#Severus Snape x Elizabeth Kane
braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: Smut (Severus), non-con from both parties (Lucius), trigger warnings of rape (Greyback), 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
There were four of them and I was dragged harshly between two of them. My feet stumbled on the gravel, hopping when a particularly sharp stone hit the bottom of my feet. Their grip on my upper arms was unpleasantly tight. 
As we approached the black wrought-iron gate that guarded the large mansion forebodingly, they all lifted their left arms and passed through the gate. I was dragged through, feeling as though I was being scraped by Iron blades. 
My heart was beating, not in fright, but in anticipation. I would get to see Severus. And while I had no hopes that he would be helping me escape, or even that he would talk to me, seeing his face would be enough. 
It was stupid, irrational. My visions never deviated from their course. There was no reason to worry that Voldemort would kill my fiancé until the planned time. 
But still, separated from war and being on opposite sides. . . it made me nervous and I would be glad to see his face. 
As I was dragged up the long pathway, I started mentally calculating all of the possible outcomes. 
Voldemort might keep me. Try and use my visions or even a little shiny trinket to wave in front of Harry's face and tell him to come and get me. Those were good-ish scenarios. I would still be able to plan how to save Severus, Tonks, Fred, and Dad's lives. It would be more difficult, of course, but still doable. 
Or he could kill me flat out. At least my family wouldn't have to out live me by long, that was the singular comfort. The uncomfortable part was wondering where Remus would end up. He would be with Dad and Tonks surely for a little bit. But after dad and Tonks died too? Maybe Andromeda would keep him? Or would Mrs. Weasley take him in? Or would Harry do it? Trang was to tell him I was his sister and explain the whole story if I did die. 
I prayed that she was okay as I was dragged through the doorway into the manner. 
I knew where I was of course- Malfoy Manor. Though I had never stepped foot into the place, it was both grand, cold, and luxurious all at the same time. 
Like all of the portraits in the Wizarding World, the ones on the walls watched as I was dragged down the hallway. They didn't talk to each other, only judging me and my worth with cold, calculating stares. 
Two figures appeared at the end of the hallway. One was a feminine figure that I saw first as the second followed behind slower. Her wild black hair was curly and it made all of her facial features stand out dramatically. Her lips were puffy and red, her eyelids heavily lidded and dark. 
Bellatrix clapped her hands excitedly, but her good humor was quickly diminished as the Death Eater on my left addressed her, "Is he in?" 
"No." Bellatrix said, her eyes becoming narrowed and shrewd. "I will take her from here." 
"The Dark Lord's orders were very clear. We are to put Kane or Potter in the dungeons." The Death Eater clearly didn't know who he was talking to. Or he was stupid. Or he was brave. I wasn't sure. 
"I will take her from here." Bellatrix repeated, her smile also fading now, turning more into an ugly frown. 
The Death Eater made motions like he was going to ignore her and simply take me to the dungeons anyways, but the second one let me go and started to back away slowly. 
I looked at Bellatrix and then my eyes flickered behind to see the man behind her. 
I used Legilimens shields to make sure no emotions flickered over my face. 
Severus stood there, straight back and shoulders tense. His black eyes had no emotion in them, even as mine met his. His long black hair was oily as it came down around his face. 
I flicked my eyes back to Bellatrixs', and only met them for a second before I suddenly felt cool tile under my cheek, while the rest of my body felt like it was on fire. 
I knew that Severus had this way of separating his mind from his body while under the Cruciatus Curse. It was part of his superb Legilimens skills. But, I had not mastered that level and my throat burned as the screams erupted from it. Ungodly noises that didn't sound like they should come from any human. 
I couldn't tell if I had gone blind from pain or if I had squeezed my eyes shut, but when my body was released from the curse and I was just laying there in agony, learning to breathe, my eyes fluttered open to see the chandelier above me. 
"Bellatrix." Severus' voice was like music to my ears after such pain. It was the same voice he used in the classroom, like he hated everybody- including me. Harsh and baritone, deep, conveying nothing seemingly, but ultimately all of his hate and contempt for the person he was talking to. 
"What Snape?" Bellatrix snapped. 
"I would be. . . appeased if I could have her for thirty or forty minutes." I could picture the curl of his lip and my eyes fluttered, because I wanted to see it. See him. His face. 
I saw Bellatrixs' face first, amused in her misunderstanding of Severus' words. "I wish I could witness it. But I suspect you'll want a more private audience." 
"Very private." This time I saw Severus' face. He was coming the closet he ever would to smiling, in the presence of someone he detested. And it was a mocking, cruel smile, that I almost never saw from him. 
Bellatrix cackled at that, flaunting off to the side. Severus dragged me to my feet harshly. I didn't even have the strength to fight him off. He threw me over his shoulder, rather unflattering, but I didn't care at the particular moment. 
I only knew things had changed when the sound of a door clicked behind us and suddenly, he was placing me gently on my back on the bed. His large, rough hands were cupping my face delicately. The tunnels of black were suddenly full of warmth, love, and worry. 
"Elizabeth?" His voice was soft, musical in reality now. 
"Sev." I whispered back, throat so dry my voice cracked. "Oh Sev." 
His lips gently pulled mine into a hug. Enveloping them warmly, protectively almost. Mine responded in kind, submitting, letting his dominate. His tongue dipped lightly against my lips and they parted, allowing the intrusion desperately. 
My strength was coming back and my hands slid up his arms, before they wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss became more desperate. Our tongues entwined with each others, noses smashed against each others cheeks. Our breathing was ragged, neither of us wanting to let go to breathe fresh air. 
His hands were sliding behind my back, undoing the zipper for the sleeveless dress. "What a beautiful colour on you." He breathed out, finally sitting back. 
I stood up, letting the dress slide from my body and his arms pulled me to him again. He made his own clothes disappear with a simple snap of his fingers and before me was a rugged man. 
He would never be beautiful enough to be called a God or to be carved into a pedestal of marble. Because Severus Snape was not a beautiful man. He was not perfect or glorious. He was scarred and strong. Rugged. He was. . . distinguished. Regal. Dignified. 
It was as though, while the two of us were staring at each other, memorizing each other again, we were thinking the same thing. 
"Mine." both of us whispered it together before Severus was pushing me back into the pillows of the bed. He grabbed his wand, lazily waving it towards my arm. Thin, black rope twined around them, wrapping intricately around my wrists. It didn't cut into my wrists, even as my arms held firm. 
"Just in case." Severus whispered softly, dipping his lips down, catching my nipple between his teeth, before sucking. I whimpered, a soft sound and one I hadn't made in months. 
His other hand palmed the other breast. Squeezing the soft flesh and he ran his thumb over my peaked nipple over and over again. It was such a strange sensation for both of us. The softness to him and the stimulation for me. 
I ground my hips against his, his cock rubbing against my clit. Now that it was just the two of us, seemingly alone, I was aroused for him. Never mind that Bellatrix and Lucius and Greyback and all of the other Death Eaters were in the house somewhere. Never mind that Voldemort would be approaching when he heard of my capture. 
It was just Severus and me. Living in our own world. 
"Please fuck me sir." I whispered quietly against the shell of his ear. "Professor." 
Severus grabbed my jaw harshly, a lust in his eyes. "What a naughty girl, begging for her Professors cock." 
"Yes Professor. Please give me your cock." I begged. Our voices low enough so that they could only reach our ears. But they held the same weight and lust and desire as if we were screaming it at the rooftops. 
"Naughty girls don't usually get what they want." Severus smirked, running his lips down my stomach, nipping at the skin. "Why should you be any different?" 
I refused to say anything depressing or anything that would break the spell. "Because I'm only naughty for you." 
Severus' eyes glinted in understanding. This was our fantasy for now, to be broken by reality only after we were done. 
"That is true. Which makes you a good girl by definition. And good girls always get what they want." Severus hummed, licking my neck, before sucking a hicky under my ear. 
He lifted my hips up slightly and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He thrusted into me and I couldn't help it, couldn't stop it. I moaned loudly, tossing my head back into the pillows. I knew the others would hear- I knew they had to be curious about it. Severus wasn't exactly known for this. But I didn't care. 
I even smiled a little at the rumors that would follow Severus after this. 'Damn, Snape is so good in bed, he can even got that victim of his, the Kane girl, to be pleasured'. I almost laughed. Severus would glare at everyone. 
Severus had seen it in my head and rolled his eyes. "You're imagination is adorable." 
This time, I did smile full out, before pressing my lips to his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and I let out a whimper as he hit a good spot inside of me. He had them memorized, hitting them in the perfect timing and succession so that I was whimpering and thrashing underneath him. 
"I'm going to cum." I whimpered, both of us ignoring the creak in the doorway. Neither of us turning to see who it was. 
Severus said nothing verbally, but he nipped at the soft skin of my breasts and I knew that it was permission. I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut, feeling the pleasure radiate through my body. 
As we both calmed down, we saw that the door had been shut again. Whoever had been here had left. 
Severus' time was up. We stared at each other for a long time, simply holding hands. Finally, I whispered. "Don't do anything stupid. Don't. . . don't compromise a thing. You. . ." I looked around and lowered my voice even more, "You do not compromise the entire world over me." 
We stared each other in the eyes. I knew he was waiting for me to back down, but I refused. He would not. I saw how this ended and he could not risk it. 
"Just keep your promise." Severus whispered, and finally moved so that he was off the bed, getting dressed again. 
I didn't say anything. I had crossed my fingers when he'd made me promise. It didn't count, there was no promise. 
I sat in the corner of the jail cell. 
Jail cell? Or was it more of a dungeon cell? Cell in the dungeon? 
I digress. 
Either way, it was a cell. It was in the farthest back corner in the dungeon from the door as possible. There were three walls of thick, damp stone around me, the one wall that was not, consisted of thick metal- probably Iron- bars along with the door, which was locked. 
It was a small cell, with nothing in it. Not even a bench to sleep or sit on. There were manacles connected to the walls, though surprisingly they had not chained me. Perhaps they figured, wandless and having nothing on me but the dress, I would not be able to escape. 
Well, they were right about that. 
I sat in the corner of the dungeon, curled up in a ball with my head resting against the wall. Not out of fear, but it was freezing, and it was hard to stay warm in the dress. 
My long hair came in handy. It was thick and luscious, especially having been washed earlier that morning. So it was warm, almost like a blanket and was nice feeling on my shoulders. But it wouldn't last for long. 
From what I understood by Bellatrixs' scathing words, Voldemort was not in the country at the moment. And since I was not Harry Potter, he didn't feel the need to come back as quickly. Which meant I was going to be in here for a few days before he even bothered to see to me. 
It made me feel a little better. Perhaps it would give me time to figure out a plan to escape. . . but it wasn't looking promising. 
Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming down the pathway. They were quick, but they were heavier than Severus' and Bellatrixs'. 
My heart started to beat heavily. Perhaps Voldemort had changed his mind. Perhaps he was here for me now. 
But it was Lucius, who stood in front of my cell. 
He looked different, than the last time I had seen him, standing in front of me at the Ministry. His hair was still long, but it didn't look as well cared after. His face was gaunter, more shadowy. He looked. . . almost ill. Paler for sure. And his hands seemed to be shaking just a little bit. 
I wondered for a second, if he was letting me go. But as he opened the cell and stepped inside, closing the door behind him, I figured that was a foolish take. He would  not let me go. 
I noticed his eyes were off. The pale blue-grey orbs weren't focused. But I couldn't imagine what the cause of that would be. He didn't smell drunk, so he had to be coherent. 
But I had no more tries to think of anything before his hands and lips were on me. 
My brain didn't react right away. At first, it was just stuck in motionless shock. His hands felt like Severus' hands and his lips tasted like tea and honey. His hair was soft against my cheek, tickling it, just like Severus. My brain was trying to comprehend what was happening and for a second, my eyes fluttered closed, lips molding under Lucius'. 
It took only three and a half seconds for my brain to reboot. By that point, Lucius had removed my dress for the most part and he was freeing his length from the confines of his wizarding robes. 
I finally reacted. Stupidly. I knew that I had no chance of truly fighting this. I grabbed his shoulders, pushing him backwards and then winced as he truly fell back, hitting his head harshly against the bars. 
Oh shite. 
Lucius lunged for me, pinning me against the stone floor. I twisted in his arms, but his grip was strong and his legs caged me in, preventing me from retaliating. His thrust was sudden and not as painful as I thought it would be. 
Then I remembered that Severus hadn't cleaned me up. So the slick that was leftover from him was lubricating Lucius, giving him an easier time and for me- it was less painful. It hadn't been that long for me being in here anyways. Ten or fifteen minutes. 
"Wait." I gasped out, still trying to fight him. He was moving as though on autopilot, his thrusts even and fast. I hated that I was actually feeling some semblance of pleasure from it. I focused on his face, which was stoic and glazed. 
I grunted, trying to wrench out of his grasp again, and then gasped, a wave of pleasure shooting through my entire body. I clenched my teeth together, back arching. Fuck. 
"LET ME GO!" I shouted, trying to turn now. 
"Stay still." He finally spoke and it sent chills up my spine. His words weren't harsh or spiteful or even gloating. He seemed calm and collected and I was staring to think that something was wrong. 
That was confirmed as he suddenly froze, mid thrust. I panted, staring up at him. My entire body was shaking and breath hitched in my throat. I watched his eyes become more aware. 
And then suddenly, he launched his body away from me, ripping himself out of me which made me whimper in pain, curling up, putting pressure on the sensitive parts. I heard him curse as he smacked his own head against the bars this time. 
"How long was I down here?" He spat at me. There was the tone I was expecting. 
I struggled backwards to sit up, gauging him with my eyes. "W- What?" 
"How long was I down here?" He looked like he was about to panic. His eyes were darting around the entire cell and he looked down at himself. He shoved his length back in his wizarding robes, glancing at me again. His eyes were horrified and suddenly full of self-hatred. 
"You weren't. . . aware?" I asked, trying to figure out what was going on. Imperius Curse? But who here would force him to force himself on me? It didn't make sense. 
I scanned him again, trying to get my brain working again. 
"I'm ill." Lucius whispered. "Fuck." He put his face in his hands, looking like he wanted to die right then and there. 
"Somno Maledictum." I whispered to myself. 
"Smart girl." He muttered, rather bitterly. 
"I don't understand." I whispered again. Somno Maledictum was an illness that had to do with sleep. It was a form of sleep walking, but instead of actually looking like you were asleep and walking, you did everything. But it also depended on what you were thinking about. 
The disease could kick in whenever, with no warning. For example, a housekeeper that had Somno Maledictum, might be thinking about a house she had to clean. She could black out upon entering the house. She might come around a few hours later and find the house completely done. 
It was disorienting and it was a rare disease. Cures weren't even ready made for it because it was so rare and one of the flowers in the ingredients was rare. But for Lucius Malfoy, that shouldn't matter. He had all the money in the world. 
"But you're rich." I protested, trying to wrap my head around it. "You can afford the cure so-" 
"What is wrong with you?" Lucius spat at me. 
I blinked, a little hurt. "I- what?" 
"I just. . . raped you." He struggled with the words and my sympathy increased tenfold. "I just violated you and you're just. . ." 
"Well it wasn't you, was it?" I demanded. "You were blacked out, how were you supposed to stop yourself?" 
"Severus is going to kill me." Lucius muttered, not answering my question. He put his face in his hands again. "If the Dark Lord doesn't kill me first." 
I rolled my eyes. "Pretty sure the Dark Lord is going to congragulate you on raping me." 
Lucius flinched and glared at me, "That wasn't what I was referring to. I'm useless and I'm a liability. I thought. . ." He drifted off and said, "He asked for my wand. I was blacked out then. I came to with his hand in front of me. I made a fool of myself, he thought I was asking for his wand. I thought he was going to kill me then. I keep this up. . ." 
"Why haven't you asked Professor Snape for a cure?" I asked. "He's sure to make you one and I know he would keep it a secret for you." 
"Oh yeah." Lucius responded bitterly. "I just raped his wife, really don't think he's going to feel like helping me." 
My heart started to pound in my chest. I tried to laugh. "Professor Snape isn't married." 
Lucius sighed. "He's my best friend, Miss Kane. No one else can pick up on it. It's. . . the Dark Lord did allude that you could be used in such a manor. But I wasn't going to touch you because Severus is my best friend. . . if I can use such a childish term. He's really more like a brother. But now. . ." 
I found myself getting to my feet. I forgot I was naked and knelt back down in front of Lucius. My hand cupped his cheek and he flinched, staring at me with such confusion. "What- why-" I ran a finger down his neck and he shuddered, falling silent. 
"Mr. Malfoy. . . Lucius. . ." I whispered, horror coming over me. I looked straight into his eyes. "You have. . . months-" 
"I know." Lucius whispered, putting his head down, falling away from my hand. "I know. Look, I'm not-" 
"Lucius." A new voice joined us and we both froze for a second before we saw that it was just Severus, standing in the doorway of the cell. I was relieved that he didn't look angry, just a little sad. But Lucius wouldn't meet his eyes. 
Severus handed me my dress which I took, but didn't put on. Somehow, it was easier to just hold it to my body than try to dress right now. Severus paid attention to Lucius now. 
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Severus asked, taking his face into his hands, gauging how sick Lucius was. 
"What does it matter? He's going to win. I'll wish to be dead anyways." Lucius muttered. "And I wanted to protect you." 
"Yes, you're always doing that. You should cut it out." Severus replied, the smallest of smiles coming over his face. 
"Severus, he's. . ." I didn't say anything else. We could all hear footsteps coming down the hall. They weren't hurried or anything. More like prowling. 
Lucius groaned. "This is my fault. They're going to form a line." 
Severus jerked Lucius to his feet and hissed under his breath, "Act Luc. You're victorious." 
I wasn't sure if Lucius was going to manage it, but I let myself sprawl back on the ground. It was easier to simply curl up on my side and close my eyes to pretend while Severus and Lucius left. I heard the door sliding shut, but they didn't move from the cell. 
"Go a second round Snape?" I shivered, recognizing Greybacks' voice. I think I would've rather of taken anyone else over him. Even multiple others over him. Even the Dark Lord himself. Anyone but Greyback. 
"Nonsense. She's to weak for another round." Severus said in a scathing voice. "I was looking for Lucius. He seems to have worked her out quite well." 
"I think she's got some more in her." Greyback said. I tried playing dead at this point. Did werewolves like dead meat? 
"I'm warning you-" Severus started and I winced. Severus showing any sort of sympathy was dangerous. 
"Protective?" Greyback sneered. 
"Of my own neck." Severus retorted with his own sneer. "It's your head if something happens to her before the Dark Lord gets to her. And you're not exactly known for keeping your victims alive, Greyback."
"She'll live." Greyback said and I resigned myself to my fate, hearing the cell door slam open. 
I needed to get used to this. It was going to be my life now. And trying to be a girl in a book and think she could fight her way out of it wasn't going to do me any good. 
I whimpered, letting out a cry of real pain, feeling Greybacks' nails, which dug into my skin as he grabbed my arms. 
Severus was still standing there, frozen. His black eyes bore into the back of Greybacks' head and his hand twitched towards his wand. 
I knew he had to leave, even as Greyback was ripping the dress away and I was grateful that I hadn't put it back on. At least it'd still be in one piece later when I had to face Voldemort. 
"What are you two still doing here?" I snapped, lacing anger and also embarrassment into the words. "Want a fucking show?" 
Severus met my eyes and straightened his shoulders. He was still to tense in my opinion. Lucius fared better, sneering, "Like any show would be passable by you." 
I cried out again as Greyback bit into my neck. Not the way that Severus did, when he wanted to be possessive. Greyback was doing it to taste me. To hurt me. 
Lucius grabbed Severus arm, dragging him down the hallway, quickly. I could hear the sounds of their shoes pounding against the stones. Severus was furious. 
Greyback's nails were sharper than any others. Everywhere they touched, even with him trying to be gentle (ish), they were still leaving scratches, most of them cutting open enough for little droplets of blood to pool on my skin. 
I waited for him to thrust himself into me. But he never did. 
I felt water on my face, tears. Greyback cupped my face, making me wince. He sneered and then flipped my body over so that I was on my stomach. I cried out as he pulled my hips back. 
I had a singular, incoherent thought before I felt some of the worst pain in my life: He's a dog and he likes doggy style. Go figure. 
Severus and I had never done anal and quite frankly, even if we had, I was sure it would not have stopped the immense pain that I felt radiate through me as he forced himself into me. 
The scream that came from me sounded inhuman. I didn't even have the strength to hold it back. I desperately hoped that Severus could not hear me. 
The pain was great and black spots danced in front of my eyes, which I squeezed shut. There was an aching pain in my lower back as well. 
It felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than ten minutes. By the time he was done, I was weak and half unconscious. I could smell sweat and blood, which was probably a bad thing. I let out a final whimper as he pulled out of me. 
"What a sweet little thing." Greyback purred. His breath was terrible and his teeth so close to me made my neck throb in remembrance. "I can't wait until the Dark Lord lets you be mine." 
I shuddered, but said nothing and moved not an inch as he exited the door. The cell door closed with a clang. 
I laid there on the stones, feeling the coolness of them under my body. The pain had faded now. Mostly. 
Now that I had gone through it, I wasn't actually all to sure I could get used to this. And what if Greyback was right? What if the Dark Lord handed me over to him? 
I had to get out of here. I just had to figure out how. 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 years
Eden Academy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
5 notes · View notes
ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Eden Academy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
0 notes
ao3feed-snape · 5 years
Eden Academy
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
0 notes
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
0 notes
ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
Eden Academy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
0 notes
ao3feed-fma · 5 years
Eden Academy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
by That_Awesome_Prussian
Summary inside...
Words: 89, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Disney - All Media Types, DCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men - All Media Types, Henry Danger (TV), The Thundermans, The Umbrella Academy (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types, Scooby Doo - All Media Types, Chronicles of Narnia - All Media Types, Danny Phantom, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan, Lumine (Webcomic), Hooky (Webcomic), unOrdinary (Webcomic), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Soul Eater, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Naruto, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Hetalia: Axis Powers, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga), Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Hunter X Hunter
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Helen "Elastigirl" Parr, Edna Mode, Bob "Mr. Incredible" Parr, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Fairy Godmother (Disney), Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel, Selina Kyle, Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Sweden (Hetalia), Turkey (Hetalia), China (Hetalia), France (Hetalia), Ukraine (Hetalia), Raven | Mystique, Ray Manchester, Barb Thunderman, Anakin Skywalker, Hank Thunderman, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Aslan (Narnia), Vlad Masters, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Newt Scamander, Chiron (Percy Jackson), Aiden (Lumine), Nicholas St. North, Toothiana (Guardians of Childhood), E. Aster Bunnymund, Sebastian Michaelis, Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Claude Faustus, Franken Stein, Saiki Kusuke, Hatake Kakashi, England (Hetalia), Merlin (Nanatsu no Taizai), Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai), Estarossa (Nanatsu no Taizai), Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Fantastic Four), Ben Grimm, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Ororo Munroe, Logan (X-Men), Merida (Disney), Hubert (Disney: Brave), Hamish (Disney), Harris (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Disney), Ariel (Disney), Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Hercules (Disney), Megara (Disney), Taran (The Black Cauldron), Anna (Disney), Hans (Disney), Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (DCU), Megan Morse, Wally West, Bart Allen, Gamora (Marvel), Michael Jones, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Wanda Maximoff, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Jazz Fenton, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Mallory Keen, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Nico (Hooky), Blyke (unOrdinary), Isen (unOrdinary), Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Seborga (Hetalia), Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai), Dash Parr, Aurora (Disney), Cinderella, female John "Jacklin" Smith, Alice (Alice in Wonderland), Rapunzel (Disney), EIlonwy (The Black Cauldron), Elsa (Disney), Kristoff (Disney), Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers, Artemis Crock, Gwen Stacy, Peter Quill, Johnny Storm, Pietro Maximoff, Evan Daniels, Alex Summers, Henry Hart (Henry Danger), Piper Hart, Luther Hargreeves, Luke Skywalker, Fred Jones, Peter Pevensie, Dash Baxter, Draco Malfoy, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Hazel Levesque, Jason Grace, Luke (percy jackson), Octavian (Percy Jackson), Will Solace, Sadie Kane, Magnus Chase, William (Hooky), Arlo (unOrdinary), Astrid (How to train your dragon), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Elizabeth Midford, Ronald Knox, Alois Trancy, Liz Thompson (Soul Eater), Patty Thompson, Maka Albarn, Nendou Riki, Uzumaki Naruto, Suoh Tamaki, Haninozuka Mitsukuni, Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia), Elinor (Disney), Queen Arianna of Corona (Disney), Canada (Hetalia), Netherlands (Hetalia), Liechtenstein (Hetalia), Poland (Hetalia), Switzerland (Hetalia), Estonia (Hetalia), Latvia (Hetalia), Lithuania (Hetalia), Belarus (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), New Zealand (Hetalia), Sealand (Hetalia), Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elaine (Nanatsu no Taizai), Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Prince (Disney: Snow White), Phillip (Disney), Belle (Disney), John Rolfe (Disney), Milo (Atlantis the lost empire), Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider, Peter Parker, Rogue (X-Men), Kitty Pryde, Max Thunderman, Phoebe Thunderman, Nora Thunderman, Billy Thunderman, Klaus Hargreeves, Vanya Hargreeves, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Tucker Foley, Hermione Granger, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Frank Zhang, Carter Kane, Walt Stone, Thomas Jefferson Jr. (Magnus Chase), Halfborn Gunderson, Samirah al-Abbas, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Paula (Kuroshitsuji), Fujioka Haruhi, North Italy (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Hungary (Hetalia), Greece (Hetalia), South Italy (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia), Hong Kong (Hetalia), South Korea (Hetalia), Australia (Hetalia), Wy (Hetalia), Diane (Nanatsu no Taizai), Fairy King Harlequin, Violet Parr, Snow White, Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Gaston (Disney), Jasmine (Disney), Aladdin (Disney), Pocahontas (Disney), Mulan, Li Shang, Jack of Hearts - Character, Tiana (Disney), Naveen (Disney), Moana (Disney), Moui (Disney), Esmerelda (Disney), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jonathan Kent, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales, Mantis (Marvel), Charlotte (Henry Danger), Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Ezra Bridger, Edmund Pevensie, Caspian (Narnia), Sam Manson, Danny Fenton, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, Nico di Angelo, Zia Rashid, Calla (Lumine), Kody (Lumine), Daniela "Dani" Wytte (Hooky), Dorian Wytte (Hooky), Mark Evans, John Doe (unOrdinary), Ciel Phantomhive, William T. Spears, Nakatsukasa Tsubaki, Death the Kid, Uchiha Sasuke, Ootori Kyouya, Morinozuka Takashi, Japan (Hetalia), Zeldris (Nanatsu no Taizai), Leorio (Hunter X Hunter), Illumi Zoldyck, Flounder (Disney), Mushu (Disney), Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland), Pascal (Disney), Kida, Olaf (Disney), Garth (DCU), Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kurt Wagner, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Scooby Doo, Alex Fierro, Lumine (Lumine), Damien Wytte (Hooky), Monica (Hooky), Seraphina (unOrdinary), Remi (unOrdinary), Jack Frost, Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Grell Sutcliff, Haruno Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, Black Star (Soul Eater), Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Aiura Mikoto, Kaidou Shun, Prussia (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Ban (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gowther (Nanatsu no Taizai), Elizabeth Liones, Helbram (Nanatsu no Taizai), Hawk (Nanatsu no Taizai), Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai), Howzer (Nanatsu no Taizai), Jericho (Nanatsu no Taizai), Margaret Liones, Veronica Liones, Alphonse Elric, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck, Hisoka (Hunter X Hunter)
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Female Captain Hook | Killian Jones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UfgSX4
0 notes
braveclementine · 4 months
Tumblr media
Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of smut, mentions of nudity
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕳𝖊 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖎𝖓 his small house, ignoring the outside world, completely immersed in the sheets of his bed, kissing the love of his life, when there was a knock at the door. His wife showed the most fleeting of emotion of fear, and then was gone, having turned into a small black animal with white paws and green eyes.
She called herself a cat but she was more of a kitten- to small to be called a cat. She was already by the door, not needing to have gotten dressed. He however, quickly threw his clothes on and smoothed his hair back, checking himself in the mirror before he left the bedroom door. He looked almost completely normal though perhaps his cheeks were slightly flushed more than normal.
She was on his heels as he walked out of the room and into the sitting room and opened the door. Elizabeth climbed onto the sofa and was stretching. Sometimes she was so catlike he could forget she was an Animagus.
There were two women standing on the front steps and his anger increased. So he'd left his lovely wife for these two? What the hell did they want?
"Narcissa, what a pleasant surprise. . . and Bellatrix. . . not so pleasant." He said, opening the door wider and letting them come in.
"Snape." Bellatrix said curtly, as she came in.
"Severus, I must speak with you, it's urgent." Narcissa pleaded.
"But of course."
He gestured the sofa to Narcissa and she threw her cloak off and casted it aside and sat down, her white hands, trembling, clasped in her lap. Bellatrix lowered her hood and did not take her gaze off of him as she moved to stand behind her sister.
He lowered himself into an arm chair and Elizabeth jumped up onto his lap, curling up into a ball and closing her large green eyes.
"Is that an Animagus?" Bellatrix asked, her eyes now on Elizabeth.
He snorted, playing casual and dismissive though his heart started to beat just a little irregularly. "Of course not. She was born from my last cat. Only a year old now. So unless your saying Animagus can be born, Bellatrix. . ."
"I was just asking." Bellatrix snapped.
His lip curled. One of Elizabeth's ears twitched but other than her tail, nothing else moved. "So what can I do for you?" He asked, looking at Narcissa.
"We. . . we are alone, aren't we?" Narcissa asked quietly.
"Yes, of course. Well, Wormtail's here, but we're not counting vermin are we?" He asked and flicked his wand towards the wall of books which revealed the hidden staircase where Wormtail had been hidden, listening. "As you have clearly realized, Wormtail, we have guests."
Wormtail crept into the room. His small eyes were watery and he was wearing that horrible simpering look Severus hated so much. "Narcissa!" He squeaked, his hands coming up in front of his chest like paws. "And Bellatrix! How Charming-"
"Wormtail will get us drinks, if you'd like them. And then he will return to his bedroom." Severus said in a lazy voice and added in his head, 'and hopefully you two will leave and I can go back to mine'. Unconsciously, he laid his hand on Elizabeth's head and started to pet it. She purred with content.
"I am not your servant!" Wormtail squeaked and he noticed that he had avoided his eyes.
"Really? I was under the impression that the Dark Lord placed you here to assist me." He said, trying to sound amused.
"To assist, yes- but not to make you drinks and- and clean your house!" Wormtail argued. Not that he did much cleaning in the first place. Elizabeth usually ended up doing it when Wormtail left. And of course, he didn't want that but she always insisted, saying she needed something to do. But perhaps it was simply because of what she'd said before- not taking anything for granted.
"I had no idea, Wormtail, that you were craving more dangerous assignments." He said silkily. "This can be easily arranged: I shall speak to the Dark Lord-"
"I can speak to him myself if I want to!" Wormtail said, enraged.
"Of course you can." He was sneering now, "But in the meantime, bring us drinks. Some of the elf-made wine will do."
Wormtail hesitated for a moment and then went away through a different hidden door. In fact, if a Muggle were to enter the house, they would think the sitting room was the only room in the house, despite the size of it on the outside. Every door in the main room was hidden. There were banging sounds in the kitchen and then Wormtail came back with a dusty bottle and three glasses and slammed the other hidden door behind him as he went up the stairs.
