#and maybe one of them or Clarus walking in on Noctis and Ignis and Gladio arguing about whether or not to tell the adults about something
a-world-in-grey · 5 months
You know, I always headcanoned that once Niflheim got their hands on some photos of the prince and his civilian friend, they absolutely knew that Prompto was an escaped clone. The resemblance to Besithia was obvious, after all. They just didn't bother to do anything with it, since it's not like they need that particular clone and it's not even like Prompto has a sleeper programming.
But in the Spark verse, well. Prompto is a child of an Oracle. And if Glauca is a thing, they might even know about her magic.
Either way, they really want to have her back.
I have been sitting on this ask for awhile, because I love it, but unfortunately the muses are not cooperating with me on it.
In most of my fics, Niflheim doesn’t really bother paying too much attention to Prompto - yeah, he’s the prince’s friend, but he’s civilian, and furthermore, not a member of his Retinue, so ergo, he can’t be that important to the prince. Not enough to be worth investing any resources into whatever aim they might want with Prompto anyway.
But in Spark au, Prompto is claimed as Noctis’ Heart far earlier than normal in an effort to protect her secret, and that makes Niflheim take a closer look at this civilian girl who’s gotten so close to the prince. And you’re right, the resemblance is uncanny if you know what to look for.
I feel like Titus wouldn’t know about Prompto’s magic. Noctis and the others are so very careful to keep her magic under wraps, and the cover of Prompto having Noctis’ magic so compelling, that Titus never realizes the truth.
Now, if they ever managed to get their hands on the Prince’s Heart long enough to somehow learn that carefully hidden truth… well.
That would change things, wouldn’t it?
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heartlessfujoshi · 3 years
a good different - an ignoct one shot
Title: A Good Different Fandom: FFXV Pairing: IgNoct (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Mature (Mild NSFW - Pining - Feels and Fluff) Word Count: ~3,345 Summary: Noctis barely sees Ignis anymore, and it's taking a toll on his mental health.
A/N: Happy birthday to Ignis! Here’s my offering for his bday this year. :) Please enjoy!
Noctis looks at his watch and sees that it’s almost time for the last bell to ring at school. The end of the day always comes with a price. Yes, the school day is ending for him, but then that means he’s on his way to the Citadel to learn more about the inner workings of the monarchy, and how things will be eventually when he accedes to his father to take the throne as the rightful King of Lucis. And with that, he’s thrown into lessons and private meetings with the person that’s been by his side since he was four years old. 
Ignis Scientia. 
When the time comes, Ignis will become his Adviser, but for now is on his own path of making himself known within the High Council and other powerful persons within the walls of the Citadel. Noctis is happy that Ignis has found such a calling, but he misses the way things used to be between the two of them. They used to spend all of their free time together while the two of them were growing up - sneaking out at night to go explore hidden parts of the Citadel that Noctis couldn’t visit during the daylight hours as he would be deemed ‘too young’. Nowadays, though, Ignis is too busy with his life and there are no more free moments to spend together. 
The bell rings, and Noctis begins to pack up his items. “Are you training today, Prom?” He asks his best friend, who sits in front of him in class. Prompto turns around to look at him, also putting his books away into his bag. “Or is today your day off?” 
“Is there really such a thing as an off day when it comes to becoming a member of your Crownsguard?” Prompto shakes his head. “No, I’m going in but I’m not sure what I’m doing. I might train with Cor? Or I might do some work with Clarus and Gladio.” 
“Sounds boring.” He teases, as he finishes getting his items together. “Do you want a ride? Or do you have to head home first?” 
“Is Iggy picking you up?” 
“Yes.” Noctis puts his bag over his shoulder and walks out of the classroom with Prompto. “At least, I think he is. He might be in a meeting.” 
“He’s so busy lately, huh?” He’s sort of glad to hear that Prompto notices the same things he does, as he’d been afraid it was his own clouded judgment that was making him see things that way. “I can’t remember the last time I saw him.” 
Noctis gives a sharp nod of his head. “I know. But I don’t know how to tell him to take a break. I miss him.” He says the words out loud, his cheeks flushing as he realizes he’s now vocalized something that he’s been keeping inside of his own head for a bit now. 
“I’m sure he misses you too.” Prompto pats his shoulder in a half-hearted attempt to make him feel better. “Or, maybe he’s too busy that he doesn’t have time to do that.” 
They walk outside and see a car parked in the loading zone. Noctis tries to hide his disappointment when he sees it’s the Regalia, which means that it isn’t Ignis picking him up. As they walk to the back of the car, Noctis sees that there’s no one waiting in the backseat, that disappointment increasing as he gets into the vehicle first, Prompto following him. The drive to the Citadel is quiet, Noctis lost in his thoughts about Ignis, and worried that maybe the reason he hadn’t been in the backseat waiting for them is because something has happened to him. 
Prompto bumps his knee against his. “Don’t worry, Your Highness.” Hearing his best friend address him respectfully now that they’re no longer on school grounds causes a tiny pang to hit his chest. “Go find him when you get there. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.” 
“I doubt it.” He looks out the window and sees the Citadel looming in the distance. “Besides, today’s the day I spend time with my father. I might not be done with him until late tonight.” 
“Then call him. Surprise him.” Prompto encourages him. “I can’t stand to see you so mopey. It’s clear you need a dose of Ignis, whether you want to admit it or not.” 
“Hah.” Noctis turns his head away, the car rolling up to the Citadel. “Come on, let’s go together.” 
“Right behind you, Your Highness!” 
Noctis and Prompto walk up the stairs to enter the Citadel, Noctis bidding goodbye to his best friend at the elevator bay. He takes an elevator up to the throne room, where he expects to see his father. As the elevator doors open, he sees the one person he’s been hoping to see all day. 
“Ignis.” He tries not to sound too surprised when he sees Ignis look up, his eyes looking at some paperwork in his hands. “This is different.��� 
“Your Highness.” Ignis greets him, his voice a little strained. Noctis can see there are noticeable bags under Ignis’ eyes. While his attire is pristine, there are little tells that Noctis is so attuned to that he notices them right away. Like the fact that Ignis is wearing his High Council robes. “You’re here to shadow the King?” 
“I am.” The elevator beeps at them, upset that the door has remained open for so long. “Heading to a meeting?” 
“Off-site, yes.” Ignis steps into the elevator, Noctis inhaling the faint scent of cologne as they pass each other. Noctis turns back towards the elevator, and sees a look that crosses Ignis’ face that he isn’t sure what it means. “Have a good afternoon with the King, Your Highness.” 
“Take care, Ignis.” He doesn’t know what else to say as the elevator doors close, leaving him to stare at the closed door. Ignis looks about as good as he feels, which means that he isn’t good at all. But since he’s got obligations right now, he can’t think about that. He has to be focused for his father, who expects him to be in top form when they have their weekly meetings. 
Dropping off his school bag in his office, he then puts on his own uniform for the Citadel, then heads to the throne room to spend time with the King. 
He doesn’t get back to his apartment until almost ten. Noctis had eaten dinner with his father, the two of them going over one of the meetings that his father had attended earlier in the week. He’d taken many notes, trying to understand the fine line between diplomacy, and ruling with a strong fist. He doesn’t know how his father does it, but he hopes that one day he’ll be able to maintain the same kind of fairness that he shows to his subjects. 
Debating on if he should do homework or just go to sleep, Noctis drops down onto his couch and stares up at the ceiling for a bit instead. His doorbell rings, and any sort of tiredness disappears from his body as he isn’t expecting anyone to visit him this late. Getting up from the couch, he walks over to his front door and stands by it. 
“Your Highness?” 
Ignis’ voice filters through the small crack between the door and the door jamb. Noctis doesn’t hesitate, and flings the door open to reveal his future Adviser looking as exhausted as he feels right now. “W-What are you doing here?” 
“I wanted to see you.” 
His heart pounds in his chest as he steps to the side. “Come in. Do you want some Ebony? I’ve got some in the fridge.” 
“I’ve got a request to make. You may say no, and I will be on my way.” 
“Go ahead.” Noctis has no idea what Ignis is going on about, as he’s acting a little strange. “What’s your request, Ignis?” No longer in his High Council robes, Noctis can see that Ignis’ suit hangs on his frame in a way that shows he’s been losing a little bit of weight. He doesn’t fill it out the way he usually does, which makes him slightly concerned. 
“May I stay the night here tonight?” 
That is not what Noctis expects Ignis to say, his eyes widening as he repeats the request inside of his own head. “Like, a sleepover?” 
“Like we used to, yes.” Ignis nods his head. “Would that be alright? I….I haven’t been sleeping very well lately, and I think I need to reset.” 
“I understand.” He does, because he constantly feels that way himself. Between his last year of study at school, and the diplomatic work he has to do afterwards, he’s always feeling like he’s being split in two. His eyes light up as he sees Ignis visibly relax, even though he hasn’t said yes yet. “Want to build a pillowfort?” 
“Absolutely.” The smile that lights up Ignis’ face makes Noctis’ stomach roll, his insides feeling warmer than they were mere seconds ago. “A pillowfort will be lovely.” 
“Do you have a change of clothes? Or are you sleeping in your suit tonight?” 
“I can wear what I’m wearing underneath.” Ignis walks past him, but not before Noctis notices the hint of a blush on his cheeks. “Would you like some herbal tea?” 
“Yes, please. You do that, and I’ll get to the building.” 
“Sounds perfect, Your Highness.” 
Noctis hasn’t built a pillowfort in years, but they used to do it so often that it doesn’t take him long to get it set up. One of the advantages of having such a spacious couch is that it means he has more comfy pillows to use to build up an elaborate fort. He gets his pillows from the bedroom and then lays out a sleeping bag underneath his creation, putting two pillows side by side. 
He stands up and sees Ignis is pouring the tea for the two of them. “I’m going to go shower, and then I’ll be back. Feel free to get ready for bed too?” 
“I will, Your Highness.” Ignis smiles, and nods his head. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. I’ll drink that once I’m clean.” 
“Then it shall go to waste, as you will never be fully clean.” 
“Oh, ha ha.” Noctis sticks his tongue out at him, and when he hears Ignis laugh, he knows that whatever has been bothering the both of them, it seems to be dissipating. “I’ll be back soon.” 
Taking a hot shower, he tries to get his hormones to relax as he hasn’t had a sleepover with Ignis in such a long time that he’s afraid he’s going to make some awful mistake. Wake up with a huge boner, or even worse, a mess in his pants because his hormones like to torture him on a daily basis with what he can’t have. What he can’t have is the person that is going to be laying next to him. The Astrals are laughing tonight. He leans his head against the shower wall and sighs. 
Heading into his bedroom with just a towel on, Noctis gets into a pair of boxer briefs and then a pair of black sweats. He pulls on a black shirt he’d stolen from Ignis a couple of years ago, and wonders if Ignis will remember, or if it’s just him holding onto something of their past. The life before duties became a thing for the both of them. 
He puts his towel around his neck and heads back into the living room, where he sees the lights are off except for one of the table lamps next to his couch. Noctis sees a lump on the floor laying down, and ducks under the cover and takes his spot next to Ignis on the floor. “I didn’t drink the tea.” He says, getting himself situated on the sleeping bag. “I can drink it cold in the morning.” 
“It’s fine, Noctis. You don’t need to worry about it. I was more or less making it out of habit.” Ignis sounds tired. More tired than he feels right now, because his nerves are on edge at the moment. “You built a very sturdy fort.”
“I tried.” He turns his head and sees that Ignis’ glasses are off, and his eyes are closed. He can see there are more lines on his face that he doesn’t remember being there before. Had it really been that long since the two of them had done something like this? Time seems to move so fast now that Noctis isn’t really sure. “Do you need to wake up early?” 
A snort leaves Ignis’ mouth, surprising him. “I always wake up early, whether I wish to or not. And the answer is yes, I do need to wake up early as I need to go back to my apartment and grab a fresh suit before heading back to the Citadel. I’ve got many meetings tomorrow.” 
“You know, if you don’t want to do this anymore, I wouldn’t be upset.” Noctis feels bad, because he knows that Ignis is going through all of this because of him. “You should-” 
“Do not finish that thought.” Noctis gasps as he sees Ignis is staring back at him, his green eyes blazing with fire that he can feel pooling heat into his stomach. “I do not wish to do such a thing because all of it is for you. It’s always for you.” 
“That’s why I’m telling you that you-” 
Ignis shakes his head. “You’re not listening to me.” He feels like the space between them is becoming finite, as Ignis shifts to be a little closer to him. “I know what I’m going through right now is only temporary, and that it will benefit me in the long run. I want to be a helpful Adviser to you. I want to see you succeed. My life is on hold but I don’t mind.” 
“You sound like a robot.” Turning his head, he breaks off their stare as he looks up at the blanket ceiling of their fort. “Doing things because they need to be done. I hate that. I hate that we don’t talk anymore.” The dam breaks, and words continue to spill out of his mouth at a speed he can’t stop. “I hate that the only times I see you are for seconds, and even those times we might not say anything to each other. But I see you. And I want to talk to you but I know you’re busy because of me.” He closes his eyes, praying to the Astrals to not let him cry. “You make me want things I can’t have.” 
“Which is?” 
He doesn’t finish his thought as the touch of soft lips connecting to his own makes him startle. As soon as his brain catches up to what’s happening, he moans and pushes his lips against Ignis’, kissing him with a calmness that he doesn’t know how he’s maintaining as everything in him wants to scream to the heavens that this is actually happening. Ignis’ hand touches his face, his thumb tenderly stroking his cheek as their lips keep returning to one another, each kiss not enough for either of them. 
“My what?” Ignis asks, his lips now decorating Noctis’ neck with tiny kisses. “What is it you think you can’t have from me?” 
“I thought your friendship.” Noctis moans as a soft bite to the base of his neck surprises him. “But maybe I’m wrong.” 
“You’re wrong.” The words are spoken low into his ear, Noctis’ eyes closing tight as he struggles to hold onto his current reality. “You’ve always had my friendship. I’m doing everything for you. For us. All I ask is that you be patient.” 
“I-Is that why you’re here tonight?” He wants it to be true - he wants to know that Ignis is as miserable with this new arrangement like he is. “Do you miss me, Ignis?” 
They roll, and then the weight of Ignis’ body on top of his own makes him toss his head back with a deep groan, his skin feeling like it’s on fire. “I’m lost without you, Noctis.” Ignis kisses him again, stealing his breath and soul away as he submits to the intimate kiss. “I hate not having enough time to spend with you. This was my way of trying to get some of that missed time back.” 
“Were you planning on kissing me tonight?” Breathless and horny, Noctis stares up at him with a deep need in his eyes. “Or is this off-script?” 
“Completely off-script.” Ignis grins, and then gives a little roll of his hips, lining up his cock to Noctis’. Stars bleed behind Noctis’ eyes as pleasure rolls through him, his hips mimicking the motion that Ignis had just made. “That feels good, Noctis. Do that again.” 
He puts his hands on Ignis’ shoulders and rocks back and forth, the gentle grinding of their cocks pushed up against each other making him grow warm. “W-What are we doing?” He asks, unsure if this is a good idea. 
“Something we should have done a very long time ago.” 
Another kiss touches his lips, but this one is all tongue and teeth, making Noctis mold himself against Ignis’ body as they rock their hips together faster. He knows he’s going to come - he’s a loaded gun, needing that release bad, but tries to hold it off for as long as he possibly can. But the way that Ignis rolls his hips, he’s all but lost as it gets to be too much. “I-Ignis…” He moans his name, wanting him to know that he’s close but lacks the motor skills to say as such. 
“I’m here, Noctis. I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you.” Ignis whispers against his lips, his heavy breath caressing his face. 
“Nnngh….” He loses himself to his orgasm, the wet heat flooding his underwear. It’s hot, sticky and yet he isn’t bothered by it at all. Not when he hears Ignis moan his name, and then feels another wetness appear on his body, satisfied in knowing that Ignis has come with him; they’ve come together in a way that has forever changed their relationship. 
The weight of Ignis disappears from him, and then he feels soft terry cloth being passed to him. He realizes it’s his towel, and he discreetly pushes it down his sweats to mop up the mess he’s made there. He hands the unused side to Ignis, and turns his head to give him his privacy to clean himself up. They get settled back underneath the blanket canopy, and Noctis feels Ignis spoon himself to his back, Noctis falling into his touch with a soft, content sigh. 
“I’ll make more time for you. For us.” The soft murmur into his ear has his stomach pitching in a way that makes him bite his lower lip. “Will that be alright with you, Noctis? If this were to become a weekly visit? Sleepover?” 
“I would love it, Ignis.” 
“Then it shall be.” A kiss to his temple makes him moan softly. “Good night, Noct. I’m very happy I came here tonight.” 
“I’m very happy you came tonight too.” He smiles as he hears Ignis groan, the double entendre unable to be avoided. “Good night.” 
“Sweet dreams to you.” 
Noctis falls asleep fast, the comfort of Ignis’ arms making it easy to fall into a deep slumber. Things may be different between the two of them in the morning, but he knows that it won’t be a bad different. It will definitely be a good different. It will take some getting used to, but he knows that the both of them will be better off for it. Ignis has had a hold on his soul since they were introduced to one another thirteen years ago. And now, he knows without a doubt that he has been the same for him. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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followthestars · 4 years
This isn’t the best, but I had fun writing this part of Second Chance for Happiness.
“We need to get Prompto. Now.” Noctis has a look of pure determination on his face. Ignis and Gladio share a look, realizing that their blond friend doesn’t have any clearance to enter the citadel.
“Highness, there is one problem with that, Prompto has no clearance, we have to run a background check so he can be-“
“Iggy! His parents might not even be home right now! You know they left him alone with he was ten all the time for trips, but he never told us how old he was when they started doing that! It was a fight to even get him to admit he spent a lot of time alone growing up!” The prince’s cheeks are puffed out, something he hadn’t done since… well since he was seven years old the first time.
“Iggy, we can try driving by Prompto’s place, stop in to see how he is if we can.” Gladio is honestly worried now.
“In case you’ve forgotten, none of us are old enough to drive.” Ignis really wants a can of Ebony right now.
“I overheard a couple of glaives mentioning Nyx was acting weird… maybe he got dragged along with us?” The shield sees the small look of hope in Noctis’ face. “Get dressed princess and I’ll go check it out and see if he does remember the future that won’t happen now.”
Once Noctis is ready, he finds Gladio waiting with a slightly rattle Nyx. “He remembers and is willing to drive us where we need to go.”
Well, that’s one problem solved, though the advisor has one more question. “Do you have a car?”
“I do. I can drive you to blondie’s place too. You think he remembers?”
“Shiva made if clear we’d all go back at the same time, so yes.”
Well, now Noctis looks panicked again. “So, he could be dealing with remembering while completely alone! We need to get to him NOW!”
It doesn’t take long for Nyx to take them to his car or start driving. The guards buy the excuse of Noctis throwing a tantrum because he wanted to see a friend he made at school before the background check finished, so the glaive got stuck on guard duty. Said prince pouts the entire way as a result of that excuse.
When they arrive at the house Noctis is out of the car before it’s completely stopped and sprints to the door, ringing the doorbell multiple times. It takes a bit for Prompto to answer, once more a chubby kid. “Noct?”
“Prom! I was worried!” Well, the blond was tackled to the ground in a hug.
“I’m the one that should be worrying!”
Ignis soon makes his way to the doorstep, peering into the house. “I take it your parents are on another business trip?”
Prompto hesitates before nodding. “I think this one they left before I woke up, because I’ve got a note saying they’ll be back in two months.”
“And did they hire a sitter?”
“They never did before.”
Gladio lets out a sigh and just walks in with Nyx. “We’re packing you a bag. I can’t leave you here alone, we can sneak you into the Citadel.”
That plan of Gladio’s did not go as he wanted considering they were caught in just five minutes by Cor, Clarus, and Regis. “Noctis, what exactly are you doing?”
The prince is frozen before acting on first instinct. He clings onto Prompto’s side and speaks with as much confidence as he can. “Mine.”
Cor makes a strangled sound a second later. Seems he recognizes the kid he had saved from Niflheim as a baby.
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secret-engima · 5 years
How would it go if certain people (who is up to you) found out that Ardyn and Nox are from a future that went so completely to shit that there are no words to describe it, that Nox is actually Noctis, who's so happy and bubbly that they can't quite imagine what happened to make him like that. A few of Nox's traits and quirks would definitely make more sense though, as would some of Ardyn's.
Hmmmm hmmm ohhhhh this is- hmmmmm. Okay heads up NONE of this is considered canon atm for Nox but if anyone found out it would be Cid, Weskham, and like- Prompto (this may change, depending on how much I feel like making Nox suffer, but for now these are non-canon).
-For Cid- he’d find out that Nox was from the future when he accidentally walked in on Nox sharpening his Ultima Blade. Now- Cid might not be THE most observant person, but he knows his own handiwork like its a part of his soul and THAT SWORD, that sword that looks like its been dragged through the depths of the abyss and back, that sword that Nox cradles like its his child as he polishes and sharpens the blade-
-That is his handiwork. His blade. His tweaks and mods and balances and bits of flare to the point he could already tell you every step he went through to make it.
-He’s never seen that sword before in his life.
-Or ... not this life.
-Nox looks up at him with too-old eyes and a weary, frightened face, “I ... I can explain.”
-Cid stares, stares at the face of Reggie’s eldest and can hear the unspoken I really, really don’t want to and knows that what he is going to hear is going to break him even more than losing Mid and Melba.
-He’s right.
-Nox doesn’t tell him much, tries so HARD to keep the final pieces from clicking, but Cid is no fool and he can hear the gaps.
-The gaps that Nox is NOCTIS. Reggie’s little bright eyed boy. That Nox was the Chosen King and that everything went to the pyre when he was just a newly turned adult. That whatever happened between him and the Accursed (the way Nox uses the title only and no names makes Cid think of Ardyn’s own bitter declaration of past abuse toward his nephew and feel cold) ... broke him.
-Then Nox tells him, honest and quiet, that he died. Nox, this boy, this child Cid has helped raise and helped put back together (yet not a child at all, if what Nox is saying is true, and it is) went and died so that the world would be saved, even though there was so little left TO save at that point and then ... woke up. Younger and different and here.
-And he doesn’t want to believe it, except despite the inherent insanity of the story it MAKES SENSE. All of Nox’s odd “similarities” with Noctis, the secrets and the way Nox stares at Reggie like Reggie is a ghost come back to life.
-The blade that started this entire confrontation.
-Cid has no words to explain what he feels in that moment, looking at the fragile, sharp-edged remains of what could have been (hopefully will never again be) Noctis’s future. He just pulls the boy close and doesn’t let go for a long time.
-For Weskham, he puts the pieces together because he is both smart, openminded and ... something of an outside observer. He meets Noctis and Nox at the same time, with fewer preconceptions, and notices the oddities. The similarities that go deeper than “oh just like their father” or “what a coincidence” and instead go screaming off the edge into creepy.
-They like the same foods and hate the same foods, though Nox is better at being mature and eating it anyway. They have many of the same tells in the way they blink, or look away, or rub the backs of their necks. He hears of the marilith attack and through various accidental circumstances happens to see their scars.
-Nox and Noctis have identical scars on their backs, though Noctis’s far more faded and small, and Weskham has this- moment where he thinks of the identical scars and the story of how Nox heard “rumors” and rushed headlong to defend family he supposedly didn’t even know, from an attack that “just happened” to be identical to one he had suffered around Noctis’s age and something inside him goes OH.
-He watches for a long time and tells no one, and while he can’t fathom why he’s indulging the theory it ... makes sense. The tells, the similarities, the face shapes. He imagines Nox with short hair and almost creeps himself out with how identical Noctis and Nox would look if the elder did not have his long hair and earrings and was a few years younger.
-He already knows magic can do many impossible things. Both good and bad. So he keeps the impossible theory to himself, nursing it and compiling more and more little bits of evidence in his head, never intending to SAY anything until he stumbles across Nox during a Quiet Day, watching the world with too-old eyes and blurts, “How did it end?”
