#and maple comes from the sap?
simbasomba · 9 months
BrambleShade is taking ballet classes
(Feather and tawny design by @warriorcatdumpster )
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awooghan · 2 months
[11:41 pm] ✧.* l.mh
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➳ PAIRING: lee know x gn!reader
➳ GENRE: fluff, slice of life, silent/mutual pining, friends to (implied) lovers
➳ WARNINGS: none, just tooth-rotting fluff and simp!lino :]
➳ WORD COUNT: 1k exactly which is a bit long for a timestamp but are we surprised
➳ SUMMARY: you and minho are out with your friends one night. minho notices you won't leave his side.
➳ NOTES: wow i actually completed a fic and it wasn't for christmas LOL hope you enjoy <3 also i know the banner is lee know in a puffy coat but this is supposed to be a summer night timestamp and this was the closest photo i could find 😭 (and as always ty @ujimoo for helping me make a banner)
➳ SONG REC: headliner (seventeen)
network tags: @kflixnet @straykidsland-main @kwritersworld @k-labels
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“Ah, Y/N…” Minho says, lightly nudging you. “When are you gonna get off me?”
His voice, flat but gentle, cuts through the air around you, making the crickets chirping nearby sound like a mere pin drop. He doesn’t mean to sound rude, though his tone alone would have raised the eyebrows of strangers passing by. Luckily, there aren’t many people around to spare him weird glances this late at night.
It’s a genuine question, though. Instead of stomping around on the playground down the slope with your friends, you have effectively trapped Minho next to you atop a nearby hill. Your legs are outstretched before you, your shoes innocently tapping against his as you rock your feet side to side. Your arm sits comfortably next to his, and your head rests on his shoulder. He’s all but stuck now, like sap on a maple tree in January, and if you don’t move soon, he’ll be doomed to spend the rest of the night here in the grass.
He feels you shrug next to him.
“Hmm?” Minho hums. His eyes widen just slightly as you scoot closer. Your hand brushes against his, and your fingers lazily drum a pattern into the warm earth below you. He tries to ignore this and pokes you repeatedly in the arm.
“Come onnnn…” he says. “When are you gonna get up?”
Your quiet “I dunno” in response fills his ears.
“What do you meeeaaann, ‘I dunno’?” He makes a show of rolling his eyes, then clicks his tongue. “Why don’t you wanna get up, hmm?”
A scream echoes through the park and makes Minho look up for a moment. Changbin’s short figure flies through the air, his arms flailing. The swing behind him rocks erratically as he falls onto the mulch with a thud. Wooyoung points and cackles loudly from the swing next to him, but quickly lets out a shriek of his own and grips onto the metal chains. Further right, Jungwoo and Chaeryeong’s silhouettes chase each other around on the main playground equipment. Lampposts at the edge of the playground cast a dim yellow glow across the space, like the ones in retro film recordings. Minho can imagine the little “PLAY” icon floating at the top left of the scene, blinking periodically several feet above the dark blue awning.
He feels a light tap against his shoe again.
“Owww!” Minho feigns a cry. He picks up his feet and swipes them away from you in one swift move, the corners of his lips pulling down in an exaggerated pout. “Y/N, that hurt~ how dare you…” 
Looking back at you, you’re mindlessly clicking your feet against each other, and you’re still all cuddled up on his shoulder. His heart thumps a little louder in his chest when you shove your head closer to him.
“Yah, Y/N…”
“Hmm...” Your soft hum comes out more as a statement than a reply.
You flutter your eyes closed, your lashes gently batting against your skin. He heaves out a sigh, and the warm breeze tickles his cheeks with a light blush. It seems to have more mercy on you, though, as it delicately brushes your stray hairs away from your forehead, framing your face perfectly. Almost too perfectly. The crickets blend into the quiet air as he takes in the sight.
“Hey…” Minho tries one more time. He tilts his head slightly as he gazes at you. “Why don’t you get up? Our friends are waiting.”
The breeze picks up for just a moment, making you scrunch up your nose. Minho gestures down the hill. It’s getting more difficult to look away from you. “See?” he continues. “Playground's right over there. ‘S loads more fun than I am.”
Another shriek rings out from the playground area. Chaeryeong lies in an awkward position at the bottom of the slide. The wind picks up again at the same time, whistling against Minho’s ears right as Chaeryeong yells something at Jungwoo. All he can make out is another scream as Jungwoo tumbles down the slide and knocks Chaeryeong onto the gravel.
But a light tap sings louder to Minho than all of it.
Looking back at you, his eyes trace down, stopping where your fingers meet his arm. As light as a hummingbird’s wing beat, your fingers tap across his forearm and leave a path of spreading warmth in their wake. They seem to float in the air as they skip further down. Your touch, so faint and gentle, nearly lulls him to sleep. He lets his eyes fall shut.
It’s like Minho is at the beach for a moment, and your fingers brushing against his skin are the ocean waves calmly swaying over his feet. Then, he feels a sudden blast as a tidal wave crashes over him, its currents pulling him under and leaving him unable to breathe. His eyes snap open and right toward the spot where your hand has come to a gentle rest over the top of his own.
Minho’s eyes meet your soft ones. Your head is still comfortably nestled on his shoulder, and your cheeks seem to glow in the dark when you smile at him. For a moment, perhaps a moment too long, time comes to a still as he takes you in, watching you slowly melt into his side. You look so at peace, and he dare not disturb you, despite his urge to spring up and run down the hill and scream at Changbin. Thankfully, he’s too engrossed in the feeling of your hand on top of his to even try. He thanks his lucky stars once more that you’re also looking down at your hands, so you can’t notice the blood rushing to the tips of his ears.
Slowly, he spreads his fingers and gently threads them with yours. He glances at you, then looks down at his lap, a shy smile finally forming on his lips.
“Ah…” he says softly. “ Our friends can wait a little.”
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marlynnofmany · 11 days
I Know A Guy
The post office on this space station was close to the landing docks, nice and convenient, so several of us went to check our mail while Captain Sunlight met with the sister ship. Not all of the crew had mail drops set up, but I did; this station was a big hub that we stopped at with some regularity. Perfect for relaying the occasional news from home.
And care packages, as it turned out.
I opened the box with some curiosity, sitting on a bench while the others waited in line and the spaceport bustled around us. Inside I found multivitamins, a letter from my parents, a type of cereal that I’d loved as a kid, and a smaller box with a sun logo.
“Ooh, what’d you get?” Paint asked, trotting over with her own box clutched to her scaly orange chest.
“A lot of stuff,” I said in distraction, turning the sun box in search of words. No luck. I opened it to find a fist-sized yellow globe and a base with lots of buttons. And an instruction booklet, thankfully. “Oh, it’s a sun lamp!”
“It even looks like a little sun; how nice! Is it warm, or just bright?” Paint gave it an appreciative look while she opened her package.
“Not sure yet.” I skimmed the instructions and decided to leave that for later. “It’s thoughtful, though. I think my parents were concerned that I’m not getting enough Vitamin D up in space. And other vitamins.” I rattled the bottle.
“That’s a lot of vitamins.”
“Yup. And look, they found the discontinued cereal! I thought it was gone for good.” I carefully opened a corner and fished out a palmful of the maple syrup flavored crunchy goodness that I hadn’t had in years. It was just as tasty as I’d remembered.
Paint sniffed the air. “I don’t recognize that smell. What kind of food is it?”
“Breakfast food,” I said. “I think it’s wheat based, so it’s basically made from ground-up seeds, and flavored with sweet tree sap.”
“That’s … creative,” Paint said.
“Delicious, too. Most tree saps aren’t worth eating, but this one is.” I crunched another mouthful. “Want some?”
“No thank you,” was the prim answer that I’d fully expected. “But look what I got! Fancy heat stickers!” Paint held up a stack of vividly colored starburst shapes, fanned out like playing cards. “I’m going to see if Sunlight, Coals, and Eggskin want any.”
“Thoughtful of you,” I said, closing up the cereal. All four of the lizardy Heatseekers on our ship enjoyed warm things. The ambient temperature was always kept at a comfortable compromise for the various species onboard, but a handy little warm sticker that wouldn’t get in the way was bound to be appreciated.
“Oh, they’re even scented,” Paint said, rubbing one against her snout. “I’m going to have to order more of these.” She sorted through the stack, checking scents and color variations.
Mur and Zhee were still in line, stuck behind a Frillian who was shipping many things to many places, so I settled in to read the note from home while I waited. It was a nice update on the various goings-on of the extended family; all reasonably good news, nothing earth-shattering. Somebody got a scholarship, somebody had twins, somebody was doing well in a competitive bumper-ship derby league, and was incredibly excited about it. There was a lot of detail about that one. I got the impression that this particular second cousin had given everybody a rundown at a family gathering, so now they all knew more about the best types of shrapnel shielding than they probably wanted to. Sounded like the favorite was a human-made version, combining tech that other species had already come up with. The force field worked with the ship’s scanner to predict which parts of the shield would need the most power for a given impact. My cousin was a big fan.
The quiet slap of tentacles on the ground accompanied Mur. “Well that was a long wait,” he said. “But now I’m all set for media for the foreseeable future.” He held a data chip in one tentacle.
