#and minho’s dramas and films (i really need to watch more of them)
tulsa24 · 2 years
2022 was such a great time to become a shawol 💎
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cityofjieun · 3 months
★ . . . . -ˏˋ 2KIDS ROOMˊˎ | EP. 3 - JIA x HAN
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date: february 2022 era: maniac word count: 1.4K
a/n: this took a lot longer than i planned and i'm not sure if i like it but if i don't post it now i literally never will. 2 ji is a realtionship thats very dear to me so i hope i did them justice. please lemme know what you think 🙇🏽‍♀️
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HAN: [sitting on the couch by himself, looking off camera] are you going to come over here so we can start or are you going to stall a little longer?
JIA: [OFF CAMERA] i’m waiting for manager-nim to find the clause in my contract that says i wouldn't have to film with han-ssi outside of group schedules... i think this is a mistake.
HAN: [GIGGLING BUT LOOKING TOWARD THE CAMERA] do you see how difficult jia-nim is… aish, she’s caught the celebrity disease.
JIA: and you would know all about that, oppa-nim [ SITTING DOWN ON THE COUCH ] i mean, you caught it before you were even famous.
HAN: okay, moving on!
SEUNGMIN: han and jia.
FELIX: they’re like oil and vinegar.
CHANGBIN: in what way??
CHAN: they don’t mix necessarily, but they still go together well.
JIA: [ CLAPS ] chidongz 2kids room!
HAN: i still don't know how to feel about that?
JIA: you learn to live with it, i mean it’s a cuter way of calling us rodents…
JIA: anyways, when was the last time we hung out, han-ssi?
HAN: i remember we watched that j-drama you saw on tiktok together but i can’t exactly remember when that was. i see you so much that it kind of blurs together.
JIA: honestly, we are together a lot. you are a homebody, so we don’t actually go out as much as i wish we would, but we usually hang out together at the dorms.
HYUNJIN: have you noticed that they always tend to end up at our dorm?
JEONGIN: which is interesting, because you'd think jisung-hyung would just come over to ours more because jieun and lino-hyung are there and he could kill two birds with one stone.
HYUNJIN: that gives him too much credit, it's too sensible.
MINHO: [POINTEDLY IGNORING HYUNJIN] i think it's because jisung-ah thrives in his own personal space, while being home for too long might make jieunnie feel a bit trapped.
HAN: but we did go out recently to... [TRAILING OFF] umm… what was it…
JIA: [CUTTING HIM OFF] so the time we spend together means nothing.
HAN: stop.
JIA: anyways! we went to a cafe in hannam-dong i really wanted to try. i saw it in yoon seung-ah’s vlogs. they’re known for their bagels and that location specifically has a pretty view of the river so i wanted to take insta pictures.
HAN: OH! and we got lost trying to find it?
JIA: because you insisted, we didn't need directions. HAN: [ROLLS EYES] hey, we found it eventually, didn't we? JIA: after wandering around for an hour! by the time we got there the wait was insane.
HAN: [UNDER HIS BREATH] yeah and the bagels were a bit mid for how long we waited.
JIA: we wouldn’t have had to so long if some had gotten up when i told him to originally AND actually used his phone maps [WACKING HIS SHOULDER TO EMPHAZISE HER POINT]
JIA: i think we should go on a trip together next time we have a vacation. we’ve never gone anywhere just the two of us like that it could be fun.
HAN: a vacation with you….
JIA: what’s that supposed to mean???
HAN: i’m kidding i’m kidding
JIA: yeah sure.
HAN: you are very J so you would make a whole itinerary, wouldn’t you?
JIA: i think having a general plan of what you want to do make sure you get to make the most of you time
HAN: hmmm sure...where would we even go?[THINKING] Japan could be fun. Lots of great food, and it's a short trip. What about you?
JIA: [SMILES] Japan sounds fun. But I'd say Europe. We could explore so many different countries and cultures. I’d love to be able to use my french.
HAN: oh, i have an interesting question, what would we do if the other disappeared.
JIA: oh, this gets a bit serious.
HAN: [SERIOUS] it's funny because i think with any other member, i think i’d want to let them have their space because obviously if they run away, it's for some reason and they want to be alone. but i think if you were so upset that you’d isolate yourself, i’d have to check on you immediately. [ TOWARDS THE CAMERA TO AVOID EYE CONTACT WITH JIEUN ] she isn't someone that likes to be by herself, alone time isn’t really something she seeks because she thrives around others, so i think if she's going out of her way to be by herself like that something is really wrong.
JIA: [A BIT STARTLED AT HIS SERIOUSNESS, AS WELL AS THE SLIGHT READ] aww ji…[POKING HIS ARM] i think i'd obviously want to respect the fact that hanji wanted time alone, but i'd have to check in at some point. [SHE PEEKS AT JISUNG BEFORE CONTINUING A BIT BASHFULLY] i know we have very different social batteries, and hanji is pretty good about just letting me know when he needs some time to himself. but i think if he was to go off and not respond i’d be worried.”
CHAN: honestly, i think out of everyone, jieun has opened up to han the most, besides seungmin.
FELIX: which is interesting because they’re so different.
SEUNGMIN: i think they get on so well because they’re aware of how different they are.
CHANGBIN: oh absolutely. the two used to clash a lot, and i think they came to a point where they had to understand how they were different, and what accommodations they need to make to understand the other better.
CHAN: wahh changbin, you're so insightful.
JIA: this may be the only time i every admit to this, but sometimes i wish i were more like you in some ways
HAN: in what ways?
JIA: i mean, like you said earlier i’m not one who enjoys being by themselves. i think when i'm alone for too long i begin to think too hard and get into my own head. honestly, i think not being able to properly spend time alone with myself is a bit unhealthy. i kinda admire the fact that you are capable of being on your own and enjoy your own company.
MINHO: i’ve been trying to get jieunnie to understand that it’s not wrong to want to be around others and have companionship, it's an innately human thing, you know.
HYUNJIN: she’s a lot like changbin-hyung. he likes to just sit in my room with me to just be there.
JEONGIN: [GIGGLING TO HIMSELF] well, that's because it's you and changbin hyung…
JIA: skz-gi behind the camera look like they want us to start wrapping up
HAN: any final words?
JIA: i know i don’t say this often but thank you.
HAN: what for?
JIA: being my person i guess? you have always worked really hard to understand me, as well as help me understand myself. i’m so grateful to have a friend like you in my life and i’m so happy i get to live out my childhood dreams with my best friend.
HAN: jieun...
JIA: hey, let me finish. thank you for growing with me thus far, and I'm so excited to see where we go... together.
HAN: jieunnie..
JIA: if you cry so will I
HAN: thank you for understanding me as well. i know i haven't always been the easiest to deal with but y
JIA: well, this was fun.
HAN: should we take our picture and head out?
JIA: yes please [END]
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©︎ cityofjieun, all rights reserved. pls, do not copy or repost my work.
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Confession Tapes (K.SM)
Warnings : none that i can think of? 
Word Count : 1527
Synopsis : her best friend handed her a box containing three tapes as her birthday present. confused at first, she sat beside him, watching the videos he had filmed over the last few months, each one ending with a confession. 
“Happy birthday.” Seungmin smiled as he handed me a box, my face filled with confusion when I saw it was filled with discs labeled with numbers. “You asked why I always had a camera. This is why.” He grabbed the first one and walked to my DVD player to get it set up. I placed the box on the coffee table and took a seat on the couch.
 Tape #1
         “Why are you filming, Minnie?” I asked as Seungmin pulled out a camera, aiming it right at me.
           “You’ll find out one day.” He cheesed from behind the camera. He’s always been a bit weird, so I didn’t think too much of it and just carried on setting up the BBQ.
           “Y/N! Seungmin!” I turned when I heard Chan’s voice, just in time for him to wrap his arms around me in a big hug. “Hey Seungmin, why do you got a camera?” I giggled to myself as Chan turned to question the younger boy, while I continued setting the tables in my backyard.
           “It’s a secret.” Chan shrugged at this answer, not bothering to push it any further. Slowly, the rest of our friend group showed up, some offering to help and some questioning Seungmin about his camera, that I’ve noticed was mostly filming me.
           Soon, Chan was at the BBQ cooking the burgers and hotdogs while the rest of us sat around the tables I set up, telling stories, and laughing. Seungmin at the end, filming everyone as the evening progressed. I sipped on my wine as I listened to the stories everyone was sharing, enjoying the free entertainment.
           As the evening came to an end and our friends began to leave, I found Seungmin filming me as I cleaned up. “Is there a reason you’re filming me right now?” I giggled, too shy to look into the camera.
           “Because you’re beautiful and deserve to be on camera.” I felt my face flush at the compliment and I playfully pushed him away.
           “Don’t lie to me.” I giggled, continuing to clean the mess everyone left behind.
           “I would never.” I looked up at him to see he was already looking at me, the biggest smile on his face.
           “I had known for a while that I liked you, but it was this night that I realized I loved you.” Seungmin’s face came on screen as the memory faded to black. “I’m not sure what it was, but I just remember looking at you and feeling complete, like I didn’t need anything else in life if I had you.” My heart was pounding in my chest, and I turned to Seungmin who was already getting up and putting in the next DVD.
           “Seungmin…” He shook his head.
           “Please don’t say anything until the end.”
           Tape #2
         Once again, Seungmin was filming me as I drove us to the beach. It was a tradition we’ve kept up with for many years now, and this year we agreed to allow our other friends to join in. They drove behind us, following closely so they didn’t lose us as we drove to our regular place. “Again?” I asked, glancing over at him quickly with a small smile on my face.
           “Just let me do this. You’ll understand one day.” I just shook my head, not bothering with the questions anymore.
           “Oh Seungmin’s got his camera out again!” Jisung yelled as we were all piling out of our cars. Seungmin didn’t even turn to film the others, keep the camera completely focused on me.
           “Filming Y/N again?” Hyunjin asked, throwing an arm across his shoulders, which Seungmin quickly shrugged off. “Why don’t you love us like you love her?” He teased, poking Seungmin’s cheek with a cute pout on his face.
           “Because you’re not pretty like she is, ugly.” Seungmin teased back, the camera still purely focused on me.
           “Oh does Seungminnie have a crush?” Minho joined in the teasing, resting an arm on my shoulder, and looking between the two of us. “Honestly when you first introduced us to her, I thought she was your girlfriend.”
           “Yah, quit teasing.” I said, brushing Minho’s arm off me and watched as he shrugged. “We’re just really close.” Though a part of me always wondered what it would be like if we were dating. I’d never make the move, too scared to ruin a good thing. Seungmin says all these cute things now, and flirts with me, but what would happen if I made the move and we crossed the boundary from friendship to relationship?
           Just like boyfriends in the past, he’d soon get bored and move on, falling out of love with me just as fast as he fell in love. I’d lose not only a boyfriend, but my best friend, my better half. “You good? The guys were just teasing, don’t take it to heart.” Felix whispered, draping an arm across my shoulders. I noticed then that the others had made their way to the beach, while Seungmin still stood in front of me with the camera. “Let’s enjoy the nice day!” Felix exclaimed, practically dragging me towards the beach, Seungmin following close behind.
           “Honestly, I knew the guys thought you were my girlfriend, and I was okay letting them think that. I didn’t want you to fall for one of them and watch you slip through my fingers.”
           Tape #3
         Seungmin and I decided to take a small vacation to Jeju, just the two of us. As much as we love having the other guys around, it feels as if it’s been forever since the two of us spent time together.
           Going to Jeju is something we used to do with our families when we were kids, so we thought it would be perfect for just the two of us. “Morning Sleeping Beauty.” Seungmin teased, the camera filming me already. I jokingly put my hand over the lens.
           “Going to have to put a warning on this one.” I joked. “Not safe for anyone. Ugly ahead, proceed with caution.” He swatted my hand away and filmed as we walked through the airport, some people in the background looking at us, wondering why he was filming me.
           “There’s no way you could ever be ugly.” He smiled and pinched my cheek with the hand not holding the camera. “Not in my eyes anyway.”
           “Maybe you should get them checked.” I’ve gotten used to his shameless flirting, but my heart still picks up pace every time. I’ve gotten better at hiding how much it effects me, how I hope it’s more than friendly banter.
           “I did. Got them rose tinted glasses.” I lightly pushed his shoulder at the cheesy line.
           The rest of the tape was different recordings from our time in Jeju, edited similar to a drama. A few times, he had handed his camera off to someone so they could film cute moments between the two of us, and we looked so much like a couple. I remember so many people asked how long we’d been together. Neither one of us ever denied the assumptions though, just blushing at the question.
           “I think you’re always beautiful, but during this trip, you looked to ethereal to me. It was during this trip that I knew I couldn’t wait much longer. Every part of me wanted to kiss you every night we watched the sunset, but I held back. I’m giving you my entire heart, whether you accept it or not, and I don’t want it back. It’s yours, Y/N.” The tape faded to black, and Seungmin stayed seated on the couch beside me.
           Silence surrounded us as I let everything sink in. My best friend has been in love with me for years. A part of me is scared to accept, scared to lose him. But another part of me is screaming at me to kiss him, accept his heart. It’s always been Kim Seungmin, and I know it will always be Kim Seungmin.
           I don’t want to watch him fall in love with anyone else. I want to wake up to his face, pepper his face in kisses as we slowly make our way out of bed. I want to cook with him, no matter how many mistakes we make, and how many times we almost burn the house down. I want to walk down the street holding his hand, show off our love to anyone who will watch. I want his good days, when he’s smiling and full of energy, teasing the boys and playing pranks. I want his bad days when he’s quiet, reading a book and ignoring everyone but me. I want lazy days in where we don’t leave the bed except to answer the door for the food we ordered. I want the exciting days out where we try new things and go to new places.
           I want Kim Seungmin.
           “I accept.” I whisper after some time, causing his head to turn towards me with such speed I’m surprised he didn’t get whiplash. “Only if you take my heart in return.”
           “I’ll never break it.”
           “I love you, Kim Seungmin.”
           “I’ll always love you more.”
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ask about BTS and the clarification of hiatus
i hope u dont mind me venting but honestly the announcement came at such a horrible time for me :( i was already struggling with my mental health, having to deal with moving forward in life (and being absolutely lost), lack of a social life and studying problems for the past couple of months. and just this morning all that bottled emotion finally burst and i had a rather embarrasing mental breakdown in the middle of a big crowd. on top of being sick this past weekend, assuming it to be just fever only to find out it was freaking covid. and also being far from family and not being able to go back home despite already making plans - it was just a very horrible day for me. and then BAM bts hiatus 😦
i watched the live and although i was insanely shocked (found out about it on twt) and feeling incredibly sad, i get where the members are coming from. as i reached this new stage in my life, where (hehe) life goes on, i find myself…stuck. just like the members, covid had a big impact on my life and me personally. it disrupted all the plans i had for my life and i truly think my life right now would be so different if the pandemic had never happened. and along the way i kinda lost myself and i just do not know what the hell im doing anymore. to the point where i question my entire existence like, is this really who i want to be? and the members feeling the same way, wanting to express themselves freely, rediscovering their identity idk theyre really brave to be able to do that :’) i just wish i am able to do the same for myself. as disappointed i was when i heard the news, i understood that this was a much needed thing for bts as a whole and i’ll continue supporting them as much as i do now
also to add on, i turned to bts a lot whenever i feel down so the word ‘hiatus’ really scared me a lot bc of the curse it has on other groups. where hiatus would usually mean unofficial disbandment, i was afraid that i would lose yet another thing in my life that made me genuinely happy. i know im being a tid bit overdramatic but damn the worst possible scenario came to mind when i found out and i was SCARED. but after the live, them clarifying what would happen during the break and i have had time to process it, i was confused as to why they used the word hiatus cause they would still have some group activities, right? right??