-Nox looks at him slowly, like Weskham’s only a dream, “What?”
-Weskham doesn’t like the dead look in Nox’s eyes, not when he mentally compares it to little, cheerful, bright-eyed Noctis and wonders what could have possibly destroyed him and remade him into Nox in just a few short years, “Whatever sent you back. How did it end?”
-Nox stares at him with knowledge old and terrible, then laughs, rusty and slightly unhinged, “Father died. Clarus died. Luna -the Oracle- died. Insomnia burned and the world soon followed. The night devoured the day and the daemons roamed unchecked, people died in droves while I SLEPT in Crystal and when I woke up all I could do was say goodbye to my brothers one last time and then let the Old Kings kill me so that whoever was left would at least have a dawn by which to rebuild the civilization of the world. And then I woke up.” Nox faltered, swallowed hard, “I woke up, and I’ve been wondering why ever since.”
-Weskham breathes past the knife-sharp feeling in his throat, the horrible memories of WAR he can see reflected in Nox’s eyes.
-He manages to walk away without stumbling by sheer dint of will. Collapses in his suite to shake in a chair and wish he had never noticed, never asked. Never known.
-For Prompto, the biggest clue was their first meeting. When he was crying over his camera and Nox was desperate to cheer him and babbled and called him “Prom” as warm and loving and familiar as if they were family and not a little crying boy and a nice stranger on the street.
-He never forgot that meeting. Never really believed Nox’s excuse of memorizing who Noctis’s classmates where.
-Nox is weird. Nox is ... really weird. Always has been. But that’s okay, because he’s Nox, he’s Noctis’s big brother and kinda Prompto’s big brother after Cor adopted him so ... so it’s okay.
-Except for the time it isn’t.
-Except for the time Prompto makes the mistake of binging way too many sci-fi shows in one sitting and then spots Nox and Noctis together and notices how similar their voices were now that Noctis wasn’t a little kid, how they wrinkle their nose in the same way when they’re baffled and- and-
-It’s a really dumb idea okay? He gets that, he KNOWS that. Except ... it makes a lot of sense too. The more he thinks about it, the harder he shoves the preconception of “of COURSE they’re two different people” in a little box, the more he realizes it MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE.
-Nox’s habits, his ticks, the way he KNOWS Noctis and Ignis and Gladio and Prompto. The way he looks at them sometimes like they’re fragile glass pictures that are going to shatter. The way Axis has said once that he wasn’t Nox’s FIRST Shield, but that Nox’s original Shield was gone-.
-Prompto maybe spends the next week hyperventilating in his room when no one is looking and trying very hard to NOT blurt out the question “are you a time traveller” whenever he sees Nox.
-Eventually he can’t resist, eventually he tests. Runs up and slaps Nox on the shoulder with a friendly, “Yo, Noctis!” when they’re both alone in a hallway of the Citadel and something in his stomach drops out when Nox doesn’t go “huh?” but instead just chuckles and goes, “Hi Prom,” before Nox FREEZES.
-Its the freeze that really sells it in Prompto’s mind, the look of confusion and devastation on Nox (NOCTIS’S) face that makes him instantly regret trying anything. Prompto babbles something about tongue slip and meaning Nox, OBVIOUSLY, because OBVIOUSLY they were two different people, being brothers and all and seven years apart and-
-And there is something so very sad in Nox’s eyes as he murmurs, “You always were a bad liar, Prom.”
-Oh. Oh dear. Prompto swallows and hunches in on himself without thinking, “So ... I was right then.”
-Nox nods slowly and the silence is ... awkward. Tense. Filled with something Prompto can’t name or describe and suddenly he’s apologizing. He’s apologizing and almost in tears and when Nox, baffled and alarmed, asks why-
-“I don’t remember you. You look at us and you remember, and we’re your brothers and we PROMISED ‘ever at your side’ but I don’t REMEMBER you and Iggy and Gladio don’t even know-.” He stops, he sniffles and another horrible thought comes to him and since today is the day for turning off his brain to mouth filter apparently he whispers, “Did we die? Is- is that why we didn’t come with you to the past?”
-Nox takes a shaky breath and runs it through his hair, “No-, no you all- you all lived. As far as I know. Up until the point I ... came back, you were all alive and ... well. Just a little banged up, but okay.” Nox (Noctis, a broken Noctis, a Noctis from a future that had to have been horrible because Prompto’s SEEN some of the scars and he doesn’t want to think about that-) blinks wet eyes and suddenly blurts, “Don’t tell anyone. Please? Especially not- especially not the others.”
-Prompto nods, because of course, he’s not an idiot and he doesn’t think they’d believe him anyway. Nox coughs awkwardly in his throat and starts to walk away with hunched shoulders and Prompto will never know why he opened his big mouth again or why, of all things, he chooses to say, “Yo, Nox?”
-Nox (not Noctis, because they ARE two different people now and Prompto prays it stays that way) blinks over his shoulder and Prompto musters up his biggest grin as he blurts, “Thanks, you know? For ... everything. You’ve really Walked Tall.” He doesn’t know what those words mean, or why he chose “walked tall” of all things but he knows in a second his words MEAN something more than he can ever comprehend because Nox’s eyes go wide-
-And suddenly Nox is hugging Prompto. Clinging to him like he’s an anchor in a storm and all Prompto can do is hug back as fiercely as he can while tears drip onto his shirt, and Nox shakes like he’s about to fall apart and somewhere in the harsh breathing of the time-traveler-brother-friend in his arms, Prompto could swear he hears Nox whisper, “I miss you so much, Prom- I can’t-,” but then Nox goes silent, and astrals Prompto’s crying too, because he always was a crybaby and something inside him hurts in a way that makes it hard to breathe (is this what Nox was feeling? Is this what he felt those days he looked at them with too-old eyes? No wonder he always left the room, Prompto wants to scream already and Nox has felt this for years-).
-Nox pulls away, rests his forehead on Prompto’s for just a second and it feels like a thank you.
-It feels like a goodbye. But not to him. It’s a goodbye to the weight falling off Prompto’s shoulders, like hands letting go as a shadow fades away.
-Nox retreats, disappears around the corner without a word and with a too-bright-too-old look that means Prompto’s set off a Quiet Day and Prompto-
-Prompto goes back to his room and hugs his old chocobo plush tight. He’s not in the mood to go play video games with the others right now.
-Days later Nox finds him again and wordlessly, gently, passes him a leather-bound book. A memento, Nox calls it sadly, I’ll want it back when you’re done, he murmurs before slinking away.
-Prompto hides it where even Cor wouldn’t think to look because he doesn’t dare put it in armiger (the armiger Noctis gave him, the armiger Noctis might find it in accidentally). He hides himself under his covers like he’s a little kid again, holds his flashlight tight in one hand and his chocobo plush under his other arm as he flips it open and sees-
-Photos. His photos. His style, with all of them (Ignis, Noctis, Gladio, himself) in them. He doesn’t know the context for them but- it’s a journey. It’s a roadtrip in film and Prompto spends hours carefully flipping through each page, staring at snapshots of battles not fought and fishing holes not visited and silly moments not laughed at anymore. It’s Nox’s life in a nutshell, Prompto thinks as he looks through photos taken in dark dungeons and sunlit deserts. Injuries and health, insomnia and energetic smiles. The last photo is of them, on a campground he recognizes. It’s the one just outside Insomnia, where you can see the bridge leading to the island and the lighting is usually amazing. This one is at night, and they all look older, thirty or more whereas in the others they are only twenty or so. Noctis- Nox, is in the center, smiling with the soft, sad eyes that Prompto remembers from that first meeting, Gladio looming behind him and Ignis at his side with a visor that doesn’t hide the scars on his face. In the middle, one arm slung over Ignis’s shoulders and the other over Nox’s like he can KEEP them there, forever safe and happy if he just holds on tight enough, is himself.
-There are no other photos.
-Prompto doesn’t need to be told why.
-He returns the book to Nox the next day, and refuses to acknowledge Noctis’s puzzled look when he hugs Nox tight and doesn’t mind when Nox hugs him back. Then Prompto smiles, because that’s his job in the group, to be the one who smiles when things are dark, and he drags Nox over to play Kings Knight with the four of them. And maybe things aren’t perfect, because now Prompto KNOWS and he can never un-know, but things are better. Because Nox is here, and Nox fixed things, and Nox is never going to let Noctis become him, so Prompto doesn’t have to worry about that and can instead focus on keeping both of his kings smiling and laughing and happy.
-He can hold on, and this time, no blood or road trip or daemon-infested future will be able to make him let go.
(hgfdhg congrats I just made myself cry. Everyone suffer with me. @wolfsrainrules @hamelin-born @ean-sovukau @rayearthdudette @sparklecryptid COME SUFFER WITH ME.)
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hey! Sorry I had some pre-midterm tests to deal with! :/ anyway, for the supportive characters and stuff for gladnis, could I see stuff with glaives, the other chocobros, and... up to you! (A little bit of little sister Iris would be heavenly though...)
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I don’t know if these two asks are the same person (are you? :o) BUT LOOK AT THAT. SAME WANTS, SAME NEEDS, SO I SHALL PLEASE THE THIRST. And I hope it’s ok to put these two asks together? They’re asking for nearly the same, so I thought it was ok, but if either of you have any troubles with it, you tell me, okie? :3
Anyways, these are gonna be shorter for each character as they’re plenty, but they’ll form one big post so I hope you like it! :3
How other characters (besides papa Regis) support Gladnis:
My boy is…slow.
He’s really smart, he’s just…very dense.
He’s known both Iggy and Gladio since he has memory, he’s just…very, very…v e r y dense in these matters. Very. Like. Very.
Ignis literally TOLD him about his crush on Gladio MULTIPLE TIMES.
Did Noctis catch it? OF COURSE NOT. He thought Ignis just over worried about his personal relationships, and never noticed he spoke about Gladio in ways he never spoke about others. And same the other way around, Gladio also spoke about Iggy with Noct AND THE IDIOT STILL. DIDN’T TIE ANYTHING TOGETHER.
Sixteen year old Gladio, blushing crimson red, messing with his uniform: “Do you…do you think…Ignis will think i look stupid? Or…maybe…or maybe if I do something to my hair…”
Noct just be like lmao why are you so stressed over a uniform you dummy thing what does ignis care anyway lol
He knew via Ignis. And of course he didn’t get it.
“Today was really nice. Gladio and I went to the park and just spent a nice while talking…I hope…maybe we can have a second date soon…”
Noctis is like yeah that’s nice
“And it’s official now! I don’t know why, but it just makes me more nervous, but in a good way. Is it normal? I’ve never…I’m just so happy, from among all people, Gladio chose me? AMONG ALL PEOPLE NOCT.”
yeah that’s nice specs :)
Noctis thinks Ignis is just talking about friendship, and when he uses romantic terms like date or boyfriend he THINKS IGNIS IS JOKING BECAUSE WHY WOULD HE BE TALKING SERIOUSLY
noctis pl…please
He finished processing it for real HAVING TO SEE THEM KISS. 
Noct was talking with Gladio, chatting chattering, then said bye. Gladio was going through a hallway, Ignis appeared, they said hello, then hugged, and proceeded to kiss. 
Noctis.exe Processing data.
Ignis and Gladio spent the while hugged snuggled and talking, and smooched again.
Noctis.exe Processing, please be patient.
Ignis and Gladio held hands and started going away together.
Noctis.exe has short-circuited
Noctis supports them, just acts like he doesn’t give a damn.
Noctis is The Teenage Brother; will go Ew at everything romantic they do in front of him.
Gladnis snuggle.
Gladnis smooch.
Iggy pokes Gladio’s nose and Gladio proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies.
*noctis gagging noises*
Gladio may shove Noctis in between them on purpose to annoy him. There were have them, Gladnis smooching with a much smaller Noctis trapped in between their chests, flailing, screeching, completely ignored and about to explode.
Noctis is the Worst wingman.
“Hey Noct, do you think Iggy will like me in this outfit?”
he’s busy with the face buried in a cushion while he rots in boredom, DON’T INTERRUPT HIM.
“Hey Noct. Do you think Gladio already has one of these? I want to get him one but not sure if he has one already.”
Yeah what? Noctis you’re not helping
Noctis does as Regis and will sometimes use his power to get these two to be together, but, unlike Regis, he won’t say shit about it and will even deny it.
The prince requires of his chamberlains in this room which is conveniently empty and there just casually happens to be a secret door for the roof on this particularly starry night.
Noctis is a gossipy little shit, but in a good way.
“Omg Iggy guess what today Gladio spoke about his cap ripping, see, I already told you what you can get him for Crystal Day, hm? HM? YOU’RE WELCOME.”
Also uses it to his favor.
“Ten gil and I tell you what Ignis wants to do for his birthday. He told me. Hm hm. For real. TEN GIL I SAID.”
There’s this magazine that put up some tabloid stupid article that distorted something Ignis said and made Gladio look bad.
Noctis is alone in his office, feet on the desk, swinging a little on the chair, phone to the ear, and FREAKING AN G R Y.
“Yes, that’s what I said; put the article down and make another one clearing it. No, I’m not your boss, but I still request it. I will request it only once more. No? Then how much do you want for the brand? I will buy it and do it myself. Yes, I will buy it. My name and occupation? Prince Noctis CXIV, why? Oh? Aah, so NOW you want to put it down? How nice of you, guess you only needed time to re-consider it, right? It’s ok, it happens to the best of us, how kind of you.”
Ignis is trying to help Noct walk out of some place without being asphyxiated by the media, so he gets the spotlight.
“Mister Scientia! There’s rumors you and the Shield of the prince are DATING?”
Ignis freezes a little.
Noctis proceeds to let out tHE BIGGEST BURP OF HIS LIFE.
Next day tabloids “Prince Noctis BURPS LIVE! OOPS!”
Socially Awkward Ultra Timid prince Noctis actually stood there POSING for the cameras for ten minutes to get them distracted from the relationship announcement.
“Prince Noctis will host Huge Extra Most Expensive Billionare Birthday Party OF HISTORY!! WOW!!”
((big birthday party was pizza time with the chocobros lmao))
If Gladnis ever have a misunderstanding or problem, Noct is the first they go with. Noct is there to comfort them individually, and, smart boy as he is, he also figures out the mistake and plays a big role at fixing it.
“What? Oh no, that’s not what he said. Or not as you think. He meant…”
“Oh? Oh no, that’s not what he was doing!! Ahahah you dork, no! Actually…”
Noctis keeps asking “When are you dorks getting married?” to embarrass them and make them go shy.
Joke is on him when they DO GET MARRIED.
Noctis keeps complaining that how dare they be boyfriends, how DARE they be boyfriends, MAKING HIM, THE ACTUAL PRINCE, THE THIRD WHEEL????? 
But whenever Gladnis have the slightest misunderstanding, Noctis is first to go SMACK SENSE BACK INTO THEM HOW DARE THEY GET UPSET WITH EACH OTHER
Noctis has also used his title to make reservations in restaurants that clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT just for Gladnis lmao
Noct has always hated that when he makes a reservation, they clear THE WHOLE RESTAURANT like NO, why would he want to dine in an empty place!? Not like he goes out often, but he’s learned that his title has that accidental effect, so guess who’s using it for Gladnis anniversary dinners.
When they want to get fancy, or when Noct wants them to go fancy, at least. Normally they just go for noodles the DORKS
Noctis covered half their wedding without even being asked because HE LOVES THEM AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
((the other half was Regis and he was so upset he wasn’t allowed to cover it all, this dummy papa))
Noctis best supportive baby bro, please hug him.
You knew about fanboy #1, but where is fanboy #2?
In the bushes, stalking them, snapping surprise photos to show them later.
“Prompto, that’s creepy.”
Prompto that’s not the point, just…don’t.
How Prommy knew about Gladnis, hm?
It wasn’t that exciting, pretty modern way to know.
Noctis told him via text lmao
Nocto! >:|
Prommy’s reaction was sort of cute, though. He’s a bit sharper than Noct to notice these things, but he still didn’t expect it. He thought about the two as a couple because he liked the sassy interaction, but he wasn’t sharp enough to see it wasn’t sass, it was ACTUAL FLIRTING. He was so used to the two being good friends it just. Didn’t occur to him that it was a real thing and not just him seeing things.
Noctis tells him via text.
Prommy is gasping OUT LOUD.
He gasped so loudly and sharp he chocked onto his own saliva and fell off the bed.
He ended up repeatedly swinging the feet in the air and against the mattress and squeaking. Squeaking.
says the boy that didn’t know it
Prompto’s trying to talk about it all day with Noctis. 
Noctis talks about it for three minutes then goes “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh can we please nOT”
Noct is just Like That with everything that isn’t videogames or fishing, have mercy on him. 
“Dude, and who told who? Dude, have they kissed already? Does lord Clarus know, omg. Dude, DUDE, DOES LORD CLARUS KNOW OHMYGOD”
Prompto’s THIRSTY for gossip and news on his new favorite ship.
Prompto’s stalking them on social medias waiting for the first of them to drop the first hint of romantic something. Why? Just to squeak about it. There’s literally no other use for it.
Prompto’s now Asking and not stopping.
Arcade with Noct? “NOCT, WHO-”
Prompto’s always asking about their relationship to either of them when he gets the chance. He could talk about it ALL DAY and go on and on.
“Why are you so interested in our relationship, Prompto?”
“I DON’T KNOW, IT’S JUST SO WEIRD, I’M SO CURIOUS. It’s like…its. It’s you *takes a fry* and it’s him *takes another fry* and it’s…*puts fries together* and it’s you.”
…prompto, don’t.
Prompto is the Anti-Noctis. 
Gladnis snuggle. Noctis goes Eeeww
*Prommy puts a hand to his chest and aaw’s*
Gladnis smooch. Noctis goes EEEEEEEEWWWWWW
*Prommy clutches chest chest and whimpers*
Ignis proceeds to poke Gladio’s nose who then proceeds to pepper his face in smoochies. Noctis is gagging.
Prommy’s hiding his face in his hands and SQUEAKING into a pillow.
Prompto’s always doing shitty photoshop pictures of Gladnis that are ridiculous on purpose just to make them laugh. 
Prom is there to yell NO when Noctis makes a mean comment.
“Stinky dorks-”
“NO!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEBIRDS!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!”
“EW go get a roo-!”
Prompto. He. He made Gladnis puppets.
Ignis is too busy, like absolutely fucking loaded of royal stuff and so he’s away and unable to reach? Aaw, don’t be sad big guy. *puppet Ignis proceeds to smooch him*
*Puppet Ignis proceeds to give Gladio a million cheesy compliments and pick up lines in an unnecessarily high pitched voice*
*Puppet Ignis is nuzzling at him and insisting on kissing*
It’s not Prompto, it’s Pocket Ignis, you rude ungrateful ass.
Gladio’s not annoyed, he’s actually pretty amused XD
Gets tired of Prompto not leaving him alone, though? Gladio’s going to be “Ok you conviced me, come here Iggy” and tries to make out with the puppet, hence making a hysterical Prompto screech and try to run away.
Same goes for Ignis. Gladio’s away on some Crownsguard or Shield training at the outskirts? Away and gone and missing?
There we have an Ignis quickly striding across the flat escaping while Prompto tries to catch up with him with his cheesy pick-up lines and pet names with the Puppet Gladio.
When Gladio asked Prompto if he wanted to be his bestman for the wedding, Prompto nearly freaking had an aneurysm the poor eager hyped thing. 
Best supportive buddy ok, pls hug.
He knew via Gladio.
Because guess who’s Gladio’s WINGMAN AYEEEEEEE
Cor, actually
BUT NOT THIS TIME. This time Nyx bby. Cor was Advice Man. Nyx was Accomplice Mate.
Gladio would tell Nyx his progress with his crush. Nyx would always listen because it was so stupidly adorable. 
It started because both would take longer in the training halls than the rest so they’d often meet at the shower/dressing room, and conversation started little by little. Conversation on Ignis first came up when a sixteen year old Gladio was being a bit clumsy, dropping his stuff and putting his shirt backwards and stuff, so of course an amused Nyx had to ask.
“I’m…we’re…some friends and I are going out tonight but…there’s…there’s this guy I like and I’m a bit nervous and…”
Nyx Romantic Aid Buddy senses tingled.
25 year old Nyx thinks IT’S SO CUTE OMG THE TEENAGE SHIELD HAS A CRUSH THAT’S SO AMUSING LMAO so he tried to help
Helped Gladio gather his stuff, dress nice, and calm down by talking smooth and cool with him, and inspired him to go ask that boy out or, if not, at least impress him.
From that day on, Nyx would ask just casually how things were going with the crush, and Gladio would inform. 
And it went on for YEARS lmao both as a crush and when they were already boyfriends and so on
Gladio first kept informing him of what he THOUGHT Ignis thought of him but no advances
“You know, Gladio, it’s been quite a while since you first told me of your crush and you still haven’t asked him out?”
Nyx kept encouraging him day after day after day, and it was perhaps partly the reason Gladio dared say anything. either because he was inspired or just annoyed lol
When they started talking about it, at first Nyx had no idea who the crush was and Gladio forgot to tell him alkajsd
One day when Nyx first started insisting Gladio ask him out, Gladio insisted he couldn’t do it and after a long while he just went “it’s just…it’s…it’s…Iggy? you know…the prince’s adviser?”
Nyx went  .u.  ohno that’s adorable best friend crush
Guess who now is not being very subtle on it (thankfully Iggy won’t notice lmao)
Ignis is ??? h…hello mr glaive that never before spoke to me until now out of nowhere and so excitedly and daily?? 
Also, whenever he gets the chance, he freaking. MISLEADS IGNIS ON PURPOSE TO MAKE HIM GO WITH GLADIO.
“Mr. Ulric, would you happen to know where lord Drautos is?”
Guess which Amicitia is holding guard in that room.
Nyx is accidentally bumping into either of them when they’re together trying to make them fall into each other into a romantic awkward hug that will turn into an adorable ask out for a date.
Nyx this isn’t a romantic tv show it doesn’t work like that you just made Gladio drop his candy
Nyx is giving Gladio A THOUSAND NOT SUBTLE SIGNS when he sees him with Ignis
Gladio is trying to have a casual, normal conversation with Ignis.
Gladio is unable to focus in what Ignis is telling him because Nyx is flexing like a gorilla while making strange faces.
Nyx throws Gladio into meeting with Ignis without preparing him.
Nyx and Gladio are standing at a hallway just talking and chatting casually and GASP IGNISISCOMINGGOGOGOGOGOGOOG *SHOVES HIM INTO THE OTHER HALLWAY MAKING HIM NEARLY FALL AGAINST IGNIS*
Nyx thinks Gladio is ignoring him when he’s making signs to him so he’s now literally MAKING SIGNS TO HIM, like. A cardboard piece with a message on it NYX WAS TRYING TO GIVE GLADIO DIALOGUES LMAO HOW IS HE SUCH A DORK
Nyx is switching the conversation to Ignis if Ignis is passing by.
Gladio and Nyx are talking about some food stall they both seem to know and AH YES IT’S SO NICE YOU THINK THAT OF IGNIS, GLADIO
Gladio’s constantly made a blushing, nervous mess in these situations when Ignis turn to look and Nyx just KEEPS GOING. 
When Gladio told Nyx he had finally asked Ignis out and he said yes, Nyx stood on the bench and literally roared out “Yes” to the roof with the arms open and down like a dinosaur screeching. 
Every time Gladio is talking with Ignis now, or hugging him or anything, when he looks up from behind Ignis, there’s Nyx alone or with his other two friends making thumbs up and nodding and JESUS LORD CAN YOU NOT STARE GUYS, STOP.
Best Romance Aid Buddy, please hug.
Libertus knew via Nyx.
Libertus wasn’t the slightly shaken. He had this blank face on as he kept drinking from his smoothie. Calmly put it down. 
“Weren’t those two brothers?”
Libertus is still a bit lost in the royal families’ relationships.
