#and like yeah there’s a scene where he loses control but it’s not intentional
lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
Will never understand how Tamlin is abusive for having a temper but Cassian’s temper tantrums are “hot”
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Just remembered that I have the Coded novelization, and while it doesn't add that much in the way of depth I thought it'd be fun to share some bits from it that I found notable
For example, here's some moments of Data Sora actually thinking about his real-world counterpart:
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The other world with another Sora, data, bugs - Sora still didn't really get it all, but he felt just the tiniest bit of warmth in his chest when he was with these two. "Well, that right there is a sign you've found true friends!" Donald crossed his arms and said with a nod. "It's kinda fun to make the same friend twice," Goofy added. That did sound like fun. Sora wasn't sure what his counterpart in the real world was like, but he had to thank him for friends like these. I'm me, so that other Sora is and isn't me, I guess. What's he like, I wonder?
"Gosh, you sure went through a lot of trouble." "I'm sorry." Namine bowed her head. "I wish I could have told you all this in person. But the real me is gone now." The "real me"...? So where's the real Namine? Um, and if this is a world inside some data, then... huh? Then where - who is the real me? I'm this guy Sora, and Sora is me, but then this is a world made from memories, so...? Sora let out a long sigh, then smiled. "Um... guys? This is all way over my head... Am I dumb?"
Then there's this scene that might have been in the DS version? I haven't played it yet, but either way it's different from the movie in the collections:
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"It's so... empty," Sora whispered uneasily, looking at his feet. Suddenly, a shock ran through him, as if something very heavy had been dropped onto his shoulders. "Aaah!" Sora cried as a ball of light shot out of him. The burden on his shoulders remained. His knees felt like they were about to give out under him. "Wh-what's going on? I feel k-kinda funny." It was like the energy had been sucked right out of him. What just happened? "Sora! You okay?" Riku came running up. "Riku! What about you? Are you all right?" Sora was still worried for his friend, though his legs were so wobbly he could barely stand. Riku gave him a small nod in reply. "You shouldn't be here. I can fight the bugs off a little longer... but they're spreading. Pretty soon they'll take over all my data." The bugs were starting to win. What would happen once their control was complete? "You feel weak, right? It's because the bugs have stolen your data. You won't last long in here. Take this and escape while you can."
I think it makes sense that there would be some kind of complication with Sora while trying to save Riku; it gives his warnings some more weight.
Speaking of Riku, they added a cute little high five between him and Sora when he clears out all the bugs in Riku's datascape:
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"Thanks!" Sora held up his hand, and Riku gave him a high five. "The bug tried to use my power for itself, didn't it?" "Yeah... How'd you know?" Sora asked in return.
In general, characters are more prone to physical contact with each other in the novels compared to the original versions; Donald and Goofy give a few different hugs in this book alone. But because I'm a simple person who likes Soriku, this scene in particular made me happy:
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"Wait, Sora! Where are you going? Sora!" Riku grabbed Sora by the arm as he started to run off. "The datascape won't hold together much longer! Sora, stop!" Sora had no intention of doing that. "Sora, are you crazy?" Riku urged, still with a firm grip on his friend's arm. "We can't just leave them! You heard Mickey. I'm going to find them!" "Find them where?! Do you have any idea where they are?" "Somewhere!" Sora snapped. Riku took hold of Sora by both shoulders and gazed into his eyes in an effort to get through to him. Sora stared right back. "Aren't you afraid?" Riku asked softly. "We're not just talking about losing some memories here. We could get erased. This whole world could get erased!" "Sure I'm afraid. Weren't you?" "Hmm?" Sora slowly removed Riku's hands. "You've been in my shoes. You've gone up against the impossible alone. Because you knew that was less scary than just sitting around and waiting for the end."
Like what was the REASON for this. Did the author realize that she omitted the specific detail of Sora holding Riku's shoulders like in the movie version and decide to make up for it here. That would be hilarious
We also get Sora threatening Pete, which was way funnier to me than it should've been:
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"This is where it ends, Pete!" Mickey brandished his Keyblade. "It ain't fair! Sproutin' a new Keyblade is cheating. Better make a strategic retreat, before--" "Not so fast! First, hand over Riku... or else." Sora readied his Keyblade, too. "Uhmmm... Now let's talk about this..."
And finally, the scene that shook my perspective the most:
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"Don't ever talk about Sora like that. He's our friend in this world and every other one, too!" Donald shouted, wriggling in the tiny space between his body and the wall to strike the blocks with his staff. the wall didn't budge, though. "Donald..." I'm so happy to hear you say that, but... I really am useless now. "Hmph, maybe on the outside, but he's just an empty shell. The kid don't got a heart," Pete continued. A heart? What's a heart?
Guys. No one's explained to Data Sora what a heart is. This automatically makes him one of the funniest characters in the series, because it means he's been dodging all of the emotional turmoil that's been the driving force of the series through a simple lack of information.
He has his own struggles of course, but out of every character that's been a protagonist in one of these games, he understands Heart Lore the least, and I find that incredible
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queerxqueen · 2 years
The Byler Van Scene: An Analysis on Mike’s Microexpressions
This is bound to be lengthy, but I’ve been itching to break down all the little details of Finn’s performance in the van scene that point toward what Mike might be thinking about Will’s confession. 
Gifs are mine, from this post. Check out my other analyses here if you haven’t. 
Seven Basic Emotions & Universal Expressions
Here’s a good intro article about emotions and expressions that informs this analysis. Highlights? 
All emotions are made up of a combination of six/seven primary emotions (sometimes disgust and contempt are combined)
Those emotions have built-in human responses that create facial expressions which, in "macroexpression” form, look like this:
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When people are trying to conceal their emotions, though, they have smaller, more subtle and fleeting microexpressions that can’t be fully controlled and show us what a person is really thinking. 
Luckily, with the power of gifs, we can capture and analyze these super tiny muscle movements and see what it says about Mike Wheeler, or at least about Finn’s performance of him.
Let’s Dive In!
[1] “I don’t know. It’s just...” “You’re scared of losing her.”
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At the very beginning, if you look at his eyebrows, you can see the slightest lift (surprise) and inward scrunch (sadness). If you look at his eyes, you can actually see his pupils shift left-to-right minutely, as he’s looking between Will’s eyes, searching. Then he looks down and away, the corner of his mouth twitches outward (fear), and he finally nods before returning his eyes to Will. 
Will completing his thought--understanding how he feels--surprises him, possibly even scares him. He’s nervous to admit this, but like always, Will pulls vulnerability out of him.
[2] “That’s what holds this party together, heart. Because, I mean, without heart, we’d all fall apart.”
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In the eyes, we again see the minute moving of the pupils, searching Will’s face, looking between his eyes. But most notably, right after the “that’s what holds this party together, heart,” looking at his throat/chest/shoulders, we see him inhale sharply--surprise. If you really look--he physically recoils, leaning away, at the word heart.
He’s surprised by the first mention of heart beyond the motif on the shield; he’s surprised by where Will is going with this, that Will is expressing this. He’s panicking a little bit--why is Will talking about heart? And why would Mike be panicking? He either thinks Will is about to confess his feelings (not likely - it’s confirmed by the Duffers + Finn that Mike is mostly oblivious), or he’s afraid that Will is going to bring up Mike’s own feelings.
[3] “...and that gives her the courage to fight on. If she was mean to you, or was pushing you away...
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Ah, this one’s iconic, but not just for the lip-glance. After if she was mean to you, his eyebrows shoot up and he blinks--surprise--and then his brows draw together and upward--sadness--before he looks at Will’s lips, softening, presses his own lips together, and finally smiles encouragingly. 
God, what a journey of facial expressions and emotions. This is what a lot of people have pointed out as Mike realizing what Will’s really talking about, and there is some of that--there is some realization that he comes to between his surprise at the beginning of the gif and the smile at the end. I think the if she was mean to you line does give Mike an inkling Will is talking about himself, because El wasn’t mean to Mike, but Mike did feel distant from Will. 
[4] “... that’s just because she’s scared of losing you, just like you’re scared of losing her. And if she was going to lose you, I think she’d rather just get it over with quick...”
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Compared to his encouraging smile just a second ago, he’s gravely serious. Again, his eyes flit between Will’s, scanning his face, listening intently. 