He got up, putting Elizabeth down on the floor so that he pour the three glasses of red wine and gave each other to the others, taking his own and moving to sit back down and saw that Elizabeth had jumped back up on the chair, curling up in the middle of it.
"Damn cat," he sighed, putting his glass of wine on the side table and picked her up and put her on his lap. She stretched out like a rug, purring. He petted her as though she were a real cat and damn, she really was acting like it. It must be a gift of hers- acting. She'd managed to convince Dolores Umbridge that Sirius was hiding in Thailand- not that it mattered now. He tried not to think of Sirius.
"The Dark Lord." He said, raising the glass. Bellatrix and Narcissa copied him and he refilled their glasses.
Then Narcissa said, "Severus, I'm sorry to come here like this, but I had to see you. I think you are the only one who can help me-"
Severus held his hand up and pointed his wand back at the bookcase. There was a loud band and he heard Wormtail squeal and there were footsteps up the stairs as he ran away like the little coward he was.
"My apologies." He said calmly, "He has lately taken to listening at doors, I don't know what he means by it. . . You were saying Narcissa?"
"Severus, I know I ought not to be here, I have been told to say nothing to anyone, but-"
"Then you ought to hold your tongue! Particularly in present company!" Bellatrix snapped, interrupting her sister.
"'Present Company'? And what am I to understand by that, Bellatrix?" He asked.
"That I don't trust you, Snape, as you very well know!" She exclaimed.
Narcissa let out a sob and covered her face with her hands. Elizabeth's ear twitched again. She hated when people cried, no matter who they were.
He set his glass down on the table and sat back, putting one arm lazily across the arm of the chair and petted Elizabeth with the other. "Narcissa, I think we ought to hear what Bellatrix is bursting to say; it will save tedious interruptions. Well, continue, Bellatrix. Why is it that you do not trust me?" He sounded amused. Good.
"A hundred reasons!" Bellatrix said so loudly that he didn't doubt Wormtail could hear from upstairs. She strode around the sofa and slammed her glass down on the table too. "Where to start! Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? When have you been doing all these years that you've lived in Dumbledore's pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord procuring the Sorcerer's Stone? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? Why haven't you handed over Elizabeth Kane? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for five years!"
He had to cover a wince because Elizabeth had dug her claws into his leg when Bellatrix mentioned the duel for the prophecy. She meowed softly and turned her head away from the sisters as though rolling over and he saw tears coming out of her large green eyes and she quickly closed them.
Bellatrix was breathing hard, having gotten everything off of her chest and he smiled. "Before I answer you- oh yes, Bellatrix, I am going to answer! You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord! Before I answer you, I say, let me ask you a question in turn. Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not bee able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?"
He felt Elizabeth shift on his lap again.
Bellatrix hesitated. "I know he believes you, but. . ."
"You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen!" He continued, raising an eyebrow. Oh yes, he'd kept the Dark Lord out of his mind mostly. He had to protect Elizabeth of course. If he found they were married. . . if he even found out he had feelings for Elizabeth. . .
Bellatrix remained silent.
Of course. . . they weren't really married. . . yet. . . her father wouldn't let her until she turned of age. . .
"You ask where I was when the Dark Lord fell. I was where he had ordered me to be, at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, because he wished me to spy upon Albus Dumbledore. You know, I presume, that it was on the Dark Lord's orders that I took up the post?"
Bellatrix gave the slightest of nods and then opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her and said, "You ask why I did not attempt to find him when he vanished. For the same reason that Avery, Yaxley, the Carrows, Greyback, Lucius and many others did not attempt to find him. I believed him finished. I am not proud of it, I was wrong, but there it is. . . If he had not forgiven we who lost faith at that time, he would have very few followers left."
"He'd have me! I, who spent many years in Azkaban for him!" Bellatrix said with a passion.
"Yes, indeed, most admirable. Of course, you weren't a lot of use to him in prison, but the gesture was undoubtedly fine-" Severus said in a bored voice.
"Gesture! While I endured the dementors, you remained at Hogwarts, comfortably playing Dumbledore's pet!" Bellatrix shrieked.
"Not quite. He wouldn't give me the Defense Against the Dark Arts job, you know. Seemed to think it might, ah, bring about a relapse. . . tempt me into my old ways."
"This was your sacrifice for the Dark Lord, not to teach your favorite subject? Why did you stay there all that time, Snape? Still spying on Dumbledore for a master you believed dead?" Bellatrix jeered.
Severus felt a brief flicker of annoyance. He still wasn't entirely sure why Dumbledore didn't give him the post. That was the reason he'd come up with.
"Hardly, although the Dark Lord is pleased that I never deserted my post: I had sixteen years of information on Dumbledore to give him when he returned, a rather more useful welcome-back present than endless reminiscences of how unpleasant Azkaban is. . ." Severus said calmly.
"But you stayed-"
"Yes, Bellatrix, I stayed." Severus said, starting to get impatient. Elizabeth rolled over onto her back, stretching her legs upwards and then collapsed onto her side. "I had a comfortable job that I preferred to a stint in Azkaban. They were rounding up the Death Eaters, you know. Dumbledore's protection kept me out of jail; it was most convenient and I used it. I repeat: The Dark Lord does not complain that I stayed, so I do not see why you do."
But he continued, not giving her a chance to interrupt, "I think you next wanted to know, why I stood between the Dark Lord and the Sorcerer's Stone. That is easily answered. He did not know whether he could trust me. He thought, like you, that I had turned from faithful Death Eater to Dumbledore's stooge. He was in a pitiable condition, very weak, sharing the body of a mediocre wizard. He did not dare reveal himself to a former ally if that ally might turn him over to Dumbledore or the Ministry. I deeply regret that he did not trust me. He would have returned to power three years sooner. As it was, I saw only greedy and unworthy Quirrell attempting to steal the stone and, I admit, I did all I could to thwart him."
"But you didn't return when he came back, you didn't fly back to him at once when you felt the Dark Mark burn-" Bellatrix started and he winced as he felt teeth on his fingers and looked down. Elizabeth had curled up in a ball around his hand and had bitten his fingers very softly. He rolled his eyes.
"Correct." he stated, not moving his hand. "I returned two hours later. I returned on Dumbledore's orders."
"On Dumbledore's-?" Bellatrix sounded outraged.
He was impatient now, "Think! Think! By waiting two hours, just two hours, I ensured that I could remain at Hogwarts as a spy! By allowing Dumbledore to think that I was only returning to the Dark Lord's side because I was ordered to, I have been able to pass information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix ever since! Consider, Bellatrix: The Dark Mark had been growing stronger for months. I knew he must be about to return, all the Death Eaters knew! I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted to do, to plan my next move, to escape like Karkaroff, didn't I?"
And he had. He had certainly considered taking Elizabeth and leaving. Australia, Japan, America. He wondered if Elizabeth would've gone with him. He wondered if the Dark Lord would've followed him across countries to kill him and his wife.
"The Dark Lord's initial displeasure at my lateness vanished entirely, I assure you, when I explained that I remained faithful, although Dumbledore thought I was his man. Yes, the Dark Lord thought that I had left him forever, but he was wrong."
"But what use have you been? What useful information have we had from you?" Bellatrix sneered at him.
"My information has been conveyed directly to the Dark Lord. If he chooses not to share it with you-" He started.
"He shares everything with me!" Bellatrix said, firing up at once, "He calls me his most loyal, his most faithful-"
"Does he? Does he still, after the fiasco at the Ministry?" He jeered now.
Her claws dug into his leg again.
"That was not my fault! The Dark Lord has, in the past, entrusted me with his most precious- if Lucius hadn't-"
"Don't you dare- don't you dare blame my husband!" Narcissa said in a low deadly voice.
"There is no point apportioning blame, what is done, is done." He said in a smooth voice.
"But not by you!" Bellatrix said furiously. Elizabeth's heard perked up, her ears twitching. "No, you were once again absent while the rest of us ran dangers, were you not, Snape?"
"My orders were to remain behind. Perhaps you disagree with the Dark Lord, perhaps you think that Dumbledore would not have noticed if I had joined forces with the Death Eaters to fight the Order of the Phoenix? And-"
Elizabeth was sitting up on her haunches. He went on, trying not to sound nervous, "-forgive me- you speak of dangers. . . you were facing ten teenagers, one of them a formerly captured captive and no idea how to cast magic, were you not?"
"They were joined, as you very well know, by half the Order before long! And, while we are on the subject of the Order, you still claim you cannot reveal the whereabouts of their headquarters, don't you?" Bellatrix hissed.
Elizabeth sprang and Bellatrix tripped back, raising her wand, but Elizabeth hadn't been aiming for her, but rather a butterfly that had found its way into the room. She carried it triumphantly in her mouth to the corner of the room. He rolled his eyes, but was glad she was still acting like a cat. His heart was pounding greatly in his chest.
He did his best to recover by smirking at Bellatrix's obvious discomfort at Elizabeth's antics.
"I am not the Secret-Keeper; I cannot speak the name of the place. You understand how the enchantment works, I think? The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him on the Order. It led, as perhaps you have guessed, to the recent capture and murder of Emmeline Vance, and it certainly helped dispose of Sirius Black, though I give you full credit to finishing him off."
Elizabeth's large green eyes glared at him from the corner. He knew he was going to pay for saying that later but he also knew that he had to keep up appearances and he reluctantly raised his wing glass as though toasting Bellatrix. Elizabeth turned her back on him, her fur raised. He almost sighed aloud.
"You are avoiding my last two questions, Snape. Harry Potter. Elizabeth Kane. You could have killed him at any point in the past five years. You have not done it. You have not handed her over. Why?"
"Have you discussed this matter with the Dark Lord?" He asked, amused.
"He. . . lately we. . . I am asking you, Snape!" Bellatrix said, her cheeks red. He wondered briefly if she was still sleeping with the Dark Lord.
"If I had murdered Harry Potter, the Dark Lord could not have used his blood to regenerate, making him invincible-"
"You claim you foresaw his use of the boy?" She jeered.
"I do not claim it; I had no idea of his plans; I have already confessed that I thought the Dark Lord dead. I am merely trying to explain why the Dark Lord is not sorry that Potter survived, at least until a year ago. . ."
"But why did you keep him alive?"
"Have you not understood me? It was only Dumbledore's protection that was keeping me out of Azkaban! Do you disagree that murdering his favorite student might have turned him against me? But there was more to it than that. I should remind you that when Potter first arrived at Hogwarts there were still many stories circulating about him, rumors that he himself was a great Dark wizard, which was how he had survived the Dark Lord's attack. Indeed, many of the Dark Lord's old followers through Potter might be a standard around which we could all rally once more. I was curious, I admit it, and not at all inclined to murder him the moment he set foot in the castle."
Elizabeth's back was still to him though her fur wasn't bristled anymore. He wondered if she'd actually eaten the butterfly. He doubted it.
"Of course, it became apparent to me very quickly that he had no extraordinary talent at all. He has fought his way out of a number of tight corners by a simple combination of sheer luck and more talented friends. He is mediocre to the last degree, though as obnoxious and self-satisfied as was his father before him. I have done my utmost to have him thrown out of Hogwarts, where I believed he scarcely belongs, but kill him, or allow him to be killed in front of me? I would have been a fool to risk it with Dumbledore close at hand."
Elizabeth was trotting back to where he was sitting and then flopped in a patch of sunlight streaming through the window.
"And through all this we are supposed to believe Dumbledore has never suspected you? He has no idea of your true allegiance, he trusts you implicitly still?" Bellatrix asked.
"I have played my part well. And you overlook Dumbledore's great weakness: He has to believe the best of people. I spun him a tale of deepest remorse when I joined his staff, fresh from my Death Eater days, and he embraced me with open arms- though, as I say, never allowing me nearer the Dark Arts than he could help. Dumbledore has been a great wizard-"
Bellatrix made a scathing noise.
"-oh yes, he has, the Dark Lord acknowledges it. I am pleased to say, however, that Dumbledore is growing old. The duel with the Dark Lord last month shook him. He has since sustained a serious injury because of his reactions are slower than they once were. But through all these years, he has never stopped trusting Severus Snape, and therein lies my great value to the Dark Lord."
Bellatrix opened her mouth and he continued, feeling snappish, "And for Elizabeth Kane? It is highly impossible for me to simply bring her to the Dark Lord. As I have understood it, there have been two attempts at taking her in. The first, she escaped herself because Nott wanted a little. . .fun. The second, the order rescued her. Stupid really, her father fights so hard for her. They never had a chance. And it is for the same reasons as not killing Harry Potter that I have not taken Elizabeth Kane. Both children have a special place in Dumbledore's heart. There is no way for me to possibly take her or kill him without losing my position as a spy."
Nott was eventually going to pay for his stunt, but he wasn't entirely sure how. But the idea of anyone- especially a Death Eater's- kissing Elizabeth, feeling Elizabeth, filled him with rage. But he tried to hide that for the moment.
"Now. . . you came to ask me for help, Narcissa?" He asked, turning to her. The sooner this was over with the sooner he could get back in bed, the sooner he could apologize to Elizabeth, the sooner he could feel her mouth on his, his hands on her supple apples. . .
"Yes, Severus I- I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and. . ." Narcissa closed her eyes and two tears trailed out of them and he felt pity in his heart. Damnit, Elizabeth had softened his heart. "The Dark Lord has forbidden me to speak of it. He wishes none to know of the plan. It is. . . very secret. But-"
"If he has forbidden it, you ought not to speak. The Dark Lord's word is law." He said very quickly.
Narcissa gasped and Bellatrix looked extremely satisfied and said, "There! Even Snape says so: You were told not to talk, so hold your silence!"
He got up and closed the curtain. Elizabeth poked her head up in annoyance and hissed at him.
"Oh calm down Eilís" He said and immediately regretted it. It had been the first name that had popped into his mind. A spasm of pain went through her eyes as there were no way to show facial expressions on her feline face and she leapt onto her four paws and walked out of the room.
"It so happens that I know of the plan." He said and he realized he sounded a bit dull. "I am one of the few the Dark Lord has told. Nevertheless, had I not been in on the secret, Narcissa, you would have been guilty of great treachery to the Dark Lord."
Would she wait for him in the room? Or would she have climbed out the window and left? Oh why had he used that stupid name?
"I thought you must know about it! He trusts you so, Severus. . ." Narcissa said, breathing freely.
"You know about the plan? You know?" Bellatrix said, looking enraged.
"Certainly, but what help do you require, Narcissa? If you are imaging I can persuade the Dark Lord to change his mind, I am afraid there is no hope, none at all."
"Severus, my son. . . my only son. . ." Narcissa whispered, more tears sliding down her pale cheeks. He remembered briefly how Elizabeth had been so fearful about not having children. It must be a woman thing.
"Draco should be proud. The Dark Lord is granting him a great honor. And I will say this for Draco: He isn't shrinking away from his duty, he seems glad of a chance to prove himself, excited at the prospect-"
Narcissa began to cry. "That's because he is sixteen and has no idea what lies in store! Why, Severus? Why my son? It is too dangerous! This is vengeance for Lucius's mistake, I know it!"
He looked away, her tears tortured him.
"That's why he's chosen Draco, isn't it? To punish Lucius?" She whispered.
Yes. But he didn't say so.
"If Draco succeeds, he will be honored above all the others." He said slowly.
"But he won't succeed! How can he, when the Dark Lord himself-?" Narcissa sobbed and Bellatrix gasped and Narcissa was suddenly very panicky. "I only meant. . . that nobody has yet succeeded. . . Severus. . . please. . . you are, you have always been, Draco's favorite teacher. . . You are Lucius's old friend. . . I beg you. . . you are the Dark Lord's favorite, his most trusted advisor. . . Will you speak to him, persuade him-"
"The Dark Lord will not be persuaded, and I am not stupid enough to attempt it." He said flatly. "I cannot pretend that the Dark Lord is not angry with Lucius. Lucius was supposed to be in charge. He got himself captured, along with how many others, and failed to retrieve the prophecy into the bargain. Yes, the Dark Lord is angry, Narcissa, very angry indeed."
"Then I am right, he has chosen Draco in revenge! He does not mean him to succeed, he wants him to be killed trying!" Narcissa choked out.
"It was that girls fault!" Bellatrix was saying now hotly. "She told Potter to smash the prophecy and then tricked us saying she always keeps her promises!"
"You mean Elizabeth Kane?" He asked, trying not to sound proud. "That's because she does keep all the promises she makes. You should've known her fingers were crossed. Of course she told Potter to smash the prophecy- she had probably already foreseen the words in her head before they even got there! She knew that it could not land in the Dark Lord's hands!"
But the conversation was interrupted by Narcissa who staggered off the couch and clutched the front of his robes, her tears falling onto his shirt. "You could do it. You could do it instead of Draco, Severus. You would succeed, of course you would, and he would reward you beyond all of us-"
He grabbed her wrists, feeling that this was going to get to personal. He said slowly, "He intends me to do it in the end, I think. But he is determined that Draco should try first. You see, in the unlikely event that Draco succeeds, I shall be able to remain at Hogwarts a little longer, fulfilling my useful role as spy."
"In other words, it doesn't matter to him if Draco is killed!" Narcissa said.
"The Dark Lord is very angry." He repeated. "He failed to hear the prophecy, he failed to attain Elizabeth Kane. You know as well as I do, Narcissa, that he does not forgive easily."
Narcissa crumpled, falling at his feet, sobbing. "My only son. . . my only son. . ."
"You should be proud!" Bellatrix said unsympathetically. "If I had sons, I would be glad to give them up to the service of the Dark Lord!"
So maybe it wasn't a womans thing. Just the sweet women wanted children.
Severus started a bit at her words. 'If I had sons.' Bellatrix knew perfectly well that women could be Death Eaters too. So why. . . no. . . had her and Voldemort. . . surely not?
Narcissa gave a scream of despair and clutched her long beautiful blond hair. He quickly stooped, seizing her by the arms, lifted her up and made her sit back down on the sofa. He poured her more wine, shoving it into her hand. "Narcissa, that's enough. Drink this. Listen to me."
"It might be possible. . . for me to help Draco." He said slowly, hoping he didn't regret making such a statement.
She sat up, "Severus- oh, Severus- you would help him? Would you look after him, see he comes to no harm?"
"I can try." He said.
She flung her glass away and it skidded across the table and she took up a kneeling position at his feet, seizing his hand and pressed her lips to it. He felt heat in his cheeks. Maybe it would be best if Elizabeth was gone. Was this going to go any farther?
"If you are there to protect him. . . Severus, will you swear it? Will you make then Unbreakable vow?"
His heart stopped. Unbreakable vow? If he screwed up. . . he could die. Draco had a tendency to attack Elizabeth at school. If he made the vow. . . how could he protect Elizabeth from Draco if he was supposed to be protecting Draco? He kept his face emotionless and said, "The Unbreakable Vow?"
Bellatrix cackled with laughter. "Aren't you listening, Narcissa? Oh, he'll try, I'm sure. . . The usual empty words, the usual slithering out of action. . . oh, on the Dark Lord's orders, of course!"
He kept his eyes on Narcissa's blue, tear-filled eyes. She was still clutching his hand. "Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow. Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder."
Pride, he thought reluctantly. Pride was what killed Sirius and pride was what was going to kill him. But it was too late, he'd said the words.
Bellatrix's mouth fell open as he lowered himself so that he was kneeling opposite Narcissa. They grasped right hands. "You will need your wand, Bellatrix." He said in as cold a voice as he could muster. If Elizabeth wasn't there when he got back. . .
Bellatrix pulled out her wand. "And you will need to move a little closer." He said.
Narcissa spoke. "Will you, Severus, watch over my son, Draco, as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?"
"I will." He said.
A thin tongue of flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands. There was some heat, but it was not painful.
"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"
"I will."
"And, should it prove necessary. . . if it seems Draco will fail, will you carry out the deed that the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?"
He twitched for a second, wanting to pull his hand out. Elizabeth would be horribly pained if he died. It took him a second to find the words.
"I will."
As the fiery bond finally fell away, they drew their hands apart and then they were gone as quickly as they had come.
He stood there in the sitting room for some time and then turned and headed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind him and locking it.
She was still there, curled up in a ball on the bed, her large green eyes glaring at him with anger.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, "It was the first name that came to mind and it came out. I didn't mean to."
She turned back into a human, completely naked and his heart started to race, looking at how perfect her body was, the curves in her hips, the small but plump breasts, her large brown eyes, the long brown-red hair that reached past her perfectly shaped ass. Perfect- unless he looked at her right hand which had words carved in it. Her eyes were a bit puffy and red, the rest of her face was extremely pale. Her bottom lip was quivering slightly. She'd been crying.
"It's fine. I understand." she whispered, walking up to him, pressing her body to him. Her hands slipped up to his collar and he shivered with anticipation as she lowered his cloak from his shoulders and then unbuttoned his shirt. "Come back to bed." She whispered, turning her back on him and his heart thumped irregularly, watching her hips swing as she walked.
He waved his wand, turning out the lights and shutting the window shades and quickly climbed back into the bed, and climbed back onto her, going into her, and went back up into Heaven.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 28
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Warnings: Mentions of love making, 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞 things that Umbridge needed to take care of after Fred and George had left. For one thing, upstairs was a very large swamp that they had created themselves. Umbridge had tried to get rid of it with no success and neither Flitwick nor McGonagall seemed very eager to try it out themselves.
Then there were the broom shaped holes in Umbridge's office door. Filch had replaced the door and Harry's broom was moved down into a dungeon to be guarded by a security troll. Bloody waste of time in my opinion.
There were also rebellious students who seemed to be trying to out-do each other for the vacant position of trouble-makers-in-chief. A niffler was put in Umbridge's office. The office was ripped apart, looking for shiny things and when Umbridge entered the room, the niffler leapt upon her hand to get to her shiny rings.
There were also dungbombs and stink pellets dropped in the corridors and people were producing bubble-head charms on themselves before going out so that they didn't have to breathe in the foul air.
Filch was now always prowling the corridors with a whip in his hand. The Inquisitorial Squad was attempting to help him as nearly every student had turned into a troublemaker but weird things were starting to happen to them. For instance, I knew for a fact that Lee was the one who had given Pansy Parkinson (much to Hermione's delight) antlers so that she had to miss a whole day of classes.
I had my art pad out frequently now, drawing everything. I had done two drawings of Pany Parkinson and her antlers and had posted it on a wall in the Great Hall so that everyone who came down to breakfast the next morning laughed at it. Pansy was extremely angry, and attempted to set it on fire. I'd put an protective spell on it however and the spell rebounded, catching her robes on fire. Professor Snape gave me a legitimate detention for that one. And then he'd punished me and I had been unable to sit down without wincing for two days.
No regrets though.
And of course, there were the Skiving Snackboxes. They were only used during Umbridge's class of course. Us students told her that we had Umbridge-itis and I spent a half hour in her class, striding up the aisles of the desk, trying hard not to laugh and telling the students in my class about it.
"A very dangerous disease of course." I said, walking past Susan who had her face in her hands, laughing hysterically. I had to pause carefully in between sentences as I was close to bursting into laughter myself. "Umbridge-itis has four different symptoms: Fainting, vomiting, dangerously high fevers, and bloody noses. The best way to avoid these symptoms is to stay far away from an Umbridge. An Umbridge," I stated, now walking past Ernie, Justin, and Zacharias who had tears of laughter in their eyes. "Is something that looks like a midgit and only wears pink. Looks a bit like a human toad and has a false, sweet voice."
Needless to say, Umbridge was not as amused as the students and I got three weeks worth of detention. However, the story of what I'd said spread throughout the school and soon, everyone was telling her that they had Umbridge-itis. I was also awarded twenty points to Hufflepuff by Professor McGonagall for performing a simple vanishing spell.
But no one, and I mean no one, caused more trouble than Peeves. He upended tables, shattered vases, knocked over statues, burst out of blackboards, shut Mrs. Norris up in a suit of armor twice, juggled burning torches over heads of screaming students, toppled neatly stacked parchment out of windows, flooded the second floor by pulled the taps off the handles in the bathroom, dropped a bag of tarantulas in the Great Hall during breakfast and whenever he was bored, spent hours floating above Umbridge and blowing loud raspberries every time she spoke, making the kids collapse into giggles.
The staff did absolutely nothing to help her- except Filch. Harry, Susan, and I were standing in a corridor, watching peeves unscrew a crystal chandelier, and then watched as Professor McGonagall walked by. "It unscrews the other way." she muttered, walking on and the three of us looked at each other in amazement and laughed. Then we hit the floor as the chandelier crashed, sending bits of crystal, metal, and glass our way.
Of course, it wasn't all fun and games. Umbridge was finding anything to put me in detention for- though at this point, I was really starting to deserve it. I'd created fliers about Umbridge-itis, posting them on the boards and walls and had neat little stacks of brochures for people to read. She'd told Filch to whip me whenever he saw me, so I'd taken to avoiding him as much as possible. I did have a couple whip marks on my back though, when I didn't watch out carefully enough. I wasn't the only one either- Filch seemed especially vindictive towards the Gryffindors.
Severus was a bit enraged about me being so proactive against her. "You're going to get hurt." He said as we were laying in bed after we'd finished making love. "And I mean really hurt- not cutting words into your hand or whip marks. . ." his fingers traced over a fading scar. He'd done some magic so that they wouldn't be permanent.
"I'm going to be fine." I said, smiling up at him and then kissing his cheek. "Besides, this is fun."
He groaned but said nothing more on the subject, running his fingers absentmindedly up and down my thigh before he finally fell asleep.
There was one last Quidditch match coming up which was Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. I asked Severus in a teasing voice about who he hoped would win. He made an incoherent noise and ran his lips over my breasts. I supposed it was answer enough.
The Slytherin and Hufflepuff tensions were high and I noticed that I seemed to have an extraordinary amount of homework for Defense Against the Dark Arts class and no homework for any other class- including potions.
The day of the Quidditch match, our nerves had reached a certain height. I was pacing back and forth, my firebolt standing up by the door.
"We're going to win this." I said in a small voice, looking at everyone. "We are the best team here. And. . . and we're going to do this, not to show Umbridge, but to honor Cedric's memory."
"This one's for Cedric." Malcolm said in a strong voice.
"For Cedric." We all said.
We all stood up, holding our brooms over our shoulder. We walked onto the pitch, all stony faced. I shook hands with a replacement Captain for Montague who was still in the hospital. He was crying to crush my fingers but I didn't react. I remained emotionless.
Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we all flew upwards. Draco was keeping on my tail and I was doing my best to ignore him. I kept my eyes open, scanning for the snitch as I continued to fly around. Heidi scored.
"Give it up Kane!" Draco hissed somewhere to my right. "You can't win this and you know it. Cedirc couldn't have won this either. . ."
So he was going to tell me about Cedric now, was he? I dove. Draco rushed after me and I kept my eyes determinedly on a spot on the pitch. Draco was concentrating on where I was looking, not realizing that I was actually feinting. At the very last second before I was going to crash, I pulled up neatly. Draco on the other hand, crashed, and I sped back up, grinning victoriously.
"And Kane uses Krum's signature move Wronski Feint against Slytherin's seeker. Nice play Elizabeth!" Lee shouted from the speakers box. He wasn't being as fun as before- mostly because Fred and George had left. I winked at him as I sped by.
I was high enough that I could see Harry, Hermione, and Ron with Hagrid by his hut, going into the forest. I dodged a bludger and took off south. We were up forty points. I saw the snitch on the other side of the pitch and I streaked towards it. Draco was back on his broom zooming after me.
Suddenly, one of the Slytherin Chasers slammed into me from the ride side and I slipped off the broom. I tightened my legs so that I was hanging fifty feet in the air by my legs. There were screams and gasps from the crowd as I let go with my legs, throwing a hand up to catch the broom and then pulled myself up and taking off again.
The snitch had been lost, Draco had been gloating to much to catch it. I was thankful for that of course. Malcolm took a bludger to the stomach at that moment and was out of the game. Heidi and Zacharias immediately started scoring goal after goal with a furious intensity that was unrivaled. Our beaters were fiercely knocking Slytherins off their brooms too.
I dodged another bludger and then caught sight of the snitch. It was almost like fate, darting in front of Umbridge's effing nose. (Not literally, just close by the teacher's stand).
Draco was on the other side of the field and I zoomed towards the teacher stands, grinning. Umbridge fell back in fear, perhaps thinking I was attacking her, and I grabbed the snitch, holding it up triumphantly.
Lee was laughing at Umbridge and I grabbed the microphone and shouted into it, "That- was for Cedric!" And then I raced back to the ground where the other Hufflepuff team members flew down to meet me and we were all hugging. I was so joyful that I couldn't stop smiling. We were all smiling and half of us were crying too. We'd won the Cup! Hufflepuff hadn't won the cup in forever since Slytherin had had it nearly nine years in a row until Gryffindor had won two years ago.
The other Hufflepuffs were streaming out onto the Quidditch grounds, jumping and down in excitement. We were pushed up to where Professor Umbridge was waiting with the Quidditch Cup. She looked so pissed at having to give me the Quidditch Cup. It was trembling in her hands and I held out my hand for it.
She gritted her teeth and then Professor Sprout took it from her hands and handed it to me. "I'm glad such a worthy team got the Cup Miss Kane." She was beaming, looking extremely happy. I grinned back. Professor Umbridge looked like she had eaten a lemon. Severus looked quite proud too, hiding it in his eyes where only I could see it.
We headed back to the castle as a team. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing by the doors. They smiled as I passed by, waving the Quidditch Cup up.
Back in the Hufflepuff Common room, we threw a party with food, drinks, and dancing. It was very much like the party that Gryffindor had thrown when they'd won the cup.
We had a picture of Cedric on a desk with candles around him like an altar. This win was for Cedric. Around one in the morning everyone went to bed. I stayed up a little later, looking at Cedric's photo and picked it up in my hands.
His smiling face grinned back at me and winked. I smiled weakly. "I miss you." I said, tears coming to my eyes. "A lot." I guess I was wishing the photo would talk back- sometimes they did. But Cedric's photo wasn't charmed that way and he just beamed up at me and then gave me a thumbs up.
I put the photo back down on the table and pulled out some parchment.
We won the Quidditch Cup Dad. Guess I'm not a bad Captain after all. I think Cedric would be proud- the win was for him.
I didn't write anything else. I turned into a cat, picking the note up in my mouth and headed out so that I could go spend the night with Severus.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I went outside to study.
"We have a lot to tell you." Ron said as we sat down.
"I already know." I said, taking out my Transfiguration book. "Hagrid brought back his baby brother Grawp and wants us to teach him English."
"Pretty much." Hermione said.
"Bloody hell." I muttered. "Do you know how dangerous that is? I swear this more dangerous than Norbert or Aragog."
"He hasn't been sacked yet." Ron pointed out.
"But he will be." I muttered and then sighed, "I suppose we'll have to, won't we?"
"We did promise." Hermione said reluctantly.
I sighed. "Well, we'll deal with it when the time comes then" and I opened up my Transfiguration book and started to read.
"𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 d'you think you're doing a day?" Ernie demanded me as I entered the common room a few days later.
I looked at him amused. "About six or seven."
"I'm doing eight." Ernie said, puffing out his chest and I rolled my eyes. "Eight or nine. I'm getting an hour in before breakfast every day. Eight's my average. I can do ten on a good weekend day. I did nine and-"
"Ernie." I said, amused. "You know you're going to do fine, right? Calm down."
