#some of the galaxy texture too and just man :)
benetnvsch · 1 year
I made my bed at like 10 pm in an attempt to try and go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight but somehow it’s now 2 am and I’m out lying on my trampoline looking up at the stars while listening to my favorite album instead- life do be like that sometimes huh
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andyoullhearitagain · 3 months
Every Odo Costume Ranked From Worst To Best Part 1
Odo looks terrible 75% of the time and it's not bad costume design, it's true to the character! But it does test me.  Here's everything he wears definitely ranked.
19. Cardassian Uniform:
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It is NOT a good look for him.
18. Seasons 1 and 2 Bajoran Security Uniform:
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The original Bajorn uniform is SO UGLY you guys. I understand that it's meant to be beige and unattractive to reflect Odo's discomfort with his appearance and his general state as an awkward stiff guy but, oh man. Boy does it achieve that. It's just so unflattering and it makes him look so old and I hate it.
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It has so many fit and construction problems, you guys.
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17. Makeshift Blanket Poncho:
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I literally think he looks better here than in season 1. Also his hair looks better!
16. Klingon Odo:
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I almost forgot about Klingon Odo because while I like Klingons in episodes, I don't like Klingon Episodes, you know what I mean? And Odo would be the very bottom of my list of people to go undercover as a Klingon, I don't care if he IS the chief of security. But he does have the face for it, I have to say.
15. 200 Years in the Future Odo:
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Ok it's not thaaaaaat bad an outfit but I really cannot with Casual Summer Farmer Odo. It's just not right. It's not what a want for Odo, fashion-wise. Texture of the tunic is pretty.
14. Federation Infirmary Scrubs:
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Oh if you get hurt on a FEDERATION ship they give you a non-stupid outfit, huh? It's cute, I'd lounge around the house in it. Is it insane to rank this above Future Odo? Maybe, but I just think it suits him better.
13. Season 3+ Bajoran Security Uniform:
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Oh thank god. They fixed most of the fit problems, mainly by adding padding in the chest and shoulder and eliminating some of the shaping in the side front.
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And I don't mean padding like they're trying to change his shape, I mean padding as in they've made a suit coat correctly. They also added a high collar. I don't know WHY they repeated the mistake they made in TNG where they started with crew necks (near universally unflattering) but at least they fixed it. It's still a frumpy, insecure look but it feels much more appropriate. Love that Odo always makes his sleeves too long. 
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12. Umpire Odo:
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This look absolutely gains points because of how much Odo's enjoying it. And that's the most important part of an outfit! He's serving Dadcore.
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Do you think the mask is part of him or do you think he wore a real one because It's The Rules? If he got hit in the face with a baseball would it hurt? Important questions.
11. Season 3 Bajoran Security Uniform But With A Belt:
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Odo wore this belt for like six episodes and then Kira said she liked it right before she started dating Shakkar, ruining it for Odo forever. May it rest in peace.
10. Mirror Universe Odo:
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I really think they could and should have gone harder on Evil Sexy Odo, but unforch he's just wearing the season 3 uniform in black. It is nicer than the brown though so it ranks higher! When you see the costume in full light it's actually got some nice texture.
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But Terok Nor is the darkest place in the galaxy, so for most of the episode it looks like this.
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Part 2
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clericofshadows · 14 days
hope you don't mind this ask. but what are your favorite pc mods to use for the Mass Effect games?
oh man, there's so many... all my mods for sure ;)
and here's a link to the Mass Effect Modding discord!
but in all seriousness, here's a list. this isn't an install order nor does it list all requirements for mods, but it does have all the mods I can't live without or have used before and enjoy. read mod descriptions closely, watch for compatibility sections, and you'll be fine. I won't really mention cosmetics beyond listing some devs (including myself, to be transparent) who focus on that kind of thing, because this list will get even longer and cosmetics tend to be more on a case-by-case basis. I also won't list texture mods because I don't use them.
this is also not exhaustive and I will definitely forget some lol. browse nexus, there's definitely lots of things I probably looked over/missed.
also, do not use synth's guide, period. it's now unsupported and I'm tired of troubleshooting it on the main modding server.
LE1 Community Patch - Necessary for any playthrough.
Same-Gender Romances for LE1 - Makes Kaidan and Ashley available for same gendered Sheps, also functions as an optional flirting mod of sorts.
MELLO - Restores dynamic lighting for LE, makes the game closer to how it looks to OT.
Alliance Uniform Consistency - If you're like me and prefer ME3's Alliance uniform style, this mod backports them to LE1.
Skip Minigames (LE1) - Self explanatory.
Charted Worlds (LE1) - Marks more items of interest on UNC maps
Black Market License (LE1) - Gives more vanilla loot from "hidden" manufacturers, so weapons and an armor set that was previously inaccessible without console commands.
Private Message Terminal (LE1) - Adds a message terminal to the Normandy.
A Little Help From My Friends (LE1) - Requires Private message terminals, adds emails and collection assignment support from different characters.
Eclectic Emails (LE1) - Requires private message terminals, adds various emails to LE1 to flesh out the story and characters.
Galaxy Map Trackers (LE1) - Tracks discovered and undiscovered missions on the galaxy map
Pinnacle Station DLC - Brings the Pinnacle Station DLC back to LE.
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE1) - Gives Kaidan a higher poly face and new hair
Casual Hubs for LE1 - Shepard and squadmates will wear casual outfits in some situations
LE1 Diversification Project - Overhauls ME1 with lots of asset diversity, cut content, and mission changes. Read the Article page for more details! (This mod has some hard requirements, read the description)
Advanced Weapon Models for LE1 - Backports ME3 weapon models to LE1.
Normandy Rapid Transit (LE1) - Adds the Normandy to the rapid transit fast travel points.
Mira Puzzle Be Gone - Tired of the Towers puzzle in Noveria? Me too.
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE1) - My personal favorite "visible Tali/visible quarian" face mod
Elements of Comparative Weaponry (LE1) - Gives better description information on weapons
No Skill Check Required for Loot (LE1) _ Take whoever you want without worrying about skillchecks.
No Armor Skill Required - Equip armor without worrying about skills
XP Rescale (LE1) - Increases XP rewards
ME3 Alliance Armor for LE1 - Backports the ME3 marine armor for marines to wear in LE1
Mako Squadmate Banter - Adds the elevator banter to the Mako (Please note this mod has a hard requirement)
Mako Infinite Boost - Self explanatory
No Sexual Harassment (LE1 and LE2) - Removes a variety of things, such as sexist dialogue and the weird Sha'ira touching. I personally just remove the Sha'ira stuff.
Virmire Savior Mod (LE1) - Lets you save both Kaidan and Ashley on Virmire (note, do disable Kaidan Alenko Overhaul if using this mod)
Hot Labs Restored (LE1) - Massive cut content restoration for Noveria
Caleston Restored (LE1 - ALPHA) - Restores the cut planet Caleston that used to be the place for Liara's recruitment mission.
Punch Charles Saracino - Why punch a reporter when you can punch Terra firma?
New Outfit for Matriarch Benezia - GIves Benezia some more practical outfits for her appearance.
Unofficial LE2 Patch - Necessary
LE2 Prologue Framework - Necessary for many mods
Early Recruitment (LE2) - Early recruitment of Tali, Samara, Thane, Legion, and access to Illium and Tuchanka pre -Horizon
EGM Weapons in Cutscenes (LE2) - Weapons you hold will properly appear in cutscenes.
Trigger Buttons (LE2) - Trigger story mission with a button press rather than forced into them
Cerberus and Alliance Uniform Consistency (LE2) - If you're like me and prefer the ME3 fatigues/uniforms
Anderson and Hackett Consistency Mod (ME2LE) - Anderson and Hackett wear their ME3 dress blues.
