#and kara danvers love her anyway
just-an-ari · 2 years
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a couple (a lot) of soft lena late night doodles because lena has tummy rolls and i will die on this hill /lh
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guinevereslancelot · 1 year
imagine a supergirl story but good and original....dc get on this
#literally let me write supergirl since you dont wanna!!!#i'll doo it!! i have ideas#like coherent ones even#there is a well developed supergirl who lives in my brain and she could live in canon too#anyway this million dollar idea for free....dc feel free to use this idea......#like imagine if she had her own city and rogues gallery and supporting characters and it wasnt all a lazy ripoff of clarks.....#it would be so easy im begging 😭#first of all the only good job she ever had was guidance counselor do NOT make her a reporter or put her in a dang soap opera#now ur already ahead of 90 percent of supergirl content#then just. tell a coherent plot <3#give her a good love interest for ONCE and dont let it be a walmart kryptonian or lois lane but a dude#fr her love interest should be from earth this is essential and ideally not superpowered but could still be a superhero#but no aliens! and not braniac ffs#and not a knockoff lois lane#a non powered or low powered hero who is still awesome would be very cool#let her fall in love with humanity#and give her her own rogues gallery make some new bad guys its ok i promise 😭#anyway.....infinite bitterness i could go on forever#also dont call her linda and dont make her a danvers she is a kent she should be kara kent its fine i promise its fine#smallville was right abt that part#i will NEVER draw an in depth web comic but i might write a fic thats just the supergirl story as it should be from start to present lol#anyway dc has no ideas for her and they have never had ideas for her and it shows#having no story to tell never stopped them from telling a story tho bless <3#this has been a shitpost#welcome back to me complaining
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
The first time Kara Danvers touched Lena Luthor was seared on her memory. Lena had offered her hand in the usual way and Kara took it, but it was no ordinary handshake. Her grip was firm, but not controlling, and her flesh was warm, almost feverish. The handshake was like Kara herself- bold and brash at first, then softening, letting Lena take the lead almost with a sense of relief.
(Later, in a darkened room with an empty whisky bottle by her head and a broken picture frame clutched to her chest, Lena would realize that had *not* been the first time that Kara had touched her; the first time was to save her, rescue her, protect her, to bend steel one moment and reassure a terrified woman the next, and that first touch had set a tone for the others, a surpassing tenderness she didn’t deserve)
The next touch she remembered was Kara gently tapping her shoulder on a restaurant terrace. Lena had tensed at the brush of fingers on her shoulder, looking up sharply with a stabbing fear in her gut- it was the first time she’d dined out casually and publicly since her brother committed a literal crime against humanity. She wouldn’t dare do something so ordinary in Metropolis; she’d be lucky if there were only protesters with signs as she was leaving. Only when she arrived in National City did she let her guard down, both literally and figuratively. Kara’s impossibly soft fingers on her bare shoulder jolted her from her reading and she felt that spike of terror for just a moment before she met a pretty smile and those lovely, strangely haunted blue eyes greeting her.
Lena had built walls of steel and stone and pain and the woman who came from the sky took them apart touch by touch, not with fists but with back-pats and handshakes and hugs until there was nothing left but a bare soul, exposed and raw like a frayed nerve, with only Kara to protect it.
The next time it happened was at a gala. It wasn’t an important one and Kara was frankly bullshitting Lena by asking her to tag along to “report” on the goings-on. Lena knew it would be painfully boring for Kara because it was painfully boring for her.
That was what she thought, anyway, until Kara, bold sweet Kara, rested a guiding hand on the small of Lena’s back and lit up every nerve in ending in her body like a Christmas tree, as she defensively stood proud next to Lena, towering over her and the randy city councilman both. She wouldn’t know until later, much later, why Kara had seemed so much more herself, more true, in that moment.
After that was one of the most painful nights in her life. Lena had always known she was trash, that she was nothing but one of Lionel Luthor’s by-blows; sometimes she could hear Lilian at the funeral, snarling at her that she only existed because her father was a second too late to waste her on her mother’s thigh where she belonged. The world didn’t care about her hospital or her charity work or the effort she’d put into making her company a positive force in the world. Someone told them she poisoned the children and the goodwill was gone in a puff of smoke like the thin, gossamer thing it had been. Once a Luthor, always a Luthor.
Then Kara was there, a living, loving fortress of bone and muscle and love, wrapping Lena so tightly in a shield of pure compassion that she could have survived anything, that even as the tears fell she knew that she could live in a world that hated her so long as this one person could would love her so much. Kara carried her through that storm and more besides.
That was also the night that Lena began using her own touch as a substitute, a pale imitation of the one she wanted from Kara but knew she would never have.
But they did not always touch.
Later, after more hugs and more lingering hands and shared dances, they would sit next to each other for nights of games or movies, and their friends would begin to make innuendos and begin to stare and Lena let herself pretend that the touches were more than they were.
In the darkest hours of the night Lena would lie in an empty bed and pray for touches.
Then the worst thing happened, and she denied the touch. Kara reached out, meaning to console, to comfort, to protect, to make it all better with her maddening power, but there was no fixing it. In the frozen tomb that was Kara’s arctic fortress, Lena buried Kara alive in a green hell and wished never to be touched again.
But her anger did not last forever. It never does. They fought, they argued, Kara ruined her plans, called her a villain, resisted her at every turn… but never touched her. Those soft hands were never laid upon her in anger and there were times when Lena almost wanted it, just to feel them again.
Then one day Lena saw too much and learned too much and the enormity of what she had done came down upon her, rushing in on her all at once, and she was as raw and naked and pained as she had been that night long ago when she first realized what Kara’s touches meant.
When she rushed back to the rent controlled side of town, going on foot for fear her brother would learn of her destination if she took the car, she only had wanted to set things right. She knew she didn’t deserve what she’d already been given and would ask no more.
Kara was waiting for her. When she opened the door she stood tall, jaw set, hair down over a pastel cardigan. The effect of Supergirl’s stern, righteous conviction garbed in the soft, inviting form of Kara made her heart do a flip, almost made her run, but she held her ground, feeling like a child begging forgiveness from a hurricane.
Lena stood before the open door, trembling and shaking, tears cutting red lines down her cheeks as she explained herself.
She didn’t expect Kara to touch her, so when it happened she flinched, almost yelped. When those powerful arms wrapped around her, it was as if nothing had changed, but everything had changed, because for the first time, Lena touched her back.
Lena touched her back without fear or reservation. She touched her back without the nervousness that came with hugging her Straight Best Friend. She hugged her back without deceit. She hugged her back with absolute conviction, saying with her arms and hands what her ever broken heart could never speak in words.
Kara’s touch answered her. She cupped Lena’s chin with a softness, a gentle control that no human could ever have, even as she closed the apartment door with such intensity that it left a hand print in the metal. The touches changed; they were no longer announcements but conversations, exchanges, dances and music at the same time. The world became a blur, a dreamscape of hands lifting her from the floor and relieving her of her coat and laying her on a bed, each caress a declaration that Lena answered with her own.
When their lips met, Lena poured into them every thought, every desire, every pain, every longing. She would have swallowed Kara if she could, climbed inside her, and Kara’s hands and lips begged and adored and instructed and finally, after, in morning sunlight, Lena buried her face in a sleeping Kara’s shoulder and wept her joy and freedom, because at last she was home.
When Alex came and Kara told her that Lena would help them safe the world, they were holding hands.
They would be holding hands again much later, after much love and loss and hope and joy, when Kara closed a delicate bracelet around Lena’s wrist.
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fazedlight · 5 months
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Listening (Rift resolution, with reference to Kara’s article from Batwoman 1x10)
“I appreciate the favor,” Kate said, as Kara turned off her voice recorder. “It’s nice we’re in the same universe now.”
“Definitely,” Kara said, smiling back. She jotted down some final thoughts, before closing her notebook. “It’s a favor to me, too. Andrea will love this story.”
It had been a messy incident. When a local officer, Slam Bradley, had pushed Kate - Batwoman - out of harm’s way, someone had been snapping photos. Once the pictures went viral, the press had a field day, speculating on the nature of Batwoman’s relationship with Slam Bradley… which he had only played up.
It prompted Kate to make the decision for Batwoman to come out as a lesbian - not just to clear the air, but to give hope to the queer kids of Gotham.  “Are you nervous?” Kara asked. “I’d be nervous.”
“Relieved,” Kate said, and Kara thought it was all too fitting of the Paragon of Courage. Kate nodded in Kara’s direction. “Sounds like you’ve thought about doing it. What makes you nervous?”
Kara sighed, looking at her hands.
“Oh,” Kate said. “Your friends don’t know?”
Kara’s brow crinkled. “I- I wanted to come out to them. Years ago.”
“There was someone?” Kate asked.
“It got complicated,” Kara said. “I don’t know if she’s even queer anyway. And then we had a falling out, so…”
“So if you came out, everyone would know what she meant to you.”
Kara nodded. “It took the joy out of it. So I didn’t.”
Kara sighed as she reached her desk, sloughing off her bag and dropping it in her chair. She would rather be transcribing Kate’s interview and writing her article at home where she could use superspeed - but since Andrea wanted the staff in the office, it seemed Kara was stuck taking the slow route.
Kara tilted her head, tracking a familiar heartbeat down the hall. What’s she doing here?, Kara thought curiously, trying to avoid looking as Lena followed Andrea into a small meeting room. I shouldn’t eavesdrop, I shouldn’t eavesdrop, I shouldn’t eavesdrop…
“Well, I’m sorry if I’ve offended you,” Lena derided, as Kara tuned in, “But I didn’t come here for this conversation.”
“I’m not offended,” Andrea said, and Kara could hear the grin in her voice. “I’m just amused. Of all the names to call out-”
“- you really fantasize about Kara Danvers fucking you?”
Kara’s head snapped up in time to see Lena’s frame stiffen through the glass walls. Andrea and Lena?, Kara thought, her eyes wide, They were-
“I’m not talking about this here,” Lena said. “Either get to the contract amendment, or I’ll leave.”
“Please, Lena, it’s not like she can hear us.”
Lena shouted my name? Kara thought in a panic, rising quickly to her feet, intent on somehow shutting down the conversation - because if she didn’t, she was going to lose her sanity. She shouted my name, while they were- while they-
Her steps were perhaps slightly too fast, and she accidentally caught Lena’s eye for a moment before she burst in, the brunette looking like she clearly wanted to murder someone. But Andrea was unperturbed by Kara’s arrival. “Sorry to interrupt!” Kara said, knocking on the door as she swung it open.
“Yes, Ms. Danvers?”
“I-” Kara’s mind drew a blank, before the right excuse fell into her head. “I have an exclusive with Batwoman!”
Andrea hummed in interest, and Kara could feel the daggers Lena was glaring into her.
Lena glanced down at her drink. 
The winter night was cool enough that she should get something warm - even in National City. But the scotch and rage were keeping her warm enough for now, as she stood on her balcony, looking out over the city’s lights. 
She knew she could be spending another night with Andrea if she wanted. Let off some steam. She knew rationally, Kara finding out wasn’t really Andrea’s fault. But Lena was not in a forgiving mood. She was better off alone and rageful.
A familiar double-tap sounded behind her on her balcony, and Lena’s jaw tightened. “Why are you here?” she demanded, without turning.
“I… I found out something that you didn’t want me to know,” Kara said, and Lena could almost hear the blush in her voice.
“If you think that meant anything-”
“I know it doesn’t,” Kara said. “I’m- I’m just here to tell you something I don’t want you to know.”
Lena’s brow furrowed in confusion, as she turned to look at the bashful blonde. Kara looked back curiously, only partially successful at her attempt to hide her regret. “You think that’s fair?” Lena asked. “You get to choose a secret, because you spied on me?”
“No,” Kara said. “But it’s the best I can do.”
Lena left her drink on the balcony, crossing her arms and glaring at the super, her pose haughty and expectant.
Kara swallowed hard. “I’m in love with you.”
Lena’s eyes widened. What the fuck is she talking about?
“For what it’s worth,” Kara said, looking over the balcony instead of at Lena’s face. “I hear it sometimes, around the city. Supergirl’s easy to fantasize about. I know it’s just lust. ”
Kara paused. “I know it doesn’t mean anything to you. But you mean everything to me. If anyone should feel ashamed, it’s me.”
Before Lena could come up with something she could say, Kara was gone.
Lena tried to ignore it. Tried to pretend that night never happened. Kara doesn’t love me, she told herself. It’s just another lie.
Her anger boiled over one evening, when Kara landed again at Lena’s balcony, just to call her a villain. Lena didn’t sleep that night, tossing and turning and mumbling in disbelief that Kara would have the audacity.
So the next morning, she showed up at Kara’s door. 
Unslept and frazzled, and perhaps not entirely thinking straight when Kara opened the door, Lena marched in and turned, yelling without preamble. “It’s a fucking lie, Kara, you don’t just get to say that!” Lena shouted.
“What do you mean?”
“If you loved me…” Lena panted, as Kara’s eyes widened. “If you loved me, you couldn’t have hurt me like that!”
“I said I loved you,” Kara said, her voice tight with stress. “I never said I was good at loving you.”
Lena hesitated.
“I know I hurt you,” Kara said. “And I’ll never forgive myself for it. Just like I don’t think you’ll forgive yourself if you keep going with what you’re doing.”
“And you told me, to what? Win me over?”
“I already said, I told you because I didn’t want you to feel embarrassed about shouting for Supergirl-”
“I didn’t shout for Supergirl,” Lena growled.
Kara’s eyes widened at the implication, and Lena felt ice run through her veins as she realized what she had done. Without another word, Lena marched back towards the door, and left.
Is she right?, Lena thought. Will I regret this?
Has working with Lex ever gone well?
Kara was a liar. A liar. The years of deceit, the crocodile tears at the Pulitzer. This could just be another lie in a long list of lies and manipulations. A means of control. But why didn’t it feel that way?
“I said I loved you. I never said I was good at loving you.”
Lena leaned over her kitchen counter, putting her face in her hands. Could it really be that simple?
Kara tried to control the pounding of her heart as she made her way through the park.
It was a familiar sight, harking back to the day just a few years ago when Lena had made her announcement - that LuthorCorp would be LCorp. That was no longer true on Earth Prime, of course, but the place made Kara smile. It was one of the first places they had met.