As far as I interpreted it, it is a hiatus from BTS music as a group, and they will currently be putting their efforts into the members' solo work. BTS said themselves that they were not disbanding.
It is a shift in focus. They were telling ARMY that, at the moment, the music they were trying to make as a group was lacking the sincerity or story they used to have. It wasn't moving in a direction that they liked and they were feeling at a loss for what to do, so they decided they needed some time apart to pour themselves into their own identities and interests.
BTS will be continuing group activities but of course they can't say what (hello, spoilers? XD). They did mention filming one-off Run BTS! episodes! :D And (assuming HYBE has business sense) I feel that there is a high likelihood they will continue things like ARMY Membership content, Seasons Greetings, stuff like that. They have always said the fans are most important and I believe they will push out content that they think the fans will like. :)
I would like to think of it as new and different content rather than the content we used to expect from them.
Mmm, think of SHINee for example. Each individual member has really strong solo careers: ONEW in musical / theater acting, Minho in drama acting, KEY in fashion / variety shows, Taemin has album upon album of solo music (the rest of the members also have solo albums but not as much as Taemin LMAO). They are part of SM Entertainment (ew, sorry I don't like the company, bleh), so obviously the situation is different; SM have much more of a "factory" style of releases.
HYBE and BTS have a symbiotic relationship. HYBE do not control BTS (they couldn't even if they tried lol) and, also, they understand that good music comes from a personal place but when you've already written about that place over and over and over, it won't be as good anymore, you know? BTS talk about real experiences... so that's what they're going to do, have experiences, yet they're all different people and some of them don't want to game for 20 hours a day, eating two meals in four days LOL
(can't imagine why, it's great, not healthy but great :D)
Remember Taehyung said he's marrying all of BTS (regardless of Seokjin's protests) so there's no need to worry, they will be together for a long time. :)
I don't want to discount the hardships you're going though. Sounds tough, but don't think of this as one of them, okay? This is a unique chance to see the individual members' colors, to see their creativity and their polished shine, and tbh I'm sure they will make cameos in each other's work (Yoongi already told JK to use him as a producer, I'm sure JK makes enough to pay that expensive rate it's probably in lamb skewers anyway).
Everyone moves at a different pace and encounters different obstacles in life. You may feel like you're aimlessly wandering now, on a island all alone, but there's much in learn even when lost in the forest, even when you feel that there's danger in every corner. BTS are still here and they aren't going anywhere. Is this not the best universe because BTS are here? :)
And, remember BTS In The SEOM is coming out the end of this month, we'll have a step-by-step guide on how to survive being marooned on an island on the back of a flying whale, shupshup
plus Yoongi gaming OST, POGGIES!
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m00nmins · 4 years
𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙖 𝙛𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙨 - 𝘩.𝘩.𝘫. ( preview )
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➪ hwang hyunjin × fem! reader ( ah i tried to keep my fics gender neutral for as long as i could and my drabbles will be but as i venture into longer fics i will also use gender pronouns. )
➪ tropes: k-drama! au, side character! au ( or is it? ), based loosely off extraordinary you
➪ genres: fluff ( develops ), angst ( a lot of it tbh ), slow-burn, mystery
➪ plot: you know this. you're in a drama. the one you might watch after a breakup, dreaming to be the lead girl who has two guys loving her. but you are not the main girl. you are merely an extra watching from the background. you have no purpose but as a number count to make the set look more full. from the sidelines you watch as hwang hyunjin loses his childhood best friend/crush to lee minho, the school delinquent. how cliché.
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According to Wikipedia, an extra is "a background actor or a performer in a film, television show, stage, musical, opera or ballet production, who appears in a nonspeaking or non-singing (silent) capacity, usually in the background (for example, in an audience or busy street scene)." They are unassuming and uninteresting, their only purpose is to essentially be a backdrop for the main characters. 
In other words, me. I’m the extra. I’m the background performer who doesn’t speak (nor sing). 
But on the bright side, I am amazing. 
Amazingly average. Breathtakingly ordinary. Spectacularly mediocre. Exceptionally... unexceptional. To put it simply, I am nothing much. Nothing in contrast to the girl who was obviously the main lead. 
Jang Hana was perfect really. She was kind to everyone she met and though she was a bit shy (the perfect quality for a budding female lead!), but was well-known and loved by most of the student body. Especially by her best friend since forever Hwang Hyunjin.
Hyunjin was known for being quite handsome. He could be model handsome really if you ask me but he had this air of your "friendly neighborhood boy" that just overpowered that potential he had. He had a role to play anyways, one that wasn’t a model at that. He and Hana complimented each other nicely not that she noticed really (oblivious! Another stereotypical quality for our star of the show.).
Hana. She was pretty. But not an in-your-face kind of pretty. Just... pretty. She didn't blind you with her beauty. Hana was a soft beauty, one that filled you with warmth and made you feel like home, far from show-stopping but far from plain. She was the kind of girl you had to stop and stare to appreciate. AKA the kind of girl I would never be. 
I wasn't any type of beauty. I was just there. I had eyes to see, a nose to smell, a mouth to speak. I had everything I needed and that was enough.
From the background I see Hwang Hyunjin, this boy every girl would love to have even look at them, pining after this girl who doesn’t like him back. The childhood friends never get the girl, after all, that’s how it works. Frankly, I see Hwang Hyunjin and I pity him. He has no idea what’s coming for him.
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( A/N: and here’s the end of the preview! i plan for this to be my first big fic so it’s going to be in development over time. i will still be writing smaller fics like drabbles though during my time writing this, so stay tuned for that. i was supposed to release this during skz comeback but i wasn’t feeling well. i hope your interested because i’m super excited. )
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Black, White, Grey (2/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.2k
Part 1
“Shoot! I’m going to be late,” I cursed under my breath.
      It’s been a few months since I last saw Chan, they were promoting and I was filming a new drama but with our hectic lives it was nothing new. We usually just occasionally updated each other every now and then either by messaging or the rare phone call. What was new was the urgent message I got from Chan yesterday saying that we needed to talk ASAP. I had a few hours between shoots today so we decided to meet at a coffee shop between our two locations. By the time I got there, Chan was already sitting with two drinks on the table.
“Sorry I’m late, the shoot ran a little longer then it should’ve.”
“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “I got you your usual.”
“Thanks. So what’s up? What’s with the urgency?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.
“Well you remember Eunhye?”
      I really wish I couldn’t but it’s hard not to when he talks about her… a lot. From what I know they’ve gone on a handful of dates and she is really understanding with the idol stuff. Apparently since she's a university student on the verge of graduating, so she’s pretty busy herself, things have been going well, and he really likes her. The urgency of needing to meet him, him bringing her up, the nervous energy flowing off of him… I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I prepared my heart for the worst and turned on my actress switch as a smile pulled across my lips.
“Yeah what about her?”
“Well… I really like her…”
“What? I didn’t know,” I gasped sarcastically.
“Stop I’m being serious,” he chuckled softly.
“Then just spill it already, it’s just me. I’m not going to judge you.”
“It’s just you’re the first to know so it kinda feels weird saying it out loud… I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mean not now but after promotions in a few weeks.”
      Even though on the outside my mouth dropped and my smile grew bigger as a gasp escaped my lips, inside… a heart wrenching scream clawed my chest. Yet another piece of my heart shattered to dust but now was not the time to dwell on myself. At least the next words that fell from my lips were honest, given from what little was left of my heart.
“Oh my god! Chan I’m happy for you. I mean I’ll be honest this will probably be like fighting an uphill battle but you know I’m always the pessimist in these situations. I am 100% happy for you though, you deserve it and your happiness is mine.”
“Thanks for your well wishes and warning,” he rolled his eyes with a laugh before adding, “You’re the best and remember I’ll always return the favor if you have someone you like.”
      How does that work when that someone is you?
“Thanks Chan, believe me I know,” I laugh.
“There isn’t anyone right now right? I know I haven’t really got to check up much on you since I’ve been going on about Eunhye and been busy with promotions…”
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t miss anything. There’s no one right now.”
“Good but when that happens I better be the first to know,” he joked before he added on a more serious note, “no secrets right?”
“No secrets,” I smiled. No secrets… except for this one.
      I may have gone through this a few times already but like Seungmin said, it still hurts no matter how many times I go through it. We chatted a bit longer before we had to go for our next schedules but not before he planned something so that I could properly meet Eunhye… stupid best friend responsibilities. I know he hoped we got along and that was never the hard part when he got into a relationship. The hard part of it all was having to see her separate the grey areas in our friendship into black and white. When the day came, we met at the theaters to watch the movie Chan and I promised to see together. Our usual of sharing popcorn and a drink, making commentary during the movie, sitting close enough so that our shoulders touched… became a him and her thing with me watching the movie silently, an empty feeling on my sides, eating popcorn from a bucket far too big for myself because ordering a large was a force of habit. I still smiled, laughed, joined the conversation, and played the best friend role like I was supposed to. My mind was just in a haze through it all and although Chan noticed it, my lies blended with the truth. I told him I was tired, I just didn't specify that it was physically from work, emotionally from unrequited feelings and mentally from keeping up my farce. 
      The rest of those two weeks blurred together as the heartbreak set it deeper and deeper as each day passed. I was finally snapped out of my daze when I got messages from Seungmin in Minho in our "feelings" group chat when I was on break during filming. I’m guessing Chan took more time to clearly think about this before he told the boys. Throughout the day we exchanged messages but even though we were all busy, they demanded me to video call them once I was off even if it was at an ungodly hour. I love those two but together they were bossy and a force to be reckoned with. I agreed and didn’t get a message until I had just finished filming my last scene. They were back at the dorm and were reminding me to call. I rolled my eyes before updating them that I had just finished and would be home soon. By the time I had texted them I was home, my foot barely through the door, my phone rang with a face-time notification. I chastised them the moment their faces appeared on screen.
“You know there is this thing called patience right?”
“Well that is reserved for people who keep us updated,” Minho countered.
“Wasn’t my update to tell but okay,” I rolled my eyes but as I noticed the background behind them I dropped my voice, “are you guys in your room?! Don’t you guys share a room? Can you even be on call right now?”
“Well the person in question is sleeping and we aren’t that loud so it’s fine. We’re on the other side of the room.”
“So how are you?” Seungmin interrupted before I could rebut.
“At least someone cares,” I joke.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay sorry. You know I don't do "feelings"… Uhm… well… I’m better than the first day I heard the news but that can’t really say much.”
“Used work to fill the void? Have you at least been getting proper rest?”
“Yup. It helps that they are filming a bulk of my scenes right now so my mind stays occupied but sorry Seungmin sleep is not my friend right now.”
“I still can’t believe how dense Chan-hyung is. You’ve been friends for six years and you’ve had a crush on him for five, I’m sorry but how has he not figured it out or at least noticed something?”
      As Minho got annoyed his voice got a bit louder and we all froze as we heard rustling coming from the other side of the room. No one moved for a good few minutes to ensure Chan was still sleeping. When we were sure, Seungmin nudged Minho with his shoulder.
“Hyung, keep it down.”
“My bad! It just sucks that one friend is hurting our other friend and he doesn’t even know,” Minho hissed.
“Awww thanks Minho,” I teased.
“Whatever,” Minho mumbled before adding, “I’m just surprised the feeling lasted this long even after everything.”
“Well you know your leader, it’s kinda hard to get over someone like that. Like have you seen him? His body-”
“Ahhhhh, I don’t want to hear it,” Seungmin whined.
“I mean you’re right but ewwww.”
“I’m kidding,” I chuckled softly, “But on a more serious note… I just… I don’t know why I can’t get over Chan. I mean when I figured out I liked him five years ago it was the thing that I’ve liked him for awhile already before I even realized it and no matter what happens or how many times my heart breaks… that feeling is still there. I mean I, without a doubt, can say that he is my first love. Any guy I find, no matter how much I love him… I don’t think I’ll love him as much as I love Chan… Oh jeez.”
      Before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face as I was explaining. This was the first time I have vocalized just how much Chan meant to me and hearing it aloud just made everything so much worse. I gave a dry chuckle as I tried to furiously wipe away the tears but to no avail. The tears I’ve held back for so long took the chance to fall and I had no control anymore. I started to curse as the tears turned to sobs and the boys tried their best to soothe me through the screen. The rest of the night was filled with the boys comforting me and me finally letting it all out. After the call it felt lighter in my chest but that just gave pain more room to fill and I didn’t know which one was worse. I need to pull myself together or I’ll never be able to make it through dinner with the boys and Eunhye in a few days. It took a bit but the pain somehow subsided to a dull numbness where I could properly pretend to be myself. 
      The day of, I met the boys outside the barbecue restaurant and greeted them happily. Chan said that Eunhye was a bit behind so she’ll meet us inside. While he explained, he casted a nervous glance at me. I tiled my head, mouthing a “what?” in confusion, but he just shook his head and smiled before leading us in. Once we were seated, everyone began to chatter about the menu, arguing and discussing what they wanted to eat. I smiled at the organized chaos, a calming constant in my life. After a few more minutes passed Eunhye came in and greeted everyone. She came over and sat next to me, causing me to move closer to Seungmin and away from my place in front of Chan. Throb. No heart, not in front of Chan. I knew Minho and Seungmin would worriedly look at me but, among the many other strange things he’s been doing tonight, Chan too was anxiously giving me looks. When I finally caught him I raised an eyebrow in question but he quickly turned away, laughing at something Eunhye had said. When the food finally came I took my usual job of manning the grill and Eunhye helped. Out of habit I placed a majority of the meat onto the other members’ plates like I always have, save a few pieces for myself, and moved to Chan’s except Eunhye beat me to it. She giggled as he got flustered by her action… replaced yet again. Our eyes connected and for a second his eyes filled with panic and I just gave him a weird look before turning my attention back to the grill in front of me. Halfway through the meal my phone buzzed and I excused myself and stepped out of the restaurant, moving to a less crowded area to minimize the noise.
“Manager Kim? What's up?”
“Did you check your texts? There’s good news.”
“Huh? I’m at dinner right now, I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone. Give me a sec,” as I pulled up my texts I gave a delighted squeal as I put my phone back to my ear, “No way?! Seriously?!”
