#and ive finally hit that oh crap moment
nella09archive · 1 year
Marriage. 37
Chapter 37: hospital food
It’s finally over. Boy does my body hurts like hell. I wonder how’s Gohan doing. Krillin says he’s fine, just knocked out. My little boy is ok, that’s good. “GOHAN!” Chichi? Oh crap! It is Chichi! And she running this way. Please! Please! Don’t kill me. She’s getting closer. I can’t look. “My baby boy! Mommy’s here! Are you ok?” Oh, thank goodness. Now I know for a fact Gohan is going to be ok. Why are my friends confused by Chichi’s reaction? Don’t they get Gohan shouldn’t have been anywhere near the fight?
Knowing that Chichi has Gohan, I can finally relax. I don’t get why Chichi is mad at me. Not like I brought him into the fight. What happened during the year I was gone? Wasn’t Gohan with Chichi this whole time? Why does Yajirobe asking to hit my wife for me? If he lands a hand on her, I don’t care how broken my body is, I’ll make him regret it.
Oh, Gohan is looking this way. How’s my little man? Sore. Why is mommy mad? I don’t know. And you have some explaining to do mister. Gohan looks slightly sad, but laughs again. As everyone goes and gets the others, I got to enjoy a small moment with my family. Chichi? Not talking to you right now. I understand. I missed you.
I missed you.
Oh, I missed him too, but I’m still mad. It’s his fault, my baby was taken away. It’s his fault, my little baby is going to be traumatize now. It’s all his fault! And I’m not kissing your boo boos! As long you kiss Gohan’s owies away. Even when I’m mad at him, he still fines some way to make me smile. I’m going to get him for that. At least wait till I’m heal first. Ok, cut that out or else. I’ll take the or else. One more word out of you and you’ll be put in a coma. Good, he’s quiet.
One more word out you and you’ll be in a coma.
Good, she at least a little less mad. Now I can rest easy. My senses might not be strong right now, but I can still smell them close by. As long as I have that, I’ll be ok. Now that we have a game plan to bring back our friends, it’s all a matter of the how and how long.
Good to know I can still scream bloody murder. Cause for a minute there I thought I was dying again. Just moving a finger hurt. If Chichi wasn’t nearby, I think I would have passed out. Her sweet, faint scent kept me calm enough to know I’ll be fine, but the pain sure made me doubt that. Once I was place in a weird bed, cause I refuse metal things being inside me, I was put in a room with my son. Soon they gave me something, in a needle, those cursed items, that made me feel very relaxed and sleepy. Before my eyes were close, I faintly saw Chichi walking into the room. Chichi. My Chichi.
I don’t know what I hate more about this place. The smell that makes me want to vomit, or hearing my dad scream like his life depends on it. I tried to make a run for it, but mom was surprisly fast. Even Krillin tried to make a break for it, but Master Roshi got him. Krillin calls this a hospital. I thought hospital make people feel better, not make them want to run for their lives. Mom brought some school books along, if wasn’t for that, I’ll be holding my nose the whole time. Mom once told me how dad almost threw up, when they visit the hospital, and this was when they found out about me.
Man, I feel sorry for dad, once his nose comes back. As for me, how the hell am I gonna get any training done. I want to go to Namek, too! Well first, I have to get pass mom. But how am I going to do that? I can’t just ask her, she’ll just say no, just like everything else. Oh, they’re bring dad in to my room. Yay! What is that stuff that they’re putting in his IV? Oh, mom coming, better finish this page.
“Thank you, nurse.” Goku has finally fallen asleep, thank goodness for morphine. I don’t think I could stand hearing my poor husband in pain. Gohan is still working on his book. He’s been a good boy, but he does need his rest. “Gohan.” He looks to me. “Put the book away and get some rest. Ok?”
“Ok, mom.” Mom? Why didn’t he call me mommy? Well, I’ll let it slide for now. Not going to argue with him, after I just got him back. It was so nice for the head nurse to let me stay the night. I get to be the first person my boys see, when they wake up. So, wonderful. I finally have my family back. Thank goodness I thought to pack a blanket.
Oh, goodie! I’m not hearing things. My wife is here, and she’s humming. What a wonderful thing to wake up to. Gohan is also looking to be doing well. I’m going to enjoy this little piece of heaven for as long as— Oh, good-dy. Krillin’s here. As much as I missed my best friend, I was kind of having a little moment with my family. And just when I thought my day couldn’t get any more exciting, everyone else comes to visit. Now I can’t enjoy hearing Chichi’s humming.
Gohan wants to go to Namek. I don’t know how I feel about that. I’m proud he wants to do right, by bring back Piccolo. But, he’s too young, and I just got him back. Oh, no! He knows better than to scream at mommy. I understand where he’s coming from, but that’s no way to go about it. And Yajirobe is working on my last nerve. “Yajirobe, aren’t you hungry or something? Go, find something to eat, or what have you.”
“Are you kicking me out?” What gave you that idea? Am I not smiling enough?
“No. I’m just merely suggesting.” I think Krillin got the point, and thankfully got everyone out the room. Now I can have a word with my son. “Gohan.”
“Yes, daddy.” He sounds very timid. Good, he knows he’s in trouble.
“Come here.” He comes closer to the bed. “That was no way to speak to your mother.”
“But daddy.”
“I’m not done.” He was silent. “I want you to apologize, and properly ask your mother if you can go.”
“No buts mister. Now tell me what you did for a whole year. Because I thought you was with mommy. But mommy’s reaction says otherwise.” Gohan told me about Piccolo taking him. About how he found out I was dead. How he was left alone for 6 months. That part I’m going to have to remember, to have a word with Piccolo. Then he told me about the 6 months of ‘training.’ I was not liking one bit of what I was hearing. Then as he told me all the stuff he learned and did on his own, I was very proud of my boy. But I’m still got a bone to pick with Piccolo, for the treatment of my son.
“Yes, Gohan.”
“Are we monsters?” Uh? “When I came back to you, you was being held by a big monkey. I was confused on where it came from. But I saw that it had that Vegeta guy’s armor. Also, Krillin knew to cut its tail. When we did, it was Vegeta. Then I heard you telling me to look at a bright ball, then I don’t remember what happened next. I just knew somehow I was with mommy.” Oh great. He just had to bring that up. What am I supposed to say? I don’t even know how to take the news, that I… that I… That I was the one who killed grandpa. “It’s ok, daddy. You don’t have to answer. Me, just curious. Maybe, one day, we’ll have answers.”
I so proud how smart my son is. Just when I was going to say something, Chichi walked into the room. I then reminded Gohan of what I said.
“Um, mommy?”
“Yes, Gohan.” I looked at my baby confused. “What’s the matter?” He looked so scared to look at me. Then he sat up straight, and spoke.
“I’m sorry for screaming at you mom.”
“It’s ok, Gohan. Mommy forgives me.” I was going to give him a hug, till put up his hand. Uh?
“Mommy. Can I… Can I please… Can I please have your permission to go to Namek?” My baby still wants to go, and leave me. I wanted to cry so badly. Wait. He asked for my forgiveness, and now asking me properly to leave me behind. Goku, is this your doing? Please.
“You can go.” My baby’s face started to lit up. “But.” He looked at me worried. “You have to study really hard on this trip. No buts mister.”
“Yes mommy!” He said excitedly, and hugged me. Which was a little tighter than usual.
“Now, back to studying.” He nodded and practical bounced on the bed. I looked back to see a smiling husband. “What are smiling at?” You. I couldn’t help to blush at that. Shame on you. Gohan’s looking. I can’t believe him. I sat back on my chair, by Gohan, pouting and arms crossed. That husband of mine.
Mommy’s blushing, and looks mad. What just happened? Mommy asked why he was smiling, but I didn’t hear daddy say anything. Yet mommy seem to hear something, for how she’s reacting. Is daddy talking to mommy, how he was speaking with me? That has to be it! Cause even daddy is blushing now. How embarrassing my parents are. I wonder if I could talk to mommy like that. But right now, I don’t want to try. As long as mommy and daddy doesn’t say whatever they’re thinking out loud, I’ll be fine. Let me get back to my math book. Now I really can’t wait to leave, and not just because of Namek. Grownups are definitely weird.
Does my Chichi have any boo boos that she wants me to kiss away? Maybe, but you have bigger owies. And your kisses is all I need to make them better. Stop that. I think Gohan is starting to realize something. Yeah, he’s catching on that we’re talking mentally. Get some rest Goku. Meanie.
I couldn’t help silently giggle at my wife and son. Gohan is learning very quickly, soon I think I’m going to find others ways to privately tell Chichi things. If he learns to speak mentally sooner than later, Chichi will kill me for any slip-ups. Oh, yay! She’s humming again. Now I can rest. Oh, Krillin came back, just him this time. Where’s Chichi going?
“Great, she left.” Why did Krillin say that? “What’s her deal? You’re the one hurt the most, and she’s ignoring you.”
“What do you mean?” She’s not ignoring me, she’s just giving Gohan more focus. I rather that anyway.
“She’s scary. She even threaten me if I didn’t keep track—” Wait! What? I think he could tell I was getting angry, cause he didn’t finish that thought. “Nothing. Never mind. Man, I’m exhausted.” He’s hiding something. I definitely need to talk to Chichi. But I do agree on being exhausted. I gave one more look over to Gohan, to check if he’s doing what his mommy told him to do, and with that I fell asleep.
“WHERE’S MY BABY?” What now? I looked over, and Gohan was gone. Gohan I hope you’re ok, because your mommy is on her way. Uh, flowers? Chichi shouldn’t have. She’s so perfect. I’ll have to thank her when I get a chance.
Gohan I hope you’re ok, because your mommy is on her way. Crap! Need to get to the roof, and quick! Ok, where’s my book? Crap! Crap! Where I’m going to sit? Oh no! She getting closer! Oh, there!
“Mister! What you think you’re doing?”
“Reading mom. I thought the fresh air would do me some good.”
“Nice try, but you can’t fool me. One of the nurses spotted you hanging from one of the windows.” Crap! “Now get on my back, and let’s go back to the room. Chop, chop buster.” I got on mom’s back. Why the nurse had to spot me? “Gohan.”
“Yes, mommy.”
“All because I gave your permission, doesn’t mean you get to train.” Oh, come on! “You have to heal first. You have to give your body plenty of rest. Then, and only then, can you train.” Oh, mommy is so awesome.
“Ok mommy. Can I get more apples?” She nods her head. Mom is the best mommy ever.
I’m not letting my baby boy develop the same bad habits as his daddy. No way! If he wants so badly to train, and do all these things, he’s going to need to learn better habits. I promised I’ll keep my baby safe, and that’s what I’m going to do. He’s going to learn better habits. If I can’t keep him away from fighting, then he’s going to need to learn some ground rules. And first, and the most important, rule is to get plenty of rest. Second, eat healthy. And lastly, he also has to train his mind too.
Uh? Who put the flowers by the window? Goku? I asked Krillin. How’s Gohan? He’s ok, he just fell asleep on the way over here. Now you get some rest too, mister. Not without a good night kiss. No. Fine. But did you kiss Gohan’s boo boos? Goku stop that, and yes, I did.
My husband is so silly, even when he’s badly hurt. I hope you’re not thinking of escaping. If you are, you won’t make it very far.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for the Avengers teaching you how to drive
Avengers x reader
prompt: anonymous: “hey! if it's not too much to ask... can i request an MCU Avengers headcanon of the team teaching teen!reader how to drive? i'm finally learning how to and it's absolutely terrifying (i really hope this sends properly because firefox crashed while i was trying to write it lol)”
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firstly no one was very thrilled to be your teacher because getting in the car with an inexperienced driver just felt like a trap
and although they’d put themselves in much more dangerous situations than this
they all had the same thing to say:
“this is not how i want to go down”
but theyd FORBID anyone else from stepping in
“it’s okay, i’ll do it” -cap
“no, no, no. i dont think the one hundred year old man knows today’s road rules. i should teach y/n” -nat
“natasha, you’ve let me drive you before. was i that bad?” -cap
“im not having this discussion” -nat
“you should let vis do it, he might stay calm while y/n drives” -wanda
“what about sam—” -bucky
“no.” -sam
you were actually quietly watching them bicker about who’d have the honor of teaching you
“i dont let anyone else drive me, y/n. you’re not special. but i’ll give you a cool car when you get your license, deal?” -tony
“i’m not special?” -you
“sure you are kid, i just never want to get in a car that you’re driving is all” -tony, patting your head
“oh, okay” -you
the avengers actually decided that wanda was right and vision was probably the best equipped to teach you
they just had to see if you’d enjoy having him as a teacher
the team set up a little course at HQ with a LOT of cones
“how am i supposed to get around all of those?” -you
“you can use your powers!” -thor
“that’s against the rules!” -you
they had to take some of the cones away :(
all the avengers watched from the side of the course
“now, y/n, you need to shift into drive. press your foot on the brake and move this knob to the ‘D’ position” -vision
“which one is the brake?” -you
“...the left one” -vis
sam was recording on his phone
and had redwing do a bird’s eye view for “special footage”
“this should be good” -sam
as soon as you stepped on the gas, the car went speeding straight forward
sam was laughing his ass off but the rest of the avengers were terrified for you
you hit 6 cones before the brakes
“have some faith in them, guys” -wanda
“i just don’t think that’s possible. you guys okay in there?” -rhodey
“spectacular, thank you for your concern” -vis
you needed to try a different teacher
nat was next in line
“okay, so we probably should have mentioned how sensitive you have to be with the pedals. i know we dont do that on missions, but when you’re on the road, you have to watch all of your surroundings” -nat
she totally brought you straight into traffic because the only way you learn in through intense pressure and real world experience (according to her)
“hands at ten and two, right?” -you
“if that’s what you think” -nat
“that’s not helping” -you
screaming every time you turned
ESPECIALLY left hand turns (or right turns if you are not in the US but this takes place in the US i guess idk it’s whatever you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
redwing was still following you
everyone was watching the surveillance footage at HQ
“tony, you’re paying for any damages y/n makes, right?” -cap
“is that all im good for? my money?” -tony... “duh, of course i’m paying”
blowing past a red light
“you were supposed to stop” -nat
“what, now?” -you, braking in the middle of the intersection
*honking from all sides*
“what do you think, y/n?” -nat
cap was covering his eyes
“this is a disaster” -wanda
“takes one to know one” -tony, without thinking “oh my god, i’m sorry”
“lets just focus on y/n, maybe we can give them some feedback” -cap
nat made you drive into a parking lot
to park
“okay, just pull in straight. you have to be even in between the lines” -nat
“is that good?” -you
“y/n...you parked directly on top of the line” -nat
“...fuck” -you
next person to teach you was......
“come on, y/n. just go through the drive thru. i’ll pay for your chicken nuggets” -rhodey
“i dont really want chicken nuggets” -you
“fine, okay, you can get whatever you want. just go through the drive thru” -rhodey
you hit the curb
you actually rode the curb
“this is fine” -you
“well...you’re getting better” -rhodey
“dont sugarcoat it, man” -you
“come on! eyes on the road!” -rhodey
steve decided to step in and let you handle the driving on an actual mission
“at least here you’ll have some sort of free reign, that way you can get a better feeling of control when driving” -cap
“we dont like this plan” -all the avengers in the back of this big ass truck
redwing was following ofc
honestly,,,,, that plan wasn’t too bad
you did hit a few trees but this was a heavy duty vehicle
you’d have to do a lot more than that to hurt anything
“hey, this is actually pretty cool! i think ive got the hang of it!” -you
they scheduled you drivers test when you got back, but assured you that it wasnt the end of the world if you failed. you could retake it after some more practice
but you did end up passing it!!!! even tho there were a few mishaps
“mx. l/n, your turn signal” -instructor
“my what?” -you “oh crap”
but you got your license and the team took turns passing it around to take a look at it
“oh man, you look high as a kite. what’s going on with your face???” -tony
“shut up! no i dont!” -you
celebratory dinner!!!!
and sam put together a compilation of all your worst/best moments behind the wheel
“heres the one where they put it in reverse instead of park and started rolling backwards......and thats when they jumped out to try to stop it with their bare hands....oh no!!! they’re going down!!!!” -sam
“oh my god, nooo!” -you, burying your face in your hands
and to top it all off......tony bought you your own car (and got any modifications you wanted)
“i swear to god if you ask for flames on the sides, im donating it” -tony
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie //
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Housemate, College AU Part 1
Genre: Platonic
This has been in my drafts in like... forever and i got sick staring at it. Enjoy the culmination of my delirium induced by sleep depravity!
It was one of those days again. The empty feeling settling between your chest, as you resume to your daily activities, head on autopilot because that's just how repetitive your days were, just slaving away in your desk, be faced with things to do such as the essays, the math equations, essay analysis... The lessons and lectures were different everyday, and yet all the same. You didn't even cared to take a break anymore, knowing full-well of the works which awaits you so why delay it? It's not like your homemade snack will make you feel any better. 
Another term paper finished, time to pass it tomorrow and have the professor tear it in front of you just in case you had a minimal typographical error, before you resort to picking it up to see where the hell did you go wrong. It ached the first time, but as time goes by, you just simply move on and comply, hurting inside but what's the point of getting it all out? A waste time, that is. You've been over it and quite frankly, it was getting so excessively pointless. 
Setting the paper aside, you went to get a hold of another one of the work next in line with a sigh. Exhaustion lingers on with the emptiness within, powered by forced determination to finish everything within your plate and burn yourself out in the process. I mean, isn't this the way to success all of them have been saying? If you resume to do this and go through the route of life, then you'd end up walking everywhere with an IV tube up your arm. 
There was a knock at the door you didn't hear and acknowledged, until the person from the other side of the door lets himself in. 
 "Hey Y/N, I said Illuso made some overcooked crap downstairs. Get your ass down and take a break." Sorbet would usually leave upon relaying the message in mind, but he remained standing by the doorway anticipating for your response, an acknowledging nod would be enough to send him on his way but your unresponsiveness prevailed.
 "Y/N! How many times do we have to call you, huh?! Get your ass down or we'll eat without you!!!" Ghiaccio's shrill voice boomed from downstairs, prompting Sorbet to wince and lift a finger up to his ear to plug it up. 