She supposed Lena chose it as neutral ground. LuthorCorp, Catco, the DEO, either of their homes - those places all had much more baggage. But it left Kara asking, why? Why did Lena want to meet at all?
She found Lena by heartbeat before she saw her. Lena was sitting on a bench, sipping from a coffee cup, staring ahead at the park. She turned to Kara, though not quite meeting her eyes, nodding as Kara took a seat next to her.
Moments passed in silence.
“I’m not working with Lex anymore,” Lena said. “I messed up.”
“I messed up too,” Kara said. “I don’t want to lie to you anymore.”
Lena nodded, staring at her hands, swallowing harshly. “I want to try again.”
Kara’s eyes widened, before a small smile crossed her face. “I’d like that.”
“Do you think we can?” Lena asked. “Do you think we can fix this?”
“I have hope.”
One morning, a couple of months later, an article by Lois Lane caught Kate Kane’s eye. The news page featured a smiling Supergirl, standing tall and proud, with an audacious headline. “America’s Power Bisexual? Supergirl Comes Out.”
She got the girl, Kate thought, her lips quirking into a smile. She reached for her phone, sending off a quick text. “Congratulations, Danvers.”
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 1 month
Blue and Fire Engine Red, Pt 7
The day of Hector’s game day party comes before Kara knows it. Lena drives them both in the dusty pick up, blasting N*SYNC with the windows down. Kara is more than happy to sing along– Lena’s unabashed enjoyment revives Kara’s memories of her teenage years, and the afternoons she’d spent with Kenny with N*SYNC playing on the radio. These days, Kara can acknowledge that they may not be objectively good, but they’re fun.
At Hector’s they and Kara’s seven layer dip are received with a warm, enthusiastic welcome. Kara’s handshake is ignored by Jess and Cecilia both, who greet her with the same hugs they offer Lena. 
“Congratulations on the college admission!” Kara lauds Jess, her smile genuine.
“Yeah,” Lena chimes in, bumping Jess with her shoulder. “You should have told us at the bar, you fink.”
Jess remains utterly unapologetic. “I could see you had more important matters on your mind,” she quips, giving Kara a pointed look and earning a round of laughter.
After that, Kara is swept up in a flurry of introductions, not just of Hector’s friends, but Lena’s coworkers as well.
“Hi Nia,” she greets readily at the sight of the younger woman, who grins at her.
“Fancy seeing you here, Sergeant,” Nia chirps as blithe as Jess. “Enjoying your time so far?”
Kara blinks in confusion. “We just got here…?” She shoots a look at Lena, who rolls her eyes. 
“She means with me,” Lena tells her. Kara’s jaw gapes a little, shocked enough that words don’t immediately pop out. Lena doesn’t give her long anyway. “Wanna beer?”
“Uh… sure?”
Lena nods. “I got it.” She gives Nia a sharp look. “Be nice.”
With that, Lena saunters off, leaving Kara to the wolves. Kara turns back to Nia, whose grin remains in place. “Hi,” Kara tries again.
“Sergeant Danvers!”
A new voice booms behind her, making Kara jump. She turns to find Brainy studiously regarding her.
“You are precisely on time,” he clips.
Kara nods solemnly. “Entirely Lena’s fault.”
Nia groans. “Querl, what are you talking about? They just showed up!” She waves a hand between them. “We were on time.”
“Miss Nal, surely you are aware of the social moray that dictates the perfect time to arrive at a gathering is no less than fifteen minutes past the proscribed start time. By such expectations, the Lieutenant and the Sergeant arrived right on time.”
“And we were…?” 
“Early, of course.”
Nia throws up her hands. “You were the one who insisted we show up at two!”
“But of course!” Brainy responds, clasping his hands behind his back. “As another custom states: to be early is to be on time.”
With a groan, Nia turns back to Kara. “You see what I have to work with?” In the end, she thrusts out her hand. “Nia Nal. Nice to properly meet you.”
Kara takes her hand with a grin. “Kara Danvers. Likewise.”
At that moment, Lena reappears. She hands over a bottle of Samuel Adams, but Kara notices that she’s claimed a can of rootbeer for herself. Her brow furrows at the sight of it. She sees that Nia also holds a soda, along with a few other firefighters dotted throughout the room. 
“On call?” she surmises. 
Lena nods, cracking open the can and sipping the fizz that bubbles over. The way she looks sheepishly at Kara over the edge of the can is entirely ungraceful, but Kara thinks she might be in love with this woman. 
“Smooth,” is all she says, earning a wink in return.
Lena tilts her head towards the living room. “Game’s on, if you’re interested.” 
Kara smirks. “What game?”
“Exactly!” Nia exclaims. “I’m just here for the food. And the company,” she amends quickly. “Gonzales is great. I like him.”
Lena shrugs. “You’re not the only one,” she says, even as a round of raucous laughter fills the house. A large group has gathered around Hector, clearly enjoying whatever story he’s telling. 
“How long have you known him?” Nia asks casually. Kara expects Lena to deflect, but instead she gamely takes a swig of her root beer. 
“Served two tours.”
Nia nods. “Cool, cool.”
As if it’s not more information about Lena’s service than she’s ever told Kara. But then again, she hasn’t exactly asked. She’d resolved to let Lena drive the pace of that conversation, but… maybe she could turn the key in the ignition.
Conversation continues, moving on to other subjects. Kara listens contentedly, and is all too happy to move to the couch when Hector eventually waves them over. He and Lena exchange their special handshake, but Kara keeps hers simple.
“Hi,” she says. “Thanks for the invite.”
“Yeah, my pleasure! I’m glad you all could make it–”
All of a sudden, something in Lena’s pocket starts to buzz, loud and insistent. She’s not the only one who reaches for their phone though– everyone Kara recognizes from Station 13 fishes out their device to glance at their screens.
A call out.
“I guess we’re leaving,” Kara says wryly.
Hector gapes dejectedly. “Man, you just got here!”
“Why don’t you stay?” Lena suggests to Kara as she rises. “I can ride to the station with Nia and Brainy. You can take my truck.”
Kara hesitates. “Really?”
Lena nods, leaning in to give Kara a kiss. “Here,” she says, pressing her keys into Kara’s hand. “Why don’t you go back to mine? I’ll meet you there when we’re done.”
A pleased thrum buzzes through Kara. She’s never been given a key to a partner’s home, even temporarily. Yet here Lena is, for all her secrets, inviting Kara to wait unaccompanied in her apartment. 
“There’s beer in the fridge,” Lena offers teasingly, sweetening the deal.
Kara grins, accepting the keys with another kiss. “Yeah. Go save the day.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Nia calls. “Come on, LT! Got a warehouse fire with your name on it!” 
LEna mutters something unintelligible under her breath, making Kara laugh. Once the door closes behind the departing crew, very few people remain, and none who Kara knows beyond brief introductions. So she remains where she is, studying her beer can as she considers how long to remain out of politeness. But then she senses eyes upon her, and she glances up to find Hector in his wheelchair across the coffee table, studying her with a closely guarded expression.
Kara doesn’t look away. She knows she’s being measured, by someone who respects and adores Lena. Though Lena has yet to show she values Hector in quite the same way, Kara knows his opinion of her will matter. In the end, Hector tilts his head towards the back door.
“Care to get some air, Sergeant?”
Nodding, Kara accepts the invitation readily, as much to make a good impression as to escape a room full of people she doesn’t know. She slides open the door for the both of them, allowing Hector to roll through first before stepping out after him. Outside, it’s pleasant but almost uncomfortably bright in the afternoon sun, so they have the low deck to themselves, the air still smelling faintly of grilled meat.
Kara takes a seat in one of the plastic lawn chairs, closing her eyes against the glaring sun.
“She trusts you.”
Hector’s statement comes with no judgement. When Kara opens her eyes, squinting at her host, his gaze is still taking stock of her. “Yeah?” she asks.
Hector nods.
“It’s kinda hard to tell,” Kara admits. “I mean, it seems she’s having a good time, but I don’t quite have a full read on her yet. But,” she allows, “it’s still early.”
“The only real thing you gotta know about the Sarge is that once she makes a connection, she’s with you to the end. She may not share herself with people, but she cares about them. Too much, sometimes.”
He rubs his palms against his thighs. Kara’s eyes follow the motion, and Hector notices her attention as though expecting it. “Complete SCI of the L1 vertebrae,” he explains. His voice deepens, devoid of his usual enthusiasm. “We were on a convoy when our vehicle hit an IED. Whole thing overturned. Sarge and I are the only ones who made it out.”
Jesus. Kara doesn’t dare say anything, knowing any words she could offer would be hollow in the face of such an experience.
“We were all trapped under the cargo bed, and the cab had caught fire. It was all starting to burn around us. And the Sarge… she wasn’t pinned. She wasn’t pinned. She could have gotten out. She should have. But she didn’t. She had one hand in my guts and held Reggie’s hand with the other.
“I’m here, she kept saying. I’m here.”
Hector looks down at his lap, scowling inwardly. 
“On the shows and everything, the doctors always promise that it’s all going to be okay. That they’ll save their patient, no matter what. But Sarge didn’t do that. I’m here. That’s all she said. And she was. When Reggie stopped breathing, she was there. She was there when they fished me out. They got me out of there fast, but Sarge helped haul out the others. She– she wanted more than strangers there. We were hers. And she was there when I got out of surgery. She’s the one who told me about the rest.”
An image flashes across Kara’s mind. The previous weekend, she’d seen a dark smudge on Lena’s ribs– later that night, as Lena slept, Kara had seen that the smudge was a tattoo. A series of tallies, stacked in groups of tens. She’d counted thirteen tallies, and in this moment, Kara knows exactly what Lena’s been tracking. 
Unaware of Kara’s revelation, Hector continues with a shake of his head. 
“And she’s still taking care of us.” When he notices Kara’s confusion, he continues. “My folks can’t afford to put Jess through school, and my GI benefits don’t apply to siblings. But wouldn’t you know it, Jess got a full ride from a private donor.” He sighs. “I don’t know how she did it, but she did.”
Kara considers that, remembering the way Lena had seemed genuinely surprised by Hector’s good news. She can’t say even now whether she’d be able to spot the act, but the deception doesn’t feel malicious. She doesn’t know if Lena has a malicious bone in her body.
Then again, she could be blinded by the new relationship glow. What does she truly know about Lena anyway?
“Has she ever talked about her family?” Kara asks. Hector glances at her, prompting her to clarify. “I’m not looking for details. I just… I want to know if it’s something she might share, with the right person.”
At that, Hector softens. “None of us ever heard her talk about her family, her home, or anything from her past. Not even which coast she’s from. I know she got razzed for it at first, but in the end… it didn’t matter. It wasn’t her past that held me together, and it wasn’t the last thing Reggie saw. It was just the Sarge, and who she was in that moment. Who she still is.”
At that, Kara nods. That much, Kara’s already seen for herself. Both at the scene where they first met, where she’d hauled a young mother from an inferno, and the previous weekend with Lydia at the farmer’s market. She’d seen the way Lena’s reflex was to help, as innate as the ability to breathe. Not everyone has that– most people need to think, to make the conscious decision to run towards danger. 
Not Lena.
“I’m not telling you any of this so you’ll treat her with kid gloves or anything,” Hector says. “Sarge can take care of herself. But like I said– she trusts you. I just want you to know just how special that is.” 
He smiles thinly. 
“She’ll treat you good, if you let her.”
Kara opts to pick up a crate of seltzer on her way to Lena’s after saying goodbye to Hector and his family. Despite the offer of free beer, she wants a clear head tonight. Thoughts swirl in her head as she lets herself into the spartan apartment, and settles on the couch to anxiously wait. She can keep her new knowledge to herself, and a strong part of herself wants to. It feels illicit, to know something about Lena that she didn’t share herself. And what Lena doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, right?
But when the door opens a crack, a few hours later, Lena’s voice makes the decision for her.
Kara’s brow furrows. Lena had been the one to invite her to wait, but now she sounds like she’s wound tight as a spring, on the verge of fight or flight. As though she doesn’t know what to expect.
Twisting on the couch to face the door, Kara smiles. “Present and accounted for!”
The playful response does the trick. The crack widens fully, and Lena pushes in with a wide grin and two pizza boxes stacked in her right hand. Kara also spots a two liter bottle of Pepsi under one arm. She’s most relieved for Lena’s smile, though, which assures her that the callout hadn’t suffered any casualties.
“Did Gonzales take good care of you?” Lena asks, kicking the door shut. She detours to the kitchen, bustling to retrieve plates and cups to dish up.
Kara smirks, rising to assist. “I don’t think Cecilia or Jess would allow anything less.”
A bark of laughter answers her. “Ain’t that the truth.”
Lena flips up the lids of the pizza boxes, revealing a pepperoni and a cheese. She hands Kara a plate, letting her snag whatever slices she wants. Kara does, and fidgets with the edge of a partial pepperoni as she watches Lena slide two of each on her plate before lifting a messy slice to her mouth. An ooze of cheese slides precariously, and Lena tilts her head back to receive it.
When she catches KAra staring, the grin she gives is wide and beaming. “It’s on my chin, isn’t it?”
Well, it is, but it’s not why Kara is staring. She gathers her courage as she watches Lena fetch a paper towel to smear the grease off her chin.
“Hector told me some things, about the convoy.”
Kara’s voice is low, careful. Lena’s movements stutter to a stop, her entire body stiffening as the mood instantly freezes. 
“He had no right to tell you anything about that,” Lena says, her voice rigid.
“It’s his story too, Lena,” Kara returns gently. She allows her shredded piece of pepperoni fall to the plate. “And he didn’t give me many details. Just that you were there, and that you did what you could. That you saved his life.”
She does her best to hold Lena’s gaze, but Lena doesn’t let her. Her pizza lies forgotten on her plate, all the mirth from gooey cheese having evaporated into the ether. Kara studies the tight line of Lena’s lips, all but scowling as she wipes her fingers roughly with a paper towel. It’s the first time she’s seen Lena with anything less than a smile.
Part of her cherishes it, because it’s a new side of Lena she hasn’t experienced yet, but a small seed of dread takes root in her stomach, that this might be the last she sees of Lena at all.
