#and like yeah cousins don’t always look related
tropes-and-tales · 1 year
Good Girl
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Day 2:  Dry humping (Bob Floyd x F!Reader)
(For the 2023 Kinktober event that I created on my own because I am boring and basic and am trying to keep it simple this year...found here!) 
CW:  Idiots in love; praise kink; smut (dry humping; outercourse; whatever the youths call it now - clothed grinding and such); 18+ only.
Word Count:  2996
AN:  This is loosely related to the very loosely-formed Seresin cousin mini-series, found here. It was requested for Kinktober by @justreblogginfics!)
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You and Bob continue your little dance for months.
You know the man likes you.  Every time you fly into town to visit your cousin Jake, Bob is always nearby, staring at you on the sly like a lovesick puppy.  He’s always just at the edge of the group gatherings—nights at the Hard Deck, parties at Nat’s house, afternoons at the beach—and you always feel those big blue eyes tracking your movements.
Everyone else notices it.  Harvard and Yale corner you at the Hard Deck, ask if you’ve noticed that you have an admirer.  Nat pulls you aside at her barbeque and obliquely gives you a rundown of Bob’s numerous good traits.  Only Jake holds his tongue, but you catch him narrowing his eyes at the WSO enough that you realize even your cousin—your cousin with his penchant for being self-centered, the handsome narcissist with the blinding smile—has noticed Bob’s crush too.
Bob never makes a move.
Nights at the Hard Deck when you blatantly lament being single.  The party at Bob’s house where you stayed behind to help him clean up.  The little touches you chance:  brushing your hand against his, a light hand on his shoulder, friendly hugs…they are an invitation, but he doesn’t pick up on it.
It’s Rooster who clues you in.  The man takes your hand one night at the bar and tugs you outside where the ocean crashes along the shore in the darkness.  In the dim light, you can just make out the man as he peers down at you.
“I know what you’re doing,” he says.  “But you’re going about it all wrong.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
You catch the white of his eyes as he rolls them.  “C’mon.  It’s obvious you like Bob, but you gotta make the move if you’re interested.  You gotta be blatant with him.  He won’t get it otherwise.”
“Why not?”  Your stomach twists unpleasantly; you wonder if perhaps you’ve misread the situation.  Maybe Bob has a crush, but maybe it’s just a crush, and maybe there’s someone else he loves and this is just a passing bit of madness—
“Guy’s a brilliant wizzo, but he’s clueless with women.”
Now you roll your eyes at Rooster, and he chuckles at the gesture.  
“I’m serious!” he continues, and he holds his hands up, helpless.  “I think he misread a situation once with a girl when he was younger, and I think it scared him off of making the first move.”
“That’s a terrible excuse.  I got food poisoning from bad tacos once but I still eat tacos.”
Rooster chuckles again.  “Yeah, but you women can be devastating when you reject us.  I think poor Baby on Board was crushed before and now he’s just a pining little asshole, staring at you from across the bar.”  
You shrug helplessly and glance back into the Hard Deck:  you can see Bob in profile, and you get the impression that he’s just turned away, that he didn’t want to get caught watching you.  Watching you and Rooster together, chatting outside, laughing outside.  You feel a wave of sympathy for what Bob must be thinking—that you’re flirting with Rooster, that maybe Bob has missed his chance.
You turn back to the pilot.  You square your shoulders.  “Okay, I hear you.  I’ll be the brave one.”  A beat as anxiety blooms in your chest, makes your ribcage feel a fraction tighter, makes it just a bit harder to draw a full breath.  “And you’re sure he likes me?  You aren’t misreading this somehow?  I don’t want to look like an idiot, Bradshaw.”
He laughs outright, and he hooks an arm around your neck to pull you into a friendly hug.  
“Ah, kid, he loves you.  You make the first move, he’ll probably go ring shopping next weekend,” he says, and he lays a smacking kiss on the side of your head before releasing you, shoving you gently back towards the bar.
You may be confident, but that confidence doesn’t always extend into your romantic life.  Still, you decide to be brave.
You make the first move.
When you go back into the Hard Deck, you notice that Bob seems quieter than usual, and you guess that he saw the hug, the friendly kiss between you and Rooster.  You guess that he is drawing incorrect conclusions about what he thinks he saw, and you hate to think of him suffering needlessly.
You sidle up to him, and you feel another wave of tenderness towards the man when he turns to look at you—still with that soft smile on his face, a glimmer of hope in his eyes despite what he must be thinking.
“It’s too noisy in here,” you say close to his ear.  “I was going to take a walk on the beach.  Do you want to join me?”
The hope in his eyes turns blatant.  “Really?”
“Yeah.  You wanna go?  C’mon.”  You don’t give him a chance to stammer his way out of it; you thread your arm through his and tug him towards the door, and he follows you without any resistance. 
You catch Rooster’s eye, then Nat’s as you leave.  The former tips you a knowing wink.  The latter gives you a nod, and she lifts her glass in a salute.
You don’t release him until you’re at the water’s edge, and you bend down to untie your sneakers and peel out of your socks.  He hesitates a beat then joins you, and he rolls up the pants to his uniform so that his shins are bare.
The two of you walk along the shore in silence for a bit.  It’s one of the things you like best about Bob—how he lacks the braggadocio to always talk, to always fill up every bit of silence with the sound of his own voice.  You know he’s perhaps more shy than the average person, but he doesn’t seem undone by it.  He seems comfortable just to be himself:  quieter than most, willing to sit back and watch.  
Case in point:  you hold your shoes and socks in one hand, and you take his hand with your free one.  Maybe he’s nervous, but his palm is warm and dry, not sweaty or twitchy.  If he’s nervous, it’s not obvious.
And he breaks the silence, after a while.
“Growing up in the Midwest, I never even saw the ocean until I enlisted,” he says.  
“Same,” you reply.  “I mean, growing up in Texas, we went to Galveston a few times, but that was technically the Gulf, not the ocean.”
“You like it?”
You feel the water lapping around your ankles, the give of the sand underneath your soles.  “I do,” you admit.  “There’s something really peaceful about it, and I love poking around at low tide and looking for sea glass.”
He glances at you, and you can hear the teasing in his voice when he replies, “I’m gonna tell Hangman that his cousin only visits him because he’s stationed along the coast.”
The words slip out of your mouth before you even realize you’re saying them.  “Maybe I only visit Jake because I like one of his coworkers.”
The light-hearted feeling of the moment deflates; Bob goes silent.  He takes a beat to reply, and when he does, his voice sounds strained.
“Bradley.”  It comes out curt, two quick syllables.  A statement, not a question.
You shake your head, let out a grumble of disagreement.  Up ahead, you can see the outline of a lifeguard station, painted white and rising ghostly out of the night.  You want to sit with him and finally talk with him, so you tug his hand and lead him there.  The two of you sit on the steps, side by side, hips touching and facing the ocean.
“Not Bradley,” you tell him as you pick up the thread of the conversation.  
“I saw you tonight—”
You shake your head again, cut him off.  “He wanted to talk to me,” you tell Bob.  “About you.”
You feel him go rigid beside you, and he huffs out a frustrated breath.  If there was more light, you’d see the furious blush that breaks out across his face, but it’s dark enough that you can only guess at his embarrassment.
And now that you’ve opened the Pandora’s box, you can hardly take it back, so you plunge forward.  Usually confident, you’re glad for the darkness too—you hope it hides your shaky hands, your inability to turn and meet his eyeline.
“I think you’re great, Bobby.  Honestly.  I thought you were handsome the moment I met you, but then I got to know you, and you’re quiet but you’re funny and sweet, and I was giving all these signs that I was into you, but nothing…I mean, I like you a lot and it’s just…”  You trail off, lose your words like an idiot.  You hadn’t enough time to rehearse this in your head; you just grabbed him at the Hard Deck and dragged him out here, and now you’re fumbling it completely.  You drop your head and swipe your sweaty palms along the sides of your shorts, and you take a deep breath—
You hear his soft “hey,” and then a split second later you feel his warm hand on your face, tilting your head up and turning you to face him, but nothing on earth could prepare you for the way Bob Floyd kisses:  gentle but firm, only a bit hesitant.  His lips are soft, and he breathes out a quiet groan when you reach up and lay your own hand along the side of his neck.
Your thoughts go fuzzy.  Your concentration—all the words you were fumbling to say—is shot, but when you try to break the kiss to finish what you were saying, Bob shakes his head faintly and mumbles against you lips.
“I know,” he says, and you can hear his accent breaking through.  “I know, honey.  Me too.”
Then he kisses you again, firmer this time, and a moment later, when he runs the tip of his tongue along the seam of your mouth, you open yourself to him, allow him to taste you.  You taste him too, and Bob Floyd tastes like the grenadine-laced Coke he nurses each night at the Hard Deck, never much of a drinker even on the rowdiest night.
If nothing could prepare you for the way he kisses, then certainly nothing could prepare you for how sweetly dominant he is, how perfectly he walks the line between gentlemanly and not.  Your clumsy confession must have given him the wherewithal to take charge, and you’re surprised when he puts a hand on your waist and gently urges you to turn towards him…then how he just as gently urges you to climb onto his lap.
It doesn’t take much urging, you find.  You’ve been ravenous for months for this exact moment, and you had thought it’d never come.  You break away long enough to study his face—this close, and with the faint light of the half-moon in the sky above you, you can see his wide blue eyes, his parted lips as he gazes back at you.  You don’t see any hesitancy in his expression at all, but then he breathes out, “please, honey” and he squeezes your waist, so you clamber onto him with no grace whatsoever, but neither of you care because the moment you’re settled on him, you bend your head to kiss him again.
As it turns out, maybe Bob was just as ravenous for this moment too.  He puts his other hand on your waist too, draws you closer to him, and you can feel the nudge and brush of his growing erection against your inner thigh.  He makes a strangled, pained sort of groan in the back of his throat the first time you touch him there, and his hands spasm on your waist, grip you tighter before he schools himself and apologizes.
You break the kiss, slow the moment down.  You cup his face between your palms and hold him steady, tilt his face up towards yours.
“Bobby, why didn’t you ever say anything?” you whisper.  
He shakes his head against your hold and offers you a rueful grin.  “Didn’t think you were interested.”
You snort and press a light kiss to his forehead, then another few to his cheeks, the tip of his nose.  You can feel how flushed he is under your lips.  
“You think I just randomly hang back at parties to help the host clean up?” you tease.  You shift your head, whisper the words in his ear, and you note how he squirms under you.  He’s growing harder, even at your playful kisses.
“Just thought…ah, just thought y-you were bein’ nice.”  His accent comes out stronger, and his hands squeeze you tighter again before he loosens his grip.  “You’re always so…so nice to everyone.”
“I’m nicest to you,” you point out.  You kiss a trail along the line of his neck, and he tilts his head to grant you the space.  At his pulse point, you can feel his heartbeat thundering away there, so you bare your teeth and nip him—not enough to hurt or even sting, but he groans out “shit, honey” and wraps a strong arm around your waist, hauls you right up against where he’s straining against his uniform for you.  His other hand finds the back of your neck, and he draws you to him, kisses you breathless as he guides you against him, sets a steady, rocking motion against him.
It's too much:  the way his clothed erection hits you just right, how he pushes you back and forth, over and over, until you are so wet that you’re certain you’ve soaked through your panties and your shorts.  Everything feels sensitive, swollen, but he keeps guiding you, lifts his own hips in time to the rhythm he sets.  It’s too much but it’s not nearly enough, and you wish you’d known how this entire evening was going to unravel because you would have just taken him home instead—
“This good?” he asks.  His face is tucked against your neck; you’re a fraction higher than him, perched in his lap, and he works his mouth almost lazily against your neck, your throat, the underside of your jaw.  He has one arm around your waist, holding you tight to him, but his other hand settles against your ass, kneads you there, digs his fingertips into the fat of your ass like he wants to own you.
You start to make a joke about being surprised to find he’s an ass man, but then he dips his head, works an open-mouthed kiss right where the swell of your breasts begin.  You whine at the sensation and thread your fingers through his hair.  You hold him there, and the desire coursing through you—the sharp ache between your thighs, the prickly-hot flush across your skin—makes you feel fuzzy, light-headed.  You remember he asked you a question, so you answer him, nod hard and mumble yes, he’s making you feel good, he’s making you feel amazing, but what about him?
“Don’t worry about me.”  He nips at your collarbone, runs his tongue along the line of it, dips his tongue into the divot at the base of your throat.  “Wanna make you come, honey.”
Hearing those words come from his mouth makes your desire rachet up higher, hotter.  You grip his hair harder, whine out his name, but then he adds, “you gonna be my good girl and come for me?”
There’s no way he could have known of your praise kink, so it’s just a lucky guess, but the unexpected phrase—my good girl…fuck if it doesn’t make you cock-drunk and stupid.  No other guy really ever cracked the code of that kink for you.  A few had made half-hearted attempts when you mentioned it, but Bob Floyd stumbles over it immediately, and your mind goes blissfully blank:  yes, you want to be his good girl.  Yes, you want to come for him.  Whatever he wants.  Anything he wants.  Everything he wants.
You let go of your hold on his hair, and you cup his face again, tilt his head up so you can kiss him.  “Yes,” you whisper just before you slot your mouth over his, push your tongue against his, kiss him so deeply that you’re sharing the same breath, mapping the inside of his mouth with your tongue, memorizing every bit of him you can.  Yes, yes.  Yes to all of it.