[5] “... like ripping off a bandaid. So yeah.”
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After like ripping off a bandaid, Mike glances away, presses his lips together, and then swallows hard. The boy is nervous.
Is he just nervous at the thought of losing El? Or is he thinking about a certain bandaid he needs to rip off with El regarding the truth about his feelings? Or could he be thinking of the way he’s been slowly, gradually losing Will over the last year, the opposite of quick and easy?
[6] “El needs you, Mike. And she always will.” “Yeah?”
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Mike looks up, eyebrows slightly drawn, and smiles, tentative. 
[7] “Yeah.”
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The surprised, soft blink at the beginning of the gif--looking away and down at the painting then back up and smiling again--this one even softer even as Will looks away. Speaks for itself really.
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wildflowerteas · 2 months
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first half of our tsp ch15 reactions!!
i make such a big deal of sitting down to respond to these it's so. i have a fresh pot of tea ( Japanese sweet potato and chestnut with black sugar and some cookies, but that's beside the point ) and my hair is washed and my paper outlines are done and i can devote all my attention to giggling at my laptop screen like a freak. okay lets do this STARTING WITH SKK. and Orphydice. Because to love is to turn around. God . . . i really hope my insanity about dazai's suicidality in this fic shows. it's so complicated that it's got my brain going around in circles--at the start of the fic he's just burning through life and his job for mori, hoping that once everything is resolved and the people he loves are safe, he can kill himself as punishment for everything that he's done. but then he meets Chuuya, and suddenly he can feel good and useful for a reason and in a way that isn't so violent, and living for the sake of feeling that is enticing. but at the same time, he keeps pushing, slipping up, losing control, killing, and saying things that are almost incriminating because he wants Chuuya to know him and wants to see what he'll do when he does.
"falling for it just the way he's supposed to" (^_^)
TALS THESTJHGSA! THE TheTJSHJJA Yes they haven't said I Love You out loud yet because even though they're very clearly far gone, that would be too real for the both of them
Gun and No Badge . . . yeah. He was wearing his badge when he went home with Chuuya that first night. ALSO YEAH I realized as I was writing that this is the second New Year's kiss I've written??? how did we end up here . . .
sskk * explodes into red mist**
Woah picking up on the accent mention???? yes. Atsushi's gotten better at it, and at assimilating, but his first language is Japanese like Kouyou. The fact that you know nothing about TSP Atsushi is 100% intentional. even within the story, he's unknown to almost everyone. he's the golden boy at the precinct but there have been no mentions of his previous education, his time at the academy, or where he grew up ( beyond what he mentions himself in his POV ). The character that knows him best, and who he's revealed the most to is actually Mori if you can believe it. Most of the other characters are content to tell him things because of his open nature, and they don't even notice that the conversation is one-way until after it's over.
THE CROSSWORD. CRAZY. YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON TO NOTICE THAT. Yes...it's a gambling term. And the opposite is 'All on Black'
'fic author made for me' . . . ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ blushing and giggling and kicking my feet. WAIT WHYAM I GETTING CURSED?
that party image is exactly what it feels like when i see that I've been name-dropped in the discord gc.
i left the way they ended the night of new year's up to interpretation, because anything could have happened, really. they could have snuck off and left their dates behind to be in each other's company ( kouyou and yosano were bound to meet, anyway, considering Dazai's payment for her coming with him to the party was drinks at the Double Black -- which is coming up soon!! ). Or they could have gone back to the party, Dazai trying to shake off the feeling of having forgotten about something important, too caught up in the relief of having convinced Chuuya of his innocence. they really are unsalvageable, and were bound to end up like this regardless.
"you're an angel." was 100% intentional and you will be seeing it again because I'm insane
aha . .. ha..
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s1 episode 16 thoughts
oh this was an episode that had me on EDGE. and then also laughing because it was so ridiculous. that man grew salamander hands.
"i still don't get it. what does this have to do with us?" "robbing a jewelry store is a federal crime" (dana scully, in the flattest voice you have ever heard) "thanks" <- yeah i did laugh so hard i had to rewind at that point. so what!
mulder greets his old pal by singing his name... never beating the nerd allegations
(and clearly this is normal for them, because his friend says "i hate when you do that" which makes it even funnier)
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he had his first case with the FBI at the age of 28! something went terribly wrong because he wouldn't shoot the robber, and the bad guy killed another agent! he has been blaming himself for this for years! and the robber, who was thought to be dead, is somehow back and stalking him!
when scully learns about this, she tells him that she thinks he did the right thing by not taking the shot, but this makes him VERY angry. he slams the door on her, and ran away to watch the dead guy's kid play football. ouch! that's gotta hurt. he tends to be very under control, so seeing him like this was jarring.
then he finds out he's being followed while still at the football game and screams "I'LL GET YOU, YOU BASTARD!" which had to make the kid's parents feel deeply uncomfortable
as if mulder hasn't suffered enough in this episode with the guy who killed his coworker and vowed to kill him coming back, the very same man to whom mulder earlier sang to as a greeting just said that "spooky mulder" is a "liability" and "an embarrassment" to the FBI. at this point in the episode my jaw dropped!
(he doesn't seem to take too much offense to this- instead seeing it as his pal warning him that maybe the guy who is stalking him is in the fbi- but i took deep offense on his behalf!)
the next scene we got was a flashback to the trial of the robber and i wrote "is this lawyer the same woman that played eve in the eve episode" but i don't have any immediate intention of finding out if that is true or not... but wouldn't it be funny if it was.
mulder stops his testimony and screams at the robber that he should "die like an animal, you son of a bitch", to which i wrote in my notes, was "another jaw drop moment"!
i love getting to see the composed character lose it. it's clear that mulder took this very, very personally, and that it haunts him. love to see an insight into the past and love that he looked the same in the flashback but with a slightly different hairstyle.
then medical scully comes into play when she requests the dead guy's records and notices that it seems impossible for him to have died of a heart attack if he was in perfect health a few months before... hmm...
(i love when scully goes Doctor Mode it is one of life's simple pleasures)
mulder was still at work at 10:45 at night in the next scene which is adding fuel to scully's theory that he doesn't have a life lmao
but then the robber breaks in and kills his friend, inflicting even more pain upon mulder, who has really had to deal with a lot, and this can only intensify the guilt he was already facing for not shooting the bad guy so many years earlier. it also shows that he remembers the details of those around him- the ages of the other guy's kids, their hobbies, that this friend was writing a novel, that his wife had died of cancer- all of which haunt him further
(also just evidence of his fantastic memory but this is the Sad edition of that fact)
scully does more doctor detective work: the guy who proclaimed our robber dead lost his license for doing unethical experimentation!
next we had what i wrote in my notes in all caps as a "SCULLY GLASSES MOMENT!" where she was writing her case notes and saying there was NO EVIDENCE to support mulder's theory that this fellow was de-aging himself. but someone was breaking into her apartment! and it was accompanied by eerie latin chanting!!!! oh i was stressed!!! he got away in the nick of time when the evil doctor showed up at her door!!!!
(also noticed she has a little fabric cat hanging on her door <3)
so the doctor gave this robber man salamander hands. mulder seems naturally disgusted by this but scully is in Doctor Mode and finds that fascinating. i find myself somewhere in between the two, laughing at the mental picture.
but the salamander robber stalker man stole the evil doctor's research, and is now bargaining with the US government to sell them the secrets of anti-aging! doctors hate this one man's simple tricks!
(mulder is very angry about this. i sympathize, but also feel that dealing with a salamander murderer de-aging guy is probably one of the less morally dubious things the FBI has gotten up to in its time, so make of that what you will)
scully comes out of the shower with wet hair <3 sopping wet kitten <3
(honestly she needs to move like people keep breaking into her place and it's stressing me tf out)
so now she has to be the bait because the bad guy robber stalker salamander is coming to her friend's recital! and she's nervous so mulder winks at her across the room. ohhhhhh my gosh. oh man. someone hold me.
