#been going thru things lately But this is genuinely so lovely
benetnvsch · 1 year
I made my bed at like 10 pm in an attempt to try and go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight but somehow it’s now 2 am and I’m out lying on my trampoline looking up at the stars while listening to my favorite album instead- life do be like that sometimes huh
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the-laughing-lunatic · 4 months
hii! hope it’s not too much trouble, but maybe reader x scout, reader x engie, and reader x sniper - (established relationships with the mercs and reader) the reader doesn’t seem to be very happy lately - something bad that happened earlier in the week must’ve reminded reader of their past. (i really like your posts btw, you’re genuinely a really good writer)
(ahhhhh thx sm! I tried to make it as vague as possible so I hope you like it. Thx for requesting! p.s. I'm workin thru the rest of rqs soon bc school is wrapping up, so rqs may be back open soon :3)  
Scout, Engie, and Sniper w/ a reader who was reminded of their past (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
He feels like something’s off, but doesn’t know what
He wants to try to talk to you about it, ask if you’re alright and everything but he’s never been one for initiating that kind of emotional talk
When he finds you crying in your room though, he feels his heart break that he didn’t help you before
He scoops you up in his arms. “H- hey, doll, why’re you cryin’? Was it something I said?”
(He can’t help but still be a little insecure, you’re the first person he’s dated after all and he wants to do everything right for you)
If you don’t want to talk about it he’ll hold you and go on about how much he loves you so you don’t have to deal with silence
“You’re so perfect, doll, it kills me to see you like this, y’know, watchin’ tears roll down that pretty face of yours. Wish ya never felt the need to cry baby, I love you so goddamn much-”
Yeah he’s crying too, he can’t help it
If you do tell him he’d listen intently
He’d try to make you laugh so you’d stop crying, humor is his coping mechanism and he kinda projects it on you, sorry if that’s not your thing :/
He’ll make sure to give you plenty more affection a while after, youre getting spoiled as hell
He’s not the best with emotions and all that jazz (he has the autism)
But when he finds you crying outside it hits him that something’s wrong
He sits next to you and places his hand on your shaking figure. 
“You okay darl?”
“Would you like a hug dear?”
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight to him, barely any space between the two of you.
He rubs circles into your back until your crying has settled down. “...you wanna talk about it now, love?”
If you don’t he’ll stay with you and idly trace shapes into your hand, letting you cry it out
If you do tell him he’ll nod empathetically “Oh, love,” he sighs, tilting your chin up to look at the night sky above you two
“Think ‘bout it this way. All those stars up there? The light we see from em’ now is from ages ago, but the actual bloody stars have completely different light.  And jus’ because we can see the light, don’t actually mean that it’s here anymore. Bugger, I’m shit at metaphors. Point is, that’s in the past, an’ even though you might think ‘bout it sometimes its still in the past. And I love ya.”
Notices something’s off immediately, he’s a smart guy after all
Once you two are alone he’ll place a hand on your shoulder and ask you “Are you alright?” in that sweet voice that just makes you burst out into tears
Pats your back and hugs you as you cry “Shh, it’s alright sugar, it’s alright. You wanna talk about it?”
If you don’t want to he’ll scoop you up in his arms (but I’m taller than- yes. He can pick you up too) and get you some warm food
“Y’know, my momma said that a good hot meal is the best after bawlin’ your eyes out. We don’t exactly got anything you’d call a meal right now, but I can fix you up some toast with cinnamon if you'd like, honeybee.”
If you do tell him he’ll reassure you that everything okay
“Honey, I know the past ain’t really ever somethin’ that leaves, but you gotta remember things are alright right now. Stuff from back then can’t getcha, sure it hurts sometimes but you gotta remember things are good right now. And I’m here for you.”
Gives you so many kisses
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
one day eddie munson just realizes you’ve been taking care of him for months.
like, he knew you were taking care of him, he’s not silly, but like… he noticed you don’t go to the library on thursdays anymore, because now thats when you and eddie wash his hair and change his bandages. or when robin and steve are going for a late night ice cream run, you turn them down - because wayne isnt always home and youd hate for eddie to wake up alone when you know he’s been having nightmares.
youd just been making a lot of sacrifices for him, and while he thinks hes been pretty gracious about it - he’s always said thank you, and even though he’s been low energy, he doesnt think he’s been mean. maybe occasionally grumpy but he was on a lot of medications and he wasnt quite himself. and you knew that, if you were totally honest; you never even thought about, you never took any of it personally. your boyfriend went thru literal hell, you could cut him a little slack
and ever since he realized, hes suddenly hyperaware of everything happening around him. clean laundry always filled the drawers. the house was clean, and the pantry was full. all the bills were paid without any of eddies dealing money… but he noticed his lunchbox moved a few weeks ago, he was too out of it to bring it up but he would have to soon… and three meals a day were delivered with a smile and a kiss, you never complained when he woke up from a nightmare.
and he know he owes you something spectacular. he doesnt know what or when. but he’ll plan some grand gesture to show you that he sees and appreciates everything you’ve done for him in sickness. first he just has to get back in health.
eddie starts brainstorming ideas as soon as he comes to this realization. he knows steve, robin and nancy, and the whole party really, would jump at the chance to help. you were their friend too and you really had taken the role of caretaker for their dear metalhead <3
you bring in his dinner again today, the same genuine, beautiful smile he loves so much and two simple dinners of chicken and rice on plates.
he shimmies up without your help and you smile, saying, “i think tomorrow we’ll start having dinner at the table.” you join him for one last dinner in bed, kissing him on the cheek before eating. “i think its time to get you out of bed.”
he looks at you with love in his eyes. his centre of gravity makes a permanent shift and suddenly its you, the string that ties him to reality, keeping him calm & grounded. gravity be damned, he had something stronger to ground him.
“i couldnt agree more,” eddie says, smiling at you. it was nice to see him start to get his smile back after the … thing. “thank you for dinner again, my love. ill be your personal chef as soon as i’m on my feet.”
you laugh, “maybe after i teach you how to cook.”
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phoward89 · 5 months
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Based on this ask
Written special for my amazing moot @swiftieblyth
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Everything seemed to be looking up for you. The last couple of months have been great. Your old friends, the ones that had backstabbed you, were no longer in your vicinity and you made new friends out of Clemensia Dovecote and Persephone Price, the girlfriend of Festus Creed. Coryo was leery of Persephone tho; even called her a cannibal because her father, Nero, had cut a dead maid's leg off to feed his family during the war.
Yea, that disturbed you a bit, but you didn't hold it against Persephone. She was a kid; most likely didn't know what she was eating. You always swatted your boyfriend's chest when he started his cannibal talk.
And talk about Coryo, oh he was just the best boyfriend to you. Truly, he was amazing. Despite his cold, stoic, callous nature he was very loving, genuine, and thoughtful with you.
Everything was going great, until it wasn't…
It was mid-June, University’s spring semester was over, Coryo graduated with a double major degree in Political Science and Military Strategy, and he was now deep in his work as the youngest assistant gamemaker in the history of Panem. And that happens to be whenever the bullshit drama with your ‘friends’ started up again. It started with little things, really.
Like they'd walk past you when you're at the mall with Clemmie and Persephone- making snide remarks under their breath. Remarks that'd have Clemmie serving them cunt with loud clap backs that made your ‘friends’ recoil with embarrassment. Clemmie and Persephone wanted you to tell Coryo about your old friends stalking you on shopping trips; saying nasty things about you under their breath while passing by, but you told them that it wasn't bad enough for Coryo to know. That they're blowing it up into something bigger then it is. You even made Persephone promise not to tell Festus, for fear that he'd tell Coryo since they're like best friends.
Of course your girls agreed to keep the low key mall drama about your ‘friends’ to themselves. But they did make you promise to tell Coryo about it if it got too bad.
And you didn't intend to keep that promise, until one day you had to.
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Things were escalating with your old friends to the point where they were trash talking you on social media- again. This time tho, well, they're dragging your boyfriend into it. Saying that he has to fight your battles, that he fights dirty by fucking up people's lives just cause you can't deal with being called out with shit, that he has to ruin everyone that looks at you the wrong way, etc, etc, etc. You knew that Coryo wasn't big on social media (he had a Pangram account, but he rarely posts or goes on it) and hoped that he wouldn't find out about the ‘friends’ drama 2.0, but unfortunately for you his other friends did have social media.
And of fucking course Festus Creed had told Coryo all about the drama. Even showed him the slew of nasty posts that the salty bitches were posting about you and him. And to say those posts pissed your boyfriend off was an understatement. He was absolutely livid.
So livid that he wants to kill all of these ‘friends’ of yours that’re talking shit. Between trash talking you and dragging the Snow name thru the mud, well, those girls better run far far away from the Capitol and fast.
But now that Coriolanus knows what's wrong he understands why you've been sulking lately. It's been frustrating for him seeing you stay in bed, buried underneath the blankets all day for days on end; not wanting to do anything. But now he understands why.
And he's determined to make you feel better.
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“I bought you a new book from that author you like.” Coryo told you, walking into the bedroom you share only to see you in bed, reading a book that he swears you reread about 5-or-6 times already.
“Thank you, Coryo.” You weakly smile, feeling blah even tho you're reading one of your emotional support books.