“Yup, once we finalize everything on our end, make sure you’re ready to go, got it?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      A satisfied sigh left my lips as I held my phone to my chest. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to enjoy the chilly night air as it filled my lungs. There was a comfort in the cold isolation of outside compared to inside and I basked in it a bit longer. As I turned to head back to the door I saw Chan coming to me.
"Hey is everything alright? You've been out here for awhile."
"Oh yeah, my manager was just updating me on the changes in my schedule. Are you okay though? You've been kinda weird all night."
"Haha yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back in yeah?"
"... Okay."
      I knew it was a lie. There was something bugging him but I won't pry. That's not how we were, it just naturally comes out and if he's holding back there’s a reason. I could never really badger him either when I’m now keeping two big secrets from him…
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yyxgin · 3 years
as quick as love alarm was progressing compared to other dramas i’ve seen (usually wait ten eps for the first kiss and that’s it) it still seemed,, idk important for the story? n e way.
meteor garden is insanely messy like in the final episode daoming si just mentions everything dong shancai did that makes her so amazing and i honestly forgot they even did some of their things 😳 at one point they went to london and filmed in china town and i was just like ‘oh. i know that place’ and didn’t clock after that 😭
I GOT PEN ON THE BACK OF IT IM SO MAD AT MYSELF ✋✋✋✋✋ but come find me anyway lmao i got a changbin & minho film strip 🤪 can’t have anything nice around here and i learned my lesson the hard way.
i went through a phase when whenever i watched english tv i was like ‘why does this make sense without subs..’ and would be like squinting at the screen until it occurred to me that it was in english.
oh bruh i remember making a bank account the second summer bc my employer was like why tf do you not have a bank account ,, yeesh people had been paying by card for meals and stuff and not cash like the year before. so i made one and then she paid me in cash bc people started paying w cash 😐😑😐😑 i waitress so even though i get anxious about other things, i’m comfortable about waitressing so i am super nice to everyone. i am the designated person who orders for everyone (as long as you point at what you want in case i can’t remember everything i will say it). i know how important it is to be articulated to your server bc if they f up you get mad and they get mad bc ur mad and the chef gets mad bc the server f-ed up and the chef has to cook again and it’s a never ending circle of wishing you’d just gone somewhere else and i hate that. i also get mad at my fam when we go out bc the last time we went out (literally like two years ago now bc covid) there was a guy serving at this place we’re fairly frequent at and i was like maybe he’s training don’t be so mad at him for forgetting things just gently remind him! don’t cuss him out behind his back! there’s so much pressure about not pissing off your colleagues bc there’s a groove they’ve got and you’re just there not wanting to ruin it whilst also meeting customers needs!!
ive been waiting to pass my drivers test for over a year now bc covid has pushed it back and back and back again 😐 i finally get my next test date and i have to ask a different instructor for their car bc my instructor is on annual leave when my test is scheduled. i’m holding it together so i can ask an instructor, buy a car and yeet. the bus is okay but i need my own space sometimes.
i am good w my money im the jungkook of the working class. if there are pots and pans on the go i will take them. free food? count me in. i do have that broke b*tch mindset. although i don’t buy $300 white tshirts i will spend $200 on a day out 😃 and sis,, buy whichever one you like bc of the concept!! it’s always fun seeing the posters (personally i don’t put them up bc how am i gonna have sir johnny suh STARING at me while i get changed,, no THANK YOU) i’ll cry if i ever pull a yuta card bc he looks ✨spicy✨ in all of them.
i think i get what you’re saying about gg’s! boy groups have a wider range. eg, haechan hits those high notes and jeno/mark rap/sing quite low but girl groups can’t. unfortunately i feel like they rely on visuals heavier bc they don’t have the same range bg’s do. itzy are good!! i personally haven’t listen to a lot/watched a lot of their mv’s. i’m more into red velvet for their mv’s. im terrible at watching content so i am slowly working through bts’ content, monsta x’s content and ocassionally nct’s content. im gonna work on mamamoo next 🤞fake fans unite 😔✊✨
it’s so easy to feel invisible here. don’t worry. i’m here to brighten your day! much like a sunflower ~ 🌻
I cant really speak about the importance of the kiss in love alarm since i didnt watch more than the first ep, but i will trust you if you really say so ?? 😳 I WANNA WATCH METEOR GARDEN JUST FOR THE DRAMA DHSNSK
dude dont fucking test me i WILL find your address and i WILL visit you in your sleep and steal all your kpop stuff. MINHO FILM STRIP ??????? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
i still watch english things w eng subtitles sometimes bc my first language isn't english so just in case i dont hear something i can always read it you know djsksk
this is my first job so i didnt have to have bank account before but now that i have it i feel very adult😩✋i am so old. i dont like it.
oh no i hate people that arent polite to waitresses like they are just doing their job and its so hard and stressful and i dont want to make their life harder so im just really anxious abt everything in my life ever.
i'm rooting for you on your driving test !! lets hope you make it after such a long time <3
JUNGKOOK OF THE WORKING CLASS NO- thats actually me. also free samples. give me all of them. also i think its completely justified to spend so much on a night out since its for the memories !! #yolo am i right
I AM SO TEMPTED TO ORDER THE ALBUM NOW 😭💔😭 i actually have my posters on my closet and i change inside the actual closet at all times bc me and my brother share a room, so no one's looking at me thankfully haha. well, i do have bts pics on the warderobe next to my bed as well so they watch me sleep every night but we dont talk about that. YUTA CARD i would cry. he for sure does look spicy half the time of his life.
i dont know that many rv songs (the audacity, i know) but seulgi... ah. i watched the sm new years concert and when she appeared i couldnt keep my eyes off her. i should really listen to more of their songs so if u have any recs i am all ears
thank you for brightening up my day sunflower ily mwah😔❤
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celesjial · 5 years
jisung one kids room quick trans + sum
they said he really hates moving and he never leaves his bed and he only does it if he actually really has to when they’re not working
jisung also agreed that he hates moving and leaving his bed is such a bother for him. he said he’s too lazy to go all the way to the kitchen to get water so he lugged a bunch of water bottles next to his bed so he could drink it there and he only got rid of them a couple of days before they filmed BAHAHA same jisung same
seungmin was like “it would be funny to see him on a treadmill” and minho was like “yeah i actually did when he was obsessed with working out he would run next to me on the treadmill for like 30 minutes and then start panting really hard and leave”
he sleeps in strange places because he’s worried someone willl bother him if he sleeps like on a couch or smth, so he falls asleep in corners under his jacket lol AW and jeongin was like “it’s so amazing how he just falls asleep anywhere and he doesn’t wake up”
he was like “i find things to do with my brain bc i’m really not active. i work on music and stuff from bed bc it only requires me to use my brain”
they were like “he’s always on his phone he couldn’t live without is phone” ans they imitated how he eats and looks at his phone at the same time and hyunjin was like “yeah wow his concentration level is amazing”
chan was like “i think he does it when he needs to get out of this world for a bit though” and seungmins like “yeah i asked him and he said small things like this inspire him”
jisung said other than working if there isn’t a drama or cartoon he’s into he’ll just sleep wake up watch videos and doze off over and over again
hyunjin was like “he watches all sorts of random videos like animals and insects and trivia and stuff, he’s really a genius”
they were like “a lot of things truly scare him”
seungmins like “yeah he’s scared of dark places” and hyunjin was like “and he doesn’t like heights” ans changbin said “he really truly has a fear of people. truly he doesn’t like people” and they all agreed
hyunjin said he’s ridiculously shy when he meets new people and seungmin was like he becomes a new perosn i can’t recognize around new people
they were like he really truly can’t talk to new people, he’s so SO shy like hyunjin and changbin went “he’s LITERALLY S O SHY” they emphasized it so much
minho was like “when there’s a lot of people around he really can’t talk like at music broadcasts he gets so awkward”
chan said “around a lot of people he really gets anxious, seriously” and hyunjin went “yeah he really really can’t talk”
[just a note this was filmed before the notice ab jisung’s anxiety came out so this is an ongoing thing that probably just got a bit worse lately!]
jisung: “since i was young i had a hard time meeting people and making friends. i was so shy and i couldn’t talk to people—with my members i can be a bit more confident and outgoing, like when it’s all 8 of us on camera i can be lively because i’m comfortable”
hyunjin and minho were like “yeah he doesn’t have a lot of friends” but when he becomes close he has a lot of affection and there’s seriously no limit to him then HAHAH
jisung: “but when i’m in a new place or without my members i freeze up and i can’t function ans it’s really seriously hard for me. i’m the kind of person who can’t function without my members...see i’m even stumbling over my words right now haha”
jisung: “one time we had a break for two days and we all went home and i came back and was on my bed. i heard the members coming back and i realky didn’t want to move but i hadnt seen them so i got up and wnet to go greet them. seungmin was the first to come back so i went and said ‘i really missed you’ to him”
recently before they filmed jisung was like “jeongin ur gonna be seriously surprised when u go in our room” and jeongin was like “yeah he really cleaned everything up like i planned to do it with him but he did it himself so i was really touched”
hyunjin was like “he was so proud of himself too he told the whole world he cleaned up and if anyone went like ‘woah it’s so clean in here’ he’d go 👍😄”
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inadaydream99 · 5 years
Hello darling can I request a SKZ reaction to their crush being a huge flirt, no t only with them but with everyone, but this crush likes them. Thanks in advance bb.
Hey! Thank you for requesting 😁 I hope you like this reaction! I got a bit carried away with this and ended up writing a lot more than expected 😂
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You had always been a little flirty, not intentionally, it’s just how you are. It’s not uncommon for people to blush around you but your obliviousness means that you don’t normally notice.
That is, unless you are deliberately flirting with your crush, Chan. You love seeing him become a little flustered by your flirty actions, picking up on how he becomes shy around you. However, you never thought he would feel the same way; his crush on you being reciprocated.
You have been friends for a while, so he knows that you are naturally inclined to be a little flirty. Usually it doesn’t faze him when he sees this side of you towards other people. Knowing full well that your intention is to just be friendly.
Sometimes he can get a little jealous though, the feeling of anger overtaking him when he sees guys flirt back.
You are talking to a friend of a friend who you had met once previously, laughing together when Chan finally cracks. The way the guy rests his hand on your shoulder making Chan see red as he storms over to you and interrupts your pleasant conversation.
Once the guy leaves he turns to you with an irritated expression, confusion clouding your mind as you try to figure out what has got Chan so annoyed.
“I didn’t like how he was flirting with you.” Chan stares blankly, his expression softening upon seeing you look at him with wide eyes. You are speechless. Your mind going into overload as to why he is acting so jealous before a smirk breaks across your face.
“Don’t like it when I get other male attention? How do I get yours then?” You flirt, your eyebrow raised awaiting for his usual flustered responce.
“You already have.” He reply’s, a smug look on his face at how taken aback you are. It definitely wasn’t the reaction you exprected.
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Woojin basked in the attention you gave him. He has had a crush on you for quite a while, your flirty humour making his heart flutter every time, his smile so wide it hurts his cheeks.
You are sat on the sofa with Woojin watching some random drama on tv when the question blurts out of Woojin’s mouth unexpectedly. You see, he had been wanting to know for a while why you tend to flirt with everyone. Is it intentional? Is it to get a reaction out of him? What was the motive?
These questions only becoming more prominent in his mind every time you flirt with him. So when “why are you such a flirty person?” is uttered you become stiff and awkward.
You look at Woojin nervously, feeling shy from knowing you are about to admit the reason to him.
“I um, I do it to see how you react.” You fumble over your words, your mouth becoming dry.
“I thought so.” Woojin reply’s with a smug look, clearly pleased with your responce. Noticing your discomfort with his pretty ominous responce he pulls you into his chest, his arm wrapping around your waist.
“I like you too.” He whispers as you look up to meet his soft gaze.
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You have had a crush on Minho for some time but you’ve never had the confidence to confess, so you usually just flirt with him while you hang out. The only thing is that you are a very flirty person. On purpose.
You love getting a reaction out of him, seeing his eyes go dark whenever you flirt with a guy in his presence. It ignites a fire inside of you, loving the way his jaw tightens and the snarky remarks that are directed your way. It never goes any further than that though.
You are making some flirty jokes towards Minho when he finally decides to flirt back. His hand resting on your waist as he smirks down at you devilishly. You feel a lump form in your throat at the close proximity that Minho had encouraged and gulp down your nerves.
“You wanna flirt, then let’s.” He stares you down, making you feel flustered under his gaze. But you can’t look away, his eyes too captivating.
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Changbin liked that you are quiet. He enjoyed being around you because you made him feel calm. That’s why he developed a crush on you. He found himself looking forward to being able to just hang out together.
Another reason that Changbin likes you is because you both flirt with one another. Constantly. To the point where sometimes it looks as though you are a couple. But you’re not.
It’s not until Changbin catches you flirting with the other members that he becomes a little distant. He didn’t realise that’s just how you are and it hurt him inside. Of course, he didn’t want anyone to know that, so he pretended that he wasn’t interested.
You felt confused at his sudden distancing from you. You became even more reserved, not understanding what you had done to upset the person you care for the most.
You decided that enough was enough and that you needed to confront Changbin about the situation. So you did.
“What have I done to make you become distant with me?” You question timidly, feeling petrified at what the answer could be.
“You’re that oblivious? You have been flirting with all the guys. I thought you liked me, but then I saw that it was just a game.” Changbin flatly states, trying to come off as emotionally detached as possible. You’re head falls to look at the floor, feeling heartbroken at knowing the reason why.
“I do like you. I can’t help if I’m uninetntionally a little flirty.” You mumble just loud enough for Changbin to hear. You start to leave the room after a moment of silence. You were struggling to hold back the tears in front of him and you just wanted to escape.
Changbin watches you leave, seeing the hurt that he had caused you. His mind switching between running after you and letting you go.
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Hyunjin loves how opposite you are to him. It’s like you completely differ in every way, except for your unknown mutual crushes on each other.
It really is true when they say opposites attract because it couldn’t be more obvious between you both. You are very flirty, whereas Hyunjin is a little more reserved in that aspect. Though he absolutely loves the attention you direct his way.
When he catches you engaged in a flirty conversation with a man he couldn’t recognise, Hyunjin becomes jealous right away. His mind going into overload with insecurities. Had you lost interest in him because he didn’t flirt back?
You approach him and place your hand on his shoulder to bring him back from his daze and shoot him a concerned look. As he comes back into reality he takes you in. An idea striking him.
“You look gorgeous as ususal (Y/N).” Hyunjin smirks down at you. You blush and giggle at his compliment. Hyunjin simultaneously takes your hand from his shoulder in his and intertwines your fingers together.
“I see someone finally caught on to my flirting.” You tease as you beam up at him. Hyunjin nods in responce, sending a glance over to the man you were with just before.
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Jisung is very sulky when he notices you flirting with other guys. He hates that he isn’t the only one that gets your attention and the only way he knows how to deal with it is to act like a child.
You find it very endearing to see his responce, only spurring you on to continue to flirt with others around him wanting to push him as far as you can before he snaps.
You see, you are competely aware of his crush on you but you want him to admit it before you make any moves. What starts off as trying to get him to confess through jealousy has now become a fun game of seeing how far you can go.
