#and looking back its like. wow it's been a year. I'm in a better place and I STILL have them...
kiwichaeng · 4 months
Can't fucking believe it's been an entire year of tarlos being married what the fuck
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rosyblooom · 6 months
blooming season 🌷 (2) | ln4
"grief is just love with no place to go”
PAIRING: lando norris x fem nepo!reader WORD COUNT: 2.5k WARNING(S): mentions of death & blood, swearing SUMMARY: four years after she fled monaco, y/n is back on the anniversary of her father's death. however, an unexpected encounter with an f1 driver disrupts her plans.
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part 1 | part 2 <- | part 3
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You're not sure how much time has passed since you entered the car, but it doesn't matter. It feels like an eternity. Everything feels overwhelming today—you're the mouse in a world full of elephants, and you don't know how to cope. You want to scream, but your voice feels strained; you want to cry, but there are no tears left. All you can do is sit idly in what feels like a tiny lifeboat in an ocean rippled by giant waves crashing straight at you.
"Feeling any better now?" Lando's voice interrupts the silence, pulling you out of your daze.
You snap your head sideways to face the brunette boy, your brows furrowing as you simply stare at him.
"Hey," he sneaks a quick glance at you before focusing back on the road. "You've been quiet the whole ride. Are you feeling any better now?"
Narrowing your eyes, you fix him with a wary glare before rolling your eyes and bringing your feet to the edge of your seat, hugging your knees tightly. "What's it to you?" you finally respond, gazing through the window.
"Look, I'm trying to make things less… tense here. You could, you know, meet me halfway or something."
"How about you stop trying," you snap, glaring at the side of his face. "Just be quiet. Let's get your hand wrapped up, and then you can just leave."
Lando swallows, his eyes darting between you and the street ahead. "I don't think—"
You cut him off sharply, "Obviously, you just missed the freaking turn."
"What? No, I didn't, look," he points at the GPS that's currently rerouting. "Oh."
"No need to worry, it's already figuring out a new way. See?"
"Another inconvenience?" you ask, annoyance laced in each word. "Yeah, actually I do."
Lando purses his lips and drums his fingers against the steering wheel. "I'm guessing I'm the first inconvenience?"
"Wow, you can connect dots," you deadpan, sinking into your seat and resting your forehead against the vibrating window.
The elevator door dings open, and you release a relieved breath upon finding its carriage empty. Lando enters first, settling into one side, while you press your back into the opposite wall.
"Let me guess," Lando begins, trailing his fingers up and down the row of twenty buttons, "your floor is the—"
"Sixth," you interject, your patience wearing thin as you take a step towards him and push the number six, causing it to light up.
Lando sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, nodding. "That was going to be my guess, you know?" He glances down at you, his gaze meeting yours briefly before drifting elsewhere.
Feeling hyperaware of his closeness, particularly the warmth emanating from him, you shift back into the opposite corner of the elevator, but he follows.
Your brow furrows as you grunt, "Personal space, remember?"
"Hold on a second." You feel the gentle touch of his hand atop your head, and moments later, he plucks something green from your hair, fixing you with a pointed look as he extends his palm to you. "A four-leaf clover," he exclaims, excitement glinting in his eyes. "Make a wish on it."
You swat his hand away from your face. "No thanks."
"What, there's nothing you want to have? Nothing you want to wish for?"
Sure, you have a wish—only one. You want your dad back, you want your old life back. The one that felt like summer every year, when there were no cold days.
Feeling the tightness in your throat as your vision blurs, you quickly blink away the incoming tears—you don't remember the last time you cried—and remark sharply, "No, I don't—nothing that's possible anyway. Keep it... or don't, I really don't care."
Just in time, the elevator door dings open, and you rush out of the tight space, desperate for more room.
Fumbling with your key, it takes a few attempts before you finally manage to slot it into the keyhole, agitation coursing through your veins. With a satisfying click, you push the door open, only to find the apartment strangely empty.
Lando squeezes in behind you, causing you to stumble slightly before regaining your footing, shooting him a glare.
He strides down the hallway, with you trailing close behind, and into the brightly lit living room. The space is perfectly tidy, almost unnaturally so—there's not a single thing out of place.
"You sure you live here?" Lando glances back at you, eyebrows raised.
"No, I don't," you reply flatly, "this is actually where I bring idiot boys with no sense of self-preservation to kill."
Lando chuckles, his grin widening slowly. "So, you do have jokes then?"
You shrug and head down another hallway, making a beeline for your bedroom. As you push the door open, memories come flooding back—pictures of your dad adorn the walls, nestled in frames atop the dressers. It's like stepping into a time capsule; everything remains as it was four years ago, yet now it feels tainted.
Without wasting a moment's breath, you flip each picture frame on its head. The images taunt you with their stillness, incapable of conjuring the scent of Dad's favourite cologne or the resonance of his soothing voice. Pictures can't replicate the warmth of his hugs.
Once done, you kneel by your bedside table and retrieve a pair of scissors and bandages from the drawer.
"Now this looks more like it," a voice remarks behind you, causing you to startle and slam the drawer shut, rising to your feet. "This actually looks like someone lives here.”
Balling your empty hand into a fist, nails digging into your palm, you grit out, "I didn't tell you to follow me in here."
Lando raises his hands defensively. "I'm sorry, I was just worried. You were gone for a while, but uhm," he swallows, eyes flicking to the scissors you're clutching.
"Seriously?" you brandish the scissors, "I'm not going to stab you, if that's what you're thinking."
With a sigh, you take a step forward, but he instinctively retreats, prompting you to shake your head and let out a chuckle—it's been awhile since you've done that.
"It's for the bandage," you remark, crossing your arms. "Also, you do realise you're the intruder here. If anyone should be scared, it's me. But I'm not a scaredy-cat, am I?"
"Neither am I," he insists, dropping his arms.
"Good. Let's head back to the kitchen, then."
Lando leaps onto the counter, eliciting a groan from you as you cut the gauze into a shape that fits the wound on his palm.
Swiftly retrieving a clean tea towel from the cupboard, you situate yourself in front of him, arm extended. "Hand?"
He complies immediately, dropping his hand into your palm, and you begin to dab the skin around the cut dry. Once sure nothing is wet anymore, you reach for the gauze and carefully place it over the wound.
Lando hisses, causing you to tilt your head up, only for a sharp pain to suddenly spread atop your head. You both release loud groans, your hands instinctively moving to massage the throbbing spot on your head, while you watch Lando rubbing his chin.
"What the hell is your problem?" you finally manage after a while.
His eyes widen. "What the hell is my problem? You're the one who suddenly moved," he gestures to you, "you could've given me a heads up or something."
"How was I supposed to know you'd be hovering over me like some weirdo?" you retort.
Lando offers no response; instead, his lips gradually curve into a full-blown grin as he begins to chuckle.
You don’t react, simply staring at him blankly.
“C’mon, don’t lie now,” he says, tilting his head with a smile, “That was kinda funny, you have to admit.”
Despite theatrically rolling your eyes, a small smile betrays your true feelings. Still, you simply shrug and say, "Whatever."
"Alright, cool," Lando nods with a grin. "I'll take that. I'll take a 'whatever' anytime over all the other stuff you've been saying."
Taking the bandage from the counter, you close the gap between you, freeing his hand and delicately wrapping the bandage around the injury.
"You make me sound like a bitch," you mutter, flipping his hand over to inspect the wound. "I'm not—or at least I don't mean to be."
Lando props his free hand onto the counter behind him and leans back, raising his eyebrows. "To be honest, I thought that was the whole vibe you were going for."
You pause, setting the bandage roll on the counter and narrowing your gaze at him. Before you can respond, he quickly adds, "Hey, no judgment from me! I can handle difficult."
"Very funny," you say, shaking your head with a smile as you toss the tea towel into his face.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Lando chuckles, retrieving the towel from his face and sliding it out of reach. When his gaze returns to you, his smile fades, and he simply stares, causing your expression to falter and your eyebrows to furrow.
"What do you think you’re looking at?" you snap, feeling as if you're suddenly trapped in a glass cage.
Leaning forward, a slow smile dances along Lando's lips. "You’re very pretty when you smile," he nods, "you should do that more often, it suits you."
Your expression falters, and you feel your heart sink with guilt. Today marks the fourth anniversary of your dad's passing—the first time you’ve felt strong enough to acknowledge it, to face the hurricane head-on—and here you are, spending it laughing, as if it's not a day plagued with immeasurable sadness and pain.
Isn’t that selfish?
It sure as hell feels like it.
Just like that, the walls rise once more as you fix Lando with a blank expression, swiftly grabbing the bandage roll off the counter. "Let’s just get this done, okay?" Your voice is strained—it scratches at your throat.
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks, confusion swimming in his bright eyes.
You swallow hard and grasp his hand, continuing to wrap up the wound wordlessly.
"I’m sorry," Lando tries again, "If I said something wrong, I’m sorry."
Sighing, you shake your head, and though you feel his gaze piercing your skull, you refuse to tilt your head up to meet his eyes head-on. "Nothing to apologise for," you state quietly, focusing on the task at hand.
This is exactly why you keep to yourself—your pain is yours alone to bear; it's unfair to burden others with it. You're not the same carefree, easily agreeable Y/N you once were back then. That part of you left the world today, four years ago, with your dad.
"Done," you declare, cutting the excess bandage and patting it down. Then, you create some much-needed distance between yourselves, heading towards the sofa and collapsing onto it.
"You know the way out," you yell, squeezing your eyes shut as you focus on your breathing.
The calm doesn’t linger for long, though, when you fail to hear footsteps or the door clicking open. You shoot upright, only to find Lando at the tap, an empty glass in his hand.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" you ask, propping your elbows on the couch’s backrest.
"Getting some water," he gestures toward the faucet and flicks it on. "I’m thirsty."
"You can do that at your own place."
"What, go home for water and then come back?" he shoots you a perplexed look before taking a swig from his glass. "Seems a bit extreme, don’t you think?"
Rising to your feet slowly, you make your way to the opposite end of the counter and lean against it, resting your hands on the cool surface. "And why would you even come back here?"
"For you to check up on me," he explains, waving his bandaged hand in the air, "make sure I don’t develop an infection. I’ve had one before, it was awful."
As if momentarily blinded by sunlight, you blink more than necessary as you process his words. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"The cut, it could get infected after being exposed for so long. So, I think we should wait out the day," he shrugs, "just to make sure it doesn’t get worse."
"And why can't you just go to the hospital?" you press, confusion evident in your voice.
His lips curl into a sly smile as he scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know, you seem to know what you're doing. I trust you."
His admission knots your stomach—you can't recall the last time someone willingly stuck by you after all your attempts at self-sabotage.
You're a pusher. You push and push until people fall off the edge of the cliff, leaving you in the comfort of yourself. So, this catches you off-guard. But strangely enough, the proposal doesn’t make you squirm with disgust, but rather... want? You're not quite sure; it's an old feeling, one you struggle to understand.
"Fine, okay," you sigh, shaking your head in disbelief at your own acquiescence. "I think you're being dramatic, but fine."
Lando nods, a grin spreading slowly across his face. "Great."
The weight of today bears down on you, a stark reminder of your initial plans—ones you can't simply reschedule. No, these you can’t ignore; they're a boulder in your road. Today is the day you will visit your dad; today is the day you will see his tombstone for the very first time.
"I've got somewhere to be tonight," you say, twisting your fingers into painful yet somehow soothing shapes. "So you'll have to leave then. And I’ve got to run some errands throughout the day, so you can, I guess, join me... or you can just stay here—stay out of my fucking bedroom—and yeah, watch TV or whatever it is you do."
"Got any food?" Lando inquires, swinging open your refrigerator doors to reveal painfully empty shelves, save for a lone box of leftover takeout from last night.
"That's a negative," he answers his own question, closing the doors with a sigh before turning to face you. "Can we grab some food while we're out running errands?"
Your stomach grumbles in agreement before you can respond, so you simply nod, snatching up your keys. "We should go now, then."
Lando falls into step beside you in the hallway, and you shoot him a sideways glance, adding, "We'll handle my errand first, then we can grab food."
He holds the door open for you, gesturing for you to pass through. "No complaints from me."
4:05 ───────────ㅇ─ 4:28
TAGS: @leclercdream @evitarubio @landossainz @lottef1 @averymjn
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
Beach Find
Lizzie and her husband Sam strolled hand in hand along the sandy shore, the gentle waves lapping at their feet. The sun was warm and comforting. Having a child allowed them rare opportunities to vacation away just the two of them but their daughter Vicky was 18 now and was far from the partying type. They knew she would be cooped up for the week in her bedroom at home with a good book.
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"I almost had forgotten what sand had felt like." Sam chuckled.
"Yeah I agree- ahhh what was that?" Lizzie replied after stepping in something sharp. Lizzie’s gaze was drawn to something twinkling in the sand beneath her. Letting go of Sam’s hand she knelt down to investigate.
With a few scoops of her hand, she unearthed a jewel tiara, its pink gems shimmering in the sunlight. "Sam, look at this!" she exclaimed, holding it up for him to see.
"Wow, that’s beautiful." Sam said, leaning in for a closer look. "Where do you think it came from?"
His words were lost on her. All sound seemed to disappear as she held the tiara. She was entranced by it and felt a growing need to put it on. She lifted it over her head and placed it softly onto her hair.
All at once the sound around her rushed back and she felt a pulsating pleasure coarse through her body. Her bones started to creak and crack as the became stronger. Years of bad posture were erased in seconds. Her bad hip suddenly brand new again.
"Lizzie, what’s happening?" Sam gasped, stepping back in astonishment.
"I... I don't know, but I feel... amazing." Lizzie replied, her voice now softer and more melodic.
Her slightly saggy skin started to tighten around her improved frame, years of wrinkles disappearing. More than that it became smoother, softer. Even in her youth it had never felt so good.
Sam stared at Lizzie, his mouth agape. "Maybe you should take it off, this doesn't feel right, Lizzie." He suggested, a sense of unease creeping into his voice.
"Shut up, Sam!" Lizzie snapped, her eyes flashing with anger. The harshness of her words cut through the air like a knife.
Sam recoiled, stunned by her sudden outburst. "Lizzie, what's gotten into you?" He asked, his concern deepening.
Realizing what she had said, Lizzie's expression softened. "I'm so sorry, Sam. I don't know what came over me. I just feel soooo goooood." she said as the changes continued.
Her short mom hair grew long, cascading down her back to just above her butt, her brown hair becoming lighter and lighter until it shimmer blonde.
Her sensible nails transformed into long, fake pink nails, perfectly manicured. Her lips plumped up, now coated in bold red lipstick, and her eyes became piercing blue, sparkling with a newfound intensity.
Lizzie felt her body become strong and powerful, the sensation overwhelming. A shift began to occur within her mind. Subtle at first, her thoughts started to change, becoming increasingly materialistic. The simplicity of her previous life seemed dull and unsatisfying now. She began to crave luxury, riches, and all things glamorous.
"It's okay. Let's just take it off, alright?" Sam said gently, stepping closer.
But as Sam reached for the tiara, Lizzie pulled back, a sneer forming on her lips. "How fucking dare you try and take this away from me Sam. You've always been such a boring bastard!" she hissed, this time without an ounce of regret.
As if to reward her cruelness to her husband, her tits swelled up, growing into gravity defying orbs that made her moan in pleasure. Her regular mom-style clothing morphed into a tight pink dress, hugging her curves and featuring a long slit along the side that showed off her legs. She arched her back to push her boobs out to make them look even more impressive.
"Lizzie, this isn't you." Sam pleaded, trying to reason with her but the transformation was done.
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"You're right, it isn't. I'm Eliza now and I'm so much better than I was. Who wants to be a fucking boring housewife when they could be a goddess like me? I'm going to be so fucking bad and love every minute of it!" She declared with a cackle that sent a shiver down Sam's spine.
Vicky had started to worry about her parents. She hadn't heard from them in days. She had initially put it down to them just having a good time on their vacation but it was so unlike them not to check in.
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Their flight was due to land that day and Vicky breathed a sigh of relief when at last she heard the front door open. Expecting her mom and dad to appear with their usual warm smiles and travel stories, Vicky was stunned to see a strikingly beautiful woman step into the house, her presence commanding and intimidating.
The woman wore a loose fitting pink dress with a sparkling tiara sitting atop her perfect blonde hair which flowed in perfect waves. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the room with a cold, calculating gaze. Sam followed in tow behind her, his posture subservient and his eyes downcast.
"Mom?" Vicky asked, her voice trembling with confusion.
The woman laughed, a chilling, heartless sound. "Don't you dare call me that again you vermin. I wouldn't want anyone to think I produced such an inferior offspring. Although I doubt anyone will even think a beauty like could be related to you. You'll call me Eliza now." She snarled.
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"What happened to you?" Vicky demanded, tears welling up in her eyes.
Eliza sauntered over, her long fake nails glinting in the light as she reached out to stroke Vicky's cheek but quickly grabbed her face in her hand roughly. "I’ve finally become who I was always meant to be. Look at you, so plain and pathetic. You're the worst mistake I ever made. You should be grateful I even acknowledge you now. Fetch me a drink, and make yourself useful for once."