Mind blank, your pleasure overtakes you:  you feel the heat and friction from where he sets you grinding against him, you feel the bulge of his cock hitting you perfectly, and every bit of him—his subtle cologne, the soft feel of his hair, the quiet little groans he makes, the flex of his muscles as he holds you—pushes you close to the edge.  You teeter there, you ride him faster, the seam of your shorts pressing deliciously against your swollen clit, but it’s his words that push you over.  His quietly domineering orders.
“Come for me,” he whispers, and it’s a harsh, punched-out sound that makes your stomach swoop when you hear it.  “My good, sweet girl.  Come for me.”
Your orgasm breaks around you like a wave, and Bob releases his hold on your ass to draw you closer to him, let you ride it out as you shudder against him.  Both arms wrapped around your waist as pleasure sparks outward from your core, travels up your spine and courses through your limbs until your head is swimming and he’s tucking you against him.
“That’s it,” he whispers into your hair.  “Good girl.  So fucking good for me.”
And all you can respond with is yes, yes.  Only for you, Bobby.
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underthe-redhood · 8 months
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our last chance
- a/n: it's mentioned that the reader is the daughter of bruce and selina, but it's never mentioned that she's biologically related, so you could definitely interpret it as her being adopted by them!
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8. blueberry icing
- synopsis\\ you watch as dick runs off after batman betrays him for the last time, causing the family to fall apart. after an explosion, and a time machine, with a speedster to help you, you have one last chance to stop history from repeating itself.
• word count: 1,253
• masterlist
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you quickly looked up at bart, very nervous about why dick could be calling. "pick up before it goes to voicemail!" bart panicked.
"relax, there's no way we got caught," you tried to reassure him but your tone was dripping with anxiety.
"hey y/n, turns out barbara's not here. she texted saying she got an alert, is everything okay?" he asked.
this wasn't totally unexpected but nonetheless your heartbeat was speeding up. "oh uh, i can probably go down to the batcave and check?" you offered, hoping he wouldn't take you up on it.
"no that's okay, we're probably just gonna pick up some donuts and head back. they have blueberry icing, you really like that one don't you?" he suggested.
"yeah i do, you're the best," you said. saying that out loud made some of the guilt go away, because it reminded you why you were doing all of this.
"anything for you," he chuckled before hanging up. you were a little worried that your plan was going to lead to them having fights; but then that was sort of the point, wasn't it?
"what now?" bart asked you. you thought about it for a second, you couldn't just cause one small inconvenience and then move on to the next step of the plan. obviously you would need to cause several more for this part of the scheme to actually work.
"i think we should keep this up for at least like another week or so,” you told him. he nodded his head at you a little bit.
“won’t it seem suspicious if the problems just suddenly stop though?” he asked with slight concern.
“not necessarily,” you said. “if we can make the problems seem subtle enough then it should just seem like they went through a little rough patch.”
“okay yeah, that makes sense,” he said. “but what exactly are we gonna cause next?” he asked, still not totally clear on the plan. but, to be fair, neither were you as you still hadn’t even perfected the plan yet.
“i’m not really sure yet,” you looked down as you thought about it. “oh!” an idea came to you. “she works at the university’s library, so we could pose some fake events there and convince her to work extra shifts to help out with it. the more time she spends at the library, the less time she’ll have with dick,” you proposed the idea and he looked at you in thought.
“i mean yeah, i don’t see why that wouldn’t work,” he said. “we could also try convincing dick to spend some time going over some extra training with the titans. i know starfire really loves it when he comes back to visit and he seems to enjoy getting to help us out every once in a while.”
“that’s perfect,” you smiled. “then it won’t just be babs ditching dick, so it won’t be a ton of negativity just immediately dumped onto them.” you hugged him out of joy, you were so thrilled because it really seemed like things could actually work out and that you could actually get your brother back.
bart loved that you were hugging him, and he couldn’t deny that being around you felt just a little bit more special every time. it was clear to him that he was falling for you, but it didn’t bother him or freak him out. you had always been so perfect to him, even when he only saw you as a friend. it only made sense to him that he would start to catch romantic feelings for you as well.
however, he could tell that you hadn’t caught onto his actual feelings yet. you just assumed that he was a flirt the same way his cousin was before he finally got a girlfriend. and while bart was a bit like wally in some ways, it was different with you and it always would be. the real question to him, however, was how you felt about him. he knew the feelings of closeness and trust were mutual but he wasn’t sure you reciprocated the same feelings.
and, in a way, he was right. the same way you hadn’t noticed the way that he liked you, you hadn’t picked up on the subtle reasons that had led to you acting the way that you did. you weren’t sure why you let it slip that you thought he was cute. you weren’t sure why you felt bubbly when you tried to think about why you called him cute. you considered the possibility that you liked him, but you weren’t sure if you were overreading your emotions or not. that, and you already had so much to worry about with dick that you didn’t think you even had the time to really think much into it.
and so, you let it go. as special as bart was to you, you knew that you would have to work that out later. at that moment you had to worry about dick. it was a little heartwarming, however, to think about how you would never have to worry about bart. he would always be there for you, and for that you were so thankful.
“i’m sorry about your time machine,” you brought it up as your tone became faintly sorrowful. “i know going back home means a lot to you.”
“it’s okay,” he said. “the longer i stay here the more reason i have not to leave.” you didn’t know that he was referencing you, and he was maybe a little glad about that. you meant so much to him, that he would rather tease you about relationships as a friend then try one out when it wasn’t meant to be and risk everything in the process. as long as he got to be around you, it didn’t really matter to him what role he was playing.
his statement filled you with an odd feeling of joy, and still you weren’t sure why. “still, i’m always here for you too.”
then it was his turn to smile, “thank you y/n, that really does mean a lot.” but then his smile became more of a smirk, “so back to when you said ‘if we ever date’..” he trailed off.
you felt flustered, “oh my god you know what i meant!” but there was still that little voice in your head that wanted you to put more thought into it then, rather than later. because, did you know what you meant?”
“i’m just saying, fake dating is such a common trope that your brothers would never suspect it as part of a plan to rewrite the timeline,” he was doing a damn good job at selling you.
“i feel like we might just end up there with the grave i’ve been digging for myself,” you warned him. “why do you want this so bad? is this your way of secretly getting me to fall madly in love with you,” you joked.
“maybe it is, maybe it isn't,” he said with a goofy grin. he was so charming, you really were glad that the two of you became friends– even if it was under tragic circumstances. “i should probably get going before they all come back, though.”
you nodded, “i’ll call you tonight?” he had taken a few steps back but was still looking at you.
“i’m looking forward to it birdie,” he winked, and then he sped off leaving you feeling flustered once again.
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taglist: @onepieceformeplease @purpleflower777 @neptunesxlover @fake-id-69 @missmystic-vampirebarbie @elarimard @nub-the-stub @xingqiusliegee @ceridwyn3 @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @venomsvl @bassett-s @ye-old-trash-rat @slitheringss @soobsdior @fruittiest-of-loops @treebranch23 @froggityer
dm me to be removed or fill out the form on the masterlist to be added! it has been a good while so please let me know if any updates need to be made to my tag list!!!
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
i saw ur requests are open and i got excited 😵
would u be willing to write a jason grace x apollo!reader one shot? specifically one that’s kinda angsty but has a happy ending?? maybe the reader gets really hurt on a quest with Jason and he’s genuinely scared but she ends up being okay in the end? i’m not sure what other details but i’d love to see what you do with this (if you want!!!)
we’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
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content: jason grace x apollo!reader
warning: bad BAD writing, angst but then it’s fluff, blood, almost dying experience, octavian’s still alive, cursing, post Blood of Olympus
a/n: hello! this is my first request and i wanted to post it before the other stuff i’m working on (especially cause i can’t finish any of the shit i’m working on). this is kind of fast paced but don’t blame me, it’s 12am in brazil right now so.. yea. also, i kinda diverted from the whole hurt in quest thing, i’m sorry! i didn’t have enough ideas for a whole quest. but i hope you enjoy! oh and this is placed after the first book of TOA
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Sure, a heartbreak did hurt. But have you been stabbed by Imperial Gold? Dude. Brotha.
Sure, it was a normal thing for you to argue with Octavian. Hell, it was. normal thing for everyone who’s sane to do. This scrawny boy was just… a piece of shit. Yeah. And the worst part? You’re related. He’s one of the “legacies”, whatever that is. That stupid roman dipshit.
And today was no different. You two were arguing about some trivial shit, as always, but things escalated quickly. Soon you two were sparring (how was a mystery, since you didn’t even know that thing knew how to hold a sword) and it was quite fun.
You see, you got to camp Half-Blood when you were just seven. Since then you’ve been trained all year, since you didn’t have any other family - besides the godly side of it, duh - and Octavian was… well, Octavian. You were much better than him.
The whole problem is that Octavian likes to play dirty. So eventually he makes you trip and fall and he leaves gashes around your arms and legs. But with imperial gold it was sort of painful.
Till one of those times came again, but this time he didn’t leave a gash or a scratch. He stabbed you right in your stomach.
“Oh, gods!” He said, with fake concern. “I’m so sorry, cousin! My bad. I should go looking for your boyfriend, right? But… i didn’t see nothing. Bye!” The blond said with a devilish grin and left.
You knew you needed help. You were applying pressure to the wound, trying to use your healing powers to at least slow down the bleeding.
You tried to get up to look for help, but it was almost impossible. Even with that, you had to. ‘Oh, come on,’ you thought, ‘i’ve faced Kronos, Gaea and Annabeth mad at me. I’m not gonna die for a stupid legacy.’
And that’s exactly what made you move your body towards the via principalis, where you knew someone was gonna help you.
When you got there, the first person you saw was - thanks the gods -, Reyna. When the praetor looked at you, her face was horrified.
“y/n? What-“ She began, but you cut her off.
“I-i’ll explain later. Just… medical cabin. Please.” You begged, your words barely above a whisper.
Reyna nodded and helped you lean on her for support, as she walked you towards the medical cabin. You didn’t know the name of the boy who was currently there, but he looked as horrified as Reyna.
“Oh gods. Oh, my gods.” The boy said and you smiled, trying to fight back the urge to pass out.
“Ha, thanks. I thought it was bad.” You half joked as Reyna and the unkown boy put you on a vacant stretcher. When you were laid down, you looked up at Reyna with pleading eyes. “Bring Jason here, please?”
“Of course. I’ll go find him. The brunette said and left the medical cabin.
“Ok. uh… care to tell what happened with you?” The boy asked and you turned your gaze back to him.
“Got stabbed by imperial gold. What’s your name?” She asked, but the look in the boy’s face didn’t seemed to register the question.
“My gods… i’ll do my best to help you.” He said and grabbed a bottle of nectar, pouring it to your mouth. “Ok, i need to-“
Before he could finish, a certain blonde boy barges past the doors, looking around the medical cabin, desperately trying to find you.
When his gaze fell into you, he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. His eyes were glossy behind his glasses and she knew he already wanted to cry.
“Y/n, what…? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” He asked, and she tried to laugh, but the pain was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even talk anymore, as the only thing that came out of your mouth was a whiny breath. “It’s okay, i’m here with you, hm? I won’t leave.”
He kissed your forehead and you squeezed his hand softly just before you felt a tear fall in your cheek. That was the last thing you heard or saw before passing out.
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Jason is desperate. He’s beyond worried about you.
He knows what imperial gold does to someone. Gods, he was stabbed by imperial gold before. And if she wasn’t treated in the right way… he didn’t even want to think about it.
But other than that, he needed to know who did this. He was going to kill this person with his bare hands.
It had been two days since you blacked out and you hadn’t woken up yet. He was starting to get even more worried, but he hadn’t left your side for one second. You couldn’t even go back to Camp Half-Blood (obvi), so your closest friends and family came to visit.
Will had cried his eyes out when he saw her there. Nico had to comfort him as his pupils leaked salty water. Lester/Apollo was back from his quest with Meg, and he also came to visit his daughter. The man was very… emotional, let’s say that.
But on the third day you were finally beginning to wake up. Of course, Jason was there.
“Hey, honey… you’re back, hm?” He asked, caressing you hair as you smiled, trying to reassure him. It still hurt as hell, but it could be worse. You could be dead.
“Hey…” She mumbled, her voice a little smudgy. “How long was it out?”
“A few days. But you’re back now, that’s what matters the most.” He said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. It was no tongue, just affection. He was showing you he was there for you.
“I feel fine. Like, not fine, but definitely better.” She said, as she pulled away from him.
“Yeah, i imagined. But, baby, i need you to tell me something.” Jason said, still holding your hand softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Who did this to you?” He asked, and you felt him squeezing your hand tighter. His voice was also harsher, as if he was restraining himself from killing someone.
“It was… it was Octavian.” She said, in a whisper-like tone. His face hardened immediately as he got up and went to the boy that was standing at the door.
“I need you to call Reyna and Frank. Tell them it’s an emergency.” He said and the boy quickly left.
Jason rushed back to your side. “I swear i’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” He muttered.
When you were about to answer, Reyna and Frank rushed past the door, both looking worried. Behind Frank, there were a few other people - Will, Nico, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Percy -, all looking worried.
“You’re alive!” Will shouted and rushed to your side, tears welling up his eyes again.
“What, you thought that a little stab was going to kill me? Please.” She scoffed and Will laughed.
“So, who did this?” Reyna asked, also going to your side and stroking your shoulder softly.
“The most stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch augur that we ever had.” Jason said through gritted teeth.
