#and kept telling everybody how he said oh shit the first time he saw me without my mask
6esiree · 23 days
i just wanna say that ur gen z reader fic is absolutely amazing, i love reading over and over again bc husk is my favourite character, and me being gen z myself is making it better 💞
Husk was the first character I fell in love with!! Maybe it’s the daddy issues speaking but it’s just ugh, idk, I love everything about him, especially his voice. It’s so deep and rich and I would fucking melt if he whispered in my ear.
I also love how much of a grump he is. Ik if Husk had a partner that was Gen Z, he’d be smiling a lot more bc they would be a ray of sunshine in the dark, depressing world that is Hell.
- Making a Sinstagram for Husk. He only follows you and that’s it, ignoring everybody else when they start pestering him about him not following them back.
- The only time Husk opens the app is to look through the billion posts you sent him throughout the day, and even then you have to beg him to do so.
“Please watch them,” You say, Husk sighing in defeat when you pout.
“Fine—better be somethin’ funny.”
- Husk goes through all the videos you sent him with a straight face, but that’s only because he doesn’t understand Gen Z humor.
- Plus, all you do is send him cat or hamster posts with the caption “You and Me, Always Forever,” the only time he reacts to something you sent him being this:
- You’re just swinging your legs and giggling as a blush creeps up Husk’s neck. He watches it again to make sure that he hadn’t imagined the “🫵” LOLLL.
“Christ,” Husk shakes his head, putting his phone down.
“It’s my way of saying I love you.”
- Telling him the most random, out of pocket shit you can think of. It either makes him laugh or he looks at you in horror—there is no in between.
“Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, I’m feeling romantical,” You tell him, leaning over the counter.
- Husk recoils, and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or be embarrassed.
- Angel heard what you said to him and he’s down on the ground on his knees, holding his stomach and busting his ass off.
“So is that a no?”
- Husk massages his temples, resuming his work as if you had never asked him that.
- Wearing Y2K inspired clothing. You come down to the bar one day wearing a baby tee, lowrise jeans, and the strings of your thong showing on the sides.
- Husk immediately notices this, his mouth falling open as he spots the black strings hugging the sides of your waist.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to be…ya know,” Husk stuttered, approaching you from behind, his hands covering your sides. “You’re, uh, underwear is kinda showin’.”
“Oh, it’s the style! Do you like it?”
- The man blinks, wrapping his wings around you, pretending to give you a hug as the rest of the hotel’s residents come down.
“Christ, are ya tryin’ to get me hard?”
“Fine, I’ll go change then.”
(I will probably do this prompt with the rest of the characters btw 😼)
- Making Husk play Roblox with you. He thinks it’s stupid but as he lays his chin on your shoulder, watching you fail horribly at such a simple game, he decides to try it out.
- You’re actually trying to play an obby, which isn’t that hard. You just kept underestimating how far you jumped.
- Husk ends up giving up because he doesn’t really play games, especially on his phone. Plus, his own fingers keep getting in the way.
“I told you it’s not that easy—“
“It’s my fatass fuckin’ fingers!” Husk insists, his eyes glued to his phone, back slouching and all.
- Telling Husk “Nuh-uh.” He asks you to do a favor for him, but you decide to fuck with him first because you can.
“Nuh uh,” You say, watching his brows knit in confusion.
“What do ya mean, ‘Nuh uh,’” Husk repeats, “The fuck is that?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Come over here—“ Husk says, starting towards you, looking pissed off.
Anyway, that’s all my mind could come up with rn. I actually wrote sm the first time I saw your message, but tumblr just never uploaded it? I think it’s cuz I tried to refresh the app while my wifi was acting up 🗿 but yeah! I love Husk, and I also love imagining saying or doing the most random shit cuz it’s fun trying to predict how he’d respond LOL.
But TYSM FOR THAT!!! <33 and I’m so sorry for responding hella late. I’m not the biggest fan ofy first fics but I’m not taking them down cuz ik some of y’all love them.
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Two Boys and a History Class (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Normally you and Bob would leave Auggie with your in-laws, but since his mother is having surgery, you officially welcome him into the classroom family
Tagging: @bobfloydsbabe Helena I couldn't help myself with this one because the thought of Bob with a baby does things to me that I just can't explain (lol). I hope you're ok with me including Auggie in some of these and I apologize in advance, the baby fever is out of control at my end (lol).
Warnings: Mentions of a breeding kink, Bob popping off on a visiting teacher who's clearly beneath him etc.
"Alright, so does anybody have any clue as to what the most important part of Erik the Red's reign was?" Bob enquired.
"Not only was he an explorer but didn't he found the first settlement in Greenland?" Deshawn asked.
"You would be right my friend!" Bob declared proudly. "Erik the Red was indeed an explorer and did also found one of the first Viking colonies in Greenland...."
He was suddenly interrupted by the click of the door handle and the creaking of the classroom door before Mrs. Hess, the painting teacher, stuck her head in the door.
"Mr. Floyd might I borrow you for a minute?"
Bob signaled for the class to wait a minute before he followed Mrs. Hess out into the hallway. "I'm so sorry to bother you Bob," she apologized. "But your father came by with the baby."
"Is everything ok?"
"Oh yes," Mrs. Hess assured him. "Auggie's fine but he said that your mother's surgery was moved to later this afternoon and they won't allow him to take him."
"Shit," Bob hissed.
"My thoughts exactly," Mrs. Hess said. "Your wife said she's going to get him but I think she also asked about combining classes."
"Perfect timing," Bob said. "We do that every Friday afternoon."
"Wonderful!" Mrs. Hess said, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'll tell you right now too, if that detestable visiting teacher says anything to you or to (y/n) I'll have him shipped to my neck of the woods and see how he deals with the folks in Chatham County, Georgia."
Bob had to laugh. Just like Mrs. Reyes, no one dared to mess with Mrs. Hess. She was a Southern lady through and through and always had a good quip for anyone who got on her bad side. The high schoolers even had their own slogan for kids coming fresh out of the lower school......"don't mess with the Hess."
Bob waited patiently for you to come down the hall with baby Auggie. "Alright guys, it's looking like it's that hour!" Bob announced once he was back in the room. "And this time Mrs. Floyd brought a little guest this afternoon."
All of the students collectively gasped when they saw you walk in with the baby. Any time you brought Auggie in, the grew excited beyond words. Nobody in the entire school could resist his cuteness, let alone the fact that he looked so much like Bob.
"Everybody put the desks together," you announced, carefully picking Auggie up out of his carseat.
"You want me to take him sweetheart?" Bob asked you.
"Do you mind?" you asked Bob.
"It's not a problem at all," he told you. "We made him together and it means I help you shoulder the duty together."
"You're right," you told him. "But lest you forget mister, that part of the reason we made him was due to that fiery breeding kink you keep buried until we're home alone."
Bob chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Don't even start," you laughed, warning him. "Let's get back to business."
You and Bob wrangled together your students to continue the lesson while Bob kept Auggie safe and secure in the curve of his arm.
"Now in Mrs. Floyd's literature block," Bob continued, touching up his notes on the chalkboard. "We're at a point where the Fellowship has reached the woods of Lothlorien and left behind the mines of Moria. What sticks out to you guys most in this part? Any major themes? Elements? Justin."
"Um, I'd say the biggest one is kinda that darkness turning to light," Justin Daly answered. "I remember picturing the scene in the films where the mines were like really deep darkness and then you get to the woods where at night it's all brightly lit."
"That is an excellent point," Bob told him, adjusting Auggie so that the baby rested against his chest. "We come across alot of that throughout the books, but also vice versa, right?"
"Right!" the students responded.
A knock at the door suddenly had Bob rolling his eyes. "We're not to be disturbed!!" Bob announced loudly.
"Mr. Floyd, it's Mr. D'Nadi," answered the male voice on the other side of the door.
Bob groaned and rolled his eyes. All of the students fell quiet as Bob opened the door to find the pretentious visiting teacher from another school standing before him.
"You're not wearing dress slacks but jeans?" Mr. D'Nadi asked.
"In some cultures I'd be considered overdressed," Bob informed him.
"Yes well, I um.....I came to enquire about that proposal you're working on for the school?"
"Yes," Bob said flatly.
"I cannot stress enough that the proposal is what's able to allow your students to go on these field trips that you plan every year," D'Nadi explained rather sharply. "If you plan on taking these kids to Norway....."
"Already done," Bob told him.
"Mr. Floyd....."
"Listen dipshit," Bob interrupted. "We all know that you're only here as a visiting teacher......keyword there....visiting. You are merely here to observe and then go home. Under no circumstances were you to tell anybody in this school what to do or how to implement their lessons."
"Listen I know it's more responsibility but...."
"Do not lecture me on responsibility," Bob told him sharply. "As you can see, Mrs. Floyd and I take care of our students who are like our own family and if your observation skills were up to par, you'd see that we've got a baby to take care of as well. Now if you'll please remove yourself and your foot from the door, that'd be great."
"You do know that protocol doesn't allow you to bring your own children to work?" D'Nadi tried to tell him.
"Fire me," Bob told him before shutting the door right in D'Nadi's face before he could say anything else.
Bob pressed a soft little kiss to Auggie's cheek before turning back to the students who were trying not to giggle.
"Shall we keep going guys?" he asked them.
Both you and the students cheered and applauded Bob, without a doubt proving that he was the best history teacher in the entire school.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
You never saw me, til now
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Blind!Reader • Sometimes people go unnoticed within Alexandria. Hell, Daryl doesn’t know everybody’s name. But you stuck out…for more reasons than the obvious • SFW/ANGST • TW: Discrimination / Anxiety Attacks / Minor Injuries / Mentioned Attempt
Requested by: Anon
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A new home for everybody, Alexandria. Upon first glance at the locals…most of the group decided that most aren’t fit for the world outside the walls. Even if most were in that world before this safe haven.
Then there was this one person. That stuck out but also no one really knew much about. Granted she stuck to herself.
Once the group had gotten situated and received jobs, Daryl was gifted a bike frame by Aaron when he decided to not go to the party everyone else went to. Thank god he didn’t go. As he started to make his way toward Aaron’s place he noticed the woman he spotted walking Alexandria’s streets around this hour every day, holding the same staff in her hands. But for his attention he forced more on the sunglasses that were kept pristine.
Maybe she’s been here since the fall. He thought as he walks passed her only for the woman to suddenly speak.
“Hello to you too, stranger” She laughs slightly continuing on her way as Daryl couldn’t help but stop and stare at her as she leaves.
Once Daryl arrived to the garage with a confused look on his face, Aaron of course had to bring it up.
“What happened?”
“Who’s the chick with the walking stick?”
“Walking stick…” Aaron repeats thinking hard on it while Daryl went ahead and grabbed the tools he’ll need that day giving enough time for Eric to come in.
“Why is his face stuck like that?” Eric asks Daryl questioning the ‘thinking hard’ expression on Aaron’s face as Daryl shrugs tossing an Allen wrench back in the tool box.
“Asked him about this girl walkin’ the streets right now and now it smells like smoke” Daryl jokes only for it to click to Eric.
“Oh! You just met Y/N?”
So that’s her name Daryl nods as the two watch Aaron relax once Eric answered the archer.
“She’s a sweet girl. You two would probably hit it off, when she’s not busy”
“Busy doin’ what?”
“Just existing” Aaron states only for Eric to smack him in the arm giving him an annoyed look. “Sorry!” He sighs as the two knew that what he said was a bit on the rude side leaving Daryl even more confused than he’s ever been around new people. “She doesn’t really do much around Alexandria after she joined about a month before your group arrived. We have a library and she stays there most of the day…then wanders around the same specific times”
“Alright? Then why did he smack you?”
“Because he hates me” Aaron jokes only to be smacked again as Eric really tried not to plot murder in that moment.
“Y/N is blind. So Aaron saying she just ‘exists’ is a bit rude”
“How is that rude when that’s literally all she do—-OW!” Aaron yells that time when Eric smacked him a bit too hard. “She doesn’t talk to anybody. Sometimes she’ll go to the parties we hold for new comers. Deanna will be seen talking to her sometimes, but only if Y/N goes the route toward her house. But for the most part she really just. Doesn’t do anything”
“Prob doesn’t talk much cuz yea say shit like “she just exists” make it sound like she’s a door stop” Now Daryl was the one smacked in the arm by Eric even if he was just saying an example. But he deserved it nonetheless. “Sorry”
“See at least he apologizes for what he said”
“Okay okay. I’m sorry!” Aaron tells Eric as there was a bit of silence before he was smacked one last time. “Hey!” He snaps watching his partner head back inside as Daryl chuckles to himself.
Once it became night, Daryl made his leave to go back to their given home and on his way he spotted Y/N sitting on the steps outside the more townhouse like buildings that were staked side by side. He noticed her still wearing the glasses even at night as he never really understood that even in the old world. He thought being as stealthy as he usually is that he could check her person out.
“Your mother never taught you that staring was rude?” Y/N startled Daryl back a bit as he had this look so disbelief which she could only assume he had given she started to laugh after she heard the rapid shuffling. “Caught yea off guard huh?”
Daryl didn’t say anything which lead to Y/N thinking for a short second that he had ran off. She’s not a scary person, just likes fucking with people.
“I don’t do nonverbal, dumbass” Y/N sighs rubbing the back of her neck out of anxious habit when the situation got weird.
“Mm. Nice. Deep gravely voice with a bit of a southern twist in it.” Y/N smiles resting her head in her hands as she leaned forward resting her elbows on top of her knees. “If only I could touch yea to get an idea of what kinda man you are because I’m already sold on the voice”
Man she’s bold Daryl thought as the tips of his ears had a hue of red to them after she said such.
“Either I was too bold for you or you ran off. Regardless I don’t do non-verbal” She brought herself to lean back on the steps like she was previously as she heard the smallest shuffle of feet in front of her. “Left huh”
“Nah” and then she was the one to be startled when hearing the voice so close to her as Daryl had sat down beside her.
“Jesus fuck if I had my gun you’d be dead”
“You can aim?”
“Oh fuck you” Y/N laughs elbowing the man she just met. “I bet yea whatever the fuck is currency nowadays that I’m a better aim than you”
The archer scoffs to the remark but also couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this. He felt good.
He needed that moment to get him comfortable with the other Alexandrian. A part of him enjoyed talking to her and having her around. Even Y/N made the effort to get close to the new people.
Resulting in a day she walked Alexandria without her staff, given she was carrying a box. Daryl taking a break from his bike, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching her.
“You know where you’re going?”
“The second I hear a baby, I’ll know when I’m close” Y/N readjusted herself to get the box more secure in her arms.
“Goin’ to the Grimes place? I live there yknow”
“Then is this you offering to direct me? Or—-“ Y/N strayed a bit too far resulting in Daryl grabbing her bicep and pulling her toward him before she fell. “Uh. Yes. Please say yes”
“If yea needed a hand you could’ve asked”
“But how would I know if you’re by—-“ Y/N stopped herself as it dawned on her, which lead to an infectious smirk appearing. “Oh. Oh!” She cheers catching the archer off guard as he quickly releases her arm once she straighten herself out. “It’s you that’s always around me!”
This is true.
Ever since Y/N had opened that window for Daryl, he never left her space. In a respectable manner but if others noticed—-without noticing what he does, then it would be creepy.
Daryl normally sits on the porch of the Grimes residence whenever Y/N would go on her walks. He’d quickly get up and kick away any questionably sized rock that could get caught on her shoe. Or a stick that fell off the trees that could trip her up. Pretty much if he saw anything in her way, he would kick it away or call Y/N to get her attention and ultimately approach his voice.
There have been times where she would sit with him while he worked on his bike. Sometimes Y/N would scare the shit out of Aaron because she would sit by the door to the house from the garage and he wouldn’t see her when he’d check on the progress. Both her and Daryl get a kick out of freaking him out. With the time she spent in there, she got the hang of recognizing all the tools Daryl uses to build the bike so when he asks for a certain tool…Y/N knows which one to grab. He would even direct her toward the bike to get a feel of it. She’s not a huge fan of motorcycles but she enjoys these moments.
Including nights where Daryl would find himself approaching her door when she would step out to take a night walk. Which she always thought was a bit risky but she doesn’t make a big deal of falling over a few times. A thing she started to admire of Daryl, he would join her on these walks and wouldn’t make a big fuss if she’d fall since she’s used to it. He’d simply help her back on her feet and the two continue the walk. Act like everything was normal. He still did his “push obstacles aside” routine whenever he walked with her.
A few mornings, Y/N would bring herself over to the Grimes’ residence to get to know everyone that Daryl is close with. To get know the people he talks heavily about ever since he opened up on their night walks.
“You like my company, Dixon. And frankly, I really enjoy yours” Y/N smiles as she handed the box over to Daryl. “And since we are close. You can carry that for me”
“But what about—-“ Daryl stopped speaking when Y/N locked arms with him as the smallest thing made his heart quicken. “Alright uh. Yeah let’s go”
His heart may be beating out of his chest, but it wasn’t the only one…especially given the blush on Y/N’s cheeks started to give herself away even if she tried adjusting her sunglasses to see if it covers most of it.
“So what’s in here anyway…?”
“Well your friend Michonne told me about the Grimes kids and when she hung out with me or really asked a lot of questions about the lay out of this place. I told her to just take me to the library and we can find a map to the place in there since it’s also the records room”
“How can yea—-“
“Braille, dumbass” Y/N laughs. “They aren’t on the books though. Just to tell me what rows and sections we were in. So I just helped her get what she needed and she told me that Carl likes comics and I remember us having a few. She dug them out for me and there’s just scattered kids books for the younger one.”
“That’s nice of yea”
“Yeah I would just double check the comics real quick cuz I can’t tell some of them between magazines and…I don’t want yknow. Those kind of mags in there. Tryin’ to get on everybody’s good side…even if this is the most I’ve been out since I’ve arrived”
“Really?” Daryl carefully directs her up the steps and let her hold onto the wall while he rests the box on the porch fence flipping through the pile to make sure everything is alright.
“Yeah uh. I never thought I’d live this long so I kinda locked myself away for a bit when I first arrived”
“Do…uhm. Never—-“
“Do I mind if you asked how a blind person managed to survive this long with undead fuckers around?”
“I did. But I trust you, so.” Y/N carefully leaned against the wall after making sure it wasn’t the window or the front door. “I’m blind. No brainer. I’ve been this way all my life…well. I wasn’t blind from ages 0-4 but anyway, I’ve gotten the hang of living this way and all my other senses enhanced. I’m not saying I have super hearing or shit like that. But I’m pretty good at pinpointing shit. Plus when you walk really slow and haven’t washed off the Walker blood you’ve collected over the hairier times…you blend in.”
“Then how did you not get shot?”
“Oh I’ve been shot.” Y/N lifted her shirt to show the bullet wound scar. “Thank god that happened right before Eric found me or yeah I wouldn’t be here. Other times the wounds weren’t so bad. I had my supplies”
“How did no one steal from yea? Have you been with other people?”
“Yeah. A military camp and then a group of assholes…that met the wrong end of my staff” Y/N shuffled a bit out of anxious habit that Daryl could’ve left but he would tap his foot whenever she did such and she’d instantly relax when noticing the small vibration. “Also when you’ve gone unnoticed your entire life before shit hit the fan, it’s easy to know when others try to go unnoticed.”
“How many walkers have you killed?”
“Too many to remember” Rick asked her these questions. She knows the drill.
“Have yea killed any of the living?”
