#I feel like Gladio would be the one to say it
a-world-in-grey · 5 months
You know, I always headcanoned that once Niflheim got their hands on some photos of the prince and his civilian friend, they absolutely knew that Prompto was an escaped clone. The resemblance to Besithia was obvious, after all. They just didn't bother to do anything with it, since it's not like they need that particular clone and it's not even like Prompto has a sleeper programming.
But in the Spark verse, well. Prompto is a child of an Oracle. And if Glauca is a thing, they might even know about her magic.
Either way, they really want to have her back.
I have been sitting on this ask for awhile, because I love it, but unfortunately the muses are not cooperating with me on it.
In most of my fics, Niflheim doesn’t really bother paying too much attention to Prompto - yeah, he’s the prince’s friend, but he’s civilian, and furthermore, not a member of his Retinue, so ergo, he can’t be that important to the prince. Not enough to be worth investing any resources into whatever aim they might want with Prompto anyway.
But in Spark au, Prompto is claimed as Noctis’ Heart far earlier than normal in an effort to protect her secret, and that makes Niflheim take a closer look at this civilian girl who’s gotten so close to the prince. And you’re right, the resemblance is uncanny if you know what to look for.
I feel like Titus wouldn’t know about Prompto’s magic. Noctis and the others are so very careful to keep her magic under wraps, and the cover of Prompto having Noctis’ magic so compelling, that Titus never realizes the truth.
Now, if they ever managed to get their hands on the Prince’s Heart long enough to somehow learn that carefully hidden truth… well.
That would change things, wouldn’t it?
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sageteapost · 2 months
Hi! It's the same anon that requested the expanded dating hcs and I LOVED it 🤩💕
I'm hoping you don't mind me requesting more 😭 This time headcanons with all the Chocobros (separately) about their protectiveness levels? Maybe how would they react if someone threatens/ poses as a threat to their s/o or anything like that 👀
Tysm in advance and have a great day! 💖
| Protectiveness With the Chocobros HCs |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia x GN! Reader ]
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Content: Self-explanatory! Mentions of violence, though not in graphic detail. Very small spoilers for a small piece of dialogue at the end of Episode Gladiolus, but nothing too significant. (All established relationships. All separate parings. Gender neutral reader.)
author's note: HEYYY ANON!! I'm so glad you like the headcanons for the Noctis post. And no worries!! I'm always happy to post about these boys. I love them dearly haha. If you wanted me to talk more about the threat being something towards their relationship/jealousy, let me know and I can do a separate post about it since that in itself is a different can of worms.
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Poor guy. The thought of that even crossing his mind makes him reel.
He's the Prince of Lucis, and while that helps in terms of security it still makes him very anxious. People who may not have the highest regards for him could go after you to get at him, which scares and angers him.
However, if someone or something made a threat against you for any reason, he's going to be pissed.
Majority of the time, he's going to get the Crownsguard on that person's ass for it. They're not getting out of this easily and Noct is not afraid to use his position.
Though he's not opposed to throwing hands himself, but you didn't hear it from me.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
Let's get this out of the way first, if someone put you in a dangerous situation, he's abandoning what he's doing and probably his regard for his own safety to help you.
He's panicking, unlike Noct who's the prince and could easily get the help he needed instantly, Prompto would have to find it. Likely will drag in the guys (who will help him in return).
Compared to Noct, he doesn't have much of a reason to be extra protective since he's not royalty or born of a line of nobles like Gladio or Ignis.
He's less on trying to get any revenge on the person who did it, but more focused on how you're doing.
So, unless that person did something so damning, he's not going to tear them to pieces. Probably.
Protectiveness levels: Medium to Low
Silently fuming and trying so hard to maintain his composure to not find them. And no, he's not going to kill them. Unless on the very rare circumstances he loses it, he won't.
Yes, he will try his best to remain calm and take the situation with caution, though part of him says otherwise.
Since he was Noct's caretaker when he was younger and swore to protect him, he had the experience of receiving threats like that. While that got personal sometimes, when it happens to you it's a whole different feeling he's not accustomed to.
Similar to Prompto, he's immediately tending to you first. Reassuring you (and himself) that you're okay and safe. But unlike Prompto he will definitely get people involved to bring that person to justice.
It's better for him and everyone in the end, just to preserve his sanity and integrity. Though he won't be opposed to be involved in some "personal" investigations.
Protectiveness levels: High
Really hope whoever did threaten you knows how to defend themselves.
You know how Prompto mentions in Episode Gladiolus how he saved Noct from a bully one time and beat them up? Yeah, he's gonna rip them to pieces.
Not only is he serious when it involves being Noct's shield, but yours as well. Whoever dared to threaten you is not coming out without a black eye or some other injury because holy shit, he's furious.
You'd have to plead with him not to accidentally kill them or hope the guys are there to hold him back from going any further. Only then, thanks gods, he might back off.
He'd still be very upset afterwards and the harsh words from Cor will not help. But eventually with your presence, he'll cool off and apologize to you for seeing him like that.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
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vee-beeee · 11 months
The Tent
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Okay this is a change from dbh LOL
So im figuring out how to write for these characters, and its going to be harder because its 4 people so PLEASE forgive me.
Warnings: Tents, enclosed spaces with 4 boys
Chocobros x reader (can be taken as platonic)
Im sorry for any spelling errors or plot holess
You woke up
And then wished you didn't.
It smelt like sweaty socks and boys.
Someone had shoved your back into their front, and was snoring VERY loudly. Another person had his socks in your face, sprawled out over what looked to be Noctis himself. So the case of the smelly socks was solved, that had to be Prompto. You didn't see anyone else in your line of vision, but guessing at how strong and muscular the arm around you was...
Gladio had turned you into his own personal teddy bear.
You gently tried to roll out of his grip, but he grunted and held on to you with a stronger grasp. You sighed and searched for another way out, you need air and to be away from this tent.
You briefly wondered if tickling Prom would wake him up so he could help, but you didn't really want to touch his feet.
So you sat, starting at the tent walls and daring to breathe through your mouth.
You thought about falling asleep again but whenever you tried, Gladio's snoring woke you up just as you were on the cusp of the dream realm.
What a terrible way to start your morning.
Finally, FINALLY you heard someone stir. You turned your body as much as you could in Gladio's grip and saw Ignis's hair over a massive leg.
"Ignis!" you whisper-yelled, hoping to get his attention. He turned around, sleep very much apparent on his face, and looked the entirety of the tent until his eyes caught yours.
"Miss Y/N?" He mumbled, raising an eyebrow at your position, Gladio crowding your back and Proms feet in your face. You had also felt Noctis was really close to your knees, you could feel his hair whispering against your skin. It was ticklish and uncomfortable.
Ignis huffed out a laugh, and you proceeded to beg him to help you.
"Why of course, Dear Y/N. However, I believe Gladio is going to kill me in his sleep if I remove you from his hold. I can help with Prompto and Noct however."
You sighed, sad he wouldn't even TRY not to get killed by Gladio. You watched him as he harshly rolled Prompto off of Noctis, and you were briefly worried that he would awake.
He just snorted and continued sleeping.
Ignis next went to Noctis to gently move his head away from your leg. Of course, Noct slept like a corpse so he didn't even notice. You took your chance to thank him, and ask a favor
"Can you leave the tent flap open I need air please."
Ignis nodded, and exited the tent, leaving the flap open. You started to bask in fresh air and morning light, but then the world turned upside down.
Gladio was rolling over, treating your body like you were an actual teddy bear.
He was now slightly under you, both arms surrounding you with the literal strength of a Titan.
And you were suffocating in his chest.
In ANY other scenario you would have been like "nice" . But in this one you could not breathe. And that was a problem. So you started gently saying his name.
Gladio groaned, but stayed asleep. You tried wrestling your arms out from his iron grip, but no use.
So you did the only thing you could think of.
Loud enough for him to clearly hear you, you poked the bear
"Ooo this book of gladios looks so good, im going to read it while eating chips and wipe my fingers on the pages and fold the edges to mark where i am. Surely he wont mind"
Suddenly you were shoved as his eyes shot open and he released you, sitting up to look around huffing.
"NO THATS MY COLLECTORS EDITION!" you breathed and rolled over as he looked around and found his book by his belongings.
Then he turned to you, brows furrowed and irritation clear on his features for 1. being woken up and 2. having his most prized book threatened.
"What the hell was that for?"
You moved onto your back and stuck your tongue out at him
"You were suffocating me in your pecs, I had to get free some how"
His anger faded into an embarrassed smile, and then a smug smirk.
"A lot of girls would pay real money to get suffocated in these pecs."
You rolled your eyes as hard as you could and he let out a hardy laugh, which accidently woke Prompto.
He snorted as he awoke, leaning on his elbows before asking "uh whats slo funmny?" and then promptly fell flat on his face, going back to his dreamless sleep.
You and Gladio stayed quiet before looking at each other and chuckling quietly. Gladio winked at you and turned to leave the tent. You watched his huge shadow as it moved across the tent, and then it disappeared.
After a couple of minutes, you heard Gladio and Ignis in the camp talking, and saw an opportunity to get more sleep. So you found your original spot and comfy sleeping bag, and settled in.
(A couple hours later)
You woke up, blinking your eyes slowly, feeling that you had gotten a good rest. You looked around and saw the Prompto had seemingly left, and you didn't see anyone else so that must mean Noct left too.
You closed your eyes again, resting them for a moment before you felt something moving around your front. You jumped and accidently smacked your elbow against the something. And that something groaned.
You looked down to see a mess of black hair nuzzling into YOUR blanket.
"Noct?" You leaned on your elbows and he looked up at you sleepily before groaning out a response
"you have the good blankets."
and then he was gone. But luckily, you had help to wake him back up.
Ignis had heard your surprised yelp, and knew it was time for Noct to get up. He had been chatting with Gladio and Prompto about how to pay for more car renovations, but that conversation could be put on hold.
Ignis grabbed a pot and one of his spatulas, before leaning down into the tent flap.
And then he started hitting them repeatedly together.
