#and like hermione said when else would they drive
WHAT THE HELL WHY IS SNAPE SO MUCH MORE CRUEL IN THE BOOKS? 💀 Thank you so much for telling me all that btw, I think I understand why so many hate him now, since I've only seen the movies I was always flabbergasted when people said that they hate Snape but bro is a literal creep. Taking Lily's photo is sooo weird wtf 😭 Also why is he tormenting a literal 11 year old boyy. Damn. And poor Hermione :')
Thank you for your time btw! ^^
Also, are there any honorary mentions in the books? Not necessarily about Snape too perhaps but maybe anyone or anything else? Like, are the books that different from the movies? Low-key makes me wanna read them but I don't feel like buying the books 💔 (':
You don't need to buy anything! It's free if you search online. I haven't bought a single book but I've read the whole series online and even found the audiobooks free online lmao.
Honorary mentions?
Tbh, when Harry visits his parents graves in deathly hallows, I was always moved by the line 'he wished he was sleeping under the snow with them'
And I think all the chapters in Half blood prince that focus on Voldemort's memories from when he was a young man are super engaging. Everything about his family is interesting, imo.
I liked how, when Hermione asks Ron to be her date to Slughorns party, Harry gets all flustered and says he 'knew something like this would happen'
I like how, when Harry uses the resurrection stone in the last book, he and his mother are so enthused to be able to look at each other that they just gaze at each other for a bit.
I LOVE the scene with Madame Maxine and Hagrid when we find out Hagrid is a half giant. I'm a sucker for characters telling people they like "don't go". And I love how Harry is all like "oh damn. I should NOT be hearing this conversation"
There's a moment where Harry tells the dursley's that Voldemort has come back, and aunt petunia expresses fear. Harry says it's the first time he appreciates that petunia is his mother's sister. I think it's so cool that petunia, someone who does her best to live a smuggle life, is still very aware of the kind of threat that Voldemort is. I feel like that's a detail a lot of people look over. To me, that scene adds a whole new layer to how terrifying Voldemort is.
I like how Neville gets given a candy wrapper by his mom (she was tortured to insanity and has been permanently hospitalized. Neville was raised by his gran as a result) and his gran tells him to throw it away, but when he thinks no one is looking, he stuffs it into his pocket instead. Like. God. I just love that scene. Neville's mom doesn't know who he is. To me, I read that scene and can't help but think "Neville has never received a gift from his parents. He keeps that wrapper because it's the only thing his mom has ever given him. It is the only type of 'gift' that he will ever receive from his mom" It drives me insane.
Oh and oh my GOD. I love how Hagrid is all like "Harry, I'd love you to win the tournament. It'd show everyone that you don't need to be pure blood to be worth something" and this moves Harry so much that he gets to work on solving the egg clue. Literally NOTHING anybody else has said to him has made him take action, but Hagrid's faith in him is what did the trick. And I love the line "there was something about lying to Hagrid that wasn't quite like lying to anyone else." Their relationship is honestly so pure. I love that Hagrid was Harry's introduction to the Wizarding world. He literally brings Harry to us, the reader (or watcher if we're talking the movies). Harry comes to us on Hagrid's motor bike. From the very beginning, Hagrid carries out Harry's introduction.
I love EVERYTHING about the way dobby adores Harry. You don't get much a sense of it in the movies, but their relationship is super wholesome. Dobby may have been a free elf, but he followed Harry's every command because he loved him so much. He straight up fought another elf for insulting Harry. He deserved better than what the movies did with him.
I will say, the one thing from the movies I like better is that I love the scene with Hermione and Hagrid right after Draco calls her a mudblood. I love how he holds her hand and says "don't you think on it" and Hermione's eyes are filled with tears but she smiles at him anyway. That was incredibly cute. Although, in the books, Hermione does not know what a mud blood is, and I think there is merit in having Ron--the only pureblood wizard--know what it is while Harry and Hermione do not. There's something so pure about Ron attacking Draco even though hermione doesn't know what a mudblood is. It's like "I don't care if you didn't hurt her feelings! I don't care if she doesn't know what that word means. I know what that word means and you're not going to talk to her that way."
Oh, and I like the part where Percy sends a letter to Ron telling him not to talk to Harry anymore. Harry being all like "I've know percy for 4 years. I've spent summers with him. He gave me top marks during the tournament. I shared a tent with him." is really effective and you can feel his hurt so well.
This post is so long lmao. I've left out so many good moments. My point is: read the books! You'll love them.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
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Eight deadly sins: Bridgerton partners edition
Companion piece to my 8 deadly sins Bridgerton siblings edition. So let's get started
Kate: Wrath
I think I chose her as Wrath because its the driving force behind most of her actions in TVWLM. Take playing pall mall, she doesn't want to win, she just wants Anthony to lose. Anthony pisses her off so much during their book that her almost in perpetual state of annoyance drives most of the actions she takes and also, it is often mentioned in later books, how much Anthony dreads making his wife angry. If you ask me, out of both of them it's Kate who has a tiny bit of an anger management problem. ( She's capable of ruining Maria Rosso whole career in a pique of annoyance, just sayin)
Sophie: Lust
Self explanatory. Sophie spent her entire book acutely aware that her lust for Benedict was a particularly terrible weakness of hers and as such she guarded herself against sleeping with him with all trough thick and thin. So much that when she does fall into bed with Benedict it makes her feel like she betrayed herself and makes her want to immediately run away from the situation.
Penelope: Pride
Penelope's pride was what ultimately led to her downfall. So proud of Lady Whistledown, so happy to have made a name for herself right under the ton's nose, so confident nobody would ever figure it out. Penelope likes being the smartest person in the room, she likes the invisible power her secret gives her. So much that the moment Cressida tried to take credit for LW Penelope's pride wouldn't let her get away with it! And her hurt pride also leads her to lash out at Colin when he discovers her secret. It's her life work! She's not going to let anyone minimize what she's achieved
Simon: Vanity
He does think he's hottest snack in the room and needs protection from matchmaking mamas. No Seriously all jokes aside, for someone that insecure, he does have a very high opinion of himself that borders on vanity. Simon has worked all his life to build his public image, to hide the parts of him that his father deemed undersirable and cultivate an image of aristocratic aloofness. It's Daphne seeing past all that, which makes Simon break character and start liking her
Phillip: Sloth
More like, he was content with the bare minimum, before Eloise came into his life. Most of Phillip's sins in TSPWL can be blamed on inaction, some because he didn't know what to do,(deal with the aftermath of Marina's death) others because he was too passive to actually do what needed to be done (take charge of the raising of his children) Phillip is content with inaction, with isolation and distance. That's all he's ever known. At least until Eloise lights a fire under him and pushes him to make things right
Michael: Gluttony
I guess I put Michael in this category because Gluttony is the sin of overindulgence and he's the merry rake. Michael is an overindulgent person, not just in Francesca's eyes, but also in the eyes of everyone else. Which makes it ironic that the only thing he's had restraint in, has been his desire for Francesca.
Gareth: Greed
His greed comes in good faith okay. We still love him. But truth be told he still has to replenish his family fortune by marrying an heiress and he's still looking for the family diamonds for this reason. Gareth's greed is ultimately channeled into healthy outlets but we all know that had lady Danbury left him to his own devices, he would undoubtedly have married for money
Lucy: Envy
Like Gregory, Lucy ended up getting envy by process of elimination. Which is fitting considering that while she doesn't Envy anyone's life, she does envy the fact that they have a choice in the outcome of said life. Lucy's entire life has been controlled by her uncle while Hermione and Gregory did grow up with families that let them have a choice in how they wanted their lives to be. Even Richard has more choices than she does. And Lucy envies them for this. Not to the point of wishing anyone ill, but yes to the point of trying to make sure the people she loves don't squander the chances they got, because she doesn't get to have those chances
An: honestly this post was hard because I do think all the Bridgerton partners are Angelic beings who have done nothing wrong. Still I did my best with the prompt
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months
How the Trace in Harry Potter Works Because it Bothered Me
So, this fandom likes to talk about how contradictory the Trace in the books is. The Trace, as in the Ministry’s tool to locate and track underage magic.
Like with Horcuxes, I've seen theories about how the Trace works, but none of them really covered everything or made magical sense to me (when broken down into Alchemical components).
So, I'm here again to explain how spells work in Harry Potter because someone has to.
Let's Cover What We Know:
1. The Trace is defined as a "Charm" that detects magical activity around underage wizards:
“Second problem. You’re underage, which means you’ve still got the Trace on you.” “I don’t—” “The Trace, the Trace!” said Mad-Eye impatiently. “The charm that detects magical activity around under-seventeens, the way the Ministry finds out out about underage magic! If you, or anyone around you, casts a spell to get you out of here, Thicknesse is going to know about it, and so will the Death Eaters. “We can’t wait for the Trace to break, because the moment you turn seventeen you’ll lose all the protection your mother gave you. In short: Pius Thicknesse thinks he’s got you cornered good and proper.”
(Deathly Hollows, page 46)
2. The Trace instantly alerts the ministry when magic is cast.
“Harry, you don’t understand! Dumbledore will need to act as quickly as possible, the Ministry have their own ways of detecting underage magic, they’ll know already, you mark my words —”
(Order of the Pheonix, page 22)
3. The Trace automatically broke upon a wizard or witch's seventeenth birthday; Remus Lupin and Ron Weasley both claimed it was impossible for the Trace to continue to affect a person over the age of seventeen and that it could not be placed on an adult.