“Don’t.” Lena finally glares at her. “Don’t say anything.”
But Kara isn’t ready to let it go, despite the precipice she senses beneath her feet. 
“I’ve noticed your tattoo,” Kara says softly. Lena scoffs.
“Really? Wow. You’re… Wow.”
Lena ignores the soda she’d brought home, and instead swings to yank a beer out of the fridge. She passes Kara without a glance, slumping onto the couch as she stares at the black screen of her television.
“I’m not asking for you to share anything you don’t want to,” Kara clarifies, slowly trailing Lena into the living room. “I won’t ask if you don’t want me to, but I want to be here for you, whenever, or if ever, you want to talk about it.”
Lena continues to scowl at her drink, sitting propped on one knee. Kara doesn’t want to push, but she needs Lena to understand that she isn’t scared. She kneels in front of Lena, whose gaze reluctantly lifts to meet hers. She can feel the tension around Lena like a bubble, ready to rebuff any attempt to prod further.
“I am so proud of you,” Kara says, quiet but firm. “Despite everything, you haven’t given up. Every day, you still go out there and do what you can to help people.”
Kara takes a steadying breath before finishing.
“That means more than however you might feel you’ve failed.” 
Lena’s gaze slides away, scowl firmly in place, and Kara knows that’s the best she’s going to get. She gives Lena’s knee a squeeze. 
“I just needed you to know that.” 
With that, Kara stands and moves to clear out the sink. It gives her something to do as much as it gives Lena time to decompress. She hears the click of the television turning on, and the hum of voices coming through the low volume, but she suspects Lena isn’t truly watching.
When Kara joins her on the couch to finish whatever program is playing on the tv, she can feel that the reprieve hasn’t been enough. She reaches to offer Lena’s hand a squeeze, but Lena pulls away from her touch, clearing her throat.
“I’m pretty tired,” she says brusquely, her movements sharp and staccatoed. She moves towards the bedroom but pointedly makes no mention of Kara leaving. Kara clings to it, reminding herself again and again that this isn’t about her. 
She knows what it’s like, to feel unworthy of any tenderness or affection. Kara has the benefit of therapy and hard work to get her past those feelings– she doesn’t know if Lena has that. Either way, Kara knows the role she wants to play for Lena.
She wants to be the one who stays. 
Lingering on the couch, she lets the tv play as she scrolls idly through her phone, one ear pricked towards the bedroom. She doesn’t hear so much as a peep. Once the sun goes down, and the world beyond fades to dusky hues, Kara clicks the tv off and heads to the bedroom.
The light is off, leaving the room in shadows, but she sees enough to notice that Lena has climbed onto the mattress fully clothed. It lets Kara feel a little less awkward when she joins Lena there, inching as close as she dares until she can reach an arm over Lena’s waist. Lena’s still too tense to be asleep, but she doesn’t give any reaction to Kara’s arrival.
“Is it okay that I’m here?”
Her question murmurs against Lena’s shoulder blades, low and tender in the quiet room. Too tender, Kara worries, when Lena doesn’t immediately answer. But then, finally, Lena exhales, and curls one hand around Kara’s.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 months
A oneshot where B!D gets really bad anxiety whenever one of her sisters are mad at her. She’s always worried they’ll never forgive her and there relationship will be forever ruined. Even though that never happens.
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The cold winter air came through the open balcony doors and slowly made the room freeze as a tense air spread between Alex and you. You, with a lump in your throat, felt the redhead's words cutting through the air like sharp daggers, ready to leave deep wounds in your heart.
Alex stood there, teeth clenched and eyes blazing with anger. "How can you be so ignorant? It's unbelievable how selfish you are!"
You, with a shiver running down your spine, tried in vain to hold back the tears. You never wanted it to turn into an argument. But Alex's words were like an uncontrollable fire that ate through your relationship, leaving you with no options to explain to her why you had taken the larger sum of money out of your shared bank account.
"Alex, let me explain. I just wanted to..." you started, but your voice was drowned in a sob. You knew you couldn't continue to defend yourself without spilling the beans about the birthday surprise. Those words wouldn't be heard anyway. Not in this frenzy of rage the redhead was currently in.
The eldest Danvers snorted and shook her head. "That's typical of you. Always ready with an excuse. You're just immature and incapable of taking responsibility for finances!"
The pain in your chest was almost unbearable. You just wanted peace again. You wanted everything to go back to how it was a few hours ago when you were laughing together and teasing each other. But this strife seemed unstoppable, a relentless storm that destroyed everything in its path.
Alex turned away abruptly, her hands balled into fists. "I can't take this anymore. I'm going to work." She spoke and you could only stand there silently, unable to act as your sister left the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you stood in the silence of the deserted living room, surrounded by an endless feeling of loneliness.
A short while later, Kara flew into her apartment, her eyes wide in shock as she saw you. "What happened here? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. You didn't say a word. Instead, you collapsed under the face of your own emotions. All you wanted was for this nightmare to end and for you to feel safe and loved again. But the pain you faced was too deep, and the wounds of the words said would take a long time to heal.
The blonde looked at her younger sister, your shaking body sitting on the floor, surrounded by a sea of tears. Her heart ached when she saw the look of despair on your face. "Come here, little one." Kara whispered softly as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around you. You sank into the embrace without resistance, clinging to Kara as if she were the only constant in a stormy sea.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” you sobbed quietly, your voice barely above an audible whisper. "Why can't I control myself when there is an argument?"
Kara stroked your back soothingly and placed a few kisses on the top of your head. "It's okay, sweetie. Sometimes our emotions are overwhelming, and that's completely normal. Plus, it shows that Alex means a lot to you."
You raised your head, tears shining in your eyes. "But why does this always happen? Why can't I just be strong and overlook it?"
Kara sighed quietly. She had asked herself this question many times in the last few months about why you always reacted so emotionally to arguments, but she didn't know the answer. She carefully brushed a strand of your hair out of your face and looked deeply into your eyes. "Perhaps there are reasons that lie deeper. Reasons that you may not yet understand."
You swallowed hard, a look of realization crossing your face. "I think I'm scared. Scared that I'll lose one of you as soon as an argument arises. That eventually none of you will forgive me and that I'll ruin my relationship with you forever."
The blonde felt a pang in her own heart when she heard the words come out of your mouth. She knew your fears were deep-rooted and wouldn't just go away. But she was also determined to help you and show you that you were loved and accepted, despite some arguments. "Arguments are normal for siblings, my sweet girl," she whispered softly. "Neither of us is going to push you away or anything. I'm going to have a chat with Alex and we'll find a way to deal with it together, okay?"
You nodded at her and she pulled you up. Together you had a cozy day on the couch, where she looked after you and tried to calm you down.
A few hours later, the door opened and Alex hesitantly entered the apartment, her eyes downcast and her face marked with regret. She felt the weight of the silence filling the room and knew she had a lot of explaining to do to make things right with you.
Kara slowly got up from her spot next to you, while you were still clinging to her, and walked towards the redhead. "It's good that you're back," she said calmly, but with a stern tone. "We need to talk. Urgently."
Alex swallowed hard and nodded, her eyes meeting yours and she could see the pain in them. "I'm sorry, Kara. I'm so sorry for what I said. It was unfair and unforgivable to y/n." She spoke and the blonde took her in his arms, surprised by her openness.
"It's okay. We all make mistakes. But we need to talk about it so we can understand what happened." the person addressed hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I spoke to Lena and she told me something that finally made me understand. She's afraid that if we fight, our relationship will be ruined forever because her real parents fought all the time before they split up and put her in a children's home."
Kara sighed and nodded slowly. "Yes, y/n told me that too. It's hard for her to deal with these fears."
Alex looked at her sister seriously before biting her lip and briefly looking at you on the couch. You had now moved into a lying position, the blanket wrapped thickly around you. "We have to show her that she is wrong. That we love her and that we will always be there for her no matter what."
The blonde smiled softly and put her arm around the redhead's shoulder. "We will, Alex. We will show her that she will never be alone and that she always has a place in our family."
They walked over to you arm in arm and took you into their midst. They hugged you tightly, united in their determination to put the fight over money behind them. You all spent the next few hours talking it out, listening to each other, and reassuring each other that you would be there for each other no matter what happened.
And as night fell and you felt tired but relieved, you all knew that you had emerged from each crisis stronger, ready to walk together on a path full of love and forgiveness.
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✐ Seven Years | Kara Danvers ✎
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Pairing: Kara Danvers x reader
Warnings: slight angst
Summary: Seven years is a long time, but you’ve never given up on Kara.
Seven Years Ago
A knock on my door makes me shoot up in bed. After crash landing on earth with Mon El I’m still getting used to my super hearing.
I rub my eyes and check my phone for the time, frowning when I see it’s two in the morning. I get out of bed and use my x-ray vision to see who’s at the door.
Much to my surprise I realize it’s Kara and the way she holds herself is very unusual. She’s leaned against the doorframe, her hair a mess and her glasses are askew on the bridge of her nose.
“Hey, what are you doing here this late?” I ask when I open the door.
Kara’s head shoots up and her hazy, glassy eyes meet mine. She sways when she pushes herself off the doorframe and when she slurs a, “Heyyy,” I smell alien liquor on her breath.
I sigh and step aside, letting her in wordlessly. This isn’t the first time she’s shown up drunk at my doorstep and I’m pretty sure tonight it’s for the exact same reason as last time.
���What did he do this time?” I say, exasperated as Kara flops down on my couch face first.
Mon El. . .
I love my twin brother, don’t get me wrong, but he can be such a jackass sometimes.
Since he started going out with Kara, he has changed for the better, but sometimes he slips up and that’s when I get involved because not long after waking up here on Earth, Kara’s took an instant liking to me.
Unlike my brother I didn’t break out of the DEO, I didn’t send out a distress call that got me arrested, and I’ve never believed our people’s claims that the Kryptonians were responsible for all our hardships, which meant Kara and I became friends rather quickly.
And as her friend I’m one of the only people she can talk to about Mon El because I know him better than anyone and I’m more often than not the one who talks some sense into him whenever he messes up.
Now, I could say I don’t mind because that’s what friends are for, but I do because I hate how I was too shy to ask her out and when I mentioned it to him, he swooped in and asked her out himself.
It’s like he doesn’t even care about her and only did it to one-up me once again, the same way he’s been doing all his life.
Kara groans and I take a seat beside her head, taking off her glasses so she doesn’t accidentally break them. “He just doesn’t listen!”
Yeah, I’ve heard that one before.
I sigh and scratch at my eyebrow. “Why? What happened?”
I don’t want to know. It makes me furious, seeing how he treats her, but I want to be a good friend, so I’m offering her a shoulder to cry on.
Kara takes a deep breath before sitting up. She looks like a bug wiggling its legs in the air while doing so, but she manages to do it and sinks back into the cushions, her head landing on my shoulder.
It’s a familiar position and even though I know it’s friendly on her part, I can’t help the butterflies that erupt in my stomach every time she’s this close.
She smells like floral perfume and liquor, the latter being a little overwhelming for my sensitive nose, but I couldn’t care less. All that matteres right now is that she’s comfortable and safe.
God, what would the world do if they saw Supergirl in this state? Wasted over a fight with her boyfriend. . .
I shake my head and force myself not to think like that. Kara isn’t just Supergirl; perfect, charming and selfless. She’s also Kara and she, like everyone else, isn’t perfect.
“We were dealing with some bank robbers earlier,” she starts, still slurring her words but sounding more sober than before, “and I told him— I TOLD him— I had it under control, but he swooped in anyway.”
Yup, that sounds like him.
I have the same powers he has, but I don’t want to be a superhero. I just want to live a normal life, just like I’ve always wanted, even back on Daxam, and because I now have the freedom to choose, I choose to work as a manager and barista at Noonan’s. I like connecting with people and the simplicity of the job, which makes it perfect.
From time to time I do help the DEO of course, but only if I really have to. Otherwise I stick to my new, boring life.
I hum in acknowledgment and wait for Kara to continue.
“They got away with the money,” she says, “and I got a slab of concrete hurled at me. . . And then he has the audacity to accuse me of letting them get away, as if I didn’t have to use my body to shield them and prevent him from accidentally killing them with that piece of concrete!”
“I— Wow.” Is all I can manage to say and when I look to my left I’m startled to find Kara looking up at me with big, puppy dog eyes.
“Why can’t he just listen?” she whispers, her eyes darting between mine. “I mean, you listen. You always listen. Why can’t he?”
I swallow thickly and look at my hands in my lap. Mon El and I might be twins, but that’s where the similarities end.
I feel myself getting hot under Kara’s intense stare, so clear my throat and mumble, “I don’t know, Kara. But I’m sorry he’s acting like this.”
I would never do something like that to you.
I don’t say that because we’re just friends and because I’m not going to be the one who ruins their relationship.
Kara sighs and rests her head back on my shoulder, closing her eyes. She wraps her arms around my arm and within seconds her breathing evens out and I know she’s asleep.
Damn you, Mon El . . .
I shift around until I can get out of her embrace, carefully directing her so she’s lying on the couch. I take off her shoes and drape a thin blanket over her, knowing full well that she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
I cough and blink my eyes open. Everything is white and blurry, so I rub my eyes with my hands.
A familiar face swims in front of me and when I blink a couple of times, it comes into focus.
“Brainy?” I ask, coughing once more. “Are we back in the 31st century?”
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. “No. There have been some. . . complications.”
My eyebrows shoot up and I step out of the cryo-pod. My clothes are sticking to my body and I gladly accept the stack of dry clothes Brainy holds out. “What kind of complications? Where’s Mon El? Is he still asleep?”
Brainy’s eye twitches in a telltale way and he turns around when I start taking off my shirt. “No, he is awake. He is out looking for a power source for the ship.”
I narrow my eyes at the back of his head and finish changing, running a hand through my damp hair. “Where exactly is he? I know there something you’re not telling me, Brainy.”
He peaks over his shoulder to make sure I’m decent before turning back around. “There is nothing I’m not telling you, Y/N.“
I scoff and brush past him to the ships main computer to see what’s going on. Before I can get my hands on the control panel though, he slips in front of me, blocking my view.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
I raise an eyebrow. “What am I doing? What are you doing? Move, please.”
