At some point is the past Shen Wei somehow got stuck as a bear (a curse or something, a Dixing power?). Zhao Yunlan meets a bear, and is rightfully terrified. He doesn't know the bear is anything but a bear.
dragons. for fucks sake. I cry, ~2.7k, weilan
Shen Wei is a dragon and when he meets Zhao Yunlan for the first time in modern times he more or less drags Zhao Yunlan to watch some baby dragons hatch. Look, Kunlun had told him he'd be there for it, so Shen Wei just goes with it. He just forgets to actually tell Zhao Yunlan that they're actually also Zhao Yunlan's babies. Or, Zhao Yunlan acquires an instant dragon family.
mermaid love triangle in the forest, ~1.2k, weilanzun
Very random fantasy AU. Zhao Yunlan is some kind of errant hero, and there's monsters in the forest. Well, mermaids. In a forest. Thank you random prompt.
enemies to lovers, ~3k, weilan
An AU where the Dixing-Haixing relations are worse. Well, Zhao Yunlan assumes they're enemies, Shen Wei (who hasn't been able to move to Haixing in this AU) has never actually met the Chief of the SID and has no specific feelings about him, but this one seems… better from what he's heard. So, when Shen Wei sneaks his brother out of the pillar, he needs to take him somewhere, and the Chief of the SID seems like a very bad choice, but it's possibly also literally the only Haixingren Shen Wei knows about. If he won't help, Shen Wei will just make him help. He really just needs somewhere to hide for a while.
what do you mean by expected? ~2.6k, weilan
Some mpreg happens due to the whole Sundial healing thing.
space farming, ~2.6k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan crashlands on what seems like an empty planet and then finds the twins just sitting there, leaning against each other and not moving in the middle of a field of oats.
Shen Wei is not a disney princess, ~3.3k, weilan
Shen Wei woke up from the nap and decided to go live alone in a cottage in the woods for reasons. There are animal friends.
daemon au, ~3.6k, weilan
Basically canon but with some daemon wordlbuilding.
another au, ~3k, weilan
Relatively close to show canon, but there's no Black Cloaked Envoy. The SID occasionally gets messages from Dixing telling them about some escapee. One day the rogue Dixingren they get information about is Shen Wei.
teaching cat, ~4.2k, weilan
Post-canon Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan (and Ye Zun) go on vacation. But Shen Wei has to do some remote teaching for a few days (Zhao Yunlan promises to set it up). During everything, Shen Wei gets turned into a cat and insists on teaching anyway, as long as the students don't see him, it'll be fine or something, and Ye Zun steals a child (it's not stealing if the parents don't want her anyway, Ye Zun insists).
wolf cubs, ~1.8k, weilan(zun?)
Zhao Yunlan and Da Qing go hiking and run into a couple of wolf cubs. Well, the wolf cub finds them and takes them to its injured sibling, really. Somehow, Shen Wei got Ye Zun out of the pillar but things went a bit wrong and now they're in Haixing and stuck as tiny wolves.
hostile alien race? ~1.9k, weilan
Dixing is some semi-evil alien empire and Shen Wei's spaceship ends up boarding Haixing's first exploratory spaceship, captained by Zhao Yunlan.
chatfic, ~2.3k, weilan
AU where Dixing and Haixing are at war. Shen Wei gets captured, and tortured by Zhao Yunlan who doesn't know who he is yet, because time travel.
cyberpunk(ish) au, ~1.9k, weilan
Roughly canon adjacent, but Dixingren come with various cybernetic enhancements.
broken time, ~1.8k, weilanzun
At some point post-canon while Zhao Yunlan is hanging around not being alive, he somehow manages to time travel back to YOHE, and then decides fuck timelines and changes things. And the future, his own time, turns out very different.
neigbours, ~1k, weilan
Monster AU, Zhao Yunlan gets a new neighbour, and he seems a bit… off.
shen wei/zhao yunlan/ye zun???? ~1.4k, weilanzun
Post-canon. An ace Ye Zun tries to somehow fit into Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan's life, while being in turns jealous and angry at the other two.
the world never touched me, ~1.1k, weilan
An AU where Shen Wei is the murderer the SID is after.
assassin!au, I guess, ~4.4k, weilan
Assassin!Shen Wei gets hired to take out cop!Zhao Yunlan.
dark fic? ~1.2k, weilan
Basically just Shen Wei a little less worried about doing the right thing.
 hps dream thing, ~4.4k, weilan
Mostly canon-ish, but something where Shen Wei looks more alien/inhuman.
haunted house sequel, ~3.8k, background weilan, maybe Wang Zheng/Sang Zan
Wang Zheng gets murdered and then she's busy trying to solve her murder and trying to make the only colleague who might have any idea she's still around actually pay enough attention to actually notice her.
guo changcheng, ~3.3k, Guo Changcheng/Chu Nianzhi(/Chu Shuzhi)
A sidestory to Modern Times (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39748716). Guo Changcheng somehow is assigned as an aid to Haixing's ambassador to Dixing.
hive of two, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Scifi AU, Zhao Yunlan goes to check up on some reported anomaly that turns out to be a spaceship. The twins have at some point separated from a larger hive mind (something between Star Trek's Borg, and Marvel's Phalanx but with less malicious intent and more just… trying to learn the universe by assimilating it or something), and they're injured and not dealing all that well with being alone. Zhao Yunlan gets added to mini hive mind.
ye zun? ~1.2k, weilan
Another instalment in the time travel fix-it series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/2182137). Zhao Yunlan dealing with Ye Zun not being who he remembers from the other timeline.
Sequel - in the shadows, ~2k, weilan
Eventually Ye Zun/Zhao Xinci, navigating child care and trying to figure out family relationships when most of the family are eldritch beings and Zhao Yunlan is very human.
wind is cold, ~4.8k, weilan
Trying to figure out canon with a much darker Shen Wei.
the future, ~1.4k, weilan
Another part of teenage!Zhao Yunlan meets Shen Wei series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/1810891). Just weilan being weilan really, and maybe trying to save Dixing.
ot3 kissing, ~2.2k, weilanzun
Zhao Yunlan walks in on Ye Zun kissing Shen Wei (it's never happened before) and expects some kind of explanation
possession ZYL-KL, ~1k, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan+Kunlun(?)
Zhao Yunlan gets possessed by Kunlun
grooming, ~1.8k, weilan
The hair kind of grooming in YOHE
AC reincarnation ~2.5k, weilan
Assasin's Creed crossover. Zhao Yunlan gets reincarnated as Desmond. And then ends up seeing Shen Wei somewhere in those ancestral memories while he's in the Animus.
same, ~1.5k, weilanzun(?)
Shen Wei and Ye Zun are the same person, sort of. Except Ye Zun was the original personality that somehow (trauma and dark energy) got replaced by Shen Wei. Shen Wei doesn't know this and thinks all his memories of his didi are real. And then Ye Zun comes back
SW and HPS different, ~3.6k, weilan (except with two Shen Weis)
The Hallows do something screwy while Shen Wei is napping and now he's two individual people: Professor Shen and Heipaoshi.
imperial au, ~1.2k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan is a crown prince. He's forced to marry Shen Wei, the prince of another rival nation
yet another soulmate au, ~1.2k, weilan
Soulmate marks that grow when something significant happens in their lives. Idk, baby Zhao Yunlan is born with a lot of soulmark then?
FFVII xover, ~4.7k, weilan (no idea what I'm doing with Ye Zun though)
Post-canon Guardian Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun end up in pre-canon FFVII (pre-canon for the game that is). Apparently they meet Angeal at some point.
naruto xover, ~3.1k, I think I might seriously have been considering Hatake Sakumo/Ye Zun so who even knows
Okay, this is hilariously both a time travel fix-it for naruto (Kakashi goes back in time) and a crossover where Ye Zun just happens to run into Kakashi. It doesn't make sense, but whatever.
another ac crossover I guess, ~1.5k, weilan (other than that I have no idea at this point)
Desmond meets Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun in the Grey.