“Festus showed me the posts that those girls are posting about us, my darling.” Your blonde boyfriend confronted you while walking over to the bed and sitting next to you. Placing a supportive hand on your knee, he asks, “Why didn't you tell me they started their bullshit again?”
Closing your book, you looked down in embarrassment and sighed, “I don't want you thinking that you have to come to my rescue over this. It's my problem with these girls, not yours.”
Placing the new book he got you on the bedside table, he gently cupped your cheeks in his large, calloused hands and tilted your head back slightly so your eyes met his baby blues. “Y/N, baby, it's my job to take care of you and protect you because I'm your boyfriend; I love you.”
Your eyes began to well up with tears. “I don't know why, I'm such a loser. You could do better, find somebody that doesn't need you to defend them all the time.” You sniffled.
Hearing you talk like that because of those ‘friends’ of yours broke his heart. Coriolanus thinks that you're amazing. You're a beautiful person with a beautiful soul who made his dark withered up heart bloom and beat with love again. How could you think he deserves better when all he wants, needs, and loves is you?
Rationally, Coryo knows that it's depression and anxiety due to the situation talking and not really you, but that doesn't mean he truly understands your words. They hurt him because he just wants you to be happy; to be happy with him.
Your platinum blonde boyfriend pressed a soft feather light kiss to your forehead only to wrap his arms around you and pull you down onto the bed to cuddle with him. “You're not a loser, darling. You're perfect for me.” He assures you, kissing the tip of your cute nose. “You know that I'm here for you, baby. You can talk to me or not, but I'm here.”
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And Coryo was there for you. He did everything in his power to pull you out of your depression and to help you settle down your anxiety. He ordered your favorite pastries, coffee, and refreshers from the high end coffee shop down the street from your penthouse, only to surprise you with brunch in Grandma’am's rooftop rose garden. It was a very romantic and thoughtful gesture. One that brought a smile to your face.
Coryo also played all of your favorite board games with you in another attempt to cheer you up. The two of you sat on the bedroom floor, rolling dice, dealing fake paper money, and trying to line up little letter blocks to make words while playing game after game over glasses of wine.
Coriolanus never played board games before he got with you because, honestly, his family was too poor to afford them. But when you moved in with him and brought your game collection, well, he'd play them with you once in a while. But now that you're in a funk, well, he's busting out the games more often than not to put a smile on your face.
Even when he comes home dead tired from preparations for the upcoming 14th Hunger Games, he's still finding the time to cheer you up. To support you.
And then when he's too tired to do anything and sees that you're having a hard time with your depression; that you haven't left the bed since he left in the morning, he orders pizza for the two of you and binge watches your favorite movie series with you. He cuddles you in bed, letting you curl up in his side, while watching TV in bed and reminding you how much you mean to him.
Coryo's also devising some plans to permanently get rid of the girls that are so mean to you, but you didn't need to know that. All you needed to know was that he's your loving and devoted boyfriend who will always be by your side no matter what.
And one day when he's President Coriolanus Snow and you're his First Lady Y/N Snow everyone will be too scared to say anything mean and hateful about either one of you. And if they do, well…they won't be breathing too long afterwards once he has a special afternoon tea with them.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons
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Comfort Person (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 700+
Warnings: curse words
A/N: a quick and short one written for my girlies for a little pick-me-up, especially @swimmingismywholelife 🤍 hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 🫶🏻 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated ❤️
It has been a long difficult few weeks for you and you felt like the universe was punishing you for simply just existing. Bad things after bad things kept happening and made you feel like shit – the worst thing was that most things were out of your control. The helplessness you were experiencing was quite exhausting and a lot for you to handle.
You came home after work looking all upset and tired – you just wanted to lay in bed with your boyfriend, Christian, doing nothing until the day is finally over and probably have to go through another shit day all over again. You acted like you had no will to live anymore, though you kept wishing for good luck to finally be on your side.
Christian greeted you cheerfully the second you got home, your grumpy face caught his attention.
“Hello my beautiful lady, why so grumpy?”
“Ugh, another day another crap.” You grunted.
He pulled you in and gave you a kiss on your forehead and a big hug.
“Oh, my poor baby. Want to tell me what happened today?” He softly asked as he stroked your back.
“Maybe later, I need to change first. And eat. And watching a series.”
“Okay…” He kissed the top of your head. “Hope you don’t mind having Italian for dinner because I already got us some pasta and pizza.”
“Love it. Thank you.” You slightly smiled.
One of the things you love so much about Christian is that he knows how to give you the comfort you need. Somehow he always finds the right way to lighten up your mood no matter how terrible it might be – and this night was no different.
Now you’ve changed into your comfy clothes, you went to the living room and saw Christian was already there setting up the table in front of the TV and putting on your favorite show. He saw you coming over and his face lit up.
“Come on, dinner is ready!” He said as he pulled your hand and sat on the sofa.
He knew you just wanted to lay down and relax, therefore he brought the dinner to the living room so you could lay on the sofa and have your dinner there.
“So, do you feel ready to let me know what happened today?”
You sighed.
“Yeah… This day was terrible, again. Are you sure you want to hear shitty things all over again?”
He pulled you closer and let you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I’m all ears, my love.”
You then told him everything that happened to you earlier today. He was listening closely to you while you ranted about having to go through another difficult day – not once he let you out of his sight. He stroked your arms and your hair and gave you little kisses during. He really was empathized with you for what you went through, and he knew the only thing he could do was to be there for you – to comfort you in any way he could give you.
“Y/N, sweetheart… I’m sorry things have not been easy for you lately, but you know I’m here for you if you need anything.”
You sighed and slowly nodded.
“You know what, you are the strongest person I’ve ever known. Though life keeps throwing bad things at you, you’re still able to move forward. You should be proud of yourself! You and your resilience will never fail to amaze me.”
“Resilience? Do you mean me bitching about my problems?”
“I mean, that is the way you cope… And it is totally acceptable! I don’t mind hearing you, as you said “bitching about your problems”, because I’d rather you talk to me rather than keeping them to yourself!”
You let out a genuine smile and your eyes were already watery and red. God, what did I do to deserve a wonderful man like him? You thought to yourself.
“I… Ah, I don’t… I don’t know… I don’t know what to say…” You stuttered, your voice was breaking.
“You’ve said everything,” he chuckles, “don’t worry my love. I just said what I needed to say.”
You leaned in and kissed him on the lips. You couldn’t hold back your tears any longer, you started to cry.
“Chris… Despite all this shit, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, and I’m forever grateful to have you in my life…” You tearfully express your gratitude for him.
He wiped away your tears then kissed you.
“I love you more, Y/N.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem
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bug-bites · 8 months
west side apartment, paper plane
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tw: brief non-graphic mentions of ghost going thru war stuff and ghost's backstory in the comics (changed a few details because this is fanfic. duh), slight angst (bc yk,, yearning) but sort of fluff if ghost had a dollar for every moment he spent yearning he would have enough money to retire and live a happy life away from the military, also we're pretending british chinese takeout is good, not proofread :P
pairing: simon "ghost" riley x gn!reader (like always can be read as platonic or romantic)
characters: simon "ghost" riley
a/n: i hate how fucking massive the song link is but yk what its fine. but i am back and in a laufey moment!
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simon has lived an interesting life, maybe he wouldn’t use interesting. if he could describe it he would probably use words like terrifying, cruel, or for a lack of better terms, shitty. from the moment he was born it seemed like misery and tragedy followed him around like a stray dog, finding its way into every aspect of his existence. his childhood home was always something he wanted to escape, or rather his father was what he wanted to run away from. there were good moments after he kicked the old bastard out, but the ever present threat of tragedy proved that it wouldn’t last. life had been cruel, dealing him possibly the worst hand possible, the only constant being misfortune, that is until you came along.
a temporary living arrangement. thats all it was. rent was a little too much for one person to afford, so you both signed the lease on a crummy, small, mixed-use apartment right in the middle of manchester. it wasn’t much, takeout dinners from the restaurant below and late rent payments were the norm but even with the busted heating, life in that apartment had never felt so warm.
after long shifts at your respective jobs he would come home, plastic bags of takeout in his hands, a sign for you to set a few blankets on the ground before both of you eat ungodly amounts of shrimp fried rice and orange sesame chicken. he could spend hours listening to you speak, nothing made him feel so at home. maybe it was the fact that the food was good and also inexpensive, or maybe it was because he was too exhausted to do anything else, but he loved those long sleepless nights spent sitting on the floor, talking about everything and nothing. simon cant imagine another time in his life when he was genuinely so happy or another time he laughed so hard water came out his nose.
he especially loved opening fortune cookies with you at the end of every meal. sure, he never believed in those fortunes but the idea was always fun to entertain. the sound of the cookie cracking open to expose the slip of paper, revealing what the future had in store for him usually filled him with a childlike curiosity. or at least got a laugh out of him.