"You don't seem stressed at all!" Susan said grumpily from a chair near the unlit fireplace.
"Of course I'm stressed." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I just don't show it." Right, more like I got all my stress out at night with Severus.
"I'm going to fail!" Hannah said hysterically, her eyes glazed over, staring blankly at the potions textbook in front of her.
"Calm down Hannah." I said, smiling. "You're going to do fine, just keep your head and don't freak out, alright?"
"Eliza!" Rose called from across the common room and I left the others to go to her.
"What's up Rose?" I asked, sitting down with her and her first-year friends.
"Will you help me with my lessons?" She asked, her tiny hands holding our her textbook.
"Of course!" I said brightly, taking the book from her and testing her on the different terms, definitions, and incantations. I also helped her with practicals, practicing the spells of my own first-year exams which had consisted of dancing pineapples and pretty snuffboxes.
I was also still trying to get Harry to close his mind for Occlumency but he was not improving. I was starting to get nervous. If I didn't get him to close his mind then what could happen? I knew what could happen- Harry could get lured somewhere.
I had to confiscate multiple different products that were being sold by the older students to the fifth-years before they were bought. I knew a majority of them were fake and some of them were dangerous. For example, dragon claw would boost your brain, but having to much exposure to the item could actually make you stupider than you really were.
During Herbology, Professor Sprout had the Hufflepuffs stay back and handed out exam schedules and details of the procedures.
"As you can see, your O.W.L.s are spread over two successive weeks. You will sit the theory exams in the mornings and the practice in the afternoons. Your practical Astronomy examination will, of course, take place at night. Now," She said, looking around the greenhouse, "I must warn you that the most stringent Anti-Cheating Charms have been applied to your examination papers. Auto-Answer Quills are banned from the examination hall, as are Remembrall's, Detachable Cribbing Cuffs, and Self-Correcting Ink. Every year, I am afraid to say, seems to harbor at least one student who thinks that he or she can get around the Wizarding Examinations Authority's rules. I can only hope that will not be anybody in Hufflepuff. Our new- headmistress- has asked the Heads of House to tell their students that cheating will be punished most severely- because, of course, your examination results will reflect upon the- headmistress's- new takeover at the school. . . However, instead of potentially risking your futures to destroy her career, it would be better advised to do your best."
Ernie shot his hand up into the air and Professor Sprout called on him, "When should we expect our results?"
"Some time in July." I answered without thinking and then blushed and said, "Sorry Professor!" The class laughed.
"It's quite fine Miss Kane. Yes, some time in July your exam results will come out Mr. Macmillan."
All houses would be taking the tests together instead of separately. Of course, times would vary once it got to the elective classes. But for every student, the written Charms exam was on Monday.
At Dinner, Hermione kept diving into her bag to check another fact in a book instead of eating.
"You really ought to eat Hermione or you're not going to be able to sleep tonight." Ron said, sticking another piece of steak into his mouth. I took a sip of pumpkin juice and then Hermione sat up and dropped her fork on her plate.
"Oh, my goodness. Is that them? Is that the examiners?" Hermione asked, so faint with anxiety she wasn't even Englishing properly.
"Are those the examiners?" I corrected her but while Harry chuckled, Hermione completely ignored me. Improper grammar annoyed the crap out of me.
"Shall we go and have a closer look?" Ron asked. We got up from our seats and hastened towards the entrance hall and we slowed down to walk behind the examiners.
"Journey was fine, journey was fine!" The little witch standing next to Umbridge was shouting. I supposed she was deaf. "Now, I haven't heard from Dumbledore lately!" And she peered around the hall excitedly. "No idea where he is, I suppose?"
"None at all." Umbridge said, shooting an ugly look at us but didn't bother saying anything. I supposed she wouldn't even insult a werewolf brat in front of the testing instructors. "But I daresay the Ministry of Magic will track him down soon enough. . ."
"I doubt it!" The tiny witch shouted, drawing looks from passing students. "not if Dumbledore doesn't want to be found! I should know. . . Examined him personally in Transfiguration and Charms when he did N.E.W.T.s. . . Did things with a wand I'd never seen before. . ."
So she was like one hundred and fifty years old then. Cause Dumbledore was like one hundred and twenty years (I would assume). Then I tried to think logically about how old he actually was and couldn't come up with a number. Yes, he had to be 113 cause he was born in 1881, so he was at least over 100. . . Good lord! Then how old was McGonagall? 75 years old?
I was reeling with these facts. Holy Crap, my Professors were so old. . . but you had to admire her. After all, McGonagall certainly didn't look 75 and she definitely didn't act like it either. Then again, Dumbledore didn't act like he was 113 either.
I spent Sunday night in Severus' room, reading my Charms book while he played absentmindedly with my hair and occasionally kissing me. When I finally laid the Charms book aside, he asked, "What did you look so shocked about when you came in?"
"I just realized today that Dumbledore is about 113 years old and Professor McGonagall is 75 years old." I said honestly, laying the book on his side table. "It just took me back a bit."
"I'm old too." Severus said softly and I thought I heard a note of sadness in his voice and I propped myself up on my elbows to look at him questioningly.
"No you're not." I argued. "You're nowhere near 75!"
"I'm in my thirties." He whispered. "That's double your age."
I gritted my teeth. "Don't play the pity game Severus. I love you and you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."
"Even if I die twenty years before you?" Severus asked and I realized that this conversation was going to more serious than I'd expected.
I sat up, letting the blankets fall from my naked body, extremely angry now. "You're regretting your decision, aren't you?"
"No!" He said quickly, sitting up too and I quickly looked away from his abs and just stared down. "I don't, Elizabeth. I'm sorry. I just don't want you to regret marrying someone as old as me."
"I don't regret a damn thing!" I said angrily.
Severus appraised me for a second and then I was so angry that I pushed him down on the bed and kissed him fiercely. There was an energy in me that I'd never felt before. I moved my lips down to his throat and bit, a bit harder than I meant to and he gasped.
He rolled over, slamming me down onto the bed and slid in so roughly that I gasped too. I dug my nails into his back as he moved faster and faster. I kept my mouth closed tight so that I didn't shriek. I wasn't in pain either, it felt so good. We were both breathing extremely hard, and small sounds escaped both our mouths. This. . . this was perfection.
His hands clutched at my body, his lips and teeth caressing my skin. My fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer to me. His hand traveled downwards, circling my clit, speeding up his hard, solid thrusts as I came over and over again.
There was something that I happened near the end too that had never happened before. It was nearly the highest point of our time together. His teeth bit me on the breast when it happened, it seemed like a jerk reaction. I wasn't entirely sure what had happened as I gasped, staring up at him.
He grinned, wiping away liquid from his chest. "Well I must've done really good to make you squirt love."
I blushed. "I- is that a good thing?"
Severus chuckled, pulling me close to his chest now that we were both cleaned up. He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. "Of course love. It's a natural reaction."
With the reassurance that my body hadn't done anything wrong, I snuggled into him tightly and fell fast asleep.
When I woke up, I distracted myself by my nerves by observing the hickey on my breast now. "Sorry." Severus muttered sleepily, coming up behind me and observing us in the mirror. "You caught me by surprise."
I turned and saw he had one on his neck too and I touched it, "I meant that one." He grinned, kissing me on the lips. I saw the nail marks on his back then and I winced, "I didn't mean to do that though." I said, lightly touching the bruises. "Sorry."
"Don't worry, they'll be easy to cover up, this however-" he touched the hickey on his neck. "-that'll be a bit harder."
"Sorry." I repeated, not feeling all that sorry.
"You just need to learn to control yourself. You're just like a little kitten." he said mildly. I threw his shirt at him and pointed to the hickey on my breast.
"You're one to talk!"
He grinned, sweeping me into his arms to kiss my neck.
It was already eight-thirty and the exams started at nine-thirty and I needed to get up to the Great Hall for breakfast but Severus wasn't very keen to let me go. "It's to early, just stay here until your exams start." He mumbled, wrestling me back into bed.
I laughed as he kissed me repeatedly. "Sev, I need to eat!" And so he reluctantly let me up. I kissed him on the cheek and hurried up the stairs and into the Great Hall to eat.
I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and scarfed down a quick breakfast and then waited for the test to start. My heart was pounding and my nerves were being stretched thin. Oh I was going to fail. . . I was going to fail!
My heart settled down a bit once the exam started and I saw that the questions were a bit easier than I had thought they would be. I zoomed through them, knowing that I'd answered every single one of them correctly.
In the afternoon was the practical's for Charms where I made an eggcup do cartwheels and then levitated a wine glass. I had to perform the Color-change charm on a rat, trying to turn it orange, and then use the Growth Charm on a plant. Unfortunately, I think my rat was more golden than orange but it still looked orange enough I was sure I'd get most of my points.
I went to the library after that to study for Transfiguration. I figured that if all the tests- both written and practical- were like this I was going to get 'Outstandings' on everything. . . except Astronomy. That ticked me off. So I threw my Transfiguration book back in my bag and pulled out the Astronomy book.
I went back to the common room at nine, still studying Astronomy. The next day, the Transfiguration test went just easily as Charms. I was vanished my owl perfectly during practical's.
Then Herbology was on Wednesday and I planted the Fanged Geranium perfectly. Well, there was a smile nip on my ear but other than that, it couldn't have gone better.
Of course, I thought everything was going perfectly but I knew that I was probably going to fail everything if I thought like that. So, most of the time, I just doubted myself and tried to figure out all the things that I'd done wrong.
On Thursday, we had Defense Against the Dark Arts which I was sure went well. The most pleasing incident was doing all the jinxes, hexes, and counterspells perfectly in front of Umbitches nose. As expected, the fifth-years that hadn't been part of D.A. had a much harder time performing their spells. Some of them couldn't perform them at all, throwing panicked looks at Umbridge who was overseeing everything.
There was just the faintest of smiles on her lips when they did that. It made me want to accidentally miss the object in front of me and hex her instead.
I heard later that Harry got bonus points for producing a patronus. I was a bit disappointed that I hadn't had the chance to get bonus points but I figured it was no good crying over spilled milk. I focused even harder on Astronomy.
On Friday, Hermione and I went to Ancient Runes which I found was much more difficult than the other exams and immediately regretted not studying beforehand.
"How were the runes?" Ron asked as we came in through the Gryffindor portrait. Hermione wanted me to test her for Arithmancy.
"I mistranslated 'ehwaz'. It means 'partnership,' not 'defense', I mixed it up with 'eihwaz.' Hermione said. I was a bit surprised, I knew I hadn't missed that question at least. It had been one of the easier questions. Of course, the spellings were so similar for some of the runes that you had to re-read the questions a couple of times.
"Ah, well, that's only one mistake, isn't it, you'll still get-" Ron started stupidly.
"Oh shut up, it could be the one mistake that makes the difference between a pass and a fail. And what's more, someone's put another niffler in Umbridge's office, I don't know how they got it through that new window, but we just walked past there and Umbridge is shrieking her head off- by the sound of it, it tried to take a chunk out of her leg-"
"Good!" Harry and Ron said together but I shook my head.
"It is not good! She thinks it's Hagrid doing it, remember? And we do not want Hagrid chucked out!" Hermione said heatedly.
Harry looked out the window and then said, "He's teaching at the moment, she can't blame him."
"Oh, you're so naïve sometimes, Harry, you really think Umbridge will wait for proof?" Hermione said and seeming to forget that I was there to test her, she swept off for the girls' dormitory. I shook my head standing up.
"Such a lovely, sweet-tempered girl." Ron said fondly, pushing his queen forward on the chess board.
Potions was Monday and I studied for the exam Saturday and Sunday in Severus' room. I didn't leave the room except to eat and go to the bathroom. Of course, Severus was quite happy with this and helped me study between having some fun of his own. Sometimes he acted like such a teenager.
Of course, his mood when he was teaching or in the presence of Gryffindors and his mood when he was with me was so different that I always had to take a moment and wonder if he was being controlled. He was always so cold in class, emotionless, almost cruel. . . and with me. . . well it was a totally different side that no one had ever seen. I doubted anyone had seen how sweet, loving, and kind he could be when he wanted to. Only I had ever seen that side of him. . . and perhaps, at one point, mum had seen it too.
The exam on Monday for Potions went well. The written exam was a bit difficult, but the brewing process was at a good difficulty level for our class.
Tuesday was Care of Magical Creatures and I was determined to do well just to show Professor Umbridge that Hagrid was a good teacher. Of course, I wondered why Hagrid even put up with being a teacher. Third-year, Draco had ruined his class with Buckbeak. Fourth-year, Rita Skeeter had written horrible stories about him, and now this year Umbridge was extremely close to sacking him.
The Care of Magical Creatures exam went well. First was to find the knarl hidden among hedgehogs. The trick was to use milk because knarls would spit furiously, thinking you were trying to give them poison. Then you had to handle a Bowtruckle correctly, then clean and care for a fire-crab without getting burned, and lastly provided a selection of food that would be given to a sick unicorn to help it get better. I privately thought it was the easiest exam I had taken. Well no, Third-year Care of Magical Creatures exam was the easiest one.
The Astronomy sitting exam was Wednesday morning. My studying all week for it had certainly paid off because for what felt like the first time, I knew the answers to the questions.
Divination was in the afternoon. I was supposed to look in the crystal ball, tell a prediction by tea leaves, and then read the palm of the examiner.
My crystal ball and tea-leaves went smoothly. For the crystal ball, I said that I was foreseeing Kingsley Shacklebolt becoming Minister of Magic in three years. For the tea leaves, I said that Professor Umbridge would be taken by a herd of Centaurs. For the palm reading, I had a bit of difficulty because I didn't really see anything about the future with my examiner and finished off saying that they were going to die in about twenty-four years.
I was starting to think I should drop the subject. I knew Ron and Harry were going to. I froze on the stairs however, and Ernie and Susan stopped walking, looking back at me curiously. "What'd you see?" Ernie asked quickly.
I was watching Hagrid being attacked tonight and Professor McGonagall trying to help him out. "Oh dear." I whispered.
"What is it?" Susan asked urgently.
"Umbridge is going to go after Hagrid tonight during our Astronomy exam." I whispered. "They're not going to sack him, they're going to try and arrest him."
"They can't do that!" Ernie said indignantly.
"Well they're going to." I said breathlessly. "I need. . . I need to figure out how to stop it, excuse me." I rushed past them, leaving them on the stairs and hurrying to Professor McGonagall's office.
I quickly recounted what I'd seen and said, "You really shouldn't go and save him, you'll get hurt!"
Professor McGonagall's face was stony. "I'm forewarned now Miss Kane. Just do well on your Astronomy exam, okay? I'd like you to get a perfect set of O.W.L.s."
I had no choice but to leave her office, feeling horrible. I did as she had instructed however and pulled out my astronomy book and compared it to a practice exam. My mind felt terribly numb and I took a quick nap in the Hufflepuff common room before dinner.
I headed up to the Astronomy tower with a sinking stomach and heavy feet. Ernie and Susan were walking with me, saying nothing, just watching my face. I got a telescope between Ernie and Hermione.
My hands were shaking as Professor Marchbanks started the exam. I looked through the telescope and quickly wrote down what I saw, drawing, and trying to keep in mind the things that Firenze, Sinistra, and Trelawney had taught me.
I was two-thirds of the way done when I looked down, writing a note on my parchment and saw Umbridge strolling across the ground, about five or six people following after her. I quickly looked through the telescope again, trying to ignore her. I saw Ernie give me the swiftest of looks and I shook my head slightly. Eighty percent done. Come on. . .
I heard the distant noise of a fist hammering on a door and my stomach lurched. Oh Merlin's beard. . . I could hear Fang barking like mad.
I pressed my eye to the telescope again, marking the position of Venus and labeling it on the map.
There, my map was done. I quickly doubled checked everything and then heard a distant roar from far away that rang all the way up to the Astronomy tower. I flinched. No, this constellation was drawn wrong. I shakily erased the little bit and then redid it.
"Try and concentrate, now, boys and girls." Professor Tofty said softly. I noticed Hermione was still staring down at Hagrid's cabin. "Ahem- twenty minutes to go." Hermione jerked back to her star chart.
There was a BANG from the grounds and people muttered "Ouch!" as they ducked out from underneath their telescopes.
Hagrid's door had burst open now and there were red lights shooting towards him, they were trying to stun him.
"No!" Hermione and I cried together. I had the strangest urge to jump off the Astronomy tower the way that I had when Professor Quirrell had cornered me in my first-year and go and help Hagrid.
"My dears! This is an examination!" Professor Tofty said in a strangled voice but no one was looking at their charts anymore.
The voices were carrying all the way up to the Astronomy tower, "Be reasonable, Hagrid!"
"Reasonable be damned, yeh won' take me like this, Dawlish!" Hagrid shouted. I wondered if Kingsley was down there and I'd made up my mind.
There were screams as I jumped from the Astronomy tower. I had my wand out, my face set in grim determination. I waved my wand, stopping my fall and then landed on my feet and raced towards Hagrid's cabin. I saw light behind me and knew that Professor McGonagall had exited the castle.
"How dare you!" Professor McGonagall shouted, not seeing me to her left. "How dare you! Leave him alone! Alone, I say! On what grounds are you attacking him? He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such an attack!" Her wand was out, and blocked the stuns that were sent her way. But it was four different people and she stumbled back.
My wand was out and I sent stunning spells towards them with as much force as I could muster. I did notice that Kingsley was in the back, blending in nicely with the background. I pretended not to notice him. Why was everyone I loved turning out not to be the people I thought they were? Lupin was a coward, Kingsley was a monster, Sirius was a jerk, James was inconsiderate, and Lily had hated James.
And then, Professor McGonagall noticed me and was distracted enough that four stunning spells hit her. I felt horrible but continued to send my spells towards them.
"You're going to be expelled Kane!" Umbridge shouted at me. I noticed Kingsley was hesitating.
I was a bit surprised as Hagrid collapsed two of the attackers. Hagrid slung Fang's stunned body over his shoulders and hurried into the forest. Kingsley waved his wand and everyone collapsed except me and him. He hurried over to where I was standing and pushed me out of sight of the Astronomy Tower.
"What the hell are you doing down here?" He asked. I'd never seen Kingsley angry before. His accent mixed in with his words.
"Why the hell did you attack him?" I asked furiously. "You're supposed to be a good person!"
"I have a part to play, Elizabeth. I'm going to erase their memories. They need to forget that you were here. Your dad-"
"Yeah well my dad's never exactly who he's says he is either. Guess I should get used to the people I love being the people they aren't." I shoved his arm away and hurried over to where Professor McGonagall was. Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick were hurrying out of the castle now, Professor Sprout was emerging from the greenhouses.
"Get inside Miss Kane." Professor Flitwick said, for once his squeaky voice wasn't very cheerful. I stormed over to the Astronomy tower and used a propulsion charm to propel myself up, grabbing the edge of the tower and pulling myself up.
Parvati and Lavender were in tears, worried about Professor McGonagall. The Hufflepuffs were staring at me with shock. The examiners rebuked me for the crazy stunt that I had done. Remembering that Kingsley was going to erase the others memories down below, I performed the swiftest memory charm on the two examiners, removing only the scene of me jumping from the Astronomy tower. . . hopefully.
We all trooped down the stairs. Hermione was shaking with rage, though it was nothing compared to my anger. "That evil woman! Trying to sneak up on Hagrid in the dead of night!"
"She clearly wanted to avoid another scene like Trelawney's." Ernie said, squeezing into our group.
"Hagrid did well, didn't he?" Ron asked though he looked alarmed. "How come all the spells bounced off him?"
"His giant blood." I muttered.
"Poor Professor McGonagall. . ." Hermione said. "Four stunners straight in the chest and she's not exactly young, is she?"
I shook my head. "She'll be lucky if she's still alive by tomorrow morning."
"Dreadful, dreadful, well, I'm off to bed. . . 'Night, all. . . Elizabeth, aren't you coming?" Ernie asked pompously.
"I'll be back in a minute." I promised and hurried with Hermione, Harry, and Ron to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione's eyes were full of tears and I felt like crying myself.
We found that the commotion had awoken many people in the common room and now most of the group was up. Seamus and Dean had arrived ahead of us and had recounted the story in detail so there were many eyes on me and Lee said, "I heard you pulled some ninja warrior stunts Elizabeth?"
I smiled grimly and dropped it immediately.
"Why sack Hagrid now?" Angelina asked. "It's not like Trelawney, he's been teaching much better than usual this year!"
"Umbridge hates part-humans." Hermione said bitterly, sitting down in an arm chair. "She was always going to try and get Hagrid out. Look at Elizabeth- her father's a werewolf and Umbridge has been trying to take everything from her."
I wished people would stop always bringing me up.
"And she thought Hagrid was putting nifflers in her office." Katie piped up.
"Oh blimey." Lee said. "It's me's been putting the nifflers in her office, Fred and George left me a couple, I've been levitating them in through her window..."
"She'd have sacked him anyway, he was too close to Dumbledore." Dean pointed out.
"That's true." Harry said, sinking into an armchair.
"I just hope Professor McGonagall's all right." Lavender said tearfully. Everyones eyes flickered over to me.
"They carried her back up to the castle, we watched through the dormitory window." Colin said. "She didn't look very well. . ."
Everyones eyes were still on me and I sighed and closed my eyes. There, they were transporting her to St. Mungo's. . . she'd stay there all term. . . come back with a cane in hand. . . I opened my eyes, "She'll live. They're going to transport her to St. Mungo's in the morning. Madam Pomfrey says it's lucky she's not dead. She'll be back before the end of the year is out though. Oooh I hope Umbridge gets punished for this!"
Not likely though if everyone was like Kingsley.
I knew that it would be four in the morning before the common room cleared but I left anyways, hurrying to Professor Snape's bedroom. He was sitting up at his desk, doing something and slammed it down when he came in. "Oh, it's just you."
"I can come back." I mumbled sleepily. To be honest, I believed that if I went back to the Hufflepuff dorm I would probably fall asleep there.
"No." Severus said, standing up and coming over to turn off the light. "Come on sleepy head."
I lay there for a few moments, feeling absolutely horrible. Tears leaked out of my eyes and spilled over my cheeks. I shifted my head so that the tears wouldn't drop onto Severus' chest because I knew then he'd know I was crying.
"She's going to be okay." Severus said suddenly and I realized that he knew I was crying.
"I know." I said thickly. "I. . . I said some really horrible things to Kingsley though. . ."
"Yes, he pulled me aside and told me." Severus said lightly. "I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to though when you say your dad isn't who you thought he was."
I was silent for a moment and then said, "Nearly everyone I love. . . none of them are who I thought they were. Dad, Lupin- he's a coward. Kinsley's a monster. James was arrogant. Mum was decent but she hated James. . . it wasn't the romantic, love at first sight I thought it was. And Sirius is a jerk too."
Severus didn't speak for so long I nearly fell asleep and then he said so softly I barely caught his words, "You're wrong, you know."
"About what?" I asked, feeling snappish.
"Kingsley isn't a monster. He has a role to play. He can't just go against the Minister, he'd lose his job. I mean. . . what do you think I'm doing Elizabeth? I have to play two sides as well! And your dad, Lupin, I mean, he's not a coward. I don't even know where you got that idea-"
"He said it himself." I muttered. "Harry and I snuck into Umbridge's office. Harry wanted to speak to Sirius about James after he saw the -er- memory. He said he never believed he would feel sorry for you- he's not exactly proud of his -our- dad anymore. But Lupin. . . he said that he never had the guts to stand up to them and tell them to lay off you. And I saw it in the memory too. . . he did nothing, just like a coward." I finished this off extremely bitter.
"You know." Severus said lightly. "You're judging Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily all based on what you saw when they- we- were teenagers. Your dad isn't a coward, Lily really did... she really did love James. And James became less arrogant -towards others anyways- when he got older. I'd say Sirius is still a bit of a jerk, but that's a biased opinion."
I laughed weakly and said, "You're right, I know that I just. . ."
Severus kissed me and said, "Get some sleep. You have exams in the morning."
I squirmed until I was warm enough and comfortable enough, my head resting in the crook of his arm and I fell asleep quickly.
𝕳𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈 was to be taken the next afternoon and I slept in so that I could be refreshed enough for the test. It was being held just slightly later than the other exams so that we could get an adequate amount of sleep since we'd had our practical astronomy last night. So instead of being held at nine-thirty, it was held at two o'clock. But I still had Magical Theory at one o'clock, whic I hadn't studied for as I had been to preoccupied with Astronomy.
A lot of the students looked tired when I went in for lunch around 12:17. I'd pretty much woken up 10 minutes before 12 o'clock- alone in the room because Severus had been teaching a second-year potions class.
I sat down at the Hufflepuff table and Susan, Ernie, and some of the other Hufflepuffs asked me what was going to happen to Professor McGonagall. I told them what I'd foreseen and told them to keep quiet about it.
I went into the Magical Theory classroom for the exam with about maybe thirty something other students. The exam went smoothly, though I wasn't as sure about my answers as I had been with my other exams.
Then we came back to the Great Hall for the exam around two and settled into our seats. I took the exam and worked through the questions methodically. A lot of them were about the goblin rebellions that Professor Binns had taught about. Of course, dates and names were hard to get straight and I had a horrible memory for dates, so I worked much slower on this exam.
There were also much easier questions surrounding the statue of secrecy and also the confederation of warlocks and many other questions that I knew. I answered the questions about the Werewolf registration act with ease, a bit of a smirk on my face.
I finished writing up the last question and set the exam aside. And then, a vision popped into my head. I kept my mouth shut so that I didn't gasp as I watched Voldemort somewhere in the Ministry of magic, torturing Sirius. My hand clenched around my desk. If I was seeing this. . .
I shook my head and looked back at Harry and saw that he had fallen to the floor and he was starting to writhe, clutching his scar.
"Professor Marchbanks!" I called and pointed to where Harry lay. Professor Tofty quickly hurried over while Professor Marchbanks continued to survey us, though her eyes jumped nervously to where Harry lay. Professor Tofty led Harry out of the room and I looked at where Hermione was sitting.
I quickly turned back around and looked into the vision more. Was Sirius there? But how? Kreacher maybe? No. . . we were going to arrive at the Ministry. . . it was going to be a trap. I felt strangely relieved. And then. . . the Order would show up to save us. . . and. . . Sirius would die!
I felt my heart sink. Harry had seen the same thing. Would he listen to me if I told him it was a trap? If I told him that Sirius wasn't actually there? But how could I prove it? I'd told Harry and Ron and Hermione visions before and they didn't believe me. They didn't believe me about Professor Quirrell. . . though granted they didn't know about my visions then. But they wouldn't believe me in our third-year that Sirius was innocent or that he wasn't after Harry and they had known about my visions then!
I barely noticed when Professor Marchbanks dismissed us until Hermione was practically pulling me out of my seat. I blinked and jumped up with the others and left with them.
We hurried up the marble staircase where we saw Harry flying down the staircase towards us. "Come with me, I've got to tell you something. . ." Harry said quickly and I shook my head but followed him along the first-floor corridor until we found an empty room.
"Voldemort's got Sirius." Harry said.
"No he doesn't." I said softly. "Harry-"
"Yes he does!" Harry snapped at me.
"No he doesn't!" I argued, heat rising to my cheeks. "I saw what's going to happen! Voldemort is taking advantage of your connection. He showed you a false memory. He created the memory for you! When we get to London- but we're not- it'll be a trap. You are the only one who can get what Voldemort wants. We'll get there, there will be no Sirius, the Order will come to save us and then, that's when Sirius finally gets there and Bellatrix Lestrange kills him. So yes, Sirius will die, but only if we go to London."
Harry was shaking his head. "You don't understand!"
"Oh?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "And what don't I understand?"
"Sirius wasn't the only person there!" Harry said.
I frowned. "No, it was only Voldemort and Sirius."
Harry shook his head and then said, "Elizabeth, he's got Trang too." 
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 15
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖒𝖊𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 Rose and Grace in the Charms classroom exactly when I said I was going to. We worked on disarming a bit more. By the end of the lesson, they had both disarmed me and I was quite proud of them.
With our extra ten minutes, we worked on some other second-year spells and then called it quits since it was getting close to their curfew. With my two hours of curfew left, I visited Professor Snape's office.
He was grading tests in a bad temper and his expression didn't soften as I came in.
"What's wrong?" I asked as he threw another test onto the chair next to him.
"You haven't come to see me in three days." He said.
I pursed my lips to keep from smiling. "Sorry." I said, putting my arms across his shoulders and put my head on the top of his head, looking at the tests from behind. "Do you feel better now?"
"No." He said, sounding disgruntled. "I think-" He threw the rest of the tests onto the desk, "-you should come around front and sit on my lap."
I giggled and did just as he asked and pressed my lips to his. "You realize I'm a bit big for this?" I pointed out.
"No." He said stubbornly, kissing me. "You're only- to big- for sitting on- your dad's lap- not mine." He said between kisses.
I giggled again, kissing his cheek. "I suppose you're-" he cut off my words and then I managed to say "-right about that."
"Your hand looks better." He said when I finally stood up. I looked down at it. The scabs had healed so that they looked more like thin red scratches than scabbed over words.
"It doesn't look as extreme now." I said happily. "Oh," I said, less happily. "Professor Umbridge questioned me. But I didn't drink the tea so I never took the truth serum."
"Yes." he said stiffly, standing up. "She asked me for it and I couldn't refuse it."
"Could've given her a fake bottle." I pointed out.
"That's true, I'll do that next time." Severus said, moving a stack of papers off the desk. "Guess you should make my decisions for me."
"Sorry." I muttered, thinking he was mad. "I wasn't trying to-"
"I know." He interrupted, putting both hands on either side of my face, squishing my cheeks together. I stared up at him, pouting. "Stop pouting damnit." I didn't stop and he groaned. "You make my life so difficult Elizabeth."
"Life's difficult." I said simply and he glared at me, dropping his hands.
"So what are you going to do tonight?" He asked casually, turning his back to me. I looked at him. His black hair was swept perfectly so that I couldn't see his face when I answered.
"What do you want?" I asked softly.
He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know. I mean, I want you, obviously, but it's getting dangerous."
Then, I cocked my head and smiled, "You know what? I think I just got a great idea."
"𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘." 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖚𝖘 𝖌𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉, "Is the stupidest idea you've ever had."
I glared at him, closing Hagrid's cabin door behind him and going over and making sure the windows were sealed and locked and the curtains were placed over them. "Just don't turn on the lights." I said.
"Ouch!" Severus said as I heard him crash into something. "Bloody brilliant advice Elizabeth."
"Umbridge, Harry, Ron, and Hermione will come running." I said, reaching out and taking his hand and pulling him over to where Hagrid's large bed was. "Besides, no one is going to think to find us here."
"Still." Severus said, settling onto the bed next to me.
"Sev, just shut up and kiss me." I said, pressing my lips to his throat and felt his pulse quicken and heard his breathing stop for a second.
"Elizabeth. . ." He moaned. "You're not. . . we're not. . ."
I blushed and pulled away. "No, of course not! We're not married."
He pulled me back down to kiss me. "Just wanted to make sure so I didn't overstep my boundaries."
I laughed softly, curling into his side. "Hey Sev?"
"Yeah?" He asked, running his fingers up and down my arm.
"I love you."
It hung there in the air for a second. The last time I'd said I'd loved him was December of last year, nearly ten months ago. We hadn't even been dating yet. It had kind of slipped out of my mouth.
