#and levi is ooc but idc :)
silvermarig0lds · 5 months
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Finally a levihan wip after so long…
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ccrisntok · 1 year
I'm doing another (serious this time) Ace animatic akshbsjsj
Here's some frames, I'm about half way done so far so, let's hope it'll go smoothly 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 my artstyle is so inconsistent oh my god 💀💀💀
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Listen to Leanna Firestone. Now. 🔫
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autism-corner · 1 year
Newest Top-Streamer Lord.Of.Shadows: A Hit With Everyone!!
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theunfriendlyghost · 4 months
Levi x Reader (mildly toxic)
A/N- firstly, I do not condone the actions in this story at all and fully admit Levi is toxic in this. Very OOC but idc 💀second of all, i literally have no idea how tumblr works but this has been sitting in my notes app for months 😐
TW: angsty, hitting, yelling, talk of death
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Despite coming up from the dark underground, Levi still lived in a darkness. Darkness followed him like a rain cloud, constantly looming over his head. Sometimes it felt like a cruel joke that life was playing on him. The second something good came into his life, it was quickly yanked away with no warning. Despite the darkness that followed him, he had one ray of sunshine that somehow made the darkness worth it, in a way. He had one constant in his life that kept him going, and that ray of sunshine is you. He almost felt like it was too good to be true, so he constantly waited for the other shoe to drop. To him, it was only a matter of time before life took you away. He lived in a constant state of fear, waiting for his ray of sunshine to be taken, just like any other glimpse of light he had previously had.
Being on team Levi was a coveted position. People fought for years before even being considered for a position on his squad. You on the other hand, were basically handed the position. Getting put on Captain Levi’s squad wasn’t due to your skill or stamina (as the other members of the survey corps would constantly remind you), but was due to the fact that Levi insisted on having you close. Having you on his team almost gave him a sense of control. He felt as if your fate lied in his hands as long as you were within his view. You knew that was why you were offered the position, as you and Levi had been dating for the past 3 years. He tried to convince you time and time again, but being just as stubborn as he was, you declined, claiming you needed to “earn your way up,” and that “the other soldiers wouldn’t be happy if things were handed to you.” This was a constant fight between the two of you before you finally caved. You thought that maybe if you gave in, his nightmares would cease and he would feel in control of his life again. Although this did help to an extent, you knew from the beginning that it would take a toll on your relationship. This wasn’t a discussion that Levi wanted to have. Conversations about the future were not something he would occupy. He took things day by day and figured he would cross that bridge when he got to it. He didn’t think he would be standing at that bridge so quickly.
Training before an expedition was brutal. Captain Levi wanted to make sure his team was perfectly in shape and ready to take anything that came at them. He was prepared for everything, and he would make damn sure his team was also prepared. Normally, Levi treated you like any other member of his squad. He knew that any special treatment would create problems between you and the rest of your team. Not only did he avoid giving you special treatment, but sometimes it almost seemed like he purposely pushed you harder than the rest of the team. You always took his nitpicking as a sign that he was just trying to push your buttons. You knew that you were both equally as stubborn, and he needed to take control somehow. Usually it wasn’t a problem, until it was.
After a full day of training with no breaks in between, your muscles were screaming at you. You felt dizzy from lack of water and your eyes were barely staying open. Usually by this point, your squad members were equally as worn out. You all knew that this supposedly meant you were coming to the end of your training. Typically to end your day, you would break into pairs and you would spar until one of you couldn’t continue. Levi felt that this was the best way to prepare his squad to fight with whatever energy was left in them. Despite not having the best skill with your ODM and having nothing to write home about in regards to killing titans, sparring was one thing you were confident in. Growing up in the underground gave you an advantage over everyone else in your squad. You had been defending yourself since you were brought into this world. This was not your first time around the block.
Levi paired you with Petra, which was pretty standard. You both had a similar style of sparring which made it a fair game. Because you had been paired so often, you had both learned each other’s moves and built off of each other’s skill. You could read her like a book. You knew she always threw the first punch, so you dodged it. You knew that immediately after she threw the punch, she would recoil and throw a kick. You took this opportunity to grab her leg and flip her onto the ground, proceeding to pin her down with your body weight. One point. You went at it again. This time Petra changed things up by throwing a kick. Fortunately for you, this was not unexpected. You dodged her kick, punched her straight in the collar bone, and threw a kick to her legs, sweeping her feet from under her. Two points. You went at it for what seemed like hours, winning every single match. This was a streak you were proud of, and expected Levi to be proud as well. Instead, he watched you with a bored expression on his face, looking for more things to nitpick. He yelled out during each match about how your “form was off” or you “Reacted too slow” or told you to “try again, but do it right this time.” Time and time again he insulted you over and over until he said something that made you feel like there was hot lava coursing through your veins.
“You wouldn’t even stand a chance if this were a real fight.”
You stopped in your tracks and stared him dead in the eyes, feeling like steam was coming out of your ears. At this point, your eyes might as well have turned completely red. The rest of the team paused, wondering how you would react to this. Petra stepped back, not wanting to be in the middle of things between the two of you. The tension in the air was so thick, the rest of the team felt like they couldn’t breathe. This moment felt like hours in their mind. Waiting for the silence to dissipate and the temperature to lower.
“What did you just say to me?” You asked, staring into his intense looking grey eyes. You weren’t scared of Levi. You weren’t scared of anyone for that matter. Growing up in the underground changes a person, and Levi knew that better than anyone. He knew that neither of you would ever back down, which is what made your arguments so heated and hurtful. This comment specifically made your blood boil, as Levi was one of the few people to know your actual skill set. You were very well known in the underground, but not for the right reasons. You were known to be a force to be reckoned with. That’s why the survey corps sought you out in the first place. They knew that nobody would fuck with you, because they knew that in the end, you would always win. Nobody seems to really know how the survey corps managed to get you to get into the carriage in the first place. The truth is, there was one person that knew how to win in the underground better than you, and that person was Levi. Erwin knew that with Levi there, they would have the upper hand. That’s how you landed yourself here in the first place.
“I said you wouldn’t stand a chance if this was a real fight.” He emphasized the word “real” in a way that made your mouth go dry. He made it seem as if you had just been play fighting all day, completely disregarding the fact that you had been training harder than ever for 8 hours straight, going again and again until you were perfect. Levi’s voice dripped with disrespect and made you feel like you were the smallest person alive. The way he belittled you made you want to set the world on fire. You loved him more than anything but he knew how to play your game and it made you angrier than anything.
“Fuck. You.” You said as took two steps forward. Your chests were basically touching at this point. He could feel your breath on his face as you spat out the insult. You were curious to see how he would react. It was rare for you to get in his face, especially in front of his squad like this. When you and Levi argued, you at least had the decency to do it in private. You respected him not only as your boyfriend, but also as a superior. No matter how angry you got, you would typically wait until you were behind closed doors to pick a fight to this degree. Today, however, was his fault. He picked the fight. He belittled you in front of everyone on your team. You were determined to keep their respect and prove yourself to him and to everyone else.