“But how did they find us?” Hermione asked, looking from one inert man to the other. “How did they know where we were?” She turned to Harry. “You—you don’t think you’ve still got your Trace on you, do you, Harry?” “He can’t have,” said Ron. “The Trace breaks at seventeen, that’s Wizarding law, you can’t put it on an adult.”
(Deathly Hollows, page 147)
“We wondered,” said Hermione tentatively, “whether Harry could still have the Trace on him?” “Impossible,” said Lupin. Ron looked smug, and Harry felt hugely relieved. “Apart from anything else, they’d know for sure Harry was here if he still had the Trace on him, wouldn’t they? But I can’t see how they could have tracked you to Tottenham Court Road, that’s worrying, really worrying.”
(Deathly Hollows, page 178)
4. Students can use magic freely in Hogwarts and on the Hogwarts Express as we see many times in the books.
5. The Ministry trusted magical parents to properly discipline their children if they performed magic, due to the fact that the parents' own magic would constantly interfere with the Trace.
With two loud cracks, Fred and George, Ron’s elder twin brothers, had materialized out of thin air in the middle of the room. Pigwidgeon twittered more wildly than ever and zoomed off to join Hedwig on top of the wardrobe.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 68) — example of Fred and George apparating (doing magic) inside Grimmuld Place before they are seventeen and the Trace not activating.
6. Children who grew up in the Muggle world, such as Harry Potter, are more closely monitored — any magic performed at or near 4 Privet Drive was assumed to have been caused by him because he was the only known magical person living in his neighborhood (Both with Dobby in CS and the Patronus Charm in OOP).
Dear Mr. Potter, We have received intelligence that a Hover Charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past nine. As you know, underage wizards are not permitted to perform spells outside school, and further spellwork on your part may lead to expulsion from said school (Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, Paragraph C). We would also ask you to remember that any magical activity that risks notice by members of the non-magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense under section 13 of the International Confederation of Warlocks’ Statute of Secrecy. Enjoy your holidays! Yours sincerely, Mafalda Hopkirk IMPROPER USE OF MAGIC OFFICE Ministry of Magic
(Chamber of Secrets, page 27)
Dear Mr. Potter, We have received intelligence that you performed the Patronus Charm at twenty-three minutes past nine this evening in a Muggle-inhabited area and in the presence of a Muggle. The severity of this breach of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery has resulted in your expulsion from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ministry representatives will be calling at your place of residence shortly to destroy your wand.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 26)
“We have no record of any witch or wizard living in Little Whinging other than Harry Potter,” said Madam Bones at once.
(Order of the Phoenix, page 143)
6. Hagrid used magic around Harry before his first year, with no ministry warning letter.
He [Hagrid] brought the umbrella swishing down through the air to point at Dudley — there was a flash of violet light, a sound like a firecracker, a sharp squeal, and the next second, Dudley was dancing on the spot with his hands clasped over his fat bottom, howling in pain. When he turned his back on them, Harry saw a curly pig’s tail poking through a hole in his trousers.
(Philosopher's Stone, page 45)
7. Similarly, Hermione has said she successfully tried out "a few simple spells" before her first year. No ministry warning was issued for her either because she hasn't arrived at Hogwarts yet
"Are you sure that's a real spell?" said the girl. "Well, it's not very good, is it? I've tried a few simple spells just for practice and it's all worked for me. Nobody in my family's magic at all, it was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it's the very best school of witchcraft there is, I've heard -- I've learned all our course books by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough -- I'm Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you.
(Sorcerer's Stone, page 105)
8. Childhood accidental magic isn't picked up by the Trace.
Snape had removed his coat now; his odd smock looked less peculiar in the half light. “. . . and the Ministry can punish you if you do magic outside school, you get letters.” “But I have done magic outside school!” “We’re all right. We haven’t got wands yet. They let you off when you’re a kid and you can’t help it. But once you’re eleven,” he nodded importantly, “and they start training you, then you’ve got to go careful.”
(Deathly Hallows, page 666)
9. When Arthur Weasley used magic around Harry to pick him up in 1994, no ministry warning arrived.
“Boys, boys . . .” said Mr. Weasley vaguely. “I’m trying to think what to do. . . . Yes . . . only way . . . Stand back, Harry.” Harry retreated to the sofa. Uncle Vernon, however, moved forward. “Wait a moment!” he bellowed at the fire. “What exactly are you going to —” BANG. The electric fire shot across the room as the boarded-up fireplace burst outward, expelling Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, and Ron in a cloud of rubble and loose chippings.
(Goblet of Fire, page 44)
10. The Order used magic when picking up Harry in 1995 after he was already set for a hearing for the Patronus charm. No warning came from the ministry for the magic of the Order members.
“Don’t be stupid, it’ll be much quicker if I — pack!” cried Tonks, waving her wand in a long, sweeping movement over the floor. Books, clothes, telescope, and scales all soared into the air and flew pell-mell into the trunk.
(Order of the Pheonix, page 53)
“How’re we getting — wherever we’re going?” Harry asked. “Brooms,” said Lupin. “Only way. You’re too young to Apparate, they’ll be watching the Floo Network, and it’s more than our life’s worth to set up an unauthorized Portkey.”
(Order of the Pheonix, page 51)
11. The Trace didn't pick up the magic on the magic in the graveyard during Voldemort's resurrection.
12. Neither did it pick up on Tom when he murdered the Riddle family in the summer between his fifth and sixth year (He was sixteen at the time, and therefore still underage)
“But how come the Ministry didn’t realize that Voldemort had done all that to Morfin?” Harry asked angrily. “He was underage at the time, wasn’t he? I thought they could detect underage magic!” “You are quite right — they can detect magic, but not the perpetrator: You will remember that you were blamed by the Ministry for the Hover Charm that was, in fact, cast by —” “Dobby,” growled Harry; this injustice still rankled. “So if you’re underage and you do magic inside an adult witch or wizard’s house, the Ministry won’t know?” “They will certainly be unable to tell who performed the magic,” said Dumbledore, smiling slightly at the look of great indignation on Harry’s face. “They rely on witch and wizard parents to enforce their offspring’s obedience while within their walls.” “Well, that’s rubbish,” snapped Harry. “Look what happened here, look what happened to Morfin!”
(Half-Blood Prince, page 368)
13. Harry and Hermione hang out in the burrow in summer where magic is constantly cast around them, yet, no warnings of Underage Sorcery are issued.
“Oh for heaven’s sake,” she snapped, now directing her wand at a dustpan, which hopped off the sideboard and started skating across the floor, scooping up the potatoes.
(Goblet of Fire, page 58) — example of Molly casting magic at The Burrow near Harry and her kids.
So, How Does it Work?
The Trace isn't placed on wizards and witches but on locations. In both occurrences, Harry received a warning for Underage Magic mentioning his documented place of residence. It is also repeated again and again, the Trace can't pick up who cast the magic, just where.
So, my conclusions are that the Trace is old magic, probably older than the ministry and no one really knows how it was cast or how it works anymore. But the Ministry knows how to use it.
They keep the knowledge very secret and don't share it with almost anyone. We can see that by the way Lupin and Ron talk about the trace in completely different terminology than the likes of Dumbledore or Madam Bones. They also say it's illegal and impossible to cast the Trace on an adult wizard. I think they're right because the trace is never cast on wizards and witches at all.
I believe the Trace is a charm cast on the entirety of Britain and Ireland and picks up all magic cast in there. When magic is cast, the ministry gets a notice that describes what was cast and where.
The ministry office that receives the notice then looks over the documentation of wizard residences. If an adult wizard lives in the location where the magic was cast, they are assumed to have cast the magic. If no wizard lives in the area, it is assumed to have been cast by an adult wizard passing by.
With muggleborn and muggle-raised wizards and witches, they only have their place of residence updated in the ministry documentation once they start Hogwarts, hence why childhood accidental magic isn't traced.
In the case of the Riddle's murder, Morfin was the only wizard documented to be living in the area, therefore all the magic traced in Little Hangelton was assumed to be done by him.
And no wizards were documented to be living in Little Hangleton during Voldemort's resurrection, hence no trace.
Arthur had to inform the ministry of the floo connection in the summer of 1994 because there was an office regulating the floo network. Therefore, they knew he'd be there so the magic was attributed to him. The same goes with the Order since Shacklebolt was a ministry official when the ministry was still under Fudge.
For fanfic purposes, it means that no one could trace Harry's magic to him the moment he's far enough away from Private Drive.
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greenerteacups · 6 months
What’s a common mischaracterization in fanon that drives you a little nuts or is totally off base?
That Lucius and Narcissa are kind, flexible, or somehow understanding people. A lot of fics give these two a power-washing in order to remove an obstacle to Draco and Hermione's romance, which is the author's prerogative, obviously, but it drives me a little nuts when I see Lucius (who sneaks a Dark object onto the person of an 11-year-old, almost kills a string of muggle-born children, attacks 15-year-old children with Dark spells, and shows remorse for none of it) acting like this reformed, well-meaning father figure. Even if it's a "world's changed and we must change with it" situation, I kinda don't buy it, because we know how Lucius responds to a "changing world" — we saw it after the first war. He bows and scrapes and lies and smiles and doesn't change a goddamn thing. Narcissa's not much better; admittedly, we don't get characterization for her that suggests she couldn't learn to be okay with the muggle-born thing, under extremely extenuating circumstances, but from our limited interaction with her in Snape's prologue in HBP, she does not seem like a humanitarian. Girl is a proud practitioner of the Fuck You Got Mine lifestyle, and so long as her family's safe, she isn't fussed about basically anything else.