With tears in her eyes, Vicky dutifully set out to do as she was told. Every fiber of her being wanted to yell and scream at her mother but she found herself unable, as though she were under some sort of spell.
Over the next few weeks, Vicky could only watch helplessly as Eliza became notorious in their town. She stayed out late partying, shamelessly flirting and sleeping with other women's men. Their life savings quickly dwindled as Eliza spent lavishly on designer clothes, jewelry, and extravagant nights out, all for herself.
At home, Eliza treated Sam and Vicky as slaves. They were made to do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and anything else she demanded.
“Don’t fucking mess up the laundry like you did last time!” Eliza snapped at Vicky one afternoon as she lounged around basking in her beauty and cruel power.
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Vicky picked up Eliza’s tight dresses, all which stunk of sex and obediently piled them into her laundry basket.
“Here take this as well.” Eliza said standing up and stripping all the clothes she was wearing off of herself. Vicky lifted her eyes to the sky but for a moment caught a glimpse of Eliza’s perfect form. A weird pang of jealously hit Vicky for just a moment. That’s when she heard the voice.
“Wear me.” The voice purred. It seemed to be coming from the top of Eliza’s head and only Vicky could hear it. Her eyes settled onto the tiara, its glomming jewels captivating her.
“What the fuck are doing just standing there? Get out and do the laundry!” Eliza said with a snap of her fingers breaking Vicky from her trance. Vicky quickly scampered away but the damage had been done.
Finding her father alone in the kitchen doing the dishes she sidled up to him and whispered in hushed tones.
"Dad, what is it with that tiara? It's the source of all this evil isn't it?" She asked as quiet as she could.
Sam looked around nervously before nodding. "I saw it happen, Vicky. When she put it on, it transformed her. She's not the woman I married anymore."
Vicky's heart sank further, realizing the depth of their predicament. "We have to do something, Dad. We can't live like this. We have to destroy it!"
"It's too dangerous sweetheart. We don't even know if destroying it will work. It might just enrage her even more." Sam said with a sigh and went back to his dishes. Vicky knew it fell on her to save her family.
Vicky returned home from school the next day, her heart pounding with determination. She had researched all about the tiara and was convinced it was from an infamous wreck. The King and Queen of Bratavia went down with their ship during a nasty storm right near where Vicky’s parents had been vacationing. The King and Queen were known as evil tyrants who kept their subjects obedient through fear.
Vicky feared that her mother was somehow being corrupted by the tiara in the same way the queen likely had been all those years ago. She was ready to destroy the tiara by any means necessary. However, as she entered the house, she found a smug Eliza waiting for her, with Sam standing beside her, his head hung low.
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"Hi, Mom—I mean, Eliza. What's going on?" Vicky asked, trying to keep her voice steady.
Eliza's lips curled into a malicious smile. "What's going on is I know all about your plan to try and destroy my gorgeous tiara. Sam here squealed like the little piggy that he is."
"Dad how could you?" Vicky said in shock.
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"Oh don't be disappointed him dear he's been under my thumb since my transformation. He's been reporting to me for awhile now about your rising rebellion against me. I must say I am impressed you've been able to resist my power." Eliza said with a smirk.
"We need to destroy it! It's turned you into a monster!" Vicky said pleading with her mother.
Eliza laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the room. "Is that the real reason? Or is it that you want the power for yourself?"
Vicky shook her head vehemently. "No! No of course not! I just want my mom back. This… this isn't who you are!"
Eliza stepped closer, her piercing blue eyes glinting with cruelty. "I know it's true, I can see the desire in your eyes. You want this power I have. You want to be as big of a bad bitch as I am. You have heard it call out to you, I know you have."
"How could you know that? Whatever the case I don't want it, I don't want any of it!" Vicky insisted, her voice faltering slightly.
Eliza's sneer deepened. "Oh, but it is. You can deny it all you want, but I see the the way you look at me, with envy and longing. You crave the power, the control. You want to be just like me."
Vicky felt a pang of conflict within her. Despite her revulsion at what her mother had become, there was a small, undeniable part of her that was drawn to the promise of the tiara's power. The thought of wielding such influence, of being able to control and command, was tempting. To be a beautiful bitch. She couldn't help herself from getting wet.
"No, I won't let you manipulate me, you're wrong!" Vicky said, trying to push the thoughts away.
"We'll see about that, darling. You'll soon be a daughter worthy of me!" Eliza laughed again, her tone mocking as she snapped her fingers. Sam grabbed Vicky and pushed her down to her knees while holding her from moving.
Eliza stepped triumphantly over to Vicky, taking off the tiara. "You see, dear, the tiara's power is already in me. You could have destroyed it, but I would have remained. The only thing you would have stopped was your own ascension, but mommy is here to help with that." She said with an evil smile as she placed the tiara onto Vicky's head.
Vicky's hair began to change first. Her once plain brown locks grew longer and glossier, transforming into cascading waves of rich, golden blonde. "No, I don't want this!" Vicky cried, trying to pull the tiara off, but her hands were still held fast by Sam. Her resolve weakened as she felt the luxurious weight of her new hair.
Next, her eyes changed from their ordinary brown to a piercing blue, the color intensifying until they sparkled like sapphires, like her mothers. "Stop it! Mmmmm don't stop!" Vicky whimpered unable to stop letting out a soft moan.
Her lips plumped up, becoming fuller and more luscious, painted with a seductive shade of deep red. "I can't… I won't…" Vicky tried to protest, but the feel of her newly enhanced lips was intoxicating. She could feel her resistance slipping, the desire to embrace her transformation growing stronger.
By now Sam had let go of her hands and had stepped back. Vicky was free to remove the tiara from her head but as her hands rose higher they stopped at her chest which was expanding by the second. She ran her hands over her impressive new tits, squeezing them with perverse joy.
"Oh fuck these feel so god damn good! I could make so many weak boys into my puppets. Noooo I can't let this happen! I need... to... fight... it!" She fought in weak protest as her nails, once short and practical, lengthened into perfectly manicured talons, a vibrant pink color matching her mother's.
"Oh fuck yes these are perfect for a bitch like me! They would look so hawt running down the back of a hawt guys back! No Vicky, don't give in!" She whispered, but the sight of her elegant nails made her heart race with excitement. The transformation was nearly complete, and Vicky couldn't fight how good she was feeling.
"I can't fight it, I don't want to fight it! Yes! Make me hot, make me cruel, make me evil! Vicky is dead! Tori is hear to stay!" She moaned loudly, her body shivering with delight.
She stood up, her posture now confident and commanding, a cruel smile playing on her lips. Eliza clapped her hands in delight. "How do you feel?"
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"Mmmm I feel so naughty. Thanks for the upgrade Mommy... Sorry I mean Eliza." Tori purred as she primped herself in the mirror.
"No need to apologize dear, you are worthy of being my daughter now. I couldn't be prouder of the wicked hottie you are." Eliza said beaming at Tori with pride.
"Thanks Mommy, I can't wait to show this patheic town who I am. Mmmm it's getting me so wet thinking about all those bitchy bullies who tormented me every day and how I'll have them under my heel. Of course I'll need a new wardrobe." Tori said remembering her closet was full of drab clothes designed to blend in. She needed to stand out now.
"Absolutely sweetheart, we'll take your simp of a father's credit card to the mall and spoil you rotten. Nothing but the best for my princess." Eliza said kissing the air around her daughter's cheeks.
"Speaking of which, can't we kick him out and bring in a real sugar daddy?" Tori said looking at her grovelling father with disdain.
"Well we have two options dear. First is that we use the kings crown on him. I found it soon after the tiara. It is designed to turn even the most weakest of men into strong confident bastards." Eliza said already dismissive of the idea.
"And the second option?" Tori asked curious.
"Well as gorgeous as the tiara is on your head darling, it has done it's purpose. You are forever an evil beauty just like me. But that is not to say it's power is done corrupting." Eliza said with an evil smile that was soon mimicked on Tori's face as her mother's plan crystallized in her mind.
The two women turned with their cruel smirks towards Sam, devilish intent in their eyes.
"Two wicked Mommies? I'll be the most spoilt girl in the world!" Tori said closing in on Sam who backed himself into a corner.
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"Welcome to the family... Samatha." Eliza laughed as she watched Tori take the tiara from her head and shove it onto Sam's.
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emphistic · 6 months
"I'm Lactose Intolerant"
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Things Reader Should Acknowledge: I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THIS ALREADY BECAUSE I FORGOT TO SAVE IT AS A DRAFT, i have yet to get the hang of tumblr, yuuji hasnt been born yet, the itadori parents neglect their children so grandpa takes care of them, waaaaaay later is when yuuji is born, sukuna gets his tattoos when he is older
Prologue: As summer nears its end, and autumn takes its place, you find yourself in quite the situation. A new family has arrived in the neighborhood, and your parents have tasked you with greeting your new neighbors. A wacky grandpa, a gloomy tween. Seriously, could things get any worse?
A/N: Sukuna is 10 years old, while reader is 9 years old. However, Sukuna was held back a grade, so guess who is joining your class this year? *cue the confetti*
PS: i know little kids shouldnt be walking the streets alone, but lets just pretend the world is a better place
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Chores are boring. Errands, on the other hand? Well, not so much.
You shielded your eyes from the rays of the sun as you walked down the street, avoiding the cracks on the pavement. The sky bled as the sun set and the songs of the birds started to come to a halt. It was a typical Saturday, help get the groceries, head home, and assist with dinner as much as possible. However, what wasn't typical was the fact that there was a moving company's truck blocking your way home.
Wow, there's definitely a better way to go about this, you sigh. Mindlessly, you kick a pebble aside and tighten your grip on your tote bag as your stride continues.
Several men in navy colored uniforms carry boxes as another man, who you estimate is a septuagenarian, surveys the workers from the front lawn of his new house. The man, who you also assume is your new neighbor, has his hands clasped behind his back and wears a green wool sweater.
Deciding to be polite, you clear your throat, neaten up your braids, and slowly approach the man, cautious as you try not to give him a heart attack. At nine years old, one may not know much, but one might know that killing your elderly neighbor is a pretty wack first impression.
The man looks quite surprised to see you approach, and even raises a white brow.
Okay, maybe this is a bad idea, you think as your palms start to sweat. You go through several introductions through your mind just to go with the most lame one.
"Hello, sir. My name is Y/N L/N. I'm your . . . uhh, new neighbor," you cringed at yourself before holding out a hand to the man.
"Ah, wasn't expecting to meet my neighbors on the first day here. I am Mr. Itadori, pleasure to meet you," his voice sounded like that of an old man's, yet, it had such a warm, cozy feel to it. He took your hand and gave it a firm shake.
"Likewise," you say, after a few seconds of silence.
"Should a girl, — pardon my rudeness — as young as you, be walking out here alone at this time?"
"Aha, my parents trust this neighborhood enough. And anyway, I was only getting groceries from the store, it's not too far from this block actually." You pointed a finger in the direction of said store.
"Wow, you must be pretty responsible for your parents to be sending you out for groceries, huh? Good to know some children in this neighborhood help out their families," Mr. Itadori turned to face a boy, probably not much older than you, who was carrying boxes into the house when he put emphasis on the word "some".
The boy had pink unruly hair, that was slicked back and spiky. You held back a giggle at the sight.
"Grandpa, I'm literally moving furniture into the house. What are you looking at me for?" The boy grumbled, but he didn't stop as he moved the boxes.
"I never said you didn't help out. I was just simply telling Y/N here, about how some children help out their families. No need to get upset now, Sukuna." Mr. Itadori gave a small chuckle, before abruptly turning to face you.
"Oh, right! How rude of me, I haven't introduced you to my grandson."
"Oh, no worries. You guys are probably busy—" You began, before being cut off.
"Nonsense! Sukuna! Come here, boy."
Sukuna muttered something, and dropped off a box by the front of the house before moving over to you and his grandpa.
Now that the boy was closer, you could make out his red eyes, and the frown on his face. Looking back at Mr. Itadori, you noticed he did not share the same qualities as his grandson, and instead had brown eyes.
"What are you waiting for? Introduce yourself!" Mr. Itadori lightly pushed Sukuna closer to you.
The taller boy stared at you for what seemed like forever, before averting his eyes to the ground and keeping them there. "Name's Sukuna."
"Y/N. But I think your grandpa already mentioned that," you tried to lighten the mood.
You swear you heard him say something along the lines of "pretty name" under his breath, but before you could ask, Sukuna retreated to his boxes. His grandpa looked displeased at that. Actually, that's quite an understatement. He looked furious with Sukuna, but he didn't do anything other than sigh and bid you adieu and good night.
You slowly walked back to your house, your arrival being a little later than usual, which your parents questioned you about, to which you explained that there was a truck in your way.
When it was time for bed, you did as you usually did. Showered, changed into your pajamas and watched a movie before cleaning up and preparing to actually go to bed. As you moved to close your window blinds, you noticed something you hadn't seen in a long time — considering no one's occupied the house next door since it was put on sale — there was a window right across from yours, and the light was on.
You didn't plan on becoming a creep at such a young age, but due to curiosity, you didn't peel your eyes away from the window. It surprised you to see that the room across from yours was a bedroom belonging to none other then Sukuna. When you saw the pink spikes of his hair come near the window, you quickly shut the blinds.
The next morning, your mom shook you awake.
You groaned, "Mom. . . What is it?"
"We have new neighbors, honey! I've already started prepping for baking an apple pie for them—" You let her ramble on while you were still half-awake.
Oh, right . . . you never mentioned your meeting with the Itadoris. Now you have to introduce yourself to them, yet again.
"—I just need you to grab a few ingredients for me, if you don't mind."
"Sure, Mom. No problem." You stretched out your arms and yawned.
"Perfect! I'll let you get ready then. I'll give the list on your way out." Then, your mom got up, and shut the door.
You yawned again and rubbed your forehead. This was definitely going to be an interesting day, to say the least.
You met your mom downstairs and she instructed you on the ingredients you needed to purchase. "Uh huh, got it. Thanks. Bye, Mom!
Still half-asleep, you slowly slipped on your sneakers and headed out through the door. The sun warmed your face, yet sent a chill down your spine.
Apples and lemon.
Apples. . .
And lemons.
You hummed to yourself as you walked down the street, passing by the Itadori house.
Apples and lemons—
"Gah!" A little rock got in your way, and you were about to faceplant onto the sidewalk when you felt a firm hand on your shoulder reel you back upward.
You turned to see who your savior was, and cocked your head to the side in surprise.
"Sukuna? What are you doing out here?"
"No 'thanks for saving me, Sukuna'? Also, contrary to your belief, other people in this neighborhood get out the house too, y'know?"
You scoffed, jutting out your bottom lip, "Thanks."
Sukuna held a smug look on his face.
"So . . . you gonna take your hand off my shoulder, or should I do that tor you?"
He looked taken aback, and swiftly returned his hand to his hoodie pocket. "I have to go get groceries. My grandpa sent me, because our house is basically empty?" Sukuna acted as if that was common knowledge.
"What did you have for dinner last night, then?"
"Ordered in."
You mumbled, "Figured."
"Anyway, Grandpa told me you know where the closest grocery store is? I need . . . directions."
"Oh! Right," you scratched the back of your neck. "I'm actually heading there right now. You can come with." If Sukuna didn't want to go with you, he certainly didn't show it (surprisingly).
"So you're actually going to turn this way, down here, across this weird looking house or something — I actually don't even know if it has someone living in it — then go in front of this—"
"Stop talking, and maybe we'll get there faster," Sukuna muttered.
You turned around to face him; he had his hands in his pocket and wore a bored look on his face. You huffed.
"Go have someone else show you the way, then. Y'know, I was actually trying to be nice to you and all. I'm even showing you the shortcut. And now look at how you're treating me." You turned away from him.
"'Trying to be nice'? Please. You haven't asked me how day was going. 'Trying to be nice' my ass."
You ignored his use profanity at such a young age, and you came to a skidding halt; Sukuna even bumped into your back when you stopped abruptly.
"What is your problem!? So what if I haven't asked you how your day was going? SO WHAT? You haven't asked me either. If you don't like me just leave. me. alone!"
"People are so uptight these days," Sukuna shrugged.
"Uptight? UPTIGHT? Please, be my guest, and show me how I'm the uptight one here." You couldn't believe this dude. He's the only other kid in this neighborhood — besides your sibling — and he refuses to be cooperative, kind, nonetheless, a decent person.
The rest of the walk to the grocery store happened in silence. And believe me, the silence was loooouuuuddd. You wholeheartedly believed Sukuna would leave, but he didn't. Which made you even more mad.
The bell above the door chimed when you stepped in the store, out of pettiness, you didn't even hold the door for Sukuna. He scoffed at that, and you turned around to face him. "Well, here you are. The grocery store. Happy now?"
"I'm never happy."
Wow, he must've been dropped on the head as a baby, because he certainly did not get the personality from his grandpa.
You walked through the aisles one by one and searched for the items your mother requested.
Apples and lemons.