“hah, mine says ‘there will be a happy romance for you shortly’. these things really could not be farther from the truth. bet yours is more accurate” you say, popping half of the broken cookie into your mouth “your father loves you and is always with you. remember that.” he reads out loud with a chuckle “oh. that- hm. yeah i take that back”
but the one thing he loved more than opening those silly fortunes with you or the late night dinners was after you both cleaned up the empty takeout boxes, taking the menus and folding them into paper planes. it became a sort of tradition after you got bored and began to mess around with the glossy paper that listed mouthwatering dishes and house specials. he could never get it right, one wing was always too big or his folds were clumsily made and uneven, making them practically incapable of flight but yours were the complete opposite. each crease made was perfect, every intricate pleat skillfully crafted to allow the small paper aircraft to glide through the air with ease. as you tossed your planes off the balcony of your shared flat, the sight of the plane sailing through the air as the sun set always filled the both of you with a sense of nostalgia. and of course you both picked them up and tossed them out because we dont mess w/ littering over here
simon cant help but look back at those simpler times and miss them. he knows from the start it was intended to be temporary, but he’s been through so much chaos and trauma all he just wants a quiet life where he doesnt have to be ghost. he just wants a nice warm home to come back to. it doesnt have to be big, it doesnt have to be expensive, it just has to feel like home. it just has to feel like you. its been so long since the two of you parted ways but as he stares at the last paper airplane that he kept, he cant help but wonder if you feel that way too. as he lies awake in his bed at the military base he’s stationed in, he spends those nights craving that domesticity he had with you. he recalls every memory, every minute detail that made him love that cramped apartment and maybe how he loved you even more.
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human-sweater-vest · 1 year
okay so we’ve seen glenn and ron so far in season two and they’ve been kind of what I expected.
glenn is pretty much the same as he was season one. it makes sense, he’s set in his whole thing, he’s vibing in hell with morgan and is sporting the same chill stoner vibes as before. the notable thing with him was that there wasn’t really animosity between him and nick (which also makes sense given their whole deal in season one). he’s always been far removed and it makes sense that in season two he’s still rockin with it.
ron then was a really touching surprise because he continued to grow as a person (insert beth may snickering here). he connected easily with scary and hit me like a fucking freight train with the line about him being sorry that she didn’t realize that losing terry jr. was her loss too. he’s this strange intermediary between the men in their family because willy took advantage of her needing someone to validate her pain, terry jr. was seen as a cause of it and therefore couldn’t help ease it truly (until things were too late), and then ron is here being his odd little self and extends sympathy to her because he also lost terry jr. and can understand. kudos to beth for ep. 41 because she rode the line between comedy and genuinely heartfelt and deep emotional moments like a champ.
and now here’s where we turn to speculation:
I’ve seen a lot of folks saying they’re worried about henry (and I feel like he’s probably going to warrant that because duh, it all comes back to the oak family when it comes to the doodler). however! my first point here is that we shouldn’t ignore darryl.
I feel like we see the most thought going into the oaks (and again, rightfully so, will and anthony are serving us trauma and drama on a platter) and I think one of the sacrifices with that comes at the extent of the wilson boys. the darryl/grant arc was the first time I really, truly got what dndads was all about. specifically, matt’s incredible line where darryl is replying to the other dads saying that he should showcase vulnerability to grant with darryl snapping and saying that he can’t be fully honest because he’s putting on a brave face because he doesn’t know if they’ll make it out and if he and carol will even stay together if they do. that line then contrasted later when he says that if grant asks him a question he’ll do his best to answer truthfully which allows for the big emotional connection they were lacking.
the wilson father/son relationship hinges on the idea of not being able to love the pain away and we see that extend into the next generation in a deeply tragic way. grant can’t make his mental illness magically disappear by loving his son despite how badly he clearly wants to. he can’t “we’ll talk about it later” his way into a healthy relationship where he’s able to offer his son both stability and truth. he’s fucked up and traumatized and never fully dealt with things and he’s dealing with the ramifications.
so how do we think darryl feels about that? how do we think darryl would feel knowing that he couldn’t love away grant’s mental illness (which isn’t something you can do, but he feels immensely guilty about in season one) and seeing the disastrous effect it had on the relationship between his son and grandson to the point where linc no longer refers to him as a dad? I personally really do think that he’ll act as a balm between the two and finally provide that space for them to become father and son again.
there’s truly so much I could say on the wilson family because I’m fascinated by the transition between the most stereotypically masculine family dynamic to a queered one (in both senses of the world) and how the thru line for the generations is this idea of not being able to 1. disclose the truth out of a sense of protection (see: frank hiding his marital and monetary issues, darryl hiding his martial issues and fear of not surviving faerun, and grant hiding who he is and what he does) and 2. love away the pain/illness.
and now we turn to the oak boys. I’m operating on the assumption that henry will be the last dad that they seek out because 1. glenn and terry jr. are in the same spot which means we get a two for one combo deal in hell 2. lark and sparrow clearly have a bad or at the very least strained relationship with their dad and will be less likely to jump on seeking him out and 3. the oak family started the whole doodler thing in this show so it makes sense that they’ll end it.
and for the sake of transparency: here’s where my bias comes through. henry was my favorite season one dad. normal is my favorite season two kid. will campos if you’re reading this, I want you to know that if I could simultaneously give you an academy award and sue you for emotional damages, I would.
the oaks have the most literal device explaining their generational trauma. hildy was ripped from her world after her companions were brutally killed in front of her, barry is a piece of shit, henry has the weight of both his father and having to be a father despite not having a role model, lark and sparrow are fucked up beyond belief in a manner of ways that starts at fucking their twin’s spouse and ends with starting the literal apocalypse. and then there’s normal. bearing the brunt of it all when he wasn’t even given the support to. he’s been carrying the weight of expectation since birth. his sister is hero, he’s normal and yet he’s anything but. that’s a whole other essay (catch me writing that when it’s not 2am).
back to the twins and henry though. from their view it’s bad right? lark hates his dad and destroyed the world. sparrow was an accomplice. I can’t imagine that things were easy after the doodler was released in the oak-garcia household. ESPECIALLY — and this has had me uncomfortable since we learned it offhand in episode 29 of the season — because henry and mercedes had another kid. first things first (and this might just be a me and my cultural background thing), but a minimum decade age gap between your first and second kids is A Lot. especially given the context here that henry struggles with being a father for the aforementioned reasons and his children literally Ended The World. I dunno about you but I think that I’d avoid having more kids at pretty much all costs at that point. but he and mercedes don’t. and hey maybe birdie/birdy was an accident. but my suspicion here (and I very much might be reading too deep into something mentioned in a literal “see you again” parody) is that birdie was a second chance kid. which would fucking blow if you were the aforementioned dad-stabbing—eldritch-creature-releasing child because it would look like your dad had gone “okay well that didn’t work out I can’t find a way to make these kids work so let’s try another one” which would justify the distance and dislike of henry from both of the boys.
I’m a very big fan of henry. he’s fucked up in the exact way I like my fictional men and also reminds me of guys from the city I grew up in which is both appalling and endearing. however, this is absolutely a move I could see him justifying to himself which morally makes me wanna walk into the sea and from a character/story standpoint makes me wanna jump up and down in glee. I really, truly am hoping that things pan out like that and we see a henry who loves his beautiful boys very deeply, but also gave up on them in exchange for a do-over.
I’m especially excited to see how he interacts with normal because my first instinct based on season one without my fucked up and evil birdie theory is that he’ll love normal and make him feel special and seen while my second post-birdiegate instinct is that he’s just not going to care anymore and therefore do fuck-all for normal. he has the energy of a man who eventually just stops trying because he can’t ever make everything better. will campos, if you deliver on that, I’ll figure out how to sneak the oak family into an academic paper.
finally (for now), I’m predicting that the familial reunions will reflect the how the anchors broke. glenn, ron, and darryl will be love while henry will be hate. I think there’s a lot of possibility there that I can break down when it’s not almost 3am. thanks for reading! lmk what you think, I really want to discuss this with folks and get your takes!!
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soap143 · 9 months
OMG HIIII I had an idea for a fic :))
what if the members are waiting for chan at home but he's in the studio working late, so they all go to his studio and force him to work while they tickle him. (basically he's stuck in the chair trying to make a song while being tickled)
Hi, omg I love this idea! Such a great concept. I love lee!chan, I hope you do too. Enjoy!
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“Yah, where is Chan-hyung? He promised to show up.” Minho whined, opening up the last packet of chips and pouring its content into a bowl.
Stray Kids were supposed to have a movie night that evening. Felix and Seungmin bought all the snacks, Changbin, Jeongin and Han argued for hours choosing what to watch and Minho cooked up something nice and warm with Hyunjin. Everything was perfect and ready. There was only one thing missing…
“Chan should really stop being such a workaholic. He can’t live properly because of it!” Changbin agreed “Me, him and Bin agreed to finish up that last song and go. Obviuosly, Chan insisted on staying longer, adding some details to it. That was 3 hours ago!” Han angrily rambled.
“What, really? This needs to stop!” Hyunjin clenched his fists in anger “Guys, guys! Let’s not get angry here. Maybe we should help him instead of talking behind his back.” Felix suggested, changing the groups perspective.
“You’re right, I think we should go and comfort him. Our leader can’t miss another movie night. He didn’t participate last week either!” Seungmin joined in, agreeing with Lix’s idea “Right, we should do something about this. How about we pay him a visit?” said the maknae.
“Our noodles are getting cold. Let’s do this before it’s too late. To Channies studio!” Han yelled, leading the rest of the members towards the door.