All this being said, I actually really love fics that take up the premise of a Lucius/Narcissa redemption arc and treat it seriously. I believe in redemption arcs like an article of faith, they are my favorite kind of story, and I've never met a villain I wouldn't enjoy getting beat up into a better person. I just wish the arc would start from a realistic point. You can't handwave away that level and commitment to bigotry with "changing times."
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v-a-l · 1 year
I absolutely love your recent posts defending Sirius esp in OotP, because I feel like the only person who was treated more harshly than Harry in that book is Sirius. Unlike Harry, Sirius is not given the benefit of being the narrator, and we get to see the highly skewed and non empathetic takes from Hermione and Molly on Sirius’ mental state. Hermione may be intelligent, but she, like the rest of the wizarding world, is clueless about how to handle trauma, or anything related to mental health at all. But I’m also appalled that adults like Remus or Arthur don’t do more to stand up for Sirius. The only person in that whole house who gets a pass for not doing more is Harry, because he’s the only one who I think views a screaming portrait hurling insults as normal. The boy who grew up with the Dursleys probably can’t even comprehend that this is abuse, but what about the rest of the inhabitants of that godforsaken house? What really irritates me is that none of the characters even admits to their mistakes. I’d like to see how Hermione handles being shipped off to Malfoy Manor without any correspondence after DH. Again, Harry is the only one to acknowledge that ‘people don’t like being locked up’. He is the only one struggling with the guilt of having believed the false vision. Where is the guilt from everyone else about not telling Harry about the prophecy?! Sirius was right, if Harry had been told, then he wouldn’t have been so quick to believe the vision from Voldemort, but again, no one acknowledges that if people had just listened to what Sirius was saying all along, he would still be alive.
You’re right Ofc, about everything.
As for the Order’s treatment of Sirius I’ll maintain that none of them had any right whatsoever to decide what Harry should be told and when.
Like Sirius said, he is Harry’s parent. That by definition grants him exclusive right to determine what information is appropriate for Harry to receive. Even more than that, he’s also the only person in that room Harry confides in. He’s the only one who knows the details about the nightmares, his fears about the tasks, his desperation to be ready but the futility of all preparation between authority figures who always let him down, he’s the one Harry was writing huge ass letters to explaining every stray thought that passed his mind.
Over and above everything else, Sirius is the only adult who knows Harry. Knows what he wants, what drives him and how far he’ll go to find the truth.
That entire room is literally filled with people who have repeatedly failed to protect the children under their care. Filled with people who looked the other way when 14 year old Harry was entered into the Triwizard Tournament and did not even notice when 11 year old Ginny was possessed by the literal devil.
It’s so absurd that they’re peaking in from the outside and making unilateral decisions and judgements on Sirius’ character and deciding they know better than Harry Potter (the dude who’s been fighting this war in some capacity or the other since he was eleven) and Sirius Black (who has also been fighting this war since he was a child AND was a frontline soldier in the first war) and not for whether or not he should fight but whether or not he should receive intel that is crucial for both his sanity as well as survival.
The Order of abandoning children at doorsteps and not looking back for eleven years until we needed that sword unsheathed has no capacity to pass judgement on Sirius’ parenting skills when they’re the ones who failed him and he’s literally the one parent in the narrative who’s failed the least.
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phoebe-delia · 11 months
Dear Rowan; Love, Harry.
This is a belated birthday gift for @basicallyahedgehog. Rowan you deserve much much more than this, much sooner. I'm so so sorry it's late. In my timezone, I am one day late for your birthday, but in yours I am two, and neither is acceptable in my book. So, because of that, I have written you something...unique. I suppose. That's a nice way to put it.
This is a letter. From Harry. To you. On your birthday. But not just any Harry. This is Harry from "this is me trying," and he has a message for you.
(For everyone else: This contains MAJOR SPOILERS from my fic "this is me trying." Like. Major. So. Don't read this if you haven't read that.)
Dear Rowan,
Er, hi? I guess? That's how letters are supposed to start....this is awkward. Why am I making this so awkward? It's not my fault I'm this way—Phoebe wrote me like this. It's her fault. Anyway.
First of all, happy birthday. Phoebe has advised me that it wouldn't be odd for me to catch you up on everything that's happened since we left off in Draco's and my story; because it hasn't ended. Far from it.
The bakery is doing well. Really, really well. Like. I had to hire someone to manage the front. (I'm quite certain I could've handled it myself, but Draco persuaded me to hire help because I "shouldn't have to do everything yourself, you stubborn Gryffindor. Now finish writing yet another chocolate buttercream recipe and come back to bed!"
Truthfully, business isn't quite as hectic as it was the first few years. Draco would say it's because the novelty of the "Saviour" owning a bakery finally died down, but I think the real reason is because he hasn't been doing his writing here as much. He says I have adoring fans, but he doesn't seem to remember that half the people who asked for autographs were his own fans. Honestly, he acts like he's not a best-selling author and poet. I should know. I was the one who baked the cupcakes for his meet-and-greet.
He insists working in the bakery is too distracting for him, which I understand. It can be loud in there, especially when there's a big crowd. And now he's got his own big, fancy study at home where he can do his writing, plus there's Grimmauld Place's extensive library. So he's happy. And he knows he's always got a table to himself at the bakery when he does come in, which is a distraction for me. Because there's nothing to stop me from bribing him with sweets in exchange for kisses. An even trade, if you ask me. And I think even he would agree.
Let's see. What else. Oh! Ron and Hermione are doing well. Hermione instantly took a liking to Draco when they met again. They've spent hours talking about both Wizarding and Muggle literature. And Ron's just happy to have someone to play chess with who's as skilled as him.
Pansy is doing well, too. Not much to report on her. Truth be told, that woman frightens me. But she's got a wealth of information about Draco, especially when she's had a little wine. (But don't tell either of them I said that. They'd both kill me.)
That's all to say, really. We're all happy, and Draco and I are in love, and now all the late-night drives I take are with him in the passenger's seat. It's good. It's so, so good. I wouldn't trade it for a thing.
Now onto you, the birthday-haver. Phoebe tells me how proud of you she is, and I can see why. Draco and I think you're fantastic, and we're incredibly impressed with how far you've come. We love every story you've made about us. Thank you for creating worlds for us to love each other, to be ourselves, and to be happy, above all else.
Thank you for being Phoebe's friend. When she wrote Draco's and my story, she was in a difficult chapter in her life, and she says you were a big part of why she was able to come out of it for the better. She wants me to tell you she feels beyond lucky to have you in her life, and from what she tells me, I can see why.
We love you, Rowan. Draco and I, and also Phoebe, who insisted with an odd gleam in her eyes that she loves you more, and Draco and I were not about to argue with that. Happy Birthday. Here's to another year of trying to figure out the difference between who we think we're supposed to be, and who we really are.
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken https://ift.tt/MuxLNa1 by zelyaevak “Pansy’s not my little anything,” Malfoy said, annoyance creeping into his tone. “Whatever. She’s part of your entourage.” “Do you mean the cheer squad, Granger? The one that plays when the games are on? You know that I have no charge over that, right?” “Yes, but you have charge over who you’re friends with, and you’re friends with that little snake.” “At least I have friends, snakes or not.” “Are they your friends, Malfoy, or just people that have grown on you like barnacles since you were a baby? Have you ever made a friend in your life, or are they simple something that’s been passed down to you, like your big, fat inheritance or that stupid vintage Mercedes that you drive to school every morning?” Silence. “Pansy was right.” Malfoy stood to his full height. From where she sat he seemed like a giant and she suddenly felt very, very small. “No one in their right mind would go to the dance with you.” Words: 1883, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Daphne Greengrass Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Muggle high school au, Prestigious private school, small town, Athlete Draco Malfoy, Enemies to Lovers, canon characterisation, Snarky Draco Malfoy, Smart-mouth Hermione Granger, Jealous Draco Malfoy, Protective Draco Malfoy, Possessive Draco Malfoy, Slow Burn, 8th year, Pining, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, School Dance, That thing where Hermione goes to the dance with someone else and Draco loses his mind a little bit, rich boy poor girl, school party, Detention, Draco's best friend is into Hermione and he can't stand it, Popular Draco Malfoy, Jock Draco Malfoy, Draco feels like he's being suffocated by his family, Hermione just wants to get out of their small town, Drunken Confessions, Draco Malfoy Redemption, Sexual Content, That thing where they're stuck in detention together, House Party, Draco is forced to go out with Daphne, maxton hall, Maxton Hall vibes, Private School via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/da7uDcF June 24, 2024 at 01:23PM
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braveclementine · 3 months
Part 4
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. Also, all of Severus and Elizabeths' childrens names are mine and mine alone. I also do not condone any copying of this.
Elizabeth scanned the paper in front of her, which listed out the ingredients and concentrations for said ingredients for her werewolf potion in front of her. As she had finally told Hermione that she would be releasing the potion to the public, she was hopping to get rid of the vomiting side effect and finally reach perfection. 
Nineteen years she had been working on the potion. So many failures, so many milestones reached. And now, she had finally reached the goal she had set for herself when she was eight years old. 
But her mind would not settle on the potion at all. Instead, she was thinking about the vision she had seen, back on the platform. It hadn't been important really, in fact it was really a nothingness scene. Just Albus and Scorpius sitting on the train together, eating Peppermint Imps. 