Zhee was right behind him, hissing in what sounded like joy instead of irritation for once. He set a box down between his bug feet, not waiting for a bench, and tore it open with his pincher arms. Inside was something that looked like another kind of data chip, and something with straps that I couldn’t begin to figure out.
“Excellent,” Zhee said. “The correct version, the highest quality, and Trrili does not get to listen to it, heathen that she is.”
It took me a second. “Oh, that’s music?” I thought back to the impassioned rant about Trrili’s incorrect opinions on traditional Mesmer leg-singing. I hoped Zhee played it quietly. “And is that — I want to say ‘headphones,’ but—”
“Personal speakers, yes,” Zhee said as he stuffed it all back in the box. “I will be able to listen to the glorious arias in privacy.”
Paint nodded. “Great idea.” She’d heard the leg-singing when I did, and probably wasn’t eager to hear the artful screeching again.
I was trying to guess whether Zhee would be offended if I asked where his ears were, since it occurred to me that I didn’t actually know. But the others were gathering up their things to head back to the ship, and I decided to put it off until later. Maybe I’d ask Eggskin the medic instead.
Something occurred to me as I put the letter back in the box. “Hey guys, pose for a second. I want to send my family a picture with some of my cool alien coworkers.”
The three of them agreed that they were awesome and worth photographing. (Their responses ranged from excited to confident to egotistical.) A few moments later, I had a fantastic group selfie to send with my letter back. Paint’s open-mouthed lizard smile was adorable; Mur stood tall on his blue-black tentacles; Zhee loomed over all of us with the lights shining off his purple exoskeleton; then there was me grinning in the front. I’d definitely be keeping a copy of this.
We made our way back to the ship where it was parked next to a similar lemon-shaped courier ship with folded solar sails. The two captains hadn’t gone inside yet, which made me wonder what they were discussing with such intense expressions.
As we approached, Captain Sunlight was saying, “I may know someone who can help us out, but I’d hate to give him the satisfaction.”
She broke off when Paint trotted up to give her a handful of heat stickers and to show off the blue-white one she herself was wearing. Apparently it smelled like a plant I’d never heard of.
“Thank you; that’s very thoughtful,” Captain Sunlight said. “Those sound like just the thing.” She picked out a green one and pasted it to her own chest, where it contrasted nicely with her yellow scales.
Zhee and Mur tromped into the ship. I lingered, curious. “Is all the ship business going all right?” I asked.
“For the moment,” the captain said as she stowed the rest of the stickers and the backing for that one in her belt pouch. “Just considering our options with some monetary considerations.”
Captain Kamm waved a tentacle. “Both ships are on the family plan for damage insurance, and the rates have made an unpleasant jump.”
I shifted the box to my other side. “Do we need to earn more money?”
“No, it will be all right.” Captain Sunlight shook her head. “I have a lead on a better deal. I just need to make a call or two.”
Captain Kamm ushered us all into our ship, wasting no time. Paint disappeared to share her heat stickers while the two captains adjourned to the lounge. I put my things away and hurried back. No one had told me to mind my own business, so I was going to listen in before writing a letter to send back home.
I was quick, but Captain Sunlight was quicker. She was just ending the holo call when I arrived. A green-scaled Heatseeker gazed earnestly from the projection, urging her to get back to him as soon as she could.
“If you can get better shields, I can promise you a savings of at least 15% compared to your current plan!”
“Yes, thank you,” Captain Sunlight said. “I’ll see what I can do. Say hi to the elders for me.”
He said he would, and she turned off the projection with another deep sigh. Captain Kamm sat next to her, weaving tentacles together thoughtfully.
Captain Sunlight tossed the communicator onto the table and sat back with folded arms. “Of course it couldn’t be that simple. He talks a good game at every gathering, but oh no: prerequisites.”
I sat down at the end of the couch, absently petting Telly who was curled up in the center. In proper cat fashion, she responded by stretching to take up even more space. I was thinking about what the captain had just said about shields.
I asked, “Does he need a certain kind in order to get us the better deal?”
Captain Sunlight waved a hand. “Just a higher degree of resistance to micrometeorites. The shielding we have is perfectly serviceable, but it’s apparently not enough for the good rates.”
“Would we need to overhaul everything, or would it be enough to layer another kind over what we have? Like, say, a kind that connects to the ship’s scanners?”
The captain gave me a look. “Do you have a specific type in mind?”
“Possibly,” I said. “Are you familiar with bumper-ship derbies?”
Captain Kamm twirled a tentacle. “That’s some of the human ‘adrenaline junkie’ nonsense, yes?”
“I think there are some Smashers and other races that really get into it as well, but yes,” I said. “The letter from home I just got mentioned the shielding they use.”
I explained what I knew while they listened intently. Paint came in to join us and sat on the other side of Telly, who took the extra attention as her due. By the time I was done talking, everyone in the room was looking optimistic.
“Go ahead and reach out,” Captain Sunlight said. “We don’t have to rush off anytime soon. With any luck, we can get all this settled at once.”
“Here’s hoping!” Captain Kamm said, touching four tentacle-tips together over her head in what looked like the Strongarm version of crossed fingers.
“I’ll see if I can route a call through to home now,” I said, getting up.
Telly meowed in protest at the movement, then crawled onto Paint’s lap and rubbed her head against the heat sticker, purring audibly. Paint looked delighted.
I left with a wave, hurrying off to my quarters with plans to make a phone call, potentially save the day, then set up the sun lamp for the benefit of a certain fuzzy little heat-lover as well as for my own sake.
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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breelandwalker · 21 days
Happy Turning Day!
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This is the movable holiday in my personal calendar when the approach of autumn is celebrated. Turning Day marks the day when reddening maple leaves are first observed prior to the autumn solstice. In my area, this typically happens in early September.
Maple trees tend to be the first trees to display seasonal changes. They blossom in late winter/early spring, their seeds begin to drop in early summer, they often show the first signs of color change in early autumn, and their sap runs in winter the minute the weather starts to turn toward spring thaw. Thus I look to them in my practice as harbingers of change and the cycles of life, growth, and harvest.
Other personal holidays in my calendar include:
First Robin Day - the day on which the first wild robin is seen following the winter solstice, heralding the spring
First Flowers Day - the day on which early blooms are first observed in local gardens before the spring solstice
Planting Day - the day on which I plant my first round of seeds for the year
Dandelion Day - the day on which the first yellow dandelion appears in my yard in springtime, heralding the summer
Falling Flowers - the period during which blossoms from cherry or myrtle trees start to come loose and drift on the wind or collect in piles
Spirit Day - the day on which the local Spirit Halloween opens
First Frost - the day on which frost is first observed on windows ahead of the winter solstice
(Due to climate change and my local climate zone being different from the one I was raised in, seasonal changes are a bit off-kilter and solstices and equinoxes don't always directly align with the type of weather I grew up knowing. So watching for these little signs helps me to celebrate those changes and have something to look forward to.)
Note: This is my UPG (Unshared Personal Gnosis) and thus is not subject to peer review or approval, nor do I expect it to fit perfectly into or account for the beliefs of others. That being said, the creation of personal holidays and observances is a practice as old as humanity and I happily encourage others to try out the idea themselves if they feel so inclined.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You can also check out my show Hex Positive on the Nerd & Tie Podcast Network and wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
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violet-1atte · 10 months
Kinktober Day Thirty-One: A/B/O - Felix/Changbin
The grand finale! <3
Tags: Alpha!Felix, omega!Changbin, alpha/omega dynamics, mating cycles/heat, mating bites, claiming, breeding, pregnancy discussion, implied mpreg, scent kink
AO3 Link
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“Felix, it's time. Hyunjin and Jisung and I are going to leave to give you guys some privacy. Take care of him.” 
It’s time. 
The dorm smelled overwhelmingly sweet. Maple and vanilla with a hint of cinnamon hit Felix in the face the second he opened the door. It was so strong it made his eyes water, but at the same time, his mouth watered as well. His fangs poked at the inside of his bottom lip and his nostrils flared. Omega, his alpha supplied. My omega. He kicked off his shoes by the door and rushed to Changbin’s room. 
As he got to the door, hints of distress mixed in with the sweetness of Changbin’s scent, an ashy smell like the smoke of a campfire. Felix took a deep breath to stabilize himself before he opened the door. And then he stepped inside.  
Changbin was on the bed, surrounded by a pile of blankets and clothes, ranging from his own shirts to Chan’s, to even Minho’s–his nest. Another thing Felix quickly noticed was that he was completely naked and he was whining, the high keen immediately filling his ears as he stepped closer. He did his best to turn his own citrusy scent calming–anything to remove the distress from Changbin’s scent. 
“Binnie,” Felix called softly. He stood at the edge of the nest, not wanting to get in until Changbin gave him express permission. It was taking a great amount of self control not to pounce Changbin right then and there. He looked so pretty all spread out in his nest. He’d gotten a little chubby lately as they prepared for this heat and that only made him more enticing. He looked so soft and supple. Perfect for Felix to sink his teeth into–
“ Alpha ,” Changbin whined, bringing Felix out of his own desire-fueled thoughts. He turned over on the bed and faced Felix and oh he looked so pretty, his cheeks red like ripened fruit and his eyes cloudy and dazed with heat. 