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Soon, they arrived to their destination. During the short drive, the kids had come up with an idea. Minho knew that getting angry and mad at the older would only work out to their disadvantage. They had to solve the problem peacefully. And only one thing came to his mind…
“Let’s tickle him.” Lee Know calmly stated “What? Why?” Hyunjin asked “To cheer him up, stupid. Do you want to choke on tissues, or do you agree?” the bunny threatened. Let’s say that Stray Kids immediately accepted Minho’s idea.
You don’t see 7 men walking around at night very often. And these men were on a mission too. The screams that were heard later could’ve been mistaken for a very well planed murder.
The leader of skz was still working his head off in the studio. His laptop was about to explode because of the long, restless hours of work it had just gone thru.
“Bang Christopher Chan! Put that computer down or you’ll be in some serious trouble!” Jisung kicked the door open and immediately intimidated the said man.
“Hey, kids! What are you doing here? It’s late.” the kangaroo softly uttered, partly because he was tired and partly because he was just a calm, caring leader. “That’s a question for you, mister. What are you doing here, working on a MOVIE NIGHT!” Yongbok yelled, highlighting the activity that his hyung was about to miss out on.
“Tonight’s a movie night? Shit, sorry, guys. I genuinely forgot…” Chan murmured, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment “Save those apologies for later, Channie-hyung. Stray Kids, let’s put our plan in action!” the second oldest exclaimed, launching himself towards his only hyung.
Before the wolf even had a chance to think, 14 pairs of hand restrained him onto the chair he was sitting on “W-what’s the plan, guys? Are you going to h-hurt me?” “Much worse. Hint: it doesn’t hurt but is impossible to handle.” Han teased, running a finger up his side.
Oh no.
Chan knew what they were talking about. And he wasn’t looking forward to it “Look, how about you don’t tickle me and we can all be happy and go back home to have our movie night. How does that sound?” the oldest aussie babbled in panic. “I don’t think so, you old man” Seungmin said, digging into his thigh.
“SeungmIHInie, plehehease DOHOHON’T!” the old man in question protested, trying to pry away at least one of the scary arms that were keeping him glued to his seat “No escaping! You deserve this, Channie-hyung. Give yourself a break for once.” Innie tormented the older by squeezing his knee.
“Since making music seems more interesting to you, then you should make us a beutiful song right now!” Minho suggested, innocently scribbling his finger on the wolf’s neck “Ihihi can’t do anythihihing like this!” Chan squirmed.
Suddenly Jisung pulled out a piece of paper “I wrote some lyrics on the way here. Even less work for you!” the quokka stated, placing the paper next to the aussies laptop. When Chan extended his arm to see what his first Stray Kid had written down, he felt a sharp poke in his armpit.
“HEHEY! That’s unfahahair, you cahahan’t poke me while I’m WOHOHORKING!” the leader’s arms quickly glued back onto his vulnerable torso “That seems like a you problem, hyung” Hyunjin commented, sneaking his hand under the poor boy’s shirt to claw his chest “JIHIHIHIHINIE NOHOHO”
“Do you accept the challenge or would you prefer to be wrecked by all of us until you pee yourself and pass out?” Changbin threatened, playfully wiggling his fingers and the oldest member of 3racha. Chan felt shivers running down his back just at the thought of that as he agressively shook his head in denial.
“Good. Now chop,chop, get to producing!” Han encouraged, poking his victim repeatedly “DohohoHOHn’t! Thihihs ihihs UHUnfahahaHAIR!” the poor leader complained for the 100th time.
Minho was getting fed up with the way the older kept on yelping and squeeling instead of getting to work. So, he finally decided to do something that would get his hyung operating.
He “walked” his fingers down Chan’s whole torso down to the are between his knee and thigh “Minnie. No. Please.” were the lee’s last words before decending into deep belly laughter. Lee Know used all five of his fingers, rapidly squeezing the sensitive spot.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE HEHEHELP SOMEHEHEHONE!” the kangaroo cackled “I know how to help! Start. Making.The. Goddam. Song!” Jeongin encouraged, jabbing the older’s side “OHOHOHOK IHIHI WIHIHIHIHIHL JUHUHUHUST STOHOHOP!”
Everyone lifted their hands off the poor man, letting him at least take a look at the lyrics he was given “Whahahat is this? No wonder you wrote this in like 15 minutes…”
(Verse 1)
In the park where memories cling,
Old men share tales on a bench swing.
Silver hair, stories unfold,
Life's chapters etched in lines, untold.
Oh, the old men, eyes full of lore,
Walking through life, forevermore.
Laughter lines, wisdom's hold,
In their hearts, stories of old.
(Verse 2)
Weathered hands, a lifetime's trace,
Wrinkles echo time and grace.
Seasons pass, joy and pain,
Old men's stories, like a refrain.
Oh, the old men, eyes full of lore,
Walking through life, forevermore.
Laughter lines, wisdom's hold,
In their hearts, stories of old.
On the bench, shadows blend,
Old men's tales, a timeless trend.
As the sun sets, memories unfold,
In their hearts, stories of gold.
(I asked chatgpt to write this lol)
The rest of the members got curious, looking down at the piece of paper “HAHAHA no wahahay you wrote about him being so old!” Seungmin giggled, high-fiving Han “This so so stupid,there’s no way I am about to-” Channie soon changed his mind once the mischeviou’s bunnie’s torturous hand started going back down to the dreaded spot.
The kangaroo tried to get as close to his computer so he wouldn’t have to expose his armpits by stretching his arms out. He was just trying to open the editing app, but that ,obviously wasn’t going to be so easy.
“YAH! Stohohop prodding mehehe!” the wolf tried to contain his snickers “We don’t have time! Get back to work!” Changbin commanded, shacking his hands onto the producer’s ribs “PLEHEHEHEHEASE I-I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!”
The leader’s hands went back down to protect his sensitive body. There was no way he was about to complete this challenge.
“Hurry uppp! I just can’t wait to listen to this brand new song our amazing leader is about to make~” Hyunjin whined, blowing air into his ears.
Chan took a deep breath in. Maybe, just maybe he can ignore the insanely unbearable feeling and complete the dare.
He, once again, quickly reached out to his precious laptop. The kangaroo knew his armpits would soon be poked and prodded, but he had no other options.
“Hehehehehe plehehehease stohohop…” as expected, giggled started pouring out the ticklish man’s mouth. The dwaekki and ferret were both in charge of making the older’s job much more complicated by jabbing into the sensitive spot.
Chan had succesfully opened the editing app. He didn’t care about what song he was going to make, his vocals and overall results. The only thing on his mind was just to finish this.
“Youhuhuhuhu’re anohohohoying! Whoho’s touching my- agh!- SihiHIHDE? FEHEHELIX! STOHOHOHOP!” the younger aussie just snickered. He had gotten tired of his mate taking the tickles so well.
Chan was trying to find an unfinished draft that he could pair with the lyrics. Obviously, that would’ve been much easier without the constant unpredictable movements of his bandmate’s hands.
The talented producer didn’t even check what the incompleted beat sounded like, because someone’s hand or hands (he couldn’t even tell) dug into his lower body. Aka his thighs and knees.
“WHOHOHOHO’S DOHOHOING THAHAHAT?! PLEHEHEHEHEASE JUHUHUHST- UGH STOHOHOP!” poor Chanie’s knees crashed into one another as he fought the urge to lift his arms away from the keyboard “Come on~ Don’t let us torture you like that! Just bring your hands down, that’s all you need to do~” the fox taunted, only quickening his torturous fingers.
Their noble ruler shook his head side to side, his eyes shutting tighly as he refused to give in and defend his torso “P-Plehehease, d-doHOHOhohn’t! I cahaHaHAHAn’t…!” the poor man was shaking, trying to numb his ticklishness. He was doing pretty damn good, until Minho decided to attack his very sensitive ribs.
Lee Know’s idea definetly worked, as poor Channie’s arms glued right back to his body “THIHIHIHIHS IHIHIHIHISN’T FAHAHAHAIR! LEHEHEHEHEHET MEHEH GOHOHOHO!” too bad nobody listened…
If it weren’t for the rest of kid’s holding the wolf’s seat in place, Chan would’ve fallen over at least 10 times already. He was squiming in his chair, his melody long forgotten.
The lost children(lol) decided to slow down and actually let the eldest member at least get started with his song.
“Recording everything will take faaaar too long. How about you just play that cute little beat you’ve brewed up and sing the lyrics however you like? You know, intuitively.” Jisung thought out loud “You know, that’s an amazing idea! Let me just take out my phone and record it, so that we can listen later…” the younger aussie agreed, pulling out said device from his pocket.
“Wahahait, you’re not gonna film this, are you?” the leader muttered in fear “Oh, we are. And what are you gonna do about it? Threaten us? In this adorable position you’re in?” Felix tormented, poking his australian brother’s chest.
Chan turned red at the stament. He decided to play this draft of his at least one more time before adding the… amazing lyrics.
The funkiest, funniest beat echoed thru the room “Well, sing, aussie boy!” the dark rapper encouraged, shoving his hands into his hyung’s armpits.
“I juhuhust wanna listen to it ONE time! Please!” the kangaroo tried to bargain with the lers “Nuh-uh! Sing, now!” the puppy joined Changbin by wrapping his fingers around the older’s thigh.