“Octavian did that? I knew he was annoying, but at this level?” Percy asked, his face contorted in a mix of anger and disbelief.
“Mhm. We were sparring but… he likes to play dirty, i guess.”
“I’m gonna murder him.” Will groaned.
“Get in line.” Jason, Percy and Nico said at the same time.
You chuckled a bit, even if it hurt. Cause you knew, with that family right there, everything was gonna be fine.
a/n pt2: so… i like it but i don’t but i do. u get that? yea. i don’t know, i think i could do better, but i kinda liked it. I was going to make octavian’s trial and all but it would be too fucking long, so i gave up. that’s it for today, sorry that it took so long!
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tgmsunmontue · 4 months
From the top 1/? (WIP)
IceMav, (eventual) Explicit, (background Hangster who are already established). Set post-TGM. (No dead Ice obviously).
Featuring not-mistaken identities (where they (Ice and Mav) pretend to be in the dark for REASONS), Ice is Jake's Uncle Tom, Mav is Bradley's Dad, everyone knows everyone, (un)requited love, coming out as an older person, and a little bit of a circus-vibe where Ice has a horrible realization that this is indeed his circus and these are also his monkeys.
An AU where Mav married Carole and adopted Bradley to make things easier legally. A USNA Bradley who has been very careful to separate Dad/Pete from godfather/Maverick. They had an argument prior to TGM, but it was around Maverick being careless with his life (RE: Darkstar because Bradley got the call that Maverick was missing, presumed dead). So it was about risk taking and thinking while flying, so that was happening and Bradley admits to the Dagger Squadron that Maverick is his godfather and they have a ‘complicated relationship’ which isn’t a lie per se, however it’s… complicated.
                He and Bradley haven’t reached the stage yet where they’ve met any of each other’s family. They haven’t even introduced each other to their friends as boyfriends yet, and their circle of friends overlap. And he’s okay with that. More than okay actually. Doesn’t quite know how he’d broach the whole by the way I’m sort of related to the COMPACFLT through my mom conversation. He’s close with Tom now, closer than he is to any of his mom’s other cousins that’s for sure. Idolized him when he was young, and now also holds a deep-rooted respect and affection for the man. It had also helped knowing he had someone to look to as a role model, someone who was gay in the Navy and got so high up no-one could do anything to him now. Jake wanted that. Badly.
                But he also kind of wants his Uncle Tom to be happy. Although, hell, for all he knew he could have had a secret lover all these years. If anyone could keep it hidden it’s Uncle Tom, face quiet and impassive, unmoving and unflinching. He’d really hoped for a callsign half as cool as Iceman, and even if Uncle Tom jokes that he does have a literal half with man, he wishes he didn’t have the connotations of Hangman, even if it’s because of fucking song lyrics he was forever quoting and now twisted into something that make people assume things before they even know him.
                Not that he really has that problem now, with the Dagger Squadron being made a permanent detachment and with them all knowing each other so well now. They know he’s got their backs when it actually comes down to it. And he likes being based where his Uncle Tom is, because while he’s meant to be based in Hawaii they’ve made some concessions due to his cancer treatment. He knows their entire family is grateful, not least his Aunty Sarah. God, he knows it’s the high of surviving a literal suicide mission but life feels so good right now. He’s expecting Bradley to turn up any minute, they’ve got plans for dinner and a movie and then sex, not necessarily in that order.
                When he opens his door and Rooster is there, he can’t help the little happy swoop his insides do and he lets Bradley kiss him hello.
                “Hi. How are you?”
                “Good. Little annoyed… my dad is talking about getting back together with an ex…”
                “Is this the ex you like, or don’t like?”
                “You can safely bet money that it’s nearly always an ex I don’t like. I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship with anyone I’ve actually liked… shit that’s depressing.”
                “Maybe you just have really high standards for him?”
                “You mean unlike for myself, where my standards are really low?”
                They end up play-wrestling which quickly morphs into not-play making-out and yeah, the sex comes before dinner but he was sort of banking on that, making food that would be perfectly fine just staying warm in the oven. They end up curled around each other on the sofa, queuing up a movie and Jake asks about his day. Listens as Bradley talks about going out to Maverick’s hangar to work on the plane, having lunch with his dad and he wonders if Maverick has met Bradley’s step-dad. Obviously he must have, he’s been around even longer, although it must be weird to have two people called Pete wandering around, he guesses that’s why Bradley calls Maverick Maverick, and his step-dad dad. Stops the confusion.
                He knows Maverick and Bradley had a falling out of some sort, they’d been very angry with each other. He figured out that Maverick flew with Bradley’s dad, was the pilot when his dad died, and he’d thought it had been that. But then Bradley had dropped the bombshell that Maverick was his godfather and they’d had a fight over something he can’t talk about, but they would be fine. So Jake hasn’t pushed wanting to also hang out with Maverick, because when Bradley talks about the P-51 and the hangar his fingers itch but he gets Bradley wanting to mend bridges with his godfather.
                More than that though he wants to meet Bradley’s step-dad, doesn’t understand Bradley’s reticence about introducing them. It’s not like he’s going to care. But they’ve only been doing this, whatever it is, for a couple of weeks, which he guesses is early days, but with everything they’ve gone through in the last couple of months it also feels like several lifetimes. Then again, he’s in no rush to introduce Bradley to Uncle Tom, so maybe it’s for the best they wait a few weeks. Or months.
                “You still thinking about your dad?”
                “Yeah. I just need to get him seeing someone else. Anyone to take his mind off getting back with Georgia. Or any of his exes for that matter. Georgia especially is… well. I have no idea what she gets out of sleeping with Dad. She’s anti military for a start.”
                “The fact that she gets to sleep with him?”
                “Ew, gross…”
                “Maybe she thinks she can convert him to a non-military life one blowjob at a time…”
                “You could try that on me you know, see if you can convince me to do something with a blowjob…”
                “Don’t think I need the promise of a bj to convince you to do anything,” Jake says with a grin. “You know, my uncle Tom is gay, maybe we could set them up? Well, assuming your dad swings both ways?”
                “Huh. Yeah… He does. Keeps that pretty much on the down-low, very much on a need to know basis. Pretty sure I only know because I saw him trying to sneak a guy out when I was seventeen. Did make me feel safer about coming out to him myself though.”
…            …            …
                “Jake, I am not installing Grindr on my phone, work, personal or otherwise.”
                “Thought you might say that, so I bought you a burner. Well, please don’t actually burn it, but you know what I mean.”
                “Jake…” Tom lets out an exasperated sigh. “I wouldn’t burn it. I know what a burner is. I’m not an idiot. I just don’t want to go on a date…”
                “Okay, so you don’t actually have to go on a date. All my cards on the table. I’m using the app to introduce you to the step-dad of my… uh, a friend.”
                “A friend huh? Is this the same friend you won’t introduce to the family?”
                “Yes. The exact one. Anyway, I just want you to send him a couple of messages. Let’s say ten messages. After that you can go back to ignoring it, remove the battery from the phone and pretend it never happened. Okay?”
                “Will you let it go if I do this?”
                “I mean… yeah. I hope you make a friend or something, but he’s military as well, so you guys have something in common at least…”
                “Fine. But I want the name of your friend.”
                “No! You’ll just look him up.”
                “He’s Navy?”
                “He is! Good job.”
…            …            …
                “Bradley! Why is Grindr amongst my recently installed apps!”
                “I’m setting you up!” Bradley calls out, grabbing two beers to go with their takeout Chinese.
                “I don’t need setting up. I can find my own dates. I don’t need an app!”
                “Yes, you do. You can’t get back with Georgia just because you’re lonely. Look, I’m not going to make you swipe through dick-pics…”
                “Maybe I want to swipe through dick-pics!”
                “Mav, be serious! You just said you didn’t want the app!”
                “Seriously? You’re the one that installed Grindr on my phone.”
                “God, maybe this was an awful idea.”
                “Yeah, you think?”
                “Okay, give me a second,” Bradley mutters, rolling his eyes and pulling his own from his pocket and thumbing into his contacts.
                “Hi… how’s it going?” Jake asks, voice quiet, and he must still be at his Uncle’s house.
                “Not well. You think we can maybe just set them up with an app that blocks their numbers and then just let them talk that way?”
                “Can’t hurt to try… your dad resisting the Grindr approach too huh?”
                “So much. And I get it, HE’S REALLY OLD,” Bradley says, raising his voice while looking Mav dead in the eye.
                “Hey! I heard that!”
                “You were meant to!”
                He ignores the glare Mav shoots him and pokes his tongue out at the back of his head as he walks away.
                “Okay, let’s see what we can find. I’ll message you and let you know.”
                “Sure thing.”
                Fifteen minutes later Jake has sent him the information, an end-to-end encrypted messaging app, one which hides the number of the phone sending the message. It’s silent and has to be manually opened to check for notifications, which is very old-school but means there’s no potential odd sounding pings. The icon is a mundane looking tower symbol and he guesses that could mean anything.
                “Okay Mav – you need to give this guy a chance okay? Please?”
                “What’s in it for me?”
                “I will stop bothering you about… uh… your love life for six months?”
                “No deal. I want to meet the guy you just rang. Who’s he in all this?”
                “Uh… I guess he’s my boyfriend.”
                “Ooohhh… it’s new huh? You’re in that new loved-up stage where you want everyone around you to be in the same stage.”
                “Uh, I mean we’ve known each other for years, but we’ve recently… come to an arrangement.”
                “Is it boyfriends or friends with benefits?”
                “Well, we weren’t exactly friends before, so definitely closer to boyfriends I guess,” Bradley says, carefully skirting the fact that Mav actually already knows Jake quite well.
                “Great. I’ll send what, ten messages to this guy and then I get to meet your guy in two weeks.”
                “No! Three months. And twenty messages.”
                “You realize you can’t force me to do anything right? You have no bargaining power here?”
                “I know, but… for me?”
                “Ugh… sad cow eyes. Fine fine, put them away. I’ll message the guy. But I do want to meet your guy when you feel the timing is right.”
                “Yeah, of course.”
                God he hopes this works because he has no idea if Mav will like the fact he’s with Jake or not.
…            …            …
                They meet up every week when they’re both in the same place, and it’s been a treat these last few months, but also a trial. Usually the distance has been a unintended blessing, making his unfortunate case of unrequited love easier to ignore. When he was younger he’d thought it was just a crush, that it would just… fade away. Instead the opposite has happened, time and distance have hardened and solidified similar to how pressure and temperature turn limestone into marble his love for Maverick is a solid and unmoving object that is ever present. Every time Mav walks through his front door he has to fight the urge to enfold him in his arms and just hold him. Every time.
                “Did you ever want kids of your own?” Pete asks and Tom startles, looks across at him.
                “No. I have nieces and nephews and cousin’s kids coming out my ears. They’re enough trouble to be getting on with, without adding my own genes to the mix. Wasn’t ever going to happen anyway,” he tacks on, and he wonders if this, today, this moment, will be the time it twigs and Mav will ask what he means.
                “Too much trouble by half. Do you know what Bradley did the other day? Installed a dating app on my phone.”
                “What? Why would he do that?”
                “He thought I was considering getting back with Georgia for some reason.”
                “And you’re not?”
                “No. Anyway, he’s trying to set me up with someone. At least you don’t have to worry about that.”
                “You’d be surprised. My cousins kid bought me a phone, a burner phone, with a dating app installed on it.”
                “Oh yeah? Which one?”
                Tom swallows.
                No more subtle hints.
                It’s now or never.
                He didn’t purposely wait for Mav to have a sip of his drink, but he still sprays it out across the coffee table, eyes bugging out and he can’t seem to look Tom in the eye and he feels his stomach start to sink.
                “You… ah… you know that app is for gay guys right?”
                “I’m aware.”
                Pete just stares at him and he wonders if this is it. The moment his best friend just gets up and walks out of his life.
                “You never told me.”
                “You never asked.”
                “Yeah well, there was a whole thing about not asking and not telling until about ten years ago so… sorry if I thought you’d have maybe mentioned it. Or at least… alluded to it.”
                “I did Pete. With something called subtlety. I know it’s not your strong suit, but I tried to leave it there in the open for you to pick up on. I’m only just… getting to the grips with the idea of being more out.”
                “Okay. Uh. Does anyone else know?”
                Tom snorts.
                “Yeah, my whole family for a start. Had to get them to stop trying to marry me off. Slider of course.”
                “Why of course? Why Slider?”
                “He’s known me for a very long time.”
                “I’ve known you for a long time.”
                He doesn’t want to mention that Slider figured it out, because he’s had to learn to be subtle, and his weak point has and will always be the man in front of him. And he can never let him know. Still, Mav sounds annoyed.
                “Slider figured it out. He’s too perceptive for his own good,” Tom mutters, because he’s also the one person who knows about his lifelong torch bearing.
                “Huh. Okay.”
…            …            …
                Tom locks the house up, Mav having left to go home after Tom had soundly beaten him at chess. He knows it isn’t one of Mav’s favorite games, that he really only plays to humor Tom and give them something to do while they talk… his brain is catching on something and it’s going to bother him until he figures it out. Pete. Playing chess simply to spend more time with him...
                He stops.
                Pete had said Bradley had installed a dating app on his phone.
                Within a day of Jake giving him a phone with Grindr installed, which quickly morphed to a simple encrypted messaging service.
                He’s learnt to not ignore his gut and this is deeply suspicious with the coincidence.
