#and most normal urls aren't that long
I'm not sure you need people to announce that they're just here for fun? it's tumblr...surely that can be assumed?
i dunno sometimes it seems like when you say this stuff it's a bit of a straw man argument because I don't really see anyone on here taking this stuff that seriously. we are not larries! no one is claiming Paul's kids are fake or anything lmao. yes people like to look at the history but again it's tumblr, it's just for fun.
maybe there is a whole other delusional side to beatles tumblr that i am not seeing, but i think maybe if people are getting mad when you argue with their dumb little posts it's just cause they think that you, in fact, DO want to spoil the party!
I have been waiting for someone to make this joke ever since I got that url. Have had to make it myself often <3
1. "we are not larries" is an incredibly low bar.
2. the specific contents of theories isn't the only thing that makes them conspiratorial. it's about the way they're argued.
3. Actually, I am thinking of One Specific Event from about a year and a half ago that was treated as people "spoiling the party" when in fact it was an example of good faith engagement with a seriously worded discussion post.* Maybe you missed that, and it's not like it's a super common occurrence. But in hindsight, I don't find it surprising given the climate here.
*I can provide more details on this specific thing in DMs if someone is curious. I don't wanna hash it out on main, especially since I was only peripherally involved.
4. This isn't about whether tumblr is your space to have fandom fun – I do assume that. It's about whether someone is making arguments in jest or if they mean them seriously. Both of these things might be fun to someone (but maybe I could have worded that point better in the original tags).
5. No, no fake kids, and this fandom isn't plagued by a central figure who's to blame for all the "bad stuff". Plus, it's "decentralized", so no singular entity is controlling some super specific narrative. This definitely keeps the space in check. That's part of it though: it's all very sociological, which makes my issue difficult to address because most single posts aren't a problem in of themselves, but there's a tangible vibe to the whole thing. That's also why I want to tread lightly here; I know a lot of it is a joke, but it's hard to tell what isn't. Like, yeah, I've been passive-aggressive lately, but I've also been watching this for a long time. And I regularly see things I perceive as a strawman against my position as well as absolutist rhetoric, which reads just as much as picking a fight as any of my recent posts do. If you talk about there only being "one explanation" for something, what is that, other than putting forward your theory as true? Is it really Not Serious? Every time? Even when the post is presented in a serious way, with sources and evidence? People on this site talk about what they expect Mark Lewisohn to include in his Definitely Trying To Be Serious And Factful biography series. Those demands are never serious? And I don't want to just ruin people's fun for no reason! But I also have a hard time dismissing every single thing that Sounds Kind Of Serious as Probably A Joke (and I do do it, pretty regularly) And I semi-often see people doing things that set off my alarm bells, even when they are not proclaiming Stella McCartney to be a lifelong actress. (reminder that several people on here freaked about the For Paul tapes story being semi-debunked last November; like actively scorned people who were trying to figure out how that story came about and where it originated. That's not normal, sorry to say! And, funnily enough, about a year ago, there was a blog on here pushing a very very very esotheric version of McLennon [and even trying to monetize it] and while most people dismissed them for the kook they were, they splashed onto the tumblr scene in an identical way [saying something that amounted to: "how dare you imply this apocryphal Paul McCartney quote might be fake?"] –––– so my question is: is it not that serious? I Don't Know You Tell Me!)
6. This is @ me mostly, I guess. I just feel like this space has become more and more of a monoculture. Shipping is the default angle with which everything is approached. If John and Paul write songs that are maybe not about each other that's not often seen as worth diving into. (See: Beautiful Boy tinhatting). I actually want to try and change this; get more diverse content on this site, but I guess I assume it's not welcome, which is on me, really. I have slides explaining my specific reading of Double Fantasy (yes, seriously) and there isn't really much stopping me from posting them, outside the fact that most people on here seem to have a very different relationship to the songs from the album than I do, so I assume they won't care. But y'know, I'll try to just Make More Content and see what that does. (For the record I know that sounds whiny. And I do seriously want to do better on that front)
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codecicle · 1 year
Read the intro post
wow what a cool and awesome person...
1: YOOOOOO YOU THINK IM A COOL AND AWESOME PERSON?? THANKS MAN :DD and 2: LMAOOOOOO YEA I AM!! I've been on here since I was like, 11-ish? not sure. my friend introduced me to tumblr during the beginning of my 7th grade year! (and fun fact: that same friend is both my mutual and the person that gave me my nickname actually!! which turned into my url ^_^)
anyway, I'm going to rant underneath your ask about being a child now im so sorry 😔
It's always been so weird being as young as I am both on tumblr and in the fandom space I'm currently a part of. Like realistically, a 14 y/o boy liking minecraft/mcyt sounds really normal but I don't know anyone my age that is open about being a part of this space. I think growing up on tumblr instead or twitter or tiktok honestly really helped when it comes to being happy in my intrests, since almost every other freshman to ever exist has no idea what this website is and they have no chance of ever finding my posts to make fun of me with them. I still use the other two, but I don't post and I only really open them when a cc like Charlie or Ted posts.
It's hilarious to me that because of my current intrests (jrwi and charlie in general) almost everyone that I'm friends with on here are much older minors or adults, mainly because charlie has a pretty mature and well rounded audience (THANK FUCKING GOD 🙏🙏), but also because everybody else my age that are in this fandom are on tiktok. Using tiktok for me and actually posting is kinda unsafe because of the way the tiktok contact sharing works? if someone from my classes finds it through "recommend accounts" then they can look through my account and harrass me if they recognize who it is. Not to steal a Charlie Slimecicle quote for a second, but I was rewatching an old podcast episode from the very beginning of 2020 and he described it as "elevated highschool" which I 100% agree with. Even 3 years later it's still very much just a higher form of highschool bullshit to have to deal with.
But since I don't post on tiktok I don't really have much to worry about!! My account is blank and it's the same @ as my url so nobody should recognize it and put a face to a name which im grateful for. However, being on tumblr isn't the greatest either;
People on here are all adults and I feel a little bit intimidated? In a sense? I understand that I'm a LOT different than most kids my age and I don't typically have anything to worry about but!! I feel like that's what makes it worse. The other people my age that were or still are on here don't understand tumblr etiquette, don't understand not to act like this is twitter and not have stupid cubito discourse, or just aren't funny? Idk I've just never found anyone my age (with the exception of like 3 of my mutuals you guys are amazing and I love you) that I can really talk to on here, so all of the friends I've made are much much older. I'm smart with who I talk to and how I talk to them so I'm safe don't worry!! My parents raised me right and online safety is such a wonderful thing, but one of my closest mutuals on here is in college right now, and the others are juniors or seniors in highschool. I kept my age out of my bio for so long but honestly that was because I was terrified I would scare away the people that I trusted so much because literally obviously it's going to feel weird for them to be mutuals with a genuine honest to god child. I'm relatively close to turning 15 so I'm getting less and less worried about stuff like that happening but eh that was still a real fear for a while.
