#and it looks messy so i wanna test it properly
tshortik · 9 months
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My favourite art of 2023!! 🥂🎇
Musings under the cut.
Art Goals/Wishes for 2024:
🪐 Finish my graphic design apprenticeship 🪐 Properly start my online shop and begin selling some prints. Hopefully adding more products little by little! 🪐 Start drawing a bigger fan-comic project I've already been outlining since a month or so. (Hint: Purple Wizard) 🪐 Make some concepts for two original story ideas I've been thinking about since years. I don't think I will start them next year but I want to outline a rough pitch and summary. That fancomic project is going to be a way for me to test the waters with something more plot-heavy and to see if I won't just abandon a project like that. 🪐 I really wanna do an official cover for something that is actually printed out. Like a book/comic cover, a poster, a design for something, etc. This might never happen but one can dream haha. 🪐 Play more dnd!!! Draw more personal dnd stuff cuz that's fun!! I love my dnd group waaAH! 🪐 More original paintings! Experiment more with messy brush strokes! I want more sharp edges and texture. 🪐 Long overdue, but I want to finally paint some book fanarts. Looking at you Baru Cormorant and Goblin Emperor/Cemetries of Amalo...
That's all!! I hope everyone has a great New Year! 🥂🎇
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jordanraye47 · 5 months
Headcanons about my favourite characters (yk who my fav is but whatever stfu /respectfully) [some ANSGT for y’all depressed people] ITS SO MUCH IZZY OMFG
Izzy is Scarlett’s younger sister. Idc if the order of seasons don’t let it make sense. Scarlett has older sister energy so I decide that they are sisters.
Noah has dyslexia. He loves to read and won’t let dyslexia stop him‼️Like his sisters see him with the same book for 3 months bc it takes AGES to read one
did I forget to mention that? He’s the youngest of ALOT of sisters (inspo from @deadmxnsparty on TT from the fic Stakes)
I have SO MUCH on izzy I need one list js for her so I’ll try and put a few on this one.
Her hair gets really really messy and often covers her face. So she ends up having to manually hold up her bangs if she has to look someone in the eyes or smth cause her hair covers up her eyes.
She canonically has psychosis, and being a pretty expressive and hyper person, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with emotions. So regardless of how many psychotic attacks or breakdowns she has, she never gets a full grip on how to handle them. So it ends with her running away from whatever situation she’s in so nobody sees her, and so she doesn’t hurt anyone.
Just like Duncan, I think Izzy has some family that’s in the police or involved in it. So she’s definitely familiar with law and punishments. But she’s also really good at getting away with it.
Imagne if like Scott Izzy and Scarlett were siblings 😔 izzy would be a farmer lmao
she wears crocs, attack me
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. During cooking challenges on TD, she’s either js put to the fucking sidelines or someone it put on duty just to make sure she doesn’t fuck up.
got recruited by the FBI and/or army. She’s smart and strong like ??????
omfg I’m so bloated rn fuck my uterus
COURTZZY HCS (my pookies)
its js criminal x lawyer so she KNOWS the law, she just dgaf
regardless, she tries to help Courtney w work whenever she needs it. She probably has no idea what she’s doing but she tries helping at least, and she’s js happy when Courtney is. So like if Courtney passes an important test or smth, she js goes along w the excitement, even though she has no idea what’s happening.
and speaking of school n shit; Izzy dosent prioritise school, nor focus much on it. Especially compared to Courtney. But shes smart, enough to understand that Courtney is passionate about it. And as much as she likes bothering Courtney and hanging with her, Izzy’s quiet when she thinks Courtney needs silence to study, or just alone time in general.
IOTSSSS😈😈 (the angst is going hard rn. REREADING THIS IT SOUNDS SO DEEP AND LOWJRY POETIC IM PROUD) I wanna make this into a fic😔
Man the survivors guilt is CRAZY‼️🙏
Like she has Eva but the feeling that she had the opportunity to change the outcome still lingers. Like why didn’t she argue with Duncan enough to not let Noah stay
It’s not that she thought Noah wasn’t able to protect himself, but he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know how to fight, and he couldn’t sass his way out of death.
Duncan had to practically force Izzy along when they walked back. The danger of the island hadn’t properly gotten to her then, but if it had, she wouldn’t have let any of her friends out of her sight for a second.
She wasn’t strong enough to protect everyone, but she’s convinced she could’ve done better. And maybe Noah, Courtney, Owen, Lindsay and everyone else could’ve made it.
Like I said, the survivors guilt is pretty rough after a fucking massacre ykwim?
And she was 16 when this happened. And so was everyone else. And regardless of age, nobody should’ve gone though that, alive or not.
Her relationship to things associated with the death of her friends are definitely weird. Like when things like showering and drinking water felt like tasks. Like watching the water from the tap run for 10 minutes cause the image of Noah’s dead body in the water, surrounded by his own blood, wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt disgusted by herself when she avoided water like the plague. She refused to leave the house, even to just go out with the trash or pick up the mail.
The neighbours across her father’s apartment used to come to her door and ask for her parents. They complained about how loud she was when she was outside by the playground when she was 10. Their jaws would probably drop if they saw how she’d changed.
She found herself on multiple occasions, talking to herself. Just to make sure she still had a voice. She hadn’t talked in ages. And even if she did, it was only to her siblings maybe once a week, and maybe a word or two to her parents if they were lucky.
Even after turning 17, the mentality and maturity stayed the same. The memories of that island never faded. But the others did. She had a few videos and pictures on a digital camera, and that was the best preserved memories of her friends. She was afraid that if she lost these, she’d forget their voice and face.
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single-malt-scotch · 9 months
i have watched bdubs and scar and so im gonna talk abt SL again like i did before. obvs spoilers!
i keep my posts pretty meta/only about the game, its mechanics, balance etc so i have no bias on players own actions. but i do want to talk about players and the final moments for a minute here!
obvs i like bdubs a lot and hes been very good at getting to almost the finals in all the series. hope ppl realize that more. if he had more hearts like scar did im sure he could of have gotten further too. etho's ep isnt out but i saw him die in scar's and scar's ep was wild for sure. i mean damn, there was hardly a way etho could have escaped scar when he landed right on top of him, insane. obvs i dont have a view on the others i havent watched but it was interesting to see how they ganged up in this series for the end. scar winning made me happy too, hes a really good player!!
bbut onto the gameplay. i dont wanna repeat myself so im kinda using this as an overall conclusion + specific thoughts about the finale.
its been established clearly that mods assign specific tasks to people at times. and the warden/wither + bogey were not something i enjoyed. this season felt way too "directed" as it went on... and i also think the tasks ability to grant you so much good stuff (a LOT of hearts) is what kept everyone out of being red so easily! which is probably why they did the bogey zombies. which is really just poor balance that no one clearly tested (i recall grian implying before that they dont really test anything but dont quote me on that). maybe a way to have improved that would have been reds were the only ones to gain hearts, and yellow/greens could not. i knew from the start that the heart giving mechanics this season were kind of pointless or overpowered. gifting one heart? really...? that doesnt add up to much of anything in the long run imo unless you manage to get hearts from multiple people. and then on top of that you get hearts back from the secret keeper too. i would have loved if this season was simply "no regen and thats it!" like a sorta UHC deal where you only can heal with specific items (and not 30 hearts prob? bc i understand the tasks were kind of a way to possibly make them die).
on big forced tasks it only made sense with this episode, since everyone is red, so i dont mind that. but again.... they had to force this to happen which is annoying to me. also in terms of balance i really wished they bring back strict rules on enchantments because that also gets frustrating to watch. but perhaps i just like fairness in combat due to watching so much UHC, which also is a death game.
the other issues i had were with reds and red tasks. as pointed out they forced reds in the previous sessions but no one had any time to do red tasks?? and admittedly it was kind of boring bc people couldnt interact about it without failing. but they could not team up properly and i think that is what red life is all about. all the reds coming together because they *need* to face yellows and greens, and hunt people down. but instead the few reds there had to be alone to do their traps, another social issue with this series where tasks often pulled people away from others and left them with videos where they were very alone. there being no space for greens and yellows to exist and get hunted is something i think is great in previous seasons too and it just didnt happen. all that getting forced in that one session just didnt flow well to me.
really even trying to look back at episodes, i cant recall any notable interactions between people i enjoyed minus some brief pauses when they were traveling to do their tasks. there just wasnt a lot of typical socializing! and thats what i didnt like with this series. this plus the balance issues of lives just made this series feel messy, and the length of the episodes due to tasks could be kind of boring if the task was boring or even felt too stressful to force them into places where they could just die (these kinds of dangerous tasks given to greens or yellows felt unfair, as if it was trying to force them to die, and as a viewer i wouldnt want the game make my fave die!).
and as i mentioned in a different post, the lack of fixing some issues in multiple seasons is wild to me. this season faced the same issue as limlife where deaths were not in chat. the episode after, they fixed it (still with some bugs). and then it happened again last session.... and they didnt fix it! this is also annoying bc people dont react to the deaths at all which you kind of wanna see you know? actually im not even sure why they still did it this way. i imagined the clock running out made it more complicated for the system of fying to work. but why this season....? seemed like pretty forward deaths. idk the tech side, but they had 3 solid lives like all the other season, and there were never issues with the death messages happening at all.
but anyways. theres multiple parts of this i mentioned above that just made this gimmick feel so messy and unbalanced, and sometimes not super interesting to watch. it was way too complicated some times. i know theyll likely never do a repeat of the old versions but man idk if i cant find myself liking future seasons if they start stacking so much on top of what is a simple concept. it has started to feel like the three lives havent mattered at all/arent really the focus-- the anxiety of having three times. and the stakes become less and less due to some of these new gimmicks (the ability to gain lives in so many easy ways- limlife and secret life- is why imo) makes death feel less of a problem especially when we know how buddy buddy everyone is now. people need to be limited like before, and be more anxious. 3L, LL, and DL had people quickly establishing their friends bc they knew right from the get go that the series really depended on them being alive and nothing else. the only focus was to stay alive and not die. DL was where ppl kinda chilled a bit on alliances bc they knew each other more but, death was still right around the door with health being tied, it still brought a similar kind of anxiety for players.
i do hope people like grian can recognize these issues behind the scenes bc genuine critique for this series/season is important. like i hope they dont brush off the fact "hall monitors" were an issue-- they can ignore them openly in their videos.... but there is a reason why its a problem that started at all. the concept was way too subjective and hard to judge! so id hate for them to decide "eh, lets not listen to them, im gonna keep doing this and not consider the issue for a new season" right? and hour long episodes? thats crazy, and i dont think it was good for a lot of cc imo, because it made me way less likely to watch or even finish others' episodes. i hope that makes sense... stakes need to be raised, and i think limlife still achieved that to some degree because time was still very sensitive and risky to take. but then SL comes in bringing way too many things that keep them alive far too easily, leaving very little concern as long as they got their task in.
and last thing is from the outside pov i get concerned about this season happening only 6 months after the last one. because that would very very easily cause a burn out/inability to make more gimmicks real quick. i find this particularly odd bc this season too place through multiple holidays...! not sure if they thought this one through very well. considering how much limlife changed things in a way that was a bit more complicated, and then have SL with even more going on.... id just be worried about how much new stuff would even be made after this.
before this season started i was thinking to myself that i would be fine if this was the last one (it was speculation off some posting 3L compilations that was being me think itd be 'over' bc that was the first season). and truly i would be fine if they stopped forever for for a long time. i dont want to start disliking this series if they keep going in this direction... i will ALWAYS enjoy seeing these people play together and it will no doubt keep me watching but, i would hope that i will enjoy what they do for the next seasons and not fall down this path of convoluted, unbalanced and complicated concepts.
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stepswowdsen · 2 months
【KagePro】 Kuroha and KuroEne (NSFW) 🖤❤️💙🐍🐇
Kuroha's Manga Route 2 Design
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Other tests I did
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KuroEne Doodles (NSFW)
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Kuroha uses Konoha's Eye Ability, Awakening Eyes, to change his body into whatever he wants, so he makes his tongue into a long forked snake's tongue and teases Ene about eating her out with it
No. XX wants to go down on No. 6
I have a comic idea in mind for this one but didn't get to draw it yet...
Redrew the snake tongue on this Kuroha. Sss 🐍
Quick Ene doodle based on this bunny meme 🐇
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XanLena Doodle (NSFW) ❤️💜
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Kuroha rambles
I think using a screentone looks best with my art style
Also I did the screentones really quickly so it's messy. I was just curious how it'd look
Cuz my art style has really thickly lined eyelashes so it just won't look good if they're not visible (especially with the snake skin scales being pitch black)
I also tested putting outlined white lines around the eyelashes. I'm just worried it might look too distracting...