Jisung loses his temper when he sees you practically falling at some random guys feet, it sends him into a rage. Before he even knows what he is doing he has grabbed your hand and pulled you away.
“That’s enough now. Stop playing games and just admit you’re doing it to get a reaction from me.” Jisung spits angrily, you had never seen this side of him before and it was very attractive.
“I’m not playing any games.” You feign innocence.
“Yeah alright. You know I have a huge crush on you. Don’t pretend to be ignorant about it.” Jisung states and you smirk in responce, this is what you had wanted all along.
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It had started as just random jokes between you both and eventually progressed into flirty actions towards each other. Your friendship was a little different, both enjoying being able to flirt openly together.
Felix knows you are a very flirty person in general so it never really bothers him to see you being a little more than friendly with other people. He’s generally quite laid back.
He just likes the little bit of fun that the flirting adds to your friendship, which leaves him looking forward to seeing you all the time. His feelings developing for you slowly over time.
You, on the other hand, have had a crush of Felix since you first met, but you have always been very shy when it comes to admitting feelings and just decided to stay quite about it.
You are hanging out, just watching a film, when the flirting takes a turn. It’s always been strictly just flirty jokes and conversations. So when Felix takes your hand in his you blush a bright red. The innocent act making your heart soar. You meet his eyes to see them already trained on you, a silent conversation between you both.
You lean into him and lay your head on his chest as his arm snakes around your waist. Although the movie is still playing, niether of you are paying it any attention.
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Seungmin chooses to ignore the fact that you flirt with a lot of people, not wanting to admit that he is just another normal conversation to you. His crush on you being the main reason, it would hurt his feelings too much to acknowledge that you are just naturally flirty and not really interested in him as more than a friend.
Although he can be a little shy when it comes to expressing his true emotions, Seungmin tends to flirt back with you, which you love. You have always tried to make it obvious that you fancy him, but you don’t think he notices. Espically with how you know you have a flirty personality.
You decide that you need to make it clear to him, so you try to stop being so flirty around others, just wanting to focus on Seungmin.
Seungmin pick up on your change in behaviour and starts to feel more confident by this. His confidence building to the point where he feels ready to make a move.
You are in the park, just enjoying the last of the summer weather when Seungmin stops walking and gets your attention from looking at your surroundings onto him.
“Would you mind if we hold hands?” Seungmin asks with a slight blush but trying to stay confident and not look away from you. You smile at him and nod your head, allowing him to take your hand in his.
“I thought you would never ask.” You wink as you start to walk again.
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You had been invited round to see Jeongin because he “misses you”. It’s pretty evident that he had a crush on you, you can tell from how he becomes shy when you are around and how he loves when you are affectionate towards him.
The thing is, Jeongin has been holding back on his feelings, not wanting to say anything because he knows that you like to flirt with people and he isn’t sure if your flirtatious actions towards him are unintentional or not.
When you arrive Jeongin rushes to answer the door and pulls you into a tight hug, your lungs gasping for air as you struggle to get free.
“Woah, did you really miss me that much?” You giggle once you are released from the death grip.
“Of course, you’re my favourite person.” Jeongin blurts out, instantly becoming flustered by his words.
“Awe, you’re mine too.” You coo as you pinch his cheek, only making him even more embarrassed.
You pull him towards the sofa wanting to cuddle, knowing fully well that his confession at the door was his way of admitting his feelings.
You both snuggle together in silence before Jeongin catches your attention.
“No more flirting with anyone else now, you’re mine.” He sweetly says before pulling a cheeky face making you burst out in laughter.
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starryseo · 5 years
phone number. | yang jeongin
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pairing ↠ jeongin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just a fluffy barista au!!
wc ↠ 3229
summary ↠ jeongin likes you a latte.
warnings ↠ just jeongin being cute and in loooove. its cringey.
a/n ↠ barista!jeongin bc who doesn’t love cafe aus?
cafe glow is well-known around these parts of town bc it has such!! great!! food and drinks!
it has a real homely feel so a lot of student from the nearby schools/ unis come here
and it’s a pretty big cafe so there’s a lot of space for ppl to come in and chill, whether that be large study groups or just individuals trying to cram for upcoming tests
that homely feel?? it’s bc of all the youngsters that basically run the cafe
it’s officially owned by mr and mrs bang, but their son, chan, manages this cafe a lot since they’ve got a few other places in town to run
chan loves recruiting teens to work bc, despite their hyperactivity (esp the lot that are currently there), they’re a lot less work to deal with than grumpy adults complaining abt wages
just a few months ago, jeongin started looking around for places to work at
let’s get that bread bro
he spoke to a lot of the nearby businesses like the florist, library and pizzeria but as soon as he entered glow and saw a blond guy downing shots of black coffee as he made different drinks, he Knew he wanted to work here
he headed straight to the counter (ok ofc he waited in line first but who cares abt that)
“welcome to glow, what can i get ya?”
“hi, i was wondering if you were hiring?”
“so,” the guy - nametag reading Felix - began, leaning forwards on the counter, “you wanna join the glow gang, huh? have you got what it takes??”
maybe he should’ve thought more clearly abt this-
“felix are u creeping out kids again?? i swear this is the last time i leave you on counter duty” the black-coffee-drinking blond huffed, wiping his hands on his apron as he left the coffee machines. he nudged felix out of the way, pushing him to the machines before he turned to jeongin. “i’m sorry abt him, i don’t know why i still keep him around”
“i heard that!”
 “anyway,” the blond - nametag with Chan printed on it - grinned, “what can i get for you?”
“a job here would be great”
“you really wanna work here,,,, with that?” he pointed over to felix who looked back with a frown
“yeah, it seems pretty fun!”
“you got a cv on you?”
jeongin is a Prepared Boi. before his job hunting run he printed off multiple copies of his cv so he handed it over to chan who briefly looked over it
“when can you start working?”
“when do you need me to?”
chan let out a chuckle at that, pocketing jeongin’s cv, “swing by tomorrow at 4 and we’ll work that out, yeah?”
jeongin went home a Happy Boy and the next day at exactly 4:37 he had landed himself a sweet job at cafe glow
ever since that day a few months ago, jeongin had been learning the ins and outs of the cafe
he’s learnt all about where felix hides his ‘secret’ stash of sweets, where to kick if the machines ever go down and jisung’s ability to not stop talking
jisung’s the guy in charge of training jeongin bc chan doesn’t trust felix with another human’s life and minho, an older uni student that works here part time, is way too busy flirting with customers to get more tips those uni fees won’t pay themselves u go bby
and chan himself already has a lot to deal with since he mainly works in the kitchens
so jisung has taken jeongin under his wing and taught him how to make all drinks (despite there being a manual for this) and how to deal with the customers
and even tho jisung is only 5 months older than jeongin, he n e v e r misses an opportunity to baby the hecc out of him
“what are the different cup sizes we have?”
“uh,, small,, medium and large??”
“goSH jeonGIN you’re so smART!!!! ily!!! what cAN’T you do???”
jisung’s overdramatic as hell but he means well
and it’s always funny when jeongin teams up with felix (still a pretty rare occassion) to prank jisung
one day jeongin had a test after school so he couldn’t come by
and ofc he let chan know this in advance but he and felix decided not to tell jisung
jisung was waiting around for jeongin to come and he literally almost started crying when felix told him an hour later that jeongin wasn’t gonna come
“,,m,y bab y ? jeonginnie??? wh at do u me an,, he won’t com,e??? felix you a s s don’t l i e to m,e,, :((((”
they even got minho to record the whole thing not for free ofc, and minho’s services are n o t cheap, but it was totally worth it
felix screenshot jisung’s crying face and it’s now the display picture of their glow gang group chat
which btw never shuts up bc: during the day (and work hours) felix, jisung and jeongin will be spamming it, during the evening minho will complain abt all the uni work he’s got to do, after dinner time the youngsters are back on it sending memes until like 2am, and then by 4am chan finally gets on and complains abt the boys killing his storage with their dumb memes & he gives any updates abt the next day’s schedule if need be
it’s a great system, hella wild and random, but jeongin loves it nonetheless
now for the part where u, dear reader, come in!!
it’s just an ordinary day, a bit quieter than usual but jeongin’s not complaining bc it gives him time to finish off some of his hw while he’s at the till
he looks up when the door chime rings and
(°ロ°) ! 
he’s vvv obviously staring at u as u walk in, his pen drops on the counter and his mouth is :0
damn yn you’ve broken jeongin
but does he care???
is he stopping?????
also yes but you’ve already seen his dumbstruck face and he realises he was caught just staring at u when u walk up to him with a shy smile on your face
he doesn’t know what’s come over him
and he doesn’t mean to be some typical teenage boi straight out of a high school drama
but u just look so pretty he couldn’t help but?? go heart eyes??
he’s trying not to lose his cool when u finally reach the counter
“hi!” he grins, “welcome to cafe glow, what can i get for you?”
you order your drink and watch as jeongin types away at the computer
he’s rlly hoping the screen blocks his blush bc he’s still (´♡‿♡`)’ing and he’s pretty sure he can feel his blush at this point
“is there anything else i can get you?”
your number
he finds your thinking face so cute!! the way u bite ur lip a little as your eyes glaze over the sweet treats they have on display
he d i e s when u look back up at him and ask, “anything you’d recommend?”
he keeps his cool as he says some of his fave desserts, and you choose the cheesecake
“alright! will you be eating in or is that to-glow go”
his heart swells when u laugh at his pun but he’s highkey dYinG inside bc he wants u to stay for just a little longer
he almost cries when u say you’re eating in bc !!! yes!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! maybe he could try talking to you!!!!!
“sweet! take a seat anywhere, your food will be made shortly!”
when u go to pay for ur food he’s internally hating felix bc he swears all these mushy feelings he’s experiencing are bc felix made him watch back-to-back romance films
he’s taken money from a lot of customers but he’s never, n e v e r, wanted to just hold their hand and he’s honestly so close to just never letting go of yours rn but he mentally slaps himself
pull it together jeongin u dumbass
when u tell him to keep the change he’s just
s i g h can u get any more perfect
he yeets felix out of the way from the coffee machines and towards the till
“role change, i’m bored!”
“but chan banned me from the tills, he’s gonna kill me!”
“i’ll get jisung on you”
he’s halfway thru making ur drink when minho sliiiides next to him and slings an arm around his shoulders
“so, innie, who’s the cutie you’re serving?” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
from his short time working here he knows that minho is in love with any kind of gossip and there’s no point in lying to him
esp not with this massive blush on jeongin’s face that’S STILL thERe bc jeongin peeked over and saw you taking out textbooks which means you’re gonna stay here for lo n g er than he thought
and he’s got this huge grin on his face :D
and no one’s ever that happy making coffee
esp not when felix is right next to them singing along to the twice song playing in the cafe
god knows who put felix in charge of the cafe playlist
an y w ay
“does our baby innie have a,,, crushhh on a certain someone???”
“noooooookay maybe? idk i just met them!!”
“:0!!!! our baby’s iN LOVE!!!”
minho said that so loudly!!! jeongin peered over minho’s shoulder and saw that y o u had looked up at the exclamation and he let out a sheepish laugh to try and make the scene look normal
u just grinned at him and he almost swooned
minho’s shouting alerted jisung who deadass ran from the other side of the cafe
jisung, out of breath: wh-what do u mean,, in love,,,??? you’re too young for that ://
even chan popped out from the kitchen. “jeongin loves someone?? how cute, who is it- felix, what the hell are u doing there, didn’t i ban u from the tills??”
“blame loverboy!”
“gUYsss :((( let me wORk!!”
“u do u, innie, go get ‘em tiger!” minho said, smirking as he took a step back
the other boys stayed quiet as well, chan filling up the front display with the baked goods he freshly made
jeongin quietly got to finishing off ur drink and grabbed a cheesecake slice to carry over to you
“h-hey,” he started, placing the plate and drink beside your textbook, “sorry it took so long,,,”
“that’s alright,” you smiled and all his worries literally washed away, “was everything okay back there?”
“yeah,” he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling shyly, “minho’s just easily excited and nosy, a terrible combination really”
u laughed at that and he grinned, his nerves easing away
“u guys seem really close,” when he saw u quickly look over to the counters he turned as well, just in time to see all four of them rush to try and act natural (altho jisung just dropped to the ground so he’s really a lost cause)
“they’re really crazy, but they do mean well,” he grinned, “except felix, avoid him at all costs”
“i’ll keep that in mind,” you chuckled when jeongin pointed out who felix was and felix just glared back at him, as tho he knew jeongin was talking shit abt him
“well,” he started, realising he should go bc a big group of customers had just entered, “i’ll leave u to it, i hope u enjoy ur food. let me know if u need anything else!”
he headed back to the counter, a HUGE grin on his face, he’s so glad his back is to u bc he’d be so embarassed if u saw
it’s bad enough minho saw and is non-stop teasing him abt it now
throughout his shift minho was just taunting him, cooing “innie’s in love~”
as he was dealing with other customers and running around the cafe, he’d make quick eye contact with u and each time he did, u let out the softest smiles, he’s pretty sure he’s never smiled this much
abt an hour later when the rush had died down, jeongin looked over to see that!!! u were still there!!!!!
he fixed up a quick mango smoothie, smth he always found super refreshing, and headed over to your table
“h-hey?” he tapped your shoulder when he noticed u had your headphones in
“oh, hey! i, uh, i didn’t order this?”
“yeah, it’s,, it’s on the house, thought you might need a pick-me-up, you’ve been working rly hard”
“ahh thank you!!!” u grinned at him so cutely, “would u like to sit down?”
he nodded too enthusiastically but he hopes u didn’t pick up on that ((u did)) as he sat down opposite you
for the next 30 mins? hour?? neither of u know
u guys just talked
he’s thanking god that there was no rush in customers bc he enjoyed spending time just talking to u
the conversation seemed to flow so?? naturally???
he found out ur name and that u go to a nearby school sadly not the same one as him
and u were taking the scenic route home instead of ur normal walking path or using the bus which is why he’d never seen u before
he’s so glad that fate brought u here today tho!!!! eternally grateful that u made that wise choice!!!
when ur phone buzzed with a message from ur family he finally realised that it was getting late
he watched almost in tears as u packed ur stuff up, thanking him for the drinks and snacks that he definitely didn’t steal from felix’s hidden stash
he went back to the counter, stars in his eyes as he leaned against the counter, opposite minho who was chilling by the till
“so, how’d it go? did u get their number??”
jeongin: (❤ω❤) 
jeongin, 0.02 secs later: ヽ(°〇°)ノ
felix, jumping in: “pls don’t tell me u spent all that time,,,,, and u didn’t get their number-”
minho: “loverboi was too busy making moves, eh?”
jeongin’s mood instantly dropped and he was so close to just headbutting the counter then and there
what if u never come back????
what if u came back when he wasn’t there?????
what if you’re on ur way here but then u see another cafe and u go there instead and fall in love with a barista there???????
jeongin’s 2 seconds away from pouting for all eternity when chan comes over and pats him on the back, “i’m sure they’ll come back!”
jeongin’s praying the old man’s right
and he is!!!!!!! cliche ik
u didn’t come back the next day which broke jeongin’s heart and he was honestly so close to losing all hope bc he’s incredibly dramatic like that
but u come back the day after!!!
jeongin’s wiping down a table when u enter and u spot him instantly and wave
he waves back but the cloth he’s holding slips from his hand onto the ground
and he rushes to pick it up but hits his head on the table when he tries standing up again
and he’s in so much pain but he just nervously laughs it away esp when he sees ur half worried, half trying-not-to-laugh-aloud face
when he sees u walking to him -- not the counter -- he’s counting to 100 in 3 seconds to try and calm himself down to not look like even more of a fool
“is the table okay?”