Nyx is sharing slight harmless gossip on the situation with Libertus. Libertus doesn’t really care much but he’s happy to hear Nyx. Not like he has lots of options anyway lmao
“He ALMOST asked him out this time but he shied away again, dammit.”
“I know.”
Libertus is busier in his own stuff and world to care about people he rarely interacts with, but Nyx’s excitement slowly catches his attention with time.
Even Libertus can’t be saved from some cute romantic story.
Eventually, it’s Libertus who approaches Nyx for the gossip.
“Yo. How is Shield boy doing?”
The curiosity, of course, leads him to start spying a bit as well.
There we have Ignis standing in a hallway reviewing some papers when he feels a stare, so he turns and there, in the distance, is some Glaive that’s never spoken to him, smiling at him, and waving.
what the hell
Now every time Nyx gets all hyped because he’s seeing Gladnis interact, Libertus gets dragged along so he just stands there and stares too. 
Nyx is the “IMPRESS HIM, HUG HIM, YOU’VE GOT HIM NOW KISS HIM” guy. Libertus is the kind to make *index fingers goes into the O formed by other hand’s thumb and index* signs at Gladio.
Libertus is going with Amicitia junior to get a laugh from how she talks about Gladnis. 
“And the other day Ignis went to our house and he helped papa prepare dinner, and it was very delicious and I had a wonderful time, Ignis is great and I always tell papa to adopt him and sell Gladdy at the market.”
Libertus finds little Iris’ sister talk funny. 
Libertus is shoving condoms into early-relationship-stages-Gladio’s pockets so they fall off while he’s talking with Ignis just to make them both embarrassed.
When they do start having sexual interaction, though, Gladio just gets free condoms now and joke is on Libertus.
Libertus just wants to have fun.
Crowe’s confused, but hell does she support that.
Why was Nyx the only one that wasn’t surprised, where are you two dorks getting all your info from omg
Crowe noticed before Nyx told her.
Crowe’s sharp on this one. She did think Iggy was ace, but she wasn’t 100% sure because she could see the signs.
Crowe’s like (ಠ‿ಠ) every time she sees them interact after the first time he caught a first glimpse of a sign.
Sort of like how Libertus started waving hello at Ignis from afar, except she’s much sneakier and hasn’t been caught and does the creepy (ಠ‿ಠ)
Crowe’s trying to set them up every time. Indirectly.
She’s asking Luche to smack Pelna without him knowing Drautos will be watching so Drautos is chiding Luche and Pelna for their kidly fight, getting Drautos busy and distracted a bit, Cor will be curious and will approach and ask what’s going on, Gladio will look for Cor because he’s late for his training, so he’s going to ask someone if they know where Cor is, and Crowe is SO MAKING ANOTHER OF THESE LARGE PLANS TO HAVE IGNIS BE THAT ONE PERSON AT QUESTION REACH.
Crowe this is unnecessarily intrincate stop
Crowe’s giving flirting advice to Gladio, too
Glaive Trio = Gladio’s Wingmen Squad
Nyx is the supportive cheering guy. Libertus is the sexual jokes dork. Crowe is the STYLE ADVISER.
“Sweetie, you don’t want to tell him that. Unbutton the collar, your hair a bit more like…this, chin up, and you give him a look like you don’t care about anything. You grab his shoulder. And now a smolder as we practiced. Voice deep. Tone smooth, but sound a little raspy. And you say. Hey.”
Crowe’s giving Gladio a Judging Look every time he says he wasn’t able to ask Ignis out. It’s enough to make Gladio feel embarrassed and little (in a good way that makes him go YEAH IT’S NOT THE BIG THING I CAN DO IT.)
“You’re such a nerd with your condom jokes, Libertus.”
Crowe is making condom jokes, too, the double faced nerd.
Crowe is telling Gladio she could lend him her bike to impress Ignis.
“Just a problem, Crowe.”
“…I don’t know how to ride this. And he does, so I don’t think he’s gonna be impressed.”
Crowe is trying to make Gladio grab that Sexy Attitude, BUT HE’S JUST. TOO MUCH OF A NERD, HOW DOES HE HAVE ANY REPAIR.
((it’s nice slap, no worry))
Crowe is the dangerous (harmless) threatening friend that will insist as in REALLY insist for asking the crush out.
Nyx tells her and Libertus for the tenth time that Gladio chickened out last minute again.
Crowe is going over to Gladio.
“It’s not that hard, boy. I swear to the Six, if you don’t do it, I’ll do it for you.”
“I…I can’t…”
“Ok, I’m going.”
Crowe actually. WENT WITH IGNIS. 
Gladio’s standing in the hallway internally screeching so hard his face is red and he’s about to have a heart attack while flailing all over the place, and Crowe’s getting to Iggy.
Gladio thinks she’s just kidding and will just walk past him.
Crowe’s tapping Ignis on the shoulder and now they’re talking.
Gladio’s on the floor spazzing.
He can’t live anymore bye.
Crowe’s just making casual talk with Ignis lmao just did it to make Gladio have that breakdown because AH YOU DIDN’T LIKE HOW IT FELT, DID YOU? DID YOU???? WELL NEXT TIME I’LL DO IT FOR REAL SO YOU ASK HIM OUT NOW, BOY.
Crowe’s stealing Iris when Gladnis want lonely time but don’t want Iris to like. Suspect anything kajsdka.
Crowe’s clearing the area for Gladnis when they’re all smoochie snuggly and some idiot like Luche is about to walk by.
Hey Luche. *throws a towel to his face*
Crowe is warping to Gladnis when they’re about to smooch just to startle them lmao
Crowe’s having more fun than Libertus
Sometimes, after or while making out with Ignis, Gladio looks up and Crowe’s on the other end of the hallway like (ಠ‿ಠ) *eyebrow wiggle*
Crowe no
Crowe’s always. ALWAYS. The one finding them the secret spots in the Citadel when they want a quicky.
Gets them the tools, too *eyebrow wiggle*
Good girl Crowe approves.
He knew about it through Regis because…fanboy #1 had to tell all his friends of course.
Cor is mid sandwich when Regis KICKS HIS DOOR OPEN
Cor still has his mouth half-opened for the bite he was about to take. Regis is welcoming himself in his office and grabbing a chair and sitting all while rambling near screeching
Regis was so excited he left without having had one word from Cor.
Cor sat there in silence with the sandwich in his hands while his brain processed what just happened.
When he understood he just smiled, lifted the eyebrows, thought “who would have thought”, and continued eating his sandwich.
Have mercy on him, he’s dry and cold and a stone.
Cor was always Gladio’s Advice Man. Nyx encourages, Cor guides.
Cor is petting Gladio on the head every time he’s pining or moping about being unable to ask Iggy out.
Cor is Practice Dummy for Gladio’s attempts at how to confess.
It didn’t work lol
“Wait you knew all along? Why didn’t you tell any of us!? It would have made it much easier, we’d have known it was mutual and we’d have confessed earlier.”
“…it wasn’t my secret to tell.”
COR >:|
Cor is the most supportive uncle you’ll ever find. From afar. Very quietly.
Cor is there to support Clarus too when Clarus becomes a Lost Papa on the matter. Doesn’t understand much as Cor doesn’t have a similiar experience, but a buddy can always listen.
Cor is there to support Ignis when he becomes a little insecure as to if it’s alright to be dating someone from the second most important family of all Lucis and maybe Eos.
Cor is there to support Gladio when he becomes a little insecure as to whether or not he’s being a good partner as he thinks Ignis deserves because it never feels like he’s doing enough.
Always having his mug of coffee with him, of course.
Ignis’ parents are forcing him into extra training time?
Ignis himself is overdosing on work and refuses to listen even to Gladio.
Ignis is nervous about dinner with the Amicitia.
Cor secretly made sure to put Clarus in a really good mood before work shift was over.
“I’m sad. I have watch on the main hall at five, so it won’t be over in a good couple hours, and Iggy finally had some free time today…”
Boys went out late at night and were home pretty late. Clarus was angry.
“They were at my place. Sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Cor :0
it fine they young let them live 
who would have thought that under that stoic face there was such a nice devil, Cor
Cor is always number one person they go to when they want to share some Gladnis thing in conversation. It’s just so easy to talk with him, he has no expressions and doesn’t answer, it’s like talking to a lamppost.
He does give advice or comfort if needed, though.
Cor always comes up with holidays plans or discounts for the two.
“Do you look up holidays for two on your spare time just to tell us?”
“…they pop up randomly in my computer.”
Cor you don’t use your computer.
Cor is a bit too honest. Doesn’t mean any harm, he’s jsut being honest.
“You don’t want to kiss Gladio today. He’s stinky.”
Cor dealing with Gladnis in the everyday
“Ok, we’re in for our sparring session today, we-”
“Cor can I go smooch Iggy? He’s over there at the window :3″
“No. Defeat me and you can”
“Ok, today’s session-”
“*Ignis’ sad puppy eyes*”
“-is cancelled, I heard Gladiolus is at the fifth floor, go look for him and say hello for me.”
he’s not giving preferences lmao he just has to train Gladio but couldn’t resist Ignis’ unintentional sad puppy eyes. WHO IN THIS WORLD CAN.
Cor is answering for them to the media.
“Mister Gladiolus, is it true you and Ignis Scientia are dating?”
“No, we’re not.”
“No, I was asking-”
“I’m not.”
“…I was-”
Cor sees the struggle they go through with the media and Noct jumping in to save them and thinks it’s very noble so let’s give the boy a break, and be the shield ourselves.
Cor is now bodyguard for the Gladnis in public.
“Mister Amicitia!”
“No, I mean Mister Amici”
“Y e s ?”
Media tries to go to Ignis
Cor’s popping out of nowhere with his dead face like
“Y E S?”
Cor’s using the Gladnis to encourage them to train harder.
“If you want to save him you have to defeat me.”
“And I’m not having mercy on you, hm”
Ignis is tied to the ceiling somehow
“Get through me and he’ll be safe”
They won only once. Because Ignis broke out of the cage. and maybe they had Nyx help. And maybe Cor was blindfolded.
He’s the Legend, you can’t just win against Cor like it’s nothing.
Uncle Cor picked Gladio’s wedding suit. 
Uncle Cor will be the most hysterical loving grand uncle but we’re not there yet akldsjf
Uncle Cor good boi he approves and likes yes yes
S I S T E R  I N  L A W   I R I S
Iris the Adorable and Equally Frightening. Iris the Badass. Iris the kiddo. AS HER ROLE IN GLADNIS.
Iris was like nine or ten when Gladnis became official.
Iris likes Ignis and has always done. She once asked Santa Crys that Clarus adopted Ignis because he’s just such a good Big Bro.
Iris did genuinely asked Clarus once to adopt Ignis and sell Gladio at the market. 
She loves Gladdy wholeheartedly, it’s just Sibling Stuff.
Ignis has always been good to Iris since even before he and Gladio were a thing, and it’s always been genuine, not just that “get the little sibling love to have easier access” thing. 
Ignis and Iris even spend time alone without Gladio.
Ignis has gone to pick Iris up from school.
Ignis has given Iris his jackets if it’s cold or raining.
Ignis has cooked for Iris a million times.
Ignis has been her confidant for YEARS for things she feels too shy to share with anyone else, even Gladio.
Why do I feel I’ve already written Ignis-Iris headcanons and these exact same? 
Ignis constantly lets Iris use him as model for make-up or nails or hair.
Iris constantly sews plushies for him. Ignis has a whole shelf full of little and big plushies he’s been gifted.
Iris will go to Ignis if she sees him and try to drag him home since she was like seven.
Ignis nearby? Yes, papa, we’re taking him home. What do you mean no? I will feed him and make a bed for him in the living room.
Iris, he’s not a pet aksjdf
Iris and Ignis have their own little bubble and Gladio’s not allowed in, I’m sorry
There they are the two dorks. They’re talking. They’re talking about SOMETHING. What is it? What is it? YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. WHY THEY ARE GIGGLING, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW.
Iris spoke so much and for so long about Clarus adopting Ignis that Gladio was a bit scared of how she would manage the news of them in a relationship because that would cut the option of adopting him.
Iris took it surprisingly well.
A bit too well.
Iris screeched.
Iris jumped out her window. 
Her room is on the second floor.
It’s fine, she’s trained since little because the little shit could never sit still and Cor had to do something to at LEAST teach her to land since age 5 because the gods know this child needs to know how to land.
Iris ran around the house for an hour before she got tired and collapsed in the grass, and even there she kept flailing and screeching.
Clarus arrived home to Gladio calmly watching TV eating ice-cream while a nine year old Iris was sprawled on a side of the house like her sould abandoned her.
Iris is a Prompto equivalent of The Asker.
Someone is knocking on Gladio’s door at two a.m.
“Gladio have you told him you love him.”
Gladio closed the door in her face.
Iris never stopped trying to drag Ignis home even when she was already 15.
There she is, calmly going, grabbing Ignis’ wrist, and saying nothing while heading to Clarus’ car.
Family dinner at the Amicitia, nothing is going on, nothing relevant has happened for months, everyone is quiet and
The happiest motherfucking day in Iris’ life was when Ignis called at her door, sat down on her floor, and said “Would you be so kind as to teach me to make a moogle plush toy myself? I’d love to make one for Gladio.”
Iris is fan #1 of Prompto’s Gladnis photos and is always asking him to show her.
Iris gets some of those photos framed. She’s not even gifting them to them, she’s just putting them at the livign room because LOOK AT THIS HAPPY FAMILY, THAT’S MY BROTHER IN LAW AND MY BROTHER AREN’T THEY THE MOST BADASS ADORABLE COUPLE IN THE WORLD AREN’THEYGODDAMMIT!!?!??!
Gladio is annoying Iris on purpose.
“Gladdy, I’m gonna have Iggy kick your ass.”
Ignis is very much ready to kick Gladio’s ass if Iris asks him for it.
Iris likes to cause little harmless misunderstandings between the two just for the sake of it.
“?? Ignis? I thought I’d bring the tools.”
“?? No, I was told I’d bring the tools? What are we cooking if no one brought the food?”
Iris is containing the laugh from the living room. 
“Hey, I thought I’d forgotten my scarf here?”
“No, you took it home with-”
Iris sometimes gets gifts to give to Gladio so HE can give them to Ignis
“Iris, I already give him a bunch”
Iris alongside with Prom is always trying to get them nice, romantic dates. Cheesy sometimes. Overly cheesy sometimes. 
There you see the whole scenery Prommy and Iris put up together in a garden, a tiny table and cushions for a comfy date, in a little silk-drapes tent decored with lights, candles, and a couple flowers.
“Iris we just wanted to watch dumb cartoons”
Not like Iggy and Gladio are complaining but omg the EFFORT
You know what sorta sister in law Iris is?
Gladio and Ignis are having a private conversation at the garden.
“Would you like to stay for dinner?”
Iris from somewhere in the universe
Honestly how badass is Iris here, you pick on her, she brings forth her TWO BIG GUARDIAN BROTHERS 
Iris be. Cutest most troublesome most supportive sister in law since she’s a kid, ok? SHE’S MORE INTO GLADNIS THAN GLADNIS THEMSELVES.
Aaaaaah man, this took quite longer than I expected, but was it worth it! I had lots of fun with it, and I hope you enjoyed it too? I REALLY HOPE SO BECAUSE THIS IS FOR YOU ALSKJDFDLGKJ
Also, I hope the midterm thing went okie!! Sending you lots of happy raccoonie thoughts for school to be gentle and go FANTASTIC! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Thanks for the ask and LOTSA MAGIC YAYS FOR YOU! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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writtingfiction · 5 years
Holding On
pairing: Gladiolus x Reader
genre: fluff, angst
words: 2.3k
summary: It’s been getting harder and harder to see your boyfriend. This wasn’t the first time you’ve been left hanging, and you’re certain it won’t be the last.
There was a heavy feeling in your chest as you continued to wait for the approaching hour that you have now waited for the shield. You half relieved that you were waiting in a cafe compared to a restaurant, the embarrassment would have been too much for you. Although, with how things had been going lately, you would decline having dinner with him at a restaurant. He wouldn’t be able to make it if his recent behaviour is anything to go by. Nevertheless, you didn’t want to give up but if things continued you’d have too at some point. A sad sigh left your lips at the thought of confronting your lovable boyfriend, but it had to be done, sooner or later.
Your phone light up and buzzed from its spot on the table, showing a text from Gladiolus, saying what you feared would happen.
‘Sorry babe, won’t be able to make it. Need to be at the Citadel a little longer.’
Another sigh left your lungs, you were tired of this game of cat and mouse. A short reply was given before you got up and throwing out the once warm drink into the garbage before making your way home. This wasn’t the first time and it certainly wasn’t the last. You had hoped, knowing the saying that the third time’s the charm, but by the Gods was this difficult. You knew he was busy and yourself as well, but all you wanted was at least an hour with him enjoying each other’s company being out in the city. A night walk would satisfy you, but the hunk of a man would get home late and rise early in the morning. You just wanted to be near him without any distractions, but it seems like it’s too much to ask.
You walked into your apartment solemnly, taking your coat off in the slow pace as you thought about what to do. You could start with the laundry, and then do the dishes before studying for the up coming test. However, as you went along with your chores, all you could think of was him. The apologetic look in those amber eyes as he whispers out more sorry’s and promises. The wide grin and warmth he would give when you had accepted his apologies but your heart would feel lighter, thinking maybe, maybe this time he won’t be delayed or forget. But, you were a fool. 
“I just want to be with you, Gladiolus, is that so hard to ask?” You whispered, heart heavy as sadness filled you. Not having the energy to finish the dishes. It was getting tiring and discouraging to make the plans but then, to either be rejected or wait an hour before receiving a text saying he won’t be there. You inhaled deeply as you placed the final plate back into the cupboard, body heavy as you made your way towards the couch. Flopping down on the soft surface and tried to think of something else other than the shield.
Lo and behold, a saviour; your phone rings loudly. You grumble as you get off the couch making your way towards the kitchen where you left your phone. The caller is Iris, a light smile appears on your face. You answer it happily, voice carrying through your tiny home.
“Hey! How’s it going, Iris?”
“I’m doing alright, how are you?” Iris’ voice carried through the phone, happily humming on the other side.
“I’m alright, a bit bored.” You responded.
“Bored, huh? How about coming over and helping me out a bit? I’m having some trouble with some of my homework.”
“Of course! I’ll be there in twenty.”
Iris cheered before you said your goodbyes. Filled with a renewed vigour, you pulled on your shoes and jacket once more, keys in hand and back in to the car. True to your word, you did arrive in roughly twenty minutes at the Amicita household. Knocking loudly, to alert Iris of your presence. You giggled at the sound of hurried footsteps on the other side of the door, before it swung open.
“You made it!!” Iris said happily. “I’m so glad you accepted to help me out, Gladio has been ignoring all my calls lately. I can never seem to get a hold of him.” You let out a small laugh.
“Don’t worry, Iris. I’ll be your knight in shining armour.” The two of you let out a laugh.
From there you helped out Iris with her homework, and about an hour in of handwork you declared it was time for dinner. It was getting late and neither of you had eaten yet. 
“Really? You’ll make dinner?” Iris said.
“Yeah! I’m sure you’re hungry as well, besides if we make it soon, I’m sure your Dad would enjoy the nice surprise.”
“Oh, you’re right! So, do you have ideas on what we could make?” 
“Hmm, well, let’s see what’s in the pantry…” You trailed off, moving from the living room to the kitchen, to the pantry. “I could make… curry. I think, at there is! I can make curry if you would like?”
“Please!!! Whenever you make food here it’s absolutely delicious. Remember when you made those mashed potatoes and gravy? Dad and Gladio wouldn’t stop talking about for a week.” Iris whined, but it only brought a smile to your face. 
“We can make this one together! Grab a pot so we can get started!” Your smile grew brighter as the event unfolded.
Iris was a huge help, even catching you on some stuff. Your heart almost leapt out of your chest when she said the curry was sweet, thinking you had put sugar instead of salt, but when you heard her laugh, you relaxed. Playing a prank on you in the middle of cooking, how sneaky. 
It was ready when Clarus had gotten home. It was a nice surprise, Clarus had mentioned. He wasn’t expecting to come home and be greeted with dinner waiting for him. He helped you and Iris set the table as he talked about his day at the citadel, making a small mention about how Gladiolus won’t be joining them for dinner because he was stuck with Cor. You refrained from doing an eye roll, feeling a little annoyed with how things have been between the two of you.
However, you refuse to let it control you for the rest of the night. You wanted to enjoy the company of the Amicita family, even if Gladiolus wasn’t there. It wouldn’t stop you, and you were happy. Conversation and jokes bounced between the three of you as you ate dinner. You felt warm and at home, even when it came time for you to leave. They made you feel like you were a part of their family and you would be forever grateful for it. 
So, when you arrived home, you were expecting to find your boyfriend mostly likely in bed and fast asleep. You were barely through the front door when you phone rang loudly once again. You scrambled trying to reach for the phone while trying to close the door, answering it without question.
“Y/n, hello, It’s Ignis.” 
“Iggy? Why are you calling me at this hour?” You were so confused. Ignis rarely calls you, never mind this late.
“It’s about Gladiolus, he seems to be rather… melancholic.” Ignis said, as if he was assessing the situation in front of him. Your confusion increased.
“What? Where is he?” 
“He’s with me, at Noctis’ apartment. I believe you’ll understand when you get here.” There was a faint shout from Noctis about telling Gladiolus to get off of him before Ignis hung up. You blinked owlishly at your phone trying to piece the situation together. 
He was sad; at Noctis’ apartment and if Ignis is there along with Noctis, Prompto is most likely there. It makes sense for them to be together, they are friends, but you don’t understand why you had to be called to the apartment. Thoughts float in as you lock your door behind you for the third time that day. 
The drive there was uneventful but it was already 11 o’clock and you still couldn’t understand why Ignis had called you to come over and see Gladiolus. It wasn’t even because he needed to be picked up, Ignis just wanted you to see him. Ignis was responsible, you were sure he could handle Gladiolus when he’s being mopey, but it didn’t make any sense. Why was he down in the dumps?Perhaps he was right when he said you would understand when you get there.
It’s another two minutes before you’re in front of the apartment door and before you can even knock, you hear a shriek before it goes dead quiet. The anxiety it gives you makes your heart race and you open the door with haste. You announce your presence and all the boys look to you. 
Gladiolus has Prompto wrapped around him with his head in a headlock. Noctis is in a chokehold trying to reach for something so he can potentially warp away, but Gladiolus is keeping him reined in. Ignis stands not too far from you with a neutral look on his face. Gladiolus though, the bright grin that was on his face begins to fade, his eyes goes soft and a sadness washes over him. Your brows furrow as a frown is etched into your lips.
“Let go of them, Gladio.” You say firmly and he follows, arms releasing the two younger boys who scramble to get away.
“Y/nnn” Prompto whined. “Please take Gladio home, he won’t stop talking about you! It’s all he’s been doing since he got here!”
“Indeed. It was to be a quiet evening.” Ignis chimed in.
“How are we supposed to watch one damn movie when you’re constantly talking about her?” Noctis spoke up. 
“Hey now—“ Gladiolus went to defend himself, but you interrupted him.
“Let’s go home, let’s leave them to watch their movie.” You said in an annoyed tone. “You all have things to do in the morning right? Try not to stay up late.”
“Right! Thanks, y/n!” Prompto called out as Gladiolus grumbles his way towards you and grabs his things.
“I’ll make sure they’re not up too late.” Ignis said. You smiled.
“I’ll leave it to you.” You say in reply.
Gladiolus and yourself say goodbyes when he’s finally ready. You can tell they’re just all too happy to have Gladiolus gone, he must have really pushed on their buttons. You sigh heavily when you reach your car, resting your head on the doorframe of the car. 
“You ok, babe?” You hear him close, then his heavy hand on your shoulder. You pause for a moment, gathering your thoughts.
“No.” You said plainly and you’re sure he wasn’t expecting a straight answer. “Why is there enough time for the boys, but not for me?” You look up to your boyfriend and see the heartbroken expression on his face.