Anyway sorry for the rant!! TLDR; highschool sucks, I'm scared of being this young on a platform and fandom full of adults and I have to be extra careful, and also charlie slimecicle is a pretty cool guy to look up to so I feel like him being [vine boom sound effect] my COMFORT STREAMER kinda works out in my favor ngl :D
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You can feel free to reblog this at any time. If you see this on your dashboard from a reblog chain, click this link to the original post to see the most updated version! :)
This post is also saved to the web archive every time I add a new story! Click here to see the archive calendar!
Every time this post is updated with the newest short story, the URL is saved to the web archive, which also re-saves all of the short stories linked here! Please consider donating to the web archive if you've got any spare change!
Posts that are not neopronoun short stories will be deleted after a few days to keep this blog organized. (This does not include the original post for the trans progress flag, but it will include reblogs.)
Most of what I post will be long posts, without using read-mores because they can break and delete everything that was below them, so make sure you filter the tags "long post" and "very long post" if you aren't yet!
All of the short stories written by me are public domain! Please feel free to use them as writing prompts! Fuck capitalism! Have fun!
The list of all neopronouns used so far, (143)
Neopronoun short stories written so far, in chronological order:
ze/hir (The Mirrored Dream)
ve/vir (A Different Perspective)
card/cards (Werewolves)
it/its (The Interworld Growing Club)
ae/aer (Reclamation)
lu/luna (I Fucking Hate Athiktomisics)
de/dim (Creature of Kindness)
zey/zem, X/Xself, and ne/rix (The Chain of Command)
sy/rup (Inconvenience)
mae/mer (Thunderstorm in the Apocalypse) +
te/ter (The First Decision)
ith/kir (Rueful Snowstorm)
kit/kitten (Isn't That Confusing? Not Really)
ivy/ivys (Dream Call)
cy/cyb (Indispensable)
aix/arix (Birdwatching, Plantwatching)
deq/dir (Convenient Distractions from Awkward Conversations)
ae/ryn (Vacations and Kidnappings)
ze/zem (Preparations for Change)
ni/nir (The Voyage to Arcturus part 1)
izi/av (Alterhuman Advancements: November 2122)
ky/shal (Tutorial Sword)
shey/shem (The Wild Dragon)
an/droid (The Universe Likes You)
che/chim, xi/xir, thi/hil (Race to the Top)
xe/xim, ze/zim, li/lia (The Great Machine)
neo/neos (Crash Landing on Earth)
ne/rix (You Learn Something New Everyday)
heart/hearts ("Blurry Shape at Corner of Eye")
clo/loc, ri/riv (Boundaries are Made to be Respected, a short, touch-averse Horror story)
vey/vem (Alterhuman Advancements: December 2122)
su/uvu (Real Heroes Kill Cops)
xiy/rik (Customer Service)
hea/ler (Executive Execution)
fe/ir (A Friendly Encounter in the Woods)
they/them (Into Thin Air)
ve/vei (Don't Stop to Pay)
ivo/na (Kill the Hand That Threatens You)
sie/sir (You Are What Eats You)
meh/uto (Interspecies Solidarity)
an/dro (Opportunistic Hunting)
xe/xir (Character Creation)
li/lia (When in Doubt, Leave Gifts)
fae/faer (Mutiny or Malfunction)
rhe/rhek (Viva La Revolution)
hero/heros (046)
ama/ranth, ki/kir, fir/nix (The Perfect Creation)
mie/mym, vi/vir (The First Sign)
nae/nym (An Inconvenient Haunting)
ghoul/ghouls (A Wasted chance)
051: de/ad (Neither Nor) 052: ser/sera (The New Bridge) 053: pearl/pearls (The Cycle of Lives) 054: qua/tre (Emigrare) 055: joker/jokers (Universal Translator Mistranslation) 056: cat/cats (Thrown for a Loop) 057: hy/hym (Back to a New Beginning) 058: ay/li (The Proper Reaction) 059: bek/birk, vel/virl, (Raining Birds and Foxes) 060: ze/zer (Perfectly Normal) 061: ne/nim (Every Moment, and the One That Came Before) 062: da/dar (Flatland Warriors: Ponder the Meaning of the Words, or, The Breaking Point) 063: ne/nim (Not In The Loop) 064: he'er/him'mer (Living Smoke) 065: wy/vyr (A Glimpse Back in Time) 066: skull/skulls (Dirt Nap) 067 shy/hyr (The Arrest of Arsène Lupin) 068 et/eil (Game Changer) 069 zo/zol (First Day of School) 070 drae/drem (The Overcoat of Arsène Lupin) 071 rhe/rhem (Rhayn's Descent) 072 sun/suns, lae/laer (A Rumor Grows Like Weed) 073 ero/ilas, hea/ler, ido/eis, zal/az, ae/ryn, sia/lia (With a Smile) 074 zig/zag, that one/that one's, ae/aeth (The Hitchhiker) 075 shade/shades, alternating she/her and he/him (The Crystal Connection) 076 fin/fins, ai/ain (The Port Freehaven Mermaids) 077 rat/rats (Jenny Every...Who?) 078 kal/vir (Guardian Star) 079 rhi/rhim (The Theft of the Synphirim) 080 zim/zur (Knowing When to Run) 081: zim/zur (The Well of the Depths) 082: xal/xalv, nova/novas, they/them (Mickey Mouse in Out of the Dreadful Depths) 083: grey/greys/greyself (Alterhuman Advancements April 2124) 084: she/shim, faal/fala, zae/zaen, dae/daes (The Griffon's Curse) 085 za (Stereotypical Amnesia) 086: av/afo, en/eta (The Endless River) 087: cel/cele (Out of the Kitchen and into the...) 088: kui/kuip, dae/daem (What Kind of Teenager Doesn't Want Money?) 089: asp/asps, aster/asters, (Nip it in the Bud) 090: xet/xev, (Gaining A New Perspective)
= = =
Audiobook versions so far:
Done: 3/62 (1-2 and 062)
= = =
You are 100% encouraged to download and save these stories to your device if you enjoy them! Once I have written 101, I'll compile mine into a physical book you can buy, as well as a free/pay what you want epub/PDF/ect for unlimited downloading and sharing :)
You can also submit your own neopronoun short stories! You will retain all rights to them, and I actually encourage you to post them on your own blog, then @ me on my main, @rjalker so I get the notification, and I'll reblog them here :)
Edit: You can submit stories with any neopronouns, even if I've already used them! I'm trying to use as many as possible, so I'm trying not to repeat them, but you are allowed to use any you want!
Update December 23rd 2023: alright, you can submit fanfiction that uses neopronouns to this blog as long as you aren't changing the pronouns of character who canonically use other neopronouns, and aren't shipping anything harmful.
Please feel free to send in requests for neopronouns for me to write for! You can pick multiple, just specify if you want them to be for more than one character, or one character with multiple sets. (Yes, you can also have multiple characters all using the same pronouns).