You stood in disbelieve, holding a hand up to your cheek that suddenly went hot. You could not believe that the person you loved more than anything had just laid a hand on you. In front of everyone. The one person you trusted had just smacked you in the face as if you never mattered to him at all. As tears threatened to fall, you stood your ground and kept your eye contact with the icy cold man. His eyes almost looked a bit surprised at how far he had taken things, however, you were too angry to even notice.
“Why don’t you smack the other one so that it’s even?” You asked, sarcastically pointing to your other cheek. You had never been angrier. You knew he was stubborn, but not this stubborn. You had never in a million years imagined Levi to be the type of person to lay a hand on you, especially on your cheek which he kissed every night before bed. You had seen a gentler side of Levi than everyone else had. You knew that you had his heart, and he usually made that abundantly clear by softening his mannerisms anytime he referred to you. This side of Levi was never something you had come to know. You hated this side of Levi. It was as if the old Levi had ran away and the new one wanted you to be miserable. You glared daggers into his eyes, waiting for him to respond to your threat. He then did exactly what he knew would sent you over edge more than anything.
“You are all dismissed.” He said, with a bland tone in his voice. He turned to walk away without a second thought. Without an apology or a resolution. Without even acknowledging your existence. You stood for a minute, completely shocked, as were the rest of the members of your team. The world went quiet.
“Thanks Captain.” You said, making sure he was still in earshot. You knew how he felt about using his title. He insisted that because you were dating, you dropped the title. You knew him as Levi, but the man that just hit you was not acting like Levi. He was acting like Captain Levi. He stopped in his tracks for a fraction of a second, before continuing to walk away without a response. Your heart sank. Your body shook. Your eyes burned. You felt like you were drowning from the inside out. Internally, you were screaming and kicking and punching and flailing. On the outside, you stood, completely shocked and unable to function. That was the last anyone saw of you that day. You disappeared to god knows where, not telling a soul. You knew how to fight, but one thing you knew better than anything, was how to flight. You knew how to disappear.
When Levi got back to your shared bedroom later that night, he expected you to be on the bed, ready to talk things out. He had spend the rest of the day feeling gut wrenching guilt for what he did to you and all he wanted at the end of the day was to hold you and make you feel safe. He stopped in front of the bed when he saw that no one was there. Nothing had changed since he made the bed this morning. His room felt empty. He cursed himself for being so egotistical and refusing to back down. He cursed himself even more for getting physical. The lack of sleep from countless all nighters leading up to the expedited had taken a toll on his behaviors and he simply didn’t think it all the way through. He acted in a way that may have just driven the one good thing in his life away. He closed the door to his bedroom and sat at his desk, knowing that an empty bed is not one that he would be sleeping in. He would rather not sleep at all.
The next morning was full of anxious looks and silence from the rest of the cadets. One day until the expedition. One day until their fate was sealed. One day until their lives were put on the line for the sake of humanity. They ate breakfast in silence, some of them not eating at all. The fear and anticipation made the air in the room feel thick and humid. Nobody dared say a word, as if they would jinx themselves. Levi glanced around the dining hall, frantically searching for you. He searched all of your regular spots, and you were still nowhere to be seen. Skipping breakfast was not abnormal for you, however, you wouldn’t dare go a morning without coffee. It was universally known that you were not a morning person and your cup of hot coffee was the one thing that you had to look forward to every morning. Levi felt a pit of worry in his stomach, knowing how mad you would have to be to skip your coffee.
Just as he began to plan where to check for you next, he saw the large wooden doors crack open, and you confidently walked in, making a straight line to the kitchen. Levi let out a sigh, feeling relieved that you hadn’t left completely. He stared at you the whole way to the kitchen, desperately hoping to catch your eyes, but you didn’t even think to acknowledge him. Instead, you smiled at hange, wishing them a good morning. This made Levi feel like he was on fire. It was one thing for you to ignore him, but to acknowledge someone else while disregarding his existence made him feel abandoned all over again. He grinded his teeth and grunted.
You came out of the kitchen five minutes later with your normal mug of coffee. You didn’t care to eat breakfast but you would not be getting through the day without a little bit of caffeine. Without acknowledging anyone, you began to walk towards the doors of the dining hall to make a swift escape. Before you were able to disappear you heard Levi call your name.
“(Y/N), you aren’t allowed to take dishes outside. You know the rules.” You stopped in your tracks and felt your heart rate skyrocket when you noticed everyone looking at you. ‘If he’s going to make a scene, I’ll end the fuckin scene’ you thought before stepping over to his table. You picked up your mug of coffee and downed all of the boiling hot coffee in one gulp and then slammed the mug onto the table right in front of him, causing the loud crash to echo throughout the building. You gave him a snarky smile and stomped out of the dining hall, leaving your dirtied mug for Levi to dispose of.
Your actions made Hange curious. They had never seen you so heated, nor had they ever seen you treat Levi the way you just did. They were shocked but also moved in a way. They just had to know more. She began to pester Levi about it until he finally gave in, hoping Hange would have some magical fix to make things right again. As much as he hated to admit it, he valued their opinion and point of view.
“You hit (Y/N)?? Levi what the FUCK is wrong with you?”
Levi’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink, giving away his guilt and embarrassment. He didn’t know what was wrong with him either. He wished he could go back and change it. The world was so dark without you. Hange offered their advice and Levi listened with full intent of following their guidance, as he was never very good at being vulnerable. Once hange wished him luck, he set out to find you once again.
Finding you this time was not a difficult task. He knew you well and he knew where you went when you didn’t want to be found. Keeping secrets from Levi was an impossible task, but he never told you he knew your secret spots. He went up the stairs to the balcony on the very top of the brick building and there you were, in your usual spot, smoking a cigarette. Normally he would make a comment about how smoking is not allowed near the building, but he knew he had already overstepped, and that would not even begin to make things better.
He said in a softer voice than usual. It lacked his usual cold and sarcastic tone. This was the Levi you knew. He sat beside you, hanging his feet off the side of the building, and glanced at you, feeling his heart shatter into pieces seeing your cheek still stained with red.
You said without lifting your gaze off of the ground. You felt empty. You thought maybe this was it. Levi had come to break up with you right before the expedition. You might as well just let yourself get eaten. You spiraled into a dark place in your mind, before getting ripped out of it by the man that had saved you.
You were startled out of your thoughts and you looked up at him, meeting his concerned look. He knew that dark place. He had been to that dark place. He didn’t want your mind to drag you back.
“I need you to know how I ended up here.”
You knew he grew up in the underground and you knew about his mom. You also knew the survey corps manipulated him into joining. You had been told how he got here, however, you always assumed he came alone. He had never once mentioned having a partner in crime, nonetheless, two partners in crime. His statement caught your curiosity and you maintained eye contact, his gaze becoming sad and regretful.
