#and maybe Obito didn't know he loved Kakashi at the time but he knew that Kakashi was one of his two most precious people
itischeese · 1 year
yeah, your body moving automatically to save someone is good and all, but have you considered the inherent love required to see what’s about to happen, to know what will happen to you if you save them, and to do it anyway, because even though it might kill you, they’ll survive, and in the end that matters far more, because they’re worth it, in the end?
Yes, this post is about Kakaobi.
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maireyart · 9 months
Dude, I just had the best image: so it’s Obito-Lives AU, and part of his capture and house arrest and stipulation to his living is all his criminal assets are turned over and searched. That includes Kamui. So Kakashi goes to Kamui to search for the items Obito admitted are stored there, and he returns so appalled. Because, yes, Obito put bodies and important documents and items there, but he also just dumped a lot of junk. There are stacks of old magazines, dirty clothes piles, an assortment of bento box containers that were too nice to throw away, souvenirs from different places, crap Obito stole just for shits and giggles and Kakashi recognizes some of the stuff as things he “misplaced” over the years. “This was my favorite shirt.” “I knew that.”
Hi anon! And I'm sorry it took me so long to reply :3 The way it played out in my imagination was angsty and a little melodramatic, so no funny illustrations this time 😅 Ok, I admit Obito did call his dimension a "trash basket" (屑かご kuzukago) once in canon, and there must have been blood splashes, debris and not only from his battles, but something tells me he didn't use it as a literal trash dump xD (I guess he could just burn all that junk with a good katon jutsu). But I love the idea of him storing there something curious, something unexpected. I imagine he didn't want any reminders of his friendships, after everything... Even for shits and giggles. They could mess with his evil plan. Evoke the memories he didn't want. He was too vicious to be sentimental anymore, but he could take there something accidentally! Imagine the ANBU Kakashi period. Obito was often spying on his old teammate, and at one point he teleported into Kakashi's room to inspect it or look for specific papers and documents he could be interested in. Instead, he found something unrelated to his objective, something personal -- an old letter from Rin to Kakashi (that Kakashi seemed to have been in the mood to reread some time prior, wallowing in his sadness, so it was right on his table). Obito was standing there deep in thought, looking at the letter, absently analyzing the handwriting, but not really taking in the words yet, and then suddenly felt that Kakashi had shunshinned nearby ->
Obito had to return to Kamui immediately, but forgot to put the letter in place! It stayed in his hand, and then forever in Kamui; he never brought it back. Having read it for the first time, he felt anger and only anger and threw it away somewhere. The letter got lost among the gray blocks. He forgot about the thing altogether. But way later, when he was in his late 20's, or maybe even not long before the war, he found it again, and the words kept ringing in his head till the very end.
This old letter was… Rin's letter about Obito! The real Obito, the kid Obito, which the current Obito had killed in himself once.
It went something like this: "Dear Kakashi, I'm writing this letter to you because it's not easy to talk about these things in real life, but let me try to express my thoughts here. I know you can't stand Obito, but please, please, for the sake of our team, try to understand him, because he's… that and that… (describes his loneliness, and kindness, and potential, and aspirations, and dreams). Maybe if you just show him a flicker of warmth, he will open up, and you'll see for yourself how much it will benefit us as a team and in all other possible ways. I'm his friend and I know him well, and it's so worth it! Just please believe in Obito, just please try, and you'll see how much it will change things."
Obito was so irritated when he read it for the first time. He couldn't feel the message at all, they were just words of a ghost, of an unreal Rin, and that unreal Rin was babbling something about that miserable unreal Obito, the helpless one. Trying to reach Kakashi's heart. How futile.
Later, when he found the letter for the second time as an adult, he wasn't outraged anymore; he was too numb inside for that. But what he didn't like was that the words made him think. They were haunting him, and he hated that. And then, when the Juubi almost destroyed his consciousness, he made himself recall what had made him whole and hopeful once, and Rin's message sparked in his mind's eye again, more brightly, and it helped him take control of the Juubi. But only after the change of heart he finally started seeing the truth in those sentences and even hearing her voice saying them in his head; the words became alive and almost prophetic. And Kakashi's faith in Obito… It did finally touch his heart (as did Naruto's, of course), did finally reach him… and it DID change everything. * Now, Obito lives! And Kakashi somehow keeps the Sharingan eye or gets it back from him. He goes to Kamui after the war to "turn over his criminal assets" and finds that letter…
He brings it from Kamui and gives it back to Obito.
Obito, scratching the nape of his neck: "Ah… Sorry, I accidentally stole it from you ages ago." "I never noticed." "You didn't?" "I… memorized it so well that I never needed the original piece of paper anymore, the words were ingrained in my heart, is all…" "Why did you bring it back?" "I feel like you still need it. …Besides, thanks to it being in Kamui, it wasn't destroyed by Pein, unlike the contents of my whole apartment. When he attacked." "…Sorry." "Albeit losing things is nothing, in comparison with losing people." "Sorry." "I'm glad you're back..."
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lizajane2 · 24 days
Naruto: The Will of Fire - I have seen this movie so many times. And I never get tired of it.
How did Sai survive that fall? You know what, it's anime I'm not even gonna question it. I say that even though I have the same thought every time I see it.
Kakashi: "We need to continue the mission." Darlin, i love you, but you constantly preach about never leaving someone behind. MAYBE YOU SHOULD PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH, IDIOT!!
Poor Sai. Naruto drags him into everything. lol.
Hiruko is annoying from the get-go. Like "a perfect, immortal ninja" boy, you need to go back to whatever dark, depressing hole you crawled out of.
Not Naruto falling asleep after Hiruko threatening to throw the world into war. He's completely unbothered. Lmao.
I really hate that the animators didn't include bookshelves in Kakashi's apartment. That man reads more than just porn.
Tsunade: "Kakashi are you saying you want me to go down in history as the Hokage who sacrificed her subordinate in order to protect the village?"
Kakashi: "Yes, I do."
My reaction to this every time:
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Again, further proving my point that he sees no value in his life whatsoever. If I could, I'd jump through that screen and slap him. And here's another problem I have with that, Kakashi really thought that Naruto would just sit back and let him sacrifice himself. What? ARE YOU STUPID?! DID YOU JUST FORGET WHAT YOU TAUGHT THEM?!
Naruto: "This time, no doubt, I'll protect him." Kakashi needs more of that in his life rather than going on a suicide mission. Which he's done repeatedly, by the way.
Tsunade: "What are those idiots doing?" Uh, to save someone from themselves and keep them from being an absolute martyr.
And Shikamaru kinda pisses me off a little bit in this movie. "I want to save Kakashi-sensei too, but I can't sacrifice everyone in the village for that." I'm sorry that's not... why are you talking like giving up Kakashi's life to the enemy is the only option here? I see the logic in Kakashi's plan, but this is NARUTO we're talking about. Have faith in him if anything else.
LMFAO! Sai really only acted because of what a book told him to do. I love him so much!!
Shino was perfection. "Do you think that's all I have?" Where's his crown at? He's an absolute king.
I'm even more surprised that Gaara tried to stop Naruto. He should know better than anyone that Naruto has always cared about others and would never sacrifice the life of anyone in the village to save it. The only one who had faith in Naruto was Jiraiya.
"That would go against Kakashi's wishes." No, Kakashi is an idiot who feels guilt-ridden and is trying to make up for his mistakes. Nothing more.
Gaara: "I won't be swayed by your ideals" *a minute later*
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Shikamaru: "I'll stop Naruto. Even if I have to kill him." See, now that's where he loses me entirely. That's where his beliefs become moot. He's being incredibly ridiculous and narrow-minded at this point.
Hiruko's outfit in this movie reminds me of a straitjacket. He should be in one, given how insane he is.
Kakashi: "What the hell are you doing here, Naruto?" Oh, you know, out for a walk... HE'S THERE TO SAVE YOUR ASS FROM YOUR OWN STUPIDITY!! WHY DO YOU THINK HE'S THERE?!
See, no, it just looks wrong when someone else uses Chidori. It's gross even (this excludes Sasuke).
Kakashi: "I'm the loser here." Ya, think? Such a stupid, lovable man.
"I knew it. You're just like him." TALKING ABOUT OBITO! Literally crying, screaming, and throwing up.
I love this movie. Never get tired of it.
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Last Goodbye
ANBU!Kakashi X Reader
Synopsis: Loving Kakashi felt like a goodbye you’re almost too scared to utter.
A/N: This is inspired by the song “Goodbye” by Billie Eilish and the fact that the ANBU breaks people down into soldiers.
Naruto Masterlist: Marvelmymarvelmaster
TW: Mentions of suicide (past comments and ideas). Pure angst/NO comfort
Please, please Don't leave me Be Take me to the rooftop. Told you not to worry What do you want from me? Dont ask questions Wait a minute Don't you know I'm no good for you? Baby, I don't feel so good Bite my tongue, bide my time What is it about them? I'm the bad guy
Kakashi cocked his head as he took in your shaking fingers trying to wrap a deep wound on his side. The mission had gone terribly; if he had been a few seconds earlier, he would have been dead. But that was what being in the ANBU entailed. That was his job and you knew that. But it didn't change the fact that it's been draining you. 
It was around his sixth year, and while you had six years to get used to the sight before you, it only seemed to have made you shakier. Because you loved him more now than you did, and that scared you.
“Please,” you sobbed softly, fingers clutching onto the wrap as you urged yourself to stop the words bubbling up from your chest, but there was no stopping them. “Please, Kakashi, I can't keep doing this.”
It felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs. He had been afraid of this happening. He knew it would come but hoped he'd have more time to help you through it. He nodded before placing a soft hand on your violently shaking one. He couldn't lose you. He couldn't. You meant too much to him now. “It will only be a few more years before they’re ready to retire me-”
You shook your head at this, more pleas falling from your lips as you began to panic.
“Don't leave me.” Kakashi snapped out sharply. He tried to sound secure but his voice was shaky as he pulled you into his body. You weren't allowed to leave him. That's not how this worked. He couldn’t make it alone.
He wouldn't be able to live without you. 
Kakashi just needed you to be strong; he needed you to just be there for him. Maybe telling you how much he needed you to be with him would help strengthen your quickly crumbling composure. “Just Be-” but he stopped, finally taking in the way you were shaking within his embrace. Was he being selfish? Putting you through this misery with him? His chest stuttered below where your head lay, alerting you that he was panicking alongside you.
“I’m a monster.”
You lifted your head from his chest, eyebrows crinkling at the thick tears cascading down his face, soaking into the mask he used to hide behind. You shook your head at his statement; he was anything but a monster. He tried to stop the sobs coming from his body, fear of losing you taking over every single cell within him. “It's not true,” you whimpered as you lifted your fingers to his mask. You didn't wait for him to answer and pulled the cloth down to free him from the persona he was hiding behind. 
It wasn't healthy to do such a thing all of the time.
You sat there for a second, staring at his scrunched-up face as he tried to hide himself from you. Shaking your head, you drug your hands from his neck to cup his cheeks. Kakashi closed his eyes, visions of just going to the rooftop to end it all flashing before his eyes. He remembers telling you once: “Take me to the rooftop” after Obito died... He meant it as a joke, but it scared you half to death. 
This scared you half to death. 
“Kakashi, it's okay,” you breathed out, forehead pressing with his in the hopes that you could take away those ideas before they planted a suicidal seed in his brain. More sobs bubbled up from his chest, and his cries turned into desperate wails as he gripped your hips like you were some sort of lifeline. Like you were the only thing holding him to sanity. “I keep hurting you,” he cried out. You winced in response. How did this go from you breaking down to him losing who he was once again? It was then you realized.
You couldn't leave him.
“I told you not to worry,” you stated firmly before shifting so you were sitting on his lap. You knew that resting your weight on his body always calmed him down, and in some way, it helped you as well. But he shook his head and shoved you off of him, causing your hands to fly from his face to catch your fall. He inhaled sharply at the action, eyes looking at his hands in shock as if he didn't realize what he had just done. As if he didn't command himself to do such a thing. More regret filled his veins. Did he hurt you?
Kakashi ignited his Sharingan to take in your movements, hoping to see in slow motion any pain or suffering he may have caused you. But he saw nothing. You sighed as you crossed your legs in front of him. “What do you want from me?” 
You sounded serious and unbothered by what just happened, but in all reality, you were slightly terrified of what was happening. He’s never been so far in his mind that he didn't realize his own actions. “Kakashi, what do you need from me-”
“Don't ask questions.”
Your mouth shut as if he commanded you to, but it wasn't his words or tone that scared you into submission. It was that he was changing right before your very own eyes. This was no longer the Kakashi you knew. 
That Kakashi was dead.
But maybe you could save him again. “Wait a minute-”
“Don't you know I'm no good for you?” 
Your eyes dropped sadly to your own hands. He wasn't good for you; of course, you knew that. But you loved him. You loved him more than anything in this world. So why did you feel so goddamn sick all of a sudden being in his presence? “Baby, I don't feel so good.” you cried out softly, afraid of talking too loud and triggering the beast before you. Silence filled the space, the sound of only your cries filling the air. 
Kakashi observed you, bite my tongue, bide my time. He repeated those words in his head over and over again as he pushed away the urge to reach out to you. To comfort you. To beg you to stay. You would be free from him forever if he pushed you away instead of saying anything. 
Your eyes flicked over to his ANBU mask beside the two of you, that stupid thing. You would burn it if you could. It was all their fault that the Kakashi before you was no longer the Kakashi you loved. The Kakashi you cared for. No… This Kakashi was a machine. A soldier.
A monster. 
He watched as you grabbed the mask with a jutted-out lip, trying hard not to scream and throw a tantrum like you deserved to do. “What is it about them?”
His chest felt tight at the question. It wasn't the first time he heard the question, but he hoped it would be the last. A crack sounded out in the room as your grip tightened enough to break the wooden mask slightly. 
He didn't stop you as you only squeezed harder. He wanted you to break it. To break him. To free him from this hell he was living in. 
“I want to burn this stupid thing, but I fear you are too far gone. And the mask no longer hides the man I love… It is the man I love.”
Now that… That was new. That was what kicked the old Kakashi back into control. He parted his lips to say anything, but you stood swiftly, stopping him from speaking. You didn't look at him, couldn't look at him. You could only look at the mask that ruined him. Ripped him to shreds and left you with nothing to call home.
You dropped the mask as he whispered your name, “I’m done. Kakashi, I’m afraid you’re too far gone. And while I would stay because I love you… This new you doesn't love me… And I deserve to be loved.”
What was this pain he was feeling? It felt like he couldn't breathe, as if his lungs were on fire. His body felt like lead as he watched you step over his gear and head toward his apartment door. “Please… Please, Y/n dont… Don't leave me.”
You turned away from him as you gripped the door handle for support. This had to be the first and final goodbye to him and this lifestyle. Six years of this. Six years of sleepless nights and near-death experiences. Six years of terrifying nightmares that left him shaking and sobbing in your arms. Six years of slowly watching the life drain from his eyes. Six years. 
And you couldn't hold on for a couple more.
“I love you, Kakashi, but I can't do this anymore” Your voice sounded steadier than you felt. While Kakashi felt like he was the only one heartbroken, he failed to realize you felt the same. You loved him. You loved him so much that it made you sick.
“I have to go… I love you.”
Before he could interject or plead with you, the door had closed behind you. Leaving him alone in his dark room. The shadows seemed to slink towards him as he shakily watched the door, hoping and praying you would come back. Tell him it was a cruel joke and you would never leave him.
But it never happened. He broke his steely gaze with the door and looked at his shaking palms. “Oh, gods… What have I done.” His tears once more blurred his vision as he felt your absence  in full. He should have left the ANBU sooner and done it at the first sign of losing who he was.
On the other side of the door, you had not left yet and instead sat with your back against the wood. Heart-shattering at the sound of his sobs hitting your ears. You just wanted to soothe and reassure him that you loved him. But doing those things brought you to where you are now. Still, you couldn't help but feel like a terrible human being for leaving the man you loved the most.
“I'm the bad guy.” 
Your whisper was shaky as you stood from your spot on the floor. Maybe giving him space will help him. Perhaps you two would get ice cream tomorrow and have a fun date. Maybe’s… They were always “Maybe’s” with him. Shaking your head, you took off towards your apartment across town.
Kakashi curled onto his side, clinging the pillow to his chest as he tried to imagine it was you. He needed you, and he sometimes hated it. Maybe this was good for him… Maybe if he left the ANBU and returned to being who he was… Maybe, just maybe, you’d come back to him. You weren't gone forever, no… He was going to change for you.
He was going to make sure this wasn't your last goodbye.
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eularin · 18 days
I'm sitting there calmly writing my story when out of nowhere my brain says: hey, you like obkk and HP so much, why not sketch out an idea about it?
Me: sure! An obkk in a Hogwarts AU sounds great!
Brain: yes, but how about this: master of death Harry Potter finds post-War 4 Obito wandering in limbo (or in the pure lands alone, he gets distracted and strays too far to the point of getting lost there) and then the two meet, talk, exchange their sad life stories, complain a lot about destiny, the Magical World and the Shinobi World, they talk a lot about the difference between Magic and Chakra and they lose track of time.
They become fast friends (they have a lot in common: both orphans; both were neglected; both were chess pieces in someone else's chess game older than them; both had painful losses in life; both were child soldiers - of course, they also have numerous differences between them.
Harry remained steadfast and loyal through it all and Obito fell and embraced his family's madness)
Obito has to go back to Rin, but he is lost and Harry thinks: why not accompany his new friend back to where he belongs? He also wants to meet this Rin for whom Obito suffered so much that he succumbed to madness and wanted to destroy his home world just to "fix things for everyone".
So they walk together. At some point, the three reunite and Harry makes another friend.
Rin is all friendly, warm-heartedness, but she's also cunning and manipulative (bc she's a ninja, duh). She quickly realizes that there's more to Harry Potter than meets the eye (she's been dead for a long time, she's had time to meet her fair share of other souls in the pure lands, and she's also met those "special" souls who are human but also not. Rin doesn't know exactly why these differences exist, but they do, and that always means something. She sees Harry Potter, she knows he's different. The moment she laid eyes on Obito, she also knew he was different, that he became different - just like Madara, Indra, Ashura, Hashirama, the Sage Hagoromo, the souls of the summoning animals, etc.)
Rin knows that at some point her time in the pure lands will end and she doesn't want to leave Obito alone (or Kakashi), she's a smart girl even if she didn't manage to become a powerful woman. But smartness is also a kind of power, right? (She just wants to see her boys happy)
Anyway, Rin is the one who gives the idea for these two insanely powerful (and lonely) men in front of her to get out of limbo and go "enjoy life."
I'm not sure how the argument goes, but it's all Rin's fault. She's great at manipulating Obito's massive guilt and Harry is really tempted to get to know this weird, violent, broken world of ninjas (please remember he's a 20th/21st century guy) - he's only thinking about it bc of the chakra and the talking animals! That's what he's really interested in. (He doesn't want to be anyone's savior, nor does he have a hero complex. Obito is on the same page)
They just want to go on a tourist trip. That's right. Harry is the foreign tourist and Obito is his guide.