Here's a link to a survey if you want to suggest / request anything for the stories, it'll be open until all 101 stories are written and published :)
Please also feel free to submit writing prompts through asks!
Please let me know if there's any neopronouns or combos you want to see!!!
neopronouns requested I still have to do (please let me know if you find the old posts with requests so I can put them here so they're easy to find)
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rpschtuff · 2 years
Hey! Would it be possible to do a short truncated guide on how to cut posts with Rewritten while leaving your partner's old post present? I'm seeing some mutuals confused on how to cut that aren't leaving their partner's previous reply as part of things (so it just looks like a single post with their own reply), they're just cutting EVERYTHING entirely. I know by default when you trim it leaves the last option in the list of replies unselected (the last option being your partner's latest reply, which normally you'd leave alone with editable reblogs) but I think a lot of my mutuals / a lot of others are missing the fact that you should be leaving that reply unchecked so that it preserves your partner's previous reply. I hope this makes sense!
Hello! Sure, I can go over that.
So the general etiquette here on Tumblr when it comes to cutting replies is to leave your partner's immediate previous reply and your own current reply, as anon states. You're removing your old reply as you add your new one, so that every thread post has exactly two replies. Some people do prefer to just remove everything to show their new reply, but that's not really the norm.
If both you and your partner are using the beta editor and trim reblogs, this is pretty straightforward. Like anon says, the last option will be unchecked by default -- assuming you're following the standard etiquette of leaving your partner's last reply above yours, most of the time you want to leave that box unchecked. You can also look at exactly which posts you're removing and which ones you're keeping by looking at the URLS at the beginnings of the posts.
If you're using trim reblogs before you've added your reply, it'll look like this. You want to trim the first post, and won't have the option to trim the second.
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And if you're using trim reblogs after you've added your reply, it'll look like this. You want to trim the first post, while leaving the second unchecked. You won't have the option to trim the third, as that's the one you've just added.
Tumblr media
That being said, the main reason people using trim reblogs may not be keeping their partner's previous reply is due to the incompatibility with editable reblogs. This is one of the main things I went over in my long post, but I'll restate it -- the two systems are not inherently compatible. If one partner uses editable reblogs, the partner using trim reblogs cannot trim as intended. The two previous replies have been "combined" by the broken formatting are can only be trimmed as a unit.
We want the post to be interpreted like this, so that 1 can be removed while 2 and 3 remain.
Tumblr media
But trim reblogs can only see the post like this. Either all of 1 stays, or all of 1 is removed. No other options (unless you do some copy/pasting workarounds which are tedious and unreasonable).
Tumblr media
That's the primary reason I can think of why someone using trim reblogs might not be keeping their partner's immediate previous reply -- given the choice between cutting everything and not cutting at all, they chose to cut everything in order to keep things shorter. I know that wasn't quite your question, but felt it was still worth mentioning.
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nazmazh · 11 months
So, I know this is going to sound a little bit heretical, but I am going to give a little bit of praise to tumblr's recommendation/exploration system
Now, before you break out the torches and pitchforks, hear me out!
My blog got apparently hacked and then deleted a couple of days ago. There was nothing Tumblr could do about that, apparently.
And that, ...well, it sucks.
But if that's what the situation is, well, then, so be it.
So that meant remaking my blog and sideblog and whatnot. And so that's what I've been doing.
The biggest problem though, is rebuilding the list of people/blogs that I was following. Like sure, I remember a bunch of ones I interacted with pretty frequently - Mutuals that were regularly active, prominent accounts, etc.
But I had my account for 10 years, that's a long time, accumulating blogs that I followed. And sure, many of the oldest ones have fallen by the wayside, but many others were still there, just not always at the tip of my tongue (I've always been a bit of a digital hoarder, reluctant to ever "clean out" my follow/friends lists, even if, like someone hasn't logged into Steam in 10 years).
Some people change their URLs like their linens, so the name I associate with them might be three or more changes out of date.
Some people had names that I remember the vague idea of, but not the specific phrasing. Let alone specific spellings and numbers.
Some people have blogs that aren't easily searchable - Either accidentally or by design.
Some people didn't post much that on their own that I can clearly remember, but liked and reblogged a lot of my posts, so despite them being wonderful, their names didn't stick as hard as other people's
Sometimes my brain just plain fumbles things and utterly forgets someone that I really ought to remember.
So I've been scrambling, trying to remember names, trying to even get close enough that search can find them (which doesn't work as well with most people's normal accounts - which generally don't have huge followings. Occasionally, I'll get a flash of insight and remember someone that I'm hoping to find back. Occasionally, I'll get lucky and someone who was following both me and someone I haven't been able to find yet will reblog something from them.
Bit by bit, I'm slowly carving my comfortable little corner of the internet back out. It's not quite the same. I can't be quite as cozy knowing there's people out there I've lost track of.
So, now we come to the heresy:
The explore / recommended for you sections have actually been pretty useful in finding some of those stray accounts. It's not perfect, and there is a lot of wading through blogs I'm not necessarily interested in, but it has helped me find several of the blogs I was looking for. Some were kinda low-hanging fruit that I probably would have realized eventually, sure. But others have been people that I'm genuinely grateful to have been nudged towards.
I guess their algorithm or whatever is pretty decent at figuring out my weird little intersection of interests and finding back people that line up well with that, which happen to be people I used to follow or followed me.
And yes - Further heresy, some of those recommendations are people I hadn't been following/aware of. But y'know what? They absolutely are up my alley, so sure, I'll give 'em a follow.
And yeah, I guess this means once this initial flurry has settled down, I'll maybe check those recommendations with some intermittent frequency.
Now, the part I feel will be least controversial, because it complains about these things they've done:
I'm quite unhappy that in losing my account, I've lost all my grandfathered-in structural rules, and that now, my account auto-defaults to the "For You" feed instead of the "Following" feed. And that "For You" is locked to be the first tab and always on, even if you have the other tabs disabled.
I'm grumpy about how my "Following" feed will still get people I'm not following in it - Though I'm led to believe that should decrease the longer I'm around and the more content I'm already following.
I utterly loathe that they make you follow several tags (annoying but not bothering anyone personally) and several blogs before you even have a chance to get yourself set up - IIRC, it wouldn't even let you search for specific blogs to follow there, just what they recommended - So I'd just be some rando blank blog that showed up in the mentions of these people and then disappeared when I inevitably unfollowed to curate my feed my own way. PLUS, even if I could look for my faves again, would I want to follow them as a blank new blog (that I was lucky enough to get my name back on)? Would I just look like another bot to them? Would I look specifically like a bot that's somehow trying to fake being someone they recognize? (At least there's a bypass whole process to this if you open a new tab/window of tumblr).
I'm quite unhappy about how obtrusive the "push algorithmically-determined content" drive is. Because honestly, if they just left it somewhere unintrusive and framed it as "Hey, would you like to look for some other people that would probably fit well in your feed?", it probably wouldn't ruffle nearly so many feathers as it has.