You and Levi sat on the roof for hours while he told you about Isabelle and Furlan. He talked about all of their adventures and happy memories. The way he talked about them was the happiest you had ever seen Levi. You could tell that these people must have been good people, because they brought out a side of Levi you had never seen before. You could tell how much love he had for them. They were family. You never even thought about the possibility of Levi having family, apart from his mother. Your eyes burned, threatening to tear up any second due to the stories he told. His eyes were already glazed over with tears.
Levi went on to talk about how he lost his dear friends. He began rambling about how much he blamed himself. He blamed himself for not training them well enough. For not giving the correct orders. For not being close to them at all times. For getting them into this mess in the first place. For not being strong enough to save them. He didn’t even realize how long he had been going until he looked up and met her eyes, softening out of empathy. She had never seen him so devastated about anything. In that moment, you understood him more than you ever had before.
“I thought that if I didn’t train you well enough, you’d be taken from me too.”
You knew he wasn’t good with words. You knew that apologies were not in his vocabulary. This explanation meant so much more than an apology. He opened up and shared his heart with you. You understood that what he did was out of a place of fear of losing you. You feared it too. Levi was your everything. To lose him would make life meaningless. You knew his heart and he knew yours.
He reached out and touched your cheek. It still stung, but not as bad as your heart hurt from being away from him. The gentle nature of his touch and his apologetic facial expression told you everything you needed to know. You weren’t scared of him. You knew that deep down, Levi was the one who was scared. He had everything taken from him, and you were the one thing that was left.
You laid your head on his shoulder, looking at the blue sky ahead of you. The clouds made fluffy patterns across the horizon and the sun shined over the forest, reflecting beautiful colors onto the trees. The birds sang a beautiful melody, one that you rarely heard in the underground. Nobody really knew how beautiful the world was on the surface until they had it taken away from them. The world forgot to appreciate the small things. To you, these were not small things. You dreamed of being able to witness such beauty in nature. Levi knew it too. He laid a hand on your leg and squeezed your thigh, a signal letting you know that he understood, even without words. He could see exactly what was in your heart at this moment.
“Do you ever see them when you look at the sky?”
You asked, watching the clouds move across the sky, shading the bright beams of the sun. Whenever you looked at the sky, you saw all of the people you’ve loved, dancing in the clouds, watching over you. You saw them in the birds singing and the crickets chirping and the flowers blooming. You saw them in everything that was beautiful. Their energy never left.
“I did. Until I met you, and now I see both of them in you.”
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bunnies4steven · 9 months
pleaseeee do cecil dennis (dom) or jonathan levy (dom) x reader (f! sub) non-con, unprotected sex, as dark as you're comfy with, darling. (idc if it's ooc)...
Dark!Jonathan Levy x AFAB!reader
˗ˏˋ✎ part two, part three, part four
𓆩⚝𓆪 caution: this fic is very dark and contains themes of non-con and blackmail. if these things trigger you I advise you to not read this and click off.
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It was always you. It was always you who sat in front of the class during the lecture. You listened so diligently to Jonathan as he taught his class, while the other students were either catching up on late work or on their phones.
You answered every question he asked the class, you read every page of the books he would assign, you would turn in every assignment on time. Your essays were always thought provoking and they were never half assed like his other students.
You were such a good student for him, such a good girl for him. Jonathan adored seeing you in every class especially since you never missed any classes. He would constantly tell himself that the reason why he looked forward to every class to see you was because of your effort and how engaged you were, not because you made his heart skip a beat.
He was lying to himself.
But Jonathan felt too guilty to ever admit that. He had a wife, a daughter, and some sort of morality to not fall for his student. But you made it so hard for him, especially when you would come into class wearing shorts and a tank top.
He understood that it was summer and the heat was vicious, but the way your ass looked so good in those jeans and your tits were perfectly pushed up by your push up bra made his cock stir in his pants. He still was never willing to admit to himself that he lusted after you. At least until his wife left him.
Jonathan’s marriage with his wife Mira hasn’t been great for a while but they agreed to work on it. They agreed to take therapy sessions, learn how to communicate better, and find that spark which made marriages work. It didn’t work for Mira though. 
While Mira was traveling with Poli, Jonathan was all alone raising his daughter and getting ready to teach his new class for this semester. Jonathan was alone, all alone. He needed something to escape the pain, he needed you. He needed a pretty little thing like you to fill the hole in his heart. And what do you know? You signed up for his class this semester. Jonathan’s heart skipped a beat when he saw the class list and your name was on there. You being his student wasn’t enough though. He typed your full name on google just to find any piece of you there. He found your instagram and he clicked. He saw photos of you there and he sighed either in relief or possessiveness. Don’t get him wrong he thought the bikini pictures you had made him go crazy but he felt like that was only for him. It didn’t matter if you weren’t his. There was a certain picture of you with a nice skimpy bikini. His pants felt tight as he took in your delicate curves. His hand that was caressing his beard soon reached to his pants. He unbuckled his pants and his pants dropped to the floor. He took his boxers off and his cock sprung up. Jonathan knew this was wrong. He knew it was wrong to stroke his cock to his students picture but he couldn’t help himself, plus wasn’t it your fault for posting this picture for the whole world to see? He spat in his hand and he palmed his cock. He groaned “Fuck-” as he started stroking his cock. He imagined to himself that it was you stroking his cock, or better yet, you riding his cock. He closed his eyes fantasizing the thought of your tits bouncing as you rode his member. “That’s it honey.” Jonathan rasped. His eyes opened just to look at the picture again while he fist fucked his member. He wondered what you liked. He wondered if you were into older men like him rather than those shitty boys on campus. He wondered if you ever had your pussy played with? You must have judging by those pictures on your profile. His groans and moans surrounded his empty room as he fisted his cock. He was getting close, a pool in his stomach was forming. “Shit, shit, shit, m’ gonna cum baby.” He then shot ropes of cum all over himself.
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pasdasin · 8 months
Levi x reader
summary: after being separated for years, Levi finds you again. Can things ever be the same again?
“I thought you were dead.”
“So did I”
cw: dark and mature themes, cussing, fighting, death, lowkey enemies to lovers, slowburn, eventual smut, etc.(pls lmk if i missed anything)
This story doesn't really follow the aot canon and i feel like characters are a bit ooc but idc lol! I hope yall enjoy
this is also being posted on wattpad under the same title and username! if you see this work posted anywhere besides these two platforms or not under pasdasin pls lmk! I will tell you if i post on any other platform
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8… coming soon
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apibizz · 1 month
Funger hcs? (Ik I already asked this like a month ago but idc)
Super sorry I never sat the original ask! Still don’t know the character all the best so it might be ooc!
