#and mostly to play with krill
rachel-ofthelight · 30 days
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PERSONAL opinion on Shattering
This is a post I made in September 2022 and never posted.
I spent time drawing it but I didn't want to throw fuel on the fire that was already burning with this season, but given how things didn't really get much better and the ""spirits"" are returning (in a way that I personally find extremely unfair) here's it. I'm still playing Sky almost everyday but I'm very unhappy with how the game is being handled.
Season of Shattering is over and I definitely have lots of thoughts about it, some of which I have already expressed here. It is mostly criticism, because while I understand they warned us this would've been a different season I struggle to find positive points in those differences. This season has been extremely lacking, in my opinion. (More below.)
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Yes, the absence of spirits is what bothered me the most during this season and I'll never stress this enough. Spirits are a core element in Sky and what drive mostly the narrative of each Season, interacting with players and involving them in missions and quest. Shattering's concept is strongly tied to Sky's lore and story and yet we're given none, there is no one here, it feels desolate, which can be good in theory, but not for a months long event.
Here are some ideas and concepts I made for dark spirits a while ago.
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These crabs are worse than Krills, I dare you to try and change my mind.
Final review:
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Chapter III
I made it in time! This chapter really had me in a chokehold, idk why but it was the hardest one so far (even though everything is planned already). But regardless, I made it! Keeping up the one chapter per week feels pretty good, personally, and I hope you guys will find it enjoyable regardless! More actions is coming from here on out! This chapter was mostly "how many words can I come up with for the flesh of the fish, while three major characters are half fish, to avoid confusion?"
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Mermen x GN!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Butchering a fish, Manipulation (on both sides), Talking the reader/humans down, Threats, Dub-consensual touches, Animalistic behavior, Mention of claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death, Long post
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Eyeing the comb suspiciously, your gaze wandered over to Krill, meeting his brilliant red stare head-on. 
You'd have liked to refuse any of their offerings, braving what the leader of these three creatures wanted from you. Thankfulness, dependency, submission. But what then? You couldn't imagine they had any qualms about killing you if you posed a threat (however small) to them. They'd have no hesitations to bite through your throat and cut open your flesh to be rid of you. At that exact moment, you decided this would not be where you'd die. Some situations required drastic measures, and this situation was intense enough that you'd need to do extreme things to get through it. 
"I'm a little hungry," you relented, lowering your eyes and touching your belly. "What do you have there?"
Turning towards Nerrocan, you could watch his body tense. But this time, it wasn't from mistrust or dismissal. You could clearly observe the pride swinging in every skilled movement of his giant body as he climbed on top of the ledge, sinking his claws into the food as he dragged it closer to you. Only faintly did you register the clattering of the comb as Lyr threw it across the room, heaving yet another annoyed sigh while Krill gripped him by his shoulder, urging him to stay and play nice quietly. A victorious smile had crept on Krill's face when you briefly met his eyes, knowing that you had surrendered—for now. If the other two noticed, they didn't comment on it. This was only between you and their leader, and that's how it would remain.
Everyone gathered as Nerrocan turned the hefty chunk of fish on the ground; their tails dipped into the pool while they formed an uneven half-circle around you. Their bodies emitted no warmth, their closeness making you tense both from the anxiety and chill you felt. Krill's skin had warmed under your touch before, but you could tell the water must be significantly colder as there was no more warmth to find. Regardless, you kept reminding yourself of your will to survive, and as all of them seemed to relax, so did you, sinking to your knees slowly to not agitate anyone with rash movements. 
You had to remind yourself of their animalistic nature, their tendencies to react harsher than humans would, no matter how advanced their minds were. All you did, you'd have to do carefully and gently, no matter how rough and uncaring they treated you in return. By the time you had sat down, Nerrocan still wasn't through with twisting and inspecting the heavy-looking piece, and you caught his eyes wandering, his gaze slithering up your legs and to your hands in your lap. 
Compared to Krill's, his gaze wasn't harsh. Inquisitive and curious, maybe. But he looked at you thoughtfully as if he saw something that made him wonder. His hands kept moving over the animal's (you still hoped it was an animal) dead body until he eventually dug his claws into the flesh, ripping off a slice of the meat cleanly as if he had used a knife. That piece alone was bigger than his hand, perhaps more fitting to his forearm in length, but he lifted it with no trouble, holding it out to Krill first, who wasted no time snatching it from him. 
Curiosity won as you looked at Krill opening his mouth and biting down, rows of sharp teeth cutting and tearing out a junk of the pink flesh. You should have known better. Because the first thought that came to mind as you watched him eat wasn't fascination about another lifeform, it was pure terror as you realized how easy it would be for your body to be crushed by these teeth. With a soft gasp, you forced your eyes away, staring at the stone beneath you, the only tangible thing you could rely on as your head turned woozy. It wouldn't have bothered you as much if it had been an animal you watched eat like this. But with that human face, it suddenly became hard to stomach. 
"Nice catch," Krill praised, and Nerrocan let out a proud huff, appreciating the comment with a small whistle. 
"Alright, hurry up! I'm starving!" Lyr complained, finally free to speak after Krill had the first taste of the prey. There was an unspoken hierarchy in this small pack, and Lyr crawled closer toward you, not bothered by the lack of distance between your bodies like you were, signaling you were at the bottom of it for him. If he wanted to squeeze between you and Krill to get to Nerrocan, he'd be laying in your lap any second now, and you considered getting up and out of his way. 
But instead, Nerrocan's hand shot out, clasping over Lyr's face, who immediately dug his claws into Nerrocan's arm, tail thrashing behind him. 
"It's not your turn. Don't be so impatient."
Muffled complaints rang out from behind Nerrocan's palm. Still, Lyr eventually slid back, earning you some space to breathe while he hissed at his packmate and angrily thrashed his tail. "What happened to respect your elders?" he snarled, and you could barely hold back a surprised laugh at hearing the old-as-time idiom that humans used from the merman. The sound sprang to your throat where you had to pretend to cough it out as to not be rude, but there was something endearing about finding similarities like these. 
You watched as Nerrocan rolled his eyes and shook his head dismissively. Strands of hair fell forward as he patted down the food again, searching for something. You stretched your neck to see better, and he paused for a small moment, then placed his hand at the cut-open side. Digging his fingers into the flesh horizontally instead of vertically as he did for Krill's piece, he began lifting a long segment of the fish's body. With a sloshing sound, the part separated from the rest, flapping around in his grip as if it was alive before Nerrocan held it out to you. 
If you were honest, you were already sick to the stomach just from Krill's eating and Nerrocan taking apart the food for everyone. Hesitant, you held out your hands, forcing your disgust into the bottom of your gut as he carefully placed the piece of fish into your palms. You'd probably never eat fish again in your life after this, but regardless, you put on a smile for him, mumbling a weak "Thank you" before Nerrocan could let go, your hands slumping into your lap as you underestimated the weight of the food significantly. 
"It's the softest part. You should be able to eat it," Nerrocan explained as he watched you expectantly, waiting for your judgment on his catch. Warily, you gazed at the pink flesh, barely able to lift it high enough to eat from it. With both hands, you raised one side high enough to your mouth, bracing yourself with deep breaths. Thinking of a quick prayer to whichever deity would be listening, your lips parted as you reminded yourself to get it over and done with and survive. No offense could be taken if you ate a bit and praised the butcher, you hoped. 
Your teeth sliced through the fish meat as if it was butter. 
Nerrocan hadn't lied when he said it was the softest part. Heavy, yes. But soft like a well-prepared steak of a happy cow. Its taste was faint, the meat too fresh to have caught any of the fishy aftertaste you expected. At least, it didn't make you gag. 
"It's good," you mumbled, still a bit surprised as you looked up to meet Nerrocan's eyes, watching as his shoulders sagged a little, the tension releasing from them. 
"That's good," he replied, and for a split second, you thought the blue light illuminated a rise at the corners of his mouth. But when he returned to work on the remnants of dinner, you averted your eyes this time, focusing on another bite from your own piece. Only then did you catch the hand sneaking over your legs. Towards the piece of fish you had been given, claws digging into the soft flesh before pulling off a portion on the other end from the one you've been holding. 
Water tickled your legs as Nerrocan splashed his tail fin into the pool, a small wave washing over Lyr, who pulled his hand back with a trophy piece of your food. "Wait. Your. Turn," Nerrocan hissed angrily, pulling off a slice like Krill's from the big junk and throwing it across the room, right into Lyr's shoulder like a wet socket. 
"It's not fair that the human gets the best part!" Lyr complained, shoving his handful of stolen meat into his mouth before anyone could take it from him. "They can eat the rest like we all do!"
Eyes turned to Krill, who was finishing up his own piece. For the first time, you noticed he was tearing on his part of the fish as well, making you realize the first bite must have been from the tender meat that Nerrocan cut out for you afterwards. "Tough luck," Krill mumbled with his mouth full. He didn't have much to add to their argument as he worked his way through chewy flesh, lips smacking as he tore apart his food. 
"Unfair," Lyr kept mumbling as he grabbed the piece Nerrocan threw at him, his teeth showing as he chomped down on it, seemingly having to work his way through it as well. Watching him almost made you feel… bad. 
"We can share?" you offered, heaving your dinner into his direction as best as you could. Lyr's eyes beamed up with meat hanging from his mouth at your suggestion, but just as quickly, he sagged back down again, the gills on his neck flaring as he glared at something—or someone—above you. 
You hadn't noticed Nerrocan crawling closer to you, all their movements so sneaky considering how big they were. Or maybe you were simply always distracted by one of them, unable to keep track of all at the same time. His piece of the catch hung from his mouth as he settled against the wall behind you, his tail close enough for you to lean on. There was a silent warning in his sharp gaze directed at Lyr. As if he was saying, "Don't even think about it." 
The latter grumbled, turning onto his back before dedicating himself to his food, gnawing away at it. You looked back at Nerrocan, the casual way he was sitting behind you, and wondered if his dorsal fin was in the way of his comfort when your eyes met. Amber shone through the mysterious blue of the algae lighting up this room as he watched you, his gaze shifting from yours to your hands and the tiny bites you had taken from your food before he averted his eyes, silently nibbling away at his portion. 
"Come to think of it," Krill spoke up just as you were about to take a third, tentative bite. Halting, you looked up at him, finding his eyes to be thoughtful as they had fixated on your dinner as well. Somehow their constant eyeing of your food made you quickly take another bite as if you had to fear them seeing your slow pace as an insult. "Nerrocan has a point. The human would probably struggle with this."
"What would they not struggle with?" Lyr sneered, mouth full of unchewed meat, drool mixed with juices from the meat dripping from his lips. Despite them eating at different paces, all three of them were as good as through with their food when you had barely taken five bites out of yours. No matter its soft and gentle taste, you couldn't bring yourself to stuff your face with the fish. Especially not when you wanted to listen in on their conversation and not concentrate on not choking.
"They can't swim as well as we do. Aren't as fast as we are," Lyr continued, counting up everything you'd rather not have spelled out. Bite seven started to turn sour in your mouth as you had to listen to their subtle insults.
"They have no sense of direction when they swim and can't feel the currents or movements of other creatures," Krill added, licking off juices from his elongated fingers. You began feeling sick as you cautiously took a ninth bite, not even halfway through your piece of meat yet. 
"They can't breathe underwater, and their skin wrinkles if they are in it too long," Nerrocan added, strangely aware of your failings as a terrestrial mammal compared to him, who lived in the ocean. It was enough to finally make you lower your dinner despite not yet feeling full. But the free space in your stomach had been overtaken by anxiety. They weren't wrong—you had to admit that as much as it pained you. But every additional fact hurt like a stabbing, twisting knife to your gut. 