“Only a handful, and that was the group that were a bunch of assholes. As much as I had my dark moments…I didn’t want to be crossed or have the job done for me. So yeah. Only a handful and that’s the literal five ish people”
“I took down two and then didn’t hear anything more until I was shot so I had to fire back and that racked up to three? So yeah a handful”
“Hm” Daryl felt a bit anxious himself, but for something that happened in the past. Blind or not she would’ve still had to deal with stealing assholes at least once in the end of the world. But a strange part of him wished they met sooner, so he could’ve protected her.
But she doesn’t need protecting.
The walker infestation after the wolves ambush, proved such.
Even if every part of her was screaming when she didn’t hear his familiar sounds anywhere near her. Also during the navigating through the herds that flooded Alexandria until they were all taken out, Y/N lost her sunglasses. As much as that didn’t seem like a big deal, they were to her.
“Y/N are you alright?” Maggie kept checking in on her after she found herself a posted position at the infirmary since she had to take out more walkers than she ever had before.
“Yeah, I’m good. Daryl come back yet?”
“Oh. Well alright” Y/N shot her a smile before going back to an anxious look with a permanent frown this time around.
To pass the time a few were cleaning up the bodies and Y/N did her best by using her staff to push bodies into the piles that a few hav started. Her mind was on where Daryl could be. She knew Sasha and Abraham also haven’t turned up and her anxiety was toward them as well. But that part of her was screaming wondering where the hell he was.
Her thoughts distracted her when she pushed one of the bodies over, pushing a bit too far that her staff slipped from her hands as she quickly met the floor.
This happens. It’s fi—- Her thoughts were interrupted by Glenn’s panicked voice checking on her as she felt the vibrations of several footsteps approaching her which meant a small group forming.
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“You hurt, Y/N?”
“Can you get up?”
“Let me he—-“
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Y/N snaps bringing herself in a seated position and checking her person herself. “I can get up myself”
“Who let you help with this? You can’t see what you’re doing”
“Hey, that’s a bitch thing to say”
“Like you weren’t thinking it”
The voices just blended in with each other as she felt like she was drowning from times before the outbreak.
You shouldn’t help
You’re useless
Get out of the way before you cause more problems
Her breath got caught in the back of her throat as she cautiously steps back trying to feel for what’s behind her. Turning around would have the same effect, struggling to get out of the situation.
Her outreached hands suddenly made contact with another pair of familiar calloused large hands feeling them squeeze hers.
“Hey, hey…” His voice was always soothing to her even in the moment when she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. His hands gently cup her face wiping away the tears. “You’re okay. It’s okay…don’t listen to’em”
“I…I was—“
“You were helpin’. They weren’t.”
“Got lost. Got in a bit of a jam. But I’m back, I’m here…I am here” The archer emphasizes on that last part feeling her hands latch onto his sides steadying herself on his person.
“…I was scared when you didn’t come back”
“Mm. I was scared when I heard about the herds comin’ through…” Daryl frowns resting his forehead against hers to help her relax more and have her know entirely that he was there. “Yea can handle yourself…but I…Yeah it ate at me when I came back”
“You’re okay”
“Mhm. We’re okay. You’re okay”
You’re okay…he’s here, he’s safe…
Everything will be okay
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howlingday · 1 year
When I met your father, we didn't like each other. To be honest, I couldn't blame him any more than he could blame me. I was the queen bee of the school who treated him like garbage since long before. And him, being the good, little farm boy who saw good in everybody. Except me, of course. I was evil incarnate in his eyes.
Of course, they say love and hate aretwo sides of a very thin coin. If that were true, he and I shared some very special flirtations to show our love.
Weiss: Good morning, limp dick.
Jaune: Fuck off, washboard.
In our first year, I decided to show him his place by pouring milk on his head. What can I say? I was a cruel bitch back then.
Do I regret it? Of course.
Would I stop myself? Absolutely.
But time doesn't work that way. We make mistakes, and we pay for them in the future. In my case, your father put a milk carton on top of my locker. An old milk carton, just on the edge so that when I shut my locker with just enough force...
Yeah. If it wasn't for Cinder and her cronies, I would have been called "Spoiled" for the rest of my life.
And oh, yeah, Cinder Fall. If I was the queen bee, she was the god of bitches. She had terrorized that school all the way to her senior year. Everybody hated her, but she looked out for her girls. So long as they were "her girls".
Sleeping around? New body every weekend.
Skipping class? Practically a weekly event.
Bullying the meek and vulnerable? Hourly.
And I was right there next to her. Yup, your mom was on that hell bitch's team for a solid month. I broke pencils, hearts, and stood on top of all the broken pieces. I was on track for a life behind bars until that night everything changed.
Weiss: Argh! That limp-dicked pile of shit!
Cinder: Something bothering you, hon?
Weiss: Who the hell does he think he is, telling me how to live my life?!
Cinder: Daddy dearest got you down again?
Weiss: I wish. It's that fucking jackass, Jaune, again!
Cinder: Farm boy?
Weiss: He thinks just because we see each other every day, he has a right to tell me who I can and can't hang out with! He said, "Uh, Weiss, you shouldn't be hanging out with Cinder! She's bad news!" Bitch, I AM the bad news!
Cinder: Uh huh...
Weiss: He even said something about you getting Pyrrha arrested with dope in her car!
Cinder: ...Did he now?
Weiss: Yeah, something about how he saw you walk out to her car and picked the lock to slip the drugs under her seat. Who cares, though? It's obviously not true.
Cinder: No. Of course not.
It definitely was.
The next week, Jaune was getting harassed by all the jocks at the school. Especially Cardin. I didn't care about what jocks did at the time, but if I did just a little more, I would've done something. See, Cardin was like a guy Cinder if Cinder was trying to compensate for something. She wasn't, but he was. I don't listen to gossip, but let's just say none of the girls were singing any praises about him.
Anyway, so Jaune kept his chin up high and ignored everything. He was a good sport about it. Didn't cry or whine about it, from what I'm told. But what he did do was come up to me and say,
Jaune: Here.
Weiss: ...What?
Jaune: Take it.
Weiss: What is it?
Jaune: My phone number.
Weiss: Why would I want your fucking phone number?
Jaune: To call or text me.
Weiss: And why the fuck would I ever what to do that? I fucking hate you.
Jaune: Just take it. If you want, you can prank me or whatever, but if you need help, don't forget this number.
Weiss: Why are you acting so fucking weird?
Jaune: Just... take it.
Weiss: Ugh! Fine. (Takes slip, Copies number) There, see? I have you as "Limp Dick."
Jaune: ...Anybody ever tell you that it's weird you keep using the same words to describe me?
Weiss: Fuck off! I'm going to a party tonight and I don't need you to ruin my good fucking mood.
Jaune: Be careful, flatbed.
Weiss: Eat my dick, li- soft scrote!
That party turned out to be the worst night of my life. Shitty music, shittier people, and enough drinking to make an alcoholic put their life into perspective. There was also a lot of groping, grabbing, and touching. Cinder said she wanted to thank me for coming, because she needed me to do one last thing for her.
She... She led me into a dark room, and told me to wait there. I waited, and then the door opened, and there was Cardin, stumbling in. He mumbled something about and easy lay and pulled his pants down. I ran for the door, and... and Cinder stood there. She set me up as a bargaining chip for Cardin. Said she got his help in exchange for "Arc's girlfriend".
I shoved her out of the way and ran as fast as I could out of there. I pulled out my phone and needed to call somebody. In my terror, I didn't think the police would arrive, so I chose the first number I saw.
I called, "Limp Dick".
The next few minutes were cold and quiet. I saw headlights, and I hoped it would be your father. They weren't. But then a pair of headlights came from behind. I thought it was weird for your father to come from the other direction, but I just wanted to be at home.
But the headlights weren't his. Those lights belonged to a sportcar, not a pickup. And there was only one person I knew at the time who drove a sportscar. It was Cinder, and she didn't slow down. I jumped right into a ditch as got closer, and she skidded to a halt a few yards past where I was.
She... She climbed out of the car and started screaming at me. She called me every name in the book. She slapped me. She hit me. Hell, she even clawed at me and tore my dress off. She called me a slut for her to use. As she wrapped her bony hands around my neck, I thought, "This is it, isn't it? This is where I die." The world got dark.
But then...
Cinder: AGH! You stupid, fucking hick! I'll fucking kill you!
Jaune: Put the knife down, and I won't hurt you as bad as I should.
Cinder: You don't scare me, you limp dick! You're as good as-
Weiss: Whuh... Where... Jaune?
Apparently, while I wasn't looking, your dad was learning self-defense from your grandpa on the weekends. He pulled some retired army combat move that completely knocked Cinder out long enough for the police to arrive.
She got life in prison for all the horrible shit she pulled, and all her cronies pinned her as the ringleader under questioning. Cardin lost his scholarship and was nearly kicked out of school. And your mommy got a plea deal for community service, since I was also a victim in this case. Every weekend, until graduation, I was "servicing the community" by picking up trash, feeding the homeless, and reading to blind children. That last one was the worst by the way.
But that all happened after I woke up. Before that, I was in a daze, trying piece together whst had happened. The last thing I remembered that night was when I was in your father's pick-up. He drove me home while I slept in his massive hoodie he wore all the time.
When I woke up, the first words I saw were a message on my phone from "Limp Dick," and they almost broke me.
Jaune: You doin ok Weiss?
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ernmark · 1 year
Didja miss me? I got caught up on the Juno Steel episodes a few weeks ago (still working on Second Citadel, more on that later), and now that I’m vaguely getting my life back on track, I’m sticking my toe back in this fandom, just in time for the beginning of the final season! 
So here we go:
Juno Steel and the Vanishing Act (Pt 1) Reaction
First off, it’s so nice to see Cas Kanagawa again. She sounds so much calmer, so much steadier. Which makes sense, given that the last time we saw her she had just accidentally killed her father and had spent years under the thumb of a hyper-controlling stepmother, and she’s finally free. 
So this exchange here is really striking:
JUNO: I'm glad you get to do what you always wanted, Cass. Honestly.
CASS: You... what?
JUNO: I said I'm glad. That's weird, now
CASS: No, I mean... no sarcasm? No bad jokes? No insults?
JUNO: Reading's not all I learned how to do over the past few years.
CASS: Yeah. Yeah, I think I can tell. Okay, I'll admit it. I do owe you. I don't have any money to give you, but I think I can help you out. (Vanishing Act)
It’s two ladies who have survived some real hard shit, who used to bring out a lot of the worst in each other, after they’ve gotten help, escaped from a toxic situation, and taken charge of their lives. Holy shit, that feels nice.
That said, I kinda want her to keep a bit role here. When the plot focuses on a character, it’s usually not because good things are coming to them, so I’m just fine keeping her in the director’s chair of her documentary series.
But that brings us to the actual mystery. 
We’ve got Carrie Gold (As in Kerry Gold, the canned tomato brand… cuz you throw tomatoes at a bad actor, get it?), the really terrible actress who bought her way onto a show, and owner of the Prismacrystal Chimes, who’s about to humiliate herself at her big debut. 
“Taking out my Chimes would be sabotage! And if my acting career doesn't take off after, why... ehm. Never mind.”
It may be that she’s actually out of money, and she was hoping for a glamorous career as an actor might save her from it. Notably, there’s no mention of her donating actual cash, just the Chimes. And the Chimes are an heirloom, so they may be the last thing of value she’s got, and this kind of publicity would be a good boost in its value– and having it ‘stolen’ would be a great way for them to disappear out of her possession without her losing face. Possibly the pawn ticket is hers, and she’s been selling off her other valuables?
(The Chimes, by the way– the scene where they were brought out, with the music and Juno’s narration and all? That was gorgeous. And I’ll talk more about the lighting part elsewhere.)
We’ve got Warner Jayne (my mind kept going back to German film director Werner Herzog? Or Warner Bros.?), the producer who’s bankrolling the show, arranged for Carrie’s involvement, procured the Chimes and the sound/lighting design, and notably doesn’t think the show can stand on its own without a lot of glitz and glamor.
“God, this show needs it. It's unwatchable, I...Oh. Don't tell Billie I said any of that.”
We’ve got Billie Dalton (as in the Dalton Gang?), the director whose grand project is about to be butchered onstage by Carrie’s acting, but maybe rescued by the special effects, but generally resents the interference. She’s the only one with the key to the Chimes’ lock, and the only person aside from Carrie who actually handles it. She’d have the opportunity to walk off with it while everybody’s eyes are on the stage. 
“Having those Chimes stolen in front of everyone, having Carrie Gold scupper the show... It would all almost be worth it for Warner Jayne to get what he deserves.”
We’ve got Clotilda Fairborough, actual actor whose big break is about to be shattered by her incompetent costar. 
“I'm going to drag this show kicking and screaming into something like artistic credibility, and you owe me for that, so act like it... or you'll see what happens when I'm not feeling so cooperative.”
These three have, in my opinion, the same motive: they’ve got a lot riding on a play that’s about to be ruined, which he didn’t believe in in the first place. Warner has a lot of money invested in this. Billie and Clotilda have their reputation on the line, and they might not get another chance. So it behooves all of them to get everybody’s eyes on Lono on their show, but not actually be paying too close attention to the play itself– so putting a priceless work of art on stage and then declaring it’s gonna be stolen at a very specific time during opening night? That’s perfect publicity.
USAmericans might be familiar with a grim joke: “Apart from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” Alternatively, nobody thinks too hard about what was going on in Don Juan Triumphant right before the Phantom of the Opera dropped a chandelier on the audience. Any shortfalls in the play itself will be barely a footnote, but everybody will be talking about the event.
So everybody’s got a motive to throw a wench (hee hee) into the works, but the presence of the pawn shop ticket at the end has me putting my money on Carrie.
(There’s the obvious option, of course, that Nureyev is actually on the crew as a stage hand and he’s just being overlooked because nobody ever notices techies, but if that was the case, I feel like the stage crew would have been at least mentioned before now. A passing line, or something, but we’ve got nothing. )
(Also the transcripts on the official website are an actual godsend)
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notfoundfootage · 2 years
can we get more headcanon or lost boys x reader stories in the late night client AU? our stylist doesn't know but the guys consider her theirs or that one night she finds herself really down on some jerk and they're like: who did this shit?
Nightly clients P2
Platonic!Lost Boys x Hairdresser!Reader
My first ask!! Thank you so much for asking✨ All cheer those who work with any kind of customer service!! Sorry for taking so long, I hope you like it!
A/N: g/n reader, reader’s a hairstylist, nicknames used are Nugget and Sweet Cheeks, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of possible murder, Y/N is used one time because David’s a little shit who likes to use first names when referring to people. (1383 words)
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Your week was a mess, your life in the last four days ascending into chaos. At home, your air conditioner stopped working, the sink clogged and the last storm messed up your roof so now you were living in a hot, nasty smelling wet house. Not fun.
So you thought to yourself “thank god this week’s appointments are simple” ha, your mistake.
It seemed that every single client was trying to pick a fight with you:
Mrs Wilbur brought in her dog to have a spa day with her, and the little thing kept running around, scratching your legs, biting your shoes and yapping in everyone’s ears. When confronted, all she said was “oh, he’s just playing around!”
Old man Darcy kept flirting with you, talking about your figure in very inappropriate ways, downing coffee from the client’s pot like vodka shots, he even slapped your ass hard when he was leaving, startling you and making you burn yourself with the flat iron in your hands.
Everything led to a mind splitting headache. And then you found out that you forgot lunch at home and wouldn’t have time to go out to buy some.
On top of all that, your colleague said to your face that you should be kinder with the clients or you wouldn’t have any besides your “little freaks” as he said.
Well, you had to pull yourself together. It was Friday Fright after all, and you knew that the boys would come in at any moment after dark. You went to the bathroom and washed your face, trained your smile in the mirror, and stretched a bit. Your boss left by eight, leaving you alone to wait until around ten. Uncaring for the consequences, you snatched a biscuit or two from the client’s snack table and sat on your styling chair staring at nothing, listening to the oddly cheery music on the radio.
The doorbell chimed in after a while, and the four familiar faces got in.
Paul was smiling widely and pestering David who wore a black hat that saw better days, Marko went straight to the radio to change the music and Dwayne sat on a waiting couch and took a magazine with a photograph of Cindy Lauper.
You were doing great pretending that everything was alright, until you were in the middle of preparing David for his usual root touch-up and he saw the unusual thin angry-red line on your arm, and of course, he asked about it, bringing Paul’s attention to it too.
Brushing it off as a simple accident wasn’t cutting it. David stared the mark and then looked right into your eyes for what seemed to be an eternity and asked you “Tough week?”
“Nothing too serious, I’m fine“ you said with a small smile, but when you tried to remove your hand from his grasp, he tightened it and gave you a more pointed look, calling the others with a somewhat loud “Boys!“
Dwayne dropped the magazine, Paul stopped playing with the chair and Marko paused the music dramatically. Everybody was looking at David and you, eyes lingering on the burn on your arm.
“How are you doing?” His gaze was pointed “Don’t be shy now, tell me“
You gulped as everybody kept staring at you, expecting an answer. Your face was burning hot from shame and you felt your face contort into a massive frown, breaking down crying. Only then, David let go of your arm, and removed the plastic cape from his body “Tell us who did it”
Paul rushed to your side and pushed you to sit close to Dwayne, who had an arm draped around you as soon as you sat by his side. Paul was cleaning your teary face with a warm towel while Marko kept asking for names, saying that he’s the only one that can mess with you.
You couldn’t talk for a while, and you ended up crying for almost thirty minutes. Every minute Dwayne pushed you further into his side, his low voice shushing you into calming down from your little outburst.
David insisted on making you talk so they could take care of it for you, turning your face to him with his gloved fingers just so you would keep your eyes on his baby blue ones.
They canceled the appointments for the night and offered to take you home so you could rest properly.
You hopped on the back of David’s bike after closing the saloon, and he and Marko took you to your house while Paul and Dwayne were going out to get “food and supplies” as they said.
After taking a cold shower to freshen up, you heard loud noises and bickering coming from your ceiling, and when you questioned, David plainly explained that “They are fixing the roof for you, y/n” as he ate from a box of noodles “Or trying!” Marko interjected with a mischievous grin as he gave a box to you and sat by your side, his legs splayed on the coffee table.
You were still processing everything as you played with the food in your hands.
“Stop thinking too much, relax“ and suddenly a wave of calm washed over you, like David just ordered your body to not be tense. You took a deep breath and started to eat.
“So, who did it?“ Marko asked once again, earning a un-calm look from you “C’mon, Nugget, we just wanna help“
“What are you gonna do if I tell you?“ you asked, earnings sly laughs from Marko and David.
David leaned into your side, into your personal space, raising his eyebrows, eyes looking innocent but the question far from it “What do you want us to do?“ He was dead serious “We could make their life a living hell, terrorize them at night and make sure they were just as afraid during the day“
You were speechless, why would they do that to you? Why were you relevant?
Again, just like many times that David seemed to hear your thoughts, he answered with a dark look in his eyes, a false layer of innocence as he tilted his head to the side “How could we let our favorite little human suffer the inconveniences of life?”
What the fuck?
“Let us do it, let me make them suffer for what they did“
“Yeah, they’ll have what they deserve“ Marko grinned, very excited. His arm on your shoulders as he traced his fingers on your neck.
“Why?“ it was all you could muster when Dwayne and Paul came in laughing through your window, hands and boots dirty with roof grime.
“Sweet cheeks!“ Paul cheered and pulled a chair near the sofa “Leave it to us, we swear we won’t hurt them“ he gave you his signature toothy grin and bit his lower lip.