KuroEne rambles
The first KuroEne doodle I did is just suggestive
I redrew the forked snake tongue on it 🐍 Sss
KuroEne NSFW doodle I did before based on an idea I had where Kuroha teases Ene with a vibrator/dildo while he has his snakes tied around her arms and legs
I loooove my wifey!!! 💙💘
Redrew Kuroha's expression cuz it was bothering me and I think it looks better now!
I redrew Ene's body and adjusted the tilt of her hips
Cuz when I first made this doodle, I doodled Ene first so she's more efforted then quickly sketched Kuroha
I'm eventually gonna redraw a more fitting pose for Kuroha, just not right now
Selena and Ene thirst
Charas are fully clothed.
I didn't get to redraw the XanLena one yet but I wanna post it again nonetheless
Selena's ahoge gets all droopy when she gets embarrassed/flustered. I think of Selena as a catdog (sometimes a bunny) and Ene as a bunny. I associate Selena with the black cat
I'm trying to practice drawing… raunchy stuff cuz I wanna get better at it. Be the change you wanna be in the world!!! Making my own food by feeding my gay side!!!
Also ngl the JP version's text is just formatted better so I prefer it
I also have to redraw this eventually, but I just wanted to get the idea down.
Evil snake bf teases his cute computer virus bunny gf 🐍🐇
Selena and Ene's expressions are SOOOO cute. My wives!!! 🥰💗💞
I'm trying to practice drawing… raunchy stuff cuz I wanna get better at it. Be the change you wanna be in the world!!!
Making my own food by feeding my gay side!!!
I like clothed intimacy… Looks sexier to me.
Tfw you're ace af but you still want to draw ship intimacy cuz it's fun
I already made another Twt to post it, but I'll probably use the other Tumblr account I had (@/stepsinningsen) to post these kinds of doodles. Eventually.
Cuz Insta doesn't allow NSFW, so artists who post suggestive/raunchy pieces usually crop them.
Twt has the sensitive content flag, and Tumblr is a good place for it cuz it has the community label to mark sensitive content, despite most NSFW tags not working properly
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containatrocity · 1 year
Write me your last words (rusty and reggie)
You know I prewrite these things? it's a little silly, maybe, to do it this way, to have a contingiency plan so… weirdly obsessive. 'what if you die tomorrow' but what if I don't. Things can change at the drop of a hat. I could be on the recieving end of one of these letters instead. But I still do shit like this, obsessive compulsively writing my thoughts and feelings down just in case I don't get to say them out loud. I know it's silly. But if you're reading this now, maybe it's not as ridiculous as I thought it was.
I wanna start by saying thank you. As I write this it's only been a few months, and I don't exactly know what words to put to what we are, but I know it makes me happy, so thank you. for reminding me I'm not just a monolith, something destined to stand on its own and struggle for some kind of justification for what he's done, or what he's doing- the reminder that I don't have to be the most serious person in a room, or respectful for people to like me. That I can be messy, gay and loud, that I can be… Me. in every capacity, and people will still find joy in me, even if for years I couldn't find it in myself. I have a lot of regrets, and I've kept them close to home. But I know that I've never for a moment regretted the people who I've come to know here- Huntsville used to be the place I returned to in my nightmares, naked in class on the day of a test and unprepared. Vitriol and hate spat from the mouths of people who loved me once, a hanging tree with my treehouse held in its branches. I don't think that'll ever go away, or that I'll ever reconcile it with the nightmare I live now, properly. But I know you've made it easier to bear. The crushing weight of being alive lightens up, a little, with you around. And then of course I get cat hair up my nose, and the weight is real, physical, and…. mostly phlem.
I guess I don't want to go anywhere without you knowing the truth, you know? That I was scared, to admit what you meant to me. What Jack means to me. Because saying it makes it real. If you're reading this, take care of each other. And know that for the time we had, I was happy. More than I had been in years. Look after Sissy- I know she's an adult, but she'll always be that ten year old girl in a hospital room in DC to me- scared to go home with a veritable stranger- the same stranger scared to be thrust into being a parent. Just give her somewhere to rest her head. A quiet place to call home. A listening ear, for her facts about bugs or stories about her friends. If I can't be there for her I'd ask only that you try to be- that the people who loved me love each other just the same now that I'm uh. Gone.
It's funny to say that, isn't it? Hopeful, maybe- That I was loved. I think it's what we all secretly long for, and I knew it, once. Felt a lot like this. I hope, if you're reading this, maybe I've gotten far enough to say as much to you and Jack. I guess in the frame of mind of death looming over my shoulders, I'm a little looser with my words.
With (Hopefully already prestated or else I'm gonna feel like a real dick in the afterlife) Love,
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jakeperalta · 2 years
Hey. Sorry I sent that long book ask rant and if it was overwhelming. You don't have to answer or anything. I think I just sent it cuz I have no one to talk about books with and I wanted to see if it passed the friends to lovers test since you're an expert on that haha. I know it would be weird and hard to tell if you didn't even read it anyway and I never wanna come off as annoying. There's more to the book than that and I think I loved it and the whole book after thinking about it more. So maybe 4 stars. One of my favorite quotes from it is..there's a lot of promise in maybe which I think will stay with me for a while. But I never wanna freak you out or push my interests on you just to be clear.
no problem, I just hadn't got to it yet because I wanted to have a chance to look at it properly! it sounds like an interesting book and I do love friends to lovers, even when it's a bit more messy and complex like that. that quote is so nice too 🥺 plus you seem to have a more discerning judgement when it comes to books than me lol so I feel like if you enjoyed it I'd probably like it too!
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britneysbackbitch · 5 years
my old urls are ugly now let's try testing with this one instead hehehehehehe
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omg that’s soooooo sexy i love it
anyway, let’s throw some formatting in here today just for the sake of artistic curiosity
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id hinc everti eam, rebum repudiare deterruisset et his. Ex nam natum latine sensibus, mutat dicant tamquam mei ut. An quo autem accusamus. Ne appetere recteque eum, mel facilisi pertinax no. At harum dictas aperiam his.
Pri probo animal singulis in, vim et quot erant contentiones. Mel ea dolore perfecto definiebas, autem perfecto iudicabit vis et. oratio scaevola similique eam cu, sit ex labitur adversarium, et mei graeci perfecto nominati. falli oblique placerat no vix, te cum legendos voluptatibus, denique noluisse argumentum nam cu. Semper perfecto neglegentur id nam, consul oblique philosophia an sea.
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pixiemunsons · 2 years
hiii what about steve harrington x reader where steve with all of the girls he slept before he can't manage to cum -like he only cums when he's alone and like it feels kinda humiliating to him to cum in front of someone bc he's really noisy and it's reader's first time and she manage to make him cum 👀
stop the world (i wanna get off with you) sh
stevie learns that sometimes, you just gotta let go (3.1k words)
anon i'm so sorry i missed the part where u said first time however it is their first time together. my first steve fic!! also don't usually write dom!reader so v new for me. thank u for requesting<3 this is set sort of between s2 and 3
light sub!steve/dom!reader, caretaking, handjobs, vulnerable/embarrassed steve, mentions of him sleeping w other girls but no jealousy, first orgasm w a partner, p in v sex, gentle sex, lots of sweet talking and reassurance, this is a very sweet little thing w very very little angst. no use of y/n or appearance description. no spoilers
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‘sorry, can you say that again?’
steve blushed bright red, running a hand through his messy hair as you stared at him, wide mouthed.
‘baby, please, it’s so humiliating!’ he threw his head back into the pillow, hiding his hot face in his hands, and it took almost all of your strength to gently prise his fingers away from his eyes.
‘no, s’not. just wanna make sure i heard you properly.’
steve sighed deeply, looking at you tentatively.
‘no one else has ever been able to make me cum before, just myself. happy now?’
when king steve harrington had first asked you on a date, you thought he was joking. you’d barely ever spoken at school; helped him get through a bio test once when he was in junior year and you were a sophomore taking an advanced class, but outside of that, you’d barely interacted. 
that is, until you had nipped over to jonathan byers’ house to drop him and his mother a tray of mac and cheese and ask how the search for will was going and had found him, nancy and steve beating the shit out of an alien.
it had all sort of snowballed from there, really. nancy and steve started dating again not long after the incident, before she bounced on over to byers, and while you were really happy for your friends, it had been you that was left to pick up the broken pieces of steve harrington’s heart. well, you and the ragtag bunch of thirteen-year-olds that you had sort of acquired over time. you learnt a lot about steve over the months you spent together; he was a serial dater, though they never seemed to go anywhere - despite the girls seemingly chasing him for weeks after he’d turned them down. he loved ice cream and cheesy rom-coms and the songs from west side story. steve harrington liked driving the kids around, even when he denied it, and listening to dustin talk about d&d, and so it turned out, he really, really liked you.
he’d asked you to go on three dates before you started to believe that he really wanted you like that, and even then he’d had to ask twice more before you agreed to go. you had heard he was a bit of a fuck ‘em and chuck ‘em kinda guy, and the dynamic you’d built up wasn’t something you were willing to ruin for a quick fumble; even if you had heard that said fumbles were nothing short of magnificent. he’d done things properly though; picked you up and opened the car door for you, told your mother he’d have you home on time, taken you to enzo’s, the nicest place in town. he’d made you laugh with his stories all night, ignoring the way other patrons looked at you, and when you reached for the cheque at the end of the night he had brushed you off as if you asking was an insult in and of itself. and then he’d taken you home fifteen minutes before curfew and asked you permission before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, driving away and leaving you leaning breathless against your front door.
being with steve was a lot different to how you expected it might be. it was just like before, really, doing everything together like best friends. but you caught the way he looked at you now, really looked at you like no one else did. saw how he took in every scar, every mark and cherished it, loved it as a part of you. and even though you hadn’t quite said those words yet, hadn’t quite taken it there, you knew it was true for both of you. there were other things about steve that you hadn’t expected, either; how his room was still the blue colour he’d painted it at twelve, how he could cook a really decent spaghetti. and how, five months into your relationship, he’d never taken it further than making out.
you hadn’t intended to get onto the conversation. you were just talking about how tommy and carol were hooking up again even after their latest break up, and steve had said he thought tommy was dating paula morgan from their graduating class, and about how steve’d gone on a date with her once and she’d left a hickey so big he had to tell his folks he got hit with a volleyball in gym. you knew there was a reason paula kept giving you the shit-eye when you went into the grocery store where she worked. 
‘tellin’ you, i got off lucky! danny rogers, you know from the year above me? he told me once that she gave him a handy and twisted it so hard he was bruised for weeks! scared me off of her for life.’
you laughed, half thinking as he spoke. he had hooked up with loads of girls at school, you knew that, but the more you two spoke about your histories the more you were finding out; secret rendezvous' with girls under the bleachers, in the back of his car. he’d even confessed that he let sheila richards give him a blowjob in mr davies’ empty maths classroom. but it’d been months and the most the two of you had done was heavy petting over the clothes and making out before he’d push you gently away to get back to whatever movie you’d rented that weekend, even if you could feel how hard he was under his jeans. you hadn’t really meant to bring it up at that point, but surely it was better to tell him how you were feeling?
so you’d asked what was going on, and he’d stared at you for so long you thought you might burst into flames of embarrassment, desperately worried you’d said the wrong thing, when he came out with a whisper so tiny you almost didn’t hear it.
‘but-but what about all the other girls? you’ve been getting it left right and centre by every girl in your year, and i’ve certainly never heard any of them complaining.’
steve looked at you and drew a deep breath, shrugging his shoulders.
‘no, babe, they’ve been getting it from me. i mean, i’ve had a few… favours, but i’ve just never, like, finished. i find an excuse, like that i can hear someone coming or whatever, and then i go home and… sort myself out.’
‘so, you can come? just not when other people try?’
he nodded his head, seemingly more calm now that it was out there in the open.
‘is it a physical thing, you think? or a mental block?’
steve shrugged his shoulders again.
‘bit of both, maybe? i think part of it is that i’ve never been that bothered about cumming? i know it sounds silly, but i’m not usually in the sex for myself, and when you end up with a reputation like mine, you gotta find a way of keepin’ it up. so i just do what i need’a do to get her there, then deal with myself later.’ he felt silly now that he said it aloud, wringing his fingers in front of him. it had been part of the reason he’d never moved on you; he was too worried you’d think he didn’t find you attractive, didn’t want you, and the thought killed him.