“I’m here,” Felix said softly. “Can I come in?” 
“Please,” Changbin sniffed, voice a little pained, and that was all Felix needed to join him in his nest and pull him into his arms. His skin was burning up, already feverish from his heat, and he was shaking. It made his inner alpha whine pathetically, screaming at him to comfort, comfort, comfort . He nosed at Changbin’s scent gland and inhaled deeply as he began to scent him, releasing calming pheromones as much as he could. Changbin whimpered softly as citrus mixed with sugar and bloomed throughout the room. Felix always loved how their scents combined. Perfect, sweet, delicious, like a bakery during the summer time, full of rich, ripe fruit mixed into sugary baked goods and pastries that melt on your tongue. 
“I’ve got you,” Felix mumbled against Changbin’s heated skin. The omega began to relax in his arms and he stopped shaking as much. He was still just as hot but the distress had melted out of his scent and Felix was instead hit with the full force of his sweetness. His gums burned as arousal mixed into the air and coated his lungs like sap. Fuck . Changbin’s slick. 
Changbin squirmed and whined as his arms came to wrap around Felix. Despite his softness, he was still so strong, stronger than Felix even. People often mistook Changbin as an alpha but Felix knew how wrong that assumption was. He was strong and powerful, but he was strong as an omega. 
“Felix, I want–” Changbin started, struggling to find words through the fog in his brain. “It–it hurts. Please. Need you,” he whimpered. Felix inhaled slowly as arousal swirled in his stomach. He was already hard, and was practically the moment he stepped in the door. 
“My omega,” Felix drawled, sitting back so he could cup Changbin’s cheeks. “I’m gonna take care of you. Don’t worry.” 
“Mate? You’ll claim me, right?” he asked simply and Felix’s heartbeat stuttered in his chest. Right. That was what Chan was talking about. It’s time . Time for him and Changbin to mate. 
They had been planning this for a while. The group was at a stable point in their career and as a pack. Minho and Jisung were already mated and Hyunjin and Seungmin were planning on it soon but somehow had more patience. Felix and Changbin couldn’t wait, but Chan still had to get permission from the company. It wasn’t unheard of for an omega to get pregnant the moment they were mated and that would create a lot of issues with the group without proper planning. Minho and Jisung had been lucky. Felix didn’t want to be lucky. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna make you mine,” Felix all but growled. His gums stung more but he ignored it. He wanted to draw this out. 
Changbin rolled over and Felix let him, even though he wanted to keep his arms around him forever. Then Changbin arched his back and spread his knees apart so that his ass was in the air, his dripping hole on perfect display for Felix. He was full-on presenting. Saliva flooded Felix’s mouth as he took in the sight–his inner thighs and ass shiny with slick, his pink hole fluttering, desperate for a knot, his curves and the roundness of his tummy, begging for Felix to breed him and fill him up with pups–he wanted to devour him. 
“Fuck, Changbin, you’re so pretty,” Felix breathed, moving behind him. 
He placed his hands on Changbin’s ass cheeks and dug his fingers into the soft flesh. Even though his hands were small, he was strong, and Changbin’s skin would probably bruise later. “P-please, alpha. Touch me,” Changbin whimpered, arching his back further. Felix licked his lips as he spread Changbin’s cheeks apart, heat spreading through his stomach as a glob of slick dripped out of his hole. The sweet maple and vanilla was so strong it was making Felix a little lightheaded. His mouth watered. 
Changbin began to whine again but then Felix leaned forward and without a warning, licked all the way up his perineum to his hole. He collected his slick on his tongue and swallowed it down with a groan. It tasted just like it smelled. “You’re so delicious,” Felix groaned. Changbin gasped when he pushed the tip of his tongue past his hole and began to lick at his velvety walls. His legs were already shaking as Felix started thrusting his tongue in and out of him, eating him out like a man starved. 
The sounds of pleasure Changbin was making went straight to Felix’s cock and he knew it wouldn’t take long for his knot to form. But he held himself back. He needed to be there for all of Changbin’s heat. 
“I-I’m– ahhh —alpha,” Changbin moaned, hole clenching around Felix’s tongue. Felix continued licking into him and added two fingers into the mix, the digits sliding in easily with how wet Changbin was. He mewled as Felix spread him out with his fingers, sweet, whiny sounds falling from his lips. 
“Hhh– hnngg –I’m gonna come,” he gasped, a shudder wracking his body as Felix curled his fingers. He hummed against Changbin’s hole in response. Getting Changbin to come had become a need of his own. He needed it more than anything. His alpha was ecstatic that he was pleasuring his omega. 
Changbin cried out as Felix pulled his first orgasm out of him. His little cock spurted cum all over the sheets and more slick spilled from his hole and coated his thighs and Felix’s chin. Felix swallowed what he could and licked the rest from his lips. “Fuck,” he muttered, straightening himself up. “You taste so good, Binnie. Can’t believe you’re all mine. All mine.” 
Changbin’s skin was flushed all over. The pink stain fit well with his moans as Felix started fingering him again once he had calmed down from his first orgasm. The first of many. Instead of adding his tongue this time he added a third finger and pushed them deeper. Changbin writhed on the bed and his thighs and arms quivered as he struggled to hold himself up. Even for all his strength there was only so much he could take. 
“Mmm!–oh gosh, f-fuck,” Changbin gasped suddenly, his hips jerking. Felix grinned. He felt a slight change in texture under his fingertips–Changbin’s prostate. He hadn’t even needed to touch it to make Changbin come the first time, but his omega had always been so sensitive. “ Please –I can’t, I can’t,” he whimpered. 
Felix squeezed his plush thigh and pumped his fingers in and out of him. His hand was coated in slick already from how much Changbin was dripping. His scent permeated the air and rested over them like a thick blanket. It was so hot and Felix wanted to burn in it. “You can,” he reassured him. He caressed his thigh as he rubbed his fingers over his prostate. “You can come for me again. I know you can. You’ll be a good omega for me, right, hyung?” 
Changbin choked on a moan and nodded. His face was pressed against the bed and his cheeks were splotchy with pink. “Yes, yes,” he responded with vigorous nods. “I can, please, F-Felix, alpha.” 
Felix bit his teeth and dug his fingertips into Changbin’s thigh. He could taste the copper on his tongue from his fangs digging into his lip and his gums burned with the urge to bite. He spread his fingers and arousal exploded in his belly at the way the entirety of Changbin’s soft body quivered. His noises got progressively more high pitched as Felix fucked him with his fingers and his touches turned rougher. It was music to Felix’s ears. 
“I’m–hah–clo-close, aaahhh. Felix, Felix, please.”
“You’re taking my fingers so well,” Felix complimented. It was taking everything in him to not lose his resolve. “So perfect, so good for me, Changbinnie. Such a good boy,” he whispered, his low voice a sharp contrast with Changbin’s desperate mewls. 
It didn’t take long for Changbin to reach his second orgasm, this one hitting him harder than the first when Felix gave a particularly hard thrust of his fingers. He made a choked sound that almost sounded like a sob and he collapsed forward as he came, more cum dripping from his cock. His hole spasmed around Felix’s fingers and let out little whines as he thrusted them in deep, until Changbin was gasping for him to stop. 
“You’re so pretty,” Felix praised, his voice soft. He helped Changbin roll over onto his back so that he could see his face properly and the sight of his debauched expression nearly pulled a growl from his chest. His eyelashes were wet with unshed tears and his lips were red and swollen, slick from the brush of his tongue. He bit his lip, his fangs glinting in the midday light. Changbin’s breath hitched and he tilted his head to the side, barring his neck. 
“Alpha,” he moaned. He spread his legs. His cock was still hard against his soft tummy. Felix wanted to bite him everywhere. His skin was perfect, unblemished–a perfect canvas for Felix to decorate. 
He started with his thighs. He was still so hot that his skin warmed Felix’s mouth as he laved over the first bite mark with his tongue. His thighs were sticky with slick and sweat and he tasted divine.
Shivers shook Changbin’s thighs and goosebumps rose all over his skin as Felix made his way up his body, sucking on all his softest parts–biting the swell of his tummy, the soft flesh of breasts. The closer he got to Changbin’s neck the more he wanted to sink his teeth into him, mark him, claim him as his mate. There were already bite marks littering Changbin’s skin and hickeys blooming in red and purple hues. But Felix wanted to save the real marking for when he knotted him. 
When he reached Changbin’s face, the omega wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a kiss. There was no finesse behind it and it was more tongue and teeth than anything, but it was Changbin . His mouth tasted so sweet and his little gasps and mewls against his mouth sent arousal licking up his spine. “Wan’ you to fuck me,” Changbin whimpered once they separated. His pupils were blown and there was a haze over them. He was deep into his heat and Felix could sense his need and it clawed at his insides. “I need it, please. I’m so wet I–please, n-need your knot,” he begged. 
Felix swallowed thickly and licked his lips. Fuck, Changbin was all his . 
“I’ve got you, baby. Do you want it like this?” he asked, running his hand down Changbin’s torso. He couldn’t resist squeezing a small handful of the chub settled around his middle. 
More vanilla-soaked arousal flooded the air at Felix’s touch and if it was even possible, Changbin’s cheeks turned even redder. “L-like this please,” he replied. 
