#and my Favorite Album is one of those which is kinda sad and just
benetnvsch · 1 year
I made my bed at like 10 pm in an attempt to try and go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight but somehow it’s now 2 am and I’m out lying on my trampoline looking up at the stars while listening to my favorite album instead- life do be like that sometimes huh
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pieshopbarber · 10 months
My dumb little review of the 2023 Sweeney Todd revival!! 😀
I had been hyping myself up for seeing the 2023 revival for multiple months on end, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed. Obviously I had a bunch of issues with it, there are always going to be issues with anything, that’s how the world works, but overall I could not be happier with the experience. 
I thought it was really well casted overall, each and every one of these performers were fantastic and 100% deserved the roles they have and the praise.
Josh Groban’s performance as Sweeney Todd  was absolutely fantastic. While I wish they cast someone older, I can’t argue that Groban was absolutely fantastic as the role. I had high hopes since hearing the first few songs from the cast album, and was blown away when I saw him live. Todd is always one of those characters who is very interesting to see performed, mainly due to how erratic he can be, switching between being completely depressed and withdrawn from the world to enraged and running around screaming and slashing throats at the drop of a hat, and Josh managed to really capture this. I also really enjoyed a lot of the little things he did. He definitely brought a bunch of middle aged white dad energy to the role that I don’t see a lot, really driving home the point that he really is just a father who lost absolutely everything. I also adored the choreography (I don’t know if this is the right word, but I’m just kinda dumb) with the razor, especially during epiphany, my favorite moment being where he descends the stairs to start confronting the audience where he slams the razor into the railing and scrapes it down. Really good stuff. A personal favorite moment of mine is the end. The enraged screaming of “BENJAMIN BARKER!” To violently sawing at the judge’s throat (which I was not expecting but holy shit was that awesome), but then holding the razor out in front of him as if disgusted by it and his own actions, but snapping back into a rage when he sees Johanna, practically turning into a feral animal, growling and literally lunging at her and down the stairs. His performance was definitely the highlight of the show. 
Now onto Annaleigh Ashford. Oh jeez. Her accent was not great. It was better than it was in the cast recording, so that was nice, but it still sucked. I do not like Ashford’s characterization of Lovett. She’s too touchy and grabby with Todd, which definitely isn’t how Lovett should be. She waits, and she wouldn’t be that touchy and impatient. It does help with some of Todd’s characterization, with him either completely ignoring her advances, being disgusted and pushing her away, or being too much in a daze to fight back against her, but I still did not like it. I also do not like her casting, Ashford is too young and conventionally attractive for the role, however despite this, I can not ignore how genuinely funny she is as Lovett. Her comedic timing and line delivery never failed to get a laugh out of me, and I loved how she really embraced the Lovett hyperactivity. The energy she brought during little priest was absolutely amazing, literally rolling on the ground and doing the little Lovett jig. The banter between her and Todd was absolutely fantastic, and it’s impossible to ignore how well her and Groban meshed together. I have to say that the moment she really shined was during Not while I’m around. At the beginning she’s defensive and on edge as she realizes that Toby is on to the whole thing, turning into a very motherly sternness as she tries to convince him to stop thinking about the whole thing, to the heartbreak and panic as she realizes that they need to kill Toby. Her sadness when she is telling Toby how to work the oven and meat grinder is something I don’t see a lot when people play Lovett, and it was fantastic. I also loved her approach right before she gets killed. With her practically sobbing as she sings because she is happy since this is the closest that Todd has ever been with her, but also because she knows that she’s going to die, she knows that this closeness is not because of love, it’s because Todd wants her dead because she lied. 
Obviously, Gaten just left the production, so Tobias was played by Daniel Marconi. I really enjoyed him as Toby, he really portrayed the whole pathetic orphan thing really well. However I did think his voice was a little too mature sounding if that makes sense. Overall though, really good as Toby. Was absolutely amazing during not while I’m around, the panic in his voice was palpable, really talented guy. 
Nicholas Christopher was probably one of the best Pirellis I’ve seen. Pirelli is my favorite character from this musical overall, and he was just so freaking good. Really played into the camp and flamboyance of the character, really being a fruity little piss seller. During the contest he dramatically sprawled across the guy in the chair, or would fling the razor out towards the ensemble making them freak out and shrink away and overall was absolutely hilarious. One of the most brilliant things about his performance was how towards the end of the contest where he realizes that he’s losing, he begins to lose the Italian accent and the Irish starts to slip through, which I’ve never seen anyone do when playing Pirelli. I also loved the contrast that Nicholas Christopher had between the high pitched Italian accent and the super low gruffness he had with his Irish accent. Was definitely my favorite character from the whole thing. 
The beggar woman was played by Ruthie Ann Miles, and I don't really have any issues with her. She was super good as Lucy, and her singing was really good. I thought it was brilliant that they had her wig obscuring her face and had her keep her shoulder or back to the audience so we couldn’t see her face until city on fire, right before Todd kills her. I also really enjoyed how she would physically interact with the other characters, as I don’t see that often with beggar woman performances. 
Jamie Jackson was overall pretty good as judge Turpin, however I felt his acting was a little overdone. His voice was a little too wheezy and nasally at points, and him grabbing onto Lovett’s skirt was far too dramatic. However he did give me the ick, which is needed whenever someone plays Turpin. 
Beadle Bamford was really funny. Similarly to Pirelli, Johnathan Christopher really played into the flamboyance of the character, which I always love. I really loved the bit before parlor songs where he unabashedly steals from Lovett. He was super funny and a great mesh with Turpin. 
Maria Bilbao was fantastic as Joannah. Her singing was absolutely fantastic, and she was able to capture the naivety, yet strength of the character. Johanna here actually felt like a teenager who was both scared of the world because of how Turpin sheltered her, but also had eyes full of wonder and hope. Really loved her. 
Daniel Yearwood as Anthony was good. I really don’t have much to say about him. He was really good. His line delivery was really good, but I thought he sounded really similar to Gaten on the cast album. That’s not a gripe with him, it’s just something I noticed.
I went in knowing that the factory whistle would be (sadly) absent from the show, yet still found myself bracing for it. I was kinda disappointed that the whistle was excluded since it’s such a massive part of the class system metaphor, but I totally wasn’t expecting the extra loud whistle when Turpin was killed. Literally made me almost shit myself in the mezzanine. Also again, Josh literally sawing at the judges throat was great at that moment too. 
I also was somewhat tentative about the dancing. I don’t think of Sondheim or Sweeney Todd and think of dancing, so I went in cautious about it, and honestly I hated it a lot less than I thought I would. The dancing in the opening and closing ballads works? It’s not atrocious to be honest, it’s jarring yes, but isn’t the worst thing they could have done. The dancing is used very sparingly throughout the rest of it, and it’s not awful. It created a really surreal and dreamlike atmosphere which is quite fitting for the scenes they had it in (ladies and their sensitivities, poor thing, city on fire) or it created a hectic and almost unsettling aura (god that’s good, Pirelli’s miracle elixir). I also noticed that during these dancing moments that Todd, Lovett, Turpin, beadle, Toby, and Lucy would be the only ones still moving normally, kind of highlighting their disconnect from the rest of London. This was really highlighted during city on fire during the beggar woman’s part.  
I also really like the inclusion of the scene that originally was after Mia Culpa. Normally it’s cut alongside Mia Culpa, but was kept in the revival, which is honestly awesome. It gives the context of how Johanna got the key and gave it to Anthony, and also how she found out Turpin wants to marry her, and without it it’s kinda weird and confusing. Honestly though, I wish Mia Culpa was included, just because it’s a great song and helps to characterize the judge, and the fucking social media used its lyrics to show off the judge that one time, so yeah. But it’s understandable why they didn’t. I’ve seen it performed and can only guess how hard it is for the judge performers to go from that into ladies and their sensitivities so quickly. 
Overall, I could not have been more impressed and happy with the revival. I’m incredibly thankful I was able to go. The cast, crew, and orchestra have every bit of my joy and thanks for putting on such a great production of one of my favorite musicals. 