(and dana scully is the kind of friend who goes to her pal's cello recital <3)
despite the stalking and killing salamander man has done, mulder is insistent on taking this guy alive, which speaks to his moral virtue but also provided foreshadowing for what would happen next: evil salamander hands takes scully's friend hostage thinking mulder won't shoot, but he DOES. and the eerie latin chanting returns while this occurs. more guilt! more guilt! that's what latin chanting is about!
scully is also shot at, and she looks down at her chest, sees a bullet in it, and sighs deeply. which would frankly also be my reaction. turns out she was in 8 layers of kevlar, so she's hurting, but she's okay. but i laughed a lot. ugh. shot at again. another day at the office for scully.
she then tells mulder she's proud of him for shooting that guy knowing about his reservations in the past. it is a full circle moment. scully was proud of him for not shooting all those years ago and now she is proud of him for pulling the trigger. she recognized the growth it took in each of those moments and the sorrow that lies behind mulder's seemingly aloof exterior.
overall, a really great episode!! i enjoyed it in both its seriousness and campiness of a de-aging salamander man being our monster of the week. seeing fox mulder tormented with puns about his name gave us a good look into his past that he seems to keep at a distance, and allowed us to examine his moral qualms with the need to pull the trigger and how he holds onto that Guilt that composes the core of his character. the guilt that compels him to do what he does, devote his life to tracking down extraterrestrials so he can find his sister, that guilt for failing to keep people close to him safe, and that guilt that comes from never being able to fully be in control of a shifting world around you. he Needs to protect and he cannot do that all the time and that eats him alive. a very compelling gentleman to me personally.
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deadendtracks · 5 months
Response to @divinekangaroo's further thoughts on my ask about Tommy and sex:
I haven't properly structured an argument around this; I feel a lot of T's approach to sex has that almost woman-coded thing to it, as signifiers of an even-further-disadvantaged man. It nags at me and feels that this also ties into this subaltern, semi-'Orientalist' / exotic layer he has as 'lower than the lowest class' / 'actually so low class he's outside of class' Romani character -> less of a stereotype, more of a conscious consideration of "if you have nothing, you will use everything you can, and sometimes that includes your own body, and guess what here's the bind: that kinda puts you even *lower* in the hierarchy, because women are lower than men and only women use their bodies that way!"
Gut instinct, barely unpacked: there's an imperialist/cultural/ethnic trauma that feels like it can't be detached from Tommy's sexuality/approach to sex any more than the hints of childhood trauma or abuse can be, either.
This is a very interesting approach that I don't think I fully disagree with, but where I hesitate is that Tommy's the only character in his family or extended kin group who uses his body like this.
I do think the show does intentional things with Tommy's ethnicity and the impact of the bigotry he and his family faces (Alfie even points it out, re: Tommy being from an oppressed people the way Alfie is) -- whether a Romani person would have major critiques of how the show handles it is another issue; but it seems clear to me the show was trying to be aware of that social position and how it might have formed Tommy, etc.
What do you make of the fact that Tommy is the only "subaltern" character we see who uses himself sexually the way we're more used to seeing a woman do?
Because of this, I can’t ever see him permitting himself to perform that ‘hungry to totally surrender his control and desires to someone else’ role so frequently given to him in fanon. What happened with Tatiana was an exception, not a rule. It’s nice to read for various reasons, but I'm unlikely to personally lean into this take. Not to say he's dominating or must be fully in control during sex, either, just that I think he'd avoid leaning into surrender because it'd be like losing total control of a transaction and becoming far too vulnerable.
Yeah I don't see him as a submissive, the way fandom can often frame him (especially with Alfie). I don't see him as someone who wants to be dominated and controlled. I also don't see him as interested in dominating during sex.
When I was thinking about this I kept coming back to the first two sex scenes we have with Grace, though -- where imo we do see him leaning into surrender, intimately and sexually. I don't know if it's a total loss of control, but he's certainly not avoiding it in my view. I think the whole reason he fell for Grace is that he *did* feel that surrender of intimacy with her, that vulnerability. And it's in distinct contrast to every other sex scene we get from him after that.
some of these might be considered trauma responses but my preference is to think he is/was always going to be this way *somewhat*#because he is this way.the particular traumas he went through were able to be framed in ways that allowed him to continue…for a while
Also curious about this -- what do you think are the characteristics he has that were "always going to be this way" (apologies for how awkwardly that's worded, hopefully you get my gist.)
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aresgodofwar23 · 1 month
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Rko vs Ko and tko
Rko or AnarchyRage ko
**Samurai jack:** "Stay calm, K.O. We'll find a way out of this, like always."
Ko didn't want the samurai going through torture to stop ko from having to deal with it. Ko decided he want the do it first. Jack was shocked as ko wanted to handle the experiments.
"I'll do it pick me first ."
**Jack:** "K.O., no! We'll find another way. You're brave, but let's think this through."
sorry but  I got do this. What ever to by time. The black hole is a swirling vortex of darkness, with intense gravitational forces pulling at its center. K.O. is bravely enduring, surrounded by a shimmering aura of energy as he resists its pull.
Ko started shifting to tko as he changes back and fourth Tko power was being divided as well. Inside Kos brain.
K.O.: "TKO, we can't keep fighting each other, it's causing too much trouble."
TKO: "Yeah, I know, but it's hard to hold back sometimes."
K.O.: "We need to focus. We can use our combined strength when it really matters."
TKO: "True. If we work together, we can be a powerful force."
K.O.: "Exactly! Let's
Tko: hold that thought!!
Tko and Ko was losing control. Ko : sense something do you feel that. Tko:yeh what is going on out there?! They looked and saw a door that was chained with locks as it was force open. It shows red eyes in the dark.
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The door to the arena slams open with a resounding echo. A shadow looms, and then those piercing red eyes with yellow circles blaze through the gloom, locking onto the crowd with a predatory gaze. His hair is like a mane of red flames, wild and untamed, flickering with each calculated step he takes.
His appearance is nothing short of anarchic—a chaotic blend of danger and allure. The red heart, a stark contrast to his dark attire, beats with a murderous intent, while the yellow headband is a crown of chaos atop his head. Spiked bracelets clink with the promise of violence as he moves.
This third ego of K.O. is the embodiment of anarchy—unpredictable, eccentric, and completely unhinged. He's the kind of character that doesn't just embrace chaos; he revels in it, leaving a trail of mayhem in his wake. His presence alone sends a thrill of fear and excitement through the area.
: "Well, well, if it isn't T.K.O. and K.O., the yin and yang of power. Ready to dance with a real storm or the devil ?
I'm here to cause chaos."Let me consume you I need your power!! I'm hear to see the world burn. "He smiled with his sharp teeth.
RKO's red aura growing bigger as he blitzed and tackled K.O. and T.K.O., knocking them out with a powerful punch to the stomach. And then trapping them in a cage?
The scene is charged with tension. As Ko struggles within the powerful grip of the black hole, there's a sense of desperation. But then, with a defiant yell, Ko taps into a deep reserve of strength, resisting the black hole's crushing force. The transformation into Rko is dramatic—his hair flares into a vivid red, and his eyes ignite with a fierce yellow and red glow, a stark contrast to his previous appearance. The air around him crackles with a malevolent energy, and Jack ?witnessing the change, feels a cold unease. The aura that now surrounds Ko is dark and foreboding, a clear sign that the power taking hold is something far from benevolent. It's a pivotal moment where the boundary between hero and something else entirely blurs ominously.
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Rko is born from the experiments of the blackjole that divides the mind.
Gravitox: "Welcome to the Syndicate, Ko. The name's Rko..."
Hmmm what ever you are ordered to kill the heroes and find the remaining shards and this world will fall .
Rko: *laughs menacingly* "Now why would I possibly take orders from you, you piece of inferior robotic junk?"
Gravitox: "You dare to defy me?!"
Rko: "Defy this!" *Rko strides up to Gravitox and slaps him hard, causing a hole in the wall, which creates layers of destruction*
I'm going to destroy everything!!!! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! Ko are you there ! "Never better, it's Rko," he says, but then—bam!—shoots the cuffs, not Jack. Jack's gut must be twisting with that eerie feeling of evil close by
There was a henchman who walked in the room and aimed a weapon at rko Jack was planning to prevent any killing to save the henchmen.Rko then starts to use pyrokenisis and lit the area in flames. He then uses laser vision to incinerate the henchmen as left no trace. The remains of minions decide to scatter he chases them and luanched a red destructo disc and it chases and manage to cut them in half. He began launching destruction in the area. Jack don't know what to do.
