#and keep me from sleeping and stuff but not enough for me to dedicate extra thoughts to it
wegc · 9 months
All of this perv! Talk is getting me 🫠🤤
I love the way you write Chan but how do you think the other boys would be as pervs
I feel like Han would be the nastiest perv
Seungmin would be secret like taking upskirt photos and stuff
Minho would be possessive as hellll
But let me know what you think, doesn’t need to be a full think if you want just some thoughts
Love the work you put out, can’t wait for more!🧡
If it’s available can I be 🧡anon?
first of all, thank you so much🥹
and YES omg, i agree with you completely. jisung and minho (i think) would be the nastiest and would be the only two with absolutely no shame in what they’re doing (especially minho hehe).
jisung holds first place for panty stealing and shows no remorse when he encounters you looking for them! i can picture him purchasing a cute gift box that contains all your stolen underwear—articles of cotton and lace fabric messily shoved in there.
he also definitely takes photos of you in compromising positions and fists his little cock to them, moaning and whining loudly, with zero intent to secrete what he’s doing.
and seungmin taking up-skirt photos omg. he finds you so captivating when you’re dressed up girlishly, and skirts are his absolute favourite, not only because you look so lovely, but because you’re extra accessible. he can’t help but stand behind you, pretending to look for something as he takes quick photos of your covered cunt to keep for later (he prays one day that he’ll catch you naked under the skirt).
i can also see seungmin grinding his hard-on against your ass whenever you’re sitting on his lap, sighing and squeezing your hips firmly as you look behind to stare at him curiously.
minho would be so possessive, oh my gosh.
i can picture him trying to figure out your cellphone password in hopes of discovering nudes in there when you’re not around.
once he ultimately figures it out, he steals your phone as you’re sleeping and impatiently unlocks your hidden photos, his cock swelling upon uncovering hundreds of photos of your tits and cunt—photos of you in lingerie, videos of you fucking yourself—holy shit, he thinks, were you always such a fucking slut?
he immediately sends them to himself and deletes the chat afterwards to keep you from finding out.
after scrolling through all of your photos and having his fair share of pleasure jerking himself off to all of them, he looks through the rest of your phone late into dusk, dedicating hours to examining your messages, social media, etc. who just followed you? who did you just call?
he feels himself grow irritated with the number of men you speak to, not many to the average individual but enough for lee minho—you didn’t send any of them your nudes, right?
whatever, whether you did or didn’t, you certainly weren’t going to anymore—not when he’s blocking every single man he’s concerned about from your phone. he’ll confess to you soon anyway—you’re already his, as far as he’s concerned.
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pacinglikeghosts · 3 months
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kat's au moodboard - single dad!carmy au
howdy hi! my best friend/lovely beta (make-easter-gay-again on ao3) and i have been working on this au since i forced him to watch the bear, and with s3 coming out on thursday, we wanted to share a little something! we're still working on it, but we have a good bit written and want y'all to have a little taste.
here is 1000 or so words from the prologue, just to get you warmed up!
preview under the cut :D
Carmen Berzatto has never felt more like an Italian stereotype. Considering he’s a loud, aggressive chef with a huge, interweaving web of a family and an almost sensual relationship with fine wines and cheeses, that’s a high bar to cross, but he manages somehow when he finds himself on Nat’s doorstep, barely 26, desperately trying to keep the baby balanced on his chest asleep. It’s a sticky, cloudy summer evening in Chicago, the kind that would make any midwestern kid nostalgic, but Carmy has been shuffling between trains—the subway, the L, and the Amtrak that he’d booked with the money he meant to save for next month’s rent—since six p.m. yesterday without a wink of sleep. He wouldn’t notice a tornado ripping through downtown unless it delayed his arrival. 
For the past 36 hours, every minute has been dedicated to making it through the next and getting to his sister. 
And to her credit, when she opens the door, Natalie reacts to the situation about as well as he could expect. 
“What the fuck?” 
“Hello to you too, Sug,” he greets, attempting to adjust the baby on his chest without waking it. 
“What the fuck, Carmen?” she repeats, her eyes bulging so wide she’s teetering on the edge of looking insane. And, Carmy loves his sister. More than anything. But she looks like shit, the indigo circles under her eyes deep enough to look like bruises and a stained sweatshirt thrown haphazardly over pajamas. He knew vaguely that things hadn’t been easy for Sugar since Mikey’s death—managing The Beef’s finances, having a kid, raising said kid into what appeared to be a holy terror of a toddler—but he wasn’t expecting to return home and find his sister in such a state. Granted, he’s sure he doesn’t look much better. “You don’t come home for Mikey’s funeral, don’t talk to me for months, and then show up with a fucking baby? How did you even get that baby?”
“It’s a little hard to explain,” he says. She leans into her hip, no shit written all over her face. 
Despite being maybe the worst little brother in history, the only thing that made him hesitate in coming to Nat for help wasn’t any of their family’s issues. Not even his impressive stubbornness was enough to convince him that he could handle an infant in a sub-200 square foot apartment in New York City alone. But she has a life of her own, and a family of her own. He knows his baggage is truly the last thing that Nat needs right now, but he needs her—desperately. Of anyone in the world, the only person he knows he can rely on in this nightmare he can’t wake up from is his sister. 
Natalie, thankfully, senses the panic and distress that lingers on her brother’s face, and ushers him inside. “We were just about to eat dinner,” she explains, attempting to push toys and piles of laundry out of the way with her feet as if welcoming the mayor of Chicago into her house, not her idiot younger brother. “If you’re hungry.”
“Uh, coffee would be good,” Carmy concludes, staring at a framed family photo in the hallway. “Maybe, uh, a place to, uh…” He shrugs his shoulders to indicate the baby, and she nods curtly, her eyes flitting around. 
“I’ll have Pete get some of Gabby’s stuff from the attic,” she says, sharply turning on her heel and walking towards the kitchen. Carmy follows, watching as his sister effortlessly scoops the toddler up and carries her with them, ignoring a prolonged squeal of protest and flailing arms and legs. “Pete! Grab an extra plate, will you?” 
“Yeah, sure thing, honey…who was—Carm!” Pete greets, coming around the corner with a plate and silverware in hand. He glances for a second at the baby, tries to school his obvious double take, and squeaks out, “What’re you doing here, man? What’s up?”
Carmy takes a moment to figure out the best way to answer that question. This baby is apparently mine, but I have no recollection of having sex with anyone who could be its mother, and I can’t raise it on my own, and you guys are my only family? I decided to come back and take over The Beef, and oh–by the way–I have a kid now, apparently? I’m just visiting? “I–uh…” he says instead, shifting his focus to Natalie, who seems as though she was one wrong choice on Carmy’s part from throttling him in her kitchen. 
“Pete, can you go up to the attic and grab some of Gabby’s old stuff? I think we put the crib and shit up there,” she instructs, with a look that clearly reads we will talk about this later. 
He catches Natalie glancing at him every so often, in between fussing over her daughter and plating up the food. Sitting quietly at the dinner table, waiting for the rest of the family, he feels like a kid, like he’s gotten himself into something way over his head. 
Carmy had only eaten a few things on the train, mainly sugary snacks to keep him going when even his anxiety succumbed to his exhaustion, so the beef stew Natalie offers him tastes better than any Michelin-awarded meal he’s ever had. He devours two bowls, barely stopping to look up at the other three people (two people? Two adults and a toddler smushing mac and cheese around her high chair?) sitting around the table. 
After dinner, Natalie and Pete retreat upstairs to get Gabby to bed, and Carmy feeds the baby, unpacking his CVS bag of baby essentials: the diapers, formula, and pack of three bottles he thought to buy before he skipped town. Then, the three adults settle into the living room, a cup of tea in Natalie’s hand and a second (or possibly third, he’s lost count) cup of coffee in Carmy’s. 
“Yeah, so, walk me through this, Bear. You’re a father now?” Nat asks, tucking her legs underneath her. “Did you pay attention in sex ed, like, at all?”
Carmy uses his free hand to rake through his hair. He needs a shower, desperately, but between his newfound fatherhood and hauling ass to Chicago he hasn’t had time to breathe, much less consider hygiene. Maybe that’ll be added to the list to do tomorrow, nestled between find an apartment and learn how to be a better parent than his own in 24 hours–no therapy. “Yes, Sugar, I paid attention,” he replies, eliciting a scoff from his sister. “I…fuck, I don’t really know how it happened. I-I was at work, and my phone kept blowing up like when Mikey died, but no one was fucking dead, it was just some unknown number telling me to get to this hospital in Queens because my baby was there, and I kept telling them I think they have the wrong number, but they said the mother said the father’s name was Carmen Berzatto, and she left as soon as she could. I didn’t even get the name of who it was…just signed the birth certificate and left.”
“What’s their name, then? If you signed the certificate, you had to give them a name,” Natalie asks, slowly trying to piece together if he was plain stupid or genuinely a saint. 
“Uh…her name’s Brie,” he mumbles, the full force of his actions over the past two days coming to a head. The name takes a moment to come to mind, both because of the exhaustion and because he hardly thought about the name since he wrote it down. He’s been calling it—or her, really—the baby or the kid in his head all this time. 
She blinks. “Brie?” she repeats, before groaning. “Jesus fucking Christ, Carmen. You would legally marry cooking if you could.”
“I wasn’t thinking, Natalie! I got the call, and I needed to pick a name, and I was in the middle of making a brie appetizer, and I couldn’t fucking name her Blackberry or some bullshit like that! At least Brie sounds like a name!” 
Natalie stares at him before setting down her tea. “As soon as her classmates find out her dad’s a chef and she’s named after cheese, she’s going to be bullied. Do you want that?” He doesn’t, he knows how shitty kids could be, especially about a kid with anything that was seemingly different about them. “Look…I’ll get some of the books Pete and I used for Gabs. Pick a new name.” 
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
The stuff thats been on my dash lately - the strike, playoffs, talk about teams and trades and players salaries - ive just been thinking a lot. You know i think too much. And im annoying. So.
A few years before i was let go from my old research group (2017), a few key federal education research grants were severely defunded. Like almost halved - if i remember correctly. And we were hit hard. And our director at the time was kind and saw this coming, and managed to get a small bit of warning before it happened. But it wasn't enough, because the guy we were going to lose - our extra artist, was in the states only on a work visa, and it was an educational non profit visa. I didnt understand the details very well but basically we missed the deadline for the vis lottery by a few months. Which meant he had zero chance of getting a visa on his own and any new company he applied to in the US would have to shoulder that cost/hassle. You can imagine this is next to impossible for artists to compete with. He had months to find a job that would be willing to take on someone who previously only had a nonprofit visa or he was going back home.
The harsh reality of the 3D art industry is that unless you are an insanely talented artist (we weren't) or have connections (we didnt we were in education for fucks sake) it takes for fucking ever to find a job (it took me two years to finally land the one in LA). Our entire team was worried about him.
This guy was as dedicated to the work as i was, for both of us sculpting/painting/art was basically our life. We both spent so many nights/weekends in that office just because we loved what we were doing and wanted to see the project succeed. Our little team was like a family, especially when we'd all be trapped together in random cities for conferences (the three of us young twenty-somethings provided the entertainment value/jokes, the one mid thirties guy on our team was a foodie who somehow managed to find the best hidden restaurants in even the dullest cities, and the oldest of us were popular enough that we never seemed to go out to eat without an entourage). The running joke was that he could sleep anywhere/anytime - at one point we caught him sleeping on the foldable bleacher seats while waiting for the dolphin show in atlanta (if you've ever tried to sit in those seats you know how ridiculous this is).
He loved pittsburgh more than me (and at one point when my nick was grilling me about why i stuck around so long i finally admitted to him that out of all the places in the world pittsburgh and seattle were the ones i loved best so when i say my coworker LOVED pittsburgh he actually loved it. More than even THAT.). He loved snow and cold to a degree that freaked even snow-obsssed me out. He had way more friends and connections in the city than i did, he was in sports clubs (wrestling. He was the only person i knew who could eat as much at a buffet as i could - we'd go to dinner during their cheap buffet night and it must have looked hilarious slender runner me and this big grappling muscular dude both digging into two piled on plates EACH).
ALL this and one little thing like losing his job when his expertise/qualifications are very VERY narrow and in a field that is grotesquely competitive...meant he couldn't stay in the country anymore.
It was ridiculous, it made me so mad, i kept being like 'theres gotta be a way theres gotta be a way' (there wasnt) and eventually i marched into our directors office and announced that i would halve my salary so we could keep him for one more full year.
And the director just smiled at me in that fond way of hers and patted the couch for me to sit, and calmly explained that i was actually the second person to march in and offer this. The lead developer on our project - the guy who coded the rendering engine FROM SCRATCH back in the 90's when realtime 3D graphics wasn't even imaginable - had offered up the portion of his salary it would take to pay our artist's.
Unfortunately our director explained that the university didnt work this way and it wouldnt have been possible no matter how noble our intentions, BUT she had also been pushing numbers to solve this, and had actually finangled enough finances that she was able to pull money out of a hat and keep him for another year regardless. It said a lot about how close knit our team was, and how much we cared about the programming envirnoment we were making for students for free worldwide that we were fully prepared to do anything to keep it running.