(This is the main idea of my possible future story.)
So there's a huge debate about time (?) or dimensional travel. I'm leaning towards the former.
Rin is like: 😇🤭 ~ seeing his plan working out
Harry is like: 🤔 Hmm, possible? Yeah. Maybe. Let me think
Obito is like: 🤨? Seriously you're considering it? There's nothing good in that terrible, violent world for you to see. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Rin is like: Hey! Don't say that Obito! You only cared about seeing the miserable side of the world that you forgot to see the little good things. Oh, Harry! You'll love learning about chakra, our culture! Oh you'll love talking animals!
Harry: Talking animals?
Rin: Yes! Lots of talking animals that use chakra and also fight!
That's it. That hooks Harry. He loves animals and has always wanted to talk to animals other than snakes. (Also, Harry is an Animagus too. I don't know which one, but it definitely has to be an animal that flies; Obito can kind of transform into a Whomping Willow tree, just so you know.)
So the new adventure begins!
Oh! We can't forget about Kakashi. He's going to be a very present character in the story. At first he's a sad and broken ANBU, but soon he discovers that Obito is alive and traveling the world, lost on the road of life accompanied by a very suspicious man. And they're very good friends.
Yes, can you imagine how this is going to go? Kakashi isn't jumping to the right conclusions here. And this is Obito coming back from the dead! Or not coming back, considering that Obito doesn't seem to want to return to Konoha any time soon. Kakashi really isn't acting rationally, please understand his side (he's jealous, suspicious and wants to lock Obito away in a safe place where he'll never get out and get hurt again.)
I'm not sure if this story is supposed to be a M/M/M threesome, but obkk it's a definite couple. Obito is just navigating this weird dynamic (he's learned a lot in his life as a missing-nin, but romance? Sorry, he didn't have time.)
Harry is just trying not to get bitten by his friend's friend.
And Kakashi is just marking his territory without realizing he's marking his territory. (Give him a break! He's been feeling a lot of uncontrolled feelings lately.)
The rest of the people around are having fun at their expense. (That is until Obito or Harry does something totally weird because they are who they are, and Kakashi bites someone for real. 😬 Minato probably won't be laughing anymore)
edit: imagine the reverse: Obito being the tourist in the Wizarding world with Harry as his guide. Obito is fascinated by all things magical but especially dragons. REAL DRAGONS that FLY and breathe fire! Do you really think this possessive, hot-blooded, fire-breathing Uchiha man wouldn't steal a dragon egg for himself? and illegally bring it to the Elemental Nations?
That's it. That's the idea. Now I must resume the incomplete chapter of my other story. 👋🏻
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Do you think Mortal Dai and Sakumo may have had some interesting conversations before Dai passed in GOS?
Like I can almost imagine in the first life time, while Sakumo is around, overseeing the tribe's"advancement" and turning into a proper village, and watching Kakashi play with Gai, Dai looks over too and can see the concern etched into the god's face and is like "I'm sorry in advance for the pain we cause."
And Sakuno is like "What? You didn't well- couldn't hurt us. Why would you say that?"
And Dai just looks at him with such sincerity and says "Because we're mortal. They haven't realized it yet but.. I know you have already lost someone. And I'm sorry we'll leave you and your son in turn."
Just such an interesting and respectful, yet kind dynamic the two could have shared as two concerned fathers, who knew and could forsee certain events while their kids played on oblivious to how short their time together was. But Dai thinking the relationships are worth forstering, and Sakumo dealing with the grief of losing the love of his life and having to carry that pain...but in that grief he had also gained two sons, he didn't want Kakashi to deal that same pain he had to go through but knows that in the end, its inevitable.
Then over a 1000 years later, he sees the ecentric King Dai, and his youthful philosophy! And one of the few rulers who took him on as his patron god! I could see Dai being a very involved king, who despite being a royal, prefered to talk with the common people and attend events/ meetings and talk with the village/kingdom directly, instead of rule above them. I could even see when times got tough, him opening the doors of his palace and inviting the masses in and finding as much space for everyone as he could, rather than keep them out and preserve resources for himself. Even if it put him in danger (which I'm sure it must have occasionally.)
I wonder if they ever talked again while Dai was king. I wonder if Dai prayed to him and asked for guidance when he heard about Gai and his "make believe" friend Kakashi. He's like "I know my son is not delusional. I'm not sure who is talking to my son but I only hope their presence is benevolent. Maybe you can pop in and check on it if you're not too busy? I'm sure this "Kakashi" is related to your girl (he didn't know Kakashi was trans yet) in some way."
Though I thinknl it would be really cool, if they gained a REAL friendship after Dai died. And if Sakumo might be the one who visits him the most as a star. Maybe he gets some fatherly advice to help bond with his sons, or they just talk and gossip about the dynamic between their boys and the reincarnation relationship. They probably consider themselves in laws LONG before the marriage in the mortal life time, and Dai may be the ONLY person Sakumo tells when he finds his son is mortal and where he is.
Sakumo going to dai and telling him all about how he found his son, and crying because he really thought he’d lost Kakashi but his son is just out there living his best life with the mortal he has fallen in love with time and time again 😭😭😭
Dai is such a good dad too so he’s happy to offer advice.
Oh, and i can totally see Sakumo appearing to king dai after he hears that prayer and assuring him that ‘Kakashi’ is perfectly safe and will never do anything to harm Gai. Promising that the friend that the prince will not stop talking about is good and kind.
Dai getting to meet the god of the lost in a second lifetime and immediately connecting with him all over again. Perhaps the reason he instals him as one of the main gods of the village is because in his childhood he always felt lost and lost a lot to war or famine and his response to all of those loses is kindness. Protecting his people in any way that he can.
Sakumo appearing as a mortal during a terrible storm caused by Kakashi having a bad argument with Obito and going to sulk in that old mountaintop cave where he spent so much time with Gai in his past life. Helping to hand out bedding and making sure that if someone is sick or in need of attention they get help right away.
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
I was thinking about Rin, Sakura and Karin and oh Sage, Karin really took a chidori to the chest just like Rin, but Sakura was able to heal her. Which it's complex enough, but then —in a twist of irony— Sasuke almost killed Sakura the same way.
The layers of that.
Kakashi killed Rin by accident. He killed her 'cause at the moment they need to stop the three tails from breaking free, and maybe Rin would die anyway, but at least that way they'd stop her from hurting her loved ones. Yet Rin knew, she knew that Kakashi wouldn't do it, didn't want to do it. He was crying, just a kid.
While Sasuke's psychological situation at the moment of his fight with Danzo was precarious, he did what he did because he chose to. Karin and Sakura were (in two different senses) on his way, but he wouldn't stop for them. Their lives weren't the most important thing at the moment.
Rin died at war after being kidnapped. She was the medic nin of her team. Her sensei, the fastest man maybe in the world, didn't arrive on time. And she died knowing she was loved, that her teammate deeply cared about her. She didn't see Obito mourning over her dead body, but there was someone there, they were both there. She was a good kunoichi until the end, the perfect teammate, a beloved friend.
Karin almost died because she wanted to help Sasuke. She went with him willingly. She didn't have a sensei to defend her and Sasuke told her to don't move to trick Danzo. He used her and then used her again to test Sakura. She was the medic nin of her team too. And the person who came to hold together was an enemy. In fact, was her rival in terms of love for Sasuke. The team of the boy that almost killed her. She almost die because she believed in her team. She thought he cared.
Sakura almost died because she was desperate to take the burden and get rid of it— she couldn't stand to see Sasuke losing himself, becoming someone he said he'd never be, or the thought of leaving the hurt to Naruto, because it pained her to see her teammates fighting to death. She went there lying to herself. She failed at being a good kunoichi, she couldn't be that cruel. And Sasuke had no problem with it, he was not naive, seeing her tears wouldn't stop him from completing his mission. But she —of the three of them— and a sensei that arrived always late except when she was in danger. She had a teammate that would anything to protect her. She was the medic nin of her team.
Thinking about it, medic nins do get chidoris to the chest all the time. Rin, Sakura, Karin, Haku. Kakashi's kills were an accident, but Sasuke's wouldn't have that excuse. Kakashi's kills were both kids giving their lives in exchange to protect the people they loved. Sasuke's kills were both girls that loved him, his teammates who had protect him and bring him company, but girls that he'd have no problem sacrificing in exchange of reaching his goals.
This is scratching my brain like crazy.
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empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
Nothing is True
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… Everything is permitted.
What is real?
What is not?
Is she just turning crazy or are other powers at work?
One thing is clear Kohana will get to the bottom of this and maybe change the whole Ninja-World at the same time.
S.I. Third Shinobi World War 
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Chapter 1: Visions
Everywhere Kohana looked she saw dead people.
No this wasn’t right...she saw how they would die.
It didn’t make any sense!
As she entered the classroom a cute girl with lilac stripes on her cheeks and brunette hair greeted her.
Rin...her name was Rin Nohara...she remeberd. The girl was her friend and study buddy.
And doomed to die at the hand of the protege Kakashi Hatake! A fist of lighting pierced through sweet Rin’s heart!
Kohana had nearly puked as she saw this...scene.
It had felt so real. Like she was there, rain hitting her body and the sounds of a thousand birds in the air.
Nothing made sense!
Worried Rin had asked if she was okay since she was as white as a paper sheet.
Kohana didn't know how she should respond.
So she mumbled something.
Thankful she didn’t need to say anything since their Sensei, a woman by the name of  Mai, started the lesson for the day.
The green-haired could not follow.
When she looked at one of their classmates, she got this vision!
