#and like everything julien has ever written
ymdslf · 8 months
when phoebe bridgers said i want to believe, instead i look at the sky and i feel nothing you know i hate to be alone i want to be wrong and when lucy dacus said you don't owe him shit even if he said you did and when julien baker said maybe it's all gonna turn out alright and i know that it's not but i have to believe that it is
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to fall in deeper - Julien Baker x lacy!reader
jj chats: this has been one of the longest things ive written on this account and i am very proud of it!!! i hope this lives up to any expectations!!! also i recommend reading the first part before reading this it is linked here!
word count: almost 2000!!!
warnings: RPF, use of y/n, reader is a musician/famous, julien is kinda mean, someone passes out (not the reader, the boys or muna), reader calls julien 'jay'.
inspired by the request: i lovvved your love Julien fic based on lacy SO much!!! you’re crazy talented <3 would you consider writing more parts of it? 🎀🩷 like maybe how julien falls more and more in love and maybe an eventual angry love confession from julien, and their first date/kiss?
feedback is encouraged and i'd love to get some just please be kind!!!
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When MUNA went on tour, they asked their dear friends to perform as openers. It was on billboards and spread across social media: “Boygenius and (Y/N): openers for The Greatest Band in the World”. All parties were ebullient, another few months of music, laughter, and fun. Everyone except Julien Baker, Julien wasn’t pleased when she found out you were the other opener. She despised the feeling she got in her gut when your name was mentioned, she couldn’t decide what it meant. She was torn between it being contempt or admiration. She didn’t like not knowing, she didn’t like the fact she couldn’t figure you out, let alone figure out her own feelings for you. 
So far the tour had been faring well. There were huge crowds showing up every night, all screaming out the lyrics to their favorite MUNA hits. Everything was going well, until August 6th, a Friday night. It was exceptionally hot and it was starting to take a toll on the musicians. However  they were all pushing through, they had loud fans backstage that gave them some relief from the heat and could basically get away with no shirt on stage. So far, the night was going well, besides the heat. Lucy and Julien sat in front of a large fan, while Phoebe and you stood in front of another one. MUNA was performing on stage, while you all waited until the last song, “Silk Chiffon” . It was always a nice surprise to the fans when you four came bobbing up on stage singing along, dancing with one another. 
Phoebe sighed, turning towards you “Want to go back with me to get some water?”
Your eyes darted to the right, where your water bottle stood proud and tall, still about half full. “No Pheobs I’m okay! I’ll walk with you though!” 
“Oh no dude you’re good,” The platinum blond turned to Lucy and proposed the same question.
“Yeah my water ran out like 5 minutes ago,” Lucy hopped up from her seat, moving towards an already upright Phoebe who was wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, sweat droplets rolling off. “Be right back guys!” 
Before they turned the corner you checked the time and yelled to the singers “I think there's only two more songs till Silk Chiffon so hurry!” Lucy and Phoebe nodded to you and continued their walk to wherever they were storing the water bottles. Out of the corner of your eye you spotted Julien rolling her eyes.
You turned your body to hers, you ignored her obvious irritation towards you and smiling you asked, “You good Julien? I got some water if you need it!”
“Yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” The tattooed woman replied, curtly. 
“Ohhhkay,” you said, confused by her tone. You thought for a minute going back over the day to see if you did anything that would warrant that reaction. You couldn’t find anything, but you did remember how Julien really hadn’t ever been that cordial to you, not since that night outside the restaurant where she found you crying. In a moment of panic you asked the woman sitting 5 feet from you, “Did I do something?”
Julien turned towards you, obviously dumbstruck by your question. She hesitated before responding, you could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes, “No, you didn’t do anything.”
Quickly you replied, desperate to figure out where you went wrong. “You act weird around me.”
You could see a flash of panic move over Julien;s face before it was replaced with a look of annoyance. “How do I act weird around you?” Julien asked as if it was the most absurd sentence you could have chosen to have said. 
“You don’t talk to me ever, you avoid me, you don’t reply to my texts in the groupchat. Yesterday on stage you avoided me every chance you got. I get that we aren’t really close but do you have to pretend like I’m not even there? Like I don’t even matter?” Your voice started to strain towards the end of your dialogue, you could feel your eyes start to water.
“I-I don’t-” 
Julien was cut off by a very energetic Phoebe who came skipping backstage.  “We’re on stage in like a minute guys! Grab your mics!” 
You quickly got up, blinking back your tears as you approached a table, grabbing a mic. You settled your breathing as Lucy came up to you. “You okay?” She asked, voice laced with worry.
“Mhm! I’m fine! I think the heat is just getting to me!” You replied, your voice steady. You’re honestly surprised at how fast you pulled yourself together.
MUNA was on stage finishing up their second to last song for the night when Katie yelled into her microphone, “Thank you all for such a gorgeous night! We have one last song! Can you all welcome our guests to the stage please?” The crowd begins to go crazy. 
One by one the 4 of you run out on stage as the band starts playing “Silk Chiffon”. Your eyes scan over the crowd, everyone is having an amazing time, they all look tired, but in a euphoric concert driven tiredness. Until you spot one girl near the front of the barricade. She looks as if she's about to pass out, and the people around her don’t seem to notice. You brush it off, but decide to keep an eye on her just in case something happens.
As the band starts to play the music fills your body, heating your veins with electricity. You move the mic to your mouth as you sing background for Katie. This was always one of your favorite parts of the show, the harmony between all of your voices, the feeling of being alive and showing it through music. Phoebe rushes up to you and grabs your wrist, twirling you around and smiling wide at you. She leans in and gives you a kiss on your cheek before your bodies find natural sync, dancing together. Everything always gets too chaotic when the 7 of you are all on stage. AS your eyes move from  Phoebes to the rest of the talent on stage you spot Julien glaring at you, your cheeks redden and you can’t distinguish whether it's from the heat or the shorter woman's dangerous stare.
Suddenly you remember that girl in the audience and when you look back to her place, you see her almost going limp, merely held up by the sweating bodies around her. Immediately your mind moves fast, remembering your highschool first aid lessons on heat stroke. Your brain quickly runs down her obvious symptoms and realizes it could be severe dehydration or worse, heat stroke. You quickly let go of Phoebe's arm and run backstage to grab a water bottle and someone to help you. 
Phoebe is confused, her eyes follow you backstage until she sees you grab a bottle of water. Too caught up in the moment she thinks you need a drink. She assumes nothing is wrong and then goes over to Jo to dance with her. The others don't realize your absence, too caught up in the song. Except Julien.
Julien was keeping a close eye on you when you were on stage, she saw every time you glanced at that specific spot in the barricade. Though she didn’t follow you, not until you suddenly appeared on the lawn in front of the stage with a medical professional and a security guard. 
You run to the dehydrated woman and then help her get to a cooler spot, and give her small sips of water to hydrate her. You couldn’t care less about the concert at that point, too concentrated on making sure this person was alright. 
Julien’s stomach started to churn, once again you were proving to her that you were perfect. There wasn’t anything Julien could flaw you on at this point. You stopped singing in the middle of a concert to go and take care of someone in need. How could she avoid her true feelings now? 
The song came to a close, and the bands lined up, wrapping their arms around each other's waists and bowing. Naomi, Jo and Katie blew kisses to the crowd and then they all walked offstage, a concert well performed. 
As Phoebe looked backstage she didn’t see you. She turned to the group and asked, “Did anyone see where (Y/N) went?” 
It came as a surprise to everyone when Julien answered, “They went to help someone in the audience, I saw them with medical.” 
Everyone nodded, Jo hoped the person was okay. Katie and Naomi went to ask someone about what had happened. It wasn’t soon after that you showed up.
Walking back to where you had just appeared from, Naomi and Katie both asked you “What happened?”
You told them that “Some girl in the barricade got really dehydrated and passed out, but she’s alright now!” 
A sigh of relief was heard from all 6 people, relieved that everyone was okay. Small chit chat was made until Jo spoke up “Okay I don’t know about you guys but it is hot as hell out here and I am going somewhere with air conditioning!”
“Finally someone said it!”
“Thank god I was starting to think I’d melt,”
Naomi, Katie, Lucy, and Phoebe dispersed after Jo, all talking about some record they’d listened to recently or where to get takeout from.
Julien stayed behind, and just as you were about to follow after the others she caught your arm. You turned towards her, “What’s up Jay?” The nickname leaves your lips in a second before you could think to not say it. 