You didn't even bother placing them in a bag, insisting on carrying them yourself. Meanwhile, Sukuna was still trailing behind you, much like a lost puppy. His groceries were all in a bag, and he looked ready to pay, but he was still behind you.
Finally, you got sick of his weirdness, and peered over your shoulder to get a look of his face, which was frowning, "Why are you following me?"
He looked like he was pondering, thinking of a way to answer your question. "Girls shouldn't be walking around alone. Especially you."
"Ugh, there you go again. Always thinking you're better than everyone else. And, whaddya mean 'especially me,' huh? You don't think I can handle myself? Are you here to protect me or something? Swooping in to save the day, my knight in shining armor? Seriously, Sukuna."
He groaned, and dragged his free hand down his face, "I came from a not so safe neighborhood. Can't you see I'm just trying to look out for you? If some man came up and harassed you, and I was shopping in some other aisle, would you blame me too?" His voice softened on the last part.
"Forget it, you're right. I'm wrong," you sighed and walked to the register.
When you got home, your mom ushered you inside and hurried to start on the apple pie. You bit your nails as she worked, and she quickly took notice of that.
"Something wrong, sweetie?"
You shook your head, and mouthed a simple "no".
While you were upstairs reading a book, you heard the beeping of the oven, signaling the completion of the baking process. Before you could even put down your book, your mother called out to you from downstairs.
She welcomed you in the kitchen and took great care in wrapping the freshly baked pie in tinfoil and sending you off to the Itadori house. But before that happened, however, she made you memorize your speech, reminding you to inform your next door neighbors of who originally made the pie. And with a soft pat on the back from your mom, you were off.
It was a quarter past 12 o'clock when you finally found the courage to knock on your neighbor's front door. You heard a "coming!" from inside the house, and returned your hand to its side.
Loud footsteps came closer until finally the door was flung open. You were greeted by the sight of Mr. Itadori in a fluffy red robe, and equally fluffy slippers.
"Ah! Y/N. What a pleasant surprise to see you here."
You stuttered a bit, "Hi, Mr. Itadori. My mom and I wanted to formally introduce ourselves, and welcome you to the neighborhood — I didn't mention our very much brief meeting yesterday."
"Oh wow! You can tell your mother I appreciate her kind welcome." He turned his head into the house, and called for, "Sukuna! Come here, boy."
"Oh, I wouldn't want to be a bother—"
"Agh, you children. Always the same. Nonsense, Y/N. Utter nonsense."
Sukuna stood behind his grandpa in record time, his speed surprised you. "What's she doing here?" He sneered. You offered him a glare in return while Mr. Itadori was oblivious.
"Don't be rude to our kind neighbor. She's here to formally introduce herself."
"Yes. Again."
Your eyes flickered back and forth between the Itadoris' banter. "I've brought some apple pie — my mom baked it."
Mr. Itadori's eyes lightened up as you presented the tinfoil covered dish to him. "It smells delicious! You really didn't have to, my dear."
"It was no big deal, I promise," you laughed (nervously).
"I will put this on the counter, one second," Mr. Itadori walked away, leaving you and Sukuna alone. The taller boy crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway.
"Apple pie? Really? Are you trying to kill me and my grandpa? I'm lactose intolerant. We're lactose intolerant. He just didn't want to seem rude, so he's putting it away."
"Oh. . . uhh, I didn't know that—"
"I can tell. You didn't think to ask first? How considerate of you, Y/N."
You stumbled on your words.
"I'm just messing with you. Apple pie is his absolute favorite."
Your jaw dropped six feet, before you came back to your senses and rolled your eyes, "Did you have to scare me like that?"
He laughed aloud, "Duh. Shoulda seen the look on your face. Priceless!" He continued to laugh, while your expression remained stoic, trying not to laugh as well. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he was actually funny.
When his laughter subsided, he cocked his head to the side. "What's with the face? Girls don't know how to joke around or something?"
You frowned.
Mr. Itadori returned to the both of you and patted his grandson on the back. "Well! Thank you again, Y/N. Tell your family I say thanks and appreciate their kindness."
"Of course. I'll be going now." You waved to Mr. Itadori — feigning ignorance to Sukuna — and walked back to your house next door.
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When Sukuna and his grandpa sat at their newly assembled dining table, they both couldn't believe how good the apple pie tasted. Sukuna even asked for a second slice.
Mr. Itadori broke the silence, "So, school starts tomorrow."
Sukuna glanced at his elder, and raised a brow.
"Since you don't know anyone else at your new school, you can ask Y/N for help. She'll be in your grade anyway."
Sukuna sighed, "Grandpa, why are girls so difficult?"
"Ohoho," Mr. Itadori's laughter boomed throughout the house. "You're a funny one, Sukuna," and he ruffled his grandson's unruly hair, messing it up more.
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358 notes · View notes
mingtinys · 5 months
how flowers bloom and wither
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pairing : lee chan x gn!reader , platonic! boo seungkwan x reader
apocalypse!au , exes to lovers , angst , hurt / minimal comfort
warnings : language , death , apocalyptic themes , depictions of wounds and blood , suicidal ideation , this is not a happy ending or story
word count : 6.3 k
requested ? no
a/n : heavily inspired by this juyeon fic that made my cry in my car (p.s. there is a jeonghan ver as well).
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Your voice is the first to call his name in months. It's been so long that the cadence of it sounds foreign to his ears. Almost like another language entirely. A cry from the distance, barely audible in a way he easily dismisses it as a hallucination. Perhaps he was finally going mad.
He knows other survivors exist, he'd seen them in nearly every town he scavenged. Though in no reality had he ever assumed any of them knew his name. The world had not been kind enough to spare anyone who knew and loved Lee Chan. They'd all been swept away in the initial outbreak. And with no one tethering him to his own existence, he was no more than a living ghost amongst the ruins.
But then the voice calls again, this time closer. Behind him. Louder.
"Chan? Lee Chan!"
And even stranger, he knows this voice. Better than he knows the sound of his own name. Could pick it out of a crowd, blindfolded and all.
Though he still can't bring himself to believe it. Not even as he turns and your silhouette comes into view against the setting sun, your elongated shadow reaching out for him. Tattered shoes well beyond their usable years slap against the pavement as you sprint.
"Oh my God, Chan!"
It has to be a mirage. You'll pass straight through him like an apparition and the universe will laugh at him for believing another one of its cruel jokes.
Yet still, his arms open, and seconds later your full weight crashes into him. Like a tide breaking the shore, stirring up memories like loose sand in its wake.
It's the first time in months he's been held. Felt the warm touch of anything living, much less the safety of something familiar. Tears fill his eyes instantly as Chan clings to the one thing from his past he could never seem to bury. To what he can only assume is a pity gift from the universe making up for all the times it fucked him over. To you.
Your chest heaves against his as you ask, "Is it you? Is this real?"
Chan himself doesn't know the answer to that.
"I can't believe I found you," you breathe out once the air surrounding you two settles. You haven't let go yet and Chan doesn't want you to. Worried that when you finally do, he'll wake up back in the crumbling shed he'd used for shelter the night before. With his back against a cold, moldy mattress instead of being held by the warmth of a thousand suns. Alone again.
"Please say something," you nervously laugh. Despite the chill in the air, Chan's cheeks are burning up. He's at a loss, far too overwhelmed to produce anything remotely coherent. Though as you peel away to examine him, concern knitting your brows, one word does come to mind.
You're still as radiant as he remembered. A diamond amongst the ruins of the world. It looks, for the most part, the universe has been kind to you. Good, he thinks.
"You're not..." Your expression falls. "You're not sick, are you?"
It's the fear in your eyes that finally prompts Chan to push down the lump in his throat. "No!" He rasps, then clears his throat. "No, I'm not sick. Promise."
"Are you hungry?"
Chan looks back at the reason he'd left his shelter in the first place, the rundown mini-mart about a hundred feet away. The stabbing pain in his stomach brings him back down to reality.
"There's nothing worthwhile in there, we already checked."
Your arm extends to point past the mini-mart. Towards a small abandoned town that pokes out just beyond the darkening horizon. "Our shelter is just about a mile that way. Would you–"
He agrees before you've even finished your sentence.
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Chan cannot fathom the hope you hold in your heart in a world like this. Not until he meets Seungkwan. The vibrant boy you've been traveling with thus far.
"You can't go around picking up strays."
"He's not a stray, Kwan, he's an old friend. Besides, you were a stray at one point too." You disappear into another room before the boy can argue any further. Leaving him to glower at his new guest.
"If you start acting strange, I'll kill you." Seungkwan points at Chan, though he's not the least bit threatening. His shiny eyes and round face are far too friendly to ever be perceived as intimidating.
Yet Chan humors the boy anyway. "Virus-free, I promise." He raises his hands in surrender.
"And don't touch anything." He motions around the living room, which is surprisingly homey.
When you mentioned you had a shelter nearby, Chan was expecting something a little less... comfortable. Something like the random sheds or raided stores he'd crouch into for just a few hours of shut-eye, never any longer. Or perhaps even a poorly constructed tent made up of various scrap parts. But when you climbed the stairs to a tiny townhouse, one of the better-looking ones amongst the multiple shells of former homes in the neighborhood, Chan almost couldn't believe his eyes. Perhaps this really was all just a dream.
The outside, for the most part, looked pretty decent. There had been some obvious repairs done; trash cleaned from the yard, wooden boards haphazardly nailed over broken windows, a tattered blue tarp covering a large section of the roof, and Chan could just barely make out remnants of graffiti that couldn't be scrubbed away. But the blue paint was hardly peeling and the stone steps had only a few cracks.
When it came to the inside, one word came to mind. Charming. None of the furniture matches, meaning either the previous owner hadn't cared for aesthetics or you and Seungkwan had at some point scavenged the surrounding houses in search of the least fucked up looking decor. Even then, it was really just the bare essentials. A surprisingly comfortable couch, two rocking chairs that look as though the wood had been chewed by squirrels, a metal center table, and a couple bookshelves filled with various novels, picture frames of strangers, and knickknacks.
Down the short hallway to the left are two closed doors. Of which he assumes is a single bedroom and bath respectively. Behind him, where you had disappeared to, is a door he'd quickly caught a glimpse of the kitchen through.
Most notably, however, against the back wall of the living room is a stone fireplace. Ablaze with such life it fully illuminates the space, providing a much-needed warmth as the brisk night rolls in. Chan watches it dance over the mound of logs, completely entranced until that same lovely voice from before calls his name once more.
"All we really have left from our last supply run is tuna, I hope that's okay." In your hands is a bowl with a small portion of rice and half a can of tuna, along with a glass of water. It's no five-star meal, but Chan's mouth still waters at the sight. And better yet, it's warm. He can't remember the last time he had a meal that wasn't a can of cold mystery mush or a granola bar.
He half expects Seungkwan to gripe about him taking something as precious in this world as food. But the boy snorts and a teasing smile creeps its way onto his lips. "Poor kid looks like he'll start drooling any second, I think tuna is more than okay."
He's right, tuna and rice is more than okay. In fact, it's the best damn thing he's ever had in his life. Even as he shovels spoonful after spoonful into his mouth, it only gets better. It isn't until every morsel of food has vanished from the bowl that Chan finally acknowledges his drink. Gulping the clear, luke-warm, liquid down in a matter of seconds.
"Thank you," he breaths out.
"So what are your plans? Are you leaving in the morning?" Seungkwan promptly asks.
A chasm opens in Chan's stomach. Right, he thinks, How could he be so naive? Sure, the two of you knew each other. But it's been what, three years? Three years of the two of you living your own lives, growing, becoming new people. Almost a full one of those years spent fighting to survive. You didn't even owe him a meal to begin with, much less a place to stay. And, not to mention, Seungkwan doesn't know him from a hole in the wall.
He isn't sure why he assumed you'd stick by his side. But he'd sure hoped you would.
You have an equally solemn look on your face. "Right, you probably have people you need to get back to. They'll be worried if you stay too long."
"No, actually, it's just me."
Please. Chan silently pleads. Please don't leave me alone again.
You lock eyes with Seungkwan. A silent conversation between the two of you has Chan's heart pounding against his ribs.
"Can I talk to you?" Seungkwan motions you to follow him down the hall and into the solo bedroom.
Minutes feel like hours; and no matter how hard he tries, Chan can't decipher anything from the muffled whispers. It's just a flurry of back and forth until it stops with Seungkwan letting out a long sigh.
When Chan sees your nervous, fidgeting, figure appear with Seungkwan in tow, he starts mentally preparing for a no.
"There's only one bedroom," Seungkwan states, arms crossed. "So we'll have to rearrange the sleeping arrangements—"
"I'll sleep anywhere," Chan immediately bargains. "I can take the couch—"
"Absolutely not." The older boy jabs a finger at him, his stare menacing. "That couch is the nicest thing we have, if anything it's mine."
That is perfectly fine with Chan. In fact, he'd take the termite-chewed wooden floor if that's what it would take. "Does this mean..?"
"Yes," the boy exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, but the action doesn't feel malicious. More like a brother teasing his younger siblings. "You're lucky, you had a very reliable source vouch for you."
It feels like Chan can breathe for the first time since this whole shit-storm began. The weight that lifts from his chest makes him feel as though he's floating. And as your soft gaze catches him, he sees it. That indomitable glimmer of hope humanity has to offer. A light at the end of a dark tunnel. Security wrapped up in a warm, fluffy blanket.
A second chance to be alive.
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Seungkwan, as Chan quickly learns, had dreams of being a singer back before. There's rarely been a quiet moment in the week since you found Chan. If he's doing repairs, he's humming. If he's taking inventory, he's softly mumbling along to some tune. If he's sat by the fire at night, his voice carries beyond the walls and into the night.
It's strange. Chan hadn't realized just how quiet being alone was until now. But you enjoy Seungkwan's voice, and it eases you to sleep on Chan's shoulder. So he enjoys it as well.
"Are they asleep?" He asks, letting his song teeter off, voice just barely audible above the crackling logs.
Chan looks down at the slow rise and fall of your chest. He smiles fondly, dropping his shoulder a tad lower to not strain your neck. By now, he's finally gotten over the disbelief of his luck in finding you— well, more so you finding him. Deciding to no longer question the probability of it all and simply cherish the feeling you bring him.
"Yeah, I think so."
Similarly, Chan has also learned that as much of a tough guy act as Seungkwan puts on, he's got an incredibly soft heart. It's pertinent in his gaze and the discreet ways he dotes on anyone around him. Bickering with Chan to wear something warmer even though Spring is around the corner or fussing at you to take an extra portion of rations.
In an alternate life, Chan likes to think he and the boy could've been life-long friends.
"How long were you out there alone?" He muses, a curious look on his face.
"Since the first outbreak," Chan answers casually. Though, Seungkwan's eyes go wide in horror.
"Yeah, why? How long were you?"
"Three weeks, maybe." He shrugs. "Give or take a few days. We ran into each other pretty early on and we've stuck together ever since. Found this place about four months ago and tried to make it feel somewhat normal."
"Oh, that's nice." Chan forgets that for some, life kept moving. Even as society crumbled, humanity persisted. Some in vain, some succeeding, and others, like himself, not at all.
"Can I ask something else?" Seungkwan pulls him from his thoughts. There's a prying curiosity that's scribbled all over his face. Grinning like a schoolgirl with fresh gossip to tell her friends. Chan decides to entertain his curious mind, nodding.
"How do you two know each other?" He gestures at the two of you curled up on the couch. "Like, what's the story there?"
Chan's heart drops straight into his ass and like a reflex, he glances down to ensure you're really asleep. The two of you haven't exactly gotten the chance to talk about everything quite yet. So as of now, he isn't sure where you stand. He decides the more vague the better.
"We met in our third year of university. Their roommate was friends with my roommate."
Seungkwan squints his eyes, visibly displeased with that answer. "And?"
"And..." Chan toys with the material of his pants. "We dated. Two years. Just... didn't work out in the end."
Chan seriously wishes Seungkwan's facial expressions weren't so telling. That way he'd be able to at least pretend he was getting out of this conversation any time soon. But still, the boy persists, nagging him about the who's, what's, when's, where's, and why's until Chan caves. Explaining everything from the stolen glances that started it all, to the teary-eyed bittersweet end.
He vividly remembers the way regret pooled in his chest the moment your front door shut. Making his chest feel cold and empty, a feeling that stuck around nearly every day after. Reminding him of what he let go of for the past three years. The conversation plays on in a loop in his head, and since then, he's thought up about a thousand ways he would've done differently.
"Are you saying you want to break up?" Your voice was so small it ripped Chan's heart in two. 
"No! I just— I mean, but... shouldn't we?"
"Our lives started growing in different directions faster than we could keep up." He explains to Seungkwan, who's been uncharacteristically quiet. Not once stopping to interject his opinion or pop in another question. "They were offered a really good internship a few cities away. I was given the opportunity to be mentored by a renowned choreographer. We'd both be so busy. It didn't seem fair to hold each other back from our dreams. There wasn't much of a choice."