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fadeawaywithyou · 10 months
immediate first reviews of the (non-nightcore) Mammalian Sighing Reflex album from Wilbur!
spoilers below if you haven't listened to his album! I really like it! Also, I'm not looking into lyrics online just yet, it's very late and if I do that I won't sleep cause it'll just consume my mind for hours.
-Amazon Standing Lamp: I love the guitar here and I laughed when it took me about 5 seconds to realize the higher voice isn't a woman, but actually Wilbur Soot singing alongside himself. He's sampling something at the end I don't know.
-Mine/Yours: The lyrics about kissing like a job and tongue and teeth *mwah* and the last line ohhhhhhh boy. The beat reminds me of a beating heart.
-Around the Pomegranate: the instrumental at 30 seconds in is SO GOOD the beat with the distorted voice is so fun. i can make out the lines "no one else can save you" and "nowhere you [can?] return to". This whole song is very fun despite the lyrics and meaning. It's just a very experimental. I like when the music gets very loud. Speaking of the lyrics the ending where Wilbur says he wants to feel normal again is just...I'm gonna go lay on the floor.
-I Don't Think It Will Ever End: Again with the experimental music! It kinda immediately reminds me of that part in Bo Burnham's Inside, the song "All Eyes On Me" where he has a mid-song monologue. It is very interesting in a meta-sense due to the comparison I can't help but make between this and Wilbur's streams. Where he's got a "chat" or audience responding to him in a cheery voice no matter what he says.
-Glass Chalet: I like the scratchy feeling in the instrumental. He's throwing stones in a Glass Chalet, which according to google is like a fancy type of cabin found in the mountains (the alps, specifically?). Also, I love the sampling he's doing with the talking at the end.
-Melatonin 130: I like the distorted voice at the end. He's really experimenting with this album and I'll keep saying it because I love it! I love the ending lyrics about everyone hoping you fail and the apes with coloring books, I think he said?
-Oh Distant You: The music takes up most of this song, instead of the lyrics, but what is sung is very nice.
-Eulogy: One of the lyrics hits very close to home. Not in a good way, but not in a bad way either. I guess it'll depend on the day I listen to the song. It's a good song. I like it a lot.
-Dropshipped Cat Shirt: The distortion kinda reminds me of those hyperpop songs that went viral on tiktok back in 2020 and it's very new to hear it used in this way with these lyrics and the general tone of the music. The last line! God, what is it with this album and the final couple of lines that hit me upside the head? I just need someone to tell me I'm tired???? God DAMN. shit...
-The Median: Very good. I like these shorter songs in between full-length songs. It's just a minute long but I really like it.
-Trying Not To Think About It: The lines about romance and marriage...man that's relatable. this is probably gonna be my favorite song. And then the rest of the song just.../pos but ooooooof
-10 Week Rule: It's a good song. Was NOT expecting that line in the chorus, which I'll let people reading this find out themselves.
Overall, this is an excellent album! I really love it and I will be listening to it constantly. This gives me the same feelings that YCGMA gave me, while still staying very distinct. It's not more POLISHED than ycgma, but it's clearly made with Wilbur's more improved skills in music making. (there is a word for this i can't remember rn)
I'm gonna commit to picking a favorite song after a couple more listens, but so far I really like Trying Not To Think About It and Around the Promegrante. This is a very creative album and I'm glad he's experimenting here. This doesn't sound like Lovejoy, and I'm super happy. It's unique, it's fun, and it's sad!
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
congrats on 1k!!! 💙💙🌻🌻 I would like to request Eddie and my favorite song of the moment which is 'House Song' by Searows. it's kinda sad but cozy, so feel free to go easy on my heart and not write it angsty. or do. 😭🥰
thank you bluey <3 oh my word, this is my first time hearing this song and it is so terribly cozy and yet so sad in such a familiar way. i chose to focus on the lyric "something inside of me is rotten, i have to find it and cut it out", and also was inspired by the line from Euripides in which Orestes says "it's rotten work." and Pylades replies "not to me. not if it's you."
also, totally unrelated, but if i could lock this piece away in my soul until my days end, i would. i got way too carried away and made a fool of myself i fear.
warnings: none except bad writing and me taking a metaphor too far as i tried too hard though be warned this one is in third person rather than second to switch it up!!!
1k celebration - come party with me!
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People do not make good homes.
It is a hard lesson Eddie has had to learn in his twenty three years of life. 
Wide, innocent eyes are not open windows with billowing curtains. Caressing limbs are not bed sheets to wrap you up on wintry mornings. Pursed lips are not crackling speakers bleeding out familiar tunes as a record turns against a needle. Soft kisses aren’t the scent of clean laundry, tired yawns aren’t creaks from the attic, and ribs are not enough to build up the four walls to make a home. 
It happens every time; Eddie lets someone in, he opens himself up and lets the vulnerability drip from him in waves, until the fatal day comes in which suddenly the front door is closed on him, never to open again. The locks have been changed, the windows have been slammed shut, the sheets have been tucked under mattresses to grow cold. All the familiar, comforting old vinyls lay to rest and gather dust in a crate in the corner of abandoned rooms. 
People do not make good homes. He has come to accept this. Until she came along. 
Maybe her soft eyes weren't open windows to let in a summer’s breeze, but he swore he could still see the sun pouring in through their freshly painted panes. Maybe her steady arms weren’t clean sheets from the dryer, but they still blanket him in warmth all the same when they’d wrap their way around his waist. Whenever she’d open her mouth and give him a glimpse into her mind, it didn’t sound like his uncle’s old albums. It was something new, an unfamiliar melody he could neither tune out nor hum along to. She was a labyrinth of possibilities, a new shiny two-story house with the picket white fence. Bare feet against wooden floors that didn’t creak with protest, shimmering light fixtures that didn’t flicker with uncertainty, a front door swung wide open as if to say, come in. Make yourself at home. 
And when he made no move to come inside, when he stayed planted in the pristine front yard clear of weeds and verdant with hope, she had simply left the porch light on for him. She shut the door, but she never turned the lock. A reassurance that her offer still stood, in soft smiles and understanding nods, until he was ready. 
People should not make good homes. But then again, people like her existed. 
Eddie kept up the battle long enough. But eventually, the war inside his mind had raged long enough, and he walked up those front porch steps. He reached out for the unlocked door, and it was a breath of relief when it opened for him with a gentle click. She never locked him out. She had kept her promise of an offer. And when he finally arrived in the entryway, when he finally breached the threshold, she was waiting there, eager and gentle and beautiful, already reaching for his coat. She had been waiting. Always waiting, always patient. Just for him.
Her walls were fresh with paint, layering over any imperfections left behind by previous tenants. All scuff marks left by kitchen screaming matches had long been buffed out of mahogany boards. There are no ticks in door frames to account for the change of her height over the years, no frames of the ones before him she had let in. No signs of anyone having made her house a home before him. He couldn’t see her history in the way she could see his. Instead, he had to listen to it. Over cups of lukewarm coffee made just the way he likes it, over photo albums she describes that sit in a box in the attic, left to rot but never be forgotten. He learns of her past as she speaks of it as if it didn’t happen to her, as if it had been some movie she’d seen on late night television. And his heart aches. Because as she tells him all this, as she hands over a key to her heart and shows him how to unlatch her bay windows, he can see what her eyes beg of him. 
This has never been a home before. Please, make this house a home. Please.
But he’s terrified. His past is a conglomeration of abandoned cookie cutter homes, void of the warmth he feels beneath her surface. A doom town waiting for the atomic explosion. That’s what he is – the atomic explosion. He is the chaos and the destruction, the thing to burn down all that he holds sacred. It wasn’t hard to figure out; he had always been the common denominator in his own rotation of his own tenants. He’s terrified to add her home onto the end of the street, to lay in wait for the day he ruins all that they are. All that she is. 
But then she’s kissing him. She’s kissing him, and she’s holding him, and she’s reading her favorite books aloud to him in the afternoon lulls, and he can’t help but indulge. Because she’s home. She’s baked cookies and framed photos of better days. She’s hot chocolate and white Christmas mornings. She’s strong oak trees in the backyard and fresh cut flowers in the kitchen. 
People do not make good homes. But she is more than a metaphor.