Julien looked at you strangely and let go of your arm, not really realizing she had grabbed it in the first place. Another round of butterflies flew through her body as you looked at her questioningly.. “That was super cool what you did for that girl. Leaving mid song I mean.” 
You sighed, you were starting to get frustrated with her antics. Did she loathe you? Were you two friends? It seemed every other minute her feelings towards you changed. It was confusing the hell out of you. “Thanks.” You clipped, starting to walk away.
“That’s it?” Julien asked from behind you.
As you turned back around you noticed she stood as if trying to make her 5 foot frame seem taller, not that it was working. “What?”
“‘Thanks.’ That’s all you're gonna say? Normally you're much more chatty,” Julien laughed.
“I don’t know what you want from me Julien.” 
Julien pauses, looking at you with questions written all over her face.
“When I talk to you, you get snippy and you’re mean. When I don’t talk to you, you want me to talk more. I don’t get what your deal is with me?” You whisper-yelled, afraid someone from the crew would see your argument.
“I-” Julien stuttered, not being able to come up with anything to say.
Finally done with the back and forth banter that has been hurting your feelings ever since you met Julien you declared, “If you don’t want to be my friend just say it.”
Julien looked at you, eyes wide. You watched her as the gears turned in her head, trying to come up with what to say. You gave her a chance to explain herself, you set a mental timer of 30 seconds, if she didn’t say anything then you would go away. 
Those 30 seconds flew by without a peep from Julien, your eyes teared up as you spoke, “Fine, I’ll see you later I guess.” Turning around you went to your tour bus, wondering what you did to get Julien to dislike you so.
The only thing going through Julien’s mind was how she screwed up, bad.
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eoieopda · 1 year
CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE BABY, here have some flowers 💐
here i come with a humble request 🫡
i was thinking of a hobi + secret relationship trope... maybe smutty too if you're up for it lol 👉🏽👈🏽
can't wait for the drabbles you're gonna write omg 😭🤲🏽
what lua wants, lua gets 🫡 tbh i think this is one of my favorite things i’ve ever written, so tysm for unwittingly setting that stage 🫣
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the one where hoseok plays with fire
pairing: degenerate!hoseok x afab!reader type: (d) angst, smut (18+) | wc: 1.6k au: secret/forbidden relationship, rival gangs, romeo & juliet kinda vibes 🤫 cw: acknowledgement of membership in street gangs but just to explain the dynamic (no depictions of gang activity); minor threat (not the band, just the potential consequences of their actions); public (ish?) sex; unprotected p in v penetration; not much in the way of foreplay because i’m operating under a word limit, lol; biting, a lil bit; gratuitous imagery of hoseok wearing chains 🫣 a/n: this popped into my head while listening to $20 by boygenius on reeeeepeeeeaaaaat. def check out this song (and the record!) there’s a direct quote from the song in the dialogue, btw. credit for that bolded bit goes to julien thee baker.
There’s a decommissioned junkyard outside of town. It sits within a constellation of run-down warehouses and empty parking lots, and has a gravitational pull all its own. Finding it doesn’t take much, just fifteen minutes on the expressway, two turns at perpetually-blinking traffic lights, and a specific strain of desperation not many will ever know the likes of. It’s desolate and depressing, but despite all that, it’s a sanctuary.
A hill to die on.
You’d spent more time there lately than you’d ever be free to admit. A veritable coffee stain on a map, you’re not sure that its existence on that side street was anyone’s conscious decision. Likewise, you can’t say for certain that the drop of its name would mean anything to anyone. It means everything to you, however, so asking after recognition isn’t a risk you’re willing to take.
You’re risking enough as it is.
As is usually the case, you’re the first to arrive. When you do, you ignore the dirt that kicks up with every step and swirls around your bare ankles; and you keep walking until you reach your usual perch. The bare-bones, American-made t-top sits where it seemingly always has: on cinder blocks. It’s older than you by thirty years or so, but it groans with vigor when you grip hard to the frame, slide your foot over the exposed wheel hub, and hoist yourself onto the hood.
The bare skin on the back of your thighs is chilled instantly by the paint-chipped metal below you. It loses more and more of its smoothness the longer it sits out, exposed to the elements, but then again, so do you. Maybe that’s why this spot is a hard-fought favorite of yours.
Your crows’ nest, your perfect vantage point. A place to sit and play look-out while your eager eyes scan the driveway ahead.
You hear him before you see him, but that’s purposeful. Hoseok kills the headlamp on his motorcycle before he comes anywhere near the junkyard — just in case, baby. The rumble of his four-stroke engine is one you can feel in your stomach long after he shuts it off. Even when he parks that pristine, second-hand Hyosung somewhere only he’d be able to find it again. Still, when he finally steps under the yellow glow of the street lamp — your only source of light, save for the moon — and he’s all you see.
Hoseok keeps his pace casual as he makes his way to you, but his anticipation is visible in his posture. He’s swallowing words, based on the blatant twitch of his jaw. Always clenched to keep from calling out to you, as if the abandoned area wasn’t chosen for its ability to keep your secrets.
With much more ease than you, he jumps and pulls himself up to the car hood to meet you. The metal creaks under the weight of his body, but when it hovers over you, it’s a sigh of relief. A millisecond can’t pass by before he cages your head in between his arms — palms pressed against the dusty windshield — and swoops down to capture your kiss.
“Missed you,” he mumbles against your lips. His tone is low, hushed, and yet still sandpaper-course in a way that screams I mean it. The distance at which his limited words keep you is contrary to the way he holds you — close to the chest like your feelings are as fleeting as moments like this, gently as if you’ll break apart in his hands.
Like he loves you.
Your fingers instinctively thread themselves in his wind-swept hair — no helmet, no surprise there — and now it’s his turn to sigh. Hoseok tries to pull away, likely to gaze at you the way he always wants to, but you claim his bottom lip between your teeth and refuse to let him — this — go.
It sounds so silly without full use of his mouth:
“Baby,” he warns.
You release him with a smirk, brushing the tip of your nose against his. There’s enough fondness in his eyes to drown in and you would, in a heartbeat, if time was ever on your side.
“Good girl.”
The delicate, cuban-link chain around his neck glints in the half-light. Little slivers of silver dance across your own collarbone as it sways in the space between your bodies. A little constellation, guiding you North from your southside trap to a home you can’t have.
You, who can never seem to leave well-enough alone, run the thin, interlocking rectangles between the tips of your thumb and middle finger. You know you shouldn’t, but you pout, “You’re late.”
Hoseok’s expression says more than he does. You hear, “I know,” but you see, “I didn’t have a choice and I never will.”
He grunts when he sits up onto his knees. Wordlessly, he spills over your side and collects into a puddle in the space next to you. Once he settles, he stares up at the sky. You know he’s focused on something even further away.
“Did someone follow?” You ask gently.
Hand slipping easily into his, your fingers interlock. Links in a chain. Never an accessory to be worn in public.
Hoseok’s mouth pulls up slightly at one corner; and you know what that looks means. It means twenty minutes down the drain, shaking a tail before he can make his way to you. It means that, next time, you may need to find a different hiding spot.
The arm furthest from yours is draped over his abdomen. He moves it, and you move to hover in the space he’s cleared for you. Anchored with your knees on either side of his hips, you cup his jaw with the hand not holding his. For you, he lets himself soften, leans into the warmth of your palm.
You don’t normally say the obvious out loud, but reality doesn’t always stay in the cage you try to lock it in. “We’re playing with fire.”
“In another life,” Hoseok replies wistfully while his fingernails scratch — affectionately, teasingly, cautiously — down the expanse of your bare thigh. “We were arsonists.”
When he kisses you a second time, it’s enough for you to forget where you are. No longer in a junkyard on the outskirts of town, no longer on opposite sides of a line in the dirt, no longer trying to shove flowers into the front of a shotgun.
It’s enough.
It’s routine. You hike up the hem of your dress while he unzips his black jeans. Those are pushed down while your thong is pushed to the side; and so is the thought that this is the most of him you can have. You don’t get all of him, can’t lave your needy tongue over all of him, because it’s not safe to love him with all the layers cast aside. It’s practical, promotes a quick getaway in the event one is needed.
It’s enough, you think again, like repetition will make it true.