                He wonders if Jake and Bradley are dating. The idea of that makes him smile, even if it’ll cause an administrative nightmare. He knows they know each other, they’re part of the same squadron and there are rules, however it wouldn’t surprise him at all if both Bradley and Jake decided that that particular rule was for other people.
                He suddenly needs to know which app it is exactly that Bradley installed and he has his phone in his hand ringing him before he even considers the time of night, or where Bradley might be right now.
                “Hey Uncle Ice… Everything okay?”
                “Hey Bradley. Sorry for the late call, Just, uh, Mav mentioned you installed a dating app on his phone. You mind telling me which one it was?”
                “Uh… Grindr. Why?”
                “Oh. No reason. Just curious Thanks. Have a good night.”
                Why would Bradley install Grindr.
                Maverick’s not gay.
                To his knowledge Maverick isn’t even bisexual. Or anything else that might imply he’s anything other than overwhelmingly heterosexual.
                Maverick didn’t say anything tonight when he learnt about Tom’s own sexuality.
                Maybe Bradley knows something Tom doesn’t.
                Scratch that.
                Bradley definitely knows something Tom doesn’t.
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 8
And we're back with this one! I think I will update this every Thursday until it's done. We actually don't have too much farther to go. But we'll get there.
Steve really goes through it this chapter. He's been burying his feelings for so long that they were an explosion waiting to happen. It happens here.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7
Steve liked Lauren but he was questioning her taste in friends. Though the first one had been a cousin on Danny’s side.
This was his fourth proposition for sex since he’d arrived. Apparently word had spread around that he was related to the Lexington Kincades and they all wanted a taste of that particular brand of honey.
Never mind he was here for a funeral. But Beth had so far been the most flagrant pursuer.
She was currently leaning on her elbows on the counter, showing off her ample breasts. Not that Steve had ever even been a breast guy. Sure they were great to look at but when it came to sex it was more about the person he was in bed with and less what they looked like. Though apparently dark curls played a bigger part than he would admit out loud.
“Come on,” Beth said. “It’s not as though I’m asking you out. I know you’re going to be gone by the end of the week. All I’m saying is to have a little fun.”
Steve sighed. “Look, I’m not interested in ‘fun’ right now. I’ve had more than enough ‘fun’. I’m looking for something deeper. Someone deeper.”
“You got anyone in mind?” she asked, batting her eyelashes and curling a lock of hair around her finger.
“Yeah, actually I do,” he said straightening up. “They are sweet and kind and makes me laugh. They are always there for me even when I didn’t even know I needed someone to talk to.”
Beth scoffed. “Sounds like your crushing on your best friend or something, Raven, Wren, Mavis or whatever her name was.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Robin.” He crossed his arms and glared at her.
“Yeah, her,” Beth said. “I knew it was some bird name. Lauren was telling me all about her. It’s sounds like you’ve got bad for this girl, but she’s not interested in you. So why not take the edge off and get your dick wet.”
“One, it’s not Robin. Two, I’m here for a funeral. And three, I think we’re really close to something and I don’t want to ruin that with some fling.”
She batted her eyelashes. “She’d never know.”
“I would and that’s what matters.”
He stormed out of the kitchen, clenching and unclenching his fists.
Eddie was waiting for him on sofa after he had gone to the bathroom to scrub his face.
“Hey,” he greeted. “Is there any chance we could go somewhere? Just me and you.”
Eddie nodded. “Sure, Stevie. Why don’t we head to Lexington and see your grandma’s grave?”
Steve’s shoulders sagged in relief. “That’s great idea, Eds.”
Eddie hopped to his feet. “Just let me tell Uncle Wayne and Aunt Penny that we’ll be gone all day.”
Steve nodded. “I’ll meet you out at the car.”
“Right-oh!” he replied with a jaunty salute.
Steve shook his head fondly and walked out to the car. He leaned against the hood and watched through the window for Eddie.
He watched with his arms folded as Lauren and Beth seemed to exchange...well it was clear whatever it was, it was very heated.
Beth marched out of the house first without so much as backward glance at the house or Steve. Which was fine by him, if he was being honest.
Eddie came out shortly afterwards. “What’s her damage?” he asked jutting his chin at where Beth had stormed off to.
Steve shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t even fucking know, man. I really, really don’t.”
“You ready to go, then?” he asked.
Steve nodded and they slipped into the car. Steve would drive up and Eddie would drive back.
They were silent on the drive up, but it was a comfortable silence. Eddie could see that Steve had been wound up by something, but wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.
Steve drove slowly through cemetery looking for the Kincade family plot where Eileen and Montserrat Kincade’ mausoleum would be.
Soon it loomed in the distance and Steve stopped the car.
“Do you want me to go with you?” Eddie asked.
Steve nodded.
Eddie got out of the car and walked up with Steve to mausoleum and his eyes wandered over the names on the tombstones. There were a lot of Kincades but there were also a smattering of other names. Husbands of female Kincades allowed to be buried in the family plot.
Eddie saw one and burst out laughing. “Hey, Stevie, look! Another Munson!”
Steve stopped his slow trek to the grave and turned to see where Eddie was pointing. And sure enough there it was.
Nathaniel Munson
Abigail Kincade Munson
“Huh,” he said thoughtfully. “I think that was Montserrat’s, my grandpa’s, younger sister. Her husband died in the War.”
Eddie nodded. He wondered if his Munsons were related to Steve’s. That would be interesting to say the least.
“She never remarried?” he asked as they started walking again.
Steve shook his head. “And as I understand no one tried to marry her off again either. She never had kids. My mom always called her a vodka aunt. She would whisk them off on vacations to far off lands during their holiday breaks and just lived her life to the fullest.”
“Is that why you wanted an uncle to do the same for you?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “Mom doesn’t have any sisters, so I thought why not a vodka uncle, you know? Someone to take me places I’ve never seen. Always there for me when things got to difficult at home. But it never happened. Uncles Percy and Jasper never even called as far as I know.”
Eddie bumped their shoulders together. “Uncle Wayne can’t take you places you’ve never been, but I think he’d more than happy to take you into the Munson fold.”
Steve smiled at that. “Thanks, Eds. That means a lot.”
They finally reached the fucking tomb. Eddie wondered briefly if she had been mummified.
They had picked up flowers in town so they wouldn’t wilt. White lilies. No red roses for Steve. Not anymore.
Steve walked up to the sepulcher and laid the flowers down in front of it. He sank to his knees and just started to sob. It just all came out in a rush of emotion building up for the last twelve years. All the people he lost.
The lost of his friends even though they were objectively horrible people, they were his people once upon a time. The lost of his innocence to literal fucking monsters. The lost of his parents through neglect and disinterest. The lost of his relationships with Nancy and every other girl he’d been with since. The lost of his ability to sleep.
Eddie knelt down next to him and put his arms around him, just holding him as he cried.
Steve wasn’t sure how long he had knelt there sobbing into the grass with Eddie’s arms around him, but suddenly there was the sound of a car slowing to a stop behind them.
Eddie looked at his watch and then at the sepulcher behind him.
They had by some coincidence come on the twelfth anniversary of Eileen’s death. Eddie instantly knew who was pulling up and if they didn’t get out of there soon, Steve was going to have a much worse day.
But he couldn’t just pull Steve away, not when he clearly needed this. He stood up and turned to face the man that had gotten out of the very fancy car.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Steve clearly took after his mother’s side. The man had the same hazel eyes and honeyed hair that Steve did. He had a neatly trimmed beard and a tailored suit.
“Hey!” the man called out. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
Steve’s head snapped up. He scrambled to his feet, brushing the grass off his knees. When he straightened up the other man gasped.
“Uncle Percy?” Steve asked, jaw dropping, eyes wide.
“Shit, Steven,” Percy huffed. “Your Uncle Jasper is literally behind me. He’s going to have a bitch fit if he sees you here.” He pulled out a business card and a pen. “Meet me here at four and we’ll talk then.”
Steve nodded taking the business card. He didn’t want to be yelled at by his other uncle either.
Steve and Eddie started walking to their car when another, even fancier car pulled up to the curb. Another man got out. He looked like Max, but was thinner, more ratlike in his appearance. He hurried over to the other side of the car, helping out a very pregnant blonde woman as a ten year old girl hopped out of the back seat.
As they got to the car they could hear the exchange.
“Who was that, Perce?” Uncle Jasper whined.
“Just a couple of college students doing some family history and got turned around,” Percy explained. “I got them sorted and on their way.”
Eddie leaned in close to Steve. “You hear that, we’re a couple of college students.”
Steve snickered. “The only two of the party who aren’t going to go to college.”
They giggled together as they got in the car and drove off.
Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster
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Could you do an Eddie Munson x reader where she is Dustin's cousin who has come to live with them. Maybe Dustin doesn't mention it to anyone as he knows that reader if exactly Eddie's type? Then the whole gang is over for a movie night, and reader comes out her room in her pj's
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie munson x Henderson!fem!reader.
Summary: Eddies never even seen you before, and yet. you have his heart captured.
Warning: 18+ grinding, cumming in pants, jerking off, semi-perv Eddie, Implied sex at the end, boners, sex mentions, skimpy pajamas.
A/N: smash, im not really sure if you wanted this as smutty as i made it, if not i apologize (not proof read)
Dustin’s sleepovers were nothing new, they’d been happening for years. but now, you would be there…Dustin's cousin. who he’d be sharing the floor in the basement with.
When Eddie had first seen you, he knew. he was a goner. you weren’t very similar to Dustin in many ways. but enough to know you were related, Dustin had described you as: boring, girly, and had a boyfriend.
the little lying shit!…you were, funny, gorgeous and single!it has like he’d hit the jack-pot on a woman. just with one down-fall
you were Dustin Hendersons cousin…of course he knew that, but he only realized he was fantasizing about one of best friends cousin when you actually waked through the door. you were even better than he imagined, and from the looks of things. you didn’t mind him...maybe even liked him too.
from the very second you walked through Dustin’s front door, all eyes were on you. looking stunning as he assumed you probably always did.
your PJ’s would look normal to anyone else looking at you, but fuck. you were wearing little shorts that rode up your thighs exposing underwear with bats on them. as well as a short top with the words. “black sabbath”
“I’ve got to go!” Eddie quickly said, rushing off to the bathroom upstairs. how the fuck! he had a boner from less than 20 seconds of looking at you.
what was wrong with him?! Eddie quickly tried to decide if he should jerk off in the bathroom and leave, but with the possibility of you knowing.
he unfortunately didn’t have much time to decide because through the hallway was someone calling his name
“u-uh yeah?” he gulped, locking the door door so you couldn’t get in. last thing he needed was you seeing his boner than telling Dustin, no. he couldn’t stand the embarrassment.
“just wanted to make sure…y’know, okay and shit” he could hear your feet shuffling with nerves. “i am fine don’t worry about it” now its awkward…
“well then, have fun with your problem Hm?” you laughed, resting your head against the door. you knew about his raging boner for you? “T-thanks”
and with that, you left. he heard your feet move down the hall then he decided to just…jerk off. your voice and face fresh in his mind…
from the few seconds he’d heard you talked, Eddie figured maybe you were shy? however in the dark you were much different than he was expecting. and to be fair, you were technically sleeping, but you knew what you were doing. you had too.
because there was no way, your sleeping body had just kept rubbing against him.
annoyingly bringing back the boner Eddie had earlier, only this time. more hard, and more needy for you.
the little sighs, groans and gasps your mouth let out only fueled the urge to grind back against your ass. was that weird to do? probably, but in that moment he had close to no self control when you are around him.
“F-fuck” he gave in…hands on your hips, gliding you into him.
by now, you had to be awake. or at least having a little idea of what's happening? right?
“Edd-Eddie, please” oh fuck. you were actually awake. and willingly grinding on him for release.
You only went harder, faster, until his dick twitched in his underwear. and with a loud moan, you had at least tried to muffle with your hand. Eddie came in his pants, just from a little bit of friction. “t-thats embarrassing—” Eddie Munson had never experienced a kiss like the one you gave him, full of passion, tongue, lust…
you were hungry.
the night only after that was full of hard breaths, moans, used condoms. and you both loved every second of it, you were his dream girl.
"Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about." — Sarah Nader
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magicfootballstuff · 2 years
Blind Date (claudia pina x reader)
Summary: In which you find yourself a reluctant victim of Alexia's matchmaking services. And maybe that's not such a bad thing after all.
Your leg bounces up and down beneath the table as you wait for your date to arrive. You don’t know anything about her except that her name is Claudia. Though Alexia has promised that you’re going to get along, you can’t calm your racing heart while you wait.
It’s not even that this is a blind date that makes you nervous, but this is pretty much your first proper date full stop since coming out. Sure, you’ve had a couple of disastrous attempts at trying to talk to girls on dating apps, but Alexia is certain that she’s found “the one” for you and after weeks of her begging you to give this mystery girl a chance, you eventually caved and agreed to the date.
You really doubt that your first ever date with a girl will end up being “the one”, but you’ve got to get off the mark at some point and in the worst case scenario, you’ll be one terrible date closer to finding the actual woman you’re supposed to spend the rest of your life with.
You glance up and see a girl being directed to your table by a waitress and know without even needing to ask that this is your date because you recognise her. You’re not a total diehard football fan but you’ve been to watch Alexia play enough times to know that the person walking towards you right now is Claudia Pina.
Of course Alexia would set you up on a blind date with a footballer. And not just any footballer, but one of her own teammates.