But no.
For whatever reason, they make it mandatory and override user preferences.
Circling back to that "curate your feed thing" that I mentioned - You know what would actually be a good use of those dashboard tabs - Customizable ones. Not just Following/Tags/Popular/etc. But ones that you could use to make lists of specific groups of blogs you're following so that you can focus on something if you're in the mood for it, or looking for your favourite bunch of posters, or if you want to follow some spicy blogs, keep them from popping into your main feed when you're using mobile, and have a list that's dedicated to them, or at least, allows them in the main feed only during specific times/circumstances.
Greater customization and curation of your own feed! Wouldn't that be wonderful!?
The control over my feed was what I loved so much about tumblr compared to pretty much any other social media site. But enshittification is what it is, and tumblr certainly is falling prey to it - Albeit at a slower rate than some other sites, for sure. If they were among the first sites to actually take steps to push back against it, they might have a pretty solid hook.
But I suppose that is easier said from here than done from their HQ.
But, like, they could try something, right? Anything?
[PS: Please re-follow me if that stupid account deletion means I lost track of you but you're somehow seeing this. I'm not dead! If you still want to, that is - No pressure!]
[PPS: New followers of course welcome, assuming they're not, like, awful people :P]
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rhinoroofers · 1 year
Metal roofing for commercial buildings has advantages
The housetop is the key and mystery piece of an arrangement. While you are placing gigantic number of dollars in fostering the spellbinding inside your business making, a slight choice for a material structure can pound your start and end inside. Since the roof gets normally outside crazy climatic conditions very distant from your inside and overall Rhino Roofers Administrations. In this manner, it's essential to stay wary while Rhino Roofers system for your arrangement and accumulate all information going prior to closing. Encompassing, it's an issue of your hypothesis and future business building.
Tumblr media
The Metal Material system is one of the most all around saw structures for business structures. Regardless, it's ideal, yet for what reasons people are picking it most. Parts that are used in metal material are copper, aluminum, steel, tin, and zinc. These all aren't used in pure arrangement, makers and roofers use blends. Clearly, the blend of parts offers more prominent durability, strength, and eminent appearance. Here a few most essential reasons are highlighted. By looking at these, you can doubtlessly get an idea and satisfaction that how truly metal material can offer your security.
Learn about why the material of the material matters concerning the value of your home
As we know everything is getting redesignd from an ordinary clarification and the very same things are happening in the market of material, the best material to use concerning the material of your house is metal and there are several backings for why it is one of the most shocking materials to use as the material of your home. The metal material that metal material experts will ensure that you will not need to defy a couple of other sort of material issues later on which understands that you will not need to consistently consider staying aware of your material when you present metal material as it needs irrefutably low help.
The other inspiration to get metal material presented on your housetop is critical and the clarification is that it can help with expanding the value of your home which every property holder needs. The material of your house is the crucial thing that can save you from huge whirlwind and tempests or a couple other kind of climatic changes which proposes serious strong regions for that is tremendous and when your get metal material presented by material experts you can ensure that your roof critical strong regions for has and despite that the value of your home will in like manner increase.
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jeweldealz · 2 years
A Loose-Hanging Silver Bracelet Will Obviously Be Glamorous
What of it? After all the provocation behind wearing doodads is to include your nobility.  pure silver bracelet for ladies       likewise, assuming the tableware Wristband you're wearing is standing out along these lines well- the intention is served.   Joke separated the verity of the matter is gray Gems has an extremely lengthy custom for a really long time. Tracing all the way back to the period ladies began to involve precious essence for making decorations, particularly in the English traditions, tableware was more predominant than gold. It progressed with indeed after periods, when the Asian nations and Center East quarter concentrated more on gold for doodads effects.   Of all the tableware Gems papers, Wristbands stand establishment on a remarkable situation. ladies bracelet silver        They're conceived out of the custom of wearing lavalieres by ladies. While each piece of the body is decorated by Jewells, from neck to bottom for ladies, lavalieres are the bones  inferred for hands- the wrists to be precise. Indeed, indeed moment you can see lavalieres in two hands of the women, least two for every side. Unnaturally they must be fairly more tight around the wrists, in case they will fall assuming they're free. In any case, wristbands have a distinction. They're worn in a solitary hand just and not both and they're only sometimes close fitting.   Also Wristbands can be worn by men too, on the grounds that it is not classified in the decorations list. It's a show- piece; draping free right external the sleeve of the fleece therefore anyhow of whether grandly ladies with a man's apparel of pants rustle and a fleece can really oblige it.   On the off chance that you're considering copping
 a tableware Wristband, you have a ton of great focuses to consider. tableware, most importantly, is a reasonable essence varied with precious gold. In the current request situation, gold costs are reaching new situations as at no other time. gray Wristbands aren't delicate to keep up with and make them sparkle. By simply drawing with a piece of material, they will band lights.   You have a variety of plans, models, and kinds of tableware Wristbands to look over. Plain wristbands of essence works to awful monuments speckled arm bands are accessible. In malignancy of the fact that there are individualities who favor jewels for splotching in arm bands, normal interest is engaged towards pictorial plums and monuments, to be fitted in the tableware Wristbands.   The current pattern goes for strong authentic tableware charms of assortments for Wristbands- from child charms to heavenly runner, cross, heart and a lot further originator effects. Especially when individualities plan offering a tableware Wristband as a Gift, for companions or family members on events, these charms plans are the dominating pick.   tableware Arm bands whether bought for show or worn by and by enjoy an unmistakable benefit. You can miss seeing a superstud or a chain in the neck; still you can noway miss to see a blazing tableware Wristband, hanging in the right hand obviously! 
For more info :-  
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Source Url :-  https://blank063.wordpress.com/2023/02/26/a-loose-hanging-silver-bracelet-will-obviously-be-glamorous/'
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blurred-pride · 2 years
Im glad the trips went well :D
:0 tag us if you post the Dino
Those sound like great ideas for gender system(s) I think some rly cool things could come from that >:D
Yeah same I’m slowly began fronting the most and-
>:) now I rly wanna make the coining blog
Have any name/url ideas?
It probably could be super “fancy” yk how made are like sunflower themed or lovecore etc I don’t think we could keep up with fancy tags and keeping the blog looking fancy but we could maybe keep up a space theme
Oh yea- gotta take care of the body /Silly/Cj (cope joke)
We’ll go enjoy that tea and time with partners (I need more info on the dnd story line lmao what’s going on, how did he get to the bar, why does he need to conceal his identity?!/Silly/Nf)
Dino post is coming up in a moment, I need to do the dishes real quick and take a picture of him!!! (And make an image description for said picture so that may take a small bit because I am Bad at those- /lh) Thank you!!