It was not always death, it seemed to show the future!
Asuma Sarotobi, dying in the arms of a teenager who looked like a Nara.
Kurenai Yuhi, alone with a child, a photo of Asuma watching over them.
Hayate Gekko, killed by a Suna Ninja with a Wind-Jutsu.
Kakashi Hatake, the arrogant protege, alone before a memorial seeming to mourn.
Death here.
Death there.
Alone in the world.
Killed to save their teammates.
So much death so much grief!
Then her eyes fall on Obito Uchiha...what she saw...it made the last of sense...dying under a boulder...in a cave with an old man, barely alive...witnessing Rin's death and killing hundreds of enemy ninjas with Wood-Release!
Wearing a mask, letting the legendary Ninetails attack Konoha! 
Forming a group of dangerous people wearing black cloaks with red clouds!
Hunting down people who had Tailed Beasts in them.
Then this strange statue absorbed them.
A war!
Bigger than the current one.
On his side Madara Uchiha! How, he was long death?
And a terrible beast with 10 tails killing thousands!
This was too much!
Kohana formally begged Mai-Sensei to go to the restroom.
There she puked all her guts out.
It seemed like hours she spent over the toilette, but it was probably only a few minutes.
Anyway, Konoha was done. She didn’t feel her legs anymore. She was sweaty and shivering at the same time.
With a tired groan, she took her hairband out and stroked her green hair.
What was happening with her?
What kind of powers were here at work?
Was she turning crazy?
Turning crazy sounded better than whatever future she saw.
These were her friends and comrades none of them deserved this future.
It seemed Obito was the key to all this.
But how?
Everybody knew that the Uchiha loved Rin, even Rin herself, yet could her death really turn Obito into this...monster, who killed thousands?
Who awakes something that should stay where it was?
That was ridiculous!
She may be not Obito’s best friend, however they were friends. Kohana knew the boy.
Someone who wanted to be Hokage and change the life of the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf for the better couldn't turn...so evil.
Or could he?
For Rin?
Did he really love her that much?
So much that he would burn down the world and anybody in it to avenge her?
Without caring anymore for his family and friends?
The green-haired girl was sure she missed something.
She hadn’t seen all.
Nonetheless, one thing was clear...Rin Nohara couldn’t die if the world was to be saved.
Only how could Kohana save her friend?
And yes, she decided that she couldn’t imagine this all, it had to be visions from the future..maybe even a Kekkai Genkai she awoke.
Konoha wouldn’t take any changes. Better to be extra careful and keep Rin alive, than ignoring it for her own sanity and just saying this all was crazy.
Too much was at stake for that.
“Kohana-Chan.”, she heard Rin calling for her. In the next second, she felt a soft hand stroking her hair. “You puked a lot. Want me to escort you to the nurse's office?”
Like a cat, she leaned into Rin’s touch. 
She had always liked Rin. She was such a pure and good soul.
Maybe it was also for her own selfish reason that she didn’t want her friend to die.
“I don’t know Rin-Chan. I can barely feel my legs.”
Rin’s hand moved to her forehead.
“Mhm, you don’t seem to have a fever. This is at least good, but I would feel better if Nurse Rinka looked at you.”
 “Can you help me up?”
What could Konoha say? She was weak for Rin.
Of course, this was not a problem and Rin threw Konoha’s arm over her shoulder and led her to the Nurse Office.
There the young Nurse Rinka gave Konoha something for her stomach and told her to rest in one of the beds.
Rin, the sweetheart, gave her a tiny get better kiss on her forehead and returned to the classroom.
Tired Konoha falls asleep.
She was running.
Demanding that her legs go faster.
She jumped from the rooftop and landed on another.
For a second she looked if her pursuers were behind her.
She heard their shouts.
“Assasin! Get back here!”
Yeah sure.
She huffed, fixed her hood and then slid down the pole on the house.
Now she was on the streets.
People were still out.
Good, she could hide there in plain sight.
With a deep breath, she joined the mass.
The artefact in her pocket burned her formally.
Slowly Konoha opened her eyes.
Absentminded she rubbed her left leg where in her dream she had felt the burning.
One thing was for sure this day was getting crazier.
“Ah, you are awake.”, greeted the voice of Nurse Rinka. The young blond gave her a glass of water. “You slept for two good hours Kohana-San.”
With big gulps, Kohana drank the whole water in the glass. Her tongue felt like sandpaper and the water was balm on it.
“I’m much better now. You think I can return to class Rinka-San?”, she asked.
“Let me run a few tests then you can go.”
Rinka did just that and Kohana was then free to go.
On her way to her classroom, Kohana thought about her dream.
This was probably the most normal thing of all the future visions she had today, and yet it had been super bizarre too.
In her dream, all had seemed...more futuristic.
For example, there were strange metallic things on the street with people in them.
People even were dressed much differently than she ever had seen in the 5 Shinobi Nations.
And why would hair brain call her in her dream assasin and not ninja, kunoichi or shinobi?
Bah, more questions than answers.
Kohana decided that her dream was a minor priority.
Her main mission was now to keep somehow Rin alive to avoid this future where Obito would go totally bananas.
And for that, she decided, she needed to get even closer to Rin and Obito.
Heh, not even a Genin and already trying to change the world for the better.
Like Kohana had thought earlier, she wouldn’t take any changes.
If it turned out to be just some crazy hallucinations because she had been sick, then she had only deepened her friendships with Rin and Obito.
That was far from being bad.
With a deep breath, she knocked on her classroom door, till Sensei Mai called her back in.
No turning back.
Mission: Save the future was a go!
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Why there was no sasuke when naruto sasuke & all of the shinobi tried to pull the bijuu out from obito together? Manga on ep/ch 652 i mean this part (look pic)
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Note: i also wanna ask another tumblr acc, bcz maybe you'll have different opinion & i already tried to think the answer but nothing came to my mind😭✌
I guess this has to do with others' perception about Naruto and his Comrades (???). And Comrades as in... People who stands and fight with Naruto showing their full support.
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"Both the people of the Village and Sasuke betrayed you..."
Here, Obito was questioning about Naruto's purpose for fighting in this war. And he didn't fail to mention about Sasuke's betrayal too. I think this is the extent of his understanding about the bond between Sasuke and Naruto.
Remember he said he would make Sasuke to fight him in the Kage Summit Arc???
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He also said, "Naruto is just a pawn to stimulate Sasuke"
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So, Obito's perception about their friendship is that Naruto was the one who was willing to chase and save Sasuke whereas Sasuke would not even hesitate to kill Naruto if he needs to.
Perhaps he saw Sasuke as someone who never thought Naruto as his very close friend.... a person who could never stand with Naruto and support him just like other people on the Battlefield.
Isn't it funny???
Obito reflects a part of the Fandom which claims SNS bond is one sided because Sasuke never loved Naruto because he tried to kill him multiple times. So, What Obito saw in that Chakra plane was probably How he assumed the bond between Naruto and Sasuke to be.
And this is the same with Kakashi as well.
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In this scene, Kakashi clearly knew that N and S are fighting together. He even wondered about it.... And yet he never put Sasuke's face inside the mini-panels... Whereas Sakura was not even in this Konoha Power Up thing, she was with Tsunade and helping out other shinobis. But she was inserted here as Naruto's 'Friends'..... Again, this is Kakashi's perspective about Naruto's comrades who would stand with him and help him out.
Kakashi knew Sasuke injured Naruto after VoTE1...
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"Knowing you... You really gave it your all... Didn't you?"
Well, he already knew that Sasuke was the aggressor in that Hospital Rooftop Fight.... He knew Naruto trained so hard for Sasuke to save him from Orochimaru... He knew Naruto begged infront of Raikage to take back the Execution Order...
But he never knew anything about Sasuke's POV... Well, even we, as Readers, got to know his POV in only Chapter 698...
This doesn't mean that I blame them or anything, It's just that other characters has limited exposure to Sasuke's POV and they draw conclusion on what they had observed so far... To them, Sasuke is someone who is not on Naruto's side. So, that's why in that attached Obito panel, Sasuke was not there because he (as well as Kakashi) are very aware of Naruto's POV.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Hello I found your block and I LOVE your writings, soo maybe can u have a headcanon with obito, kakashi, itachi x reader crying after first time sex because it's hurt too much but she don't wanna say that she have pain?
Warning : fluff
" hey" you heard your boyfriends voice and looked at him and saw him standing in boxer next to you with a cup of water and a pill " you can't hide the tears from me sweetheart . Here , take a painkiller and then rest " he helped you sit up and gave you the painkiller and the cup . After taking it you already felt better and sleepy . Obito got in bed with you again his hair still a little wet and took you into his arms " was i ... too rough?" You thinker a bit " I'm sorry " , Obito whispered . " It's okay , i love you" you answered before falling asleep in his arms.
He feels a little bad about it , he knows it'll hurt the first time but maybe he really was too rough with you?
He hates seeing you in pain and even if it's natural for it to hurt he can't help it but feel a little bit bad about hurting you
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" shhhh it's gonna be alright , I'm sorry darling if i was too rough " he whispered holding you close to him while caressing your cheeks " do you want me to get you a painkiller or maybe 2? " You thought about it then shook your head , no. The pain was slowly getting better and his warmth was too comfortable to lose for even just seconds " alright , try to rest a bit " he whispered while giving your forhead a kiss
Itachi over thinks it quieter a bit trying to find the mistakes he made , so he could explain that much pain
But he ends up having no answer and just laying there enjoying having you in his arms
I don't think itachi would sleep that night , too busy thinking about what happened
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He already gave you a painkiller after cleaning up knowing the pain will be bad and then got into bed with you again .holding you like a teddy bear , close and tightly you forgot about the pain and listened to him breathing . Noticing a change in his Rhythmen you knew he was sleeping and you should sleep too but this pain is driving you insane . You sighed and Kakashi awoke " oh sorry didn't mean to wake you up" you apologized but he chuckled " it's okay , tell me is the pain still bad ?" " yes " " i want to try something " you gave him a questionable look but in lighting speed he had his hands on where it hurted " i copied this jutzu from Tsunade " he began making the handsigns for the healing jutzu . After minutes the pain went away thank to your copycat . Kakashi got back into the position you two were before but this time he waited until you were sleeping .
