#and like yeees it was so long ago all these things were so long ago nd like dnksks not even that Bad
awilddaydreamer · 1 year
Fuck, I'm actually crying. Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy are all together (because Tommy came to Wilbur's place) telling Tallulah and Chayanne about the SBI MCC4 :(((
(long audio transcription under the cut)
Wilbur: Ok, let's tell the story!
Phil: Alright, they're just over here, they'll hop on the bed, and then when we're- when we're done we just leave and they place their beds down.
[Phil and Tommy chuckle in endearment]
Wilbur: Aww
Phil: It's cute right?
Wilbur: That is cute as hell Tommy, overlapping: Hi Tallulah!
Wilbur: M'kay. So, a long time ago, in the distant land of the year 2020
Phil: I'm gonna turn you up
Phil: NEVERMIND! Ouh. [laughs]
Wilbur: It was built for the Minecraft Championship, which is th- the biggest.. thing that has ever happened. Speci- Phil: It's like the Olympics Wilbur: Mm. Specifically number four, all the others pale in comparison. Phil: Yep Wilbur: None were as good as number four. Phil: Yep
Wilbur: And um... basically there were these four people chosen, and they were: the great- the great elder. The wisest of the miners. [Phil wheeze-laughs] The longest survivor of all time, Philza Minecraft. Phil, whispering: That's me! Wilbur: There was... the PVP legend. A master of his domain. a destroyer of men, women, and their now orphaned children. Phil: PFFT Wilbur: He was very very good at it. His name, was Technoblade. [Phil chuckles]
Wilbur: There was also the scrappy young upstart, the- the y'know the prodigy s- the prodigal son who was going to take on the crown and soon take on after his- his predecessors. Tommyinnit. And there was Wilbur. [pause]... and together, they-
[Wilbur and Phil laugh]
Wilbur: Together they formed MCC4 Purple Pandas. Phil: Yeee Wilbur: Now, they were the dead-set favorites to win, and there was gonna be a crazy upset.
[Wilbur chuckles and Phil laughs]
Wilbur: Everyone- everyone thought Purple Pandas was gonna win, and would you believe it... [pause as they both chuckle under their breath] after a long-fought battle... they won. They won, despite Wilbur d- building something wrong in Sky Battle and falling to his death in the void. Um, and- Phil: So- some would say that was an advanced tactic called Ghosting so he could find out information about the other teams and help us. Wilbur: Mhm. We'll never know. We'll never know
[Phil laughs]
Wilbur: What happened in Rocket Spleef?
Phil: Rocket Spleef, it was Tommy saying- Wilbur: Oh, uh, To- Tommy committed woman murder. Phil: Yep.
Tommy: But Tallulah trust me it- it went hard
[Wilbur and Phil chuckle]
Phil: Tallulah, it was poggers and not permanent, so don't worry. [laughs]
Wilbur: He was feeling good afterwards you could say Phil: He was feeling good
Tommy: Tell them about the dynamic duo- Phil, overlapping: Tallulah has words Tommy: -that was me and Techno.
Wilbur: Oh in- in- in Battle Box Tommy: [unintelligable] -To Get To The Other Side
Wilbur: [reading Tallulah's sign] Tallulah doesn't support that Mr Tommy.
Tommy: Honestly Tallulah it was a dark time for- [Wilbur laughs] Tommy: And I don't- I don't say that kind of thing anymore. You're all safe in my- in my presence. [Wilbur and Phil laugh]
Wilbur: And, yes, there was the dynamic duo in Battle Box and Tommy and Techno, who scored crazy good points- and Techno won Ace Race! Techno kinda was the reason we won that MCC we did fuck all, it was mostly Techno [laughs]. Phil: Pretty much. We got- [stammering] we got carried pretty hard. [chuckles]
Wilbur: But then we won. We won, and it's one I look back very fondly on, there was- there was at- there was at one point a time when I- I- I couldn't bring myself to watch MCC4 because I just got so annoyed at Tommy over and over during the vod. [Phil laughs] Wilbur: But since- since watching it again recently it's actually pretty based, and it's a pretty good vod.
Phil: It's really funny, there was o- there was one moment, Chayanne, where Tommy was like "Yeah I've got this block," and I was like "place it," and he was like "I don't have the block, Phil," and then I just proceeded to berate him and argue with him for like about three minutes until the next round started Tommy: It was a real learning curve in our father-son relationship. Wilbur: Mhm. [Phil wheeze-laughs]
Wilbur: Anyway, get some rest you two. And- and Tallulah when you wake up there will be a brand new home for you, a completely safe new house!
[Tallulah begins playing her flute as Phil begins talking] Phil: It's gonna look- it's gonna look so good. Aww thank you for the song Tallulah. Tommy: Awhahawww! Whaat?! Wilbur: She's just like- just like her old man. Tommy: You're incredible, Tallulah!
[Wilbur and Phil laugh]
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TBB Finale Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
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I feel ill
Well... thoughts I guess...
Yeee they're gonna go and get Crosshair!!!
Echo's got contacts 😌
Phee telling him not to run off with any pirates 😭
Of course this meeting is full of old white men.
Just saying, last time they parked the Marauder out of view it got stolen. 😐
I got way too excited over cable cars.
Tech, pls get off the high thing. It's stressing me out. 😬
I would be Wrecker in this situation. Except I'd be doing worse.
At least everyone else has two hands to hold on with, Echo just has his scomp wedged under a pipe. 😭
Hemlock going for the "if I just make all my responses really vague then I won't actually have to answer anything" approach.
Echo hasn't been sidelined which is good. 🥰
It's "let's send the child off into a dangerous situation by themselves" time!
Swinging the crane around and knocking everything over seems like something Fives would do.
Or Hardcase. But Hardcase wouldn't do it intentionally.
Saw, mate. Pls don't blow it up. I don't need to be more stressed about the Batch not making it. 😭
These fight sequences are great!
Oh great. Now they're stuck. 🥲
Remember in 2x1 when it ended with the crate falling out of the sky? Yeah... this feels like that.
And that didn't end well for Tech so now I'm stressed that someone is going to get hurt. 😭
Everything is grey. Why does everything have to be grey? Grey ≠ good.
This has me all levels of stressed out. 🫠
Oh fuck. Now we have ships involved.
Oh fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck
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Tech what're you doing...
Tech no...
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Months ago I said that Tech was the most likely of them to die
I feel sick
That might be the sleep deprivation tbf
But omg I actually feel ill
I'm sobbing
I hate this
Wrecker calling Tech's name is so much like Fives calling Echo's
Everything hurts
Oh great! This entire sequence is like when Hunter got shot! 😭
It stresses me out that we haven't seen Crosshair yet 😐
Hey, AZI. Nice to see a friendly face. 🥲
Awww they were so worried about her 😭
Help me
Goddammit, Tech. I didn't need this. 😭
Wrecker has a neck brace. 🥲
"Yeah. Me too."
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This entire episode makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up
I'm in so much pain rn
I'm suffering
Don't look all sad and regretful
You know what you did
Fuck you 🤬
"Who knew clones were so paternal" 😭
I hate this I hate this I hate this
But that means they found him, right???
I refuse to believe that he's dead.
I refuse to believe it.
Maybe they took him.
I mean, that's not good but at least it means he's not fucking dead.
Oh shit now they have Wrecker and Hunter. 😭
Oh piss off Hemlock, you slimy git
(I actually really enjoy watching him as a villain though)
(It's a love hate relationship)
(Mainly hate)
Echo and AZI teaming up is making me think of Fives and AZI and now I'm somehow even more sad... ☹️
Scorch, you put Omega down right now!
Oh Nala Sé can piss off as well. 😒
And there was us thinking that they were gonna rescue him. 🤡
Well we were right about one thing... they got Omega. 🥲
So Emerie is a clone!
Oh, we've ended on grey. Of course. How else would it end.
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I just... what do I say? I don't know what to do. I'm in pain. I feel sick. This episode broke me in every way possible. I don't know what to do.
Me if someone tries to tell me that Tech is actually dead 👇
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... at least this means season 3, right? 🥲
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@phis-writing @saturn-sends-hugs @eriexplosion @heyclickadee @snarkyfina So, besties... how are we doing? 😃
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corruptimles · 1 year
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I'd love that actually, hearing other people's takes is fun !! (most of the time anyway)
Yeee okay so again I haven't watched the last 2 3 eps yet so who knows if any of these points would change but I'll expand on my last answer below
For some more context, here's which KR shows I've watched to compare to: Kuuga, Blade, Hibiki*, W, OOO, Fourze, Gaim, Ghost*, Ex-aid, Build,. Zero-One, Revice, Geats*, Amazons*, Black Sun*
* means I'm still in the middle of them. Everything else I've at least watched the first two episodes for. I've not seen any of Showa yet.
Spoiler warnings ahead for: Geats up to ep 46, some of Kuuga, Fourze, Ex-Aid, and Gaim
Warning this is a LONG answer
It's done some things that I wasn't expecting from KR, at least from a Reiwa/Heisei 2 style. Heisei 1 had its serious/scary moments since those leaned more into the J-Drama side but those were yearsss ago so seeing it in Geats was an interesting whiplash (SPOILER: referring to some scenes/revelations that surrounded child death and existentialism)
Neon Neon Neon Neon the girl ever
She was unknowingly wished into the world to replace a murdered daughter. Her dream to have real genuine love because of her unkind parents suddenly feels further out of her reach. She was created at the suffering of others, clearly it's almost selfish to want something for herself, right?
We are originally introduced with version of her backstory where she was in a hostage situation. A saved 8yr old Neon is returned to her family.
And then the scene gets re-contextualized with Beroba revealing that it was all fabricated, and the flashback replays anew, where Akari in a body bag is brought out instead. This is the most explicit visual an focus of a child death they've had in a main series lately. The scene of her running to her mom's arms is replaced with the dead silence of a mother in grief. Everything up to this point with Neon and her parent's actions are in a new horrifically understandable light. This leads into so so so much for Neon as she struggles w the meaning of her own existence, desires, and relation to the child she replaced.
(again I say lately because some v-cinemas can get violent, Amazons and Black Sun are violent, and Kuuga is a main series that had a horrific serial killer type situation and suicides but that was 20+ years ago. Closest thing for Heisei 2/Reiwa of a human death was Gentarou dying in Fourze because you watch as his heart stops beating. Other human deaths have like. a character fading into sparkles, going off screen, or turning into the monster and then exploding)
Her relationship with her parents? Complicated. Fascinating. Riveting. Really compelling. A suffocating mother that wants her daughter to stay at home, follow the rules, never stray from her, later revealed to be fuelled from nearly losing her daughter in that hostage situation. When she gets her memory back, realizing her memory of Akari was rewritten with this stranger, that's not her daughter because her daughter died 11 years ago. She yells at her, pushes her away, only to struggle again because isn't she just losing a daughter again? but that's not her daughter except she is but.,, and it's hard! She's not a good person, she's controlling, her grief doesn't justify that, but she's so complex. Her father? losing the ability to love the day he lost his daughter. He fabricates a new one, one for him and his wife to raise but for him, as a successor to the business, not as a daughter. To secure his position. But he was still mourning, really. He focuses on Neon as a means to an end because he's still mourning Akari.
And it's not simply that the Kurama family reunites after realizing their wrongs! It took time! It took discussion and breathing room. When Neon left, it's not that she fully cuts ties, because that's not that easy. Eleven years is still eleven years. She sees her mother one last time, her father in prison, laments how he is unable to love.They're all deeply traumatized and going through revelation after revelation. Neon doesn't hate them, she understands the situation. It's alien. It's not fair. The parents don't hate her. They sit and talk to each other about this! She's still a kid they brought into this world. A child that grew up with them for eleven years. That's eleven years they couldn't truly love her because of the loss of Akari, whether intentional or subconsciously. They explicitly discuss with each other that they owe love to Neon. They acknowledge Neon's desire for true love is because they've been depriving her of that. They could do better and they want to do better.
The Kurama family had a premise that was grave and emotional and the resolution was handled with a maturity that could've easily been done hand-waved in a lighter, shallower beat. It's not new for characters that'd done awful things to be forgiven rather easily in these kinda shows which like, I get it, but,, But no, the Kurama parents still remain complicated people that did wrong and know they did wrong and it's not an easy fix, especially for the mother's controlling behaviour because that's trauma, but they're given the chance to start that I like a whole lot
[deletes my even further paragraphs about why Neon is my favourite rider girl]
I do have nitpicks but not enough to really ruin the experience for me. To be vague, it's about an arc's relevance/writing,
The Among Us Dezastar arc feels the weakest by far. It just felt so strange to me. I know it was important to introduce new cast (Daichi) and I think challenge how much characters are willing to do to win (Neon) but it could've been less awkward?
There's whiplash from the reveal that everything was in fact, a show, that their actions are broadcast as entertainment, not to really save anyone to whatever this arc was They were just kinda, hanging around? Compared to how other revelations were treated in the future, this just felt so jarring to follow up with. I thought they were gonna lean into the reality show aspect more to get into even more characterization but...