He saw you cry out and put your hands over your ears, and Noct just sat up slowly and glared at him.
Ignis smirked and left the tent when he saw Noct leaving, and you followed shortly after.
You watched Iggy put his utensils away and you went straight for the middle of the circle of chairs you all had put together the night before. Noct had just slumped down his camping chair when you started talking.
"Why do you guys love piling on me so much when we sleep? Like I wake up and your all over me."
You stood stalk still and waited for a response. You heard groaning and looked over to see Noct open one eye and looking at you.
"Smell nice and warm"
and then he was asleep.
Ignis sighed and walked over to shake him awake and you turned to see Gladio and Prompto nodding their heads. Gladio was the first to say something.
"I think he's right. Your a little babe space heater." You flushed, and he and Prompto laughed seeing your face.
"Yeah and you uhh, kinda smell a lot like roses." was Proms response, and now you watched him go red. Gladio slapped him on the back and Ignis chuckled quietly, continuing to try and wake Noctis up.
So your consensus was to buy more blankets, and an air freshener.
Fair enough.
I dont know if this is cringe or how I did, but I hope I did good on my first time writing these guys.
Hope you enjoyeddd
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sanjismywhore · 2 years
Breaking The Bed
Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
Warnings: nsfw, rough sex, afab reader
Gladio is a giga chad and breaks the bed
Re-upload because something glitched
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Gladio’s hips rutted against yours. His palm perched up on the swell of your ass while his other hand pressed into the curve of your spine. He used his strength to keep you pinned flush against him, chest to chest, while you rocked back and forth on his lap; kissing him softly.
The softest sigh escaped your lips as a low moan echoed through his mouth. He felt the vibration course through him, causing him to smirk and suck gently on your lower lip. His mouth slid down your neck. The gentle kiss was followed by his tongue licking at the sensitive spot under your jaw.
He moved lower to nip at your throat, making sure to cover every inch of skin with his kisses. You hands tangled in his hair as his fingers trailed down your front. Teasing the skin along stomach before settling over your clit, rubbing circles around it as he kissed you hungrily.
Your legs wrapped tighter around his waist, squeezing his length, letting a whimper slip smooth off your tongue like silk to his ears. “Gladdy…”
A moan ripped deep within his throat, pushing himself harder against your center. His hands moved from your clit back up to cup your ass.
As if sensing your need, Gladiolus lifted his hips upwards, burying himself deeper within you. His thick cock stretching you out even more, “You drive me crazy, y’know that?” He grunted with pleasure as your walls hugged him tight.
You could feel every thrust, every slight movement of his cock perfectly. Moaning his name once again, you tried to bury your face into his chest. His chuckle, as boisterous as it was, gave you goosebumps.
Gladio brought one of his rough hands up to cup your face. As he stroked your cheek with his calloused fingers, he mumbled. “Eyes on me sweetheart.”
Your gaze shifted upwards so fast it almost made you dizzy, but it never left his face. You didn’t think you would ever get tired of watching him; the way the darkness in his amber eyes bored into your soul with hunger and desire. Or how he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth when his gaze drifted towards your lips.
“Just look at me.” He grunted. You could feel his other hand press harder into the small of your back, forcing your hips to roll against the movement of his thrusts.
Your breath hitched with each one, feeling the burn in your core build. Gladio leaned forward to capture your lips again. Moaning softly in the entanglement of your lips, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Your hands ran through his locks, pulling him closer. Gladio let out a deep moan in against your lips deepening the kiss even further. As you began rocking more urgently into his body, he squeezed your ass. You gasped against his mouth.
He chuckled under you, “You want more?”
You swallowed thicky, nodding vigorously. Your hands fisted the fabric of his tank-top, tugging him closer to you until his head dipped into the crook of your shoulder. Thanks to his sturdy build, you could lean all your weight against him as he hugged your smaller form.
Enveloping your body into a tight embrace, Gladiolus grunted against your skin as he worked to increase the tempo of your movements. You moaned louder to which he snickered against your lips. With his firm grip never falterting, he leaned backwards with you in his arms until his back hit the plush mattress. You yelped in surprise.
The springs groaned, the wood creaked, and the bedframe knocked against the wall. His cock throbbed within you as he bent his knees, planting his feel firmly on the bed with you still in his lap.
Gladio’s laugh sent a chill down your spine. He covered the side of your face with wet kisses, tickling the skin with his facial hair. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were begging for it, princess.” With his lips close by your ear, you could practically hear the smirk plastered on his face.
His movments slowed momentarily, giving you a moment to catch your breath and adjust to the change in gravity.
With every slow thrust, Gladio whispered sweet nothings in your ear, encouraging you to get lost in your own rapture. “Just relax and enjoy the ride.” He kissed the top of your head. His words filled your entire world, wrapping you in an intoxicating cloud of lust.
And suddenly he pistoned his hips hard, thrusting up into your soaked cunt with exertion. The loud smacking of his hips became drilled in your head as he drove into you repeatedly.
You laid on his chest helplessly as he held you down with his own brute strength. His grip was tight on your body as he buried his face into the space between your shoulder and neck.
He slammed his cock into you relentlessly, balls smacking against your ass with each thrust. He pounded into you as if he was trying to fuck himself through every inch of your body. ”Fuck me,” You huffed as the wind got knocked out of you.
It was an order, not a request. Gladio didn’t hesitate to comply. Grinding his cock into you, he thrusted his pelvis hard against yours as if that would help you find release faster. He just kept fucking into you harder and harder. Your pussy clenched around his throbbing cock, soaking the entire length. And he still fucked you with everything he had.
His hands gripped your hips tightly, holding you down as he pounded into you. His breathing was heavy, labored. His chest heaved with each thrust. His eyes were closed, his face contorted in ecstasy.
He moaned as he felt you clench around him, your wetness dripping down your thighs.
As he kept thrusting, he realized that he would only continue to get lost in you. No matter how far he could climb to chase his high, his desire remained insatiable.
Even now, hours later, dawn was approaching. After what had felt like a lifetime to Gladio, his dick still throbbed, desperate for more.
Straddling your figure as you laid on your stomach, he ground his hips down into you. Either of his hands rested on your hips as he fucked you mercilessly from behind.
The sheets were wrinkled in your grasp, pillows scattered around. Both of your bodies were drenched in sweat, hair disheveled. Your clothes were no where to be found. Presumably somewhere scattered on the floor, but you paid no mind.
He was still pounding into you, stretching you open so that you could take him, and only him. Every time his hips made contact with your ass, it jiggled—to which he found amusing.
Gladiolus smiled slightly, running his finger down your spine. A shiver of delight rippled through your body. His smile grew into a full fledged grin. Sitting up straight, he continued to pound into you. “Beautiful.” His purred to himself.
He knew he had you completely enthralled by his cock. “Gladdy,” You moaned his name, arching your back against him. He smirked as he watched you writhe beneath him, continuing to pump himself into you as your thighs shook, clenching around his cock.
Occasionally he would hold your waist tight and push your face down into the pillows below, whispering the most vulgar obscenities to your ear.
“Shit, babygirl.” “Yeah, you like that?” “Fuck yeah, take that cock.” “So fuckin tight.”
He would slam into you over and over again, abusing your swollen pussy with such ferocity that it caused a sharp pang of pleasure to shoot through youe core. Then he’d shealth himself deep inside, growling through clenched teeth. “You’re takin me so well.”
Every second you spent with him felt like forever. But it couldn't have been any more satisfying. He was make love to you until you shattered from his lips; his touch; his words, his cock.
His fingers dug into your hips; nails scraping against your skin, creating small trails of bruises. “You’re mine, y’know that?”
You could only respond in moans or whimpers. Your speech barely comprehensable to him, but he didn’t care. Every sound or movement you made told him all that he needed to know.
It was a wonder how no one knocked on your door to complain about all the noise. Not Prompto or Ignis, or the other motel quests. Not even Noctis. In the back of your mind, you wondered if the others had been listening throughout the night, but the thought was soon drowned out by your own moans.
The bed croaked in response to your passionate lovemaking. The wooden frame beat the wall over and over and over again in sync with Gladio’s thrusts, scratching off the paint.
You felt his bare chest make contact with your back as he leaned down, mixing his sweat with yours. His lips ghosted over the shell of your ear, gently nibbling on your skin. Your name fell from his lips with a grunt. The sound was music to your ears.
You swore to the Astrals that you could’ve fallen apart right then and there.
You let out a soft cry into the pillow, shuddering from every overhwelming sensation.
“Fuck (Name),” He kissed your shoulder blade, leaving light trails of teeth marks as he slowed the ferocity of his thrusts while still making sure to reach the most peasureable depths inside you
Gladiolus growled against the crook of your neck, feeling your cunt flutter around him. “Oh shit…” He grunted, grinding into you harder. His breathing grew heavier as he wrapped his arms tight around you. Your body was practially buried beneath his weight.
You bit down on the pillow, muffling out a moan into it. His large hand caressed your lower abdomen as he pulled you tighter to his body. The bed squeaked under him as his hips rolled along with yours.
Your back arched against his hard chest, your legs trembling from both the excitement and exhaustion. Your muscles tightened in an instinctual reaction whenever he took you this far. “Please.” You whimpered just loud enough for him to register, aching for relief.
Picking up speed yet again, Gladio shut his eyes and clenched his teeth. Sweat beaded his forehead, dampening the strands of hair that hung onto his forehead. His muscular thighs tensed and flexed as he continued his relentless pounding.
You whimpered weakly, burying your face deeper into the pillow. Every thrust caused your clit to sting from overstimulation.
Coincidentally, every hard thrust caused the bed to croak louder and louder behind the lewd sounds.
Gladiolus let out a loud grunt, slamming into you with renewed vigor. Your breath caught in your throat, you couldn’t believe that this was happening. He continued to thrust with an intensity that left you trembling, unable to stop yourself from cumming right away.
A faint cracking could be heard coming from somehwhere in the room, but you didn’t pay any mind to it. As a final thrust brought forth your orgasm, it felt as if the walls came crumbling down. You emitted a loud cry of ecstasy.