‘you ever fucked someone you really care about, before, stevie? who really cares about you?’
he looked up at the change of tone in your voice, and saw that you were climbing up his body so your faces were level. he was going red again, gulping as you leaned down over him.
’n-no? never.’
you cocked your head to the side, frowning. ‘what about nance?’ steve shook his head solemnly.
‘no, w-we never… what are you doing, babe?’ he asked as you crawled onto his lap, thighs now either side of his hips.
‘stevie, i think the reason you were never bothered is because they weren’t. they just wanted to fuck the king, have a piece of him. but i don’t want the king.’ you laid a soft kiss on his lips, smiling as you pulled away and steve followed you for more. ‘i want steve harrington. and i wanna make him feel good. y’gonna let me do that?’ you were almost purring, playing with the hem of his t-shirt, and steve couldn’t even find the words to express how he felt other than god, baby, yes please.
you started by kissing him real, real slow. moved your lips over his languidly, tongue running gently over the seam of his lips in soft, caressing strokes that had his head spinning and his chin jutting forward for more. his mouth opened, and you slipped yourself in, running your tongue over his own. steve moaned gently into the kiss, grinding his hips up into yours, and you pushed them back down gently.
‘not yet, baby, tryna make this good for you. just calm down, take it slow. we got all the time in the world.’ he hummed against your mouth, settling his hips down while his hands explored your body slowly. you sat with him like this for a little while; one hand playing with his hair whilst the other sat on his stomach, pressing tender smooches to his lips, his nose, his cheeks, ears, forehead, eyes, until eventually you worked a trail of lip gloss down his neck. your teeth came out at the base of his throat, only gently, marking him inconspicuously as yours, and he almost whimpered under you.
it wasn’t often that you took your time with steve. it was hard to show your appreciation for him sexually when he was always resisting, refusing to let you in. so you were definitely having a lot of fun taking your time tonight. you stripped him of his t-shirt, straddling his hips and feeling his hard cock pressed against you through both of your jeans as you leant forward. your lips shifted from his neck to his chest, nipping at his collarbones as you moved down his stomach.
‘stevie, y’ so pretty,’ you whispered from his happy trail, nose nudging at the curls that lay there as he whined under you.
‘you’re so beautiful, babe, so gorgeous.’ his hand dropped from his chest to your face, stroking at your cheek gently with a thumb. you turned to kiss his fingertips gently, and he moaned when you took the very tip of his index finger into your mouth and sucked gently.
‘’m gonna get you all ready for me, stevie, use my hand and get you worked up, then i’m gonna get on top like you like it and make you feel good. no pressure, if y’can’t cum it’s all good, we’ll just try again when you’re ready. i jus’ want you to know you’re safe with me, nothin’ bad’s gonna happen, i’m gonna take good care of you, yeah?’ you were running your fingers over the top of his jeans, dipping into his boxers ever so gently, and he nodded, fingers grabbing for your t-shirt.
‘yeah, but can you take this off, too? please? don’t wanna be the only one sat here naked,’ he half-chuckled, half-moaned when you stripped the garment away, bra following so you were clad in your jeans alone.
‘can you go in the drawer, babe, get the lube please?’ you asked sweetly, and he passed it down with a kiss pressed to the top of your head. you manoeuvred your position so you were sat facing steve, his face level with your boobs as you straddled his thighs, giving you enough room to pull him out of his jeans and boxers. and, wow, was he hard. and big. his red tip was leaking, almost painful looking, and you pumped some of the lube into your right hand before rubbing it together in your palm, warming it up. he let out a hiss when you finally made contact, hips bucking up into your palm. you simply eased him back down again, pressing a kiss to the bicep of his right arm.
‘shh, baby, i said i got you. how do you usually like it?’
steve cocked his head to the side, blushing red. ‘what do you mean?’
‘you said you make yourself cum,’ you grabbed his hand, guiding it on top of yours. ‘so show me how you do that. maybe it’ll help you relax a little.’ he was nervous, you could tell, so you kissed him gently on the mouth, nodding gently to encourage him. slowly, his hand tightened your own around his cock, moving at a much slower pace than you anticipated he’d like. not that you minded; having him show you how intimately, gently, he liked to be touched was getting you wet, and it was taking a lot to keep your mind on the task quite literally at hand.
steve removed his hand once you seemed to be getting the hang of it, letting his head flop back against the pillows behind him.
‘o-oh, baby, just like that,’ he was writhing under you, leg bouncing up between your thighs in a way that made them clench. steve noticed, reaching out to touch you, but you carefully brushed his hand away.
‘not right now, stevie. we’re gonna think about you for now, we can worry about me later, ’s okay,’ you whispered up at him, flicking your thumb over the very head of him and watching as his head dropped back once more, eyes rolling into his head.
‘f-fuck, that’s so… fuck.’ he seemed to be relaxing, finally, letting you make him feel like he deserved for the first time.
‘you’re doin’ so good f’me, babe. such a good boy,’ you hummed, and steve’s fingers were white knuckled and wound into the bedsheets. he moaned, high-pitched and needy, and the sound went right between your legs.
‘’m gonna c-cum, babe, fuck, stop,’ he whimpered, and you cocked an eyebrow.
‘why stop? everything okay?’
‘wanna- fuck, wanna cum in you.’ his words sent a shiver down your spine, and you swallowed the moan making its way to the surface.
‘you sure? you won’t lose it if i stop now?’
steve shook his head vehemently, pushing your hand away from his leaking cock and reaching to undo your jeans, yanking them down to your knees. you leant forward to kiss him, gently pushing his arms back to his sides.
‘there’s no rush, steve, we can take our time. here, keep touching yourself f’me. there you go baby, just like that.’ you stripped yourself slowly, pushing your lace underwear down your hips and kicking them off with your jeans so you were bare in front of him. you’d usually be nervous, first time a boy saw you like that, but steve? he was something different. his hand was pumping up and down his cock just like he’d shown you he liked it, eyelids drooping as he revered your naked form above him.
‘want me on top? or d’you wanna do it?’
steve groaned again. he had no idea how he’d managed to swing you, but right now, he definitely wasn’t complaining. ‘can you do it, babe, please?’
his puppy dog eyes were so disarming, so loving, you couldn’t help but to lean forward and run a thumb over his lips, watching as he ran the very tip of his tongue over the pad of your digit.
‘i just want you to know that there’s no pressure, honey. if it doesn’t happen, we don’t force it, we try until you wanna stop and then we try another time, okay?’ the concern in your eyes had him almost in tears, so he just nodded as you lowered yourself onto him for the first time.
the sting was uncomfortable but not unwelcome, his thick cock stretching you out just enough for it to hurt whilst still feeling good. you moaned together when you finally had him all the way down to his thick base, buried so deep you could feel it everywhere.
‘’m not gonna last long, sweetheart,’ steve grunted, hips meeting yours mid-thrust and you couldn’t bring yourself to stop him, not when he was bumping up against a spot that had you seeing stars.
‘stevie, so good, so fuckin’ big and perfect for me,’ you were half-crying on his cock, trying to keep a rhythm going.
‘where d’you - fuck - want it? s’comin’ babe,’ steve was grunting through gritted teeth, and you just had time to cry out ‘stomach, shit’ when he was pulling out, head poking out from his hand as he fisted his cock, warm splashes of cum spurting out to paint your tummy.
‘oh baby, oh my love, fuck, so good!’ steve was almost shouting through his orgasm from under you, and he was the most beautiful person you’d ever met. head thrown back, hair messy, chest red and mouth forming an o as he rode his orgasm out in his hand. you were still hovering above him, up on your knees, when he covered his face with his hands once more.
‘stevie, what’s wrong?’ you asked, worried you’d taken it too far. he peeked out from between his fingers, eyeing you.
‘that was so loud, s'embarrassing,’ he whispered, and you pulled his hands from his face like you had not half an hour earlier.
‘you kidding? that was so hot!’
‘shut up, don’t be a dick.’
‘steve, i’m being serious!’ he peered over at you, intrigued, as you started ranting. ‘fuck, i can’t believe i’m the first person to see you like that! i mean, i’m glad i was, because holy shit, that was a religious fucking experience!’ the look of wonder on your face soon became something a little more teasing. ‘i can’t wait to make you do that again.’
it was your turn to be surprised when steve looped his arms around your thighs, yanking you forward so you were still on your knees, now situated with your pussy directly over his mouth. a smirk spread across steve’s face at the look of wonder on your own.
‘well, not right now, you won’t sweetheart.’
he pressed a trail of kisses down your right inner thigh, short nails scraping at the skin of your ass.
‘you’ve shown me what a good job you can do. now it’s time to show you what i’m famous for, baby.’
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sporesgalaxy · 3 years
ok I DO have ONE hot tip.
So. You're like me. You have ideas and you want to see characters move around in sync with some audio. But also you need to cut as many corners as possible. BUT ALSO you really want it to feel good to watch to justify the effort.
My tip is this: use tweens but as few as humanly possible.
To explain: so we got these key poses we wanna use while somebody says something
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That's 3 drawings!
If you draw out a whole scene at this rate, you'll get the point across! This totally works! You can have all kinds of cool poses and expressions and it will still be an unreasonably large number of drawings, and an impressive feat to finish!
BUT since we're already here....why not trick everyone into thinking it's "smooth" by making THEIR brain do HALF the work, at LEAST.
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^ That right there is only 3 additional drawings!
Tween Type 1: bridging the gap
so the difference between these 2 frames is huge, and as a consequence playing one right after the other feels choppy.
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Now I haven't explained the second kind of tween yet, but the way we decide between them is by asking ourselves, "how controlled is this movement, and where is it fastest?"
This guy is unfolding their arms and then placing a hand on their hip. This is a more controlled motion, because the limb stays close to the body at all times, where there's not much room to swing around.
Also, if you do this in real life to test it, the two slowest parts are separating your arms at the beginning, and then resting your arm on your hip. Between those two parts, it's mostly just your arm swinging into place relatively fast.
The fastest part will be easier for your brain to fill in for us, so the tweens are only added to the slow parts.
The arm starting to unfold, and the arm slowing down to rest on the hip.
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The second screenshot, depicting the "end" of the movement, is overlaid onto the NEXT frame rather than the previous, because it will need to look very close to that for your brain to process the new pose properly.
These 2 new drawings have created just enough of a bridge for your brain to register it as a movement rather than two separate images.
Tween Type 2: overshooting
This kind of tween is used for faster, less controlled movements, or anything that "squishes." Here I use it for the guy bringing his arm up, and his eyebrow moving.
Once again overlaid onto the frame AFTER this tween, so you can see the "overshoot" effect.
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Since the arm is out in the open air, it will swing with the momentum it took to raise it, and the guy's musclea will need to squeeze it back into the place they intended to hold it at. So it moves past the final resting pose (overshoots it), because it is too fast to slow down before it.
Overshoot is kind of the opposite of bridging the gap. Where bridging the gap shows you something starting to move, and then slowing down; overshoot shows you something winding up (omitted for this chill guy, but it's a frame "pulling back" on the pre-movement pose where the frame I did add is "pushing" on the post-movement pose), and then struggling to come to a complete stop.
But just like bridging the gap, you don't have to draw he middle because the movement is fast, so your brain wouldn't have paid attention to it anyways.
So yeah thats how I play tricks on people's minds without REALLY animating! Go nuts!
Since the tweens are onscreen for much shorter times, don't be afraid to let them be messy, so that you can try out a few different variations to see which looks right. I redrew that arm coming to rest on the guys hip 2 or 3 times, and it was originally supposed to be an overshoot, but the bridge ended up looking better!
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evelxtus · 3 years
Hi hi hi!! So I was thinking, moth reader,,,, who paints their wings??? Like they usually grab someone they trust and ask them to paint their wings (they don't care how messy its done, they just like seeing all the colors on their usually monotone wings) bc the wings are very delicate (they can heal it with enough time and vision healing but its very uncomfortable) so them asking someone to paint their wings is kinda like them saying "I trust you a lot!" And so I think it would be adorable to ask Kaeya, Diluc, and Albedo to paint their wings? If you don't want to do this request or wanna add or take away characters thats fine! You're doing great with your writings and I hope you have a great day/night. Also remember to hydrate and eat!!!
---🐇 anon
genshin men paint your wings ! moth! reader.