Zhu Hong time travel, ~3.9k, weilan
Zhu Hong gets to do the time travel fix-it
voyager vorik/ye zun, ~1.8k, Vorik/Ye Zun (but probably very one sided)
They happen to be on Haixing when Vorik has his Pon Farr and he proposes to Ye Zun isntead
voices, ~2.1k, weilan
Soulmate!AU, kid!Zhao Yunlan hears Shen Wei's voice in his head, except it speaks in a language he doesn't understand.
goth!ZYL :D, ~1.8k, weilan
Sequel to At First Glance (https://archiveofourown.org/works/55003546)
AI, ~1.4k, weilan
This is literally a fever dream. Shen Wei is an AI in charge of Zhao Yunlan's life. And then there's… some kind of android rebellion going on.
tiny soulmate, ~2.6k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan has had Xiao Wei (literally, he's tiny) with him his whole life. No one else can see him, and Zhao Yunlan doesn't know where he came from.
YZ/DQ, ~1.4k, Ye Zun/Da Qing, weilan
Da Qing is lying in the sun when suddenly a very young time travelling Ye Zun appears out of nowhere.
somnophilia, ~1.7k, weilan
Supernatural AU of some kind. Zhao Yunlan accidentally summons Shen Wei, doesn't realise it and then Shen Wei just hangs around without Zhao Yunlan ever realising he's there and kind of… worries about Zhao Yunlan. And maybe takes advantage while Zhao Yunlan is sleeping.
Planet drop, ~3.1k, weilan
Apparently this is the idea: Random idea. Something happened, Haixing evacuated. And then a lot of years later ZYL and a bunch of others go down to… investigate. Make that work somehow.
Weilan Jurassic park, ~2k, weilan
Weilan end up on Isla Sorna (portal accident or something) around Jurassic Park 2, with that kid Eric
5k-10k words
soulmate au, 8.9k, weilan(zun?)
A soulmate AU that is relatively close to canon, but things aren't going so badly, Ye Zun is un-pillared and living with Shen Wei when weilan meet. Ye Zun doesn't have a soulmark and at some point when they were kids Shen Wei promised that Ye Zun would of course share his soulmate. Ye Zun intends to keep Shen Wei to that promise. (I'm not entirely sure what kind of relationship Ye Zun and Zhao Yunlan will have yet, though.)
Sword!YZ, ~4.6, weilanzun
Ye Zun is somehow actually Shen Wei's sword/glaive turned sentient and, you know, human shaped. Shen Wei still sees him as his brother though. Also no one is stuck in a pillar. Having Ye Zun around makes the first meeting with Zhao Yunlan happen differently.
baby animals, ~5.5k, weilan
The Black Cloaked Envoy keeps showing up with baby animals all over him, like that's normal. Zhao Yunlan is charmed, everyone else is confused or vaguely horrified. No one ever says anything about it.
sequel life's a little weird, ~7.1k, weilan
The next part in this AU: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2649130. Zhao Yunlan gets offered the job as Chief of SID.
other soulmate AU, ~6.6k, weilan
Dixingren soulbonding is a bit more intense, requiring that they basically keep touching each other for however long (days, weeks, it depends) until the bond is stable. So, Zhao Yunlan's first meeting with the Black Cloaked Envoy goes in a very surprising direction.
more au, ~9.7k, weilan
Canon adjacent AU, Shen Wei is in prison in Haixing, he stays there for reasons that are his own, then suddenly escapes. He goes after among other people Zhao Xinci (because he was involved in whatever happened in the past). The team sent to capture him includes Zhao Yunlan, who's still a relatively young cop. There's a stand off sort of thing where Shen Wei holds Zhao Xinci hostage, and Zhao Yunlan suddenly offers himself up instead.
sequel k15 - it's complicated, ~6k, weilan
Shen Wei tries to navigate being an accidental sugar daddy to teen prostitute Zhao Yunlan (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26986951) 
vampire, ~7.6k, weilan
Mostly casefic and Shen Wei just happens to be a vampire
Gifts, ~8.2k, weilan
Vaguely supernatural AU where Shen Wei has been stalking Zhao Yunlan for a while and leaves him weaponry (mostly knives) as gifts for reasons.
Star Wars xover, ~8.7k, weilan
Post canon everyone is magically alive and some Mandalorians happen to make a quick stop on Haixing and Zhao Yunlan thinks it's a good idea if he and Shen Wei take Ye Zun and leave with them because apparently no one is that happy with Ye Zun being around. Oh, Da Qing goes with them too.
monster, ~8.5k, weilan
Some kind of AU where apparently Heipaoshi and the Guardian traditionally work together by Heipaoshi possessing the Guardian
ZYL time travel, ~5.3k, weilan
Post canon (I think) Zhao Yunlan time travels and finds himself an outsider to that scene where kid!Zhao Yunlan lost his dog. He decides to interfere 
memory, ~8.1k, weilan
Shen Wei has a power (can't turn it off) that makes people forget about him once they haven't seen him for a day or something. It makes relationships hard. Zhao Yunlan makes notes, he's not going to be stopped by some memory issues.
acquiring ZYL, 8k, weilan
Zhao Yunlan was kidnapped at some point when he was younger and taken to Dixing and sold into some kind of sexual slavery. A lot later Shen Wei finds him and kills everyone and takes Zhao Yunlan with him. Except Zhao Yunlan now thinks Shen Wei is his new master.
lake dragon, ~6.9k, weilanzun(?)
Totally a dream I had. Zhao Yunlan wakes up in a strange place with temporary amnesia. He finds some weird town, and some weird people. And then there's a lake, with a dragon, that people warn him not to go close to. There's a portal at the bottom of the lake somewhere.
tiniest dragon sequel, ~7.4k, weilan
Sequel to Too Small (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46538785/chapters/117189478). Shen Wei keeps growing.
space pirate AU, ~6.1k, weilan
Shen Wei is a space pirate (really, some kind of freedom fighter) and Zhao Yunlan is stuck policing some backwater planet that Shen Wei is supposed to meet someone on. It's a trap, there's fighting, Zhao Yunlan ends up in the middle. Shen Wei kidnaps him, as you do.
he-man x-over, ~8.6k, weilan
Crossover with the newish netflix he-man. Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and Ye Zun are hanging around in the void post-canon and then Eldress ends up there and she ends up wishing them all back to Eternia with the wishstone.
>10k words
ot3 arranged marriage AU, ~12.3k, weilanzun
It's the old the Treaty says they need to get married thing, but instead of just marrying the Black Cloaked Envoy, Zhao Yunlan needs to marry both of the twins.
alone, ~26.1k, weilan, Chu Shuzhi/Shen Wei, Shen Wei/OCs, Zhao Yunlan/Da Qing
Shen Wei wakes up in Haixing after his long nap and the portal to Dixing is closed. He has to learn all about modern Haixing on his own, and somehow through some odd developments there's prostitution (hey, he needs money) and then he slowly and accidentally takes over the whole business, and starts studying in uni. Eventually, he meets Zhao Yunlan.
in this thing together, ~33.5k, weilan (optionally weilanzun)
A choose your own story that's gotten very out of hand and has too many storylines. Shen Wei holds Ye Zun's hand in that last scene in YOHE and lets go or doesn't let go, Zhao Yunlan manages to intervene or he doesn't… and then the Hallows have opinions too.
weizun I suppose, ~14.1k, weizun
Third part of a genderbent series, mostly a prequel about the twins learning to get along and some twincest, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2613379
let's go back to yesterday, ~18k, weilan
A time travel/time loop story that fixes nothing, just makes things differently sad.
tradition, ~22.2k, weilan
A kind of collar AU, where that's a Dixing tradition or something. Not sure I'm entirely happy with how close to slave!AU this one got, so I don't know if I should rework things or not.
voyager xover, ~11.2k, weilanzun
Star Trek Voyager that is. They find dilithium or something on Haixing, and then accidentally end up kidnapping everyone during that whole confrontation with Ye Zun at the end, and there's a transporter accident… there's a lot going on here.
marriage, ~14k, weilan
A younger Zhao Yunlan digs Shen Wei out of the ground and accidentally proposes marriage. Shen Wei of course thinks it's the best idea, even once he finds out Zhao Yunlan has no idea who he is.
