#and just sitting in that room surrounded. entirely by guys. who all talked like this
amyelevenn · 1 day
PAIRING; Max Verstappen x reader
SUMMARY; you struggled to cope with the cold, but Max made it all the more easier.
WARNINGS; slight angst, fluff ish
A/N; pls I haven't written in so long, forgive me if this is terrible! also my first time writing for Max! ahhh how scary!! let me know thoughts & feelings pls pls pls
1.4k words masterlist
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The winter was always harsh on you.
You, being the summer baby that you were, never felt fully equipped to handle the cold – even if you were wearing multiple layers, snuggled under a blanket or sitting by a fire. No matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, the frost always found its way to nip at your fingers, reddening your nose and the tips of your ears.
But something about winters with Max made that all go away. He had this innate ability to produce heat at an alarming rate that made you want to cling to him and not let go until it was sunny outside again, or at minimum you could produce enough warmth to sustain yourself.
In fact, it was the entire reason you met that first fateful night.
It was the dead middle of winter, and midnight was fast approaching. You were perched on an uncomfortable chair at the end of a bar that you just kept sliding off of, feeling so down about your life in that moment. The shots and the heat emitting off of the surrounding strangers were the only thing keeping you from descending into a frozen oblivion. Despite spending the entire time in regret of not bringing a jumper on the coldest night of the year, you couldn’t bring yourself to pay the temperature too much mind.
No, how could you waste your precious energy on that, when your friends, the very ones who promised to spend the night with you, that this was a well needed girls’ night all about friendship, were off on the dance floor, boogeying with the men who had asked them for their hands?
When they first approached, you knew what would happen before any words were exchanged. None of them had asked you of course. You wondered why; were you not pretty enough? Was your dress not flattering enough? Did you look as if you didn’t want to be there? What was it about you that some random guys didn’t want to be alone with you? Your friends tried to reason with you, that there were more of you guys then there were of them, but you didn’t really want to hear it.
So here you were, alone in a room full of people, practically sober on a night wasted with friends you weren’t even sure liked you.
You checked your phone for any important notifications, but you weren’t even sure why – you didn’t speak to anyone, and if you did, why would they be messaging you at 11:42 on a random Wednesday night? Even with knowing there would be nothing there, you were disappointed at the absence of conversation.
You wanted to blame your work, that is wasn’t your fault you had to work so many hours just to be able to afford to live. Blame them for constantly taking all your time, forcing you to drift away from any close friend or family that you had. Apart from your parents, but you thought that that would be all the more depressing, talking to your mother and no one else in your life.
The bright, dazzling smiles and enriching laughter of your friends was enough to push you over the edge, feeling nauseated with how much you wanted, no, needed to get out of that bar before you did anything stupid.
You didn’t bother calling an uber, knowing that you’d probably not be able to afford it anyway. So, you walked. Walked the route you knew would lead back to your apartment, one that you were barely holding onto. Back to the apartment, you thought, knowing that there was nothing for you there. Hell, there was nothing for you here; frankly, the only thing that was keeping you here in Monaco, was your job.
Any warmth you had was slowly slipping down the nearby drains, the cold seeping deep into your skin. You could feel it in your bones, and you knew that it was a chill that you could never escape. You hated every step you took; feet aching, jaw chattering, nose sniffling, but you had to do it. You had to make it home, where the somewhat warmth of your bed would be waiting for you.
Trying to get inside before your fingers fell off from frostbite, you fumbled with the keys sitting in your pocket, trying to get yourself inside as quick as physically possible. The ding of the elevator was a blessing and a curse to your ears, but you knew that it was one step closer to your apartment. Scurrying into the elevator, you hastily push your floor number despite every muscle in your body protesting. You don’t’ bother resisting when your legs give way, sliding your back down the wall until you’re sitting (albeit, quite uncomfortably) on the floor.
You hear someone call out, but you don’t catch their words. You are waaaay to tired, fatigue beginning to set into your mind. They call out again, and the elevator doors slowly start to slide shut. A hand slips in before they close completely, and a man, a quite frazzled looking man, pries his way in next to you.
You give him a slight smile in greeting, hoping he doesn’t notice your embarrassment at not keeping the door open for him. The elevator begins to move, the awkward tension feeling awfully suffocating.
“Not to pry or anything, but are you alright?”
Despite being the only other person in the lift, it took a second to register that he was talking to you. Looking up at him from your position on the floor, you try to muster an answer, but nothing comes out – at least, no identifiable words.
“Do you want a tissue, or something? A hand up?”
Having been so focused on how freaking freezing you were, you hadn’t even noticed you were crying. Wiping your cheeks roughly with your hands, you’re finally able to string some words together. “M’fine, thanks though.”
Just as he goes to answer, the elevator dings. This was your stop, and yet you made no move to get up.
“This is your floor, no?” he asks, curiously watching you put together your surroundings.
You nod apprehensively, his words making you question if it was really your floor. No, the red door at the end of the corridor belonged to your neighbour, so it had to have been.
Holding the door open for you, he asks, “can I at least walk you back to your apartment, so I know you’ll get home safe?”
“Only if you carry me,” you half attempt at a joke.
Missing the sarcasm, he agrees, extending a hand to you.
The warmth of his finger’s spreads to yours, grasping onto him as you take him up on his offer muttering some nonsense about ‘just kidding around with him.’
He smirks a little, but you don’t seem to notice. You can’t help but relax in his firm hold, gripping onto his arm for dear life as he guides you outside of the elevator. Is closes quietly behind you, travelling off to another resident’s calling.
“I’m 4F,” you say exhaust really beginning to pull at your consciousness.
“Hi 4F, I’m Max,” he joked, making you deadpan. Giving him your actual name in exchange, you continue dragging your feet until you are standing outside your apartment.
He lets go of you, and it’s only then do you realise how much you were clinging onto any inkling of warmth he was giving you. That, despite you having had multiple drinks and on the brink of a breakdown, was the first time you got to experience his comfort.
Keys jingling in your door, you reassure him you’ll be fine to clean yourself up. Warily, he bids you a hearty goodbye and disappears off to the elevator, making his way back to his own place.
The next morning you don’t remember much, only that a kind man helped you home in a time of need; not his name, only his face.
You are lucky enough to catch him on the elevator a couple days later, properly introducing yourself this time and wishing to thank him by buying him dinner or a drink sometime. After some good natured banter, he agrees to what would become your first date of many over the years.
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oflgtfol · 2 years
ive talked about this before but god i understand why physics is a male dominated field now. I understand. i havent even faced anything horrifically bad like other universities have (the horror stories … the rampant sexual harassment and assault ….. by god) but just the general culture is so fucking antagonistic. every single conversation is like a competition to see who’s smarter it’s so nerve wracking and deeply fucking annoying. sorry i just keep thinking back to a week or so ago when i was showing off my shitty jupiter pics in a mocking way, like i was purposefully saying “look at how bad my jupiter pic is, lol, lmao, isnt it so bad that its funny, lol” and then i showed it to this one guy and he was like genuinely critiquing it and it just ruined the mood. like dude. im even making fun of myself for you already why do you have to rub it in even more. he was like “whats with those colors” i was like well thats chromatic aberration and he even said “that doesnt look like chromatic aberration” like pray tell what the fuck else is it then! why are you trying to sound smarter than me in a conversation when im already fucking making fun of myself. Lord almighty
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dear-bunnyboo · 8 months
can I request a Joe x Model!reader where they are secretly dating and she will be walking at the VS Fashion show and since they are a secret, Joe is watching the show live at home with his friends and they are teasing him 💕
it would be such a cute idea!!
more Joey B one shot request for you cuties!! (this is mainly Joe's pov!) you can also continue sending me request if you guys want to, my request box is always open 🤍
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Joe Burrow x Model!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Your secret boyfriend watches you as you walk the biggest runway of your life.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff, cursing, teasing, tension?, nerves, secret relationship
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 || 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Joe's leg was bouncing up and down, seemingly his leg had a mind of its own— Joe looked fine on the outside, his calm and stoic demeanor was a normal look on him. However, to people who actually knew him in a personal level would know how nervous the quarterback was— plus his leg bouncing up and down kinda gives it away.
It was a crisp evening, and Joe was at home with his closest friends; Ja'Maar, Tee, Tyler, and Sam who were all surrounding him on the couch as they loudly conversed among themselves. As Joe sits with his closest friends in the dimly lit living room, He can hardly contain his excitement— Joe invited his closest friends over for the night not just to hang out and as much as he enjoyed their hang outs this was something entirely different. They were all gathered to support you who they have grown close to from dating Joe.
The moment Joe's been eagerly waiting for is about to unfold— the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, a glittering spectacle, is the platform for you, Joe's secret girlfriend, the woman who has captured his heart. Joe can feel the nerves dancing in his stomach as he anticipated the start of the iconic runway.
The quarterback does not have a lot of knowledge when it comes to runway or modeling but after meeting you, he had learned the different terms and technicalities— he has also learned how important walking this runway is for a model's career. This was not your first time walking the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show but it was the first time you'll be walking with Joe watching, now as your boyfriend.
You and Joe have been dating for almost a year now— a year you two managed to keep your relationship under wraps from the public eye. Joe being the star quarterback of the Bengals and you being one of the most coveted supermodels in that field— people are expected to talk. So when you two finally made it official, you decided that it was better for the meantime to keep your relationship just between the two of you— well, except for a few exceptions; that being both your families and closest friends.
The same friends who are staring at the TV in front of them while they teasingly nudged Joe, as the TV projected a glittery pink display;
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓪’𝓼 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽 𝓕𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝔀
Written on the screen as a countdown started playing below it, showcasing that there was only three minutes until the shows begins.
Despite his nerves, Joe couldn't help but let out a grin form his face as they continued tease him. As the countdown reaches sixty seconds, his friends took it upon themselves to start counting down— they were now on their feet, counting down the numbers on the top of their lungs as if it was New Years while they teasingly circled around Joe like a bunch of idiots as he would put it in his head.
"3! 2!.. 1!"
A hush fell within them as the once pink glittery display disappeared, moving onto the iconic opening introduction that showcased the glittery runway where a bunch of people were surrounding; from actors, actresses, and the likes.
Joe couldn't help but feel envious of them— he wanted to be there physically with you and watch but his circumstances hinders him from doing so... next year, he swears silently to himself in his head.
As they all finally settled in back on the couch in front of the TV, Joe couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride, anxiety, and a strange blend of vulnerability. His friends were his confidants, the ones who'd been with him since the start of this incredible journey in the NFL. But now, they were all here with him supporting his girl.
A loud bang of music started playing, Bruno Mars walked out greeting the audience as his song 24K Magic started playing— this instantly made his friends jump up to their feet as they bopped and danced to the beat. As the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show began and the first models graced the runway, Joe watched with bated breath. The anticipation was palpable, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. His girlfriend, the woman he cherished above all, was among the models preparing to walk. Joe knew she was out there, and the pride he felt was overwhelming.
Joe, however, tried to remain composed on his seat, silently sipping on his drink on hand as he bopped his head up and down to the beat, the models started walking out one by one— walking to the beat as Ja'Maar started praising each and every one of them.
"God Damn!" he playfully melted on the spot as he grabbed his chest earning a chorus of laughs from them including Joe who shook his head at his friends shenanigans.
The show continued, and the atmosphere in the room was charged with anticipation— they were all waiting for you to come out. The models sashayed down the runway, and with each passing moment, the teasing from his friends intensified. They now started to chant your name inches from his face as Joe let them, his eyes solely on the screen waiting for you to walk out.
And once you did— pandemonium.
As you stepped out, a shimmering vision of grace and beauty, Joe couldn't help but gasp. You were breathtaking, you walked out wearing a red lingerie partnered with huge red wings that you wore with pride. You were radiant and confident, walked out sparkling under the runway lights. You were breathtaking, an ethereal presence, and his friends gasped in awe. The angel wings adorning you like a celestial being. Your radiant smile and confident stride captivated everyone, just as they had captivated Joe from the very beginning.
"Joey B!" Sam cheered while nudging him with his shoulders.
“Damn, Joe!” Tee hollered to himself,l not long before winking at the quarterback.
Joe remained aghast as he gawked at your figure strutting down the runway with a flirty look on your face— enjoying your time on camera. You were amazing, a natural at what you do. You had the most beautiful smile on your face that made Joe feel like melting on the spot— the quarterback was so focused on you that his friends teasing remarks sounded like white noise to him. All his senses were solely focused on you and only you— he was immensely proud of his girl.
A mixture of pride and awe washed over him as you glided down the runway. Your elegance and poise were unmatched, and you held the audience, and him, in the palm of your hand. It was a moment of profound beauty, watching the woman he loved shine on a iconic stage.