It’s perfect. Both of you keen when he enters you. Your thighs tremble; your walls grip him tight as they reacclimate to the stretch his cock demands. Hoseok notices your rapid blinking when you settle down on him. He knows without having to ask, kisses you through an ache that isn’t physical at all. It, like him, stays where it’s kept: in the left side of your rib cage.
“Shit,” he grunts. “Feel so perfect, baby — fuck.”
You roll your hips against him, taking him all the way and dragging the curve of his cock over that secret spot inside you. Aren’t they all? His fingernails leave impermanent, crescent indents in your thighs. You try not to care that the moon looming overhead is unapologetically full — and present every night.
There’s a newfound desperation in the way Hoseok clings to you. He digs the heels of his boots into the Stringray’s hood, hands pulling you down onto his cock while he fucks upwards into you. It drives him insane when you swirl your hips with him buried inside you, so you do, smirking like the devil.
You burrow into his neck to leave wet, open-mouthed kisses on any hint of skin you find. As you do, your fingers return to his hair and tie themselves off. If you chain yourself to him this way, maybe you can stay this way.
A quick nip at his neck unearths a groan that makes your cunt flutter around him. Tragically, no sign of you or your teeth is left behind on the side of his throat. Still, you kiss it better, whispering, “Could fuck you like this forever, baby.”
“Oh, my love,” his breath is hot against your ear when he chuckles darkly, “You hear the way your pussy is gushing all over my cock? You won’t last forever.”
His thrusts deepen. Hoseok is dead-set on unraveling you, thread by thread.
“In fact —”
Your teeth pinch his lobe. Hoseok snaps his hips forcefully in response, and your gasp echoes over the rusted squeak of a worn-out suspension. It briefly overpowers the muted slap of his pelvis colliding with the underside of your thighs. It doesn’t compare with his breathless laugh, though, not by a long-shot.
“Little vampire,” he chides you with a grin that takes effort. You mewl when his fingertips press bruises into the flesh of your ass. “Don’t think you’ll last another minute.”
Hoseok is a lot of things; and while frustrating is one of them, wrong rarely is.
It’s white hot, the uncontrolled pleasure burning through your core, and your vision matches when your wildfire orgasm ignites. Fingers searching for purchase grip tight to his jacket. Your heavy head dips forward as you cry out. Like always, you fall apart at the seams over him.
Slumped against him, he envelopes you in his arms as he fucks straight through your high and into his. Spent in every way that matters, you can’t fight off the sob that starts in the pits of your chest and crawls out of your mouth. The shiver down your spine can’t be blamed on the wind.
“Hey,” Hoseok murmurs, petal soft, “Baby, no, don’t cry.”
He takes your face in your hands and leaves you no choice but to look at him. With concern wearing creases into his forehead, he smatters kisses on every part of your crestfallen face. He whispers promises between each as he goes.
It’s okay — We’ll figure this out — I love you — We’ll be alright, you and me — I love you.
And even if it’s not all true, it’s enough.
Enough to keep you going.
Enough to glue your broken pieces back together.
Enough to keep you both from noticing the faint hum of an engine in the driveway.
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avocifera · 4 months
This is just giving vlogger!reader surprising JB on tour. The way B’s face just lights up OH MY GODDD
when i tell you that this video is constantly replaying in my mind…i love jb’s smile so much it’s concerning 🫠
- vlogger!reader making a whole story on why she wouldn’t be able to attend the concert because her friends cat will go into labor and she needs to be there
- julien would understand whatever reader said but be a tiny sad because concerts are always more fun looking and singing to the person you love most, right?
- reader was obviously planning to surprise jb and see her with the biggest smile ever so she contacted lucy and phoebe and arranged everything for the concert!
- vlogger!reader hiding in the crowd and trying to blend into it so jb couldn’t notice them straight away. i imagine reader making some bracelets with boygenius songs, some jokes, the boys name and stuff to trade in line!
- reader who crafted a poster with some sort of inside joke they have with julien so they could lift it up during one of the songs and surprise the prettiest girl ever!!
- i like to think reader showed themselves during true blue on the chorus because it does feel so good to be known so well, specially by someone as special as julien!!
- jb noticed a poster on the crowd and immediately squinted her eyes to try and read it and as soon as she realizes what’s written there and who’s holding it she just has this big goofy smile on her face, her eyes getting a little watery because she’s just so happy their baby’s there!!
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jimilter-recs · 2 years
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⇰ hey, everyone! welcome to my quarterly fic recs list, featuring the love of my life, park jimin. 💛
❥ welcome! i’m a week late and the list is really short by my standards. the reason to which might be the fact that most of may and all of june were pretty busy months for me, and i was able to only catch up w fics when i was unwell and bedridden (which happened twice, unfortunately :\).
❥ length: there are the regular three categories based upon lengths: one-shots, series and drabbles; no smaus in this quarter, i'm afraid.
❥ ps! this list contains fics that i have read within these months, not just the fics that were posted during this time!
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❥ legend:
a - angst | f - fluff | s - smut | d - drama | h - humor rating - pg-13 | pg-15 | 18+ tw - trigger warnings - including: mentions of insecurities, mental illness, abuse, infidelity, violence, blood, gore, any death, and more. check fic warnings before you proceed. ❥ - absolute favorites that i’ll remember forever!
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∘ love me better - @taegularities | a, d, s, f | 18+  ❥ i got the chance to beta this mind-blowing fic by ridziette (although my hectic schedule didn’t allow me to complete the task blown away! an honest to god masterpiece of a suspense thriller! doesn’t even feel like a fic most of the time, it’s a whole-ass movie, guys! <3
∘ sexcapade - @hamsterclaw​ | h, f | 18+ so i inhaled most of rei’s masterlist but haven’t yet screamed abt all the fics, i will, asap! but this one - wow! there’s no actual smut in here but the entire story revolves around sex. the banter, jimin’s sexiness, oc being relatable - i love everything abt the fic! <3
∘ let’s get quizzical - @taleasnewastime | a, h, s, d, h | 18+ ❥ one of the most amazing f2l fics i’ve ever read!!! jimin’s cluelessness, oc’s pining, the angst bec oc is a pessimist like me - and oh! their entire bunch of idiots? everything is sO good! i read it back in april and while looking for the link, i read it again yesterday, lmao. <3
∘ nectar - @gimmethatagustd​ | a, s, d, h, f | 18+ | tw this is a vamoire!reader x human!jimin - a rare and intriguing foundation, to begin with. and then you take in their personalities, and this fic becomes a delightful ride! jimin is the cutest bean in the whole world, oc is in her goth era and we also have nikki being the kind of friend i crave to have irl. the friendship and the chemistry between oc and jimin - chef’s kiss! please read this and shower jai w the love they deserve, y’all! <3
∘ limitless - @kimvtae​ | a, d | pg-15 | tw  brutally smashed my heart, but if you know me, you know that i enjoyed every bit of it. (: this one has an open end and man i love the way it is left on an ominous note sO mucH! <3
∘ arte factum - @lolabangtan​ | a, d, s | 18+ | tw  oh god this fic gave me the shivers!!! amazingly woven story, with both the smut and the mystery hitting exactly the right way! absolutely loved everything from start to the end, but especially the end. <3
∘ meet me at the finish line - @parkdatjimin​ | a, d, s, h , f | 18+ | tw   ❥ jimin in this fic??? the biggest sweetheart ever, okay? he’s so caring and kind and just overall wonderful, even when him and oc are supposed to be rivals. :( their rivalry is such a cute journey, tho. loved the way it developed as they aged, and then the way their romance bloomed from it. <3
∘ i still want you - @parkdatjimin​ | a, s, d | 18+ the way this tore my heart apart and then julienned it? oc’s pov was bad enough, but then we had to see things from jimin’s pov too??? why, mindy, whY must you be so amazing at portraying gut-wrenching heartbreak? :( i love this fic so much!