After everything Ace, Keiwa, and Neon went through, especially the last episode's scene defeating Girori, into the introduction to the new DPG where they not just ignore Keiwa as a funnee, have the weird Girls vs Boys thing, or Girls vs Boys vs Keiwa because we bully Keiwa now, that was all just kinda weird
I know Neon kinda had to throw someone under the bus because she was the culprit but there were so many scenes that just shoved Keiwa around just cuz. The revelation he had about the Jyamato acting like dead participants was serious but they're like noooo sorry you're sus loser :/ At least Ace was neutral on the matter cuz he been-knew, but man...
a specific character's writing,
Keiwa again :( I love Keiwa! But out of our main 3 (Ace, Neon, Keiwa) he has the strangest writing by the last half
He has such a strong start but then gets pushed down when the other characters are the story focus. You can have the other characters in the spotlight without needing to belittle and make fun of another. From Dezastar Arc onwards, he got fairly side-lined until the my next few points
Him getting mad at Ace for his mother being the Goddess was just, so unprecedented? Again he's been with Ace for a long while now but the 180 to 'HOW COULD YOU?' when even Ace just learned this. Ace just learned his mother was suffering as the Goddess and Keiwa, notably empathetic and world peace Keiwa, immediately went to blame rather than any sort of consolation or attempt to understand the situation.
I won't say Keiwa is not allowed to be angry or complex but they had set him up for like 70% of the series as the good hearted one, to the point that his devil in the crossover movie was still him wanting peace for others
on a related note, he did it again with Michinaga! Michinaga blaming himself for killing Keiwa's sister despite not knowing is interesting, but Keiwa once again goes over the fact the other guy is feeling just as terrible. I'm not saying Keiwa would be okay with his sister dying but he immediately treats Michinaga as if he actively, knowingly, killed his sister If this wasn't after having the exact same level of reaction to Ace's mother, it probably wouldn't feel as bad, but it did, so it felt like a 'here we go again'
Which leads to his Bad Guy arc which is not inherently bad as a concept. It's might as well after the stress they've already added to him. A character that's full of fairly naive hope losing the last family he has, learning that the system he's in has taken away his loved ones again, getting devastated and desperate when he has to listen to them die again just when he thought he had his life back I love the idea that "i want everyone to be happy but that means me too, what's the point if it's not mine and my family's too'. It's a neat take on that type of desire! But the execution was not a descent or even escalation, it was just another flip like the last two - Clothing change. Not the worst. It happened to Mitsuzane, who went from good kid to delusional fratricide. It happened to Jin, it happened to Hiiro w/ Masamune, it's just cheesy wardrobe change. (I'm going to personally believe Kekera had a part in this because he was shaping Keiwa into the rider he wanted him to be) I do wish Keiwa kept the new hair actually, it was cute lol - New edgy af henshin. Stop cracking ya knuckles. Goofy. Not the worst again, but in combination w the clothes kinda takes me out of it -overall edgy af mannerisms and movements -treatment of Tsumuri Everything escalated, he became desperate, was being manipulated, so capturing Tsumuri and making her use her new creation powers is understandable. The idea of him actively taking advantage of her empathy to his pleas and tears (which were probably real tbh) to get a new item? That's sick of him but in both a cool and awful way. What I cannot handle as an active choice from Keiwa? The god. The freakign. The classic creepy face caress when Tsumuri was imprisoned. Why did he do that!? Literally no reason!! It was just weird!! He's depressed and angry, not automatically a creep???!?! It can't really be justified as him like, mentally breaking, because it doesn't add up w literally anything else he's done. Especially when he looks normal again. We're just gonna ignore that happened? He went so close to her face so much. It felt unnecessary. Who told him to do that. Whaddahell.
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I firmly believe are other ways to portray a character being threatening and aside from the overdone touchy creep(tm) style.
So just all of that in combination and in such a short amount of time was over the top. If we had to do the bad guy arc, I think we could've had more of the crocodile tears thing he had. Sad, pathetic but manipulating/guilt-tripping. We don't have much bad guys like that.
and a more inconsequential thing like lack of some specific character designs.
where are Kamen Rider Lancer and Kamen Rider Garun's designs!!! where are they!!
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It has a consistent belt/power-up gimmick and is surprisingly versatile despite people only using the same one or two belt type
Realized how often I use the word 'consistent' lol. It's just one of my pet peeves if rider/power systems are just, thrown away, and people start getting belts and forms up the wazoo w no decent explanation. [deletes a bunch of typing here] That's another few paragraphs worth of explanation so I'll shorten it to this: it makes it less tv show and more toy commercial, if that makes sense.
After discussing this further w a friend I realized these points ^ only exist because I was watching this fresh outta Revice and unfortunately Revice had frustrated me quite a lot so that's something I'll spare you of for now
So those are the ups and criticisms I can recall for now. I still would probably have Geats up there on my personal favourites though. Despite how much I love Fuwa and Aruto, I like the overall story for Geats over Zero-One out of the Takahashi stuffs. Ex-aid is still higher overall. I'll need to finish those last few episodes and movie before deciding where I'll place Geats in my overall KR list.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
A Love Letter for Valentine’s Day: Chapter 3
when you’re satisfied with being just a fan...
previous part (chapter 2)
next part (chapter 4)
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mona: The feeling I get… when I think about how much I love them…
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Mona: Wait, I don’t understand what he meant at all!
Mona flung herself onto her bed amidst her great struggles with writing her “love letter”. She recalled the words that Minami had said to her all those days ago, but nothing clicked.
Mona: (But… I don’t have much time till the live.)
Mona: (Alright… Now that it’s come to this…)
Mona: Let the mission to find my feelings of love start…!
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Mona: I’ve definitely gotta kick things off with this…!
Mona played a concert DVD of a band that she had loved for a long time.
Mona: (I don’t know if I can say that I like this band enough to be in love with them, but I’ve been following the activities of this vocalist for all this time…)
Mona: (Recalling those days makes me wanna deliver a slightly better “love letter” to my fans!)
Watching the concert footage for the first time in a while had revived the passionate feelings that Mona had experienced in the past within her.
Mona: (The singer’s so cool when they’re singing. I wanna watch them forever…)
Mona: (Ah! Yup, they start off the next song with a great expression on their face—)
Mona: …
Mona: This isn’t… love, is it…?
Mona: (Of course I’d been really upset when the vocalist retired, but…)
Mona: (When I heard that they were getting married, my feelings of wanting to congratulate them were way stronger than my feelings of sadness…)
Mona: …Ah! I love the way the audience participated in this performance~!
Mona: I wonder if I’ll be able to imitate this during my next live.
Mona: I really love the lighting effects too…
Mona: I wanna try directing my own live performance someday too. I should bring this up with the Pres…
Mona: (...Wait, isn’t this…)
Mona: Aren’t I watching them with a gaze of respect, rather than through the lens of love…?!
Mona: I won’t be able to use my feelings of respect to write a love letter! Geez! Moving on!
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Mona returned to her room—
Mona: Ah! He’s really so cool no matter how many times I look at him!
Mona unfolded the poster of a drama that she had watched together with Sena in the past.
Mona: (I loved this lead actor because he’s so cool.)
Mona: (Big Sis says that the guy who plays his partner is cooler though…)
Mona looked back and forth between the two actors that were depicted side by side on the poster.
Mona: (He’s good at acting, and I heard that he’s kind to his fans. Even just looking at this poster brings me joy, but—)
Mona: But… it sure seems like what I feel isn’t love.
Mona: (I don’t feel any urge to get closer to people I admire, like this actor, for instance…)
Mona: (I’d rather root for them as a loyal fan.)
Mona: (I’ve never wanted anything more than that…)
Mona: Hmm… trying to figure out the feelings of love is really hard…
As Mona mulled over her thoughts, there was a knock on her door.
Sena: Mona~?
Mona: (Ah, it’s Big Sis.)
Mona: Yeees! Come in!
Sena: Pardon my intrusion.
Sena: Hey, Mona, there’s a CD I’d like to borrow if you happen to have it…
Mona: Sure thing, Big Sis. Which one do you wanna borrow? Something from your favourite artiste?
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Sena: Ah, nope! I’d like something from… a band my friend likes instead…
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Mona: (...She’s blushing. Is this friend of hers… a guy?)
Mona: Yeah, yeah. I’ll lend it to you if you tell me which CD it is~.
Sena: Ye-yeah! It’s…!
However, before Sena said anything further, she abruptly turned her gaze upon the poster.
Sena: Huh? Is that—
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
The altar gleamed polished and beautiful in the darkening light. Illyaria was being broken and this small shrine - how long had it lasted? How long had it held before now? 
They were in some remote camp deep in the mountains. Her fingers dug into the cold dirt as she felt the ground shake. 
She looked up at the shadow, her lips parting as she gazed up at him. 
They'd survive that Blood Plague six months ago and she thought that was the worst of it. What else would they need to before this damn war was over?
She reached for his hand tightening her grip.
"Will you marry me Cassian?"
She slowly got to her feet rubbing at her eyes. She didn't even care if she just smeared more dirt on her face.
"I just - I just want moment with how it used to be. Where we didn't have to have these conversations surrounded by death and heartbreak."
The world was changing around them, things were crumbling and it was like sand slipping between his fingers. Everything was moving so fast, progressing at a pace he couldn't keep up with.
They were only just recovering from the Blood Plague, their figures were still down from losing so many before the medicine came. Blessed they were for Adva, she had risked her own life to bring it and ensured they all pulled through.
Cassian's attention turned when he felt her grip his hand, his wings snapping open to shield her from view. He needed to protect her, he needed to keep her safe.
Her question stunned him for a moment, but as she got to her feet he moved quickly to support her and pull her close. "Yvette." Her name was soft on his lips, he listened to her.
"Of course, I will you."
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drella · 6 years
OH my god maybe i am just too Sensitive for this world
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eddie coming home all beaten up by jason just wanting to cuddle and watch a movie (extra point if they watch willy wonka's chocolate factory!)
yeees, taking care of Eddie 💜💜💜 Warnings: Eddie is hurt Disclaimer: I don't own Stranger Things 😊 gifs aren't mine 😁
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You were pacing around the kitchen, waiting by the phone. Eddie always called you after a Hellfire meeting and you knew it had ended at least an hour ago. It didn't take him that long to get home. You tried calming yourself thinking it was probably nothing. The meeting must have run long or maybe he offered a ride to Mike, or Dustin, or Gareth or someone. But there was still a feeling in the pit of your stomach that couldn't help but think something was wrong. Your fears were confirmed when you heard someone knocking on the front door. More like banging on the door. You quickly went over and opened the door to reveal Eddie on the other side. A bruised, beaten-up, Eddie.
"E-Eds" you said, shaking a little, helping him in. "W-what happened to you, love?"
"N-nothing" he mumbled quietly.
"Eddie! This is not nothing" you said, worriedly.
"Love, is not a big deal, I just need to clean up and-"
"Eddie" you said, on the verge of tears. You had never seen him like this. Not only physically hurt, but he looked defeated and small.
"Don't cry, princess" he said, placing his hand on your cheek. When you placed your hand on his, you felt his bruised knuckles. "It looks worse than it feels. I promise" he assured you as a tear fell down your cheek and he wiped it away.
"Let me clean you up" you said, walking him over to the kitchen.
You sat him down on a chair and when you turned on the light, you were able to fully see the damage on him. You really didn't mean to but you knew he saw your shocked expression, noticing the bruises on his arms too. Eddie looked away, not being able to face you, so you went to get your first aid kit under the sink. You came back and grabbed the scrunchie that was on your wrist to pull Eddie's hair back in a messy bun so you could see him better. You placed your hand softly on his cheek and your heart broke seeing a big purple bruise printed on his left eye. He looked at you with his huge, deep brown puppy eyes and you had to take a deep breath to not lose it right there because you knew he needed you.
"What? Admiring how handsome I am with my hair pulled back?" he asked with a small smirk, making you smile just barely. You had no idea how he could always do that, no matter the circumstances.
"You always look handsome, Eds" you said, kissing his forehead before you started cleaning him up.
"Why, thanks, love" he smiled at you.
"This might sting a little, but I don't want it to get infected" you warned him and he only nodded before you cleaned a deep cut he had on the right side of his face. Your heart broke again when he winced in pain, trying his best not to show it but his hand squeezed your free one tightly. "Okay, okay, I'm done" you said after you cleaned his face up and then his knuckles, placing a bandage on them. "Eds?"
"Yes, princess?"
"A-are you hurt anywhere else?" you asked, terrified of the answer. Eddie sighed, taking off his vest, and then his jacket. He then looked at you again with his doe eyes and you knew something was terribly wrong. "It's okay, love. I just want to help you" you assured him.
"I know" he said, quietly. "I just... I n-need help to take my shirt off" he said, looking away.
"Okay" you said carefully helping him, grabbing the hem of his Hellfire Club shirt and slowly pulling it up. When you looked back at him. This time, you couldn't help but gasp. "Eddie!" you said, kneeling down. Bruises covered his entire upper body. Purple bruises that didn't even look like they were done forming yet. You had no idea how he had been able to stand up at all. "Eds, what happened?" you asked, grabbing his hand in yours and looking up at him. "Who did this to you, love?"
"Uh-" he cleared his throat, looking away. "I was coming out of the Hellfire Club meeting after cleaning up" he started. "It was just me left and-" he sighed. "J-Jason and his friends were still at school" he said, quietly.
"They did this?" you asked, feeling your blood boiling.
You were never one for violence, but after seeing this, all you wanted to do was grab Steve's bat with the nails on it and pay a visit to Jason and every single person that dared hurt Eddie.
"They started just saying the same shit they always do" he said, rolling his eyes. "And I didn't even mind them, I was just walking to my car but then-" he said, looking at you and grabbing your hands with his. "They started talking about you" he said, with his tone getting angry. "In a very disgusting way" he told you. His eyes got lost as if he was back in that moment and you felt your heart breaking even more. "And I just lost it" he said, taking a deep breath.