I don't front the most but I have a tendency to get stuck in front quite a bit when I do front, and I have to readjust to needing actual things like food instead of just needing that as more of a "this is a thing I do not because I need to because I'm a metaphysical human thing/snake but because it feels more normal and 'human-ish' to do so than to go without". (/source and headspace) I also end up having to remember I can't just shapeshift, and so I end up changing shape in the innerworld and then having phantom limbs or sensations in the outerword. I think our most frequent fronters at the moment are Remus (he/they/it/any neos), and Virgil (he/they/it/scary neos), but I don't know for sure because I don't really manage that part of keeping track of the system. /tangent
Make the blog!!! It'd be great!!! (/nf) I don't remember if our blog has a theme other than "queer mogai"? And then space because space is a long term hyperfixation of ours, and bat-cat from CRK because someone decided they liked him and used him for a barcode icon thing. /lh
Some name/URL ideas: Spacequeers, Coining-in-Space, and heyyyycoining !!
I will!!! And of course!! So basically our character is a bright blue and pink tiefling named Aribis, he uses he/him pronouns, and occasionally they/them alongside he/him, and he grew up in a temple so he's been really sheltered from everything as a kid, and never really got that whole socializing with people thing down as a kid, it was just a bunch of stuffy adults so he didn't really get the chance. One day he was out in town, just doing some stuff, when a deer lady named Mylico (pronounced my-lih-ko) came up and asked if he wanted to go on a quest. Aribis said yes, and he joined the party to find an ancient lost city. One of the first few days he threatened another player character named Ace (he/him), and Ace threatened him back until they made a truce. Eventually, the party split up, and he and Ace got paired together to go down a different path and explore. The two met an evil old lady, who fed Aribis a poison cookie that knocked him out for a while. Ace defeated the old lady and carried Aribis back to the rest of the party. Aribis remained passed out for a while, if I remember right someone healed him?? And then Aribis was awake for about all of thirty minutes, since the cookie had more effects and knocked him out again. Dude kinda went into a coma for four days (We had left town and couldn't play, so they just knocked him out again with our permission.) , and during that coma the party found the lost city, and Ace is carrying Aribis the entire time, except the city wasn't actually lost. In the world this is in, elves aren't liked or trusted at all, and tieflings are very much the rich and extremely upper class. Aribis is not trusted in this city at all, and it would go into lockdown if everyone knew he was a tiefling. So, the rest of the party raided a scarecrow and stole its clothing, which included fancy boots (Aribis had boots, but they replaced them anyways for some reason??), a flannel, and a comically large hat. Ace provided some gardening gloves and boom! Disguise for a passed-out Aribis!! The party then plans to stage a revolution to help make everyone realize that elves are not horrible, and to take down the tiefling government. (Aribis is chill with this btw, he does not like most tieflings because they tend to be snobby and rude from wealth and such.) The party plans said revolution at an EXTREMELY fancy restaurant, and brings Aribis along for some reason. They order him a fruit salad, and kinda just slump him over into a chair, still disguised as a gardener-cowboy. (I joked that he faceplanted into the salad and nobody noticed) Other things that happened while he was passed out, in no particular order: the party caught an owl for the goddess of winter and gave her proposal advice to help her propose to her girlfriend (Ironic because our last DND character, Finley (they/them), attempted to catch a blood hawk in a backpack and failed, thus exposing that their backpack wasn't sentient, but instead had a very small octopus shaped god in it, and Aribis missed the opportunity to catch a bird.), had Christmas and new years (days are different in this world), Ace and another character, Hermes (he/him), made a bet with a god, Ace gambled against said god, and now Hermes has this god who owes him unlimited favors forever, and some other things I don't remember. The session that we had today included Aribis waking up after four days, still dressed up, and getting a run-down of all that happened, another threatening match between Ace and Aribis (Aribis threatened to both bite and cry at him), and bonding time over laser tag. Aribis also at some point acquired a pet rat named Pi-Rat in the woods. I probably forgot a lot of stuff since I am not the one who played the last few sessions, but that's all I know right now. :)
-Janus (he/she, masc/neutral terms)
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britneysbackbitch · 5 years
my old urls are ugly now let's try testing with this one instead hehehehehehe
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omg that’s soooooo sexy i love it
anyway, let’s throw some formatting in here today just for the sake of artistic curiosity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id hinc everti eam, rebum repudiare deterruisset et his. Ex nam natum latine sensibus, mutat dicant tamquam mei ut. An quo autem accusamus. Ne appetere recteque eum, mel facilisi pertinax no. At harum dictas aperiam his.
Pri probo animal singulis in, vim et quot erant contentiones. Mel ea dolore perfecto definiebas, autem perfecto iudicabit vis et. oratio scaevola similique eam cu, sit ex labitur adversarium, et mei graeci perfecto nominati. falli oblique placerat no vix, te cum legendos voluptatibus, denique noluisse argumentum nam cu. Semper perfecto neglegentur id nam, consul oblique philosophia an sea.
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mystical-one · 2 years
Can you recommend me some of your favorite Joan, Bob or George songs? I’ve been in need of some new music lately lol
i absolutely can! It got a bit long so i put it under the cut :)
I'm not too familiar with Joan Baez's entire discography, but I really enjoy the album Baez Sings Dylan (I especially love her cover of Don't Think Twice It's Alright and Boots of Spanish Leather!). Also, I've said this before, but I loooove @harisontour's Fruity Joanie playlist <3
As for Bob's stuff, I have a pretty basic taste in his music but I really REALLY love the entirety of Nashville Skyline. Country Pie is apparently my most played song of all time on spotify (normal behaviour) and I reallly love To Be Alone With You. At the moment I'm also really obsessed with the album Highway 61 Revisited!!! ALSO, his live performances from 1975 are transcendental (stream Isis live at Boston Music Hall)
And George. WHERE do I start. I think my favorite album is between Gone Troppo (whence came my URL) and All Things Must Pass, but I also really love the album George Harrison from 1979 (Soft-Hearted Hana is another of my top songs <3). I'd reccommend checking out the ATMP 50th anniversary edition, since it has some lovely gems on it like Cosmic Empire and Going Down to Golders Green.
If you're already familiar with George's discography, I'd also reccommend checking out some of the rarer songs from the late 80s and early 90s like Cockamamie Business, Poor Little Girl, Sat Singing and Lay His Head, most of which aren't on spotify because they haven't been re-released yet but are SO good regardless.