He shakes his head and grimaces. “I can’t do that.”
Frustration bubbles in the pit of my stomach and I clench my jaw so as to not snap at him. “Why not? What is going on?!”
Brainy opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water, but nothing comes out.
“Brainy, I swear—“
I spin around at the familiar voice and glare at my brother who’s dressed in his red Legion suit.
“Mon El.” I acknowledged him with a nod and send Brainy one last glare before asking, “What’s going on? Where are we? Or should I say when are we?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ve got what we need and we should be back home in no time,” he replies and when my eyes drop to his hands I realize he’s holding a power cell.
Why is no one telling me what is going on?
My frustration turns into anger when Mon El tries to move past me without elaborating, so I grab his arm and yank him back.
“Either you tell me what’s going on right now, or I’m leaving the ship to find out myself!” I seethe through gritted teeth and it fills me with satisfaction to see him flinch ever so slightly.
He quickly reassumes his unfazed demeanor though and calmly replies, “Look, you weren’t supposed to wake up before I got back. We’re not home yet, which is all that matters, but I have what we need to get back, so don’t worry.”
I’m about to lunge at him when Imra boards the ship, also dressed in her Legion suit.
So they were out together. . .
“Mon El, Kara told me—“
She freezes when her eyes land on me and when it registers what she just said my heart drops. I let go of Mon El’s arm and turn to face her with shaking hands. “What did you just say?”
It’s almost a whisper but because it’s dead silent right now, Imra hears me.
“Y/N. You’re awake,” she says carefully, her eyes darting between me and Mon El.
“Yeah, no shit.” I take big step forward so I’m face to face with her, pointing at her chest. “Now tell me. What were you going to say?“
She swallows thickly, looking like a deer caught in headlights and when I don’t back down, her eyes drop to the floor and she mumbles, “Kara wanted me to tell Mon El that Winn managed to locate another power cell, should we need one that is. . .”
My jaw drops and my heart races in my chest. I spin around and stare at Mon El in disbelief.
“Kara?” I croak. “Kara?!“
Mon El sets down the power cell and hols out his hands to calm me down, but I’m way past the point of being calmed down now. “Y/N, please don’t make a big deal out of this. I—“
“No, you don’t get to talk to me like that!” I cried, feeling tears well up in my eyes. “How dare you not tell me we were back?”
His face is contorted into a conflicted grimace, and he tries to come up with an excuse, but I’m not having it.
“You weren’t going to wake me up, were you? You weren’t ever going to tell me about this, were you?” My voice breaks more and more as I continue speaking until I’m a crying mess.
“Y/N. . .” Imra places a hand on my shoulder, but I shrug her off, taking several steps back to glare at all three of my supposed friends.
“No, just stop,” I choke out, wiping at my tears. “I’ve waited, hoped, seven years for this moment, and you weren’t going to say anything.“
I stare at each of them for an explanation, or a reason as to why they weren’t going to tell me, but no one says anything, so I square my shoulders and use my sleeve to tame the never ending stream of tears.
“Wow. So much for family,” I scoff and make my way to the ship’s door. No one dares to stop me and as soon as I step outside, there’s only one thing left on my mind: Finding Kara.
Seven Years Ago
“Here you go.” I smile and hand Maya, one of our regulars, her coffee over the counter. She reciprocates the smile and thanks me before leaving.
I grab the next ticket and look it over, seeing that I only have to make a cappuccino and a hot chocolate.
I get to work, moving flawlessly around the space next to my coworker Conan, only to be pulled to the side when I go out back to grab a new crate of coffee beans.
“Kara, what the hell?” I shriek when I see the blonde grinning at me. She’s wearing her Supergirl suit and her blonde hair looks windswept.
I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and set down the coffee beans. “You can’t just sneak up on someone like that. One of these days I’m going to have a heart attack because of you,” I say, my lips twitching when she scratches her neck in embarrassment.
“You’re right I’m sorry,” she says, her smile not faltering, “even though I don’t think you could even have a heart attack if you tried.”
I roll my eyes playfully and pull her into a hug. She laughs and hugs back, and I’m pretty sure if I were human she would have broken my neck by now.
“Don’t get smart with me,” I warn with a chuckle when we pull back and she just smiles, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear. “So, what brings you by? Not my idiot brother again, I hope.”
Kara grimaces and shifts awkwardly. “Actually that’s exactly why I came by.”
I deflate and force myself to ignore the hurt that always claws at my heart when she talks about her relationship with Mon El. “Oh, alright then. What happened?”
For the first time ever, she seems to pick up on my change in mood pertaining this particular topic and she frowns. However, when I raise an eyebrow expectantly she clears her throat and a tentative smile tugs at the corner of her lips. “Well, I. . . I broke up with him.”
My eyes widen and I can’t stop a confused, “Why?” from slipping past my lips.
It was probably not the reaction she was expecting because she falters and starts nervously tugging at her skirt. “I-I just realized we don’t working together and he is just so different and— I thought you’d be happy for me.”
Seeing her pout I’m quick to grab her hands and make her look at me. “No, no, no. I am happy for you. I just— I thought maybe he broke your heart and you were sad about it and— I’m sorry. I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m glad you’re happy. That’s all that matters.”
Uncertainty flits across her face and her blue eyes search my face when she asks, “Really?”
I nod and squeeze her hands with a soft smile. “Really.”
Kara beams the next second and throws her arms around my neck. “You’re the best friend ever. How about we go out and celebrate tonight? I’ll ask Alex, Lena, and Sam to come, too.”
My heart breaks a little at the word friend, but I don’t let it show when I agree. “Sure. Just text me when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Yay!” Kara giggles and pulls back, her face lit up with happiness.
I smile fondly at the sight, feeling my heart flutter before scolding myself.
Stop, she’s your friend. Nothing else.
I sigh and gesture behind me. “I should get back to work.”
“Of course!” Kara’s eyes widen in realization, but she doesn’t lose her smile.
I return a half-hearted smile and get back to work, hearing the whooshing of her taking off just as the door closes behind me.
Since she broke up with Mon El three months ago, Kara has been around even more than before.
She shows up at Noonan’s daily just to chat which has gotten her in trouble with Snapper more often than not, and she spends most nights on my couch, passed out from her Supergirl duties.
Tonight was game night at her place and everyone except me has already left, leaving behind empty beer bottles and candy wrappers.
It was fun and filled with friendly competition, leaving a lingering warm feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I pick up the empty wine glass Lena drank out of and take it to the kitchen along with some empty beer bottles.
“I told you, you don’t have to do that,” Kara says, joining me in the kitchen with the empty popcorn bowl.
I shrug her off and take the bowl from her, placing it in the dishwasher before wiping my hands on my pants. “And I told you, I don’t mind.”
Kara’s blue eyes soften and she crosses her arms, her hands disappearing in the sleeves of her (my) sweatshirt. She borrowed it one night after showing up at my apartment covered in soot and ash, and she hasn’t returned it since.
The longer she watches me, the more nervous I get and I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. “So, uh— How’s life?” I ask awkwardly which makes Kara chuckle.
She tilts her head adorably and smiles. “I can’t complain. How about you? How’s Maya?”
I cringe inwardly at the mention of Maya and shake my head with a soft laugh. We went on one date a couple of weeks ago because she asked me out, but I’m too hung up on the blonde in front of me, so I let Maya down gently.
Weirdly enough, Kara hasn’t stopped pestering me about it even though I keep telling her that there’s nothing going on between Maya and I.
“She’s fine I think. I told you I haven’t spoken to her since our date,” I say, drawing shapes on the counter next to me.
Kara raises an eyebrow and her eyes hold something I can’t quite place. “Well, is there someone else then?”
It’s a little weird how interested she is in my love life lately, but I try not to read too much into it.
“No,” I say quietly and Kara uncrosses her arms with a satisfied smile.
“Good. I don’t like sharing my best friend,” she says, placing a hand on my chest.
I swallow thickly and bite the inside of my cheek. “Yup.”
Kara squeezes my shoulder and moves past me, getting comfortable on the couch and looking at me expectantly when I don’t follow.
We usually watch a movie together after everyone’s already gone, but I don’t feel like staying tonight because it just hit me that she’ll never see me as anything other than a friend.
After she broke up with Mon El I thought I might get my chance with her after all, but now I know that that won’t be the case and all I want to do is go home and wallow in self pity.
“Actually, I think I’m going to head home, too,” I mumble, looking down as I drag myself to the door to put on my shoes and jacket.
Kara jumps off the couch and hurries toward me. “What? Why?”
I sigh and glance at her, seeing the confusion and hurt on her face.
“I’m pretty tired and I have an early shift tomorrow morning,” I say, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose again.
“O-Okay,” Kara stutters and I only hug her briefly before leaving, ignoring the way her eyes burn into the back of my head as I step into the elevator.
I fly over National City, admiring the twinkling lights in the dark of the night as I make my way to a familiar apartment.
It’s cold and a few snowflakes land and melt on my face as I continue flying, but I ignore them and close my eyes briefly, taking a deep breath of fresh air.
The last time I was here, my lung felt like it was on fire but since being cured of my lead allergy in the 31st century, that is no longer an issue.
I descend slowly when I get close to my destination, feeling nervousness rise up in the pit of my stomach.
What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if she moved on? I mean, it’s been seven years. . .
Seven Years Ago
“What are we going to do?” Kara asks desperately, pacing back and forth.
We’re at the DEO, trying to figure out what to do about my mother’s attempt at invading the planet.
Alex looks to be deep in thought and Winn and Lena are talking in hushed voices a few steps away.
“Well, we could always use the device Lillian—“
Alex gets cut off immediately by Kara starting her down. “Absolutely not. We have to think of something else.”
I frown and glance at Clark who’s silently watching the whole scene unfold next to a defeated looking Mon El.
“What device?” I ask and when Alex and Kara go on bickering I ask again, this time louder and a little more aggressive. “What device?!”
No one says anything for a second but then Winn clears his throat and steps forward. “Lena and Lilian came up with a fail safe device that releases trace amounts of lead into the atmosphere when activated.”
I regret asking and immediately know why Kara doesn’t want to use it. It wouldn’t only force my mother and all the other Daxamites to leave, but also Mon El and me.
“I’m going to fight Rhea, and I’m going to win. There’s no other option. We’re not going to use that thing.” Kara states with a huff and it seems as though a decision has been made, but before anyone can leave I step forward with squared shoulders.
“No, you are not fighting our poor excuse of a mother,” I say calmly. “We are using the device. No one else has to get hurt and if it means Mon El and I have to leave as well, then so be it. Right?”
I look at Mon El and despite not seeing eye to eye on most things, he agrees with me and nods solemnly.
Kara whips around and glares at me. “We can’t just—“
“Yes you can,” I interrupt, turning to Alex before Kara can say anything else. “Get the device ready. Mon El and I will get our affairs in order and return to the DEO as soon as possible. You said Kara’s spaceship is still in working order, right? We’ll use it to get off Earth as soon as the lead is released.”
Alex pulls me in for a hug and lets out a shuddering breath but agrees to the plan and orders Winn and Lena to finish making the distributor.
Clark regards me with reverence and bows slightly, leaving shortly after to help in the ongoing fight against the invasion.
Mon El leaves too, shaking Alex’s hand and hugging Kara briefly, leaving me behind with the two sisters.
“I can’t believe you just did that!” Kara seethes, jabbing me in the chest with her finger. “I can fight Rhea. I can win!”
“No!” I argue, shoving her hand away and taking a step back. “You can’t win. My mother fights dirty and you will lose and I won’t let that happen. Not when there’s something I can do about it.”
Alex watched us with an uncomfortable look on her face before deciding she’s seen enough. She wordlessly slips out of the room and makes sure the door is properly shut behind her.
“Well, I’m not going to let you jet off into space with nowhere to go. You will die out there!” Kara spits through gritted teeth, the vein on her forehead pulsing dangerously.
“You don’t know that! But I know that you will get hurt if you fight my mother!” I shout and it makes her flinch because I’ve never raised my voice at her.
“But I can try! Why won’t you just let me do this?”
“Because I love you!”
I slap my hand over my mouth and watch as Kara’s eyes widen.
Well, I guess it’s out there now. . .
I sigh and take off my glasses, folding them before sliding them into my pocket.
“I love you, Kara, and not in a best friend kind of way. I won’t let you get hurt.”
Kara gapes at me and when she doesn’t say anything I clench my jaw and brush past her. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go home and get my affairs in order. There’s not much time left.”
Hurt claws at my throat when I leave the stunned superhero behind and I don’t try to stop the oncoming wave of tears.
I knew she didn’t think of me as more than a friend, but her blatant rejection of my feelings just now hurts more than anything I’ve ever felt before.
There’s not much I have to do when I get home because there isn’t much I can take with me, but I do sign the lease of the apartment over to my coworker Conan. He’s been looking for a new place to stay for a couple of months now and the apartment is payed off until the end of the year.
I also sign a resignation letter for work and put it on the kitchen counter next to my spare set of keys.
I’m just about to take some of the picture frames off the wall when I notice a nearing, familiar heartbeat.
I turn around just in time to see Kara coming in through the window with tears streaming down her face.
I get cut off by a pair of lips on my own and my eyes widen before slamming shut.
Kara’s desperately pulling me closer by the back of my neck and I have to place my hands on her hips to stop myself from toppling into her.
She kissed me passionately and frantically, and I wince when I taste her salty tears.
I push at her hips, effectively breaking the kiss and stare at her questioningly. “What are you doing, Kara?”
I can’t let her play with my heart. Not now when I’m about to leave.
Another tear makes its way down her cheek and I fight the urge to wipe it away. She looks utterly hopeless and broken and when she whispers, “I love you, too’” the world stops spinning for a moment.
“It’s why I broke up with Mon El in the first place. You get me like no one else does. You listen to what I say and you’re kind, and modest, and your soul is beautiful. I can’t just let you leave. I-I want to go on dates with you. I want to hold your hand and wake up next to you. I want to make you breakfast in bed and kiss you until you’re breathless. Please don’t leave. Please. . .”
I feel my bottom lip tremble and squeeze my eyes shut. That is what I’ve wanted to hear for so long, and it’s so unfair that it’s just a little too late now.
