#and lesbians/wlw also get fetishized
bi-dykes · 1 year
“What do you mean there’s still so much biphobia in fan spaces? Bisexuals are like some of the most popular characters!”
Yeah, and they either get treated like this:
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Or like this:
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“Biphobia isn’t real” neither are your braincells
#bisexuals deserve better#biphobia tw#biphobia#bisexual#bisexuality#listen not to post this rancid post on bi visibility month but part of bi visibility month is venting about biphobia and that’s okay#long tags#bisexual characters are constantly branded as either gay/lesbian or straight because bisexuality is constantly branded as never good enough#yes harlivy are sometimes fetishized by men who want to get off on seeing girls smooch. yes sometimes these men are the writers of dc#no they do not make up 100% of harlivy content. no gross men drooling over harlivy doesn’t immediately make harlivy straight#harlivy have had queer female writers before. a huge portion of their fanbase are queer girls#just because they are occasionally festished doesn’t mean that they aren’t good bi rep#I see where this person is coming from but no. bc REAL BI WOMEN get festishized by men and that won’t make their sexuality any less valid#would you tell these real girls that they’re actually straight since ‘sapphicness isn’t sapphicness once it’s taken advantage of by men’?#glimmer lesbian content makes me sad bc it’s not even like interpreting harlivy or korrasami as lesbians assuming all wlw is solely lesbian#but also erasing her entire romance with bow. degrading it down to comphet and ignoring bow#like I can at least understand mistakening poison ivy for a lesbian but glimmer?? glimmer??!#biphobic#biphobic tw#bisexual hardships#korrasami#harlivy#glimbow#bi#fucking essay in the tags
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ms-demeanor · 1 year
i really liked OJST in the mid-2010s but i didn’t stop reading cause of the cuck comic - wasn’t there also a comic erika moen wrote about (functionally) harassing lesbians with her now-husband?
In the mid 2010s closet-keys criticized one of Erika Moen's early diary comics and described Erika Moen as "Reassuring a cishet partner that it’s totally okay to use hate speech towards wlw at Pride" and condoning the harassment and fetishization of lesbians because of a 2007 comic that she had made as part of a webcomic she had written about gender and her interactions with her queerness.
The hate speech in question is the partner asking "are you sure you want to hold my hand with all these dykes around?" while they are pretty clearly at a Dyke Day event during pride, and the reassurance that 'it's totally okay to use hate speech toward wlw' is Erika responding "sweetie, I'm proud to be with you."
The comic is still up with a disclaimer that it was written at a different time, and I know that's probably not going to fly with a lot of people but if you were a bi woman in the early to mid 2000s it was pretty common to use statements like "lol yeah i'm into women my boyfriend is fine with it as long as I take pictures" to diffuse the biphobia from straight people AND to say shit like "I'm not a party bi, I actually love pussy, thanks" to diffuse the biphobia from queer people. (if you were a bi guy in the early to mid 2000s i'm sorry and I'm sorry now because we got LUG but that mostly went away and you *still* have to deal with the "gay in waiting" bullshit).
That comic ends with Erika and her partner looking at a woman and saying "I'd totally do her" while the woman thinks "pigs" and if you think that means that they literally sat on the street and vocally commented about lesbians passing by them or that they condone harassing lesbians (in, I cannot stress this enough, a diary comic written by someone in their early twenties who is realizing they are occasionally interested in some men some of the time after identifying as a lesbian their whole life), then I'm gonna go ahead and recommend signing up for some variety or other of literary analysis class. Do we think that Erika is seriously implying that she is going to make her boyfriend gay if she fucks him in this comic from a year later?
If this comic bothers you and you see it as a straight-passing couple giving the go-ahead to harass lesbians, you do you, I'm not saying you have to read the comic or enjoy Erika Moen.
I am saying it's a bit of a stretch, though, and certainly the least charitable explanation possible, and that we should probably give people some space to say awkward things about their sexuality and to make missteps when discussing it in their early twenties and not call them lesbophobic fifteen years after the fact for a college comic.
Moen also gets called transphobic because she has described trans men as adorable/cute in a way that could be read as patronizing in one comic and because she made a comic about wearing a packer for fun and for sexual gratification with her cis male partner as a cis woman.
Appropriately, all of these things feel very "late twenty teens tumblr callout post."
If it bugs you, you don't have to read the comics but I've talked about Moen before and I've gotten the anons in my inbox calling me lesbophobic for recommending her comic when in 2007 she made a comic about catcalling lesbians and condoning street harassment.
Which is frustrating because Erika Moen writes a comic about sex toys that has incredible body and gender diversity and is interested in making sure that people of all sexualities are having safe, enjoyable sex and talking openly about it. This is Rebecca Sugar condones war crimes level discourse over a creator who makes a genuinely good comic and gets dismissed as cringe by people who hate open discussions of sex and gets dismissed as a bigot (in ways that I think are incredibly unfair given the vast majority of her work) among people who *claim* to love open discussions of sex but who *actually* love witch hunts.
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derangedfujoshi · 3 months
Yall looooooove to talk shit about women, especially cishet ones, not giving the same attention to wlw stories as they do with mlm ones and call it "internalised misogyny" (let's not even go into the whole "fetishization" debacle), but when it's the last time you read/watched m/f stuff?