Risky Suicide Mission (LE2) - Makes the suicide mission in LE2 feel more like a suicide mission. Best used for a brand new playthrough
Cerberus Weapons (LE2) -Gives the game more Cerberus weapons, backported from 3
Modern Weapon Pack - Backports weapons from 3
Casual Hubs for LE2 - Shepard and squadmates will wear casuals on and off the normandy in some scenarios
Expanded Shepard Armory (ME2LE) - Large armor and casual mod, also allows you to select armor right before a mission
Virmire Savior Mod (LE2) - Continuation of Virmire Savior 1, allows one Virmire Survivor to confront you on Horizon while the other is a temp squadmate
One Probe All Resources - Use one probe to gather everything
No N7 Armor in Liaras Apartment - Removes the creepy armor in Liara's apartment.
F.I.S.H. Mod (LE2) - Kelly will feed your fish without flirting with her
Renegade Scars for All - LE2 - LE3 - If you're like me and love renegade scars and want them on always
Nos Astra Mineral Exchange - Adds a trading market to LE2 for resources and currency.
Same-Gender Romances for LE2 - Continues the same sex Kaidan and Ash romances from 1, adds Tali and Thane for same gender sheps. LE3 mod isn't out yet.
Oriana looks like Miranda's Twin (ME2LE) - Oriana's face is changed to Miranda's
Easy Armor Stats (LE2) - Armor stats are moved above descriptions
Skip Minigames for LE2 - As the title says
Bonus Bonus Powers For LE2 - Freely add or remove powers from Shep's loadout
Combat Evade Maneuvers - Adds a biotic dash for roll evade
Recovered Powers - Gives Shep 4 new powers
HD Romance Photos - Adds a larger photo for ME1 romances
Optional Flirting Mod (LE2) - Makes flirting options more clear and some actions optional via interrupts
Zaeed's Wholesome Revenge (LE2) - Save the workers AND kill Vido on Zaeed's loyalty mission if completed fast enough
Geth Pulse Rifle on Lower Difficulties - Don't want to play harder difficulties but want this gun? This mod is for you
Full Weapon Recovery - Recover all special weapons on the Collector ship
Skip Mass Effect 2 Prologue - Skips straight to character creator when starting a new game
Truly Unrestricted Weapons LE2 - Shepard and squad can equip all weapon types
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE2) - The LE2 version of the LE1 mod. Also has an optional addon for even more armors.
Extended Romance Scenes - Ports LE3 romance scenes for LE2 romances
No Shared Power Cooldowns - Removes the shared power cooldowns.
Kaidan and Ashley LE3 Armors for Horizon (MELE2) - As the name says, gives Kaidan and Ashley their ME3 armors in Horizon. Softly incompatible with Virmire Savior (the squadmate who is in your squad won't have the updated appearance)
More Gay Romances - Jack and MIranda can be romanced by Femshep
New Squadmate Casuals (LE2) - Casual outfits for various squadmates. (Note that a lot of the Squadmate armor mods have their own casuals, so choose options accordingly if you want a specific one to show up, as this mod will override most)
Platonic Post Horizon Emails - Get a new email from Kaidan/Ashley if not romanced post Horizon.
LE3 Community Patch - Necessary
Expanded Galaxy Mod (LE) - A massive overhaul of the galactic war system, Normandy, additional squadmates on some missions, and many QOL features that can be modified via settings.
Miranda Mod (LE) - Puts Miranda on the Normandy post Horizon and can bring her on missions. (Note: Some conversations do use AI voice cloning)
N7 - A Spectre's Gift - A new mission added to the game with some Andromeda references
Spectre Expansion Mod - I don't currently use it, but in the past I have. Requires EGM's Galactic War option, and provides a lot of new choices and mini missions and text based opportunities to influence war assets. Also has a small non-combat mission.
Skip Geth Consensus - As the title says.
Project Variety (LE3) - My personal preferred content overhaul for ME3, includes countless options, restore cut content, new areas to explore. Definitely a mod page to read very closely, it is a HEAVY mod.*
Virmire Savior Mod (LE3) - Continuation of Virmire Savior from previous games. One VS is chosen on Mars to be part of the story, and the other joins you post coup
Audemus' Happy Ending Mod - THE Happy end mod for ME
Kaidan Alenko's Hospital Stay - Gives Kaidan a shirt to wear while in the hospital + a new face texture.
Ashley Williams' Hospital Stay - Gives Ashley a shirt to wear while in the hospital + a new face texture.
Omega Hub - Beta - Adds Omega as a hub
Take Earth Back - Massively overhauls Priority: Earth
No Shared Power Cooldowns - Removes the shared power cooldowns
Dreams Remade - Overhauls the dream cutscenes
Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE3) - Gives Kaidan a higher res face and new hair, plus new armors and outfits (Also available for 2, but isn't compatible with the Prologue Framework currently.)
Padme's Cabin Additions and Memorials (LE3) - Adds some new decoration to the cabin
Apartment Additions (LE3) - Allows you to invite your LI to the Citadel Apartment
Thane Can Live (LE3) - Thane can live post coup
Optional Flirting Mod (LE3) - I don't currently use it since it's incompatible with Virmire Savior, but makes flirting options clearer
Citadel Epilogue Mod (LE3) - Play the Citadel DLC post-ending
Pinnacle Station Apartment (LE3) - Ports the Pinnacle Station apartment to LE3 and you can invite your LI.
Shut Up Leng - Removes Kai Leng as much as possible from ME3
BETA Bonus Bonus Powers for LE3 - Customize Shepard's and squadmate power loadouts
Ashley Consistency Project (MELE3) - Ports Ashley's LE1 hair and head to ME3, adds new armors and a zipped up version of her outfit.
More Gay Romances - Jack and Miranda can be romanced by Femshep
*Note that PV has a lot of mods built into it, so there's lots of mods I've likely left out because I use PV.
Cosmetics authors for various games. This includes outfits/hair for Shepard. SEARCH THE APPAREL CATEGORY ON LE NEXUS FOR BEST RESULTS. This list also isn't exhaustive, but I tried to include authors who I've used their outfit/armor/hair mods, and made notes if they also have stuff in the squadmate armor category.
If you want Squadmate Armor mods, both the APPAREL and CHARACTER category will give you results.
clericofshadows: I primarily do male shepard casuals and armors, with a handful of exceptions for femshep (Guardian Armors for Shepard, my port of the Destiny 2 x ME collab), as well as squadmate armors
MorningAngel: Both male and female shepard, does causals and hair, and I mean lots of casuals and hair. Squadmate armors as well
Munchyfly: Squadmate armors and various casual/armors for shepard
Bejeweledhanban - Squadmate armors
spiderbabes: Hair and clothing for femshep
Rngdshep: Primarily armor, casuals for femshep, some mshep mixed in the femshep mods
Beckaboo: Some causals, some armors, and squadmate armors.
zebbros: Male and femshep casuals, some squadmate armors
MentalHygiene: male and femshep casuals
Padme4000: Male and femshep casuals and armors, some hair
Poucinette: Hair mods
Horography: Casuals for both male and femshep
Marcus22Khaar: Some hair, some squadmate armor mods
mithran56 and nanuke: both authors have some armors and casuals, some squadmate armors (often collaborate on each other's projects)
Kinkojiro: Armors for both male and femshep
Mistyvail: Armors for both male and femshep
Dsetzu: Armors for both male and femshep
jasonntodd: Armors and casuals for femshep, and some for squadmates
I think that covers most things? There's a lot I most definitely left out, so browse Nexus!