“yeah, i’m alri- hey, rude!” he pouts, faking a sniffle and rubbing his head
“i’m kidding, jeongin” (he had to bite his lip to not squEAL when u said his name) “are you okay? that looked painful :((”
“i’ll live,” he fake sobbed, rubbing away imaginary tears with the cloth in his hand before he realised what he’d just done and dropped it on the table in disgust (he highkey dieddd when u laughed at him again) “ew, i’m sorry you had to see all this”
“it’s fine,” you grinned, scrunching ur nose when u saw the wet smears on his face, “but u got a lil smth there” u pointed to ur own cheek
jeongin wanted to CRY
he knows he’s a cute boi (he uses this to his advantage whenever he can)
but rn??
he knows he looks like the epitome of a grade A DumbassTM
he just let out the longest s i g h
“i’ll be right back!”
he rushed off to the back and sorted himself out (and quickly iced his head)
he came back out to see u sitting down at the same table as last time
as soon as he came thru the doors u looked up and held out thumb, an eyebrow raised
and he reciprocated the gesture, telling u he’s all okay now!
he found it so cute that u cared!!! his heart: on fire!!
felix walked right to him, pulling him along to the coffee machines as he told him ur order
“u owe me one now loverboi!”
jeongin prepped ur food and took it to u like last time
but this time u initiated the conversation
“felix isn’t all that bad, y’know?” you said, holding onto your hot drink as it warmed ur hands up
“for now,” jeongin started, “trust me, if u ever have the misfortune of seeing him act cute, you’ll regret ever saying that.”
your nose scrunched as you imagined that -- jeongin gasped when he saw and then prayed you didn’t see that -- before you let out the cutest laugh he’s ever heard, “yeah, i can’t imagine that looking nice”
you two talked for a bit more until jeongin had to get back to the counter and take orders
he popped up at your table when he could, offering felix’s sweets and a refill
“do you treat all your customers like this? free drinks isn’t good for business, y’know?”
he went bright red at your teasing bc “nope, you’re special!” -- his eyes went w i d e when he said that and, if it was possible, his cheeks went redder -- but god, was it worth it bc your eyes sparkled and your blooming blush was so pretty he was starstruck
he cleared his throat, let out the most nervous chuckle ever, put the lemonade on your table before diving behind the counter
he could practically hear minho’s smirk from all the way over here
it took a little while longer for him to psych himself up to go over to you again after that disaster
but seeing you pack up your bag made him forget everything and run up to you
“hey, you’re done already?” he asked, pouting as you put your last book away
“yeah, i’ve gotta help make dinner soon,” you replied, fixing your bag over your shoulder, “thanks for the drink, it was great!”
“y-yeah, no problem!” you loved his drink!! score!!!! “come again soon, yeah?”
“definitely,” you winked -- you winked, god his heart was weak -- before waving and taking your leave
felix slid up next to him, throwing his arm around jeongin’s shoulders
“pls tell me you got their number this time”
the top gif is jeongin’s face right now
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Noona, You're So Pretty
SHINee + TVXQ! Lee Taemin x Actress!Reader Characters: Park Seo Joon, Choi Minho, Shim Changmin (MAX), Lee Taemin Summary: You were a big time Hallyu sweetheart. Having garnered the attention of the masses with your debut role as a high school student with the ability to talk to animals, everyone fell in love with your bubbly and quirky personality, including Shinee's maknae, Lee Taemin. And for the most part, Taemin thinks he can stand a chance with you, except--oh no, he thinks you *may* not like younger guys and your new co-star, Park Seo Joon, seems a little too taken with you. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, pining, typos etc.
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A/N: i hope four years is okay w/u.
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Two more questions.
It was my turn to chose. My co-actor, hair slicked back, snug in a cashmere top, nodded my way. The act was so simple, and yet I could practically hear the swoons of the ladies in the audience. Who could blame them, Park Seo-joon was a dashing and hardworking man.
There were flashes of light from the photographers. I tried not to squint and insyead smile softly in order to look flattering in the photos. I nodded at the man, who stood up and presented his question.
"You've done a handful of notable projects since your debut in 'Sounds of the Animals'. From then to now, what is your secret to being so graciously recieved by the public? And what can we expect in the future?"
I nod upon hearing this and break into a smile. It was so flattering that from all the questions we were asked about this drama at hand, people were interested in my career in particular.
I clear my throat and move closer to the mic, "Uh, firstly, thank you for being interested in me and for saying that I am graciously recieved by the public." 
I break into a chuckle, Seo-joon beside me cracks a smile too. 
"Although, I will admit I don't have a secret," I say in an unsure tone. "Hmmm, I believe I am just really blessed because I am able to do what I love and have people behind me help me and shape me into being the best I can be." I say and turn to the rest of the panel with my other co-stars, writers, and director.
"If anything, the secret is a good team. Having such great people behind us is what really makes a drama, or any project, successful and well-recieved."
I look around the reporters and watch them nod. I end my reply, "As for the future, I can't really say. I hope to keep working hard. But, er, right now, I am hoping and beckoning everyone to watch 'Replay'. We worked very hard on it and it was so much fun and such an honor to work with everyone here. Please watch it diligently and stay tuned til the end."
There was a bustle between the reporters. The flashing camera lights broke out again, and I allowed the man next to you to choose whomever he wanted.
Last question.
Seo-joon points, and the woman wastes no time, "you said a while ago that during the filming of this drama, you two got very close because you would go working out together. Besides this, what else do you two do together outside of work?"
No, there was nothing physical about my role in the drama. I just grew to like working out, and I had to because, well, I needed to keep my physique up, you know.
I turn to the man beside me and he turns to me as well. For a moment we stay quiet, as if doing so would make an answer come out of nowhere.
"Well," he starts looking at me as if the answer was on my cheeks. I hold back a laugh ad shrug, answering for him, "we eat a lot."
The room breaks into laughter.
"He treats the cast and crew to soju from time to time," another of our co-stars point out. "Seo-joon is good at keeping his alcohol."
Seo-joon sudenly remembers something, "Actually, sometimes Shinee's Choi Minho would work out with us." Minho and him were friends because they were in a drama called Hwarang before. (Legit they are, it's really good, you should watch it)
I raise my brows and nod. Seo-joon continues, mentioning my name, "TVXQ's Shim Changmin would sometimes he'd work out too." I was friends Changmin because we worked on a drama together. "And one time, she, myself, Minho, Changmin drank together--"
My eyes suddenly widen, realizing where this is going.
"--and she--" Seo-joon chuckles out.
I but in and punch his shoulder, "ya oppa!"
"--got drunk and started crying."
The room laughs and I feel my face burn. I groan and start hammering Seo-joon's shoulder, but he only bends his neck to the side, pulling away slightly, and laughs. He even continues on mimicking me, apparently.
"Ahoohoohoooo, I'm so happy to be friends with you guys. You are all so great. And so, so handsome."
I jump out of my seat and stand, "YA SHI--" I then clench my teeth and playfully place my hands the man's neck. I laugh, pull away, and sit back down. At this point, the entire room is awake with giggles. Truth be told, I wasn't really embarrassed. I just like making people laugh.
I blow are between my pouted lips and exaggeratedly whine, "Oppa, you are clearly the worst."
The man who was a year older than me basked in satisfaction, "Ye, but you still love me."
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Later that day, you and Seo-joon attended a party celebrating the airing of Replay, hosted by the TV network the drama was being aired on. Many came up to you and congratulated you. Some shook your hand, others asked for a selfie. A smaller portion asked for an autograph, and your relationship status was Seo-joon.
You were in the midst of finishing a conversation with some producers when a hand came to your shoulder, followed by the greetigs of a tall man. He spoke ypur name fondly, and you broke into a pleased smile, "Changmin oppa!"
We share a quick hug and I can't help but flutter at his expression. "Congratulations on your show!" the man in a plaid, grey suit speaks with his hand on my shoulder. He pulls away and continues, "I heard the ratings are expected to go through the roof."
I chuckled and shook my head, "I can only hope so."
"Yaahhhh, you're Hallyu's sweetheart. Don't worry about."
I give a smile at his reassurance and decide to change the topic, "You here alone, oppa, or do you have a hot date?" I wiggle my brows.
Changmin shakes his head and rolls his eyes, "Well, I recall you drunkenly admitting Minho is handsome, so..."
"Ya!" I raise, "I'd admit Minho is handsome regardless of my sobriety."
Changmin snorts, "speaking of."
"Minho-ya!" I coo and welcome the younger man's embrace. I chuckle and cling onto his green sweater when he squeezes tightly and pushes slightly forward. 
"Ya!" Changmin scolds his dongsaeng and I can't stop laughing. "It's as if you haven't seen her in years."
Minho has a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Noona, you're so pretty," he notes, making me chuckle and Changmin snort.
"Thay's the title of his debut song," Changmin mutters to me, making me nod,
"Actually," Minho cocks his head to the side, "its english title is Replay."
My lips form a please o-shape, "Ya, you should perform that for me then!"
"No way," Minho says, "but our maknae might." The man then moves to his side to reveal a lanky man in a loose button down. "Lee Taemin," Minho introduces. The said man chuckles sweetly with his cresent shaped eyes. "Annyeonghaseyo," he greets bowing his head.
I smile back and mimic his actions.
"I've been a big admirer of yours since Sounds of the Animals. I couldn't stop watching it because I just loved the idea of being able to talk to animals."
"Wah, thank you so much," I clap my hands together and bow my head at him.
"That, and I also think noona is super pretty," Taemin says in a gradual chuckle.
The four of us break into a laugh. Changmin and Minho embrace each other in amusement. Minho is losing his mind with his distinctive high-pitched laughter, and Changmin's nose is scrunched up in glee. "Ya, I think we're just gonna get a drink," Minho says, rasing a hand. Changmin pat's Taemin's shoulder and at this point it's so painfully obvious that this was all a setup.
Taemin and I turn to each other. He chuckles to me again, "Minho's really loud."
"I know. It makes working out with him really fun."
We shuffle from where we stand and Taemin moves a bit closer, "Honestly, I don't like working out, but I would if it was with you."
I can't help but laugh and cover my face at his blatant but smooth flirting. I shake my head and feel my face wrap in warmth.
"Don't get me wrong, I don't do it like them. I don't lift heavy weights or anything. I just do what they consider a warm-up you know. The treadmill runs, which I love because I get to listen to a lot of music, and then like stretching, push-ups, sit-ups, nothing that actually requires gym equipment to be honest."
He hums, "my work-out is dance."
"Oh, no, no, I know that. I may have watched a lot of your performances during my breaks."
Taemin's face lights up upon hearing this, "For real?"
"Yeah," I nod, "you are really good at dancing. Honestly good isn't even the word. I'm good at dancing, you're on a whole 'nother level."
He claps his hands, eye crinkling, "Well then noona has to show me her moves!"
"No way, you rascal!" I shake my head profusely.
"Nooo, come on dance with me!"
"And embarrass myself in yet another dance battle with an SM artist? No way! I already did that with Changmin oppa. Besides, I might break a hip! I'm too old to be your dance partner."
Taemin tilts his head to that, and takes the statement as a double meaning. Did you not like younger guys?
I hear someone call my name. I whip my head to the direction of the voice and see that it's Seo-joon, holding two flutes of champagne.
"Oppa," I smile when he comes over. He smiles as well and hands me one of the glasses, "I got you a drink."
I look at it and take it from him with a quick thank you. He smiles down at me and moves some stray strand of hair on the side of my face away. "Joon-hee PD-nim was looking for you a while ago."
"Really? Where is she? What'd she say?"
"You look really sexy in that dress," he says, turning from his glass to me. I snort and feel my cheels burn. "Ya, oppa!" I snarl and hit his shoulder repeatedly.
Seo-joon laughs and gives me an amused side eye.
As he and I share a laugh, and then I notice Taemin's awkward expression and remember he was begging me to dance with him. My laughter faded and I nudged the chuckling Seo-joon, "Ya oppa, this is Shinee's Lee Taemin."
"Ah," Seo-joon nods and turns to the shorter man, "you're the maknae right?"
Taemin turns to him and nods, chuckling, "Ye."
"Sorry, I didn't get you a drink. I didn't know you were here."
"Ah, no, it's okay."
"Do you want mine? I haven't drank from it."
Taemim raises his hands and shakes it, "no, no, no, I'm fine."
Seo-joon purses his lips, nods and turns to me, "I guess I'll drink it then." His lips connect with the rim, and his tongue darts out afterward. A moment passes and there is an awkward silence between us. Both Seo-joon and Taemin turn to me and open their my to speak up.
I look between then and they turn to each other.
Seo-joon motions, "Please, continue."
"No, it's aright you can go first."
"No, but you were talking to her first, before I came here, so you go."
Taemin agrees with his reasoning. "Noona," he calls, "Minho hyung told me that you really like cupcakes."
I hum and nod in agreement.
Taemin smiles brightly like a while ago again, "well I got you one." He chuckles and I knit my brows upon hearing that. I look at him and purse my lips, but when he stick his hand in his pocket and pulls something, I realize what he means.
My jaw drops into a pleased smile and he dangles a small cupcake key chain in front of me. I smile at the sight of it, "Wah, that's for me"
"Yes," he says simply and grabs my free hand suddenly, placing it on my palm. I smile and feel my neck heat up at his action.
Seo-joon takes a sip on hs  drink again and looks between us. He chuckles lowly and turns over his shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Taemin. You didn't have to get me anything though."
"No, I wanted to though, so please use it well."
Seo-joon speaks up, "Ye, well, I just wanted to say that we were invited to dinner next friday. Are you going to attend?"
"Ah," I nod, knowing it was a company gathering, "sure. Are you?"
Seo-joon nods simply. "Well," he gestures his head to the side, "there's someone calling me. I'll see you later."
I nod and Seo-joon places a hand on my shoulder. He then turns Taemin and gives him a polite smile and bow before going off.
Taemin purses his lips and sighs, "Seo-joon-ssi is nice."
I turn to Taemin and nod, "He is. He's a very good co-worker. Very hard working."
Taemin hums, "You seem to like him very much."
I feel the suggestiveness in his statement, but I ignore it and snort, "Well, he's pretty annoying sometimes, but you learn to love him."
"... he seems to very mucn like you too. Like... a woman."