"Hey" you said, getting up, placing your hands on his cheek, careful not to hurt him and he looked up at you. "It's okay, love" you said, stroking his cheek with your thumb. "I'm really sorry this happened to you" you said, with a few tears escaping your eyes.
Eddie pulled you into his lap and wrap his arms around you, bringing you down to kiss you softly.
"You don't have anything to be sorry for, princess" he told you.
"But it's not fair that-"
"I know" he said, kissing your cheek. "But I can take it, I promise" he told you. "Especially if that means I can just come here and have you take care of me" he smirked.
"How can you make jokes in a time like this?" you smiled a little.
"Who says I'm joking?" he pouted. "Why else do you think I'm here if not to be spoiled rotten by my beautiful girlfriend?"
"Oh, I thought you came here because you knew I would be alone since my parents are out of town" you smirked at him.
"Well, that's just a plus" he said, giving you a peck on the lips. "Ouch" he said, pulling away and you stroked your thumb along his cut, swollen lip.
"How about I finish cleaning you up and then we can watch a movie and cuddle?" you offered.
"Do I get to pick the movie?" he pouted.
"Of course, you do, love. We can watch Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" you smiled.
"How did you know I was going to pick that one?"
"Because it is my job to spoil you tonight" you said, making him laugh a little.
"I love you" he said, pulling you closer.
"I love you too" you said, kissing his forehead.
The End
A/N: I hope you liked it :D
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Self care- p!Tommyinnit x reader
i wish i was bsfriends w tommy :’)
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings:themes of depression, nothing too deep
A/N: Taking Tommy and Wilbur requests!! u cant tell me tommy doesn’t do the classic british X’s on txts to his friends
It had been a rough stream, 8 hours sat in the same chair putting on the same happy face, it was unbelievably exhausting some days. You took of your headset and set it down after pressing ‘end stream’, you ruffled your hair and took in a deep breath, throwing a glance at the clock on your computer. 5am. You tried to throw caution to the wind, maybe it was an off day? But no, you could feel it, deep inside, another episode. You looked directly into the webcam, your face scrunching up as you take note of your appearance, your ruffled hair, your dark eye bags. It felt like hours, just staring at yourself, your famous thousand-yard stare painted across the screen. Suddenly, your phone vibrated from its place on the desk. You lethargically picked it up as the bright screen illuminated your otherwise dark room. It was Tommy.
Big T: ‘bedwars stream tmrw? : ) x’  
You really didn't feel up to it in all honesty, but you didn’t want to let Tommy down like that, he loves bedwars. A sad smile made its way to your face as you drafted your text back.
Gremlin: ‘only if were on duos together : ) x’
Big T: ‘5pm? X’ You responded with a simple yeee.
You discarded your phone to the side and stood up for the first time in hours. Your bones ached as you outstretched your limbs. Pain. You walked over to your bed and sat on the edge, eyes scouring the room, even though you weren't sure what you were looking for, an escape maybe? It wasn’t even like you had anything to be upset over, great friends, successful streamer, everything was going great, but alas, depression does not give a shit. You crawled into bed, putting your phone on charge and grabbed all of your covers over your head, a long sigh making its way from your lips.
The next day/  
Tommy loaded up minecraft on his computer, reading to slay game at bedwars with you. He got unusually excited when he played minecraft with you, even more excited than normal. There was something about you man, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Youd met in high school, same town and everything, and since then you were like a drug. Not a day had gone by since year 9 that you didn’t talk. He decided to drop you a message as you hadn't texted first. He asked if you were still up for bedwars. Surprisingly though, he didn’t receive a response. He waited. Just 5 minutes he said. And then 10. And then 20. Then 30. He decided to ring you just to check. Plus, he wanted to hear your voice. It rang thrice and nothing. His eyebrows drew together in confusion. You were almost always online. He tried not to overthink, but this is Tommy were talking about. Maybe you were still asleep? He wanted to believe that, but there was an itch, in his brain, that told him not to. Just to make sure, he decided to ask some of your mutual friends on the server. He clicked onto the group discord and noticed Wilbur, philza and Nikki in a vc.  
“Hello Hoes and Homies alike” He bellowed when he joined the vc. Wilbur drew a confused look.
“I thought you were doing duo bed wars with (Y/N) today?” Tommy scoffed.
“Well yah, Wilburrrrr, if you let me get a word out” He joked light heartedly “No seriously though has anyone heard from her since her stream last night” They all looked confused and shook their heads. This made him even more concerned than he was. He quickly thanked them before disconnecting. His mind was running rampant. He quickly decided to throw his shoes on, you didn’t live that far, only a bus ride away on the otherside of town. He grabbed his keys and his jacket and rushed down the stairs.
“Going over to (Y/N)s for a bit” He shouted to Motherinnit as he slammed the door shut.  
You were straing at the roof in a pit of self loathing when you heard your phone ring. Ugh. It seemed so much work to pick it up. Your hand made its way from under the mountain of covers and snatched your phonr from the side. Tommy. You felt a sting in the back of your eyes and tossed your phone on the bed, turning over and curling up in the covers. You stared at the inside of your covers for minutes on end. Your doorbell sent a sharp chime through the house as your mother went to answer it.
“Hello Tommy, what a surprise" He threw her a quickly greeted her and got straight to the point.
“Is (Y/N) in?”
“Shes upstairs I think, I havent heard from her all day though. Go on up” She stood to the side and let him pass.
You heard the entire conversation through your open window, and let out a heavy sigh, although you were secretly thanking Tommy in uour head for checking up on you. You heard his converse hit the steps as your door was threw open. Tommy immediately regretted his actions, wondering if you were asleep as he took note of the heap of covers on the bed. He let out a quiet whisper.
You didn’t really feel like talking, but you let out a quiet ‘yeah’. He rushed over to your side upon hearing your weak response.
“is everything alright? We were meant to be playing bedwars like an hour ago” This prompted you to pull the covers off your head and look at him. He took note of your puffy red eyes, and the dark eye bgs lying underneath. He looked around your room, empty energy drink cand and food containers littered your room. It suddenly clicked to him. You weren't doing okay. He looked back at you deeply, something about that look just caused the floodgates to open. Your eyes were glassy, as Tommy practically melted. He hated seeing you like this. Sure he had the bit of him being a big man with no emotions, but you where his weakness. “Hey, cmon don’t cry” He whispered as he opened his arms, welcoming you into a hug. In an instant you where in his arms, leaving tear stains on his TShirt. He didn’t seem to mind though. After a moment of silence, only broken by your sobs, he piped up. “How about, we forget about the stream for today, and ill go to the corner shop and get us some snacks, and marshmallows and whipped cream, and we can have those killer hot chocolates your mom makes. We can watch a bunch of movies, and ill even let you put one of those stupid facemasks on me, yeah?” This caused a laugh to pierce your sobs, which started to lighten up. You sniffled and pulled back from his hug, a huge smile making its way onto your face, the first genuine smile in a while.
“Thats my girl, that’s what I love to see” He matched your smile. You quickly threw your arms around him and pulled him into a long hug.
“Thank you Tommy” You said sincerely.
“Anything for my favourite girl” He smiled, as he pulled back from the hug. “Maybe while im gone you could try to shower?” He knew how tough some simple things where when you felt like this. You nodded smally and sat up. He leapt from the bed and smiled. “Okay, I wont be long!” And with that, he dashed out of the room.  
You lay back on your bed. You werent okay, but that’s okay, because Tommyinnit is your best friend :)
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the-phantom-ender · 4 years
S. So. I reblogged this post earlier. And. And I wanted to see a fic for it.
But, uh... I'm very impatient. So I wrote it myself.
Watson Phillips. That was the name he was going by at this point. He had his wings, practically useless by now, binded and pinned to his back. You could hardly see the bump left by them under the layers of clothing. It was uncomfortable, sure, but not bad. The ruler of this land was a Piglin, he couldn’t help but be reminded of… an old friend.
He sighed, waiting quietly for the event to start. And it did! Oh it did. He didn’t get much of a view of things when the first two gladiators went up to bat, being much to caught up in aiming the bow in his hands, quiver strapped over his shoulder. All he knew was that one of them, Lagius was it, lost miserably. Not that he would judge much, really.
He only really came to be aware of what was happening when he was approached. And… then he saw a very, very familiar face. Watson almost froze where he stood, but covered his tracks with grace, saying he was more or less just focused on target practice. It was a lie, but not an unbelievable one. He rolled his shoulders, back aching.
The cameraman was Karl Jacobs.
There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. For one, his clothing was absolutely not time appropriate. The brightly coloured spiral hoodie did not fly anymore, no sir. For two: Watson knew what reincarnation looked like. This was the same face. This was different.
He decided that when this was over, he would get a chance to talk to Karl.
Watson lost his fight. He kind of threw it, in fairness. The other guy was drunk off his ass and he felt a little guilty fighting him. Also the zero gravity ruining his shot did him in a little. He was deadly on target with a bow, but if a person could easily side step because of how slowly it moved, there was really no point.
After that, he was content just… standing around. He got a little drunk at one point, but he sobered up quick enough that it may well have never happened. It was nice getting to know the rest of the people around, they all seemed alright enough.
Then he spoke to the Ran fellow. An enderman, surely, through and through. Had the same genetic mutation as… someone he used to know. Made the eyes green. Not very common, but not terribly uncommon, either. They carried themselves like anyone could come at them at any time. And considering everything going on, he might have been right with the caution.
“So… Ran, was it? Enderman name.”
He perked up, ears flicking slightly,” Yes. It’s common. You’re... versed in the culture?” “Eh,” Watson shrugged,” I’ve been taught some things by some old friends. Know a little of the language. I’m a little rusty, though.”
The two of them stuck by each other through a lot of the rest of the tournament. Warbling occasionally in a language others didn’t understand. Though Ran did comment, at one point, that the way he spoke it was very outdated. All he did was shrug and say that the guy who taught him might have thought it was funny. That seemed to be enough of that.
At the end, Ran managed to yank both of them out of the lava, keeping both from a rather unsavory death by fire. They stood behind a pillar, listening to chaos erupt around them. Jackie had won. And he was directed to… kill the cameraman. Oh no, absolutely fucking not.
Watson nudged Ran,” Hey, mate, when the kid goes to deal the killing blow to the camera man, is there any way you can just… blip over there and make sure he doesn’t actually die?”
“... Yeah, I can manage that.”
Ran delivered on his word, too. Before Watson knew it, Karl was behind the pillar with them and no one was the wiser. He lurched up, bewildered, clearly expecting to be anywhere but there.
“...What the honk?”
There it was.
“Ran, mate, if you don’t mind. I’d like to have a private word with him.” A shrug,” Alright. I have some… business to attend to, anyways.” A slight salute, and then he was gone.
Karl had tried to slink away, but Watson firmly grabbed his arm and forced him to stay. He threw a cloak over the man’s shoulders and snuck them out with the crowd. To his credit, he didn’t complain. It was… almost uncomfortable how resigned he was to this, honestly. Eventually, Watson tugged Karl around a corner and out of sight.
“How are you here, Karl Jacobs?”
“Don’t play stupid, mate.”
“H-how…” Karl blinked, moving to hold his head,” How do you know who I- have I met you? My memory, um, it isn’t… the greatest. So. If I’m forgetting you, I’m sorry-”
“I, gah, do I really have to spell this out for you?”
“... Yeees.”
“I swear to gods if this is just because I binded my fuckin’ wings…” Watson sighed.
It wasn’t like he could just… take off the binding. He’d pinned them down pretty damn well, it’d take a while to unwrap things. Still, he supposed those were the most defining features about him. Unless… did he still keep that thing in his bag? It was old and busted by now, but he’d replaced it more than once already and didn’t wanna do it again.
He opened his satchel, rustling around for a few moments. A small smile grew on his face as he saw the edge of the green and white rim. With a flourish, Watson pulled out the bucket hat and placed it on his head. It fit better when his hair was longer. Waving his hands, jazz hands, he whispered out a little ‘ta-da!’
“SHHHH!” Watson hissed, shoving a hand over Karl’s mouth,” Not so fuckin’ loud, mate.”
A beat.
“Yeah, though. You died. A very long time ago. How the fuck are you… here, Karl?”
“Uh…” Karl’s eyes darted around,” Would you… believe me if I said that I’m, uh, I’m on… business.”
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
Hi! I need to ask you just one thing, please don’t take this question as ways of attacking you.
So, I was in another fandom some time ago and I learned not to be involved in love dramas/private life of celebrities. I mean, it is his life, I know she’s a huge red flag, but I always think “Who am I to talk shit about a person who doesn’t even know my existence?”. Don’t you think that this is too much, starting all this big drama for a looser woman?
Thanks for the reply ✨
I know that I just said we are comedy group and not a news source BUT it's still a stupid news source. Committing tax fraud here 🧚🏻‍♀️
For meeeee myself personally me? I don't wanna start any big drama, Imma here just for the laughs x.x and the drama x.x and actually validation after years of waiting ;c especially since the choose love post. I will be never reimbursed for that post, never
Been making that point over the past week, some peeps chipped in too. It is not about the love life or the 'are they friends or not' or the privacy whatsoever. It is not about a looser woman at all. Well, it is also sbout the gossip BUT!
It's about Benny Boy. He made hundreds love him by spoon feeding them with the he ain't the Hollywoo type, that he's private (the secrecy and mystery actually interested peeps too), cultured, educated and so so so on...
Like everyone knows that the famous folks are nothing like what they present themselves to be BUT boy was great at doing everything to cover himself. Did wonders for him cuz he has (HAD?!?!?!) thousands of adoring fans ready to always have his back, arms, ass or arteries even. He never gave them A BIG reason to doubt him.
