#and mine is just two pages
In the beginning, everything had started out okay.  
Not great, not amazing, but not terribly bleak either—it was somewhere in the middle of love and tolerance.  The bleary nature of the two would often bleed together as each day passed with a sunrise and a sunset.  By the time night fell, it was impossible to predict how the next day would treat them.
Whether the wind would be in his favor, or if he would be subjected to her hauteur scorn; it was impossible to tell.
He loved her dearly in every way that he could possibly love.  He loved her with poetry and songs on the tips of his lips.  He loved her with water and a gentle hand to pluck the weeds at the base of her stem.  He loved her with a glass dome to keep her safe from the wind and the butterflies.  But they were young, and would not grow to learn what love was until much later.
She tried to love him back, but could never understand what real love was.  Roses were not born with the same feelings of tender care and kindness as a young boy.  She never would be able to reciprocate his love with sweet words and nectar-flavored kisses.  
She could not care for him when the wind would fill his sickly lungs with stardust and sickness.  She could not care for him when a nebulous cloud of sadness would make it hard for him to look at her in the morning and he would withdraw.  And she could not care for him when her apathetic words caused him harm.
A rose and a prince: too young to understand what it meant to be together.
And yet, they loved each other in the only way possible for their youth while on an asteroid too small to house them both.
For an indeterminate amount of time, they waltzed in an ever-wistful dance of miscommunication and strife.  Neither could tell what the other truly wanted until there was an air of dissatisfaction settling in the spaces between.
The lines between them were incoherent and blurred as they groped blindly for a ground on which both could stand without overtaking the other.  When one tried to speak up, the other got drowned out and pushed to the side.  If he bent to her wishes, he would wilt underneath the setting sun.  But if he did not, she would wither against the wind.
Her truculent words were always full of honey-rich sarcasm, waiting for him to respond in the juvenile way that he always would.  They would argue.  She would cough dramatically as if the mere conversation made her ill.  And he would sulk off to tend to his asteroid.  But there was never enough space for the air to really clear the acrid tension.
They were too young to understand each other, too different, too ignorant of everything going on around them; stuck together as denizens on a tiny asteroid.
Every night, he covered her with a glass dome carefully constructed to protect her from the incessant wind; in turn, she would complain about the stuffiness of the wretched object every morning.
With her florid complexion, she used it as a testament to her vanity, obsessed with her delicate petals and three pathetic-looking thorns.  All day it would be all she would talk about: her petals, her stem, her leaves, her thorns.
Of course, she was beautiful, as all roses were, but the Prince had never seen a rose before.  So to him, she was the most laudable thing he had ever seen.  Even with the way that she would close up her petals, turn away from him contemptuously, and pretend to wither just to make him feel bad.
He listened to her talk on and on, in return she would merely cast him a glance and stick her vinous petals up into the air.  He protected her from weeds and insects, and she complained about him not doing it well enough.  He tried to offer a different solution and she would cough and choke up, refusing to say anything for the rest of the night.
Every day went on the same, an endless back and forth of wishing to understand the other a bit better.  She couldn’t begin to understand the love that he showed through his actions and words.  And he was unable to recognize her fondness of him since it was so well hidden behind every peremptory complaint.
Days turned into weeks.  Weeks turned into months.  And months turned into a disconcerting year.  Sunrise after sunset.  They were still too young to come up with that perfect balance between love and tolerance.
Soon, and with little warning, the Prince’s asteroid had become too small for him.  Too small for him to continue to tend to in the way that he had done previously.  His volcanoes seemed like massive pits that he could scarcely hide behind.  His chair was too small for him to recline in and watch the sunset as he once did (even now the sunsets didn’t bring him the same solace as before).
And because they were too young to understand each other, the Little Prince could not come up with a better escape than to leave.  No words were spoken as he took advantage of a flock of migrating birds to take his leave.  The Rose watched him apathetically and turned her petals away from the sight, trembling in the wind that she would soon have no protection against.
With no destination in mind and suddenly feeling unfortunately small in the ineffably large galaxies, the Little Prince allowed rivulets of tears to carve lines down the delicate skin of his cheeks.  He loved his rose dearly, and yet the pain of staying was too overwhelming for him.
They were both too young to know how to properly love.  So the Little Prince left his rose alone on his asteroid with the uncertainty of when he would return, if at all.
A Prince and a Rose, loving in nature and yet incapable of understanding what that was supposed to mean.