Jack:stop this madness we need to get out of here!!
Jack: "Hey, stop this madness! We need to get out of here, now!"
Rko with evil grin : "Madness? This is freedom, my friend. Why flee when I can unleash my true power?"
Jack, resolute: "There's a line we shouldn't cross. Whatever you're going through, this destruction isn't the answer."
You think you can convince me oh please
Jack: ", this isn't you! You've got to fight the rage
Rko, smirking: "Fight it? Oh, Jack, you don't get it. This chaos is who I am! Why run when I can watch it all burn?"
Jack, determined: "Because it's not just about you! There's more at stake, and I know there's good in you, Rko. Don't let this be your legacy."
Rko, with a flicker of conflict in his eyes: "Legacy, huh? You always know what to say, Jack. But can you really stop me, or will you just become part of the destruction?"
  Gravitox use times 10-50gravity weighing down The room but Rko was sighing and wasn't even phase . " yawn I'm bored  ." He flew up to him in speed and punched  him in a speed of sound punched him rapidly  in a blink of an eye but each more forceful . Gravitox uses his  force sheild  to get away from his range .
It was Gravitox vs Rko .
Back with the battle of KOs
Rko tries to get rid of rebellious Tko and Ko.
KO, grappling with his inner turmoil, faces off with TKO and RKO, his eyes burning with determination.
KO: "We can't keep doing this! We're the same person, and we're tearing ourselves apart!"
TKO, snarling with a wild energy: "No, KO! I'm the strength you're too scared to embrace. Without me, you're weak!"
RKO, with a voice like thunder, echoes through the space: "Strength? You're both just holding me back. I am power unchained!"
As they clash, energy crackles in the air, each blow a testament to their internal struggle. It's not just a battle of fists but of wills, as they fight for control.
KO, ducking another lightning-fast strike from RKO, turns to TKO with a desperate plan.
KO: "TKO, listen! We're stronger together. Help me out, and we can take RKO down!"
TKO, hesitates, then nods, a rare moment of agreement flashing in his eyes: "Alright, KO. Let's show him what we've got."
They stand side by side, KO's imagination sparking to life, crafting weapons and shields out of sheer willpower., they turn to face RKO's relentless assault, ready to combine their strength and creativity to overcome the chaos within.
KO's mind whirls, conjuring a colossal gauntlet, each finger weighing as much as a mountain. With a grunt, he swings it towards RKO, the air itself groaning under its weight.
TKO smirks, his own hands now sheathed in glowing knuckle brass. "Let's dance," he growls, launching a flurry of punches, each one booming like thunder.
As their battle rages, KO focuses, a net of pure imagination sprawling out to ensnare RKO, followed by a cube that morphs into a cage, aiming to contain the unbridled power of their adversary. The clash is epic, their wills colliding like titans.
TKO and KO, now allies, face the towering might of RKO. TKO's raw power and KO's boundless imagination are their greatest advantages in this clash of titans.
TKO, muscles bulging with untamed energy, launches a barrage of blows with his knuckle brass, each hit resonating with the force of a cannon. His relentless aggression keeps RKO off balance, creating openings for KO.
KO, fueled by creativity, imagine impossible weapons, each more inventive and heavy-hitting than the last. His million-pound gauntlet swings with the force of a meteor, while the imagined net and cage work to entrap RKO, restricting the unstable force's movements.
Together, they fight with a blend of brute strength and clever tactics, their combined might slowly tipping the scales in their favor against the seemingly invincible RKO.
KO's energy surged, a voice guiding him, amplifying his power to overshadow RKO's menacing presence. Together, KO and TKO, with their combined force, forged a chain, each link a testament to their resolve, and declared it a harbinger of peril.
With a synchronized effort, they channeled their energies, mending the tear in reality that RKO sought to exploit. Sealing him away in the recesses of their shared consciousness, they locked away the threat.
RKO's defiant vow echoed, "I'll break out of this; you two will pay for this." But for now, he was contained, his strength matched by the unity of KO and TKO's unyielding spirit.
KO's eyes fluttered open to the sight of shackles binding him, Shadowstrike's orders were clear: recovery and containment. Minions swarmed, ensuring his powers remained dormant.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Idk if Capcom were deliberately trying to make RE4R have at least some romantic undertone when it came to Leon/Ashley bc to me it's pretty obvious, there's a bunch of romantic imagery. Like a lot of the side characters reference it; Luis with his Prince Charming comment at that moment and calling Ash a princess (Dulcinea), Ada seeing that Leon actually cares for Ashley (calls her his "friend" at one point in a weird tone of voice), Ramon referring to them as knight in shining armor and princess and keeps taunting him when he loses her, the queen and king puzzle, the way Krauser taunts him and uses Leon's concern for her against him knowing the way to get to him is to mention Ashley, the merchant commenting if he's having a rough day after Ashley stabs him and runs away, Saddler using Ashley specifically to kill Leon knowing it would be torture for them both (he can read people's minds, right? So he knows), Ashley being so strong willed for resisting Saddler for trying to make her commit something she would never even think of and saving his life again when she jams the gun (yeah she prob didn't know that would happen but her unwillingness to shoot regardless of the mind control making her hand shake so much), Leon himself changing when getting to know Ashley and caring for her personally not for the mission he was forced into. He literally was ready to die for her even if it meant that she most likely wouldn't make it out w/o him. The way he carried her at the end!!! Like that's not just his professionalism and determination, there's devotion there and she shares the same sentiment. The way they ride off into the sunrise after "rain" starts pouring and they both smile at each other??? How is that not romantic imagery? If you saw that scene w/o context you would think they were the surviving couple of an action movie. There's more I'm missing bc I've been playing other games but there's a lot of evidence and context clues.
I mean, I absolutely believe that it was intentional on Capcom's part and the Leon and Ashley romance is actually, in fact, what the developers were going for. It would be absolutely batshit for this gigantic mountain of evidence to be an unintended coincidence. But I don't think that they went into it going, "Okay, this time around, we're going to have Leon and Ashley be The Canon Ship in RE."
What Capcom actually did was take Resident Evil 4 and turn it into a fairy tale. It was a really creative take on the game and was likely meant as appreciation for the fact that OG RE4 was such a major part of so many people's childhoods. (Ashley's line at the shooting gallery of "It reminds me of being a kid" plays into this, too, as a little tongue-in-cheek thing.)
So, as a self-contained story, yes, RE4make is a romance between Leon and Ashley. And that's where I think a huge portion of the fandom is getting tripped up on not being able to see it for what it is. They look at Leon and Ashley and go "okay, but this can't actually be the intention because we know xyz happens later in the series." That doesn't matter. That's not the point of what they did.
The point of it was to pay tribute to the way that so many people -- after coming into the series with RE4 OG in their adolescence -- thought of Leon as being a big, dreamy, hero-type character. So, they did that by actually turning him into one this time around who saves the day and gets the girl.
It doesn't mean that Capcom is committing to the actual ship, though. Just because this romantic storyline happened in RE4make doesn't mean that the next installment in the Remake series is going to confirm that Ashley is Leon's girlfriend or someshit. It is still entirely possible that we will never see Ashley Graham ever again.
As part of a greater whole, RE4make is just another stop along the horrible, winding road that is Leon Kennedy's shitty, shitty life. But, at least this time, he actually got to be the big damn hero for once.
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
Well, only one person replied to my post..... but that person was @antimattercontainment​ Who is awesome soooooo....
Fr tho, just wanna talk about this cus I drew a thing, anyway!
My one main issue with the 2012 Mutant Apocalypse was this guy here VVV
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Maximus Kong, aka Leo, aka the Shredder stand in for this arc. And I don’t dislike him because of the design, but because he’s Leo.
You’re telling me Leo, who is routinely shown to be a very empathetic person with a strong sense of justice throughout the show, became a ruthless, tyrannical overlord who's only goal is to take over the world after losing his memories?
And yeah, we could make the argument that he was alone and probably got picked up by a bad crowd, or he got like this to survive, but I personally wouldn’t have gone in this direction.
So, I guess this is kinda an AU? Does it count as an AU if I’m not really gonna do much with it?
idk, anyway!