Soon, the rest of the boys followed Binnie’s and Seungmin’s actions by teasingly placing their arms onto certain spots, getting ready to wreck them.
Jisung handed their commander the paper, skipping to the beggining of the melody
“In the park where memories cling, Old men share tales on a bench swing.” Chan sang the first lines, trying to match his voice with the playing song.
As he tried to sing the next lines, Minho scribbled his fingers on Channie’s neck.
“Sihihihilver hair, stohohories unfold, Mihihinho stohohop!” the wolf whisper-yelled the last part as he fought demons trying to hold his laugh.
“Lihihihfe's ch-chaptehehers etchehehd in lines, untoOHOHOHOLD CHAHAHANGBIN NOHOHO!” he tried to push out the last line before the chorus, which was nearly impossible as the third oldest dug into his very ticklish armpits.
“Oh, the ohohohold mEHEHEHEN, eyEHEHEHEs FUHUHUHUHLL OHOF LOhohoHORE” the leader howled once he felt both of the maknae’s digging mercilessly into the ticklish flesh of his armpits and kneecaps.
“walkiHIHIHIHIng THROHOHOHOugh life, forhohohoevermohohore” his screams died down.
“LAUGHTEHEHEHEHER LIHIHIHINES, wisdOHOHOHOm's hohohold, in their hearts, storiehehehes of ohohohold.” the poor victim cackled, snickered and wheezed, but eventually sang the chorus out.
It was pretty complicated to do so, considering that his whole body was being ticklishly violated every few seconds.
“You’re doing great, honey! Just push thru a few more lines!” Felix sheepishly smiled, drilling his fingers deeper into the kangaroo’s side.
At this point, Chan’s dongsaengs were making it impossible to get any understandable words out of his mouth. All that their poor leader could choke out were pleads of mercy and wild cackles.
“Come on, sing for us, hyungie~!” Seungmin teased, masaging deep circles into the back of the eldest’s member’s knees.
“IHIHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T! JUHUHUHUHUHUHST STOHOHOHOP!” to his disadvantage, none of his precious children listened.
Stray Kids saw no limit, pushing their fingers deeper in and quickening the already painfully fast pace. Chan was dying. He was thrashing around wildly in seat, unable of stopping the tingly sensation that had overtaken his whole body.
“Push out those last verses and we’ll let you go” the oldest rapper encouraged, seeing that his hyung was very close to his limit.
The truth is, Chan could handle tickling pretty well. Even with multiple members wrecking him at the same time. But, obviuosly, the amount was pretty limited.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHAH J-JUHUHUHUHUHST SLOHOHOHOHOW- HAHAHAHAHAHA DOWN!” no matter how exhausted the aussie was, he was determined to finish what he had started.
He grabbed the paper with his shaky hands and just tried to read the lyrics out loud.
“WEHEHEHEHEath-theHEHEHEred han-HAHAHAHAHANDS, A li-LIHIHIfetIHIHIHImeHEHEHE's trahahah-” to be honest, nobody understood a singular word that left his mouth. But hey, at least he was singing the lyrics… Righ?
“SEHEHEHAHAHASONS PAHAHAHAHA-PLEHEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHOP!” at this point, Chan had given up. He was much more focused on shaking his head and whole body side to side in ticklish agony while trying to pry everyone’s hands off him.
“Alright, now that you’re done we must reward you!” Han announced, peeling Chan’s hands away from his torso. He pulled his poor hyung’s shirt up and placed his lips on the very sensitive side.
Soon, everyone got the hint, fighting the kangaroo to get their lips on whatever exposed body part. At some point, Channie gave up and just went limp, waiting for the unberable feeling to come.
“Aww, look, he’s letting us give him raspberries~!” Innie teased, as he exposed the older’s knee. If only Chan knew that in a few moments he would be right back to squirming and thrashing like a maniac.
Stray Kids’ leader was in a concerning state. He was full on crying because of the ticklish feeling that had fully overtaken him. His cheeks were damp, neck and shirt collar soaking wet. Poor Channies was so red that it didn’t even seem funny. Nobody knew if it was from the teases or the intense tickling.
As expected, his dearest children didn’t wait much longer before crashing their lips onto Chan’s vulnerable body.
Jeongin and Seungmin were torturing the lee’s knees by, obviously, blowing raspberries on the top and squeezing the bottom. The sunshine twins were trying(keyword: trying) to blow some ticklish air onto Channie’s midriff. In the meantime, the other two eldest’s were busy tormenting the older’s neck and ears, which were beet-red. Hyunjin, on the other hand, sneaked around making the leader’s alredy miserable condition worse by squeezing or poking ramdom places.
“YAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEASE P-PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHO DOHOHOOHOHOHON’T!” begged Chan with the last ounces of strengh that he had left “WA-WAIHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHI CA-CAHAHA-” soon enough, his laughther was cut short as he ran out of breath. His chest stopped rapidly rising up and down as he curled into himself the best he could.
The aussie simply went limp. That’s when Minho commanded everyone to stop “Hey, hyung, are you alright? We might have went too far…” Changbin asked with concern in his voice “Y-Yeahah… I’m ok. Just tired.” Chan breathed out.
“So… You’re not mad?” the maknae questioned, showing his best puppy eyes “Now that I think about it, I kind of liked it…” “OH MY GOD I GOT THAT ON CAMERA!” Lix screamed, scaring the hell out of basically everyone.
“No way! Give me that phone. Now. Don’t think that I won’t get revenge on every. single. one of you! Nobody is going to be safe this week!” Chan threatened, jumping out of his seat and pinning Felix down.
“That song was beautiful, you know. Must be one of your best melodies” Jisung teased “You’ll be my first victim! Wait, whose idea was this anyway…?” the leader pondered. Everyone’s gazes stuck to Minho like wasps to a pool of soda.
“Yah! Don’t call me out like that… Channie-hyung, please. You really don’t have to do this…” Lee Know whined “Watch your back…”
Even though the older was plotting his revenge mere seconds after his session, he couldn’t help but think about how much he loved being mercilessly wrecked by all of his younger brother’s. He had totally forgotten why he was tired or upset before…
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Hope you enjoyed! Maybe I will make a series of how Chan gets revenge on everyone… Sorry for not updating. Requests are open if you have any ideas! I’ll try to finish them asap.
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pompompinkyy · 4 months
A few years back I made a post that echoed this sentiment but I’ve just been thinking about it a lot lately. I am so grateful that there are spaces online where there are other people with the same interests as me and are unapologetic about the things that they enjoy and collect. However, in person it has always been a struggle not to feel a certain loneliness that comes with the interests I have. As I entered junior high, my friends were all selling their dolls & plushies, I still remember getting roasted by one of the girls in my class for still having Barbie dolls. I realized rather quickly that my love of dolls & toys in general was something that I should outgrow. But for some reason, I just never did. By the time I reached high school most of my toys were gone, not of my own accord. My parents moved us to another town and we were not allowed to bring all of our things. So I packed what I could and it wasn’t a lot. I found myself missing my stuff often. Even sitting in class and just being sad that I couldn’t go home and play with them. The summer in between my freshmen & sophomore years my ex boyfriend’s (bf at the time) mom gave me a whole bunch of Barbie dolls that she didn’t know what to do with. And I felt a certain joy that I can’t explain. I played with the dolls, made things for the dolls bc I was too poor to buy accessories for them, and I found a dollhouse on the side of the road and brought it home. eventually my ex even bought me some dolls & plushies too because he saw how much I genuinely loved them. On & off throughout adulthood I’ve always struggled with these interests though. There’s a certain shame that comes with loving toys at my age. I’m not an age regresser, I don’t buy toys to keep them in a box for all of eternity so I wouldn’t say I’m a collector necessarily either, I just genuinely love them. Sometimes I wish I would have outgrown my love of toys more than anything. Tumblr is the only place I have ever felt 100% safe sharing these interests of mine. Throughout my entire adult life I’ve gone thru phases where I’d try to hide away my love of toys by shoving them in a closet and I’ve definitely been in that phase lately. Everytime someone comes to my house who isn’t a sibling of mine I feel so incredibly judged. I truly wish it didn’t bother me, but it does. I couldn’t tell you the last time my calico critters saw the light of day or my Barbie’s or bratz. Recently, I put all of my plushies away save a shelf in my bedroom. It can just be really embarrassing when a guest makes a comment on my things. What I really want to say is ty tumblr for being the home base for me to share about all of the things that make me very happy.