• Ragnvalder used to whittle little toys for his kid, he usually hummed while doing so, no real song in particular just a melody that came to him as he did so
• Levi seems like a cat person to me, I could see him having a small little tabby cat
• Marcoh would be so good at claw machine games, I have no evidence to back up this claim but I know it in my heart
• I rly do think if Cahara left the dungeon with the girl he would have adopted her, he rly is the dad that stepped up
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jayteacups · 2 years
I just wanna caress/hold Levi's cheek and call him sweetheart. Just to see his face lol
Me too!!! he'd blush and try to wriggle away from your hands (but like. not seriously. because he not-so-secretly loves the affection) and frown and be like 'what are you talking about?' 🥺 you'd repeat the sentiment and he'd just get. so flustered and hide his burning face in his hands, poor thing. you have to coax him to peek between his fingers at you... only to cup his face, squish his cheeks and fluster him more mwahaha
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
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Summary: when you and your best friend, Hanji, were younger, you had made up stories about your dream guys - what they would look like and how you would meet. What happens when the one you had made up appears to be real?
Warning(s): I don’t think there are any in this chapter. But, please do tell me if there are any.
Taglist (closed): @castellandiangelo @fandom-addict19​ @20coldhearts​
Status: completed!
part 8 > part 9 > part 10
series masterlist
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"Why in the fucking hell have you been avoiding me?" Levi snapped, but it wasn't too angrily. I fidgeted with my fingers as my gaze stayed on the carpet of the room as if it would talk for me.
"... I don't know," I murmured, feeling awkward like I predicted it to be. "I guess I'm just... scared." I heard a sigh emanate from his lips and he unfolded his arms, taking a step closer to me as he realised he may have been too harsh on me. I caught the action but didn't do anything about it. I mean, what would I do? "Scared of what?" he asked in a more gentle tone, but it was still laced with slight annoyance. "Scared that I would be annoyed with you for no reason whatsoever? Scared that Petra is going to hate you? Scared that I'm going to be like your previous dickhead boyfriend? What are you scared of?"
"All of that, actually," I confessed, looking up at him to see his beautiful face that I was deprived of for nearly three weeks. "After finding out about... everything, I just wasn't certain that everything is going to work out like a fairytale. There was a chance of you being annoyed with me, but that was just idiot me being stupid. Petra assured me many times that she won't hate me for anything. And you... you have proved that you aren't going to be like my jerk of an ex. Now that I really think about it, I have nothing to be afraid of," I said with a soft smile touching my lips. "You're damn right, you idiot." He rolled his eyes, taking another step closer. "I don't know what goes on in that brain of yours, so I don't know where you get these shitty thoughts from. But you better get rid of them, there's no reason for you to be scared of anything. Stop being a coward and do what you want without your thoughts stopping you." My smile widened at his words, but I was still waiting for certain words that I want to come out of his mouth. Not all this sh*t about me being stupid. I mean, it's helpful, but it's not what I want right now. "... Sorry for sounding so harsh, but you needed to hear that so you can change for the future." "It wasn't that harsh. You should hear the scoldings I get from Hanji." "Whatever. I didn't exactly drag you here just to talk about you being dumb..." he pointed out, taking two more steps and he was right in front of me, close enough to touch me. And he did just that - he cupped my face with one hand, a soft and tender expression conquering his visage. I reluctantly leaned into his touch, gazing at his features that just happened to look so much more attractive in this moment as he leaned in closer to my face, both of our eyes lidding.
Then, his lips came in contact with mine. If my heart was beating rapidly before, I have no idea how fast it was going now but it did feel like it was going to jump out of my chest. I just know that it could probably be heard in this empty room, and Levi probably felt it when he snaked an arm around my waist, drawing me closer to him. My fingers nonchalantly reached up to tangle in his ebony locks that were oh so silky. I have always wanted to tangle my fingers in his hair and tug on it to get a reaction. That's what I did, and in return, I got a faint moan. His voice is so soft and the best thing ever? Bitch, please, that sound just now was ethereal and I needed to hear it again. Levi asked for an entrance to my mouth and I decided to tease him (as always), however, he sharply nipped on my lower lip which caused me to gasp softly. He took the chance and his tongue slipped into my wet cavern, where we battled. It's like we can never stop challenging each other, we have to annoy each other for no reason, argue for no reason, and now we have a tongue battle for no reason. He won (as always) the tongue battle and instead of his tongue exploring me, his hand travelled over my figure, making me shiver under his touch. Unfortunately, we needed to pull away from the passionate kiss for that damn thing called oxygen. My eyes were still closed as I lightly panted, taking in what just happened. A smirk edged onto my lips once it sunk in and I unlidded my eyes to find Levi staring at me as our faces were still in close proximity. Why is he so damn sexy? Please, whatever god is up there, I need to ask why you gave this man to me. I seriously don't deserve him, no matter what anyone says. "(Y/N)," he uttered softly after licking his lips, and I hummed to show I was listening. He barely says my name, and in that husky, low and gentle tone he just said it in now was something I never want to forget. "Tomorrow, at six o'clock, you better be ready." "Okay," I grinned, kissing his nose as I've always wanted to do. "Also, I'm pretty sure some people just saw us kiss," he stated, using his head to gesture to behind me where the door was. There was a small window in the door and there were many eyes watching. When I turned around, I noticed Jean, Hanji, Farlan, Isabel, Connie, Sasha, Armin, Historia and Lucius grinning at us (well, not Lucius). There were also some of Levi's fangirls (and maybe my fanboys since Levi claims I'm a celebrity like him).