The real tragedy of it all though was that it didnt even matter. He searched and searched for an entire year and found nothing, and then took part in the regular visa lottery and got nothing. And he went back home (after stopping in california to watch some league tournaments haha). And he's still there, and still struggling to find a way back to the US - hiker boy and i were probably two of the people who knew him best, and both of us are probably going to be forever slightly worried/sad about him.
A friend of mine in LA got his green card this past monday - the one whose wedding i accidentally ended up managing. That was a jublient thing. And i still remember in 2018 taking sanjeev to get his citizenship and teasing him because he put it off for so long that he got stuck listening to the orange cheeto's speech when he could have had obama (but he could do that because he was a programmer, his job was in high demand). This doesnt really have anything to do with my point other than to say i know immigrants' experiences with visas can run an entire gamut from good-bad.
The writers on this strike arent asking for millions each - though i imagine it might seem like that to someone in western PA working a minimum wage job (my 25$/hr was living large in western PA :/). Kinda like me watching the salary discussion of these sports players utterly baffled me like 'we spend HOW MUCH on sports?? And HOW LITTLE on education??? Do you know what an entire development team could do with only one year of that salary???'. - that is to say, i recognize there are multiple levels of looking up at another group and wondering how the fuck they even exist that way.
And i know there's probably going to be a lot of bullshit and blame thrown around at the writers. But i just remember how like, when push came to shove, on my little education team our team members took care of each other. And there is SO much stratification in the US right now that it feels impossible to extend that peer-to-peer help to cross-class-levels help. But we have to fucking do it. And i know we all supported the strikes in the minimum wage service industry. And these going on in hollywood are equally as important. We need to make it socially unaffordable for these elite few to control so much power over our livelihoods. We SAW the mess that happened at the blue bird website. If even protected in-demand jobs like software engineers can suddenly be scrambling for thier paychecks and stability all because of one petty little man - Something is extremely extremely fucked up in how our economy functions. Because i believe at a small scale most humans are like my tiny little team - willing to sacrifice to keep everything running when times are tough. (as long as there's light at the end of the tunnel)
Blah. Ok ive said my bit. I sure as fuck hope the 3D artists figure out how to unionize one day though i have no clue how we'd go about doing it :/
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heartshattering · 13 days
Mixed feelings about myself and where my life is going. Idk if anyone else can relate because I feel like I should be happy but the things that are supposed to be "good" for me are just adding more pressure to my life.
(Negative rambling under cut...)
I take showers now and put forth an effort into looking nice. Great! That should be seen as "progress" and something to be happy about, right? But now, "Take a shower" has become an extra thing that goes on my to-do list. And yeah, it is better when I'm clean and smell nice and don't look/feel like a walking corpse, but it still takes up time. Then when you add on the extra stuff like dressing nicely and putting on make-up, I add even more pressure to myself! Like yes, it does make me feel better and I like to look good, but then "Get dressed in something other than sweaty pajamas" and "Put on make-up" become two more points on the to-do list!
Then there's the fact I got back my motivation for studying. I've been studying a subject I'd previously given up on thanks to depression and other life factors. But to keep up a good study schedule you have to dedicate time to it every day, and there are some days I wake up at like 3 PM or later because I'm still having issues with my sleep disorder and the meds I take for it (and anyone who has been following me for a while knows my doctors are absolutely useless and/or impossible to reach), and even after I'm awake, then my brain feels too much like pudding for me to actually get out of bed and do anything productive until an hour or more has passed... :')
Then, I've been considering grad school for my field since I'll actually get paid for doing work I used to do every day for FREE without realizing I was being taken advantage of (teaching classes to pre-med students and working in the lab), and have another degree to show at the end of it. But as far as the grad student stuff goes, idk how other places do it but the process here is stressful… basically you have to find a professor who will agree to sponsor you before you apply to the program instead of the other way around, so you go through all the trouble of finding someone who may or may not say "yes" to you, and even if they do say "yes", there's still no 100% guarantee, 'cause them saying "yes" isn't the same as getting accepted into the program of course.
There's so much paperwork and shit where you depend on other people to do things for you (like asking for recommendation letters from them and seeing if they're actually willing to do it)… the only thing that's making me feel less awful than I normally would is that I'm no longer as much of a perfectionist as I was before, but even then, it's still enough to make me nauseous.
Then there's just basic every day stuff that I feel should come easily to other people, but is just hard to me. I'm awful at keeping my room clean and it really looks like a disaster zone. My bed always ends up being the place where I dump stuff (I sleep in a bed in a different room instead of the one in my room, so the one in my room becomes the "dumping ground") and there are other parts of my room that intimidate me too (like my old desk that's full of clutter).
Idk, basically it's just that everything feels like it's too much all of the time and I feel like I have to do it all on my own. And again, I just feel conflicted because in a sense this should be seen as a sign of "progress" (taking care of my hygiene again, feeling motivated to study and work again, etc.) but it would almost be easier to just rot in my room and do self-destructive things all day instead.
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stregacorvina · 9 months
⭐️ 2023 recap! ⭐️
It’s finally time for the last year recap, I think this will be way shorter than 2022 recap because I feel to not have accomplished a lot this year 😩
As usual I decided to split the year month by month to be more accurate and to post all the pictures I can find.
Let’s see if I need to split this entry in two parts or this year one post will be enough 😂
This year I decided to start journaling more so I started the year with a new journal, two to be exact (one for my personal life and one for school life). During the year I’ve bought gel pens, stickers and a lot of decorations for my planners. During the last part of the year, when I started a very serious diet, I also started a journal dedicated to that. I re-discovered a passion for organization and planning that I did have before but never enjoyed that much 😂
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Like we did also this year, we started the 2023 on the mountains, it’s became a little tradition for our family to rest and recharge batteries for the year to come. We did some walks in the woods and in the snow and we spent some time together just the three of us (me, my boyfriend and our cat). I took my dolls with me as always to take some cute pictures.
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Back home I started a few commissions, “left overs” from past year: another Esmeralda cosplay from my (almost dead) Etsy shop and some upgrading for a Sith costume I did at the end of 2022. As I stopped taking new commissions at the end of the previous year I knew that I won’t be that busy this year and my plan for the year was to start renovating my studio and to do a little inventory of all my stuff…
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I started from my dolls, obviously 😂 I decided to clean, restring and improve my oldest BJDs, given to me by a friend that are more than 20 years old! Restoring them took me almost all the month but I was really happy of the results ❤️
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As for my health, one of my new year resolutions was to be in full heath again, so I started to do daily yoga sessions at the end of each day and I tried to eat better in general.
Meanwhile my school life was going on, between assignments for my girls and all the papers I have to submit almost weekly for my first year as a teacher.
This month passed really smoothly, in school we started to select the dresses that my girls will have to make for the Fashion Show at the end of the year (these theee below) and I was busy as always juggling between planning lessons and submitting papers…
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I did a little commission for a colleague, some embroideries for her daughter and I started one of the few cosplays commissions of the year: a Pokémon trainer outfit.
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For Valentine weekend we decided to fly to Catania to spent a romantic holiday and we really enjoyed the city and our time together ❤️
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Back in Milan a friend of mine from my hometown visited me for the Chinese New Year and we spent some time in Chinatown and to the exhibition of a famous comic artist from Rome, Zerocalcare, that we both love very much.
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Ah! This month I also acquired a Cricut machine for future works (at this date she’s still in her box 😩) from a client as an exchange for some future cosplays.
Nothing to say about my health this month luckily.
In March my school life started to kick in quite badly: I had tons of online lessons in the evening after school and I also needed to take some extra lessons with my tutor (another fashion teacher from my school) with a very busy schedule!
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And as consequence my health started to worsen a little bit, I was always really tired and I cannot focus very well on all the things I had to do outside school. I started taking some pills to sleep better and to keep my fatigue under control.
So to uplift my spirit we did a bit of tourism (we visit a very cute medieval town called Ricceto di Candelo)
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and of course I started with the first self-present of the year 😂 I pre-order two new dolls 1/6 scale from Japan scheduled to arrive on November.
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I also started a new hobby: diamond painting! As my usual I became really ossessive about it and I compulsively bought a lot of kits, 4 or 5… and I started making the first as soon as it arrived.
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As for sewing, I did a couple of new skirts for me to wear at school and I keep working on the Pokémon trainer Cosplay. Here and there I tried to sew something new for my dolls, with the secret hope to be able to open my dolls shop finally this year.
I didn’t do anything really special in April, we spent the Easter break on the mountains (we visited a really beautiful water-life center and we saw really cute otters 🦦)
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and I took another little break at the end of the month to visit my family back in my hometown. We have a reason to celebrate altogether: my brother and his girlfriend decided to get married in September! ❤️
My health was going downhill again, I cannot sleep very well and the paper works to submit for my school we’re hunting me, so I decided to be more careful about my diet and to increase yoga and physical activity.
In this month I bought some extra hands for my Smartdolls (during a sleepless night on the mountains 😂) and some cute stuff also for my dolls on AliExpress.
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Beside diamond painting I also decided to follow some YouTube tutorials to improve my Procreate skills.
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During May I was mainly focused on my school activities: the fashion show for the end of the year was approaching and as well my “exam”; I had to submit a report about my year as a teacher and about an activity I’ve developed during the year with my girls. It was really exhausting 😩
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I also started two new commissions that I enjoyed very much sewing (even if some days I really regretted taking them 😂): an outfit for the character Regina from Once upon a time and a cosplay doll-sized of Zhongli from Genshin Impact.
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To have fun and stop thinking constantly about school and sewing my boyfriend took me on some cute destinations near Milan during the weekends.
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I also bought some new fashion design books for my collection even if I knew that I didn’t have the time to enjoy them 😩
Halfway through the year! And it was the most rough month of them all! The Fashion Show was forthcoming and I worked really hard to make sure that all the dresses made by my girls were done: some parts I needed to make them myself as the girls picked a lot of materials really hard to sewn with their abilities (and with the school equipment) I worked so hard that I cannot make till the end…I was having troubles breathing since May but I didn’t had the time to properly take care of myself nor to stop working so hard (as I always do 😩) and the result was a very bad bronchopneumonia that haunted me until the end of the year! (I am not still fully recovered as I am writing this 😔)
I had to take few weeks off of school and I missed all the last days and the Fashion show I worked so hard for! I was so upset but I didn’t have the strength even to be mad at myself because I really couldn’t get off my bed for weeks 😭 but luckily some days before feeling so ill we had the chance to see the Cirque du Soleil, one of the most beautiful show we ever seen 😍
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To take my mind off my bad health during the days I was forced at home I started to draw again with Procreate and continued some diamond Painting. To change a bit my routine we also take a little trip to a very beautiful valley to breath some clean air.
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Some days I had enough strength to sew a bit so I finished Regina and the Pokémon trainer cosplays. I still haven’t had the time to continue working of the Genshin Impact doll.
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This first half of the year was so full of events even if I feel I didn’t accomplished much this year! I sew very few commissions and also very few items for my dolls; I didn’t arrange my sewing room at all as I was thinking at the beginning of the year, I didn’t open my dolls shop nor started the Youtube channel as I would have liked…and better to not talk about my health at all! Looking back to the new year resolutions I wrote last year I was miserably failing across the board 😩
But think this post is already too long for one single entry so I will split the year in two posts like I did last year! Thanks to everyone that arrived till here 😂
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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We are in Massachusetts! It was a long day of travel but honestly it was an excellent day and for the most part I felt great. My body still is feeling weird but we took COVID tests when we woke up so we know we aren't sick at least.
It is Christmas Eve. And I was looking forward to the day. I tried to not stress myself out over it. Over forcing a good day. I just wanted to go with the flow.
Sleep was not amazing. It was fine. I woke up very cold in the middle of the night. So that woke me up a few times. But I was fine when my alarm went off at 9.
I got up and got washed and dressed and felt pretty good. My hair felt a little dry but that always happens when we come north. I felt pretty in my new dress.
I went and sat with Dad in bed while we went over the home inspection and he was so cute highlighting and writing notes and it was just a lot of fun seeing all the things he was excited about. I was excited too.
James and Mom would come in the bedroom and mom said I should eat something. I was very dramatic about not knowing what I wanted. Eventually we landed on toast and berries. James would make it and I appreciated them very much but also I was being very dramatic because it is funny.
Steve would text me that he would be arriving at 10. Exactly when I had said to come.
I was very excited to see him. And also anxious because he hasn't been around enough in my opinion. But he was exactly on time. I was thrilled.
He looked great. And I was excited to show him our wedding book. I love seeing what different people see in it. How they see themselves and their memories from our wedding. He also really gushed about how nice the book was and how good we did doing the layout and the printing choices. Made me feel really good.
We decided to order lunch. Mom would get so many things. Pizza and sandwiches and sides and sodas. Very much appreciated.
Right before she called that in a little neighborhood girl rang the bell to drop off a gift from her parents and to pet the dogs. It was very sweet.
While we waited for the food we would open gifts. Which was very fun. I prefer when people open one at a time because I want to hear explanations for what they got and why they received it. And I think gifts went really well! Firstly I gave Steve his blanket I made. And he was so grateful and really understood the work that went into it. And that made me feel good. I hope he feels the love that went into it.