And with yet another orgasm for the night, the bed finally gave out one last croak before collapsing in on itself.
The bed’s legs cracked first, then the entire bedframe gave in and fell flat to the ground.
There was a pause that lasted way too long, leaving you both dead silent. It was like the world had stopped. Neither of you moved, almost too scared to break the bed further.
It took a few seconds to register what happened. Thankfully the mattress didn’t slide off during the event, so neither of you got hurt. Both emitting soft gasps, Gladio was the first to lift himself up to check out the damage.
You whined as he pulled out of you, leaving you empty and still trembling from your orgasm. And while his cock was still standing proud, still leaking with want, he ignored it entirely.
He got off of you. Rubbing the back of his neck as he grimaced at the state of the bed.
“Shit…” He cursed, reaching for the broken bed frame.
“Is it bad?” You weakly sat up, cheeks flushed and eyes puffy. “It’s gonna cost us a couple thousand Gil...” Gladio shrugged, glancing back at you.
Groaning, you pushed yourself up from the pile of pillows. Your legs wobbled as you stood, letting the blood rush to your limbs once you regained your balance. “You think Iggy’ll lecture us later?” You chuckled softly, leaning forward to grab onto Gladio’s forearm, using it to steady yourself.
“I bet he’ll make us cook for a week.” He laughed, assuring you with a soft peck to your cheek. “I’m gonna have a great time explaining this to the owner...” He grunted, briefly leaving your side.
Walking around the room, he picked up the clothes scattered all over the foor. “We really outdid ourselves didn’t we?” Gladio added with a small grin, looking down at you with amusement.
You laughed softly to yourself and pulled yourself together. “Yeah, definitely did.” You glanced at the mess of the bed again, then looked at him.
“Never expected you to be so… passionate.” You smiled sheepishly.
Gladiolus scoffed, sliding his boxers back on. “Well you weren’t expecting a gentle giant, were ya?” He teased. Walking over to where you stood, he pulled you towards him and kissed your temple.
“Nah, never.” You grinned up at him, resting your hand over his chest. “You made it worth my while.” You whispered, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
He let out a satisfied hum, “That’s not all I got in store for you, babe.” Playfully squeezing your ass, Gladio pulled you in for a kiss. After a couple more minutes he broke the kiss and turned away from you, grabbing his phone.
“Get yourself dressed and go see Iggy. He’ll probably let you sleep in his room.” He uttered as he put his pants back on.
As you picked up your clothes and shuffled towards the bathroom, you turned back to look at him momentairly. “And what about you?” You asked.
“I’ll stay here and call the front desk.” He answered as he grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it back on. “Don’t tell Ignis just yet. Wouldn’t want him getting pissed at you for my mistake.”
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zzprompto · 7 months
hiiii I love your stuff and wanted to make a request. is it possible to get an accidental confession from the reader where we're either talking to ignis or whoever you choose about how we have feelings for either prompto or noctis and they over hear us talking about them? you can choose whoever or both. have a good day/night<3
thanks for requesting!
☆ not so secret
noctis lucis caelum x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
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[name] paced around, waiting for ignis to finish talking to gladio so he could get some advice of his own. his brain was rattling around in his head, different thoughts squirming around as he stood there, consumed by his own thoughts. he need to talk to ignis, and quick.
after what felt like centuries, ignis was finally done talking to gladio. [name] took this opportunity and he quickly rushed over to the cook, not wanting anyone else to steal his chance.
"ignis. we need to talk about something. something.. serious. i don't know who else to tell, i feel like you'd be the best guy out of all of us to talk to." [name] rambled, voice rushing to finish it's sentence - just how the thoughts were rushing around [name]'s mind.
ignis nodded in response to his friend's rambling, seemingly quite concerened now for his friend. what could of happened? surely it wasn't something bad, right? because [name] surely looked distressed.
"yes, of course. you can come to me for anything, [name]." ignis said, giving [name] a small smile. he hoped it would somehow reassure him, or calm his nerves about this hidden situation to an extent. "now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" ignis asked.
[name] took a deep breath, trying to calm down his racing mind. it seemed to work, or well at least for the time being. he could talk to ignis and not worry about his looming anxiety about the topic.
[name] cleared his throat, eyes focusing on the ground briefly before he looked up. he leaned in a little closer to ignis and he finally spoke. "i like noctis, romantically i mean. i just.. i just don't know if he feels the same. he has luna, a perfect, fairy tale ending to his story." [name] speaks, eyes trailing down to the floor once again. "no prince or king runs off with another prince, he always ends up with a princess - marrying her so she'd be his queen." [name] mumbles, clearly disappointed by the situation he has been put in because of his feelings.
ignis' eyes widen for a brief second as he takes in the initial shock after learning the news. his eyes then soften and he looks at [name] sympathetically, trying to make sure his friend doesn't worry about this 'boy drama' he has gotten himself into.
"i would've never thought you liked noct, but thinking back on it now it definitely makes sense." ignis chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he thinks of all the moments that had been shared between noctis and [name] over the years. it was clear that their bond was that beyond friendship - but to what extent? nobody knows yet.
throughout the years that all the men knew eachother, it was obvious that [name] and noctis were the closest. they'd always end up hanging out more, having more to say to eachother, or even having more secrets between eachother. it was clear that the two men cared for one another a fair deal.
yet, there was always a hint of something more.
there had always been a little glint in [name]'s eye whenever noctis was mentioned, or vice versa. there was always a smile, or a special applaud that the pair had for one another that they didn't have for anyone else. it was always clear that the relationship between the two was more than platonic.
even some of their friends caught up with all the signs. prompto was really the first one to notice, he even started to tease noctis about it. he'd often say how great of a couple the prince and [name] would be, and as of late he had been saying that noctis should marry [name] and not luna. noctis always brushed it off, however. he tried to act nonchalant, but there was always a blush on his cheeks whenever he heard the mention of his friends name.
whilst the conversation between ignis and [name] was occuring, noctis couldn't help but try and listen in. of course, his intentions were merely innocent. he had heard his name escape his friend's lips, and wanted to see if something was wrong. what he did not expect however, was for [name] to be confessing his feelings for him to ignis. noctis was perplexed.
the ravenette stood there in shock for a few seconds. he tried to process everything he had just heard, trying to see if he was just making things up. but no. he wasn't. [name] truly liked noctis romantically, and noctis felt his heart swelling as he heard the words fall out of [name]'s lips.
after gaining the courage, noctis decided to approach his friends. he stood besides [name] and smiled at the other man softly. it was the special smile he had only reserved for [name], none of his other friends. yet, this time the smile looked a bit different. it was as if the smiled was filled with an aspect of love and hope.
"i overheard what you said, [name]." noctis whispered as he stood besides his friend. ignis decided to take this as his queue to leave. he didn't even have to play the matchmaker, his friends were going to do that all themselves without his help.
[name] looked at noctis and he felt a little hot. perhaps it was from embarrassment, or perhaps it was even from the anticipation, the ever so painful longing of loving a friend.
"you did? oh fuck me.." [name] chuckled, shaking his head slightly as a nervous smile filled his features. noctis wanted to reply with something crude, but he decided to hold of for the time being. he'd say such things when they'd actually get together.
"i believe this prince doesn't need a princess.. another prince will do just fine for him." noctis replied, a smile on his lips to conquer the one [name] had. "that is.. if you're willing to have this prince?" the ravenette continued, holding out his hand for [name].
[name] nodded and he took noct's hand, taking a step forward to hug his friend. well, they weren't actually friends anymore. they were more than that now. they were practically soulmates, in all platonic and romantic senses.
"yes.. i am willing to have you and your offer of us being princes together." [name] hummed, feeling content as he held the prince in his arms. he just felt so relieved he didn't have to hide a part of him anymore. it was all out in the open.
noctis gracefully accepted the hug, his own arms going around [name]'s body. he wasn't sure what label to put on his relationship with [name] at the moment, but he was sure to find out. it was sure to be something that fit too, something that represented the two of them greatly.
"thank you." noctis whispered, pressing a small kiss to [name]'s cheek. the prince then earned a flurry of kisses to his face after that.
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- author's note: hope you guys enjoy <3 decided to do noctis because i haven't written for him yet + there's barely any noctis content anyway
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discodreaming · 10 months
characters: gladiolus amicita x reader
general warnings: none, it's fluff and kind of nsfw some parts. headcanon based mostly
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You’d always known Gladio was a hopeless but passionate romantic; he always showered you with his seemingly limitless love. It was new for you; your other boyfriends couldn’t live up to Gladio’s level. He’d always go beyond the bare minimum, not by a little but by a lot. And every little thing he did sent a flutter of butterflies to roam through your chest and stomach, causing you to giggle and kick your feet happily. 
Gladio loved you and wasn’t afraid to show it, whether you be in public or even in private. His hands were on your waist, on your hips or even holding your hand as you walked through the streets of Lucis. He’d always be touching some part of you, especially if you weren’t comfortable with PDA.
If you were having a bad day, he’d be there in an instant - even if he was supposed to be dealing with Noctis. But he has been warned he was only to watch over Noctis, not fully babysit him. Besides, it was his day off when he came to your apartment, using the spare key he had to come right in. He’d have everything for you too, from the snacks, favorite drinks, blankets and even getting your favorite movie ready. His arm rubbing your back as he listens to you cry and vent out your problems. And if you didn’t feel like talking? Don’t worry he’s still gonna c uddle you and wait for you to talk as you two simply sit there together.
Even if Gladio is having a bad day, he does have somewhat of a habit of not wanting to talk about things. Especially since he was the one to take up the family mantle of the shield for the crown. But with gentle hands on his arm, his face and a little kiss he can find himself fully relaxing into your arms as he tells you what’s happened, his body falling lax as he lays his head on your stomach. 
Noctis and Prompto are most def jealous of Gladio being able to pick someone like you up so easily. Gladio having to listen to the way they rant. “One day you two will find someone.” he would always say as he sends a text to you, asking how you would like to go on a date that night. 