I giggled softly and shook my head, removing my hands from Levi and taking a small step back as he walked towards the door. I followed after him and got ready to glare at Jean, knowing he was the one who brought everyone here. As soon as the door opened, squeals sounded as they all exclaimed different things we could barely apprehend. "(Y/N)!!!!" Hanji pushed through everyone that had crowded around and brought me into a tight embrace. I groaned and rolled my eyes, hesitantly putting my arms around her. "I'm so happy! You've waited so long for this to happen!" I nervously laughed, not wanting Levi to know that I've liked him since he appeared. He lifted an eyebrow in my direction and I mouthed the words: 'help me' when Hanji still had me in her life-threatening hold. "Oi, Shitty Glasses, you're going to kill her." "Awwww, Shorty!!!" she screeched, pulling him into a hug now. "You're so cute!!" I laughed at his face and he shot me a glare, which seemed to have no effect on me as I continued to chuckle. He was finally able to shove the brunette lunatic off of him and took my hand, deciding to just barge past every idiot. We were able to make it out of there without them chasing after us like some predators. "... So you've waited for a long time for this? How long is a 'long time'?" "Uh, maybe... eight months?" I muttered, refusing to meet his eyes because I knew he would be smirking and he would just want to annoy the hell out of me. "So since we met?" he inquired, and I nodded. "You're telling me all this fucking time when I wondered who you like, it was me?" "Yes." "And is that why you didn't want to date Lucius?" "Yes." "I'm surprised you didn't expose yourself. Apart from that time when you were about to say it but stopped yourself. And you thought it was wrong in a way because I was with Petra?" "Yes." "And I heard from Petra that you helped her to get into a relationship with me even though you liked me at the time. Is that true?" "Yes." He smirked, seeing me act shy, which is something he rarely sees. "You're quiet now that I've found out who you like." "Where are we going, by the way? We're just walking," I said, brushing his statement to the side and regaining my confidence. "I don't know. I just wanted to get away from everyone," he replied, realising that he was still holding my hand, which was sweating. "Hey, why are you nervous? You don't need to be so tense." "I'm not nervous," I retorted. "Explain that to your drenched hand, darlin'," he snorted and I clicked my tongue, yanking my hand from his hold to flick his forehead, which caused him to briefly frown before he got hold of my hand again. "Shut up, prick." "Good. Now, you're back to normal." "Where are we actually going?" "I still don't know. But we're like a minute away from your apartment." "Don't you want to go home?" "You're finally speaking to me after like three weeks, I'm not going anywhere." "Aw, I never knew you would be the kind of person that always wants love and attention." "I'm not." "Whatever you say, Mr Moody. Hm. I'm going to love annoying you even more now." "Why do I even like you?" "Because I'm the best person ever who is very lovable and amazing." "Not one word you just said is true." "Shut it, Ackerman. You're not exactly--" I cut myself off, thinking what Levi wasn't since he's seriously the best fucking person to live. "Are you lost for words because I'm amazing in every way possible?" "No... I just didn't want to hurt your feelings." "Say what you want, darlin'." I rolled my eyes and fished my keys out of my bag to unlock the door. Once it was open, both of us stepped in, slipping our shoes off before I locked the door. We strolled to the living room and Levi sat down on the sofa. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand, pulling me onto him and I ended up on his lap, straddling him. He smirked, taking hold of my chin to tilt my head before moulding his lips with mine.
If dating Levi Ackerman meant getting kisses like these every ten minutes, I'm going to be living in heaven. I wonder if he was like this with Petra, or am I special? I sighed in delight when I felt his fingers sneak up my shirt and trace over my bare torso as his other hand travelled up my back to tangle in my tresses. My hands cupped either side of his face with my thumbs resting on his cheekbones. "AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My eyes snapped open at the sudden outburst and my lips parted from Levi's as my forehead rested against his. I huffed before getting off of his lap, looking at Hanji, Jean and Eren who decided to walk into the apartment without saying anything. "What the hell are you guys doing?" I snapped at them, meeting all of their eyes. My eyes lingered on Eren's for a bit longer than the other two before I frowned and didn't focus on any of them. "You could've at least said something instead of letting that kettle over there explode," I scolded them, motioning to Hanji, who was the aforementioned kettle. "Sorry, sorry!! Both of you are just so adorable!" Both of us clicked our tongues and I rolled my eyes.  "We came here to get away from people. So get the hell out." "Darlin', calm down," Levi said quietly before smirking. "You have a bedroom, don't you?" My eyes widened and I lifted my hand to slap him. "Hey, hey, hey, I was joking, you idiot. That's taking things too fast." "I bet you didn't say that to the many girls you--" "Oi, don't talk about that," he told me with a scowl. I guess it was a sensitive topic since he was probably annoyed at himself for being like that. Everything was now silent in the room. The three that were standing had no idea about what was going on, the raven next to me seemed to be thinking about his past, and I felt bad for bringing it up. No words were needed since there was nothing to ask about (other than what me and Levi were talking about but it's not like they were going to find out). "... Stop looking at me like that. You don't need to feel pity for me," he spoke in a light tone and tousled my hair, showing that he wasn't annoyed. "What are you guys talking about?" "Nothing, Shitty Glasses. Anyway, I think I'm going to go home," Levi announced as he stood up. "Oh, we can go if you want," Hanji suggested. "No, I didn't plan on staying long. I just wanted to get away from everyone that decided to snoop on us." "Sorry, that was my fault," Jean confessed. "It's fine. I'll see all of you later." Levi left the room and I followed after him, walking him to the door. I opened the door for him and he stepped out, turning around to face me. "You're being rather calm and kind today," I stated, leaning against the door as I held it open. "Well," he began, leaning towards me to peck my lips. "Your lips seem to put me in a good mood." "I doubt that but whatever you say, Ackerman... I'll see you tomorrow." "Six o'clock. Don't forget." "Okay." "You better not give me some shitty excuse about falling asleep." I laughed lightly. "I won't. Now, get your ass out of here." "Bye, darlin'." I smiled at him before he left, closing and locking the door behind him. Once I turned around, I saw three heads poking out from behind a wall. I giggled and ran towards them, jumping into them. "Ahh, I'm so happy!" I squealed as I clung onto Eren, who chuckled softly. "I never knew you liked Levi," Jean said with a frown. "Since when?" "Since we were--" I cut Hanji off since only Eren is allowed to know that we made him up.
"Since he joined our uni, I guess..." I told him, pulling away from Eren. "What?! Why did you never tell me?!" "Because I only trust Eren and Hanji, no matter how much of a big mouth she has." "And you call me your friend..." the teenager shook his head in disappointment and I smiled at him. "Oh, shut up, you know I love you." "(Y/N)! You haven't told me what happened!" Hanji demanded. "All we saw was you two kiss but we couldn't hear what you said." "I don't know if I will," I smirked, walking away from them and entering my bedroom, however, I left the door open so they all followed me. "Tell meeeeee!! Why was Shorty in such a good mood?" "I don't know~" I sang teasingly, enjoying Hanji's reaction. "Also, Eren, you haven't said anything. Are you annoyed?" "No." "Don't tell me you're still suspicious of him." "I'm not. I don't know. I'm happy for you, of course, but I just don't feel right." "Well, you said you don't think Levi was a good person at the start and you were clearly proved wrong. What's wrong now?" "He's jealous~!" Hanji exclaimed, hugging Eren's arm, and he frowned, attempting to shake her off as he felt his face heat up. "N-No, I'm not. Why would I be?" "Hanji, what idiocy are you talking about now?" I spat. "It's not idiocy, it's the truth!" she insisted. "People always point out how you have many fans. So how can the male closest to you not develop feelings for you?" I have to admit, she was making sense. But, this was Eren we were talking about. He wouldn't let himself fall for his best friend... Right? I flitted my eyes to Eren to see he was staring at the carpet in my room. I could see the pink hue on his cheeks and the way he avoided to look at me so I decided to question him. "Eren...?" I spoke, gaining his attention as Hanji led Jean out of my room, giving both of us some privacy. "Was Hanji saying the truth?" "... No..." he muttered before sighing and locking his eyes with mine that expressed disbelief. "... Fine. I did have feelings for you. But that was a few months ago, I don't anymore. I mean, there may have been other times when I think differently of you but I get over it every time. Don't worry, I'm not jealous. I honestly just feel like something's not right." "Well, thank you for being honest with me. And whatever's bothering you, I'm sure it's nothing. Just let me be happy because I'm finally dating my dream guy." "Yeah, I'm not going to ruin that for you. I'm not going to lie, you and Levi are actually cute together. I haven't seen you this happy in so long. And I know Levi will treat you right and I'm glad you met him." I gave him a soft smile and neared him, draping my arms around him and pressing my cheek against his chest as I closed my eyes, feeling his arms reciprocate the hug. "... I love you so much, Eren," I uttered quietly. "Love you, too," he replied, resting his chin at the top of my head. "Am I talking to the Eren that has feelings for me, or the one that's my best friend?" I asked jokingly, parting from the embrace. "Your best friend," he spoke with a small laugh. "Come on. Let's go to Jean and Hanji." I walked out of my room with Eren following me as we entered the living room where the two sat on the sofa, glancing at us. They saw the smile on my face and knew everything was okay.  The rest of the day, we just hung out like we would in secondary school, laughing, talking about shit no one would understand. However, seeing as how we all had lectures tomorrow (in the morning as well *eye roll*), we decided not to stay up too late (they ended up leaving at midnight). That night, I was able to sleep peacefully with a smile and nothing to worry about. ~/~ 17:38 That was the time. Twenty minutes until the time I had to be ready, and I'm guessing Levi, being the punctual asshole he is, will be outside the apartment at exactly six. However, as he predicted, I may or may have not fallen asleep and only had less than half an hour to get ready. I quickly sat up in my bed, chucking the covers off of my form as I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking what to wear. Ugh, why didn't I think about this earlier?