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pairing─ ⸝⸝ kaeya, diluc, albedo x moth!gn!reader.
note─ ⸝⸝ help this is too cute... i had to start working on it asap... tysm 🐇!! moth hybrid reader supremacy. <3
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KAEYA won't admit it out loud, but as soon as you asked him to paint your wings, he melted at your pretty words and the meaning they really carried: that you trusted him a lot. Feeling trustworthy was something he values a lot, but not too many times he truly feels it in his life; he's lucky that he has you, although he often thinks if that may be bad because you're too naive. Either way, it doesn't matter, because he would NEVER hurt you. And like the good gentleman that he is, he fulfills your wishes and does his best to bring those wings of yours to life, painting a beautiful pattern of green, yellowish and various shades of blue, simulating two large peacock feathers.
“Perhaps I even have the material of a painter. What do you think? Are you satisfied with the result? From what I see, I wouldn't have any complains. You look absolutely stunning.”
Very hesitant about it. It seems to DILUC that your request is too big for him, and he has thousands of questions and insecurities even though he seems serene about it. Will I be able to do it properly, as you deserve? Maybe if I don't do it to your liking... you won't ask me again... And even if it makes him a bit nervous, he'll want to be the only one who can touch you and paint your wings. He wants you to be safe, and who better to take care of you than himself. Diluc doesn't trust anyone else to do this job as well as he does. So... he'll have to give painting your wings a chance. And you couldn't be happier about it when you see the finished work: your wings now glow red, orange and yellow, flames rising to your shoulder blades, giving you color and a warm feeling.
“Does it meet your expectations, y/n? I chose this pattern because... since you let me decide, I wanted to make something that had a special meaning for me. It's as if you now have a part of me in you... Ah... Sorry, I talked too much, forget that. I'm just glad you liked it.”
ALBEDO takes it as a way to test himself. He's used to painting on his white paper, but now that the canvas are your wings, he'll work harder to satisfy you. Also, he doesn't forget that you ask because you have great confidence in him, and that's also fuel for Albedo, motivation to make a piece of art on your wings, even if it's temporary. No matter how many times he has to paint your wings, Albedo will always give his best, because you trust him and because you are worthy of his time. He will think of different designs to make you, and he will weigh well which one can fit you better or be more useful to you in nature. Maybe a colorful leaf pattern, or perhaps with less saturation so you can go unnoticed by potential dangers? Don't worry, the final choice will be well thought out and will only be to be sure of your safety when he is not around to protect you.
“I think this has been my greatest work to date... and all because you requested me this. Perhaps I should dig deeper into things that interest me as much as you do, but in the meantime, would you allow me to continue painting your wings some other day?”
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rafescoke · 3 years
New Girl ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Just as Rafe thought his life couldn’t get any worse, a new girl moved into town. 
Warnings: Straight smut! Mentions of trauma, extreme love-hate relationship, fluff
A/N: thank you so much for 600+ followers wtf ily <33
p.s; you know the drill. . . send requests!
One thing that Rafe was sure of; he was no tour guide, or anything of the sort.
Sure, he got himself into trouble; vandalising the principal’s office and destroying school’s properties, but that was it. He didn’t try to include the part where he goes to parties to get high and wake up the next evening with a painful headache, that was more to his personal life and he believed no one in the education system could have the advantage to be mad at him for it. 
“I simply just won’t do it,” Rafe shrugged, sighing against the chair. “Look, why don’t you ask Topper to help this new kid? He’s good in class.” 
“You answered yourself, Mr. Cameron,” the counsellor sighed, placing a file on top of the table lightly. “He’s good at school work, and you’re not. That’s why we’re going with you.” 
So that was the core reason as to why Rafe was waiting impatiently for the arrival of the new student, whom he didn’t even care about to know the gender. All he wanted was to sit at the back of the school and light some joints. 
“Mr. Cameron, this is Ms. (Y/L/N).” 
Rafe took a look at her. He bit the insides of his cheeks, thinking how she didn’t even make an effort to dress properly for her first day in a new schoolz 
An oversized tee and denim shorts. Really? 
“Hi,” she smiled, extending her hands. “I’m (Y/N).” 
“Rafe,” was all he said, before handing her her timetable for the semester. 
She scanned the paper, nodding slightly and pointed at a word. When she realised how Rafe wasn’t listening, she cleared her throat. 
“I got Biology with Mr Garcia. Where’s Room 3?” 
Rafe scooted closer next to her, and the smell of strawberry cheesecake wafted into his nostrils. He took a step back, seething. 
Who would even wear a cakey perfume? 
“Uh, that’s like, at the end of the hall?” He answered, but it was more like a question. He looked at the direction he was noting, and nodded again. “Definitely the one at the end of the hall.” 
“You really don’t care, do you?” She asked, crossing her arms. “Where’s my locker?” 
Rafe took another look at her timetable, searching for her locker number. 
He turned to look at his own locker, finding the number, and letting out an ‘oh’. “Yours just 4 lockers away from mine.” 
“Thanks.” She muttered, and Rafe sighed before fixing the left side of his bag strap dangling from his left shoulder. “Is that it? Can I go?” 
“Not so fast, Rafe,” the counsellor sighed, stopping him by his chest. “You’re supposed to stay with her for the week. Help her get around. And you’re supposed to show her around the school compound now.” 
Rafe looked up to the counsellor with a pained expression and then back to (Y/N), his chest heavy. “Fine. Let’s go. What do you call yourself again?” 
Right before lunch, Rafe stayed over in his class for a few minutes before going out to the hall. He didn’t want to see the new girl, and he didn’t feel like being her assistant anymore. 
But the world wasn’t that fair. 
(Y/N) grinned, walking towards him. “Can you show me the cafeteria?”
“How do you even know my class?” He muttered, keeping a distance between them. The last thing he ever wanted was to let the news of him being with the new girls circulating around the school, or worse, the whole island. 
“My class is directly in front of yours. We parted just now.” 
Of course she would remember that. 
. . . 
A week went by quickly, and before Rafe would know it, he didn’t see (Y/N) anymore, and he was content with it. 
Until her family decided to become neighbours with his. 
“What do you mean the (Y/L/N) bought the house next to us?” He groaned, watching as Rose and Ward prepared to greet themselves to the new family.
The last thing he wanted was to show her around the fucking island like he was some kind of a hotel worker. 
She was in a yellow sundress, and Rafe couldn’t help but notice the way her (H/C) glowed under the sunlight. She looked similar to her mother, both bringing pastries as a way to introduce themselves. 
“Hi, we just moved next door,” Mrs (Y/L/N) said, showing the Camerons her pearly white teeth. Rafe wondered if she ever got them done, because it’s not possible for a human to have such white assets. 
“Hi, welcome to Obx,” Ward gushed, accepting the pastries happily. “Rafe, take the other cake.” 
(Y/N) looked up at the sound of his name, and to Rafe’s amusement, began gritting her teeth. He took the cake with a smirk, happy that he got her all worked up. 
He would definitely have the best time of his life taunting the shit out of this girl. 
. . .
“Hey, wanna ride a boat?” 
“Topper, leave her alone,” Rafe sighed, fixing his cap so it was facing backwards. “She’s not interested.” 
(Y/N) perked up at this invitation, never actually riding a boat alone if it wasn’t during a holiday since she was originally from the city. She walked towards her neighbour’s deck, her skin illuminating the golden sunrays. 
Rafe mentally groaned, having to deal with the girl now, but he wasn’t sure if he was angry or jealous. It wasn’t him to be jealous easily, but after a week of becoming her tour guide, he guessed he deserves some kind of a credit from her. Topper didn’t do anything, but she was gladly accepting his invitation. 
Their usual stroll along the stream of the island was not like usual, since the air was now filled with the annoying chatter between (Y/N) and Topper. Rafe could never relate with them, only wanting to relax his mind and sleep it off. 
“So you’re a city girl? That’s great!” 
“Sure Tops,” Rafe wondered, smiling delightly. Anything to get into a girl’s pants. . . 
“You know what, (Y/N)?” He called from the place he was resting, and he waited a few seconds before continuing his speech. “If you’re looking for a boyfriend, Topper’s not the guy. He hasn’t moved on from his ex-girlfriend.” 
Sure, he would get a lot of shit from Topper for saying that, but he was done with the pointless flirting between them. 
“What about you?” 
Rafe opened his eyes, watching her from behind his sunglasses. He shifted his position, “What about me?” 
“Have you moved on from your ex-girlfriend?” 
Has he moved on from Kie? He wasn’t entirely sure. Their relationship was brief, but she was all Rafe had. When she decided to go all full-pogue, he knew there was nothing left of them. 
“I don’t date.” 
“I can see why,” she said, and Rafe swore he heard some kind of mirth behind her tone. 
“Have you?” 
“Moved on from an ex?” 
Rafe nodded, opening his eyes slightly. 
“I guess.” 
“Good for him.” 
“Excuse me?” She gasped, pushing him lightly. “You’re an asshole.” 
She leaned closer onto him, and for a second Rafe thought about letting her in his bubble, but he quickly shoved her away. “Watch it.” 
“I’m just trying to tell you about that fucking fly on your face.” 
“Yeah? Liar.” 
(Y/N) huffed, stomping back to Topper, and Rafe laughed silently. 
. . .
If he would’ve known about the police raid in Topper’s party, he wouldn’t have come to his house at all. But here he was; all pushed up against the metal chair of the police station, his hair messy and his eyes bloodshot. 
“We’re taking a urine test, son,” Shoupe said, sighing. “There’s always something wrong with you.”
Rafe thought about (Y/N) suddenly, and how she was probably back home and watching some kind of a rom-com. That’s totally her; all cuddled up with a pink teddy bear probably named ‘Bear-bear’, constantly wiping the tears off her face over the sad breakup scene of a movie. 
Rafe was forced to strip out of his shirt and jeans before entering the small cubicle, and having to go through this same procedure for quite a few times now, he didn’t mind giving a show to the workers. 
He quickly zipped his jeans bag, handing a female worker a cup filled to the end with his urine. He yawned, already knowing the results, so there was no use being nervous about it. 
He was picked up by an angry Ward an hour later. He groaned, getting in the car to prepare himself for the same lecture about his future and how he shouldn’t jeopardise it, but he was shocked when Ward didn’t utter a word at all. 
It was very uncomfortable, but he guessed he was just tired. 
“Good morning.” 
Rafe rubbed his eyes against the bright sunlight, feeling the pain from his head slowly soaring throughout his body. He squinted his eyes at the figure in front of him again, trying to blink the blurriness away. 
“What the fuck?” 
“Your mom told me to call for you,” (Y/N) said, looking away from him. Rafe looked down to his body, seeing his shirtless self, and laughed.
Of fucking course she would be uncomfortable with him being shirtless. 
“She’s not my mom,” he grunted, removing the covers off of him and checking his phone for the time. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, and his eyes turned to her again. “What are you doing here again? Leave.” 
“Waiting for you.” 
“I’ll be downstairs in a few seconds,” he muttered. He didn’t need her to be some kind of maid for him. 
(Y/N) muttered some curse word, hoping that riled him up, but she would be stupid if she thought a random curse word would make him Rafe Cameron angry.
It would take a lot more to raise an expression from Rafe Cameron, and a curse word definitely wouldn’t. 
. . . 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
His boat was not working, but he had just filled her up the night before. This was the newest model too, and he couldn’t afford asking Ward to fix his boat again. Not when he was caught with being on drugs from his urine test last week, and the only reason he got out of the trouble was because of Ward again. 
“Is it not working, Rafey?” 
Rafe looked up to the sound. (Y/N) was watching him with a sly grin, shielding her eyes with her hands from the sun like she was some goddamn queen that would melt from the heat. 
“What did you do to my boat?” He groaned, trying to turn the ignition again. 
“What did I do? Come on, why do you always think so bad of me? That’s kinda ru—”
Before she could continue her taunt, Rafe climbed the deck, inching closer towards her and smeling that goddamn cake smell again. 
Hell, he’ll buy her a new perfume to stop breathing in that fucking smell. 
“That’s kinda what?” He whispered. He was so close to her now, and he could hear her breath hitching. He smirked, his heart soaring. 
“You’re kinda dumb for a kook, Rafe,” she sighed. She dangled a familiar key in front of him, and when Rafe took a closer look, he noticed it was the key to his boat. 
She threw the key into the water and Rafe watched it plopped, moving straight towards the deep end. His eyes flared at her again, his chest heaving. 
“Hope you have a spare key.” 
. . .
That should be good, he guessed, for being in a tie with (Y/N). But he doesn’t like someone being in the same league as him, so it must be 2-1. 
And the 2 from him. 
But that was for another day, because Kiara Carrera was in front of him. He fixed his cap so it was facing backwards again, and then putting his hands into his pockets for good measure. 