Joe's heart swelled with affection, and for a brief moment, the world disappeared. It was just him and you, connected through a screen, and he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and admiration. Joe applauded and cheered along with the audience and his friends as your walk concluded, Joe celebrated with pride and joy. You were extraordinary, and he was grateful to share in this moment of your incredible success.
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dividers: @cafekitsune
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @jackkyhughes @h0e4fictionalme-n @queenmendes @rd14 @scoobydoopoo @estapa94 @karmasabitchybitch @literaturelustrr @toterry @fangirl-madz @atticusismybae @stargaryenx @haydee5010 @porter113 @ryiamarie @starrgir1 @flwries @slafgoalskybaby @unsaidjaelinrose @in-my-body-bag @cixrosie @siutforjjmaybank @youn-jo @nobystanderz @bb-swift @buckystwilight @kidrauhlakaperf @kkrenae @catswag22 @hustler-sinner @asparklysoul @kaydesssssssss @97bngchn @dunningz @whiteleoqueen @austinswhitewolf @wickedfun9
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: ̗̀➛ requests are always open ♡
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moodyvoid · 6 months
The League of Villains get interrogated.
Cop: “So, you’re the leader of this operation, huh? Tell me about your crimes.”
Tomura: “You first, pig.”
Cop, hasn’t even spoken yet—
Twice: “OKAY. I confess! I’ll tell you everything. In kindergarten I stole my classmates erasers. They were shaped like fruit and I just wanted to see how they tasted—“
Cop: “I wanna know about the arson.”
Dabi: “Which one?”
Cop: “The one that happened on Tuesday.”
Dabi: “Oh, that one… Was that the gas station around like 8pm?“
Cop: “Yes. That one.”
Dabi: “Wasn’t me.”
Cop: “The fire was blue—“
Dabi, lighting a cigarette with a blue flame: “Could have been anyone.”
Cop: “You’re on the security footage igniting the flames!”
Video of Dabi starting the fire then flipping off the security camera plays.
Dabi: “Not sure who that handsome bastard is, but all this useless talking isn’t going to unburn that building.”
Twice: “In middle school, I snuck into an R-rated movie, but I got the wrong room and had to sit through an entire documentary about the origins of yodeling—“
Cop, absolutely bewildered.
Cop: “Tell me about the crimes.”
Toga: “The only crimes here are your tacky uniform, your lopsided mustache, and my wasted Saturday night.”
Cop, lightly touching his mustache: “Lopsided?”
Twice, now crying: “—and then, I offered to walk this old man’s dog for some extra cash. The dog got off the leash. I chased him for four blocks, but he was too fast. I switched the dog out for an identical one and took the money. The old man never noticed. I still think about that dog every day. I’m so sorry, Porkchop—”
Cop, now surrounded by several other cops all bewildered at Twice’s stories.
Cop: “Confess your—“
Mr. Compress, holding out a deck of cards: “Pick a card!”
Cop, picking a card: “Uhh… okay.”
Mr. Compress: “Memorize it and return it to the deck.”
Cop, slipping the card back into the deck.
Mr. Compress: “Now close your eyes and focus on your card.”
Cop, closing his eyes.
Mr. Compress: “Open your eyes!”
Cop, opening his eyes to see Mr. Compress holding a gun, his gun missing from its holster: “What the fu—“
Mr. Compress, holding up a card: “Is this your card?”
Cop, smiling: “Oh shit, it is!”
Twice: “I went to the self checkout aisle at the grocery store. I had a bag full of bell peppers and one jalapeño. I rang up the bell peppers, but I didn’t ring up the jalapeño. I felt so bad, I broke into the store to put it back—“
The entire station is sitting around listening like a children’s story time.
Cop: “Get to talking.”
Spinner: “…”
Cop: “We can do this all night, kid. I suggest saying something.”
Spinner: “Wanna know what my favorite video game is?”
The cop looks away for one second, looking back to see Spinner gone. There’s an open vent on the ceiling.
A second cop enters the room: “Hey, so that Spinner guy punched-out the sheriff, stole his squad car, and yelled Grand Theft Auto?”
Twice: “—and that’s everything. I feel a lot better…What were we here to talk about again?”
All the cops asleep.
Twice, standing up and tip-toeing out of the room.
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topguncortez · 3 months
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Slap Shot || Prologue
a Jake Seresin AU
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synopsis: the first night out in a long time, and it just so happens to be one of the biggest weekends in the Hockey season. A certain blonde hair cowboy makes his charm on you.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of grief, alcohol consumption, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mentions of "locker room talk", puck bunnies, mentions of cheating, PDA, making out, allusions of sex.
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This wasn’t like you. 
You weren’t the type who went out wearing one of the shortest and tightest black dresses you own, killer heels on your feet, your hair curled in big blown out-waves, makeup done and a bright bold red on your lips. You weren’t the type to sit at the bar, twirling the straw around in your drink and flirting with guys whose names you didn’t bother to ask for or learn. And you definitely weren’t the type to actively look for and plan to go home with one of those guys. 
But tonight was different. 
Maybe it was because for the first time in a long time, you felt the weight of the world had been finally lifted off your shoulders. Grief was such a weird thing. You knew that long ago, but it had been a while since you were met with the process. The first time you went through the grieving process, it had come on so suddenly, you weren’t sure how to handle it. This time, you had years to prepare for it. Once you hit that final phase of acceptance, you felt like you could breathe again. And you had a new outlook on your life and you were ready to take charge of it. 
Or maybe it was because the bar was crawling with hockey players. 
It was All-Star weekend, and the best of the best NHL players were in town to show off their skills. The bar you were currently sitting in was crawling with them. Some were trying to enjoy probably their first night off in weeks, others looking for a puck bunny (or two) to take back with them, and some fell in the middle. 
You sighed as you looked down at your drink, swirling around the melting ice with your straw. The confidence you had felt earlier when you first put on this dress was starting to fade, and the insecurities started creeping in. You weren’t entirely sure what you thought was going to happen when you strolled into this bar. You could count on one hand all the one-stands you have had in your entire life (the answer was one and that one ended up becoming a long term boyfriend). Also, you had a thing about not hooking up with hockey players. You had been surrounded by them your whole life. There was something about hearing the locker room talk the day after a win that made you want to stay as far away from hooking up with one as humanly possible. Even if a hockey player was the last man on the planet, you would weigh the pros and cons of reproduction or killing off the human race. 
“Hey,” You waved down the bartender, “Can I get my-” 
“Jack and Coke, sweetheart,” A husky voice said, as a large, warm body saddled up next to you, “And whatever the lady is having,” He nodded his head towards you. 
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked up at the man next to you. You were met with the sight of perfect tan skin as if it had been kissed by the sun god himself, sandy blonde hair and the brightest smile you had ever seen. His green eyes peered down at you, a smirk on his lips. 
“You looked like you were going to leave,” He said, his voice with a slight southern twang to it, “And I couldn’t let you leave without introducing myself.” 
You raised a brow in suspicion.
“Jake,” He held his hand out to you. You looked at it skeptically, and then back up at him, his smile never wavering, “Oh c’mon sweetheart, I promise I don’t got any diseases. It’s just a hand shake, not a marriage proposal.” 
“Sonny,” You said before you even had a chance to stop yourself. It was the nickname your father had given you, and the name he almost always introduced you as. 
“Sonny, huh? Short for Sunshine?” 
I wish, you thought, “Yeah, I guess.” 
The bartender set down two drinks in front of you, the jack and coke for Jake, and another vodka soda for you. Jake lifted his drink, cheersing against yours before taking a sip. He leaned his back against his bar, canvasing the tightly packed area. Your eyes wandered over his body. He was clad in a burnt orange suit, with a lighter orange shirt underneath, a vast difference from the black and navy blue fitted suits filling the bar. It fit him in all the right places, the top buttons undone showing his collarbone and a gold chain around his neck. You watched as his throat bobbed as he took a sip of his drink, and thoughts of you running your tongue down the vein in his neck filled your mind, a warmth spreading in your lower belly. 
“I can feel you staring,” Jake said, turning his head to meet your gaze. 
Normally, you’d turn away and blush like a schoolgirl. You weren’t inexperienced with guys by any means, but you didn’t have the confidence. The fear of rejection was buried deep into you, that most of them you stayed away from guys like this. But blame it on the alcohol, you gave him a smirk, lifting the straw to your red painted lips. 
“A girl can’t admire what she likes?” You shrug, batting your eyelashes. 
A flash of darkness moved through his eyes, before the playful grin arose on his cheeks, “Yeah?” He leaned in closer to you. The scent of his cologne fills your nose, goosebumps arising on your skin from the warmth filtering off his body. Who knew that you could get turned on by a man smelling good? “What else does the girl like?” 
You bit your lip, leaning into him, so your chest was almost touching his. You didn’t miss the quick shift of his eyes downward at your chest and then back to your eyes. 
The smirk never left his lips as he turned back towards the bar, ordering two shots of tequila with limes. You took another sip of your drink, setting it down on the bar as the bartender delivered the shots. Jake gently took your hand in his, his green eyes locked on yours as he licked a stripe on your skin, before sprinkling a line of salt. The move shouldn’t have turned you on that much, but alas here you were, wondering what it would be like to feel his tongue on other places of your body. 
As if he could tell what you were thinking, Jake shot you a wink before handing you one of the shot glasses. He held his glass up slightly, as he gave a small toast. 
“To bad decisions. Can’t come in her, come on her.” Jake’s eyes never left your as you both licked the lines of salt on the back of your hands. You watched as he clenched his jaw from the burn of the clear liquid down his throat. You set the shot glass down on the bar, now feeling the warmth of the alcohol spread through your veins. 
“More?” You asked, a look in your eye that told Jake you weren’t ready for the night to end yet. 
“Fuck it.” 
The two of you put down a couple of more shots, before Jake was dragging you back to a booth he and his friends had claimed on the other side of the bar. You weren’t sure what it was about Jake, but you felt like you knew him. Maybe it was his easy going smile or how easily a conversation flowed between the two of you. Jake had sat you down next to him in one of the booths, but at some point in time, you had slid into his lap, his hand resting comfortably on your thigh, like it belonged there. Your drinks had long been discarded and the ice melted. 
“So, what are you in town for?” Jake asked, his lips right next to your ear as he tried to speak over the loud sound of the bass. 
“Work stuff,” You shrugged. You would rather not get into the details of what was going to be your most stressful weekend of the whole entire season, “What about you? You live here or…?” 
“Nah,” Jake chuckled, “Born and raised, but don’t live here. Also visiting for work.” 
Right on cue, one of Jake’s friends set down another tray of shots, everyone around the booth grabbing one. Jake kept his arm around you as he reached to grab one. He raised it up, toasting with the rest of his friends, before turning to look at you. 
Your breath caught in your throat as you watched him take the shot, holding the alcohol in his mouth. You didn’t need to be told as his hand gripped your face, and brought your jaw towards him, opening your own mouth. You knew it was obscene as Jake spit the alcohol, which was again tequila into your mouth, but you didn’t care. You had barely swallowed the liquid, when you crashed your lips to his. 
Jake’s grip on your hips tightened, and you felt the swelling of his cock against your ass. His hand tangled in your hair, pulling you impossibly closer to him. His tongue entered your mouth, tasting of the lime and tequila he had taken earlier. His warmth enveloped you, as you rubbed your thighs together trying to get some friction to relieve the aching heat between your legs. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling gently on the blonde locks, making a groan fall from his lips. Jake’s lips trailed from yours, leaving a path of sloppy, wet kisses on your skin, sucking with just enough pressure to make a moan tumble from your lips.
“What do you say, sweetheart,” Jake whispered against your skin, the feeling making you shiver in his arms, “Want to get out of here?” 
You turned to face him. His green eyes were blown wide with lust, his hair tousled from you running your hands through it, his lips slightly swollen and pouty as he looked at you. 
Throwing all caution to the wind, you placed another heated kiss on his lips before pulling away. 
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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taglist: @dempy @marchingicenotes7 @abaker74 @aworldwideapart @atarmychick007 @hookslove1592 @whatislovevavy @lynnevanss @djs8891 @jessicab1991 @senawashere @bethbunnyy @bradshawbaby @coconut152 @jazminlahey20 @averyhotchner @misconceptionmistress @drxgxnslxyer @atinytinaa @hangmansgbaby @buckysteveloki-me @himbos-on-ice @krispybearbouquet @fandom-princess-forevermore @seitmai @ateliersss
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hiraeth-sonder · 2 months
Maladroit Admirer - Rongguo
Danheng x Reader - University AU
Becoming entranced with the most plain looking guy in your tutorial classes leads to a series of very bad, not good fumbles
//So so so so enamoured with the idea of just NPC looking Danheng, short little thingy that I had to get out. Poem is  寄人 by 张泌.