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sixteen-sugars · 11 months
gladiator, gladiator - a satosugu songfic
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It seems life had lost its luster, for Satoru. He was roused by his cheery ringtone as he was forced on another mission of more and most. The higher-ups took advantage of his aversion to sleep. As he was plagued by his one and only night after night. So he simply stopped. He often woke up with his hand reaching towards a man who was already gone. So, the higher-ups smiled and chuckled behind shoji screens, as the nights grew longer and longer.
body's more than just a flesh, you can sell it for success
The curse scattered like dandelions in the breeze. The viscera hitting the walls with a splat, his infinity making him so godlike. Untouched by the viscera and filth of those below. The bills filled his hand with impersonal fwhips. His skin became thinner, greenish-blue veins bursting from the galaxies of his eyes. His lips dried and cracked, his lip gloss abandoned as there was no one to taste it on him anyways. 
i can get you dressed, wrap your body in excess
Chanel and Versace caressed his failing body. He smiled as his lips cracked over too-white teeth. He was gifted some of most. Empty thanks pressed into palms covered by the smooth water-like texture of infinity. They prayed as if their god wasn't falling apart at the seams. Groveling at the feet of a man who once held the power of the world in his hands. Gucci covered ribs that protruded just too-much. Hands reached up in a prayer to a god that had never heeded his only plea. A plea said over cooling blood and sobs in the skies of eyes. Screaming up at an unfeeling city sky. 
give them something to obsess over
He winked, and flashed peace-signs when appropriate. Tongue licking his cherry-sweetened lips. Coming up in the tabloids just enough to keep his cult-following. His mask was cracking. A girl approached him, he snapped backwards with eyes blown, a purple  ready at his fingertips. Not, crouching and waving, giving an autograph and an exaggerated wave paired with a blown-kiss. He became less Gojo and more Satoru every passing day. His personality wearing thin. He himself was becoming more threadbare the more finery he was given. The more he was adored the more he fell apart.
i know your addiction's attention, let's start a show
Day in and day out, curses came and went by the hour. He was on a roll, leaving pieces of himself behind was simply a price. He smiled and sat in seiza for hours. The higher-up praised him, high off the power of Satoru untethered. Unbound and unraveling, destroyed on a pedestal of his own creation. Humans below their unfettered god, who was bleeding and cracking for their own sleep at night, screaming and clawing with the monsters under their beds. So others could sleep still, all while their savior tossed and turned. Dreaming of something that once was and could never be.
smash your competition, baby
show us some good entertainment
He was the Honored One, above both Heaven and Earth. Months passed, after Suguru’s death. He still felt the blood stuck under his fingernails. But no matter the amount of blood on his hands he was still pointed and told to destroy, special grades turned to dust. He smiled and looked to the side, but there was nobody to scold and scoff at him. Only a concrete wall, not a smiling person he would smile in return to. One who would retaliate and let him go to a nearby crepe shop, and kiss the whipped cream off his nose. All that was left is faceless people, hoping for a man (god?) to take their eyes off this meaningless life and be entertained by a man falling apart before them. 
victory's your only payment
But, no matter the power he held, no matter how much false godhood he gained. He couldn't bring back the one thing he had lost. His payment, all his ‘good’ he had done. How much had he sacrificed? Just to be denied the warm touch of the one who could part the infinity. Touch and caress a god, kiss and understand . Understand one of such height and power. His payment in the hands of others in their blessings. He was the blessingless one who fought as his nights were gone. Fought and shielded so nobody else had to. Alone in the coliseum, hands raised in a salute to loneliness and destruction. He tilted his face to the sky.
gladiator, gladiator
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unfriendlyamazon · 1 year
fanfiction: space outlaw
title: The Top of the World
ratings: PG
warnings: Climate Destruction, Space Future, Disney Vibes, Pegasus
characters: Duke Devlin, Maximillion Pegasus
pairings: Duke Devlin/Tristan Taylor, Joey Wheeler/Seto Kaiba
Duke Devlin is a contract worker to Industrial Illusions, the most powerful company in the galaxy. Today, they learn they have a shot at the big leagues, and all they have to do is find a specific fugitive: Seto Kaiba.
An appetizer to a larger form fic that I wrote to sort of get a feel for the world, but actually I’m a little in love with it. Only Duke and Pegasus are in it, but I promise I’ve got the whole cast involved.
Duke stared out the clear walls of the elevator as they zipped up through the lower half of the spherical fake moon. It gave the strange feeling of moving upside down as they passed the floors, one after the other. Up above, tilting towards the planet Saturn, Toon Park was bathed in artificial sunlight. Thousands of tour busses and caravans docked along the rim of the park, and the place was more populous than any of settlement moons. The lower half was hyperactive gray, shining with some kind of iridescent coat, and even in the work places large statues of the various Toons flashed by as Duke continued towards the center. Beyond the offices and R&D, they could see the rings of Saturn shedding ice and crystal. The view was all too familiar, and they squeezed their eyes shut and turned towards the doors. The elevator slowed, dinging without a number, and Duke sauntered off.
“Afternoon, Croquet,” Duke said as they saw the familiar bodyguard and assistant. “How’s the big man this evening?”
“Testy as always.” the man said. He pushed open the large doors, the silver handles each made up of the letter I, and let Duke into the office. “I’ll leave you to it.”
They gave a mock salute and walked through the threshold. Industrial Illusions was an odd place, even by the galaxy’s lax standards, and Pegasus’ office was no different. Sectioned off in its own private quarter, the furniture had an old world vibe a lot of luxers loved. Brocades of pink and gold lined the walls of the foyer, contrasted alongside dark wood bookcases and displays. Leather bound books, gilded light fixtures, marbled tables. Paintings were hung along every wall, more real than anything on this side of the galaxy. The oil paint left thick strands of texture in the French styled wigs of masked women, or flowing with the stream of a flower dotted river. They paused at a silver bowl full apples, oranges, grapes, and stolid pineapple waving its fronds. They picked up an apple and dug their black painted thumb into the skin. It was wax.
“Duke!” the bombastic call came around a curve in the long hall. They dropped the fruit and stood to attention. The tall shape of Maximillion Pegasus strolled into the room, silver hair framing the long white grin he flashed their way. He wore, as always, a crimson double breasted suit jacket cinched over a ruffled white shirt that spilled out around his wrists. His left eye was hidden behind the long strands of hair, but it flashed with gold as he moved towards them.
“Just the person I was hoping to see,” he said. “Come, dear Duke. I am in desperate need of your expertise.”
Duke offered up a smile of their own and traipsed after him. “You know I’m always happy to help.”
He walked a few feet ahead, waving his hands as he talked. With the front hall’s curve, the walls were now decorated with the history of Industrial Illusions. Early sketches of characters like Funny Bunny and mermaids were framed alongside gold plated spools of the early cartoons. A diorama of the original Toon Park was encased behind glass, and a blue and white monorail made the turn around the tiny castle from where it sat on Californian shores. Like the rest of the items, the model gave an odd approximation of Earth before the flooding and earthquakes and wildfires. California didn’t even exist anymore, just remembered like this, as a toy on display.
Another pair of double doors opened to the office proper, and Pegasus moved behind a large oak desk that was carved in silver with representations of the toon characters. A large chair was moved back, shaped like Funny Bunny, and when Pegasus sat on his throne, it gave the impression of two large rabbit ears coming off his head. Duke didn’t sit. They walked around the rest of the office, admiring the large tomes and ledgers that made up Industrial Illusions’ history. There were no windows here, no view of the park. Above the fireplace was a large display screen that ticked with ticket sales and stock prices. Each corner of the room had a small circular light source, each segments of the same holo-display.
