#and like forces stages like held your hand the whole way to complete them which is why i liked them lol
bunnymajo · 2 years
I’ve officially hit the 10 hour mark of Sonic Frontiers and my verdict is that it is fun but moreover that exploring the island and solving the little riddle/puzzle things to complete the map is my favorite part. There’s a nice sense of completion so if I 100% any aspect of this game it’ll probably be that and Big’s fishing index
I hate the cyber stages. I know they’re just regular sonic stages so I don’t know why I hate doing them, but the fact that they’re so long, mandatory and interrupt my exploration time makes them enemy #1 (Stage 2-7 in particular is not invited to my house)
Also the monster on island 2 that’s just a bunch of rail grinds? Awesome design, but also not welcome in my home.
Anyway that’s my gamer hot take for the morning.
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letorip · 2 months
kiss with a fist [ii]
"Blood sticks, sweat drips, break the lock if it don't fit, a kick in the teeth is good for some, a kiss with a fist is better than none"
pairing: tara carpenter x reader
summary: you signed up to help tara with her stupid plan. not whatever the hell one would call this.
warnings: implied sex, use of alcohol, puking, arguing loudly and wrongly, curse words(?)
word count: 5.2k
A/N: sorry to make you wait so long, but here's the second part. there will probably be a third, so fear not, the story doesn't end here. i originally thought i would be able to just end it off right here, but it’s going kind of really well and i think a third or maybe even a fourth part is more reasonable
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For almost the entire walk to the frat house, Tara didn't actually say much. It surprised you too, the way she just glanced around the city that passed as you walked and fiddled with her nails. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but you were so used to Tara having something to say that it made you speak instead.
"Wow, for once, you're speechless," you commented as you passed under a streetlight. Tara shot you a glare, shoving her hands into her jean pockets.
"Would it kill you to shut the hell up?"
“There we go, back to normal. Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not being weird,” she scoffed. “Mind your own business.”
"I'm just saying."
"Well don't say. Don't say."
The party fucking sucked. It was quintessential college, with frat boys who attempted to yell over the loud music that rattled your eardrums. Coolers upon coolers of shitty, cheap beer sat against the far wall, and a crowd had gathered around them to pick off all the free alcohol they could. Maybe a year ago this would’ve been fun. Now you found yourself disenchanted with the ordeal.
Tara was off god knows where, doing god knows what, which you figured was the point of the arrangement anyway. You weren’t too concerned with tracking her down, especially if situation also presented itself as a pleasant bonus— not having to put up with her.
Chad had wandered out of the room when he saw you and Tara arrive together hand in hand, going deeper into the party without a word. He was usually the one you hung around with at these kinds of things, but he had been a sad little dog with his tail between his legs since you and Tara announced you were meant to be a few days before the party. It seemed some of your friends were still adjusting.
The immediate reaction after Tara said “soooo, we’re together,” was to laugh, like you two were doing a bit. It got less funny when they saw you both blankly staring back at them and then Tara grabbed your hand and held it up with a forced smile.
The whole group was going through a somewhat awkward seven stages of grief thing. Chad was avoiding you completely, Quinn was a bit annoyed you were off the market now after an egregious few months of hitting on you, and Ethan was the only one to be a bit normal, even though it was clear he too had a crush on Tara and was disappointed with the matter.
When Mindy had gotten over her disbelief, she dove right into an endless game of questions, only occasionally staved off by Anika. "So who confessed first?" had been one of the first ones, accompanied by a glint in her eye. Tara jumped in before you could even open your mouth, eager to answer.
"(Y/n) showed up on my porch, all sweaty and disgusting looking, just smelling so unbelievably bad it was overpowering-”
“I had been working out,” you rolled your eyes. “That’s why I was sweaty."
“Mhm, whatever. Anyways, apparently they were just being such an asshole because they were in love with me," Tara said, with a wide, shit-eating grin. "Right?"
You had to hide your glare behind your solo cup. "Mhm. I was just overflowing with it. I have so many things to say about you."
“All nice things,” Tara corrected.
“Yeah. That’s what I said.”
“Was it?”
“Uh huh.”
Mindy’s questions followed you everywhere she did. Who kissed who first? Who’s more cuddly? Have you guys slept together yet? They volleyed back and forth and you and Tara fought for the first word each time to pin it to the other with gleeful sadism. Of course, it was then flipped around once the next question came and you would huff in annoyance at the other for being an asshole.
It wasn’t as bad of an arrangement as you had dreaded. You only had to be couple-y when other people were watching you two interact, or when Sam would glare in suspicion. Hold hands a few times, smile, share a glance. Other than that, things stayed mostly the same. The group probably appreciated you both not acting head over heels for the other and you liked it because it meant you didn't have to pretend to like her.
Tara had a brazen way about her that made you roll your eyes. She never took no for an answer, had a teasing remark for anything, and always felt the need to be doing something. Other people seemed to find themselves charmed by it. Others, but not you. Never you.
The walk there had been about all she could take of your personality, and the moment after you two were seen together, she ditched you at the door and wandered off to the dance floor. After that you had lost track of her, and ended up splitting your time between the kitchen, the bathroom, and the front room, away from the crowd. Mindy found you there, tugging Anika along with her.
"Cut the bullshit," She said with an eye roll, sitting right down on the couch in front of you. Anika plopped down next to her. "There's no way in hell you got together with Tara."
You grinned, sipping your beer and partially using it to block your expression. "No, we're together. I really like her."
Mindy scoffed. "You're a terrible liar." Your cheeks warmed and you tilted your head to the side.
"We have to separate you two like warring chihuahuas every time we hang out together," Anika said. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes in a study of your face. "You're not confessing your undying love."
"I did."
"You didn't!" Mindy said, and she threw up her arms.
"I did."
"You didn't," Anika snorted.
"I...," you looked at them both, "...are you guys going to snitch?"
"Snitch to who?" asked Mindy. Now they were both leaned in, like eager children around a campfire. You swallowed.
"Sam." Mindy blinked. Then she sat back.
"What the hell did Tara get you involved in?" she asked. As much as Sam was part of your group, it was known not to fuck with her, and that's exactly what Tara was making you do.
You frowned. If anyone was going to ruin the plan, it probably wouldn't be Mindy or Anika. "You can't tell Chad, but we're not actually together."
Anika raised her eyebrows and shot Mindy a glance. "That didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out." You shrugged.
"Well, we fooled Sam. Tara needs a fake partner so she can go to parties and see people and stuff. And, well, you know how Sam is about that stuff."
Mindy crossed her arms. "And you said sure?"
You shrugged. "I mean, I didn't really see why not. Plus, she was being super annoying about it. Showed up at my house. She was begging, almost."
"So, you what, took pity?" Anika asked, giving you a look. You rolled your eyes.
"Trust me, it's not because it's fun. She's way too annoying and she'd probably say the same thing about me."
Mindy frowned, looking out the doorway and into the booming party. "Chad wouldn't like it."
You sent her a worried look. "Please please please, don't tell Chad. I know he's upset by the whole thing, but Sam would literally kill me if she knew I was helping Tara run around town."
"I don't know...," she said. "I know Tara wants freedom, but this is kind of bullshit, (Y/n)."
"It won't be for long. She just wants to meet someone. When she does, it's over. Life goes back to normal."
"Do you guys have a target in mind, or something?" Anika asked, a bit amused.
"Not even a little a bit. It’s like, her second party ever,” you shrugged. “I don’t know if she’s really dead set on a person yet.”
“Well… she better figure it out soon.”
“Mhm.” You looked out the same glass door and into the booming party outside. Through the jumping crowd, you could see in the distance Tara, who was dancing with her eyes shut and a smile spread wide across her cheeks. She looked happy like that.
You took a swig of your beer.
The boom of a fist on your door shook the thin walls of your apartment, and you jolted awake to hear three more hit the wood.
Immediately, a headache washed over you and you groaned. You tried to smush your head into the pillow to make it go away but there were the banging fists again, and you sat up, letting your legs dangle off the edge.
“OPEN THE FUCK UP,” came the voice again, and you blinked. Oh shit. You knew that voice. You clambered to your feet and stumbled out your bedroom and down the hall in a dusty pair of shorts and shirt. “I’M NOT KIDDING! OPEN THE—”
You pulled the door open like a deer in headlights, seeing Sam seethe on the other side with her fist raised. Nostrils flared, forehead creased, eyes narrowed. She looked about ready to rip your head off.
“You,” she said, spitting the word. You flinched. “Where the fuck is Tara?!”
Shit shit shit shit shit. Had she not gone home the night before?? Things felt a little bit fuzzy still. You remembered grabbing another beer from Ethan and flopping down in an armchair, then another and another, and then maybe wandering home while the sun started to rise. Had you seriously lost track of the attempted murder victim on her first night out???
You blinked, already aware that your cheeks were a dusty pink. "I, uh... she, um..."
Her hands went to her hips, glaring at you expectantly. "Well?! Where the hell is my sister?!" When you were still staring like an idiot, she threw up her arms. "I fucking knew I shouldn't have trusted you with her! This is what I get"
You stared, feeling a lie (though probably a clunky one) come to your brain. "I think her phone must've died, but she just left."
Sam's eyebrows rose, but you weren't sure if it was in disbelief or even more rage. "What do you mean?"
"We, um," your eyes went to the floor, feeling her glare laser itself into you as you spoke. "We got super drunk last night at the party, and I brought her back here and we both fell asleep," you looked back up to see her giving your pyjamas a once over, nose wrinkled. You flushed. "No! No— we didn't do that. We just fell asleep."
Sam looked at you for a moment, then crossed her arms. "I waited all night for her, you know," she said.
You nodded. "I know. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."
"It won't." Sam repeated. "When I don't hear from her for a whole night, you know what I assume happened, right? You know how that feels?"
You swallowed. "I do."
She sighed. "I'm really trying here. I know she doesn't want me worrying about her, and I know she wants freedom. So I'm trying, (Y/n). Don't make me regret it."
"I won't, Sam." It felt like a giant wedge in your throat, and you tried to smile at her but she continued to frown, and she turned around and walked off. The moment she was gone, you spun around and slammed the door. You dashed through your apartment, grabbing your phone off your nightstand and quickly pulling up her contact.
Little Shit (do not pick up). You pressed the button and put it up to your ear, wandering over to the nearby curtain and lifting it to look out onto the city. "Come on, come on," you pleaded aloud. "Fucking pick up, asshole."
After the third ring and a good prayer to god even though you weren't especially religious, it stopped ringing and you could hear her grumbling.
"Tara??" you rushed. "Tara, where are you?"
"Mmm," she groaned, "the hell do you want so early?"
You scoffed. "Tara it's almost noon." There was a pause on the other end of the line.
"Uh huh," you grunted. "Your sister just almost ripped my door off it's fucking hinges because she doesn't know where you are. And you know what, neither do I!" There was some shuffling from her end, and then what sounded like running footsteps.
"I went home with this girl last night, I just woke up," she rushed. "Sam is going to kill me!"
"She almost killed me!" You almost yelled into the phone. Now that the worry had subsided you were left with anger. "She almost killed me because you wandered off and didn't go home."
"It's not like I meant to fall asleep," she argued back, and you could hear some talking in the background in faint voices. "I must've slept through my alarm— wait, what did you tell Sam?"
"That your phone died, and you were on your way home."
"WHAT?! (Y/n), this girl's apartment is at least fifteen to twenty minutes away," Tara said into the phone.
"Well it's not like I knew that, now is it?" you shot back, scratching your arm, "considering I didn't know if you were even alive until you picked up."
"God, not you too. I'm fine, drama queen."
"Drama queen?"
"Yeah, drama queen," Tara repeated, and more noises flooded in. It sounded as if she was in the city now, walking, "you sound just like Sam. I picked you because I thought you knew I didn't need a babysitter."
"That's not being babysat, Tara. That's making sure you're not dead," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I'm not."
"Fine!" you shot back.
You sighed into the speaker. "Pick up some flowers or something on your way back. Claim that's why you're late."
"Good idea, actually," Tara hummed.
"I know." And you hung up.
You found yourself at an identical party the very next Friday night too, and the Friday after that, and after that too. The walls were just as stained. It smelled just as full of mold. This one didn't have a front room for you to barricade in, so you sat at the bar top instead, in the kitchen with your chin rested on the cool granite.
It had taken a whole night to get rid of the hangover from a few weeks before, and in doing so you had remembered why it was exactly that you didn't find these things too fun, anyways. You hadn't gotten anywhere near as drunk since. Mindy and Anika had decided on date night instead, and Chad and Ethan were off to watch a movie that originally you would've been invited to, had it not been for Tara.
It was painful, that Chad was ducking you. The irony wasn't lost, that the more time you spent with your fake girlfriend at parties and outings like a couple, the closer you got to actually repairing your relationship with him. You still would've rather gone to the movie, though.
You could actually see Tara, from where you sat. Through the bar window in the kitchen, she was on the dance floor, moving along with the rhythm of hard EDM as best she could. It was a giant mob of people, all clumped up and hopping around in excitement, and you didn't especially want to be out there.
As you watched, a guy came up behind Tara, tapping her on the shoulder and smiling down at her. You thought nothing of it, until you got a longer look at the guy's face. In the revolving, multicoloured lights that hung over the crowd, you recognised him in an instant, standing straight up and weaving your way through the party.
"You having fun, Carpenter?" He asked, with a douche-y smirk on his face as he said it. You rolled your eyes, coming up behind Tara and standing right behind her.
"I—" but you interrupted her.
"She is, Frankie," you shot, staring at him and crossing your arms. Tara whipped around to you with a glare.
"(Y/n), go away," she whispered loudly. But you stood your ground.
"Tara, literally anyone but him. I mean, anyone—"
"That's not your decision."
"Sam tased him in the balls last time. I mean, come on, you have to know he's a douche."
Frankie scoffed. "I'm sorry, who are you?"
"(Y/n) is just a—"
"—We're dating," you interrupted again. "So fuck off."
"No, we aren't," Tara shook her head. "Not really."
"Yes, we are," you nodded at Frankie. "Please leave. She's not sleeping with you tonight." He frowned, but started to walk off.
"That's not your decision, asshole!" Tara scowled and she reached out an arm to stop him. "Frankie, stay. You know what, I wasn't going to, but I will now."
"Frankie, leave. I mean it, you creep." You turned to her and glared. "Tara, listen to me, you—"
"No! Frankie, stay. Maybe I need the company," she shot back, narrowing her eyes. Frankie looked between you both, as did a few other people in the room who were starting to notice.
"They literally call him Date-Rape-Frankie, Tara. There's no way in hell you're sleeping with Date-Rape-Frankie. Frankie, leave."
"Frankie, no, stay. Well, what if I want to?"
"Then you're being stupid."
"Bold choice of words coming from you! You're not my mother."
"I'm not trying to be your mom, Tara. I'm using basic common sense. That guy is a creep and a perv," you pointed to him.
"Hey!" Frankie interjected, raising a hand to your shoulder.
"Fuck off!" you and Tara said in unison, dismissing him to glare right at each other.
"Well maybe I deserve the freedom to sleep with weirdos and whoever I want! I mean, who are you, the fucking sex-Nazi?"
"I don't have a problem with literally anyone else, Tara, but he's a weirdo!"
"Well then let me make that call! I'm not five. You don't need to baby me, I know he's a weirdo!" People were definitely staring now. You were both shouting, but a lot of it was drowned out by the EDM. It didn't stop others watching you point in each others faces and scowl.
"It's not babying you, Tara! It's basic caring! You have no clue about this shit, this is like your fourth party ever!"
"I've managed this far, haven't I?!"
"What, you want a cookie?!"
"Yeah, maybe I fucking do! I'm an adult, asshole! Let me do adult shit!"
"Wow, it's so adult and mature of you, to sleep with creeps and get hungover every Friday. How adult."
"Well, maybe it's not, but who gives a shit! I'm having fun for once! I'm being free without a fucking serial killer on my ass! I know you can't relate, but Christ, take the stick out from your ass!"
"Real nice," you shook your head. "This is what I get for helping you. Of fucking course." Before she could reply, you turned around and headed out the sliding glass door, into the fenced-in backyard. There was a pool back there, and you collapsed into a wrought iron pool chair, right near the edge.
People watched you warily, as you sat out there, but within minutes, the party was resumed. Even from outside, you could hear the thumping bass shake the windows gently as the glass moved in the panes.
There was a faint scent of petrichor from the small patch of grass out there, and the sky rumbled in the distance. It was peaceful out there, with small hanging fairy lights and the pool in front of you. You propped your legs up on the glass table and tried not to scream.
This was exactly what you should've expected, from Tara. Of course she would be selfish. Of course she would be brash. A part of you wasn't surprised. Disappointed, sure. But not surprised. You just sat there and tried to cool your breathing, watching the city lights in front of you.
You must've sat like that for an hour or two, just watching the city. It didn't feel like long enough. You might've even felt at peace, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Um...excuse me?" You craned your neck around, looking up in your chair to see a concerned guy looking down at you.
"Are you (Y/n)?" He asked, awkwardly scratching his neck. You nodded, confused.
"Uh, yeah? Do we know each other?"
"No! No, I was asked by Tara, I think was her name? She wanted me to get you. She's your girlfriend, right?"
The worry came back, and you stood up. "Why, what happened? Where is she?" Sam was really going to kill you.
"She's in the guest bathroom, I think she's sick."
"(Y/n)?" you heard a very uneasy voice on the other end.
"Can I come in?" you asked, and when there was no response, you let yourself inside. She was on the other end of the massive bathroom, leaned up against the bathtub with her head close to the toilet bowl.
Tara looked absolutely green, with her hair sweatily stuck to her forehead and eyes barely open. "Christ Tara, how much did you have to drink?" you asked in worry, coming to stand over her.
"Oh, just—" she gagged like she was about to puke and you bent down to grab her and tug her towards the toilet bowl. You spun back to the guy in the doorway, who stared at you both with wide eyes.
"Can you get me some crackers and Gatorade?" you asked him, sending a hopeful glance. He nodded and closed the door, and you turned back to Tara, who was bent over the toilet bowl.
You moved her gently and lifted the toilet seat up. "Are you okay?" you asked with a frown. You felt like an idiot the moment it left your mouth.
She raised her eyebrows. "Do I look okay?" Tara mumbled.
"Well, no."
"Thass' good," she slurred. "I had too many," she hiccupped. You nodded.
"I'd say so. How much did you have Tara?"
She giggled. "This many." She held up four fingers with a giant, toothy grin and slumped with her arms encircling the toilet bowl.
"Since when?" you blinked.
"Since you got allllllllll pissy!" You sighed, hands going to her hair and pulling it back. She wrinkled her nose at you. "Why are you touching my hairrrrr?!"
"So you don't vomit all on it, idiot," you replied, shaking your head. Tara huffed.
"I'mnuh gonnuh puke."
And then Tara puked. Everywhere.
You both sat there, that way, for about ten minutes. Tara vomited three times, during that span, and when she was done, you handed her the crackers and Gatorade and told her to do her worst.
She downed them in another fifteen minutes, sitting in the bathtub and eating while you sat leaned up against the bathroom wall, across from her, just in silence. The sounds of the party seemed to have died a little bit as the night droned on, and by now people would be wandering home or to someone else’s place.
While you waited, you shot Sam a text, letting her know you’d bring Tara home and that she was okay. Sam didn’t reply but she saw the message, and you figured that was good enough. When you checked the weather app, Tara finally spoke, coming to her senses a bit with more food in her system.
“Thank you,” she said quietly, staring down at the package for the crackers in her hand. “Thanks.”
You shrugged, staring at the toilet in front of you. It probably reeked in there, but at this point you were nose blind. “For what?” You meant for that to be it, just a small little acknowledgment, but Tara shook her head.
“Thank you for that. For being here.”
She stared right at you when she said it, and you knew she meant it with conviction. You nodded. “I know we don’t always get along, but I had your back, back there.”
“You have my back?” she asked, smiling a little and grabbing her Gatorade from the edge of the tub.
“I agreed to help you, didn’t I?”
She paused for a moment, then nodded. “You did, yeah.” Tara looked over at you, then tilted her head to the side. “I still don’t get why, though.”
“You were honest, for once.” It came from a surprising place, and you said it before you entirely knew you were speaking. You didn’t completely know what it meant either, until after you said it, but the words passed between you almost like a new understanding.
A few moments of silence came and went, before she spoke again. “I walk silently places at night in case I hear I’m being followed. By Ghostface. Same thing as when I’m home alone. I don’t do it as much anymore, but I still do it sometimes. Don’t tell Sam, please please please. She’ll make me go to therapy.”
“Okay,” you said, nodding gently. You leaned your head back up against the wall, craning it up to look at the ceiling.
“Why are you being nice to me?” She asked. You laughed, tracing the popcorn pattern of the roof with your eyes.
“I’m not the devil, Tara.”
“…Neither am I.”
“I know,” you said, and you reached your arm out for a cracker. She gave you one and you crunched down on it, while an especially large bass hit came from the speakers outside. “God, this music fucking sucks,” you groaned.
Tara nodded. “It’s really hard to dance to.”
“Well,” you shrugged, “it didn’t seem like you were struggling earlier.”
Tara frowned, then tilted her head in curiosity. “What’s your favourite song?”
You raised your eyebrows in amusement. “Why?”
“Just wondering,” she said.
“Okay… you’re going to laugh, though.”
“Am I?” she grinned. You nodded.
“Do you know that one song, The Promise, by When In Rome? It’s from the 80s, it’s super cheesy?”
She stared off for a moment, in thought, then shook her head. “Don’t think so, how’s it go?”
You rolled your eyes, but began to quietly sing it in a tone that wavered in between spoken word and humming. It was terrible and you were tone deaf, but it was the song. “If you need a friend, don’t look to a straaanger. You know in the end,” your voice broke a little at the low note, and Tara giggled but you continued, “I’ll always be thereee.”
“Mhm. And then it skips a little bit and the chorus goes, ‘I’m sorry but I’m just thinking of the right words to say, I know they don’t sound the way I planned them to beee.’”
She cut you off with her hand, laughing hysterically. You felt your cheeks flushed, and in any other time you would’ve been annoyed with her laughing at you. But this didn’t feel mean. You just smiled right back.
“That was good, actually,” she managed, between small laughs. “Why is it your favourite?”
“Um,” you shrugged, “my brother used to sing it to me, years ago when I was scared.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Tara said, leaning her head on the tile wall of the tub.
“I have six.”
She blinked, then sat up straight. “Since when?!”
“Always, Carpenter,” you shrugged. “Everyone knows.”
“Everyone who?”
“Chad, Mindy, Anika. Even Quinn.”
“I didn't know. How come you never talk about them?”