∘ freak in you​ - @pshychives​ | s, f | 18+ okay, so this one is a steamy ride and a half - hot af and so well written! please, the way oc and jimin can’t get enough of each other? made me horny cry so many times, ughhh. absolutely amazing, dear writer, i am biting my knuckles as i write this bec this was too sexy! <3
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∘ a remedy for mondays - @dovechim​ | a, s, h, d | 18+​ this one is such a unique story! a hilarious but also emotional ride all the way through. absolutely loved reading it <3
∘ love again - @taestefully-in-luv​ | a, s, d, h | 18+  ❥ ahhh, one of the most amazing series i’ve followed in a while! dear writer does a brilliant job writing the most perfect humor, heartbreak and smut! aside from the amazing amazing chemistry bw jimin and oc, i love every other element of the fic thoroughly as well - from hobi’s friendship w oc, tae’s obsession w jimin and oc, the whole lucy thing (ew), dae’s entanglement w you-know-who, jeremy and naomi and even joon!!! <333
∘ gemini - @hamsterclaw | a, d, s, h, f | 18+ this whole au has my entire heart, ugh, especially yoongi’s playboy self and the bond he shares w oc​, contrary to it! this fic, godddd, it hurt so bad but healed so good. the second half of this story, please, we love an oc who can build her life the way she wants to! <3
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∘ fwb with jimin - @btssmutgalore​ | s | 18+ dee is a smut connoisseur, her blog’s name says it all, there’s no debate. and this is another masterpiece on her list. the subtle friend’s-sister backstory makes this all the more steamier, and when dom!jimin jumps out? mahhhn, we need some air-conditioning in here! this one is too good! <3
∘ adonis - @xjoonchildx​ | h | pg-16 ana wrote a 3k+ words drabble so she’s my role model now. (: LMAO, this fic is so fkn hilarious, man! i absolutely LOVE mrs. yun - how to be her neighbor, pls??? and as oc asked, who tf is doing recruitment in the city? lolol and the doordash driver giving her a thumbs up at the end? reading this fic felt like i was watching a romcom and i appreciated every second of it! <3
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❥ note: that is all i got for now! a total of 14 fics with 9 one-shots, 3 series and 2 drabbles!
as always, there is a strong chance i might have read something but forgotten to save it, in which case i will include it in the next list when i find it again. i really hope all the readers, out there, make use of this list and give all these fics a try and all these wonderful writers some much deserved love! ❤️
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buccaneeering · 3 months
2, 6 and 9 for the ask game! :D
2- Julien comes in about a year post-canon!
I picture the story would open to him at the doors of the Opera, speaking with Firmin for the first time and being led to the room he'll be staying in, but I don't have anything written for it at the moment!
6-No pets, but he befriends stray cats and dogs!(Notably a black cat that he's named "Charbons", a bloodhound he's named "Scout" and a retriever puppy he named "Elodie")
9-As aforementioned, he takes on a sort of brotherly role to the corps de ballet.. Julien is on good terms with most people but isn't particularly 'close' to anyone? He likes to be there for others but has trouble letting others be there for him. It doesn't help that it takes so long for everyone to warm up to him. He comes off as overzealous, and, you know, he's way poor compared to his peers and colleagues.
He obviously gets very attatched to Erik, but I'd also say he's very close to Meg, Little Jammes, aaaand the daroga(?).
He's very chipper towards Firmin in spite of the negative view of his management.
I picture he and Christine would be good acquaintances if they ever met..
I didn't proofread.. So, I hope everything's a-okay! 👍
These make my day every time!
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deathlessathanasia · 5 months
Here are all the Hera-centric retellings I know of and also have read so far:
„We Goddesses: Athena, Aphrodite, Hera” by Doris Orgel - As the title suggests, there are three sections in this book, each retelling some of the myths each goddess appears in from her own perspective. The retellings are pretty short and straightforward, nothing to write home about, but fine enough for what they are especially given that the book seems targeted to a younger audience.
„Olympian Confessions: Hera” by Erin Kinsella - Hera is written very sympathetically here, in fact she is positively saintly and has done nothing even remotely questionable in her entire life - hell, she's not even involved in the Trojan War! Such characterization is certainly different than the usual, but it is also boring as hell imo.
„The Goddess Queen”, first novella in „The Goddess Legacy” by Aimee Carter. - Goddess Legacy is itself part of the Goddess Test series, which I personally hated and found utter trash. Hera's portrayal is especially atrocious and shallow throughout the other books, but in this one story she is allowed to be a more complex and interesting character.
„Hera, Queen of Gods” and „Hera, Queen of Mortals” by T.D. Thomas - Not actually a retelling, but Hera is the main character so I'm including it. This duology (I think it might be called Goddess Unbound) was so forgivable that I hardly remember anything about it. I do recall constantly questioning everything that was going on. The only notable thing about it is that Hera dumps Zeus, too bad that she does so for a high schooler.
„Wings of Fury” and „Crown of Cinders” by Emily R. King - This one sounded sooo promising. Hera during the Titanomachy? Yes please! Too bad it did not live up to my expectations. If you are interested in Hera this won't do much for you, as the character that bears her name really has nothing to do with her and is just your generic YA female protagonist.
„Hera: The Goddess and her Glory” by George O'Connor - Honestly, I feel like this one is more about Herakles than it is about Hera.
„Hera” by Julien Longo - Here we have far more of a reimagining than a retelling, and there is very little you will find recognizable beyond the names of the characters. There is also a sequel to this one, but I haven't read it.
„Ithaca” by Claire North, The first book in The Songs of Penelope series - I was very hesitant to include it because it is not actually about Hera, but she does narrate the story and that must count for something. I actually complained several times even on this blog about this series and the way the gods are portrayed in it, but there are also some aspects I enjoyed and the writing is beautiful.
„Hera” by Jennifer Saint - This is definitely my favorite on the list and has what I consider to be one of, if not the best portrayal of Hera I have ever seen. It also includes some of my favorite more or less obscure versions of myths, such as Hera as the mother of Typhon and Hera not being eaten as a baby by her father. Mind you, the book is not perfect, I found several decisions questionable and there were myths I'd have liked to see explored or explored more thoroughly, but this remains the best Hera-centric retelling so far, in my opinion.
„Queen of Heaven” by Ava McKevitt - Again we have here the first book in a series. This one, too, includes some stories I rarely see explored, such as Hera being chosen by the Argive rivers to preside over Argolis, Hera raising Thetis, Kronos and Hera conspiring for the birth of Typhon. However, Hera is such a ridiculously submissive and passive figure for the most part (even when she does something wicked she feels oh so very bad about it)! She takes care of both Athena and Dionysos as children, has Hephaistos by herself but not purposefully and then drops him from Olympos by accident, Kronos is the one who approaches her for the creation of Typhon, Angelos simply runs away after stealing from her mother and giving her stuff to Europa and Hera doesn't persecute her at all, she is nice and sympathetic to Kallisto, Hephaistos is the one who talks the gods into binding Zeus and Hera plays no active role in that conspiracy, she has no intention to take revenge for Zeus's infidelities until she gets inspiration from Medea. This leads me to how confusing the timeline is. As an example, Zeus's children by Europa are born before Apollo and Artemis and Io's adventures take place later than the voyage of the Argonauts. , And then there is the characterization of Thetis, of which the less said the better.
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goatswithtoast · 10 months
Atla x Ninjago
I am so surprised by the small number of Avatar and Ninjago AUs/Crossovers, genuinely thought there'd be loads more, so I thought of my own :D
(Now, this isn't going to follow the Avatar story really, but the Fire Nation still attacked because they had their whole industrial revolution. They're still feared by the other nations and the people are still against anything Fire Nation. Does an Airbender genocide happen? Not to the same extent anyways. Maybe the same way the southern pole was attacked, the Fire Nation focused on only two temples or something. Speaking of the poles, they were left mostly untouched with only a few attacks ever happening)
I'll start in the fire nation. A fire bender met a water bender in the Earth Kingdom and they fell in love. They lived in the Fire Nation and had two kids. They were delighted when Kai started bending, Ray told the whole neighborhood. Nya, being three years old, wanted to make fire too. She was told she could start bending when she got to Kai's age. And on one hot summer's day the next year, she bent water.
Her family was delighted. Maya made her best chewy cookies. Ray did not shut up about it for weeks, he just Had to say how proud he was every time he saw her. Six year old Kai was utterly delighted that he now had someone new to play fight with! Their parents, however, were quick to stop them. No one could see Nya water bending. If she wanted to bend, she had to stick to small things in the house, watering the plants, washing the dishes or making shapes of animals or people to go along with stories, like Maya does at bedtime.
(Kai always wanted to make the funny shapes, but when he got his dad to teach him they could never make them look as friendly with all the sharp edges of their flames.)
They end up moving house quite a few times due to neighbors hearing "excessive splashing" (and Kai shouting in protest every time it so happened to be dumped on him) from their yard. You couldn't keep Nya Smith inside doing baby shapes. Not when Kai got to practice out in the open all day if he wanted to. Not when Kai got to go to a special class after school to get better. She loved her brother, but it just wasn't fair.