My lips part at his words, and the next thing I know I'm at a loss for words. When I feel my face heat up, I chuckle and turn away, "Aye, it's not like that. We're just realy close because we worked together as lovers. He's really like my older brother though."
Taemin decides to believe it and breaks into a wide grin, "Really. What a relief."
My brows quirk up at that, "Why is that?"
"Because I really wanted to ask you out."
My lips part again, but this time I break into a big smile. I chuckle and take a sip on my drink for the first time. "I like how you're really confident."
Taemin's shoulders shake and she smile, "Does that mean you want to get cupcakes with me sometime?"
"Hmm," my eyes crinkle, "well, if you bought me such a cute keychain of one, then I suppose I wouldn't regret it."
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alittletournesol · 5 years
Sing Your Soul {JongKey} part 5/6
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Part 5
The ovation wasn’t as loud as in some stadium during a worldwide sports event, but the few applauses whose sound resounded in the bar were more than enough for Jinki’s smile to enlighten his features. He was rarely performing more than two new songs every time he was to be the artist of the night at the Blue Night, yet he always recognized some regular customers who showed no boredom in listening to the same pieces over again.
Respectfully, he bowed for as long as he was celebrated and when he straightened up while approaching his mic from his lips, all hands ceased their clapping. It was like everyone was already prepared to hang on his every word even before a first sound escaped his mouth.
“Thank you for listening to me, I hope you enjoyed the new song.” The singer said, smiling and his eyes travelling to meet every face in the audience. “You will have the opportunity to hear it again and as much as you wish to, in a few weeks when my next work will be released.”
As he was speaking a bit more about the aforesaid song, the lyrics and their thematic, rhythm, meaning… Kibum got his attention drew to his left, where Jonghyun was sitting and staring at the artist on stage. His eyes were literally shining and his lips half open as he focused on the explanations, sometimes mouthing a wow and nodding when he felt some words. The event planner couldn’t help but smile with pride as he realized what a good idea he had to make the blonde man come that evening.
“Unfortunately, I have been asked to keep my other songs secret until the release.” Jinki ended up confessing, earning a few whines. “I’m just as disappointed as you are, obviously, but although I don’t have anything left to sing for tonight… I would like to offer you a surprise. Actually, I’m not offering, more proposing an alternative that I think will impress you.”
“And before our artist’s clumsiness spoils everything, let’s take a short break to get ourselves prepared.” Minho suddenly climbed the stage to stand up by his boyfriend’s side, a second mic in hands. “I see some glasses are empty, please allow me to come take your next orders and feel free to use this pause to use the smoking room.”
Once he finished his speech, the bartender switched both mics off and went to pull the curtain himself to hide the stage for the time of break. Customers started chatting or stood up to go take a smoke or just breathe some fresh air in the back street of the bar. Minho was quick to come back and before he went back to work with clearing and new orders, he waved towards his best friend and showed the small, hidden backstage, mouthing something.
Kibum had always been good at reading on one’s lips despite his work mostly consisting in phone calls ; he got the information right away and stood up, gently tapping the subway singer’s shoulder to quietly tell him to follow. The latter didn’t wait to be asked twice and wove in and out between the tables and standing people, his eyes never leaving the silhouette leading him. In his chest, his heart was beating faster with each step he took until he found himself behind the stage’s wall.
It was long and narrow, certainly the entire length of the bar’s wall, but a couple of lamps lit a comfortable double sofa, a tea table and all electric boxes and cables. Eyeing everything, Jonghyun eventually noticed Jinki who stood up from his seat and walked towards him with a reassuring smile.
“So, tell me.” He said, crossing his arms above his chest. “Did you choose your songs since the break ?”
“I think I have a lot that can fit tonight’s atmosphere, yes.” The blonde singer nodded but his nervousness was noticeable in the way he scratched his nape while talking. “Though I don’t want to steal your spotlight or something.”
“Man, my part is done tonight, so take the damn spotlight. Will you sing covers or…?”
“One cover, but actually I compose songs so I thought I might give a try to two of them. If I can ?”
“Of course you can, you can do whatever you want on stage. We gotta work on that self confidence of yours, huh ?”
“I’m on it.” Kibum spoke in, winking at Jonghyun when the latter looked at him and smiled in return. “Do you think Ming will like him enough to hire him ?”
“He’s clearly going to pretend thinking, considering, all that business man’s stuff… but trust me, he already got the papers ready.”
“Really ?” The subway singer raised his eyebrows, honestly surprised. “You’re kidding, he didn’t hear me sing yet !”
“You will learn that Minho is someone who hides his thoughts and emotions, even the positive ones.” The event planner smiled. “But first of all, he watched those videos of you I sent to him and allowed me to find you. He drove me to your subway station himself, on last Sunday, but he couldn’t make it to Yongsan with me.”
“He entrusted you with finding me and bringing me here ?”
“Second thing to know about him.” The eldest man snorted. “He can’t refuse anything if it comes either from me or Kibum. And we both stood up for you so he got defeated.”
“That totally sounds like a scheme.”
“Yeah right ? Now it’s your part, I’ll take your seat !”
With one last wink and thumb up, Jinki wished the other singer good luck and disappeared in the audience, leaving both Kibum and him alone and quiet. The younger man’s eyes shifted as soon as they locked gazes and he pretended to check something on the electric box — though he didn’t understand a single connection in this thing. But the silence quickly went awkward and when Jonghyun cleared his throat, he had no choice but look up and talk.
“So… you’re ready ?” He asked. “It’s not completely like a station but it shouldn’t feel that different, right ?”
“Every place conveys a different feeling, I can sense these things.” The blonde singer smiled. “But I like it here, though I feel on the nerves, you know…”
“Stage fright ?”
“I guess so, I mean, they’re here to listen. In a station, I’m mostly a background noise except for the few people who stop for a minute to focus a bit more on me. They don’t come to listen to me but to take their train, while here…”
“Maybe you feel like you’re a background noise, but people remember you. I wouldn’t have been able to find you if it hadn’t been for this little girl to know your name and her mother to know where you sing. I’m sure they’re not the only ones who know about the white haired guy who sings at Sindang. You were being noticed, now you will be listened to.”
“Can I ask you something ?”
“The other time, you told me I moved you. Among all my songs you’ve heard, could it be at the stations or in these videos… is there one that moved you more than others ?”
Kibum cocked an eyebrow, he hadn’t expected this question and hadn’t really thought of ranking the songs he had heard. He didn’t even know the titles and was unable to humming them even if he wanted to — he was too scared of ruining it in front of its creator. Instead, he grabbed his phone and opened his favourite app, tapping the screen until it opened a folder of saved posts with a musical note emoji as its title.
He scrolled a bit and his thumb stopped, seemed to hesitate between two videos, and Jonghyun noticed his trouble. As he approached, the other man turned his phone towards him and eventually showed him both. 
“This one was the one you were singing when I saw you the first time and it’s stuck in my mind since then.” The brown haired man said, his voice surprisingly low and his eyes still on the screen. “But I like this one too. Do they have titles ?”
“Of course, the first one is MONO-Drama, it’s a particular one.” Jonghyun answered before the tip of his finger selected the second video. “And this one is Beautiful Tonight, you can hear me sing it.”
“Yeah, that’s true. I like Beautiful Tonight more, it has something special that speaks to me, I couldn’t say why.”
“I see. You saved a lot of videos, I didn’t know I got filmed so much.”
“You never looked for yourself on social media ?”
“I don’t really use social media.”
“You wh—”
“Sorry to interrupt you, but the show will resume soon.” A voice caught their attention and they met with Minho who had his head coming out from behind the wall. “Time to get on stage.”
The bartender disappeared as fast as he had shown up and both men left their conversation on hold as Kibum led Jonghyun to the stage, even joining him there to adjust the mike for him. Within the few minutes the customers took to find their seat back, the blonde man grabbed the high stool that was leaning against the wall, since his predecessor preferred standing. He slowly pulled the synth closer to him and connected his music player to it, opening a playlist of three instrumental songs.
While the event planner made sure the instrument and the sounds control console were linked up, he asked the other man if he needed anything more. He could already hear his best friend drawing the audience’s attention for the last, exclusive part of that evening. The confident smile on Jonghyun’s lips was enough of an answer and Kibum raised his fist to wish him good luck, before he walked down the stage and discreetly joined his seat.
From behind the curtain, the blonde singer took a short moment to regulate his breathing, closing his eyes and focusing on his lungs filling and emptying themselves until the sensation of all his organs quivering stopped. When he heard people applauding, he looked up and waited for the large piece of fabric to be pulled to the side, revealing the dozen of tables being now in the dark as the lights were all on him. 
They were all looking at him and he scanned the whole room until his eyes met with a familiar face, the event planner smiling at him and nodding to give him strength. Returning the smile, Jonghyun eventually leaned on to have his lips closer to the mike.
“Good evening, my name is Kim Jonghyun.” He said, and his smooth talking voice already prepared everyone for what would come next. “I’m gladly standing, or should I say, sitting in front of you tonight to introduce you a few of my works. Before starting, I would like to thank the owner of this beautiful place for letting me in, and for Lee Jinki who you heard previously, for proposing me to come on stage after him. I will do my best to be worthy of this spot he was standing on earlier. Please welcome me well.”
He shyly smiled when the audience applauded once more to salute his speech and encourage him, and straightened up while pulling the mike, clearing his throat and pressing the play button on the synth. A melody immediately resounded in the loudspeakers and faces lit up as it was extremely recognizable to most of customers ; smiles appeared and some even whispered to each other as they enjoyed the surprise.
“I will start with a cover of a song that is really a favourite of mine.” The singer said before he playfully smiled. “Let’s try not to ruin it.” 
No sooner said than done, Jonghyun’s fingers closed on the mike and his voice started following the instrumental. He had chosen to perform a cover to let people get used to his so uncommon timbre, and the song he was singing was indeed one he held dear in his heart. He was a romantic person, and the lyrics inspired him on writing his own ; the story of a man who was in love with a woman but feared her turning his confession down. As he longed for her, he experienced insomnias filled with endless thoughts and worries.
The song’s rhythm alternated between low and high pitches, but Kibum found himself impressed by how the singer handled these changes smoothly, with no apparent effort. Even the way he managed to give the same emotional vibe but with a different colour, his colour, during the chorus, gave shivers to everyone. Could it be when he willingly broke his voice on certain words to give the impression of being breathless, or when his throat vibrated as he held a note on the word insomnia, everything was beautiful.*
It was the first time the event planner heard him sing a song he already knew, and it had nothing to do with when you sing your favorite song while showering ; it was mastered, from vocals to emotions.
“Thank you for listening.” Jonghyun eventually said, making the brown haired man realise he was done with the song as soft applauses welcomed his performance. “I could say this song is the one that made me want to sing, and more than that, to try writing and composing my own songs. I still lack a lot but I hope you will enjoy the next song, which is my own creation.”
Bowing his head, the blonde singer sat better in front of the synth and arranged the mike horizontally so he could use his hands on the keys. As he pressed play on the second piece, the distant sound of rain falling slowly raised from the loudspeakers, until customers made out what sounded like a repetitive ringtone. Before their surprise had time to reduce, a melody started while the man’s voice came out, yet not from his mouth ; it was like the phone had been picked up and he was the one talking. 
One could only hear his voice, not the other person’s, the conversation about Jonghyun being on his way to join his friends for a drink after work. After a last ok, it was like the phone got hung up and the man started singing for real, while his fingers were gently hitting the synth’s keys to accompany the instrumental. And just then, with the only power of his voice and lyrics, he told a story of his own to every single soul in the room, his timbre fitting so much to the sweetness of his words.
Meeting friends, drinking and laughing as they reminisced their friendship. The curious but familiar way they became kids again, whenever they made time in their respective schedules to gather all together and talk… it was all about remembering and making new memories in a comfortable atmosphere, their heart warming up thanks to this moment of reunion just as their body heating up because of alcohol.
While he listened just as everyone else, Kibum had his eyes staring at Jonghyun’s facial expressions ; it wasn’t just any story, it could only be his. Through a song, he was talking about his late night meetings with longstanding friends who grew up together, getting together for a drink. It was so noticeable on his features that he was feeling every single word he sang, that every sentence every question intended for a friend had once been told in real life. The atmosphere of this moment was conveyed through the rhythm and the tone, making the audience immerse in it with him.
And as if he wanted to confirm his every questioning gaze, the song ended on another distant conversation, as if coming from a phone again. This time, it wasn’t him talking to a friend, but a record of several voices chatting all together that continued for a few seconds even after the instrumental stopped. The last sound they heard was cheering, clinking soju glasses.*
“Cheers.” Jonghyun eventually said as he pretended to raise a glass, drawing a few smiles in the audience and some even responded to his gesture before drinking. “You know this feeling, right ? I hope you liked it. Shall we go with the last song ? Someone here heard it already and appreciates it, so let’s dedicate it to this person, hmm ? Let’s go.”
Kibum got startled when he caught the blonde man glancing at him when talking about the person who knew his next song. But it was quite brief, just quick enough for him to understand he was this person, what made him blush and shyly smile as he focused even more. Jonghyun pressed play for the last time that evening, but he didn’t show any intention to accompany the melody again ; instead, he removed the mike from its stand and brought it to his lips, while crossing his legs.
It was clear that the new instrumental had been made with a synth, with the piano’s sounds modified to give a different vibe. It was a steady, regular rhythm that introduced a peaceful atmosphere, it made one want to take a calm walk on it. When the singer opened his mouth to tell another story, the message seemed to have changed ; it wasn’t a friends topic anymore but about a man taking the woman he loves home, and willingly saving time on their way to stay with her longer.
This time, it was like Jonghyun was talking to the woman herself, his voice more whispering than singing, low and gentle, soft and intimate. But the story was short, as he eventually started repeating the same words, beautiful tonight and oh say, accompanying them with slow whistles.
A smile was drawn on his lips for a second, disallowing him to properly whistle and forcing him to get himself together, when he noticed that after a few times, some customers had their lips shaped in a o as if whistling with him. Some others were slowly moving their head on the piercing yet soft sound’s rhythm, and it filled his heart with joy… especially when his eyes fell on Kibum, who was part of this second type of listeners. The latter smiled at the blonde and slowly nodded, quietly notifying him of how well he was doing. 
A song had never seemed so short, but when it ended, Jonghyun’s disappointment was quickly replaced with gratefulness as he bowed his head, people applauding and even standing for some. He kept his head lowered as he stood himself to bow even more, and he joined his hands together when straightening up, his eyes shining while he couldn’t realise what he had just done. Even when Minho climbed on stage and politely took the mike to announce the end of the small concert, he only had eyes for whoever was in front of him.
He didn’t notice the curtain being pulled in front of him, and the last thing he saw before he needed to sit backstage for a moment, was Kibum still standing and applauding without ceasing to look at him. 
“They want to hear more stories.”