The amount of yall claiming other women don't like wlw bc of misogyny but then turn around and hate/scoff at the mere idea of shoujos SIMPLY for being m/f is VERY high. So what, yall have internalised misogyny as well? Cause last time I checked both wlw and mlw had Women in them so if not liking wlw makes you a woman hater so does not liking mlw and that sounds insane. "Oh but I don't like shoujos cause I'm a lesbian and are not into men" well they're straight and don't like women so??? It's easier to like mlm cause it does not involve their gender and some people don't vibe with stories that involve their gender and another they're not attracted to. If YOU can get a pass to mlw stories so can they, you hypocrite🤨
As long as they aren't clearly lesbophobic I don't see a fucking issue man, also you know what? wlw stories are mostly fucking BORING and even as a lesbian myself I find more cool shit amongst the mlm ones but /I/ am trying to change that and write my own cool wlw stories, what are YOU doing beside bitching and throwing around big words against people simply trying to enjoy themselves?
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twistedsocials · 5 months
This is a mainly TWST blog where fake TWST tweets will be posted as daily as I can!
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I’m soup/soul/floyd/riddle/jade! The owner of this blog! Prns are listed in the bio of this account! Also keep in mind that I’m a minor!
Current hyperfixations:
Twisted Wonderland (which is what this account will be centered on)
Bungo Stray Dogs
Mob Psycho 100
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Proshippers (I.e Leona x Ruggie, Leechcest, Shroudcest, Lilia x any of the students or Diasomnia and Leona x anyone who isn’t a third year)
Homophobes, racists, transphobes and ableists
Endogenic systems
Florid haters + people who believe that Azuide is a proship
THOSE Malleus fans who just dumb him down to “hot dragon daddy”
People who sexualize the TWST minors
Mlm/wlw fetishizers
Lesboys/gaybians/straightbians/bi-lesbians. As a lesbian under the trans umbrella, these are not valid identities
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Basic synopsis on this blog + some other stuff abt me!
This blog will be posted as daily as I can. I also post daily on my other account, tsubomisno1fan! I will be answering questions about the socmed au, ships and anything you need! I also take requests and ideas and like to post rants or hot takes (I’m nd so I get passionate about the things I love ^_^)
I use twinote to make these tweets!
I’m a multishipper too so expect posts with different types of ships (I.e. florid, Flonei, Kalisil, Kalijade, Treyjade, Azuide, Vilide, Idekei etc)
I tend to spell some names with their JP writing if that makes sense (I.e Yuuka as Yūka or Jouno as Jōno)
I get busy with school and homework and struggle a bit with mental health so I might not post sometimes
My top favs are all of the Octotrio, Riddle, Idia, Ortho and Malleus
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#twisted tweets
#daily twst tweets
#🪐 (indicating a non tweet related post!)
#📩⭐️ (an ask post!)
#🎨💫 (an art post!)
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diaphin93 · 2 months
The worst is that those Edelgard haters are bigoted ( misogyny is a very important part of it, but there's also so much casual racism, ableism and queerphobia, but I'm sure you've seen this better than I did :/ ) but they often believe themselves to not be, and so many of them try to make them like they're actually the one fighting bigotry.
For example, Edelgard has the biggest queer fanbase out of all the house leader and appear outside of the fire emblem fandom in sapphic online space ( hell she even had an irl drag performance ). But they can't really acknowledge that, because that would make them look bad.
So they pretend that actually the huge majority of Edelgard fan are straight men... But to pretend that, they have to play with reality. Edeleth is getting reposted really often in yuri reddit community ? That's because those community are actually all straight men fetishizing wlw. Edelgard is the only canonical bi lord? That's because they wanted to attract those straight men fetishizing wlw, so it's actually terrible male-gazey represention. Edelgard fanfiction are by the HUGE majority written by sapphic women? They'll conveniently only attack the one man that got his F!Edeleth fanfic popular. That guy actually has mostly sapphic and often trans reader? They don't mention it. He often talk about his own queer headcanon or analysis himself? They'll make shitty post on how those hcs or analysis are actually queerphobic.
And that's the same for sexism, racism and ableism. Edelgard is a character made for white straight men, so she's bad for minorities despite her own traits diverging from the norm: she's an acceptable target when you pretend to be against bigotry. Her fans are all white straight men, so they're acceptable target when you pretend to be against bigotry. ( And funnily enough, they never acknowledge when a non-negligible part of the fandom they're in, like Dimitri and Rhea, are full of straight white men )
But that's the problem, the huge logical issues they try so hard to bury, is that we're not actually white straight men. It's so alienating to have them talk about the bad white straight fans of Edelgard, while at the interacting with people like us. Like, did any of your detractors even ever genuinely acknowledged when you, a woman, accused them of incel like behavior without immediately scoffing at the accusation? Did they ever acknowledge that uncomfortable place of minorities in the Edelgard discourse, like they do so often with Rhea or Dimitri to portray themselves as fighter against bigotry?
They erase minorities in the fandom, but they pretend to fight for them.
And the worst is that they don't even really fight against bigotry in the fandom at all. There's so many racist, queerphobe, ableist, misogynist in part of the fandom like the Blue Lions. Hell some of them are very openly conservative or far-right! But they'll never attack those.
Even in the Edelgard community, where we do have small group of vocal straight white bigoted men like in Reddit... They don't actually do anything to them! Those guys are often just as busy fighting F!Edeleth and sapphic women in the community as they are engaged in the discourse. And the Edelgard haters, well, they don't like F!Edeleth and honestly they don't like sapphic women who like Edelgard either, so they have no interest in fighting them. Because they don't actually care about bigotry, they just want to shit on the character they dislike, not so rarely for bigoted reason on their own.