Suddenly, his face twisted and he whimpered as a wave of cramps hit him. The sugar in his scent turned smokey again and Felix frowned as his alpha picked up on his omega’s distress. “H-hurts, alpha, m-make me–make me f-feel good,” Changbin cried, his body arching underneath Felix. 
Felix knew he couldn’t waste time so he planted another kiss on Changbin’s full lips and then slipped down between his spread thighs. The sheets below his ass were soaked with slick and his hole was clenching around nothing. “Every part of you–fuck. Shit. The prettiest fucking thing ever, ” he groaned. He scrambled out of his clothes, tossing them somewhere in the pile that made up Changbin’s nest so he could have them for his heat. He had to remind himself that this heat would still last another day and he would have plenty of time to take Changbin apart piece by piece. But for now, he needed his alpha’s knot. And Felix needed to feel him around him. He was so hard it hurt, so hard he had trouble thinking. 
It was his instincts taking over as he pressed the tip of his leaking cock to Changbin’s hole, the head easily slipping past his rim with no resistance. He didn’t worry about protection. He wanted to see Changbin’s belly swollen with his pups. Their pups. 
Changbin moaned wantonly as Felix pushed his legs back and his cock filled him up. He clenched around him and Felix gritted his teeth, a deep moan vibrating in his throat. “Fuck, you feel so good around me. It’s like you were made for me, hyung,” he said reverently. Changbin only moaned in response, already too far gone to form any proper thoughts. Felix was going to fuck him senseless . 
He pushed his cock in until his hips were pressed against Changbin’s ass. He was still so tight even though he’d fingered him already. The wet heat surrounding his cock made him dizzy with pleasure so he gave himself a second to adjust, hands pressed firmly against Changbin’s thighs. But Changbin was squirmy, clearly needing more as he pushed his hips forward, whining for Felix to do something please . And fuck, Felix was so weak for him. 
He pushed Changbin’s legs back toward his chest and pulled out, the action producing a loud squelch from the amount of slick coating his walls. Changbin immediately whined from the loss, desperate pleas already falling from his mouth, but Felix was quick to ease him, filling him up again with one quick snap of his hips. 
“ Ahh! ” Changbin mewled, tossing his head back into the soft piles of his nest. Felix growled, a low, soft rumble in his chest and Changbin tilted his head to the side to present himself in response. “Alpha, alpha–” 
“So good,” Felix gritted. “Fuck, you feel so good. My baby, my omega you’re so–shit.” His head felt like cotton. The mix of their scents in the air, the heat of Changbin’s feverish body, the feeling of skin on skin, the loud moans each of his thrusts punched from Changbin–it caused pleasure to burst through his stomach and tingle up and down his spine like electricity. 
“Fu-uckk,” Changbin hiccupped, followed by a long whine. “H-harder, please, bread me– hhngg– alpha, alpha,” he chanted. His eyes rolled back as Felix thrusted his cock deeper, hitting his prostate dead on. His little cock bobbed against his tummy with each jab of Felix’s hips and the precum smeared across his smooth skin. He was such a pretty sight. Mine, all mine, Felix thought. 
Heat pooled in his stomach as Changbin clenched around him and cried out, his pretty mouth parted as he moaned. “ Aaahh –Fe-Felix–gonna–nghh–knot me p-please, want your pups,” he begged. Felix groaned and Changbin’s eyes rolled back as he picked up his pace and fucked him harder, digging his fingertips into Changbin’s supple thighs so hard that there would be bruises and nail marks left later. 
“You’re gonna–fuck–gonna look so, s-so pretty like that, Binnie,” Felix moaned. Pleasure tugged at his insides and he could already feel his knot beginning to form, the slight bulb catching on Changbin’s rim whenever he pulled out. Changbin was getting close too, judging by the way his eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. The pink matched the marks Felix left all over his body and the flush of his round cheeks. 
Felix’s knot filled up more and Changbin let out a cry as he pushed it back in. He was already stretched so much and the knot filled him up more than the entirety of Felix’s cock. “‘S too much,” he gasped, making little fists in the sheets. “I-I can’t take it–you’re splitting me in half. ”
A shiver ran over Felix’s body. “Shh, yes you can,” he said soothingly. He tossed Changbin’s legs over his shoulders and leaned between his thighs to reach for his hand. He brought his wrist up to his face and nuzzled against it, scenting him with fresh citrus. Changbin’s eyes glazed over and he let out a breathy moan. His body went entirely pliant in Felix’s hold and the alpha smiled brightly. “That’s a good omega. You gonna come for me? Then you can get my knot,” he said. 
His vigorous nods were followed by another thrust of Felix’s hips, this one more gentle than the others, but still enough to make Changbin keen. “Y-yes,” he stuttered. “Want it. ‘M gonna come, please, please mark me. Please. ” 
Felix’s gums hurt, his jaw ached. “Fuck,” he breathed. “ Fuck.” 
He pulled out one more time and that snapped his hips forward, pushing his fully formed knot past Changbin’s puffy rim. That was what the omega needed to come and he sobbed, his eyes rolling back as his hole spasmed around Felix’s knot. His cock spurted weakly, already spent from his first two orgasms. He looked so beautiful with his mouth hanging open, moans flowing freely past his red lips. Felix growled again and clenched his jaw. “My omega. Mine.” 
“Yours, yours,” Changbin replied “Fill me up, alpha, breed me.” 
Felix groaned and dropped his head as his orgasm hit him, his hips jerking as his cum spilled inside Changbin. The scent of his own arousal almost overcame Changbin’s as he pressed deeper, pushing Changbin back until his hips lifted off the bed. 
The urge to bite him, mate him, claim him, suddenly overwhelmed Felix and he couldn’t hold back anymore. He went between Changbin’s legs and as he filled him up and moved one of his hands beside Changbin’s head to cage him in. Then he dipped his head and attached his mouth to the juncture of his neck and shoulder, right over his scent gland. 
Changbin’s breath hitched and his body stilled. “Alpha,” he muttered. “Felix.” 
Felix hummed against his skin and licked over his scent gland. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. He felt like his veins were electrified. This was it. He and Changbin would finally be one. 
He scraped his teeth over his skin, testing the waters, and then bit down, hard . Changbin gasped and his body jerked as his fangs sank into his flesh. Blood flooded Felix’s mouth and ran down his chin and Changbin’s shoulder and there was no way it didn’t hurt even though he didn’t make a sound. He could smell the smoke in his scent again from the pain but he knew it would all be gone in a moment. 
He stayed just like that for a moment, waiting for their bond to set it and slowly Changbin settled. Then, he felt like he was blooming, an overwhelming feeling of love , joy, peace, running down his body like the blood running down his chin. He could feel Changbin more intensely than he’d ever felt him. The room smelled like orange blossoms and syrup and them . Tears sprung to his eyes and ran down his cheeks. His chest felt so full. 
Changbin whimpered above him and wrapped his arms around him. The touch of his skin lit Felix on fire. Oh, had they been missing out. “Do you feel that?” Changbin asked, his voice choked up. 
Felix hummed and his lips curled into a smile even as tears streamed down his cheeks. He finally pulled off Changbin and licked over the wound to clean up the blood and wiped his lips and chin. “I do,” he said softly, nodding. “It feels amazing.” 
“It does,” Changbin said back, biting his plush bottom lip. “I can feel everything.” 
“Yeah?” Felix asked, letting out a watery laugh. 
“Yeah.” Changbin smiled warmly and pulled Felix down to kiss him. They took their time with this kiss, lips moving in tandem, no urgency behind it. Changbin’s fever had broken and he would have a little respite before his heat kicked up again and they would have to leave all the niceties behind. But for now, Felix could be sweet and gentle. He could let Changbin lick into his mouth and press kisses to his jaw without any rush. 
“You’re officially my alpha,” Changbin said happily, giggling a little as Felix continued his incessant kisses. 
“I’ve always been your alpha,” he said, kissing the corner of his lips, then his chin, then his cheek. 
“But now everyone will know. I’m really yours. And you’re mine. My pretty alpha.” 
Felix blushed and he dropped his head to hide against Changbin’s shoulder. “You can’t get shy now! Your knot’s still inside me, Lix.” He clenched around him as if to prove his point and Felix groaned, clenching his fists. 
“Don’t do that! This knot needs to go down before I can go again,” he said. 
Changbin laughed and the action shook his chest. “Do you…do you really think I’ll have pups now?” he asked softly after a moment. 
Felix lifted his head and smiled. “I’m sure. You’re perfect. We’ll have our little babies.” They would know for sure in about two weeks. Changbin’s scent would change. It would turn softer, gentler, promising. And even if this knot didn’t take, they still had almost two whole days left.
“Good,” Changbin hummed. He ran his fingers down Felix’s spine and the alpha practically purred. “You’ll be the best daddy.” 
Felix could have cried right then and there. And he did. More tears streamed down his face and he groaned as he hid himself against Changbin again. “You’re supposed to be the emotional one now!” he groaned and Changbin just laughed at his expense again. 
“My cute alpha. With the biggest heart. It’s hot. Makes me wanna ride you.” 
Felix gasped, scandalized. “I liked you a lot better two minutes ago. Go to sleep. You need to rest before your next wave hits anyway. 
