#and I remember spending the next twenty minutes aggressively brushing out my hair
crystalisopod · 5 months
I'm so grateful that my autism has sort of mellowed out as I aged, and that I'm less sensitive sensory-wise. because it's just so... I don't know, embarrassing? to think back on every meltdown.
it's embarrassing because everything hurt so badly, but it's not something I could talk about because it was all just mountains out of molehills. it's like having a breakdown and screaming over a paper cut, it's hard to even talk about without it sounding incredibly silly or making myself sound oversensitive and pathetic.
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mazuwii · 3 years
Eren Jaeger SFW Alphabet
Authors note: I hope this is feeding you guys because I am dragging this motivation by its hair😤
I was going to do Bertholdt next but I got a request for Miche so either of them will come out next😄
If you guys can’t comment (I’ve no idea how to turn replies on) Then I’m Lunology on wattpad, just comment on my aot scenarios book and I’ll post here! <3
—A (Affection, how affectionate is he?)
•Not the most lovey-dovey person in the entire cast, Eren is really shy when it comes to conveying his feelings for you. But when you both are alone, and he's comfortable with you he can hug you, or pinch your cheeks as a way of saying "You're so cute I could squish you into nothing."
•He has a very aggressive way of showing affection, like biting your cheek, kissing places with his hands clamping shut on them, it's difficult to get him to let go.
—B (Bestfriend, what would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
•Being best friends with Eren is a wild ride. You'd think he adopted you as a best friend being the loud, boisterous extrovert that he is yet you're the one always getting him out of trouble.
•He's loud, fun, spontaneous but incredibly annoying. My guy will SPAM you with useless TikTok videos, his entire fyp on your messages.
•But he's very funny too, he crops your faces on animated videos and it lowkey looks so shit that it's funny.
•As your best friend, Eren will fight anyone who even thinks about threatening you (lmao he can't fight) so you're just stuck with scolding him and disinfecting his bleeding lip💀
—C (Cuddling. Does he like to cuddle? How would he cuddle?)
•If he gets a random wave of gratitude he'd just randomly burst into your room and hug you, it would be sooo random. You're just playing a game and this guy hugs you but as a joke, he walks around the room while hugging you so the chair you're on walts around everywhere with him. Once you understand what this weirdo is doing you just burst out laughing with him because you both look dumb.
•Like the dude is just staring into space when he remembers that one time you slapped a teacher for him, or almost got yourself in trouble to give him something and he just goes: ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥ ‸ ŏ̥̥̥̥) ु COME HERE Y/NNNNNN!!
•Eren is a pretty fun boyfriend, wouldn't just stick to a cuddle session, it would be more like... playing a game on the console with you sprawled out on his lap.
—D (Domestic. Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
•While Eren wants to tie a knot when it comes to you and him, having children never ever crosses his mind. It's just fun fun fun until you're twenty-eight and you're asking when he wants to have a mini Jaegar. He just looks a bit taken back because it isn't an easy job...
•And when it comes to cooking and cleaning, he's actually somewhat good at cleaning, never missing a spot with his aggressive wiping. However... I don't see him as a cooker if you get me💀 probably burnt his finger while boiling water and never tries again.
•If we're talking about domestic then yeah maybe, maybe he does have a nice husband in him. Not one that pretends there's a spider on you when you wake up... or nOt one that hogs the pillows.
—E (Ending, If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)
•He felt as if he wasn't giving you enough and that other men could satisfy you. Eren would be too scared to face you when he breaks the news so he would leave a note and completely disappear from your life.
—F (Fiancé. How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
•Eren doesn't really put labels on things, at least, he says that... the guy calls you wifey even though you aren't married. Sure he may think about it for a few minutes but quickly shuts himself down since he's extremely shy when it comes to chatting about the two of you
•Eventually when he goes to all his friends' weddings, he gets jealous and decides he should put a ring on it LMAO, you can expect him to be incredibly flustered and even play it off with a 'cool' when you say yes. It's best you hug him so that you don't see how red his face turns.
•I'm just sayin' he's going all out for your wedding, it's so funny, he's so extra... why are their ten limousines? Men shooting guns upwards the moment you both kiss?! A fucking food fight-
—G  (Gentle. How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
•If we're talking about physically, he is not gentle and he doesn't even try to be. He sometimes accidentally hurts you but never misses a second to kiss the spot and over-apologise. But Eren would never think about hurting you on purpose unless it was a life or death situation.
•Emotionally, he's fragile and would love reassurance. Emotionally, towards you, he doesn't be careful, always giving you jump scares, purposely pranking you
—H (Hugs, do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
•For you, he loves aggressive hugs where it's breaking your bones and he just lifts you off the floor and violently shakes you around like he can't get enough of you.
•He loves loves loves loves LOVES hugs when you two are alone and treating you like your a happy huge dog, ruffling every single part of your body for no reason at all and rubbing you with a relaxing force...?
•Again, Eren is very shy so you'd have to start hugging him first for him to get used to it and eventually, he'll be the one knocking into your body for a bear hug
—I (I love you. How fast do they say the L-word?)
•Eren says I love you through the number of shits he gives (Not literally)... If he cares about you he worries a lot and checks up on you almost all the time so
•It would probably be at a time where he did something so risky and you got so scared that the moment you caught onto him you cried it out, he'd apologetically say it back and hug you, with meaning of course.
—J (How Jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
•Coming from someone who tries her hardest to make this accurate, I can say Eren gets jealous to the  m a x
•At first he thinks to himself that you'd tell whoever it is flirting with you to fuck off but his pride shatters when he realises you didn't say anything and it doesn't sound like you will
•My guy either walks out in dismay and gets petty with you afterwards or he walks up to you and tells you the both of you have to go home before shooting a dirty look at the flirty dude or straight up telling him to piss off
•That may result in a physical fight 💀 that guy needs anger management classes...
—K (Kisses, what are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
•For Eren, I can say that he doesn't make out often but when he does he'll probably leave your lips bruised, he has an obsession with biting your lip at the wrong time💀 he's too rough on most occasions, it isn't fun... calm down Jaegar.
•Eren loves kissing your cheek, except he bites it and leaves a slobber of saliva on it. He thinks it's cute as fuck, he won't stop.
•As for where he likes being kissed... he likes feeling delicate and loved so he really enjoys it when you sweep his rapunzel ass hair aside and kiss the temple of his forehead
—M (Mornings, how are mornings spent with him)
•The blanket is probably completely off of him and his leg is resting on your hip. He's an animal so the guy wakes up at like...6am without an alarm- it isn't even a training day! It's a day off! And he still wakes up at that early time.
•A few morning exercises for an hour before he attempts to wake you up... violently.
•Listen! Eren likes making breakfast with you, it doesn't feel the same without you- it's defintely not because he has no idea how to work the gas and oven🌚
•He's very funny and social when he isn't hungry so mornings are pretty fun with him, cracking a few jokes while getting you dirty with pancake mix (he said he can't control where flour goes, this is why you don't get him to cook)
•And then after that, it's time to shower... idk you decide if you'll go in with him¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Just sayin' his skin is very red afterwards, my guy uses cold water but scrubs so hard with the lufa-)
—N (Night, how are nights spent with him?)
•Like I said, Eren is like a dog, he spends his days using his full energy and he makes sure to use it all up so by 22:00 he should be knocked out.
•Eren isn't too bothered on cooking so you both probably just watch something before bed while eating take out
•afterwards it's a... really boiling hot shower, brush your teeth, have a conversation in bed for a while until you're both falling asleep at the sound of your voices.
•"Hah... loser... I can...- I can see you falling asleep *Jaegar yawn* first..." even though he's the one with the heavy, falling eyelids.
—O (Open, when would he start revealing things about himself? Did he say everything all at once? Or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
•Eren is very hesitant when it comes to being emotional, he thinks it isn't very masculine so you have to remove the toxic part away and reassure him millions of times that just because he cried, it doesn't make him girly.
•It would be an accident, he'd be trying to go stargazinh with you, you were resting on his arm and he was rambling and the subject suddenly got onto him. Without realising, he spilled everything right then and there... somehow without crying.
•The least you could do was hold on his hand and squeeze it gently... I doubt he's paying attention, he's probably scowling in memory.
•It's best you reassure him that nothing is his fault, nothing could have prevented what happened
—P (Patience, how easily angered are they?)
•He is very impatient to say the least, a control freak.
•When things don't go his way, he shouts, punches walls, scrunches up his hair but the moment there are tears in his eyes, everyone needs to leave the room
•oh ho ho HOOO you don't want to Eren to cry from anger, he turns into the silent kid with a glock in his bag... leave him for an hour and you'll come back to a fully destroyed room👁👄👁
—Q (Quizzes, how much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
•He remembers dumb small details, your favourite flowers, why you don't like public bathrooms, the reason you won't stop annoying his half brother 💀 (You wanna know Zeke's wiping technique... who doesn't?!)
•However he can't for the life of him, remember your doctors appointment or to pick up your medicine... he's halfway home and goes "Fuck-"
—R (Remember, what is his favourite moment in your relationship?)
•He and you go out on a lot of dates, but they're always wacky and messy. One of his favourites was when you both attacked Armin at the beach with water guns and then both Armin and Mikasa were both searching for you to get revenge
•You two hid behind a palm tree, giggling lowly with each other, aiming to attack your two oblivious friends but little did you both know, they heard your low confident remarks and lunged from behind the tree with two full buckets of freezing sea water dumped on you.
•He always remembers that day when he drifts off into a daydream and it always makes him smile
—S (Security, how protective are they? How would they protect you?)
•Trust me when I say... Eren would kill for you...
•So in conclusion, he is very protective and would not hesitate to take far measures to protect you. He's pretty much your ride or die
•While he doesn't show his protectiveness, he acts on it... if that makes sense? Listen, he's very protective but he's sneaky about it! I don't know how to describe it
—T (Try. How much effort would he put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
•Despite how immature he seems, Eren completes all tasks in his day. And he makes sure of it
•When it comes to dates, it's very random... more spontanous but it's always something like. "Oh by the way, we're going to a waterpark this Sunday." Orrr "Babe! Get ready, we're going to eat out with Armin and his girlfriend!"
•You have an hour and a half to get ready so I would call your relationship active 😭 not even sexually active just active.
•Eren can be thoughtful but you have to shove your interests in his face for him to know what you want. Cartoon posters? He catches you watching a lot of gravity falls, steven universe, AWOG, etc... and then anytime he sees stuff to do with that in shops, he gets it for you on the way.
—U (Ugly, what are some bad habits of his?)
•Like I said earlier, Eren has some... mild anger issues🌚
•Nothing can calm him down, unless you have Ackerman strength I doubt you can stop him. He has no idea how to deal with his emotions so it just bubbles up and then he sees an object and thinks 💡 this can take my shit load of anger
•The walls probably have a lot dents yk and calming him down is very difficult but to be thoughtful, you tried getting him a few things to help him deal with his stress properly
—V (Vanity, how concerned is he with his looks)
•Couldn't really give two shits about his appearance, my guy grew rapunzel ass hair and just tied it up because I doubt he's bothered to take care of it
•Sure he wouldn't mind you washing it for him and applying conditioner, in fact, he loves it.
•Eren doesn't care about his appearance and just throws on a hoodie and sweatpants most of the time. You have to choose the shit he wears when you go out on fancy occassions 💀
—W (Whole, would they feel incomplete without you?)
•Again, to Eren, you're his world and he'd do anything to make sure that world is safe and healthy so without you, who would he feel the need to protect?
•Okay MAYBE he doesn't like worrying but he just does so I guess that would be a good thing if you broke up but it isn't as worth it💀
•But ever since you've been his sunshine cheerleader, he can't imagine a morning without your whining ass voice, or fighting with you to the bathroom in the morning, jumping on your back out of nowhere
•You're everywhere in his head, of course he couldn't feel whole without you
—X (Xtra, a random headcannon for him)
•Anytime Eren loses at something(it could be a hobby or a game) he'd stop doing it. Just dropping the entire thing.
•Unless he feels competitive, that always fires him up to do better... so in a way, Jean motivates him to do things. Those two actually care for each other but they hate each other (not literally) they're like siblings!
•Sorry, am I making sense?💀
—Y (Yuck, what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in person?)
•First of all, my mans fucking hates chocolate, put it near him and he'll kick it or throw it against the nearest wall.
•Like Eren was such a good boi when he was little, eating everything his momma put on his plate, even the brussel sprouts he fucking despised.
•But chocolate is his last straw. Chocolate and peanut butter. It gets stuck to the roof of his mouth and he panics like a drama queen, fanning his face like a princess and washing his mouth with his heart POUNDING against his chest
—Zzz (What are some sleeping habits of his?)
•He sleeps pretty normally, when he turns he lets out a soft satisfied groan, which I'd say is ordinary
•As for his sleeping weight, I'd say he's a heavy sleeper, you'd need to shake him to wake him up, slap his face or something because when that sleep is BUSSIN he won't be WAKIN (bad joke sorry)
•And he's gaping. Shut his mouth please.
•His hands may accidentily fall on some places on your body, he places them everywhere. Like on your nose, on your belly
Authors note:
Have you guys noticed that I don't add the letter L🌚? *shocked noises*
Jaaaa that's because I don't wanna write about kids so forgive me lmao
Deadass my brain just went bye bye when it came to writing and I recharge by reading actual original work by published authors, it helps me get back on track
Bertholdt/Miche is next!
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leilabeaux · 4 years
Luck Be a Lady
Chapter Four
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Masterlist | One Two Three
Pairing: Alex x Reader
Word Count: 2161
Summary: Reader has some regrets and she learns something new about Alex.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note:  And this is where I leave you. ::tips hat and rides off into the sunset:: On a real note, sorry for the lack of updates. Work and personal life has been hectic and wearing your girl down.
The bright lights of the Vegas Strip illuminated the living room enough that you didn’t bother turning on any lights as you left your bedroom. Now dressed down in your worn-out, oversized hoodie and pajama shorts, you walked over to the wet bar and pulled a bottle of vodka down from the shelf, not caring how overpriced it was. You thought about grabbing a glass but instead shrugged and took a swig straight from the bottle.
Settling on the wide marble ledge, you looked past your reflection in the window to peer down at the sparse traffic on the streets. You felt so physically drained after all the tears you’ve shed. You rubbed your bare face in embarrassment, mortified over letting all your emotions get in the way and ruining what was otherwise a nice evening.
Now that you weren’t in the middle of a panic attack, you regretted reacting too quickly when you told Alex to leave. You wished you could have him come back or at least text him so you could explain yourself but you two never took a moment to exchange numbers. Not like it would make much of a difference anyway, you were sure he was grateful to get some distance away from your crazy ass.
You didn’t bother looking over when you heard the door unlock and open. The clicking of heels confirmed it was your best friend doing her walk of shame, or stride of pride as she lovingly called it. 
“So I didn’t see any sign of your Lover Boy when I snuck out of Marco’s room,” Bianca teased. You could hear her plop down onto the couch and then soft thuds of what you assumed were her shoes being dropped on the floor. “Is he here? Did you wear him out? Why are we sitting in the fucking dark?”
Light had filled the room after she clicked on a lamp. Although you were no longer crying, you knew your red, puffy eyes would give you away when you turned to look at her.
“Oh my god! What the fuck happened?” She rushed over to join you on the ledge. “What did that fucker do?”
“He didn’t do anything,” you gave a small smile, trying to put her worries to rest but as all the emotions from the night went through you again, you couldn’t stop your eyes from welling up.
Bianca wrapped her arms around you, comforting you until you were ready to talk. Her hand rubbed your back as you softly sniffled into her shoulder.
“What happened, sweetie? Are you sure he didn’t do anything? Because I won’t hesitate to put my shoes back on and kick his ass if I need to.” 
“No, Alex was sweet and a total gentleman the entire night. So you can calm down with all of that.” You pulled away from her, drying your face with the back of your sleeve before giving her a quick run through of your night.  “We were kissing and everything was good and...I don’t know. It felt familiar.”
“Familiar how?”
“It was like being with Trevor again. I know him and Alex couldn’t be anymore different but it somehow felt the same. And then all I could think of was him and how much I missed him. I just felt guilty like I was cheating on him.”
Bianca shook her head as she took your hand in hers. “Y/N, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Trevor's been gone for almost two years now. It’s perfectly fine to move on whether if it’s a relationship or just sex. I know he would want you to be with someone who makes you happy.”
“It still feels too soon, maybe I’m not ready to be with anyone. Ugh, as if being with Alex would be possible especially after I freaked out on him,” you clasped your hand on your forehead, grimacing over that memory. “And I basically told him I was married.”
“What? Why?” Bianca looked at you like you were crazy.
“He saw my ring and asked how long I was married. So I told him eight years.” It technically wasn’t a lie. You had been married for about eight years before a deputy stood at your doorstep, telling you that your husband would never be returning home. “You know I hate the pitiful look people give me when they hear I’m a widow. And I thought it would be easier to push him away if I pretended that I was a faithful wife. But fuck, man,  I couldn’t even keep that up!”
“It’s not too late to tell him all of this. I think I might remember what room they’re staying in.”
“Okay, even if he doesn’t think I’m crazy after all of that, I don’t think me and him would work. He’s young and I barely had the patience to deal with Trevor when he was that age. And he doesn’t even live in this country,” you tried to reason with her and maybe with your heart.
“Okay, he’s young and he doesn’t go here. So what?”
“I just think getting into a long distance relationship after losing your husband is a disaster.”
“Or it could be something beautiful. I’m sorry, Y/N. But if this boy could give even a fraction of happiness that Trevor gave you, then I’m all for it.”
You gnawed on your lip as you considered what she was telling you. You were too scared to take the risk. You were convinced that it would only end in heartbreak and you weren’t sure if you had enough strength to deal with another one of those again.
“I think I’m just too tired to deal with any of this right now...or ever.” You turned toward the window, staring at your worn down reflection. Definitely too damn tired.
The snow outside of your kitchen window was coming down hard and didn't show any signs of stopping. You sighed to yourself while emptying the remainder of the wine bottle into your glass, silently praying that you wouldn’t find yourself snowed in in the morning.
You sat on the couch, pulling the cozy throw up to your chin and trying to get comfortable while your lovable dog and cat duo, Dallas and Leeloo, were busy fighting over the spot next to you. Unfortunately for the young feline, it seemed like the elder Labrador was coming out to be the winner.
You sipped on your wine as you scrolled through Hulu for something to distract you from your headache of a night—your first and definitely last Tinder date. 
You had spent twenty embarrassing minutes waiting for your date to return after he excused himself to the restroom. There was no devastation on your part. You didn’t feel the same chemistry in person that you had over messages but you were willing to at least wish him a good night like a decent person. You deleted the app on your way out, already convinced that nothing good would be coming from it.
You weren’t even mad at this guy. All of your annoyance was aimed at Bianca who had spent the last six months encouraging—nagging and begging—you to go out and start dating. She claimed that it was officially time for you to start moving on but you suspected she just wanted you to see how wrong you were for letting the potential Mr. Right in Vegas get away.
