#and jade has neps
s3tok41b4 · 1 year
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I drew the whole beta gang ❤️💙💚💜
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nintendont2502 · 1 month
just saw ur caste dating discourse post and realized meulin would've been lambasted by all of those groups for getting w the 2 highest landdwelling castes. kankri would write her callout post. feferi would've been accused of coercing sollux to be w her etc etc
girl would be in the TRENCHES fighting off the waves of terminally online freaks kankri keeps sending her way,, someone save her
genuinely i dont think a single beta troll wouldve made it through the discourse unscathed LMAO
aradia? well clearly shes only with sollux because he could easily kill her w/ his psiionics (god help them if the grumblr mob ever finds out that he *did* technically do that one time)
tavros is held up as like the posterchild for why lowbloods and highbloods shouldnt be in quadrants even though he and vriska were uh. never in a quad together. does he try *telling* anyone that? probably not!
sollux? psiionics. threatening aradia into a quad. (also tbh getting into a quad with someone when youre a goldblood is lowkey problematic because what are they supposed to do after you're sent offplanet and helmed? its honestly really manipulative holding someones quad hostage only to leave them forever which is why all golds should take a vow of celibacy-) hes only making it worse by being an absolute dick to everyone involved and escalating shit so far that theres multiple attempts on his life and everyones *convinced* hes a serial manipulating asshole because lmao why would he tell those idiots theyre wrong
karkat? you mean that hemoanon freak thats probably just a highblood trying to pass himself off as a lower caste so he can manipulate lowbloods into his quads?
nepeta and equius would be torn APART - not only is he three castes higher than her, but hes also far physically stronger so clearly shes the weak defenseless victim here (they keep saying this even after she culls someone for it. nep im so sorry)
kanaya shouldnt even *be* in a quad since shes a jade and theyre meant to be sequestered (similar argument to golds where actually its really cruel and manipulative to be in a quad with someone when you know you two are going to be forced to be apart for sweeps - no they dont care that she left the caverns. she still shouldnt be doing that shit its a bad example for other jades smh)
terezis honestly the most divided because her relationships are either her and karkat (potential highblood, terezi might be victim *or* karkat is a lowblood and shes the one with power over him) or her and vriska (no one wants to know whats going on there). although tbh she is a lawyer which means she can get her quads tried and killed for whatever bullshit crime she can come up with if they try to leave :/ never date a cop lawyer folks
vriska. mind control. do i need to say more. every vriska relationship is toxic and awful and she wouldve been cancelled 50 times over if the ringleaders of her callout posts didnt mysteriously 'deactivate'
equius. too strong to date - how can you be in a quad with someone that not only has a shit ton of social power over you, but also could literally tear you apart if he wanted to. also lowkey problematic for making and fighting/kissing (??? its unclear online and no one wants to know) robots :/ like those are clearly stand ins for lowbloods that hes attacking/potentially fetishising and they literally have to do everything he says thats fucked up
gamzee. highblood. automatic oppressor. part of a niche religion - if you try to quad him you either have to convert (cultural (caste?) appropriation) or dont become part of the clurch (rude, disrespecting his beliefs). constant discourse about whether clowns can even consent to a quad because theyre presumably high all the time as part of their religious practices. constant discourse about how assuming clowns are high all the time as part of their religious practices is casteist as fuck.