Will try many things to make the pain go away
Doesn't feel guilty just bad because he always feels bad seeing you in pain
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Ask box open
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So I didn't request anything for a while so... I thought maybe some Obito x reader? Or if you really really really really want... Maybe my OC, Nariko x Obito? 👀
I leave the genre for you, whatever you have an inspiration for. Whatever hits you 😘
And happy bday, in advance this time ;)
my dear!! Thank you for sending such a nice request! I enjoyed writing for those two very much and pretty much had an idea from the beginning. I love your little girl and her grumpy bulky man so much, she is so much fun <3 <3 I hope this is alright!
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Uchiha Obito x OC
warning: this includes a panic attack.
2308 words.
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Post war Obito is living like a hermit in Nariko's apartment, too afraid to go out and face other humans. Nariko likes that as it stops her from worrying. One day, however, she comes home and Obito is not there.
After the war had ended and Obito Uchiha had miraculously survived, Nariko took him in. She didn’t have much, just recently dismissed from her ANBU position as someone who was too close to a declared war criminal, but it was alright for the both of them. Neither of them knew yet how to make this relationship-thing  work and Obito needed a lot of help, too much had happened to him in his past, too many things were also happening to him in the present, with people speaking in hushed tones when he came by or went anywhere.
His prison sentence had been brief, maybe shorter than he would have gotten if the hokage didn’t happen to be his best friend, and right after that he only went out at Nariko's side, when she specifically asked him to, otherwise he stayed inside. There were demons haunting him still, obviously and there was nobody there to cure him of it, least of all Nariko, even though she loved him, that could not heal all his wounds. Kakashi came by too, of course, long talks between the former best friends, but it could only soothe Obito’s soul so much. He stayed inside if he could, the world was shut outside.
When Kakashi was visiting he often joked about how cramped Nariko must feel with Obito by her side every second of every day. “It might be fine for a while as long as you are still head over heels”, he laughed a little, “but soon you’ll possibly be annoyed by him being around.” She laughed with him, quietly, but the reality was very different. Nariko was glad Obito was always around, she wanted to know him safe and sound always within her reach. She loved that she came home with groceries and he was already there.
Because Obito was not the only one battling demons in their relationship, Nariko had a few of her own hot on her heels. Years of ANBU work had left her souls scarred just as much as the other ANBU members she was friends with and Kakashi would have probably understood that if she’d told him, but more so than that Nariko had loved and lost before. And she was terrified of a repeat. Another partner dead in front of her eyes, another ten years of wounds that were without healing. She was sure she couldn’t survive the pain again, not with Obito, not with the way they were around each other.
So she cherished the fact that when she woke up he was right there, by her side, each time. NIghtmares couldn’t scare her because no matter where she went or how long, Obito was there when she came back. I stayed at home, in safety, away from the world that could cause him harm, that could take him away from Nariko and she liked that, as wrong as it was obviously. Kakashi was right, Obito needed to start living again, but he could take his time, at least in Nariko’s eyes.
Weeks passed without Obito ever taking a step outside. His many tries early on at Nariko’s side had left him anxious and nervous, so he stayed back in the dark shaded apartment. He was ashamed and worried about other people in Konoha, he assumed, not without reason, that they’d point and talk about him behind his back. Nariko knew it to be true, she could hear them talk behind her back too. Not that she cared. Old people didn’t matter. 
But gradually Obito improved, laughing more, being awake more, he freely talked about his time in Akatsuki now, even joked about it. When Kakashi came by, the friends were now spending hours together reminiscing with Nariko just sitting with her head leaned against Obito’s legs and listening. He was getting better and she was happy to see him getting better. Still, there was this lingering fear that she could not shake. In time, he’d get so much better than he’d want to go outside. Maybe with her at first again, but then alone. The outside brought the danger back into their relationship and though Nariko kept the anxiety pushed to the back of her mind, it was still there.
One day then, about half a year after Obito’s release from prison, Nariko came home to find the apartment empty. She had told Obito in the morning that she was going to run some errands and be back by dinner time, he’d kissed her and seemed in an especially good mood. After getting a small mission done - someone needed to pay the bills after all- she had rushed back home to him and noticed right away when she opened the doors that he wasn’t there. No shoes in the hallway where they had been for months. No jacket on the hanger. 
She dropped her bag and jumped forward without taking her own shoes off. Her apartment wasn’t big, it wasn’t hard to see that Obito wasn’t there. “Obito”, she called for him and ran a circle around the couch as if he was hiding behind it, which he wasn’t. “Obito!” She felt the panic lick at her neck like a flame and hurried from the kitchen into the small bathroom, he wasn’t there. There was only the bedroom left. She walked over slowly, mumbling his name over and over again as if that would change anything. Deep in her mind she already knew he wasn’t home, she had known since she had entered.
The bedroom was empty. The bedsheets were as messy as they had been in the morning and there was still the tea cup of the tea she had brought Obito in the morning. Before she could think better of it she let herself fall to her knees and looked under the bed, which was ridiculous of course, Obito wasn’t there either. He wasn’t hiding in the closet or behind it or on top of, of course he wasn’t. He was not there. She ran back into the kitchen to check if he had left a note, he had not. The scenery before her eyes started spinning.
Before she could help it the memories flooded in. A dead body, blood, a sharp pain in her chest. She could feel it again, now, in her chest, as if she was there. She grabbed her hand and noticed how it was shaking, her whole body was shaking. Where had Obito gone? Had he left her.. forever? Her legs were too shaky to carry her longer so she staggered back to fall on her couch. Nariko’s heart was beating a loud, fast drum in her ears and she felt hot and too cold at the same time. She knew what it was instantly, she’d seen it too much on other colleagues during her time in ANBU. Panic had grabbed her and was putting her to the brink of passing out.
Shallow breath, shaking hands, sweat on her forehead and the eyes burning and spinning. She grabbed her own heart as it was aching, she gasped for air and then when the moment came in which she was sure she would drown any minute now, that was when the door opened again and Obito walked in, carrying two large shopping bags. When he saw her laying on the couch holding her chest the way she did, his face turned white almost immediately.
He dropped what he was holding and was with her in a matter of seconds. “Nariko”, he touched her cheek and she could feel him, but the panic was still ruling her body so she couldn’t force her eyes to open clear enough. “What is going on?” He seemed helpless, moving to entwine his fingers with hers to press her hand in support. She could not speak or reply to him, her eyes pressed shut again to keep spinning away. Apparently unhappy with just watching, Obito wrapped his free hand around her shoulders and pulled her into him, pressing her shaking body against his sturdy one. Kisses against her cheek and hair. “I’m here.” The expression broke her flood gates.
It was curious really, how much panic could have you in its grasp and how just crying could loosen it up immediately. Nariko cried a waterfall into Obito’s shirt, crawling herself into the fabric as if it was the lifeline to bring her back to reality. He was here, it was reality. He was right here, his arms warm and protective, his voice soft and loving, his face beautiful and alive. He was here, he’d never left, everything was alright. Obito just held her through her sobs, he didn’t even ask again, just pressing her body as close to his as he could.
Finally, her shaking stilled and she could wipe the tears away. With a few deep breaths Nariko felt like herself again. “I’m sorry,” she said weakly to Obito, too embarrassed by her outburst to look into his eyes. “You shouldn’t have needed to see this.”
“On the contrary, I’m really glad I did.” As always when Obito was speaking, all of the words out of his mouth sounded truthful. Even when he’d been a criminal his intentions had been his truth, as misguided as they were. Nariko had always kind of liked that about him, even if she shouldn’t. “I didn’t know you could get panic attacks like that and I think I should know.”
She wanted to argue, tell him that she had it under control, but it was clear that she hadn’t. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Obito watch her and the question he wanted to ask was written all over his face. He took another minute to get himself to finally say it: “What triggered this?” Quickly he added: “If I know the trigger we can try to avoid it next time” as if to excuse his prying into her private issues.
“You” she said, voice still weak. His eyes went wide. “More so..that you weren’t here when I got back.” And then the words just poured out of her, the story she had never found the strength to tell him about. How a love previously had left her broken (she added the words “beyond repair”) and how it had taken her ages to get over it all. How she’d been glad he’d been inside her apartment at all times because it was a space she could control., that was safe and how the reaction came about when she noticed he wasn’t home without leaving a note.
When she was done Obito had his eyes wide open, one hand going through his hair. “Shit” he muttered under his breath. “If I had known…”
“It’s not your fault.” Nariko pressed his hand. 
“It is!” He lifted her hand up to press it against his cheek. “I - I just wanted to go out and buy some things for dinner. I thought I would surprise you, but I haven’t been out in so long that I got lost - Konoha really expanded quickly!- and so it took me way too long. I should have seen this coming, I should have left a note. I’m sorry, I promise it won’t happen again.”
She needed all her best mental strength not to start crying again. He’d wanted to do something good for her, that was all, he hadn’t meant to cause her so much turmoil, of course he hadn’t. If only she’d kept her usual calm and collected mind instead of being taken over by the panic. She bit her lower lip and looked away in embarrassment, but Obito softly tipped her cheek with his pointer finger so they could look at each other again.