”I just don’t,” you frowned. Tonight was definitely not the night to get into that. Instead, you pivoted topics. “Why, what’s your favourite song? I showed you mine, now you’ve got to show me yours.”
“I’m ninety nine percent sure that’s not how that saying is used,” she laughed, “but fine. When I was crying as a baby, my mom sung me this song, called Baby, I Love You by The Ronettes.”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of it.”
Tara shook her head. “Probably not, but they’re the same group that does that one song Be My Baby?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“Apparently my mom had Baby, I Love You playing in the hospital, when I was born and everything. It’s kind of comforting. When I miss her, I play it.”
“How often is that?”
She shrugged. “More than you’d think, considering she’s a giant asshole.”
"That's always how it is."
"Mhm... and just so you know, I know Frankie was a creep. I wasn't actually going to do anything with him. Just flirt. Have fun."
"I know. I wasn't trying to babysit you, I just wanted to warn you. That creep has so many stories."
"I know. I just don't like being told what to do, sometimes. It's a whole thing. I'm working on it, seriously."
You didn’t know what to say to that, so you didn’t say anything at all. You both sat in what you assumed was a prolonged silence, until you looked down finally to see Tara’s eyelids falling heavy.
You stood up with a sigh. “You should go home.” There was no reply, and you checked out the small window in the bathroom to still see it was pitch black out. It was definitely too late to send her home this sleepy, and after the incident a few weeks ago, there was no way Sam would let her stay at yours. “Tara,” you nudged her.
She groaned, rolling over in the tub and snuggling up. You rolled your eyes, then looked out the window one more time with an annoyed grumble.
The longer you had to walk with her on your back, the more you regretted this. Her arms were wrapped around your neck, face pressed onto the back of your shoulder and knees held up by your hands. You couldn’t see her, but you knew her eyes were shut and she was super close to being actually asleep.
"We make a good team, you know," she mumbled into your shoulder. You knew she was being funny, but you were too tired to laugh as you trudged up the hill. Carrying a drunk girl home was not at all what you had anticipated of the night, and though it had been shitty at the beginning and shitty until almost the very end, you could definitely say it wasn't shitty right then.
When you arrived at her apartment complex, Tara was soundly asleep and Sam came out to meet you both, taking her sister from you and stumbling with her towards the door. In the distance, right over another hill, the sky was already beginning to lighten up a bit.
Right as both Carpenters reached the door, Tara stopped for a moment to turn back to you with a smile. "Thanks, babe," she said with a cheeky grin that was only half awake. You smiled back.
"You too, babe."
Sam rolled her eyes, pulling Tara through the door. It was a pleasant night, still with the same faint scent of rain oncoming. In your weird, newfound peace as you walked home yourself, you didn't see that Quinn was watching you from the upstairs window.
so that was fun lmao. anyways there will be a part 3 but you and tara are kind of maybe friends now? now it's time for feelings ��
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chosocutegf · 6 months
~ nothing the matter with a kiss ~
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. band au!Choso x fem!reader
. summary: you go to a concert with your friend, not expecting the bass guitarist to kiss you in front of the whole arena
. cw: fingering (f!receiving), cunningulus, p in v, hand job (m!receiving), unprotected sex
. wc: 5.2k
. got inspired by Ross Lynch kissing his fan the other day while singing “A Kiss” (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)
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How long has it been since you last went to a concert? Too long and now, you weren’t no longer used to the sweaty and murky atmosphere all around you. After being forced by your friend to get in line since early in the morning to get the best view, now you found yourself pressed against the iron bars just under the stage while people all around you screamed and danced to the pre-songs.
You liked the band that was about to perform, but to stay under the stage? It was a firm no for you. Your friend next to you was hopping up and down, screaming, and talking to everyone around you about the songs they expected the band to perform. You groaned as you were forced against the bars for the nth time, and your friend turned to face you. “Aren’t you excited? You are finally gonna see them!,” she screamed, gripping your arm before starting to jump up and down and looking at you so excitedly. As if she wasn’t the one who couldn’t stop dancing around while talking about the songs.
You nodded at her, and thanked the heaven when the person who was opening the concert came on stage, and the entire arena went black, distracting your friend from annoying you. People started to cheer around you, but many of them were still distracted from what was coming next.
The space around you was big, the biggest you have ever seen, and it was packed of people. Some of them had headbands over their forehead who pictured the four members to the band: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Shoko Ieiri, and Kamo Choso. Others had t-shirts about them and you couldn’t help yourself from searching Choso’s face on every merch.
When mayhem broke loose, you were soon drawn out of your thoughts. The individual on stage has just completed singing their songs and called the band to the stage. Everyone surrounding you began to shout at the top of their voices and bounce around you, holding their phones up in the air to capture the moment the four band members appeared on stage.
Someone you didn’t recognised silenced everyone from the stage and your breath hitched. You felt everyone around you do the same, while some of them tried to catch sight of who was on the black stage.
And hell broke free when the lights were turned on and the first note was sung.
Your friend began to scream, and you couldn't help but join in, raising your hands in the air and cheering for the four individuals on the platform. When you saw them all so close together, you couldn't help but notice how beautiful they were. How could they seem like Greek gods who just happened to be on stage with a few instruments?
On the left side of the stage, the one farthest from you and your friend, there was Shoko with his electric guitar. Her brown hair was unbound as she nodded her head to the rhythm of the song, her beautiful face serious while she glanced at the audience before bringing her gaze back on her guitar.
Satoru was the main vocalist, and you could see why everyone was on their feet for him: his white hair and blue eyes could captivate anyone, but what really made him stand out was his enticing attitude.
On the center of the stage, behind, Suguru was playing the drums and… wow. It should be illegal to be that handsome and be around freely. He had a smirk on his lips, which made you skip a heartbeat, wishing he could look at you that way. His dark hair was unbound while he held his drumsticks with his strong muscular arms and rolled them between his fingers. He sure seemed like he knew how to use them.
But your screaming stopped when you looked up to the right side of the stage, and you gaze met with the bass player, Choso. You felt as if you had been drawn into another dimension by his black eyes, which were looking directly at you. It only lasted a second, but as he looked away, you believe he winked at you and the corner of his lips were slightly tugged upwards. Your jaw opened, and you took him in completely: he had his normal ponytails, and purple makeup was on his eyes, emphasizing his aloof appearance. And you might have fainted when you saw that he was wearing a sleeveless jacket with nothing underneath. You caught a peek of his toned abs, and your eyes widened when you noticed his long, slender fingers leisurely playing the bass.
As the concert went on, you kept cheering for the band even if most of your enthusiasm was towards Choso, from which you couldn’t look away. And you couldn’t really understand if you were dreaming, or was just hallucination when you caught him glance at you too many times before he quickly looked away. And as they played, he started to get bolder and would go around the stage, playing with his band members and sometimes singing at the same microphone of Gojo, enjoying the loud screams that followed the act.
When they announced that their concert was coming to an end, you felt disappointed and joined the crowd when they started to cheer for the band to sing one last song, in particular their most famous one. You felt yourself head over heels to hear it and, of course, it wasn’t really because Choso had a bigger part in it, no.
You screamed and raised your arms over your head, holding your phone to film Choso as he sang, before he screamed just over the music, “who wants a kiss?”. You screamed again and raised your hand, just as everyone else did, because who could hurt to be a little delusional? You laughed as you observed him and, just like all the people around you, everyone was taking it as a joke. However, he pointed towards your direction, smirking, “you want one?,” he asked you, his voice reverberating all around the arena, and you nodded, thinking that he was surely referring to another person around you. You laughed with your friend, but your eyes widened when you saw him remove his bass from his shoulder and jump down the stage.
You looked around to see if someone was waiting for him, but you surely weren’t expecting to see him walking towards you with that sexy smirk and all sweaty. Everyone was screaming around you and reaching towards him with their hands when he stopped in front of you, and you looked up at him awestruck. He was smiling at you, and he nodded, asking for permission with a soft “yeah?”. And before both of you could change your mind, you nodded.
Time stopped when he held your face between his hands and leaned closer to you, placing his lips against yours. You couldn’t hear anything else, or see when the only thing you could focus on was him, and the softness of his lips against yours. He smelled of sandalwood and citrus, with a hint of sweat, and you thought that no one has never smelled better than him.
The kiss lasted a few seconds and when he pulled back, the world came around again and you heard everyone screaming around you, looking at you two with wide eyes. Choso was smiling at you before he let you go and went back to the stage, putting back his bass around his shoulders.
Gojo was joking about the kiss and the way Choso stole the attention of the audience from him, while Shoko and Suguru laughed. As they went on with the song, your friend was tugging you and telling you about how lucky you were, but your gaze was fixed only on Choso and the way he still kept glancing at you. There was a faint blush on his cheeks and he laughed to himself as he finished to sing the song.
When the concert ended, everyone came up to you to ask how was the kiss, but you couldn’t really put your head around what happened. Was it really possible for something like this to happen? And why Choso choose you in particular? Your head was full of question as your friend pulled you out of the arena.
When you were outside, you took a deep breath, finally having a breath of fresh air. “Let’s smoke before going home,” she told you before taking your hand and tugging you towards a more secluded spot where the smoke wouldn’t annoy anyone.
Both of you had cigarettes between your lips, when you realised you didn’t have a lighter. Your friend went to ask to people around if they had one, but no one seemed to smoke. You sweared under your breath and were currently discussing with your friend when you heard someone call you from behind. “Hey!,” you heard, and both you and your friend turned around to see a bodyguard standing just outside a door. You shared a glance with your friend before looking back at the man, and pointing at yourself, confused. “Yeah, you… you’re the one Choso kissed, right?,” he asked you at which you blushed slightly, before nodding, “yea,” you answered, looking around you and making sure no one was listening to you.
The bodyguard pointed with his thumb towards the iron door, “come,” he said briefly. Your eyes widened at his words and you looked at your friend, both of you thinking to run away from the creepy man. You removed your cigarette from your lips, the same Choso kissed, before smiling embarrassed at the bodyguard, “we were actually going away… sorry,” you said before taking a step back and tugging your friend with you. You saw the bodyguard getting annoyed from your act, and let out a sigh, “Choso asked for you, girl,” he explained, a hit of exasperation in his voice.
But luck kissed you once, and who could assure you that he was saying the truth? So you glanced at your friend again and you were ready to run away, when you saw a familiar head pop up from the iron door. All the breath was sucked away from your lungs when you met Choso’s eyes, and you almost dropped your cigarette at the sight of his grin. The bodyguard immediately got alarmed and tried to push Choso inside, scared that someone was gonna see him outside, “get inside, Choso,” the man told the musician. The latter laughed and nodded at you, “come inside to have a chat?,” he asked you before the bodyguard closed the door behind him, leaving you to wonder if it was real or just a mirage.
You realised it wasn’t a dream when you found yourself in the backstage, your friend next to you and the bodyguard guiding you to the sitting area, after searching you for any weapons. As if, you thought.
“Sit here,” the man said, pointing to the couch and waiting for you two to sit before he left. You heard people scurrying around, putting away stuff and screaming some orders when you felt the couch dip to your free side. When you turned to see who was, your eyes widened at the sight of Gojo. “So… I guess you really enjoyed the kiss? Didn’t know Cho had such courage in him,” he told you, chuckling at the sight of your shocked face. When you took too long to answer, Gojo leaned back against the couch and looked at you with a smirk, “guess you really bewitched him, mh? By the way, what is your name, pretty?”. You blushed at the pet name before your friend tended her hand towards the singer and smiled at him charmingly, introducing themselves.
Gojo was handsome and you were really happy to see him, but—
“You came,” a relieved voice said behind you, and you didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Choso. However, your head whipped towards him in a second and you felt your cheeks burn at the sight of him, his hair unbound and changed into comfier clothes. “Want to smoke?,” he asked you, nodding towards a door nearby while taking out a pack of cigarettes. The movement made your stomach tighten from both arousal and excitement, and you nodded at him before raising from the couch.
You followed him to the room and you felt your heart in your throat when he closed the door behind you two, and you realised you were finally alone with him. The room was small, with a couch on the left side and a large mirror in front of you, as well as a door on the right. His bass sat on the box next to the couch, with his clothes strewn on top of it. You turned around to look at him, and you realised how much taller he was than you, so you had to bend your head back to see him. His eyes, with their beauty, drew you in. Choso held a cigarette in front of you and lowered his head to the side, smirking. "Want a cigarette?" he murmured softly.
You sighed, attempting to relax as you nodded, chuckled softly, and took the cigarette from his palm. "Thank you," you muttered, and your breath hitched when Choso placed his cigarette to his lips before raising his lighter and holding it to yours. You took a drag from your cigarette and slowly blew the smoke out, mesmerised by the way he lit and drew from his.
You took a step back, having to put some space between you two, and looked around, the cigarette clasped between your fingers. "So we can smoke here?," you asked Choso, glancing at him before taking a seat on the sofa. He nodded and followed you, opening a nearby window and sitting close to you. If he was nervous like you, he didn't show it.
You noticed how close he sat next to you as he turned to gaze at you and the smoke from his lips lightly hit your face. "I'll make up an excuse," he said, smirking. You chuckled and shook your head, taking another drag from the cigarette before looking away. "I don't think it's fair that you know my name but I don't know yours," he said, a teasing tone in his voice. When you returned your gaze to him, you observed something else in his eyes, right above his nose tattoo: curiosity or... lust?
You smirked at his comments, running the cigarette filter across your lower lip and noting how Choso watched the movement. "Who said I know your name?," you questioned, lifting your brow in challenge before taking a drag. Choso's laugh was so deep you could feel it in your core. You couldn't help but assume that there was some tension between you two, which was getting you addicted.
"You don't?," he said, continuing with your joke and clicking his tongue in mock displeasure. He shrugged and said, "My apologies… My name is Choso." You chewed your lower lip silently as you watched him bring the cigarette to his lips and take a blow, and when he met your gaze, you murmured, "y/n".
He smiled at you and nodded before repeating your name, as if he was tasting how it sounded on his lips, “y/n… I really like that, it suits you,” he added. You chuckled and leaned back against the cushion, noticing how soon after Choso draped an arm behind the couch, just where your head was resting. Your breath hitched at the proximity between you two, and you felt your cheeks heat up when his thigh brushed against yours. You could feel his heat seeping through your clothes as if he was touching your bare skin, and in that moment, you found yourself wishing he really was caressing you that way. “Yeah? And how can you say that it suits me when you don’t even know me?,” you asked him, tilting your head to the side and blowing softly the smoke over his face.
He laughed again and shook his head, before playfully tugging your hair with the hand that was behind your head. You yelped before laughing, and tried to swat his hand away. “It just looks like it… it sounds like a fierce name,” he explained, taking a last drag from the cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray at the feet of the couch. “For a fiery person like you… who was about to run away from my bodyguard,” he continued, smiling and slightly tilting his head towards you.
You chuckled softly at his words and shrugged before putting out your cigarette, “wasn’t sure he was really inviting me because of you or because he wanted to harass me and my friend,” you answered him, raising your brows to him, waiting for him to answer back. He shook his head, letting out a breathy chuckle before raising his free hand up in the air, “fair point, guess it could’ve been easily misunderstood”.
You bit your bottom lip and glanced at him, your heart rate rising as he looked at you. The faint lights in the room reflected in his eyes, making them even more gorgeous. Your glance fell to his lips, and your thoughts returned to when he kissed you in front of everyone. In that instant, he was able to obliterate everything else with the simple touch of his lips on yours, and he appeared to have experience, so you wondered how things would be with him if you deepened them.
“Did you enjoy the kiss?,” he asked after a few moments, snapping you out of your trance. His gaze lingered on your lips with what looked like hunger in his eyes, before meeting yours. You nodded slightly and swallowed the lump in your throat. Was it you or the room was getting hotter? “Yeah… I did, even if it was a little bit unexpected,” you murmured, biting your bottom lip.
Choso watched the movement, and you could see his lips part before his Adam's apple moved and he returned your gaze. "Sorry about that, I couldn't hold myself back when you looked so beautiful in the middle of the audience," he stated, drawing closer to you till you could feel his breath gently hitting your lips, "It's like you were calling out for me to do that".
Your breath caught as he spoke; did he feel the tension in the room as well? Because you had to press your thighs together, your core becoming wetter as he hungrily looked at you. "So it's only fair that I repay the favor, no?" you muttered, looking up into his eyes, and when you saw your lust reflected in them, you leaned in and kissed him.
His lips tasted even better than before, and they felt like heaven against yours. You let out a soft hum before leaning even closer, and Choso pushed you towards him with his hand behind your shoulder, bringing you closer. His other hand sneaked over your thigh while his lips traced the seal of yours, asking for permission. When you opened your mouth, his tongue was quick to find yours and tasted like cigarettes and mint. You sighed softly as you laced a hand behind his neck, holding him tight while you explored his mouth as if it were your final act. The hand that was on your thigh quickly moved to your waist and your back, drawing you closer.
“Come here, baby,” he murmured against your lips, pulling back to let you both breathe while he guided you to straddle his lap. When you felt his muscular thighs under your core, you let out a soft whine and arched your back as Choso put his hands on your lower back, pushing you closer until your chest pressed against his. His lips instantly met yours in a devouring kiss, as your arms curled around his neck and your fingers played with his dark hair.
He slid a hand under your shirt, and hummed when he felt your soft skin under his touch, drawing little circles on the spot without going further. “Can I?,” he asked softly against your mouth, and when you nodded and arched your back against his hands, he groaned. “Yes, please,” you moaned just before he leaned down and attached his mouth to your neck, leaving wet kisses along the column of your throat. He slid both hands under your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head and throwing it in another spot in the room. "Oh, fuck, princess," he moaned, pulling back from your neck to glance down at your bra-clad breasts before cupping them with his hands. You whined and pleaded to him to go further. You could feel your pussy dripping into your panties, and you couldn't wait to feel Choso against you.
You lowered your hands to his chest and tugged on his t-shirt while looking at him, and when he nodded, you helped him in removing it. You licked your lips at the sight of his toned chest and stomach, tracing every muscle until you found his happy trail, which vanished beneath his pants. Your pussy throbbed at the sight, and you mewled before grinding your hips down on his thighs, causing him to smirk. He reached behind you and unclasped your bra, allowing it to fall down.
His breath faltered and you bit your lower lip when he reached to cup your breasts in his big hands and roll your nipples under his thumbs. “Such pretty tits, doll,” he murmured, before he tugged you closer and latched his mouth to your left nipple. “Need you, Cho,” you moaned at the feeling, pushing his head closer and threading your fingers through his hair. He swirled his tongue around your nipple while rubbing the other with his thumb and index finger, then reversed positions and placed his mouth on the other nipple.
You could feel his boner pushing right where you needed him, so you reached down with a hand and rubbed his shaft slowly over his pants. He groaned on your nipple, and you gazed down at him with a faint smirk, clenching around nothing as he looked up at you with hungry eyes, your nipple and his mouth connected by a line of saliva. "Let me take care of you first, baby," he said softly, changing your position so that your back was against the couch and he was kneeling between your legs.
He smirked at you when he noticed your flushed cheeks before beginning to unbutton your pants. He was fast to pull them away, leaving you only in your panties. You bit your bottom lip as you propped up on your elbows and stared at him, his attention fixated between your thighs. You were certain there was a damp area on them right above your hole.
He rubbed a thumb across your pussy lips and groaned when he felt your wetness seeping through the material, “fuck, baby… you’re so wet,” he murmured before rubbing circles just over your clit. You moaned and arched your back, trying to grind your hips against his hand. “Bet you got wet when you saw me on the stage, uh?,” he teased, letting out a breathless chuckle before looking at you. When you didn’t answer, he licked his lips and asked, “cat got your tongue, pretty girl? Tell me if this is okay for you, mh? Or I’ll stop”.
You shook your head at his words and pouted, “it’s okay, please… don’t stop,” you whined. He smirked at you, “good girl,” before he slowly tugged your panties down, and sweared under his breath at the sight of your bare glistening cunt. “Pretty face with a pretty pussy,” he said, leaning down and inhaling your scent with a groan. Before you could react, he sticked his tongue out and licked from your hole to your clit, where he stopped and left a kiss. “Oh, god… Choso, so good,” you whined, trying to grind your hips against his face even if he was holding you down with a hand. He smirked against your sensitive flesh and looked up at you, “yeah? You like this?,” he asked, and chuckled when he saw you nodding.
He went back to suck on your clit, before moving to your hole and sliding his tongue inside. You moaned at the feeling, and he reveled in the sound, pressing his tongue harder inside you and sucking all your juices in his mouth. Soon after, he added his calloused finger and rubbed your clit slowly before he switched his tongue and fingers, kissing your clit as he inserted a finger inside you, slowly pumping it inside of you. You threw your head back, mewling from the pleasure before you brought your hands to his hair, tugging his face closer to your cunt.
At the stimulation of another finger added inside you, you were fast to cum and clench around his finger. You moaned his name, and arched your back, your body stiffing as you ground your hips against his face. Choso stayed there until he felt the last waves of pleasure wear off, then he raised on top of you, smiling down at the sight of your glazed eyes. His mouth was glistening with your fluids as you placed your arms around his neck and leaned down, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips. You let out a whimper in his mouth before feeling his chest press against yours and bringing your hand down to scratch his toned back.
He groaned against your lips before he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. “Let me make you feel good too,” feeling his breath against your lips, before moving your hand to clasp his cock over his pants. You noticed him closing his eyes and moaning, his hips involuntarily pressing against your hands. He shook his head and moved away from you, crouching between your legs and studying how your hand was rubbing him over his clothes, “don’t know how much I’m gonna last if you touch me,” he breathed, before he smirked and threaded a hand through his hair. “Then fuck me,” you said, his gaze darkening at your words before standing up from the couch and removing his pants. You propped yourself up on your elbows and gasped when you saw the size of him, before glancing between your legs wondering if it would fit.
“Don’t worry, baby, we will make it fit, mh?,” he told you, grinning as he placed himself back between your legs, and you saw his cock throb against his stomach as he observed you spread out on the couch, waiting for him. He positioned your legs over his thighs, and you brought your hand closer, wrapped it around his cock. Choso groaned at the feeling, looking down at how your fingers were stroking him so gently, a feeling so different from what he usually did to himself. “You like my cock, princess?,” he asked you, and you nodded humming, “yeah…”.
He let out a breathy chuckle and his cock throbbed in your hand before you guided him closer, “wait”. You looked up at him and Choso furrowed his brows, waiting for you to go on, “you have a condom?”. He loosed a breath and shook his head, biting his lower lip as he glance down at his cock between your legs and back up to meet your gaze. “I’ll make sure to come out,” he murmured, and you looked at his needy eyes then down at his throbbing cock under your hand, before nodding. He smiled at you and leaned down to peck your lips, before letting you guide his cock to your cunt.