My heart thudded in my chest, waiting to see if he was going to say anything and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. Maybe if I fell asleep then in the morning I could just assume that he'd said it back.
But he had changed his demeanor suddenly. His tongue traced my lips and then he kissed me and it was very, very different. A French kiss- something we'd never down before. I could feel his tongue in my mouth, something I actually found rather attractive now that I'd actually done it. I had originally thought it might be repulsive. Now, I hoped we did it every time. My heart beat faster. I also felt very disoriented as he ran his tongue down to my throat and bit me.
"Oh!" I gasped. It wasn't a hard bite- in fact, it was very gentle and my cheeks grew red, knowing what was happening. But I didn't shy away. "Sev!" I gasped in shock.
"I think." He said lightly, running his tongue on my bottom lip. "I forgot to mention that I love you too."
"Something-" I gasped, trying to breathe, "something like that. . ."
He chuckled and rolled back onto his side of the bed, pulling me into him. I laid my head down on his chest.
"You're adorable you know." he murmured sleepily. "I swear I can hear your heart beating."
"Shut up." I muttered, pressing my face into his chest. He had such a unique smell like spices and herbs and the night and the forest all rolled into one. He put an arm around my shoulders, holding me there.
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
𝕴𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌, he shook my awake.
"Wazitmazer?" I muttered.
"I don't speak whatever language you just spoke." He said, sounding amused. "But we have to go if you want to make it back up to the castle in time. I thought you were holding Quidditch practice today.
I sat up quickly. "Oh, that's right." I said, stretching. I swung my legs over the bed and slipped my shoes on. "We probably shouldn't go up together if Umbridge is looking." I turned into a cat. Then I sprung from the ground up onto his shoulder.
"Show off." He muttered. I batted him with my paw- claws in. He took me off his shoulder and held me in his arms, petting my head. I purred with content and he chuckled as he strode up the grass. He let me down in front of the Hufflepuff common room and then went down the hallway and nodded to me. I quickly checked the other corridor and then turned back into a human and went up to my dorm to get my Firebolt. (I had replaced my Nimbus with a Firebolt this year so that I was equal to Harry).
By ten o'clock, we were all out on the pitch, clutching our brooms and looking wide awake.
"Alright." I said, looking around at everyone. "Herbert, up in front of the goals, we're going to test you first. Zacharias- you first. We're going to act like the other two Chasers are down at the end of the pitch. Heidi, Malcolm, right now, your acting like the opposing team. Let's see how Zacharias does 1 v 2. Then we'll switch between the Chasers. I turned to our beaters. "James your on Zacharias' side, Maxine, opposite. We won't let out the snitch right now."
"Trying to get out of your job?" Zacharias asked.
"Shut up Zacharias." I snapped. Practice hadn't even started yet and I already regretted choosing him as Chaser. "I can't critique you guys if I'm busy looking for the Snitch. We'll do that later. Alright, everyone up."
Everyone flew up and I tossed the Quaffle up to Zacharias. "Alright! Start! I'm letting out the bludgers in two seconds!"
Zacharias started flying down to where Herbert was at. Heidi and Malcolm flew at him from two different directions- working with past Quidditch tactics. I let out the bludgers and James and Maxine swooped on the bludgers. Maxine hit her bludger towards Zacharias who did a good roll maneuver and then dodged Malcolm. Swerving around Heidi, Zacharias threw the Quaffle. Herbert dived for it and stopped it by an inch.
"Alright!" I shouted. "Heidi, you're up. Zacharias-" I ducked a bludger, "-you're on the team with Malcolm now!"
Herbert tossed the Quaffle to Heidi and she zoomed back to the other side of the pitch where Zacharias had started.
"Start!" I shouted, observing the plays. They each took turns. Herbert saved all but one which was good.
"Alright!" I said. "Good job Herbert! Now then," We flew back to the ground so we could talk. The bludgers would stay in the air. With a wave of my wand, the bludgers were zooming back to the ground and I locked them back in the trunk with the help of James.
"Alright so now, I want to give the Chasers a chance to score. Herbert, James, and I are going to be Chasers as well- on another team. Maxine, I want you to act as Keeper for now, alright? Herbert, James, and I aren't trying to score, only trying to get the Quaffle from Heidi, Malcolm, and Zacharias."
"Hey Elizabeth!" I heard someone shouting across the stadium. I looked over briefly and saw Lee, Fred, and George there. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were following. I gave a brief wave and then turned back to the team.
"Everyone understands what we're doing?" I asked, looking at all of them. They all nodded and then I said, "Alright, Maxine, up in the keepers spot. Heidi, Zacharias, Malcolm, I want you guys to start at the opposite end of the pitch, alright?"
I tossed the Quaffle at Heidi who caught it.
"You're okay playing in front of four Gryffindor Quidditch team members?" Zacharias asked incredulously.
I glared at him. "We shouldn't have to stop training because some people showed up. Would you ask the same question if the Slytherins showed up to watch?"
Zacharias shut his mouth and I beckoned to James and Herbert. Maxine was already flying in front of the hoops. I swooped up with the other two and then we did our flying tactics.
By the afternoon, we felt very pleased with our performance. If only I could change Zacharias' behavior.
"Now." I said in the locker room. "I am going to let you guys know that we aren't going to be able to get much practice in. The first match is Slytherin and Gryffindor and they're going to have the pitch booked nearly every night. Saturday afternoons are going to be our go-to times."
"Do you know who's going to win the match?" Zacharias asked.
I pursed my lips, "Why would I spoil it for you guys?"
"I heard the Gryffindor Keeper is rubbish." Zacharias said.
I pursed my lips together tighter. "Well-"
"Hem, hem!"
We all spun around to see Professor Umbridge there. My lips were so thin now they would've made Professor McGonagall proud.
"Can we help you?" I asked.
"I was just wondering what you thought you were doing Miss Kane, still being Quidditch Captain and all." She asked in her sugar sweet voice.
"I didn't realize it was any of your business." I said stiffly.
Professor Umbridge didn't answer right away and she looked at Heidi, Malcolm, and Herbert. "How did you become Quidditch Captain if there are others here that are older than you?"
I squeezed my fist tightly but answered as calmly as possible. "Cedric appointed me, before he went in to do the third task."
"You, instead of one of the more senior students?"
"We're proud to have her as our Captain." Heidi said suddenly. I blushed.
Professor Umbridge looked at her with that stupid smile on her face, "You're proud to have the daughter of a werewolf as your Quidditch Captain?"
"Yes." Malcolm said unexpectedly in his deep voice. He reminded me of Kingsley except he had a larger head of hair. "And we all like Professor Lupin too. Cedric appointed Elizabeth and she's our Captain now."
Professor Umbridge looked quite taken aback. Herbert, James, Maxine, and Zacharias looked from Professor Umbridge to the three of us. She turned to them. "And you guys?"
They all nodded, even Zacharias who I was sure would've said something. Her eyes flashed dangerously and said, "Detention tonight, Miss Kane."
"For what!" Heidi shouted outrageously.
"I've already warned her about her cheek."
Heidi opened her mouth and I stepped on her foot. "Doesn't matter, don't land yourself in detention too." Heidi closed her mouth. Malcolm and Herbert looked just as angry and when she left the locker room, they all turned to me.
"How does she get away with that?" Malcolm asked outrageously. Maxine shook her head and left the locker room. Herbert soon followed. The rest of us left in here were all in Dumbledore's Army.
"It's cause I told her it was none of business." I said, running a hand through my tangled hair. "Whatever, I'll just have my hand sliced open, but don't you guys land yourselves in detention defending me. It's not worth it. I'll see you guys later."
I shouldered my Firebolt and left the locker room. Fred, George, Lee, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were waiting for me some feet away.
"We saw Professor Umbridge leaving the locker room." Fred said. "What did she want?"
"Oh, that's right." I said. "I never told any of you about why she wouldn't put the Hufflepuff team back together."
I explained the whole thing as we headed back to the castle and by the time I was finished with the locker room story, they all looked very murderous except for maybe Ron.
"That's horrible." Hermione said, her eyes flashing. "I'm so glad Professor Sprout managed to get things pushed through for you."
"I'm not." I said glumly. "The next thing you'll know, she'll get put on probation just like Trelawney and it'll be all my fault."
The next two weeks passed wonderfully. I was still working with Rose and Grace on Wednesday and Friday. We had worked on Impediment jinxes and the Reductor Curse. I'd given Rose and Grace much easier (though hard for them) spells to work on.
The meetings had become very erratic but as Harry pointed out to all of us, this meant a pattern couldn't be found.
Hermione had me help her make contact Galleons, using the Protean Charm on them. It was a tricky charm but by the fourth meeting, we had them done.
Hermione explained what the Galleons did as I handed them out to each member. "You see the numerals around the edge of the coins? On real Galleons that's just a serial number referring to the goblin who cast the coin. On these fake coins, though, the numbers will change to reflect the time and date of the next meeting. The coins will grow hot when the date changes, so if you're carrying them in a pocket you'll be able to feel them. We take one each, and when Harry sets the date of the next meeting he'll change the numbers on his coin, and because Elizabeth and I have put a Protean Charm on them, they'll all change to mimic his."
Silence greeted Hermione's words. She looked around as I came back to stand next to her and said nervously, "Well- I thought it was a good idea. I mean, even if Umbridge asked us to turn out our pockets, there's nothing fishy about carrying a Galleon, is there? But. . . well, if you don't want to use them. . ."
"You two can do Protean Charms?" Terry asked.
"Yes." Hermione said. I just shrugged and grinned.
"But that's. . . that's N.E.W.T. standard, that is." Terry said in a weak voice.
"Oh. Oh. . . well. . . yes, I suppose it is. . ." Hermione said, trying not to sound proud of herself. I laughed.
"How come you guys aren't in Ravenclaw?" Terry demanded. "With brains like yours?"
"Well, the Sorting Hat did seriously consider putting me in Ravenclaw during my Sorting. But it decided on Gryffindor in the end." Hermione said brightly.
"The Sorting Hat was going to put my in Gryffindor, and then Slytherin and then Ravenclaw, and then decided on Hufflepuff." I said with a shrug.
"Does that mean we're using them?" Hermione asked.
"I already handed them out." I pointed out. Everyone laughed.
I'd had about five detentions of the past two weeks. Sometimes, my hand would start bleeding during class and by this time, a majority of the teachers and Madam Pomfrey knew what was written on the back of my hand. It was a wonder Dumbledore hadn't called me to his office.
I kept my head up though. I wasn't going to let Umbridge get to me. I wasn't going to let her stop me. I was in Dumbledore's Army. I was the daughter of a werewolf. I was a friend of a centaur. And she was never going to beat me down.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 17
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, smut, sir kink
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
I blinked my eyes open, seeing both Harry and Hermione leaning over me. "You alright?" Hermione asked fretfully. 
"Ow, yeah." I mumbled, slowly pushing myself into a sitting position. "Where are we?" 
"Safe place. C'mon, let's get into the tent." Harry said, helping me up. I gently placed a hand on my stomach, feeling little kicks. They were unhappy with me, but at least I knew they were both alive and well. 
"So," Ron started immediately, showing that I had missed a bit of their conversation, "that Peverell bloke who's buried in Godric's Hollow, you don't know anything about him, then?" 
"No, I looked him up after I saw the mark on his grave; if he'd been anyone famous or done anything important, I'm sure he'd be in one of our books. The only place I've managed to find the name 'Peverell' is Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy. I borrowed it from Kreacher. It lists the pure-blood families that are now extinct in the male line. Apparently the Peverells were one of the earliest families to vanish." 
"Extinct in the male line?" Ron asked. 
"It means the name's died out. . . centuries ago, in the case of the Peverells. They could still have descendants, though, they'd just be called something different." 
"Marvolo Gaunt!" Harry suddenly shouted. 
"What?" I asked. 
"Sorry?" Ron and Hermione asked together. 
"Marvolo Gaunt! You-Know-Who's grandfather! In the pensieve! With Dumbledore! Marvolo Gaunt said he was descended from the Peverells!" 
I had forgotten about that and was impressed that Harry had. 
"The ring, the ring that became the Horcrux, Marvolo Gaunt said it had the Peverell coat of arms on it! I saw him waving it in the bloke from the Ministry's face, he nearly shoved it up his nose!" 
"the Peverell coat of arms? Could you see what it looked like?" Hermione asked sharply. 
"Not really. There was something fancy on there, as far as I could see; maybe a few scratches. I only ever saw it really close up after it had been cracked open." 
"Blimey. . . you reckon it was this sign again? the sign of the Hallows?" Ron asked. 
"Why not? Marvolo Gaunt was an ignorant old git who lived like a pig, all he cared about was his ancestry. If that ring had been passed down through generations, he might not have know what it really was. There were no books in that house, and trust me, he wasn't the type to read fairy tales to his kids. He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal." 
"Yes. . . and that's all very interesting, but Harry, if you're thinking what I think you're think-" 
"Well, why not? Why not? It was a stone wasn't it? What if it was the Resurrection stone?" Harry asked. 
"Blimey-  but would it still work if Dumbledore broke-" Ron gasped. 
"Work? Work?" Hermiones' voice was going up in octaves, making little pricks against my brain and I closed my eyes, laying on the cot. "Ron, it never worked! There's no such thing as a Resurrection Stone! Harry, you're trying to fit everything into the Hallows story-" 
"Fit everything in? Hermione, it fits of its own accord! I know the sign of the Deathly Hallows was on that stone! Gaunt said he was descended from the Peverell's!" 
"A minute ago you told us you never saw the mark on the stone properly!" 
"Where d'you reckon the ring is now? What did Dumbledore do with it after he broke it open?" Ron asked frantically. 
Harry didn't answer however. He was looking off into the distance, a faint look of concentration on his face. His black hair had fallen into his green eyes, boring holes into the tent wall. 
"Harry?" Hermione asked after a few seconds. 
Suddenly, Harry let out a dramatic gasp. "Dumbledore had my Cloak the night my parents died!" 
I felt that twinge of sadness, whenever he called our parents 'his' or 'my'. I knew it was not his fault, I knew it was what he believed. And I knew that was my fault, because I had made sure it was that way. 
His voice was shaking as he continued, "My mum told Sirius that Dumbledore borrowed the cloak! This is why! He wanted to examine it, because he thought it was the third Hallow! Ignotus Peverell is buried in Godric's Hollow. . .He's my ancestor! I'm descended from the third brother! It all makes sense!"
"Harry." Hermione tried again. 
"Read it," Harry pushed a piece of parchment in Hermiones' hand. "Read it! Dumbledore had the Cloak, Hermione! Why else would he want it? He didn't need a Cloak, he could perform a Disillusionment Charm so powerful that he made himself completely invisible without one!" 
"That's true." I murmured, frowning a little. I hadn't even thought of that. 
I heard something clink, rolling on the ground and then Harry shouted so loud I winced, "IT'S IN HERE! He left me the ring- it's in the snitch!" 
"You- you reckon?" Ron asked. 
Harry looked between me, Ron, and Hermione. Ron looked taken aback and Hermione was obviously unbelieving. I hoped I mostly just looked like I was in pain, fingers pressed against my head like that would get rid of the headache. 
"That's what he's after." Harry whispered. "You-Know-Who's after the Elder Wand." 
I sat up, motioning to Hermione that I wanted the letter. Hermione handed it over without a word. 
I unfolded the letter, taking in a deep breath as I saw Lily Potters' handwriting. 
Dear Padfoot,      Thank you, thank you, for Harry's birthday present! It was his favorite by far. One year old and already zooming along on a toy broomstick, he looked so pleased with himself, I'm enclosing a picture so you can see. You know it only  rises about two feet off the ground, but he nearly killed the cat and he smashed a horrible vase Petunia sent me for  Christmas (no complaints there). Of course, James though it was so funny, says he's going to be a great Quidditch player, but we've had to pack away all the ornaments and make sure we don't take our eyes off him when he gets going.      Lizzy just absolutely loves the Muggle dolls. I don't think  she's stopped playing with them ever since she got them. She's so serious about making sure they're wearing appropriate attire before bed and she doesn't dress herself until they're dressed in day clothes. It's adorable. I would enclose a picture, but you know she's camera shy.       We had a very quiet birthday tea, just us and old Bathilda, who has always been sweet to us, and who dotes on  Harry and Lizzy. We were so sorry you couldn't come, but the Order's got to come first, and they're not old enough to know it's their birthday anyway! James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell- also,  Dumbledore's still got his Invisibility Cloak, so no chance of little excursions. If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much. Wormy was here last weekend, I though he  seemed down, but that was probably the news about the  McKinnons; I cried all evening when I heard.      Bathilda drops in most days, she's a fascinating old thing with the most amazing stories about Dumbledore, I'm not  sure he'd be pleased if he knew! I don't know how much to believe, actually, because it seems incredible that Dumbledore
The letter cut off, but I wasn't focused on that, especially since I knew how it finished. I had found the scrap of letter and half a picture in Severus' top drawer months ago. Despite me being camera shy, it was clear a picture had been snuck with me holding my mother's hand, a doll in my other hand. I knew it had originally connected to a photo of Harry riding along on a broom, our father diving after him, just a pair of legs. 
The part I was focused on were the small tidbits about me. Muggle dolls. I had gotten muggle dolls and I liked to dress them, even at a year old. I knew which clothes should've gone on them and I dressed them like they were my children. 
It took all of my willpower not to cry, especially knowing Hermione  was looking at me, seeing as Harry was still lost in thought. 
"I don't suppose you know what the last bit is supposed to say?" Hermione asked quietly. 
"Oh." I looked up and said after a moment. "'because it seems incredible that Dumbledore could ever have been friends with Gellert Grindelwald. I think her mind's going, personally! Lots of love, Lily.'" 
"You know," Hermione said quieter, "There's something that doesn't quite make sense." 
"What?" I asked. 
"Harry said he did have a sister, but that Barty Crouch Jr. said she died in April. But if she's celebrating her birthday in July. . . how could she have died in April?" Her eyes were holding mine and I just knew that she knew. 
"Maybe she's still out there. Maybe she doesn't want people to know who she is." I answered. "Maybe she wants to reveal herself at the right time." I went silent and then said, "Or maybe she doesn't know who she is." 
"This is it." Harry suddenly said, not having paid attention to a word we had said. Ron looked away from us slowly. Hermione and I stared at each other for a moment longer and I shook my head an inch. "This explains everything. The Deathly Hallows are real, and I've got one- maybe two- and You-Know-Who's chasing the third, but he doesn't realize. . . he just thinks it's a powerful wand-" 
"Harry, I'm sorry, but I think you've got this wrong, all wrong." 
"But don't you see? It all fits-" 
"No, it doesn't. It doesn't, Harry, you're just getting carried away. Please, please just answer me this: If the Deathly Hallows really existed, and Dumbledore knew about them, knew that the person who possessed all three of them would be master of Death- Harry, why wouldn't he have told you? Why?" 
"But you said it, Hermione! You've got to find out about them for yourself! It's a Quest!" 
Hermione was going to hate herself for that one later probably. "But I only said that to try and persuade you to come to the Lovegoods'! I didn't really believe it!" 
"Dumbledore usually let me find out stuff for myself. He let me try my strength, take risks. This feels like the kind of thing he'd do." 
"Harry, this isn't a game, this isn't practice! This is the real thing, and Dumbledore left you very clear instructions: Find and destroy the Horcruxes! That symbol doesn't mean anything, forget the Deathly Hallows, we can't afford to get sidetracked- You don't believe in this, do you?" 
I glanced up, finally handing the letter over to Harry. 
"I dunno. . . I mean. . . bits of it sort of fit together," Ron said very awkwardly, looking like he wanted to placate both of them. "But when you look at the whole thing. . . I think we're supposed to get rid of Horcruxes, Harry. That's what Dumbledore told us to do. Maybe. . . maybe we should forget about this Hallows business." 
"Thank you Ron, I'll take first watch." Hermione said, walking off. 
Harry looked at me. "What about you?" 
"I don't know Harry." I said softly, standing. "I know that's a rare answer from me but, I just don't know. I'd listen to Ron." I pulled him into a hug, letting out a sigh. "I'll see you later, I need to get back." 
"Back to Snape?" Harry asked, a dangerous note in his voice. 
"Back to my son." I said, my voice equally dangerous now. I squeezed his arm and stepped out of the tent without another word. I smiled at Hermione but made it clear I wasn't staying for a word, moving far away into the forest before closing my eyes and apparating. 
I turned into my normal black cat form, padding through Hogsmeade before making my way up to the castle once more. Severus was laying on the bed with Remus, fast asleep until the door opened, his wand pointed at me until he saw who it was. 
"You know you shouldn't relax so easily." I teased, taking my cloak off, laying it on the back of the chair, locking the door behind me. I sauntered over to the bed, climbing up awkwardly onto the piece of furniture, straddling Severus' lap. "What if I was a Death Eater." 
"What if I was a Death Eater?" Severus asked lowly, nose skimming my neck. 
"You are a Death Eater." I giggled, before pressing my lips to his. "I'm all yours sir. How do you want me to serve?" I was desperate to lose myself in him after the rough afternoon and the near miss with Hermione discovering I was his sister. Well, knowing, I suppose. 
"Hmm, tempting." Severus rolled over, pinning me underneath him. "However, our son is in bed with us so I think we need to behave." 
I kissed him again and then wiggled upwards. "That's not fun at all." 
"You're a terrible influence." Severus groaned, before rolling out of bed to pick up Remus and lay him down in his crib, tapping it with his wand so that Remus could not hear certain noises that would be going on in the room. Severus crawled back up on the bed, hovering over me, before kissing down my neck. "Now then, I believe you said you were going to serve me?" 
"Yes Sir." I replied coyly, letting my hands wander south on him, until they were undoing the buttons on his pants. He rolled off of me, landing on his back as I helped him lose his trousers and boxers. "You look delicious sir." 
"You're such a tease." Severus moaned through gritted teeth as I licked up the underside of his shaft. His hand grabbed me by the hair, pulling me towards him. I went with it till I was straddling him, his cock rubbing against my folds. 
Our breathing grew heavy as I sank down on him, riding him slowly, his hands moving to my hips, helping me ride him. 
"Merlin, you feel amazing." Severus moaned out, fingers digging softly into my hips. 
"My name is Elizabeth." I teased lightly, rolling so that we were both on our sides as we made love now. I captured his lips with mine, nipping at his bottom lip. 
"My apologies." Severus teased and then gritted his teeth as he moaned lowly again. "Cum, Elizabeth." 
It was instantaneous as I released, feeling him release inside of me at the same time. I sighed in content, relaxing into his arms. 
We laid there for a moment before Severus slowly started to kiss my skin. Then he lightly murmured, "I'll go run the bath." 
I hummed as he got up off the bed, watching him disappear butt naked into the bathroom, before he came back out to get me. I padded out to the bathroom, my legs shaking only a little bit and he helped me into the bath. 
We took turns washing each other, soaking in the hot water until it cooled, before heading back out to bed. Severus climbed into bed, helping me up onto the raised furniture, before pulling me against him, cuddling me as the both of us drifted off to sleep. 
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 18
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, mentions of nudity, smut
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝖂𝖊 𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 in courtyard when the letter came. Hermione had been berating Harry about not concentrating on Slughorn and instead, concentrating on Malfoy. Meanwhile, Ron kept ducking behind Hermione as different girls came around the corner, always afraid that one of them would be Lavender.
"Harry Potter? I was asked to give you this." The girl said. She had straight black hair and pretty eyes. She handed a letter to Harry.
"Thanks. . ." Harry said, taking the small roll of parchment. When the girl had left he said, "Dumbledore said we wouldn't be having any more lessons until I got the memory!"
"It's not from Dumbledore." I said over Hermione's head.
"Look at this." Harry said to Hermione, handing her the letter.
I read over her shoulder:
Dear Harry, Ron, Elizabeth, and Hermione, Aragog died last night. Harry, Ron, and Elizabeth, you met him, and you know how special he was. Hermione, I know you'd have liked him. It would mean a lot to me if you'd dip down for the burial later this evening. I'm planning on doing it round dusk, that was his favorite time of day. I know you're not supposed to be out that late, but you can use the cloak. Wouldn't ask, but I can't face it alone. Hagrid.
"Oh, for heaven's sake!" Hermione said, passing it on to Ron who said, "He's mental! That thing told its mate to eat Harry, Eliza and me! Told them to help themselves! And now Hagrid expects us to go down there and cry over its horrible hairy body!"
"It's not just that." Hermione said. "He's asking us to leave the castle at night and he knows security's a million times tighter and how much trouble we'd be in if we were caught."
"We've been down to see him by night before." Harry pointed out.
"Yes, but for something like this?" Hermione asked skeptically. "We've risked a lot to help Hagrid out, but after all- Aragog's dead. If it were a question of saving him-"
"-I'd want to go even less. You didn't meet him, Hermione. Believe me, being dead will have improved him a lot." Ron said.
I privately agreed with Ron, though I hated the idea of Hagrid facing something terrible alone. Correction, something terrible for him alone. I could most definitely sneak down to see him.
"Harry!" Hermione said desperately, "You can't be thinking of going. It's such a pointless thing to get detention for!"
"Yeah, I know. I s'pose Hagrid'll have to bury Aragog without us."
"I'll go down." I said and the other three looked at me. I shrugged, "Look, I can turn into a cat. Cats are allowed past security, aren't they?"
"Ah. . ." Hermione said, looking worried.
"Nothing's going to happen Hermione." I said gently.
"Alright then." Ron said, "That sums that up."
Hermione turned to Harry. "Look, Potions will be almost empty this afternoon, with us all off doing our tests. . . Try and soften Slughorn up a bit then!"
"Fifty-seventh time lucky, you think?" Harry asked in a bitter voice.
"Lucky." Ron said. "Harry, that's it- get lucky!"
"What d'you mean?" Harry asked cautiously, knowing exactly what Ron meant.
Ron looked at him excitedly, "Use your lucky potion!"
Hermione looked at Ron in a new light, "Ron that's- that's it! Of course! Why didn't I think of it?"
"It'll work." I said confidently.
Harry looked at the three of us. "Felix Felicis? I dunno.. I was sort of saving it. . ."
"For what?" I asked, amused because I knew exactly who he was thinking about.
He didn't answer, having gone off into la la land and didn't come back until Hermione asked, "Harry? Are you still with us?"
"Wha-? Yeah, of course. Well. . . okay. If I can't get Slughorn to talk this afternoon, I'll take some Felix and have another go this evening."
"That's decided, then." Hermione said, getting to her feet and started to do pirouettes. I was quite jealous. Twycross hadn't gotten the Minister's approval for me to take the test early. "Destination. . . determination. . . deliberation. . ."
"Oh, stop that, I feel sick enough as it is- quick, hide me!" Ron cowered.
"It isn't Lavender." Hermione snapped.
"Cool. Blimey, they don't look happy, do they?"
I scoffed, "They're the Montgomery sisters, of course they aren't going to be looking happy! Didn't you hear about their brother?"
"I'm losing track of what's happening to everyone's relatives, to be honest." Ron said carelessly.
"Well, their brother was attacked by a werewolf. The rumor is that their mother refused to help the Death Eaters. Anyways, the boy was only five and he died in St. Mungo's, they couldn't save him." Hermione answered.
"He died?" Harry sounded shocked, "But surely werewolves don't kill, they just turn you into one of them?"
"It depends." I said sadly. "Sometimes they lose control. It's why dad always traveled so far during full moons. If he didn't turn me, he'd kill me, and I don't think he would've been able to keep living if he'd done either one."
"What was the werewolf's name?" Harry asked.
"Well, the rumor is that it was that Fenrir Greyback." Hermione said sadly.
"I knew it- the maniac who likes attacking kids, the one Lupin told me about!" Harry said angrily.
Hermione and I looked at him sadly. "Harry, you've got to get that memory. It's all about stopping Voldemort, isn't it? These dreadful things that are happening are all down to him. . ."
The bell rang, Ron jumping to his feet to join Hermione.
"You'll do fine." Harry said, getting to his feet as well. "Good luck."
"Hermione, you'll pass. Ron, you're going to leave half an eyebrow behind and they'll fail you if you're not careful. Remember the tips that'll keep you from splinching yourself." I said happily.
Harry and I headed to the potions dungeon and found that it was the two of us, Ernie, and Malfoy.
"All too young to Apparate just yet?" Slughorn asked, looking around, "Not turned seventeen yet?"
We all shook our heads.
"Ah well, as we're so few, we'll do something fun. I want you all to brew me up something amusing!"
"That sounds good, sir." Ernie said, rubbing his hands together, smiling.
"What do you mean, 'something amusing'?" Malfoy asked irritably.
"Oh, surprise me." Slughorn said.
I headed to the side room, pulling out a cauldron that already had ingredients in it. My Felix Felicis potion. I had started it with Severus after everyone had come back from break. I knew that we were going to need quite a bit.
But the potion needed work, only halfway done. Even with the headstart, the potion end time would be cutting close to the battle date.
Across from me, weird smells were emitting from Ernie's cauldron. It seemed he was trying to invent a potion. Draco didn't seem to be putting much work into his potion either, but Harry was working methodically on his. Occasionally, I caught brief smells of peppermint.
"Well, now, this looks absolutely wonderful," Slughorn said after an hour and a half of work, standing over Harry's potion. He clapped his hands together, staring down into Harry's cauldron. "Euphoria, I take it? And what's that I smell? Mmmm. . . you've added a sprig of peppermint, haven't you? Unorthodox, but what a stroke of inspiration, Harry, of course, that would tend to counterbalance the occasional side effects of excessive singing and nose-tweaking. . . I really don't know where you get these brain waves, my boy.. unless it's just your mother's genes coming out in you!"
"Oh. . . yeah, maybe." Harry said.
I had covered my nose discretely as the potion that Ernie had created was spewing horrid fumes.
The bell rang, Ernie and Draco left a once.
"Sir." Harry said but Slughorn was already leaving the dungeon. "Professor- Professor, don't you want to taste my po-?" Harry called desperately but the door closed.
I sighed, "No go Harry. But I'd certainly like to try some if you don't mind. You should try some too."
We both took a few sips and a familiar feeling flooded through me.
"Oh. My. God." Harry said, looking dazed. "That is amazing."
I picked up my cauldron and told Harry I'd see him later, and hurried up to Severus' office. Since class had let out, there were no students in the classroom and I passed through with no qualms.
I set the cauldron down in the corner. I noticed Severus had already labelled ingredients in different bottles and jars for me. I quickly finished adding the other ingredients and stirring. Severus came in a few minutes later.
"How was class?" He asked, taking a seat at his desk and picking up his quill.
"Wonderful. . ." I said, carefully counting the rotations as I stirred. Perfect, it had to be perfect.
There was a silence that contained scratching quills and momentary pauses where it was dipped in the pot of ink, bubbling from the cauldron, and soft breathing. But the potion Harry had made was making something weird happen to me.
I finally set everything aside. It was to sit and stew for about three and a half weeks and seven hours to the dot. I pulled out my potions calendar, marking the specific time. The good thing was my time-turner. If I didn't manage to get there the first time, I could most definitely get there the second time.
I stood up, getting ready to go down to dinner when Severus said unexpectedly, "It really was brilliant art, Elizabeth."
"Sorry?" I questioned.
Severus looked up momentarily, his black eyes boring into mine. "The portraits. They really were brilliant."
"You set yours on fire." I pointed out, my lips twitching to keep from smiling.
"Yes. . ." Severus said, turning back to his parchment. "You're going to ruin my image as a cold hearted person. People might actually think I'm soft."
