#please I need them
my-secret-shame · 1 year
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ph0enix-12 · 4 months
Lilith and Lucifer will sloppy kiss at the end of Hazbin
I am calling it they will smooch and get back together
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archiverumiartzz · 8 months
I love them so much omg, i just can't, Geo and Cole my beloveds, I love them
I wanted to re draw that one scene where Cole smiles at him before escaping,,, like,,, GAAAHH
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liontalon1 · 1 month
Echo there were far too many close calls, my heart was in my throat. Hell i was yelling at him for removing his damn helmet, i never yell at the tv ever. This better not be the last we see of him. I need that Rex Echo show please and thank you.
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genesstankycodpiece · 3 months
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does ANYONE have any interview links I could watch of this bimbo I'm only finding his political ones they're fuckin snoozers
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Okay, hear me out, new ship. Muriel and Eric. The unimportant, unnoticed Angel with a heart of gold and The Disposable Demon that no one cares about.
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jaz-it-up · 5 months
now that ren has talked about returning to mcc, can y'all help me manifest a ren and sausage mcc team (like to charge, reblog to cast)
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chamiryokuroi · 1 month
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They are selling hardcover fully printed classic novels in miniature format at only $5 usd each, but you can only buy them at magazine stands and I have none in my town 😭 I am going insane I need them all!!
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lesbunnian · 7 months
I find it so funny that I made my gusing about Reverse:1999 post a while ago and now that the global release is literally tomorrow that post is getting so many likes and reblogs. I thought i was alone? Where did you all come from?
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nullneo · 4 months
I hope Cross’ secret admire is Red/Lara pleeeeaaaase I need this ship back
I know it’s probably not her cause if it was someone in the royal guard then they wouldn’t have to do love letters but like, I still have hope
I don’t care or there was only one drawing of them, if so many people loved them together with one drawing then it’s meant to be
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im-literally-so-dun · 1 month
wait, how did I miss the fact that tøp had a show tonight????
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uslvelttrs · 9 months
so who volunteers to write the jegulus hercules au with reg as meg and the slytherins + pandora as the muses
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goatswithtoast · 10 months
Atla x Ninjago
I am so surprised by the small number of Avatar and Ninjago AUs/Crossovers, genuinely thought there'd be loads more, so I thought of my own :D
(Now, this isn't going to follow the Avatar story really, but the Fire Nation still attacked because they had their whole industrial revolution. They're still feared by the other nations and the people are still against anything Fire Nation. Does an Airbender genocide happen? Not to the same extent anyways. Maybe the same way the southern pole was attacked, the Fire Nation focused on only two temples or something. Speaking of the poles, they were left mostly untouched with only a few attacks ever happening)
I'll start in the fire nation. A fire bender met a water bender in the Earth Kingdom and they fell in love. They lived in the Fire Nation and had two kids. They were delighted when Kai started bending, Ray told the whole neighborhood. Nya, being three years old, wanted to make fire too. She was told she could start bending when she got to Kai's age. And on one hot summer's day the next year, she bent water.
Her family was delighted. Maya made her best chewy cookies. Ray did not shut up about it for weeks, he just Had to say how proud he was every time he saw her. Six year old Kai was utterly delighted that he now had someone new to play fight with! Their parents, however, were quick to stop them. No one could see Nya water bending. If she wanted to bend, she had to stick to small things in the house, watering the plants, washing the dishes or making shapes of animals or people to go along with stories, like Maya does at bedtime.
(Kai always wanted to make the funny shapes, but when he got his dad to teach him they could never make them look as friendly with all the sharp edges of their flames.)
They end up moving house quite a few times due to neighbors hearing "excessive splashing" (and Kai shouting in protest every time it so happened to be dumped on him) from their yard. You couldn't keep Nya Smith inside doing baby shapes. Not when Kai got to practice out in the open all day if he wanted to. Not when Kai got to go to a special class after school to get better. She loved her brother, but it just wasn't fair.
Shortly after Nya's eleventh birthday they moved again. But it'd be different this time. They'd be going to the South Pole to learn water bending properly. But they'd be leaving Ray and Kai behind. It certainly wasn't their first choice, but it was the best one they could think of. They couldn't just stop Nya from bending all her life, that'd be cruelty. So they organized the trip, said their goodbyes, and set off.
The first thing they did once they arrived was buy Nya a couple of parkas. She was absolutely frozen. She may be a water bender, but she grew up in the fire nation. The next order of business was to find a teacher. Maya said she had gotten a bit rusty and that it'd be better to find a master anyways. Luckily for them, the local master was available. Sorla was impressed by their story and agreed to teach Nya water bending. Nya already had the basics and learned the more advanced moves very quickly, surpassing older students
(AAAAAAA I had so much more written but it just didn't save.)