“Talk for yourself, Paul“ Dwayne checked your fridge and got a soda bottle out, popping it open with his finger, David and Marko laughed darkly at the comment.
“Why are you offering it to me?“ you asked, genuine confusion in your head even though David’s magic spell kept you from escalating too much.
They fell silent, eyeing each other and grinning.
“Because you’re our little nugget“ Marko said, pinching your cheek “and everyone who messes with our lil nugget deserves to pay, that’s why“
“You are our stylist, because of you, all eyes on Santa Clara turn toward us“ David brushed your face with his gloved hand “You keep us impeccable, isn’t it true boys?“
Mutual agreements murmured in your small living room, and expectant looks turned to you once again “Let us do it, they won’t bother you anymore” Dwayne sat on your countertop, drinking the cherry red beverage and eyeing you.
“I’ll make a list then“ was all you said before the four of them cheered loudly, hands clapping, Paul hopping around your living room and coming up to you to press a kiss on your cheek and a very confused you still sitting awkwardly as they kept celebrating. You weren’t sure what you were getting yourself into, but you stopped caring when you drifted off leaning into Dwayne in the couch, a rerun of Rosemary’s baby playing on your little television, and soft laughs rising around you during the bloody scenes.
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blambololi · 7 months
#fringles #fringlesstory #joebiden
Fringles Frances Turner was born out of wedlock to John "Jax" Turner and Katherine Evergreen in Lincoln, Nebraska. Jax and Katherine split when Fringles was 2 because they didn't love him enough :(
Fringles grew up with his dad, always switching between motels to stay at for the night. Fringles's favorite toy as a baby was his dad's unloaded Beretta M9. Fringles would stay at his Mom's house once every couple of months, where he'd meet his Mom's boyfriend Phil
One night, drunk as shit, Jax was tucking in Fringles to go goodnight. Fringles was like 4. Fringles asked his father "When can we go back to Phil's house? He's really cool" and Jax replied "You don't wanna go back there, that place has evil clowns"
"Really?" "Yeah and mom's one of them"
This was news to Fringles, his own mother had been turned to a clown. He never went to his mom's house again, vowing to one day turn her back into a person. Katherine and Phil broke up 3 months later
Fringles and his dad did everything together. They went to see movies, went to baseball games, got ice cream together, ran in fields of grass together, the whole nine yards.
One day Jax asked Fringles what he wanted to be when he grew up and Fringles said he wanted to be a cop. Jax got pissed and yelled at him, telling him he ever becomes a cop then he's assed out of a house. Fringles wouldn't learn til much later tho that the reason his dad got upset was bcuz he had a friend named Kenneth Jones in Omaha who was killed because he didn't have his hazard lights on, so some cops pulled Kenneth out of the car and shot him 4 times
Despite being a bipolar pill head with a criminal record, Fringles loved his dad more than anyone else in the entire world
"Dad, what's school gonna be like?" "Well, it's like prison, but with less funding" "what?" "Nah I'm just fucking with you, you'll probably be fine"
Fringles was both really scared and really excited about starting kindergarten. What if it's not exactly how he wanted it to be?
<<PART 1>>
Fringles had breakfast, it was ham and eggs or something idk. Anyways Jax drove Fringles to school in his Pontiac Solstice and they both walked inside the building.
Jax and Fringles walked into the classroom with all the other parents and their kids. The teacher walked in, Ms. Applegate. "Hello everybody, I'm Ms. Applegate". Ms. Applegate said. Fringles immediately did not like her
After a few minutes, parents started leaving one by one. "Dad, are you leaving?" "Yeah". Fringles didn't want his dad to leave, he was scared to be by himself. "Son don't worry, I know your teacher is a bitch and a half but I promise I'll be back here to pick you up at 4"
School didn't end at 4 but Fringles knew what his Dad meant and hugged him goodbye. As his dad left through the door, Fringles was now in foreign territory. What was he gonna do?
As the teacher laid out the lesson plan, Fringles immediately realized he hated doing work and wanted to go home. "No, I have to be strong! I can do this!" Fringles said to himself. He had to be strong for his dad!
He fell asleep during class but woke up when it was time for recess. As he walked out, he saw the entire playground. What was he gonna play on? The swings, the slide, the monkey bars?
He chose none of them because he was still really tired. He decided to try and make friends, so he started walking towards the first kid he saw which was a girl on the swings.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Fringles" said Fringles. "I'm Emma. You want to swing next to me?"
"No thanks, there's like mud water and wood chips on it"
"Oh okay, well see you later!"
"Wait, what kinda things do you like?"
Emma started thinking. "Well...I like jet-skiing. You ever been?"
"No" "Your family must be really poor then."
"Uh, kinda" Fringles said. "Why would you say that? That was really mean"
Fringles kept talking to Emma for a bit. He actually really enjoyed talking to her, this is the first full length conversation he's ever had
"Uh oh" Emma's face turned red. "Yeah? What's wrong" Fringles asked
Fringles turned around and felt the force of someone's fist connect with his eye socket. He looked up and saw some kid with a shaved head and red shot eyes, his first day here and he already got punched in the face that's crazy
"Why the hell did you do that?!" Fringles asked the kid. "Don't talk to my girl, don't look at her, don't do anything with her!" The kid said.
"Whatever! Fine, she's yours!" Fringles said, coughing up blood because he just got punched by that kid. The kid walked away mad and Emma helped Fringles stand up. "Why the hell didn't you do anything?!" Fringles said to Emma. "Sorry, I thought you were gonna fight back"
"Well thanks a lot, Emma! Good to know you have my back"
"I said sorry"
"Who was that kid?"
"Henry, he's my boyfriend."
"Why did he punch me?!"
"Idk, I guess he didn't like you that much"
"Fuuuucckkk, my jaw..."
Fringles looked up and saw the entire playground staring at him. "What?!" He yelled. They all looked away. Ms. Applegate's not even paying attention, she doesn't get paid enough
"Don't talk to me!" Fringles said to Emma and then walked away. Even though he was upset at her, Fringles couldn't stay mad at her for too long. Honestly, he thought her helplessness and indifference was kinda attractive. The rest of the day was pretty good, Fringles had hot dogs for lunch
Later Fringles's father picked him up from school and asked him how his day was. Fringles looked at him confused "Dad, don't you see my eye?"
"Yeah it looks like you got punched"
"Yeah by some kid named Henry. Dad, I don't think school is right for me"
"Shit, on your first day? That's like a record. Did you at least fight back?"
"Not really. I didn't really have a chance to"
Jax thought for a second then reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a pocket knife "Son, do you know what this is?"
"That's a knife"
"No, it's a safety utensil. I want you to take this to school with you and pull it out next time you get into another situation like this"
"Dad, I can't take a knife to school! I'll get in trouble!"
"Who would you rather get in trouble with, the school or me? You don't have to use it, just pull it out next time some kid tries to mess with you"
"What if the kid's not scared?"
"He will be, it's a knife"
"I'm scared about this, Dad"
Jax rests his hand on Fringles' shoulder. "Just take the goddamn knife"
Fringles takes the knife and looks at it. He really doesn't think this is a good idea
"Trust me, you don't want me handling this myself" Jax says. "You're 5, you're not a baby anymore. You can fix your own problems"
"Ok whatever you say Dad" Fringles says
Fringles and his dad would spend the rest of the day watching Married With Children until 4 in the morning because that's how his dad rolls
The next day, Fringles ate some breakfast got dressed and his dad put the pocket knife in his school bag
When they got to the school, Fringles' class was in the middle of recess
"Tell me how everything goes, ok?"
"Ok I will" Fringles got out the car and began walking to the playground with the knife in his pocket
He looked and saw Henry hanging out by the gates, throwing rocks at red ants
Fringles walked up nervous to Henry and started a conversation "Hey, remember me?"
"You hit me yesterday"
"Yeah...what about it"
"You really shouldn't hit people"
"What are you, my dad?"
"No because you know what I look like"
It took Henry a while to get it but then he got offended. "I hit you because you were flirting with Emma. Do you want me to do it again?" Henry asks
"No. I mean, yeah!"
As soon as Henry started walking towards Fringles, he pulled out the knife and pointed it up  causing Henry to take a step back
"Holy crap, is that a knife?" said Henry. Fringles quickly tried thinking of something snarky to say to him
"Uh...what does it look like, fatty?"
Henry immediately started crying really loud and every kid started looking in his direction. While Fringles was distracted, Henry knocked the knife out of his hands and grabbed him by the shirt collar. Henry grabbed him and slammed him into the gate
Not knowing what to do at that exact moment, Fringles did the first thing he could think of which was to bite Henry's hand to make him let go
At this point, Ms. Applegate got up off her lazy ass and came to see what was going on with the kids she was supposed to watch
She broke up the fight and told both of them to go to Principal McDingle's office. She then picked up the knife and asked "who's knife is this??" But no one wanted to say who it belonged to
While in the principal's office Fringles' dad was called and Henry's step-dad was called. Henry's face was still covered in tears and Fringles was just mad they took his dad's knife
About an hour later, Fringles' dad showed up to pick him up. When they got in the car Jax started asking him all these questions "What happened? Did you win?" And Fringles was just like "Can we please go home?"
That night while being tucked in, Fringles tells his father he's upset because the teacher took his pocket knife. "Sorry Dad, but the teacher grabbed the pocket knife you gave me" "Don't worry about it son, I can order a box of those for cheap off EBay". "Dad, I don't want to wave knives at school. I want to be a good kid and just get good grades"
"I know buddy" Jax kisses Fringles on the forehead "but sometimes you gotta stab a mothafucka. You'll get it when you're older". He turns off the light and is about to close the door
"Yeah buddy?"
"What's gonna happen with Henry?"
"Well...either he's going to leave you alone now, or he won't. And you've just gotta deal with either one"
"Is his family gonna press charges?"
"I don't know why, what you did was self defense"
"Didn't feel like it"
"Well, it was. So good night. Oh by the way, technically speaking you're 'suspended' so no TV or video games for a week"
"And someone wrote gullible on the ceiling"
"Nah I'm just fucking with you! You're not actually grounded"
Fringles was actually suspended though, and he didn't go back to school until a week later. The day he went back, none of the other kids wanted to talk to him
"Hey, Emma!"
"Oh, hey Fringles. Thought you got expelled"
"Nope, just suspended. So you doing anything tonight?"
"Yeah, I'm hanging out at Henry's house"
"That wuss? Didn't you see him crying the other day?"
"Yeah I would've cried too, you held a knife at him"
"Forget about him, come hang out at my house instead"
"No offense Fringles, but I don't really see you that way"
"But...I'm awesome..."
"Besides, it seems like you got some issues you need to work out"
"Pfft. Whatever"
"We can still be kinda friends though. Gotta go, bye Fringles!"
Fringles watched as Emma ran to Henry to give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek. Henry looked right at Fringles, flipped him the bird and then walked off. "What a wuss" Fringles thought, as if he didn't get his ass kicked by him
That night while watching Everybody Loves Raymond, Fringles turned to his dad and told him what happened at school "She just completely rejected me, and now I have to see her at school everyday"
"What's funny is that this show ended in 2005, so Everybody Hates Chris can almost be seen as like a continuation in a way"
"Dad you listening to me?"
"You still all bent about Emma? You probably go to school with lots of pretty girls, what's so important about her?"
"I don't know...I just thought—"
"You thought she was gonna be wooed by your show of masculinity?"
"Well, yeah!"
"Don't be hung up over her, there's plenty of crabs in a barrel"
"The point is this, don't worry about her because pretty soon girls will be throwing themselves at you because of how popular you'll be. You made a stand, and in kindergarten that counts for a lot. Or is that the pen?"
"Thanks, dad"
Fringles couldn't sleep that night because he was too busy thinking about how he's going to go through the rest of the school year now that everyone thinks he's some violent asshole
The next day, Fringles sat alone at lunch, he played on the playground alone, no one wanted to partner up with him in class, it was very sad
"This sucks, I'm getting out of here" Fringles thought, fed up with life at this point. He raised his hand to use the bathroom and tried escaping out the exit doors, but he was only 5 so he didn't realize schools lock those
While fidgeting with the doors, he heard a voice behind him
"Hey, you're Fringles right?"
He quickly turned around and saw a group of what seemed to be held-back 1st graders standing behind him. "Uh...who wants to know?"
"We do"
"Who's we?"
"Who's us?"
"You guys gonna pick on me now or something?"
"Woah, you're on edge. Is it true you held a knife to some autistic kid?"
"Uh...I hope not"
"Is he the one who gave you that big bruise?"
"Why'd your dad name you Fringles?"
"I have no idea"
"Well listen, we're going to the Chinese store to get some snacks"
"The Chinese store? Yeah I know that place"
"You wanna come with us?"
"Uh, okay. Sure"
The leader of the friend group walks up to the door and opens it with a credit card, which apparently he learned somewhere. "Woah" Fringles says in amazement
"Alright, let's go. By the way, my name's Matt"
Matt introduces Fringles to the rest of the friend group. There's Ox, the tough one, Edge, the poorly-supervised one, Tyler, the pretty boy, and Data, the foreign exchange student.
"Data doesn't say much, he's deaf and dumb." says Matt
"That's kinda mean" says Fringles
They sneak out of school and head to the Chinese-owned corner store down the road. Matt walks in and says hi to the owner.
Fringles is looking around and just now realizes he's never been in a corner store before.
He looks and sees Ox put a bunch of Tic Tacs in his pocket.
"Why do you need so many Tic Tacs?" Asks Fringles
"Have you not heard him talk?" Replies Edge, which is a very Edge thing to say if you know  Edge
Edge then grabs some Big League Chew and some Gushers and starts filling his pockets
"Fellas, do we have enough money for all this?" Asks Fringles
"Nah it's cool dude" says Matt "My dad knows the owner, we can get whatever we want from here for free"
"Oh okay, sounds good to me"
Fringles just starts grabbing handfuls of whatever he can find and putting it in his pocket. This is not good boy behavior
"Alright guys, let's go" says Matt
When they're done, they just walk out like the little rascals they are. As soon as they leave they hear the store owner yelling in Chinese
"Why is he so mad?" Asks Fringles
"He's probably off his meds" says Tyler
"Yeah, he's probably just mad he can't get it up" Ox says and then high-fives Edge
"What does that mean?" Says Fringles
"Idk, I heard it from my dad" replied Ox
Fringles looks over and sees a bunch of older kids hanging out on the street corner smoking cigarettes. They're all wearing character hoodies and their dads probably makes six figures
"Ew, those are the 6th graders" says Matt
"Those guys are total losers. All they do is smoke and watch anime all day" says Edge, chipping in to the conversation that they are having at that specific moment
"Fringles, promise me you won't be like those kids one day" says Matt
But Fringles wasn't listening as he was mesmerized by how confident and rebellious the older kids seemed. He dreamed of being that cool one day
"So, what are we gonna do now?" Asks Fringles
"Idk, I'm pretty tired" says Matt
"Yeah I'm probably gonna go home" says Edge
Ox didn't say anything, he was too busy filling his face with candy
Data was there too
As the group started disbanding, Matt daps up Fringles because that's what cool kids do and says "You should come sit with us at lunch tomorrow"
"Yeah sure, sounds great"
Fringles then returns back to the school building where he sees his dad waiting with his teacher outside. "Where have you been, we've been worried sick!" Said or says Ms. Applegate
"Hey champ" says Jax "Don't worry Ms. Applegate, Fringles here has a little appointment with Mr. Belt when he gets home"
"Good! Fringles you should know better than to sneak out! I'll be having my eyes on you from now on, young man!"
"Yes ma'am" says Fringles, the obedient boy that he is
Jax walks Fringles back to his car and they both get in "Well, like that rotting-old bitch said, I have no choice but to punish you"
Fringles and his dad both start laughing in a hysterical fashion
"So, how was school?"
"It was pretty good, I think I'm getting the hang of it"
Fringles wouldn't even go to school the next 3 out of the 5 days he was supposed to be there the following week, he would just hang with Matt and his friends at the park
A few weeks later back at the apartment Fringles was watching Dragon Ball Super in his room and his dad called him down
"Yeah, Dad?" Says Fringles young and innocent as ever
Fringles looked and saw his dad looking nearly passed out on the couch in a fashion that's traumatizing to a child of Fringles' age
"Fringles? That you?"
"Yeah Dad, it's me"
"You'reee a good kiddddd Fringlessss"
"Thanks. You okay dad?"
"I'm cooollllllll"
"Are you high or something?"
"Oh ok phew, I thought you were"
"I asked if you still talked to Emma"
"Uh no dad, I don't. She changed schools remember"
"She was the one that got away son, you shouldn't have given up so easy on her"
"Dad but you said—"
"I don't care what I said, girls like that only come once in a lifetime and you completely fumbled the bag as you kids like to say"
"But Dad, she had a boyfriend"
"You really let the fact she had a boyfriend stop you? I see it doesn't take much then"
"Whatever, Dad"
"Hey Fringles?"
"You're a becoming a real bore, man. You used to be cool"
"Uh, okay"
Jax then turned on his side and fell asleep on the couch. Fringles grabbed a conveniently placed floor blanket and covered Jax with it, showing he cares a lot about his father even though his dad takes drugs or whatever that conversation was
"Sleep tight, Dad. I'll see you tomorrow" said Fringles
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spirituallyyellow · 9 months
Yesterday, when I was still on the plane home, my thoughts kept jumping around from person to person, and then from imaginary situation to imaginary situation, and then I started an anxiety spiral (as fucking always). I tried to think about God and I silently blurted out to him, “I miss you.” And then I cried, silently, for two hours.
I saw some friends from the commune recently and ended up saying far more about myself, my life, and my feelings than I think I ever have to any other person. I stopped performing vulnerability and became actually vulnerable. So of course I fled upstairs to my room as soon as it was not impolite to do so. I didn’t take off running or anything - I just slipped away. They all knew, of course. They probably all knew that I cried myself to sleep, too. But I had to get away from them, from people generally.
It’s so humiliating and embarrassing to cry. It’s even worse when you’re talking about your life and you see everyone else start to get that same look of dawning horror. Like oh no, she’s really actually properly a broken person and this is way too much for anybody to deal with, she should speak to somebody about that kind of a look.
And then a couple of days later, I told one of these friends that I loved him and thought he was great and I was glad to have him in my life. He returned the sentiment, but I can’t bring myself to really believe it. I think I put him in an awkward position, which I really didn’t mean to do. I wasn’t looking for a mutual sentiment, I just wanted to say my piece.
I don’t know.
I wish I had a really good friend who had similar beliefs to me. Who I could see often.
This friend said that he felt like I’d spent most of my life taking care of everybody else and that he would like to be someone who could be a safe person for me to take up space around.
And a different person there said that I was so likeable, and I replied, almost but not quite flippantly, that most people found me likeable and interesting at first but once they got to know me, it stopped. She said, “Is that actually true, though, or is that what you’ve been told by certain people?”
I mean, I don’t know. She started talking about the enneagram which I kind of feel like is bullshit, but I didn’t say anything. Whether I’m a 4 or an 8 or a 3.14, I appreciated her kindness. She didn’t have to be nice to me but she was.
I ended up telling her about when I was molested, and I told her that I had first told a mutual acquaintance a long time ago and he blew it off as “sounds like normal cousin experimentation to me; I don’t think this is significant.” (Those words are burned into my brain forever.)
Anyway, she was also really annoyed about that response, which felt a little cathartic. The other two people I’ve told the whole story to have had very little visible reaction, I guess as part of their training or something, and it made it all feel more unsettling. Her frank emotional response made me feel more normal, which was nice.