“Kara, I can’t,” I whisper, opening my eyes again to find her blue eyes already on me.
She whimpers and surges forward, capturing my lips in another heated kiss.
I don’t fight her at all, pulling her closer by her waist until there’s virtually no space left between us.
Her lips are soft and warm, even though they’re moving against mine quite aggressively, and I sigh against her mouth when she buries her fingers in my hair and tugs me even closer.
I could get lost in this kiss and if it weren’t for the sudden burning sensation in my lungs I probably would have.
My grip on her waist involuntarily tightens and I pull back to double over and cough violently. It feels like I’m breathing fire and my throat closes, making me wheeze.
They released the lead.
I look up with tears in my eyes to find Kara watching me in horror.
“No, please. Not now,” she says, desperately cupping my cheeks.
She raises a hand to the comms device in her ear and frantically says something to the person on the other end. I’m assuming it’s Alex, but I can’t focus on what’s being said because the next time I cough, I’m coughing up blood.
It runs down the side of my mouth and I’m suddenly too weak to wipe it away, so Kara does it with alarm written all over her face.
She grabs me around the waist and hoists me over her shoulder, dashing out of the window within the blink of an eye.
The position is a little awkward and uncomfortable but I can’t focus on anything other than trying to get enough air in my lungs.
When we touch down on a field in the middle of nowhere, I see Mon El is already there, waiting and coughing next to Kara’s spaceship.
Kara sets me down gently and cups my cheeks again. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
I shake my head and press a kiss to the inside of one of her wrists, my hands landing on her hips as I sway dangerously on my feet.
I’m too weak to say anything so I just smile weakly, hoping it’s enough to show her that I’m not mad.
“I love you,” she chokes out, pulling out a necklace from beneath her suit. I realize it’s her mother’s and I try to pull away when she presses it into one of my hands. I can’t take something so valuable from her, but she just nods her head adamantly and pleads, “Take this. . . take this, please. It will keep you safe.”
I give in and cough again, holding my breath when she presses her lips against mine one last time.
When she pulls back and pushes me toward the ship, her face is twisted in agony and I know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her not to feel this way.
But there’s nothing I can do, so I get into the ship behind Mon El, clutching her necklace against my chest as the hood materializes above us and we start to ascend.
I mouth I love you, and watch her shrinking figure through the glass. She waves goodbye and I almost break down completely at the sight of her watery smile.
I land on Kara’s balcony, suddenly no longer sure about whether or not I want to do this, but then I see her through the window.
She’s curled up on the couch with a thin blue blanket draped over her. The TV is off and she’s not on her phone either, making me frown and wonder what she’s doing but then I see her wiping her cheek with the back of her hand.
My heart drops at the sight of her looking so dejected and I step forward without thinking and knock on the door.
She freezes for a second before slowly looking up. Her eyes widen when the land on me and she stumbles to her feet, almost tripping over the blanket in her haste to get to the door.
She flings it open, breathing heavily and staring at me with her bloodshot eyes.
“Hey,” I whisper softly and it takes only a couple of seconds for her to throw her arms around my neck and sob into my shoulder.
For the first time in seven years it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her infinitely closer.
The familiar smell of her vanilla shampoo makes my own eyes sting and I choke out a sob.
“You’re here,” she says against my skin, refusing to let go. “I don’t understand. Mon El said you stayed in the future.”
I want to be angry at that revelation, but I just can’t be when I have her in my arms. I press a kiss to her temple and let my lips linger for a moment. “No, I’m here. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere ever again.”
Kara’s arms around me tighten and I bend down to pick her up by the back of her legs, carrying her inside.
She wraps her legs around my waist as I close the door behind us, and breathes heavily against my neck.
I move toward the couch and sit down, holding her in my lap as she continues to cling to me.
We stay like that until her sobs die down and she pulls back to look me in the eyes. Her hands cup my cheeks and she traces her thumbs over my cheekbones.
“I love you,” she croaks and I let out a shaky breath, pressing my forehead against hers.
My hands find their way to her hips and I squeeze carefully, whispering, “I love you, too.”
Kara brushes her nose against mine and pecks my lips tentatively. It sends sparks through my body and I respond immediately and move forward for more.
She hums, satisfied, and deepens the kiss by tugging at my bottom lip with her teeth. I gasp in surprise and she uses the opportunity to slip her tongue past my lips and brush it against my own.
It’s a feeling I’ve been craving since she kissed me for the first time and I haven’t stopped thinking about it for the past seven years.
Much too soon for my liking, Kara pulls back. She rests her hands on my chest and traces her index finger along the chain of the necklace she gave me. “Listen, I know it’s been seven years for you, but you have to know that it’s only been seven months for me since you left,” she reveals quietly and I feel my stomach drop when she adds, “So, you know, I get it if you’ve moved on. I mean, Mon El got married, so surely you—“
I cut her off with a soft kiss, letting my lips trail over her cheek and jaw before they land on her neck.
I nip slightly at her sensitive skin, drawing a barely audible moan from her before pulling back completely to meet her eyes.
“I would wait a lifetime if it meant I got to see you again,” I admit, my eyes darting between hers. Then to lighten the mood, I joke, “But I sure hope you haven’t moved on yet because if you have you’re going to be in quite a bit of trouble.”
The smile that lights up her face makes my heart flutter and she quickly shakes her head, denying that she’s seeing anyone.
“I haven’t gotten over you since you left and I honestly don’t know if I ever would have, but that doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here now and I’m not letting you go again.” She whispers that last part and closes the distance between us again to press a kiss to my neck right below my ear.
It makes me shudder and when she smiles against my skin, knowing exactly the effect she has on me, I pinch her side playfully.
She giggles and trails kisses up the side of my face, all the way across my forehead and down my nose until her lips land on mine in a short peck.
“So, what now? What’s going to happen to you and the Legion?” she asks, finding my hand to play with the Legion ring.
I shrug and trace patterns on her lower back with my unoccupied hand. “I will have some words with Mon El and the others about not waking me up, but I can promise you that I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. You’re stuck with me now.”
Kara laughs softly and squeezes my hand, wiggling forward on my lap so she can rest against my chest, her head tucked into the crook of my neck. “Good because I really want to go on dates with you and make you breakfast in bed.”
I smile and kiss the top of her head. “I can’t wait.”
Jesus, that was a long one, but I needed a break from No Matter What. . .
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non-cannon · 1 month
I had an idea for a SuperCorp arranged marriage AU where to resolve the Luthers vs Supers feud Supergirl and Lena Luther are made to get married. (The plot twist is that Kara and Lena already secretly knew each other and fell in love and realized this was the only way their families would allow them to be together.) I was having fun thinking about it, but then I hit a snag: taxes.
If Lena is technically (and very publicly) married to Supergirl, and not Kara Danvers, how do they file their taxes without revealing Kara's identity? Kara Danvers has a W-2 and a SSN, but Lena has to file with Supergirl, who doesn't want to be revealed to be Kara Danvers.
I know this is fanfic and I could probably ignore this question (and I'm probably never going to write it anyway) but my brain wull not let me continue until I have a satisfactory answer to this question.
I know technically Kara reveals her identity by the end of the show making the problem a moot one, but this is more season 2 timeline.
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daisy-thetoxic · 6 months
DESERT ROSE | Kara Danvers
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Fem gip spider girl- Phoebe Parker part 2
Part one
(I might make this into an actual Fic.)
Fluff, mentions of intimacy, possessives, golden retriever x black cat.
Phoebe grabbed the glasses from the cabinet as she helped Kara prepare dinner for her and her annual friends night.
When she started dating the blonde superhero, she didn’t realize how different her and Kara actually were, but that’s what made them perfect together.
Kara’s golden retriever energy lightening up the room, whole Phoebe black cat energy threatens anyone who dare disturb Kara.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” Kara tells her, walking to her as she came back from the living room.
“This is important to you, babe, I’m fine. Just your friends.” Phoebe muses as she was her won boss anyway, her and Lena going 50/50 on the company due to both of them being billionaires and well Phoebe loved working, especially photography. Reporting just came with the job.
Phoebe rolled up her sleeves, revealing the tattoos she had prior to getting bitten by a spider. Her black silk shirt matching her dark aesthetic as a silver necklace hanged from her neck. It was a matching one with Kara.
She had supergirls symbol while Kara had a spider. And the some of the many rings Kara got her her littered her fingers.
“You get the door, I got the pasta.” Phoebe tells her as her hair was in a lose pony tail, her black curls showing off.
Kara stiffened for a second, signaling she was listening to the footsteps walking towards her door.
“Just a sec.” Kara tells her, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a lingering kiss knowing Alex would be too over protective to let her kiss her girlfriend. Older siblings were a pain in the ass.
“Your cute.” Phoebe muses, watching her walk off before taking the Pasta out the oven, mixing the salad in a giant bowl with a salad grabber thing? Phoebe didn’t really pay attention to what Kara told her it was. Too busy staring at the blonde.
She brought it all the to the table as Kara greeted her friends, opening the door for them.
“It smells great, Kara!” Winn hums as the smell hits their noses.
“Thanks!” Kara smiles widely, proud of herself even though Phoebe had to make 99%, the on 1% helping put the cheese on the pasta. Phoebe didn’t mind as long as it made Kara happy.
“Hey Miss. Patera.” Winn greets her, still not used to seeing his boss outside of work.
“Please, Phoebe outside of work.” Phoebe tells him, giving him a brief smile before walking back into the kitchen.
“Damn.” Kelly mumbles to Kara as her, Lena, and Alex gawk at the woman who was currently grabbing wine from the cabinet.
“I know.” Kara tells her, starring at her girlfriend as she could practically hear the cocky smirk she was wearing.
“Babe? Could you bring the ranch in here?” Kara asks her as she walks towards the table, setting the napkins out once she breaks her trance.
“On it.” Phone calls back out, grabbing the sauce before walking into the kitchen. The wine bottle in her other hand as she sat next to Kara.
“Uno!” Kara calls out as she leans back into Phoebe, sitting in her lap as she played Uno with her friends.
Phoebe on her phone as she went online shopping, buying more things for Kara, who could see it.
“Attached to your phone, much?” James comments, narrowing his eyes at Pheobe. His comment creating unwanted tension.
“Have something to say?” Pheobe looks up at him, raising an eyebrow in a challenging way.
“It’s friends night.” James laughs, although no one laughs with him. “Phones aren’t typically allowed.”
“James-“ Kara glares at the man, annoyed with his constant jealousy.
“It’s fine, he’s right.” Pheobe hits order on her shopping cart which was really a bunch of stuff for Kara before putting her phone down.
Lena looks at Pheobe knowing the woman well enough, hiding her smirk.
Pheobe grabs the cards, shuffling them through her fingers, slightly showing off.
“Reverse. Reverse again, plus four, change the color to red and uno.” Pheobe calls out her cards as she sets it down before setting her last card down, winning the game, and leaving James with about 24 cards.
“Should have warned you she was a pro at Uno, banned her from playing.” Lena laughs, as James looks at his cards and back up at the woman who kicked his ass.
Kara stiffens as she hears something in the distance, police sirens and crashing. “Babe. could you help me get the mail?” Kara turns to her.
Pheobe focuses on her hearing, hearing the sirens too. “Of course.” Pheobe smiles, allowing Kara to get up before following her out.
“Are they?” Lena turns to Kelly who smirks. “Go little Danvers.”
“Hey hey hey, they did not sneak off to…” Alex shivers in disgust.
Before she could get up, super girl flies past the window, with Spidergirl swinging behind her, showing off as she flung past the window.
“That explains a lot.” Winn muses, putting two and two together.
“What? How?” James rushes to the window, watching them swing and fly off.
Pheobe lands on Kara’s balcony, roses in her hand as she takes off her mask, walking into the building.
“You didn’t-“ Kara walks over to her, bringing her in for a hug, making sure not to smoosh the flowers.
“Here, my love.” Phoebe’s Russian accent showing as she grabs a box from her pocket.
Kara’s eyes widen in pure happiness, making Phoebe smile at her. “Open it.” Phoebe tells her, setting the flowers in a vase.
Kara opened it to find a rose ring, decked out in diamonds as a sapphire sat in the middle.
“Babe- I-“ Kara’s words got stuck in her throat as she put the ring on her right ring finger.
Phoebe walks up behind her, wrapping her arms around Kara’s waist.
“You deserve the world, Mon amour.” Phoebe kisses her neck, her black of her suit contrasting to Kara’s pastel clothes.
Phoebe pulls Kara back into her as Kara lets her head fall back onto her shoulder, enjoying the attention.
Kara gasps softly, turning around so she was facing Phoebe. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Phoebe smiles, pulling her in for a kiss, her hands trailing down to the blondes waist, gripping it.
“Show me.” Kara tells her softly against her lips. Getting a smirk from the spider superhero.
“Jump” Phoebe mumbles against her lips as Kara wouldn’t let them part for a second. Following the command Kara jumps, Phoebe grabbing her thighs for her legs to wrap around the superhero’s waist as Phoebe walks them into the bedroom, not disconnecting their lips for a second.
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thecasualqueer · 2 months
oooooohhhh def def agree with your addition! and just bc your addition got my brain tumbling, if I may add:
"So, I don't think this is something that TV Kara has ever admitted to anyone, to the point where even when being asked by someone close to her who has been through similar things she still can't admit it."
I sooo agree with this PLUS I think the expectations and pressure she felt all added to her not admitting it. Like in the start, she didn't have anyone to really talk to about her survivor's guilt who would really understand why it hurt so much. Someone who wouldn't pity and baby her if she mentioned it. Bc to the Danvers and even to Kal, Kara was just a kid. Not someone who would've been the youngest Kryptonian in the science guild, not someone who will never hear the harmony of prayers in Rao's Temple ever again, not a girl who didn't just lost her family but every single person she's ever met, too.
When Kara was younger (and even in the show, as an adult), the people around her could never fully grasp the depth and grief that Kara carried (which Kara is also infinitely grateful for, she wouldn't wish this pain on anyone), so she definitely kept it in. Both duty-bound to continue living for her parents who told her to, and for her new family who have sacrificed so much to keep her safe and alive. But for a long while, she definitely did not want to.
But what else could she do? Add another point of pain to the people who have already been through so much just to keep her with them?