You’d never tell her but she was right and you didn’t need a string of bad or mediocre dates to find that out. The nights you used to spend in bed wondering how life would be if Trevor was still alive were now spent thinking of what could have been with Alex. From the small amount of time you spent with him, you knew he would be the caring, supportive boyfriend who’d hang on every word you said and whisper into your ear to ease any of your self doubts and do anything to make you smile.
You had tried to search for him with the very minimal details you knew about him, during one very lonely night spent with a bottle of whiskey, but none of the Copenhagen based photographers named Alex turned out to be the one you were looking for. It shouldn’t have been too shocking but your drunk self still took it a bit hard, spending part of the night lying on the kitchen floor and crying into Dallas’s fur.
You gave up on finding something uplifting to watch and settled with the historical drama you had been slowly working your way through the past few months. You originally didn’t think a show about Vikings would be your cup of tea as you were more of a sucker for the period pieces with more extravagant, vibrant costumes but it came highly recommended by your Vegas fling. He said it was a pretty good show. After three seasons and nine episodes, he definitely wasn’t wrong.
You were down to the last ten minutes of the episode where Bjorn was going up to his brothers’ cabin. You had downed the rest of your glass only to spit it all out, your pets scurrying away to avoid the spray, when grown Ivar rolled over to show his face.
“What...the fuck?” You whispered to yourself as the scene cutaway. Your mouth hung open and your eyes were glued to the screen. 
“What the fuck?” You repeated again when you saw Marco on the screen next to Alex. “Why would they do that to his hair?”
As soon as the episode ended, you sat still with your brow furrowed. You went through all the conversations you had and didn’t remember him saying he was an actor nor that he starred in this “pretty good” show.
You grabbed your phone to do a quick google search of who played Ivar. Alex Høgh Andersen. This entire time you had access to his name. If only you had given in to your urge to binge watch the show in one sitting you would have had it sooner. 
You pulled up your Instagram and typed in his name. As you were about to click on his account, you quickly changed your mind and threw your phone next to you on the couch as if it scorched you. You weren’t seriously going to stalk this man on the internet, you were a whole grown woman who was definitely too mature to be drooling over some pictures. 
Getting up to get ready for bed, you left your phone where it was so it would be less of a temptation. But you found that you couldn’t help but stare at it through the mirror as you aggressively brushed your teeth. Your curiosity was beginning to get the best of you.
You quickly rinsed out your mouth and walked toward your couch but then turned around, shaking your head as you headed down the hall to your bedroom. Leeloo and Dallas sat next to each other in the living room, both looking down the hall and not bothering to follow as if certain you’d be back.
“I’m just going to look at a few pictures. Just see what he’s been up to,” you explained to no one when you returned for your phone. Standing in the middle of your living room, you looked through his posts from the funny videos to his beautiful photography. You thought maybe you spent too much time scrolling through when you found yourself unable to stop staring at his well defined arm as he hovered over a mattress.
It wouldn’t be too crazy if you sent him a message to catch up and see how he was doing. Or would it? What would you even say? “Hi, remember me? The woman you ate out in Vegas. You know the one who broke down before you got a chance to get it in? Oh, and remember how I said I was married? Surprise! I’m actually a widow and lied because I got scared over you being so into me and even more scared when I realized I may have felt the same.”
You kept going back and forth over what you should really say to him, typing one thing only to immediately delete it. Seemed like anything you wrote came out sounding awkward or just dumb.
“Hi, I’m not sure if you remember me? It’s Y/N. The baker you met in Vegas.” It was enough to start a conversation but would he think you’re only contacting him because you now knew he was an actor. Your thumb hovered over send as you contemplated your choice.
You looked up at the clock and sighed out loud. You couldn’t afford to waste anymore time on this unless you wanted to be a zombie when you went into work in the morning.
You brought your thumb down and hit send. Fuck it.
End Notes: This is the last chapter of this part but not the end of their story. So don’t be too mad at me. Will Alex read her message? Will they ever meet again? Does Reader need to tell Bianca that she was right? 
Tags: @castielsangelsx @xbellaxcarolinax​ @didiintheblog​ @jzr201​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @eroguroshoujo
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alj4890 · 4 years
Choices September Challenge
Day 23 Happy
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(Bryce Lahela x fMC*Chris) in a Choices Open Heart Drabble
A/N This prompt was requested for Bryce by bff @krsnlove​ . I honestly can't think of anything better for that lovable surgeon.
@choicesseptemberchallenge​ ​​ @xjustin-ethansgirliex​ ​​ @lovealexhunt​ ​​ @krsnlove​ ​
Just A Second
Chris had finished her rounds for the night. As she walked down one of the hallways at Edenbrook, she couldn't stop her giddy grin. Only a few more minutes until she was able to spend a night out with her favorite surgeon.
"Dr. Valentine? Could you give me a hand in here?"
She looked up from checking over her notes in the chart she held.
Bryce cocked his head toward the supply closet door. A suggestive smile curved his lips.
She smirked at him. "I wish I could, Dr. Lahela. But I have a date tonight."
Chris checked her watch. "In about twenty minutes, I am expecting dinner followed by cuddling."
Bryce tugged her inside.
The door shut with a click, signaling that they had all the privacy they needed.
Her arms looped around his neck as he pressed her against the shelves, lips hovering over hers.
"Dinner and cuddling?" He teased. "Sounds like the man you're dating is pulling out all the stops."
She shrugged. "He knows what I like."
Their lips met in a heated kiss. Chris slipped her hands into his hair, reveling in the silky texture.
Bryce trailed his lips down her neck, pausing to breathe in her perfume.
Then the familiar beeping occurred.
"No." Chris moaned.
Bryce pulled his pager out. "It's not me."
She checked hers and saw that Dr. Ramsey needed the diagnostic team to meet up.
Her head dropped against Bryce's chest. She held her hand up with her thumb and finger almost touching.
"I was this close to escaping with you."
"I'll wait." He chuckled when she told him he better wait on her.
She pressed another kiss to his lips. "I'll need an aggressive treatment of cuddling after this meeting."
He winced playfully. "That's a tall order, Dr. Valentine."
"I think you can handle it." She smiled at him on her way out. "Give me a second and I'll meet you in the on call room."
"I'll be the devastatingly handsome, talented surgeon waiting on his gorgeous, highly intelligent diagnostician." He waved goodbye, whistling as he walked in the opposite direction.
Two and a half hours later, Chris was jogging toward the on call room. She knew their dinner reservations had been wasted and pretty much anything else they had planned.
She knew she shouldn't be frustrated since Ethan's recent observation led the team in finally diagnosing what was wrong with one of their patients. Now that a treatment plan was in place, Chris could actually enjoy her next few days off work.
When Bryce switched his days off to coincide with hers, she had been even more excited to unwind with him.
The on call room was empty by the time she arrived. Her heart sank that he had left without her.
Her cell buzzed in her pocket with a message from Bryce.
Meeting done yet?
"Yes. Are you at home?"
"No. Give me just a sec and I will come get you."
Chris flopped on one of the beds. She closed her eyes and tried to be patient.
So much for romance, she thought.
Seconds turned into minutes as she tried to remain patient.
She sat up. Her eyebrow lifted when she noticed his proud smirk. "Where have you been?"
Bryce held his hand out. "Call it a last minute surprise."
She placed her hand in his, feeling that giddiness return as he made a game out of their escape.
"Shhh!" He placed a finger to her lips. "We have to be stealthy."
She nodded and let him pull her through a set of emergency stairs.
Many flights later, they stepped outside on the roof.
"What are we doing out here?"
Bryce gestured to the left.
Some blankets and pillows were set out with a bag of takeout. Flickering LED candles were placed around the edges, outlining the makeshift picnic area.
"When did you do all this?" She asked, dropping down to her knees beside him.
"About an hour into your meeting." He began pulling out some of Chris's favorites from a nearby Asian fusion restaurant.
They talked about their day as they dug into Pad Thai tacos and Kimichi quesadillas.
"Let's see." Bryce rubbed his chin in thought. "If I remember correctly, you wanted dinner followed by something very specific."
Chris's shoulders shook with her suppressed laughter. "Cuddling."
"I think it had an adjective before it " he teased.
"Aggressive cuddling." She reminded him.
He snapped his fingers. "That's it. I knew I wouldn't forget." He winked at her, laid down on the blanket, and held his arms out to her. "I'm ready to do some Greco-Roman cuddling."
Chris's laughter echoed into the night as she snuggled within his embrace.
Her wiggling until she found that one perfect, comfortable spot made him smile. "You weren't joking about it being aggressive."
She tilted her head up so she could look into those warm brown eyes of his. "I never take cuddling lightly."
He met her lips in a kiss. Cuddling was soon the last thing they thought about when he rolled on top of her.
Bryce broke away from the kisses that seemed in no hurry to ever end. His eyes burned with passion along with some deeper emotions. His fingers caressed her cheek as he studied the face that had the ability to make his days absolutely perfect.
"You make me so happy, Chris." He admitted in a soft tone. "Every moment with you is my favorite part of my day."
Chris's lips curved into a tender smile. "You make me happy too." She brushed her lips against his. "I know our schedule is hectic and makes it difficult to meet up, but I will always be willing to wait on you." She sighed into his deep kiss. "You're always the best thing I have ever waited on."
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miafic · 4 years
hi this is hurt/comfort all the way through but its not a happy ending so if that is not your thing this is not for you! 
also this is not real this is just me exploring!!!! au only. zakk’s cute parents get a long time together <3
it’s morning, and the kids are getting ready to start the day, but there’s no sign of zakk. lucas opens zakk’s bedroom door, where he finds the other counselor sitting up in bed and staring blankly at the wall. he slips in and closes the door behind himself. he has to say zakk’s name twice before zakk looks at him. 
“are you okay?” lucas wonders. 
“my... dad’s dead,” zakk replies, almost dreamily. 
“i woke up to twenty-six missed calls from my mom,” he says, still sounding completely disconnected from himself. 
“okay,” lucas says, shifting as far into fix-it mode as his shock will let him. “okay. what happened?” 
“he was in a car accident. died instantly. i guess. i don’t - i don’t really know.” 
lucas leans down, kisses his temple. “i love you,” he says, because he has no idea what the hell else to say. 
zakk doesn’t reply. 
“stay here,” lucas instructs. “i’m gonna make some phone calls really quick, and i’ll get you out of here.” 
zakk looks at him again, the smallest hint of fear in his eyes. “come with me,” he pleads. 
lucas takes one of zakk’s hands in both of his. “of course.” 
rich and jojo both come to the house within forty minutes. the boys don’t seem to notice anything’s up; to them, it’s just a shift change. 
lucas packs zakk’s favorite things and a few of his own things and puts zakk into the green car. they drive home. 
sometime around 8 AM, pretty soon after they’ve laid down in their bed at home, the first wave of grief hits zakk. he lies in lucas’ arms and sobs and sobs and sobs. 
lucas buries his face in zakk’s hair, praying. 
early the next morning, lucas brushes a lock of zakk’s hair back behind his ear and then presses their foreheads together. “call me when you land,” he says quietly, and zakk nods, sniffles. 
“okay.” zakk hugs him long and hard. “i’ll miss you.” 
“i’ll miss you, too,” lucas whispers, holding him close. he kisses zakk’s hair once, twice, and then pulls back to kiss his lips. this feels so wrong, the whole thing. lucas hugs zakk again and realizes that he feels dirty, but it’s not because they’re kissing in public. 
zakk gently pushes lucas off of him and tries to smile. “i’m gonna miss my flight.” 
“i can’t leave you,” lucas decides a little aggressively. 
“it’s okay. the kids need you, and-” 
“the kids will be fine. i can - i can see if there are any tickets left-” 
zakk shakes his head, rests his hand on lucas’ cheek. he blinks, and tears fall from both of his eyes, and lucas feels worse. 
“i’ll be fine,” zakk murmurs, but lucas knows it’s a lie. zakk’s crying right now, right this fucking second, and lucas feels like letting him walk away is the worst and most cowardly thing he’s ever done. “i’ll give my mom a hug for you. promise.” 
lucas shakes his head, and zakk shakes his, too, smiling faintly. 
“i have to go, baby, or i really am gonna miss my flight. i’ll see you when i get back.” 
“i love you.” 
“i love you, too.” 
they share one last sorrowful kiss, and zakk heads away. he looks back twice. lucas watches him until he disappears, and then he turns around, headed straight for his car. he’s already got his cell phone pressed to his ear. 
zakk’s mom opens the door that evening. “lucas,” she says in surprise. her voice is hoarse. “oh - zakk said you couldn’t make it.” 
“i tried to call, but...” he shrugs. neither of them had answered. normally, he would have been worried, but given the circumstances, he’d been a little relieved. he’d hoped that it that meant zakk and his mom were spending time together. 
she holds her arms out, pulls him into them, and starts to quietly cry. he goes willingly into the hug. he sets his bag on the ground and then hugs her, too, squeezing his eyes shut. his absolute worst nightmare is losing his husband, and this kind woman whom he loves is going through it. his sweet, loving mother-in-law, who is nothing like the nasty witches that he’s been warned that mother-in-laws are. she doesn’t deserve this at all. he hugs her tighter. 
zakk’s mom doesn’t move, but lucas glances up at the top of the staircase. 
“lucas,” zakk breathes, and the next thing lucas knows, zakk is flying down the stairs, running to the doorway, and crashing into the hug. lucas frees one arm from zakk’s mom to wrap it around zakk, and in the next second, zakk is sobbing into his shoulder. 
“i missed you!” zakk half-yells, and lucas has to close his eyes at the ache in his chest. 
“i missed you, too. i came as soon as i could.” 
“thank you for being here,” zakk’s mom manages to say, and he nods. 
they all sort of pull apart at once, so lucas picks his bag back up and says, “whatever i can do to help...” and then nods. 
“thank you,” zakk’s mom whispers. 
upstairs in zakk’s childhood bedroom, lucas holds both of zakk’s hands and looks right into his eyes. 
“-thought i’d made a crazy mistake coming here without you, you know?” 
lucas nods. 
“i mean, it’s one thing coming home and seeing my mom and stuff. it was awful, especially since miri’s refusing to come home, but i - it would have been weird if you were here. no offense.”
“no, i understand what you mean.” 
"but i just thought about the funeral, and planning the funeral, and sleeping tonight, and i felt so homesick for you.” zakk hangs his head and starts crying again, his mouth open like a little kid. 
lucas steps forward and wraps him up tightly. zakk clings to him. 
“i couldn’t leave you by yourself,” lucas confesses, and he means it in his soul. 
lucas exhales. “really. i couldn’t do it.” 
“why not?” 
“because you’re my husband, and you just lost your dad, and i would be a monster if i wasn’t here for you. and i love you, and i kept picturing you trying to sleep, too-” 
zakk cries harder. 
“-and i pictured myself trying to sleep halfway across the country, worrying about you, and i just really wanted to be here. i tried to call like four times, but...” 
zakk shakes his head, so lucas doesn’t bother to finish the sentence. he knows they understand each other. 
“and the only thing you asked for,” lucas continues, “in all of this, was for me to come with you.” 
zakk pulls back to look at him in confusion. 
“in you room yesterday morning. do you remember?” 
zakk shakes his head. 
“i said i would make sure you got home from peace and purpose, got some time off. and you looked scared, and you said, ‘come with me.’” 
“i don’t remember that,” zakk admits weakly. 
“that’s okay,” lucas says, and they embrace again. lucas runs his hand over the back of zakk’s head a few times. zakk exhales heavily against his chest. 
“i don’t know what the hell i was thinking, letting you get on that plane by yourself.” 
“you came,” zakk tells him. “you’re here now.” 
“yeah, i’m here,” lucas agrees. he presses a kiss to the top of zakk’s head. 
“don’t leave, okay? i know it’s gonna be an awful week, but just.”
“it’s okay. i came here to help. with whatever you guys need. funeral stuff, phone calls, food, cleaning... seriously, anything.” 
“no, i mean - i really, really need you right now.” 
lucas smiles sadly. “i’m not going anywhere.” 
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tinywooniverse · 5 years
dreamcatcher reaction to seeing a picture you secretly took of them
requested: ye!
genre: floof
a/n: these uhhh got longer as a got further down i’m so sorry
(gifs are not mine)
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when jiu sees you walk out of the room she hops on the opportunity to grab your phone. it’s her signature to take your phone and take pictures of herself when you’re out of the room. she considers it her gift to you and seeing as you keep them and basically have your camera roll full of her, you think so too. she picks up you phone and quickly turns it on and swipes to your camera only to go back and look at the picture you had as your lockscreen. her hair was messy and she was rubbing her eyes and pouting. from the surroundings she seemed to be at the foot of your bed. she remembers this clearly. she was over your house, had just woken up from a nap and she wanted to cuddle but you weren’t paying her any mind so she pouted and whines until you put your phone away.
“it’s cute huh,” you say walking back into the room sitting down next to her. she sheepishly smiles and gives you a quick nod.
“yeah but next time you ignore my demands to cuddle just to take pictures of me we’re fighting.”
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she had been watching you watching your phone for the past twenty minutes and she had had enough. she had to know what your were smiling at that had all of your attention because frankly it was annoying that you weren’t paying her any attention. she snatched your phone right out of your loose grip to see what it was and to her surprise it was just your lockscreen. which was a photo of her looking as silly as ever.
“it was from a few weeks ago when we were up acting stupid because we were tired. you got up and did a photoshoot. do you remember?” you say rubbing the back of your neck shyly.
“yeah i remember. i didn’t think you were really taking pictures. this is cute.”
“it’s a live photo. look.” you press the screen and suddenly she’s moving. she blows a kiss to the camera promptly before it stops. she just looks at you and smiles
“you’re a real romantic, you know that?” she asks and you smile coyly nodding once.
“but if you ever pay more attention to your phone than me i’m gonna spin your jaw,” she says tossing your phone to the other side of the couch as you look slightly scared.
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normally, siyeon liked to make you flustered. it made her feel good inside knowing that she could make you go speechless. she loved the look on your face every time you got this way. however, you had managed to get this response from her today, eliciting a dumbfounded expression.
“your lockscreen-”
“i know it’s so cute isn’t it. you were literally just sitting up out of bed.”
and that she was. her ponytail was nearly gone although she was sure she had made it tight enough the night before and she looked about as cranky as she does when she’s hungry.
“how did you even manage to get a picture like this?” she asks still confused.
“well i was on snapchat when i came into you room and i was going to take a video of me waking you up but you looked so cute that i decided to take a picture instead.” you shoot her a small smile. she smiles at your actions before speaking again.
“you didn’t post that did you?” she asks and sees your fight or flight instinct kick in.
that day you find out just how aggressive she could get.
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handong wouldn’t really be surprised about your lock screen because you two often had matching ones that of each other that you too when you guys went on dates and things.
you two were sitting on your couch, her legs thrown across yours, with both of your phones in her hands. she was trying to decide which pictures were the best to use from your coffee shop and window shopping date earlier today.
“what about this? i think it’s really cute!” she says enthusiastically showing both of the phone screens.
“i don’t know dongie i don’t really like how i look.” you say and she frowns looking at her phone. she pouts looking back at you.