eridan. somehow one of the least problematic trolls out of the group (which is saying a fucking LOT). only has quads with someone a caste higher than him (although that caste is fuschia. is he the victim here??). pursues lowbloods constantly though which is problematic as fuck (at least he doesnt kill them if they turn him down. the bar is on the fucking floor)
feferi. god forbid a woman do anything. pale with eridan? sure hes only a caste lower than her but also shes the literal fucking heiress - what was he gonna do, say no? he cant even hide in the ocean from her!! shes a seadweller too!! flushed with sollux? holy shit hes like 8 castes lower than her of fucking course he had to say yes! shes probably only dating him so she can helm him later anyway :/ really its problematic as shit for her to even have friendships with trolls of other castes because shes just using them without giving them the benefits of being in a quad (shes the literal heiress of course shes going to get whatever she wants from them) - but also if she stayed distant and didnt talk to anyone then shed be accused of being full of herself and thinking she was better than anyone else and #NotMyHeiress
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ineptlydrawnnep · 4 months
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Day 92
Ship: Nepeta x Davesprite
Ship Song: 'When the Day Met the Night' - Panic! At the Disco
'When the sun found the moon / She was drinking tea in a garden / Under the green umbrella trees / In the middle of summer / When the moon found the sun / He looked like he was barely hanging on / But her eyes saved his life / In the middle of summer'
Everyone loves Davepetasprite! It's only natural to think about what this duo is like when they're separated as well, right? Uuh some randomer thoughts on them:
- I think it's funny to have the furries stick together; that Crow-Dave has dated Doggy-Jade, and then add the cattish Nepeta to his list of romantic partners as well.
- I've grown to really appreciate NepDave, but I can't deny how Davesprite probably needs Nep more. I guess it's really interesting to think about how being with Jade didn't end up doing much else for his depression and self worth issues, but something inherently about fusing with Nepeta clicked so well that he felt 1000 times better instantly. It's made me think about how sprite fusions can be a meta way to show who works as 'soulmates'; what combination can complement and complete eachother for the best. It's great. But also...
- I'm a sucker for Crow Strider AU's way of turning the sprites back into players. I'd love to have that happen to Davesprite as well, and for him and Nep to learn how to live in the new universe together.
Idk. Random thoughts on this one 🧡💚
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dreadedender · 1 year
Drawing My Homestuck Ships Part 2
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Continuing doodling and talking about ships I like, lol.
1. EriNep: My eyes widened when the story mentioned Eridan tried getting into a relationship with Nepeta and we didn't get to see any of it. Since then, my head's been full of the possibilities. I hinted at it in my Meenah's Feferi AU, but I'd like to make an AU where Eridan gets character development by not being isolated from the group as he was, instead, hitching onto the Meowrals' dynamic. Think about it! As Equius has most of his attention on Aradiabot during the early days of the session, Nepeta 'gets stuck' with Eridan and the two gain a strange bond. Nepeta has a pension for picking up and managing pathetic saps (*looks at Equius*) so although he's annoyed her in the past, seeing him post-break up intrigues her cursed shipper heart to try to help him get out of his funk. Any stupidity thrown her way, she's able to bite back perfectly well, and at the threat of her leaving and him being alone, he would always calm down and apologize. Their spats slowly subside the more time they spend together (maybe she even sticks around his horrid world and helps soothe the Angels before the massacre really begins), and come near the end of their SGURB session, Equius is able to rejoin the dynamic again and makes an uneasy peace with his 'mortal enemy'as both are disgruntled highbloods watching their privilege being reduced to nothing. But with his new connection, Eridan doesn't think about leaving anymore. He's still mad, but not nearly as desperate. He's got friends now. And his connection with Nep only grows stronger when Gamzee snaps, Eridan is tasked by Equius to protect Nepeta, and he dies doing so. (May write the scene and more shippy moments in their friendship prior to dying later)
2. JadeTav: I WISH THEY GOT TO MEET. It didn't occur to me at all that Karkat was Jade's patron troll. I really thought it was Tavros! And I had hoped that his confession would bear fruit later on in the story, after they actually got to know each other better through the journey. Tavros really took it like a champ! It made me so proud of him :[ Maybe I should make an AU for it where Tavros lives and IS the troll to help her the most. I just think their friends-to-lovers potential was too strong and wrongfully cut short. They had a wholesome, supportive, and dorky dynamic. (And yeah maybe it would've been cool too to slap back Vriska's taunts about him being pathetic for being 'friendzoned' by having them be official later. They were good for each other, they just needed time.)