“And how are you?” Pegasus asked as he opened the display on his desk. Spreadsheets, work orders, payroll, everything went through here first.
“Things have been better,” they murmured and picked up an original Funny Bunny plush off a shelf. “Work has been slow.”
“I suppose we didn’t renew your contract.” He sighed, steepling his fingers as he looked over his reports. “Times are hard for everyone, dear Duke. My poor R&D team has been struggling to keep up with our expansion plans. The edges of the galaxy have been frightfully troublesome to play in. We’d hoped our recent acquisition would give us the tools we needed, but things have proven… difficult.”
“Kaiba Corp, right?” They wrinkled their nose. “I’m not surprised. I’m sure their files are a mess to sort through.”
“Always so forward thinking,” he said and flicked the screen.
An image of the old Kaiba Corp headquarters on Martian red soil locked into place beside a few news articles describing the seizure. On the other side of that were two pictures, only one of which Duke recognized. A young man, face made of sharp lines and dark hair falling over hardened eyes, and a girl grinning at the camera and flashing it a V. The Kaiba siblings.
“You’re right about the files,” Pegasus mused. “The whole organization was a mess, and it seems the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing. Gozaburo Kaiba kept half his company behind shell corporations and firewalls, and I think even poor Kaiba-boy didn’t know what he’d gotten his hands on. I was so excited, as I’m sure you can understand. Kaiba Corp has always been a leader in new technology.”
Duke pointed to the holo-displays. “Half the galaxy functions on their tech. If you need someone working on this, you know where my expertise lies. Coding, mechanical, I could break it down for you twice as quickly as your smartest lab monkey.”
He tilted his smile towards them, and his hair fell away to show the gold cybernetic eye. A red pupil glared in the hole. Pegasus gestured to the chair across from him, and Duke sat, placing the plush on his desk.
“I’ve always admired your skills,” Pegasus said. “When I bought that tacky little flea circus from your father, I saw exactly what he couldn’t about you. Not just smart, but clever. A head for business, the knack for following trends and understanding what people actually want, and the mechanical skill to back it up. I was grateful to you then, when you helped me dismantle the place.”
A sour taste pooled on Duke’s tongue, and they only nodded in response.
“It’s your other skills I really prize,” he said. “And I think it’s time to reward you for your loyalty, exactly the way you deserve.”
Their heart hammered in their chest as Pegasus stood. It’d been years since driving their dad out of business, since signing on with Industrial Illusions to take over the air space around Saturn. They’d viewed themself as instrumental to their many, many successes. Taking over Schroeder Corp, undermining the other amusement strips, setting up agreements that filled Pegasus’ coffers. Their work. With the promise that one day, it’d all pay off. Industrial Illusions owned the galaxy, and the Kaiba Corp seizure was the final nail in humanity’s coffin. If the universe was a pyramid, Duke planned to be on top.
“Gozaburo was involved with some, ahem, less than legal activities,” Pegasus said. He reached for a book on the shelf behind him and opened it up. It was hollow inside, with small compartments for an oblong file cartridge. He removed one and inserted it into the drive on the desk. Now the screen was covered in files marked with Kaiba Corp seals. The numbers went by too fast for Duke to read properly, but they all had the same top secret mark.
“Progress always involves breaking the rules,” Pegasus continued. “You know how I value the past, but some of its moralistic tendencies deserve to stay buried. I’ve always been a man of progress, wouldn’t you say, Duke?”
They nodded silently. The screen stopped flashing and stopped on a file marked ARK. Pieces of data were corrupted or missing, leaving the whole of it a disjointed mess.
“Seto Kaiba did not give up easily,” he said. “It was with luck I was able to force his hand, but he was set to deny me any sort of real victory. The day before we acquired Kaiba Corp, three of their facilities burned to the ground. When my people finally sorted through their details, they found many things were incomplete or missing. Kaiba-boy has taken something very valuable from me. He has stolen from me, Duke. Is that an injustice you would let stand?”
“What is it, exactly?” they asked. “What did he steal?”
He removed the cartridge, and the screen went blank. “It is a technology that we have only dreamed of. The next frontier in human evolution. In order to survive, humanity has expanded out, but Gozaburo Kaiba seemed to be attempting to expand in. Seto Kaiba does not want that information to fall into my hands, so I can only assume it is the most valuable thing currently floating around in this galaxy.”
“You want me to find him,” Duke said.
“Of course!” He slipped the cartridge back into its binding and smiled at them. “You’ve always been very good at convincing people to see my side of things. And taking appropriate measures when they don’t. Your network goes deeper than mine. I know you’ll find him and retrieve what I ask. I trust you, Duke.”
“And in return?” they prompted.
He spread his hands out wide. “A seat at the table, dear Duke! This is something I would only trust with my most devoted confidants. No more contract work. No more getting your hands dirty. There is a cartridge file out there with the secrets to the universe, and once you place it on my desk, you’ll have a permanent position as my right hand. Isn’t that what you want, Duke? Isn’t that what you’ve been asking for?”
Their throat was dry as they stared up at him. The lights behind the desk ensconced him in his own gilded display, the crimson suit and ruffled collar treating him like a king. He may as well be. The only thing Duke had ever wanted was more. More than they had, maybe more than they deserved, and so they’d done everything they could to get here, right now, with Pegasus offering them exactly this.
A grin stretched across their face. They crossed one leg over the other, tapping the desk with the pointed toe of their black boot. “Seto Kaiba’s not going to give this up easily,” they said.
Pegasus laughed. “No, he won’t! I think even your smile would convince him.”
“I’ll need a budget,” they said. “The galaxy isn’t exactly a small place.”
“Of course, of course,” he drawled. “We’ll set you up with a black card. But do be discrete, dear Duke. This is a family establishment that I run.”
They stood with a laugh. Pegasus offered them his hand, and they shook it. Elation bubbled up inside them. The end of a long road finally fell within view.
“I should inform you,” Pegasus mentioned as Duke readied to leave. “You won’t be the only one looking for him.”
Duke paused. “You’ve got someone else on your payroll?”
“Since he burned down the facilities, he’s been wanted by the authorities.” Pegasus’ gaze moved to the display screen, where the stock prices slowly ticked up. “A fair sized bounty has been placed on his head. It felt appropriate at the time.”
“Bounty hunters,” they groaned. “They’re such a headache. I can’t imagine any of them have a chance of tracking him down.”
“It does seem that way.” He offered them one more dazzling smile. “You know what I say. Competition breeds excellence. I have the utmost faith in you, dear Duke. I’m sure a few rogues won’t stand in your path.”
“I can take any idiots in a tin can,” they promised. “You’ll have your missing piece in no time.”
“I’ll hold you to that, Duke,” he said, and the door swung shut behind them.