 "Go ahead, I'll catch up later." Your recent attitude alone has gotten all of your housemates concerned but they let you be because days like these were inevitable amidst the hectic days in university, but it's been weeks since you let your works take a hold of your reigns. 
 "Oh no, you don't. you're not sneaking in the kitchen at three in the morning to eat cold pasta. Come on now, take a break for once." Sorbet approached you, hand on your shoulder. "It's been weeks since you took your sights off those damns books. Just eat, okay?" 
 "I don't know, Sorb's... I have things to do and get done-- you know that, right--?" 
 "I know and it's tiring. Come now, just take a break for a moment. I promise you'll feel better." 
 For a moment you contemplated and reconsidered rejecting his offer, seeing his point but you were in dire need to be responsive with your work. You took a deep heave of breathe, lifting your palm up to cup your forehead, thumb brushing over your temple pulsing with headache you've yet to soothe. He's right, you haven't eaten anything at the duration of the day, as you've barely left your study desk in your room.
 "Okay. Just wait a moment, I'll be there--" Sorbet interjects sharply by pulling you by the wrist before you can touch anything on your desk, knowing full-well you wouldn't leave it alone unless someone were to physically drag you off it.
 "Ah Y/N, good to see you out of your cave." Proscuitto remarks with slight scrutiny, setting a plate on your usual spot on the dinner table. 
 "What's taking you too long anyways? Are you--" Formaggio positions his hand above his crotch, making a jerking off motion, which warrants him a smack from Sorbet. 
 "They were studying, you perv." The dark haired housemate narrows his glare at Formaggio as he seats himself on his usual spot, beside his boyfriend Gelato.
 "Says the one who got caught jacking it off in the hallway." Illuso scoffs, leaning his back against his chair. 
 "Oh yeah?" Formaggio challenges, leaning on the dinner table, clenching on his fork. Before anything can escalate, Risotto clears his throat. 
 A small laugh slips from your lips as you pulled yourself a seat between Ghiaccio and Melone. For a moment you forgot about the paperwork waiting for you back in your room, but it can wait. It's not like they'll leave. Sorbet was right, a quick break or two will make you feel better. 
 Sorbet bit his lip to fight his anxiety back, his clammy hand hidden at the depths of his shallow pocket to feel around its content whilst Formaggio starts the game. Here's to hoping nothing too terrible happen. 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone with the shortest temper." Formaggio bites his bottom lip in front of his front camera, rubbing his chin before passing the phone to Ghiaccio. 
The cerulean blue haired narrows his gaze at the phone owner, before recording himself. "I'm passing this phone to someone who's too obsessed with themselves." 
 Illuso raises his brow at the current phone holder, a hand instinctively landing atop his chest, before he gets ahold of the phone and pressed record once again, "First of all, I'm not obsessed with myself and second, I'm passing this phone to someone who planted a fake positive pregnancy test in the bathroom for fun." 
 "It was for scientific purposes!" Melone exclaims, before claiming the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who dropped their cookie but instead of throwing it out, gave it to me and watched me eat it." The lilac head playfully tosses the phone back to its owner, in which he catches it just in time it hits the wall. 
 "Pfft, it's your fault you fell for it." Formaggio cackles. "I'm passing this phone to someone who belted out G10 in the shower when the lights blacked out." 
"You're never gonna let me live that down, aren’t you?" Pesci reaches for the phone with red in his cheeks. "I will be passing the phone to someone who's the sanest in this household—"
 "Oh shut it," Sorbet smacks Formaggio, before collecting the phone from Pesci's grasp. "I'm passing this phone to someone who thinks pineapple on pizza is superior." He rolls his eyes, before passing it to his boyfriend. 
 "Um, sir— it does taste great! You're lucky you're cute, otherwise I would've torn you apart." Gelato snatches the phone from his boyfriend before focusing on the camera. "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't know how to cross the road because they're scared." 
 "Ugh, rude!" You took the phone from the blond with a roll of your eyes. "I'm passing the phone to someone who left me on the other side of the busy highway to cross a busy road." 
 "You were too slow, that's why. I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at us for a solid minute, accusing that one of us stole his glasses whilst his glasses rested on his head." Risotto hands the phone to the person who has yet to receive the phone. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who burned the whole kitchen at three in the morning because they left to stove on to cook peanut butter because we ran out of peanut butter." Prosciutto hands you the phone.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who was petting and cooing at a pile of laundry thinking it was a cat." You glared at Prosciutto, before passing the phone to Formaggio. 
 "What? It was finals and I barely got any sleep!" He whines, before sighing. "I'm passing the phone to someone who has been passed around like this phone." 
 A choked gasp pried itself away from your throat as soon as he hands you the phone with a grin. "Well I'm passing the phone to someone who accused me for taking their red lacey thong but it turns out we own the same product." 
 "Wow, you're bold, I like you." Melone chuckles, before taking the phone. "I'm passing the phone to someone who was hungover during finals and managed to pass." 
 "Pretty impressive if I do say so myself." Sorbet smirks at his achievement, proudly reaching for the phone. "I'm passing this phone to someone who faked smoking at a party to impress a girl." 
 "Well I don't smoke! I don't like how it tastes!" Pesci insists. "I'm passing the phone to someone who got out of the house with his shirt inside out and backwards and didn't realise it until he was going home." 
 "I'm passing this phone to someone who cried when I pranked him with a fake electric razor." Melone smirks as he passes the phone to Illuso. 
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who's first instinct to nonchalantly say 'Nice' before going back to his business after receiving a nude pic from his then girlfriend." Ilusso gives the phone to Ghiaccio.
 "I'm passing the phone to someone who doesn't pick their hair clumps in the bathroom after taking a bath, clogging the shower drain." 
 "Well, I'm passing the phone to someone who screamed at the professor after he said Venice." 
If it weren't for Illuso's quick response, the phone would've crashed against the wall and permanently putting it into a broken state. "Heh, okay then. I'm passing the phone to someone who has been with my man Gelato through thick and thin." 
 Sorbet gulps, his heart hammering in his chest as he reaches for the phone. His hand that has been hidden in his pocket since the very start of the game finally came out, with a small, black velvet box. Gelato glances at his longtime boyfriend, confused for a moment until the blond saw the little box resting within Sorbet's grasp. In shock, the blond's hands shot up to cover his lips and nose, his onyx gaze watering. Everyone in the room has their thoughts race rapidly with incoherent thoughts. 
 "I'm passing the phone to whom I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life, because without him I feel so empty and alone." Sorbet hands the phone to his longtime boyfriend, before taking a knee and opening the box. "Will you marry me?" 
 It would be a miracle Gelato would come to thank later as he didn't know he would still be able to respond despite being so deep in cloud nine. The entirety of the squad stood behind Sorbet at the edge of their seats, watching their carefully crafted plan unfold before them. 
 "Oh, yes. YES!" With the key word uttered, the once tensed room burst into excitement, jumping and screaming whilst the couple slipped on each others engagement rings before engulfing each other into a passionate embrace.
 "WHOOO YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING 'BOUT!" Formaggio cheers amidst the screams of excitement. 
 "Oh you guys, c'mere!" Sorbet caught you and Risotto's necks, before pulled in for a hug. Soon the others joined in for a group hug, almost squeezing the couple in the middle but it was all so worth it.
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Prompt: “what happened to your clothes?”  “I think i’m falling in love with you.” “I think ive always known, deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” 
Dean x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, somewhat detailed sex scene, iunno not much really. 
A/N: Sorry it’s so long, i had this idea and thought it’d be a fun read. Enjoy :)
Dean sat on your bed, mindlessly watching and waiting as you hid in your closet, dress after dress, skirt after skirt flying out, one almost hitting him in the face. He caught it mid air before tossing it down next to him. 
“I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up, its just a few drinks at the bar, Max already knows you, you dont need to impress him, he already likes you.” Dean spoke, watching as you popped out from your closet, three different shirts in your hands.
Dean was your best friend, you had met him and Sam as a child, your fathers had been hunting partners for a few years, always leaving you and the boys at bobby’s to cause trouble for the old man. You could still hear bobby’s voice sometimes, demanding Dean stop influencing you with his schemes. 
His buddy Max had run into him at the bar last week while you guys had stopped in during a hunt and they had caught up for hours, you had connected with Max off the bat, and when he’d asked you out, you were skeptical, see deep down you always knew Dean was your guy, your never ending crush on him had turned into deeper feelings years ago, you tried to deny it for years, and definitely never told him, but when Dean had convinced you to give it a shot, go out on ONE date with a guy he knew and liked, you gave in, never being able to say no to him, i mean, to be fair you hadn’t been with a man in over 2 years and you could use a night out, maybe even some quality time in bed with a good looking guy, plus, Dean trusted him, and that was enough.
“Dean, i haven’t been out with a guy in 2 years, i’m not going out with a guy looking like a swamp monster, first dates are everything, and looking your best can make or break the date.” You huffed, holding out a shirt to him for an opinion, he shook his head, grimacing. 
“First, you never look like a swamp monster, you’re stunning no matter what, you hardly have to work at that, secondly, that’s an old ratty tshirt you stole from me, really?” He pointed at it, now realizing he was right, why the hell you were even suggesting this. It was time to pull out the big guns. You sighed, hiding back into your closet, you had to have something date worthy. 
Dean had popped away, grabbing himself a beer, giving himself a break from outfit advice. You were his best friend and he wanted nothing more than to see you happy, even if it meant trusting Max to take you out on a date. It was one date, it’s not like he was stealing you away forever. He had always had a soft spot for you, you were his first kiss as a kid and he’d looked out for you ever since, and even though he trusted Max, seeing you get all worked up over a guy that wasn’t him still didn’t settle well with him, but he shoved his feelings down and tried to be as supportive as he could. 
He walked back into your room, realizing you were finally working on your makeup, you were slightly bent over your bathroom sink, reaching closer to the mirror as you did your eyeliner, truth be told, he loved when you did that black wing thing, it enhanced your big E/C eyes and drove him nuts everytime. He looked you over, realizing what you finally had chosen to put on, a shorter than he’d like black leather mini skirt, a matching leather shirt thing that looked similar to a bra more than anything. He cleared his throat. 
“What happened to your clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You finish your eyeliner before walking past him, fetching lipstick out of your little makeup bag before making your way back to your bathroom, “What do you mean? Theyre fine.” You spoke, applying your lipstick as he piped up.
“I mean like, where’s the rest of it?” he sassed and you rolled your eyes as you walked back into the room. “It’s not that bad is it? It’s literally all i can find that isn’t covered in holes, old blood or stained monster guts.” You looked down at yourself, smoothing out your skirt. Dean cleared his throat as he eyed you properly, trying hard to calm his way out of a boner. 
“Uh, no, no i’m just teasing, you look incredible.” He smiled, nodding, you shoot him a innocent smile, “Better, Winchester. Much better, right answer.” You shoot him a small wink and he chuckles. He had come a long way on talking to women because of her, she helped him realize as a teenager and a young man that he didn’t need to be vulgar or gross to pick up women and he’d learned a long time ago thanks to her that chivarly was key.
He watched as she put on her coat, Max waiting by the door to take her out, she gave him a little wave as she told him not to wait up, she’d be fine. 
“Be safe, have fun.” He smiled as she walked out the door, his internal groan coming out of his mouth and he kicked himself for being too scared to ever make a move himself. He’d liked her since they were teenagers, but he was too stubborn to do anything, his fathers voice telling him hunter relationships never worked. 
The night had been a blast so far, you and Max were having a great time chatting, dancing and enjoying each others company at the bar, he was sweet, nice and had a good view on life and hunting. He told you entertaning stories, some even involved moments he and Dean shared as young teenagers hunting together, being boys and trying to get girls, Max pranking Dean. They had a good friendship and you were happy Dean had someone besides you and Sam he could pal around with. 
You had moved to his truck a while ago, the mix of alcohol and pure need affecting you both as you made out like teenagers, the windows began steaming up, it was an unusually warm evening in lebanon and you were thankful you wore this outfit or would have soaked right through it from the heat. 
His hand moved freely on your thigh and you straddled him, his back against the backseat of his pick up with you on his lap, dry humping him like some silly teenage girl who hadn’t had sex yet, you made the first move, desperate to feel a mans touch, it had been so long. 
You yank your top off, nothing but some nipple covers to cover your exposed breasts, Max lets out a soft moan, “Beautiful,” he mumbles while he kisses softly around your skin, he slowly peels off the covers off you and his mouth lands on your nipple and you let out a louder Moan than you want to but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
Before you know it, your both down to nothing but your underwear, you reach down and pull down his boxers, reaching a hand in and grabbing him and placing him at your entrance, you’re already so turned on you don’t need foreplay tonight, not when you’re this sexually frustrated. 
You sink down on him slowly, and you both moan out, yours comes out as more of a shout, and you begin to move, slowly at first before changing into a soft but faster bounce, he’s making sounds, you know that for fact but you’re so distracted by the feeling of pure pleasure you haven’t felt in so long you aren’t even fully aware of what’s happening, you let out a shout, and before you know what’s happening, it all suddenly just stops.
You come back to reality and notice Max has pushed you off, he’s pulling his pants back on and avoiding your eye. Oh for fuck sakes, you haven’t even came close to your release and Dean set you up with a 2 minute one pump chump. You were going to kick his ass. 
“What’s wrong? are you done already?” you ask, his looks at you, letting out an exasperated huff before licking his lips and shaking his head. “I’m sorry Y/n, i don’t think this is going to work out, besides, you shouldn’t really sleep with a guy if you’re not going to rememember his name.” He scolds, glaring at you before he shoves his shirt on and climbs out the back, you put your skirt and shirt back on, deciding to skip the panties all together.
“Hey! I do remember your name, it’s Max, i’m not stupid!” You yell at him, angry now that he would even suggest that. Max turns to you, glaring, “Oh yeah, then next time maybe you should try screaming my name out and not Dean’s, jesus christ y/n, if you want him that bad just go fuck him, i doubt he’ll say no!” He shouts and you stand frozen. 
“What? Dean?, i didn’t...I don’t-” you stutter, he cuts you off. “It’s kind of obvious y/n, you screamed his name for a reason, you obviously have lingering feelings for him, and im not going to be your pitty fuck.” He sighs, he ushers you into the passenger seat, offering to drive you home in what is the most uncomfortabe, quiet, embrassing drive home ever. 
You slam the bunker door closed, worst date ever. You make your way past Dean and Sam in the library as you try your hardest to avoid them, especially Dean, you were embarassed enough, you didn’t need to face him right now, and you sure as hell hoped Max kept his mouth shut about it too.
“Y/N? That you? “ You hear Dean call out but you avoid answering, flying past them to your room before slamming the door shut. 
Dean’s eyebrows furrow.
“I guess the date didn’t go well then.” Sam speaks out, looking over at Dean. He shrugs, before getting up and walking towards your room
He knocks on the door softly, “Y/n, you okay? did Max do something cause if he did i’ll beat the living crap outta him.” He calls out, he can hear your sniffle, he sighs, before softly opening your door. You’re cuddled up in bed, watching your favorite episode of golden girls as you cry softly. He sighs and heads over, sitting on your bed. 
“Bad date?” He asks and you shrug, “Something like that.” He gives you a soft smile. “Want to talk about it?” He asks and you shake your head. “No, i just wanna forget it.” You speak, he notices you never meet his eye. He nods and agrees to leave it alone, he joins you quietly, watching tv with you but giving you your space. When you finally fall asleep, he goes to bed himself, but not before shooting Max a text. 
“Whatever the fuck you did man, she’s upset, and if i find out you hurt her, i’ll kill you.” 
It’s two weeks later when things finally come out, you haven’t spoken to Max since that night of your date. The bar is busier than usual, a few more college kids then there usually is but it is spring break, most of them are probably home for the much needed time away from school work. 
Dean is at the pool tables, hussling some airhead jock out of pool money. You watch and laugh when he heads over to you, cash in hand. 
“Ha ha, stupid brainless jocks. Always so much fun seeing how much of daddy’s money i can get out of them.” He chuckles, setting the money back in his pocket. You roll your eyes but smile. Why did you put up with this dork. 
Before you know it, someone is calling out for Dean. “Yo, Dean!” You both turn to spot Max, waving Dean over for a game. You swallow, nervous that the details of your date will come out, you still weren’t fully over it, and you dreaded Dean ever finding out, he’d never let you live it down and he really didn’t need a bigger ego. Luckily Max hadn’t noticed you yet. 
Dean motions he’ll play one round and be right back and you try to give him a smile, dreading this inside. Just don’t ask him about the date, you interally tell him, even though he’s long gone and can’t hear it. 
You sip your drink, asking for another one and you try to keep your cool at those two being in the same room all of a sudden. 
One game had turned into 4 and before you knew it, the two guys had captured a crowd, some betting on Max and some on Dean. It was becoming a friendly competition between the two boys. 
“Aw come on Max, don’t be a sore loser, i’m sure you can come back from that.” Dean teases, watching as Max lines up his next shot. 
“Easy for you to say Winchester, tell me, do you ever get sick of being a pompous prick?” Max winks at him and Dean smiles, “Eh, Sometimes, but then i remember how fun it is to watch you lose and its all worth it.” Dean chuckles, Max suddenly isn’t in a joking mood and he shoots, it goes in, he gets a few more and Dean’s actually surprised. 
“Not bad, man. You’re getting better.” Dean smirks, “Still no match for me though, i always win.” Dean leans in, takes a shot and gets his last three balls in, He lines up with the 8 ball, looks up at Max, and smirks, then his eyes find you, sitting behind Max a few tables down and he shoots you a wink, before sinking in his ball. Game over. 
Max turns around, realizing who Dean winked at, he turns back around, slamming his pool stick down. “Good game, I’m done, guess you won Dean, you got the money, and the one girl i’ve liked in a really long time, guess you always do win, huh?” He spits out, a bitter tinge to his voice. He scoffs and walks away.
Dean’s suddenly confused, what the hell was he talking about. He looks over at you, you’re watching the television over the bar, no clue what had just happened, he follows Max outside catching him before he reaches his truck.