So, the arc goes down like normal, the only change is Kong is not Leo and he’s brought up from episode one as this kinda boogeyman that everyone tries to stay as far away from as possible and his Beast. The story goes that Kong has this powerful, unstoppable mutant that no one can kill. No one really know what kind of mutant it is, anyone whos gotten close enough to see it is swiftly killed by it.
Throughout the arc Kong shows up just behind our heros, starting pretty far away but getting closer with each appearance. And whenever he appears, the audience sees flashes of a hulking beast with mutagen glowing spikes and murdious glowing eyes. No one gets a good look at it, not even Donnie can get a good read on what that thing is, but where ever Kong is, his monster is right at his side.
Then we get to the final fight, Raph is on Kong’s rig and is actually winning the fight. But then Kong whistles and Raph is tackled to the ground by the Beast. It towers over Raph, wild eyes and snapping teeth inches from his face, claws ripping at his armor.
And at first Raph fights back, ready to give his all against this monster. But then he looks, really looks, the monster in the eye, in an attempt at intimidation maybe, or ready to face his death head on.
But he knows those eyes. The scalaria has gone green and bloodshot but he knows that shade of dark blue almost as well as his own neon green.
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(look this is as close to scary as I can get, just pretend he looks scary)
And at first, the name doesn’t seem to do anything but make Leo more mad, doubling his efforts to try and take Raph down. But Raph has switched tactics, now going on the defensive and begging Leo to recognize him, to remember him.
Leo doesn’t seem to hear him, he does hesitate a few times but Kong commands him to “Take that worm down for your master!” And goes right back to attacking Raph.
Eventually he slams Raph to the ground hard enough to daze him. Kong laughs as Raph hoarsely keeps calling for Leo, saying, “Whoever that freak used to be is long gone. You waste what little breath you still have.”
Kong grabs Raph, intent on beating him to death. Raph cries out when something in his shoulder snaps. He turns to look at Leo standing to the side, staring at the scene unfolding.
And, thinking he’s going to die here, Raph wants Leo to know one thing, “Leo....I love you brother.”
And something shifts. It’s still fuzzy but something deep in Leo’s mind stirs, remembers a much smaller, younger Raphael.
His brother...that’s his brother.
Kong was not expecting his loyal attack dog to suddenly pounce, he barely had time to react before powerful jaws closed around his neck with a wet crunch.
Leo then goes to Raph, his voice is all but gone from years of not using it, but he nudges his brother, wheezing out a weak, “Raph.”
Then the tank lurches. It had been heavily damaged in the fight and was veering through the canyons out of control. Leo doesn’t even hesitate to curl himself over Raph, tucking his long lost brother close as the rig is ripped to pieces around them.
When the rest of the gang catch up, they find Leo, curled up in a ball. At first they freak out when they see Leo’s maw is coated in blood but Leo slowly rises, revealing a very alive Raph under him.
Leo stares at his family, voice still rasping painful as he calls for them, “Donnie....Mikey....”
And then it clicks for everyone and they all surge forward to hug their big brother.
They’re reunited, brothers against the world. As it should be.
So, yeah, that was the one bit in MA that I didn’t like and how’d I fix it. Have a good day y’all! 
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littleperilstories · 1 year
The Prince of Thieves: Nothing But a Foolish Child
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Mood Boards | Chapter Titles | Also on A03!
Warnings: Mention of jail/prison, mention of death/execution, anxiety- and- fear- and- desperation-fuelled bad decisions 🙃
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Word count: 2254 || Approx reading time: 9 mins
Nothing But a Foolish Child
Teaser: Will would find this whole scene hilarious. “Really? That’s what you’re planning? Could you make it any more dramatic?” I can imagine the way he’d mime me pulling back the bowstring and imitate the sound of an arrow whooshing through the air.
I’m only glad that I’m alone when I hear what happened to Will.
It’s old news by the time it reaches me—communicated lazily in bored, impatient mutters, punctuated mostly with smirks and eye rolls. Snatches of gossip drift past me on the wind as I steal through the market, keeping my head down: Were you there that day? Did you hear him scream? Anything else exciting happen lately?
At first, it all means nothing. People gossip all the time; they’ll watch anything if it brings a smidgeon of entertainment to the mundanity of their lives and talk about anything if it brings them enough attention.
Do you think he’ll be the next to hang?
It’s that question, asked between two merchants walking past a butcher shop, that makes me realize I should have been listening more intently.
I gather by the time I leave that my brother is—or was a few days ago—alive.
It’s a good thing that Geoff is staying at the cabin today.
One, he’d surely be upset to hear what they did to Will.
Two, I can hardly breathe, and he’s seen me break down enough times over the past weeks.
I can’t lose control in front of him again. He’ll worry, probably, if I don’t return soon, but I can’t go back to him, not like this.
It’s difficult to tell how much time passes before the shaking stops, before the pain in my chest subsides, before I can appear anything close tocalm.
What do I do now? Should I tell Geoff?
Whether to tell Colette isn’t a problem. Couldn’t tell her if I wanted to. No idea where she’s gone.
But Geoff is here.
He has a soft spot for Will, like everyone does who knows him well, but maybe a little more than most. I’m not sure what it is, because they couldn’t be more different. Geoff thinks Will is funny, for sure. Maybe, though, he sees something in my brother he can’t quite understand or reproduce himself—that loud courage, the frenetic energy and chaos, the downright obnoxiousness. So different from the quiet concentration, the gentleness hiding beneath Geoff’s hulking figure. The calm and surety that drew me to him from the beginning.
What would he say if he knew?
Sure bled a lot. Voices of cruel strangers echo in my head. Yeah, saw him fall. Damn, I’m sad I missed it.
My feet carry me to the one place I know I shouldn’t go. Colette would absolutely murder me if she knew. It’s one thing for her to swan around town, pretending to be a different person at every turn, flirting or eavesdropping to steal bits of news, sneaking around with her quick fingers and light footfalls. She’s more or less uncatchable.
You look like him, she’d remind me sternly. Or maybe she’d go for, You’re the one they’re looking for. Either way, she’d conclude with, It’s too dangerous, Alpha.
I stand outside the prison’s stone walls. Against all odds, I’ve never been on the inside of these bars and stones—but I would give anything to be the one behind them now.
I peer through the gate, trying to imagine the scene as it was a few days ago. Why wasn’t I here? If I had been, what would I have done? What could I have done? Anything? Nothing?
I’d do anything to find you. I promised Will that once, didn’t I? I’m a fucking liar.
I don’t know what to do. What I can do.
Everything is crashing down on me, crushing me, smothering me, forcing every ounce of air from my lungs and I’m not sure I’ll be able to catch my breath. It was supposed to be me. It was only a coincidence, a stroke of hell-sent misfortune that sent Will in my place to what should have been nothing more than a fucking conversation. It’s me the constables want, not him, not really. IA was my idea. It’s my responsibility.
It was supposed to be me.
It was supposed to be me, but it’s Will.
Will is alive, but he’s suffering.
Will is alive, but he’s suffering.
Will is alive.
They wanted me, but they got Will. And Will is still alive.
The thought repeats, an agonizing chorus, messy and disorganized, confused and stuttering. Will is alive, but he might not be soon.
Will is there, alive.
But they want me.
I’d do anything to find you.
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Geoff was the one who taught me to shoot. Where, exactly, he picked up his astonishing and unnerving myriad of unrelated but useful skills, I’m not sure. Not that it matters—I’m grateful no matter where he learned to stitch wounds, shoot a bow, cook decently, pick locks, navigate everywhere he goes like he’s been there before, and do everything else he can do.
This particular skill, I don’t use often—I think Geoff used to hunt more for food, but we haven’t needed to since IA, since we’ve actually had money. Mostly, it was a nice excuse in the early days to sneak off into the woods together. He was a good teacher, patient if a little terse, and having him stand next to or behind me—laying his hands on my arms or shoulders to coax me into the right position—never quite lost its thrill.
If he knew what I was doing, he would be furious, but he isn’t going to find out.
Will would find this whole scene hilarious. “Really? That’s what you’re planning? Could you make it any more dramatic?” I can imagine the way he’d mime me pulling back the bowstring and imitate the sound of an arrow whooshing through the air.
He’d find it funny, that is, if he were here. If I weren’t doing this for him. To get him out.
Geoff may have been a good teacher, but my skills aren’t quite strong enough to hit a target from this distance, especially with twilight falling quickly. Fortunately, I’m not trying to hit a target. I just need to get a message from out here to in there.