Both your breath hitched when his tip brushed against your clit, and he felt your wetness against his bare length. “Fuck…” he moaned breathless and he wrapped a calloused hand around yours, guiding his cock to slap against your pussy lips before moving down to your hole. There, you removed your hand and moaned as he started to push inside, making you feel every inch of him. You felt your eyes get teary at his girth and you gripped his wrists, trying to hold yourself onto something. He glanced at you and started to rub your clit, “relax, princess,” he murmured, taking your hand and bringing it to his lips, kissing the back softly.
You started to breathe and relax, pain changing quickly into pleasure as you let your upper body fall back on the couch, moaning as he came to a hilt, his hips flushed against yours. “Baby, you’re so tight, you’re squeezing me,” he whined, biting his lower lip while he closed his eyes, trying to hold back from coming in that moment. After a few moments, he started to thrust inside of you, his pace increasing with the time after feeling your walls relaxing around him and taking him better.
He brought his hands to hold your hips while he filled you to the brim, his cock dragging against your walls perfectly, making you feel every inch of him. You looked up at him and moaned when you saw his fucked out face, looking down at you through half lidded eyes. He went faster, slamming within you with force and getting deeper as he went on. You reached up and pulled him down, connecting your lips in a sloppy kiss, moaning together in each other’s mouth.
“Turn around, pretty, let me take you from behind,” he said breathless against your lips, before pulling back and sliding out of you, guiding you to raise on your knees and hold to the couch, while Choso stood behind you. He caressed your asscheeks gently, “such a beautiful sight,” he said under his breath, before slapping a cheek and observing how the skin rippled under his touch. You gasped and arched your back, glancing back at him with needy eyes, “please, Cho”.
He smirked at your words, and held your hips tightly before guiding his cock back to your hole, “if you ask so nicely,” he answered, before thrusting back inside you with a single movement. You screamed at the feeling and arched your back, holding tightly on the couch while he set a punishing pace, filling you up and drilling inside you so hard that you could feel him to your stomach. Your head dropped down and you moaned, feeling yourself getting closer when his hand slipped under you and rubbed your clit. His cock throbbed inside of you when he felt your walls tightening around him, “I’m close, baby… fuck”. You gasped at his words and pulled your hips back, meeting his thrusts as he rubbed your clit harder, your eyes rolling back to your skull as your orgasm poured over you. Your body convulsed, and your walls drained his cock dry.
Choso remembered to pull back in the heat of the moment, swearing as he did so. He stroked his cock quickly, his gaze locked on your pussy and the gaping hole. He finished shortly after with a groan, spewing cum all over his palm and your ass. He groaned and embraced you as you collapsed on the couch before lying down next to you. You smiled at him as Choso wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead, then closed your eyes and leaned against him.
“So… can I have your number, y/n?”
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866 notes · View notes
mamunur51 · 8 months
The demands supported are:
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Let Meitu Xiuxiu stop infringement and set the interactive action parameters that trigger user jumps in compliance with regulations (acceleration is not less than HE Tuber 15m/s², rotation angle is not less than 35°, and operation time is not less than 3s).
The company compensated Zhang Xinyue’s data traffic loss of 1 yuan .
The court held that according to relevant industry standards, apps should ensure that users do not mislead or force jumps when users are walking, riding in cars, picking up and putting down mobile smart terminals, etc. in daily life, unless the user actively triggers the jump.
The video evidence submitted by Zhang Xinyue showed that Meituan Xiuxiu jumped to the shopping app while she was walking and sitting down.
Therefore, "Meitu Xiuxiu" has related behaviors of deception, misleading, and forced clicks, which infringes on the right of independent choice.
Zhang Xinyue proposed to cancel Meitu Xiuxiu’s “shake” advertising format, but the court rejected it. Because there are no industry regulations that clearly prohibit shake advertising.
At the same time, the mobile phone sensor information is not sensitive personal information, and the use of this information does not require individual consent. Meitu Xiuxiu has not violated the security of Zhang Xinyue’s personal information.
Looking at it this way, the lawsuit is won, but not much. How about the deterrent effect on the bandits ? I don't feel like there's much.
For example, the negative reviews are just a hindsight. This verdict was issued in April last year, but during last year’s 618 and Double Eleven, everyone still remembers how rampant the Shake ads were.
Regarding this matter, I also consulted a lawyer friend and a doctor of law. Let me sum it up: it is still difficult to cure the problem.
First of all, our country is a civil law system, and the source of law is laws and regulations, not precedents. Judges cannot cite historical judgments when making decisions.
Although the Supreme Court regularly issues some guiding cases, which are mandatory, similar cases with similar facts should generally follow the guiding cases.
But this case is an ordinary case and a reference case.
Everyone knows what "reference" means. If you don't understand, look at the instant noodles packaging.
Therefore, even if there is this case, how to decide subsequent similar cases mainly depends on what other judges think.
To put it to the extreme, if there is a 99% similar case later, in the hands of others, there may be another way of judgment.
One advantage of such cases is that lawyers can submit them to the court to set a certain example. Because now we are pursuing the same judgment for similar cases and the same judgment for similar cases, but there is no coercive force.
The above is the first point. Your rights protection may not be successful.
The second point is that the cost of safeguarding rights is too high.
The greatest cost of prosecution is time and energy.
For example, during the filing stage, the court will find a way to mediate your case, which will take a long time.
In addition, the prosecution process is also very complicated.
Zhang Xinyue in the above case is a law student, and she is very familiar with this process. But for us, just getting started makes you give up.
In 2022, courts across the country accepted a total of 33.723 million cases, of which 75% did not involve lawyers. In other words, when most people sue, they can only write materials, negotiate, litigate, and argue in court alone to complete a whole set of processes. Even if you spend money to hire a lawyer, there are still various problems waiting for you, such as it is too difficult to file a case.
The required materials are too complex, and if the case is difficult to handle, the case closure rate will be affected, and the case will be "stuck" and the court will not be held for six months to one year after the case is filed. For example, this lawyer friend I consulted had a case that he couldn't close for half a year.
Therefore, we ordinary people actually have no energy to go to court to litigate for "Shake Up Advertisement" to protect our rights.
Of course, I am not saying that if it is difficult to maintain, we should not maintain it.
Like the case mentioned at the beginning of the article, what is more important is actually its declarative significance. You see, she only claimed 1 yuan. She was not seeking any benefit, but was safeguarding her rights and pursuing justice.
This has a very positive impact on society, not only helping to defend the effectiveness of the law, but also encouraging everyone to fight for their rights.
You see, without this case, there would not be today's hot search for " App redirecting ads without consent is suspected of being illegal ", and everyone would not see that a society governed by the rule of law is still - "the evil does not prevail over the good"!
To be honest, I have written the ShakeShae commercial several times, and I am already tired of it.
As long as it is triggered by "shaking it", not many people will object. The key is that it is not at all, it is more sensitive than bombs.
From the perspective of these apps, if I tap the little black fat guy on the shoulder and the little black fat guy’s flesh shakes, they will also say: The little black fat guy shakes! Shake it!
You may be curious about this kind of advertisement that users do not actively click on. It has no conversion, so why are people still investing in it?
I think there are two points.
One, the promotion department and the operation department of many large companies are separate, and each is in charge of its own business. The promotion department only needs to complete their own KPIs. The more jumps, the happier they will be.
As for the low conversion rate, that is a matter for other departments.
Another reason is that some small businesses have no experience and have been cheated by the platform.
I have observed some advertisements that are easy to accidentally touch. Many of them are small and medium-sized businesses selling snacks and daily necessities.
A friend who works in e-commerce told me that it is not the merchants who want to place such ads, but the platform that encourages them to enable off-site advertising and place open-screen ads in other apps. Although it is in another app, the platform can charge promotion service fees or gain traffic exposure, which can also benefit.
So the victims of this kind of advertising are not only consumers, but also businesses.
Back to the matter itself.
From the previous rumors of "Apple cracking down" to today's "Jumping ads without consent is suspected of being illegal", these topics have become hot searches as soon as they come out, obviously because————
Everyone was numbed by the shake advertisement.
Although now, some mobile phone manufacturers have launched some functions such as sensor permission management, which allow us to deal with it reluctantly. But in the final analysis, this is the last resort, a kind of "can't you avoid it if you can't fight it?"
The current situation is that everyone is holding their heads up, hoping that an unparalleled hero will appear and take good care of these bandits. So whenever there is any disturbance, everyone will click in and take a look.
Although, we have been waiting for this day for a long time, and if you don’t like to hear it, we may still be waiting for this day.
But I believe that as long as more people stand up to defend their rights, the sooner this day will come.
Pictures and data sources :
China Youth Daily WeChat official account: A college student sued Meitu Xiuxiu for randomly jumping on "Shake", and the court awarded 1 yuan in compensation!
CCTV’s Weibo: “I answered the phone and my phone almost bought me a computer.”
Southern Metropolis Daily: Is it annoying to accidentally touch the "Shake" to open the screen advertisement? Wuhan University student sued Meitu Xiuxiu and was awarded 1 yuan in compensation
Thanks to the lawyers and legal scholar friends who provided help.
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wonjns · 2 years
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲; 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 ❦
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pairing; sehun x male reader
genre; suggestive / “lime” 
summary; you and sehun just couldn’t keep your hands off of eachother in the inkigayo dressing room. and crazy enough, you didn’t even care that the members were around poking fun of you two. 
includes; makeupartist!reader, making out, dry humping, (technical) exhibitionism, implied poly!exo.
wc; 2.1k
notes; this is very much an unrealistic scenario but who cares its fanfic world kfsjhfhsh i wanted a world where they promoted DFTF & suho was there :( im thinking this is gonna be the first installment to a random overarching “series” i’ve been wanting to do after having a dream about it foreverrr ago,, maybe i’ll expand on it more later. lemme know what u think!
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sassy, thats how you could describe the way sehun kissed you. 
actually, that’s how you could describe the maknae’s personality in general. his quiet and reserved demeanor often lead people to deem him as shy, but those who really knew him all understood how snarky he could be - and it was showing all too evidently as he laid teasing nips upon your needy lips.
you were perched up in the tall idol’s lap as he sat in his designated chair in front of an inkigayo vanity in the dressing room. the light bulbs were still on and it’s counter was scrambled with different makeup pallets and brushes. you were already helping manage exo in so many ways, so it was no shock that you were also assigned to be their personal makeup artist. you were “pretty talented for a guy”, as baekhyun would tease.
your hands ran through his once perfectly gelled jet black hair before they roamed his chest, which seemed extra broad in his tight fit grey shirt. sehun’s tongue felt like it had a mind of its own as it traced shapes into the roof of your warm mouth. he even tasted like the sweet americano that sat half drank at his feet. you hummed and grabbed his face, kissing into him harder and forcing his head to crane backwards. you didn’t even care that you were probably smearing away the work on his face that took you a solid half hour to complete - you simply couldn’t get enough of him... not that it surprised you. you were weak for all of the exo members, them each being able to pleasure you in their own unique ways, but something about sehun just made you melt with so little effort.
“geez y/n, you’re gonna swallow me whole.” sehun spoke with a daunting smirk after removing his mouth from yours to catch a breath.
you rolled your eyes, trying to appear unbothered in order to hide how turned on you were.
“it’s your fault,” you rebutted, “i was actually trying to be diligent but you were the one with other plans.”
you weren’t lying, since you really did attempt to keep yourself under control. however, sehun had managed to start yet another one of your light banters, and despite your efforts, all it took from there were his sassy comments turning into suggestive remarks in order to have you straddling the older male’s thighs in seconds, kissing the nude lip balm right back off.
“yaah, seriously, y/n is so needy today.” a certain rapper fussed.
chanyeol was laid out on one of the dressing room’s couches - d.o and baekhyun beside him. they were all fully styled in the outfits they would wear for that day’s stage, and looked quite handsome themselves. their faces all held slight annoyance, however their body language was depicting jealousy. the boys rarely got jealous, as you did a pretty good job showing them equal amounts of attention (both emotionally and in the other department), but something must have been in the air as the other members clearly just wanted to get their hands on you themselves.
you and the boys had a fair system in place, the members all agreeing to respect each other whenever they would have their time with you. unless consented in the moment, there were never any interruptions or distractions that occurred out of spite. the exo boys had a strong enough bond and respect for one another to keep that agreement in tact. besides, they frankly seemed to all be on their own different schedules of horny - rarely did more than one of them fiend for you at a time.
so, they wouldn’t have been so bothered with you and sehun if the latter didn’t find so much satisfaction in showing you off any time that you two would engage in a steamy session. whether it be in a dressing room like today, or the dorm’s living room, the kitchen, the van, or even the dance studio - the obnoxious moans and sounds of lips and skin smacking so that the others could hear was something sehun always got off on like the mischievous jerk that he was. and being the youngest member, his drive was pretty high, causing him to always be seeking you out more than the other members.
“he can’t help it, he just likes me most.” sehun taunted in response with a low tone, not breaking eye contact with the slowly forming red marks he was leaving on your collarbone. he then leaned in to the left side of your neck. “don’t ya?”
you smacked his shoulder and went to interject, but your words quickly got replaced with an instant moan when he flattened his tongue on your neck, licking a slow stripe up to your earlobe. with a shaky breath, you looked back up to see the members rolling their eyes and grumbling witty insults at their maknae. xiumin even crossed his arms sporting a dramatic pout, which you usually always caved for. 
you did feel shameful, and were actually shocked at yourself for once again giving into sehun in a public setting. shit, right outside the dressing room door you could even hear the scrambling from other groups and their managers going to-and-fro the stage for their performances. thankfully, suho being the most attentive leader that he was, had your back and had locked the door right when he sensed you were going to act up. there was also the fact that he was discreetly palming himself to your sounds, so it was comical that there was a chance he was doing it for his own benefit as well.
“ha, sure he does.” kai himself chimed in from the corner of the room. he was practicing the song’s choreography in an unbothered manner the whole time, but had to scoff at sehun’s comment. “have your fun now, but when we get back home we all know whose room y/n is going to sleep in tonight.”
sehun was moving in to kiss you once more, but turned his head after hearing kai’s comment. you had to catch yourself from releasing a pathetic whine at the loss of his lips. this was the least perfect time for bickering - you just really wanted to get this neediness out of your system so that you could finish the members preparations with a clear mind and send them on their way to the stage. you needed to wrap it up soon, anyways, since you didn’t doubt that their primary manager would come by asking what’s taking so long in the first place.
“as if, hyung.” sehun shot back, “i’d hate to break it to you, but y/n’s gonna have to be mine for the rest of the day.” he cooed, turning back to look you in the eyes as he cockily said that last part.
“i don’t know...” you teased, drawing out your words. “jongin really does know how to make m-“
you were cut off by sehun grabbing the back of your head. as if to shut you up, he started sloppily making out with the base of your neck. you groaned and ground your bulge down into his, the friction making your eyes roll back. this caused an uproar of snickers and giggles among the other members. you couldn’t believe they were finding amusement in your inability to compose yourself, but despite their laughs you did feel bad at how bothersome this might be to them. however, you forced yourself to drop your conscious and made a mental note to just make it up to each of them later.
overwhelmed by how solid his and your own lengths were becoming, and by how hard his ministrations were on your throat, you grabbed his hair to pull him back up to your mouth. your pink muscles wrestled for dominance as you heavily made out. you both moaned as his tongue continued to press up against yours even when your lips departed momentarily - sehun easily pushing the back of your head to reconnect them. you started grinding against each other fast and sensually, like two needy animals. your whimpers only increased and it was making you regret your actions as you started to need more, maybe you really were gonna contemplate staying with him tonight. 
“alright, i’ve had it.” chanyeol grumbled as he stood up quickly, picking up his phone.
the members around him looked on with curiosity as he fiercely typed, and pressed ‘play’ before setting his phone on the table. immediately, the speaker that kai was using to practice DFTF started blaring HMPH by WJSN Chocome. chanyeol started flailing his long limbs everywhere, flamboyantly dancing the choreo to the high pitched song. kai was caught off guard, but it didn’t take long for him to start giggling and dancing along to the song as well, followed shortly by the rest of the members.
you and sehun’s lips slowly came to pause from their ferocious assaults, and you both turned your heads to see the baffling scene before you. the members started inching closer and closer to you and their youngest member, deranged smiles on their faces. you were confused but couldn’t help bursting into laughter. the maknae huffed out a breath of annoyance, but when baekhyun shoved his face into the small space between you and sehun to squeal the lyrics, even he couldn’t hold back his chuckles.
“alright alright, we get the message!!” you giggle, getting off of sehuns long legs and standing to your feet, dodging d.o and xiumin’s attempts to ambush you with tickles.
there was then a loud knock on the dressing room door, followed by the booming authoritative voice of the groups head manager.
you all immediately scramble to turn off the music and collect yourselves, kai running to open the door. sehun cursed and quickly tossed you his spare jacket that was draped over his chair, silently motioning to your crotch area. you look down and almost shriek from embarrassment, noticing a small wet patch of arousal that leaked through your boxers to your jeans. how was that even possible?!
you look back up to sehun who adorned an arrogant grin that was way bigger than it should’ve been. you wrap the jacket around just in time for when the door opens, exo’s manager peering into the room suspiciously.
she immediately notices sehun’s clothes wrinkled, hair disheveled and slight makeup smears around his face. you curse internally.
“we’re on deck for our recording! why does he look like a hot mess??” she remarks to all of you.
“we- uh, oh we were-“ sehun fumbles over his words, the cocky attitude suddenly no where to be found. baekhyun bites his tongue to refrain from laughing aloud.
“s-sorry! i was trying different looks on ‘hun and i just couldn’t come to a decision, and the guys were just loosening up before the stage.” you jump in, praying that you sounded confident enough to be believed. you were left in charge of them, after all. 
their manager pinched the bridge of her nose while squeezing her eyes shut. she clicks her tongue and looks at her clipboard. 
“i can buy you 10 extra minutes. fix him.” she finally said, turning on her heels and leaving the room swiftly.
you all exhale a deep sigh of relief, before collecting yourselves at once. thankful to have been spared, you pick up your makeup pallet and brush, quickly getting restarted on fixing the mess you made on sehun’s face.
“oh.. if only noona knew i already got my fix.” the boy spoke just above a whisper, causing you to blush and all of the members to grumble loudly once again.
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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Understand (platonic!MCR x reader)
Summary: Stepping in as the touring drummer for My Chem is like a dream come true, and it doesn’t take long for your friendship with them to grow. The downside is, this is happening right as you’re hitting a gender crisis - and it all comes to a head after one particularly energetic show... 
Warnings: gender dysphoria, afab reader (but talk of chest binding with as much neutral language as possible), unsafe binding methods 
Word count: 2068
Requested?: No 
A/N: lol I’ve been super dysphoric for like 3 weeks now and this thought is the only one keeping me slightly sane so I thought I’d let you join in with the brain rot xoxo
In hindsight, binding as heavily as possible for the whole day and then going on stage to drum at an unholy pace for an hour and a forty minutes was a terrible idea. But for (y/n), they could see no other way of keeping focused on what they needed to do. Losing focus meant screwing up - and that simply wasn’t an option. 
They had only been drumming for My Chemical Romance for three weeks, after stepping in to replace their usual drummer, who’d managed to break his arm badly enough that he was completely out of action. And so far, things were going brilliantly! Considering that the four guys had known each other for over twenty years (which was almost as long as (y/n) had been alive), they’d worried that they would feel like an outsider, a tagalong that the group pitied just enough to let them stick around but not so much that they actually let them in. But all four had been super sweet and welcoming from the very start, and they’d soon settled in as one of the gang. 
There was only one problem. The ever-present gender crisis. 
As they slipped backstage with the others for the break before the encore, (y/n)’s ribs screamed in protest against the tape and binder combination that held their chest in place, but they tried not to let the pain show on their face. Ray passed them a bottle of water as they stood there, listening to the crowd chanting for ‘one more song’ with the widest possible grins. 
  “It’s always so fucking awesome, hearing people get that loud for us.” Mikey ran a hand through his sweaty hair before moving to adjust the strap of his bass a little, the ‘Mikey Fuckin Way’ lettering on his shirt glittering in the low light. 
(Y/n) desperately hoped that the smile they shot back looked genuine enough that it wouldn’t be a cause for concern. “It’s insane, dude. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.” 
Frank swung an arm over their shoulder as the stage crew signaled that it was almost time for them to return. “Twenty years on, and I still feel the same exact way. So - Vampires and Sleep to finish?” The rest of them nodded, and he shot their newest friend a wink. “Let’s go smash this shit, hey princess?” 
He missed the look of visceral disgust that crossed their face as they headed back to their positions. Obviously it wasn’t his fault, he hadn’t known that that particular term of endearment would make them uncomfortable. It wasn’t like they’d plucked up the courage to talk about the minefield of strange thoughts and emotions that was filling their brain. And Frank used pet names with everyone. It just so happened that the one he’d chosen in this instance made them feel sick to their stomach. 
As they launched into Vampires Will Never Hurt You, watching Gerard splay himself across the front of the stage, (y/n) could feel their lungs struggling to take in enough air, and the edges of their vision greying out. Shaking their head to try and clear the fuzziness, they put even more force into the drumming. At least in the shadows at the back of the stage, nobody could see them struggle. And the crowd was paying far more attention to the boys anyway. 
The final vestiges of Sleep echoed through the arena as the crowd erupted into cheers, and (y/n) felt a grin touch their cheeks despite the pain they were in. They joined Mikey and Frank where they were tossing their picks away at the front of the stage, waving each drumstick high before lobbing it out to the baying masses. When there were no more of these offerings to give, they finally retreated, leaving the house lights to come up and give people the hint that yes, the show really was over. 
Twenty minutes later they had made it back to the bus, ready to throw on pyjamas and watch a movie together. It had been their after-show ritual since the third gig, and it was always nice to get the chance to properly relax. As the boys got changed, chatting and pelting sweaty socks at each other, (y/n) ducked into the little bathroom as usual and closed the door, an extra large shirt already in hand. They absolutely did not want to remove their binder, but the logical part of their brain was screaming that they’d done enough damage today already. 
Pulling their shirt over their head was difficult enough - the combination of aching arm muscles from the show and bruising pressure at their sides was a nightmare - but things only got worse when they moved their hands to the lower hem of the binder and pulled. 
And it didn’t budge. 