“Hey! I didn’t get anything, if this is about y/n, you screwed that up on your own, okay? I had nothing to do with that!” Dean shouts. Max laughs and turns to face him. “Oh bullshit Dee, you have everything to do with it!” He sneers, “I really liked her man, she was cool, but like always, Dean Winchester always gets the girl!” He scoffs, making Dean frown, confused. 
“Y/n isn’t mine! she’s my friend, whatever you did to piss her off on your date was your problem, she didn’t tell me what you did but if you wanted her that bad, you had the chance to fix it!”
“REALLY DEE? Tell me, how the fuck would you fix the girl you like screaming your best friends name in bed when shes with you? Huh? How the fuck do i fix her thinkng about you while she’s fucking me?” He swallows, “Man, forget it, you wouldn’t understand, god forbid that ever happened to you.” He spits, before he’s in his truck, driving away. Dean’s still standing there, more confused than ever.
He finally makes it back inside, his eyes roaming around for you. He finds you in the same spot, the female bar tender chatting with you and making you laugh. Your eyes find him, beckoning him over and he moves.
He finally reaches you and you smile, “I got you another beer. How did the game go? You disappeared.” You ask, and he stares at you, he finally pipes up, and your heart sinks. Oh no. Please no.
“Max seemed very upset when he saw you, what happened on your date again? Why didn’t you ever go out with him again?” He asks, you take a sip of your beer and shrug. “I dunno, he wasn’t my type, just didn’t work out.” You bite your lip, hoping to god he lets this go, you don’t need to relive that embarassing moment. 
He nods, taking a drink of his own beer, “Okay, so he just wasn’t your type, that’s all? It had nothing to do with you screaming my name in the middle of sex?” He calmly points out and you nearly choke on your beer, spitting beer across the bar table, everyone close by stares at you, you turn red, apologizing and grabbing napkins to clean up your mess. 
You turn and face Dean, “He fucking told you!” Dean raises an eyebrow, “In a not so nice way, so it’s true? You really did?” He smirks and you bury your face in your hands, “Oh god...” You call out and when you look back up Dean’s cheesy grin is staring back at you, “Actually, apparently it’s Oh Dean.”
You throw a nice solid punch into his shoulder before you run out of the bar, “Y/n...y/n wait!” Dean calls out but you’re already half way across the bar and out the door. He throws down some cash and chases after you, catching you half way down the road.
“Y/n...” He calls out, “Just leave me alone Dean, i knew you would use this against me, i knew it. You’re a jerk.” You wipe away a tear, he finally reaches you and grabs your arm, turning you to face him. 
“Hey, i didn’t mean to upset you, i’m sorry, i just, i was surprised, that’s all.” He sighs, “Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought Max was the one who hurt you or something.” He speaks softly and you sniffle. 
“it’s embarassing, i didn’t even know i did it, i was so into it and then he just stopped, for a second i thought he’d already, you know, i was disappointed then we got into an argument about it and he took me home.” You shrugged. 
Dean nodded, he was quiet for a while, and then he spoke, revealing something that made even you question if you were drunk.
“I uh, i guess i wasn’t expecting to hear that, and i guess i got a little excited cause iunno i just, i think i’m falling in love with you, and when Max told me i just uh, i guess i was hopeful that maybe it meant you felt the same.” He swallows before going quiet, watching your reaction carefully. 
You nodded, frowning as you realised you weren’t dreaming, Dean loved you, Dean Winchester loved you.
“I think i’ve always known, Deep down, i think i’ve always loved you.” You shrug, “Every since we shared our first kiss, i think part of me has loved you ever since.” You smile, finally meeting Dean’s eyes, the grin on his face tells you all you need to know, this man is crazy about you, always has been.
“oh yeah?” He smiles, reaching out to grab you, you chuckle, leaning up and placing a slow, deep kiss on his lips.
“Yeah, what can i say, you’re just my type.” You smirk and Dean laughs. 
“Well then, why don’t we get back home and i’ll give you a real reason to scream my name.” He smirks, leaning down quite a bit to place wet warm kisses along your exposed neck. 
“You’re never going to let me live that down are you?” You roll your eyes, he meets them and a sexy grin appears on his face. 
“Not a chance.” 
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haruno-sakura-san · 3 years
Can't remember if I posted this before, but I was reading through my notes on my phone and found it. Either way, enjoy this playful one shot with Sakura and a mystery man!
"Rough day?" A man who slid into the seat next to Sakura at the bar asked. "None of your business." She snubbed him. "It's been a while since ive seen a leaf nin drink like that," he observed unprompted. She mentally noted that she wasn't wearing her heite. He was either assuming from her gear or he recognized her. "I'm off duty." "I would hope so." Her gaze cut back over to him. A hood and tinted glasses obscured any identify features, but even so he looked incredibly mundane. In her line of work, that was also incredibly dangerous. "Listen, you seem like a nice guy-" "That assumptions a bit premature." "But I'm not here to meet anyone so if you don't mind-" "Actually I do." She glared at him for a long moment, not wanting to be interrupted again. "See, I'm waiting for someone myself." He offered finally. "You don't say" her tone thick with disinterest. "But I'm beginning to think I've been stood up." He sounded more amused than put out. She wondered if it was some kind of pickup strategy to get her to feel bad. "I can't imagine why." She said in the same flat tone. "My thoughts exactly."
Sakura made a sharp sound of disapproval. "My deepest sympathies. I don't see how this has anything to do with me." "Well, it really doesnt, on the surface. But you see, here I was feeling sorry for myself when I see you stomping in here, looking like you've just dragged yourself through a pigsty-" "It was a river bed." "Oh thank you- a river bed. Possibly the sorriest sight I've seen all day - not that I would normally say such a thing to a lady. I'm sure you look at least pleasant under normal circumstances." "Does this story have a point?" Feeling her anger swell at his commentary. "Of course, I just thought it might be nice to commiserate together - one passing stranger to another." She hates the cocky way he inclines his head, gesturing between them with his glass. "No, thanks." "Oh come on - why else come to a bar?" "For a drink - unbothered." "If that were the case, then I'd think the liquor store down the street would have done the job." "And what, have a few drinks at the store front? They have laws against that, you know." "You dont have a hotel room to drink in?" "Of course not" "Interesting." He purred. She realized she said too much. "So your plan was to get tipsy and then travel back to konoha or wherever your headed, seemingly alone, in the middle of the night." "I don't have to explain myself to you." "No, I think I've got a good handle on the situation without any explanation. Where are your teammates anyway? Isn't there someone around to keep you from making dangerous decisions like this. A captain maybe or a boyfriend?" Sakura slams her glass down against the wood of the bar. "For your information, I can more than take care of myself. I have an extremely high alcohol tolerance. And I've had too long a day for a pretty boy like you to be picking at me when all I want to do is have a drink in the peaceful Haven that is my own mind. So shut your trap. Am I clear?" "No, I have several questions." She snarls and begins to crack her nuckles in preparation to put this idiot though a wall when the bar tender yells, "No fighting in my bar! Take it outside if you want to act like animals." She settles back into her seat. "Sorry, sir. No need for that. This poser isn't worth the energy," she grumbles under her breath. "Lets backtrack to pretty boy. That had a nicer ring to it." Clenching her jaw, she takes a deep breath, exhales and takes a long drag on her drink. "So are you going to tell me the river bed story, Pocahontas?" "If I do, will you leave me alone?" "It certainly won't hurt your chances" She huffs. "Fine. I got caught in a fishing net." There was a beat of silence. "And?" She gave him a long-suffering look. "And was dragged behind a fishing boat." His eyebrows rose. "And how did that happen?" "I was pushing the boat. It was beached on a shallow part of the river." "Pushing it?" "Yeah." "Remind me to tip that bartender for not letting you deck me into next week." She smirked into her drink. Damn straight. "So when the boat broke free these fishermen did what? Cast their nets right done on top of you?" "Yup. I had to cut myself free and everything." "No good deed goes unpunished I guess." "Technically it wasn't a good deed, they were paying me to help." "That's even worse. And no one noticed you were missing onboard?" "Well, they wouldn't let me on the boat in the first place -" "Why not?" "It's bad luck." "Bad luck?" "To have a woman on board." "Wait a moment. So before the ship got stuck in the first place, while it was sailing, where were you? Nearby on the shore?" "No. I was running alongside them in the water." He laughed outright. "Running alongside them. That's too good. They didn't even give you rowboat." Her face flushed. She hadn't thought to ask for a row boat. "They were absolute assholes. Usually I can take quite a bit of crap from a client, but when he told me to pay for the net." "Pay for the net!" "And the lost profits for the day" "Ha!" "I told him just where he could shove his
lost profits and came to the nearest bar. I feel a little less sorry for myself now. Glad I could help. Now leave me be." "You don't want to hear my story?" "Not part of the deal. Now scram." He pouted, cheek resting on his hand. "But we were getting along so well." "You have a very twisted sense of relationships if you think that was getting along well." "I cannot argue with that." She didn't know if it was the alcohol or the bickering, but she was finally feeling a little unwound. Studying his profile for a moment, she thought it must definitely be the alcohol. "If you're going to stare, i might as well tell you my story." Definitely the alcohol. "I wasn't staring." She huffed, turning sharply away "Would admiring be more accurate?" "Do you ever shut up?" "For the majority of the time yes I do. It's quite liberating to go on and on like this. Strangers make some of the best conversation. You don't have to hold back because they will never see you again, probably not even remember speaking." She hated that he was right. She also hated that she couldn't see his eyes, instead watching his lips move. Kami must hate her because he had rather nice lips. "You're admiring again." They said. "Staring," she corrected. "Staring then." He said in a low voice, leaning in slightly. "Tell me your story." She said, trying to break the moment by divert this exchange to something hopefully safer for her psychy. Those damn lips curlled up in a feline grin. "Of course, my little mud pie." "Don't push it." She snapped, "You were meeting someone." "Yes, I've been seeing them for some time now. We are both wonderers so we meet about once a month. " "How long is some time now?" "Hmm, about ten years maybe." "And you guys haven't made it official yet?" "Well, it's complicated. They are a little old for me, and I'm not sure what society would think." She got the feeling he was making fun of her, but didn't get the joke. "They've never once been late or missed a meeting. I'm a little worried you see." For the first time since meeting the guy, Sakura felt a little bad for him. "Plus theyve got hands and eyes that wander a bit too much for my liking." "Sounds like they finally got bored and left." She commented. "Well. Even so, the meetings were as much about business as pleasure." "And just what kind of business are you in exactly?" "I'd say we were in the same field." She scoffs, looking him up and down again, not able to make out anything helpful from his form from under his travelling cloak to back up his claim about being a Shinobi. It was convenient line for civilian men who hit on kunoichi, so she rolled her eyes. "Sure you are." "Don't believe me?" "I believe you'd say just about anything to get on my good side."
"Hmm," his lips curled in that feline way, "And I thought leaf nin we're very skilled at seeing underneath the underneath." She froze, recognizing her sensei's phrase. "Who exactly did you say you were meeting again?" "I didn't." She slowly turned toward him, hand sliding to her thigh pouch under the bar, but it was too late. Here eyes were locked on his red, glowing gaze, pin wheels spinning. She felt her consciousness being torn from her body and into the inky black of his sharingan.
Quite sure this was supposed to be Itachi but it's quite OOC for him. So I'll leave it to you reader to fill in who it is. I guess I like Shisui for it myself but don't limit yourself haha.
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stellar-starseed · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet
Tumblr media
Group: Ateez
Pairing: Student!Mingi x Teacher;Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,299
Summary: Mingi’s senior year takes a turn as he finds himself entangled with his teacher.
Part: 4
Other Chapter(s): Master List
Warnings: 18+, language, drug use, sexual content, themes of grooming
Part IV
A routine call with your fiancé on his trip turned into a conversation about having kids. You quickly became annoyed. After you mentioned wanting to have a life before children, your fiancé grew distant.
Your call ended soon after. You didn’t want to hurt him, but this was not where your mind was at this time. You needed freedom, time to discover. You weren’t ready to give every waking moment to another being right now.
You pulled out your phone and scrolled through Mingi’s Instagram. You smiled at his cute photos. You bit down on your lip as you contemplated texting him. You threw your phone down on your bed realizing it wasn’t a good idea. You quickly picked up your phone and flipped through your open apps to get to Instagram. You clicked accept on Mingi’s request.
Mingi wasn’t pleased to hear Sara had told the guys about a party. Jungho pulled up in his smoke filled car. Mingi was thankful for the weed, as he was not feeling up to social interaction with his peers. He wasn’t feeling much like he had peers at the moment. Mingi felt sort of in between worlds.
“I didn’t know Hongjoong’s dad was loaded!” Yunho shouts.
“Dude, I’m right here.” Jungho covered his ear. “And this is the same house from the last party.” He took one last hit before tossing the remaining bit of joint out the window.
The party had started well before they had arrived and a few were even passed out on the way in. Mingi followed his best friends and they headed for the alcohol. Sara, seemingly popping up out of no where, wraps her arms around Mingi. He chuckles and hugs her back. Yunho offers them both drinks.
Sara manages to get Mingi out on the dance floor, and though Mingi didn’t feel much like socializing he did love to dance. He spent the better part of an hour keeping up with Sara. With sweat dripping down his face he couldn’t help but smile. Sara did have a way of making him feel a little more connected.
Mingi decided it was time to rest. Sara didn’t feel the same. She tugged at his arm and gave a small pout. Mingi laughed and shook his head. Sara gave up easily and began dancing with a new partner.
“Fuck you!” Yeosang said staring directly at Yunho.
“Fuck you back, man!” Yunho laughed as he guzzled down his drink. Mingi walks into the tense situation with a questioning look.
“My sister man?” Yeosang says.
“It’s over.” Mingi stepped up and placed his hand on Yeosang’s shoulder. Yunho gave a sad look to Mingi that no one seemed to catch.
“Yeosang, you’re sister’s smarter than that.” Jungho laughed. “She dumped him!”
“Hey, fuck off with that. She did not.” Yunho slammed his plastic cup down on the counter with a lot less dramatic effect than he wanted.
“Yeah? Then why’d you leave the dance without a date?” Jungho couldn’t help but laugh.
“Chill Jungho.” Mingi said.
“Piece of shit.” Yunho said with gritted teeth.
“Come on man. You know he really likes her.” Mingi said.
“Yunho? Play boy Yunho really likes my sister?” Yeosang scoffed. They were buddies but Yeosang always knew Yunho to be a player he couldn’t see him taking much of anything serious.
“He does.” Mingi nodded.
“Well, no one has to worry about that.” Jungho mumbled.
Yeosang’s gritted fists loosened. He grabbed the bottle on the counter and filled his cup. He headed back out to the party.
“Fuck him.” Yunho said. “And fuck you, too.” He pointed at Jungho.
“Well, we know why Yunho left early.” Jungho said rolling his eyes at Yunho and blatantly changing the subject. “What we don’t know is where you went. So, what about you, why’d you leave early?” Jungho and Yunho both turned towards Mingi with expectant looks.
“Oh, you know, I just wasn’t feeling right. I guess I had one too many.”
“So, he finally admits it!” Yunho announces. “Song Mingi cannot hold his liquor! You heard it straight from the asshole’s mouth!”
“Fuck off.” Mingi laughs.
“I’m gonna find someone to dance with assholes.” Yunho downs another drink and walks away.
“Seriously, Mingi, I’m your closest friend. What happened? Why’d you leave early?” Jungho questioned.
“Seriously, Jungho. I got sick and left.” Mingi shrugged it off and sat down at the counter. Jungho was soon pulled away by an older woman and Mingi was glad to be left alone.
Sara found him on another lap around the house and decided they should leave together. Mingi agreed. He hoped she didn’t expect sex from this interaction, but he prepared himself to go the distance if he had to. He felt bad for having these thoughts, but he felt so disconnected from his peers. He didn’t want to look or seem out of place because he had no answers for his feelings at the moment.
Sara intertwined her fingers with Mingi’s and they headed to her car. The ride to Sara’s house was familiar for Mingi. He sunk down into the seat and pushed the shoulder strap over his head. The faint music of the radio lulled Mingi into a light sleep. His face was pressed against the cool window.
When Sara stopped the car, she didn’t want to wake him. Instead she kept driving. The faint music kept her in her thoughts and the near quiet drive was nice. It was even nice to spend time with a sleeping Mingi. There was something familiar and all too comforting about his presence.
After some time of aimless driving, Sara found herself stopped in front of Mingi’s place. It seemed right, she thought to herself as she leaned over and gently caressed his cheek.
“Mm?” Mingi stirred and sat up. “Oh, crap. I’m sorry.” He shook his head and looked at his hands in his lap.
“I’m sorry I keep messing things up, Sara.” Mingi looked at her this time. She offered another sweet smile and nodded.
“Go get some rest, Min.” Sara pat his leg and Mingi obeyed as best he could.
He slumped up the stairs to his house and found his mother washing dishes in the kitchen. He headed over to lean on the counter next to her. She smiled down at him and Mingi felt a bit sad that he had been distant even from her lately.
“Did you have fun with your friends?” She asked. Mingi nodded and gave a small smile. He lightly hugged his mom and told her goodnight.
“Don’t forget you’re watching your brothers tomorrow night!” Mingi nodded and waived her off as he headed to his room.
His nights were filled with thoughts of you, and tonight was no different. Mingi tossed and turned in bed only nodding off a few moments before his alarm went off.
There was nothing memorable about the day. Mingi tried to make it on two cups of high voltage gas station coffee, but that was falling short to keep his energy going. The day went by in a blur and Mingi was glad to hear the final bell.
Mingi went out of his way to walk past your classroom before he left and you were not there. He was a little let down when he couldn’t see you for the day, but he had to take care of his siblings.
When Mingi got home with his brothers, he pushed them upstairs and told them to wash up. He headed to the kitchen to start dinner, or heat up the dinner his mother already made. He set up the table for his brothers and headed to take a shower while they ate.
Mingi heard his phone chime as he dried his hair. When he found a picture of you in a black lace bra, his mouth fell open. Your message asked him to meet you at the park. Mingi quickly got dressed and asked the usual babysitter to stand in.
The cold air hit Mingi and he felt exhilarated. He jogged towards the park a few blocks away. He couldn’t help but be pumped up to see you. He wasn’t sure why you would even look his way. He wanted to tell you how he felt, but he was nervous you would reject him entirely.