"(Y/N)! Wake-- Oh, you're awake. Isn't Levi coming in like twenty minutes?" Hanji said as she swung my door open. "Yes. I need clothes. Hanji, please help." "Of course! What kind of bestie would I be if I didn't help you get ready for your first date?" "Thank you so much," I sighed, getting out of my bed and opening the doors to my wardrobe. So many clothes to choose from. What outfit is the right one? "What kind of clothes do you want to wear? Girly, casual, comfy, sophisticated, etcetera..." "Um... Casual, I guess." She nodded, looking through my clothes with narrowed eyes and a thoughtful expression. Damn, she was serious about finding me the perfect clothes. After about two minutes, her whole face beamed up as she chucked some clothing at me. I blinked a couple of times, holding it up. It was a simple, white crop top hoodie and a pair of dark grey skinny jeans. I don't know if I felt like it so I stared at it for a moment, thinking if I wanted to wear it. "(Y/N), you have less than twenty minutes. Hurry up." "... Okay," I responded after concluding that this was the outfit I wanted. I shooed Hanji out of my room and changed into the clothes she chose for me. I looked in the mirror, feeling content with it until I glanced at my hair. It was a lost cause. Since I had only woken up about ten minutes ago, my hair looked like a nest and I still looked like I just woke up. I decided to go freshen up and brush my teeth since I'm certain my breath wasn't pleasant after sleeping. I came out of the bathroom and went to my bedroom, seeing I had exactly eight minutes left until six. Now was the time to rush. I did my hair and makeup to my liking, and when I was ready, I stuffed all the things I needed into a small purse. I sprayed myself with perfume and left my room, turning the light off as I padded through the corridor, slipping on my converses. Hanji spotted me in the corridor when she came out of the living room and grinned at me as I stared at my phone, checking the time and seeing Levi's messages, telling me he was outside. 18:02 Only two minutes. I'm proud of myself. "Have fun~!" "I'll tell you about it when I come back," I told her, seeing her grin widen. I left, shutting the door behind me and locking it before going down the stairs. Just before I stepped out of the building, I took a deep breath then stepped out, letting the warm, evening air engulf me as I spotted Levi's car parked in front of me and he leaned on it, scrolling through his phone until he locked it and looked up at me. I gave him a small smile, suddenly feeling nervousness spreading throughout my body. As I stood there, I took in his attire, which was a maroon dress shirt over a black t-shirt that was exposed because of the buttons that weren't done up. With that, he wore black jeans. "... You done staring, darlin'?" I slightly widened my eyes and realised I was gaping for too long. But seriously, the black shirt he wore underneath the dress shirt showed his perfectly, sculptured abs. I playfully rolled my eyes and approached him as he stepped away from the car, opening the passenger's door for me. I thanked him as I sat down and he shut the door before rounding the car and sitting in the driver's seat. I didn't know what to say so I quietly sat there as he began to drive, hoping that the raven would speak up instead. "I'm surprised you weren't asleep." "Haha, I actually was. I woke up about twenty minutes before you came." "I don't get how you can sleep so much even if you had a good amount of sleep." "Well, I didn't get enough sleep last night." "Were you too busy thinking of me?" "Don't flatter yourself," I retorted with a cocked eyebrow. "Jean and Eren stayed until late, so I wasn't able to sleep until they left, which was midnight." "Idiot," he whispered under his breath, and I glared at him. Though, his eyes were on the road.
"Shut up. It's not my fault," I scowled before silence took over again. "... What are we doing, by the way?" "Mini-golf. Grab takeaway. Chill at mine." "Hm. I like that idea," I smiled. "How did you know I would like what you planned?" "You were the one that claimed that I know everything about you. I guess I do." My smile widened. There's so much to remember about me and my life, it's impressive that he remembered small details. I guess he chose mini golf because he knew that I always used to go with my dad when I was younger. Getting takeaway and relaxing at home was something I loved to do, so it was probably obvious that I would like that. "Ackerman?" "Hm?" "Since when did you... like me?" "Why do you want to know?" "You know how long I have." "... To be honest, about two months after we met. But then that was around the time you introduced me to Petra and we started to hang out less. Unlike you, a weirdo, Petra was normal and a kind-hearted person, and I don't know, I just liked being around her. But, after a while, I realised that I didn't want normal, I wanted... you," he muttered the last word, and even though it was dark, I could see the tip of his ears burning. "You're so adorable when you're shy," I blurted out. "Also, 'I wanted you'... Why do you have to be so--?" I cut myself off, not wanting to boost his ego so he could annoy me. There was just something about that sentence that made me fall for him even more (if that was possible). "So...?" "Nothing. Continue.” "Okay... It was my fault for initiating anything, and even though she says she's fine with us, she's obviously still hurt. I don't know how she found out that I like you, but it was about halfway through our relationship when I realised that even though you're a weirdo and perv, it's more fun than someone normal. Don't get me wrong, Petra is a really sweet girl, but she was too normal for me... Feelings and relationships are confusing as hell." "I know," I said as I stared out of the window, taking in everything Levi said. "I don't understand why my two relationships lasted four or five months. I mean, I guess I do get it - I felt like I was forcing things with Jean, and Reiner was a dickhead. But why can't I have a long-lasting relationship?" Levi was silent, thinking about my words. Maybe we'll have a long-lasting relationship. Unlike her two previous relationships, there's nothing wrong with us dating. And unlike mine, I don't have feelings for anyone else. It was another five minutes until we reached the mini-golf site, and those five minutes were spent in a comfortable silence as both of us were drowned in our thoughts. "Hey? Darlin'?" "Sorry?" I spoke, turning my head away from the window to look at the male beside me. "We're here," he told me with a microscopic smile. "Oh, right." I grabbed my purse and opened the door, stepping out of the car before shutting the door. Levi locked his car and approached me with a certain glint in his eyes. I mentally smiled and reluctantly reached for his hand, my small fingers intertwining with his and he tightened the hold on my hand. Without my permission, a full-on grin sprung onto my lips as I mused on the fact that I was going on an actual date with Levi Ackerman. "What are you smiling about?" the short male inquired. "..." "Oi. You look like a creep now," he said when I didn't say anything, and only kept on grinning. "Hey, are you okay?" A frown wandered its way onto his face and he poked my cheek. Well, I always seem to love to just zone out so maybe he shouldn't be too concerned. I blinked twice, not realising I had just zoned out. "... I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yep," I assured him with a nod. He raised an eyebrow and I smiled up at him, causing a smile of his own to appear since he found mine adorable as fuck. ~/~ A light chuckle emanated from his lips when I attempted to hit the golf ball, but failed miserably. I may have gotten rusty over the years because years ago, I was remarkable. The raven came behind me, his torso barely brushing my back and I tried to fight back the blush. Since when did I act like a flustered schoolgirl around boys I liked?