Shortly after Nya's eleventh birthday they moved again. But it'd be different this time. They'd be going to the South Pole to learn water bending properly. But they'd be leaving Ray and Kai behind. It certainly wasn't their first choice, but it was the best one they could think of. They couldn't just stop Nya from bending all her life, that'd be cruelty. So they organized the trip, said their goodbyes, and set off.
The first thing they did once they arrived was buy Nya a couple of parkas. She was absolutely frozen. She may be a water bender, but she grew up in the fire nation. The next order of business was to find a teacher. Maya said she had gotten a bit rusty and that it'd be better to find a master anyways. Luckily for them, the local master was available. Sorla was impressed by their story and agreed to teach Nya water bending. Nya already had the basics and learned the more advanced moves very quickly, surpassing older students
(AAAAAAA I had so much more written but it just didn't save.)
Everything Nya learned, she learned to perfection. So she was getting really annoyed with Sorla making her stop everything for a day and focus on Ice. Nya did not get ice. She couldn't understand it. She couldn't bend it, it was solid. It was stubborn, like her, and refused to listen to her.
Besides, who cared if Nya could bend ice or not?! She's good at everything else, why does she have to be good at making ice cubes! She'll just make up for it with her Water bending, she's one of the best at that! Luckily for her, she'll have a new friend soon enough who'll have her back.
Zane Julien was born and raised in the South Pole by his father Dr. Julien. While he has the title Doctor, he's no healer. He makes gadgets for the town to help in their daily lives. He's a friendly man but he keeps mostly to himself up in his house with his son.
When Zane started bending, Dr. Julien was delighted with him. He set out to find the best teacher that very day. He found an old friend, who had left for the Earth Kingdom years ago, had returned and started teaching "specialized bending". Zane got started with him a couple of days later.
When this teacher started to teach Zane the basics of water bending, Zane was having quite a bit of trouble. He couldn't understand the flow of water, a slight obstacle in the way of learning water bending. His form was stiff and any water he did bend was choppy. His teacher decided to give ice a try before giving up on him. He was so glad he did.
Zane took to ice bending like a turtleduck to water, mastering every move he was taught and sculpting any object asked for in seconds. Need ice in a drink? Odd request for the South Pole but Zane's got you. Need a chair? Zane has your back. Need an ice spike to spear the heart of your enemy? You've lost him. Zane will use every defensive move he knows before ever attempting to go offense. He will always fight for those close to him and protect them with his life.
Zane eventually became known in the outskirts of town as the Ice Guy. Few knew of his inability to actually bend water, but all respected his skill. Any curious children who haven't quite got the hang of certain techniques can always be sure that Zane will help in any way he can. Any non-benders who just want to see some cool tricks always go home with a sculpture of their favorite animal.
Once, while making the trip into town to get the weekly shopping, Zane hears many frustrated shouts come from a clearing. Always the curious type, he goes toward the sound to see what the problem is. He finds a young girl punching a tree and an older woman watching her, waiting patiently for her to calm down.
"I don't know why you still make me do this!" The young girl groaned. The woman bowed her head like she was preparing for a rant she had heard many times before. "I'll never need to use ice if I'm already a Master Waterbender! No one even cares about ice, I don't, this tree doesn't and I'm sure that man over there doesn't!" She pointed at Zane, who was very surprised to be roped into this argument. The girl growled and started punching the tree again while the woman gave Zane a small smile. "Don't mind her, she can get quite mad sometimes."
"I actually do care about ice" Zane said. Nya paused and turned towards him. "I wasn't asking you, I just said it because you were standing there!" Zane made an 'o' with his mouth in understanding. "Why do you even care about ice?" Nya asked as she walked up to him. "It's a frozen block of water that doesn't move, you can't do anything with it!"
Zane thought about it a moment before giving his answer. Would he really entrust this information with this girl he just met? "Because I cannot bend anything else." Apparently he will. Nya gave him a funny look. "You can bend ice... and nothing else? Not even water?" Zane shook his head. "Water never really came to me, even when I sought it out. It was only from pure boredom my teacher even tried ice."
"You can't be a waterbender then," Sorla said. "We'll have to call you an Icebender." A small smile came to her face with her suggestion. Nya rolled her eyes, still in her bad mood. "There's no such thing as an 'icebender' Master Sorla, he's still a waterbender." "But I cannot bend water, just ice" Zane reminded her "I could show you a few simple moves if you'd like." Nya just huffed and crossed her arms. "Come back tomorrow," Sorla suggested. "She might be more agreeable after a nights rest."
Zane agreed and left to go get the shopping, but not before asking Nya her favorite animal.
Nya arrived home with a sculpture of a badgerfrog that looked like the sculptor only had a vague idea of what the animal was.
Part 1 (Nya, Zane +Kai) | Part 2 (Lloyd) | Part 2.5 (Morro) |
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 9 months
first love // let go of your love
🎶 let go of your love by thousand below
(AU) Steve Harrington x fem!reader
[a/n] nearing the end of this series and boy has it been a rollercoaster for me. I'm so thankful for any support my writings have got and continue to get. I've enjoyed writing this story (minus the stressful parts of my life recently) and hopefully in the future you'll read more from me!
[warnings?]self doubt, toxic relationship, angst and uncertainty.
first love masterlist here!
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He was chivalry personified, gentle and attentive to your every need without being overbearing and aggressive. His soft grey eyes had were on you and you only, despite the obvious advancements from women that flocked to his side, practically undressing him with their stares to which he never looked at once. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t make your heart flutter, the hope that died watching Steve fall for anyone but you ever so slightly sparking back to life with his welcome touch. 
Alas, perfection was overrated and as much as you wished he could mend and perhaps replace the Steve shaped place in your heart, he couldn’t. You’d really tried not to compare him and give him a fighting chance but even that wouldn’t work when everything around you reminded you of the boy you had but never got to hold.
You were mortified when Julien mentioned Steve, muscles tensing up and a cold sweat forming on your forehead at the direction the conversation was going. Turns out he knew almost everything, the facts being written on your face like an open book, each detail excruciatingly obvious serving as a reminder for something you needed to work on asap. Nonetheless, he took the truth on the chin and admitted to knowing all along but wanting to show even just for a couple hours that you were so much more than a warm body to keep close by, more than just convenience and familiarity.
Hours passed in the blink of an eye, swapping stories of unrequited love and the grief it brought flooding your minds until it was empty. Although, he had been a stranger before, he now felt more than that. Like fate had brought you together at the right time, right place; the calm after the storm with acceptance coming in waves until all was still. No more grey skies that clouded your vision, the danger retreating and inviting life back to the once safe space that was kept in the back of your mind. As if the sleepless nights and agonising daydreams had finally been given a reason, the reminder of the cruel fate you were seemingly given, serving as a reminder that you would not be broken by love. 
It might’ve been your biggest downfall but it was also your strongest power. 
You could love without losing for living without loving would mean nothing but prolonged agony. There was no shame in feeling what you felt but if you kept dwelling on the what ifs and should’ves you’d watch everyone move on while you remained stuck in a past that was long forgotten.
So pulling your phone out and booking the next flight home after bidding Julien and heartfelt thank you, it was time to face reality once and for all. 
No more waiting around on a wish that would likely never come, it was time to take your life back and make it what you wanted, without Steve.
[a/n] reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated and encouraged! thanks for reading
other works available here
taglist: @freezaz123
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thecaptain102 · 2 years
BBC Ghosts Thomas Thorne x (selfish) Self-Insert - Chapter 1
I am currently obsessed with Thomas Thorne from BBC Ghosts, and I want us to fall in love so I'm making this.
Author’s Note: I've never really written fanfiction but my love for Thomas Thorne from BBC Ghosts is making me do it. I will be using my own name because he consumes my thoughts, so if anyone does read this for some reason you can replace my name with yours if it bothers you. There might be grammar errors, but hopefully not. Enjoy, I guess? :)
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Link to the outfit Mckenna wears when she arrives at Button House --> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/595812225716576534/
Mckenna Addams has had the gift of Sight ever since she was little. She could see ghosts everywhere she went, and it didn't bother her in the slightest. She even has some ghosts in her childhood home that kept her company and become part of the family. But, Mckenna has been looking for a change from her somewhat boring life in Texas, in her somewhat boring apartment.