Now, the friendship (or more) with fairy queen is basically complete opposite of who he always said he was. Sooooo nope, it's actually not about the love dramas/private life. It's about a liar who got busted, a man who thought he can have whatever he wants but turns out he can't.
I don't think starting this big drama is a bit much. The fans of his, from teenage girls to adults, have every right to be fucking mad at him. They invested time and money in him. And now it turns out that the man that they believed in so much (parasocial relationship much I'd say), thought he's on their side and supports them, is actually pretty fucking close with a (sorry for going a lil old testamenty here) generally bad person. It's not talking shite (I mean it also is, mostly cuz this is great source of jokes), it's demanding accountability for his words and actions. I mean like I know he never idk killed anybody and there are better things to do, but peeps are mad and they are in the right. It's basically MLM scheme Benny made and it's falling apart as we speak.
And I spoke about this a long time ago I think, but there is the centuries long discussion about how much celebrities/famous folks owe us. Can ye separate the art from the artist. And me (AGAIN MA PERSONAL) opinion is that ye can't. They theoretically owe us nothing. They have no responsibility to us, the commoners. BUT! When they chose actively to involve themselves with public causes and share their opinions? I mean their involvement with world events here, to shorten it. Then they do have the responsibility of their actions changing over them. If the famous folks don't wanna take the responsibility, prove credibility of their actions or be judged, they should keep their mouths fucking shut. 95% of time they have no authority to speak on the matter, yet they do. It's called performative activism.
So when they are outed to be who they really are in private (hello there Benny!) then yeee, go drag their asses. His fans basically sponsored his flop music career and whole livelihood actually cuz fan cons are his main source of income, and it turns out they were lied to. If they are mad and disappointed, let them be. Imma not even mad, not even disappointed. Imma just here like babe I told ye all so.
I noticed it here on tumblr, and was told some more about other parts of the web by ma muffins, but peeps are reducing it to it's personal life and none of our business. Which true but also not. Ye know who reduces it to celebrity love life drama only? People who try to excuse all his bullshite and try to minimise it, and don't see the actual problem there cuz it does not affect them personally. Wonder why would they do that hmmm? Something in common with Benny? just ma lazy thoughts x.x
If it really was just about the relationship mingling - Benny dating either his costar (as fans would like) or another someone, then yeee the drama would be like 50/50, probably more excessive than it should be. Fun but also not fun. This one is sadly not about that. It runs much much deeper.
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stellocchia · 3 years
I really liked Wilbur's lore stream from yesterday, so you guys are getting a short stream analysis from me
As always dialogue is color-coded: Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo
And since I'm the least concise person ever everything is under the cut
The stream is (DSMP LORE) A Year Later
The stream starts with Wilbur singing the L'Manburg anthem to Ranboo. It is interesting to notice that, just like all the streams since he's been back he doesn't start off the stream by addressing chat in any way but already taking with someone in-universe.
"I'm a big big fan of the song (...) (Wilbur notices that Ranboo was muted) so sorry, let's try again: have you heard that song before?" "Yeah I have, I have. I have- I've had a friend that sings it quite a lot" “Good, good, and I was gonna say, it’s obviously based on Hallelujah right? But the thing is, the thing is Ranboo, right? But the thing is- the thing is Ranboo, right? Is that the reason we did it is because Tommy used to sing Hallelujah to the plants" "Oh, to the plants?" "Yeah! In- in the- around the- around the uhm... around the thing! You know the- the caravan? (...) so, my man, Tommy used to sing to the plants to make them grow better and that was the song he used to sing and so I thought what a way to honour Tommy, you know, one of the most- one of the most loyal members or of our fair nation than by naming the song after him, you know? And singing it based on his little- his little Muse. Tommy is a- Tommy is all of our Muse really I'd say"
I cut as much of this quote as I could while still leaving it well understandable and leaving in everything I wanted to talk about, but man is it long... So let's break it down a bit at a time:
1) The friend that Ranboo referenced that sings the anthem a lot is most likely Tubbo considering that they met him later on in this stream while he was singing that very song
2) The memory of the song seems to still be a particularly pleasant one for Wilbur, which probably explains why Ghostbur as well was so fond of it. He speaks about it positively throughout and it generally seems like an overall positive moment of reminiscence, probably because it's a callback to a simpler time when Wilbur too was, you know, happier overall. It's a reminder of a time before the worsening of his spiral.
3) Also interesting that they kept it in canon that Tommy singing to the plants was what inspired the anthem. Especially because I'm not entirely sure if that's the case considering that the actual anthem wasn't written by cc!Wilbur but by a fan upon his request (obviously this is outside the story).
4) Last thing I wanted to mention was Wilbur describing Tommy as a Muse. Muses in mythology are the inspirational goddesses of the arts, music, and science, Tommy aside from the anthem obviously isn't that. But it is interesting that Tommy does take a central role when it comes to motivating people. We could say that Techno's speech on the 16th was inspired by him since it was directed at him. Similarly, Niki and Jack had their arcs revolving around him. Tommy was able to rally the troops with ease multiple times. And Dream's obsession with him itself is the main motivator for, like, 90% of his actions. So, while he may not cover the role of a muse literally it's not a comparison that is too far off...
They headed to the museum afterward and took notice of the Ranboo poster being missing. And then they headed off to L'Manburg (which, by the way, looks amazing, thank you cc!Phil for that one).
"It goes by L'Manhole now apparently" "I- yeah it's kinda- ugh- I'm not a fan. It's kinda rude to L'Manburg's history, you know? It- it's called L'Manburg. It's called L'Manburg. NOT Manberg, not L'Crater or whatever. L'Manhole, I don't care, it's now L'Manburg, it's always L'Manburg, okay?"
It's interesting that not too long ago he was saying that even L'Manburg itself (with an emphasis on the name) wasn't what was actually important, the purpose of it was. He admits later on that he lied in that conversation, but it's impressive how quickly he trusted Ranboo enough to let him see how much he still cared about L'Manburg when he was so intent on lying about it not too long ago.
Wilbur's enthusiasm about seeing the flag is another nice confirmation about him still caring deeply for his old nation.
"Damn, I really went down to bedrock, didn't I? Holy shit I did- I did a number on this place" (I wonder why Ranboo didn't correct him on this, because Ranboo knows that Techno, Phil, and Dream are the ones who actually exploded the country down to bedrock...)
They end up seeing Tubbo on the other side of the crater and head over to him. While they're heading there Tubbo is singing the anthem himself in a very mournful tone.
One interesting thing that I noticed it's that it's Wilbur that heads towards Tubbo's location instead of having Tubbo go to him like he mostly did with Tommy for example. I suppose it could be because Tubbo having been a president himself is in less of a subordinate position to Wilbur than Tommy who's always been a simple soldier.
"It's like looking in a little mirror, look you're wearing my suit still? How long have you been wearing that?" "Oh I just put it on, just for today" (in a similar fashion to Jack bringing out the L'Manburg uniform to reminisce, Tubbo also brought out clothes he strongly attaches the memory of L'Manburg to)
"Ranboo have you met Tubbo?" "Yeah, yeah. I've- I've met him, I mean we've, uhm... we've been around" (Ranboo still minimizing his relationship with Tubbo to Wilbur. Of course, this is because he doesn't trust him but it's interesting that he isn't even honest about that)
After a bit of back and forth, Wilbur starts apologizing to Tubbo. At first, like most other times he's having a serious discussion he puts himself in an elevated position to tower over Tubbo. It's a neat way to show how his own desire for control affects him, having Wilbur literally elevate himself over others when speaking to them. Literally putting Tubbo down in this situation. Which does make the beginning of his apology very obviously feel insincere.
"I'm sorry for making you president specifically before blowing it up and I'm sorry for when I did this *pointing at the crater* and blew all this up and making this whole. I'm sorry that I uh- that I said that you were the president of a crater"
This is that first part of the apology I mentioned. Just to clarify, I don't actually think that it was entirely insincere. It just feels less impactful due to Wilbur putting himself in a position of superiority over Tubbo, especially because it's something we've seen him do before. It's also to be noted that this time, like others before, he seems to be apologizing less out of actual guilt and more out of a desire to earn forgiveness. Which is not a critique by the way. I just feel like that's a misconception Wilbur has, that apologies serve the purpose of confirming to him that he's doing a good job at changing more than to actually make amends for what he's done. The reason why I think that's the case for the beginning part of this apology as well it's because of how fast he went to ask tubbo if he forgave him, which did put a certain level of pressure on Tubbo in this situation.
"I mean it wasn't- this wasn't all you Wilbur" (thank you tubbo for finally dispelling some of those misunderstandings)
"Yeah so me and mainly Ghostbur honestly, like-" "Ghostbur" (some more of Wilbur not being too fond of Ghostbur)
"Right is he [Ghostbur] this obsidian crap then I take it and these- these fucking dumb lanterns up here" (a bit more)
To correct Wilbur's misconceptions Tubbo starts off asking if the other knew Dream, to which Wilbur responds with how much he appreciates Dream and how he's his hero, which makes Tubbo backtrack and blames most of Doomsday on Techno and Phil. Which, as we know, isn't actually accurate and I have a feeling that this misinformation will be harmful later on once Dream is out of prison (though I don't blame Tubbo for backtracking with how enthusiastic Wilbur is, that was the basic conflict-avoidant approach that Tubbo seems to prefer).
"They rained tnt for days" (if this is actually canon then Doomsday was even more of a tragedy than we previously saw it as. It was days filled with fighting and destruction. Then again, Tubbo has misremembered traumatizing events before)
"Techno and Phil, they hated the government. I mean it was partially my fault as well" "But you didn't blow it up" "No I didn't. I would never have wished or anything like this to happen" "So it was just Techno and Phil?" *long pause* "Y-yeees"
Two things to say here:
1) I appreciate someone in canon recognizing that it's not Tubbo's fault for what happened to L'Manburg and blaming the people who actually blew it up, similarly to how I appreciate Wilbur bringing up with Tommy that it was clearly Dream pulling the strings with his exile with Tubbo. It's nice having it stated plainly for people to hear
2) This is the misconception I mentioned. This is most certainly gonna backfire at some point.
After that Wilbur commends Tubbo quite a lot for rebuilding New L'Manburg (once again being dismissive towards Ghostbur) and is clearly enthusiastic about it, even going as far as to say that that mattered more to him than them building him a grave.
"I just, I feel lost without L'Manburg. All my core beliefs, everything died with it" "You feel lost without a nation..." "I have no purpose anymore" "I guess that's where anarchy fails" (I think this may be the first time someone admits it to someone else, even though that lack of purpose and feeling disoriented is very obviously a shared sentiment amongst the ex-citizens)
After that, it's when Wilbur invites Tubbo to join Paradise, the, supposedly burger van with a small house attached to it that wasn't supposed to become a nation. I have a feeling that the proposition coming right after that exchange may imply that Wilbur changed his mind on it. He does purposefully put himself again in an elevated position when making the proposition.
"Would you like to come join me in Paradise? Literally" "Hmmm, I'm not sure Wilbur. I'm not sure I trust you man, I need to- in order to follow someone I need to trust them" "Wait, wait but you- I thought you forgave me! I thought it was, you know it-" "Wilbur I forgive you because I like to hang on to the hope that people can change, but-"
This is what I mean when I say that Wilbur's apologies come with expectations for the person he's apologizing to. By asking Tubbo first if he forgave him when he originally apologized, he already made it harder for Tubbo to refute that. And now we learn that he expected trust to come along with forgiveness. He's not doing this maliciously of course, but he does seem to have some misconceptions on this.
"I know you had that- that at the festival? With Technoblade? I never spoke to you properly about this. I- I could have saved you" "But you didn't" (other people brought this up, but this is a neat little parallel to the one scene in exile where Ranboo was lamenting about how he should have gone with Tommy and Tommy shut him down pointing out that anyone could have gone but no one actually did)
There is a second round of apologies and Wilbur is still standing higher than Tubbo, BUT he does put himself on his same level after he did a bit more pushing and found that Tubbo was standing his ground. He finally puts himself on the same level as Tubbo and openly acknowledges his boundaries which is the first actual real effort to change that we've seen from Wilbur. Which I'd say is a pretty important step for him.
"Wilbur in order for you to gain my trust back you have to prove it, I can't just give it out anymore. I used to be able to but I just- I just can't" (acknowledgement of how Tubbo's trauma also affected him deeply)
"You know I still have dreams, right? Of the explosion. And- and of the fireworks. And- and all of it. I- I still- I vividly see all of it. Every day. It hurts. It hurts a lot Wilbur"
I want to commend Tubbo here for being able to open up like this, especially considering how much he generally leans into denial and how much he usually suppress. And on top of that this is Tubbo acknowledging that both Wilbur's actions (the explosion) and Techno's actions (the fireworks) have hurt him and STILL hurt him and affect him deeply. It's quite a big admission especially for him.
"Sorry feels like such a weak word. I feel like there's nothing stronger that I can say" (first time that he's standing on the same level of Tubbo while apologizing)
"You're so strong man. Genuinely. You just- just the fact that you proved to me just there that you have this memories, that you have this nightmares and you still find it in your heart to forgive me. That's... you're a fucking champion man. You- you're a hero"
It's interesting that the reason why he claims Tubbo to be strong here is because he forgave him. It's not something that's inherently about Tubbo, like the fact that he still found the strength to go on and rebuild after the events he mentioned, for example, no. What Wilbur brought up is the one thing that Tubbo did for him. Which tells me that he still clearly has a bit of way to go to learn how to make amends and how redemption actually works, but, you know, that's to be expected honestly.