Mingi waited for less than five minutes before he saw your car pulling up. He climbed into the passenger’s side and you headed to a familiar spot. You parked the car and Mingi was ready to climb in the back when your hand was on his thigh stopping him.
You asked him to take his pants off and he was glad to do so. Your eyes caressed his every move. It wasn’t easy to restrain at any point in time around him, but it was much harder in these moments.
Once Mingi had his pants down you were climbing over the center console. It was becoming increasingly more common for you to wear dresses or items easily discarded when you met with Mingi. His hands immediately slide up your thighs, ready to pull down your underwear when he discovers you aren’t wearing any. His approving smile causes you to lean down and kiss his beautiful lips. You spend little time preparing. You wrap your hand around his hard cock, line him up with your opening and lower yourself down slowly.
“Fuck.” Mingi whispered. His lips found their way to your neck and he gave you gentle kisses and sucked on your collar bone. His hands wandered your entire body. You couldn’t help but lose yourself with Mingi. He was very attentive and only seemed to get better.
“Mingi, shit!” You moan as you pick up your pace. He whispers to himself how wet you are. You roll your hips into his, trying to get the best angle and pace with your limited space. You both seem in good rhythm when you hit your head on the roof of the car. You both pause to laugh. Mingi stops as he realizes how beautiful you are when you smile.
Mingi wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, he pulled you in for a kiss. He commanded the kiss. His tongue quickly found its way to caressing yours. Mingi’s free hand was soon pulling you down by your hips. You obliged and slip back down on his cock. Instantly calling out involuntary as he hit the perfect spot. You both tried to continue to reach that spot.
Mingi gently directed you back, your hands were grabbing the dashboard bracing yourself. Mingi’s hands were grasping at your hips, guiding you.
“Fuck,” you breathed. “I’m close. Oh god!”
“Me too.” Mingi thrust up into you erratically as you both found your high.
As you both came down you found yourself cuddling him, and he found himself kissing every inch of available skin as he played with your hair. Mingi liked this, being inside you as he went soft with your arms wrapped around him. He was in no rush to go anywhere.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said lowly after you both get dressed. He gave you a lingering kiss on the lips. “I really like you.” You smile at him and place your hand on his cheek.
“I mean I really like you, ______.” You can’t help but smile at his words. Even though he was much younger than you were he was so mature and he gave you things your fiancé couldn’t. You really wanted Mingi to like you and after hearing him say the words out loud you were ecstatic.
“I really like you too, Mingi.” You’re almost shy to say the words out loud yourself, and you look away. Mingi turns your face towards his and your lips are soon met by Mingi’s. His arms wrap around you and he pulls you as close as he can. He leaned back, pausing for a moment to look at you. He can’t get over this situation he finds himself in.
“What is it?” You question. Mingi smiles and shakes his head. He leans in a bit to give you a sweet kiss.
This time there were no study sessions at the restaurant. The sessions happened in more inconspicuous places. Places where holding hands and blatant flirting wouldn’t be noticed by people from school. You both fell into this fantasy world with each other. Mingi looked forward to every weekend because he could spend time with you.
“We have to set some rules.” You say one night after you noticed some lingering stares from passers by. Your rules were simple, but mostly in your favor. You had all the control, just how you liked it.
Mingi wasn’t pleased about giving up all control, but he obliged. Mingi was glad to be with you. He was overwhelmed by his feelings for you and was ready to do what was necessary just to be by your side.
When Mingi got home that night his mother was up at the kitchen table. The look on her face made his heart sink.
“Where were you?”
“I was just—“
“You know what? I don’t want to hear it! One night, Mingi. I ask you for one damned night.” She sighed and stands up.
“Your baby brother burned himself by the way.” She said before heading out of the room.
Mingi mouthed ‘fuck’ as he ran his fingers through his hair. He headed to his room and paced back and forth. He couldn’t seem to keep any one part of his life on the same track.
Mingi stood in front of his mirror. He stared at himself for a short while. A Million and one thoughts ran through his head.
“Song Mingi, you’re the fucking man!” He psyched himself up.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.
Catch you on the next episode. Stay golden.✨
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return of the thief - megan whalen turner
my playlist
final thoughts:
hoooly crap what a perfect final book. literally i cant think of anything that would have improved it!! easy 10/10.
i love pheris so much. having an explicitly autistic main character was something ive been looking for in books, and so to have him in this final book was such a treat. i would do anything for him. hes such a great pov character, and his journey from hiding how smart he is, to betraying eugenides, to bonding with him and working together with him 🥺 it felt so genuine and earned and was absolutely wonderful. at the same time, his hiding also allowed him to be a perfect narrator, since nobody else would have witnessed all these details and small moments! mwt writes disability so well i think, from pheris to kamets eyesight to gens hand, because its never their whole existence, but also isnt forgotten, and is always plot relevant in ways that put them in a situation where they wouldnt be otherwise! very great and inventive, and always a bit surprising! it just feels so organic, yknow?
i really enjoyed all the intrigue in the first half, and watching pheris establish himself at court, particularly when he interacts with relius!!! (and oh my god the relius/teleus reveal was SO SWEET, thank god the ending made it clear that they get to reunite post-book!!) ugh literally just the whole book was perfection.
the plot was so gripping. i read the whole second part in one shot on a day off, and was glad for it- if id tried to pause more often it would have been torture lol. the prophecies had me expecting him to 'fall' in some clever and heartbreaking way the whole climax of the book, on the edge of my seat waiting for the clarity that these books always unveil all at once. and good god did it deliver!!! the whole part where they were in the mede camp i was losing my mind.
actually while i was reading and got to The Quote (it will be so!!) it hit me like a truck what first got these books on my radar. i had seen the AMAZING graphic of that quote by @monstress
and literally, sans context, i thought it was the coolest shit id ever seen in my life, and just knew i had to read the books!! (so thank you very much for that :D because i love these books so much) i saw the graphic so long ago that id forgotten about it (literally my copy of the thief sat on my shelf for like three months or so) but when i got to the quote i had chills as i remembered what had gotten me to read these in the first place. it was honestly the perfect way to wrap up my experience!
and the ending being happy... was NOT expecting that and im so soft over it. the dancing scene at the end had me tearing up, and aaaaaaaa they had twins 🥺🥺 gonna be thinking about that for the rest of forever, thanks!! what an experience. probably going to reread these books soon so i can reexperience them knowing the contexts, i want to see how many plot bread crumbs i can spot now that i know whats coming haha
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Encore - Harry Hook x reader -  Part 17 - bday present for myself~
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Harry cursed to himself, the island he was going to use to propose to (y/n) on was some sanctuary for an endangered species and the wildlife preserves didn’t want humans on the island. So he would have to figure out something else for his propos…wait…her birthday was next week! And he had been wanting to do a surprise party for her, and Gil had suggested a scavenger hunt for her to do to keep her busy.
He already had the ring, permission to marry her from her aunt, and the knowing that if he asked, she would say yes…
All he had to do was add one more thing.
You sighed, setting down the heavy crate, wiping sweat from your neck as you stood. “gods, why does it gotta be so warm today” you groaned, undoing the colling towel from your belt and tossing it on your face “aahhhh that’s the good stuff~”
“(y/n) what are you doing?” you took off the towel and tossed it around your neck, sighing as the heat on your neck finally decreased.
“cooling down, it's like 95 out here” you complained, turning to look at Bonnie, who was holding two cold waterbottles “oohhhh fuckin-thank you!” she snorted and tossed one to you, you caught It in mid-air and cracked it open, gulping down the cold drink.
“slow down girl” Bonnie chuckled, cracking opening her bottle and starting to drink “oh, happy birthday by the way” you burped and grinned at her.
“Thanks, Bonnie,” you blinked in surprise as she handed you a note. “oh, thank-“
“yeah yeah, see you later girl” Bonnie trotted off deck, soon walking out of sight. You shrugged and tore open the paper.
It was Harry's handwriting.
-hello my bonnie lass~ today is your birthday and I wanted to celebrate it by giving you a scavenger hunt to your party today
It will be from the isle to Auradon, no stone left unturned.
Now go to the place, where our first meeting occurred.
You pursed your lips, tilting your head, where you first met huh? Well, that would be on the isle. You closed the note and stuffed it in your pocket, heading to your cabin for a moment to change your clothes, grab your bag, and your motorbike keys.
You looked around the slightly collapsed building, where you had originally met harry, after the chase between the gaston twins and you.
“oh,” you gasped, kneeling next to a large chunk of building and pulling out an envelope beneath it. Standing up you leaned against the wall and opened the note, a small bracelet falling out with it, golden painted seashells and opals danced across the metal, you slipped it on and read the note.
-you found it lass, now in the spot where the stars shine bright, the place I realized my heart was yours that night.
You groaned slightly, a smile on your face, he was being cheesy with these hints, but his rhyming wasn’t bad.
But you knew exactly where he was talking about, the hiding spot.
You took off your shoes, walking along the shore of the small inlet. You took a deep breath, the air much cleaner than the first time you had been here.
You spotted the white envelope holding the next clue, you trotted over and pulled it out, smiling at the long thin box underneath it. You pulled the box and opened it, clicking your tongue and tilting your head.
A new golden chain for your ruby necklace. You closed the box and slipped it into your bag, opening the note you laughed at the twin's messy handwriting.
-hi aunt (y/n)! harry let us write this note! -skipper
-so the next clue is “where you joined the crew”-sterling
“that’s an easy one” you snorted, but you couldn’t give them crap, they were only 12. So you walked the short distance from the hidden beach to the chip shop, nodding to the patrons as you entered.
“Hey (y/n) Hook left this for ya” Cook handed you the letter and a small bag, you grinned and nodded. “happy birthday by the way”
“Thanks, cook, see you later” you walked out of the shop and leaned on the docks outside. Opening the bag you snorted at the new leather gloves inside, small painted designs on the leather.
“such a dork” you whispered, taking out the note and grinning at it.
-another job well done my love, now for the place were we spar, and we “hit” it off
You groaned and rubbed your forehead, you remembered that…your head still hurt after that day.
You stepped onto the old lost revenge, even with Umas magic, it had been unable to sail again, so now it was used as an isle home for the crew. Desiree grinned, holding up the note and another small bag.
“hey, commander~ happy birthday!”
“Thanks, Desiree” you chirped, grabbing the note and bag from her “you can go ahead and do what you’re supposed to do after you give me this”
“Thanks, girl, see you later!” she hopped off the rails and walked off the ship, going through the tunnel to the bridge.
You opened the bag to see a scarlet headband with silver hook embroidered into the side, you slipped it on and opened the note.
-hope Desiree didn’t just leave the present unattended for you to find but! This next clue is just across the border, when I got to hold you in my arms once again.
Alright, to the bridge it is.
You stepped across where the magic barrier used to be, looking to your left, seeing a small stone holding down a note.
You walked over and picked it up, seeing no mini present. Opening it up you smiled.
-sorry love no present with this one, too risky for someone to take it, but this next one will be where we walked into Auradon together for the first time
Alright then, so just the other side of the bridge. Turning around you walked back to your motorbike and swung your leg over the seat and started the engine. You quickly strapped your helmet on and drove to the other side of the bridge.
You tilted your head at Evie, who smiled and waved at you, holding out a note “hey (y/n)! happy birthday! Here you go!” you dismounted your bike and met her halfway, nodding at her.
“Thanks, Evie, see you later” she nodded and ran off, presumably to your “surprise” party. Opening the note you chuckled.
-astute as always love (though im not really making these hard am I?) but the next is where I learned I wouldn’t be ripped from your arms for the second time
The courtyard of Bens castle, where you and Harry had gotten the keys from Persephone. You got back on your bike and rode off through the bridge gate to Auradon, making the 15 minute trip to bens castle.
“hey beasty boy!” you called, waving to the king who was just exiting his castle “you probably got something for me don’t cha?”
He shrugged “maybe? Dunno- ow” you punched his shoulder and held out your hand “okay okay here, I’ll see you later (y/n)” he handed you the next note and walked off, but you didn’t bother to pay attention where.
You ripped open the envelope, once more smiling at Harry's handwriting.
-Final clue my love, where we stepped through to our new life
That one made you think for a moment before it hit you. The door, the very first door you and harry stepped through to get to your world.
But you don’t remember a room behind it? Which it probably did but who knows. Good news was the door was in Bens castle so you unlipped your helmet and hung it off one of the handles, walking through the gates and making your way through the castle.
You stood in front of the door, looking at the small note taped to it.
-happy birthday (y/n)
You took a breath and opened the door, laughing as the room burst with streamers and confetti.
The entire crew, the core four, Ben, Jane, Lonnie, even Audrey was there, blowing horns and throwing confetti in the air, screaming in your face.
“guys!” you whipped a stray tear from your cheek “awwww…ive never been thrown a surprise party before!”
“Really?” Jane gasped “why not?!”
You shrugged, “dunno, guys people from my world aren’t as amazing as you guys”
“aw thanks” Evie sniffed, smiling at something behind you. You rose your brow at her and turned around, gasping and stumbling back.
“H-Harry?! Wha-“ Harry stood infront of you, a clean dark red suit fitted on his body, his hair combed back yet still in that wild style you loved, his eyeliner clean.
“(y/n), yeh have been the light of meh life for the past two years, since yeh fell into my life. Yeh have saved me from becoming a dark bitter person hell-bent on revenge, yeh have saved me from my da, yeh have protected meh family” oh gods you were already crying “and eh have both given and helped meh love, and I want to spend the rest of meh life with yeh, and love yeh for the rest of meh life, so” he kneeled on one knee, taking out a red velvet box from his pocket and opening it, revealing his mothers red ruby ring, in a brand new golden band with small bits of sea glass running down the sides “will you marry me-“ you fell to your knees, tears streaming down your face, unable to talk.
You let out incomprehensible babbles and nodded, leaping into Harry's arms and wrapping your arms around his neck “Im guessing it’s a yes” Harry chuckled, pulling you back and smiling, tears brimming in his eyes.
“yes” you croaked “yes I will marry you, you giant dork” Harry laughed but you shut him up quickly, pressing your lips to his.
Harry hummed into the kiss, lifting you slightly and tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
“Alright alright” Carlos chuckled, walking over and patting Harry's shoulder “wed rather not see you two do it right in front of us please”
Harry separated from you and glared at Carlos “shut it up, let me enjoy this” he muttered, smiling at you and helping you stand, sliding the ruby ring onto your ring finger.
He kissed you again, bringing up your hand and kissing it “happy birthday my love”
“I love you Harry” you whispered, still whipping away your tears.
“I love you too (y/n)”
--end of part 17--
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foryouthegays · 4 years
Nothing goes wrong. [Dream SMP] liveblog
ok im not gonna say anythin abt before 20 mins in bc its p standard but i will say that as SOON as phil messages techno chat spams blood for the blood god and it barely stops the entire time, its incredible 
kills: 00:37:25, 00:37:40, 00:55:20
i LOVE his ‘if theres no other way, I CHOOSE BLOOD’ line at 00:37:00. its just,,,,,it shows his new justice system where he treats others how they treat him even before he makes that speech i love it so much. also he spams potions like how he does in skywars and it makes me happy. honestly a lot of this stream reminds me of skywars like how he went through quackitys stuff and ran nd stuff. maybe ive been watchin too much techno skywars
also durin that first fight, techno only looses half a heart. against FOUR PEOPLE hes too powerful
does techno saying “bs” count as swearing (00:39:40)
techno insultin his kidnappers is the funniest thing to me like hes outnumbered outgeared and he still makes fun of them and theyre still scared of him asdjkfsdalkfj
00:55:00 I HAVE A PICKAXE, AND I’LL PUT IT THROUGH YOUR TEETH i need some fanart of that right now wljdflkasjf also durin that fight techno looses  2.5 hearts at the end. in iron armor. against a diamond axe. using a netherite pickaxe. with a bad fov. why is he like this. 
techno on his horse by the ocean gives me big ‘beating minecraft with tnt falling on me every 10 seconds’ or w/ever vibes. if u havent watched that stream, u should, its great, he has a horse named rocket w diamond horse armor and i love him. 
just realized my head hurt bc i was clenchin my jaws so much. whoops
techno literally has a boat in his inventory when hes like “theres a boat!!!! :D” skdfjlksajf (01:02:20)
the whole raccoon innit thing starts at 01:08:20 btw :)
techno gettin distracted w the skeletons killin each other is so funny to me hfdgksal (a min or so after raccoon innit happens)
01:09:45 tommys scream is so funny to me can someone find how many hearts he looses from that bc i am crying ghfdjksla 
i think techno has the alphabet memorized. not like, the alphabet song, but like he knows what letter are around each letter without going through the alphabet and idk why but it makes me laugh. i think this bc at 01:16:11 tommys like ‘what, f?’ and techno says, not a second later, ‘no. close to that, though.’ and that is NOT enough time to go through nd find f in the alphabet nd then find where e is compared to it. therefore, he is a nerd. also i love him
01:20:00 this is everything to technoblade: Phil, Carl, and then his items. 
im so gay for technos yelling voice. like. hhgnng he
“if we’re being serious, for a millisecond, dickhead,” :LDSFJLKSDJ I LOVE TOMMY 01:22:25
technos ‘join me.’ at 01:23:25 is SO GOOD AHHHHHHHH
vault/welcome home theseus is at 01:27:10 :D i might start calling it theseus’ vault bc that sounds cool to me
ALRIGHT so in the vault techno has 167 skulls on display. thats 56. withers. they r gonna cause SO much chaos i love it. AND thats probably not all of them ahhHHH I LOVE TECHNOBLADE SO MUCH. LMANBURG IS SO SCREWED A;LDKJFALK 
also thats only if i did my math right a;lksdfjaslk
i have decided that the best trio is techno, tommy, and ranboo. they all just jump all over the place with topics and i thin the convo at 01:56:25 shows it p well
Tommy: Technoblade, why havent you face revealed yet? 
techno: I-I have
Tommy: well, answered that quick
ranboo: *laughs* that answers that question
techno: that was resolved really easily!
tommy: why don’t you do it again?
techno:....what would be the point?