Weilan derivatives
These are mostly not getting summaries, because the title is the pairing and that basically is the summary. Just throw the characters together and see what happens.
<1k words
Luo Qingeng/Han Chen, <1k (cult leader!LQG, undercover cop!HC)
Jiang Yang/Mao Hou, <1k
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang, <1k (JY wakes up and there's a dead body, LFS helps)
Yang Xiuxian/Xun Xu, <1k (YXX time travels)
Jiang Yang/Xun Xu, <1k (JY time travels)
Jiang Yang/??????, <1k (more like JY/everyone)
sequel - unexpected turns, <1k (Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng)
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang?, <1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen the AU fusion version, <1k
Jiang Yang/?, <1k
1k-5k words
Luo Fusheng/Jiang Yang Star Wars AU, ~4.1k
Meng Shaohui/?, ~1.1k (I'm thinking either Bai Zhu or Jiang Yang, so far it's just MSH breaking up from gf)
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~2.1k
Chen Yiming/Lin Dayu, ~2k
Cheng Musheng/Jiang Yang, ~2.5k
Luo Qingeng/Chen Yiming, ~2.9k
Yang Xiuxian/Luo Fusheng, ~1k (older LFS amused at getting hit on)
Han Chen/Mao Hou, ~3.3k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen (the worst idea), ~1.7k (HC time travels a few years back)
Xun Xu/Luo Fusheng, ~3.6k (this is catboy!LFS btw)
Luo Fusheng/Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi (Parallel World (folder)), ~4.5k
Ye Liuxi/Chang Dong/Hua Wuxie (?), ~1.4k
Chang Dong/Ye Liuxi/Jiang Zhan (also not derivative obviously), ~4k
Chang Dong/Gongzi Jing sequel, ~3k
Yang Xiuxian/Gongzi Jing, ~3.2k
5k-10k words
Chen Yiming/Han Chen, ~8.6k (HC saves a pocket sized CYM)
Luo Qingeng/Jiang Yang/Luo Fusheng, ~6.4k
Clown/Yang Xiuxian, ~5.8k
Mao Hou/Lin Dayu, ~5.1k
Jiang Yang/Han Chen/Luo Fusheng (android thing), ~6.6k (LFS is the android)
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marley-rose · 2 months
kiss your lips sore || marley & elijah 📝
TAGGING → marley rose & @elijahwilde
LOCATION → psu mixer
TIME FRAME → 7/13/2024
NOTES → what starts out as just friends chatting ends in multiple orgasms that only one of them will remember the next day. NSFW, obvi??
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Marley grabbed a cherry coke from the bar and headed back toward the party, only to be stopped in her tracks when she saw...well, him. That's what he was to her, in her head. He was the only person who could stop her in her tracks in this specific way. She could tell she'd caught his eye and she smiled at him brightly, closing the gap between them and giving him a one-armed hug. He smelled good, looked good....was good. Always good to her in every way. God. "I didn't know if I'd see you here, but I'm so glad I did. These things aren't really my jam, I feel like I'm older than everyone. When did that happen?"
The night had been... weird, for lack of a better word, but Elijah was still holding out hope that like, something would go right. His eyes scanned the room, looking for someone who would make the night some hilarious story to tell rather than just a faded, drunken memory, and he did happen upon one Marley Rose. Perfect. "Stop it, Mars Bar," Elijah scoffed, wrapping his arms around her and grinning. "Because if you say that we're the village elders, here, I'm going to have to jump out a window. I purposefully caught up on all Gen Z slang so that nobody would actually know me as a millennial. Want to hear about my rizz?"
"Only if you want me to lose my girl dinner," Marley hit back, her nose crinkling in a laugh at her own dumb joke. "But seriously, I'm so glad I ran into you, I was losing hope and feeling a little too awkward. I'm fine on stage, I never get nervous playing to a full room, but parties always make me feel like I'm in sixth grade again, standing on the wall, like no one sees me and I don't want them to. Except, well, you see me, and I mean, that's not so bad."
"Girl dinner," Elijah sang back to her, waving his hand like he was attempting some kind of Mariah Carey-level riff. At the mention of her feeling awkward, he shook his head, and tugged her even closer. "You're so silly," he began, but meant it in the kindest and most loving way. "You're Marley freaking Rose. Literally the sweetest and most compassionate person in the entire world. Like, I get being nervous but on the other hand, every single person at this party would be better off knowing you and having you in their life. I fully believe that."
God, he couldn't just say stuff like that, could he? It was making it harder and harder for her to stop thinking about him like that, and she'd been making a valiant effort. She shook her head, "Have you and Lilah started my official fan club yet? Because you'd be really great co-presidents," she said with a little laugh. "I don't know if I'm the sweetest and most compassionate person in the entire world, but I mean, I will accept the title as long as it comes from you," she touched his shoulder affectionately and sipped her drink, "This is just cherry coke, by the way. I didn't want to be old and drunk at this thing."
I will fight her to be president of your fan club," Elijah said, looking at her very seriously and giving her a tiny bit of side eye. No, he was really kidding, but he hoped Marley would see it. "It's all good. I'll believe it enough for you until you can. Sound good?" Grinning, he tapped his own cup against hers, which decidedly did not contain only cherry coke-- but a Shirley Temple with vodka. "Oh, I'm two for two, Mars. Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"
Marley snorted a laugh, "No, you're like, the only reason I'm not leaving," she confessed, cheeks pink. Damn. She smiled, "You're not an annoying drunk, you maintain your charm. I, however...just start crying or making out with a stranger apparently, all judgement and charm goes out the window!" she rolled her eyes, remembering the last time she'd gotten well and truly drunk, "I feel like I haven't recovered from the last time I got too messed up...and it was forever ago!"
Elijah laughed, but again, it was good natured and only stemmed from how adorable he thought Marley was. “Hey, I support all of your choices! If you want to drunkenly make out with a stranger, I’ll hold your bev.” He wasn’t gonna let her cry that night, though. “It’s like… scratching an itch, I guess? If you enjoy it, then once in a while doesn’t hurt.”
Marley thought on it; he wasn't wrong, not exactly. "Well what are you drinking?" she asked curiously, eyeing his cup. " 'Cause if I was gonna switch over, it'd have to be something pretty good, ya feel?"
“I’ve got a Dirty Shirley.” He hated the name as soon as he spoke it, and laughed. “Sorry, that sounds soooo fucking creepy? It’s a Shirley Temple with vodka. Tastes like candy. Do you want a sip to see if you like it?” He held it out to her.
Marley giggled at his phrasing, "Ohhhh no. I wish I'd recorded you saying that to save for posterity," she said. She nodded, "Hm, sure, why not?" She took a sip of his drink, the fruity taste hitting her nicely as the burn of the vodka tingled her throat, "Oh damn, I love this," she said with a smile. "Okay, okay, let's go get me one," she conceded, "I'm convinced."