Wilbur moves on by inviting Tubbo to at least come and see Paradise, just to see what they'd made and Tubbo refuses because he wanted to spend more time reminiscing. Wilbur this time respect Tubbo's boundaries with no pushing which is yet another step forward for him honestly. Wilbur also gives Tubbo a "lucky rabbit's foot" that Tommy gave him to cheer him up and assure him that he had no problems with him not going.
With this their conversation comes to a close and Wilbur and Ranboo head over to Paradise (though not before Ranboo has confirmed with Tubbo that he actually does want to be left alone).
"You know I was gonna say 'this is hard' but obviously it's hard. I mean, you know, I've..." (a bit of reflection on his actions for Wilbur, you love to see it!)
"It's gonna get better! It's gonna get better! And it's gonna be worth it when I see them smiling. All of them. Tubbo, Jack, Niki, Tommy, anyone!" (I'm pretty sure that this is a genuine sentiment right here. It really does seem that wilbur's Big Plan right now is just to make amends and change)
"Do you know who the original L'Manburg group were? Do you know who we were?" "I- I think most of them yeah... I think it was like: you, Jack, Niki, Fundy I believe as well" "Fundy was a bit after. Fundy was after we'd gotten independence"
I wonder if that's an actual misrememberance on Wilbur's part (c!Wilbur, not cc!Wilbur, I'm sure cc!Wilbur remembers this) or just him wanting to put some distance between his good memories of L'Manburg and Fundy. Because Jack and Niki weren't there for the independence war either and yet he singled out Fundy who was. And I doubt that he'd forget about his son being one of the people who lost their first life in the final control room. In addition to that Wilbur didn't mention Fundy before among those he wanted to make smile.
I really think that this was intentional and that it was because, well, Wilbur felt deeply betrayed by Fundy. And we as the audience know that Fundy only ever publicly stopped acknowledging him as his father to be able to stay undercover as a spy, but he doesn't. It wouldn't be so weird that he wanted to erase Fundy from his memories of the time when he was supposed to be happy.
"I try and keep this on the low because I don't want uh- I don't want people to use it against me is the main problem. I do wa- I didn't even tell Tommy, I lied to Tommy" "Yeah?" "I'll be honest I'm gonna tell him soon that I lied to him because if it- it kinda eats away at me. But I told- I told tommy that I didn't actually care about L'Manburg and that it was just like a tool for me to use to gain, you know, power and stuff, but it's not- it's not true. L'Manburg is- was really important to me. And it is still to this day"
Once again I'm surprised how little it took Wilbur to trust Ranboo with stuff he hasn't really told anyone else. Makes you really understand how low of an opinion of himself he has that when the first person that calls him "alright" out loud just gets his undying trust. Especially considering that Ranboo doesn't trust him back and hasn't been the most honset with him so far. It's also a nice spelled out admission for anyone who didn't get how much Wilbur cares about L'Manburg from the longing look he gave to the camaravan's replica in the stream where he said he never cared.
"I wanted history to live on, not as a stain caused by me, you know. I basically took a big shit on the history books it feels like" (just another interesting little insight on Wilbur's view of the situation)
"I've heard about what's Tommy's, you know, moved on... and how jack's moved on, and how Niki's moved on and everyone's moved on from L'Manburg at least partially, but Tubbo man, he's still..." (he only thinks the rest of them moved on because he hasn't spoken almost at all with two of them and he never really listened to Tommy. Also, again, Fundy is not mentioned)
"I don't know where I'd be without you [Ranboo] here right now man, I mean T-Tommy's great and all and he's here but I- I feel like, you know, I don't wanna- I don't wanna string him along too much because he's- I- when I look at him. When I look at him when he's helping me out building things with me I see the same eyes that looked at me when... when... There were some- there weren't some fun times in the ravine of Pogtopia. I wasn't a very well man and I can just see Tommy from that day"
This one was one heck of a confession!
I don't know if this is me misremembering, but I'm fairly sure that this is the first time he's admitted to not being great to Tommy specifically. Again, Tommy is the one person he met with so far that he hasn't apologized to. Heck! He told Tommy to his face that him being sorry for his actions didn't mean he wouldn't do them again. It's a pretty damn big admission to acknowledge that that behaviour (which is the same now, if not worse when only related to Tommy) wasn't good. It also shows that he's at least a bit aware of Tommy's emotions which is rarely shown honestly. Though whether he cares because of Tommy or because being around Tommy makes him feel guilty (which is what you'd expect him to feel) and he doesn't like that is to be determined still, mostly just because the phrasing was a bit uncertain at the moment.
"I know what it's like to have no one- or at least feel like no one trusts you. Uhm, and I- I've realized that if- if no one's with you then how can anyone really know when you've redeemed yourself? So that's why I'm here I guess" (Ranboo's answer to why he trusts Wilbur. Which he doesn't, but still)
And the stream ends with Wilbur saying he hopes Tubbo comes around to try out one of the burgers (though he does repeat that he doesn't want Ranboo to pressure him to join) and complimenting Ranboo a bit more.
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
Unhealthy Competition Transcript: 8/4/21
Heres the transcript on a google doc if thats easier!
W: What do we want?
R: Burgers!
W: When- When, when do we want the burgers?
R: When they're cooked because if we get them now wait they are actually cooked right now but it would be raw if we immediately gave them out to the customers which is why we DO cook our food.
W: Wh-a what are you on there! They are cooked! Look! Does that not look cooked?
R: I- I mean.. Ah it looks fine it looks fine
W: I’ve never tried one of our own burgers before
R: Oh yeah we should've done that before- a while ago
W: Leme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it lemme do it leme do it right, I need to get hungry first
R: mhm
W: Let me just quickly slap a Wilburger in there, leme leme just
R: there we go
W: I’m gonna get hungry
R: Alright let's get hungry
W: Wooh wooh wooh, how’ve you been Ranboo?!
R: I’ve been doing good!
W: Have you been vibing?
R: I’ve been doing alright! Yeah! I had a good rest, I’ve had a good day
W: Mhm, mhm
R: So far you know i'm excited to get to working the nine to five, it's a dream.
W: Wait, I don’t make you work nine to five- you just have to work when we run out of burgers man. You’re free to do what you want, this is your- you’re working part time for wilburger- oh it's the horse! We need that
R: OH yeah we should probably, we should probably,
W: I want that horse, aye! Do you know what quackity’s horse is called? Okay I’m hungry now, I’m hungry now, are you ready for this?
R: okay, alright
W: Bread first, burger, mmmm Ranboo… we gotta to better than that
R: Oh, okay
W: Ranboo that's the best burger I’ve ever had
R: Nice!
W: But we gotta do better than that
R: Okay, then to volume two.
W: WE are taking down an entire nation with this burger van- oh sorry competing peacefully outside of this burger van, we can't have just the best burgers I've ever had- they have to be the best burgers anyones ever eaten in their entire lives
R: In any universe!
W: In any universe in any universe at all, at all. You’ve done a really good job of this I know I’ve already said that but yeah
R: Thank you thank you, yeah
W: this is fun, I like this little toy you’ve made, I like this, i'm a big fan
R: I like it too, thank you.
W: I’m a big fan of a lot of things we have done Ranboo. Do you remember they um, boom boy?
R: yeah.. I do remember that.
W: Yeah?
R: Yeah.. I hope it didn't I hope it didn't, it wasn't, hopefully it wasn't too much, I don’t think it was too much
W: Oh I thought it was great I thought it was great man, when you smashed the window and blew up the wall- I’d be pissed
R: Mhmm
W: And I bet that was the right stick it to the man that he needed
R: But, butm you, you wanted that for competition, for business and all that, right?
W:... yeah
R: Yeahhhh
W: Yeahh, hmm, Ranboo I think you’ve taken a side here which feels like a change for you. I’m not used to this, you’re mister not choosing a side you know?
R: Yeah, yeah, because when I looked back especially when- especially after, your talks about Lmanburg and everything I realised
W: Look back on what?
R: You know, when you looked back on like Lmanburg and everything
W: Oh like life and all that
R: Yeah I decided to take a look back on my life and everything and I realised that I mean I’ve been involved in things, but, I haven't really done anything, I haven't really done anything
W: What do you mean?
R: I haven't made anything like, I haven't really, I haven't really done much to alter history, now if you were to write a history book, I wouldn't really be that much you know…
W: Whatttt
R: Involved in it
W: I don’t think, I don’t know what you’ve done, I don't..
R: Exactly, that proves my point
W: But you don’t need to have an impact on the world Ranboo to matter you know? You don’t need to go out, you don’t need to build a fucking effile tower just to be, just to mean something.
R: Yeahh
W: Ranboo, Ranboo don’t get me wrong
R: Yeah
W: You’re talking to me here I think it could be that you, you know, are going out and doing stuff. Look at this bozo
R: What he's doing here?
W: I think it could be that you decided to go out and change you know change this, I think change things for the better.
R: You know it's -
W: Don’t don’t start go out and breaking windows and blowing up walls just because you,
R: Oh no I won’t probably not too much
W: Just because you want to make something
R: This is why I like our little, little burger shop, you know it's small but at least it's something, you know I’ve always I’ve always wanted to go and make something that's gonna outlive me a little bit so I think this, I think this is a good start to something.
W: Mhm mhm
R: It’s a nice little burger shop you know?
W: And man? Honestly, I’m proud of you bro. I know, I know I don't know you very well man and I haven't known you for very long but you’ve done a really good job here and tell you what tell you what?
R: Thank you
W: Have you ever seen the phrase “fruits of your labor”?
R: Yeees, I- I think! I think so
W: Shall we see the fruits of our labour? Cause Quackity, quackitys online
R: I mean
W: Quackitys online, Quackitys here man
R: Oh!
W: We can go, we can go and see and chat with him about what we did. By the way after you blew it up I know you didn't see but I gave him back all the materials because
R: That's good
W: I gave him back all the materials for the wall and I also, I also left him a diamond or two just to say like you know no hard feelings you know?
R: Mhm
W: That it was just for, just you know, to prove a point but um yeah Quackitys here, and I wanna see. Do you want to ride a horse? Here, get on the horse.
R: You want me to uh?
W: Yeah yeah, it's Quackity’s its quackitys horse just a disclaimer
R: It’s quackitys? Oh oh okay,
W: Normally when I come to the las nevadas sign as im not allowed in las nevadas, normally when I come to the las nevadas sign Quackity is the first one to come and tell me to fuck off so lets see, lets go up to the las nevadas sign.
R: Alright
W: Yeah man its half the fun of making something and doing cool things is that moment where um, where you get to see what everyone feels about it now that we are here I promise wait here, I promise you
R: Wait.. wait here? Okay
W: Just you wait… Ready?
R: Alright, i'm ready
W: Um um “boy las nevadas sure is big from up here” just hold on
R: Okay um okay
W: Just give it a second, maybe from this level, hmmm maybe if I take another step, ooh what's that?
R: Oh yeah OH do you remember the cookie outpost thing?
W: Yeah yeah the little thing you built with tubbo
R: Yeah so basically right he got really upset so then I- I tried to apologise and everything because we- there was a little bit of dispute with it but we honestly just decided to really just give up.
W: I mean he hasn't accepted it… look its all in there
R: He hasn't accepted it?
W: Yeah, it's all in there….
R: Oh he said he liked it at least…
W: Is- did I just lie? This guy, Ranboo I swear to god I feel like I understand him, how his brain works, how he how his mind go and then he just, just proves that he doesn't give a shit.
R: Yeahh
W: Which is why I can’t wait to show off what I’ve done, but he's just nowhere to be seen. So this cookie shop thing? What was your intention of it? How would how you don’t pick sides usually but what was your intention with it? When you built this?
R: To give out cookies to people
W: And that was it? And that was your be all and end all hah?
R: Yep
W: Right, well how did you feel about Tubbo doing what he did then?
R: Doing what he did… What do you mean?
W: Well he.. He I heard the stories man I heard about how it turned into more than what it was supposed to be you know?
R: Well I mean that's- he kind of goes above and beyond on a lot of things, you can’t really blame him into make it a castle. That's, that's just you know, you can’t be TOO careful. Especially when you know, he has all the right to be nervous about something going wrong, so no wonder he put all those defenses and everything.
W: Why would he have the right to be nervous?
R: I mean just a lot of things, a lot of bad things have happened to him that haven't really come from his actions
W: Oh so youre talking about.. oHHHH LOOK WHO'S HERE!
Q: Hellloooooo
W: Quackity!! It's lovely to see you man, it's been awhile. How have you been?
Q: How- how long have you guys been here for?
W: I-I just arrived you know I just- Quackity you think I would wait for you? You know you know I’m just a
R: Yeahh
Q: Well I didn't even notice you guys were here. I um have been busy with uh much more important things… so, but hey I mean it's great to see you guys it's really great to see you guys, Wilbur and Ranboo together this is uh
W: It’s good to see you man
Q: What's this?
W: Oh uh Ranboo was just looking after your horse that I um
R: Mhm!
W: That I took a little bit of a joyride, it's a good horse look at it, look how high it jumps man! You got a good horse man
Q: Yeahhh who told you that's my horse?
W: Well it was tied up in your nation
Q: haha no no that's not my horse you just got someones random horse, i think you should probably put it back, I have no idea whose it is That- this is really awkward Wilbur, you should, you should probably put it back
W: Let's go! Let's go dude. I wanted- I wanted to come and ask you a question.
