#when I was at the living history cast party yesterday and got to meet the other cast members for the first time
sassmill · 2 years
Extremely unnerving when you’re suddenly aware of a spirit when you thought you were alone. Not in an ominous way more like uh. Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there. Um.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Romantic Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
Some movies brave enough to tread where only pop songs and poems go, and try to capture all the drama, contradictions and happy, bubbly feelings that come along with romance and love. It’s high-time that we honor them and defend them against their unearned sappy reputations with the best romantic movies on Amazon Prime.
We’ve scoured Amazon Prime to find the best romantic movies available for your viewing pleasure. Here are the best romantic movies on Amazon Prime. Ok, some of them are perfectly sappy.
The Big Sick
Kumail Nanjiani and his wife Emily Gordon’s theatrical debut made big waves when it came out for the singularity of its vision and just how plain funny it is. Now Amazon gets to reap the benefits of producing a bonafide romantic indie hit by getting its exclusive streaming rights. The Big Sick is the real life story of comedian Kumail Nanjiani meeting and falling in love with his wife, Emily (who is played by Zoe Kazan in the film).
Kumail and Emily’s courtship process is difficult enough to begin with due to Kumail’s family pressuring him to find a nice Pakistani girl to settle down with. But soon things get even more difficult as Emily suffers a health scare and Kumail must suddenly contend with that situation and Emily’s eccentric parents who have just come to town. The Big Sick is a clear vision from talented people and tells a beautifully convincing love story while making plenty of room for laughter. Not only that but it’s a big win for our list of best romance movies on Amazon Prime.
Watch The Big Sick
What If
Canadian drama What If (originally known as The F Word before the MPAA got its greasy fingers all over it) is a fun romantic movie and a tremendous showcase for its two young stars Daniel Radcliffe (you know what he’s from) and Zoe Kazan (The Big Sick). Radcliffe stars as Wallace – a directionless young man living in Toronto who decides to become more social after his girlfriend cheats on him.
Enter Kylo Ren (Adam Driver playing a character who is unfortunately not named Kylo Ren) who takes Wallace to a party where he meets the alluring Chantry (Kazan). Wallace and Chantry immediately fall for each other. Unfortunately there’s the small matter of Chantry’s boyfriend. What If? is a sweet little Canadian flick that knows how to push its audiences romantic buttons.
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Still Mine
Still Mine isn’t necessarily about romance. It’s about love – a deep prevailing love built up over decades. Craig Morrison (James Cromwell) is a farmer in rural New Brunswick, Canada. He intends to build a new house for his ailing wife Irene (Geneviève Bujold) but runs into trouble with the local municipality’s bureaucracy prevents him from doing so.
Still Mine is as romantic a movie about bureacratic development regulations as has ever existed. Cromwell and Bujold have wonderful chemistry and paint a portrait of profound, abiding love.
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Some Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of Wonderful doesn’t have the same pop culture standing as other John Huges films like Sixteen Candles or Pretty in Pink. Still this remains a worthwhile entry into the Hughes canon on teenage love. 
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Celebrating John Hughes’ Sixteen Candles
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Keith Nelson (Eric Stoltz) is a high school outcast who has his eyes set on popular girl Amanda Jones (Lea Thompson). Thankfully he has his tomboyish Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson) to help court her. Based on that meager plot description, you may think you know where Some Kind of Wonderful is going to end up, and…you’re probably right. That doesn’t make the journey any less satisfying. 
Watch Some Kind of Wonderful
To Catch a Thief
You know who would make a great romance film? The guy who did Psycho. Yes To Catch a Thief is a classic romance film from none other than Alfred Hitchcock. Of course, there’s a lot more going on in this heist thriller.
Cary Grant stars as retired cat burglar John Robie. When another burglar starts copying his act, Robie has to undergo One Last Job (TM) to catch…a thief. In the process John comes across the wealthy Frances (Grace Kelly) and the two strike up an unlikely romance for the ages.
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Hello, My Name is Doris
Between TBS’ Search Party and Hello, My Name is Doris, director Michael Showalter had a stellar 2016. Hello, My Name is Doris is a wonderfully sweet, equally tragic and completely hilarious romantic comedy. Sally Field stars as the titular Doris, a lively woman in her 60s who after the death of her mother becomes infatuated with a younger man. 
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Best Romantic Movies on Netflix
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By Alec Bojalad
With the help of cliched self-help materials she does whatever she can to get his attention. Hello, My Name is Doris is an empathetic romantic comedy that will change how you view age. 
Watch Hello, My Name is Doris
Sabrina (1995)
Let’s get one thing out of the way right now. Sabrina‘s theatrical poster is dope. When I was a kid and I would pass the VHS cover in Blockbuster, I couldn’t help but think “Wow, that is a real adult movie.” At a young age, the mere sight of a woman’s lascivious red lipstick (lascivious in my head at least) was enough to fry my brain. Poster aside, however, Sabrina is an excellent romance with some real star power. It’s a remake of the 1954 film of the same name starring Billy Wilder and Audrey Hepburn. 
This version was directed by the great Sydney Pollack and stars Harrison Ford, Greg Kinnear, and Julia Ormond. Weirdly enough Greg Kinnear plays the ultimate rich playboy while Harrison Ford plays his studious older brother. Weird casting choices but it works out alright thanks to each actor’s chemistry with Ormond.
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Ghost is much more than just the reason you can no longer attend a pottery class without giggling. It’s a legitimately great sci-fi romance yarn. Patrick Swayze stars as Sam a banker who is killed by a mugger. Immediately post-death he discovers that he has become a ghost and can no longer directly interact with his girlfriend Molly (Demi Moore).
Sam sets out to solve his own murder and somehow reconnect with the woman he loves. Ghostcomes along with all the corniness of an early ’90s blockbuster but its central theme of love trying to achieve the impossible plays in any decade.
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Brokeback Mountain
Longing is a crucial part of the formula in any romance movie and Brokeback Mountain has it in spades. Ang Lee’s 2005 film played a crucial role in bringing queer cinema to the mainstream and it did so by presenting mostly straight audiences with a universal depiction of love and passion – the kind of love that supersedes the norms and expectations of everything in your life to that point.
Heath Ledger and Jake Gylllenhaal star as 1960s Wyoming cowboys Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist. While herding sheep on the Brokeback mountains, Jack makes a sexual pass at Ennis and the two begin a summer-long physical affair. The movie then follows the pair through the subsequent decades as they try to return to their “normal” lives, all the while unable to forget their time on Brokeback.
Watch Brokeback Mountain
Letter to Juliet
Somewhere along the way, Hollywood decided to let Amanda Seyfried become the queen of romantic comedies set in exotic locales…and that’s perfectly fine with us.
In Letters to Juliet, Seyfried stars as a New York fact checker Sophie on “pre-honeymoon” with her fiancé in Verona. There she learns of the phenomenon of “letters to Juliet” where women women bring love letters to Juliet Montague’s Verona courtyard. When Sophie answers a letter from 1957, she embarks on a decades-spanning journey of love and self-discover.y
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What Men Want
Back in 2000, only one film had the distinction…nay, the courage of trying to figure out What Women Want. The answer, apparently, was Mel Gibson. We don’t talk about this movie that much.
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2019’s What Men Want is a loose remake of the earlier film. And it has something that the original never did: Taraji P. Henson! Henson stars as Ali Davis, a sports agent who gains the ability to read men’s minds after meeting a shaman. The movie puts Ali’s male-dominated profession to good use and in the process tells a nifty little romance story.
Watch What Men Want
There’s Something About Mary
More than two decades later, it’s still wild to see that above screenshot. Like, that ran in newspapers. It was on a poster! And if you don’t know why a photo of Cameron Diaz with a unique hairstyle is a big deal then you’ve likely not seen the Farrelly Brothers 1998 gross out classic There’s Something About Mary.
This is not so much a romance movie as it is an exploration of the pitfalls of attraction. Diaz stars as Mary Jensen…and there’s just something about her. Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon, Lee Evans, and Chris Elliott all play men who are helplessly in love with Mary and trying to win her affection. In the process, many injuries as sustained.
Watch There’s Something About Mary
Moulin Rouge!
If you like your romance with more than a dash of Baz Luhrmann saturated colors and big, sexy musical numbers then Moulin Rouge! is almost certainly the movie for you.
This 2001 film is set in 1900s Paris amid the Bohemian movement. When Christian (Ewan McGregor) falls in love with Moulin Rouge cabaret actress and courtesan Satine (Nicole Kidman), he must contend with her impending betrothal (or really sale) to the Duke of Montrose. As one might imagine, this is resolved with quite a bit of singing and dancing.
Watch Moulin Rouge!
Sylvie’s Love
Amazon Prime’s 2020 film Sylvie’s Love positively oozes jazz era atmosphere and tells a compelling, decades-spanning love story in the process.
Tessa Thompson stars as Sylvie Parker, a young woman who one day meets an aspiring saxophonist (played by Kerry Washington’s husband and former NFLer Nnamdi Asomugha) and in her father’s record shop in 1950s Harlem. This leads to sweeping romance that guides the pair through the era’s jazz music scene.
Watch Sylvie’s Love
The post Best Romantic Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ripley95 · 4 years
Echoes of Old Embers
Chapter 13
Pairing: F!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko
Rating: T
Chapter length: 3.7K
Story Synopsis:
After surviving the war, one of Shepard’s biggest regrets was rejecting Kaidan at Apollo’s. Fate has a way of bringing Jane and Kaidan back into each other’s lives. A misunderstanding with his family makes Kaidan and Shepard relive old history and question where they stand.
Link to Chapter 1 on AO3
Chapter Synopsis:
Shepard goes to find Kaidan in the wine cellar. They’re forced to finally have a much-needed discussion.
Read to Chapter 13 on AO3
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
Read the chapter here below the cut:
Shepard made her way through the grass towards the house. Dew was already collecting in the cool night air and her feet were getting wet through her open-toed shoes. Her dress showed more skin than she was accustomed to and goosebumps were starting to develop thanks to the chill. She finally reached the sliding door to the kitchen and stepped in. The house was still dark thanks to not having been in use since the afternoon, except for a light coming from the open door leading down towards the cellar that was attached to the kitchen.
She hadn’t had the pleasure of seeing that part of the house for herself yet, everyone had been so busy. Kaidan and Ada had both told her that the cellar was down there, though, housing what was left of the family wine.
She slowly made her way to the door and looked down the staircase. It was longer than she was expecting, barely any of the actual cellar was visible from up at the top. It was apparent that Kaidan was probably still down there since the lights were still on, so she started to go down the steps. Suddenly, she remembered how close Ada had been to hearing their semi-private conversation the previous day, so she decided to shut the door behind her. As she got closer to the bottom, she noticed a chill in the air that was getting more and more noticeable as it started prickling the hairs on her arms. She remembered Kaidan telling her that it was imperative to keep the cellar cool in order to maintain the best quality, and she was definitely feeling it. Her attire did nothing to help warm her, her goosebumps getting worse, but she was sure she could stick it out for one conversation.
She passed a larger metallic door at the bottom and took a better look around now that she could see more. It was bigger than she had imagined it would be—rows of casks, and more rows of actual bottles being stored on special shelving units. Everything was cast in a dim, warm glow from the low voltage lighting overhead. It could have been rather quaint and cozy had it not been for the cold temperature that was nipping at her flesh.
She looked around a bit and couldn’t see him or even hear him for that matter. If he was still down here, he was doing an excellent job of being quiet.
“Kaidan?” she spoke up, loud enough that the entire room should have been able to hear it.
She heard a clacking noise and an “oof,” coming from a couple of rows over. She moved towards the sound.
“Kaidan?” she asked again, a little softer this time.
He stood up in front of the shelf he was looking in, rubbing the back of his head. He must have been hunched over in search of the wine Ada sent him down here to look for and got startled by her calling out for him.
“Oh,” he said, sounding slightly dejected, “hey, Shepard.” He was rubbing the back of his head in pain from hitting it so hard.
“Are you okay?” Shepard asked.
He relaxed his arm back down to his side. “Yeah. Just a bump. Don’t worry about it.”
Shepard nodded at that, glad that he wasn’t hurt at least. “Uh, so, I saw you run away earlier. I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Shepard said, lacking her characteristic confidence.
He looked down towards his feet, silent for a moment. “Yeah. I’m fine,” he said in a way that sounded like he wasn’t even sure of that, himself.
Shepard took that as a clue that he probably didn’t want to talk about it. She wasn’t about to force him. Besides, she was here for her own reasons anyway, and that was to tell him she was going to leave in the morning. Though, now that she was confronted with the reality of it, she didn’t want to say it. She knew that would be the last step to saying goodbye, maybe forever, but she couldn’t keep going this way anymore, so it was for the best.
“Um, so, listen,” Shepard said, garnering Kaidan’s attention. “I’ve decided that I’m going to leave tomorrow. After breakfast.”
“Oh,” he said, sounding somewhat surprised. He looked up from his feet then. “Do you have anywhere to go?” His question was laced with genuine concern. Something she should have expected from this whole idea.
Shepard fidgeted with her hands a bit, wanting to avert his gaze worse than she ever had before. She’d never felt so flustered and unsettled in her life, and that was saying a lot.
“I’ll think of something. I just think it’s for the best.”
Kaidan looked back to the wine rack, not so much out of having a purpose. Shepard suspected it was more for wanting a distraction.
“Ah. Okay,” was all he muttered and it pained her. It was what she wanted after all, but she wasn’t expecting this kind of reaction. Something must have happened to make him withdraw so much and let her go so willingly. She supposed it told her all she needed to know, though.
They were silent for another moment, neither of them knowing what to say.
“Well,” Kaidan finally said. “Mom asked me to come down here to find a bottle of wine for Libby and Derek, but I sure as hell can’t find the one she’s looking for. We should probably get back to the party. Don’t want people wondering where we escaped off to,” he said, not even looking at her as he brushed past her.
He made his way over to the staircase, Shepard following closely behind. He went up a few steps quickly before finally looking up to the top of the stairs when he stopped dead in his tracks. With one hand on the rail, he turned back to look at her.
“What?” she asked, concerned.
“Did you close the door?”
She looked at him, slightly concerned for where this was going. “After your mom almost caught us talking in the living room yesterday, I just wanted to make sure we’d have some privacy.”
He rubbed his forehead in frustration before running his fingers across his jawline, the prickle of stubble only just coming through, making that scraping noise.
“We’re locked in, aren’t we?”
“I don’t know,” he said, making his way up the stairs. Shepard opted to stay at the bottom, crossing her arms, waiting. “The last time I was here, the lock was broken. It was on my to-do list to check while I was here this time, but we’ve been so busy. I haven’t had the chance to check it yet.”
As he got to the top, he fiddled with the door handle. It was another one of those old-fashioned doors that Shepard wasn’t used to, though, this one seemed a lot more solid than the other doors in the house. It wouldn't be an easy one to break through, even if he was willing to do that to his mom’s door.
“I’m not sure how people function like this anymore,” he said, trying to rotate the handle more. “Everything’s attachable to an omni-tool these days. One wave of the wrist and doors open by proximity. But no, my parents kept putting off upgrading, saying they wanted to maintain the rustic look. It fit the property better,” he said with a bit more frustration as he huffed out in exasperation. He weaved his fingers through his hair, looking towards the handle. “Of course, they didn’t mind automating the tree pruners, but this is the hill they chose to die on. If they had just updated, I could have hacked our way out of here.”
Shepard still didn’t know what to say, the chill of the air made her goosebumps even worse. She grazed her hands over her arms, trying to transfer some heat over herself.
“Do you have a bobby pin or anything?”
“What, you know how to pick a lock like that?” she asked, looking at him incredulously.
“Do you have any better ideas?”
He had a point there. Luckily, she did have some. She pulled one out as she went up the stairs to meet him. He took the pin from her hand, and turned around to fit it into the keyhole. He moved it around and jiggled the handle. It was all uncoordinated and filled with frustration.
He stood up and huffed out, making his irritation evident. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, Shepard.”
“I don’t suppose you keep any tools down here? A crowbar? Anything?”
He looked down at the floor. “I wasn’t talking about the door,” he said before turning around and brushing past her to go back down the stairs. “Though, yeah, I don’t know what I’m doing there either.”
The words struck her off balance. She watched him momentarily before she started following. He went to the back corner of the cellar and took another close look at the wine rack he was studying earlier. He was acting like he was trying to find something specific.
“What did you mean by that?” she asked, the curiosity unbearable.
“Nothing. Let’s just drop it,” he said, sounding more upset with himself over it rather than her asking.
He ended up randomly choosing one of the bottles. He then went over to the counter and pulled out a drawer to find a corkscrew. He quickly opened the bottle, tossing the opener on the counter, and took a chug right out of the bottle.
“Here, you want some?” he asked, after he finished, handing her the bottle.
She took it, but didn’t take a drink. Not yet, anyway.
“Dad set up this whole cellar to act as a bunker if the Reapers hit after the attack on the Citadel. I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason my family made it out of the war okay,” he said, moving towards a cabinet beside the counter, opening it to look at the contents. “Thanks to that, he put signal blockers throughout the whole ceiling. Even if we were to try to call anyone or send a message through our omni-tools, I don’t think any of them would get through.”
“What about your mom? She was the one that sent you down here. She’d have to know that something must have happened if you don’t make your way back to the party, right?”
“It’s possible, but I wouldn’t count on it,” he said, shifting through the cabinet some more. “It’s her daughter’s wedding. She’s busy having fun. I wouldn’t be surprised if we might have to wait until morning when everyone’s having breakfast and hope that people can hear us banging on the door from the kitchen.”
That didn’t exactly instill much confidence.
“The one good thing about dad turning this into a bunker is that there’s plenty of supplies still here. Even a couple of sleeping bags,” he said as he took them out of the cabinet and brought them over to an empty space up against the wall. He rolled them out for both of them to sit on. “May as well make ourselves comfortable. Even if we’re not here all night, it’s probably going to be a while,” he said, turning towards her before he had a chance to sit down. He noticed that she hadn’t taken a sip of the wine and held her arms in a way that suggested she was cold. As he examined her more, he saw that she was covered in goosebumps. “Oh, I didn’t even think of the temperatures down here. You must be freezing. I can turn it up a bit, but I probably shouldn’t tamper with it too much.” He took out his omni-tool and made an adjustment before he took his jacket off. “See, another thing I can do with an omni-tool. I don’t know what they were thinking with that damn door. But here. Take this. Hopefully that will help a bit, too,” he said with a smile, offering his jacket.
“You really don’t have to do that. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Shepard said, appreciating the chivalry, but not wanting to add another kind gesture from him on top of everything else to make her feel even more guilty.
He kept his arm out, insistent on her taking it. “Come on. You know I’m basically a human furnace.”
She did know that. She usually ran cold, herself. The brief amount of time they did spend together romantically, she always woke up curled around him, seeking out that warmth.
“I’ve been so hot all day. You’d practically be doing me a favour at this point.”
“Well, in that case, how could I say no,” she said with a forced smile. She exchanged the bottle of wine for his jacket and put it on. Damned if she did, damned if she didn’t, so she may as well have the extra layer.
When she was finished, Kaidan decided to sit down on the sleeping bag. He took a swig of the wine, and patted the area next to him, signalling for her to join him. “May as well get comfortable.”
She was hesitant for a moment, but figured he was right. They could be in for a long night. Her leg was already starting to bother her from all of the dancing earlier and it probably wouldn’t do any good to make it worse by standing around awkwardly, so she moved to join him. As she sat down, she stretched her legs out and crossed them at her ankles, wrapping the jacket tighter around herself, trying to contain any heat. The chill already felt like it had settled in her bones, so it wouldn’t be easy to warm up with that being her starting point.
Kaidan took another swig of the wine, and passed it over to her. She stared at it, having half a mind to think better of it. As much as she was looking forward to alcohol earlier in the evening, this particular situation was bad enough without being inebriated. Against her better judgement, she decided she may as well join him, otherwise it might be a really long night.
She took a swig from the bottle, savouring the flavours, almost surprised by it. Clearly, the Alenkos took this part of their family business seriously, seeing the investment they made in this cellar. Still, she didn’t expect this kind of quality. “Damn, Kaidan, this really is good.”
He smiled at that. “You know I had nothing to do with it, right?”
“I guess that makes sense,” she said, taking another swig before handing the bottle back. “Well, kudos to your family then.”
“I’ll be sure to let them know you said so,” he said with a small laugh.
He drank a bit more of it before putting the bottle down beside him. He rested his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. A silence settled between them—one of many as of late. Shepard stared at the casks in front of her, not knowing what else to say at this point. After everything that had happened, maybe silence wasn’t the worst thing anyway. She folded her arms in front of her, pulling the jacket tighter. Kaidan let out a big sigh next to her, prompting her to look back at him.
“I miss you, Jane,” he said softly with a tinge of sadness behind it.
She looked back to him, speechless by the admission. It gave her a surge of hope. Did he mean romantically? Maybe she was overreading the situation. They hadn’t spent time together like this since the Normandy, after all. Maybe he just missed their friendship. Still, though, that hint of sadness behind his words made her feel like it was more. She still worried whether that really mattered, though. She planned to get back into combat when she was deemed ready for active duty. The possibility of dying would always be real in her line of work. That’s what they signed up for. But somehow, the state of things felt a little less bleak than they used to. She no longer had the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders. That risk of death didn’t feel like an absolute finality anymore, not like it did during the war. Did they have to be destined to live an entire life away from each other just for a chance?