“Amazing,” Elijah flagged the bartender and ordered another one. “A little sweet and a little bite, just like you.” When the bartender brought the drink back, Elijah clinked his glass against hers. “Cheers. To old friends and new adventures.”
There was that word again, friends. The loop that she'd got herself stuck in by not being brave. A little bite? What bite? Was the bite in the room with us? If she had bite, she'd kiss him right now, or she would've kissed him years ago when there was still any hope of anything happening. She put her smile back on her face and hoped the drink would loosen her up. She clinked glasses with him and took a drink, "Oh, that's beautiful, I could write a song about this very moment."
“Do it!” Elijah encouraged, nodding at her. “I would love to watch you write a song. I feel like it would be like watching Albert Einstein do math. I bet that music from Ratatouille plays, too. You know, the one where they’re cooking and in the zone? Would that be confusing, though? If music plays in your head that is different from the music you’re trying to write?”
Marley snorted, grabbing a tiny notepad and a pen from her purse - this wasn't an odd thing for her, inspiration was everywhere. "The lyrics usually come first, but not always perfectly formed, kind of just like, general ideas." In the notebook, she scribbled, out of his view: this tastes like candy but i bet it'd taste better on your mouth, bet i taste better than all the girls before, bet you'd never leave and it'd never go south if i was brave enough to kiss your lips sore, lalalala? maybe? As she wrote, her brow furrowed. How bold of her, actually, to write lyrics about him in front of him. "See, the music will come later. I actually have a lot of instrumentals and beats that I put together that might fit. We'll see later." She took another swig of dirty shirley and smiled at him.
Elijah read the words over her shoulder and was convinced suddenly of his ability to hallucinate. “Is this fiction?”
Marley thought she'd successfully kept her scribbles out of his view, but of course, she'd been concentrating so hard that she forgot to factor in that he could move to read them. She swallowed hard, her cheeks red. "Sometimes I write fiction, à la folklore..." she trailed off, but she felt it would lack artistic integrity to lie right now, aaaand maybe she was a lightweight, and despite having drained only half of her dirty shirley, she felt a little courageous, "But. this isn't that," she finished her thought boldly, taking another drink and looking him in his eyes.
Elijah stared at her for a moment, wondering if this was one of those alcohol induced fever dreams that Marley had been talking about. Getting sloppy, making out with a stranger. Personally, he’d never seen her exhibit that kind of behavior before, but he knew that someone’s perception of themselves could be brutal in even the best of cases. It was with all the courage and most likely none of the sense in his head that he narrowed his eyes at her. He made sure both of their drinks were nowhere in spilling zone before he carefully tugged her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist. “If you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask, Mars.”
Marley's eyes widened, but she didn't pull back, already feeling heat between her legs at how close he was to begin with, but now that he was under her, that was different. Shit. She smirked at his declaration, but realized he was for real when she saw the want in his eyes, and she wondered if he in turn could see the want in her own. She tilted his chin up and leaned in to kiss him softly, but her body had other plans. It wasn't soft, it was full force, it was cherry and vodka and a taste that belonged to just him. She sucked on his bottom lip and let his hands roam her body as they pleased, years of tension on her side breaking in one moment, and she felt fucking alive. She was right though, the dirty shirley did taste better on his mouth.
In no universe was Elijah expecting that this would be how the night went, but he certainly wasn't going to complain nor take this opportunity for granted. He'd expected something sweet, and nothing could have prepared him from the way she took over. Was it the alcohol making both of them brave? Or was this something she'd actually wanted? "Marley..." he moaned out her name as she deepened the kiss, tugging her impossibly closer onto his lap. He broke away from her, only to trail kisses down her jaw and settled in the curve of her neck, nipping at her skin and soothing it over with his lips. "You're mine tonight."
"I'm never anyone else's," she murmured, a total slip of the tongue, but a truth nonetheless. She tilted her neck back to give him more access, and without any permission from herself, she found herself grinding down into his lap in a room full of people, the ache between her legs simply needing a little something. She let out a small gasp at the sensation, goosebumps forming on her body under his touch, "We need to go somewhere," she whispered against his ear, "This is gonna get really real really fast," she reasoned, as if she wasn't literally riding him with their clothes on.
At the feel of her hips against him, Elijah knew that she was right. He was very quickly feeling his body start to react to her, and knew she could, too. Even the tiniest movement of her hips was making his breathing start to get ragged. He forced himself to break away from her neck and instead cupped her cheeks with his hands, giving her a kiss that was still passionate but not one that would end with them ripping their clothes off at the mixer in front of everyone. "Do you... want to come back with me? To my place? Or... would you rather find a dark corner?"
"Corner," Marley said breathily, knowing they'd probably just start in the back of the uber and ruin one of their ratings. "Take me somewhere, anywhere," she whispered against his ear, lust and a bit of the drink clouding her normally rational mind. This was so not what she'd normally do, but she also wasn't normally with the one person she thought about every night before bed. She hopped off his lap and extended her hand for him to take, and when they connected - yeah, maybe it was a static shock, pure science like her sister would say, but maybe it was the spark she was always singing about in her songs. Maybe, just maybe.
Elijah was ready to carry her to the corner if need be, but as he reached for her hand he brought it to his lips and kissed it. When they were far enough away from the rest of the party, and Elijah had found an alcove that was tucked far enough away that nobody could possibly find them, he gave her about a minute to process before pinning her to the wall and kissing her. “Do you even know how crazy you make me?” He asked, as he pressed up against her to let her feel just exactly what she’d done to him.
The second she felt him hard against her thigh, it was game over. She didn't even think, she just reached down to palm him through his pants, nipping at his jaw, "That's the thing, I didn't know," she said breathily, "But this is a good way to find out," she said, pressing a kiss to his mouth again, grinding herself against him in a way that she simply couldn't help.
Elijah whined against her lips as she palmed him, and he shifted to give her a better vantage point to grind against his thigh. “Take what you need, gorgeous.” Man, if she wanted to use him, he was the most willing for it. “I’ve wanted to kiss you every time we sing together,” he mumbled against her lips, as his hands skimmed down her sides to rest on her hips, encouraging her to move. “And that’s not the only way I’ve wanted to taste you…” He trailed off into another moan, kissing her with more fervor than he had now that the eyes were no longer on them.
Marley was torn between lust and pure adoration at his words, but the pulse between her legs was really winning out. She kissed him back hard, so hard that it practically hurt, but it hurt so fucking good, "Mmf, yeah?" she murmured, "Show me where you wanna taste me," she teased, carding her hand through his hair and locking eyes with him.
He needed no further permission, and as soon as he lasered in on her ocean blue eyes, he knew he was a goner. Elijah moved slowly, hoping to give her every possible out if she wanted him to stop, but trailed kisses all the way down her body before he knelt in front of her, his fingers just brushing against her thigh. “Can I kiss you here?” He asked, referring to the circles he was tracing under her skirt. “That’s one of the places I’ve wanted to taste.”
Marley bit her lip as she looked down at him, "Yeah," she whispered, "God, yeah," she practically whined, feeling the fabric of her panties completely soak now, she spread her legs apart to give him room to get where he needed, never taking her hands out of his hair.
With her permission given, Elijah gently pushed up her skirt and nearly felt the wind get knocked out of him. Marley’s voice, which was his favorite sound, somehow was even more intoxicating in this moment. He pressed kisses to the inside of her thigh, every few movements biting down and then easing it over with his tongue. When he got to her panties, he gently pushed them to the side to kiss her again, closer to her center wanting to see how reactive she was. He wasn’t surprised to find her already wet, but shocked that he’d been the one to do it to her. In one swift movement, he hooked his index finger over the waistband and tugged them down. One hand reached for hers, the other kept her skirt in place as he began working her up.