ranboo: yeah, what would be the point??
tommy: because then it would be like -stutters- it would be, you know, easy, good video because there’s so many people who dont know what you look like
techno: ehhhh ill find a good moment at some point
tommy: you could face reveal with me, bro!! we could face reveal together!
techno: ahhh finally, we’ll know what tommyinnit looks like 
ranboo: -laughing- thank god! that was one of the unsolved mysteries of the world
techno: unsolved mysteries of minecraft, what does tommyinnit look like 
ranboo: what does tommy actually look like? 
tommy: hey! speakin of unsolved mysteries, lets talk- lets talk psychology. what- what would be- you know, not the worst one you know, but just the worst word?
ranboo: I’m going to- I- if i hear this question one more time i’m going- i dont know what im going to do. i can’t do anything at this point
techno: ....cactus. 
tommy: ????cactus??? 
ranboo: that is a bad word, i cant believe you said that, 
tommy: -unintelligible- it is cacti, my friend, not cactusus 
techno: I’m sorry
ranboo: how could you say that on stream? 
techno: I’m sorry
tommy: it’s not cactusus, technoblade, its cacti
techno: i- i am aware  
ranboo: you- you gotta stop sayin it.
tommy: cacti almost sounds like a terrible, terrible slur right now
techno: please, please stop saying that- please stop sayin that word
tommy: what, cacti?
ranboo: AHHHH cmon, cmon tommy
techno: you cant use that word!
techno: WOAHHHHH WOAH WOAH -laughs-
techno: thats just not how this works, tommy!!!
tommy: eyyy man im just me, im just me- OOOH i have a novel to write!
ranboo:....where did that come from??? 
techno: i thought you were already...done with that? 
god theyre so chaotic i love them so much
also yall are WRONG abt eret soundin like techno. ranboo sounds like techno. not in like, a really big way, but when theyre both monotone they sound similar and i love it. this is great
this is actually the most ive laughed at the smp in so long PLEASE go watch the entire techno ranboo tommy interaction its so funny technos just *long, long sigh* ranboos just ???????? and tommys just !!!!!!!! its amazing im crying 
technos such a dad to these kids oh my god his voice at 02:12:40 was so disappointed just ‘do not do that.’ he sounded like a parent on a trip to disneyland and his kids r like, hanging out the window of the car or smthing adjfaslkfkadsl techno :handshake: phil [being tommys dad] and also ranboo is bullying him its so funny i love it
“in the small event that your internet goes off or you get hit by a car,” TOMMY THAT IS NOT A SMALL EVENT WHA T 2:21:30
this is so fuckin funny this end of stream stuff is gonna be a comfort stream 
“what does the moon make you think about?” “it makes me think about the moon” ALSFJDSKJFDSL 2:32:10
techno makin fun of ranboos defense of bein peer pressured,,,,,,,m’dude that was the reason u killed tubbo how is that ANY different (2:33:50) (yes i know he mentions it but FHGJKSDL)
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elianamarie-blog · 4 years
Hey bestie! could i get a ship for that 70s show?
i’m a 5’6 nonbinary (she/they) with short hair and curtain bangs my hair colour is done to look like narcissa malfoys (dark brown with platinum blonde on the underside). I have blue/grey eyes.
i’m an INFP, Ravenclaw, and a Taurus. My hobbies are making music, and playing pranks on my sister lol. I love marvel, harry potter, and criminal minds.
ive been told i’m very cocky and my ego is through the roof. I’d consider myself a very kind person who’s easy to talk to. i like to joke around a lot with my friends and sarcasm is my first language,
My aesthetic conveniently is very 70s/vintage, and my music taste is also a lot of throwbacks.
what i want to do when i’m older is forensic psychology!
hope you get to mine but if not that’s fine! Love your writing!
Thank you bestie! You sound like an amazing, interesting person! (And gorgeous too) I got you! And thank you SO much for reading my content. You, are amazing <3 
Who’s Up For A Challenge?
Michael Kelso x reader
-Y/n L/n was new in town and found enjoyment in messing with the players of the town.
-She was known as “that chick”
-She was incredibly witty, sarcastic, cocky, but so kind and beautiful.
-She may have accidentally had a couple of good guys fall in love with her.
-She had to gently turn them down and that actually broke her heart.
-She loved a good challenge though.
-She was sitting in the Hub with her college lab partner, Donna, when the none other than himself, Michael Kelso, walked in.
-Y/n had heard about him.
-The infamous Michael Kelso. Playboy of Point Place.
-Donna called him over and as he sat down, he noticed her.
-Of course, he had to hit on her.
-When he asked her out, she, of course said yes.
- “Alright, I’ll be here to pick you up tonight.”
-Y/n smiled as he walked away.
-As Donna leaned in and started to warn Y/n about him, Y/n cut her off.
- “I know.”
- “You know?”
- “Yes. I’ve heard of this dillhole and I’ve got a plan.”
-Donna was intrigued as Y/n started unraveling her plan. 
- “I’m going to make him fall in love with me. Then I’m going to break his heart and make him feel what he makes every girl here feel.”
-Donna wasn’t so into it, but knew she couldn’t stop her.
-So, Y/n went through with the plan and met up with Kelso that night.
-He got her a burger from Fatso Burger and took her to Mt. Hump.
-He started kissing her neck and making out with her.
-She knew she was good at sex and everything else.
-But she refused to give it to him on the first date.
-She was a classy person after all.
-Kelso had set up a challenge to get in the sack.
-She already knew that though, because well duh.
-She ended up befriending Donna and Jackie over it.
-Jackie was thrilled and squealing.
- “Finally, he’s going to feel the hell that he put me through,” Jackie said.
- “You scare me,” Donna said. “Besides, you’re with Hyde now. It shouldn’t matter.”
- “Oh, whatever. Revenge is dish best served cold.”
- Y/n laughed and threw an arm over Jackie’s shoulders. “Don’t worry, girl. I got you. I’m going to drag him through the mud and then hang him out to dry.”
- “Oh, I love you!” Jackie squeaked and hugged Y/n tightly.
- “Okay, now you both scare me,” Donna said.
-Donna tried to warn Kelso, but of course he didn’t listen to her.
-He just took it as her being jealous that he wasn’t going to nail her.
-Even though she was back with Eric.
-Kelso this time took Y/n to a drive in and bought her the classic: popcorn and a coke.
-Y/n was down to date 2 out of 10.
-He started kissing her again, softer, gentler, but started getting handsy again.
-Y/n smacked his hand away multiple times before he finally up.
- “Well, damn, Y/n!” he cried out, shaking his hand. 
- “Keep your hands to yourself, lover boy,” she threatened.
- “Yeah, or what?” he challenged.
- “Trust me, you don’t want to challenge me.”
- “Maybe I do.”
- “Trust me, sweetie, you don’t. I can snap you in half.”
-His eyes lit up. “You must be hot in the sack!”
-Y/n couldn’t help but laugh. “Take me home, you jerk.”
- He chuckled. “Yes, dear.”
-When he dropped her off, she turned to him. “Pick me up Friday for dinner at 8pm.”
- Kelso nodded and smiled at her.
-Eric, Hyde, and Fez caught onto the challenge and decided to make it a bet.
-Hyde said Kelso would make a fool out of himself and end up being dumped.
-Eric said Kelso would actually score.
-Fez said he just wanted to be part of the action and said Y/n would win.
-Doesn’t mean Hyde didn’t try to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso wrong information.
-For example, he told him to pick up Y/n late instead of on time because it shows that he’s desperate and clingy.
-Which is what the idiot did.
-Y/n was NOT pleased.
-She made him buy her lobster and flowers.
-At the end of the night she ended up giving him a hot make out sesh, but left him to take care of himself.
-Date 3 out of 10 down.
-Now, Eric was trying to sabotage the bet by giving Kelso tips how to get laid.
-Which Kelso laughed at until Donna spoke up.
- “You got to invoke her mind, man,” Eric said. “People like her like to be intellectually challenged.”
- “Yeah right,” Michael scoffed.
- “No, Eric is actually right for once,” Donna said, bored. “Y/n isn’t like the other girls in this town. She actually has a brain.”
- “And some nice jugs,” Fez said earning a glare from the group.
- “Try talking to her about literature and psychology and music. She likes that kind of stuff. And leave out any kinds of ‘doing it.’ Intelligent people like her don’t like that.”
- “But I wanna do it.”
- “I know, but you got to make her think you want her mind, not her body.”
- “Yeah, that’s a good idea!” Kelso said and ran out the door to spontaneously surprised Y/n at her house with flowers and a...book.
- “Donna, what the hell are you doing?” Hyde asked.
- “I know, I’m such a bad friend to her,” Donna said. “I’m going to hell.”
- “No, not that. I’m trying to get her to dump him for being stupid. Don’t give the guy pointers!”
-Kelso showed up at Y/n’s door with a picnic basket, a blanket, flowers, and a gift.
-She was definitely surprised.
-He found the perfect spot under the tree and laid out the blanket. 
- “I got you something” he said and gave her a gift sloppily wrapped in paper. 
-She opened it up and it was a vintage psychology book from the late 1800′s.
-She was genuinely impressed. “Where did you find this?”
-Well, I heard you talking about your love of psychology and vintage things and found this at an antique store. Thought you’d might like it.”
-Her eyes actually filled with tears.
-Even thought it was their fourth date, she felt touched by the gift and allowed 2nd base.
-The next few dates ended going the same flow. 
-He’d take her out, hoping for sex, she would tease him and then leave him to take care of himself.
-By their 7th date, he was beginning to grow frustrated.
-So, far Fez was winning the bet.
-On the eighth date, Y/n introduced Michael to her parents.
-They were spectacle, but polite to him nonetheless.
-Eighth date consisted of the carnival.
-As the lights shown down on y/n’s beautiful face, he realized he might actually feelings for her.
-Y/n knew she started developing feelings for him after the fourth date, but she refused to say anything. It was just a reaction to the sweet gift.
-Even though she knew he had a kid with another woman, it didn’t stop her from feeling the way she did.
-He won her a stuffed elephant, a goldfish, and bought her a hotdog.
-Back in the car, they were making out again. “I think I really like you.”
-She smiled into the kiss. “I like you too, but you’re still not getting any.”
- “That’s okay,” he whispered, shocking both of them.
-He ended up panicking to the guys later on that night.
- “So? Just go bang the next chick you see. You did that to Jackie a lot when she didn’t want to sleep with you,” Hyde said.
- “That’s the problem. I can’t,” Kelso said and ran a hand through his hair. “I tried but every time I went to, I just couldn’t find myself to do it. They’re not her, man.”
-The guys gave him crap and started taunting him.
- “You love her!” Fez said and tried to make kissy faces with Eric.
- “Yeah, we don’t do that,” Eric said, pushing Fez’s face away from his.
- “What’re you going to do?” Hyde asked seriously.
- “Just...try to make her mine at this point.”
-On the ninth date, Y/n was freaking out.
-How could she have fallen for him?
-She’s never felt this way after messing with a guy like this.
-Stupid, stupid, stupid--
-The doorbell rang.
-He stood there with a dozen red roses.
- “I got something special,” he said.
-He ended up taking her to the lake with a complete romantic dinner.
-Candles, wine, chocolates, and pasta that he had help from mom make.
-Y/n’s eyes pricked with tears.
-No one has ever done this for her before.
-Throughout the evening, he had actually engaged in intelligent conversation and opened up to her.
-He talked about his hopes and dreams, his fears, and his loves.
- “People don’t give you enough credit,” she said. “You have a lot going for you. You just don’t show this side to people. Why?”
- He shrugged. “It’s funnier this way. I don’t want them knowing this side of me, Then they’ll start...expecting stuff from me and I don’t want that pressure.”
- “Well, you’re secret is safe with me,” she said, taking a sip of wine.
- “Well, come on, you have a lot more going for you. You want to be a forensic psychologist. That’s awesome, whatever that is.”
-Y/n chuckled and explained it to him while he actually listened to her!
-She actually changed the playboy of the town!
-Y/n wasn’t sure if it was the wine, but she couldn’t take it anymore and brought him for a hasty kiss. “I want to go all the way with you tonight.”
-At this point, she didn’t care if he broke her heart, she just needed him before he could.
-The moment was actually beautiful.
-He was so gentle and and sweet, making sure she was actually okay with it.
-And it was the best sex either one of them ever had.
-As they laid down in the back of the car, they confessed they ended up confessing their feelings towards each other, including the plans they each had for each other.
- “I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before,” y/n said. “This really bit me in the ass this time.”
- “I’ve never felt this way before period,” he chuckled. “I guess it bit me in the ass too.”
- “Are we dumb for doing this?” she whispered.
- “Totally.”
-They laughed together and ended up doing it again the second time that night.
-On their tenth date, he took her to the carnival again, but he had something more special planned.
-He took her to the top of the Ferris wheel and when it got to the top, he grabbed her hand and nervously asked her if she’d officially be his.
-She grinned at him brightly and nodded yes.
- “Great, now I can give you this,” he said and took off his hoodie that he was wearing. “You’re my girl now and I want you to have it. It’s my favorite hoodie.”
-She kissed him deeply and put it on.
-She wore it everyday from then on.
-One day she was over at the Forman’s and while they were waiting for everyone to join them, they started making out on the couch.
-The door opened, revealing Hyde, Eric, and Fez.
- “DAMMIT!” Hyde shouted.
- Fez laughed. “Pay up!”
- “Wait,” Eric asked. “Did you guys do it yet?”
- Kelso smiled. “Totally.”
-Eric turned to Hyde with his palm turned upwards. “Pay up, bitch.”
- “What’s that not fair!” he bitched.
- “Oh, it totally is,” Fez laughed.
- “No, I’ll tell you what’s not fair. Michael didn’t get hurt like he was supposed to!” Jackie said.
- “No, he got something better,” Donna said. “True love! And someone to kick his ass into shape.”
- “A matchmade in Heaven,” Fez joked while Hyde handed him his cash. “Thank you Hyde.”
- “Yeah, shut up.”
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incorrectsanders · 5 years
Hey! Firstly, i hope you’ve been well and are having a good end of the year. Secondly, I was wondering if the guys ever had a Mall Santa when they were working there?
There was a mall Santa every year, but none that were super noteable. Nah, the most noteable instance came from another time
Every year on Christmas Eve,Thomas’ dad had dressed up like Santa and come out to give the kids a gift each. Thomas told Virgil it was a tradition that had started when he was younger and he and Shea had started talking about how Santa didn’t exist. Well, weren’t they surprised when they found Santa that night.
This year was a little different. Virgil and Logan hasn’t been able to decide which family they wanted to spend Christmas with, and neither had Patton and Roman. So, they rented out a little (gigantic) cabin out on the lake and Thomas’ family, Logan’s parents, and Patton’s family all drove out to celebrate together.
The Christmas tree was up, the presents were piled up under it, and there was a pleasant scent of Logan’s mother’s linzer cookies wafting through the kitchen. It was early evening, so you couldn’t blame Virgil for being a little tipsy, and maybe a little clingy. He wasn’t super drunk, just pleasantly warm and a little sleepy. Roman was the one who suggested the hot chocolate and Baileys. Besides, everyone had a mug.
Logan’s hand was carding through his hair as he talked quietly with Patton’s father and step mom, and Virgil was busy listening to a conversation Roman was having with their Uncle Shea. He was about to chime in, when screaming became apparent from the other room. Patton’s step mom and Shea’s wife went running out first, followed by the rest of the adults.
In the next room, where the younger kids had been watching a Christmas movie, Patton’s half sister and Shea’s youngest kid were locked in a screaming match.
“What is going on?” Shea’s wife called. The boy looked up, burst into tears, and went running to her.
“Mama, Katie said that Santa isn’t real!”
“Because he’s not, you big baby,” The girl said, rolling her eyes. She flinched as her mother flicked against her ear.
“He’s only four. Be nice.” She chided. “And besides, Santa is real.”
“Is not!” The girl shot back.
“It’s true. Don’t be such a baby, Shep.” Shea’s oldest son said. All the other kids in the room looked upset, and the adults were all glancing at each other now. Christmas Meltdown: Lakeside Yule Tale was about to go down if they didn’t do something.
“If Santa’s not real, then how come he comes see’s us every year, huh Aiden?” Virgil said teasingly, breaking away from Logan to ruffle his cousins hair. The boy flicked his hand away, then went back to his switch. “Besides, you better not start being bad now. Santa’s going to come soon, you might not get those games you’ve been asking for.”
“Please, we all know that’s just grandpa. Have you all really never noticed that he’s never in the room when Santa is? Where grandpa now, huh?”
The kids all seemed to go into a panic at once looking around the room. The nine year old smirked, rolling his eyes and turning to his game once more.
“Dad’s in the bathroom. Santa always comes after dinner, and you know how your grandpa always overeats on Christmas.” Thomas spoke up.
“Convenient!” Roman shrieked.
“Not helping!” Patton shot back.
Everyone was talking at once. The kids were all either crying or fighting with each other, and the adults were trying to pull them all apart. Logan was standing with Aiden locked in his arms across from Virgil, who had managed to pull Shepherd off of Aiden in the first place.
“Shep, no hitting! No hitting!” Virgil said firmly, wishing he could have just kept his pleasant buzz. Now he was annoyed and god, couldn’t the older kids just keep the Christmas spirit alive for the younger ones? Did they have to be little assholes?
“Ho ho ho! What’s all the fuss here!”
“Look guys, it’s San-“ Patton tried.
“Grandpa!” Aiden shouted. Virgil sighed heavily, wondering what would happen if he just this once chucked the kid into the lake.
“I’m not your grandpa, young Sanders! I’m Santa, here with your-“
“Cut the crap, old man!”
“Oh my god.” Virgil muttered, at the same time that Shea scolded his kid.
This wasn’t going well at all was it? Shea was hissing to his kid about how he needed to stop talking and let the little kids believe, and Aiden was shouting about how all of the adults were liars. Santa was standing in the doorway, trying his best to calm everyone down while looking incredibly confused.
“We all know it’s grandpa, dad! So just-“
“We all know who’s me?” Everyone’s eyes shot up to the doorway, where Thomas’ father was now standing next to Santa. “Santa! Finally!” He said excitedly.