Changbin giggled and ruffled Felix’s messy hair. “Yes, alpha. Your wish is my command.”  
Felix nipped at his chest and he would have wrestled him if they weren’t still knotted together and he wasn’t tired. Eventually Changbin’s laughter died down and they were able to fall asleep, a blanket of their own bonded scents warming them into dreamless slumber.
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ntls-24722 · 1 month
Domesticated crops! (and secret not-plants)
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This post is more for me and actually putting to paper the things that the Bolur species would eat. I had more fun than I thought I would've.
cw? tw? for unsanitary mentions sorta
Going from top-to-right,
Land Barnacles
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Exactly what they sound like. Did you know that Earth barnacles are arthropods? That they're crustaceans? I got inspo from that. Juveniles, like Earth barnacles, are mobile and have very inefficient, blanket-y wings that they will use to one day cement themselves onto the ground, hopefully next to another one of their barnacle colleagues for reproductive purposes. Their abdomens are actually folded so that their anuses are right next to their mouths, because like an aphid, they have a very sugary, liquidy waste that (alongside their floral-looking heads) brings in a lot of bugs for them to eat! When bugs try to feed on their waste, they use the remnants of their tube feet to grab them and eat them.
Zebrapeople cultivate land barnacles in order to drill holes right into their abdomens and harvest their honeydew. It's like a gross version of drilling holes in maple trees for maple syrup. I imagine they view it kind of like hot dogs, so tasty but so grossly made...
Floor Climbers
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They're these kind of "flatworms" that eat underwater plant growths and store them in their skin to be able to photosynthesize for themselves. Their blankety backsides is the part of them with the most, so they evolved to completely have that part of them be a solar panel blanket and just walk with their front.... well, they never had legs, but they now have "legs." They're handstanding everywhere
They're invasive little shits that reproduce like rabbits. They're introduced to small, usually music man-made bodies of water in order for them to completely take over, and for the music men to harvest. They're really chewy and savory if you cook them right. Might be a little poisonous if you undercook them, so it's better to burn your climbers than have them medium rare.
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They evolved that Phat Root in order to anchor themselves in the water. They have flowers at the base of their main stem for bugs that walk on water to pollinate, and to make sure they don't move around too much, their stem and leaves became super aerodynamic to the point it looks like a big red feather coming out of the water.
Amber Tree
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MISNOMER. NOT A TREE. LAND CORAL! Sometimes called "cow sails" from the way its topmost "branches" and leaves just hang down over everything like a debu's sail does. Since its branches are thin, its limestone outer layer is at risk of breaking a lot, so it evolved this really thick sap so bugs don't try and take advantage of its downfall.
Except, well, Debu took advantage of its sap. It's a cash crop! Badlands Debu harvest its super thick, fast drying sap to kind of make instant-amber, dipping various things in it to make jewlery. Things like...
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Imagine if a sunflower, when it got pollinated, became a giant dandelion. That's thansum, the complimentary Debu cash crop to amber trees, which is the most popular thing to dip in its amber. But it's not just a Debu cash crop, it's also used to make paper and cloth for zebrapeople, mostly zebraelves. They crush its seedlings up and add water to make a thansum-meal out of it - if they use more seedling and dry it, it becomes paper. If they use more fluff, then it becomes cloth! Or they can eat thansum-meal straight up if they're desperate. It's not poisonous, but it's a very sad meal, don't eat thansum-meal
Spittle Berries
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So, i've been excited to talk about this, because lemme tell you the more popular way that Bolur plants reproduce. Spittle berries are fruits, they are Bolur fruits, but bolur fruits are special - they are the flower, the leaf, and the fruit all at once. The method is that fruits are made through leaves, leaves that're inflated full of gametes covered in a soft shell (think like a pomegranate seed) and fruit "meat", which in turn also colors them a striking (ususally cool) color. When something eats a Bolur fruit, the soft shell that their sperm and eggs were covered in gets dissolved and they meet up together in the stomach. The gametes themselves are made of some gross, hard-to-digest material so that they remain unharmed, and so that they can become embryos by the time whatever ate it passes them through their system, right into some fresh fertilizer that they can grow out of. Spittle berries are the least interesting fruit in that it's just a fruit, but they're a perfect introductory fruit for the weirder ones, like:
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The only fruit actively being selected for cuteness! It's also a debu specific - the squash evolved to be eaten specifically by mountain cows since the shell their gametes are covered in are too tough to be digested by most other animal. So if a zebraperson wants to eat, they might want to take those out lest those bigass "seed" gametes gives them blockage.
It's less cuteness, but more "liveliness," if that makes any sense? Looking more and more like a little animal, a little dude. The eyes are getting bigger and the originally modest striping is becoming more exaggerated to look like a spitting monkey.
And finally,
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The only plant here to have a skeleton. It's the "shrub" version of a land coral where its base will have a dense limestone skeleton for its photosynthetic parts to pop out of, and soft pith to be protected underneath. Bempo actually takes forever to grow, because it takes years for it to build up its "pyramid" base. But when it does, then you are set, because fruit-bearing coral-shrubs like bempo have the shortest growth times for its fruit to the point where you can watch and hear the growth of its giant fruit plates that adorn the top of its base.
Those fruit plates also have a skeleton of their own, but it's only a single "bone," like if a plant had a baculum for its fruit.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Feral Plagas!Leon but he acts more like an energetic cat that was just given catnip. The pills used to suppress the Plagas growth alongside the miniscule inactive viruses from his previous adventures just toasts the bug's original nature. It's relationship with Leon becomes akin to Venom with the mind of a stubborn toddler.
Don't give it sweets and the guy will be bouncing around like a lunatic until you catch him on a tree covered in fresh sap. Leon arches his back like the Halloween Black Cat with his tail plus spike spines flared up if spooked. Becomes a pure chittering mess if given anything that contains honey or maple syrup. Meat honey from vulture bees is Plagas!Leon's favorite so it's best to keep stock.
Complete and total hoarder. He loves to collect stuff in this feral state akin to a bower bird. If it gets Leon's attention, then it's added to his makeshift hive like nest. Man has a few scratching posts and something very durable to chew on. Got a tendency of stealing animals like rabbits or chickens for the purpose of being pets.
Any nest Plagas!Leon makes is a mix between old clothes, bedding materials, and a unique type of saliva he can produce. The slime is very adhesive that it'll put even the strongest glues to shame. Leon's saliva has minor healing properties.
It's usually made in a web form than liquid to heavily reduce the adhesiveness and make it easier to remove. He can also make a powerful acid with the purpose of making pathways. Leon has quite a number hidden in Spain with only one not made during a feral episode.
He is absolutely embarrassed once a feral episode comes to an end as he's fully conscious for every moment. Especially since tantrums are a given in this state and he'll wreck furniture out of spite. Saddler trying to control the parasite just pisses it off instead so Plagas!Leon is even more vicious when fighting the cult.
In fact, he will even EAT the other Plagas as rage lets loose cannibalistic tendencies from its altered nature. A good chunk of insects do feed on other members of their species so don't be surprised if its true here. Leon later admits that they taste like chicken much to Ashley's disgust and Luis' morbid fascination.
Zoomies happen a lot even more so during a feral episode. His body tends to produce too much energy and Leon has to expel it. A human sized hamster wheel or hamster ball is always brought up with Ashley even thinking of a design. Leon wasn't amused.
Completely territorial especially when a huge threat such as Krauser is nearby. Half the time Feral Plagas!Leon will cut down the threat or get his 'swarm' to safety. (Leads to a Luis lives situation) Ashley and Luis are HIS, same goes for anyone else that he can trust and likes.
Feral episodes has a 50/50 chance that he'll shift into 'bug mode'. His appearance heavily morphing to an insectoid yet oddly reptilian visage. It's completely random so what comes come. Plagas!Leon still acts the same although he might carry Ashley or Luis by the scruff of their shirt with his fangs.
His abilities are heavily amplified in bug mode than just size alone. Leon's acid can melt steel than just rock, his adhesive saliva now hardens into a cocoon like shell, and any webbing produced is able to treat more extensive injuries such as 2nd degree burns. You can say he's more of a tank or sentinel from roleplaying games in this state.
Overall, the man is just relieved that he isn't going to hurt anyone innocent thanks to his new infected status. Although Leon will never tell anyone about the time he almost ate a Karen's annoying corgi. Guy's Plagas was hangry that day.
Plagas!Leon: War Mode
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sandyca5tle · 5 months
Slime HRT - 2 Months
Hello again, it’s been two months since I started the slime hrt, so this is the first update, although it’s a pretty short one.
So, while nothing much has happened externally, I have noticed a few things, the most drastic one being that my blood now seems to have been replaced with sap. It was certainly an experience to cut myself while shaving, only to have a viscous, amber fluid leak out of my face. I figured that since the gel is being absorbed into my bloodstream, that’s getting the direct dose, so it’d make sense that that’d change first, although I am a little surprised that my thighs and shoulders didn’t change a lot since that’s where I’m applying the gel, but I guess that’s just how this stuff works. I can also confirm that my sap is sweet, kinda like maple syrup - although the exact taste is different - which is neat, and hopefully that’ll pass onto the whole of me when I get to that point.