Dad got a book and an antique metal bank that has a donkey that throws the coin. Mom got a sweater and a book. And we gave them their own copy of the wedding book. Which mom was so excited about and that made me really happy.
Me and James opened gifts next. I got the hair tool I asked for. And I got the giraffes family of calico critters and I'm so excited about that. I hope when we move I can start using my two other doll houses. I want to move some of the characters out of my nursery school because it's very full. But depending on the display in the new studio I may be able to just make a dedicated space for them that can have a bit more space.
James got so many sweaters. Two from me and them two from my mom. My mom got me some sweaters too. One is such a nice stripey pattern. And another is a new fleece. Super soft. I got a few other knick knacks and she got us some cute owl plates and some other animal themed things. It was fun and I was having a good time. And then food was there!
We ate and talked and it was a really good Christmas Eve lunch. We would discuss house stuff and music and stories. My head was very full of love.
But way to soon it was time for us to go. I made everyone go in the backyard to take pictures. Everyone complained at me about being cold but I told them to keep it together and stop complaining and I got us some nice pictures.
James loaded up the car and there were hugs all around. I made sure I told my brother some care instructions for the blanket. Gave him extra hugs. I ran downstairs to give Sweetp a hug too and promised to be back very soon. And then we were off.
And the drive was long but it was really good. James is a rock star and did the whole 4 and a half hour drive. And I was able to sit and just draw.
And I drew so much. I don't normally draw much but I wanted to sketch out the rooms of the house and how we might decorate and design it and it was a lot of fun and I was so focused that the drive just went to quickly.
At two hours in we made a stop to use the bathroom and get donuts in Connecticut. It was getting cold out for real but I didn't bother to put my jacket on. We went inside and got donuts and I waited for James with our snacks.
I was feeling a little icky but the snack helped. When we got back in the car we listened to Phoebe Bridgers Christmas album from last year. And I just kept drawing.
I would draw until we were about a half hour out. It had gotten very dark outside. And there are not a lot of street lights out here. But I loved seeing all the trees. I can't wait to see it tomorrow. I bet it's going to be beautiful.
When we arrived at Mary and Stoney's beautiful home I was thrilled to see them. I was thrilled to see everyone.
I was feeling a little off but I was excited to meet James baby cousin Miriam and remeet the 5 year old Ezra. I met him at Cait and Ayden's wedding years ago. But he's a whole person now. Amazing how time changes.
I loved seeing the house and the different spaces. They have a barn that is Stoney's workshop and was set up for food. And then Mary has this beautiful glass house studio that is hair darling. They have great taste.
We would get to share the news about our house and everyone was so excited for us. I showed them photos and the drawings I had made. And it was the best I have felt about how real this is. It's happening, change is coming. And things are going so well. I'm so excited for what's next.
We had a snacky dinner. James got our camp chair from the car and we would sit on that so that there was enough space for everyone.
Eventually me and James would join the cousins sitting around the fire. And it was fun hearing them talk about the shows they are watching and rewatching. Framing it as projects with their friends where they watch episodes and discuss it together. Which I think is very sweet. And it was just really nice sitting around a fire. I hope we can have a little fire pit someday.
Soon everyone was ready to go. We were all getting tired. And it was decided we would all get together for normal Christmas activities in the morning. Perfect. We helped bring things in. I pet the dog for a bit. And then it was time to go.
We would get in the car and we followed the Fulwilers to the air BNB. And it's so cute. It's a duplex and we are on the one side and it's such a strange layout but it's very fun. There is some kind of water outside. You can hear it.
Me and Charlotte both got showers. The shower I used downstairs had a mat that was crazy slippery and I almost fell! But I took that out and did not break my head.
So now I'm clean and wearing the new fleece mom got for me. This will be a very good layering piece for sure.
James and their parents are watching it's a wonderful life in the living room. And soon I hope to fall asleep and have a good rest. So that I can have a great time tomorrow.
Because it's Christmas!! I hope it's a really fun day and I do not cry. Don't need a Christmas cry this year. I hope to see some nature and open some nice gifts and get to give James so many things I have found for them.
I feel very grateful and loved today. And I hope you do to. I hope if this time of year is hard, that you find a moment of love. Goodnight everyone. Sleep well and take care. Merry Christmas.
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I'm starting to get the feeling that my anxiety is much higher than I realized
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ianrightsonly · 3 years
58 + 98 for the trope mashup pls <33
hello! thanks so much for being patient until i was able to come back to this. for me, the “let me carry you” trope can be both literal or metaphorical, so i chose to do a little bit of both with this. i hope you enjoy it!
fic trope mashup: #58 (sharing clothes) + #98 (let me carry you) — when mickey comes down with the flu, he tries to keep ian at arm’s length to protect him from getting sick. ian has other plans, and they all happen to end with mickey wrapped up in his arms.
title: let me keep you warm | word count: 1900
-- or read on ao3
When Mickey wakes up on Saturday morning, it’s with a sore throat and a pounding, unforgiving headache. He feels nauseous, be it from a virus or the magnitude of his headache, he can’t be entirely sure. He never gets sick, and can’t remember the last time he suffered from any sort of ailment beyond a mild cold.
Right from the start, Mickey knows that this is something more. And he’s certain that it’s about to pack a goddamn punch.
The last fucking thing he needs right now is a virus knocking him out of commission, but it seems too little too late to scrape through unscathed.
Chicago winters are fraught with a number of various grievances, and the constant back and forth of the weather happens to be one of the worst. Now, as winter continues to play a constant game of temperature fluctuating ping-pong, Mickey finds himself caught in the crossfire. His immune system must have ditched town, telling him to go fuck himself in the meantime.
Ian likely woke up with the sunrise, careful as ever not to wake his sleeping husband. He and Lip have been going on morning runs together a few times per week, and while Mickey commends his dedication—he also would much rather wake up in Ian’s arms.
In this case, though, it’s probably a good thing. It’s bad enough that he and Ian live in such close proximity in times like these, when Mickey needs to stay the fuck away from him in an attempt to spare him from getting sick.
He doesn’t want Ian to worry about him, but he does want something for his headache. They just recently ran out of Tylenol, which fucking figures now that Mickey needs it so desperately.
Mickey reaches for his phone on the bedside table, pulling up Ian’s name in his messages.
Mickey: husband can u help me
Ian’s response comes within seconds, immediately making Mickey smile.
Ian: good morning husband of mine
Ian: what do you need?
Mickey: can u pick up some shit for me? stuff for headache and sore throat
Ian: sure
Ian: are you sick? what’s wrong?
Mickey: i’m fine. just a headache and my throat is a little scratchy. no big deal
Ian: yeah but you never get sick
Ian: i’m on my way home now… gonna stop and pick up some shit for you. gimme like 20 mins
Mickey: thanks man. love u
Ian: love you too mick
Mickey smiles again, but the happy feeling is short lived once he tries to get out of bed. He winces as his head pounds harder, nearly certain that it’s going to explode at any moment.
He rubs at his eyes for a second before pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger, hoping to gain a little bit of relief.
It doesn’t do much of anything to help.
Quickly, Mickey searches for comfy clothes to change into. Folded on a chair beside the dresser, he finds one of Ian’s henley shirts and his sweatpants from the night before.
The grayish-tan henley fits him like an oversized sweater, sleeves covering his hands down to his knuckles. It smells like a combination of fresh laundry and Ian—lavender fabric softener mixed with hints of bergamot and amber-scented cologne.
Ian’s sweatpants fit better. They’re black, extra soft on the inside, and one of Mickey’s favorite pairs to steal when he’s looking for something cozy to wear.
Thankfully, Ian never seems to mind.
Mickey figures it’s not really stealing once you’re married, anyway.
After getting dressed, he slips on a pair of gray flip flops and walks into the living room, making a quick beeline for the couch and flopping down onto its soft, plush cushions. There’s a red and white checkered blanket hanging over the top of the couch, and Mickey eagerly pulls it down to tuck himself in.
And then, watching the apartment door, he waits.
There’s a new tickle in the back of his throat, combining with the soreness to create a very unpleasant feeling. It makes him cough several times; just another indication that whatever this is, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
Finally, after twenty minutes—that somehow feel more like two hours—Ian returns home.
There’s a concerned expression on his face as he closes the door behind him, carrying two paper bags along with him.
“You look terrible,” Ian says, stepping over to the couch. “I mean, no offense.”
“Well, I’m a little fuckin’ offended,” Mickey says. “Maybe you look terrible.”
“Do I really?” Ian asks.
Mickey glares at him, watching as Ian reaches into one of the bags. Stubbornly, Mickey mutters, “No.”
Ian grins as he digs through the bags. He pulls out cough drops, cold, flu, and headache medicine, herbal tea, and a thermometer.
“You startin’ a fuckin’ pharmacy or what? I asked you for two things,” Mickey says.
“Yeah, well. I wanted to make sure you were covered. And we need to check you for a fever.”
“Fine. But I ain’t takin’ that cold medicine shit—it’s fuckin’ gross, man.”
“Mick,” Ian begins sternly, opening the thermometer package. “It’ll help, I promise. Medicine and tea for your throat.”
“I think you’re dramatic,” Mickey grumbles.
“I think you’re being a baby,” Ian says. “Now—” he pauses, leaning down to pop the thermometer into Mickey’s mouth. He instructs Mickey to keep it under his tongue, as if Mickey doesn’t know how the fuck to take his own temperature.
Once it’s beneath his tongue, Mickey waits, rather impatiently, for the beep of the thermometer.
Ian sits on the edge of the coffee table in front of the couch. With a smile, he slides a hand gently back through Mickey’s hair.
His touch is warm and filled with love, and Mickey can’t resist as he leans into Ian’s hand.
After just a few seconds, Mickey jerks away. He really needs to keep Ian at a distance if he doesn’t want to get him sick. Which is hardly a simple task.
With the thermometer still in his mouth, he mumbles, “Stay the fuck away from me—ain’t lettin’ you get sick ‘cause of me.”
The thermometer finally beeps, and Mickey pulls it out of his mouth. Ian immediately snatches it from his hand, before Mickey gets a chance to read it.
Mickey frowns, waving his hand around before reaching forward in an attempt to grab it back. “C’mon—what’s it say, bitch?”
“First of all, I don’t care if I get sick,” Ian says. “Second of all, you have a fever.”
“No I fuckin’ don’t,” Mickey argues.
“Yes, you fucking do,” Ian says, waving the thermometer in his face. He pours the bottle of medicine into the included dosing cup, handing it to Mickey with an apologetic expression. “I know this shit tastes like poison, but you need it.”
Mickey takes it, plugging his nose in an attempt to block the taste as he downs the cup as quickly as possible. He makes a gagging sound, sticking out his tongue and tossing the empty cup back onto the coffee table.
“It tastes like straight up ass,” Mickey complains. “No—you fuckin’ know what? Ass tastes better.”
“Charming,” Ian says. “Now, shut the fuck up and lay down. You need to rest.”
“You shut the fuck up and lay down,” Mickey snaps back, slumping further down onto the couch and resting his head against the arm cushion.
“Not here,” Ian says. “You should go back to bed, Mick.”
“Yeah? Well, I ain’t walkin’ all the way back there right now. I’m fuckin’ tired, and I feel like a truck ran me over. Gonna sleep right here.”
“You’re extra grumpy right now,” Ian says, pulling the blanket away from Mickey. “And extra cute.”
“Not cute.” Mickey grabs for the blanket, trying to pull it back over his body. “I’m gross and sick with a fever—and, hey—don’t steal my fuckin’ blanket.”
“We’re going to bed,” Ian says. He steps between Mickey and the coffee table, looking down at him expectantly. “And, we have blankets in bed.”
No matter how serious Ian is, Mickey has absolutely no intention of getting up.
“Not movin’,” Mickey says.
Ian sighs. He leans down suddenly, reaching beneath Mickey’s back with both arms in an attempt to pick him up.
For a moment, Mickey begins to scramble. He tries to push Ian away, but fails completely once Ian gets enough leverage to lift him up from the couch.
“Told you to stay away from me,” Mickey says, frowning as he latches his hands around Ian’s neck. It’s more on instinct than anything else, as Ian carries him from the couch into the bedroom. “Also didn’t ask you to manhandle me across the goddamn apartment.”
“I don’t consider this manhandling,” Ian says. “But, maybe we can revisit that when you’re feeling better.”
They meet each other’s eyes, and Mickey can’t help but smile. Ian reaches their bed just seconds later, and leans forward to kiss Mickey’s lips.
Mickey should stop him. He should push Ian away and demand that he stays the fuck away from him until further notice.
But, instead, Mickey kisses back.
Ian lowers him down to the bed, dropping him lightly on the mattress; still kissing him through it like he doesn’t ever want to stop.
It’s soft and sweet, almost enough to make Mickey forget about his pounding head and aching throat.
“Gonna get sick,” Mickey says against Ian’s lips.
“Pretty sure that’ll happen either way. Today isn’t gonna change anything. Because, if you haven’t noticed, we spend a lot of time together.”
“We do?” Mickey teases.
“Yeah.” Ian nods. “And, by the way, I know you’re sick—but it’s always hot when you wear my clothes.”