“i think you look amazing all of the time honey but if you don’t feel comfortable with me using this picture that’s okay.” she says in a slightly pouty voice and your heart feels like it’s melting.
“you can use the picture if you really like it.” you say, softly smiling at handong who had been perplexingly staring at her phone screen trying to find a new one.
“are you sure? you said you didn’t like it. i don’t want to set it to a picture that you-”
“it’s completely fine dongie. as long as you like it you can keep it.”
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yoohyeon had been doing a live while you sat across the room listening to her every word one day when you snapped a quick picture of her to save for another day. your crush on her had been pretty persistent and strong yet she never noticed. you did everything with her. you were alone with her more than your were alone with yourself. you talked to her as much as you could while you were apart without feeling like you were annoying her. so today wasn’t any different. she always allowed you to sit in on her lives because it made her feel more comfortable doing so.
you send the picture to yoobin, who knew about your crush, and start to gush about how cute she was while interacting with the fans. at the same time yoohyeon’s phone starts to go off and you only assume that it’s their group chat discussing something stupid but you’re quickly realizing that that may not be the case when you send yoobin a text asking why she wasn’t responding and yoohyeon’s phone dings again. she looks at the notification and ignores it, glancing at you before turning back to the live and ending it shortly afterwards.
after it’s over she turns to you and smirks.
“you could’ve just told me you liked me you know?” she says.
“what are you talking about?”
“i recall getting like ten texts from you about how cute i was and i see there’s a picture involved.” she giggles.
“no i sent that to yoobin.” you say scrolling through your texts to see that yoobin was now yoohyeon. you look flushed and embarrassed.
“so how many offguards do you have of me?”
“only the ones you members send me.” you say pouting, feeling like was mocking you.
“really?? i thought they were only sending me pictures of you.” she says thoughtfully.
“wait what?”
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dami knew you had a intense crush on her. she knew from the moment you guys met honestly. you introduced yourself to all of the other girls with no issues but when you got to her you had looked at if the world stopped and started to trip over your words so it was hard not to know.
she often tried to ask you out on dates to no avail as you always thought it was just a friendly hangout and soon after she just figured that you were just as nervous with her as the other girls and that you thought that she was just a friend.
however, one of these days you two decided to play a game at the dinner you two had planned.
“how about we both put our phones on the table and whoever picks up their phone first has to the other a dessert?” yoobin proposes causing you to look a little shocked.
“wait what?”
“it’s a fun game! we’ll put or phones on the table face up and whoever gets a notification that they just can’t ignore and picks up their phone has to by the winner a dessert. it’s a good thing i think. we can spend more time talking to each other and we can find a way to cope with awkward silence.” she giggles and sets her phone down in between us.
“uhhh okay?” you say sitting your phone down and your heart rate spikes when you remember that your phone screen is a picture you took of her on one of your earlier dates. you were sure this was gonna end up in an embarrassing confession but you didn’t wanna kill the fun so you let it go and start talking with her about how her day went and what happened at work.
neither of you even bothered to look at your phones until they both made a noise at the same time and you looked to see that both of your screens were of each other on the same date.
“you-” you both speak after looking up
“no you can go first.”
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(this is backwards idk)
you guys were literally head over heels for each other and everyone knew but you two honestly. neither of you had the guts to tell the other about your feelings so both of you just spewed everything on the other girls who had been trying to encourage you to tell each other but you guys literally wouldn’t even spend time alone. that is, until the girls came up with a plan.
jiu and siyeon has asked the two of you separately if you had wanted to go the the botanical gardens and you had both agreed because that place was beautiful and you both loved going there but you hadn’t because no one else wanted to go with you.
when the day had come and the two of you go there you saw each other at the ticketing booth and decided to stand together to wait for your friends when you both simultaneously get texts from them saying they couldn’t make it.
“i have a feeling this was planned.” gahyeon says breaking the silence.
“yeah i think so too,” you said giving her a small smile, “but we could just stick with each other since we already bought our tickets. i would hate to leave, i’ve really wanted to go here for a long time.”
you grab her hand and go into the greenhouse display and you two get surprisingly comfortable with each other and you watch and giggle as she takes a selfie with a tall cactus. you see a small cluster of echeveria elegans and squat down to take a closer look at the little flower shaped succulents. she giggles and mumbles something very cute making you stand up and brush your clothes off.
the rest of the time she walks ahead of you and reaches for your hand more often than not like she’s worried that you’re gonna get lost. nothing feats wrong about the entire hang out and you secretly thank your friends for being so stupid and scheming like this.
after you both return home you get a text from gahyeon with an attachment and you open it to see a picture of yourself. she starts to text about how cute you were and thanks whoever she meant to text for leaving us alone. this prompt you to call her.
“hi! you should be more careful about who you’re texting. you might be sending the wrong person messaging that meant for someone else.” you say giggling. there is a radio silence on the other side and soon after there’s a sigh.
“look-” she starts and you cut her off.
“i happen to think you’re also very cute and i owe my friends my life for canceling on us too!”
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Inspired by the song Bouquet by Ethan Jewell, would reccomend listening to it.
Haven't really proofread it, so if there are mistakes, let me know and I'll fix it. We die like men baby.
I also only write after 11:30pm, so god help my brain.
Heavy eating disorder tw, as that is the main plot, please take care with reading it if that effects you.
All based on my own experience with eating disorders.
If Race had a bouquet of flowers, he would have given them all away by now.
In which Race is being a little too self sacrificing, and Jack and Spot stop him from pushing it too far
If Race had a bouquet of flowers, he would have given them all away by now. He couldn't help but look after everyone around him.
Whether it was skipping a meal so one of the younger kids had enough - he wasn't the only who did that after all - or giving his coat up on a cold morning, Race was happy to do it so the kids would be okay. 
He and Jack were very similar, only Race was a little more self sacrificing. 
Sure he often went to bed with an empty stomach, desperate for food, or returned home with blue lips and shaking hands, but what did that matter. 
Race was the first one up that morning. Outside with a lit cigar at least twenty minutes before the morning bell went off. His mind was fuzzy, thanks to the lack of food and sleep. 
His mind was too fuzzy to remember how long it had been since he'd last eaten, but he did know he hadn't slept in the same amount of time. 
It was going to be a long day. That's what Race decided, as the boys of the lodgings began to wake. 
A happy buzz filled the air, and Race couldn't help but smile. It made everything worth it when he saw everyone so happy. 
"Mornin' Racer." Jack's voice came from behind him. 
Race turned to face the elder, willing his hands to stop shaking as he dared to remove the cigar from his mouth. 
Jack often said he was too dependent on the cigars, and quite frankly, Race agreed. He needed them to stop his mind from going too fast. Racing if you would. Even when they weren't lit, just having something there calmed his mind, and grounded him.
"Mornin' Jackie," Race smiled weakly. He looked like utter crap, and he knew it. He'd looked at himself this morning and could he looked a breath away from keeling over. 
"Youse is up early, couldn't ya sleep?" Jack asked, leaning himself against the wall of the lodgings as he stifled a yawn. 
None of them really slept enough. Not even the littles, who they forced into bed at eight o'clock. 
"Woke early, wanted a little peace 'fore these lot got up," Race explained lamely, taking another long drag from the cigar. The fuzz of his brain was beginning to fade, giving him more chance of being good for selling. 
Jack nodded, "m'kay Racer, D'you wanna come sellin' wif me t'day?" He was fidgeting with his hands, something Jack always did when he was worried. 
And right now Jack was more worried than ever. Race didn't look well, and Jack hated that he'd let that happen. 
"Nah, I'm good sellin' in Brooklyn, I said I's would go an' see Spot today, ain't seen 'im in a while," Race mumbled he eyelids trying to close. He was dead tired. But catching sight of Romeo and Elmer coming downstairs, he forced them open, he had to be okay for them. 
"Okay, I guess I's will havta force ya to spend time wif me later then," Jack smiled, ruffling Romeo's hair as the kid walked out the door. 
There was a muffled complaint from the kid, followed with a cheeky grin as he ran off round the corner. 
Race was pleased to see the kid full of energy. Romeo was his little brother after all, and they were all too similar. Having seen Romeo so sick a couple days ago, it made Race smile that little bit more. 
"Youse never havta force me to be with ya Jackie, I's will sell wif youse t'morrow if ya want." 
Jack walked forwards and wrapped his arms round Race. "Only if youse wants to Racer," he said, patting the younger lightly on the back. He could feel the younger shaking, and that did nothing but add to his worry. 
"Course I's does." 
When breakfast came, Race couldn't stop his stomach from rumbling. He wasn't going to eat though. The thought of food just made him feel sick, which would make it a waste. It was no good wasting it on him when one of the kids could get a little extra into them. 
This morning, his breakfast went to Buttons, who had woken up with a cough the day before.
"Eat up kid," Race said, handing him a biscuit, "we's can't have ya bein' all sick." 
He tried to ignore his shaking hands, or the beating of his heart as he sipped at his coffee. 
"Thanks Racer, I's was really hungry this mornin'," Buttons said, beaming up at Race. He took a bite, then let out a little cough, the cold that was currently working its way around the lodgings, finding its next victim. 
This made the empty pit that was Race's stomach fill with joy. Which was better than food really. Watching the people he cared about smile, made all his pain worth it.
A few seconds later, Albert walked over, holding a biscuit out for Race. 
"I got two, guessed you'd give yours away again," Albert said, fear filling his eyes. 
The two of them were basically twins. They were as close as two people could be, as thick as thieves, always looking out for one another. 
Albert had noticed a while ago the Race wasn't eating properly. Before Jack had done, which really wasn't a surprise. He just didn't know how to say anything. Albert didn't want to upset his best friend, he didn't want to cause an argument, he just wanted Race to be okay. 
"I's 'kay thanks Albie, coffee's good this mornin'," Race said quickly, taking a large gulp of the pretty awful tasting coffee. They'd all grown used to that taste, since it was something that kept them going.
"Well I's ain't gonna eat two," Albery frowned, keeping his arm extended. Jack often told him he was stubborn, but he knew Race was worse. 
"Give it ta one a the twins, they's normally sharin' one," Race suggested, taking his last mouthful of coffee before giving the cup back to the nuns. 
Albert sighed, he'd talk to Jack, see if their leader could get a better result. 
While walking over the Brooklyn bridge, Race couldn't deny he felt dizzy. He'd only managed half the sales he'd usually have got by this point in his journey. A result of being quite so delirious. 
He'd make up for it once he reached sheepshead. Race always had been a good seller, it was just a bit easier when he could actually read the headline. 
After a few failed attempts, with his voice deciding to slur, Race sat down, desperate for the fuzz in his brain to leave him alone. 
He wasn't quite sure how long he was sat there, head in his hands, but when he looked up again, Jack was stood in front of him. 
"Is youse followin' me or somefin'." His tone was aggressive, Race was annoyed. He didn't try standing, he knew he couldn't, so Race just glared at Jack waiting for the elder to say something. 
Jack shook his head, "we's is meetin' someone, is youse okay ta stand?" he asked, taking Race's papers and adding them to his own pile. 
With what was entirely stubbornness and stupidity, Race forced himself onto his feet, and pretended he wasn't now clinging to Jack like his life depended on it. 
"You're an idiot Racer," Jack said softly, taking the majority of the younger's weight as they walked the rest of the way over the bridge. 
Race let out a small grunt in response, he didn't feel with it enough to find words.
They reached a small alley in Brooklyn, and Jack stopped, still holding Race up.
 Catch," came a voice from the other end of the street. 
Race saw the object flying towards him, but his brain was nowhere near fast enough to catch it. He was just waiting for it to hit his head. 
Jack - using only instinct, the first catch of his life - caught the object, which was a small apple, and handed it to Race. 
"Whachu tryna do Conlon, knock 'im out?" Jack asked, smiling at the Brooklyn leader. 
Spot let out a small laugh, "mornin' Racer, thought we's was meetin' later." 
At that, Race simply hummed. He didn't have the energy to do anything else. Black spots were swarming his vision, and Race didn't think he would be able to stay awake much longer. 
"Race," Jack's voice came from beside him, but it felt a million miles away. 
Everything was going quiet. Even the usual noise of the city felt distant, almost like Race was in a bubble. 
The back dots grew bigger, till they filled his vision and Race collapsed out of Jack's hold, slipping into an endless darkness.
When Race opened his eyes again, both Spot and Jack were close to him. He quickly realised he was in the Brooklyn lodgings, having spent many a night there. 
Race didn't try to move, he knew he was too weak to manage that, since he'd pushed it too far this time. 
"Mornin' idiot," Jack said, trying to look grumpy at Race. This wasn't successful, as the fear and worry was far too obvious. 
 "'Ow long was I out?" Race asked, voice slurring slightly. 
"Three hours, ya really are an idiot Racer. Why's ain't youse eatin' or sleepin'?" Spot said, standing further away, but looking just as concerned. He folded his arms, leaning against the wall as he waited for Race to reply. 
"The sleepin' ain't my fault. Nightmares 'ave been keepin' me up. I's can't help it sometimes," Race shrugged, curling in on himself. 
Jack sat himself beside Race, brushing the messy blond curls out of the youngers face, "tha's when ya come an' wake me." 
"Jack, youse has the little ones waking ya like three times a night-" Race was cut off. 
"I don' care Racer, ya can't go three days without sleepin' it ain't okay." 
Race gave Jack a little nod. He wanted to pretend everything was okay, and that he was fine. But he wasn't. He was so far from alright. 
"We's gon' have lunch together Race, there's no gettin' out of it," Spot said in a quiet voice, only half clenching his fists. 
"I," Race said, unable to find words for the first time in his life. He looked up at Jack in fear, incapable of describing the terror he was experiencing. 
"Ya gotta eat every day Racer, I knows youse never has breakfast, an' youse always disappearin' at dinner. We's worried about ya," Jack said softly, his hands shuffling anxiously. 
"Youse won't make me have other meals?" 
"Not if it's too much," Jack half smiled. 
"M'kay Spottie, I's will have lunch wif youse," Race said, looking over at Spot as he took in a deep breath. 
Spot nodded in response. He wanted to be close to Race, but he didn't want to get too close with Jack around. So many people knew about their relationship, but it was different being affectionate in front of people. 
"We's got some soup, can ya eat for us Racer?" 
"If ya help me up Jackie," Race responded, his stomach letting out a loud rumble. His hands were shaking, and he was still afraid of eating, but he was with two of his favourite people, so things had to be okay. 
Jack slowly brought Race into a sitting position, getting him to rest his head against the wall in case he got dizzy again. "I's gonna leave ya here with Conlon, an' he's gon' look after ya till youse don't look half dead anymore. Is youse okay wif tha'?" 
Race nodded his head slightly, "'m sure Spottie will take great care of me," he smirked, "you get out sellin' make sure the kids are alright." 
"I'll see ya soon Racer," Jack said, shaking his head fondly. He quickly ruffled the kid's hair, before grabbing all three stacks of papers, and skipping out of the Brooklyn lodgings. 
When Jack was out of sight, Spot unfolded his arms and settled himself beside Race. 
"I-" Race tried but Spot instantly cut him off. 
"No, you gotta stop this shit Race. Stop bein' so bloddy self sacrificin'. Winter's comin' soon, an' I can't lose you," Spot said, his usually aggressive facial expression settling into one of pure care and concern. 
"I love you Spottie, I's don' wanna leave youse, I promise." 
"I love you too Racer." 
If Race had a bouquet of flowers, he would have given them all away by now. Luckily, he had some amazing people around him to make sure he always had at least one flower remaining, to keep him going. 
He was going to be okay, he knew that now. All Race had to do, was keep hold of that flower.
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lesgetittkookie · 6 years
wonderwall - jeon jeongukk (I)
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this photo does not belong to me. credits go to whoever created this edit. 
⤖ genre: fluff, smut, angst
⤖ pairing:  tattooartist!jeongukk x reader
⤖ warnings: unprotective sex, oral sex (male & female receiving), fingering, dry humping
⤖ summary: a story in which you meet a boy who turns your boring world upside down
⤖ word count: 9.4 k
⤖ author’s note: this will be a small series with parts that i plan on updating for the next few weeks. would love for you to support me with some feedback bc im curious about what you guys think. thanks. 
update: any words that are underlined within the text will lead you to a visual. in this part, it would be the outfit in case you want to see how it looks!
won • der  • wall, adjective 
Someone you find yourself thinking about all the time; a person you are completely infatuated with. 
There was a harsh ray of sunlight hitting Jeongukk’s face that causes him to blink his eyes open from his deep sleep. He lets out a low groan as his face scrunches up in annoyance due to waking up so early with a pounding headache.
He leans up on his elbows, rubbing the corner of his eyes tiredly with one hand as he adjusts to his surroundings. He looks around the unfamiliar setting, wondering where he was but that cluelessness quickly dissipates when he notices a girl lying next to him in bed with the lack of clothing.
He hisses, cautiously and slowly getting up the bed without making any noise. He looks around for his pants and briefs, noticing that a sock is missing from his foot as well. He finds his briefs hanging from the doorknob somehow while his jeans were in the corner of the room.
He quietly pulls them both on, wincing when the floor creaks beneath him and the girl stirs in her sleep. He panics when he doesn’t find his shirt anywhere, looking around the room in a silent frantic. 
He gives up on finding the shirt, saying fuck it because he has nothing to lose. At least he found his pants because walking out in public with his dick hanging out is worse than no shirt.
Making sure he’s got everything else, he leaves the apartment in a haste without looking behind. As he walks out of the building, there are people around that give him odd looks most likely due to the lack of his shirt. The ink engraved onto his skin that almost covers up his entire upper body are on full display. However, Jeongukk does not feel embarrassed at all.
The boy takes pride in the tattoos on his body, loving the way it looks on his tan skin. He looks down at his watch, seeing that he’s probably going to be late for work and Yoongi is going to kick his ass because this is like the fifth time in a month.
It takes a moment to realize where he is before he scans the street signs and walks towards the one that leads him to the tattoo parlor he works at. He decides to skip on stopping by his flat since he’s already running late. He probably has a spare t-shirt at his little workstation.
He’s out of breathe once he reaches the parlor, sweat running down his muscular tatted back but he couldn’t care less. He’s two minutes late which is better than being twenty minutes late if he had decided to stop by his place earlier.
He sees an old lady walk by him with a white poodle on a leash and bows at her out of politeness while she gives him a disgusted look due to his lack of shirt and inked skin. He brushes it off, pulling the glass door open.  
“Well look who finally shows up,” Jeongukk’s co-worker slash best friend greets him at the front desk as he holds a pen in his hand. There’s an amused smirk on his face as his large eyes scan over Jeongukk’s appearance.
“Not in the mood, Tae,” Jeongukk grunts, going into the back room to find a spare t-shirt lying around.
“I could tell. Your shirt is missing and do you know you were walking around in public with hickies all over your neck?” He points out, zoning in onto the marks.
Jeongukk’s eyes go wide and he quickly looks into the mirror on the wall, fingers running over the bruises. He lets out a groan, unable to remember if he warned the girl about leaving marks. 
“She really did a number on you huh? It looks like a leech attacked you,” Taehyung says as he observes his neck beside him. He reaches up to touch the marks but Jeongukk quickly smacks his hand away.