Her question was, 'Why'? Was Dr. Gates messing with her again? Was this a book from the other world? Why was she receiving another 'vision' after nineteen years of nothingness. 
And yet, she hoped for more. She hadn't even realized that she had missed receiving visions until now, when she had received one after so much time had passed. She missed having them, it was like greeting a long lost friend. It was like a part of her that she had found again. 
Not a boom-bap rapper, I'm not stuck in 1990 I like Wu-Tang, but that vibe is kinda old and grimy Not a conscious rapper, all those rappers sound like SJ dubs Not a gangster rapper, cool enough without being a thug I'm not country rap, I don't play guitar, I don't drive a truck I don't chew tobacco, get the Chevy stuck ten feet of mud I'm not horror-core, I don't paint my face I don't trip, I can only be myself, and I am Tom Macdonald, bitch
The radio played the song, one by Tom Macdonald. Just as Dr. Gates had explained, she had grown to love the Canadian rapper and all of his music. When she had difficulty with anything, she would put it on and just listen to it. To be completely honest, she had a hard time listening to anything else. 
The door opened, quiet footsteps on the stairs as Severus approached her from behind. She closed her eyes for a moment, before glancing over her shoulder to acknowledge him. 
Pumping Eminem, don't mean that all you boomers really rhyme
"Hey." Severus said, glancing over at the radio. He did not share her taste in music at all. 
"Hey." She said softly, tapping her fingers on the paper. It was like a subtle gap was between the two of them, one that hadn't been there this morning. She quirked her eyebrows quickly. "Uh, so I'm releasing the werewolf potion to the public. Just was going over this to see if I could get rid of the vomit side effect." 
"Yeah. . ." Severus murmured. "You'll figure it out. And I'll help if you need me to." 
To polite. They were being to polite. 
"Look, Elizabeth. . . what did you see?" Severus asked, taking a seat on the stool across from her. Potions bubbled around the lab, different ones that the both of them were working on. New creations and old, common ones and uncommon. The bubbling was all that could be heard for a moment. 
"Nothing." Elizabeth said softly with a shrug. "It was nothing." 
I ain't emo rap, I ain't shedding tears, I don't cut myself I don't romanticize suicide or poor mental health I ain't backpack rap, that's my grandad's rap Please, don't take this as a diss, I'm just Tom Macdonald, bitch
Severus glared at the radio and couldn't help but let out a frustrated sound. "Nothing. Right, like the same nothing you say when I ask about your nightmares? The ones where you say Cedrics' name out loud?" 
She flinched. She could still feel the cold hands choking her, Cedrics cold, dead, blue eyes staring into hers. 
"You have no idea what you're talking about." She whispered, focusing solely on the paper in front of her now. 
I hate Hip Hop It's full of liars and actors, these little rappers about as real as they names
"Maybe if you just let me in." Severus said desperately, reaching for her hand, which she dropped into her lap. Severus touched the paper where they had been, glancing at her. "You just need to let me into your world Elizabeth." 
Elizabeth stood up, striding across the lab. She wrenched open the door and then paused in the doorway. 
'Cause all these rappers are putting kids in their graves I hate Hip Hop The whole culture is cancer They'll kill their momma for some clout and a chain
"Believe me, Severus." She whispered softly. "You don't want to be in my world." She let the door close behind her. She didn't slam it, but the finality of the door clicking frustrated Severus and saddened him at the same time. 
Hip Hop hates me, and I hate it too, it's been this way forever I don't move like them, I'll nev-
Severus waved his hand at the radio, which shut off. He picked up the werewolf sheet, scanning the ingredients as a way to get the fight off his mind. Immediately, he saw why vomiting would be a side-effect: she was using 30 ml of Hyacinth extract. 
He looked through her past notes and then wrote a note next to the Hyacinth. 
ᑕOᑌᑎTTEᖇᗩᑕT ���ITᕼ 20 ᗰᒪ GIᑎGEᖇ
Severus sighed, setting the quill aside and stood up, slowing treading to the door of the lab. He paused then, turning back to the radio, and waved his hand at it once more to turn it back on. 
Welcome to the world, baby girl, I'll paint you pink if that's okay We'll encourage self-destruction through the music that you play. . .
Severus opened the door, leaving the lab to go make dinner. 
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
Tell me about your writing history! Is this your first fandom? Had you ever written anything else before? Maybe embarrassing poetry or a diary?
Wow this ask had me pulling out my old hard drive to look at the oldest writings I could find I actually went into my old boxes and found the one remaining notebook from pre-college, as well. So this turned into a VERY fun adventure xD Thank you for sending this, Anna!
So my journey into writing is really intertwined with my love for HP. I'd definitely say it was my first fandom, and it's absolutely been my most long-lasting one. I was very into Supernatural in middle school as well (it had just come out), but nothing captured me like HP, and eventually, the Marauders. I remember writing a story when I was like 9 for this monthly contest we had in school, and I specifically said to myself, "I'm going to write this in the style that JKR uses," and because of that, I was SURE I was going to win the contest. I even remember using "he said, matter-of-factly" in the story, because I'd looked up what that meant when reading HP (about Hermione, of course) and thought it was just next-level writing. I did actually win the contest that month, too! xD So I would say I really started getting into writing and enjoying it because the Harry Potter books made me fall so in love with reading.
So jump ahead to early middle school, around 11 years old, I'm on fucking Neopets, and I discover a roleplaying forum. And a thread seeking someone to play James at the Yule Ball......and thus, my Highest Self was born. 😆 It felt like I'd discovered a whole new world where I could really be myself and do the things I loved with other people who loved it, too. So I started roleplaying (on myspace lmao), mostly as Sirius or James and eventually also Dean Winchester. I discovered ff.net and hpff, and wrote some stories, but mostly I really loved interacting with other writers through rping.
Most of what I wrote outside of rp was either poetry or short stories, and most of it was really dark, cause my life in general was really dark. In college I took a poetry writing course and a fiction writing course and fucking loved them both, but I didn't end up going any further in those courses. I roleplayed off and on throughout my 20s, wrote poetry off and on, little fics and drabbles here and there. Came up with ideas for books I never wrote. So really, what I'm doing right now with Dead to Me is the most "serious" I've been about a multi-chapter story before, unless you count the ongoing stories I technically wrote as a roleplayer. Like, I know I'm actually going to finish this one, whereas so often in the past I just let things fall away (thank you, adhd).
As for old writing/embarrassing stuff - the oldest fandom thing I found was actually a short wolfstar fic I wrote in 2011 that made me smile so much! I might post it. 😊 Which is so funny because I don't even remember writing it. I did easily find some embarrassing poetry, though. I picked one out from my hard drive from 2011 before I found my old notebook from high school, so congrats, you get two embarrassing poems for the price of one. Under the cut, cause geez, I've already talked a lot xD
From my first year in college...feast your eyes on a gross poem about my first real boyfriend, who was (shocker) an absolute asshole:
It’s your back, the way your skin crawls across it like caterpillars stretching tight while you blanket over me.
It’s your hair, those thick tendrils of brown leaves falling over me like autumn when it starts and it feels like the sky is falling.
It’s your laugh, that low baritone. That tuba in the brass section that gets all the attention and earns glares from the girls in football stands that can’t hear over them, but I become a puddle to that sound.
You are a warm blanket in an ice locker – relief.
Watching you live is like videotaping a child’s first years. Their first giggles that grace the world, first few steps and words and birthdays, bed time stories and grandparents’ laps. All in all, true happiness.
You are all the reasons in the world to smile, and so I am.
Andddd from my first year in high school, please enjoy this poem about having your heartbroken by someone on the internet:
You were like a magnet I, a piece of metal could do nothing but give into gravity and fall into your hesitant arms
I couldn't trust you to catch me
When I came crawling back you made me swear never to leave again I made the vow sealed myself in an envelope that never made it to Ohio
You refused to open me up I just begged and pleaded for your love
In the end the magnet will pull away and leave me a useless piece of rust Too drained to give up Too defeated to get up
When you left, so did all my hope
You wonder why I take the lead You wonder why I always leave the first time
Real talk, I actually MUCH prefer the second poem. Maybe it's because I still remember lines from it to this day, or because the idea of writing a lovey poem to an asshole is more cringey than writing a heartbreak poem in general, but.... I don't hate those last two lines 😆
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roguewhimsy · 4 months
WIP Tomione Fic
I’ve been writing a one shot Tomione/is there Hermione Voldemort shorthand?-fic, and I’m terrified to post it cause it’s pretty dark and possibly a little too twisted so I’m posting an excerpt here to see if I can find the courage to finish it lol.
Nothing too terrible in this excerpt tho, so should be safe with now CWs except what comes with the territory- grief, loss…some imprisonment. I’d love to know your thoughts!
It’s literally called “Oopsie!” on my drive 🤣
Here’s how it starts:
Hermione knew that something was wrong when Voldemort passed her cell and, for the first time in recent or past memory, she felt the engulfing desire to kneel before him.
The days had blended into one another as she rotted away in her prison, deep in the Ministry of Magic where she knew that she would never see the sunlight again. Days and nights blurred together surrounded by the same dark walls, steel bars, and damp floors.
When was the last time Lord Voldemort, champion of the dark against the light, had come down to her cell in the first place? Hermione couldn’t remember but she certainly did not feel compelled to kneel then. She could barely remember the last time she lifted her head from counting and recounting the stones of the floor.