Everything Nya learned, she learned to perfection. So she was getting really annoyed with Sorla making her stop everything for a day and focus on Ice. Nya did not get ice. She couldn't understand it. She couldn't bend it, it was solid. It was stubborn, like her, and refused to listen to her.
Besides, who cared if Nya could bend ice or not?! She's good at everything else, why does she have to be good at making ice cubes! She'll just make up for it with her Water bending, she's one of the best at that! Luckily for her, she'll have a new friend soon enough who'll have her back.
Zane Julien was born and raised in the South Pole by his father Dr. Julien. While he has the title Doctor, he's no healer. He makes gadgets for the town to help in their daily lives. He's a friendly man but he keeps mostly to himself up in his house with his son.
When Zane started bending, Dr. Julien was delighted with him. He set out to find the best teacher that very day. He found an old friend, who had left for the Earth Kingdom years ago, had returned and started teaching "specialized bending". Zane got started with him a couple of days later.
When this teacher started to teach Zane the basics of water bending, Zane was having quite a bit of trouble. He couldn't understand the flow of water, a slight obstacle in the way of learning water bending. His form was stiff and any water he did bend was choppy. His teacher decided to give ice a try before giving up on him. He was so glad he did.
Zane took to ice bending like a turtleduck to water, mastering every move he was taught and sculpting any object asked for in seconds. Need ice in a drink? Odd request for the South Pole but Zane's got you. Need a chair? Zane has your back. Need an ice spike to spear the heart of your enemy? You've lost him. Zane will use every defensive move he knows before ever attempting to go offense. He will always fight for those close to him and protect them with his life.
Zane eventually became known in the outskirts of town as the Ice Guy. Few knew of his inability to actually bend water, but all respected his skill. Any curious children who haven't quite got the hang of certain techniques can always be sure that Zane will help in any way he can. Any non-benders who just want to see some cool tricks always go home with a sculpture of their favorite animal.
Once, while making the trip into town to get the weekly shopping, Zane hears many frustrated shouts come from a clearing. Always the curious type, he goes toward the sound to see what the problem is. He finds a young girl punching a tree and an older woman watching her, waiting patiently for her to calm down.
"I don't know why you still make me do this!" The young girl groaned. The woman bowed her head like she was preparing for a rant she had heard many times before. "I'll never need to use ice if I'm already a Master Waterbender! No one even cares about ice, I don't, this tree doesn't and I'm sure that man over there doesn't!" She pointed at Zane, who was very surprised to be roped into this argument. The girl growled and started punching the tree again while the woman gave Zane a small smile. "Don't mind her, she can get quite mad sometimes."
"I actually do care about ice" Zane said. Nya paused and turned towards him. "I wasn't asking you, I just said it because you were standing there!" Zane made an 'o' with his mouth in understanding. "Why do you even care about ice?" Nya asked as she walked up to him. "It's a frozen block of water that doesn't move, you can't do anything with it!"
Zane thought about it a moment before giving his answer. Would he really entrust this information with this girl he just met? "Because I cannot bend anything else." Apparently he will. Nya gave him a funny look. "You can bend ice... and nothing else? Not even water?" Zane shook his head. "Water never really came to me, even when I sought it out. It was only from pure boredom my teacher even tried ice."
"You can't be a waterbender then," Sorla said. "We'll have to call you an Icebender." A small smile came to her face with her suggestion. Nya rolled her eyes, still in her bad mood. "There's no such thing as an 'icebender' Master Sorla, he's still a waterbender." "But I cannot bend water, just ice" Zane reminded her "I could show you a few simple moves if you'd like." Nya just huffed and crossed her arms. "Come back tomorrow," Sorla suggested. "She might be more agreeable after a nights rest."
Zane agreed and left to go get the shopping, but not before asking Nya her favorite animal.
Nya arrived home with a sculpture of a badgerfrog that looked like the sculptor only had a vague idea of what the animal was.
Part 1 (Nya, Zane +Kai) | Part 2 (Lloyd) | Part 2.5 (Morro) |
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cyfaredd · 5 months
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2024 is the year we convince @theabyssalmuses to talk about her scientist ocs [ all 5 of them ] on her blog. please. i need her to talk about them for my mental health.
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tenrots · 10 months
robo ky and venom let jam work at their bakery after her restaurant gets destroyed and thats how the three of them get added to strive
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chrispineofficial · 10 months
dean taking an unreasonably enormous bite out of his sandwich my beloved. add dean/sandwich gifs here please
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