The key to her hangs heavy on his keyring, but it is worth the weight on nights like tonight. Nights where he watches the rise and fall of her chest as her cheeks presses to his bare shoulder, her hand still curled around his even in her sleep. She loves him, she waits for him, she makes him feel more at home than anyone has in his twenty three years of life. Even after she had discovered the rot deep inside of him, she stayed and persisted as she digs it out and places down new baseboards, prepared to stand by his side as he makes the necessary renovations to himself that have been years in the making. She’s everything to him. She’s his home, his past be damned. 
People do not always make good homes. They are nothing more than houses, and just because the lights are on in the windows does not mean they are meant to be the place you lay your head to rest. They do not come prefilled with the love and warmth that is needed to be good homes. It is a process, aching and terrible and hard enough work that most people will not bother. But with her in his arms, Eddie thinks he is finally learning what it means to make a house a home. 
It was never about him making her house a home. It was about him finding home in himself, with her picture on his bedside table and her breath on his neck as she rests easy beside him. This lesson, as it turns out, wasn’t quite as hard to learn.
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advisinghat56 · 13 days
New Crane Wives Merch!
+ My thoughts on it. + "Wolves" Shirt Review.
Also, this is a little long.
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Obviously I'll start with the CD- Looks cool! I bought it when the album dropped. This was out before this merch drop, but I figured I'd throw it in too.
There is also a digital download, but I didn't take a screenshot of it because the product photos are the same. I'm surprised they didn't change the CD photos when they updated almost everything else on the website, including the website. At least they didn't change the product urls, those are funny. (Go look at them)
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Beyond Beyond Beyond Release Show Poster- Looks nice, might buy it. A screenprinted poster sounds cool, and I like to stare at artwork, but I don't know if I want one for a show I didn't go to. There's also no dimensions listed.
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I've never seen these in person, but I've seen the plum ones in person and... they don't look that good. The plum ones looked super thin (in the bad way), and the vinyl decoration looked weird on the fabric. I also vehemently dislike vinyl decals on anything, they're super smooth and just look bad. These hoodies are also my least-favorite fabric ever, being made of fleece.
But they sold out like, less than halfway through the show so that's cool.
I really appreciate the new product photos instead of just the product mockup.
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I have this! The print on the front is nice and soft, but I just got this a few months ago so it hasn't had that much wear and tear. I'm still sad that there are no dates on the back.
I figure I should mention that I have never put this in a dryer, and it also gets washed inside out with other whites.
The shirt is 100% cotton, which is nice. However, it is as thin as it looks in the product listing.
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So the 2023 tour shirt was taken down from the site a month or two ago, but I found these two photos while looking for pictures of the Beyond Beyond Beyond Release Show Poster. They must be in the bowels of the website but still able to be scraped by Google's image search. Cool.
But the fact that they are still in there is really funny.
I know the reason that my 2024 tour shirt doesn't have dates on the back is because of how long the 2023 tour shirts took to sell out. Even the $15 misprints took forever. (Well, kinda. The mediums sold out long before the smalls did.)
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Ok, I know this isn't new. This shirt has been on the website for a while, and will likely be there for a while, too. It's popular for a good reason. It sold out at my show.
Actually, a lot of things sold out at my show. Out of the Plum Hoodie, the 2024 Tour T-Shirt, the Wolves T-Shirt, the Phoenix Hoodie, and the Tote Bag (I could see the merch stand from my perch), the only things that didn't sell out were the 2024 Tour T-Shirt (The only concert exclusive there) and the Phoenix T-Shirt.
The real reason it's on this list is because I bought this shirt in December 2023, was going to make a post about it, and then decided to wait, and then I never did.
When I first purchased this shirt, I was nervous about it as the only thing I could find about the material content was that it was a "Bella + Canvas triblend. (In writing this post I realized it says "triblend" and not "blend". Yes you can find the material content on a Bella + Canvas triblend, although you have to go onto the Bella + Canvas website and click on the triblend listing, so it's not that easy. I thought it said "blend" and that Bella + Canvas was the name of the blend, looked it up, and got confused.)
A Bella + Canvas triblend is 50% polyester, 25% cotton, and 25% rayon. I did not know this, and I would not have bought this shirt if I had known this.
The print is pretty nice, I haven't noticed any cracking. The thin lines of the design would hide it well if there was any cracking, but there isn't. Cool.
Once again, I have never put this shirt in the dryer, and I wash it inside out on cold.
The shirt doesn't feel the best, it's tolerable but not my favorite texturally. I'm also not a "soft" person, this just feels like exercise clothes to me. The shirt is also pilling super badly due to the material content. My 3-4 year old 50% polyester 50% cotton NASA T-Shirt that I wash right side out and threw it in the dryer on high with a dryer sheet (Back when I used the dryer, everything's hang-dry only now) is less pilled than this very new T-Shirt.
Anyways I hope you liked reading this, if there's anything I recommend it's the CDs and the pins, and probably the poster too. Everything they've had printed looks nice. The vinyl's probably alright too, but I don't like vinyl so I don't know. I also recommend their Patreon! It's got song demos!
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murkystarlight · 20 days
Well. You know what that means...
Episode 11
The gold armory looks nice. But, Dreamzzz really has a habit of starting episodes randomly. For a split second I thought it was like.. episode12. Not 11. I thought I skipped something-
Inspector being worried-
Old men bantering. Always fun to watch.
For once, Royce said something right. How did you not notice Mateo wasn't the real Mateo!! Still confused of how it works
Oh cool. The Never Witch has her own special edition of barbie's dream house
Dressing for the occasion? Heck yeah! Whooo (the colors look a bit brighter or... some like that in this season. Is it just me?)
Also, Madeo. Your mom is weird. Stay safe. I mean.. seriously. Why does she love dates so much
Honestly- the crow with the house.. was kind of disappointing. The crow looks so... dull. The lego set makes it look SO cool
NOO!! Burrzerker!!!
Astrid and Logan are so frickin cute
Oh... so they aren't trapped forever. Only while they're dreaming...(why is he repeating so much?)
Crosshatch technique?? What's that- I want to know
Cooper is being creative people!! (Wich is a good thing. Yes. Improvement! But... already? I mean.. it's technically the middle of the second season. But if they keep releasing it half and half... it feels like they're two different seasons. Which brings my brain to believe, "how is Cooper getting his character arc during the very beginning and he barely shows up afterwards??" So... yeah. That's kind of a problem for me..)
Cooper's favorite animal is geese! Ah- he's getting more creative!! Look at him! LOOK AT HIMMMM (I'm very normal. Don't worry)
"Our dreams need to be wild and free so we feel inspired and creative during the day"
Exactly. Such wise words. Sad I don't dream
Nova and Sneak is back!! (And they seem to be getting more spotlight and story?? Omg- yes)
The incursion(Bernie) is adorable. Absolutely ADORABLE!!
The repeating stuff is getting annoying already-
Ah- Cooper bonding with the bot- baby voice- aughhh
Sneak:"You saying we can't handle watching a harmless little robot?"
"Pretty much"
"Yeah...[stammers]" (sneak is also very cute. We need to appreciate this very normal looking cat)
Logan has a lot of middle names-(but his real one is Nico apperantly? Nico?? For real??)
Astrid looks like she's going to be apart of the story(big time) too
Space(generic 1980s airbrush album cover) theme!!
"Your girlfriend is so cool"
"She's not my girlfriend!"
"Wait. Do you think she'd wanna be?"
(Look at these cuties-)
"If I'm going out, I'm going with a bang."
Team move! Whooo look at them go!
Nova: "I wonder what kind of robot he is"
Sneak: "the cute kind?"
You are absolutely right.
"Are we winning?"
So... Cooper can make fireworks. But no technology. He can make a moving sculpture. But no tech related stuff. ....
"The Never Witch really messed me up when she took my memories"
"I still don't feel ready to tackle tech stuff"
She did indeed. And it made a wonderful, beautiful sight(I'm sorry Coops. But it has a lot of potential and I love this concept. You go boy!)(and if he said that, there's a opportunity that he can do tech stuff now. But he just hasn't tried it yet)
Awww dancing with a cute creature and a cute robot-
Oh- multiplication. Neat
Did... did that clay geese eat a three headed eel??