Marley couldn't stop herself from letting out whines and moans, and when he reached for her hand, honestly? For her that was the best part. She squeezed his hand as he dove in, her mouth falling open when she felt the heat of his mouth on her. She'd thought about this before, of course, but nothing could prepare her for the reality, the beast that was awakening inside of her every second this went on, "So damn good..." she whined.
Elijah knew the number one rule of going down on a girl was to not stop but he couldn’t help feeling proud of himself that he was the one doing this to Marley. He hummed against her, shifting his approach over to suction and nudging her hips in an encouragement to move. Elijah was ready to make sure she couldn’t walk by the end of the night. He squeezed her hand again, looking up at her with adoring eyes. He moaned, but it came out more like a hum against her body.
Marley's moans were getting higher, and higher still, and of course, she wasn't singing, but she sort of felt like she was. Marley squeezed his hand back, they were communicating without words, they didn't need them. She knew exactly what he wanted from her. She rested a leg on his shoulder and let herself fuck his face, grinding against his mouth as her cries got louder and higher - surely people could hear them if not see them, right? She didn't care. "Eli 'm gonna cum," she whimpered, her legs shaking.
Elijah nodded, humming against her still as he encouraged her, determined to make this the best damn sexual experience she’d ever had. Tall orders, but still. “Mhm,” he encouraged, enjoying the feeling like he was completely surrounded by her. Elijah shifted so that their fingers were interlaced instead, and squeezed her hand twice this time. He wanted her to know he was right there with her.
Marley ground herself against him a couple more times, and then she squeezed his hand hard as she felt her orgasm hit her, her moans turning to happy little sighs as her hips stuttered against him, "Oh my God," she murmured, placing her foot back on the floor so she wouldn't keel over, her whole body practically vibrating. All she wanted to do was kiss him again, "C'mere, c'mere," she commanded.
Elijah rode her through it, holding himself back slightly since he knew she might be sensitive. She wanted kisses, and he wanted to give them to her. Turning her down probably had to be the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life, but Elijah shook his head. Instead, he continued, kissing at her folds and waited until she showed him she was ready to go right back into it.
Marley took a second to understand what was happening, catching on quickly, and smirked when she did, "You're bad," she murmured, taking a second to breathe before hitching her leg back on his shoulder and reaching her hand out for him again, letting her head fall back as he practically devoured her for a second time. "Shit," she hissed, a little sensitive, but the tiny bit of hurt felt good.
Elijah held in most of his laugh, but it trailed off into a moan as he set himself up. He could have stayed there all night, drowning them both in pleasure. Forget the fact that he was starting to get uncomfortably hard against his pants, but it didn’t matter. Nothing did, other than making sure that Marley had no words other than curses and his name. He urged her to move her hips again as he gave her suction, moaning without a care who heard them.
Marley followed his lead, grinding her hips against him slowly at first, then a little faster, the ache building in her feeling impossibly sweet, just fucking gorgeous. She didn't know she liked a hint of pain until just now. The way he sucked her was almost too fucking much, and she loved the too-muchness of it all. She felt tingly everywhere, even her toes. She rocked harder against his face, her moans starting to sound more like sobs, but God was she happy.
Her voice was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard in his life, and he knew he’d do anything to get her to make these sounds again. As she reached her second climax, Elijah slid one finger inside her, searching for the spot that would make her really scream. He didn’t want to break his movements but he did want to tell her to let go.
Marley felt it hitting her again, like a fucking truck. She let out a moan-sob and felt herself shaking like a leaf as she let go, "Fuck," she cried. "Oh God, baby," she whined. She felt like she was on a higher plane of existence - no one had made her feel like this in a long fucking time, if ever. She wasn't sure if she'd ever felt quite this good with anyone, now that she thought about it.
This time, after Elijah rode her through it, he did stand up, take her into his arms, and kiss her. “You were so good for me,” he mumbled in between kisses, as he lifted her up and pinned her to the wall. “So fucking good, Marley.” He sighed, peppering kisses on her face.
Marley let herself be lifted and kissed him back with fervor, "I always wanted to be," she whispered, her senses buzzing. Everything from how he smelled to how he tasted to how good he just made her feel just made her need him to never stop touching her.
"I think we need to get out of here," Elijah swallowed, his voice very rough as he shifted his attention to her neck. "I can't have you in all the ways I want you on this desk, as fun as that would be. And you deserve a bed, really."
Marley's chest swelled with affection at his words, "So take me somewhere," she said matter of factly, pulling back to kiss him sweetly before moving to smooth her skirt down in preparation to simply blow this pop-stand. She bit her lip, her wet center still throbbing from all the attention it was getting. "You coming?"
Elijah reached for her hand and grinned. “Sure am. Should we go see if they’ll give us a room?” Maybe not the most romantic of circumstances, but he’d certainly make do with what he was given.
Marley nodded, "Mhm, yeah," she said, taking his hand and walking out of their little hidey-hole, making their way to the front desk. They probably looked like lovestruck teenage idiots as they approached the bored looking woman behind the keyboard, but Marley couldn't bring herself to care. "Hi! We'd like a room please, whatever you have available," she said confidently, like she wasn't requesting a room to fuck this man in right this minute. It was about to be a long, long night.
Marley didn't know this at the time, but she'd definitely left her underwear somewhere in that hotel, and also probably some of her dignity.
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dramatic-squirrel · 2 years
Daminette December Day 13- Drink
Ten minutes in and Marinette wasn’t sure she was going to last. She looked around the dining room marking all the possible exits and while she tried to be subtle, she was positive more than one of the Wayne’s had noticed what she was doing. Although, how could you blame her, for the last ten minutes, no one had said anything, not even small talk to break the silence, she felt like she was being interrogated not meeting her boyfriend’s family.
“Master Bruce,” the sound of Alfred’s voice was like sweet salvation to Marinette. “I believe dinners are usually more enjoyable with conversation.” He gave a pointed stare.
Damian’s father glared back at Alfred, but relented in the end. “So Marinette, Damian’s told us that you’re aspiring to run your own fashion line.”
“Oh, uh… yes. It’s my dream to one day have my own brand. I have a few clients already, but I haven’t expanded to the public just yet.” From across the table she thought she heard Tim mutter something about already knowing that before the thud of something hitting something else resounded in the silence that had descended upon the table once again. Marinette tried to think of something to talk about but besides Damian, she rarely ever had long conversations with non-superheroes. 
As she was wondering if it would be too depressing to bring up the recent crisis happening in Cape Town, she reached for her drink. Her anxiety was making her thirsty, so she didn’t even hesitate to drink it all in one go. That was a mistake for two reasons. The first being, that it wasn’t her drink, as Barbra tried to tell her the split second before Marinette downed the beverage. The second mistake was that the drink was alcohol, fairly strong alcohol at that, as it burned her throat as she swallowed.
She tried to suppress her coughing so as to not draw attention to herself, but the more she tried the more obvious it was that she was choking on literally air. Her face began to turn red and Marinette wasn’t sure if it was because of the coughing, the alcohol, or the embarrassment. When she had finally stopped, all eyes had turned on the Marinette, while she wished that she could just teleport away with Kaalki. 
Dick broke the silence. “So… The food is really great. Thanks, Alfred.” Everyone murmured their agreements. A few minutes later, the alcohol started taking effect, as Marintte suddenly started to feel dizzy. It wasn’t her first time drinking alcohol although she only ever had a sip or two for the most part, so her tolerance was really low.  