"They can't hunt underwater."
"They can't dive very far."
"They hurt themselves when exploring the ocean."
Some people could, you were sure. Some trained, skilled, passionate individuals could pull off the things these mermaids were criticizing. But not you. You were glad that you could hold your breath for a decent amount of time without the help of a device to breathe underwater, but that was it. There was nothing special about your capabilities, and all you could hear from their complaints was: you're helpless. 
Helpless, lost, weak.
"You're right," you suddenly agreed, and all eyes of the orcas who were eagerly counting the flaws of humans shot to you. Turning towards Lyr, you put on a brave smile, having never faced him directly even once in all this time. But he understood immediately when you lifted the leftover food from your lap and stretched your arms towards him. Scooting closer and patiently waiting for you to put your food into his openly waiting palm. Your eyes didn't linger to watch him scarf it down just moments later, instead focusing on the ground as you let yourself hang.
"Had you not found me, I'd be in a lot of trouble. I would have been incapable of keeping myself alive had I been left alone for any longer than I was."
Admitting your weaknesses never felt good. The relief you wished to come from speaking the truth didn't either. The good it did to acknowledge your dreadful fate didn't realize until you felt a slightly wet forehead bump against yours, and you startled, squeezing your eyes shut as your body assumed the worst. A chirp ringing in your ears forced you to open them again. Krill's face, only partially lit by the light but still recognizable, was all you could make out as he bumped his forehead to yours again. 
"It's okay," Krill mumbled, calm and comforting. "You're safe with us."
There was finally some gentleness in his actions, his hard skull not clashing with yours, even when he turned his head to rub it along the side of your face. Hands cascaded down on you as bodies mingled, wet skin slipping over your wetsuit as Lyr squeezed into the equation, having finished his food. More heads bumped into your body, Lyr nuzzling into the crook of your neck, and Nerrocan scooted against your back. 
It wasn't like they weren't heavy as they leaned against or on top of you, but they kept themselves in check, considering their own weight before putting it on you. In a matter of seconds, your mind was ringing with whistles and chirps, the sounds threatening to overwhelm you. But when you felt a deep purr at the nape of your neck, somehow, you managed to shift your attention to it, allowing it to ground you as it vibrated through your body. 
Taking deep breaths helped elevate the feeling of being overwhelmed with the sudden touches of affection you were given. Your own hands had nowhere to hold on to and steady yourself, making your balance completely reliant on the three giant creatures inching closer at every chance. 
"We got you," Lyr purred into your throat, causing goosebumps to shudder down your skin. 
"We'll take care of you from now on," Nerocan added, and the shivers running through your bodies wouldn't stop, threatening tears to surface from your eyes. Even if it was their way of showing affection, their skin was beginning to stick against yours, their hands roaming too close to sensitive parts of your body. Despite being careful, their bodies were masses of weight pinning you down. Even if they meant well, their comfort was turning uncomfortable, and you began to feel suffocated by them. 
"I… I need your help." 
Speaking through their masses, you could feel their eyes open rather than see them; their attention focused solely on you as they listened intently. They clung to you stiffly and silently, waiting for your words before making their next move—deciding your fate with every following word you'd utter. Having all of their attention on you was unnerving, even though you knew they had observed you intensely before. Something about their irrational behavior made you believe they were still waiting for your acknowledgment. More of it, at least.
For you to beg and plead with them to help you survive this. 
Your feeling went off on a whim with no evidence that they wanted you to behave this way. But with how close their fangs were to your throat, their claws to your vitals, and your brain still remembering the way they ate, it made too much sense that they were cuddly and gentle the second you admitted to your inferiority to them. Because they liked that. They liked it when you agreed with their warped senses of superiority. So when you said you needed their help, the words that followed were not what they expected.
"I can't do it on my own, but I have to find these peoples that put the trackers on you."
"Trackers?" Lyr asked, and you nodded, your soft throat squishing into his features as his face remained in the crook of your neck. You heard the tiniest of chuckles from below you as you moved, the warming feeling of your skin amusing him. You also rubbed your head against Krill's, but he remained silent. 
"These thingies in your tails! The blinking ones!" you explained, and Nerrocan hummed into your hair in realization. 
"I don't know…" Lyr slurred the words, puffing some air against the heated underside of your jar as if he was thinking about it. "I don't remember how we got there. But I do remember fighting with all we had to escape and being too exhausted to even lift a fin for days when we returned."
"It was a long swim for sure," Krill grumbled, slipping his head on top of yours to rest it there. "We might be able to find it again, but it's not something we can do with a stroke of a tail. There were many territories to cross and even more dangers chasing after us. It's a wonder we made it back in one piece, and we only had to look after ourselves."
Krill pulled away, eyes scanning over you, who was still smothered between his two packmates. "We didn't have to take care of a helpless human on top of it."
You breathed in sharply, hearing these words. A flash of frustration turning into anger overcame you as you had to hold yourself back from lashing out. It was panic that drove you to the extremes of your feelings, fear that they might not take you back and you'd be forced to stay here or die. Their skepticism about this trip was warranted if there was so much danger lurking, much less say what the humans would do when you put something so spectacular as these creatures in front of their faces again. But your anger would not bring you the results that you wanted. These three orcas didn't want your insistence, and they wouldn't take kindly if you were rude on top of it.
"You promised," you sighed, defeated, releasing the pent-up frustration with the air in your lungs and calming yourself. Weakly, you looked up at Krill, who met your gaze head-on, strong and defiant. 
"I can't do it without you. I'm not strong or a good enough swimmer. I'm… not like you."
That was enough for Krill to preen himself, flexing his muscles. He liked to be reminded of the obvious difference between you and him and hated being questioned. That much you knew by now. You didn't tell him he would have made a terrible human, considering how prideful he was. It almost made you feel bad for manipulating him with your chosen words, but seeing how he lowered his guard every time you complied with his idea of you, it was almost too easy. 
Krill's eyes moved behind you, exchanging glances with Nerrocan, who lifted his head from you with a slight hesitance. "We could make it," he confirmed your assumptions. "We're older and stronger now. There's also a chance those territories on the way might have disappeared since the last time we swam there. Circumstances are different now, Krill."
"But is it really worth the trouble?" 
Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Krill started blocking off the idea even when Nerrocan���who he trusted—agreed with you. He didn't like Nerrocan taking your side, but you were happy at least one of them did. Krill's eyes fell back to yours, and his features softened ever so slightly when he spoke again.
"You could just stay here with us. We'd take care of your needs for you. You'd be part of the pod. Why leave?"
"What if I get lonely?" you countered. 
"You can't be lonely. You'd have us. There's nothing we can't give you that your kind can."
"I need sunlight! I can't stay in the darkness for very long. And what if I get sick? How will I get medicine?"
"We'll do what we have to do to keep you healthy. We know how to heal and have our ways."
"What if they don't work on me?"
"They will work."
His last argument wasn't more than a sharp hiss that made even the others tense. Krill wasn't budging as much as you could tell. He realized the harsh way he cut down your concerns when you flinched, obviously disagreeing and unhappy with his beliefs. Bringing a large palm to his face, he rubbed over it, looking as if this situation was giving him a headache. 
"If you want to leave, be my guest. But it's here where you are safe and cared for. I promise you now that we won't let harm come to you and take care of your needs. Out there, we can't guarantee for anything. You'd be prey to anyone but us."
But how could you be sure?
Taking a deep breath, you sagged as the tension dispersed, the realization that you were powerless against someone as stubborn and confident as Krill washing over you. Exhaustion spread through your bones, this whole day having gone on for far too long. You weren't sure what time it was, but your mind was tired, your body thoroughly mangled after everything, and your will to continue fighting Krill nearing zero. 
A hand reached up, cupping your cheek, and when you forced your eyes to open, you saw the soft violet of Lyr's peering up at you. He had long settled in your lap, always threatening to slip off your knees if you moved. Still, he kept himself light and comfortable without you having to do anything. "Would you like to sleep?" he asked, and you chuckled at the obvious expression you must have been making for him to figure this out. 
"Yes," you confirmed. "Yes, I think I need some rest."
There was no real trust in Krill's words that they'd keep you safe, especially not when you'd be as vulnerable as you would be while asleep. But continuing like this had no future. You two would only argue until one of you would break down, and you had a feeling it wouldn't be you. 
Looking up at the pool next to the edge, you wondered how deep it would go. How far away you were from the surface and from land to step on. Maybe, just maybe, you could make it. Perhaps they were lying to you, and you were close to home but trusting them naively that you were lost at sea still. A spark of fight lit up in you again, one that would make sure to get you out of here. They didn't seem to care that it was easy to leave them, allowing large gaps between their bodies for you to access the pool. It may be your death sentence one way or another, but they never tried to hide the obvious way out from you. There was a chance that leaving would be a great success, however slim it was.
But then again, what if Krill was right? Was it worth all the trouble? Was leaving really the right thing to do? Aside from being rough around the edges with their touches, they hadn't hurt you yet. But none of them made efforts to eat or kill you. Krill even indulged your curiosity instead of pushing you away. They've looked out and took care of you, and maybe someday they'd take you back to land and you'd have loads of information and studies on real-life fantasy creatures. Giving in to Krill's offers of safety and care would not guarantee immediate freedom but seemed like the easy way out without fighting and struggling as much. Plus, great rewards in the long run! But could you come to peace with this decision? A decision someone else made for you.
Lyr lifted from your lap, a weight coming off only to be replaced by a giant palm at your back and another hand slipping between your thighs and shins. Before you could protest, you were lifted from the ground bridal-style, Nerrocan hauling you over to the soft fur from before and setting you down on top of it gently as if you weighed nothing. 
"Let's sleep over it," he murmured as he sat you down, releasing one hand to pull down a fur that had hung from the wall, draping it over your shoulders instead. "We can discuss it again after we've rested and cleared our minds. There's no need to rush."
Gripping the fur, you brought it in front of yourself, placing it over your legs and chest. It was just as soft as the one beneath you, and you appreciated the warmth starting to build beneath it, discovering just how cold your body actually was. Looking around you, you watched as Lyr settled on the far end of the ledge, yawning with his mouth wide open, and you realized they were all settling in for the night with you. 
Krill laid down on his stomach between you and Lyr, resting his head on his arms. He faced away from you, sulking, but there was an ever-so-slight shift of his hip in your direction until it bumped against your leg, and he was satisfied. As if he was seeking your warmth, making sure you were there. Looking to your left, Nerrocan was the only one that hadn't completely relaxed yet, watching you sit between him and Krill stiffly. 
"Rest up. You need the strength."
"I know," you mumbled, but still didn't move. The restless, panicked part of you still hadn't decided what to do, and your thoughts circled around your options. 
"I'll keep watch. You're safe," Nerrocan insisted, thinking this was the problem. Well, he wasn't wrong. But were you really safe with these creatures? Could you ever be? Or were all of them just liars trying to bring out the most despair they could by attacking you while you'd least expect it?
Nerrocan laid down on his side, facing you and resting his head on his hand before patting the space next to him, urging you to settle. Your eyes swayed from his to the pool again as you weighed your options once more. You didn't want to stay with these creatures longer than necessary and be a slave to their whims. But you also felt anxious not knowing what awaited you outside his cave. Maybe things would become clearer about what you had to do once your mind was less muddled by exhaustion. After a good night's sleep, you could think of new ways and exit plans than you had so far. 
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how-serene · 2 months
From The Stars
Pairing - Abner Krill x Neutral!Reader
Summary - A strange terror befalls your beloved town Crescent Cove, one you aren't sure you'll survive.
Word Count - 1k+
Warnings - killer klowns crossover, fluff, slight angst, no use of y/n, a little goofy in some parts, established relationship, set in the 80s
A/N - please enjoy this incredibly stupid fucking idea I had that proceeded to haunt me for about a month.