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titstraction · 1 year
time after time with dreamers a yearish in the future. december 2022 perhaps.
okay so this is Fic-Specific Asks for Authors and this is my best mutual julia indulging all my fancies. for better context you gotta read dreamers my magnum opus on my ao3
Time After Time: Send me a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of [that fic], or sometime in the past before the story started, and I’ll tell you what happened then
okay so a yeahish in the future finds remus and sirius facing on new challenges as remus’ disability progresses. he loses some motor functions quick, he gets tired much more easily and would rather be at home sleeping than say at the park etc
remus has grown more comfortable with having sirius look after him and sirius does it well and feels good about it but it is still a sudden change and a sad situation and he sometimes feels scared and lonely, misses the energy remus had in the beginning
he is steadier on his feet though: he had a collection of poems published, made some nice money for them, got a car, and he loves himself fairly more a yearish into the future. a little bit more everyday
and they have community that supports them through it: marlene will sometimes drop warm dinner off, and dorcas will do remus’ university work for him on the harder weeks. and theres a new character thrown into the mix: morgana, regulus’ late wife, tracks sirius down and they become part of each others life. they become friends, matching sharp wits and soul dilemnas and its an assurance that regulus too wouldve liked him as a person
soooo sirius and remus become uncles to little sirius (now that hai is back with his mother they need another little kid to be in uncleship with) aaaand uncles do fun stuff!! uncles go to the movies!! and you know what movie is showing december 2022??? thats right. AVATAR 2. FULL CIRCLE MOMENT BABY
sirius drives to pick up morgana and little sirius from their house. and hes sweating buckets big nervous because remus is the only person he has driven around since. he was so nervous he had spent the morning driving from their house to the movies and back, to get familiar with the route. it all goes smoothly when morgana and little sirius are on the backseat and remus is riding shotgun, hand squeezing his forearm reassuringly
so they get to the movies and get four tickets to see avatar 2 tehehee. and sirius sits between remus and little sirius, both his hands being held tightly and he feels sooooooo loved and he loves them sooooo much
and its the part of the movie with the big beautiful whale, and remus is fast asleep because the movie is frankly too big and quite a bore, and little sirius is looking at the colors and the textures with eyes as wide as galaxies, clutching at sirius hand, and he feels like- fucking flooded with the love and his sheer dumb luck and how beautiful life turned out to be and morgana catches his eye and smiles knowingly
then (…2 hours later) its lights UP and he wakes remus UP and remoussy dude is upset he missed most of it. hes like. a little pouting frowning frustrated at himself but his man’s happiness is just so contagious he believes him when he tells him its fine, you didnt miss a thing, really, there was no plot, so he brushes it off for the moment and kisses him lightly and sirius looks even more like a kid on christmas morning. joy impersonated etc
whats going to the movies with no getting pizza after? they get a table at pizza hut where little sirius fills remus on every detail he missed and the nap is almost worth its money for the gentle way he listens and smiles and says little kindnesses. like a woww with his honey eyes blown wide. sirius is buzzzzzzzing he is hot and bothered remus is the best thing that has ever been his etc
and then they get little sirius some crayons while theyre waiting for the food and little sirius draws the four of them at the movies. and sirius is there, in the family portrait. ayyyyyyyyyyyy 😛
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musicboxghost · 2 years
I've been listening to Midnight Burger and having a great time so far. ❤️ Podcasts always make me want to learn visual art bc I have *such* a clear vision of these characters in my head, but no way to have them realized.
So, if you please, my HCs of the diner crew's physical appearances:
-Gloria: Latin American woman with medium brown complexion. Thick, straight black hair with streaks of gray that are a slightly frizzier texture than the black and tend to escape her high ponytail like the shorter face-angled strands and flyaways. Midsize build. She's got hips, thighs, a little tum, but definition in her arms bc kitchens are *hard work*. 5'7. Thick brows that frame big brown eyes. Dimples. Full face. Low rise, well-worn boot cut jeans (an early aughts favorite of hers), fitted local businesses T-shirt (like a favorite hometown coffeeshop she's supporting) apron tied around hips (functionally a big pocket for sugar packets and such), comfortable sneakers with good tread. Confident and friendly body language (ex. Smiling with comfortably crossed arms)
-Leif: White Slavic man (I think diner food, I think hometown comforts like pierogi/ paprikash/ stroganoff/ etc) with fair skin, sunburn across a broad nose with prominent bump in the bridge. Shoulder length, faded purple hair with ~4 inches of light brown roots showing, pulled into a messy low ponytail. 6'3. Big and broad with a bit of padding to him. Poorly shaven in general with a tiny little goatee/ soul patch. Deeply hooded, gregarious green eyes. Wide mouth and easy smile. Big hands. White muscle tank, black kitchen utility pants, full length dark apron, converse held together with duct tape and space junk that stopped being white years ago, casino visor worn backwards.
-Ava: Kurdish American woman with golden brown skin, gray almond shape eyes alight with energy and knowledge. Long hawk nose. Curly dark hair worn loose and big, practically gravity-defiant with lots of bounce. 5'11. Willowy build, very angular. Galaxy off freckles sprayed across her heart-shape face. Dresses femme and very comfortable. Lots of soft colors and mismatched pieces (ex.light cotton cardigan with some midriff exposure, capri length palazzo pants, velvet slippers or leather moccasins, but unusual accessories like Mardi gras beads/ a chunky sci-fi gadget watch/ cigarette tucked behind the ear. Lots of emphasis on lush fabrics, comfort, and defiant playfulness and femininity)
-Caspar: Black man with dark brown complexion. Taper with long twist out at crown and bangs. Thick glasses. 5'5. Athletic build. Very disheveled businessware (ex. Button downs with a few buttons undone, some misaligned, and no tie, half-untucked to slacks that are too long, etc). Heavy eye bags. Lots of mysterious dramatic bruises. Dark top surgery scars sometimes visible through the gaps of the world's-most-poorly-worn dress shirts. (This man is tired and stressed. He should look like it).
I'm not very far yet but I think the diner crew are just delightful ❤️ Now that I've got my version of them solidified in my head, I'm so excited to look for everyone else's HCs/ art 💓
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janarthanantumbl · 4 months
Kapaver End of Summer Sale is Live Best Mobile Phone Back Cover Cases and Accessories
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Introduction: Mobile Back Cover Case
Hey, so I was looking at this Kapaver Brand that makes phone cases. They say your phone is more than just a device - it's something that connects you to your world. As you go through life having adventures, Kapaver wants to protect your phone with cases they make. They say they really focus on quality, new ideas, and style. People who love tech and fashion trust Kapaver cases. They started because they wanted to combine really good protection with nice, stylish designs. That way your phone stays safe from drops and bumps but also looks good and shows your own taste. Each Kapaver case shows how dedicated they are to doing a great job. They make them from nice materials and build them well so they are very durable and practical. Whether you like their slimmer, simpler cases or the tougher heavy-duty ones, Kapaver has a big selection to choose from. That way there is something for everyone and every lifestyle. They say you should celebrate taking your phone everywhere with a Kapaver case, since they focus on style and safety.
Kapaver Unique Style and Defense:
Hi there, today I'm going to inform you about some amazing phone case that Kapaver has to offer. They think maintaining a stylish appearance doesn't have to come at the expense of safeguarding your phone. Their cases come in a variety of designs and sizes, ranging from ultra-rugged to thin, but they all offer excellent protection and stylish looks. Every case, whether of your preference for thin and delicate or robust and durable, is designed to not only protect your phone from daily damage but also enhance its appearance. Also, you can choose from a wealth of alternatives for texture, color, and pattern to choose one that perfectly suits your style. Whichever style you want, they have you covered!
Crafted with Precision and Quality:
Just wanted to tell you a bit about the quality focus at Kapaver. Protection is their top priority when making those phone case things. They use really good materials like super strong and flexible TPU, tough polycarbonate, even hybrid combos. It all goes through intense inspections too to make sure it lasts and works right. From the molds they use down to putting it all together, they pay attention to every last detail. Not just so it looks good but so your phone is safe and you can still use it easily. Quality is what they're all about.
Personalization That Speaks a great deal:
Your phone says a lot about who you are, and Kapaver gets that customizing it is key. Whether you like clean and simple or really stand out, their huge selection of phone cases has you covered. You can find only protects your device but shows off your personal flair. Get a case that matches your distinctive tastes so when people see your phone, they'll know it's yours from across the space.