Hey, thanks for the message and sorry that I'm replying so late, started to write this up and then got distracted alot. And I feel you. I think many aspects of this whole Edelgard discourse and fandom Drama surrounding it are very symptomatic with issues in fandom in general, that can often be very hostile towards lesbians and sapphics in particular, due to the strong androcentrism that is visible across Fandoms. I think FE3H in this way represents somewhat of a microcosm of Fandom in on itself, due to the fact that Edelgard early on established herself as a fav of Sapphic and Yuri-centric communities inside Fandom, her most favored ships being w/w with m/w ships always being somewhat of a niche.
Like, Edelgards strong presence in the fandom as well as the preference of sapphic relationships surrounding her is quite an anomaly inside fandom which isn't very often seen and in my opinion the result of a perfect storm. I think what partially plays into it is probably t he way 3 Houses is structured, with the eponymous 3 Houses front and center and a chose your own Lord approach, which creats very much a faction system with this game and with it, encourages the development of communities centered around supporting their chosen Lord and House inside the broader fandom of 3 Houses. And the Black Eagles are just perfectly set up to draw out a strong sapphic and yuri fanbase for itself. There is naturally Edelgard as the central female Lord of the game herself, but I think what cemented it is having Dorothea next to her. Both of them are not only part of the, sadly rather small, cast of confirmed and unambigiously canonical queer characters with the ability to marry either Byleth, they also are themselves written in a way that would naturally draw sapphic audiences. Edelgard alone already fits right into typical tastes of both sapphic audiences and the more decicated fandom, being a canonically queer woman who serves as the central protagonist of her playable route and not only subverts traditional writing with her dominant, brunt and guarded personality, but also acts as a morally nuanced character with motivations strongly centered around the revolution against an oppressive religious institution and a heavy hitting backstory centered around themes of loss of abuse, loss of bodily autonomy and societal vilification. It doesn't hurt that her initial students uniform also strongly invokes an association to Utena if you look at her, even if it may happen unconsciously, who stands as one of the definitive icons of queer women and sapphic centric story telling inside japanese media. Her role is also close to the villainess genre, which is highly centered around a critical lense on the way female character usually are vilified and reclaiming them as empowered feminist symbols, often through the heroine subverting the predetermined narrative that sets them up against each other and chosing female solidarity and companionship with the villainess, which is basically the plot of the Black Eagles Route. The Narrative tries you to force siding against Edelgard and only through claiming authority and deepening their bond to Edelgard, can they defy it and side with her. With Dorothea, we probably have the most feminist character in the history of Fire Emblem, whose themes center highly around objectification and misogyny she faced in what hs implicitely a clearly patriachal society.
Both of them also have strong supports with the other two female members of the Black Eagles, whose personal themes go deep into patriachal abuse, misogyny and anxiety as well as xenophobia, imperialism and the loss of autonomy, both on a personal and national level. Them having these strong bonds with other women, but also female characters outside the Black Eagles, like Edelgard with Lysithea and Dorothea through their shared Paralogie with Ingrid, even if the laters support line is sadly cut short, creats an in short ideal set up a strong w/w centric community around the Black Eagles. With the Black Lions, with its extreme androcentrism, focus on male bonds and traditional Bishonen Design, drawing the traditional Yaoi but also het crowd, we have also a male supporting class who have strong queer subtext with each other, while also drawing in more non-conventional m/m shippers. Especially Ferdibert, due to Huberts more striking non-Bishonen features.
Sorry for the deranged long tangent and going so much offtopic, but I think it was interesting to go a bit into the factors that in my opinion lead to Edelgard and the Black Eagles having an by far above average w/w representation and appeal against the typical trend we see in more general non-female or sapphic centered media. And honestly, I think this is part of where the hatred comes from, because Edelgard and the Black Eagles just tick every box, but in a game that also features your typical straight white heterosexual with yaoi-bait possible Protagonist that draws Fandom attention, to which she stands in opposition. So it invokes hostility and ire, because it ultimately reveals the very centrist to conservative milktoast comforts of Fandoms that try to present themselves as bastions of progressive values and queer representation, when alot of m/m is less than an authentic representation of queerness and most often written around the comfort and gratification of a mostly cishet and in the case of western fandom also very white audience (look at how for example the m/m fandom on the Blue Lions side shuns Dimidue in favor of Dimilix, despite a much more tender relationship that can be read as romantic by the former). So they need to recontextualize Edelgard and her Fandom as actually not queer, as rightwing and reactionary but also engaging in the tactic of it being at one hand oppressively powerful and hostile but on the other hand also a niche delusional group that misreads the entire story. It is all to justify their own more conservative or centrist comfort zones and androcentrism, against a queer feminist Icon.
Though I think especially on Tumblr, what also goes into it is this need to recontextualize fandom into activism. We see this alot with m/m fandoms for example, where, what is male on male stories written not for a queer audience but for cishetero female consumption first and foremost, is treated as the forefront of gay activism. I mean, we saw it with the whole SuleMio vs Destiel Drama here, didn't we? Where bitter Destiel fans expressed the view that their Supernatural ship was actually a major influence in the push for queer representation and acceptance, up to claiming yuri gundam from japan owes everything to some male-centered buffy rip-off that featured less explicit queer representation than its predecessor did at the turn of the millenium. In 3 Houses, we also see this as treating opposition to Edelgard as some form of activism, framing her goals as imperialist or outright colonialist in nature and making the divine whiter than white dragon people who are the immortal progeny of a dragon goddess into a representation of every real marginalized ethnic group on earth...in a game that eschews racial allegories in favor of actually depicting xenophobia, colonialism and genocide against human PoC characters. Many of these arguments actually reveal how Edelgards detractors are basically just performative progressive activists focussing their advocacy on wars against fictional european-inspired powers inside a game, while also clearly just repeating leftist words that they picked up without an understanding of their contemporary political context. Again offtopic, but using terms such as imperialism in its contemporary political context or even worse, colonialism, for wars of conquest and ideals between fictional nations inspired by medieval european kingdoms and empires is asinine.