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August, 1988
The aromatic smell of hotdogs, and buttered popcorn wafted into your nose. Despite the intoxicating bouquet of savory food, only a quarter of the park was filled. Friday nights at Crescent Cove’s local drive-in theater were usually packed, and swarming with vehicles. However, for the past year crowds were beginning to thin. What was once a hot spot for rowdy teenagers and awkward first dates, had slowly dwindled and was now home to outside critters and the occasional couple. 
“I think this is the worst turnout they’ve had so far,” you said, scanning the mostly deserted parking lot. A few cars were spaced out amongst the dried grass, crushing dead daisies and dandelions beneath their tires. You spotted an elderly couple, sitting in the front seat of a turquoise Chevrolet Bel Air. 
“Is it usually busier than this?” Abner asked, from beside you. His shoulder bumped against yours, as you two sat on one of the rickety wooden benches surrounding the screen. 
“When I worked here during high school, the place was always crawling with people on the weekends,” you explained, suddenly feeling melancholic. Memories of being a child, weaving through the cars to rush to the snack bar washed over you. At the time, the field seemed so vast as the line of cars stretched on  forever. The lawn was more vibrant, and green than what it was now. You blinked at the prickly sensation of tears in the corners of your eyes. 
“What is it?” Abner asked, turning to face you.
You took a deep breath. “I just remember when my friends and I used to drive out here, after school. My friend, Janet, at the time had this hideous orange pick-up truck. We used to pile blankets in the back and watch Alfred Hithcock’s Psycho for the dozenth time.” 
Abner warmly smiled at the memory, even though it didn’t belong to him. Sometimes he was reminded that you lived an entire life before you two met, one that widely differentiated from his. Your lives did not mirror each other, and although there was a loneliness in that, he was grateful for it too. 
 “It’s weird having so many memories tied to this place, only to watch it slowly die out.” You contemplated, leaning into Abner’s side. He smelled of mint, and rosemary.
Abner nudged his nose against the side of your head, placing a faint kiss on your temple. 
You stared up at the screen. A black and white flick you couldn’t recall the name of played against the blank canvas. Overhead, August’s night sky enveloped the town as a dusting of stars blinked down at you two. Despite the false hope blooming in your chest, those memories were a lifetime ago and should remain as nothing more than what they are. A part of the past. “Drive-ins have been shutting down since the mid eighties,” you said, shrugging. “I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised.”
Abner hummed, glancing up at the screen as well. The last remnants of August were officially dying out, as a cool breeze ruffled the back of his hair. Soon, everyone would be mourning the summer season as it slowly broke away into autumn. He would have to say farewell to the long humid nights, where it felt like the world stretched on endlessly. When the slow descent of a drowsy setting sun meant there was more time in a day, to not worry so much. 
Abner felt his throat lodge, as another gust of wind passed. 
When a sudden shrill scream pierced the air, cutting through the fuzzy audio playing through the speakers. 
“Christ, what was that?” You whipped around, looking over your shoulder. Several other heads turned, peering through their car windows out at the dimly lit field. There was nothing but dark shrubbery and trees beyond the chain-link fence that surrounded the park. 
You shifted closer to Abner, keeping an eye trained on the border of the fence. His hand reached for yours, interlocking your fingers together in a tight grip. You noticed your own hands were trembling. 
“Could be someone messing around,” he said, squeezing your hand. Whether for his own reassurance or yours, you couldn’t tell. 
Suddenly a woman stumbled out from the dark abyss of trees. A tangled mess of bleached hair fell around her striking pale face. Even from a distance, her wild frantic eyes immediately sent the hairs to rise on the nape of your neck. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks, as she frantically sprinted towards the cars. 
Just a few feet behind her, was a…
“Is that a fucking clown?”
Abner squinted, staring at the massive figure, “Not a normal looking one.” 
“Please, help me!” The woman pleaded, slamming her hands against the back windshield of the elderly couple's car. They stared at her like a deer in the headlights.
As the clown approached, you began to see what Abner meant. Its tall round body loomed over the girl, and the hoods of the cars. The thing wore a bright blue patterned jumpsuit, and had tufts of lime green hair sprouting from its cone shaped head. 
“My god,” you muttered, going wide eyed. 
Its large, wide red mouth was split into a smile, as if someone had taken a razor blade to the sides of its face. In its enormous gloved hands was a ray-like weapon – it resembled something out of a science fiction movie – with red spots painted over its bulb-like body. 
You didn’t even have time to process what happened next, before Abner was yanking you down to the floor. The terrorized screams of the others drowned out the music of the movie. You peered through the gaps of the bench, watching in horror as a beam shot out from the oddly shaped gun, mummifying the woman in a suffocating, pink cocoon. 
“What is that stuff?” Abner whispered, unable to peel his gaze away from the bizarre sight. 
People spilled out of their cars, stumbling their way through the parking lot. Their cries drilled into your head, echoing in the corners of your mind. The clown swiftly turned, aiming its weapon at another innocent victim. Before you could think to do anything, their pleas for help were swiftly silenced. 
“There’s more of them,” Abner noted, pointing toward the fence. 
Two more clowns suddenly appeared, stepping out from the inky blackness of the woods. They were different from one another, one short and round, and the other tall and thin. In an array of brightly colored jumpsuits that was nauseating to look at. They both wore the same grotesque smile, permanently stretched on their faces. 
“Shit, shit,” you muttered, quietly panicking to yourself. 
“Maybe we can make a break for the entrance,” Abner said, looking toward you. 
You shook your head, “My car is parked near the back, if we make it we should be fine.” 
“Poor choice of words, sorry.” 
His wide eyes bore into yours, a frown pulled on his thin pink lips. You sighed, brushing back his black hair that hung over his eyes – he had been growing it out lately. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you explained, softly smiling at him. You grasped his hand, ensuring a tight grip before taking a deep breath. 
Abner and you remained hand in hand, as you made a dash for your car parked at the end of the row. Its silver body stood out like a star in the night sky, so close it was almost touchable yet so far all at once. From the corner of your eye, you spotted a young man fall to the ground, before becoming encased in the cotton-like substance. 
It’s almost like cotton candy. 
You and Abner weaved through the cars, ducking behind the doors to avoid the eyes of the clowns. 
“Almost there,” you whispered, glancing back at him. Abner kept his eyes trained to the ground, focusing on the heels of your shoes. His tenacious grip in yours was beginning to hurt. 
You waited, as people rushed past you, their sobs echoing in the open field.
“Okay, go-
You pulled Abner with you, momentarily leaving your space of cover. A spike of hope pulsed through you, the car was so close…
When one of the clown’s stepped in front of you, blocking your view. Its hair resembled a blazing ball of fire, as its plump pink lips snarled down at you. Its saturated pink suit stood out like a stain against the backdrop of the night. You felt Abner tense up behind you, his hands coming to grasp at the back of your jacket. It towered over you, the deep corners of its mouth somehow stretching, widening into an even more sinister smile. The ray was aimed directly at you, its bulb beginning to glow as the weapon whirred to life. 
You sucked in a breath, preparing for the thing to envelope you in its fluffy-pink consistency. When suddenly you were pushed, the soft grass cushioning your fall. Abner laid on top of you, having knocked you both out of the way. The clown made a series of frustrated noises – ones you couldn’t comprehend – as it swung around to face you two again. You swiftly got up, dragging Abner up by his arm with you. Without another thought, you began to run, hightailing it in the opposite direction. 
“What about the car!”
“Screw the car right now, we can make it back to town through the woods.” 
Abner’s feet ran alongside yours, his soft pants ensuring he was there beside you. Dirt and grass began flying by your heads, as the clown haphazardly aimed and shot at you two. 
Lord, I’ll be so good and kind if you get me out of this. 
You grabbed at Abner’s hand again, pulling him past the chain-link fence. The screams of the civilians grew more faint as the woods swallowed you up. Low-lying branches scraped at your cheek, as the overwhelming darkness made it difficult to see. You could feel them snagging at your clothes, trying to pull you back. The disorienting buzz of insects and small animals filled your head – causing you to not notice a hand slipping from yours. 
“Just a little farther,” you muttered, pushing through the suffocating night. Your skin stung, as the woods fought against you, their branches leaving behind marks. It felt as if your lungs were on fire, as the path before you seemed to stretch on forever. You pushed yourself forward, wanting to put as much distance between you and the drive-in. Up-ahead, headlights cut through the trees, illuminating your way for a split second. 
It must be the road. 
You broke out into a grin, stumbling your way through until you stood at the edge of a poorly paved road. Dim streetlamps shined down on you, lulling you into a sense of safety. The sounds of cries and mayhem were entirely gone, as if they weren’t there in the first place. As if the whole night could be chalked up to nothing more than a bad nightmare. You were panting, hunched forward as you gathered yourself. It was serenely quiet. 
“Abner, are you okay?”
There was no answer.
You whipped around, to find nothing but the woods shadow bending over you. 
And a sudden silence that now rang in your ears. 
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thesnivy123 · 6 days
Hello! It’s me again lol
I’m really sorry for asking you so many questions, but I’m just really curious on what your version of the world of sky is like! Specifically, I would like to know what the culture of it is like! Like, how many things are new, and how much is pretty much just like the base game! For example: are skykids more tame about collecting clothes and cosmetics? Or are they just as feral over them as skykids are in the game? How do they get candles? How do events and spirits work? How prominent is music? (Side note, if it’s as prominent in this version of sky as it is in the actual game, I can only imagine red’s first reaction to it lolllll)
If it’s ok with you I’d like to know whatever world building you’re comfortable with sharing about it :D
Have a nice day! And I wish you the best of luck with the shattering traveling spirit if you’re still actively playing sky! :D
Sorry for the late response i got like super distracted when you sent this and just forgot-
I am SO glad you asked. generally I tend to ignore game mechanics that don't translate too well into the lore, or at least adapt them into something more workable- But since you asked about specific things, ill tell ya about those.
i put a lot of thought into how everything about skykids would effect the sort of culture theyve developed- one huge thing being that they're kids. They don't really have a civilization, so to speak, not in the way a more... Normal species might. Candles are usually just recycled from the wax of older candles scavenged from ruins, made from scratch by a handful of skykids who actually took interest in candlemaking, or... Well, made by spirits. Though a lot of spirits did eventually pass on back into the cycle once the stranglehold the darkness had on rebirth loosened, the ones that stayed gradually got more tangible as they "recovered", able to interact with the world more and more. Plenty of them are back to doing their own things, even if more... Ghostly, so skykids don't have to worry about keeping up with how many of those things they use, hah. (Sidenote: They aren't used as currency in my worldbuilding- Skykids use the barter system on the off chance they do want "payment" for something.)
As for clothes, they really CAN'T go ham on outfit collecting due to technical limitations- Fabric making is HARD, these are children, there's only so much they can do. They DO make new clothes, though, mostly via scavenged fabrics and scraps of older clothes. Skykid fashion is very colourful, very patchy, and very long lasting. Their capes are a different story- Because a cape that came with a skykid on creation is kind of special- Really, they don't wear down, those things are kinda magic- They can be passed down literally forever if the original owner gets a new one. Hell, there's actually a few capes floating around the hand-me-down trade of serious historical significance, and nobody would know by now.
Music is actually a big thing to them on account of it's something the ancestors did that wasn't "ABSOLUTELY BOOOORIIIING". And by "big thing", I mean "a lot of the hard work has been done for them so they don't have to figure out how to do it on their own". They use the same notation system and most of the same instruments as the Ancestors! Otherwise there's not much to say, most skykids have at least handled some sort of instrument before, it's pretty normal to them.