The other big thing is how much I’m drinking now, I really have to make sure I have a water bottle filled up while I’m doing things, otherwise I get headaches from dehydration. This was kind of expected - especially compared with the sap-blood change - as the information pamphlet had been very explicit about keeping hydrated given that my body was literally becoming a kind of liquid. The headaches really suck though, especially as I tend to forget to drink regularly anyway, and I only need to forget a little to get a cracking headache. Even if I do remember to drink, high temperatures can fuck me up just as badly now, so I’m really having to watch that.
The last major thing I’ve noticed so far is that my skin has become so much smoother. Like, regular hrt had already done a decent amount, but this is a whole ‘nother level. Running my hand over my skin now kinda feels like running my hand over like a marble countertop or something, it’s very weird. On top of this, my facial and body hair has also thinned a bit more, which only adds to the new texture of my skin, which is neat as shaving sucks, but again, this kinda starting stage is as weird as it is exciting.
That’s all for this update, see you in the next one! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Posting this shortly after the first one just so i actually have one of the proper entries out and about. Don't know when I'll do the rest, especially the ones I haven't written yet, but. (Edit - Above stuff doesn't super make sense now with new start, so i figured I'd come and just add an edit to it here, so yeah) Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
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writhe · 7 months
trying to chill out a little bit because one cannot spend an entire day feeling like a terrible & scared animal
did sugarbush yesterday which is a project my housemates run for the most part. we had 40 or so (but this estimate feels a little conservative) friends & neighbors come through & most stayed for good stretches of the day
i hung out with the neighbor kids (who are like ages 8 - 14/15?). one of them whittled me a sharped stick and i paid some of them 10 bucks because they told me they wanted to make money taking care of people’s pets (groundscore made an extended appearance)
re/connected with some people in ~ community ~ who i really only have had brief interactions with over the years. tried to be a present in listening, but i felt so comforted and enriched by hearing about what projects people were doing
i felt very loved, and i tried to answer questions honestly and it felt comforting the ways people responded with excitement or interest. i’ve been struggling with feeling present or really like anything at all but it felt so good to see the way people are, in uncomplicated ways, rooting for me
i even got giggly and silly for some time. i miss that! i miss feeling like a teenager running around and laughing. people hugged me before they left. people wanted to talk to me specifically about some stuff. this felt good
and bonus was that halliwell had some good interactions with kids! like so much so that he was even playing with one of the youngest ones and it went totally great
everyone left after 10 and i was in the kitchen washing all the cups everyone had ladled warm sap into. smoky and tired and worn from a long day. i’d been the bellows for the fire at one point but otherwise i’d mostly just been socializing. one of my housemates was cooking us something & she told me how much she enjoyed & appreciated my presence in her life, but made a point to reiterate this & said it a lot more sweetly, talked slowly, like she meant every word. felt immediately stricken and overwhelmed, like a sudden shroud of, like, idk? i can be a very good thing for people, maybe. something about me matters enough to be very good. maybe not everything is as harsh or ambivalent as i fear
i smell like smoke. we’ll end up with plenty of maple sugar this season
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pinehutch · 2 months
bodies: why, part 2737293: I went for a picnic on Sunday. I fell over and hit my head at one point, and I got too much sun, and I also was bitten or stung by ants and possibly more things but I don't know which ones. and now I feel faintly awful, and I can't tell if it's because I caught something in the few moments I spent indoors without a mask on, or if I'm just worn out because I was awake for half the night last night, or if I'm having an outsized reaction to whatever these bites are because I'm an autoimmune weirdo who is delicious to insects.
thinking about the spring I turned 12 and how bad the blackflies were. the kids at school with the backs of our necks bloody, cratered, scabbed from scratching like we had some sort of pox. my calves too swollen to fit in my 90's jeans. the taste of liquid antihistamines, when I thought I'd grown out of liquid meds. cold showers, to soothe.
we lived in a bright green, deep green, wet-as-anything woods. dark earth and the cool spring underneath. to everything a season: maple sap, pin cherry, mayflowers, trilliums, strawberry, raspberry, milkweed, blueberry, goldenrod, aster. also: blackflies, mosquitoes, deer flies, horseflies, ants.
this summer, as I have for so many years, I live on the upper floors. and though it's rained and rained, privilege in the lake-riddled heart of the country it's so hot, and the pipes run under the black dormer roof and the water comes out warm, even at night
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lilyoffandoms · 7 months
The traditions that come with the changing of seasons are so beautiful to me.
I spent a good chuck of today at our nearby neighbors helping collect sap from over 300 trees and enjoying a cookout with the neighborhood (aka everyone within ten miles of us all) and now we take turns sitting beside the fire sipping maple water and making drinks sweetened with the partially boiled sap while reading or sharing stories or simply sitting with the quiet words of the world around us.
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bug-oc · 1 year
Bug Fables OC Tournament Round 2
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Drya (she/her) and Tel (she/they) (or Team Drya) from @enbeemerang
Drya is a (very lovable) dumb rosy maple moth, who came from far outside of Bugaria. Right now, she resides outside of Defiant Root with her girlfriend, Tel! Drya's very outspoken, and is ready to defend her friends with whatever it takes. She's canonically trans, and a lesbian! She very much enjoys going to Crisbee's for a snack, and doing jobs with her girlfriend. Drya uses a spear (a toothpick with a shard of metal tied onto it) as her weapon, and won't stand down. Drya is always down to make a friend, and with her outspoken nature, knows many bugs across Bugaria. She's also a bit of a herbo.
Tel is a much more rational sap beetle. Due to her quietness and more closed off personality, she may come off as cold and not friendly to new bugs she meets. But, she holds lots of care for those she holds close like her friends and loved ones. Growing up in Defiant Root, she loves the research side of exploring, knowing that Drya has her back. Tel is also trans, and a lesbian. Tel's weapon of choice are metal shards. She carries up to 5 whenever she goes out exploring, which she throws at her enemies. She enjoys documentation, and frequents the Ant Kingdom Library whenever she can. Having grown up in Bugaria, she knows practically everybody in Defiant Root, and others across the Ant Kingdom.
Tel and Drya met about two years pre canon in the game. Drya left her home to find somewhere more accepting, and after losing her sibling in the journey, found herself in the Lost Sands. Dehydrated and lost, she couldn't continue. That night, Tel found her, and helped her regain her strength. The year on, Drya had stayed in Defiant Root with Tel, where the two grew closer, until they began dating. After Drya had learned of the explorer's guild, she was eager to be able to continue exploring and going on journeys, with a land that accepted her.
Tel and Drya are an inseparable duo. When they explore, Drya takes up the front, ready to defend her girlfriend at any given moment. Tel goes slower, stopping to document things, or to take samples and place them in the little pouch she carries. They love each other very much! They fight as a single unit, and are best friends.
They also both wear Favorite One medals, as they are each others favorites :)
Argentum (he/him) from @alagadda
Argentum is a beautiful silver wasp (Priochilus gloriosum) and a mercenary, assassin, and bounty hunter. He appeals to those who would seek his illicit services because he does his job without asking questions. He's very impersonal during work but much more open and emotional in everyday life. He's a real prick, honestly.
He takes the mandibles off his victims as proof of a job well done, but he often makes necklaces out of them and keeps them as trophies because there's something deeply wrong with him. He also loots all his victims corpses so his husband can sell off their belongings.
He's in a surprisingly healthy and loving marriage with Aurum, a golden reined digger wasp (Sphex habenus) ex-explorer, who became disillusioned with life after almost dying in search of the Everlasting Sapling. They both reside in Defiant Root where Aurum runs a shop to sell off the aforementioned looted goods, but he wants both of them to eventually move to the Golden Settlement. Aurum loves his husband deeply even if he's completely out of his mind and thinks wearing body parts as trophies is cool. He wants Argentum to do literally anything else as a job, but still loves and supports him.
He attacks with his prized blade, poisoned with his own venom and made by Aurum from the mandible of his first victim.
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Musing Maple
Requested by @birchwood-path some musings on the Maple.
I live in maple syrup country; maples are EVERYWHERE. Sugaring season is a big deal here, not only does it generate revenue but it's very much time for community. If you were to ask around, I think almost everyone would be able to tell of some very fond memories of the sugar-shack, the stories and jokes their friends, family and neighbors shared waiting anxiously to buy syrup. Clouds of sweet-smelling steam filling the air, kids clamoring for maple taffy. The sugarmakers patiently attending the boiling sap, sometimes giving out samples of fresh warm syrup. Maybe some would be able to recant their time collecting the sap, trudging out in knee-deep snow, praying they don't spill a drop. Long before our sugarshacks and [insert state name here] Maple Sundays the native peoples had been making syrup. One story I've been told states that during a time of food scarcity someone noticed a squirrel drinking the tree's sap. they tried it for themselves and found it unpalatable, I can't quite remember how but eventually it decided the sap will be boiled. I've heard it suggested that this or the maple's inner bark was a survival food for first nations peoples. Another story I've seen involves a young boy throwing his tomahawk at a tree, sweet sap flowed out and maple syrup was discovered.