Taehyung winces, let out a small ow! and he rubs his hand. “That wasn’t necessary.”
Before Jeongukk could speak, another deep voice interrupts the two that causes Jeongukk to freeze in place.
“I see you’ve had a busy night Jeongukk,” His boss, Yoongi says with a judgmental tone.  
“Hyung, I’m sorry,” Jeongukk apologizes, avoiding his narrowed eyes.
Yoongi lets out a sigh, “Whatever, Jeongukk. Your client is gonna be here in five so wash up and put on a shirt.” He doesn’t say anything else, turning around and going back into his small office.
Taehyung lightly smacks Jeongukk’s back, causing the younger to wince in pain.
“Also remember that we’re leaving early tonight for that job.” Taehyung reminds him as he goes to his station.  
Jeongukk furrows his eyebrows, confused as to what Taehyung is talking about. He pulls the black shirt on and runs his hands through his messy black hair.
“What job?” He asks him.
Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh, “I told you it’s the one where we both have to be servers at this huge party. The man who owns Sapphire resorts is having it for his daughter who just came back from studying abroad in London. She’s suppose to take over the company soon so it’s like some celebration.”
Jeongukk only recalls some of what Taehyung had said the previous time he brought it up. It completely slipped his mind that it would be so soon and now he’s dreading it with his hangover.
“Do I have to go?” Jeongukk asks as he looks at the time on the clock.
“Of course you do. We’re getting paid a shit ton of money. Plus, we’ll get free booze and left overs. I heard the food is being cooked by the chefs of Jungsik Seoul. We can’t even afford an appetizer there with both of our checks combined!” Taehyung’s voice is filled with excitement as he explains to Jeongukk.
Jeongukk doesn’t think he could go near alcohol anytime soon after last night but free quaity food does sound quite tempting. He could also pay ahead for rent and have some extra money that he could send to his mother and little brother. He purses his lips in contemplation before letting out a defeated sigh, “Fine.”
Taehyung who was anticipating his answer now pumps his fist with a  loud, “Yesssss.”
“Remember to wear a black button down and some slacks,” Taehyung informs him as they both glance at the shop’s door that opens with their clients.
“Whatever,” Jeongukk grumbles before leading his client to the back.
“I don’t understand why he’s throwing me this party when it’s clearly about him showing off his wealth,” You complain to Jimin as you watch the nail technician apply a glittery nail polish to your freshly manicured nails.
“Maybe he just wants to celebrate that you’re finally home after two years of being away,” Jimin mumbles as a lady massages his face with various creams.
“Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit about that at all and wants to show people how he got what he wanted and his daughter is compliant to whatever he says.” Your voice seeps with bitterness as you speak.
Jimin lets out a sigh, not knowing what to say because he knows that it’s probably true. Your father has hardly ever cared for your wishes and he’s been telling you to do everything he has said your whole life.
You’ve only been back in Korea for a day and your father had informed you as soon as you stepped into the office to greet him that there was going to be a celebration for your arrival and graduating from business school. He hadn’t even came to your graduation yet he wants to celebrate for your accomplishments. His words, not yours.
You had no other choice but to listen without a word because you knew you couldn’t really argue with him. You never win in your arguments with him and it’s  not like you could’ve then too.
“Babe, you could sneak it a little bit after your dad has introduced you. I’m sure he won’t notice. Then we could hang out in your room and drink booze and watch movies. Like old times,” He tries to make you feel better with his suggestion and your mouth slightly lifts up at his words. It sounded like a good way to spend the night.
“Can we also critique art works while we’re drunk?” You plead, watching his face carefully.
Jimin peeks one eye open, turning his head to look at you with a miserable look on his face, “Fine. Only because it’s about you and I’ve missed you so we’ll do anything you want.”
You give him a bright happy smile before looking down at your nails, still dreading for the uneventful night to come.
“This is stupid as fuck,” Jeongukk says to Taehyung as he sits down in the older boy’s beat up car.
“Boohoo, it’s just for a night,” Taehyung tells him as he pulls away from the apartment building and starts driving on the road.
“A night of serving food to stuck up rich people who I could care less about,” Jeongukk grumbles while he plays piano tiles on his phone.
“Who knows, maybe you’ll find a hot rich girl to take home,” Taehyung says as he changes lanes.
“I don’t plan on hooking up with any girls tonight. I’m still pissed as fuck because of the girl from the previous night who left hickies all over my neck,” Jeongukk mutters, running his hand over his marked up neck.
“You were probably too drunk to even tell her something so specific,” Taehyung chuckles while Jeongukk keeps his mouth shut, knowing he can’t speak anything in his defense.
“Fuck off,” The younger grumbles, tapping his thumbs against the screen more aggressively.
“It’ll only be a couple of hours and then we can eat, get paid, and leave,” Taehyung tries to make the other feel a bit better.
“Whatever, the food better be good,” says Jeongukk and Taehyung nods rapidly.
“Oh don’t worry, it’ll be good. These people don’t play around. They’re rich as fuck so I doubt they would have food with shitty quality.” The car halts as they near a large hotel where there are fancy and expensive cars being taken over by valet parking.
Taehyung drives his car into the parking garage, turning off the beat up station wagon once they find a parking space. Jeongukk lets out a tired sigh as he unravels himself from the belt and exits the car, following the other boy in tow.
He just wants to get it over with and go home.
“Y/N, sit still!” Jimin scolds as he brushes the eye shadow over your lids.
You let out a sigh, gripping the arms of the chair as the boy continues to apply makeup to your face. Guests of the party are already arriving yet you haven’t even put on your dress yet. Jimin, on the other hand, is dressed in head to toe in his designer gucci suit that is embroidered with delicate flower designs and jewels.
“My face feels so heavy, Jimin,” You groan, opening your eyes once you no longer feel the brush tickling your skin.
“I’m almost done,” He promises, applying a berry lipstick to your plump lips. He picks up a brush and sweeps a golden highlight over the apple of your cheeks to make your skin glow.
“Okay,” He spins your chair around so you look into the mirror, “Ta-da, you look so beautiful.” Jimin compliments as he fixes the strands of hairs that fell loose from your little messy bun.
“You did a good job,” You praise, unable to recognize yourself in the mirror.
“Thank you,” He bows, “I’ve had a lot of practice while you were away.” He informs you, running his hand through his silver hair. “Now change into your dress before your dad complains.”
“It’s not like I give a shit about him,” You snort, picking up the satin silk dress that has a deep v dipping down the chest.
“I’m assuming I don’t wear a bra,” You ask him as you observe the outfit.
“Of course not! You’re gonna look hot as fuck in this outfit,” He says, turning away once he sees you unravel your silk robe.
“It’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone,” You say, pulling the dress over your head and fixing it around your chest area when you felt like your cleavage was spilling out. You were afraid to have a nip slip during the party.
“Jimin! Everyone might see my boobs if this slips.” You complain, trying to adjust the silk fabric.
“You look so good though, holy fuck!” He scans over your outfit with a satisfied grin. “Y/N, you need to get laid tonight. If I wasn’t gay, I’d totally bang you.”
“Shut up,” You lightly hit his arm, “Help me fix this,” You pout, letting the boy adjust the straps and cover your goods. He then puts on a thick diamond choker around your neck to complete the look.
“Wow,” Jimin steps back and puts his hands on his hips, “I really did that.” He says proudly.
You roll your eyes, picking up your phone and clutch. Once you grab all of your things, Jimin grabs the room key and leads you out of the suite. You wrap your arm around his, feeling anxious with all of the attention you’re about to receive from the people downstairs.
Jeongukk was tired as fuck and it’s only been fifteen minutes into his job as serving. He’s annoyed as fuck when someone asks him for a specific kind of drink and not the ones he holds on the tray. Just take the fucking rose is what he wants to say but he has to refrain himself from doing so.
Ever since he walked into the room, he’s felt the hungry eyes of many women dig into skin as they hung onto the arms of their rich husbands who were too busy discussing business deals to notice. 
He could care less about the women, just trying to get through the job. He is in no mood to deal sleep with a married woman considering his last experience didn’t end well when he had to walk out of the house with a bruised face when the woman’s husband came home to his wife moaning Jeongukk’s name while he was eating her out. 
He decided he was not going down that route again. Unless he was really in need of sex. 
He could also feel some people stare at him for the tattoos he has on both of his arms and neck. His button down doesn’t really do justice in covering them up as they rise up when he has to carry the tray of drinks. 
Jeongukk was just handing a group of people some wine when there is a deep voice that speaks through the microphone, halting everyone’s chatter. 
People stop to look up at the man who was the reason behind this whole party, holding their expensive glasses of wine and champagne as they watch him give out a small speech. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for those who have attended tonight’s event. This event is a celebration for my beautiful young daughter, Y/N, who as some of you know, just came back from studying abroad at the University of Oxford in London for business school. It was so hard for me when she was away but I’m happy to announce that she’s back and she’s ready to take over my position at the company.” The aged man speaks proudly though the microphone, holding a certain glint in his eyes. Jeongukk stops to watch as everyone holds up their drinks in a toast. “A toast to my daughter and her success!” Everyone cheers and drink from their glasses while Jeongukk just rolls his eyes. 
“Y/N, do you have anything you want to say?” He hears the man ask his daughter and Jeongukk’s eyes wander to the girl. 
He feels his breathe hitch in his throat at the sight of her, a tightness in his chest. It felt like the air just got knocked out of his lungs as soon as he lays his eyes on her. She’s beautiful, he thought. The way her satin silk dress clings to her curvy body, the deep plunge of the neckline revealing a bit of her breasts. There’s a diamond choker caged around her neck that sparkles more than anything else in the room as the lights of the chandeliers cause them to glitter. But what really catches Jeongukk’s attention was her face and the way she did not look as happy as she should. 
He watches as the girl gives her father a small, fake smile as she takes the mic from his hands and says in a soft voice, “Thank you to everyone who attended. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night.” And with that, she hands her father the mic back before looping her arm through the arm of a handsome man with silver hair who must be her boyfriend, Jeongukk thinks. 
He shakes his head, letting out a sigh before taking his empty tray back to the kitchen. There’s no way he would talk to her. She may be just like the rest of the snobby people in this room who are dressed in clothes that cost probably more than his entire rent. 
He gives an annoyed glare when he runs into another waiter that accidentally spills wine over his shirt. 
The scrawny man apologizes profusely, intimidated by the other’s tattoos and piercing eyes and Jeongukk just shakes his head before walking back into the kitchen.
“Y/N, are you really just going to eat throughout this whole party?” Jimin asks you as he watches you stuff your face with the small appetizers at the table. 
“No,” You speak through a mouth full of food, “I’m going to eat and drink for the whole party,” You correct, causing the silver haired boy to roll his eyes. 
“I just want you to be careful,” Jimin pouts while one of his hand reaches up to thumb away the sauce at the corner of your lips. 
“I am!” You tell him, grabbing a glass of wine off the server’s tray when they walk by. “Did you hear what my dad said up there?” Your voice slightly tremors. “I’m taking over his position. Isn’t that great?” There was no enthusiasm or excitement in your tone, just sadness and fear. 
Jimin watches as his best friend unhappily downs glass after glass of wine. “I know, baby. I’m so sorry,” His hand reaches up to rub your arm in a soothing way. He leans forward to wrap his arms around you, “I wish I could do more to help you.” He whispers. 
You shake your head, holding his torso tighter, “You being here is enough for me.” You tell him truthfully because without the support of your best friend, you would be so lost. 
Once you two pull back, you give him a pat on the shoulder. “Please go talk with other people. I know you had your eyes on a cute waiter earlier but you didn’t want to leave me,” You say in a knowing tone. 
Jimin pretends like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about as his eyes scan the room not so subtlety for the young man who he’s pretty sure had tattoos on his arms. 
“Jiminnnnn, I promise I’ll be fine! I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me the whole time,” You tell him. He doesn’t need to deal with your mopey mood, knowing that he’s the type of person that likes to socialize with others. 
“What if I’m just staying with you because I missed you?” Jimin pathetically makes the excuse. 
“I missed you too but I’m sure that’s not the case,” You grab his shoulders and turn him around so you could push him towards the crowd of people, “Now go find that man.” 
Jimin lets out a defeated sigh, “Fine but you keep your phone on you and let me know when you want to leave okay? Or if you need anything at all?” His voice is stern as he looks at you. 
“Yes mom, I promise. Now gooo,” You push him away, causing the boy to grumble and fix his suit as he disappears into the sea of people. 
You slightly smile before picking up your clutch from the table and looking around to see if there was anywhere you could sit. You take no interest in some of the people who hold a lingering gaze on your figure as you walk through the crowd. 
Your eyes narrow in on a bar where there is less people, pursing your lips before saying, “bingo.” 
Once you reach the bar and sit down at a stool, you ask the bar tender to give you a stronger drink. Your arms rest on the top as you wait for your drink, tapping your nails against the counter. 
You lightly jump in your seat when you feel someone sit on the stool beside you and they speak in deep honey-filled voice, “Water please.” 
You try not to turn your whole head to look at his face but your eyes scan over the intricate tattoo designs that are engraved into the skin of his arm, trying to make out what they are. 
The man clears his throat as he says a small thanks to the bartender who hands him his glass of water. You look at him confusedly, wondering why someone would want to order a water. 
You build up all of your courage and ask, “Not a fan of alcohol?” 
This immediately causes the man to stop in the process of drinking water and turn over to look at you. You feel his eyes on the side of your face but you don’t turn your head to look at him, your hand swirling the straw in your drink. 
He clears his throat again before looking down at his glass of water, “Nah, just hungover. Feel like I’ve had enough alcohol for the next few days.” 
This causes your lips to slightly tilt up at the sound of his voice as he speaks to you. 
“That much huh?” You say in a mused tone. 
“You have no idea. I came into work without a fucking shirt on,” He grumbles out. 
You snort at his words, turning your head to finally look at him. You feel slightly out of breathe when you scan over his appearance. He has raven black hair with bangs that cover his forehead. A large nose with a perfect slope and large doe eyes with brown irises that stare into yours. Silver hoops pierce his ears along with multiple small pieces of metal that pierce through his skin. He has tattoos that are inked into his neck and both arms, his figure built and lean. He is a beautiful man. 
“I’m sure some people weren’t complaining,” You say, not knowing where you suddenly got the confidence from. 
The boy bites down a smirk but is unable to control it as he feels it overtake his lips. “You think you would’ve been?” 
“Probably not,” Your eyes don’t waver from his face as you take a sip of your drink. 
You notice how his eyes zone in onto your plump lips that are wrapped around the straw. You hold back your own smile. 
“Good to know,” He slightly nods, “So why are you sitting at a bar all alone while there is a party being thrown for you?” He asks you. 
You let out a dreaded sigh, looking back at the ice melting in your drink. “I’d say this party is more for my dad, not me.” 
You don’t know why you’re telling this to a hot stranger but since he asked, you don’t know what else to say. You just feel like if you lie to him, he’ll know so there’s no point.
“Didn’t want to come back?” He asks you curiously. 
“Of course not. I knew the moment I’d be back, all of these responsibilities would be thrown on me,” You answer, mind drifting off to your father’s words about taking over the business. 
“I suppose you’re talking about taking up his position?” He clarifies and you look at him in interest. 
“I want to say yes but I’m worried you’re some undercover journalist who wants to get information from me,” You narrow your eyes at him, “Are you?” You knew that he was most likely not but you wanted to know who this man was. 
The boy snorts, looking down at his tatted arms, “Far from it actually,” He chuckles, “I’m a college drop out who works at a tattoo parlor with his two friends and I was able to be a server tonight to make some extra cash on the side,” He casually explains to her. 
You look at him in surprise, feeling more curious about the boy. “Tattoo parlor? Did you do those yourself?” Your eyes flit down to the tattoos on his arms. 
“Most of them. I designed them and had my friend do the ones I couldn’t reach,” He answers. “You’re not going to snitch on me for sitting on the job?” He asks in amusement. 
You snort, “I could care less. In fact, maybe I’d like it if you kept me some company since there’s nothing else to do at this party...” You trail off, wanting to know the boy’s name. 
He notices your questioning gaze and replies with, “Jeongukk. And I’m assuming your name is Y/N,” He says and you nod. “What about your boyfriend? Couldn’t he keep you company?” 
You look at him in ridiculously, “Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend.” You don’t know where he got that idea from. 
“So the man who walked you down wasn’t your boyfriend?” Jeongukk asks her. 
Realization strikes upon your face and then you look at him with an amused smile, “That was my best friend, Park Jimin, who is very much gay. He saw a cute waiter so I told him he could run off to find him.” 
Jeonguk slightly smiles, nodding his head, “Good to know.” 
“Girlfriend?” You ask him in curiousness, noticing a bruise on his neck. 
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “No girlfriend.” 
You purse your lips before saying, “The hickey on your neck says otherwise.” You point out. 
Jeongukk’s hand immediately reaches up to his neck, rubbing over the mark as he curses under his breathe. “You see that’s from a recent hook up and I was too drunk to notice her making the mark.” 
You believe he’s being honest so you nod understandingly before asking, “You don’t like being marked?” 
Jeongukk looks at the counter top in thought before answering, “I prefer to be the one marking.” He speaks in a slightly seductive and deep whisper that causes a tingle in between your legs as your stomach flutters. 
You feel his warm breathe on your face as his head leans slightly down towards your own. Your own eyes nervously look into his, feeling as if he was looking into your soul. 
“Y/N!” Your hear the sound of your father’s voice calling your name which causes you to quickly pull away from Jeongukk. “Please come meet some of my business partners,” He calls and you let out a sigh, nodding your head but your eyes don’t look away from Jeongukk who stares at you with intrigued eyes. 
“I’m coming,” You call back out, standing up from the stool a little too fast that it almost causes you to tip over but Jeongukk quickly puts his hand on your hip to keep you steady. 
You feel your breathe hitch in your throat as your chest rises from breathing heavy. You look down at the veiny hand on your hip, gulping once he pulls away, touching lingering on your skin. 
“Guess it was nice meeting you?” Jeongukk says more like a question. 
You look down at him with pursed lips, glancing over at your father who was talking to his friends before you quickly whisper down into his ear, “Meet me near the restrooms in ten.” You then stand up straightly again and walk towards your father who smiles brightly, putting his arm around your shoulder as he introduces you to his colleagues. 
Jeongukk didn’t miss the way your hips swayed as when you walked and how your whole backside was on display as the dress had a low dip just above the dimples of your back. 
His knuckles turn white as he grips his glass tightly from the sexual tension he felt when he talked to you. The way your eyes would linger on his tattoos. How your plump berry lips wrapped around the straw when you knew he was watching. How your satin dress clung to your body while your skin glowed under the twinkling chandeliers. You took his breathe away. 
He had noticed you sitting at the bar and purposely decided to sit on the stool next to you, catching your floral scent when he casually asked the bartender for his glass of water. What he didn’t expect was for you to initiate a conversation with him. 