Events are... A weird thing. Most of them HAPPENED, I'm sure, just... To some particular group of Skykids rather than everyone. Season of Abyss? yeah some kid is out there bragging about "I MET A SUPERMEGATURBO-KRILL AND IT ATE ME AND THEN A MANTA GOT ME OUT AND I SURVIVED" or something. Little Prince? I've already well established that sometimes people end up in the world from other worlds, I'm sure it happened. Aurora? That. That one's a funny one. The concert did happen. It was a huge thing. But it was actually also an experiment on "what happens if you get a frankly absurd number of skykids all in one place", and apparently the answer is "the sheer density of light energy in the area temporarily allows Megabird to enter the physical realm and also Things Get Weird".
I already touched on spirits earlier, but to recap- when Eden exploded, the sheer amount of darkness energy severed ties to the rebirth cycle (which reincarnates lesser creatures and entirely revives sapient ones). Wildlife recovered, thankfully, after a few generations, but... The Ancestors never did. Most of the population was in the immediate blast radius (Eden, the Wasteland, and parts ofbthe Valley) and were dead from either the explosion itself or the effects of darkness soon after, the Forest and parts of the Valley and Prairie succumbed to illness and famine, and the Isle and the rest of Prairie... Just couldn't keep up. Not enough people left. There were ancestors left for almost a decade after the explosion in those parts, but all things come to an end eventually. Besides, darkness pollution had spread there, too, even if they got off easy.
As Spirits- Unable to fully die, tethered to the world- they were initially... It was a pitiful existence. Trapped in their own memories. But Skykids arrived, the world slowly recovered, and, very slowly, they did too. It got worse for them at first, when they gained awareness but couldn't interact with the world around them, and plenty chose to let go and fully pass on. Others remained, and, as time went on, they could do more. And more. It took a very long time, but... Eventually, in the modern day, the remaining Spirits are pretty much able to live relatively normal lives.
A fun fact- the Performance spirits were actually a huge driving force in why so many spirits stuck around. They absolutely REFUSED to let go, and their sheer force of will actually managed to speed the process a long a little- Proved to others that it actually does get better. Willpower... Usually isn't a part of the recovery process, so it's unclear how they managed to pull that off, but by golly, they did.
Anyways i absolutely LOVE getting these questions- I don't really play the game anymore (probably should) but the worldbuilding project is still one of my favorite things!! again i have really got to get back to writing that fic. Its on my mind. I just keep forgetting.
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Support Class
The first thing a Vrul child ever learns is fear. Or at least, that was the first thing Krill ever learned. Under the eyes of the council, all young Vrul just out of Larvae state came to know that the universe, even their own world, was dangerous, uncaring, and full of hostility. And, at least to the Vrul, this was somewhat of a reality considering that the central cities and the councils of the Vrul homeworld had been made in response to a sort of fungal zombie apocalypse  that occurred over thousands of years ago, so long that their people somehow managed to forget up until recently.
For these reasons, though they had been unknown to the universe at large, it was once assumed that Vrul neuroticism was simply a natural trait of their species, prone to overstressing and nervousness, but it turned out the behavior was a product of learned helplessness, repression and something like brainwashing that had been carried out for as long as anyone could remember.
The result?
Krill had never not been afraid.
Once upon a time he had spent most of his energy being afraid for himself, what could happen to him, what would happen to his career, what, what what, but when he had finally broken from the council and fallen in with a group of humans, that fear had turned into the fear FOR someone else; who would get hurt next, how could he protect them, what would happen if he didn’t manage to.
That fear had continued with him for the better part of a decade or so, but now….. Well Krill had a new fear.
A fear for the entire universe: what would happen if the void won, how would they stop it, and what could he even do to help. Ever since taking a step back onto arcadia, and becoming the dean of medicine and the chief of surgery, Krill had been happy enough to take on a more supporting role. He had mostly given up his active participation in everything that was going on content to do what he was best a.
In a time of peace, Krill really thrived, because in a time of peace there was no greater enemy than the reality of mortal frailty.
But now.
Things were getting bad again, things had gotten bad on a cosmic scale, and now he found himself back where it all started, on a ship headed towards the unknown, possibly death.
And he was terrified 
He stared out at the vast darkness, the wash of black that dominated the reaches of the night sky. One of his cerebral hemispheres idly tried to count the stars but lost track somewhere in the thousands, and eventually gave up, his thoughts petering away into concern and frustration.
Krill the support class, he mused idly.
He had taken that metaphor from one of those tabletop role playing games Riss had roped him into. Krill had recommended it to his colleague once, and ever since Riss had roped him into a game every tuesday night with a dedicated band of very nerdy humans at the nearby dice shop.
Krill had chosen a barbarian as his incarnation, and Riss hadn’t failed to point out later that evening that the choice was somewhat telling about Krill’s own psyche. Krill had rolled his eyes at the shrink, but Riss had continued undaunted.
“You feel physically inadequate in your everyday life. You are surrounded by people and beings who have the capacity for immense strength, durability, and combat skill, and despite all your intelligence, all your knowledge, you are easily squishable, like a support class wizard.” he tacked on thoughtfully to the end.
Krill did not like being psychoanalyzed, which was funny considering the person he had chosen to cohabitate with.
What Krill was to medicine, Riss was to the mind. Krill admired his dedication, intelligence and ability to have a rousing argument, but sometimes the little vrul was incredibly punchable. The more annoying part was that Riss was actually bigger than Krill, by about an inch, and thicker in the limbs, so even if Krill wanted to punch him, it probably wouldn’t do any good.
Krill, like most medical professionals of the body, had thrown away Riss’s opinion out of hand and grumbled about how his “analysis” was simply a matter of opinion and not a very good one at that, while also secretly knowing that Riss had just been pointing out an obvious truth that krill himself refused to acknowledge.
He was weak
And he hated it 
He told everyone he was fine with staying behind where it was safe, and he wouldn’t have been lying if the others he cared about were willing to do the same, but he was surrounded on all sides by a bunch of self sacrificial heroes, and none of them ever did anything unless it was to their own detriment.
And krill could do nothing.
Not until after the fact when things might have already started to get out of hand.
He hated watching them go off without him to do dangerous things only to sit there and twiddle his antenna while he waited for them to return. Not to mention, when you are support class stuck in a group of tanks, you sometimes tend to get left behind through not intention of the tanks.
It’s just, he simply couldn’t keep up.
Oh and this was not even to mention all the fear he had surrounding his own progeny: Clotho, Atropos and Lachesis, but if he opened that can of worms right now, he would probably drown in it.
“Now that’s a brooding face if I ever saw one.”  Riss said from the doorway.
Krill looked up from his warm cup of sugar water, and turned away from the vast reaches of space, and the shattered carnage contained within, “This is just my face.”
Riss shook his head and stepped further inside, four legs dancing easily around the door before shutting it behind him, “No, that’s a brooding face.”
“I am always brooding.” Krill shot back stubbornly 
Riss smirked, “Yeah but this is the more serious kind of brooding.”
Krill huffed, “Next time I will attempt to wear my less serious brooding face.”
Riss, Krill’s most tolerable cohabitant, took a seat across from him.
The two of them had met a few years ago after Riss had risked his life to get away from the Vrul council, and a termination order had been placed on his head. Technically they had met before that briefly on occasion many years ago when Riss had fallen in a river and Admiral Vir had jumped in to save him, but Krill hardly counted that.
Riss hadn’t been very old at the time, and Krill didn’t see that it counted.
Since  meeting more officially, the two of them had made an agreement, an experiment meant to defy the Vrul council and prove the brainwashing that they knew had been happening all along. Each donating genetic material to the project, they had come up with the triplets, progeny to observe and learn from in a stable environment to see just how the average Vrul might actually behave under low-pressure upbringings.
They were the first Vrul to be born and raised without the influence of the council.
They were little monsters.
And now Krill was stuck with a cohabitant, though he tried not to argue as it was occasionally nice to have someone to talk to.
He supposed he liked Riss enough.
“So are you going to talk to me?” Riss asked, slumping back into his seat.
Krill snorted and took a sip, “That depends, are you going to try and use your jedi mind powers on me.”
Riss held out his hand, and krill reluctantly handed over his sugar water. Riss took a gently sip before passing the cup back, “Adam is rubbing off on you.”
Krill snorted, “How can he not. The amount of ancient pop culture references he uses is astounding.”
“Or could it be that you miss your friend, and are trying to find a way to reconnect with him on some level?” Riss said, the nonchalance just oozing out of him.
Krill had to fight down the sudden desire to throw a brick at his head but refrained.
“I thought I said no jedi mind powers.” 
“I’m not using my jedi mind powers. I am using my “we have lived together for over four years'' powers, and I think you are frustrated that the current circumstances are not conducive to you being involved. The stakes are too high, and you are not equipped to handle it. In the end that results in all of your friends leaving you behind to protect you, and you have to sit around and wait for them to come back. Back in the old days the stakes were low enough you could sometimes be involved, but now a war is going on and there is no place for you on the front lines where all of your friends tend to go.” 
Krill actually had a medical textbook in his hand before deciding better of throwing it at Riss and set the book down.
Riss waited.
Krill waited.
“Talk to me.”
Riss huffed, “For architect’s sake krill, I don’t know, we live together, we have children together, we spend an inordinate amount of time together, oh and listening to people talk is my actual JOB. IF none of those reasons are good enough than CLEARLy I have misread this situation.”
Krill lifted his head chin jutting stubbornly, “Maybe you have.”
Riss rolled his head in a mimicry of eye rolling, so hard Krill thought he was going to snap his spinal column, “Rings of Nebulon you are stubborn.”
Krill huffed but went quiet.
Riss waited patiently.
Krill hated it but somehow the stupidsmugness of Riss worked it’s magic and he wilted, “I detest being useless. The most work I do these days is to give other people magical powers on occasion and sit in on the war meetings, which I know Adam only does because we are friends, and not actually because he needs my opinion. I am not a tactician, I am a surgeon.”
Riss tilted his head slightly.
Krill threw up his hands. Now that he was going, he wasn’t going to be able to stop, “I am useless in all of this. I wish there was more than I could do to PREVENT people from getting hurt instead of just dealing with the aftermath. I wish there was something that I could do.”
Riss reached out and took the cup Krill offered to him, “Mmmmm….” there was a long silence between the two of them. Krill really didn’t expect Riss to offer a solution, as there were no real solutions to be had, “Have you ever thought about undergoing the surgery yourself.”
Krill nearly spit out his mouthful of sugar water, “What!”
Riss looked up at him and shrugged, “You want to help so bad, why not unleash your anima power and get the surgery.”
Krill frowned, “I can’t do surgery on myself.”
He shook his head, “No, but, Dr. Katie has been working for you for years. By all rights she is an incredibly talented surgeon.”
Krill shook his head, “She’s talented for a human, but it takes all four of my cortical hemispheres to perform the surgery without killing anyone. As good as Katie is, which is very good, she is still human. The surgery would require her to stand in one place for nearly a day straight, no eating or sleeping.”
Riss shook his head, “No she doesn't, the hardest part of the surgery is the last part of the surgery. Plenty of people can perform the first part, you have just always insisted on doing it yourself. Katie has done microneurosurgery on plenty of occasions.”
Krill still shook his head, “I allow Conn to connect to one of my hemispheres independently so I can see where I am going when I make that last cut, that is not something a human can do.”
Riss held out his hands, “Look, you can shoot down the idea all you want, but I think Katie can do it, and i think it would be the answer to your problem. Imagine Krill, you could help your friends on the battlefield not just as a support.”
Krill paused, “And if Katie fails, my soul goes to the necrotorium.”
Riss frowned, “Risks in all things I suppose.”