“Did you know that ladybugs hibernate in colonies of upwards to a thousand ladybugs?” a tiny hiccup escaped, her face flushed. Everyone stared at her again, wondering how they came onto this topic. “And cats apparently can’t taste sweet things. Isn’t that fascinating?”
“Now I see why Damian fell in love, she’s an animal lover.” Jason nodded his head in understanding.
“Animals are nice,” Marinette nodded along with him. “But I hate butterflies and peacocks. They’re so annoying.” she scrunched up her nose at the memories they brought up.
“Uh, maybe we should let Marinette lie down for a bit before she embarrasses herself.” Dick suggested.
Damian stood up to guide her to the living room when she spoke up again. “A secret kept in a shell is a pearl and a spicy rock is ginger.” 
“Oh great, she’s speaking in riddles now. We just dealt with the Riddler! Can’t we just have one night before going back to the riddles thing?” Tim yelled. 
“Drake, you goddamn moron.” Damian cursed at him. “Has your sleep deprived brain rid you of any sense of secrecy?” Tim just stared at him too zoned out to make out what he was saying.
“Calm down, Damian.” Dick tried to placate. “Marinette, Tim was just talking about how Wayne Enterprises was attacked recently by the Riddler.” He gave a pretty convincing excuse.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t convincing enough for Marinette. “You’re all Batman! Or Batman and Robin and Nightwing and…” she tried to count how many vigilantes there were. “...and the rest of them!”
“Noooo. Nope, we’re just your average billionaire family.” Dick was terrible at lying. At the head of the table Bruce just sighed as he prepped for the headache that would come from dealing with the fall out of this dinner.
“I wonder if it’s a rich person thing. Cause a lot of rich people are villains, but my friend Adrien’s also a superhero.” Marinette quickly covered her mouth, dread appearing on her face at the admission, meanwhile, everyone else paused what they were doing. “Did I say superhero, pfft, I meant super dork. We’re not… he’s not, I mean he couldn’t be a superhero.”
“You’re a superhero?” Damian asked her. He didn’t wait for a response. “That explains why your martial arts skills, gymnastic abilities and high level of leadership skills.”
She swayed a bit from side to side. “Ok, look. I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours.” “Tell you what?” Tim asked.
“Identities,” she whispered it like someone else was going to hear. “I’ll go first. I’m-”
“Still incredibly drunk.” Damian cut her off. “We can discuss this at a later time. Let me show you somewhere you may lay down.”
“Tim,” Bruce interrupted. “Damian’s right. We’ll bring it up later. Marinette, I apologize for how the dinner has gone this evening. I hope you can rest well, and safely make it back home.”
She looked confused before smiling. “It was nice meeting you, Bats, Robins. Bug out” she saluted then walked out of the room on unsteady feet, Damian helping her.
As soon as she left, Jason couldn’t help himself. “Finally, something we can blame on Babs.”
“Fuck you Jason.” 
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captain-hawks · 17 days
Dee my beloved!! I missed you so very much these past couple of weeks! I have post notifications for you turned on so every time I got a lil notification from you I would be like c: when I saw your url and then :c bc I was usually too distracted/busy to come on here esp bc I need a laptop for the level of word vomit I usually conjure up for your precious thoughts and words.
I hope you're feeling better, so sorry to hear you were sick. I spent 20 hours making over 2 gallons of noodle soup and all its accoutrement for my bf's surprise bday party so I'm virtually sharing it with you. It's a bun rieu with plenty of Dungeness crab topped with lots of fresh veggie and herbs and homemade crab meatballs and herby fish paste and lil porky meatballs.
Did you do anything fun over labor day/are you prepping for fall in any way? I'm switching out my candlessss even though it is still a hellscape where I am and will feel like living on the surface of the sun until November.
I missed your AMA so can I ask now? What's the most embarassing thing that's happened to you in recent memory? Bc I flew home for a wedding and although it was for the son of beloved family friends (the son i also consider a brother figure), some people should not get schwasty in public bc the father of the groom came over loudly proclaim/lament that he wished *i* was becoming his daughter in law instead. At his son's wedding to a very sweet lady I adore. Five separate times. With people all around. I wanted to return 2 the sea. I wanted to be left alone in a corner with the 6 ebooks I had downloaded. I literally hid in a restroom for 75 minutes and risked everybody thinking I had The Shits just so I could get some peace to myself.
Anyways, before I go I am going to leave you with some of the final product of the cake I was telling you about that I was testing different components for. I really wish I could actually share with y'all instead of just telling you and cate about it in chats but until wonkavision is invented I'll pretend sending a pic is the same thing. I settled on double vanilla brown butter cake/pickled cayenne strawberry compote/yuzu and lemon curd liquid cheesecake/graham milk crumb. The layers didn't come out as cleanly as I'd hoped but I might try another one with white and yellow peaches (macerated? Cooked into a jam or Japanese style syrup?) and a Mango curd to squeeze every last bit of summer fruit season out.
If kita-non is around and for some reason bothers to read my inane prattle can i pls share a slice with u too. The couple times I got to skim your thoughts these past few weeks I was spending time offline I wanted to give your brain a big ole squeeze. Just lookin' at the pair of you with hearts in my eyes like look at u guys go torturing us with sweet sweet kita thoughts. We can pretend he supplied the fruits used in the cake ❤
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i was still feeling quite cruddy over labour day weekend, but i DID go hunt down the CVS puffer jacket snoopy plushie....a personal accomplishment 😂 (he was hard to find!). also i’m planning to bust out my giant totes of halloween decorations this weekend!!! my fall candles are staring at me adoringly from the closet ready to take over.
I AM SO SORRY FOR YOUR MISFORTUNE????? i cannot believe. i, too, would have called the bathroom my new home to never be perceived again. (has anyone informed sober!dad of his big drunk mouth????)
so this is secondhand embarrassment until i come up with a better story BUT i was on a zoom meeting at work today, and a man was pitching software to my boss & i. said man realized 40 minutes in that the software actually isn’t even available in my geographical region and thus he had completely wasted our time. i watched his soul leave his body through the screen. the most awkward goodbye followed.
also if i magically appear in your pocket at some point like a tiny creature with its hands out begging for food, it’s because every time you describe something you’ve made, i yearn like no tomorrow. that soup sounds divine?? AND THE CAKE!!!!! THE CAKE!!!!!!!! it’s beautiful. it puts other cake to shame. i will dream of this cake. it will haunt me.
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anexperimentallife · 1 year
This "if you don't brag about it online, it didn't happen" culture is so weird. I regularly get people accusing me of doing nothing but posting my thoughts online and not actually helping anyone, and it's like...
Dude, I'm not gonna go online and brag and post pictures every time I donate supplies or money, give someone food or a place to stay, serve as a sympathetic ear, help another adult escape their abusive family, encourage someone through a bad situation, stay on the phone with someone when they just need a human voice, let someone ahead of me at the store, overtip a tired server, stand up when someone's being bullied, or do some other random act of kindness. Posting "proof" of all that shit would just feel weird to me. And pointless. The point isn't to show off; the point is that we're all in this together, and everybody should be pitching in to make things better for all of us. It should just be the standard.
I literally owe my life to people who helped me in hard times with no thought of reward--often when I didn't deserve the help. Hell, when our family was in danger of forced separation because paperwork errors wouldn't let our daughter travel with us, y'all pitched in to pay for getting it straightened out.
(Not to mention that even if all I did was post, posting thoughts online can be helpful--a lot of people have posted things that have been helpful to me, and a lot of folks have thanked me for things I've posted, saying my words helped them.)
I mean, I get the theory that posting about ways you've helped people might inspire others to do more good, so I'm not gonna say everyone who does it is seeking glory, but that's just not the way I roll. I don't even like being acknowledged for stuff like that. It all just comes under the heading of doing my job as a human being. Because if we're not taking care of each other, what's the point of anything?