The room was deadly silent for a moment. The kids were all shocked, the adults looked confused, and even the family pets had quieted in their respective spots.
Then Thomas’ father was chatting with Santa, all the kids were screeching, and Shepherd was pulling on Virgil’s collar.
“I knew he was real, ViVi, I knew it!” He squealed. Virgil grinned, nodding.
“You did! Go meet him!” He set Shepherd down and the little boy went toddling over to where all the other kids, even Aiden and Katie, were gathering around Santa.
Virgil straightened up just as Logan’s arm slid around his waist and a kiss was pressed against his head.
“You were right to suggest my Dad do it this year.” Logan chuckled. Virgil waved a hand.
“I overheard Aiden talking to Uncle Shea this morning about how he wasn’t going to be fooled this year. I figured we should probably change it up.” He hummed as the two settled down into an arm chair and Santa started passing out gifts.
“Kitten?” Logan hummed into his husbands ear after a few minutes.
“Let’s have a baby.”
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girl-in-the-tower · 4 years
SR Card: Lab Coat Part III
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV |
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Kore: I think... I think this is far enough...
Grim: Are you sure he’s not still following us?
Kore: Yeah, I think we lost him in the courtyard, but by then I just couldn’t stop anymore...
Grim: To think he’d just get bored in the middle of the race...
There is something seriously wrong with that guy’s head.
Kore: I’m just glad we made out of there... But I do feel bad about letting Ace down...
Grim: Grr! That manipulative- He was just using us to look good in front of his seniors!
Next time I see him I’ll definitely set his hair on fire!
Kore: Hey, don’t do harsh stuff like that. Ace’s our friend, you know?
Grim: Hmph! Yeah, right.
Kore: Ah, don’t pout like that...
Hm? Is this the sports field? 
Grim: Looks like it. You sure ran a lot, Kore. To actually get this far...
Kore: I guess I was so full of adrenaline that I didn’t notice.
But now that you mention it, I feel like my legs are really aching... Ugh...
Grim: Woah! Don’t just plop down all of a sudden like that! I almost fell off your shoulder.
Kore: Ah~ It feels so good just to sit down~
Jack: Kore? Grim?
Kore: Eh?! Jack?
Deuce: Jack, why did you suddenly switch route like- Huh? Kore-san? Grim?
Grim: And Deuce too?
Kore: What are you guys doing here? 
Jack: That should be our question.
We’re in track and field. Here’s where we usually hold our club activities. 
Kore: Oh, right. Deuce did mention that...
Deuce: Kore-san are you here to join the club too?
Kore: Huh? No, but... if you will have us! It sounds fun-
Grim: Wha?! ‘Join’?! No, no, no! Did you forget what just happened?!
Kore: How could I forget... We barely escaped... Brrr
Jack: Hm? Did something happen?
Kore: Ah, you could say that...
Grim: It was so scary...
Deuce: Are you in trouble? Is someone messing with you?
Kore: Eh, no, I don’t think so...
Grim: What do you mean ‘no’?! He is definitely messing with us! Grrrr... that Floyd!
Jack: Ah, I see. So you ran in Floyd-senpai?
Kore: We were checking out Ace’s club when we ran into him. Apparently he’s a member too. And then he started making fun of us like he always does!
Grim: Picking me up by the collar... What a rude guy!!
Deuce: He always seems to single out Kore-san with his teasing. I wonder why...
Kore: Ha~ I don’t know, but I wish he would just stop! I can’t stand it at all!
Ugh, now I’m in a bad mood all over again...
Grim: Then let’s just go home! 
Kore: Go home? Isn’t it too soon? 
Grim: No, it’s not! Let’s just go!
Kore: Ah, pushing me like that! I got it, I got it! I’ll just get up. Sheesh...
Deuce: What a bossy guy.
Jack: He’s surprisingly determined when he wants something.
Grim: Alright! Now, let’s just march right back home! You could make us some rice pudding when you get there and we can forget all about this day!
Kore: Oh, that doesn’t sound bad... It could be a great reward after all the hard work we’ll be doing today.
Grim: Huh? “Will be”? Don’t you mean “did”? 
Kore: No, “will be”, since we will be joining Deuce’s club!
Grim: Hah?! Are you out of your mind?! Did you forget what just happened?!
Kore: Ah, don’t remind me...
But this should be fine, since Jack and Deuce are members too! Besides we’re already here so it would be a waste not to check it out!
Grim: It would definitely not be a ‘waste’!!
Kore: Ah, you really are complaining about this a lot...
If it’s too hard for you, you can just sit on my shoulder, alright?
Grim: That’s not what I’m concerned about!!
Kore: It should be fine, right? Deuce? Jack?
Jack: I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with that. 
Kore: Eh?
Jack: If you two want to be a part of this club, then you should do things properly.
Kore: That’s true, but...
Deuce: Sorry, Kore-san, but I also agree with Jack. 
Kore:... No, I understand.
We’ll be taking our leave, then. Have fun!
Deuce: Ah, thanks...
Grim: ...Grrr! Fine!
Kore: Huh?
Grim: We’ll join this club, if it’s what you really want! 
Kore: Really?! Thanks, Grim!
Grim: Woah! Don’t squeeze me like this! I can’t breath!
Kore: You’re the best! The greatest! The Great, Magnificent Grim! 
Grim: Hehe~ Praising me like this is no use, yanno~
Ah, but I don’t mind, so you can go on!
Jack: This guy...
Deuce: It’s great that you’re joining Kore-san!
Kore: Hehe~ Thank you! I can’t wait to start!
What are we doing first?
Jack: We were just about to finish our warm up. You should join us too. 
It’s important to prepare the body before exercising so you don’t accidentally injure yourself.
Kore: I understand! I look forward to it, then!
Jack: Heh, it’s good to see you how excited you are about this. 
Deuce: Huh? What do you mean by that?
Jack: No-nothing! Forget about it! Let’s get back to work.
Kore/Deuce: Okay!
Grim:... Okay... Ugh...
Grim: Huff... Huff... Just how much running are we gonna do today...
Deuce: That’s pretty much it for now. Good job everybody!
Grim:... Finally, now I can just relax...
Jack: What are you talking about? That was just the warm up.
Grim: Argh! I forgot that! Why did you have to remind me...
Jack: Why? Wouldn’t you just have figured it out when we switched to a new activity, anyway?
Grim: I know that! I just wanted to enjoy my fantasy a little bit longer!
Kore: Wah~ That was super fun! I didn’t know running with other people was so pleasant!
Jack: Glad to know you enjoyed it. You did a good job keeping up.
Deuce: Yeah, I was surprised too. 
Kore: Hehe~ Thank you, thank you~
...Huh? Surprised? Why...
Grim:... Kore... water... please...
Kore: Ah! Of course! Here you go.
Are you feeling better now? 
Grim:... Huff... Huff...
Deuce: Grim looks like he’s about to die...
Jack: Yeah, I wonder if he’ll be able to participate in the next activity...
Kore: Oh? What’s next?
Deuce: The discus throw.
Kore: Discus throw? What’s that?
Jack: It’s an event  in which you try to throw a heavy disc as far away as you can. 
Kore: Throwing a disc... Isn’t that kind of like Magift?! 
Deuce: Eh? I guess.
Kore: Then I want to try it! Please! Can I? Can I?
Jack: S-So close!
Kore: Hm? Is something wrong Jack? 
Jack: N-No! I’m fine...
Kore: Are you sure? Your face looked flushed just a moment ago...
Jack: !!
A-Anyway, let’s go get the equipment...
Deuce: Alright. Kore-san, do you want to help us?
Kore: Yeah! Of course!
Let’s go Grim!
Grim:... It’s still not over?
Kore: Woah, these are pretty heavy.
Jack: Sorry, that’s all we have. Since this is an all-boys school, the size and weight are designed as such... 
Kore: It’s fine! I think I can manage! I’m pretty strong, you know!
Deuce: Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.
Kore: Oh, you have a good eye, Deuce! 
Since I was the one doing all the heavy-lifting at home, I built up a lot of upper body strength~
Jack: I see. That’s good, since it will help you out during this event.
Kore: Right! Let’s get to work! It’s time for Magi- I mean the discus throw!
Grim:... How can you even say something like that with a smile?
Jack: I’ll go first, so just watch. 
Kore: Alright! I’ll study you carefully then!
Jack:... Just looking is enough.
Kore: Eh? Okay... Jack looks flushed again... Is he really feeling fine?
Woah~ That went so far!! Did you see, Grim?
Grim:... Is he seriously expecting us to do that too?!
Deuce: 40 metres... Good job, Jack!
Jack:... Let me throw it again, Deuce.
Deuce: Huh? Are you unsatisfied?
Jack: Yeah. That was below my standard, so I can’t feel satisfied until I at least reach that.
Deuce: I get it. Go ahead.
Kore:... I thought 40 metres was pretty good...
Grim: Yeah... I guess meatheads are really concerned about their performance...
!! He threw it even farther now!!
Kore: You’re right! Look how it’s soaring!
Deuce: It landed... Looks like it’s 55 metres now. 
Kore: Is that better?
Deuce: That’s about Jack’s usual. Though he’s been improving a lot in the past weeks.
Kore: That’s so cool!
How’s about you, Deuce? What’s your usual?
Deuce: About 38 metres. I’m still pretty far behind... But I’m not giving up!
Grim: Actually, that’s pretty crazy too... I’ll never understand your kind at all...
Kore: I’m now excited to try it out too! 
Deuce: You can go next if you want, Kore-san.
Kore: Really? Is that alright?
Deuce: Of course. Now that you’ve seen Jack, you must have some idea about what you’re supposed to be doing.
Kore: Yeah! I think I got the gist of it.
Alright! I’m going for it!
Deuce: Do your best!
Grim:... Good luck.
Jack: Hm? Why are you moving further away, Grim?
Grim: For safety. You should too.
Deuce: What are you talking- Woah!
Jack: !!
Grim: Ah, it just missed the top of your head.
Deuce: Wh-What was that?
Kore: Sorry!! My hand must have slipped!
Deuce: Eh? That was you Kore-san?
Kore: Yeah... I’m really sorry about it.
Deuce: It’s fine... Just be more careful with your aim next time.
Kore: I’ll pay proper attention!
Then, I’ll give it a try again!
Deuce: Alright... Good luck.
Jack:... You’re moving farther away, Deuce.
Grim: Of course he is! Haven’t you see how close he was to getting an injury last time?!
!! Argh! Watch out!
Jack: Crap!
Grim: He ducked just in time.
Kore: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay, Jack?
Jack: Barely... 
Deuce: That one almost hit you, but you dodged at the last minute. Your instincts are something else...  
Kore: Ughh... I’m really sorry about this! I don’t know what’s happening... I guess I just have bad luck today.
Alright, I’ll give it one last try!
Deuce/Grim/Jack: No!!
Kore: Huh?
Deuce: Um... Kore-san. Just how good is your aim?
Kore: My aim? I guess it’s... average?
Grim: Ha?! There’s nothing average about it! You could kill a man with that aim! On accident, of course!
Kore:... You’re just exaggerating. It’s not that bad.
Grim: How can you say that with a straight face after you just almost killed those two?!
Kore: That’s kinda harsh... I don’t think it was that close...
Jack: Kore.
Kore: Yeah?
Jack: When... or rather how did you practice your throwing skills?
Kore: Practice my... what are you talking about?
Deuce: Ah, you know... like throwing objects in a specific direction? To make sure they land there?
Kore: Oh, that... Never.
Deuce: Never?!
Kore: Yeah... Why would I be throwing things around in my own house? That sounds weird.
Deuce: I... I see.
Grim: Haaa... Now do you guys understand?
Jack: What exactly?
Grim: Besides running and flying this girl has no talents when it comes to sports!
That’s why Vargas’ course are always so harsh...
Deuce:... Now that you say that, I’ve never seen Kore-san during our sports class.
Jack:... Yeah, me neither...
Deuce: So, does that mean...
Grim: Yes! Yes! She completely sucks at it - at everything!
Deuce:... Is that why Ace wanted Kore to join as a manager?
Grim: That guy is also in our class so he probably was aware of her abilities... Unlike you two.
Grim: Haaa... how troublesome...
Kore: Huh? Why do you all look so worried?
Deuce: Um... Kore-san...
Kore: Yeah?
Deuce:... I think it would be best if you tried out a different club. Like Diamond-senpai’s, maybe.
Kore: Eh? What do you mean?
Jack: We appreciate your interest... but it would be too dangerous for us to have you continue being in this club.
Kore: Dangerous?! 
Grim: That’s an understatement.
Kore: So... does this mean that...
Jack: I’m afraid so.
Kore:... That’s so unfair!!
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Chapter 4
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Warnings: Brief smut, mentions of needles. 18+ only y’all!
Word Count: 3.9k Join my taglist here Tagging: @mcu-padawan​ Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 I used the song “Bad Girl” by Avril Lavigne for V’s song of choice!
Sunlight streamed into my room, the brightness making me groan in disgust and pain, rolling over to bury my face in my pillows, cursing tiredly into the soft, cushy material. The beeping of my comm from across the room drew another curse from my lips and I sat up, my hair falling into my face, and I practically crawled out of bed to get the damn thing.
“Hello?” I croaked, throat scratchy and dry.
“Oh, you’re alive. I thought you might have died in an alley somewhere considering you never showed up last night.”
Oh shit. I had forgotten that I was supposed to go to the Crypt last night after drinks with the gang. I closed my eyes and swallowed thickly, wincing at the annoyance in Grave’s voice.
“Sorry, I lost track of time last night. I don’t even remember getting home.” I muttered, taking my comm with me to the ‘fresher so I could get some water and pee.
“You better be here tonight, Baby Doll. If you’re not, we’re gonna have problems.” Grave growled before disconnecting the transmission. I was too hungover for this shit and just wanted to crawl back into bed, feeling like death, when I caught something written on my arm. It was Crosshairs’ private comm channel and I felt my cheeks warm up again as I looked it over with a slight smile. I needed to write it down on paper so I could shower and try to feel less… death like.
“Astrid, you up?” Koyi croaked, shuffling into the room, bleary eyed and still in her bodycon dress from last night.
“Morning.” I yawned and took a drink of nice, cold water, passing the cup over to her.
“Who dared call this early? Your comm woke me up from my place on the floor by your couch.” She groaned, going for my shower.
“Take a wild guess.” I grumbled, taking a seat on the nice, cool floor of my refresher. Koyi groaned angrily at the mention of Grave, pulling a face. “I was supposed to be at the Crypt last night and I got so caught up with Crosshair that I lost track of time. And, uh, apparently how we got home because I don’t remember that shit at all. But yeah, he’s mad that I didn’t show last night and said I better be there tonight.” I grumbled while laying down on the floor, pressing my cheek to the cold marble.
“Ugh I hate Grave so much.” Koyi groaned from my shower, the sound of the water hitting the shower door enough to make my head throb.
“Right now? So do I. And I hate the shower, the water hurts my head.” I closed my eyes, wishing my head would quit pounding.
“You’re a medic, don’t you have some banana bags on hand?”
I shot up far too quickly at her words: she was right, I actually did keep a stash of IV supplies here just in case of stuff like this. I just had to find the will and motivation to get up and actually get them. I felt like a dumbass for not remembering that sooner, that would be the perfect pick me up for this nightmarish hangover. With a moan of discomfort, I pushed myself up to my feet and trudged off to go get them, waiting for Koyi to hurry up and get out of the shower so I could hook her up.
Twenty minutes later, we were dressed and headed to this little pizza joint near Koyi’s tattoo parlor, dying for a good slice of pizza to help chase away the last dregs of this hangover that the banana bag didn’t touch. My stomach was growling loudly at the thought of getting something good to eat, making Koyi start laughing as we walked in through the doors.
“Oops. My bad. Guess I’m more hungry than I thought I was.” I laughed as well, wincing a little, mortified by just how loud it was. We snagged an open table in the back corner, our usual waiter already putting in our order for us.
“So are you gonna comm that cute guy you were with last night?” Koyi plucked a breadstick from the basket and took a bite.
“Crosshair? I dunno… I’m in a relationship. I shouldn’t have even flirted or danced with him last night.” I grabbed a breadstick as well, but pulled at it instead, chewing on my lip.
“He was really into you! I’m telling you, you need to break up with Grave and give this guy a shot! He’d treat you a lot better than Grave does.” Koyi pointed out smugly and took a sip of her drink.
“Oh please, he was just hoping for an easy hookup. Look, I know how you feel about Grave, and I’m sorry you guys don’t like each other, but that’s who I’m dating. End of story.” I snapped, finally growing tired of her nagging at me about Grave.
“Okay. Sorry. I won’t bring it up again.” Koyi gave me a wounded look, frowning deeply at my harshness.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean -”
“Whatever, you’re right. You’re gonna do what you’re gonna do, and you’re gonna date whoever you’re gonna date,” She got up and went over to Stetson, asking for her food to be brought over to her parlor. “I’ll see you later, Valkyrie. Let me know when you’ve pulled your head out of your ass.” She walked out in a huff and I sighed. She was really mad if she was calling me Valkyrie instead of Astrid.
“Everything okay with you and Koyi? I never see you guys fight, like ever.” Stetson asked, setting my order down and dropped into the empty seat across from me.
“Yeah, I guess.” I looked down at the pizza, not hungry anymore.
“Is it about Grave again? Cuz that’s the only time I see you guys ever get tense with each other.” He leaned forward, brows knit together slightly, worry on his face.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is. I know she’s concerned, I’m not trying to downplay that, it just gets old hearing it all the time when I’m home on leave. When I’m home, I don’t want to get a talking to about who I’m dating. I hear it from Ivar, who thinks Grave and I aren’t even together anymore and is constantly trying to set me up with guys, and Koyi, who makes jabs and other comments.” I forced myself to eat something so I wasn’t overly grumpy later when I went to the Crypt to see Grave. Stetson squeezed my shoulder kindly before getting up to run over Koyi’s order to her, leaving me in the main part of the parlor with my thoughts. Koyi was right, Grave wasn’t exactly boyfriend material; he never reciprocated when I told him I loved him, he would always change the subject or distract me with other things. And I swore he had something going on with the new girl, Candy, but I didn’t have any definitive proof and I trusted him, so maybe it was just me being jealous.