“That’s not true…” He says it quietly.
“Then how come you were with them, and not with me this afternoon? Back in that cafe where we planned to be together.” You argued tiredly.
“I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there this afternoon. I was going to be there, I was on my way out that door when Cor caught me.” Gladiolus said, hands balling into fists. “I tried telling him I had somewhere to be, but he kept saying it will only take a few minutes, which ended up taking the whole afternoon.”
You could feel the anger within him as he spoke, he must have been just as excited as you to finally meet up. Life had seemed to swallow the both of up, as easy as the ocean can drift you away from the shore. You didn’t want to float away from him. Your hand reached for his, being enveloped with ease. There was another whispered apology that came from his lips.
“You’re free right now, right?” You said looking up towards his eyes. Confusion filled those amber coloured eyes you loved so much. He couldn’t see what you were planning.
“Yeah, but I don’t get—Oh. I see.” A smile appeared on your lips when he got it, growing only wider at his wide grin. 
“Would you be so kind to join me for a movie and some quality time at home?” You said, giggling. Gladiolus sent a wink your way.
“Of course, what kind of gentleman would I be if I refused a pretty lady such as yourself.” 
You let out a loud warm laugh at his response, and the air felt warm between the both of you. Quickly entering the car and making your way home, hands tangled together. You felt at home for once, warm and happy. Gladiolus was your home away from home and you hoped it would continue to be like this. Where your laughter and smiles would brighten the day and there was nothing to worry about. Where small touches would carry paragraphs and hidden gestures would mean so much more than words could express. 
Cuddled together in bed as you watch some Rom-Com with a large bowl of buttered popcorn in between the both of you. Echoing the characters sweet, sweet words and babbling about what would be better, chocolate or flowers? You may have missed out on some opportunities to be with each other, you’ll always treasure the moments you do have together. It’s another squeeze to your hand that reminds you of something, one thing you almost forgot to say today.
“Gladio.” You called, head turning towards him. He shifts, eyes just reaching yours at the angle he’s on. He hums as he looks at you with such loving eyes. “I love you.” You feel so warm, bubbly and happy that he’s the one that you love. The ever so tender touch to your cheek is another action that speaks a thousand words.
“I love you too.” Gladiolus whispers, leaning in to give you a kiss. One that you happily reciprocate, and hope to continue when the days, weeks, months, years pass the both of you by. You could only hope that these moments will keep you strong as the days did stretch on.
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aij-writes · 5 years
“Can we dance?” Gladio spoke quietly.
Ignis looked up.  He’d just finished giving some talking points to a reporter for the Lucian Times.  He eyed the large man, admiring how handsome he looked in his ceremonial robes.  Gladio was dark skinned with a ruddy tone.  Everyone was always first taken in by his shear mass.  Taller, larger, and louder than the rest of court, Gladiolus looked larger-than-life.  He stood taller than Ignis, and he wasn’t a short man himself.  His physique was a point of pride of his, not because he was shallow, but because of how hard he worked to put it forth.  Gladio wanted to be strong, not to show off, but to always know he could protect his king.  He took his duties as Shield-in-Waiting seriously, but that wasn’t all he was.
Ignis found him to be one of the best friends another man could have.  It had been a rocky start, but two similar-aged boys in similar roles were going to butt heads at first.  Eventually, though, they’d found a comfortable way to revolve around Noctis.  Ignis tended to be more doting, but Gladiolus was no less caring for their friend and prince.  He was gruffer and pushier, but it was because he believed Noctis needed someone to not always give him his own way.  Noctis often expressed how much he hated being bowed to and gave his way no matter how many times he pushed Ignis into things he wouldn’t otherwise see as his duty.  Gladio offered that similar feel, being a noble’s son, that they weren’t quite equals, but he didn’t take his crap, either.
No, Ignis knew Gladio was thoughtful, kind, and passionate.  He loved to read, something Ignis only saw as a means to an end, and ate up books as quickly as protein shakes.  Of course, he had his favorites and he’d worn the spine until the whole book cracked on his volume two of Silence of Knowledge.  Ignis had caught him reading the book loose-leaf and had purchased a new set, leather bound this time.  He intended to get it to him when things settled down from the treaty events.
It wasn’t merely his distaste for disorder, but that Ignis wasn’t always sure what he could do for Gladio.  They were friends, but despite being a Crownsguard officer himself, Ignis often felt othered by the friends Gladio had in the Citadal.  He was considered an outsider.  Usually pouring over reports, driving Noctis to his various responsibilities, and advising on various affairs, Ignis found it difficult to relate to others.  He did not have the same issue with Gladio.  He knew without words what the other was thinking, and if he wasn’t sure, Gladio simply told him.  The only games were the ones they played on others.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate,” Ignis spoke, offering a faint smile.  “All the girls will see me with the best-looking guy here and I’ll be tarred and feathered.”
Gladiolus ignored the call for proper behavior, wrapping his arm around Ignis’s shoulder.  “I’ll use my impressive wingspan to shield ya, Iggy.”  Though it was buried under the robes, Gladio had had his tattoo finished recently.  It was a massive bird across this shoulders, down his arms and back, the head curving around to his collarbone and pectoral.  Instead of a coat of arms, the Amicitias had Enkidu, the companion of the Founder King’s Shield.  His father, Clarus, had the same tattoo.  Even though the duty did not fall on her shoulders, Gladio’s younger sister Iris had begun whining when she’d turned thirteen to start the ink work.
“I do think there’s someone rather more important to be Shielding, Gladiolus.”  Still, Ignis gazed up at him, fondness in his eyes even if he kept his expression serious and set.  Gladio’s eyes were dazzling, a sultry narrow that had an extra crinkle when he looked at Ignis.  The scar that ran from his forehead and brow and into his cheek only drew attention to the rest of his rugged good looks.
“My family’s got it,” Gladiolus insisted.  He leaned in, subtly pointing them out.  “Iris is thrilled, isn’t she?”
Ignis smiled now.  Iris, Gladiolus’s fifteen year old sister, was showing Noctis how to swing and slid while snapping her fingers.  Noctis stumbled along, not simply humoring her, but letting go of some of his shyness to spend time with her.
“Do you think he even realizes?” Ignis asked, shaking his head.  “The Amicitias and Lucis Caelums, family at last?”
“Do you think his Hand even realizes how his Shield looks at him?” Gladio asked, amber eyes glittering.
Ignis chanced a glance at him.  He shifted, forcing Gladio’s arm to drop.  He pushed his glasses up.  “We are far too busy and too important to the future of the kingdom to mire ourselves with fanciful and ill-fated--”
“Oh cut the crap,” Gladio groaned.  “Just because you have it memorized, doesn’t mean you have to spout the rules of behavior to me every chance you get.  All I was trying to say is you look good.  You should wear more color.”
“And you should wear more gold,” Ignis murmured.  “Looks good against your skin.”
“I rather enjoyed the look of silver against it,” Gladio said, voice rumbling into his ear.  His lips brushed ever-so against the soft fringe of Ignis’s Dragoon grey-brown hair.  “Relax, Iggy, no one is paying us any mind,” he said, leaning back on his heels.  “Even so, I know how you feel of my attention.”
Ignis’s sharp eyes were roving across the party, checking everyone and everything before moving slightly.  Though it looked like he was turning his back to Gladio in a cold shoulder, he brushed his thumb against Gladio’s pinky.  Ignis always wore gloves, but this pair were thumbless.  The skin on skin was so slight yet it shot warmth through Gladio.
“I don’t think you do know,” Ignis uttered.  “Elsewise, you wouldn’t put that kind of pressure on me.”
Gladio grinned.  He loved Ignis’s accent.  He loved his coy playfulness.  He loved how put together he always looked but he loved most how he could see the passion he was brimming with.  He could kiss him right there.
Their thing, as they had no other word for it, had started out of mutual frustration and hormones when they were younger.  Even Gladio had a hard time actually finding someone compatible and with the same hectic schedule as him to understand that dating was a luxury even he couldn’t afford.  Ignis was in the same boat.  It’d started as two teens fumbling on the mats stealing gropes and touches between training.  It’d shifted to one or two moments mired in guilt and the thrill of potential discovery.  But as they were growing up and realizing they could be friends with and around their charge, Ignis simply had given Gladio a key to his apartment and the expectant look it wasn’t simply for hook ups.
No, there were more times than not they’d simply exist near each other.  Comfortable.  Ignis would come home late from whatever errand for Noct had run late and find Gladio sprawled out on the couch, deep into a book and he’d slid to into his arms and they’d simply lay there, quiet, together.
Gladio knew he loved Ignis.  He’d stopped looking at anyone else a long time ago.  He considered himself open to all kinds of relationships, but eventually realized he already found the one he wanted.  Quiet, private, passionate.  Just like his Ignis.
But these things weren’t meant to be.  Never mind the fact he couldn’t bring himself to simply ask Ignis how he felt in return.  He believed he knew.  That while he wasn’t the easiest at expressing emotion, Ignis still considered him his love, his life.  His duty short of Noctis.  Never and nothing before Noctis.  But Gladio felt the same way.  It was one of the things that kept it easy.  They never grew jealous or impatient.  They understood.
When they made love--and Gladio truly felt it was an act of love instead of to take the edge off like it might have once been--he often let his mind wonder to what-could-bes.  Confessing to Ignis fully.  Being confessed to in return.  Taking him to that quiet bistro Ignis had to visit at least once a month and waiting to the end of the meal to pop the question.  Pretending it would be okay--no, more than that, pretending his father would be happy.  Celebrate his new son-in-law.
In the end, though, Gladio wasn’t even sure Ignis was into guys.  It seemed absurd, but maybe it remained what it’d always been.  Two best friends that found a mutually beneficial relationship.  Safe, exclusive sex.  No risk of pregnancy or being discovered by tabloids.
Even if it was just an arrangement to Ignis, Gladio couldn’t begrudge him.  Even though they’d eventually marry council-approved wives and each have children to continue to serve the crown.  Even if it stopped right now, like so much of their lives seemed to be hinging on the treaty signing tomorrow.
Gladio closed his hand, weaving fingers with Ignis.  “No one would mind if we danced,” he said firmly.
Ignis turned to look at him, startled.  “Gladio, no, I can’t.”
“Of course you can,” he said, leading him with a sweeping step.  Gladio grinned, gently pulling him to the dance floor.  “I mean, who taught Noctis the quick step?”
Ignis swallowed.  “Gladiolus Amicitia, you will not make me do this.”
“Who’s making you?” Gladio grinned big and toothily.  He tilted his head, the stray hair from his top braid shaken loose and framing his eyes.  “You got your hands on me, Iggy.”
Looking at where his hand gripped at Gladio’s sleeve like it had betrayed him, Ignis walked a little more sure with him.  “Is Noctis alright?”
“Yeah, he’s right there,” he said, head motioning.  “I’ll personally vouch for Ulric, all right?”
Ignis glanced to where Noctis was playing on his phone, trying to be discrete and failing.  Nyx was still sweeping with his eyes, but he’d turned slightly towards him, only a few feet away.  Ignis looked up at Gladio, eyes widening.  “All right,” he finally agreed, licking his dry lips.
“All right,” Gladio said, pumping his fist.  He went to put his hand on Ignis’s shoulder, but was as suddenly jostled.
He took a step back, obviously surprised a man of his size could be pushed by the lithe, short blond that cut between them.
The moment was broken for Ignis.  He pushed his glasses up, watching the same man that’d cut between them in his haste.  He was in Imperial colors.  All white with notes of red and gold.  The Saint Johns Cross featured on so many of their banners and crests cut a red line down his back.
The blond young man turned back to them, walking backwards without changing his purposeful pace.  He had heavy lower eyelids and a slight gaunt to his features, like he was carved out.  His freckles underscored his youth, but the dull look in his red-rimmed blue-violet eyes had the look of a man that’d seen plenty and was immune to it all now.  His hair was wild, piled on his head in spikes.
He threw his arm out, almost as a bow of apology, but he raised his eyebrows in challenge before turning away again.
Ignis looked over as Noctis joined them.  They watched the blond’s haughty walk pause with snapping something as he walked passed Ravus Nox Flueret, the disposed crown prince of Tenebrae and Niflehiem stooge.  He ended up on the far side of the room, gazing out at the city below.  Unlike most of the Nifs, he didn’t keep a guard.
“Who was that?” Noctis asked, interested enough to actually rejoin his servants prematurely.
“I...I don’t know,” Ignis confessed.
More than anything, that surprised the other two.
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thechocoboos · 6 years
Cor with a Daughter HC
Hey guys, it’s ya girl, thechocoboos, here to deliver some Cor HC bc he’s great! 
In this scenario, that weird fucker Verstael makes female clones alongside the normal ones (so yes there are female MTs in this AU) and Cor steals one when he takes baby Prom away, so uh... It’s a mess, but it’s a cute mess.
So Cor was the one who stole baby Prompto away right? Right. So, turns out, Verstael made a female clone as well (that also means that in this au there are female MTs)
And guess what? Cor stole one of those too.
Just picture this: a scuffed up, young Cor Leonis on the run from the Empire with two little blond, freckled babies in his arms. I know. It’s cute.
Cor knew he was supposed to return both babies, but the second he looked into the girl’s cornflower blue eyes, he knew he couldn’t give her up
It hurt enough to give up the boy after getting so attached in only a few days, but when she looked into his eyes, he vowed he’d raise her as his own
She had been so calm, merely sucking on her thumb while her brother (what he could only assume was her brother) was wailing his adorable little head off
Even so, he saw the fear in her sparkling blue eyes and promised that she would never have to feel that fear again; Papa Cor was gonna raise her in a safe environment
And he did.
He turned baby Prompto over and had to watch as he was put in the foster system, but he quietly adopted the girl as his own with no one knowing where she came from save for Regis and Clarus
Everyone else? Well, he simply told them that she was the niece of a distant relative that was unable to care for her
“Aww, that’s so sweet of you!” or “Aw, look at you bein’ a big ole softee.” is what everyone said, and it was always followed by, “What’s her name???”
“Poppy.” she may be the same poppy from the actor au but who knows
Papa Cor raised Poppy well
He always gave her the best toys and always, always left work early so he could pick her up from daycare with a warm smile and all
He’d pick her right up in his arms, earning a cute bubble of laughter from her and he’d ask, “How was my little princess’s day?”
All the women in the area swooned (me too)
Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows
In the beginning, Cor was terrified. He had no idea how to raise a child, and he didn’t even have baby furniture for a week (not to mention his apartment wasn’t babyproofed either like y i k e s)
He only survived through the help of his elderly neighbor, Gertrude. She was the mother of four kids and had more grandkids than he could count
But she was always willing to help him. “It’s not often that I see a single dad tryin’ to make it on his own like this,” She told him a couple months after he adopted Poppy, “But it always warms my heart to see a young father trying so hard. Keep it up, young man.”
And he did.
He stuck through it--through the potty training, through the tears, tantrums, incessant babbles and the waking him up in the middle of the night
He stuck through it all and never regretted it
When Poppy said her first words, he practically shouted for joy and even called Regis and Clarus up and the day after? Oh man, the trainees were scared to see such a smile on Cor’s face (he actually went easy on them that day so it was pretty nice for them)
Cor kept pictures of her in his office and always had a small pic of her in his wallet and i swear to you, if he ever had the chance to bring her up in conversation, he would brag and brag away
Poppy really liked reading and wasn’t a big fan of athletics or fighting, much to Cor’s relief
He tried keeping her away from politics and such, didn’t want her questioning too much, ya know?
Still, he knew he’d have to teach her basic combat, just in case (plus he knew one day she’d start dating and he didn’t trust those teenage boys…)
And he did. And surprisingly, as much as Poppy hated it, she was really, really good at it
Cor figured her out-of-nowhere skills at combat were due to the Empire, but he was more relieved than not that she hated fighting; it gave him some reassurance that she wouldn’t ever abuse her skills
Although it wasn’t a big concern in the first place, his daughter was pretty damn soft-spoken and shy; she hated conflict and fighting more than most
Overall, she was a tame kid
She followed the rules, listened well, was a fantastic student… Honestly, Cor counted himself lucky that she was such a good kid
Although whenever he mentioned it to Clarus, Clarus would only chuckle and say, “Yeah, you raised her that way, Cor.”
It always seemed strange to him, that he--a gruff, tough soldier--could raise someone so sweet and shy, but there many more moments where all he felt was pride--pride for himself and pride for his daughter
Still, Poppy had her faults: she had too big of a heart for her own good
She was always trying to bring in hurt animals or asking if they could get a dog or a cat (Cor ended up relenting when she was 10; they ended up with an elderly cat named Haggus and Poppy swears he’s the kindest cat ever)
And then there was her trusting nature. She was incredibly trusting and understanding; Cor was terrified that she’d get taken advantage of one day (all though, deep down, he knew she wouldn’t. At the end of the day, she was a Leonis and he raised her to be reasonable and carry a healthy amount of suspicion)
Sometimes when she was still little, he would worry about her getting into some shit or something going wrong and when he did, it would bug him in the back of his mind until he went to pick her up from daycare (he always gave her tighter hugs on those days)
Cor raised Poppy as his own, but he also told her that she was, in fact, adopted when she was around 11. He didn’t want her to find out through someone else and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could avoid questions about her mom or the strange barcode tattoo (he always told her to keep the barcode covered, and he was always so firm about it that she never dared to do otherwise)
Of course, he didn’t tell her the entire truth. Yes, she was adopted, but he still stuck by the story that she was the niece of a distant relative and eventually, Poppy stopped asking
And as previously mentioned, Cor kept Poppy out of politics and the Citadel
Like, there were a few times when she went to balls or social events (and everyone would always coo over how cute she was) and sometimes Cor might take her to work with him (when she was young), but outside of that, she was never really in the Citadel, not even when Cor was training her
However, whenever she was there, she ended up being around Noctis
There weren’t very many kids there besides her and Noct--sometimes Iggy (maybe Gladio, but he was always with the adults), so they often ended up hanging out
She’d see Gladio around here and there, too, and was pretty curious about him, but Noctis was always super reluctant to go talk to Gladio (let’s face it, Gladdy was probably a dick as a kid and tried to act older than his actual age, so basically, no fun for Noct)
They’d giggle together and run around the Citadel, playing games and goofing off while the adults went around with their boring chatter
Despite how much fun they had, those few social events a year were the only times they saw each other and as they got older, Poppy was able to stay at home instead of attending
So then, they stopped seeing each other at all
Cor always felt a little bad whenever she would ask about Noctis, but he was determined to keep Poppy and work separate (something he was very good at doing)
Still, despite all of Cor’s attempts, Poppy and Noct ran into each other again in high school
They were pretty quick to befriend each other again after a few weeks of awkward small talk, and when Cor found out, he couldn’t help but feel a tad annoyed (I mean, he’d been trying to keep her away from politics and shit for years)
Of course, through Noct, Poppy got to know Ignis very well (he was often in the background of those damn social events when they were kids, so they knew each other existed for sure)
Ignis was fairly fond of Poppy. He always said that she might be a good influence on Noctis.
Gladio was aware of Poppy and she was aware of him, and tbh, they thought the other was pretty damn cute but they never really interacted beyond group outings that centered around Noct (tho they would become surprisingly close down the line)
And Prompto? It was a bit of a weird thing
In summary: their first meeting was weird as fuck
Noct was the first one to befriend Prom, and the first time they properly met, he was absolutely S H O O K
Prompto was so similar to Poppy. They had the same freckles, the same cornflower blue eyes, same shade of hair… They even seemed to have the same inflections in their voices
The longer Noct was around Prompto, the more similarities he saw between him and Poppy and tbh… it weirded him out
And theeen… Then, there was the day that Prompto and Poppy met
Noct offhandedly mentioned that Prompto would be joining them at the arcade, to which Poppy eagerly agreed. Noct had mentioned Prom quite a bit, so at that point she figured that she should meet him
“Oh! I found Prom!” Noct said later, nodding his head towards Prompto’s familiar silhouette, “Hey, Prom!”
Prompto turned around of course, beaming as he walked closer to them in the arcade, “Hey, Noct! And you’re Poppy, ri-” He froze when he saw her
Her mouth was open to speak, but she couldn’t help but freeze when she saw him only a few feet away
It was like looking at a weird, distorted version of herself
Noct kept glancing between them, “Shit, I didn’t realize how similar you guys were until now.”
Luckily, it broke whatever weird spell they were under
Prompto managed to laugh it off and they had a quick, very awkward introduction before moving onto the arcade
It was strange and surreal for both Poppy and Prompto, and honestly, at first? Awkward as hell
They didn’t talk much to each other and seemed to be avoiding one another as best they could
Poppy even ended up going home earlier than planned, giving Noctis an apologetic smile and saying something about how her dad wanted her to help him with some pie (Cor hated pie so it was a bald-faced lie)
That evening, Cor could tell something was up
“Thought you’d be out with the Prince until pretty late.”
Poppy tried to dismiss his statement with a shrug, but Cor’s steady gaze and open silence pushed her for more info. “Just wasn’t feeling it. Met another one of his friends and it was kinda weird, ya know? His name’s Prompto and he’s plenty nice enough but…”
It clicked into place, and with a stoic nod, Cor didn’t ask any more questions. Internally, however, he was beating himself up
He knew very well it was the same Prompto he stole from the Empire with Poppy and he knew something like this would happen with her hanging around the Prince so often
It was only a matter of time before she pieced together some kind of connection and honestly? Cor wasn’t sure what to do when she did
Luckily for Cor, it was a long time before that happened
In the meantime, however, Poppy and Prompto somehow got over their awkward avoidance of each other (it was defo thanks to Noctis)
They ended up clicking very well. They’d finish each other’s sentences, laugh at the same damn stuff, freak out at the same things, and they were absolutely fantastic at teaming up together
Simply put, they became best friends. Noctis and Ignis were surprised at how well they got along, especially after the rocky start to their friendship, but at that point, they were practically stuck at the hip
Cor was uneasy as hell when it came to Prompto
There were times when Poppy’s friends were over and he was strangely tense (although he would always tell Poppy it was just at surprise at seeing the Prince in his apartment with his advisor and bodyguard)
Still, it was only a year before Noct left for his marriage to Lunafreya that Prom and Poppy found out about their barcodes
They had been goofing around like normal before deciding to try their hand at making cheesecake in Poppy’s kitchen
She didn’t want to get her long sleeves dirty and rolled them up, figuring that Prompto wouldn’t notice her wrist in their goofing around
Unfortunately, there were a few minutes of comfortable silence when he did
And boy did he clam up
“Uh… Poppy, is that uh, a tattoo?”
Poppy freaked out about it of course, “Uh, no--it’s just one of those fake stick-on tattoos ya know?” She had tried to lie her way out of the situation
“Oh--that's, that’s cool…” He didn’t believe it completely, “But,” but he had to try, right? “I actually have a similar one! Haha,”
“You do?” The seriousness in her voice was enough to cut all humor out of the room
“Y-yeah,” and he showed her.
Poppy felt the closest to understanding her damn tattoo than she’d ever felt before
Neither of them knew what it meant, but they felt an intense sense of solidarity and there was an unspoken pact between them from then on
They never really spoke about it for a long time, and Poppy never asked Cor. She was almost too scared to; she didn’t know what it meant and didn’t want to break their small family apart trying to figure it out
When she finally did find out, she was worried that Cor secretly hated her and that she was an abomination
Of course, Cor ended that pretty quickly. She ended up having a breakdown one night, and it was all Cor could do not to break down with her
He knelt down to look her in the eyes, holding onto her hands with his own just like whenever she fell as a kid and he wanted to cheer her up
“Poppy, you’re my daughter. I took you from that place and raised you myself. The second I looked you in the eye, you had me wrapped around your little finger. I could never hate you, not for spilling my favorite beer or waking me up when you were little, and definitely not for where you came from. You’re my kid, Poppy, and nothing’s gonna change that.” He managed to give her a shaky smile and earn one from her too, wrapping her in a big, comforting hug and making all of her worries disappear
“I love you, dad.”
“Love you, too, kiddo.”