Your voice was soft and delicate when you spoke. He didn’t miss the sadness in your eyes when you spoke about your father. He didn’t expect you to be so open and honest considering he was just a stranger. He also didn’t fail to notice the fire that lit your eyes when spoke about his preference of leaving marks on her skin. 
Although he didn’t plan on hooking up with anyone tonight, that thought completely went into the trash once you started talking to him. 
He felt the excitement bubble in his stomach when he had heard you whisper in his ear that you wanted to see him again in a couple of minutes. Jeongukk decides that he just needs one drink because although he is a confident man when it comes to women, he felt slightly nervous about you. 
There was something about your beauty that he found so ethereal. How you were dressed in head to toe in expensive clothes but your personality quite different from what he expected. He was enamored by your presence around him. 
“Can I get a small glass of whiskey?” He asks the bartender who nods, pouring him a glass. 
He quickly downs the drink, feeling the liquid burn in his throat as he drinks it in one go. The glass slams against the counter, causing the person beside him to flinch but he pays no mind. He wipes his mouth, glancing over to see your eyes catching a glimpse of what he’s doing, a small smile on your lips that he knows is because of how he’s reacting and not because of what the person you’re speaking to is saying. 
He narrows his eyes at you before heading towards the restrooms outside of the hall and away from the people. He completely neglects the job he was suppose to be doing originally, more eager over what you two are about to do. 
Taehyung could get an explanation later.
“Fuck,” You moan against Jeongukk’s mouth as his tongue pushes past your lips to meet your tongue. His hands are running down your sides, brushing over your bare back while yours are tangled in his silky black hair. 
As soon as he had stepped in the hallways secluded from everyone else, not even five minutes later you had came to the area with your hand running down his back which had caused him to turn around only to be met with your lips pressing against his. 
He was taken by surprise when it happened but he quickly got over it and responded to your kiss which had then led you to where you are now: a storage closet where the two of your are making out with your hands all over each other. 
Jeongukk pulls his lips away from yours, grabbing ahold of the sides of your face before kissing his way down your neck. Your head tips back to rest against the wall behind you as you let the handsome man suck a bruise right above your breast. 
One of your hands trail down from his hair all the way across his built chest to the front of his slacks. You’re able to feel his large bulge pushing against the fabric as you rub against it. Jeongukk hisses into your skin but continues to create marks across your chest. 
You feel the strap of your dress slide of your shoulder, revealing your left breast and Jeongukk takes that moment to kiss around your areola before he wraps his lips around your perked nipple. You bite down on your lip to hold back a loud moan so that no one outside of the room hears you while your hand holds the back of his head, pushing him further into your chest. 
His tongue swirls around your nipple before he digs his teeth into your skin, causing the wetness between your legs to soak the fabric of your underwear. 
“Jeongukk,” You call out in pleasure as he kisses your nipple one last time before pulling back to look at you. The both of your eyes meet, appearance disheveled from touching each other. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned, revealing more of his tattooed chest and washboard abs. 
Without a second thought, your finger trails down from the top of his collarbone to his chest, feeling the muscle as it contracts beneath your touch. He leans down to kiss your lips again, addicted to the feeling of your lips on his. 
Your eyes shut as you breathe through your nose, loving the feeling of how his arms wrapped around your waist as he kisses you. After a few more lingering kisses, you pull back to catch your breathe as does he. 
“I want you to...” You start as your hand trails down his chest to his pants, “keep me company for the rest of the night.” You whisper, eyes taking in the designs on his chest. 
Jeongukk exhales through his nose, looking at you with his dark eyes as he allows you to touch his skin. He feels his heart slightly speed up at your suggestion and he wants nothing more than to take you right there. 
But he refrains himself from doing so and asks, “In here?” 
Your eyes meet his against but your hand doesn’t leave his chest. Your mouth lifts up in amusement at his question and you shake your head. 
“I have the key to a suite upstairs,” You inform him and he nods, feeling elated. 
“Well then, let’s go check it out,” He smiles and you lean in to kiss him again because his lips look so inviting. 
He helps you fix the strap of your dress by adjusting it on your shoulder again and you make sure the fabric of the dress is covering your breasts. Meanwhile Jeongukk buttons his shirt and runs his hands through his hair to make himself look somewhat decent when you two walk out. 
Once you grab the clutch your dropped onto floor when you two came in earlier, you open the door and look behind you before looking outside to make sure no one was around before you grab his hand and lead him out. 
The both of you walk towards the elevator in quick footsteps before anyone else catches you and the actions made you feel giddy. 
Once your inside, Jeongukk asks, “What floor?” to which you reply, “Thirteen.” And soon as the button is pressed, he pushes you against the wall, arms on either side of your head as your lips meet in another heated kiss. 
Your hands immediately reach up to grab the side of his neck, lips moving with his as the kiss is filled with lust. At this rate, the wetness between your leg trails down your inner thigh and you could both smell your arousal which only turns on the boy even more as his hips grind into yours. 
You gasp into his mouth, scrunching up his shirt in your hand as you let him grind against your crotch with his own hard bulge. One of his hands move down to your ass, giving it a small squeeze and you moan into his mouth, wanting more. 
“Baby, you’re so hot,” Jeongukk speaks against your mouth, “I couldn’t take my eyes off of you when I first saw you.” He tells her, unable to stop himself from speaking the truth. 
He starts to kiss down your neck again, causing you to tilt your head to the side eyes shutting in pleasure. When you hear the ding of the elevator, they immediately open and you pull back from his lips as you watch the doors open. 
Jeongukk can’t help but hook his hands beneath your thighs and pick you up into his strong arms so that your legs wrap around his waist. Your satin dress hikes up your thighs, revealing your whole left leg due to the slit on the side and you’re pretty sure you could feel your ass peeking out but in that moment you did not care. 
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, lips trailing kisses down his neck as he carries you down the hall. 
“Room 13E,” You mumble, lips sucking the skin of his neck into your mouth. You knew he was the one who likes to mark but you felt the urge to create a bruise so that others could see your work. 
Once he reaches right outside the door, you’re slammed against the door and you quickly reach into your clutch to grab the key card. He grabs it from your hand, sliding it through the lock in a haste and then he turns the knob to push it open. He holds you up against him by one arm, making the muscles in his arm flex as the other works on swinging open the door. 
When you get inside, he wraps both of his hands around your thighs again and kicks the door shut behind him with his foot. You drop your clutch onto the floor carelessly as he leads you to the large king sized bed that is sat in the middle of the room. 
His knees knocking against the edge of the mattress as he drops you onto the bed while he stands above you his lips red from kissing you, hair messy from the countless times you grabbed onto it. 
“I’m gonna eat you out. Do you want that, baby? Do you want my mouth on your pussy?” He asks you and you nod, legs involuntarily spreading open in an inviting manner. 
He unbuttons his hair, feeling the sweat trickle down his neck and you sit up on your elbow as you watch the shirt unravel from his torso to reveal his chest that is covered with tattoos. There is a beautiful large rose on his side with the veins that run across his stomach with thorns and petals. 
You watch as he unbuckles his belt, sliding it out of the loops and throwing it behind him. You don’t fail to miss his crotch area where his bulge is pushing against the fabric. You push yourself up from the bed, knees sinking into the mattress as you grab the waist of his pants. Your lips lick over the fabric of his blank pants, causing Jeongukk’s hand to immediately go into your hair. 
Your eyes don’t leave his as he watches you unbutton the pants with your hands and then pull the zipper down with your teeth. His breathe hitches in his throat as you kiss his cock through his black briefs while your hands completely push his pants down to his ankles. 
Jeongukk grips your wrists, taking you by surprise and he pushes you back against the mattress. 
“Let me taste you first,” He tells you, pushing your dress up your thighs to reveal your soaking thong. He notices your inner thigh glistening as it trails from your entrance and his first instinct is to bend down to lick over your underwear. 
You let out a moan of surprise, feeling the heat of his tongue through your underwear. You tangle your hands in his hair as he sucks on your clit. The heels of your shoes dig into his shoulder as he rub his finger over your underwear. 
His lips trail over your thighs and you feel his warm breathe on your inner thigh, his tongue licking up the wetness that was dripping through the fabric of your underwear. Your chest is heaving heavily as you feel his thumb hook around the side of your underwear and he tugs it down, sitting up so he could completely pull it off. 
He leans down to kiss you on the lips, his bulge touching your pussy and you’re able to feel it clearly through his boxers. You moan, nails dinging into his back as Jeongukk continues to grind against your entrance. 
“Fuck, Jeongukk please,” You moan into his mouth, letting him roam his tongue around your mouth. 
“Please what hm?” 
“Please fuck me, please,” You beg, causing him to smirk against your mouth. 
“Be patient,” He tells you before trailing kisses down your chest until he reaches your entrance. 
You finally feel his mouth wrap around your clit, sucking on it harshly and you thrash against the bed as your heels dig into his shoulders again. You shut your eyes in pleasure as you feel his tongue trail down from your clitoris to your slit, tongue spreading your folds to taste your wetness. 
“Oh fuck, Jeongukk please please please,” You beg, feeling his hand rub over your bundle of nerves as his tongue pushes into your entrance. You feel the warmth of his tongue pushing against your walls, making you cry out louder. One of his inked arms holds you down as it presses against your stomach while the other teases against your entrance. 
When he pulls his tongue away, his finger immediately slips inside of you and hooks around your entrance, causing you to moan even louder. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you let him pleasure until you’ve reached your high. You pull the strap of your dress down, grabbing onto your breast and squeezing it. 
Jeongukk pulls away, lips glistening with your arousal. He notices your hand touching your breast and he adds another finger into you, feeling your walls clench around him. 
His heel smacks against your clit as he fucks into your pussy with his fingers at a harsher pace and you can’t stop moaning out loud. He adds more stimulation by spitting on your clit and then using the thumb of his other hand to rub it vigorously. 
“J-Jeongukk, please, fuck me, please,” You beg, eyes wet because you wanted his cock in you so bad. 
“You’ll get it soon,” He promises, leaning down to wrap his lips around your clit again and sucking on it while his fingers are still fucking into your entrance. 
“‘M gonna come,” Your voice is hoarse when you speak. 
Jeongukk picks up his pace with his fingers and you cry out when you feel yourself reaching your climax, stomach bursting at the sudden rush of electricity shooting down your spine. 
“Cum for me,” Jeongukk says, watching as you let out a loud gasp, throwing your head back. 
You release all over his fingers, feeling overwhelmed by the stimulation. 
Once Jeongukk pulls his fingers out, he drags them to his mouth, sucking on his cum covered fingers while he looks into your eyes. You let out a heavy breathe, eyes trailing down to his boxers that hold his length. You sit up and grab ahold of the waistband, tugging them down. 
Jeongukk watches you carefully as you wrap your hand around his length and rub your thumb across his slit that is dripping with pre-cum. The head of his cock was an angry red, blood rushed to the muscle. He lets out a groan when he feels your lips envelope the head. 
You look up at his face as you trail your mouth up his girth, sucking and tonguing at the head. Your plush lips suction onto the underside of his shaft, the tip of your tongue tracing the vein that bulges there. 
Jeongukk groans out loud, muttering a small fuck, when he feels your lips wrap around his throbbing tip and glide down his cock. He watches you with a heaving chest as your cheeks hollow, swallowing the entirety of his cock into your mouth until he hits the back of your throat. 
You feels your eyes water at the feeling but you don’t stop bobbing up and down, your wrist twisting and tightening around the rest of his cock. He pushes his hair back from your face and tucks it behind your ear as he continues to watch you suck him off. 
When he sees his vision start to turn white, he pulls out of your mouth with a loud pop and it causes a look of confusion to take over your face. 
“I wanna come inside of you,” He tells you, pushing the straps of your dress off of your arms so that it pools around your waist and then tugs it until he could throw it behind his shoulder. 
He was about to ask you if you had a condom but you beat him to it by telling him, “I’m on the pill.” He hesitates before nodding and then pushes you so your back meets the mattress. 
He then climbs over you, holding himself up by his elbows on either side of your head. He leans all of his weight on his left elbow while his right hand brushes across your cheek and he leans forward to press his lips to yours. His hand trails down your body, running over your breast and smoothing down to your stomach. 
His fingers brush of your clit covered in arousal, causing you to moan in his mouth and he takes that moment to slip his tongue to touch yours. He then grabs his cock, rubbing his tip over your clit in circular motions which makes you jerk immediately. You let out another moan, biting down on his lower lip as you push your hips forward into his touch. 
After teasing you for a few more seconds, he slides his cock down your slit, spreading your folds and you breathe heavily as you feel him near your entrance where you ache for him the most. You were waiting for him to slip inside of you and fill you to the brim. 
“Please,” You beg when you only feel his head slide into your entrance. 
“More?” He asks and you could hear the amusement in his voice. 
You nod vigorously, gripping onto his shoulders so hard that your nails dig into them. 
Jeongukk finally decides to slide into your pussy completely, being engulfed by your warm, wet walls. He lets out a groan in combination with a sigh while you whimper, adjusting his thick girth. He pulls back again until only the tip was left in your entrance making your whine which turns into a loud cry of pleasure when he slams back into your not even five second later. 
You pull him closer to you, turning your head to the side as he kisses down your neck while he continues to pound into you. The sound of his hips smacking against yours bounces across the walls and you can’t stop moaning his name as he hits a particular spot inside of you. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” You cry and he watches your face as it lays against the pillow. Your eyes were slightly smeared with makeup and there was sweat trickling down your silk like skin but he was still entranced by your beauty. It encouraged to satisfy you even more, bringing his hand to your clit to rub it at a fast pace. 
You gasp at the added stimulation, shutting your eyes and chanting yes yes yes over and over again. The boy doesn’t stop thrusting into you, picking up his pace as you feel yourself reaching your high again. 
Jeongukk groans as he feels his stomach churning, blood rushing to his cock and doesn’t stop pulling and pushing back in. He watches the way your pussy swallows his entire cock, spilling out your juices.  
At this point, you’re both sure that the residents in the room beside you might be able to hear you but neither of you pay any mind to them. Your nails scratched against Jeongukk’s broad back and he hisses at the feeling but doesn’t stop you. 
“I’m gonna come,” You whimper, grabbing one of your breasts and squeezing it.  
“I’m almost there. I’m gonna come in your pussy. Is that what you want?” He asks your breathless and you just nod, words unable to escape your mouth. 
He leans down to kiss you again, tongue swiping across your plush lips and you open your mouth again so he could slide his tongue against yours. You could see your vision turn white as you release around his cock, moaning loudly. Jeongukk continues to thrust into you until he fills himself spurt into your entrance, filling your pussy with his load. 
He grabs the sides of your face, holding you closer so your lips move sync. The sound of your kissing lips is now the only thing you two could hear. Jeongukk stays inside of you for a few more seconds as he makes out with you but you both have to pull away to catch your breathe. 
You whimper as he slowly pulls out, watching your cum mixed with his, drip out of your entrance. He falls onto his back beside you on the mattress, running his hands through his hair that is soaked with sweat. The both of you are breathing heavily, eyes shut as you try to calm down. 
You felt him get up from the mattress but you didn’t have it in you to see why. Your hear the bathroom light turn on and the water running. 
With one eye blinking open, you watch him come back with a small wet towel in his hand. You’re fascinated with the way his body moves, muscles flexing beneath his skin and the ink all over his body telling stories that you couldn’t understand. You feel him wipe down between your legs and you sigh in content as he cleans you up. He then unstraps your heels, pulling them off your feet and throwing them onto the floor. 
You were feeling surprised at his actions, never have hooked up with a man who cleans you up as gently as him after sex. Usually you’d have to go to the bathroom on your own and then quietly sneak out. However, Jeongukk didn’t like he was leaving just yet. 
You give him a small appreciative smile as your eyes meet and you see the corner of his mouth lift just a little bit before he looks away. He then turns back around, displaying a huge tattooed dragon on his back that you never saw before. It ran down his entire toned back, details of the design causing your mouth to become ajar. Your eyes glance down at his toned, perky ass and you quickly look away, feeling your cheeks flush. 
Jeongukk walks out of the bathroom, picking up his black briefs from the floor and sliding them up his legs. You then notice him pick up his slacks and shirt, causing your heart to race in your chest. 
Without thinking you speak, “You could stay the night if you want.” 
He halts his actions, eyes meeting yours in surprise. You clear your throat, glancing down at your fingers while you say, “I mean until tomorrow morning. If you want.” 
“You sure?” He asks you, avoiding to look at you. 
“Mhm,” You hum, rolling to the left side of the bed and tugging the blanket over your body. “You could sleep on the bed. I don’t move around too much in my sleep.” 
You shut your eyes, feeling yourself drift off but you were still aware that Jeongukk hadn’t moved. You tried not to turn around yet your heart was racing in your chest when you heard the sound of his feet pad against the floor. 
Jeongukk pulls the blanket back, sliding in beside you with and keeps a little distance between the two of you. You try not the breathe too fast, trying to make it seem like you’ve fallen asleep. It’s hard to believe that not even ten minutes ago, this man balls deep inside of you while you were screaming his name and now you two are awkwardly laying beside each other like a bunch of shy strangers. 
You feel yourself slip into unconsciousness, body completely worn out. However, you fall asleep with a small smile on your face without even realizing it was because of the boy beside you. 
Jeongukk sees your chest rise slowly as you’re in a deep slumber. His mind drifts back to what you two had just done and he could still remember how your breathlessly called out his name while he pounded into you. The way you threw your head back against the pillow and let him take you over and over again. 
When you had asked him to stay, he was taken by surprise. He quite frankly didn’t feel like dealing with Taehyung downstairs anyways but he certainly didn’t think he could stay. He expected you to kick him out a few minutes later but instead you moved over and let him sleep in your bed beside you, clueless to how much you intrigued the boy as you slept soundly. 
He’s not the kind of man that pays too much attention to the women he sleeps with. He appreciates the women’s beauty and loves to show them how much he could pleasure them in so many different ways but he never went passed that extent. There was something about you that drew him in the moment he laid eyes on you and it wasn’t just your alluring presence. 
He couldn’t fight off the sleep that overtakes him and he lets himself be swept away into a world full of dreams. 
You blink your eyes open slowly, scrunching up your face when you feel a light hitting your face. You sigh in annoyance flipping your head to the other side of the pillow so you face away from the window that has the sunlight shining through. 
With your still half awake mind, you remember that there was a body beside yours the night before but is no longer there. You quickly open your eyes, seeing the left side of the bed devoid of a man with the tattooed body. You sit up and see that his clothes are gone from the floor too and the bathroom light is off. 
A cold draft causes you to shiver and you realize you’re still completely nude beneath the blanket. You let out a slightly disappointed sigh, feeling your heart ache because for some reason you hoped that Jeongukk would still be laying beside you when you wake up in the morning. 
He was so handsome. His entire aura drew you in with his skin that was covered in tattoos, brown eyes that would become a shade darker when they’re filled with lust. His raven black hair that brushed across his forehead. The smooth and strongly built muscles of his entire body. He was different from other men you slept with. He took care of you after you had sex, taking his time gently clean you up with his skilled hands. 
You pressed your legs together when you thought about the way he made you come with his tongue and fingers and then again with his cock. You had never felt so much pleasure from another man in your life. He was mysterious and charming. 