Jonghyun didn’t even hear the bartender as his eyes were stuck to the guest book that had been filled by almost all customers who had attended that evening’s concert. It was an usual thing, he had been told, and really dear to Minho : on every Wednesday, he would place this book in front of the bar’s door, on a music stand, for people to leave their impressions about the performances they had heard. 
Sometimes it was just a short message of congratulations, but there also were talkative ones with personal thoughts on a song they liked better, praises and promises to come again… though this time, it seemed Jinki had been quite forgotten, for almost all words were intended for the new blonde artist with a silky voice. It was unbelievable and the concerned man was unable to talk.
“Oh, look there.” Taemin said as he pointed at a message. “See hyung, someone mentioned you before praising him. Here, at the beginning.”
“I still have one fan here, thank God.” Jinki heartily laughed. “Though I understand them, I rarely heard something as beautiful as what you offered tonight, man.”
“They really… liked me ?” Jonghyun eventually asked, looking up and his eyes looking for any form of assent from any of the four men surrounding him. “I mean, I felt that they were liking the songs but… the messages are all about me, they call me an artist…?”
“I told you you would be listened to and not remain a background noise.” Kibum smiled. “To think you rejected me at first ! I know how to recognize potential when I see it.”
“Come on dude, it’s no time to praise yourself.” Minho rolled his eyes and paid attention to the blonde man. “They really liked you, and your songs. Some were event disappointed that you couldn’t sing more, they told me themselves when coming to the counter to pay.”
The subway singer stood gaping for a moment, before he leaned against the sofa’s backrest. He didn’t know what to think nor what to say, too many things were happening in his mind right now, and he was feeling like his chest was going to explode. 
“I think tonight might not be a good moment to talk business.” The bartender ended up saying, slowly taking the book back and standing up. “What about we meet tomorrow when I close and discuss your next performance ?”
“My… my next performance ?” Jonghyun repeated, looking at the tall man. “Do you want me to come back ?”
“And I will pay you for it. Customers liked you, and I can’t deny you’ve got a real talent, also you’ve got three men right there who will drown me in the Han river if I don’t hire you right now.”
“I can’t believe it…”
“That’s why I suggest you to come back tomorrow to talk about it with a clear head. But if you want to, consider yourself hired already. Our next three Wednesdays are booked already but if you can wait, I will make sure you get the one after. That leaves you almost a month to prepare, sounds good ?”
“Sounds damn good. Where do I sign ?”
Both laughed and exchanged an enthusiastic handshake, under the extremely content stare of the three other men. Kibum was the proudest, standing with his arms crossed to give himself a nonchalant attitude, but deep inside, he was feeling all excited. Although he knew Minho couldn’t refuse him anything, he couldn’t say he would have hired Jonghyun if it hadn’t been for the latter to have potential.
The Blue Night’s owner only hired artists. And the event planner had brought him one he would never regret hiring.
to be continued
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stratus-skye07 · 6 years
Ready When You Are | Onew
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Requested: i see your requests are still open so id like to ask for a jinki domestic scenario something fluffy please, grazie
Description: Married life isn’t so bad, especially when your husband is Onew.
Genre: Fluff / Husband AU
Word Count: 2.8k
The past few nights, I’ve been having trouble sleeping. Tonight was one of those rare nights where I was actually able to sleep through a majority of the night. Other nights, I’d wake up and end up staring at the ceiling for hours on end or eventually get up to walk around to make myself tired again.
I begin to stir when I feel something grazing against my ear. Opening my eyes slowly, I notice the familiar figure lying beside me as he always does every morning. My husband, Jinki, resting against his hand facing me. He’s brushing his fingers through my hair, which he usually does to relax me and help me fall asleep. I’m usually awake before him so seeing him up before me is surely a new sight.
I smile as my vision of him becomes clearer, “How long have you been awake?” I ask.
“Long enough to know that you slept well for once.” He says in a low whisper.
Suddenly, I hear his stomach growl. I look at him with wide eyes, “That long?” I reach over to hug his waist. “You should’ve woke me up if you were hungry.”
He kisses the top of my head as he groans, “No, I couldn’t. You were sleeping so beautifully.”
I hum sarcastically, “I’m sure watching the drool go down my chin was extremely sexy to look at.”
“It was. It almost pained me to have to wipe it away.” He says jokingly.
Jinki and I have been married for a few years but nothing really changed between us. Our love is just as big as it was when we were dating. We met when we were working together on a drama. I recently finished filming a drama a month ago and now I’m taking some time to relax more often. The only thing I’ve been doing is making small appearances on variety shows when I’m asked to.
I’ve always known since day one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Jinki, with or without the fame to his name had. Jinki had told me that he knew that I was the one he would marry because I never left his side after the world found out we were together. There were times where he wanted to push me away but I knew that people would come to accept it eventually. No one can stay mad at Jinki forever.
After eating breakfast together, I finish cleaning up the dishes when Jinki comes up from behind me to give me a warm hug.
I chuckle at the feeling, “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?” I ask, knowing very well what his schedule always is.
He groans, “I’m just gonna stay home today. Doesn’t that sound good?”
I dry my hands before turning around to face him, “You know I would love for you to be home all the time but you have a responsibility to your members and fans. SHINee can’t have a lazy leader.”
He sighs, “Fine, then how about you come with me?”
I’m used to going with Jinki to all of his promotions but today I have an important appointment that I need to stick to. One that Jinki doesn’t know about for his own good.
I shake my head, “I’m feeling a bit sluggish this morning but I’ll try to meet you for your interview.”
His face falls serious as he continues to look at me, “Have you been okay?”
I nod, “Yes.” I say confidently or else he’ll try to make an excuse to stay home when he needs to get back to work after being on a hiatus for over a year. “So please don’t start worrying about me when you have a busy schedule this week with the new album. I’m fine, so go get ready for the day. I’ll be here cleaning up things. Plus, I have a busy week myself.”
Once Jinki left the house, I had some personal things to take care of followed by my own work schedule. Today, I’m filming an episode of Happy Together with other fellow actors. The cast is very friendly so the atmosphere is natural enough for me to enjoy myself and have fun with everyone.
“I think the most successful drama this year so far must’ve been Y/N’s.” Yoo Jae-suk comments.
I shake my head, “Oh no, there were far more interesting dramas that came out other than mine. I can’t say that mine is the only one.”
“I watched it all, including the love scenes you had with your co-star. That was really steamy, did your husband watch it?” Jun Hyun-moo asks.
I chuckle, recalling the night we watched the drama together. He was understanding about the scenes that were more intimate but he’d find a way to distract himself whenever the scenes came on.
“He’d pretend to watch it.” I explain, “He was proud but seeing the intimate scenes made it a little weird for him.”
“Are you planning to do anymore dramas or films in the near future?” Uhm Hyun-kyung asks.
I shake my head, “There’s nothing in the works as of right now and I’m not too concerned about it at the moment. I’m taking the time to support my husband’s comeback since it’s really important to him.”
The hosts all awe in admiration causing me to blush. A lot of the times, people assumed that Jinki and I would say cute things for show but everything we say about one another has been from our honest feelings. If we were never honest with one another, we wouldn’t have made it through the first month of dating.
“Then you and Onew should just do another drama together.” Hyun-moo suggested.
“I think his main concern right now is working hard with SHINee since it’s been a year that they’ve last had a comeback.”
One of the other actresses sitting beside me squeals, “My gosh, I can’t wait to see how adorable your babies will look like.”
I laugh redirecting the conversation before anyone could start asking questions about when Jinki and I will be planning to have a baby. It’s not a touchy subject but it’s something we haven’t really talk about much. I don’t wanna give people the wrong idea since a lot of actresses that are married have had the stereotype of being workaholics.
After my interview is over, I stop by the station where SHINee is filming their TV interview. As to not be a distraction, I watch the interview from the far side of the set to keep out of sight. They start off by talking about their new album and how it came to be as well as the tragedy that happened to the group the beginning of the year.
Getting halfway through the interview, they start to talk about their personal lives.
“Onew is the only member that’s married, right?” The interviewer asks.
The other members nod.
“If you spend enough time with him, he’ll remind you.” Kibum adds, “He doesn't let us forget that he has a wife.”
The interviewers laugh, “Does he talk about her often?”
Minho explains, “The thing is, he always finds some way to bring her up in a conversation. For example, when Y/N’s drama ended last month, we all met up for dance practice when he showed us an article praising the drama’s finale and how high the ratings were.”
Taemin adds, “Aside from loving her so much, he’s very proud of her.”
The interviewer asks, “Does that cause you to not get along with Y/N?”
“We don’t have a problem with Y/N at all. We love her as our sister-in-law but Onew himself annoys us.” Key says.
Jinki sits there quietly listening to the member talk about me. His cheek and ears have a slight red tint to them.
I stifle a laugh as they continue to clown around with Jinki. I’ve heard all jokes about him being the first to marry so nothing any interviewer says can really strike a cord anymore.
“Since you’re the oldest and the first to get married, have you and Y/N thought about having children yet?” The nerves begin to build as Jinki’s face falls slightly but he picks himself back up.
“Not as much as you would think, but we’re leaving it up to fate. Should we become pregnant tomorrow, or next week, or even next year, it’ll be the most joyous occasion of our lives. I love my wife dearly and I believe that she will make an amazing mother when the time comes. The anticipation just makes it much greater.”
I catch myself tearing up about the response. I know that Jinki is just saying no lightly since the subject hasn’t been brought up at all between us but I know that he’s telling the truth about being happy when he gets the news about becoming a father.
I meet up with Jinki when he finishes filming. He suggested we go out to eat for his break time before going to a fansign event.
I smile as I watch him eat in peace. He’s been working nonstop from preparing and promoting SHINee’s new album that I find it satisfying when I get to see him sit still and relax for awhile.
“Oppa, you could’ve eaten with the members. You’ll have to meet up with them again right after.”
He shakes his head, “I’ve shared enough meals with them to last me a lifetime. I haven’t had as many with my wife.” He says the last sentence in an aegyo voice.
I laugh, “Don’t force yourself to be cute.”
“As long as it makes you laugh, I’ll do it all the time.” He smiles at me lovingly.
He continues eating until something comes to his mind, “Oh I almost forgot, since it’s almost your birthday, is there anything special you want? Anything you want, oppa will get it for you.”
“Just having you at home is good enough for me. Don’t even think about throwing a surprise party because I already know about it.”
Jinki shrugs, “What are you talking about?” He asks.
I smirk, “I already tricked Taemin into telling me.”
He scoffs, “Nice try, I didn’t tell him about the party this time.” He pauses as I raise my eyebrows at him, “Damn, you’re good.”
“You should know by now that nothing gets by me.”
Suddenly, his face falls serious. His eyes lower to look at his food and avoids making eye contact. I start to feel uneasy at his demeanor.
“What?” I ask.
“I was just thinking about the interview. About having kids.”
My heart begins to race, thinking this might be the moment. The baby talk that we haven’t fully had yet.
I act like it’s nothing serious, “Oh, what about it? Do you wanna have one?”
He starts coughing, nearly choking on his food. “Huh? N-no-I mean yes-I mean...Do you?” He asks.
I laugh trying not to stress him out any further, “Oppa,” I take his hand in mine, “I love you very much. When I said yes to marrying you, I was saying yes to being with you for the rest of my life. Growing with you, which includes expanding our family, if that is something you want. I know now isn’t the best time but just know that I’ll wait.”
He shakes his head, “It’s not about the timing. It’s more about being excitingly nervous about it all. I also don’t want people to think that it’s you not wanting to have a baby because you’re the best actress in the world.”
I chuckle, “I wouldn’t go that far but don’t worry, you know I can handle it or else you wouldn’t have married me.”
He smiles, “That was one of them but you know there are a million other reasons why.”
“I would love to hear every single one of those reasons but you have to get going or else you’ll be late for the event.”
Having the conversation about the future like this is always a good way to be open with one another about what we want. The last serious talk we had was about us possibly breaking up. He was feeling guilty about his schedule taking up most of our time together as well as the fans that were against our relationship. Jinki had the fear that I wouldn’t wait around for him but when I reassured him about it and proved to him that I could, he proposed to me a few months later.
About a week goes by and it’s the day before my birthday. I packed a heavy schedule today in order to have the day off tomorrow since Jinki was working hard planning for my birthday party.
I finish up a busy day by nightfall. Jinki had told me that he would be working extra at the SM building with the members so I have time to wash up and wait for him to get home. To my surprise, I quickly realize that I’m not home alone.
The first thing I see is a trail of single roses leading down the hall and up the stairs towards our bedroom. I should’ve known he wouldn’t wait until tomorrow to pull off a surprise.
Not being able to hide my grin, I head up the stairs and towards our bedroom. The door is slightly ajar as I push it open. Dropping my bag, along with my jaw, at the sight of the room being surrounded by vases of roses.
In the corner of the room, Jinki appears. I couldn’t see him since he was hiding behind one of the many vases of roses.
“Are you surprised?” He asks with a wide smile.
I nod as I take another long look at all the roses before reaching over to pull Jinki in for a hard embrace along with a series of kisses all over his face.
“Oppa,” I call his name in a whiny voice, “why do you spoil me so?”
He chuckles as he tightens his hold and lifts me off the ground, “My wife deserves the best surprises I can give her, especially when you’re working so hard around your birthday.”
Wrapping my legs around his waist, I lean back to look at his face, “You’re gonna run out of ideas if you keep this up.”
“I don’t think so. As long as my heart wants to make you smile, it will come up with endless ideas.” He says giving me a peck on the lips.
I smile at his adorable face when I decide that maybe now should be the best time to let him know how much I love him as well.
“Oppa, since it’s my birthday and you asked me what I wanted, can I tell you now?” I ask.
He curiously nods, “Of course.”
He puts me down as I head back to where I dropped my bag. Going through it, I pull out SHINee’s new album. My heart begins to race as I hand him the album.
He laughs as he takes it, “What’s this for?”
“I like to have your albums in my collection. I also like to have your signature along with the album. It makes me feel like a special fan.”
“I thought you said my signature on our marriage certificate was the most important autograph?” He says.
“It always will be.” I shrug, “You know how I like to get your photo cards from all the albums. Can you check to see if I got yours?”
He nods before opening the box-like album. He digs out the lyric book and photo book until he reaches the bottom where the CD is.
He smiles as he reveals his photo card, “Tada! What a handsome face.”
He pulls it out to hand it to me but stops mid-action when he sees the other black and white card that I placed in it beforehand.
“What is this?” He asks picking up the 4 by 3 card in confusion.
“My ultrasound. 8 weeks to be exact.” I hear him gasp as he drops the album to grip the other corner of the picture to take a closer look. “Congratulations, you’re gonna be an appa.”
Slowly, he turns his head to look at me. “Really? You’re really pregnant?”
I nod, “I hope this isn’t too sudden. I know you-”
Before I can finish my sentence, Jinki cuts me off with his lips. He returns the happiness of the surprise by kissing my face like I did to him. Before I knew it, he was swinging me around in his arms.
I look at him in shock at his reaction. I’d assume that he would become quiet and scared by the news but this was more than I could’ve hoped for,  “I didn’t expect you would be this excited.”