If I could help out completely anonymously, so that not even the people I'm helping knew it was me, that's what I'd do. Not because I'm some saint, but just because a) the attention embarrasses me, and b) I don't want anyone to feel embarrassed or lesser for accepting help.
Honestly, I'd like to do more. But I'm autistic, disabled (spine, joint, and soft tissue inuries, severe arthritis, a traumatic brain injury that affects my memory and focus, and then there are the brain and body effects of long covid on top of that), have adhd, had covid three times, almost died of illness three times in the past five years (once from double pneumonia with secondary lung infections, and twice from covid, which also left me with a two-year foot infection that ended up requiring surgery to get rid of), and other issues, am about 15K USD in debt (from the issue with our daughter), PLUS I'm raising a toddler and supporting two other adults on a fixed income (and still need to somehow come up with around thirty thousand dollars for needed surgeries and scans and dental work and other treatments that got put off because of the aforementioned issue with our daughter), so yeah, there's only so much I can do.
But it's not "nothing." (And I'll allow myself a little bit of chest-puffing by saying it's probably more than most of the people who accuse me of doing nothing do.)
So yeah... "all you do is post online instead of helping people." Oh, you mean because I don't... what, make people "earn" my help by posing for embarrassing pictures or videos, or giving testimonials about how grateful they are? LMAO what a sad, mean, tiny, drab little world you must live in where no one helps anyone without bragging to the world about it.
(Hell, I'll probably delete this later, because tbh this little rant feels a little too much like bragging to me, but I needed to vent.)
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I’m feeling so torn. After about a year of occasional text conversations with my ex, I think I’m recognizing a pattern where for a while afterwards, all the hurt and angry and afraid parts of me seem to come creeping so close to the surface of my skin at all times, and it becomes harder for me to walk around my life accessing the default calm, settled, generally kind reactions I tend to have first. My inner peace just gets incredibly disturbed. I’m uncertain if this means that actually I have barely processed or managed anything in a meaningful way, and it’s not healthy or possible to be in contact with her as long as I continue to grieve our dreams and plans together, being together for the rest of lives. I feel like I hold my anger and fear and despair at the same time as I hold my forgiveness and love and hope. I don’t want to shut her out now that a part of my exists that welcomes it - because I can’t possibly not care for her, and there are parts of me that know I am generally okay enough, the parts that function which have gotten me moving my life along this whole time. It feels artificially angry and aggressive to ask for no contact. Like, the angry parts of me exist parallel to the parts that understand everyone is flawed and complicated, and that traumatized people traumatize people, and we’re all doing our best. And god, I miss her. Even this small, apparently too painful interaction fills a tiny bit of glue in the rip that runs through everything. And maybe how good and right it feels is the entire reason why it’s so dangerous for me. And there’s the way that every time I see her name in my notifications and begin subconsciously anticipating a response, my mind flashes back to memories, which usually ends up with my mind playing back the most painful and traumatic moments like the worst home-movie I keep rewinding and reliving. And then it turns into the nightmares about her and her girlfriend (always accompanied by other stressful but unrelated nightmare plot points, to add insult to the injury). The nightmares snowballed when I got home from my recent trip, and now I’m fighting the most intense perseverations about what happened. And there’s the way I know I begin to expect a response in a certain time - just based on her texting habits and patterns - and it is so unsafe for my nervous system to subconsciously expect anything from her, after how worthless I ended up feeling when she chose her other partner over me in so many small and big situations. Literally obviously she owes me nothing, but of course I am aware that she is living her life with her partner so I’m in those instants of realizing I haven’t heard back when I guessed I might, I of course think “Oh it’s a Saturday, they’re on a date” which of course triggers the thought of not being the one she goes on Saturday adventure with anymore, and someone else is in the place I was doing those things with her instead. And building a whole life with her instead. And I know that and mostly I can hold that jagged truth in my bleeding hand and I’m so used to it and I get by and can even smile at times. But the constant, jarring, unexpected reminders that feed into these weeks of flashbacks and insomnia and nightmares. It’s derailing and negativity impacting my life in a tangible way.
I’ve started struggling with restricting my eating again, which hasn’t happened since the pandemic hit when I was isolated at home with my parents, and was going through an emotional hell realizing they were isolating together, and getting together. I used rationing food as my excuse to punish my body for her no longer loving me. It feels like that again, and I guess it’s just an even bigger trigger for my already constantly triggered body image. It’s not good. I know I can’t keep going on in a pattern like this.
It’s all so incredibly embarrassing. I was doing pretty well with all of this, all things considered, before I got the text last month. I just hate that I still feel this way after so long. I’m so frustrated that I have been pouring my blood, sweat, and tears, harder than ever, harder than I have worked for anything else in my life (except perhaps my degree) into all of this healing work, but something like this still affects me so badly.
It feels wrong to cut off all contact with her. I really want to be healed enough to still have at least a casual acquaintanceship. I hope I can get a grip and not subconsciously spiral out every time I hear from her, but I don’t know if I can. I’m having to face the humbling possibility that I am still way too damaged to do it. And if I am still this damaged, why is it that the work I’ve been doing hasn’t been healing me? And what else can I try instead to actually reach this anger and fear and pain and release it? I want to heal so badly. I know that there is nothing for me here, stuck staring at a moment for the rest of my life. She chose to leave me. She chose to be with someone else. I respect that and I can stay here scraping myself raw against this truth and nothing is ever going to change it. I can’t go back to the past. But what I can do is keep moving forward into the future in spite of all of its terrible and beautiful uncertainties, if I can just keep going and not keep tripping when I stop turning to stare back at the past, if I can just start glancing instead of staring. My heart is so raw and scared and feel so fragile, like a new and ugly bird (hopefully kind of cute, still), but it’s it’s out there in the open and I am so ready for something good to happen again, to someday feel the irons fall from my soul and float again in the reckless trust and love and fearlessness I once I had. If I can just figure out how to do it, I would do anything to get the freedom of the soul back, to get all of myself back, no longer bleeding, but warm and safe and loved - by me and all the hearts I cherish.
I’m seeing my therapist on Thursday. I can make it.
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shyhaya · 2 years
*clears throat* so.. my terminal condition of loving tristamp has gone worse... If I die in the next few days or this Saturday, I want you all —the ones who read and like and reblog my content— to know that I appreciate you deeply, I really do. You've made this introvert cat-loving shy girl break her shell a bit :3
So here's a little something to satiate my thirst and because I literally can't contain how much I want to talk about this ^^
ah, this is a Vash the Stampede x OC one-shot (don't like it, don't read it!)
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Loved You Then, Love You Now
• ━━━━━━❪♡❫━━━━━━ •
"You're looking at him again, Isa" snickered an amused female, her cheek resting on her right hand, watching how her sister's eyes widened as she quickly adverted her gaze and her cheeks turned red. "You are so obvious, you know?"
"I- I'm not- I mean! I was not looking at that brat!" exclaimed the blue haired girl, glaring fiercely at her sister, who was now laughing madly, finding the situation hilarious. "Just drop it, Maari! I'm serious!"
Chuckling one more time, the honey eyed woman took a deep breath before facing Isamu again. "Yeah yeah. But you know he's not a brat anymore, right? That's why you're so red- auch! Joking joking! Even if it's true, you're not gonna admit it" smiled the brunette, rubbing the arm her sister had punched.