“Hey,” he greeted her. She smiled at him grimly before looking back at the menu, clearly uninterested. “How’re you?” 
“I’m. . . great,” she breathed. “Why?” 
“Just asking,” he shrugged, “Do you wanna go out for some drinks sometimes? Like the old times?” 
Rafe curled his toes, waiting nervously. 
“Um, I have to check with my parents first,” she replied. “But, Rafe, you know, it’s been. . . a year.” 
“Of course,” he laughed, trying to hide the sudden emotion inside him. “I meant hanging out as a friend.” 
“Of course!” She suddenly exclaimed, “If you would bring (Y/N) with us.” 
“Oh, I don’t-”
“You don’t?” 
“I- fine. I’ll bring her with me. Is tomorrow okay?” He sighed, already foreseeing the future. 
And it’s full of shit. 
. . .
“Wow, I am not going to third wheel you and someone, Rafe,” (Y/N) laughed, resting her back against her chair. 
“Please,” Rafe begged, sighing. He didn’t know how much begging he could do anymore, not when he had so many things to do. He took a deep breath again, “I’ll do anything for you back.” 
“Including hooking me up with JJ?” 
“Yes- no. No. What the fuck? Where did you even know this guy?” He expressed, his eyebrows furrowing. He was not going to let her a pull a Kie, though they weren’t dating. 
“He helps mower the lawn.” 
Of course. JJ Maybank would never pass the chance to get some money while checking out girls. 
“I’m not helping you to get together with JJ,” he sighed. “Can we go for a better option? Like Landon? He’s rich.” 
“I’m richer,” she yawned. “Okay. Fine. Topper.” 
“No,” he shook his head. “Not going to happen.” 
If she ever thought about him allowing her to date his best friend, she has to be a lot smarter than that. 
He didn’t know why he wouldn’t allow it. Maybe he was scared of Topper hurting her. 
Or maybe he just couldn’t imagine her with someone else.
“Then we have no deal,” she replied simply, gazing at her newly painted nails. She gazed at Rafe who seemed to be thinking hard from the top of her sunglasses. 
He groaned. “Fine. I’ll help you with Topper. But I’m warning you; he. Has. Not. Moved. On.” 
“Oh, he will.”
. . .
Kie was all up on Rafe.
He didn’t know what had gotten into her, because she was never this. . . strong-willed. 
Kie had her hands placed against Rafe’s chest, kissing him tenderly and sometimes running her fingers through his hair. 
Rafe sucked in a breath, watching as she part. Her mouth formed into a grin, and Rafe couldn’t help but grin back. 
“Wanna do it?” 
Did he? Of course he wanted to “do it”. He had been wanting to do so since forever. He would be crazy to say no to that invitation, and he was definitely sane. 
He looked at (Y/N), who was awkwardly perched up on the sofa, tucking her legs under her and watching some kind of a movie on her phone. Her eyes looked up to Rafe, and she quickly looked away. 
“In one of the rooms?” 
Kie seemed to look around the boat for a while, like he was looking for someone, but there were only two of them. And (Y/N). 
“Fine,” she huffed, and pulled him towards one of the rooms by his wrist. 
Kie pushed him onto the bed, and Rafe wondered how she got this side of her. Throughout their 6 months of dating, she never showed him this, so this was a bit of a shock to him. 
“Hey, hey,” Rafe gripped her wrists, holding her still. “We don’t have to rush.” 
“I want to,” she said, and leaned closer. “I thought you wanted this?” 
They began making out, his hand slipping down her back to grab her ass, only to be met with her vibrating phone in her back pocket. 
“I’ll get it,” he mumbled against the kiss, and pulled her phone out.
A picture of JJ Maybank’s smiling face right next to Kie greeted him, and his name was perched on top of the screen, signalling his call. 
Of course. She never wanted to fuck him. It was always to make someone jealous. That explained the gritted teeth Kie would make when he mentioned JJ earlier. 
He sighed, pushing her away so she ended up by his side. “I gotta go.” 
“Huh?” Kie sat up straight, looking from Rafe to her phone. She saw the caller, cleared her throat, and held up a finger to tell him to wait. 
He should’ve known. 
. . . 
Rafe never liked the annual Obx’s drive-in movie theatre, because he really didn’t get the hype of watching a mainstream movie that he had watched with Wheezie a lot of times before in his car. 
This year, it was way worse; they decided to have some kind of a horror themed drive-in movie theatre, and the best part of all; (Y/N) was going with Topper. 
Rafe groaned for the thousandth time at the rapping of a clown against his car window. He gave the clown his middle finger, telling him ‘watch it, you’re scratching my car’, and moving his attention back to the screen. 
Annabelle had disappeared from the room the two nurses had placed her in, and the volume quietened before booming again when the doll had appeared in the living room, perching on top of the sofa. 
He rolled his eyes, and took a look at (Y/N) and his best friend laying in the back part of his jeep from the rearview window. 
They were cuddling. 
“Fuck off,” he grunted, throwing his hands into the air. A human-sized Annabelle pulled on the shotgun’s door now, and Rafe gave the actor another middle finger before yelling a ‘fuck you’.
“This is ridiculous,” he said to no one in particular. He stepped out of the vehicle, knowing damn well he would be the target of the ghosts now, but he couldn’t care less. All he wanted was to step away from all of this and maybe refill his soda. 
He made his way to the back of the lot, getting his money out beforehand. Some type of a wannabe Michael Myers came up, to which he quickly put a hand up to stop him. 
“Don’t. I’m not in the mood.”
Michael Myers seemed to get him, because he left to scare someone else. 
“Refill,” he sighed, giving the worker his cup. “Coke.” 
“You mean like literal coke?” 
Rafe looked behind him, surprised to see a red-faced (Y/N) holding a popcorn bucket. He licked his teeth. “Why? Have you tried it before?” 
(Y/N) went up beside him, muttering about putting more caramel in her popcorn to the worker before looking at him. “You seem mad.” 
“I’m not.” 
“You are.” 
“That’s because you’re all up in my business,” he scoffed. He turned to look at his coke, but the worker was still filling the cup up. 
Good. Did the machine break or something? 
“Where’s the girlfriend?” She asked. She was clearly amused by his sudden tightness, but he quickly softened, as to not rile her up. 
“Where’s the fuckbud- I mean boyfriend? Sorry. It just slipped.” 
(Y/N) nodded, her mouth forming into a grin. “If you’re jealous, you can just say that.” 
“Wait, wait, of what, exactly?” 
She shrugged. 
“Yeah, exactly. No. For all I care, you guys can get married and move to fucking Antartica and have mini (Y/N)s and Christophers running around.” 
The worker placed the newly refilled coke and caramelised popcorn on the counter, and Rafe wondered why she would receive her food at the same time as his when had come here first.
He rolled his eyes, grabbing the drink and walking back towards the car. 
(Y/N) jogged to catch up with him, her popcorn bouncing against her chest. “You’re rude, do you know that?” 
“Jesus Christ, we’re still on this?” He mumbled. He was still walking, but he wanted her to catch up so he slowed down. He guessed it would be the perfect ending to his night to taunt her until she’s all worked up. 
“I just can’t think of a reason why you’re acting so fucking rude to me.” 
“Yeah? Think again.” Rafe sipped on his coke, feeling the carbonated drink sloshing down his throat. He felt content, but he wasn’t sure if it was from the coke or from the girl beside him. 
“This is—”
A nurse with a bloody front suddenly appeared before them, using some kind of a spray to maximise the size of the fire from a lighter. (Y/N) screamed, turning away from the heat, and Rafe quickly caught her before she could end up on the floor. 
“Fuck, fucking move,” he yelled to the nurse, who seemed to be satisfied with her work. Rafe turned to (Y/N), trying to check on her state. 
“Yo, yo, you good? Why are you shaking?” 
She was trembling really hard against him. She had her arms around Rafe’s neck, her popcorn splattered on the ground. She jolted when a scream came from the speaker. 
“Come on, let’s get you to the car,” he mumbled, helping her walk. She kept her face hidden in the crook of his neck, and Rafe had to try his best to balance both of the girl and the Coke in his hands back to the vehicle.
Topper was no longer in the back seat, perhaps looking for Sarah (Rafe wasn’t a bit surprised at this). He was glad his best friend wasn’t there, because the last thinf he needed was two people freaking out on him. 
“Okay, chill, I got you,” Rafe grunted, placing the Coke in the cup holder before seating the girl beside the driver’s seat. He sighed before climbing into the driver’s seat and locked the door in case some kind of a crazy maniac tried to freak her out again. 
“What’s wrong?” 
She didn’t answer, not that Rafe expected her to. She looked like she was reminded by some kind of memory, but Rafe didn’t want to dwell so much on it. 
If he could, he would reverse his car out of this lot back to their homes, but he was one of the first cars to arrive at the drive-in theatre, so it was impossible to get out. 
He sighed, placing his hands against his lap. “You can tell me, you know.” 
She finally looked up to him, and Rafe’s breath hitched from the sight of her red eyes. He softened. 
Whatever it was with that fire, it had triggered some kind of a memory in her. 
He placed a hand against her lap, but not moving so; just a splat of his hand against her soft skin. He had meant for that as comfort, but he realised how creepy the situation was. He pulled away, clearing his throat. 
So they stayed until the end of the movie, just the two of them, and Rafe was sure she wasn’t even watching the remaining parts of the movie. He pretended to watch, but he was really just staring at her the whole time. 
Will she ever let her hair down like this again? Because he liked it. 
When the movie ended and the cars were starting to move, Rafe slowly reversed the car so as to not shake her awake. But she was a light sleeper, and she woke up as soon as he hit the brakes. 
She rubbed her eyes, “Where are we going?” 
“Home,” he answered. “You’re okay?” 
She didn’t answer, and Rafe knew she wasn’t.
. . .
Two weeks after the incident, they never spoke of it again. 
Rafe tried to get an answer out, but to no avail. He didn’t get why he was trying his best to help her, because he, too, needed help. 
“Nah. I won’t invite her. If you want (Y/N) to come, then you’ll have to invite her yourself.” 
Wheezie’s shoulders slumped, “But you’re close to her!”
“I’m not, and she hates my guts,” Rafe replied honestly. Because that was the truth, right? She didn’t even want to tell him about why she was so scared of fire. 
“Invite me to what?” 
“(Y/N)!” Wheezie ran to hug her, to which (Y/N) laughed before patting her on the crown of her head. “Tell her, Rafe!” 
Is she fucking serious? 
“Tell me what?” (Y/N) looked up to Rafe strangely. 
“Wheezie wants to have a movie night, and she wants you to watch with us.” Rafe sighed, hating how he couldn’t just ignore Wheezie. She was definitely Rafe’s favourite, being so close to her brother ever since she was born. 
“Oh, is that true?” She smiled, looking at Wheezie. “Should I come and wear my best pajamas?” 
“You’re not sleeping over, your house is literally 5 minutes away. 2 if you run.” Rafe rolled his eyes. He went up to the counter to pick up a sandwich before biting into it, tasting the creamy eggs and ham. He licked his lips. 
“She can sleep with Sarah, right, (Y/N)?” 
“If she wants me too. . .” 
Rafe rolled his eyes again, “Sarah won’t be with us for tonight’s movie night. She’s starting to hang out with the pogues.” 
“Why are you so against the pogues?” (Y/N) asked, when Wheezie left to write a reminder of tonight’s event in her diary. 
“Why can’t you just shut your mouth?” He sighed. “It’s all bla bla bla bla. Can’t you see you’ll be happier without having to open your mouth every few seconds?” 
(Y/N) bit her lips, and for a second, Rafe had to look away from the look she was giving him. 
Shit. Why was he even looking away? 
She turned to go away, but was halted by Rafe’s fingers around her wrist. She groaned, turning her attention back to him. “What?” 
“You still haven’t told me about the night of the drive-in theatre.” 
“Good,” was all she said, before she went back by the sliding door to her home. 
. . .
“Rafe would be mad if he saw me watching this.” 
“It’s rom-com! And it’s totally PG-13. Trust me on this, okay? Anne Hathaway, yeah, that girl, yes, she’s going to get prettier throughout the movie.” (Y/N) smiled, popping popcorn into her mouth. 
Wheezie sighed, placing her head against (Y/N)’s shoulders and yawned. “Like what? Princess Diaries?” 
“Yes, but this is The Devil Wears Prada. You’ll love it!” 
A beam of light filled the mini movie theatre of The Camerons, signalling the late arrival of Rafe Cameron. He brought two chocolate bars, a Coke (again) and some chicken nuggets. 
“Move,” he said, motioning to Wheezie. 