But that's not true. Chan ripped the bandaid off long before it could prove to stand the test of time because he was scared. He assumed the love you felt for him would slowly wither and die with the distance. Drawn out in a slow and painful process he couldn't bear the burden of. So he ran, like a coward, and left you to deal with the fallout by yourself.
It's funny, how the universe deals out karma.
"Probably the dumbest decision I've ever made."
Seungkwan hums, relaxing back into his wooden rocking chair, seemingly deep in thought. A silence settles over the room, only the sound of dying embers softly crackling fills the air.
You stir next to him, nose cutely scrunched up as you search for a more comfortable position. Chan hooks his arm around your waist, pulling you to fully lean against him, being extra cautious not to accidentally jostle you awake. You finally settle, and he can't help but notice your body still fits against his perfectly. Just like to used to.
And when Chan lifts his head back to meet Seungkwan's eyes, he catches the tail end of a fond smile. He rises from the chair, making his way around behind the sofa.
"You made it back, that's all that matters." He whispers, hand on Chan's shoulder. "You don't get a lot of second chances in life— much less in the middle of the apocalypse. Maybe it's time you stop just trying to survive and start letting yourself live. Whatever that looks like for you."
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Spring rounds the corner like an old friend. Marking officially one year since the world went to shit and bringing with it much-needed rain in the form of rolling storms. One brews on the horizon, dark clouds gradually closing in on the afternoon sun. The cool breeze feels refreshing against Chan's damp skin. A pleasant contrast to the heavy bag slung over his shoulder, filled with scavenged treasures from the latest scout.
"You know, I offered to carry it halfway," you tease, significantly less out of breath than Chan on your trek back home. The exterior of the townhouse hadn't fared well with the harsh storms, yet it's a welcomed sight nonetheless.
"Yeah, but that would require him relinquishing about this much pride," Seungkwan laughs while pinching his fingers together, squinting through the narrow gap between them.
"It's not even that heavy," Chan scoffs, and if you clock his lie, you don't make it known.
"Whatever you say, golden boy," Seungkwan snickers, the corner of his lip quirked up in a smirk before veering off to the small plot just to the left of the entrance steps.
Seungkwan, arguably the most excited for Spring to arrive, had taken up gardening. Plowing up the soil with a water-logged wooden shovel and planting various packs of seeds he'd once found on a scout. They were mostly just flowers, anything useful like fruits and veggies having already been snatched up by other scavengers. However, he'd been lucky enough to find one packet of tomato seeds, one of green onion seeds, and another of squash seeds. The boy has a surprisingly green thumb, having created a flourishing garden in just a month.
"It's looking beautiful, Seungkwan. Another few weeks and we may actually have something to eat that isn't out of a can." You praise, admiring the colorful arrangement as well.
Sure, the fruits and veggies are nice, but Chan much prefers the cluster of voluminous purple hyacinths. Their vibrant color reminds him of the rich sunsets he'd use as a child to gauge when to return home for dinner.
He swiftly plucks a single bloom from the arrangement and places it behind your ear. You smile at the gesture, and it somehow shines brighter than the flower itself. A sight he believes is capable of parting the gray clouds stretching across the sky.
"Stop killing my babies, Lee Chan." Seungkwan chastises, annoyance evident in his tone.
"Sorry," he sheepishly grins, remembering Seungkwan's no-touching rule he had applied to the garden.
In the distance, there's a low rumbling that draws your attention to the sky. "We should go in before it starts pouring." You take Chan's hand, tugging him inside while his heart beats out of his chest. You call out for Seungkwan as well, urging him that his babies will be fine in the rapidly approaching storm.
Rain slowly begins to patter against the rafters the second the front door squeaks shut. Crescendoing to a downpour within a matter of minutes. Sounds like the three of you are in for a long one tonight.
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It was hard to notice at first. The occasional slip-ups here and there. Easy enough to blame the rising Summer heat on Seungkwan's mood swings. Even if the boy had been more readily agitated lately, his bubbly moments stuck around in an abundance that excused the outbursts.
Though Chan can't quite get over that look on your face the first time Seungkwan snapped at you. Something about his bush of hydrangeas being disturbed despite you insisting you hadn't laid so much as a finger on his garden. But the moment tears slipped from your irises, Seungkwan crumbled. His eyes blown wide in horror as the realization hit. He uttered endless apologies, begging for forgiveness until you assured him everything was okay.
And to his credit, he hadn't had an outburst that big since. But still, you made sure to be extra cautious around his garden from then on out.
The red patches painting his arms are harder to ignore, though. Especially with the incessant noise of nails obsessively itching at dry skin.
"Are you okay?" Chan asks, finally voicing his concerns after watching the boy go at his skin with an inhuman determination for the past half hour. The sight reminding him of a rabid dog infested with fleas. With little care for its own health, left only with the insatiable urge to make the itching stop.
Seungkwan's head snaps up with feral eyes, though they dissolve into cheery crescents quick enough to fool Chan into believing he was just imagining things. Perhaps he'd been a little too on guard around his friend. The sweltering heat surely didn't help his nerves.
"Yeah," he chuckles. "I must've gotten into some poison ivy, it's been driving me mad."
It only got worse.
The scratching.
It keeps Chan awake in the late night hours. That dry sound echoing in his head over and over and over and over. And during the day, despite it being the peak of Summer, Seungkwan wears long sleeves. They do well in muffling the sound and hiding whatever visuals resulted from the night before. Yet, he forgets to scrub the dried blood from under his nails.
There's an unease that settles in Chan's chest and makes a nest there. A feeling that comes in waves, yet never fully leaves him. It consumes his thoughts and taints the air in his lungs until he feels like he may choke on it. Unable to breathe a single word about his worries without accidentally manifesting them into fruition. Because perhaps nothing is awry. Perhaps Chan is the one slowly losing his mind.
After all, you've yet to mention anything. Content with humoring Seungkwan's better moments in spite of his worst.
Perhaps, Chan is still stuck in his mirage.
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It happened again.
Seungkwan snapped and this time Chan had to intervene.
Over his garden again.
The once glorious flowers were sad and wilting, through no fault of anyone's, but the elements. The heat was harsh on them and there hadn't been enough rain in a while to revive them. Not to mention, Seungkwan simply hadn't been tending to them as much as he thought he had. He spent most of his days now obsessing over illusions instead.
Swore he saw spiders in the rations. Heard scratching in the walls. Had caught shadows of looters pacing outside at night.
You called it dehydration.
But he'd somehow gotten it into his head you'd been poisoning the soil when he wasn't looking. He swung the front door open so hard it nearly flew off its hinges, yelling obscenities about how you betrayed him. How rotten and horrid you were for killing the one thing that'd given him any semblance of joy. Chan swears he's never seen someone so unhinged as Seungkwan in that moment.
All it took was three large steps in your direction for Chan to brace himself in front of you. However, all it really took to freeze Seungkwan in his steps was his name. Loud and firm. Lighting a clarity in his eyes that's been missing for a few days now. He ushers the boy outside with haste. Too afraid to look back at your crumbling face.
Seungkwan collapses down on the stone steps. He pulls his knees to his chest and digs his palms into his eyes, hard. "I fucked up, didn't I?" He whimpers.
Chan doesn't know what to say. He did. But confirming it when he's in such a state seems cruel. And he doesn't care to twist the knife any further. He just takes a seat next to what's left of his friend and lays a comforting hand on his back.
"I'm scared." Seungkwan's head tips back to the sky. Chan had always been under the assumption that Seungkwan was oblivious to his deteriorating state. But the steady stream of tears down the boy's cheeks says otherwise.
"I can feel my mind slowly becoming not my own."
"Maybe it's not—"
"I already tried telling myself that." Chan's heart sinks as the boy hikes up his sleeves. Revealing the angry red tracks and rust-colored scabs covering a majority of his forearms. Some wounds still look fresh, and painfully deep.
"That's the first symptom, right? Feeling like there's ants under your skin. Being easily irritated. Foggy memories, whole days missing..." He looks ahead at the setting sun. "I'm already seeing things. Was it one or two months the broadcast said the infected have once those start?"
Chan tries to remember back to when his radio crackled to life for the first time. He's pretty sure it's one.
"I can't remember."
Seungkwan pushes a bitter laugh through his nostrils. "Me either."
Chan glances at the sad plot of greenery beside him. He frowns at the way the tulips droop and their petals hang limp. At least those who are still trying to hold on. Desperate to escape the same fate as their counterparts that have already begun decaying into the soil.
He looks back to Seungkwan and wonders what it's like. To have the tulips weep for you. For them to bow their heads and shed their petals like tears. He also wonders if you'll grieve for Seungkwan as gracefully as they do.
"Promise me one thing?" Seungkwan whispers. His eyes already look like they're glazing over again.
He speaks your name with longing. "Take care of them, yeah? I know it seems like they have their shit together, but that's not how it always was."
"What do you mean?" Chan asks, skin crawling. But Seungkwan continues to stare ahead, eyes focused on who knows what in the distance. He blinks slowly, "It's not my story to tell. Just... promise."
"I promise. Don't worry, it's not something you even have to ask."
"The garden, too." His lips lift at the corners. Chan thinks it's a smile, but it's too uncanny to recognize. "If you're taking requests."
He agrees, partly to provide Seungkwan with what little peace of mind he can offer him, but also because he already has been. Chan tries on occasion to care for the sad little plants. Wetting the soil with what little water he can spare.
Part of him naively hoped that maybe somehow, some way, if the garden could be nursed back to its former glory, so could Seungkwan. But deep down, Chan has learned to tell the difference between a dream and reality by now.
And the reality is, Seungkwan reeks of borrowed time.
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The world stole your smile when it stole Seungkwan. It ripped his soul from your grasp as Chan held you in his. Kicking and screaming.
Endless tears streaming down his cheeks as he fought to hold you back. Your pleas grew more desperate and wrangled. Mixing with the garbled, wretched, shrieks of your friend. Fingers clawing at his eyes. The virus embedded so deep in his brain he was no longer Seungkwan.
Just another host.
Your voice was the last to call Seungkwan's name that day. Raspy and hollow as you begged for his life. Begged the universe to not take the last ray of sunshine the world had to offer. Begged Seungkwan to fight just one more day. Begged Chan to let you save him despite all hope having set when the sun did. The scratches you'd left on his forearms remained a week after. But the hole Seungkwan's presence left has yet to fade.
Neither of you spoke of the boy in that time. He still doesn't know if that's for better or worse. Chan's terrified you'll shatter if he so much as whispers the boy's name. But to act like he never existed in the wake of it... well, that just doesn't feel right either.
But Chan knows there's no proper way to grieve. He figured that out at the beginning. He'd had damn near a year to mourn everyone he ever loved, you've only had a week. He knows with time, acceptance will come. But it kills him not knowing how to help.
So instead, Chan does the hard stuff.
He buries Seungkwan. Next to his garden, so that next Spring he can watch it grow. He stacks rocks as a makeshift headstone and plucks dried, stiff asphodel from the garden to make it look neat. He rearranges the bookshelf into a tiny shrine of Seungkwan's things. His favorite books he'd read over and over. A silver ring, with some date Chan doesn't know the meaning of carved into it. A liquor bottle that he used as a makeshift vase with the last flowers he picked still in it. Long dead, but the petals somehow still holding on. Replaces one of the bronze picture frames of strangers with a photo he found tucked away in Seungkwan's bag. One of him and two other people he assumes are his parents.
And when he's done, he lights a candle, the flame drawing you out like a moth.
"What is this?" you croak. It's the first you've spoken to Chan since it happened.
"Something to honor him," Chan whispers, keeping his gaze locked on the flickering light. He's too scared to see your reaction. Afraid you'll break down again. Afraid you'll hate it and scream that he has no right to mourn someone you loved for longer. Afraid that if he sees your tears flowing, he won't be able to stop his own.
Because he also knows part of you still resents him for that night. For grabbing your waist and stopping your momentum from hurtling towards Seungkwan. Robbing you of the chance to hold and comfort your friend one last time. Your screams echo in his head as a reminder whenever your gaze refuses to meet his or you shrug away from his touch.
But then your head falls to his shoulder like an olive branch stretching across a battlefield. Your sniffles break through the silence. Chan hesitantly pulls you closer, and when you don't flinch away, he does even more so until your full weight is against him.
When Seungkwan was here, there was rarely a moment of silence. But now, the house, and you, are quiet. And all Chan can hear are the sounds of heartbreak. Never before had he thought it could be so incredibly loud.
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The cold air sneaks in sometime around mid-November. Bringing with it longer nights and temperatures low enough to warrant nightly fires again.
You haven't talked much since the night you cried your heart out on Chan's shoulder. Operating more like a zombie replicating past routines from life before. Wake up. Scavenge. Eat. Sleep. So when you offer up the first ounce of interest in something other than your daily routine, Chan nearly jumps out of his skin.
"I miss the ocean," you mumble, solemn eyes looking down at the crackling fire. The tip of your nose red from the chill.
"We can go if you want... If it would make you happy." He says though he'd settle for content. To bring you back, he'd do anything.
You nod. "Yeah, I'd like that."
And Chan makes it happen.
Maps out the closest beach. Rigs up two rusty old bikes he found in a shed. Packs enough provisions just in case. All for the sake of maybe returning with a sliver of the person you used to be.
The two of you easily find the rocky formation looking over the dark sea, waves raging below. It's here, that Chan truly realizes just how much of a shell you've become of your former self. The way you inch closer and closer to the sharp edge is lifeless. Like a magnet being pulled at with no will of your own. It lodges a dagger of dread through the center of his chest.
"Don't go so close, you could slip." Chan doesn't know if you can't hear him over the crashing waves below or if you simply choose not to. But your feet keep moving and Chan's feel cemented to the ground.
"That's close enough!" He calls.
Again, nothing.
Your toes hang over the edge now, hands in your jacket pockets. Raging waves slam against the cliff, reaching up for you. You close your eyes and point your nose to the sky.
Wind rushes around Chan. His shoes slip on the slick rocks below as instinct takes charge of his momentum while his brain remains frozen in panic. His lungs refuse to work until his arm can hook around your torso. Yanking you back with such a force it throws the both of you off balance. It isn't until his back meets solid rock that he finally gasps in a sputtering breath. The dull throbbing is instant, but the full weight of you atop his chest is comforting.
Chan desperately scrambles to collect you in his arms. Pulling your back against his chest so that he can curl around you like a protective barrier from the world.
"I wasn't going to jump." You whisper. But he feels no comfort from your empty words.
"Please don't make me lose you twice." He pleads like a child, rocking you in his grasp. The salty spray from the ocean mixes with his tears until he can't tell what is what. Right now, the only thing he's certain of is the one in his grasp. The feeling of you in his arms, safe, and he doesn't want to ever lose that. Call it selfish if you must. Lee Chan will wear that title proudly.
There's a rush of déjà vu as you crumble, muttering Seungkwan's name between wretched sobs, nails deep in his forearms. Sobbing about how you miss him, how unfair it is, everything you've been holding in since. Chan holds you tighter. Scared you'll slip away like the tide. Like Seungkwan did. Plunged into cold, thrashing darkness.
He prays to whatever merciful forces have forsaken him to please not do the same to you.
It's a silent trip back to the townhouse and you all but collapse from exhaustion the second you're through the door. Dragging yourself over to the couch and immediately curling into a ball. Chan takes the liberty of lighting the fire before sitting down beside you. He opens his arms, and to his surprise, you accept, letting your head fall into his lap. His arm securely drapes over your torso, though you're quick to cradle his hand. Hugging it to your chest so that his palm can feel the rhythmic thumping of your heart.
Chan lets out a long-held sigh, counting each beat like a lullaby. Then focuses on the rise and fall of your chest. Letting the steady swells ease the adrenaline from his system.
For a second, life is okay. Happy, even. Like how it was back before the world ended. Before he broke your heart. When he didn't care about anything except you and passing chemistry.
"I'm scared to lose you." When you say it, it feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of the room. "I always thought maybe, because we'd made it this far, that meant we were somehow immune. That the worst was over for us."
You pause to take a deep breath. But Chan doesn't push, simply thankful you've finally decided to let him shoulder the weight you carry.
"But if Seungkwan can die, that means you can too. Then who do I have?"
"I'd never leave–"
"You can't promise that," you drop to a whisper. Compensating for the waver in your voice. And you're right, he can't. Not in a world as cruel as this.
But he wants to.
"I don't believe in this world anymore. Not after what it did to him."
"Can you believe in me?"
Your answer doesn't come in the verbal form. Nor does it come quickly, which makes Chan think he's officially lost you. But then your fingers thread with his, squeezing in a way that he can only describe as feeling like pure hope.
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Chan can't remember when the turning point was. All he knows is that today, months after the ocean, life feels peaceful once more. The Spring breeze is gentle against his skin as he lays in the soft grass with your head on his stomach. Surrounded by the aroma of the newly bloomed tulips that far outshine the rest of the garden.
He doesn't have as nearly green of a thumb as Seungkwan did, but he's proud. The garden is lush, green, and full of life. A little chaotic, but beautiful nonetheless.
Chan had even managed to revive the hydrangeas Seungkwan was so fond of.