I’d love to just send an arrow straight through one of their fucking windows, but I have no idea whose office is where. And this message is for one person in particular: Constable Baden Hatchett.
Shift change is usually quick, no pomp, no fuss. One of the higher-ups stalks past the new guard shortly after…to make sure everything’s in order, or that the bastards are standing up straight, or that their shoes are shiny enough, or whatever it is you’re supposed to care about when you wear the constabulary uniform.
And when Hatchett walks by…
It’s hard to wait, of course, but I remain still, curled in the fork of a tree towering a healthy distance from the prison walls. Nobody, not even Colette, could make the jump from here into the jail yard. I’m not trying to get inside, though.
String secures a single note tightly to the arrow shaft. It’s going to fuck up the balance, I guess, but such is the risk. As long as it gets close enough to Hatchett for him to notice, I don’t care if it’s an impressive shot.
Darkness gathers ever faster, and I know the shift change will be soon. This time of year, when the sun sets early, they switch just before the light disappears completely. Then, I will simply need to wait for Hatchett to make his rounds.
What few birds remain through the autumn grow quiet, only occasional chirps and calls breaking through the gloom. Though I try to concentrate on other things, my heart is racing.
Me and Geoff’s bow, we are the same—strung tightly enough to hurt.
Maybe I’m making a mistake. In fact, I probably am. In our family, it’s not usually me making the severe errors in judgment. That’s Will’s territory, and I’m usually the one cleaning up his mess.
But tonight it’s my turn.
Noise cuts through the air: calls and laughter, relatively quiet and deceptively innocent, as the guards perform their switches.
The countdown begins.
When the man appears, the one I’m waiting for, my vision goes white for an instant. Pure, blind rage.
He arrested my brother.
He hurt my brother.
I’ve never seen his face up close, but I suppose I will soon enough.
Two things nearly stay my hand. My inner circle, of course, but mostly Geoff—how angry he will be if Hatchett accepts my terms. The other, weaker and yet still powerful and sharp in my chest, is worry for a different group. If I am dead, will IA continue without me? If it doesn’t—and I wouldn’t blame the others if they decided to disband entirely—what will become of all the people we’ve helped over the years? Will others rise to take our place, or will they be too fearful once they learn of my fate? Will the days of stealing from the rich and giving care packages to those in need be done for good?
Undeterred by these worries, I touch the arrowhead to my lips, an unconscious wish of good luck, a wordless command to fly straight and true. These are my last moments to change my mind. Once I fire, I am shackled by a promise.
And once I make a promise, I am honour-bound to keep it.
It’s unwise to stay still and try to read his face from this distance; I must rely on my imagination to fill in what I cannot discern. I hope his expression is startled, perhaps slightly fearful, but intrigued, as he reads my message and what I offer in exchange for Will’s freedom.
Geoff is pissed off when I return. “Where were you?”
“I needed to walk.”
I stashed the bow and quiver before I came inside, and by some stroke of good luck, he hasn’t noticed it’s gone. It’s dark enough in the old cabin that I’m probably safe until morning, when I can sneak it back inside to its home in the corner.
“Thought you were done with that, Wolf.”
The hurt in his voice slices into me. “I know.” I don’t want to fight. Tonight, of all nights, I don’t want to become mired in a conflict I might never get to resolve. Or say something I might die regretting. “I’m sorry.”
He’s looking at me with worry and even suspicion. Something—I have to say something. “I think Will’s alive.”
I still don’t know if bringing it up is the right choice, but it’s too late now. I don’t want to tell him about the flogging—don’t want to put those pictures in his head. But I need to give him some kind of reason for my twilight wandering.
He blinks. Blanches, even. “Why d’you think that?”
“No executions since that first one.” I swallow. I hate keeping things from him.
Silence. Uncomfortable. Sickly.
“He must be so scared,” I say. I see Geoff’s mouth open like he’s about to speak, too, but I keep going. “I would be, if I—if it—” Fuck, fuck, I’m going to lose control again. “He’s alone in there. He probably thinks—thinks that—”
He thinks I’ve given up on him.
“And you know what he’s like.” A headache blooms and attacks immediately, wasting no time with any slowly intensifying nonsense. Instant. Violent. “He runs his mouth, he doesn’t think, he’s a complete asshole on a good day. When he’s upset…”
Sure bled a lot. Yeah, saw him fall.
“I don’t know if I can do it, Geoff.” Any more and I will tell him what I’ve done. I bite my tongue. The coppery tang of blood fills my mouth. “I can’t watch him die.”
His anger fades. “You don’t have to. No one would…”
The implication, filthy and shameful: he’d understand if I didn’t go. If I weren’t present for my brother’s unfair, unjust, untimely execution.
You don’t have to, he says. With any luck, I won’t have to. “Don’t say that, Geoff. You know I couldn’t…”
I let the unsaid words hang between us.
Geoff pulls me toward our meagre pile of blankets. There’s no bed in here—it’s set up as a resting spot for hunters, usually groups who just camp on the floor with bedrolls. “Wolf.”
Tonight, I flinch at the name. It’s wrong. It’s cursed.
“Just…” My next words might be the ones to give me away. “Can you just…” I can’t stop myself. “Geoff. Please.”
He knows. He always does. How is it that, no matter where or when, he always knows what I need? What everyone else needs? “Jamie.”
“You would actually go, right?” I’m trying so hard not to lose it. “I can’t leave Will, I can’t, not really.” Leaving the house was one thing. Leaving town is another. “But if it was me, or if something happened, you would go.”
It isn’t a question. It cannot be a question.
“It’s different for me and him,” I say. “He’s my brother, my family, I have to—I have to at least be here. But Geoff, promise, fucking promise me you’d leave and never come back.”
Geoff wraps his arms around me, presses his face against my neck, the unkempt, wiry hairs of his beard digging into my skin, a sublime sort of torment, innocent yet lethal. “Jamie.”
His grip tightens, and mine does, too.
“You are my family.”
And I’m done, I’m wrecked. Again. After weeks of teetering on the edge and feeling helpless… Now I’ve finally done something and Geoff said my name and IA is all he has and I am all he has and—
I’m going to abandon him.
Geoff was once a secret I couldn’t tell a single soul—not just the way he made me feel, that day and every day since, but the twist of fate that brought us together that even Will doesn’t know about.
Now he is the one I am keeping secrets from.
Constable Hatchett,
If you want IA, then you want me. If the man you arrested goes free, unharmed, I will turn myself in, and Iustitia aecum will be no more.
Your move.
J. W.
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Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams, @gala1981, @kixngiggles .
[Banner ID: A narrow horizontal, rectangular banner featuring a barred archway. The bars and the stone walls evoke the feeling of a dungeon or prison. There are burning candles on either side of the archway. The title of the story, The Prince of Thieves, appears in white text in the centre of the image. The author's username, abbreviated to LPS from littleperilstories, appears in the bottom right corner in partially transparent text. End ID.]
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originemesis · 4 months
@hellshoard xxx
Of course he'd use that line. She rolled her eyes at him playfully, knowing that he knew that she knew it was him. But for the sake of appearance, she's going to pretend. And it sent a thrill down her spine at it. She loved to roleplay different types of scenes. It was fun, thrilling even. The Queen let out a low purr, practically seemingly to melt against him but her back arched, pressing herself more against him as one hand slid down, ghosting the front of his thighs for a moment before pressing firmly against between his legs as she purred seductively , "Perhaps I should. Who knows what would happen if someone else decided to grace themselves in my presence." Meaning that someone else could easily have picked her up instead of Adam him. Tilting herself just slightly to be almost nose to nose to him, eyes dancing in mirth as her tongue teasingly ran over his lips as she licked her own, almost daring him to make a move. Probably didn't help that her hand was pressed firmly against his clothed dick, slowly moving in a way where no one would notice except him or for those to really look.
While his holographic form wasn't exactly him in the divine flesh, it could (in practice) perpetrate as a solid object with some concentration on his part. Of course, not concentrating would render him a wavy, glitching mess of static if some wise fuck decided to entertain themselves by poking fingers through the projection of his contours, but that wasn't really an issue when he saw that his company was keenly intent on pressing in to fuck with him. Oh yeah, she definitely knew he was here on heaven's business with the taunting trill of her serenading sounds as she settled in close to his projection. Thankfully his concentration was focused in on her proximity enough for his form to adjust to the sudden fondling she found reason to try and frustrate him as if she knew he was struggling with just keeping his appearance stable and her chaotic ass was all for him losing control in the middle of a hell concert yard.