“I love you”, he said without blinking, which left her speechless. It wasn’t the first time Obito told her that, but it had not lost any of its magic on Nariko. “From the moment I met you I felt like I’ve known you for years already, that you and I spent a million different lives in a million different worlds by each other’s side and always loved one another. I knew that I needed to be with you, no matter how difficult that could get. You took me in, you loved me when I was nothing but a ghost of myself and for the last months you’ve taken care of me like I wasn’t just a burden..”
Nariko interjected “You weren’t-” but Obito continued.
“I will never leave you. Never, not until we are old and time has run its course. When we are both too tired to get up in the morning and complain about young people. When technology passes us by. Until then I’ll be by your side. Now that I have you I will not let this world allow it to take you away from me, or me from you. I will never leave, I promise you this.”
“I don’t think you can promise such a thing..” There they were again, the tears burning in the side of her eyes.
“I promise.” Obito repeated and the look in his eyes showed her that he was serious about it. She couldn’t help himself, she leaned forward and kissed him, throwing both her hands around his neck to draw him in, closer to where she was, where he was always supposed to be.
His words were hard to believe in her messed up mind, but she wanted to. “I believe you”, she said, eyes shining at Obito. “I want to believe you at least.” He beamed and kissed her nose. Her eyes wandered to the shopping bags and back. “But please, next time you go away without telling me, at least leave a note, for my mental health’s sake.”
Obito leaned forward again to kiss her. “That is included in my promise.”
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sweetyaoigirl · 3 years
Obito x Fem Reader
Happy Birthday Obito 🎁🎈🎂🍰🎉
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It was finally the day.
You were waiting for this day for so long.
You had it circled in your calendar.
It is finally happening.
This day you enjoyed more than Christmas, Halloween or any of your vacations.
Obito's birthday was finally here.
10th February
You were planning a birthday party for your boyfriend and made sure to invite all of his friends.
Obito decided to go for a short walk while you invited his friends to come over.
When you heard a knock on the door you turn up to open the door.
Obito really had a bunch of friends.
They even introduced themselves so you know their names since you knew only Kakashi and Guy.
Anko, Shizune, Kurenai, Asuma, Hayate, Genma, Ibiki and Raido.
Yep that's all I think. You said to yourself, as you memorezided the names.
Everyone had a smile on their face helping you to decorate the house with bunch of ballons, colorful napkins on the table, bunch of cakes since Obito loved sweets.
You made a tea for everyone and the boys even brought a bunch of alcohol to celebrate this big day.
A chuckle escaped your lips as they put it on the table and Guy wanted to challange Kakashi right away.
You were talking with Shizune, Kurenai and Anko how they were finally glad to met you in person.
His friends were nice people. You had no idea why Obito was not talking about them that much.
Maybe it is because he likes to talk about only himself and how great he is.
You didn't mind that about him at all. It was cute.
He was that clingy, soft, easily to get jealous boyfriend.
In other words the perfect boyfriend for you.
He was still insecure about his scars but every night you kiss every single scar on his face and he just melts.
Enough of the daydreaming ! You clapped your hands together and turned your attentions to everyone.
Obito will be here soon. Let's turn off the lights and hide somewhere.
How do you know that ? Did he send you a message ? Shizune asked.
No. I know Obito very well. His short walks lasts only 20 minutes.
You said proudly.
Heeeeh ? Everyone eyed you and you just backed away a little bit.
W-what's with you everyone ?
You know Obito that much ? When did you two get to know each other so fast ? Was it that time when you two run away when we were at amusent park ? Anko elbowed you, giving you her playful smirk.
We knew each other that time a long time. We have been dating for 3 years. I know it's not that much but we are not like you guys to rush things up and quickly find some hotel so we can sleep together. You said annoyed.
Wow I never knew you have such a bold words Y/N. Asuma said.
Yeah you totally describes us. Anko smacked your back.
Like I saaid Obito will be here soon ! Hurry up and hide somewhere. I will turn the lights off. You turned the lights off and then heard some loud steps.
Kakashi !!! I bet you can't see anything in this dark room. I have another chellenge for you.
Shut up Guy ! You shushed him when you heard the door open which means that Obito arrived.
Obito was confused at first but then he find the switch to turn the lights on.
Just as he did that everyone popped out from their hiding spots.
Happy Birthday Obito !!! Everyone said at the same time.
Obito stood on the same spot confused but then a smile formed on his face as he saw everyone.
Everyone ? Did you all planned this for me ?
Of course. We are your friends so it's only natural. Kakashi smiled.
Let's give Obito presents and then we can celebrate ! Anko yelled.
Good idea. Kurenai said and Asuma nodded.
Obito received a bunch of presents, he couldn't believe his eyes that he got so many.
Kakashi and Guy were talking with Obito which made you smile.
Obito wasn't hanging out with his friends lately so you were glad that there were people who called him friend.
Soon everyone started drinking.
Anko was dancing on the table and singing I want it that way.
While Shizune and Kurenai were having a drinking contest.
Kakashi and Guy were talking about their old days, who was better.
Ibiki, Hayate, Genma and Raido were dancing with a wine bottles in their hands.
And you were leaning against the wall, drinking some juice since at least someone needs to be sober.
Your eyes landed on Obito who was going to the next room.
The curiosity was growing inside of you so you decided to follow him but you couldn't find him anywhere.
You searched the whole room but there was not even step of him.
Then you noticed that the window was opened.
He couldn't have jumped....
You leaned through the window to see Obito walking at fast pace.
Something's not right.
Obito's actions were quite obvious to you and yet you shrugged it off.
You slapped your head and followed Obito.
Obito wait !!! Where are you ? You were searching for your uchiha boyfriend but couldn't find him anywhere.
You were running around the city but couldn't find him anywhere.
Where could he be ? You were starting to panick.
Obito was nowhere to be found. But you didn't give up.
You were breathing heavily from running in this cold weather since it was still februar.
Walking slowly you saw some spiky black hair and it made you think that it was Obito and you were right.
He was sitting here on the bench, with his knees up to his chest.
He had a sad look written on his face and it made you worried.
You sat down next to him and looked up at him again.
Obito why did you leave ? It's your birthday party today. I thought that you would enjoy it. Did something happened ? You asked curious.
I-I'm sorry Y/N. It was probably you who decided to make this birthday party for me. I know that you were trying to make me happy and I appreciate it a lot but...
But ? You tilted your head.
I didn't know that you would invite them too.
Obito those are your friends. Birthday parties are all about the people who are close to you so it is only natural to invite them too.
I don't know if they are still really my friends. Obito said avoiding your gaze.
What ? What are you talking about ? They were all happy to come and see you. Since you didn't saw them a long time I thought...
Y/N I only need you. You were there for me when I needed someone by my side the most. They were looking at me with disgust. They still know what I did. Obito's hand started to shake as he remembered the past.
You sighed and placed your hand on top of his.
I don't know if they still consider you as a friend now that you told me this but I don't think they would come to their enemie's birthday party. You smiled.
They probably just wanted to get drunk. If they still consider me as a friend why didn't they send me a message ? Obito asked.
I don't know. I don't know. I'm really sorry Obito. I should have know that. You hugged him tightly.
It's okay Y/N. You didn't know. Just do me a favor. He took your hands in his and stared deeply into your eyes.
Yes ?
I want to spend my birthday with only you. I was a very bad person but you were here for me. You risked your life just to be with me again. I'm sorry that because of me you had a bad life. 
Obito I was only following someone I love. Even if you became a criminal again I will follow you always. And if you are not planning to do it again it's all in the past. We can start a new life together. You didn't told me that you were still worried about this, I thought you moved on. 
That's not something you just forget Y/N. Especially when someone as gorgeous as you are was standing by my side. He carressed your cheek which made you giggle. 
That is my Obito. Soft, happy and romantic boyfriend. You cupped his face in your hands.
Obito blushed at your words.
Sooo do you want to go with me somewhere ? I don't really want to go back right now. 
Yes sure let's do that. You stood up and offered him your hand. 
He stood up and took your hand in his before he lead you through the park.
You know...but we should really go back. I would like to feed my baby a cake. 
I am not a baby ! Stop talking like that Y/N. It's not funny. He crossed his arms and you patted his back.
I am just kidding Obito. But I made the cake so I would like you to eat it. 
But there were many cakes. Which one was that you made ? He tilded his head.
I hide it because I knew others will come. No one will ever find it. You winked at him and Obito smirked. 
It looks like my sweetheart is good at hiding things. I remember when you hide that important file that the police was trying to find. Obito placed his hands on your waist.
Of course they didn't found it. After all I am genius when it comes to hiding things. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips.
Well then shall we go my love ? He asked you softly.
Sure. I know a really interesting place. Let's go home then Obito. 
Yeah I am beyond happy that I could spend my birthday with you and only you. I can't wait for the cake. I bet it is sweet like you. He smirked.
Nothing is sweeter than me. You chuckled. 
Obito ?
Yeah ?
Happy Birthday.
I hope you will continue love me. 
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narusasudestiel · 2 years
For pride month I decided to post about my hc for sexualities of the Naruto characters, why, and who I would have picked for their partner!
Team 7
Naruto: Bisexual but definitely leans more towards men. I'd even accept gay. It's just funny to me that he put so much effort into a reverse harem jutsu that's different men, while his original is just female versions of himself! He'd be with Sasuke of course!
Sasuke: GAY (I wish I knew how to use the colors better)! I mean he's never shown an ounce of romantic emotion towards a woman, neither does he like them even touching him. His feelings for Naruto are beyond obvious so they'd be together.