Nova and Sneak having a breakdown. They're having a lot of fun aren't they
They're faces when they get hit by the Never Witch- lol. It's cute
And Mateo- your sister is right there and you only care about Cooper? Seriously. Sometimes, they make questionable dialogue choices(but- its sweet. Very nice)
Too bad we don't know what qualities the Witch took from them to make the clones...
Okay- lots of hands out of the cauldron. Creepy kinda-(the rhymes are still so amazing-)
Whoa- those neon signs have a lot of energy
Sick- look at them. The matching colors make them look like a real team
"I got Madteo and Doomblob"
"Cool name, broseph. I'm on Dizzy"
"For Doppel Izzie?" (Oh... okay. That's why they have 'd's)
"Guess that means I'm taking Dooper"
"Bogan has met his match" (I thought it was Dogan this whole time???)
"What? Sounds better than Dogan"
"[Sighs] I got Zoey"
And Astrid doesn't get one because... she ain't one of the original dream chasers we know. We need to keep a line between it^^
I am loving the attitude on Dooper
"Need to be saved? Pathetic"
The Bunchu's and the hammer- the hammers! The hammer is so pretty! I want that- so bad
And Dizzy.
Bogan is big for some reason. Okay-
And Madteo! Good to see you again.(also, those pencil ninja stars are cool. Kind of creepy looking tho)
The guardian looks so- squishy. I like it
Also the smashing two together- lol okay
So.. the Never Witch causes chaos, waits till the Guardian wakes up. Then stabs them in the heart to dome the realm. Okay... okay, cool.
Mrs.C: "That is one mangy-looking gato"
Um.. nope. Nothing wrong with him
Seriously, mrs.C is really cool. She's the best adult here
That guardian has a wonderful face. Darn cute adorable face
Oh no... they menace- they menacing bad..
(Still cute though-)
Um... yeah. More repeating sentences. Even I'm going to memorise them at this point...
And there you have it. Nova and Sneak are officially dream chasers now!
"Ew- enough mushy stuff"
Ooohh Mr. Oz's landing!?? Yessss sso curious
So... it escalated a bit. And the story went by way too fast for my taste. But a lot of new things and facts... it's a pretty nice start I think
Episode 12
"Let's turn up the heat"
"Oh, this'll be a sweet feast"
It rhymes too! (Also, that 'dressing for the occasion' thing? Really paid off. She looks hot. Like... what?!??)
"Ah yes.. let's have dessert before dinner tonight"
Yup. Here we have a single mother with a bunch of strange pets, and her five children
Cooper can drive(pilot?) again! Yay~ and I seriously love how he refers to all vehicles with pet names. Like 'sweetheart' or 'baby'
"I wonder what's in his fridge"
Hm. Now I'm curious too
Oh- it's on autopilot. Well- Cooper still gets to be the one behind the wheels in case something goes wrong. That's something!
So this is dream space. And it's nice to know that the fact Mr. Oz wanted to be an astronaut when he was younger is still a thing and not just a one time mention thing that gets scraped
Izz- take Astrid everywhere!
And here we are! Mr. Oswald's landin-Whoa- that looks amazing... I wish that came out as a set too- but. I guess nows not a good time for that.
Anyways, what is that asteroid centipede thing! Uggghhhhh I don't like it already...(not a fan of bugs. At all)
That dreamling is going to get kicked off soon.
"Welcome, to castle Nocturnia!"
Poor Albert-
Oh look. The night hunter is being a caring dad for Zoey again
Booby traps?? Okay- but why centipede looking thingies? Albert!
"We need to get hold of the kids!"
Mr. Oz....
Augh- the night hunters eyes when they're closed- so beautiful
Astropedes? So... they are centipedes. Aw just great-
"Uh- no. I'm not okay with anything that has more than four legs. [Yelps]" I agree with Zoey. Very strongly.
Old men fighting again. It's hilarious really. (They're both worried for the kids... aw-)And mayhem
Ah- nope. Cooper is driving it
Really fun looking at this like a game
Logan, did you forget the seatbelt again?
Sorry mr. Oz- your ship blew up
Ooh! Space car!
More booby traps? Of course-
Where does this music keep coming from?!
Mr. Oz and the Night Hunter bantering is so fun. Also- why does Mr. Oz have a monocle over his glasses?..
Oh- both sides are going pretty hard on the fight. They know their mistakes and everything... good. Very good
And talk about Lunia again! We might get more clues about her
Z-blob rocket!
I'm surprised they didn't notice that earlier. The light were turning red! C'mon, no one thought that was weird?
"And then there were three"
Well- nice to know they're still kids at heart?
Oh yay. Cooper
"You look uh.. dirty"
"Thanks. You don't look so hot yourself"
...I think Astrid is doing stuff. Like- she does kind of give off a vibe she's only here to add drama and a love interest. But she still has a lot of stuff going on. But she is doing a lot of stuff- she just said hot. As in- that kind of hot? ...really? Am I just stupid or did she really use that word that way?
Ooh! Red button
Albert has... a lot of things. Um.. and is good with animals I guess.
Night Hunter talking about Hannah? Ooh yeah
"It's not gonna hold"
"It's gonna hold"
"Its not gonna hold!"
"Its gonna hold!!"
"What do we do if it doesn't!!?"
Love these two
"I think I'm going to wake up"
"Don't do it Astrid"
"I'm going to wake up-!"
"Stay cool, Astrid"
These two are fun too-
The implications they're giving out on Astrid-
Looking for your best friend as soon as his son comes into a... trash dump. Yup. Always good to have a friend with you
"Don't push that red button!"
And- the red button was bad. They're gonna get crushed-
"Oh, wonderful"
"What can we do? The walls arw coming in! How can be so calm with this much pressure!?" (I know! Right? He is so-)
"Eh- you haven't met my family"
...someone. TAKE HIM TO THERAPY!
Oh my goddd this poor boy- Cooper- we really need more info about your family too-
Oh dang- king Albert sounds bad...
That. Is a lot of sand. GO Cooper! You can do this!(the effects are pretty awesome though-)
Sorry mr. Oz-... again.
Ahhhhhh! Yes! YESSSSS Cooperrr (he looks so dang cute with that smile- and also, matching puffy jacket with Mateo) it's c-rex! Looks sick. Nice details with the rusty parts. And it's also tech related stuff! He did it!!
Look at all that lighting- and the flames!
Mateo did it! Yayy
King Albert is... dead.
Cooper's laugh. That is everything
Doppel-usses. Yeah. That's a great word.
So... yeah. Like I said. Cooper has gotten his arc. It's finished. Good for him though!
Episode 13
Ooohh disguise?? Nice...
The wharnal looks prettier than how I remember it!!
Also, Mateo is doing a.. really nice job pretending to be Madteo. Like... savage-
"Man! That never Witch don't tell us nothin'!"
They're already fed up with her- lol
Confusion of the giant house inside the small house
Bottle library... cool
Z-blob really becomes.. anything. Don't you z-blob
She made a Doppelganger of herself??! Wha- okay. More like. I repeat- we got a whole lot of stuff ahead of us! (And she's crying too-)
Liquefy? Oh.. so they're just the liquid with the memories sculpted into her puppets... or.. something like that.
"My rugged good looks?"
Oh I love those dopples
Her memory is being hidden! We need to know
Reform the dream world spell. Spiral key, eye of confusion. Ruby replication. Crown of- omg. So much information
"Don't tell me the answers on the next page"
"It's on the next page"
Astrid just- can't stand the fact that she isn't noticed. ...oh.. noticed. Showing her worth.. she's that kind of character... I get it now. Hopefully
They're using the space car now- hopefully that doesn't blow up too
Bantering. I love it.
So apparently the dopples just decided to use the names they were given
The dreamlings in the candy realm have blue pudding heads? Ooh-
Mateo I is great at mirroring- except... uh- not the best athlete. He didn't manage the flip(which was awesome by the way)
These Doppelgangers are going to get mad at the Never Witch.. soon enough like- they have a lot of stuff they got problems with the Never Witch-
And- now they're howling and cawing
Cooper is- jealous? Or.. something I don't know. It's not exactly jealousy but Uh- I don't know.. something. Logan and Cooper ate competing
Uhm- what? Hm. Okay... it's like a spider human
Ooh now we get to see the candy chameleon!