As you also hinted at Captain Flash, I think there is also a hugh double standart towards male yuri fans which bothers me. First off is blanked hostility and accusations of fetishization towards these groups always linked by transphobic collateral, due to how many closeted sapphic transfems first explore their identity and sexuality through the safe confines of w/w fiction and especially Yuri and this kind of rhetoric will inevitably damage eggs. Secondly is it hypocritical as it often comes from white cisheterosexual women who center their media consumption around the blatant objectification and fetishization of male queerness, with the Yaoi Genre having a shit ton of homophobic, heteronormative, misogynist and transphobic baggage. It also shows a clear lack of knowledge and insight into the culture surrounding Yuri in general, with these kinds of detractors usually projecting issues inside the yaoi community onto yuri. Yuri, as a genre, just never had a split between male and female creators that queer male japanese fiction had, which was traditionally seperated into the female dominated yaoi and the male lead bara or gay comics genre. Sapphic women were always a driving presence both as creators and consumers of the Yuri genre and are very well capable of policing fandoms against fetishizing misogynistic influences. It doesn't even fit into consumption trends, gooners, to name them very bluntly, don't engage with fanfiction, yuri asa broader yuri or shipping discourse, they are much more pragmatic in getting off and just straight up jump into porn.
I think its especially nefarious if we look at the queer community surrounding Edelgard. I mean, Monica at this point could be a transbian icon, because I have seen so many trans women strongly identify with her and build their fandom identity around her, because they can immerse themselves so deeply into her love and appreciation for Edelgard due to her being such an important comfort character for them. Edelgards most passionate fans are often also among the most vulnerable people inside this fandom, who feel inspired and comforted by her. Hell, even Captain Flash, who is often heavily slandered by Edelcritical crowds for the crime of writing a f!Edeleth fanfic often expressed in his authors notes how important and comforting Edelgard is to him, due to his own history of trauma and health issues.
Though I will also say, I'm against the idea of pushing the entire Blue Lions Fandom under the Bus and villify all of them. And even if I did just write some accusatory shit against Yaoi Fans, there is no understatement that in this case I talk about problematic trends I noticed inside the broader fandom discourse as well as the subsection of Yaoi Fans who engage over and over again in hostility against lesbians. At this point, I don't really think the people you complain about, which bother me alot myself, are really a majority of Blue Lions and Dimitri Fans, they are just very loud, pushy and aggressive and are good in talking as if they have any authority (look for example at this asshole who goes into his large somewhat orientalist and overall just stretching interpretations of the games supposedly deep buddhist themes and characterizes Edelgard as some evil seductress due to his own misogyny and media illiteracy). We shouldn't forget that Dimitri for many is just as much of a comfort character and inspiration as Edelgard is for her fans, due to his themes of trauma, mental illness, redemption and forgiveness which resonate strongly with them and their lived situation. I also think the very loud edelcrit community really worked towards poisening the waters and radicalize discourse, but overall I would personally assume that the majority of Dimitri Fans can understand and appreciate Edelgard as what she is in the confines of his route, a well-intentioned antagonist who in their point of view goies to far in her ambitions and whose ideals are irreconcilable with Dimitris. Which is true from the point of view AM operates on, just as Dimitri for an Edelgard Fan represents a good man who has fallen victim to the System and its manipulators Edelgard fights against. Theirs is a conflict of opposing ideals and perspective and I would say its where the game manages to execute its themes of connections and outreach as well as differing perspectives the best. Like, normal Blue Lions Fans ultimately agree with what Edelgard wants to archieve, because their reading is that Dimitri wants to archieve the same, they personally prefer his approach and road towards that goal. I think this is a point where people should be able to have fun with heated discussions but ultimately agree to disagree, its a very subjective matter ultimately.
Actually, I would say the worst detractors and most toxic individuals of the community are probably the church of seiros fans and the "Rhea did nothing wrong" crowd. Like, they can be among Dimitri, Claude or Rhea Fans, but those are usually those who try to force their own rather reactionary interpretations onto the community and engage often in rather racist, religious apologetics and pro-eugenics as well as pro-feudalism talking points and have this weird disdain for humans and human autonomy & liberation, as if they really immerse themselves mostly into the fantasy of being from some superior race, lol. Most of them have rather twisted and messed up interpretations of the world and the story which they are adamant about and usually they build their interpretation of the game around what they want it to be, namely being very pro-theocracy, anti-liberation and espousing the idea that humans need divine immortal beings to lead them, as well as often also being super Pro-Crest. I mean, one of the most infamous Edelcrit Fanfics is basically just full on pro-theocracy, pro-feudalism and pro-eugenics. Usually they have a strong hate boner against Hopes because it really ruins their personal headcanons of what the game is, lol. And I think many of them seem to have strongly jumped to the Engage bandwagon, which is closer to what they want out of 3 Houses, playing the idea of a divine dragon ruler straight and justified feudal bloodlines straight.
But yeah, I think I went into quite a few tangents here, I hope it doesn't bother you. If you have any more asks you can hit me up. Ultimately, I call them out when they engage in Incel and Misogynist behavior and otherwise just clown on these trolls. Its also just sad in a way, because its clear, that they constructed this idea of what they think the game is in their heads and everything that came out after te initial release of the game contradicts it.
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other hot takes as an HB fan
you don't have to ship stolitz but you can't claim they don't have chemistry and then pair stolas and vassago who BARELY INTERACT. I get some of you want a pair the squares for your other Blitzø ships but goddamn yall are annoying. Also shipping Strella but bashing Stolitz is hypocritical. It's the literal hetero equivalent to the ship.