She battled the urge to kneel, instead standing. Her neck felt sore as she looked up and looked dead into the chilling eyes of her captor and the man who single handedly ruined her life and the lives of everyone she loved.
Those that he’d left alive, anyway.
So she was even more surprised that he chose not to merely pass by or even leer at her from outside the cage, but with a flick of his wrist and an absentminded wave to her guard, the metal door slid open with a smooth click and he entered her tiny cell.
He was enormous and as he got closer the urge to prostrate herself before him became almost overwhelming. She bit the inside of her cheek, keeping her rooted, glaring at him under her filthy fringe.
“So stubborn,” Voldemort said with a sibilant hiss. “My little mud blood refuses her base instincts so dramatically.”
Hermione felt a shock of feeling by his perverse pet name. “I am not your mudblood,” she spat back. “I am a witch and whether you like it or not I deserve to do magic just as much as anyone else.”
“See how you tremble?” Voldemort replied instead and it was only then that Hermione saw her own limbs shaking as if she’d just gotten off a rollercoaster. “See how much you wish to bow to your master? Listen to your body, and let yourself bend to me.”
“I’ll never bow to you,” she hisses, spitting at his feet as to punctuate what she felt about such a request.
Voldemort, to her great shock, does not kill her on the spot. Instead he looks pleased, like he’s won some great prize and that prize happens to be something to do with Hermione Granger.
Which simply could not bode well.
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lucigoo · 8 months
So many little pink houses
My very first entry for the @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #235 — Little Pink Houses, read under the cut 💖
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: General Audiences
Character(s): Percy, Dara (Percy/Viktors Oc daughter) and Harry
Summary: Dara got to many little pink houses for christmas, Percy is not amused.
Wordcount: 702
Percy sighed. It was a good job he loved his daughter more than life. How had nobody communicated about her Christmas presents? Now he had a bunch of different sized little pink houses dotted around the place. Viktor had seen him trying to organise them, laughed and walked away, the git. So here Percy was, trying to convince Dara that yes, her 12 pink houses would be fine. That they could shrink some of them and rotate them. That he would do practically anything to get these monstrosities off his living room floor. He turned as he heard someone enter. As soon as Harry walked through the door, he jumped back with a yelp. “Percy, what was that for?” he asked, annoyed. “Because you overindulge, you twat. She didn’t need 2 different Barbie doll houses and a LOL doll set off you and George alone,” he answered, seething. “And that’s not to mention everyone else she asked for one from. So now I have 12 stupid different pink houses here. That one, that one’s a Sylvannian Families one. She doesn’t even like them, she hates how they feel. Now I have to get rid of it in a few weeks so she doesn’t have a meltdown because she can’t play with it. And I’m blaming you,” he said as he waved his wand in Harry’s face. 
“Well, just put a few away. Which are her favourites?” Harry asked. “All of them!” Percy said, glaring at his brother-in-law. “And it’s all your bloody fault. Why did you have to start selling muggle toys, too? In your bloody shop? She wouldn’t have seen them otherwise.” He groused. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. They sell so well in Hogsmeade, especially when we enchant the dolls.” Harry explained. “Yeah, well, bully for you. Now my living room is full of little pink houses. We have Barbie, Polly Pocket, The Littlest Pet shop, that big wooden thing mum brought, Hermione got her one that she has to build herself. Harry …” Percy said as he leant in close. “She doesn’t even like pink Harry,” he hissed out. Causing Harry to throw his head back and laugh. Just then, the menace in question came running into the room screaming “Uncle Harry” at the top of her lungs. Percy watched, heart in his throat as Harry picked her up and threw her around. He knew better than to say anything, otherwise they would do it more, but he hated it. 
He stood watching with a smile as Dara talked to Harry. Suddenly tuning in when something caught his attention. “Who is being mean to Aster?” he asked. “A boy he plays with Daddy, he said boys can’t like pink. Aunt Pansy said sometimes muggles have silly ideas like that and it was ok, but now Aster won’t have any pink in his bedroom. So I said that’s ok. I will ask for lots of pink, even if I don’t like it, and his silly friend can’t come to play. But when Aster does, we will have lots to play with. And look daddy, we do.” Dara said as she spread her arms wide, beaming. Percy looked at Harry and noticed he too had tears in his eyes. “How are you the sweetest child to ever be born, Dara?” he asked huskily as she giggled in Harry’s arms. Percy couldn’t wait anymore. He grabbed her back and hugged her tight. “I love you so much, sweetheart,” he said. Dara snuggled in her father’s arms, surrounded by too many pink houses that were bound to drive Percy barmy, but he would deal with it for Aster and Dara, his amazing girl. “I’ll go floo Nev, you go tell Viktor, I will text George to expect a gushing floo call.” Harry said with a laugh as he watched Percy pouring so much love and adoration into the little being in his arms. That didn’t stop him chuckling on the way out about how he had enchanted the Lol dolls and their house so that they never stayed put and the pieces would randomly change colour. Dara would adore it. Percy was going to go spare when he figured it out. 
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shostakobitchh · 1 year
chapter 42 sneak peek
another super rough draft
It was dark when Ariel Apparated to Hogwarts with Snape, clutching his arm tightly as she tried not to stumble. Apparating made her feel like she’d been put through a blender.
“Ugh,” Ariel scrubbed at her face. “that never gets easier.”
Snape pretended he hadn’t heard her, lifting his hand to slowly wave over the gates. They opened with a loud creeeak and a glimmer of something that looked like starlight. She could see the light reflected in Snape’s bottomless black eyes as he stared, like he was waiting for something to go wrong, but it didn’t. The path in front of them was dimly lit with lamp posts, their light flickering at them as if they were waving to an old friend.
The last time she’d taken this road with him had been when he’d rescued her from the Dursleys, when she’d broken the Blood Wards. That day felt like a lifetime ago. She breathed in the summer air and the words I’m home again fluttered to the front of her mind. Home — I’m home
“Stay close,” Snape threw over his shoulder at her. Ariel hurried after him only for a moment before slowing down, wanting to take in the scenery.
A plume of smoke was reaching towards the sky in the distance. Ariel knew it could only be one person.
“Hagrid!” she grinned. “Can we —”
“It’s nearly midnight,” Snape said in a tight voice. “Tomorrow, perhaps.”
He hadn’t immediately said no. Her mood had significantly improved since landing, but despite the late hour, Ariel jogged back to Snape’s side, nudging him. “Can we take the long way, then?”
“What part of ‘it’s nearly midnight’ did you not understand?”
She scowled. “It’s not like I’m going to sleep anyway.”
“Yes, you are.” he glowered down at her. “I’ll give you a damn sedative if I have to, but we’re not prolonging this day any longer.”
“It’s not today, though.” Ariel pointed out. “You just said it’s midnight. That means it’s tomorrow.”
“With your luck, if we take the long way, I have no doubt we’ll run into a dragon or manticore or some other sort of deadly creature.” Snape gave her a sideways glare.
“Good thing you’re here.” she supplied. She wanted to remark that he would probably scare anything away, but Snape didn’t seem to be in the teasing mood. He looked coiled to spring at any moment, like Sirius Black was going to come flying out of the trees with a machete.
Snape didn’t say anything to that, keeping up his brisk pace as Ariel hurried behind him. After Dumbledore had left, Ariel had decided to give him some space, still angry but understanding of the fact that Snape was someone who did not like to not be in control. Sitting around all day to hear news about someone who wanted to murder the person you were harboring was sure to fry anyone’s nerves. At the end of the day, Ariel was happy she wasn’t being shipped back to Privet Drive — that she was still with her father, however ornery he may be.
Ariel wasn’t too concerned about Sirius Black showing up. Maybe it was the fact that she’d watched Snape slice Tom Riddle’s clean off his neck without even blinking, but she felt… calmer than she would’ve expected. Ron and Hermione would have been having a stroke, right about now.
Ariel slowed down, squinting as she made out the castle in the distance. “Is anyone else here?”
“You already answered that question.”
She rolled her eyes. “Besides Hagrid.”
“The others are still on holiday or looking for Black.” his eyes flickering through the treeline, like he had X-ray vision.
The path forked ahead of them. To the right was a direct trail up to the castle, the left more scenic. Ariel knew this because she’d met Fred and George at the gates a few times, on their way back from Hogsmeade. Ariel and Ron had taken the longer route most days — Hermione joined them sometimes, but only if she was feeling up to it. Ariel imagined that she would’ve enjoyed hiking, if they were allowed to go into the Forest. Sometimes, she forgot just how pretty it was this far up in Scotland.
“What time is it?” Ariel asked, trying to keep the slyness out of her voice.
Snape halted, rubbing his forehead tiredly. “Miss Evans, I have already told you, it’s nearly midnight —”
“So it’s not midnight yet.” Ariel said triumphantly.
His expression did not change. She would have expected him to scowl, but instead, he kept it completely neutral. The light from the lampposts cast eerie shadows on his face, illuminating that pinprick of light that lived behind his onyx eyes.
Ariel gestured to the scenic route. “I’ll walk fast. C’mon, please?”  
“Have you forgotten already that there is a homicidal maniac after you?” Snape bit out.
Ariel shrugged. “No, but he wouldn’t have reached Hogwarts yet, would he? After all, he wouldn’t know I’m even here yet.”
Snape heaved a sigh, like he was pushing every last inch of breath out of him. “Miss Evans, it has been an excruciatingly long day. I do not have the patience nor the inclination to argue with you right now. I am taking you up to the castle using the direct route, and that is final.”