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别梦依依到谢家, 小廊回合曲阑斜。
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You don’t think there’s a difference between a crush and love at this point because being in university and adamantly staring at what might be the most boring looking man in this entire sea of people certainly can’t just be a momentary attraction. Short dark hair, dark eyes, decent fashion style and in a business unit, he wasn’t anything special, and yet you just couldn’t, for the life of you couldn’t, take your damned eyes off him. 
It was ridiculous, you’ve never even spoken to him, looked at him in the eyes even, but here your heart was, pounding against your ribs begging for more. Every time you walk into that horrifically cold room, freezing your shoulders off because if you brought a jacket you’d be sweating from the journey, you see him already there at some table you won’t sit at because you’re afraid of him. Because you’re a nervous wreck and you know that if you had to talk to him during discussion, all you’d do is hum and agree and have no opinion on your own. Which, you’d like to keep some part of your dignity still, so no thank you. 
There has been no man, woman even, that has rendered you so stupid. It must be some kind of witchcraft, there was no other explanation for the grip this man had on you. 
You try your best, your absolute best, to focus on the question ahead of you, not like it was actually hard. However, seeing as you were in a small table of three, had an ethics question and you were hyper-aware of every action you made because of that damned man, you certainly weren’t at your peak performance today. 
With your table’s assigned question out of the way, the two of them went on to discuss the rest, or rather you and the person next to you since you two were the only ones who attempted the exercise. The discussion didn’t go bad, merely boring and strained seeing as you’ve never actually talked to anyone in this class, so when the exact same person asked to see your graphs. You, of course, took that as a very bad chance to make a joke. 
“Just to warn you, I bullshitted my graphs, so if they’re wrong don’t blame me,” You joked, raising your hands in mock-guile.
Somehow, some-god-forsaken-how, despite being in a room speaking at a normal conversational level surrounded by other people talking, everyone heard you. And everyone is staring at you. Great, absolutely great. Ducking your head, you pretend to type something else on your computer. You can only pray that you never see anyone in this class ever again, or have to talk to them (which wasn’t going to happen but you could pretend).
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice his eyes glancing between you and the rest of his table, a kind of vacant stare if you will. Your ears grow hot at this revelation, he must think you’re a total idiot, or a buffoon, whichever one because you might as well be all the ways you could refer to someone as stupid. How you longed to return to the cold dark earth, maybe you wouldn’t say things that made you sound like some brainless highschooler. 
By the time the tutorial ends, you’ve already debated ending it all at least three times. With your computer and singular pencil packed up, you absentmindedly head towards the exit, weaving through strewn chairs and the awkwardly placed tables. It is then you notice a familiar someone’s form standing at the door. 
Your eyes slowly shift up and who else could it be but the very man who rendered your brain mush, holding the door open and gesturing for you to go. 
You barely meet his eyes, bowing your head and quickly scurrying off, at least not before blurting out a quick “Thank you.”
With the speed of a falcon, your footsteps scamper off, hefting your heavy tote bag you now wonder why you brought. Tucking your earphones in, you try your best at nonchalance and it works, for about six steps until the tip of your shoe catches against some crack in the path and you have to walk off the even more public embarrassment. 
In the distance, he watches you trip on your own feet and your shoe almost gets stuck on the carpeted pathway. An amused breath escapes him and he wonders what exactly about you is so endearing to him. Danheng swears he has never met someone as oddly appealing even with your little fumbles, and by now he’s given up trying to figure it out. 
He’ll find some way to approach you later, when his palms aren’t trying to sweat the skin off of them and his head isn’t going at a thousand thoughts per second. He only hopes you didn’t notice his continuous staring, or the fact that his hand slipped and missed the first time he tried to grab the door handle.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
My Girl
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A Love story. Read the rest here.
Namjoon's always careful about his words, but he mis-speaks, and he doesn't want to take it back.
Pairing: Namjoon x F! reader
Word count: 3.8k
Genre: Exes, college flashback
Warnings: Sex, swearing
Namjoon sometimes wonders if something happened to arrest his emotional development.
People are supposed to grow aren’t they? Aren’t they supposed to evolve? They learn from their mistakes and they learn from living their day to day.
Everytime Namjoon sees you he feels like he’s 19 again, the same cocky shit who didn’t see anything wrong with asking you to sit on his dick two hours after you met.
He didn’t need to know your last name to know you’d feel good on the end of his cock.
He’d been humbled by how badly he’d wanted to make you come. Once he’d discovered the sweetness of your pretty face as you fell apart, he’d vowed to keep making you fall apart, again and again.
And you were always so so easy to please. You seemed always glad to see him, whatever time he turned up at your door.
You never really asked for anything, not to meet up on Valentine’s day, not to hang out on a weekend when he had plans, not for flowers or anything on your birthday.
The only reason he’d learned when your birthday was, was that he’d seen you with your friends, a whole big group, out one night. You’d been surrounded by love, smiling faces and Namjoon had realised then that you had love to spare. He guesses that’s why you had so much to give him.
Namjoon had dropped by a house party with his housemates, Yoongi and Hoseok, and he hadn’t been looking for anything other than a good time when you’d caught his eye.
You were standing backed up against a wall, talking earnestly to some guy in a shirt, and from across the room Namjoon could see the way the guy kept using his vantage point to look down your top.
The entire scene rubbed him the wrong way. You were way too pretty to be visually molested by some clown who didn’t even deserve to be talking to you.
He was halfway across the room before his rational brain caught up to his monkey brain but Namjoon shut that all out and kept walking.
He walked right up to you, cocked his head.
‘Hey, you look pretty.’
You’d smiled at that, turned to introduce the clown to Namjoon like you were all at some fucking tea party, and Namjoon had rolled his eyes, impatient.
‘Come on, let me get you a drink.’
You’d hesitated, and the shirt guy had tried to press closer to you.
‘She’s got a drink,’ he’d said.
Namjoon had just waited.
You’d said, ‘See you later, Marcus,’ and followed Namjoon round the back.
‘He’s not a bad guy,’ you’d said to Namjoon, after he’d got you that drink.
‘He spent the whole time checking out your tits,’ Namjoon had said, incredulous.
You’d laughed. ‘Don’t you do that too?’
‘I’m allowed. You’re my girl.’
You’d both froze.
There was an edge of something to your voice as you’d scoffed. ‘Am I?’
Namjoon had been appalled by his lapse.
‘One of them,’ he’d amended.
You’d said, not looking at him, ‘Yeah.’
He’d left the party with another girl that night just to prove a point. 
He didn’t need you.
There was one night when you’d seemed more subdued than usual.
You always were more cynical than chirpy but you’d been pretty quiet as you watched the movie together. He’d watched you checking your phone for a while before he’d asked, voice cold, ‘You waiting for your other fuckbuddy to text you?’
You’d turned to him, mouth slightly open in surprise. 
He’d watched as you processed his words, his tone, the look in his eyes.
He’d wondered if you knew how expressive your face was.
You’d said, ‘No. I’m just waiting for —-‘
He’d cut you off. 
‘So you want to get on my dick or not?’
You’d seemed to be lost for words, so he’d said, more aggressive then he’d intended, ‘Come on, you didn’t wear that dress because you didn’t want to get fucked, right?’
Your mouth had snapped shut, your eyes had flashed, and you’d said, ‘Shut up, Namjoon.’
You’d climbed into his lap, and he’d fucked you hard, until you’d been reduced to a whimpering mess in his arms.
He’d felt a pang of guilt as he’d seen the handprints he’d left on your ass cheeks, but you’d said nothing, getting your clothes on like you were leaving, after.
Namjoon had watched you, realised you hadn’t really answered his question.
‘Going?’ he’d asked.
You’d said, quietly, ‘Yeah, I gotta go.’
There was something about your manner that rankled, like you were so detached he barely registered to you.
Namjoon had yawned deliberately, drawled, ‘You can get back home ok on your own, can’t you?’
You’d both looked at the clock on the wall. 
‘Yeah,’ you’d replied. 
You’d left without a backwards glance for your dorm across campus, and if Namjoon felt relief when he saw you safe and sound the next day in class he felt no need to acknowledge it, even to himself.
The first week you were late to class he’d been a little surprised. You were, as a rule, punctual, always sat near the front like you didn’t want to miss anything.
He’d headed in your direction casually, to talk to you, but you were too quick, rushing out like you had somewhere important to be.
The second week you were late the professor had made a pointed remark about the start time and Namjoon had been close enough to see the way your expression dropped. You looked tired, and he was no stranger to tiring you out but you’d never looked so wiped out before.
The third week you arrived on time but towards the end of class Namjoon had realised you were asleep, slumped forward, head on your desk.
He’d seen the professor’s gaze on you, seen him about to walk over, and Namjoon had, without really thinking about it, shoved the stack of textbooks on his desk to the floor.
The slap of cardboard and paper on the wood floor had been so loud a girl near the front had screamed, and by the time the professor had looked back at you, you were sitting up, blinking, dazed but awake.
You’re fast, but Namjoon’s stride’s longer than yours. He catches you easily.
‘Hey,’ he says, falling into step beside you. ‘Want to meet up tonight?’
You smile up at him. ‘I can’t. I have work.’
‘You got a job?�� Namjoon asks.
‘Bartending. My dad lost his job and I need to start paying my own rent.’
You’re matter of fact about it. 
Namjoon says, ‘What about now? You have some time before your next class, right?’
Namjoon braces his hand against the headboard behind him, trying to stop it slamming against the wall as you ride him.
His cock’s in heaven, slipping in and out of your cunt, wet, hot, tight. The rest of him is as enthralled, the visual of you with your tits out, moaning as you fuck yourself on him has him most of the way to coming.
Namjoon knows that the way you are now, all he has to do is stay hard for long enough to pleasure you. 
You slam your hips down on his so hard Namjoon’s pushed back, his fingers clipped between the headboard and the wall. He barely registers the pain, because you’re calling his name, tightening on his cock, and he’s coming too, groaning his pleasure as he twitches and jerks inside you.
You bury your face in his chest, and it’s only when you mumble something incomprehensible that Namjoon realises you’ve fallen asleep. 
The warmth in his chest takes him by surprise. He’s sticky with sweat and sex, but he wraps an arm around you anyway. To his surprise, you snuggle deeper into his chest, your breath warm against his skin.
Namjoon likes it.
He must doze, because he opens his eyes to you, fully dressed, trying to fix your hair that he pulled into a tangled mess.
You give him a sheepish smile. ‘I’m sorry I fell asleep.’
‘It’s ok,’ Namjoon says. He’s soft with the honesty of sleep. ‘I liked it.’
The words leave his mouth and hang between you.
You appear to be caught in indecision, then you sigh and lean down. You press a soft kiss to his lips, and rest your forehead against his, hand on his cheek.
Namjoon breathes you in.
He doesn’t think he’s ever touched you before without the intention of fucking you. 
His mind races with all the things he could say, and he closes his mouth before any of it spills out.
You’re not waiting for him to gather his thoughts.
‘Thank you,’ you tell him, affection in your eyes. ‘I needed that.’
Namjoon wants to say, I needed you too.
Instead he smirks. ‘I like those panties. Are they new?’
You snort. ‘There you are, baby.’
You do up the last button on your shirt, the one he wasn’t going to tell you was undone because he likes the view of your tits.
Then you’re off.
Namjoon’s first at the bar in the dive off campus, his friends had told him what they wanted to drink but he’ll just get whatever’s easiest, fuck remembering the detail.
He registers that your profile looks familiar just as you turn to take his order.
You raise your eyebrow in greeting.
‘What can I get you, Namjoon?’
‘Out of here,’ Namjoon replies in a flash of honesty. 
Your lips curve as you stifle a laugh. 
You’re about to say something when Jiah, one of the girls he’s with, walks up. ‘We want shots,’ she says, hand on his arm, tugging him down even though he can hear her easily.
Namjoon loses eye contact with you as he turns to her.
‘I got you,’ you say, smooth, professional. 
You pour out the drinks, take the rest of his order. ‘I’ll bring them to your table.’
Namjoon hands you his card, you tap and hand it back to him with an exaggerated flourish.
By the time you bring your drinks over to his table Namjoon’s been thinking about you non-stop.
You set down the drinks, give his friends cheerful waves in greeting. 
Namjoon waits until you set his drink in front of him. 
‘When do you get off work?’ he asks.
‘Late,’ you say, your smile never faltering. ‘Have a good night, Joon.’
There’s some guy talking to you around closing time like he thinks you’re going to want to finish your shift and clock off with him.
Namjoon walks over, says your name. Looks hard at the way the man’s stretched over the bar like he wants to touch you.
You say something that makes the man step back.
You wipe down the counter, hang up your apron, and grab Namjoon’s arm.
‘I said you were my boyfriend so he’d stop hassling me,’ you tell him, going up on tiptoe to reach his ear. ‘Just play along for a bit.’
Namjoon, always ready to act like he owns you, slips an arm around your waist, throws the guy a look.