“There are more seats around here!” Wheezie hissed, crossing her arms. “I’m not leaving (Y/N).” 
“You’re not leaving her, silly, you’re just scooting more to the right.” 
“What’s in it for me?” She raised a brow. 
She scooted to the side, giving more space for Rafe to place himself beside an annoyed (Y/N). 
Out of all 7 medium-sized sofas in the theatre, he decided to pick the one the two girls were sitting on. 
Rafe handed Wheezie the plate full of chicken nuggets, looking at (Y/N) before watching the screen. He groaned, “What’s this? Trash?” 
“A masterpiece, so shut up,” (Y/N) replied. Rafe huffed, amused, and unwrapped the chocolate bar. 
“Want some?” 
“Come on,” he cooed, placing the chocolate before her eyes. She grunted, pushing his hands away. 
Rafe took that as his final warning. He didn’t want to annoy her even more, knowing that she will probably not talk to him anymore. He decided to wait until half an hour later, just to taunt her again. 
“I’m going to get more popcorn,” Wheezie suddenly said after an hour into the movie. She excused herself to the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone. 
(Y/N) sighed. Great, just like how she wanted. 
“What do you want from me?” Anne Hathaway’s voice blared from the speaker, and Rafe looked at (Y/N). 
“What do you want from me?” He asked, repeating the dialogue. (Y/N) watched him from the corners of her eyes, not getting any delight from this. 
“For you to shut up.” 
“Really? That’s boring,” he sighed. “Do you want to know what I want from you?” 
“I’m thinking of a few things. Maybe you, on my lap.” 
(Y/N)’s breath hitched, but she tried her best not to look disturb. She shifted in her seating position. 
Rafe leaned closer, feeling her heat. “Your turn.” 
You know what? Fuck it.
(Y/N) turned to look at him fully in his face, leaning even closer that a part of her was practically on top of him. “Do you know what I think of you, Rafe?” 
His eyes dropped to her lips, and he swore his heartbeat quit beating. 
“I think about you, Rafe,” she whispered. “All pressed up against me in my bed, whim-”
“More popcorn!” 
(Y/N) returned to her previous position, bewildered. She fixed her hair, and her eyes were back to the screen. 
If Wheezie were to hang out with a pogue right now, Rafe wouldn’t give a fuck. 
“Well, the ending’s shitty,” Rafe exclaimed, clapping his hands. He watched as the end credits rolled, and took a look at Wheezie. 
He nudged her, sighing. “Wake up, Wheeze. Go to your room.” 
She groaned, searching for her fallen glasses. Rafe helped her to put them on, and gave her another poke. 
“I want to watch the movie.”
“The movie’s finished. It’s time to sleep. Go.” 
Wheezie groaned, muttering how it’s not fair that her brother could stay up with (Y/N) to watch more movies, but she guessed she was too tired for another round of movie anyways. 
“What’s the next pick?” 
“‘Cause you’re going to freak out on me again.” 
“I won’t,” she assured him. “Let’s go with Hereditary.” 
Rafe’s fingers and (Y/N)’s were almost touching. He was still bothered by her comment before Wheezie came barging in, and he was still desperate to hear her reply. 
“What were you trying to say?”
(Y/N) stopped watching, and looked at him. “What?” 
“About you thinking of me.” 
She blushed. “Nah.” 
“Come on,” he nudged. When she didn’t move, he tried placing his hand against her thigh. 
(Y/N) stood up suddenly, and for a second, Rafe thought he had fucked up. He watched as she went to the door, locked it, and went back to their place. 
“You locked the door.” 
Rafe licked his lips, smirking slightly. “Ah, I see the game you’re playing.” 
“What game?” She raised a brow, only turning to the screen when a scream blared from the speaker.
“Hey, look at me.” Rafe tugged on her chin, forcing her to look at him, and his eyes actually looked into hers. He noticed the (E/C) colour of her eyes now, and he swore he had never looked at something more appealing. “Tell me.” 
She stayed quiet, not moving a muscle. 
Rafe sighed, getting impatient. He leaned closer now, this time his lips merely an inch away from her cheeks. He could feel the heat radiating from her. 
“Tell me, baby.” 
“You getting all close to me isn’t helping, Cameron,” she sighed, laying her head against the sofa. 
“Still playing hard to get?” 
“I’m not playing anything.” 
Rafe slowly placed a kiss against her temple before trailing down to her cheeks. She sucked in a breath, and Rafe smiled. 
“Still playing?” 
She nodded. 
Rafe’s lips touched hers by a bit, and she let out a moan she had been trying her very best to contain. Rafe chuckled, pulling away. 
“Still playing?”
“Shut up.” 
“That’s a yes? Or a no?”
“That’s a fuck you.” 
“Oh,” Rafe smiled. “Thought you never asked.” 
His kiss was gentle. So soft, and (Y/N) had never felt something like that before. The kiss deepened when she let out a soft moan, riling Rafe even more. 
He pulled her up onto his chest, letting her hands rest against his chest before pulling her away. Her lips were red, and there was a string of their saliva hanging from both of their lips. 
“What do you want, (Y/N)?” 
He smiled, tugging on her shirt. “Off.” 
She wasted no time to remove her shirt, exposing her new black bra she ordered online a few days before. Rafe sat back, his eyes dark. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
He kissed her neck, trailing down to her collar bones before stopping directly on her chest. His fingers fiddled with the bra clip, being so used with this already, and removed the piece of clothing with ease. 
(Y/N) instinctively covered her chest, her chest heaving. 
Rafe looked up to her, his eyes softening. “What’s wrong?” 
“Am not comfortable.” 
“Oh, that’s alright, we don’t have to do—”
“No, Rafe, I want this. I just don’t think I’m perfect enough for you.” 
Rafe let out a breath, placing a soft kiss against her stomach. She closed her eyes, throwing her head back. He guided her hands away, exposing her perky breast to the entire theatre to see. 
Rafe was glad he was the only guy present. 
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” 
“Shut up.” 
He looked up into her eyes, wetting his lips. “I’ll do anything to fuck you right now.” 
(Y/N) grinded against him, causing a groan to escape from his throat. He held her waist in place, not wanting to trigger his release. 
“Do it,” she whispered. 
The movie became a background noise as he fumbled with her shorts, grunting when he couldn’t figure out the knot. 
He positioned himself before her, and looked up into her eyes again. Her chest was heaving, and she looked nervous. 
“You’re okay?”
“I’m a virgin.” 
Oh fuck. 
Why would she even say that? He couldn’t even contain himself anymore. 
He pushed himself into her, letting her get used to the feeling. He waited for her nod, signaling that she was okay and hadn’t changed her mind, and thrusted into her again. 
His hands stayed around her waist to guide her, watching as her mouth slightly parted as he deepened inside her. She bit her lips, her nails clawing onto his shoulders. 
“Oh my god.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, feeling his own forehead clammy. He didn’t notice her hands that had left his shoulder. She cupped his face, placing wet kisses against his cheeks. 
“You’re so good for me, baby,” he whimpered, allowing her hands to guide his. She placed them around her breast as she rode him, and Rafe had never felt better. 
If he has to taunt and annoy her more to get into this level again, he’ll do it again. Without any hesitation.
“I’m so close, baby, fuck,” he groaned. He gave her another longing kiss, looking down to where their bodies connect, and moaned loudly. 
Just before he reached his end, he pulled her away, not wanting to plant himself into her. (Y/N) tried to wrap her fingers around his penis to which Rafe jerked at for  being so sensitive. He pulled her hands away, his chest heaving. 
“Don’t,” he grunted. His load shot out of his member, wetting the sofa underneath them, and Rafe quickly slapped his shaft against her core to get her to reach her end. 
“Rafe, I-”
“Let it,” he whispered, watching as she tilted her head back, exposing her neck. “Let go, baby.” 
She trembled slightly, finally reaching her high, and collapsed on top of the heaving boy. Rafe stroked her hair, pulling her into a lying position, and planted another soft kiss against the back of her head. 
“The movie’s still on.” 
“Watch the next part, it’s amazing,” Rafe whispered, still holding her close. They were both naked, still coming down from their highs, but Rafe had never felt better. 
(Y/N) turned to look at him. “You’re still an asshole.” 
He placed a soft kiss against her lips. “Your asshole.” 
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bratkook · 4 years
test drive. (m) pjm.
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pairing. biker!jimin x reader , deep six!au genre. smut, pwp word count. 1.8k warnings. dirty talk, unprotected sex, spanking, they almost get caught by other club members note. requested by @imjustfanfictrash​ for thirst night, thank u!! i had to make this deep six related just a tiny bit lol
“Feels soft right?” Jimin chuckles behind you, playful smirk on his lips when he sees the way your fingers grip the leather seat of his new bike. “It’s high quality leather.”
You know he’s just teasing, knowing you don’t actually give a damn about the quality of leather, but you don’t have it in you to bite back with some quick response. Instead your face comes to rest on the same material, cool against your cheek as you moan out a slur that sounds like his name. 
When Jimin had called you over to the club’s shop, voice full of excitement as he gushed over his latest purchase, you hadn’t been expecting this to be the outcome. You were completely blindsided, too focused on the twinkle in his eye as he circled the bike and pointed at each of the features, too entranced with the way his stacked rings would glimmer in the bright lighting above. He knew exactly what he was doing, letting his fingers trail along the bike, trying to come off as innocent when he stood directly behind you, resting his hands along your hips as he slowly whispered into your ear. 
“Let’s take it for a test drive,” he had suggested, voice sounding way too seductive for you to believe he actually meant it. No, he had absolutely no intention of driving this thing out of here with you sitting behind him, that much was obvious as he slyly began kissing your neck. 
You were weak for him, all it took was a few strategically placed kisses and the right words murmured into your ear for you to agree instantly. Turning into a puddle as he slipped a hand underneath the hem of your dress, allowing him to tease you until you were begging for him to do what he wanted. 
“W-what if someone walks in?” you mumble, eyes focused on the door of the shop as he slowly pushes the head of his cock into you. He feels the way your pussy tightens at the thought of being caught, gripping the first inch of his cock so tight he has to pause to catch his breath. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” he teases, ringed fingers coming up to push your hair over your shoulder, allowing him to see the side of your face as he pushed further into you. The warmth of your core has him groaning, teeth biting down on his plump lower lip, eyes dropping down to stare at the way you suck him in. 
Your light blue panties are pulled to the side to make room for his cock, the hem of your matching dress hiked up around your hips and he chuckles to himself when he notices the stark contrast between both of your outfits. Where you wore all pastels and dresses, he wore all black and leather. It was a constant reminder of how different you were, yet somehow Jimin managed to rope you in with his charm, allowing you to see past the rings and leather, past the red tombstone patch adorning his arms and back, seeing him for who he was: a man with so much love in his heart that just so happened to be directed towards you.
“No, don’t—fuck—“ you cry as he bottoms out, “don’t want anyone else to see me like this. Just you.”
He hums at that, letting his hands slide down your body until he was softly gripping your ass, thumb rubbing along the skin. “Don’t worry baby, I locked the door. You’re mine.”
His words make you relax, a shuddering breath filling the air as you adjust to his thick size, the familiar ache that came with taking him slowly subsiding. “Show me,” you mewl. “Show me I’m yours.”
There's a small beat of silence before he’s cursing under his breath, licking his lips over in thought, giving you a brief moment before he starts to rock into you. Slowly at first, inching back before thrusting forward, starting a smooth rhythm until you were begging for more. 
“My dirty girl,” he rasps, jaw slack from the pleasure, seeing the way you soak his cock in your arousal, thick strings connecting the two of you each time he pulls back. “Letting me fuck you in the shop like this.”
A small moan slips past your lips, fingers digging into the cushioned seat as you try to find purchase, the smooth body of the bike not giving you much to grab on to. You give up quickly after, allowing yourself to be rocked against the bike, hoping the stand it was on would hold against the force of Jimin’s thrusts. 
“Ah fuck,” you whimper, eyes screwing shut as he hits the bundle of nerves inside of you with precision, having grown too familiar with your body over the past few months. “Feels good—so good.”
Your mindless babbling has him smiling to himself, leaning over your body and cooing when he spots the way your mouth is dropped open, cheek still squished against the seat. “Yeah? Love my cock so much you wanna drool on the seats, huh?”
A small hum in confirmation is all you give him, succumbing to the pleasure, feeling each small jolt coursing through you as your skin slaps together. The leather of his jacket warms your back from his position over you, zipper of it ticking your waist when he stands back up properly. 