Her face fell. “Fine,” Ariel muttered, kicking the dirt. “I guess you’re right.”
She pushed past him only to feel a firm hand pull her to a sharp stop. When she looked up at him, his face was inches from hers. Ariel felt a shiver run down her spine at the intensity of his gaze. It slowly melted off of him, like wax on a candle, until Ariel could see that some of his resolve was slipping.
She felt her lips curving upwards.
Snape let go of her and shook his head. “Any sort of trouble —”
“I won’t!” Ariel tried to swallow her smile. “I’ll stay close and won’t run off, I promise.”
Snape growled, stalking off with a dismissive crack of his robes. “Let’s go. We haven’t got all night, despite what you think.”
The air was alive with the scents of woodsmoke and wildflowers. Ariel could see fireflies flying beneath the low branches as they passed by a low thicket of trees. Further ahead, she could make out the faint orange glow of the fire of Hagrid’s hut. Snape seemed to have relaxed, if only slightly; despite maintaining a brisk pace, he occasionally allowed himself to stop and glance around at their surroundings.
Ariel cupped the fireflies in her hand, enjoying the feel of them tickling her fingers and palms, trying not to stray too close to the treeline. Every time she did that, Snape would jerk closer, like there was some sort of magnetic connection between them pulling them together.
“This is not a solution.” Snape said suddenly, the firefly Ariel had managed to capture fluttering away as she turned in surprise.
“What is?” Ariel asked, cocking her head. She prowled low to the bushes, looking for more.
Snape made a sound of annoyance. “You know what.”
“I really don’t.”
Ariel heard him stop, the crunchcrunchcrunch of his boots stopping making her realize just how quiet it really was. “This time last year you were doing well in your Occlumency practice. Why have you stopped?”
She didn’t like this question very much. She shrugged. “Maybe I’m just no good at it.”
“You and I both know that’s not true.” Snape said, in a very no-nonsense sort of voice, one that took Ariel off guard.
Ariel turned to face him, putting her hands on her hips. “Are you admitting that I might be good at something, then?”
“I’m sure you are good at a great many things.”
Ariel couldn’t believe her ears. “Who are you and what have you done with Snape?”
He scoffed, looking away. “You simply don’t put in the appropriate amount of effort.”
If Ariel had a galleon for every time he’d said that, she’d need a second vault at Gringotts. “I try, nothing is good enough —”
“Because instead of asking,” Snape interrupted in a loud voice. “you pine for my approval. You do not seek it out, only expect it based on your own merit, which is limited, given your… upbringing.”
Ariel blinked. “Are you calling me stupid?”
“Limited.” he enunciated each syllable, like she was actually stupid.
She bristled. “You get angry when I ask for help. You hate teaching.”
“You shove your nose into things and expect my praise and undivided attention. It is annoyingly Gryffindor-esque.”
She bit her lip, not wanting to admit that maybe he was right, but also not wanting to get into a row with him. “What does this have to do with Occlumency?”
“It would allow you to sleep… uninterrupted.”
The suggestion was like a slap to her face, and Ariel felt her cheeks flush. She kept her chin up, pretending that Snape's words meant nothing to her. "I can sleep just fine,"
Snape shook his head, almost in disgust. "Your continual lack of self-control is baffling.”  
Ariel crossed her arms. "Then why bother bringing it up?” she shot back.
Snape's eyes narrowed at her, and she could feel the tension in the air thickening between them. "You will never learn.”
"Maybe," Ariel retorted, her voice equally as sharp as Snape's had been. "Maybe this is just who I am."
Snape scoffed. "It does not have to be, and it is your obstinate refusal to put in the effort that is causing you to suffer.”
Anger lashed at her, like whip being brandished, little flecks of pain digging into her heart. “You want to talk about self control? What about you?”
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sunnyie-eve · 11 months
7 | My Number One
Series: Little Things
Paring: Mattheo Riddle x OFC Potter!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
When we get to the grounds the car starts to loss control and we crash into a tree. "My wand." I see Ron's broken. 
"Be thankful it's not your neck." I tell him before something hits the car. 
"What's happening?" Ron whines. 
The tree start to attack the car growling making us yell till we fall out of the tree. Ron drives fast getting us away from the tree then the car throws us out with all of our stuff before driving off into the dark forest. 
"Dad's going to kill me." Ron shakes his head. 
"I feel like your mum is going to be more mad though." I turn my head to look at him. 
"Shut it." He covers my mouth with his hand. 
We go back and get all of our stuff going into the school putting our stuff with everyone else's. Harry explains everything wrong that had happened to us then we run into Flitch, who takes us to Snape. He goes on about how we were seen by seven Muggles and we damage the tree we crashed into. 
"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us." Ron tells him and I agree. 
"Ron's right." I get quite as he tells us to be quite. 
He tells the boys that if they were in Slytherin he would have it to were they would be on the train back home. Dumbledore comes in saying they're not though and McGonagall tells the boys that she will be writing to their families and they both get detention. 
"I guess, I'll go get my things." I look down at the ground sighing. 
"Miss Potter, I won't expel today... You will detention with me tomorrow." Snape lets me know and I smile.
 "Thank you, Professor." We all leave going to our dorms. "Ron." I stop him and Harry. "Next time when I say we wait by the car... we wait by the car." I glare at him. 
"Got it." He nods his head fast leaving with Harry.
As I get to the common room, because we missed dinner, I'm pulled into an unexpected hug. "I was nervous you weren't coming this year. You weren't on the train." Mattheo hugs me and I hug him back. 
"We couldn't get through the barrier so we missed the train." I explain to him stepping back out of the hug. 
"How did you get here?" He asks. 
"Ron drove his dad's flying car. We crashed into the tree, got in trouble so I have detention with Snape tomorrow." I roll my eyes. 
"I'm glad you made it. I can't imagine a year without you." We both smile. 
"HAZEL!" Theo screams walking to the room making the grisly come running in and over to me. 
"You did make it!" They tackle me. 
"She just missed the train." Mattheo tells them. 
"I'm actually really tired from all that has happened today so I just wanna go to bed." I yawn. 
"See you in the morning." Enzo hugs me then Theo as I walk past them going to my dorm with the girls following behind.
"You didn't write back all summer, what happened?" Willow asks as we walk to class. 
"A house elf stole Harry and I letters. Also tried to stop us from coming this year. Said to keep us safe." I explain to her. 
"So something bad is going to happen?" She get nervous. 
"I don't know what but apparently."
"Hey, Draco said you and Weasley like each other?" Theo jogs up to me. 
"We're friends. What is he... Is he talking about us at the bookshop?! Oh, my god. I can't put my arm around a friend? We both dislike Lockhart so we were celebrating." I roll my eyes getting everything. 
"How could you with a blood tr-," 
I slap my hand over his mouth, "What we talked about with the Hermione goes the same for Ron." I glare at him. 
"Fine, I got it." He groans.
"Best friend!" Mattheo runs up beside me grabbing my arm to link it with his. "Will you be a nerd this year too? Because I need you to be a nerd in Greenhouse, I don't remember that stuff." He says as we all walk to that class. 
"She's our nerd in every subject." Enzo joins us with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. 
"You know you are pretty brave to talk back to my father." Draco speaks up bumping into as he passes me. 
"Well he called a murderer who killed my parents a legend. Did you think I wouldn't say anything? I don't care if it was your father. I see where you get your disgusting personally from." I roll my eyes. 
"What did you say?" He turns around getting in my face. 
"You heard me, Malfoy." I stare into his eyes. 
Mattheo cuts him off, "Drop it, Malfoy. You mess with her, you mess with me." He glares at him then pulls me away continuing our way to class, "He's not worth it."
As we walk in and get the proper attire on for class, Ron looks over at me and I point my finger at him. "I'll listen next time, I promise." He puts his hands up in defense. "Wanna say that in a better way?" I walk up to him. 
"I promise to listen to you all the time..." He blinks at me. 
"That's better, Weasley". I smile patting the top of his head. 
Professor Sprout come in and gets the class started, "Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" She asks and Hermione raises her hand before to answer. 
"Might I add... It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." I add to what Hermione said. 
"Excellent. 10 points to Gryffindor. And 10 points to Slytherin." Professor Sprout tells us. 
We all out on our earmuffs to protect our ears from the crying but it still hurt. You think one crying was terrible but a whole class pulling up one and multiple crying.
"I never want to do that again." Pansy complains as we leave class. 
"Did you see Longbottom fainted before we all pulled them out." Theo laughs. 
"Here we go." I sigh as he's an ass with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. 
"Riddle, how do you consider Potter your best friend?" Draco starts again. 
"She's a lot better than you." Mattheo eyes him. 
"Really? Why am I surprised... You're just a half blood, who's real parents didn't want. Now your adoptive pureblood parents are just blood traitors." Draco chuckles pissing Mattheo off. 
"I didn't have a choice not being with my real parents and I'm glad I'm not. Because I know I would be a whole lot worse than you because who they are." Mattheo gets in Draco's face. 
"You said you don't know who they are... Why are you keeping it a secret?" Draco stands up taller. 
"Because they don't deserve to be talked about. But me knowing who my parents were... I would watch it because I could be just like them if I get mad."
I finally step in grabbing Mattheo's hand, "It's not worth it." I squeeze his hand tugging him away. 
"Listen to your little girlfriend, Riddle. You both would be perfect for each other with no real parents." Draco spits at him. 