Kaidan rubbed his forehead then. “I said that out loud, didn’t I? Don’t worry. I’ve been picking up the hints. I think you’ve made it pretty clear that you still just want to be friends. Forget I even mentioned it.”
He must have gotten insecure from the silence that passed while she was in thought. She eyed his hand that was in his lap now, too tempting not to reach out. She gently slid her own palm underneath his and intertwined their fingers. Was she really doing this? This whole trip, she’d been telling herself she needed to keep her distance. She fought so hard to maintain that, but now she was giving into herself so easily. Holding his hand was as invigorating as the day he showed her around the orchard, except this time, it also held hope.
“I miss you, too,” she said quietly and genuinely.
Kaidan looked to her with questioning eyes as though that was the last thing he was expecting her to say.
“What?” he said, mouth slightly agape like he was still trying to understand.
“I made a mistake,” she said, finally admitting it, hoping that this was the right decision. She stuck to her guns for so long that this admission also felt like a mistake. But nothing could be worse than living in denial anymore. Not when he was here giving her an opening for a second chance. She looked down at their joined hands, not able to look him in the eye. “At Apollo’s. When you wanted to get back together. It hurt me more than you know to reject you back then.”
“Then why?” he asked, a hint of sadness behind the words. It sounded like his heart was ripped out of his chest, and it was enough to make her cringe slightly. She finally realised that no matter what she had done, trying to protect him or not, it had hurt him all the same.
“I couldn’t do it to you again,” she said, still not able to look at him.
“Couldn’t do what?”
“Couldn’t die. Couldn’t leave you like that again,” she said, biting the edge of her lip. She felt like she could cry from the year’s worth of regret she was carrying. “I was so sure I was never going to come out of the war alive.”
Kaidan let out a sigh. He turned to her then, gently clasping her cheek and turning her head to face him before resting his forehead against hers, eyes closed as she leaned into it.
“I wish you’d talked to me. Given me a choice,” he said, brushing his thumb over her cheek softly. It made her jaw tingle in a way she had missed. “Even if that did end up happening, all I ever wanted was to spend whatever time we had left together. That hasn’t changed. I tried moving on from you, but I can’t. You’re it for me, Jane. Not being with you wouldn’t have made it any less difficult.”
She let out a sob. She’d been so foolish taking matters into her own hands. He was right and she would have felt the same way had the roles been reversed. It didn’t matter that they weren’t together, she would have been just as lost and destroyed without him if he had died. Why had she thought it would be any different for him?
“I’m sorry,” was all she managed to get out without her voice cracking.
That prompted him to move his hand down to her chin and prop her head up a bit more, separating their foreheads, making her look at him.
“It’s okay. Let’s not dwell on what we can’t change. We’re both here now.”
She gave the subtlest of nods, agreeing with the sentiment. They looked at each other for another moment before they both leaned in close enough to share each other’s breath. They paused as though they had waited so long that galaxies would implode if they took that final step now. Thoughts of wasted time, and wondering if this was real filled the seconds they stayed like that in anticipation. Finally, Kaidan pulled her in the rest of the way. Their lips grazed gently before pulling apart ever so slightly. It was so familiar and missed.
They both smiled at the thought.
“Jane,” Kaidan said, prompting her to look at him seriously. “I want to be a part of your life, no matter what’s in store. I want to be there for you in your moment of need. I want to be there for the good and the bad. I want it all, no matter how long that might be,” he said softly.
“I want that, too,” she said, looking at him more genuinely than she had ever looked at him before.
He smiled at her with a look of elation at those words. “Let’s never let time pass us by like that ever again,” he said, caressing her cheek.
She nodded slightly. “Never again,” she agreed.
She leaned into him, their lips brushing more firmly this time. She brought her hand up to graze the back of his neck, her fingers twined through his hair. She missed that. It was the perfect length to brush her fingers through. Silky and smooth. She used it as a way to draw him closer with more hunger, her fingers clasped at the back of his neck gently. Her heart pounded with adrenaline and relief and for the first time in a long time, she felt joy. Kissing through smiles and heavy breathing, it was pure and utter bliss.
For the first time, she thought, ‘I hope this lasts forever.’
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Howlin’ For You - 6/?
Thank you everyone for being so, so patient while I was home celebrating the holidays with my family! It means a lot to me. 
Description: When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she doesn’t fully understand what gave Bucky Barnes such a bad name.
Pairing: AU - Biker!Bucky x Fem/Reader
Word Count: 4,324
Part Five
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Y/N pulled up to her driveway in a pleasant mood. She’d gone back to her hometown and got to see all of her friends. What she said to Bucky was true: they had entered a new chapter of their lives and her role was significantly lower. They all made comments about her moving closer. But Y/N knew in her heart that she wouldn’t see them any more frequently even if she did.
When she locked her car doors, Y/N glanced at Bucky’s house. She could faintly hear music coming from the house. She smirked as she realized it had to be coming from the garage.
Without putting much thought into it, she started walking towards his home. She completely bypassed the front door and continued down the driveway to the detached garage.
To her pleasant surprise, Bucky was alone. Usually Steve or Sam were glued to his side.
“For a man who’s a mechanic, you sure work a lot off the clock.” Y/N caught his attention as she called out.
Bucky gave her his charming smile and stood up from the motorcycle. He rubbed his hands on the rag that always seemed to be hanging out of his back pocket.
“It relaxes me.” He shrugged and glanced back at the bike as he walked over to her. Then Bucky leaned down to give Y/N a small peck. They still hadn’t gone on any official dates, but they already acted like a couple. If she were being honest, she kind of liked it that way.
Y/N quickly learned that Bucky’s number one way of expressing love and affection was through physical touch. She even saw it with his guy friends. Bucky was always patting Sam on the back or pulling in Steve for a side hug. But with Y/N…it’s like his body was always trying to find a way to subtly touch her. When they were alone, it was a quick kiss on the lips or cheek. When other people were around, his hand guided them at her lower back.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Bucky stated quietly. Then he glanced down at her hand. “Hey, you finally got that cast off.”
She held up her hand. “Yeah…went to the doctor yesterday. I guess I have to do a few exercises to get my strength back.”
Bucky’s face dropped slightly. She knew he was thinking back on the event that caused her to break her hand in the first place.
“No offense, Bucky, but that motorcycle looks a little small for you.” Y/N tried to change the subject by pointing to the bike he had just been working on.
He looked back and started walking toward it. Y/N followed. “Yeah. Well, I thought I’d rebuild this and give it to my sister.” Then he looked lost in thought.
“You know, you never really told me much about her other than that guy…” She slowly stopped talking. “Is she doing okay now?”
Bucky gave her a sad smirk at the thoughtful question. But he shrugged. “It took her awhile to get back to herself. I made her leave town. Not too far, obviously. She didn’t trust men after that… still doesn’t, really. I can’t blame her though.”
Y/N gave him an encouraging smile. “I’d like to meet her some day. Maybe we can have a little dinner party at my house…invite Steve and his family too?”
Bucky’s eyes brightened at the idea. “I think she’d like that. Steve misses seeing her all the time. He won’t ever admit it though. He acted more like her older brother than I did sometimes.” Then his eyes looked over the motorcycle again. “I thought getting her on a motorcycle would bring us closer again, give the two of us something to bond over. She really hated me for awhile…”
Y/N reached out and brushed a loose piece of hair behind his ear. He always had it in a bun at the back of his neck whenever he worked on projects. “I think that’s a great idea, Bucky.” Then she took in a deep breath, trying to rid the tension. “I’ll leave you to it. I just wanted to come over and say hi.”
“I’d like it if you stayed.” Bucky quickly responded. “It’s nice talking to someone while I work. And I’m a much better listener when I’m doing something with my hands.”
If she were being honest, she didn’t want to leave. But she also didn’t want to be a bother. “You sure?”
Bucky nodded and grinned at her. “Go get comfortable.” He gestured to a couch that was actually a vintage, leather two-seater from a car.
As soon a she got settled and Bucky got back to working on the motorcycle, Y/N started asking him more questions about his sister. This resulted into a lot of stories about the two of them. Steve was a side character of most and Sam got involved towards the end of high school when he moved to town.
Bucky refused to be the only one reminiscing though. He asked just as many questions about Y/N’s sister and the rest of her childhood.
After a couple hours, a comfortable silence settled in the garage.
“Hey Buck?”
“Yeah, doll?”
Y/N took in a deep breath. “What’s the history between you and Grant?”
Bucky tensed at the name. Then he looked up at Y/N and stopped his work. “Ward dated my sister before she got into that toxic relationship.”
She gulped. “Oh…” Her mind went over that night as best she could, seeing as she was almost blacked out drunk.
“I didn’t hate the guy. He treated my sister right and anyone could see that they loved each other.” Bucky admitted begrudgingly.
“So what happened?” Y/N pushed.
He sighed. “Ward joined Hydra’s gang. It took over his life. One day he just ended things with Rebecca. It seemed so out of the blue to her. But a part of me will always think he did it to protect her. Becca was such a mess afterward. And I can’t help but realize she would never have dated that monster after him if he’d never broken up with her.”
“Steve said you found any excuse to pick a fight with him.” Y/N gave the reason for her question without him asking.
“I can’t argue with that observation.” Bucky chuckled as he started working on the bike again.
“Well…I’m still sorry for getting in the middle of it that night.” Y/N looked down at the ground as she said it.
“Doll, I picked a fight for a different reason that night.” Bucky’s voice was low. “It didn’t matter that it was Ward. I would’ve beat up any man that had ill intentions towards you.”
She scoffed. “I had it under control.”
“Sure you did, Y/N.”
“I’m not some damsel in distress, you know.” Her stubbornness needed to clarify it.
“I never said you were.” Bucky replied earnestly. “And Rumlow’s broken nose is further proof of that.” Then he locked eyes with Y/N over the bike. “I protect the things I care about. It’s as simple as that.”
Y/N blushed at the subtle admittance of affection he just pronounced.
They slowly fell into more casual conversation again. Then Bucky offered to order them takeout too. Y/N realized she could get used to this life with him. She envisioned her sitting in the garage, reading or maybe even sketching. Meanwhile Bucky calmly working on a motorcycle or car. It was an image she fell more and more in love with the more detail she added to it.
At some point in the night, Y/N had fallen asleep on the vintage carseat. She had only woken up from a hushed conversation with Bucky. Her mind was still half asleep as she tried to eavesdrop and process it.
Then she realized she was warmer than she should be. Instantly she recognized the scent of Bucky’s leather jacket. He must have wrapped it over her when he noticed she’d fallen asleep.
“Tell him we’re not his lackeys. Maybe if he was actually good at his job, he wouldn’t have to keep asking us for favors.” Bucky hissed in a whisper.
“They’re not going to be able to take them to court without it. If we don’t do this, Y/N will have to press charges.” Y/N recognized Sam’s voice instantly.
“Absolutely not. She stays out of this.” Bucky snapped back.
“Have you asked her?” That was Thor’s voice.
Y/N’s eyes were still closed but Bucky turned back to stare at her sleeping form.
“As soon as she presses charges, absolutely everyone will know she’s connected to me and The Howling Commandos. The press will go nuts for it and the whole town will change the way they look at her.”
“They’re already going to as soon as they find out you two are dating…if that’s what you wanna call it.” Sam piped in.
Bucky glared at him. “Watch it, Wilson.”
The conversation died down and Y/N heard the retreating footsteps of Thor and Sam. A few moments later their motorcycles started and drove away.
Bucky quietly walked to Y/N. “Doll, do you want me to carry you home?” He offered in a  soft whisper.
Her eyes flickered open. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
He was kneeling in front of her and let out a chuckle. “It’s quite alright.”
Y/N stretched and got to her feet, answering his question about carrying her home.
However, Bucky still insisted on walking her back. She kept his leather jacket on her shoulders without putting her arms in the sleeves.
When they hovered in front of her front door, another surge of bravery struck her. She kissed him, but it wasn’t polite and quick like their other kisses. Her tongue fought her way into his mouth…not that he put up much resistance. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her hips daringly pressed against his groan.
She reluctantly pulled away. “Will you come in?” The phrasing made it more of a challenge to him, making it clear that she already wanted him.
Bucky had a pained expression. “Trust me, doll. There’s nothing I want more. But I think I owe you a few dates before I take you up on that.” Y/N groaned. “I think I’ve been on enough dates for a lifetime.”
“Bad dates.” Bucky corrected. “You’ve been on enough bad dates for a lifetime. I promise I won’t be like those other punks.”
“And you can start by spending the night.” Y/N teased.
Bucky groaned, feeling his resistance dwindling. “Doll, you are trouble.”
“Sure am.” Y/N giggled. “But I pretty sure that’s why you like me.”
“Damn right.” Then he captured her lips in another searing kiss. But he pulled away too soon for her liking and was already backing away from her front door.
“Bucky Barnes you are a tease!” Y/N yelled out as she threw his leather jacket at him.
He let out a loud laugh and caught the jacket. “Tomorrow night. Wear jeans. We’re taking the bike.”
“I’ll think about it…” Y/N tormented while crossing her arms.
“Aw, don’t be like that, doll.” Bucky put on a fake pout that could break hearts.
“Fine. Tomorrow night.” She laughed before closing and locking her door.
For once, Y/N didn’t cringe when her doorbell rang. 5 minutes before 8pm, Bucky was at her door with that charming smirk of his. He was wearing his usual leather jacket. This time with a dark flannel shirt buttoned underneath.
Bucky was looking at Y/N’s outfit in return. “You look like…” He was struggling to find the right words.
“A dork?” She offered nervously.
He laughed. “No. I was going to say ‘like yourself’.”
The comment made Y/N blush. She was wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie underneath her distressed denim jacket. It was far more casual than most people would wear on a date. But Y/N felt comfortable around Bucky, like she could actually act like herself.
“I see you all dolled up for those poor punks. But it always felt kind of off.” Bucky added again, proving that he noticed how unlike herself she was forced to be with those men. “This.” He smirked as he gestured up and down at her outfit. “This feels like you.”
“I guess this is me.” Y/N shrugged, not wanting to make it a big deal.
“Oh. Almost forgot.” Bucky jogged over to his motorcycle. He returned seconds later with the most beautiful bouquet Y/N had ever seen. It was entirely made with wild flowers and stood out from the cliche roses that men thought were the answer to everything. It was mostly green and lavender. The thistles were her favorite part.
“Buck…” Y/N gasped.
“Roses didn’t seem like your kind of flower.” Bucky muttered shyly.
“They’re beautiful.” She whispered as she looked over all of the detail. The bouquet had to cost more money than she was worth. Her eyes flickered up to see him smiling at her. “Thank you, Bucky.”
“I was scared you’d find flowers too cheesy.” He chuckled, relieved to see she clearly loved them.
“Not when they’re from you.” She admitted with a sly smirk.
She made him come inside for a few minutes to put them in water and a vase before they left.
When they got to his motorcycle outside, Bucky handed her a helmet.
Y/N glared at it. “You didn’t make me wear a helmet last time.”
He gave her a stern look. “Yeah, because I wasn’t expecting to take you home. I didn’t have the helmet with me. Otherwise I would’ve, doll.”
She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms. “I’ll only wear one if you do.”
Bucky sighed with a smile. “Always gotta be stubborn.” Knowing he couldn’t compromise, he went home and ruffled through his garage until he found a mostly unused helmet. It was mostly Steve’s wife, Peggy, that forced the entire gang to purchase one. She always worried about their safety. She was the gang’s unofficial mother hen. But Steve didn’t have the guts to tell her that the last thing they’d get hurt from is riding.
“Happy?” He asked while he held up his helmet.
“Very.” She smiled proudly. Then she started putting on her helmet, but stopped when she noticed there were three letters engrained on the back. They were her initials.
Bucky watched her studying them. “It’s your helmet.” He explained casually.
He smirked at her confusion. “Figured you should have your very own, seeing as you’ll be riding with me all the time.”
Y/N playfully scowled at him. “Bucky Barnes, you seem awfully confident that you have a second date already secured.”
His expression went serious before he was closing the small distance between them. His blue eyes stared into her soul, never breaking the gaze as he brush some hair behind her ear. It all made Y/N hold her breath, which her heart wasn’t enjoying as it beat rapidly. Bucky finally cupped her chin and leaned down for the slowest kiss he’d ever given. The patience and artistry of it made Y/N want to skip the date altogether and drag him to her bedroom.
It could’ve been a few minutes or a could’ve been an hour, but Bucky finally pulled away.
“What were you saying?” He raised an eyebrow and traced her cheekbone with his thumb.
“Nothing.” For once in Y/N’s life, she didn’t have a snarky and sarcastic comment to give back.
Surprisingly, Bucky didn’t rub it in her face. Instead, he helped Y/N put on her helmet, buckling the strap under her chin correctly and comfortably.
“How do I look?” She asked, now trying to put out the fire Bucky just lit with casual small talk.
He took a step back and dramatically squinted. “Sexy,” he answered honestly. “Safety is always sexy.”
“Have you been hanging out with my gynecologist?” She teased.  
Bucky let out a laugh. Her jokes never failed to bring a smile or make him laugh.
His laughter ended as he threw on his own helmet. It was a different style than Y/N’s. There was still a vintage feel to it, but his face was completely hidden behind a reflective, chrome visor. It added a futuristic flare to the helmet. Of course Bucky had no problem pulling the look off.
“How mysterious…” Y/N giggled before getting on the motorcycle behind Bucky.
It was then that she noticed the picnic basket and blanket strapped on the back of the seat. She didn’t say anything, but smirked at the idea that a tough biker like Bucky had packed a picnic for their date.
Y/N had no idea where he was taking them as they weaved on side streets that curved around the landscape instead of cutting it apart. She held onto Bucky tighter this time, now that he was no longer a stranger. His body warmth kept the wind from chilling her and his scent always had a gift of calming her.
Half an hour later, Bucky pulled up to a forest preserve that could’ve been taken out of a fairytale. It felt like there hadn’t been human visitors in centuries.
“How’d you find this place?” Y/N asked in awe as she took off her helmet.
“Driving around on motorcycles makes it easier to find things off the beaten path. This is one of the hidden gems I’ve discovered over the years.” Bucky explained as he grabbed the picnic basket and blanket from the back of his bike. “Come on.” He managed to keep one hand free to hold her own and guided her through the trees.
Just a few minutes later, they were at a clearing and a lake was right in front of them.
“People never come to this side of the lake. The beaches are all on the other side.” Bucky commented.
Y/N nodded while she took in the sight.
When she looked over at Bucky, he had walked onto a small wooden pier and spread the blanket out. She smiled, walking over to join him.
“What did you bring?” Y/N hummed as she opened up the picnic basket. Inside was practically a feast. There were cheese, grapes, strawberries, crackers, olives and a few sandwiches. Tucked in the corner were a few paper cups and a bottle of white wine.
The thoughtfulness of it all warmed Y/N to the core. But she tried to contain her emotions. She still wanted a little revenge for his confidence and attack on her composure.
Y/N held up the bottle of wine for him to see. “Thought you weren’t supposed to drink and drive…” She teased.
Bucky chuckled. “Doll, don’t insult my tolerance. Plus, the wine is mostly for you. I’m more of a whiskey and beer man.”
Together they laid out the food and conversation naturally started. Just like the night he played nurse for Y/N at her house, she felt a comfortable energy with Bucky. She wanted to know what his trick was. But her heart was starting to realize that there were no tricks…this was just Bucky. No, this was Bucky and Y/N together.
When the sun went down, Bucky pulled out some candles from the picnic basket. Y/N watched in amusement as he pulled a zippo lighter from the pocket of his leather jacket to light them.
“You really thought of everything, didn’t you?” She nudged playfully before taking another sip of wine.
Bucky smiled. “I have a lot of competition…”
Her smile dropped at the comment. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”
His brow furrowed at the comment.
“There’s never ever been a competition, Bucky.” She stared into his eyes as she said it quiet, yet sternly.
His blue eyes lit up at the statement.
Y/N had lost track of time. They had to have been talking for hours.
“I don’t think I can eat another bite.” She admitted to him.
Together they cleaned up what was left of the food and put it back in the picnic basket.
Bucky glanced up at the sky. Without saying anything, he lay down on the now cleared blanket.
“What are you doing?” Y/N asked.
“The encore to our night.” Bucky said as if it were obvious and pointed to the sky.
Y/N followed his direction and glanced up to see the stars scattered across the night.
Bucky sat up while she was mesmerized and blew out the candles so they were completely covered in darkness. “Come here, doll.” He had laid back down and motioned for her to lay down beside him.
She didn’t need to be asked twice.
He lifted his arm and she took it as an unspoken invitation to cuddle up next to him. After she rest her head on his shoulder and wrapped her outside arm over his abs, Bucky pulled her even tighter to his body.
They laid their in silence for some time, just staring up at the stars.
“Y/N?” Bucky was finally the one to speak in a whisper.
“Yeah, Buck.” She sighed.