“Hi,” you say, pushing back your chair so you can get to your feet and greet her with a hug. “Claudia, right?”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Claudia says.
As you take your seats, you fall into silence. Your mind goes blank, completely forgetting how to start a conversation. Though you were nervous before the date, you hadn’t anticipated exactly how awkward it would be to have dinner with somebody you know nothing about, and you curse Alexia for pushing you into this.
“So, um,” you stammer, “you play football with Alexia?”
Claudia looks up from the menu in her hands and you find yourself caught in the piercing gaze of her blue eyes. 
“Yeah,” Claudia answers with a nod. “She’s always been like a big sister to me but as I’m getting older she’s started getting invested in my love life. Or lack of it.”
Claudia gives you a wry smile that immediately makes you feel more at ease.
“Don’t worry, there’s no expectation tonight,” Claudia continues. “I agreed to this date mostly to get Alexia off my back. If we have fun that’s a nice bonus.”
You relax slightly knowing that Claudia feels the same about this date.
“Ever since I came out to my cousin she’s been desperate to set me up with someone,” you explain.
“Your cousin?” Claudia frowns at you in confusion.
“Yeah, Alexia.”
Claudia’s eyes widen suddenly.
“Alexia is your cousin?”
“She really didn’t tell you anything about me, did she?” you ask, laughing in amusement.
You probably should have expected this - Alexia told you next to nothing about Claudia either, maybe knowing that you’d be more determined in your protests if you knew she was setting you up with one of her teammates. You wonder if Claudia would have felt the same way if she knew her date tonight was actually related to Alexia.
“No,” Claudia admits, shaking her head. “All she said is that you were nice and not a murderer. Which, of course, made it sound like you might be a murderer.”
Claudia’s blue eyes twinkle as she gives you a look as if asking you to confirm or deny the theory.
“Don’t worry, the only person at risk of getting murdered is Alexia,” you grin.
“What did she tell you about me?” Claudia asks.
“Not much. That she had a friend she thought I’d get on with. She said you were funny.”
“Shit,” Claudia groans. “I think she might have already oversold me to you.”
“Well she didn’t tell me you were this pretty,” you say, feeling a surge of bravery - this is supposed to be a date, after all.
Claudia smiles at the compliment and counters, “And she didn’t tell me what a charmer you are.”
You smile to yourself. There’s plenty of time for this to go wrong, but Claudia’s warm personality and the immediate chemistry between you has already started to settle your early nerves.
You don’t know exactly what Alexia’s logic was behind setting you two up on a date, but what you thought was probably going to end up being an awkward dinner between two random single people that Alexia knows, ends up being a really good date. It turns out you have more to bond over than just your resentment towards Alexia for pushing you into this, and the conversation flows effortlessly as you eat.
Alexia was right, Claudia is funny, but you also get glimpses at other things that you really like about her - her passion, her goofiness, her kind heart. 
The restaurant isn’t far from the sea and once you’ve eaten dinner and agreed to split the bill between you, you decide to go for a walk along the seafront promenade that looks out over the beach. You’ve just missed the sunset, but the shades of orange and pink still spill out across the sky as night continues to fall.
“You know, this is actually my first date with a girl,” you admit to Claudia, as you walk side by side along the beachfront. 
“Really?” Claudia asks. She laughs, then says, “I don’t know if that’s good or bad for me.”
You’re having a good time, the conversation is easy, and the awkwardness has long since faded away. You’re having fun and you’re not afraid of letting Claudia know that.
“You’re setting the bar quite high.”
“My first date with a girl was a disaster,” Claudia tells you. “I was so nervous that I knocked over not one but two drinks. Then at the end, I went in for a kiss and she pushed me away. Turns out she had a boyfriend and had no idea I thought it was a date.”
You can’t help but laugh at Claudia’s misfortune.
“No way.”
“Yeah,” Claudia nods. “I only found that out after I’d paid for everything. Talk about humiliating. I didn’t go on another date for months.”
“No wonder Alexia’s having to set you up if you’re that bad at reading signals.”
“Watch it,” Claudia warns you. “I’m still a bit traumatised by it all.”
“For what it’s worth, I’m really enjoying myself tonight. Way more than I thought I would. Sure, I’m a little disappointed you haven’t spilled a drink on me yet, but apart from that I’m having a lot of fun with you.”
“Fuck,” Claudia says, stopping in her tracks.
You stop walking too and turn to look at her.
“What?” you ask.
“I really want to take you on a second date,” Claudia admits with a grimace.
“Is that … is that a bad thing?” you ask cautiously.
“It’s a terrible thing,” Claudia explains. “Do you know how insufferable Alexia will be if she finds out her matchmaking has been a success?”
With Claudia’s words, you can already imagine Alexia’s glee. She’s right - facing Alexia will be torture.
“Bold of you to assume I’d say yes to a second date,” you can’t resist teasing Claudia. “I mean, I’d be up for it, but I don’t think my boyfriend would be too happy…”
Claudia smacks your shoulder.
“You’re as annoying as your cousin,” she says, before she adds with a smirk. “Better looking though.”
She starts walking again and you fall into step beside her, your heart doing a little flip when she reaches for your hand and tangles your fingers together.
“If you keep saying stuff like that I’m going to want to kiss you,” you tell her.
“Stuff like what, that you’re annoying?” she asks, turning her head and arching an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, just like that.”
“You’re annoying,” Claudia grins at you.
It’s probably as clear an invitation as you’re going to get. You stop walking again and step closer, waiting for some kind of signal from Claudia that she doesn’t want this, but her eyes drop to your lips and you know she does. One of your hands goes to her waist, barely grazing her jacket as you let your eyes flutter shut and dip your head to kiss her. 
Claudia responds straight away, much more confident than you in the way her hands seek out your hips to hold you close as her lips brush against yours. It feels so right, the connection you’ve made with Claudia over dinner translating immediately into physical chemistry too. 
You can hardly believe this is actually happening. You started tonight expecting the worst but here you are, on your first proper date with a girl as she kisses you against the backdrop of ocean waves and orange skies. It’s not your first kiss with a girl but it might as well be, for how right it feels compared to the ones that have come before.
After a minute that feels like forever you pull back, though only just far enough that you can look her in the eyes.
“So, is a second date still on the cards?” you dare to ask.
“Kiss me like that and you can have whatever you want.”
You don’t know if that’s an invitation to kiss Claudia again, but her lips are so addictive that you lean in for another kiss anyway, more confident the second time around as your hand slips beneath her jacket to hold her waist.
When you eventually break apart, you smile at how pretty she is in the evening light, and wonder if the slightly dazed expression on her face is mirrored on your own.
“Thank you,” you say.
“For the kiss?” 
“For a great first ever date,” you clarify.
“And the kiss though, right?” Claudia grins at you.
You slap Claudia’s arm lightly, then let your fingers trail down the soft skin of her inner forearm until you can hold her hand again, and you resume your walk along the beachfront.
“The kiss was nice too,” you hum in agreement. “Look, if Alexia asks how tonight went…”
“We had a good time but we’re just friends?” Claudia suggests, arching an eyebrow at you.
Even after one date this feels like the start of something really special. Alexia may be able to claim credit for introducing you to each other, but you want the chance to get to know Claudia without your cousin’s meddling, and if you tell her tonight has been a success then you know Alexia will continue to interfere. 
You smile across at Claudia and squeeze her fingers as you say, “It’s like you’re reading my mind.”
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jalluzas-ferney · 8 months
Soooo….I made some nationality headcannons! At first I was a liiittle bit unsure if to do so cuz then again.. they live in ninjago…. And im pretty sure countries like argentina or Morocco don’t quite exist in the ninjago universe LMAO. Butttttt. Already seen others make headcannons, so hell, why not? I uses they apply to some irl au or what if they lived in our world uk? And what different countries would I see them coming from and etc.
I can imagine that the EM might have travelled all over the world, either to go into hiding, or missions, or escape conflict, etc. Or maybe simply that’s where they came from! So yeah that’s my little explanation that is mostly for myself cuz im a little bit too literal sometimes lol.
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When thinking about nationality I always think a lot about where they grew up and what nationality they grew up with and would later on identify with the most. It’s a complicated concept when your parents are from a different nationality and theyre immigrants in a different country- so you grow up in this country, surrounded by this culture and people, but your. Also. Raised by your parents who also have your family living in this completely different country- where you also find home and relate to the people considering how you look, the language you speak with your parents- or the specific culture and environment your parents grew up wiooith, impacting your home life and the way your raised. Perhaps you lived in both places, or travel a lot to your parents homeland. Perhaps you live in one of your parents countries but the other. Not. but you still identify with one of your parents nationality because of the rest of your family from that side and the culture your take in from them. So it’s always very personal! So for Kai and Nya, I imagined that ray was Argentinian and Maya Filipino. And perhaps - because I want to project onto my faves- they were born and grew up in Argentina. But have always also identified a lot with their mothers homeland, since not only does their race impact the way they might feel more different and set apart from kids there, maya loves talking about her childhood in the Philippines and is always talking over the phone with their aunts and cousins, meaning Kai and Nya def were taught some Tagalog, tho theyre not incredibly fluid with it. In their early teens they probably travelled to the Philippines, (took ray and maya some time to settle down and get enough money to travel, as well as find time) and met their whole family, and the place they reside in, habit that would turn quite common as they would continue to travel other times the following years.
For Lloyd, I really wanted to make him Asian -Brazilian. It just felt right. So imagined that my queen (don’t you judge her >:() Misako would be Brazilian, meanwhile Garmadon,Japanese. i imagine that Misako adores traveling, so she met Garmadon on her trip to Japan, and decided to stay there for a WHILE because of the brothers. During her time there, she had Lloyd. Since her family heard of her new baby, she travelled back to Brazil with a two y/o Lloyd to have her family meet the him and catch up overall. but as the serpentine wars rose In japan (ill hc it happened in japan let me know what u think of that) Misako was told to wait in Brazil. Misako didn’t really like that though, and while she dreaded having to leave her son, she was sure shed come back soon after helping out the Brothers in the battle against the serpentine. So Lloyd was left to live with his aunties and grandparents in Brazil. Of course, after Misako found out about the whole Green Ninja thing and all that crap, she pulled the same stunt as in the series and ✨ vanished ✨. But then Garmadon came and fucking took him like divorced parents sometimes do uk? So then he spent some other of his childhood years growing up in, ya guessed it, Japan. This is how Lloyd identifies both with being a Brazilian and Japanese. As for the rest, I just envision that they lived in their respective countries their whole lives till they were recruited!
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tae-rhymeswithslay · 1 month
colorcoded au by @camilieroart
im so sorry, it doesn’t really look like him, but I tried 😭. I chose a skating pose, but it took me wayy too long to realize that none of the official drawings of Casey have him in skates, so i just followed those. I also tried to combine his normal clothes with his battle outfit bc i just couldn’t decide which one to draw him in
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I literally have SO much to say about this Casey! this little rant is probably gonna go on for way too long lol (feel free not to read)
props to @camilieroart for writing this amazing au bc ive been obsessed ever since i saw it in passing on instagram.
Casey has always been my favorite tmnt character. Ever. Hands down. There was something about him that I just adored. As a kid and even now. That being said, finding a version of Casey that was so much like me was like an early Christmas. I was already sucked in to the AU since like, last year when I found it for the first time. But I only recently read through Casey’s backstory and found out that he was korean, which only made me double down on how much I loved his character in Colorcoded.
(I really hope this next part doesn’t come off as narcissistic, its really just me full of admiration for this character and AU)
It was incredible to see a version of my favorite character like EVER (not even joking) that looked a lot like me and came from a background a lot like mine. Beyond just his skin tone being dark and matching mine (which I think I commented about already) this Casey seriously feels like looking into a mirror of myself from a few years ago. Both visually and mentally. It’s refreshing to see Korean characters that aren’t reduced to the asian standards of beauty, but still look like their ethnicity, because we absolutely DO exist. From my darker skin color to even my wide nose shape which I share with this Casey, I was told constantly as a kid (by other koreans mind you) that I didn’t ‘look korean enough’. So it’s nice to see those features that made me so insecure growing up presented in someone I admired during that same period of time. Even Casey’s hair looks so much like the cut I had/was forced to get (lol) growing up, down to the M shaped bangs. Though I wasn’t allowed to grow out my hair like Casey has in the back, it was something I always wanted to do as a kid. I even got into ice skating BECAUSE of Casey, like, I adore him so so much.
Though I’m lucky enough to have a family much healthier than Casey’s, I still found myself relating a lot to him in terms of his Korean-American identity. Growing up, my parents wanted me to learn as much English as possible as opposed to Korean, but they switched mindsets when it came to my younger sister (Yeah! i’ve also got a younger sister too, and by just EXTREME coincidence, she also has a similar sounding name Hae-in 해인) so she speaks a lot more Korean than I do. I still struggle a little bit when speaking conversational Korean, even though it’s technically my ‘first’ language lol. My family even calls me by my english name and my sister by her Korean name. I’m not sharing my legal name online, but i’ve got the same deal as Casey where I’ve got an English legal name, but also an unofficial korean name which was REALLY surprising to read, because literally none of my korean friends have the same name situation. Beyond little nit-picky things (that don’t even count as mistakes, really) in his conversations with his sister, you got the Korean conversations down really well (like, the cadence and grammar and stuff, idk how to explain it, but it really sounds like a conversation i might’ve had with my little cousins, just translated)
TLDR: i absolutely ADORE this Casey and I see just SO much of myself in him. He is wonderfully written as a character and you nailed his korean-american identity to a T (according to me and my personal experiences at least)
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AITA for calling out my aunts absolutely dogshit parenting at a family birthday party?