He kisses me a few more times before responding, “I meant what I said about becoming pregnant being the joyous occasion when it happens. Knowing that’s it’s you, I know that you’re gonna be a wonderful mother.”
I can’t help but tear up, “You’re gonna be an amazing father. Besides, you’ve raised four kids already. How hard could another one be?”
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stayforsure · 6 years
Lee Minho as in love with his best friend
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I think this boy is complicated a little bit
(who’s not?????)
I mean he could be really variable in some way, but it depends only on his mood, not feelings for you
he definitely isn’t the type of boy who fell in love easily 
maybe fast, intensive, but not easily
and I think it’s hard to get his attention and make him really interesting about something and it includes people
so I think there’s a high probability that he fall for his best friends
because you’re spending a lot of time together and know each other so well
and he completely trusts you and I think it’s a big step for him to trust someone to the fully
and maybe one of this reasons could be he’s wondering
‘How could she stand my awesomeness so easily?’
‘Am I not good enough, huh?’
because he knows his power, it’s a proud boy, we all know
and many girls usually get nervous and play unnaturally next to him what he can’t stand for long
but there could be many theories and scenarios about it
anyway let’s go
so firstly I think he could be very egoistic when it comes to you
in good way of course
like wanting to take you somewhere else rIght nOw, where can be only you two all alone
or make you invisible for some people he doesn’t want to look at you in way he doesn’t like 
he is definitely stubborn if it comes to you
like he wouldn’t just stopped and give up if you wouldn’t be interested in him in thIs way or like someone else
(we know you didn’t of course!, but it’s only option he contemplated about)
he doesn’t stop until he wins and get what he wants the most
it’s not only about you, it’s just this boy thing
it’s hard to him to take his eyes of you when you’re focused on something
just like writing, drawing, dancing, just doing your hobby
but he also like even when you doing your homework or vaccuming your house
and he likes when your eyes meet and you realize that he was observating you all this time
but as much as that he likes when you’re observating him too
mostly when he dance
because then he feels that he can show you one of his best side, it also makes him proud and even more motivated
he likes to tease you a lot
just like stole your food at lunches with unexpected bites of your sandwich or drinking your water without asking
and smiling after without hesitation and regrets
he is that kind of boy who spends Saturday nights with you, eating and watching a lot of dramas or horrors
and stay at your house till morning hours
talking to you about films you’ve already watched, mostly being bored of scenario and criticize them
and when he is bored, he put his head on your shoulder/belly/laps and takes a nap
and wanting to stay and sleep till next day, but going back home just because of your parents
it’s really the only things that aware him
he just like spend time in your room
it’s his favourite place for you two
he even has favorite place where he always seats
but sometimes you meet at his house
he likes the fact you’re laying on his bed and feel comfortable
through the time he observed that his cats like you a lot and it makes him happy
and realized you leave your smell on his linen when he’s going to bed
sometimes he can’t sleep because of you
just looking at black sky through the window and thinking about your beauty face, lovely smile and kissable lips
sometimes he tries to gave you signals
but you know him so well and you just think that he teases you like he usually does
he loves to being touchy with you even more than before
and every single day
because he is getting exhausted of that he can’t touch you whenever he wants and the way he really wants to 
just like when he gives you a backhug, he is hoping you hold his hands and don’t let them go
and he would be able to make big step in your relation
he loves to take you on his hands and walking with you like that just for fun
and for your laugh
he looks hipniotized when you’re laughing
all of his face is just like frozen, serious and he can’t take his eyes of you
he often think about you both cuddling
and his imiaginary could come toOOOoo far about this thing sometimes
I think he would be afraid the most about that you’re could not returning his feeling
like loving him only as a friend, not something more
and more than destroying your friendship, he doesn’t want to hear it, living with the fact he doesn’t mean the same to you
it would be a disaster for his heart, soul and a man proud
and one in a million time this single thought could completely destroying him 
and causing anger or sadness, making him cry next to his friend like Jisung or Chan, talking about how frustrating is to being lacerated about such an important person like you
but the next day he feels a new power
just like the day before doesn’t exist
and he want to throw away the fact he was so weak last night
because of course he is not going to give up on you
but really deep deep in his soul he wants you to really need him and focusing on him
like you really didn’t see anything and anyone but him
like in studio rooms, when you sitting under the mirrors and gave him all attention
he sends you a lot of winks and his cocky smirks
especially when he does something what could be a little bit uncomfortable to you or make you shy
like excercising or changing his clothes next to you after training
and almost always says
'Don’t make that face, I know you like it, y/n’
and he becomes braver after alcohol
soOoo much braver
keeps teasing you a lot, definitely more than in daily situations
sometimes wrap his arms around your shoulders or holding your hand
or move his face close to test you and check how you would behave
because he frecking loves to tease you in every kind of way and make you weaker against him 
and while he’s drunk, I think it’s only s drive him crazy more and more
and oh my I see this
I don’t know if I should and could end it as a scenario but fUcI\/ i%
and maybe it’s not the best way to express love to best friend but hey, you know each other for years, there’s not a lot of things which can surprise you so let’s fUcI\/ i%
you know he’s a little bit wilding after alcohol
he drink five beers after a long break of partying because of his trainings and he was really loud this evening and laugh a lot
and you was a little bit drunk too
it was just funny and really nice party at your both friends house
and he take you home as usually
it was a warm autumn night of October
you walked side by side
and he has a red jersey with black checkered pattern you really like on him 
and leather jacket on it 
and his hair was messy because of his pullings
and you have flowing claret scarf and long coat which looks elegant on you
and he fucking loves it
you both kept hands in your own pockets and talked about something funny that happened on the party you’ve been
Minho was ending his last beer this day while you were in front of your house door
there was no lights on in your windows 
‘I didn’t know I needed a day like this’ you tell him
‘What excactly do you mean?’ he asks
‘A day with alcohol, a lot of unhealthy food, party music and those people’
‘And me. You forgot about me’ he corrects you
‘Of course you’re including to them, Minho!’ you hit him softly on his chest 
‘I’m more important than rest of your friends and you know that. You should list me apart of them’ he explained you with a louder, resolute voice and betrayed expression on his face
‘Shh, my parents are sleeping!’ you instruct him, trying to lower your laugh
‘I don’t know what are you laughing at, I’m serious’ and you burst again
‘But I always need you, Minho!’
and you see him shocked 
and you didn’t expected this
because it was Lee Minho and I was hard to make him shocked
‘Why did you say that now?’
‘I said that I didn’t know I needed those things like party and beers today and you want to list you too, but I need you everyday in my life, so there no need to list you with the rest, right?’
and then he came closer pulls you to the wall and put his hand at both sides of you, blocking you moves
‘So say it again’ 
‘Minho, you’re drunk, go home!’ you still laugh, looking at his eyes with the same deep color as sky behind him
and his lips was peachy pink as his cheeks after he drinks
and his hair was still messy
‘I’m, but I know what I’m doing’
‘I’ve already said that, let me go home!’
and you laugh again because you know he’s not going to let you go without his wish
but at the same time you feel nervous as usual because of your proximity you were trying to hide it from yourself and him too
and you feel and alcohol and his perfume mixed
and he feels the same smell as on his linen and came closer
‘Y/n, don’t annoy me and say it’ he warns you with a restrained smile
‘Okay then’ you take a deep breath “I need Lee Minho today and every each of the following day in my life. Are you satisfied right now?’
and he doesn’t answer
I mean he answers with pulling his lips to yours
and it was so quickly you didn’t even have a time to react to this
but you realize you wouldn’t ever pushed him away if you will know before he is going to do this
because it was Lee Minho, your best friend ever and life companion
such a handsome and cute boy and the best version of him especially to you
and his lips was so soft and warm, taste a little bit bittersweet cause of beer, but mostly you feel his musky cologne
and his kiss’s becoming more passionate with every second with opening your mouth and biting once your bottom lip 
and one of his hand touch your waist and second lays on your cheek
and he, oh my
he kisses the heaven
feels so happy and good with touching your lips the way he dreams about for so many months
and was so proud he finally did this
and your mouth tastes even better than he ever imagines at those sleepless nights
and he came closer again and almost thrusting you into the wall with all his body
and then he break it for a while to look all over you face 
just like he was looking for permission or controlling your expressions if you agree or not
or just takes a breath
and when you closed your eyes again
and when wrap your arms around his neck 
he takes that signals
and make that kiss one of the beautiful and the longest you both have together, just to show you how thirsty he was of your true love
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channieskzlove94 · 4 years
at the top of my recipes list is japchae because i had a mildly scarring experience with a local restaurant and i still dont know what vegetable(?) i found in it but it very uncomfortable to not know what i was going to be consuming and the next one is mango sticky rice which is actually really simple but everyone in my house loved it when i ordered some from a thai food truck (it was so good, wed had it before? but this was from an authentic thai owned food truck and it showed)
block b is so good! honestly some of my favorite songs come from groups that are disbanded or pretty much there topp dogg? theyre everything imo, 4minute? everything and more, and i wish i had gotten into kpop earlier but i live in a terrible area to be encouraged to view outside cultures
i think my favorite historical drama is the untamed (its chinese) because music is so prevalent also its very fantasy and despite the forced censorship regarding the main relationship (theres a whole uncensored novel) its still very apparent to me that theyre in love and stuff which i deeply appreciate but its incredibly long so it really brought out the worst in my attention span issues, ive also started watching rookie historian and i really like it so far but im not that far into it :/ i really relate to being totally absorbed in a drama and stuff though, if something really spectacularly catches my attention (without being 50 episodes all being 45 minutes long) i really get sucked in and its like all over for anything else
only one of my geckos ever tries to bite? and its only very occasionally- we try to leave him alone for the most part because its after a lot of handling. one of our geckos is albino! shes super super pretty but were really super careful about lights and stuff because of her eyes- i obviously cant make your decision for you but if you decide to get something other than a rodent maybe check give/donate the items to your friend and the shelter? because there are things your friend probably wouldnt need like another cage (obviously assuming you dont think youll get another rodent in the future)
mugs are super fun! i have a couple of fun mugs i was given as gifts and my favorite one is a black one that turns into the skyrim opening scene as it gets hot! also i looked at the mugs you mentioned and theyre super cute! i like rocks and shells and stuff as souvenirs (legally obtained, i bought a gypsum rose once and my life will never be the same)
tbh i cant pick between coffee or tea. im a bit of a snob when it comes to individual roasts and sources or types of tea (especially when it comes to earl grey) i also cant pick between iced or hot for either- its all go its place :)
im excited for you to see my blog too! ive not had my kpop sideblog for the entire time ive been into kpop? but its packed full of so much stuff! i actually didnt have all that many friends on tumblr? im 19 though so it kinda died down quite a bit among people my age, like obviously people are still joining the site but i feel as though its not As Big if that makes sense? also smth smth conservative hicksville, ohio population: many
it sucks that you couldnt attend that particular lecture but you might be able to find other events similar to it hosted on youtube or other various sites
whats one place in the world you want to visit assuming unlimited funds, n health n stuff? it can be a monument or a museum or a country or a city and it doesnt have to be some place youve never been before either. i think id like to see the ocean i dont even care where i am as long as i can actually see the sea or maybe go back to marble head lighthouse (its on lake erie) even though im terrified of heights- i went for what i think was my eighth birthday and it was pretty great all things considered
the melatonin i took is starting to kick in extra hard right about now so im sorry if something is confusing but i really do gotta go-🌻
oooh japchae!!! yes i love japchae. i think if you find a good recipe and make sure you aren’t unfamiliar with any of the ingredients it should probably be delicious when you make it! i’ll definitely check out the untamed! that sounds super interesting. and since there’s a novel i might see if i could read it! i hope they have a translated version or i’m doomed haha.  i’m not sure the shelter would take my cage but i’ll definitely donate the other stuff if i decided to get anything other than another rodent! hamsters require a lot of room to run around and dig so i made a big cage for her. it’s a little janky since it’s homemade so i think they shelter would probably say thanks but no thanks haha.  i have a terrible fear of being bit after a traumatic childhood experience with a hamster that would let go of my hand. i’ve gotten better at it but anytime i meet new animal species it’s always the first thing on my mind.  the gypsum rose sounds and looks super cool! i did a quick google search. do you have a shelf where you keep them and display them? do you label them?  I feel you on the tumblr thing. i’m 26 and most of my friends are completely out of the tumblr space. i came from a really small town in pennsylvania so i completely understand the conservative hicksville struggle. i went to japan one summer between 9th and 10th grade and when i got back everyone that it was weird that i had even wanted to go there.  when i was like 10 my parents and I went to the Crayola museum and it was so much fun. i have such fond memories of walking around and learning about the crayons and i just thought it was all so fascinating. i’d love to go back there. i’ve never been to a lighthouse before so that would be a lot of fun! i’m not suuuuper terrified of heights unless it’s like really really high! 
your fear of heights reminds me of minho in the fandom tour episode where they go to nami island. it’s so cute how he makes IN help him over to get on the zipline.  melatonin always hits me so hard. when i wake up in the morning i feel like i got hit by a truck and i usually end up sleeping through my alarm.  if you could meet any person in the world who would it be? i mean obviously i want to meet kpop stars but i’d love to meet the film director wes anderson. I love the way he frames and designs his films and i love to learn more about his inspirations.
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Yesterday someone posted how Minho goes to support everybody but when it's time to support Minho, no one shows up. And they got blasted to no end. I wanted to chime in and say it's true. Except jinki on few occassions, no one has ever shown any support for Minho. I'm not a flamer but isn't this true even from an unbiased pov? I wonder why everyone feels so offended by this. I'm not holding it against shinee but it's true. Simple.
well here’s the thing: they don’t have anything to go to.
as far as i know, no one went to anything for jinki’s drama & dramas is what minho has mostly done.  but when he has done dramas onjongkey have given vocal support, though most of it snarky.  taemin, however, told fans to skip a really popular drama in ‘13 to watch minho’s show.  (i think he’s done that more than once but i can’t really say for sure.)
now when he was on “dream team” they not only showed up but they participated.  taemin was on an episode with minho, just the two of them, & the group (sans jonghyun with his broken nose) was in one as well.
but dramas?  where are they supposed to go?  the red carpet for his film makes sense but we all need to acknowledge just how busy everyone is.   taemin for real doesn’t have the time, jonghyun does *now* but he didn’t for years, kibum is crazy busy, & jinki was doing his own dramas all through ‘13.
that’s what makes minho amazing: he makes the time. 
my bottom line is that no one should be offended by anyone saying that.  it’s a stark contrast & it’s bothered me for years even with all the explanations above.  minho is amazing & he has no vested interest in showing up to any of these things except that he loves his members.  there’s nothing for him to promote other than their friendship.  it’s possible he’s functioning as a sort of “ambassador” to show how close shinee is with each other, but i don’t think that’s true: i think he’s just kind.
so yeah, it’s annoying but i don’t think it’s quite the problem it’s made out to be, but i also don’t think anyone should get mad at someone for pointing it out.  hopefully this makes sense & makes you feel a little better about the whole situation.
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