If a hiss of recognition in the gesture's intentions along with the initial static of startling his projected form was noticeable, it would only be to her as the fading notes of the stage band's bass shredded through any such mild complaints. Well...she might not be at all keen on him continuing his prudent pick-up lines while subtly grinding against her hand, but thankfully she would get a break once he leaned in a ways towards her ear to let her know with a rumbling playfulness, "Ah-ah-ah... total queen babe like you entertainin' some nobody like me? All these mid morons would lose their shit. Best to just let me handle you~ " But not with his glitch hands.
"Howsa 'bout this...I get ya to come real fuckin' hard all over yourself without so much as liftin' a finger, mm?" With his gaze drifting from her to the stage and then back to her again, he lavished the flat of his grin with a swipe of an elongated golden tongue as he waited. "Not a question of IF I can, by the way. Only a matter of when ~ "
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Subaru Maniac [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the big hall of Eden
Shuu: I don’t think the situation will have any immediate impact but...
If we do end up losing Carla, it’ll take a huge bite out of our expected military power.
Reiji: We’re in quite the pickle...
Subaru: I mean, I can just fight twice as hard to make up for it, right?
Shuu: ...Hah?
Shin: I didn’t think you’d offer to cover for Nii-san.
Subaru: ...What? Got a problem with it?
Shin: No? I don’t think we have much other choice. 
Reiji: Either way, let us be utmost careful as to not let this information leak to the opponent.
ー The others leave
Subaru: ーー Oi, Ruki.
Ruki: Yes?
Subaru: You’re pretty smart, right? There’s somethin’ I’d like to ask of you. 
Ruki: ...In that case, wouldn’t it be better to ask your older brother Reiji instead?
Subaru: ...I want to entrust you with this. 
Ruki: Heh...Oh well, I suppose it’s fine. So, what is it about?
Subaru: Actuallyーー 
*Flap flap*
Kou: ーー Huh?
Azusa: ...What’s wrong, Kou...?
Kou: Yeah...Was that a Familiar just now? I could have sworn I saw something weird fly by...
...Whose Familiar could it be?
ー The scene shifts to the Vibora’s castle
Zweig: ...
Kino: Okay? Do you understand? I want you to give out the order exactly as I told you just now.
Zweig: ーー Roger.
Kino: There we go, just like that!
ー Kino leaves as the scene shifts to the forest
Kino: The Church is doing great work as well.
If things continue like this...
Yuuri: So this is where you’ve been. There’s something very important I have to tell you.
The Familiar who infiltrated Eden came back to report that the Founder King is out for the count.
Kino: Eh!? ...Did they get into an argument? Or perhaps that was their intention from the very start...? 
...Oh well, it doesn’t really matter.
With the King out of the picture, I guess the Founders don’t pose much of a threat as a whole.
Yuuri: ...You seem to be enjoying yourself. 
Kino: Yes. Well, this is like a game to me.
Either way, fortune has smiled upon us. We should be able to easily turn the tables on them.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of Eden
Yui: ...These cries never stop, do they? I wonder what exactly they are...?
Subaru: ...Sorry.
Yui: Eh? 
Subaru: ...I’m pretty sure it’s my fault.
I’m actually havin’ Ruki look into the situation.
It’s strange how things have become even worse than when I only just inherited these powers. 
Yui: What do you mean...?
Subaru: In other words, I should have better control over these powers...
I’d also like to think that I’m slowly starting to get over my personal grudges as well...
Yet it’s strange how things don’t seem to be getting better regardless.
Yui: You do have a point...
Subaru: It seems like not even the Mukami brothers who lived here alongside the Old Man for years, have ever heard these cries before.
In which case, I guess it must be my fault after all...
Yui: ...
ー Yuma walks up to them
Yuma: Oi, Mr. Shut-In. I’ve got a message for ya from Ruki.
Yui: Yuma-kun.
Subaru: What does he have to say?
Yuma: Yeah. He’s lookin’ into the case, but it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of promisin’ clues over at the pharmaceutical department either.
Subaru: ...I see.
ー Carla and Shin approach them as well
Yui: Ah, Carla-san. You must be feeling better.
Carla: ...Yes.
Shin: Excuse me? Could you maybe do something about all the noise instead of just casually greeting us like nothing’s wrong?
Subaru: Aah? That’s easy for you to say...
Carla: ...Eden is lamenting, huh...?
Subaru: ...? Do you know somethin’ ‘bout this?
Carla: ...When I was but a mere child, my Father once told me about it in a state of intoxication. 
This happened before he was banished to Banmaden. 
Apparently he heard cries during one of his visits here.
Father would jokingly refer to it as Karlheinz himself weeping.
Subaru: Weeping...? What do you mean?
Carla: Apparently these cries first occurred after Karlheinz had left his family behind and chose to isolate himself here at Eden. 
Father would make fun of this by saying he had most likely been dumped by a woman.
Yui: ( What does this mean...? )
Subaru: ...
*Flap flap flap* 
Yuma: Hm? Oi, isn’t that one of the Shut-In’s Familiars?
Subaru: Yeah. ...Seems like it wants to report somethin’.
Yui: What’s wrong?
Subaru: ...It seems like the Vibora have chosen to simultaenously annihilate both the Wolf and Adler clans.
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galaxyfcrged · 1 year
Wishlist for Padme:
I have a verse for Padme set in the era of SW:ToR. She is married to Anakin, who is an apprentice of Kenobi. She is a member of the Sith Senate. At some point Anakin challenges Kenobi & loses. She and her newborns are in a precarious position & she needs plots with allies or enemies!
Threads set during her time as Queen. Any threads.
Threads developing her relationships with canon characters such as her handmaidens or any of the Jedi, Senators, councilman, anybody she interacts with during her time in the Senate. There’s so many scenes and steps in relationships with everyone we ever see her with on screen or on the pages that are just waiting to be fleshed out.
Palpatine. Any interactions with him from trusted friend and ally to nominee to hmm well maybe somethings not right here to fml he is everything Padme has been fighting to stop and she was instrumental in putting him into power.
Force sensitive aus. (?) No specific thoughts here. Maybe she and Ani meet at the temple instead of Tatooine cause she’s a padawan already? Idk. Endless possibilities.
AU where she survived, her death was staged, she goes into hiding and begins working to form a resistance. Lots of possibilities here from being captured and turned over to Vader or the Emperor or whomever, to accidentally running into Leia or Luke during their childhoods or adolescent years somehow, or ??? Hit me up with whatever.
AU where she was brought back by Vader or maybe even someone with good intentions but she’s not quite normal? Missing memories, disjointed, darker aspects of her personality coming through. Potential for dark side plot points maybe she came back tainted and corrupted and had access to dark side powers? Dark side power couple? Resurrected bride with a need for vengeance who turns against Ani? Or joins him in secret to overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy? Again - lots of options.
AU where she survived but had amnesia - various options here including living a perfectly happy life in the outer planets somewhere oblivious to the trauma of her past until someone recognizes her & turns her in for a bounty or - whatever. Options.
AU where she survives, stages her death and she and Obi take the twins and go into hiding.
Threads / plots during the end of the prequel series as she begins to have her doubts about the Senate et al and sees the democracy crumbling - her concerns about Palpatine etc - her potentially scheming with Separatists and becoming an ally - I think some Clone Wars stuff touched on this but it’s been a while since I’ve watched the series so I’m not 100%. But yeah. Her potentially joining with the Separatists & whatever that might entail plot wise with different people.
AU where instead of Ani & Padme she ends up in a secret romance with Obi. Overall I think most major plot points would stay the same on a galactic level. Palpatine would just use that to turn Anakin against Obi for stealing what should’ve been his, betraying the code etc etc. The showdown would probably just be Anakin vs Obi without Padme so she wouldn’t die just probably go on the run with Obi after?
Any plots that involve somehow using her as leverage against Anakin before Mustafar or like as leverage against Vader etc in aus where she’s survived or brought back bc? Angst?