Stolas' mom being named Octavia is a kinda tired trope. Love the design. Tired trope.
Vassago and Stolas being headcanoned as related or people preferring Andrealphus x Vassago doesn't kill your ship. And it's not pairing squares.
Also maybe stop fetishizing Stolas and Vassago's age gap if you're gonna pair them. The sugar daddy shit is weird as fuck because that's a 36yo man, not some young twink who just turned 20. "He'll call him a good boy and make his cloaca throb" is actually the worst sentence I've ever read that doesn't even cover this weird ass trend! No Fizzozzie shipper does this shit. Nobody who likes Bee and Tex does this shit. Maybe don't??
Barbie being pansexual instead of a lesbian isn't lesbophobic. You can be disappointed your headcanon isn't a reality, but erasing her being pansexual is actually panphobic. Just because Vaggie and Sallie are the only confirmed lesbians does not mean it's lesbophobia. Bi and pan women still like women! Surprise surprise, they're still sapphic. Acting like that's not "gay enough" is putrid as fuck. You can want more lesbian rep but shitting on bi/pan women is NOT IT. WLW who like men are still, you guessed it, WLW!!
Octavia’s not selfish. She’s literally a child.
Writing dark fics is fine as long as it's not like...literal child/adult or some shit.
Fizz and Blitzø aren't canonically brothers. But some people are allowed to have AUs where Tilla adopted Fizz *as long as it doesn't lean into weird brocon shit*
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wc-confessions · 6 months
As a lesbian I have to agree with the anon mentioning the seeming fetishization of female characters in Warriors. It seems very popular to pair each and every single female cat with each other no matter the compatibility or other concerning factors simply because it’s WLW. I’ve also actually encountered some comment sections of ship discussions where people will straight up say X ship is immediately the best because it’s lesbians despite the ship being discussed is toxic or having a large enough questionable age gap. I also dislike the culture of pairing female cats with another female cat who was abused by the same mate or both had shitty partners. Not everyone who is on their own healing journey is compatible with someone else also on their own healing journey. Sometimes it can make it worse, from personal experience. I don’t see it much where people let the female characters simply take some time to heal in their own time and pace without a female partner to “cure them”. It’s usually portrayed as “they’re both better now because they’re lesbians so they’re both healed now no questions asked they’re immediately happy no problems at all they’re lesbians look at them my lesbians!” which is… kinda weird? I mostly see this with Moonlight and Squilf which is it’s own can of worms given that Moonlight literally kidnapped Squilf and is sexist to toms, which I doubt Squilf would stand for since her own sons adopted and blood related to her are toms and she loves her children no matter their identity. It makes me feel like lesbian love life in Warriors fandom spaces is often stemmed with this weird “UwU my gay babies they’re in love and they’re babies they’re gay babies” energy and I don’t like it. The anon that described it as like being akin to pairing dolls up said it best.
I think it’s more common with new fans and “baby’s first WLW ship” like Mothpool, but it’s still annoying and kinda weird. I’m a Mothpool shipper myself and there’s certain fans of it that I refuse to interact with because of above reasons. I hate when some people infantilize the ship making Leafpool seem like a “dumb naive baby who is helpless and weak and can’t save herself” and Mothwing is her “big strong duchess in armor coming to save her”. Yes, I’ve actually seen comments and artwork depicting this sort of dynamic and it feels off. Why portray it like this? Also it portrays Leafpool OOC?
Okay sorry it got long I just really wanted to get it off my chest. All I’m saying is to please not fetishize lesbian love. It only harms us in the end and does us no good. Ship things with respect for the orientations it is centered around and stop treating these ships like this. Signed, a real life lesbian.
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*grabs the mic* ok sit down i have stuff to say. (collection of brain farts below)
Clarifying beforehand that I am a Himejoshi first, person second, but I do find it really intriguing how most of the m/f league ships are more interesting than the slash ones. Which is a bit weird since, like most queer people, I tend to gravitate to. well. queer representation and subtext in media. Rakan/Xayah, Leblanc/Swain, Lucian/Senna, Ashe/Tryndamere, Garen/Katarina, Ahri/Yasuo, etc. have much more concise and compelling dynamics than half of the m/m ships in League.
And, of course, there’s commentary to be made. Het ships get to be explored better and more often than queer ones, so it’s not rocket science to see *why* they tend to have better dynamics. Buuut it still doesn't explain why most of the league yuri prevails over yaoi when it comes to intricacies and overall quality (taking for reference some like Neeko/Nidalee, Caitlyn/Vi, Diana/Leona, Kai'Sa/Taliyah, Scratch/Seraphine, Irelia/Liana, etc.). All the while, I can think of maybe 5 yaoi ships, at least a little canonically sourced, that have as many nuances, diversity, and conciseness.
Another point to be added is that even if the fandom gets more diverse with each passing year, a huge part of the player base is still toxic incels, to whom is inconceivable to see queer men in media because it threatens their pre-conceived notions of masculinity and what a relationship should even look like. So it becomes uncomfortable to see gay dudes in the silly video game!
Wlw relationships get to be better explored in lore because 1) it’s possible to at the same time drive a queer narrative and, with minor adjustments, turn it palpable to that same toxic player base’s consumption through fetishization, and 2) i feel like there’s a higher suspense of disbelief in society as a whole to disregard sapphic relationships as sisterly or platonic love (see the discourse that often surrounds the lesbian ships mentioned above).