You point to clouds with upturned lips, remarking on their resemblance to various animals. It's not the first time he's been lucky enough to catch you smiling in the subsequent months. But he knows to cherish each one more than he once did.
There's still a chill to the spring air and Chan tugs at his sleeves. Ignoring the incessant urge to animalistically claw at his arm. At the itch so deep under his skin, it feels like it's in the bone.
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hanniebaeee · 3 months
Crazy For You - Final Part
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, cursing MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Hyunjin is just the cutest bun!
Part 1 , Part 2
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You hadn't spoken to Hyunjin or even glanced his way after the dinner party events. But seeing him at college with Rose, both engaged in a conversation, and laughing like the leads of a Kdrama had you bristling in rage.
Fine. If that's how it's gonna be, then fuck you, you thought as you made your way to the library. All you wanted was to be alone. You were so tired with this thing with Hyunjin, you just wanted a break. As you stormed on furiously,  you walked straight into someone.
'Wow!  You OK?'
You looked up to see Chris giving you a concerned look, holding your arm so that you wouldn't fall back. It was enough for the floodgates to open. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you throw your arms around Chris, who put his arms around you protectively.
'Hey, hey, its OK.' he said, as you cry against his chest.
He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. Once you were better and your breathing was back to normal, he gave you a soft smile and said,  'Let's get you something to eat, OK?'
You nod and let him walk you to the cafeteria, holding hands.
'Wanna tell me what happened?' Chris asked, placing a steaming cup of your favorite coffee in front of you.
'I-' you began. 'I don't think whatever we tried to pull off...worked.'
'How do you know that?' Chris asked.
'He was cosying up with Rose just now.' You said, your voice shaking again. 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris. I couldn't hold back.'
'It's totally fine.' Chris said, shaking his head. 'I want you to come find me whenever you need help, yeah?'
You smile through your tears.
'Thank you so much for coming to the party, Chris.' You said. 'Jennie and Minho and Lisa all love having you over.'
'Thank you for inviting me, sweetheart.' Chris said giving you a smile. 'Now, what can I do to stop these tears, hm?'
'Let's go out for lunch. I need to get away from him. How about that new cafe near the bus stop?'
'Let's do it.' Chris said, nodding.
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Hyunjin dropped his backpack at their regular table and frowned as he didn't see you there.
'Where is she?' he asked.
'Having lunch with Christopher.' Jennie said, in between feeding Changbin a mouthful of salad.
'What? Why?' Hyunjin asked, his heart racing.
Jennie shrugged.
'Um, she wanted to, that's why you pabo.' Lisa said, clearly enjoying his reaction.
'What the fuck is going on here, Lisa?' Hyunjin growled, eyes narrowed. 'Why is he always around?'
'The real question is why is it not YOU, Hyunjin.' Lisa said. 'You're always around, but you do nothing but hurt her over and over again.'
Hyunjin stood up, grabbing his backpack.
'Changbin. Outside. Now.' He snapped at Changbin,  who sprang up from his seat after giving Jennie a quick kiss.
Once outside, Hyunjin glared at best friend.
'I told you it wouldn't work!' he said. 'See what's happening!'
'Calm down, Jin!' Changbin said. 'Shit.'
'How do I calm down!? I know I fucked up OK?' Hyunjin said. 'I can't lose her to him!'
'You won't!  This is Y/N we're talking about!' Changbin said, trying to be strong but he was panicking. 'We'll make it right, I promise!'
Just as they finished talking, they saw you and Chris walking together, laughing at something. Hyunjin felt jealousy taking over him. But again, you looked so genuinely happy, it broke his heart that it wasn't him who was making you smile like that.
Hyunjin starts walking, pushing past Changbin. He didn't stop until he was inside one of the bathrooms. And to Changbin's horror, Hyunjin burst out into tears.
'Dude!' Changbin said, rushing forward to pull his friend into an embrace. 'Hyunjin, stop!'
Hyunjin just sobbed, letting out years worth of despair and pain that he'd been holding in. He was so heartbroken, Hyunjin didn't think there was anything left to do. He had lost you and he didn't have it in him anymore to fight through this. This was it.
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'I'm not going!' You said, shaking your head. 'Look, he clearly likes Rose. Let them be!'
'Oh my effing God!' Jennie growled in frustration. 'Y/N L/N, apparently we are not the only idiots here. Ok? I spoke to Binnie and he told me that he is the one who made Hyunjin ask Rose to the party. Got it? That pabo wants you. Not anyone else. What's wrong with you?! Why won't you just see it, already?!'
'Jen, calm the fuck down. And, Y/N. It's just us. Since when do you care if he's around or not? You're coming and that's that.'  Lisa said, walking out of the room to avoid an argument.
You look at Jennie with sad eyes and she comes forward to hug you.
'I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, ok? I want you to be happy. It is just so frustrating when you decide not to see what's really happening right in front of your eyes. I know you feel put down and insecure, but can't you try?'
You nod, allowing Jennie to pick your dress and do your makeup.
And that's how you ended up at the nightclub in a dress you hated. Your friends were adamant on making Hyunjin see what he was missing. Even though the only thing he did was sit by the bar, taking shots and drowning in his misery.
'He didn't bring her along.' Lisa noted, and Jennie nodded.
'Where's Y/N?' Jennie asked and Lisa pointed out to the couch where you sat with a drink in hand and a jacket covering your dress.
Jennie stomped over to you and said, 'Darling, we're trying to get things to work here. Please. Do your part!'
'I don't want to do anything!' You said stubbornly. 'I wanna go home.'
'Don't make me mad, Y/N.' Jennie said. 'Now get that darn jacket off and go get you man!'
'Do I have to?' You plead, making Jennie close her eyes tightly and purse her lips.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin, you just couldn't even think about a rejection. After all, it all went down after you refused to go further with him.
'Y/N. Listen to me clearly, yeah? I've known you for long enough to know what Hyunjin does to you. I've seen you falling for that man over and over again. You can tell me that he's an asshole. I will agree. But it never stopped you from loving him. And I know for a fact that my brother loves you as much as you love him. You're both the biggest idiots I've ever come across. You wasted so much time bickering and having ego clashes. You know that he doesn't even like Rose. He's crazy for you. But he stinks at showing it. He's afraid you'll reject him. He thinks you didn't want to fuck him because you think he's not good enough for you. He doesn't understand that it's because you want to be meaningful with him. He's just confused. Just give him a chance. If you can.' Jennie took big breaths and sat down, gulping her drink down in one go.
The music was too loud and yet only Jennie's words float around your brain, stabbing you at all the right places. He thinks he's not good enough for you? He really thinks that, when you actually think he's the most perfect man you've ever met? Arrogant, yes, but still, perfect.
'She's right you know.' Lisa added. 'He tries to show that he doesn't care. But he's just really insecure and thinks he doesn't deserve you.'
'Uhhhh!!!' You cry out before standing up and getting the jacket off. 'Fine. I will kill you both if he does something stupid.'
Fixing your hair and adjusting your dress, you walked over to Hyunjin.
'I hope this works.' prayed Jennie. 'I'm so done seeing to them cry over each other. Fucking idiots.'
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You stood behind Hyunjin, your hands sweaty with nervousness.
'Oh God.' You say under your breath.
Hyunjin felt so numb as he looked at his glass of alcohol with no real interest. He didn't want to drink, he was just trying to get the image of you with Chris off his mind.
You clear your throat and he paid no attention. You take one step forward, now standing beside him. He looked sideways, and seeing you, he sighed.
'What do you want, Y/N?' He asked, dejected.
Your heart flutters at the way he says your name.
OK, stop being so dramatic!, you tell yourself and sit next to him.
'What's this, Hyunjin?' You ask.
He swirled the drink in his glass, chuckling sadly.
'I'm doing some self reflection shit Changbin wants me to do.' He said.
'He wants you to do that in a club?' You ask.
'Apparently.' He replied. 'And why are you here?  Where's your boyfriend?'
'I don't have one, Hyunjin.' You said with a sigh.
'Oh, the one you went on lunch date with?' Hyunjin asked, and you could see the sadness in his eyes through the lights flashing on his handsome face. And there was no teasing there. None at all. Just sadness.
'That was just a friendly lunch outing.' You said. 'So that I could avoid seeing someone I care about with someone who had made life really hard for me.'
Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat.
'What?' He asked, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. 'What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend now, Hyunjin. Everyone knows.' You say sadly.
'I don't.' Hyunjin said. 'What do you mean?'
'Rose used to bully me back at school, ok? And it had a lot to do with you. Anyways, I think she regrets it now, but some things just don't go away with a sorry, does it?'
'Baby, I never knew. I would never have agreed to-' Hyunjin felt horrible. He wanted to cry. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Where is she anyway?' You asked, ignoring his apologies. 'I half expected to see her wound around your neck when I came in.'
Hyunjin gives you a look and you shrug.
'She's not my girlfriend, Y/N.' Hyunjin said. 'Please.'
'Ok.' You say, your heart beating louder than the music in the club.
'Honestly, why are you sitting here and talking to me?' Hyunjin asks, pushing his drink away.
'Because you are too much of a coward to come to me.' You said under your breath.
'Excuse me?' Hyunjin gives you a glare.
'Because, Hyunjin. If I keep waiting for you to come back, I'm afraid you won't.' You said loudly.
He just sat with his eyes wide open.
'So that you can reject me again? We were in a relationship and you pushed me away when I -' Hyunjin just laughed sadly and reached forward, grabbed his drink and gulping it down. 'Oh wait, you pushed me away twice.'
'When you wanted sex? Hyunjin, we had a made up relationship because your sister dictated us into it. I love Jennie for trying so hard to get us together. But that's not how it should work. I want you to ask me out. I want you to take me out on dates. I want us to be a normal couple.' You said, the weight on your heart getting heavier and heavier. 'I want to have sex with you, but I want it to mean something. You won't even talk to me. Tell me one meaningful conversation we've had. Just one. I can't live in the fear of you getting bored with me after I agree to a random fuck with you. No.'
Hyunjin was silent, but his hands trembled. You are silent too, waiting for him to speak. Your eyes fall on his trembling hands and you slip your fingers through his, holding them tight.
He exhaled noisily,  turing to face you completely.
'I'm sorry.' He said. 'I'm sorry for being a pain all my life. I'm sorry for saying that no one would want you...its not true, because you're amazing, Y/N. I've loved you since we were kids. Then we kiss at that party, you push me away and you ignore me and pretend like nothing ever happened - it broke my heart. You should understand that nothing I have with you is ever meaningless. I would never fuck you and leave you. I could never. Because I love you too much for all that.'
You squeeze his hand as he struggles to speak.
'My mother is, well, she's unbearable. I didn't want her to harass you any more than she already did. I teased you and stayed away all those years ago, only because I didn't have it in me to drag you into any shit with my mother. Then we moved, and I started seeing you all the time. I hoped I could finally get somewhere with you. But every time we spoke, it ended in a fight.' He said, shaking his head. 'I started to believe that you're too good for me. You deserve better. Someone like Chris. And it made me so angry.'
You had never seen this much honesty from Hyunjin. His thumb rubbed soft circles on your hand, and it relaxed you.
'I have loved you since I was what, seven?' He said with a chuckle and it made you laugh, a tear rolling down your face. 'I will wait. For however long it takes. 'Coz I want you.'
'I think I have waited for this long enough.' You say,  and lean forward, placing a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin gave you the brightest smile ever, scooting closer and placing a hand on your cheek, kissing you. His lips moved softly with yours, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth.
Pulling back a bit, you speak against his lips, 'Are you drunk, Hyunjin?'
'I had one drink, Y/N.' He said. 'Good enough to remember this for tomorrow.'
Getting off his chair and dragging you along, he walked towards the exit.
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Jennie, Lisa and Changbin stood watching you kiss Hyunjin.
'Yes!' Jennie said, pumping her fist in the air. 'Finally!!'
She kissed Changbin in happiness and Lisa grinned at the two.
'I hope our work here is done. I'd rather murder them both than try to get them together. Again.' Lisa said, shaking her head.
Jennie laughed happily.
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You close your eyes, melting as Hyunjin's lips placed open mouthed kisses along your neck. Both of your lips were swollen from kissing and a few pink marks were starting to show up on your neck.
'I love you, baby.' He whispered, his sweet voice sending shivers down your spine.
'I love you too.' You managed to reply, only to have him capture your lips with his. His hands gripped at your hips, desperate for some friction. He held you close,  and moaned softly as you moved your hips, almost involuntarily.
'I want you.' Hyunjin said, struggling to control himself. 'I can't hold back anymore.'
'Then don't.' you tell him, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
'Are you sure?'
'Take me home, Jinnie. I want this.'
Letting you climb off his lap, Hyunjin drove you home. His hand remained on your thigh, squeezing gently, like he needed that touch to make sure this was real.
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He had no patience. Scooping you up in his arms, he walked towards your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you, he dropped you on the bed carefully,  climbing in behind you.
More kisses, more urgent ones, followed. His hands roamed your body, not missing an inch of it, as you had yours around his neck,  holding him as close as possible. His fingers moved towards the zipper of your dress and he looked at you for permission.
Pressing your lips to his for a small kiss, you give him a smile and nod. His fingers graze your smooth skin as the zipper fell open. Pulling the dress off you, his lips buried themselves in your soft breasts.
Legs intertwined, fingers intertwined, his lips left shades of pink on their wake on the soft flesh of your breasts.
'Jinnie!', you cry.
'Yes, baby' he purred, his thigh pressing against your sensitive core.
'Please -' you whimper.
You were overwhelmed as you watched him strip. This being your first time, you were nervous. You entire body trembled in his arms.
His lips found your hardened nipple, and he sucked on it gently. You moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. Back to devouring your lips, his hand moved down, disappearing between your thighs.
You gasp as you feel his fingers graze over your sensitive bud. You hold on tightly as he explored your wet folds, fingers slipping inside you and then surfacing to massage your clit.
You were falling apart. Ragged breaths and soft moans filled the room.
'Baby, can I?' Hyunjin whispered against your ear. You nod slowly. Getting in between your legs, he positioned himself at your entrance. He was so handsome, you were lost in his beauty. And you gasped again as he rubbed the swollen head of his length against your wetness.
'Hyunjin, wait-' you stutter.
'Hmm?' He looked afraid all of a sudden.
'Please go slow...I -'
'Is this...?' He looked concerned, and a bit surprised.
You nod, blushing.
'Its ok, baby. We can stop anytime you want to, ok? Tell me if it hurts too much. And I'll be slow, I promise.' he says, kissing your cheek lovingly.
He kept his promise as he pushed in slowly. It felt so uncomfortable and the stretch was painful. But he kept whispering sweet things to you, asking you to relax. A few tears were shed, as the pain and sting felt way too much. But once in, he waited for you to adjust to him. When you finally nod, allowing him to move, he did ever so gently.
It stung, but the pleasure was beyond words. You were both so giddy with excitement and happiness. Finally.
You lay in his arms, spent and cuddling. Your head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly clean up before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to untangle yourself from Hyunjin, but he didn't let you go.
'Jinnie, it's really late.' You laugh, turning around to face him.
'I don't want to get up. Just wanna cuddle with you forever.' He mumbled.
'Well, you're lucky, 'coz you can do that forever. But let's go get breakfast now, yeah?' You said and he agreed reluctantly. But he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to you before letting you go.
Wearing a sweater that covered most of the hickeys, you step out. Jennie and Changbin gave you teasing grins.
Jennie glanced at the purple bruise on your collarbone that unfortunately wasn't covered by your dress and cleared her throat.
'So-' she began.
'Are we gonna ignore that little-?' Lisa points at the hickey, and you drop the slice of toast you were buttering.
'Lisa!!' Jennie hissed.
Changbin sniggered and raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin who had joined the table. He saw you trying to pull at your sweater and raised his eyebrows.
'Why would you hide it?!' Hyunjin asked, making you blush more.
'Oh my God!' You groan, turning away from him.
'Wow. This would take some getting used to.' Lisa said. 'I think I liked it better when you guys tried to kill each other all the time.'
Hyunjin hugged you from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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Hyunjin wanted to walk you to class and followed you around like a lovesick child. ALL THE TIME. He stole a kiss or two whenever opportunity presented itself. You think you've never seen him smile so much.
He literally wanted to carry your books for you. The two books you just got from the library. But you thought he was the cutest little bean. Chris saw Hyunjin fussing over you and had the time of his life, laughing. He would never let you forget this. Ever.
Chris: I just saw the funniest thing.
Chris: Oh My God. LOL.
Y/N: Christopher.
Y/N: I saw you staring at us and then rolling on the floor laughing.
Y/N: I thought you'd be on my side.
Chris: I'm sorry. I'm so used to you wanting to strangle him.
Y/N: We didn't even do anything.
Y/N: Stop it. You're doing it again.
Chris: What have you done to Hwang Hyunjin?
Chris: Playboy. Campus bad boy.
Y/N: He's not!
Chris: He's like a puppy rn
Chris: Wtf did you do?!
Y/N: I hate you
Chris: Ok sorry. I'm so happy for you. And puppy.