AU where she and Obi convince Anakin to tell the Council the truth; the truth about Palpatine is brought to light. Padme is elected as Chancellor after Palpatine is defeated. Anakin leaves the Jedi on mostly good terms and starts a small academy for grey / balanced force training with the intent to help force users who do not want to be Jedi (or sith) control their abilities without becoming controlled by them etc. the twins stay primarily at the academy.
An AU where Obi / the Jedi / etc manages to reveal Palpatine’s true nature & he is overthrown. Still turmoil but not nearly as much & the Empire is thwarted. Anakin resigns and he and Padme move back to Naboo to raise the children.
I’ll add more as I think of them.
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kierreras · 10 months
I just rewatched season 2 and it’s crazy because on first watch I remember thinking belly is actually pursuing Jeremiah but on second watch I have a totally different opinion. From episode 3 onwards he was essentially putting himself out there 100% always trying to speak to her and would make moves to show his intention. he was hesitant to start something but was also doing everything possible to send the message he wanted to start something at the same time. Super weird. He kept saying all season he didn’t want to get hurt but he still chose all season to interrupt or come between belly and Conrad up until the finale after belly and him had kissed, if it wasn’t for his interruptions all season there were some moments where belly and Conrad would have for sure figured things out etc the party store. I know he was vulnerable in the finale and was trying to make the right call for everyone but there is a big part of me that feels like he was doing it for his benefit. I really want to like jeremiah but he reminds me so much of Dawson from Dawson creek, the best friend that doesn’t allow them to be together and makes them feel guilty for loving each other, the certain smugness/ entitlement he has.
hey, sorry for the late reply! yeah, i think it was an intentional choice of jenny, but also jeremiah being present in many significant bellyconrad moments is a pattern. i can't say if it's intentional on his end, but it's a fact. starting from season one jeremiah is always an obstacle — the fireworks scene, the end of season one when conrad asks belly to deb ball, thanksgiving, not getting together for the couple of months. as for other thing, i think that jere's conflicting actions are an outcome of the inconsistent writing for this show. for example, jeremiah literally turned belly and then hours later he went "you don't have to hurt yourself to get my attention" (which is like the cringiest line ever). the inconsistency is showing with jere's character a lot, but also it can be blamed on unreliable narration cause when jere acted kind of noble (skye's dare for belly to kiss jeremiah, saying that all he ever wanted was for conrad and belly to be happy) are shown from his point of view or from no one's cause belly is not present in those scenes. so maybe it's a part of that unreliable narration story. but i understand what you're referring to, those scenes are conflicting for me as well. and as for finale, i will stand by my previous take and say that jeremiah acting decent in the finale was his way of doing a potential damage control. he's not stupid, he realised that no matter what happens he's going to either lose belly or lose his brother, so he tries to lessen the damage. at the end of the day, i believe that he does love both conrad and belly, he's not a villain. also, i think that belly and conrad are not good for each other right now, even if jeremiah was completely out of the picture and they were able to make up and talk things out, they would eventually hurt each other because of the mental state they were both in. i don't think that belly should be in relationship in the end of season two, the same goes for jeremiah and conrad. they all are traumatised and they all are grieving, so for conrad to actually be the only one who can properly deal with his grief by isolating himself is kind of a win.
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stuckasmain · 2 years
Trick or treat- songs meaning and possible over analyzing
Another thing I love about the movie is it’s kick ass soundtrack and that all the songs go along with whatever is happening on screen. For example “get tough” plays while Eddie confronts the bullies during the first revenge act or “Tear down the walls” while he literally tears all the posters off of his walls in a fit of teenage angst. It’s just a fun element that movies just don’t do- mainly because everyone gets popular songs instead of making a score and soundtrack but that’s a whole other conversation for another time.
Now I’ve made it no secret that Sammi lives rent free in my head after watching this movie and I’m making it everyone else’s problem. For a horror movie antagonist, he actually does get quite a lot of character especially with what few lines he actually gets. However, like always , I tend to dig way to deep into what we have to do character study and I think his pivotal song actually gives a LOT about him away.
Shocking Halloween performance-
Ok so hopefully we’re all in agreement that the song fucking rules but besides that… I think the song reveals the things the movie forgot to touch on after introducing them fairly over on. That beating Faust and that he “believes his own hype”
Maybe you'll see
Someone's put a spell on me
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These lyrics repeat multiple times in the song and I think it’s basically a call for help without being a call for help. A clear “I’m not entirely in control of my actions here”, as later in the number when he starts firing lightning in the crowd it’s not started intentionally. It is going to hard on a solo, losing control. Lost in the music ™️ only after does there start to be intent. However Sammi seems much more intent on having a captive audience than a crispy one.
This is where I bring up Faust as it’s literally the first fucking few lines on the movie. Are directly ripped from a poem or production then it’s never once brought up again? And it is not referring to Sammi and Eddie as Ed 100% has free will here. The moment things turn deadly he drops the friendship and fights against him. Sammi on the other hand… oh dies in a random hotel fire and kid has satanic ritual related dreams? Oh yeah. Everything we learn through the TV special and Nuke points to Sammi being a wild child, publicity and fan obsessed rocker. I can see and he likely did Cut a deal with at least something - to be able to play and be popular forever. At the cost of his soul.
Rock and roll
Rockin' on a midnight
Take control
Sammi isn’t personally interested in souls at all. From every other scene the only people he kills are assholes or anyone against him. He’s a revenge kill kinda guy not a bunch of randos at a party guy- ESPECIALLY loyal fans. I think the party scene was probably on the demonic side , using him to fill a quota. As getting out of owing his soul by Eddie bringing him back means something, someone is die to take his place. He wants control. He wants fans- practically a army. He wants the stage! Hocus Pocus so got the captive crowd inspo from this Lmao.
His motivations are to spread his last album so he can’t be destroyed, to get revenge, and to play forever. I’m by no means saying he’s a “good” guy or that he wouldn’t kill if he had a choice… as we see him get several personal kills in/people who are in his way. Just that, there’s something else at play besides him during this scene particularly/he doesn’t kill without reason(flimsy reason but reason).
Final chase-
Firstly After midnight is basically “hee hee hoo hoo I’m gonna get you” but a song. It’s kinda hysterical. As fastway’s music is Sammi’s in universe so imagine efnodehioefhdeioheduhdjoi just singing as he goes after you. I can’t.
Gonna hunt you through the night, yeah
You got it
I want it
Pretty soon he's gonna change his tune now
Something about “he’s gonna come back to my side. I know he’s gonna. He has to.” Man give it up - Eddie’s not.
“Hee hee hoo hoo I’m going to get you and shock you” he’s a massive dork actually.
I just think it’s much more interesting because he has personal motives and a lust for power but it’s at a pass with him owing his soul and the interest of the higher power he owes it to. How he’s forced to act outside of his own wants. Infinite power and a plan and he’s forced to do work instead of what he wants- which is at conflict with his anti man image etc. Like how he wants an audience, fans, praise etc and Hell wants a replacement for his dodging. I’m hoping this makes sense
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sexcromancy · 1 year
cws for sexual abuse/assault: yeah, you made a really good point about g1deon's attacks on harrow feeling a lot like a metaphor for sexual assault...i went back and reread htn recently and was stunned by how horrifying they were, the bath scene especially (and it's even more horrifying in retrospect that john told him to do this. even if someone didn't read ntn, i'd truly be stunned if they didn't understand his intentions towards harrow)
yep pretty much! John's interpersonal (rather than imperial) violence is often through the mediation of another person. the lyctors are extensions of self, fists and gestures, and they do his will. giving G1deon the task to attack harrow is an example of that, so is using G-'s finger to push the button on the bomb. in my Pyrrha character study she ruminates on G- as johns first cavalier, the first person who he manipulated to do his dirty work. the only times we see John get directly violent are cow wall, killing all the cops, and exploding mercymorn. I would almost say those are the times he loses control, but he's beat me to that punch - guys as careful as him don't make mistakes. those are instances where he's making a calculated demonstration of absolute power in order to rule by fear the rest of the time. so to bring it all back around to harrow - g1deons attacks serve the dual purpose of possibly shaking loose Gideon's soul and prompting full gestalt, and keeping her scared and destabilized enough that she's easy to manipulate.
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