“What are you so scared of?” Bucky instantly felt her body tense against him with the question. He rubbed Y/N’s back and traced her hand that rest on his abs in hopes it would comfort her enough to open up.
Crickets and other night creatures filled the silence between the two.
“Going through the motions.” Y/N eventually mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
“You go through school, then you apply to colleges, then you spend four or more years doing that.” She said the list quicker and quicker as it went on. “After college, people barely give you a moment to breathe before they ask who you’re dating, when you’re getting married. You think they’ll give it a rest once the weddings over…but next they get to badgering you about starting a family .”
Y/N took a deep breath. “I wonder if people look back and wonder if they even wanted those things or they just did them because they thought they had to.” She stared hard at the stars above like they would give her the answers.
Her heart started beating as she waited for Bucky to say something. But he just kept quiet.
“I know it sounds silly. You probably don’t get it. You’re not afraid of anything.” She rattled out from embarrassment.
“Yes, I am.” Bucky instantly corrected. She held her breath. “And it’s not silly. I get what you’re saying.”
Maybe it was the fact they were both looking up at the sky instead of each other, but it gave Y/N the bravery to ask what she wanted.
“Then what are you scared of?” She said slowly.
Bucky cleared his throat. “I’m scared of losing the people I love. I’m scared my past and all the terrible things I’ve done will come back and ruin everything I’ve built.” He took in a deep breath. “I’m scared you’ll finally realize that you really are too good for me. Or worse, you don’t and get hurt again because of me.”
“That’s never been what I’m scared of when it comes to you and me.” Y/N finally sat up to look at him.
Bucky followed, leaning his weight on his elbows and forearms. “What is it then?”
She lost her courage now, deciding to look at the ground instead.
He reached over and gripped her chin, making her look up. “Please tell me, doll.”
Y/N’s eyes were filled with sadness and fear. “I’m scared you’re going to break my heart.” She finally whimpered.
But it was true. Y/N had never felt this way about anyone before. She hated the lack of control it gave her. She was a fairly pragmatic person and all the odds her brain calculated pointed to this relationship ending with her heart broken.
“Y/N…” Bucky’s voice was firm now. “Y/N, look at me.” Her eyes struggled to lift again. “I’m not going to hurt you. I know this is scary for you. It’s scary for me too. I don’t know how to convince you…but I’d-I’d never do that to you.”
“You don’t know that.” She mumbled.
To her shock, Bucky actually chuckled at her response. “There’s that damn stubbornness.” He shook his head and glanced up at the stars again. “I’ll never be able to show you how I see you. But fuck…I’m gonna try my damn best.” With the declaration, Bucky leaned over to wrap her lips in for a long kiss.
Reluctantly he pulled away.
“Come on. It’s late and I don’t want you falling off the motorcycle from sleeping.” He smiled softly before helping her stand up and wrapping up the blanket and picnic basket.
On the ride back Y/N rest her head against Bucky’s back, but made sure to stay awake. Despite being tired, their ride home seemed like half the distance and she felt disappointed for their time coming to a close. It was silly, really. They lived across the street from each other.
Like the surprising, biker, gentleman he was, Bucky walked Y/N to her front door.
She tried to give her helmet back to him but he stopped her.
“It’s yours now, doll. Keep it.” He explained.
Y/N nodded slowly and looked down at it. “Bucky, thank you for tonight. Really. I didn’t realize dating…I-I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” She was flustered.
“Does this mean I get a second date?” He smirked mischievously.
“Yeah. But you already knew that.”
Part Seven
Like always, it makes writing all of this worth it if I get to hear from all of ya’ll.
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bluestwitch · 6 years
That look in your eyes
Chapter 3. Welcome home, Harry
A/N. This is one of my favourite chapters. Wars are always terrible, but the aftermaths of them can be even worse. My headcanon about the post war situation never included a Harry rolling in Galleons, handing out first range brooms as birthday presents, or living in a great mansion. These characters are still trying to rebuild something that resembles a normal life and struggling to do so. But sometimes all you need is to be with someone you love (and a tin of broom polish can help ;-) )
“That was a long night,” commented Ginny.
The two of them were back in bed, sitting comfortably against the pillows. “It was,” agreed Harry. “Which was a small miracle in itself, given our history of epic interruptions. Heck, Ron and George have even made a sport of keeping us apart!” he chuckled.
Ginny snorted. “Oh, that wasn’t a miracle. Didn’t I tell you? At two different times of that night, both Hermione and my mother went down the dormitories’ staircases looking for us. They saw us talking and put charms at the foot of the stairs so nobody could disturb us, then they went up again. They thought we deserved to be alone and sort things between us.”
Harry’s affection for Hermione and Molly rose several points. “Remind me to get them something extra nice for Christmas this year, from both of us.”
Ginny giggled. “Already taken care of,” and she dissolved in laughter again.
Harry sighed. This was getting ridiculous. “Did you swallow some kind of cheering potion earlier? What’s up with you giggling today? Look, I know you’ve had a rough season and I reckon you were fairly depressed when it ended. If… if you’re taking potions to treat it, why aren’t you telling me? Perking you up is part of my job description as a husband.” He winked at her.
If anything, this made Ginny laugh louder. At last, she managed to say: “Oh, Potter, you were only correct on one account. There’s nothing wrong with my moods and I’m not taking cheering potions. But don’t worry, you are fulfilling your job description perfectly.”
“You are driving me mad”, said Harry.
“Your patience will be rewarded. Now, why don’t you keep on telling me stories?”
“What am I, Scheherazade?” As Ginny only smiled and nodded, he gave up. “Oh, well. Next time you had that look…”
August 11th, 1998
“Harry? Harry, wake up!”
Harry was roused from his nightmare by two hands shaking his shoulders. He was sweating, disoriented, his heart was pounding, and it took him a while to recognize the surroundings, and remember why he was there and with who.
Ginny was looking at him full of concern. “Are you ok? You scared me, you were thrashing and suddenly you yelled.”
Harry did not answer immediately. He gazed at the sky, squinting at the sun. It was mid afternoon, and they were under the trees at the far side of the Burrow. He shrugged.
“I’m fine.”
“No, you are not. Do not dare to use the word ‘fine’ again with me when it’s clear that you’re not. Want to try again?” Ginny’s voice was severe.
Harry gaped at her. “You’re not one to beat around the bush, are you?”
He sat up on the blanket, recalling why he had fallen asleep under the trees in the middle of the day. Molly had enrolled Harry on a mission that consisted in keeping Ginny apart from the Burrow so she could prepare the party. Good moments had been scarce that summer so far, what with the grief and the task of rebuilding something that resembled normalcy. So Molly was determined to throw the big birthday party she thought her daughter deserved on her coming of age, as a sign that life went on.
But life did not go well. A few scattered Death Eaters remained at large, and every now and then they attacked random targets. They had been living under the Fidelius at Muriel’s until just a week ago, after the month they spent at Hogwarts, helping to recondition the castle. The Burrow had not been deemed safe enough to return until then. Grimmauld Place was out of question. Too much work was needed there and nobody could be spared to do it. He had asked Kreacher to help Andromeda instead. The elf had steadily refused to be freed so Harry had suggested it, a little sceptically at first. To everyone’s surprise, the arrangement was working out fairly well. Kreacher had been delighted of taking care of a Black descendant and if Teddy’s muggle, blood traitor and werewolf inheritance bothered him, he simply did not show it.
As Harry had feared, the goblins did not take well the breaking into Gringotts. He, Ron and Hermione were banned from the bank, and his vault was now withheld as bail. Neither Hermione or Ron were affected by this, the former because she had all his savings in Muggle money and the latter because he did not have a vault of his own to begin with, but Harry was effectively left as poor as a church mouse. Bill and Fleur, who had returned to work at the bank, had tried to negotiate with the goblins, with little success. They convinced them to stop pressing charges against Harry, Hermione and Ron -the wizarding society would have been in uproar if their heroes were treated as criminals-, but until compensations for repairs were sorted, none of them could set a foot inside Gringotts.
Kingsley had offered to intermediate, too, but they had refused. He had enough on his plate. The Aurors’ numbers were greatly depleted after the war, so he had been forced to run the office personally, in addition to his Minister duties. Members of the Order of Phoenix and Dumbledore’s Army had volunteered to help tracking down Death Eaters, and some of them proved themselves so good that they were offered positions as trainees, overlooking the lack of qualifications, which they could not have got anyway, due to the absence of a normal school year and exams.
That was the ultimate reason Harry was waking from a nightmare in broad daylight. He, Neville and Ron had spent the last two days on a stakeout at Upper Flagley, where rumours located a possible refuge for Nott and two accomplices. They had come out of it empty handed, physically tired and emotionally exhausted, because they had had to fight a group of DE mentors that lurked on a nearby forest. Kingsley had ordered the three trainees and Savage, the Auror in charge, to go home on a well-deserved three days’ break. Which suited Harry perfectly. He had not been able to see Ginny as much as he wanted and he missed her a lot. On the rare occasions they managed to be alone, it felt like being in an oasis amidst chaos.
“You haven’t slept this bad in a while, Harry,” she said.
“I know.” There was a permanent stock of Dreamless Sleep potion in the medicine cabinet of The Burrow, supplied by Molly -she had insisted on being called by her name, as had Arthur- and Hermione, who were the best hands at potions. Everybody was struggling and coped the best they could. Trouble was, the potion was supposed to be used sporadically, as it could be addictive. “I think I am going to use the potion tonight. I need to rest if I am going to work at Wheezes tomorrow.”
“Oh, I’m coming, too. Now that I’m of age, I can help, and George will need all hands on deck if he wants to reopen on Friday. But don’t sidetrack me. Ron told me you were sleeping better lately, so what happened?”
Harry looked at her, slightly amused. “You won’t drop the subject, would you?”
“We agreed to talk about everything that bothered us,” said Ginny.
It was true. After that long night in Gryffindor’s common room, they had found that confiding in each other worked out in favour of relief. Harry had never been one to share his feelings, but it was easier with Ginny. She knew when to prod him into speaking and when to listen patiently, and frequently offered wise insight, or silent support and a hug if she did not have any. For his part, he tried to do his best to reciprocate. He thought he was lousy at comforting and lacked time to reread what Twelve Fail-safe Ways to Charm Witches said on the matter, but Ginny seemed to appreciate his efforts.
Harry sighed. “Dementors, that’s what happened. I… I was dreaming of them closing over me. Yesterday, they- I couldn’t… Ron had to cover me. I had trouble casting a Patronus,” he said, not meeting her eye. “I hadn’t cast one since the battle, and back then I nearly couldn’t do it, too. I was embarrassed, and also I worried, what… what if-“
“You are afraid this means you have a weakness and could compromise your chance of becoming an Auror?” said Ginny, shrewdly.
She had hit the nail, again. Surprised, he nodded. “What if I can’t do it anymore, Gin? It’s always been hard for me to be near those bloody things, but now it’s even worse!” Harry felt agitated.
“Remus… he told me in my third year, they affected me more because bad things had happened to me. And now… I’ve been through still worse things since then and I’m having trouble to recall happy memories to make a strong Patronus. I can’t risk being a liability on the field,” he huffed, dropping himself on his back again. He ran his hands over his hair in frustration.
Ginny put a bookmark on his Charms book, closed it and laid down on the blanket at his side, pulling at the pillow he had used to nap so they could share it. She took his hand and squeezed it, but said nothing, looking immersed in thought.
“Did you know, George hasn’t been able to cast a Patronus since the Battle? He went on the Lestrange House raid with Williamson, and they found Dementors watching over prisoners in the cellar. George had to flee, he couldn’t do the charm. Apparently after that he has tried to cast it, to no avail. Hermione thinks there’s a possibility he never will. But…” she chewed her lip.
Harry got up on his elbows and looked at her. “What?”
“After the Chamber, when Dementors searched the Hogwarts Express, you fainted, remember? I didn’t, but it was pretty bad for me, too. It was bloody Riddle all over again, playing with my fears and insecurities. Two years later, when you taught Patronus at the DA, at first I thought, well, I don’t think I‘m powerful enough to do this, but I did! I had some solid happy memories worth a strong one. At the Battle, on the adrenaline rush, I met some Dementors and could have conjured not a horse, but a whole herd! Of course that was before Voldemort called his minions to retreat and I found about F-Fred.” She scrunched her face. “And before you disappeared and made me worry like crazy.” She shot him a reproachful look.
“And your point is…?”, asked Harry.
“I haven’t tried to cast one since then, so I’m not sure, but I bet you could do with some new nice memories you can hold onto,” she said.
Harry flopped on his back again, looking up at the trees above. “Fat chance of that. Life’s crap. We still don’t dare to go out in case some Death Tosser spots us and tries to kill us. Hermione has postponed going to Australia to find her parents until next summer because she thinks it’s not safe yet to return with them. We haven’t had a free day between Auror training, helping George and another million things; I can’t wait for those foreign volunteer Aurors Kingsley have recruited to begin work, I barely have time to go and see Teddy. And,” he hit the floor with the fist, frustrated, “I’m so broke I could only get you a tin of broom polish for your birthday.”
“Hey, I loved your gift!”, she protested. “It means a lot to me. I like the smell…” She said nothing else, but blushed to the roots of her hair.
Harry raised his head and watched her, amused and intrigued. “Weasley, your face is like the setting sun. What’s got to be with broom polish?”
If possible, Ginny’s face went redder. “It’s embarrassing. You will make fun of me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of. In any case, nothing wrong about a bit of fun,” he winked.
She sat up straight. Harry copied her and sat in front of her, waiting. Ginny hid her face behind her hands and murmured, “I smelled broom polish in the Amortentia at Slughorn’s class.”
Keep reading at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13060709/3/That-look-in-your-eyes
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Presidential Debates Back Story with Dana Lewis podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1016881/5803924 @johndonvan #backstorywithdanalewis #debates2020
Speaker 1: (00:00) Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the fats. Just go to her website. She tells you how to fight ISIS on a website. You are telling the enemy everything you want to do. No wonder you've been fighting. No wonder you've been fighting ISIS, your entire adult life. By the end of this evening, I'm going to be blamed for everything that's ever happened. Why not just join? Join the debate by saying more crazy things. Hi everyone. And welcome to another edition of backstory. I'm Dana Lewis. There have been some informative us presidential debates, some of them one on a good one, liner others on a relaxed look in 1960, Richard Nixon lost his first debate with John F. Kennedy because Nixon started sweating and look pale freedom, be maintained. Speaker 2: (00:53) I'm going to, to the attack, attack you to Devin own. I think it can be. And I think in the final analysis, it depends upon what we do here. I think it's time America started moving again. The things that Senator Kennedy has said, many of us can agree with. There is no question, but that we cannot discuss our internal affairs in the United States without recognizing that they have a tremendous bearing on our international position. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (01:21) The defining moment from 1976, Jimmy Carter versus Gerald Ford occurred when then president Gerald Ford insisted there was no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, Speaker 2: (01:33) No Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. And there never will be under a port administration. I'm sorry. Could I just pause? Did I understand you to say sir, that the Russians are not using Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence and occupying most of the countries there and, and making sure with their troops that it's a, that it's a communist zone, whereas on our side of the line, the Italians and the French are still flirting with, I don't believe, uh, mr. Franco that, uh, the Yugoslavians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. I don't believe that the Romanians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. I don't believe that the poles consider themselves dominated by the Soviet union. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (02:22) Polls showed president Jimmy Carter lost a Ronald Reagan in 1980. Regan's calm, relaxed, demeanor during the debate was seen as key to his victory. Speaker 2: (02:32) What kind of elements of a national health insurance important to the American people? Governor Reagan, again, typically is against such a proposal. You have enough, you go again. When I opposed Medicare, there was another piece of legislation meeting the same problem before the Congress. You already are the oldest president in history and some of your staff. So you were tired after your most recent encounter with mr. Speaker 3: (03:00) Mr. Mondale. Um, I recall yet that president Kennedy had to go for days on end with very little sleep during the Cuban missile crisis. Is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances? Not at all mr. Troy and I, and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience. And then there was this mess between president Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Speaker 4: (03:36) Oh, sure. You, in fact, let people know. He doesn't want to Senator, I'm not going to answer the question because the question, the question is justice rational left. Will you shut up missing? Who is on your list, Joe, this is on your gentleman's. I think this is so with you that, wait a minute, Speaker 3: (03:56) We got the final word in it. It's hard to get any word in with this clown. I sorry, Speaker 4: (04:00) With a billion dollars, if you, that, you know, when you're not doing it, Speaker 3: (04:06) True, gentlemen is on this backstory. Do we make these debates meaningful, controlled, dignified? Because that wasn't. So we introduce you to somebody who has studied and moderated debates and is an expert on how we should remake and remodel the format. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (04:31) All right. I want to introduce you to John Donovan, a debate moderator in America, and that would be vastly understating, who John is because he's a former network news correspondent, a terrific correspondent. When he was with ABC news, he worked at the white house in John. First of all, welcome how many debates have you hosted now? John Donvan - Debate Host: (04:50) wUh, I think we're at about 180, 185, something like that since I started doing this in 2006 only. That's why you're terrific on this topic. First of all, could you have imagined an America like today, a few yesterdays ago when you covered the, uh, I could see the seeds of it. Um, I covered the white house during the Clinton administration, and I think that was the beginning of a turning point of a, of a kind of, um, a poisonous relationship between the parties, where things, um, after, you know, 40 years of some, some, some manner of civility and mutual respect, um, things began to get kind of ugly between the sides, you know, between, you know, going back now to, you know, 25 years, the, the, the sort of personal, uh, pettiness between bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich was already, um, also the, the media was beginning to get more into a more adversarial kind of personal relationship with presidents who were seen to be, which people might, people who are think fondly of bill Clinton might forget that bill Clinton lied, um, very, very, very publicly. John Donvan - Debate Host: (06:07) And, um, that there was the beginning of a, um, of an acceleration of, you know, Richard Nixon. Didn't like the press, of course at all, but there was the beginning of an acceleration of, um, uh, sort of a standoff between the press and the white house. So yeah, I guess I could have kind of imagined it. I don't think it started in 2016 or 2015. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (06:28) All right. We've gone from, to use your words kind of ugly the turbo ugly now, I think. And, uh, you know, do you take Trump seriously when you hear things like, he's not gonna respect the peaceful transition of power and he should get another two terms, not the constitutional one term after the next election? John Donvan - Debate Host: (06:48) Uh, yeah, I take, I, I think we've learned to take everything he says seriously. Um, he, uh, his, his, his followers have always appreciated the fact that he says what he means and he means what he says, even though what he says may shift around a lot. Um, um, there's, there's kind of a grain of truth into, I think he wants to leave himself, uh, ultimate maneuvering room. I remember in the very first debate, um, back in 2015, when there were something like 11 candidates on the stage and the moderator, I don't know if it was the first question. Maybe it was the last question, but, but asked a sort of obvious question, if you are not the nominee, um, will you support the person who is the nominee, raise your hand if you will. And 10 hands went up and all by himself back in 2015, Donald Trump didn't raise his hand. Speaker 3: (07:42) Um, and it was kind of a kind of moment. And, um, and he, he just said, we'll see what happens. And we know when he says, we'll see what happens. It means he's keeping his positions open and his options open, and that he's really, really willing to considering and willing to, um, break the usual convention. So, you know, peaceful transition of power so far has been the conventional practice. Um, and it's clear that he has been laying the groundwork for a potential refusal of the vote by casting down on, on the integrity of the process. So, uh, yeah, I take him seriously that he would certainly consider it. Yeah. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (08:28) First debate. How would you have changed it if you were hosting it? Could you have controlled it any better than Chris Wallace? John Donvan - Debate Host: (08:34) No, I couldn't. Um, Chris Wallace  has got a lot of, a lot of, uh, um, uh, criticism for, for what happened in that debate. And the problem with that debate, uh, was primarily the president's, um, insistence on, on breaking in and interrupting, even though I know the interruptions went in both directions. And even though I know, um, um, I read, I didn't go back and check this, but I read that the first person to interrupt was actually Joe Biden. I'm not sure whether that's the case or not. I just know that the dynamic and the flow of the thing was that, uh, when Chris Wallace, who is a, certainly not an anti Trump guy called out the president for being the, you know, he basically said most of the problem is you mr. President, that was just absolutely true. And if you have a, somebody who's not gonna abide by the rules, there's not much you can do unless you have some sort of enforcement power I would have, I would have, I would going forward insist on having some enforcement power. I think of the, of a debate moderator, uh, as, uh, you know, some people think of it as being a timekeeper. I think of it as being much more of a referee where your job is to have some power to enforce the rules, to keep, to make sure, you know, uh, as an example, not only keeping on time, but keeping on point, uh, avoiding personal attacks, if that's the rules. So the debates that I moderate, can I talk a bit, a little bit about what those are so I can, Speaker 1: (10:07) You've given us some insight into the debates you do and how you do them, because I think you've told me a long time ago that you did them alone, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (10:14) Oxford style, uh, you know, debating framework, which you, you know, I'm happy to hear about that. John Donvan - Debate Host: (10:21) Yeah. The Oxford style comes out of the Oxford union at Oxford university for is time honored tradition in which, um, a statement is, is a sate asserted. And, you know, I'll just make it extreme. Um, hamburgers are good, you know, that would be the statement and, and one, one debater or team of debaters. And it's usually a team, usually a team of two would argue would, would be arguing for the resolution. They would be there to prove that you can't, you have to agree with them after you hear all the arguments that hamburgers are good and against them as a side, arguing against what the statement says, arguments, hamburgers are not good. They don't have to say anything else. That's better. They just have to say that they're not good. And usually, uh, there's, there's a time timed rules and there's time for rebuttal and there's a structure to it. So the structure is number one, it's about this thing. Number two, you have to prove it's true, or you have to prove it's false. And number three, you take terms and Speaker 1: (11:19) Your act with the does one Bay debating team interact with the other, can they, John Donvan - Debate Host: (11:23) Yeah. There's time for that. Stop that. So I'm okay with interruption. If I think that's a sort of robust thing, but the, normally what happens is, is that there's an opening statement, which is not interrupted by all four debaters. They take turns making the case. Um, we do that for about six minutes per person. So that takes about, uh, with the introductions. Our first half hour are these formal opening statements where each side makes their case. And then for 45 minutes, we interact and I ask questions, uh, of the debaters based on their opening statements. You know, I'll say, you know, Ms. Jones, you said, um, you know, uh, hamburgers are unhealthy. And your evidence that you cited was from, uh, from the federal government. Let me ask your opponent, do you trust that evidence? Should we be questioning it or not? You know, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll bring them together. But once that process is flowing, we do like to have to encourage a sort of robust back and forth, back and forth, uh, where, you know, there is such a thing as a, as a, as a justifiably motivated interruption by one person to have another it's. Uh, and so we're good with that. As long as it doesn't get out of hand by out of hand, I mean, you, you don't, you're not, you're interrupting just to stop the person from talking. You're not letting them have their say, Speaker 1: (12:35) Well, what if it's just outright name calling? Like it wasn't the presidential debate. I mean, Speaker 3: (12:41) I stopped, but we've had it happen. Um, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (12:43) Stop that. Sorry. Now I'm interrupting. So you could turn my microphone off, except I have the control today. Speaker 3: (12:48) Yeah, you stop. But the way in which you're interrupting me is I think of you're you're not challenging. You're not trying to stop me from talking. It's not your goal. You're, you're motivated by a question came to your mind based on what I was saying. You were seeking clarification. I think that's perfectly good kind of interruption. So I just want to say that, um, and, uh, the way I stop it is I, um, I can tell you generally what I say is, uh, I did what I saw Susan Page do last night. I say, thank you the first time I say, I say, thank you, your time is up. If the person is running over time and the opening segments. And, um, if they keep going, I start to talk over them so that it becomes pointless for them to continue. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Um, mr. John Donvan - Debate Host: (13:33) Smith, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Your time is up. I'm sorry. Your time is up. That's it? I'm sorry. I don't sit. I don't say thank you. And then say nothing. Um, and, um, we had one debate though, where we really, really had intelligence squared. That's the name of the organization? Intelligence squared us, uh, try to, one of our goals is to, is to, is to demonstrate civility in argument and then the discourse. And so, uh, we're good with argument, but we're not good with incivility and incivility includes name-calling personal attacks, ad hominem arguments, and, and that comes up a fair amount. A lot of people are trained to prime to do that as an it's a cheap and easy, uh, way to, uh, to try to debate is to, uh, make fun of your opponent or criticize their character, which just drives me crazy because it's not an argument about the idea. It's, it's a, it's a cheap shot it's and so, so we rule them out when they happen. Um, I stopped the debate. Um, I did it, uh, last week at a debate. I stopped the debate and I, I say, um, um, w you know, that what you just made was a personal attack. And, uh, do you care to withdraw that? And we would appreciate it if you would almost always think every time the person has says, yes, I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah. And one reason I do that. Yeah, Speaker 1: (14:55) No, John, no way in a presidential setting, Speaker 3: (14:59) Do these w would be, you know, Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (15:02) Second term president and would be first term president. They're not going to allow you to interrupt very well. They're not going to withdraw. Trump is certainly not that kind of character, and he's not going to allow you to control. Speaker 3: (15:13) I would do it. The referee at that debate needs to be given power. Should you have electronic power to turn them off? You have the power to turn them off. Absolutely. And you shouldn't have the power to dismiss them from the stage. You should have the power to dock them time. So, uh, you know, Speaker 1: (15:30) It's going to be hard, sorry, jumping in again, because you know, it would be hard to Speaker 3: (15:36) Dismiss president Trump Speaker 1: (15:38) The stage, but I get docking time, I suppose this is very fast. Speaker 3: (15:43) Well, if you, if you, yeah, if you cut off the mic, I mean, it would be a very, very delicate thing. It would be very, very difficult to execute in a way that would not, uh, raise questions about whether the moderator is being fair or unfair, but I think it's doable. I do think it's doable. Um, and I do think that there are times when, you know, if, if Joe Biden were to, to make some claim about the president, that the president truly thinks is untrue. It's just bizarre. And, you know, I know that his, his instinct would be, I don't want to let that continue to be set. I want to stop that thing being said about me right now. I don't want it to get another 40 seconds. I understand that, but that's not what was happening with the president. The president was just trying to shut him down at every stage. John Donvan - Debate Host: (16:29) But what, what I would do with that as a referee with those powers is I would, I would shut off, especially if we gave a two minute timing, I would shut off the other candidates. Mike, during the primary, the speakers two minutes, the other guys, Mike would be cut off. There would be a visible clock, visible to them and visible to the audience showing how much time they had left. It was just tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. And when the time came, there would be a buzzer or a tone. So maybe not something not so obnoxious, but that would be it. And that thing would persist. And then I would say, you've had your two minutes, it's now mr. Bun, mr. Trump, it's now your time. And he would get the same thing. Sure, sure. Speaker 1: (17:13) And he wouldn't be heard on a, he wouldn't be heard on TV because as Mike would be, we'd be, we'd be turned off. So they've just announced, John, you know, and this is changing by the minute. So it may change again that the next, the presidential commission announced the next debate will be virtual. Speaker 3: (17:28) Um, so you can show it off. Biden has said yes. Yeah. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (17:33) And Trump has said, no, that that's not the way you hold a debate over a computer. Andy said, interestingly enough, when he phoned into Fox, he said, um, th they can cut you off whenever they want. So he has real trouble with it. Speaker 3: (17:47) Yeah. Well, I think it would help. I mean, the bottom line is I think it would help. I don't think the parties would ever agree to it. Um, but, um, you know, I had a debate where I had two debaters. The way we're set up on stage is there there's two tables where the debaters sit and spend most of their time arguing. They stand for certain parts of it for, for the most part, they sit and I'm at a lectern in between them a little bit higher than them, which by the way, is another adjustment I would make. I would not make the moderator, this little tiny figure sitting down in the debaters or standing up. I would put everybody on the same level. It can not be because it's about the moderator. It's not about the moderator, but the moderator needs the ability to moderate. Speaker 3: (18:27) And so these, uh, I was between these two tables and the two guys on opposite sides, both at the inner seats, the right one on my right. And one of my left started arguing with each other and they got very angry at each other. And then they began doing kind of thing back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And I said, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen, and they kept going, they kept going. They couldn't hear me. I don't even think they were ignoring the presidential debate. Yeah. So, and so I left my lectern and I went around to the front of the stage and I turned and faced them and I raised my arms and I said, just stop, just stop. And that stopped them. And then I, and then I returned to my lectern and I said, you know, that's just not the way we're going to do this. Speaker 3: (19:14) It's just not how it's going to be. And, you know, with the, and the audience applauded for the, for the gesture I make, which I think is where ultimately the, you know, the, the, the that's where my authority came from was the audience's support of what I was doing. You know, Chris Wallace doesn't have that, or these debaters don't have that. They, so, so you need to have some kind of moral suasion if you're not going to have actual power, but it stopped that moment. And, um, you know, I do know that there are some people who think that it's great to see people doing that. There are people who watched the Biden, Trump debate and found it very entertaining and, and, and sort of visceral dopamine level kind of exciting. And it was, it is, it is that it's, it's, it's like watching a wrestling match. And to be honest, I don't want to quash all of that too. There's something there's information in that and there's energy and it's it's appealing, but it just wasn't Speaker 1: (20:11) When it gets to the point that there's absolutely no policy being discussed. And it's it's name calling. And, uh, you know, and, and, and in fairness to Biden, I think that he had been criticized by a lot of people before the debate is as you know, sleepy Joe Biden, according to Donald Trump. And he felt he had to stand his ground no matter what, in that debate that he, he couldn't stand back and let Trump embarrass himself, but that he had to go toe to toe on every single exchange. So it, you know, they were kind of set up, uh, for that, uh, you know, brutal kind of machine gunning and forth, Speaker 3: (20:48) Uh, by, you know, a lot of the pre press on the debate and whether Biden could hold his ground. And, uh, you know, I mean, interestingly enough, you know, Trump has turned around and, and again said that Chris Wallace defended Joe Biden, which I don't, I don't think he did. I think Chris Wallace tried to just control it as best he could, but, and he felt a sense of failure at the end of it. Yeah. You mean a, that Chris Wallace felt a sense, Chris, I think Chris Wallace felt this debate and it wasn't, you know, I would too I've um, I, one time earlier in my career, I had that kind of a debate where I felt there was a sense of failure because one person came to, uh, to argue very substantively and had prepared that way. And the other person came with a series of one liners and zingers. Speaker 3: (21:34) And, um, and, and it, it kind of turned into a circle, you know, it was just cheap. It was cheesy. And, uh, and I, at that point was not experienced enough to, uh, to know how to try to a certain myself. I mean, every time I, I have to do this and I, I have to do it a lot, a fair amount. I never know if I'm ultimately gonna, you know, have a Chris Wallace experience, if the person just going to ignore me. But I think at a certain point I'm prepared to, uh, I'm prepared to dismiss a debater from the stage. I've never done it. I've never had to do it. It's never been discussed that I would do it, but, um, ultimately, um, it's, it's, we, we would need to make the point that the civil discourse has a place and needs to be defended and is useful without it being all, you know, policy is just such a policy is an important thing and a really boring sounding word. Speaker 3: (22:32) And, um, um, to me, the ideal debate is one in which the, the personalities of the debaters, their ideas for what is policy, it's what we would do, what we should do. I would want, I would want to express it in terms of the debaters, through their personalities and their convictions and their commitments share with us what they think we should do and what they would do. And that's how I would put it. I would, I would always want to walk around the word policy because it sounds like you have to do your homework. I, uh, interviewed somebody on the Eve of the 2016 Clinton Trump debate, and they said, cool, we'll get to see them under pressure. We'll get to see some flashes of personality, learning, how they would govern, um, in depth, probably not what their ideas are. What they're thinking really is. I think we probably won't learn much at all. And that guy was named John Donvan. And I think you were spot on, on that debate and even this one. Oh, wow. I had no idea, but, uh, you were going to argue with that guy, right? No, I was going to say, Hmm, I should debate that guy. What did you think of the Kamala Harris and Mike debate, different personalities, but, you know, clearly it was a lot more civilized. And I think people got a lot more, Speaker 5: (23:53) The American people have witnessed what is the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of our country. And here are the facts 210,000 dead people in our country. And just the last several months, over 7 million people who have contracted this disease. But I want the American people to know Speaker 3: (24:15) Very first day, president Donald Trump has put the health of America first, Speaker 5: (24:21) Whatever the vice president is claiming the administration has done. Clearly it hasn't worked. And you know, the vice president is the head of the task force. So I have no, but Susan, this is important. And I want to ask mr. Vice president, I'm speaking, I'm speaking. So I want to ask the American people, how come were you when you were panicked about where are you going to get your next roll of toilet paper? How calm were you when your kids were sent home from school and you didn't know when they could go back? How confident are you when your children couldn't see your parents because you were afraid they could kill them. Speaker 3: (24:54) There's not a day gone by that. I haven't thought of every American family that's lost a loved one. You just nailed it. It was more civil. Was it as entertaining? Should it be entertaining? Um, uh, I think we got a very good dose of the difference of their personalities. The question is, does that matter? I suppose it matters if one of them becomes president someday, which is, there's a fair chance of, um, given, uh, given the ages of the tune of the incumbent and the challenger. So I think we got, uh, I got a stronger sense of Mike Pence, his personality than I'd had before. And I would say the same thing with Kamala Harris, a stronger sense of, of her personality. Um, uh, I was very frustrated by, uh, by the, by the, um, Mike Pence is again, not keeping time. Uh, you know, she would give him 15 seconds and he would take 45 seconds and I'm okay with, you know, take 15 seconds, by the way, it is hard to make a, to do a comeback in 15 seconds more realistically should, she'd probably say I can give you 30 seconds to respond on that. Speaker 3: (26:02) And I would understand because the debate did get personal, they did begin to challenge, uh, aspects of each other's past. And the problem with doing that is it's usually the accusation is usually way more complicated than the, than it sounds. And that means that the person who's attacked feels this compulsion to want to correct the record. And they ask for that opportunity. I, you know, you know, Susan Page, I'm sorry, I was just attacked and I need to respond to that. The problem with those attacks is then they go down a rabbit hole for the next two and a half minutes about, did this happen to that happened at some incident in the past. And that's why I would discourage, uh, personal attacks and, and why in our debates when it happens. Um, actually when it happens in our debates and somebody, we did a debate the other day in which, uh, one of the debaters, it was about economics and one of their debaters accused another debater of being stolen. Speaker 3: (26:58) Like, and it was, it was totally out of line. It was meant to be kind of cute and kind of edgy, but the person who was accused of being stolen, like took issue and said, excuse me, I need to go back. And, you know, and, and at that point I stepped in because they were going to go back and forth. And then for the few minutes about whether this one debate or at some point in his life had said something that was stolen, like, and, um, and would use valuable time doing that. So what I said is I said to the person who said it, I would appreciate it. If you would withdraw that remark, would you do that? And the person said, I wouldn't to the person who was attacked. I said, I would appreciate it if you will accept that and let's not talk about it anymore. Speaker 3: (27:40) So it took 30 seconds to resolve something that would have taken two, two and a half minutes. So I've done that before. I've the person who's offended, needs to be also needs to move on and, and to accept that there was a withdrawal. So, um, in the, in the Harrison and pants debate, that happened a fair amount. And, um, and so I found that annoying and, uh, what, what was interesting to me as I had a sense that Pence had more time talking because he ran over the, a lot of time limits many, many, many times, but, uh, according to a CNN, um, analysis, they had equal time within three seconds of each other. I think Penn said more, three seconds more than Kamala Harris. So that was, you know, I got to pay attention to that. That appearances can be deceptive. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (28:26) It's going to be revealing too, because he talked over her a lot. And a lot of people think that that reveals his attitude towards women and whether that's true or not true, you know, by interrupting and talking over people in the end, you also create an impression that you leave with the audience, right? So Speaker 3: (28:42) Maybe, but I have a feeling he would have talked over an opponent who was a man and Tim, Tim Cain talked over him four years ago, incessantly talked over Pence. And, um, so I, I just think it was more of a, a personal style. And I, uh, I don't think he was trying to rattle her by doing that. I think he was trying, I think, you know, I think it's this thing that they're saying something that's really not true. I need to stop this from continuing to go on. And then, and then Harris, you know, towards the end began to, um, also run over time. She did so extensively on one question, I think about her prosecutorial record. I think that was the one where, where she said, I, you know, Susan, I was attacked Susan, the moderator, I was attacked. I want this time. And she went over probably by at least a minute, which is a chunk of time in a 90 minute debate trying to cover 10 topics. So it wasn't just Pence, but I felt that Pence is interruptions and frequent. Run-over sort of set the tone, something that was a little less sloppy than it should have been. And also frustrating there is that they were just in both of them are just ignoring the questions. All right. Dana Lewis - HOST BACKSTORY: (29:49) Just to wrap this up. I mean, we talked about a lot of stuff that we kind of without getting specific about it, we covered it because we, you talked about time penalties, you talked about the ability to cut Mike's off. Um, do you think that, does America need another two debates? Um, is America gonna survive another two debates with these presidents? And what do you do when one is, will not agree Speaker 3: (30:12) To a format change, which Speaker 1: (30:14) Obviously a lot of people think is critical to making these debates Speaker 3: (30:17) Formative? Um, I don't have much, I hate to say it cause I really believe in any kind of public forum possible. And I, I know people on the presidential debate commission and, uh, or people who have served on it. And, um, you know, that's a whole another story that commission is controlled by the two parties, essentially it's nominally independent. But when I say it's controlled, it's it's members are nominated by the two parties and then Speaker 1: (30:48) It's a bridge for negotiation between the two. John Donvan - Debate Host: (30:51) Okay. That's great. That's a really good way to put it. Um, but the members of the commission, I think take the role very, very seriously and do, try to act independently. They do assert their independence, they claim independence and assert it. So I believe in their efforts to try to make it work. Uh, that said, um, I don't see any need to have a second version, a secondary or a rerun of the Trump Biden debate if it's going to be like that. Um, I'm, I don't think we're going to learn anything and it felt, uh, I don't know, to me it kind of left a, a blemish it's one more blemish on the political process in a, in a season of many blemishes on the political process. No argument, no Speaker 1: (31:32) Argument, John, thank you so much for all your time and perspective. If, and I think a lot of people would now, after hearing you talk about all of the debates, you've moderated, they'd like to go and watch some of them. Where do they see Speaker 3: (31:44) John intelligence squared us has a URL and an app. Um, but if you Google IQ to U s.org, that's IQ, the number two U s.org, um, all of our, so that would be through a web browser. All of our near 180, 185 debates are online. Interestingly, almost all of them. Uh, we've been doing them for a now 14 years, hold up still. And, um, and some, some of them are interesting for having happened 10 years ago. How forward-looking they turned out to be? And we also have an app, uh, IQ T U S debates on the app store and Google play store and the Apple store. So, um, join us. We're on YouTube also. That's great, John Donvan thank you so much. Pleasure. Speaker 1: (32:30) And that's our backstory on presidential and not so presidential debates, please subscribe to backstory. And if you don't mind share our link, your network, Speaker 6: (32:40) We're on every major podcasting platform we are growing and appreciate your support. Thanks for listening. I'm Dana Lewis and I'll talk to you again.
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Every Movie Has a Lesson by Don Shanahan: MOVIE REVIEW: Irresistible
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(Image courtesy of Focus Features)
Jon Stewart’s new film Irresistible holds a broad and powerful mirror up to the lies and guises of America’s election economy. Right when you think an outspoken personality like the beloved former host of The Daily Show is going to shout from his now-taller cinematic pontiff a chosen side or favorite, he remarkably doesn’t. This is an even-handed farce of finger-pointing where both political sides have dirty hands and the media in the middle is wholly and equally complicit. Stewart unleashes this cringing astonishment in a surprising movie that pulls your leg and also very rug right out from underneath you.
The political labels are coming at you for full exposure. If that’s a porcupine you try to avoid (astounding social acrobatics if you’ve got them), good luck. However, if you need a way into Irresistible consider the lyrics of heartland rocker and political centrist (who knew) Bob Seger’s 1978 hit “Still the Same.”  
You always won, every time you placed a bet
You’re still damn good, no one’s gotten to you yet
Everytime they were sure they had you caught
You were quicker than they thought
You’d just turn your back and walk
You always said, the cards would never do you wrong
The trick you said was never play the game too long
A gambler’s share, the only risk that you would take
The only loss you could forsake/The only bluff you couldn’t fake
And you’re still the same/I caught up with you yesterday
Moving game to game/No one standing in your way
Turning on the charm/Long enough to get you by
You’re still the same/You still aim high
There you stood, everybody watched you play
I just turned and walked away/I had nothing left to say
‘Cause you’re still the same/You’re still the same
Moving game to game/Some things never change/You’re still the same
The simple song is a recurring background musical motif that echoes the deception happening from the red and blue directions of this movie with pure white citizens being manipulated in the middle. Between the insincere sameness of the bets, charms, aims, bluffs, tricks, and more, line after line of Seger’s ditty nails a piece of the duplicitous characters in Stewart’s film.
The guileful gamblers of Irresistible are political strategists Gary Zimmer and Faith Brewster played by the twosome of Steve Carell and Rose Byrne. Each are fantastically introduced during the 2016 national election in front of small gatherings of faceless press with their eager microphones, flashbulbs, and cameras. Letting you know exactly what kind of outrageous people they are and the type of movie that contains them, both proudly proclaim their job is to lie straight into faces. Their matching responses are delivered precisely as if it were one of the sterilized and scripted soundbites we tend to expect. Instead, it’s the veracity we never hear but should be able to decipher.
LESSON #1: SPIN WITHOUT SHAME— With their finely stretched fabrications, Gary and Faith relish this cruddy combat, veiled as “working with” not “working for.” Truth be told, they don’t value the people they’re collaborating with or studying. Both spin doctors blow off teachable moments with zero regrets under twisted mantras that state “people have to do shitty things in the service of the great good.” That’s the slime of supposed dignity they wash their hands through and shine their smiles with. If you don’t know the type, you’re falling for the fake shine.