Chris: 🤣🤣🤣
Y/N: 🙄🙄🙄
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cheezeybread · 2 months
I'll do some Ace angst. Picture him pulling Yuu aside to vent about not having signature spell. he does admit that its pretty hypocritical he's complaining about not having his own spell to someone that doesn't have magic at all. but he feels like Yuu is the only one he can really talk to about it. Probably says he feels like Deuce is leaving behind and seeing all the others first years have spells doesn't make him feel any better.
not proofread, ofc, because I'm not a nerd and Mama also raised a lazy sissy-
A signature spell is very personal to a mage. This was one of the very first topics covered in Professor Trein's class regarding magic's history. Signature spells were a sign of power, since only capable magic-users could cultivate one, and they were deeply ingrained in a mage's spirit. They showed the personality of a mage, showed their beliefs, what they would fight for, who they would die for.
Ace knew all of this.
He wasn't too worried with getting his own spell, at first. He was just a freshman, after all! None of his other freshmen peers had their own signature spells, and with the giant ego Ace had, he just assumed he'd find out what his spell was sooner rather than later.
But then Jack revealed that he already had his signature spell, allowing him to transform to his beast form without the use of an illegal Transformation potion.
That was alright, Jack was a try-hard in every sense of the word. Ace shrugged it off and teased the Beastman relentlessly on various wolf-slang. Wow, Jack, you're such an alpha, so red-pilled-
But then Deuce found his spell. A spell that let him take abuse from his attackers and pile-drive it back onto them.
That was fine, right? Deuce was determined to be an Honors student now for his mother and poured all of his effort into learning and being a better person. Ace could let his friend have a win without being sore about it, for sure.
Epel found his after he and the Prefect left to find the Housewardens plus Jamil. He was so excited to show off his new spell to Ace and the others once they were all back at school, wrapping his friends up in a protective coffin and lifting them up into the air before unceremoniously dropping them.
That was....that was okay. Epel's spell saved the Prefect, after all. He couldn't be too upset about it, right?
But Sebek and Silver had their own signature spells, too. Which wasn't too suprising, in hindsight, given their status as Diasomnia students.
But it...it started to hurt a bit.
And as the days wore on, as Ace had time to sit and stew on his newfound place as the only Freshmen in his friend group to not have a Signature Spell....he only got more upset over it.
"Hey, Carrot-top, you coming or not?" Deuce called out, his voice loud enough to be heard over the bustling crowd of students in the hallway. "Mm..." Ace was uncharacteristically mellow, as he had been for the past day or so. He glanced over at Deuce, with Epel and Jack alongside him. They were planning on going off-campus for a shopping trip, hoping to convince Sebek and Silver to join in with them, as well. "Yeah, I think I'll pass," He said with a casual shrug, balancing his textbooks in the nook of his arm.
"Oh-" Epel looked surprised "Are you sure? Why not? We were gonna go to an ice cream shop after- don'tcha love ice cream?"
Ace only tilted his head to the side as he shrugged again "Sorry, I got a lotta homework. You know how Housewarden Rosehearts gets about homework."
"Well, I have a lot of homework, too," Deuce started, glancing at Epel and Jack before stepping towards Ace "I should stay, too-"
"NO!" Ace cried out, lifting up a free hand to shove Deuce's chest lightly. Seeing the look of shock and confusion on his friend's face, Ace cleared his throat, trying to sound a little more agreeable "Sorry, I just- I know how much you were looking forward to this whole thing. Go on, I'll see you guys later."
He was being strangely nice and unusually solemn, his friends knew that, and Ace knew that they knew that. He didn't really care, though. And, like he thought, they eventually gave hushed goodbyes and made their way through the hall and out of the building.
As soon as they were out of sight, the careless smile that Ace had forced onto his face vanished and was replaced by a small scowl. He turned on his heel and walked to the other exit of the building, walking around the edge of the campus to avoid running into his friends again.
He was behind the Library, kicking clumps of dirt up from the ground with every step, when he heard a voice call out to him.
"Ace!" Oh, what fun! It was the Prefect!
Despite his innate desire to remain in a bad mood, Ace couldn't help but feel a slight relief at the sight of them. His scowl lifted into a tight-lipped, hesitant smile "Hey, Prefect!" He held up a finger gun to them, attempting to sound light-hearted. But his voice instead came out wavery, almost pained.
As the magicless student approached closer, they reached out an arm and locked it with Ace's, causing the boy to roll his eyes. Y/N always did enjoy holding onto him in some way since they became friends. It was almost second nature to hold hands or interlock arms while walking.
"So, what's wrong?" Was the first thing they asked, not bothering to tiptoe around the subject.
"Nothing." Ace tried. But of course, that wouldn't work around them. They knew him too well.
"Bullcrap," Y/N said "You were supposed to go shopping with the others today, and instead, you're over here ruining a perfectly good lawn. Plus, Deuce said you had homework to do, so why aren't you doing that?" They tugged on Ace's arm, making him stop, and spun around to look at him better "You've been acting off for a while now. Tell me what's wrong so I can help you. Please."
There was a moment of silence between the two. Y/N, staring intently at Ace, their eyes full of concern and worry for their friend. Ace, looking everywhere but at the Prefect, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
Then his eyes started to tear up, and before he could stop himself, Ace was crying. A big, heaving mess of a sobbing boy. He held his hands up to his face, trying desperately to wipe away his tears as they fell, to no avail. He hated being like this, especially in front of his friends. He hated crying in general- it was something he thought of as ugly, as something only sissies did. He liked to think he was so strong, so tough, that he wouldn't let anything get him to this point. He was embarrassed, ashamed to be seen like this in front of Y/N.
But to his surprise, he felt them wrap their arms around his back, and Ace leaned down, burying his face into their shoulder and holding them back as tightly as he could, making a mess of their already ratty uniform.
"It's not fair!" He choked out, his voice muffled "I want to have a special spell, too! Why am I the only one who doesn't have one yet? Am I not good enough? Am I not a strong enough mage? Even- Even Epel found his spell before me, and he saved- he saved your life! I can't compete with that, I can't be as strong and as good as everyone else! I'm gonna be as weak as- I'm gonna be powerless. I'm going to be as useless to other people as you are!"
Y/N didn't say anything in response, or maybe they did and Ace just couldn't hear them over his cries. Regardless, once he finally managed to calm down enough to only have a few tears roll down his cheeks, silent as he could get in the situation, The Prefect put their hands on his shoulders and pulled him away, looking him in the eyes.
They looked at him with not pity, nor anger at his apparent insult- as Ace had thought they would- but a knowing face, and a small smile.
"Ace," They started, lifting up their hands and cupping Ace's face in their hands, wiping away the streaks of tears with their thumbs "Is that why you've been so upset? It's not a race to see who can find their own spells first. It's something that comes naturally. It's a coin toss to see who gets it first. It all...depends on the situation, from what I can see."
They glanced to the side quickly before they dropped their hands, locking their elbow with Ace's again and beginning to walk, this time more slowly "Deuce wouldn't have found out his spell for a while if Epel hadn't of said a certain phrase to him, and he wouldn't have known to use it if Vil didn't overblot. Epel wouldn't have found his spell if we hadn't ran off together to do something incredibly dangerous and incredibly reckless...Silver and Sebek don't count, though, since they had a literal war hero as their teacher. And Jack is just...Jack." Ace finally stopped crying completely, and was instead left with shuddery breaths.
"I'm sorry- sorry I called you useless-" he tried to start, but the Prefect interrupted him.
"No, you had a point. In battle, I am useless. I can't use magic at all...But trust me, Ace, you'll find out your Signature spell, too. And you know what?" There was a mischevious look in Y/N's eyes.
"...What?" Ace asked, wiping his face with his free hand.
"I bet your spell will be even cooler that theirs. They'll be, like, totally jealous."
Sniffing, he smiled weakly "You think so?"
"I know so, buddy," Slapping Ace on the back, the Prefect pulled him into another hug "You've been one of my best friends since I've been here, and you protect me whenever you can. You're one of the strongest guys in this school, and don't let anyone tell you anything different, alright?"
"Awesome- now, come on, I'm gonna beat your ass in basketball after you called me a lame, useless nobody."
Ace made a noise as Y/N yanked on his hand "Wait, I didn't say all that, and you said-"
"Too late, prepare to get your butt handed to you in your own sport!"
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Hey, not too long ago. There was a prompt about bot crash landing on to earth and getting adopted by ten year old buddy. If requests are open, might I suggest the same prompt with Rodimus and Drift (separately).
The concept for these two interactions has been stuck in my brain for days.
Rodimus- I'm a dad now, this is my kid.
Magnus- you can barely take care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of a human child.
Drift- heeeeyyyyyy Ratchet... how do you feel about kids.
Wow! First request! I haven't put up a message for that yet...BUT consider this the first of many to come. I will be posting when the request will be open and some guidelines as soon after this posted.
Hope you enjoy this and feel free to request!
Rodimus and Drift (separately) accidentally crash lands and is slightly injured on Earth and meets a 10-year-old Human Buddy
SFW, Familial, platonic, mention of injury, Human reader
Rodimus groaned as he sat up feeling slight pain in his struts. He looked around him and nearly did a double take. He was on Earth. It had to be, He recognize those pine trees and fuzzy moss anywhere. Unless he was on some weird simulation, or Swearth again.
He hears a small sneeze and attempts to reach for his blaster before his wrist began to hurt. He prepares for whatever is coming his way.
A small human with a bucket filled with water waddles into his clearing. They take one look at him and waddle their way to his acheing pede and proceed to dump the water on it.
“Cold! That was cold! Why did you do that for?”--Rodimus
“You were overheating. I had to cool you down. The names Buddy by the way Mr. McQueen.”—Buddy
“McQueen? Who—nevermind. My name is Rodimus, rodimus Prime.”--Rodimus
He goes to shake Buddy’s hand but his wrist shot in pain causing him to hiss. Buddy dropped their bucket and reached into their pocket and pulled out 3 Hot Wheel bandaids and with a concentrated face began sticking them all over his servo.
“Uhhh… What are you doing?”--Rodimus
“I’m helping obviously.”--Buddy
“While I appreciate—”--Rodimus
“Shhh! Let the band aids do their thing Mr. Prime.”--Buddy
“Rodimus. Just Rodimus. Anyways where’s your parents? They should be too far.”—Rodimus
“Never met them Rodimus.”--Buddy
“Wait what?”—Rodimus
Rodimus pauses taking in that information in
He tries to lighten the mood a bit and asks Buddy some basic questions he heard that little kids liked answering.
“So, what’s your favorite color?”--Rodimus
“I like orange. Like the one on you, it’s a pretty color.”--Buddy
“It is! I always tell my friends it’s a cool color!”--Rodimus
“Oh! Do you like cheetah’s? They are like, super-duper-fast!”--Buddy
“Don’t know what that is but if its fast then it has to be awsome!”--Rodimus
The two eventually fall into a nice conversation until Rodimus notices the sun fall across the horizon. He asks Buddy if they know a place where they could lie low for a bit. Buddy nods and begins walking further into the thick wood.
Rodimus slowly followed in tow.
Buddy eventually comes to an old, abandoned gas station. Good for Rodimus. No other humans to know of his existence. Buddy goes to the back and opens the back garage door. A place for Rodimus, sure a little cramped but still better than sleeping in the thick wood.
Buddy went back in the store and retrieved dozens of trash bags and a sleeping bag for their improv sleepover.
“At a sleep over, you have to tell stories before we go to sleep.”--Buddy
“Any story?”--Rodimus
“Any story.”--Buddy
“Well, I have one. Let me tell you about the time I single handedly wrestled a Sparkeater.”--Rodimus
“I don’t know what that is, but it sounds cool and creepy. Tell me!”--Buddy
To his surprise Buddy was fully interested in his stories. And it was cute to see Buddy fighting to stay awake to hear the rest of the story. They ended up falling asleep, curling next to Rodimus’s leg.
That sound? That’s definitely not Rodimus’s spark screaming at the cuteness before him. Nope, definitely not that.
Rodimus is confident that his team will find him so most of his time is spent with Buddy.
Between telling stories to one another, admitting one to the other of some loneliness before meeting the other. Rodimus defiantly pulls Buddy into a hug after one of those heavy emotion sessions about the past. It’s good for the pair.
It’s now been two weeks since Rodimus had come back to Earth. Buddy decided to take him to their favorite place to look at the stars. A little field not too far from their “home”.
Approaching the clearing, they weren’t expecting Lost Light to appear over the horizon. Rodimus was so happy to see his ship he almost forgot that Buddy was on his shoulder.
“They’re here! They’re here! Oh, I can’t wait to get back to my Captain’s chair!”--Rodimus
“And I can’t wait for you to get a mini chair next to mines!”--Rodimus
“Yeah, we can have it with orange designs and all. I’m pretty sure Ten won’t have much problem doing the details on the chair.”--Rodimus
Buddy just looks at him in disbelief and in happy tears hugs the side of Rodimus’s helm.
Rodimus finally catching to the reality for Buddy pauses a bit and does his best to hug them back telling them that he wouldn’t leave them even if it made all of his reports disappear.
The Rod Pod touches down and Rodimus wastes no time in running to it with Buddy holding to his chassis.
Magnus was not prepared for Rodimus to show up with a little human.
“Rodimus—”—Ultra Magnus
“Behold the newest addition to the Lost Light!”--Rodimus
“… I’ll get the supplies ready then…”—Ultra Magnus
Rodimus explains the whole story to everyone on the Rod Pod and does the same when he gets back to the ship. Buddy is having the time of their life meeting new friends. Rodimus is glad that he managed to help his friend and hopes to give them a better life than the one they had on Earth.
Drift wakes up to a cold shudder.
He looks around at his surroundings. It looked like he was in an old barn. A cold old barn with the paint falling off just like the snow outside. He then feels a sharp pain near his pede.
It not his room or the medbay. It wasn’t even a part of the ship. He remembers… the crash… He remembered trying to send one last message to ratchet about his coordinates before he blacked out.
He goes to examine the wound when he hears little footsteps. Drift reaches for one of his swords when a little human came out of one of the barns shadows. They looked like one of the children in Swerve’s human movie night films.
The child had some protective layers on, but clearly not enough for the snow falling. They had a bunch of old miss matched blankets in their hands.
“Hi…My name is Buddy.”--Buddy
“Hello? My name is Drift.”—Drift
Drift ever dumbfounded waved back before clutching his pede in pain again. Buddy carefully puts down the blankets and slowly moves towards his pede. Drift curious slowly releases his pede and watched the human pull out some sort of wrappings and began wrapping his pede the best they could.
“Buddy, as much as I appreciate the help, that isn’t—”--Drift
“Did- did you just shush me?”--Drift
“Yes, and I’ll do it again. Shh!”--Buddy
They then grabbed the blankets and attempted to… tuck him in?
He thanked them shivering a bit feeling the cold seep in.
The human smiled and left him alone in the barn before falling into a much-needed recharge.
The next morning, Buddy returned to check back and pulled a chair to sit right next to him. The two ended up talking about how Drift had gotten to Earth and how to get him back home. Drift was surprised to see Buddy eager to help him get back home.
“C’mon Drift. Let’s help you get home. And don’t worry I won’t let any evil corrupt government spy take you.”--Buddy
“That sounded oddly specific but thanks?”--Drift
Together the two end up borrowing some tech from a nearby scrap yard to help create a distress beacon. Sure, Drift was by no means an engineer, but he hopes that his time with Perceptor will help him now.
During the next 3 weeks it goes by, Drift learns a bit about Buddy’s life. About them being an orphan and finding haven in the old crumbly barn.
Buddy learns a bit about Drift too. They learn about how he used to be a bad guy before turning good, how he made some new friends on the Lost light, and his misadventures with a medic named Ratchet.
“You really chopped the bad guy’s hands?”--Buddy
“Yeah, the were going to hurt Ratchet. I had to protect him.”--Drift
“He sounds like a nice guy. Wish I could meet him.”--Buddy
It was early dawn when Buddy woke up from a nightmare and came to Drift for comfort.
“You- you just left! You didn’t even say goodbye!”--Buddy
“Buddy, it was all a dream. A bad one. Anyways I could never leave you even if I tried to.”--Drift
“What? What about the Lost Light? What about Ratchet?”--Buddy
“… Would you like to come with me? Mean, You can say no and all—”--Drift
Buddy attempts to hug Drift nodding furiously. A tearful confirmation that made the pair happy.
A sudden crackle is heard from outside the barn.
Drift is immediately up, holding Buddy close to his spark and sword in the other servo. Buddy is completely dwarfed in his servo and shakes a bit in the suspense in the air. Drift is prepared to fight whatever is outside of the barn.
Multiple footsteps are heard which only makes Drift’s grip on the sword tighten.
Then the door swings open and Drift kicks down the intruder straight in the chassis pointing the sword at them. Rodimus, on the ground groaning at the sudden attack.