I (21F) cannot stand one of my aunts.  My uncle died 7 years ago and she is his widow, we are not blood related. She is the trashiest parent I have ever met and what she has done this year has just crossed a fucking line.
My cousin, her daughter, Lola turned 16 this year. Within ONE WEEK of her turning 16, she announced that she had a boyfriend, Ben. Ben went to school with me. He is 22. I am 100% convinced that he started pursuing Lola when she was under the age of consent (we’re in the UK, AOC is 16) and is a sneaky shit that waited just long enough that we wouldn’t be able to prove it. I have tried. He’s covered his tracks well and Lola is head over heels and won’t say anything to incriminate him.
Why am I angry with my aunt? This dumb bitch, instead of doing anything at all to stop the nonce taking advantage of her child LET BEN MOVE IN WITH HER AND LOLA. He got fired for racially abusing a Muslim colleague, fell behind on his rent, got evicted and my aunt just let him move in with them! Ben is the fucking worst. He’s utter scum. He’s always been utter scum since primary school, and she was just like “yeah most terrible person in the area, come and live with me and my CHILD that you’re abusing”.
I completely understand that she cannot control what Lola does outside of her house. I get that. I also completely get that she is not at fault for Ben's actions. I'm not about to blame a woman for a man's disgusting perversions. What do not get, and will never, EVER understand is how on earth she could let him MOVE IN!!!
I was already angry. I was even more angry when I found out, four months after Ben moved in, that Lola was 12 weeks pregnant. So…she’s keeping it. And it was consieved after the scum moved into the house.
My aunt let the nonce move in. She is partially responsible for this clusterfuck. And she was invited to my grandma (82F)’s birthday party. The party was two days after I found out about the pregnancy. 
(Lola and Ben did not attend the party, just my aunt.)
I was talking to grandma and a different cousin when my aunt came in and tried to join the conversation. It seemed I wasn’t doing a good job at hiding my disgust, and she asked me what my problem was. Well, she asked, and I told her.  I said what I had said above (grandma + cousin didn’t know the full extent of it, and I made them aware), and called my aunt a terrible parent who should be utterly ashamed of how much she’d failed to look after her child. I said that my uncle would be ashamed of her. I said that Ben was a paedophile and Lola needed to get away from him as soon as possible. My aunt stormed off then and we’ve not spoken since.
My grandma said that while my sentiment was correct, I’d been a bit harsh to her, as we don’t know the full details, and it might have been a compromise to keep Lola around rather than have her run off with Ben. I don’t know, but I still think she’s a failure of a parent.
What are these acronyms?
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sydneyindawoodz · 10 days
More than a Legend🌺
Being related to a global superstar like John Legend came with its own unique set of challenges. For you, it meant always having eyes on you whenever you went out in public, but lately, there was only one person you cared about impressing: KK Arnold, a rising star in women’s basketball.
You and KK had met through mutual friends, and despite your different worlds—her basketball career and your celebrity-adjacent life—the two of you clicked instantly. There was something refreshing about how KK treated you like just you, not John Legend’s niece or cousin.
Still, your relationship wasn’t exactly public knowledge, and you had managed to keep it relatively low-key. But, of course, your family was always a little too eager to get involved.
It was a sunny afternoon, and you were lounging courtside at one of KK’s games, your heart racing every time she made a fast break or sank a three-pointer. Watching her play was mesmerizing, and despite your best efforts, you couldn’t help but stare a little too long whenever she flashed her confident smile in your direction.
"Y/N!" KK called out after the game, her face still flushed from the exertion, her eyes lighting up when she saw you waiting.
"Hey, superstar," you teased, walking over to greet her. "You killed it out there."
She grinned, wiping the sweat off her brow. "Thanks. I could tell you were watching me the whole time."
You rolled your eyes, trying to play it cool, but the blush creeping up your neck betrayed you. "Maybe."
KK gave you a playful shove. "I’m glad you came. It means a lot."
"Of course," you replied, your heart fluttering as you locked eyes with her. "I wouldn’t miss it."
As the two of you stood there, the rest of the world faded away, leaving just the two of you basking in the post-game glow. That was, until a voice you knew all too well interrupted the moment.
"Hey, kiddo!" John Legend’s unmistakable voice called from behind you.
You turned around, your eyes widening as you saw your uncle walking toward you, waving with that charming smile that millions knew so well. He was accompanied by Chrissy Teigen, who was, as always, radiating energy.
"Uncle John?" you said, surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"We came to see your favorite basketball player," he said, giving you a knowing look. "And to meet her, of course."
KK, who had been standing beside you looking a little starstruck, gave a shy smile as she extended her hand. "It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Legend."
John shook her hand warmly, his smile genuine. "Please, call me John. I’ve heard a lot about you."
KK glanced at you, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Good things, I hope."
John chuckled. "All good things. Y/N can’t stop talking about you."
You groaned internally, giving your uncle a side-eye, but he just smiled back, clearly enjoying himself. Chrissy, meanwhile, leaned in with a wink. "Don’t worry, she’s told us everything."
KK raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Everything, huh?"
"Okay, this is enough," you interrupted, your cheeks burning as you shot your family a look. "I think it’s time we go."
John and Chrissy laughed, clearly loving every second of your embarrassment. "Alright, alright, we’ll leave you two alone," John said, giving KK a final nod. "Nice to meet you, KK. Take care of my niece, okay?"
KK, who had been surprisingly composed considering she was standing in front of John Legend, nodded confidently. "You can count on that."
As your family walked away, you let out a long breath. "I can’t believe they just showed up like that."
KK laughed, slinging an arm around your shoulder as the two of you began to walk out of the arena. "Honestly, I think it’s pretty cool. I mean, how many people can say John Legend approves of their relationship?"
You shook your head, smiling despite yourself. "Yeah, well, I guess it’s a good thing he likes you."
"He better like me," KK teased. "I’ve got to make sure I’m on his good side if I’m going to keep you around."
You laughed, leaning into her as you walked. "Don’t worry, you’re doing just fine."
As the two of you headed off together, you couldn’t help but feel like everything was falling into place. Sure, your life came with its own set of complications—having a world-famous uncle being one of them—but being with KK made it all worth it. She didn’t care about the fame or the celebrity connections. She just cared about you.
And in that moment, as you walked side by side, you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be.
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taylorrepdetective · 4 months
Have you talked about How Did It End?
If the goal was to make us uncomfortable, then the goal is was achieved with me.
I haven’t, other than saying it’s one of my favorites.
Oh boy this turned out to be long. Sorry.
I think this song is primarily about having to deal with the gossip surrounding your relationship, specifically with the perceptions of the end of a relationship that everyone thinks they know a lot about, but actually don’t. And as a celebrity like Taylor, having everyone talking about how it ended and thinking they know the various reasons, based on Taylor’s own storytelling she’s done about it (which is never going to be 100% reality) and also based on gossip that’s just “out there” based on what people think they know about Taylor, whether it’s what she has pushed people to “know” or some of the more salacious stuff she’d rather people didn’t think.
Now, most of us have had to deal a bit with this. Having to tell people something ended. Some have even had to tell about calling off an engagement or letting everyone know you’re divorcing. It’s gonna be hard, having to first tell intimate friends/family who may know a lot of details already, but then also people less close to you over and over again: coworkers, your hairdresser, your 2nd cousin you only see at Thanksgiving who may have heard tidbits from your Aunt who heard tidbits from your mom. This second group in particular don’t know all the drama and non-dramatic stuff that happened that led to the end. They might be shocked because you seemed so perfect for each other. Or they may say when you’re not around, “yeah that’s not surprising, you know how she is.”
But when you’re Taylor Swift, you meet A LOT of people. And when your life is splashed across the news front page, and you’ve made a career out of singing about your life and letting people in on the intimate moments (songs about sex, songs about depression, songs about joy) and you’ve built a parasocial army of people who think they really know you, the response to the ending of a relationship is going to be an overwhelming cacophony of opinions and expressions of sympathy from people who really don’t know anything, but think they do.
And I think this is part of what my interpretation of this song differs from what others have said (though admittedly I haven’t read any long winded analyses of this song. Maybe this is obvious.) I feel like most people read through the list of reasons it ended in the verses:
Hot house flower to my outdoorsman (him introverted, her extroverted)
Incurable maladies (both have depression)
Birthright became foreign (soulmates to distance between)
Blind to unforeseen circumstances (unexpected bad stuff popped up -stuff like the masters heist or whatever paper thin best laid plans they had)
Different dances (not on the same page)
Interlopers glances (cheating, emotional or otherwise)
Lost game of chance (bad luck)
as Taylor telling us and the gossipers how it ended.
But if you look at it a different way, you can interpret it as this is a list of speculation by the gossipers of how it may have ended. It’s not Taylor saying why it ended. You can recognize everything on this list as things people speculated about what caused it to end.
Look at the first line of the song :
We nearby conduct this post mortem
Who’s we here? If it were Taylor telling all, it would be “I hearby conduct”. Also “We must know.” So to me, the We here is us, the GP, her acquaintances. In other places in the song though, we is them as a couple. “This is what happens to us.” But imo, there are clear points where it’s the audience giving their opinions or asking why. Whenever I think of these people in relation to Taylor, I picture her hairdressers (same as the person at the beginning of Paris.) This is just my own personal visualization of people who gossip. But you can also just as easily picture a few swifties you follow who always pretend to know her and what’s going on, often people who met her once or twice, or you can picture some podcasters who make money off pretending to understand her best, or DeuxMoi who claims to have sources who know her, or the people at the office water cooler saying “oh did you hear about Taylor and her boyfriend, what was his name? Joe something?” Or teenagers texting each other the news on April 8th. It’s all of us, some who think we know a lot (stand) and some who only know the bare minimum (average GP person who reads People magazine at the hairdressers.) But I like to imagine it being someone who does actually know Taylor a bit, which is why I choose the hairdresser. Notoriously gossipy, notoriously able to get people to tell them some personal things, but Taylor certainly won’t tell them the whole truth. Imagine the question “oh honey I heard the news about you and Joe. How did it end?” And she’s gone through this so many times. Since she was 18 years old. People being nosy, thinking they know more than they do. And then those people tell all of their friends (even if there was a bit of a promise to not) and gossip spreads within the industry and people think they know. Same with gossip spreading through the fandom or gossip spreading through the GP.
And since I believe many of her public relationships have been fake and she has had private relationships that began and ended generally without these people knowing about them, but also in some cases these people did know about the secret things but they only knew a tiny bit, it brings a whole other layer to this. *Hairdresser whispers* “Oh I heard that secret thing I know about ended, gosh I’m so sorry. How, you two seemed so perfect for each other?” And all the while they are thinking: Did she really betray you? Did you really turn down a marriage proposal from her? Did she really cheat on you? Did you really fall in love with the beard? Did you hear about your ex friend’s sister hooking up with that wanna be Z-lister?” They may not directly ask these questions or say these things but want to. They know not to cross that line but they certainly are curious and they certainly gossip about it later. “I did Taylor’s hair last week after the news came out and let me tell you she looked sad/manic/fine/robotic and I think this must be what happened…” And some of them probably do ask these questions straight to her, and she has to answer in ways that protect her and the other person’s privacy. It must be really hard. And the thing is most of these people are decent people. They aren’t trying to hurt her. They are the empathetic people she mentions in a couple of songs. At least they think they are. But Taylor knows the real motivation here is curiosity and gossip. They might also care about her but not in a real way, because she is mostly a fictional character to them. The gossip is just as, if not more important. And part of her does want to be understood. She wants to be seen. But she also wants desperately to protect herself. It’s such a double edged sword that she grapples with constantly.
Finally, we get to the bridge, a place where sometimes in her songs she changes perspective, goes outside the story told in the rest of the song, changes it up, adds a twist, and I believe this is her herself silently screaming into the void how it really felt, what really happened. Her and her ghostly lover, metaphorically dying together, mourning their loss together. This bridge is some of the best writing on the album.
And it’s like her herself ending the song with this mysterious:
I still don’t know, how did it end?
Why wouldn’t she know how it ended?
All around a great song full of the folklore of Taylor Swift.
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cophene · 9 months
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pairing : ohshc x gn reader summary : perhaps no one at ouran is more qualified to deal with a broken heart than the host club. with a student’s heartbreak painfully obvious to everyone but themself, the host club takes it upon themselves to remedy that. all against that student’s better judgement. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2k+
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Honey was carrying a large tray of food with impressive grace, tilting his head so he could see you from around the food. Mori was right behind him, a pitcher of water in one hand and a glass in the other.
“Are you okay?” Honey asked again, his eyes wide. “Your housekeeper let us bring up dinner for you. We hope you don’t mind.”
Bless Ms. Shimada. You reached to take the tray from Honey, a few of the dishes still steaming. You set it on the coffee table, gesturing for Mori to put down the water.
“Thanks Honey. Mori. You didn’t have to.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Honey said, plopping down next to you. Usa-chan made an appearance, and Honey rested his chin on top of the plush, looking at you expectantly. 
You smiled slightly. “Are either of you hungry? Ms. Shimada always gives me too much food. You could feed half the party with this platter.”
Mori sat in the armchair opposite you, crossing his long legs. “We didn’t mean to upset you,” he said. 