And this is in no way meant to say “wlw have it better”, bad/silent representation is just as bad or arguably worse than nothing. It's just interesting to try to reason as to why League is less afraid of developing good and concise sapphic relationships while resorting to bland shit with achillean ones.
*het was used generally, i knooooow m/f ships can also be queer
*this is mostly if not entirely just my personal opinion masqueraded as food for thought
*feel free to reblog with your thoughts! just be polite please
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konigsblog · 8 months
What gets me is other anon saying they're trying to save you from problems, but have they stopped to think that maybe they're the ones causing problems in the first place? Smh no ones had an issue with it before now. With their logic, then, I couldn't write for Gaz or Horangi or Alejandro or Rudy or any other POC character since I'm white, nor could I write for any of the men in COD since I'm a lesbian 🙄
it's the fact there's been no issue before... 😵‍💫😵‍💫
does that mean i have to also stop writing for male readers, as i'm not a male? does that mean i can't write for wlw relationships or mlm relationships as i'm not lgbtq+?
i don't see how i'm fetishizing it. i'm not getting off to my work, i don't write anything for myself, it's for others because there's not a lot in the cod fandom.
is me including groups that are usually left out and excluded, now an issue? because i'm not really understanding what they mean. i'm not transgender, so maybe i don't completely understand because i'm not in their shoes, but i seriously don't understand why it's alright for me to write for mlm and wlw relationships, but not for transgender people?
i don't get it, really, i just wanted to include people but now i'm on edge 🫤🫤
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damnfandomproblems · 7 months
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Fandom Problem 4613:
I joined fandom around 2015. I mostly read fanfiction and only really started interacting with fan content that’s not fanfiction around 2017. I’ve always heard about the “ cishet fujoshi who only ships gay men and hate lesbians”. I’ve seen traces of fujoshi stuff in some older fanfiction but I honestly never have met one of them. I’m starting to feel like they don’t exist. Maybe they did once upon a time but not anymore. I specifically mean the fujoshi stereotype that originates from Western fandom (it’s a still a popular slang to refer to women who like BL in jpn fandom) when I say that by the way.
Toxic shippers of course do exist but they’re usually toxic in the “my ship is purer than yours” way and they’re usually not cishet women either. They would also resent being called fujoshi because they see them as people who ship stuff in the wrong way while they ship ships in a way that’s totally morally pure. Actually, most of the people I encountered in fandom who ship mlm aren’t cishet women.* 
I only ever see people get accused for being a cishet woman for shipping mlm ships when I know they’re not cis or het or even a woman sometimes.
Does the “cishet fujoshi who only ships gay men and hate lesbians” even exist anymore? I’m asking this because I’m getting tired of every mlm romance (and wlw too sometimes for just being its counterpart) that comes from Asia gets labeled as just fetish material and it’s starting to feel like there’s not even real justification for it anymore. It also feels kind of lowkey racist. 
Ironically, I’ve actually seen some wlw shippers go “ ew, gay men” this year. It’s only from one very toxic fandom though. This fandom also has toxic mlm shippers but they don’t say they hate lesbians.
* I say this in an obligatory way but I honestly have never met a cishet woman who ships mlm.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
New vivziepop defense just dropped! people are saying that chaggie being boring is actually good because men can't fetishize it... sorry but as a lesbian the solution to men fetishizing sapphic relationships isn't to portray a sapphic couple as pure and sexless. writing a sapphic couple so that men can't fetishize it is still prioritizing men's viewing of it! write the couple for the sapphic gaze! write them in a way that sapphics can relate to and enjoy! chaggie does nothing for me because it feels like viv was trying to write a "safe" sapphic couple, like she was afraid making them too romantic would get her show canceled by the homophobes. sure that excuse works for something like korrasami but not for an adult cartoon in 2024 that already has multiple mlm couples that are allowed to flirt and be sexual with each other!
Viv stans are also saying that if chaggie were a mlm couple people wouldn't call them boring which is funny to me because it's kind of correct but not for the reason they think. if chaggie were both men, we wouldn't call it boring because viv would write them differently. she'd probably sexualize the hell out of chaggie if they were an mlm couple! that's what she does with all her other mlm couples! even her mlw couples! but her one singular wlw couple doesn't get that treatment... could it be? that viv treats her female characters different than her male characters? that viv is the one with the sexist double standards? and not the people criticizing chaggie? not to mention that most of the people who criticize chaggie also criticize ships like stolitz and huskerdust but it's not like viv stans actually pay attention to what critics say.
Potentially unpopular opinion but is it that much of a bad thing if men fetishize a wlw relationship? Viv and her fandom fetishize mlm to hell and back, and this entire fandom runs on porn -- I'm not saying it's ideal, but is it really such a problem that people like this believe it's worth stripping every last ounce of sexuality or chemistry from Charlie and Vaggie?
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sapphicfloyrid · 4 months
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I’m the owner of this account (soup/soul/floyd/riddle)! I will be using this account to post mainly about the popular TWST ship of Floyd Leech X Riddle Rosehearts known as Florid!
I will use this account to post rants, headcanons and art too! Along with some edits I have of the ship featuring other ships as well!
This account as inspired by my friend @dailymalleidia/@dracxxnia so please do go check them out!
I’d also be happy to answer any questions and common misconceptions about the ship too! Along with your guys headcanons!
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I’m a lesbian, thus explaining the name “sapphicfloyrid”! If me talking about this ship a lot seems odd or fetishy, please do let me know!
I’m also on the aroace spectrum (I’m nebularomantic and asexual) and under the trans umbrella (gender apathetic)
I use she/he/they pronouns + some neos and xenos (void/soul/it)!