3. EquiKat: This stems, like I am realizing most of these ships do, from my desire of the canon interactions to have gone differently. I would have liked to have seen a rougher Equius that posed more of a threat to Karkat's leadership instead of him being all talk and no action. Yeah the bit is funny that he likes being bossed by lowerbloods, but I felt it would have been better to see more of the struggle of him not wanting to let go of his stubborn beliefs (and it'd help give him more reason to 'give in' to Gamzee killing him other than 'haha horni', that he was actually glad something was 'making sense' to him again).
So there'd be constant arguing between the two, Karkat getting especially vicious with the increasing criticism, eve having fun finding new ways to shut the indigo-blood up quicker just by getting closer to him, until enough time passes and he has the very disturbing realization that the headaches he got from having Equius around have been replaced with catharsis and clear-headedness after their arguments. Equius provides an outlet for him to get all his frustrations out, and after their big show of insults, the two are able to calmly talk things over, and Karkat can actually think clearly. He jas very clearly fallen into a pitch relationship with the sweaty horse troll. He's embarrassed, and the others jump at making fun of the situation.
Nepeta is baffled and miffed that he got into Karkat's shipping chart before her.
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susiehunsecker-remade · 5 months
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just sat for 10 minutes looking at this like it HAS to be homestuck like it has 12 for each troll and all but i'm so stuck on who the fuck these are supposed to be. frog breeder and perfector is obviously kanaya / jade / space players in general. fish man is eridan. psychopomp is aradia. transexual priestess is the nep as the disciple(?) and guardian angel of a beach is feferi. cybernetic implant specialist is equius of course. programmer is probably sollux. but i'm still stuck on who whore/oracle/lunatic/alchemist are.
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just-paradox-things · 2 months
4, 12, 15 for the sys ask thing?
4 - Which headmate is the most different from the body?
We've got a lot of wacky guys in here, but the 4th-dimensional being probably takes the cake. Dude looks different every time he shows up, and yet is probably the most consistent in his appearance out of any of us. Love you, Fractal. 🫶
12 - Which headmate was the biggest surprise?
Oh, lord, it depends how you want me to answer this question. If you mean the one I never expected, that's a lot of people in here. The factive of our therapist was definitely weird. If you mean "which headmate did I never expect to get and was, in fact, thrust upon me violently," I'm going with Lacey, considering when she first showed up outside of a dream, she rushed me with a knife.
15 - What headmate has the weirdest (/pos) way of talking/typing?
Take your pick of the British ones as far as talking goes. One time Jade had us stuck with her accent because she can't mask it to save her life. All around, though, probably Hunter-Morrigan or Nepeta. Nep has the cat puns and weirdly-nongeographical Scandanavian accent, but Hunter has combination cat AND bird puns. The both of them have the most noticable typing quirks.
B33 < sphinx of beak quartz judge my meow (Hunter.)
:33c < the quick purrown fox jumps ofur the lazy barkbeast (Nepeta.)
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dyke-stuck · 10 months
im just realizing lately that like 70% of my homestuck hcs are transfem lskgjdlfj. like. june, rose, dave, jade, kanaya, vriska, eridan, equius sometimes, feferi sometimes, porrim, latula, roxy, jake, calliope... vs transmasc headcanons of sollux, karkat, caliborn, dirk, and jane, and transneu headcanons for aradia, karkat, horuss and damara. (nep and terezi hop around at will bc i like all interpretations of them). homestuck in general just has such transfeminine swag to me it's so funny
ur so unbelievably real anon... my hc bias is only a little skewed but thats largely bc i make too many of them multigender so they count in several categories. sigh. but yeah those are such good hcs overall.