Mickey chuckles, raising an eyebrow. “I’m fuckin’ suffering over here while you’re thinkin’ unholy thoughts about me? What kind of husband are you?”
“The kind who thinks you’re hot,” Ian says. “Cute, too. But, yeah. Hot.”
“Good answer,” Mickey says with a grin. “And, don’t tell anyone else, but you’re the best—and hottest—husband I’ve ever had.”
“What an honor,” Ian quips, setting his hand on the side of Mickey’s face. He runs his thumb back and forth across his cheek, and Mickey feels loved.
It’s an amazing thing, to think about the fact that Mickey is loved so completely. Ian loves him and cares for him in the most beautiful ways; wants nothing more than to make sure he’s safe and loved and taken care of.
Mickey loves to see this side of him. He’s an exceptional caretaker, and while Mickey is thankful that he doesn’t get sick very often, he can’t help but love Ian’s added attention and affection.
Ian climbs into bed beside him, pulling Mickey against his body. He kisses his forehead, down to the bridge of his nose, then down further to his lips.
The bedroom feels colder than Mickey realized, although he wonders if his fever is messing with him. He shuffles closer, head against Ian’s chest.
“Kinda cold,” he says absently, like he’s making a general statement more than anything else.
Ian kisses him again, this time between his temple and the corner of his eye. With his lips muffled by Mickey’s skin, he says, “Love you, babe. Let me keep you warm.”
And, with Ian’s arms wrapped lovingly around him, Mickey says, “Thank you, love.”
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
LMAO an idea has come into my noggin. Levi’s Fem s/o brings home an animal. I’m thinking a cat, but a dog would be fun too. Honestly up to you what animal! It could be a hedgehog for all I care. Anyways, Levi pulls the “I said I didn’t want a pet” act but ends up being VERY attached to the new animal. Like puts a cravat on it, baby talks it, etc. Maybe carries it around when he can. I just see this happening lol. Thanks!
C/n: I loved writing this! Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
A Turn of Events. (Levi x Reader)
The day quickly turned to night in the city of Sina as a young couple walks on the sidewalk. “Honey, I’m thinking about getting another car.” You say and Levi looks at you. “Another car? Why?”
“Well, I need to get another one. It’s costing the same as a new car so might as well just get another one.” You sigh and take Levi’s hand and lean on his shoulder. “I wish life wasn’t so expensive.” You say and he kisses the top of your head. “I know. We’ll be okay though.”
The both of you chat and as you cross a path that led to an alleyway, that’s when you heard it. “Levi.” You stop him and look into the dark alley. “Do you hear that?” You ask and he looks. A soft whining noise came from there and you gasped. “It’s probably a puppy. Let’s go see.” You were about to walk into it but the back of your jacket was caught by Levi. “And do what? It’s probably there for a reason.” You scoff and pull away from him. “How can you be so cold? I’m going to see if it’s okay, you’re welcome to join.” You say and turn on your phone flashlight as you head in. Levi groans and follows you.
You follow the soft whines as you headed deeper into the alley. “Here here, sweetheart. I’m here. Where are you?” You talk to the animal and it whined louder and you turned to the left to see a box next to a dumpster. You shined your flashlight on it and there it was. A puppy. “Oh no. Baby, are you okay? What happened?” You ask and squat down to see it. It curled up as it shivered and whined. You tried to examine its body and you saw it’s leg bleeding.
“Y/n!” You hear Levi call as his footsteps approached you. “Over here. I found the pup!” You yell back and then you continued to coo at the puppy. “Let me help you.” You whisper to it and it looks up to you with big black eyes. You smile as you gently pet its head. “Don’t worry.”
Levi stood behind you as you talked to the creature. Only you were crazy enough to do this, in the dirt nonetheless. “Hold this.” You give your phone and he continued to shine the light on you. You gently lifted the box up and held it in front of him. “Levi, it’s so light.” You sounded like you were on the verge of tears and he sighs. “What now? We can’t take him to the vet. They’ll be closed now.” He says and he sees you smile while looking at the pup. “We take him home for the night. First thing tomorrow, we take him to the vet.” You say and begin to walk out of the alley.
Levi didn’t even argue. He knew he wouldn’t stand a chance once there’s an animal involved.
Once you took the pup home, you gently dressed it’s wound and wrapped a bandage around it. You put a plastic bag over it and tied it up so you could bathe it. “Oh, you’re a boy! Hello, handsome.” Levi heard you say and he groans. “This cannot be happening.” He mumbles in his hands. When you were finished, you dried the pup and brought him out to the kitchen. You had some leftover chicken from dinner and gave it to him in a bowl which he gulped down.
“We aren’t keeping him, by the way.” Levi suddenly says and you look at him. “What?! Why?!” You ask and he shakes his head. “I do not want a pet in the house. They’re too much to handle and filthy. Once we take him to the vet, that’s it.” He says, trying to hold his ground.
But then you walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your chin on his chest, looking up to him. “Levi.” You coo and he shakes his head and looks up. “No.”
“I said no.”
“But LLeevvviiiiii, look at him. He’s an innocent soul who did nothing wrong in this selfish world of ours. A horrible human being threw him away and now he finally got another chance at having a happy and good life with a loving family. Don’t throw him away.” You whisper and Levi listens as he looks at the puppy with the bandage on his leg, eating. He lifted his head to look at Levi and you turned to watch him and as you looked at the pup, his tail wagged so hard.
“He’s a baby, Levi.” You finally say and let go of Levi to go to the puppy. You sat on the floor as you played and petted the pup and Levi just groaned. Why did you have to make so much of sense? He heard you baby talking and he shook his head. “Tch. Fine. But he’s your responsibility.” Levi finally says and you squeal and run into Levi’s arms. “Oh thank you, Levi.” He holds you as he looks at the puppy who looked like he had a smile on. “Yeah.”
At the vet, they said that he was a pure German Shepherd. His leg was scarred and hurt but nothing drastic. “And what is this little ones name?” The vet asked, ready to write. You looked at Levi as you thought.
“I didn’t even think of a name.” You say and scratch your head. Before you could say anything else Levi spoke up.
“His name is Tiger.” You look at Levi who looked at the vet, not wanting to look at you. You smiled to yourself and held Levi’s arm. “Tiger it is. We want to keep him overnight just to run some extra tests just to make sure. You can come get him tomorrow.” You and Levi nod and leave the vet. “Tiger? What made you think of that?” You finally ask Levi as you both walked to the car.
“Dunno. It suited him.” Levi glanced to you and you smiled. “Alright. So let’s go get some stuff for him. Bed, toys. Collar.” Levi hums in agreement and you both head to a pet store. A big white bed for Tiger was bought along with toys, shampoo, brushes, and a leash.
When Tiger came back, needless to say he felt right at home. He was energetic, playful and just a happy pup. You had to have a whole album on your phone dedicated to him. Levi took longer to allow Tiger in but he eventually did. And it was amazing.
Tiger was four months, so he was at the age where you could carry him. So Levi, always had him in his arms. Tiger’s front paws would be on Levi’s shoulders as Levi held his back and cleaned. Tiger was afraid of the vacuum so Levi had to hold him while he vacuumed. You even caught him baby taking to Tiger.
“You are such a handsome boy. Yes you are. You’re my handsome boy. Who’s handsome boy are you? Yes that’s right. Mine.” He says as he plays with Tiger and you chuckle and Levi immediately looked at you. “H-Hey Y/n. We were just playing around.” Levi stutters and you nod. “Oh I know. You and your handsome boy.” You play the recording and Levi’s eyes widened. “Delete that.” He says and you shake your head. “No.”
“I said delete it! Tiger get her.” Levi orders Tiger but he just walks to you and sits in front of you. “Mama’s boy.” You show Levi your tongue and run away from him. Levi chased you and Tiger joined and all three of you ended up on the couch, on top of one another.
Tiger didn’t like to sleep alone. His bed was in the living room, just in case he needed to eat or drink but he whined and whined at your bedroom door and only stopped when he was let it. So now he sleeps in between you and Levi.
Levi even got Tiger a cravat. A cute one with paw prints and you were in awe. “Look at our baby, Levi! So handsome.” You squish Tiger’s face and kiss him all over. Levi chuckled and carried Tiger as you all laughed.
One time, Levi fell asleep on the couch and Tiger jumped up and slept on his chest. Levi unconsciously wrapped and arm around him and now that it is your lock screen. Levi’s lock screen is you holding Tiger as he smiled at the camera and you smiled at him.
Levi and you had a family. Not a fully human family, but a family nonetheless.
“I miss my girl and boy so much. I hope that they’re in a better place now.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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shorkbrian · 4 years
heyyy, i wanted to tell you that i love your writings and that you encouraged me to start writing myself. so thank you💕💕💕 I wanted to ask if you could write something about bakugou being your upper classman and eventhough hes mean to others he is nice to you, being all possessive and protective of you? you think its nice, calling him senpai and always looking up to him. hes your idol, you trust him with your life. so of course youll let him stay the night over. he pressures you into (1/3)
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glad you’re writing! Writing is so fun, and even if you think it’s bad, you’ve still created something, be proud!!
Warnings - degradation, NSFW, dub con, abuse of trust & power. Manipulation, uhm Bakugou being a jerk.... what's new lol.
“Katsu... ‘m tired, wanna sleep.” You mumble, eyes fluttering shut again.
“No, no sleeping until I say. Don’t you want to make me happy? C’mon, I fucking know you do.”
He’s pushing at your body, jostling your shoulder while you lay on your side, eyelids heavy. You had agreed to let your senpai spend the night - Bakugou had said something about wanting to get out of his house for a bit, and you’d eagerly volunteered your own place.
The original plan was to let him have the bed, and you could sleep on the couch. You’d do anything for Bakugou, for the fiery blonde that hurled insults and spit curse words more than he breathed. 
Those harsh words were never directed at you though, not since he’d found you crying on the first day of school because some dumb freshman had flipped your skirt up in the cafeteria.
You’d burst into tears at the jeering laughs, scrambling to pull your skirt down to cover yourself before darting out of the cafeteria, tears rushing down your cheeks. Bakugou had found you curled in the corner at the bottom of the stairwell, sobbing your heart out in embarrassment and humiliation.
At first he’d sneered at you, opting to ignore the pathetic little girl that had gotten her panties exposed, but something made him pause as he strode by you.
Maybe it was the way your breath hitched on each quiet sob, or maybe it was the memory of your cheeks loosing color before bursting into a brilliant red. Perhaps it was the thought of how your ass had looked, the brief glimpse he had caught of your panties before you’d pushed your skirt back into place.
Whatever the reason, Bakugou had stopped, retraced his steps, sighing as he crouched down in front of you.
“Stop fucking crying, it’s annoying. That piece of shit just wanted a reaction from you.”
You had glared up at him, scrubbing at your eyes with your fists. 
Bakugou felt a bit taken aback when he locked eyes with you, your eyes clear and watery, the color of your iris vibrant and defined against your red, teary face.
“If it’ll make you stop crying, I’ll go beat his ass. Make the dumb fuck cry like a little baby.”
“Like how I’m crying?” You snorted derisively.
The blonde huffed, surprised that you weren’t shy of admitting your pathetic state. “Yeah, exactly like that.”
A tiny smile graced your lips, and Bakugou rose to his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Now get up, go get to class. You’re gonna be late and you’ll get detention or some shit.”
Later that day, after the last bell had rung and all the students were filing out of their classrooms, a scuffle had broken out.
Bakugou had the freshman that had embarrassed you caught in a headlock, one hand reaching into his pants to give the poor kid a wedgie. The kid was swearing, yelping, trying to hit at the upper classman but failing. There was a group of kids surrounding the pair, some jeering, some looking on in disdain, others rushing off to find the principal.
When you came upon the scene, Bakugou’s eyes found your own, and he smirked, snapping the waistband of the freshman’s underwear against his skin, the sound making you flinch. That had to have hurt.
The blonde roughed him up a bit more, before letting him go, shoving him to the ground with a cackle before shouldering his own backpack, vacating the area before the principal arrived.
He was your hero.
Always watching out for you, scaring away bullies, making sure you remembered to “do your shitty homework”.
So if he wanted to come over for a bit? You let him. If he wanted someone to bring him cold water during football practice? You were there. Did Bakugou want an extra dessert after lunch? He could have yours, you didn’t mind.
“Wake up-” The words growled in your ear had your eyes fluttering open as you yawned.
“It’s lateeee-” You whined, reluctantly sitting up to face Katsuki.
The blonde had refused your offer of allowing him your bed and you sleeping on the couch, instead insisting that the two of you share your bed.
Currently, he was sitting up against the headboard, shirtless, bronzed skin on display. You kept your eyes averted, although you knew what you’d see if you looked.
Solid muscles hiding under smooth skin, indicative of hard work and dedication. Bakugou was proud of his body, and didn’t mind showing off.
“C’mon, I wanna fool around. Take off your shirt and come touch me.” His command was low, muttered, as if the blonde was tired too. The overeager hands pulling at the hem of your shirt betrayed his true feelings.
“No, Bakugo-”
“Call me Katsu, don’t make me ask again.”