Ugh I should just… end things. Get it over with already. I sighed heavily, setting the half eaten slice of pizza down on my plate. This was just ridiculous, what was I doing with my life? Leading two different lives was utterly exhausting and I wasn’t sure I could keep up with it anymore, I was going to have to pick eventually and as much as I loved dancing, I would pick my boys in the 501st any day over being a dancer. I’d come to really love these guys dearly already and had been accepted into their little family.
I let out a soft grunt of annoyance when my comm lit up and hit the flashing button to answer it, trying not to sound annoyed when Fives and Hardcase’s voices immediately launched into talking about something about karaoke night.
“Okay, hold on, one at a time, I don’t speak gibberish.” I finally barked, gritting my teeth when a couple of the other customers shot me an irate look.
“It’s karaoke night at the 79’s tonight! Are you coming?” That was Hardcase speaking up.
“No? I have plans that I missed last night cuz I was too busy drinking with you lunatics. Besides, you know I don’t sing.” I lied through my teeth about the singing. I could sing like no one could believe but I got stage fright when it came down to it. Singing in front of people was one of my biggest nightmares.
“Oh come on Valks! Come join us!” Fives pleaded and I could just picture him pouting.
“Not tonight, okay? I’ve gotta roll. I’ll see you guys later.” I disconnected the comm and got up so I could head out to the Crypt. “Later Stets! Left your tip on the table.”
  The Crypt was supposed to be like home, but walking in those doors, I sure didn’t feel like I was coming home. I felt as if I were walking into a tomb, the dark and dreary feeling weighing on my shoulders. Something wasn’t right, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. Some of the other girls were sitting at the bar, pity flashing across their faces for a brief moment before looking away from me, focusing their attention anywhere else but on me as I walked past them. I could feel my stomach clench with nerves, my palms sweating as I slowly made my way to the room Grave and I would share while I was here on leave. Soft moans and the wet slap of skin on skin left me feeling ill as I reached out with a trembling hand to open the door, seeing Grave fucking the new girl. I didn’t make a sound, just shut the door and went to the dressing room, throwing my crap into a bag.
“Baby Doll?”
I didn’t even have to look back to know Daisy was hovering nearby, her face drawn and worried like it usually was when she was uneasy. “I’m fine Daisy. I already had a feeling something was going on, I was just trying to deny it. Good luck. I fucking quit.” I zipped my bag up and hitched it over my shoulder. My gut feeling was right, Koyi was right, Stetson and Ivar were right... and I was a fuckin’ dumb ass. “And you can tell that wastoid that I’m done.” I called to the other girls who were trying to act like they weren’t listening in over at the bar and walked out. I couldn’t fucking believe that I had gotten played like this. I mean, I could believe it, but at the same time, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Tears burned in my eyes as I hopped into my speeder and headed back to my apartment to dump off this crap and so I could get ready for karaoke night after all.
“Koyi? You were right. I’m sorry. I caught him fucking the new girl, so I quit. I’m going home to change and then I’m heading to the 79’s for karaoke night cuz why the fuck not?” I breezed through my front door, locking it behind me and threw my bag of clothes from the Crypt across my living room, nailing the wall with a dull thud. He wanted to break my heart, then I was going to dress up and go have some fun tonight because I fucking earned it after putting up with so much these past few years.
Stupid son of a bitch. I hope his cock shrivels up and falls off. I stood there in my closet, staring hard at all of my clothes, trying to decide on an outfit. I wanted something easy to move in but still showed off every single curve I had. If Grave decided to show his face tonight, I was going to make sure he regretted ever using me and discarding me like trash. Now I just had to find the right outfit. Nothing was catching my eye so far, though. A flash of red drew my attention towards it and I smiled when I plucked the cute bright red mini dress off the rack and settled on that and a pair of strappy red heels to match. I grinned happily and quickly did my hair, giving myself some loose curls and studied myself closely. Everything looked perfect and I couldn’t wait to show off.
Perfect, I think I’m ready. I grabbed my leather jacket and took off, wanting to surprise Fives and the others since I’d said I had plans. Eyes followed me as I walked out of my apartment building and flagged a speeder down so I could get to the 79’s, smiling sweetly at the driver.
“Thanks for the lift doll.” I purred when we arrived, tipping him and blowing him a kiss.
“Damn, you’re not playing around tonight, huh?” Koyi was grinning widely as she practically skipped up to me.
“Nope, I’m definitely not playing around. I’m gonna have fun and I might even bring someone home with me tonight.” I chirped, smiling at some of the clones we passed, all of them whistling in appreciation. Koyi and I broke out into giggles as we entered the bar, weaving through clones and other civvies to get to the bar for drinks.
“Hey! Could we get four shots of Trandoshan tequila? Thanks!” I took the shots and passed two of them over to Koyi, toasting my best friend before downing them in rapid succession. “I think I’m gonna sign up to do karaoke tonight.” I glanced over at Koyi, reaching for the stylus so I could jot my name down, Koyi squealing with delight.
“You’re going to actually sing? You? In public! Oh I have to record this!” She was giddy at the thought and ordered us a couple more drinks so we could take them with us to find the 501st guys. Koyi spotted them first and tugged me with her as we weaved through the crowd, Fives and Echo immediately shutting up when they saw us.
“Holy -”
“Valkyrie?!” Jesse and Rex’s jaws dropped in shock, Cody smirking as he looked me up and down with interest. Two other clones I vaguely recognized nudged a couple other guys, nodding our way and I blew them a kiss, grinning.
“Hey guys. Plans fell through so I figured we’d join you.” I chirped, allowing Cody to pull me onto his lap, his arm warm around my waist. I draped an arm around his neck, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck with a playful smile tugging at my lips as he leaned back into my touch with a soft groan.
“And she’s gonna sing!” Koyi crowed, practically dancing in Echo’s lap. I rolled my eyes but smiled when the guys cheered excitedly. I’d always been teased for my humming when I worked, Kix always asking if they’d ever get to hear me actually sing, and tonight looked like it was gonna be the night.
“We’re allowed to record that, right? Cuz I am gonna wanna remember this night. Plus Kix is gonna be bummed he missed seeing it in person.” Fives joked with a loud laugh. As I opened my mouth to retort, my name was called to go up and sing my heart out. I slammed my drink back and got to my feet, my legs shaking as I made my way up there, hands trembling as I took hold of the mic. I swallowed thickly, forcing a smile onto my face as the music began and took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.
“Hey, hey I'll let you walk all over me, me. You know that I’m a little tease, tease, but I want it pretty please, please. You know, you know, you know I’m crazy. I just wanna be your baby. You can fuck me, you can play me. You can love me or you can hate me. Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me,” I began to really get into the song, swaying my hips and dancing along to the beat. “Choke me, 'cause I said so. Stroke me, and feed my ego. I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know? Come get it, now or never. I’ll let you do whatever. I’ll be your bad girl, here we go.  Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me.” I had all eyes on me, people dancing along and cheering, Fives and the others the loudest of all my admirer’s. I could feel my cheeks heating up at the applause and focused my gaze on Rex, who was watching with an intensity that had my stomach clenching with desire. He took a sip of his drink, smirking just slightly, and leaned over to say something to Cody, who nodded in response, his eyes never leaving me.
“Baby, you know I want a little taste, taste. So let me take you all the way, way. You know you’ll never be the same, same. One night, you won’t forget the rest of your life, so come on over to the wild side. Buckle up, and baby, hold on tight. Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me. We both know that you love me 'cause I'm so bad. Choke me, 'cause I said so. Stroke me, and feed my ego. I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know? Come get it, now or never. I’ll let you do whatever. I’ll be your bad girl, here we go.  Miss me, miss me, now you wanna kiss me.” I was looking right at the two, putting on a show just for them. It was as if everyone else had faded from the room, I was so focused on Rex and Cody. “I've been a bad girl. I've been a bad girl. I'll be your bad girl. I'll be your bad girl. I've been a bad girl. I've been a bad girl. I'll be your bad girl. A fucking bad girl! Choke me, 'cause I said so. Stroke me, and feed my ego. I’ve been a bad girl, don’t you know? Come get it, now or never. I’ll let you do whatever. I’ll be your bad girl, here we go.”  The sound of applause brought me back into focus, realizing I’d finished the song. I quickly walked out of there, my heart pounding against my chest with adrenaline and glee.
“Hey! You killed it up there!” Koyi found me and dragged me back over to the group. “I recorded it. Sorry not sorry, you are amazing and should be heard by the world.”
“Of course you did. Could you not share it, please?” I grumbled, shooting her a look.
“Too late, she’s already sent it to us.” Fives cut in with a smug grin. “I’m gonna listen to this all the time. Seriously, how could you hide those pipes from the rest of us?”
“It’s not that big of a deal. Drop it already.” I groused, tossing a crumpled up napkin at him. “I’m gonna go get a drink.” With a muttered curse, I went to go to the bar when Rex dropped a hand on my shoulder.
“I’ll go with you. I could use a new drink myself.” He chimed in, moving his hand to my lower back, gently pushing me through the crowd towards the bar. “You really do have a nice voice. It’d be nice to hear it more often.”
“Thank you, Captain. I, uh, usually don’t sing in front of other people. I get nervous and then clam up. Generally I have to have a little liquid courage in my veins first.” I chuckled, taking a seat at the bar. “You and Commander Cody seemed rather… invested in the song. Did I spark some interest?” I teased him, half hoping that maybe I had caught their attention. I could get behind the idea of a threesome with Rex and Cody, it would certainly be quite the ride.
“Baby Doll, there you are!”
My back stiffened up at the sound of Grave’s voice behind me, his hands going to my shoulders and I jerked away from him, getting up and stepping beside Rex, putting as much distance between us as I could.
“We’re done, Grave. I don’t know why you’re here, but I don’t want anything to do with you.” I snapped, yanking my arm back when he reached for it.
“You heard my medic, leave her alone.” Rex got to his feet, setting his whiskey glass down. “She doesn’t owe you shit and you have no business harassing her, so step off. Now.” There was a growl to his voice that sent a jolt of white hot fire down the length of my back and into the pit of my stomach, pulsing down between my thighs.
“This doesn’t involve you, clone. This is between me and her.” Grave spat, not even looking at Rex as he spoke. “Baby Doll, c’mon, come back with me. I need you, babe.” He was pleading now, begging me to come back to the Crypt.
“No. I have nothing to say to you. I’m done, I’ve been done. Fuck off, Grave.” I slapped his hand aside, lip curling into a sneer.
“You stupid slut, should have known those rumors were true.” He snarled with venom dripping from his words. Next thing I knew, Rex was slamming a fist right into Grave’s mouth, sending him stumbling back into Cody, who had come up to see what was taking us so long. Cody immediately had Grave by the scruff of his shirt and tossed him aside with a snarl, glaring daggers at Grave.
“Hey, whoa, no! He’s not worth it!” I quickly stepped in, resting a hand on Cody and Rex’s biceps, not wanting them to start any fights. “Come on, let’s just go back to the others.” I pulled my lip between my teeth, looking back and forth between the commander and my captain anxiously.
“Come near her again and I’ll break your jaw.” Rex warned him before grabbing his whiskey and my hand, leading us back to where the others were. Koyi and Echo were nowhere to be found while the others continued to crack jokes and drink, Hardcase getting up to go sing while Fives and Jesse laughed about his enthusiasm, cheering their brother on. Rex pulled me into his lap, arms wrapping around my waist, holding me to him somewhat tightly and pressed his lips to the nape of my neck in a fleeting kiss.
“Where’d Koyi go?” I called over to Fives with a slightly puzzled look.
“Her place with Echo.”
“Oh. Oh! Oh. Damn, get it girl.” I shook my head, laughing when I realized what he meant. “Well, if that’s the case, I’m gonna head home, too. It’s been a long night and I have some better alcohol at home I want to get into. See you guys around.” I carefully detached myself from Rex’s lap, shooting him a smile. “Hey, no bar fights okay? Just leave Grave alone if you see him hanging around.”
“I’ll walk you home,” Cody offered quickly, getting to his feet with a nod to his guys. “I’d feel better knowing you got home safely just in case.”
“That’s sweet of you, thank you Commander.” I took his offered arm and bid farewell to everyone else.
“I’ll tag along. It’s on the way to the barracks and I’ve got some paperwork I should finish up.” Rex polished off his drink and fell in step with Cody and I, the two of them keeping an eye out for Grave as we left the bar.
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fablesrose · 5 years
Of Kings and Shadows IV
Chapter IV
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Notes: Find it on Wattpad --> Here
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Violence
The only thing on my mind when I got back was to get out of these sweaty clothes and take a shower.
Ever since that successful mission with the Avengers a couple weeks back I've been one more and more missions. Some in the new drone program, others, break in and blow stuff up, and still others, like this one, infiltration. Today it had to be quick, no extended period of time. In, get as much footage and information as possible, mostly about their tech and advancements for now, and get the heck out of there before they started to realize that they had extra agents in their halls.
I was in the team that went to the computers. Well, the back up, cuz we're smart enough not to go into the center heavily guarded computer lab and ask for them to download everything onto a flash drive... The back up was a room in a far corner, hooked up to the main lab, but all the info went to it, just in case. It could be readily accessible in case of emergency and they had to evacuate.
The progress on their largest, latest, and most dangerous projects were downloaded, and a bug placed in their system to spy and get the rest later. The computer room was hot, only too small of fans going to cool it down. The thick Hydra jacket wasn't helping in the temperature dilemma either. I dreaded having to replace the helmet and visor when we had to leave.
It went without a hitch, in and out. Now the shower was in the forefront of my mind. With my helmet on my head, for one, it was too hard to take off with all the straps, and two. for keeping my hands free for other stuff, I headed to my locker. The visor was put away immediately. I could almost feel the stream of water in my back, and the steam gently touching my face when the dream was crushed.
"Agent l/n!"
It was Brian Fletcher. Agent Brian Fletcher. He's been the dude in charge in... pretty much all of the missions I've been on in the past couple weeks. I learned his name on the second mission with him, and learned he was one who actually deserved respect twice as quickly. Incredible agent, and from what time I've spent working with him he seems like a good man. One thing is for sure, he's been doing this for a long time and knows what he's doing.
"y/n, I'm gonna need you to go down to the workshop... or where ever Mr. Stark is and give this to him." He handed me a file which I assumed had the information we just recovered.
"Yes, sir. I'll grab a quick shower and hand it off. "
"No, now."
I resisted the urge to groan, but failed to withhold, "why?"
Before I could retract the statement, or Brian could answer, there was a voice from across the locker room, "Because you're the only one here that Tony likes!"
He looked at me with a look that said, 'they have a point'
And I'd be lying if I didn't say I mirrored the expression.
So, I took the file, not bothering to take anything off, since this is so important. I trudged down the hallway, in the most respectful way possible.
I nodded to those I knew as I passed, the file securely in my hand. There were a few double takes at the uniform, but were quickly resolved once they noticed how disheveled the open jacket looked and saw my face. Which, looking back may not have been the best reaction, and wasn't a good decision on my part in the first place either...  
Oh well.
I finally made it to the lab/workshop/whatever you want to call it. That shower was still calling my name, so I wanted to get this over as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the commute to Tony's den was not short, and my legs were not getting any younger. Fortunately, we have been making the Avengers compound our landing base, so it wasn't like I had to go from SHIELD headquarters to find him.
I knocked on the window, but the music was playing really loud to be heard over the louder machinery. Since he wasn't gonna let me in I decided to see if JARVIS would let me in.
"Hey, Jarvis"
"Yes ma'am"
"I've got orders to give this file to Tony, can I get in there?"
"It is open miss"
The door moved a little bit to show it was now open. It kinda made me wonder if it was open all along, but there wasn't anything telling me it was so I didn't think too hard about it.
"Thank you sir" I said it in a little sing song to show my appreciation without all the formal crap.
"Of course miss"
I could feel the bass guitar rattle my bones in just the right way. In the short time that I listened to it I could tell that it was an AC DC song, but not exactly which one. Not that I should know, I only did have about five on my recognizable list.
Right then Tony's peripheral vision must have picked me up as he stood up knocking his chair over behind him. It probably would have been smart of me if I had noticed he was working on a repulsor. That was on his hand. And now charged up. And pointed at me.
As any regular sane person, I didn't want to be blown sky high, so I raised my hands and made sure my face was visible so he could see who I was and that I was no threat. There was a tense probably ten seconds (which felt like hours, but you don't wanna know that) where the only movement was the metal shavings on the floor, vibrating with the guitar rifts.
"Mr. Stark? Its me, Agent Y/n L/n?"
He blinked a couple times, like he was clearing his vision. I realized he was probably really tired, and plus looking at something so small and close probably messed with his eyes. After a second he seemed to have registered who I was and smiled.
I let out a breath, then figured I had better explain why I scared him half to death.
"Hey so I was sent to give you this file, right away. I'm pretty sure it contains information we just acquired from that HYDRA base we just infiltrated." I set the file on his desk then had an idea. "Hey Jarvis?"
"Yes miss?"
"Make sure Mr. Stark doesn't forget this file, please?"
"Consider it done"
I smiled, "Thank you!"
I looked back at Tony to see that he was lowering his hand with the state of the art in weapon tech strapped to it.  I was only alerted something was amiss when I noticed his eyes widen and look slightly above and behind me.
Then I was thrown into a wall.
The gut feeling washed over me too late. Maybe it wasn't even that gut feeling. Maybe it was just the churning from being tossed across the room, high enough in the air as to miss most of the equipment in the room.  Whatever it was... It didn't help me at all.
My vision went black, and I felt light headed as if I stood up too quickly. Before I could recover, a hand wrapped itself around my throat. My vision came back slowly, but not before that same hand lifted me along the wall so high that my feet no longer touched the floor. They seemed to know what they were doing as they held me in a manner that limited my airflow, but left enough open for me to answer.
Or die slowly.
"That symbol has no place here!"
I finally saw who it was, and my eyes widened in shock.
I didn't even know he was released and approved, yet. That being said, maybe he wasn't. The only thing that mattered that he was either gonna question me, hurt me, or kill me, in the next few minutes. Who knows? Maybe all three.