Speaking german? Ooh. I mean- okay
They're all giving a shot at different teams. It's nice to see that
And a new barbie dream house for the Never Witch
The barrier works in... wonderous ways..
Yeaah. I need to sleep now. Way too tired- I'll finish the rest eventually
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aireterra · 25 days
My favorite songs from the (idol) groups that I like listening to:
Dreamcatcher — [Scream]
Ngl, I don't know the members of this group or anything about the group for that matter. However, I really like their songs. I like the vibes of their every albums.
BOL4 — [Travel]
My current favorite BOL4 song. It's part of my morning commute playlist. Lyrics-wise, [To My Youth] will always hurt and I love songs that pierces the heart.
Franchouchou — [Kaze no tsuyoi hi wa kirai ka? // Do You Hate Windy Days?]
The first anime idol group I listened to. If I had an ult anime idol group bias, it'd be Franchouchou. It's actually kinda funny that I liked a zombie idol group first among the many popular anime idol shows out there. Zombieland Saga was actually the reason why I started watching idol anime (and at someone's recommendation too I guess). If I'd have a bias in this group, it's probably gonna either be Saki or Junko.
μ's — [Yume no Tobira]
Their stage for this song was so pretty that I watched it multiple times. I listen to some Aqours songs too but I don't particularly have a fave song from them. [MY Mai✩ TONIGHT] comes to mind but the English lyrics part kinda bothers me a bit.
Saint Snow — [Believe Again]
I remember listening to this song on repeat after watching the episode it was shown in. I immediately searched for the song on YT and Spotify. I think this is actually my number 1 Love Live! song. I wish Saint Snow had more songs (*μ_μ )
Seventeen — [Ima-Even if the world ends tomorrow-]
My ult KPop group ς(* ` ˘ ´ *). I'd love to attend their concert once in my life. I especially like their Japanese songs. PFU is my favorite based on unit dynamics but VU songs are more my taste.
Day6 — [Right Through Me]
Lyrics-wise, I'd say [Zombie] is my fave but [Right Through Me] has that impact on me that I can't quite figure out. I don't know much about the group yet as I've only really listened to their songs but I wanna consider myself a fan of this group already. I really really like their discography.
EXO — [Been Through]
Their winter albums are just the best. I'm not sure which song made me search more about them but it was definitely a winter album song (either [Sing For You] or [For Life]). I was an EXO-M OT4 biased then. Watched their past variety shows (Exo's Showtime and their Happy Camp appearances) during the pandemic and got sad on my own lmao. Ngl, I wasn't a fan of their title tracks ([Growl] and [Wolf]). However, other than those, their songs are just so good. They have the best singers. I like their past songs especially as well such as [Don't Go], [Baby Don't Cry], [Thunder], etc. From their latest songs, I like [Let Me In], the whole DFTF album, and the solo songs of Kyungsoo, Suho, Chen, and Baekhyun. EXO was the first K-Pop group I got into. I'm not updated about this group anymore but I still always listen to their songs.
Stray Kids — [Social Path]
I started listening to Stray Kids' songs because of [Social Path]. It was my intro to the group's discography and it was enough to check out the many other songs of Stray Kids that I came to like.
Xdinary Heroes — [Strawberry Cake]
Same with BOL4, I don't know their members too. I don't know the faces behind the music they produce but before I knew it, one of my playlists had been full of their songs.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
To celebrate Taylor Swift releasing her international tour dates (which I personally am super excited for, and have every intention of going), would like to ask (if you want to of course), who out of all of the Yellow Jackets (modern day and/or 90's, it's up to you) would be Swifties?
Maybe as a bonus, what would there favourite song or album be?
oh, this is another fun one! I love assigning random things to the girls, lol.
Honestly, I think all of the girls would enjoy/casually listen to Taylor, but if we're talking about who is a Swiftie:
it's Jackie, Misty, and maybe Shauna. But the ultimate, head Swfity of the group is definitely Laura Lee
But let's do albums and songs! This is solely just based on my taste and how I view things. I'm not really on the level of being a Swifty myself, but I am a causal Tayler enjoyer if that makes sense.
All of these are with the teen/1996 version of the girls in mind, btw. you can think of it as a modern Au if you like
Yellowjackets Favorite Taylor Swift Albums & Songs
Jackie - 1989
✰ 1989 is probably one of, if not my favorite album because I got it for Christmas the year it came out on cd, which I still have actually! I used to blast it on the vintage boombox I had growing up
✰ but back to Jackie! 1989 just has this vibe of "I'm really going out and I'm starting my life! I'm an adult!" and that was kinda the stage Jackie was at when the plane went down. She was planning for college with big dreams and ambitions behind her
✰ I really think every song on this album fits her for different reasons, but I think her favorite song would probably be How You Get The Girl. I like to think she imagines the song with Jeff, but then one day, Shauna slips into her daydream instead of Jeff, and then very gay thoughts ensue
Laura Lee - Debut & Fearless
✰ I feel like Debut for Laura Lee might be a bit of a copout, but come on! I'm not wrong. It's got that kitschy, country vibe that I can imagine Laura Lee just singing her heart out too
✰ Her favorite song is Teardrops On My Guitar because its the best and girly deserves her pining main character moment just like we all do
✰ Fearless always kinda goes hand in hand with Debut to me since it's when she was still kinda in her country era, so I think Laura Lee would also adore this one. It was actually tricky for me to choose what her favorite on this album would be, but I settles on Tell Me Why because I think it's funny for her to love breakup songs, because let's face it, our girl hasn't gone through a breakup, but she can't help resonating and loving them anyway
Lottie - Evermore
✰ Evermore just felt like another given. It's got that vintage yet whimsical vibe that I like to associate with Lottie that's also got this sad warmth to it I guess. It's also probably one of my favorite albums so of course I give it to one of my favorite girls
✰ I think her favorite song is a tie between Ivy and Long Story Short. I'm not really sure why. They just both fit in my head I guess
Misty - Lover & Midnights
✰ Oh, my sweet hopeless romantic. Misty is the embodiment of both of these albums and no one can argue with me (of course you can, I'm joking). But poor thing just wants to be seen and loved, and I think that's what these albums embody when paired together.
✰ Lover perfectly fits how Misty wants to be loved so bad and the sweet, innocent positive face she forces, but really she's hurting inside. I think from this album her favorites would be The Archer because come on, it's her, and Paper Rings because again, it just fits her so well (it's also got quite a few lines that are definitely what she's doing when she's got a crush)! She's definitely one of those girls making little origami things in class, like those puffy paper stars and of course, paper rings
✰ Then you have Midnights, which imma be real, I only picked because of Mastermind, because it's also her song!
Natalie - Reputation
✰ Yeah, this is another given. I mean, what else do I choose for her? modern teen Natalie would love this album but she wouldn't want anyone to know about it. I think she could also be a Swiftey, but she's very secretive about it. Maybe only Laura Lee knows she's a fan and it's their little secret together
✰ Her favorite song was kinda hard to pick for her, but I settled on Delicate because it's actually extremely fitting for her character, which surprised me when I listened to it again. I personally see teen Natalie as being pretty self continue under the surface, so realizing that she likes someone and they like her back would actually be pretty nerve-wracking for her, which feels fitting for "delicate"
Shauna - Folklore
✰ I went back and forth between Evermore and Folklore for Shauna, but ultimately Lottie is Evermore and Shauna is Folklore in my mind. They both have this sad, old aesthetic to me that fits both albums but in a different way, I guess
✰ but for her favorite song, I picked Cardigan because that felt like another given. I mean, we all saw the way she was watching Jackie at that part pre-crash, right? It was full of that longing you feel In Cardigan
Taissa - Red
✰ I feel like Tai would enjoy early Taylor, but she's more into her kinda pop era, which would make Red the perfect album for her. It's got its up songs as well as its down songs and it fits her ever-changing vibe, which I think is good for her
✰ Choosing a favorite song was another tough one to think about, but I ended up picking State of Grace. It's another one that I don't have a lot of reasoning/explanation for, but it just kinda felt right, y'know?