And I talked to them about the way my tutor spoke to me and treated me last time I was at the commune and they were all like, “wow so you were shamed” and it felt like a bit of a relief to hear other people say it.
In my real life, I never cry, but these people could be forgiven for thinking I’m lying about that because I’ve done so much fucking crying in front of them. It feels like shit btw.
I hate how out of control my emotions feel. As soon as I engage with them in any meaningful way, it feels like they swell up like an ocean wave and overwhelm everything. I have to get better at ignoring it, regulating it, hiding it from others. I don’t care what anybody says - no one wants to deal with that, because everybody has their own shit going on. I’m tired of burning through friendships by trusting that people really do want to hear about how I’m feeling.
They want to hear “I’m great! How are you?”
And that’s just a fact.
I still think about my little heavenly house, where I’m far away from everyone and the only person who can access me is God. It sounds more and more wonderful the older I get. The tea will stay the perfect temperature, I will never be lonely, and I can just read and read and read and never need to feel anything other than contentment.
I think God wants me to try gardening again.
0 notes
sassmill · 2 years
Extremely unnerving when you’re suddenly aware of a spirit when you thought you were alone. Not in an ominous way more like uh. Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there. Um.
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bisha-geisha · 3 years
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Title: Attention
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
Word Count: 5k
WARNING: Mature themes. Smut. Con. DomFem. SubMale. Dacryphilia. Humiliation. Masturbation. Degradation. Dumbification. Overstimulation. Handjob. Vaginal Sex. Creampie. Mommy kink. Bullying?
Summary: Gojo Satoru is infamous in his school for being a man whore. Sleeping with girls left and right. While most girls knew how terrible of a person he is, they still can't help but fall for his charms and good looks. One day, while Gojo was going through the list of all the girls at the school, he came across your name. Unlike Gojo, who had a reputation and a lot of popularity, you were quiet and kept to yourself. He didn't know who you even were until he came looking around for you after picking your name. He thought this was going to be one of the easiest tasks ever in his life, but things weren't exactly what Gojo expected them to be, and it most certainly did not end up the way he expected.
A/N: This is my first fanfiction that I’m ever posting... And my dumbass made it a smut.... I’ve never written smut before... I’m sorry if this is shit. English isn’t my first language so please bear with me for any mistakes that were made.
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Gojo Satoru.
He is one- no the most popular person in the school. Everybody knows him. Even the kids in the back know who Gojo mother-fucking Satoru is.
The reason why?
Well, because he’s a Man-Whore.
He knows he has good looks, has one of the shittiest personalities ever to exist but knows how to change them around people, and he's an egotistical and prideful mother-fucker.
The girls look at him in disgust, yet they always fall under his control. The guys cheering for him as if he's won an Oscar each time.
He was just living the life some could say.
“Hey, Satoru, who ya picking next?” One of his pals in his click questioned.
“Hmm... I'm still picking...” He was going through the list as if he’s browsing on the Amazon website. The audacity this boy has.
“How about this one?” His friend points at a name.
“L/N Y/N? Who’s that?” His face scrunched.
“Oh, she’s in class 3-5. She’s super quiet and never talks to anybody. I don't think she even has friends. But she’s really pretty. She’ll be easy for you to pull with a personality like hers.”
Gojo puckered his lips while he listened to his friend talk.
“Well... Off I go~.”
When lunchtime finally came around, Gojo walked his way to class 3-5 to check out who this L/N Y/N is.
When he opened the door to the classroom, he was immediately greeted by the girls.
“Satoru-kun?! What are you doing up here?”
“Hiya Senpai~, I was wondering if you know where L/N-Senpai is. The teachers asked me to tell her a few things.” He put on his act. Talking in a much more cheering tone.
“Oh, L/N-san? She’s usually in the art room at this time. If not, she’s probably in the library.” The girl who was completely melting from Gojo’s presence replied in a heartbeat.
“Really? Thanks for telling me! I'll go look for her now since you know, teachers.” He rubbed the back of his neck.
“I-I can help you look for her-.”
“Nope! Thanks for the offer though.” He gives her his signature smile, chuckling to himself when he saw her face redden.
Gojo made his way to the art room like the girl had stated, sliding open the door without knocking.
When he opened the door, a girl sitting on a stool while painting on a canvas came into view. His lips curl up into a smirk, making his way over to the girl.
“Are you L/N Y/N-san?” He asked politely. The way he changes his personality is terrifying.
Gojo waited for a reply, tilting his head when he didn't. He doesn't think you even acknowledged his presence from the silence.
“Um... Senpai?...” He tried once more.
His friend said you were quiet, but he didn't expect you to be this quiet.
While he waited for your response, Gojo was able to get a good look at your features. His friend wasn't lying when he said you were pretty. Your hair was tied up into a low bun, your uniform and oversized jacket’s sleeves rolled up so the paint wouldn't get on them. A perfectly sculpted side profile with your eyes never leaving the canvas.
“Neh, Senpai. Don't you think it’s a little rude to ignore your kohai?” Gojo whined.
You didn't answer again. You kept your same blank face and continued to paint whatever you were painting. His lips turning into a frown, snatching the paintbrush out of your hand.
His frown turns into a small grin when you turned your head and looked up at him. Gojo was a very tall man, looming over practically everybody and even more when they’re sitting.
Yet his attempt failed again when you just got a new brush and started painting.
Okay. No more cute little kohai act. Time for something different.
He got really close up to your ear, whispering lowly, “Neh Senpai~, why do you keep on ignoring me?” This usually does it for most girls, but not you. You weren't even fazed at all! Not a single shiver or blush was on your cheeks!
It was starting to get frustrating. You should've fallen for him by now. He wasn't supposed to be working this hard to gain your attention. He shouldn't need to.
Gojo was about to say something again when the warning bell rang across the school. You immediately start packing up, not even glancing once at Gojo when you walked out, leaving him standing alone in the room.
Gojo felt humiliated by himself. His pride in getting every girl was wounded just by a single girl. It was unacceptable for him.
For the next few weeks, Gojo would visit the art room or library each lunch break and after school. Doing the most to gain your attention. Throwing erasers or pencils while you read a book, ruining your art midway by suddenly smearing paint all over the canvas.
But nothing gave him the attention he wanted from you.
Stepping things up a notch, it was those rare times when you were eating your lunch in your classroom. While you sat alone by the open window, Gojo took this chance to pour milk over your head. Your blank face finally showed some emotion, eyes widening when you felt the cold liquid drip through your hair.
Everyone in the class became quiet as they could hear Gojo’s friends laugh. Some classmates snickering along with them. Gojo chuckled lightly with a smirk, bumping shoulders with his friends, but he stopped laughing when he made eye contact.
The only time out of all the weeks you've looked at him was the first day he had met you.
He got a little excited. His cheeks slowly turning pink when you continued to look at him with such strong eye contact.
You finally looked at him.
It was as if he was deprived from your attention. The attention he wanted more.
That event ended there, some of the girls helping you out to get the milk out of your uniform.
The next time you meet is after school...
You were in the art room per usual, finishing up a new painting you started a few days ago. Your eyes shifted over to the clock that was ticking, 3:58 PM. It was around this time where-.
The door slides open.
Gojo Satoru comes in, strutting his way to you. There was a daily routine. Gojo would walk up behind you and wrap his arms around your shoulder, setting his chin on top of your head. He would watch for a bit and he’ll start his schemes.
But not today, especially not after the incident at lunch. He craved for more of your attention.
However, before he could do anything, Gojo was pushed down by you. A firm grip on both wrists held them down to the floor, his whole body caged in from you.
Your faces were really close. And I mean really close.
That same feeling of excitement rushed through his body, his cheeks burning a brighter color than at lunch.
“Are you that much of an attention whore that you had to pull that stunt at lunch?”
Gojo’s body froze.
This was the first time you ever spoke to him. Let alone, the first time he heard you speak. You had a very sultry voice. A voice that you wish to hear all the time when you're angry or stressed. A voice that’ll lure you in without any intention.
“I-I-, umm... I...” He couldn't form his sentence, taken aback by you suddenly speaking.
“Why don't you start with an apology instead of whatever you’re trying to say right now, hm?” You leaned your face closer, not helping the situation for Gojo.
“I-I’m sorry...”
“What was that?” You leaned your face to the side.
“I’M... sorry... I'm sorry.” He apologized. His gaze shifted away from you.
“And for what are you apologizing for?” You honed him down.
“For pouring milk over your head at lunch...” It was as if he was the small bunny getting pinned down by a wolf. You could hear his voice quivering as he spoke.
“Aww, you know there's more than that to apologize sweetheart.”
God, he could've died right then and there just now. The nickname sent shivers down his hot body. The feeling of your chest pressed against his, your thigh brushing between his legs now and then.
It was too much.
“I’m sorry for everything I've done up until now!” He spoke so quickly that the sentence didn't even last a second.
He was beyond embarrassed. He knew that you could see how red his face was getting and how loud his heart was thumping.
A small smirk appeared on your lips that made him blush even more.
“You know... I never thought you’re the type to be this obedient. But I guess I was wrong. What a good boy slut you are~.” You teased, putting your hand on his cheek. “Maybe you should've tried acting like this instead of the cute little kohai act you did on the first day. Then maybe I would've found you cute.” You pulled yourself away when you finished, gathering all your belongings, and left, just like that.
Gojo was left and the floor and continued to stay down on the floor, making sure his brain processed everything that just had occurred.
He looks down at his pants. A raging boner suffocated underneath them. He could already feel the precum staining his underwear. It painfully throbbed, begging for it to be touched.
One of his nails chipped in the process when he hit the metal part of his buckle because of how much he was struggling with his belt.
Throwing the belt across the room, he unzipped his pants, feeling a slight sense of relief when it was no longer restricted. Not wasting a second, his hands when straight for his erected cock, pumping it at a decent pace.
His mind is filled with images of you. The stuff you said earlier, ‘Aww, you know there's more than that to apologize sweetheart.’ The image of you smirking. ‘What a good boy slut you are~.’
The only thing he could think of was you.
The door wasn't even locked and anyone could walk in on him any minute, but Gojo, without a care in the world, moaned as loud as he pleased.
“Ah! Fuck~.” Fastening his pace, his moans grew louder, finally meeting his release. He looks down at the thick white liquid that covered his hand, wishing it was your hands that did all of this.
Gulping down his dry throat, he pulled his pants back up and grabbed his belt. He made sure to clean the floor so there’s no evidence left of what he just did, leaving the classroom to not come back to school for a whole week.
Nobody knew why Gojo was gone for a whole week. Rumors that students have made up started to roam the halls. Even though he’s not the greatest person, he’s not the type to skip school. He’s someone that cares a lot about his image, so believe it or not, he cares about his grades and records more than everyone thinks.
“Oh, L/N! This is perfect.” Gojo’s teacher walks up to you. “Could you go over to Gojo’s house and hand over the homework that he missed for this week?” The teacher held out a beige file folder that contained all his homework.
You didn't say anything but the teacher could tell from your face that you were questioning why.
“I already asked his friends, but when they went over to his apartment, he didn't answer. They said he was there, but he wouldn't open the door for them. And I heard that he’s been hanging around you a lot lately, so I thought why not give you a try. I'll give you his address and everything.”
You looked down at the folder for a bit before taking it.
“I’ll give it a try. I'll need his address though.”
The teacher smiled. “Thank you, L/N.”
You looked down at the GPS on your phone, walking up to the apartment building. And when I mean apartment building, I mean a penthouse.
Honestly, you didn't find it surprising. You would always hear Gojo brag about something expensive during the halls when you passed him some times.
He lived on the 10th floor in room 115. Pressing the doorbell, you waited for Gojo to pop up on the monitor of the screen.
“Whoever it is go away.”
“It’s Y/N. I brought your homework.” You stated. There was a pause of silence before you could hear a panic of rustling before he opened the door.
“Y/N! Umm...” You held out the file. “Oh! Thank you...” He gladly took it from you.
“I'll be going now.” You bowed with your head and started walking away.
“Wait!” He grabbed your wrist a little too desperately. “Umm... I...” He didn't know what to say. He doesn't even know why he grabbed your wrist when the reason why he’s been gone for the whole week was that he’s too embarrassed to face you. But now that you're here with him in a more private area, he doesn't want to waste his chance.
“You know Satoru...” Damn, the way you say his name makes him melt. “You’re a very, and I mean very irksome guy.” You walked towards him.
Every time you took a step forward, Gojo would take a step backward.
“From the day you started bothering me... Ruining my paintings, throwing erasers and pencils at me while I try to study, pouring milk over my head, and now? You avoided me like some plague for a week and trying to make me stay now that I'm here?” You were inside his penthouse now. Gojo fell backward when his heel got caught by the edge of the flooring that was a level higher. “What exactly do you want from me, Satoru? Because I know damn well that you don't do all of this with the other girls you've slept with.”
You stood between his legs, leaning your upper body down while looking at him. Gojo gulped down the lump in his throat, cursing at himself in his head as he was getting turned on by this. His heart was beating with more nervousness this time, contemplating whether he should just tell you straight up.
He doesn't want to be left alone again like last time, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to admit to the shameful thoughts he's been thinking and wanting.
Him and his stupid pride.
“I...” You raised a brow as he started. “I want you to fuck me.” He finally confessed. If there was a word worse than embarrassment, that’s exactly what he’s feeling right now. His eyes could no longer look at you, straying away to the floor. If there was a dark hole, he would love to crawl into one.
The silence from you wasn’t helping either. Gojo was immediately regretting saying what he just said. He shouldn’t have said that. He should’ve said something different. That was too straight forward. 
“Pfft.” Gojo’s eyes look back up when you slowly came to a fit of laughter. “Haha... Hahahahaha!” Your laugh became hysteric. One hand covered your eyes while the other held your stomach. “Hahaha! Oh my god... Haha... I can’t believe that the Gojo Satoru just asked me, me to fuck him. I knew you were a wretched person from the start, but I never knew you could be this pathetic.” You continued to laugh after that. 
Somebody kill this man before he does himself.
You squat down to his level, Gojo shying away as he leaned his body back. “Is that why? Is that the reason why you were gone for the whole week? Because you were too embarrassed to show yourself to me?” You cooed the last sentence in mockery. “No wonder, because this place smells like some bitch was in heat.” He looked at you with quite the surprised expression. “What? You didn’t think I wouldn’t have noticed? The second you opened that door I could smell it.”
Embarrassment. Shame. Humiliation. It was all getting to him. Fat tears started to roll down his cheeks. His breath hitched as it became uneven.
“Awww, I’m sorry~. Was I being too mean to you?” You weren't sorry at all. “You never thought that you’ll get pushed this far into the corner? You’re just a big baby inside a teenager's body. Maybe this is a great chance for you to be put into your place. What do you think?” You questioned.
“I'm sorry...” He could only repeat the same sentence over and over again.
“Can you stop saying the same shit over and over again? I get it.” Gojo was quick to shut his mouth, continuing to cry silently. You watched him cry until your face perked up when you thought of an idea. “How about this.” Gojo slowly glances back up at you. “Since you want me to fuck you so badly, I will.” His face almost instantly brightened up.
“Mhm...” You nodded. “But yah know... Your friends have been worried about you a lot for this past week since you’ve been ignoring them like the little bitch you are.” He flinches at your words. “So, why don't you give them a call, and while you’re catching up with your friends, I'll help with your little problem here.” You look down at his pants.
“O-Okay...” He didn't sound too sure, but truly he was so desperate for your touch.
“And if you’re good, I'll fuck you with my pussy. You would like that, wouldn't you?” You tilted your head with a sly grin. Gojo nodded eagerly. He would love that. “Well then... Here ya go.” You pull out your phone from your pocket, unlocking it and handing it over to Gojo to call his friend.
He grabs it with shaky hands as he started to call his friend. While he was doing so, you got to work.
The phone rings a few times before his friend picks up.
“Hello? L/N-San?”
“Uhh... Hey, it's me... Satoru.”
While he answered the phone, you slowly undid his pants, pulling down the zipper. You could hear Gojo take in a deep breath of relief when you did. Hooking your fingers at his waistband, Gojo lifted his hips a bit so you could pull them down.
His boner sprung up, hitting his lower stomach. He was big. There's no denying that. His tip was flushed pink, precum drooling down his veins.
His legs flinched when you first touched the tip, circling it with your thumb.
“What have you been up to man?! You completely ignored us for a whole week!”
“Oh, about that... I’m sorry. My famil-EEe.” He messes up his words when you suddenly gripped his dick. Using his precum as a lubricant, you stroked him at an agonizingly slow pace.
“You good bro?”
“Y-Yeah. I was just about to drop a glass cup. Anyways... My family came over and we wanted to spend some time together s-since I rarely get to see them.” His eyes rolled back to the back of his head. You've had fastened your pace. Holy shit, you were only stroking him and this felt better than anything he's ever had with the other girls.
“Oh, okay. But give us a heads up next time though... We were really worried.”
“Yeah, I'm sorry-Ah~!” He slaps his hand over his mouth.
“Are you sure you’re good? Am I interrupting something?”
“Nonono, not at all.” His voice was getting shaky. You started massaging his balls, rolling them around your fingers. All swollen up for your hands to cup.
“Are you gonna be back at school next week?” You could tell that the conversation was coming close to an end. The sudden change in speed made Gojo’s body squirm. His jaws dropping with a silent moan.
“Y-Yeah...” He pulled away from the phone so he could moan quietly. You suddenly stop, a small whine escaping his mouth.
“That’s cheating Satoru. Do that again and I’ll leave you right now.” You whispered the threat into his red ears.
“I'm sorry...” He quickly apologizes, putting the phone back up to his ear.
“Glad to hear!” His friend cheered on the other line.
You went straight back to the same pace you left off. Gojo could no longer sit up, letting his back hit the wooden flooring. His back arched as his chest heaved up and down.
“I’ll see you next week then!”
“Yeah... I-ah- I’ll see you next week.” He bit his lips so he wouldn't risk the chance of moaning anymore for the remaining last seconds. He was so close.
“Bye.” He quickly hit the red button, dropping the phone to the ground.
He threw his head back. “Aaaah~”
“You close?”
“Yes yes! Please ngh~ let me cum!” His hips started rutting upwards. “I’ve been good a boy! Good! So pleeeeeazzzzeeee ah~ let me cum!” He begged, the pitch in his voice getting higher.
You wanted to laugh at how desperate he was. “I don't know~...” Your pace slows down. “Have you really though?”
He knew exactly what you meant. “I'm sorry! I’ll never do it again! I promise!” He grabbed your hands. “I promise I’ll never do it again! Mommy please~” Tears stream down his face.
You were taken aback by the name, but you didn't mind it at all. More like it made you snap.
“AH!” He yelps in pain when you unexpectedly grabbed his hair. Kicking your shoes off, you dragged him further into his own house.
You threw him towards the couch, his legs stumbling his way. Getting on top of him in a swift movement, your lips immediately connected with his. He moaned as you pushed your tongue inside, pinching his nipple through his shirt. You were rubbing him with your clothed pussy that was starting to damp from how wet you were. 
One more pinch on the nipple was all it took to make him come, pulling away from the long kiss with a long moan. His breath felt hot on your chin as he panted, your skirt stained from his liquid. 
While he was collecting himself, you started undressing him so he would be completely naked, his lazy eyes watching as you did. 
He couldn’t help but gasp when you took your top off. Who would’ve thought that a girl like you would’ve worn something like that under your crisp uniform. Let alone have some tattoos. The way your bra perfectly fit your chest made him drool. The tattoos making you sexier than you already are. 