It’s when you’re out in the cool night air that you say, ‘thanks.’
Like Namjoon’s in a hurry to let you go.
He’s half-drunk, and horny, but he’s not in a hurry to try anything. 
‘Come on,’ you say. ‘I’ll walk you home.’
‘Nah, let me walk you home.’
You throw him a surprised look that honestly, makes him feel a little ashamed.
‘You want to walk me home?’
‘It’s late,’ Namjoon shrugs. He laughs, trying to make light of it. ‘It’s what your boyfriend would do.’
‘You can stop pretending, that guy’s gone.’
‘I don’t want to,’ Namjoon says.
Again, the words hang in the air between you. 
You grin at him, teasing. ‘You want to be my boyfriend, Namjoon?’
Namjoon thinks, Yes.
Namjoon shrugs. ‘Don’t you want me?’
You shrug back. ‘Do you want me?’
Namjoon thinks, Yes.
Namjoon says, ‘You’re the one walking around calling me your boyfriend.’
You laugh. ‘How drunk are you, baby? Want to come up?’
With a start Namjoon realises you’re at your dorm.
‘I have my own room,’ you say. There’s a note of uncertainty in your voice now, a quietness now the night is over.
Namjoon’s never been to your room before.
He follows you up the stairs, waits behind you as you unlock the door and push it open.
Your room is neat, uncluttered for the most part.
‘Hey, you want to watch a movie?’ you ask.
‘Sure,’ Namjoon says. 
He watches, a little amazed, as you tie up your hair, get changed into a loose tee and shorts. 
You’re unselfconscious about winding down from the day in front of him, and your ease makes him feel easy too.
‘I have a pair of your sweats,’ you say. You toss them to him.
Namjoon shucks his clothes, pulls on the sweats, looks around for a shirt.
‘You don’t need one, Joon.’
You say, ‘I’d normally take my makeup off now but I know you like it when you make my mascara run.’
Namjoon leans back against your bed, widens his stance.
You climb into his lap. Your shorts are so short he can see your panties.
Namjoon tugs them aside, presses a knuckle against your cunt.
He groans. ‘You always feel so fucking good.’
‘You too, Joon.’
He’s hardening as you grind against him.
‘Put the movie on,’ Namjoon grunts. He tugs his sweats down, fists his cock. ‘Then come and warm my cock for a bit.’
You lose your tee as you put the movie on, and when you come back to him he presses his fingers into your mouth, gentle with your jaw.
‘Suck,’ he says.
Namjoon pulls your shorts and panties down. 
‘Let me see.’
Obligingly, you get on all fours on the bed, let him finger you to the opening credits.
Namjoon pushes himself back, spreads his legs.
He positions you on him, and like every time, you take him so well, leaning forward without him having to ask.
You moan when he fills you, cock snug inside your walls.
‘Don’t move,’ Namjoon warns.
He tugs your bra straps down, cups your breasts.
‘These tits,’ Namjoon tells you, ‘Fill my hands just right.’
You’re quiet save for your moaning.
Namjoon can feel you getting steadily wetter on his cock as he touches your breasts.
His cock’s as hard as he’s ever been. 
Harder, as you arch your back to push your tits into his palms.
Harder, as you lean into his neck, cry his name.
‘Stay still,’ Namjoon growls.
‘Joon I’m coming,’ you gasp out.
Namjoon bites into his lip so hard he draws blood as you writhe your pleasure on his cock, cunt fluttering around his hardness so beautifully he almost gives in and fucks you.
He pinches your hip.
‘I told you not to move, baby,’ he says sternly. ‘Who said you could come on my cock like that?’
‘Couldn’t help it,’ you slur, so fucked out you’d think he’d been fucking you all night instead of just touching your tits with his cock in you.
Namjoon wraps his arms around you, holding you still.
He’s aching a bit now, he’s been hard for a while. He fucks up into you a bit, just to take the edge off.
Shit, you’re so wet, and so fucking warm.
You moan everytime he shifts his hips, like every change in position pleasures you.
‘You’re so big, Joon,’ you say, breathy.
Namjoon grinds your ass down into his lap, and you whine. ‘So deep.’
‘Yeah,’ Namjoon agrees.
You’re well into the movie now, though neither of you are watching.
You shift a little, rub the pads of your fingers against your clit, fingers spreading over the base of his cock.
‘Oh Joon,’ you shiver. ‘I’m gonna come again.’
‘Do what you like,’ Namjoon says, hoarse. ‘Just don’t fucking move.’
Your fingers move faster, drawing circles over your clit.
Namjoon feels the gush of your slickness dripping down his balls, and realises he’s coming too, cock twitching as he spills inside you.
He pulls you under him to fuck you the rest of the way, collapses on you in a sweaty, panting heap.
He’s still hard, sensitive. 
‘Stay,’ you moan, muffled against the pillow. ‘Fuck, stay, Joon, don’t come out.’
‘I’ll stay,’ Namjoon agrees. He bites into your shoulder, and you shiver helplessly under him. ‘I want to come again.’
‘Yeah,’ you agree. You’re most of the way to unconscious now, wiped out by your two orgasms, whatever the fuck else you got up to today.
Namjoon thinks you’ve fallen asleep, but when he lifts up to take his weight off you, you turn your head.
‘You promised to stay,’ you say, accusing.
Namjoon doesn’t know why you being cute makes him hard but it does.
Does he need to get his kinks unpicked? Analysed?
I’ll stay as long as you want, he wants to say.
‘Make it worth my while,’ he says.
You smile like you heard his thoughts and not what he actually said. 
‘Go on, Joon, fuck me.’
Namjoon circles his hips, thrusts into you with a lazy snap of his pelvis.
You cry out.
He’s sensitive, but the way you cry his name when he’s fucking you like this takes the edge off.
‘One more,’ Namjoon says, turning you over to he can see your face.
‘Give it to me,’ you say, loose, fucked out.
Namjoon rolls his hips into yours, fucks you until you’re screaming. He’s leaked into you so much by the time he comes that he thinks it’s dry, just the pulsing of his cock.
He’s so fucked out he has no words left, not in his head, nor left unspoken. 
He holds you, and sleeps.
Namjoon wakes to you stepping back into your room in a towel, hair dripping.
‘I had cum all over me,’ you tell him, almost shy.
‘That’s what you get for being cute,’ Namjoon says, unrepentant.
You catch his eye in the mirror as you start getting dressed.
Namjoon rolls onto his side, arm under his head, to admire your bare pussy as you bend over to pull your panties on.
‘Stop staring —-‘
‘Stop showing it to me,’ Namjoon retorts.
He throws the covers off, gets up to show you how erect he is.
‘Want some breakfast?’ Namjoon asks, fist curled around his cock.
‘If you make it,’ you say, not quite getting it.
‘I’m making some for you right now,’ Namjoon says, stroking himself.
You’re backed up against the wall, bra half on, looking at him warily.
‘Come on. Get this cum out of me and I’ll get you pancakes,’ Namjoon coaxes.
‘And waffles,’ you bargain.
‘Sure,’ Namjoon says, agreeably.
Breakfast at the mall turns into a trip to the bookstore because Namjoon wants to pick up another book whilst he’s here.
You look through books as he makes his purchase.
‘You going to Mingyu’s party next week?’ Namjoon asks.
‘I can’t, I gotta work,’ you tell him.
‘Come on, it’ll be fun. One night off,’ Namjoon says, coaxing.
‘I can’t. I’m gonna be short on next month’s expenses as it is,’ you tell him.
Namjoon lets out a low whistle. ‘That bad, huh?’
You look at your shoes. ‘Yeah, I don’t want to ask my dad, he’s stressed enough.’
You laugh. ‘I shouldn’t even be in the mall. I have so much work to do.’
You look up at him. ‘This was fun though, I haven’t been out like this in a while.’
‘You can borrow my notes from politics,’ Namjoon offers.
You snort. ‘You’re the one always copying off me!’
Namjoon laughs. ‘I mostly just look down your top.’
You punch him in the arm.
‘Or at your legs,’ Namjoon adds, unrepentant.
He deflects your next blow easily.
‘Come on. I’ll walk you home.’
Namjoon watches, vaguely amused, as Hoseok pulls out all the stops to impress a girl. 
The amiable nice guy persona. Check.
The cheeky smile. Check.
Then, the kicker, the twist in the tail - a suggestive comment, delivered straight-faced, just to show he’s not all sunshine.
He’s never seen Hoseok fail when he tries, and sure enough, the girl, initially indifferent, is now looking for Hoseok’s attention. 
Yoongi, beside him, murmurs his approval. 
‘Where’s your girl?’ he asks Namjoon. 
‘Which one?’ Namjoon asks, unable to resist.
‘Shut up,’ Yoongi says, giving him a look.
Namjoon can see the group of girls by the door looking their way.
He straightens up, sips his drink, flexes a little.
Yoongi sees the direction of his gaze, turns his back on the girls. 
‘This asshole schtick,’ Yoongi says. ‘Gets old quick.’
‘I don’t want to pretend to be a good guy and get anyone’s hopes up,’ Namjoon replies. 
‘She seems like she’s got her head on right,’ Yoongi comments. 
Namjoon laughs, short. ‘It’s not her I’m worried about.’
Yoongi’s looking at him carefully. ‘That’s what I meant, Joon-ah. She’s not the kind of girl who hurts people on purpose.’
Namjoon changes the subject. 
‘You looking to hook-up, Yoongi? White dress has eyes on you.’
‘Fucking always a white dress,’ Yoongi complains, but there’s a spark in his eye. ‘Like they want to get married or some shit.’
‘I think you’re the one with the marriage kink,’ Namjoon snarks. 
‘Shut up. Asshole,’ Yoongi snarls, but he’s already turning, acting like he didn’t know this whole time that the pretty girl in the white dress has been eyeing him hard. 
Namjoon scoffs, leaves him to it.
He has somewhere else to be.
Namjoon’d texted you he was gonna come walk you home after work, just so he doesn’t look like some creeper lurking out here outside the bar.
You come out the back door, a little tired, a little dishevelled.
You smile, and Namjoon’s heart does a dangerous swoop in his chest.
You’re the prettiest thing he’s seen all night.
‘Here,’ he says. ‘I got you a snack.’
You accept the sour candy, pop it straight in your mouth. 
‘Ugh,’ teases Namjoon. ‘I’m not gonna kiss you now.’
You shrug, indifferent. ‘I’ll kiss your cock instead. It’s never an ass like you are.’
You slip your hand in his as you walk, casual.
Like it’s not the first time you’ve ever held hands.
Namjoon wants to tell you how pretty he thinks you are.
Instead he asks, ‘What panties are you wearing?’
You say, gently, ‘Shut up, Joon-ah.’
‘Make me.’
You scoff, look up at him. 
See all the way through him. 
‘You’re cute, Joon.’
You are too, Namjoon thinks.
‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘Tell me something I don’t know.’
©hamsterclaw 2023
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
can you do an image with alpha loki smelling stranger omega readers scent when just having come to earth for the first time and him just silently going up to reader and nuzzling into her neck and thor just starts apologizing for his actions
I love your account and hove read allmost every post I have been looking for a story like this for ages can you please do this 😭🙏
I got you! Although just fair warning I’ve only written a couple of those
Alpha loki x omega reader
Something about Midgardian scents they were just not quite right to Loki’s senses, they were either too strong or too faint, and nothing in between.
At least that’s his first impression when they first landed, but maybe that was his impression because they landed in the park, in the middle of a weekend, where scents were literally everywhere at the same time.
As an alpha, a royal one at that, omegas threw themselves at his feet, he knew he had a strong commanding scents that made many drool but he had yet to find a scent that just felt right.
"Brother i promise this will be great, especially since what happened last time"
"Brother what happened to you was unfortunate but due spare me the story telling again"
Thor was the opposite of Loki, he seemed always delighted to welcome new scents and even the ones he clearly couldn’t handle.
His brother was good guy, the non picky, no easily irritated one by scents.
The compound was not as significant as asgard was of course but it was decent, there was decent scents, like Clint, he was a beta, a citrus smell reeked from him and tony who who Loki thought was an alpha with this much power and ego but surprisingly was just a spoiled omega, he smelled like warm milk and tea.
The other scents were just tolerable.
This visit was just unnecessary but Thor insisted on him meeting his work buddies.
For Thor’s credit everyone was just going on their casual routine and not paying much mind to Loki’s presence.
He walked around the area in boredom while Thor blabbered about some invention stark was working on and then it hit him.
Light lavender mixed with strawberry cake.
It was sweet, not overwhelming and not too faint, but just delicious, something that made his insides twists and crave for more.
He followed it, all throughout the halls and until he stopped in front of the hospital wing of the place, he opened the door quietly and peeked inside.
Then he saw you, sitting there organizing some medical equipment in the cabinet, also your butt looked scrumptious in those jeans.