I wanna tell you how much he worships the ground you walk on, calling you his little prince(ss) sometimes. Or even his flower. My god this man if you were to marry him he’d go way above and beyond, even more so for you. 
Some angst: He’s always worried over you, protective over you especially when the fall happened. To which he does end up double texting you or he’ll go radio silent due to the issues happening. He always makes sure to reassure you everything will be okay, everything is alright, that you guys will get through this together. 
And Gladio is a family man, he’s very protective of those he does consider family. So he would be all for marriage, and having kids with you. And i’m not talking about just one or two, he would want a lot of them. But he’d be fine with one or two if that’s what you want. 
He is WHIPPED FOR YOU. absolutely whipped, he has you as his background, especially with a cute picture of you two together. 
Breeding kink.  Even if the two of you aren’t trying for a child, he’s very much still wanting to try and breed you, fill you up with everything that is him. So this could also count as a possessive kink too. 
He rarely ever fucks, he’s more of a passionate and love-making type of man. But if you do ask him nicely he is willing to be rough though.
He gets off to you being smaller than him ( which isn’t hard, man is 6’6. ) but only because he can see the bulge in your stomach and he likes pressing down onto it because of all your little reactions to it. 
Now for the rougher kinks? He likes to overstimulate you, likes to make sure you’re feeling good and that does mean he is giving you the upmost pleasure and won’t stop until he thinks you have had enough or you say a safe word. 
He’ll fuck you in the truck but as a treat and if you two are just too needy to help yourselves, but that’s mostly reserved for the special date nights in the back of his truck, especially picnics. 
Although he prefers slow love making, if you two need it he will go for a quickie and sometimes if you’re begging hard enough for it he will pound you and make sure you can feel it for days. 
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sparklecryptid · 5 months
A Reveal because the Lucis Caelums had a magical family tree made up once and somebody finally found the thing after it was lost in the archives for a few centuries.
Regis is not even the only person with bastards, he's just the most recent one and it's not even the biggest scandal.
(That would be the confirmation that the children of that one LC queen couple of hundreds years ago were most definitely not sired by her husband, which honestly, everyone expected already because the man was so gay and not even pretending otherwise.)
Noctis stares at the magic family tree.
He stares at it. Ignis stares at it.
The two of them exchange looks.
"Well," Noctis says eventually, "Do you think I can toss the crown at one of my siblings-"
Ignis gives him a look that would make lesser men weep.
"I'm not sure they would appreciate that."
After that Noctis takes the family tree and with Prompto's help carefully looks up the names of his siblings.
One of them lives in Lestallum and works as a scientist at the power plant, Thanatos seems to be a cheerful man with red eyes and that makes Noctis wonder WHY no one has connected him to their father earlier.
The next is Ardor, who has a Kwetter account that is only used to post blurry shots of beasts and daemons that Ardor was hunting and to response to his other siblings.
Which is how Noctis finds out that all his half-siblings know about each other and regularly interact through the internet.
It makes him feel a bit lonely to be honest. He understands their desire to not want to come forward but-
He's always wanted a bigger family.
The next person Noctis and Prompto find is a man named Ace who is Hunter and sometimes appears in Ardor's photos. He's Galahdian, obvious by the beads in his hair, and Noctis and Prompto share a look when they realize that Ace is married to an active member of the Kingsglaive.
Persephone is next, she's a priestess with a warm smile that Noctis thinks is somehow comforting and threatening at the same time. She is also married to an active member of the Kingsglaive and routinely shows up on her siblings feed asking them to 'please reconsider what they are about to do'.
Jules works in a book store. She has mousy brown hair and bright blue eyes hidden behind thick frames. She looks like someone Ignis would get along with.
Bard is - okay, Noctis has known who Bard is for a while know, her videos go viral whenever she posts her street performances and Noctis knows that Ignis and Gladio are fans. He wonders if he can get them an autograph.
Jupiter is the sister of an active member of the Kingsglaive and Noctis begins to wonder if they're training them so poorly they can't recognize members of the loyal family.
There is nothing on Mercury's page but cat photos that she tags her siblings in with 'this you?' the latest of which is a wet cat staring at the camera that Mercury tagged Ardor in.
Noctis is a little hurt that they all know each other and yet never bothered to come forward.
If he posts a video of the magically glowing family tree on his Official Account and tags all his siblings in it with 'this u?' well-
Noctis deserves to blow up the internet once and while.
As a treat.
(The existence of the siblings gets quickly brushed aside when the family tree - upon study by various historians - confirms that the children of The Star were not sired by her husbands.
Thanatos immediately posts a joke about 'horny running in the family'.)
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Reunions: Older!Noctis Caelum x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Reunion sex, Noctis lives, vaginal fingering, soft sex
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You stumbled into the room, nearly tripping over your wobbling heels and the long petticoat and skirt. Whipping your head around, you swallowed thickly as you watched Noctis shut the door behind him, turning the heavy lock until it clicked in place before turning to meet your gaze. His ocean blue eyes were dark, glazed over with lust, pupils blown so wide that they nearly swallowed those beautiful irises of his.
You couldn’t help but feel excited. The butterflies in your stomach were fluttering, you swore you could hear them. Your heart was beating against your chest, your brain was running in a maze of fog.
The music was still raging on behind that door that Noctis blocked with his body, you both could hear the orchestra clashing and playing beautifully for the dancing crowd from where Noctis had pulled you out of. In a crowd as thick as that one, everyone dancing and laughing and drinking in celebration that the king is back, he could still pick you out of the group with such ease.
Even after all of these years, the passion you both had for each other had yet to settle, only growing like a sylleblossom bush.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were here?” Noctis broke the tense silence in the room first. His eyes were trained on you, practically undressing you. He hadn’t seen you since Lestallum over ten years ago; In his eyes, you really didn’t change at all - you were still as beautiful as ever. “Gladio, Ignis, Prompto?”
“I almost didn’t come, if I’m being honest.” Saying those words hurt your heart, dulling the butterfly tingling sensations in your gut just a bit. You saw the look of carnal hunger soften quickly in Noctis’ eyes, dark eyebrows pinching together. “I thought you wouldn’t have remembered-”
“I did,” he cut you off. “I still do. I remember everything.” Noctis took a few steps forward towards you, with every step he took it made your heart beat loud in your ears like a tightened drum. Even as he stood before you, you still felt like a giddy school girl. “Of course, I remember you. It’s impossible to forget someone like you, I could never forget.”
You felt tears stinging at the back of your eyes like glass shards. Your throat tightened up and your chest had started to ache. Just the look of worry overtaking Noctis’ face was enough to make your heart start to break.
Even though you both hadn’t seen each other in ten years, he was still as handsome as ever. He still had those dazzling eyes that rivaled royal jewelry, he still had those boyish good looks that aged like fine wine, and he still had those tender moments that made you fall in love with him all those years ago. Even while standing before you, you knew exactly what you both wanted to do.
Noctis had reached a hand out, carefully taking your hand in his. He glanced down as he carded his fingers with yours, locking your hands together. He missed this. He missed you; So much that it fucking hurt. It was almost like it wasn’t real at first. Even with your skin pressed against his, it almost felt too real to even be real. Even as you’re standing before him, your warm flesh touching his, your perfume in his nose, your voice in his ears, he almost believed it all to be lies.
Noctis reached his other hand up, brushing his knuckles against your face, moving the stray hairs out of your face allowing him to see how well you’ve aged. His hand rested on your jaw, his thumb on your chin as he tilted your head up to really look him in the eye. He felt his chest starting to tighten with emotions digging up the past ten years he’d spent all alone.
“You’re just as beautiful as I remember,” he murmured.
The emotional dams had broken on both sides as tears started to fall. Your hands had grabbed onto Noctis’ coat, dragging him in as close as your bodies would allow as he connected your lips in a desperate kiss. His hand that was now empty grabbed onto your back, fingers tangling with your hair and pressed your head as close to his as he could. You both moaned into the kiss, the taste of salt slipping in from where your tears had met your lips. You grabbed at more of his coat, nearly tearing apart the expensive material from just how tightly you’d been holding it when you both had started to move before you even realized what was actually going on.
Your feet moved backwards, the two of you stumbling around the room until your ass had struck a lounge chair. You both tumbled down, your back landing against the stiff padding while Noctis braced himself on top of you, the kiss breaking for just a moment as you both looked at each other stunned.
“Noctis,” you whimpered. Your body felt like it was on fire, like you were a diseased woman and the only cure was the king now propped up above you. “I missed you, I need you.”
His hands snatched at the damned petticoats you had under that dress of yours - Astrals, you looked so radiant in this dress, Noctis almost didn’t want to remove it - and bunched them up at your waist. You eagerly grabbed onto them, helping him lift up your skirt at the same time, pooling everything just under your breasts. You shivered as Noctis’ hands gently caress your thighs, the once familiar feeling of his cool hands on your warm skin brought back such great memories. He hesitated, fingers curling up instead of re-exploring lands he’s ventured across before, and looked up at you with those beautiful eyes of his.
“Can I?” he asked in such a small voice, you barely heard it over the music still going on in the ballroom outside.
Your mouth had gone dry so you nodded quickly, swallowing thickly as your body hummed in excitement.
“Please,” you managed to croak out.
His slender fingers wrapped around the hemline of your panties which were starting to get wet before he slowly dragged them down your parted legs and eventually off of your person. Noctis hummed softly, his fingers were cool to the touch when they slowly stroked at your pussy. His fingertips slipped between your folds as if they were rose petals, soft and delicate and seemingly dripping with honey he so desperately wanted to taste. You sighed contently, sparks connecting in your nerves like long awaited surges of power, your eyes fluttered shut as you struggled to take in full breaths. You swore you would cum just from Noctis carefully fingering you alone. He slipped in another finger, both digits teasing at your slick entrance before delving in like they did once upon a time. He remembered how you felt, how you tasted, he swore he could already taste it without his tongue even touching you. He curled his fingers inside of you, drawing out a high-pitched whine from your throat as your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head.
Noctis withdrew his fingers after another moment, mesmerized by the slick that coated his two fingers before licking your sweet nectar right off of them. Your eyes connected once more, you could see the carnal intentions bubbling to the surface once again in those galactic blues.