"Okay, that's enough." Theo steps in pushing Draco away from us. 
"Don't tell me... You have a crush on Potter. Doesn't fit your standards you know being non pureblood, a blood traitor, love for muggles, even mudbloods." Theo shoves Draco harder. 
"Watch it, daddy's boy. You think you're so tough with theses meat heads by your side. You're all talk and no bite. I know you Malfoy. So shut it." Theo backs away walking over to Mattheo and I. 
"Whatever, let's go. You coming Enzo?" Draco waits but Enzo joins us too. "You four are pathetic." Draco leaves.
Pansy looks at us then at Draco going after him. "She's in love with him but he doesn't care." Theo rolls his eyes. 
"Well hall that drama has made me hungry." Sienna speaks up linking her arm with Willow. 
"I say, let's eat." Willow skips off with Sienna and the group follows. 
"Hey, thank you again for having my back." I stop holding Mattheo back. 
"You're my girl, my best friend, my number one. Forever so get used to it." He shakes my arm making me laugh. 
"Why am I so special?" I ask him actually curious. 
"I know the saying is usually cliché but it's true... You're different from all the other Slytherin's. When you introduced yourself to me, you tried to get me to talk back. You started a conversation while they just said their name waited for a response didn't get one so left saying I was weird." He explains to me. 
"They did say that." I nod my head. 
"That's why you are special." He smiles using his left hand to pinch my cheek.
"Ron, have you fixed your wand yet?" I ask as we pass him and Harry. 
"Does it look like it?" He shows me this wand and a roll of tape. 
"You're doomed." I pat him back walking over to my table. 
"How did that happen?" Mattheo asks as we sit down with the group. 
"When we crashed into the tree, Ron was banging his wand against the steering wheel then it broke." I tell him. 
"Oh, yeah... Don't you have detention with Professor Snape today?" He asks. 
"Yeah, I don't think it will be that bad." I shrug my shoulders. 
Ron's owl comes flying in before crashing down in their table. "Look, everyone. Weasley's got himself a Howler." Seamus says making people laugh. 
"What's a Howler?" I ask. 
"You'll see." Theo laughs more.
"Ronald Weasley! How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an inquiry at work, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! Oh, and Ginny, dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud." The Howler from Molly shouts at Ron. 
"That's embarrassing." I feel second hand embarrassment. 
"Now you understand what a Howler is?" Theo laughs. 
"100% understand." I nod my head.
As Hazel chats with the girls at the table Mattheo just let watches her trying not to smile. "Riddle, you're staring." Theo whispers to him. 
"Huh?" Mattheo looks away from Hazel. 
"You got a crush on your best friend?" Theo laugh. 
"You're jealous Nott." Mattheo laughs. 
"What makes you say that?" He chuckles. 
"Your eyes tell me you don't like the thought of me liking her." Mattheo explains to him so he just chuckles. 
"I know someone who does have a crush on her." Theo glances to his right making Mattheo look to the left. 
"No, way." He groans looking away from Draco. 
"Yep, he slipped a little over the summer." Mattheo makes a face as Hazel looks at him. 
"What's that face for?" She laughs. 
"Something gross Theo told me." He says making Theo laugh.
In Defense Against The Dark Arts, Hazel couldn't stand Lockhart as he talked to them. "He's so full of himself." She says under her breath as he talks about what's under the cover in a cage. 
"I say he's a fake." Enzo whispers to her as Lockhart reveals Cornish pixies. 
"Let's see what you make of them." Lockhart opens the cage making them fly out. 
They mess with the students and make a mess. Willow, Sienna, Theo, Enzo, Draco, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle run out of the class room while Hazel smacks pixies away with her book with Mattheo. One gets ahold of her hair pulling it, "Hazie, stop moving for a second." Mattheo tells her so she does and knocks the pixie away. 
"Thanks, Matty." She says as the duck under a table tell Hermione freezes the pixies.
"Why is it always me?" Neville asks hanging from the chandelier. 
"How do we get him down?" Mattheo looks at the trio.
 "Umm." Harry keeps his eyes on Neville. 
The five end up figuring a way to get Neville down then clean up the classroom just because they felt like Lockhart wasn't going to do it. As Hazel and Mattheo leave the classroom Hermione and Ron jog to catch up with them while Harry goes get ready for Quidditch practice. 
"Hey, Ron... I thought you said I was the only Slytherin you like." Hazel laughs as they get outside and sit down. 
"You are." He says confused. 
"No, because you talk to Mattheo too." She puts an arm around Mattheo's shoulder. 
"At times but I guess you do have a point." Ron rolls his eyes.
As the four were sitting they see the Slytherin team and the Gryffindor team walk up to each other. "This isn't good." Hazel gets up and Ron agrees so all four go over to see what's going on. 
"You've got a new Seeker? Who?" Wood asks Flint so Draco steps up. 
"You?" Hazel chuckles. 
She knew he was a good flyer because of last year but she didn't hear no talk of him wanting to tryout for the team. "That's right. Ans that's not all that's new this year." Draco shows off the brooms. 
"Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" Ron asks. 
"A gift from Draco's father." Flint looks at him. 
"You see, Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco tells him. 
"At least no one in the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione spits at him which pisses him off.
"No one asked your opinion. You filthy little Mudblood." Draco steps up to her and Hazel steps in front of Hermione glaring at him. 
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Ron points his wand at Draco but it backfires hitting him. 
"Ron, you okay!" Hazel runs over to him with the Gryffindor's.
 Ron looks like he was going to throw up and he does but it was slugs that come out. Harry and Hermione take Ron to Hagrid while Hazel walks up to a laughing Draco. 
"What you going to do, Potter?" He raises an eyebrow. 
Hazel raises her arm pulling it back but Mattheo pulls her back. "Let me do it." She struggles in his arms. 
"You already have detention. You can't get in more trouble. Snape will send you home." He tries to calm her down and it does make her stop. "He's not worth it."
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Day 4: Bouquet
This is a continuation of this fic (on ao3 here), although each installment in the series can be read on its own. I'll be posting new chapters semi-regularly until the entire fic is out of my Finished WIPs folder - please poke me if you feel like I'm taking too long updating! 💜
CW for a bit of depression for Harry at the beginning - Spring isn't necessarily an easy season for him, but he's going to be okay
Springtime was supposed to make everything feel better. That’s what his classmates seemed to believe, at least, all swarming excitedly through the doors to get outside, still stuffing a last bite of breakfast into their mouths. That’s what Hermione had said, stretching by the fire a few nights ago and remarking how the weather was supposed to be nicer this week, and wouldn’t that be nice? That’s what all those brochures from the mind healers said, that winter and darkness might make you sad, but spring and sunlight would make you feel better.
Harry begged to differ. As he stomped around the far edge of the lake, all he could think about was how he didn’t feel better at all. The spring air was just a reminder of what the weather had been like during all the other horrible moments of his life. Warm weather had always meant the Dursleys and Privet Drive, exams and clashes with evil, the Battle of Hogwarts. Even the happy shrieks of his classmates, spread across the lawn on the other side of the lake and reveling in the first nice day of spring, closer to the castle, felt a little too close to screams for his memory to tolerate.
He had come outside to clear his head - he knew the change of seasons was affecting him, but Hermione had gently suggested that a walk might be nice, and so he had stormed outside without waiting for her and Ron, putting as much space between himself and everyone else as he could. He just wanted to not think, or, failing that, to give in to the dark mood surrounding him for just a little bit. He was doing a fairly good job of it too, kicking hard at pebbles on the ground and scowling at the grass.
But then, a splotch of yellow interrupted his glare. There was a dandelion poking out of the ground, bright yellow and looking healthier than anything had a right to look this early in the season. It was a weed, so he could take his hatefulness out on it and pick it without remorse, but it was also bright yellow and happy looking, so he tore it from the ground and clenched it in his fist to give to Draco later. It would probably make him smile, and by then Harry would probably be in a mood to appreciate it.
Unfortunately, the dandelion wasn’t the only flower that was braving the new spring air. A few minutes later, there were some snowdrops, and while Harry stomped on the long grass beside them, he left them untrampled and plucked one up to give to Draco as well. Then there were some daffodils, and he was so irrationally angry that they were already blooming, because they were far too fragile to last the week, and he snatched up three to hasten their stupid deaths before adding them to the other flowers in his hand and casting a preservation spell on them so that Draco could enjoy them before they wilted, like the stupid flowers they were.
And maybe he felt a little bad about how much he was forcing himself to hate the dumb flowers, but spring was horrible, and he was allowed to be mad if he wanted to be.
But then there were primroses scattered around the base of a tree, and purple hyacinths behind Hagrid’s hut and pink crocuses along the edge of the forest, and then camellias and anemones and bluebells, and by the time Harry made it back to the castle for lunch his arms were full of flowers and his gait was closer to a wander than a stomp.
He wasn’t entirely sure what to do with the flowers he had picked; while he had been thinking of Draco when he saw each one of them, he didn’t really know how to go about giving flowers to someone. Was he supposed to tie them up in a ribbon? Or perhaps find a vase? That problem solved itself though, as Draco was lounging on a blanket just outside of the castle doors. Ron was curled around Hermione as she read on a blanket next to Draco’s, while Pansy and Blaise were flipping through magazines on his other side, and all of them had noticed Harry by the time he noticed them. Hiding the impromptu bouquet wasn’t an option, so he just walked over to join Draco on the edge of his blanket.
“Umm, hi.”