Not to plug my own brand but I actually rated every George album a while back, if you're willing to delve into my insane little slideshow about it <3
Also, the entire Traveling Wilbury's discography is sooo good and I cannot reccommend it enough 🧘‍♀️
Sorry if this got too rambly or off-topic but I hope it helps a little! Good luck in your music travels :))
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crescentmp3 · 3 years
the name i use most is celine, though i have more (please check them, i love them being used just as much) — mainly use they/them for me.
i also have a pronouns page! i would like people to read this before referring to me (+preferably when they follow too ^^). this includes my timezone, names, honorifics/words im comfortable with, etc.
please feel free to call me by any nickname you see fit! should i be uncomfortable with the nickname in question, i will tell you ^^
im the #1 fan of my husband, niki @zz-34-97856
for mutuals that want to talk, my disc is the same as my url.
quick DNI under the cut! read before following im begging you
[pt:] quick DNI under the cut! read before following im begging you
under the cut are also some tags i use and why! ^^
if i make an image description for your post, please copy and paste it into the original post! you don't have to ask for permission, or give credit. im also perfectly fine with people copy-pasting my image description into another version of the same post if they want to include or exclude a reblog in it
if we are mutuals, please tag unreality and rb bait! ^^
also! i mod @ask-cats-are-liquid. please check it out if you're a fan of cats are liquid!
should add here: taking a long and undefined hiatus from socializing—mostly inactive here and struggling to respond to direct messages. pardon me while you wait ^^"
ㄴ addendum: i believe i may be socially depressed. please expect no replies for a long time, have patience with me! im trying ^^
anti-MOGAI, anti-queer, anti-xenogenders, anti-neopronouns, aphobes, panphobes, exclusionists including mspec-lesbian/gay exclusionists, people who are "neutral" on "ace discourse", TERFs, transmeds, transphobes, anti-BLM, anti-endogenic systems, trump supporters, porn blogs, "MAP"s (pedophiles)/pro-shippers/anti-antis, zoophiles, people who let anyone reblog from them, and people who don’t care who they reblog from, bigots in general, people i have blocked, do not interact. you will be blocked.(<-dni copy-pasted from my mutual Rjalker)
[pt:] tags
besides my tags for organization, here are some tags that i use for people to be able to block, and their reasons ^^
long post; self explanatory
very long post; used for posts that are about do you like the color of the sky length, for people who don't mind normal long posts, but don't want to scroll intensely for the much longer ones
block of text; for posts that are made up of one large block of text, for people who have trouble reading really long paragraphs and would rather not bother with those posts
no id; for posts that lack an image description
situational id; for posts that lack an image description, but end up describing what the image is in the post itself.
untranscribed audio; self explanatory
unreality/derealization; for people who struggle with posts that give the reader a sense of either not being real or being in danger, when there's no such thing. i would like mutuals to use this tag ^^"
misinfo; for people who struggle with posts that give news that aren't real, but potentially could be, and would normally be assumed a joke
rb bait; reblog bait, being posts that include things like, "if you don't reblog this you're [insult]", "reblog this for [period of time] of [good thing]", "if you don't reblog in [period of time], [bad thing]", (optionally, something like "reblog this if [decent human behavior] i don't trust you if you don't reblog it"), etc. i would like mutuals to use this tag as well ^^"
(above tag is not to be confused with rb game! rb game is something like, "reblog and tag with [fun thing]", "reblog and tell me [opinion]", "reblog this to recieve [thing in inbox]", etc.)
// triggers are tagged as both [trigger] and [trigger] tw, sometimes tw [trigger] ^^ if you have a trigger that im not tagging, please don't hesitate to ask! i will do my best to tag all posts including it.
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
Aren't you the least bit concerned a certain someone will see you're back?
Nah, nonnie, not in the least. I've made sure to block the people who harrassed and bullied me in the first place, so to my knowledge, I should be safe from all of them.
I wound up rambling a little bit so I'm putting this underneath a cut; these are just a lot of my thoughts on the matter that I want to get off my chest--nothing bad, just words from my mind.
Okay so--I'm pretty sure if any of them is going to figure out I'm back on tumblr, they already know by now(?). And nothing's happened up until this point, either because the drama's truly dead or because I've done a good job blocking. Either way, whether they wanted to do something else or not, I've not even given them a chance to and it's just the way it should be.
And hey, even if they know I'm back and are bitter because they can't do anything about it because they earned themselves an instant block for being awful people, the most they'll do is talk behind my back within their little clique, and that is just. Very sad for them. Patrick Stump very accurately sang "I don't care what you think as long as it's about me" and if they're still investing their energy in me, joke's on them because they're only hurting themselves with all that hate, and I'm not even seeing any of it :3
I know I messed up too, honestly, but I learned from how badly I screwed up those days, and I'm in peace with that. I don't really need much more than that. The people who hurt me will get what they deserve one way or another; I'm a woman who very firmly believes in the universe and its laws. Karma's real and she's a bitch ;)
For now, I coudn't be happier to be back because sharing my writing and my creativity is my biggest passion and I've found wonderful, friendly, talented people to share it with and still will along the way. It's better this way and it all has to do with not hiding or fearing anymore.
The first while I had this blog I had a different name, different URL, and it never felt right. Then I realized I didn't want to keep hiding. I didn't want to keep being scared of that clique to the point where I couldn't share my writing, where I couldn't complete my stories with the same love, the same amount of attention, to the point where every time I placed my other URL somewhere it felt like I had a mask on. moonstrider is a very dear word to me, and 9904, well, you know how much he means to me. I didn't want to put that aside and the more I did it, the more crushing it felt to be on this site. So I could either leave for good and stop writing, or I could refuse to give these people any sort of power over me.
As you can see, I chose the latter. And people welcomed me. People reached out, said they were glad I was back. I've felt so much support and love, and I doubtlessly found myself again. I've made new friends! I'm very glad I came back with no more masks because this is the way it should be.
And if someone doesn't want to see me, it's as simple as blocking me. And if I don't want to see someone, it's as simple as me blocking them! I learned the hard way that online fandom drama leaves nothing good in its trace, and I'm a bigger person now.
So no, I'm not the least bit concerned. It sucks to see these people still being such big hypocrites--I happened to make a post about this recently where I ranted in the tags--and at times I feel some resentment, but that's normal, no human being puts behind a negative experience that quickly. I know I'm on a path to growing and I'm determined to keep this blog safe, positive, and creative.
Thank you for the concern, nonnie. Sorry if my answer was like suuuper long compared to what you were expecting but I don't want there to still be an elephant in the room. Blessed be and have a nice day!
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tsukidrama · 3 years
FAQ (frequently asked questions)
please for the love of God read this before you send me an ask. if you get redirected to this post you've probably asked me something that's already listed here.
can you explain your url?
it's a play on the name "tsukiyama," my favorite character from tokyo ghoul. he is dramatic.
why did you block/unfollow me? did i do something?
if you identify as "pro-life," or "radfem / gender critical" then that right there is why i blocked you.
if you're just a normal person doing your thing, i probably just don't want you to follow me. you may not have "done" anything at all and its not necessarily personal. sometimes i block because i dont like what somebody posts about, and literally just seeing an associated url is enough to trigger my squick.