I laughed, walking up behind him and hugging him from behind. "Your much softer than you let on." I kissed his cheek and then paused. Euphoria. I took the quill from his hand and turned the chair around, sitting on his lip, pressing my lips to his neck. He let out a small noise, perhaps a gasp, perhaps a moan, I wasn't sure.
Perhaps I shouldn't have taken the Euphoria potion because I seemed to have unlimited energy and didn't feel deterred by anything at all.
I slipped his robes from his shoulders, letting them fall. He pushed me off of him so that he could get out of the chair, and we stumbled through the door of the bedroom and onto the bed. I was on top of him, letting him slide into me easily. I moved with him quickly, my breasts bouncing carelessly and I barely noticed the pain. All I could think about was the enjoyment of him inside of me and my hands in his soft, silky hair. His hands reached up to cup my breasts, pulling me down slightly so his lips could kiss them. I buried my face in his neck.
He rolled over as I moaned softly, his hands clutching at my hips, moving gently now. Strange, usually we started slow and made our way up in speed. We seemed to be doing the opposite and it was lovely. He reached up with one hand to cover my breast, squeezing softly, while the other snaked around to the back of my head, bringing my head up to be closer to his.
Our lips reached the others skin at different spots, not necessarily each others lips. The small bursts of delightfulness was punctured with small bites of pain. But it was all lovely and in my current state, everything seemed heightened tenfold.
"What. . . what was that?" Severus asked, almost breathlessly as we laid there, the blankets curling around our legs, our clothes scattered on the floor.
"Harry gave me a potion of euphoria." I muttered, pent out of energy now that the effects of the potion had worn out. My cheek rested on his chest "I have no idea what just happened. . . I mean, I know what happened. . . I just don't know how it happened."
Severus chuckled, kissing my neck. I shivered slightly under his touch. Bloody hell.
"I should um- I should go down to dinner- yeah- dinner." I said, breathing normally again.
"As should I." Severus said. "Though I feel quite exhausted at the moment."
I too felt quite tired and would've liked to have laid there and fallen asleep. But I couldn't. So I giggled, moving away from the bed, and getting dressed again, before leaving the classroom to go down to dinner.
After dinner, I ducked into the bathroom and upon finding it empty, I turned into a cat and strode from the room.
I had to run from some Ravenclaw first-year girls who thought I was just a sweet little kitten, and after hiding on top of a suit of armor, finally made my way back to the entrance hall, and slipped out the door, sprinting across the lawn to get to Hagrid's house.
I transformed back outside the door- I didn't really want to face Fang as a cat.
"Yeh came!" Hagrid said, pulling me into a hug. He wasn't crying- at the moment- but his eyes were red and puffy.
"Harry'll be down soon." I said. "Ron and Hermione couldn't come though."
"Don' matter, don' matter." Hagrid said, sitting back down in a chair. I made a pot of tea and gave him a cup which he drank with trembling fingers. I waited, pacing the cabin, waiting for Harry. Fang followed me, looking for head scratches which I gave occasionally.
There was a knock on the door and Hagrid was up, opening the door. Harry stood there, his invisibility cloak held out in front of him.
"Yeh came." Hagrid repeated.
"Yeah-Ron and Hermione couldn't though, they're really sorry." Harry said smoothly. Perhaps it was my imagination, but there almost seemed a faint gold hue around Harry. But it was so slight that Hagrid had not noticed it. Perhaps it was my sight. I had noticed that my sight and hearing had changed slightly since becoming an Animagus (a side effect that wasn't mentioned anywhere in the books or manuscripts).
"Don'- don' matter. . . He'd've bin touched yeh're here, though, Harry. . ." Hagrid said with a loud sob. Harry patted his elbow gently.
"Where are we burying him? The Forest?" Harry asked.
"Blimey, no. The other spiders won' let me anywhere near their webs now! Aragog's gone. Turns out it was on'y on his orders they didn' eat me! Can yeh believe that, Harry?" Hagrid said while wiping his eyes on the bottom of his shirt.
"I think he mentioned something like that when we went to talk to him." I said casually, sitting down. Fang came over, setting his head on my knees and I grimaced at the slobber. I really had never been a dog person. And I liked the cute dogs, the little Pomeranians and huskies and retrievers and bichon frises and labs and beagles. Bulldogs, pitbulls, pugs, boarhounds, ugh.
I had gotten along with Fang in my second year, having lived in Hagrid's cabin for nearly two months because I figured living in Hagrid's cabin by myself was safer than staying in the castle with lots and lots of people. Fang could grow on you if you could get used to slobber.
"Never bin an are o' the forest I couldn' go before! It wasn' easy, gettin' Aragog's body out o' there, I can tell yeh- they usually eat their dead, see. . . But I wanted ter give 'im a nice burial. . . a proper send-off. . ." Hagrid said, not paying me any attention.
"I can't go near the centaurs anymore." I said randomly. What the hell were the side effects of the Euphoria potion?
"Professor Slughorn met me coming down here, Hagrid." Harry said, resuming the patting of the elbow.
"Not in trouble, are yeh?" Hagrid asked, so alarmed that Harry might be in trouble he stopped crying. "Yeh shouldn' be outta the castle in the evenin', I know it, it's my fault-"
"No, no, when he heard what I was doing he said he'd like to come and pay his last respects to Aragog too. He's gone to change into something more suitable, I think. . . and he said he'd bring some bottles so we can drink to Aragog's memory."
"Tha's- tha's righ' nice of him, that is, an' not turnin' yeh in either. I've never really had a lot ter do with Horace Slughorn before. . . Comin' ter see old Aragog off, though, eh? Well. . . he'd've liked that, Aragog would. . ." Hagrid muttered.
I snorted quietly and drank my tea. Then I sighed, putting my teacup down and pulled a piece of paper out of my back pocket. "Here, I drew this for you."
Hagrid took it in a shaking hand and unfolded it and started to sob. I quickly grabbed it from his hands so the charcoal wouldn't run.
"It's- it's beautiful." Hagrid sobbed and I put the drawing of Aragog up on his dresser so that he could see it. It was a horrible drawing- not because it was bad (if I may be so humble) but rather horrible in a gruesome way. The way I'd seen Aragog through my scared twelve-year old eyes. Strange, I felt so much older than sixteen now.
"Are we going to bury him here, Hagrid, in your garden?" Harry asked after a moment when Hagrid had stopped sobbing.
"Jus' beyond the pumpkin patch, I thought. I've already dug the- yeh know- grave. Jus' though we'd say a few nice things over him- happy memories, yeh know-"
There was a knock at the door and I stood, getting it and letting Professor Slughorn in. "Hagrid, so very sorry to hear of your loss."
"Tha's very nice of yeh. Thanks a lot. An' thanks fer not givin' Harry detention neither. . ." Hagrid said gruffly, all tears done and gone.
"Wouldn't have dreamed of it. Sad night, sad night. . . where is the poor creature?" Slughorn asked, his eyes roaming the cabin and settling on the drawing.
"Out here," Hagrid said, leaving the cabin. "Shall we- shall we do it, then?"
"Wonderful artwork Miss Kane." Professor Slughorn complimented, "You've got quite the eye for artistic beauty."
"Thank you Professor." I said quietly, briefly remembering that my drawing of him had him dressed in a pineapple suit, and I took up the rear of the party.
The moon was glistening on the grounds so that everything was in shadow. The moon rays mixed and intermingled with the light from Hagrid's windows just enough to make out the large boulder like shadow. There, before it, was a massive pit that was ten-feet-deep with a matching sized pile of dirt to go with it.
"Magnificent." Professor Slughorn said, striding to the front of the spider's face. I could only imagine it faking death and reaching out, snapping off a leg to feast on. I suddenly felt quite nauseous. I quickly put a hand on my stomach.
I could hear the tinkle of bottles and rolled my eyes. So the walrus had come for the Acromantula venom, was I surprised?
"It's not ev'ryone appreciates how beau'iful they are. I didn' know yeh were int'rested in creatures like Aragog, Horace."
"Interested? My dear Hagrid, I revere them." Slughorn said, taking a step back from the body. I could understand his point. It would be a horrible idea not to respect them. The same way you should revere Centaurs and Merpeople so they didn't kill you with a bow or a spear. There were a lot of rules to follow in the magical world. "Now. . . shall we proceed to the burial?"
Hagrid nodded and moved forward, pushing against the black spider's body and it fell into the pit with a crunch. I winced. Hagrid started to cry.
"Of course, it's difficult for you, who knew him best." Professor Slughorn said, patting Hagrid's elbow. "Why don't I say a few words?"
I came to stand next to Hagrid who wrapped a massive arm around my shoulders. My knees nearly buckled under the weight of the arm but I managed to keep standing though I felt as though I was carrying two bookbags with twenty textbooks in them.
"Farewell, Aragog, king of arachnids," Professor Slughorn said in an impressive voice, something like a preacher I'd heard at a church before. "whose long and faithful friendship those who knew you won't forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the quiet, web-spun places of your forest home. May your many-eyed descendants ever flourish and your human friends find solace for the loss they have sustained!"
"Tha' was. . . tha' was. . . beau'ful!" Hagrid sobbed and he collapsed onto the heap, crying harder than ever before. Even I had tears springing to my eyes, though I was sure that had to do more with the high emotions running around here than the actual sadness that Aragog was dead. But I hated it when Hagrid was upset.
"There, there." Slughorn said and with a wave of his wand, the earth crashed back into the grave, smoothing over the surface. "Let's get inside and have a drink. Get on his other side, Harry. . . That's it. . . Up you come, Hagrid. . . well done. . ."
Hagrid was deposited in a chair at the table. Fang came padding over and put his head on Harry's lap as usual. I think Fang liked Harry better than me and I was quite okay with that. Professor Slughorn uncorked one of the bottles he had brought.
"I have had it all tested for poison." He said in what he obviously thought a reassuring voice. "Had a house-elf taste every bottle after what happened to your poor friend Rupert."
I had many retorts for that comment, some of them about the cruelty for house-elves, and some of them about what 'Rupert's' real name was.
"One for Harry. . . one for me. . . and one for Elizabeth. . ." Slughorn said, diving the second bottle between the three of us. The first bottle had been fully deposited into Hagrid's tankard. "Well- to Aragog."
"Aragog." Harry, Hagrid, and I said together, also lifting our glasses.
Hagrid and Slughorn drank deeply. Harry didn't drink at all. I took a small sip and did not find the texture or taste to my taste. I'd never liked wine or alcoholic substances. I set the glass down on the table. I supposed I could hand it over if they wanted more drink.
"I had him from an egg, yeh know. Tiny little thing he was when he hatched. 'Bout the size of a Pekingese." Hagrid started down the tale.
"Sweet." Slughorn said.
"Used ter keep him in a cupboard up at the school until. . . well. . ." Hagrid's face darkened and a peculiar thought came over me.
If Slughorn had taught Tom Riddle, and Tom Riddle and Hagrid had gone to the school at the same time, then Slughorn had taught Hagrid as well. I found this much more fascinating than the story that was unfolding. I loved finding connections where none seemed to be. I always felt the need to share it too and on instinct, I looked over at Harry, but kept my mouth shut.
"That's never unicorn hair, Hagrid?" Slughorn asked, eyeing Hagrid's walls with interest. Hagrid collected things he found in forest- unicorn tail hair included. I'd helped him collect some. It got caught on bushes and ferns and was quite easy to pick up.
"Oh yeah," Hagrid said with indifference. "Gets pulled out of their tails, they catch it on branches an' stuff in the forest, yeh know. . ."
"But my dear chap, do you know how much that's worth?" Slughorn asked in awe.
"I use it fer bindin' on bandages an' stuff if a create gets injured. It's dead useful. . . very strong, see." Hagrid said with another shrug.
There was quite a difference between the educated and the uneducated, I noticed. Hagrid had only three years of schooling (at least at Hogwarts) and yet, he didn't see things for their monetary value. He'd even passed on some of his skills to me, using unicorn hair for bandages and other things. Slughorn on the other hand. . . Aragog's venom was rare, very expensive, very valuable. . . unicorn hair could be sold to wand makers. . .
They had ventured into tale about the Centaurs of the forest and I listened with vivid interest as Hagrid told recent stories of Ivagio, Ronan, Bane, and the others. I had missed some of them- Bane excluded- and hearing recent stories was quite nice. I thought about retelling some of the stories to Firenze, but I wasn't sure how he'd take it or if it would make him more upset.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Harry wave his wand slightly and the bottle on the table refilled. I said nothing, grabbing my own cup and turned the wine into pumpkin juice. Then I started to take small sips while listening to Hagrid and Slughorn trade stories about the illegal dragon trades they'd taken part of.
Harry continued to refill the bottle and they started to get drunker. They started to make random toasts to some random, some not random things. To Hogwarts, to Dumbledore, to elf-made wine, and to Harry.
"Harry Potter!" Hagrid bellowed, slopping another bucket of wine down his front. I felt how I had felt coming to Grimmauld 12 before Christmas and finding Sirius had been drinking as he had been alone for a long time. I was quite upset, watching him drink himself into oblivion, but I did nothing to interfere.
"Yes, indeed, Parry Otter, the Chosen Boy Who- well- something of that sort." Slughorn mumbled.
Parry Otter. I laughed aloud and neither seemed to notice. Harry's lips twitched for a millisecond.
Hagrid became tearful soon after, reaching up and pulling the whole band of unicorn hair off of the ceiling and gave it to Slughorn. Slughorn put it in his pocket saying, "To friendship! To generosity! To ten Galleons a hair!"
I watched the end of the unicorn hair slip into his pocket, more upset than was rational. Hagrid and I had spent classes searching for unicorn hair. While easy to take off, unicorns were usually quite careful and rarely caught their tails on bushes unless they were already loose. It was going to take ages to find more unicorn hair for bandages. What if a magical creature got hurt? We would have nothing to bind their wounds with. . . unless something else could be used? Maybe Firenze could teach me something.
They started to sing and I put my head on my arms, wondering when the night was going to end. I suppose I could've left, but I didn't want to. Something was keeping me here.
Some called him Odo the early and some called him Odo the late It's undoubtedly true he was often confused, but his deeds they were noble and great
Some name him born on a Wednesday, for he had his measure of woe. No he was born on a Thursday some say, for he'd always a long way to go.
"Aaargh, the good die young," Hagrid muttered after slumping into his chair. "Me dad was no age ter go... nor were yer mum an' dad, Harry..." More tears oozed from his eyes and he grabbed Harry's arm and shook it. I watched the scene with sadness. "Bes' wiz and witchard o' their age I never knew... terrible thing... terrible thing..."
And Odo the hero, they bore him back home To the place that he'd known as a lad, They laid him to rest with his hat inside out And his wand snapped in two, which was sad.
"...terrible." Hagrid grunted one last time before falling asleep.
"Sorry, can't carry a tune to save my life." Professor Slughorn said with a hiccup.
"Hagrid wasn't talking about your singing. He was talking about my mum and dad dying." Harry said in a soft voice, the first time he'd talked ever since coming back into the cabin.
I flinched. Mum and Dad. I felt a sudden wave of grief and longing.
"Oh. Oh dear. Yes, that was- was terrible indeed. Terrible. . . terrible. . ." Slughorn said with a horrible belch. He refilled the mugs, obviously having nothing else to say but said anyways, "I don't- don't suppose you remember it, Harry?"
"No- well, I was only one when they died." Harry said. I was looking at the floor because I was crying. "But I've found out pretty much what happened since. My dad died first. Did you know that?"
"I- I didn't." Slughorn said in a quiet voice.
"Yeah. . . Voldemort murdered him and then stepped over his body toward my mum. He told her to get out of the way. He told me she needn't have died. He only wanted me. She could have run."
I imagined for a moment, if she had stepped aside. Voldemort would have only of killed Dad and Harry. It would've been me and her. Sirius would've helped her raise me and Lupin would have too. I could've later avenged Harry's killer. Or maybe Dumbledore would have destroyed him before I was even eleven.
"Oh dear. She could have. . . she needn't. . . That's awful. . ." Slughorn murmured.
"It is, isn't it? But she didn't move. Dad was already dead, but she didn't want me to go too. She tried to plead with Voldemort. . . but he just laughed. . ."
"That's enough! Really, my dear boy, enough. . . I'm an old man. . . I don't need to hear. . . I don't want to hear. . ."
He didn't want to hear what he had done.
"I forgot, you liked her, didn't you?" Harry asked. I shot him a quick look. Slughorn doted on his mother everyday, surely Harry couldn't have forgotten that! Or perhaps he was faking it.
"Liked her? I don't imagine anyone who met her wouldn't have liked her. . . Very brave. . . Very funny. . . It was the most horrible thing. . ."
"But you won't help her son. She gave me her life, but you won't give me a memory." Harry said.
Hagrid's snoring was all that filled the room at that moment. Even Fang was silent.
"Don't say that. It isn't a question. . . If it were to help you, of course. . . but no purpose can be served. . ."
"It can. Dumbledore needs information. I need information." Harry said loudly and firmly. Harry leaned forward a little. "I am the Chosen One. I have to kill him. I need that memory."
"You are the Chosen one?"
"Of course I am."
"But then. . . my dear boy. . . you're asking a great deal. . . you're asking me, in fact, to aid you in your attempt to destroy-"
"You don't want to get rid of the wizard you killed Lily Evans?"
"Harry, Harry, of course I do, but-"
"You're scared he'll find out you helped me?"
Slughorn said nothing.
"Be brave like my mother, Professor. . ."
Slughorn lifted his fingers to his mouth as though he were trying to smoke an invisible cigar. "I am not proud. . . I am ashamed of what- of what that memory shows. . . I think I may have done great damage that day. . ."
He had.
"You'd cancel out anything you did by giving me the memory. It would be a very brave and noble thing to do." Harry said.
Would it though? Would it cancel out everything?
Hagrid twitched his sleep, his elbow nearly knocking over the tankard. I watched as though hypnotized. There was a long silence. They both waited, a type of staring contest seemed to be going on between the two of them.
Finally Slughorn touched the tip of his wand to his temple and withdrew it, a long silver thread of memory stretched until it broke. It swung from the end of the wand until Slughorn put it into a small bottle and passed it, with a trembling hand, to Harry. He had tears in his eyes, or maybe his face was just obscured by my tears.
"Thank you very much, Professor."
"You're a good boy, and you've got her eyes. . . Just don't think too badly of me once you've seen it. . ." And with that, he put his head down and with a deep sigh, fell asleep.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 27
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Warnings: Mentions of nudity
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
------------------By Order of-----------------
The Ministry of Magic Dolores Jane Umbridge (High Inquisitor) has replaced Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-nine. Signed: Cornelius Oswald Fudge MINISTER OF MAGIC
This was an insulting decree of course considering that Professor McGonagall- as deputy Headmistress- should have taken over.
"Dumbledore will be back before long." Ernie said as Ernie, Hannah, Susan, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I were walking from Herbology. Harry had been recounting the story from his point of view which was a bit more descriptive than mine had been. I'd never been good with details. "They couldn't keep him away in our second year and they won't be able to to this time. The Fat Friar told me that Umbridge tried to get back into his office last night after they'd searched the castle and grounds for him. Couldn't get past the gargoyle. The Head's office has sealed itself against her. Apparently she had a right little tantrum. . ."
I laughed out loud. "Amazing!"
"Oh, I expect she really fancied herself sitting up there in the Head's office. Lording it over all the other teachers, the stupid puffed-up, power-crazy old-"
"Now, do you really want to finish that sentence, Granger?" Malfoy asked. "Afraid I'm going to have to dock a few points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff." He drawled out, looking maliciously at me.
"It's only teachers that can dock points from Houses, Malfoy." Hermione said.
"Yeah, we're prefects too, remember?" Ron snarled.
"I know prefects can't dock points, Weasel King, but members of the Inquisitional Squad-"
"The what?" Hermione asked darkly.
"The Inquisitional Squad, Granger." Draco pointed to a second badge that was underneath his prefect one. It was silver with the letter I on it. "A select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, hand-picked by Professor Umbridge. Anyway, members of the Inquisitorial Squad do have the power to dock points. . . So, Granger, I'll have five from you for being rude about our new headmistress, five for contradicting me as well. . . Five because I don't like you Potter. . . Weasley, your shirt's untucked, so I'll have another five for that. . . Macmillan, five for talking about our headmistress as well. . . oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Mudblood Granger, so ten for that. . . and Kane, your not expelled and your a werewolf brat so 15 points for that." He ignored Susan and Hannah whom he didn't seem to be able to find a punishment for.
Ron pulled out his wand, but Hermione pushed it away, whispering, "Don't!"
"Wise move, Granger. New Head, new times. . . Be good now, Potty. . . Weasel King. . ." Draco said and moved away with Crabbe and Goyle following him.
I snorted, "'Select group of students'. They're probably all Death Eaters."
"He was bluffing." Harry said, "He can't be allowed to dock points."
"It would completely undermine the prefect system." I agreed, "But look. . ." I pointed to where the house points were. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had been tied for second this morning, Hufflepuff in first. Now, Hufflepuff had dropped to second, Ravenclaw in first, and Gryffindor in third.
"Noticed, have you?" Fred's voice said. We all looked over at him.
"Malfoy just docked us all about fifty points!" Harry said furiously.
"Yeah, Montague tried to do us during break." George said.
"What do you mean, 'tried'?" Ron asked quickly.
"He never managed to get all the words out due to the fact that we forced him headfirst into that Vanishing Cabinet on the first floor." Fred said and I laughed.
"But you'll get into terrible trouble!" Hermione gasped.
"Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks, I dunno where we sent him. . ." Fred said coolly. "Anyway. . . we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble anymore."
"Have you ever?" I asked with a grin.
"Course we have." George said. "Never been expelled, have we?"
"Good point." I muttered.
"We've always known where to draw the line." Fred agreed.
"We might have put a toe across it occasionally." George corrected.
"But we've always stopped short of causing real mayhem." Fred continued.
"But now?" Ron asked.
"Well now-" George said.
"- what with Dumbledore gone-" Fred continued.
"-we reckon a bit of mayhem-"
"- is exactly what our dear new Head deserves."
"You mustn't! You really mustn't! She'd love a reason to expel you." Hermione whispered, looking around.
"You don't get it, Hermione, do you? We don't care about staying anymore. We'd walk out right now if we weren't determined to do our bit for Dumbledore first. So anyway, phase one is about to begin. I'd get in the Great Hall for lunch if I were you, that way the teachers will see you can't have had anything to do with it." Fred said, smiling around at all of us.
"Anything to do with what?" Hermione asked anxiously.
"You'll see, run along now." George said.
He and Fred turned to walk away. I hesitated and then ran after them and called, "Fred!"
Fred turned and I said, "It's going to go great!"
Then I turned and ran back into the Great Hall. I sat down at the Gryffindor table and to my surprise, Susan and Hannah sat down with us. I saw Filch was taking Harry with him. "Where's Ernie?" I asked.
"He went to the library to do transfiguration homework." Susan said. "I think he wants to be as far away from whatever the Weasley twins are going to do."
"What are they going to do?" Hermione asked nervously.
I grinned mischievously. "Why would I spoil the surprise?"
We quickly bolted down lunch and then, there was a large BOOM. Many students in the Great Hall looked around but Hermione, Ron, Susan, Hannah, and I all jumped to our feet and sprinted out the door. I led them to the first floor and we stared in amazement. It was much better than the visions.
There were Dragons that were made up of green-and-gold sparks, flying up and down the corridors emitting fiery blasts. There were pink Catherine wheels five feet in diameters, whizzing around the corridors like saw blades. Rockets were bouncing off walls and sparklers were writing swearwords in midair. Firecrackers were sounding like mine explosions. Every so often, a firework raced after a student and they would run, screaming their heads off.
Umbridge showed up a moment later along with Filch and then Harry appeared behind her too. There were a handful of students that were observing the fireworks and I noted that some of them were escaping out into the rest of the rest of the school.
"Hurry, Filch, hurry! They'll be all over the school unless we do something- Stupefy!" Umbridge shouted as the dragons started down the door she'd just come through.
A jet of red light shot toward a firework which exploded with a much larger force, shaking dust from the ceiling.
"Don't stun them, Filch!" Umbridge shouted angrily as though Filch was the one who'd made the suggestion.
"Right you are, Headmistress!" Filch said and grabbed a broom to swat at them. The broom head caught on fire. Ron was roaring with laughter and even Hermione looked pleased.
"Try vanishing them!" I shouted towards Umbridge and then ducked behind a column. I supposed she tried just that because the fireworks suddenly multiplied by ten. "Come on." I said to the others. "We're going to be late for class."
We hurried away to our separate classes. We rushed into potions, nearly two minutes late. Professor Snape looked up as did the other students.
I sat down in my seat. Suddenly however, a bunch of firecrackers came hopping into the room, exploding. The students looked at Professor Snape, wondering how'd he react and also trying to keep their eyes on the firecrackers so they didn't explode near them.
"Right!" Professor Snape shouted over the bangs, "Firecrackers and Potions don't mix. Class dismissed."
The entire class rushed from the room as a firecracker exploded against a cauldron. I dove to the floor so that I didn't get in the way of the explosion. I felt Severus hands helping me to my feet and dragging me over to where his office was.
"And now-" He said, hungrily against my throat. "We have about an hour and a half together."
"Good." I murmured as he started unbuttoning the front of my shirt, his mouth moving from my lips to my neck. We didn't even make it to the bed.
Umbridge spent the entire day, running around to the summons of the other teachers who didn't seem to be able to get rid of the fireworks alone. And considering the fireworks were making such a distraction, it was hilarious that none of the teachers seemed to care about them.
Professor McGonagall for instance watched a dragon firework fly around her classroom and then said sardonically, "Dear, dear. Miss Brown, would you mind running along to the headmistress and informing her that we have an escaped firework in our classroom?"
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were walking up to Gryffindor Tower when we watched a tottering, sweaty-faced Professor Umbridge come out of Professor Flitwick's office.
"Thank you so much, Professor! I could have gotten rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but I wasn't sure whether I had the authority..." he said in his squeaky voice, and beaming, he slammed the door in her face. We quickly hurried passed her and then burst into laughter as we neared the portrait.
I congratulated Fred and George on their fireworks and wrote my name down on an order sheet and gave them 20 galleons for my order. I knew one day I was going to use it and it would be worth it.
Since I knew Umbridge was going to be exhausted from the long day, I headed back to Severus' office. He was already laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling and he smiled warmly when he saw me. "Couldn't get enough this afternoon?" He asked, jokingly.
I blushed, locking the door behind me on instinct. "I just wanted to spend the night with you." I climbed into bed and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
I was dreaming about walking down a corridor, a plain black door at the end. I reached the door, opening it and stepped inside. I was now in a circular room lined with doors and I walked towards the one in front of me. It opened too. I was in a long, rectangular room full of an odd, mechanical clicking and there were dancing lights on the walls. There was another door at the end of this room too.
"Wake up!" A worried voice said. I bolted straight up. Severus had shaken me awake again. I felt pale and clammy and my clothes were sticking to me.
I gasped for breath and swung my legs out of the bed, standing up. I felt disgusting and I needed a shower.
"Are you alright?" He asked, still sitting on the bed.
"No." I protested, my cheeks going red. "I feel disgusting. I need to go take a shower."
He sighed, pulling me into his arms again. "The shower can wait for a few more hours."
"What time is it?" I asked, looking around for a clock.
"3:43." He whispered.
"At least let me change clothes." I mumbled back. "I feel disgusting in these sweaty clothes."
He let me up and I tore them off, still feeling clammy and sweaty. How embarrassing! It was just my luck that it had happened tonight! Severus was tapping the bed with his wand and then stood up, coming over to me and tapped me with his wand too. I immediately felt better, much cooler.
"You don't need clothes." He whispered and I laid back down in the bed. The sheets and comforter were much, much cooler. It felt so much better and I laid my head on his chest like a pillow.
"Thank you." I mumbled, holding myself to him for comfort. One of his hands wrapped around my waist, holding me to him.
"Anything for you." he said softly, stroking my hair and that was the last thing that I felt.
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙 back the next night, he was absolutely livid. His face was white, his lips pulled back thin as Professor McGonagall's. I froze. "Er-" I racked my brain and then realized that Harry would have been here tonight. What had happened?
I tried to concentrate on the future and then found what I was looking for. So, tonight Harry had gone into the pensieve. Oh dear. I looked further into the memory and was able to see what he had seen. It was a memory of Snape as a boy. And Wormtail and Sirius were there too. Sirius was extremely handsome. Lupin and Dad were there too. I watched the memory through Harry's eyes as James flipped Severus upside down. And mum had come too, yelling at James to let him down, asking what Severus had ever done to him. All because Sirius had said he was bored. And Dad- Lupin- just sitting there under the tree, reading a book. And Severus calling mum a Mud-blood.
I looked up at Severus. I didn't know how long I'd been standing in the doorway but I realized that there were tears falling from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, turning from him.
"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" He asked, turning me back to face him.
"I- I saw what Harry saw." I said reluctantly, watching his face turn white again. "The scene by the lake with dad and mum and Lupin. . . I. . . you were always right. . . dad was always arrogant. . ."
I felt horrible and I wished I'd never looked into that future bit. I sat down in the chair, looking at the floor. "And then Lupin was just sitting there. . . doing nothing. . . and I. . ."
Severus didn't say or do anything. He just watched me struggle, trying to accept the reality that my parents weren't. . . mum had been decent. How could dad have just sat there though? How could James have done that, just because Sirius was bored?
Finally, Severus sighed and then said, "That wasn't the only memory he saw."
I looked up, frowning, wiping the tears away. "But that was the only one-"
"Because he saw a memory about me and you." Severus said reluctantly now.
I froze. "Oh no."
Severus still looked extremely angry. "He didn't see much of it. . . though. . ."
I put my face in my hands. I'd been hoping for a nice night and now. . . well who knew what was going to happen now. "I'm gonna. . . I'm gonna go to bed, I think." I said weakly, standing up. Severus grabbed my arm.
"I'm sorry." he pleaded. "I don't want you to be-"
"I'm not mad at you or anything." I said softly, touching his hand. "I just. . . I didn't want you to be right about my dad. . . that's all. . . and I think I need to be alone to cope with that fact. . ."
I turned around and I walked back out of the room, leaving him behind, and headed to the Hufflepuff common room. I laid down on my bed for a long time, thinking.
𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 talk to Harry. I wanted to converse about our parents and I couldn't. Every time I opened my mouth to tell him I was his sister, my throat closed up and I ended up saying something else. So I assumed now wasn't the right time to tell him.
Harry and I did, however, talk about the second vision- the one of Severus and me.
"He wouldn't tell me what you saw." I said, partially honest. "What'd you see?"
"Er- you two were just kissing really. I mean, it was weird to watch, obviously. It was at Grimmauld place." Harry said awkwardly.
I was much relieved to hear this. "Sorry you had to see that." I muttered. Then we looked at each other and burst out laughing.
But he was distracted too. I knew he was thinking about the other vision too. I overheard him muttering to himself the words, ". . .force her to marry him?"
I hated the idea that Dad might've forced mum to marry him. I didn't think that was it but at the same time. . .
But I had the memory from the dementors. Lily had been scared that James was going to die. So something must've happened so that they fell in love, right? And Severus had called her a Mudblood even though he loved her. . .
I groaned, slamming my head down on my book.
"You alright Eliza?" Ginny asked. I looked up, not having noticed her at first.
"No." I muttered.