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not-so-rosyyy · 7 months
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they keep baiting her but she said:
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vivenecii · 1 year
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The amount of time it took me to finish this little drawing is ungodly. Maybe as it should be, I drew a demon after all
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non-plutonian-druid · 3 months
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Hi everyone for TUA Masked Author this year i spent two months making a FORTY PAGE COMIC which is why i completely evaporated in the spring! Couldn't explain my absence earlier but now we're not anonymous anymore so it's allowed!
its an adaptation of the end of the war by @e-vasong!
mind the tags, most content warnings for the original apply here too, including °.•☆•.°~graphic (cartoon) gore~°.•☆•.°
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softambrollins · 8 months
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sweetandglovelyart · 8 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 6
Meta Knight begins his long fall to Popstar’s surface and passes by some familiar faces on the way down.
#Kirby#Kirby fanart#my art#comic#Meta Knight#Dark Meta Knight#Sailor Dee#Taranza#sorry it took me so long to finish this page but it’s finally done#I hope that the title of the comic makes sense to everyone now#I called it Knightfall in Dream Land because the knight fell into Dream Land lmao#the parts of the comic set in the present are occurring around the time of Return to Dream Land#so the gang hasn’t met Taranza yet and isn’t aware of Floralia’s existence#but since Meta has a long fall to the surface I’d imagine he’d probably crash through Floralia on the way down and pass by the mirror#I tend not to give specific ages/age numbers to Kirby characters in my fanart/fan AU#the first reason for this is that different characters probably age at different rates since they’re different species#and the second reason for this is that I don’t see years between game releases equating to years passing for the characters#I mean just look at Adeleine she’s still a kid in Star Allies even though that was released almost two decades after Crystal Shards lmao#instead of giving characters specific ages I headcanon them as being in certain age ranges#so in the present Kirby Bandee and Sailor are all kids (and Bandee and Sailor are a bit older than Kirby)#I also see characters like Gooey Adeleine and Ribbon as being kids too#while characters like Taranza Susie Magolor Marx and the Mage Sisters are young adults#and characters like Meta Knight Dedede Daroach Captain Vul and Hyness are older adults#but in the parts of the comic set in the past Meta Knight and Dedede are young adults and Taranza is a kid#and Kirby and the Dees are babies#the older spiders shown here with Taranza and Sectonia are OCs of mine who are their mothers#their names are Lady Theraphoza (Taranza’s mom) and Queen Rachnia (Sectonia’s mom)#I’m giving Taranza some backstory since HAL refuses to tell us anything about him except he’s sad about Sectonia lmao#this post has too many tags but maybe I’ll make a separate post with my Spider Lore#Knightfall in Dream Land
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dustofthedailylife · 3 months
My bf just called me to tell me that his professor sent him the evaluation for his master's thesis and he got a 1.0 (FYI, that's the highest it can go. There is nothing above that. It's literally perfect essentially.)
I could cry, I'm so happy for him!! He's such a smart cookie.
I'm still waiting for my grades (it's been three months... 🥲)
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floydsteeth · 7 months
Chev!!!!!!Chevalier!!!!!!! My former favorite pretty boy!!!! :D
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and off he goes!
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uygfiug · 17 days
:) my dutch teacher with similar taste in books as me seems to be the one picking what we read this year :DD
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cicadaknight · 1 year
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Finished binding volume 1 of Becoming Whole!
@pikapeppa thank you for being so lovely and sharing your writing with the world! (And for hyping me up and sending me pretty photomode screenshots)
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lovelaceisntdead · 6 months
I'm working on a binding of mabel and the way the signatures worked out I have quite a few blank pages and I'd like to add some fanart to those pages, so if anyone has any favourites or any you've made please send them my way
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
sister saw me wearing the puffer that i use for my daigo cosplay since im cold all the time and sweaters arent enough and she was just like 'i really like it :) you look so. 👊💥' and after going What she was like 'you look real cool :) is what i meant :)' like thank you sister of mine youre too silly for this life
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michameinmicha · 1 year
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current obsession project and some fave pages so far
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every-eye-evermore · 1 year
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oops! I read three books in a few hours!
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raifuujin · 2 years
It’s done!
The directory of all the various DC related books (that I own) has been completed!
Not all of the scans are mine, when other people have shared for the main series and spinoffs over the years, but a very solid chunk are my scans of all the ‘unimportant’ material. (If other people had good scans, I opted to save my own time, even if I could scan my own copies, basically.) And now it’s all fairly organized in one easy access list!
Includes: Conan, Kaito, Yaiba, the novels, movie manga, educational manga, activity books, tokubestuhen, archives, game guides, etc.
Now that it’s caught up, I’ll try to keep it up to date when I get more books in the future.
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