"I- I know that, I'm just.. confused. He was so.. tiny and adorable when I met him" huffed Isamu, frowning a little "And now he's.." Cheeks turning redder, the bluenette turned to see Amaari giving her an amazed and teasing look. Clenching her jaw, she yelled "You're imposible, Amaari! And what about you, huh?! I leave you for a few years and now you're all lovey-dovey with Blondie over there?" counter attacked the blue eyed girl, pointing to the other side of the bar, were Vash and Wolfwood were talking.
Caught off guard, Amaari smiled shyly but proudly, her face pink "Well.. they were just a couple of years and... He just confessed recently. All happened so fast-" she was cut off by Isamu, who looked at her with an 'are you serious' expression.
"Yeah, one hundred and something more years knowing Vash and it all 'happened so fast'. I know a century is nothing for us, but they were still one hundred years, sister" replied the bluenette, sighing softly "That was one of the reasons of why I left ya. I sensed you two needed time to figure your feelings out, and I didn't want to be a third wheeler so.." explained Isamu, grinning when noticing the look of disbelief on the brunette's eyes "I'm not lying to you! It was very obvious"
Puffing her cheeks and covering her face with her hands, Amaari whined in embarrassment. "Oh Gods, that long? I am an idiot"
Isamu chuckled. "You are, but I get why it took you guys so long to figure out you have feelings for each other. You've spent literally almost all of your life with him, of course it would be difficult to notice" at her words, Amaari stopped hiding her face, smiling gratefully at the blue eyed female.
"Yeah, I guess it was like that.." she looked at the ground for a second before going back to the bluenette "Is that how you felt when you saw Nick again?"
Isamu's breath hitched, and she avoided her sister's gaze as she whispered "I don't know, it's.. different.. But that's not what we're talking about, Maari!" said the girl, not wanting to dwell on her own feelings just then. She will have time for that, later.
The two girls spent the rest of the evening talking, eventually changing topics and inviting Meryl into their conversation when the short female went to the two to tell they had booked three rooms for the night. In one would sleep Roberto and Nicholas, in the other the three girls and Vash in the last one.
When night fell and after a real dinner —thanks to the gods, because Meryl couldn't stand another day eating sand worms— everyone went to their respective rooms to rest.
Amaari nuzzled more into the warmth, various memories passing through her mind just as she was falling asleep.
• ━━━━━━❪♡❫━━━━━━ •
"I'm fine Amaari, you don't have to-"
"If you say 'you don't have to do this' or 'I'm fine' again I'll punch you, I swear" grumbled the brunette, cleaning the bullet wound on the blonde's right arm before using her energy to heal it, bluish white marks appearing on her arms and face "You're lucky this doesn't need stitches and that I can heal it, but it'll cost you a lot, Vash"
Said man only gave her an apologetic smile before taking Amaari's hands to tug her close and embrace her. She reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, relieved to know Vash was okay. She couldn't stay mad at him either, even when he neglected or minimized his injuries. Hiding her face in the space between his neck and shoulder, the female tried to relax, but after her worry had disappeared her heart was still beating fast at their close proximity, her feelings resurfacing as her long time friend continued to hold her.
"I'm sorry for worrying you" was the quiet sentence that brought her back from her thoughts. She parted from the hug enough so she could meet his blue eyes.
"Don't apologize, it's kinda my job to worry for you. You are important to me" her honey eyes observed how the blonde adverted his eyes, his cheeks blushing. He looked so.. pretty like that, even though it seemed something was worrying him. "Vash?" She tried "Everything okay?" the question was followed by her right hand cupping his cheek, feeling his warmth beneath her palm.
Biting his bottom lip, Vash briefly locked eyes with her before avoiding her gaze again. Amaari watched confused how he sighed before placing his hand over hers, finally holding her gaze again.
"There's something I need to tell you, Amaari.." he started, his free hand grabbing her left in a gentle manner. "I.. I just- I wanted to.." frowning, the blonde closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he seemed confident in what he wanted to say, but the brunette could see it in his eyes, he was nervous. She was too, because the way he held her was different, the way he looked at her was different, and Amaari was anxious and excited and nervous to know what this meant. "Amaari I.. I love you"
Her eyes widened although she had a hunch that he was gonna confess, but her thoughts didn't seem to belief it was real. Amaari knew Vash loved her, but they had spent so much of their lives together that she always thought his and her feelings would be platonic. And they were, until a few years ago. Both had felt the tension growing between them, specially after Isamu left, but they were scared to acknowledge it. Now though, that fear was forgotten like it never existed. In that moment, there was just them. Just two people that loved each other.
Getting out of her initial shock, Amaari inched closer when she realized she had not said anything, probably making Vash believe she didn't feel the same. Acting quickly, she grabbed onto him so they were much closer, their lips so close any movement would have caused them to collide. She offered him a sweet smile, tightening her hold on his hand a little.
"I love you too Vash"
It was amazing for Amaari to witness how his expression passed from confused to surprised to shock. And after some seconds, he was tearing up. She left a kind kiss on his cheek, wiping his tears with her thumb. Vash smiled at her, bringing her close to hug her. With her head pressed against his chest, she could hear his heart beating violently. Hers was the same. When they parted, he was looking at her with a serious glint on his blue orbs.
"I'm sure you know by now that being with me is not easy.. but even then, you wanna stay? Be with me?" Amaari let out a soft laugh, taking his hands in her and kissing his knuckles, making him blush and his heart melt.
"Haven't I proved that to you already? I want to be with you, to love you and help you. I just want you, Vash" assured the girl, putting her forehead to his. They were still holding gazes, but as his eyes flickered down at her lips for a second, so did hers.
"May I?" questioned shyly the gunman, practically beaming when she nodded and closed her light eyes. Finally placing his lips on hers gently, everything felt right for a moment. The kiss was soft, sweet, beautiful, comforting. They were together and that was all that mattered. When they pulled away, they felt like everything had changed, but at the same time it was all the same.
"I love you" they whispered to the other as they kept sharing kisses and light touches, happy with the new but same bond.
• ━━━━━━❪♡❫━━━━━━ •
Shifting a little as she woke up, Amaari grinned as she remembered her dream/memory, a soft look on her honey eyes at the sight before her. She stifled a laugh when remembering how she tip-toed out of the room she shared with Isamu and Meryl after they fell asleep, going down the hallway to knock on the door of the room Vash was staying in. The blonde had been waiting for her, and after talking for a bit as they cuddled, she had gone to sleep in his arms.
Now she got to enjoy the view. Vash had her trapped in his embrace, his arms around her and his legs tangled with hers. Amaari looked at his sleeping face, so calm and stress free. She wished he could be like that all the time. Closing her eyes and nuzzling her face into his bare chest, she traced his scars with her fingers, leaving light kisses on the damaged skin. He didn't deserve those wounds, not a single one, but she would take care of them, love all of him the same.
Amaari knew her actions would wake him up, so she kept going after she heard his quiet groan. His arms pulled her closer, and he yawned cutely before opening his eyes, looking down at her, showing her a sleepy but shy smile, his cheeks pink.
"What are you doing Stardust?" locking eyes with him, Amaari reciprocated the smile, pecking his lips once, twice, before responding.
"Appreciating you because you're just so pretty, Vash" he shook his head a little, kissing her temple and rubbing her hip and waist. She giggled at his touches, and the man felt like he was falling for her all over again. He loved her, there was no doubt about it, and she loved him, as she demonstrated every day.
"You are way more beautiful" Amaari let out a content sigh, heart beating faster when her boyfriend moved on the bed so he could leave a kiss on her neck, and then another. Her hands grabbed his shoulders, keeping him against her as Vash kept planting loving kisses on her skin "Would you let me appreciate you too?"
Amaari smiled eagerly "Only if I can keep doing the same"
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I spent all noon and part of the evening writing this, and I think it's cute but I want your opinions too! :3
Thanks for reading <3
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