You stumbled over your words as the blonde pushed up your shirt, ignoring how your hands were trying to tug the fabric back down. “Katsu, stop it please, I don’t want to do that with you.”
That made the blonde pause, a frown on his face. “Why not? Am I not fucking good enough for you? What the fuck.”
“No! No Katsu-” You scrambled now, trying desperately to appease him. “That’s not what I meant!”
“Good, cause this is happening. C’mere-” He was pulling you into his lap, his warm hands finally succeeding in pulling off your shirt, tugging it insistently over your head.
“Wait, don’t look! Give me my shirt back!” You whined, hands flying to cover your body from Bakugou’s heated gaze.
The blonde raised an eyebrow, before flinging your shirt across the room with a smirk. “Nah, don’t be shy. Fuck, look at those tits.” His eyes were on your chest now, as were his hands, batting yours away like an annoying mosquito so he could grope your soft flesh.
You were bright red, squirming on his lap. What was he doing? “Um, Katsu, I don’t think we should..... I mean, this isn’t..... um..... um....”
You trailed off as he massaged your chest, rolling your nipples underneath his fingers, watching the dusky buds flatten and pop back up when he pressed on them. 
A little pinch to one of them has you squealing, Katsuki immediately slapping a hand over your mouth, his eyes dark and serious. “Shut the fuck up, you wanna wake up your parents? Dumb bitch, keep quiet.”
The words stung, made tears prickle in your eyes. Why was your senpai being so mean? Did you do something wrong?
Content that you had got the message, he took his hand away, trailing down to squeeze at your breast before dropping his hand further, to the hem of your sleep pants.
“Katsu-Katsu, wait, I don’t think I’m ready for this! I just want to go to sleep, let’s sleep.” You pleaded, shivering as his other hand still caressed your chest, roughly palming over your mounds and tweaking your nipples.
“Shut it, just stay still.”
You continued to squirm, pushing his hands away, trying to wiggle out of his lap, only for the blonde to finally snap.
He growled low in his throat, and then you were on your back beneath him, head hitting your pillow with a soft sound, Bakugou grabbing your hands.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I just wanna fool around and feel good and you’re being an uppity little bitch. Cut that shit out. This isn’t that big of a deal, stop being a baby about it and let’s have some fucking fun.”
The words held a bit of malice, a hint of a threat. But, what he was saying was true, wasn’t it? People your age did this kind of stuff all the time, it wasn’t a big deal. There wasn’t an issue with it.
Sighing, you tried to relax, slumping your shoulder dejectedly before Bakugou let go of your hands, his own moving to the waistband of your sleep pants. 
“There, see? It’s not that fucking hard.”
The thing brushing against your thigh was hard, warm and solid as it prodded you insistently.
Your pants came off, and so did Katsuki’s, leaving you both in nothing but underwear. His skin-tight briefs were tented, the length inside leaking against the fabric. It looked almost painful.
“Touch me.” The male commanded, grabbing one of your hands and guiding it to his clothed dick. You cringed when you made contact, the length twitching underneath your hand, but Katsuki wouldn’t let you pull back.
“I said to fucking touch me.” the blonde snapped, pushing his hips further into your hand.
Reluctantly, you started to massage his length, working it with your hand in rhythmic motions. The blonde groaned, and when you looked at his face his cheeks were flushed.
“Feels fucking good, keep doing that shit.”
One of his hands was unceremoniously shoved into your panties, immediately petting over your slit with quick, fast strokes. It wasn’t long before a finger prodded into your entrance, slowly pushing it’s way inside as you arched and winced against the intrusion. 
“Fucking relax and be good for your senpai. I’m doing this for you, be grateful.” Bakugou snapped, narrowing his eyes at you.
“Katsu-oh, feels-feels weird...” You mumbled, hips twitching underneath him. You tried to keep touching him, but your attention was quickly being ripped away and focused on the sensations between your legs.
The finger inside you thrusted slowly, gently, and you bucked your hips at the odd sensation, mewling when Bakugou’s thumb rubbed at your clit. It felt... weird, but in a good way.
But Bakugou was impatient.
“And you can’t even fucking touch me at the same time, you’re worthless as shit.” He spat, cruelly shoving a second finger inside of you. 
It hurt a bit, and you gasped, but before you could say anything the blonde was kissing you, lips crashing into your own.
“Mmph!” You squeaked, hands flying to anchor yourself by gripping onto his shoulders, trying to slow him down from attacking you with such fervor.
You couldn’t stop him though, he was determined to feel you.
“Oh fuck, you taste like mint-” He gasped, pulling away from your mouth to gasp for air. You felt dazed, like this was some sort of bleak dream-turned nightmare. Your toothpaste had mint in it, was that what he had been tasting?
The fingers inside of you were thrusting hard now, scissoring, stroking your walls, calloused skin being warmed by your insides. HIs thumb was still patting at your clit, rubbing broad circles around and on the bud, making you shake.
But then his fingers were gone, and Bakugou was pulling down his boxers, shuffling down the bed so he could slot himself between your thighs.
“Look at that tight little pussy, you’re so goddamn wet. You need a cock filling you up, huh?”
You laid there in a daze, barely registering what the blonde was saying. You missed the pleasant friction against your clit.
And then there was pressure, a tight stretch, burning.
Your legs kicked out and you inhaled, ready to cry out, but Bakugou clamped a hand tight against your mouth again, leaning down as he seated himself all the way inside.
“You make a noise, and I’ll just fuck this slutty little body harder, got it?”
Stilling, you shivered involuntarily, the feeling of the thick intrusion messing up your insides painful yet delicious. 
“Give me a goddamn answer you stupid bitch.” Katsuki spat, eyes blazing. 
Only then did you actually register what he had said previously, and you immediately nodded your head, looking up at your senpai with wide eyes. You didn’t want him to hurt you.
Satisfied, Bakugou grinned, although he didn’t remove his hand. He pulled his hips back just a tad, before grinding into you hard, relishing the way your tight walls sucked him in.
He repeated the motion, quickly building up a rhythm of short, heavy grinding thrusts, barely pulling out before grinding his cock in deep. 
“Fuck, fuck, you’re a treat.” The small bit of praise made you feel better, warmth spreading in your chest.
But then he started fucking you in earnest. 
It hurt, how rough he was being with your body, and you whined behind his hand, grabbing at his wrist. You needed air, and you couldn’t take in enough through your nose. 
Bakugou just gave you a disdainful glance, before hammering his hips against you, sweat beginning to bead on his brow.
The sharp burn had simmered down into a dull afterthought, the more pressing feeling being that of spiking pleasure each time Bakugou’s thick cock drilled into your insides. It felt good, you were almost writhing on your sheets, legs shaking and kicking out, hands scratching at Bakugou’s wrist, eyes rolling back into your head.
“Stay fucking still-!” The blonde growled, yanking you closer to his body before your careless wiggling could make his dick slip out of your tight entrance.  You moaned behind his hand, and Bakugou grinned, before taking his hand away, patting your cheeks roughly.
“What was that? Hm? Speak up little bitch, what’d you say?”
“Oh, oh please-! Katsu, feels-feels.....hnn, feels-!” You couldn’t finish your sentence, too overwhelmed with sensation to speak, hands circulating between gripping your hair, the sheets, and your chest, unsure how to handle the onslaught of pleasurable experience.
Bakugou huffed, quickly pulling out to maneuver you into a different position. 
The slight reprieve allowed you to catch your breath, but it was soon punched out of you again when Bakugo slammed home, your body laid out on top of his, your back to his chest, your head resting against his shoulder.
His hips flexed as he thrusted up into you, one hand holding your hip, the other using four fingers to rub wildly at your clit.
It felt so good.
Your hips kept jumping, legs shaking on each exquisite rub, each delectable thrust filling you up so nicely. 
“Mmh! Katsu, Katsu, please, oh-oh-oohhh-” The moan left you, and Bakugou sped up his hips, now uncaring of the noises that you made.
He just wanted to cum.
“Oh god, oh no, it’s feels good, it feels good-ugh, Katsu!” You cried, and the man grinned, bitting at the shell of your ear. 
“Fucking take it, gonna make you fucking cum.”
And you did, crying and moaning and shaking on his cock, walls convulsing and milking him dry, his balls clenching and twitching as he unloaded his seed inside you.
It was sticky, and hot, and it felt gross, but you were too fucked out to care, sweaty and exhausted and confused.
The only sound in the room was that of heavy breathing, both you and Bakugou worn out.
When you finally did move, it was because Bakugou was pushing you to the side, grimacing as his cock slipped free of your gummy insides. Cum dripped down your thighs, gloopy texture making you gag as it slowly seeped from your hole.
“I’ll... I’ll clean you up tomorrow.” Bakugou mumbled, throwing an arm around your waist to drag you close to him.
The thoughts swirling inside of you were so confusing. Right now, it was easier to melt into Bakugou’s chest than to think, to try and sort out what had just occurred. It was fine, it was normal. 
You just wanted to be good for your senpai.
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
listen before you read!
Tumblr media
robert plant xfem!oc
warnings : drug use, swearing, trucklot of angst ;)
word count : 2.1k
an: was listening to ‘linger’ by the cranberries and I couldn’t pass up this angsty idea I got 😎 timeline is off but yolo ig...
Sloane leaned down to the table to take an extra line for her pre-performance nerves. She felt a little more nervous today, this particular concert being one of the largest yet. She was the front woman of The CAPs, who were opening for Led Zeppelin for their summer of ‘69 tour. This was exactly the break the band needed, finally getting recognition for all their talent and hard work over the last two years.
She applied a little powder to her face, and patted on her classic red lipstick to her slightly chapped lips. Securing the clasps of her platform red heels, she shook her body in hopes of shaking away her anxious jitters. Once she had finished her body-shaking ritual, she walked out from the wings of the stage.
As she walked across to centre stage, wind blowing through the holes of her white crochet dress. The crowd cheered loudly as the band waved to them.
“How’s everyone doin’ today? It’s so hot today, my boobs are sweating off!” She greeted the crowd with her bubbly nature. Adjusting the mic stand to her height, she continued to address the huge crowd. “Today’s set list will have a slight adjustment to it, we’re starting off with a new song I wrote just last night. It’s a little softer than our other music, so just sit back- or should I say lean back on the person behind you - and relax. This is called ‘Linger’ "
While she was speaking to the crowd, a teenage roadie ran onto the stage and placed a stool, for Sloane to sit on, and disappeared again in a heartbeat. The crowd, didn’t even take notice of the young boy, entranced with the tawny blonde singer as usual.
Sloane sat down, crossed her legs and nodded toward Rory, to begin. Rory started picking a simple guitar melody on his trusty Gibson acoustic, the first guitar he ever picked up. Sloane swayed lightly to the rhythm, eyes on the horizon above the crowd. Soon after, Marshall joined in with quiet, but strong beat on drums. At the same time, Oscar added the baseline to the song.
Taking a deep breath, Sloane began the song.
If you, If you could return, Don’t let it burn, Don’t let it fade, I’m sure I’m not being rude, It’s just your attitude, It’s tearing me apart, It’s ruining every day
I swore, I swore I would be true, But honey so did you, So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand? We’re you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?
Sloane sang gently, her eyes closed with a pained look on her face. She thought back to the day before, when everything fell apart.
“Sloane, honey, please tell me what’s wrong! You’re being so closed off with me today!” Robert pleaded, grabbing her hand while she was walking away. Sloane yanked her hand away and walked towards an empty storeroom in the hotel corridor.
“Don’t get any ideas, we need to talk privately” Sloane commanded as she entered into the storeroom. It had barely enough space for both of them to fit, being crammed full with towels and bedsheets.
“Please, love, jus’ tell me what’s bothering you, I wanna make you happy”
“Oh fuck off Robert, you’re so fake and a liar. These past couple of months have all been a lie!”
“What’re talkin’ about? I have never lied to you once”
“Seriously? ‘I’ve never lied to you’? Are you actually for real right now? Do you know what I just found out Robert? You’re fucking married! And she’s coming here tonight! You didn’t think I would deserve to know that!” She yelled, ignoring her previous statement about keeping this private.
“I didn’t tell you because I was scared okay? I have never felt like this before with anyone else. All the groupies were just for sex, but when I met you I had fallen for you Slo, you make me a better person in every way”
“I don’t care how I make you feel, you’re still married! With kids! How would they feel if they found out their father was in a relationship with a woman other than their mother? I can’t believe you did this to me willingly, even after I told you what happened with my parents. That messed me up, seeing my father with another woman, and leaving my mother for her. Never seeing him again, choosing his new family over me and my siblings. That hurts me the most Robert, you knew my history and you ignored it!” Sloane cried out, tears falling freely on her face, running her dark eye makeup.
“I never meant to hurt you love, you mean so much to me. I just didn’t think- I never fuckin think, but I my feelings were so strong for you, I never thought about Maureen, I’m shamed to admit it” Robert plead, guilt weighing on his conscience. He reached out to wipe her tears away, but Sloane turned her head, the same pained look on her face.
“We’re done. I can’t stay with someone who could forget about their own wife and kids, and forget to tell their girlfriend that she’s actually a mistress. Goodbye” Sloane said, pushing her way out of the cramped closet, before running to the elevator at the end of the hall.