“You taste just as sweet as I remember, too.”
You couldn’t help the heat that rose to your face, turning your head away as your face felt flushed from how sweet and how soft Noctis was being with you right now. You knew what he wanted to do to you, hell, you wanted him to do it too! But he’s taking his time, he wants to take his time.
His hands had started on his belt, fingers unlatching the silver clasp and unweaving the expensive black leather from the loops of his dress pants before dropping it to the floor with your wet panties. His fingers quickly fumbled with the front of his pants, undoing the buttons and peeling down the zipper to show off the erection that Noctis had been hiding under his clothing shockingly well. Your eyes widened at the sight of the bulge, your cunt cried for it.
Noctis slipped himself out of his underwear, fingers wrapping around his shaft and head and pumping his cock once, twice, three times before he guided it across your dripping pussy. You whimpered as you felt it tap at your passage, wincing at the painful stretch and quickly sighing at the overwhelming pleasure that filled your core without a second thought.
Noctis groaned loudly above you, his hands flying to your hips to steady himself, his hair falling in front of his face.
It was a good thing that the orchestra outside was still raging on and the crowd had still yet to notice that he had long since slipped out.
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someobscurereference · 3 months
ive been rereading your ffxv fic "im trying hard to take it back" for literally four years now. please end my suffering and tell me how gladio feels. please. PLEASE. (but only if u want ofc)
(fic) Short answer: Gladio feels insane guilt and spends a lot of his life trying to make this up to Prompto. In the process, they deepen their connection as friends and do begin a relationship probably around the one-year mark of endless darkness. <3
Longer answer: (implications of abuse/violence tw but no worse than in the fic itself; just what others assume to be true even if it's not in the context of this specific fic)
Gladio is a secret romantic at heart who has always envisioned meeting his soulmate, but he's also duty-bound and duty comes first. So even though he reads romance books (amongst other types of books too) and indulges in his head a bit as many people do, he's often put his duty to the crown first and foremost in his mind. He also didn't imagine his soulmate was anyone on this trip and thought perhaps the person he may have been fated to meet died in the assault of Insomnia. Even if they were a refugee, they can't be a priority to him at this moment. His priority has to be Noctis.
Prompto has obviously grown on him over the course of their road trip, but there are aspects of them that don't 100% mesh (as is true with every realistic relationship). That said, Gladio never in a hundred years would want this moment of (understandable but out of line) frustration and anger in the wake of Luna and Altissa to be a permanent mark on Prompto's face. He's genuinely horrified and disgusted with himself for a long time after this and spends most of his life trying to make it up. He feels like a dirtbag about it.
That said, Prompto runs away from him in this moment and they need time to calm down, just as the fic shows. Noctis goes after Prompto, just like in canon. Prompto falls off the train and has his Despair Arc just like in the DLC, now with the added despair of "well, in addition to being a clone, my soulmate hates me. And in addition to the mark of inhumanity on my wrist (barcode), I have a giant hand print of him literally Shoving Me Away on my face. Forever."
Aranea: Well, do you want to die about it. Or do you want to live.
Prompto, eventually like in canon: Live, I guess. But it will be excruciating.
Aranea: That's what living is. We do it anyway. Your friends love you. Get off the floor.
He fights his way through his issues and gets rescued like in canon. Gladio probably tries to talk to him when they all catch up again, trying to apologize, and Prompto tells him to hold off on that for later.
Then, of course, Noctis is eaten by the crystal and "later" becomes much, much later as they evacuate and try to survive in eternal darkness. (Though they also can't Not think about it because it's a giant hand print. On Prompto's face. And every person they meet has Something To Say about it, for better or worse, whether they knew Prompto before or not. Prompto cannot escape it, and when Gladio is not doing Crown Duties he feels he must do in Noct's absence, he's with Prompto, so he also Cannot Escape It either. Even when the person speaking is unaware that Gladio left that mark. It's almost worse when they don't know, but when they see it's Gladio, who is such a big guy who seemingly hit Prompto and left that permanent mark there, some of them get nasty to him and some back off out of fear. Both are horrible. The guilt is eating him alive.)
Eventually, enough time passes as the dust settles that they do Talk About It. Gladio apologizes sincerely, for the 500th time. Prompto's like, "Well. It's not like you could have known that this would be The One Time it happened." And then cracks a joke about their soulmate mark being a Prompto's hand print on Gladio's ass from a butt slap in another life, which does help the tension somewhat. (The more Gladio tries to apologize, the more Prompto grows sick of hearing it, so they just have to move on and keep going, as he's learned to do.)
They grow closer over time, especially because there's not a lot of people who have survived to this point and even less later on. They do get together romantically, both because they do like the idea of soulmates (for different reasons) and also because they're living out of each others pockets for years, so there's an affection and dependency that develops there. Also, teenage Prompto always thought Gladio was really handsome and teen Gladio thought Prompto was cute and sincere for a pipsqueak.
When they are out together on dates in normal settings surrounded by strangers after the light returns, Gladio will receive dirty looks for the rest of his life from strangers who see the hand print on Prompto's face and immediately (correctly) assumes it was out of anger rather than a funny accident or something. (Edit: Some people will assume there is a funny story attached. Gladio will not know what to say to this. Prompto will play along.) He will learn to live with this. Prompto is really grateful Gladio is with him despite everything.
#FOUR YEARS that's so flattering adjklasjldkja;fsal; thank you for reading and for caring after all this time. it genuinely means a lot#if you were looking for a cuter/succinct answer i'm so sorry and can definitely give you one. this was just one of my more realistic aus#my text#asks#my fic#promptio#ffxv#for the record i don't think gladio and prompto are Rock Solid for the full 10 years in this au#i think they have periods in the darkness where they separate for a while. out of necessity. as many in the dark do.#whether due to feeling antsy or personality clashes or conflicting traumas of what they've had to deal with and Missing Noct and#Losing Faith and Regaining Faith and Obligations and The Horrors and so on#but I do think they cannot escape each other especially with gladio's hand print on prompto's face and so they can't Not think about#each other always. prompto in the mirror. gladio in his dreams.#so they are always drawn together and they do work things out and get used to each other#and end up relatively happy together in the end#they lean on each other a lot in the post-noct times#especially gladio who doesn't know what to do with himself without noctis always and ignis is equally lost#making themselves useful but running around the same ruts in the ground as always#and prompto is over here pulling himself up by his boostraps while pretending he's not crying in the caravan bathroom#like they all are#i do NOT mean for this to sound as depressing as it does. I think like years 1-2 post Hand Incident are really rough with moments of light#and then all the times after that are super solid <3#they DO end up happy together it just takes a lot of hard work and they know each other better than anyone by the end#thank you again for sending this ask after 4 years it is so wonderful to read
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boxfullaturtles · 1 month
Once upon a time, I had an idea for a Rise x FFXV fic. I'm not going to write it because I'm not THAT crazy, but here's a bit I wrote for it at the time because I still think about it sometimes.
Mostly for the silly hahas and the angst and how now everyone has to ride chocobos because the party no longer fits in the car lol.
Anyway, here's this. Uh, lead up? Someone was stealing supplies from the campsites while the Chocobros were out. Manage to track the thief down and it's two turtles? And one of them's really hurt? Would it be a lie to say stranger things have happened to these guys?
“So, what are you guys anyway?” Prompto asks the question through a mouthful of meat, looking Mikey up and down with unashamed curiosity.
“Dude, really?” Noct elbows Prompto in the ribs, almost tipping him over, “They’re obviously turtles.”
“Hey!” Prompto aims a sloppy kick at Noct, missing by a mile, “I meant why are they turtles walking on two legs and talking!”
Ignis loudly clears his throat when Noct and Prompto start kicking at each other. They immediately settle down and tuck back into their dinner.
Mikey hides a laugh as he answers, “Weelllll, we’re mutants! We used to be regular turtles, but then we got combined with some ooze and human DNA and BAM! Instant mutant turtle, baby!” He shrugs at the blank looks he gets from the four humans, “It’s kind of a long story. And complicated.”
When he doesn’t continue, Prompto raises his eyebrows expectantly. But Mikey just takes another bite of food and doesn’t elaborate. Noct trades a glance with Gladio and then with Ignis. The crackling of the campfire fills the silence.
“You mentioned earlier,” Ignis finally tip-toes carefully into the awkward space, “That you believe you and your brother to be...lost?”
“Brothers,” Mikey corrects and it’s the most solemn he’s sounded all day. He lowers his fork so it rests absently on the edge of his plate, staring into the fire, “There’s four of us. Me, Leo and Donnie, and our big brother Raph. I don’t...I don’t know how we got here. It’s all messed up in my head, just confusion and light and…” He takes a deep breath, “I don’t know what happened. I just remember trying to grab onto my brothers but we all got ripped away from each other and then,” He shrugs absently, gaze distant, “I dunno, I woke up somewhere I didn’t know. Wandered around until I managed to find Leo.”
“Leo, he say how he got hurt?” Gladio asks, “It looks like a real nasty voretooth bite but—”
“Yeah, and how come you guys were in a cave instead of a Haven?” Prompto interrupts, “Can’t believe you weren’t attacked this whole time!”
Mikey blinks, “A Haven? What’s a Haven?”
“This is a Haven,” Ignis explains over Noct hissing things at Prompto, “They are safe places that protect travelers from the dangers of the night. Their blessing keeps evil at bay.”
“Oh,” Mikey looks down at the gently glowing runes beneath his feet. It’s darker now, the only remains of the sun a pale red stripe along the horizon, and they blue glow is brighter, clearer, “Huh.”
He’d felt something whenever he set foot on the runes, some kind of tingling warmth washing over him like a gentle tide. But he’d never lingered long enough to chase the feeling or find its source. He’s about to reach out to it with his Ninpō, just to see what would happen, when there comes a sound from the darkness beyond the Haven.