Krill found that to be a bit of an understatement, but still, the idea was at least interesting. 
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artistdove · 2 years
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New character sheet for my Sky kid/skysona cuz I don’t like the old one. I’ve been waiting to have most of the cosmetics that fit my preference for this and I finally have cat ears (OWO). I will note that this is just their default appearance, so I may draw them looking completely different cuz I want freedom.
Korro/Dove. Genderfluid. 11 stars.
Mini bio: Solo kiddo that loves to explore and fly around the various realms. If possible, helps any sky kid in need of assistance when roaming. Enjoys doing her daily routines first and then chilling or having fun.
Extra info below cut (may add/update but rarely)
Born on Isle. Technically, born before any season but would be considered a Season of Performance moth cuz that was my first season. So for lore, they had dreams of exploring some of the realms while in the Stars before coming to the Kingdom.
Dog in a cats body though still behaves like a cat. Her more steroetypical cat side will come out if frustrated/scared/lonely/alone. 
Frustrated results in a decrease in corporation along with self doubt or isolation/dissociation. Lashing out is rare (verbally mostly/ physical is at limit). 
Scared is either fight or flight. 
Lonely/alone = introvert energy
Great Navigator; Knows every location fo anything in Sky
Glitcher; still learning new ones 
Easily distracted and very curious but will return if with others
Focus driven when a goal is set or decided, whic makes it difficult to pull away from a set line of focus
Solo kiddo so they become slow or confused when in a group. Really used to being around 3 people max (usually close friends or well acquainted kiddos than strangers)
Krill dodger and crab abuser. Will consume and mess with both, but crab is main target for harassment
Grinder and Ubers often
Cannot stay still must at least move some part of their body
Does anything to remain unbored. I.e. play the piano, skate around, swim, let cat yeet them, and much more.
Before, very cautious. Now, bolder
Always wears chibi mask when traversing Eden
Either glitches or does the actual route depending if going solo or with a group
Knows every statue location and safe spots though safe spots may only work for shorter kiddos
Large supply of recharge potions
Assist anyone when doing normal route and back track to retrieve another player if able to
Main appearance: Altered modest dancer combined with default shirt/ Pink cape/ Modified Cat hair/ Modest dancer mask/ Height 12 or 13 (slightly above chibi)/ Damaged tail due to krill/ Tuxedo cat-like body patterns with a bird-like shape near chest light/ Mainly cat aspects with the full cat form being just for fun or maybe emergency
Favorite Props: Feline Familiar (patched up ), Piano, and Umbrelle. Familiar was found during sky 3rd anniversary as a plush in slight disrepair. It activated once Mischief came. It won’t hurt kiddos, but will if provoked enough or Korro is hurt. If kiddos want to be yeeted, it will obliged.
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wifeglor · 1 year
9, 19 — and 21 for dealers choice of character!
Thank you so much for the asks, and for making this fantastic ask meme!
9. How did you learn to write smut? Were there specific fics or authors that inspired you? Or novels/movies/other texts?
Hmm gosh. I think I've been mostly influenced by fic-reading. I'll go through phases where I read a LOT of fic, including smutfic. After reading/watching some new thing I tend to go through the AO3 tag at speed like a baleen whale consuming krill. Also, reading enough smut fic really gives you a sense of like, the words and moments and acts that come up such that it makes it feel doable to replicate (not saying it's "formulaic" but I was internalizing some of the formulas). And chatting with fandom friends, sort of writing out AUs in a nearly-rp-but-less-structured style, which is something I've been doing in um graphic nsfw detail for way longer than I've written actual smutfic to post, has I think also been really formative in terms of my writing.
But also, I think I've been heavily influenced by the stuff I liked in media in general (and still absolutely am, though for purposes of this question I'm listing the formative oldies). Honestly, rarely sex scenes themselves (though them also), but more the tropes and emotional beats or separate images that really grabbed me and seemed "sexy." Thinking of villainous moments ft. shirtless Gwaine and Morgana from BBC Merlin LMAO, formative. LotR naturally. The Queen of Attolia's descriptions of Irene Attolia, Name of the Wind's descriptions of Denna that baby me had memorized whole paragraphs of by heart--stuff that was plausibly kinda unhorny in these books but in reality sooo very horny. But also various depictions of sex, like the touching & radiant-with-light sex montage of Alicia/Julio's finally getting together in the TV show Gran Hotel. Also, for unbridled PASSION at the MAX despite no actual sex, Sienkiewicz's Trilogy of historical novels, which I wrote my first smut fic for. I also read romance novels ft. erotica from time to time and enjoy them a lot (if there's sufficient DRAMA), and I guess I internalize what I feel like "hits" (or doesn't, ha) in the ways that genre does sex too. It's only been fairly recently that I started to write sex in more detail in my fics and less as like a sort of brief "tasteful" "artistic" (lol) moment--those "moments" gradually grew more description. like a mold--and I still think that kinda shows in my writing in the ways the detail is sometimes not as present or bodily as it could be, and things can get glossed instead of closely inhabited. But hey I like it and am having fun :D
19. Share a favorite passage from one of your smut fics.
Hmmmm hmm. I like this one, from yes many and beautiful things (unwieldy fic but really dear to me still):
Maedhros doesn’t resist him, not on this. When Maglor coaxes pleasure from his scarred body, Maedhros lets him.
He was unmade for pleasure in Angband. He had sought to render himself the unbreakable shackle to the mountainside, the sheer cliff—but Maglor plays upon him as well as any instrument, transforming him into something alive and enjoying. Maedhros barely hears the low, ragged noises he makes, barely sees the gleam of Maglor’s eyes beneath dark lashes, as he spills down Maglor’s sweet-voiced throat.
The silence is no silence—it is Maglor choking and swallowing and Maedhros panting, the air about them like a tide in his ears.
Maglor wipes his mouth and looks very pleased with himself, though he struggles to catch his breath. His eyes are dark and dizzy.
Maedhros seizes two scraps of his strength and tugs Maglor up to him by the shoulder, none too gently. He kisses him and devours the sweet startled sound, the taste of his pleasure in Maglor's mouth, the flush, full press of Maglor's cock against his thigh as Maglor falls in a graceless drape atop him.
"Maedhros," Maglor keens.
The Sindarin name makes Maedhros all the more desperate. Yes, they are here, not in Aman; that is his name—and Maglor wants him anyway, has— And Maedhros kisses him again, winding his arms around him, pleasure still uncoiling in his own flushed body. He can feel each tremble of Maglor's, holding him so close. At last he tips awkwardly into pressing Maglor upon his back instead and unfolding him. Maglor gasps like a rustling bough when Maedhros palms over him, and both their hands trip over each other reaching for the vial of oil in its niche. Maedhros is quicker, and he tugs the cork free with his teeth.
(the VIAL OF OIL lolol... but still...)
21. Share a smutty headcanon about [character(s)].
Finrod is an effortless and true neutral switch. He just wants to have fun and he just wants his partner to have fun. I feel like he's so comfortable bottoming that that might happen more often in his long and varied life, but where that comfort and willingness comes from is the same place as the wellspring of confidence and affection that makes him such a good dom and/or top. xoxo
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d-criss-news · 2 years
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imgregoryallen: Chess in concert for @alifeinthearts What a night!
I loved this concert of Chess. If you know the show, you know it’s a killer score with a meh book. Well they ”fixed” the book tonight by making the arbitrator a narrator and Bryce Pinkham slayed on the comedic one liners added. By delivering it tongue in cheek, the audience was in on the joke of how far out the story really is. And yet I followed it better than I ever have before. Ramin Karimloo can sing anything so effortlessly. He kept his script down & just sang like he’s not already singing every night of the week over in Funny Girl. Heaven every time he opens his mouth, but especially on Anthem. Solea Pfeiffer made Svetlana her role when she shows up in act 2. Darren Criss plays arrogant American very well. But the night belonged to Lena Hall. Wow. Wow. Wow. I’ve never seen Florence as such a bad-ass chick, but now I never want to see her any other way. Lena was incredible in this role & I want a recording pronto. I also want to shout out to Bradley Dean who is a wonderful Molokov & Sean Allan Krill (who I just saw in Parade) who took the mostly non singing role & made me enjoy the CIA guy. All in all I really loved it. Great ensemble too. I appreciate the creative team for finally making sense of this this crazy story. #chess #chessthemusical #musical #theatre #nyc #actorsfund #entertainmentcommunityfund
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
I don't know what part this is. I wrote this at 6 am
Slight NSFW mostly implied
Ikkan: Neta... Hey you ok?
Neta: yeah.... .. I'm fine I'm just waiting for him to leave completely..... He's such an asshole!!
Ikkan: hey come here.... Don't let him get to you okay? He doesn't know anything about you, your life and you never tried...
Neta: yeah.......he never got to see how amazing I am
Ikkan:oh you're so humble.... He doesn't know what he's missing come here [kiss] also you look good baby.... Look a lot happier... [Kiss]...Hehe...more relaxed...[kiss]
Neta: hehehe.....[kiss]
Ikkan: softer.......and warmer............
Neta: We're alone
Ikkan: yeah we are...heheheh
Neta: no cameras
Ikkan:....... .... You want to slow dance like we used to. Remember during our first date?
Neta: oh........ Ok
Ikkan: what what did you think I was implying?
Neta: nothing nothing it's stupid come here. Let's dance just the two of us away from the commotion.
Koi: so you must be my granddaughter... I've heard so much about you. You have straight A's, your captain on your turf war team, you play second chair
Cirrina: actually I play first chair now
Koi: wonderful!... Look at all that confidence and pride amazing... Oh look at me being so rude. Hi my name is koi koi you can call me Grandma Koi, grandma, admiral koi is also an option. I'm a former CEO now head of the advertisement for tech company venton industries.
Cirrina: weren't you the company that started out with game cards and now he's home consoles and arcades? You guys made jump squid right?
Koi: That's the one. I also dipped my foot in farm life raising krill herding sea cows some experience in going produce
Cirrina: I have a houseplant that I bought from the grocery store. I had to change its pot twice and it's taller than me now...oh I'm also skipping the grade and heading straight to high school next year.. My guidance counselor says if I'm good I can maybe even start college classes early. I'll get ahead of everyone else.
Koi: ohhh impressive... So proud to have you as a granddaughter. I see so much of myself in you. I can just tell you're going to be as powerful and successful as me.
Cirrina: I hope I do.......Grandma admiral koi.
Merv: they ran out of wine but I did snatch up the shrimp puffs They're not that bad..... Hello, who's this?
Koi: *ugh* ..... Hone... this is our granddaughter... Remember Neta told us about
Merv: ohhhhhhh nice to meet you.. you must be cirrina.... You're just as pretty as the picture he gave us. Nice to meet you sweetheart.
Cirrina: awww thank you........ Ikkan told me about you. He used to be a farmer. He told me you had acres of strawberries and would first place for best decal 3 years in a row. That's very impressive. You must know a lot about agriculture
Merv: that's correct! Wow you're really something!
Koi: I know! Ah! I just want to pick her in a bag and take her back to haddaido!
Cirrina:hehehe You're too kind..
Koi: well we have to go We're trying to find our kids. I know your uncle is somewhere.. do expect some presents to be in the mail for you sweetie. You just stole our little hearts.
Cirrina: ok bye....hehee
Mizole: You're a snake. You know that?
Cirrina: You've had spinach between your teeth the last 2 hour shut up.
Mahi: you think that is going to be mad when we bring this?
Warabi: what's so bad about it? It's just wine?
Mahi: when he expected us to bring drinks He expected it to be in bottles Something you just place on the table make it look nice
Warabi: Oh come on the parties like going to be over in like 4 more hours. We need something like this, that's why I bought five.....for the party
Mahi: We're definitely not going to use all of this. He just wanted one in the apartment
Candi: If he says anything I'm not involved.