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Since Halloween is around 5 days away here's what I think the trolls and humans Halloween costume are
John/June: Definitely something from a nic cage movie or Ghostbusters
Dave: He'd definitely wear a t-shirt that just says spooky
Rose: Either a witch or Gomez Adams(and you will find out why some)
Jade: She'd dress up as a werewolf
Jane: Ron Swanson from parks and recreation
Dirk: Probably something from a anime or rainbow dash
Roxy: You can see her dressing up as Harley Quinn
Jake: Lara croft nuff said
Karkat: He's not dressing he thinks Halloween is stupid
Tav: he's going as ash Ketchum
Sollux: he'd just wear like a graphic T-Shirt that has a TV show on it and says it's his costume
Aradia: she's definitely going as a classic bed sheet ghost
Nep: Either Catwoman or her Lusus
Terezi: she's definitely going as a dragon or Saul Goodman
Kanaya: she's going as Morticia Adams to match with rose
Vriska: either spider man or mindfang
Equius: he'd also would go as rainbow dash (or the troll equivalent)
Gamzee: he'd go as a clown
Eriden: idk what he'd go as tbh
Fef: she'd go as a cutelfish
Kankri: He'd wouldn't dress up and will give you a long ass reason why
Damara: sailor moon
Rufioh: tuxedo mask
Mituna: Definitely mega man
Latula: definitely Tony hawk cus skateboard
Meulin: she'd go in a cat onesie
Aranea: I also don't know what she'd be dressed as
Horuss: he'd dress as a horse
Cronus: he'd just go in his normal clothes but people would think he's just dressed as the main guy from grease
Porrim: Either she's dressed in a sexy bunny suit or lady D from re8
Meenah: either HIC or a fish costume
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lostlovepunk · 1 year
Since u asked (and should know this is coming): ur opinions on nep! (Also jade as a bonus!!)
nep is fantastic she is green and a cat and silly and kind. i wish she'd had more screentime tho, and i was at some point a bit annoyed by her whole shipping thingy (and tbh i don't really get what she liked in equius, but i'll be quiet about that forever and ever)
jade jade jade!! best beta kid in my opinion, she has never done anything wrong in her entire life. also i loooooooove her powers, and how kind she is, and she is green too!
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posssums · 1 year
i hate iternalized transphobia but i totally agree trans masc! dave definetly spends a good chunk of his time wondering if bro turned him into a male subliminally and then bullied him for it to make him "stronger" . whenever he dresses up to pass is just like bro but in his style: white shirt and black sweatpants. then karkat/june come up to him and are like "hey bud. you know you can have fun with gender/clothes right?"and they prove no one will judge them. june dressed masc as possible and didnt shave and everyone still called her "she" or "they". karkat dressed hyperfem and people still used his neoprns and he/they. karkat dressed "cringy" and scene (with help from nepeta) and he got compliments from 2 people (meenah and gamzee) and dave gets it and starts dressing move scene, dying streaks of his hair and typing like nep, roleplaying, stimming freely and rambling about bugs or dead things while cuddling and nibbling on karkat (karkat has a certain chirp for 'to much teeth power'), dave being nonverbal and writing what he wants to say on a whiteboard. dave wearing skirts/stockings and being happy. dave putting his hair in pigtails and loving himself more than he has in a while. he identifes himself (after intense research) as gender queer and using he/its and all neos and learning asl with all the low bloods + rose (kurloz, meulin, kanaya, kankri, nepeta, and equius already know. kanaya + kankri to be nice to nonverbal friends, nep and eq because moirails need to be able to communicate even when there nv) june identifies as trans fem enby and bi curious, dave genderqueer + bi, jade poly, trans fem, les rose poly ace les trans fem genderfluid , kanaya poly pan demi girl (all 3 of them are dating) dirk is gay and trans male, but is also ponygender and uses pony prns like hoof and neigh and whiny and hes a therian of a Pegasus and a burmese moutain dog. jake is trans masc enby and is bi and dirk n jake have cuddle nights with jane because jane doesnt have a partner but wants attention. jane is aroace and agender and uses mirror prns. jane/jake/dirk form a little family, dirk and jake being dads jane being there touch starved child. they all live together.roxy is bi and genderqueer. she says she knows when shes attracted to someone because shell start shifting from her neuetral state to the gender of this person. shes lesbian with girls, gay with guys. all trolls are poly and pan except equius and nep cuz theyre ace and wont be dating anyone else in any quadrant. kanaya is also ace but only towards pailing. she can still be flushed for someone and rose is perfect because theyre ace. vriska and feferi start dating and feferi makes a vriska be childcore lolita like them. vriska apolgizes to tav and becomes his moirail. she little spaces to deal with stress. feferi, nep and equius do pet space and have playdates sometimes. dave, kk, and tav also little space. dirk is dave and kks guardian and dirk sometimes pet/age regresses when he knows dave/kk are gonna be around for a good while.