Imagine her surprise when a certain video was trending on Twitter. A girl wearing a yellow hoodie that seemed to say 'Butt Ho' made her laugh but also intrigued her when she listened more to the girl's story. "Button House", she thought, "hm". Mckenna found a link to the Button House website that gave more information about the house and how Alison Cooper (she now knew her name) and her husband were trying to turn it into a hotel.
But as she scrolled down, she saw that they were looking for more intimate help with renovating Button House, someone that could be available to help at any time, which led to this being a live-in position to make it easier. Without another thought, she sent them an email asking if this position has been filled, and just as soon as she sent it, a reply came back.
"Looks like I'm moving to England!"
"Hurry up Mike! We have to get everything cleaned up before Mckenna gets here" Alison told Mike as she was making sure everything looked just right.
"I know" Mike sighed as he was sweeping up the living room. Mike and Alison were surprised when they actually got a reply to their help wanted post on the website but also relieved that they didn't have to do all of the work by themselves. The Ghosts were also buzzing with excitement, well only Kitty was, everyone else was not too sure about this idea.
"Alison, I do not see why we need a stranger in this house when you and Mike are perfectly capable of doing it yourselves." Captain said with Lady Button nodding in agreement.
"You know Mike and I need more hands around here and ones that we can count on. We're going to do a trial week anyways to see how she does" Alison explained to the ghosts as she was tidying up. They all still didn't look too convinced, but it was too late as a knock was heard at the door.
"Oh! That must be Mckenna" Mike said to Alison as she followed him excitedly to the door. Alison and Mike composed themselves as soon as Alison swung open the door revealing an also very excited Mckenna. As soon as Thomas saw Mckenna, time stopped still, and he had to somehow catch his breath as she was welcomed by the only two living people in this house.
"It's so nice to meet y'all in person!" Mckenna exclaimed as she went in for a hug with Alison and then Mike which caught them off guard.
"Oh god! She's a Yankee!" Lady Button yelled in despair.
"At least she's good looking" Julien smirked as he straightened his tie.
"It really is. Thank you so much for contacting us, we really needed the help" Alison said.
"It's no problem! Uhh, my back is killing me from the flight" Mckenna sighed as she straightened out her back.
"That bad huh?" Mike questioned as he grabbed her bags and walked them into the living room while the two girls (and the ghosts) followed.
"10 hours next to a chatterbox? Yeah, it wasn't the best" Thomas hasn't looked away from Mckenna since she walked through the door. He has never felt anything like this before, not even with Isabelle or Alison. As Mckenna sat on the couch across from where Alison and Mike were sitting, he couldn't stop the bewildered gaze as he continued to stare at her.
"Who is this siren that has stolen my gaze? This enchanting creature that makes me want to sing out to the heavens" Thomas dramatically proclaimed while never leaving her side which made all of the other ghosts sigh.
"Here we go again," Robin said as Thomas sat next to Mckenna, still staring at her. Alison rolled her eyes at Thomas's antics as she listened to what Mike and Mckenna were saying.
"So, that's all we still need to finish in the house and hopefully with your help it will get done faster," Mike said as he finished explaining the future plans for Button House.
"This place is going to look amazing when we’re finished!" Mckenna said confidently as she gave them a thumbs up, which made them feel somewhat relieved. There was a quiet moment as Mckenna was looking around the room.
"This place really is beautiful. The pictures you have online don't do it justice" Mckenna said, "At least she has some taste", Lady Button said as the Captain agreed with her. As Mckenna was done taking in her surrounding, she looked back at Alison and Mike and asked,
"This place is haunted, right?" To say everyone was stunned was an understatement as Mike and Alison scrambled to form an answer. Thomas became even more intrigued with her as he looked at her, at Alison and the other ghosts, and then back to Mckenna. But as soon as he looked back at her, Mckenna whipped her head to stare directly at Thomas and yelled,
"BOO!" Thomas jumped and screamed so high; that he almost touched the ceiling. He felt he had a heart attack even though that wasn't possible. The other ghosts had a mini heart attack as well as they were also not expecting that. While Thomas was trying to catch his breath, Mckenna was laughing her ass off as Mike was the only one confused about what was happening.
"Hahahaha I'm sorry," Mckenna said between breaths, "I couldn't help myself," She said as she wiped a tear from her eye.
"You can see them?" Alison questioned.
"Yeah," Mckenna said as she finally managed to calm herself down, "I've been able to see ghosts ever since I was little" She explained as Mike grumbled,
"Great, another person who can see ghosts"
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cat-vase · 1 year
man!!!! i see ur posts and go hm... makes me wanna think about oscar and julien more ... i dont think abt them ENOUGH and everytime i see ur posts im like well ok i shouold amend this
SO TRUE!!!!! Glad you like them too!!! :D Here's some stuff from September <3 <3 The tense might change a lot, I reread it to try and fix it but it still might be kinda wonky.
It's day fourteen of Julien living with Oscar at the shelter and, quite frankly, it could be going worse. 
Julien's latched onto a quarter-used notebook Oscar found him, and most days he'll be found sitting outside on the curb with it. He'd sit there for days if Oscar didn't physically drag him inside to eat and sleep. Julien mumbled something about being used to being hungry once, and immediately was grateful he couldn't be understood. 
That was the only time he was grateful for it. 
He had torn the beginning of the journal out, looping his name in big cursive letters for the new beginning. He doubted anyone would take it; it wasn't like they'd be able to get anything out of it. But he kept it close and wrote his name, his full name, all over it just in case he forgot someday. He wrote everything he could remember down: where he used to live, what he used to do, where he was now, and what that fucking room looked like. He wrote about it in excruciating, painfully long detail, so he'd never have to think about it ever again. If you looked five centimeters to the left it was blue. If you looked ten it was purple. The glow pulsed every two minutes and thirteen seconds. It was burned into his vision and he had to close his eyes a lot. It made him dizzy now that there were other things to see. 
"Hey, Julie," Oscar says from behind him. Julien jumps and tears his eyes away from the couple he was watching across the street. He thought the building might be a dentist's office. 
"Bonjour," he mumbles. Oscar liked to know he wasn't spacing out. "Hi," he tried again. It didn't sound right. 
"Come on," he said, and Julien knew he had to stop for the day.
"Allons-y," he said before standing up so Oscar knew. He had written it down ages ago. Teaching yourself a language while just becoming a person again was hard and he was sure he wasn't doing it right.
Julien balanced his notebook against his leg, flipped to the first page, and scribbled his name down again in fast, scrunched-together letters. It made him feel better. Oscar peeked from behind him while he did it, and it made Julien realize something. If he could manage to remember how to say it, that was. 
"Oscar?" he says to get the other man's attention. It works. "Comment tu t'appelles?" 
Oscar looks at him in confusion, like normal, and Julien tries to find the beginning word in his head. Why? No. Who? Kinda. 
"What, uh..." He hopes it's the right one. He doesn't want to hold them up too long. "What is your name?" 
Oscar looks at him in confusion again. Dammit. 
"It's Oscar? Are you okay?" 
Julien groans at himself and runs a hand down his face. He was blanking on the important word. 
"Name, your- The-" 
What was nom de famille in English? 
He pointed at himself. 
"Julien Beaumont." 
Pointed at Oscar. 
He drags out the end of the sound and opens his hand in a "continue" gesture. 
"Oh!" Oscar says, and Julien mentally cheers. 
"Mayworth. Not as cool as yours, I know." 
He has no fucking clue what Oscar said at the end, but that wasn't an issue. 
"Mayworth," he parroted, and he pronounced the "r" way too hard and dropped the "-th" at the end. Oscar found it endearing. 
Julien opened his notebook to a page he had memorized, and scribbled Oscar's last name near the top, next to his first. Oscar had never wished to know French more than right now. 
"D'accord," he mumbled to himself, before closing the journal, and looking up at Oscar. "Merci," he spoke clearer. 
"Yeah, yeah. Figures you should know." 
Julien, again, had no idea what he said at the end. Whatever. Problems for later. His voice sounded relaxed enough. They needed to go eat. Oscar Mayworth. It... suited him.
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buffintruder · 1 year
Thank you for this ask, but sorry in advance. In retrospect, I don't even know why I reblogged this ask meme because the only fics I have been able to think about are Kamen Rider fics and almost none of the people following me have seen any Kamen Rider
(prompt: Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.)