But I’m in so deep, You know I’m such a fool for you, You got me wrapped around your finger, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger?
Sloane sang emotionally, a single tear escaped her tear duct. She took the break for guitar solo to take a couple deep breathes, and to calm her heightened emotions down.
Oh, I thought the world of you, I thought nothing could go wrong, But I was wrong, I was wrong
If you, if you could get by, Trying not to lie, Things wouldn’t be so confused, And I wouldn’t feel so used, But you always knew, I just want to be with you
Sloane sat at the large round table, sipping her wine. The two bands had just completed all the concerts in France, and were having a celebratory dinner for the night. The lights were dim in the fancy restaurant, but Sloane could still see the heartbreaking sight of Maureen and Robert cozying up to eachother. She longed to be the one Robert was dedicated to, to be his Maureen, to be the one who sipped on his beer instead of her wine for a change, to rest her hand on his knee. She wished to be the one who would sleep with him in bed each night, without a worry of cheating or unfaithfulness. Her heart was also broken for Maureen, she was so inlove with Robert, as was he with her. She was also probably the greatest mother out there, being a single parent for a lot of the year.
Sloane switched her focus from the smitten couple, to Marshall and John Bonham's discussion on gongs, congas and all exotic drums.
Everything had been going so well, the concerts each night going to wonderfully, the bands got on great together. Even all the touring crew and management got on well with eachother. It was like one, big, slightly dysfunctional family.
Sloane wished she could vent to one of her bandmates about her case of ill fated love, but she knew if she told any of the CAP boys, tension would arise between the bands, and she simply couldn't bear to break the harmony.
“I’m sorry everyone, but I feel a bit ill and I think it would be best if I went to my room” Sloane announced, rising from her chair. She briefly locked eyes with Robert, before averting her eyes that threatened to fill with tears.
“Are you sure you’re okay Slo? I can come up and look after you if you feel faint or anything?” Rory asked genuinely, concerned for his little sister, he noticed she had been a little less bubbly than normal today.
“I’m fine Ror, I’ll think being on the go and travelling for the last couple of months has caught up with me. I’ll call you if I need you. Love you” she said, hugging him tightly.
“Love you, stay safe sis”
A chorus of goodbyes were heard as she left the table and walked out of the brassiere restaurant.
As soon as she entered her large room, she decided to clean up her stuff in order to distract herself. She folded all her clothes, tucked all her shoes into her suitcase, and cleaned up her makeup station on the vanity, placing the assortment of beauty products in the black makeup bag she owned.
After she was done cleaning, she ordered a couple bottles of wine, with some croissant from room service, taking advantage of the readily available French delicacies.
Lowering herself into the warm bubble bath she ran while waiting for her room service, her mind wandered to the whole situation, creating lyrics in her head. Luckily she brought her songbook, so there was no need to get out of the bath in search for it. She poured her heart out into the lyrics. After finishing the lyrics up, she soaked for a little longer, until she felt herself pruning and wrapped the fuzzy bath robe around herself.
She was about to turn off her bedside light to sleep, when she heard a light knock on the door. Her head scrambled, trying to figuring out who it was. Must be Rory checking up on me she thought. Opening the door, her heart skipped a beat at the visitor.
“Sloane let me-“
“Robert, please, I told you we were over”
“Will you let me speak, I need to talk to you”
Sloane stepped aside from the door, letting him in. She guided him to the seating area of the room, not wanting to risk being near the bed.
“Uh, d’want tea or something?” Sloane asked the blonde man, the air heavy with awkward tension.
“Yeah sure, love. That’d be great” Robert answered warmly.
“So, what do you want to say” Sloane asked, pushing his tea on front of him.
“Sloane, I’m sorry. I still do love you and I hate that I fucked everything up. I was just so infatuated- I still am, and I regret that I made you feel upset. I just want to say sorry”
“I- I still love you too Robert, it wasn’t just one sided, I really thought you were the one”
“Sloane, I don’t know what to say… If- if you ask me to, I will. I want you. I want to be yours.”
“Robert- I. I can’t do that. As much as I want to love you and be with you, I can’t be a homewrecker. I’ve seen the way you are with Maureen, you love her. I know in my gut that you’re better off with her. She loves you and deserves you 100%” Sloane’s face was wet with tears.
“Uh, okay. I’m sorry love, I really wish I didn’t fuck up our relationship. I really hope that one day we can be friends again, when you’re ready” Robert got up to leave, but was stopped when Sloane grabbed his hand.
“There’s a part of me that will always love you Robert. This was wonderful while it lasted” She spoke with a sad smile on her face.
Robert squeezed her hand in agreement, before exiting the room.
And I’m in so deep, You know I’m such a fool for you You got me wrapped around your finger, oh, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to? Do you have to let it linger?
Oh I’m in so deep, You know I still have love for you, My love has wrapped me round your finger, oh, Do you have to let it linger? Do you have? Do you have to let it linger?
The CAPs finished their song, and Sloane stood up to thank the crowd.
“Robert, darling, there you are. Was that singer at the dinner last night?” Maureen asked warmly to her husband, joining him in the wings.
“Uh, yeah, but she left early because of travel sickness y’know the sort” Robert answered absentmindedly, his deep blue eyes trained on the lead singer, who was preparing for the next song in the band’s set list.
“I must have missed her. She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? I love that song she just sang, great voice” Maureen mused, admiring Sloane’s confidence , akin to her husbands.
“Yeah, yeah she is. She’s a beautiful person, inside and out”
my first Robert fic!!! I’m more of a Jimmy girl, but I love the golden god too (Leo men <3)
as always, any criticism/ideas are welcome in my inbox or comments 🤍
tag list : @dreamersdrowse @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey ask me if you would like to be added!!
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
10:31 pm || miya osamu
➵ osamu won’t stop making his damn onigiri. 
wc: 1400
warnings: gn!reader, the slightest bit suggestive  
a/n: @starrysamu i’ll be honest, it’s a while since i’ve written something and been happy with it. but i wanted to give you something on your birthday to say thank you for being so lovely to me :( (i know i’m technically late but shhh...) you’ve been so kind to me, and i can’t thank you enough for all the light you’ve brought into my life (both intentionally and inadvertently). and i know i’m not the only one -- you’ve brought life and laughter to so many people’s lives, and i just want you to know how loved and appreciated you are. this was originally planned as a fluffvember piece dedicated to you but Stuff Happened and it never got written and try as i might, this was the most i could drag together in celebration for remy day. i’m so sorry i couldn’t do more, but regardless i hope you had the best day possible :( i adore you
“Osamu,” you huff, butting his arm with your head.
He ignores you.
“Osamu,” you whine, a little louder this time.
He continues to ignore you, moulding a rice ball with both hands.
You duck down and pop back up between his arms.
Osamu bites back a smile this time, but once again – he ignores you.
You know he’s doing it on purpose. He’s not like his brother; he doesn’t get so lost in what he’s doing that he completely loses track of his surroundings. No, he’s doing this to wind you up. Because you’ve made it too obvious that you want his attention.
Although, you don’t usually have to fight for it.
He’s not the kind of guy to spend a lot of his free time ‘doing’ things. Time at home is time to relax. If he wants to play around with recipes, then he’ll just stay an extra hour at work. If he needs to work off some steam, he’ll go to the gym. Time at home is time to relax – or, more aptly put, time to annoy you.
But sometimes, Osamu’ll be consumed by a relentless urge to create. All he wants to do is make new combinations of ingredients, stuffing his onigiri full of stuff that you wouldn’t possibly think would go together. But Osamu seems to have a sixth sense for this sort of thing; even the strangest sounding combinations end up being surprisingly satisfying.
You’re not about to complain about this quirk of his. You’re his trusty taste-tester, the lab rat for all his new creations. That’s quite the honour – one of the benefits of being part of Osamu’s life. The whole ‘having a professional chef prepare you dinner every night’ is also pretty good.
(You joked, once, that the only reason you kept him around was because he was just so damn good at cooking.
He’d been so genuinely pouty about it that for a moment it felt like you were talking to his brother).
But tonight, that stroke of creativity had hit at nine in the evening. And honestly, you can only eat so much rice.
He’s been at it for the past hour or so, throwing together this and that while a gentle Spotify playlist provides ambient noise. It’s the sort of music you’d listen to in an attempt to wind down – something that’s certainly not doing much for your fatigue.
“I’m tired,” you mumble, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest. He’s warm, like he always is. You’re not sure if you’ll be able to sleep as soundly as you do with him next to you. He’s too much of a fixture in your life now. Too much of a comfort.
Osamu chuckles, his thumbs smoothing languid circles over your waist. “It’s only ten at night.”
“I know,” you whine, lifting your head up to look at him.
Frankly, he should be glad you’re tired this early. Kita’s always chided you for your erratic sleep schedule, and Osamu’s been given a talk or two about how he should be looking after you better.
“Osamu,” you huff, pouring all your menace into that one word.
It’s not very effective.
“Hm?” He sounds amused more than anything.
“Please come to bed.”
A familiar grin crosses his face. “Want me that bad, huh?”
You butt his chest with enough force to knock him backwards. “Shut up.”
He’s not wrong, but it’s certainly not what’s on your mind right now. And he knows that.
“Ah, so you’re not denying it,” he grins. Stupid relentless Osamu.
You punch him in the stomach with what might just be the world’s weakest fist.
“You’ll have to try harder than that,” Osamu chuckles, shaking his head.
You pout up at him, doing your best to look as pitiful as possible.
“You can’t fool me,” he grins.
It’s true. Osamu knows you well; some would say too well. But that’s what you get, being romantically involved for so long. And while he may know you well enough to save himself the burden of feeling guilty in the face of your faux misery, you also have a carefully catalogued library of every lame and embarrassing thing he’s ever said.
It’s a fair enough trade.
One song ends and another begins.
It’s similar in style to the one before – a soft tune, an indistinct voice crooning over the music, a soothing yet bittersweet tone underlying the tune.
Osamu stills, a strange tenderness melting over his face. He slips one arm around your waist, making sure that his hand stays away from your shirt. It’s still covered in the gelatinous residue of the rice.
“Didn’t this play at your sister’s wedding?” He asks softly.
You nod. He remembers that? Hell, it’d taken you a moment to rifle through your (admittedly hazy) memories of that event to try and recall if this song had even been on the playlist.
Osamu reaches for one of your hands, lacing his sticky fingers with yours. You open your mouth to protest, but before you can his other hand slips round to hold your waist.
“But my shirt,” you whine, well-aware that you’re going to have to change it before going to bed. Unless you wanted gritty bits of dried rice to work its way onto your sheets, of course.
“Just borrow one of mine,” Osamu mumbles, leaning forward and kissing your forehead.
Your lips are free, but it feels like he’s sealed them shut.
Osamu isn’t a man of many words. But he is a man of gentle touches, quiet moments, little affections you might miss if you’re not watching closely enough.
He pulls you towards him, taking a step away from the kitchen countertop. You almost stumble as you let him lead you in the sway of the music. He’s a bit off beat, but he’s never been very good at keeping to one. You remember having to learn ballroom dancing in P.E.; for all his innate talent at volleyball, Osamu has none for dancing.
If he cares about that, he makes no indication. He just holds you close to him, fingers digging into your waist gently as he moves. You lean into him, resting your cheek against his chest.
The song ambles on, an offbeat soundtrack to this tiny tenderness.
You pull your head back and look up to him.
He’s smiling.
It’s not his usual smile, that lazy, sardonic half-smirk. It’s gentle, fond, loving. It’s a smile you don’t get to see often – and one you certainly don’t get to see in public. But it’s another tiny sign that he loves you; a sign that he trusts you with all his vulnerability, even if he can’t put it into words.
He leans in and you wonder if he’s going to kiss you.
“Let’s go to bed,” he murmurs, breath tickling your ear.
“What about the mess?” You ask, turning to look at the kitchen as if he hadn’t just made your heart race.
There’s rice everywhere, wrapped in seaweed and in bowls and in flecks all over the counter. You’re sure you’ve never seen this much rice before in your whole entire life – and you’ve cooked for Osamu’s high school volleyball team before.
“I’ll deal with it in the morning,” Osamu says, totally unbothered.
“But ants,” you pout, eyes anxiously scanning the wide variety of perishables strewn over the kitchen. Something’s going to go off by the morning. And that isn’t even accounting for the hoard of uneaten onigiri stacked up in a Tupperware container.
“It’ll be fine,” Osamu shrugs, tugging you out of the kitchen.
“No, it won’t!”
“We haven’t had ants yet.”
“You still shouldn’t leave food out overnight—”
Osamu chuckles, sealing your lips with a kiss. It’s not just any kiss, either; he kisses you exactly how you like to be kissed, in the way that always makes you tick. Unfortunately, it’s an effective way of shutting you up.
Stupid Osamu and his underhanded tricks. He knows just what makes you tick, just how to get under your skin.
But being known is a part of being loved. It means having every little thing about you tucked neatly in someone else’s memory, regardless of if you want it to be or not. Words barely matter. In most cases, they don’t.
It’s a fact you just have to come to terms with.
Osamu already has.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
for the ask game you rb’d from yourself, joker and futaba?