“Why don’t we start with your prize?” Your nails trailed down his abs. He nodded hardly that his brain would shake. 
Scooping his cum into your hands, you pumped his already hard dick, pushing your panties aside before you slammed yourself on him. 
“Oooohh-my god!” He screamed in pleasure, throwing his head back once more. 
“Mmmhmm~” You hummed. You weren’t someone who moaned a lot, but he felt so good. The way he filled you up was nothing like you’ve felt before. He was a bit too long for your liking, but his girth was just perfect. It’s a shame that a dick like this is attached to someone like him. 
Rocking your hips, you started a steady pace. The sound of your skins slapping together echoed through the penthouse. Leaning down to his body, you sucked his skin harshly on all different places, making him look as if he was abused. 
“Mommy, mommy, mommy~” He was going dumb. He tried to say something, but all of them came out as moans. 
“Is my sweet slut going dumb from Mommy’s pussy?” 
“Yesyesyesyes! Aah~ Cum! Please!” 
A sinister giggle escaped your lips. “Than come for me.” You fastened your pace. He moaned even louder. Glad that this place had soundproof walls because if it didn’t, you bet there would be noise complaints if it wasn't.
Few more seconds and you could feel him fill you up with his warm seeds. Both of your bodies relax, pulling yourself off of him, you looked down at your work. His lower area was covered with his white liquid, splotches of his skin glowed red, some already turning into a purple bruise. His nipples perking up, lips swollen with a small cut. 
You got up from the couch to look for a towel. When you did, Gojo was quick to grab your wrist. 
“Where are you going?”
“Where’s your towel? We need to clean up.” You answered with a question.
“But you haven’t came.” He pulled you a little bit. 
“Wow... A narcist whore like you can care about other’s pleasure?” You saw his lips twitch a frown. “It’s fine. We’ll leave that for next time. Now, where’s your towel?” You started walking around. You didn’t see it, but when you said ‘next time’ he was more than delighted to know that there’s going to be more in the future. 
“They’re in that closet over there.” 
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indiee19 · 3 years
This Waiting Is Driving Me Wild
Alex Turner x reader
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Summary: A buzzed haired Alex teases you all throughout an awards event; you reject him at first, and he makes you regret it later.
warnings: smut, light bondage, spit kink, edging
word count: 5.6k
-Requested from Wattpad
a/n: I have no damn clue if the kink shit is correct, so don't mind that, also I may change it later, so who knows
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You felt anticipation build up in the pit of your stomach whenever they announced the nominees for the best alternative album of 2018 category: Colors by Beck, Masseduction by St. Vincent, and Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino by Arctic Monkeys.
You held your breath, every inch of your body hoping for Alex's band to win, then they called the winner.
"And the winner is ... Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino by the Arctic Monkeys," the presenter called, stopping in between words to read the winner of off the card. You and everybody else in the room clapped and as the band stood up, Alex gave you a kiss, then walked up to the stage with the rest of the band to accept the award.
He winked at you while he was walking up the stairs without anyone but you knowing, making you blush. He walked up to the stand and took the microphone from the lady, beginning to speak. "One, two. One, two, there we go. Well, I would first of all like to thank everyone who has supported us by listening to the album, buying it, and coming to our shows. I'm very glad that you all enjoyed it enough for us to win, and for that, I'd like to say thank you, this truly does mean a lot," he said, Matt and Nick chattering behind him.
Alex said thank you one last time before they walked off stage, walking back to the table, sitting down beside you. He placed a chaste kiss on your cheek, placing the award down on the table. They soon started to call the next award nominees, and most everyone paid attention to it, you included. Alex on the other hand was watching you and you saw out of the corner of your eye that he licked his lips, one of his hands coming up to your thigh, rubbing dangerously close to the hem of your dress, coming closer and closer to go under it.
You quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it away, leaning over to tell him something. "Alex, we can't, not here, not now. We're at an awards event, one where your album is nominated," you said sternly. He bit his lip and looked as if he was deep in though, which he normally was, always coming up with the perfect response to everything.
"But, baby, you look so sexy and I don't know how much longer I can wait to 'ave you," he said, whispering in your ear, rubbing your thigh again. You moved your hand over his to top him from moving up your thigh. You turned to pay more attention to the rest of the awards ceremony.
They called the next category and said the nominees' names, another host going up to the stage to announce the winner, everyone clapping their hands, you included, when they did. While the winner was giving a small speech, Alex leaned over and kissed your neck lightly, making you look back him and give him a glare as a warning to stop. He just smirked, knowing just how to get you riled up.
He leaned over, whispering another profanity in your ear. "Baby, you look so sexy in that dress. I can't wait to have you."
"Well, you have to wait," you replied, kissing his cheek, grabbing his hand to stop him from moving any further up your leg. You looked into his eyes, waiting for him to respond, but he didn't.
You tried to be patient, hoping that he would realize that you couldn't do anything with him at the moment, and maybe not at all tonight since you would get home late and be really tired - or at least that's what you thought.
The winner walked off stage and they started to announce the next category. Though as you watched and listened, Alex started back up again with his teasing, his hand now going up your dress, ignoring your previous warnings, finding its way to the hemline of your panties, toying with it.
"Alex," you warned, grabbing his wrist to stop him from going any further than he already was. "I told you, you have to wait until we get home."
"But, baby, this waiting is driving me wild, and I know that it's driving you wild too, can't tell me otherwise," he said, getting more confident at the end of the statement. You laughed. "No, it's not actually. Because, unlike you, I'm not horny twenty-four seven," you said, turning away.
"Don't lie to me, I know 'ow horny you get. Remember the 2014 BRITS?" he said nonchalantly, whispering in your ear. You lied and said you didn't, but you did.
"God, Alex, please just take me already," you moaned, his tip teasing your entrance. You'd begged all throughout the awards ceremony for him to take you to the bathroom and fuck you, and he finally gave in, escaping the after party, leaving and going home.
He was now teasing you, making sure that you were a whimpering mess for him. He cocked his head and pushed himself all the way inside you.
It was a very, very long night.
"Yes, you do. You're thinking about it now, aren't you?" he said, kissing your cheek. You rolled your eyes and tried your best to ignore him, pushing his hands away, dodging his kisses, tuning him out, insisting that you talk to Katie and Jamie instead.
You were able to make it through another thirty minutes of the ceremony, Alex taking a break from being a narcissistic, horny, teasing asshole. Though after the thirty minutes was gone, he started right back where he started. It didn't matter how many times you told him no, your warnings only fueled him even more, getting bolder and bolder each time.
He leaned over to you when no one was looking, everyone else far too focused on the stage. "Baby, when we get home, I'm going to fuck you up," he whispered, gripping your thigh tightly. Though his words weren't abnormal for him, they did take you by surprise. You looked at him, surprised by his boldness to do that in front of everyone.
"Alex," you said, giving him a warningly look. He just smirked, more than likely planning how he was going to get you to beg for him by the end of the night.
He of course continued this behavior the rest of the awards show, making sure to tease you, placing kisses to your neck when no one was looking, whispering dirty profanities in your ear, rubbing up your thigh, eventually going under your dress to play with them hemline of your underwear .... again.
The event had ended and you and Alex were now at the after party, even though you hated parties. You were talking to Kelly and Nick, the only thing that would keep you sane at the moment, and you were congratulating Nick on the awards that they had won tonight. "Congratulations, Nick. You all deserve the award so, so much," you said.
"Oh, it's really nothing, but thank you anyways," he said, waving it off. Him and Kelly walked over to Jamie and Katie to talk to them, leaving you alone. You decided to go and find Alex, haven't had seen him in the past thirty minutes, wondering where he was.
You looked around for at least ten minutes, asking anyone you knew where he was, most of them not knowing themselves. You finally found him talking with Miles, who would have thought. The two most amazing friends hanging out together, you should have known.
Alex's back was facing you, so Miles noticed you first. "Oh, hey, love," he said, making Alex turn around. "Hey, Mi. Do you mind if I steal Alex away from you for just a minute?" you said, holding Alex's arm. He shook his head no and got up, leaving you and Alex alone.
"Alex, can we leave?" you asked. He smirked, taking your request the wrong way, thinking that you wanted him now. "You finally came to your senses, I see," he smirked, grabbing you by the waist, kissing your neck while no one was looking. You pushed him away for what felt like the millionth time tonight.
"No, Alex, not like that. I mean that I'm tired and want to go home," you explained. But he of course wouldn't take that as an answer, thought that you were just begging him for him to take you. He kept saying that you weren't tired and just decided that you wanted him, saying that you both could go to the bathroom instead of going home and leaving.
You kept trying to convince him, kept trying to prove that you were tired and you even brought up the fact that you hated parties to try and convince him.
Finally, you convinced him, and he was ready to take you home. "Fine, just let me have a smoke and we'll leave," he said, couldn't believe that you didn't want him. You nodded and stayed seated while he went outside to smoke.
You waited patiently - twenty-two minutes went by and still no Alex. You decided to go and look for him, then head out to the car. You quickly said goodbye to everyone and walked outside, immediately seeing Alex. He was done with his smoke, seemingly waiting for you. "You ready to leave, darling?" he asked, smirking, still not believing that you wanted to go home because you were tired.
"Yes, I am, Al," you said, taking his hand, Alex leading you to the car, opening the door for you, walking around to the other side to get in, starting the car. And finally, after three long hours of his teasing, it was time to leave and go home, and just like before, Alex of course had to tease you to his fullest extent. "Can't believe that you didn't want me earlier," he said, his voice suggestive.
"I always want you, Al, but I'm tired. I'm ready for bed," you said. You were very tired, the amount of interviews Alex was in tonight, the waiting, killed you, the amount of times you had to push Alex's hand away and tell him no, and then the after party that you had practically begged for Alex to take you home. And Alex being, well, Alex, took your begs as requests for him to take you home and fuck you, and you had to convince him that it was because you were tired, which took a lot of convincing that wore you out.
You were glad when you and Alex finally got home, you were ready to go to bed, but Alex had other plans, immediately slamming you against the wall, kissing you deeply. If you were tired before, you surely weren't now, the heat of the kiss waking you up fully from your sleepy state.
He grabbed the underside of your thighs, signaling for you to jump and you did. Alex carried you down the hallway all the way into the bedroom, almost throwing you on the bed. He began to rid you of your clothes, leaving you in just your bra and underwear, kissing you everywhere he could. You tried to unbutton his shirt, but he quickly pushed your hands away, not allowing you to touch him.
Alex leaned down and captured you lips in a hard, passionate kiss, you hands going around his neck, scratching at the fuzz on the back of his neck. He bit you bottom lip, slipping his tongue past your lips, exploring you mouth. You could taste the wine and beer he'd had at the event, as well as the last cigarette he smoked right before you left the after party.
You felt him hard against your leg, his cock straining in his tight trousers. He pulled away from the steamy kiss unexpectedly, starting to crawl down your body, kissing down your neck, collarbone, breasts, stomach, stopping at your abdomen, just above where you needed him, the ache between your legs more prominent than it had been all night long.
He looked up at you, your eyes locking with his. "Alex, please," you begged, desperate for him now.
"Look who's begging for me to fuck you now," he smirked, the cocky tone in his voice obvious. You begged him some more with your eyes, eventually getting exactly what you wanted. He pulled down your underwear with his teeth, and you kicked them off into the floor. Alex nudged your thighs apart with one of his hands and started to kiss up your thighs, stopping when he reached your core, blowing on it, sending shivers up your body.
He waited a moment, and you were about to beg him again, but he quickly dipped his head down, placing wet, sloppy kisses to your heat, using his hands to hold your thighs as far apart they could go.  And then his tongue lapped at your folds, spreading around your arousal.
He moved down to your dripping wet cunt, sticking his tongue inside of you, knowing how crazy it would drive you. You gripped the sheets, balling them up in your fists, needing to have something to hold on to, his hair not nearly long enough for you to do that.
Alex lifted his head up from your heat, wiping his face that was slick with your arousal. "Knew you wanted me. You're so wet, baby," he drawled, looking at the mess he had made of you in barely seven minutes.
He dipped his head back down to your heat again, his hands gripping your thighs tightly, holding them far apart. His tongue kept poking inside of you, and you writhed underneath him, the feeling too good, he was too good.
He moved his mouth back over to your clit, sucking it into his mouth, quickly replacing his tongue with two of his fingers, starting to pump them in and out of you slowly, setting a pace to your dismay. Though the pace wasn't nearly what you wanted, it drove you wild. He'd done this so many times, drove you wild so many times, that he knew exactly how to drive you mad, knew exactly how to make you feel so good.
You started to absent mindly grind your hips on his face, desperate to try and get his fingers to go faster in and out of you and to sink deeper inside of you. Alex chuckled against your skin, vibrations shooting up your body, and he took one of his hands and placed it on your hip to hold you down.
He quickly started to move his fingers faster, your orgasm getting closer and closer. "Alex, I-I'm so close," you said, voice trailing off into a moan as he had pressed down on your clit. He pressed down on your clit harder and with that, you shook, your orgasm washing over you.
You gripped the sheets tighter and wrapped your legs around Alex's head, his hand still on your hips. He kept moving his fingers, and you rode out your high. Alex sat up, removing his fingers from you and you whimpered at the loss of contact. He sat up, wiping his face that was, once again, slick with your arousal. You looked up at him, meeting eyes with him, seeing only lust in them. "How many do you think you can do?" Alex asked, removing his shirt, standing up to remove the rest of his clothes, leaving his bandanna neck scarf, which you didn't think much of at the moment, and you wasted no time before sitting up to help him out of his pants, stroking his cock when you removed his boxers.
He was painfully hard, precum forming on his tip that was a slight reddish purple color. He pushed you back down on the bed, sitting over your hips, straddling you. "I think that I can do th-three - oh," you said, moaning when he pushed your legs apart and pushed himself inside you, his head dropping down on your shoulder, biting down on it, sure to leave a mark.
He gave you very little time to fully adjust, starting to move once he regained some of his composure. He pulled almost all the way out of you before slamming back into you, gripping your hip with one hand, the other one holding himself above you.
Your hands ghosted over his toned chest, stopping at his broad shoulders, gripping onto them tightly, your nails digging into his skin. Alex started moving faster - much, much faster. Your eyes closed automatically, the way his cock stroked your walls felt too good, driving you mad. One of your hands moved up to the back of his head, scratching at the fuzz on his freshly buzzed head.
Your moans got louder as he fucked you harder, faster, and more mercilessly, taking good care of you like he always did. Alex's hand that was on your hip moved to rub vigorously on your clit, thrusting in and out of you faster and faster. Alex delivered a very hard thrust, hitting the spongey spot that made you see stars, flicking your clit, sending you over the edge.
Your eyes rolled back into your head, your grip on his shoulders tightening, so much so that you were sure that you would leave a mark. You rode out your high, Alex's movements not even slowing, but going faster.
Moans fell from your mouth, getting louder and louder. You'd just come down from your second orgasm, you were tired and sore and wore out, and you didn't know how much more you could take. Alex's head dropped down on your shoulder, placing kisses to it, eventually settling on a spot and sucking harshly on it.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, your feet locking at the back, and you started to grind onto him to meet his movements, the pleasure becoming too much for you to handle. A knot started to build up in the pit of your stomach, your third orgasm approaching you faster than the previous two had.
"God, love, you feel so fucking good," Alex grunted, punctuating each word with a hard thrust, flicking your clit along with each thrust. And with that, you shook, your third orgasm washing over you, riding out the intense waves of pleasure. You felt pure euphoria and bliss. You held onto Alex tightly, your legs tightening as your cunt contracted around him, drawing him in, holding him close.
You came down from your orgasm, opening your tightly shut eye, Alex's movements stopping. You untangled your legs and unwrapped your arms from around him, and he pulled out of you, sitting up on his knees, gripping the base of his cock tightly. He was clearly struggling to hold on himself, the sight of you coming undone just enough for him, and the sight could've solely made him come undone.
"Turn around, doll. On all fours," he drawled, motioning for you to turn around. You looked at him, didn't know how much more you could take, thought that you both agreed on three. "A-Alex, I don't know how much more-" you tried to say, but he cut you off.
"You can take it, and you will take it," he said. You hesitantly sat up, turning around. You looked over your shoulder at Alex. He was lining himself up with your entrance; you felt his tip poking inside of you, making you whimper out. "A-Alex."
He smirked and pushed inside you, bottoming out in one swift thrust. His hand soothed down your back, finding its way to your shoulder and he gripped it tightly, starting to thrust almost immediately. You closed your eyes tightly, the feeling already starting to become too good.
You moaned loudly when Alex began to thrust into you hardly, moving his hand from your shoulder to your hair, gripping it. His pace increased gradually, each thrust getting faster and harder. "Yes, fuck, baby, you're so wet for me," Alex groaned, somehow increasing his pace.
"A-Alex ... fuck ... faster," you whimpered, feeling a knot form in the pit of your stomach, your orgasm approaching very, very quickly.
"Givin' orders now, are we?" Alex spat, slowing his pace before slamming back into you hardly.
"I-I'm sorry," you whimpered. Alex moved his hand that was on your hip to your clit, rubbing harshly on it, and his hand that was in your hair moved down to cup your throat, pulling you flat against his chest. Sweat pooled on Alex's chest and forehead. His hand that was on your neck moved around your body to grab your breast, fondling it.
You needed something to hold on to, so your grabbed his arm that was across your front, holding on tightly, your other hand moving to the back of his head, scratching at the fuzz on his nape.
Alex's thrusts got faster and harder, and he rubbed more vigorously on your clit. You were so close, could practically taste your orgasm approaching. Alex thrusted up into you and that was almost enough for you, just one more and you were gone. But before you could, Alex stopped his movements and pulled out of you.
You were confused, had thought that he needed his release just as much as you, so you slowly turned around to face him and you propped yourself up on your elbows. "Alex, w-why'd you stop?" you questioned. He was looking you up and down.
"You was getting way too grabby for me liking," he drawled, crawling back over you. He removed his bandanna from around his neck, grabbing your wrists, bringing them up to the headrest, tying your hands to it with his bandanna. "There, that's better, innit?" he said, sitting up and straddling your hips once again, looking at the sight of you in front of him.
He started to kiss down your body, biting and leaving marks wherever he could. Once he reached your abdomen, he moved down to your heat, placing wet, sloppy kisses to your heat once again. His tongue lapped at your folds, spreading around your arousal. His hands gripped your thighs and you pulled on your restraints, desperate to hold onto something as leverage.
Alex moved down to your entrance, sticking his tongue inside of you, beginning to fuck you with it. One of his hands moved to your abdomen to keep your hips down after you started to grind on his face again, and he started to rub on your clit with his thumb on that hand. He was making you feel so, so good, but then again, when didn't he make you feel amazing?
Your moans got louder as he rubbed on your clit and moved his tongue faster, gripping your thigh tightly with his other hand. Soon he removed his hands from you altogether and moved his tongue back to your folds, pressing down on your clit with it, instead using his fingers to fuck you, moving them in and out of you at an alarmingly fast rate. He never let you get used to a feeling for very long, alternating between pressing down on your clit and moving his fingers quickly to lapping at your folds and slowing his fingers.
As you kept tugging on your restraint, the headrest started to bang against the wall, the noise echoing through the room, filling it along with your moans and whimpers. You instinctively wrapped your legs around Alex's head, drawing him in closer. He chuckled against your skin, send vibrations up your body, tipping you over the edge.