Anyway since you sent so many books, I'll talk about two ideas:
FMA post canon
Look, Greed's death made me very sad and he will be alive in all the fics I write because that's what he deserves.
That said, I think it would be very fun/horrible to write something from Ling's pov after Greed dies, specifically maybe something in the set up of "five times someone thought he was Greed and one time they didn't"
I haven't planned out specific scenes but here's what I think a few of them would be
-Darius and Heinkel who have only really known Greed and weren't around to watch the final showdown (I think? If they were around in canon, they aren't in this au) and are like "hey boss good to see you made it out of this mess" and Ling has to be like "....he didn't make it out"
-Ling has talked to Ed a couple times in the aftermath of the battle but one time he comes up from behind him or something and for a split second Ed is like "ugh Greed stop bothering me" and then they both realize
-idk about this one but I feel like at some point on him+Lan Fan+Mei's journey back to Xing, they run into some sort of situation where Ling thinks it would be beneficial to act like Greed to get out of it
-the final scene would be in Xing and I'm not sure, maybe he would wake up from a nightmare where he was Greed being pulled out of Ling's body (they were psychically linked then, you can't tell me that wouldn't leave some really weird scars and dreams) and Lan Fan wakes him up and calls him Ling, and of course she would never see him as anything other than Ling because she's known him her whole life and always refused to accept Greed having control of his body
Kamen Rider Blade Star Trek
Okay so when I was in early high school there was a genre of crossover in which a team (Star Trek crew, Firefly crew, the Avengers) meet some strange man (honestly usually the Doctor from Doctor Who) and are just like 'wtf is this guy's deal's. Additionally, Kamen Rider Blade has a novel set 300 years in the future where the main character has amnesia. So I have decided to combine the two of these things
Basically Kamen Rider Blade ending premise (spoilers): a human called Kenzaki sacrifices his humanity for a member of the monster group (Hajime) to keep living a life among humans. The catch is that now they are both immortal, and if they ever meet again they will be compelled to fight to the death
So this fic would alternate between povs of the cast of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
One day they receive a distress call, but upon further inspection it's coming from a small craft that has already been shot up to the point where nobody could survive it. They figure that they might as well check it though, see if there are any bodies to return to families or something. However, there is a unconscious but otherwise perfectly healthy and human looking man.
He wakes up, and it turns out that he doesn't have any of his memories except his name, and upon second inspection he is not human but also doesn't resemble any aliens they know. He's almost human with all the right organs in the same place and everything, but his blood is green and viscous and they aren't sure if half the organs are actually doing anything, etc. Also sometimes he references things from turn of the millennium earth as if he lived there himself which is wild
There's just a lot of crew interactions which I will not get into, but I would definitely find a way to bring Garak and Keiko into this, along with the main crew (by which I mostly mean Sisko, Jadzia, and Julien because I don't really know what Kira or Odo would have to say to Kenzaki)
This is interspersed with scenes of Hajime on a commercial transporter flying to deep space nine because he wants to go through the wormhole because he's super depressed and maybe going to the other side of the galaxy will help (it probably won't, but who knows. It's not like he's tried it before. Maybe there, he'll be far away enough he won't feel the constant urge lingering in the background to go find and kill his only surviving friend, the person he cares most about in the entire universe)
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dinoburger · 2 years
I'm going to try to unpack some of my thoughts for HFJONE 17 because holy fuck. my heart was in my throat for the entire episode.
someone else has mentioned it, but Airy is really really well written as a morally gray antagonist. He just seems to not really fully understand the impact of what he's doing - n it's equally like, well, no brainer that psychologically torturing people on your isolated hell planet while they beg to be let home and one of them is slowly consumed by a terminal illness?? yeah, fucked up.
but on the other, with Universe Modulation, with the impermanent nature of death for those who find themselves stranded outside of their own reality - I can imagine that Airy's grip on reality, what it was like to have something to go back to in the original reality they all came from, is very very loose, if not, nonexistent. He genuinely doesn't seem to be able to quite process it
not to mention, Julien being stuck in the void for a decade - and all the other killed contestants, we're not sure they ever made it back to Earth or if they just fucking died for real and stumbled into the afterlife. that makes Airy's actions seem even more fucked up to me. + the fact that, the wish is also a lie to convince everyone to stay stranded there. Insane behavior.
I think whatever happens, just killing Airy probably wont be enough to stop him for good, there's always a chance he could take himself back to the planet universe however slim it may be - he needs to A, be dragged into the afterlife somehow, or B, be sent somewhere he can't die - maybe like Stone's universe... if it's A, I think seeing as Liam has lost everything as compared to Bryce or Amelia or even Charlotte, he's a good candidate to be sacrificed as a means of ending Airy's reign
OR, the fact that Liam has sacrificed everything might mean that maybe he makes some kind of deal where he trades out his own life in exchange for freeing the other contestants, seeing as he no longer has the ability to return home - he could live with Airy, maybe they reach some kind of an understanding or something. I think it'd be less likely, but possible.
I hope we see Stone again before the series ends also?
I feel like whatever happens, it probably won't end cleanly for everyone involved
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upalldown · 1 year
boygenius - The Record
Debut full-length album of indie folk / rock from Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus
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There’s always been some kind of special aura around boygenius. The trio of Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers and Lucy Dacus was forged off a throwaway “pipe dream” that Baker had, which then turned into a booking on the same tour and the decision to record a song together. One song became six, became the boygenius EP, became the calling card for these three young talents on the modern indie music scene. At the time of the EP’s release in 2018, calling boygenius a “supergroup” might have been a little generous as they were still fairly fresh faces. However, the boost it gave each of their careers inversely set them on their way to a supergroup after the fact. Each of them has since released a solo record that’s enjoyed boosted attention thanks to their association with each other. Upon rejoining together in the studio to make The Record, with a few more years of writing, recording, touring, promoting and other experience behind them, they are truly worthy of that title.
But boygenius don’t seem like just a supergroup; they seem like a band that was preternaturally meant to be together. The Record opens with “Without You Without Them”, an acapella three-part harmony that has their voices coming together in perfectly streamlined, silverline beauty; Dacus’ rich tones at the centre and the other two’s more diaphanous tones glinting off the edges, a Megazord-like aural combination. That they sing about connection, sharing everything “until your history’s no mystery to me”, just underlines the mind-melding beauty of hearing them work together.
The next three songs, which were also released as the first three singles, are each helmed by a different writer, and were written in isolation from the others – but go further to prove that the three have some kind of psychic understanding. Baker’s “$20” rucks and bucks with clanging guitars (a new sound for the group) as she sings of petrol-fueled escape and playing with fire. This then segues into Bridgers’ gently stirring apology “Emily I’m Sorry” where we’re once again in a car, someone in the back seat “wakin’ up inside a dream full of screeching tires and fire”. This midnight-hued mea culpa reaches out vocal tendrils of regret into the past, for someone formerly close. Things shift again as we move into Dacus’ “True Blue”, which continues the theme of reaching out to someone special from the past, but the sound is flipped inside out to become glorious sunshine and warmth. Her open-hearted melody and empathetic vocal tone make the central message of “it feels good to be known so well / I can’t hide from you the way I hide from myself” into a blanket of truth that you want to snuggle up inside.
Although the rest of the songs are more collaborative, these three do set vague templates for what’s to come from each of the songwriters. Baker again leads on “Satanist”, the album’s other big rocker, where she makes the offer of “will you be an anarchist with me / sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie” sound like the absolute right life choice. The purring, driving “Anti-Curse” again sends her back into an anarchic past – “Was anyone ever so young? / Breakin’ curfew with illegal fireworks” – which soon builds up into another towering rocker.
Bridgers returns to the deep and reflective well that made Punisher such a worldwide smash on “Revolution 0”, a spindly acoustic number that finds her lamenting a loved one’s mental illness and sweetly singing threats into the lonesome night; “I just wanna know who broke your nose / Figure out where they live / So I can kick their teeth in.” The album closer, “Letter To An Old Poet”, again finds her in a contemplative late-night mood, picking over memories filled with violence, but underscored by atmospheric piano and with the three voices coming together perfectly again for the cracked crystal refrain – “You make me feel like an equal / But I’m better than you / And you should know that by now” – it feels like a new wrinkle to her beloved style.