Mahi: Baja! Help us bring this in
Baja: ok uhhh what is this exactly
Warabi: its for the party trust me
Baja: ok....
Neta: so yeah apparently I've been a captain for the military for 7 years and they didn't tell me- what the hell is this? what happened to the bottles of wine you were supposed to get??
Warabi: didn't have any I just so we just bought the barrel of wine. Five of them. I feel like that's enough right?
Neta: get a little too much where we even going to put this
Mahi: we can just put in the back and have waiters fill up cups
Candi: or you can just have all the guests fill up their own cups
Ikkan: That's not a bad idea...
Neta:....*sigh* ....... Yeah okay that's fine..... I'm gone for 2 minutes and y'all turn this into a keg party
Baja: You've actually gone for 45 minutes
Neta: ............ Just set up the barrels....
Ikkan: hehehehe...... Tonight is still early. Come on, let the guests have a little fun.. it'll be funny seeing some of these producers get drunk off their ass.
Koi: I hope one of them isn't you honey
Ikkan: mom! Uh hah.....wooow so good to see you!...... Neta didn't tell me.... He was inviting my parents. Mmmmm
Koi: well I think it would be nice to spend the holidays with my two boys this year...... I actually came here to see my granddaughter and also talk to my son-in-law. We had a conversation about installing a small arcade original in his original store to keep the traction going once his other store opens.
Neta: Yes we do need to talk more about that I also wanted to talk to Noji about buying vending machines as well, let's walk and talk. You look beautiful by the way Koi. Merv is a lucky man
Koi: you damn right it is... You know how long it took me to convince him to come here. I swear he thinks he bursts into flames interacting with people.
Warabi: what were you two doing for 45 minutes?
Ikkan: fuck off
Warabi: hehehehehehe going to tell your mom on you
Ikkan: Warabi!
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort or caught stealing one of the wine barrels
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pre-written 8th grade level essay on Plankton
a/n - no reason. just beacause.
I'm sure you may have heard of Plankton, and I don't mean the main antagonist from SpongeBob; I mean the usually microscopic plants and animals that aimlessly float throughout our oceans. However, these tiny weak organisms are much more than meets the eye. Carrying the weight of being a critical source in their food web, producing our oxygen, and moderating the movement of carbon in the ocean and air, Plankton may be the most substantial and crucial life forms in the world.
There are two types of Plankton: Phytoplankton and Zooplankton. Phytoplankton are the plant beings that make up the plankton class. These types of Plankton usually do things to support their habitat and ecosystem. This includes regulating global warming, and being a major source of food for various predators. Zooplankton, on the other hand, are the creatures that make up the plankton class. Zooplankton consist of shrimp, jellyfish, leeches, types of eel, and more. Sometimes large, sometimes small, these animals can facilitate growth for other bacterial species and sea creatures, and serve as a food source.
Plankton make up the base of their food web. Krill-a species of Plankton- are the primary diet of the largest animal on Earth, the Blue Whale. Krill also work together with the whale in a miniature cycle. For example, you would expect the krill population to increase as the whale population decreases, because of the lack of predators to feed. But you would be surprised. The truth is that whale feces is loaded with iron, which makes a very nutritious meal for krill. Whale defecation is also a fertile breeding ground for krill, making their relationship an endless cycle. However, whales are just an example of the many things that depend on Plankton. The marine ecosystem would be significantly changed and disrupted if Plankton stopped existing. In conclusion, Plankton play essential parts in their habitat.
Phytoplankton- plants that classify as Plankton- are the greatest source of oxygen production for us humans. 28% of the world's oxygen comes from the rainforests, 50-80% from the work of phytoplankton, and the 2% from other sources. This shows that the work of the mostly unrecognized, minuscule sea life form is actually the most useful. In conclusion, Plankton are exceptionally valuable, even for us beings outside of the water.
Sadly, the number of Plankton has dropped by 40% since 1950. This is a big problem, because of how few people address it. It's easy to see a rainforest burning down, but not so easy to see such a tiny creature slowly going extinct.
Plankton are also a massive help in keeping the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere under control. As humans release so much carbon into the air, phytoplankton are taking it out. They need it, after all. Phytoplankton incorporate CO2 into their cells for photosynthesis. So it's a fair trade if you think about it.
This process is known as the "biological pump." After making it through the ocean's food chain and life cycle, the carbon ends up deep down in the abyss. So, in the end, Plankton are actively slowing climate change.
Plankton indeed are extraordinary things, as they carry the marine biosphere, give our species what we need to survive, and slow the rapid warming of our planet. They may be weak, but their impact surely isn't.
a/n: feel free to copy and paste this to cheat but just know: im just the messenger, i take no blame for your actions.
but yall prolly dont want it cuz what the fuck. why would you.
but do feel free to use
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thetallowtavern · 1 year
Suggested Shopping: Meats, Fats, and Oils
After making that extensive post concerning heart disease and how dietary fatty acids play a significant role, I figured it was appropriate to make a post going into depth talking about different cooking fats and oils, and make a "shopping list" of fats and oils I suggest you use. If you haven't read my heart disease post, I recommend reading that before reading this one. Without context, this list will seem very backwards to most people in the health circle. One of the main focuses of this post (almost as an addition to the last one) is the importance of maintaining a healthy omega-3/-6 ratio.
Omega-3/-6 Fatty Acids
Omega -3/-6 fatty acids are two different kinds of polyunsaturated fatty acids, each with their own unique role. The role of omega-3 fatty acids is to maintain proper body function, and they are an important part of your cell membranes structure [1]. The role of omega-6 fatty acids is to play a key role in brain function, maintain bone health, and maintain the reproductive system [2]. Another role that each of these fatty acids have is that omega-3's have anti-inflammatory properties, and omega-6's have pro-inflammatory properties [2]. While omega-6's might sound bad, they have a reason to cause inflammation. Inflammation is actually key part of the healing process [3]. The issue for a lot of people is they have too much inflammation, giving people issues like arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease. As of now, people have higher amounts of omega-6 fatty acids than they did 100 years ago, but what could be causing it?
On my last post, I left a list of preferred fat sources at the bottom of the page. You might have noticed that the list of fats to avoid was mostly vegetable oils. This is due to their high amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, mainly a kind called linoleic acid. This one fat alone, no doubt in my mind, is the main reason that people's omega-3/-6 ratios are so uneven. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 1:1, with 4:1 being somewhat acceptable. Today, an average American has a ratio of 20:1, and it has wreaked havoc on American health [4].
Aside from vegetable oils, there are other sources of linoleic acid. Seeds, nuts, and beans contain them, as well as most meats. Meats that contain a noteworthy amount of linoleic acid would be chicken, turkey, and pork. This mainly comes from their conventional diet, corn and soy. Traditionally, these animals didn't contain much linoleic acid, and high quality, pasture-raised pork, chicken, and turkey still contain lower levels of linoleic acid. [5] That said, while pasture-raised meats are still ideal, conventional meat doesn't contain enough linoleic acid to be problem causing (at least not nearly as much as vegetable oils).
Chicken, pork, and turkey might contain higher amounts of linoleic acid, but ruminant animals (cow, lamb, bison, and deer), contain much less linoleic acid (and polyunsaturated fat overall). Because of their complex digestive system, they are able to "process" the conventional animal diet much better than their monogastric counterparts. Ruminant meats are the meat of choice, as they are full of saturated fat, and contain very little linoleic acid. However, when consuming conventional meat of any kind, the omega fatty acid ratio will still be uneven.
While land meat still sways heavier on the side of omega-6, that's why its important to incorporate fish into your diet as well. Salmon generally has a minimum of a 1:1 ratio, and potentially going as high as 1:9. Try to get wild caught salmon, but if not, farm-raised is acceptable. However, know that farmers often add colors to the fish's feed to make the fish's meat more pink. This coloring is called "astaxanthin" and it usually comes from krill or shrimp shells, or it can be synthetically made from petroleum products. Ideally, you would want a natural source of astaxanthin, and scientists have been using micro algae to produce it as well recently, and it is becoming more popular [6]. Astaxanthin isn't dangerous in and of itself, and it is actually often taken as a supplement to boost your immune system [7]. Common dosages are between 4-12mg daily, and to get about 4mg of astaxanthin you would need to eat about a third of a pound of salmon (165 mg), which means you would have to eat about a pound of salmon to exceed recommended dosage (and who's eating a pound of salmon daily?). Another concern is the mercury content of the fish. Mercury levels are generally low in salmon (farm-raised or wild-caught), far below levels that would be of any concern (check bottom of post for an equation for safety levels of mercury based your bodyweight) [8]. Overall, eating salmon 2-3 times a week is great for most people.
Now that I've been able to explain some reasoning behind the list I am about to present, I will briefly explain what the list will look like. I will first rank meats. One thing I want to be clear is that protein content WILL NOT be a factor in this ranking. All of the meat options are good sources of protein, but they are not ordered in that way. Nutrient density plays a small part (mainly when entries are so close it would be better to eat one over the other for nutrient benefit), but it will be mostly based on fatty acid composition and mercury content. I will not be including plant-based protein sources in this list. Animal vs. plant-based proteins will be a discussion for another post. I will only be listing meat. Below each entry, I will add the saturated/monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fat ratio, below that will be the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, and below that will be the linoleic acid percentage of their total fat, with the amount present in 100 grams (~1/4ths of a pound) of the meat. When listing fish, I will add average mercury content so you can use the equation at the bottom to make sure it would be appropriate for you. With that out of the way, let's get on with the list:
Meat Choices Ranked:
1. Venison
Saturated fat: 65%
Monounsaturated fat: 27%
Polyunsaturated fat: 8%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 3:1
Linoleic acid: 3% (0.225 g)
2. Beef
Saturated fat: 45%
Monounsaturated fat: 51%
Polyunsaturated fat: 4%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 7.65:1
Linoleic acid: 2% (0.42 g)
3. Salmon
Saturated fat: 29%
Monounsaturated fat: 35%
Polyunsaturated fat: 36%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:1-9
Linoleic acid: 7% (0.9 g)
Mercury: 0.022 ppm
4. Oyster
Saturated fat: 38%
Monounsaturated fat: 20%
Polyunsaturated fat: 42%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:2
Linoleic acid: 2% (0.041 g)
Mercury: 0.009 ppm
5. Shrimp
Saturated fat: 29%
Monounsaturated fat: 26%
Polyunsaturated fat: 45%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:3
Linoleic acid: 6% (0.032 g)
Mercury: 0.009 ppm
6. Clams
Saturated fat: 37%
Monounsaturated fat: 25%
Polyunsaturated fat: 38%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:2.5
Linoleic acid: 4% (0.042 g)
Mercury: 0.009 ppm
7. Tilapia
Saturated fat: 40%
Monounsaturated fat: 35%
Polyunsaturated fat: 25%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 9:1
Linoleic acid: 9% (0.153 g)
Mercury: 0.013 ppm
8. Lamb
Saturated fat: 47%
Monounsaturated fat: 44%
Polyunsaturated fat: 9%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 3:1
Linoleic acid: 6% (1.36 g)
9. Chicken
Saturated fat: 31%
Monounsaturated fat: 49%
Polyunsaturated fat: 20%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 16:1
Linoleic acid: 18% (1.32 g)
10. Eggs* (100 grams is about 2 eggs)
Saturated fat: 37%
Monounsaturated fat: 42%
Polyunsaturated fat: 21%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 19:1
Linoleic acid: 17% (1.46 g)
11. Pork
Saturated fat: 37%
Monounsaturated fat: 45%
Polyunsaturated fat: 9%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 20:1
Linoleic acid: 8% (1.67 g)
12. Turkey
Saturated fat: 29%
Monounsaturated fat: 39%
Polyunsaturated fat: 28%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 15:1
Linoleic acid: 25% (1.93 g)
13. Cod
Saturated fat: 29%
Monounsaturated fat: 21%
Polyunsaturated fat: 50%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:5
Linoleic acid: 0.7% (0.67 g)
Mercury: 0.111 ppm
(Any meat past here should be consumed rarely, if at all.)