You think back to that small smirk he gave you when you flirted with him. You remember how it caused shivers to run down your spine and how you wanted to see more of it.
You drop against the mattress again, your hair splaying around the pillow and you’re mind unable to stop thinking about Jeongukk. 
You were probably never going to see him again. It seems like he didn’t really care to stay either, probably thinking of it as a one night stand. 
Forgetting about him just might be for the best when your two worlds are completely different. 
so how was it? 
please let me know what you think so i could continue to write future parts bc i have a lot planned :) 
love, m. 
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artificialqueens · 6 years
And So This is Christmas, I Hope You Had Fun (Ravjila) - Sammy Indigo
A/N: Part 2 of the Ravjila Christmas fic from a week or so ago. I do hope everyone is having a safe December, and if you’re in an area with some severe weather, be careful. 
And thank you for all the kind words you have been giving me this month. I read them all. All the love xxx
Latrice hadn’t bothered to chastise the three of them on Christmas morning, when she knocked on Manila and Raven’s bedroom door at eight am and opened it to both girls, plus Raja, all cuddled together in Raven’s single bed. Usually when she caught all three of them in the same room after an impromptu sleepover, she gave them a brief lecture about getting to bed early and the safety of knowing where each of them were through the night. However, this Christmas morning, the woman had wished them “Merry Christmas, Babies”, and told them to be downstairs in ten minutes for breakfast.
By the time Manila had managed to drag the other two out of bed, Willam and Danny were already throwing balled up pieces of wrapping paper at each other from across the long dining room table. A particularly aggressive throw from Danny, and a strategic duck from Willam resulted in the wadded up paper hitting Tatiana in the back of the head. She whipped around with a pout and a frown on her face.
“Hey!” She shouted. “Stop it.”
“Sorry!” Danny laughed. “Sorry, Tati.”
Tatiana glared at him. “That’s twice you’ve hit me, now.”
“Then move outta the way.” Willam teased.
Raven smacked him over the head as she walked past to Tatiana. She made an effort to soften the blow slightly. It was Christmas, after all.
“Happy Christmas, kid.” Raven said, hugging Tatiana. “You get anything good?”
“Happy Christmas, Ravie.” Tatiana beamed, holding up a little make up set that Raven suspected was from Claire’s. “Look.” Tatiana said. She leaned into Raven’s side. “It’s got highlighter, and mascara, and even glitters!” She grinned broadly. “I asked for make up, and I got it! This is awesome. Thank you!”
Raven tugged her ponytail, fondly. “Don’t thank me, I didn’t get it for you. Thank the random stranger who feels guilty enough about their life choices to make themselves feel better by spending money on foster kids.”
“Raven.” Latrice warned. “It’s Christmas.”
“Sorry.” Raven kissed Tatiana’s cheek. “That’s so cool. I’m glad you got what you wanted.”
“Thank you.”
“Hey, Rave!” Manila called from the other side of the room.
Raven kissed Tatiana’s head and patted her shoulder, leaving her to fawn over her present. She wormed her way through the excitable kids, picking up a paper ball from the table and throwing it back to Danny. He caught it and gave her a thumbs up.
“I’d like to keep my nose intact, this year.” He said, brushing long hair out of his eyes.
“We’ll see.” Raven said with a smirk. He flipped her the bird and she laughed.
As Raven approached them, Raja handed her a cookie, and Manila held up a mug in question.
“Coffee?” She asked. “Or Latrice is doing hot chocolate?”
“Chocolate.” Raven said, taking a bite of the cookie and settling into Raja’s side. “Since it’s Christmas.”
Latrice passed her a mug from behind. “Since it’s Christmas, darling.” She said. “Mini marshmallows but no cream for Raven.” She handed a second mug to Raja. “And cream and sprinkles for my Raja.”
“How do you remember that?” Raven asked. “There’s like fifteen of us.”
“I always remember all of my babies. Don’t matter how old they are.” Latrice said. She nodded to the kids running around the rest of the room. “Don’t think you aren’t special just because you’re one of many. You,” She squeezed Raven’s shoulder. “And you two,” She put a hand on Raja’s arm and Manila’s shoulder, “are special. Are loved. Don’t matter if you leave, don’t matter if you come back, don’t matter if you grow up and forget all about me.” Latrice looked at each of them in turn. “You’re loved by me. Always.”
Manila stepped around Raven to hug Latrice. “I could never forget you. You’re unforgettable.”
“Well, thank you, baby.”
Raja beamed. “And we love you.”
“Thank you.” Raven said. She sipped her hot chocolate. “And I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” Latrice asked, baffled as she kept an arm around Manila. “You’ve only been up for twenty minutes. What could you have possibly done? Danny isn’t bleeding yet, is he?”
“No, not today.” Raven said. “I’m just sorry, in general.” She felt Raja take her hand. “I know I’m not the, um, easiest, kid to have around. I just, want to say sorry. I’m sorry I cause so many problems.”
“You don’t cause problems, Raven.”
“I do. And I know that I do.” She shrugged. “That’s why I’m here, right? Troublemaker.” She laughed at herself. “Sorry.”
Latrice shook her head. “You’re here, all of you, because of circumstances beyond your control.” She gave them a small sad smile. “If you take nothing else away from me when you leave, take this, each and every one of you is not at fault for the atrocities you have been forced to live through.”
Raven opened her mouth to argue but Latrice held up her hand.
“Nope, she said. I don’t want to hear it. You’re good kids, and if you make the correct choices you’re going to be good adults.”
Willam screamed, and they all looked over to see Danny holding some dripping slime over his face as he pinned him to the ground.
Latrice rolled her eyes. “Even those two.”
Raja giggled. “Danny’s gonna get another bloody nose this year, if he’s not careful.”
Willam kicked out, narrowly missing Danny’s face, laughing like a seal the whole time.
“Oh, Lord.” Latrice shook her head. “Listen, enjoy your day, babies, have fun, make memories.” She gave Manila a squeeze. “I gotta go break this up. Hey! Danny, you leave him. And Willam, stop acting like an ass!”
Christmas dinner in a group home wasn’t the formal affair Raven had experienced as a young child when they had spent much of the day in Church, then even more of the day visiting relatives whose names she didn’t know. In the group home, she, Raja, and Manila remained in their pyjamas all day, retreating to their room with plates piled high with buffet food, and each with a similar gift bag claiming to be ‘From Santa Claus’.
The gifts were trash, mostly, and Raven felt guilty for even thinking that when she knew somewhere a person had seen Raven’s request for ‘curling tongs’, and unable to purchase them for the provided budget of fifteen dollars, had gone with the next best thing; a set containing a hairbrush, some scrunchies, and some wired foam rollers. It wasn’t the worst gift, Raven supposed.
“Could have been worse.” Raja voiced, long legs stretched over Raven’s lap on the bed, and head resting on Manila’s shoulder. “I mean, I know I asked for jewellery making stuff, and I really meant like pliers, and hoops, and chains, but I don’t mind this.” She held up an almost completed woven bracelet and dangled it by Raven’s face. “A shit ton of embroidery floss and some beads? I can work with that.”
“Yeah.” Manila said. “I think we did good. I got a cool notebook and pens this year. Even came with some coloured pencils.”
“Better than a lunch box.” Raven smirked.  “Although I don’t know why you insist on asking for school supplies every year.”
“Everything else is too vague.” She shrugged. “Plus, I like knowing I’ll have stuff for school for a while.”
“Mm.” Raja hummed. “Only thing worse than being the foster kid is being the foster kid who has to borrow pencils from the school.”
“Hey, ‘Nila?” Raven asked. “When I’m rich I’ll buy you all the school supplies you want. Erasers coming out of your fucking ass.”
Manila kicked her. “Shut up. Just ‘cause I like to be prepared.”
“Don’t tease her.” Raja said.
“Sorry. Love you.”
Manila blushed. “Love you, too. I told you Christmas was happy.”
“Yeah, you did.” Raven crawled over the bed until she was snuggled in between Raja and Manila.
Manila cuddled around her, wrapping an arm around her tummy and settling against her chest.
Raven stroked her hair. “Do you…?” She trailed off, closing her eyes. She felt Raja’s arm press into her side. “Do…” Raven exhaled. “Doesn’t matter.”
“No, what?” Raja murmured. “Tell us.”
She took a long breath in, allowing the familiar scent of Manila’s hair settle her. “I was just thinking.” Raven said. “I’m just being stupid. Christmas, you know?”
“Getting sentimental?” 
“Not exactly.” Raven said. On feeling Raja’s fingers on her wrist, she opened her eyes.
Raja looked up at her and smiled. “For you.” She tied the finished bracelet around her wrist. “Too tight?”
Manila snuggled further into Raven’s chest. “I picked the colours.”
“I love it.” She drew her hand up to her face to inspect the intricate knots. “Thank you. Does that mean I get to pick ‘Nila’s colours?”
“Sure.” Raja said, and then smirked at Raven.
“Yellow.” they both said simultaneously, and burst into peals of laughter.
Rolling her eyes, Manila spoke. “Okay, okay. We get it, I like the colour yellow.”
Raven kissed her, still huffing out puffs of laughter. “Sorry.” She kissed her again, this time a little more reverently. “I’m sorry, ‘Nils.”
Manila waved her off. “Nah, you guys are right, I do like yellow. Reminds me of the sun.”
“You’re so cute.”
She blushed and ducked her face into Raven’s chest. “Snuggle me.” She said, muffled in Raven’s shirt.
The three of them, tired, full of food, warm, and happy, cuddled together in the tiny single bed. Raja’s long limbs encompassed the other two, and Raven pressed her lips to the back on Manila’s ear. The bass from the music downstairs was soothing rather than irritating, and even when Raven heard Willam’s obnoxious laughter in the hall, she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad.
“Life,” Raja said, “it’s not too shitty, is it?”
“Not here.” Manila answered quickly. “With you.”
“Do,” Raven began, again, “um, do you guys…?”
“Ask us.” Raja said. She rubbed circles into the warm skin under Raven’s pyjama top.
“Do you guys ever think about before?”
Neither of them even had to ask what ‘before’ was. For foster kids, or for the three of them, at least, the ‘before’ was all the same. Before someone took them away, Raven used to say. But Raja had always said before someone saved her. Raven preferred that. It was truer.
Manila squeezed Raven’s hand, fingers rubbing the woven bracelet on her wrist. “I don’t think about it as much.” She said. “I used to think about them all the time.” Of the three of them, Manila had been the oldest when she had been removed from her family. She was also the only one of them who still had both of her parents out there, alive, in the world, and knew where they were. “I thought about them, today, though.” She said, quietly. “I can’t imagine Christmas in prison is very nice.”
“They don’t deserve a nice Christmas.” Raja said.
Manila didn’t reply. Raven kissed her neck.
Raja took a long breath, calming her tone. “I take it you’ve been thinking about your family, Rave?”
“A bit.” She said. “Not much. Just…” Raven sighed. “Just wondering, I guess.”
Raven hadn’t seen her dad since she was removed from his care, her mother had never, as far as Raven was aware, been in the picture. But she had brothers and sisters, she knew she did, could remember faces and names, and yet had no way of knowing exactly how they were, where they were. She was seven the last time she had seen any of them. There could be more kids, now, for all she knew. Maybe they were being dragged around by her father to visit relatives that they didn’t know the names of. Raven shivered.
Raja cuddled her closer.
“Do you think about your mom?” Raven asked her.
“No.” Raja said, and the brutal honesty in her tone made Raven want to cry for her. “Sometimes I dream about her. But no. I don’t think about her. At least not on purpose.”
“Good.” Manila muttered. “I hate it when you have nightmares.”
“I’m not letting her ruin my future. Now when she ruined my past.” Raja paused, and then chuckled. “I sound like my therapist.”
“And mine.” Raven said.
“And mine.” Manila added.
The three of them began to laugh. Raven giggled into the back of Manila’s shirt, wiping the tears she hadn’t noticed on her cheeks into the fabric.
“I’m so fucking glad I have you both.” She said.
“Who else would have you?” Raja said and Manila kicked her. “I’m kidding.” She put a hand on Raven’s chin to pull her face to hers, kissing her gently. “Don’t you ever fucking dare leave us. Okay?”
“Promise.” Manila said. “Please promise, Raven.”
“I promise.” She took a shuddering breath, and then coughed to cover it. “We got each other, ‘till the end, right?”
“Forever.” Manila said. “However long forever is.”
Raven grinned. “Here’s to another hundred Christmases with each other.”
Raja nodded. “Happy Christmases.”
Manila beamed. “Happy Christmas.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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mademoiselleseraph · 6 years
12th Perigee's Eve with Some Minor Celebrities
A very belated secret santa gift for the @hiveswapsecretsanta2018 and @the-bisexual-dumpster about Charun, Chixie, and Cirava spending the holiday together and being best buds
Charun was running late, but when weren’t they running late? They supposed it was a small price to pay for looking nice.  They knew looking nice for them meant looking like a disaster to others but it was typical for -- what did people call them? -- oh yeah, avant garde types.  They were so avant garde. The avant-est of garde. Yeah.
They had already combed their hair (just to muss it up just right), brushed their teeth (doing what they could to dull their fangs), and washed their face (and applied some blood based paint to the sides of their mouth and one of their temples).  Next step was to say goodbye. They patted the shell of their lion-faced snail lusus, Speedy, promising to be safe. Then they went to the ventriloquist dummy they found one day and had a strange attachment to though they could not, for the life of them, remember where it came from or when they first saw it, let alone what species it was supposed to portray.  Some kind of demon thing? Maybe. They gave it a strong hug and gently placed it back down on the floor. Finally, they went to the wall.
The dummy always gave Charun what a friend of theirs would describe as “weird fucking vibes, man lmao.”  Looking at its glassy eyes and painted smile unsettled them. It gave them a jittery giddiness for pain and destruction that itched and disoriented.  There was a wall in the cave that had the opposite effect. The words scrawled all about in various shades of blood had a somber, melancholy look, but filled them with hope.  They ran a finger under the words where they seemed to start.
“Let it be known before all else,” it read, “that there is no sin in wanting to live.  Second, that to help instead of harm one’s fellow troll is nobler by far. Third, that worth and character cannot be determined by blood.”
And it went on.  Their favorite part of it was the tale of Twelfth Perigee’s eve.  This figure and his group traveled by day as often as they could, shielding themselves from the harsh sun with parasols, cloaks, and scarves.  But the Twelfth Perigee was the darkest of all perigees, and one could could walk freely without fear of burning on that one day. They celebrated the ease of their burden, baking sweet cakes for the orphans and sharing cordial among the adults.
And then they remembered the sweet cakes.  They had baked them in a fit of inspiration from the ancient scribblings to take to their friends for their Twelfth Perigee’s Eve get-together.  Oh right, they were really quite late now. They put the still warm cakes into an insulated bag, and then into another insulated bag to be sure they were kept warm, and then in a basket for that rustic charm.  They slipped on a coat, shaped to look like it had odd growths under the material and decorated with scrap metal, and headed out.
Meanwhile, Chixie was worried.  She was often worried due to various factors, mostly having to do with cameras and what they would capture and what others would do with it.  But it wasn’t entirely about that this time.
Her worrying was a major reason her friends agreed to meet at her place for Perigee’s Eve.  That way no one would catch her walking to anyone’s hive and start rumors that would convince her more powerful and more obsessive fans to take out the competition in gruesome ways.  Would that happen? No way to say for sure, but she’d rather stay on the safe side.
It must have been around the fifth time she looked out the window in the span of twenty minutes when Cirava called to her from the couch.
“Chix, I’m gonna need you to calm down,” they said.  “This isn’t the first time they’ve run late and it won’t be the last.”
“I know,” she replied in as un-snippity a manner as she could.  “but it’s been a while since you got here and you never know what kind of creeps are out there or what they’re seeing or what they’re saying.”
“Are people really watching your hive to see who comes and goes?”
“It’s not like I’m that hard to track down and it’s not exactly difficult to get into the bronze side of town.”  Her breathing quickened and her face contorted in panic as she continued: “And you know whatever they write about me, he’s gonna see it, and --”
“Chixie!”  They clamped a hand on her shoulder, trying to snap her out of it.  “This is ultimately your place so you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do.  But when you get worked up like this, you get agitated, then bitter, then hopeless, and that’s about when you tend to hit the bottle.”
Her shoulders drooped and she sank into the couch under their arm and squeezed the hand still holding her shoulder.  They were a wispy thing and by all logic their bony limbs should have hurt to be held in, but nothing could make anyone feel safer.
“I don’t mean to cross any bounds by sounding all conciliatory and shit,” they continued, “but you said you were tryna cut back, so I figured we should at least wait til Charun gets here.”
“You’re not crossing anything,” she insisted, hugging them back.  “I know you’re not meaning it like that, and I appreciate you trying to help.”
“While we’re at it maybe we could not talk about him today?  Whenever he gets brought up, you seem to feel worse, and I know I don’t have any fond memories of the guy.”
“Yeah.  I could use a break from even thinking about him.  When do you think Charun will get here?”
And just then there was a knock at the door.  Speak of the devil.
Chixie opened the door and drew Charun into a warm hug.
“I know I’m late...” they mumbled.  An unfinished thought, but soon to come again.
“Oh, we’re just happy your safe!” Chixie chirped.
“You had her worried sick, dumbass,” Cirava joked.
“...but I brought food,” they concluded, holding up the basket.  “Cakes for everyone.”
Cirava took the basket to the table and opened the insulated bags.
The lovely smell hit Chixie’s nose instantly.  “Chocolate?”
“And raspberry!” Cirava murmured, mouth already full of a bite.
“Glad you like ‘em...” Charun droned on.  “Made plenty…. Have ‘smany as you’d like….”
They tactfully did not mention the lack of cordial in respect for Chixie’s little problem, or the fact the inspiration came from a wall someone had written on in blood.
They talked fans, making sure to exclude him as promised, and the pressure of fame, and lusii of course.  They were still young after all. Eventually they stumbled on the subject of Chixie’s lovely home and decorating.
“Yeah, I normally don’t get too festive,” she admitted, “but I wanted to go all out for you two.”
“It’s….” Charun mumbled.
“Bitchin’,” Cirava stated.
“....Pretty,” Charun concluded.
She swelled with pride, took a deep breath, and let herself process that pride.  “Yeah, it’s not too shabby,” she said. “Actually, I think I did a great job!” It felt good.  It felt true.  None of that coy oh, you bullshit or false modesty.  She didn’t have to pretend around them because they knew it too.
Her hive really was decked to the nines.  Tinsel garlands, evergreen wreaths, the bones on the mantle, a roaring fire, candles, and of course the behemoth leaving with its own decorations.
“Why is that even a thing?” Cirava asked, gesturing to it.  “Like how did that start? It’s not entirely sanitary.”
“Oh, I know this one!” Chixie said.  “It’s excellent fertilizer. It used to be that you’d keep it in the hive so no one could steal it, and you’d put it on your crops through the planting season and they’d grow like crazy.  The decorations started with cloves and evergreen twigs to make it smell better.”