You tugged harshly on your wrists, the waves of pleasure washing over you. You moaned loudly, tightening your legs around Alex's head, crying out his name over and over. "F-fuck, Alex, fuck," you whimpered.
You came down from your high, and you were so sure, positive even, that Alex had had enough and would give you a break, but no, he kept going, moving his fingers and lapping at your folds like nothing had happened. Because to him, nothing did happen, so he just kept on.
He moved his fingers faster, curling and twisting them deep inside of you, making you cry out his name. The feeling of his fingers stroking your walls just right, the feeling of his mouth covering you heat over and over made you feel an indescribable feeling of pleasure. You were absolutely positive that there was a mark on your wrists from Alex's bandanna and were sure that Alex had many various handprints decorating your body which would no doubt last at least a week, maybe even more.
Alex had begun to suck your clit into his mouth, occasionally pressing down on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Alex looked up at you, and your eyes met and he saw just how amazing he was making you feel and he smirked against your skin, and you could feel him do it too. HIs grip on your abdomen had loosened up quite a bit and you started to grind onto his face again, trying get his fingers to sink deeper into you, to get some sort of friction since he ceased all movement of his fingers. Surprisingly, he didn't make you stop, he just let you move your hips freely. allowing you to make yourself feel good on his fingers. Though, in the back of your mind you knew that he wasn't stopping you for a reason, no doubt planning another way to make you come undone for him by his own means, his own rules, and by his own doing.
You were so close, nearly there, just needed to feel him curl his fingers inside of you, which he did while you were moving your hips, one more time. You were just about to let go whenever he stopped, pulling away from your heat, removing his fingers, making you whimper, and he sat up, leaving you barely on the edge, your orgasm so close, but so far away as it began to fade away.
"Wh-what? N-no, no, Alex," you said, your need to let go growing quickly by every passing second, the need to feel him inside you growing as well. "What, doll? What do you need?" Alex asked as he moved over you, his arms keeping him above you.
"I-I need you," you whimpered, Alex's promise of saying that he was going to 'fuck you up' coming true.
"'ow bad do you need me?" he drawled, slowly kissing up your neck, biting down on a spot. You whimpered. "I need you s-so bad, Alex." He chuckled, thinking of something for a moment, quickly giving telling what you needed to do. "You want me, then spit in me mouth," he  said nonchalantly.
You were confused for a moment. You knew that he had a spitting kink, but he never showed any part of it in all the time that you two were together. You took a moment to think about it before you nodded and he opened his mouth and you spat in his mouth. You weren't proud of what you just did, but if it meant that Alex would fuck you, then you didn't care.
"Oh, and one more thing, baby ... you 'ave to promise me that you won't come until I say you can, okay?" Alex said. You nodded, how hard could that be?
He nodded in response before nudging your thighs apart with his hand and you sighed whenever he aligned himself up with your entrance, giving himself a few tugs before pushing inside you, bottoming out in two pushes. His head fell down on your shoulder, reveling in the feeling of your walls contracting around his cock, stretching to accommodate for his size.
Once he regained some sort of control, he pulled almost all the way out of you, slamming back inside you very quickly, starting to set a very, very fast pace. You pulled on your wrists again, hoping that maybe you'd loosened the knot that Alex had tied them in the bandanna with. You wanted your hands free of it, needed to touch him, to hold on to something, only if he would untie you.
His hands were firmly planted in the mattress beside your head, holding him up above you. You closed your eyes tightly, reveling in the way Alex's cock stroked your walls so good, but they quickly opened whenever Alex stopped moving. "Alex?" you asked, searching for his eyes.
"I want you to look at me the entire time, alright?" he said, and you quickly nodded, desperate for him to move again.
Alex started to move again, his eyes never once leaving your own. You tried your best to hold on, trying to fulfill his wish of you not to let go until he said so. But the feeling was getting to be too much for you, the knot forming in your stomach once again. The way he was stroking your oversensitive walls, thrusting into you hardly was enough for you, and you let go, eyes rolling into the back of your head, your walls contracting around Alex's cock, riding out your high.
Your moans filled the room and you came down from your high, opening your eyes. You were sure that Alex wouldn't give you anything else, wouldn't give you what you wanted having done the one thing he said not to do. You were panting heavily now, the feeling too overwhelming, too much for you to handle.
"Done?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
"Yes," you managed to say, avoiding his eyes.
"Good," he said nonchalantly. Alex leaned down to kiss you, it wasn't a deep kiss, but instead it was a soft, slow, and passionate kiss, full of his love and adoration for you. He pulled away and pushed a piece of your hair out of your face, smiling down at you. "You think you can do one more, love?" he asked. You were tired and sore and worn out, having been pushed over the edge several times already and weren't fully sure if you could do one more, even though it was just one. But there was something about the way he asked you, the way he smiled, and you couldn't say no to him, especially with the way he was looking at you right now.
"Y-yeah, I can do one more," you choked out. Alex mumbled something incoherent before starting to move slowly. He knew how sensitive you were now and didn't want to do anything that might cause even the slightest bit of discomfort to you, but still making sure that you felt amazing.
The mood in the room had juristically changed. He was still dominant and had all the control, but he wasn't spitting out demands or teasing you anymore, just focused now on getting the two of you there, wanting you to feel good.
Though he didn't want to cause you discomfort, he did start to increase his pace, not by much, but going faster than before and one of his hands came down in between your bodies to rub light circles in sync with his thrusts on your clit, applying more pressure ever so slightly to it every now and then. He had just restarted his movements and you were already so close to the edge again. It took just one flick of your clit and Alex's cock nudging that spot inside you that had stayed unattended to before and that sent you spiraling.
Your walls contracted around his cock for the last time of the night, drawing him in, triggering his own release. You felt his cock twitch inside of you and you felt his hot release coat your walls as he groaned, the both riding out you highs. You felt pure euphoria and bliss once again as you came down, Alex coming down from his high as well, head falling on your shoulder. He laid on top of you for a few minutes, regaining some of his strength before pulling out of you with a sigh, laying down beside you. You were panting heavily, pulling on your wrists once again. "Alex," you sighed.
He looked at you, saying your name, looking you up and down, starring at your restraints. "Oh, I'll untie you," he said, reaching up and untying your wrists, throwing his scarf on the ground, pulling you close to him even though you were both hot, sweat pooling on Alex's forehead and chest.
"C'mere, me love," he said, holding you tightly. Even though you had come down from your orgasm, you were still panting heavily, trying to breath. "Hey, hey, breath, me love, breath. I've got you," Alex said calmly, rubbing your hair comfortingly.
You both sat there for a minute so that you could catch your breath. once you did catch your breath, you laid your head on Alex's chest. "I love you, Al," you said, looking up at him.
"I love you, too, me love," he said kissing you lovingly. "Are you alright? Did I 'urt you?"
You shook your head. "You could never hurt me, Alex," you said. "But, now I'm really tired and want to sleep, so can we talk in the morning?"
"Yeah, love, we can. Goodnight," Alex responded, pulling the duvet over you two. You told him goodnight and soon fell asleep in his arms, him following not long after you.
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sunflowergyeomie · 3 years
can you handle it?
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sypnosis: jeonghan is a real pain in the ass, we all know that. he always seems to get you to do things you never agreed on doing, you try not to fall for them though. what if one day you accidentally fall into his trap and give in, without knowing at all?
pairing: yoon jeonghan x gn!reader (vagina bearing)
genre: established relationship, fashion design student!au, architect!au, smut (18+ only)
word count: 2.9k
warnings: profanity, m!dom, degradation, lots of cum play, fingering, creampie, unprotected sex, pet names, size kink?? if you squint
a/n: bcos the irl girl version of jeonghan (aka my devil angel twin) @shuajeong told me "there aren't any fics of jeonghan lately", thus ✨this is written purely for you and your pain 😘 i have to say though, this isn't my best work :( i kept going back and forth and i rewrote and changed things at least three times so 😖😖 (i'm lowkey done with it so i'm sorry i tried, i really did) please forgive me.
Oh, it’s a challenge, alright.
Annoyed is what it is, lips pressed tightly together as you sink in the indescribable feeling. That’s what was currently happening seeing how there is a huge load of cum in your panties – an ignorant aftermath of your quickie with Jeonghan this morning before he drove you to class.
He even had the nerve to question how long you could stay like that for the entire day. You took that as him asking for a challenge and having been with you for a while now, Jeonghan knew you were never one to back down from them. Having basked in the afterglow of sex sure made you think anything was possible – or more accurately speaking his dick just made you dumb.
Now that it’s almost noon, you’re absolutely starting to regret the choice you’ve made, especially when you’re sitting halfway through your second lecture for the day, simply feeling that load threatening to spill out from the cotton panel, onto your inner thighs and slowly ooze down your legs.
Multiple calls of your name put a halt to your thoughts. A hand waves across your face while your eyes focus and refocus as the silhouettes come into sight. Your friends, Mingyu and Minghao are both staring at you, confusion etched across their faces, anticipating an answer from a question one of them probably asked. But in all honesty, you couldn’t recall the subject matter, nor did you give a shit about their issues because your main concern at this time is to get the hell out of there. “Oh, huh? Oh yes, sorry, yes, I’ll absolutely do that.”
A little laugh escapes from Mingyu’s lips while Minghao frowns. “I said.. What are you thinking about?” Mingyu asks, “You have a weird look on your face.”
“Are you not feeling well?” Minghao chimes in. “We can take n-“
“I’m fine, guys. Just a little tired,” You brush off, not wanting to go too deep into whatever you were currently feeling. It’s not that the guys weren’t close to you. In fact, they grew to be one of the closest ever since freshman year when all three of you showed up in the same pattern drafting class, wary looks on everybody’s faces in a new environment. Since the fashion department itself is small with only a few hundred students enrolled, it also meant that classes were taken with familiar faces, rarely is there a fashion student you haven’t seen before. Not to mention you were always being grouped in numerous projects and that’s how the three of you came to be. Both of them knew of your relationship with Jeonghan, of course, but there’s just some things that are better off left unsaid even if they are your best friends.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the both of them stealing glances at you every now and then. Even though they didn’t buy your excuse, Mingyu and Minghao knew better than not to bug you about it so throughout the whole three-hour lecture, you could just sense their concern emanating off their bodies. Adding on to your growing anxiety, making you more on edge, terrified that at any moment they would catch a glimpse of whatever dirty secret you were holding in – quite literally. Pulling out your phone, you quickly sent a text.
[12:03 PM]
you: I can’t take this anymore.
hannie: what’s wrong, princess?
You groaned, exasperation coating your breath. Was he playing dumb?
you: you know what I mean, han.
hannie: and what about it?
hannie: if I recall correctly, weren’t you the one who practically begged me to cum inside of you? Was just doing what you asked me to, princess :)
Scoffing in disbelief, you ignore his message, tossing the device straight into your bag, now furious at yourself for agreeing to it.
Stupid dick.
You weren’t even that horny this morning.
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The cement walkways on campus greet the three of you as you step through the warm breeze. The sun shining through every leaf on the tall oak trees above you signal the firsts of many beautiful days now that summer is just around the corner. The bright weather is a big contrast to your dampening mood as your feet slowly drag along the blocks, leaving a gap between you and your friends while you try to keep up. You weren’t too keen on walking too fast right now. One wrong shift and you could be at risk of having Jeonghan’s gooey, semi-translucent, and not-so-warm release pooling down from underneath your mound. The two paid no attention to you though, they’re happily chatting about lunch options and the next possible location for studying afterwards. Not that you were going to join them anyways, not until you get the mess in between your legs situated.
“How about donkkaseu?” Mingyu turns around to ask, head whipping back mid-sentence to look at you, only to turn around and see that you’re already gone. His head turns left and right, trying to find you in the crowd of students, squinting his eyes for even a glimpse of your backpack but you’re nowhere to be seen.
“Where’d she go?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Minghao gives him a pointed look. “Jeonghan.” He says bluntly.
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Jeonghan works downtown, a full hour away from your university. He was a busy man, well-equipped with knowledge and never failed to take pride in his work, no matter what it was. Your boyfriend was a well-wanted individual – not only with people who desperately wanted to be in his inner circle but also in his field of work with the numerous clients fighting for a slot in his schedule. Jeonghan has never-ending project proposals, spending most of his hours reviewing alterations and redevelopments on his building designs – a perfectionist, you often say or an obsession as others might call it. Knowing how serious his job was to him, you made sure not to meddle in with his profession, seeing how much it irritated him whenever he couldn’t concentrate, but this time was different – and you couldn’t hold yourself back from making the journey. You bow as you greet the secretary at the front desk. She takes one look up from her screen and already knows who you’re here for, immediately telling you of your boyfriend’s whereabouts while you nod back in thankfulness.
Pushing the heavy doors to Jeonghan’s office, the first thing you notice were his eyebrows deeply furrowed upon his face, a definite telltale to the attentiveness of the task in front of him. A few coworkers were surrounding him, each hovered over what seemed to be like another one of his drawing plans. At the click of the doorknob, Jeonghan’s head perked up when he saw you enter. A smile threatens to pull at his lips, but he bites them to prevent the joy from appearing. He’s been waiting for you all day. Having expected you to cave in earlier so he could have an excuse to take a long break. The current deal he was working on was getting to his head even though he’s gone over it a couple times already. He just needs a reset, a breather of some sort, … a release. Jeonghan fakes innocence however when he asks why you’re here. Simultaneously, his brain has already got his fingers wrapped around the string – pulling once, twice, three times, officially starting the internal mischievousness in him. A devious idea accelerating right before your very own eyes.
You furiously start making your way towards him, hair flying in all directions, nostrils flared in annoyance, your cheeks flamed red from built-up anger since the early morning you got to school, and the wrinkle between your eyebrows. You were a hot-tempered mess, you knew that but god, all he could think about was how beautiful you look. The way your eyes are rounded with the curvature of your nose bridge, adding on to the natural tint to your soft lips. Your lips that pout ever so slightly whenever you want something, your lips that taste like a mixture of yourself and that artificial strawberry-flavoured chapstick you apply every morning, your lips he so badly wants to feel against his own.
Your voice cuts through, interrupting his trance. “Excuse me, can I speak to you privately for one second?”
“Of course.” Jeonghan grins, dropping the pen as his hands start pushing his body up from the plush chair, quickly dismissing his staff with a wave of the hand. They take a hint as one by one, each of them starts leaving. He stands up, arms already going around your waist to pull you close, “Hi baby, how was your day?” He asks, head tilting as his hands are already reaching up to run his fingers through your hair.
You open your mouth to spew words, anger bubbling in letters as they boil up to the back of your throat but all of which dies down when the fire is turned off. Blocked off after the door is shut behind the last person when his demeanour takes a turn and switches a whole 180 degrees. His plan finally comes into action as his acting skills gear up. Licking his lips, his hands drop as he takes a step closer to you, hovering over your tiny figure. He’s finally got you where he wanted you in the first place. His eyes peer down from the lenses of his wired glasses, “Don’t you know better than not to interrupt me while I’m working?” He pauses. “What do you think my staff will think if you’re here for too long?” The back of his fingers gently trails down your face, almost feather-like as you try to press your face against his palm, leaning more into his touch.
“Guess you couldn’t keep it in, huh? I always knew you were a little slut.” Jeonghan tsked, “Was my cock not enough that you needed a second filling? It’s only been a few hours, darling.”
He starts walking back to his desk, hands going into his pockets as he leans against the edge. It shouldn’t have intimidated you, the way his eyes bore into yours but you gulped anyways, a feeling of excitement stirring in your lower abdomen as you clenched around nothing. You opened your mouth to retaliate, only for it to be shaped like what seems like a silent ‘o’. One of his eyebrows raise, a silent gesture for you to come.
Out of habit, your legs start moving obediently on their own until they reach the fronts of Jeonghan’s dress shoes. Tracing the outline of his long, toned legs hidden underneath the carob brown material of his trousers, you couldn’t help catching onto the small details of the garment. The modern leg-lines seamed in to elongate his legs, waistband wrapped around his torso showcasing his slim but strong build, the button with its holes as imaginary eyes and a crossed thread disguised as lips silently screaming ‘open me, open me!’.
He grabs your jaw, forcing you to tear your eyes away from his lower half to look at him. “I thought you came here to say something, but I can practically see the drool coming out of your pretty little mouth, staring at my cock.”
“I-“, He spins you around, positions changed now that you’re the one leaning against the desk. Jeonghan dives his head to capture your lips with his. You’re taken by surprise as a gasp escapes from your mouth while he takes that as a chance to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past your bottom lip; full of need and desire, desperate to let out his frustrations. All your effort is focused on keeping up, molding your mouths together. Your anger is now replaced with lust. His hands are moving down to grip your ass.
Your breath hitches when his lips start trailing down your jaw, gently nibbling the soft skin on your neck before travelling down the valley of your breasts. He doesn’t bother trying to take off your top, opting to unbutton the first few, just enough to expose your lacy bra. Slipping underneath one cup to carefully knead your honey soft skin before latching his mouth onto your nipple, sucking gently but firmly. You whine as he hoists you up and places you on the surface, his face never detaching from your soft and full chest as he quickly pulls your pants off, leaving you in just your soaked panties.
“Maybe it was a good idea to leave my cum in you,” Jeonghan’s fingers hook onto the waistband. He smirks before pulling them down completely, stopping mid-thigh. “Easier to prepare.”
A trail of your slick follows as his digits spread your pussy, using his middle finger to slowly drag up your wet slit. His other hand is gripping your thigh when he reaches down in between, scooping the leftover cum from the previous session and forcing it back into your pussy. You watch with wide eyes only to have them roll back completely when he finishes by stuffing them all the way into you, resulting in a loud moan.
Jeonghan chuckles, satisfied by your reaction. He had you beckoning at his every move yet you were sure the satisfaction still wasn’t enough for him, not just yet. He pulls his fingers out to strip himself of his own pants, popping his member out. The hand with the fingers that were just inside of you is now rubbing all over his cock, using the little beads of precum along with a bit of your slick to pump himself.
Jeonghan’s cock is pretty, like the boy himself. He’s not too big or too small but he knows his angles and he knows how to use them right. Every time the two of you get intimate, which is quite often, his thrusts are sharp, clean and reach to the most inner parts of you – something that leaves soreness inside of you for days. But that doesn’t seem to matter whenever the two of you are having hot and steamy sex five days out of the seven weekly.
“You better stay fucking quiet.”
One hand is gripping your waist for extra support while the other is slowly guiding his length into you. The growl in his voice sends another wave of arousal between your legs, the wetness starting to spill and gather down your thighs. His eyes diverted down to pay attention to the way his length was disappearing inside of you. Each stroke covering his manhood with even more of your juices.
“F-ffuck, baby.” He curses under his breath. “You’re still so tight.”
His voice was breathy, almost like a whine before he picks up his speed, splitting your folds with a sloppy rhythm, expecting to chase both your highs before his coworkers come barging back in. Although the thought of getting caught in such a compromising position arouses him, Jeonghan couldn’t risk letting anyone seeing you in your most vulnerable state. Not when you have all the right curves, exclusive only for his viewing.
At some point, his hands start pulling you into him to meet his every thrust, your tits bouncing as you start feeling the delicious new angle he’s ruining you from. The tip of his cock rubbing against your cervix with every stretch. The familiar feeling of tension starts to build as your eyes squeeze tighter, your orgasm is approaching faster and faster. You’ve never wanted to scream his name out loud so badly when he slams once, no, twice into you, releasing the coil sending intensifying waves of pleasure throughout your whole body. Your tight heat clenching and unclenching around him causing Jeonghan to groan, “Shit.”