He walked in with light feet and kept his scent on low, he breathed in the sweet smell in the air, you were calm and comfortable, so your scent covered the entire room, Loki could drown himself in it.
There was a pause when you noticed a shadow looming over you and before you could figure out who it was he nose was pressed your neck, it startled you but then he let his own scent surround you, musk and dark chocolate.
"Oh?" Was all you could say, your body seemed to have a mind of it’s own, you were leaning into him, he felt nice.
"Brother! My lady please forgive him he is not familiar with earthly customs!" Thor tried to push Loki away but his brother growl at him, literally growl.
"No! Oh my days, Loki this is inappropriate-"
"He’s your brother?" You said not moving an inch away "he’s the one that you’re always talking about? Loki?" You looked up at the alpha holding you.
The green eyed man smirked "The one and only, little omega" you felt your cheeks heat up and bit on your bottom lip.
"My lady please forgive his behavior, he’s…he’s as you Midgardians say it…special?"
You smiled at Thor "it’s ok, his scents is nice and it’s not like he’s trying to mate mark me" you pulled away and took a good look of his face, handsome.
Loki watched you with curiosity as you lifted your finger and touched his sharp fangs "I think I can watch him for you a little bit if you want to catch up with Bruce, he seems friendly" you chuckled at the frown that appeared on Loki’s face.
Thor stared between you two for a minute before realizing what was going on "Oh… well then, I will see you when it’s time to go home brother…but behave yourself!"
"He’s suffocating"
"No, he only cares about you"
Loki bit the inside of his cheek then went back to nuzzling his nose against your neck, his body visibly melting into your scent.
You can definitely get used to this.
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murdrdocs · 1 year
hiii! would you be able to write something where the reader and ethan are dating and she knows he is ghostface and lowkey encourages him to kill people to prove his love for her (like guys who talk to her at class or down the street?)
this doesn’t have to be smut but i’d love it to be <3 thank uu
i don't have enough energy (or hormones) for smut rn but i rlly like this universe so maybe in the future !
You were taught never to settle. Throughout your life, you’d been surrounded by people who had their hearts broken by others –– usually men –– who didn’t deserve to have another’s heart within their perceived trustworthy grasp in the first place. 
“Never settle”
So you didn’t. You knew that whoever you were going to give your heart needed to do anything for you. No matter what. 
Luckily you found Ethan Landry. 
At first, it was Finn from your Communications course. He didn’t really do anything. He just stared a little too long and happened to have made a slightly uncomfortable statement about you when Ethan was just a few paces away. 
“You want me to do something about it?” Ethan asked you, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear as he leaned down to ask you the ominous question. You looked up at him, noticing that his brown eyes were staring at Finn’s retreating figure. 
“Something?” You’d asked. Ethan blinked twice, his jaw ticked, and then he looked down at you. 
Two days later, Finn was declared missing. 
Then, it was Brody from your foreign language. 
He was a douche. All around jock, but not in the lovable way like Chad. Brody was pushy, constantly inviting you to frat parties, promising that you would get shit faced with a smirk on his face that told you everything you needed to know. 
“He makes me uncomfortable, E,” you told him, your voice low and soft and delicate. You remember the feeling of Ethan’s warm hand caressing your cheek, you leaned into his touch. 
“Okay.” Was all he said. When he came back with a black eye and a busted lip, you patched Ethan up and peppered his face in kisses. 
You remember asking him one night when guilt had begun to introduce itself to you. You’d asked, “Why do you do it?” 
And Ethan replied, as simple as ever, as if he was asked what color the sky was, “Because I love you.” 
Then, there was Olivia. 
Olivia was everything wrong with the world, according to you. Ethan had never seen her in person, only through forwarded Instagram posts, but he saw the way she riled you up. He watched you pace back and forth in your room, ranting, enraged, about how insufferable she was. 
“I just wish someone would–ugh!” Your hands wrung around an invisible neck and you stopped your pacing, dropped your arms, and just looked at Ethan. 
“Do something about it?” He asked you. 
You stepped forward until you stood between his legs. Your hands cupped his face and you leaned down until you were level, your noses almost touching. 
“Ethan,” you’d said, slowly. “I want you to fucking kill her.” His eyes darkened and then he smiled. “And make her suffer.” 
Ethan’s hands were on the back of your thighs and pulling you into his lap before you could really get a hold of yourself. He kissed you, and kissed you, and ground his hips up into yours, and flipped you onto your back. 
You had to stop him before he continued. “Do it first, baby. I’ll be waiting.” 
And you were. When he returned two hours later, his hands still shaking and that delighted glint in his eyes, you were sitting on your bed watching a show on your laptop. 
Your eyes lifted to look at him when he entered your room, and all you did was smile, shut your laptop, and beckon him over with enough energy to last you the entire night.
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kurogxrix · 1 year
Dating Miles ‘spider’ Socorro HEADCANONS
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[ human!reader ]
Be ready for an emotional ass adventure because my boy is a PACKAGE full of trauma and issues.
He’s been neglected by his father and his mother (and father in a way) died, so when he first started getting close to you and found that feeling of comfort that he looked for within you, he knew that you were the one.
He’s the sweetest and most honest boy.
So considering that, he felt guilty at first because he thought that it was kinda like he was using you to get over his own trauma.
You told him that you didn’t care if he did and that you’d always be here for him (lovesick puppy kinda vibes).
Soon enough the both of you grew closer and closer, under the suspicion of the scientist that surrounded you. He couldn’t deny the fast paced beating of his heart each time you’d cross his mind anymore.
You call him Spider too because you know how much he dislikes his actual name </3.
Norm was extremely suspicious of the both of you, so he did his best to keep Spider away from your room whenever no one was around to keep an eye.
He’s just wary of those teenage boys and their spiking hormones ok.
He was right to be hesitant because he was the one that had caught the both of you making out in the janitors closet.
Don’t blame it on y’all there’s really no private spots in this damn lab, plus with Norm watching if it’s only you that enters your room every night.
Plus with those damned exopacks, you can’t really do any kissing stuff outside of the lab.
Max defo had to give y’all the most awkward talk of his entire life after that cause norm was DONE.
PHYSICAL TOUCH is his love language because he didn’t receive much physical love growing up.
If you don’t like it in public then he ain’t even laying a pinky on you, but once y’all are behind closed doors, he’s got you all cuddled up and locked tightly in his arms.
Talking about physical touch, this guy can’t keep his hands from wondering all over your body ever since he found out how amazing it felt when his hands trailed and grabbed.
He’s a TEENAGE boy and not a kid anymore, it’s normal for him to feel this way😭.
He doesn’t seem like the type to lash out when he’s upset so the both of you don’t fight that often, mostly on stupid little things.
Like once the both of you argued on who had to do the dishes so you offered to do a rock-paper-scissors match to make it fair. You won as always and he was left sulking for the rest of the night.
You help him retwist his hair when he needs it, and the boy quite literally melts in your hold. His locs are mature now so you don’t really gotta do it often anymore.
Lo’ak just relentlessly teases Spider for being lovesick so the both of you tease him for being hoeless.
He’ll definitely come with you every time you want to go wandering around the forest. Says something about having to protect you from the ruthless predators.
You picked up on his diet after the both of you started dating, and you have to admit that eating like the na’vi is so much better than the junk inside the lab kitchens.
He has a defined physique and running around the forest definitely isn’t what keeps in in such way. So you accompany him and peacefully read a book while he works his ass off in that lab gym.
Will ask you to sit criss-crossed on his back while he does pushups.
What a show off.
The type of boyfriend to brag whenever he opens a tightly sealed jar for you, while calling you weak, in an endearing way..?
If the both of you spend an entire day or two away from each other, he’ll hug you so tight when he sees you again that you’ll literally have to gasp for air once he lets you go.
You guys have monthly movie night dates where Spider waits until you’ve signaled him that Norm isn’t checking up on that damned room door.
He goes stealing snacks around the lab for those days and nearly gets caught by the other avatars.
Spider wishes he could bring you on dates outside at night like the other na’vi men do but he knows that it’s dangerous as a human so he can’t.
He doesn’t let that discourage him though, if a picnic on the lab outskirts at midnight is the closest that the both of you will get to a nightly date, then so be it.
You know that he’s a na’vi wannabe but you don’t make fun of him for it.
You help him paint the blue stripes on his body because he refuses that anyone else’s does it for him.
At the end of the day he’s just a boy with a lotta shit going on in his life but you guys love each other to no ends so you get through it together 🫶🏽
[ i refuse to age him up in this because it’s normal for teenagers to explore themselves and others and y’all gotta understand that. now writing smut while he’s his canonical age is what’s WEIRD😟 ]
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ghoul-slime · 2 months
Mushy May Day 1 - Cuteness Aggression (Aether/Dew)
Trying my hand at Mushy May this year! Not sure how many prompts I'll get through, but I decided I'd try to write Dewther for all of the prompts this time around. Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows and anyone else involved in making this happen!
Day 1: Cuteness Aggression (Aether/Dew)
He’s still a new summon, not even topside for two weeks now, but he’s finally getting used to the routine. Now, as Dew stands in front of the full-length mirror in the dressing room on the day of their very first ritual and fiddles with the sash cinched tight around his waist, he hears a low growl from over his shoulder. 
It’s Aether, another new summon, a burly quintessence ghoul with strong arms and a shaggy mohawk. He’s sitting on the couch behind Dew, already dressed in his own uniform. Tonight will be his first ritual too.
“Problem, big guy?” Dew quirks his eyebrow and shoots a look into the mirror back at the growling ghoul on the couch.
Aether, who up until now had been entirely warm and friendly towards him, answers with a grunt, brows furrowed in concentration as he sizes Dew up in the mirror.
Dew has never been one to back down, so he goes back to preening himself unbothered. If the new ghoul has suddenly decided he’s got a problem with him then well, he can let him know or not. Dew couldn’t care less.
But when Dew gathers his long platinum hair into his hands and reaches back to tie it up into a tight little bun on top of his head with an elastic band, the growling kicks up again, louder this time. He looks back, ready to shoot a glare at the new ghoul, mood souring at the fact that he seems to have fallen out of favor with his new packmate at record-breaking speed. 
But before he can open his mouth to say anything, Aether is hauling himself up off the couch and in another breath he’s pressing himself against Dew’s back, big strong hands coming up to rest heavy on Dew’s bony little hips.
Aether growls directly into Dew’s ear, setting the hairs on his arms on end. “Why’re you so small for?” Aether slurs, normally cheery voice coming out raspy and deep. Dew hears him swallow thickly.
“Fuckin’ cute. Wanna bite you. Right here,” he says, snuffing into the crook of Dew’s neck, grazing sharp fangs across Dew’s pulse.
Dew stares at Aether’s reflection in the mirror, he looks almost intoxicated. Red-faced and sweat beginning to bead at his hairline. He feels his fingers flex their grip on his waist.
“Thought you were pretty cute before but… this uniform?” Aether grunts into his ear again. Dew feels a blush spread across his cheeks.
“Makes you look so small. Tiny little waist….” Aether trails off, like he’s been talking to himself this whole time and not to Dew at all. Eyes fixed on their reflection in the mirror, the way Dew’s slender form is almost dwarfed by Aether’s muscular body. Strong, but soft in all the right places. Standing much more than a whole head taller than Dew. 
Dew takes it all in and lets out a soft little growl of his own.
“Wanna wrap my arms around you and squeeze.”
Dew glances up at the dressing room clock, counting down steadily until they’re due out on stage. There’s just four and a half minutes left. Too late to do anything about this now. 
Dew twists himself around in Aether’s grip, and the quintessence ghoul looks him in the eye for the first time since he started growling. He slides his hands up Aether’s chest until he’s wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him down.
Dew whispers into his ear. A promise for later.
Dew once again finds himself standing in front of a dressing room mirror, this time surrounded by new packmates. New instruments. Hell, even a whole new element.
He fiddles with the black elastic suspenders on his brand new uniform, still not exactly used to the things. He could never quite get them to lay right during the uniform fittings and he finds himself struggling still, growing more irritated by the minute.
He’s snapped out of his frustration by a low, rumbling growl from off to his side. His eyes snap up to the mirror and sure enough, it’s exactly who he thinks it is.
“Hey Aeth.” Dew turns to the quintessence ghoul standing behind him. The growling continues.
“Aeth?” Dew snaps his fingers, breaking Aether’s trance. His eyes dart up to Dew’s face, a blush already beginning to spread across his handsome features.
The growl cuts off abruptly.
“Huh?” Aether answers sheepishly, knowing he’s been caught.
“Aeth, you’re doing that thing again,” Dew laughs, waving his hands and beckoning the bigger ghoul over to his side in front of the mirror.