HEH. GOOD MORNING TOWNSVILLE READY TO HEAR ME TALK ABOUT MY FAVES MY BESTIES AGAIN. idont know when imgonna be posting this it probably wont be morning. but you know
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
futaba sakura & the person who Saved Her…. futaba saved herself but she would not have had the chance to get there without the phantom thieves. because p5 is a little bit about how you need human connection & friendships & the support of others, to keep you going, to get you through difficulties. futaba needed the phantom thieves because she couldnt get out of the terrible mental place she was in on her Own & she treasures their help so much & Especially. Akira. akira, her beloved human meat shield, the guy who does the talking to strangers in target for her, someone she can trust to push her just enough that its good for her and not overwhelming. her Key Item <3 and he is dedicated to helping her out, usually in the form of standing between her & an intimidating person, and helping her achieve her goals, and telling her what a good job she is doing
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
ok i say “theyre siblings” A LOT about characters. I throw the concept around a bit lightly. With Akira & Futaba my full force is behind it. I mean it the same way i mean it with characters who are actually canonically part of the same family. like they are Speedrunning the traditional sibling experience.
They’re literally the PERFECT annoying older brother & annoying little sister duo. They aren’t actually capable of annoying Each Other, but they try it anyway, and their combo damage when they team up to annoy someone else? Outstanding. You wont sleep for a week knowing these 2 teens could be anywhere waiting to bully and prank you.
They are INSEPARABLE <3 not literally. akira does lots of things without futaba & one of futabas Goals is to have the ability to go outside and do new things and interact with new people Without having akira with her. but like. They bonded & now they cannot conceive of their lives without each other. They will never stop being friends because they are like actual siblings to each other. They’re stuck together for life.
basically the version of them from my mind is like them from canon but if akira wasnt a silent protagonist so he got to do more… they bully each other but they also hype each other up a bunch… they collaborate to tease sojiro and shout about curry… theyre a fambly. and they are the autism creature together. sound of akira teaching futaba Brand New Coping Mechanisms For Existing In The World. theyre so. i love them so much.
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
As some of my other responses have shown I just really like sibling relationships i thimk they’re neat <3 and i like futaba a lot. and i like akira a lot. and i. *starts crying* Family……. they warm my little heart
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
again!!! futaba has a lot of trust in the phantom thieves and gratitude to them for helping her when she couldn’t do it on her own and it goes extra for akira bc hes also the perfect person to go to for just like. all the stuff she needs. stand near me at the store so i feel like im not on my own. hold me to the promises i made & things i want to achieve. and futaba hasnt HAD. close friends in person. in quite a while. so this is so IMPORTANT and GOOD for her.
Akira receives: A little sister. no but for real … the sakura family … we dont like. know anything at all abt akiras actually family but no matter what, like, it is so fuckign good for him that he just gets adopted into this family like this. *slams my fist against the table* as is the case with ALL of the phantom thieves because its the whole POINT, at the beginning of the game akira is without a place where he feels like he BELONGS and the phantom thieves become this for each other overall but it hits different with like. this is his Family now. futaba is his sibling now. sojiro is stuck with these kids now. leblanc is . like. His Home. he has that now. he has Them !!!!!!
favorite interaction they have in canon
oh god i dont know umm. futabas whole confidant is good but idont know that it has any Stand Out Sakura Siblings Moments. maybe um. the scene from sojiros confidant where akira steps in front of futaba to protect her. yeah…………….
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
they hang out at the sakura house while sojiro is @ leblanc so they can play world is mine and the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny at max volume. they pester sojiro (ongoing). they annoy so many people together (just imagine. akira futaba and sumi ALL teaming up to bully akechi together. he would evaporate) also see: the ongoing concept from my brain that ive talked about multiple times before thats just. i think itd be really funny if they start talking about themselves & each other to strangers as if theyre literal blood related siblings who grew up together and did not meet for the first time in their teens. okaaaay i guess thats all i just want to see them hang out i love them. thank you <3
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klvbxlove · 3 years
sleepy (iida x gn! reader)
a/n: man, it’s been like a month, since my last drabble! i had to deal with more stress over school and other personal stuff, so that’s why i haven’t posted anything. luckily though, school ends in 4 weeks so hopefully by then, i’ll have more time to write more! also, i apologize if this drabble is a bit shorter than my other ones. not gonna lie, i was struggling with some writer’s block while writing this :( but hopefully y’all will still like it! :)
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reader-type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: you just wanted to fall asleep in the arms of your husband, iida. unfortunately, he has a couple of extra work that he wants to finish before joining you to bed, much to your dismay. 
word count: 1k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Despite your body practically begging you to sleep right now, you couldn’t. You just wanted your husband, Iida, to be by your side in bed since his presence usually helped you sleep faster.
   Unfortunately for you, Iida was doing some extra work. Having known him since high school, you knew the type of person he was. Iida always wanted to sleep early to have enough rest for the next day. You sometimes remembered him scolding you for staying up a bit late if he ever caught you in the middle of the night in the dorm rooms. Man, those were the days.
   But it seems as though Iida was a bit of a hypocrite tonight, considering how it was almost midnight, and he was still awake. If anything, you had the urge to scold him for staying up the way he would do the same to you. However, you did not want to think about that right now. You just wanted to get him to crawl into bed with you and cuddle.
   “Babe,” you mumbled sleepily (you were surprised you did not fall asleep right then and there), “come on, you’ve been working for--” you looked at the clock on the wall “--three hours. Can’t you sleep now?”
   Iida sighed. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I can’t afford to leave this for tomorrow. I would much rather get it done and over with now!” But judging by the tone of his voice, you could hear the stress in it. You had a slight feeling even he did not want to be staying up this late. The only thing keeping Iida from giving up was his determination.
   “You’re gonna be tired tomorrow, though,” you pointed out, “And besides, you have plenty of time to finish your work by then!”
   “Don’t worry, (Y/N), I promise I will get this done as quickly as I can,” Iida reassured you. 
   Well, that was not convincing. To you, anyways. You had to admit you admired how Iida dedicated himself to his work. However, you did not like that sometimes he would stay up late to finish it. Like right now.
   After letting out a yawn, you pouted. “Tenya, please” you whined, “I wanna fall asleep in your arms now.”
   Iida practically felt his heart burst after hearing the begging tone in your voice. He dropped his pen as he imagined you giving him the puppy eyes and hearing you say that sentence again. How was he supposed to resist that (Answer: there is no point in it)? Besides, he could not deny the fact that he also wanted to cuddle you.
   And now that you mentioned it, Iida had been working for far too long. It was unhealthy for him, or any person, to stay up this late! (**). But damn it, he also just wanted to get his extra work done for the night! 
   Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 
   Iida turned around in his chair to face you with a smile on his face. A light blush appeared covered his cheeks. Oh, what the hell? You looked so cute just laying there in bed covered in your blankets! Although he was not proud of himself for seeing the bags under your eyes, he knew you were staying up waiting for him to finish up. 
   “How about this, (Y/N),” Iida said. “You can sit on my lap while I finish up. That way, you can at least cuddle with me for the time being. Is that alright?”
   As soon as he proposed the idea, your eyes glistened in excitement. “Yes!” you squealed, immediately sitting up from the bed.
   Iida chuckled. “Come here then, love” he patted his lap. Walking over towards your husband, you held onto his shoulders before comfortably sitting yourself down on his lap. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, you rested your head against his chest. “Comfortable?” he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist gently.
   “Yeah,” you nodded, a smile growing on your lips. You were already enjoying the feeling of being in Iida’s loving embrace. Not to mention, he also smelled nice. It must have been the shower he took a few hours ago.
   For the next few minutes, Iida continued his work while you cuddled him. By that point, you were no longer fighting the urge to fall asleep. You had to be honest with yourself; you would much rather sleep on his lap than sleep in your shared bed alone.
   The more you thought about it, the more you realized how clingy you could be with your husband. Oh well, at least Iida was not bothered by it! As long as you did not take it too far to the point where you practically clung onto him twenty-four-seven.
   Iida felt like it had taken a long time, but at last, he finished all his work. Now his eyelids were practically fighting him to close shut, and he decided to listen to them. But before he could fall asleep just yet.
   “Sweetheart?” Iida whispered in the case that you were still awake. With no response, he looked down at you only to hear nothing but your soft breathing and. “(Y/N)?” Iida gently tapped your back. In response, you began to snuggle into his chest. A smile appeared on his face. ‘So cute.’
   Iida turned off the desk light. Looking at the clock and realizing it was way past midnight now, he gingerly sat up from his chair, kept his arms around your waist to carry you up, and walked over towards your shared bed. Once Iida placed you down, he crawled into bed with you and embraced you into his arms again. “I apologize for causing you to stay up late, (Y/N),” he whispered, caressing your cheek gently, “I promise you that I’ll sleep early tomorrow night, okay?”
   Iida knew that you were not going to respond anytime soon, so he did not wait. Instead, he mumbled, “Goodnight, my love,” before placing a kiss on your lips and slowly letting his eyes close for the night.
   All the while, a small smile grew on your lips upon hearing those words from your slumber.
(**) somehow, i felt hypocritical writing that line, considering how i sometimes stay up late at night, even during school days when i tell myself to sleep early LMAO 😂 oops! 🙊
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rreyie · 4 years
Porco for fluff alphabet?
porco galliard fluff alphabet
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warnings- very very mildly suggestive themes
a/n- i think we all need a bf like porco, he’s so sweet i stg
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A is for Activites- what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
porco will do anything you want him to do. but a favorite of his is to just go out and explore downtown marley. there’s no specific goal you’re both trying to achieve, just going where the day takes you. downtown marley is crowded, so he’s got a hand holding yours the entire time to ensure you don’t get lost. you’ll both stop in a few different stores, his favorite is whatever the aot equivalent to bath and body works is and the lingerie shop. he wants to buy stuff for you to show he cares, and you’ll probably leave with a bag or two full of different clothes, and just random things you two thought were cool. the one place he insists on stopping at is the deli. he always gets something with at least two kinds of meat, and will pay for yours as well. the day ends with getting back home and doing some cuddling on the couch while he falls asleep on your lap.
B is for Beauty- what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
porcos favorite feature about you is the way you smile and laugh, also your hands. each time you laugh at one of his jokes, he turns a deep red at the fact that someone finds him entertaining. his world seems to light up when you’re happy and smile at him, and he will cherish each time you do so. he also loves your hands, they’re just perfect for holding and he loves to intertwine your fingers.
C is for Comfort- how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
porco would do anything in his power to make sure you’re smiling by the end of the day. when his s/o feels down, he picks up on it very quickly and immediately asks what’s wrong, and who is causing you this pain. he would want you to take things slow for the day, he’ll be doing all the work for the next 24 hours. if you want affection, he will hold you while you cry into his shoulder. there’s a good chance he will cry with you, since he is upset seeing you like this. when you’re having a panic attack, he drops everything to get to you. if you’re immobilized by the emotion, he will carry you to a secluded room if there’s one nearby to give you some quiet with him. he will embrace you like he never has before, stroking your hair and whispering “you’ll be alright, i’m here honey. take your time.” he will be more understanding if you’re not okay by the end of the day since he knows these things are serious and he wants to make sure you’re completely okay before resuming back to normal.
D is for Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
porco dreams of having a family with you. once the war is over, he will make it a priority to get the two of you married and move out to a house in marley. porco absolutely adores children, so he would probably two with you. he wants two boys that can have the same kind of bond that he and marcel had. he would probably have enough money at this point that he could retire because of his service in the war, so he will become a stay home dad and watch his two boys. and he will probably name one of his sons marcel jr.
E is for Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
porco wants both of you to have the same level of commitment and dominance in the relationship.
F is for Fight- would they be easy to forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
porco has a temper. he’s quick to snap. the fighting was likely initiated by him, possibly because he saw you hanging around reiner for too long today. it never gets violent, but porco can’t control what comes out of his mouth sometimes. he might throw an insult here and there. if you leave the room in tears, he will beat himself up over it and once he’s given you some space, he will apologize while trying to hold back tears because he feels like a shitty boyfriend for doing this to you. if you’re the one who apologizes first, he will pretend to act mad but really he’s not deep down inside because he loves you that much.
G is for Gratitude- how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
porco might not say it, but he appreciates what you’re doing for him. instead, he will do things in return to show he’s grateful, i’ll get into that later down the list. he is overall pretty aware of how dedicated his s/o is to him.
H is for Honesty- do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
the only reason that you know everything that’s up with porco is because he vents to you very often. he does keep his fair share of secrets though, but they are very minor- except one. most of his secrets are about the war, one of his best kept and worst secrets about him was that he killed a child while at war with the mid east allied forces. he still feels terrible about it to this day, and wouldn’t want you finding out about what he did during the war.
I is for Inspirational- did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
you likely changed porco more than he changed you. porco has a tough guy exterior and was pretty self absorbed before meeting you, but he learned that it was okay to cry and let his guard down around you. he also became a little more selfless, since he would do anything to protect you. 