Sakura: STRAIGHT!! Super straight. Obsessed with the same boy her whole life. If she had moved on when he wasn't interested then I might consider otherwise, but really that's such a straight girl thing to do. I couldn't see her with anyone at all honestly; she'd be bitter her whole life hoping for Naruto and Sasuke's relationship to fail so she could try to swoop in.
Sai: Asexual! (Again it's hard to do the colors 😭). He just doesn't seem to be a romantic or sexual sort, but I think he would love a platonic relationship!
Kakashi: Bisexual! He has so many ships with actual evidence that it's hard to ship him anywhere!!! Despite most of his ships being mostly men he has an unhealthy obsession with straight porn so..... What relationship I see him in changes with the tides. Iruka, Guy, Obito, it's hard over here.
Yamato: have no idea honestly, I didn't get enough time with him to tell but I love him anyway
Iruka (he deserves to be included in Team 7): The ships really make me wanna lean Bi but outside of that he doesn't have any romantic connection with anyone really. So I'll go with SUSPECT!
Team 10
Ino: Lesbian/Bisexual! She's so femme I love her! She showed signs when she was younger about being into Sakura and was one of the few girls to think Sasuke wasn't that cool. It's suspicious. It's hard to ship her anywhere cause there's just not enough screentime, but I like putting her with Karin as a crack ship just cause they'd have good energy.
Shikamaru: Straight straight STRAIGHT! Just really straight. Can't see him with anyone but Temari honestly.
Chouji: Straight but would be the bestest Ally. He's just a super sweet guy I love him very much. He doesn't have enough screentime so I can't really ship him anywhere.
Asuma: Straight obviously haha.
Team 8
Kiba: Straight. He's just straight vibes. He's so funny and has really good energy and I think he would be the one Hinata would move on with. They know each other well and I think her soft feminity would compliment his brash masculinity.
Hinata: Straight. She's also had a crush on the same guy all her life. In her case I don't see her continuing to hold on after Naruto and Sasuke got together. She would be very sad for a very long time, but I do think she could settle for being friends. The only other possibility for her would be Kiba.
Shino: Suspect, but only because he also doesn't get a lot of screentime. It's a shame really! He's such an interesting character.
Kurenai: Straight, but she also gives some sort of queer vibe. Dunno why but she just does. Like a PE teacher...
Team Guy
Lee: he's hard to pinpoint. He comes off as straight, but I don't think he'd let gender get in the way of love. Maybe Heteroflexible. On one side of the spectrum I could see him marrying some NPC woman with some incredibly romantic and beautiful meetcute but on the other there's Gaara.
Tenten: Same as Lee honestly. She gives off straight vibes, but also not. Team Guy is funny in this regard as they all seem to give off this vibe. Maybe it's because of how Guy raised them. She'd end up with Neji.
Neji: same as Lee and Tenten, but more towards Bisexual. As much as he tries to act too cool for Team Guy he really fits in here. He's had odd tension towards Naruto and Tenten. He'd end up with Tenten though cause he really doesn't interact with other people.
Guy: Gay. He just has way too much going on with Kakashi.
Karin: Straight/Bisexual. She got super obsessed with Sasuke but I don't think she'd stay that way forever. I'm not bolding it tho because it's fully built on vibes and not panels. I could see her get with Suigetsu after both of them mature, but that's only if they do lol
Suigetsu: Bisexual. He has no problems with being close to a man while naked. He also purposely sets Karin off so he might be a bit of a masochist. He gives off bi frat boy vibes. As I said before, I could see him and Karin growing and maturing and becoming a couple, if not then he would be a chronic one night stander.
Jugo: Asexual. He's very quiet, but also a little emotionally repressed (for good reason). At this point there's not enough evidence, but I could see him very happy with someone who would rather watch animals and be in the quiet of nature.
Sand trio
Gaara: GAY! He had it so bad for Naruto. So bad. He has a lot of chemistry with Lee, and if I could choose who he ended up with that would be my choice.
Temari: Straight. She's a textbook femme fatale. Shikamaru better be ready.
Kankuro: Straight/Heteroflexible. He seems pretty straight from all we've seen of him, but he seems the type to just be like 'why not' if asked out by a guy.
Other (for spice)
Itachi: he's hard to place as well but he gives me asexual demi. Hes a very goal oriented person who only pays attention to people via respect.
Orochimaru: Bisexual. They're not the sort to care about gender and are as fluid as they come.
Madara: Gay. Just. Gay.
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My Podfics List
All of my podfics (various pairings and gen works) are listed and linked below the cut.
The Zen of Tenzō
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/gen (no pairing)
Length: 01:05:28
Summary:  In the era of peace, Tenzō wishes to claim some of it for himself, and he retires from shinobi life in order to pursue it. Follow the journey of his first year in robes in this series of parables.  
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And Many Happy Returns
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaObiYama
Length: 00:33:12
Summary:“Obito?!” Tenzō repeats, his voice rising an octave. “Your Obito? Kakashi, isn’t he supposed to be dead?”
Kakashi says, before he can think much about it, “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
In answer to their questions, Obito finally rolls over, confirming what Kakashi already knew. Obito’s face and body are the same as they were at the height of the war by all accounts. Scales, tomoe, and horns decorate his body, but what draws most of his attention are the brushstrokes painted across his stomach, reading, “Love, Kaa-san~”
A hand thrown over his eyes, Obito grumbles out, “Your mother says, ‘Happy birthday,’ Bakashi.”
Writing by keepyourpantsongohan, art by uintuva, tomicaleto and kiro-sveta.
AO3 Link
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaObi
Length: 00:09:33
Summary:  Sakura can't wait to tell her classmates what she saw at Walmart the night before.  
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It’s Good to Know you Work Alone
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/Gen (no pairing, Kakashi and Zabuza)
Length: 00:09:05
Summary:  "Based on prompt,  'It's good to know you work alone' by Silversun Pickups."  
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Voice of the Garden
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaYama
Length: 00:19:57
Summary: “'That’s a shame,' Kakashi says, fingers at Tenzō’s waist. 'The missing nin thing is kind of working for me.'
Tenzō doesn’t blush about these kind of things anymore, but he still laughs, his head ducking a little closer to the grass. 'It’s things like this that make me worry I will one day have to testify against you.'
'They can’t do that, if you’re married,' Kakashi says lightly."
AO3 Link
Happy Birthday, Kakashi!
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaGai
Length: 00:08:43
Summary:  Kakashi forgets his birthday. His loving husband and cute former students make him celebrate anyway
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Rated M | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaMei
Length: 04:53:04
Summary:  As the Godaime Mizukage, Mei Terumi brought much-needed change and lasting peace to Kirigakure. However, it came at great personal cost. With her duty fulfilled, Mei continues to struggle with choices she'd made in the past; choices which continue to shape her future.  
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Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaMei
Length: 00:18:27
Summary:  Every county has its renowned romance, and Konohagakure’s was born of storms.  
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Akatsuki Babysitter’s Club
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaObi, Konan/Nagato, Kisame/Yagura
Length: 01:51:42
Summary: "Obito thought quickly. 'They're part of a... club... for babysitters.'
‘A club,' said Kakashi, flat.
'Yep. A... babysitter's club.'
'I see,' said Kakashi, who clearly didn't see at all.
'Yeah, the clouds on the coats are supposed to be a soothing visual for kids?' Obito said, as he decided to dig himself deeper.
'In red and black.'
'Okay, the color scheme could maybe stand to be changed,' Obito conceded. He heard Konan snort from underneath the table.
He glanced briefly at Hidan, who was now shaking his shoulders, and the entire curtain, laughing at Obito.---(Kakashi decides to raise Naruto. The Akatsuki takes a new direction.)"
AO3 Link
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Rated G | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaMei
Length: 00:06:40
Summary:  "Kakashi hates the rain. But he loves her."  
AO3 Link
The Wonder of it All
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/Gen (no pairing)
Length: 00:26:43
Summary: Days passed until a week had gone by. Obito, perplexed by the mystery that troubled Kakashi, went in search of a solution and Kisame. He found both sitting at the edge of the sea.
“He’s done so much, for so many. I wish we could find a way to help him gain back even a little of what he’s lost,” Kisame spoke their thoughts aloud.
“I want to grant Kakashi’s wish, but I have no idea how to,” Obito shared his frustration.
“Are we in agreement then that we will try?” Kisame turned sharply to his friend.
“Yes, of course,” Obito assured, “but where do we even begin?”
AO3 Link
The Troublesome Genius
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/ShikaTema
Length: 00:16:53
Summary:  Shikamaru Nara maneuvers his way through the troublesome aspects of being a husband, father, and assistant to the Rokudaime.
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When Night Meets Morning
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaYama
Length: 00:06:18
Summary:  "Yamato’s question interrupted the stillness that surrounded him. He couldn’t believe he’d uttered it and though the words had barely left his lips, they already hung heavy in the quiet moments of when night meets morning."  
AO3 Link
What’s Important
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/Genma x Shizune
Length: 00:12:21
Summary:  Genma misses his wife, Shizune, and plans a little something special for her.  
AO3 Link
The Impossible
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/Gen (no pairing, Kakashi-centric)
Length: 00:09:02
Summary:  No one is more surprised than Kakashi when he returns from apparent death. He confides his extraordinary experience and the new mystery that has come of it at his next visit to Konoha's memorial stone.  
AO3 Link
Closer to the Stars
Rated M | Graphic depictions of violence
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaObi
Length: 00:29:41
Summary: Kakashi tilts his head to ask what comes next. All of a sudden, the air feels charged. It’s heavy with tension and unspoken questions.