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jaimeshonorhardon · 11 months
ned/jaime fic concept
modern au jaime post figuring out his trauma works at an animal shelter for dogs
Single dad Ned finds a bunch of “puppies” by the road and is like idk what kind these are and takes them to get checked and vetted up before taking them home and he goes to jaimes shelter and like he doesn’t expect him there and Jaime leaves him with a bad taste in his mouth but like his kids will love these puppies and is like hey can u tell me what these are and give them their shots so I can go and jaimes just like u dumb sexy idiot I have bad history with these are WOLVES how did you find theses?????? U were gonna give them to children ?????? Jaime instantly needing to have sex with this fucking idiot. Post cersei he hasn’t been with anyone in years due to insecurities/major blows to his confidence (cersei trauma and no hand trauma) and the lack of practice in genuine flirting besides a little thing he had with his bestie (brienne) but they were both going thru some shit and are just family now but he literally hasn’t been interested in anyone either (demisexual jaime rights) so he literally is just stumbling and blushing and then just blatantly flirting but ned thinks that’s just how he’s always been but maybe a little more nervous than usual so doesn’t really get it
But also later for jaime truly falling for him it’s because ned is just such a good dad (obviously ruggedly hot but that’s besides the point) with a heart of gold like he’s a single dad of fucking 6 plus Theon so 7 and is super busy with his company but makes time for all of those fucking kids and all of their activities and for ned—ned is just like wow Jaime is really good with these dogs they really like him animals know best plus he’s very very good at his job just something about an efficient man that animals like he seems changed and a good person now plus he’s gorgeous and my kids don’t mind him I’ll let myself love him :)
but Jaime at first is just purely horny for ned (that’s just what he tells himself) and then eventually is like oh no…..I am in love with this old caring father while said father at first had no idea what was going on but after they fuck he immediately and silently in his head decides he’s romantically seeing where things go and falls in love gradually and naturally compared to jaimes bomb of a realization one day as he has no practice in this besides having always been “in love” (imagine post trauma Jaime also air quoting) with cersei and ned was fully married and in love before
FUCK and of course Jaime has to go over periodically to check on the wolves growth and behavior cuz like that’s what ALL vets do right …right??!!?? He tells himself yes of course 😅 I’m not being too secretly crazy in love I’m just being helpful! He won’t catch on! Ned goes from oblivous to begrudgingly accepting into making it apart of his life and something to look forward to with Jaime in their initial stages of romance while jaime is just internally screaming that he hopes ned doesn’t catch onto his feelings and how much he needs ned in his life and cares and if he rejects him cuz cersei never gave a single shit about any of his true feelings and he cannot handle losing the best man he’s ever met even as a kind of friend he’s fucking and helping taking care of his wolves and kids (jaime is their second dad at this point he’s the only one who doesn’t know)
He also thinks ned doesn’t know what to do with all these dogs anyway he’s a busy man with 7 kids he needs help these poor wolves probably aren’t getting proper care and the children need rides to school which is on his way to work (jaime is the one not getting proper care and ned can tell the man is low key struggling on his own why not just add another one into the pack more the merrier)
And of course ned has a huge property and one of the pups gets lost late at night and he calls Jaime to help and they get snowed in at some cabin at the end of the property where the little pup took shelter (probs ghost bc he’s harder to find and quiet so it would take until nightfall) and ya know ~things~ happen between the two men
I need those two mfs to be locked in a cabin so bad idk …
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
Honestly. thinking back on it (am mega late yes) even though i like. ultimately enjoyed going thru fontaine AQ as an experience in terms of its emotional core and payoff with characters like navia neuvillette n furina having very strong writing and characterization i do think the overall AQ lore and worldbuilding is probably the messiest in the entire game and feels like all of its opportunities and potential was underutilized the most and thats just. Unfortunate
like yes its inazuma thats the most infamous for how shitty and rushed its execution was (and rightly so) and yes it Also had its share of issues with nothingburgers like the whole statue thing going nowhere or how shoddily constructed the entire it-was-all-the-fatui deal was
but i still think it has a stronger ground to stand on like. all aspects of the story if just slightly differently written and centered around better in-lore reasoning and logic. Are internally consistent with the world ya know. and would have produced a good story. like it could be fixed easily. no need for me to go Full Rewrite here but like just to make a point:
a shut-in deity paranoid and trauma-stricken is ignorant to her peoples wishes and enacts an eternal rule that stifles their hopes and dreams. discontentment in the nation (NOT just the vision holders it shouldve been ALL inazumans divided on this i s2g) has been on the rise but only outside forces stoking the flames push it into overdrive as they seek to exploit the unrest to get the gnosis. couldve brought the whole "peoples faith powers the archon" if they wanted to pop off bc then the fatui by sparking the civil war are Directly weakening eis power like Thats solid! less ei was innocent and only the fatui led to the bad stuff more. ei is flawed makes shit choices and leaves an opening for their operations etc etc etc.
foreshadow signoras past and distrust of the gods in like a tense encounter or two early on (ritou maybe?) where she hints at a deeper reason behind her actions. no need to trauma dump just have her like idk mock us for seeking the archons for "help" in finding our sibling slash truth of the world and coincidentally use wording that directly alludes to what we already heard from dainsleif earlier abt the cataclysm and archons sus so its like an Oh Shit. she can namedrop or allude to venti to imply its personal or sth to further recontextualize her actions in mondstadt as well.
and so on. like then fixing the rebellion (ppl join for other reasons than just the VHD so its a more common cause etc maybe some ppl dont care abt the decrees as much but the drafting of civilians into the ever expanding war effort goes too far) and stuff like that. inazuma had the ingredients for a consistent good story they just fumbled it completely
whereas fontaine tells like. a much stronger and more hype emotional core journey for its focal points as u go thru them but also it just. Genuinely falls apart if you poke at the setting and world for a bit too long its really just swiss cheese and that sucks
like as much as i Do love the narwhal in a very normal and sane way i still think story wise it absolutely goes into the signora tier of mishandled AQ boss fights except Even worse than hers bc. signora Fits inazuma even if she was handled poorly. but with the narwhal (and by extension childes entire presence as happy as i was to see him at all) its just... kinda random? and got pretty much brushed aside even during the AQ like we get the opera hall cutscene and then theres a THIRTY MINUTE cutscene with focalors before the actual fight happens like way to just. eliminate any urgency from the situation bruh. and then at the end both the narwhal and childe kinda just got plot deviced into hyping up skirk and surtalogis name drop. which rly fucking sucks. 99.7% of fandom never reads the AQ fight boss drop to consider the narwhals a sentient thinking feeling entity and not just a dumb big pet bc skirk called it that etc.
childe in general i dont think im necessarily like. as negative on the way he was handled as some ppl are (tho the general sentiments are 100% shared) but its still very much like. a disappointment w his lack of presence and voiced lines and in terms of how a lot of the intrigue set up in the AQ Especially the oratrice judgement just got shrugged off all "who knows 🤷‍♀️" like Are You Serious. and also p much using him as a neuvi hype device like . I saw it i knew ppl were going to be insufferable abt it & was right
i also saw a comment talking abt how childe Being the purple guy inside the narwhal just corrupted or sth wouldve given him a more heightened presence during the boss fight and while im a hater of that concept for other reasons (mostly the. narwhal must have malicious designs for ajax thing) i cant disagree with that take in terms of the story aspect. like if the narwhal ate him when he fell back in (which i kinda? assume mustve happened lmao like where did he Go 😭😭) it Wouldve been a much greater moment for sth like that to be there.
But bc i personally dont like the Brainwashed Puppet Angle i think how id have done it is just. sure make the purple guy more reminiscent of ajax n his fight style maybe even FL . But. feature an actual fucking cutscene in the stomach of us realizing its Not Him. but instead its the Narwhal Emulating Him as a spectral summon thingy. bc it ate his dumb unconscious ass for safekeeping or w/e and is now copying his homework of "use a manifestation of the other as a combat technique" (v romantic btw. soulmates real). like DUDE we had childes earlier AQ appearance Actively Bring Up this EXACT thing! he uses a hydro construct mimicking the narwhal as a combat technique bc of how their encounter rewired his brain chemistry. and now the narwhal needs to improv a more humanoid angle to combat in its stomach after it ate us. so like pov ur the narwhal whats the closest point of reference to draw from at that moment?
Oh Right. the guy ur been fighting for 40+ days . Your guy (derogatory) 💀 like they have a telepathic link who knows if it could just straight up cross reference Our combat moves from the flashes its getting from childes memories of seeing us in action and utilizing that.
like it wouldve been so sick and still left the nature of their connection relatively open ended. like it ate him skirk would be separating them at the end and maybe comment on it a bit and his whereabouts during the entire thing wouldve been Way Less confusing. The knight dude being a mimic of ajax' battle technique would thematically connect to the golden house fight and his hydro whale technique and its just. the current electro dude is just so Huh. like its a good jumpscare and i love the OST obviously but it getting No Lore NOR cutscene sucks so bad
(And like if they wanted the combat design to be so that theres no cutscene interrupting the transition between being swallowed and entering the stomach phase just make it an AQ exclusive one. and if we cant have traveler talk and logistics of bringing paimon/neuvi to make the shocked observation of "is that.... him? no... its just an imitation???" or w/e . Just have us FLASH BACK to childes own fucking dialogue as the phantom him is summoned to face us where he mentions 1) traces of the narwhal on him and 2) the basis behind his hydro summon technique. so traveler can have a silent !!!!!! Realization that he got ate or whatever and now his narwhal is stealing his ideas jsjskdksirigkf)
Anyway i swear this wasnt just abt those two im so sorry . but like yeah its just a fucking shame and also the narwhal being just like . Means to an End in the prophecy feels kinda meh but like i dont have a solid idea on how that would even rly be fixed but yeah. underutilized my both beloveds
Back to fontaine general stuff tho i kinda do think that . hoyo almost missed the trees for the forest w it all if u will excuse the mid metaphor . like they told a very strong emotional story w neuvi and furina and navia But it came at the cost of a highly illogical lore and worldbuilding and its just An Issue if u dwell on it even a little bit and its rly a shame
like they were going for this justice theme of maybe AI justicebot is not The Way (TM) and people viewing court as a spectacle rather than a show of justice but then went never fucking where with it in terms of Maybe This Needs Changing . they made that entire champion duelists a thing despite it being So fucking stupid fundamentally like it just relies on nobody with enough raw power to just solo any duelist ever getting into the ring
(no credit for this tho this was a comment thread i ran into on leaks sub. there was also a point made abt how childe dueling and winning against clorinde when hes accused wouldve been such a great moment of like both showcasing clorindes role and linking to their earlier sparring and holding back thing and also that maybe the system sucks when this is possible and while i get the story needed him in jail so he can reunite w his narwhal . im now mad this didnt happen. give him a W in combat hoyo.)