“Geez Drift I know we had our differences but that was a bit harsh don’t you think?”--Rodimus
“Oh thank—is that a human?”--Ratchet
“Hi… I’m Buddy. You must be Ratchet. Drift tells some of the best stories about you.”--Buddy
“Does he now?”--Ratchet
“Uh… Buddy—”--Drift
“Shh!”—Buddy and Ratchet
“I like this kid.”--Ratchet
“Are you guys my parents now?”--Buddy
“What?”—Drift and Ratchet
And that is how Buddy ended up joining the Lost light and how Drift and Ratchet ended up being their guardians. Never leaving Buddy alone in danger and never feeling cold again.
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gingerjolover · 9 months
what about naomi and reader in a new years eve party and bumping into reader ex and them nomi get jealousy jealosy also love u gingy ♡
we're gonna hc this bitch if thats okay w you baby!
because listen ok, nomi "doesn't get jealous" (they do) they get "protective" (we let them think whatever helps them sleep at night)
there's a couple of different scenarios that i think would lend how naomi would act bumping into your ex
if you and naomi have been together for a loooong time and its some random ex that you dated in highschool or college, there might be a hint of jealousy
like they hug you a little too long or only look at you and not naomi, which naomi is like "it's just rude babe, im not jealous," their hand sticking in the back pocket of your jeans or rubbing the hem of your skirt as they pull you into them, leaning against a wall
if you haven't been dating that long, a more recent ex might trigger a diff reaction, naomi might get a little guard dog on them
like if they came up and hugged you and were just being really touchy and affectionate, naomi would be like "and I'm Naomi, THEIR PARTNER," and like shake their hand but have a killer grip
would also just be sooooo touchy all night, like nomi is already affectionate but when there's someone in the room that ALSO knows how hard you love and how deeply you can fall, nuh uh, not gonna fly for nomi
the only time i think naomi would be like not super jealous and even laugh a little at an attempt is if you're a bi/pan queenie or you've dated a man in the past and they come up to you like "wow you look so good, how have you been?" naomi is squaring UP BRO!
def pulls a "i can fuck you better than him, and you know it," and your jaw drops for a sec because "naomi quiet down!"
"babydoll im packing rn do i need to prove it to you?" they ask with a smirk, like leaning down and pressing searing kisses to your cheeks
it just so happens that said ex is watching from a corner, a drink in his hand
"I- well-..." you're stammering because naomi jealous is usually like ha ha and you guys joke about it and then it's done (bc your devotion to them and your relationship is obvious and naomi relishes in it and returns it with the same enthusiasm)
but naomi is cupping your cheek, running their fingers through your hair placing chaste kisses on your hairline being like "c'mon bunny let's go find an empty room before midnight."
i didn't do a full fic but i totally can if people are interested🫶🏻
i have to mention i think naomi's vibe at parties is similar to how i wrote them in the Halloween blurb where they take care of soft!gf
naomi is just always scanning the room and like they def have fun and party but they are always keeping an eye on you
which is why if they are w you when ex approaches its one thing
but naomi def DOES NOT like it when they are across the room and sees any of the above approach
maybe not so much the friendly ex
but the rest for sure naomi has an eye out because someone is moving in on their girl and they do not like that one bit
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myoddessy · 2 years
I’ve just found you from whoetoshaw’s blog and WOW! I love your blog! 💞
🎀 anything with Freezy?! Maybe like a reunion/rekindling type-thing from back then to now? Like friends who were shipped back then and date now? I hope that makes sense 🥲 Xx
aww, thank you!! I was waiting for a prompt like this 😭 I hope you like it!
September 2016.
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January 2017.
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liked by calfreezy, wroetoshaw, joeygraceffa, and 872,519 others
yourusername Through My Eyes 2016 out now. So much has changed for me over the past year, I (finally) got my own place, I've met so many new people, and we hit 5 million subscribers!! Thank you all so much for all you've supported me through this year, and let's hope for an equally amazing TME of 2017! 💞💞
ynfan4 Oh I've been waiting for the highlight of my year!!
taliamar Good to see my festival feature is still the best part of the video. So proud of you girl ❤️
ynxcal4ever At 14.52 when it's just Y/n and Cal in their kitchen for the last time before she moved out and they remade the first ever thing they cooked together 😭😭 I'm so emotional right now
calfreezy I would say I had a glow up but after watching this I realised that I've always been mindblowingly attractive
yourusername The real reason I had to move out was because your big head was leaving dents in the wall anymore and I didn't want to feel like I was living with two Harrys xoxo 😘😘
wroetoshaw Oi! What did I do?
yourusername Broke my LED mirror by throwing a controller at it.
sdmnsundayz Y/n is a Saint for putting up with them.
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January 2020.
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liked by youtube, oliviarodrigo, miniminter, and 1,982,370 others
yourusername Through My Eyes 2019 is out now. Enjoy a year of travel across the world and the family who kept me strong through all of it. Thank you all for every line we've crossed and every milestone we hit this year, I love you all so so much 💘💘
calfreezy This is my favourite one out of all of them
yourusername Is it because you're in pretty much every frame?
calfreezy Obviously
freyanightingale Ibiza you will always be famous!
taliamar We need to go back ASAP
yourusername Opening scene to the next tme planned? I think so
ynslover 'Cal and Y/n' this, 'Y/n and the girls' that, yes it's cute but can we take a moment to appreciate how STUNNING she looked in this video???
ynfreezy LITERALLY. Like shes always been stunning but something in the foreign air made her a literal goddess it's not even funny
calsfreezys the bi panic was panicking HARD
taliaxynxfreya Currently crying over the fact that Y/n and Cal were together in most of the shots
w2minter There's no way they're not together.
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January 2023.
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liked by emmachamberlain, gracieabrams, faithlouisak, and 3,419,778 others
yourusername through my eyes 2022, you are my soul. despite me saying this every time I post one of these videos, I mean it now more than ever. from hitting 25 MILLION subscribers (what???), to hosting interviews at the MET gala, to truly falling in love, thank you to you all, and thank you to the universe for guiding me to where I am now. I truly cannot put my gratitude into words 💞💞💞
faithlouisak beautiful girl, beautiful video, beautiful vibe. the best part of every year xx ❤️❤️
yourusername love u more than words can describe ❤️
calfreezy I guess the amount of clips of you laughing makes up for the lack of me
calfreezy barely, though
calfreezy I better be heavily featured in the next one
yourusername I'll make a whole video dedicated to you if that's what you want
ynfan124 how do his tantrums work on you 😭
yourusername I've learned through many years that its better to just give him what he wants
mintertalia Y/N SOFT LAUNCHING???? this is a make or break for the cal and y/n shippers
yn2s yall still exist? give in, it's been years, if they were going to reveal something then they would've done it by now
mintertalia bro stfu you're a ship account for two people who've called each other siblings 😭
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yourusername just posted !
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liked by ksi, calfreezy, mikesmic, and 3,998,770 others
yourusername @calfreezy satisfied?
calfreezy it'll do
yourusername what if I broke up with you
calfreezy you'd miss me too much
taliamar cuties!!
freyanightingale what happened to soft launching it? 🤣
yourusername got bored, felt like causing drama
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511 notes · View notes
onskepa · 6 months
Hey! How about neteyam x human reader? Back on earth, she had been working at a circus and knows lots of tricks. May she show him some?
Ngl it reminded me of the Amazing Digital Circus. BUT! I will stray from that! So I used black butler for reference and other circus stuff to get the idea. So I hope you enjoy this one~!!
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Na’vi are flexible by nature. Running, swinging, swimming, doing so many activities that make their bodies lean and very strong. Broken bones or an injured body part is bound to happen. Neteyam knows this, he has fair share of getting hurt, being scrapped and on close calls breaking bones. 
However, what neteyam can't wrap his mind around is how boneless the humans can be. How flexible they looks, as if their skin is made of rubber or some material that can move freely. 
Best example he can put is his good friend ko’on. She can move in such strange ways that neteyam would believe she has no bones. Bending completely backwards, forwards, or walking around with just her hands. Better yet, do archery with her feet! Ko’on would give brief explanations of how she was able to do such things. But never a full blown explanation or proper reason for how she can be so…movable.
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“Hm, this is pretty good actually,” Ko'on comments as she happily eats some dried meat. Neteyam was sitting across from her, staring down in worry and being slightly weirded out. Ko’on notices his stare and looks up at him, “what? Do I have something on my face?” she asks. 
“Does it hurt?” he asks. 
Ko’on looks to her left and right, shrugging, “what hurts?” 
“Ko’on, you have both of your feet beside your head while bending backwards completely. How does that not hurt?” he wonders. 
“Ooohh, well it is the same as you hanging upside down, it's normal. Nothing hurts” ko’on answers simply as she takes another bite of her little snack. “Wow, looks like i'm going to ask your mom to make more of these tasty treats-”
“Forget the meat for one second and tell me how that works. Do you even have bones??” neteyams interrupts ko’on. She rolls her eyes and sits up normally. “I do have bones. I am just flexible from all my years of being a performer back on Earth”. 
“A performer?” he repeats. The girl nods, her mind swinging into nostalgic mode. 
“Yuppers, I used to be in a circus” 
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“What is a circus?” Neteyam asks after a couple minutes of silence. He and ko’on were taking their time walking around in the forest, him walking calmly as his friend jumps and makes some neat tricks on the branches and vines.
“A circus is a wonderful and even magical place. With a big massive tent that can hold hundreds of people! There is a ringleader, the host and team player. Then you got the stuntmans, the silly clowns and dare devils! There was a whole team of amazing performers”
Neteyam listens happily as ko’on goes on of her time at the circus. And from how she describes, it seemed to be a fun place where everyone was able to enjoy themselves. Perhaps that would be something his family would enjoyed.
And seeing ko’on go on, smile as she explains what roles and shows they had, neteyam wouldn't mind hearing her all day.
“So, what was your role in the circus?” he asks. Ko’on smiles widely, spreading out her arms almost like in a T-pose. “My role was the acrobatic performer. I could jump, lift, swing in tight ropes, walk in thin ones, and almost fly high! And my flexibility made me light as a feather” ko’on said with such enthusiasm.
Neteyam couldn't help but chuckle a bit, “well, if you are as amazing as you say. Perhaps you can show me a few tricks?”. His friend looks down at him, tilting her head a bit, “you want to learn to be flexible?” she asks. Neteyam nods, “as much as I can be”
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 “You make it look so easy…….!!” neteyam stumbles on himself, falling down from trying to copy ko’on. The girl in question giggles as she sits with her legs over her shoulder and walking around with her hands. “I think its your tail, might be in the way of not properly balancing yourself”. 
Both straight up from the failed position practice. Dusting himself off, neteyam wasn't ready to give up. “Is there anything that doesn't have my tail in the way?” he asks, and immediately ko’on nods. “Yuppers! Balancing on a thin rope, or since we are outside, the vines. Your tail might help you alot in this”. 
Ko’on takes the lead in demonstrating him as she easily stands still on one of the nearby vines. “The key is mental control. Try not to think you will fall over cause then you will. Be calm, be in the moment, be in the zen mode and it will be easy”. 
‘Well easy for her to say’ neteyam thought. Seeing ko’on walking around on the vines was amazing truly, but neteyam felt like he might die if he takes one wrong move. 
“Also dont sway-DONT SWAY!!” 
Too late, neteyam swayed too much on the right that he fell. Luckily the fall wasnt that high. He grunted as he landed on the groun, hissing a bit at the pain from landing on his side. Ko’on jumps down with grace and goes over to him. Bending down to examine him, she suggests “how about a break?” 
He nods to that. 
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Eclipse was reaching soon so the two take their sweet time making it back home. 
“Hey, maybe with some stretches and other stuff, you might be able to pull it off. I was going a bit hard on you "Ko'on says, breaking their silence. Neteyam nods to that, but remembers something. 
“The circus…is it still a thing on Earth. When you talk about it, you say it with a bit of sadness” he points out. Ko’on nods, a sad smile matching the mood of her eyes. 
“Unfortunately, circuses is not the same. Heck, when I was in it, it was nothing like how it was 100 or 200 hundred years ago. The circus had different kinds of animals. Wild and exotic animals. But as years go by, those animals would stop being shown…and they would be extinct..” 
“So what happened? No more animals..? 
“In a way, yes. But holographic animals. Its not the same, and before I left, they wanted to change the circus forever. More than usually and I hated it” ko’on says with anger growing in her voice. Neteyam blinks a bit, wondering. 
“Changed it? How?” 
“Getting rid of actual performers and stunts, all what makes a circus, gone! And to replace it with the oh so “The amazing digital circus!” ko’on says in a rather mocking tone. Neteyam contained his inner laughter. Not wanting ko’on to see it. 
“And the ring leader isn't even a real ring leader! Just a talking gummy jaw with floating eyes and a weird ass bubble assistant!” 
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Im sorry, I had to put it in. But that was a goody! Hope you like it! I might come back to fix it cause im writing it while being half asleep. So, until next time! See ya!
ko'on = Ring, oval shape, closed ring
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bengiyo · 7 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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kindestofkings · 11 months
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman
ryan mcmahon x reader
authors note: this is so sweet and fluffy you'll probs need to visit the dentist, but its for all you ryan girlies out there xx
location: italy!
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername italy you have our hearts, lush few days away before pretty boy goes back on tour <33
view 20 comments
ryanmcmahon_15 you could come with me...
yourusername loveee I've got school :(
yourmum photos look fab darlings!
yourusername thanks mam💗💗
elijahhewson about time you give that handsome fella back to me !
yourusername posted on their story:
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-yourusername harrys house ready!!!
location: harry's house
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
view all 200 comments
yourusername I adore you almost as much as I adore Harry Styles.
bobbyskeetz wow mate thats saying something
yourusername SO proud of you boys!! have come along way since workmans x
(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
ryanmcmahon_15 my number one supporter the whole time inhalerfan1 who is this girl? inhalerfan2 shes ryans girlfriend! pretty sure they've been dating since they were like 17ish
inhalerfan2 incredible 🔥🔥🔥
inhalerfan3 you made harry’s house a harry home
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
yourusername corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture...
view all 50 comments
bobbyskeetz how hard is it being a sidepiece even tho you've been been dating ryan for 8 years?
yourusername i've become desensitised at this point elijahhewson better to be a side piece over a no piece xx joshjenkinson_ no piece hahah yourusername how are you the same man that wrote if you're gonna break my heart??
inhalerfan1 you get it
ryanmcmahon_15 its not what it looks like....
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername FACT Ireland is beautiful this time of year. FACT my boyfriend is the cutest and I miss him terribly. FACT my brain hurts from school.
view all 15 comments
ryanmcmahon_15 all the hard work is gonna pay off !!
(liked my yourusername)
yourmam forget about that tour business, shes miserable here! ryanmcmahon_15
yourusername mammmmm making me look uncoolllll ryanmcmahon_15 😂😂
inhalerfan1 I just found out about her a week ago but these two are my parents
inhalerfan2 do you mind me asking what are you studying?
yourusername no of course not! i'm doing a phd at the moment in human rights law, in dublin <3 inhalerfan2 no way thats so cool! bobbyskeetz our brainbox !
location: holibobs!
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername love a travel moment we do x
view 10 comments
ryanmcmahon_15 you feelin moody with your b&w theme?
yourusername trying to channel my inner lewevans ! hows it working ? lewevans a little too good, please dont put me out of a job !!
elijahhewson hes travelled to more places with me, just saying :))
yourusername yeah but does he kiss you in a photobooth? yourusername ACTUALLY DONT ANSWER THAT I DONT WANT TO KNOW GUGGI joshjenkinson_ you defo dont want to know.. yourusername ahhhhh JOSH
yourusername posted on their story:
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yourusername my favourite person dressed up as my favourite singer and I have to watch it through blurry insta lives 😭😭
ryanmcmahon_15 lovieee thought you'd enjoy it, now i feel cruel yourusername dont its literally the best thing you've ever done, never looked hotter!
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liked by joshjenkinson_ and others
bobbyskeetz the ryan fella is a scrubbed up even though tour is over? confusion
view all 400 comments
joshjenkinson_ looking good for the big day 🔥
inhalerfan2 explain yourselves please!!!!
elijahhewson officaily lost him 💔
inhalerfan1 oh my god what is happening!!!!
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
inhalerdublin it may not be music related news but we have a NEWLY WED in the band, our lovely drummer finally tied the knot with an even lovelier cailín <33
view all 450 comments
joshjenkinson_ crackin day!
elijahhewson still emotional, OUR PARENTS
 bobbyskeetz hangover of hell today but it was worth it 🤘🏼🤘🏼
evehewson what a stunning bride, congrats !!
lewevans the best just got better! thanks for including me in the big day
yourusername are you kidding me? THANK YOU for your amazing photos! (liked by ryanmcmahon_15)
inhalerfan1 you are joking me this is so beautiful
inhalerfan2 why am I crying over two strangers getting married?!?!