It just doesn’t feel right.
Kakashi is smarter than this, Obito realizes, unable to resist gentleness and that ridiculous warmth.
AO3 Link
The Forest of a Thousand Eyes
Rated T | No archive warnings apply
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaYama
Length: 00:29:17
Summary:  "Chiyo poured a cup of tea from the kettle before settling into a chair near the fire. She cleared her throat and began to weave words into a magical spell that transported Jiraiya in all but body to the time and place of her tale."  
AO3 Link
Rated M | No archive warnings apply (check tags)
Fandom/Pairing: Naruto/KakaObi
Length: 01:08:36
Summary: This is a podfic (an audio recording of fanfic) of all seven drabbles I've written for KakaObiWeek 2021. I hope that you've enjoyed reading my stories, and now I hope that you'll enjoy listening to them.
Cover art is by Aciano - used with permission; do not repost. Thank you, Aciano, for allowing me to use your beautiful work!
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I loved Kakashi long before any of his backstory started getting out- he was just so eccentric but also so protective that i latched onto him as a kid i guess, and then when the series revealed about Sakumo and showed scenes of them together i didn't know there would be something like that that i could relate to him, a family consisting of just you and your one parent that youre scared might go away at any moment- I wonder if leading up to the time of his death, Sakumo would switch between pretty much not seeing his son for days on end and just laying in bed not interacting with anyone, or he would hold him close so tight and constantly make Kakashi repeat that he would promise to would take care of himself no matter what happens, no matter what happens to Sakumo. "-you're so smart, i'm sure that you'll be better off without me."
Whenever Kakashi is at the academy or out on missions, he would have this dreadful feeling, that he should go home quickly, that whenever he's gone, even just on a short chore that something is gonna happen and they won't be able to stop it because they've already made their decision and were just waiting for the oppurtunity to do so. maybe i'm just projecting- but the fear of losing a loved one from their own self is so messy and why i couldn't blame Kakashi for being so angry of his father for essentially abandoning his young son, and that anger sticking even when you come to terms how much you still love your parent. My mother is still with me but i still remember her bad days whenever she'd either refrain from speaking to anyone or not doing anything, having to convince her to take a bath or go get groceries. And when she would list out the things i'd need to do when she's gone, holding me at night and whispering to me of how she promises that i'll be fine and that she's just a burden, despite being my mother and me not even ten years old.
anyways Sakumo and Kakashi feels T.T i cry everytime i remember them dammit
Oh hi anon, i see it’s make taryn cry time 😭😭😭
Ok but this is such a feeling. We could see in the short time we got to learn about Sakumo that he adored his son and wanted what was best for him. He’s the one that told Kakashi to watch Gai because he would get stronger. He’s the one who tried to make kakashi and gai friends from the moment they met cuz he knew his son could use friends
He wanted so badly for Kakashi to be alright and i have no doubt part of what he did was because he felt it was best for his son. He felt Kakashi would be fine without him
But the problem with that thinking is it’s so logical and ‘oh they’re strong they’ll be fine’ but it doesn’t factor in emotions at all
Did Kakashi survive? Yes. Was he ok? No. He was far from ok. He saw his fathers body on the floor of their home and had to be the one to report it. He lost the only family he had left and had to listen to people bad mouth his father at his funeral
He was far from fine. He was a broken kid who just wanted his father back, but who also saw how his fathers failure affected him and wanted to aboid that
Kakashi was very angry with his father and i don’t think the story ever properly dealt with that anger because it dismissed it as soon as Obito called Sakumo a hero, but sakumo failing his mission wasn’t the root of Kakashi’s anger. A five year old doesn’t get angry because of that
The root of Kakashi’s anger was his father left him. His father agreed he had failed and punished himself, leaving Kakashi alone, and Kakashi never gets to face that anger. Never has an opportunity to lash out at obito or his father (i say obito because when obito called Sakumo a hero Kakashi could gave lashed out and screamed ‘since when do hero’s leave their children alone?’ And shown anger not for Sakumo’s failure on the mission, but for being left behind)
There’s just so many emotions and i’m glad your mom never did that to you because i can’t even imagine the pain. As children we have to bury our parents one day, but there is very much such a thing as burying them too early and no child should have to do that
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Obito's Hinata
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She was one of many girls in Kakashi, Rin, and Obito's class.
She was nothing special.
Wasn't that pretty.
Wasn't that smart.
Wasn't that good in the ninja arts.
She only liked Obito, a boy, who was shunned from his prestige clan but never gave up his dreams. She started to admire him for this.
He was so unlike her.
He didn't take notice of her.
Why should he?
He already loved a girl and she was too shy to talk to him.
Nobody, but a few civilian children like her saw her at all.
Again she wasn't something special.
She wasn't part of his Team, but kind Rin who sometimes talked to her.
Rin was the only one from Team Minato who knew her or at least remember her.
Kakashi didn't hurt.
Obito broke her.
But she only seemed to love him harder.
But she never got the courage to tell him.
Even when Rin wanted to help her, she run away.
How could she not?
She was not stupid.
Even if Obito didn't love Rin, he would never like her.
He didn't even know she existed.
Like the people in her family.
She was nothing more than a shadow.
She had so many chances to talk to him, like to congratulate him on becoming Chuunin, to at least become a friend, but she never grow a backbone.
Then he died, saving his teammates.
And her world was destroyed.
Only Rin knew what was wrong with her, she was a smart girl and knew the shy girl was in love with her dead friend.
But then Rin died also...
And nothing was alright anymore.
It took her many, many years to get back together.
In the time Kyuubi attacked the village and Lord Fourth sacrificed his life to save everybody. Itachi Uchiha killed his clan leaving only his younger brother alive.
She saw how a blond-haired kid got ignored for being the jailer of something he wasn't responsible for.
She saw how a black-haired boy with the last Uchiwa Fan on his back darker and darker grow.
She was a coward again and ignored them like most people.
She hated herself.
Then one day she saw how a little Hyuuga Girl watched the blond boy with love in her eyes and was reminded of her and Obito.
Well only her.
She hoped the little Hyuuga Girl wouldn't have to bury her beloved before she could at least speak to him.
More years passed and the three kids became genin but weren't put on the same team.
Maybe the shy ones never get a chance with their love she mussed.
But something also changed.
After Kyuubi she a retired as Ninja and started working at her family business, something she never had wanted, but she was done after that with the ninja life.
He was goofy and silly and liked to be served by her.
He always wore a smile for her.
He was someone who saw her finally.
They had an easy friendship and she started to feel better.
Then a asked her on a date.
And she could only think about Obito.
Obito, she still only wanted Obito, but he was death, death, death and never know her, never would have loved her!
What else should she say then yes?
At least one of them would be happy.
At least one of them should get what they want.
He was a good boyfriend.
He was a good fiance.
He was a good husband.
But she never stopped comparing him to Obito.
Of what could have been with the Uchiha.
Would their first kiss be chaste on her front door? Or would have Obito been overexcited and kissed her passionately before the night even ended?
Would their first time be awkward and end in pre-ejaculation leaving her unsatisfied? Or would Obito have been eager to please, to think about her pleasure before his own, or at least finish her off with his mouth?
Would he cry silent tears on their wedding day? Or would Obito cry hard and loud like when he was a young boy?
But they had a nice life together, so she moved forward.
After the 4 Ninja War...she couldn't for a long time think.
Obito being alive the whole time and nearly letting the world end because he wanted to live in a fake dream world with Rin?
And now he was dead, Kakashi Hatake Hokage and the blond shunned boy Naruto Uzumaki a hero of the world.
It was the first time her husband suspected that her heart belonged to another.
Or had belonged?
It was so confusing.
She still remembered her Eternal  Tsukuyomi Dream with clarity.
It hurt and was so good to think about it.
Her family loved her.
She was an awesome kunoichi.
Rin was alive and her best friend.
And Obito...Obito was her husband and Hokage.
And...and their children...dear sage their children.
A boy and a girl, twins and a baby girl.
She understood why he wanted this dream world, it was better than reality.
And that was the point in her life where she realized that it had to end.
Nothing is better than reality, it was her fault for not doing more to get it or at least to get a new dream.
So finally after nearly 30 years she said fuck-you to her family and explained to her husband everything.
He was sad, of course, he was, but he was okay with the divorce.
She decided to leave Kohanagakure, her hometown, forever and start somewhere anew.
For years she traveled the world, doing odd jobs and meeting new people till she meet someone again.
A beautiful woman with an even bigger heart.
This... was the love she always wanted, always craved.
They both settled down in Takigakure and adopted children.
Orphans from the war Obito had caused.
Seeing her children made her realize she would always love the innocent and good boy Obito was but the corrupted and broken men she hated.
And yet she was thankful for him.
She had found her way in life because of him.
When their oldest son got nominated to take part with his team at the Chuunin Exams in Kohana, she and her wife decided to watch the finals since their son made it up to them.
So they took their other kids and showed them their other mama's old birth town.
She was surprised and happy to see Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage, something he had yelled aloud since he was a little boy.
But what shocked her was the blue-haired Hyuuga Beauty at his side.
It was the little girl who had always watched him.
And they're married.
She couldn't help it to shed a few tears.
So...the shy girl could get her boy if she was courageous enough, heh?
For a moment she saw in their places herself and Obito.
Maybe in another world, maybe in another reality...
Maybe if she could have been his Hinata to his Naruto...
Her wife grips her hand and looks at her.
She knows the whole story.
But she shakes her head and kisses her wife's cheek.
This life...this life is the life that she wanted and choose.
So she finally let go and accepted anything that happened.
Your own created dream is always better than a dreamed-up one.
She was now sure of it.
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