"What were you going to do to the tin man!?"
He tightened his grip, a threat to answer. His over eagerness betrayed him, however. My view started shrinking. His questions faded out, the shower that was so wanted before, now seemed like an out of reach luxury. One I no longer wanted or thought about. The only thing on my mind was the pain of being slammed yet again into the wall, and the ever decreasing oxygen supply.
I smacked at his hand. Tried to pull it apart. In a last ditch effort I kicked my legs. One of my feet hit something, it was obvious it was on the side of his body as my heal glanced off of him. It caused him to bend at the hip, causing less pressure up against the wall.
I started to slide down and used the opportunity to smack his hand off of my throat. Dropping the rest of the way to the ground, I crawled away, instincts kicking in.
"Woah, woah, woah!"
I fell on the ground trying to catch my breath. I could see Tony step between me and my assailant, back to me, holding his hands up in a non-threatening manner.
My hands started ripping off the helmet, which I suppose I should be grateful for, and then throwing the jacket as far away from me as possible revealing in full the SHIELD cut off sleeved t-shirt underneath. It seemed like it would help stop the wheezing, and it also seemed to help defuse the situation behind me.
Once the adrenaline started to fade, my mind reasoned with what happened.
He was defending... Tin man? Did he mean Tony? Oh, I'm getting dizzy again... The ground looks inviting... Man, is he strong... I Do Not... do not... not... want ... to be... on his bad side...
All the wheezing lead to a coughing fit. One that hurt like the devil and seemed to last just as long. A hand rested on my back, rubbing back and forth as if to soothe me. I glanced back, Tony was crouched beside me, looking concerned. My eyes wandered past him to the man who held my life in his hand a moment ago.
He gave a very stiff nod, not a single emotion easily read on his face. He then turned gracefully on his heal and strode almost silently from the room. Only then did I notice that the music wasn't playing. My coughs echoing around the workshop.
Tony helped me sit against the wall. I gingerly touched my throat, clenching my jaw when I realized how tender it was.
"Are you okay?"
The first sound that came out of my mouth sounded strangled, and it hurt just as much. I took a sharp intake of breath before trying again.
"I'll... " I took another deep breath, "Live." I rested my face in my hands, letting out a shaky breath. I didn't know that there were tears rolling down my cheeks until my fingers felt them.
"Okay, breathe in. Through the nose. Hold it..." His fingers were lightly touching my knee, perhaps in a gesture to show he's there.
He guided me through breathing exercises for a couple minutes. The way he watched me do it and helped showed this was far from the first time he's done this. For himself or others I didn't know.
Once my breathing became regular, or at least more regular, he helped me stand.
"Let's get you to the infirmity, that bruise is getting swollen."
I wobbled on my feet, grabbing onto his hand to help steady myself.
"Thank you, sir."
"Y/n, call me Tony... After we get you fixed up I'm gonna find out what the actual crap happened."
Tags: @nightrose64
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Hi, can you find some good sterek fics that are post season 3, 4, 5 or 6? Canon or non seriously anything is fine and I'd really appreciate it if you could. Thanks in advance!
Sure - Anastasia
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That's New by alisvolatpropiis
(1/1 I 2,459 I Mature)
Stiles missed out on seeing Derek's transformation, so a few days after Mexico, he goes to see for himself.
“Come on dude. You’re making me regret saving your life. Again.” Stiles grins and kicks his leg, knowing full well that Derek can hear his lie.
Derek rolls his eyes again and stands, peeling off his shirt, dropping it to the couch before unbuttoning his jeans.
“Oh, um, okay,” Stiles mumbles, looking away and slurping at his coke. He knew about the naked part, was expecting it. But expecting – imagining – Derek naked is nothing like seeing it happen right in front of him. Derek steps out of his jeans and walks towards the middle of the room in just his black boxer briefs. Stiles knows the rules of no homo means he shouldn’t look, but he’s always felt pretty damn homo when it comes to Derek, whose hands are resting at the waistband of his underwear, and Stiles doesn't just want to look, he wants to touch and lick and oh damn.
Maybe by aprettysmalldose
(1/1 I 3,658 I Explicit)
It's 3 am. Derek was actually sleeping for once. If this is another one of these 'world is ending' 'people are dying' moments, Derek is going to - but no, it's Stiles. Fuck. He takes it back. Give him one of those 'world is ending' scenarios. Those he can handle.
lodestone by llassah
(1/1 I 5,491 I Teen)
“We could…we could be something, couldn’t we?” Stiles murmurs, eyes slipping shut. Derek looks at the IV line in his arm, the bandages covering his chest, his leg. His hand, pale against the hospital sheets, palm up. Derek waits until he’s sure Stiles is asleep before he responds.
It takes Stiles eight years to ask the question again. It's okay. Derek can wait.
Fuel a Fantasy by Delightful_I_Am
(1/1 I 18,690 I Teen)
Let it never be said that Stiles wasn't able to keep his cool when faced with awkward situations. It'd be right maybe, but it should never be said.
Stiles gasped and spun around, eyes finding Derek immediately. The poor guy looked a bit shell-shocked.
“Oh my god! Dude!” Stiles flailed his arms and lunged forward, tripping a bit and catching himself on Derek’s arms. “You have to fake date me!”
You Belong with Me by halcyon1993
4/14 I 19,705 I Explicit)
Derek is tired of watching Stiles get treated like crap by his so-called friends. When both the Hale Pack and the McCall Pack end up in the same nightclub, Derek decides it's finally time to convince Stiles that he'd be better off with him as his alpha. 
 the amber of the moment by redhoodedwolf
(2/2 I 23,202 I Mature)
Ever since he was eight years old, Stiles had been running. Fate decided it was time to stop.
The Fury of the Righteous by orphan_account
(16/16 I 48,911 I Teen)
Stiles has been afraid of himself since October. He knows, rationally, that the Nogitsune is gone- but he also knows that what he felt when Donovan died isn't right.Or maybe it is.Maybe what Stiles felt, what he's feeling, is completely right. And maybe he isn't the only one feeling it.
With Tears in My Eyes by Dexterous_Sinistrous
(7/7 I 55,043 I Explicit)
Stiles Stilinski never thought much about his relationship with Derek Hale. He didn't have to because Derek was always there for him. That is, until Braeden entered the picture. Derek seems happy, and Stiles takes comfort knowing that the broody werewolf is less broody.
Stiles, however, is hit full force by his feelings when Derek is injured at La Iglesia. He realizes then, that everything he has felt for Derek is more than what he originally thought. He struggles with coming to terms with them, and finally, with the advise of Scott, takes the first step to doing something about it.
With fear and hope guiding him, Stiles tries to tell Derek the truth. But nobody said love was going to be easy.
A Melody That Climbs And Then Falls by siny
(17/17 I 66,176 I Teen)
They won the fight against the alpha pack; the nightmare was apparently over.That was until Stiles fell on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth when Derek reached him.
Or the fic where Stiles gets an internal bleeding for saving Derek, only a tragedy like this would make Derek realize his true feelings.Peter betrayed them all and is currently missing. Allison and Stiles are buddies, as much as Derek and Erica.
Doors Unlocked and Open by Imnotahero
(20/20 I 140,060 I Teen)
They say that when one door closes another one opens. That might be true elsewhere, but not in Beacon Hills. Danger lurks behind every door, and once they're ajar they stay like that - unlocked and open. Which is not good. Not at all. Stiles find things bad enough with Dread Doctors, Theo and his pack of Resurrected Chimeras, Lydia stuck in Eichen House and the foundation of his friendship with Scott unraveling fast. The surprising return of Derek might just be the counterbalance he needs. Especially if they could just close some of these damned doors...
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers IV (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Y/N has trust issues and terrible luck.
Remember to leave feedback!
Words: 2,199
Warnings: Blood, a lot of running, cursing, a lot of gross ig??
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Josh steps inside the store and prepares to put his hand in danger, not without whining and groaning, of course, I can’t blame him, putting your hand down someone’s throat must be disgusting. 
The closest thing I’ve seen to this is that time Alex and I were over at Nathan’s and Alex had to pull a plastic cap out of Nathan’s dog’s mouth. The way his hand smelled that day... ugh, totally would not recommend. We had to rush over to the vet to make sure Patty hadn’t swallowed any more plastic items, it’s like a block away from the mall, so we decided to let Nathan take his dog back home and we stayed here.
-Time for another beautiful flashback, sponsored by the terrible image of Josh searching on a ghoulie’s stomach with his bare hand-
“Don’t ever let me put my hand down a dog’s throat ever again.”
“How often do you think it could happen?”
“Dogs are silly, Y/N, I don’t know,” He shrugs, examining his hand with repulsion.
“If you ask me, I think that was pretty heroic,” I offer.
“Shut up,” He whines.
“For real!”
“You’re only saying that so I don’t feel as gross...”
“I say it cause I think it was a brave move. Patty’s a pitbull, she could’ve eaten your arm,” I giggle.
“Nah, she’s an angel” 
Alex is the angel, but I won’t admit that to his face.
“Will you ever take a compliment without shrugging it off?” I roll my eyes, “I’m trying to say that I admire you, bitch.” Alex laughs at my outburst.
“I only do it so you keep complimenting me, isn’t it working?” He winks at me, and I feel the urgent need to push him towards the passing cars. Or hold his hand. Whatever.
“Sure. Tell you what, let’s go to the mall, I’ll get you icecream and you can look for a bathroom and wash your hand.”
“Yes, please,” He sighs and takes my hand to practically drag me on the direction of the mall. Alright then, I don’t mind at all.
Josh got the keys. His hand is covered in something gross and I can’t hide the smirk that’s growing on my face.
“The things we do for love, am I right?” I grin.
“Don’t start, Y/N,” He complains.
“No I mean, fucking respect. Not everyone would do that for their crush.” He shakes his head at my statement, not flattered at all.
“I just wanna find Sam.”
“And I want to get out of here, so let’s go!” I start walking, a new burst of energy going through my veins now that we have the keys.
“I’ll see you around,” He tells Angelica, and I happily wave goodbye while passing.
“Guys!” She says, following us.
“So what’s your plan, then?” Josh looks at me, “You’re leaving too? What about your skates?”
“There’s a store close to my old neighborhood, I’ll get a new pair from there.”
“You can’t wait to leave, huh?”
“Same as you,” I frown, “I’m sure anywhere’s better than with a bunch of weirdos.”
“Hey! Just because you’re not as cool doesn’t mean I’m weird” He replies playfully.
“I don’t think so, mister,” I hold to my backpack tighter, getting ready to go out, “I just need to leave this place, this mall has brought me nothing but trouble...”
And I wasn’t talking about Triumph or the Jocks only, I was also thinking about that day with Alex:
“How’s that hand?”
“Still smelling like crap.”
“Too bad. Here, take it. My treat,” I give him the icecream cone I bought moments ago, hoping it’ll make him feel better.
“Jee, thanks, Vinchi.”
I smile at the stupid nickname; it was the invention of a ten-year-old Alex that saw my drawing of a butterfly and thought  I was the next big paintor, “like that guy, ’vinchi”. He meant to say Da Vinci, but the other name was funnier so it’s the one that stuck. You know how you’re supposed to hate silly nicknames? Well, even that was impossible when it came from Alex. I liked him too much. 
I liked everything about him, or slightly related to him. Yet, I managed to keep my distance. Why? Cause you don’t get attached to things you cannot have. Alex was dating our friend Stuart. 
Unrequited love is not something I personally enjoy, so is better to stay away from it. And just like unrequited love, if a bunch of rowdy misfits is running in your direction, you run faster and hide.
Angelica has been insisting on staying and forming our own tribe. Fucking crazy, right? You’d have to be out of your mind to try to form a tribe with these people. There’s no way I’m trying that.
“Angelica, maybe next time okay?” I look at her over my shoulder, “seriously you don’t want us on your tribe, we’re very dumb and slow.”
“You know that’s a lie.”
“Still, it’s better this way, you don’t need us.”
“Bye-bye Angelica,” Says Josh while opening the exit door.
You know when things are bound to end in tragedy? You get this feeling that it’s going to be one shit after the other, and you’re right, cause that’s all that’s been happening so why would it change, right? Yeah, well I was so excited about leaving that I forgot this was the case.
The same ghoulie that had run off with Josh’s sword on her back was outside the door, she jumps on him and throws him to the floor, Angelica and I jump back in surprise.
“Get off me now! Shit!” 
“Don’t die!” Angelica runs back to get her molotov bombs (because according to her, fire is the only answer) and I’m left with no weapons to defend us.
“Okay! it’s two against one I can do this!” I try to reach the sword but the ghoulie keeps moving and I don’t wanna hurt Josh by accident, “Hold on, I’m trying to get the sword!”
“Try harder!”
“Shut up, I’m saving your life!” I kick the ghoulie’s hip and she doesn’t budge. Josh seems to be having a hard time and I can’t do much without putting myself in danger as well, the sword is halfway out and is dangerously close to his chest. If I make the wrong move, I’ll kill him.
“Fuck! I need a real weapon, hold on!”
I run like hell until I get to the hardware store and my eyes land on the only thing that I feel capable enough to handle. A sledgehammer. Because judging by my record, I’m pretty good at smashing things. I grab it and run back to where Josh is, lifting the tool at shoulder level.
“Here’s Johnny!” 
I swing it hard and hit the ghoulie’s head with full force, she tries to stand up but Eli appears on the other side of the hall exactly where she landed and pulls the sword from her chest only to put it back, this time in her head. She falls like a puppet on the floor.
“Eli?” Josh seems disoriented, I help him stand up.
“You better be worth it,” He replies, handing him the sword and looking at my hammer with a nod of approval.
We run again until we reach the elevator, we find Wesley there, keeping the door closed.
“I can’t hold it!” He screams.
“Let him in!”
Wesley steps back and the door opens harshly, Triumph stepping in like a nightmare. The guys attack but Triumph easily beats them, I swing my hammer but he traps it mid-air and pulls me towards him. I kick his crotch and he barely groans. It’s not enough.
“Hoyles! Man! This does not need to end up in violence!”
Triumph stops and lets go of me, throwing me into the floor. Eli and Josh both pull me far from him, I grab my hammer tightly.
“Wes!” Josh warns him. Triumph is getting close to the boy and I know that he won’t be able to pull it off alone either, Samurai or not, he’s still a kid.
“AHHHHHHHH!” Crumble jumps from the roof of the elevator and attacks Baron Triumph with her bare hands. He easily pushes her away. Crumble stands up slowly, we’re all expectant, not knowing what the hell to do.
And then Crumble raises her hands and starts speaking in what I’m most certain is nonsense in Spanish, but it does the trick: Triumph backs off until he reaches the elevator and closes the gate. Wesley closes the second gate and supports his back against it.
“What the fuck was that?” Asks Josh.
“I wanted to help you,” whispers Crumble.
“How did you get out of the store?”
“I can turn myself into mist,” She explains excitedly, “and then I float through the cracks. Watch!” Then she proceeds to run straight into the elevator’s door and knocks her lights off.
“Outstanding,” I look over to Angelica, “bet you’re really proud of your Ghoulie witch now.” Angelica just smiles back at me.
So... that happened. Thank god it’s over, now I can finally go. But first, I think I’ll take Josh’s word and go shopping one last time.
“Thanks again for the icecream.”
“Anytime, Al,” I smile.
“You ‘going home now?”
“I guess, it doesn’t look like anything interesting is about to happen so...”
“Hey, about what you said...” He scratches the back of his neck, “you really think it was heroic?”
“Patty could’ve died. Of course I do,” I answer with full honesty.
“Thanks... I think you’re very heroic too.”
“What?” I laugh, “Dude, I’ve never done anything out of the ordinary.”
“You call out the jocks on their bullshit even if they annoy you afterwards. When Lily got high and was having a bad trip, it was you who took her to the shower and made her threw it up out of her system,” He puts a hand on my shoulder, applying light pressure to it, “You may not be saving the world, but you take care of your people. That’s cool.”
And maybe it’s the sugar rush, maybe it was the way his words sting on my heart or the way the artificial lights inside the mall made his eyes look so shiny. But my feelings for him went through the roof. Exactly like my common sense.
Whatever it was, all I know is that suddenly we were too close, and suddenly we were kissing outside the icecream shop. It lasted only five seconds though, cause then he tried to cup my face with both hands and the smell of dog’s saliva made me step back in disgust.
“Oh my god, what is that dog eating?”
“I’m sorry!” Alex covers his mouth with both hands and regrets it immediately after, grossed out by the smell, “fuck, I need to put on sanitizer.”
“I have to go,” I mumbled in a hurry, walking towards the exit.
“Wait, Y/N!”
“See you on monday, Alex,” I walk faster, almost crashing against a random boy wearing the ugliest reddish pants on earth, seemingly also running for his life.
Don’t. Just don’t. Whatever you have to say, trust me, I already heard it in my head every night for the past six months. I know it was a shitty thing to do, kiss someone else’s boyfriend. My best friend. Who had been dating my other friend for the past four months.
It doesn’t matter that he kept going. It was wrong. “Y/N, you bitch ass liar, you told us none of you ever made a move!”. Joke’s on you, a kiss is not a move if it doesn’t affect on anything after it happens. A kiss is just a kiss. Mine was a huge mistake for sure, but not a love declaration.
Alex and Stuart kept dating and we never mentioned our incident. Not even after he broke up with Stuart two months before the nuke. Not even when he went with me to look for my sister Katie.
So how’s that for a move huh? That’s the reason why I’m leaving. Cause it doesn’t matter if you’ve known them for a day, a semester or ten years. I thought that the people I hung with during Highschool would be my tribe during the apocalypse. That we were inseparable. Turns out we weren’t.
Love is weak compared to personal interests and I refuse to be the only idiot that gets attached. No one is worth that much pain. I’m leaving. Best of wishes to Josh and gang of weirdos but I’m out. I’m backing up. Stepping back. I’m-
“Y/N, come here quick! Stupid Josh cut his finger and now I need to get bandages and duct tape! Make sure he doesn’t faint!”
I’m coming into a halt and drop my backpack and weapon to the floor as I’m rushing over to the restrooms.
“He did WHAT?”
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