I’m neurodivergent! I have (diagnosed) adhd and autism and currently as of now, TWST is a hyperfixation for me atm!
I will be posting my strong opinions and feelings about certain stuff (which I already do) related to Floyrid and the fandom! I also tend to miss social cues at times and get easily distracted so please bear with me.
I’m also a minor! In high school rn so I’m very weary of adults talking to me in DMs so please do keep that mind!
There are times when I don’t know how to respond to DMs or don’t have the energy/am overwhelmed so please don’t get upset with me (; ̄Д ̄)
My favs are Floyd, Riddle, Jade, Azul, Sebek, Ortho and Deuce! I also have other ships besides Florid like Idiazul, Mallekei, Vilrook, Adeuce and Treyjade! I also like to indulge in rarepairs (*´▽`*) This blog will be centered on only Florid though!
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Do not try to change my opinions at all unless what I say it completely incorrect.
Don’t shit on my hcs unless they seem really really ooc
Do not be weird with me. Especially if you’re an adult. I’m an ace minor and it makes me uncomfortable!
Do not ask me to make nsfw hcs of Floyd and Riddle. Or of any TWST minors/characters. I have the public decency not to be weird. I do make dirty jokes about some characters but not if they’re minors.
Don’t come on my blog if you’re gonna spew bullshit about Florid being “toxic” or whatever the hell. I have debunked it before and made multiple paragraphs and posts about it not being abusive or any of the sorts before.
Don’t force me to have a conversation with you in DMs. I will get tired and uncomfortable.
No Yandere shit at all. I will not hesitate to block you if you ask me for that.
Please be aware that I am not a fujoshi. I use the term himejoshi (which is a girl who indulges heavily in gl/yuri) but never the term fujoshi. If you compare me to a fujoshi or call me one with no reason, you’re gonna be blocked.
Use tone tags with me!
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18+ only accounts cause I’m gonna automatically assume you’re a creep if you’re an nsfw account interacting with a MINOR. Extra weird if you’re a TWST nsfw account considering like 90% of the cast are minors.
This should be obvious but people who sexualize the TWST minors (first years and 2nd years) ESPECIALLY Floyd. Floyd is one of my top favs and somewhat of a comfort (his nd traits) so seeing him get sexualized really irks me badly.
Florid haters. You’re on a blog about them.
Proshippers (I.e Lilia x the students, Leechcest, Shroudcest, Leoruggie and any Leona X anyone who isn’t a third year ship)
Jamikali/Leomal/Rollomal shippers or just rollo defenders
Mlm/wlw fetishizers
People who dumb down Malleus to some “hot dragon dom” or call him a “thirsty Yuu simp”
Homophobes/transphobes + racists + Zionists + ableists
“Lesboys”/straightbians/gaybians/bi-lesbians as a lesbian under the trans umbrella, these are not valid
Endogenic systems
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#🌹ᰔ🦈 (main tag)
#📨⚡️ (asks)
#🍓🎨 (art)
#⤿reblogs ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
#🦈❤︎🌹 (skits)
#🌹 » 🦈 (headcanons)
#𓏲 ๋ rants⋆.˚♡
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somin-yin · 1 year
Amrit's homophobic remarks in Lima's route this update:
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"When she gets bored of playing with the red-head", "It's a fling, nothing more". Considering wlw relationships "just a fling" and not counting them as real relationships or "not real love" IS a form of homophobia.
Amrit's denial of the validity of same-sex love suggests that that he does not view it as equal to heterosexual love. This belief, that romantic relationships between women are inferior or less meaningful than heterosexual relationships, is rooted in homophobia, prejudice, and ignorance. And considering that this dismissive statement of "It's not love, it's just a fling" ONLY happens in Lima's route, just confirms Amrit's (not so) internalised homophobia and that he doesn't view wlw attraction as valid or worthy of respect (I've checked Killian's and Ratan's route and he didn't say that there).
Moreover, the fact that he views same-sex relationships between women as trivial or unimportant also indicates that he may not fully respect or value the experiences and identities of lesbian and bisexual women, as suggested by his comment of "Amala is just playing with the red-head". This really sounds like those "It's just a phase" comments that are often made. I bet he's the same type of man who does not consider wlw sex as "real" sex because there is not penetration (which by the way is rooted in heteronormative and patriarchal views of sexuality). This is implied by his sexist and sexually harassing comments of "wanting to join Amala and Lima in bed" in the previous updates. So essentially, he fetishizes wlw relationships while at the same time invalidating them.
As a bisexual woman who has had wlw relationships, I've heard comments invalidating wlw relationships countless times in real life, so it can be exhausting and disheartening to hear these invalidating comments in virtual spaces like games too. Why can't I read my Lima route without having to put up with Amrit's bigotry and homophobic or sexist remarks? I can't wait for my Amala and my Lima to destroy this disgusting man.
As a bonus I also want to bring attention to this comment he made:
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Referring to a woman as a "bed warmer" can be considered misogynistic and a form of slut-shaming, as it objectifies and dehumanizes women by reducing them to a mere object for men's pleasure, while at the same time looking down on her for exercising her free sexuality. The term is often used in a derogatory and demeaning way, implying that a woman's sole purpose is to provide sexual or physical comfort to a man.
Speaking out against these harmful comments and attitudes is important because this kind of attitude contributes to a culture of heteronormativity and marginalization of LGBTQ+ people, as well as harmful gender stereotypes that treats people as objects rather than individuals with agency and autonomy with the sexist comments. It is also important to speak out against misogyny and homophobia because we women and LGBTQ+ people in general deserve to feel safe and valued, and we have the right to advocate for ourselves and others.