(Y/n) tried again, biting sharply on their lip as the physiotherapy tape beneath the tight fabric pulled harshly at their sensitive skin. Still, no movement. Twisting awkwardly in the tiny room, they managed to take a look at their back in the mirror. Where the tape they had placed a few days ago was starting to lift at the edges, it had now glued itself to the binder fabric. And there was no way they’d be able to fix the problem alone. Fingers shaking, they stared at the screen of their phone for a moment before making a decision and tapping out a quick text. They could hear the guys talking, their conversation a little fainter now they had moved into the lounge area. 
(Y/n): Hey, could use your help. 
Gee: You okay?
(Y/n): yeah, just screwed something up that I can’t fix by myself 
Gee: Ok, coming. Still in the bathroom? 
(Y/n): yep 
Moments later, there was a soft knock at the door, and (Y/n) opened it just far enough that Gerard could slip inside with them. 
  “So what’s-” He stopped, registering the redness around their eyes and the skin-coloured garment clinging to their chest. “Oh. Oh honey, why didn’t you tell us?” 
The look of concerned guilt in his eyes made them well up even more, and they sniffled. “Thought I could work things out on my own, then tell you. But I fucked up.” 
“Tell me what happened.” 
“I’ve had tape on for the last four or five days, but today...” they managed an empty snort of laughter, “today the dysphoria was just unbearable. So I threw this on over it - it’s the wrong size as well, but I haven’t had enough spare money for a new one. And now everything’s welded together, and I can’t get it off.” Everything suddenly became too much to bear, and they buried their face in their hands. 
Gerard pulled them in for a hug, resting his chin on top of their head and rocking them softly until the sobs faded into the occasional hiccup.  “Let’s start unpicking this stupid tape, huh?”
 And he got to work, gently working his fingers between the fabric and the adhesive and pulling gradually until, section by section, the two materials became separate again. He worked his way methodically around the hem until he was finished, then moved to stand between the short drummer and the mirror. 
“Hey, (y/n). I’ve got you, okay? I’m gonna get this thing off you, and you won’t have to look, I promise. Just hang in there a bit longer.” 
They nodded, squeezing their eyes shut as he worked the binder slowly upwards until it was finally off. They took a deep breath for the first time in far too long, ribs groaning with delight as they had the space to expand as needed. 
“Fuck, I’ve missed breathing properly.” 
Gerard snorted, then tutted anxiously. “Oh kid, your skin looks so raw under here. I think it’s time to take the tape off for a while.” 
“Do I have to?” 
“I think it’s for the best, yeah. Let me do all the work, and we’ll get this sorted.” 
(Y/n) nodded their consent, and felt him start to carefully peel the tape away, pulling slowly so as not to traumatise their abused skin any further. No words were said as the final pieces came away, leaving (y/n) with their upper half completely exposed. That thought made them shudder once again - they trusted Gerard completely, but having something that made them so insecure on display in front of someone else was awful. They felt movement behind them, and then a hand reached around to press a piece of fabric against their front. The clean shirt they’d chosen. 
“Thank you.” 
“Hey, this is what friends are for. I’m just gonna put some lotion on your back - the skin here’s a bit fucked. Don’t worry, I won’t use Mikey’s gross flowery shit. You can have some of mine.” As he worked the soothing moisturiser into their skin, he carried on talking. “So, what do you want us to change?” 
“About the way we talk about you. You know, are you okay with your name? What about pronouns? I wanna make sure you’re comfortable.”
This time, the tears that threatened to trail down (y/n)’s face were happy ones. “Um... I’m okay with my name, for now. But ‘she’ is just...” they pulled a face, and he nodded giving them room to turn and face him once their shirt was on. 
“So, ‘he’? Or would ‘they’ be better?” 
“They, I think. At least for now.” 
“And what about nicknames? Because, y’know, certain people in this band are allergic to using people’s government names more than once a week.” 
That got a proper laugh out of them, and Gerard was internally punching the air. He hated seeing people he cared about upset, and knowing that he’d been able to bring back that wonderful smile of theirs was music to his ears. 
(Y/n) thought for a moment. “The more masculine, the better.” 
A series of knocks at the door interrupted them, and Ray called through. “You guys are okay in there, right? Nobody’s dead or anything?” 
“We’re coming out now, relax man.” 
The two of them stepped back into the cramped changing/storage area of the bus to see the rest of the band waiting for them, all looking concerned. Frank took one look at (y/n)’s puffy eyes and tucked them under his arm, frowning. 
“You okay dude?” 
“Yeah, just...” They trailed off, took a deep breath, and just went for it. “Brain’s been a bit of a mess recently, having problems with the whole gender thing. It’s a lot of shit. And I fucked up by not binding safely this morning, and couldn’t get out of it myself.” 
They had barely finished the sentence when they were practically smothered by the rest of the band, swept into the most comforting group hug possible. As Gerard smiled, as if to say ‘told you we’d understand’, the others talked over each other in their desperate attempts to provide reassurance. 
“Oh man I’m so sorry we didn’t ask earlier.” 
“If we fuck up, you tell us, okay? Or punch us, whatever, just make sure we know.” 
“Dealing with all this shit on your own must’ve sucked, I’m sorry we didn’t see you were struggling.” 
A little overwhelmed by the unconditional support, (y/n) pulled away to wipe their eyes before managing a smile. “Well if my binder didn’t break my ribs then that hug sure as hell did. Don’t get all soppy on me now. I wanna pick our movie before we all fall asleep.” 
The answer was unanimous. “Deal.” 
The five of them piled onto the couch in the lounge area, (y/n) squeezing in between Mikey and Ray. “Let’s do Jaws.” 
Frank rolled his eyes. “For the fourth time?” 
They responded by throwing a handful of popcorn in his face, and Gerard nudged him in the ribs. “There’s your answer. And quit hogging the blanket.” 
As they all settled in, heads nodding, Ray dug his phone out of his pocket and snapped a quick photo - five pairs of fluffy-socked feet sticking out from under the blankets, with the opening sequence of the film just in the back of the shot. He thought for a second, deciding on the right caption, and posted it. 
‘Movie night with my favourite dudes 🍿' 
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: -.- ➔Genre: Smut ➔Warnings: Oral (F+M) + Penetration (F) + Cursing ➔Word count: 3,659
➔Summary: Two realtors who play together, stay together. Whenever you and Jaehyun work together, you make a little bit of a mess in the homes you're trying to sell for your clients. After all, no one ever said you couldn't have a little fun on the job.
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“Your boyfriend is so charming.”
You were showing a married couple around a brand new house, built in a neighborhood they most likely could not afford. While the husband was checking out how the door handles jiggled on every door in the place, his wife leaned in close to your ear, her voice deeper than the fake customer service voice she had in the beginning of the tour.
You could hear the accusatory tone, her words felt through every layer of your reserve, “How did you get a man like that?”
If she could have circled around you, like a huntress ready to take her prey out, she would have taken the chance. You held your ground, so used to the way women acted around Jaehyun. But there was a certain amount of fun to be had when you were bored and waiting, your day's work blemished by couples who believed they were hot shit.
“Just between me and you,” you purred, leaning in closer to her and stroking her arm with your finger. “He’s not my boyfriend. We just like to fuck each other at work."
You never blamed any of the women for looking at Jaehyun like he was a prized hog in a show. He was handsome on the outside, his face so valentine sweet, his smile disarming even the most hardened of ladies. He wore a tailored suit nicely, too, which made the effect that much cavity-inducing. On the inside, though, he was a filthy, filthy man, and he would never go for someone like the wife, as much as she wanted him to.
No, Jaehyun wasn’t your boyfriend. Jaehyun wasn’t even your partner. He came to the house dressed up in the part of a wholesome realtor, his eyes following the wife across the room, forcing eye contact that would make her feel warm underneath her collared blouse. He did it because it was fun for him. He did it because he could.
It was a game. Jaehyun eye-fucked the wife to tease you. He liked when you wore jealousy like a proud bib. He waited for you to take possession of him, which you always did in the subtlest of ways. Watching the wife back away from you after claiming that you and Jaehyun fucked- a tale met with disbelief- was a way to piss all over your territory.
That's mine.
Of course, you could have pushed Jaehyun harder. In doing so, the husband of the pair was a viable conquest. He looked at you with his dumb look when you ran your hand up your stockinged thigh, his jaw slack as you hiked up your skirt inappropriately and unprofessionally high.
However, it wasn’t very fun for you. You could tell the husband was too in love with his wife to ever flirt with you. You gave up quickly, your annoyance waving like a red flag whenever the wife breathed in your direction.
“Are you almost done, sweetie?” you called out to Jaehyun.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Jaehyun said, sticking his head out of a doorway.
You shot a look at the wife, her full attention on Jaehyun as he walked towards you both. She might as well have started taking off her clothes where she stood. She was fanning herself with her hand and wiping sweat from between her cleavage, the telling signs of someone who really wanted to know Jaehyun's cock felt like.
“Your husband is insisting on checking every nook and cranny of this place.” Jaehyun said, a brilliant smile stretched across his face. “I keep telling him there is no need. You won't find a place like this in the city.”
“I’m sorry for his behavior.” the wife said. “He does this all of the time. Nothing is ever good enough for him.”
“I can’t blame him.” Jaehyun said, his eyes roaming down the legs of the wife. “We men love being thorough.”
You slapped a hand against Jaehyun’s chest and tugged on his tie, hoping it would tighten against his throat. “We should get going soon, don’t you think, Jaehyun?”
“Oh, I think we can spare a few minutes, baby.”
The wife was completely ignoring the fact that you were in the room. She took a step towards Jaehyun, batting her eyelashes and pushing out her sweaty breasts. Jaehyun ate up the attention, his eyes practically fucking her right in front of you.
“You are absolutely shameless.” you said, walking away.
You walked through the fully furnished and staged home, finding the husband in the downstairs bathroom (one of three in the house). He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t really your type. Still, he gave you the attention that made it easy for you to ignore all of that. It wasn't much, but it was enough.
“Like what you see?” you asked, moving one leg out in front of you so that your skirt rode up. “With the house, I mean.”
“Yeah.” he said. “Might be out of our price range. I'll have to check.”
You walked further into the bathroom, your heels click-clacking on the tile. It took only a few seconds for Jaehyun to find you, like it was a mating call, appearing in the bathroom doorway looking relaxed and ready to fuck. You knew the wife was soon to follow, a look of disappointment on her face that Jaehyun didn’t stick around to flirt with her.
You often wondered what women were thinking when caught with alone time involving Jaehyun. Were they imagining him bending them over the kitchen sink and fucking them? Did they think they were special, that he would sneak away from his dull job for an illicit affair with them? You could be sure that they were mentally undressing him, that they were not at all in tune to the fact that Jaehyun, in the end, only had eyes for you.
“If my girl here hasn’t sold you on the house, we would be delighted to show you to others on another date and time.” Jaehyun suggested.
Jaehyun’s words were final. He wanted them to leave immediately, to take their shit and go. You could hear the sour puss in his voice, the slight quiver in sound. He threw his arm around the wife and brought her closer to him. He let a smile consume him, one that made you grit your teeth. The four of you walked out of the bathroom quarters together, back to the open plan living room to discuss things further.
“You smell wonderful.” Jaehyun murmured to the wife of the pair. He let her go. “Anyway, the price isn't negotiable, but we’ll see what we can do if it’s what you really want. You may have to extend your budget further. If not, there are always others, like I said.”
The wife and husband agreed that the house would never be in their budget before leaving. The husband checked out your tits, and the wife cast one last longing look at Jaehyun over her shoulder, her pink tongue sensually gliding along her lower lip. With a serene smile, Jaehyun shut the door behind them, shutting the world out from you and him.
“You could have charmed the panties off of her.” you said, crossing your arms against your chest.” Pretty sure she would have blown you in front of the fridge if you had stood in the kitchen any longer.”
“Is that why you walked away?” Jaehyun said. “Scared of the competition?”
“Please.” you said. “I just really wanted to get fingerbanged by the husband over the toilet.”
“I can make that a reality.” Jaehyun smirked.
You walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool, smiling to yourself when Jaehyun followed you like a dog. “It’s not fair what you do to them.”
Jaehyun held on to either side of the stool and kept his face inches from yours. “You’re just angry because I win every time.”
“The husband always loves his wife too much.”
“And the wife is always ready to get fucked raw.” Jaehyun said. "By yours truly, of course."
“Maybe I should just start fucking the wife.” you said, peeling Jaehyun’s fingers from the stool.
“I would very much like that.”
“I know you would.” you said, pushing him away.
Jaehyun was pushed back feet from you. He yanked at his tie until it was loosely hanging around his neck. He ran a hand through his sandy brown hair, the ends sticking straight up in some places. You watched him, knowing it was what he wanted. You could see his chest hair peeking out from between the now unbuttoned portion of his dress shirt. The heat began to cover your body like a warm blanket of sin, as you thought about tangling your tongue up in those hairs.
“I can feel you on my skin, even though you haven’t touched me yet.” he whispered.
Jaehyun rolled his neck around, cracking it in some places. When his eyes met yours, the shade of brown appeared somewhat darker. You could feel that look rolling all the way down your stomach until it settled in its depths, curling up in itself. Your nerves felt shot, your confidence gone.
“Doesn’t it just feel so good to give in to me?” Jaehyun asked, his voice a little rough. “Don’t you want to play with me in this big, bad house?”
He came to you, only stopping by the length of your knees. He tucked his fingers underneath your chin and brought your eyesight up to his. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. He let his palm run smoothly down your throat, giving it a little squeeze. Your body was unmoving underneath his touch. Sometimes, you would absolutely vibrate with pleasure when Jaehyun touched you. Other times, you would become still like a steel fortress in the wind, wanting him to work a little for your affection, to open up your doors to him like an open house.
The house was empty, but so full at the same time. Jaehyun got down on his knees in a moment of submission, his head down like he was praying. He hugged you, his arms resting on your thighs, his whole being in your lap. It lasted less than a minute until he was back on his feet, a rare sweetness in his eyes as the rest of his body became unfamiliar and rigid.
“Stand up.” he said, his voice cold, the sound of it rattling through the bones of the house. Though there was a faint grin on his lips and a playful eyebrow raised, Jaehyun wasn’t allowing himself to be played with anymore.
You were not quick enough. He took you by the sides of your shoulders and pulled you from the stool. Your knees buckled but Jaehyun caught you in time, the move making your nipples harden. He could see the reaction through your work shirt, your two little buds staring him in the face. All you wanted was for him to touch you, but he wouldn't.
It was fun playing the game with him, since you two were so alike. There were times when you dominated Jaehyun, making him eat you out and cum before the new couples would arrive at the house. If he failed, he would be punished and have to do something embarrassing for him. If he passed, you would both be in a great mood and would usually get a house sold. Then, like now, there were times when Jaehyun took control, which would usually be followed by a lack of sales disappointment. You could always feel those times coming, the excitement unable to be contained.
Jaehyun took your hand and whisked you off through parts of the house where he knew prying eyes wouldn’t find you. He ran up the stairs eagerly, tugging you along behind him, not bothering to see if you were tripping up.
“The master suite.” Jaehyun said, stopping in front of a door. “Wait here.”
He left you standing in front of the closed door for over five minutes. You kept checking the time on your phone, your eyes roaming up and down every detail of the white, wooden door. If he was trying to tantalize you, it was working. You were very impatient, trying your best not to bust through the door and hop right on his dick.
“Come in.” Jaehyun said.
You held onto the handle, the image of the husband jiggling that very handle less than an hour ago fresh on your mind.
“I won’t tell you twice.” Jaehyun said.
You opened the door and saw Jaehyun sitting on the edge of a model bed. He had stripped it of the crisp sheets and fluffy pillows that were adorning it. He was shirtless and his dress pants were unbuttoned, his brown leather belt hanging by his sides.You drank him in like that, the impatience waning away.
“Come closer.” he said.
“So bossy.” you smiled.
You walked closer. Since you knew that you affected him as much as he affected you, every step felt delicious. You stood in front of him, ready to rip your business skirt off if he just said the magic words.
“Good girl.” he said, standing up.
He was looming over you, the heat from his body making you hot. You wanted to press your hands to his sweaty chest and push him down onto the bed. You wanted to bite his shoulder so hard that it made him cry out. You wanted to sit on that strong jaw, rocking your body over him until he was suffocating.
“Look me in the eyes,” he said. “Don’t look at my body, like I’m a piece of meat.”
“A little bit of disobedience never hurt anyone.” you said, meeting his eyes.
It was difficult to keep your eyes trained on his when you could hear him unzipping his pants. Each click of the teeth made your clit throb, like his tongue was already gliding over it. You could hear his pants falling down to his ankles, and from the corner of your eye, could see him shift slightly to step out of them until he was naked. With your imagination, you thought of him stroking his cock, pumping his fist up and down his shaft.
“Are you with me?” Jaehyun breathed. “Be with me right now.”
You nodded as the sounds of him masturbating heightened. Jaehyun moaned and let his eyes disconnect from yours. Though he was looking down at his cock, you were looking at the top of his pretty head. There were thousands of hairs you could tug and pull to get him to comply, to have him give you his cock. You could feel the tip of him and his fist rubbing against you as he made it upwards, each stroke nearly punching you, because he was so close.
You looked down, the top of your head skimming his. He was going at it slowly, moving his body like he was fucking his own fist. It was so sexy that you could feel all the nerves in your body tingling. Though his pleasure didn't happen to you, you could feel every grain of it. You breathed heavily with him, your body going through the build up with Jaehyun.
Your eyes met him again. Yours were, no doubt, asking him why he was being so cruel. It took a minute for him to stop, for Jaehyun to set his mouth in a grim line, and to cock his head and look lost in thought.
“This isn’t about you.” he said. “This isn’t about your pleasure. On your knees and put my cock in your mouth. Don’t stop sucking until I say.”
As you got slowly to your knees, your lips slid down his stomach, your kisses rushed before he could decline them. You grabbed hold of his cock, the tip of him resting on your bottom lip before you looked up at him. He held your side of the neck before moving to the back of your head and forcing his cock down your throat until your eyes watered.
Fucking in a place that didn’t belong to you was thrilling. The owners could come back any second and catch you in the act. There could be cameras installed, or nosy neighbors coming to check up on the people who owned the lone car that sat in the driveway.
“Is it good?” Jaehyun asked, his voice velvety smooth. "How do I taste?"
You sucked his cock without stopping, testing him with both lips, tongue, and fingers. You brought him back so far into your throat that you choked and took him out with a string of saliva. You swallowed that, too, so grateful to have him in any of your holes.
Jaehyun pulled his cock out and teased himself back inside of your mouth slowly. You let your jaw hang open and laid your tongue flat while he fucked your face. You gripped his thighs and let your fingernails dig into him before he came on your tongue, grabbing a handful of your hair at release.
When he ordered you to stand up, he was still leaking. He wasn’t stopping for anyone, not even when you made a show of wiping his cum off of your chin with your finger and slipping it into your mouth.
"It tastes yummy." you said.
“Clothes off,” Jaehyun said, ignoring you. “Kneel on the bed.”
He wasn’t losing his erection. He treated his cock like it was delicate, holding it in his hands and stroking it gently. You watched him as you stripped, taking a little too long with the stockings. Jaehyun ended up ripping them from your legs and tossing them aside. Without saying another word, he grabbed your ankles and pulled you down to the edge of the bed, nearly making you faceplant on the mattress.
“Fuck.” you whispered, your body jerking in surprise as Jaehyun started eating you out from behind.
He wasn’t shy about it either. He was licking you, moving his head side to side and up and down, just to get every bit of you. His lips were so warm and you were so wet, that you had to sink your upper half onto the bed and place your forehead against your arm. Jaehyun squeezed your ass cheeks and pushed you forward, his tongue lapping up all of your wetness.
You didn’t want to break, to crumble. You wanted to be strong and not moan or give in completely. You didn’t want to let him know that he could bring you down with just a lick, but it was hard not to.
“Beg me.” Jaehyun said, coming up for air.
He smacked your ass and you turned around until you were on your back. It was rough and forceful, and it turned you on. Jaehyun kissed your ankle before moving his lips down your thigh.
“Beg me.” he repeated. “Fucking do it now.”
The hotness on your inner thigh as his mouth got higher was enough to make you call his name. “Please, Jaehyun.” you said. “Don’t stop.”
Jaehyun ate you out, slipping his fingers inside of you. He would occasionally stop and kiss his way up your body to leave hickeys on your neck, and catch glimpses of your face to see if you were enjoying it.
“Not about my pleasure, huh?” you asked, nearly laughing.
Jaehyun groaned. “Don’t ruin it.”
“Too late.” you said, moaning as he fingered you. “You smell like her.”
You kissed his neck and got the bite you wanted from his shoulder. You held him against you, making sure your scent was all over him. His mouth tasted like you, though. You kept kissing him and grabbing at his hands to make sure they didn’t stop fucking you. You were a tangle of bare limbs, holding him against you, and fighting for dominance.
Jaehyun lifted his fingers from your pussy and held himself up over you. He looked you in your eyes, his gaze falling to your lips before he kissed them. He moved his body and slipped his cock inside of you, knocking the air from your mouth.
Missionary position was not your favorite. It was too romantic, not as wild. You wanted him to break your back, to bend you into positions that made your legs wobble the next day. You wanted risk. You wanted it rough. But having Jaehyun’s weight on top of you in that way felt different. You let him move over you, holding your hips as he drilled himself inside of you.
It didn’t last long until you were wanting to flip him over, until you could be on top and ride him. Jaehyun smirked when he realized what you were doing and said, “I don’t think so.”
He leaned up until his sweaty body wasn’t clinging to yours anymore. He spread your thighs apart after pulling you closer to him. He let you get a good view of his cock disappearing inside of you.
“This pussy is mine.” he said, touching his fingers to your clit. “Say it’s mine.”
“It’s mine.” you said.
Jaehyun fucked you faster, his cock hitting your cervix a little rougher. You winced at the discomfort you quite liked, immediately wanting him to keep fucking you deeper.
“Say it.” he said, moaning with each thrust.
“Or what?” you challenged, breathlessly trying to hold yourself together.
Jaehyun gripped your wrists and brought them above your head. He got close to you again, his body smothering yours, and his cock fucking you in a way that was too good to stop.
“I’m yours.” you said. “It’s yours. All of it is yours.”
He smiled when he got what he wanted, the same charming smile that seemed to have most women on tenterhooks, wondering if they would give them something else of his. Jaehyun never would, though, because everything of his was also yours.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Could you do something where the reader is a marvel actor but crashes a panel that Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are doing (kinda like Tom Holland did that one time) but the sofa is small so the reader is squished in between them and has to share their mics when asked questions something like that. It can be platonic but they are really close or the reader has a little thing going on with Seb but is really close with Mackie. I hope that made sense!