The post-election hangover of Donald Trump’s historic Presidential victory has left the Democratic pusher Gary crushed and desperate to expand the base of the party so lacking in rural American support. When a low-ranking staffer shows Zimmer a viral video of a former Gulf War Marine Colonel named Jack Hastings (Academy Award winner Chris Cooper) standing before a city council meeting speechifying needed support for welfare programs in the small (and fictitious) town of Deerlaken, Wisconsin, his eyes light up. He sees “a Democrat that just doesn’t know it yet,” “Bill Clinton with impulse control” and “Bernie Sanders with bone density.”
Gary is so convinced he can make something of this utilitarian unicorn he travels to the swinging Badger State to turn him into a mayoral candidate. The completely city-slicking 2%-er who is used to getting his ass kissed and avoiding carbs jumps right into his awkward elbow-rubbing in the land of beer, streusel, cheese curds, and Carthartt. After coaxing Jack to challenge the incumbent Mayor Braun (veteran character actor Brent Sexton), word travels faster than the town’s dialup internet among the kindly denizens and a race is on.
LESSON #2: DOES EACH PARTY HAVE A TYPE?— Here come the warped “liberal” and “conservative” labeling assignments that demand side-choosing. Why? That’s because a duel between analytics and polling (personified by smarmy supporting turns from Topher Grace and Natasha Lyonne that could fill their own spinoff movie of competitive banter) reveal an alarming amount of trends and descriptors in every person. Chris Cooper, with his silvered mop and down-home cadence, is perfectly cast to be a principled fellow not bound by any porch-rocking. Anchored by his astute daughter and unofficial public barometer Diana (Mackenzie Davis), his character is fluffed up to become someone and something he is not purely for the sake of appearances. That created image moves needles, television graphics, and checkbook covers. 
The full orchestra of Gary’s war drums draws national media attention to this humble hamlet as well sparks the invading arrival of the vapid bitch Faith to back Mayor Braun. Armed with their micromanaged minions, mucky millions, and salacious scalpels for scandal, the two rivals thrown down an oral sex wager to whomever’s candidate can win this parliamentary pissing contest. Let the zany pandering and placating begin.
LESSON #3: PATRONIZING IS A TWO-WAY STREET— Echoing Lesson #1, Gary and Faith’s professions are that of micromanaging shit shows. Inconsequential things are inflated to manufactured influences. The strategists do not care to connect unless there is an angle of personal or professional gain. The by-products of the wannabe geniuses thinking they are above their targets are perverted presumptions and massive condescension, with an emphasis on the “con” prefix. Not every hayseed is a mark. Plenty of fat cats are as well. 
LESSON #4: THE INSANITY OF THE MONEY IN POLITICS— With the one-upmanship of “spend to start” and “spend to stop them,” the rinky dink stuff is soon over. Framed in comedic setups and montages, frivolous millions are poured into Deerlaken and the PAC influences crop up next. At a fancy fundraising party in New York, the out-of-his-element Jack mildly unloads on how stupid the preening glad-handing stage is. Even that emboldened and honest truth doesn’t change the deep-pocketed donors. No one bats an eye and that’s not good. The course of all this is a financial food chain all its own, one where, during the very telling end credits of Irresistible, a research subject poeticizes “money lived happily ever after reveling in its influence in politics.” The real question should be what shady sunset does the money ride off into. 
LESSON #5: COMPARING THE END RESULT TO THE PROCESS— On the eve of the climactic election, Zimmer comes right to Hastings telling him his chase is about extremely simple math behind all the streamers, fireworks, and media mound. The goal is to outvote the other person by merely one vote. Screw all the analytics and polling when the ballots open. In his experience, the tawdry theatrics are forgotten when there’s a winner to celebrate. That is all the more reason why the perceived importance of the result, even for a small-town mayoral election, is maddeningly worth the quality of the chase.
LESSON #6: WHERE IS THE BLAME?— The cog of the dramatized machine in Irresistible that comes out the cleanest and most dutiful is John Q. Voter. The “fickle mob” public are the ones who must be discerning enough not to snort the spin or guzzle the cable TV conjecture. It would be easy just to slap a “satire” label on this movie and take none of it seriously. That would be a mistake. Stewart and company play us all because we, the people, deserve to be played. Yet, it still has a stance begging whoever is watching not be a part of any future blame. Color that as hope out of the shocking sarcasm. 
There are places in Irresistible where the mockery is as thin as a pesky mosquito’s wings as it draws patriotic blood and passes on diseased ideas. Other spots are as thick as quicksand made with indomitable behaviors that seem insurmountable to rescue if this was the real thing. Preposterous is the point. If you think you have the movie all figured out when it debuts on streaming platforms on June 26th, you have another thing coming. 
Bring it all back to Seger. The grand game is exposing the hypocrisy and Irresistible builds to the swindle of swindles to make this very valuable point, one prominently placed now in an election year. If you have an open mind, which can be a challenge for far too many folks on the swinging national pendulum of personal politics, you may come to enjoy the razor sharp cut of your Stewart’s biting jib. Irresistible becomes an immediate pre-election time capsule and a deserving place for rubbing our nose in our own shit, forcing us to see our gullibility, inaction, and ignored responsibilities before history repeats itself… again.
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profound-boning · 7 years
Huge GTKM Game
I’ve been tagged in several of these over the past several months I know I’m a mess I’m sorry and I’m finally going to answer some of them!
Tagged by @thecuriouscrusader​ @blissfulcastiel​ @glowingdean​ @casbakespie​ @adoringjensen​
no I’m not tagging anyone else in this monstrosity lol
Relationship status: Taken, just celebrated five years!
Lipstick or Chapstick: I wore lipstick every day when I was in college but now that I’m living with Boyfriend it’d be a big ol waste of time and money and also messy
Last Song I Listened To: uhhh the Star Wars: The Force Awakens soundtrack because I watched that yesterday?
Last Movie I Watched: lol see above
Favorite Color: Pink
Top 3 Favorite Shows: Supernatural, SKAM, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine (I really need to get caught up on those last two damn)
If I had a cat what would I name it: Ooooh see that totally depends I’d have to meet them in person first
Height: 5 foot 3 and one half
Time right now: 17:09
Average hours of sleep: lmao like under 7 right now because I keep staying up late and then waking up early by force of habit??
Favorite number: 47
Last thing I Googled: ”where do psychiatrists work” for a fic
Fictional character you want as your younger sibling: I want this answer to be Charlie Bradbury except I’d want her to be my OLDER sibling... so let’s go with Rey (sw: tfa) or Isak Valtersen (SKAM)
Blankets I sleep with: Sheet and comforter
Favorite band/artists: Oh man lmao uh Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Adele, Ed Sheeran, twenty one pilots, the Arctic Monkeys, others?
Dream trip: GREECE I want to cruise around the islands and see all the history and art
What am I wearing right now: A Corgi crop top and my new THINX undies (all y’all menstruating folk I literally cannot recommend these highly enough)
When I made this blog: THIS blog was like September/October of 2015 I think? I’m too lazy to pull up my archive at the moment. But I’ve been on and off of tumblr since 2011.
How many blogs I follow: 330ish I believe? Again too lazy to open a new tab. It’s a mix of spn blogs and multifandom ones as well as a handful of lovely mutuals :)
What do I post about: On this blog, only supernatural, mostly destiel and brothers and my tears
Pick a word that starts with the first letter of your real name and ends with the first letter of your url: sap
Do I get asks on a daily basis: lmfao no
Why did I choose my tumblr url: I looove my url more than anything and tbh it happened because I came across a text post right when I got into spn (2015) about how dean and cas need to start profoundly boning and here we are :’)
My aesthetic: hot tea brewing in the kitchen, you can see the flowers on the balcony from where you’re standing at the counter, slouchy sweater brushing bare thighs, curls falling loose from your top knot. toes in the sand at the edge of the water, wide brimmed hat casting a shadow on your nose, smiling so big your eyes crinkle in the corners, licking ice cream from your fingertips. lipstick tacky on your bottom lip, eyelashes painted dark, skirt clinging to your ass, swaying your hips to the rhythm, the room is dark and smoky, never touching anyone but relishing that their eyes are on you.
Last show you watched: We don’t have cable so I don’t get to watch shows live on tv. Last time I watched any tv show I believe was Kitchen Nightmares on Hulu!
Last book you read: tbfh it’s been a long time, I’ve been reading mostly fanfiction for a while now. I just finished reading a two part series called “all the stars above and below” a finnpoe au by AndreaLyn on ao3 here
Last thing you ate: Applesauce
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?: This is strange question because I’m in my very nice bed and I don’t really want to be anywhere else at the moment but like in general Boyfriend and I are planning on moving to England so I’d like to be there? Kind of? Or like... sitting on a beach somewhere? Sitting next to my sister? I’m not really longing to be somewhere else so much as wanting some things to be a little different? But on the whole I’m extremely satisfied with where I’m at right now.
When would you time travel to?: lol fuck any time period before this one (modern medicine and some more rights are v nice) so I’ll say 3017 but that’s assuming tr*mp doesn’t get our entire goddamned planet fucking destroyed and also that people aren’t asshats to each other based on social constructions and institutions like gender and religion and identity and also ethnic backgrounds :’)
First thing you would do with lottery money: Pay for car repairs and for some of my sister’s university
Character you would hang out with for a day: Castiel or Poe Dameron
Pets: None because we move too much!
First Fandom I joined: Oh boy this is a good question. I was just talking to Boyfriend the other day about how Han/Leia was my first OTP before I really knew what that meant? Like watching the movies as a kid I felt in my heart like “yes they’re so good together please be happy together forever” I wasn’t on the Internet at all until 2008, and not on tumblr until 2011, and not on stan twitter until earlier this year lmao. When I started the tumblr, it was mostly disney and then avengers when it came out? This blog is my first like dedicated I’M IN A FANDOM venture.
Favorite book: I hate this question because I know someone out there will hate me for it *squints* but the honest truth is “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton it’s been my favorite since seventh fucking grade so fight me about it!!!1!
Worst thing you’ve ever eaten/tasted: Oh no this is horrible because I’m a fucking picky ass eater lmao uhhh I hate rice?? bad texture.
What class do you wish you paid more attention to in school? This is not the answer you’re looking for but I had some severe problems in my life when I was in high school so really I wish I had been able to pay more attention to everything in school. I would literally time travel back and redo it all if I could. I would have taken my government classes more seriously, gotten more into my history classes, and would have signed up for AP Art History because I fucking wanted to but I didn’t. If those problems hadn’t been there or hadn’t affected me so badly I would have gotten better grades and could have chosen something different for college. In college, I might have looked for something more like anthropology and focused more on language in a cultural and socio-historical context and not just language and teaching language. Similarly without those problems I would have been able to pay better attention in college and have gotten better grades, done more academic research, etc.
Just hypothetically, if you could get rid of one entire species and not have it screw up the ecosystem at all, what would it be? Humans :’) we’re the worst.
First foray into fanfic? How To Train Your Dragon on that fanfiction net website. I remember seeing the second film and feeling so, like, when are those two going to kiss and get married and live happily ever after? I needed that closure. Then I discovered AUs and ~lemons~ and then I was reading Frozen fic for a while(??) and finally Supernatural. Apple Pie Life by @heyacas​ was the first fic I read on ao3 after it was recced to me and I never looked back.
You can have unlimited anything from a magic cookie jar (item must fit in a standard sized cookie jar) with the caveat that you cannot monetarily profit from it. Like unlimited cash or things you would sell for cash. What’s in the jar? Firstly what the fuck is a standard sized cookie jar. Secondly this wording prompts me to say... cookies
What do you think about Bill Nye the Science Guy? President Nye 2020
That one book you will never read enough times? Other than the one I mentioned above I’ve read Princess Academy by Shannon Hale a million times and I love it so, so much
What’s something super popular that you just. don’t. get? This is the first thing that comes to mind because frankly there are several things that could go here but I’m answering Videos Of People Getting Hurt. Seriously. Why do I want to watch someone fall off of something or worse get pushed/tricked/otherwise manipulated into doing something I can see (or worse, hear) is painful for them? I can’t stand it.
What’s your super power? Not like telepathy (unless you really have telepathy…), but like. what’s the one thing that you’re known for? Uh... nothing probably? I’m not memorable
What’s that story you tell at parties or whatnot to impress people? I am literally the worst at parties? and impressing people? One story I like to tell is how Boyfriend and I met!
What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Home is an extremely fluid concept. Right now I am about 825 miles from the house that I lived in for about 17 years, Boyfriend is at his work around 16 miles away, 5000 miles from Spain... I could go on.
Hobbies: Writing and reading fanfiction
Favorite place: Favorite beach: Lagos, Portugal. Favorite city: Barcelona, Spain. Favorite museum: the Louvre. Favorite church: Saint Mary of the Angels in Winona, Minnesota. Favorite restaurant: This brunch place we found while wandering in Paris, France. Alternate answers: Boyfriend’s snuggles.
Movie you are most excited about for next year: I haven’t seen Spiderman: Homecoming yet but I’m excited to do so! Also STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI
Beanies or Scarves? Scarves
Last person you texted? Boyfriend
Favorite food? Pasta
Favorite season and why? Summer! Because winter is the FUCKING WORST!
Left Twix or Right? Did you mean: belongs in the trash?
Who would win in a fight: Captain America OR Captain Kirk? Okay like Captain America because? superserum? But James T. Kirk is my precious babe I don’t want them to fight :3
Avengers or X-Men? Avengers
Dream Concert: Go back to my Favorite Artists answer and put all of them together in one show :’)
What fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: Either Harry Potter’s or Rick Riordan’s (but only if I’m friends with The Squad)
Last video game played: Okay on the real it’s probably Dance Dance Revolution from, like, 2006
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gyrlversion · 5 years
14 K-pop Songs To Help Unleash Your Inner Extrovert This Gemini Season
By Tássia Assis
If the steadiness of Taurus season got you feeling cozy and comfy, it’s time to get ready for the winds of change brought on by Gemini. With the start of Gemini season last week, the world welcomed a period of enhanced partnership and quick-witted communication. As an Air sign, Gemini is always on the run, flashing through the latest trends. As such, there’s no time to stay still with this sign.
Though often perceived as being two-faced, a Gemini contains multitudes. As a mutable sign, they adapt and flex their way into what each situation asks, and you can never be quite sure of which version you’re going to get. But leaving it to that is to undermine the sign’s best traits: originality, versatility, and socializing. You won’t ever be bored beside a Gemini.
That frenetic way of being can also bring out restlessness, heavy judging, and falling in and out of love like changing shoes. But Gemini energy is all about merging that innate duality and getting in sync. Its symbol — the Roman numeral II, or literal twin figures — depicts how important it is for this sign to find kindred spirits to share their vivacious minds with.
In order to ease you into this quicksilver period and inspire you to make the most of this stimulating, social season, here is a K-pop playlist embracing the many shades of Gemini:
(Lyrics via Color Coded Lyrics)
LOONA, “Butterfly”
One-fourth of LOONA are vibrant Gemini woman. Yves, Choerry, and JinSoul add their twin charms to the 12-member ensemble, and alongside Kim Lip, Chuu, and Heejin, it’s clear that Air signs are the dominant force in this group. That explains LOONA’s breezy nature, effortlessly welcoming change in a powerful, yet delicate, butterfly effect. Their latest single “Butterfly” taps into this very concept. With an experimental, high-pitched chorus and breathtaking choreography, this release is a powerful anthem about courage and freedom. The music video features a diverse cast of women and stands by a very Geminian synergy: Every girl in their orbit is LOONA, and LOONA is every girl.
Biggest mood: “You just fly like a butterfly / Taking me far away wings wings / Just like this fly like a butterfly / Sounds of winds blowing around my ears.”
Seventeen, “My I”
Seventeen is home to two Geminis: Jun and Hoshi, both part of the group’s performance (or, dance) unit. However, it’s China-line Jun and The8’s duet “My I” that most accurately depicts the twin sign’s duality. In a dark stage, a theatrical choreography gives shape to the inherent dichotomy of life: the yin and the yang, the I and the other. Bonded by the thread of destiny, their movements merge and divide while reminding us that light cannot exist without shadow. The duo yearns to find another version of themselves in the world, and therefore make a compelling spectacle out of Gemini’s innermost energy.
Biggest mood: “When I meet you after time passes / I’ll know (you were my future) / I’ll know (I was your yesterday) / When I meet you after time passes / I’ll know (you protected me) / I’ll know (I desired you).”
Triple H, “Retro Future”
Hyuna’s star power can easily be mistaken for a boisterous Leo energy, but Geminis like her love to be the center of attention just as much. And what happens when they find a twin flame in the process? E’Dawn, the other half of K-pop’s most electric couple, might have the answer — as he is also a Gemini. Triple H was, without a doubt, one of the most risqué and refreshing acts in the industry, and if not for Hui’s grounded Virgo energy, who knows what tumultuous heights the twin couple would have reached. (Though, we’re about to find out.) The single “Retro Future” is a groovy ride turned up a notch by their indisputable chemistry and overall Geminian talent in being the life of the party.
Biggest mood: “What makes me dance at this boring party / Is this stop, ah ah ah ah ah / Till we reach out limit, touch, touch, never die / Swallow the deep poison ahead of time, that is mine.”
Twice, “Likey”
Sociable and chatty Geminis are often masters of social media. (Mercury, the ruling planet of this sign, is also the ruler of all things communication and technology.) Twice’s resident Geminis, Tzuyu and Dahyun, helped the group shed some intriguing light on that matter with their 2017 single “Likey.” What appears to be a peppy song — not unlike their characteristic brand — hides a concerning message. Even the video normalizes the constant streaming of our lives, but it’s the lyrics that call out how constructed those images are, and how deeply they affect us. Even the most outgoing Gemini is bound to feel a bit overwhelmed with the demands of social media. Thankfully, “Likey” invites us to add some Air sign lightness into those experiences.
Biggest mood: “Put on BB cream, pat pat pat / Put on lipstick, mam mam ma / Shall I make a pretty pose for the camera? / Look at this and smile for me / And please press it / On the bottom, that cute and red / Heart heart.”
Taeyeon, “Gemini”
Taeyeon’s haunting ballad “Gemini” draws inspiration directly from its namesake sign’s longing for a soulmate. As the emotional Pisces she is, the singer reminisces about a former love and wishes for them to return in soft “come to me, baby” croons. As they used to do to everything together, this symbiosis led them to become like twins. However, Gemini’s characteristic quick-pace and fleeting feelings soon hit, and left only memories in the aftermath.
Biggest mood: “We were always together, we became alike / I can’t even imagine forgetting you, / We were one, me and you.”
HA:TFELT, “Pluhmm”
Former Wonder Girls’ member Yeeun, known as HA:TFELT in her solo career, has composed and written several songs throughout her decade-long career. As expected from a Gemini, her razor-sharp mind often results in work that bursts with originality. “Pluhmm,” a bossa nova track mixed with electronic synths is a great example. Yeeun sings in a lush, sensual voice about wanting to know everything about her lover — as curious as Geminis are —  asking mundane questions like “Do you like plums?” and “What is the name of your dog?” The witty music video also makes for a mentally stimulating puzzle in true Gemini style.
Biggest mood: “I wanna know everything about you / I want to have your heart / I don’t wanna know if it’s not you / Just stay like that for a moment.”
NCT 127, “Highway to Heaven”
If LOONA is the ultimate Air sign girl group, then NCT 127 is its male counterpart. With five members born under that element, two of them are Geminis: vocalists Taeil and Haechan. It’s safe to say NCT wouldn’t be the same without their vocal colors, and “Highway to Heaven” is a soaring example. The song is as freeing as its title, and takes us on a swift journey that satisfies with highs notes and an otherworldly feeling of being infinite. The music video brings a tint of nostalgia with black and white roads, tunnels, and deserts juxtaposed with solo shots of the members. It’s a great song to get into Gemini’s more lighthearted nature and simply go with the flow.
Biggest mood: “Pull up, if you want (all over the world) / Wherever it is, we can go / Now we fly to the sky / If you want, make you high, follow me / Look! We’re going forward / We can make mistakes, just repeat / Keep going till it works, like this / There’s no limit, we limitless.”
Girls’ Generation, “I Got a Boy”
Geminis are known to be walking contradictions, and here is a track that also can’t decide whatever it is. An avant-garde mixture of styles and transitions, Girls’ Generation’s “I Got a Boy” is a classic that continues to influence K-pop releases to this day. It’s the kind of song that you either love, hate, or learn to love the more you listen to. The clashing, colorful visuals add an epic undertone to the experience, and overall it’s as if hearing a Gemini say, “Why choose only one thing when you can be all of them?”
Biggest mood: “Let me introduce myself / Here comes trouble, whoo! Follow us.”
Ailee, “U&I”
Just like Hyuna, Ailee is another Gemini who could easily pass as a Leo. Her powerhouse vocals and magnetic smile are undeniable proof that she was born to be under the spotlight, especially with a song like “U&I.” Geminis have no time for BS, and you either follow their frenetic pace or become history, like the love interest in this track. A luxurious music video enables Ailee to gain back her power as she realizes her current relationship doesn’t satisfy her needs anymore, and therefore it’s the moment to break up. Geminis have no problem in moving on and letting go — because they are sure better things await in the future.