Q: Yeah, yeah what's up?
W: So I don’t know if you saw this? Uh you can’t actually see it, but behind this we built a burger van quackity!
Q: Really???
W: Competition, competition
Q: You built a burger van? Is that what you’ve been up to wilbur?
W: Yeah yeah!
Q: You know all this time you’ve been settled next to me and this- this is uh your big ceration? A burger van?
W: Hey man
Q: Hahah,
W: Rome wasn't built in a day. Small steps
Q: That's true, that's true. Leme take a look. Can you order anything yet?
W: No no, wait lemme- actually let me cook you up something real quick
R: Oh yeah oh yeah, you'll love this
Q: I don’t know if i trust anything coming from you Wilbur, but I’ll I’ll, give it a shot i'll give it a shot
W: Doo doot doo quackity you are so nice to me doot doo doot you never bring up my past doot doo doot Here you go, one volume one wilburger. Take a bite of that!
Q: Volume one?
W: Take a bite! It’s like an NFT Quackity
Q: An NFT?
W: Yeah no one, no ones gonna be copying that!
Q: Why would I bite it if its an NFT, then if it goes away it wouldn’t be worth anything,
W: Exactly Quackity, you can keep hold of it OR you get a bit peckish, eat the bread anyway! The bread is not bad
Q: I’m not hungry, I’m not that hungry right now but hey, I’ll keep it with me
W: At least keep it to appreciate the value, it's my NFT, but Quackity anyway I did want to ask, you have a little restaurant in your town I saw, from a distance obviously.
Q: Do you guys want to take a look? I didn’t want to mention it as I felt like it would have been awkward given that you have your own restaurant- I have my own restaurant, that's the only thing that would make it a little awkward but, you know you brought me to your restaurant and I want to bring you to mine. Can, can I do that?
W: Yeah, yeah man I just want, I just wanted to say sorry if you notice if you notice a bit of superficial damage, I left you a little gift as well, afterwards I sure that's okay. It was Ranboo and I that did that to your restaurant actually.
Q: Yeah yeah I saw it in the signs you, you guys
W: Yeah Ranboo and I did it
Q: Yeah the signs no no
W: I just thought- it it was a little bit of a you could say a misclick
Q: It doesn't seem to be like a misclick. You said MY restaurant was wank
W: I did I did I forgot about the signs, I was talking more about the window- oh
Q: But its fine its fine actually and I actually want to take this moment to thank you guys actually because uh that little destruction you did made me realise that the non tinted glass it just wasn't a good fit for the restaurant so I went with the kind of you know neon look and oh oh yeah the explosion! Right, I uh thank you guys again I was just finishing up this fish tank.
(The fish tank has salmon in it)
This nice little fish tank in the restaurant I think it gives a nice little look, a nice touch you know a nice family touch so thank you guys- this made me realise this needed a little bit of work haha so I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot um actually you know what?
W: what?
Q: You know what Wilbur? Your little game here whatever you did, it made me realise another thing, that my country needs a source of passive income, so I decided to assign a workforce to this restaurant, I decided to hire an employee…
T: Hello!!
Q: Haha! Hey Tubbo!
T: Hey
Q: Tubbo look who came to visit look who came to visit
W: Tubbo!! Man it's good to see you!
T: Hey man this is my new job!
W: Tubbo aww it's nice to see you here man, I thought you were with your, your little snowy town
T: Oh I decided that you know I needed you know a job somewhere to work
W: Tubbo… what the fuck?
Q: Ha ha yep!
W: Fuck tubbo! Why are you, why? Why? Why did you get employed at the restaurant?
T: Why well eh I mean you know? Job?
Q: Tubbo is an excellent employee
T: I- I didn’t know you guys did burgers! I didn't know…
W: I mean, I mean it's - I just dude I offered for you to come and work at my burger van, it was uh hh hh hhhh hugh I told you yesterday- I told you yesterday in the Lmanburg crater and said you should come and hang out and make burgers at my burger van and now your at another burger restaurant after turning down my burger restaurant. Quackity… What did you tell him? Quackity what did you tell him? What did you say man?
Q: Listen listen, I’m gonna tell you this right now, tubbo is one of the best employees I’ve ever had. Me and tubbo had a little talk and we realised he has really great aspirations in life, and he really wants to do a lot
W: mhm
Q: and I told tubbo I would offer him maybe one of the best jobs anyone can have
W: best job
Q: one of the only jobs in las nevadas- tubbo is actually not only an employee but he is managing this place
W: mhm mhmm
T: This is my establishment
Q: Yeah, yeah and tubbo, tubbo now owns it
(note ranboo now has a grass block and is holding it along with placing and picking it up and it pacing during all of this)
Q: Tubbo tubbo now manages this place and he cooks here and makes a great deal of economic prosperity as well for las nevadas uh you should try his food, you NEED to try his food he makes these burgers kind of NFTS wait what a coincidence, it's NTFS as well and he makes burgers, and I like to call it the tubburger
T: The tubburger joint.
Q: The funny thing is we called it the tubburger volume one as well! It's really weird haha our plates are the exact same
W: Shh shh shh, quackity… tubbo, are you? Are you aware we are in competition now? Like this, this, tubbo we have always been on the same side man, we have always been together… your head to head with me now
T: Well I don’t look at it like that, it's not like complicated competition.. .Competition is good for the consumers, it helps everyone!
Q: W- Wilbur you’re taking this a little too far man, I feel like
W: Wai-twait no no I am perfectly
Q: I think you’re taking it too far man!
W: I am perfectly happy with mr tubbo
Q: At the end of the day we are all friends
W: Where did you get the NFT idea from??! Where did ya get that idea from?
T: Fazeclan?
Q: Fazeclan
T: Fazeclan
Q: Fazeclan, wilbur listen I told you this once and I am gonna tell it to you again, thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes that whole renovation came to do because I’m assuming it was a kind of renovation it really made me realise it has more potential then I thought
W: MHmm
Q: And at the end of the day that's what we all need. That's what we need, we thrive, we thrive through competition…. Healthy competition you're gonna make your burgers better and i'm gonna make my whole restaurant better and with the help of seriously one of the greatest people I’ve met in a business like this
T: Aww thank you man
Q: of course, of course tubbo
W: So,
Q: Wilbur, don’t take it the wrong way
W: I- I’m not does it look like im-
Q: to be mad about it, it's good for us it's gonna be happy for everyone
W: I’m happy, I’m really happy for tubbo, I’m happy tubbo’s got a job
Q: Really?
W: Yeah, I’m happy for him. Tubbo you were telling me yesterday how you were, how you felt like you lacked direction, you lacked purpose
T: Yeah I finally have a goal
W: Bro!
Q: That's true
W: How could I be angry about that man?
R: Yeah… that's good
W: Just you know I was just wondering why you chose that over the burger van but I get it Quackity, Quackity is a hard man to refuse.
Q: Mhmm
W: And
Q: And tubbo, tubbo is just constantly looking for whats next whats gonna happen now, and me and tubbo we think alike, very much alike actually, and I don’t know if you remember this but me and tubbo, you remember lmanburg?
T: Yeah
Q: Me and Tubbo, Tubbo was president and I was vice president, this is like lmanburg all over again isn't it?
T: Well- I mean-
Q: This is all a working- work in progress
W: It’s giving me lmanburg vibes
Q: Mhm- sorry?
W: I said yes I agree its giving me Lmanburg vibes
Q: Yeahh. Well listen uh all i'm gonna say is wilbur we are doing our own thing, you guys are doing your own thing and be healthy competition and you know….
T: Well the best burgers win!
Q: Haha- there you go there you go tubbo I agree with that yes!
W: we- yeah Ranboo you agree with that may the best burgers- say it say it
R: yeah yeah, may the best burgers win… yep
W: Wilburger vs tuburger… match match partners against crime
T: Together!
R: No-t not crime we hate crime
Q: Tubbo tubbo you gotta try their burgers sometime
W: Well, well we gotta go we gotta go
T: oh?
R: Yeahh yeah
W: It was lovely, it was lovely hanging out with you guys I - I am just thrilled with the renovations. What should we do next time we hang out?
Q: Yeah yeah
W: Do you wanna we- like
Q: I think I think we should yeah let's set some time apart and talk you and me
W: Yeah let's have a little run through a little run through
Q: Yeah yeah absolutely, and ranboo wilbur, you guys are welcome in the restaurant, las nevadas anytime
W: Wait-
Q: Anytime you guys like
W: Wait, I'm allowed in Las nevadas?
Q: Wilbur, you’re not, you’re taking this the wrong way
W: You told me I couldn't come in
Q: What kind of person would I be to tell you to leave my country. What kind of person would I be to not allow you in my premises? I wouldmt be a good person would I? Wilbur, you are my friend … I would never do that to you. I’m very welcoming, Ranboo come ahead, come inside as well ah this is all this is all healthy competition alright?
W: You’re a good man, you’re a good man Quackity, I’ll I’ll give you that. We got some burgers to flip so we will
Q: We do too we do too
T: Bye guys!
W: thanks for coming, thanks for coming down
Q: Cya guys
W: Cya guys
Q: Bye!
W:Ranboo.. Ranboo lets go
R: Yeah…. Let's go….
W: ooooOOOHHHHH boy ha- ha… ha ahhh ohhh this is good, this is what I want dude dude Ranboo did you see he was trying to act like I didn’t get to him?
R: Mhmm mhmm
W: You see the WHOLE time ohh it's not my horse
R: Geeh I mean yeah I mean he did I’m pretty sure
W: Dude he made an NFT burgers
R: He made an NFT burger- that is true
W: He cares so much he cares so much
R: That was your idea yeah
W: He cares aww man- How did you feel about this Ranboo? I mean dude!
R: I mean it's just burgers and everything so I think it's okay.
W: Eh it's “just burgers”
R: Its okay you know
W: I feel alive Ranboo, I feel alive! Someone is looking at me and talking to me!
R: Yeah yeah!
W: I’m alive I’m alive this is great!
R: Yeah, yeah I mean yeah, I again don’t I have to get used to competition and everything and be out there more with it all
W: I feel you Ranboo I feel you its scary its scary man, especially when we have a long way to go, bridges to cross and one day grab it by the horns and ride it
R: Yeah yeah,
W: And not it's just, it's just you and me against the world. The world being tubbo and quackity.
R: mhm mhmm
W: I mean why would you be against being against tubbo and quackity anywhere? I mean how well do you know Quackity?
R: I- I mean I don’t really know Quackity- Quackity all too well
W: Yeah yeah and I mean what do you and tubbo have you know going on that would block this?
R: I mean…
W: Sounds great to me
R: I mean… yeah yeah I - we kind of had like that cookie outpost we did together and everything it's fine I don’t have to get to it too much I dont um really wanna
W: You’re both businessmen
R: I don’t really ah want to get into it all too much
W: And that's fine. Ranboo I wanted to ask you man
R: Mhm?
W: You’ve had this cookie outpost right?
R: Yeahh
W: Did you like to get up to anything at the cookie outpost? Is there anything…?
R: Ahh, not at the cookie outpost but I do have something else actually… follow me I do- I do have something else…
W: Is it a secret?
R: It's a secret , yes.
W: Should we sneak?
R: Yeah um I think we can just get far enough away I think we'll be fine
W: Where are we going?
R: Into the strip club
W: heh-sh haha haha
R: Comeon, come on let's go
W: ahhaa sorry say that again
R: Into the strip club- we are going in!
W: Lets go
R: I have- I have my little hole in the strip club
W: You got a strip hole?
R: Yes!
W: I’ve never been in here before
R: Well I mean for logs, I mean look at those spruce logs over there, those are stripped. Alright ah perfect it's still, it's still here
W: This doesn't look very hidden
R: Oh its hidden trust me
W: it's very cozy
R: Oh it's very cozy and well if you need to use this for something we can definitely expand a little bit, but probably not too much though because we don’t want to infringe on everything
W: I like this, I mean we can do a little bit now! How about what we do? I like this. I like the wherewithal, maybe we can build a tunnel from here to the burger van. It can be our way in sneaking in from the burger van. aH okay okay you got your finger in a few espionage spies, I appreciate that and no one knows about this?
R: Yeah no one knows about it, yeah I think- to the best of my memory no one knows about it.. There's like a 85% chance that's right
W: That's cool that's cool because at the end of the day we’re- going right now we are the good guys Ranboo, we are the good guys, we-
R: You sure?
W: We-.... yeah! I mean we haven't done anything wrong you know?
R: Yeah
W: we haven't done anything wrong and quackity, quackity done a few things wrong…
R: Yeah yeah
W: hmm hmm is tubbo working full time? What's tubbos deal you know with the burger place?
R: I don’t know I have no idea actually
W: We don’t know we just don't know
R: I Don't know anything about that.
W: It's like how good of an employer is quackity? So I wanted to make sure before I go knowing you have already done a little act of espionage with the strip hole and other things I just
R: Mmmhmm
W: I just wanna, I just wanna say in any case of an emergency right?
R: mhm
W: When we are head to head, you know when- not head to head with each other uh when we are head to head with tubbo and big q and stuff
R: mhm
W: and maybe shits ya know hitting the fan and stuff- I need to know, that we have a saviour card to save the innocent people in this city like tubbo
R: mhm
W: Like fundy and these innocent people
R: So yeah.. So like a plan B just in case anything goes wrong we can save them?
W: Yeah, plan B
R:Okay I'm down for that. What is this- (Wilbur gives Ranboo thirteen TNT)
W: I want you to make yourself useful and..