Draco’s smile was fond. “Hello. Did you have a nice walk?”
Harry could feel his cheeks going red, he still wasn’t used to being around Pansy and Blaise, let alone bringing Draco flowers in front of the other Slytherins, but he did his best to ignore their pointed smirks.
“Erm, yeah, it was fine.” Awkwardly, he shifted the flowers, trying to figure out how to hand them over without just dumping them on the ground.
“You know, when Granger told me that you’d gone for a walk to clear your head, I thought that you might have, oh, I don’t know, gone for a walk to clear your head. I never expected you to have set off on a mission to deforest half the countryside.” Draco’s drawl was biting and lazy, but Harry could read him well and knew that the softness in his eyes belied his tone.
“They’re for you, you git.” His own attempt at a scowl seemed to be failing, if the twitch of Draco’s mouth was any indication.
“Oh, my, how absolutely romantic!” He deftly swept the flowers into his arms, then turned to Pansy. “Pansy, do you remember how many times we would fantasize about our future paramours gifting us with flowers as children? How we would enact the scenes in the conservatory? Do you remember my insistence, whenever you played the prince who had come to sweep me off my feet, that you would get the wording just right?” And here, Draco pitched his voice slightly high and breathy, fluttering his eyelashes in what he clearly intended to be a show of romantic devotion, “They’re for you, you git!”
Pansy and Blaise dissolved into giggles, and behind Draco’s back Harry could see Ron and Hermione not even bothering to hide their own laughter. Traitors.
Harry scowled for real, crossing his arms across his chest and doing his best to ignore all of them.
“Oh, don’t be like that.” Draco leaned in, kissing Harry on the cheek, and then wiggled so that he was reclining in Harry’s lap, with Harry’s arms coming to wrap around him of their own accord. Lowering his voice a little, in a tone just for the two of them, he added, “I like these quite a lot.”
Harry kissed the top of his head, feeling better than he had all day at the little up-and-down motion Draco’s body made against his chest as he buried his nose in the bouquet and inhaled. “They made me think of you.”
Beaming, Draco turned around and kissed him properly, cupping Harry’s face in his free hand and brushing an errant curl behind his ear. When Draco pulled his hand away, Harry could feel something tangled in his ear, and from the silly delight on Draco’s face, he had good reason to believe it was a dandelion.
Read on Tumblr: Part 1,2, 3
Read on ao3
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briarpotter · 7 months
Ginniversary Drabble
Read here on Ao3, or continue reading below.
Prompt O-72: “Sorry, it’s just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving.”
“Nice! You got a new car!” She cheered. “Yep. A Ford Focus. It’s pretty popular.” He replied. He had recently bought a new Ford Focus car. It was a 4 Seater drive with cars in Midnight Blue, White, Black and Emerald Green. Hermione told him to buy a green car, saying that it would match his eyes nicely. And he quite agreed.
It seemed like his girlfriend agreed as well. Ginny was already sitting in the driver’s seat. “Nuh-Uh, you’re not driving.” Harry said. “Why?” Ginny teased. “Are you worried I’m a better driver than you? Just admit it, you are!”
“No! That’s not the reason.” He confessed. “It’s my first car. I want to be the first person to drive it.” Ginny’s eyes softened before flaring with determination. Seems like she wouldn’t give up. “Please!” She begged. “Fine.” He sighed. He walked up to the front passenger seat and handed Ginny the keys.
“Here. Be careful!” He reproved. “When am I not?” Ginny teased. “Um, when you almost crashed George’s car! You also completely destroyed the side mirrors of Ron’s car! Charlie’s headlights stopped working, though I don’t know how you managed that-” Harry listed, counting off his fingers. “Alright! So I’ve had a few accidents here and there-” Ginny admitted. “A few?! That is more than a few! Who knows how many you covered up as well! You’ve somehow damaged at least one part of your brothers’ cars!” Harry exclaimed. “It’s not my fault if I don’t completely trust you with my car!” His tone softened. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving.”
Ginny sniffed, “Hmph!” She crossed her arms and turned away. “I’m sorry, Gin. Please forgive me?” Harry asked softly. She turned around to see that Harry was only telling the truth.
His hand moved to cup her chin. He gently tugged at it and kissed her softly, pouring all his emotions into that kiss. A few minutes later, he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I know.” She whispered back. She had forgiven him already. All was well.
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remedialpotions · 4 years
So I saw a post- one that I actually noticed you liked as well...but what's your take on Hermione persuading Ron to take his muggle driving test/how Ron was convinced he should do so (maybe even on his own)?
“She’s eleven,” said Hermione miserably. “Eleven.”
“I know,” replied Ron as he climbed into bed beside her. “We’ve just had a whole party about it.”
“But I still can’t believe it.” Hermione’s head dropped back against her pillow, a few rogue curls escaping the knot of hair at the base of her neck. “Remember when she was born?”
“Yeah,” Ron chuckled, “vaguely.”
“It feels like it was - I don’t want to say yesterday, of course it doesn’t feel like it was yesterday but there’s no way it was eleven years ago.” Restless, Hermione sat back up. “And before we know it, the summer will have ended and she’ll be off to Hogwarts.”
“I know.” Ron felt a familiar little squeeze around his heart; it was happening more and more lately when he thought about his little girl, the precious, headstrong, whip-smart light of his life, boarding a train and leaving him behind. “But she’s so excited about it.”
“She’s probably going to forget all about us,” Hermione lamented. “She’ll be throwing our letters in the bin by October.”
“I really wouldn’t go that far.” Ron reached out to place his hand over Hermione’s, squeezing lightly. “I thought that was the whole point of, y’know, teaching them to read and do maths and everything, though. So they can grow up and be on their own.”
“I just wish they’d stay small for longer.”
Ron didn’t disagree. All day, while his daughter had played Quidditch with her cousins and opened gifts and exulted in the simple joys of a day dedicated to celebrating her, a barrage of memories had forced its way through his mind: the pink-cheeked bundle sleeping on his chest, the toddler who flung her arms around his knees with unadulterated glee when he arrived home from work, the little girl sat astride his shoulders at the London Zoo. For her to be eleven, on the cusp of brewing potions and transfiguring matches into needles and levitating feathers… he had not expected it, but it felt like a loss. 
“We could always just have another, then,” said Ron with a grin, “if you’re so desperate to have a baby around.”
Hermione’s head swiveled slowly toward him. “Have you gone mad?”
“Oh, come on.” He rolled over to face her. “Doesn’t that sound fun? Nappies and midnight feedings - oh, and teething! Teething’s the best-“
Her eyes narrowed - but even so, Ron detected just a touch of amusement playing on the corners of her mouth. “Are you quite done?”
He laughed heartily, then, a small thrill of satisfaction rushing through him at the exasperation on her face. “So that’s a no, then, on the baby?”
“I think you already knew that.”
Lifting their linked hands, he kissed the back of hers, and her expression softened. “It is strange, though,” he agreed, “that we’ll actually be sending off one of our own at the platform this year.”
“I’ll have to check that my dad’s old car still runs,” said Hermione thoughtfully. “We hardly ever use it.”
For years they had tagged along on the first of September to see off their nieces and nephews, starting with Teddy’s first year. But they always Apparated there, with the exception of the past few years when Rose and Hugo had wanted to join in, and then Hermione had driven an old vehicle that used to belong to her parents. Most of the time, it sat parked at the kerb in front of their home, patiently waiting to be driven.
“You know,” said Ron, contemplative, “I could drive her to King’s Cross. Drive us, I mean, we’re all going. But I could get my licence.”
“You could do,” replied Hermione. “But I don’t mind doing it, really. It’s not like we use the car all the time.”
“Right, but I still reckon I should learn how. There was talk back when I was an Auror, of having us all learn how. Just in case there was some kind of emergency.”
Hermione nodded. “But you’re not an Auror anymore.”
“I know, but there could still be a - I don’t know, some kind of situation - where I might need to drive a car.” 
“I’m sorry,” she began, lips pinched to hold back laughter, “but what sort of emergency scenario are you imagining that requires you to operate a Muggle vehicle? Are you living in a spy film?”
Ron laughed along with her. “I might be! I’m just saying, you never know when it might come in handy.”
Lying back down, Hermione turned on her side to face him. “It would be nice if I didn’t always have to drive. But why now?” she asked, curious. “You haven’t really had much interest in it before.”
“Right.” Ron turned onto his back, eyes cast up at the ceiling. “I think it’s just… I don’t know, it’s probably silly.”
“No,” said Hermione softly. “It probably isn’t.”
Ron let out a slow breath. “She used to need us for everything, right? To feed her and change her nappies and read to her and generally keep her alive, and - and you’re right,” he went on ruefully, “she’s grown up so bloody fast. She doesn’t need us for a whole lot anymore, and I just want her to need me for something.”
“You’re her dad,” said Hermione, voice low and gentle. “She’ll always need you.”
“I know, but I feel like…” He turned his head towards her and their eyes locked. Warmth and reassurance glowed in hers, a soothing tonic to his nerves. “If there’s something I can still do for her, before she’s grown up and out of the house, I want to do it. Even if it’s something small like this. I know it sounds stupid-”
“No,” she interrupted with a shake of her head. “No, it doesn’t. I love you for it, actually.”
Ron allowed himself a smile. “Besides, I’ve already had some practice.”
“Have you? When?”
“I drove all the way to Hogwarts that time!” he laughed, relishing as she groaned and rolled away from him. “So it can’t be that hard.”
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