“We shouldn’t have barged in like that.” Honey hung his head. “We’re really sorry. Please don’t be mad.”
“It’s fine. It wasn’t your fault. I just came up here for some air.” 
Neither of the boys said anything else, so you took one of the bowls from the tray and slowly began eating.
Your friendship with Honey and Mori had begun when you were in junior high. You had just started getting into sports then, and before volleyball, you’d briefly considered martial arts. Your parents had taken you to one of the Haninozuka dojos, and left you to watch some of the sparring while they signed you up.
You remembered honing in on Honey immediately, even smaller than he was now, facing off with a boy twice his size. You’d expected him to get clobbered, already ready to feel sorry for him. He’d surprised you by matching the larger boy stride for stride, the two of them evenly matched. It was only later that you would learn the other boy was his cousin, Morinozuka Takashi, and that both he and Honey were martial arts masters in their own right.
Your martial arts career was short-lived, and you moved onto volleyball. But you managed to make the acquaintance of Honey and Mori and started tagging along with them after that. Maybe you weren’t the closest of friends, but you occupied a nice medium between Honey’s bubbliness and Mori’s stoicism. The two of them provided surprisingly good advice when the situation called for it.
“What happened to your room, Y/N-chan?” Honey asked tentatively. “Was it something bad?”
You couldn’t lie to Honey. Somehow, he was always able to tell.
“I threw everything out,” you admitted. “I couldn’t stand looking at it. I never bothered to redecorate.” You only had what you did because Ms. Shimada had replaced it for you. If you’d had your way, you would be sleeping on the floor.
Honey squeezed Usa-chan. “Why would you do that?”
You swallowed your bite, wondering how to explain. “You know about that trip I took to Malta? It … didn’t turn out too great. It kind of turned terrible, actually.”
“You got your heart broken,” Mori said matter-of-factly.
“Yeah. I guess I did.”
Little by little, you told Honey and Mori everything. How you’d met him, how you’d hit it off, how you’d started catching feelings. He had been easy to talk to. Had a great sense of humour and an adorable sensitive side. Both of his parents were high-ranking executives. They often came to Malta on vacation. He wanted to do government and personal relations work. He was always working on his public speaking.
Things had progressed. You’d thought about extending your vacation. You couldn’t stand the thought of leaving. He’d started to mean more to you all of a sudden.
And then, just as suddenly, he’d broken it off. Cut off all contact just a day before you were to fly back. It had been radio silence ever since. That connection you’d felt had been severed like it was nothing.
You expected Honey to start bawling or something, but he was strangely quiet when you finished. You peered at him, wondering if you’d bored him to sleep.
He was glowering, you realized. “I could hurt him,” he said darkly. A dark aura seemed to surround him and it sent chills down your spine. “No one hurts my friend and gets away with it.”
You waved off the darkness. “I appreciate that, Honey. He wouldn’t stand a chance against you. But things just didn’t work out. I’ll get over it.”
“You keep saying that,” Mori said. “Do you believe it?”
“Of course I do,” you muttered defensively. “It’ll just take some time.”
Honey brightened suddenly, looking like a miniature sun. “It’s okay, Y/N-chan! Even if you don’t want us to break all of his bones, we’ll help heal your broken heart! The Host Club is great at that kind of thing!”
“Oh, so you’ve done this before?”
“No,” said Mori. “You’re the first.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“I promise we’ll help you,” Honey said passionately. His eyes were sparkling. “You’ll get all better, and then play volleyball and be happy like you used to! Pinky promise!”
You begrudgingly linked your little finger with Honey’s. You had to try for scorn, because you could feel yourself wanting to cry again. It was terribly sweet of Honey to care that much about you. And you appreciated Mori being there to listen. You couldn’t say it felt better to air all of this out, but it lifted a weight off your chest. “Yeah, well, don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t work.”
Honey grinned. “If it doesn’t work, we’ll beat him up!”
You stifled a laugh. “Hey, you’re not going to tell all of this to the other hosts, are you? I’m telling you guys because I trust you. I can only imagine what the other hosts are going to do if they knew.”
“But—” Honey tried to protest but Mori stopped him. 
“This is your business. Who you decide to tell is entirely up to you.”
“I guess,” Honey said. “But they have to know the whole story if they’re going to help you!”
“Maybe I’ll tell them eventually. For now, I’m just not comfortable.”
Honey squished you in a hug. “I’m sorry this happened, Y/N-chan. I wish I could hug it all better.”
“Me too.” You lifted your head to look at Mori. You raised your arm. “Group hug?”
“Well, damn. Alright.”
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Earlier in Y/N’s room, the hosts had been lounging around. Kyoya had opened all of the cabinets and drawers in the washroom and came up empty-handed. Hikaru and Kaoru were still flabbergasted at the state of Y/N’s closet. Tamaki spun lazily in Y/N’s desk chair, lost in thought. Haruhi was looking out the window—by far the most interesting thing in the room. Honey and Mori were speaking in low tones, both of their faces tense.
Everyone had expected the usual in Y/N’s room. Messy clothes. An embarrassing photo or two. Some obscure figurines. They had been ready to tease Y/N to oblivion, but somehow, this was a blow they hadn’t been expecting. 
Nothing at all to work with.
There was a knock at the door. Everyone sprang up, expecting Y/N’s return. When Honey opened the door, however, it was only the housekeeper, a tray of food in her hands.
“Apologies for the interruption,” Ms. Shimada said. She peered into the room. “Is Y/N here? They haven’t had dinner yet.”
“I think they went up to the roof,” Haruhi said. “They wanted to get some air.”
“I see. I’ll bring this up for them, then.”
“I can do it!” Honey said, already taking the tray out of Ms. Shimada’s hands. “Would that be okay? Me and Taka-chan wanted to talk to them!”
“I don’t see why not. They’d probably appreciate the company.” Ms. Shimada handed over the tray. “Morinozuka-san, there’s some water downstairs if you want to grab that too.”
Honey and Mori left the room. Ms. Shimada was about to leave too when Tamaki said, “If you don’t mind me asking, Shimada-san, what happened to Y/N’s room?”
Ms. Shimada folded her hands in front of her. She looked more intently at Y/N’s room, as though just noticing it. “Ah, well, it didn’t always look like this. It was much more lively before they … redecorated.”
“What happened?” Kyoya asked.
“I shouldn’t say.”
“Please do,” Hikaru said. He led the housekeeper into the room, and then into the desk chair when Tamaki vacated it.
“Yes, please. We’re good friends of Y/N’s. We just wanted to know what happened. To support them,” Kaoru said. 
Ms. Shimada sighed. “Y/N was different before the school break. Very lively. Very energetic. They were barely in the house most days. They took great pride in their room. They’re not much for art, but their room was the one thing they enjoyed decorating.” She smiled slightly. “They sometimes wouldn’t allow me to clean inside. They didn’t want me changing anything.
“But after the break, there was a clear change. They were quieter. They stopped going to a lot of their extracurriculars. I noticed they cleaned their room more often. Then they began throwing things out.
“Y/N moved their trophies to the basement. They donated most of their clothes. And everything else … they threw out. One day when I came in to straighten up, everything was just gone. When I asked Y/N about it, they wouldn’t give me a straight answer. They just said they thought it was time for a change. If it weren’t for me, there would be nothing in this room at all. Y/N didn’t want to replace anything. I think they wanted it to be completely empty.”
Ms. Shimada looked down at her lap, her lips pursed. Tamaki leaned down towards her, his expression gentle. 
“Thank you for telling us, Shimada-san. We appreciate it.”
“I’m so glad Y/N is getting out again,” the housekeeper said. She looked around at all of the hosts. “I hope you’ll give them the encouragement they need. I know everyone would love to have the old Y/N back.” The housekeeper smiled sadly. “I’ve known Y/N since they were a child. They’ve never been like this before. They’ve always managed to bounce back, no matter what happened.”
The housekeeper took her leave after that. A thoughtful silence descended over the hosts.
“I mean … it’s not that unusual, is it?” Haruhi asked. “All of this?”
Kyoya gave her a long look. “You still don’t understand.”
“What is there to understand?”
The twins were leaning against the far wall, their eyes narrowed. 
“The breakup at Malta affected Y/N a lot more than they want to admit,” Hikaru began.
“Dropping hobbies, suddenly changing their style, retreating into themselves, those are all signs of a bad breakup,” Kaoru continued. “It’s how people try to regain control.”
“Everything in their room must have reminded them of him,” Tamaki said. “They  wanted to start over.”
Haruhi wrinkled her nose. “Are you sure you guys aren’t looking too deep into this?”
Kyoya gave Haruhi a decidedly patronizing pat on the head. “You still have much to learn, Haruhi. When you’re a host for as long as we are, these things are easy to pick up on.”
“Yeah, with how much the guests are always blubbering about this stuff,” Hikaru said.
“They just love talking about breakups,” Kaoru said, rolling his eyes.
Haruhi looked around the room. “If you say so. I still feel like if the breakup was really that bad, Y/N would’ve just said so.”
Tamaki shook his head wistfully. “If only it were that easy.”
Y/N returned later that evening to see everyone to the door. They thanked everyone for coming, seeming a bit more withdrawn than earlier. All of the hosts left politely, keeping whatever comments they had to themselves. Y/N looked tired. Now wasn’t the time.
As Tamaki and Kyoya headed back to Kyoya’s car, Tamaki couldn’t resist looking back, searching the windows for the light that was on in Y/N’s room. His gaze lingered on it, imagining Y/N in that cavernous room that was missing all of its life.
“It’s worse than we thought. Isn’t it, Kyoya?” he said softly.
“It would appear so,” Kyoya replied.
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No More Bad Dates
Suna x gn!reader
“So, how did it go this time?”
You groaned, not looking at whichever of your friends asked the question as you face planted onto the bleacher in front of you. “Literally- such a douche.”
One of them snickered, based on the following smack and whine you figured it had been Atsumu. Osamu nudged you up, “How bad could it have been? Wasn’t he Kita’s cousin?”
“Yeah, I seriously question that genetic claim after last night.” You groaned again, “There’s no way respectful, organized, perfect captain Kita is related to him. There’s no way.” You didn’t see the way one of your best friend’s deflated the slightest bit as you described Kita.
As if on cue, the captain made his way into the gym, “Oh, Y/N, Keigo wanted me to tell you that he had fun, and he would like you to reach out about when you want to see him again.”
Another groan left you.
Kita barely raised a brow, “Yes, I was afraid it would go that way for you.”
“Then why did you encourage me to go out with him?” You wished you could actually be mad at the captain, but even with your best friends on the team he only started letting you into the gym when you agreed to sign on as manager, because he kept practices closed after too many of Atsumu’s fangirls mistakenly interrupted his practice serves. The two of had gotten a lot closer in the time you worked with him.
Kita shrugged as he blinked at you, “You asked me to give you a reason to say no, and rejected the one I gave you.”
“That reason wasn’t a reason!”
“What went wrong on the date exactly?” Aran asked, ever the logical one.
“What went right?” If you weren’t always like this, they’d be concerned about the amount of groaning you were doing, “He was late, by almost an hour. Was annoyed I had already ordered for myself while I waited for him. Not only did he talk about looking up my socials- where he graded my last five selfies to my face and made fun of every interest I had listed- but he kept bringing up an ex. I don’t know who Seki is, but they sound amazing and I feel like I should’ve gone out with them instead.”
The team wore varying faces of disgust or concern, but Kita just sighed, “I see your point.” The sad reality was also that the captain was blunt whether you liked it or not, “If you would ask out the person you actually want to date, you wouldn’t go on so many bad ones.”
Your three best friends whipped around to look at you again, clearly offended that Kita knew this information about you that they didn’t get. “Thank you for that.” You grumbled, ignoring the twins arguing about reasons you hadn’t told them, too afraid to even glance at Suna to see his reaction. Practice started before you had to face the conversation, but you knew it was only a matter of time.
Suna had been your best friend since first year, something about his nature fit into yours and unless he was at practice the two of you were always together, until Kita had convinced you to sign on as manager in second year. As Kita knew, somewhere along that way you had developed feelings for him, so you tried to shove them away and went on dates to find someone else that could fit in that space.
But it was an ongoing failure. Every date went terribly, every date resulted in failure, every date ended with you calling Suna to complain or distract yourself from how it went wrong- somehow when you called he was never napping even though you knew it was his favorite pastime.
When practice ended, you collected the volleyballs methodically for Kita to wipe down, making sure to ignore the way your best friends were practically vibrating to hound you about the captain’s comment at the start of practice. Well… two of them were. The third, the one you were most afraid to face, seemed to have disappeared. Wheeling the cart over to Kita, he gave you a nod, but grabbed your wrist as you turned away, “Why are you avoiding it?”
“Avoiding what?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you pretended to play dumb.
But Kita was too observant, “Just ask him out, Y/N. Quit hurting yourself. Quit hurting him.”
“Hurting him?” You scoffed uneasily, “The most this can hurt is his ears when Atsumu starts squealin’ about it.”
The captain sighed, “if you say so. Did you still want to video chat later to study for your exam?”
“Yes, please?” You didn’t mean to answer like you were asking a question, but Kita was never one to change the subject so abruptly.
“They might be busy.” You went stiff at the voice behind you, but Kita just smirked. “Thanks for the heads up, cap.”
“Kita, you didn’t-“
“Someone needed to save you from yourself.” Kita offered sternly, but his eyes softened a bit, as they always did for you, “Besides, do you really think I’d set you up to get hurt?”