“And the bones…” added Charun, “...were good for crops too…. But also… after you suck the marrow out… you can string ‘em up like windchimes….  Scares off some aggressive species... if you live out in the middle of nowhere….”
“Speaking of aggressive species,” Cirava noted, setting up their husktop, “you guys wanna shout out to my fans with me?”
The others agreed and sat on either side of them as they got the microphone ready, put on their camera face, and hit record.
“Hey all you funky little weirdos.  I’m taking a break from streaming to spend the holiday with some dear friends, but I’ll be back the day after tomorrow.  Thank you so much for all the love and support, and I’ll be sure to link in the description where you can listen to some of my fresh beats til I get back.  But hey, from me and mine to you and yours--”
And then they all said, more or less in unison, “Happy Eve!” and waved at the camera. Cirava shut it off and posted the video to their chittr and other social media accounts, then put the husktop away.
And with that out of the way, and some touches of worry as to what her fans would make of it, Chixie decided it was best to break out the punch.  She made it in advance and left it to chill and had completely forgotten it. That must have been Cirava’s doing, she realized, keeping her mind on other things and away from the drink.  Though she restrained herself and made it significantly less boozy than she usually did, and apologized if that made it taste funny.
“Actually,” said Charun, “I think it’s… better.”
And she flashed a quick but genuine thank-you smile.  She never really drank it for the taste before.
And they went on like that.  Cirava and Charun passed a pipe between them, offering to Chixie.  She only took one hit, not wanting to dry out her throat. Cirava, on the other hand, blew all manner smoke rings and swished their hand in the smoke to make blurry semblances of shapes.  Charun tried to trace abstract outlines of them with their own finger. Something about it gave Chixie a cheery sense of ease that was quite rare to her. She asked Cirava if the case for their husktop was soundproof, which they confirmed, and she suggested they all put their palm husks in with it.
“So….  What was that about?” asked Charun.Chixie had the beginnings of a mischievous little smirk at the corners of her mouth and replied, “How about singing some carols?”
“Um, are you out of your gourd?” Cirava shot back.
“I already plugged the TV and anything else that might be bugged.  And besides, what’s Twelfth Perigee’s Eve without a little illegal activity?”
“We should steal…” Charun trailed off, “from highbloods!  And leave shit… on their lawnrings.”
And after some scared looks from their companions, they took it back.
“Nah…. You’re right… that’s a death sentence…. Let’s just sing some songs.”
Chixie started with the old familiar melody:
“Oh, merry moon
Lend me your tune
For on my pipes to play”
And then Charun in a surprisingly graceful baritone voice:
“And may the lonesome
Find a home
On this most holy darkest day”
And they both looked to Cirava waiting for them to join.  Eventually they caved.
“They killed him
And they cursed him
But it’s said he’ll come again”
And all of them in unison:
“So merry moon
Lend me your tune
To welcome an old friend”
And they sang songs about respite and recovery and joy to be found among friends and a fruitful new sweep with burdens lifted.  Songs that were outlawed and had to be sung in complete secrecy for fear that they could start a riot. Songs that made one feel like an honest rebel just for singing.  Man, Twelfth Perigee’s Eve carols are hardcore! Well, maybe not outside of that context.
And hours stretched on and on and the three friends drew closer until crammed together on a single couch cushion.  The smiles were genuine and the hands gestured naturally as they spoke about what happened sweeps ago and what might in the sweeps from then.
The softest, weakest bits of sunlight slipped in through the shades as dawn broke, getting a gasp out of Chixie.
“I didn’t mean to keep you out so late!” she apologized.  The light was dim enough to walk in but highblood customs involved drugs and destructive raiding well into the morning.  As one could imagine, it wasn’t safe.
“You’re fine,” Cirava said.  “Cool if we crash here?”
“Sure!” she replied.  “I just have the one ‘cuperacoon though.”
“Cirava can take… the couch,” said Charun.  “I just need… some pillows….”
“Well, actually, if you two don’t mind, maybe we can share it?”
“You sure…?  That wasn’t...virgin punch… it was still spiked….”
“Yeah, Chix, you really okay with this?  We can sleep out here.”
“I’m sure!  If you don’t want to, you don’t have to, but it’ll probably be much more comfortable.”  There was a slight pause as she gathered up the courage to say, “I trust you guys.”
That came as a pleasant surprise to both of them.
“Alright,” Cirava said, followed by Charun some time after.
They barricaded the doors, not that it would really stop anyone, but it did make them feel a little better, and Chixie led the way to her respite block
There they took their waking clothes off and realized just how wonderfully not-awkward it all was.  At no point did they feel like they should be ashamed or that they shouldn’t do it. Though it did get them all cracking up about a conversation they had earlier that sweep, about how if they couldn’t fill their quadrants in adulthood, they’d somehow find each other and pail.
“I really hope that’s not the case,” Cirava said after a good chuckle, “for your sakes.  I wouldn’t want either of you having to fill a bucket with my ugly mug.”
“That’s what…” Charun replied, “...paper bags are for…!”
And there was another round of hearty laughter as they all squeezed in together.  Admittedly, it was a tight fit, but not uncomfortable. Three kids in one recuperacoon.  That would have been some kind of safety code violation if there existed safety codes to violate on Alternia.  Besides the basic “do not fuck with the drones” but that was more common sense.
They realized just before drifting off that they were all holding hands.  And that morning with its cloudy skies and lazy sunshine was the most restful sleep any of them ever had.
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k-llama-llama · 6 years
Sick Days
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
I had a lot of requests for this! So I figured it would be just a lot of cute, aggressively fluffy writing!
Requests are OPEN :Send in your requests for reactions and scenarios and imagines involving Tori and the boys from Stray Kids!
And let me know what you thought of this one!
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“I just don’t understand how this happened.” Tori exclaimed.
They were currently huddled in the kitchen, or at least, most of them were. Some horrible type of plague had descended on the group. Jeongin had come down with it last week, and now two more people had been affected. They were running high fevers, and the group was under strict orders not to leave them alone for any extended length of time. 
“It doesn’t matter how this happened. What matters is how we deal with this. Minho and Hyunjin are sick, and we need to keep everyone else from getting it.”
“And take care of them.” Woojin reminded.
Tori gave it some thought. Minho was currently sleeping in his room, whereas Hyunjin hadn’t left his bed since Tori woke up this morning and found Jeongin recovered and Hyunjin running a fever.
“Here’s what we’ll do,” she proposed, “Move Minho into my room, wash all of his sheets and Jeongin can take his spot. That way we can keep both the sick people in one room, and I can be up with them during the night.”
Chan shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to deal with all of it.”
Tori waved him off. “It’s just for tonight. If it doesn’t start to get better, we’ll be taking them to the hospital tomorrow anyways. Let’s just get them comfy. Besides, I get sick easily, so I’ll probably be next. Might as well put me in the same room.”
The boys agreed, so Tori headed back to her room to get ready. Jeongin had vacated the room this morning, so she just pulled back the covers and fluffed up some pillows for Minho to take his spot.
She moved over to Hyunjin’s bed and leaned over. “How’re you feeling?”
He groaned, not even opening his eyes. “I want to die.”
She chuckled slightly, stroking his cheek. “Not today. You’ll feel better soon.”
Chan and Woojin came into the room, holding a semi-conscious Minho between them. Tori hadn’t turned the lights on, but it was still bright enough that Minho blinked blankly.
They lay him down in Jeongin’s bed, and Tori made sure his pillows were comfortable while Chan wrapped him in blankets.
Woojin came back, she hadn’t even noticed that he’d left. He was holding a little basket filled with medicine, thermometers, and a couple washcloths and water. He had also grabbed a few bottles of water for them.
“Is this enough, Tori?” He asked.
She nodded. “Should be fine.”
Chan patted her shoulder as they left the room. “If you need help, or if you’re tired, come get me and I’ll switch, okay?”
She shook her head. “I’ll be fine. Get some sleep.”
Once they’d left, she busied herself by dampening some washcloths. She placed one on Hyunjin’s forehead, and he groaned slightly but didn’t have the energy to say anything. When it came to Minho, she brushed back his sweaty hair and placed the cold wash cloth on his head.
He stirred slightly. “Tori?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” She whispered, not wanting to disturb her other patient.
“Why’re you here?” He slurred, turning slightly and moving the cloth.
Tori moved it back to where it belonged. “What does it look like? I’m playing nurse for the night.”
He shook his head, eyes opening slightly. She moved so that her body blocked the only lamp that was on in the room. “You’re gonna get sick.”
She laughed. “I’m gonna get sick anyway, might as well make sure you’re both comfortable first.”
She nodded. His eyes were trained on her, but he looked so dazed and unfocused. “Hmmm,” she hummed, “Hyunjin is over there, dying just like you.” She kissed his cheek impulsively, “Get some sleep, I’m right here if you need me.” 
He looked like he wanted to say more, but his fever pulled him back under.
Tori retreated back to her bed, pulling out her laptop and just killing time. Every twenty minutes or so she would get up and check temperatures and do the washcloths again, trying to keep them comfortable. Both of the boys were in a fitful sleep, so she kept having to fix their blankets. 
At one point, Hyunjin woke up and called for her, so she went and sat on the side of his bed, stroking his forehead and chatting aimlessly for the fifteen minutes it took him to fall back asleep.
She heard a moan come from Minho’s bed. She hurried over, and found him thrashing and kicking the sheets every which way.
“Minho? What’s wrong?” She asked, trying to calm him down.
“To hot!” He moaned as he continued to try and removed some blankets.
Tori felt his forehead. He was burning up more than before, with sweat running in beads down his face. 
She pulled down the covers and pulled him up into a sitting position. His shirt was soaked through with sweat.
“Ugh.” She groaned, laying him back down and darting out into the hall. “Chan! I need you now.”
The boys emerged sleepily from his room, but didn’t complain as she led him into the sick room.
“Can you give me a hand?” She asked, heading towards the thrashing Minho.
“With what?”
“We need to take his shirt off, he’s burning up and we need to cool him down to break the fever.”
Chan nodded. They pulled him back into a sitting position, and Chan held Minho steady which she unbuttoned his shirt. They then worked together to pull his arms out of the sleeves and lay him back down. Tori took an ice pack and wrapped it in a cloth and then stuck it in his armpit. Just exposure to cool air seemed to be helping, and he settled back into a fitful sleep.
“That should be okay for now.”
Chan nodded, still not fully awake. “Wanna switch?”
She shook her head. “Get some sleep. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”
“Tori?” She heard Hyunjin whisper. She carefully covered up Minho with the sheet and made her way over, settling on the edge of the bed where Hyunjin was blinking sleepily at her.
“Was that Chan?”
She nodded. “I’m sorry if we woke you up. I needed his help.”
“You took off Minho’s shirt.” 
She stroked his cheek gently. “His fever got worse than yours, we’re trying to break it.”
Hyunjin nodded sleepily. “Did you blush?”
Tori laughed a little louder than she meant to. “You guys are sick. I promise, that’s the last thing on my mind.”
Hyunjin’s eyes started to blink closed again. “You could take my shirt off too, you know, if you wanted.”
Tori patted his cheek. “I think I’m good, but I’ll keep you posted okay?”
He was sound asleep.
Tori chuckled as she returned to her bed. Delirious boys was far too much fun. If they weren’t insanely sick, she would find the whole thing hilarious. It did ring in the back of her mind that Hyunjin seemed a little...almost jealous. But she shrugged it off. He was protective, and he loved to spend time with her, and he was delirious beyond all belief. Anything he was saying was just because of the fever.
She remembered checking on their temperatures one more time, before she drifted off to sleep herself.
She woke up with her head pounding. And then she remembered where she was and what she was supposed to be doing.
She sat up quickly, to see Minho and Hyunjin both sitting up, snacking on some cereal that someone else must’ve brought them.
“You guys are awake?” She mumbled. Why was the world spinning.
“Yeah. Thanks to you, Doctor Tori.” Hyunjin joked, raising his bowl in salute.
She looked at Minho, who was just staring at her. “How’s your fever.”
He smiled. “Broken, according to Woojin. Thanks.”
She pushed herself up off the bed. The world spun around her.
“Tori! Tori?”
She looked up. She was sitting on the floor. Why was she on the floor. “What?” She tried to ask, but it came out like more of a mumble.
Hyunjin and Minho were kneeling in front of her. She looked at Minho. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt. He reached up to touch her forehead.
“Her cheeks are red, I think she’s running a fever.”
I hope you all liked it! I really want to hear what everyone thinks about this one! It’s one of my personal faves so far!!!
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castawxayaway · 6 years
those kind of nights
its been a very long time since ive written, well anything. but I decided to give it another go. i hope you like it. thanks for sticking around in my absence. 
collection of writing // requests are yours to ask for
We were running, I wish I knew where he was leading me. He just gripped my hand as if his life depended on it. I continuously called his name, asking tiredly where he was taking us. But instead of acknowledging me with a response, he just squeezed tighter, trying to reassure me. 
My feet felt too light beneath me. As I glanced down they moved too quickly, blurring together as if they were under choppy waters. I could feel that lurching in my throat, it hurt, everything was becoming too loud, too bright in the darkness. The dull streetlamps seemed like they were on the verge of bursting, and I could no longer ignore the cold shiver spreading through my body. 
I stopped. Forcing my hand from his. He stopped walking and turned around as I collapsed effortlessly to the ground. I shut my eyes, hoping it could help the dizziness of the night fade away. But, it was no use. 
“I’m gunna vom.” I blurted out to him, and briefly saw the panic fill his eyes. 
The next twenty minutes aren’t ones I’d like to recall. And I wouldn’t particularly like to explain what happened, mainly for the little bit of dignity I have left. 
Thankfully, he held back my hair as I decided to lie down in the bushes, my legs splayed out onto the tarmac as my tights became more holes than fabric. I heard him faintly chuckle, more so out of awkwardness than sincerity. “You feeling any better?” He mumbled, trying to turn my head away from the direction of the mess. 
I faintly nodded, words didn’t make any coherent sense to him, but he made a noise in agreement for my sake. “What,” Taking a deep breath I wanted the clouds to clear from my mind and stomach, the uneasiness to leave me like all of those drinks did. “what time is it?” I asked tiredly, and he sat upright, leaving me lying down with the damp grass as my pillow. 
“‘Bout quarter past midnight.” He said, and I sat upright immediately. Too quickly in fact. I blinked rapidly and he placed his firm hands on my shoulders, motioning for me to lie back down. “Yeah, I wouldn’t do that too quickly.” 
Remaining still, and horizontal I sighed loudly. “Where did the evening go? Honestly. I felt like it was only half an hour ago that I got that tattoo, and just before that we were at that party. Whose party was it? Didn’t you say it was a friend of yours?” All the details of the night play like a messy slideshow. 
“I thought he was your friend?” He raises his left eyebrow, and I just chuckle. 
“So we gate crashed some fucked up party?” I lift my hands to my face, wiping away the drool on my chin and spitting into the grass again. “Nice.” Lifting my hand towards him, he high fives me. Not caring about the drool in the slightest.
“You should visit home more often mate.” He lies down next to me, staring at the sky above. “Always have more fun when you’re here. Not the same without you, you know?” 
I tilt my head to face his, even in the darkness, his silhouette remains sharp whilst mine has a thin line between my neck and chin. He doesn’t dare move his head, his eyes remain fixated on the few stars that line our hometown sky. 
“But that’s the problem, Dan.” I start and fiddle with the tiffs of grass between us, pulling at them aggressively until they become balls of green in my fingertips. “Home doesn’t have true beauty. You see all those stars? No. Because home is a place to reminisce on. The stars have moved on, gone adventuring across the sky.” 
“That is not even true.” He reasoned, but I shook my head from side to side dramatically.
“This isn’t about reason, Dan!” I lifted my arms up, and let them slap my thighs in annoyance. “I’m being all metaphoric and artist cause I’m pissed and I don’t really know what I’m saying.” Tears fell from my eyes, and I sniffed loudly. “And now I’m crying and I don’t know why!” Words barely sounded over the loud sobs that drowned out my voice. 
He sat upright, blocking the few stars from my view. His hands were in front of mine, and he lifted them into his and pulled me up. I was turned slowly until my head was resting on his lap. My hair decorating his arm as he dried my face. 
“It’s okay.” He whispered, knowing you could hear a penny drop tonight. Home wasn’t like it usually is tonight. Usually, it’s frantic. You can barely walk without seeing a group of people living a high life, living a temporary dream knowing they’ll wake to a nightmare. 
Sniffing quietly he used a bit of my hair and brushed it under my nose, a crooked smile forming on his face. “You’ll always have me. I’m not going anywhere.” He moved closer, whispering the words into my face so only I heard him. Words that were only meant for me.
“You’re stuck with me, Smithy boy.” I lifted my hand up, resting it against his rough cheek. “I’ll always come back, no matter how far or long I’m gone. You’re the one person I want to spend these kinds of nights with.” He smiled into my hand, rubbing his stubble across the palm of my hand. 
“Wanna go home?” I nodded, and slowly sat upright. With my back turned I smiled to myself, replaying the less blurred images of tonight.
Staying still with my back turned the words left my lips before my mind could stop me. “Did you kiss me at that party?” 
A silence fell between us. I wish a crowd could pass by, shouting and screaming with excitement for the night ahead. It was only quarter past midnight, most people were only just starting whilst we were finishing. 
Apprehension to turn and face my closest friend hurt. He wasn’t responding, but I touched my lips, trying to make myself remember him kissing me. But it was no use. “I did.” He spoke clearly. 
No shyness. No tension. He sounded proud? 
Automatically I laughed. I laughed too hard and fell back into his lap. Looking up at him I locked my eyes with his, and he started to laugh back. 
The two of us were laughing happily, and then he helped me rise to my feet. “Doesn’t matter how old you get, you’ll always regret what happened the night before.” I mumble into his shoulder as I rest my head against it. My hand intertwined with his. 
“Well, not everything.” I lifted my head up to see him pointing at his head. The lack of hair on his head with wide eyes. 
Patting his flat head I chuckled. “Trust me, Dan.” Resting my head back on him as we walked down the silent pathways I continued. “That, you will.” 
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movedtosalamoonder · 7 years
Edge of a Knife ~ An SI5 Fanfic [ch. 2]
Jacobi may be an idiot, but Kepler’s even more of an idiot. Plus: snuggling with Maxwell, nearly turning into the wrong exit, Cupcake Wars, and really bad ideas.
Wordcount: 1.8k
Genre: Angst, slowburn,prequel/origin story
Warnings: Brief mention of sickness, unhealthy relationship
A/N: Thank you to Niamh and Ellie for proofreading this chapter!
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Three || Read it on AO3 || || Masterpost ||
Jacobi hates sleeping in the car. He hates trying to position his head comfortably against the door, hates leaning it on the seatbelt and then being jolted awake at every stoplight as it slides out from under him, hates trying to use his arm as a pillow and getting pins and needles. He hates giving up and resting his head, more upright, against the window, and then feeling as though his teeth are being shaken out of his head when the car starts vibrating.
Lana’s asleep on his shoulder, blissfully unaware of his suffering. She curls into herself, lets out a soft sound like a purr and tightens her grip on his tee shirt. This makes it increasingly difficult to find another position to sleep in.