Ergonomic design for improved usability:
So I was looking at these Kapaver phone cases and man, they really have their act together. The way they designed it really puts comfort and functionality first. You've got raised edges all around to protect the screen and camera if you drop it. The button covers are super responsive so you don't have to press too hard. And everything is cut out just right so you can still plug in and listen to those sweet tunes without issues. Best of all, it looks great too! You really get the best of both worlds - a case that lets you use your phone without hassle wherever you are, but still looks good doing it. These Kapaver cases really have you covered!
Universal compatibility among leading brands:
No matter if you like iPhones, Galaxy, or another brand Kapaver got you covered. Their phone cases are made to fit tons of different models really well, making sure your device is held tight and safe. Don't worry about your phone getting damaged if you drop it or it gets banged around their covers will protect it from scratches or anything else. Your phone will stay looking perfect and be worth more if you ever sell it later on down the road.
Complete Your Setup with Essential Accessories:
Hi there, are you trying to improve the way you use your phone? I have the ideal add-ons for you. First things Kapaver tempered glass screen protectors. These will maintain the immaculate appearance of your screen. They are very clear and resistant to scratches even after being dropped heavily. Here are a few cable organizers. You know how cables always wind up in a messy get? Not with these infants. They'll make sure everything is organized so you won't have to spend ten minutes cleaning it all out. Finally, but just as importantly, have a look at the phone mounts and stands. Seeing videos or movies without using your hands? Not an issue. Need to hold your phone up to read recipes while cooking? Presented. They definitely complete the look of your setup and go well with any cases you may a little upgrade with Kapaver accessories! have.
Exclusive savings during our End-Of-Summer Sale:
Hello, I wanted to inform you about some amazing offers that Kapaver is running for their End Of Summer Sale. On all of their phone cases and accessories, they are offering fantastic bundles, steep discounts, and time-limited deals. With their sale, you can show off your style and protect your equipment for less money than normal, whether you're trying to locate gifts or just want to freshen up your current Mobile Back cover Case. Now is the ideal moment to restock without going over budget. Don't pass up these discounts!
Trust in Kapaver’s Dedication to Excellence:
Using a Kapaver case for your phone isn't just about protecting the device - it's about choosing quality and reliability too. Their phone Cover are built really well, made to withstand drops, bumps and scratches so your phone stays safe. They design their covers to look good and make your phone easy to use too. You can trust Kapaver cases - they'll keep your phone from getting damaged but also make it look its best.
continuing Innovation for Solutions Fit for the Future:
Hey, so Kapaver really likes to stay on the cutting edge with their mobile phone cases. They've got a team always coming up with new materials and designs to keep their cases up to date. Whether it's finding better ways to protect your phone from drops, or coming up with stylish looks that feel futuristic, Kapaver aims to lead the pack. Their covers evolve right along with how phones change over time. They want to give people cases that work really well now, but also seem like they'll still feel current even a few years down the line. Innovation is a top priority for them.
Alright, so in summary Kapaver makes really good phone covers. Choosing them isn't just about protection, but style too. Their summer sale has great deals on quality products. Each case is carefully made to last and fit different needs. By going with Kapaver, you're protecting your device. But you're also joining a community that cares about new ideas, helping the environment, and customer service. They get that our phones are a big part of everyday life. So Kapaver aims to give peace of mind and make your style stand out too. Trust them to deliver top protection and design. Let Kapaver be part of making your mobile life more secure and stylish. With their great customer support and drive to improve, Kapaver has your back every step of the way. That way you and your phone stay safe and sound.
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Mull It Over Wine
[Recipe at bottom]
Editor’s Note: We haven’t heard from Mr. Fett in a while. Apparently he’s been busy at work writing a book, or something. You’ll understand in the blog post why we’re a bit confused. We’ve transcribed the audio as best as possible, but most of this post qualifies under “butt dialing”. We apologize for any confusion, believe us, we’re in the same boat. We wonder if it will make more sense when we test this recipe for ourselves.
So, the publishers were saying they don’t like it. They don’t liiiiiike it. Well if there’s one thing I know about people, it’s that they don’t like me. No, Shand, this isn’t a diary, it’s a blog. I’m allowed to write what I want. Look, and people will listen to me. They don’t have to like me.
Anyway so instead of whining about it, I’m following the grand tradition of wining about it.
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It’s fucking cold on Tatooine. Ironic, right? I’ve been so caught up in the heat of everything here, the coarseness, that I forgot what cold felt like. In the…
(E/N: Mr. Fett moved away from the recorder while speaking, but we’re pretty sure he was upset about something. He mentioned a “thrice-damned Han Solo” several times, and threw a mug at the wall. He then laughed for ten minutes straight.)
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Don’t let your wine boil. Do not. You will lose the point of the wine. Shand bought me this stupid pot. Yes, it’s stupid. You press a button and it. It does pot things. Cooks! It cooks. So I tested it on a forgiving subject. Well, it’s forgiving when you cook with it, but not forgiving for the person you’ll be tomorrow. But I don’t care about that. It’s karking cold, and I want to drink out of something with a handle.
This WILL stain your white porcelain. Use a mug that’s already been abused and stained.
Like my face.
Or his face.
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I’m the only one in the galaxy who can make that joke, and the only one who can laugh at it, and live to see the next morning.
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Oh you want to add the brandy too, but make sure someone has ancestors to tell you when to stop. As a clone, I think my ancestral rights were stripped away like paint off beskar. No, Shand, I’m not being morose, I’m talking about brandy. So you want to listen to your ancestors, and then add some more, just to buck authority.
Spices? Right. I’ve been told none of you have the spices I have. Use the same mentality as the golden beskar cakes, whatever floats your grav-repulsors. If there are local flavors to use, use those. I’ve seen some marts sell whole bundles of spices for mulling in little bags, which is good. Wine should not be textured.
(E/N: Mr. Fett proceeded to sit in silence for 13 minutes, occasionally sipping, stirring, and sighing. We’re unsure if this is part of the process or not.)
I wish he was here.
Mull It Over Wine - best shared with company, and supervision.
Two regular bottles (750mL each, or 1.5L total) of a sweeter red wine (E/N: When the editors tried this at our holiday party, we used two bottles of merlot)
Brandy or orange spotchka (E/N: Cointreau or orange liqueur)
Spices* to taste
Sugar, honey, or other sweetener to taste (stir before tasting, don’t be like Shand)
Garnishes* (fruit, zest, etc I don’t care)
*For traditional mulled wine, we recommend using whole cloves, star anise, and cinnamon sticks, with a 8:2:2:1 for cloves:anise:cinnamon:bottle of wine. YMMV on the taste you’re going for. Additionally, it’s traditional to add in slices of orange or blood orange as garnishes. If you don’t have whole spices, you can put them in an empty tea bag and let them steep in the wine as to not bring the beloathed texture. Barring all of that, we’ve also found the poor-man’s mulled wine can be red wine, a few bags of chai tea, and applied heat.
Strain if you’re paranoid.
Serve in caf mugs.
      5. Enjoy.
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Armitage Hux x Female Reader
A/N: Set in my Echoes of the Heart universe I went back in time and wrote a little moment between Armitage and Reader before their arranged wedding. For Writer Wednesday @autumnleaves1991-blog @clydesducktape
Warnings: Mention of arranged marriage, nothing else I can see.
Word Count: 1503
The house seemed empty, you knew better though. Candles lit the dark wood hallways, casting a warmth that was not felt, flickering long shadows on the walls making the hallway have a life of its own. Your feet were bare, feeling the plush carpet beneath your toes as you padded to your favourite room on the Hux estate, your black nightgown fluttering with your movement. You took a candle off the wall and gently pushed open the large dark wood door, it creaked and you paused for a moment before slipping inside.