Oooo this request is so cute! Thank you for the request lovely, hope you like it!💜
a/n: This imagine is HEAVY on the dialogue because I wanted to include some fun questions from the fans and what not, anyway here’s the imagine:) 
Stackie Sandwich
You watched from backstage as Anthony showed off his thighs to the crowd, you know, the usual. You were currently at ACE Comic Con along with Anthony and Sebastian. You always enjoyed going to these kind of things. Meeting and getting to interact with the fans was always fun, it reminded you of why you did these movies and how thankful you were to have such lovely, supportive fans.
Currently you and the crew backstage were trying to find a way to sneak you onto the stage without interrupting a question.
Anthony sat back down on the small couch as Sebastian laughed at his friend’s antics.
“I’m telling y’all, you wanna have thighs like these, you gotta do leg day. Don’t skip leg day.” Anthony tells the crowd as he nudges Sebastian. You chuckle from backstage as Kevin Smith, the monitor of the panel continues.
“So I know we were supposed to be joined by (y/n) (y/l/n), where is she?” He asked the men.
“Probably on a coffee run.” Sebastian answered immediately shaking his head with an eye roll. The crowd reacts with quiet giggles.
“I swear that woman cannot function without her coffee.” Anthony remarked.
“I’ve known her for years and lemme tell you it’s like her body is going through some kind of error. We were on set for a movie we did together and I was talking to her.” Anthony started as he leaned forward.
“Now I didn’t know she didn’t have her coffee yet. I’ve been talking for like 10 minutes and the whole time she was sleeping. And when she began to like wake up and talk, it was like she was a sloth.” Anthony shared as he proceeded to act like a sloth saying “Error 404” really slow.
You turned to the stage hand and said “I’m going now, he just called me a sloth.”
The man laughed and handed you a mic from the side. Before walking out you say into the mic, “I know you ain’t talking about me, Mackie.” You walk out to the stage and the crowd cheers loudly. Mackie throws his head back as he laughs.
“Hey everyone!” You greet the crowd, waving at all of them. You approached the guys with your arms up in a “fight me” manner, it was mostly for Anthony. You greet Kevin and move to Sebastian, purposely skipping Anthony.
“Hey, dragostea.” Seb greeted you as he wraps his arms around your body. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hide your face in between his neck and shoulder.
When you pull away you turn to Anthony who looked offended. You send him a playful smile and smack his arm before jumping on him and wrapping your arms around him. He lets out his boisterous laugh and hugs you back. In the process you drop your mic on the stage causing you to cringe.
You guys settle onto the small couch. You sat in between Anthony and Seb, fairly squished in the middle by the two buff men. Their legs took up too much space on the couch, leaving no room for your own legs. The crowd laughed at your face as you tried to make yourself comfortable in the tight space.
You went to speak into your mic but it didn’t register. Looks like you broke the mic.
“Look at you, haven’t been up here for a minute and you already broke something.” Anthony tisked playfully. Sebastian poked you with his mic and handed it to you. You thanked him with a smile. 
“I’ll pay for that! Just send me the bill.” You yell towards the back. You look at Anthony and raise your brow at him.
“You need to pipe down, son. You’ve been coming at me all morning long.” You acknowledged pointing a finger at him. The crowd laughs along with Seb. Anthony nods as he stifles his laughs to himself.
“(Y/n), thank you for joining us, how are you?” Kevin asks you.
“I’m doing great! I’m so excited to be here and meet all of you! I saw so many of you guys dressed up, and you all look absolutely amazing! I also saw a dog on my way here!” You answered bubbly.
“What kind of dog?” Sebastian asked pulling your hand with the mic towards him.
“A golden retriever and omg he was dressed as Cap!” You squealed.
“I hope that dog is here because I want to meet them and just smother them with hugs.” You add as you motion to the audience.
“Sebastian said you were running late because you were on a coffee run, is that true?” Kevin asks as Sebastian scrunches his nose. 
“I mean he’s not completely wrong. I got coffee before I got here. But the traffic on the way here was really bad.”
“She’s lying, she spent a good half hour at Starbucks sippin’ on her coffee while inhaling the smell of Starbucks like an addict.” Anthony jokingly jabs at her. You were used to the playful jabs from Mackie, it was how you guys were. Knowing each other for years, you guys formed a brother/sister relationship.
“Alright then! So, we’ve got a line forming for the questions! How about we start?” Kevin continued as he motioned to the crowd.
🕓 Time Skip
It’s half an hour into the panel and you guys have been asked so many questions already. Some about your characters, the relationships off screen, and some new projects. Thankfully the crowd was very nice and respectful to you all, no one asked anything rude or made offensive comments.
The laughs were just dying down after Mackie told another one of his jokes. A teenage girl dressed as your character came up to the mic.
“Hi, my name is Maddie and my question is for (y/n)!” She waved at you with a grin.
“Hi, hun! You look beautiful by the way, I love your costume!” You complimented her, taking Anthony’s mic. She thanks you and continues.
“I—, I’m sorry you’re just so small compared to Anthony and Seb on that couch. You’re so cute!” The audience laughs along with the two men next to you.
You huff and squish your way out between Anthony and Sebastian’s bodies, “In my defense it’s a really small couch! And these guys are so beefy they take up all the space on here!”
“It’s a Stackie sandwich with a side of (y/n)!!” Mackie enthusiastically announced making the crowd go crazy.
Sebastian moved further into the corner of the couch making more space for you. He even moved his arm to rest on top of the couch’s backrest. You could hear some fans point it out and squeal. You thank him by patting his leg as his arm lingered behind you.
“So my question is, how is it like to be around such tall people? Because I’m short as well and I have to always look up at everyone.” Maddie says into the mic.
“That’s exactly how it is! Sometimes I get concerned if I’ll mess up my back because I have to look up at everyone!” You say into Sebastian’s mic, which he voluntarily held up for you.
“We carry her around a lot on set.” Seb chimes from beside you.
“Yeah like a sack of potatoes.” Anthony adds.
You pull on Seb’s arm to talk into the mic, “They also tease me a lot, but it’s all in good fun.”
“Hey guys! I’m Jess and my question is for Anthony! So you and (y/n) have worked on multiple projects together. How was it like to be in Marvel with each other and act along side each other?”
You giggled at the question, turning to Anthony, “How’s it like to work with me, huh?”
“I mean, honestly, it’s always an honor to work with (y/n). I’m glad that I know someone like her in this business, she’s one of the most genuinely nice people you’ll ever meet. And I respect her for that because sometimes it’s hard to not get blinded by the fame and just become a dick, or a diva in your case.” Anthony answered as he threw an arm around you.
“Aww thanks, Mac.” You smile and lean on his shoulder.
“And to add onto that. Our characters in the movie are pretty close as well, so when Anthony and I have scenes together, it doesn’t even feel like acting. It’s always a great time on set when he’s around.” You finished off.
“Hi, I’m Elena and my question is for Sebastian!”
“This is our last question for the panel, so make it good!” Kevin interjects.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” Sebastian says to the fan.
“Bucky and (y/c/n) have really good chemistry with each other in the movies and the relationship doesn’t feel forced onto the fans. I wanted to know if any of the chemistry on screen is real offscreen?” Elena asked with a cheeky grin. You remained quiet as you felt Anthony nudge you with his knee.
Sebastian longingly stared at you for a moment before answering, “Well it’s not hard to act like you’re in love with (y/n), because everyone on set loves her. She unapologetically herself and I think that’s what makes it so easy to have chemistry with her, it just felt natural with her, you know?”
“To answer your question, Elena. They’ve been on a few dates already.” Anthony blurted out causing the audience to erupt. You looked at him with your mouth agape from your position on Sebastian. You were currently leaning into his side while your arm rested on his thigh.
“You weren’t supposed to say that.” Sebastian uttered as he moved his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for Seb. You guys definitely had chemistry offscreen and everyone knew about it.
“Hey! All I’m implying is that y’all need to both stop beating around the bush and make it official Anthony defended himself.
“(Y/n), how do you feel about dinner tonight?” Sebastian asked you.
“Sounds good.” You smile at him.
“Great, we have some things to discuss.” He playfully teased the crowd.
“FEELINGS!” Anthony yelled over Sebastian.
Kevin laughed as he ended the panel, “On that note! Our panel has come to an end, thank you everyone for showing up and for your questions! Thank you Anthony, (y/n), and Sebastian for coming here we really appreciate it!”
You guys thank the crowd again and take a group picture with the audience. Anthony leaves the stage first followed by you and Seb. Sebastian helps you down the stairs and keeps a hand on your back.
“Wait, are we actually going to dinner?” You asked looking up at him.
“Yeah, I told you, we’ve got some stuff to talk about.” He winks as he leads you guys to the green room.
dragostea - love
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Back Off: Jake x Reader
A/N: I have writer’s block for part two of the twin’s fight sooo enjoy this one shot until then :)
Your management teams had decided it was a good idea for your band to collaborate with Greta Van Fleet. At first, you all had agreed until it became apparent that you and Jake would never get along. The first week went by pretty well as you all worked on lyrics and different songs, giving each other feedback. When you made a suggestion about a riff Jake was working on, he rolled his eyes and ignored you entirely. You didn’t let it bother you and tried to let it roll off your back, but the thought the Jake wasn’t impressed by your talent or valued your input bothered you a bit. 
At the start of the next week, your band recorded an EP track to see how you liked it. After you had finished, all of you sat down to talk through what could be done to improve it and make it award worthy. The constructive process was going well until Sam complimented your riff. Before you could offer your thanks, Jake let out a small sarcastic laugh before leaning back. 
“What,” you said with a touch of venom as you narrowed your eyes at him. Not being one to back down from a challenge he returned the glare and licked his lips before speaking. 
“Nothing,” Jake said with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders before stretching his arms along the back of the couch he was sitting on, Josh on his left and Danny to his right. Your band mates shared looks of confusion with the other boys at the stare down they were all witnessing. 
“Nothing,” you questioned with a lift of your brow matching his energy. 
“Yeah. That riff? Made me feel nothing. That was just music on a page.”
Stunned silence filled the room and everyone’s mouths dropped open at the sudden and rude comment. Your mind started racing.
That riff wasn’t there until you had all performed today. In fact, it was a completely organic composition. You didn’t know how to write a riff and you couldn’t even read fucking sheet music. You only knew how to play. 
Before you could stop yourself, you were on your feet and so was Jake. Both of you were yelling at each other and really giving each other hell. Finally, the rest of the group got you separated, but the damage had already been done. 
The fighting didn’t stop as a whole, but after Danny lost his shit, the yelling eventually did. You both still found the time to be sarcastic assholes and refused to work together unless absolutely forced. On the rare occasions you two didn’t try to kill each other, whatever you came up with was pretty cool, but those moments were short lived. After about a month of the group collaboration, your management teams informed all of you that they had lined up an interview and stressed the importance of it. 
“We know some of you...don’t see eye to eye,” your manager, Kara, said carefully while everyone looked directly at you and Jake,”but you’re going to be in partners for this interview and we’re grouping you based on instrument.”
“See, vocals are an instrument Sam,” Josh taunted while his youngest brother rolled his eyes. 
You and Jake shared a pained look at the thought of having to sit near each other. 
“Do we have to get along during the interview,” you asked as you flipped your hair over your shoulder. 
“Yes. You do. So, Josh and Kaylie will go first on Friday. Sammi and Sammy will go next. Then, Danny and Elise. We’ll finish up with y/n and Jake. The interviews should only be 5-10 minutes, so please refrain from killing each other,” Mike, the other manager said. You and Jake shared another look; one that clearly said there were no promises. 
The week flew by and next thing you knew, you were sitting in a hair and makeup chair getting finishing touches done. All of your other friends had finished and based off their laughter, it seemed to have went really well. Apparently, your Sammi and Greta Van Fleet’s Sammy were pure chaos which didn’t surprise any of you. It must have had something to do with the name you supposed. 
Once you had finished up, you made your way to the chair next to Jake who was waiting on you and apparently trying hard to not look impatient. When he saw you, his eyes widened a bit before he motioned to your seat. Once you had gotten comfortable, he sat down.
“Sorry,” you said to him quietly. This was actually the first time you two had sat next to each other and you could smell his cologne and shampoo. He was an ass to you, but you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. But his attitude? Atrocious. 
You fidgeted slightly in your seat to get comfortable for the interview. Suddenly, you both heard the countdown to cue you in and you both began to smile and do the intro. 
“Hi! I’m y/f/n y/l/n!”
“And I’m Jake Kiszka!”
“This is our Rockin and Rolling Interview,” you two chorused together. Apparently, you two could be a dynamic duo when you tried hard enough. 
The interviewer started asking various questions about stage outfits, hair and makeup, new albums and tour dates which were pretty typical interview topics. You and Jake played your parts and were both equally surprised at your shared sense of humor. You were enjoying yourself when the prying questions started. 
When the interview started, you didn’t really notice that weird glimmer in the male interviewer’s eyes or the way he stared at your exposed legs or where the hem of your shorts hit on your thighs. Jake had noticed that a lot of the questions were directed more towards you and he figured it was just to help your band get out there more. More importantly, none of the others had mention weird vibes or the guy being a creep, but you couldn’t deny that you were inexplicably uncomfortable. 
“So, y/n, what is it like being single and working with the guys,” the interviewer asked. Your back went ramrod straight as you realized you were cruising in dangerous territory. Jake glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
“What does her relationship status have to do with anything,” Jake asked with his eyes narrowed slightly in confusion and the beginning stages of irritability. The next few questions were about zodiac sign compatibility and other flirtatious avenues of discussion and you were finally 100% sure that he was making you uncomfortable. At one point he had asked for how many people you had slept with. 
“I’m sorry, but I’m not comfortable answering such personal questions. I think I’m-,” you began to say as you stood up to place the microphone down. Before you could even fully raise out of your set, the interviewer had grabbed you by your arm and yanked your body towards his. You let out a yelp as a warm muscular body wedged itself between you and the weird ass interviewer. 
Jake placed a protective hand on your stomach and pushed you back gently putting more space between you and who he perceived as a threat. Without thinking, you put your hand in the middle of his back, right on his spine as you scooted further behind him. 
“Back off,” Jake growled out with a scowl. Before the guy could respond, Jake spun to face you, placing his hand in the small of your back before leading you away. You were shaking and tears pricked at your lower lash line, but you willed yourself not to cry. 
When you two had made it back to the makeup room where you had all gotten ready, everyone jumped up when they say the look on both of your faces. Kara and Mike tried to ask questions as you grabbed your things, clearly ignoring them. 
“We’re leaving right now and that interview had better not fucking air,” Jake practically yelled as he fumed. You two could hear the male interviewer approaching the room you all were in and Jake turned to face the door quickly, blocking you from his view. 
“Get him away from her or I’m going to rock his fucking shit. We’re leaving. Now.”
Nobody else held up your mad dash for the SUV outside waiting and already running. Once you were safely secure between, Jake and Josh in the middle row you put your head in your hands while questions flew your way. 
“What happened?!”
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Why were you going to deck him, Jake,” Danny finally questioned and everyone sat in stunned silence that Jake had threatened to hurt someone over you. You were still shaken up and felt a sense of relief when Jake took over telling the story.
All you could really think about was his hand in the small of your back and hot he looked pissed. Even more than that, the first feelings of fondness for Jake danced in your stomach. It felt a lot like butterflies.
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yelenasdog · 3 years
rebel girl (vic de angelis x fem!singer!reader)
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(listen while reading for best experience) 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff with a sprinkle of angst for .0000002 seconds
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a kiss during a shared performance turns into something more.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2.3k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: cursing, kissing, drinking, my attempts at writing roman dialect and italian, and i believe that’s it.
𝐚/𝐧: ok so i know not a whole lot abt måneskin so if anything abt this in terms of the band or how they perform is inaccurate forgive me! but i think vic is hot and this song makes me think of her LOL. thanks for reading, and enjoy the fic!! <3
(all translations will be linked at the end of the fic)
The cheers of the crowd were deafening, but it seemed the beating of her own heart was even louder. Lights flashed a plethora of neon colors, and those on the stage looked liked silhouettes moving about freely.
Ethan nodded at Thomas, quickly bringing down his stick to the tightly spread plastic.
Thomas bobbed his head, starting to play the opening riff.
Select members of those in attendance began to cheer, just the opening notes being enough to give away what was about to be performed.
“For our last song tonight, we’d like to bring out someone you all know and love.” Damiano spoke into his mic, wrapping an arm around Vic’s neck and allowing her to lean down into the microphone in his hand.
“She’s someone that everyone, including myself, heavily admire as an icon of the generation and a true Riot Grrrl.”

Her eyes closed, a deep breath inhaled and exhaled through her painted mouth. She jumped up and down in her heeled boots, face pointed towards the rickety ceiling of the venue as she did so. She ran a ring adorned hand over her earpieces and made a funny face, making sure they were adjusted to her liking.
A stagehand appeared to her right, handing her a microphone and wishing her good luck. She smiled, responding with a quick “thanks” and a smile.
Victoria looked over from her place on the stage with Damiano, a devilish glint in her eye.
“Here for one night only, London let us introduce” he yelled, leaning down to Vic’s level once more, allowing them to both speak at once, “Y/n Y/l/n!”
A roar erupted from everyone in the building as the aforementioned strutted on stage, lifting the mic to her lips.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood, she’s got the hottest trike in town.” She started, finding her mark in the center of the stage.
“That girl, she holds her head up so high, I think I wanna be her best friend yeah.” Damiano’s raspy voice let out next, both of their voices mixing together like honey as they started the chorus.
“Rebel girl, rebel girl, rebel girl you are the queen of my world.
Rebel girl, rebel girl.”
“I think I wanna take you home” Y/n began, Damiano then taking over.
“I wanna try all your clothes.” He finished, both him and Y/n groaning in unison to the song.
Vic would be lying if she said she didn’t have to clear both her throat, and her mind. Thomas’ fingers worked skillfully and quickly on the neck of his guitar on the small transitional solo, his focus staying on the cool steel.
Damiano held up his tattooed hand, making a talking motion as he sang and rolled his eyes, “When she talks, I hear the revolution.”
Y/n came up behind Vic, one hand running across her hip, the other on her own as she chose to lean into Vic’s mic over her shoulder, “In her hips, there’s revolutions.”
The lead singer then strutted across the stage back to Ethan, propping a leg up on the base of his kit, and then walking back singing, “When she walks, the revolution’s coming.”
Knowing what line was coming up next, the bassist held her breath, and looked down. It was short lived, though, as Y/n picked up her chin with her pointer finger, forcing her to look her in the eyes. She moved his slowly to Victoria, their lips nearly brushing, her touch feather light.
“In…her…kiss…” she slowly sang, dragging it out longer than in the original song and than in rehearsal. She quickly turned her head, falling to her knees with one side to Vic and one to the audience, her hair cascading over her features.
“I taste the revolution!”
She smiled at Vic as she pushed herself up, a goofy grin plastered onto her face as she allowed Damiano to take the chorus. Victoria replied with only a small smirk, her dark eyeshadow glittering under the colorful lights, making her look like some kind of gothic angel, or celestial being.
Resuming singing, Y/n walked back to the front of the stage, her and Damiano switching every verse. She sat down on the edge, letting her legs dangle over the high surface, feeling fingertips barely touch her unclothed thigh.
“That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood.”
“I got news for you,”
They both pointed their mics into the audience as the screen behind them flashed “she is!” Allowing the crowd, as well as Thomas, Vic, and Ethan to all scream the two words loudly and in sync.
“I know she is,” her and Dami both sang, as he wrapped an arm around Vic’s neck,
“My best friend yeah”
The chorus continued for a final time, Victoria stomping her heavy platforms on the wooden stage, biting her lip as she performed.
Y/n made her way over to Thomas’ side, jumping to his left and swaying her hair, a knowing smile appearing on his face upon seeing Victoria’s gaze falling upon her movements.
Victoria made rounds to Ethan and then to Thomas, passing Y/n and lightly tapping her hip with her own.
Y/n skipped over to Damiano as he did to her, the pair meeting in the middle briefly for the “love you like a sister, always.”
Victoria returned to her spot from the start, and Damiano found his way to Thomas. Y/n continued on towards the ethereal bassist. The both of them were simultaneously singing to the aforementioned in harmony, nearing the end of the song.
“Soul sister, rebel girl,
Come and be my best friend,
Really, rebel girl.”
Y/n dragged a hand across Vic’s chiseled cheekbone, and in that moment Victoria had taken on the title of a muse for the woman standing in front of her.
“I really like you” she sang to her, lowering her mic as they looked into each other’s eyes, her chest heaving. It was like the music had been reduced down to a slight buzzing, and the thousands of peering eyes meant nothing. They were untouchable.
Y/n resumed for the last line, never breaking her eye contact.
“Be my rebel girl.”
It seemed like a question, a proposal of sorts from one to another, as Y/n’s hand dropped once more.
Victoria quirked a brow as if to ask “are we really doing this?” To which Y/n muttered “fuck it” with a laugh.
Victoria’s hands found either side of Y/n’s face, her calloused fingers rough, yet gentle. Y/n’s own hands found one lazily draped over waist, the other over her shoulder to pull her close.
And in what probably the entirety of the building could have guessed would happen (maybe just not on stage, in that exact moment) they closed the gap between themselves, their lips connecting in a sweet kiss.
Chants and yells of encouragement were whooped by the band and crowd alike, as Damiano raised the mic and the final notes played.
“Y/n Y/l/n everybody!”
They pulled apart, sweaty foreheads against each other’s sides as they turned towards everyone, waving. They were quickly joined by the rest of the group, and Y/n stepped away, leaning into the microphone still hooked on the stand in the center of the stage.
“Let’s hear a huge round of applause for the wonderfully mad Måneskin!” She shouted, the roar of the crowd even louder. She raised her hands in the air, then moving one to her ear, gesturing for them to be louder. They complied, and Y/n took out her earpiece for a moment, soaking in what the band had created.
Vic shouted to Y/n over the noise, waving her over.
“Come on, bow with us!”
Y/n shook her head, not wanting to intrude any further to which Thomas reached out an arm, pulling her over. A bright smile covered her face as Vic reached out, wrapping an arm around her waist only for a second.
Hands joined, they all leaned forward in a dramatic bow, coming back up and waving.
All in sync, they all yelled “thank you, London!”
They looked around for a small period of time afterwards, still having a hard time believing that this was their new reality.
Looking to her right, and seeing Y/n doing the same, Vic decided that Y/n was a specific part of said “new reality” she didn’t quite want to let go of.
So after saying one more goodbye and exiting the stage, the bassist remained silent. It slightly worried Y/n, who had noticed the girl’s lack of communication while she had been thanking the rest of the band members for allowing her to share the stage with them.