You're so right in mentioning Kara's martyr-like approach in S1 and I think that applies to the way Kara never really talks about her darker thoughts too. She would martyr her emotions and thoughts if it meant keeping her loved ones from worrying about her. In her mind, and as taught to her way back on a planet that once was home, it is important to be "other-focused" and to show restraint towards things that would "unbalance" the peace.
Kara doesn't admit that she dreams of death bc she doesn't feel like she deserves it and because she doesn't feel like it's fair to share to her loved ones (who, to Kara, have sacrificed so much for her).
anywayysss sorry for the long ask-reply to your addition it just got my brain going brrrrrr 😂😅 I'd love to hear if you have any more additions or different thoughts though!
yes this ☝️☝️☝️
I also think this intense unspoken pain is also what draws her to Mon El. At the point when she meets him she has gone so long feeling this way and never being able to talk about it that when she thinks she has found someone who could finally understand she can't let that opportunity pass by (even if he is the biggest dick to walk the earth).
also... having to send him away after all this??? ie literally subjecting someone else to the the same trauma she's spent her entire trying to get away from, bc it's the only choice she has to save the world.
No wonder she has a mental breakdown and quits her job after!!!!
Also, also, this is one of the things that makes her relationship with Lena so special and unique, bc even though they have vastly different experiences Lena is probably the only person in her life who can relate to having trauma so deep that it cannot even be spoken about. Just like Kara, Lena has been through so much that she is practically bursting at the seems (mentally), and just like Kara, she has had to put on a brave face through all of it.
Like, look me in the eye and tell me that Kara does not put her trauma into little boxes!!!
Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to reply to this ask I've been really busy lately but I hope it was worth the wait.
👉original post (where it started)
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goldenempyrean · 10 months
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A Quiet Day In
〚 Day 3 - "What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?" 〛
〚 Pairing - Kara Danvers x Reader〛
〚 Summary - You and Kara share a quiet day at home. 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙〘 Sicktember 2023 Masterlist 〙
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“I’m home.” The sound of your wife’s voice called out from the entranceway followed by the swift clicking of front door closing. Kara sighed as she finally kicked off her heavy boots, today was exhausting 
“Welcome home babe.” You called lovingly from the small home office the pair of you shared, “Is that the door I just heard, how come you didn’t just use the balcony?” 
It was a reasonable question. With Kara being Supergirl and all it made sense - it was faster after all. 
“Yeah… flying isn’t really on the table right now.” She mumbled as she shuffled into the living room, flopping down into the comforting touch of the soft couch. 
Wait? No flying? That caught your attention. You frowned as you closed the drawer, you’d been previously reorganising and came out to the living room, “What do you mean? What happened?” You asked, worry and concern seeping into your words at the sight of your obviously tuckered-out wife. 
You came to sit down beside her, a much-welcomed action by the blonde who laid her head against you as she sank into your arms, “Stupid alien had kryptonite weapons, they got me pretty good.” She mumbled. 
Ah. Now it made sense. Kryptonite was the one thing her otherwise invincible body crumbled to. “Then I went to walk home but this suit is freezing and the only ‘normal clothes’ I had was that stupid work dress, so I changed into that and then my legs hurt from walking because my stupid powers are basically useless right now so then I had to carpool here with random uber strangers.” Kara whined as she finished her ranting all-while you were running your hand down her arm comfortingly. 
“I’m sorry Kar’ that sounds like it sucks. Did the DEO say when your powers will be back at full…er.. power?” You asked, struggling to find the correct wording.  
She shook her head against you, “Alex said possibly a few days, but they don’t know because it was ‘high potency’ whatever that means.” She finished with a wide yawn, another obvious sigh of her fatigue. 
It was rare for Kara to be in such a vulnerable state, and you couldn’t help but feel protective of her. “Alright then, how about we call it a night. I mean it's pretty late anyway and you could use some sleep darling.” You offered, extending both hands to help her up. 
Once inside the bedroom, you helped Kara remove her suit, carefully unzipping it and peeling it off her tired body. She sighed in relief as the restrictive fabric was removed, her muscles finally able to relax. You fetched a pair of comfortable pyjamas for her and handed them over, watching as she changed with a grateful smile. 
As she settled into bed, you made sure to pull the covers snuggly over her and tucked her in gently. She nestled into the pillows, closing her eyes wearily as you leant down and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead before climbing in right beside her. 
You gently stroked her back, soothing her with your touch, as she drifted off to sleep. The events of the day, the pain and exhaustion, were temporarily forgotten in the safety of your love and care. 
The next morning, Kara slowly opened her eyes, feeling groggy and disoriented. Her head throbbed with a dull ache, and her nose felt stuffy. You woke a few minutes later up to the sound of soft sneezes coming from beside you. Gently opening your eyes, you turned to see Kara sitting up in bed, her nose slightly red and her hand holding a crumpled-up tissue. 
"Goodmorning and bless you," you mumbled sleepily as you slowly woke up and you reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "Do your powers feeling like they’re getting stronger now you’ve slept?” 
Kara sniffled and shrugged, her voice sounding audibly congested. "Not really and I think I'm catching a cold on top of everything else." 
“What happened to your phenomenal immune system, hm?” You asked curiously, the only time you’d ever seen Kara sick was years ago back when she was assistant to Cat Grant so seeing her all red-cheeked and sniffly wasn’t something you were used to. 
Your wife groaned as she sank back down into bed and sniffled into her pillow, “Well without my powers at full capacity my immune system has the strength of a dying battery.”  
“Well then, if you powers need a little boost do you think it’d be a good idea to go to the DEO and sit with their solar lamps for a bit, see if that recharges them? Alex will probably know how to take care of you a little better there too.”  
To your surprise though Kara shook her head and instead curled up into you, prompting you to take her into your arms, not caring as she sniffled against your neck. “I don’t want to go to DEO today.” She mumbled, her voice muffled from the way she refused to lift her head from your body, “I just wanna be with you, no agents, Alex or J’onn fussing.” Her voice hitched off as she turned away from you to sneeze and the small adorable noise of annoyance she made afterwards made your heart melt a little. How could she be so cute? 
“So, you just want a quiet day in then?” You murmured, receiving a subtle nod in return, “Well then, I think we can manage that.” 
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drghostwrite · 1 year
When the Sky Falls
******************************************************** Okay so this will be a little different but here it is...
Summary: Supergirl x Star Girl mash-up based on season one when they are staked out in the cabin but also when they fight eclipso in season two just imagine mass chaos and an old friend calls for help. The catch is that you're also 8 months pregnant, captaining a team helping to save the world. Lena Luthor x pregnant!wife! reader
Brrrr! Brrrr!
You heard a phone going off and felt Lena shift behind you, unwrappping her arms and you no longer could feel her pressed against your back. you glanced at the alarm clock, 2:27am, who is calling at this ungodly hour? "Hello?" she answered. You could hear muffled talking on the other end and then she turned back handing the phone to you. you tried your best to sit up but being 8 months pregnant made it extremely hard so you scooted back resting against the headboard and pillows.
"Y/N Luthor speaking."
"Hey Y/N it's me Pat Doogan, though I knew you as Y/N Avery back then."
"Pat, like Starman's 2nd hand, it's been a while. What's going on it's 2:30 in the morning."
"Yes about that, It's a long story but I need your help and your team. Eclipso got out and I love my stepdaughter but her and her friends can't do this alone."
"Pat, if he's out then he'll be after that staff."
"I know and turns out my stepdaughter now wields it."
"Okay, let me make a few calls, do you know where my old cabin was?"
"Yea but it was small enough for like three people."
"Yea well perks of marrying a billionaire that understands the stress of the superhuman, crimefighting life, she helped me rebuild it. Just trust me it'll fit everyone and it's completely off the grid and high tech go there and hang out until we can get to you."
"Okay, got it, see you soon hopefully."
"Oh trust me you will, you're gonna need us."
You turned to Lena but she already knew, she grabbed the bags from the closet as you got out of bed threw a couple extra things in, and ran them downstairs. You quickly sent out an emergency alert, asking for Wynn, James, Alex, and of course Kara. telling them all to grab their suits and rendezvous at your house, within 20 minutes they were all there ready to go. When arriving at the cabin you saw Pat's car parked and assumed S.T.R.I.P.E. was somewhere nearby in hiding. You saw the lights on and everyone quickly followed behind you and Lena. You could hear arguing in the den you were standing on the balcony above looking down at the scene before you, Pat, another middle-aged blonde woman who you assumed was his wife, a young girl who looked like the woman with wavy blonde hair, a tall boy with disheveled brown hair, and two other girls one Latino with long black braids, and another girl black with short coily hair. You saw blueprints laying on the table before them and you could hear them arguing strategies.
"Well I hate to break up this party but I might be able to help," you started down the stairs. everyine jumped to attention quickly arming themselves, you saw a girl out of the corner of your eye tall, black hair with white highlights, a blade coming from her wrist. "Yes I knew you would make it." Pat quickly made his way over and introduced everyone. "It's been so long and now your married and a baby on the way that's crazy!"
"Yea but that's life," you smiled at Lena, "Anyway everyone this is my team Wynn Schott my technical analyst, Alex Danvers, Len Luthor, James Olsen the guardian, and of course Kara who you all know as Supergirl. I told Pat I would only bring the best." they were all whispering and started to get excited that a Kryptonian was in the same room as them. "Before we go any further Lena and I are glad everyone is here we just wish it was under better circumstances, but villians don;t take days off so lets get eveyine in their bunks and we can figure this out."
"I don't think there's enough bunks though."
"You just need to know where to look," Lena quickly motioned to the wall and it moved revealing and elevator, you stayed uo all night talking strategy and then before you knew it storms started coming and it was time your team needed to move out.
--Time jump--
You were at the cabin with Barbara being the command center, while everyone else was in town, Lena and Wynn took Beth to the town hall to break into mainframes while everyone else was underground fighting, Lena had specially designed suits for everyone to monitor vitals and conditions. Everything was going smoothly until you lost connections to comms and couldn't get them back, vitals started to spike and before you knew it they all went down. Barbara was trying her best to keep calm and help you but moving between screens was becoming harder by the second. You paused a second and shifted in your chair starting to feel a slight tightening, but you blew it off, you needed to get your team and everyone else out alive. You stood up pushed the chair away and continued back to your typing, forgetting the woman behind you.
"Y/N are you okay?" You heard Barbara speak up, forgetting she was there you had allowed yourself to wince, not realizing she saw.
"Yea, it's just hard to be in the dark like this, not knowing if my team or those kids are okay."
"That's not what I meant, you're getting close to your due date which can be stressful enough on the body." She said placing a comforting hand on your back.
"Look I understand the concern but that's my wife, the mother of my child, and my baby's aunts and uncles are down there. I can't sit here trying not to stress myself out when for all I know they could be laying there helpless bleeding out or worse." You felt another pain and this time you knew it was too late, inhaling and taking a deep breath leaning against the desk, almost hitting the floor but feeling her guide you back into the chair.
she bent down in front of you, holding on of your hands. "Trust me, if anyone understands, I do but you're not helping anyone if you're in labor and trying to run a command center by yourself, tell me what to do let me be your hands."
"Okay," you shook your head pitifully at her and started giving her instructions, you stood and started pacing back and forth allowing it to ease the pain while she typed away. Another pain came causing you to stop in your tracks and lean against the far corner of the desk, you tried breathing and a small whine escaped your lips, Barbara watched you out of the corner of her eye, noting that you were getting closer and closer to having this baby. She finished typing her last couple of lines and carefully approached you, you felt her hands slowly massage your lower back relieving some of the pressure. "Okay I think it might be time to move you back upstairs."
"What? No, we need to get connection back."
"Y/N it's trying to restore but if we don't go soon you're gonna have that baby right here, and I don't think you want that?"
You shook your head no, "Just try one more time and if it works we can go upstairs and monitor from one of the tablets."
"One more time," she said studying your eyes and you teared up, you quickly shut them feeling another contraction, and winced as she turned to reboot the program. You both held your breath but then you heard it static and then everything came back at once you watched as the screens lit back up and everyone's pictures and vitals came back online. they quickly transferred to a tablet and Barbara grabbed it moving towards you. You heard her breathe a sigh of relief, and turn to look at you but your face was painted with concern as you looked down, you felt the warm liquid running down your leg and onto the floor, she followed your eyes and then you both looked back up your demeanor suddenly betraying you and breaking from its normal confidence.
"Y/N, your water."
"I....I.." you were speechless. She wrapped her arm around you and quickly took you back upstairs to the master suite. you leaned against the bedpost in pain as she rubbed your back. "Y/N I'm going to call Alex and try to get someone here but unfortunately I'm not sure." you nodded trying to breathe through the pain. She slipped and earpiece in and was talking over the comms, you could only hear what she was saying and the reaction didn't sound good, things started moving fast she was running around grabbing supplies while you fought contractions that were coming on after the other.
20 minutes later Alex and Lena both rush into the room. Alex rushes into the ensuite bathroom washing her hands and asking Barbara questions while Lena rushes to your side, she helps you placing an arm around your back and guiding you onto the bed, she sits behind you and you press into your wife's chest wanting nothing more than this to be over. That's when Alex comes over and helps take your pants, and underwear off. "Y/N this is really going to be uncomfortable but I need to check and see where you're at." You shook your head and waited, feeling her insert two fingers but they didn't make it far before she met your baby's head.
"Okay, Barbara grab some gloves and get over here I'm gonna need some help," Alex climbed up onto the bed in between your legs placing one hand on your knee and the other on your bump. "Y/N I wish this wasn't going to happen here but it looks like this little one wants to meet their mama's a little early."
"It's too early, I have a month left!" you gritted out.
"Well looks like this little one is an overachiever, it'll be okay just on this next contraction I need you to push."
Several pushes, a little bit of blood, and an hour later, "Okay Y/N, stop pushing, I need to...just give me one second."
"What's wrong?" no response so you asked again, no response. "Dammit Alex what's wrong with my baby!"
"Y/N I need you to relax, the shoulder is stuck I'm going to have to check the cord first and then shift the baby but it's going to hurt."