14. Duck
Saturated fat: 36%
Monounsaturated fat: 51%
Polyunsaturated fat: 13%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 12:1
Linoleic acid: 12% (4.69 g)
15. Tuna
Saturated fat: 39%
Monounsaturated fat: 23%
Polyunsaturated fat: 38%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1:3-14
Linoleic acid: 2% (0.016 g)
Mercury: 0.386 ppm
Data sourced from USDA Food Data Central and FDA
*Pasture-Raised can still use corn and soy to supplement feed, raising polyunsaturated fat and linoleic acid, but are still the highest quality and optimal choice of eggs in stores
Fats and Oils
My last post explained how high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) makes you more prone to lipid oxidation. That being said, choosing oils that aren't high in unstable fats is ideal, especially when cooking. Cooking oils high in PUFAs increases oxidation, while also producing more oxidants (the things that react with polyunsaturated fats and oxidize LDL) [9]. When cooking, use fats and oils that are high in saturated fats (SFAs), because these fats are resistant to oxidization. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) are acceptable as well, but do risk oxidization, but much less concerning than PUFAs. I would only recommend using a MUFA based oil when a SFA based fat or oil is not available.
Oils containing higher amounts of MUFAs shouldn't be used for cooking but rather things like salad dressings and sauces. Oils high in PUFAs shouldn't be used at all. I'm sure you notice that some of my best rated options like salmon were high in PUFAs, but that is because they contain less linoleic acid and other inflammatory omega-6's. PUFAs are needed in small amounts, but too much has caused too many health problems [10]. That is why, when you do consume PUFAs, you should choose the best options. Whenever buying an oil, always look for words like "extra virgin" or "cold pressed". These products are not heated and are usually not bleached like normal refined oils.
For the fats and oils list, it will follow the same rules as the first list, except the linoleic acid content will be based on a tablespoon (~14 g) rather than 100 grams. However, I won't be including the mercury content, because there will be no fish oils on this list because they aren't used in cooking.
Fats and Oils Ranked:
1. Ghee
Saturated fat: 65%
Monounsaturated fat: 31%
Polyunsaturated fat: 4%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 2:1
Linoleic acid: 2% (0.308 g)
2. Tallow
Saturated fat: 54%
Monounsaturated fat: 44%
Polyunsaturated fat: 4%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 1.4:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 3% (0.43 g)
3. Coconut Oil
Saturated fat: 91%
Monounsaturated fat: 7%
Polyunsaturated fat: 2%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 5:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 2% (0.02 g)
4. Butter
Saturated fat: 68%
Monounsaturated fat: 28%
Polyunsaturated fat: 4%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 2:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 2% (0.38 g)
(Any oil past here should only be used for salad dressings and sauces, not for heating.)
5. Olive Oil
Saturated fat: 16%
Monounsaturated fat: 74%
Polyunsaturated fat: 10%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 8:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 9% (1.18 g)
6. Palm Oil (Sustainable)
Saturated fat: 52%
Monounsaturated fat: 37%
Polyunsaturated fat: 10%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 46:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 9% (1.27 g)
6. Lard
Saturated fat: 41%
Monounsaturated fat: 47%
Polyunsaturated fat: 12%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 20:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 11% (1.42 g)
7. Avocado Oil
Saturated fat: 12%
Monounsaturated fat: 74%
Polyunsaturated fat: 14%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 13:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 13% (1.75 g)
(Any oil after this shouldn't be used period.)
8. Canola Oil
Saturated fat: 7%
Monounsaturated fat: 66%
Polyunsaturated fat: 27%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 2:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 19% (2.49 g)
9. Peanut Oil
Saturated fat: 17%
Monounsaturated fat: 61%
Polyunsaturated fat: 22%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 32:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 21% (2.74 g)
10. Sunflower Oil
Saturated fat: 10%
Monounsaturated fat: 68%
Polyunsaturated fat: 22%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 40:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 22% (2.88 g)
11. Soybean Oil
Saturated fat: 16%
Monounsaturated fat: 23%
Polyunsaturated fat: 61%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 8:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 54% (7.13 g)
12. Cottonseed Oil
Saturated fat: 27%
Monounsaturated fat: 19%
Polyunsaturated fat: 54%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 54:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 54% (7.19 g)
13. Corn Oil
Saturated fat: 14%
Monounsaturated fat: 30%
Polyunsaturated fat: 56%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 83:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 55% (7.26 g)
14. Grapeseed Oil
Saturated fat: 10%
Monounsaturated fat: 17%
Polyunsaturated fat: 73%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 676:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 73% ( 9.744 g)
15. Safflower Oil
Saturated fat: 7%
Monounsaturated fat: 15%
Polyunsaturated fat: 78%
Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio: 133:1
Linoleic acid percentage: 78% (10.44 g)
I have no doubt in my mind that diets high in polyunsaturated fat mainly coming from linoleic acid (but too much polyunsaturated fat in general) plays a big role in causing heart disease and a lot of other inflammatory conditions. Taking notice of what you are putting into your body is the great first step to developing a healthy lifestyle. Take the time to prioritize your health, and make the best decisions you can make. That said, you should know that I think it is a waste of time and stress to try to only eat the best options 24/7 and never have a cheat day. Don't think that you should only eat venison, beef, and salmon, and only cook it in ghee. Variety is important, and thankfully there are plenty of options to choose from. Avoid too much linoleic acid, while also avoiding being a stuck up diet Nazi. At the bottom here, I am going to put a realistic meat, fat, and oil shopping list, that you can go off of, and change as you please (within reason). Find balance and find a diet/meal plan that works for you and your health.
Realistic Shopping List:
Ground beef
A steak or two
Chicken thighs
Pork chops
Salmon filets
Olive Oil
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hishoi · 1 year
I've been thinking about things for a while. I have heard a lot of complaints about sky, and i agree with a lot of them. Although, i don't want to abandon the game, i love it very much and it has a special place in my heart. So, i wanted to make a list of things that could make sky better. There's 2 things i want to cover, and that is more engaging gameplay, and more accesibility options. If anyone else has more ideas and thoughts, feel free to add to it! This is mostly from what i've heard, and what i think myself.
So: My list on improving sky!
-Minigames! I think one thing that would make sky a more engaging game is minigames, that would also fit in in the world of sky. They could be based on real life child games for example! They could also have the option to play by yourself (although that would only work for some games of course), or with several friends! I think it would also be a good idea to make non-friends able to join the game too, that way you can maybe earn a friend, or just have a nice moment with someone new! That would definitely give off the vibe of when you're a kid and you meet someone in the mcdonalds play area, and i love that. Games could be for example skipping stones, building sandcastles or tag! Since we already have a hide and seek emote, i feel like other childrens games would be nice additions too!
-more audio sliders! I think we need more audio sliders, since some sounds can be pretty annoying sometimes, and make the gameplay less pleasant. So, for example; honk noises, krill noises, manta noises, crab noises, waterfall noises, water noices, walking noises, flying noises, eden noises in general, you get the point. This is something i have seen many complaints about, and i decided it was an important point to add.
-turning on and off visual things! Honks, especially in the AURORA concert, could the honks become pretty overwhelming to some. The emotes in concert mode can also be a lot. I think it's important that people can turn things off that are overwhelming, so it would be an important and good addition to the game to be able to disable for example: honks, concert emotes, and also bright moments in cutscenes. I am not affected by flashing or bright lights, but i know a lot of people are.
-more ways to earn candles, that are actually fun! Candle running is shit. I want to be able to have fun, without grinding, while still earning light! There are literally endless possibilities! You can have them earned by the end of a game, when you're done with a quest, when you've finished a puzzle, or craft, AND LITERALLT JUST WHEN YOU'RE CHATTING WITH A FRIEND AKA SOCIAL LIGHT TGC. BRING BACK THE SOCIAL LIGHT TGC.
-more lore. Do i need to elaborate.
Those are my thoughts right now! If you think this is interesting, or have more ideas, feel free to tell me!
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu was surprised when the Mandalorian asked him if he wanted to take a trip. Since they’d moved to Nevarro it had seemed to Grogu that their adventuring days were at an end. He chased frogs, caused trouble for the marshal while his dad sat on the porch playing a guitar and periodically gave him lessons on how to do the work of a bounty hunter. 
It had been mostly peaceful and quiet and Grogu had a sneaking suspicion that his dad really liked it just the way it was. Now this.
Grogu considered his options carefully before replying. 
He had really liked Plazir-15. The Duchess was lovely and Captain Bombardier was funny, but there was just something not quite right about how they were so dependent on droids and mechs. The droids didn’t mind at all which Grogu knew was part of how strange things were. The only droid conspiracy there, was could the droids do anything more to make life easy for the humans with their short, short lives… relatively speaking.
Which was strange, because the number one thing Grogu knew from all the droids he’d met over his lifetime was that droids resented sentient beings because they didn’t have an on/off switch. Sure humans has short lives, but it wasn’t the same as being mid argument about the proper etiquette for addressing a knight of the realm and finding the Mandalorian hitting your power button. Again. 
So no Plazir-15. 
Then Grogu thought about Sorgan. It had been a great place to visit and help and all that. Winta and her friends would all be older now and he could tell them all the stories of his adventures and then eat frogs and play games and fall into the krill ponds. But his dad wasn’t going to let him drink Spotchka again. It had turned his teeth blue for a day and gave him a very upset stomach. 
So upset he didn’t want to eat his dung worms and Grogu can assure you that dung worms are not as good as leftovers as they are freshly dug up. Plus he didn’t want his dad to get all awkward about Winta’s mom again. She didn’t understand the Creed and that just wasn’t the Way. At least according to Din Djarin. So, no Sorgan.
Then it occurred to Grogu that they could go to a planet that he and his dad really liked. A planet that had great food, good friends, and the perfect climate. 
He missed Peli Motto, from her bouncy curly hair all the way down to her gold tooth that she could take out at will (cool). He also missed her advice on how to deal with his dad when he was pouting.
 “Don’t let him kid ya’, kid. Your dad doesn’t do anything he doesn’t wanna to do. If he fell in that pond it was because he wanted to hear ya’ laugh. Just ignore him and he’ll stop pouting. I think. Hard to say with that bucket on his head.” 
Grogu and Peli both had a good laugh that day and Din got up and went back to polishing the N-1 starfighter. Which is what Grogu had been hoping he’d do. He knew how much his dad loved that ship and liked to keep it all neat and tidy and shiny. Which frankly were all the things his dad’s armor wasn’t after falling into the pond. 
He walked over to his dad and tapped him on the shin and Din picked him up. Grogu began to coo and chirp and giggle and finally Din figured out what he meant.
“You wanna go to Tatooine to visit Peli? Good idea, buddy. I have some work I want to discuss with Fennec and the Daimyo. We can also check up on Cobb. Hopefully he’s doin’ better. Can’t be easy being allergic to metal when your whole arm is metal now.” Grogu’s dad had replied thoughtfully.
Grogu knew that the only thing Cobb Vanth was allergic to was the sound of people teasing him about the programming for that mod because it was still learning how loose or tight to hold a glass of ferment. Sit too close to the marshal and you might be wearing his drink instead of toasting the winner of the Boonta Eve Classic. Plus it was pretty hard for Cobb to do anything about the teasing since it mostly came from Fennec and no one told her what to do or not do.