Van - Speak Now
✰ Van has always felt somewhat country to me and I'm not sure why, so I guess that's fitting for Speak Now. Speak Now kinda gives a nice transition from country into Taylers more pop-ish era, and that just kinda sounds like Van to me. Like, she grew up in the Midwest, but she still somehow has a little Southern charm about her. That could totally just be a me thing though
✰ Her favorite songs have got to be Mean and The Story Of Us. I can imagine Van blasting both of them in the car, singing at the top of her lungs with the windows down, and a huge smile on her face when she's driving around with her friends. We know Van likely doesn't have a car in her teen years, so she's probably driving with Tai and probably Laura Lee. they like singing together to annoy Tai, though she actually enjoys listening to them
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karlie-what-you-want · 10 months
I'm going to try to word this correctly, because I'd like your take and I don't want my point to be misconstrued. The tldr is: I'm kinda bummed 1989 TV is such a commercial success. Here's the long of it. 1989 was my favorite album for a long long time and I was of course, excited to check out the vault. But I feel like these numbers are based on hype, not on product. Which is... fine, commercially speaking. Go girl, make those dollars. But... the result is a receipe. What perfomed the best for a long time is a record that was heavily branded by a stunt with a boy(band). What has now performed the best was a re record dropped in the middle of a tour that was completely overshadowed by the boybranding again. I feel like the rush was a mix of weird Haylor gossip thirst, football dude easter egg hunt, return of girlsquad branding... I admit, it stings that 1989 TV didn't even get a promo interview, a music video, or anything. (No, but we didn't forget the merch drops, tho!!) And it makes me sad, because... folklore, man. That had ZERO hype. Bam. There. And we ate that shit up. We loved THE MUSIC. I want the wild ride to be the music. And 2023 feels like Taylor has fully retreated inside the Taylor Swift TM persona and we're buying the TS Brand, not Taylor's music. What I was hoping for was: more 1989 vibes on vault songs, more "directed by Taylor Swift" creative expressions. What I got was: Ken and Barbie on tour. I'm sorry this is kinda rambly. I know anon asks don't take into account line breaks so this will be even more confusing. But. Yeah. I'm just a bit bummed out and I was wondering if anyone else was a bit disapointed, too? I mean. I genuinely don't know. Do people enjoy the soap opera and I'm the only one who's only turning up to check out the shoes Taylor wore in candids and for her artistic expression? Maybe I'm the weirdo. The market certainly seems to say I'm not in the majority.
Hi Anon 💕
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way, and I can absolutely relate! It can be really difficult to separate the stunts from the music on a mental and emotional level. It’s something I still struggle with occasionally, and when the music is something so personal to you, of course you can feel protective or even disappointed when the PR goes off the rails. That is completely valid!
It saddens me that any fan would feel the shine of Taylor’s actual work has been dulled by the PR schemes.
I, too, am surprised that we haven’t seen any music video for 1989 TV yet, but I’m also not completely convinced that the book has been closed on that front. Let’s wait together in hopeful anticipation 🤞
I don’t blame you at all for how you are feeling, but I think in times like these, the most helpful thing for me is to draw that mental boundary—whether it’s a boundary between the music and the PR, or myself and the PR. Sometimes, I just don’t check the news, or I scroll away quickly if I happen to see something. These stunts are a lot, so when I feel myself becoming overwhelmed, I really try to shut down my mournful thoughts with a “NOPE! That’s not good for me right now” and then scroll away, or shut my phone off, or turn on Taylor’s actual music instead.
I am in love with 1989 TV. I’ve had it on repeat since it dropped, and hearing the vault tracks especially makes me so happy. I feel like there’s a real story there—things we didn’t get to see when the album originally came out. I have to imagine that even now, there’s so much happening behind the scenes that we can’t know. I’m just grateful for the chance to peek a little farther behind the curtain for a period of time that was very special for the T Swift community.
Lastly, regardless of the PR stunts, this drop has been huge for Taylor. Perhaps we’ll never know for sure whether that’s because people have come flocking for her music itself or they’ve grown curious due to the over the top PR, but I have a feeling that Taylor doesn’t care much either way. I think she’s at peace with the way she gets her attention, because at the end of the day, people ARE listening to her music. If they saw her at a football game cheering on some meathead and got curious enough to check out 1989 TV, what they will discover is a woman with great intelligence, a depth of emotion, and an insane amount of talent. That is just to say, it will always be her music and talent that shines in the end.
I’m reminded of YOYOK, where Taylor sings I looked around in a blood-soaked gown and I saw something they can’t take away.
No amount of stunts or bad PR (or good PR!) will change her undeniable talent. Even better that 1989 is truly Taylor’s now. I just find it comforting that regardless of how people find Taylor or why they first buy her music, they will get to enjoy it for the beautiful work of art that it always is.
Sending love, anon! You are not alone in your feelings, I promise 💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤🩷🩶🤎💙
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De Selby 1 & 2 - very hoz, sincere and then bouncy, the Irish is so beautiful coming from him, makes me feel 11 again finding celtic woman, and de Selby 2 has got to be my favorite upbeat sounding one of his
First Time - sad but catchy. I love hearing baby, which is a big part of the sad, the anyway will always kill me
Francesca - 10/10, wonderful, kinda Peter Gabriel, lovely, the ending will always be the hardest for me to sing
I, Carrion - stripped down goodness, to get to hear him do this live *swoon* I'd die, so fucking good sad too, good idea for it to be on lust as well
Eat Your Young - super good, will always bounce to this one
Damage Gets Done - brandi is doing everything here, really compliments hoz's voice wonderfully, super poppy and I love it, that weird glitch will always stratch my brain tho
Who We Are - good one for the album tone, really feels Unreal Unearth to me, just a real gut punch, hold me like a knife!!
Son of Nyx - amazing, just perfect, probably my fav of the album, has tones of pink floyd and linkin park to me, just ethereal ✨️
All Things End - I loved this from the EP (through me was my fav), but everything about this one is amazing
To Someone From A Warm Climate - feels sorta Fiona Apple-y, another hard gut punch, so lonely sounding which is the point, I know, so yeah
Butchered Tongue - lyrics are amazing and so perfect, feels like old grief, like a really heavy grief that's more personal than foreigner's god, almost feels like an old folk song
Anything But - it really is a weird tone shift putting this between tongue and abstract, but it fits so well, since it's still such a hard feeling to such a Paul Simon-y song, has some Call Me Al vibes, those high notes fill me with so many emotions.
Abstract - for the cPTSD girlies. My lordy. Tied for my fav with son of nyx. Hurts like hell, it's tied with First Light for the one that hits me personally the hardest, SEE HOW IT SHINESSSS
Unknown - I've already talked about how this song hits me, a lot of complicated feelings for it, again a good stripped down song that's bigger than it sounds
First Light - the one I love with all of my heart, those backing vocals give me life after crying so hard at the whole thing, and the lyrics are so personal for me and my divorce, perfection
This album will always be one of my favorites now. It has stamped itself pretty deep into my brain, and I'll be listening to this with my grandkids one day. Thank you, Andrew 🩷
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thefoolsprocession · 1 year
Song rec thing because I'm ofc a Coheed and Cambria fan, I'll send a few I love and you can pick and choose if you want. I love the lyricism of their discography and Claudio's voice but I know its not for everyone :3
"A Disappearing Act" or "Love Murder One" for two of my favorites from their latest album
"The Gutter" for fun vocals and just a general favorite of mine
"Justice in Murder" or "The Hard Sell" are some of my favorite songs to sing the choruses of
"Ghost", "Peace To The Mountain", "Wake up", and "Iron Fist" are less rock and either more mellow love songs or like. Somber or sad
"Mother Superior" Is the first song I learned on the guitar front to back and is special to me because of that, and in general I just love it :3
I love too many of their songs so I'll stop there for them, but!!
Clean bandit: "Out at Night" is my most listened to atm
Cry club: I think they just have a single album so a lot of those songs are great. Iirc it's a trans duo
Prism Palace: Literally just plugging my friends' band. Their newer stuff is really good imo. Diego "Duke" who's the singer is also the flutist!! I know everyone in the band though irl and they're really awesome guys.