Look i just love this ok. Give Me Papa Cor or Give Me Death.
B/c I’m a slut for a happy ending: Poppy did go on that road trip with the bros but guess what?
Luna lived, Noctis lived, they both got married and had some cute kids
Poppy ended up in a relationship with Gladdy (he kind of fell in love with how cute and sweet she was, plus the fact that if she had to she would kick his ass--which she did on multiple occasions)
Cor became a grandpa and both loved and hated it. He also never stopped giving Gladio hell.
Prompto married a swell gal and had some kids. Auntie Poppy spoiled them rotten btw
Regis and Clarus were proud Grandpapas, Iris and Poppy got along really really well (Iris said that if Gladio didn’t marry Poppy then she would)
Ardyn lived and became a weird trash uncle who spoiled the family kids and no one knows where he got his fortune from
Anyways, everyone lived happily ever after
Hope you guys enjoyed and let me know if you want some more realistic plot hc!
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nraidx74 · 5 years
Camping (Child) (Part 3)
That night Ignis made the most delicious trout dish that any of them has ever tasted before. Blessed Ignis for his culinary expertise. By the time Ignis began preparing their dinner he noticed that the food gathered by Gladio and Prompto had diminished quite much. Though he might shrug it off for them being hungry while looking for the firewood. But when he thought about it, when they met each other he noticed how disheveled they were. Was looking for fire woods that much of a task for them. He wanted to ask but at the same time, he trusted his muscle friend to tell him if something did happen. So he let go for now.
That night they didn't make any more plan and just fell to sleep. They had quite an adventure for the first day and it took all of their energy. Noctis was practically sleeping and eating at the same time, though he said that the cooking was quite good he couldn't really enjoy it for drowsiness was looming over him. Prompto isn't better compared to the Raven. He continued yawning while picking his plate. He was so tired but at the same time, the food was so delicious that it was a waste to not eat everything. He was torn in being sleepy and hungry. Using his every last energy he has he finished his dinner. But that was the last.
Both Noctis and Prompto fell asleep while sitting down. Head hanging down, mouth mumbling.
"They have fallen asleep already...?"
Gladio just finished his dinner and brought it to Ignis who was cleaning up his utensil as well as his own plates.
"They must have been exhausted, could you please tucked them in. While I finish cleaning, Gladio?"
He put down his plate next to Iggy and grabbed the two of them easily in both arms. Cradling them in his arms, letting them rest their heads on his board and firm chest. Gently though he placed both of them in their sleeping bags.
"Good night"
He said while petting their head gently. When they are asleep like this, they do look like angels. But once they are awake, they would annoy him with their own antiques not that he mined it. Hey! He was actually enjoying it. He had a little sister on his own, so he was good with kids. It's just that since he was brought the Lucis's household to work as their bodyguards he hadn't seen her all this time. His little sister was much younger than him, even younger than these two angels. Maybe he should visit her soon.
Soon the tent zipped opened with Ignis going inside.
"Are you done?"
"Then should we rest as well"
"No complain there"
Though they are much older and have much more stamina than those two, they were pretty tuckered out with their own adventures. So they won't say no in an early sleeping. They could only wonder what they will do tomorrow as they tucked themselves in their own sleeping bags and drifted into their subconsciousness. But not before Gladio whispered.
"Good night, Iggy~"
He said teasingly but unable to hide his own sleepiness in his voice. Ignis chuckled a bit before placed his head on his pillow.
"Good night to you too, Gladio"
And off they all went to slumberland. Oh if you are wondering about their position then both Prompto and Noctis were in the middle of Ignis and Gladio. Ignis was right beside Noctis while Prompto was beside Gladio. It just made them feel safe knowing that they can shield their little angels. And if anything were to happen they can be sure that they would able to keep their angels safe. Though their position would change once the angels are big enough to fend things for themselves.
Gladio grumbled as he opened his eyes slightly. When he looked in front of him, Ignis was nowhere to be seen. Well, he could already guess where he was though. He decided to wake up as well. He wasn't one to sleep until noon, unlike a certain kid. He stretched his arms a bit before going out of the tent. Only to see Ignis by his small made kitchen.
He said as he walked behind his glasses friend.
"Morning to you too, Gladio. Did you sleep well last night?"
"I did, it was nice sleeping outdoor like this"
"I assume you like to be outdoors rather than indoor, yes?"
"Can't argue with that, after all, once you woke up you can breathe this kind of fresh air. Who wouldn't like it?"
Ignis was cutting out some vegetables he brought from home.
"True, the fresh air is something I enjoyed being outdoors"
Gladio cooed. Letting a small chuckle, Ignis gave Gladio a knife.
"Mind helping me out with breakfast"
"Sure, why not"
"Thank you, then can you finely chop this while I look after the stew"
Gladio nodded as he took the knife and began cutting the vegetables to fine pieces.
"What are you making?"
"We still have some fishes from yesterday catch rather than throwing it out, before it rots. I decided to make a stew with it and some vegetables. I do not like to waste good ingredients"
"That's a good idea"
They were chatting lightly as they continued to prepare the dish. They were always been by each other side since the first time they were brought together at the Lucis Household. Both of them were scouted when they were young thanks to their extraordinary talents. Ignis grew up unknowing a family love because his parents were rarely home when he was a young child. But not like he minded them being so, but it the end it only made him be an uptight and strict child. His uncle saw how talented he was and because he was one of Regis's retainers he thought maybe his nephew would be able to enjoy being his son retainers as well.
With his talent and quiet witted brain he would beat any of the candidates and heck Regis was looking for someone who wasn't too far in age to his son. A fairly good deal, he would be able to live in a huge mansion, get the education he fairly deserved and even make friends (he hoped). So he proposed the idea to him. Not really knowing what he should do, Ignis decided to take his uncle offer and that's when he was brought to the Lucis mansion and met up with Gladio.
Gladio, on the other hand, was practically given to the Lucis Household, because his father couldn't keep up with his son attitude. Gladio was short temper and because of his fighting skill he practically ended up fighting a gang or even some older punks just because he was agitated. With his big psychic no one would think he was a kid. And with him being a good fighter no one dared to mess with him. Anyone who had fought him will remember not to mess with him no matter what.
But his father had enough of his nonsense always coming home battered up but still decided to take a fight somewhere when he's bored. He didn't know what he should do until his friend Regis told him that he needed to find retainers for his son but with not a too far age gap. Clarus, Gladio's father decided this was the best course of action. With his being a bodyguard he would have many professionals to teach him a lesson. He should learn that there are many who are far stronger than him. Responsibilities would also become hone inside of him once he took the position. It was a perfect idea.
And so the two of them met each other at the Lucis manor. Truthfully they weren't the best of friends when they first met each other. But compared to the other appliance the two of them made the best score. Gladio was supposed to be a bodyguard, he was able to knock everyone out while Ignis became his retainer, making sure everything that Noctis needed. He was quick-witted and able to learn much basic skill as well such as cleaning, cooking, teaching, and surprisingly fighting. Don't try to mess with Ignis, he can use anything as a weapon. Be it a pen he's holding or a kitchen knife. He's also able to perform self-defense moves. Where did he learn all of this you ask? Well from reading books and watching it on TV. Yes... This boy his a freaking genius. He was perfect in every way but these two weren't the best combination.
With Ignis being cold, strict, and uptight, while Gladio being lifely, short temper, and aggressive. These two would clash with each other if they can. One time Gladio had enough with Ignis constant nagging about him being short temper that he was about to punch him in the end. But that only lets Ignis take the opportunity to grab his wrist and without using too much effort he easily swift to his left and pinned Gladio's hand behind his back.
Gladio was completely surprised by this, he thought that Ignis was frail. But since then he would never dare to think so. Slowly he began to actually listen to Ignis. Well, he was still stronger than him but how Ignis treated him started to change his overall attitude. Even if he does let out his anger, Ignis wouldn't get up in the tension and continue to speak softly and gently to him. Soon Gladio found this soothing. Usually, when he was angry people start yelling at him but not Ignis, he wouldn't raise his voice, heck! He never saw him raising his voice at anyone.
Ignis was cool and collective, and slowly this made Gladio determine to control his anger. This time if he was pissed instead of taking it out to someone he would just head to the training ground inside the manor and relived his stress there, by punching the sandbag until it tore. Well, the Lucis household was loaded so buying constant punching bags wasn't a problem for them. Soon though, Gladio found out that the glasses friend reason of being so uptight was because of his family. He didn't really know how to make it all better for his glasses friend but he was determined to make him smile. That's where his humor formed.
Constantly trying to make his glasses friend less uptight, he would start teasing him, being funny or just flirty. Hey! If it can make Ignis smile he wouldn't mind trying to do anything. Soon the two of them became inseparable. Before Ignis would mind his presence around him but soon, he grew fond of the big guy and let him do as his pleased. And that's when he soon feel relax toward the big guy. His cold demeanor was getting softer, his cold expression was starting to get warmer.
And one day it finally happens.
"Come on, please~~"
Gladio cooed. He was trying to make Ignis have a spar with him. By now, Gladio had beaten the other bodyguards. He was getting better at fighting and with him being able to hold his temper his fighting skill just enhanced. Patiently waiting for the right time to strike and observing quietly by the side for the enemies weakness, he was unbeatable. Unlike before where he just use his brawn rather than his brain now that he has mastered the two. No one could defeat him. At least one. He was saving the best for last.
"Please, Ignis, Just this time. I want to seriously fight"
Ignis let out a sigh. He was learning a subject for the upcoming test that he decided to take so he can receive the certificate he wanted. But his muscle friend just decided to make him leave the book.
"I can't Gladio, I need to study"
"But you had been studying all this time. You are already smart without these books, come on"
It wasn't a surprise to hear him being complimented about how smart he was. He had heard it so many times that those kinds of compliments don't do anything for him. But to actually hear from his muscle friend sounded a bit different.
"You really think I'm smart...?"
"WHAT! The heck you are asking me that! You are the smartest person I have ever met. Like you literally remember everything you have read. You can do things just by seeing it once. You are a freaking GENIUS! Genius might be an understatement. You are BRILLIANT! You know that, so stop studying and spar with me!"
A full outburst of compliments. He never heard anyone says those to him. They would praise him but it was more in a formal way yet now he just heard his muscle friend completely flaunting at him with his compliments. This actually made Ignis felt happy and unable to contain it he let out a small laugh. That shocked the big guy way more than it should. Eye completely wide open as if he didn't want to erase this from his mind.
"Y-you... Laugh?"
Realizing that he just expressed an emotion he never once knew he had he was surprised as well.
"You are right, it is the first time"
Unable to contain the joy in his heart, Gladio grinned widely.
"Then I'm the first to see it, I like that!"
Seeing him, grinned so much, was starting to get contagious and he wasn't able to ignore the warmth building in his heart. A smile appeared on Ignis face.
"Well you are special"
That was completely surprising but Gladio didn't hate the idea that he was special to him. Hey! He might like it to be so. Now that he looked at Ignis closely he was very handsome, with his features so endearing. With him smiling his striking features seem to amplify.
"You look way better smiling like this"
"You think so"
The smile was still plastered on his face for he can't let the feeling out of his system just yet.
"Yeah... So smile more, I really like it"
This time Gladio's gaze soften. He looked at him so tenderly that Ignis was a little bit surprised to see such a soft side to his muscle friend. He may think that Gladio always looked rough and impatience but for a while now, when they are together alone like this. He could see his gentle and soft side, he wondered if he's the first to see this. If so then he would like it to stay that way. A very weird way of thinking if he had to admit. But nothing seemed to surprise him anymore, because for some reason staying by Gladio side has become second nature for him.
He felt safe in his side and he would feel relax compare to being with anyone else. It felt so familiar and longing. Not realizing that it was the same for Gladio. He didn't want to admit it but compare to anyone he felt the most relaxed with Ignis by his side. Sometimes he felt as if he belongs there, right beside Ignis. This feeling only grows stronger with them being with each other companies.
"The stew should be ready soon, I will cut some fruits. Will you wake the kids up, please?"
"Anything for you, Dear"
He cooed. Ignis chuckled for some reason this almost feel like they were a family. This feels nice... A pleasant peace that made him feel like he wanted this to continue on if he can.
Gladio reached inside his tent only to see his angels sleeping so close to each other, still deep in their slumberland. He shook the two on their shoulders.
"Hey, wake up you two. It's morning already"
Noctis only grumbled reluctantly opening his eyes, while Prompto slowly opened his eyes adjusting to sunlight which is peeking through from the tent.
"Umm... Morning, Gladdy"
"Morning to you too, little bud"
Gladdy ruffled his head, earning a giggle. Prompto was quicker to wake up and decided to head out while Noctis was having trouble just to open his eyes.
"Hey, sleeping beauty, you better wake up soon! If not we might just go exploring on our own"
That brought attention to his ear. No matter how nice sleeping was, he was still excited to explore the outdoors. He wanted to enjoy his time exploring and if it means for him to get up then he had too... Even if it means pulling every ounce of strength he has to just open his darn eyes. Patiently waiting, he didn't leave the Raven. He didn't want him to fell asleep again. After tossing and turning, Noctis finally able to lift his head off his pillow and sat down.
"Morning, sleeping beauty"
Still groggy, he stood up and exit the tent followed by Gladio. Prompto was already being chirpy in the morning, while Noctis was still collecting his soul by the minute. But once he ate Iggy's breakfast his eyes were fully open, because he just took a bite of a veggie.
"YUCK! What is this?"
"That should wake you up"
"Yuck, I just ate a carrot"
That could count as a therapy shock for the little Raven. But now fully awake. Ugh, he really hates eating veggies. When he looked at Prompto eating it so happily, he decided to give all of his carrots to Prompto, not that Ignis mind it. He deliberately left some carrots in his bowl just to wake him up. So at least his plan succeed. As always they enjoyed every bite of the food Ignis prepared. A five-star chef at their disposal.
"What are we going to today, Iggy?"
Prompto up and chipper decided to help Iggy with the clean-up.
"Hmm... We can climb the hill not far from here, the view is extraordinary they said"
"Yeah, climbing!"
Prompto was practically happy with whatever they do, but he was certainly excited to see the view. He enjoyed being in high places.
"Then I'll pack us some food for lunch"
"Might as well we go hunting!"
Gladio sounded excited this time. He always wanted to go hunting through the forest life, just to have the adrenaline rush of having to target prey. But that sounded like horror for Prompto. He thought everything in the forest as his friends so he doesn't want Gladio to start killing anything. The two went to an argument, with Prompto not wanting Gladio to hurt anything and Gladio wanted to try it for once. But once tears began forming on Prompto eyes, he knew he'll lose this battle.
With a sigh, his shoulder slumped a bit.
"Fine, I won't go hunting"
"You promise"
Trying to sound tough but sniffle managed to make it through. Ruffling the blonde hair he tried to reassure him that he won't go back on his words. Glad that none of his forest friends will be harm the tears stopped. But even so, Noctis managed to gently rub his back trying to calm him down. He was kinda interested in hunting as well, but if it means to make Prompto sad then he would gladly let go of the idea from his head. And so the whole afternoon they went hiking toward the hill, Ignis mentioned before.
The path wasn't terrible it was a straight climb from their campsite so it was a pretty easy track. But the weather wasn't so easy on them. The heat was starting to get to them. They had worn their thinnest clothes they have but the sun was still beating on them quite hard.
"Are we there yet?"
Prompto whined. The sun was so terrible, he couldn't handle it but even so, he really wanted to see the view so he pushed himself through. Noctis was also affected quite much by the heat, Ignis had given him a bottle of water to help him coped with the heat. But even after emptying his bottle he was still feeling the heat, but unlike Prompto he didn't say anything. And just held it in, though he would begin to slow down.
"Hey, you tired already?"
The way Gladio said it almost as if he was mocking him. Not wanting to yield to his mockery, Noctis shook his head and fastened his pace. Knowing this would happen, Gladio deliberately teased Noctis so he would pull through. The boy didn't want to lose so bad that he's willing to endure anything. And for Gladio, this would be a good exercise for the boy.
"Please be patient, we are almost there"
And not a moment too soon, they finally stood at the peak of the hill. This time they could feel the nice cool breeze blowing toward them. Under the heat, the breeze felt so soothing.
"This feels nice"
"That's good to hear, Noctis"
"Iggy, look! Look!"
Prompto was getting excited about seeing the whole view. Ignis wasn't kidding when he said that the view was amazing.
"Sure it breath-taking"
Even Gladio utter his pleased. With everyone enjoying the scenery, Ignis felt a little bit proud that his guidance wasn't wrong.
"Oh I remember I brought a camera with us"
As he said that he took out a small camera from the basket he was holding.
"I forgot to take it to yesterday outing, but I will not make the same mistake twice. Lord Regis has asked us to take pictures of our trip. So let us get a good shot together now"
Placing the camera on top of a rock positioning slightly to capture their moment together. Once they had a good photo, Ignis was about to place it back into the basket when Prompto tugged on his pant.
"Yes, what is the matter, Prompto?"
"Can I borrow the camera?"
Ignis was a little reluctant to give it to the boy. He knew his habits of running around, he was worried that he might drop the camera or even worse broke it.
"I'll take good care of it, I promise Iggy"
Letting out a small sigh, he knew that this might be a bad idea. But he knew that Regis could buy them another even if this one broke. He wanted to see what the blonde will do with it anyway. Maybe he will see Prompto's hidden skill like how he discovers Noctis's.
"I understand, but please do take good care of it"
"Really! I will, I promise Iggy"
Giving the blonde boy the camera.
"Thank you so much, Iggy"
Happy with the camera in his hands, he began to take pictures of their surroundings. When Ignis looked closely at the blonde, he was a little bit surprised by how much he handles the camera with care and the way he took pictures with it almost felt like he had done it for a while. I guess I was right, I may need to tell Cor about this. Finding so many different sides at the boy pleased him.
"Shall we rest here this noon, the sun is still blistering hot. Walking around would tire us more. Once it's cool we can go back to the camp"
And just like that, Gladio decided to do some exercise by running. While Noctis and Ignis sat down under a shady tree. Noctis choice to nap over looking around because it was too hot to do anything. The shade also made his eyes heavy. While Prompto decided to go around taking pictures but still under Ignis watchful eyes. It was a good thing, Ignis brought a book with him. At least now he could finally have a quiet time to enjoy himself and his book. Noctis slept next to him with the Raven's head on his shoulder.
"Iggy, look at the picture I took"
It has been a while since they relaxed. Ignis had read a couple of chapters, while Noctis was still peacefully sleeping. Now his head on Ignis lap because he found it much more comfortable this way.
"Let me see"
Prompto went to Iggy's side and gave him the camera. He was so proud of the pictures he took. There was a beautiful picture of a butterfly resting its wing on the flower. It was hard to capture this kind of images, yet Prompto was able to do so.
"This is beautiful, Prompto. You may have a skill in becoming a photographer"
"Really, Iggy?"
"Of course, I can guarantee it"
The Blonde giggled as he was being praised.
"What are you guys looking at?"
Not long Gladio appeared after his jog. He was so sweaty due to the heat that he took his shirt off. Somehow this made Ignis a little bit flushed. But he tried his best to hide it with his stoic look. A smirk appeared on the big guy and Ignis could feel that he was seen through. A small cough left his mouth as Ignis tried to get his composure back. He's not going to fall for it again, no matter how handsome and well-toned Gladio was.
"Prompto seemed to have a skill in photography"
"Is that so? Let me see"
After looking a few pictures, Gladio was amazed actually.
"This is actually quite good"
And that was the beginning of his true love of photograph and his number one subject to take pictures of the Raven.
"Well, shall we have our lunch now?"
"Yeah, I'm starving after that jog"
"Me too, me too"
"Okay then"
Ignis gently woke Noctis up, who was so deep in his slumber. But when Prompto so happily told him that he got praises for his pictures, Noctis woke up completely. He too wanted to praise his blonde friend and when he saw the picture he was really surprised by it. It was really good and he too encourages him to start taking pictures. With everyone support, Prompto was confident enough to say that this is one of his natural talents.
They enjoyed their lunch which Iggy made. Which was superb as usual. This time Iggy didn't put vegetables in Noctis's dish. He didn't want the Raven to get sulky from eating his veggies. Once they were done, the Raven now fully awake went together with Prompto the flower field near them while Gladio decided to stay with Ignis under the shady tree.
"This is nice, isn't it?"
Gladio commented.
"Yes it is, the air and atmosphere here is quite calming to one soul"
"Though we are looking after those two it's almost like we are having a vacation"
Ignis let out a small chuckled.
"I agree"
"Maybe Regis thinks this is also good for us"
It has been three years since they were taken by the Lucis household. And in those years Regis was a very gentle and kind man. Who supports them fairly sometimes they even thought of him as their second fathers. As someone who nurtured and guide them through their ages.
"The Lord is perspective as always"
Slowly Ignis let his head fell on Gladio's shoulder who seemed to fit his height perfectly. Not minding it all, Gladio decided to lean closer to him as well.
"I feel grateful for meeting you first when I arrived"
"Me too"
"Though you were very short tempered at first"
Face redden due to embarrassment, Gladio tried to turn his face away.
"I-I was still young back then"
"We are still young, Gladio, or do you think we are already old?"
"Ugh... you know what I meant"
Ignis chuckled again. Sometimes Ignis would tease him like this, but if it means to hear him laugh he wouldn't mind being teased at. This was certainly a nice time if they were to go back to that mansion. They could never interact like this, at least now. Though they are still together they had their own work to do. With Gladio constantly training or guarding little Noctis anywhere he goes. Though sometimes he would be given paperworks to help with the maintenance of the guard division. He may look like he was all brawn, Gladio was smart as well. Though not as smart as Ignis but his way of thinking was always appreciated by his superior. He was practically working as his assistant sometimes if not guarding his sleeping beauty. This happened just recently so his work had been piling up since it was discovered.
While Ignis helped with other matter in the mansion like cooking, arranging the manor outlook, organized any events or social meeting. He was almost like Regis personal secretary even though Regis already have one but compare to Ignis, their work wasn't as splendid though still much. Everything that Ignis did was absolute perfection and no one can top him. He was given so many responsibilities that sometimes Regis felt guilty for putting so much burden on the boy. But even so, Ignis always insists that he doesn't mind it. He was happy to be helpful to Regis. That's when his work craze attitude started to form. Both Gladio and Ignis would sometimes meet up when they exchanged information or document but it was for work. So being like this and enjoying everything felt pleasant to their busy schedule.
"You can sleep you know"
The breeze felt really nice that Ignis would catch himself nodding off. But soon awake when he heard his muscle friend.
"No it's quite alright, the breeze just felt nice"
"Sure do"
As they were still enjoying the moment, they could hear the kids coming to them in a hurry.
"Iggy! Iggy!"
Prompto shouts excitably.
"Don't run too fast Prompto, you might fall down"
Though his action and words don't match up because he was still running toward them. Once he was near enough Ignis and Gladio could see them hiding something behind their backs.
"Oh what are you both hiding behind your backs"
The Raven cheeks flushed a bit before showing it to Ignis what he made. It was a flower wreath made from the wildflower growing there.
"This... is for you... Ignis"
Noctis said bashfully. He had never given anyone a gift before and he wasn't sure that Ignis would actually like it too. But after thinking about it Ignis had done so much for him so he wanted to show his gratitude if he can even if it's a simple thing.
A gentle smile plastered on Ignis face. He was a little bit touched that his young master would give him something.
"It's lovely, Noctis. Are you going to place it on my head as well?"
"...Yeah, can I?"
"Yes you can"
Noctis placed the wreath on his head and was pleased that Ignis would accept it.
"Thank you Noctis, it is beautiful"
"Prompto thought me how to make it"
That's when they notice that Prompto was also hiding something behind his back.
"So you made another huh, for who?"
Gladio remarked. But quickly without warning the Blonde jumped and placed his own wreath on Gladio's head.
"For Gladdy, of course. We wanted to say thank you for everything you guys did so we made it for you guys. Do you like it?"