Grogu reiterated that the first person he wanted to see was Peli Motto. 
“I get it kid. Peli is your best friend. She feeds you. Makes you new clothes. Let’s you play games with the pit droids. She’s a great friend to have. We’ll stop at Mos Eisley and check in with her before we head out to Boba’s palace.” Din replied as he was packing Grogu’s bag.  “I thought you’d want to go there just to even the score. Didn’t she beat you at Sabacc the last time we were there?”
Sure, bring that up. Yes, Peli had won that game. But she had cheated. She had told the server at the cantina to bring over a big plate of gorgs on a stick when she gave the signal. That had totally distracted Grogu and before he knew it he had misplayed his hand and Peli won. So sure. Maybe he wanted to go back there and even the score, but really he just missed her. Really. 
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sheerfreesia007 · 2 years
Flufftober #18
Title: Flufftober #18
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: The Mandalorian x OFC
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 834
Prompt: Reunion
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: 
Gif Credit: @looperhq
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    It was the 210th day since the Mandalorian had dropped you and the child off on Sorgan. He had told you that he was going on another bounty hunt but this time he wanted to keep you and the child in a place he knew would be safe and that he wouldn’t have to worry about you two. You had agreed with his decision but didn’t realize how much you would come to miss the Mandalorian. You hadn’t realized how much of your lives had become intertwined and how much you relied on him for.
    Today you were scheduled to work at the commonhouse in the main town on Sorgan, the child was going to be spending the day with Omera and her daughter Winta. The krill farming community had quickly become a lifesaver for you and the child, whether it be Omera watching the child while you worked to save up a few credits or the social interaction that the two of you desperately needed ever since the Mandalorian had left. You were so grateful for them and all the help that they were able to give you as you worked and raised the child on your own.
    Your shift at work was fast paced and you enjoyed the work so thankfully the day passed by quickly and soon you found yourself making the long trek to the farming community to go and collect the child. Slowly walking through the forest you admired the landscape of the mostly swamp filled planet. You wondered idly as you walked where the Mandalorian was now and what he was doing, you often thought about him on walks to the farming community or late at night when you had put the child to bed for the evening. Continuing to walk through the forest you started to see the huts of the community and could hear the soft murmur of the tribe as they went about their business. 
    Finally you broke through the tree line and could see the children running around playing as other tribe members worked in the fishing area and some were at the large fire pits cooking dinner for everyone. You smiled when you spotted the child tottering around after Winta and her friends as they danced around him laughing and cheering. Your eyes landed on Omera as she stepped out of her hut smiling at the children before she looked over her shoulder at someone still in her hut. Halting your steps you watched dazed as the Mandalorian stepped out of the hut and began walking down the steps towards the children. You sucked in a harsh breath at the image of his Beskar clad body shining with the sun's reflection, as if he heard you the Mandalorian looked up towards your way and an ugly cry escaped your mouth before you took off running towards him.
    You ran blindly straight for the Mandalorian and only stopped when he caught you in his arms with a soft grunt. He gently took a step back with your momentum and looked down at you as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face in his chest plate crying loudly. You could feel his arms awkwardly coming up around your body as you cried and you knew that he was probably so uncomfortable with your outward display of emotion but you couldn’t help yourself when you saw him after such a long time apart.
    “I’m sorry.” you cried softly as tears continued to cascade down your face.
    “What for?” the Mandalorian asked through his helmet and you looked up at him surprised. He actually sounded touched when he asked you the question.
    “I’m a crying mess the first moment I see you again. I know you’re a private man and don’t show much emotion too often.” you said softly as you stepped back a step and wiped the tears from your face.
    “I’ve left the two of you for too long. I promise I won’t ever do that again. The three of us are our own family and family sticks together. I’ve learned that while I’ve been away. I’m sorry for leaving you two for so long.” he confessed softly and you gasped softly at the heartfelt words that he said. His gloved hands came to cup either side of your face and tears slipped out of your eyes as his helmet was tilted down towards your face to indicate he was looking at you. “I promise never to leave you two like this again.” he promised solemnly and you nodded your head hurriedly as you grinned up at him. You moved forward and hugged him once more, feeling his arms wrap around you tightly as he hugged you back. Your own little family, it had a nice ring to it as you heard the child chirping down at your feet as he managed to climb up your pant leg until you held him securely in your arms between you and the Mandalorian.
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xivu-arath · 2 years
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I posted 9,729 times in 2022
508 posts created (5%)
9,221 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,252 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#destiny - 1,982 posts
#queue - 1,695 posts
#gif - 593 posts
#the hive - 391 posts
#destiny ocs - 257 posts
#osmium sorrows - 232 posts
#swtor - 217 posts
#pokemon - 195 posts
#hollow knight - 161 posts
#the witch queen - 139 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#mostly i have a lot of friends who play on one server and i'd like to go back at some point to get to play with them at least once in my li
My Top Posts in 2022:
a collection of hive headcanons
physical touch and presence are very significant for the hive. it starts from thrallhood, when the world is defined by what you can fit between your teeth and what is under your claws. later it becomes more complex and potent. proximity can be a challenge or a threat, true affection or the lure for a trap. yet all of these can still mean love
thralls hatch in large broods and stick together, both when hunting and at rest. numbers mean safety, and a greater chance to escape danger in the crowd. hive overseeing thrall often get tired of herding them from place to place (and often more than a few stray or get lost or start fights) and will transport them in a great wriggling tangle like a thrall katamari
thrall will bite anything and everything, but it isn’t always from hunger. often a bite can be curious and investigative, or even reassuring - sometimes you gnaw on part of your brood to know that they’re still there
becoming a knight is a fairly simple thing - just a matter of gathering enough strength for a period of rushed growth. becoming a wizard is more complicated. wizards guard the method closely, encouraging acolytes to have to seek it out through threats, leverage or digging in secret places. it is a known chokepoint and often a problem in more isolated broods, where a lone wizard will try to ensure no rivals can arise. wizard-heavy courts such as the high coven operate on a complex and esoteric web of favours, sponsorship and tithe chains to get around this
performances are a big deal. ascendant hive will often go all out with showcases of specialized spells or group rituals, or performing shared stories and notable history - complete with dying if your role demands it. bad or merely boring shows also tend to end in death, from an unamused audience
the deathsong is always a hit, but by necessity debuts prior to or during battles. only wizards with a great deal of power and influence can get away with killing off a chunk of their armies for a show
art shows up in other ways too - in the evolution and adaptation of runes and sigils, the eternal and very lethal debates about individualized spells versus brutally optimized ones. there is expertise and pride in the making of shriekers and ships, and the design of war moons. it is all drowned in a singular purpose, and so unrecognizable to any outside the hive
79 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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80 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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my charr necromancer ossath bonesire, by the lovely (and impressively fast) @spindlewit!
I love so much about this, but the little minion is so unfathomably cute that I can’t look at it for long. yes ossath might look ragged and menacing and tends to carry an extra skull around just in case but he’s got a little baby on his shoulder!!!
82 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I’m Really Feeling Something about that statue of oryx fighting akka enshrined in what savathun proclaims is tantamount to her mind
she really doesn’t refer to oryx much on-screen, apart from lightly hinting towards him and ghaul in the same breath in one of this season’s friendly conversations. she’s much more comfortable discussing xivu. how could she not, when her sister is, for all intents and purposes, gunning for her? (I am still holding out hope they’re working together in secret but! who knows!) but oryx is... a layered absence, I think the closest we have in her private lore is the yearning and loss she expresses in the hawkmoon lore tab
the statue is also quite likely a commentary on her feelings about worms, so it can serve a lot of purposes at once. very efficient of her
106 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
things I appreciate about gw2:
- silly quests where you’re transformed into or disguised as various things. I just spent some time running around as a pig yesterday, it reminds me of the quests in lotro where you’re a chicken
- all the map completion
- progressing events on the map that temporarily affect it, like bridges being torn down
- sometimes an event has a whole little chain depending on if you succeed or fail. fighting off an attack might lead to repairing an outpost and then assembling a team to take out an important enemy or structure. or failing to defend a bridge means protecting the engineers that come along to fix it
- just the general richness of each area with npcs and ambient dialogue, many moving around and doing their own things
338 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
DUCKTALES for the ask game :3c
The first character I first fell in love with: as much as i want to say fethry bc he wasnt introduced until season 2 this is much harder to pick. i wanna say webby ? i did also really love huey fenton and lauchpad though i distinctly remember buddy system being the ep where i was like ok im going to be actively keeping up with this show now (instead of just kind of watching it as the mood occasionally struck)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: HONESTLY I THINK GYRO ? LIKE so i thought he was funny and i didnt hate him or anything but a lot of his writing kind of frustrated me bc it felt like he would take like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. like he was the only one where ppl complaining abt the changes vs his 87 characterization kind of made sense to me. but yknow astroboyd actually kind of puts a lot of that early writing into new perspective that i can appreciate ! and i definitely see like the connective tissue between him and 87 gyro like as much as 87 gyro was more of a kindly goofball he also has his own maniacal insanity. and much in the same way i think '17 gyro's still got that touch of funny inventor whimsy ! hes just neat i like him
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: i was gonna say scrooge but really since im mostly indifferent to him im gonna go swing my bat at the hornet's nest and say mark beaks. i know this is by and far not universal but way more people like him than there should be. like he works as a joke and antagonistic force but outside of that who even cares man. hes just supposed to be an entitled racist creep like literally he was specifically made to be not that deep The character I love that everyone else hates: again tempted to be petty and say just pick literally any female character but i feel like della and goldie get the worst of it. im not even talking about criticisms of the writing where people think they could have been utilized more bc i agree with that ! just people dogging on them for being selfish or flat or this or that. sorry you dont support women's wrongs (although in della's case she like. made 1 mistake she couldnt fully predict the consequences of ? so not even all that wrong) but being more serious i really love both their characterization like especially della who has traditionally gotten maybe the 1 personality trait of Can Fly Things shes so boisterous and fun to watch and i personally think is both written and acted with a lot of love that shines through and she plays off of every character she interacts with (donald of course being the highlight) SO well i just cant even imagine hating her The character I used to love but don’t any longer: HMM.. i cant really think of any characters that ive soured on ? ig im a bit embarrassed to admit thinking jim/negaduck is a cool villain bc people are so weird about him but thats really a them problem when im actually watching the show it doesnt impede my enjoyment The character I would totally smooch: LIEUTENANT PENUMBRA MA'AM IM FREE FRIDAY NIGHT IF YOU WANTED T, The character I’d want to be like: 🥺🥺🥺 FETHRYYYY AGHH id love to be so unbridled and earnest in my passions just for starters. i feel like living in this day and age especially even the most genuine people can fall victim to shame or just being humiliated by things that are "weird" but ultimately harmless and this is cheesy but the older i get the more unsustainable i start to see that is but it does get really hard to shake off so ! i dunno. i think we could all stand to sing to more jars of krill and relentlessly bother people until they come see the ultimately mundane thing we think is cool. hes got the right idea The character I’d slap: see i was gonna say scrooge again but then i remembered he got smacked around in a sack by launchpad in the halloween special and suplexed to the ground by that woman in sword of swanstantine ! wish fulfilled and then some !! A pairing that I love: WHEWWW TOO MANY TO LIST !!! going purely off of canon i'd have to say della/penumbra bc i do love a classic odd couple (is it cheating to say dellumbra is canon ? maybe . but also like cmon) i wish we could have gotten to see more of the development between fenton and gandra bc who doesn't love some star-crossed intrigue BUT i am very enamored by the instances of their romance we did end up getting to see A pairing that I despise: remember when people were trying to ship louie and lena. what the fuck was that
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