Something flares in the night, darker than black, a frothing void of pitch and foul tar. It yawns open, boiling at the edges as the world crumples to make way for it, and a grotesque creature unfolds from within it, spilling out into the night. It’s yards away, barely visible, but Mikey can just make out the writhing tentacles from the starlight alone.
His throat closes and he’s on his feet, his nunchaku in his hands. A terrified, dizzying nausea is making his gut churn, heart racing so hard its like it’s trying to tear from his chest. He swear he can feel the thing’s eyes on him in the dark, just at the edge of where the firelight can reach. Rage and terror boil inside him, his mind racing. Can he protect everyone here? Can he keep Leo safe? He doesn’t see a metal suit so maybe—
A hand presses on his shell and Mikey starts badly, nearly swinging his nunchaku up to hit whoever touched him.
Ignis doesn’t even flinch at Mikey’s aborted movement, just keeps a calm expression, patient as he looks out into the dark, “A mindflayer. Rather nasty foe and one I would not recommend facing alone.” He turns back to Mikey, keeping a steady hand on the curve of Mikey’s shell, “It’s quite all right, Michelangelo, daemons cannot come near Havens. As I said, they are warded against evil. For one to spawn so close is unusual, but it won’t be able to get any closer. There, see,” Ignis nods his head as indication, “It’s already drifting away.”
Mikey glances from Ignis back to the thing that had crawled into existence—the mindflayer. It’s no longer facing them, already disappearing into the shadows of the trees and fading out of sight. Mikey tries to steady his shaking breath and lets his arms fall to his sides, ends of his weapons knocking against his legs.
They’re safe here. They’re really, actually safe.
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
FFXV - HC’s about your pregnancy and how the boys would take care of you
Female Reader
I have some cute ideas in mind 🖤 Let your dearest boy take care of you 💋 I want to thank everyone who read and support my stuff.
A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google/tumblr)  
Characters: Prompto, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Gladio and Ignis
Warning: Pregnant reader, some argument, mention of love making
A little reminder: Requests are open 😋
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⦁When you tell Prompto about your pregnancy, he is overjoyed! He can't stop kissing you, he even cries because he is so happy! And you cry with him.
⦁He immediately tells the good news to his friends and they of course rejoice with him. It will not be easy to choose a godfather for the child.
⦁He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Seeing you like this, with your beautiful round belly, makes him very happy. A part of him lives in you now.
⦁Prompto is so excited! He is already buying so many things for the unborn child. Clothes, toys and books of fairy tales, so he can read them to his child every night.
⦁Prompto gets you everything you feel like. No matter how crazy your cravings are, he would willingly drive hundreds of miles to see you happy. Even in the middle of the night he will get you your favorite ice cream if you ask for it.
⦁He will protect you and the little one with his life.
⦁When fears and worries rob you of your sleep, Prompto will tell you with that sweet voice of his, that everything will be fine. You will hear words full of love that will make your heart laugh again.
⦁He will probably freak out if you get hurt or catch some illness. He will take good care of you, but overacting sometimes.
⦁On the nights when you are in his arms, he is even more tender and loving than he already is. He loves you and the little one in your belly. Sometimes he sings to his child. Softly and in a gentle voice, while he lovingly looks at you and caressing your belly.
Nyx Ulric:
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⦁ Your pregnancy is not planned at all and you are afraid to tell him that you are expecting a his child.
⦁ Nyx is speechless at first and just stares at you with wide eyes. You don't know what's going on in his head and what he's thinking about, and that makes you very nervous. Does he want this child? Is he going to freak out now?
⦁ Your anxiety grows as no reaction comes from Nyx. But when he sees your tears and the sad expression on your face, he wakes up from his trance. He can't stand to see you so sad and immediately wraps you in his arms "Hey, hey... it's alright. It's okay."
⦁ Nyx is very loving and also understanding. He loves you more than anything. As time goes by, Nyx becomes more and more excited that you are expecting a child from him. A little being that grows inside you. A greater gift you could not offer him.
⦁ However, he is concerned about whether he can provide you and the baby with the life you deserve. He will do anything to make you happy.
⦁ His worries are great, but when he sees you, full of joy and also full of love, he forgets his fears. In you he has met his soul mate.
⦁ Your nights are full of love and passion. Nyx shows you how beautiful you are and how much he desires you.
⦁ Nyx and you become even closer.
⦁ Nyx will no longer risk his life so recklessly, for he has a great responsibility. He chooses his missions carefully and is highly concentrated.
⦁ He informs himself about pregnancy, gets books and guidebooks, so that he is prepared for the coming weeks and months. He supports you where he can, because he knows that pregnancy is not an easy thing.
⦁ When your baby is born, he doesn't leave your side and when he finally sees this sweet little creature, his beautiful blue eyes shimmer with tears. "I love you. Both of you", he says as he strokes your hair and kisses you full of love.
Cor Leonis:
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⦁ You have been trying to have a child for a long time, but it doesn't happen so easily for you.
⦁ The more time goes by and you don't succeed, the more unhappy you are about it. It is your greatest wish, but Cor also wishes to start a family.
⦁ You start to doubt yourself and are afraid that Cor might leave you. Even though you know deep inside that he would never do that. He loves you and wants to share his life with you.
⦁ But one day, when you think all hope is lost a small miracle happens, You can hardly believe it, but it happened!
⦁ Cor can hardly believe it when he comes home and you give him this beautiful news.
⦁ You kiss each other in tears, Cor showers you with kisses. He can't put into words how happy he is. Lovingly he embraces your face, looks at you with tears and smiles. "I love you, Y/N."
⦁ He lifts you in his arms and takes you to the bedroom where he loves you with passion. It's a long night of you making love. You lose all sense of time, because you are in your own world, forgetting everything around you...
⦁ Cor works less to be there for you.
⦁ You take many walks in nature and when you are not feeling well, he lovingly takes care of you.
⦁ You love his kisses on your belly, you like the way he looks at you; full of love and affection. You have found the man to spend the rest of your life with
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⦁ Gladio is completely shocked at first. This was not planned at all! He literally panics!
⦁ He becomes louder, asks you how this is supposed to work? Because as I said, it was not planned at all! He thinks he is completely unsuitable as a father. He has other obligations and can not also take care of a child!
⦁ His extremely negative reaction shocks you. You try to calm him down, but Gladio is much too upset.
⦁ "This shouldn't have happened! Damn it, Y/N!" He doesn't think about what he's saying "What are you doing to me, Y/N?!"
⦁ After that sentence, you can't hold back your tears and Gladio sees that too. He sees your shocked expression and immediately regrets his words. But we know how stubborn he can be and he doesn't even apologize to you at first.
⦁ He leaves the apartment, because he first needs a clear head. He must gain distance from you in order not to hurt you even more. Gladio really regrets his words, but he needs to be alone for now.
⦁ His friend Ignis manages to calm him down and give him some advice. As a result, Gladio calms down and his feelings don't take over his mind. Rational thinking is now the order of the day.
⦁ Gladio really loves you very much and he wants to be there for you.
⦁ When he comes home and finds you crying in your shared bed, it breaks his heart. He asks you for forgiveness and holds you tightly in his arms. "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. Please, Y/N..."
⦁ He knew what an idiot he had been and deeply regrets it.
⦁ Gladio is very gentle and affectionate in dealing with you. He treats you as if you were made of glass.
⦁ And if anyone is rude or rough with you, oh, God have mercy on them! He becomes overprotective.
⦁ He shows a lot of understanding when your hormones go crazy.
⦁ Lying in his lap, he strokes your hair and is so happy about the course his life has taken.
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⦁ When you tell Ignis the happy news, he is overjoyed! You made him the proudest man in the world. His beautiful wife brings new life into the world! Who would not be happy and proud?
⦁ You both knew from the beginning that you wanted children. You didn't want to wait long to have them and now you are going to be very young parents.
⦁ Ignis takes care of you as if you were the greatest treasure on earth. Well, he did that before, but now his protective instinct has also become stronger.
⦁ Ignis cooks you meals that are healthy, but also very tasty! So no boring dishes, just really fancy things!
⦁ Ignis knows that you are going through a special time and that you need every support, and you will get it from him. He does most of the housework because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
⦁ He will prepare baths for you, with fragrant oils, and petals of flowers. And while you take a bath, he admires you, caressing your belly, while he keeps looking at you gently. Full of love.
⦁ He often makes trips with you. Your favorite destination is Galdin Quay. There you spend passionate nights together.
⦁ Sometimes, you sit on the beach at night and look at the stars in the sky. You talk about your future. These evenings will remain in your memory for a long time, because they are very special.
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sageteapost · 2 years
| Chocobros Dating Drabbles |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia x GN! Reader ]
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TW & CW + Tags: None. No major spoilers mentioned. [All separate pairings. All established relationships. GN! reader.]
Summary: Quick little dating drabbles with each of the chocobros, just overall cuteness and fluff.
[(A/N): Hey hey!! My first FFXV piece. Not requested, but I REALLY wanted to make these since I've started playing recently. No major spoilers please!! I'd appreciate it a lot. As always, enjoy!]
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Noctis loves, and I mean LOVES sleeping. Or napping. He feels at peace in this state and he can rest from the chaos of the world, even for a bit.
With you in his life, expect to be pulled into multiple cuddle sessions with him. On the couch, in a bed, or even in the Regalia. Doesn't matter. If he's going to bed, he's dragging your ass to sleep. And he's not afraid to pout and whine a bit if you refuse.
He's usually the bigger spoon, but he doesn't mind being the little spoon as well. Or any position really. As long as he senses your presence, he'll sleep like a baby.
To Noctis, these are special and soft moments to him. The feeling of your bodies close to one another feels so intimate, yet so sweet. He feels safe and it relaxes his mind to know that you're in his arms. Safe and sound.
Oh Iggy. First off, if you ever ask if you could accompany him by helping in the kitchen, he'd happily agree. How could he not. Don't know how to cook? Don't worry! He'll teach you every you'll need to know.
He appreciates hearing constructive criticism or ideas for a new recipe. Not only does he find it helpful, but it also lets him know that you care about him and his interests.