“Is Victoria alright?” She asked Damiano, to which he only chuckled before replying.
“She’s fine, trust me. Give her a little bit of time and she will be back to normal.”
Y/n just gave him a tight lipped smile, not completely convinced.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed as Victoria slipped into her dressing room, locking the door.
The rest of the group, already having had a few drinks, was out the door, waiting on a cab.
“Y/n? You and Vic coming?” Ethan questioned.
She nodded, though she was unsure if that was the case, doing her best to cast a reassuring smile in his direction.
Once she made sure they were gone, she knocked twice on the heavy door. Before she could even announce it was her, Vic’s voice rang out.
“Vattene, Damiano!”
“Victoria?” Y/n’s tone floated through the door to the other side, and Victoria face palmed and silently cursed herself. She quickly got up and unlocked the door, regretting her harsh tone.
“Y/n, hi.”
“Hi.” She responded, slight uneasiness about her. Victoria picked up on this immediately, her brows furrowing and her eyes softening.
“Are you alright, Y/n?”
The other girl scoffed and looked at her feet. Scared to break any boundaries now that they weren’t on stage, Victoria cautiously lifted a hand towards her chin, softly picking it up like Y/n had before.
Her voice sounded wavy as she spoke, her jaw slightly hanging slack.
“Actually, I came here to ask the same thing.”
Victoria tilted her head like a confused puppy, leaning up against the doorframe.
“Why? What happened?”
Struggling to find the right thing to say, Y/n began to trip over her words.
“Well, I just, you know, on stage and everything- we were super, y’a know, close and everything and I didn’t wanna, I don’t know. Make you uncomfortable or overstep any boundaries or anything, and if it was just a kiss I didn’t wanna overthink it or read into but, I mean, I really liked it but you seemed to go quiet so-“
Victoria cut off her painful rambling with another kiss, taking firm hold of her arms and moving her inside with her and closing the door with her foot.
“Wow.” Y/n said when they finally pulled apart, her eyes as wide as dinner plates and her pupils the size of the moon.
“Yes, wow.” Vic chuckled, moving a piece of Y/n’s stray hair behind her ear.
“You’re very different when you’re on stage, Y/n. You know that?” She asked, admiring how the fluorescent lights above illuminated Y/n’s features in the most wonderful way.
Victoria had decided she liked her most like this. Vulnerable, sweaty, and with the biggest heart eyes she’d ever seen.
“That’s what I was afraid of.” She laughed.
“No.” Vic frowned, taking her hands. “It’s not a bad thing. Not at all.” She brought her over to the velvet sofa in the corner of the room. “It’s admirable.”
“How?” She asked with a small smile.
“Easy. Because even though your stage persona is lovely,” she laughed, “I think I like this Y/n even better. She seems like she’s kind, and has a big heart with lots of love to give.”
Stunned, the other girl just smiled like an idiot, leaning forward and pecking Vic’s lips.
“Well, what about you?”
“What about me?” The bassist replied, enjoying the banter forming between the pair.
“Why’d you go all radio silent? I’d never heard of Victoria De Angelis from EuroVision winning band Måneskin to do such a thing.” She exclaimed in what was the worst accent Victoria had heard in her life.
(Though, it was endearing, she’d admit.)
“Truly? I was thinking about how to ask you out. If you even wanted me to ask you out, all of that.”
Y/n’s eyes somehow got even bigger, and she laughed, tucking her legs beneath her.
“How is that even a question?” She exclaimed.
“Like I said, you are different on stage from off it. I didn’t know if it was just a front, a performance.”
This time it was Y/n’s turn to roll her eyes and lean in, encapsulating Victoria’s lips with her own.
“It wasn’t just a show, I’d love to go out with you, Vic.”
They both giggled like school girls hidden under the bleachers, leaning in for another kiss. It was hot and heavy, yet slow and sweet. It was everything either girl had hoped for. 
And thanks to a certain Italian doofus, or 4, it would be momentarily put on pause. Mid-make out four loud knocks startled the girls, causing the two do them to pull away.
“Victoria! Daje! Perché non rispondi al telefono, eh? Stiamo aspettando- oh. This makes sense.“ Damiano burst through the door, Ethan and Thomas stood behind him with not-so-surprised looks painted on their faces.
“Realmente? Realmente, Damiano?” She scoffed. “Stai manzo!”
“Sorry, guys. Enjoy yourselves.” He turned over his shoulder to the rest, slowly shutting the door.
“Sicuro di dire che non verranno con noi.” He snickered, as did the others.
“Eccallà!” Ethan remarked, to which, not that Vic and Y/n knew, Thomas shoved him to the side.
Victoria sighed, returning to face Y/n.
“So. Where were we?”
i hope yall liked that!! mwah make sure to reblog if u did <333 take care of urself!
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ot3 · 3 years
hey kinda heavy ace attorney question ig but I agree with you on many things about aa and feel like you have a good understanding of Phoenix and Trucy so I really wanna ask. How do you think the creation of the bloody ace was handled? I’ve seen the idea that Trucy took matters into her own hands and made it as a failsafe without his knowledge, and that he then covered for her, but if that were the case I wonder how he knew about it and planned around it at his trial. I’ve also seen the idea that he made it himself, but gave it to her for delivery to Apollo; which maybe seems the most apparent but I really dislike it because…. It means he uses her to deliver forged evidence. In much the same way he was given the diary page, really. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I’ve also seen some people suggest that he made it but only gave it to her for use at her discretion, which does give some agency back to her but I also question whether Phoenix would be right in placing that on her shoulders and making it her responsibility. Sorry this expanded into a ridiculously long ask but I really am curious about your take on it?
eoooh yes yes yes i love talking about phoenix and trucy lets goooooo. i actually have a scene from my (still pretty rough and probably never to be finished) wip longfic covering this scene, which ill sick below the cut, but i'll just give my generic thoughts here first.
i think phoenix asked her to do it. trucy having enough detailed knowledge of the crime scene and the events leading up to it and the actual mechanical operation of trials that would be required in order to come up with this plan just doesn't make any sense to me. phoenix is really the only one who could have theoretically concocted this particular move. but since he was presumably held in the detention center until trial, trucy is from there really the only person who could have actually done the thing.
phoenix and trucy are pretty notoriously codependent; i'm headachey and melting from the heat today so rather than doing what i normally do and trawling the wiki to find the quotes that back me up on broadstrokes statements like these so i'm just gonna pull a 'dude just trust me' moment here. the fact that she helps take care of her daddy is a point of pride for her. i don't think it strips trucy of any agency for this to be phoenix's decision because it's not like trucy spends her whole life (or even the entire game) blindly following other peoples orders. her (and phoenix's ) priority at the beginning of aa4 is each other and their own wellbeing, and the decisions they have to make in turnabout trump are indicative of that.
yes, it echoes her bringing the forged evidence to phoenix 7 years ago, but it's more of an inversion/reversal (one might even say a turnabout) than a repetition of past mistakes. in the past she was an unwilling pawn in someone else's plan where her life was collateral, now she's an active and conscious participant in the plan of someone she cares about that she's doing to protect the life she and phoenix have built for themselves. She's not being forced to do it, but i don't think there's any world where she would have said no either. she and phoenix are the most important thing in the world to each other. in their own words, if one of them falls, they both fall.
was it right of phoenix to ask this of her? was it okay for him to do this to apollo, too? obviously it's not a good thing. but it was his only option at that moment. phoenix found himself in a very difficult situation. as an attorney he promised himself to the truth, and that was the principle he lived by, but as a father what he lives by is the promise he made to trucy to never disappear on her. at that moment phoenix did what he had to do to make sure the trial ended the way he needed it to. truth had to take a backseat. his priorities have shifted.
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i've also spoken before at length about how i don't think phoenix was plotting against kristoph in the longterm, at least not to the degree which popular fanon seems to agree upon. so really everything he did in turnabout trump was phoenix being backed into a corner using every tool at his disposal to try and snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. was it right of him to get trucy involved? it's no worse than bringing 8 year old pearl along to crime scenes because he needed her channeling skills. phoenix cares about people deeply but he isn't capable of shielding them from all the harm the world has to offer, and he knows he isn't. half of his capability comes from his shrewdness and willingness and ability to take help when he can get it because he knows, even if its a strain in a short term, he's fighting battles that need to be won at any cost. if that makes any sense
anyway heres the little scene i wrote below the cut.
---------- APRIL 17TH, 2026 DETENTION CENTER VISITOR’S ROOM ----------
Trucy shows up on the dot as visiting hours begin. It’s funny, she thinks. The last time she did this she had a different daddy altogether. Only it really isn’t particularly funny at all, is the thing about it, and she’s going to have quite a few stern words for the man when he gets home.
She picks up the phone on one side of the pane of bulletproof glass and he grabs the other.
“Daddy,” she huffs. “You promised me you’d stay out of trouble.”
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry, Truce.” He puts on an easy smile as he says it, and he uses the same affected tone of voice she had used to start the conversation off. Affected. Cautious, in the sense that it’s levity is entirely manufactured. A performance.
It had been like that between them for real at the beginning, both of them still unsure of each other, pantomiming something resembling a sitcom and playing the real feeling filled in as it went. Thankfully, it did, but the theatrics still lend themselves better to specific conversation.
“Well, if you’re sorry, I suppose I can forgive you! But this isn’t going to look good on your employee review, y’know. I’ll have to bring it up with HR.”
“I’m sure Charley can find it in his heart to forgive me, too.”
“He’s a gentle soul.” She nods.
“You should come watch the trial on Monday, I think it’d be good for you to see.”
“Oh? And why’s that?” Trucy doesn’t like the courthouse. Daddy knows that. She never comes when he goes to use the library there. She also hates, hates the idea of watching her daddy sit in the defendant’s chair not knowing if he’s ever going to come home again. He knows that too.
“Well, there are always interesting things to learn during a court trial. Plus, having you there would help me out a lot!” I need you to do something for me. She reads through the tone into his words’ real meaning. Her stomach clenches. A favor he can’t just outright ask for, not over the phone in the detention center, where every word would be recorded.
“Oh, daddy, no! I’m a magician, not a lawyer, although I understand the confusion.” She drapes a hand over her eyes in faux anguish. “I simply couldn’t, it isn’t my stage.”
“I disagree. I think it’s a perfect stage. Lawyers need cheering up too, you know! Back when I was a lawyer, I used to get really stressed out during cases like these. I bet one of your tricks would do the job.”
“Well what sort of trick do you want me to do?”
“Do you remember the first trick you ever did for me? It was the day we met, at the courthouse. You pulled a piece of paper out of your hat and gave it to me.”
“Yes,” she chirps, forcing a vibrant bubble into her voice. It feels like a pile of rocks in her gut and her pulse starts to quicken. “Of course I remember!”
“I bet if you did that trick again, it’d cheer up the whole courtroom! I bet I’d win my case in a heartbeat.”
Her legs feel like jelly by the time the bus drops her off at the stop near the office. Daddy had kept on like that, loaded phrasing and a lopsided smile as he laced vapid banter with instructions. With warnings. She walks into the storage closet and grabs a deck of cards - one of his, the same style they use at the club, not hers for her tricks. Abruptly, she has a moment of panic as she realizes she’s not even sure what color she’s supposed to use, but then, just as fast, she forces her head clear and just grabs one of each.
They’re unopened. This makes it a cinch to find the card she’s looking for. Her stomach flips.
The worst part isn’t even what she’s doing. The worst part is that she’s doing it at all. Daddy knows well what this situation is making her feel and he’s asking her to do it anyway.
The only explanation left: he’s completely out of options.
She pulls her gloves off and grabs a needle from her sewing supplies. She pricks her finger, and lets a drop fall onto each ace.
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teebarnes · 3 years
✨ | I'm Fallin' For You, Darling.
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Click [100 Followers Fic] for the rest of the 100 follower fics :)
Pairing: Chris Evans x female!reader
Summary: Both you and Chris have quite the relationship, it all started the day you gave him a marker.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warning(s): Fluffffff, Angst for sure, talk of anxiety (not a lot but also a lot).
A/N: Thank you guys so much for 100 followers! It means the world, I hope you like this one as much as I do. (Sorry that's a lotta words).
⤑ Click here for my taglist so you can be notified when my new fics are posted.
Any Likes, Comments & Reblogs are super duper appreciated :))
When Chris Evans is nervous, there is only one thing that calms him down. And that one thing is you and the fact that you allow him to doodle on your hands all the time.
The premiere of Captain America: The Winter Soldier was the first time you saw Chris so nervous. Him constantly rubbing his hands together or bouncing his leg underneath the press table and the times when he'd fiddle with the hem of his shirts. These were things you noticed Chris did when he got nervous, and it seemed that you were the only one who witnessed them.
The third day into the film's press tour, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You knew what it felt like to be anxious, the feeling settling within the depths of your stomach or the constant avoidance of looking out to an audience. Sometimes you'd excuse yourself a few times throughout interviews just to catch your own breath.
The whole TCA: TWS cast sat along the stage of the comic-con panel. The hosts introduced you all, crowds cheering loudly when they saw everyone.
You took your seat next to Chris, who was already fiddling with his plastic water bottle that he'd been gripping so tightly on, you could already see the indents on the bottle. You smiled, looking out to the audience waving back to some of your fans that you could see holding signs up for you in the crowd. It was, in fact, times like these that your anxiety shot right out the window, replacing that anxiety with happiness and admiration of your fan base.
Five minutes into the panel talk and questions were directed to Scarlett and RDJ. You knew you wouldn't be talking anytime soon as, of course, like all other press tours, the interviews were heavily coordinated. So before you'd have the chance to speak, Sebastian, Anthony, and the Russo brother would go first. Sitting back in your chair, you took a sip of your water, your eyes following down to where Chris was bouncing his leg. Then, setting your water back onto the table, you pulled yourself and your chair closer to the table, reaching over across Joe Russo, who observed what you were doing.
"Could you pass me the marker, please, Joe?" you whispered to him; he smiled, nodding handing you the marker. "Thanks", you whispered again.
You returned to the comfort of your seat, Scarlett and RDJ still bantering. You look forward to the audience and give a tiny little smile to the fans who were waving at you. Your eyes looked down to your arm; you wrote a little message on your forearm, so he knew what the pen was for.
You scooted a bit closer to Chris just enough so you could hand him the pen. You lightly looked over to him; your hand went underneath the table and across to rest on Chris' lap. It was right there when his leg stopped bouncing. You held the pen in your hand, waiting for him to take it from you. Chris looked up turning his gaze to you; you gave him a smile nodding.
His eyes directed back down to where your arm was. He read the note you had written for him, 'Use my arm to doodle. It helps with anxiety :)'. He let out a smile, all the while letting out the breath he'd been holding in.
You looked back up and over to Sebastian, who was now talking; you felt the pen slip out from your grip, the marker clicked and the coldish ink embracing the surface of your skin.
One of Chris' hand rested firmly on your forearm to keep it from moving, and the other used to doodle. That was the first time in the history of you knowing Chris to be calm and content. No bouncing his leg or fidgeting. He was completely aware of everything instead of his growing anxiety.
It was after that moment Chris slowly began to fall in love. He never expected someone to notice his worries and do something about them. But, the way you sat there while he doodled on your arm didn't phase you at all, you wanted to support him, and you showed him that you did.
Years later, It became a force of habit, the tiny hugs you'd give Chris just to slide a marker into his pocket before going on stage. The small slight movements he'd make before he took your hand into his so he could draw.
You'd become someone who knew him better than he knew himself. The many dates he took you on lead to you moving in with him. The small moments you both had messing around on set and loving him in the silliest of moments meant eternity to the pair of you. You knew that you had fallen in love with Chris Evans, and so was he. You both just didn't realise that the moment would be a forever moment. If you hadn't offered him a marker that day, where would you be?
It was now the premiere of Avengers: End Game and the last press tour you'd have for a while. Today's interview consisted of a comic-con panel, the same panel you happily let Chris doodle on your arm five years ago.
You both sat together, his hand protectively on your thigh. You were speaking into the mic as a fan had just asked you a question about possibly seeing your character in the future of the MCU. Chris sat there attentive to your voice while he drew on the top of your hand. It was a little duck with a Boston Red Sox hat holding a heart.
Once you had finished answering the question and someone else began to speak, you looked back down to see what Chris was drawing. You squinted in wonder; looking back at Chris, you wondered why he was drawing this. Coincidentally, you had drawn a duck on him one day in between an interview—a duck holding a heart wearing a NASA cap. Chris looked at you with his cheesy smile. Oh! he was up to something, you thought. Chuckling, you watched him colour in the small heart with a red marker. He was, in truth, quite a good artist; you managed to take a photo of all his doodles over the years. But this one, this doodle was a bit different; it meant something more to you.
After you had both finished the panel, you were set on getting a new tattoo. Kissing Chris' lips, you told him that you'd see him at home. Chris had asked you where you were going, so you said you were going out to dinner with your mum in town, which was true you just left out the part of you going to get another tattoo. Your parents were in for the weekend for reasons unknown and wanted to see you before they left, so you had already planned to see them. He nodded, kissing you once more before departing ways.
You both were always so sentimental, and you knew as soon as you saw that duck in a red sox cap holding a heart on your hand that you wanted it to be a forever doodle. That day, when you had drawn a duck on him, he went and got it tatted on his hand the same day. The first tattoo visible on Chris' body, the only tattoo that wasn't hidden under his shirts. In contrast, most of your tattoos were on your arms and wrists; this was another tattoo among the few others you had on your hand, others being the original six symbol and some writing of your favourite quotes.
Before you knew it, you were sitting on the chair in your private tattoo artist's studio, getting the duck tattooed on you forever. The tattoo was a reminder of memories both you and him had experienced together.
The red sox hat, being where he took you on your first date five years ago. To a Red Sox game, of course. You didn't have anything to wear to represent the team, so Chris kindly offered you his Red Sox cap to wear; five years later, Chris had to purchase a new hat because you kept his one. Of course, he didn't mind; he loved to see you dressed in things that were his; the hat was one of them.
"I don't have anything to wear", you sadly pouted at Chris, looking at him in his Red Sox jersey and cap.
He looked down to you as you stood next to him, holding his hand softly, looking out to the stadium. He smiled, taking his cap off and placing it over your head.
"Now you do", he smiled, leading you down the stairs to your seats. You weren't really a fan of baseball. Still, once you had experienced your first game, oh man... it became a routine for both you and Chris to attend every game the Red Sox were playing at.
The duck, the furry little animal you had brought home a few months after you had first moved in with Chris two years ago. In all honesty, you wanted to get a turtle, but as soon as you saw that slight yellow fluff waddling around at the pet store, you wanted nothing more than to take it home with you. Chris couldn't say no to you, so the duck became your baby.
"y/n?" Chris came around the corner where you'd sat yourself talking to the little duck... Chris had been looking for you for almost fifteen minutes when he found you sitting there with the pet shop worker.
The excitement in your eyes told him that you had forgotten all about the turtle. You looked up at him smiling, patting the empty seat next to him. He sat watching you pet the small baby duck with your thumb lightly. "I'm naming him Alfie" you smiled brightly, looking back at Chris.
He took the duck out of your hands and chuckled, "Alfie, it is".
The red heart...
A reminder of how much you both loved each other. Something that had never gone away, the love both you and Chris had continued, it grew stronger over time, of course with a few hiccups here and there but never enough to break that love. But this, the tiny little heart being tattooed onto you, was one similar to the heart that homed your middle finger on a ring. The rose gold ring he gifted you when he asked you to be his girlfriend four years ago.
You rested your head on Chris' shoulder as both of you watched the office. A new series you'd been watching together, it was a few months after your first date with Chris, and you both were head over heels with each other.
"Hey y/n", he whispered.
"I'm fallin' for you darling."
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking up at him, "You're what", you whispered softly, you heard what he said, but you just needed to hear it again.
He brought the small box out, opening it to reveal a rose gold band hearts making up the band. "I said I'm falling in love with you", he smiled before continuing ", Be my girlfriend?" he sweetly asked.
You chuckled, letting him slide the ring onto your middle finger. "Of course", you whispered back to him before cupping his face. You both looked at each other, you saw it, you saw the life you'd been wanting. It was with him.
"I love you".
Sitting at the dinner table with your parents, you briefly looked down at the now wrapped tattoo on your hand. You had thanked your tattoo artist for another fantastic job; the new ink was precisely how Chris drew it on you earlier today. Your parents were eating away and so were you.
"It's great to see you again, Hunny", your dad spoke.
You smiled, nodding. "I've missed you guys so much."
"What's on your agenda for this weekend?" you spoke again, taking a bite of your food. Your mum and dad took one look at each other before your mum stopped to talk.
"Your dad and I are going to old friends party", she smiled at you. "party", you chuckled. "Since when do you guys party".
"it's an engagement party, I mean... do you have some parties we could go to" your dad joked.
"First of all... no." you laughed, cringing at the image in your head of your parents dancing and drinking. "But that's nice. I hope you both have fun, wish whoever a congratulations for me" you smiled.
"Oh, we will", your mum outwardly said. You took a second to squint your eyes in curiosity to your mum's tone. "Mhkay".
It was the end of dinner, and you had parted ways with your parents, taking a Cab to the home you shared with Chris. "thank you, driver," you smiled, hopping out of the cab walking up to your driveway. You giggled, seeing Dodger patiently waiting for you at the front door. "Hey buddy", you smiled, opening up the door for him to jump all over you.
Closing the door behind you, kneeling down to cuddle your pup. Dodger wagged his tail giving you kisses. "Shhhhh", you chuckled lightly, "were you waiting for me, huh?" you watched Dodger roll around on the floor. You stood up, taking your shoes off, leaving your keys on the hook. "C'mon, baby", you whispered, gesturing for Dodger to follow. You both walked down the hall, Dodger by your side.
You could hear the snores coming from your room and knew Chris was already sleeping. You opened the door, looking down at Dodger "go keep my spot warm for me, please", you sweetly asked your pup, who did just that. You watched him gently jump up onto the bed and curl up on your side of the bed.
Walking further down the hall, you went to take a shower. Changing into the PJs you left on the warming rack in the bathroom, you followed back out to check on Alfie, who would be sleeping in your office. Once that was done, you head into your and Chris' room. You took off your slippers and ushered Dodger to sleep in his bed. You kissed his head before he left. "night, bubba".
You slide in next to Chris, who had his back to you. Covering yourself with the blanket, you slide one arm around his bare torso pulling yourself closer to him. He was so warm, and you loved it. Chris groaned, turning over. He smiled sleepily. "Hey hon, how was dinner?" "It was good", you kissed his lips, "That's good," he said, pulling you into his arms to cuddle.