His arms looped around me to hold the golf club my fingers were wrapped around. He then spoke, his breath caressing my neck and ear, "I swear, if you miss this, it's going to be hard for me to believe that you used to win tournaments. It's literally a millimetre away from the pocket and I'm helping you, so you better not fuck this up." I scoffed, lightly pushing him away from me but that didn't stop him from invading my personal space. "I do not need help, thank you very much. And that is not a millimetre, idiot, it's like a foot." "Shut up and take the shot; this is the last one." "If I get it in, what do I get in return?" "Another date." "Really? So you had fun?" "... Yes. Just hurry up." "Okay," I grinned. I took the shot and it went in. Obviously. Because I'm amazing. "Well done, darlin'. And before you say anything - yes, we are getting food now." I giggled and walked beside him as we went back to his car, deciding on what to eat. "I honestly don't mind. Pick whatever," I stated. "You better not complain about what I pick." "I won't. You know I'm not fussy with food, I'll literally eat anything." After some additional thinking, Levi asked if I felt like Chinese. Of course, no one could ever say no to that, so we got takeaway from the best Chinese restaurant I've been to before we drove to his apartment. "Isabel and Farlan aren't here, by the way," Levi informed me as he parked a short distance away. Both of us got out of the car and the male with steel orbs held the bag of our food. "Where did they go?" "I have no idea. But they both immediately decided to go out when I told them about our date." I smiled at the gesture. "Aw, they're so cute. I guess I'll need to thank them."
Levi unlocked the door and let me go inside first as he followed me, locking the door before taking his shoes off. I strolled towards the living room and flicked the light switch, illuminating the room. "You better not make a mess, brat." "Clean freak," I mumbled as I sat down next to him on the sofa. "What'd you say?" his inquired, narrowing his eyes. "Nothing, Shorty," I grinned with a wink. "Tch. Do you want to watch anything?" he asked, giving me my food and a fork. He stood up and went to the kitchen before coming back with two glasses and a bottle of soda. "I don't mind." "Are there any other words in your dictionary, other than 'I don't mind'?" "Well, I'll be happy with whatever which is why I say that most of the time." "Why are you so... not fussy?" "Why is that a bad thing?" I laughed. “And you only say that because you haven’t spent a specific day with me.” "What day?" "You'll know when it comes," I smiled, causing him to feel a bit uneasy. "You're making it sound like you become some beast or something." "Haha, you're not wrong." "You're scaring the hell out of me. Just tell me what and when it is." "I'm only going to tell you when it is. It might be next week." "Okay... I'm avoiding you for the next week." "Oi! You're so rude-- Hey, wait, I swear next week is our last week of the year." "Yeah." "So we have holidays. Oh my god. We're going to be in our second year of uni in a few months. Damn, time goes too fast. I don't even have plans." "Well, we have another date to plan. But I'm doing that after next week because I don't want to see you in beast mode." "Oh, yeah, I was meant to be shouting at you for being rude... You're so rude, you prick!" "I know, darlin'." "You know, if you add a 'g' at the end, you'll sound less like an asshole and more like a sweetheart." "Which is exactly why I won't add the 'g'."
"Jerk," I murmured before drinking the cool beverage in my glass.  We continued to eat while conversing about random shit that before we both cleared the coffee table that resided in front of the sofa.
I plopped down next to him on the sofa and rested my head on his shoulder, tucking my legs in on the sofa as an unexpected yawn left my mouth. "Why do I suddenly feel so tired?" I muttered, closing my eyes. "Do you want to go home?" Levi inquired softly. I shook my head, wanting to spend more time with him. "Are you sure?" "Yep. I'm just going to close my eyes for two minutes." Two minutes turned into twenty and I fell asleep without meaning to. "Hey?" Levi whispered, nudging me ever so lightly but I didn't open my eyes. "Darlin'?" he said quietly again, poking my cheek and I didn't awaken. "Two minutes, my ass," he murmured. The short raven found it difficult to move since my whole body was now leaning against his. About ten minutes later, Levi heard the opening of the front door which meant that Isabel and Farlan were home. The blonde male came into sight with the female trailing behind him. They both stared at the view in front of them, grinning and mouthing 'aw's, causing the raven to roll his eyes. "Farlan, can you pick her up without waking her up?" "Yeah. Where should I lay her down?" "... Put her in my bed. I'll sleep here on the sofa." "Are you sure?" Levi nodded as Farlan scooped me up and carried me to Levi's bed. Levi and Farlan shared a room as Isabel had her own, which made Isabel question if Levi was okay with Farlan sleeping in the same room as me. "Farlan won't do anything to anger me, it's fine." "Okay, then. Also, you seem different with (Y/N). Like, you treat her differently to Petra. Not in a bad way, though, you're more... caring and cute!" "Tch. Whatever. I just don't get how she fell asleep when it's only ten o'clock and she had a nap earlier." "Leave her alone. She's a sweetheart and there's nothing wrong with sleeping," Isabel told her friend with a frown, seeming to take a strong liking to me. Farlan came back into the room, sitting down next to Levi. "Anyway, I'm tired because of uni so I'm going to head to bed." "Okay." "Night, Isabel," Farlan smiled and the hyper female left the room. "... You are more caring towards (Y/N)." "I'm not." "Why are you denying it? It's not necessarily a bad thing. I guess you like her a lot more than Petra." "... Yeah, I do. She's not like other girls," Levi admitted as he leaned back against the cushion of the sofa, staring up at the ceiling as his best friend smiled. "I never knew that someone like her would be my type. She's nothing like me." "You two are a kind of similar, she's just more happy and smiley. However, she acts tough, loves to tease and annoy people she values, gets annoyed at things but still isn't as bothered as she seems to be. Both of you are just big softies on the inside." "Tch. We aren't similar. She would never purposefully hurt someone, she does selfless acts even if it will hurt her, and she's just a--..." "What? Why did you pause?" "I sound like an idiot. Thinking about a girl I went on one date with." "But you've known her for longer, it's not anything weird." "I don't like it. I sound cheesy and not like me." Farlan chuckled under his breath, shaking his head. "Soon enough, you'll be all lovey-dovey with her." Levi snorted. "Never." The taller male smiled and stood up. "I'm going to have a shower and go to bed. Night, Levi." "Touch her and you'll be sorry," the raven threatened, half-serious, half-joking. He then sighed, getting up to grab a pillow and blanket before settling back onto the sofa. He turned the TV on, seeing as how he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.