“Cum in me.” You insisted weakly. He gives in as he presses himself balls deep, cock twitching as he unloads inside of you, cum shooting in spurts coating your walls in white. The groan emerging from the back of his throat muffled as he quickly smashes his lips onto yours to conceal it. Your muscles move on your own, hiding your own whimper as your lips move together in unison. His body slumps over yours while he rests his head against your shoulder, pressing a light kiss as a way to say thank you.
In the intimacy of the moment, your arms are thrown around his broad shoulders, subconsciously pulling him closer as the two of you try to catch your breaths. When he lifts his head up, his doll eyes are already staring into your glossy ones. A tender smile spreading across his face, pecking your lips one more time before he slowly pulls out. Straight away, the emptiness is evident as his warmth disappears, your hole gaping while he looks down to appreciate the work done on your ruined pussy.
You feel your panties being pulled back up, now snug on your hips as he lets go of the elastic waistband to hear it snap back on your skin.
“Guess you have two loads to keep in now.” A devilish look covering every inch of his handsome face.
“Jeonghan!” you lunged at him. He cackles maniacally, successfully dodging while you attempt to jump on his back. The blood in your veins starts boiling again, both hands reaching up to cover your face when you realize your mistake for the second time today.
Jeonghan’s dick really did make you dumb.
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chlobuttercup · 2 years
"𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓷'𝓽 𝓫𝓮𝓼𝓽-𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓲𝓽!"
Summary: Matt and Y/N are friends but, also secretly in love with each other… One night, Matt comes to Y/N after being beaten hoping she could help him but, the secrets between the two are damaging their relationship. Maybe, after a while, they’ll decide to confess their feelings, which could change definitely their friendship. (1,8K words)
Warnings: Language, Beaten Matt Murdock and pissed Y/N, Angst then fluff
Friends to lovers
Pairing: Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Fem!Reader
AN: Hi guys! So… Here is my first imagine with our favorite vigilante: Daredevil. I really hope you’ll like it because I sure did when writing it (even if I think that the ending is quite bad). Feel free to send me your opinion and/or your request for another imagine/headcannon,… And, please be kind; English isn’t my first language so there are probably mistakes… Anyway, have a fun reading! xx, Chloé
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Matt and her were friends at least, that’s what they were telling themselves. They met through Foggy, one night at the bar. They rapidly became a group; the kind everybody wants: doing shit together, always hanging out and, here one for the other.
But, during this time, Y/N also rapidly caught feelings for the one and only Matt Murdock, whom she didn’t see more than two months with the same girl since she’d known him. So, for the sake of their relationship, she kept the secret with her, but it was eating her from the inside. Nonetheless, she didn’t know that Matt could sense the change in her behaviour and mostly, the change in her heartbeat; he felt it beating faster and erratically every time he’d talked to her or made a joke. But, Y/N didn’t know his was doing the exact same thing.
Sometimes, -when they weren’t flirting-, they’d talk for hours about his cases, things going on inside their life and, Matt -only if she knew- could listen to Y/N for hours; talking about her passions, her shitty dates (that made him think he may have a chance with her)… Of course, Foggy knew something was going on between the two of them, he could sense the tension but, he preferred to keep his mouth shut and let his -stupid- friends take the first step because they were obviously in love with each other but, too dumb to realize it…
One night, when Y/N was alone reading some book, she heard a knock on her door. 01:04 was written on her phone; Who could be in front of her apartment at this time of the night? When she opened the door, she froze and, let out a gasp at the awful view of a -very- bloody Matt:
-       “Oh my god! Matt, are you ok? Wha… What happened to you?
-       I just need a little help please.”, he said with a breathless laugh.
-       “Oh shit. Yeah of course! Come on in!”
He already came to her apartment; they loved to gather during the weekend to talk about cases he worked on, which often ended up with them curling on the couch, watching some dumb TV show (I mean, Y/N watched and, Matt listened). They often thought about that; Do friends always cuddle like that? Of course, it’s normal to cuddle with your best-friend, right?
Anyway, he sat on the couch and waited patiently for her. She came back a few seconds later with her first aid kit:
-       “I’m so sorry to come this late Y/N/N…
-       Come on Matt don’t be stupid, you’re bleeding out! You did the right thing by coming here…”. Once, she saw his cuts after lifting his shirt, she swallowed a gasp:
-       “My god… Matt… Wha…
-       It’s ok Y/N/N… I was attacked by some stupid guy who thought it would be fun to hit a blind guy. But, I’m ok though, don’t worry please.
-       Matt, how am I supposed not to worry when you look like that, bleeding on my carpet, full of cuts and bruises?”. As she talked, she was cleaning up his wounds and making his bandages. He didn’t answer, he only let out winces when she applied too much pressure and she excused herself. She knew that if he wanted to talk to her about what happened, he would. So, if he didn’t, it was because he wasn’t ready. Therefore, she let him be and focused on heeling her best-friend…
After, she finished cleaning up the man, Y/N looked at Matt who was gathering his things; he didn’t want to disturb her more so, he planned on going back to his apartment. After all, he was Daredevil, he could -technically- walk alone at night (but, Y/N didn’t know that…):
-       “Erm… Matt, don’t you think it’d be better if you slept here tonight? I’m not very comfortable with you going back home, alone… I can sleep on the couch, it’s totally fine.
-       “Oh no no Y/N, I’m ok.” “Shit, I may have said that way too quickly…”, he thought. He felt her heart sink. Of course he wanted to stay with her, that’s why he came here after the fight but, he didn’t want to disturb her; after all, it was late and, she was probably tired.
-       “I mean! I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just… It’s late, you should go to sleep Y/N/N, I’ll call you when I’m home.
-       Yeah yeah… ok… Good night Matt.”, she said as she looked down.
-       “Good night Y/N.”, he said as he kissed her head. He felt her heart betting faster, just like his…
This thing went on for months; Matt would come to Y/N after beating up bad guys of Hell’s Kitchen. She would heal him and talked to him so he would feel better but, she knew something was off and she hated that… How could he be beaten practically every night with no apparent reason? And, why did he always come to her?  She didn’t mind but, she didn’t understand… In fact, Matt didn’t want Y/N to see him like that but, she was the person he wanted beside him during those moments…
Although, Y/N couldn’t take it anymore; the sight of her best-friend (and secret lover) beaten, hurt… She couldn’t bear the thought of him getting hurt and plus, she knew he was hiding something from her. So, one night when he came, he immediately sensed her frustration and, he was only in the stairs of her apartment building… He knocked on the door and, when she opened, he felt his heart sink in his chest. He knew she was crying and, he couldn’t bear it:
-       “Y/N… Wha… Are you ok?”
He felt her dry her tears and, with a small voice she stuttered:
-       “Y…Erm… Yeah Matt, I’m ok. Bad night again uh? Come on in, I’m gonna grab the kit and I’ll be right back.”
So, he sat and waited. He focused on the noises she made; he wanted to know if she was ok… She came back a few minutes later with everything she needed and, they began their routine full of patches and compresses. Matt focused on her breathing that quickened. She presses her lips and, she felt her tears beginning to fall again. He raised his brows and leaned his head:
-       “What is it Y/N… Did something happen to you? I… I mean…
-       No Matt, everything is fine. Now please, close your eyes so I can clean up the wound.
-       “Bullshit! Why are you lying to me? I can sense it Y/N! You’re clearly not fine!”, he said raising his voice and straightening up (as much as he could). He then felt her jump a little.
-       “Oh so you’re talking to me about lies Matt? Come on, don’t you think it’s a little daring?”, she said raising her voice as well. He clenched his jaw:
-       “I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-       Oh come on! You know damn well what I’m talking about! Do you really think I’m that stupid? You can’t be beaten like that all the time without doing a thing Matt, you and I fucking know it! So, either you tell me what the hell is going on or, you can go and lie to someone else!
-       Y/N, I’m not lying to you. Why would I do that?”, he said now clearly annoyed. Of course he couldn’t tell her… By telling her he was The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen he was putting her in danger and, if something happened to her, he wouldn’t forgive himself; he loved her too much for that.
-       “You and I aren’t best-friends and you fucking know it! Best-friends don’t flirt all the time! Best-friends don’t hang out every weekend and hug like we do when we watch TV! Best-friends don’t come every night at 2am like you do!” She was now fully crying and, she kept banging softly on his chest as he got up. She finally let her feelings express themselves after so long…
-       “So, maybe I’m just imagining things and, maybe you don’t give a damn about me; I’m just here to clean up your wounds or, be your flirt when you’re bored but, I can’t just pretend anymore Matt… I like you… A lot… And, I don’t want to lose you… Seeing you in so much pain makes me sick in my stomach, I’m always worried about you and, you can’t do anything about it and…” He cut her off by pulling his lips on hers. He felt her salty tears on his face and lips but, he didn’t give a damn. His best-friend just confessed her love to him and, he couldn’t be happier at the moment. The pain of his cuts and bruises dissolved with the passion they shared in their kiss. She put her hands at the base of his neck and pulled slowly on his hair, which provided a little groan from him so she could embrace his tongue with hers. All the tension and the love they had for each other was resumed in one kiss, their first and, first of many others. They pulled out, out of breath. Matt was the first to talk again:
-       “I like you Y/N/N, a lot. And, not only as a friend but as everything a man could ever dream of. You’re it for me and, you’ve been for a long time. But, I was scared you didn’t feel the same so, I guess I… just… kept my mouth shut… I didn’t want to lose you so I preferred seeing and keeping you as a friend even if it hurt because I didn’t want to ruin what we had.
-       I’m just glad everything is said now. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to say it even if it meant I had to lose you…
-       Now, I would like to catch the time we lost. So, Y/N Y/L/N, would you like to go out on a date with me?”, he said with his famous smirk.
-       “Well… It would be my pleasure Mr.Murdock but, let’s keep that for after I cleaned up your wounds, ok ?
- Yeah yeah of course! We have all the time in the world now Ms.Y/L/N.”, he said before kissing her again.
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thebatfamfanatic · 3 years
Six Times He Met Her
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, guy taking advantage of a minor in first chap, mention of underage smut in fourth chap, making out?, violence, mentions of blood/injury, main character death, adult language, angst
A/N: First thing I’ve written on Tumblr!! Tell me if anybody likes it, or if I broke your heart. And yes, I know I’m evil.
The first time he saw you was around 2:30 in the morning. Jason was squatting on the edge of a rooftop in Gotham, surveying the dark scenery below him.
Somehow, there was still plenty of traffic on the dirty streets, plenty of cars honking and driving around. Jason always wondered who the fuck needed to be somewhere at 2 am.
He fiddled with a loose seam on the Robin uniform he sported each night, hunting down the assholes of Gotham (pretty much 70% of the city) and putting them in jail, where they belonged.
At 16, Jason Todd technically should have been in bed, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and doing some rich kid shit during the day. Of course, his adoptive (long story) father, Bruce Wayne, richest playboy in Gotham, employed him to be his little tweety bird sidekick at night, so here he was, at the rendezvous watching the streets. yay. A scream came from an alley nearby. Jason stood, stretched his legs, and leaped down from the roof onto the ground. He pinpointed the alleyway where the noise was coming from and raced into it. A girl, about his age, had been cornered by some bitch dude who thought he could take advantage of this girl. Not on Robin’s watch.
Before the girl could scream again, the guy was on the ground and Jason was helping her up. She shakily took the hand he offered her and looked him in the eye. Shit, she had gorgeous eyes. Jason froze for a second, lost in her beauty, before clearing in his throat.
“Hi. I’m Robin, uh, you probably knew that. Are you okay, ma’am?”
He hated the squeak that came out of his mouth. He sounded like a fucking 5 year old. The girl raised her eyebrow. She had recovered rather quickly. “You don’t have to call me ma’am. I’m not some rich-ass royal whatever from Britain.” Jason liked this one. Sassy, but just so. He inquired where she lived, and she gave him the address. With his grappling hook at the ready, Jason pulled her closer to him. She jumped at the sudden closeness, but seemed to enjoy it. Maybe? He didn’t know shit about girls.
Jason shot the hook, propelling them up in the air, and landed on a rooftop. They continued this routine until he got in front of her house. It was still several seconds before he released her waist.
She started to walk towards her door, before stopping.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Sorry, what?” Jason blinked.
“I thought you were smart, Robin. Its my name, dumb ass.”
Then Y/N disappeared into her house. Jason stood there foolishly outside on her front lawn for a while, thinking about the girl he had just met. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, and he realized 10 minutes later that he had forgotten to ask about where her family was and everything.
Oh well. Bruce would be expecting him anyways. Jason shot his grappling hook and started home, still dazed from the encounter.
The second time you guys met was two weeks later. Jason was just Jason Todd, a normal 10th grader living in the shadow of his (adopted) older brother Dick Grayson. Nobody paid much attention to him, and he didn’t really mind. Mostly Jason focused on getting A’s in class and then retreating into the library until Golden Boy’s after school clubs were over.
That is, until you walked in. It sounded as if you had just moved here, and for a minute, Jason felt a little sorry for you. I mean, Gotham wasn’t the greatest place to spend high school, or any grade, in his opinion.
You looked at your schedule from across the hall and then up at the locker next to him. For a second, your eyes met his and Jason was content. Lost in those brilliant colors. And then you looked away and started walking towards him. He realized just in time maybe he should stop leaning over your locker as you stopped next to him.
“Hi. Y/N. Just moved here. Looks like we’re locker neighbors.”
Jason was about to reply with “I know” but restrained himself. “Jason. Nice to meet you. Congrats on moving to this shitshow.”
He managed to not grin like an idiot as you laughed. The sound was music to his ears, like beautiful bells. God, he was being sappy.
“It’s not much of a shitshow when you’re here.” Ooh, she flirts too. Jason smirked as you opened your locker and dumped your stuff inside, pulling out the things you needed for your first class.
The first bell shrieked just as you closed your locker. “See you around, Jason.”
The small smile you gave him made his day, and he almost forgot to get to class. Yes, you were certainly one of a kind, and yes, Jason wanted you. The question was how to get to that point.
You guys had a couple classes together, and frequently sat at the same table during lunch, so it wasn’t long before you were quick friends with Jason. However, the next notable time you met was a little while after he got your number.
Jason was laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr as he thought about ways to ask you out.
Y/N, would you grant me the honor of going out with me? No, too Romeo and Juliet.
Hey, want to grab ice cream? He had to make it clear what his intentions were. Then it wouldn’t be weird if he kissed you, right?
Oh, god, if he fucking kissed you….what would that be like? Before Jason could start fantasizing, his fingers were flying across the keyboard and he had sent a text to you. What did he do, what did he-
Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to see that new movie this weekend. It seems like something you would enjoy.
Hm. That was actually pretty good. Where did he come up with that?
Jason had just started inspecting his fingers for some kind of sign of being possessed by smooth-with-girls-syndrome when you responded. He looked up and read it quickly.
Sure, I’d love that! Thanks for thinking of me ❤️
A heart. You had put a heart at the end of it. Did that mean you knew it was a date?
Jason sighed. He certainly hoped so.
The weekend date went good. By the end of it, Jason was sure you knew it was a date. The second one passed, and then the third. The third one was when you hesitantly pecked him on the cheek. The fourth was when he kissed you actually. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was just enough for him to take you on a fourth date. An actual “will you go out with me on a date” kind of thing.
He took you to a restaurant in the fancy part of things. You two ate food that two broke 16 year olds technically shouldn’t have been able to afford, but Bruce helped Jason out.
Jason drove you home afterwards and discussed the topic of the upcoming summer during the car ride. What you were doing, where he was going. The entire time, Jason had butterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t sure how to act. Was he messing it all up, or were you actually into him?
Once he parked in front of your house and walked you up to the stoop, you looked at him. He noticed you were biting your lip nervously, and god, why did he think that was so hot? “My parents aren’t home.” It was the softest Jason had ever heard you speak, but he knew what you meant. He smiled gently, and kissed you again. This one was destined to last longer, and before either of you realized it, you had opened your door and you were leading him to your bedroom.
That night was one neither of you would forget, and by the end of it, Jason had officially asked out successfully.
You and Jason spent a lot of time together after that. You met his older brother, Dick (who was very happy for Jason, too happy in his opinion) and his dad, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was cool, but very busy all the time.
By two months, Jason still hadn’t told you his identity as Robin, and he was running out of excuses. One day, you confronted him, assuming he was cheating on you. He tried everything, but he had to go out on patrol.
Jason left that night assuming you were broken up. The entire patrol, he wasn’t himself. Truth was, he loved you so much he was afraid of losing you. That had become his greatest fear. It was that night everything went wrong.
You were out taking a late night walk. Down by the pier, a cold wind was blowing, and as you walked past warehouse after warehouse, you pulled your coat tighter.
You were affected as well, and confused about where you and your boyfriend stood. Did you guys just breakup? Did he love you? Did–
A scream echoed from one of the warehouses. You turned, afraid of stepping closer but afraid of leaving the person. Eventually, your curiosity won over and you climbed up several crates to peer into the window.
What you saw inside almost made you scream yourself. Robin, the hero everybody talked about, lay defenseless and bloody on the ground as a tall man-the Joker- whacked him over and over again with a crowbar.
You gasped, wanting to help, but you knew that would be foolish. You would just get in the way for a minute. Tears started to form in your eyes as Robin weakly cried out from the pain. He looked so…helpless.
Joker relentlessly beat him with the crowbar, and Robin’s mask began to come off. You rubbed the tears from your eyes just as the mask fell to the ground.
“No.” was the only thing that you could muster. Jason lay on the ground in the bloody Robin suit. Jason fucking Todd. There was your boyfriend, being beaten to death by the asshole of all assholes. That was why he kept disappearing at night, because he fucking protected the city!
You were mad at yourself for being so cruel to Jason without knowing what was really going on. You barely paid attention as Batman and Nightwing suddenly burst through the windows.
Joker laughed, and said something you couldn’t hear from the outside. Probably taunting Batman as he watched his apprentice get beat to death.
A fight broke out, Batman lunging at Joker as Nightwing rushed to Jason, laying broken on the ground. You had just enough time to duck as a Batarang came swooping out of the hands of the Caped Crusader and straight through the window you were looking through.
It was then you realized how close Jason was to death, and what you needed to do. The window pricked your jacket as you jumped through it, but you didn’t care. Gymnastics back in 6th grade helped when you landed awkwardly. Nightwing spun around, and it wasn’t hard to figure out that was Dick, which meant Bruce was Batman.
However, none of that mattered when Jason was half dead in front of you. Nightwing- Dick- made no effort to stop you as you knelt in front of Jason. “No, no, no.” You cradled his head in your hands, trying hard not to recognize how limp his body was, and how his chest barely moved as he struggled to breathe.
Jason’s eyes were closed, tears running down his face silently. You were crying as well, mumbling curses and things that made no sense.
“Please, don’t be dead. Please, I-I love you.”
You watched Jason make no acknowledgement he could hear you, watched him breathe once more. His chest rose and never fell.
You screamed and buried your head in his costume, not caring about getting blood on your face. Dick pulled you away wordlessly, out of the warehouse. You barely registered that the warehouse exploded behind you a few seconds later.
Dick let you sob into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. Him and Bruce exchanged a short conversation, both riddled with grief.
Six times you and Jason had met, and that was the last.