I tend to look to things that were and are important to both the settlers and the first peoples, so as long as said thing is not especially sacred (sweetgrass for example), for aide in learning how to approach this land and rectify my ancestors' mistakes. Thankfully I have native family who I can ask if what I'm doing is appropriate or not. Maple and broadleaf plantain (blog coming soon) I work with in this capacity. Maple, I understand as a tutelary spirit. I approach them almost as would approach the guardian spirit of a place or thing- I see them as a gatekeeper. I ask to be humbled, to be taught a kinder way. To be in right relations with the land and the dead this tree {spirit} has provided for since ages ago. I seek their blessing and tutelage before and while I learn from the spirit of a native plant that I'm unfamiliar with. I see them as the lifeblood of the land, sustaining generation upon generation with their arboreal blood. Great provider, Hail! gifting us saccharine sustenance when all else is barren. In the same way community is built and strengthened around the sugarhouse so too is community, spirit community, built under Their branches.
For the sap to rise we need freezing temps at night and above freezing daytime temps. This, where I am, tends to occur late January-March. Sometimes the start of sugaring season happens to line up quite nicely with St Brigid's Feast; regardless, it's the first sign of winters wane, of the spring to come. I very much see this tree as carrier, emissary or perhaps even embodiment of the "serpent in the land" we are all so familiar with. Recently I have been toying with the idea of invoking said serpent as the "white" or maybe "clear" snake- rather than the red serpent often spoken of, due to the clear sap which herald's springs impending return. Coupled with the fiery orange the leaves turn in fall I am hoping this will work quite nicely. Especially since fire-in-the-water is important to me.
I also find maple syrup a wonderful offering to the land and the dead. In certain instances, (not all, honeyed dairy imo is required sometimes) I have found it more appropriate than honey, I'll sweeten milk or cream with it the same way one would with honey. I think of this as a fitting show of adapting our traditions to the land in a way that acknowledges first peoples and our history while giving a nod to my ancestral european trads/lore.
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hylianmewmew · 7 months
nothing short of shiny: ravio x link wing bois au
big s/o to @breannasfluff for the amazing au and for helping me find a prompt <33
“Please, please, please! I will bribe you with pastries if you come with me.” Ravio fluffed his wings dramatically, giving Legend puppy eyes as he tugged on Legend’s sleeve. “It’s such a nice day and my favorite merchant, besides myself of course, is in town and she always has really good trinkets.”
Legend rolled his eyes, “Alright dearest, fine. You win.” He placed a kiss on Ravio’s forehead who chittered happily. It was near impossible for Legend to resist Ravio’s puppy eyes which he unfairly used to convince Legend to partake in his plans. This usually consisted of adding more blue elements to the house much to Legend’s dismay. He would do anything for his partner but he could only handle so much blue.
If the Chain knew how much of a soft spot he had for Ravio’s demanding puppy eyes they would never let him live it down. This was a secret he would rather keep to himself, Ravio gave him enough of a hard time about it. 
“Come, come! Let’s get going! I need to be there to snag the best deals early on.” Ravio bounced on the balls of his feet impatiently as Legend pulled on his boots. With some restraint he resisted dragging Legend out of the house and off to town, skipping at Legend’s side. Absolutely nothing got Ravio going like a good deal, especially on trinkets and anything blue. Legend found it adorable how enthusiastic about haggling Ravio became, his determination to get a good deal on a new shiny was unmatched. How Ravio gushed about his new shiny object for days, displaying it proudly in the house for everyone to see. With the two of their hoarding tendencies combined their house was more museum than house according to Warriors. Legend found the abundance of items comforting, reminding him he had a safe place to call home. It felt nice.
Town was bustling with activity, people everywhere chatting and having fun at the market. Ravio skipped around, bouncing from booth to booth with Legend trailing behind just enjoying Ravio’s energy. The atmosphere was cheerful and the smells of food and fresh flowers danced through the air. Legend was instantly drawn towards a booth selling bread and pastries. He absolutely had to have some, especially the turnovers. Sweet Hylia did he love a good turnover, raspberry or apple were his favorites but there wasn’t a bad turnover filling flavor. 
Ravio peeked over Legend resting his head on Legend’s shoulder. “You better buy me a treat if you’re getting turnovers. It’s only fair after all. I think I want a lemon tart!” He paused, getting distracted by another vendor shouting about their wares.
“Yeah, yeah we both know your sweet tooth is just as bad as mine. There’s no ‘fair’ about this little scheme of yours. You just don’t want to be the one to pay for it.” Legend grumbled, handing over rupees to pay for their pastries. Let’s go find somewhere to sit down, my knees are starting to bother me plus I hate eating while walking. Reminds me of traveling.”
A bench on the edge of the market, shaded by a large maple tree was all but calling out to Legend. He really needed to rest for a bit. They sat down, Ravio immediately latching onto Legend’s side, munching on his tart happily. 
Ravio kissed Legend’s cheek, “Thank you for buying me a treat, my love. I feel so special when you do things like this even if I ask for it.”
“You’re such a sap! Of course I’m going to treat you the best I possibly can, I love you and want to show I care. Even when you get crumbs on my cheek from kissing me midway through your tart.” Legend bumped Ravio with his shoulder gently causing Ravio to chirp contentedly. Sweet treats and spending time with his partner, Legend’s heart was so full and happy. If only he could bottle up this moment and savor it forever. FInishing their pastries, Legend felt a new burst of energy ready to browse the rest of the market.
Gerudo silks, Goron gemstones, warm Rito blankets, which Legend was absolutely buying one. Everything was so colorful and unique. Ravio tugged Legend along, examining every little object that caught his eye. They bounced from booth to booth, taking their time at each. Out of the corner of Legend’s eye a red pie dish caught his attention, the ceramic dish had a scene of an apple orchard in the center, this was the absolute perfect pie dish. He’d been looking for a new one ever since Wild accidentally broke his old one. This was meant to be. 
“Oh that’s so perfect for you! I’ll buy it for you, but my requirement is that you must bake me an apple pie. I expect the most delicious pie from you and your apples!” Ravio fluttered his wings excitedly.
“Deal, and I was already intending on baking as many pies as we can stand. So this is a bonus. Thank you, love.” Legend gave Ravio a quick kiss on the cheek, giving a call. ‘Love you, care for you.’
With the perfect pie dish cradled in Legend’s arms they carried on, stopping at a booth selling jewelry and magical items. Ravio was busy chatting with the merchant, fully invested in the thrill of haggling a good price for a pair of opal earrings. Legend smiled, watching his partner be so passionate and lively. He looked back down at the display, a brilliant sapphire bracelet sparkled in the sunlight casting specks of reflected light on the table. This was perfect for Ravio, Legend looked over to him who was still thoroughly invested in his haggling. A perfect opportunity to surprise him later. He quickly paid the other merchant and tucked it away in his pocket.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
The sky had begun to turn a lovely orange hue, puffy clouds dotting the horizon as they walked back to the house. Crickets were singing in the warm summer air, it was blissfully serene. Ravio laced his fingers with Legend’s and swung their arms back and forth. 
“Thank you for coming with me, I had a good time. And I expect that apple pie! I’m not letting you go back on your word for that.” Ravio giggled, tucking a stray hair behind Legend’s ear. He pressed their foreheads together, humming happily. 
“I always enjoy spending time with you, silly bird. I will definitely bake you that pie, maybe tomorrow. It’s getting late and we should start on dinner. I was thinking we could make veggie curry, how does that sound?” Legend began starting the stove’s fire as he got ready to cook. 
Ravio nodded and scurried over to the pantry, grabbing ingredients for the curry. They worked in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company. It was moments like these, purely domestic and peaceful that Legend enjoyed the most. Moments where Hylia wasn’t up his ass about saving the world for the umpteenth time. Not having to risk his life to save a world that would eventually fall to evil once more. The pressure of being the Hero of Legend was null when he was with Ravio. With him, he was just Link. 
Dinner was delicious, Legend did most of the cooking but Ravio was happy to assist. After eating, the small comfort of Legend resting his head in Ravio’s lap as he knitted a sweater lulled him to sleep, dreaming of cotton clouds and spending time with his beloved.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Sunlight poured in through the windows, bathing the covers in warmth. Ravio mumbled something in his sleep, laying with his head on Legend’s chest and hand resting next to his cheek. Another comfortable morning, Legend yawned and nuzzled his face into Ravio’s hand. 
Ravio moaned sleepily, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “Good morning bunny. Did you sleep ok?”
“Surprisingly yeah, I always sleep better with you next to me but being in a real nest also helps. I did have a dream that we turned into flying bunnies which was odd but it was kind of cute.” Legend played with Ravio’s hair as he spoke softly, the sleepiness still in his voice. “Was thinking we could bake the pie today and I think the garden could do with some attention. Nothing too big for today, feeling achy from all the walking yesterday.”
“Yes, yes I'm glad you haven't forgotten already about the pie. I’m so excited to try it, you're a much better baker than I am.” Ravio sighed, letting out a set of relaxed chirps.
This earned a chuckle from Legend, Ravio wasn't inept in the kitchen but he much preferred Legend’s food than his own. Either from laziness or genuine appreciation for his cooking, but it didn't matter to Legend. He was just happy he could do it together regardless of how much Ravio helped or didn't. It was just another way they could spend time with each other. Something Legend sorely missed on the road with the Chain.