“Sorry, Dew,” Aether chuckles apologetically, hands immediately finding their way to Dew’s hips and squeezing just a little too tight. Dew can feel the sharp point of his claws just barely poking their way through the tight fabric of his uniform pants.
“It’s just that you look…,” he trails off, “Wow.” He reaches up, smooths out the kink in the suspenders that Dew had been wrestling with. “I like these a lot.”
“So cute…” Aether’s thought trails off again.
Dew laughs, breathy and red faced. He glances at the clock. Just three minutes to go. 
He pulls himself out of Aether’s grip and grabs his new coat off the hanger. When Aether goes for his own, Dew swats him on the ass.
Dozens of shows give way to hundreds, and Dew once again finds himself at the top of a new era. Everything is bigger and better. Their uniforms and masks are more detailed. All fine fabrics and supple leathers. Dew even managed to talk Papa into letting him use the Strat on stage.
And of course bigger venues meant bigger dressing rooms, full floor to ceiling mirrors taking up the length of an entire wall. Now they were even traveling with costume staff dedicated to helping them into their uniforms.
Dew takes in his own reflection, smoothing his hands over the velvet soft fabric of his vest, admiring the glint of the brass buckles, and feeling the light swoosh of the silky blue and black cape strapped across his slender chest and over one shoulder.
Aether strides up to his side. He’s already got his helmet on. “There’s my cute little ghoul princess,” he coos.
Dew snorts, chokes down a laugh. “Nah, that’s Rain’s job.”
Aether holds his gaze in the mirror. “Not to me it isn’t,” he answers with such sincerity in his voice Dew can’t help choking up a little. Not that he’d ever admit it. Not even to Aether.
Aether pushes up against him, leans down to bonk the top of Dew’s head with his helmet playfully. Dew watches him in the mirror. Aether has always looked good, but these new uniforms are doing wonders for him. The shiny leather boots make him look powerful and the epaulets of the jacket accentuate his broad shoulders. 
He’s never looked more handsome.
Dew’s reverie is broken as Aether leans down to growl into his ear. 
“Just thought you should know it's taking every ounce of control in me not to take my claws and shred that lovely new uniform of yours into ribbons and take you right here on the floor of the dressing room. Pretty little thing.”
Dew looks up at him and knows he’s telling the truth.
One minute to go.
Weeks and months and years go by. A lot of big changes happen. Aether steps down from the band. A new quintessence ghoul joins the pack. Dew takes it pretty well, all things considered. 
They tour. Dew’s heart aches. 
They come home. More time passes.
Now, Dew finds himself in the middle of the bustling abbey, just days away from the commencement of yet another tour. This time, there are more than a few new ghouls. And now a new Papa.
But Dew won’t be going out with them this time, a decision he’d made that he finds himself still wrestling with. Even so, he has his hands full. He’d been training his new protege for the better part of the year, showing him everything from mastering technique on the lead guitar to the best way to pack a bag for a long trip away from home. Even now he’d been roped into helping with last minute uniform adjustments for the new ghouls.
He kneels down, shakes a stray hair out of his eyes, golden strands fallen out of the messy bun on his head, and mumbles around the safety pins he’s holding in his mouth as he adjusts the bottom cuff of the new fire ghoul’s pants.
“These still need hemming,” he says sternly, mostly to himself. He pins them up and stands, folding his arms in front of his chest as he considers all the details of the new uniform and how they might affect the stage performance if they don’t get things just right. He furrows his brow in concentration.
“Alright, go tell the sisters you’re ready for them,” Dew instructs, and as he turns to watch the ghoul go, he’s surprised to find Aether standing there, leaning against the door frame. He’s watching them with a huge smile plastered across his handsome face. He gives the new ghoul a high five as he scoots out the door and down the hall.
As soon as they’re alone, Aether kicks the door closed behind him, stalks up to Dew and scoops him up by the waist. Hugs him so tight Dew feels like all the air is being squeezed out of him. Aether buries his face into the crook of Dew’s neck and kisses him there, quick little closed-mouth pecks giving way to something more insistent. Dew feels the sharp edge of a fang.
“Aeth, you’re biting me,” he informs the quintessence ghoul who has decided to latch onto sensitive skin.
“Can’t help myself,” Aether murmurs into the spot on his neck. “That serious look on your face. You looked so cute I just had to take a bite”
Dew glances back at the clock ticking away in the corner of the room. 
They have all the time in the world.
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imrllytootiredforthis · 5 months
omg i JUST read your soob drabble “nightmare dressed like a daydream” and the concept of popular reader x outcast soob has just been brainrotting me
like just imagine you guys got into a secret relationship after that project, and your favourite pastime now is to tease him both in school and out of school.
in school you guys act like you don’t know each other, he’s alone again and you’re surrounded by all your friends, but as you pass his desk you slip a note telling him to meet you under the stairs or on the rooftop. the moment he arrives you pull him down and begin to roughly make out with him, unbuckling his belt and he just shyly tells you ‘not at school’, so you just wreck him with your lips, sending him back to class with his cheeks flushed, hair tousled, collar undone and neck full of hickeys. he sits back into his seat in embarrassment, everyone knows what happened but no one says a thing… maybe after a bit you’ll get cocky and ask him to wear a vibrator in class, he pretends to be embarrassed but he still slips it in. when the teacher calls on him you turn on the vibrator and he can barely stutter out a coherent sentence, the teacher lets him off but he glances at you with teary eyes. you do this a couple more times until he’s excusing himself to the bathroom, you follow him out ‘as a good classmate checking on their peers’ and the moment you enter the bathroom hes begging you to help him.
after school you invite him into your house again and you just spoil him with attention, letting him explore around and be curious before bringing him to your room and having your way with him. and he’ll let you because this is the most attention he’s ever had in his entire school life. he’s so pliant and obedient under you, letting you play with every surface of skin you can touch, rubbing his nipples, kissing his inner thighs and finally stroking where he wants to be touched most. hes a total virgin, but a total pervert who has a ton of fantasies and kinks and this is his absolute dream come true. overstimulate him for hours until its dark out, whisper in his ear about how you saw his little glances and stares and how all he wished was for you to pay attention to him like you did with your friends. and he would sob but he couldn’t say a word because all of it was true. after you were both satisfied, you would let him sleep over, cooing at how pretty and sweet he was, and maybe you guys can even go on a secret date during the weekends…
- 🍓
holy shit, i had to scour back through my soob tag to find the original drabble you're talking about😭, i kinda cringe when i read some of my old work but whatever
BC THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ADD ON-fuck i love shy loser virgin boys who just wanted to be loved and used, he's so cuteeee<3
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artiststarme · 1 year
Hey Brother Part 2
Here is the long-awaited Part 2 of Hey Brother! I don't know how many parts it will be but I will make sure to keep everything updated. I tried to tag everyone that asked but if I missed you, please let me know. I hope you guys like it!
They didn’t get to say goodbye. Even with Phil speeding down the expressway at 90 mph, it wasn’t enough to be able to see their grandma before she passed. With one look into the room, Steve knew it was too late. The rest of the family was already there, surrounding her sheet-covered body with tears in their eyes and damp Kleenex clutched in their fists. They’d just missed her. Steve took one look around the room before storming back outside. 
Why couldn’t he ever do anything right? Tonight was supposed to be a fun, relaxing night and ended up being nothing short of a horror show. His boyfriend thought he was bullshit, his grandma was dead, and his entire family now knew that he was a piece of shit that missed being able to say goodbye. Fuck, why couldn’t anything ever go well for him?!
Steve punched the brick wall next to him, not even noticing the pain, and slid down the wall to hug his knees. He sobbed as he thought about how he’d never hear his grandma’s voice again or feel her love through gentle touches that no one else ever quite managed to match. He hadn’t visited her as much as he’d wanted to recently due to the craziness of the last few months. Did she know he loved her? He wasn’t there with her in her last moments so how could she have known? The thought brought a new wave of tears into his eyes and his knees just barely muffled his sobs of pain. Oh god, his grandma was dead and he hadn’t said goodbye to her. 
Steve felt strong arms wrap around his shoulders and struggled slightly to escape the grasp before quickly succumbing. It was just Phil, his older brother who had also missed his chance to stay goodbye to her because of Steve. His older brother that had wanted to move closer to his grandma and aunt years ago but had stayed in Hawkins for Steve. He stayed so Steve wouldn’t be alone in the empty house that his parents rarely visited. The reminder only served to make Steve feel worse. 
“Phil, I’m so so-sorry! This-this is my f-fault. You didn’t get to say go-goodbye to her because of me! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
Phil just hugged him closer and shook his head into his hair. There were tears streaking down his face as well and the lenses of his glasses were fogged. He didn’t say anything in response, there was nothing that he could say to make the situation any better. Nothing was going to bring their grandma back or stop their hearts from hurting. But he could sit on the dirty floor of the hospital corridor and hug his brother with all of his might. That he could do and that he did. 
Phil watched Steve talk to his parents through the windowed walls of the waiting room. With every word his mom or Dick uttered, Steve seemed to shrink in on himself even more. They were obviously mad at him for not getting there in time to say goodbye to her and Phil wasn’t going to stand for that. So he made his way in to talk to his mom and stepdad for the first time since being kicked out ten years ago. 
“Hey, why are you screaming at him? Haven’t you done enough? Just let him grieve in peace, Jesus Christ.”
Martha spun around to look at him and gasped when she saw him. He was still in his police uniform having not had the chance to change yet in the fray. Knowing that that was the reason she disowned him made him feel all the more vindicated. 
Her face paled when she realized it was him and she muttered a quiet, “Phil?”
Dick stepped around Martha to point an accusing finger in his face. “What the hell are you doing here, Phil? You’re not family and you’re not supposed to be turning our son against us either!”
“Get your finger out my face, you dick. I’m here because my grandma was dying and my brother needed me. Now, step back or I’ll arrest you whether we’re in my jurisdiction or not,” Phil told him. He couldn’t actually arrest him or do anything more than annoy him outside of Hawkins but the threat did seem to land where he wanted it to. Dick ambled back a step and glared between him and Steve. As if it was their fault their parents sucked. 
Martha started hissing unintelligible nonsense to her husband so Phil focused back on Steve. His kid brother was still shaking as if the adrenaline of speeding all the way up here was still flooding his veins and his trademark hair was hanging against his forehead limply as if it too couldn’t handle the stress of dealing with the Harringtons. 
Phil couldn’t help him in the parent department but he could make sure he was looked after the best he could. 
“Come on Steve-o, I got us a motel room up the street. Let’s get some rest and handle things in the morning,” he picked up Steve’s jacket as he spoke and nudged his shoulder to get him moving. 
“What?” Steve asked him in confusion. “What about mom and dad?”
“I’m sure they’ll figure it out, they always do. But they’re not my concern right now, okay? You are. So right now, I’m going to take you to Denny’s for some food and then we’re going to get some sleep at the motel. We’ll figure everything else out later. Sound good, little bro?”
Steve just nodded at him with the ghost of a smile. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Eddie knew he had fucked up. As soon as Steve walked through the door, he knew he’d messed everything up, just like he always did. He knew Steve was sensitive about high school happenings and people calling him bullshit but he’d still done it. What kind of boyfriend did that make him? Not a very good one, clearly.
He rehearsed apologies all night instead of sleeping, determined to fix things with Steve as soon as the sun rose. He couldn’t stand the idea of Steve being mad at him or upset for any longer than he had to be. It felt like it was a contest being in a relationship with Steve. He was the perfect boyfriend and made Eddie feel inferior in every aspect without even trying. Eddie felt like he was constantly playing catch-up and just as he started to get close to where he should be, he’d fuck everything up and go back to the starting point.
At half past three in the morning, Eddie couldn’t wait any longer. He wrote a barely legible note for Wayne and sped off towards Loch Nora. Knowing Steve, he wouldn’t be sleeping either. After the Upside Down, it was hard for them to sleep alone hence why they spent so many nights together. The image of Steve laying in bed alone with tears stained on his cheeks only made Eddie feel worse. Holy fuck, he had a lot to make up for. 
But when he pulled the van up to the Harrington house, all the lights were off. Even the porch light that Steve always kept on was dark and Eddie got a bad feeling. Something was off here, he could tell. Nausea swirled in his gut and his chest felt tight, something was wrong. 
Eddie parked his van in the driveway behind the Beemer and pulled out the key that Steve had given him to open the front door. Everything appeared to be fine as he walked through. The foyer was as spotless as it always was, the living room was clean, and the kitchen was untouched. But when Eddie walked into Steve’s empty bedroom, it looked like a bomb had gone off. Steve was missing, his clothes were scattered all over the floor, and his bed was made like it hadn’t been slept in. Jesus Christ, had Eddie run Steve out of town?! 