Gladio couldn't help but feel a little touched. Usually his little sister would a flower wreath and placed it on his head as well. He can't help but remember those memories.
"You don't like it Gladdy?"
A laugh left his mouth as he ruffled the blonde's hair.
"Of course I like it, now Iggy and I match, right?"
Prompto giggled, the air was filled with laughter. With everyone giggling together having fun with each other companies. They were definitely enjoying their time and could only wish for it to last longer.  
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marsmckie · 6 years
IgNoct White Day Gift Exchange
For @blossattic - “I'm liking the white chocolate thing related to this celebration so a few things can go from there: giving out chocolate, playing with it, chocolate kisses (literal or referring to the candy thing), being dressed in a creamy colored scheme or even a cameo! Marshmallows can be a great option too. Soft and fluffy go well with the Love theme for this year. Remember these are only suggestions, I'm truly happy to receive anything that those options may have inspired you. Have fun! Come with new recipehs!”
Warning for tooth rotting fluff ahead! I hope you like it and Happy White Day!
How to temper chocolate - heat most of the chocolate over a pan of boiling water until it reaches 46-48 degrees centigrade, stirring constantly. Take off the heat and add the remaining few bits of chocolate, stir, and allow to rapidly cool to 30 degrees centigrade before putting in the mould.
A cool breeze floated in through the open window, offering a heavenly reprieve to the stifling heat from the pot on the stove and the scent of chocolate that had turned from being dreamy to sickly sweet some hours ago. Temperature was key here- too hot or too cool and the chocolate would not temper properly. Ignis monitored diligently, his eyes never leaving the bowl of milk chocolate set over the pan of boiling water, one hand constantly stirring while the other checked the temperature on the electronic thermometer.
Once the chocolate hit 46 degrees, Ignis removed the bowl from the heat and stirred in the remaining few bits of chocolate, allowing it to cool quickly. Satisfied when the temperature reached 32 degrees, he brought the bowl back over to the island counter and set to work pouring it into the dome shaped moulds.
The whole of the counter was taken up by his previous creations- shiny chocolates of assorted shapes, colour and filling each intended for different people. A miraculously clear day in his schedule had allowed him to go through with his plan for making White Day chocolates and the results were highly satisfying.
When the shell of the dome chocolates had cooled enough, Ignis set another bowl of chocolate to temper in the same way as before while he added the orange creme filling and drizzled some over the remaining chocolate in the bowl artistically over a batch of shiny white heart-shaped chocolates. He wiped his hands on his apron, satisfied with the results.
“Hey! Specs! Are you in?”
Ignis cursed under his breath at the shout from the hallway as the front door opened and closed- he thought that he would have their shared apartment to himself today, believing that it was Noctis’s intention to go to the arcades with Prompto after his meeting with his father.
As it was, his boyfriend had returned early.
“Iggy? You cooking? Something smells divine,” Noctis called again. Ignis cast a frantic eye over the mass of chocolates on the counter and knew there was no way he could keep his endeavours secret.
“I’m in the kitchen, Noct,” Ignis called back. He turned his attention to the chocolate on the stove as Noctis walked in. “You’re back early.”
“Prompto got called into Crownsguard training- woah! Specs, are you opening a sweet shop?” Noctis grinned at the assortment.
“Um, no,” Ignis stumbled, flustered, trying to think of a quick lie and failing. He settled instead on the truth. “I was making preparations for my White Day chocolates.”
Noctis’s eyes bulged. “Damn! You know, most people go with shop-bought stuff.”
“That doesn’t sound anywhere near as fun as making them yourself,” Ignis smiled.
Noctis shrugged in response, and snatched a dark chocolate from the counter, popping it in his mouth before Ignis could stop him. Ignis made to swat at Noct with the tea towel, but Noct’s retribution was more instant than that as Noct bit into the chocolate.
“Argh!” Noct moaned dramatically, sticking his tongue out with half of the dark chocolate still on it. “It burns! Why’s it so hot?”
“Those would be the dark chilli chocolate ones I made for Prompto,” Ignis said with a self-satisfied smirk, pleased that his boyfriend’s thieving ways brought about its own punishment.
Noctis swallowed down the rest of the dark chocolate, grabbed a jug of milk from the counter and downed it, still grumbling. Ignis considered a white chocolate drizzle might help take the edge off the heat- though Prompto could handle his spices far better than Noctis, he didn’t want to cause the same reaction from him.
“The domed dark chocolate ones are filled with a whiskey ganache for Gladio,” Ignis continued to explain, once Noctis had calmed down. “There is milk chocolate domed ones with caramel for Iris, then the two I’m finishing off for His Majesty have half with a peppermint creme filling and the other half with an orange creme filling for Clarus, seeing how he taste tests almost everything the King eats.”
“Dad would trust them if they came from you,” Noct said, staring at the amount of work that Ignis had put in. He pointed to a batch of basic square milk chocolates pushed to one side, their quantity less than the other types of chocolate. “And these ones?”
They were Ignis’s first attempt at tempering and putting the fillings in the chocolate, which he had been slowly picking at himself. “Those are filled with a coffee creme; a test batch.”
Noctis grinned, the implication clear. “Yours then!” He picked one of the square chocolates up into his fingers and nibbled at a corner. “Trust you to put Ebony into chocolate!”
Ignis smiled and continued to stir the bowl even as Noct circled around the island counter to him. Gripping the Ebony creme chocolate between his fore and middle fingers, Noctis offered the chocolate to Ignis who dipped his head down to receive it. His lips wrapped around the tips of Noct’s fingers, lightly kissing them as he took the chocolate into his mouth. His first batch had not tempered perfectly, not quite achieving the shine or the distinctive crack as he bit into it, but his eyes fluttered shut as the taste of the Ebony creme filled his mouth. He moaned softly; he would have to go back and make another lot for himself when he had time now that he had got the art of tempering down.
Opening his eyes slowly, he saw the look of desire on Noct’s face as he admired the look of pure bliss on Ignis’s own face.
“Wow Specs,” Noct breathed. Ignis smiled, returning to stirring and checking the thermometer.
“I’m not quite finished yet,” Ignis said. “I have the bases for the orange and peppermint cremes still to go.”
“You really did think of everyone,” Noctis sighed.
“I hope they have as much joy in receiving them as I got in making them.”
“I don’t doubt it, and now you’re making me feel bad that I got your Valentine’s chocolates from the shop- maybe I should have made them myself.”
“I enjoy doing this, Noct. Besides, I’m sure I would have only been clearing up the mess you made if you were to try tempering chocolate,” Ignis teased with a smirk. Noctis pouted.
Ignis finally turned the stove off and brought the bowl of chocolate over to the island counter to add the final piece of chocolate and let it cool.
“I did love the roses, though,” Ignis said fairly, referring to the dozen red roses Noctis had presented him with.
“Yeah, they came from the Palace Gardens,” Noct admitted. “In a way I did grow them myself!”
“If I had known my flowers would upset your gardeners so much...” Ignis sighed.
“Yeah, yeah,” Noctis said. He wrapped his arms around Ignis’s waist from behind, his hands settling underneath the full length apron while he stood on tiptoes to rest his chin on Ignis’s shoulder, hugging Ignis tight. Ignis relaxed into his touch, arching his neck as Noctis peppered light kisses down the back of his neck. He hummed contently.
“You didn’t say who those ones were for,” Noctis murmured. Ignis glanced down at the counter- the tray of white heart-shaped chocolates with the milk chocolate drizzle. There was more of them than any of the other varieties.
“If I told you they have a mix of strawberry, raspberry and ulwaat berry creme fillings, would you guess?” Ignis grinned, knowing his boyfriend’s sweet tooth only too well. “I had intended for them to be a surprise.”
“Dammit, I’m sorry Iggy!” Noctis pressed his face into the back of Ignis’s shoulder. “I can pretend I didn’t see and I’ll still be surprised!”
Ignis smiled softly, checking the temperature of the melted chocolate again. Still too warm to use. He felt Noctis shift slightly behind him, and with trained reflexes Ignis swatted just as Noct’s fingers reached forward to dip into the bowl, satisfied when his boyfriend cried, “Ow!”
“None of that now, not while I’m still using it,” Ignis chided lightly.
“Come on, just one lick!”
Ignis remained firm, ignoring his boyfriend in favour of stirring. He felt Noctis huff against his neck and he smirked, still ready for if Noct’s fingers darted forward again. He wasn’t ready for when the hand underneath his apron started twitching, tickling at his stomach through his button down shirt.
“Eep! Noct!” Ignis quickly dissolved into giggles and the fingers wriggled their way over his ribs. He dropped the spoon in the bowl, his hands trying to come down to defend himself, but the apron worked to keep Noct’s hand trapped against his ticklish midriff.
In the confusion, Ignis was left defenceless and Noct snatched up one of the white chocolate hearts with his free hand, popping it in his mouth before Ignis could do anything.
“Noct!” Ignis cried, and with an effort he pushed them away from the counter to save the other chocolates from being stolen. In retribution, Noctis kept up his tickle attack on Ignis’s stomach and ribs, his fingers tweaking here and there and causing laughter to bubble forth from Ignis. It really wasn’t fair that Noctis knew his weaknesses like this!
Ignis managed to grab hold of Noct’s wrists and spun himself around in his boyfriend’s grip so that he faced him, but before he could chastise him Noct leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. Ignis’s protest died as Noct kissed him, his arms wrapping around Noct’s smaller waist, his boyfriend’s mouth pressing again his and forcing his lips apart so that Noct’s tongue could slip the chocolate he had stolen into Ignis’s mouth.
“Mmph!” Ignis moaned at the surprise. The white chocolate had melted ever so slightly in Noct’s mouth, but as he bit into it there was still the tell-tale crack of perfectly tempered chocolate. The raspberry creme offered a sharp tartness in contrast to the creamy white chocolate.
Noct surged forward into the kiss again, his tongue sparing with Ignis’s as he chased the taste of the berry filling, each locked in the hot kiss.
Ignis gasped as he pulled away, breathing heavily and looking down with hooded eyes as Noct smiled up at him.
“I approve!” Noctis grinned with a wink. “I only wished to share my White Day gift with you!”
“I’m sure there will be plenty to share out once I have boxed the rest up,” Ignis said, pressing a kiss to the tip of Noct’s nose. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I should finish up before the chocolate gets too cool to use.”
“Do you need a hand with that?”
“Can I trust you to help box them up without pinching any more?” Ignis frowned.
“I... wouldn’t count on it!”
Ignis slipped from Noctis’s grip and returned to the counter. “I should only be a short while longer.”
“Alright. I’ll be over here if you need me, Specs,” Noctis said, giving a small wave as he walked over to the sofa. Ignis watched him as he walked away and thought to himself, damn, I am the luckiest man on this star.
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merlevum · 6 years
Dormiens rex De Aurora
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, cyrofreeze, cryovat Summary: Noctis and Gladiolus are forced into a cyrofreezing chamber to secure the future of a new dawn. What they don't realise, is that a thousand years is a long time and things have changed more than they originally thought. At least one mission remains the same: take back the crystal and wake the slumbering Astrals. That is if Noct and Gladio want to bring about the dawn again. They'll need a bit of help though. Perhaps not all hope is lost.
[Basically, what would happen if Gladio and Noctis end up frozen for a thousand years because Insomnia fell before the peace signing ever happened. Now Gladio and Noct are going to be picking up the pieces. I'm terrible at summaries.]
Iris laughed as Gladio choked on his dinner. It was just the two of them, sitting on a couch in an apartment. Nothing glamorous, but it was enough for what they needed. Everyone else part of the resistance was in the same boat, after all, living in abandoned apartments as the Niffs continued closing ranks.
They rebellion was all that was left to go against Niflheim. The abandoned apartments of Insomnia were perfect for hiding out. The streets and other buildings not being used for residency were useful for urban warfare. The remaining Kingsglaive would give the Niflheim a run for their money, and what Gladio would give to be right alongside them.
Over the course of the years, their numbers waned, and now it was just a handful of rebels left. The worst part of it all, their leader and rightful king of Lucis was killed earlier that weak. Moral was low and it was tough trying to keep everyone from sinking. Thankfully he had Iris there to remind him of why he was fighting and why they needed to pull through with this asinine plan. In truth, Gladio should have been with the prince, considering he was the prince’s shield, but things had changed.
“You have a what? Come on, Iris. You’re only now telling me?” Gladio sighed, forgetting about his meal for a moment as mediocre as it was. How could he know anything about a boyfriend when his sister just now told him that she was seeing someone for months.
“What? I couldn’t have told you till now. You’d go and find him and beat him up, Gladdy. I don’t want that,” she said, smirking. “Besides, you had more important things to deal with.”
Gladio could see it, the unshed tears starting to gloss his sister’s eyes as her smile wavered. Of course, she’d wait till the last fucking minute to tell him about a boyfriend. He had hardly been around to really be there for her in the last few months. Not with the Niffs drawing closer and closer and his detail of protecting the prince. Not to mention he and their dad were fighting about the cryofreeze they wanted to put him under in hopes of a better future.
‘You are a shield and part of the house Amicitia, Gladiolus. Start acting like it.’
Was his father’s way of saying there was nothing more to discuss, despite Gladio being old enough to make his own choices. But this decision was not coming from his father, it was coming from the head of the Kingsglaive along with the Crownsguard now. It was an order to a soldier and not a son. Perhaps he resented that part of his father, wishing that he wasn’t the head of the Kingsglaive and the one everyone was looking to for hope when the king fell.
The two hadn’t spoken since. Gladio too furious at his own dad for wanting to freeze him because of a prophecy their king had before his death, and Clarus-- well who knew what his dad was thinking.
“Nothing's more important than you, moogs,” Gladio reached over ruffled her hair. “But if he’s not treatin’ you right, you tell dad, yeah?”
She nodded, sniffling. “I-I’m going to miss you.”
“Me too, Iris. Me too. Trust me, if I didn’t have to, I would stay right here.” Gladio rubbed the back of his neck. He hated making his sister cry, or even just on the verge of tears. How was he supposed to protect anyone if he couldn’t even keep his kid sister from crying?
“I-I’ll write letters, and maybe even record something for you. You’ll just have to find it, kay?” Iris said, tears now spilling over her eyes.
She hiccuped before flinging her arms around Gladio and cried. He patted her head and held her. Even if she did those things, there was no telling if he’d actually be able to find them. But for her sake he nodded, afraid his voice would crack if he tried to speak. If only she could have come with him. She would have been able to keep him in check and give him something even worth fighting for, but it just wasn’t possible. Instead, it would just be him and Noct. He cleared his throat when she finally let go of him.
“Good. Now, did ya make your favourite brother dessert?”
Laughing, she shook her head with an apologetic look. “No. They didn’t have what I needed…..sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about.” Gladio pushed his plate aside, no longer all that hungry.  
He hugged her once more, wanting to convey to her how much he loved her and that no matter the time or distance he always would. He practically raised her when their dad wasn’t around and now that things would only get worse from here on out, he didn’t want her to be alone. Holding her, he had a feeling it would be the last time he’d get a chance to do it. She would grow up while he remained a frozen corpse essentially until they woke him up again.
If he was ever woken up. This was more like a suicide mission really, if no one actually woke him or Noct back up. The thought sent a shudder through him. None of this was to his liking, but with his sister next to him, he finally drifted to sleep. They slept like that until Clarus came to fetch his son the next morning.
“Gladiolus,” Clarus started before sighing.
Gladio ignored him as they walked down the corridor that led to the cryovat chamber. They were several floors below the basement of a building that had served as some sort of science tech lab before Niflheim decided to invade. The way he saw it, the making of the cryovat made Gladio wonder if maybe this was a plan they had all along, since the beginning of the invasion. To throw the prince into a cryostasis because they fucked up too much to actually win. He knew he was being bitter and didn’t care.
“You know why you must be the one.” Clarus put a firm hand on Gladio’s shoulder, who was ready to all about shrug it off, but didn’t when he looked up at his dad. “Noct knows you. Your vats are synced up. If he wakes up, so do you and he’ll need you. Along with this.”
Clarus held up a ring. It was small in his father’s large hand. The metallic black held the image of the royal seal of Lucis. In the middle of the seal was an icy blue crystal. Gladio took it gingerly. The only way his dad could have gotten a hold of the ring was to be with King Regis when he died or sought the body after he was killed. Or had King Regis given Clarus the ring before he was killed? So many questions and there was hardly any time for answers. Whatever the answer was, he just hoped that Noct wouldn’t ask him later.
“That is the ring of Lucis and very important if you are going to help his high- his majesty win back the war later.” Gladio could see the pain behind his dad’s eyes. Noct was technically king now, not that the kid acted like it. Not yet anyway, but Gladio would help him. “Everything has been put in place, except your willingness to go.”
“Can you blame me?” Gladio asked shrugging out of his dad’s grip. He glanced to his dad as they made their way into the room that held the cryovat.
Gladio sighed, stuffing the ring into the pocket of his pants, much his father’s chagrin. The air in the room was chilly, but he knew in moments he would be much colder. People flitted about, working on machines he couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Not that it mattered. He didn’t really want to know what the hell they were doing; Gladio prefered the weight of metal in his hand or a good book. Would they have books when he woke up? He sure as hell hoped so. Maybe they should have packed some gear or something and left it in the room for them? Not like his dad actually told him the plan for how they were supposed to wake up aside from the fact they weregoing to wake up.  
“I’d rather stay and fight, but if Noct needs me fine. I’ll do this.” Gladio stripped himself of the jacket he wore and shirt, knowing that the pants and the shoes were about the only thing coming with him.
The tattoos he got when he joined the Kingsglaive and then later the Crownsguard were revealed. Nothing new to him and Clarus, Gladio could feel the technician’s gaze on his arms. The feather tattoos had been Nyx’s idea, and Gladio had to admit they were pretty nice to look at. What would the future think of his tattoos? Not that it mattered, they were more for him in the first place, just like his father had a pendant of his usual broadsword hanging around his neck. The technician applied pads to his chest when Clarus cleared his throat. Gladio distracted himself by looking at his dad.
“J-Just….keep everyone safe. Kay? And make sure you check on Iris every once in a while, she misses you.”
And I won’t be around to pick up the slack anymore.
“I’ll do my best Gladio.” Clarus came forward with quick strides when the technician was finished hooking Gladio up. He could feel his dad’s love through the hug, strong and a bit hesitant. Neither of them wanted this, but it was the only way to secure the future. Gladio just hoped he and Noct didn’t fuck it up. If they couldn’t do it now with his dad and Cor, he wasn’t so confident they could do it in the future either.
“I’ll do my best too...dad,” Gladio said, a lump forming in his throat.
“Time to--”
Sirens blared to life. Shit, Astrals take him, those fucking Niffs had somehow gotten into the cryovat building. Gladio made to grab for his clothes, screw being put into the cryovat. He would fight alongside his dad. They could put the ring in the cryovat alone for all he cared.  But Clarus held out a hand and shook his head.
“I’ll make sure they don’t get this far. Get into the vat, now.” Clarus assumed his role as head of the Kingsglaive and the Crownsguard. Gladio didn’t want to part like this, but the order was there and he had been raised to follow orders. “Please... So they can start the process. And Gladio….no matter what happens, I’m proud of you.”
Gladio bit back the tears, watching his dad walk away. Niflheim would pay for what they had done and going to do. Letting it all go, Gladio turned his attention to the machine that would be his home for an insurmountable time. It was large and rather crass compared to some of the tech Insomnia had produced in the past, but then this tech was still fairly new. The large chamber released small puffs of crystal air as it was opened. One of the techs helped him inside, hooking up the remainder of the cables to the machine. When everything was good, the door closed. It took all of Gladio’s will to push down the sudden fear of the enclosed space.
This wouldn’t be the end. He would get woken up again. He had a job to do and he was going to do it. Wait for Noct to wake the fuck up and then kick some ass. A cold crept through him as the air around him began to crystallize as if Shiva herself was freezing him. He watched outside the little window from the vat. He could see the technicians scurry this way and that, shouting something or other. The lights flickered, but the power to the vat stayed the same. Gladio wanted nothing more than to rip open the door, but when his hand went to feel for the handle, he quickly realised there was none. He was trapped until someone would open it for him.
Panicked, he tried to steady his breathing, but it hurt. Gods did it hurt. His breath came out in short bursts of crystallized air. Slowly his body began to shiver and after another minute or so, he couldn’t even feel his legs anymore. He didn’t dare look down at them, panic and fear making him wish he had never set foot in this damned thing. Instead, he focused on the commotion outside the window through his ragged breathing.
Right as his hands started to go numb, he saw it, his father come barreling through the door. Someone had pushed him. Rage and anger filled him, seeing his dad get tossed by some Niff trash. The old man had better get up. Some of the technicians pulled out weapons of their own, coming to his dad’s rescue. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move his hands to bang on the door of the vat, calling out to his dad.
It was just so damn hard to keep his eyes open.
Fucking Six.
It was just too damned cold.  
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finalfucketry · 6 years
Mother’s Day For Motherless Characters
This is sad I’m sorry but it’s mothers day and I’m a sad Motherless Character so it needs to be acknowledged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Noctis: This is the one day of the year he will 100% no hesitation willingly obey and spend all day at the Citadel with his dad. Even though he doesn’t really remember his mother. He knows it makes his dad happy, and ultimately, thats really important to him. Also, he feels a connection to her despite not ever knowing her. Maybe its all the stories his dad tells (usually today). Ignis is given the day to go be with HIS mother, so Noct has to find another way there. If he’s available, Nyx specifically volunteers to pick him up.  If his dad is busy for part of the day, he’ll usually spend it with Gladio. Ignis is away and even though Prompto’s parents arent always home on minor holidays like this (and sometimes he feels like an orphan himself) he knows its different, and doesn’t want to encroach. Usually they play video games and just hang out, usually they’ll go out to eat bc neither of them is that good at cooking and even if they were neither of them has the energy.  Come evening, he and his dad have dinner at the castle. He always expects it to be quiet and sad, but usually there are Amicitias in attendance as well so it ends up being full of happy stories and sad laughter. When they’ve gone home, him and his dad usually sit in a lounge or one of their rooms, in front of a fire alone, where nobody can witness Noct snuggling up to his dad on the couch as he tells or reads stories just like when he was a kid. He’d never admit thats his favorite part. 
Gladio: This is the one day in which Clarus gets the entirety of the day off (unless something REALLY big is happening) despite his protests. He will get up early, make breakfast for his kids, try to be as cheery as he can. They save a spot for their mother, a tradition Gladio used to hate until he saw just how much it meant to his sister. After they’ll go out shopping or just browsing the streets their mother used to love. Flower shops mostly. They’ll buy some to put on her grave. If Gladio is over distracting Noct then Iris and her dad do it alone. They don’t mind so much after the first couple years. These walks are usually filled with stories, usually ones they’ve heard before (sometimes they’ll make requests because their dad is a great storyteller) but sometimes they’ll hear one he’s somehow forgotten to mention all these years. They always tease him about being old afterwards. He’s just happy to see his kids smiling.  They go to their moms favorite cafe for lunch and every year Iris gets her mothers favorite dish (even though she picks out some of the ingredients) because she’s sentimental. When it closes down, they all take it sort of personally. After that, they usually just eat lunch at home or wait until dinner at the castle. The evenings are when they feel the most low, after they’ve stopped being out and about. Iris in particular, who always hung around when her mother was cooking and had a special routine in the evenings. Which has been taken over, with some modifications, by Gladio and their father. Her big brother brushes and braids her hair while their father reads to them out of a book. She’ll usually fall asleep on him and he’ll take her to bed and sometimes fall asleep next to her himself.
Nyx: If it isn’t spent working, it’s probably spent drinking. He’s not really a day drinker by any means, but its a special occasion. One where he kind of hates everything except his friends, but he’s generally too nice to show it. His friends don’t mind. They’ll force him out of the house and spend the day with him. And he mostly appreciates it, even if he doesn’t always show it. Like when he snaps and hides under the covers and tells them to leave him alone, and all they can do is roll their eyes and tug the covers off or go wait in the living room with coffee.  Libertus usually spends the night. Both because he makes good drinks (and knows the signs well enough not to let him get too carried away) and because the flashbacks are usually worse at night (also someone has to take care of him when he feels awful the next morning). But he’s always ready with a glass of water and a good kick in the butt to ground him. 