Something Ignis has grown to love over the course of your relationship; is simply spending quiet time together. Reading books quietly, or you resting your head on his lap while he reads a story out loud to you.
You make him feel at ease. Although it doesn't look like it, being on the road makes him tired. And if he can at least get some quiet, alone time with you, Ignis is a happy man.
Look at this giant and lovable golden retriever. Gladio can be and looks like a tough guy, but he's a softie and a romantic at heart.
Always teasing you. Lightheartedly. He loves seeing you flustered and that man is not afraid to make you do so. But he's also the king of giving you compliments that'll make you swoon.
Gladio would watch Disney movies with you if you asked him to do so. He at first denies that he likes them (secretly loves Beauty and the Beast) but eventually he breaks and will start singing along to the songs.
No matter what, he'll protect you always. He may be the King's Shield, but when it comes to you, he'll keep you safe from any and all danger. Even if it costs him his life.
Aww, the little chocobean. Prompto is literally like a ball of sunshine. He strives to make you smile and laugh, even if he uses bad corny jokes to do so.
Will ask—no, beg you to come to see the chocobos with him. Race with them, feed them, and definitely take a couple of pictures together while you're there.
Speaking of taking pictures, if you let him, Prompto always take snapshots of you whenever he finds the perfect spot to do so. One time in Lestallum, he snuck a quick kiss to your cheek and caught your surprised expression on camera. Needless to say, it's his favorite shot of you.
At the end of the day, he loves you dearly. You bring him so much happiness into his life and give him another reason to keep going. The only thing he could ever ask is this; don't break his heart and leave him behind.
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vee-beeee · 11 months
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Another short fluffy and crack one one for yallll, because Im trying not to write 3 million words LOL
If you know what video this is from, you are a certified hood banger
Premise: The boys are a littleeee competitive
just a tad
but so are you
Warnings: anger, swearing maybe, big baby rage mad boys, poor gladio
Chocobros x reader
"Prompto, I swear to god, if you win again ill kill you"
"I'm joining in on that"
"Anything for his majesty"
Sooooo you were currently sitting at a picnic table, cards in hand, watching 3 angry men stare down a VERY scared Prom. The poor guy chuckled and shied away from the group while Noctis silently took his turn, slapping down a card as he continued to glare at the blonde. Ignis took his turn and as always, he took 5 minutes to analyze his cards. You bit the inside of your cheek, and looked down at your own cards, feeling a little bad for Prompto. But he had won 3 times already, so that made any guilt you felt fade away. This was war.
As you scanned your cards you found a pretty deadly one in the mix. Should you do it?
Should you play a +4 on Gladio when he only had 2 cards left?
He might actually strangle you, nobody would be able save you.
Oh well. You will die a peaceful death, suffocating in his bicep.
Your turn
"NO WHY" Gladio yelled out from next to you when he saw the card you gently threw into the pile, making you cringe away from the burly man. Noctis burst into laughter, and Ignis joined in silent chuckles when he saw the card.
"Y/n, baby, why would you do this too me??" you closed your eyes and sighed, slowly facing the man. You cracked one peeper open to see that he looked SO depressed, his shoulders were hunched and he was grumbling as he grabbed the extra cards. Feeling bad, you brushed your arm against his and gently leaned up to kiss his cheek. He just glared at you, and continued pouting.
Gladio finished taking all the cards, and soon it was Prompto's turn. Everyone waited with bated breathe as he sighed a reluctantly took one more card. Cue everyone cheering.
Prompto looked like a kicked puppy, so you leaned over to him to give him some encouragement. Kinda
"Just remember, you've won 2 times already" you winked and pulled yourself back to your original position as Prom reddened, and gave you a small smile. You returned it, and the game continued.
Finally, it was your turn once again. You turned to Gladio and saw him intensely staring at your cards, almost like he was scared of what was going to happen. You smirked to yourself and put down a regular red card, and you watched Gladio's body sag with relief. He exhaled and put down a green card (same number) without thinking twice.
And then everyone turned to Prompto, who sheepishly drew another card.
And then another.
And then another.
This went on for a WHILE
Prompto started screaming about how he "doesn't have a green" and your party started wheezing with laughter at the poor blonde.
Finally he managed to pull one.
Prom let out a relieved groan as he set down a green nine. He looked down at his massive amount of cards he accumulated and you counted that he had 10. You gave him a sad smile, and he opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted.
By Ignis telling Noct "not to do it"
You looked over and saw the prince shaking with laughter, as Ignis (having seen the card being shown to him) was desperately telling Noct not to do something.
And then he put down a green reverse card.
And Prompto almost burst into tears. He cried out one final "I DONT HAVE A GREEN" while Noctis fell backwards with laughter. You looked around the group, and mentally took a picture of everyone.
Promptos look of absolute betrayal, Gladio holding on to his stomach and wheezing, and Ignis with his head in his hands.
And of course, Noctis on the ground.
You leaned your face in your hands that were resting on the table and chuckled, and slightly kicked the giggling prince who was rolling under the table.
You loved game night.
Just a lil short one :D
I rewatched this uno video and I love it so much lol
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strayheartless · 11 months
In honour of Prompto Argetum’s birthday have a few fun head canons of the boy (promptis. Don’t like don’t read. You know the drill.):
He’s VERY fond of strawberry Mochi
When Noctis takes the vegetables out of his food, Prompto will start moving them onto his own plate. Food is good and Prompto will eat whatever’s going.
He’s naturally cuddly, and gravitates towards heat sources in his sleep. Noctis would not mind this if it were not for the fact that Prompto has the core temperature of a polar ice cap.
Prompto’s entire speech pattern is comprised of movie quotes and song lyrics (I feel like that one’s just cannon at this point.)
He gets really sweet when he’s sleepy. Rubs his eyes, puts his head on peoples shoulders. There’s always a point at which someone will teasingly say “are you tired Prompto?” And all they will get is a sleepy nod before Prompto curls into whoever’s shoulder he’s decided to commandeer as a pillow.
The hair style was an accidental choice. He did it for a party; Noctis said he liked it; now it stays.
He’s a big fan of hair playing and scalp scritches. 10/10 will do tricks for scritches.
He’s got a favourite camp chair. He’s convinced it’s magical, because apparently whenever he sits in it campfire smoke never follows him. It’s not Gladio just can’t be arsed hearing him whine all night about the smoke so he places Prompto’s chair against the wind.
Prompto kissed Noct first. It was spur of the moment and he’s pretty sure he blacked out from panic during it but Noctis just looked so pretty, and UGHHHH.
Their first date was low key a disaster, because Prompto tried to be smooth and ended up just being clumsily tripping head first in the castle fountain. BUT, Noctis laughed and kissed him again so he will sheepishly classify it as a win!
“Ever at your side” is Prompto’s “as you wish” it’s his I love you when I love you doesn’t feel like it’s enough.
There are too many pictures of Noct of Proms camera honestly. Noctis looks cute while he’s sleeping? *click* Noctis laughs at Iggys horrible dad jokes? *click* candid moments watching the sun set? *click* gross double chin close ups? *click* intimate moments with permission to take a photo? *click* Noctis stupidly assumes the camera battery is dead and lets his guard down? *click* Noctis is failing to use chop sticks while eating instant Raman in the snow? *click* honestly he has a problem.
If you have some of your own feel free to drop them in the comments!
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catboyidia · 10 months
since ever crisis is doing a crossover with ix it made me think that maybe they’ll do events with other ffs too, and my fave is xv so heres my propositions for who i think would get who’s outfit
cloud: noctis, they’re both the main characters of their ff games so it just kinda makes sense, cause i can only assume thats what they did with the ix collab and giving cloud zidane’s(?) costume (i think but i might be wrong i know literally nothing about ix…)
zack: prompto!!! noctis’ best friend!!! silly little puppy dog men!!! i think zack would probably fit prompto the best overall
aerith: lunafreya! because luna’s dress reminds me of that one skin they already gave aerith, the wedding dress looking one! and i think aerith would look really pretty in luna’s outfit :) plus they’re both like the healer kind of characters
tifa: probably cindy i think, cindy’s outfit kinda reminds me of tifa’s bathing suit outfit (i’m not entirely sure why but it just kinda does) and that one feels more likely than pairing tifa with iris, but i do think tifa would look very cute in iris’ outfit too! its really hard to choose when theres only like… 3 women in xv
barret: gladio! they’re both just the buffest ones tbh… not really any other correlation but i think the outfit would look good on barret
sephiroth: ardyn… i just think it would be funny to see baby sephiroth dressed in *that* monstrosity! plus i think matching the villians would make sense like matching the mcs, like cloud and noctis! although actually i also think ravus’ outfit would totally suit sephiroth!!! like 100% it would look so good!!! (it would also further my seph/aerith sibling hc)(no i don’t actually think they’re siblings i just think the ideas fun and cute)
bonus: yuffie: iris!!! if tifa doesn’t get iris’ then i think yuffie would also suit it super well!!! i would love to see yuffie as iris, plus character wise it makes more sense to me for yuffie to be paired with iris than tifa getting iris…
bonus 2: rufus: ravus! since sephiroth as ravus wouldn’t really make sense, pairing the secondary “antagonists” does! plus they’re outfits are both really cool and mostly white and i just overall think rufus would look super good (i love both ravus and rufus a lot so i’m highly biased)
bonus 3: red xiii: ignis… i think it would be funny trying to get him into one of ignis’ suits… or, idk how they would do it, but umbra or pryna!
cursed bonus: hojo: verstael except hojo gets the verstael episode ardyn treatment where you find out that hojo in his younger years was actually a cute twink that looked similar to sephiroth
blessed bonus: if we say fuck gender and give them the main 4 we can have cloud/noctis, zack/prompto, aerith/ignis (i wanna see her in like any ignis outfit… the suits…), and tifa/gladio (IMAGINE! JUST THINK ABOUT IT! YOU SEE THE VISION! THE OPEN SHIRT?! SHE WOULD LOOK SO GOOD!)
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thevanillerose · 2 months
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own anything except my own writing. All properties belong to their respective creators.