Rain pounded on the window, rivers of water flowing down the outside of the house as the never ending deluge fell from the perpetual grey clouds that filled the skies of Arkanis. The room was long, a dark wooden desk and two chairs stood to one side and you gently placed the candle down swapping it for one of the fuel cell powered lights. It filled the space with a barely perceptible hum but it gave you a sense of comfort. You trailed a hand over the back of one the chairs, the velvety grey/green texture soft against your fingertips. Lining the walls were rows of shelves all holding artifacts from one place or another. You even saw an old Imperial Trooper helmet on one but that’s not why you were here. Looking up you could see the foreboding wooden structure ran all the way to the ceiling and the top half was filled with books.
Books were rare in the Galaxy and for the Hux’s to have an entire library of them just screamed out their insurmountable wealth. You carefully made your way up the stairs, your heart thrumming with excitement as you approached the delicate objects, some were standing, their binders out so you could see the titles. Others were slumped in their little spaces, resting on one another as though they were tired of existing. Dust covered them, a thin layer but enough to see when it had been disturbed and you saw a void on one shelf. You trailed a finger across the gap, someone had been here and recently. You jumped when the door opened below, your first thought was to hide among the shelves but the light was on and it was pointless pretending you weren’t here.
“Hello?” Your breath hitched at his voice.
“Forgive the intrusion General.” You carried on perusing the shelves, coming into view so he could see you as you moved into the next aisle and disappearing from view again.
“No intrusion, it is I who should apologise for disturbing your solitude.” Always so formal, you thought with a little sigh. A shiver ran down your spine when you heard him start to come up the stairs to replace the book he had taken.
“Do you have a favourite General?”
“Book?” You peered round the end of the aisle to look at him, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “Yes of course you meant book,” he muttered to himself. Your eyes dragged over him, he was still in his First Order uniform, he had bags under his beautiful green eyes and his hair was fluffy and soft as it dragged over his brow.
“Can you not sleep?” He cast a guilty look at you, his pale hands clutching the book tightly as though it was grounding him.
“No,” he confessed. “I am, I believe…nervous.” Your heart skipped a beat at his words, you had so much you wanted to say, how you hoped this marriage could blossom and become real but you didn’t think he was ready.
“I told you, I am not unwilling, I do believe it was the library that might have sealed the deal.” You joked and he let out a slight laugh, running a hand through his hair. You wanted to commit the sound to memory. He didn’t seem like a man who laughed freely very often.
“You enjoy books?” He asked lightly.
“I must confess we only had a couple in our house before…” my father sold them. “I did have one, it had such beautiful pictures depicting the planet Naboo.” Your eyes drifted as they lost focus, you remembered running your hands over the pages admiring the blues and greens, the glint of gold in the letters. Naboo was everything Arkanis was not. Armitage raised a hand and you focussed back on him.
“Wait a moment,” he mumbled and disappeared down an aisle, curiosity got the better of you and you followed him, both of you disappearing into the dimly lit rows of books. “Here,” the whisper of a book being removed from its resting place reached your ears and he turned to you with almost a hesitant expression on his face. “I believe this is the book you are referring to.” You took it, tracing your hands over the cover before turning and heading back into the light. You felt like you were in a dream as you glided down the stairs and took a seat in one of the plush chairs. You didn’t realise he’d followed you until he was peering over your shoulder. His body heat a comforting sensation on your back as he leaned over, his hand resting on the back of your chair, ever careful not to touch you.
You winced at the crack in the binding as you opened it, they hadn’t been handled for a while and so you must always open them with care. The pages were thick, just as you remembered and words were scrawled across the parchment. Long flowing runs of slanted words, the first letter of each page stood out, decorated with shimmering gold and you gently traced a finger over the colouring. You turned another page and sharply inhaled at the picture that was revealed to you. This picture showed waterfalls all blue and clouds of white, vibrant green grass and sunshine. You ached for such things, to feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, to be able to lay on the grass and hear birdsong instead of rain. To splash in the lakes, run your hands over the gem coloured pebbles only to dry off in the sun, a gentle breeze drifting over you. Many hours had been spent pouring over this book, it had got you through your mother’s death, transporting you to places undiscovered.
You didn’t realise you were crying until a tear slid down your cheek.
“Are you alright?” He asked softly, concern edging his tone.
“Yes,” you dabbed your eyes, careful not to mark the pages. “I am just being silly.”
“Do you have memories tied to this book?”
“I do,” you hiccuped softly. “When my mother was dying I spent hours pouring over the pages, imagining I was anywhere but here.” You slammed the book shut already worried you’d said too much. The marriage was tomorrow and if you spilled anymore of your damaged soul he might call the whole thing off. You stood abruptly making him back up a step in surprise, your fingers clutched the book almost loathed to part with it. “Thank you for showing me this,” you whispered, offering it back to him. His hands were hesitant and slightly shaky as he wrapped them over yours. His fingers were warm and smooth and he pushed the book gently back towards you.
“They never get looked at in here. Consider it….a wedding present.” You glanced at him, the light from the lamp casting harsh shadows over his chiselled features but all you got from him in that moment was kindness.
“Thank you,” you mumbled. You expected his hands to move away but he stayed where he was, the warmth of your hands bleeding together until you couldn’t tell them apart without looking down. Your heart fluttered, you wanted to kiss him, to express your gratitude and to show him some kindness in return. You’d heard the rumours of how ruthless General Hux was, his subordinates deferred to him without question, he’d killed people for less than disobeying a simple order. But right now you saw none of that, just a quiet man in his huge house offering a moment of solace to someone he barely knew. Your chests rose and fell in sync as you stared at each, you leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek but his expression changed. You saw the horror flood his eyes, the panic fly across his face as he snatched his hands away, his movements jerky and he backed out of your reach.
“Goodnight My Lady. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon,” his tone abrupt and dismissive as though he was brushing you off.
“Goodnight General.” You replied softly, watching him almost flee the library. You sat down with a sigh, pulling your gown around you to ward off the sudden chill that filtered into the room. Hopefully he would open up once you were married, hopefully you could show him the love that he clearly deserves even if he never returns it.
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darthmaulification · 3 years
din djarin nsfw alphabet
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A/N: i STILL have writer’s block when it comes to all the other stuff i have to get done that it’s INFURIATING. 🙄😤😡 i literally write two (2) sentences, and then my head says “no thoughts, all done :)”.
so anons still waiting on your stuff, have faith, i will get them done eventually!! 🙏🙏😭😭
but i want to get more stuff out more regularly, so take another nsfw alphabet, my brain is melting. 💗
(again, i imply fem!afab!reader and also, there is sensitive content (abortion) under X)
nsfw below the cut! 😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Din may be a bit unsure at first, but he is so sweet when it comes to aftercare. He’s got a caring nature already, and when it comes to making sure you’re clean, comfortable, and content after sex, Din is very soft and gentle. He’ll be asking you the whole time about what you need, how you’re feeling, complimenting and praising you for being perfect. Once he’s done making sure you’re okay, Din will conclude every time with kisses and cuddles, holding you close to him all the while whispering to you in Basic and Mando’a about how much he loves you.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Honestly, Din has spent so long without showing someone else any part of him, that he is fairly insecure about how he looks. He’s a tad... embarrassed by his body, because he wants it to be perfect for you, but he doesn’t feel like it is (of course, you think he’s perfect). Din has a lot of self-criticisms, he worries that he’s too old for you, that his nose is too big for your liking, that he’s got a soft tummy and not like men your age. So Din doesn’t have a favorite body part, he’ll just like anything that you like.