"I don't care, save my baby," she looked at you knowing the danger of the situation, "Alex, you know I trust you with my life so I am telling you now, no matter how loud I scream or how many times I tell you to stop you do what you have to, to save this baby."
"Y/N" you could feel Lena tense behind you. "Do you understand?" she looked at Alex. "No, I said do you understand?"
"Okay then." you gripped Lena's hand and pressed back against her feeling her tears fall, Alex quickly felt for the cord but it wasn't around the neck, now for the hard part. You felt you place two hands on your bump hesitantly and she looked into your eyes, you gave her the go-ahead and closed them gritting your teeth as you felt her start, but that quickly turned into a blood-curdling scream as you felt the pressure on the sore muscles and the baby shifting. "Oh God, I'm okay, I'm okay, God that hurts." You gritted your teeth and felt the baby shift, "Okay Y/N push, go ahead and push." You bore down and pushed with everything you had, feeling the shoulder come loose and the baby slides down. The cry filled the room and Alex wrapped her in one of the white towels laying her on your chest.
"She's here!"
"She?" Lena asked and Alex shook her head.
"We have a daughter, a baby girl."
--Time Jump--
Everyone had returned from defeating Eclipso and Kara was now holding her niece talking to Alex as the rest of the younger team filed in to see. they each got to say hellos before she brought her back into your room. handing her back to Lena and she turned to you, embracing you as Lena watched happily and her daughter cooed.
"I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you Kara, for everything, for getting everyone out alive and making sure my wife made it back for the birth of our baby girl," the two women shared a look, making you laugh. "Oh don't think I didn't notice Lena made it here in five minutes when she should've only made it in 30."
"Oh Love you never miss a thing do you." You all laughed Lena coming in to kiss you.
"So did you pick a name or am I just going to keep calling her nugget?" Kara asked. you all chuckled and you looked at Lena her giving you the okay.
"You can call her nugget all you want," you said handing her back to Kara, "But meet your niece Adira Kara Luthor, it means strong and powerful which is something that I want her to be one day."
"Well I think she has the perfect set of role models for that, don't you nugget." Kara said as the little girl grabbed her finger.
"Oh she definitely does," Lena said wrapping and arm around your waist and leaning down to kiss you.
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supercorpkid · 1 year
Where do we go now?
Final part.
Supergirl, Baby Danvers, Lena Luthor x Reader, Kara Danvers x B!D, Alex Danvers x B!D
Word Count: 3500.
Part 1.
They are working hard to bring Kara back. You’ll give them that. They’ve been running around the Tower tirelessly for days. You try and help here and there, but you’re not usually much of a help and with all of this, you’re basically a worthless sack of nothing.
Which is a hard thing to feel, especially in this situation. Knowing that you can’t do anything to bring your sister back, to save her from the nightmare she must be living, the nightmare you all have been living without her around.
“You’re not useless.” It’s what therapist Kelly tells you to repeat to yourself like a mantra. But it’s easy for her to say when she just got a new suit and a cool hero name.
So you stay in the Tower, walking around the place like a damn ghost. Seeing Kara everywhere, but at the same time nowhere around. 
Alex finally takes pity on you and tells you to go help out in the lab, because Brainy could use some extra pair of hands, and you have those and are eager to be at service. But it’s not Brainy you find, once you make your way there. 
Lena is working with something huge, you’re not even sure what it is, when your eyes meet through the lenses of the device. 
And it’s like you’re back there, in front of her apartment, months ago. Mouth agape and unable to move. Shocked and terrified; life looking as horrible as it could get. A chain of apologies wanting to leave your mouth in a rush. Sorry for lying, sorry for breaking your heart, sorry for deceiving your trust, sorry for loving you, sorry, sorry, sorry…
Lena raises her head, looking at you. Face etched with sorrow. Doe-eyed, and so, so soft. She doesn’t even have to say it, because her face says it all. But the thing is, there’s too much to be said, to be sorted, to be apologized for. You know it, and Lena obviously knows it too. 
“Oh.” It’s what leaves your mouth, when you make sense of why you’re here. To help Brainy, even though he is nowhere to be found. “Wrong lab, I guess.”
You take a step back, without breaking eye contact and Lena raises her hand to stop you. But nothing comes out of her mouth. She just looks like she wants to say something, and you don’t know what it is that is stopping her. 
So you keep walking backwards, ready to leave, “Wait. Y/N, please, stay.”
“I should be helping Brainy with some sort of –”
Lena points at the device, and you agree with your head slowly, convinced. So you make your way closer.
“What’s that?” 
"Phantom trapper. I feel like we might need it once we go out there or something.” She looks down, toying with the machine again. Then looks up to you. “I could use your help.” 
“I’m not good at –” you point at what she’s doing, but your mouth keeps going anyway. "Anything."
“Actually I think –” She licks her lips. Moment stretching out so thin between the two of you, anyone would be able to cut the tension with a knife. “you would be perfect for this.”
It’s funny how all of a sudden she looks exactly like your Lena. Like that Lena who asked you a million questions and in so little time got to know all of you. She looks like the Lena you would tell all your secrets, except how desperately much you love her. No, that one you would just leave between the lines. 
But she’s not your Lena, is she? She never once was yours and you got a broken heart to show for that.
You blink your thoughts away, giving her a sad smile. “Ok, so, um, what do I do?” 
She explains what she’s doing, merging a DEO protogun and L Corp’s portal energy, and you pretend you’re following, though you have basically no idea what she’s talking about. But at least you know how to use a screwdriver and that’s what she needs you to do, while she does the actual science thing behind it.
“Um, ah.” Lena tries. She’s been trying to talk to you for the longest time but keeps stopping herself when you raise your big eyes at her. “How – How are you?”
You blink at her. Waiting for the rest. How does she think you are, when your sister is missing and she hates the shit out of you?
“Well, Lena, I’ve been better.” It’s mumbled out of your mouth, without second thought, face going back to the machine in front of you, so you don’t have to look at her while admitting. “There was a time where my sister was home and my best friend didn’t hate me.”
“She doesn’t – I don’t hate you.” She says, voice strangled inside her chest, as you finish what has been asked of you. 
You haven’t seen Lena in months since her (valid) outburst with you. Since she said she hates you, and called you a lying monster. And no matter how much time has passed and how many things have happened ever since, that’s how you still feel around her. You feel like a monster.
You stare at each other for a few seconds. The moment is tension-filled, electrified, all wrong. Everything feels wrong and you don’t know if things will ever feel right.
“I’m not gonna say that I’ve never hated you.” Lena sits on the chair next to yours, and breathes out. “Because at that moment, I did. I hated you for breaking my heart. It took me more time than it should’ve to realize exactly why I was so mad at you, specifically.”
You swallow deep. Eyes filled with tears, heart squeezed in anticipation. 
You weren’t always the most honest person, you admit. Little white lies, always trying to make people feel better, to make yourself feel better. But you never once told Lena a single lie, except the ones involving Supergirl. And it’s fair that she felt betrayed by that, but it hurts you even more to know that it was out of your control all along.
“I felt betrayed by your sister because she was my best friend and lied to me, and sure, I was mad at all of our friends for lying to me too. But you – Y/N, the reason why I was so mad at you is because it felt like heartbreak. Felt like I was being lied to by my person. I know we were never – “ She bites her tongue and you nod.
“We were never.” You agree.
Were never, will never. All the same now.
Lena’s hand makes way to your face, but then something shifts inside her, just like that. And you can see it in her eyes that something changed, you just don’t know what. So her hand never really reaches you, though you can still feel the ghost touch and the burning sensation of almost feeling her again.
“And we will get your sister back. I promise.” 
You can’t hold the tear to fall, but you’re quick to clean it. 
“I just miss her.” 
As to an explanation to why you’re crying, though it isn’t the only reason and you guess she’ll never know all of the other ones that involve her. 
“I miss her too.” Lena confesses, swallows deep right after, searching your face for anger, because she thinks it’s her fault your sister is gone. But you’re sure that even if she never went along with Lex’s plans, he would’ve found a way to do what he did.
So you just nod at her, understanding. Tears falling silently, regardless of the fact that you get it. It doesn’t stop hurting just because she’s hurting too. 
“Hey,” she finally pulls you closer, your head resting on her chest like it just belongs there. “You can cry, my love.” 
And it’s so unfair that she can just use the pet name again after so many months with dead silence from her end and make your heart almost burst inside you from happiness, either way.
“Lena.” It’s a whine out of your mouth, and you wonder if she gets all that is inside it, if she had the faintest idea of what you’re trying to convey with that only. But you don’t know, because you keep crying and crying, face buried in the crook of her neck, while she runs her fingers through your hair, gently. 
“I know, little —“ she leaves it like that, but you look at her with pleading eyes, and she smiles, understanding you perfectly. “You’re fine, little one. It’s going to be alright, I promise.”
So of course you believe her. Even though she is a liar, and you’re a liar, and all that you two have done so far is lie about your feelings and keep secrets from each other.
You let go of her, wiping the tears from your face, and force a sad little smile. “Thanks, Lena.” You tap on the device in front of you. “Ok, I’ve exhausted my abilities on this, so I’ll go check on Brainy.” 
“Yeah, ok. Sure, yeah.” Lena says, looking like she doesn’t want to let you go. But she does. Because not letting you leave would involve being honest and that’s something none of you can do, apparently.
When you wake up the next day. Wait, actually to wake up, you would need to have fallen asleep, which you haven’t done an inch of. While you repeated the whole interaction you had with Lena the day before. 
My love. Her love. We were never. Might never.
But when you do get out of the bed, in a jump scare from Alex yelling at you that some phantoms went loose and you have to get out from the Tower immediately, you still meet them and hear bits of their meeting.
“I may already have a fix for that, I couldn’t sleep last night so —“ Lena starts and you two share a look, because she wants you to know you’re the reason she wasn’t able to. And you think she can see it on your face that you haven’t either. 
The rest of the meeting is lost with you inside your thoughts. You only come back from it when Kelly tells you she is giving you a ride home, so they know you’re safe.
You don’t want to be home alone, worried sick about what’s happening to them. So you go back to Kara’s apartment, because even though she is not there, some of her still is. 
And it’s unsurprisingly unsettling to be inside Kara’s apartment with no idea whether she is ever coming back. No idea of what’s happening out there with your family, friends, and Lena. So you walk around, thoughts consuming all your energy and what’s left of your sanity. 
When Alex picks you up days later, they have a way to get Kara’s location and are going into the phantom zone to find her. She tries to convince you not to go along, telling you it’s dangerous and they all might get lost there, for God knows how long. But if everyone is in the phantom zone, then what the hell would you be doing on Earth alone? 
“Are you sure you want to come with us? I know you want to be there when we rescue Kara, but stepping into a new dimension isn’t something you –” Alex rethinks her next words very carefully before adding, “signed up for.”
“Signed up for? Are you serious right now, Alexandra Danvers?” You give her a harsh look and she rolls her eyes at the use of her entire name. “Our sister is out there! So you either take me with you or I’ll find a way to go without you.”
So there’s no arguing, no matter how much she tries to.
“Alright, pack up, little rascal. We’re gonna save our sister!”
And afterwards, you think your sister is actually happy you’re there. Rescuing Kara without her little sister around would’ve felt wrong, no matter how protective of you she is.
So you stick around the back, while everyone takes position in the ship and gets ready to go follow Kara into the depths of the universe. 
J’onn mentions that phantoms might try to get inside your minds, making you all very weak by showing you your worst fears. You think you’re currently living them, so you are probably safe with that, at least.
Then something goes wrong, Alex yells for you to follow Lena so you’re not alone and no matter how reluctant you are with being alone with her, in the middle of the chaos and you understanding shit about it, you just follow orders.
You step into the elevator with her, she nods apprehensively at you, somehow trying to ease your mind. When the elevator stops she murmurs, “stay behind me, ok?”
And then she’s just gone.
“Lena?” You ask, looking around. You couldn’t have missed her, she was just in front of you. How could she have disappeared? “LENA?”
She appears in front of you, a heavy coat you don’t remember she was wearing a few minutes ago. 
“Y/N.” Your name is said with so much disdain it burns a hole through your heart and you flinch. “What?” Her long finger goes to your face, under your chin, and she raises your head so you can look her directly in the eye, “you thought I could love you?”
“What —“
“Oh no,” her eyes burning green into yours. “Oh you poor thing,” she cleans a tear that leaves your eye. “You actually thought I felt something for you, didn’t you? What part of I hate you got lost in that little dumb head of yours?”
“You’re being mean.” It’s what you can say after swallowing the lump on your throat. 
“No, you stupid little girl. You’re weak, and immature. I guess that’s why you fooled yourself. I couldn’t even love Kara, the mightiest of heroes. What chance did you have?” Lena’s hands tight around your face, holding it so strongly it hurts your jaw. “When will you finally understand that I do not, cannot, will not love you.” 
What? That sounds exactly like something you’ve thought before.
You only realize that when her hand tightens around your neck and you start losing your breath. 
“You’re not —“ you’re lifted from the floor by the neck. Gasping desperately for air, while trying to kick and push the image from your mind. “my Lena!”
You get up from the chair you were on, look around to see yourself still in the command room. 
“J’onn?” Alex asks, voice small filled with fear.
And you look around to see everyone waking up together from some sort of trance.
“This is real. You are free of the phantom’s powers. You did it. You all did it.” 
But there’s no time to celebrate this win. Not when you’re almost there and everyone starts running around and Lena just pulls up a fucking yellow sunlight blast to recharge Kara’s powers and so on, and before you even realize what just happened,
Your sister rushes to the door, inside Alex’s embrace. 
She’s here! Kara is actually here!
“Brainy get us out of here.” You hear J’onn’s voice and breathe out knowing you are all safe and heading back home. 
Kara’s eyes lock into yours, on the other side of the room. “Get in here, little one.”
And your heart almost stops when you hear her voice, but you run into her embrace and breathe her in. Kara is here. God, she is here. This is all you could have asked for.
Kara is found. Saved. Rescued. Home. 
Well, she goes to her home, not yours, by the way.
“When did you move in?” Kara asks when you and Alex take her home. 
“I — I didn’t.”
She looks around. Her apartment should look empty, lifeless, dusty. But it doesn’t. It looks lived. You left some clothes by the couch, and there’s food on the counter, dishes on the sink, the bedsheets are messy. You look up to her, an embarrassed look on your face. 