everyone is happy as they are. the happiest theyve ever been.
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crowtechs · 2 years
1, 2, 9, and 16!! <3
EEEEK THANK UUUU <3 this might be rly long i am so sorry
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
her name is ally valentine !! if you want to be Full Name its allyson ashley ellie valentine :D
i couldnt choose one middle name and i wanted her to have one and ashley is a vvv special name to me and ellie is from a song i rly like :D
her birthday is december 24th ! fun lil fact: i debated whether or not for her date of birth to be valentines day or in october (cuz that is my bday month!) i decided against it and that i rly adore christmas (its a rly special holiday to me and one of my favourite holidays) so it just fits her :D
her height is 4′8, i mentioned this like a while ago, but she was rlyyy tall to start out with and it felt rlyyy out of character and rly odd for her to be like approximately 6′ lol 
other basic information is: she has long blonde hair, pastel pink/blue eyes with heart pupils, has an older brother she adores more than anything ever, and probably some other things i dont ... remember right off the bat
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
becuz im not doing COMPLETE hs canon, even if its in the rightful realm of it ill answer it in my canon instead 
ally comes into the picture when jade begins to talk to her via thru mc and jade then introduces her to john, rose and finally dave. what she actually looks like doesnt come in until very later, but she has a catgirl mc skin while introducing/talking to them
i havent worked on it in a while yikes but its a cute little entrance to introduce her <3
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
uh jade john and dave :D w/ the trolls however it would most likely be ar//adia and nep//eta !! 
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
allys a hopeless romantic, her aesthetic is very lovecore themed! thus the heart pupils as i love shaped pupils so much, she adores love songs and anything to do with it. it makes her rly happy actually !!
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hskinhome · 2 years
yo, midnight crew host back again.
we have a jade, kanaya, and rose looking for sourcemates.
rose and kanaya aren't from the same source.
kanaya remembers her and her rose being married before uh something happened to her rose. she's nearing adulthood. she's vaugely sourced off of hs^2/epilogues, but primarily canon. (kan- she/her)
rose remembers her kanaya being her girlfriend being tall and having scary dog privilages. (rose- she/him)
jade has her own memories so i'll post that for paw right here. (jade- paw/yippee/ruff/she/they/he/small)
⚛️"i was very close with my nep. i was purretty much like her bestie. we were like hissters. i'm pretty sure i was raised by a troll/their lusus and bec. i reached godtier, and i remember being unaffected by the 'trickster virus.'"
If you could reblog or reply with a blog to reach you at, that’d be great!
-Mod Nepeta
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halfhappyhooligan · 2 years
Hi!! For the ask game, (hmestuck characters because I am cringe but I'm free!) Strilondes and Nepeta please? :))
anon idk who u are but i do know what you are /j ty for the ask ily also also long post ahead!
okie starting with roxy bc they mean the world to me <3
Sexuality Headcanon: aroace lesbian!
Gender Headcanon: genderfluid + uses all pronouns!
A ship I have with said character: not too passionate about any, i can't help but enjoy a lovely roxy/aradia :>
A BROTP I have with said character: ROXYGEN MY BELOVED!!!
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont see it as often anymore but the existence of ppl liking a romance between he and jake makes me..hmm...Unhappy !!
A random headcanon: she is a connoisseur of Marina, Paramore, and the Scary Jokes!!!