like theres this entire thing about flawed justice in fontaine that is present in the 4.0 story but then it just...... Disappears. Bc AI justicebot was anti celestia archon deleter all along and it finished its job so its no longer a fundamental ethical issue for the legal system and fontaines ppl to grapple with and confront shit like childes sentencing. And furina wanted dramatic trials bc of what she was told by focalors but since she retires its now just neuvillette whos super fair so everything is fixed .
im not as big of a hater of act III as some but like thinking abt these things further makes me like it less and less like Yes they wanted this meropide vs regular fontaine dichotomy explored and all but thinking of it is just. i wonder how worthwhile the opportunity cost was in there (i have no correct answer btw)
bc . if you keep the childe jailed bc justice AI bot. they shouldve shown the people responding to it . bc that entire highly controversial judgement is Literally accompanied by the solving of the serial disappearances case AFTER multiple ""culprits"" had already been imprisoned for it which i actually forgot (thanks same reddit comment for reminding me) like Whats with those people then????? and just. Everything to do with the entire case including childes deal shouldve been a much bigger social upheaval anyway like ik stuff like furinas SQ shows ppl personally affected in the aftermath but i mean in bigger scale.
And Then if we like run a bit with this alternate hypothetical idea of childe no diffing the court system (clorinde im sure youre powerful but like i put more faith in those ruin guards that lasted 4s against FL than u girl) so hes simultaneously kind of a criminal let off scot free but also its so stupid to think a guy thats like 25 at most is involved in a 20yr old solved case it couldve been actual source of political discord. and like if you need to get him to the narwhal for plot reasons its Rly Not That Hard theyre obsessed with each other bro gets pinged a whale call once and its like yes honey we jailbreak for reunion tonight (hes going to throw hands Immediately bc hes the toxic battle maniac one). also yes ik they wrote it weird so technically ajax cant duel after the oratrice decides hes involved which is major intrigue point (that canon wasted but oh well) but like. they couldve written differently idc. he couldve even gone off investigating why AI bot considers him guilty on his own and then jeepers!! speedrun glitchless any% spawned into the primordial sea!! hes missing! but like this isnt a well articulated idea whatsoever lmao im just winging some shit
meropides existence in general was also just weird. again i enjoyed the character writing it enabled for wrio and the HotH trio and despite disliking childe just being MIA i do like how the storytelling around his escape expands on his social intelligence and street smarts still. but as an entity the fortress is just sorta there as a system that Obviously shouldnt be Like this when its literally the other side of the coin to fontaines Already dubious legal system but then they went the whole. its a gathering place for exiles (still a prison)!! a home for those alienated by the surface world after so long (so why KEEP them in there that long)!!!! protectors of egerias secret (okay Sure. but whats the need post prophecy then)!!!! And its like. okay im not about to uhh. overstep my understanding of the risk a chinese company limited by often nebulous and inconsistent censorship would take if they went for a full on prison reform/abolishing angle w the writing like i dont think that was in the cards. But it still means meropide as a system just falls apart if u think abt its existence critically At All and its hard to say whether fontaines writing omitting sth like it entirely wouldve ultimately been better for the overall focus of the story anyway. but yeah
and its just. im sure theres even more that i havent even noted here (logistics of nobody drowning in the flood & rest of teyvat being unaffected etc etc) bc this is just a rant ramble not a coherent analysis but my point in all of this is that the abundance of issues like these just kinda add up so that by the end its kinda like fontaines simultaneously the AQ that id say has the highest highs in terms of its best moments and strongest emotional beats and how much heart it carries . Like im not taking that away from it.
but its also the AQ with like genuinely the messiest fucking groundwork in lore and larger worldbuilding implications whose aftermath leaves the most plot threads barely explored or just discarded altogether by the end and its just?? Such a weird mess like i very much enjoyed it despite the problems and for me it still overtakes sumeru in many aspects but i cant pretend those problems arent there . like consistency of writing and lore accounted for sumeru is still the best AQ
(oh also. the fact that to my knowledge no fucking fontaine NPC Ever reacts to the events throughout the AQ is fucking insane. like other nations could get away w sth like that better but. THE ENTIRE NATION FLOODED. How the fuck arent they talking. ppl in meropide post act IV abt the close call. ppl who saw the narwhal in the opera house in V. Like . HUH???)
but yeah its . A weird situation w fontaines writing as a whole . & yes im giga late to the discussion HSJSJSKSI but oh well thats my brain for ya
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senditcolton · 1 year
Oak with Brock Boeser because that man has been THRU it (emotionally)
oh this man really does need a long hug and I would be happy to be the one to give him one. soft blurb incoming for this soft boy!
word count: 1k
There were so many things you loved about your boyfriend Brock. If you were to make a handwritten list, it may as well span across the Pacific Ocean.
You loved his smile, his compassion, his drive. But the thing you loved the most was his capacity to feel. Brock Boeser felt more deeply than anyone who had ever met before.
Unfortunately, like most people, his greatest strength was also sometimes his greatest weakness.
In the years that you had been with him, you learned that sometimes Brock got lost in his emotions, both the good and the bad. When he became hyper-fixated on a positive feeling, it was magical to be with him, to be around him. Being in his life when that happened felt like something out of a fairytale.
But when he started to drown in sadness or anger or doubt…
You knew him. After all these years, you should know him. Which meant that you recognized the warning signs that told you when Brock was spiraling. You never blamed him for his low moments. There was never anything to blame him for. All you could do was offer a hand and hold him through the storms that occasionally blew in.
This was one of those storms.
The Canucks were struggling and now, it seemed as if everyone was either being whisked away and lost in the shifting tides or they were abandoning a sinking ship before it was too late. Their coach who genuinely believed and cared about the players under his wings was fired. Their captain, the man that the team and the city looked to in order to lead them down the path to victory, had been traded, going off to join a team that had the will and skills necessary to win.
Now there were so many people looking to Brock, the golden boy, to be the new hope – the ray of light that would guide them all to a better horizon.
It was too much to place on one person’s shoulders. Even if that person may act like they would carry the burden with a smile on their face.
Brock loved his fans, he loved the team, he loved the city. He wanted to do right by them. But he didn’t realize that he couldn’t be their hopeful sun if he burnt himself out before they really needed him.
That’s why you had been waiting for him when he came home from practice, with a new pair of soft pajamas and one of his favorite movies queued up on the television. That’s why you had spent the last few hours with him silently curled up in your arms. And now, with one of your hands running through his golden hair, you wanted Brock to stay as peaceful as he was now.
“I’m going to let everyone down,” he whispers, uttering the first words he’s said since stepping through the doorway. You glance down at him and see his gaze turned elsewhere, far away from you and the present moment.
“What makes you think that?” you ask, knowing not to deny or minimize his fears. To let him work through them.
“I’m not what they need. They need someone who regularly preforms, who is a leader on and off the ice, who will drag the team where they need to be kicking and screaming. Someone strong. That’s not me.”
“You’re stronger than you think,” you reply, continuing to stroke his hair. “I know that if that’s what they need from you, you will take up that responsibility. But I need you to remember that you don’t have to do everything yourself.”
Your gentle words cause Brock to finally look up to you, his eyes looking into yours as you continue.
“You have a whole team behind you, Brock. People who want the same thing you do. People who will do what they need to do to achieve that dream,” you explain, taking a deep breath before you speak your next words – voicing a fear you always had when it came to your ocean of a boyfriend and the depth of his feelings.
“I just know don’t want you to become someone you’re not just because you think that’s what people want you to be. What people need – actually need – is you; the perfect, gentle, sweet soul that you are. And if the hockey world or culture or whatever doesn’t think those are the characteristics of a leader… then it’s them that needs to change, not you.”
You let your bold declaration linger in the stillness of your bedroom, watching Brock’s expression shift as he takes in your words. Another moment of silence passes between you before Brock connects his eyes to yours again and you smile at the softness reflected in his pupils.
“How am I so lucky? That I get to call the most caring person in the world mine?” he asks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You can’t stop the light laughter that falls from you at his words.
“I think I should be the one asking that question.”
There is no hesitation as you lean into him, Brock welcoming you and it is only a brief moment until your lips touch his, capturing him in a gentle kiss. A kiss which you pour all of your love into. A kiss with a certainty and ferocity that Brock reciprocates.
The two of you stay like that for a moment, tangled in each other’s arms, pressing soft kisses into the other’s lips. It is Brock that pulls away first but he doesn’t move far. Instead, he just inclines his head forward so your foreheads are touching and you can feel the heat of his breath fanning across your cheekbones,
“Thank you,” he whispers to you. And somehow, you know he isn’t just thanking you for your words of kindness and encouragement. He is thanking you for being his anchor, his lifeline in the vastness of the oceans that exist both around him and within him.