With the windows open the summer breeze felt amazing, feathers swaying just slightly. Legend spread his wings, absorbing the cool air. The garden was flourishing, the small patch of veggies was growing nicely. The majority of produce Ravio sold, keeping only a small amount for themselves. There was something so rewarding about growing your own food, it made sense to Legend why the apple orchard had made his uncle so happy. It now made him happy too.
Legend stood from his crouching position where he had been weeding, stretching his stiff muscles. “If you could grab some apples, Rav, that would be much appreciated. I’m going to go inside, clean up and start on the pie crust.”
“Of course bunny, I’ll grab a good handful.” Ravio kissed Legend on the cheek before bouncing off to the orchard.
Off to the kitchen after he cleaned up, Legend got to work. He began pulling out ingredients and starting the fire for the oven. Flour, salt, butter, lard: kneading everything together and shaping the crust. Baking felt so natural, something Legend was good at and very much enjoyed. It also came with the bonus of him fulfilling his sweet tooth. He’s convinced his aggressive sweet tooth rubbed off on Ravio, both of them never passing up anything sweet. When traveling with the Chain there wasn’t time for baking, just simple filling meals that Wild could easily make in bulk for them. Baked goods became a small slice of home for Legend, whenever they were in a town he made sure to stop by a bakery. Anything to remind him of Ravio and their home. Much to Legend’s surprise, Malon had picked up on his love of sweet things and baked with him whenever the Chain was in Time’s Hyrule. 
It was really nice of Malon, helping relieve just a small bit of homesickness. But he was home now, and didn’t know for how long. He was determined to make the most of it. Legend stared at the pie dish, making him smile. He loved that this was from Ravio, regardless of it being part of a bargain or not. It added to the charm. Gently kneading and rolling the dough flat, he laid it in the pie dish and popped it in the oven to cook just enough. 
“I’m back! I couldn’t remember how many you needed so I picked a decent amount. I’m so so happy. I love your pies almost as much as I love you.” Ravio set the apples down on the counter with a huge grin on his face.
“You’re such a dork,” Legend took his flour covered hands and squished Ravio’s cheeks between his hands making Ravio squeal. This devolved into a flour fight, dusting each other with handfuls of flour in between butterfly kisses and fits of giggles. The kitchen was a disaster, flour coating every surface, including their hair and clothes. Apples still sitting on the counter, forgotten in the playful battle. 
Ravio let out a final giggle when Legend kissed his flour covered cheek. “Ok, I’ll clean up our disaster if you finish up our pie, baker boy. I’m craving it even more now.”
They settled into a quiet groove, working around each other with ease. With the pie in the oven and the kitchen clean again Ravio collapsed on the sofa with a large over dramatic sigh, leaving Legend alone in the kitchen. Now was the time to give Ravio the bracelet. He’d hoped to give it to him after the pie was done but Legend was getting impatient and Ravio seemed like he was going to fall asleep at any second. Legend walked quietly to his desk in the corner of the living room where he had stashed the bracelet in one of the drawers. He plopped down next to Ravio who grunted sleepily.
“Hey Rav.” Legend nudged Ravio’s shoulder with his body. “I have a surprise for you, unless you’re too sleepy for me to give it to you.” Teasing him with the prospect of a new shiny was always enough for Ravio to wake up, eagerly awaiting whatever was presented to him.
Ravio bolted upright from his slouched position on the sofa, a wondrous gleam in his eyes as he watched Legend pull the sapphire bracelet from the small pouch. “No way. No way you got me that. Link.” Tears began to fill his eyes, flicking his gaze from the bracelet to Legend’s massive grin. He launched himself at Legend, hugging him tight. “Thank you bunny, I love it so much. And I love you more.”
Legend kissed Ravio softly, pulling away only for a moment. “Of course, even though it pained me to buy something so blue. I did it for you, and I’d do so, so much more for you too.” He smiled as Ravio kissed him again as payback for the snarky comment about the bracelet’s beautifully blue sapphire. “Let’s go eat some pie now then!”
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breelandwalker · 6 months
Worm Moon - March 25, 2024
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The world is thawing and spring will soon be sprung. Dust off your garden tools and get ready for the Worm Moon!
Worm Moon
The Worm Moon is the name given to the full moon which occurs in the month of March in the Northern Hemisphere. Most sources claim this name is taken from the renewed visible presence of vermicast (worm droppings) and earthworms themselves, as the spring thaw allows them to emerge from the soil.
There is a possible alternative explanation, involving a colonial explorer's notes about the Naudowessie (Dakota) observation of emerging worm-like beetle larvae from the bark of trees. "Every month has with them a name expressive of its season; for instance, they call the month of March (in which their year generally begins at the first New Moon after the vernal Equinox) the Worm Month or Moon; because at this time the worms quit their retreats in the bark of the trees, wood, &c. where they have sheltered themselves during the winter." (It's entirely possible that this "worm" in this instance is a mistranslation of an indigenous word for "larva," since it refers to the larval state of certain beetles. Without knowing whether the language in question makes a distinction between larval worms and earthworms, it's impossible to tell, and I was unable to find further sources.)
Other North American Indigenous names for this moon include Goose Moon (Algonquin and Cree) and Crow Comes Back Moon (Northern Ojibwe), in reference to the reappearance of migratory birds, and Sugar Moon (Ojibwe) and Sap Moon (Shawnee), in reference to the season in which the maple sap begins to run and can be tapped for the production of maple syrup.
Fun Fact: The term "Worm Moon" only occurs in southerly indigenous nations. The March moon is commonly named for trees or birds in more northerly areas of North America because in those places, the native species of earthworms went extinct during the period when glaciers covered that portion of the continent. About 12,000 years ago when the glaciers receded, the forest grew back without earthworms. The species which now inhabit those areas are invasive or introduced specimens originating from Europe and Asia.
The March moon, if it occurs prior to the spring equinox, is also the Lenten Moon, named for the Christian holiday of Lent. If it occurs after the equinox, it is called the Paschal Full Moon, corresponding with the Christian holiday of Easter, or Paschal Sunday (This year's Worm Moon will occur the week after the equinox and Easter Sunday will be March 31st.)
What Does It Mean For Witches?
Full moons are both the beginning and end of the lunar cycle. With the Worm Moon, we can look forward to the beginning of spring and the yearly harvest cycle. So now is the perfect time for seasonal divination, plans for the coming months, and the setting of goals for the future, both short-term and long-term. You can also check in with goals you may have set back in January and record your progress. (Remember - even a little progress is still progress!)
Consider also how you can change or begin new routines and habits to improve your life, make better choices, streamline your schedule, or just give yourself a much-needed break. If there’s something hanging around that no longer serves you, now is the time to consider bidding it adieu and moving forward to a new path.
What Witchy Things Can We Do?
The Worm Moon heralds the imminent start of the planting season. If you’ve got green fingers, now is the time to begin planning your garden for the season. Prepare your sprouting trays and browse your favorite seed catalog for inspiration.
It’s also time for that all-important spring cleaning, so open up those windows on a warm day and air out all the staleness from winter. As you scrub and dust and declutter, you can also magically cleanse your space of stagnant, disruptive, or unwanted things, replacing them with your own energy and your good wishes and goals for the upcoming season.
This is also an excellent time for spells focused on fertility, optimism, and new growth. It’s important to remember that fertility spells don’t just have to focus on procreation. They can also be geared toward planting, creating, opportunity, inspiration, motivation, prosperity, abundance, and anything that requires nurturing and productivity.
The season of growth and renewal is upon us, so it’s time to Ready, Set, GROW!
Happy Worm Moon, witches! 🌕🌱
Further Reading:
Worm Moon: Full Moon for March 2024, The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
Worm Moon: The Stunning Full Moon of March 2024, The Peculiar Brunette.
Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768, Capt. Jonathan Carver, London, 1781. (Text available on Project Gutenberg)
The Next Full Moon is a "Supermoon" Crow Moon, NASA, March 5 2020.
Easter and the Paschal Full Moon: Determining the Date of Easter, The Old Farmer's Almanac.
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living, Dorothy Morrison, Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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Thinking about earth ghouls and them having their own specialties. Mountain has his bee colony and processes their honey. Ivy handles the livestock, from sheering the sheep and alpacas, to ensuring that the larger animals are safe. Earth is the great overseer, but spends many of his days tucked away in some corner of the fields, tending the crops. Many months Pebble works alongside his fellow earth ghouls in whatever role he is needed.
Come late winter/early spring, the small earth ghoul's job changes. He will wake early in the mornings, heading into the woods with the supplies needed for his job. As soon as conditions are right, maple trees on the property are tapped. Gallons of sap are collected and processed into syrup through February and March. On cold snaps, when there is suddenly snow on the grounds again, Pebble will set up on a concrete ledge. The earth ghoul making maple taffy as a sweet treat for the ghouls and Siblings who are out enjoying the last vestiges of snow for the season.
When it isn't snowing and duties are done in the fields for the day, the ghoul can be found in the kitchen with a stock pot of maple syrup on the stove. Sugar maple candy is a rare treat throughout the year, causing the ghoul to spend hours making the soft, melt in your mouth treats for those in the Ministry who enjoy it.
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