You resigned to follow the tug on your arm, marching with him straight past the waiting twins as they watched with jaws dropped open, until the two of you were finally on the walk home, “Why might I be busy?”
“Why do you keep going out with people you don’t like?”
“Why do you care?”
You weren’t sure how this walk had become just the two of you questioning each other, but as he sighed you felt like you were missing something.
He leveled you with an unimpressed stare, but you grinned back. Love languages changed depending on the people you looked at- and the love language between the two of you was affectionate annoyance.
“Just answer one question for me and I’ll drop it. Swear.”
You raised an eyebrow, he always swore he’d stop his teasing when he got information he wanted, but it usually just got more specific. So what was different this time? Probably his usually bored gaze. His eyes seemed serious. “Ask it.”
“Why are you avoiding confessing?”
You hummed, mostly just to give yourself a moment to come up with an answer. The reasons you told yourself wouldn’t work on him. “Because… because as much as he doesn’t act like it, he deserves more. I could spiel some bullshit- like I’m not his type or im afraid of rejection, but that’s not even close to right. He just deserves more than I could offer him.”
“And what if he wants exactly what you have to offer?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Suna was nervous. His face showed no signs, but where his eyes always looked calm instead they looked anxious, like they couldn’t settle.
So you shrugged, “Then I guess I’m waiting for him to show me that.”
Finally a smirk cross his lips, “Good. Now let’s go, we’ve movies and snacks at my place.”
You felt a laugh shoot up your throat, “And what exactly is different from normal there?”
“I’ll let you cuddle me?”
“We both know that just means you’re gonna fall asleep on me.” You argued, sharing a grin as the two of you kept walking, “But I guess I can accept that.”
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Carpet Burn
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Benny Miller x Jack Mojave • Rating: 18+ pals • Masterlist• ao3• want to be tagged? | request info • ko-fi •
Summary: Santi's odd cousin comes for a visit.
A/N: This is just crack. I am so sorry. I'm using my normal tag list but please feel free to just ignore this (because I think the only person whose cup of tea this is, is me.) This is for @triplefrontier-anniversary event. Also, I blame @romanarose completely for this, as I made a joke about writing Jack as Santi's cousin ages ago.
Warnings: overuse of italics, oral sex (m receiving), swearing, I have not proofread this (I’m so sorry I just can’t look at it anymore), please let me know if I've missed a warning.
Word Count: 1835
“Look, I know he’s weird.” Santi said, shutting the fridge door and holding out a beer for Frankie.
“Really weird.” Will added and Santi gave him a look. 
“But he’s family.” Santi stressed, sighing a little. 
“How is he related to you again?” Frankie took the bottle with a nod of gratitude. 
He crossed his arms and shrugged. “He’s my cousin.” 
“I thought he was your second cousin?” Will frowned.
“I thought he was your cousin once removed?” Frankie drank a gulp of the beer and pulled a disgusted face at Santi, he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well, I don’t actually know.” 
“You don’t know?” Will put his feet up on the coffee table, leaning back to look at Santi and Frankie in the kitchen. 
Benny gave his brother a look and pointed to his feet. “Bro.”
“I don’t know if he’s my fucking second cousin or cousin how many times removed or what the fuck, kay?” Santi came and sat down next to Will, swatting at his legs.
“Ow.” Will laughed, “that hurt.”
“Good. Keep your feet off my table.”
“Look you made me take my shoes off, so I think-”
“Just because you're a savage who wears outside shoes in the house,” Frankie said, sitting on the armchair, “and who puts their feet up in other people’s furniture-” 
“See?” Benny hissed.
“-without asking,” Frankie continued. 
“It’s normal to wear shoes in the house.” Will countered. 
“House shoes.” Santi said.
“Yeah, house shoes. Not outside ones.” Frankie took another swig of the beer. 
“Outside shoes.” Will tutted, he turned to his brother. “Help me out here?” 
“If you share a great grandparent he’s your first cousin once removed, if he’s the kid of your  first cousin once removed he’s your second cousin.” Benny said.
Will pulled a face. “Why do you know that?” 
“Why don’t you?” 
“Doesn’t fucking matter, he’s just visiting okay?” Santi shrugged, crossing his arms and sighing.
“He staying with you?” Frankie asked,
“Hell no.”
Will snorts. 
“I don’t think he’s that weird.” Benny picked at the label of his bottle. “I kinda like him.” 
“Yeah, well, you only met him once,” Will cut in. “Me and Frankie have met him like 5, 6 times? Dude’s insane, always causing everyone brother.” 
“He’s quirky.” Ben shrugged.
Will pulled a face. “Fish, isn’t he fucking insane?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” Frankie took a long swig of his beer.
“Hey, that is my cousin, you know?” Santi gave Will a glare.
“Sorry, Pope.” 
“Nah,” Santi grinned, “he is fucking insane.” 
“You guys are mean.” Benny teased.
“Yeah, well, you love him so much, why don’t you hang out with Jack?” Will nudged him in the side.
“You know what, I will.”
And that was how Benny ended up hanging out with Jack by himself. 
The original plan had been to grab a beer at the bar on 12th. But that had turned into four, then five, then six, then…
The guy was off his rocker, that was for sure. Benny knew that, but he kinda liked it too. He never quite knew where the conversation was going. Jack would throw in some quote from a philosopher one second, and then would talk about a tennis game the next. 
“I don’t really watch tennis,” Ben finished his seventh beer, eighth? “You watch football?” 
“Nah, too commercial, I’m not into all that capitalist shit.” Jack motioned to the bartender to bring over another set of drinks. 
“Tennis isn’t commercial?” 
“Not how I watch it brother, I only watch it in French.” He taps the side of his head. “They can’t advertise to me if I don’t know the language, you feel me?” 
Benny paused, nodding and then frowning, “Why don’t you do that for the football then?” 
Jack shook his head, “not the same brother, not the same. They got a way, you know?” 
Benny did not know. 
“A way of still getting into your psyche.” Jack tapped the bar to punctuate his sentence. “I’m not having it. Commercials are capitalism and ‘Capitalism is a social system based on the exploitation of the majority by a minority for their private profit.’” He took a sip of his beer. “Jean-Paul Sartre said that.” 
“I thought that was Marx?” 
Jack laughed long and hard, smacking Benny affectionately on the back. Benny smiled, his cheeks warm. His expression was infectious. 
“Hoo-wee!” He wiped his eyes, “I thought I’d got you there for sure, kiddo. Brother, ah, for sure.” He grinned. “But you got me, caught old Jack didn’t ya?”
Benny smiled again, “nah, just, you know. Marx is pretty famous, I guess.” 
“Don’t sell yourself short, brother, don’t sell yourself low if you gotta sell yourself at all. See, most people wouldn’t know, most people wouldn’t care.” He quickly moved his hand over his head, complaining it with a ‘zoom’ sound, “most common folk, straight over their heads, brother, or they just would be too Tiny Timmy Timid to say a peep.” 
Benny nodded, a little bewitched by Jack when he talked. Like some snake charmer, slowly lulling him into a hypnotic state. “Well, you know.” Heat rose to his cheeks that he told himself was from the alcohol. “Guess I haven’t been hit so much in the head that I’ve forgotten everything.” 
Jack nodded, taking another drink. “Very impressive all that fighting of yours, very impressive. But you could teach old Jacky a thing or two, couldn’t you? A thing or two about wrestling around.” 
“Well, erm, I-”
“Course you could brother,” Jack patted him on the back again. He left his hand there for a moment too long, trailing down his spine instead of moving away. 
“Yeah, sure.” Benny swallowed a little nervously. “So, erm, what’s your opinion on shoes on in the house?” 
That was how he ended up back at where Jack was staying. The older man insisting that he ‘showed Benny Boy the house shoe rule in person’. 
And, well, it would be rude to say no, wouldn’t it? 
“It’s a nice place,” Benny said, taking off his shoes by the front door. “Air BnB?”
“Nah,” Jack shook his head. “I don’t go in for all that, fine when it’s people renting their house because they’re on holiday themselves or something, sure. But not when it’s just jumped up landlords buying up properties.” 
“Erm, yeah.” He hadn’t really answered the question. Benny wobbled a little as he took off his trainer, the alcohol buzzing through his system making him pleasantly warm.
“Woah, hey there little brother,” Jack moved quickly to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder and one hand on his waist. “Gonna fall if you’re not careful.” 
“Nah, I’m okay.” He smiled. 
Jack tutted. “Not at all, your my guest. Can’t have you falling and spilliting your pretty head on the floor can I?” 
Benny frowned, completely missing the ‘pretty’ comment, “it’s carpet?” 
Jack laughed loudly. “It sure is… carpet burn then.” He grinned, his eyes trailing over Benny’s face. “Only want that on the knees, you know?” 
“On your knees?” 
“Yeah…” Jack smiled, darting his tongue out to drag it along his bottom lip. “Let me should you, hmm?” 
“Erm, okay, yeah…?” Benny let Jack lead him, still holding onto his waist, to the sofa in the living room. Let him press him down onto the cushions. Let Jack sink to the door between his knees. 
He wasn’t stupid. It’s just that… it almost seemed impolite to ask him to stop. And who was Benny really to refuse a blow job when the oputinity arose? 
Part of him wished he wasn’t already hard when Jack palmed him through his jeans, wish he had made him work for it. But the other, much louder part, was already desperate to have his soft looking lips around his cock. 
He unzipped Benny’s jeans slowly, glancing up at the younger man and giving him plenty of oppuinities to tell him to stop, fuck off, or move away. 
Benny stayed still, breathing hard through his nose as Jack carefully pulled him free and ran his hand up and down his hot length for a moment. 
“You ever had a guy suck you off?” 
“A few times.” 
Jack hummed and nodded. “Good.” 
Benny barely had a moment to register what he had said before he licked a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, swirling his tongue over the head before dipping down and taking him into his mouth. 
Benny shuddered, letting out a painfully loud sigh at the warmth of Jack’s mouth, at how he sucked just enough to truly ignite a fire under his skin, but not enough to truly ease that ache. 
He lifted his head up, swirling his tongue over his balls before he traced the large vein on the underside of his dick and slipped him back into his warm and waiting mouth. 
Benny gasped, his thighs twitching as the pleasure in his lower stomach began to grow. He instinctively grabbed hold of the back of Jack’s head, pulling at his hair and pushing him down lower. 
Jack hummed, chucking and the vibrations ran along Benny’s cock as he followed the directions and sank lower, the older man’s hands pressed to Ben’s inner thighs to keep him spread wide. 
Benny tried to fight the urge to buck up into his mouth, chasing more of that intoxicating heat. But he couldn’t help himself, his stomach muscles twitching as he tried to stay still. Jack’s firm hold stopped him from getting too far though as he kept up his slow and tortuous pace. He let his salvia pool down, completely covering Benny’s cock as he sank lower, and lower and-
Benny cried out, swearing under his breath in a haze as he hit the back of Jack’s throat and went further still. “Shit, shit, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he pulled on his hair, pushing him deeper, his back bending off the sofa. “Holy fuck, please, Jesus,” mindless words tumbled out of his mouth as Jack started to pick up the pace, fucking him in earnest. 
Sparks of pleasure ran along Benny’s spine, pooled in his stomach and overrode any other thought. He groaned loudly, throwing his head back against the cushions and squirming against the pleasure. 
He tried to pull him back a little to warn him, “Jack, fuck, Jack, I’m gonna-”
But the older man didn’t let up, taking him as deep as he possibly could. 
“Fuck!” Benny sobbed, his hips stuttering, legs shaking as he spurted down Jack’s throat, coming harder than he could ever remember. 
Jack slowed, but kept working him over, prolonging his orgasm until he pulled back fully and grinned. 
Benny breathed hard, sweat beading on his forehead as he slumped back onto the sofa, blissed out and boneless. 
“How about I get you a glass of water, brother, and then we go again?” Jack smiled. 
Benny raised an eyebrow at him. 
“I mean, I haven’t actually got carpet burn. Yet.” 
Thank you for reading! (If you've got this far, please pat yourself on the back Jack style.)
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irondadfics · 3 months
I recently found and then lost a fic where Peter has a cousin he considers a sister since they grew up together even before going into foster care together. Tony comes and adopts the sister but they don’t let Tony know they’re related because the head of the foster home says the sister is less likely to get adopted if they’re a package deal and Tony and Pepper feel guilty.
here you go! Enjoy!
I make my destiny by Want_to_read234
“And I’ll always be your sister.” She pulled back to smile at him. “But I’m not supposed to tell them?” “It’s for the best. You’ll be so happy with them, April. I’m sure you won’t even notice I’m gone. I’ll always love you, no matter how far away I am. Now, why don’t we head out to the car, hmm? Don’t want to keep Mr. Stark waiting too long.” “Okay. I love you, too. More than all the stars in the sky.” “Wow, that much?” he smiled, as he led them outside.  He felt his heart pound in his chest as they reached the car. Mr. Stark was casually leaning against the Audi waiting for them. He was staring down at his phone but didn’t look to be doing anything. Probably trying to look busy so as not to rush them. “Right, well, guess this is goodbye for now, then, huh?” “Yeah, bye, Petey.” *** After an unfortunate accident, Peter and his cousin (pseudo-sister) end up in foster care together. Wishing for his sister to get a good placement, she ends up being taken in by Tony and Pepper Stark and their daughter Morgan. Together they make a happy family. If only Peter could get as lucky.
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