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I was wondering who ran the justfeysand acc? it’s no longer active & i loved that account for us feyre girlies 😭 or queerincrisis too who i used to love. i’ll never forget when of the coolest people deactivated from fandom and their name was hotdiscodauce ..wherever you are hotdiscosauce feyre girls miss you. cant even blame people for saying “fuck this” lmao. i love feyre too much to crumble though so i suffer thru the toxicity of this fandom just to ride for my girl !!
the only thing that could make me inactive is if she doesn’t do shit in hofas while nesta’s mid self gets a pov while also being randomly paired with bryce when really that should be feyre. if the pregnancy ends up as a plot device to sideline her or the bargain i know ill be pissed and leave. especially if she has no cute scenes with bryce. just bc they aren’t that similar doesn’t mean i want to see bryce with nesta and bryce of all characters. and it better not just be rhys in the spotlight for hofas with amren sjm since only they know the language
Hiii! So sorry for responding late to this but I actually have the answers to your ails! Justfeysand was ran by my sweet sweet moot who has just become a little busy and less interested in SJM recently. Fear not though my dear anon for she is still here in the form of @moonfyre-s!! Aggressively defending our high lady Feyre and also giving us some darklina and miscellaneous content.
And the lovely aqueerincrisis is still here as well!! You can find them dishing out their hot takes on @acourtofcriticalthinking! Dw nonnie, our love for Feyre will always be there even as our interests and lives change :)
Honestly I'm very aware of the fact that I haven't been as active lately and I feel really bad about it, I still do reblogs and such but I just haven't been making as much original content recently. I've been trying to cut down on the anti content I post here and keep more of my criticisms in the Feyre server, I don't have a lot of energy to actually argue on here like I used to so I just talk my shit over there. Once cc3 comes out and I get Feyre crumbs though I swear I will be back to yapping, I just need more juice for my inspiration to come to me.
Some people in the Feyre server and I might be rereading the series after we've all wrapped up cc3 though so I'll def make some content during that. :) And I completely agree with everything you said, I don't really care that Nesta is going to be talking with Bryce as it is just a bonus chapter and I'm of the belief those genuinely aren't that important and only exist for marketing and to possibly build some excitement about certain things, I just hope that during their brief time in cc3 all of the acotar characters Feyre get treated well and we get some interesting scenes from them.
I'm not really a fan of cc3 theories that put one acotar character as objectively more important than others in the grander scheme of the SJM multiverse. I think they're all just cogs in one large machine and all these theories saying "X character is actually going to be the key player because of Y reasons!" is always silly to me. Tbh I'm not really a huge fan of the acotar characters becoming things outside of the context of their own universe/stories (if that makes sense)? Why can't they just be helping Bryce out? Why must one of them secretly be the key to everything? Or the Mother? Or the CC gods? Or a prince of Hel? BLAH!
anyways I got off track! It's so sweet that you noticed those two blogs were missing and they were both very touched when I told them I had an anon reach out to inquire about their wellbeing. You're a sweetheart!
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
002 Tatiana :)
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i need her carnally. i love her unlike anyone else. she deserves so much better than what she's been through. like i said i am a SUCKER for characters who go thru a lot and fight for a better future, i fucking love characters who care a lot, and tati does <3 also feels like one of those characters whos just really really tired of violence, and living so desensitized to it, someone who longs for a childhood and to have someone to lean on, who genuinely grieves the life she couldve lived. which. Always makes me feel a lot of emotions. also the most beautiful woman alive.
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: barb. spyentist rights oh my god i love the idea of their dynamic to have someone so loud and expressive and someone whos quiet and reserved. and on a perhaps Too Deep level two people who are naturally inclined to take care of others finally having someone who takes care of them. ALSO THINK OF THE SHENANIGANS LIKE PLEASE THE POTENTIAL IS LIMITLESS.
MY NON ROMANTIC OTP: CURT AND TATI!! i fucking love their canon bits together so much and love love love having two people who are very alone find comfort in each other. lesbian gay solidarity
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i dont think i really have one!! i guess shipping her with barb because i know some people dont see it which is so valid but not really anything other than that. OH i would say that she's very much a main character in the show. just as much as curt or owen
ONE THING I WISH WOULD HAPPEN: same thing with barb, it would be very nice to get more fandom content---she's such a complex and nuanced character and i think that deserves more acknowledgement!! i know this is hypocritical of me as curtwen occupies all of my thoughts and posts but one day.......
CROSSOVER SHIP: ok i dont ship them but i think it would be very fun to see a crossover where her and linda monroe interact because i know tatiana would just fucking EXPLODE her with her mind
HEADCANON: she takes up crochet and knitting ones she settles down and very much enjoys if!! she occasionally sends things to mrs. mega and curt. she also loves physical affection but only with those she trusts, and its hard for her to show it. decent cook, she makes edible food, but nothing really good---just survivable. in my mind she moves in with barb a while after post canon who absolutely CANNOT cook and they start learning together.
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broodsys · 10 months
venting abt creative woes feel free to ignore <3
it has been really hard for me to post art, both drawing and writing. it's not just about engagement/lack thereof or abt concrit or about anything in particular. i just get so caught up in comparisons and breaking things down and wanting to be objectively "better" at it and idk if i'm even enjoying it anymore.
sometimes i think seriously about stopping? i'd still create but. just for me. idk.
and im having mixed feelings about fandom in general. idk. it's late at night and it's been dark for too many hours and ik that's putting me in A Mood(tm) but it's still been! hard! and i get sad and frustrated and self-conscious all the time
it just feels like im out here putting my ugly shit next to everyone's polished pretty pieces. and ik, ik, two cakes, i've been trying to internalize that, but it's hard right now. i cannot stop thinking about the pretty fics ive read and i cannot stop being so fucking envious of them and it feels gross! like i should just appreciate them? they're lovely, mine doesn't have to and shouldn't be a replica, etc etc, all these things i know intellectually, but... ugh.
and it's extra frustrating bc i know ppl like my stuff, esp my writing. they do! they've said it! ppl who have no cause to lie to me, strangers, etc. but i just can't feel it and im so... envy demon has a fucking hold of me lmao.
might be circling back to the going too fast/pushing myself too hard thing again. but i've just been dealing with the constant undercurrent of severe frustration with everything i attempt. i try to shake it off but idk, if it's this consistent...?
ugh. idk. i've been going back and forth on this for a while. do i push through? do i try to drop my standards? do i just keep all my stuff to myself? unknown.
like, no matter what im finishing my bigfic. for me. but idk. should i even bother posting it? it's not... it's not about engagement. it's about the fact that i feel like the whole thing is just kinda... an embarrassment? like i cannot stop looking at it thru the most critical, least compassionate version of a potential audience and it's fucking with me so bad. when im writing i enjoy it, i think it's cool, i think it's good. but then i post it and after a while im just so embarrassed. i still think it's good! but it's still also embarrassing! i've worked hard for years to learn to trust my audience, to not spoon-feed them every bit of information and then follow it up with a quick confirmation just to make sure they're getting it, but now i feel like i'm being drawn back into that.
i read it. i've reread it a few times, in fact, for pleasure and not for editing. i love it? but im also so embarrassed by it whenever im not like... actively reading it. it's just disheartening.
idk. it's my personal baggage more than anything ig.
anyway im genuinely not asking for my ego to be stroked here or w/e, just- this has been weighing kinda heavily on me for quite a while. it's very frustrating.
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walkyjake · 3 months
Genuinely getting into & exploring gizz thru such a lens appears to be so energy and effort and intent intensive, I admire & respect you for your passion!
ahhh ;w; yes passion absolutely drives it, i am thankful for how much there is to explore as much as i am overwhelmed by it. it's pretty funny.
i really did jsut kind of 'end up' being enamored by it all, because it by nature and its appeal to my tastes has just totally totally compelled me so much more than anything... literaly so many dimensions to both loving and being scared of it muahhahaha.
it's funny because im not even alone in this b/c gizz is the kind of band where the demographic of fans are simply known as being SUPREMELY DEDICATED and extravagant... cos the band itself is immensely extravagant. so a lot of ppl are also very very obsessed but also (mostly my peers who are a lot like me,) very overwhelmed too. my friends are always saying things like "ah i think i need to go on another gizz detox... it's too much..."
ahh sort of tangent: but that's also why lately ive been researching TheBeatles b/c of the phenomenon of beatlemania HAHAHAHA like a little bit of ironicism in it but TBH i have seen some genuinely interesting things... like scholarly articles abt why female fans in the 60s were Like That... i reallylove learning i could even say it is rather important to me, there's a lot to still delve into and understand... I ought to also pursue research for the band The Grateful Dead for more coverage of the phenomenon of "kinda niche psychrock band with superduper overzealous dedicated following" (also b/c they have a lot more similarity to gizzard especially from directly inspiring them, a whole other thing to get into tbh)...
the main thing is... the medium of Music Band has sooo many factors specific to it that can drive fans Craszyyyyy... i have found myself in the spiral but am constantlyobserving how it affects me and everyone i know. ahhh. Ahhhhh!
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