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apoptoses · 10 months
Would you ever write genderbent devil’s minion?
gosh this is a complicated topic for me.
So despite being a lesbian myself, I interact with very very little lesbian/wlw media.
I'm at the masc/butch end of the spectrum and I just don't see myself represented in like 95% of wlw media. It's all femme4femme, or at best contains a 'woman with a haircut between a pixie and a bob, who still wears copious amounts of makeup but wears jeans from the mens section'. Or there's a butch character but she's treated as the butt of jokes. Hell even in art I can rarely find a woman like me. I unfollowed a really popular queer artist because they would draw literally every type of queer person/couple or throuple except for a masc/butch woman.
And I rarely interact with gender swap aus or art because like...it often seems to hinge on heteronormative ideals of femininity (and sometimes even feels fetishizing but that's a whole other rant). Long hair and lipstick and heels and skirts. I've yet to see a gender swap that includes a character whose identity is woman, but whose identity also hinges on being a butch/masc/stud. Seeing endless femme4femme stuff ends up making me feel sad.
I can't divorce my perspective from any piece of wlw media I would ever create, and it just seems like my type of perspective isn't wanted.
And like normally I'm all about creating the content I desire to see but it's almost too vulnerable a thing for me. I have enough trouble getting people irl to respect my identity and not thrust socially acceptable feminine things upon me, trying to do it via the medium of fic? Idk, if the piece wasn't appreciated I would feel so crushed.
Which is a shame because I can think of angles to work from that are interesting to me. But I just don't think it's what anyone is looking for when they ask for gender swap!
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cheesydelphox · 2 months
I just want to ask you something since we both hate mashima so do you think mashima has a fetish for wlw?
Bc sometime i feel uncomfortable when mashima draw a girl assaulting another girl or the way he draws female characters together doing some typical yuri fetishizer cover
Omg sorry for the bad explanation 😭😭
no your explanation was spot on and yeah i think he definitely does. i don't want to be one of those puritanical "men can't enjoy lesbian things" people but mashima is so weird about it.
he can earnestly write his female main characters as being into women but can't do the same for men. no off topic comments from natsu about how he thinks gray looks cute, that's reserved for women.
also his canon lesbians in relationships: kyoka and seilah, and brandish and dimaria. at least one person in both of those relationships takes pleasure in torturing other women. we never get to see women in fairy tail genuinely loving each other, it's always some sort of "haha im grabbing your boobs and sexually torturing you look at this queer rep!"
my main point is: i think mashima really kinda just likes seeing women being tortured by other women. all of his fights between women feature someone writhing on the ground in pain, naked and moaning, the other woman getting pleasure out of it. it's all super sexualized. again, this does not happen with men (and it also shows a complete and total misunderstanding of bdsm dynamics but that's a society issue not a mashima issue)
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door-insurance · 9 months
Revisiting life is strange and its fandom is really bittersweet
I don’t think the fandom is completely dead, it’s not what it used to be and I accept that but it’s bittersweet
also I don’t wanna gatekeep anyone from discovering LiS late, I don’t believe in “true fans”- I’m glad we’re still getting fandom babies hehh, thankfully there is a lot of fan materials to be discovered
I just wanna be a sentimental fool about the life is strange fandom, I was there when the first episode came out I was as old as the characters and it was an event, a moment that can never be replicated- the barbenheimer for tumblr lesbians
We never had a game like this before, it felt tailor made for us and we went crazy
It was fun, you’d just log on tumblr and find new fanart of your favorite character or ship- inside jokes and shitposts were rampant, a couple of fan writers and artists came together and made a fan game- “Love is Strange” where Max gets to romance Chloe, Kate, Victoria, Amber (tell me I’m not the only who remembers shrektoria and Rachel eating a salad while laughing meme)
I made fanart and memes and they blew up but I lost that account
They’d call us sjw trash on YouTube and make fun of the game, we didn’t give a shit
But I think it was around before the storm where i started to lose interest and was burnt out, also I just didn’t like the direction they went with for the game I thought it was an unnecessary edition to the main story (Rachel didn’t need a complicated backstory, Elliot, too much conflict for 3 episodes) and I don’t think I was the only one cause this is where the fan art and fic updates started to slow down
Then I moved on to other things, other fandoms- shit happens.
Life is strange was just another part of my cringey teenage self who the hell cares I was cringe
But now I’m an adult, I have responsibilities and anxieties that I never knew I’d have to deal with- i went through a lot in the last 8 years sometimes I wish I was still that cringey ass teenager. This year was particularly bad, lost someone I loved
I stumbled upon old fan art on Pinterest and it reignited my love for the first game, I felt happy that I had something to take my mind off and goddamn revisiting the fandom years later is so bittersweet. I miss my old fandom mutuals, the blogs that used to update everyday were last active 5 years ago and most of the og fan artists had either rebranded or had left, one of them got hacked
Tumblr doesn’t make it easy for you to look up older posts, you have to rely on old blogs, Google or Pinterest (kinda made it my mission to archive what I can find)
There are new artists doing their own thing and I love that for them! Also people still write fanfics and update them, when I have the time I sketch out my fave characters and ships- it seems like there is a vocal community on tiktok but idk i don’t wanna go there
But it’s not what it was and I accept that, shit happens I’m glad I got to experience it during its peak and that I was left with good memories and content I can still enjoy
I’ve definitely seen shittier and deader fandoms
Before LiS and Steven universe there weren’t a lot of spaces that let you enjoy wlw ships, they were either upstaged by yaoi stuff or fetishized (deviantart) this game and its fan base helped me accept my identity as a lesbian, told me it’s not a fetish when two girls hold hands
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