~/~ Blinking a few times, my vision cleared as my gaze bounced around the room I was in. I then sat up, confused since I remember falling asleep in the living room, beside Levi. I glanced at the bed on the other side of the room and saw Farlan's sleeping face. I tilted my head in question before laying back down, knowing Levi or Farlan must have moved me here. That meant Levi was probably on the sofa. A small huff left my lips as I searched the bed for my phone that must have fallen out of my pocket during my slumber. I soon found it and lifted it to my face, seeing six missed calls from Hanji, along with several messages from her and one from Levi. Of course, Hanji would be worried about me since she wasn't informed that I fell asleep and hadn't heard from me since I left for my date. I decided to respond to her troubled texts and put her mind at ease, telling her what happened. Once I did that, I checked what Levi sent me. 'Did Farlan do anything to you?’ I rolled my eyes at this before responding with a simple 'no'. I soon got out of bed and left the room quietly, so Farlan doesn't wake up. Entering the living room, I saw Levi lying down on the sofa, covered with a blanket as he was on his phone until he heard my small 'hey'. He turned his head to look at me and discarded his phone. "Sorry about falling asleep and making you sleep on the sofa." "I don't care. Go freshen up while I make breakfast." Why does it feel as if this is a normal morning routine? Like I've lived here for a long time. I guess I treated him the same when he stayed over at my apartment. I did as he said and realised how bad my bed hair was so I tugged my fingers through it as an attempt to fix it. But they decided to be stubborn and I gave up, walking out of the bathroom to meet Levi in the kitchen. I peeked over his shoulder to see what he was making and he glanced at me from the side, quickly pecking my temple. "How does everything you make always smell so good?" "Because I'm an amazing cook." I playfully rolled my eyes as he continued to make breakfast. We spoke as he did that before we migrated to the dining table to eat, where we carried on our conversation. Once we finished the food, Levi stood up and took our plates, placing it in the kitchen before coming back to me. "Let's go out. The weather's nice,” he proposed. "But I don't have any clothes to change into." "You can borrow Isabel's." "She's smaller than me." "Tch. Just try something of her's on. She's already awake." "Should I borrow that unicorn shirt?" I smirked, reminding him of the incident that happened months ago. He glared at me before leaving to take me to Isabel's room. He knocked a couple of time before she gave permission for us to come in. "Oh, hi, (Y/N)!" she grinned, shooting up into a sitting position. "Hey," I greeted with a smile. "Isabel, can (Y/N) borrow one of your clothes, something that will fit her?" "Of course! What do you want to wear?" "Maybe a dress?" "Sure. Give me a few minutes." "Thank you so much." Levi and I wandered out of her room and waited for Isabel in the living room. It was quiet until the male opposite me spoke up, "... You can count this as a second date." "Already?" I inquired. "Yeah. Because... you're an adorable shit."
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 years
if you nasties get incest on my timeline again I swear to god
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choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
i want to see my son’s return so bad tho
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Decided to check out the EM tag on Pinterest just so I can pretend to be as delulu as for fun. Worst. Mistake. Ever. I swear it's all the same repetitive boring shit and the only way for there to be "chemistry" and mutual attraction is making Ereh ooc which is 90% of EM content, the rest one-sided shit from the manga. Went to cleanse with EH bc they're so much more dynamic and interesting
Worst mistake ever indeed and I wouldn’t even go there by mistake but I love Pinterest so much especially when I search up “Levi x mikasa” and they show me Levihan content or when I search just “mikasa” and they show me the same errrormika scarf scene of the anime at least 4 times in 4 different art style because yes, obviously, clearly that is exactly what I wanted to see.
Erehisu is canon idc idc idc they’ve, just like rm, been engraved in my mind where when I see a couple with blond hair and black hair I will immediately shout out hey that’s erehisu but yea you’re correct they’re way too good for aot, if they don’t become canon in the end anyway we will know that it’s a great asf ship no it’s even iconic and legendary bc everyone is afraid to make them canon
Me after writing all that in one breath:
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hwanglcvi-blog · 7 years
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jayteacups · 2 years
29, 24, 13 for aot asks!!!! 💕💕💕
Hey!! Thank you for the questions <3
13. One thing you’d change about the story?
um make everyone alive and happy lmao
There's quite a few 'what-ifs' I've thought about but I think it would be (MANGA SPOILERS) not having Paradis become a jaegerist militaristic nation after the Rumbling... that always made me uncomfy like I get what the point was but also it just makes me feel icky thinking about it. (also I know Kenny needed to die bc plot BUT i would've loved to see more of him, he was massively underutilised)
24. Any weird headcanons about the world / a character?
Idk about weird headcanons but I sure have very stupid ones
For example everyone was having breakfast and Connie was talking about how good his morning shit felt because of how big it was and everyone else was like 'ew', and then Levi sits down and was lowkey like 'damn that's impressive how big your shits are, but you've never known a truly satisfying shit until it takes multiple flushes to get it down' and everyone was just in shock... and that's how Levi and Connie bond - through inappropriately timed poop discussions
is that ooc? probably but idc. the idea is just too funny. Levi and Connie bonding over poop jokes, being short (before the growth spurt) and shared hatred of Zeke (because Zeke turned all of Connie's family into titans)... someone write this before I do
29. You’re trapped on a deserted island, who would you be paired with ideally?
This is probably going to sound like a really basic answer but I'd take Levi, because he's good at survival situations, he'd know what to do and I would be happy to do what he asked because I know he's going to get us off and safely to civilisation. Hange's also a good pick - they're resourceful, could definitely put together a radio of some sort, and the raft they'd build (if the radio doesn't work) would be very sturdy, I'm not worried about it falling apart in the middle of the ocean.
AOT 9th Anniversary ask game
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