Lemme know if you listen to anything and if you like it!! ❤❤
Oh man this is a LOT I’m gonna limit myself to 3 in total
The Gutter:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Vocalist sounded too much like Lin Manuel Miranda at the beginning LMAO which put me off a little bit. He then kinda transitioned to the guy from Set It Off. Guitars were nice. Pretty generic pop rock track though
Peace to the Mountain:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
HUGE fan of the drums in the chorus which is a huge plus. Vocals still sound like Lin Manuel Miranda I’m sorry 😔. Beat is really neat though. Good track
Next Easter - Prism Palace:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
INSTANT Dunedin sound vibes which I LOVE!!!! Feels like home. (Dunedin Sound is the catch-all name given to music made by bands from where I live. Went from indie rock in the 80’s to pop reggae today and it rules). Singer’s got some RANGE and I love the super clean guitars! Reminds me of a band that I also personally know lmao
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so-very-small · 2 years
ask game !!,,,
🥺 (is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?)
✍ (do you have a beta reader?)
🎶 (do you listen to music while you write? what song have you been playing on loop lately?)
🍦 (what's the sweetest fic you've created so far?)
🎃 (do you write fics for certain holidays? which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?)
🤩 (who is your favorite character to write?)
🤯 (what's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?)
— brick
🥺- i’ve answered this one but round two: i love Angry Scenes. like absolute breaking point of a character who unleashes it on someone else who deserves it. cathartic and overdue arguments my beloved
✍- i don’t! i usually write, then edit, let it sit for a few days, edit again, edit again in a different word processor, THEN post. i’ve always been too shy to ask people to full on beta my works, so i’ve just gotten super meticulous with editing skfjdjfjfj
🎶- i do! rn my On Loop song is Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier, but I’m also listening to How to Be a Human Being, the Glass Animals album, a lot because it fits my two current fave OCs perfectly
🍦- i’m. not sure actually. i’m more an angst guy, there are fluffy sweet bits but they’re usually in between OC Trauma bits HCDHSJDJ. Wall Oracle fic is kinda sweet tho, and I do have a few super old Stucky fics written as a teen that are pretty sappy. for original stuff, The Car Story is probably the fluffiest, which is. saying something abt my original work because that story is also so sad
🎃- i used to! in my early fandom days i ADORED holiday fic exchanges, i’d write holiday fics for those and i had a few cause i wanted to. mistletoe is a cute trope :) lately i haven’t been huge on holidays tho, and most of my fandoms rn don’t canonically have earth holidays
🤩- ough. for fanfic, Otto Octavius is so much fun to write, he’s so nuanced and it’s so fun to get into his head. lately i’ve also really enjoyed writing Boromir too. for original characters, Pama and Nan have to be the favss. Pama is a rambunctious woman trying to be a hero while slowly being corrupted by a possessed axe, and Nan is a preacher who’s god vanishes and she decides to find him and drag him back. other honorable OC mentions are: Sighn, Ny, Mariko, Brenn, and Callisto
🤯- suspense/ horror 😔 honestly, most things outside of fantasy don’t come super naturally to me, hence why even my sci-fi or historical stuff usually has fantasy elements throughout. i try to branch out into other genres often, but horror is so hard to nail for me. it’s kind of why a lot of my stuff has steered into suspenseful things (fearplay fics, TBMP, Sighn and Eon’s story), it’s all me trying to practice!
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faytelumos · 1 year
Hi I saw that you were looking for song recs.
I like everything but mainly rock, but I recon you’re a soft rock/Indie\pop person??? So I’m gonna try and do some of those kinda songs. The main thing I like about these songs are the lyrics which as a writer I think you’ll appreciate too?
Porcelain face
I wish I was a punk rocker ( with flowers in my hair)
These ones are about sad stuff but in a happy way if that makes sense….
Poster kid
Alone sometimes
Cool story almost in the song…..
Tough to be a dreamer
Friends to lovers
This one is just fun to listen to…
Hayloft II
This one is cool as a mixture of rock, jazz and rap…
And of course my favourite artist ever is all time low and they just recently released a really good album. But they’re pop punk so not everyone’s cup of tea.
Sorry if there are too many here:)
Oh, there's definitely not too many here! :D I appreciate all of these suggestions. And, although I have given absolutely no indication whatsoever, I kind of fancy myself a metalhead. :0
That being said, I am really enjoying these songs. Porcelain face is really sweet, in a sad way. The way we hide ourselves and are hidden by our experiences, I really like it.
Poster Kid has a fun melody, and I find the contrast with the lyrics to be... relatable? XD Some word; I like this song.
I like this adult coming-of-age feeling from Tough To Be a Dreamer that's part cynical, part brute-force optimism.
Friend to Lovers is so kicky, I love it! :0 Although I wouldn't call the vocals percussive, they're close, and that's actually one of my favorite things. Also, I definitely love pining/resisting the pull of love as a story element.
Woah, Hayloft II, first of all, sounds great. Very much my style with the distorted rock vibes. Also, the story in it was pretty intense; I'll definitely want to see about the first part, too.
War! is actually a song I'm familiar with! :D I don't know many songs from that era, but I really like this one.
Thank you for the recommendations! I'll have to check out All Time Low; I'm pretty sure I know some of their work already and will recognize it as I hear it.
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yurigalactica · 1 year
Any assortment of 1, 2, 7, 9, 17, 21, 22, 30 for the music ask game! It's alot but I couldn't decide which ones lol. U don't have to answer them all just pick ur favorites
jokes on you jinx i am so obsessed with music and deep within my own brainrot that i will be answering ALL of them >:D 1. a song you can listen to on repeat
now this question in particular is really hard for me, because i tend to listen to a lot of songs on loop a lot. however most of the time doing so easily makes me sick of it and i have to take a break from listening to it for a few weeks. however one of the songs i listen to a lot and never seem to get bored of is Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales by Car Seat Headrest. especially the end bit, it really scratches my brain the right way, and it's really fun to belt out the harmonies in the car when you're driving through town in the evening
2. a song from one of your favorite albums
it's no secret that i'm a slut for los campesinos. everyone knows this about me. so it's kinda obligatory that i use one of their songs for these asks lmao. my favorite album of theirs in particular is definitely romance is boring (i just adore so many songs on that album!!! genuinely it's banger after banger, i highly recommend listening to the whole album.) my personal all-time favorite from that album is definitely In Media Res, just because of the ending bit with the trumpets. holy shit i get such a surge of dopamine when gareth campesinos goes "if you were given the option of dying painlessly in peace at forty five, with a lover at your side, after a full and happy life, is this something that would interest you? would this interest you at all?" just—AGH
7. a song that reminds you of your friend(s)
this one's easy—Dynamite by BTS. my irl best friend loves k-pop (stuff like BTS and Stray Kids), and while i don't listen to it on my own, i've gotta admit, she's got immaculate taste. dynamite is the one i hear the most around, playing on the radio (because it's mostly in english and i live in a country where most people i know speak english as a first language). so literally anytime i hear this song i find myself immediately thinking of her and going to text her about it LMAO
9. a song that reminds you of yourself 
this one was definitely the hardest to answer, and quite frankly, i sat at my desk for a solid hour trying to find a good one for this. but after some careful deliberation i had to go with Dear Wormwood by the oh hellos. the oh hellos are an incredible band and i genuinely adore all of their music, and highly recommend you listen to their entire discography. this song, though, holds a very special place in my heart—after all, it was my number one song on my spotify wrapped during 2020. it was the song i had on loop during the entirety of quarantine, when i was stuck in my bedroom, isolating myself from everyone in real life and online. during those months i didn't talk to any of my friends, not even over text. my only steady companion was my beloved spotify premium subscription. listening to this song over 500 times permanently altered my brain chemistry and i'm pretty sure it's the reason i have anxiety now /j
17.  a song with great lyrics 
holy fuck. holy fucking shit. To Tundra by los campesinos. i literally froth at the mouth anytime i think of this song oh my gosh. i made a whole post about it ages ago but i'll go on about it again. like "meet me at st. nicholas among the oaks, behind the church that sway like pig-tailed girls as summer wind whistles around your bare-skin knees and the forsythia leaves" KADGKKDFHKADFKHK THE IMAGERY AHHHHHHHH "and in a hazy daydream, our bodies married the stream and we broke down into pebbles and silt" SCREAMING SOBBING VOMITING /pos "we take on the burden of all these sad-eyed children with lilies bunched in our hands" i am literally going to eat a brick this makes me feel so many emotions
21. a song for the rain
Woman by the 1975, probably. there are a lot of good songs to listen to in the rain but this probably takes the cake just because of how echoey and melancholy it feels. i love it when artists do that kind of stuff with the guitar and make it carry out really long—and almost make it sound like it's wailing. it's one of my favorite electric guitar effects ever and i've always found that the 1975 does that really well! and as a guitar player myself how a guitar is played and how it affects the rest of the song is really important in my picking of a favorite song. this one in particular is very versatile, and i feel like you could listen to it not only in the rain, but at night in the car too.