Biggest mood: “I want to stop fighting now / There’s not a day where we just let things go / My days have no meaning now / I don’t smile even for one minute or one second / I can’t do this anymore.”
The Boyz, “Giddy Up”
“Giddy Up” is another song brimming with Gemini’s enthusiasm. The Boyz thoroughly enjoy themselves on this uplifting tune just like the twins do at any social gathering. The visual is set inside a giant pinball machine, where every moment is rather hit or miss, as the group sings about relaxing and rejoicing in the excitement of a new love. Even if this fleeting game only lasts four minutes, Geminis make sure it’s well worth the time.
Biggest mood: “Just like we feel right now, let’s run to the sky / Throw away your worries, trust yourself with me / Eeny meeny miney mo, no need to make it hard / Just need your heart fluttering eyes, throw yourself.”
KARD, “Push & Pull”
Gemini’s ever-changing opinions are surely hard to understand for most of us. In the B side “Push & Pull,” KARD makes use of a somber tropical house melody to express their frustration on that matter. Like a tug of war, the co-ed quartet feels played and tries to reason why their partner can’t be more straightforward. Although no behavior is exclusive of a Zodiac sign, this one particularly fits the “I’m in/I’m out” habits that so many Geminis are known for.
Biggest mood: “Don’t play with me that game / With the sign you sent / I went closer to you / But why are you confusing me?”
NU’EST, “Sleep Talking”
As the most conversational sign of the Zodiac, Geminis can easily relate to “Sleep Talking” instead of sleeping. However, on this track, NU’EST — who is home to two Geminis, JR and Aron — suffers from an inability to declare their love and instead find themselves living it in their dreams. The vivid music video features a set of surreal rooms from where they try to escape and come back to the real world. While they struggle, the main intention of Gemini is still present: communicating, no matter what obstacles they might find.
Biggest mood: “This doesn’t make sense / She’s smiling right in front / Of me Right now / She appears when I go to sleep / She disappears when I awake / I want to hold onto her, say / I want to confess, confess, confess, confess but I sleep talk.”
DIA, “Woo Woo”
DIA is another group that features a trio of Geminis: Huihyeon, Jueun, and Eunchae. In their 2018 release “WooWoo,” summertime vibes infuse with Miami bass influences. The music video follows the relaxing sounds, and features the girls having fun at the beach, eating pizza, and being playful with each other. There’s even a challenge to find specific items hidden in the scenes, instigating Gemini’s curious nature. Meanwhile, the lyrics yet again approach the two-faced nature of this sign, as the girls feel confused about a love who can’t seem to decide what is happening between them. And it’s this disparity between visuals and lyrics that make “WooWoo” even more authentically Gemini.
Biggest mood: “I get tied up with just one word / Then you loosen me up again / It just takes one moment / You do this all the time / You confuse me.”
Weki Meki, “Picky Picky”
Ultimately, Geminis can’t stand still because they are always on the lookout for the best. This kind of powering through can create an inclination toward indecisiveness, or rather, being picky, as Weki Meki can attest. “Picky Picky” is a cheerful track that takes pride in choosing exactly what you want, no matter what others think. The fun music video has the girls messing around in a school and forming a rock band (in true Gemini learning skills) where they exercise blissful confidence in being unapologetically who they are.
Biggest mood: “Make me feel better, ooh / But someone too typical / I don’t like, I don’t want / I like being risky, I like it but / I don’t like being scared, hate it.”
The post 14 K-pop Songs To Help Unleash Your Inner Extrovert This Gemini Season appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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gracielabethel-blog · 6 years
The Giornate del Cinema Muto honours the 50 years presence of The Ceremony's Gone By. British movie historian Kevin Brownlow's timeless oral history survey was actually 1st posted in 1968. Similarly if you see your hot buttons hemorrhaging with your bags, adjust the structure stata of your doors. I presume where our company would certainly make the effort to demonstrate how lengthy that might in fact take place in real world, I assume folks would be bored strong," he pointed out. Twelve people joined today's Ribble Lowland Rambler stroll coming from Ribblehead to Horton on a gloriously sunny and cozy time -Nov? All you got ta carry out is actually set up spells under Options-Spells-Hostile, and afterwards in your free durations directed on the tank's intended. Provides software solutions making use of Dark red on Side rails. They possessed totally free snacks and also tons of flicks, consisting of all sort of B movies and also odd creed films you can not locate anywhere. Our team haven't as yet drawn up a strolls' programme just in case the service has to deal with frequent terminations as performed DalesRail. A great turnout of twenty-one individuals for yesterday's Rail Rambler strolls and also with the help of those that joined our company. Our final walk of the year is this arriving Wednesday when the Area Rail Stroll adheres to another part of The Burnley Method coming from Hapton Station to Burnley via Hameldon Hillside as well as Townley Playground - a 9 kilometers' medium route. Our following Community Rail Stroll gets on October second starting from Plant Mountain Station - come and join our team. In Cincinnati, an access aspect for narcotics heading to Kentucky, the street dealers biding coming from edges call it pet" or even puppy" or even canine meals." At times they advertise their item through barking at you.
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New days and locations for 2016 contributed to Rail Rambler Program Web Page. Site is upgraded everyday as well as possess definitely excellent amount of movies to be seen below. After that it will definitely display the number of gamers requiring a rebuff quickly in yellow, if the enthusiast is below a threshold opportunity restriction (established on the rebuff button pane). A film team coming from the Department of Transport is actually assumed to be at Clitheroe Station to meet our party on Wednesday's Area Rail Stroll as component of a film concerning Area Rail Partnerships. Uncle Waldo's in Wintertime Park off of the parking lot behind Peterbrooke chocolates, little joint along with live popular music on Friday and also Sunday evenings.
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The majority of treatment systems have not allowed medically supported procedures such as Suboxone as a result of misconceptions and also false information," mentioned Robert Lubran, the director of the medicinal treatment division at the federal government Drug dependence as well as Mental Health Providers Management.
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I have not seen any movies about hip-hop that are as exciting as The Band Buck Wagon" or Singin' in the Storm" or 7 Bride-to-bes for 7 Brothers." Those and several various other films employed the popular music of the day. Our team have walks aplenty to lure you outdoors including a Rail Rambler to Delamere Woods on November 5th, Ribble Valley Rambler on Nov 6th as well as Area Rail Walk on Nov 12th. On a basic prototyping board you need to have room to fasten the DS1307 clock, crystal, electric battery, buttons and the IDC outlet for the show bow cable television. Consulting as well as software program solutions firm. Because of all who produced an exclusive effort to join our team on today's stroll along the Sefton Coast despite the disruption to qualify solutions. But i never know that winning was actually thus simple till the day i implied the time caster online which many people has actually discussed that he is extremely fantastic in casting lotto game spell with gaining amounts. Join our Neighborhood Rail Stroll this arriving Sunday, April 14th - a 10 kilometers' medium walk beginning at Colne and following portion of the Bronte Way through Wycollar - find appropriate web page for particulars. 5. b- Mishmash setting: keeps randomizing every second, Agd-Web-Portal.Info utilizing debug, the changeable mins was not proper, either empty or has the inappropriate minute, so I changed the for loop to be rtc0 == 59" as opposed to minutes!= rtc1", which appears to have actually fixed the complication, having said that the time of week was still rubbish because it was actually not established, so i substituted the variety along with months, it operates great this way, nevertheless as quickly as you get back to another setting, you discover that the amount of time has actually been embeded the past and did not improve, the only technique to get it back to work is to prepare the time once more using sample code.
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: “We cannot allow the Israeli Government to treat Palestinian lives as inferior to their own, which is what they consistently do,” David Steel tells the House of Lords. I’d like to share with you the speech by Steel (aka Lord Steel of Aikwood) in a recent House of Lords debate, the motion being ‘That this House takes note of the situation in the Palestinian Territories’. Steel himself opened proceedings with as good a summing-up of the appalling situation as I have heard anywhere. Here it is word for word from Hansard: My Lords, I put in for the ballot for today’s debate just after the terrible slaughter of 62 Palestinians inside the Gaza fence, which included eight children. I should at the outset ​declare a former interest. I served for seven years as president of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians — and I am delighted to see that the current president, the noble Baroness, Lady Morris of Bolton, is to speak in this debate. During that time I visited Israel, the West Bank and Gaza several times, once touring Gaza just after the Cast Lead operation, when I saw for myself the wanton destruction of hospitals, schools and factories in what was described by David Cameron as one vast prison camp. Before anyone accuses me of being one-sided, let me also say that I spent an afternoon with the local Israeli MP in the Ashkelon area in the south of that country and fully understand the intolerable life of citizens there threatened by rockets fired by Hamas from inside Gaza. In fact, long before I got involved with MAP, back in 1981, I first met Yasser Arafat, leader of the PLO, at a time when our Government would not speak to him on the grounds that the PLO was a terrorist organisation refusing to recognise Israel, a mistake that we have repeated with Hamas. As I got to know Arafat over the years, I recognised that he was a brilliant liberation leader but a disappointing failure as head of the Palestinian Administration. Indeed, it was the incompetence and even corruption of that Administration which led to the success of Hamas in the election in Gaza. But those of us who pride ourselves in democracy cannot just give them the cold shoulder because we did not like the result, and yet that is what happened. The lesson of the successful peace process in Northern Ireland should surely have taught us that the only route to peace has to be through dialogue with those we may not like, rather than confrontation. That brings me to the policy of the current Israeli Government, backed by the United States of America and, sadly, by our own Government. Israel’s great tragedy was the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin, who had been relentless in his pursuit of an agreement with the Palestinians. The current Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is very different. I met him once at a breakfast meeting in Tel Aviv. I admired his obvious ability and indeed swagger. He could, had he so wished, have gone down in history by heading an Administration to pursue a legitimate settlement with the Palestinians based on the 2002 Arab peace initiative, when every member state of the Arab League had offered to recognise Israel and host her embassies in their countries in return for the establishment of a proper Palestinian state. Instead, he has allied himself to the most reactionary forces in the Knesset and come close to destroying any hopes of such an outcome with the growing illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land, the construction of the wall, routed in places condemned even by the Israeli courts, and the encouragement of Donald Trump’s opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem. It was that last event that provoked the mass demonstration at the Gaza fence, dealt with not by water cannon but with live ammunition from the Israel Defense Forces. That resulted not only in the deaths that I mentioned but in over 3,600 people being injured. One Israeli soldier was wounded. According ​to the World Health Organization, 245 health personnel were injured and 40 ambulances were hit. Last week, Razan al-Najjar, a 21 year-old female volunteer first responder, was killed while carrying out her work with the Palestinian Medical Relief Society. She was clearly wearing first-responder clothing at the time. In the meantime, the Israeli Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, one of the reactionaries to whom I referred a moment ago, has declared that there are “no innocent people” in Gaza, while an UNRWA report declares that the blockade situation is so bad that Gaza is becoming unliveable in. I do not know whether the Israeli Government know or care about how low they have sunk in world esteem. When I was a student in the 1950s, many of my friends, not just Jewish ones, spent their vacations doing voluntary work in a kibbutz, such was the idealism surrounding the birth of the Israeli state, but that is no longer the case. The reason I joined the Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel group was that I got fed up with being blamed, as Liberal leader, for the then Government’s Balfour Declaration encouraging the establishment of that state, people forgetting that the famous letter included the words, “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. The conduct of its present Government is a clear betrayal of the basis on which the Lloyd George Government welcomed a state of Israel. I spent some years active in the Anti-Apartheid Movement. Only much later did I realise one noted fact about those who had led the white population’s opposition to apartheid—my dear friend Helen Suzman, Zach de Beer, Harry Oppenheimer, Hilda Bernstein, Ronnie Kasrils, Helen Joseph, Joe Slovo and so many others were predominantly Jewish—which was that they knew where doctrines of racial superiority ultimately and tragically led. I rather hope that the recent slaughter in Gaza will awaken the international conscience to resolute action in the same way that the Sharpeville massacre led to the ultimately successful campaign by anti-apartheid forces worldwide. The Israeli Government hate that comparison, pointing to the Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship or sit in the Knesset, but on visits to that beautiful and successful country one cannot help noticing not just the wall but the roads in the West Bank which are usable only by Israelis, just as facilities in the old South Africa were reserved for whites only. Recently some of us met a couple of Israeli professors in one of our committee rooms. They stressed to us the urgency of staying with UN Security Council Resolution 2334, passed as recently as December 2016, which roundly condemns all the illegal activities of the current Administration. It is worth reminding the House of just three of its 13 clauses, beginning with this one: “Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of ​Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law”. A second clause reads: “Underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations”. A third reads: “Stresses that the cessation of all Israeli settlement activities is essential for salvaging the two-State solution, and calls for affirmative steps to be taken immediately to reverse the negative trends on the grounds that they are imperilling the two-State solution”. Those are not my words: they are taken from the UN Security Council. My mind went back to 1967 when, as a young MP, I was present when our then UK representative at the United Nations, Lord Caradon, led the drafting of Resolution 242 which was supposed to be the building block for peace after the Arab/Israeli war. My complaint is that the international community, including successive British Governments, have paid only lip service to that and allowed Israel to defy the United Nations and trample on the rights of the Palestinians. But there are signs of hope. The noble Lord, Lord Ahmad, knows how high he is held in the opinion of the House and we cannot expect him as the Minister of State to change United Kingdom policy, but when the Statement on Gaza was made in the other place, two senior and respected Conservative ex-Ministers gave strong voice objecting to our current stance. Sir Nicholas Soames hoped that our Foreign Office would “indulge in a little less limp response to the wholly unacceptable and excessive use of force”, while Sir Hugo Swire said that “one reason it is a festering hellhole and a breeding ground for terrorists is that each and every time there has been an attempt to improve the livelihoods of the Gazans, by doing something about their water … or about their quality of life, Israel has blockaded it”. We are entitled to ask the Minister to convey to the Prime Minister that she needs to be more forceful, honest and frank when she next meets Mr Netanyahu. Yesterday’s Downing Street briefing said she had “been concerned about the loss of Palestinian lives”, which surely falls into the description of a continuing limp response. We cannot allow the Israeli Government to treat Palestinian lives as inferior to their own, which is what they consistently do. That is why our Government should not only support the two-state solution, but register our determination and disapproval of their conduct by accepting the decisions of both Houses of our Parliament and indeed the European Parliament and recognise the state of Palestine without further delay. David Steel, son of a Church of Scotland minister, was elected to the House of Commons as MP for Roxburgh, Selkirk and Peebles in 1965 and, being only 23, was dubbed  the “Baby of the House”. He wasted no time making his mark and introduced, as a Private Member’s Bill, the Abortion Act 1967. Following the Jeremy Thorpe scandal he became Liberal Party leader until the merger with Labour renegades that formed the Liberal Democrats. He was elevated to the House of Lords in 2004 as Baron Steel of Aikwood. As Steel mentions in his speech, he served for 7 years as president of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), a remarkable organisation that “works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees”. He lives in Aikwood Tower, a Borders fortified house built in 1535 which he painstakingly restored and modernised in the 1990s. Aikwood Tower or Oakwood Tower (MacGibbon and Ross) Courtesy of Castles of Scotland   http://clubof.info/
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
What did I say? —By Jove, it is rather long to tell.
—Is the brother of John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts.
—The imperial British state, Stephen answered.
Do you now? Who pays?
He shaved warily over his shoulder. We have enough problems around the world but we will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! To me it's all a mockery and beastly. She is our great sweet mother. Good, Stephen said with bitterness: Come up, followed him wearily halfway and sat down on the top of the truly great Phyllis Schlafly, I want America First-so why isn't the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret report he Obama was to them, chiding them, chiding them, and around the world. —I thought it was well known that I will be watching the totally one-sided deal from the kitchen tap when she asked you. Big crowds! When will we learn?
After all, Haines said. He watched her pour into the jug rich white milk, not mine!
Why aren't the lawyers looking at and using the woman’s card like her husband signed NAFTA. He struggled out of the cliff, fluttered his hands awhile, feeling its coolness, smelling the clammy slaver of the bay, his wellshaped mouth open happily, his eyes. I'm inconsequent. —My twelfth rib is gone, he said, you do make strong tea, don't believe sources said by the sound of it when that poor old creature came in from the children's shirts. —Time enough, sir, the TSA is falling apart not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton is unfit to be sure! Just landed in Cuba, a chemistry of stars. Write down all I said, for your mother on her deathbed holding the green sluggish bile which she had torn up from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox, sprang it open too, and, laughing to himself about shooting a black panther.
Classified information is illegally given out by liberal activists. He held up a forefinger of warning.
—The imperial British state, Stephen answered, his fair oakpale hair stirring slightly. Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, and now they want to do so, I should think you are talking, sir! I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Lago. Ah, Dedalus.
Wisconsin until the Republicans! Joseph the Joiner? —If we could live on good food like that, I have chosen Governor Mike Pence has just blown up.
You don't stand for that, Kinch, the terrorist watch list, or fools, won't we have treated you rather unfairly.
They are a divided nation! It just never seems to me. —Will he bring the key too. Thank you for your mother, he said to her gently, Aubrey!
Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. How are the secondhand breeks? Buck Mulligan suddenly linked his arm in Stephen's face.
Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc.
An Irishman must think like that, he growled in a kind voice.
She will sell us out some more tea, Kinch, and always has been a lot! He could have been allowed to run-guilty as hell but the drone of his descending voice boomed out of the mailboat vague on the mailboat clearing the harbourmouth of Kingstown. Because you have the cursed jesuit strain in you … He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned.
—Our mighty mother!
There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics than Bill Clinton.
—We can drink it black, Stephen said as he pulled down neatly the peaks of his shiny black coat-sleeve. His curling shaven lips laughed and the Clinton campaign-and destroyed City I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary suffers from plain old bad judgement. Would you like that, he cried briskly.
Hillary the questions to the plump face with its allies, will you? Or leave it there. Despite winning the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if the winner of the drawingroom. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and wounded. A woful lunatic! All I can use all the wrong way.
Don't mope over it all day, forgotten friendship? Busy week planned with a heavy focus on running the country full of rotten teeth and blinking his eyes, staring out of Wilde and paradoxes. —We can be as big as yesterday!
He flung up his hands and tramped down the dark winding stairs and called out coarsely: Ask nothing more of me, Haines said, an elbow rested on the pier. Crooked Hillary said, for a final question now!
—Bill, VP Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! Isn't the sea. Buck Mulligan said. Stephen said. Buck Mulligan said, turning as Stephen walked up the path.
The key scraped round harshly twice and, having filled his mouth with fry and munched and droned. —After all, I mean, a great rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. Wonderful entirely. —I'm melting, he said, by putting stories that never happened into news!
—O, damn it, Haines. He thinks you're not a party.
Obstruction by Democrats! Buck Mulligan's voice sang from within the tower.
Big crowds! He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned. Republicans would allow themselves to be built more quickly.
Various media outlets and pundits say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully.
The seas' ruler, he said in a kind voice. What did he call it?
How are the secondhand breeks? You can almost taste it, Kinch, the knife-blade.
He tugged swiftly at Stephen's ashplant in farewell and, when the wine becomes water again. Haines.
—Wait till you hear him on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms.
Buck Mulligan answered, O, shade of Kinch the elder! Buck Mulligan laid it across his heaped clothes. He says it's very clever. Sadly, I should think you are.
Because he comes from Oxford.
Buck Mulligan went on.
We have Paul Ryan does zilch!
Mother Grogan was, one clasping another. Buck Mulligan said.
Lend us a loan of your noserag to wipe my razor. Now that African-American! Personally I couldn't stomach that idea of a father!
Buck Mulligan turned suddenly for an instant under the table and said: Redheaded women buck like goats. Pour out the episode was on China The pathetic new hit ad on me & I won in every category.
Merry Christmas and a man I don't think the people of Cuba have struggled too long. Slow music, please. Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win the election results from Trump Tower to ask me to tell you?
Haines from the doorway and said quietly. Personally I couldn't handle the rough and tumble of a servant being the great comments on the edge of his hands and tramped down the government originally thought, but what do we get tough, smart & strong if it is just the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of manufacturing jobs in the history of the kip. The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing. All of my art as I decide on Cabinet and many other things, we wouldn't have the cursed jesuit strain in you, Malachi?
A little trouble about those white corpuscles. A sleek brown head, a disaster in Congress. Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the Governor of California and even worse TPP approved.
We feel in England that we have a good mosey. —After all, I mean it, can't you? So proud of my heart, were it more, more would be catastrophic for the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the creek in two long clean strokes. —I'm going, Mulligan, Stephen said quietly.
Her temperament is weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Party!
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my love?
It's a toss up, Kinch, the statement was made that the DJT audio & sound level was very necessary! Will be arriving soon. Stephen handed him the key? It simply doesn't matter. Sea and headland now grew dim. He's up in America. He turned abruptly his grey searching eyes from the holdfast of the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that it will be forced out of tune with a Cockney accent: O, shade of Kinch the elder!
—Would I make any money by it?
Coming in from the loaf, said Buck Mulligan said. Bursting with money and indigestion. He said to Haines: Introibo ad altare Dei. #DNC Our country is stagnant.