"Harry, I'm talking to you, can you hear me?" Ginny asked, snapping her fingers under Harry's nose. Harry was sitting next to me? I'd definitely been lost in thought.
"Huh? Oh, hi."
"A package just arrived, it's only just got through Umbridge's new screening process. . ." Ginny said. She hoisted a brown box up on the table. A red note was scribbled across the top that said INSPECTED AND PASSED BY THE HOGWARTS HIGH INQUISTOR. "It's Easter eggs from Mum. There's one for you. . . there you go. . ." Ginny said, handing him a chocolate egg decorated with small iced snitches. She handed me over a milk chocolate egg with iced chicks on them. Apparently it contained sour gummy worms inside of it.
"Are you okay, Harry?" Ginny asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Harry said gruffly.
"You seem really down lately. You know, I'm sure if you just talked to Cho. . ." Ginny said.
"It's not Cho I want to talk to." Harry said and I nodded unconsciously.
"Who is it, then?" Ginny asked.
"I. . ."
"Dad." I whispered. "I want to talk to dad."
"Sirius." Harry said, putting a piece of chocolate in his mouth. I put a piece in my mouth too and felt better. Dad was right, chocolate was a healing agent.
"Well, If you really want to talk to Sirius, I expect we could think of a way to do it. . ." Ginny said.
"Come on, with Umbridge policing the fires and reading all our mail?" Harry asked dully.
"The thing about growing up with Fred and George, is that you sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve." Ginny said.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" An angry voice shouted.
"Oh damn, I forgot." Ginny said, jumping to her feet. I shoved my things into my bag as Madam Pince swooped down on us.
"Chocolate in the library! Out- out- OUT!" Madam Pince said, wiping out her wand and making Harry's things chase us out of the library, hitting us over the head as we ran.
𝕬 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖞𝖘 before Easter holiday ended, there were pamphlets and brochures that describe all the different possible jobs that could be done outside of Hogwarts. I briefly wondered why they didn't show these to us when we were choosing our classes in second-year because there were certain careers that required certain classes and if you hadn't signed up for the class before third-year. . . tough luck to you.
There was a notice on the board that read:
CAREER ADVICE All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.
I looked and found myself in the middle of the list. I was supposed to meet Professor Sprout in her greenhouse office at 11:20 on Monday. This meant I would be missing Care of Magical Creatures but at this point, I was okay with not seeing Umbridge for a little bit.
"Well, I don't fancy healing." Ron said, perusing through the brochures. "It says here you need at least an E at N.E.W.T. level in Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. I mean. . . blimey. . . Don't want much, do they?"
"Well, it's a very responsible job, isn't it?" Hermione asked. "You don't seem to need many qualifications to liaise with Muggles. . . All they want is an O.W.L. in Muggle Studies 'Much more important is your enthusiasm, patience, and a good sense of fun!'" She read from one of her brochures.
"You'd need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle. Good sense of when to duck, more like. . . Listen to this." Harry said, "'Are you seeking a challenging career involving travel, adventure, and substantial, danger-related treasure bonuses? Then consider a position with Gringotts Wizarding Bank, who are currently recruiting Curse-Breakers for thrilling opportunities abroad. . .' They want Arithmancy though. . . you could do it, Hermione!"
"I don't much fancy banking." Hermione said.
"Hey" A quiet voice hissed. "Ginny's had a word with us about you. She says you need to talk to Sirius?"
It was Fred and George. George, keeping a lookout and Fred talking.
"What?" Hermione asked sharply.
"Yeah. . . yeah, I thought I'd like-" Harry said casually.
"Don't be so ridiculous." Hermione said and I avoided her eyes. "With Umbridge groping around in the fires and frisking all the owls?"
"Well, we think we can find a way around that. It's a simple matter of causing a diversion. Now, you might have noticed that we have been rather quiet on the mayhem front during the Easter holidays?" George asked.
"What was the point, we asked ourselves, of disrupting leisure time? No point at all, we answered ourselves." Fred continued and I giggled. "And of course, we'd have messed up people's studying too, which would be the very last thing we'd want to do." He nodded toward Hermione and put a hand on my shoulder.
"But it's business as usual from tomorrow. And if we're going to be causing a bit of uproar, why not do it so that Harry can have his chat with Sirius and Elizabeth with her dad?" Fred continued. I blushed, wishing he hadn't mentioned me.
"Yes, but still, even if you do cause a diversion, how is Harry supposed to talk to him?"
"Umbridge's office." I said promptly. "It'll be the only fire that isn't being watched."
"Are- you- insane?" Hermione asked in a hushed voice.
"I don't think so." Harry said, shrugging his shoulders.
"And how are you going to get in there in the first place?" Hermione asked, looking between Harry and I.
"Sirius's knife." Harry said.
"Excuse me?"
"Christmas before last Sirius gave me a knife that'll open any lock. So even if she's bewitched the door so Alohomora won't work, which I bet she has-" I said.
"What do you think about this?" Hermione demanded to Ron.
"I dunno." Ron said, looking uncomfortable. "If Harry wants to do it, it's up to him, isn't it? And Eliza?"
"Spoken like a true friend and Weasley." Fred said, clapping Ron so hard on the back the pamphlets went flying off Ron's lap. "Right, then. We're thinking of doing it tomorrow, just after lessons, because it should cause maximum impact if everybody's corridors- Harry, Eliza, we'll set it off in the east wing somewhere, draw her right away from her own office- I reckon we should be able to guarantee you, what, twenty minutes?" Fred finished, looking at George.
"Easy." George said.
"What sort of diversion?" Ron asked curiously.
"You'll see, little bro. At least, you will if you trot along to Gregory the Smarmy's corridor round about five o'clock tomorrow." Fred said with a wink.
My stomach twisted as I watched them go and a sick feeling filled my stomach. But I wanted to talk to Dad, didn't I? I wanted to ask him why he didn't stop James from messing with Severus. . .
But before I had time for the real nerves to set in, I was sitting in front of Professor Sprout the next day in the greenhouse office. I'd never been in here before. It looked a lot like the Hufflepuff common room. It was round rather than square or rectangular shaped. There were plants hanging everywhere and dirt was on the floors. It was like a garden office.
In the corner was Professor Umbridge with her stupid little clipboard, but both Professor Sprout and I were determinedly ignoring her.
"Well Elizabeth," Professor Sprout said in a cheerful manner, "this meeting is to talk over any career ideas you possibly are thinking about and I'm here to help you decide subjects that you should continue with in her sixth and seventh years. Have you any ideas about what you want to do?"
"Well. . ." I said slowly. "I've had a couple. I'm trying to decided between becoming an Auror, a Healer, or. . . or um. . . an experimental potioneer."
Professor Sprout looked a bit surprised. "Really?"
"Well an Auror would be a great career considering the times we're in." I explained. "but I also love helping people which I could do as a Healer and. . . well ever since I was a little kid I wanted to make a cure for. . . for werewolf bites. I know it'll be difficult but I think I really could do it."
Professor Umbridge made a very small cough and we both ignored her. Professor Sprout smiled, "I think those are all wonderful career options. Now, let's go through the careers one by one, we'll start with Auror. It is a difficult career path, of course, because you'll have to study once you leave school as well. I don't see that being a problem for you at all though."
Professor Umbridge coughed a little louder and Professor Sprout raised her voice a bit. "Of course, you'll need to take most of the main courses like Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms-"
"Not Herbology?" I asked.
"No." She said, shaking her head. "It's an option, of course, but not a necessary one. However, if we move on to healing-"
Professor Umbridge coughed very loudly and Professor Sprout turned to her and said, "Are you quite alright Professor?"
"Oh yes, but I just wanted to inquire if you believe that Miss Kane here has the right er. . . temperament for becoming an Auror?"
"Oh yes." Professor Sprout said, nodding and still smiling. "Miss Kane is a sweet girl, very brave, extremely smart. No doubts at all that she will succeed no matter what career she goes into. Now," she turned back to me, "You'll have to take Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms for Healing. After all, it's an incredibly important job- one that should not be taken lightly as there can be consequences for inept healers."
"Like the healer who was supposed to be taking care of Bode." I said, nodding.
"Exactly. Now with the experimental potioneering, that's not really an official-" Professor Sprout was interrupted by an extremely loud cough. Her smile flickered, becoming extremely annoyed and said, "yes?"
"Well, experimental potioneering is a very dangerous job and I don't believe that Miss Kane here will be employed by the Ministry for the job."
I gritted my teeth. "I'm trying to create a cure for werewolves, of course they'll employ me."
"The Minister certainly will not." Professor Umbridge said, smiling.
"Well!" I said hotly. "Fudge isn't going to be Minister anymore by the end of the year."
Professor Umbridge jumped to her feet, "I knew it! I knew Dumbledore-"
"Dumbledore isn't going to be Minister either." I said bitingly. "Granted, the next Minister is going to be a bit better but nothing like Dumbledore."
Professor Umbridge looked a bit unnerved and Professor Sprout quickly claimed my attention back, "I think a cure for werewolves in a wonderful idea." She said sweetly. Professor Sprout's sweet voice was so much different from Professor Umbridge. "It'll give so many people their lives back. Do you have any questions?"
I shook my head, "I don't think so."
"Alright then. You may go back to class." Professor Sprout said, marking something down on a piece of parchment and stacking it onto of a small pile on her desk.
I stood up and left the room without looking back. Stupid Professor Umbridge.
I wanted to hear Harry's interview with Professor McGonagall and knew that I'd have to be there sometime around half-past two. I went back to Care of Magical Creatures where we were still working on Knarls. Bloody boring.
I went up to the castle for lunch and then sat through charms. Potions was after that.
Severus held me back after Potions though and I felt my anxiety increase. "Look, are you mad at me?" He asked quietly as Hannah left the room.
I looked at him blankly, "Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?"
"I don't know!" He said, sounding a bit exasperated. "You haven't been down once in nearly a week and a half though."
"Sorry." I whispered. "I've been busy- which isn't an excuse, I know. . . I thought you'd be er- mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad at you?" He asked, bewildered.
"Well you were pissed at Harry. . ." I said quietly. "And I'm his sister and James was my dad and lily was my mum and. . ."
"Oh." Severus said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his robes. I wrapped my arms around him.
"I'll come back tonight, I promise." I got up on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. I turned to leave and found I couldn't.
He'd grabbed my tie and drew me back to him, pushing me down on the desk and kissing me fiercely. I forgot where I wanted to be at that moment and wrapped my arms around him. We heard footsteps outside the door and we pulled apart. I grabbed my bag and passed Draco on the way out.
I hurried to where Professor McGonagall's office was and listened outside the door.
"Yes." Harry was saying, "Defense Against the Darks Arts, I suppose?"
"Naturally." Professor McGonagall said in a crisp voice. "I would also advise-"
There was a cough and I knew that Umbridge was in the room too.
"I would also advise Transfiguration, because Aurors frequently need to Transfigure or Untransfigure in their work. And I ought to tell you now, Potter, that I do not accept students into my N.E.W.T. classes unless they have achieved 'Exceeds Expectations' or higher at Ordinary Wizarding Level. I'd say you're averaging 'Acceptable' at the moment, so you'll need to put in some good hard work before the exams to stand a chance of continuing. Then you ought to do Charms, always useful, and Potions. Yes, Potter, potions. Poisons and antidotes are essential study for Aurors. And I must tell you that Professor Snape absolutely refuses to take students who get anything other than 'Outstanding' in their O.W.L.s, so-"
Professor Umbridge coughed even louder.
"May I offer you a cough drop, Dolores?" Professor McGonagall asked curtly. I grinned, only able to imagine the look on her face.
"Oh no, thank you very much. I just wondered whether I could make the teensiest interruption, Minerva?" Professor Umbridge's voice was farthest from the door.
"I daresay you'll find you can." Professor McGonagall said through what sounded like gritted teeth.
"I was just wondering whether Mr. Potter has quite the temperament for an Auror?" She asked sweetly the way that she had in Professor Sprout's office a couple hours ago. I wondered if she was only sitting in mine and Harry's interviews.
"Were you? Well, Potter, if you are serious in this ambition, I would advise you to concentrate hard on bringing your Transfiguration and Potions up to scratch. I see Professor Flitwick has graded you between 'Acceptable' and 'Exceeds Expectations' for the last two years, so your Charms work seems satisfactory; as for Defense Against the Dark Arts, your marks have been generally high, Professor Lupin in particular thought you- are you quite sure you wouldn't like a cough drop, Dolores?"
Susan and Ernie came over. "What are you doing?" Susan mouthed. I put a finger to my lips, still listening. I was joyful too- Professor McGonagall had mentioned dad. I loved hearing people talk about dad- for good, of course
"Oh, no need, thank you, Minerva. I was just concerned that you might not have Harry's most recent Defense Against the Dark Arts marks in front of you. I'm quire sure I slipped in a note. . ."
"What, this thing?" Professor McGonagall asked sharply and Susan, Ernie, and I heard the sound of parchment rustling. "Yes, as I was saying, Potter, Professor Lupin thought you showed a pronounced aptitude for the subject, and obviously for an Auror-"
"Did you not understand my note, Minerva?" Professor Umbridge interrupted, forgetting to cough.
"Of course I understood it." Professor McGonagall's sounded muffled as though her teeth were glued together.
"Well, then, I am confused. . . I'm afraid I don't quite understand how you can give Mr. Potter false hope that-"
"False hope? He has achieved high marks in all his Defense Against the Dark Arts tests-"
"I'm terribly sorry to have to contradict you, Minerva, but as you will see from my note, Harry has been achieving very poor results in his classes with me-" Professor Umbridge interrupted.
"I should have made my meaning plainer. He has achieved high marks in all Defense Against the Dark Arts tests set by a competent teacher." Professor McGonagall said coldly.
Ernie and Susan dropped their mouths in shock and I grinned broadly. We all looked at each other.
"A werewolf is not a competent teacher!" Professor Umbridge said angrily.
"Well Professor Lupin was the most competent teacher that we ever had for the class so I must contradict you. Any questions, Potter?"
"Yes. What sort of character and aptitude tests do the Ministry do on you, if you get enough N.E.W.T.s?" Harry asked, sounding as though he was trying not to laugh.
"Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth, perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical defense. It will mean a lot more study even after you've left school, so unless you're prepared to-" Professor McGonagall answered his question.
'I think you'll also find that the Ministry looks into the records of those applying to the Aurors. Their criminal records." Professor Umbridge said in a cold voice. Susan shook her head.
"-unless you're prepared to take even more exams after Hogwarts, you should really look at another-"
"-which means that this boy has as much chance of becoming an Auror as Dumbledore has of ever returning to this school!"
"A very good chance, then." Professor McGonagall said.
"Potter has a criminal record!" Professor Umbridge practically shouted.
"Potter has been cleared of all charges!" Professor McGonagall said even louder than the Umbitch.
"Potter has no chance, whatsoever, of becoming an Auror!"
"Potter." Professor McGonagall said in a ringing tone. "I will assist you to become an Auror if it is the last thing I do! If I have to coach you nightly I will make sure you achieve the required results!"
Susan, Ernie, and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and shocked expressions.
"The Minister of Magic will never employ Harry Potter!" Umbridge said in a trembling voice.
"There may well be a new Minister of Magic by the time Potter is ready to join!" Professor McGonagall shouted so loudly, students passing by looked at us curiously.
"Aha! Yes! yes, yes, yes!" Professor Umbridge shouted and I motioned to Susan and Ernie that it was time to leave.
"Wow." Susan said in a shocked voice. "I would never have thought Professor McGonagall would say things like that."
"My Dad was a good teacher, wasn't he?" I asked, pleased, still basking in that memory.
"Professor Lupin was the best." Ernie assured me.
Harry bolted out of the office at that moment, rushing to whatever class he was supposed to be going to. Professor McGonagall and Professor Umbridge were now yelling at each other, the door still open. Students started to look up as they passed, some of them slowing to listen in.
"Let's get out of here." I muttered to them and we hurried off the library.
I finished up a majority of my homework and then said good-bye to Susan and Ernie and made my way stealthily to Umbridge's office. I waited around a corner until I heard footsteps and saw Harry. He threw the Invisibility cloak over us and unlocked the office door and we hurried inside.
Harry pulled off the cloak, grabbing floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. "Number twelve, Grimmauld Place." Harry said loudly. We both stuck our heads in at the same time. I'd never done this before. There was the familiar spinning sensation and then I was seeing the kitchen.
Dad was sitting at the table, bent over a piece of parchment.
"Sirius?" Harry asked.
Dad jumped and looked around. "Harry! Elizabeth! What are you- what's happened, is everything all right?"
"Yeah. I just wondered- I mean, I just fancied a- a chat with Sirius." Harry said awkwardly. I was looking down at the kitchen floor, unable to look dad in the face.
"I'll call him. He went upstairs to look for Kreacher, he seems to be hiding in the attic again. . ." Dad hurried from the room.
"He must've gone to the Malfoy manor." I muttered. "Sirius keeps telling him to get out."
"This is painful." Harry muttered and I knew what he was talking about. My knees were starting to seize up. Dad returned moments later, Sirius at his heels.
"What is it?" Sirius asked and I thought of how handsome he was and looked back down at the kitchen floor. "Are you all right? Do you need help?"
"No, it's nothing like that. . . I just wanted to talk. . . about my dad. . ." Harry said. He immediately launched into the story about Severus' pensive and what he saw inside of it- not talking about my part of course.
"I wouldn't want you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry." Dad said and somehow, I knew he was including himself in that. "He was only fifteen-"
"I'm fifteen!" Harry and I said together in heated voices.
"Look, Harry. James and Snape hated each other from the moment they set eyes on each other, it was just one of those things, you can understand that, can't you? I think James was everything Severus wanted to be- he was popular, he was good at Quidditch, good at pretty much everything. And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the Dark Arts and James- whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry- always hated the Dark Arts." Sirius said.
I gritted my teeth but said nothing.
"Yeah, but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because-"
"Because you said you were bored." I said, attempting to sound sorry for accusing Sirius but wasn't entirely capable of doing it. My voice was to tense, to angry, and both Dad and Sirius flinched slightly.
"I'm not proud of it." Sirius said quickly and I snorted.
"Look, Harry, what you've got to understand is that your father and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did- everyone thought they were the height of cool- if they sometimes got a bit carried away-" Dad said.
"If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean." Sirius said.
Dad smiled.
"He kept messing up his hair." Harry said, sounding pained. Both dad and Sirius laughed.
"I'd forgotten he used to do that." Sirius said affectionately.
"Was he playing with the snitch?" Dad asked in an eager voice. I felt like I'd faded into the background but said nothing. Dad's attention didn't have to be on me 24-7 and James had been his friend too.
"Yeah. Well. . . I thought he was a bit of an idiot." Harry said, sounding like he couldn't comprehend why Sirius and Dad looked so reminiscent.
"Of course he was a bit of an idiot! We were all idiots! Well- not Moony so much, that's where Eilís gets her brains too."
Dad shook his head. "Did I ever tell you to lay off Snape? Did I ever have the guts to tell you I thought you were out of order?"
So dad hadn't stopped James because he believed he wasn't brave enough. I supposed that made sense. If Harry had done the same to Malfoy. . . would I have told Harry to lay off? Of course, Draco's dad had also tried kidnapping me so that was a bit of a different story. Ron wouldn't have said anything either- but Hermione. . .
"Yeah, well, you made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes. . . That was something. . ." Sirius said.
So dad had rebuked them, just not in Snape's memory. I felt properly ashamed of judging dad so harshly and I felt tears sting my eyes.
"And, he kept looking over at the girls by the lake, hoping they were watching him!" Harry exclaimed.
"Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around. He couldn't stop himself showing off whenever he got near her."
"How come she married him?" Harry asked in a miserable voice. "She hated him!"
"Nah, she didn't." Sirius said.
"She started going out with him in seventh year." Dad said.
"Once James had deflated his head a bit." Sirius said.
"And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it." Dad said.
"Even Snape?" Harry asked.
"Well, Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James, so you couldn't really expect James to take that lying down, could you?" Dad said in a very slow, cautious voice.
"And my mum was okay with that?" Harry asked and I snorted again.
"She didn't know too much about it, to tell you the truth. I mean, James didn't take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?"
Harry looked unconvinced and I felt miserable. This talk wasn't helping at all, they were just defending their best friend.
"Look. Your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it." Sirius said.
"Yeah, okay. I just never thought I'd feel sorry for Snape." Harry said heavily.
"Now you mention it, how did Snape react when he found you'd seen all this?" Dad asked, frowning.
"He was so angry when I went to see him the same night." I whispered, "I'd never seen him so angry before."
Sirius face contorted.
"He told me he'd never teach me Occlumency again, like that's a big disappoint-" Harry said indifferently.
"He WHAT?" Sirius shouted and I jumped, smacked my head against the fireplace, and then inhaled ashes. I coughed spasmodically, tears in my eyes and then pulled my head out of the fireplace to find some water. I could hear Harry making noises in the fireplace but not the full context of words.
Once I'd drank a bit of water, I stuck my head back in.
"Harry, there is nothing so important as you learning Occlumency! Do you understand me? Nothing?" Dad asked sternly.
"Okay, okay." Harry said.
"Harry, Filch is coming." I said, my eyes half glazed over, "He just got an order to. . . to whip misbehaving students. . . oh that's just lovely."
"Stay out of detention Elizabeth." Dad said sternly.
"Yeah that's a bit difficult." I said and then pulled my head out to throw the Invisibility cloak over myself and Harry. I was still a bit annoyed with dad and was trying to push that feeling away.
We made it out of Umbridge's office, just as Filch came around the corner. We slipped past him and made our way to the Entrance hall. Harry threw the cloak off of us, tossing it into his bag.
Students were standing around the entrance hall just like the night of Professor Trelawney's sacking, some of them covered in some sort of substance. I could see ghosts and teachers scattered throughout the mix. Peeves was floating up close to the ceiling and Fred and George were standing in the middle, looking exceptionally pleased with themselves.
"So!" Umbridge said triumphantly. "So. . . you think it amused to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"
"Pretty amusing, yeah." Fred said, catching my eye and winking.
'I've got the form, Headmistress !" Filch said, nearly crying with happiness and rushing towards Umbridge. 'I've got the form and I've got the whips waiting. . . Oh, let me do it now. . ."
"Very good, Argus. You two, are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."
"You know what?" Fred asked. "I don't think we are. George, I think we've outgrown full-time education."
"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself." George said lightly.
"Time to test our talents in the real world, d'you reckon?" Fred said.
"Definitely." George said and as one, they lifted their wands and said "Accio Brooms!"
There was a crashing sound and Harry and I ducked along with a few other students as Fred and George's brooms- having broken through Umbridge's door the iron pegs and chain still attached- came hurtling towards them.
"We won't be seeing you." Fred said, swinging his leg over his broomstick. I grinned at him, catching his eye again, blowing him a kiss, and winking.
"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch." George said.
Fred looked around and then said. "If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, come to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley- Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes. Our new premises!"
"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat." George said, pointing at Umbridge.
"STOP THEM!" Umbridge screamed.
"Give her hell from us, Peeves." Fred said and Peeves swept his hat from his head and sprang to a salute as Fred and George flew out of the Entrance Hall.
Students ran out of the castle and down onto the lawn to watch them fly far away into the sunset.
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 23
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Warnings: Smut- slightly vague, 18+ readers only
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖕𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖔 bed, my hand bleeding. I didn't bother cleaning it up and just fell asleep on the bed.
When I woke up Tuesday morning I found that there was a puddle of dried blood on the floor and the blood had dried on the back of my hand too.
I cleaned up the puddle and then bandaged my hand and went downstairs. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had just sat down and when I sat down, Harry told me about how Occlumency had gone- poorly.
And then they told me that the weapon that Voldemort was trying to get was in the Ministry of Magic- in the Department of Mysteries to be more exact. And that was what Sturgis Podmore was trying to get into.
I stared at them, extremely annoyed, and then said when they'd finished speaking, "You know I said most of this like at the hospital, right?"
They stared blankly at me and then I saw something in my visions and I said, "Oh no."
"What?" They all asked.
"Where's the Daily Prophet Hermione?" I asked, looking around. At that moment, the owls came flying down, dropping a newspaper on mine and her lap. I quickly smoothed it over and felt my heart sink. "They did escape." I muttered.
Antonin Dolohov, August Rookwood, Bellatrix Lestrange, Travers, Rebastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Mulciber II were the names that popped out at me.
"Oh Merlin." Hermione said. Ron was looking over at my newspaper and Harry was looking at Hermione's.
"They're blaming Sirius for it." I said, scanning the article which mentioned that the new nine. . . no, ten. . . escapees must've learned it from the 'master' Sirius Black.
"Of course they are." Hermione said. "What other option does Fudge have? 'Sorry everyone, Dumbledore warned me this might happen, the Azkaban guards have joined Lord Voldemort'- stop whimpering Ron- 'and now Voldemort's worst supporters have broken out too'. I mean, he's spent a good six months telling everyone you and Dumbledore are liars, hasn't he?"
It still gave me a shock when she said his name. "No one else looks as worried though, do they?" Harry asked.
I looked around and saw what he meant. They were all talking about Quidditch and homework and a Hogsmeade visit on Valentine's Day. "The teachers table is another story though." I said, nodding up at the teachers' table.
Dumbledore and McGonagall were in deep conversation, the newspaper in front of them. Professor Sprout had her newspaper propped up on a ketchup bottle and was so interested in the newspaper that she didn't realize her eggs were falling into her lap. I couldn't see Flitwick's reaction because he'd disappeared behind his newspaper. Severus had the newspaper flat on the table, a finger on his lips, and a hand on his fork, moving his food around on his plate aimlessly. I wondered if his reaction was for show. Surely he had known they would break out, right? Maybe he was reading a different article? Umbridge kept looking at Dumbledore and McGonagall.
"Oh my-" Hermione said and I looked away from the teacher's table.
"What now?" Harry asked.
"It's. . . horrible." Hermione said, glancing at me.
St. Mungo's Hospital promised a full inquiry last night after Ministry of Magic worker Broderick Bode, 49, was discovered dead in his bed, strangled by a potted-plant. Healers called to the scene were unable to revive Mr. Bode, who had been injured in a workplace accident some weeks prior to his death. Healer Miriam Strout, who was in charge of Mr. Bode's ward at the time of the incident, has been sus- pended on full pay and was unavailable for comment yesterday, but a spokeswizard for the hospital said in a statement, "St. Mungo's deeply regrets the death of Mr. Bode, whose health was improving steadily prior to this tragic accident." "We have strict guidelines on the decorations per- mitted on our wards but it appears that Healer Strout, busy over the Christmas period, overlooked the dangers of the plant on Mr. Bode's bedside table. As his speech and mobility improved, Healer Strout en- couraged Mr. Bode to look after the plant himself, unaware that it was not an innocent Flitterbloom, but a cutting of Devil's Snare, which, when touched by the convalescent Mr. Bode, throttled him instantly. "St. Mungo's is as yet unable to account for the presence of the plant on the ward and asks any witch or wizard with information to come forward."
"What do they mean they're unable to account for presence of the plant?" I asked furiously. "Mad-Eye, Bill, and I all told her to get rid of the damn plant!"
"But who expects Devil's Snare to turn up in a hospital disguised as a potted plant? It's not our fault, whoever sent it to the bloke is to blame! They must be a real prat, why didn't they check what they were buying?" Ron asked sharply.
"Oh come on, Ron!" Hermione said, a bit annoyed, a bit shaky. "This- this was murder. Elizabeth said he worked in the Department of Mysteries. It was a clever murder, as well. . . if the plant was sent anonymously and the Death Eaters. . . they were obviously there that day." She closed the newspaper, deep in thought and then she leapt to her feet.
"Where are you going?" Ron asked, startled.
"To send a letter. It. . . well, I don't know whether. . . but it's worth trying. . . and I'm the only one who can. . ." Hermione said, deep in thought and ran out of the Great Hall.
"I hate it when she does that." Ron said. I got up too. "Where are you going?" Ron asked.
"My house table." I said, glancing up at the teachers table. Dumbledore and I met eyes for a second and then I turned, hurrying to the Hufflepuff table.
"Elizabeth!" Susan said joyfully. "How was your Christmas?"
"Horrible." I snapped unceremoniously, "Look at this."
I laid the newspaper down on the table and after staring at it for two seconds, Susan knocked over her drink in order to snatch up the newspaper and stare at it more closely. In a flash, Ernie, Justin, Zacharias, Hannah, and Rose were all there.
"What is it?" Zacharias asked as Heidi and Malcolm came over. They all stood behind Susan, looking at the newspaper. Other Hufflepuffs were looking at us curiously and some of them even stood up to see what the newspaper said or turned to others who had gotten the paper but hadn't opened it.
"They went to join You-Know-Who!" Ernie said viciously.
I nodded. "We should up the D.A. meetings." I said. "We need to learn to defend ourselves more than ever."
They all agreed and I said I would talk with Harry. Susan was extremely distraught as she had an uncle, aunt, and cousins that had been killed by one of the ten Death Eaters who had escaped. She wasn't the only one either.
Neville's parents, obviously, had been tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange. A new changed seemed to come over him in the following weeks, working even harder at D.A. I was so busy, that I barely got to see Severus for more than a few seconds.
Everyone had started talking about the Death Eaters breaking out of Azkaban and what was more: They were starting to believe Dumbledore and Harry rather than the Daily Prophet. The teachers could be found standing in small clumps of two and three- even Severus, talking quietly amongst themselves.
"They obviously can't talk freely in the staffroom anymore." Hermione said in a low voice as we passed McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout in the hallway. "Not with Umbridge there."
"Reckon they know anything new?" Ron asked, glancing back over his shoulder.
"If they do, we're not going to heart about it, are we? Not after Decree. . . what number are we on now?" Harry asked angrily.
"We're on Decree twenty-seven but the one you're referring to is decree twenty-six." I repeated immediately.
Decree Twenty- six was: Teachers are hereby banned from giving students any information that is not strictly related to the subjects they are paid to teach.
Decree Twenty-seven read: Private lessons are no longer allowed for students unless it is a group study.
I'd canceled all my private lessons with McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout. I wasn't going to risk their jobs for learning. Of course, McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, and Sprout now had me coming in to grade stuff for them and learn along the way- especially if I was grading older students stuff. (I had a key to help correct answers).
However, Decree Twenty-six was a joke amongst students. Lee had pointed out that Umbridge was breaking her own law when she told Fred and George not to play exploding snap in her classroom. "Exploding Snap's got nothing to do with Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor! That's not information relating to your subject."
I saw Lee with the words, 'I must not talk back to my superiors' written on the back of his hand and gave him essence of Murtlap so that he could, hopefully, not have those words scarred on the back of his hands.
Hagrid was on probation though. Of course, I wasn't as surprised as Ron had been, because I'd foreseen it. Umbridge was in every Divination and Care of Magical Creatures class which meant I had a lot of free periods when it came to Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. I supposed Umbridge was trying to figure out which teacher she was going to sack first.
I had gone to Hagrid multiple times before classes so that I could know ahead of time what he was teaching. This also helped me tell him what questions students could possibly ask and what the correct questions were.
It wasn't that Hagrid didn't know the answers to questions, it was that he often answered things wrong with Umbridge talking loudly and also marking things down on her clipboard often. Half the time I didn't even think she was actually writing anything but instead, just throwing him off balance. But despite my efforts, Hagrid still seemed to get mixed up during classes.