For her part, Dacus is her usual diaristic self on the short but buoyant “Leonard Cohen”, which effortlessly and vividly reaffirms the love between the three women as she details a boygenius roadtrip that went awry but ended up being a fundamental bonding experience. On “We’re In Love”, a showcase for her sweet and classic voice, she details an even closer relationship – but emphasises the fragility of nascent adoration. “Will you still love me if it turns out I’m insane? / I know what you’ll say, but it helps to hear you say it anyway,” she coos, filled with the kind of gentle neediness that anyone who’s been in a devoted relationship will recognise.
All of the above-mentioned tracks are lovingly adorned and augmented with touches from the other members – and made to sound impeccable by the crack team behind the desks including producer Catherine Marks, and performers Sarah Tudzin (illuminati hotties) and Melina Duterte (Jay Som). However, the best two tracks on The Record happen to be the ones where it’s not obvious whose seed kicked it off; the ones that feel like they were truly created in unison.
“Cool About It” is the first of these, and feels like another new style for the trio as they playfully rhyme that titular phrase and interweave verses over a dandy banjo bop in a manner that recalls classic Simon & Garfunkel. The central “Not Strong Enough” is the album standout and the pinnacle of their collaboration so far. Starting with Bridgers disoriented and seeing black holes, via Baker being “scraped up off the pavement”, and finishing with Dacus’ powerful, rousing repetition of “Always an angel / Never a god”, it covers a lot of ground. Despite the defeated tones of the words, “Not Strong Enough” is undeniably uplifting, the power of the trio’s union unspoken in the words, but beaming bright in the way it musically powers through the gloom and out into the sunshine, cruising for pastures new.
Now that boygenius have an album and will be touring behind it all year, they genuinely feel like a supergroup, but that word holds a lot of baggage and expectation. Although boygenius have met and exceeded all hopes with The Record, it doesn’t sound the slightest bit laboured. They may have worked 10 hour days for a month to record and perfect the album, but the finished product smacks much more of fun and harmony than stress and effort. That goes to the heart of boygenius – they’re not a supergroup, they’re just three very close friends helping each other have the times of their lives. And that deserves to be celebrated all the more.
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woodswolf · 3 months
4, 11, 18, 21, 35, 49. Feel free to answer as many or few as you so desire
writing ask game
4. Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
i have not been, but i maybe would like to be someday. i have some original ideas floating around (most of which have been for years), but it's like. i have a 9-5, i have games to play, i have other hobbies i like to do. if i DO happen to find an original idea that's just so wild that i HAVE to write it that's one thing, but im not gonna go out of my way to write something just to get published.
11. Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
there's only one thing that specifically comes to mind for this question and it's a fanfic that i first read when i was 16. but that's not necessarily an influence in terms of writing style, more like it literally rewired my brain and my analysis of it strongly influences my personal philosophy to this day: "hope is in everything but it is most present in places where it feels absent".
it's easier to break things down by individual works. for instance, my current wip is explicitly a "response" to two other fics i read last year that pulled off the same concept in different ways, with nods to other stories i've read and liked. (i also just realized as i was answering this that it's probably also a subconscious response to another fic i read a few years ago? it had really good disability rep but then kinda undercut itself via stapling on a romantic subplot — it blurred the very sharply-focused themes of disability rights and empowerment by mixing that with "oh but your new boyfriend is evil so :/". it's still a really good fic but this specifically irked me.) and by virtue of being a story about hope and its absence it kinda is indirectly a tribute to that first fic lol
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
ooooh kinda hot take but i actually Don't like collabs all that much. i've only done a few, but none of them were great experiences. it's probably due to the fact that basically all of them were group-events-with-random-partners kinda things and someone always has to get matched up with the 13y/o, but i've never been able to look on the end results as something i was proud to participate in — they've always ended up pretty mediocre and left me with the feeling of "if i just wrote all of this myself it would suck way less".
a one-on-one more focused collab with co-plotting and more coordination and so on would probably be more fun, but i don't really have any writer Friends (at least not that i talk to on the regular) so it's kinda a moot point. me and my partner have talked about doing a combo collab at some point, though — they have a lot of very interesting ideas for a splatoon au that would play nicely into both of our strengths (writing/art) and i think that could really go somewhere interesting.
21. Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
i've really been enjoying the hocotate ship. kinda kooky, kinda smarmy, kinda sarcastic, just a really interesting bag of traits that i haven't previously written all that often.
in general, though, i would have to say olimar, and yes this is accounting for all of the years and years of julien ninjago. olimar is that same kind of "very introspective character who has a strained relationship with their family due to external forces", but unlike julien, who i've always written as being very anxious about keeping up appearances, olimar isn't really anxious at all (at least more than would be normal for someone who ends up in the situations he does on the regular). his problem is that he has a martyr complex taller than the empire state building and zero awareness that Actually That's Kind Of A Bad Thing.
35. What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
a few weeks ago i would've said DLDP2, which is the (mainline) sequel to my current wip, but i did a bit of thinking about how to plot things out there and it's a bit better now. it probably still is DLDP2, because there's a lot of other shit i still have to figure out there, but at this point it might be a case of "the devil you know" since DLDP3 and DLDP4 are almost certainly in vaguer states than DLDP2 is. but those two are also years off from being written probably while DLDP2 is Less. but who knows if i'll ever get around to it anyway, the only story i will be MAD if i don't get to wrte it is the DLD's spinoff sequel since that's where a lot more of the disability stuff is going to come into play.
49. Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
man i have no idea. definitely NOT olimar though at least if he was still 1 inch tall like that. i am afraid of him i would need to kill him to put him out of his misery. what cruel God has condemned them to such forms (and surely it must be a cruel God)?
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
boygenius Album Review: the record
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Just as Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus, and Julien Baker have steadily grown in expanse of sound and audience reach since the debut boygenius EP, so has boygenius, the entity, itself. the record, the trio’s official debut LP, sonically recalls a time decades prior when alternative rock bands were given major label contracts and budgets with which to share their poetry. Ultimately, though, it’s the songwriting that makes the record surpass the massive hype often attributed to “supergroups.” That is, the three band members have written tunes as intimate, vulnerable, and empathetic as ever, whether looking inward or weaving around each other.
“Who would I be without you, without them?” the trio sing a capella on the record’s opener, a folk hymnal about how small we are in the context of human history, the history of relationships. So, get to know your friends: You’re gonna need them. “It feels good to be known so well / I can’t hide from you like I hide from myself,” Dacus sings on “True Blue”. The songs on the record start from small moments that mean so much more. “Leonard Cohen”, another Dacus standout, is based on a true story where the three where in a car on the freeway, Bridgers at the wheel, discussing long songs with no chorus. At Bridgers’ request, they put on Iron & Wine’s “Trapeze Swinger”; she got so lost in it that she missed the exit, adding an hour to their travel time. “Leonard Cohen once said / There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in,” Dacus sings, declaring, “And I am not an old man having an existential crisis / At a Buddhist monastery writing horny poetry / But I agree.” With a mix of go-with-the-flow attitude, a sense of humor, and the wherewithal to let each other have their moments, the trio collectively turn an inconvenience into a song, a mantra for life.
The creative environment that boygenius fosters has seemingly allowed them to write some of their at-once catchiest and most devastating songs. Baker’s chugging “$20″, written “for the riffs,” sees her referencing times when she was younger when music and life had to be about noble ideas. “Mama told me that it don’t run on wishes / But that I should have fun,” she sings; the song travels to its end with thrillingly overlapping vocals, including Bridgers’ underrated scream. Bridgers’ heartbreaking “Emily I’m Sorry” sports pulsating harmonic echo, as if to emphasize the void left by a departing relationship. “She’s asleep in the back seat / Looking peaceful enough to me / But she’s wakin’ up inside a dream / Full of screeching tires and fire,” she sings, not as if to read a mind but emphasize that you never fully know what’s going on inside someone’s head, how it differs from the surface. Most stark is “We’re In Love”, Dacus singing over acoustic guitar and gentle piano. “Will you still love me if it turns out I’m insane? / I know what you’ll say, but it helps to hear you say it anyway,” she sings, relying on the strength of a loved one during times she doesn’t feel so strong.
On songs like “Cool About It” and “Letter To An Old Poet”, boygenius sing about , specifically, relationships that have deteriorated, for better and for worse. The latter, the closing number and callback to the debut EP’s “Me & My Dog”, ends with squeaky strings and a prolonged tritone where the three have to take a breath to finish the ending note. It’s a symbolic end to the album as a whole, as the band lays bare something that’s technically imperfect, but perfectly fitting, a genius move if there ever was one.
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