R: oh
W:Set that up somewhere in las nevadas. I have more, I have more I have another stack if you need it but I think that should be enough to do a marketable amount of damage if you- okay so the problem essentially is that TNT as you know TNT doesnt detonate in water and as you know las nevadas is quite a large majority of water bound. However, quackity really seems to care about the inside of the casino which I’ve peaked in and there's no water in and the outsides of this restaurant section of this spire right? So what you could do is easily make a section in the casino that has a chain reaction under a button somewhere and each one of those detoniates the next consecutive one. It would take a little bit of work, I know quite a bit about TNT, I could help you.
R: Mhmm
W: So
R: o-okay
W: Look dude I’m just letting you know that's what I want you to do. PArt of working-
R: But in most cases and everything it would never see the light of day right?
W: In most cases yeah 100% most of the time maybe it won't happen, BUT if we need to protect the innocent thats what its fore
R: Yeah yeah
W: Yeah you want to protect like fundy, slimecicle, tubbo?
R: Yeah! Yeah
W: So that's, so that's what it's for and Ranboo! I shall bid you adieu, it was a pleasure, thank you for coming
R: Yeah of course!
W: and thank you for being a good co worker, you know?
R: Yeah
W: You’ve done a good job and I can’t-
R: Thank you
W: I trust you will do good work with that TNT I gave you but remember, make it safe!
R: Yeah
W: We don’t want it going off by accident we don't want it
R: Yeah I’ll maybe it very safe
W: Promise?
R: Promise, yeah
W: And you’re gonna tell me where you put the button and you’re gonna tell me where it's set up and-
R: Yep!
W: Okay. Alright, thanks Ranboo
R: Yeah, thanks, I’ll see ya, buh bye
W: I’ll see you around Ranboo. What a nice guy!
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daydream-believin · 4 years
styrofoam cup give me strength
summary: you’ve not had a valentine’s date since way back when it was invented in the 14th century. you’re still bitter. and douxie asking you to come over to help him with his date is not making it better
warnings: swearing, alcohol
word count: idk i’m on mobile it’s not too long i don’t think
a/n: i wrote this while groggy. lol i just wanted something out this week. 1/3 valentines fics done. bone apple teeth yall
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- it’s feb 14, valentine’s day, and you are once again spending it alone
- you thought for sure moving to a new town would help you better your chances at a successful love life
- but alas you have been in arcadia oaks for two years now and you are still without a valentines date
- you cursed this wretched holiday, always mocking you in your singleness
- it was stupid, and commercial, and made up anyway
- that didn’t stop you from looking spiffy tho
- look, the stupid lovey dovey couples that come in the restaurant tip way better when you’re dressed on theme
- it was just smart okay,,
- ngl you kinda felt like spongebob when pearl took over the krusty krab
- but that’s okay :D
- and all those cheeseball couples you served were just oh so cute, didn’t make you want to cry at all
- or at least go lie in a ditch, contemplating your life choices
- it’s okayyy :D :D
- stars, as soon as your shift is over you’re hitting up the bar across the way from your place
- time to drown out them sorrows am i right??
- actually, now that you think about it, your friend douxie asked you if you could make a quick swing by his place before you began drinking yourself into oblivion
- fuck, how did you forget that
- ah, well, you didn’t know what he wanted, but you were sure it wouldn’t take long
- you never asked, cause the answer might have hurt, but you were sure he had someone to hold tonight, a lucky, lucky valentines date. probably that pink haired chick he hangs with, or maybe that guy in his band? either way, he wouldn’t have much time for you
- he probably just wants you to run an errand for him or help him set something up
- and that was okay too :D
- life was dandy
- your shift ended, and you know that you promised douxie you’d be over asap, but tbh you were way too sober to go help your crush set up his romantic gestures meant for someone else. before leaving work, you poured some wine into a to-go cup with a bendy straw for your trip
- don’t judge
- you knocked on douxie’s door, before just walking right in without waiting for an answer
- look he gave you a key did he expect you not to use it
- anyhoo, you were right
- this place was all ready to go for a romantic evening
- candlelight, fancy tablecloth and place settings, red roses in the vase, soft music playing, rose petals on the ground? leading form the door?
- you furrowed your brows, and then rolled your eyes. yeesh. he was going all out apparently. you wouldn’t put it past him to be wearing a suit or something. wait, does douxie even own a suit? you went to go throw away the empty to-go cup, expecting doux to be in the kitchen, but he wasn’t there
- where was he
- you called out “DOUX! IM HERE!”
- you heard a shuffle from one of the other rooms, and a door swing open
- “wait, where are you, love?”
- “kitchen!”
- douxie appeared behind you. hmm, he wasn’t in a suit, but he was wearing a tie. how strange. a black tie on a slightly different shade of black shirt with some slightly different black slacks and, you guessed it, yet another shade of black shoes
- walk walk fashion baby
- “aww, you didn’t follow the petal path?”
- the confusion spread across your face “...no?”
- “okay,” he pressed his hands together, “could you go back outside and pretend to come in for the first time, and actually follow the petals?”
- “... come again, camelot?”
- “ah, you know what, fine.” he scooped you up, carrying you to the table
- “doux what the fuck,,”
- he put your feet back on the ground in front of the elegantly decorated table and pulled out the chair with a flourish, inviting you to sit
- you blinked. what. wh- why? wasn’t this set up for his date? why was he motioning for you to join hi-? ohhh. ohhh
- OH
- you quickly pulled your escaping soul back into your body and sat down in that chair. mr casperan, eligible bachelor of the evening pushed your chair and and took his own seat across from you, leaning with his head in one of his hands, like a cool cat
- you were.. still in shock to say the least
- you think douxie just didn’t like the quietness cause the next thing that came out of his oh so suave mouth was-
- “so, you come here often?” accompanied by eyebrow waggling
- “... to your house?” you cracked a smile, “yeah, yeah i guess i do.”
- douxie laughed, “sorry, i was just trying to lighten up the mood a little,” he poured you a real glass of wine that was not a bendy straw to-go cup, “you’ve been so down lately, i thought you could use some cheering up.”
- “that’s sweet, douxie. i love you.”
- fuuuuuccccckkkkk
- oh my stars, i mean you two say ‘i love you’ all the time, but, but, this was a date right, it means something else now, you can’t just say that
- wait, or was this a date? what he just said kinda made it sound like this was a one time platonic cheer-up-my-friend date and not a date-date
- okay okay uhhh
- “so like, what’d you want me to help you with?” douxie blinked.
- “y/n?”
- “ i mean this is nice and all but we should probably get a move on before your s/o arrives, don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
- “y/n-“
- you made a motion like you were about to stand. douxie quickly grabbed your hand before that could happen, pulling you back into your seat. “Y/N,” that got your attention, “I- this is for you, you’re my date, i don’t have a s/o... i-“ douxie looked the floor to gather some courage. there was a scratch mark in the cheap wood where archie’s dragon claws had skidded accidentally. he’d have to fix that. after he fixed this. “i, was hoping,,” douxie rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “that after tonight,, you, would be my significant other?”
- he said that last part so nervously, and posed like a question. a question you had to answer. damn
- “i- yeeEs”
- “oh, okay then, y- yes.” douxie took rather long sip from his wineglass. he set it back down with a start “it’s settled then.”
- “settled?”
- “settled”
- “- yeah”
- douxie stood up, his chair making a loud sound scraping against the hardwood. “OKAY,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s start dinner, shall we?”
- “we shall.” you raised your glass to show excitement. mordrax’s bloody miracles this was awkward. and yet somehow the best thing that could have happened. not the worst case scenario but the best case one. you could be crying and lying on the cold dirt outside a bar right now so
- if awkward is coming with not being heartbroken, being on a valentines date for the first time since the stupid fucking holiday was invented seven centuries ago, fuck you st valentine, and your crush actually reciprocating you feelings and-
- wait hold the fuck up
- douxie reciprocated. he actually likes you. he invited you to this date. he asked you to be his s/o. what the fuck
- douxie came back from the kitchen, plates in his hands. as he set yours in front of you, you just couldn’t help but asking a burning question,
- “how, how long,”
- douxie furrowed his brows, “how long what? the dinner didn’t take lo-“
- “how long have you, i dunno, ah, liked me?”
- douxie looked sheepish, pointing his fingers together, “oh, i don’t know, maybe,, since we met?”
- you let out a defeated sigh. “by merlin, me too, we’re so fucking stupid-“ you wheezed. you couldn’t even finish the thought from how hard you were laughing
- and let’s be real, if you weren’t laughing right now you would be crying
- douxie was laughing too, for the same reason
- and now you two were sitting at this table, laughing like madmen
- it was gonna be a long night
- but, you know what? that was okay
- maybe you’d get a little kiss or two at the nights end
- spoiler: you did
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secret-engima · 4 years
Yeah, that was me🤭 Forgot to sign the ask. Onto other news - I love the Aldercapt soulmate thing, and Cor absolutely freaking out about her having to be so close to Gilgamesh. And Prompto as a time travelling found brother is both hilarious and perfectly devious - how much canon will survive by the end? Because he is not going to let Bahamut nor Ardyn to mess up his King. Oh, will he be there when Ardyn unleashes Ifrit on Insomnia? IgnisFelicis
Yeee this ask is so old I’m SORRY.
But to answer- Cor freaking out because his soulmate is suffering the consequences of his stupidity was great fun. And on Prompto as the time-traveling brother-
*waggles eyebrows* canon will be WRECKED by the end. Watch him save Noctis from his fate before he’s even born, even if he has to break into Angelgard and forcibly purify Ardyn himself to do it.
In other news, Ardyn is incredibly sore, incredibly confused and pretty sure he’s dreaming this up as he gets dragged out of angelgard, nearly burned alive with magic from an apologetic blond, then gently nursed back to health by a fussing young man who looks like he could be Somnus’s son and a Retinue who are alternating between fussing over him and fussing over the blond that almost killed him with magic (who is now shivering in a sleeping bag, burning up with fever).
And maybe Ardyn is insane or dreaming, or just a fool, but when he is aware of himself enough to register the blond gasping and shaking from fever, he reaches out on instinct to HELP, because even broken as he is, he is still a healer, and he is mind is the clearest it’s been in ... a very long time.
He gently tries to pull out a sickness, and is stunned when instead wary, half-feral magic (the magic that burned the scourge from his veins with a vengeance) rises up to snap warningly at him. “How is this possible?” Ardyn whispers as he gently accepts the warning snaps and continues to coil his own magic around the feral one, soothing and calming until the magic stops making such a high fever in its host, “He is not a Lucis Caelum, yet he bares such magic.”
“That,” says the man who looks like he could be Somnus’s son warily, “is a ... very long story. Prompto said your name is ... Ardyn?”
“Ardyn Lucis Caelum,” he agrees, just as cautious as he eyes this man who is clearly a nephew, and wonders how many years it has been (if this is not some kind of dream about to turn sour), “and you are...?”
“Regis. I- Prompto only told us you were here a week ago, I didn’t even know-,” Regis looks at Ardyn with something heavy in his gaze (Regis looks on this shaking, scarred, broken man out of time who apparently went mad and brought the world to ruin, yet in this life already shows kindness in trying to heal Prompto of his fever, even though the first thing Prompto did after they got Ardyn down from those meathooks was reach out and burn the Scourge out of Ardyn’s veins with agonizing magic power), “I was never told you were here. Or I would have come sooner.”
Ardyn lets that sit between them, then slowly, shakily sits down next to the blond (who’s magic is slowly settling, slowly calming under his touch) and accepts the mug of tea offered him by the dark-skinned member of the Regis’s group, “...Who are you? Are you Somnus’s...” he hesitates to say son, because Regis is dressed strangely, and Ardyn has no idea how long it’s been. Even though he feels weak and shaking, he does not feel OLD, but with the Scourge so thick in his veins until recently, who knows if he was able to age at all in his prison, “grandson?”
Regis looks sad, “...I’m afraid you’ve been in there for ... a lot longer than that.”
Ardyn feels a part of his soul go cold.
(It takes a long time to help Ardyn, and parts of him will never truly heal, they all know. But in this life, in this time, Ardyn is purified by Prompto’s borrowed magic, and in this time he has not a mad scientist and his proddings but a family. A young nephew many times removed who loves history and a heart big enough to love even this man, who in a future untold killed Regis’s son. A Retinue who are not afraid of him, who help him acclimate to the strange new times as they travel, who shield him from the war as best they can, and who aren’t afraid to touch his hands or hold him close on the days he shakes from his grief and old rage and pain.
And Ardyn is still angry at Somnus, and likely always will be, but Regis is not Somnus, and the Scourge is not there to cause hallucinations. Regis is not Somnus and Regis is KIND. Prompto, the young man who carries another king’s magic in his soul, is kind. And Ardyn is willing to ... try. To live in this strange new time. If only for their sake.
And if he cares about them enough help them in Altissia to forge a lasting, secret alliance, if he wants to protect them strongly enough he wades into war against men in metal armor and machines that groan like old bones, if he grows brave enough to walk with Regis to the city that has sprung up since Ardyn’s imprisonment and help Regis shield Prompto from Mors...
If he grows to love this family so deeply he cries from it years later when Regis’s son is born and Ardyn holds the infant nephew in his arms-. Well. 
He thinks he is allowed that. After all he’s been through.)
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
| a house (is a home) | (i). the keys | (ii). memories&herons | tinyplaylist |
With the house they inherit:
Piles and piles and piles of yellowing newspapers from May of the fifty-four to July of the sixty-six. An old, damp-stained Spanish guitar Billy tortures Steve with for a whole, whole week. And actually cool rattan garden set. An acceptably new lawnmower that refuses to start up.