Eddie ran out of the Harrington house like a bat out of hell and sped all the way to the Hopper-Byers’ where he pounded on the door until Hopper answered it with threats of violence. He couldn’t focus on the horror dawning on Will’s face or El, the panicked glances between Jonathan and Joyce, or the aggrieved sigh that Hop let out. All Eddie could focus on was the fact that this was his fault. He was the one who yelled at Steve over some stupid game and caused him to leave. Now, Steve was missing. He was alone and Eddie couldn’t blame anyone but himself. 
Hopper promised to look for him right away even though Steve was probably just off sulking somewhere. He even called in Officer Powell early and tried to call Officer Callahan too but he didn’t answer. He left with his gun, an extra large thermos of coffee, and a promise to Eddie that he would find Steve. Then, Eddie was left with the Byers to try and explain the stupid argument he’d started that caused this entire mess in the first place. 
He just hoped that Hopper could find Steve soon because he didn’t think he could function anymore without Steve by his side.
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@aizawa-emma @bejeweledbaby @songbird-garden @theghostinmymachine @gay-stranger-things @wonderland-girl143-blog @oiveyzmir @steddie-as-they-go @sapphirecobalt-1 @epiclazershark @i-have-three-feelings @mogami13 @tartarusfairy @7shrewsinatrenchcoat @just-a-tiny-void @space-invading-pigeon @paintsplatteredandimperfect
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
Can I request a Bradley thing where he goes in to get a tattoo and reader does his tattoo and he’s just super love stricken. Next thing he knows he’s going to get tattooed just to see reader till he finally asks her to go on a date??? 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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𝐚 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Honest to God, if Bradley knew that you were going to be the girl doing his tattoo today, he would've pretended to be sick to get out of the appointment. He would've just gone to a different tattoo place entirely. But it's too late now--he's here, sitting in your little cubicle with its potted plants and hand-drawn posters and knick-knacks and bluetooth speaker, and you're quietly humming as you look over his paperwork.
It isn't that he thinks you're incapable of doing his tattoo--God, no. You were the name that kept popping up when he asked around for artist recommendations, the highest rated artist in his area (and the surrounding three--but who's counting?). And he knows you'll do a good job because he's seen your work on other people and even if he hadn't, the posters on your wall are evidence alone. Bradley can draw a crude stick figure on a good day--so he is endlessly impressed with your skill.
It's just that you are the prettiest thing he's ever seen in his entire life. No, not just pretty--something above that. Beautiful, gorgeous. Fuck, you're ethereal even and Bradley hates people that say ethereal.
Everyone he talked to failed to mention that you are simply the prettiest person in every room you walk into and, Bradley knows just by looking at you, that you're probably the coolest person at every party you've ever been to.
You have big eyes that you wear bright colors on, which look almost too good against your skin and those pretty irises. Just looking at you legit makes Bradley want to bite his knuckle. You have a cool haircut, one that is polar opposite of all the Navy-issued chop-jobs he's so used to seeing, and your voice is raspy and lovely. You're wearing authentic vintage Levi's and a smooth bodysuit, one that hugs your body, one that shows the hills of your breasts so well.
Simply put--you're fucking perfect.
Perhaps the worst of it all is that you're so fucking nice. From the moment he walked through the door, you were all smiles, leading him back to your little area and talking him through everything without making him feel like an idiot. You were offering him drinks and asking what his ideas were and then complimenting his ideas. You were making all the little tweaks he wanted and not complaining about it even a little bit.
And now, as he sits on your table with his foot tapping incessantly on the tile, he's just watching your throat vibrate as you hum. It takes him a moment to recognize it, but when he does, it makes him want to rake his hands through his hair.
"Leather and Lace?" He asks you, perching a brow.
And the way you laugh, looking up at him with a bright grin as the sun kisses your face, should be illegal. You're about to put a needle to his skin and watch him cower in pain--he wishes you would take that into account and look less Goddess-like, for the sake of his ego.
"Stevie is my idol," you sigh, pointing casually to the portrait of her on your arm. He inspects it with a smile tugging at his lips, hoping his ears aren't as red as they feel. "You're a big music guy, then?"
He nods, slightly embarrassed. Isn't everyone a big music person? Who the fuck doesn't like music?
You like this guy--this guy that told you to call him Rooster for some reason. This guy who's wearing the ugliest vintage Hawaiian shirt you've ever seen. This guy who has a lewd pornstache, the one who somehow pulls off the lewd pornstache. God, this guy is still wearing his sunglasses inside, but he's just so goddamn cute. He has one of those infectious laughs and a headful of nice, sandy hair. He looks like California has kissed him--pretty. He just looks pretty.
But you can tell that he's nervous. Most people are before getting under the needle--you totally get it. Sometimes you still get nervous about it, too, despite having your arms almost all the way filled in. but you have a hard time imagining this hunk of a Navy man is nervous about a tattoo on his peck. Even just based on the scars littering his face and throat, you're certain he's been through worse.
"So," you sigh, moving your chair closer to him so he can see the paper in your hands that has the mock-up of his tattoo. He leans in and you get a whiff of sea salt and vetiver--God, he smells good. "I scaled down the legs just a bit. I was thinking some light shading through here and filling in here and here--is that okay with you?"
Rooster nods, swallowing hard, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"It looks good," he tells you. "Like really, really good."
You beam at him.
"Well, thank you," you say softly. "I'm a big art girl."
It makes something come loose in his chest--some breath he's had bated releases through his smiling lips. You're teasing him, you're joking with him. It feels good--natural.
"So, with this detail, I'm gonna put us at three hours. Does that sound good?"
Rooster nods immediately--his afternoon is entirely clear. But the prospect of getting to be with you for three hours is exciting--so exciting that it makes his throat tight. Needle be damned, he's going to get to listen to that laugh for three hours. Three!
"Sounds great," he tells you.
You grin, clapping your hands together.
"Well, I bet we're gonna be good friends by the end of this, huh?"
He grins. He already aches to kiss you and he doesn't even know you. Rooster does consider himself a hopeless romantic--but this is a whole new line he's crossing.
You point to his shirt, a slight blush covering your cheeks.
"You can go ahead and take that off now. I'm gonna prep the area."
As he obliges, he watches as you grab a little plastic razor and some paper towels. You're putting gloves on and still humming along to music that isn't playing, mentally cataloguing everything you're gonna need presently.
"Prepping the area includes--?"
You smile, standing up. He still hasn't taken his tank-top off yet, but you can tell already that this guy is fucking ripped. Not even in the usual California way--no, this guy is like movie-star ripped. He looks like he's been plucked out of a blockbuster.
"Shaving and disinfecting," you tell him, gesturing to the razor.
He nods, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip as he finally shrugs his tank and lets it fall into the chair he was sitting in.
"At least let me buy you dinner first," he teases.
Then you laugh--it's the first time he's really heard you laugh. He likes the sound, likes that you laugh with your mouth closed and your eyes wide.
"We'll see how the tattoo goes," you wink.
You're very careful as you shave and disinfect him, humming Stevie Nicks and Don Henley still. And you can feel his eyes lingering on your face as you work, but it doesn't bother you. He has pretty eyes--you're glad he's looking at you.
"Wanna be the DJ?" You ask with a grin, nodding towards the speaker.
Rooster feels like his heart is about to fall out of his ass. If he'd have known that he was going to be DJing this three-hour tattoos session with you--the prettiest girl he has ever seen--he would've made a playlist. Like, a proper playlist. One that is carefully curated and accounts for all possible avenues of this appointment. His dad used to make his mom mixed tapes--he still listens to them. Even though he thinks that making playlists is only a fraction as romantic, he understands that it's the modern mixed tape.
"Sure," he says softly, connecting his phone. "Are you exclusively a Fleetwood Mac girl?"
You shake your head, making sure all your ink is set out on their stabilizing beds of petroleum jelly and your gloves are intact. You pat the bed and he takes the hint, laying down while you adjust the light above you. Jesus, his muscles are practically rippling and he's not even doing anything.
"Mainly," you tell him, running your fingers along his peck and trying not to drool. "But I'm pretty diverse with my music. Hit me with your best shot."
Bradley suddenly feels nervous--put on the spot. It isn't even that he is about to have a needle against his skin. No, he was in Afghanistan, he doesn't really give a fuck about three hours of needle pricks. He cares about picking a song you think is lame. God, he'd just die of embarrassment if you didn't like what he chose.
As if you can sense his sudden nervousness, you grin up at him--it has the ability to completely relax his shoulders.
"C'mon, flyboy," you smile at him, readying your tattoo gun, "give it to me."
And suddenly Bradley can't breathe. You know that--it's why you said it. You watch him suck in a breath, watch him flounder for words, watch his pupils blow. Now he knows what it feels like for you to stare at his upsettingly beautiful midsection.
So Bradley gives it to you--very subtly turning on Hot Stuff by Donna Summer. It makes the both of you laugh--you even dance a little bit for him, in a silly and unserious way that makes his heart warm.
"Bet you're a good time at the bars," he tells you with a grin.
You nod rapidly, biting your lip.
"Oh, I'm the best to go to bars with," you tell him with a grin. "I dance and I sing and I drink."
"Triple threat," Bradley grins.
You nod again, chewing on your lip again. This guy is cute--like too cute for his own good.
"Few and far in between," you say, sighing. "I'm really a spectacle."
His heart is sitting in his throat. He loves the way you blush when you're being mockingly egotistical--he thinks that makes you genuine. Genuine and confident.
"I'd gladly spectate you at any bar," he says. You smile at him, the blush in your cheeks darkening as you narrow your eyes slightly. "You know, if you're up for it."
Your answer is a resounding yes--you know that already. But you can't just give it to him like that--you like to keep guys on their toes. Especially Navy boys.
"Actually, I have a two-tattoo minimum dating requirement," you sigh, shrugging.
He smirks at you. He can do this--he can do the chase.
"Is that so?"
You nod.
"Unfortunately," you say.
"What's your availability look like tomorrow?"
There's that sweet laugh again--it's bigger this time. God, Bradley loves to make you laugh. You just look so fucking happy. Happiness looks really, really good on you.
It isn't hard for him to imagine that you really are the best person to go to the bars with. He can imagine you in a pretty little skirt, sweat dampening your hairline as you twirl on the dance floor, the golden lights above you reflecting off the glitter on your eyelids. He can imagine that your warmth would be enough to heat the entire place. You seem like someone who is just down--down for anything and everything. He likes that.
"Ready?" You ask sweetly not a moment after, still laughing quietly.
He just nods, blinking rapidly at you.
The three hours honestly flies by. The pain really isn't all that bad, not when you're making conversation the entire time. By the end of the tattoo session, he knows where you grew up and that you don't have a boyfriend and that you have a cat named Strawberry and that you don't have a boyfriend and that your favorite food is street tacos and that you don't have a boyfriend and your first concert was Neil Young. Oh, and that you don't have a boyfriend.
And by the end of the tattoo, you know that Bradley is getting the tattoo in memory of his father, who was also in the Navy. You know that he has an affinity for Jerry Lee Lewis. You know that he has a vintage car and an endless collection of vintage Hawaiian shirts. You know he's gonna be stationed here indefinitely and that he hangs out at the local Navy bar--The Hard Deck. And you know that he is endlessly pleased that you don't have a boyfriend.
"Careful sitting up," you warn softly as you take your gloves off. "You've been laying down for a while. Want a hand?"
Bradley feels totally fine. He doesn't want to brag, but he's pushed his body to the brink in his life. Laying down for three hours having a conversation with the prettiest girl he's ever seen is like a luxury for him. But he wants to touch you--so he lets you grab his hand, lets you help him sit up.
And then the two of you are close--like close enough that he can smell that sweet, flowery musk on your skin. He can see the little flecks of his favorite color in your eyes and the way your lashes fan out over your cheeks.
And you can see his scars when you're this close, these pretty white lines that roll over his skin like ridges on a map. You like scars--as an artist, you think they're part of what make bodies art. They're the human equivalent to an eraser smudge.
He doesn't move for a moment, just looking down at you with that sweet smile, just letting his eyes wash over you. And you don't move from his gaze--you feel totally comfortable in it. You haven't known Bradley for long, but you're a good people reader. You can tell that this man, intrinsically, is a good person.
"Don't you wanna check out your new ink?" You ask with a teasing smile.
He makes a show of glancing down at his chest with his eyebrow perched. Then he hums and nods in approval. When he looks back up at you, you're biting a grin of your own.
"So," he starts softly. "Your availability tomorrow?"
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eeeeek fun fact about me: I have eighteen tattoos! so it would by me greatest HONOR to write this little fic!!
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4ln-stay8 · 3 months
Behind closed doors - Part I
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>summary: Han isn’t too happy to find out what his sister is doing lately
>author’s note: I don’t know how I feel about it but I thought the idea was nice ig… I can also take requests if you want to haha THERE MIGHT BE A PART II
>warning: angst, Han is kind of a dick (Im sorry babygirl)
>pairing: lee minho x han jisung's sister
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There was something about the Han siblings that drew them to Minho. You had no clue when these feelings were born, was it when you all hung together and he shared his meal with you cause you didn’t like yours? Was it when he gave you his hoodie because you were cold? Or was it when he caught you from falling and looked into your eyes for a second too long?