(for attack on titan followers) ar/u/ani shippers get immediately blocked 95% of the time. the very few of you who aren't blocked, please don't push your luck. i will only feel minimal guilt adding you to my very very long list of AA exiles.
if you write smutty fanfiction about male characters then how are you a lesbian?
because i am exclusively interested in dating/having sex with women. this is not anybody's business, but i am changing this response due to a specific anon who had a lot of big things to say with nothing to back their stupid ass up with.
i will bite you if you imply that writing about anime boys invalidates an identity i have lived with for the better half of my life. i fucking depsise the tumblr lesbian police, smh. i can better determine my own sexuality than someone who does not know me. if you don't like it, then either block tags or don't follow me. im allowed to have male faves and write about them however i want. i garauntee you that by comparison it's different than smut written by straight or bi women.
frankly i'm not interested in arguing about this or any discourse, queer or fandom-related. so if you don't want to get blocked and roasted on main then just keep away from me with that shit.
no discourse! but this is tumblr!
nope, none! i will not engage & just block!
as far as fandom drama goes: i believe what i believe and i'm not interested in debating it.
haters save your breath because i'm telling you right now that i do not care. at all.
can i spam your inbox? will you block me for being annoying?
yes, go for it! no, i will never block you for sending me "too many" messages. ramble away!
will you hate me if i don't have the same opinions as you? [mutuals]
most of the time, no. i truly do not care about liking/disliking a certain character, or having differing takes on media, regardless of my stance on it as long as you make an effort to tag your posts so i don't have to look at it. i'm a strong believer in "do what you want," and "think what you want" but i also believe that we all create our own tumblr experience and are responsible for what we are exposed to here. just be nice!
that being said, circumstances change and if i get uncomfy with content i'm seeing on my dash i won't hesitate to unfollow yo ass even if we are friends 💔
can i read your steven universe fics?
yeah of course! the most complete collection of them can be found posted under the pseudonym whiskey-coffee on ao3. i'm working on a masterlist for tumblr at the moment.
would you write for SU now?
hmm, uh probably not... but maybe? it'd have to be a damn good request lmao
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what is "the road not taken" / "TRNT"?
my passion project of sorts. it's Annie x reader, multichapter and set post-canon and basically my personal fix-it fic to give her a happy ending. here is a link to the masterpost of the fic, and check out my tag list to see where you can find content for the fic and it's associated works.
why are you so salty about ar/uan/i?
mostly because i hate armin. and because everything i liked about my favorite character died in a crystal in 2013 when she got reduced to the waifu of the mangaka's self-insert. it sickens me to see half the fandom say they're "canon" based on one panel where they stand next to each other. also because eremin is better.
you hate armin? but he's my lil uwu baby cinnamon roll. why?!
yes, i do. a lot. the main reasons:
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what happened to yelena? why did she just disappear?
isayama forgor 💀
let's be real, she's probably in jail.
do you like the ending?
no. it was messy and sends a lot of horrible messages including domestic violence as love and fascism presented as a solution. honestly at this point i barely like attack on titan for the plot, y'all. i've been following it since i was 14 and i'm attached. the characters deserve better and i can fix them.
what aot ships do you like?
i made a post about it once! you can also check out my tag directory for a more detailed list with links.
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a-dragons-journal · 3 years
my friend made a carrd on kin terms and wants to make sure terms are correct as they aren't that interactive with the community yet being in it for years, the url is kinform. carrd. co ( I am not sure if links work )
- and in case my tumblr messes up again I wanna stay anon
A’ight, let’s go through this!
First off, I want to say: I really appreciate the effort your friend is putting into this, including going to the effort to have other people check their work! It’s a well-organized carrd, and I appreciate that they included a lot of less well-known labels! That being said, there’s definitely quite a bit of misinformation here - which is totally understandable, the misinformation has spread unfortunately far at this point. But hey, that’s why I’m here!
Incorrect info:
- “alterhuman: a general term for anyone who identifies as non-human, whether it be 'kin or 'link” (on Terms) “Alterhuman” is a much broader term than that - “Having an identity that is alternative to the common societal idea of 'human'; a person who identifies as such.” It covers anyone who has an alternative experience to humanity, or who experiences humanity in an alternative way from “normal”. It’s intentionally an extremely vague and broad term - it covers ‘kin, ‘links, ‘heartedness/kith/synpaths, plurality, daemonism, furry lifestylers, real vampires, endels, probably voidpunk, etc.
(There’s a whole conversation to be had here about how the alterhuman community was supposed to get away from centralizing the otherkin narrative but somehow ended up with that being a huge problem anyway, with it often feeling like it’s about nonhuman identity even though it’s not - but that’s a pretty long conversation, so we won’t go there xD)
- “astral limbs: the sensation of a body part that is not there in real life ; not to be confused with phantom limbs which is used by amputees” (on Terms) Astral limbs =/= supernumerary phantom limbs =/= phantom limb syndrome. What you’re defining is supernumerary phantom limbs, not astral limbs/shifts - astral limbs/shifts are where your astral body changes to match that of your kintype, which a) doesn’t always coincide with phantom shifts, and b) requires belief in astral bodies/the astral plane in the first place, which many ‘kin don’t hold.
Supernumerary phantom limbs is the sensation of having a body part that is not and never has been physically present, as opposed to phantom limb syndrome which is referring to limbs that have been amputated. It’s not “appropriating” language from amputees or anything like that like some people have tried to claim - supernumerary phantom limbs is a medical term. Astral limbs isn’t an accurate, adequate, or necessary replacement.
- copingkin: identifying with or as anything under fictionkin or otherkin for comfort and/or coping ; also referred to as comfortkin ~ also see copinglink (from Kin) I would strongly suggest removing this; it’s not an accepted term and pretty much never has been as far as I’m aware. You’re either copinglink, someone who chose their identity for coping purposes, or otherkin who happens to have a psychological explanation, if your identity came about as an unconscious/involuntary coping mechanism.
- fictionkin: identifying with or as a fictional character or race. (from Kin) Remove “with or”; it’s identify-as. If you don’t identify as them, you’re not ‘kin. Identifying strongly with, but not as, is ‘heartedness, not ‘kin. I would also suggest swapping “race” for “species,” if that’s what you meant, since that’s a pretty loaded term out of context.
- otherkin: identifying with or as non-animal/non-human and mythical creatures ; some have their own label such as songkin. (from Kin) Remove “with or”; it’s identify-as, as above^.
- kin is often involuntarily & spiritual, if you consider yourself kin but don't do these, see hearted or synpath (from Kin) ‘Kin is involuntary, full stop, but it’s not necessarily spiritual. Nor is the distinction between ‘kin and ‘heartedness/synpaths the voluntary/involuntary aspect; it’s that ‘kin is identify-as and ‘heartedness/synpath isn’t.
- aeslink relating to anything for aesthetic reasons ~ "i am angel & palace aeslink" copinglink strongly relating with a fictional character for comfort and/or coping. (from Other) ‘Links are voluntarily choosing to cultivate an identity as something else - character, species, or otherwise. It’s still identify-as, not “relating to,” it’s just voluntary where otherkinity is involuntary. It’s not any less serious or any less identify-as. 'Linking or otherlinking is defined as “voluntarily choosing to identify as nonhuman/a fictional character or species”.