He could feel how wet you are, how it gushes out of you, coats the inside of your thighs and makes a mess of your skin. It has him speeding up his hips, snapping forward so quickly your breathing stutters, a gasp cutting through the air as he delivers a sharp slap to your ass, the rings smarting your skin, delicious heat spreading as you moan out. 
“Again,” you beg, arching your back and jutting your hips back into his, wanting to feel the slight pain that set your body alight. 
“I told you, you’re filthy.” He does exactly what you ask though, spanking you until your ass was sore and you were left slurring against his bike. Your mind felt light and airy, focused on each gasp he lets out, the groans of your name making your climax sneak up on you. 
You always liked it quick and messy, loved when he would sneak you away because he just couldn’t wait to sink into you, loved when you could feel the sweat coating your skin, especially loved when you could hear how fast he was fucking you. The wet squelches fill the air in the dirtiest way, mixing in with the low hum of music playing in the speaker a few feet away, blending in perfectly with the way you cry over his cock. 
“Aw baby, did I fuck you stupid?” his tone makes you shiver, stomach tenses as your chest hiccups when you gasp, only able to nod in a daze because yes, he had fucked you well and truly stupid. He always did, left you crying over it, too lost in the pleasure to do anything else but that. “You wanna cum for me, make my cock messy?”
“Yes, fuck Jimin, please.” you whimper, teeth biting down onto your lower lip so hard you could almost taste blood. The cool metal of his rings makes you shiver as he slides his hand around your body, fingers coming into contact with your clit, wasting no time circling the swollen nub. 
“Wanna feel you, wanna feel my dirty girl cum.” his voice drops as he speaks, thick with want and you wish you could see his face. You don’t have the strength to look back though, resting more of your weight onto his bike as the feeling consumes you, each flick of his fingers making you tremble, your hips bucking against his in search of your release. 
Jimin smirks when your walls tighten around him, making it harder for him to keep up his pace, having his own orgasm quickly approaching. A choked gasp comes from you, morphing into a desperate, drawn out moan of his name when he finally pushes you over the edge. Your mind blanks for a moment, a flash of light displayed against your lids as the euphoric feeling consumes you, your ears ring so loud you barely hear the words Jimin says as he coaxes you through it. 
“Fuck, just like that baby,” he groans, raking a hand through his orange hair, in awe with the way you quiver, weak thighs barely holding yourself up as you cream his cock. He’s fast to grab onto your hips, fingers digging into your skin as he quickens his pace, the aftershocks of your orgasm milking his own. 
“Gonna make you messier,” he adds on, so quietly, speaking to himself as he focuses on where you two connect. The way his cock shines in the light, your sensitive pussy pulsing around him, mixing in with the gentle cries of his name, it pushes him over too. With a handful of messy thrusts he’s spilling into you, curses filling the air as he feels the tingles crawling up his spine. 
You mewl against his bike at the warm feeling, whimper as he continues to fuck you in short, shallow thrusts before he’s pushing in as deeply as he could. The cool metal of his belt is felt against your ass, more warmth falling over you as he wraps his arms around your weak body, tucking his chin beside your neck with a gentle kiss to your skin. 
“Did you really lock the door?” you quietly ask, not minding the stickiness coating your skin. 
“Uhm, no,” he whispers with a grimace, cackling when you instantly stand up and push him off of you. His soft cock slips out of you as you adjust your panties and smooth out your dress, glaring at him when he motions towards your hair too. “Relax, no one comes to the shop this late anyways.”
Before you can even speak, the bells jingle a few feet away, a smirk on your face when Jimin’s eyes go wide and he turns around to cover his exposed self. Luckily it’s members of the club and not a person looking to get their bike fixed, matching patches on their own jackets, and when they spot your flustered expression and the way Jimin not so subtly adjusts himself in his jeans, they waste no time hounding him. 
They’re all laughs as they call him a dog, Hoseok and Jungkook shoving his shoulder in passing before politely greeting you and scurrying off to the back room to grab whatever it is they came here for. 
“No one comes here this late huh?” you repeat, brow raised and a playful expression on your face. 
“Baby, I’m sorry,” he pleads, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in to kiss your face, a smile on his lips because he knows you’re not actually upset. 
“Take me for an actual test drive and you’re forgiven.” Your hands reach into his back pocket to pull out the keys, twirling them around your finger with a sly smile. “I’m driving though.”
He doesn’t even fight it, agreeing without a thought, because as much as he liked to pretend he was this hardass, you knew he would do anything you asked him to.
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tshortik · 2 years
Hi I’m a big fan of your work! Your color use and compositions are always amazing!!! How do you plan your compositions? Any advice for a fellow artist? Again I love your art so much!!!
Thank you so much <33 And it really depends!
(These are by no mean rules, merely stuff that works for me personally. You need to try it out yourself though and maybe you'll find a process that fits you better.)
Sometimes I have certain elements in mind already, like canvas format (horizontal, vertical) or/and certain geometric shapes that help guide the eye. Usually though I just slap in all the elements I want on a sketch, and then I twist and turn and add and remove until it feels "right" to the eye -- meaning it doesn't feel too loaded or empty (except if that is the point of the composition, obviously).
Zooming out of the piece and squinting at it so it looks all blurry helps a lot, you usually want the most important aspects to be visible even those states.
Another tip I like to give is to really play around with the sizing of all the elements. If you want a feeling to be really heavy, it helps to exaggerate the size of things. This means that sometimes you need to size down someone in a picture, even if you are really proud about the details, or sizing something up real big even though you don't want it to cover up all your hard work.
Thumbnailing your pieces beforehand also works great. If I am unsure about the details, i'll just draw a couple of grey boxes in different formats and I sketch in some ideas. Key is to keep it loose and to just experiment without getting lost in details. You just wanna get the shapes right at first.
Here some examples:
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Examples for shapes in a composition
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Examples of "just slap all your ideas in". Some of these written things I ended up completely dumping because it didn't fit in the end! The sketch looks super messy, but it just helped me keeping track of what the hell I even wanted lmao.
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Examples for "thumbnails". It's just very quick small sketches where you test out your idea, before starting the piece properly.
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SMUT breeding kink
shownu | son hyunwoo
he doesn’t know how to express his emotions very well but when he’s fucking you into your mattress making you cry and scream his name he thinks you know how much he loves you. and you do, you know he loves you when he’s kissing every square inch of your body.
you and shownu have been dating for a couple months, he’s always used condoms because it’s your first relationship and frankly you’re scared of birth control and it’s effects. but when your friends are telling you how much better it feels without a condom you can’t help but ask your physician about birth control options over the phone the next day.
a/n: please do your research, get tested, and consult your doctor when it comes to safe sex practices and always use birth control!!
so after a week of starting your birth control pills your doctor says your safe to go without a condom and you can’t wait to tell shownu.
he’s coming back from practice so he might be too tired to even do anything but you wanna let him know because it’s exciting and it feels like a new stage in your relationship.
you ordered dinner for both of you and when he gets home he’s kissing you quickly and then scarfing down the food. “uhm woo i have some news,” he looks up from his plate and slurps down the remaining food and then gives you his full attention.
“i’m on birth control,” his eyes widen comically and you can’t help but chuckle.
“wait so no more condoms?” and you nod and he’s ecstatic, you didn’t expect such a responds but you’re glad he’s as excited as you.
“i love you so much you know right?” shownu says it as he’s cleaning up the table, that’s just his style he feels more comfortable saying it casually and you love him for that.
“i do, i love you too.” you respond and waddle towards him cleaning up in the kitchen and hug him from the back. you stay there until he’s done and then he’s turning around to hug you properly. he’s much taller than you so almost always he ends up lifting you off your feet to hug you “properly.” he waddles you both to the bedroom and sets you down gently on the bed.
“i’m gonna shower.” he lets you know and you just nod, you recognize the burning in your stomach isn’t hunger any more but something else entirely as he pulls his shirt over his head
“tired?” your mouth is dry now, as you lick your lips not even bothering to tear your eyes away from his abs. he must feel it too as he looks you up and down.
“not at all,” voice breathy, he definitely feels it too. as he enters your bathroom you hastily change into one of his shirts with nothing under and lie down casually on the bed like it’s another regular day.
you’re scrolling through twitter when shownu comes out of the shower, in just a towel. you pretend to not be basically drooling for his dick and drag your eyes away. he notices. and that’s when he’s drying his hair and pulling on a pair of briefs, much to your dismay.
shownu, as casual as you are attempting to be, lays down on the other side of the bed, still very much on top of the covers as opposed to under. and he just stares at you, almost waiting for you to break. you slide down the length of the bed, letting yourself line up to him, it’s not even on purpose when your shirt (his shirt) rides up on you and exposes your lack of underwear. and then shownu’s practically growling as he pushes you down into the bed and hovers over you in one swift move.
“you’re acting very well today.” his hand finds its way down your body to your stomach and then down to where you need him most, you’re already wet from thinking about what he’d do to you when he got out of the shower. then he’s bringing his hand to his mouth and licking it up. shownu is feeling more ruthless today, on a mission to make you scream his name as he pulls down his briefs and lines up to your entrance without much prep, you know you’re going to be tight it had been a while since he fucked you last because of your period and then your overlapping schedules. but you don’t care, you want to feel the burn and most of all you want to feel him.
and so when he finally pushes into you, you realize you’ll never go near a condom ever again. shownu must feel the same since he’s groaning as he bottoms out, “fuck baby you feel so good.” you whine at him to start moving, since you’re already so worked up. and then he starts moving, really moving.
his pace is unrelenting and you feel him in the deepest part of you, you think you might even be able to see a bulge in your stomach. just when you’re starting to scream less at his rough pace, he pulls you by your waist towards him, your legs now raised as he fucks even deeper into you.
you feel like crying and it all feels too good as shownu’s body hovers you and he presses a kiss to your lips as you moan into his mouth. you’re screaming his name and he’s pressing loving kisses to your mouth. just when you feel like you’re about to come, shownu pulls out and the tears of pleasure are about to turn into something else as the loss of him inside you weighs on you. you’re practically begging for him back and he flips your positions, and you’re on top now. you know what he wants, and you don’t hesitate for a second as you raise your hips to line up against him. riding him is going to feel heavenly and you’re shaking from excitement and arousal. shownu ogles you as you arch your back and slowly sink down, not even trying to stop the string of curses that leave your mouth. you’re back to crying and shownu wipes the tears from your eyes as you slowly start to move up and down his length, he’s hitting you so deeply you want to feel it all, your pace is completely different from his earlier one but it doesn’t matter when it feels this good and you know he’s close as his groans get deeper and louder.
just when you’re getting comfortable again, shownu takes the reigns and reminds you who’s in charge. he’s pushing you down on the bed, your ass now in the ass as he pulls it up, giving you no time to adjust as he grabs your hips and fucks you hard. you’re coming in seconds but he’s still fucking you into the mattress and then he’s coming in you while you shake from overstimulation. you feel him coming inside and it makes you feel so full you never want the feeling to end.
shownu can’t help but feel something in him stir as he sees you dripping his cum out. the sight makes him realize just how much he needs to fill you up more often. “i need to come in you all the time.” shownu’s usual monotonous tone makes the statement funny in your fucked out state. before you know it he’s warming you up for another round and coming in you again and you’re practically oozing his come and it’s exactly what you’ve always needed and he can’t stop staring at how messy and filled up you are and how much he fucking loves it.
“so messy my love.” you’re so desperate for the cum to stay inside you, you consider shoving it back in but that would be too embarrassing.
“fill me up again woo.” he shakes his head, knowing you’re all talk when you’re about to pass out from coming twice and being manhandled by him.
and then he’s pulling you to him for cuddles and aftercare, when he’s satisfied in cleaning you up and you’re about to sleep you make sure he knows just how much you enjoyed it too, “no more condoms, ever.” shownu just nods enthusiastically and chuckles before pressing a kiss to your forehead as you doze off.
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jungshookz · 3 years
teeny tidbits: jin's trying to teach y/n how to slice an apple properly and she's having none of it
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➺ pairing; kim seokjin x reader
➺ genre; culinarystudent!seokjinniverse!! honk honk humour!! smerhaps smut!! y/n's a moron in the kitchen but jin likes to take care of her so it's okay!!