You never wanted to fall for your brother’s best friend and he didn’t wanted to fall for his best friend’s sister either, but here you were, hiding behind closed doors.
You were in the middle of a battle, the both of you. A battle between the love you both have for each other and the love and respect you have for your brother and best friend.
You were feeling so bad for lying to him, for making Minho lie to him as well, but you couldn’t tell him, he wouldn’t understand, he doesn’t understand. He showed to you how much he hates even the idea of you liking his friend.
It was a normal evening. You were sitting on the couch talking to your friend through texts when you felt a presence near you. You look to your side to see your brother looking at you with a suspicious smile on his face.
- Mom said that you have a crush on someone. You’re always smiling at your phone. he told you teasingly
- Not that it’s any of your business, but would it be that bad if I did in fact like someone? you asked nonchalantly looking at the tv that was on as a background noise until right this moment
- You do like someone! You need to tell me! Who is it? Who is my baby sister liking? he asked, his teasing tone very noticeable
-It’s none of your business Jisung! And I’m only 2 years younger, stop babying me.
- I am not babying you! Now tell me who it is! I'm curious! said han, his teasing tone being more noticeable than before
- It's really none of your business Ji. What if I told you that I'm into Minho huh? He looks extra fine lately. you said teasingly, hintind subtly your crush
- Ew! NO! EW! My Minho? Not my best friend! NO! Why does it have to be my band member? NO! They are off limits! You can't like them! I'm not allowing you to like any of them! NO! he started to yell as if he was freaking out about it
- Relax you big baby, I was only joking! I don't like Minho! Now stop trying to be all in my business. you said getting off the couch and going straight to your room feeling a pressure in your chest
*End of Flashback*
In that particular moment you decided against letting your brother know about your actual feeling for his best friend. You hated the feeling he put in your heart that day, you never feel so unsupported in your entire life.
Minho also agreed on not telling Han about his feelings and about your relationship just yet, wanting to see if it would really work before draging him in the middle of this.
You didn't really told Minho about that day, about Han's reaction to you even hypothetically liking him, you just told him he was against it and that him and his members were off limits.
That didn't stopped you guys from dating each other. You tried, you tried to bottle up your feelings, and Minho did the same. You tried to make yourself believe that he didn't feel the same way you did, that he didn't liked you back. But you knew, you knew he did, it was so obvious you liked each other that you had no idea how Han didn't notice.
Everyone in your friend group knew. Everyone caught on your feelings and later on, on your relationship. You had to be blind, or in Han's case unbothered to observe his surroundings, to not be able to see the not so sublte interactions between you and Minho.
Everyone saw the way your eyes were lingering on each other, the way he winked at you from across the room making you blush, the way he always found a way to sit close to you.
It was common knowledge at this point. They knew, and they were okay with it as long as they are not involved in this entire situation. That's why, you spent most of your time in Minho's room, away from both your parents and your brother.
You were currently in Minho's room, cuddled up in his strong arms, your small little safe space. You started to tense a little, that memory of Jisung playing again in your head.
- Everything okay jagiya? minho asked you as he felt a change in you
- I just hate this whole thing with Ji. Why does he have to be this way? you whispered moving a little too look at him
- I don’t know jagi! But we will figure this out okay? I love you too much to give up on you! he whispered kissing your lips softly
You were forced to pull apart by the door bursting open and a loud gasp coming right after. You both turn around expecting to see Seungmin or Innie who would occasionally tease you, but in the doorway was none of the maknaes, instead a red faced Jisung was fuming.
- What the actual fuck? Ew! Get away from him! No! I told you he is off limits? Why can’t you listen? Why do you have to ruin everything? he yelled at you trying to get you away from Minho
- Hey hey hey! Don’t talk to her like that! minho protested, trying to defend you
- Im not talking to you hyung, we will talk about this later! Now get up you little brat and gather your shit, I’m taking you home! he spitted the words with a hint of disgust in his tone
You look at your lover one more time before picking up your things not wanting to make the situation even worse. Minho blew a kiss to you the second Han didn’t pay attention, as you left the room and the dorms for a while.
He dragged you to out the dorms and to his car, pushing you in. The whole ride home was very uncomfortable and you somehow did this to yourself. It wasn’t all your fault but you still had a big part of it.
- You are not allowed to see him again! he spitted towards you in disgust
- You don’t understand Ji, I love him! you whispered to him trying to stand your case
- You don’t! You only want what I have, like you always do! You can’t have my friends, you can’t have my life! Stop trying to ruin every good thing about my life. He can’t give you what you want! He will only break your heart and I won’t be here to put you back together!
- You are so selfish! God Jisung! How do you even know what I want? How can you be so full of yourself to even think I want to steal your life from you? You are so self centred that you can’t even see how I feel. I don’t need you to put me back together! If you don’t want to be in my life than walk away, no one is making you stay! And you don’t have to worry about him breaking my heart, you already did! you yell at him as he parked his car in front of your house, getting out of the car and storming straight to your room.
If he didn’t want to be in your life that’s on him! He can be so selfish sometimes that he doesn’t even consider your feelings or even his friend’s feelings! One thing you knew, Han Jisung was a stranger to you from this day on.
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st4rbwrry · 2 years
chase. sasuke.
⨳ cw: fem!reader, lowercase intended, quickie sex, black coded, sasuke is needy, surprise party for the hubby, creampie, reader fingers herself, choking, slight intoxication, sasuke’s rlly rough <;3
⨳ mocha’s note; happy super late birthday to daddy sasuke. *swoons* &lt;3
© hellavile. please do not repost, steal, or modify my work simply because it is mine. stealing isn’t cute. i’ll ruin your life &lt;3
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sasuke’s day didn’t go exactly how he planned it. all fucking day he’s been running around finishing missions for naruto who’s so far up his ass he feels like he gave birth to the guy. and that’s not even the main reason why he’s angry. sasuke finds it odd that no one in the entire village had wished him a happy birthday today. yeah, he may not be the most favorited, but his close friends, the ones he’s known for half his life didn’t have shit to say to him. and sasuke being sasuke didn’t bother speaking on it, assuming either they’d forgotten or simply just didn’t care. he’s been out since dawn, taking care of things for the village until the sun began to set and the area grew quiet. 
fuck it. there’s nothing much to say to anyone, he won’t even hold a grudge tomorrow. he’ll just go home and sit in solitude with you, his precious wife. let’s hope you hadn’t forgotten either. you were still asleep when he left, curled up naked under the cream silk sheets, face buried into his pillow you had snatched from his side the moment he left the warmth of your shared bed. he wanted more than anything to stay inside with you all day. cuddle, cook his favorite dish and sit by the pond in the backyard talking for hours. 
he’s exhausted when he’s facing the main door of your perfect home, only the two of you. its super dark once he walks inside, taking off his shoes before cutting on the light. he’s so in his head that he’s lost most of his ability to be aware by the people in his house. that is until he takes sight of the twenty people in his house popping confetti in the air and screaming happy birthday. sasuke is on high alert, activating the lightning blue of his chidori in his hand, hearing your voice gasping and running up to stop him.
“baby, baby, chill!” the softness of your palms encase the heat in his cheeks, lowering his face to yours to look into those big, pretty eyes of yours. wide with panic. sasuke immediately comes to his senses and relaxes, his many friends surrounding his home trying to maintain their smiles.
“oh, fuck me . . . i’m sorry,” sasuke apologizes to you first, kissing your forehead and pulling you in for a tight hug. “i hate surprises.”
“you hate everything!” naruto exclaims behind you, causing you to laugh into your husbands chest, squeezing his arm and nestling your face in his chest. both of you needed one another’s warmth.
“you included,” sasuke jokes. naruto growls, ready to throw the two-tiered birthday cake in his hand at his face. the candles are still lit, awaiting sasuke’s wish before they’re blown out and they can all finally enjoy the party they’d been arranging all day.
“we wanted to do something nice for you,” sasuke listens to you explain. “sorry for their lack of care today. we were all just really focused on keeping it as secret as possible.”
you understood him so well. maybe they all did realize he was upset about it all day. sasuke smiles endearingly, thanking everyone in the room before sakura is unable to contain her excitement and pleads for sasuke to blow out his candles. he keeps you in his hold, closing his eyes to pretend he’s making a wish, because to be honest, he didn’t need a new one. you and his family were enough.
your traditional spaghetti, a few slices of cake, and an overly amount of liquor swirled in his system by the end of the night. spending most of the time conversing with your friends, drinking and laughing. sasuke had a hard time keeping his hands to himself. constantly trying to grope your body, reaching his hands under your dress and having to swat his hands away. he’d even bite your neck and when one of the guys caught him he’d play it off as if he was snuggling you. everyone knew it was a lie. sasuke could never handle his liquor and when he’s drunk he’s the horniest man known.
while most of everyone was outside on the patio, sasuke took this change to drag you to the bedroom, locking the door for obvious reasons. he didn’t want to be disturbed. he only needed you quick and without anyone noticing the two of you were gone. though that was impossible. it’s his own party.
“i needed you so bad,” sasuke kisses over your face and neck with a heavy tongue following, hot hands lifting your sundress over the globes of your ass he spanks after aggressively bending you over the mattress.
“i need you more,” you can’t help but to give in, melting in his touch. your hips ache as his fingertips trace over your skin, hooking a finger under your lacy red thong, an opposite contrast to the yellow dress on your flourished skin, and tugging them down until they hit your ankles.
sasuke pulls his heavy cock from his briefs and taps your ass cheek with it, biting his lip and groaning unintentionally loud. he’s so hard it’s unbearable. precum leaking from the engorged, fuchsia colored head. he lays it on your backside, sliding his left hand under your stomach and up to your neck he grasps before pressing his mouth to your cheek, breathing unsteadily.
“get that pussy wet for me,” sasuke lands a hot hand on your ass hard, a salacious moan pulling from you as you look into his eyes while you suck on your fingers, coating them with your saliva before reaching underneath yourself and sinking them into your cunt, pumping while he grinds his hips.
the silent room echoes with nothing but the slickness of your slick pussy and heavy breathing. the hairs on your neck and the goosebumps running along your arms heighten with every strike sasuke lands on your ass, humming as you whimper and fuck yourself, his hits vibrating straight to your throbbing clit.
“m’ready, ‘ke. needa feel full,” the way you say his name with such sultry in your voice while dragging your cum covered fingers over the tongue that sticks out of your mouth fucks him up. he could cum on sight.
“yeah? it’s empty? it needs my cock?” he hits your ass again after you whine about it, by now the right side bruised and red. taking a chunk of the left, his long fingers are sprawled, gripping hard and angling his waist back to slide slowly into you inch by inch.
“whimper and i’ll go deeper,” his brows are bent low, focused on your pussy suctioning him, the vein on the upper side of his dick pulsating the second you arch your back and claw at the bedding, whimpering and waiting for him to fuck you just like he needed to.
when his skin collides with yours it’s like waves clashing. the way sasuke fucks you is an outer body treatment like no other. he likes to be rough about it. knows the difference between harder and faster. and he likes it hard. it’s better for him because he can feel your voice stutter and your body jolt. he can feel the drag of his cock inside of you, slow stroking as you clamp around him and try to milk him for all he’s got. hard because you cry like a desperate slut who’s getting her cervix kissed back to back. hard because he can grab you and pin you down and force you to take it while your tears soak your face, a fucked out smile curls, and your eyes are white.
“i’m bout to fuckin’ cum,” the groan is guttural in his throat, sasuke picking his pace up and fucking you faster, throwing his head back, chasing his orgasm. he gasps when you take the initiative and clap your ass back, sasuke in shock, scrolling his eyes back as you grasp onto his arm for balance.
“keep fuckin’ doin’ that,” suddenly, he pins your arm behind your back, entwining your fingers to hold hands before grabbing your neck and squeezing just enough to blur your vision, breath shaky as you rock your body back to his. “fuck. fuck.”
you can tell he’s ready to pull out with the way his weight fluctuates from yours, and you bitch about it almost instantly, crying out a whiny ‘noo, cum in me’ before using your free hand to keep his thigh to yours. sasuke loses his balance, chest to your back and all of his weight suffocating you deliciously, balls deep while his balls seize up, flat to your ass and shooting his thick load into your womb.
“babyyyy,” sasuke moans in the crook of your neck, hiccuping as his waist continues to roll into you as you cum from being so full. clenching your walls making it a task to pull back. he’s pulsating wildly inside of you, groaning and smacking your ass once more before rolling the two of you on your sides so you can breathe.
“thank you,” he smiles drunkenly.
“happy birthday, sasuke.”
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