General Opinion over said character: THE CHARACTER EVER <33 LOVE OF MY LIFE and also i kin them so bad.f......but we dont talk about it<333
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian!
Gender Headcanon: mtf gal + she/they pronouns
A ship I have with said character: rosemary is and always will be my otp for rose and kan <3
A BROTP I have with said character: ROSE AND JADE!!! i know these answers r so basic but theyre so beloved :<
A NOTP I have with said character: anything romantic with a boy!! why!!! i dont understand!
A random headcanon: consistently one of the biggest donors for AO3
General Opinion over said character: dearest more beloved <3 i love her to death
Sexuality Headcanon: gay! and also on the aroace spectrum but he isn't really interested in figuring that out
Gender Headcanon: ftm + he/him
A ship I have with said character: davekat. literally whatever quadrant. any way u put it. davekat.
A BROTP I have with said character: dave and sollux + aradia !!! underrated tbh!!!
A NOTP I have with said character: honestly none, i like to think everyone overall gets along with him/has a good impression of him. of course, not including the obvious bro shit
A random headcanon: okay this is a bit anecdotal, but i once pondered neo pronouns for dave specifically.....swagself and for a good yr i rly enjoyed using that for him, and i forgot why i stopped i just remember suddenly Not Doing That anymore, so i internalized this as Dave Used Swagself Neopronouns for a year or two then decided they just werent for him for whatever reason
General Opinion over said character: THE SILLY!! i love him sm<333
Sexuality Headcanon: gay gay homosexual gay
Gender Headcanon: ftm + any pronouns with a preference to he/she
A ship I have with said character: dirkuu, started enjoying it for the funnies but then accidentally started genuinely enjoying their dynamic (lmfao)
A BROTP I have with said character: dirk and dave .....LISTEN i know its taking "brotp" literally but i love their friendship and how they know n care for each other :')
A NOTP I have with said character:
A random headcanon:
General Opinion over said character:
Sexuality Headcanon: bi
Gender Headcanon: cis + she/her and kittyself neos
A ship I have with said character: nep being pale with equius can mean so much to a gal.. :')
A BROTP I have with said character: nep and roxy r besties in my heart!
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont understand the appeal of nep and karkat! romantically ofc, platonically they are my beloveds
A random headcanon: she makes hella kandi and her friends support her craft sm <3
General Opinion over said character: i love her lots! (her sprites are also so dear to me)
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
character opinion nepeta
basically your average nep opinions probably. but theyre average for a reason (bc theyre right!)
nep was my fav hs character, she still is :3 we have a nepeta vantas fictive too! + fefadeta (feferi/nepeta/jade sprite)
she has such a cool design with the indigo and stuff. plus she does the :33 thing and rps so she's automatically super cool. my ipads autocorrect said "she's autistic" at first which is also right. she is so soooo autism <3 <3 also she is a catgirl which is simply awesome!! she has all the best things and more. perfect character :3
overall i love her soooooo so much she deserves the whole world!! she got done so dirty in hs she deserves better <3 she is also so autism. so so autism. i am autism beaming her so bad!!
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candyvoncaramell · 4 years
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i googled femslash tropes n like the FIRST result was band so i immediately drew nepeta and jade if they were in a punk band
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void-soda · 3 years
consider: NepJadeRox ;33
Ya know, I dunno why. But like, I thought about "AU where Roxy takes care of/owns 3 animal girls (Jade, Nep, Meu)" and its just a fluff harem for pets and affection from Roxy. And it's just stressful for the girl but like she adores the girls too much and when they all cuddle around her around bedtime after a long day, her stress and worries melt away
And it starts simple by Roxy fostering Nep and Meu as sisters thinking she wouldn't keep em long before adopting like most people I've heard do. And then picking up Jade as a stray on the street and eventually keeping her despite the catgirls arguments.
So basically petstuck, but the ratio between animal and human(/troll) is up for debate
Also, Rose is probably there as a twin, but like, doesn't live there. Just promises to petsit if she's working late or has to go out of town real quick.
And also...
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