A pipe system that, when using the hot water, always sounds like there’s a ghost trapped inside, howling all around it.
It drives Billy stir crazy but, doesn’t bother Steve that much.
("I don't care for supernatural creatures as long as they don't have fangs"
"Oh, babe, that’s only because you still haven't seen Poltergeist”)
The ugliest, “Ugliest couch, Steve, really” any of them has seen in their entire lives. A Brownish-green. Mushy. Deformed. Gigantic thing the kids bitch about all the time, calling it ‘The Swamp Thing’ (but then proceed to lament even louder than the pipe-ghost when they finally decide to get rid of it)
An old, sad, perpetually yawning dog that won't leave their porch (As if he’d loved somebody here once. As if he’s waiting), and for which they end up making a place inside the house as if it were theirs (“Which is not, Harrington”) because, Steve knows, there are a few things Billy believes and even preaches about himself that are, in fact, all wrong. As if he got them stitched over the real ones so long ago he can no longer tell them apart from the original pattern.
"If you like the dog, we can keep it. He's not moving, anyways"
"I don't like dogs" He growls, petting the dog, scratching his chest right where the animal clearly most likes it, letting him methodically lick on the back of his hand.
And those things― it's Steve's job to find them, now. Cut the thread that binds them. Reach out for the realness lying underneath the lie.
"Are you sure about that?"
Billy glances up at him, frowns, tilts his head as if he doesn't get why Steve’s smirking.
"Yeeeah. Pretty sure" Snorts. Shrugs. The dog's paw drums rhythmically on the ground.
"Yeeeah” Steve mimics, brow rising “Then tell me, baby, why do you keep on feeding him?"
It takes more than a week and more than a few beers and their dog happily napping curled up at his feet on their freshly mowed backyard for Billy to say:
"It's because that's how I felt" eyes set on the orangey, melting sun, taking a big gulp of air before going on “When you went away. Those years. I–“ swallows like this is, right here, right now, on the sighing sleepiness of this summer evening, the first time he’s tried to find the words for something that’s been inhabiting inside of him only as a raw, wordless feeling for so long.
(Too long)
And Steve feels it like the blade of a knife, cold at the tip of his tongue, the urging to say ‘I shouldn’t have’ and ‘I regret It’ and ‘I’m sorry’. But Billy told him, that night they parted ways, hands cupping his face. Told him “There’s nothing to be sorry about, pretty boy. You do what you gotta do. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll have another lucky strike” So he doesn’t. Buries the words down inside. They’re not what Billy needs, now.
What he needs is,
Steve to stay quiet. Steve to wait. Needs,
“You left and then–” Say it, Steve thinks, C’mon, say it. Eyes set on the way his breath gets trapped on its way out of Billy’s chest, like it takes such a fight, letting these all out “this fucking town was all I got left. And we had touched in so many places we had― kissed in so many places. Everywhere I looked and. People say. You’ve to forget about it. Let life go on but. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to feel all those moments, to be– close to them. Inhabit them and I. Was―”
Billy cuts himself off. Breathes out a “Fuck”. Glances at Steve. A quick, elusive thing, as if he’s scared of himself, of having said too much, being too much, and Steve realizes it’s just one more of those patches, one that he’ll have to unstitch slowly, stretch the original fabric carefully out. Reveal another part of the original masterpiece. So he reaches for Billy’s cheek, traces it down to his chin. The lightest of caresses. Brings Billy’s eyes back to his.
It’s an overwhelming amount of love, the one he feels for Billy Hargrove, there’s no way for Steve to pour it all in between the lines on his fingerprints, but he tries, just in case, he keeps on trying.
“Yeah?” he asks. Soft. Low. Because this Billy right here is like a distant comet orbiting around the sun. A once, maybe twice in a lifetime thing. More. Many more, hopefully. If Steve does his job right. So he waits, as the night settles around them, as it pulses, like a beating, like the inside of a heart.
Billy breathes in, his chest shaking as he lets the air blow out of him.
“The only difference between that dog and I, Steve, is that. You came back” and it’s still there at the tip of his tongue, maybe will forever be, that sorry, but Billy doesn’t need it and not everything Steve feels is regret, because he did what he needed to do and all that happened took him here. And he knows the ending of this story. He believes in it. He’s― No. They. They’re. Fighting so hard for it. This story that happens in a freshly mowed backyard connected by a scratchy door to a weirdly trapezoidal kitchen. That happens in Billy’s lips, parting, growing into a smile. This story ends with,
“Is that I had another fucking lucky strike”
Ends. And then again. Begins.
And Steve wishes he could take all this love out, get it embroidered all over his body for Billy to read, to touch, to see.
But the only way is to keep on getting it out in small, uncompleted fragments. Stitch himself into Billy. Re-pattern them both into a bigger, better piece.
So he waits a little more, until Billy has wiped away the wetness of his eyes, until Billy has taken a long sip of his fifth beer, until Billy has lightened another cigarette.
Until Billy has taken his time.
And then asks.
“How do you want to call him?”
Billy looks at him -eyes round, brow raised- in bewilderment, like that’s the most obnoxious thing somebody has ever asked him.
And Steve laughs. And Laughs and laughs and laughs. And wonders. Wonders. Will forever wonder.
How Billy’s still thinking he’s the lucky one.
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thirstofgames · 4 years
kitty and the jailbird
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A blank chat popped open and Damien stared at it for a second. He had honestly not expected it. The girl actually swiped him right. He looked at the clock impatiently; he did not have much time left in the library. There was a loud shout from the hallway, his muscles tensing, ready to hide the phone and bolt at any second.
He regretted that last question right as he pushed send. It sounded so bitter in his head now. It was a dating app after all and she was a good looking young woman.
you there?
busy flirting with your other matches, huh?
And there it was all about to end, the hot topic of his whereabouts. And the swift and cruel rejection that followed. It had already happened one too many times! Could he go through his again? Was it worth it? His palms were sweaty, but he never felt so cold. If the ground could just open up and swallow him whole before she finished asking... 
No, sorry
Just a little surprised we matched
you can unmatch if you want
Well, what I want is to talk with you 😊
Your profile caught my eye
what part?
Your profile pic at first.
Most guys can't pull off the broken, deep and scowling thing
But... looks good on you.
you don't look so bad yourself-
but then I read your description...
and I have to know something
shoot 🙄
It was a simple Yes/No question, but it took Kate way to long to answer. She bit her lip, thinking hard on the possibilities. It was such an unfair question though. She was not going to leave, but was not going to pursue anything with him until she knew what he was in for and how long he was going to be locked up. She'd wasted enough years waiting up on others... 
I'm just a little confused 🤔
Are you really in jail?
you gonna leave if I say yes?
It really depends...
A bittersweet smile spread on his lips. What was he expecting from a girl like her? She probably had a nice job, a supporting family and tons of friends and... an actual future. Why would she even consider wasting her time with him? The little time he had left... Better to just pull off the band aid!
She felt to bad! She hadn't meant to disregard his feelings, but wasn't it fair to let her know what she was getting into? She didn't even know what he was expecting from the conversation they were having... She was curious, but she didn’t want to lead him on.
okay, let's just say...
the orange pants and barbed wire are real
I have so mane questions 😱
here we go...
What did you do?
Wait, where do you even hide your phone?
enough with the interrogation, alright?
I'm just curious...
sure, but i'm more than just a prisoner
a little respect goes a long way
Kate’s heart sank. He was hot, but the prison was a serious issue... She supposed people were not lining up to get to know him. He seemed pretty well rounded and mannered, but he was very defensive about his crime. Did that mean it was something really bad? But he was on a dating app... so maybe he was getting out soon? 
You're right!
I'm so sorry 😓
Let's change the subject
Why don't you tell me what you're looking for
i'm thinking...
nobody's really asked me that before
most people stop talking to me when they find out i'm locked up
i don't really blame them. i'm rough around the edges.
She didn't say anything for a while and Damien started wondering if he should just close the damn phone and leave. He should also probably take a break from Lovelink after this... it clearly wasn't doing him any good. Dark thoughts swarmed his mind and he had to close his eyes and head his head back against the bookshelf to get rid of the harrowing feeling. Like he was falling in an endless pit...  
The screen showed him typing and deleting several responses. Kate pursed her lips, impatient. Had she said anything wrong? She’d never spoken to someone who’d been locked up, she was still unsure what could trigger painful memories, or just remind him that he was... not free. But he said he just wanted to chat and his profile mentioned 'deep conversations'... 
Okay, I'm not running away, for now
But I can't really make up my mind
If I don't know anything about you
honestly I'm just looking to talk to someone from the outside
it can get pretty boring in here, just waiting around the clock
Let's be friends then 😊
I'll be your window to the outside world
If that's alright with you...?
Damien sighed on the other end. Beggars can’t be choosers. It was a step in the right direction though. Maybe he was not going to find the love of his life at the very fucking end of said life. He was not living in some fairytale! He was still going to die, alone and forgotten.
But maybe... just a little less alone at the very end of his road. One friend meant more than none and maybe, just maybe... he could tell her his side of the story. Eventually. She seemed patient and understanding enough. Let at least one person out there know he did not murder his own father. 
that's more than most
Of course a pretty thing like her got a lot on attention... She was only chatting up with him because the others were offline- 
but it must have been pretty bad to be such a long sentence
you still can't tell me what the crime was?
look, i've been making my own rules my whole life
you better ask what crimes I DIDN'T do
i'm no bragging or anything, just letting you know where I'm at
anyways, I'm more interested in what you're all about
what are you doing on an app like this?
I was about to uninstall it right before we matched 😅
you already found the one?
or no luck at all?
Well, I went on a few nice dates...
i see
Suddenly his experience on the app seemed less awful. Maybe it was not the right place. Or perhaps it was just the place for a misfit like him, here with all the weirdoes and con artists. 
And then they ditched me for their exes
Just my luck 😂
Oh and I swear to god if I see one more vampire 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
You wouldn't believe some of the things I saw...
OMG, one dude was actually dresses up as a centaur
don't even want to ask
There's also the 'prince' scam going around
Dudes claiming to be the heirs of some  
Made up countries and asking you for money
It wasn't quite a rejection, but it still hurt a little. She already mentioned twice she was only interested in him as friends. She didn't need to spell it out every few minutes! But she was the only one... 
Met some nice people too ☺️
Actually became good friends with some
Which is nice since I just moved here
were did you come from?
Pallay 💜
you're a long way from home
I know 😢
I suppose it was getting kinda lonely
My friends and family come visit when they can
But that's not a lot...
what brought you here?
Got a really good job opportunity
But I didn't quite realize how far away I'd be
So yeah, to answer your question from before...
I'm kinda just chatting with new people
Made more friends than anything else lol
Hope that's aright with you 🤗
A smile crept on his lips. An actual, genuine smile. How long had it been since he had any reason to? God, it felt good to talk to someone! Someone who didn't know him, who didn't shout 'walking corpse' after him, didn't judge him. He almost felt like his old self. Almost. 
i'm cool with that
Looking forward to getting to know you, Damien 😄
so let's get to it
tell me about yourself
hobbies, favorite food, anything
my hobbies are always changing 🤔
I start something new every month or so
Oh, and I started volunteering at a vet lately
With a friend I made on this app
it suits you
Hmmmmm how would you know?
We've only just met
just a hunch
I could secretly be evil 😈
you couldn't hurt a fly
besides, I've seen evil and believe me
you're not it
I'm guessing you're not going to elaborate on that
Are you?
see, you know me so well already
Smartass 😝
 At lest until she finds out.
And I love food 🤤
Who doesn't? lol
But picking a favorite is like... impossible
I do have one hell of a sweet tooth  🍫🍬🍦
I'm soooo jealous
I miss making my own meals
That's right! You probably just have a cafeteria.
I'm so sorry 😓
it's cool
i'm glad we have something in common
Is there any food you miss?
Wait... was there even steak in that picture? Kate felt her ears burning, the fluffy pajamas studently itching at her skin.
just makin my own in general, being in charge in the kitchen
Damien scrolled quickly through his phone, the memories leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. He nearly didn’t send the photo. It felt like so long ago, a different time...a different person. But it felt so good to remember! To be reminded of the more happier moments when he had all his life ahead of him! And showing her a piece of his past may make her curious enough to stick around for a while longer.
He hit Send.
-Tap to download photo-
Tumblr media
Looks... delicious
you like steak? 
Oh yeah, the food 😳
Wish I could have a bite of that hahaha
So not so shy and innocent as she claimed. Good to know. Even if it didn’t lead anywhere, which he had to be realistic about - he was on death row after all - it was still fun. The most fun he’d had in a long while. It felt...nice.
i wish you could too 😏
The door of the library swung open hitting the opposite wall. The guard in charge could be heard arguing with someone. At least four voices. He had to move fast.
I'm really hungry now 😅
Kate stared at the screen, the little green light besides his profile picture going grey. She scrolled through the conversation as if to make sure she hadn’t just imagined it. She tapped the picture he’d sent, a small smile creeping on her lips. He looked so... normal. Well, more like smoking hot, but she expected some kind of dump, or some greasy repair shop, not Greek sculpture level abs. The boy should come with a warning! She was a sucker for bad boys, but had she gotten so bad that she was now considering a fucking convict? What if he was a murderer or something??
someone's coming
gotta hide my phone
talk soon
Be careful! 🙏🏻
Her ice cream, forgotten on the coffee table, had turned to soup.
What had she gotten herself into?
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