He tries resting his head on hers but the angle is awkward and he can tell that if he stays like this for twenty seconds he’s just going to get neck cramps. He can’t take  it anymore.
“Colonel,” he whispers, trying not to wake up Maxwell. Silence. He blinks a little, trying to keep his eyes open, watches the lights of the traffic beside them.
“Kepler,” he hisses a little louder.
There’s a very deliberate pause, and then:
“What was that, Mr. Jacobi? I didn’t quite hear you.”
Jacobi swallows a frustrated sigh. “I’m trying not to wake up Maxwell.”
“Did you say something?”
Jacobi grits his teeth and speaks as loud as he thinks is reasonable without risking waking her. “Sir, I would greatly appreciate it if we could stop at a hotel for the night.”
There’s a longer pause. Jacobi’s sure Kepler heard him. He’s just making him wait. He suppresses the impulse to repeat himself.
Finally Kepler says, “I suppose we could do that.”
“Thank you, sir.”
There’s an even longer, more uncomfortable pause, and Jacobi realizes that now he’s revealed he’s awake, he’ll probably be expected to make conversation.
He doesn’t feel like conversation, though.
“Kepler, why are you like this today?”
“Like what, Mr. Jacobi?” Immediate. Pleasantly curious, but not overly so.
“Like-like-” Jacobi grunts in frustration. “You know, you’re such a. You’re such a child sometimes, Colonel.”
He’s not sure if he’s offended Kepler (maybe even hurt?) or just made the next week of his own life ten times more difficult. Either way, he wishes he had bit his tongue, kept quiet.
“In...what way...am I a child, Mr. Jacobi?”
He doesn’t want to speak again. He’s only going to dig himself deeper into a hole.
Perhaps Kepler can sense his reluctance, because he turns briefly from the road to look at him. “You’ve started this, Daniel. Don’t think you get to leave it unfinished.”
“Sir-” Jacobi starts, and then stops. “I only meant-”
“No, don’t ‘I only meant’ me. You have something to say? Say it. Spit. It. Out.”
Jacobi bites his lip a minute longer. Kepler’s still looking at him; Jacobi can see the red glare of the dashboard reflected in his eyes. He’s still struggling to find the first word, to start himself off...diplomatically. Then he yelps, jolts forward-“KEPLER-the exit!”
Kepler swears softly, swerves the car into the exit so hard that Jacobi slams against the window in a maneuver that Jacobi is nearly certain is illegal. Someone behind them honks.
Maxwell mumbles something that sounds like “unclosed brackets” and resnuggles against Jacobi’s chest.
“As I was saying,” Jacobi continues, trying to regain his breath, “you’re kind of a child, sir, because you do things like that. Because the dramatic effect of glaring into my eyes is more important than watching the road.”
He feels his face go hot, but he’s glad he said it. Kepler doesn’t take as long to respond this time.
“I...see your point.”
Silence for another few seconds. They’re in a small town, glittering with McDonald’s and gas stations and uncrowded stoplights. Jacobi spots the hotel a little ways off to the right, in the distance. They’re on a bit of a hill, and so everything lays itself out neatly in front of him.
It’s kind of beautiful.
“But...I have to ask,” says Kepler, and Jacobi feels himself tense again, “what happened, today, that you would classify as...childish behavior?”
Jacobi blurts out, “Do you have to stick your nose into everyone’s business?”
Kepler clears his throat. If anyone can clear their throat in confusion, that’s what Kepler was doing. He seems actually taken aback. “I’m...sorry?”
“Maxwell. Could you just. Maybe please. Leave her alone and not do the whole...fucking….you know, passive aggressive thing.” He’s pushing his luck, he’s pushing his luck, he’s pushing his luck so hard...
They’re turning into the hotel parking lot. Maxwell had stirred at the mention of her name; Jacobi runs a hand through her hair in an effort to get her to go back to sleep. She’ll wake up in a second anyway, but he wants to finish this conversation without her.
“You know...Mr. Jacobi…”
“Yes, sir?”
He’s lost whatever courage he had. Now he’s just hoping Maxwell doesn’t wake up until he moves. Kepler pulls into a spot, throws an arm over the back of the passenger seat and turns so he can straighten out the car properly.
“I only want what’s best. For you and Alana.”
“I...understand, sir.”
“Be sure that you do.” There’s a slight emphasis on ‘sure’, not enough to mention, but enough to make Jacobi think. Kepler seems to want to leave things where they are. Jacobi’s still indignant on Maxwell’s behalf. He wants answers. He wants actual, real meaningful talk, he wants Kepler to stop being so….coy.
But he’s tired, and hungry, and his neck is beginning to cramp again and Alana’s not going to stay asleep much longer if they start arguing. He huffs a breath out, resigning himself. It can wait. Much as he’d rather it not.
Something big is about to happen. He can feel it. The air’s been thick with change since they left Canaveral.
“Maxwell, wake up,” he mutters.
“Five more minutes,” she mumbles into his shoulder.
“In a second. C’mon. We’re getting out of the car.”
“Hm- what?”
“Wake up,” he repeats, and glances up long enough to roll his eyes at Kepler. Kepler doesn’t say anything, but even in the dim light Jacobi can see his face break into a half smile. It’s a moment. Jacobi doesn’t know of what, but it’s certainly a moment.
“Okay, fine, getting up…” Maxwell runs a hand through her hair, blinks, realizes where she is. “Oh. You got him to stop?”
“I...decided to stop, Doctor Maxwell,” says Kepler, at the same time that Jacobi says, “Yeah, you proud of me, Lana?”
The hotel clerk looks bored and tired and thoroughly unimpressed with Kepler’s threats when he’s told that the only available rooms have either two or one beds. Jacobi’s examining the grungy corkboard of local businesses on the wall and not really paying attention. Maxwell starts to brush a strand of hair out of her face with her shoulder, decides it isn’t work it, and dumps the suitcases she’s holding on the ground with a dull thump. “Just get two rooms?” she asks sleepily.
“Can’t,” says Kepler, through clenched teeth. “Mr. Cutter has me on a budget.”
Maxwell raises an eyebrow. “Okay then. Just get the one with two beds, Colonel, honestly, we don’t care.”
“What do we not care about?” Jacobi asks.
“Nothing. We’re sharing a bed.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The clerk’s already handing Kepler a set of keys, taking Maxwell’s comment as confirmation. Kepler growls under his breath but takes the keys.
They’re halfway up the stairs when Jacobi says, “Wait, ALL of us?”
“No, stupid. Two beds. You and I are sharing.”
Kepler and Jacobi glance at each other almost involuntarily. It was the obvious choice, after all. But the glance made it awkward.
The room smells like cigarette smoke and stale food and the walls are painted a sickly, unnecessarily textured shade of green, but there are clean towels in the bathroom and mints on the pillows. A note with the wifi password is taped to the nightstand, next to the remote. Jacobi doubts they’ll get more than maybe twenty channels, but he can think of worse places to spend the night.
Like that hedge outside one of Goddard’s competitor’s office in the pouring rain. Kneeling in the cold mud for hours playing rock paper scissors with Maxwell, feeling the support beams shift across his shoulders, not looking at Kepler. The stupid support beams. Ugh. He still remembers the way it felt, walking away, rain plastering his hair to his forehead and the scent of explosions thick even beneath the rain, like lightning.  He remembers the raw quiet power he felt the following morning when Kepler tossed a newspaper from the gas station they’d stopped at into his lap, mumbling “Page four,” as the car started. GAS LEAK CAUSES EXPLOSION AT LOCAL BUSINESS, the article reads.
He feels like a god. As long as he stays at Goddard he can do anything. Anything. Cutter has more power than the average human can even dream of, and because Cutter has power and likes Jacobi, Jacobi has gained more power than the average human can ever dream of.
He can do anything.
Jacobi had shifted his left shoulder like he always does as Kepler turned to back out, his right hand too close to Jacobi’s skin.
Almost anything.
Everything’s quiet now. Lana’s fallen asleep on top of the sheets, still in her street clothes. Kepler’s in the shower. Jacobi turns on the tv, scrolls the volume way down and searches for something to distract himself with. He settles on a late rerun of Cupcake Wars and decides to get changed quickly before Kepler comes back.
But Cupcake Wars has turned into Chopped and Jacobi’s already successfully maneuvered Maxwell under the duvet without waking her up before he realizes that Kepler has been in the shower for a borderline ridiculous amount of time.
With a mental shrug he turns the tv off. It’ll probably be easier to fall asleep without Kepler in the room anyway. Jacobi climbs carefully in next to Maxwell, fumbles for the lamp switch, and closes his eyes.
The hotel room is bigger than his bedroom. It’s also darker. He still has his eyes closed but he can feel it; feel the space around him swallowing him and Maxwell. He rolls over so he can rest his forehead between her shoulder blades. The sheets smell like sand and Maxwell’s generic drugstore shampoo, something citric and sweet.
There’s coughing coming from the bathroom then, muffled by the crook of an elbow or a towel or something. Harsh, strangled coughing, the kind that happens when you’ve been coughing for days and try to hold it back but can’t. It goes on for about a minute and then stops.
He’s intensely awake now.
Chapter Three
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katsprettyodd · 7 years
matty healy X reader ily, dym
part 2//matty contains language rundown - continuation of part 1 requests are always welcomed your eyes parted open lazily at the light that made it's way through the closed curtains. you adjusted your vision, mouth parched and nose runny. one of your nostrils was clogged, preventing your breathing. you motioned your head over to the side of your bed- empty. this isn't right. no, you were in the car - you were laying tangled in you milk white bed sheets, half hanging off the side of the bed. he wasn't in your sight. you looked over to your nightstand in shambles and the digital clock read twelve minutes past nine. you groaned reluctantly, rubbing your forehead with your cold fingers, because your head throbbed with an excruciating pain. you pushed yourself up with shaky arms. your phone sat next at the edge of the bed. you reached for it, and stared blankly at the one message. from george 6:03 am hey i know you're probably sleeping but id like to know if you're both okay.  vividly, you could visualize what had happened only several hours ago. there was shouting, crying, rain. the only thing you couldn't quite remember was how you ended up in your room when you clearly drifted off to sleep. you walked downstairs cautiously, making sure you don't miss a step out of the tiredness. the sight of the entrance gave you flashbacks that ran down your back. you regretted ever even leaving the house.  he wasn't anywhere in the house nor knocked out in the couch. your keys were hung on the wall beside the door; yet his was missing.  you told yourself not to worry, let him do what he wants to do. it's his life, like he said. but he brought you into it, so isn't it yours to take care of too? you pulled out a box of cereal from the shabby wooden cabinets and poured it into a bowl. you gazed at it, completely losing your appetite. you've never had breakfast without him. instead you made you way back upstairs to take a shower and get dressed; not even conscious of the fact that you slipped on an old shirt that was once his. you remained in the room for about another two hours, trying to keep your mind occupied with the thousands of magazines that were stacked in the far corner of the room. you noticed dark stains of mascara were bled onto the pillow, and bit your lip.  promptly after, the door downstairs drew open, keys jingling.  it had to be him. you two are the only ones with keys. you wanted to go down, swing your arms around his neck and weep into his shoulder. you didn't want to weep out of pity for yourself, asking for forgiveness; for you didn't feel like what you did was irrational - but simply because you could not just let these problems continue to define your relationship. your legs didn't allow you to move, no matter how much you were tempted.  the sound of groceries hitting the counter top, and the clatter of the bowl being tossed into the sink were then made. you had to. but what would you say? you hadn't put much thought into approaching him. perhaps just let him make the first comment, and you could lead on from there. you'll just put an unreadable face mimicking his the night before. yes, that's it. slightly trembling and fully hesitant, you walked down the stairs, begging not to make a noise.  merely peaking, you could see an abundance of groceries laid out on the counter, him leaning against it with a long cigarette loosely placed between his perfectly shaped lips.  from what you could see, he wasn't in the best state. his iconic locks of hair were tied up, eyes heavily bagged, and pale skin. you have to go.  he didn't make eye contact with you as you made your way over, but you didn't doubt he knew you were there.  you leaned against another wall, adjacent to him. he had to visible reactions. he only inhaled and exhaled the smoke gracefully.  'did you take me upstairs last night?' you completely brushed off the idea of him making the first move -  it occurred to you he wouldn't talk, he doesn't when he's mad. evidently, no response. 'did you sleep at all? you look - bad.' you were initially going to say 'shit', but switching the words persuaded you another argument would be avoided. yet the tension was still strong.  he puffed a great cloud, then placed the cigarette into a small ash tray by the sink, putting it out.  he began unloading the groceries. 'are you going to be mute now?' you asked, somewhat repulsive.  nothing. he just kept stacking the many small boxes of unknown contents. 'if you're not going to talk,' you began, walking to the opposite side of the counter to face him, taking a seat, 'then at least answer me this, and verbally. i know you took me from my car and carried me upstairs. but why? why didn't you just leave me there?' he stopped stacking, but did not look up. he licked his lips tentatively. 'you didn't eat breakfast,' he ignored, motioning his head to the sink. his voice was sounded sick. your head throbbed even more. sitting up hastily, you scooted the chair in aggressively and started down the hall until he said something under his breath. 'what?' you turned around. 'i said i refuse to answer a stupid question like that.' you didn't know what to say. 'it's not stupid -' 'you can answer your own question.' you didn't understand, and your face said it. 'y/n, you're smarter than this. we have a shit load of arguments and we bicker quite often, usually over my stupidity. is it excessive? maybe. but even if the worst comes at us, you could call me a fucking asshole and i can call you a petty bitch, and you leave right now, but in the i'll still feel the same.' you still didn't understand, and you did indeed felt stupid. 'i fucking love you, y/n. i fucking love everything about you. i know i fucked up yesterday, and i know i've fucked up many times. you don't deserve what i put you through. you don't deserve me. i don't know what the hell i did to be living with such a gorgeous and genuine person. honestly, if you want to leave, that's fine. i understand. it'll be hard for the both of us, i'm sure, but you deserve better than this-' 'just stop. stop please, none if that's true i don't want to keave you-' you choked out, trying to prevent tears from spilling out. your ears went hot. your breathing paced quickly. he immediately shut his mouse, looking agitated. the tears submerged your eyes, blurring his face. simply fed up, and for some reason you thought it'd be the best thing, you ran up to the room. you skipped several steps at a time, barging your door open and slumping yourself against the bed board. slow steps sounded louder as they got nearer.  his pale face with lonely strands of kinky hair falling over his red eyes. he leaned against the door frame, arms crossed.  surprisingly, you didn't cry as much as you thought you would. it's as if you emptied all your tears out last night and nights before that.  'i'm sorry, love.' slowly he walked over and sat in front of you, placing a hand behind you head and pulling you in for a hug. you wrapped your arms securely around his neck, digging your face into the crease of his neck. your tears stopped, you head ached. his face did the same as yours, digging within your hair. you two stayed like this, in quietness and tranquility, for what seemed as hours. 'i want to make it up for you,' he mumbled. you hummed in question, for you were too busy caught in the moment. 'i want to make it up for you,' he repeated.  you pulled away, watching the single tear trace from his bruised eye. 'you don't have to make up anything for me.' 'i still am. i want to take you to dinner.' 'you need sleep.' 'and you need a proper, nicer dinner rather than microwave noodles or cereal.' *** there was no way in evading the generous gesture he made, no matter how much you pleaded it would be fine eating microwave noodles. you didn't want him going out and spending the rest of the night trying to keep his eyes open when he hasn't slept for almost twenty four hours. but again, there was no way in avoiding it. you two ate at some ridiculously over-priced gourmet place with fancy lights and up-tight waiters; the food wasn't that very good, but that didn't wash the great evening away. 'would you like to take a stroll down the pavement? it's a lovely evening,' he said as you two neared the parking lot in his car. it was indeed a very lovely evening - the sky was splashed with colors of orange, yellow, and different shades of purple, surrounding the great shiny sinking sun as it settled down into the ocean. 'sure, it is nice.' he parked the car and you two began walking down the sidewalk, hand intertwined in hand, gazing at the stores that stood tall.  just before the sun disappeared, you two were able to get a spot on a small bench, directly facing the sunset.  several moments past, the sun was going down, but your mind seemed occupied with something else - a threatening group of tall and bulky men were not that far, looking at you two. one of them being extremely familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. you knew you seemed apprehensive. 'beautiful, hmm?' you broke your eyes with them, and looked at the now sunless sky. 'yeah, it really was.' 'what's wrong? you seem tense.' 'oh, i'm sorry it's just - that group over there. see that taller one, the one looking at us? i know him from somewhere. look, but don't make it obvious.' he moved his eyes but not his head, then they widened. 'shit,' he mumbled under his breathe. 'what?' 'that guy -' they began to make there way over to you two, chuckling, but still looked intimidating. your stomach churned with uneasiness.  as he got closer, matty became more tense and the man became more familiar. then it hit you. the man matty fought at the club got nearer. 'and this is when we dip,' he said, you didn't see him say it, but it sounded as if he was smiling. you two rose up quickly, and started to walk fast back towards the car. his pulled up hair bounced up and down and up and down. 'isn't that coincidental?' 'very.' 'yo, you running away with that dickhead?' one of them called as they followed. matty tsked. your steps became leaps in a matter of seconds, and soon you found yourselves breathing heavily and watching the buildings go by fast. they transfer you two as well. for a split moment you swore you saw him, in your peripheral vision, grow a bit grin on his face. you thought you were maybe seeing things, but he started to laugh. 'what are you laughing for?!' 'i don't know!' when the sleek black car came into view. you stumbled inside, he jammed the key into the wheel and you shut the door hard. you could see in the rearview mirror, the small black speck becoming larger and larger, making out the group. soon enough you were speeding down the deserted road, and he couldn't stop laughing. you giggled too. 'my god, am i exhausted,' he huffed. 'you're crazy, matty,' when you two made it home, you told him as if you were a mom, to go upstairs and straight to sleep, but of course he didn't budge. 'i'm not going to bed at nine, y/n. too early,' he said, slumping into the couch and grabbing the remote. you walked over to him, standing in front of the t.v. to block his view. arms crossed, you gave him an eyebrow lift. 'come on, y/n, let's watch something -oh! maybe the notebook!' you gave up. no matter what you could have tried, you knew he wouldn't. you slumped next to him, but he shifted himself onto your lap, his head against your stomach. you gladly obliged and played with his locks of hair as he selected the movie. you didn't get to see at least a quarter left of the movie because you slipped into a very deep sleep. you found him still laying on your lap. 'matty,' you looked over. with his mouth slightly hanging open, subtle snores and closed eyes, he was in a very deep sleep as well. you naturally grew a small smile. you glanced over to the clock on the oven, it read four minutes past four in the morning. there was no point in waking him now, you were also very exhausted and frankly too lazy to change into your night clothes.  instead, you laid your head back onto the soft couch, closing your eyes but not falling asleep; you instead relived the night you had with him, slightly giggling when you saw him absentmindedly light the wrong end of his cigarette. to george 4:04 am sorry for the late reply. we're okay.  thank you xo
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