J is for Jealousy- do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
porco is one to get jealous very easily. he’s possessive too. if he sees you hanging around reiner for a minute too long, he holds a grudge on you. he doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day, and when you meet up with him to head back to your bedrooms, he just says “so reiner is gonna replace me, huh?” and walks off without another word. you’re gonna have to smother him in kisses to let him know you still love him more than anyone else, and stay the night while he clings to you in his sleep.
K is for Kissing- are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
porco loves to kiss. he’s amazing at it too. his kisses are sloppy, lazy, slow, and teasing, with a lot of tongue and spit. his favorite place to kiss is on your bed just to get some privacy to do whatever you want. he especially loves when you’re both half naked and kissing so he can feel your skin on his. the first kiss was in town next to a fountain, where he confessed his feelings to you. you told him to close his eyes and you went in for it, and he kissed you back instantly. the blush on his cheeks was insane once you pulled away.
L is for Love Confession- how would they confess to their s/o?
after the festival in liberio, he stood with you and watched the fountain in town square. you made a comment on how pretty his eyes looked in the moonlight, and he made a bad attempt at complimenting your face, which made you giggle. hearing you laugh made the butterflies errupt in his stomach, and he knew he couldn’t hide it anymore. he said, “look y/n, i have no clue if you’re gonna hate me after what i’m about to say, if you think i’m weird just say something, but i like you. i have since i met you, and i think i want to be with you- oh god, i don’t even like you, i love you-“ you had to shut him up and kiss him on the lips before he started to ramble about how much he loves you.
M is for Marriage- do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the marriage be like?
of course porco would want to get married, he’s a family man. he would probably propose somewhere very informally, like you two were talking about it one day and he’s like “well i mean there’s no better person than you that i would want to marry, you would make a wonderful wife-“ and that’s how it all started. you two got married in a church in liberio, with pieck as the maid of honor and zeke as the best man. he cried when he saw you in that white gown, he thought you looked like a princess. the marriage would be fun and laid back, you two would travel a lot before settling down about a year later.
N is for Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
he calls you “babe” and “baby” a lot. occasionally he will call you “honey” or a variation of your name.
O is for On Cloud Nine- what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious for others? how do they express their feelings?
he’s a flustered, bashful baby. if you even look his way he will turn red. he tries to show off his skills, and wants to make himself stand out above the rest. he does his hair with extra care in the morning and starts to wash his face to make his skin look better. pieck picks up on it first, and she will occasionally say something about it, but all porco will do is grumble something and brush it off. zeke will notice and say something as well. porco expresses his feelings by occasionally complimenting you on your outfit, and sneaking a touch here and there like if he’s brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. if you do the same to him, his brain will stop working for a moment.
P is for PDA- are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag with their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
porco is a big fan of pda and bragging. especially if you’re within 10 feet of reiner. he makes it very known that he’s taken, the first time he walked into the meeting room in front of the other warriors he literally announced, “oh yeah, y/n is my girlfriend now. just thought you guys should know.” he loves to talk about you with the other guys, not in a bad way but like sharing stories about time you two spent together, how wonderful you are, and quite frankly the other guys are kind of tired of hearing a new story about you every hour. porco won’t hesitate to kiss or show affection in public, not full out making out but like a medium length kiss on the lips is acceptable. he’s always got his hands on you in public too, like an arm slung around your shoulder or just holding your hand. he wants everyone to know you’re his.
Q is for Quirk- some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
not quite sure if this is beneficial in the relationship but he gives the best piggyback rides. he has a really strong back that’s able to lift you up and he loves hearing your little giggles as he hoists you up into the air and onto his back. then he will run all around the place with you on his back in a fruitful attempt to make you laugh and smile.
R is for Romance- how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
porco is in general a very romantic person. he will always treat you and try to make you happy just like to do to him. one of his favorite things to do for you is to take you out to some expensive restaurant in the rich part of marley and treat you to dinner. he wears his best suit and thinks you look absolutely stunning in that outfit of yours, which makes a little blush bloom on his face. he is vocal when it comes to telling you “i love you” and will say it to you at least 3 times a day. when you come back from an expedition in the mid east, he will be waiting for you in the train station with a big sign that says “welcome home y/n” and a bouquet of roses.
S is for Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
porco thinks you should go for whatever makes you happy. he doesn’t exactly know how to help, but he will give you words of encouragement- like “you’re doing so well babe!” or “i love how you’re so determined, keep it up!” he truly does believe you can achieve whatever goal you’re working towards, he has a lot of faith in you.
T is for Thrill- do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
porco loves change, and he would like a new way of doing things. it can be anything from going to a different place for dinner or waking up at a different time, he just wants things to always be different. he values thrill and spice to your relationship, it’s a key element to dating him.
U is for Understanding- how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
he will slowly learn more about you throughout your relationship, but empathy is something he needs to work on. every new bit of information he learns about his parter surprises him, and he makes a mental note of it to use for later. empathy is different though, because of his tough guy exterior he didn’t find empathy easy in the beginning. in fact, the first time you vented to him he said something along the lines of “well? get over it. it’s not worth dwelling on it.” when you ran off crying, from then on he made sure to never say that again.
V is for Value- how important is the relationship to them? what is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
your relationship is one of the reasons why he keeps fighting with the war going on. he wants to have that future with you and live a peaceful life after, so in a way it’s a priority.
W is for Wild Card- a random fluff headcanon.
porco is a blanket hog when you go to sleep together. he doesn’t realize it but after he starts to sleep, he will grab the blanket and roll himself in it so that he’s in a blanket burrito and your shivering on the other side. he also snores very loudly. if you wake him up to tell him he will begrudgingly give you some of the blanket, but then he gets cold. he will cling to you the entire night in an effort to keep warm.
X is for XOXO- are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
porco is a cuddle bug once you get to know him. he especially loves to cuddle in bed or on the couch. he loves it when you fall asleep on him so he can see how pretty your face is when you sleep. porco kisses you many times per day. on the neck, lips, cheek, collarbone, hand, anywhere he can have access to. he loves it when you kiss him back and leave a hickey or love bite.
Y is for Yearning- how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he will try to keep in contact with their partner and keep something of theirs by his side always until they come back. if the time is okay, he will write you letters and expect you to write one back saying that you’re alright. he will grab a t shirt you wore out of the hamper and sleep with it for the night because it smells like you. he also might cry a little because he misses you, and he will shed a tear once you come back home with the biggest hug and kiss.
Z is for Zeal- are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? if so, what kind of?
porco would go lengths for the relationship, especially if your life was on the line. he would do everything in his power to make sure you’re safe and comfortable. this is lowkey funny but if you two were in immediate danger, he would let you ride on the back of his titan while he runs to safety. he would sacrifice his life for you as well.
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The Bone of Impurity
So with the upcoming Winner is King, my brain got whirling with the thought of The Bone of Impurity which is arguably one of the main plot points of the novel and I thought I would do a bit of a meta for it? It is definitely something I hope they do not dilute for the Live Action adaptation but even if they did touch upon 1% of the shit that goes on into making a Bone of Impurity, it's still pretty Dead Dove Don't Eat. So I thought I would preempt it by actually putting down a primer on the Bone of Impurity.
I did not read the novel in Chinese and read it in English, so some of the more subtle themes present in the original work will have been missed by me. If anyone who has read the Sha Po Lang novel as it was written by Priest, do let me know if I have made any mistakes on any of the below ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
Fair warning, there's some pretty Nightmare Fuel inducing shit, so I'll be keeping things under a read more in case people get squicked by this lol I'm also basing my references around the translation that Northwest Flower did because that is the one I read.
Just a basic background on The Bone of Impurity:
It is essentially a curse unique to the Northern Man people who utilise it in moments where someone's country is broken and nothing remains but revenge. To attain that, they make a sacrifice to the 'evil' gods of their beliefs
It is a cruel and horrible affliction to put on the person, but the return for it is that the person who becomes a Bone of Impurity gains the strength, intelligence, foresight and abilities of two persons
Whoever becomes a Bone of Impurity is someone who is single-mindedly ruthless and bloodthirsty when pressed towards a goal; they will attain power and their near supernatural abilities will make them unstoppable in achieving their goals
They will also gain a sort of existence that is neither alive nor dead. Sort of a zombie-like living. They also don't live very long
For all this super abilities, the flip side for anyone living with the Bone of Impurity is that they will be constantly highly suspicious and paranoid of everyone and everything; they will be slowly driven mad by the visceral hallucinations that will leave them incapable of knowing what is real and what is fake (Volume 1, Chapter 26; Volume 3, Chapter 70)
A Bone of Impurity attack comes about when the afflicted experiences heightened emotions or moments of extreme stress (I seriously cannot list out all the times it popped up in the novel because we would be here quite long lol)
It manifests in dual pupils being observed in their blood-hued eyes, hypersensitivity of the senses, their body burning up, almost sleep paralysis levels of body-lockedness and they will experience extreme pain with the bouts of attacks lasting hours at a time (Volume 2, Chapter 50 & 51)
The method of 'refining' a Bone of Impurity is...
Basically taking two babies and putting them in a dark place with no air, no water, no food. One of the babies will survive while the other one dies (Volume 3, Chapter 70)
I'm not quite certain if they have to be blood related or not, but the examples given in the book all indicate that if they have a strong connection to each other, then it would be better and that the Bone of Impurity would better take
The dead baby is then... 'refined' with the arcane arts and medicines of the Northern Man Goddesses and fed to the surviving baby (re:baby cannibalism)
I told you it wasn't pretty...
In the novel, Chang Geng is the Bone of Impurity made by Hu Ge Er, his aunt, in order to bring about chaos and tumult to Great Liang that had subjugated her people. Chang Geng is repeatedly described to have almost scary levels of intelligence and foresight, to the point where some of the characters actually wonder if he is omnipotent.
Chang Geng is also revealed to have obtained characteristics of his cousin
One of the ways Shen Yi and Gu Yun identified Chang Geng as the missing Fourth Prince is the congenital defect of a toe - which, lol, the worlds where DNA testing did not exist - and Chang Geng insists that his toe deformity was caused Hu Ge Er (Chapter 8)
It is later revealed that this was one of the further side-effects of the Bone of Impurity where the afflicted would reflect characteristics of the 'devoured' counterpart (Extra: Souls returned home)
Now on to the meta bit:
Chang Geng has a pretty much single focus sexuality on Gu Yun; even when he wasn't clear on what the nature of those feelings were, he was already dedicated to the man, already thinking up ways of how he can support him in the future
Even when he was heartbroken by the reveal of who 'Shen Shiliu' was and the lies and the subterfuge that had flowed between them, just with an apology and assurance from Gu Yun, Chang Geng was already ready to forgive him
Now, we know that Hu Ge Er said with her dying breath that the Bone of Impurity will cause him to lose his mind and will cause the death of everyone he will ever love. I think she said this because she has already detected the level of dedication he has built for Gu Yun and also because she is a horrible person and wanted one last pot shot at tormenting Chang Geng
Through all his Bone of Impurity attacks, Chang Geng has one consistent thing that he fears the most above everything else - Gu Yun abandoning him, rejecting him, leaving him in any way
My thought is simple; what makes him different from the other Bone of Impurities that were explicitly said and described in the novel? One person. Gu Yun.
Had Gu Yun not saved him from the wolves outside of Yanhui Town, he would have definitely died right there and then being killed by the Northern Man wolves. I truly believed that at that time, Chang Geng really ran out there to die. With just the scant descriptions of what Hu Ge Er did to him throughout his childhood, even the brief glimpses into her horrible abuse, is enough to cement that he was very likely unable to handle everything anymore.
If Gu Yun had not shown up and took on the mantle of Chang Geng's Yi Fu - as clumsy and as emotionally stunted as he was to deal with a dependent - was kind to him without any sort of condition attached to it, if Gu Yun had not taken that spot in Chang Geng's heart and mind as a moral compass, guiding his path to tempering the more extreme effects of the Bone of Impurity, I have no doubt that Chang Geng would have destroyed Great Liang before he even turned 21.
Because of Gu Yun, Chang Geng plotted the way to peace for Great Liang; divesting of weak emperors and ushering in a new age of stability and peace, building a foundation for his nephew to take over and build upon. All because he knew that Gu Yun loved his country, loved the people, has broken his back time and time again to toil for peace and defend its borders.
In the novel, they even explicitly say that when Gu Yun is out doing routine inspections of the borders and stuff, Chang Geng essentially shuts down; starts living like a monk and a life without colour until Gu Yun comes back to him (I don't know which extra or chapter this is in because this post has been waaaayyyy too long at this point)
With Gu Yun, especially when he learns that his supposedly unrequited and unfilial feelings were not as unrequited as they seem, he found a path to a future where he can strive to live without pain and without worry. With Gu Yun, he could focus all of the ruthlessness and all the bloodlust and the brilliance and the horrors and make it into a fulfilment of Gu Yun's dream; to be able to walk away from the battlefield and live out the rest of his days in peace and leisure.
Think about it, especially if you have read the novel, how scary can Chang Geng get when Gu Yun isn't around to temper him?
Basically, yes, I am definitely saying that Chang Geng and Gu Yun doing the horizontal dance with no pants resulted in peace for the country lol
[Bit of Trivia] Chang Geng's name is also significant because, according to Hu Ge Er, it is the name of the 'Bone of Impurity' in the Chinese dialect (Chapter 6)
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