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername just had a dream weekend and married my bestfriend.
never imagined getting married so young but when you know you know, and you certainly do not let a man like ryan pass you by.
my husband <3
view all 100 comments
ryanmcmahon_15 the love of my life, my wife <3
inhalerfan1 literally the most beautiful wedding ever!
inhalerfan2 awhhhh congrats!
yourmam such a beautiful day celebrating you two!! my favourites xx
inhalerdublin our parents 💗💗💗
(liked by elijahhewson,bobbyskeetz, ryanmcmahon_15 and joshjenkinson_)
lol dont even know where that marriage came from Im still undecided if i believe in the concept, but its cute lol!
hope you enjoyed <3
87 notes · View notes
afyrian · 2 months
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no. 11 - sluggish dancing masterlist
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    "so where'd you learn to dance?" atsumu keeps a hold of your hand, his other hand on your back.
  you sway with him, head resting on his shoulder. the night had gone by in a blur, the alcohol and snacks filling your memory. a part you knows that this isn't right. that you'll never get the satisfaction of knowing that he's sorry, that he regrets what he's done. that now you're dancing with someone you don't know, someone you don't recognize in the best way possible.
  dancing with him feels pleasant, despite the swirling feeling in your stomach, "my grandad, when i was really young. i mean this is the extent of it though."
  "so if i dipped you, you wouldn't really know what to do?" he asks, eyebrow raised as if he were about to do it, revert to his old ways and dropping you to the mess hall flooring.
  you shake your head against his shoulder, hand resting just below on his bicep. rolling your eyes, you take in a deep breath, smelling a light scent of cologne and the forest. it soothes you slightly, drowning out the nausea that was starting to build, "no, so don't get any ideas, atsumu."
  he raises his eyebrows in surprise, yet chooses not to say anything. hearing his name come from your lips is like music to his ears. you could say it in a whisper and it'd overpower the song playing over the radio. he takes in a deep breath and smiles, "okay, no ideas. you know, i wish this could've happened when we were campers."
  you stiffen some under his touch, eyes opening as you wonder what he means. does he remember? maybe it's the alcohol finally soaking in, but his lips loosen, words spilling out that you weren't expecting to hear, "i wish i could've overcome my jealousy of you, got to know you better. i would've loved to have danced with you."
  i wish i could've overcome my jealousy of you. it plays over and over in your head like a broken record. your lips form a straight line, eyebrows furrowing. moving your hand off his arm, you back up some, "wait you remember?"
  instantly atsumu looks like a deer in headlights, blindsided by the moment that you found yourself in. "you remembered and didn't say anything? you didn't even attempt an apology?" your lips part as you take another step back, voice growing louder as your lips form a snarl. 
  atsumu purses his lips, closing his eyes for a moment, sobering up as your frown only grows. he never wanted it to come out like this, not now. especially when the two of you had finally started to grow closer. "well- i, uh," a frog is caught in his throat, eyes searching anywhere but for yours. 
  "wow, you picked on me for years, and this whole time i was thinking this was some forgotten memory for you. i couldn't blame you for not remembering, but remembering and not saying anything? god, i'm so stupid for thinking you've changed," you shake your head, tears forming in your eyes. 
  the party had stopped at this point, your friends and fellow counselors unable to speak up in the moment. you roll your eyes, turning around to walk out of the door. atsumu wants to follow you, to tell you that you are the smartest and more impressive person he knows. but instead, he stands in place, watching with a sullen look.
  osamu looks over at his brother, unsure of what to say, gaze flickering towards aran. both stand there awkwardly, the catchy tune still playing through the mess hall. each lyric worming its way into atsumu's head, echoing as his head starts to pound.
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a/n: it’s been revealed!! just a few more chapters left… taglist (open): @lemurzsquad, @froyaoya, @localgaytrainwreck, @guitarstringed-scars, @girlkissersco
@just-coreee, @notverymarley, @eujoana89
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muriels-brainrot · 3 months
૮꒰ “ . . ꒱ა
{Referencing this post: https://www.tumblr.com/muriels-brainrot/755439602787139584/how-do-you-cope-with-the-fandom-being-so?source=share }
Forgive me if I'm intruding but I recently came across some very helpful advice which I think is quite insightful.
To set the scene, before I found this advice, I myself was struggling with staying consistent with art. This time however, I had decided that no I won't keep procrastinating. SO, in my attempt to find resources, I stumbled onto this video. Now suddenly it all began to make sense. The reason I was struggling was not because i'm lazy and horrible and lacking motivation. Rather it was because I had outcome related goals. TLDR: I was focused on the outcome (wow rlly iri we didn't know that's what outcome related goals meant pfft-)
Anyways so, instead of focusing on the process, I was instead focusing on the end product aka the finished drawing. Ofc I'm a beginner so I wouldn't look like I wanted to. Not bad but it wouldn't be what I wanted so i'd get frustrated and eventually give up on drawing . . . before inevitably returning with my tail between my legs cause I still rlly want to get better.
Honestly, it's natural and normal for these feeling to occur, because like you said we pour so much time and dedication. Not to mention heart and soul to make these creative projects that it feels almost personal when it doesn't get engagement. But if there is something i'd like for you to know, it's that it rlly helps if you take enjoyment in the process. Draw inspiration from odd places and craft scenarios.
Don't write for others, or the cliche of writing for yourself but rather think of it as you sharing your brainrot with ur future self haha. Write stuff that you'd wanna read yourself! (then come back to read it like a crazy person at the dead of night . . . wait, don't tell me that just me-)
Just . . . let your brain do its thing! Let your brain create instead of letting the ideas and projects fester in your head. Keep growing your skill because you never know, these might be the very thing that comes in handy later on in life. Think of singers like Sabrina carpenter who was niche (I mean to say not worldwide popular yknow, but u get my point) for a long time. However, if you look at her now that she's gone viral, it's the hard work during the years she spent creating with most of the world with their backs to her that is the sole reason she continues to be so well known for her . . . well, everything! (For example: She is extremely comfortable on stage while performing and looks like she's in her element even with thousands of eyes on her . . . it's cause she's been performing for almost 10 years I think.)
So, to both anon and anyone else reading this, pls keep creating stuff. Especially passion projects. Even if you feel like you're screaming into a void. You'll only get better IF you continue. Also, you never know maybe there is someone out there that really enjoys your work. Even if it's one person, that still someone out there that keeps coming back just for your work. This silly tangent I went on, won't completely get rid of all the thoughts and feelings . . . but it's a start. Hope this helps . . .
(Example: I always find myself coming back to this artwork by @cinsilly cause Asra's expression here is so funny. No not once a week but every few days oops- )
Oh my god thank you!! I'll post my thoughts in the comments. But it was honestly v cool of you to share this, the only thing that keeps me together in any fandom is knowing we're not alone in feeling this way :'> !!!
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This made me think how much hanma and draken have this funny enemies thing going on so imagine ur pissed at shuji or just sick of him not making a move yet? Y’all act like a couple but this mfer never made it official? Like why is his hand always in the back pocket of ur jeans? Why does this mfer offer u the last bite of his donut? No tell me why tf does he hold ur hand in a crowded place?🤨And when u lowkey joke about oh are u in love with me? And he laughs saying “don’t be silly doll” doll? (I’ll end him I swear) so u flirt with draken and yknow how he hates his guts that’s why u do so to piss him off and I think pissed shuji very sexy tbh wow 🤲🏽👍🏽and the thought of losing u to another man? And that man is bald with a braid? Aw hell naH Shawty he confessing so fast🤭😳
No because making draken the sacrificial goat is killing me lmao. Dw we won't do draken dirty here I've got a work-around.
also massive apologies to you vivi i'm sorry you knew abt this for an inordinate amount of time
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it takes idiots (reader and shuji) many months, jealousy and miscommunication, and some prettiness to finally make it official.
cw: fem!reader, reader loses her temper and shuji is super needy so its a lil more subby!shuji smut, cream pie, unprotected sex (don't recommend, be safe out there), ye idk im gonna go pretend this isn't posted now, peace ✌️ ~2.2k
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God but hear me out it starts at a toman party. Shuji and you are acting the way you always do. You're literally in his lap lounging in the corner of the couch. He's playing with the hem of your skirt, flipping the end between his fingers and rubbing the skin of your thigh. You're talking to Yuzuha who's occupying the chaise lounge. You haven't seen her in a while, she's been abroad with hakkai on so many modelling gigs lately. And she totally misreads the situation. She's like, so how is it, finally being together?
At first it's silly, though you have a tinge of want at the end of your words when you joke back with, "Well we've actually been married for three years, we just never found the right time to tell you all."
Yuzuha clocks it as a joke, but not as a sore spot for you. Or maybe she's so shocked and that's why she won't let it go that easily. "Hanma what the hell is wrong with you?"
"Undiagnosed ADHD and probabl-"
You give your friend a we're-going-to-talk-about-this-later look as a baffled Yuzuha cuts him off. "Wha- Hanma god damn it I meant-no- you know what I meant."
He offers a half shrug, "What? M'young."
That's when you excuse yourself blankly to get another drink. The insinuation that Shuji was still playing the field left you a bit numb. He wasn't. You knew that he wasn't because you were with him 90% of his waking hours. Hell you'd platonically (as platonically as you and Shuji ever really were) slept in his bed last night and woke up next to him. The bastard slept with his arms around you and snored in your ear half the night and he has the balls to joke like that? His words stung like a betrayal of the highest degree.
In the kitchen you found Draken looking for a pong partner. Perfect, you decide, a distraction with alcohol built in.
He tells you casually between turns he's fresh off (another) a break up with his on again off again girlfriend and you feel a dark part of you light up and a wicked idea is born.
You throw the pong game. To the point where Draken has to give you pointers. Has to get real close and talk lowly in your ear about how we need you to aim for the left one this time okay? His honeyed baritone sends shivers down your spine and you wonder for a second how much better this scenario would be if it were Shuji in your ear. Shuji's hands on your hip, his thumb dipping below the waist band of your skirt.
You huff a little. Nah fuck him. it's time to put your plan into action. You throw with your usual accuracy. You get the point. Out of the corner of your eye you see a certain skunk striped boy half-fixated on your game.
Showtime, you brain screams.
Excitedly you hop in Draken's grasp, throwing your arms around his neck and revel in his pleased laughter. "You're up again," he says as he puts you down and steps back. You stop him by the wrist, tug him back a little.
"Wait can you help me line it up again?" You bat your lashes a bit, playing at being drunker than you both know you are.
"Sure thing." You feel his warmth and relish in it, stalling and pressing into him. It's a miss, but the tiny peck under your ear he plants feels like a win.
The ball splashes in a cup on your side and you opponent, Kazutora smirks. Draken offers to drink it but you refuse. It's cheap beer. It's rough going down. Draken puts his hand between your shoulders and says that for such a pretty little thing you sure can hold your alcohol. The praise, more than the alcohol, warms your cheeks.
It's the last shot and you make it. You excitedly turn around in Draken's grasp and catch his lips in yours. You never intended for it to be a just celebratory peck, but you pull away, blushing a bit and stuttering apologies to make it appear so. Draken drawls out some praise for his pretty girl that won the game and draws you back in by the small of your neck and pulling the plush of your lower lip between his teeth.
You hear Kazutora cat whistle and know, you just know, it's meant to alert his buddy Shuji. Mentally you apologize to Emma but after she's regaled you and the girls with all the filthy details of the nasty make up sex she and Draken have, somehow you think she won't mind this little show, given that's all it was.
You hope she'll also forgive the two heavy punches Shuji lands on her Kennyboy before Kazutora pulls your next friend back and you can get back between the two again. People are staring, hoping for a fight. Some even boo when Emma whisks Draken away by the collar of his shirt and you try to push Shuji away.
"Fuck him," he spits and looks at you, "you too you little shit," he accuses and pulls you away by the wrist.
God, you're a certified sucker for that crazy look in his eyes. It's the first thing you think when Shuji slams the door of a spare bedroom in Pah Chin's house. You can't help it. There's nothing like Hanma Shuji slipping into his aggressive chaos mode on this earth. His irises glow with his emotion. And, wow was it easy to forget that he had you pressed against the door of this room with all his energy and attention fixed on you.
His fingers were knotted in your hair and you vaguely noted his growl asking you what the FUCK you thought you were doing.
"And who are you to ask that? I'm not yours. We're not together Shuji. Never have been. You're young, still right?" You shoot back
"Tch, that's what this is about?"
Maybe he had you caged against the door but liquid courage had you fighting back. You shove his chest. "Yeah. Yeah that's what this is about. What the fuck right do you have to treat me like I'm yours? You drive me everywhere. You hold my hand. You share your bed. You kiss my forehead. You make me breakfast. You know my secrets. You call me yours. But you can't make it official? What the fuck is up with that?"
With every sentence you've pushed Shuji back till he was perched on the corner of the bed.
"How the fuck is that fair, huh? You want me to be yours Shuji? Then tell me you're fucking mine." It's not a request. It's a demand. An ultimatum. A last chance to be honest with you.
He's looking up at you still as a statue, emotion so unreadable it unnerves you. You know how he wears almost any emotion. He rarely surprises you, and yet...
"I'm yours."
Shuji says it quietly at first like there's a lag between his awareness and speech. You're shocked he's caved so quickly and you stutter out an "Excuse me?"
"I'm yours." He repeats, more confidently. "God I'm so fucking yours." He's dragged you by the hips to straddle his lap and his lips are on yours and you swear you can taste the adrenaline on his tongue.
It's every bit as addicting as you guessed to properly make out with Shuji. You don't know how long you've been sat on him attached in this kiss but when you tug him by the hair to catch your breath and hear him groan at the tension you think you've died and gone to heaven. He's mumbling little "all fuckin yours, baby" up and down your neck and you feel his voice reverberating in your throat.
You grind down on the swell of his hardening dick and smirk a bit, lips ghosting his, "all?"
He's shimmying out of his pants, when you slide off his lap to kneel on the floor. You're met with a sizeable bulge hidden under tight black fabric and you damn near moan just at the sight of his freed dick springing up to tap his abs when you pull the last offending piece of fabric away. "Shuji you're so fucking beautiful." You say as you brush your fingers over his length carefully. His mouth opens in an amused playful smirk but you're on him immediately, stealing his words by licking a stripe from base to the tip that you pop right in your mouth. His jaw hesitates and then goes slack as you look up at him and take as much of him as possible.
You don't know what you expected but he is not quiet. He's mumbling praise and expletives and he exhales the hottest, breathiest moan you've ever had the pleasure to hear, let alone cause, when his tip hits the back of your throat and you swallow around it. You smile around him and want to giggle but you settle on humming around him. You force his fingers in your hair into a fist telling him to set his pace but he pulls you off instead. He's panting a bit and you feel a pang of pride in your chest.
"Need to fuck you. Need your pussy." He's already clamoring to help you up and discard your skirt. You do him the honor of not remembering his words as needy and stuttered as they were just this one time.
You climb over him to straddle his hips and stroke his cock once, twice, before running the tip along your slit. Rather than taking the tip you pivot your hips and pin his dick to his abs and run your soaking lips along his length. The sensation of his hot head nudging your clit brings you to your elbows, moaning in his ears.
Big hands grip your ass and grind you even harder into his dick. And between the warm stimulation and the nails digging into your skin you're already on the fucking edge, but you'll be damned if the first time you fuck Shuji you don't cum around his cock.
Finally after your relentless teasing you lined up his dick and hovered over him bobbing just enough to tease his tip with the velvety walls of your pussy. Shuji can barely whine a "fuck, doll stop teasing me cant take it," before you've sunk down and taken his cock whole and he's groaning and squeezing your ass, pulling you onto himself with bruising strength. You're suddenly laying on him again, collapsed down to your elbows with the power of your orgasm, while your fluttering walls only spur him on.
The weight of years of fantasies of this moment hit him at once and before you can process it, he's bear hugging you and rolling over to take the lead. Fuck, how could he not? After pining after you for so long, imagining getting to finally fuck you and promising himself that he'd make sure you wanted no one else when he was done with you.
It's endearing, you think, how he mutters as much to you over and over as he makes your pussy his as he fucks you through your high and beyond. You giggle and moan and gasp and think this is exactly how you pictured sex with Shuji to be needy, whiny, unexpected, a little rough.
You can read him so well that when his breath hitches just right, you wrap you legs around his waist, ignoring the stuttered warning of his own impending orgasm. Instead you gripped his hair, pulled his face to yours and breathed, "Gonna make me all fucking yours?" over his lips.
Immediately he pulled away from your kiss, unable to coordinate as he lost his composure and filled you, half locked in place by your legs. Muttered curses and filthy nonsense about how you feel around his is all he can get out until he's spent, finally latching his mouth on your shoulder to give an affectionate bite, not unlike bites you'd exchanged as friends a few hours before. You let him lay on you a minute or so to recover before he pulls back and sits up on his knees to look down at you, at his handiwork.
"Holy shit."
"Yeah," you agreed.
"Why haven't we done that before?"
"Hm...something about you being young?" You tease as he eases out of you.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. We already fucked that issue away," he jokes back and combs his fingers through some minor tangles in your hair, "S'not like I meant it anyway, y'know."
You catch his hand and tug it, wanting to be closer, "You're free to prove that to me any time."
In true Shuji form, he gasps in that goofy performatively dumb way he likes to as he brings his face close to yours for a kiss, "You mean I can do this again?"
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