Ravus + Luna: This is the only time Luna can convince her brother to drop everything and spend the entire day with her. Luna prays a lot that day, even though she’s not always sure the gods are listening (besides Shiva of course), its a matter of comfort. It’s something her mother did a lot. Ravus doesn’t usually join except to sit with her in silence while she does so. They spend most of the day outside, because their home is beautiful and their mother loved her garden. Even though its not as pretty as it once was (the scorched earth doesn’t provide for as many flowers as it used to) they still walk through it hand in hand. They’ll pack up tea and go to the creek they used to play in as kids.  Ravus will tell her about their parents together, since she never got to meet their father. How happy they all were. He doesn’t always feel like it, he’s often in a pretty sour mood today (more than usual) but he loves her dearly and knows its important to her to hear. Seeing her smile makes his day just a little easier.  Part of her day she will spend working, even if her brother tries to convince her not to. “My duty is not just to those in physical pain, but emotional pain as well.”  Still she doesn’t travel, she sends distal blessings via her pups. They’re not as strong, but they do the job until she can get there herself.  They share a room that night because they both inevitably (especially Ravus) wake up from nightmares that night. They’ll soothe each other and fall asleep in each others arms most of the time. 
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followthestars · 4 years
Some fun ideas for after Sol and Ardyn are moved into Insomnia.
Their first meeting with Regis is Ardyn trying to keep Sol from warping to the ceiling just to see if he can.
Regis just has to take a moment standing back to watch his once unknown relative gently parent who he knows is Noctis.
He wants to cry. He missed out on so many years of Noctis’ life.
The talks are tense, but eventually Ardyn and Sol agree to remain in Insomnia.
Sol has to spend weekends at the Citadel getting lessons on being a prince... and maybe spending time with his birth father if he wants to get to know Regis.
Ardyn had insisted they get an apartment instead of being moved into the Citadel.
Gladio’s first meeting with Sol is interesting.
He’s more horrified by the ugliest hat he’s ever seen then the fact that the prince he’s supposed to be shield of is currently in a warping contest on the ceiling with Nyx.
Ignis walks into the training room and backs out slowly at seeing Gladio AND Titus yelling at what appears to be two warping glaives.
He realizes soon enough that the one in the hat is in fact the prince.
He tries to get rid of the hat pretty quickly, but Sol refuses.
He adores his hat collection and no one can take it from him.
Ardyn pranks the council a lot when he gets the chance.
One day, when the council is being pretty bigoted/racist, Sol shows off his imitation of the Scourge face to shut them up.
Regis makes a strangled sound at seeing it.
Might not help that Sol’s magic twisted itself to imitate the feel of Starscourge at the exact same time it happened.
Ardyn happily tells the story of how he learned Sol can imiate the feel of being infected enough it tricked literal Daemons.
Sol at the age of 7 had decided he wanted to be a hunter and slipped out of the house at night while Ardyn was on a hunt and the sitter was asleep.
He had a kitchen knife.
Which is why the Tonberry clan had adopted him.
Sol takes that moment to show off the lantern he was gifted by the clan.
Cor is impressed.
Regis and Clarus are horrified. Especially on learning the clan took over babysitting in Old Lestallum.
Ignis is actually curious as to how Sol’s magic learned to do that.
He ends up the first of the Chocobros to get access to Sol’s armiger as a result.
It doesn’t take Ignis long to figure out the trick to it.
He may or may not be using it to get an army of his own Tonberry. Mostly because Tonberry actually are good cooks and have very unique recipes he wants.
Prompto and Sol are still friends and hang out often. Prompto gets added to Sol’s retinue without telling anyone after Ignis.
Gladio takes a full year to be added because he has trouble bonding with Sol.
They end up bonding over shared love of trashy romance novels.
Ardyn may have gotten Sol into those kinds of novels.
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: Nocturne (16/30) - Ao3 Link
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Pairings: Mostly Gen (variety later to come)
Summary: In which Cor Leonis loses his temper, accidentally acquires a kid, and tries to single-handedly dismantle the Lucian immigration system – and that’s before he and his lawyers find out about this Prophecy business. If the Astrals think Cor’s going to let his kid’s best friend die without a fight, they’ve gotten the wrong cheetah ‘taur.
(a young adult novel set in @kickingshoes’ ‘taur AU)
—————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————
Cyrella's driving with the kids today, Luna in the front seat and Noctis and Ignis in the back since neither Gladio nor Prompto were feeling well enough to make the trip. Personally, Cyrella's glad for it: fewer kids means fewer targets to keep watch over, in her mind.
Poor little Ignis, though - he's an old ‘taur in a child's body, that one, and he's been distressed ever since the doctors decided against letting the other two kids come.
Maybe it's just that Gladio's not coming.
Cyrella might not be the romantic that her husband is, or that her son is turning into, but she's not blind to the adorable elementary school crush her son has on Ignis Scientia, or the rather bemusedly oblivious-to-his-own-feelings one that Ignis has back on Gladio.
She hopes that baby Iris will take more after her own no-nonsense sort of approach to romance. Look at her and Clarus, after all: they met in a bar fight, she put him in his place and convinced him to swap to her side of the fight, and then she observed both that their fighting styles were fantastically compatible and that he possessed a very attractive set of shoulders and an equally stunning set of hindquarters, and, with that settled, she decided she'd marry him one day.
Oh, sure, he insisted on mailing her cactus flowers and roses for months with notes about how the combination of prickly spines and beautiful petals reminded him of her, which she found very charming, yes, but the decision was entirely practical.
At least Gladio and Ignis are a little less tooth-rottingly sweet than little Noctis and Prompto, who hold hands everywhere and proclaim at a moment's notice that they're going to get married themselves. Aulea is already entertaining herself by planning the ceremony.
Of course, the second Cyrella gets the children all seated, the stupid car starts making a disturbing clicking noise the second she turns it on.
Annoying, yes, but it doesn't seem to be impeding the engine from turning on, and that's most of what Cyrella cares about.
She starts backing out of the garage, but doesn't get more than a few seconds of driving in before she's interrupted.
"Oh! Hold up! Stop the car!" Luna exclaims. "Turn it off again; I know what's wrong!"
And up and back out of the car she goes, popping open the trunk and fiddling around in there for a moment before she ducks under the car entirely.
"Something you learned from Cindy?" Cyrella asks dryly, resigning herself to an existence surrounded by adorable childhood romances and at least one lesbian love triangle.
At least her life isn't boring.
"Yes," Luna says, emerging from underneath the car. She's a bit greasy now, but luckily she's wearing one of Scientia's old college jumpers over her pretty frock and the stains are not drastic enough for Cyrella to feel like she needs to make her go change. A bit of grease and dirt is good for someone of Luna's age, anyway.
Cyrella does note that Luna keeps exchanging meaningful glances with Ignis instead of blushing and spluttering the way she usually does whenever Cindy is brought up. "I've fixed it as best as I can for now," she says. "The way the engine was going originally, with that sound, the car would've broken down halfway to Hammerhead. As it is, we should make it to Hammerhead, no problem, but after that I'm not sure..."
"I'm sure we can swap out cars there," Cyrella says dismissively. Cid always keeps a few extra cars in the back; she'll take one of those. Cid will agree. Cid usually agrees when she asks him for things, even if he usually mutters something about marrying giants and swords longer than he is tall. Whatever; it's not her fault that he's short. "Say, have you heard from that Galahdian girl, Crowe, recently?"
Ah, there's the spluttering she expected.
Cyrella finally gets the car out of the garage and drives happily onwards, smiling as Ignis and Noctis take up the banner of teasing, and thinks to herself that just maybe, her husband has a point with how amusing these childhood romances are.
Libertus kind of wishes Nyx and Hemera were here.
Don't get him wrong – he's glad to get a chance to do some work outside the shadow of the Hero Twins! He loves them like his own blood, he does, as much as he loves that Crowe kid he's all but adopted and been adopted in turn by her parents, but damn if it don't sometimes get old with them all but cartwheeling into combat and coming out smelling like roses having saved another half-dozen lives or whatnot. Not to mention all the crazy shit they lead him into if he's not watching himself carefully – all good, useful missions in the end, but also generally crazier than coeurl gone cuckoo, by and large.
So he's not necessarily upset about getting a mission of his own, y'know?
It's just – maybe not this mission.
There's the kids, for one thing – Prince Noctis, who's going to save the world, and little Iggy, who saved Libertus' own furry hindquarters and can't stop calling him Li-bear-tus no matter how serious the situation and who's ten times smarter than Libertus is ever gonna be – and Libertus just plain old isn't great with kids. He swears too much, which at least has the benefit of making them laugh even if he's pretty sure Mrs. Amicitia is going to murder him and leave his body in a ditch somewhere if he doesn't stop. He can't help it - he just gets really nervous because he doesn't know how to deal with them. Whenever there are kids, Libertus strongly prefers having people around him who actually know what they're doing.
Which he guesses he has. After all, there’s the Marshal and the Shield and the Shield's wife who probably ought to be called the Sword based on the big-ass greatsword she usually has strapped to her back; they all have kids, so clearly they’ve got to be half-decent at keeping an eye on them. It's not even his job to be watching the kids! It just makes him nervous, having them around; that's all.
There’s the fact that they’re (secretly) on a mission to go find Ramuh and demand that he cooperate in some sort of Covenant which he may or may not be into, and Libertus might not be the most religiously observant guy on Eos but he still feels like that’s a bad idea – and if he didn’t, the storm would’ve made him think twice.
Oh yes.
And then there's the storm.
Now, Libertus is Galahdian, born and bred, so don't get him wrong, he's not afraid of no storm. Compared to the yearly hurricanes he's used to, especially the big ones like old Gordo that hit the year he was born and every ten years since, this endless rain and lightning and thunder is nothing.
Sure, he's never been knee-deep in muck and mud quite like this, with the sky blacked out and no ocean anywhere in sight and daemons capable of coming from all around in every direction, right in the middle of a big giant looming forest that somehow feels so much bigger and older and more menacing than the jungles of Galahd. He's never had to hear the howling of wild creatures coming from every direction, so loud that it's actually competing with the sound of the wind. He's never had to drive down paved streets so slick with water that it's like they're considering becoming rivers because there's no ocean for the water to drain away into.
He's used to seeing lightning coming in from the ocean horizon right before it rolls in and hits you, giving you at least a few seconds warning to go find shelter; he's never willingly gone out right in the center of a storm the way he's doing right now, walking into a bunch of flammable trees like an absolute moron, with the rain coming down so hard it leaves bruises the whole time.
He's also never had to try to mount a goddamn Chocobo that don't want no bear on its back just as much as Libertus don't want to be on it, since apparently they're traveling into the center of the forest by Chocobo whether they like it or not.
He's very firmly in the 'not' camp, himself.
"Do you require assistance, Li-bear-tus?" a very familiar voice asks.
Sure enough, it's little Iggy the egghead, and unlike Libertus, he's sitting just fine on his Chocobo, all curled up and dignified just like in the instruction manuals.
"I'm fine," Libertus grunts, then reconsiders. He likes Iggy plenty; he might be a kid, but he's one smart cookie. "Actually, no. I can't get my balance on this damn bird."
"Well, you're a bear," Iggy says. "You have a good center of balance, unlike some of us – you don't need to try to sit side-saddle. I would suggest trying to settle straight down on the saddle, lying on your belly the way you would for a motorcycle, with your legs hanging down on either side."
Libertus tries it, and sure enough it works a lot better than the elegant sprawl all the cats are doing. "Thanks, kid."
"My pleasure," Iggy says. "You'll be one of the ones helping guard us, right?"
"I'm actually just assigned to be look-out," Libertus explains. "I'm bringing up the back, just off on the right wing –"
"That's fine," Iggy says brightly. "We'll ride over and find you once we get going; that'll be far more interesting than listening to the adults complain about visibility."
"What? No, wait, you don't –"
"Oh, I know we don't have to. We want to. See you later!"
Iggy clicks his hooves and somehow that works to get his Chocobo moving, and Libertus can't figure out the equivalent fast enough to catch up with the kid long enough to explain that they're supposed to be in the center of the pack for their own protection, damnit.
"Oh, Lord of the Storm," Libertus moans, rubbing his eyes. This is a disaster – they're going to come find him right on the edge of the group, and then they'll refuse to leave, and then they're all going to get attacked by daemons, and die, and it'll all be Libertus' fault...he’s gotta do something to stop this. "Hey, Pelna!"
Pelna, a canidaetaur refugee from Niflheim and brand-new Kingsglaive member who somehow manages to be even younger than Nyx and Hemera and twice as cocky, which up until he'd arrived Libertus had thought would be impossible, turns to blink at him. Or maybe he's blinking the rain out of his eyes. Whatever, either way, he's listening.
"Can we swap positions?" Libertus asks urgently. "You're leading the right flank, yeah? Advance position? The storm's got all this muck up, and one look-out post's as good as another, innit?"
"Except for the part where the front lead is expected to see fighting and the back isn't," Pelna points out with a slight grin, but then he shrugs. They've all had plenty of opportunities to get in the thick of it for fighting recently. "Any reason for wanting the swap?"
"Looks like the route's going to take us around the lake – swamp – body of water, whatever – and the only thing worse than wading next to a pond in a storm is being the heaviest guy around wading after everyone's had a chance to rip up the earth with their paws to make it easier for you to sink." This is true, even if Libertus had already mostly resigned himself to it.
He can't tell Pelna that he's trying to get away from some kids because he gets itchy when he has too much responsibility over anyone under the age of reason. That would just be embarrassing.
Pelna sniggers. "Yeah, good point. I don't mind swapping this time, if next time you let me swap with you when I want the better position. Should we clear it with the Captain?"
"Why?" Libertus asks with a shrug. "You know he doesn't care who does what as long as everyone knows where they are and what they're doing at crunch time; that's why we're all trained as all-around fighters. And you know how he's always going on and on about how they don't give us enough Kingsglaive to make allowances for personal comfort..."
"You mean right after he's complained that we don't get treated as good as the mostly Insomnia-born Crownsguard, and right before he starts implying that they think we're expendable and disposable pieces that can be swapped out at will?" Pelna jokes. He's been in the Glaive long enough to be familiar with their Captain's occasional diatribe. "Sure, I know. He usually throws in a few compliments about how flexible and multipurpose we are in there, too – but, you know, he doesn't like it when you swap once something's already started..."
"Would you really consider us to have 'started'?" Libertus asks, looking around him pointedly. Everyone's still struggling with their Chocobos or their clothing or their bags or something. Nobody’s exactly what anyone would call battle-ready.
Pelna laughs again. "Yeah, point. Sure. See you on the other side."
Then he, too, clicks his Chocobo into motion and is off like the wind. Damn, Libertus really needs to figure out how to get his own bird moving like that.
Maybe not exactly like that. A slower version would be much more his speed.
Well, at least he can comfort himself with the knowledge that he's avoided the problem of lagging behind and losing the kitlings.
"How," he says flatly two hours later, two adorable children beaming up at him from atop their Chocobos and under their little ponchos, umbrellas having been rendered useless by the wind. "I'm not even..."
"We checked there first," Iggy says, wincing a little as a giant roll of thunder comes in. "And Pelna said you'd be here, so we came here."
"I don't think you should be this far forward," Libertus protests. "At least at the old position, you were lagging behind, but this is out front – it could be dangerous –"
Thunder rumbles again.
"It's fine," Noctis says soothingly. "We asked the Marshal, and he said sure."
"Does he even know where I'm located – wait. The Marshal is Crownsguard. He doesn't even have authority over my position! That's why Captain Drautos came along, so he could supervise everything personally!"
"Yes, but Cor is the one ultimately in charge of guarding us," Noctis says, clearly unconcerned. "And he said we should go up front."
Another flash of lightning, and more thunder almost immediately. They're near the center of the storm, now.
Libertus frowns. That doesn't sound right - the Marshal is a terrifying figure who is highly unorthodox, but even he's not so unorthodox as to send the kids he's suppose to protect to the front line.
"Did he send you to come to visit me?" he asks slowly, something niggling at the back of his mind. The Marshal is as famous for his bursts of intuition as he is for his battle strategy. "Or did he say go to the front?"
"No, he just said 'go to the front'," Iggy says, but he's starting to frown as well, seeing Libertus frown. "Why?"
Thunder again –
Libertus is Galahd-born.
He knows thunder: he was born in the storm. The sound of thunder lulled him to sleep as a kit.
That is not thunder.
That's the sound of a bomb.
"We're under attack!" Libertus roars, his voice barely audible over the heightened storm, but strong enough to make it through to the next few bedraggled-looking Kingsglaive, whose heads rise up in alarm as they turn in the direction he's pointing – back towards the main convoy, an attack from behind where they hadn't been expecting one.
Shit, that's not far from Libertus' old position – Pelna's there! He needs to get there –
No. He needs to protect the kids.
"You need to get away from the fighting," Libertus tells the kids, who suddenly look scared and far, far too young. He leaps off of his Chocobo and lets it run free, then turns to help the kids off of their own before the Chocobos can start panicking and running off with them, though their Chocobos end up standing there placidly and pecking at the nearby trees. Maybe he really did get the nerviest one of the whole bunch like he'd been suspecting. "At least you're in the front, not the back where the fighting's happening –"
They were in the back, though, before. They'd gone over to the back to hang out with Libertus and they only came up here to the front because – oh, thank Leviathan's many-ridged fins that he swapped with Pelna at the last minute, or else the kids would be in the center of the fighting right now.
"Wasn't that where you were supposed to be?" Noctis asks, eyes wide.
Libertus is about to agree, assuming that Noctis is expressing relief that they're not there and Libertus isn't there and therefore relatively safe, as these things go, when Ignis speaks, his eyes equally wide but his face far more despairing.
"Someone knew," he says with horror.
"What?" Libertus asks, attention pulled away from the battle – unwise, he knows – by the tone in Iggy's voice.
"You're the only grown-up here that we'd want to hang out with, other than Gladio's Mom and Dad and Cor and they were being boring," Iggy says woodenly. "You're the obvious choice for us to go spend time with. Someone figured out where you'd be, and knew that we'd probably come to see you. And then they set up the attack so that it'd come to where you were supposed to be..."
"You're being paranoid," Libertus says, but his heart isn't in it. It's certainly possible – if the Niffs figured out a way to spy on them, if there's a traitor - it's not like his friendship-by-proxy with the kitlings isn't pretty well known, a subject for plenty of teasing in the Kingsglaive – it's possible –
Well, it doesn’t matter. Figuring out what happened and how is way above Libertus' paygrade. Right now, his job is straightforward: normally, he’d go into battle to support his friends in the Kingsglaive, but that’s clearly the wrong thing to do now. He needs to stay with Noctis and Iggy. Protecting them is the highest priority –
Libertus sees the shine of metal in the middle of the field shining bright as it reflected the next crack of lightning.
Oh shit.
Shit, shit, shit. General Glauca himself here in person, despite the fact that he knows that Cor is here – that means they must know about them, somehow; that means the Niffs are clearly here to get the kids – and if they do have a spy, then they’ll know the kids are with him, and it won’t take long for them to figure out that he swapped with Pelna – and then –
"They think you'll be next to me," Libertus suddenly says. "That's what you think, Iggy?"
"I'm sure of it," Iggy says.
Iggy's smarter than Libertus will ever be, for all that he's so much younger. Libertus is going to have to trust him on this.
“Okay,” he says, looking at the kids. “They think you’ll be next to me. So I’m going to go west, to the outskirt of the forest, and I’m gonna take your Chocobos –” Thank Ramuh’s feathery ass, they picked ones with distinctive colors. “– so that they think you’re with me and come my way, after me instead of after you, okay?”
They both look at him, wide-eyed.
“That means you’re going to be on your own,” Libertus says. He doesn’t like the idea, leaving kids on their own like this, but if he can keep Glauca distracted and far away from the kids, even for a little bit longer while someone manages to get out a call for back-up from the reserve units that were trailing behind them, it’ll be worth it. Glauca is a monster – he wouldn’t hesitate in attacking children, not for a minute. Their only hope will be to keep ahead of him. “You go into the forest, and go to the ground – or into a tree, whatever – just keep away, okay? Keep away from everyone, except for the Shield or his wife and the Marshal, okay?”
If there's a spy, then those are the only people he knows for sure must be safe; they've been friends with the King for years.
The kids both nod.
They're so brave.
“Good luck,” Libertus says, grabbing the reins of the two kids’ Chocobos – he doesn’t care about his own, but it's come back through the brush and seems inclined to follow him anyway. Whatever, that'll help with the illusion, and the low visibility due to the storm will only make it harder for anyone to know the truth. “See you on the other side.”
And off he goes.
Ignis and Noctis stumble through the dark forest, the storm above their heads, the leaves barely blocking them from the pouring rain.
“We should find somewhere to stop,” Ignis says through chattering teeth. He bundled up well for this trip, but the combination of fear and increasing wetness is not conductive to a nice, warm, happy child. Not to mention the fact that his glasses are covered in raindrops, which he hates. “Noct, do you think…?”
He trails off. Noctis is definitely moving in a particular direction, whereas Ignis was under the impression that they were simply moving away. Ignis hurries to catch up.
“Where are we going?” he asks.
“The right way,” Noctis says, his eyes fixed in the distance. “Can’t you hear him?”
Noctis points.
Ignis looks, squinting.
“Is that - Umbra?” he yelps. Why would one of the Oracle's Messengers be here? He thought they'd remained back in Insomnia. “What – is Luna around?”
“No, she’s back with the others,” Noctis says. “She tried to summon Ramuh for us when the fighting started, but Umbra says that she says there wasn't any need: with the storm, he already knows we’re here. But it’s okay; Umbra knows the way and we should follow him.”
“The way to what?”
“The runestone,” Noctis says.
“And what,” Ignis says, maybe a little testily, “in the name of Ramuh’s pinfeathers are runestones, exactly?!”
Noctis actually stops moving for a second. “Uh,” he says. “I – I’m not actually sure.”
Ignis crosses his arms and scowls at his friend.
"What?" Noctis says defensively. "Umbra's a Messenger. We can listen to him!"
"The fact that someone – even an adult, or a Messenger, or anything – says something, doesn't mean you have to listen to them, Noct!" Ignis exclaims. "You're the Prince! Plenty of people will try to tell you things, and it's up to you to figure out what you think about what they're saying. You're eight already. Hasn't school taught you anything? Look before you leap!"
Noctis looks appropriately abashed. "That's a good point," he says. He reaches out and takes Ignis' hand in his. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Iggy."
Ignis sniffs, somewhat appeased. "Probably be rude to everyone you meet, most likely."
"You and your etiquette," Noctis teases, but then looks after Umbra's waiting form. "I do think we should follow Umbra now, though."
"All right," Ignis says. "I'm wasn’t saying we shouldn't. I just wanted you to think first, that's all."
Noctis smiles. "I've thought about it, I've thought about it. Let's go already." He tugs gently on Ignis' hand.
And so they go deeper into the forest, following Umbra's swiftly receding form. Ignis' hooves sink unpleasantly into the increasingly muddy ground, and Noctis' paws are only a little better for this sort of mucky travelling, but they force themselves to continue even as the trees get bigger and bigger and the storm darker and darker, the flashes of lightning and ensuing thunder more and more constant.
"Aren't storms supposed to move on or something?" Noctis grumbles as they reach a clearing.
Ignis tugs on his hand sharply, his eyes fixed elsewhere.
Noctis looks at him.
"Look around you," Ignis says. "And up."
Noctis looks.
Ignis sees the confusion on his face, and he also sees the moment that Noctis sees them in the trees.
Corvids of every sort, ravens and crows and more, crowding every branch, black feathers and beady black eyes fixed right on where Noctis and Ignis are standing.
The Eyes of Ramuh.