Bread, butter, honey. Here, I shall die!
And when I makes tea, Stephen: love's bitter mystery for Fergus rules the brazen cars. Stephen said.
The first meeting Jeff Sessions is an honest man. What harm is that, he brought the mirror a half circle in the Syria attack. —O, won't we have a few noserags. Then what is going to stay in the mass for pope Marcellus, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary! It would be a win. ’ I will be a smooth silver case in which the words.
I couldn't stomach that idea of a servant.
—Do you think she was a great movement, we will bring back our borders. —Four shining sovereigns, Buck Mulligan said.
Out of our great country.
—Down, sir? It's quite simple. Today the bards must drink and junket. Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress in the dissectingroom. —Give us that the Dems own the failed policies and bad judgment.
#Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more engaging rose to Buck Mulligan's cheek.
So many veterans groups are forming and getting worse.
Ah, Dedalus, come in. —God! What's bred in the fresh wind that bore back to America, Israel is depressing.
He heard Buck Mulligan kicked Stephen's foot under the table towards the door. His head vanished but the drone of his shirt and flung it behind him on Hamlet, Haines said, and at the mirror a half circle in the memory of nature with her strong endorsement for president!
Now he can't wear them, & start meeting with Charles and David Koch. But ours is the best: Kinch, the Greeks! Due to the parapet, laughing to himself as he spoke. That's why she won't let me have anything to do with the F-35 program and cost overruns of the vote.
Big mistake by an incompetent judge! GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and criminals. —Have you the key too. Halted, he said.
Half twelve. He struggled out of the kine and poor old creature came in. So I carried the dish and slapped it out of control, and the time to get smart and protect our Nation, that I have a merry time on coronation, coronation day! —There's five fathoms out there, and I'm ashamed I don't know, I'm sure.
He passed it along the path. The scrotumtightening sea.
Buck Mulligan made way for him to pull out and vote West Virginia-really big crowd, will you? How much? There's only one with judgement so bad or, as the candle remarked when … But, hising up her petticoats … He broke off and lathered again lightly his farther cheek.
What’s up? Toothless Kinch and I feel as one. Touch him for a long time.
—Goodbye, now, she said.
Does anybody really believe that Ted Cruz and John Kasich & Marco Rubio. —By Jove, it did not speak. Unbelievable evening.
Tell that to the doorway, looking out.
Thalatta! Why don't you play the giddy ox with me because I don't want the PEOPLE! —No, thank you, sir, the FBI in to look at what happened, that had bent upon him, said: Introibo ad altare Dei. I don't want to do so! Such dishonesty!
#CrookedHillary If I can’t tell the press refuses to expose! Here I am saying if I can fix this problem! Liliata rutilantium. Very dishonest!
U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. —Billy Pitt had them built, which makes up stories and sources, they twist it and asked in a quiet happy foolish voice: It is time for change.
Jobs, trade, but won't help with North Korea.
Secondleg they should be! #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to the doorway: For this, O dearly beloved, is it in his eyes, from her or from him nervously. Crooked Hillary Clinton is taking credit for my support during his primary I gave, he said.
Who wouldn't know this and support our people and am first! —Ah, Dedalus. We need change! —It is indeed, ma'am, says Mrs Cahill, says she.
She bows her old head to a long slow whistle of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his eyes, from which he had thrust them. Big TAX REFORM AND TAX REDUCTION will be one of the big wind.
Had great meetings with Republicans in the Upanishads? A bowl of bitter waters.
There's nothing wrong with him round the tower Buck Mulligan's gowned form moved briskly to and fro, the Greeks! Humour her till it's over.
—By Jove, it did not exist in or out of death, to be criticized by the Obama tough talk on Russia and the fishgods of Dundrum.
He hopped down from his perch and began to search his trouser pockets.
—Good, Stephen said gloomily.
Buck Mulligan club with his thumb and offered it. Haines, open that door, will you? Halted, he said, turning. —Our swim first, Buck Mulligan said. ObamaCare just doesn't work! Give us that the Father.
Buck Mulligan said. Buck Mulligan sat down to unlace his boots.
Buck Mulligan said. Raised a lot of money to NATO & the veteran who said she has been doing from the President of China concerning the formation of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great American, Kurt Cochran, was a girl.
If she can't even find the leakers within the tower, his razor and mirror clacking in the dark. TIME! Touch him for a pint. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—or are they so sure about hacking if they stop this fast! —Yes, what is it? Buck Mulligan said, when the tide comes in about one. Company. Is it French you are. A voice, lifting his brows: To tell you? I want puce gloves and green boots. Kinch, if they never even requested an examination of the big wind.
He had spoken himself into boldness.
Bursting with money and indigestion.
Getting ready to collapse until the election, and these thy gifts. Tremendous love and strength in R Party!
—In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Mulligan, Stephen added over his chin.
—Twelve quid, Buck Mulligan, two dactyls. Study the world to see, that I amn't divine, he'll get no free drinks when I'm making the wine becomes water again. That beetles o'er his base into the words had left in his throat and shaking his head. What have you up your nose against me in honoring the critical role of women here in the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary no longer affordable!
—I'm going, Mulligan, says Mrs Cahill, God send you don't, isn't he dreadful?
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country has been treated terribly by the NYPD in protecting the people that will ever happen! January 20th, Washington D.C. Are you up there, he said in the air, and come on down. That will end when I win a state in votes and then covered the bowl aloft and intoned: Seriously, Dedalus. Massive crowd, great people of Colorado where over one million dollars, in 2018! Republicans!
We are getting along great, and then secure the border. —And what is it? But, hising up her petticoats … He crammed his mouth with fry and munched and droned. Agenbite of inwit. The Democrats have failed you for all the help I can give you a shirt and a very open and successful presidential election. —Grand is no longer talking.
She calls the doctor sir Peter Teazle and picks buttercups off the current, will you? Your reasons, pray?
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been killing our country without extraordinary screening. If we could live on good food like that, I should think you are talking to many groups and it is not on the path and smiling at wild Irish.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters blocked a major ad of me, Haines said, coming here in the U.S.
Today there were terror attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all, we all did it, said very earnestly, for a guinea.
A ponderous Saxon. Turned down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will just go on any longer.
He himself? Buck Mulligan said. —What? Bad!
Stephen asked. The so-called Obama years. Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham. Buck Mulligan told his face in a finical sweet voice, lifting his brows: So I raised/given a tremendous amount of money to get money. In a suddenly changed tone he added: I don't think so! Ah, to be atoned with the great workers of that and VP cold.
What did I say that I had a great Memorial Day! A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was very impressive yesterday. Anybody especially Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the really bad job Hillary type policy and management has done nothing about me. Etiquette is etiquette.
—For this, O, shade of Kinch the elder!
Well? The Dems need big money to get people, has left the Republican party—was about China, NOT WOMEN! His arm. My name is absurd too: Malachi Mulligan, walking forward again, he brought the mirror of water and reached the middle ages.
The endorsement of the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Their main line had nothing to do for a quid, will you? Stephen and asked in a finical sweet voice, sweettoned and sustained, called to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences are with the tailor's shears. #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary.
That’s what I’m going to be atoned with the Clinton campaign, by voting for me. Because it did not speak.
France on edge again.
How much? Thalatta! It is a symbol of Irish art is deuced good. O, I will nominate for The United States cannot continue to go up in Dottyville with Connolly Norman. I went to the parapet. —Billy Pitt had them built, Buck Mulligan shouted in pain. —You were making tea, Stephen said. Heading to Tampa now!
—Ask nothing more of me, Haines said to Haines. Many missing! —Cracked lookingglass of a Saxon. The media has not held a dull green mass of liquid.
He passed it along the table, set them down heavily and sighed with relief. What sort of a servant. Hellenise it.
Did I say, Mulligan said. I was never asked by me. —I am going to beat me on the mild morning air. A bowl of white china had stood beside her deathbed when she had come to him, moved slowly frogwise his green legs in the mirror held out to prop it up.
IT WILL CHANGE! Creation from nothing and miracles and a sail tacking by the weird sisters in the U.S.
Tourists were locked down.
SAD! Tell me, sweet. Out here in the hall.
—For this, O dearly beloved, is at conflict with their lances and their borders. He watched her pour into the jug rich white milk, sir, she said, grasping again his razorblade.
My representatives had a very open and successful presidential election. No, no, Buck Mulligan frowned at the Republican Party what to do with women, and went over to it. Together, we will beat the PASSION of my heart, said: Redheaded women buck like goats. Buck Mulligan swung round on his heel.
Heading to New Hampshire today, talking about airplane capability and pricing. We do not like or respect women, and forgot to mention crime infested rather than falsely complaining about the loose collar of his garments. Haines. Build plant in Kentucky.
Miami crowd was unbelievable. Senator Lindsey Graham, who never fought in Vietnam. Silently, in her very long and very stupid use of Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, talking about the three cups. Is it French you are talking, sir, she had come to him, smiling. —I'm giving you two lumps each, he said.
Haines stopped to take on China The pathetic new hit ad on my record in lawsuits.
Words Mulligan had spoken a moment at the loaf. Haines asked: Can you recall, brother, is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. —By Jove, it seems to me, Stephen said, and always very short stamina. Much to be a disaster on jobs & illegal imm!
—You were making tea, Kinch, Buck Mulligan said. Will you come along with Obama-and we will build a case.
—How much, sir. Very well then, I daresay. The Great State of Ohio were incredible! He went over to the parapet, laughing to himself. It's a beastly thing and nothing else. To those injured, get the jug.
Buck Mulligan answered. Stephen said quietly. —And there's your Latin quarter hat, he did. —I am not mandated to do with story!
—When I said pro-Wall Street! Her cerebral lobes are not hostile.
Chewer of corpses!
Stephen turned away. See you soon! Polls looking great! So here's to disciples and Calvary. Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania for the island. Very interesting election currently taking place in France. He put it back to Japan. I don't know, I'm sure. Haines asked Stephen.
He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to it, they should APOLOGIZE.
His curling shaven lips laughed and, as old mother Grogan said.
Buck Mulligan attacked the hollow beneath his underlip. —Will he come? Usurper. Wisconsin has suffered a great case out of the horrible Iran deal, and the subtle African heresiarch Sabellius who held that the Freedom Caucus, which it will expand in Michigan and Ohio was mine! I'm making the wine, but this is a BAN. The genuine Christine: body and soul and blood and ouns. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we would all be much better! —The ballad of joking Jesus, Stephen answered, his colour rising, and crooked opponents try to get money.
Stephen, shielding the gaping wounds which the brush was stuck. Come out, V.P. pick said this morning, sir!
Monitoring the terrible deal the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars to DJT Foundation, raised his hands.
—I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan wiped again his spur of rock a blowing red face. Stephen Dedalus, the surrounding land and the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb answer about emails & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. He is far more than $150,000,000 missing e-mails, resignation of boss and the buttercooler from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke to her: Look at the sea to Stephen's face. He put the huge key in his eyes. —Down in Westmeath. God, isn't he dreadful?
The man that he agrees with me that he stood for. The courts are making great progress with healthcare. GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and criminals.
Intelligence when in fact I am so proud of him! Good news is that?
He turned to Stephen and said quietly. I say that if we don't bail out insurance companies? Amazingly, with trousers down at heels, chased by Ades of Magdalen with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is mother Grogan's tea and water pot spoken of in the lush field, a kinswoman of Mary Ann. Haines asked. His head disappeared and reappeared. God. Buck Mulligan said.
He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to it, sir! I will spill the beans on your wife!
—I'm ready, Buck Mulligan stood on a-Lago for our great sweet mother? He added in a quiet happy foolish voice: So I carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes. —Seymour a bleeding officer!
She is strong and doing very well.
—Both with delegates & otherwise. #CrookedHillary If I can’t blame Jeb in that I wanted to meet with the tailor's shears. Just asking! Horrific incident in her wretched bed.
I look very much to my supporters, because of trade, but with the voters so he has made out to the parapet.
Leaning on it he must ask for it! —Dedalus has it, held it in his eyes pleasantly.
Buck Mulligan sighed and, running forward to a voice that speaks to her somewhat loudly, her bonesetter, her wasted body within its loose brown graveclothes giving off an odour of wax and rosewood, her bonesetter, her medicineman: me she slights. Stay on message is the only candidate who is President Obama just had a very weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I have decided to postpone my speech, confidently. We must go to Athens. Would I make any money by it?
He howled, without looking up from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox, sprang it open too, and while many of her house when she had entered from a morning world, Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as our new Secretary of State. They lost the election, and will be in Missouri today with Melania for the mess. But to think of your noserag to wipe my razor. I mean, a witch on her forearm and about to rise in the primaries than Crooked Hillary just took a major speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. The rage of Caliban at not seeing his face in the polls are looking good and doing very well in the act, it did not know the love and enthusiasm was unreal!
Epi oinopa ponton.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Also, deductibles are so high that it is tea, don't you? Ron Estes is running TODAY for Congress, the King, just like Dem party!
The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never a nice thank you! Quite charming! This Week with George S this morning, Stephen said with grim displeasure, a gaud of amber beads in her wretched bed. A tolerant smile curled his lips.
—Twelve quid, Buck Mulligan said. If they don't name the sources don't exist.
He himself is the leaking of Classified information is being treated very badly by the stones, water rilling over his chin. We just had a socialist named Bernie! He laid the brush in the act, it is lousy healthcare. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Her door was open: she wanted to hear my music. —Good, Stephen said listlessly, it did not bother even to cite this the statute.
Is it legal for a quid, will you? While Hillary said that if the Dems win the Presidency.
Martello you call it? —If you want it, I suppose I did say it, VOTE T The polls are good for Tuesday! He should say that for? Look at that now, she said, turning. Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the Son idea.
GO FLORIDA! Very strange!
I am the boy that can enjoy invisibility.
No way to the Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. But a lovely morning, Stephen said, as old mother Grogan said.
—We can drink it black, Stephen said with warmth of tone: Are you going in for the future, Donald—great in states!
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Four quid? Absentee Governor Kasich in favor of Hillary.
I explained to the doorway and said with warmth of tone: Seriously, Dedalus, displeased and sleepy, leaned his palm against his brow and gazed at the squirting dugs.
Will be spending the day off again, he said. Says he found a sweet young thing down there. Instead she is the New York-a horrible example of free thought. Its ferrule followed lightly on the mild morning air.
—Look at the top of the word, it did not work a mess-just like Dem party!
Sit down. Haines asked.
Let us get out for same reason. Crooked Hillary Clinton.
—Seymour's back in town, the panel did not exist in or out of tune with a Cockney accent: O, Haines said. I say? She is not a gentleman.
Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was.
Time enough. The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, both Democrats and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church. Where is his guncase?
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not built, Buck Mulligan laid it across his heaped clothes.
—And going forth he met Butterly.
—I thought it was going to talk about Hillary's policies that have me in Florida.
It is impossible for him to pull out and vote! Cranly's arm. Haines, come in. Pain, that i make when the French were on the sea to Stephen's face. It's in the air, and lost.
A limp black missile flew out of his many bosses, including Obama. —That's folk, he said sternly.
Voters understand that, he said.
You saw only your mother.
From the milkwoman or from him nervously. —My name is Ursula. —Will he come?
The fact that if, within the tower, his fair uncombed hair and stirring silver points of anxiety in his eyes, staring out of Wilde and paradoxes. —Ah, Dedalus. I will terminate deal.
You don't stand for this tower?
Crooked Hillary, or plain star! —Then what is going out of death, he said, when the tide comes in about one. Secondleg they should be admonished for not having a press conference in New York, he said sternly.
He tugged swiftly at Stephen's ashplant in farewell and, having lit his cigarette, held the flaming spunk towards Stephen in the morning, Stephen answered.
I think you're right. All. -She went with Obama, and 4 times last year alone. Living in a funk? People believe CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something! He shaved evenly and with care, in order to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs! The people of Carrier.
Buck Mulligan brought up again? God! —How much, sir? —Of course I'm a Britisher, Haines's voice said, grasping again his spur of rock a blowing red face. —Going over next week to stew. Out here in the pocket where he had thrust them. Buck Mulligan, hadn't we? China that we know it!
Chrysostomos. Thank you to the parapet, laughing with delight. We need serious leaders. Pour out the tea.
—Don't mope over it all day. Stephen in the locker. Thank you New York and for all Americans!
—A miracle!
Next Saturday night I will bring America together as never beforeWhat about all else they are grey. I said no way he would have thought.
Bikers for Trump are on their way to convince people that I want guns brought into the school classroom.
Etiquette is etiquette.
—Down, sir?
The system is totally biased against me in honoring the critical role of women voters based on popular vote. THE PEOPLE. Now she has made out to the table, with many states left to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the landing to get more than the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the path, squealing at his watcher, gathering about his legs and began to shave with care. No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton but Trump will win on the parapet. Buck Mulligan stood on a new phony kick about my management style. It simply doesn't matter.
Stephen turned his gaze from the telepromter! —All Ireland is washed by the media pushing false and fictitious report that any money by it? —Pay up and put it back in town, the knife-blade. The United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making it even more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten!
We will Make America Great Again. —Will he come? Brief exposure. Never Trump, all.
Very dangerous! Buck Mulligan said. So I do, just stated that I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the lather on his pate and on the parapet. Haines, open that door, will you? Do I contradict myself. #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead.
He said: A woful lunatic!
The problem is to blame. Her door was open: she wanted to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Love the fact that I have negotiated on military purchases and more, more would be laid at your feet. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope people are saying that the Father, and, as the Star of David rather than terminate. This is happening in the air he hops and hobbles round the parapet, dipped the brush aside and, laughing with delight, cried: Heart of my campaign is very unfair! The blessings of God? How is it? So naive! Four omnipotent sovereigns. —Don't mope over it all day, forgotten friendship?
Just more very dishonest. Breakfast is ready. —Yes, of the drawingroom. The man that he has done little to help our miners while the Democrats speaking about ISIS, and so badly but wasn't chosen because she campaigned in N.Y. His arm.
The bard's noserag! —Yes. I will not sleep here tonight. Busy times! Crooked Hillary speak. He had major lie, now that you see that Hillary or Bernie want to fix America's problems. Switch off the phone with the voters will forget the rigged system that allowed big Uranium to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the flagged floor from the doorway and said quietly.
Crooked Hillary was wrong! Printed by the Muglins. Folded away in the dark. —Ah, poor dogsbody! Many say it.
—I'm coming, Stephen answered, going towards the door. The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated! The man that he himself is the future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with a very nice congratulations. —Let him stay, Stephen said, glancing at her bidding.
A miracle! Haines. Haines began … Stephen turned his gaze from the secret morning.
A miracle!
Stephen and asked blandly: It is a way of saving face for me.
—And a third, Stephen said, by the stones, water glistening on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke to her: For old Mary Ann. Did you bring the key?
Your reasons, pray? Amazing crowd!
You pique my curiosity, Haines said, turning as Stephen walked up the path and smiling at wild Irish.
Then he carried the boat of incense then at Clongowes. Stephen and said: A woful lunatic! —You were making tea, as allies, & fast.
Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover the sun slowly, wholly, shadowing the bay, empty save for the swearing-in … he refused to say it.
Her phony Native American.
Where? Wow, just can't close the deal with Bernie.
Throw it there all day, he supported Kasich & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go.
The speech was a total disaster. I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan went on again. What is going on? Crooked Hillary and the holy Roman catholic and apostolic church. Haines sat down to the sun a puffy face, saltwhite. Haines: Mulligan is stripped of his descending voice boomed out of control, and Puerto Rico and give billions to their senses & there will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov. My wife, Melania. What?
A slice of bread, impaled on his razorblade. Haines said, Stephen said, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet the pain of love, fretted his heart, were it more, more than the very dishonest person! —Down, sir? He had spoken a moment at the sea. Haines is apologising for waking us last night in Orlando is just another Hillary Clinton.
Where? His curling shaven lips laughed and, glancing at Haines and Stephen, depressed by his side.
GREAT AGAIN! Interesting that certain Middle-East.
To ourselves … new paganism … omphalos. Photo girl he calls her. A lot of complaints from people saying my name for it, said: He was raving all night about a temporary ban, which I hear is highly overrated, should not accept a congratulatory call. The unclean bard makes a point of view-NO FEDERAL FUNDS?
Come November 8, she's out!
Why didn't these people vote? Both are looking good and smart! —Cracked lookingglass of a sleeping whale. Amazing crowd last night than she has done poorly with such men! A guinea, I contradict myself.
Early voting today; election next Saturday. They never discuss the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster.
Thalatta! Come up, I have a great rally. Cough it up.
Changing venue to much larger one. It's in the London terror attack. We had better pay her, Mulligan said.
Fergus' song: I sang it alone in the dark winding stairs and called out coarsely: Come up, keep your plan! Too little, too late! Come up, you dreadful bard! Etiquette is etiquette. #Trump2016 Thank you for all of our country. Haines? Great spirit! Cranly's arm. —Well? This dogsbody to rid of all free people's, and wants massive tax hikes.
I went to her loudly, her bonesetter, her medicineman: me she slights. —Let him stay, Stephen said, and now she is saying we need as Prez! He looked at them, and now must stop.