But Kara pulls you in and kisses the crown of your head. “I hope you’re staying while I’m here, as well. I could use your company.”
“Yeah, sure.” 
And you should be happy. You should be thrilled. Because Kara has escaped the inescapable, and Lena is back on the team and around, completely forgiven, returned to her rightful role of being Kara’s best friend. 
But something is still off whenever you see her. There’s still things over your heads. Things you shouldn’t have said, things you should have, secrets kept from each other, and feelings, oh, the feelings!
So when you can finally come to life, you just don’t. You still walk around the Tower like a ghost, like something’s missing though everything is already here. Broken and blue, hiding in the background, hoping for someone to notice you, but also praying that no one does.
“I thought I saw you around.” You hear Lena’s voice behind your back, and your heart still beats fast in anticipation. She sits next to you on the floor. “You ok?”
“Yeah, I’m – Sure.” You agree with a forced smile, and she gives you a soft one in return.
“You’ve been hiding.” She says, sure. And there’s no way you can deny it when you have been hiding and you know she has noticed. “So, I’m sorry, but I don’t believe you’re actually ok.”
You bite the inside of your mouth. Holding the tears and the words inside. 
“Kara is back.” Lena points out and you agree with your head. “And I am –”
“You are –?”
“Here.” Lena scootches closer. Rests her head on your shoulder, and takes a deep breath there. Her breath is hot on your neck, giving you goosebumps. “I’m here. By your side. And I never should have left.”
“But you did. Because I lied, because I’m a lying mons –” The word is cut short when her lips touch your neck, soft and sweet.
“You’re not.” Lena whispers next to your ear. Warming up not just the place, but your entire body. “I’ve missed you.”
You close your eyes hard, trying to hold back all that you’re feeling. All the emotions that seem to be trying to get out of your control.
“You said –”
“Some mean things when I was blinded by anger.” Lena finally raises her head, searching for your eyes and encouraging you to do the same. “I’m sorry. I should’ve led with that.”
“I’m sorry too.” You try, because you have tried to apologize before and that didn’t go well.
“I know. I know. And we can spend our whole lives apologizing for what we did back then, or we can just let it go. Move forward. Be honest this time around.” She pleads gently. And you agree with your head because she is right. What good can come from revisiting all the mean things she said to you? All the lies you’ve told her about your sister’s real identity? When she is here, and knows all that and still chooses to stick around. 
“I’ll go first.” Lena whispers again, while her hands envelop yours. It’s sweaty and shaking, so you know she is nervous. “I know I said we were never.” You look down on your tangled up hands, then back at her eyes. “But I wanted to. I –” She takes a deep breath before confessing. “I want to.”
“When Kara was just gone, just like that –” She swallows the tears, but you can’t hold yours back. You never could. “I just kept thinking how I never told her what she meant to me. And then I thought of you, and how I didn’t want a single day to go by without me telling you how I truly feel about you.” Lena cleans your tears, and her touch is so good, so real, you lean into it without a second thought. “I’ve been in love with you for years now.”
“I’ve been in love with you for years.” You whisper back, small and under your breath, but so desperately honest you’re sure she can tell.
Lena pulls your face closer, kissing your tears, then your eyes, your forehead, temple, cheek. 
“Lena.” In a plead whisper and this time you know she understands all that you mean by chanting her name alone.
“I’m here.” She promises, another kiss on your cheek to clean your tear. “And I’m never leaving you again.”
It’s you that cut the distance between your mouths. A soaring kiss you’ve been meaning to share with her for the longest time. Tasting her lips as you’ve always needed to do. Easing her mind like you should’ve done in months, years, íons ago. 
“Where do we go now?”
“Now,” Lena punctuates with a peck on your lips. “Now we move forward.”
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lesbianlenas · 1 month
what is supercorp? I tried to google it, is it the ship name for alex and maggie from supergirl?
the way that i said supercorp is supergirl and lena luthor and ur like is it maggie and alex 😭 no as i said it is supergirl aka kara danvers & lena luthor. so basically kara is supergirl obvs & lena is the younger sister of lex luthor who is superman’s archenemy obvs but she wants to do good to fix her family’s name after what they had done. so everyone at first thinks lena is evil anyway but kara looked into her eyes and could tell she’s not (real quote) and becomes bffs w her bc she is the only one who believes in lena no matter what even when she’s framed and everyone thinks she worked w her mother who is evil like lex to create a device to kill aliens. but kara never stops believing lena is good even when lena doesn’t believe in herself…..so kara is like obsessed w lena and lena loves kara bc kara is the only one to not treat her like a luthor and kara also loves lena bc lena is the only one to love her so much as kara and not as supergirl bc lena doesn’t know she’s supergirl. and as time goes on kara realizes she’s missed her chance and now lena will never forgive her for not telling her bc lena will think kara didn’t tell her bc she didn’t trust her when in actuality by the time kara was ready to tell her lena & supergirl had a falling out and then after that kara was too afraid that lena would hate her forever if she told her she was supergirl and she would lose her. so then lex tells lena that kara is supergirl and lena decides she is going to brainwash the whole world not to feel emotions anymore so no one can ever hurt the way kara hurt her but not before she hurts kara back first! so when kara finally does tell lena she is supergirl lena pretends like she’s ok w it (and she doesn’t reveal kara’s secret like she planned bc she loooooves her) and then eventually lena reveals her plans to brainwash everyone and kara tells lena that this was the biggest mistake of her life and she’s so sorry but lena doesn’t care. and everyone tries to convince kara that lena should be treated as a villain now but kara still insists lena is NOT a villain and she can get thru to lena. but lena doesn’t want to speak w her and kara tries to alter the past by telling lena she is supergirl at different points throughout the show but no matter what it always ends badly. so then at the end of the season lena realizes her plan was bad and they’re forced to team up to stop the bad guys and they make up w each other and then kara is sucked into the phantom zone for like 8 eps or smth bc melissa benoist was on maternity leave??? i think was the reason???? but after she comes back they are basically just gfs who wax poetic to each other abt how brave and amazing the other is every ep and then there’s a whole bit abt lena being a canadian witch that we ignore and they end the show w neither of them having a love interest and having an emotional speech to each other abt how they changed each other forever….
also there is a plot line where kara gets cloned and her clone has none of her memories and is taken in by lex in russia and all she remembers is the name alex (kara’s sister) who she thinks is lex and also who lena is….and she is obsessed w lena from lex telling her abt her and when she goes to national city (where the show takes place) she reads kara’s diary abt lena does not care abt seeing alex and goes and finds lena and pretends to be kara and stares at her like 👁️👁️ and when she decides to ignore what lex told her and lex is furious at her she says “this is abt lena” and lex says “i thought you were stronger” implying kara’s clone is in love w lena meaning it is such an intrinsic part of who kara is she remembered it over everything else ❤️
that being said they were never canon despite being insanely in love and they tried to shoehorn in male love interests for them both at different times but none of them stuck bc supercorp is superior. also melissa and katie are two of the hottest women ever. supercorp endgame 🤩 classic case of them corping right here
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spaceman-earthgirl · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022 Day 29: Bonfire
ao3 fic link. series link.
Kara’s eaten way too many marshmallows, and she knows her lips are sticky, which is exactly why she sidles up next to her wife, presses a kiss to an unsuspecting Lena’s cheek.
Lena doesn’t even react, just looks over at Kara with a half roll of her eyes and a smile when Kara pulls way.
“Hello darling, having fun?” Lena asks, knowing full well that this is one of Kara’s favourite nights of the year.
“Of course,” Kara grins, leaning into Lena’s side.
It’s an annual tradition, a bonfire night in Midvale. It had started with just the Danvers but has grown over the years, Kara’s family so big now she can hardly believe that when she arrived on Earth, she had no one.
But each year, the tradition has grown, more people have joined in as their family has grown too and now Kara has this whole family that loves her.
And this year, everyone is here.
Alex and Kelly are here of course, with their two kids, the youngest currently being entertained by Eliza while Esme is showing off Kara’s powers to Winn and James, by roasting a marshmallow with her heat vision.
Nia and Brainy are looking after Lizzie, Kara sure their daughter isn’t going to sleep any time soon, both because of the excitement and the sugar.
J’onn and M’gann are here too, and even Kal, Lois and their sons made the trip.
“Are you?” Kara follows up, tangling her fingers through Lena’s. The air is chilly but the fire is warm in front of them, the light casting a bright glow around them all. There’s laughter and music and it really is the perfect night.
Especially because her wife is standing next to her, Kara’s hand warm where it’s tangled with Lena’s, Lena looking so beautiful that Kara is helpless to do anything but lean forward and kiss her again, but this time on the lips.
“You taste sweet,” Lena laughs into the kiss, Kara belatedly remembering her sticky lips, but Lena doesn’t seem to mind as she deepens the kiss.
Kara’s free hand slides its way across Lena’s stomach, her hands running over the small bump.
“Kara,” Lena laughs, pulling away slightly, only to drop her forehead to Kara’s. “People are going to guess I’m pregnant if you keep touching my stomach.”
“Fine,” Kara grins, but removes her hand. They’re going to have to tell people soon anyway, Lena’s starting to show. Kara can’t wait for their family to grow even more.
There’s a squeal from the other side of the fire, and it catches Kara’s attention, but it’s just little Jeremiah and Eliza. Though when Kara looks over to check on their daughter, she smiles when she sees Nia walking towards them, Lizzie propped on her hip.
“This little one wanted to see you,” Nia says, tickling Lizzie’s side as she does. Lizzie giggles, wiggling in Nia’s arms.
“Hey sweetie,” Kara says, extending her arms towards Lizzie who immediately reaches out for her. Kara easily shifts the two-year-old into her arms, settling her on her hip. Lizzie’s little hands are sticky as they grip Kara’s shirt. “Did you have some marshmallows?” Kara asks.
“I had to cut her off,” Nia answers as Lizzie nods her head. “If she doesn’t sleep tonight, blame Brainy.”
Kara knows how hard it is to say no to Lizzie, which means Lizzie has definitely had too much sugar. Lizzie’s head immediately drops to her shoulder, and she can tell their daughter is tired. Maybe they won’t have as much trouble getting her to sleep as she thought.
“Are you tired?” she asks, Lena’s hand running over Lizzie’s back as the little girl buries her head further into Kara’s neck.
“I can take her inside if you like, put her to bed, so you can stay out here and enjoy the fire?” Lena asks, arms reaching out to take Lizzie from Kara, but Kara shakes her head.
“I’ll go with you,” Kara replies. “And then we can both come back out here and enjoy the party. I know for a fact you haven’t had a s’more and I’m going to make you one so big, you’re going to be sick.”
Lena grimaces. “I can’t wait.”
Kara grins and Nia shakes her head at them both before she returns to Brainy, leaving Kara and Lena alone with Lizzie again, who’s now half asleep on Kara’s shoulder. All of the excitement must have worn her out.
Lena tucks her arms through Kara’s. “Come on, let’s get this munchkin to bed.”
It’s easy, because Lizzie is so tired now, to get her to bed. They’re set up in the guest room, the three of them sharing the room while Alex, Kelly, Esme and Jeremiah are all sharing Alex and Kara’s old room. Only two pages into a bedtime story, and Lizzie is fast asleep.
They head back outside, safe with the knowledge that Kara would hear Lizzie if anything happened. They find Winn and James are having a fake fight with sticks, Esme and Alex, along with Jonathan and Jordan, are roasting the longest stick of marshmallows Kara has ever seen (which she definitely wants in on), while the rest of the adults are on the other side of the fire, laughing at a story J’onn is telling and Eliza is sitting away from everyone else, Jeremiah also fast asleep in her lap.
Kara’s whole family is here, every single person who’s made earth feel like home, and with the prospect of a giant s’more and probably more marshmallow kisses with her wife, with their daughter in the house and another child on the way, Kara has never been happier.
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rachelsfav-queer · 1 year
Okay, I need help! I don’t know if anyone will actually see this but I might as well try, right?
So, I’m looking for a specific fanfic on AO3. It may or may not still be there but I distinctly remember reading it there originally. Anyway, onto the important info.
It’s a Supergirl fic. Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor is the main ship. My memory is a bit fuzzy because it’s been well over a year since I last saw it but I’ll try my best to summarize. The basic premise is Kara (human AU btw) was injured in an ice skating accident with her ex. She was a pretty well known athlete before the injury. The story begins at Alex Danvers’ wedding (I can’t recall who she got married to). All I recall is that Lena and Alex are childhood friends and so therefore Lena appears at the wedding. I’m pretty sure the wedding took place in Hawaii. Anyway, Kara and Lena have a drunk hookup without realizing who each other were. The rest of the story is Kara and Lena trying to figure out their feelings for each other while also keeping it hidden from Alex.
Some more random info: Lillian Luthor is good mom & friends with Eliza. Kara’s life has pretty much fallen apart after her injury. Kara owns a house in Hawaii.
Anyway, that’s pretty much all I can remember except for tiny, really specific moments. I’ve been searching for this fic for a while but sometimes AO3 is really hard to navigate for me, especially when I don’t remember any specific tags. If anyone also remembers this fic, lemme know pls!
UPDATE: I found the fic with the help of @magicllama1011! For anyone interested in finding this fic, the title is “And I’m tangled up in you” and it’s by miathesapphic so go and give this work the love it deserves. It was one of the first fanfics I ever read and it holds a pretty special place in my heart because of that. I remember I had just finished watching Supergirl sometime mid-summer last year and I was SO UPSET at the show for not letting Supercorp happen. (THAT HUG SCENE WAS TOTALLY SETTING UP FOR A KISS AND WE ALL KNOW IT!!!) Anyway, after that I decided to give fanfic a try and AO3 was probably the easiest for me to try(it was also the first site that popped up lol) and I immediately fell deep into the rabbit hole, desperately trying to fill the Supercorp-shaped hole in my heart that the actual show left me with. That along with AgentReign. Sam & Alex had WAY more chemistry on screen than Alex and Kelly (no hate to Kelly, I actually love her so much. 1000% better than James) Anyway, rant over. Sorry didn’t mean to go on that long lol. I critique so closely because I love the show so much. The characters and their actors deserved better.
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