The Wings of Ramuh.
"Now," Ignis murmurs, noticing that Umbra has disappeared entirely, "is the time for etiquette."
Noctis gives the slightest hint of a nod, and steps forward. "Greetings," he says to them as formally as he can. "My name is Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prince of Lucis and Chosen of the Prophecy of Bahamut, and I'm looking for the runestone of Ramuh so that I can obtain his blessing and complete a Covenant with him – and the Prophecy may be completed. Would you please show me the way?"
One of the ravens hops out of his tree and flies silently to the ground before them. It lowers its head, wings spread, almost like a bow – both Ignis and Noctis automatically bow back – and then turns and hops off further into the forest.
They follow.
Ignis glances behind them as they go up a hill and sees a flash of silver metal.
Silver metal, moving – General Glauca!
He squeezes Noctis' hand. "We're being followed," he murmurs. "We need to go faster."
Noctis nods and they speed up, the raven leading them moving faster as well. It seems to be moderating its speed to theirs.
Still, they're just kids, with short legs and the tendency to tire quickly, and they end up slowing down again because that's better than running and having to stop to rest. Still, knowing that General Glauca is chasing them is pretty good incentive to keep going.
And then just when Ignis is sure that they'll have to stop and rest, no matter what, they reach another small clearing, this time against a cliff face, and at the end of the clearing there is the weirdest rock Ignis has ever seen.
Ramuh's temples are trees struck by lightning; everyone knows that. This is a rock in the shape of a tree, tendrils reaching upwards, and it's glowing faintly.
"I think this is the runestone," Noctis says. "Carved by lightning strikes."
Ignis nods. He means to let go of Noctis' hand, to let his Prince go ahead alone to his destiny, but Noctis clings on tighter and shoots him a beseeching look, and Ignis just can't let him go by himself.
So they move forward together, clinging to each other.
They're almost at the tree when someone calls out Noctis' name.
They turn, and it's Captain Drautos, still some distance away from them, panting a little like he's been running after them. "Prince Noctis," he repeats. "There you are – I've been looking for you! You have to come with me. The Niflheim forces are too strong, too many. We have no choice but to retreat."
"But if we retreat, we won't have another chance until next year!" Noctis exclaims.
"Your parents would rather wait a year if it means that you'll be alive," Drautos says, and steps forward into the clearing, the silvery spots on his hyena hindquarters shining wetly in the rain. "Come with me, Prince Noctis. I'll see you home safe."
Ignis takes a half-step towards him, but Noctis doesn't, and Ignis looks back at his friend, whose expression has gone set with determination. Ignis takes back the half-step, moving back to stand at Noctis' side.
"Thank you, Captain Drautos," Noctis says, his voice clear and strong. He's made his decision, Ignis can tell; he’s not just blindly listening to what people tell him to do, just like Ignis advised him. Ignis feels a surge of pride: Noctis is going to be a great king, one day. "But I'm going to call on the runestone first."
And he turns and reaches out a hand to the rock-tree, both his hand and the tree glowing, even as Drautos exclaims something rendered inaudible by a sudden crash of thunder.
And then the birds start screeching.
Ignis steps closer to Noctis automatically, his eyes going wide as the birds leap from the trees into the air – dozens of them, hundreds of them, thousands of them – and suddenly the storm-darkened sky is even darker with all of those black-winged bodies, so close together that they're indistinguishable from each other.
It takes a second for Ignis' eyes to adjust scale: it's only when Ramuh – because it is Ramuh, the Fulgarian himself, the 'taur whose body is made of the Stymphalian Birds, all of those birds coming together to metamorphose into a single figure: his mighty torso, swathed with robes, his long beard and sharp black eyes, his gigantic staff – starts to reach his hand down to them that Ignis suddenly sees him there.
The rock-tree has stopped glowing, as has Noctis; Noctis is staring up at the Astral and clinging to Ignis, and that's probably why Ramuh scoops them both up in his surprisingly firm and corporeal fist, lifting them up into the sky.
Ignis, looking down, can see Drautos staring up at them in shock for a long moment before running back towards the fighting, the quickly scattering MTs and a small group of Kingsglaive that were congregating in the area near the clearing, both heading in the direction that Ignis and Noctis had previously been - the two groups aren't fighting, so they must not have seen each other yet in the dark forest - and then Ramuh lifts up his staff with his other hand and throws it like a spear down at the runestone.
It strikes like a bolt of lightning.
The flash is so bright, Ignis has to slap his hands over his eyes, right over his glasses, and by the time it finally fades and he can see again, they're not above the battlefield. They're somewhere totally different. No, that's not quite right, they're still hovering in the sky above a lot of marshy wetlands and dark forests, they're still under the same giant storm as before, so they couldn't have gone too far, but at the same time Ignis doesn't see any of their forces anywhere - no Kingsglaive, no Crownsguard, not even any MTs.
Ramuh puts them down in front of a cave.
"Thank you!" Noctis shouts up at the Astral as he straightens up again, but Ramuh doesn't respond – he just dissolves back into those thousands and thousands of birds that all start flying off in different directions.
"What do we do now?" Ignis asks. "Into the cave?"
"Yeah," Noctis says. "I think – I think there might be something in there that I'm supposed to see."
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secret-engima · 5 years
In your TttW-verse, things go... very much not according to Bahamut‘s Plan, so... My ask would be: What are Noctis and Co like in this Verse? How different would especially Noctis be, what with being the son of two Galahdian Vitae (who also part-time as King and Queen of Lucis).
Hmmm, mostly in character? But just- wilder and more Galahdian.
-Noctis is actually taken on by Ardyn as an apprentice of sorts because Fellow Chosen, adores his Gruncle to no end. Very snarky and warptastic, does not run into the marilith so is actually VERY active and outdoorsy but also very catlike in that he will totally flop over and nap if sitting down in a sunny warm spot for more than 10 seconds.
-Still loves fishing.
-Is the Warp bby of the group. Has been warping since he was 2-3 and would rather warp over to the out of reach tv remote and knock everything over than use the legs evolution gave him and walk five steps over to it.
-Can, will, and has thrown hands with nobles he doesn’t like because this boy is 1000% his mother’s son.
-Challenged for the Trial at 14 like his Uncle Cor. When everyone said “no, you have to wait” this boy pouted for all of two hours before convincing Gladio to help him take the Trial early by hiking out into the Jungle with him.
-That lasted less than a day before the Pride itself dragged him and Gladio back home like naughty kittens because They Know that Noct is too young and Gladio has already passed his Trial and they Are Not Supposed To Be Out Here Yet.
-Prompto is adopted straight up by Cor after he busts bby Prom out of the Nif lab. While all Galahd gears up to Wipe Niflheim Off the Face of the Earth (because of that Law I mentioned in another HC about all the Clans turning on people who murder kids, this goes even further than Kinslayer LCs and they WON’T stand for it) Cor brings home bby Prompto and it just- “Mine. My bby now.”
-Consider Galahd’s culture norms nobody bat an eye on Cor adopting the bby Prom. They just want to know who gets first dibs on babysitting.
-Prompto grows up WAY more confident in himself. Still Sunshine Boi, still scared of the dark/enclosed spaces/heights but is 100% more down for the wilderness and Thrives under Galahd teachings.
-Assuming Cor is married by this point, that means Prom grows up with 2 moms. 1 is Cor’s wife. The other is his Coeurl. It is really no surprise that Prompto figure out how to purr at like- age 5.
-Still loves his camera. Gets along with the Canere Clan kids like a house on fire.
-Magic given to him at age 2 by Cor’s wife with the assumption that someday she will retract it and Noctis will give it instead. Stealth bby. Prompto once managed to somehow disappear for 5 hours, driving Cor, his wife, the Coeurl, and everyone in a two mile radius UTTERLY INSANE until the Coeurl finally tracked him down ... in his crib. Where he’d been. For the last five hours. Three of those hours have been spent peacefully napping after he fell asleep in the middle of playing hide and seek with his dad (that he did not tell Cor about ahead of time because Toddler Brain)
-Has known Noct since they were tiny bbys and consider each other literal siblings (picture teeny 5-ish yr old Noct and Prom clumsily trying to braid sibling braids into each other’s hair and not managing it because TINY CHILDREN while Regis and Cor both quietly die from cuteness in the corner).
-Gladio. Clarus didn’t ... MEAN for his kid to grow up Very Feral it just kinda happened because Galahdians and Cor. This guy gets along WAYYYY too well with the Bellum kids for Clarus’s sanity but he’s also doggedly loyal and thriving in the outdoor jungle environment so....
-Juno is surprisingly Chill with having her kids be brainwashed by Galahdians. Even if she herself is only peripherally part of the culture via Exposure. Then again she gets along SPLENDIDLY with Cor’s wife and Aulea so...
-Met Noct when Noct was born and, in true Amicitia and Bellum fashion, went- MINE and actually tried to Throw Hands with the nurses because YOU AREN’T CLAN, GET AWAY FROM MY BBY BROTHER. All of the nurses who WERE in fact Ostium thank you just patted his head and went about their tasks with a three year old chasing them around screeching.
-This Gladio never criticized Noctis as spoiled, he IS the one who spoils Noct. He is determined to be the Best Big Bro Ever and the impulse only gets worse when Prompto and then later Iris arrive.
-Gladio is not born with magic but he is given it by Noct when Noct is like- 7. Gladio immediately becomes a Shield bby. He can and will spam shield spells for any reason, any time. Noctis uses Gladio’s shields as a slide. Prom likes mushing his face against them for the tingly feeling.
-Ignis is the group Ostium, but also the group Sane Man. Was inducted the latest into Galahd culture at age ... 10-ish when it became clear that Noct, Prom, and Gladio all Needed A Handler and there were not Ostium children currently available for the job.
-Thinks they are all Nuts. And will think that to the day he dies.
-But he’s right there with them so he guess’s he’s nuts too.
-Actually was the Problem Relationship rather than Gladio in this Au because he was trying to be Proper Servant Of the Prince and Noct kept trying to treat him like Clan and Sibling. Ignis thought Noctis was reckless and spoiled and wild and Noctis thought Ignis needed surgery to get the stick out of his butt.
-Then Noct when on an Adventure without Prom and Gladio for whatever reason and met a Scary Beast and Ignis came hurtling out of the brush, glasses askew and screeching like a banshee. Successfully scared off the beastie with Sheer Spite and Desperation. Noctis spent the trip back crying into Ignis’s shoulder and bonding magically to him. Ignis made it all the way back to the frantic village before bursting into tears as well.
-Loves cooking. Loves learning Galahd dishes. Its the first thing he actually likes about this jungle place he got dragged off to. Also promising Noctis food is basically his go-to method to get this Warptastic child to SIT DOWN FOR FIFTEEN SECONDS and do his homework or whatever.
-Ostium take one look at this frazzled, exasperated child and went “Ohhhh so THIS is what the Ulrics feel like when finding a new LC stray. This is our child now. Ostium soul in the wrong bloodline. We shall fix that with a controlled shock adoption.”
-Ignis has no idea why he needs to be adopted by the Ostium but the King is saying to go with it so okay.
-Being adopted by the Ostium proves instantly worth it because they have INSIDER TIPS on handling Warptastic morons and they have healing techniques they are willing to share even if he doesn’t have Oracle magic.
-Still does his best to convince Noct to Not Throw Hands with the nobles all the time.
-Gets into a lot of fights with Gladio over Throwing Hands on Noct’s Behalf.
-Thinks Prom is the perfect child until Prom accidentally Stealths into the kitchen and gives Ignis a heart attack. Then Prom is the Sneaky Child.
-Ends up the Elemency bby of the group. Can and will Set Everything On Fire when pushed far enough.
-Probably ends up Bewildered and Courted at age 18 by a spitfire Altius girl (Crowe maybe?) because all the Clans think Ignis is Amazing™ for handling the Chocobros as well as he does.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hi, dear moonraccoon ! 💕💕 May I ask you to do the ship thing (I can't copy the symbol for some reason ;;) with Iris and Noctis ❤️ (if you want of course ❤️) I wanted to ask you to do it for Noctis and Prompto but someone already asked you that ;^; thank you in advance 💕💕💕 - artist anon ❤️ (who send you a lot of love ❤️❤️)
I hope you liked the Noctis and Prompto one, dear you, and I’ll happily comply for the Iris/Noctis one! Thank you for requesting in such a nice and sweet way, and thank you for all the love you always send!! You’re wonderful! ♡
This shall be the last I make for the heart symbol thing. 
I hope you like it, sweetest you!
I also hope you don’t mind that I made it post-game in a everyone lives AU; it worked better for domestic life, and so it wasn’t underage anymore, so it worked better/more natural for me. Thank you (/▽\*)
[Adding a Keep Reading at some point]
Who’s the first to wake up in the morning:
Iris, obviously. Noctis is a sleepyhead even at 30. Heck, maybe even MORE at 30, because at least now he can take the “king duties are tiring” excuse to sleep in for even longer than he did during his 20′s.
As second in command to the Crownsguard and having grown as disciplined, Iris naturally wakes relatively early for training and the morning run.
Who’s the one to make breakfast:
Iris because Noctis is still asleep, that little idiot. Iris had great teachers across her life (Cor, Ignis, Monica…), so she can handle her way through the kitchen just fine. Not that Noctis can’t he’s just. Still asleep. 
Who’s the one to serve the other breakfast in bed:
It’s mostly Iris, because Noctis IS STILL ASLEEP, that lazy and forever exhausted creature. What I mean is, Noctis struggles a lot with being up early unless it’s for his job (he still struggles but at least manages to throw himself out of bed), so even if it crosses his hea dto  bring breakfast in bed to Iris, Iris has already woken up, gone for the morning run, exercised, showered, dressed, and is currently making breakfast already or waking up up because it’s all already served.
Iris does it because she’s sometimes very happy that, in the end, Noct did say yes to her and she’s living her once utopic dream of a domestic, quiet life with Noct, so because she’s the sweetest and most adorable thing ever, Iris will sometimes bring breakfast to him just because she never thought she’d get this chance, she’s happy, and she wants to pamper him a little.
However, and surprisingly, Noctis has done it sometimes too; Noct is and will forever be mesmerized of how much and how sincerely Iris loves him and how amazingly she treats him, and he sometimes goes a bit paranoid about “wanting to show her I really mean it too but how”.
It comes in the form of Noctis’ greatest sacrifice; waking up early, earlier than her, and secretly turn her alarm off, go to the kitchen, prepare something, and surprise her with that in bed. No morning runs or training, just letting her sleep in, bringing her food, and cuddling a little before really getting up.
Who would suggest a quickie in the morning before work:
Iris. You’d think Gladio is the only horny thing in the Amicitia familly? Pscht. You should have seen Clarus in youth (you should have seen Clarus until like 55 oh my god). And of course Iris too, goddammit. So it’s pretty frequent that she gets prety horny at random times, and it’s not rare that it happens in the mornings.
Iris suggests it mostly either casually or even playfully, not much sensually as one would expect. Noctis knows his wife pretty well by this point but whenever she happily suggests a quickie like she’s talking about playing a videogame, it can still make him burn cherry red in the face and go shy, but he always says yes. It’s a good way to bring the king fully awake and keep him in a happy mood when he has early morning meetings he otherwise would have slept through.
Who suggests they both ditch work to lay around all day:
It’s 50/50, actually. Noctis is a good and responsible and hard working king but sometimes there’s nothing important to do at the Citadel and he “just doesn’t want to be king today, Iris, pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaase, just today, sweetie, I swear I’ll make the paperwork of both today and tomorrow, tomorrow, but I want to stay here today, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, Iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis pleeeeeeeeeaa-”
Iris is a bit too focused in her work (World of Ruin made her grow a bit too disciplined) so she suggests it less, but she’s offered it too, either at random times because she just wants to stay home with Noct, or because she notices Noct is a bit worn out, and wants him to take a day off. “One day without king won’t kill anyone”, and Noct can’t say no to her sweetness.
Who chooses the movies:
Iris. Iris is still that playful little bouncy creature, and Noctis has no troubles in whatever she chooses. Noct prefers to let her choose because it’s absolutely adorable to watch Iris bounce on her feet excitedly while her eyes roam through all the titles, and as she happily points at them and rants and goes “This one! Oh moogles, no, this one better, I heard the cast blah blah blah bla- MAYBE THIS ONE right Noct would you like that Noct I think you’d like it Noct, but what- no- this one!”
Noctis is too happy just watching her excitement, he agrees with whatever she chooses because the movies are good but Iris’ joy is even better.
Who initiates kissing during the moving, thus distracting the other from the movie all together:
Iris. Noctis the Awkward Lamppost of a husband never thinks about it because he’s not….very romantic at random times, and his reasoning is “she was super excited about watching this movie, I don’t want to distract her”. 
Iris chose that movie specifically because it was boring and she wanted Noctis to kiss her but gods have mercy on her, Noctis is too dense and innocent. So Iris gives the first step always.
That, or she really was interested in the movie, but a while into it she’s happy that Noctis is so kind with her and always lets her choose, and she thanks with a kiss, which reminds her how happy she is that he’s there, alive and healthy, and with her, so one kiss turns to two, then ten, then thirty while Noctis softly holds her and kisses back, and so on until the credits are rolling. She missed the movie but eh. She has Noct and she likes him better.
Who orders lunch:
50/50. Iris the noodle lover and Noctis I-can-cook-but-I’m-too-lazy-to-can-we-order-instead make a mess of a team about ordering lunch. During the first months of living together, they ordered lunch as frequently as they prepared it, until both Gladio and Iggy had to chime in and give them a good nag about them not being kids anymore and needing to eat healthy, so now Iris and Noct just order from time to time, but still relatively frequently.
They both enjoy a lot of any sort of fast food, so they have happy moments surrounded of empty sushi boxes, holding their respective third box of it, sat on the floor of the living room in comfy baggy clothes, and joking about stupid things.
Who steals food from the other’s plate without asking:
Both, but it’s more frequent that it’s Iris. You’d think Gladio is the only Amicitia capable of eating an entire catoblepas and still be hungry. Pscht. You should know Clarus. YOU SHOULD KNOW IRIS, she eats even more than both papa and big bro. Noctis thinks she has a black hole in her stomach that swallows everything she eats and that’s why she eats so much, and so why she’s always stealing from his plate. 
Noctis makes sure to separate the things he doesn���t like (this picky idiot), and Iris is immediately snatching them away. None say anything about it, like it’s the most natural thing ever.  
Who curls up next to the other and falls asleep due to a full tummy:
Both like to curl up together and sleep after a good meal; Noctis likes Iris’ cooking, and Iris always eats a lot, so it’s just natural both are very satisfied afterwards. It’s not strange to find both curled up together on a sofa or bed or once or twice even in the living room’s floor, asleep due to a full and happy tummy.
Who distracts the other from trying to work at home:
Iris. She knows being king is a lot of duties and a lot of work, but she likes the philosophy of working at working and relaxing at home; she doesn’t want Noctis to overwork, so she doesn’t like that he brings work at home. 
When she sees him working home, she always asks if it’s a life or death issue and that, if Noct leaves it, “will it start a war?”. Noctis, bless his dense head and innocent soul, always thinks it’s a serious questions so he always says “Uhm…no”. This triggers Iris into trying to distract him on purpose from working, and even though Noctis sometimes tries to ask her to please not do that and let him work, he somehow always ends up in an arcade with her and how did it happen I was home just two minutes ago and oh look you won a moogle! That’s my wife! :D
Who asks to go get ice cream like a five year old:
They’re both a chaotic mess for ice-cream, so please be careful if you’re walking with them; if they see an ice-cream parlor or stall, they’ll both get overly excited in their own way. Iris will probably scream and bounce on her feet, and Noctis will probably shake the fists uncontollably and gasp, and without sharing a glance or word they’re both already running to get an ice-cream. It’s usually Iris who asks for them, though, as she’s the extrovert of the relationship.
Who takes pictures of their partner eating ice cream:
Iris. Noct is fine with being taken photos, and while he takes some at times too, it’s not often crossing his head. Iris may take one or two of Noct with his ice-cream, but it’s far more frequent that it’s a selfie of both with their cones.
Who makes a sexual joke about the dripping ice cream on their partner’s face:
Despite it not making much sense, it’s Iris. One would guess it should be Noct, but he’s still an innocent puppy that’s too awkward and dense to think about that sort of things (and if he’s ever thought of it, he feels too shy to say it because he doesn’t want to offend her, as he’s not often sure if it’s okay to joke about that or not).
More than a spoken joke, Iris just snorts, laughs a bit, and before Noct can ask her what is it, she reaches to take the dripping ice cream off Noct’s face with a finger and bings it to her mouth while making eye contact. It usually still takes a couple seconds or Iris’ help with something like “darling, it shouldn’t be on your face, be careful” before Noct catches it (if he does).
When he does, Noctis gasps, burns red in the face, and becomes a shy mess that tries to act casual. Iris just laughs and blushes too.
Who cooks dinner:
This is the most common time of the day when they order food if they do, because Noct it still too lazy and would rather not and Iris is too tired and she’s rather not cook. However, because they can’t just order every night, they decided to team up for preparing dinner; both are tired and don’t want to do everything, so they separate the work in two pairs of hands to make it more bearable.
Who cleans up the kitchen afterwards:
They team up again. Sometimes, however, Noctis insists he does it himself; as much as he likes sleeping, he has no troubles in sleeping late, where Iris is the opposite and has no troubles waking up early but would rather not sleep too late. He feels he never helps in the mornings and wants to put his part somehow, so if it’s with something as simple as cleaning the kitchen after dinner, then he does it gladly.
Who stays up until 2 reading:
Iris. It’s not frequent that she stays up late to read, but if it’s happened, it’s her. She got the liking from her brother, and while she doesn’t read as much as he does, she still sometimes finds a good book that captures her too much.
It’s more frequent that it’s Noct who’s up late, mostly for videogames online with Prompto (though they don’t do it as often as when they were 15). If Noctis has ever stayed up late reading, it’s important paperwork. Iris likes to stay awake with him until he’s done. 
Who stares at their partner while their sleeping:
Iris. Noctis sleeps a lot, so it’s not rare to find him asleep at either day or night. Iris has no troubles sleeping, but she wakes earlier than him, and naps less than him, so it’s more frequent that she finds him sleeping and gets a chance to look at him.
Iris really likes to stare because Noct changed after the Crystal swallowed him, and she likes to admire this new beauty, as used as she already is to it. She likes to look at Noct because she was in love with him all life and she marvels that life did give her the chance to be with him, she marvels that he’s asleep in the same bed where she sleeps and on the sofa of the living room of where she lives, she marvels at his existence alone. She likes to caress his face and hair while watching him sleep, being peaceful, quiet, and relaxed. Alive. And there, next to her.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep:
50/50 Noctis values a lot what Iris does for her, how long she did wait for him despite the possibility that he could have not made it, how hard she works, and everything she is. He can be a bit awkward at times and while he is romantic, it’s not as much or as frequent as he would like, and sometimes he feels he’s not giving her as much as she gives him. Sometimes, Noct wakes up during the night, or goes to bed later than her, and he likes to take her in arms carefully to not wake her up, and leans close to give her a kiss, both as a thank you (for just another day bearing with him), and as a little gesture of love. 
Iris does it whenever she’s stared at him sleep, but less than Noct does. She doesn’t want to bother him, as she sometimes feels she gives him too much love and maybe it can get annoying (it doesn’t), so she prefers to let him sleep peacefully. Still, sometimes, she’ll lean in to kiss his forehead or his jaw before leaving to let him sleep in.
This was surprisingly adorable and cute to write for! ♡ ~('▽^人)
Thank you soooo, so much for the lovely, wonderful request, my dearest artist anon!! It’s always a joy to see you drop by my ask, it makes me so happy, and this was a wonderful request to fulfill. :3
Thank you so much, artist anon!!
I hope to hear from you again soon! Sending you AAAAALLL the raccoonie love and snuggles!!❤
I hope you’re having a most BEAUTIFUL day or night, buddy!! Lots of raccoonie hugs for you!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ♡
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