➺ wordcount; 1.4k
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
"what... are you doing?"
there are a lot of reasons as to why jin doesn't want you to wander off into his kitchen without his strict supervision
first of all, you're very messy: you leave paper towels everywhere, you place knives on the edge of the counter so that the handles are hanging off and just waiting to be knocked over, and there was that one time you spilled a whole pot of tomato sauce when the two of you were making homemade pizza together
second of all, you don't like to play by the rules (as seen by your ramen can be cooked in a coffee pot and bacon can be fried with an iron! mentality) — but when it comes to the kitchen, jin really, really needs you to play by the rules because you could end up hurting yourself somehow if you start goofing around!
and what you're doing right now is most definitely not playing by the rules, which is why he needs to step in and do something straight away before you lose a limb
"slicing up apples. duh." you jump when the knife slides off the smooth surface of the apple and you nearly catch the tip of your finger
you look up to frown at jin before jabbing the knife accusatorially in his direction, "see? you're distracting me!"
"you're using a butterknife to slice apples?" jin asks incredulously before shaking his head and hurrying over to you, "no, no- you are not using a butterknife to cut up anything in my kitchen-"
"what's wrong with using a butterknife??" you tsk, "it's a knife, it can slice into things- as long as it gets the job done, i don't care-"
"but i do!" jin interrupts, gently plucking the butterknife from your fist before placing it into the sink, "why can't you just eat an apple whole?"
"well, i wanna make apple sauce!" you gesture to the array of ingredients that you pulled out from jin's pantry (you tend to take advantage of all of the goodies he has whenever you come over because duh, why not?), "actually, it's not really apple sauce. i want to make apple pie filling and just eat it like apple sauce."
"oh my god, okay-" jin pulls a knife out of the wooden block with a swift shing! before placing it on the chopping board in front of you, "in that case, you're going to have to cut your apples up into decently sized chunks with a proper knife."
"fine, but you are making such a big deal out of this-"
jin's eyes widen in panic when you pick up the knife only to suddenly raise your arm and whack it down against the poor apple like some sort of a mallet
"well, how the tables have turned-" you raise the knife to show him the apple that's now stuck on the sharp blade, "your fancy chef's knife doesn't work."
"okay, it looks like i'm going to have to jump in here-" jin moves over so that he's standing behind you before wrapping his arms around you and placing his hands over yours, "let's put this poor apple out of its misery first-" he hums, guiding your hand over and helping you pull the apple off the blade
"i can do this myself, seokjin-"
"you absolutely cannot do this yourself, y/n-" jin snorts, leaning down to prop his chin upon your shoulder so he can get a better view of the chopping board, "do you want a chunky apple pie filling?"
"ooh, yeah!" you nod enthusiastically, jin immediately sliding his fingers in between yours to keep your hand from moving when you suddenly reach for the apple, "i want, like- i want the chunks to be in, like, cute little cubes-"
"okay, darling- no bouncing like that with a knife in your hand, please-"
"sorry." you immediately stop bouncing on the balls of your feet and you look down at the apple, "okay, chef. show me your ways."
"when it comes to cubing apples, i like to take the top and the bottom off first- and we'll use what's called a santoku knife to do that-" jin places your hand securely atop the apple that's now laying down on its side (while making sure your buttery fingers aren't in the way) before his other hand forces yours down in one swift movement, the top of the apple plopping down on the board
he spins the apple around to the other side and you slice the butt end off as well
(you don't want to toot your own horn or anything but you think you're doing a fantastic job so far)
"-and then we're going to use our paring knife to peel the skin..." jin murmurs, moving your hand and making you set the san...tofu(?) knife down, "hold on, this might work better if you place your hands over mine. that way, you'll know how your hand is supposed to move-"
"okay... so the paring knife..." you place your hands over jin's as he picks up the smaller knife and you watch as he digs the tip around the stem before curling his wrist
"there's still a bit of the stem here and you wanna get rid of it since you obviously won't be eating that..."
unsurprisingly, it doesn't take you very long to lose focus on the apple, your eyes now wandering to your boyfriend's very pretty hands
you could spend hours just looking at them
one of the reasons why you like spending time in the kitchen with jin is not only because he lets you taste-test most of the yummy things he makes but also because you get a chance to watch his hands move... from the way his knuckles tighten when he grips around the handle of a knife... to the way his fingers delicately pluck at the ingredients...
you suck your bottom lip in between your teeth as you trail a finger along the prominent veins at the top of his hands and you're suddenly very aware of the fact that jin's basically got you pressed right up against the kitchen counter
"-and then you're going to go around the apple carefully while keeping your thumb right under for more control..."
jin's voice starts to fade out in the background as the little voice in the back of your head reminds you of what else jin's hands could be doing right now instead of peeling an apple
"and now you-" jin pauses when you suddenly pull your hands off of his before twisting around, your arms now hanging loosely around his neck as you lean up to press a warm kiss against his jaw, "you... have successfully peeled an apple."
he immediately bites back a knowing grin as he sets the paring knife down, and he's about to ask you what you think you're doing when he decides that acting as though he has no idea what you're doing might be a better idea
"-eating the core is unpleasant, so we're going to cut around the core instead of slicing the apple directly in half," jin swallows thickly when your hands slide down to pull his hips towards yours, his cheeks flushing slightly when he feels himself twitch in his sweatpants, "the- the key here is a good, sharp knife-"
he really thought he had the upper hand here but his body is betraying him!
jin mouths a silent 'oh, god' to himself at the sound of the pitiful little whine slipping past your lips
he loves it when you get needy like this
"i'm- i'm trying to teach you a lesson here, sweetheart-" he clears his throat as he stares down at the apple, suddenly blanking on what his next step should be
how the hell did he forget how to properly slice up an apple?!
"-and i'm trying to tell you that i prefer doing my learning in the bedroom."
you hear jin set the knife down with a clatter and it's only a second later that you feel your feet leaving the ground
you can't help but let out a squeal of delight as jin bounces you slightly to adjust your legs around his waist
"you're a real handful, you know that?" jin teases, squeezing under your thighs before letting out a laugh, "god, you drive me crazy-"
"i know-" you manage to swoop your arm down to grab the naked apple before jin starts walking and you bring it up to your mouth to take a bite, "you luhv it, fho-"
🎙️help me help you make your wishes come true (send me a request!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles! mini series!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this one!)
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denkamis · 4 years
hi!! could i get double chocolate and cherry with kaminari, shinsou and midoriya please?❤️
idk if i did this right so im sorry if i didnt!
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to anon: hey anon, no worries! you did it perfectly :)) aww i love the characters you chose for this prompt, this is adorable. enjoy some fluffy times with these sleep deprived boys from a very sleep deprived writer <3
warnings: none! just some swearing and some bad sleeping habits lmao. reader is gn!
prompt: denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou, izuku midoriya scenarios + “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways.”
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denki kaminari
denki stays up late playing osu and minecraft
what can i say, he’s just a gamer man
so he’s honestly pretty reliable when it comes to you knocking on his door at late hours of the night
always the biggest cuddle bug, really happy that you go to him first out of everyone
literally drops everything for you hehe
lots of sleepy kisses too
“fuck! goddammit,” denki grumbled, shaking out his wrist as he had just failed the six star version of the intro of blend-s on osu. he had gotten rather addicted to the circle clicking game. this further resulted in denki staying up late on school nights, despite kirishima’s warnings of him potentially falling asleep in class the next day. it was fine, he could always borrow notes from you or jirou anyways!
as he went to restart the map again, a soft knock came at the door to his dorm room. spinning off his computer room chair, he prepared himself to be lectured by aizawa for the fifth time this week about breaking curfew. “aizawa-sensei, i know that i’ve been loud lately but i swear this time it won’t happen- y/n?” he stopped mid-sentence as he saw you standing on the other side of the door. “what are you doing up so late?”
you shook your head, immediately hugging his torso instead. you were clearly a bit distraught about something, but denki wasn’t a mind reader. he figured that from the way you were clinging onto him, it must have been a bad dream of some kind. “hey, hey, easy there! nearly knocked me over, huh,” denki laughed lightly, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head before closing the door behind you. you clung onto him, face buried in the crook of his neck. it made a small blush dust across his cheeks, a warm feeling spreading through his arms as he held you close. “i hope i’m not bothering you,” you mumbled, to which denki hummed. “you never bother me, babe. it’s okay, i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
the two of you stayed like that for a long while, denki swaying the two of you back and forth. you could feel gentle lips peppering the crown of your head with kisses. as your heart rate slowed, denki piped up. “wanna stay here for the night? my bed’s missing out on some action! and by some action, i mean sleep. i really can’t sleep.”
you snorted at his words, your eyes flicking up to his goofy yet endearing smile, his eyes bright yet a bit tired from late night gaming. he poked his tongue out at you, making you roll your eyes with a tiny smile of your own gracing your features.
“how could i say no to that?”
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hitoshi shinsou
we already know he’s up at these unholy hours
not for any particular reason, just because he can’t really sleep
quite the insomniac that one
and the fact that he can’t sleep properly or well unless you’re with him
you smell like lavender in the morning too bc he puts it in his pillow to help him sleep, thank you
shinsou lay awake in bed, eyes trained on the ceiling as he waited for himself to fall asleep. it was no secret that he barely got any rest, so it was simply easier to just sit and wait until his body exhausted itself to the point where he simply fell asleep. staying as still as he could, he kept counting the amount of times he breathed in and out. it made him acutely aware of his surroundings. the crickets outside his room, the way the moonlight streamed through his blinds, the miscellaneous creaking sounds of the dorms. yeah, he definitely wasn’t sleeping tonight.
he didn’t flinch as the door to his room opened, blinking slowly as his eyes adjusted to the light spilling into his room along with a new figure. “y/n?” he asked, not bothering to sit up. “hey, are you up? sorry toshi, i couldn’t sleep,” you explained softly, allowing the door to close behind you as you tiptoed across his dorm room. his hair was sprawled across his pillow, deep violet locks hiding his hands situated behind his head comfortably. it showed off his arms that were built from training for when, not if, he ever got into the hero course.
a lazy smile crossed his lips at your words, his heartstrings being played by you so seamlessly. “it’s okay, i couldn’t sleep anyways,” he replied with a tilt of his head towards you. he moved over a bit in his bed as to give you space to lay down next to him. you crawled beneath his comforters, inhaling the scent of lavender as you did. apparently shinsou had said that the smell helped him fall asleep easier. strong arms wrapped around your waist, encasing you in a protective embrace as your head rested comfortably against his chest. the comforter was thrown over the two of you. you felt so much safer already.
his large hands were placed on your lower back, his thumbs drawing lazy circles on your skin as his breathing began to relax noticeably. hiding your smile, you cuddled closer to him. to this day, you had never seen shinsou fall asleep so quickly since that night.
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izuku midoriya
baby is up studying for a test that’s in like 2 weeks
either that or he’s on an all might video spree on youtube and no that is not the first time this has happened, it is certainly not the last
he has so many stuffed animals in his room probably, like he just has them stuffed in his closet
the all might plushies stay on the bed tho
his cuddles are unmatched tho, change my mind
izuku was pacing around his room, vocabulary words spinning about his mind as he counted them on his fingers. he was mumbling definitions to himself, going over all of them in his head before referencing his notebook to make sure nothing went wrong. amidst his ramblings, a knock at the door made him jump to attention. “come in?” he called out, watching intently as he saw you come into view. his face showed relief, grateful to know it wasn’t aizawa or kacchan complaining about his incessant pacing.
“would it be alright if i sleep here tonight? i’m worrying about my grades and stuff again,” you rubbed the back of your neck with a small smile, trying to play off your question as relaxed as you could. it wasn’t exactly a secret that you had a crush on the boy in front of you. he was kind and humble, wanting to help as many people as he could despite all the circumstances that had the world against him. it was admirable. even now, he looked so concerned from the clear lack of sleep you’ve been getting these past few days. “of course you can sleep here. ah, wait! i have to, ah,” he stumbled over his words as you looked to the bed to see not one, not even two, but four all might stuffed toys on his bed.
midoriya’s face erupted with crimson, shoving the plushies into his closet as he sputtered out various excuses as to why they were there in the first place. when he turned back to you, you were giggling. not at him, but because of the entire situation in general. “you’re adorable, izu,” you told him gently. a light feeling bloomed in his chest upon seeing the smile you held for him. you looked so undeniably beautiful to him, the way your hair was a bit messy and how you stood in your pyjamas. while others, including yourself, would find that you looked completely normal, midoriya loved seeing you be so casual, so comfortable around him.
“you’re sure i’m not interrupting you, though?”
midoriya returned your smile with his own, stepping forward to intertwined his scarred fingers with your delicate ones. “it’s okay,” he murmured softly, holding your hand as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him, “i couldn’t really sleep anyways.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
@meilbox @honeykami @httpfirx @strawberrysalwa @hey-i-really-miss-you @smexy-goose @satis-kei
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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