- synpaths: strongly relating to a fictional character or race that you see a lot of yourself in, but not as strong as kin. (from Other) Remove “not as strong as ‘kin”; ‘kin isn’t “relating to” something in the first place, it’s identifying as that thing. I would also suggest swapping “race” for “species,” if that’s what you meant, since that’s a pretty loaded term out of context.
- therian: identifying with or as an animal or other living thing. (from Other) Remove “with or”; it’s identify-as, as with fictionkin and otherkin.
Suggested edits:
Things that aren’t necessarily wrong, but which I would suggest edits to anyway for clarity/accuracy.
- awakening: the moment one realizes they identify as a kintype/theriantype (from Terms) I would posit that an awakening isn’t necessarily a single moment in time; much more often it’s an extended process that can take weeks, months, or even years. There’s some overlap between “awakening” and “questioning” that way, imo.
- They also said “theriantype” multiple times where it should be “theriotype,” but that’s more of a typo thing than a content error.
- otherkin: identifying with or as non-animal/non-human and mythical creatures ; some have their own label such as songkin. (from Kin) Songkin is probably not a great example if this is intended for outsiders who are new to the terminology, since conceptkin is kind of hard to explain to begin with, but that’s my personal opinion.
- Cladotherian, therian, theriomythic, and phytanthrope should all be on the ‘Kin page, as they all technically fall under ‘kin.
-  identity/ID, kinnie & kinning won't be added as they are terms created by the more newer kin community and aren't recognized/accepted terms for older kin, though some older kin may be okay with these terms. (from Terms) Personally, I don’t like calling them “the newer kin community” - the “kin for fun” people aren’t ‘kin, they’re misusing our language, that’s the entire point. “The “kin-for-fun” community” or just “terms being warped as part of misinformation” would probably be more accurate.
- Synpath can probably be included on the ‘hearted page, since synpath, kith, and otherhearted are basically all synonymous.
Suggested additions:
- A resources list may be worthwhile! Things like personal websites and perhaps a few trustworthy blogs/posts could be worth adding to that list (I have a kin resources tag here that may be useful to them if they want to do that!) This gives people a place to go if they want to learn more.
- The term otherlinker is probably a good one to add, given that copinglinker and a specific type of ‘link (aeslink) are both present but the larger umbrella term presently isn’t.
Out of curiosity:
not edits at all, I’m just curious, ha
- kintrope: a trait found in most of ones kintypes. (from Terms) I’m really curious where they found this term, it’s not one I’ve heard before!
I think that’s about all I can find - like I said, I really appreciate the effort being put into this carrd! There’s a lot of good terms on here, just some definition fixes that need to be made - it’s well-organized and very aesthetically pleasing, which is more than I can honestly say for a lot of carrds xD
Hopefully that’s all clear enough to be helpful - I’m more than happy to chat further about this or provide clearer definitions/suggested resources, if your friend wants! :3
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rimouskis · 3 years
yes, it’s been a wild ride. i don’t know much about hockey or sidgeno(?). i mostly keep to fic because this fandom has a lot of good content and i love it. i’ve been trying to find sidgeno content but it’s very few and limited? i see the general appeal, but i do wish someone would give me a crash course lol
It's funny, in a way, the evolution of sidgeno. I've only been around for 5 years, but... they have been an eventful 5 years, that's for sure.
Depending on how you slice it, we're a juggernaut in Hockey RPF (11% of all Hockey RPF on ao3, the highest percentage of any ship), but in terms of tumblr engagement, yeah, I suppose we are a bit small. It's hard for me to have much perspective on it; it's been a LONG time since I've been in a major fandom that has more than 27k fanworks on the archive, so I'm used to it.
Regarding tumblr presence specifically, we're totally a small corner. Hockey fandom experienced a surge of interest from omgcp in 2016-2017 and then there was a mass exodus after a long series of ethical failings from several angles (as well as, like, just general fandom lifespan? lots of [especially young] people spend 2-3 years in a fandom and move on, so that's normal) which specifically led to a lot of pens fandom drying up in quick succession despite the new fans brought in from the repeat.
I think we're starting to pick up steam again. Hockey fandom on tumblr these days (TO ME) seems more varied re: which teams people like. Tons of people are fans of multiple teams, which was rarer back when I started with hockey in 2016. Also, our mean age is rising too, I believe, which helps mellow things out. Everything is pretty decentralized and tucked away... and we even have different subsections! Like, sidgeno fandom is already a subset of Penguins fandom. There are people who write player/player fics, there are people who write y/n self-insert fics, there are people who don't do any of that...
It's not a huge fandom sandbox, but honestly I've found that smaller fandoms can just be... nice? It isn't universally true, of course, but I've come to enjoy it here even if the ao3 tag isn't popping off and I can recognize almost every URL in the fandom. It has its charm!
And as for a crash course, haha, it reminds me of the old early 2010s primers! I was talking about this with a few folks a while ago about these primer-like essays and how while there are a few newer (but... about old history) primers floating around tumblr about sid and geno (and elsewhere: one, two, three), it feels like most sidgeno fans have obtained our knowledge through reading fic, reading sports articles about the Penguins, and watching things [games, documentaries, TV specials].
There's been a big shift (from 2014-era sidgeno fandom to 2021-era sidgeno fandom) in characterization, but it also means it can feel like there's a high barrier to entry; not only do you have to figure out hockey, but you also might have to dig through outdated information to figure out who the "characters" are. We also definitely don't advertise a lot as a fanbase, which means there often aren't many "here's the ship/thing I like, let me tell you about it!" posts.
I also think we lack BNFs, which is actually healthy. BNF culture has really died out in general over the years, but I think it's better for fandom culture and lowers the barrier of entry for new creators (there's less pressure! Everyone is always happy to see a new fic!) But the lack of huge, influential personalities means that we don't have those "advertisers" to bring in new people.
Upsides and downsides to everything, right?
I have a very meager fic rec here, wherein I link a much bigger fic rec by another blogger, but a lot of sidgeno fandom stuff seems to be transfered by osmosis... you just have to hang around for a while and you'll figure out what's up and what style of fic you like and which writers you jive with :)
We're a good bunch, I think. There are just really a lot of cool people around this neck of the woods.
Edit: anon, in the notes of this post @icedbatik makes some WONDERFUL suggestions. she's one of the most friendly, kind folks around here, and she's right; pop into the DMs with people. it's real easy to make some acquaintances and eventual friends!
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rhinoroofers · 2 years
Benefits of metal roofing systems for commercial structures
The rooftop is the central and secret piece of a plan. While you are putting tremendous number of dollars in developing the charming inside your business making, a powerless decision for a material framework can pound your beginning and end inside. Since the rooftop gets normally outer ridiculous climatic circumstances quite far from your inside and generally speaking development's arrangement. Therefore, it's basic to remain cautious while picking a material framework for your plan and gather all data going before shutting. Surrounding, it's an issue of your speculation and future business building.
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