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“Hey, time to get up sleepy head!” “Mnn...” “C'mon princess, you'll have plenty time to doze later...” “Jes...just...one more minute...”
You jolted up like you were on a spring, and quickly shoved his heavy boot away from your side. He hadn't kicked you hard, you were more irritated by the fact that he had pulled you out of such a nice dream. Riding a Chocobo through a field of fluffy white cotton. Ah...you could just...lay back down and...drift away again...
“Ah ah ah, you're not gonna slip that one by me. Come on-” A strong hand took you by the arm and hoisted you up before you had a chance to even open your eyes properly. Rubbing the sleep from them as you were sent stumbling forth and out of the tent flaps, you finally came to enough to turn and give him a good glare.
The man who woke you up was Gladiolus Amicitia- the trusted and loyal bodyguard for Prince Noctis. He stood tall in the sunlight...though he always stood tall, whatever the weather. Hard not to when you were pushing 6'6”. And if his height wasn't notable enough, his muscles certainly were. To say the guy worked out would be an understatement.
Amber eyes smirked back at you, and you scoffed, running a hand through your messy [H/C] hair so you could at least smooth it down. Yes, much like the Crown Prince himself, you were bad for sleeping in. However, Gladio hadn't even given you time to get ready, much less compose yourself. And you needed to. He was training you this morning...and training with him was really no joke.
“Remember what I taught you last time?” he walked over and slapped his palm down around your shoulder. You just looked up at him sourly. “I barely remember my own name right now.” He just laughed heartily. It was hard not to cheer up a bit when he did. His happy moments may not have been as infectious as Prompto's, but it was always nice to see such a tough man smile. Really, he wasn't so bad.
Gladio had been training you like this every morning for the past week while you camped out in Duscae, but it wasn't out of cruelty. If anything, it was the opposite.
You were more of a tactician than anything else, and sometimes you really felt tacked on to this party. Even being sent to accompany and protect Prince Noctis had been a last minute affair. Not that you were complaining...it was far better to be here than back in Insomnia.
You were still shaken by the news. And Noct...well...you tried not to ever talk about it with him.
Gladio only wanted you to feel like you were of more use, since you had told him you'd felt you weren't of any. He was looking out for you by doing this...as torturous as it could be having to wake up at the break of dawn and start exerting yourself. Regardless, you were grateful.
“C'mon princess, let's get going before the others wake up. You wanna be back in time for Ignis' famous breakfast, right?” Gladiolus attempted to spur you on with the promise of food, and yes, shamefully, it was enough to get you going. Letting him lead the way down off the camping plateau and toward the marshy plains, you jogged lightly after him, but soon picked up the pace enough to become level with the guy.
A little sweat was already gathering on your brow but you tried not to make a big deal of it. It would be true to say that part of you wanted to impress him. When it came to anything physical he was always the king, and you at least wanted to keep up in some respects.
Eventually you reached your destination, which was one of the fishing shacks arranged around the edges of the vast lake there. Coming to a stop by the mirror-esque water, you caught sight of yourself reflected within it. All hunched over with your hands on your knees like that and your hair strewn haphazardly around your face, you couldn't help grimacing.
So what? You were spending one-on-one time with an objectively attractive male. Who could really blame you for wanting to look presentable?
Quickly fixing yourself, you then turned and exhaled slowly, seeing that Gladio was already standing there ready and waiting to start the next phase of training. The run here was only meant as a warm up. Here was where the real tricky stuff started.
You called it 'tricky' because you really weren't a fighter. Sure, you could handle the daggers you carried well enough, but you were still distinctly lacking when it came to combat. Gladio was here to help you gain that sharp edge...to become more capable. You hoped.
“Let's pick up where we left off last time.” he cracked his knuckles, though it was for preparation, not intimidation. “You need to learn to become more aware of your surroundings. Half of combat is all about blocking. If you go crazy just trying to get in a hit anywhere you can, you'll not only tire yourself out, but you'll leave yourself completely open for a counterstrike.” This was all knowledge you could have inferred yourself, but you still listened to him intently as he carried on: “The key is timing. Knowing when to attack, and knowing when to shield yourself. Now-”
Suddenly, his fist swung. You gasped and stumbled back a step, quickly throwing up your arm in a clumsy fashion. Naturally he didn't plan on actually hitting you, but his knuckle still came close enough to give you a scare. Pulling back again, Gladio took another step towards you and laid his hand upon your shoulder once more, making sure you were steady. “See, now that's an issue. And it was only hand to hand too. You'll definitely struggle if you try to block a sword like that.”
Most certainly in the case of the one he carried. No innuendo intended.
“Right...okay...” you sighed heavily. A bout of weariness hit you again but you quickly shook your head to get rid of the sensation. Gladiolus didn't seem to notice, instead just carrying on with his lesson.
“Let me show you the best way of doing this. Take out your daggers for me.”
Doing as he asked, you placed them in his palm when he held it out expectantly. Lifting the weapons to his eyeline, Gladio then felt the blade of one between his thumb and forefinger, before humming and nodding.
“Yeah, it's strong enough alright.” “Strong enough for what?” Your innocently phrased question prompted a live demonstration from the man. And you didn't feel quite so innocent when he stood behind you and pressed up against your back.
It was in moments like these that you really noticed how small you were compared to him. You weren't actually that tiny for a girl, but you were practically a gnat in comparison to someone like Gladio. His strong and muscled arms looped around in front of your chest, though didn't wrap around you. Rather, he had only positioned himself in such a way so that he could take your hands in his and help guide the glinting blades. Even his hands alone seemed to engulf yours...
“See, if you cross them like this-” Gladio moved your limbs so that blade was against blade, forming something of an 'X' shape, “-it'll act as a makeshift shield for you. Blocking a two handed beast like this still isn't ideal, but it gives you an option if you don't have the time or speed to roll aside.”
As you stared up at the two intertwined blades, you could see the sun shining boldly through the gap. The heat from those golden rays beat down upon your already sweating face, and you squinted. Your vision started to blur, your knees wobbling.
Suddenly the sky was rolling around you. A mix of blues and greens shot through your vision, until you felt the middle of your back hit something firm. The sight before you was replaced by a sudden darkness, and your eyes fell heavy before closing...
Some time passed, yet for you it was an instant. Those same eyes of yours began to flicker, letting in little glimpses of far more filtered light, before eventually opening enough to let you see the canopy of leaves above. At your side, your palm ventured out to help push you up, gracing over a soft, cool fabric, set down against the slightly moist grass. Though you managed to urge yourself to sit, something quickly took hold of your shoulder.
You knew that motion anywhere.
Looking over, you could see Gladiolus sitting on the same navy blue blanket, his arm outstretched to hold you steady. His sharp amber eyes never left your weary visage for a second.
“Easy there...just take it slow.” he urged you cautiously, before gently letting his hand slip away when he was sure you were sitting fine. Blinking a few more times to clear away the last spots of drowsiness, you observed the gruff man with a furrowed brow.
“...What...what happened?” “You fainted.” he stated simply, turning his attention away from you momentarily to focus on the pot of food he was stirring, before looking back again. “It was my fault. I think I pushed you too much, too soon.” “No that's...that's what I wanted though...” you spoke drearily and shook your head in what felt like slow motion. Clearly you still weren't totally together after that ordeal, but at least you were in the shade.
Gladiolus must have caught you when you collapsed. Good thing he was standing right there, eh?
“Doesn't matter what you wanted, I should have seen it coming. Obviously you were already at your limit.” Gladiolus continued to scold himself while he spooned up some soup and motioned closer. His hand went to your lower back and he held the spoon before your lips. “Open up. Ignis made this for you.”
Usually you would have been internally freaking out at this point. Every time he touched you during training you always felt a bit of a spark anyway, but here he really was treating you like the 'princess' he affectionately called you (even though you were far from royalty). However, you were still so woozy that you merely did as he wanted with little reaction, opening your mouth and letting him feed you. It was delicious of course, as could be expected from the delicacy master himself- Ignis. Though a worrying thought came to mind as he helped you eat, and between your second and third spoonful you had to ask:
“-Did the other boys find out about this then?” “What, about you fainting?” Gladiolus smirked and shook his head. “Don't worry, I had a feeling you'd want to save face. I just told them you wanted to have breakfast down by the lake since it looked so nice. They didn't suspect a thing.”
Good. Relieved, you started to relax a little more. Your strength returned enough to let you finish the soup yourself, and once you had you felt magnanimously better. Finally, you were human again.
“That was awful. Dammit...why am I so weak?” you questioned curtly, and Gladiolus took his turn to frown. “[Y/N], you're not weak. Not even slightly. Do you think we could have come this far if you were?” He had a point. You were already well underway on your journey, and it wasn't like it had always been a piece of cake. Still... “I need to be stronger than this. I need to get stronger so I can protect the Prince...”
Yes. Maybe you did. But as Gladio looked at you, he didn't see a single thing he really wanted to change. At first he could admit that he had doubted how useful you would be as part of the Crownsguard. Yet over time he had come to see just how important you were to the team. You were incredibly smart, and quick thinking. You had a knack for knowing what to do even in the most baffling situations. Just as a good defence was as important as a good attack, it was also crucial to have that kind of clarity at your disposal.
Besides...that wasn't the only thing he had started to notice about you. You had many other notable assets too...and as you sat there in the mottled shade of the lakeside tree, he saw one of them very clearly. A gentle, tender smile had spread across your lips and in turn illuminated the rest of your features. Sometimes he doubted it was possible you could look any prettier, yet in that moment you perhaps looked the most beautiful he had ever seen you.
“Thank you, Gladio. For helping me so much. I promise I'll do better next time...” “Don't...don't worry about it.” Did he just stutter? Stumble over his words? Hell, he even rubbed the back of his neck like a sheepish schoolboy. Gladiolus quickly composed himself again though. Right now wasn't the right time for that. Right now he wasn't ready to reveal anything of that nature.
“You can take a day off tomorrow, and then we'll carry on after that.” he told you, to which you nodded affirmatively. “Sounds good.”
That was right. For the moment...he just had to focus.
In a way...he was training himself too.
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