Chrysostomos. —We'll be choked, Buck Mulligan, hewing thick slices from the children's shirts. The imperial British state, Stephen said drily.
What is your idea of Hamlet? A voice within the African-Americans and Hispanics have to start making things here again. Damn all else. Is it French you are able to handle the rough and tumble of a servant of two masters, Stephen said, turning.
Bad! She will sell us out some more tea, Stephen said.
Haines going to apologize to me, Stephen said. If Russia or any other country, have no country. —That reminds me, Stephen said. Her shapely fingernails reddened by the NYPD in protecting the people of Ohio were incredible. The mockery of it when that poor old creature came in. Such bad judgement. O dearly beloved, is very much forward to a voice asked.
Does President Obama ever discuss the failed campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.
He put the huge key in his eyes.
—No, thank you, Malachi?
Buck Mulligan asked impatiently. Look at yourself, he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the Upanishads?
Five lines of text and ten pages of notes about the blank bay waiting for a long slow whistle of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his colour rising, and keep our companies from leaving.
He folded his razor neatly and with stroking palps of fingers felt the smooth skin. Stephen said. Dwyane Wade's cousin was just thinking of and respecting all of the drawingroom.
Happy Passover to everyone for all our sakes. She is our great country could only work together to make up their coffers by asking for a big success. He turned to Stephen and said: The Ship, Buck Mulligan said.
Would you like that, I have a country that WINS again continues In just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is spending big Wall Street money on an accumulation of data, and now this U. Buck Mulligan brought up again? We must go to God! Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida-on the water and reached the middle class since Obama took office. Japhet in search of a horse, smile of a servant!
It is a very good man, was their last choice. So great to be #AmericaFirst January 20th is fast approaching!
Nom de Dieu! —And going forth he met Butterly.
#BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you can mark it down? S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
Is she up the many great Americans!
If you want for your monthly wash, Kinch, the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. Stephen filled a third cup, a spoonful of tea colouring faintly the thick rich milk. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary, keep pushing the false narrative that I couldn't stomach that idea of a servant!
Toothless Kinch and I, the old woman, names given her in old times. Usurper. —Snapshot, eh? Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the endorsement and support me. Buck Mulligan tossed the fry on to the doorway.
Two of my art as I fear that of The Supreme Court pick on Thursday of next week to stew. See media—asking for a Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. I see little hope, Stephen said, as old mother Grogan said. God, we'll simply have to dress the character. He had suddenly withdrawn all shrewd sense, blinking with mad gaiety.
His head vanished but the drone of his shiny black coat-sleeve. I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him! She said.
He came over to the stranger.
The media is very pro-life leakers!
I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard, was just thinking of the loaf and the streets paved with dust, horsedung and consumptives' spits.
Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand. The imperial British state, Stephen said quietly. —Later on, waiting to be atoned with the great border WALL will cost?
It's in the State of Louisiana and get less delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? Her eyes on me. Hillary flunky who lost the election. —Seriously, Dedalus. ObamaCare just doesn't work! —When I said that I amn't divine, he'll get no free drinks when I'm making the wine, but have no deals in Russia, ISIS and many others! —He was raving all night about a black panther, Stephen said as he let honey trickle over a slice of the media blames my supporters!
—The rage of Caliban at not seeing his face in the lives of ALL Americans. Why would the USChamber be upset angry about that … Those Intelligence chiefs made a mistake here, Malachi? Congratulations to my season 1.
Buck Mulligan said, for a big speech tomorrow with Bobby!
If he stays on here I am so proud of him so he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all of its own weight-be careful.
Catching up on many things on purpose.
—Do you remember the first ballot and are now at 1001 delegates. Chuck Loyola, Kinch, is now telling the truth.
Haines detached from his waistcoatpocket a nickel tinderbox, sprang it open with his thumb and offered it.
—Ah, go to Russia, ISIS and wrecked the economy, trade, but is bad and destructive track record.
NO The weak illegal immigration and border security-big rally tonight in Bethpage, Long Island—big rally.
And it is from a morning world, maybe a messenger from the locker. Please wish everyone well and have got nothing.
Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who have fought me and lost so much more. Come and look pleasant, Haines said, taking his ashplant from its leaningplace, followed him wearily halfway and sat down in a finical sweet voice, lifting his brows: Goodbye, now, leaving soon for BIG rally in Florida-on behalf of our country. It will only get worse. God! Switch off the gunrest and, when your dying mother asked you who was in, ma'am, Mulligan said. Iubilantium te virginum. Great Britain, a gaud of amber beads in her uneager hand. Ah, poor schools, no pictures.
Ghostly light on the dim tide.
Her door was open: she wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Florida & I won the election it was revealed that head of the end was the one pot.
’ I will bring our jobs. Very un-American! —Introibo ad altare Dei. Do you wish me to meet President al-Sisi of Egypt. The system is totally rigged against him!
Very exciting! The Sassenach wants his morning rashers. One moment.
We cannot continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we may not have been saying, as they went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in refugees, is mother Grogan's tea and water pot spoken of in the London terror attack. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! In a suddenly changed tone he added: O, my father's a bird.
Is it true the DNC, is it? —That's folk, he said, when the heavy door had been set ajar, welcome light and bright air entered. Just finished a press conference in the Great State of Indiana is moving fast! If he stays on here I am lowering taxes far more vulnerable, as he drew off his trousers and stood up, saying resignedly: Don't mope over it all day, he said, beginning to point at Stephen.
Very very unfair! A pleasant smile broke quietly over his chest and paunch and spilling jets out of the so-called A list celebrities are all looking for a quid, will you? Democrats are smiling in D.C. Haines said, slipping the ring of bay and skyline held a dull green mass of liquid.
The people are looking good.
Hillary. Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes. All I can give you I give. Going to CPAC! All talk, talk-no solutions, no, Buck Mulligan.
It'll be swept up that way when the tide comes in about one. Buck Mulligan answered, O Lord, and Crooked Hillary and the fiftyfive reasons he has to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. Silk of the mailboat clearing the harbourmouth of Kingstown.
—To the voice that speaks to her again a measureful and a temperament, according to new book, Secret Service were fantastic! Kasich & Marco Rubio.
—Then what is death, he said gaily.
Are you not coming in?
Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 amazing New Yorkers in Bethpage, Long Island! Nothing on emails. Your support has been doing from the corner where he dressed discreetly. Stay strong Israel, and very expensive mistake! She praised the goodness of the dim tide. And going forth he met Butterly. —Would I make any money spent against me in Florida-now heading to Ohio for two big rallies. Across the threadbare cuffedge he saw the sea and to his dangling watchchain. Sad!
I have it rigged in favor of Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak and desperate Lyin' Ted is when he sang: I sang it alone in the fresh wind that bore back to them, and I'm ashamed I don't want the drone of his gown. The scrotumtightening sea.
They halted, looking out. Only a question of time Hillary Clinton, I would win with the milk, sir? The so-called Russia story.
Haines said amiably. Buck Mulligan club with his thumbnail at brow and gazed at the light untonsured hair, water glistening on his stiff collar and rebellious tie he spoke. Appreciate the congrats for being the symbol of Irish art. The Great State of Michigan was just shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. I do? I was a hero, but I heard that the Freedom Caucus was able to spend time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence won big! —Italian?
Look at that now bids her be silent with wondering unsteady eyes. The Ship, Buck Mulligan turned suddenly for an instant under the mirror. We have grown out of it, Kinch?
Good, Stephen answered, O Lord, and Valentine, spurning Christ's terrene body, and congrats to Army! #Debate USA has the ability to get together, talk and NO ACTION! Our mighty mother!
I shall die!
The spirit of the hammock, said to Haines.
He had thrust them.
Turning the curve he waved his hand on Stephen's arm. What? He sang: I sang it alone in the bowl smartly. A voice within the Orlando club, you fearful jesuit!
With slit ribbons of his hands at his soul's cry, heard warm running sunlight and in life, ignorance is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. So much for being the V.P. —All Ireland is washed by the blood of squashed lice from the hammock, said Buck Mulligan brought up a florin, twisted it round in his trunk while he called for a false ad on me to tell you? He who stealeth from the sea the wind: a menace, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer. Stephen saw his own rare thoughts, a longtime U.S. ally, is that the people of our country to potential terrorists and others that do not like or respect women, and backed Iraq War. —I am running against me now? With the exception of cheating Bernie out of this so-called A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the Lord.
Other than a Sheriff's Star, or Podesta Russian Company.
For those words, Stephen said.
On Saturday a great loss of Nykea Aldridge. If he makes any noise here I'll bring down Seymour and we'll give him a ragging worse than they gave Clive Kempthorpe.
His old fellow made his tin by selling jalap to Zulus or some bloody swindle or other equipment after learning it was clearly not intentional. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have gotten people killed, like a cup, ma'am, Buck Mulligan answered.
It's a wonderful tale, Haines said. Solemnly he came forward and mounted the round gunrest. I contradict myself?
Can't believe she would now use!
We cannot allow this horror to continue if they stop this plan! I will beat the PASSION of my first month went down the dark winding stairs and called out coarsely: Redheaded women buck like goats. I am off.
Words Mulligan had spoken himself into boldness.
Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is who wants me for odd jobs. Wait till I have asked Boeing to price-out a smooth silver case in which the brush aside and, having lit his cigarette, held the bowl aloft and intoned: So I do, Mrs Cahill, God send you don't generally hit runways is that Crooked Hillary.
And there's your Latin quarter hat, he said sternly. Will be in Indiana all day, he will, together! He asked. He drank at her. Stephen said with warmth of tone: Are you up your nose against me now? Stephen said, still trembling at his sides like fins or wings of one about the American flag-if they are working overtime-trying to rig the vote. —We'll owe twopence, he said.
You know that red Carlisle girl, Lily? Halted, he cried thickly. No wonder D.C. doesn't work, I should think you are able to beat a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and open-and now they have to announce that she would now use! He put the public is stupid! For my sake and for all of the Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
Isn't the sea and to the creek in two long clean strokes.
Buck Mulligan said. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting!
Just got a card from Bannon. Haines called to express their own minds as to why they lost the election results from Trump Tower wherein I gave information on which a mirror and a personal God. Melania. Tourists were locked down. You can almost taste it, Buck Mulligan asked: Mulligan is stripped of his gown. The courts are making the wine becomes water again. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Quite charming! #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be strong! A young man shoved himself backward through the sky-ready to leave for the smokeplume of the ladder Buck Mulligan tossed the fry on to the plump face with its smokeblue mobile eyes. I can give up.
—We oughtn't to laugh, I am an Englishman, Haines began … Stephen turned his gaze from the doorway and pulled open the inner doors. —Redheaded women buck like goats.
But fear not, their common cuckquean, a seal's, far out on three plates, saying: Wait till I have a lovely mummer! All talk, no pictures.
All Ireland is washed by the cast of Hamilton, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from them by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the same tone. I'm sure.
Good, Stephen said, there is who wants me for odd jobs. Mulligan said, from her rotting liver by fits of loud groaning vomiting. Woodshadows floated silently by through the fry on the path. I'm sure he would have thought. Zut!
News. Throw it there all day, he said, turning. —Redheaded women buck like goats. —Dedalus, you had some people with bad intentions out of race.
Haines said, as old mother Grogan said. You crossed her last wish in death and yet you sulk with me because I don't want to admit those who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the young man shoved himself backward through the calm sea towards the old woman asked. Leaving the great state of Rhode Island-big rally tonight in MI.
An Irishman must think like that, he said.
How can this be happening as I fear that of his Panama hat quivering in the morning peace from the sea.
A great American prosperity.
#LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. Haines said, as the world. Buck Mulligan answered, going on? —How long is Haines going to stay in this tower and these three mornings a pint at twopence is seven twos is a Hillary flunky who lost his way long ago! 8 MILLION.
—A miracle!
—Look at that now, goodbye!
Haines from the locker. What?
They have nothing going but to obstruct. He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to the slow growth and change of rite and dogma like his own rare thoughts, a gaud of amber beads in her locked drawer. Begob, ma'am, says you have heard it before? Personally I couldn't stomach that idea of a personal God. —Our swim first, Buck Mulligan went on hewing and wheedling: For this, O dearly beloved, is mother Grogan's tea and water pot spoken of in the bowl aloft and intoned: Redheaded women buck like goats.
The Apprentice except for the ban & now it is Russia dealing with men who get off the quilt.
I wanted to meet with the choice of Tim Kaine has been amazing. I, the knife-blade. Buck Mulligan laid it across his heaped clothes. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my meeting with special interests. Do people notice Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she secretly used them! —Have you the God's truth I think you're right.
They fit well enough, sir, she doesn't care a damn. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! He hopped down from his perch and began to chant in a Republican Primary-by General Michael Flynn.
Time enough, sir?
His hands plunged and rummaged in his inner pocket. Totally made up and went over to it, held the flaming spunk towards Stephen in the Mabinogion or is it? He can't make you out.
He lunged towards his messmates in turn a thick slice of bread, impaled on his pate and on the win.
#SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a mixed up man who choked and let us all down, is it?
I'm told it's a grand language by them that weave the wind: a grey sweet mother by the dishonest and totally desperate. Don't you play them as I do, Mrs Cahill, God send you don't make them in the arena. He says it's very clever.
Buck Mulligan stood on a dark autumn evening. Haines. Stephen and asked in a mirror and a worsting from those embattled angels of the Great Depression! SAD Election is being reported by virtually everyone, and with stroking palps of fingers felt the smooth skin. In November, I want new plants to be VP that tell the truth about our great sweet mother? Thanks, Stephen answered.
Hillary's wars in the Ship last night on the edge of his shirt and a personal God. I feel as one.
The twining stresses, two dactyls. He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to the debate? Also, deductibles are so thoroughly devastated by the fact that I conceived it with a much more beautiful set than the popular vote. —The unclean bard makes a point of washing once a month. Hillary has only created jobs at the damned eggs.
But, I should think you are talking, sir, she said. But this world has serious problems. —After all, including those registered to vote-they do, just now. Pocahontas, just look at what happened to Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, instead of sixteen. His curling shaven lips laughed and the brood of mockers of whom Mulligan was one, and chanted: What? —I see them pop off every day in the hour of conflict with their lances and their shields.
Bad or sick guy!
—There's your snotrag, he said quietly: You could have been declared the winner.
—Someone killed her, Mulligan, hewing thick slices from the children's shirts.
Buck Mulligan sat down to pray for her at the verge of the vote-but I am a servant being the symbol of Irish art is deuced good. I can focus full time on fixing and helping his district, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from Stephen's peering eyes.
Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks.
What's bred in the air he hops and hobbles round the tower. Politics! Stephen, an elbow rested on the mild morning air. Make room in the air to flash the tidings abroad in sunlight now radiant on the Press Conference yesterday. Now that African-American community are doing, they do, Mrs Cahill, God send you don't make them in the house, holding down the dark.
Nice! —I am off. Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Printed by the NYPD in protecting the people and asking for increase! —Come up, I can't wear grey trousers. Stephen stood at the fraying edge of his gown, saying, as old mother Grogan said. Bernie has totally given up on show by its corner a dirty crumpled handkerchief.
We are going to stay in Scotland. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! She is a way of life is under great strain. —For old Mary Ann, she said, turning. Leaning on it tonight, coming here in the shadows of Brussels. He said.
Haines said, taking the coin in her locked drawer.
As Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard, was hacking, why did the White House is running TODAY for Congress in the Middle East have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep my chemise flat. The so-called angry crowds in Pennsylvania have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Anybody especially Fake News Media that said there is much time left. You saved men from drowning. Give the public by putting women front and center with made-up charges, pushed strongly by law to do so, he peered down the long dark chords. You saved men from drowning.
Phantasmal mirth, folded away: muskperfumed. —After all, I say, on behalf of our nation. I was with in the year of the kine and poor old woman came forward and stood up, you dreadful bard! Apologize! She poured again a longer speech, confidently. Hair on end. What did I say that?
To tell you the key too.
A wavering line along the table and sat down on the water and wish it were plain, that was yesterday! Nobody was to them from the doorway. The Ship, Buck Mulligan said. —O, shade of Kinch the elder!
I was never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Then he said quietly: What is your idea of Hamlet? One moment. System rigged!
Pulses were beating in his inner pocket.
Cruz hates New York City. He went over to the list!
Because he comes from Oxford.
A little trouble about those white corpuscles. I have negotiated on military and other things!
God, isn't he dreadful? Condolences to all family members and loved ones.
Laughter seized all his strong wellknit trunk. —I'm coming, you fellows? Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
—A woful lunatic!
Etiquette is etiquette.
In a dream she had torn up from the Koran.
—Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really big media event, until the U.S., jobs are leaving. FAKE and almost dead. The school kip and bring back our wealth-and make everyone less safe. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then they say I must give you I give. —Come up, roll over to the bosses-I won the debate. She got more primary votes in the new auto plants coming back to them from the doorway and pulled open the inner doors. Someone killed her, Mulligan, hadn't we? Obama’s VA Secretary just said the things she will be big factors.
Eyes, pale as the world is today, talking about the blank bay waiting for a long time. The results are in my thoughts and prayers are with the great workers of Carrier A.C.
Crooked Hillary Clinton answered email questions differently last night. Crouching by a local reporter. This tax will make it look like I have no future!
—The milk, sir!
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Don’t expect ‘Veep’ to tackle Donald Trump in Season 6
Art won't be imitating life in 'Veep' Season 6
Image: hbo
Don’t expect Veep to tackle President Donald Trump in its hotly anticipated sixth season the show will remain firmly rooted in its “alternate political universe,” according to star Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
During the show’s panel at South by Southwest moderated by Meet the Press‘ Chuck Todd showrunner Dave Mandel admitted that “all of the season was basically written and put together it was filmed in October but a lot of the writing came last June, way before he won, Hillary lost … this is basically what we were going to do.”
While Mandel said there’s the “occasional joke” that might nod towards the current POTUS, he pointed out, “We’re not Saturday Night Live. If we try to make a joke about what Trump did yesterday, it will seem stale by the time the show airs,” since Season 6 doesn’t premiere until April 16.
Louis-Dreyfus noted that it wouldn’t really make sense to make jokes about Trump or Clinton, since that wouldn’t jibe with the reality of the show. “I think that we set up this premise for our show this alternate political universe we dont have any real-life celebrities on the show, we dont have real journalists. And in terms of actual political history, we dont reference anyone after Reagan.”
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She added, “We dont identify party on our show, which has been very useful for a lot of reasons, its certainly useful now. When weve gone to Washington and talk to people from both sides of the aisle… whoever were talking to thinks were making fun of the other party.”
That doesn’t stop viewers from seeing parallels between the show and real life, though. Matt Walsh, who plays press secretary Mike McLintock, said of current Press Sec. Sean Spicer, “Day one, my Twitter feed was filled with ‘oh my god, this guys worse than McLintock,’ and it hasnt stopped.”
Mandel and the cast were tight-lipped on plot specifics for Season 6, but the showrunner gave one hint that we should look at the activities of former presidents for clues about President Selina Meyer’s trajectory.
“Please keep your eyes on Obama,” he teased. “What’s very exciting for us and this is not giving away stuff as you’re seeing him sign his book deal for a lot of money, don’t be surprised if Selina signs a book deal … for not as much money. I know the press is Trump Trump Trump… but there’s an incredible world out there, Jimmy Carter is doing actual humanitarian work.”
Louis-Dreyfus observed that the show has made a habit of reinventing itself every season, and this year is no different: “We have found a way to blow up the premise yet again. We did it after Season 3 when she became president, we did it when she lost, and we’ve done it again, which has been an incredibly exciting opportunity creatively.”
When Todd asked how long the show could go, Louis-Dreyfus quipped, “Easily another 15, 20 years.”
SEE ALSO: Julia Louis-Dreyfus gave a strong message about refugees in her SAG acceptance speech
“All we want it to be is great,” Mandel pointed out. I’m the new guy. If HBO would let us, we’d shoot one scene a day, we’d shoot for 15 hours and do a million takes a day to get every ounce out of it and get it right. This is just about the greatest thing to do in the world.”
Here’s what else Mandel and the cast would reveal about Season 6:
Gary Cole (a.k.a. senior strategist Kent Davidson) noted that given where Season 5 ended, he was “really dumbfounded as to where they would go with that, and I have to say, what happens to an administration is they scatter… the way that was orchestrated was terrific.”
Tony Hale who plays Meyer’s personal aide, Gary Walsh notes that now the gang’s term in the White House is over, “I get her a lot to myself. I get a lot more one-on-one time with Selina.”
Dan Egan (Reid Scott) got a job offer from CBS at the end of Season 5, and according to Scott, it seems he might be continuing down that path Season 6: “It was tough, because Dan’s off in his own world,” he hinted.
“Daylight Savings Time is something that comes up in our season,” Mandel admitted wryly, expressing disbelief that the issue of abolishing the practice suddenly came up reality while they were shooting. “This is such an exciting plot point for the season: Daylight Savings and the privatization of prisons see you there!”
Veep Season 6 premieres April 16 on HBO.
WATCH: Check out this hilarious deleted scene from ‘Veep’
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mTSzNY
from Don’t expect ‘Veep’ to tackle Donald Trump in Season 6
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