"Hey babe"
"mhhh", he mumbled in a sleepy voice.
"I love you."
"I love you too".
The next day you were doing a panel with the marvel cast. Like any other day, you answered questions, so why did you feel this one would be different. You were a bit nervous today, like you had woken up wrong, or you were waiting for something to happen. You didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.
You were talking to your audience. It was a large panel today consisting of the MCU cast, if not all of them. Maybe that's why you were so nervous; the bigger the cast panel, the bigger audience to speak to. "Make eye contact and hand gestures y/n," you thought to yourself right before you begun to answer the fan's questions. You start to use your hands gesturing when a fan had asked you about your character's personality.
Chris smiled, watching you intently; fans noticed. But as you were gesturing, he noticed the tattoo. He had to double-take when he saw your hand, leaving a small on his face. After you finished your question, he leaned in. "I love your tattoo, babe", he whispered; his comment calmed your nerves a bit as you chuckled ", just following your lead."
You both lean back into your seats as Joe and Anthony Russo began the next half of the panel. You were already forty minutes through... only another forty to go.
Anthony spoke, "As you may know, this will be the last you'll see of your favourite actors and actresses for a while..." Joe turned to the entire panel. "So we put together a little something of your time over the last decade" Joe turns back to the audience. "So sit back and relax."
The panel turned their chairs to watch the big screen, the lights dimmed, and the video rolled. It was a decade gag-reel of everyone in the MCU; Chris had pulled your chair closer to his; he knew you were nervous, for what reason? He didn't know, and neither did you. He should've been the nervous one; he was about to do something in front of the entire audience he had been planning for months.
Your head rested on Chris' shoulder, laughing with everyone else as the embarrassing footage rolled through. There was more footage of you and Chris than anyone else, but again, you were too clouded in worry. You didn't overthink about it.
Then there it was, a clip you didn't know existed—a video of you dancing with Scarlett and Jeremy on the infinity war set. You were being videoed from afar, but Chris comes into the frame making funny faces before pointing at you. You blushed a bit, laughing lightly.
"You see her", Past Chris spoke to the camera. "One day, I am going to marry her" he wiggles his finger over to your past self, who was still dancing around like an idiot. You swear your heart stopped, so ultimately, you started bouncing your leg. The video stopped, and the lights came back on. There were hushed voices; you knew they were looking your way, but you couldn't tell why.
You turned your chair, trying to avoid whoever was looking at you. Not noticing anything, nobody was talking. You had turned your head to look down to the end of the panel where The Russo brothers were. They were all looking in your direction, including the whole cast panel. You jumped slightly when Chris caught your leg mid-bounce; you turned to look at him, his eyes dazzling before you. Oh, that smile, you knew that smile all too well. Chris was smiling like a little kid.
Chris tapped you on your thigh, which caught your attention, so you looked down. This is it; this is the same feeling you felt when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. You burst into tears after reading the message on his arm; Chris' forearm rested in your lap while holding a black marker in his hand. You sniffed, looking softly at him. He was now in tears too. Taking the black marker from his grip, you clicked it; resting your hand on his forearm to steady yourself, you answered his question.
'Will you marry me, y/n?' the question written in his bold writing stared right back at you.
You always had your answer 'of course.'
You closed the lid on the pen, and Chris opened his hand; your engagement ring sat in the nook of his palm. He slides it onto your ring finger right next to your rose-gold one. You smile blinking through the tears, you turn to him, and Chris had already stood with his arms in the air.
The whole audience got up cheering; he leaned in, cupping your cheeks, both of you laughing through your kisses. He had lifted you into his arms, spinning you around. He set you back down; you wiped the tears from your face laughing while wearing your t-shirt. At that point, you knew everyone was in on your proposal; you turned to your cast members, who were all clapping.
"Give a round of applause for the future Mr and Mrs Evans!" Joe spoke.
You went around hugging everyone who had gotten up just to congratulate the pair of you. One by one, your friends embraced you in their arms.
"Congratulations", two-voice spoke from behind you, "oh my god, you idiots", you chuckled, pulling your parents into a big hug. Chris stood next to you as your dad pulled him into a hug. "Your fiancé sends her congratulations", he laughed, referencing the conversation you had with them last night.
Chris looked down at you, "They had texted me last night what you had said. I'm surprised you didn't catch on", he laughed. "I- I didn't know... I was curious after mum said it so suspiciously but didn't think," you mentally face-palmed yourself.
And like that, the panel was concluded. Everyone congratulating you and Chris before leaving. Chris had set up a little engagement party back at your house; everyone was enjoying their time having fun. You sat on Chris' lap still in shock, his arms wrapped around your waist "you didn't see that coming, did you?" he smirked, looking up at you.
"No... no, I didn't" you laughed sweetly. Your hand ran over Chris' forearm where it still had both his and your writing on it. "That was the best proposal ever" you looked at him, smiling, "I'm glad, darling" you both leaned into each other, lips connecting softly.
"I've fallen deeply in love with you, Mr Evans".
"I'm still falling for you".
Chris Evans Taglist: @buckyswintersoldiermask @lharrietg @buckyfan12 @afraid-to-be-me @fairityretro
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
keep you warm and safe
summary // bonus part to my arms will hold you; bucky and his wife as she goes through the twelve hours of labor. stories, pain, games, jello and lots of love. [established bucky barnes x fem! reader]
words // 3.2k
warnings // depiction of labor, epidural usage, hospital birth & excessive use of nickname pretty girl
notes // eeeeeeeeeek i was so excited for this request! i love bucky + the mrs + this dynamic so much. note this is written in a similar style as the first piece; snippets of each hour.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Hour One 
Bucky doesn’t know what to do to help you, that much is obvious to you. It might even make you laugh, if it hadn’t been for the pain that was coming and going. Dr. O had apologetically explained that you were only six centimeters dilated and would have to wait until you were at ten, which you knew, but it still sucked to hear.
You groan, a mixture of pain and annoyance, as Bucky looks at your doctor sadly. “How long will that take?” He asks curiously. 
She shrugs before pulling up your chart on the tablet at the end of your bed. “It really depends. It could be anywhere from an hour to more than twelve. Every woman goes through the stages of labor differently.” 
Bucky’s hand is still rubbing your stomach gently as he continues to ask questions. “But her water broke. Her contractions are only a few minutes apart. How can it take another, like, ten hours?” 
Your hand grips him tightly. “Buck, it doesn’t matter.” You say in a tired voice. 
He turns to you a little apologetically. “Sorry, I’m just curious.” He admits sheepishly. Dr. O takes her leave with a kind smile and a gentle pat on your shin. Bucky looks down at you again. “Dads didn’t really go in the room with their wives when I was younger. My dad and I sat out in the waiting room when Becca was born.” 
You look at him with curious eyes. “Really? Your mom was all alone?” 
“I think my grandma was with her for a while, but yeah, pretty much.” He shrugs. “We were let in after Rebecca was cleaned and wrapped up. It’s nice being able to be with you. I just want to help.” 
Your heart swells at his admission. “That’s so sweet, Bucky.” You whisper resting your head against his shoulder. “Tell me about that day.” You demand quietly, hoping a story would help distract you. 
“I don’t really remember much of it.” Bucky starts. “But I remember my dad and I sitting in the waiting room and you know, we lived in such a gloomy time. Before the depression we weren’t too well off, so I know my parents were a little stressed about having two of us hooligans.” He laughs gently and you smile. You feel yourself relax at his voice and although there’s still pain, you’re not struggling to breathe anymore. “But when my dad saw Becca and the nurse let him hold her I saw it all go away. My mom let me crawl into the bed with her. Nothing like this one, mind you. It was smaller and way less comfortable, but she still wrapped her arm around me and kissed my head and my dad introduced me to Becca.” He hastily wipes a tear away. “It’s one of the few good memories I have of back then.”
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” You say, a little guilty. You hadn’t meant to make him sad by bringing up his family. “I wish they could meet me and our babies.” 
Bucky smiles down at you then presses a kiss to your cheek. “Me too, but I know they’re proud of me. I know they would’ve loved you. That’s all I need.” 
You groan as another contraction hits and Bucky sits up a little straighter, his hand immediately rubbing up and down your back. “You’re so strong. I love you so much.” He murmurs as you breathe deeply. 
“I’m so proud of you.” You say a moment later when the sharp pain has passed and you have a second to breathe. 
Bucky snorts and looks you over with his eyes. “Not prouder than I am of you. Nothing I’ve done in this lifetime can compare to what you’re doing right now.” 
And - well - a small part of you wants to argue that Bucky saved lives daily, but the rest of you agreed. Bucky would never do this and his support and pure adoration made it a little easier. 
Hour Three
“I’m hungry.” You complain. Dr. O had left a little over twenty minutes ago after declaring you were still only dilated six centimeters, which felt impossible but who were you to argue with her? “What can I eat?” 
Bucky’s begun pulling out some of the stuff you had packed in the go bag and organizing it in the small hospital dresser. 
“The nurse said I can get you ice chips or jello, but that’s really it.” He answers apologetically. You sigh mournfully. All you really wanted was something to fill you up. “Want me to grab some?” 
“Jello, please.” You shrug. “Are you sure I can’t eat anything? I want, like, mashed potatoes.” You tap your fingers against your stomach as you adjust your pillow behind you with one arm. 
Bucky laughs as he comes over to you. “I’m sure, pretty girl.” His hand cups your cheek gently and you look up at him with a pout. “I’ll bring you some jello.” 
“Thank you.” You smile up at him. Dr. O enters as he leaves and he pauses. “Go! I’ll be fine.” You wave him away as she comes to your bedside. He waits for a moment before finally stepping out of the room. You look at Dr. O with a tired smile. “Checking me again?” You ask.” 
“I will in a little while. I came to talk to you about an epidural. You’ve already been in labor for a few hours and it looks like you’ll be one of the women who is in labor for a tough amount of time.” She explains gently. “It’s completely up to you. You have some time to think.” 
You nod. Your contractions still hurt and they took the wind out of you when they came every few minutes, so it didn’t feel like the worst idea. “Come back in half an hour? Can I have some time to think?” 
“Of course!” She nods. “Take your time. Remember nobody is here to judge you, it’s your body and your choice entirely.” 
You smile. “Thank you.” You relax against your pillow as you wait for Bucky to return with your jello. You think of Dr. O’s advice torn between having a natural birth and the gruelling pain it could leave you in for hours. 
“I come bearing jello.” Bucky pushes the door open softly and smiles at you with two cups of jello in his hand. You frown at their small size and Bucky chuckles. “I know they’re small, that's why I brought you two.” 
You smile gratefully when he peels one open and hands it to you along with a small spoon. You moan at the taste of it and the feeling of being able to eat something even though it’s something small like jello. 
“Dr. O asked if I wanted an epidural.” You murmur in between bites. Bucky nods. “What will that do?” He asks curiously. 
You take a deep breath as pain shoots through you. “Help with these contractions in case labor goes on for hours. I don’t know some women just go entirely natural, I’m torn.” 
“Well is it unsafe?” He asks before handing you the second cup. You shake your head. “There are risks to every medical procedure. It’s not like, bad for the babies but it can have some risky side effects.” You explain. 
Bucky looks at you with intent, like he doesn’t want to miss a word that comes out of your mouth. “You know it’s up to you. Nobody else's opinion should matter, it’s not their body.” 
You take a deep breath. “I know… I just don’t want people to think I’m like, not woman enough or-“
“Stop.” Bucky cuts you off harshly. You look at him with wide eyes. “Pretty girl, nobody can tell you anything about your choices. Got that?” He tilts his head so you’re forced to look him in the eyes. 
You’ve always loved Bucky’s eyes. His emotions reflected in the blue that held your own stare until you nod slowly. 
He smiles then flexes his vibranium arm. “And if they do, they can deal with me.” 
Hour Five 
“Call them back!” You laugh as you sit up in bed. The pain has lessened considerably after the epidural at hour four, when you had only been dilated around seven centimeters. “I’m fine, Buck!” 
Bucky looks hesitant as he pulls the phone out. “Are you sure, pretty girl? If you’re tired you can take a nap or-“
“Bucky.” You whine a little. “I want to talk to my friend! Call Sam back!” He sighs as he pulls out his phone and sets it up on your little tray for food. 
It rings for a few moments before Sam’s face appears on the screen with a wide smile. “My favorite people!” He cheers when he sees you two both in frame. “Man, has anybody told you how beautiful you look right now?” He says sweetly. 
You roll your eyes. “Only every hour. Bucky won’t stop saying it.” You nudge his side playfully. “I look like a disaster, but I appreciate it.” 
Sam and Bucky both shake their heads. “Not true at all. You look like a goddess.” Bucky says sternly. You giggle as Sam snorts. 
“How far along are you?” He asks. You shrug. “About three more centimeters to go, but the doctor said it could take awhile.” 
“Should Steve and I come camp out in the waiting room?” He smirks. “I’m about to buy out the whole gift store.” 
You laugh. “Not necessary! Bucky will text you when we get closer if you want to come down.” 
Sam rolls his eyes good naturedly. “Of course we do. Life gets so boring here at the compound. Steve!” He yells out. You and Bucky flinch at the drastic change in tone. “Steve! Come here!” He looks back at the camera. “He came to help with training today, that worked out great, didn’t it? We can carpool.” 
You both nod as Steve forces his face into the camera view. You and Bucky smile brightly at him and wave. “Hey! You guys look great! I can’t believe you’re gonna have two babies soon.” 
“I can!” You shake your head. “Almost nine months of these babies inside of me, I can’t wait to have them in my arms. I want to drink coffee again and have wine!” 
The three men laugh and Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead. There’s a knock at your door and you two look up to see one of the nurses quietly coming in. “We’ve gotta go! Bucky will text you when you can come down.” You wave goodbye before Bucky grabs his phone and sits up. 
“Hi!” She smiles brightly. “I wanted to come in and say hi, there’s a shift change right now so you'll be seeing me for the next twelve hours.” 
You frown. “Is Dr. O still here?” 
She nods. “Dr. O is on call for you! We’ll be doing regular checks and then we’ll call her back when we believe it’s time to start.” You nod gratefully as she moves towards your bed. 
Hour Seven 
“D1?” You look behind Bucky’s shoulder quickly before back down at your small model ocean. He lets out a defeated sigh and nods. 
“Hit.” You smile victoriously as you place the red pin on your screen. You had sunk his carrier, cruiser and submarine. There were only two left. “A11?” He guesses.
You shake your head. “Miss.” He places yet another white pin on his screen. “E1?” 
Bucky looks up at you suspiciously. “How are you so good at this?” 
“I just know you, my love.” You smile a little too big and Bucky’s eyes narrow. “What?”
“You’re lying.” He looks your face over. “How are you cheating? Can you see over here?” 
You let out an offended gasp. “I would never cheat!” Your tone is a little over dramatic, so you’re not really selling it, but it makes both of you dissolve into laughter. 
Bucky turns around and catches the reflection of his board in the wall mounted television. He nods in an impressed manner before turning back to look at you. “Nice. I’ll let slide because you’re about to push out our children but any other time…” He trails off wagging a finger at you. 
You laugh softly as he begins to pack away the game. “I love you, Buck.” You say sweetly. 
He smiles at you. “I love you too, pretty girl.” 
Hour Nine
“You’re at eight!” The nurse cheers. “Two more, mama! We’re so close!” You look over at her with a tired smile. You had been in and out of sleep since Bucky had packed away the Battleship game. 
Bucky runs his fingers up and down your arm. His fingertips offer some cooling comfort, but you’re exhausted. Nine hours of sitting in the room, getting hourly checks and not being able to move around besides small walks has taken a toll. 
“What do you need from me, pretty girl?” Bucky murmurs. 
You shrug. “I want this to be over with. I want to have them in our arms. Why is it taking so long?” You mumble in a trembling voice. You hadn’t realized how emotionally exhausted you were too. 
Bucky sighs sadly as he stares down at you. “I’m not sure, pretty girl. The doctor said every woman goes through labor differently.” 
“That does nothing to help me.” You snap at him. Bucky’s eyes widen and you squeeze your eyes shut willing the tears gathering in them to go away. 
You feel Bucky rub his hand up and down your arm. “You’re okay.” He whispers. “You can cry, pretty girl. Nobody is gonna judge you.” He says quietly, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
You open your eyes to look at him apologetically. “I’m sorry.” You whisper, but he shakes his head. 
“Nothing you say or do while going through this is going to offend me.” He explains gently. “If you wanna yell at me, yell at me. Just let me help.” 
You laugh wetly. “I’m not gonna emotionally abuse you.” You rest your hand over his on your cheek. “I just need you here to listen to me complain and say I know it sucks.”
“That’s it?” He chuckles and you shrug. “And maybe get back in bed with me for a couple minutes.” He smiles and you scoot over a little bit. 
Bucky presses himself to your side and wraps a careful arm around you. You take a deep breath and rest your head against his shoulder. You don’t even notice the tears until Bucky begins to wipe them silently off your cheeks while pressing kisses to your forehead. 
“You got this, pretty girl. Just a little while longer.” 
You nod. “Get more jello for me, please?” You ask quietly. Bucky laughs, but moves to stand up. “The cherry flavor this time!” You call out as he opens the door, his laughter echoes in the hall and it makes you smile.
Hour Ten
“Nine! You’re doing so well! Your babies are almost here.” You smile brightly at the words and turn your head to look at Bucky. 
“You know you can sleep a little? You’ve been awake this entire time.” You urge. Bucky had been with you every minute you were awake. He ate when you were asleep so you wouldn’t be jealous of the food. Finished unpacking your go bag and talking to nurses, you couldn’t imagine that he had found the time to rest. “I don’t want you passing out when you see what happens when I push these kids out.” 
Bucky lets out a loud laugh. “I promise you I’ve seen worse.” He pulls one of the chairs up to sit beside you. Squeezing both of you on there had just become too hot and uncomfortable for you. “Besides, I slept for a little while you napped.” 
“For how long?” You cross your arms over your stomach. 
Bucky rubs the back of his neck. “Like twenty minutes? I’m fine, pretty girl. I used to go days without more than an hour of sleep. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
“That’s why I worry about you.” Your hand finds his resting beside you on the bed. “I know you’ll play it off until you pass out from exhaustion.” 
Bucky smiles like he’s surprised by your love for him. Maybe he still is, even after all this time together. You smile back. “I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, pretty girl. Not the other way around.” He teases. 
You shake your head. “I think we’ve always been good at comforting each other. Doesn’t matter when.” Bucky smiles brightly at you with a nod. 
“You’re always right.” He murmurs. “What would I do without you?” You open your mouth to respond. “Don’t answer. I don’t even like thinking about it.” 
Hour Eleven
“God. Fuck.” You groan. The pressure you feel mixed with the dulled contractions was awful. “Can I push? Please?” You look down at Dr. O. 
Your room has been set up with incubators, medical tools and you felt exposed to the group in front of you. She nods. “When you start, we’re gonna count to eight, okay? Then a rest period.” She looks between you and Bucky.
Bucky presses a quick kiss to your forehead before wrapping one of your hands between both of his. “Ready, mama?” You nod hastily as Dr. O begins to count out loud. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on her counting only letting out a breath when she says stop. “You look amazing right now.” Bucky whispers and you scoff.
“Just need you to breathe with her, Mr. Barnes.” Dr. O urges gently and he nods, breathing in with you before breathing out.
The routine breathing helps relax you for your small rest break before Dr. O begins counting again for another push. “You’re doing so well, pretty girl.” 
Bucky’s got his left hand interlocked with yours. “Breathe.” Dr. O lets out. “You’re so close.” She cheers you on.
“I can’t do this. I can’t.” You shake your head with teary eyes. After hours and hours of restlessness, you’re exhausted. You can’t help but feel this will take you out. You can hear your heart monitor spike a little. Bucky’s eyes frantically look around the room which does little to quell your worry. “Bucky.” You cry.
“We need to push, Mrs. Barnes.” Dr. O urges. You shake your head but stop when Bucky’s hand grips your chin and forces you to look at him. 
“You can do this.” His voice is stern. “You know you can. What did I say? This isn’t gonna be what takes you out, pretty girl.” You sniffle as you watch him talk. “You gotta push for me, okay?”
You take in a deep, shuddering breath before nodding. “Okay.” You say quietly before turning your attention back to Dr. O. “Okay.” 
Hour Twelve 
“A boy and a girl.” You murmur tiredly as Bucky pushes back stray hairs and wipes the sweat off your forehead. “Our babies.” 
“Our babies.” He agrees a little wetly. “You did amazing, pretty girl. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Did you call the boys?” You ask. You can hear the cries echo in the room as nurses perform necessary checks. Bucky laughs. “I did. They’re in the waiting room.” He answers. 
“Are they okay?” You ask, unable to move and check yourself. Bucky looks over his shoulder before looking back down at you. “They are. They’re perfect, just getting cleaned up. A boy and a girl.” Bucky murmurs in awe. 
“Eleanor and Steven.” You whisper. “Can I hold them?”
“Soon.” Bucky smiles before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “A couple more minutes.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // i’m so glad someone liked my arms will hold you enough to want more of it! i love family bucky, he has my heart. 
replies and reblogs are appreictaed if you enjoyed this! 💞
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
New York Special Salt: Confrontation
So....kind of had a thought on whether certain parties would respond poorly to discovering the stunt Alya and Nino pulled.
Salt to follow. Don’t like salt or characters being called out, don’t read below the cut:
"Wait. Wait. Wait." Adrien held up a hand to get their attention while cradling his head with the other. He couldn't believe this. He didn't want to believe this.
But he couldn't ignore it, he realized, as he lowered his hand and gave Alya and Nino a glare.
"Did you seriously lock us in a room with a fake supervillain just to see us make out?”
Nino floundered. Alya, however, went on the defensive.
"We were just giving you two a little alone time."
Neither Adrien nor Marinette looked happy with that response.
"I'm seeing someone!" Adrien exclaimed.
"I'm trying to move on from him!" Marinette cried.
Adrien balked at that. "Wait, you like me?"
"You're seeing someone!" Marinette repeated. "I couldn't just get in the way of that! I like you and Kagami is my friend!"
"At least someone cared about that." Adrien said, shooting Alya and Nino a dirty look.
“Nino, what the hell? You know I’m dating Kagami.”
The DJ winced. “I know. I just thought…well, you and Marinette have a lot in common.” He rubbed the back of his head. “And it’d be easier to double-date if it was the four of us and—”
Adrien glared, looking startlingly similar to his father.
“Alya made me do it!” Nino exclaimed, pointing to his girlfriend.
Alya turned on him in outrage. “Nino!”
This only made him turn on her, a full rant on his lips.