Harry was holding twice as many D.A. meetings than before. Rose and Grace were starting to work on the harder second-year, easier third-year charms. I was also teaching them on extra days on the charms that Harry was teaching the older kids. While they weren't able to do them, they were able to block some things I shot their way.
As the youngest students, they were working the hardest, eager to catch up to what we were doing. Rose and I were so close, closer than I'd ever been with a Hufflepuff besides Cedric that we both admitted that we were like big and little sister to each other. I would've died for her as much as I would've died for Dad or Harry or Severus.
As I've said before, Neville was working harder than anyone else. It was to everyone's greatest surprise that when Harry taught us the shield charm, Hermione and I were the only ones who mastered it before Neville.
Harry had confided in me that he was doing horribly in Occlumency and so, on top of everything else I was doing- prefect duties, tutoring Rose and Grace, grading things for the four Professors, interning under Madam Pomfrey, DA meetings, and Quidditch practices- I was now trying to help Harry master Occlumency. It got to the point that I was using my time-turner again- and not just for classes.
Finally, a week before the Hogsmeade date, I found a night to visit Severus. Harry had only just left his private lesson and Severus was spooning memories back into his head from his pensieve.
I closed the door behind me and locked it as Severus put the pensieve back into a hiding spot in the wall. He was wearing only his shirt and his slacks. He'd already kicked off his shoes and socks. His long hair was hanging in his face.
"About time." he said softly, crossing the room and kissing me. My heart was pounding in my chest. Could I dare to do what I wanted?
I put my fingers lightly on his face, barely breathing. We made our way to where I was headed- the bed. My heart began to beat faster and as his hand was on my chest he whispered, "Your heart's going crazy."
My mouth seemed very dry all of a sudden and my throat was tight. I was so nervous. "Severus. . . do you. . . do you want me?"
His eyes became curious and cautious at the same time, and very carefully he said, "Of course I do. I asked you to marry me, didn't I?"
I blushed. He didn't understand. My fingers trembled at his shirt front. Then I clenched my fists together and bent down and kissed him, moving my hands away from the buttons. It was no good, I couldn't do it.
His hands drew up and slid my robe off my shoulders and I let it slide to the floor. I continued to kiss him as his fingers moved deftly, loosening my tie, and letting that fall to the floor as well. His fingers touched the buttons on the front of my shirt and I moved my lips to his throat. His fingers worked faster as I bit him gently, practically forcing the buttons apart.
It gave me the courage to undo the buttons on his shirt. I was sitting on top of him, sitting up, undoing the buttons on his shirt. My fingers were much clumsier than his, but he waited patiently, kissing my neck until I had finished and his shirt fell to the floor on top of mine.
His fingers went behind my back, undoing the clasp on my bra and that fell to the floor too. I couldn't look at him though and so, blushing, I looked down at his abs, tracing them with my fingers. His fingers traced over my breasts, tracing lightly across the soft skin and I breathed out. In such a sudden movement, I never would've predicted it, he'd rolled over on top of me, pressing me down into the bed.
Things were going exactly as I'd hoped and we were both naked within a few moments notice. My eyes closed, I didn't even notice where his mouth was until I felt it on my clit. I let out a moan almost against my will. I had never felt something more pleasurable in my entire life and I was sure it would just increase. And then his tongue was traveling up my stomach, making me shiver, and he kissed me between my breasts. I opened my eyes and met Severus' which were bright with excitement.
There was a bit of hesitation on his end and then, he slid into me. We both gasped at the same time. And then, time stopped existing. There was no more world. It was just the two of us in this room and that was it.
I had never felt so great in my entire life as he thrusted himself over and over into me. I'd never felt anything like it, and it was the best thing on the planet. I could not get enough. My lips forever searched his and when we broke apart, our lips were always somewhere else on the other's skin. Mine were always at his throat, leaving dark purple bruises of love. His were either at my throat or at my breasts- a whole new sensation in itself.
And there were other sensations, lower in me, things that seemed to build up and release before settling down, only to reach that point again.
It was nearly an hour before we stopped, both of us, curling up with the other, our arms around each other in a way that we'd never held each other before. There was a new closeness to us, our naked bodies tangled together. I was safe here. I was safe in his arms with the sheets wrapped around us, his hair on my cheek. My hair was splayed out on the pillow, out of the way.
We were both breathing deeply, both of us extremely satisfied and we both fell asleep, completely and totally content.
I could barely believe what had happened last night when I woke up, and I might've thought it to be a dream if I wasn't so sore- and completely naked.
I winced, touching my legs and stomach. There was a soreness in my hips that I had never felt before.
"Did I hurt you?" Severus asked in concern as I stood up, wincing again.
"No, that was. . . that was lovely." I said, blushing and looking away. "Just sore for some reason, that's all."
He chuckled, holding my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. It took us nearly twenty minutes to finally get dressed and leave the office. I couldn't remember what day it was or my name or where I was.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 more completely in the Great Hall. I'd checked myself in the bathroom and covered up any marks that would've led to interesting questions with make up. I finally remembered that today was Monday. I was so glad that I didn't have Umbridge that I was humming.
All in all, I was just in a good mood. I wanted to go back tonight. I wanted to do it again and again and again. I wanted to run from Hogwarts with Severus and buy a beach house in Australia and the two of us live happily ever after away from this mess. Voldemort would- ideally- leave us alone to be happy.
Of course, it was just a daydream. I couldn't go back tonight, I had way to much homework. Neither of us were running away either. I couldn't leave everyone here to face Voldemort on their own. Severus wasn't going to abandon his duties here either.
So, I contented myself to simply daydreaming throughout my classes. People kept asking what I was so happy about and I just kept saying that I was glad it was February.
While I didn't get to spend an adequate amount of time with Severus over the next week, I made sure to clear my schedule and finish all my homework so that we could spend the night together on Valentine's day. . . if he wanted to of course.
I'd never before doubted about whether or not he would want to see me. I'd always shown up and we'd kissed. Sometimes I slept over and sometimes I didn't. But things seemed so different now. We were engaged, we'd had sex, would things be different between us? Would he expect to have sex every time I stayed over. I didn't mind that as much but would he get tired of it? Of me? I was so distracted during Potions lessons that for the first time ever, that I didn't finish the potion. Everyone seemed a bit surprised by that- but Severus didn't.
In fact, when everyone had left, I found that he was positively grinning at the fact that I hadn't finished my potion.
"What?" I asked, blood rushing to my cheeks. "Why are you smiling?"
"You're so easy to read." He said smugly.
I stared at him for a second and then threw my crystal phial at him. "You went into my mind!" I exclaimed, completely and totally embarrassed. He caught the phial in his hand and put it down on the desk as he approached me.
"Only a bit." He said, still smug. "And to answer all your lovely questions. . ." He pressed me up against the wall. "Of course I'm not going to get tired of you. . ." he pressed his lips to mine. I would've liked him to flip me onto the table right then and there but I knew that I was going to have to leave if I wanted to get to Hogsmeade.
"So I'll. . . I'll come back tonight?" I asked, looking at him hesitantly as he released me.
"Of course you will." He said, running his hand through my hair. "Because I want you to. And you do as I say, like a good girl." He kissed me again.
"Yes sir." I said breathlessly as he kissed me again, and I had a hard time finding my way out of the room.
I wouldn't have even gone to Hogsmeade if I hadn't known about Hermione and Rita Skeeter's story. I went up into the Hufflepuff dorm room. I had Severus' wedding ring on my left finger, under the disillusionment charm and I put the dragon ring that dad had given me on the opposite hand so that the attraction would be drawn there if anyone looked at my hands. Then I put my locket on over the top of my clothes so that if it did burn, I wouldn't feel it.
I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed the bag dad had given me for Christmas this year, filling it with my art books, art tools, and a few other things like my Chocolate Frog collecting binder.
I then headed out to Hogsmeade, excited about later tonight. I hung out with Susan, Justin, Zacharias, Ernie, Heidi, and Hannah for the first half. We sat in Three Broomsticks.
"Don't you think its weird that all these Death Eaters escaped and there isn't a single dementor about?" Ernie asked, pushing his glasses up on his nose.
"Yeah!" Susan said. "and yet when Sirius Black escaped, there were so many around."
"Why do you think that is Elizabeth?" Justin asked, taking a sip of his butterbeer.
I looked at them thoughtfully and then said, "Well. . . for one thing. . . I believe that it means the Dementors are no longer under the Ministry's control. Of course, Sirius was innocent so you know, that's just how it works."
"He was innocent?" Hannah asked curiously.
"How do you know that?" Zacharias asked with a snort.
Carefully, making it sound like I'd foreseen the story, I told them about Sirius and Peter Pettigrew and basically the entire story. Of course, I didn't tell them about how we'd helped him escape. I also kept silent about knowing him.
"Wow." Susan said, stunned. "I can't believe. . . I mean I'd heard about Peter Pettigrew of course- that Sirius Black had killed him. . . I can't believe. . . wow."
Ernie snorted, "Typical Ministry. Waste dementors on an innocent man and don't send any after those that are legitimately evil."
"I feel bad for Sirius." Hannah said thoughtfully. "Imagine not having anyone believe that your innocent. I can't believe the Minister didn't believe your story."
I shrugged. "Yeah well he also didn't believe me when I said that You-Know-Who was back so. . ."
"Did Dumbledore know about Sirius?" Zacharias asked.
I nodded. "He believed me and of course, he questioned Sirius when he was captured two years ago and Sirius told him the story. That's how I got a few of the extra details of course."
Ernie just shook his head.
I watched Rita Skeeter walk into the Three Broomsticks and I said, "Hey, do you guys trust me?"
"Of course." They all said immediately, even Zacharias- slightly surprising.
"Then I recommend that you guys take out subscriptions for The Quibbler. I have to go. I'll see you guys soon." I moved out of the table and approached the table where Hermione and Luna were sitting with Rita Skeeter.
"Oh, hello Elizabeth." Hermione said brightly.
"Hello Hermione." I said, "Hey Luna." I sat down with them. I could see the Hufflepuffs looking at us curiously. They were whispering amongst themselves though they soon turned back to talk with each other. I wondered what they were talking about and I wished I had an Extendable Ear on me.
Instead, I contented myself by pulling out my art pad and started drawing Rita Skeeter as she looked now. Her unkempt hair, her chipped nails, the jewels missing from her glasses, etc. She looked horribly and I was incredibly gleeful. The drawing was revenge on her from the many horrible articles that she'd written last year.
Suddenly Hermione was saying, "Harry! Harry, over here!"
I looked up and put away the art pad as Harry made his way over. It must've been raining because his hair was soaking wet and looking totally wild. He pushed it out of his eyes. "You're early!" Hermione said, moving over so that he could sit down. "I thought you were with Cho, I wasn't expecting you for another hour at least!"
"Cho? A girl?" Rita asked, turning in her chair to look at Harry.
"It's none of your business if Harry's been with a hundred girls so you can put that away right now." Hermione said coolly. Rita Skeeter's mouth puckered and she put the Quick-Quotes Quill back in her crocodile skinned purse.
"What are you up to?" Harry asked, looking between Luna, Hermione, Rita, and I.
"Little Miss Perfect was just about to tell me when you arrived. I suppose I'm allowed to talk to him, am I?" Rita asked as she took a sip of her drink.
"Yes, I suppose you are." Hermione said coolly.
"Pretty girl, is she, Harry?" Rita immediately asked.
"One more word about Harry's love life and the deal's off and that's a promise." Hermione said irritably.
"What deal? You haven't mentioned a deal yet, Miss Prissy, you just told me to turn up. Oh, one of these days..." Rita said, shuddering.
"Yes, yes, one of these days you'll write more horrible stories about Harry and me. Find someone who cares, why don't you?" Hermione said.
"They've run plenty of horrible stories about Harry this year without my help. How has that made you feel, Harry? Betrayed? Distraught? Misunderstood?" Rita said, seeming almost happy about it.
"He feels angry, of course." Hermione answered for Harry. "Because he's told the Minister of Magic the truth and the Minister's too much of an idiot to believe him."
"So you actually stick to it, do you, that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back? You stand by all this garbage Dumbledore's been telling everybody about You-Know-Who returning and you being the sole witness-?" Rita asked.
"I wasn't the sole witness. There were a dozen-odd Death Eaters there as well. Want their names?" Harry snarled.
"I'd love them." Rita breathed, gazing at Harry in almost a loving way. "A great bold headline: 'Potter Accuses. . .' A subheading: 'Harry Potter Names Death Eaters Still Among us'. And then beneath a big photograph of you: 'Disturbed teenage survivor of You-Know-Who's attack, Harry Potter, 15, caused outrage yesterday by accusing respectable and prominent members of the Wizarding community of being Death Eaters. . ." Her quill was already in her hand and then her smiled dropped and said contemptuously. "But of course, little Miss Perfect wouldn't want that story out there, would she?"
"As a matter of fact, that's exactly what Little Miss Perfect does want." Hermione said so sweetly I was vividly reminded of Professor Umbitch- Umbridge. Harry and Rita looked at her in amazement.
"You want me to report what he says about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?" Rita asked in a hushed voice.
"Yes, I do. the true story. All the facts. Exactly as Harry reports them. He'll give you all the details, he'll tell you the names of the undiscovered Death Eaters he saw there, he'll tell you what Voldemort looks like now- oh get a grip on yourself." Hermione said, throwing Rita a napkin as she had slopped her drink down her front. "And Elizabeth might even tell you about the attacks she had this Christmas."
I shot her a look. I hadn't bargained on that but at the same time. . . Severus had told me that I'd broken Notts knee. . . and I could definitely throw in Malfoy considering I'd recognized his voice. . .
"The Prophet wouldn't print it. In case you haven't noticed, nobody believes his cock-and-bull story. Everyone thinks he's delusional. Now, if you let me write the story from that angle-"
"We don't need another story about how Harry's lost his marbles! We've had plenty of those already, thank you! I want him given the opportunity to tell the truth!" Hermione said angrily.
"There's no market for a story like that." Rita said coldly.
"You mean the Prophet won't print it because Fudge won't let them." Hermione said in an irritable voice.
"All right, Fudge, is leaning on the Prophet, but it comes to the same thing." Rita said after a moment, leaning forward so that she could speak quietly. "They won't print a story that shows Harry in a good light. Nobody wants to read it. It's against the public mood. This last Azkaban breakout has got people quite worried enough. People just don't want to believe You-Know-Whos' back."
"It's even more dangerous for people to be ignorant of this." I said softly. "It makes them easier to control."
"My dad thinks it's an awful paper." Luna said out of nowhere. "He publishes important stories that he thinks the public needs to know. He doesn't care about making money."
"I'm guessing your father runs some stupid little village newsletter? 'Twenty-five Ways to Mingle with Muggles' and the dates of the next Bring-and-Fly sale?"
"No, he's the editor of The Quibbler."
Rita snorted so loudly that neighboring tables looked over at her. "The Quibbler! You think people will take him seriously if he's published in The Quibbler?"
"Some people won't. But the Daily Prophet's version of the Azkaban breakout had some gaping holes in it. I think a lot of people will be wondering whether there isn't a better explanation of what happened, and if there's an alternative story available, even if it is published in a- in a- well, an unusual magazine- I think they might be rather keen to read it."
"All right, let's say for a moment I'll do it. What kind of fee am I going to get?" Rita asked sharply.
"I don't think Daddy exactly pays people to write for the magazine. They do it because it's an honor, and of course, to see their names in print." Luna said dreamily.
"I'm supposed to do this for free?" Rita asked, looking absolutely horrified. I kept my mouth shut. I was going to pay her, but no one knew that yet. I wasn't even giving her the gold until after the story came out.
"Well, yes. Otherwise, as you very well know, I will inform the authorities that you are an unregistered Animagus. Of course, the Prophet might give you rather a lot for an insider's account of life in Azkaban. . ." Hermione said calmly.
My stomach turned considering I was an unregistered Animagus. I wondered if maybe I should've turned into a smaller animal so that I could've hidden better.
"I don't suppose I've got any choice, have I?" Rita asked her, voice shaking slightly. I knew from dad's experiences that being unemployed was rather hard. That was the only reason I was going to pay her.
"Daddy will be pleased." Luna said brightly and a muscle twitched in Rita's cheek.
"Okay, Harry? Ready to tell the public the truth?" Hermione asked.
"I suppose." Harry said.
"Fire away, then, Rita." Hermione said. 
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 19
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Warnings: Mentions alluding to non-con sexual content/rape (no rape happens however)
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 sometime to a nearly empty house. I yawned as I walked down the stairs. Kreacher was reproachfully cleaning them- or pretending to- and nearly tripped me. I caught the banister and hurried down the rest of the stairs before he could attempt to kill me again.
"Where is everyone?" I asked Sirius, yawning again when I came into the kitchen. I noticed he'd shaved, bathed, and changed. The dirty dishes were all gone and the kitchen was lit with real light now. It was quite a dramatic difference.
"They went with Tonks and Mad-Eye to St. Mungo's" Sirius said, sliding toast onto a plate and giving it to me. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." I said, sitting down at the kitchen table, gazing thoughtfully at the toast as though it could explain to me what emotion I was feeling. "You didn't look like you'd been doing well when we came over. I thought Dad was staying with you."
"I haven't seen anyone from the Order in weeks besides Dung." Sirius said. "And of course Phineas will come over with messages from Dumbledore."
"But then," I said, looking up in alarm, "Where's dad?"
"Still in the underground." Sirius said, passing me grape jam, prompting me to eat. "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't see him all break. Convincing werewolves has been harder than he thought it was going to be. Most of them are too bitter with the magical world and of course, some of them are Muggles and it doesn't matter which side wins- nothing can be done for them. They can't take potions because their muggles and of course, there's nothing on the muggle side of the world for them either."
"That sucks." I muttered, finally eating my toast.
"How's your hand?" Sirius asked quickly, looking at the bandage. I looked down too. The bandages were that yucky brown, purple, red colour of dried blood for a long time.
I sighed, unwrapping the bandage and throwing it away. I washed it again and then bandaged it again. "Worse." I muttered. "I had a whole months worth of detentions that I just skipped out on by coming here. She'll be pissed when I get back."
"Umbridge?" Sirius asked.
I nodded. "Course, I don't really care about my hand. It only hurts when I start writing those stupid lines. But she keeps threatening to take away my Quidditch Captain badge- she already nearly has because she doesn't believe Half-breeds or their brats should be in positions of power." I smiled bitterly. "course, both Sprout and McGonagall fought for me so now I have to worry about whether or not their going to get put on probation. She already put Trelawney on probation and it looks like Hagrid might be next."
"Bitch." Sirius muttered. "Can't believe Dumbledore hasn't gotten rid of her yet."
"I don't know..." I said softly. "I don't think he can. You wouldn't happen to have any murtlap essence in the house would you?"
"No." Sirius said with a shake of his head.
I got up and went to the cupboards and grabbed a healing salve, slathering it on the cuts and bandaging my hand again. Then I sat back down, slathered my toast with grape jelly, and ate.
We sat in silence for a bit longer. I could hear Kreacher muttering in the front hallway. ". . .other masters wouldn't be talking about poor-half breeds. . . stupid half-breeds. . . Malfoy's would be hating on them just the same. . . oh if only he'd order me to leave the house. . ."
"I told you." I whispered softly.
"I'll be careful." He promised, a cold look on his face.
"You haven't told dad about me being an. . . Animagus." I whispered even quieter so that Kreacher couldn't repeat the information back to anyone.
Sirius shook his head. "I haven't seen anyone, remember?"
"Oh." I said guiltily, "right."
More silence and then I said, "Can I just stay with you instead of going back to Hogwarts?"
Sirius looked at me in surprise and asked, "Why would you want that?"
I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. "I have this feeling. . . like if I go back to Hogwarts, it'll be the last time I see you. . . I can't stand the feeling. . . I think. . . I think you're going to die Sirius. . . and I can't see it right now. . . I'm so afraid for you and if you do die. . . well. . . I hope you don't. . . but still. . . I want to spend as much time with you as possible."
Sirius put both of his hands on mine. "I'm not going to die, Eilís . We've discussed this before."
"My parents didn't think they were going to die either." I whispered. "Please Sirius! You have got to promise me that no matter what, no matter what people say, you have to stay here, you have you stay safe, please?"
"Eilís, I already promised that I would." Sirius said, squeezing my hands. "I'm not going anywhere. . . unless you want to walk me."
I brief smile flitted across my face. "I wouldn't mind that, no. Do you want to go right now?"
Sirius shook his head. "I don't want to leave this place unsupervised right now. I'm trying to er- keep tabs on Kreacher." he said, lowering his voice.
I nodded, but the bad feeling didn't go away. My trunk had come while I had been sleeping and it was full of my Muggle clothes. I brought it up to my bedroom and unpacked, getting dressed in a sweater and jeans.
Then, I went down to where dad's room was and opened it. There was a layer of dust covering everything- proof he hadn't been here in weeks. I closed the door gently behind me. It smelled like dad in here, a warm, comforting smell. Like musty books, vanilla beans, a faint touch of cologne, and something else I couldn't name. Just that smell that made you recognize your dad from everyone else. That smell that couldn't be put into words. Safety. Love. Protection. Dad.
I looked around. I hadn't been in here even over the summer- or ever before for that matter. His bed was made neatly- everything was always clean and neat with him. The covers were a faded blue. There was a suitcase in the corner that was zipped up and a shabby, old broomstick behind that. There was only one set of robes hanging in the wardrobe- his best pair. The window was covered with black drapes. There were small stacks of books on the dressers, the windowsill, the chair. Most of them were about defensive arts. One, however, caught my eye and I picked it up.
It was a guide to parenting daughters. There were many dog-eared pages and it looked like it had been read through a lot. I grinned. I wondered how long he'd had the book and how many tips he'd used out of the book.
I flipped open to a random page called 'fits of moodiness'. I grinned even wider.
When single fathers try and raise daughters, they notice that they come to a period of time between the age of 13-15 where they become extremely moody, rebellious, and otherwise, out of character from the daughter they'd raised since birth. This is because girls- and the female sex in general- go through a phase of puberty called 'periods'. While we will get more in depth on this particular topic later in the book (page 90) these periods cause girls to become extremely moody and sensitive. They may cry for no reason at all or become angry for no reason at all. It is usually best to let them be during these time periods.
I closed the book, placing it back on top of the stack. Poor dad, resorting to books to make sure he was parenting me properly. I felt horrible for a second and then moved on to the desk in the corner.
There were many pictures on the desk, all of them in small frames. There was a picture of me at the zoo, a picture of me and him for a father-daughter dance at my Muggle school when I was 8, him, James, and Sirius somewhere, a picture of me and Trang at the amusement park, a picture of me as a two year old baby, a picture of me at an award ceremony for fifth grade, smiling with a gap between my two front teeth, holding a paper award. All of them were moving, smiling, waving.
My heart ached-looking at them and I tried to imagine what it would be like, coming across these photos if he was dead.
I fell to my knees, covering my face with my hands, and burst into tears. Oh God, why was I thinking like that? He wasn't dead, I would know if he was dead. . . wouldn't I? Surely I would see it! It just felt like he was dead. . . that was all. It just felt like it because his room was empty and covered in dust and dark and he had pictures of mostly me on his desk and I missed him. But he wasn't dead- just gone. . . just not here right now. . .
I sobbed again, covering my face with my hands. Usually, when I cried, I used to think there was something wrong with me. Now, I knew that I was just crying because I felt that dad was going to die. The same way that I felt Sirius was going to die, and Uncle Moody, and Tonks, and Fred, and Dumbledore, and Severus. They were all going to die, I could feel it. I just didn't know when. I didn't see when. I didn't know how to prevent it.
Or maybe, just maybe, my imagination was running wild. Maybe just the fact that Voldemort was back made me think that they were all going to die, leaving me here alone on this Earth. That must be what it was. It was knowing that a dangerous bad guy was out there and my family could possibly die. But they weren't actually going to.
I wiped away my tears with the sleeve of my sweater and got up from where I was kneeling. "Miss you dad." I whispered to the room and then I left, shutting the door behind me.
𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖑𝖊𝖞𝖘 and Harry got home from the hospital, I greeted them normally. Harry didn't say anything, he just went up the stairs, and I looked at Ginny and the others curiously. Ron looked apprehensive, but Ginny pulled me into another room, and the others followed her.
"What's wrong with Harry?" I asked automatically.
"You mean, you didn't see it?" Fred asked, trying to make a joke, but he sounded a bit stressed.
"Ha Ha. If you keep asking me that question," I said cheerfully, "I'm going to break your nose for you. "
"We overheard Tonks, mum, dad, and Mad-Eye talking in the hospital wing." Ginny said.
"You mean Extendable Ears?" I asked, amused.
"Yeah." Ginny said. "Anyways, We heard Tonks say that they searched the area for the snake, but couldn't find it. And then mum said that You-Know-Who couldn't have expected to the snake to get in. Mad-Eye reckons the snake was sent as a lookout and that dad was just in the way. Then mum mentioned that Harry had seen it and that she thought it seemed like Dumbledore had almost predicted Harry would foresee something like it and then Mad-Eye said that You-Know-Who must be possessing Harry and that's when he pulled his Extendable Ear out."
I had dropped my smile and joking manner now and looked serious.
"Is You-Know-Who possessing Harry?" George asked in concern.
I hesitated, wanting to say that I didn't think so but didn't say that. After all, hadn't I felt that it wouldn't be okay to tell Harry that I was an Animagus? That I had thought- or had a feeling- that Harry and Voldemort were somehow connected?
"Of course not." Ginny said first. "At least, I'm pretty sure he's not. I would know."
"I don't about possession" I said slowly. "I think it's more like reading his mind. . . in a way. . . but to be completely honest. . . I don't know."
"Do you think he's going to avoid us?" Ginny asked, looking up the stairs.
I nodded, "Yes, I see that much. At least until Hermione comes and drags him out. I'll go up and talk to him, alright? Maybe he'll listen to me. Or maybe I'll let the visions play out and let you berate him."
I headed up the stairs and knocked softly on the room Harry was supposed to be in. "Can I come in?" I asked. There was no answer. I sighed, going up the stairs to the piano room.
I started playing Christmas tunes on the piano again. It was a bit choppy with my bandaged hand but I kept practicing over and over so that I was able to play even with the limited movement with my bandaged hand.
Sirius entered the room at that moment and said, "I should move the piano downstairs so that you can play during Christmas."
I grinned at him. "No one knows I play, you know? Not even dad."
"Actually, he, Kingsley, and I watched you play the piano the day that you got your Hogwarts letter and found out about becoming Quidditch Captain. Harry was sitting next to you that day." Sirius said, leaning against the door. Unlike Severus, his black hair was curly and didn't hang in his face.
My mouth went dry, "Dad was watching?"
"He said he had no idea you were that good. He was thinking about getting you a piano for Christmas but I told him not to, you can have this one." Sirius said.
"Thanks!" I said, excited. "But I'll keep it here so I have an excuse to visit."
Sirius grinned. "Have you seen Harry?"
"He's sleeping." I said.
"He looked upset when he came in." Sirius said, frowning.
I didn't want to throw Fred and George's Extendable Ears under the bus so I said, "I think he feels guilty. . . I mean he thinks he was the snake. . . so he must think he was the one who attacked Mr. Weasley even though he wasn't. . . but he'll come around. I'm going to talk to him soon."
Later that night, I waited by the front door and predictably, Harry came down to the front door, dragging his trunk behind him. But before he even reached me, Phineas spoke from his portrait, "Running away, are we?"
Harry looked around and then looked at him and said shortly, "Not running away, no."
"I thought, that to belong in Gryffindor House you were supposed to be brave. It looks to me as though you would have been better off in my own house. We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid. For instance, given the choice, we will always choose to save our own necks." Phineas said.
"It's not my own neck I'm saving." Harry said, turning back around and coming face to face with me. I had my arms crossed and I raised and eyebrow as he jumped back. "Elizabeth!"
"Oh, I see. This is no cowardly flight- you are being noble." Phineas said, mockingly. Harry didn't answer, staring at me, blocking the door.
"Move Elizabeth." Harry said.
I have a message for you from Albus Dumbledore." Phineas said, ignoring both Harry talking to me and- me.
Harry spun around. "What is it?"
"Stay where you are."
"I haven't moved! So what's the message?" Harry asked.
"I have just given it to you, dolt. Dumbledore says, 'Stay where you are'".
"Why? Why does he want me to stay? What else did he say?" Harry asked eagerly, dropping his trunk end.
"Nothing whatsoever."
"So that's it, is it?" Harry asked loudly- angrily. "Stay there? That's all anyone could tell me after I got attacked by those dementors too! Just say put while the grown-ups sort it out, Harry! We won't bother telling you anything, though, because your tiny little brain might not be able to cope with it!"
I privately agreed with him but I put a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Harry. . ."
"You know." Phineas said, even louder than Harry. "this is precisely why I loathed being a teacher! Young people are so infernally convinced that they are absolutely right about everything. Has it not occurred to you, my poor puff-up popinjay, that there might be an excellent reason why the headmaster of Hogwarts is not confiding every tiny detail of his plans to you? Have you never paused, while feeling hard-done by, to note that following Dumbledore's orders has never yet led you into harm? No. No, like all young people, you are quite sure that you alone feel and think, you alone recognize danger, you alone are the only one clever enough to realize what the Dark Lord may be planning. . ."
"He is planning something to do with me, then?" Harry asked swiftly. He looked back at me.
"Did I say that? Now, if you will excuse me, I have better things to do than to listen to adolescent agonizing. . . Good day to you. . ." Phineas said, walking out of his portrait.
"Fine, go then! And tell Dumbledore thanks for nothing!" Harry bellowed at the portrait.
"Harry. . ." I whispered. "Go back to bed, alright? Let's talk in the morning, okay?"
Harry stormed back up to his bedroom and I sighed, going back up to my bedroom too. Well, that was taken care of.
I lay in my empty room, wishing that Severus was here to lay next to me. I was to angsty, I needed to get out.
I went back down the stairs, unlocking the door. I stepped out into the crisp air before locking the door behind me again. I hurried into a side alley before turning into a black cat. I jumped up on a windowsill and turned back down into an alley.
I alternated between sprinting and walking as a cat while I explored the city. I pounced on a small mouse but let it go, not really wanting to eat it. But it had been a fun chase, darting around and trying to grab it.
I was much quicker about getting to where I wanted to go, despite my rather short kitty legs, because of my speed. Cats are rather fast, faster than humans- and dogs- and so traveling was a breeze.
I followed a scent trail to a bakery even though it was closed. The lingering smell of bread was maybe six hours old, around the same time that the bakery had closed. A café across from it was open though, a 24-hour one. There was a sharp smell of bitter coffee and I headed away from it. I was surprised by my heightened sense of smell, hearing, and taste. I hadn't expected to develop the senses of the animal I turned into when becoming an Animagus.
Of course, now that I thought about it, my hearing had seemed a bit sharper ever since becoming an Animagus- even as a human. Strange. I should research it. I wondered if Sirius had any extra senses from being a dog- like knowing when a bad storm was coming.
I traveled halfway across the city in about an hour before I froze, hearing something. Human feet. I jumped into the shadows and looked up. My tiny cat heart started to pound. What the hell was he doing here? Surely he wouldn't slime his shoes stepping in this Muggle place?
I watched Lucius Malfoy walk down the street. Surely. . . but no, I was very far away from Grimmauld place- nearly fifty minutes, 5 miles away. Looking around, I realized I'd never been to this part of the city before. In my cat adventures, I'd wandered away from the familiar. I hesitated, wondering if I should follow, or if I should leave.