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fruggo · 3 years
Hello ! I saw the enemies fo lovers things and I wanna request if possible
“ rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago. “
With frank if you would and thank you
yessirrr i love frank sm it’s not ok. also umm i may have accidentally written friends to enemies to lovers or something idk. and though i wouldnt necessarily call you friends at the start, you werent really enemies yet???? idk🐸just ummm yeh i love frank
also help how do i not go overboard???? i feel like i made this way too long, please help and i am sorry
warnings: canon-typical violence, swearing, frank being a bastard but then you’re like awwww he’s a cute bastard aaaaw
Things were weird with Frank, and they always had been from the moment you stepped foot in the Entity’s realm. He always tunneled you relentlessly, and that made you think of him as a big asshole, but there were some strange details tacked onto the sentiment that greatly confused you, should you think about it for more than three seconds.
Sometimes, it seemed like he went easy on you in chases, like he put in no effort. He would chase you for a while, let you waste his time, and then leave without even getting a hit on you when he definitely had the ability to.
And you hated saying this, but when he handled you, it almost felt…gentle. Granted, he was a killer, and his job was to murder you, but your experiences with him did not quite line up with those of the other survivors.
They always described trials against Frank as “stepping on legos in the middle of the night” or something akin to that. You never felt like that, though—when he chased you, it felt fair. Almost as if he played nice with you. And more often than not, the killer would let you go when he caught you. The reason remained a mystery to you until quite a bit later.
This trial, Frank was in 100% bastard mode. You had begun to think of his trials as quite easy due to his seemingly calm nature around you, so you were rather caught off guard when he downed you in the first 30 seconds of the match and tossed you onto a hook, no gentleness whatsoever.
You wanted to yell at him and ask what the fuck was wrong with him until you realized this was his fucking job, and this is how he should have been treating you all along. Maybe you had just been imagining it all, but you could have sworn he used to leave you alone more than this. Something just felt different.
After you were unhooked, he went for you again. And again. And then you were dead, completely wiped out of the trial. Frank had demolished you with no remorse.
You knew it was silly to feel betrayed, but you really couldn’t help it. In such an insane and hellish place, anything that could be even remotely perceived as kindness seemed like so much more of a big deal than it truly was. So Frank’s supposed “gentleness” with you had felt somewhat like a friend doing you a selfless favor. Of course, it was not a selfless favor, and it was certainly nowhere near kindness, because he was still a killer chasing you with a knife, but your standards had really lowered in this place.
After that trial, you were back to hating Frank for tunneling and bullying you (like you probably should). You began to understand the survivors’ saying about the legos—and you hoped that Frank would step on some legos too, because he fucking sucked sometimes.
And for a while, that’s just how it was. You nearly forgot how he used to go easier on you, and how you used to do okay in his matches. Now every time you were pit against each other it just felt like you were being stuck with a bunch of pins; you never had any time to breathe or rest or do literally anything. He just went after you until you were gone, and there was next to nothing you could do about it.
Everything changed very suddenly during a trial at Ormond.
You were expecting the same old routine with this asshole—chase, blah blah blah, die. You hardly had energy to fight back anymore.
So when he arrived out of breath at the killer shack, somehow knowing you would be here, Frank was surprised to find you relaxing under the window with your arms loosely crossed, a disapproving scowl upon your countenance. It was enough to make him hesitate in his tracks.
You let out a deep breath, refusing to break eye contact with his mask; you kept up that menacing frown for as long as you could, trying to make him feel guilty (who knows if it was even possible for him to feel guilty? But it was worth a try).
“Just kill me,” you said, voice steady and seemingly unbothered. Underneath the surface, you were trembling, but you stood your ground. “That’s what you’re gonna do, isn’t it? You’re going to chase me until I’m miserable and kill me off as soon as you can?”
Frank went still, not even fidgeting with his knife like he usually did; he was intrigued by your sudden confidence.
You went on. “I’m really sick and tired of you, you know that? I’m sick of you and your bullshit. Why can’t you treat me like everybody else? At first, you went easy on me. Now you just torture me with your stupid mind games, and frankly, I’m sick of playing! I’m done with you—I don’t care anymore! Just kill me, and I’ll get out of your way, okay asshole? Mori me if you want. I don’t give a shit.”
You put your hands up exasperatedly, fully expecting him to take the offer and just send you back to the campfire right then and there. But the man sighed, pocketed his knife, and sat down right next to you as if this were a normal thing for him to do.
You scooted a few inches away out of instinct. Frank noticed, but he chose not to say a word about it.
It was a long time before he said anything, and when he finally did, you wanted to punch him so bad.
“It’s complicated,” he mumbled. And that was all.
Oh, yeah? It was complicated? You scoffed, hanging your head with a bitter smile. “Oh, okay. Sure.”
Silence again.
Awkward, suffocating silence.
And then Frank got up and left. You were unbothered for the remainder of the trial, not even a scratch or bruise on your body.
Sometimes you simply did things, and you didn’t know why. This thing that you just did was irrational, stupid, unplanned, unwise, and everything in-between, and you knew it was, but frequently you just had no impulse control. Perhaps it was the Entity’s influence, or maybe you had always been this way—you couldn’t really remember.
How did you get here again? Why were you laying on the ground? And why did your leg hurt so fucking much?
Oh, yes. Yes, yes, you remember now.
Funnily enough, it seems as though the Entity, along with certain killers, did not like it when survivors tried to enter their side of the forest! But you did it anyways, and it appeared that you had suffered the consequences. It’s not like you had put much thought into it; where was the point in that when nothing mattered anymore and you were stuck in an endless cycle of death?
You remembered entering the killer’s woods, looking around, and doing…something. What was that something? You couldn’t be sure, but then you remembered somebody coming up to you and probably definitely hurting you. Yep, your leg definitely was in a lot of pain. You couldn’t even look at it. Did you pass out for a while? Maybe. How long were you out for?
You lay still there for a while, thinking. Man, it really hurt, and boy, were you miserable. Maybe more miserable than you’d ever felt here. The Entity normally healed wounds immediately, but perhaps you had just angered it so much you deserved to suffer.
Oh, dear! You seemed to be passing out at this time. Yes, that was almost certainly what was happening. Black spots danced across your eyes as your body began to feel distant and numb, but you didn’t feel very worried about it. In fact, you felt like making jokes right now, but you had nobody to make jokes to and you probably couldn’t even speak.
Just as you began to accept it, there was a strange thumping sensation vibrating through the ground growing closer…and closer…
Footsteps! That’s good!
Oh. Not if it’s a killer. That’s not good, probably.
But you had no way of protesting when you felt yourself being picked up, because those black spots in your eyes were dancing a lot faster now, perhaps something akin to an Irish jig, and you also couldn’t feel your limbs.
Then you were fast asleep again, dreaming of Irish dancers who were actually big fluffy cloud people wearing leprechaun clothes. Nobody but you would ever know this, and it was going to stay that way.
On the bright side, it made it a lot easier for your rescuer to carry you to safety like this.
When you awoke once more, you were horrified to find yourself in the Ormond lodge of all places. You knew immediately what had happened and were determined to escape as soon as possible.
Your injured leg proved to be a huge problem, however, and you collapsed the second you attempted to find freedom. Trying again, you collapsed once more, and probably maimed yourself further in the process.
Hearing the commotion from the second floor, your least favorite member of The Legion descended down from the main stairs, refusing to look directly at you even as he scooped you up and plunked you (gently) back onto the couch, which was rather comfortable (not that you would ever tell him that).
So he was playing it cool, huh?
Okay. You could play it cool, too. You were cool. Smooth as butter.
No. You really couldn’t be cool in a situation like this, and plus, your mind was still a little woohoo since whatever accident had occurred. Suddenly you blurted out, “Frank, I hate your guts.”
And he had the audacity to laugh. He laughed at you! He did the man chuckle thing, as if what you were saying was funny. No! You were completely serious! You did hate his guts!
Perhaps your face showed how upset you were, because he started to apologize (still laughing).
“Maybe you should go back to sleep,” Frank said after calming down a bit.
No. You couldn’t go back to sleep. You did not want to experience dancing cloud people dressed as leprechauns ever again in your life, for the rest of eternity. Never again.
So you shook your head violently, refusing to give an explanation, which just provoked Frank to anger all of a sudden. If you went back to sleep, he could have some alone time while the rest of The Legion was gone. He kept pushing, and you kept resisting, and he pushed and you resisted, until finally he gave up and let you off with a warning. If you made him mad again, he was throwing you out in the snow.
Fine with me, you said. Okay, I’ll do it right now, he said. No balls, you said.
So then Frank casually went to scoop you up in his arms again, and you started to freak out and beat your hands against his chest until he put you back down. He was was awfully mindful of your hurt leg for someone who was about to throw you into the snow.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry—please don’t throw me out,” you fussed. You thought he wouldn’t actually do it. You didn’t know it, but you were right—he was just messing with you because it was funny seeing you scared.
After a bit more griping back and forth, Frank began to grow concerned about your leg. He didn’t know how to bring up the topic because things were so odd between the two of you; this was your first interaction since the brief encounter in the shack. But he swallowed his pride, because the wound seemed to be getting worse by the minute.
“Hey, do you want me to, uhh…get some supplies?” Frank asked awkwardly. When you didn’t understand, he continued, “Your leg? It looks like it hurts…I could fix it if you want.”
You barked out a laugh at his words, unbelieving of this shift in attitude. “Rich coming from the guy who tried to kill me three days ago,” you snickered, genuinely finding it amusing.
Frank took offense. He was trying to be nice for once, and you thought it was funny. And his situation really was complex, whether you chose to believe it or not. Maybe he should just tell you to get it off of his chest.
“Listen,” he said, voice laced with seriousness. “When I told you things were complicated, I meant it.”
Sensing the mood change from his tone and body language, you stopped smiling and decided to pay attention to him. Just this once. Never again. After this you could go back to hating him.
Frank continued. “The Entity was going to start…well, hurting me, if I didn’t start doing better in trials. I really didn’t want to sacrifice you, which is embarrassing to admit, but I’ll say it. And I don’t think it liked that.”
You were surprised. And also relieved that you had been right all along—he had been going easy on you at first.
“Why me, though?” you asked, confused. “Why wouldn’t you want to sacrifice me? What about the other survivors?”
If the slight tilt of his head at your question didn’t answer it for you, the way he started tapping his feet and cracking his knuckles so nervously did.
Boy, if looks could kill, you would have died instantly at the scowl Frank sent your way; you grinned pridefully at the realization that this man was down bad. You couldn’t see the expression behind his mask, though, which Frank was thankful for.
He hated every second of this, but you loved it. You reveled in his embarrassment.
Leaning forward on your hands, you begged, “Tell me more! I want to hear all about your feelings for me.”
“I could stab you right now, you know that?”
“But you won’t. You liiiiike me!”
“What are you, eight years old?”
“No, but I am severely injured and have lost a lot of blood so I am not necessarily in the right headspace at the moment.”
“You make a fair point.”
“So tell me! What’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Your ass.”
“No, really.”
“Okay, your ass and your hair.”
“You know what, Frank, I still hate your guts.”
“No, you don’t.”
You paused for a moment. It was probably the blood loss talking, you decided later, but you said, “No. Maybe I don’t.”
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rwprincess · 3 years
Two Worlds Collided
A/N: Oh, an anachronistic songfic from RWPrincess? But this time it’s about John Bender! :D Inspired by Never Tear Us Apart (originally by INXS in 1987, but I particularly like this Paloma Faith version)
Word Count: 2K
Synopsis: Bender met reader at the Breakfast Club and the two seemed like opposites, but they shared a common hidden sadness. Over the years, feelings and relationships change.
CW: Swearing, sexuality, Bender being a general asshole
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Bender had met her the same way everyone in the Breakfast Club had, on the Saturday detention on March 24th. He had seen her in the hallways prior to that as he was always observant. He had seen everyone in the Breakfast Club before that day; but he hadn’t given her much thought. Now, he was paying attention to little else. He had no idea why he was drawn to her; they were both so different and he could never picture himself with a goody-two-shoes like that. But the way she had reacted to his more vulnerable, real moments, how she tried to make a connection with him...that stuck with him. He knew he should have learned from his disastrous blow-up with Claire that two people who were so different just wouldn’t work out. He repeated this to himself over and over, like a mantra, but it never changed how he actually felt.
After the breakup, the Breakfast Club had a split between those who chose Bender and those who chose Claire. Of course, Andrew sided with Claire unconditionally, but John considered that as no big loss. Allison tried to play the middle ground and Johnson had sided more with him, but he was surprised at the wholehearted backing he received from Y/N. He had assumed that she would either try to be neutral like Allison, or pick Claire. She had no reason to side with him, he had always come off as an aloof ass. But she had, and he was eternally grateful for that. He had originally decided to get together with Claire because the notion had a hot, forbidden quality to it. They spent time insulting each other and making out to make up for it. It was as passionate as it was destructive, so of course it couldn’t last. However, when he was alone and reflected to himself, he had been attracted to Y/N all along. She was hot, yes, but he had plenty of good-looking girls to choose from. He was more drawn to that kind, quiet inside she had displayed that day. How she had gone out of her way numerous times to reach out to him and had been genuinely nice to him. Most of the time, someone only did that to gain something for themselves. Whether it was to use him or to make themselves feel better, it depended on the person, but with Y/N that never felt like it was the case.
Don't ask me
What you know is true
Don't have to tell you
I love your precious heart
He thought back to the first time he saw her on that Saturday, walking into the library and looking so out of place. He was already adjusting into his spot when she entered and she froze in front of all the tables like a deer-in-the-headlights, as if she had just materialized there and had no clue what she was doing. He remembered feeling both attracted to that doe-eyed look and scoffing internally at it. While she wasn’t part of the cliques that Andrew and Claire were, she had a very sheltered look to her and he was envious of that type of innocence. Her ignorance must have been bliss compared to the hell he lived each day at school and at home. She was just as out of place as the preppies or ultra-dweeb Johnson, but instead of being offended by that notion, she looked terrified. She meekly put her items on the front-row desk opposite to him and he thought about all the fun he could poke at everyone here, including her. However, the first blow did not land well. Bender loved making people uncomfortable, but he didn’t necessarily want to make them cry. He’d made some off-handed remark towards her. He had been circling her and eyeing her, employing the discomfort he liked inflicting, trying to ‘guess’ why she was in detention. “I bet you were caught fooling around with a teacher, right? Always the quiet ones that you’d least suspect…”
John Bender rarely regretted his words or actions. He knew he was an asshole and let unfiltered thoughts through so that he could be the center of attention. In doing so, he had to stand by all the shit he said, even when he crossed a line. This was one of the scattered occasions in which he felt remorse, though. She didn’t reply, not verbally, anyway, but she looked scared shitless and was rooted to the spot. Tears instantly sprang up in her eyes and she looked as if she were about to hurl right on his combat boots. He backed off after that. He didn’t apologize, because that’s not something John Bender could have on his reputation, but he didn’t target her. There was something so sincere about her reaction and he saw himself reflected in that expression. Not the tough-as-nails persona he projected, but his secret self who had seen too much too early in life and could barely stand another blow. He didn’t know what her deal was, but there was a heavy sadness behind those eyes that was far too real for him to tamper with.
When he had shown the group his souvenir for spilling paint in his garage, courtesy of his father, she must have seen that reflection back. No one in that group actually knew him. They all thought he was a lying sack of shit; what could he say? His reputation preceded him. But he caught her gaze as he backed away from the group, and the sadness in her recognized the sadness in him. He felt an odd sort of click, a mutual understanding, but he turned away from them all and trashed the library.
I, I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart
That was months ago, and out of everyone he met that day, she was the one who truly stuck by him. He’d surprisingly connected with Johnson, sure. Everybody likes to get high and Bender was the supplier. And he and Allison had similar interests, but she wouldn’t give up Andrew and with that territory came Claire...there was just no going back to that. But Bender still had Y/N, and he could never understand it. The first time he had brought her into his friend circle, he tried to justify it as sticking to his word and ‘having the balls to stand up to his friends’ like he had told Claire to do. He also reasoned that it was some sort of social experiment. As much as he liked to portray himself as someone who couldn’t care less, Bender was entirely social. He craved attention and admiration for others and could read just about anyone like a book. Maybe that’s why he didn’t mess with Y/N after that first comment landed so wrongly. He felt like he knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling and decided to back off. However, it wasn’t just some ‘watch and see how she interacts’ set up; Bender genuinely wanted her there. He wanted to integrate her into his life.
She was still extremely quiet, mostly a speak-when-you’re-spoken-to type, but he started to peel back layers in her personality. He found that, despite that lurking sadness, there was an unending pool of optimism. She tried to see the best in situations and in people. She meshed incredibly well with his friends because she listened instead of judged. She would nod along like she knew exactly what they were talking about and how they felt. He started to develop an attachment to her. While he was still dating Claire, he told himself it was akin to having a pet. Y/N was like a goldfish that he could tell his problems to and know the secret would be kept. But after Claire, he realized that wasn’t the case...particularly when he sought Y/N’s comfort above all else. He divulged the entire last big fight he and Claire had to her, and she was just so...reassuring. After that day, he began to see her in a different light. He argued with himself over what his feelings and intentions actually were, but he couldn’t keep them at bay for long. She was good for Bender. He had never felt lighter.
Of course, Bender had not known stability in his life ever, and the risk of falling for Y/N and having it mean something and being accountable to one person overwhelmed him. He did what he knew best: he fought it and ran away from it. At first, he tried to avoid her, just distance himself. But he’d gravitate back; being without her was too heavy to bear. He wanted to try to actively push her away, to fuck up this relationship with his words, just like he did with everything else. But when he opened his mouth to try to lie, to say he didn’t need her or want her around or whatever, he would look into her eyes and it became impossible. He remembered the way he had shaken her to her core the first day they met, and he couldn’t allow himself to bring that sadness up again in her.
We could live for a thousand years
But if I hurt you
I'd make wine from your tears
Eventually, he gave in. While he was able to control his words to not say anything harmful, he wasn’t able to contain them from slipping up and telling her, “Dammit, I love you!” It wasn’t in a context that could be taken as joking or being said flippantly; she knew immediately what he meant and that he meant those words, wholly.
She took his face in her hands and told him, “I love you, too.” There was no turning back, and as the years passed, they fell deeply in love. He'd dug up her secrets and fears, but she seemed to trust him enough to not use them against her in any way. They both dreaded the prospect of never getting out of Shermer and falling into the same circular trap their parents had. However, he reassured her that the moment they had the opportunity, they would bust out of there. He lucked out that Claire had never asked for her diamond earring back. It was probably one of many and she had forgotten she had even given it to him as a token. He decided to pawn it to top-off the savings he and Y/N had accrued. "You're too good for me, you're sure as hell too good for this place,'' he told her. The trade-in was enough to get them out of town and start anew, but only one of them could really ‘move up’ for now. While they argued back and forth about who should get to pursue which dream, Bender rationalized to her, “I was barely cut out for high school. I can’t really do college. And that’s okay. You’re the brains in this relationship, I’m the beauty.” He winked at her and with her laughter as response, that sealed the deal of who was going to school.
I told you
That we could fly
'Cause we all have wings
But some of us don't know why
She searched the crowd, holding her diploma. Bender had supported her both financially and emotionally these last four years and now they had the degree to prove it. She felt pride in being able to take over from him and let him follow a new path. He had always been good with his hands, but despite his protests, he was good with his mind too. He was a sharp-thinker and she knew that he could make a career that he loved out of that. She’d be there to push and brace him as he had done for her. Finally, she spotted him. When their eyes connected, she felt that same crackle that she had the first day they had met, all those years ago. Before the friendship and the love, she knew there was a spark there, that they were two of a kind, even though they were so different.
I, I was standing
You were there
Two worlds collided
And they could never tear us apart
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