22. a song for dancing 
Tongue Tied by grouplove!!! it's genuinely one of the most happy fun upbeat songs i know. it's like dancing in the kitchen while making cookies with your bestie at 2am kind of music. if you need to cheer yourself up and have an impromptu dance party with energy and excitement then this is the song for you!!! ultimate anti-depression song. and this also happened to be my most listened to song in my spotify wrapped 2021 if that tells you anything about how that year was for me /lh
30.  a song you recommend
Do Me A Favour by the arctic monkeys. i've been listening to them a whole lot more lately, mostly because i also admire their guitar work and also feel like their music vibe fits very well with a fic that i've been workshopping for a while and have not released yet. this one in particular is my ultimate favorite of theirs, probably because of the guitar and the lyrics that go together (but probably mostly because of how well it fits the overall vibe of the fic it goes with. and if you're interested in what it is, it's a benchtrio-centric mystery/horror au)
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notebookmusical · 10 months
Hi! I know what voice you're talking about and it seems like it really sucks. I know when I can't talk..that means it's also pretty painful too. Which is once again so awful and I'm sorry for the horrible timing! Oh that seems fun but it sucks that you're not seeing a show, and it sounds like a nice tradition. If it makes you feel better, I don't have any plans to see any shows either. I mean I probably will see one eventually next year but there's nothing I'm excited for or looking forward to.
Maybe watching a bootleg can help, but I know it's not the same. I know i have said I haven't been very into or caught up on recent Broadway stuff and sometimes it does make me sad. I am planning to read the Starless Sea in January too I hope so I'll keep that in mind. I didn't think of the Pippin revival but that's also an example of a revival trying to do something a little different I think. And I actually did watch Schmicago and thought it was pretty good! They might've actually referenced Pippin with a narrator character. I think it was actually better than the first season actually and the references were a lot more clear, at least to me. I would recommend it but did make me miss Broadway. At least they have Broadway actors though. I need to get better at watching shows too..that might have actually been the last full show I watched and that was back in July lol but I think I'm just more of a movie person usually.
But mostly I'm a music person and I can recommend my favorites. Omg I didn't know that..I've seen a few clips of Fall Out Boy on tour and it seems awesome. I hope you have the best time! So I'm not as into Fall Out Boy..like I've never done a deep dive on old albums and I was more of a casual fan at first. But their new album is great and since you're seeing their tour, you can just focus on that for now. My favorites are Fakeout and Love from the other side. For Paramore, I would listen to their albums in order cuz it's cool to see their evolution as a band and they don't have that many. They also have some covers and unreleased songs too. But if you wanna start with their newest album, I think it has a good mix of all of their sounds too. It's my favorite album of this year. I can also just list some favorites of mine here kinda going in order by album,. Oh Star, I caught Myself, Brighter, My Heart, Misery Business, When it Rains, Crushcrush. Brick By Boring Brick, Turn it off, Playing God, Misguided Ghosts, and all I wanted. Daydreaming, Last Hope, Hate to see your Heart Break, one of those crazy girls. Rose colored Boy, Fake Happy, 26, Tell me How, Running out of time, Big Man, You First, Liar, Crave and Thick Skull. I know that's a lot..wow i'm even surprised. I debated cutting it down but in case you don't listen to the full albums, this is what I would recommend! For her solo music, I would just recommend hearing the albums. Anyway what other vinyls did you get?
I definitely prefer Folklore, because I love a lot of songs on the album and I just know what my favorites are. Compared to Evermore, where some of it is more like background music to me. Ive already told you what my least favorites are and I might have unpopular favorites. My favorites are Evermore, Coney Island, Dorothea, and Gold Rush and Long Story Short . I also like No Body No Crime, Cowboy Like Me, Ivy and Right where you Left me cuz sometimes it feels like a movie. Ya Evermore does feel more cohesive to me or like it all blends together but my favorite songs are definitely on Folklore. That's why I've never understood the whole Folklore is a better album but Evermore has better songs thing lol. Also now it's Taylors birthday today..yay! Are you planning to watch the eras tour movie? I think I will sometime this weekend probably. Then its your birthday too and if anything, I will send you a message wishing you happy birthday if I don't reply. I hope you have a great weekend and birthday!!!
guess what guess what my voice is a little more back today !!! so fingers crossed it'll be completely back by saturday!!!! i've decided to make bracelets for the hockey game, so i'm going to be doing that tonight/tomorrow i think!! it'll be a nice break from making taylor bracelets :") (although i need to make some so i can mail them out next week eep!) i think my next show will probably be the company tour ... unless i see a regional production of spring awakening (which i'm tempted to; just depends on the cast and stuff).
i almost watched TBOSAS last night! but then i put the kraken game on instead </3 (which i'm glad i did because it was a beautiful game! and we won!) and i originally was going to stream eras tonight (i have $20 digital credits expiring on the 15th) but i forgot i have a thing at 7, and by the time that's over i won't want to watch a 3 hour long movie — so something for another night! you'll have to let me know how it is watching it from home! i suspect it'll be so much nicer to watch it all cozy and all but i wonder if i'll miss the cinema vibe!
i listened to part of the first paramore album yesterday when i was getting my allergy shot! i liked what i heard, but will need to finish it and then do another listen through to figure out what my favorites are! i ordered from the dirty hit store, so i figured if i was paying for ridiculous shipping costs i might as well bundle up so i actually ordered more than i normally would: i got the japanese house's saw you in a dream & pools to bathe in, beabadoobee's loveworm + the way things go 7", finally preordered benjamin francis leftwich's some things break vinyl + ordered his to carry a whale vinyl and after the rain, and the 1975's 7" all i need to hear + i like america and america likes me (real world version) ! and i have sabrina carpenter's fruitcake ep coming in i think on friday! so definitely way too many vinyls coming in haha. i need to cool it! way too many vinyls! i still need to finish working on my little vinyl craft project too, but that might be a next week problem / after the game / after my bracelets are done! i have like 15 ? that i need to prioritize for mailing out but then i can chill out for a little bit!
have i asked you for an updated taylor discography ranking yet? i'm curious to know what your ranking is/if it's changed since we last talked about it, especially with 1989 tv! you can distinguish between stolen and taylor's version if you'd like too!
i hope you have a lovely weekend 🤍 and thank you for the birthday wishes! x
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
my problem with the new album is (and i like it more than i thought i would, preparing for the worst), all the things i've loved from IP, they have done before. overlayed "haunted" production? magnetic & syitf. only for GH release, it was a new sound for parx, it sounded fresh and cool. those pop-sounding guitars from tracks 3/4/5/9? exactly why i fell in love with peach (lobotomy), and it's still my favorite song, but that was their second album!!! five years ago!!! even the auto-tune thingy, which i'm not the biggest fan of, but they've been doing it for some time now and it doesn't get better. and the obligatory diss track where awsten rants about his life... i genuinely love little violence and tantrum because they are edgy and angry and genuine, and war crimes, like it and syitf because they really surprised me with the sound at the time. but now it's just getting old.
and it's sad how on the "essential parx album" awsten's doing the only thing he proclaims to despise the most: repeat himself. according to him, that's why friendly reminder was discarded, that's why many of the songs he writes don't make the cut, etc etc. but i really can't see anything that IP brings forward in terms of music/sound, let alone the lyrics that are getting objectively more shallow.
the only song that managed to surprise me was closer, it's really a more honest song on such an unserious album, and it feels like one of the most mature pieces of awsten's songwriting so far.
yeah i think i kinda felt a few of your points listening to this album tbh - iz
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