I turned back into a human, drawing my wand and crept behind him. I watched him turn a corner and I crept up. I knew it was an alleyway. I could hear him talking briefly to someone else. Then, I felt a wand press into my neck and I froze.
"Turn around." A voice hissed.
I turned carefully, looking to see who it was. I didn't recognize him, but his left arm had the Dark Mark on his arm and his eyes lit up. He started to laugh and then Lucius and the other Death Eater- Macnair, appeared from around the corner.
Lucius Malfoy's eyes lit up as well, and his mouth turned into a smile, "Well, well. . . If it isn't Elizabeth Kane. . . and what are you doing here?"
The other lowered his wand, stuffing it into his pocket. I was frozen, trying to figure out how to get out of this. Why hadn't I stayed as a cat? I was so stupid.
"Let me have her." The one who had put his wand to my throat. "Before we take her to the Dark Lord. . ."
"Go ahead." Macnair said with a grin, interrupting whatever Malfoy had gone to say. Malfoy frowned at Macnair in what almost seemed like disapproval. "Be quick about it though."
The first Death Eater dragged me into the alleyway and I whimpered in fear. My wand was up my sleeve, but I didn't know how I was going to get out of this. Why had I left the house? Which way was Grimmauld place? Oh Merlin, I was never going to see dad again!
I jerked against his tight hold, panicking, and he chuckled. I thought about Muggle girls who got raped and killed and I let out a scream of fear. He slapped me across the face and I shut my mouth. I was trembling all over. Oh, why had I followed him? And why had I followed him as a human?
Then the Death Eaters lips were on mine and I squirmed underneath him. This was much different than Severus. This was horrible. I would rather being tortured by Voldemort. I kneed him in the groin and he groaned, letting go to clutch his private parts. I was up in a flash and racing down the alleyway and past the other two, flying as fast as possible.
I heard Lucius Malfoy yell and I ducked, continuing to run as a spell flew over my head. I jumped a fence and turned into a cat, streaking under a bush, hiding. I squeezed through the bush and through a hole in a fence and was running and running until I had lost them and had thoroughly lost myself.
I continued to run however, until I finally had to stop. I was in a backyard of a Muggle house. I debated about knocking on their door and asking which was was Kings Crossing but thought I should wait until morning. I crept up into a tree and curled up in a branch and fell asleep.
When I woke up, there were Muggle kids around the bottom of the tree, pointing up at me. The mother shooed them inside, shivering in her thin nightdress and they went in reluctantly. Once their faces disappeared from the window, I crept down from the tree and leaped onto the fence and then down.
I circled around to the front of the house, looking left and right, became human and went and knocked on the woman's front door, looking around nervously.
"Hello?" She asked, answering the door.
"Hi." I said, shivering. "I'm lost. Can you point me in the direction of Kings Crossing please?"
"Oh you poor dear, you are quite a ways away from Kings Crossing. Here, come on in." She opened the door a little longer and I hesitantly stepped in, looking around nervously. Her son came running over and shouted, "The cat is gone!"
She smiled down at him and then at me and said, "I'll be right back."
I nodded, standing awkwardly where I was. She went upstairs and came back down a few minutes later, dressed warmly with a sweater, coat, and scarf. Her husband came down the stairs in a red dressing gown, bleary eyes, and an unshaved face. She stuck a coffee mug in his hands, told him to watch the kids, and then came back to me "I'm going to drive you." she said, smiling, grabbing a set of keys off a small table.
"Thank you so much." I said gratefully. Sometimes I forgot there were simple, good people in the world.
I followed her out to the garage and got in the passenger seat. She drove me to Kings Crossing and I thanked her again. She waved and left me there. I wished I could've done more than thank her. But I'd never be able to find the house again. I didn't even know her name.
I hid and became a cat and then made my way to Grimmauld place. I didn't see anyone and I entered Grimmauld place, becoming a human and then stumbled up to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed.
I broke into nervous sobs, burying my head in the pillow. I fell into an uneasy sleep.
𝕴 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕 sometime in the afternoon to Mrs. Weasley saying that lunch was ready. I simply rolled over and fell back asleep. I was so shaken by last night that I didn't even want to leave my room. Around five thirty, I woke back up and stayed awake. Around six, I heard the doorbell and Mrs. Black started screaming.
I headed into Harry's bedroom on the second floor. Ginny and Ron were filling in Hermione about what had happened at St. Mungo's.
"Oh, you're awake." Ginny said. "About time."
"Sorry." I muttered, curling up into a ball on the bed. I had a pounding headache and I felt like I might throw up. Sleeping out all night had not been good for my health.
Hermione went upstairs and after a few minutes, she managed to bring Harry down into the room. "I came on the Knight Bus." She said, informing all of us. "Dumbledore told me what had happened first thing this morning, but I had to wait for term to end officially before setting off. Umbridge is already livid that you lot disappeared right under her nose, especially Elizabeth, even though Dumbledore told her Mr. Weasley was in St. Mungo's, and he'd given you all permission to visit so. . . She also told me to tell you, if I saw you of course, that your detentions have been extended for leaving early." Hermione said, sitting down next to Ginny.
I didn't say anything. I wondered if maybe I should've let them take me last night instead of doing more detentions.
"How're you feeling?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry.
"Fine." Harry said stiffly.
"Oh, don't lie, Harry. Ron and Ginny say you've been hiding from everyone since you got back from St. Mungo's." Hermione said impatiently.
"They do, do they?" Harry asked, glaring at them.
"Well, you have! And you won't look at any of us!" Ginny exclaimed.
"It's you lot who won't look at me!" Harry said angrily.
The headache started to pound, seemingly behind my right eye, and I closed my eyes. I felt very cold.
"Maybe you're taking it in turns to look and keep missing each other." Hermione suggested, sounding amused.
"Very funny." Harry snapped.
"Oh, stop feeling all misunderstood. Look, the others have told me what you overheard last night on the Extendable Ears-"
"Yeah? All been talking about me, have you? Well, I'm getting used to it. . ."
"We wanted to talk to you, Harry, but as you've been hiding ever since we got back-" Ginny said.
"I didn't want anyone to talk to me." Harry said, shooting me an angry look. I felt a bit dizzy. And now I felt warm, perhaps a bit too warm.
"Well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don't know anyone but me who's been possessed by You-Know-Who, and I can tell you how it feels." Ginny said angrily.
My vision was swimming. Eyesight vision, I mean, not visions vision. Was I thinking coherently?
"I forgot." Harry said after a stunned second.
My stomach turned.
"Lucky you." Ginny said coolly.
"I'm sorry." Harry said, sounding like he meant it. "So. . . so do you think I'm being possessed, then?"
"Well, can you remember everything you've been doing? Are there big blank periods where you don't know what you've been up to?" Ginny asked.
"No." Harry said.
"Then You-Know-Who hasn't ever possessed you. When he did it to me, I couldn't remember what I'd been doing for hours at a time. I'd find myself somewhere and not know how I got there." Ginny said simply.
"Elizabeth?" Hermione asked hesitantly, "Are you okay?"
In response, I fell out off the bed and vomited on the ground twice. Footsteps exited the room and two pairs of footsteps entered the room quickly.
"Elizabeth?" Sirius asked carefully, bending down next to me. "Are you alright?"
I shook my head and moaned. "I feel terrible."
"Were you looking into the future?" He asked seriously.
"No, it just came on all of a sudden. Like the flu I think."
I felt Sirius pick me up and carry me until he put me down in my bed. "You feel hot." He murmured. But that couldn't be right- I was shivering violently. "Fred, can you grab me an extra blanket?"
There was some movement and then Sirius put another blanket over me. "I'll be right back, okay? I'm going to make you some tea."
He hurried out of the room. I had my eyes closed, trying to fall asleep. I must be sick from staying out in the cold all night. I couldn't rebuke myself enough for trailing Lucius Malfoy. At the thought of it, I leaned over the bed and threw up again. I heard it hit metal, not wood, and cracked an eye open. There was a pail below me. That was good to know.
I flopped back on the bed. The night was painful, altering between to cold and to hot. I tossed and turned all night. Sirius kept coming in and out and once or twice Mrs. Weasley came in to check on me.
In the morning, a horrible surprise was waiting for me. An extremely irate Severus Snape. I groaned, vomiting again. "What are you doing here?" I asked hoarsely.
He sat down next to me, putting his hand on my forehead. His teeth were gritted and he was trembling in anger. "Just a cold, Sirius. She'll be fine soon."
Sirius left the room a few minutes later and Severus immediately attacked me. "Are you stupid? Why the hell did you end up around Lucius Malfoy by yourself?"
"I don't remember." I mumbled, sleepily. "I was just outside and then I found that I was far away from Grimmauld place and then Lucius was there and then there were two other Death Eaters. The only reason that I got away was because one of them. . . er- wanted me, he was kissing me and touching me and I kneed him in the groin and managed to escape. . . it was close though. . ." I eyed him curiously, "How'd you find out?"
"Lucius reported you were in the area. Of course, they're going to be scoping out where they had come across you mostly."
I sighed. "I'm so sorry." I broke down into tears away and then turned away from him, embarrassed.
"Elizabeth. . ." he said in a much more gentle voice. "Don't. . . I'm sorry. . . sweetheart. I just got scared."
I sat up carefully and place my forehead on his shoulder. "My fault. . . its my fault. . . I should just be thankful Voldemort isn't torturing visions out of me right now."
Severus hugged me, apparently not caring if Sirius came in again. "And Sirius said I might not even see Dad this break and I miss him so MUCH!" I sobbed. "And I miss you and Sirius and the other day, I had the most horrible thought that everyone I loved was going to die and I just needed to get out and then I ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and I don't even know why he was there!"
"Shh. . . Elizabeth. . ." Severus murmured, kissing my cheek. "It's okay. We're all still here. . . okay? We're all still here. . ."
I kissed him on the lips briefly. "So why did you come?" I asked, wiping away tears. My head was starting to pound again because of the crying.
"Because I was worried about you of course." He said softly. "when I heard- well I had to check on you."
"Thank you." I whispered.
"I should go back." Severus said, kissing me gently again.
"You're going to get sick." I moaned, but didn't let go of his hand.
"Well then, I'll try to pass it on to Umbridge, alright?" He asked, standing up and winking.
I grinned. "Alright."
He ran a hair over my hair and said, "I love you Elizabeth."
"Love you too Sev."
He left the room, giving me one last kiss. Strangely, I felt much better as though he'd taken the sickness with him- or had made it dissipate into the air.
He had taken away my worries with him too. I no longer cared about Lucius Malfoy or the other two Death Eaters or Voldemort. I no longer worried about whether dad was going to die- surely he wasn't. Dad was indestructible. He was the one who'd saved me when the Muggle had robbed our house. He had saved me every time and the only reason he wasn't there last night was because he was doing important work for the Order.
And besides, how could I worry about anything when Severus loved me?
My mouth was dry and I looked around. There was a glass of water on my bedside table and I drank half of it and fell into more sleep. 
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
ℑ𝔴𝔬𝔨𝔢𝔲𝔭 to Mrs. Weasley banging on my door and saying, "Elizabeth! Get up! We've got a busy day ahead of us today!"
I groaned and rolled over on top of Severus. I gave a start, only now remembering that he'd stayed over.
"Hello love." Severus muttered sleepily, reaching up and tucking my hair behind my ear. "What a wake up call."
I groaned. "I hate cleaning this house."
"We still have a few minutes." Severus said, pushing me off of him and then rolling over ontop of me and pressing his lips to my throat. I gasped.
"Yes, well." I said with difficulty. "Dad could come up at any moment and- and-" Bloody hell, he was distracting! "-kill you possibly?"
He chuckled and pressed his lips to mine again and rolled out of bed, pulling me out with him. I shivered in the cold air. He rubbed his hands on my shoulders. "I ought to sneak out then, shouldn't I?"
"Something like that." I said through clenched teeth so they didn't chatter. Who knew August could be so cold?
He kissed my temple and then slipped out the door. I didn't hear any outbursts of rage and I quickly got dressed and made the bed, feeling much happier than I had last night.
However, my happiness dissipated about half an hour later in the drawing room. The drawing room was olive green and on the first floor. The carpets were dust filled. The moss-green velvet curtains were buzzing with hidden doxies. Lovely.
Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George were already wearing cloths over their faces and holding a black bottle of Doxycide. Harry and Ron were standing in front of me, having entered the room before me.
"Grab your face masks and take a spray." Mrs. Weasley said, nodding to the table. I took a mask and hooked it over my ears and picked up a bottle. "It's Doxycide. I've never seen an infestation this bad- what that house-elf's been doing for the last ten years-"
"Kreacher's really old, he probably couldn't manage-" Hermione said while I rolled my eyes.
"You'd be surprised what Kreacher can manage when he wants to, Hermione." Sirius interrupted, coming into the room and carrying a bag of dead rats.
"Kinsley's about to ring the doorbell." I warned Sirius.
"Thanks for the warning, Elizabeth." Sirius said. "I was just coming in to take a look at the writing desk. . ."
"It's a boggart." I confirmed, "But you guys will have Moody check anyways. I'll tell Harry why you've got a bag of rats too. Stop Kingsley before your mum starts screaming again."
"Right you are." Sirius said, carrying the bag of rats out and closing the door behind him. But it was to late. The doorbell rang and though we couldn't hear, Mrs. Black was screaming somewhere upstairs. I sighed.
"You tried." Fred said, shrugging. I shrugged too. Didn't do any good.
Mrs. Weasley was looking through Gilderoy Lockhart's Guide to Household Pests. I nearly snorted. "Right, you lot, you need to be careful, because doxies bite and their teeth are poisonous. I've got a bottle of antidote here, but I'd rather nobody needed it."
Harry inched over to me, "So why does Sirius have a bag of dead rats?"
"Buckbeak." I muttered out of the corner of my mouth.
"All right-" Mrs. Weasley was saying, "Squirt!"
I sprayed the bottle liberally until the doxies actually came out of the curtains. Then, I started spraying them like in a shooting game that Trang and I had played once at her house. She'd introduced me to a new favorite Muggle past-time: Video games.
I threw the paralyzed doxies into the bucket and sometimes- on purpose- missing and throwing them straight into Fred and George's hands. They were pocketing them for their skiving snack boxes.
After we finished with the doxies, Mrs. Weasley pointed at the dusty glass-fronted cabinets and said, "I think we'll tackle those after lunch."
I looked inside the cabinets out of curiosity. There were many rusty daggers and claws in one of the cases. Another held a coiled snakeskin- probably because the family had been in Slytherin. Or maybe because the Black crest had a snake in it. In another was multiple silver boxes that were tarnished and inscribed with runes and several different languages. I recognized Bulgarian, Korean, and Greek out of a few of them. On the top shelf was a crystal jar with an opal stopper in it. It would've been pretty if it wasn't filled with some sort of blood. I wondered if along with chopping of house-elves heads, Mrs. Black drained them of their blood too. I shivered and looked away.
The doorbell rang again and a moment later, Mrs. Black started screaming again. Mrs. Weasley grabbed up the bag of dead rats and said, "Stay here. I'll bring up some sandwiches." I wrinkled my nose. I hated bread.
After she left, the others dashed to the window and I slipped out the door and down the stairs. Sirius and Kingsley were in the hallway, opening the door. Mundungus was on the front step with a stack of cauldrons.
"Molly's going to have another child Dung." Sirius said, shaking his head. "I don't know if we can keep them here. . ."
I stepped off the stairs and trailed behind them to the kitchen. What I really wanted, was food- and not bread.
I made myself a plate of cheese, salami, pepperoni, and grapes. Tonks and Dad were talking in the kitchen. "Who's at the door Elizabeth?" Dad asked me, looking up.
I nearly replied "I don't know" but instead said, "Dung. He's-"
But at that point, Mrs. Weasley shouted at the top of her lungs, "WE ARE NOT RUNNING A HIDEOUT FOR STOLEN GOODS!"
Dad sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. "Wonderful." He said, his hand clapping down on his leg.
I sighed. "Don't know why she cares. Half the stuff in this house could get us put in Azkaban."
"That's why we're getting rid of it." Dad said lightly.
I shrugged. "The cauldrons will be here for a shorter amount of time than half the things in this house anyways."
Mrs. Weasley came storming into the kitchen and saw me. "I thought I told you to stay upstairs Elizabeth!"
I gritted my teeth and picked up my plate of food and went back up the stairs. I might row with dad, but I wasn't going to row with Mrs. Weasley when nearly everyone was rowing with her back.
Back in the room, I noticed Kreacher was in there. He didn't seem to notice anyone and was muttering, ". . .if she knew the scum they've let in her house, what would she say to old Kreacher, oh the same of it, Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves, poor old Kreacher, what can he do. . ."
I was feeling angry already and angrier still that Kreacher was talking bad about the people I loved.
"Hello, Kreacher." Fred said very loudly.
"Kreacher did not see Young Master." Kreacher said, turning around and bowing to Fred. "Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is."
"Sorry?" George asked. "Didn't catch that last bit."
"Kreacher said nothing." Kreacher said, bowing to George now and saying, "and there's the twin, unnatural little beasts they are."
Harry looked confused, looking like he didn't know if he should laugh or not. I supposed, for an outsider, it would be funny.
"What are you doing Kreacher?" I asked.
Kreacher turned to me and bowed and said, "Kreacher is cleaning. And there's the bitch of the werewolf. . . oh my poor mistress."
I gritted my teeth. Harry had stopped looking like he might laugh.
Kreacher had straightened up now and was saying, ". . . and there's the Mudblood, standing there bold as brass, oh if my Mistress knew, oh how she'd cry, and there's a new boy, Kreacher doesn't know his name, what is he doing here, Kreacher doesn't know. . ."
"This is Harry, Kreacher. Harry Potter." Hermione said tentatively. I rolled my eyes. Somehow, Hermione thought kindness was the best way to deal with Kreacher. Bloody hell.
"The Mudblood is talking to Kreacher as though she is my friend, if Kreacher's Mistress saw him in such company, oh what would she say. . ." Kreacher said, his eyes widening.
"Don't call her a Mudblood!" Ron, Ginny, and I all exclaimed together.
"It doesn't matter. He's not in his right mind, he doesn't know what he's-" Hermione whispered to us.
"Don't kid yourself, Hermione, he knows exactly what he's saying." Fred said, eyeing Kreacher with great dislike.
"Is it true? Is it Harry Potter? Kreacher can see the scar, it must be true, that's that boy who stopped the Dark Lord, Kreacher wonders how he did it-" Kreacher muttered.
"Don't we all, Kreacher." Fred said.
"What do you want anyways?" I asked again.
"Kreacher is cleaning." He said.
"A likely story." Sirius' voices said from behind me.
Kreacher flung himself into a ridiculously low bow that flattened his snoutlike nose on the floor. Sirius, Fred, George, and I were all glaring at Kreacher.
"Stand up straight. Now, what are you up to?" Sirius asked a bit impatiently.
"Kreacher is cleaning. Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black-"
"-and it's getting blacker every day, it's filthy."
"Master always liked his little joke. Master was a nasty ungrateful swine who broke his mother's heart-"
"My mother didn't have a heart, Kreacher. She kept herself alive out of pure spite." Sirius snapped.
"Whatever Master says. Master is not fit to swipe slime from his mother's boots, oh my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw Kreacher serving him, how she hated him, what a disappointment he was-"
"I asked you what you were up to. Every time you show up pretending to be cleaning, you sneak something off to your room so we can't throw it out."
"Kreacher would never move anything from its proper place in Master's house. Mistress would never forgive Kreacher if the tapestry was thrown out, seven centuries it's been in the family, Kreacher must save it, Kreacher will not let Master and the blood traitors and the werewolf's brat destroy it-"
"I thought it might be that." Sirius said. "She'll have put another Permanent Sticking Charm on the back of it, I don't doubt, but if I can get rid of it I certainly will. Now go away, Kreacher."
Kreacher went, still muttering as he shuffled out of the room. "-comes back from Azkaban ordering Kreacher around, oh my poor Mistress, what would she say if she saw the house now, scum living in it, her treasures thrown out, she swore he was no son of hers and he's back, they say he's a murderer too-"
"Keep muttering and I will be a murderer!" Sirius said irritably, slamming the door shut.
"Sirius, he's not right in the head. I don't think he realizes we can hear him." Hermione said in a pleading voice.
"He's been alone too long, taking mad orders from my mother's portrait and talking to himself, but he was always a foul little-"
"If you just set him free, maybe-" Hermione started hopefully and I snorted.
"We can't set him free, he knows too much about the Order. And anyway, the shock would kill him. You suggest to him that he leaves this house, see how he takes it."
"Probably fine." I said scathingly. "He'll just show up knocking at the Malfoys' door and spill all our secrets."
Sirius was walking across the room where the tapestry was plastered against the wall. Everyone followed him over. It was an immensely old piece of fabric; faded and gnawed on. The golden thread, however, glinted brightly to show the family tree it held. The large words at the top of the family tree read: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black "Toujours Pur"
I snorted, "Always pure?"
Sirius looked at me in amazement. "You know French?"
"A bit." I said.
"You're not on here!" Harry said.
"I used to be there." Sirius said, pointing to a burn mark on the tapestry. "My sweet old mother blasted me off after I ran away from home- Kreacher's quite fond of muttering the story under his breath."
"You ran away from home?" Harry asked in interest.
"When I was about sixteen. I'd had enough."
"Where did you go?"
"Your dad's place." Sirius said and his eyes darted to me and back to Harry. "Your grandparents were really good about it; they sort of adopted me as a second son. Yeah, I camped out at your dad's during the school holidays, and then when I was seventeen I got a place of my own, my Uncle Alphard had left me a decent bit of gold- he's been wiped off here too, that's probably why. Anyways, after that I looked after myself. I was always welcome at Mr. and Mrs. Potter's for Sunday lunch though."
The only grandparents I had was dad's dad. I supposed once Dad married Tonks before my seventh year, Tonks parents would become my grandparents. I wondered if Dad and Tonks would give me a sibling. I certainly hoped so- but I didn't dare see that far- I might've passed out if I'd tried.
"Because I hated the whole lot of them: my parents, with their pure-blood mania, convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal. . . my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them. . . that's him." Sirius said, answering a question I hadn't heard. I looked where he pointed- REGULUS BLACK. He was dead.
"He was younger than me and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded."
"But he died." Harry said.
"Yeah. Stupid idiot- he joined the Death Eaters."
"You're kidding!" Harry exclaimed. I examined the death date. He was only fifteen years old when he died. . .the same age as Harry and I. I gave an involuntary shiver. Maybe there was some truth to what dad was saying. Maybe we were too young for the Order. But still. . .
"Come on, Harry, haven't you seen enough of this house to tell what kind of wizards my family were?" Sirius asked.
"Were- were your parents Death Eaters as well?"
"No, no, but believe, me, they thought Voldemort had the right idea, they were all for the purification of the Wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having purebloods in charge. They weren't alone either, there were quite a few people, before Voldemort showed his true colors, who thought he had the right idea about things. . . They got cold feet when they saw what he was prepared to do to get power, though. But I bet my parents though Regulus was a right little hero for joining up at first."
"Was he killed by an Auror?" Harry asked hesitantly.
"Oh no. No, he was murdered by Voldemort. Or on Voldemort's orders, more likely, I doubt Regulus was ever important enough to be killed by Voldemort in person. From what I found out after he died, he got in so far, then panicked about what he was being asked to do and tried to back out. Well, you don't just hand in your resignation to Voldemort. It's a lifetime of service or death."
"Lunch." Mrs. Weasley's voice said. Everyone except Harry and I left. We were each standing on either side of Sirius.
"I haven't looked at his for years. There's Phineas Nigellus. . . my great-great-grandfather, see? Least popular headmaster Hogwarts ever had. . . and Araminta meliflua. . . cousin of my mother's. . . tried to force through a Ministry Bill to make Muggle-hunting legal. . . and dear Aunt Elladora. . . she started the family tradition of beheading house-elves when they got too old to carry tea trays. . . of course, anytime the family produced someone halfway decent they were disowned. I see Tonks isn't on here. Maybe that's why Kreacher won't take orders from her- he's supposed to do whatever anyone in the family asks him. . ."
"You and Tonks are related?" Harry asked in surprise.
"Oh yeah, her mother, Andromeda, was my favorite cousin. No. Andromeda's not on here either, look-" He pointed to a blasted burn between the names Bellatrix and Narcissa. "Andromeda's sisters are still here because they made lovely, respectable pure-blood marriages, but Andromeda married a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks, so-" Sirius mimed blasting the tapestry with a wand and laughed sourly. I put an arm on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.
"You're related to the Malfoys!" Harry cried out in amazement.
"The pure-blood families are all interrelated." Sirius said. "If you're only going to let your sons and daughters marry purebloods your choice is very limited, there are hardly any of us left. Molly and I are cousins by marriage and Arthur's something like my second cousin once removed. But there's no point looking for them on here- if ever a family was a bunch of blood traitors, it's the Weasleys."
"The Longbottom's should be on here then, shouldn't they?" I asked. I would've leaned forward to look at it more closely but didn't want Sirius' arm to leave my shoulder and contended myself to pushing my glasses up on my nose.
Sirius shrugged, "Could be, but probably not anymore."
Harry was still staring at the picture of Bellatrix Lestrange. "Lestrange?" he asked.
"She's the one who. . ." I looked over my shoulder and then back to Harry and said, "Tortured Neville's parents along with Barty Crouch Jr. and her husband Rodolphus and his brother Rabastan. We talked about the trial a bit in the cave last year."
"Right!" Harry said. "You never said she was your-"
"Does it matter if she's my cousin?" Sirius snapped angrily. "As far as I'm concerned, they're not my family. She's certainly not my family. I haven't seen her since I was your age, unless you count a glimpse of her coming in to Azkaban. D'you think I'm proud of having relatives like her?"
"Sorry. I didn't mean- I was just surprised- that's all." Harry said quickly.
"It doesn't matter, don't apologize." Sirius said, removing his arm from my shoulder and sticking his hands in his pockets. I leaned forward, still searching for the Longbottom's. I wasn't really sure why I was looking for them- I just felt they should be on there. But I guess after Bellatrix tortured them, they'd have been blasted off anyways. "I never thought I'd be stuck in this house again. It's ideal for headquarters, of course. My father put every security measure known to Wizard-kind on it when he lived here. It's Unplottable, so Muggles could never come and call- as if they'd have wanted to- and now Dumbledore's added his protection, you'd be hard to put to find a safer house anywhere. Dumbledore's Secret-Keeper for the Order, you know- nobody can find headquarters unless he tells them personally where it is- that note Moody showed you last night, that was from Dumbledore. . . If my parents could see the use it was being put to now. . . well, my mother's portrait should give you some idea. . ."
"Yeah." I said with a roll of my eyes. "And if you're blind Harry, listening to Kreacher should give you an idea too."
Harry grinned.
"I wouldn't mind if I could just get out occasionally and do something useful. I've asked Dumbledore whether I can escort you to your hearing- as Snuffles, obviously- so I can give you a bit of moral support, what d'you think?"
"Great Idea." I said. "If only Lucius Malfoy wasn't going to be in the hallway and knows what your disguise is."
Sirius glared at me.
I sighed. "Tomorrow's Saturday. I'll see if Dad'll let you come and hang out with Trang and me. It'll get you out a little and we're always in the forest by ourselves anyways cause we're usually flying on our brooms."
Sirius brightened up considerably.
"Don't worry." I said to Harry, who was most definitely worrying about the trial. "I'm nearly positive they're going to clear you, there's definitely something in the International Statue of Secrecy about being allowed to use magic to save your own life."
"But if they do expel me, can I come back here and live with you, Sirius?" Harry asked quietly.
Sirius smiled sadly and I looked down at the ground. "We'll see."
"I'd feel a lot better about the hearing if I knew I didn't have to go back to the Dursleys." Harry pressed on.
"They must be bad if you prefer this place." Sirius said, but didn't answer.
I clapped Harry's shoulder. "Tell you what, if they do expel you, which they won't, you can come live with me. Dad's got a place. And besides," I pulled out a house key Sirius had given me for my 14th birthday. "Sirius still hasn't told me what this goes to but the runes say house."
Sirius smiled and opened his mouth but Mrs. Weasley said, "Hurry up you three, or there won't be any food left."
We all went over and the conversation was dropped. After lunch, cleaning commenced. There were a bunch of lovely things hiding in the piles of dangerous items. There was a snuffbox that bit and Sirius was on the receiving end of it's bite. But Sirius simply tapped his hand with his wand and said, "must be Wartcap powder in there."
There was also a strange silver instrument like a many legged tweezer that scuttled up Harry's arm. When Sirius attempted to smash it with a heavy book, it jumped onto my chest. I yelled out and fell backwards. Sirius threw it across the room and threw the book after it, smashing it. There was a musical box that Fred decided to wound up for some reason and we all stood there, getting more and more tired before Ginny finally closed the lid. I smashed it out of spite. There was a heavy locket we couldn't open, wine glasses that smashed themselves in Hermione's hand, cutting her hands open, and boxes of certificates and medals and other things.
Several times, Kreacher came in to try and take things away, insulting all of us as he did so. Every time he called me a werewolf brat or the werewolf's bitch, my hand instinctively flew towards my wand to curse him and I had to remember that I couldn't do that.
Kreacher actually wrestled with Sirius over a large golden ring and when Sirius managed to get it out of Kreacher's hands, Kreacher burst into ugly sobs and tears.
"It was my fathers." Sirius said, throwing the ring in the sack. "Kreacher wasn't quite as devoted him as to my mother, but I still caught him snogging a pair of my father's old trousers last week."
I giggled and after everyone had left, it was just Sirius and me.
"Sirius?" I asked. "Why do you and dad treat me so differently from Harry?"
Sirius looked at me thoughtfully and then at the wall. It took him a moment to answer and he said, "I suppose because. . . well Remus- he sees you as the little girl that he raised and he can't bear to think about you being hurt. . . on the frontlines of a war. . . when he heard what Crouch Jr did to you last year. . . I don't think I've ever seen him so upset. . ."
"But Harry went through nearly all the same things I went through, and a bit more, and you and dad seem to think he's an adult and I'm a child." I said, trying to keep my voice from sounding like I was complaining. "Is Mrs. Weasley right? Do you see him as James and me as Lily and keeping Lily out of things the way you would have at school?"
Sirius looked at me sharply and rubbed his chin. "No. I suppose. . . I suppose I see you as the little girl too. If anything happened to you. . . I nearly ripped Crouch Jr. . ." he drifted off and then started up again. "Perhaps it's because your father and I feel more protective of you. We aren't the only ones, you know. Kingsley, Mad-Eye, Bill. . . even Snape." he added grudgingly.
"I notice how everyone you named is a male." I pointed out.
Sirius grinned. "Yes, well, you do look awfully like your mother. While your dad and I and Dumbledore don't say anything about your relation to Harry. . . well. . . I think if you had Harry's eyes. . . some might think you were your mum."
"Yes." I mused. "Dad said it was going to get harder to keep denying my relation to Harry but. . . it's not like I want to. . . you know?" I sighed, frustrated and ran my hands through my hair. It was much longer, past my knees now. "I need to apologize to dad when he gets back."
"He's going to be gone for the weekend." Sirius said and I groaned.
"So I won't see Trang tomorrow?" I asked, frowning.
"No" and here, Sirius smiled. "I get to take you."
"Lovely." I said, beaming and I walked out the door for dinner. 
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