“Adrien!” Marinette started, moving in front of him and getting his attention. “It’s my fault! I like you and they knew that and they were just trying to help me—”
She was cut off at the abrupt way he turned to her and his intense stare.
“Marinette.” He stated, taking her hands in his own and smiling so sincerely at her.
“You are the kindest, most warm-hearted and honest person I know. It's what I've always admired about you. You apologize and try to make up for even the slightest of mistakes. You take full blame for things that aren’t completely your fault. You constantly help and defend people in need. You easily forgive others when they wrong you and try to help them regardless.” 
In an instant, the warm sincere smile was gone. “I am asking you, for once: Don’t.”
“But—but it’s my fault—”
“Did you ask them to do this? Was this a plan you were in any way part of?” He questioned her.
“Well, to be fair I have made some pretty convoluted plans in the past—”
Her name was sharp on his tongue. Brokering no argument. Demanding a simple answer.
She winced.
“No.” She mumbled, a mix of bitterly for the truth and guiltily for the lack of defense for her friends.
“Then for once, let me stand up for you.”
…What could she say to that?
She allowed Adrien to gently push her behind him as he squared off with Alya and Nino.
“You lured us into a room with no idea what was going on. You trapped us there and had us think we were in danger. You created a villain that made us believe no one loves us—which even with the fact that we weren’t ‘technically’ in danger, was a rather cruel thing to do.” He spat out, sounding especially hurt.
All three of those present winced.
“What part of any of this seemed like a good idea?” He demanded.
“We were just trying to give her a chance—”
“Did you even ask her? Or me? At what point did either of us tell you that being forced into an anxiety-inducing and potentially life-threatening situation was on our to-do list for this trip?”
“But it wasn’t life-threatening! Neither of you were hurt!” Alya pointed out.
Like that excused it. Like that made this any better.
“You didn’t know we wouldn’t be, Alya! We didn’t know what was going on! We could have hurt ourselves trying to escape!” He countered, practically seething at this point. “What were you thinking?!”
Alya narrowed her eyes and steeled her resolve.
“Marinette was going to give up on you before either of you had a chance to see if it would work! I had to help!”
The pigtailed girl covered her face with her hands. “I was trying to move on, I promise!”
“And you couldn’t try talking?!” He shouted back at Alya. “You couldn’t just TELL ME?!”
“Chill out, man. Marinette tried.” Nino spoke up, trying to defend.
“I didn’t mean for this—” Marinette cried. “I just wanted a good trip as friends!”
Alya rolled her eyes. “Marinette tried many times, but she always flaked out at the end, so I just tried to set up a stage she couldn’t run from at the last minute—”
“Then why didn’t YOU just tell me yourselves if it was that damned important?”
Suddenly, everything went quiet. Marinette looked up, tearful.
Nino backed up, warily.
Alya…actually looked a bit pale.
Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.
“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”
He glared.
“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”
“Marinette didn’t want to—”
“But she wanted to be stuck with me on a plane to the point of a panic attack? She wanted to be shoved in a room with me? She wanted to feel threatened with a supervillain attack on top of the anxiety of being pushed to confess to me? If she couldn’t tell me and you two weren’t going to tell me, then WHY BOTHER WITH THIS AT ALL?! What was all of THIS supposed to accomplish that simply telling me yourselves wouldn’t?”
“We…” Alya hesitated. “I was just trying to help.”
“If you wanted to help, you would LISTEN to your best friend when she tells you what she wants!” Adrien shouted, gesturing to Marinette. “She just said she wanted to move on! She wanted to NOT have to confess! She wanted to just try and be friends! And yeah, I’m shocked and a little frustrated that I never caught on to any of her feelings before now, but that’s because I’m a teenage boy who is new to feelings and I didn’t know about hers!”
He glared at Alya.
“What’s your excuse?”
It took a moment for Adrien to force himself to calm.
“I’m in a relationship. I do not want to cheat on Kagami. Marinette doesn’t want to disrupt what we have. Forcing us into a locked room together to force her to confess when she’s not ready and doesn’t want to would not result in any sort of happy or healthy relationship between us due to those factors. Which you both should have known.” He said, shooting another glare at them.
“I’m still new to how friendship works. But this…this isn’t how a friend acts. You don’t push a friend into a position they’re not comfortable with. You don’t discourage them from doing what’s healthier for them. And you don’t keep setting them up to fail.”
Alya gaped. “I…I don’t want her to fail!”
“You aren’t helping her to succeed.” He pointed out. “And if you truly think that forcing these situations neither of us are comfortable with is supposed to be necessary, then maybe you should rethink why this is really so important to you.”
Adrien took Marinette’s hand in his and started leading her to the door.
If the situation were different, maybe Marinette would have felt her heart flutter. But as it stood, she could barely tell over the way it was pounding in her ears from the anxiety and stress of this whole situation.
“I’m going to take Marinette. And we’re going to talk about where we stand as friends.” He shot a final glare at the other two.
“Maybe you should consider the same.”
The door slammed shut behind him.
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Random Thoughts: A Dark Past
This came into mind; the Male reader is a prisoner of war and is taken back to the mainland. As usual, me and @softboy5393 fanboying over this.
I went overboard with this.
You were taken by a Titan with a long face, like a horse into its mouth. You fell unconscious during the whole time.
When you woke, you were in some room. You looked around to see where you were, you noticed you had a red armband on your left arm. 'What the... where am I?'
Then the door opened. "Ah, I see you're awake." the unknown person said along with others. He had blonde hair and an undercut style which was pushed back. [This] He also had an armband on, but his was more of a lighter red.
You took the people that walked and noticed that Reiner was there. "YOU DAMN TRAITOR!" you attacked him. You didn't do that much damage before getting pulled off of him.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! DON'T TOUCH ME!" you yelled trying to get away from them.
"So, you're the guy that Pieck took? You island devils are sure are something." The one with blonde hair said, sitting down. Reiner was dusting himself off.
"I guess we should introduce ourselves? I'm Pieck. You already know Reiner. The one with glasses is Zeke and the one next to you is Porco." The girl- Pieck said. She had long, disheveled shoulder-length black hair, a Greek nose, and relaxed dark brown eyes.
"You probably have questions as to where you are?" you calmed down a bit to respond.
"Yes. And why am I here? Why did you take me from my home?" you said, backing away from them.
"You're in the nation of Marley. And it was Reiner's idea to take you."
It had been 4 years since you were captured. You've kind of gotten used to the new environment. 'So, humanity didn't die after all?'
You were shocked by the outside world. There were these flying ships in the skies, a cart that was driving without horses leading it. The food you have never seen before. A picture that was too detailed for any person to draw.
"That's a blimp, that's a car, and that's a photograph," Zeke said, showing you everything.
You also got to meet others. "That's Gabi, Falco, Sophia, and Udo. They are the next in line to inherit the Titans."
Gabi looked at you with mistrust. She had hatred in her eyes. "Don't mind her, she hates anyone from the 'Island of Devils.'" Zeke whispered into your ear.
It has taken a while for Gabi to get used to you but in due time.
You were walking with Pieck, Reiner, and Porco in the Liberio Internment Zone. There were stands everywhere and colorful decorations everywhere. You were amazed.
"Today's the festival, M/n. Ambassadors and famous families from all over the world are going to be here for Willy's speech. Of course, since you're with us, you'll be joining too." Pieck said she was your favorite out of all of them.
"Let's go try some things. Try this." she gave you some kind of dessert with a cone?
You gave it one lick... "WHY IS IT SO COLD?!?!" you said, others were looking at you weirdly.
"What's this?" You picked some triangle-shaped food with toppings and cheese? "Mmm, this is good! I never had anything like it!"
You had a fun time at the festival but now it was time for Willy Tybur's speech. You sat with the others but Porco, Pieck, and Zeke were requested.
Then the sounds of instruments began to play and Willy came on stage. He bowed before starting. "Allow me to tell you a story."
(This is the entirety of Willy's speech)
"Approximately one hundred years ago, the Eldian race ruled the world with the power of the Titans."
"Between the appearance of the Founder, Ymir, and the present day, Titans have stolen the lives of so many people that the present population of the world..." showed Titans eating people. "Could die thrice over and still not compare."
Then the lights turned red, people appeared covered in blood and screaming. "Because of Titans, and an extraordinary number of races, and the cultures ad histories thereof, have been stolen from the world."
"That slaughter has defined human history and the history of the Eldian Empire. And when the Eldian Empire ran out of enemies, it turned to the killings of its own kind."
You were shocked. Was this the history of your ancestors? Were they like this?
"Thus began the Great Titan War."
"Houses holding eight Titans shed blood in combat among themselves. In these desperate times, one Marleyan saw a path to victory. He was our hero, Helos."
"By artfully waging an information war, he led the Eldian Empire's biggest threats to turn against and kill one another. By joining hands with the Tybur family, they forced the unbeatable King Fritz to flee and retreat to Paradis island." the crowd began to clap. You were awestruck.
"But even exiled to the island, the king still held power. Tens of millions of Titans are capable of crushing the world flat still slumber on that island." the crowd gasps at the revelation and fear.
"The fact that our world still exists undisturbed to this day is pure luck. That is the only explanation our Titan experts could muster up. My fatherland, Marley, decided to take the initiative against the island and sent four Titans to neutralize the threat, but that plan failed and only the Armored Titan returned."
'That's why Reiner broke down the walls.'
"In other words, the Eldian Empire, the scrounge of human history, is alive and well."
"Now, the story up to this point consists of facts known to everyone. The truth, however, differs slightly. From here on, I'll discuss the memories passed down in my family alongside the Warhammer Titan."
"The complete truth will be revealed here and now for the first time. Approximately one hundred years ago, the one who ended the Great Titan War was neither Helos nor the Tybur family." Two people standing side by side to him.
One was represented Helos and the other, the Tybur family.
"The man who brought an end to that war and saved the world was King Fritz. He came to regret the Eldian Empire's savage history and the infighting among his own people."
"Above all, he grieved for the Marleyans and the oppression they lived under. When he inherited the Founding Titan, he and the Tybur family devised a plan." The lights turned blue with King Fritz and the Tybur family shaking hands in agreement.
"To establish a single Marleyan as a hero in the war. His name: Helos. After that, King Fritz moved as many Eldians to Paradis as he could. Erecting the great walls around them."
"He left a warning if anyone threatens his peace, countless Titans would be unleashed in retaliation. However, he never intended make good on this threat." Things began to add up to you. That's why the world hates Eldians. 'I'm not what they say we are!'
He continued. "King Fritz made a vow of renouncing war and bound his successors to uphold it, just as he had. Thus his ideology was passed down to each new King of the walls and the Titans with the power to crush the world remain dormant."
"Marley didn't stop Eldia and pure luck hasn't kept the world from being crushed, it was the king of the walls, Karl Fritz, a man who yearned for peace. That's it. That's all he wanted. He said if Marley grew strong someday and came in force to shatter his peace and seize the Founding Titan, he would accept it."
"He believed the sins his people committed were so horrific that they could never be atoned for."
"When the day of retribution finally comes, I will accept it until then let me enjoy this walled paradise, free from strife and conflict. I ask for nothing but a brief span of peace."
"Those were the final words the king left us with." King Fritz stood next to Willy bowing.
The crowd erupted into chatter. "What does this mean?" Gabi was shocked to along with her friends. You were twice as shocked as they were.
"If what he saying is true..."
"So, Marley and the Tybur family didn't save the world?"
"Willy wouldn't lie..."
"That means Paradis doesn't actually pose a threat, right?"
Willy spoked, the crowd went silent. "It's true, to secure our own safety, my family joined hands with King Fritz and became heroes to the world. While our fellow Eldians became devils but plainly, we Tyburs are petty thieves, growing fat on honor we did not earn."
"I stand before you willingly parting with my false glory because I have come to understand that the world we share is in grave danger" the crowd began to chat again. The drums began to ring.
"With the Founder's might, King Fritz erected three walls, using a great host of colossal Titans..." the background changed to colossal titans conjoining arms. "Counted together, the walls surely contains tens of millions of colossal Titans."
"They guard the King's peace as his shield and his spear or they did, but now, that peace is being threatened from within. An uprising has taken place on Paradis, the king has been deposed, the Founding Titan stolen."
The background changed to a devil. "The thief is an enemy to every man, woman, and child outside his island. An enemy of peace, his name... IS EREN JAEGER." Your eyes widen...
"If the colossal of Paradis are ordered to walk, the rumbling will be felt across the Earth and death will follow. Until now, only royalty has had the power to wield the Founding Titan and King Fritz's vow has kept his descendants from using it, but this Eren Jaeger has found a way to use the founder without having royal blood."
"Which means he could begin the rumbling at any moment. Once the walls of Paradis begin to walk, there will be nothing we can do. Except flee in vain from the sound of Earth-shaking steps that will herald our doom." your face turned into a worried one. Was this going to happen?
"These monsters will crush every city, trample every tree and flower, they will literally flatten our world. I have always hated my blood and more than anyone. I have wished that my race would disappear."
Willy sounded like he gonna burst into tears. " However, I confess that I want to live. That despite everything, I believed this world is my birthright just as it is yours."
"The people gathered here may belong to different races, different nations but if we're to survive this crisis then for the first time in history, we must join as one. SO PLEASE, if you wish to live and lend me your strength, help me protect our world's future!" The cameras began to flash. The crowd erupted into cheering.
"If we work together, we can overcome any obstacle, any threat! I ask each of you to join me as I go to fight the devils who would plunge our world into hell! HELP ME DEFEAT THEM!"
The crowd continued to clap and cheer. "Here and now, as a representative of Marley's government, I send this message to the devils of Paradis!"
"CONSIDER THIS, A DECLARATION OF WAR!" As Willy said that, a Titan erupted from the building behind the stage. A Titan you knew very well.
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bokugaos · 4 years
cheering crowd.
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pairing: bokuto x reader
length: 2k
tags: exhibitionism, predicament bondage, master/pet, degradation, nipple play, lactation, belly bulge, cum inflation, double penetration (one hole), toys, creampie
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it’s all just a show and make-believe, but when the curtain goes up and there’s a sea of people behind it, you still flinch back and want to shield yourself from everyone’s eyes.
of course, that is impossible with your hands bound behind your back. still, it makes you wobble on the unstable stools you’re kneeling on, and as you tense your abdominal muscles and struggle to regain balance, you finally realize the predicament you’re in.
there’s an uncomfortable pull from the rope wrapped around you and attached to the floor, and the gentle, not quite satisfying slide of the fake cock in your ass.
you close your eyes and take a deep, shuddering breath through your nose, teeth gently digging at the ball gag in your mouth.
you have to remind yourself that this is all just a game; that this is make-believe, that nobody other than bokuto will put a hand on you. there are lights on stage that transform the onlookers into a faceless, dark mass. 
you blink, trying to discern some of the faces. you want to know if there is anybody in the crowd that you know; maybe have a friendly face that you can hold on to while you are being put on display, visible to everybody and so very, very vulnerable—but your eyes start tearing up from the glare of the light and you’d rather keep them closed.
which makes the whole thing even more scary. your thighs are trembling until the motion travels down and into the unsteady stools you are kneeling on. again, you are clumsily fucking yourself a bit deeper onto the generously lubed dildo before trying to pull up and away, the bindings tugging at your limbs in the process.
you whine, suddenly frustrated with the whole situation—and it hasn’t even been ten minutes yet. nothing has happened at all, other than your blatant exposure and your indignant, embarrassing struggling.
the crowd is watching you fight your bondage, and it makes you all the more antsy. you know they can see how unsure you are about this whole thing. you know they can see all your movements, and you don’t quite like the thought of it. of them realizing that you’re still a pet in training; that your master is letting you play like this for the very first time—
you can feel him hovering just behind you. his energy is warm and vibrating; like he has to physically hold himself back from gentling you down and reassuring you. it’s not what the audience wants, though, and it’s killing you that he has not touched you for the longest time.
everything is so quiet.
one of your legs jerks suddenly, nearly kicking the stools away, and you cry out soft and pathetic, the sound muffled by the gag. your head falls back when the sensation of the fake cock sliding deeper into your belly has warmth radiating off of his insides.
and like that has been the start signal, the show suddenly gets rolling.
“a gorgeous specimen, this one.” an unfamiliar voice booms.
your head jerks around. you try to see who is the one that has spoken, but the person is nowhere to be seen. your sudden motion has you wobbling again as well, and as you struggle not to fall, the binding around your chest tightening.
you groan into your gag, feeling drool starting to slip from the corner of your mouth. you’re very aware of your tits now; hanging from its own weight. it feels swollen from the squeeze, and nothing much has happened yet other than you getting trussed into this current situation by bokuto’s warm and sure hands.
there’s a harness around your waist to make sure you don’t hurt yourself if you were to completely fall off the unsteady stool you’re kneeling on, and you are uncomfortably aware of how it is framing your upper body and making them look more plush than usual; tits looking even bigger and flush, almost.
“there it is,” the unfamiliar voice croons, jerking you out of your thoughts once more. the man laughs. it does not sound belittling, but he seems trained in this kind of thing; like he could make his voice do all sorts of nasty things. like he enjoys doing this.
“she’s getting nice and drunk, do you see? she’s struggling so hard not to go down, but we all know she’ll get there sooner rather than later.”
the crowd murmurs for the first time, low and appreciative. your nipples pebble at the sound, something stubborn wanting to rear inside you; the same thing that made you struggle, not wanting to show off just how badly you like to be praised and cooed over.
you huff, nostrils flaring as your excitement spikes, as much as you hate to admit it. you try to breathe through it and center yourself, but it is difficult when you’re so very purposefully kept off-center.
“bokuto is her owner, and he’s told me quite a few interesting titbits. seems like we have a very good girl on our hands – only that sometimes she doesn’t want to show it. ain’t that right, sweet pumpkin?”
you jerk at the pet name, brows coming down in a fierce scowl. you dig your teeth into the rubber of the ball gag, muscles tensing in annoyance. you sure as hell won’t let anyone else other than your master calling you some cute nickname.
“aw look at that! the little lady is getting all antsy—”
you glare at the ground at that, frustration burning hot through your veins. you twist, forgetting all about the scene as you struggle against all your bindings.
the stools slide away, and all of a sudden your body falls down a few inches. you yelp in alarm, shrill and high-pitched as the fake cock slides into you deep, spearing you open as the harness keeps you from seriously injuring yourself.
you hang there in the air, eyes big and face slack in shock as bokuto steps a bit closer, his big, warm hand landing between your shoulder blades as a point.
he leans forward some, staring into your surprised, big eyes.
“how’s my puppy doing?” he beams, and you, as if in a trance, just dumbly nod.
you are truly helpless now, as you hang in the air, your ankles kept up and off the floor by some more straps that connect them to the back of your arms.
bokuto smiles at you, eager and delighted, like you making a huge embarrassment out of yourself and losing your dignity has all been planned. he steps back again, not moving out of your line of sight as he swings you to face him, and positions you just still, spreading your thighs even wider against the binding.
his hands never leave you, though, tracing the bindings all along the exposed skin of your back.
“there she goes,” the voice says, but it is difficult to focus on it when bokuto slides into you, squeezing his cock along with the slick dildo while the rope around you restricts firmly just how far he can push you through the air.
you whine into the gag, muscles trembling as you try for some semblance of control, and the man keeps talking in the background.
“she’s a good pet. a bit hostile, as you can see—but certainly very eager to please her master. look how sweet and obedient she’s becoming now.”
you are chewing at your gag, drooling around it more as he holds you in the air, the feeling of getting fucked by his cock and the dildo, and getting your nipples tugged on just this side of rough is making it so difficult to keep a calm head on your shoulders.
with that huge cock inside you, that pulsing head, the ridge just beneath it, veins swelling thick all the way to its fat base. more like stone than flesh, dragging brutally on your soft insides, rubbing your inner walls raw. and your pussy keeps gushing despite the humiliation of it all. how could it not when his hard cock fills every possible inch of you, just pulsating at the base of your belly before coming in hot jets and grinding it all in? 
you’re a mess, you know, but the faceless mass of people does not sound put-out by the sight of you.
it is embarrassing to think that they can see just how easy you are for it; how you become all sweet and soft for a bit of rough handling, while you’re suspended in the air, body rocking against bokuto’s massive figure.
“look at how sweet and rope-drunk she’s getting. the little lady just needs a bit of her master’s firm hand.”
you sob at the words. bokuto rams even deeper, leaning into you so you can feel him as he starts to additionally pluck at your nipples, fingers hot and relentless as he plays with your body in front of the whole crowd.
he lets them all see and hear how you go wild when he plays with your nipples. lets them know just how sensitive your tits really are.
and that was it. that flips the switch. you come with a scream, loud but muffled by the ball gag between your lips.
you arch, body curving with the shape of his cock ramming into you. to your shame—and a violent amount of pleasure—it just has your tits squirting all over nipples beaded and splattering bokuto with white. bokuto seems to be going even harder—rougher—between the gushing of your tits and the violent spurt of your orgasm, and they drive him to a massive splash emptying out inside you. the force of it pushes the dildo out of your hole, and the excess cum squelches out, splattering warm and filthy against his slick thighs and down to the floor of the stage, leaving a big wet mess.
bokuto maneuvers himself deeper, twisting like a corkscrew and making your insides twist too, and it only drags your orgasm longer. you are sobbing now, hiccuping and struggling to breathe, now realizing that the hugeness in your stomach just increased by that much. it swells, bloating on cum, the sloshing weight in your stomach; you wouldn’t be able to hold yourself up if not for being held up by the ropes and skewered on bokuto’s hard cock.
as you stare into his eyes, you know you’ll be coming all over your legs again, let him fill you up with his cum. it only rounds your stomach out more, until you think you might burst. there is plenty of excess seed frothing white and creamy at your battered hole, but that massive dick shoves it right back in with a filthy wet slap.
you’re nothing more than his dumb pet; a hole and womb, heavy and teeming with seed. the circumference of your belly and tits, the dilation of your hole, the elasticity. his dick plunges in and out methodically while you shake and squirm, too weak to even utter any words.
his touches tingle through you, jostle the sheer fullness of your belly. you squeal, louder and louder until you’re simply moaning like the cum slut that you are, body singing with pleasure as the horror fades from your eyes.
you ache, seeing nothing but white whenever his cock slots into your gaping hole and fills you back up all the way to the womb. big and rock hard and full of thick, creamy seed for your hungry body. and you’re taking it so well, you’re gonna be so full of cum. each violent thrust rocks your bound body back and forth, but from the mindless smile on your face, it seems you have finally learned to embrace your situation.
your eyes fill with happy tears as you realize you’re stuck here for a while, to be bred like a glory hole for as long as bokuto is done showing you off.
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