Now on you... Din is a big fan of your face. He comes from a culture where one’s face is kept hidden unless you’re family or spouse, so to have you in all your glory and beauty is almost overwhelming to him. He loves your eyes especially (windows to the soul, and all), how they’re so expressive, what they look like when he’s fucked you cockdumb... all glossy and hazed... Din also loves your lips in particular too, the smile that tugs them up, what they look like when you say his name... and for another obvious reason that tends to happen when you’re below his belt on your knees...
(Also Din is a boobie man, full stop).
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Din cums a lot, and he wants it all over you. If you let him, he’ll splatter his nut on your face, belly, breasts, ass, and other places that he loves and wants marked. He likes seeing you all messy and sticky, covered in the stuff that he creates just for you. Din goes kinda feral though if you beg him to cum inside you, allow him to bottom out and let loose past your tight cervix straight into your womb... makes his brain fizzle out. Also, Din’s cum tastes abnormally sweet, almost too sugary, much like the sweet man himself.
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
Din wants to be cucked. Like he really wants to watch someone else fuck you (consensually, of course), and him not being able to do anything about it. It’d be such a fucking tease and edge for him that the thought makes him feel some sort of way in his pants.
Also, not so much of a secret but still dirty, Din can play the role of a dom to a T, but in his heart, he’s a sub. Just take the reins on day, there’s not much he’d be compelled to do to stop you.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Most, if not all, of Din’s sexual experiences before you were clumsy, quick fucks with sex workers at brothels or cantinas. He had most of them when the desire became to high to ignore, so really the closest around satisfied him enough. And although most of the conquests had no specialness or emotion to them, they did shape the way Din moved around bodies, aided in his ability to please and such. So Din is rather experienced, he knows what he’s doing and how to make things steamy, but he’s really never been able to truly connect with someone before. Even though he’s well versed in the art of sex, there’s a few learning curves for him to accomplish, particularly making sure he meets your needs the way you want them met, not how he thinks you may want to do things.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
By far, Din loves nothing more but to bend you over a table, or the console board of the Razor Crest, and pound into you from behind like there’s no tomorrow. He loves to have the warmth of your ass, heavy and plush, against his pelvis all while he’s up to the hilt inside your core. Din also likes the control it gives him, having you squirming and moaning under him, one of his hands heavy on your back keeping you down while the other squeezes your thighs and hips, or plays with your clit. Din might also get a bit grabby with your hair, pulling back your head enough so that he can nibble at your neck and hiss all the dirty things he wants into your ear.
The close second for his favorite position though is having you tied up to the bed, wrists and ankles bound. It’s one of Din’s favorite sights in the entire galaxy.
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Din is serious about making sure he’s doing all he can to make you a moaning, cockdumb mess, that’s for damn sure. He’s very driven in that regard, serious about the task at hand and all the things he has to do to make sure you know just how much he loves you. Din isn’t a stoic robot though, he’s too vibrant and compassionate of a man for that, so he’ll being saying sweet things to get you to blush and smile, grinning against the shell of your ear before kissing your neck, maybe nipping playfully at your ass or stomach too... Din knows how to give a good time.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Din is a functionalist, so he likes to keep his bush below the belt to a minimum, or at least manageable, so he trims it and sometimes shaves it fully. Though he does have a tendency to let it grow a bit if he’s having a dry spell or if he just doesn’t have the motivation... but once the tuft starts catching on the zip to his pants (he goes commando, the dork), that’s when Din knows he’s got to shave. All his body hair elsewhere; head, face, legs, back, arms, etc, Din doesn’t care much about except his moustache and tasteful stubble which he does really like to keep. Of course, Din keeps everything as clean as a whistle.
On his partners, Din doesn’t have much of a preference, but he does lean towards someone who at least keeps their stuff trimmed (and clean, of course). However, he won’t force you to do anything, it’s your body, your decisions.
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Just... so intimate. Of course, Din fucks like a beast in rut, but he’s so consuming and raw with it, it’s nothing short of perfect. Din wears his heart on his sleeve, so sex is constant “I love yous” in every word and action, even when it’s all vulgarity and dirty and horny, but it’s love nonetheless. You’re able to feel it from how he presses against you, molds against you like liquid heat, how his hands make your body his own, how he kisses you with stars in his eyes, how he tells you over and over again both vocally and silently, “Thank you”.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
Mm... it depends on his mood. He masturbated more when he was younger, when he had more time and drive to do so. Though once he got older, and life happened, and he’s almost non-stop running around chasing quarries... Din’s just too darn tired. It got even less so when Grogu came into his life, because oh my Maker the horror Din would feel if somehow his son caught him in the act. But Din is only human, and has that accursed Mandalorian sex drive, so sometimes the urge does rear it’s head, and he’s gotta make his hand and penis best friends again.
Doesn’t help when you’re occupying his thoughts either.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Y’know that cliché where it’s like “normal looking person whose an absolute freak in the sheets”? Yeah, that’s Din. This man is the epitome of that. Here’s his kinks:
Bondage. Din really likes the sight of you tied up on the bed, at his mercy like a bunny in a hunter’s trap. He wants to have you bound by your wrists and ankles, maybe even tying you to the bedposts, and fucking you senseless while you beg to be able to touch him too. Din favors using handcuffs (technically binders, but Star Wars lingo is silly sometimes), but he’ll use whatever you’re okay with too. And, of course, if bondage isn’t your thing, he won’t ever force you to do it. (psst, Din doesn’t mind being tied up either)
Spanking. Kind of the only aspect of the “S” part of BDSM that Din will every really partake in. He likes landing a good few firm swats on your flanks, likes seeing your ass and thighs jiggle from the force of it, the bright flush that may appear afterwards if you let him go at it a while. Din also likes just being able to touch your ass too, so a nice spank to your bottom becomes the physical message of “You’re in for it tonight, mesh’la”. Oh, and he’ll make you count.
Daddy kink. Oh Maker, if you call him Daddy, he’ll lose his mind. Din has such a big Daddy kink that even if you call him it in a nonsexual situation, he’ll be feeling that warmth until he’s able to steal you away and rail you good. He loves being the Daddy and you being his “Sweet girl” or “Cyar’ika”... the dynamic runs him wild.
Breeding/pregnancy kink. Din wants to fuck a baby into you so badly he dreams about it. It’s been impounded into him that family and parenthood are really big deals, so you bet your ass he wants to fulfill that part of his Creed by making sure your pussy’s stuffed, womb is filled to the brim, and your breasts are swollen and milky. Din wants so so deeply to see you pregnant with the kid that you and him make, he desperately wants a family with you.
Breast/nipple kink. Yeah, Din really really likes your tits. There’s something about the shape, the texture, size, weight, etc that activates some primal monkey part of his brain that has him drooling. Din loves to knead and fondle your breasts, roll them under his large hands, press them together, watch the soft flesh squish and mold around his fingers. He especially loves the cute nipples of yours, pinching them between his fingers, tweaking them. Din also really likes sucking on your tits, leaving marks all over them, playing with your nipples with his tongue...
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
When you both have the opportunity, Din really really likes taking you in a good, proper bedroom, something that the uncomfortable, tiny bunk on the Razor Crest really doesn’t account for. If it were up to him, he’d want to spend his entire life with you in bedroom fit for a king, taking you over and over again on a mattress that feels like a cloud. It’s no shock then whenever Din actually shills out the credits (being the frugal man he is) to buy a hotel room is the sex borderline godlike.
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
A sure-fire way to get Din fully and completely riled up would be to wear something real scandalous. Be that a shirt that shows a tad bit more, or pants that are tight enough to reveal you aren’t wearing panties, or (Din’s favorite) a set of cute lingerie... Din will get hard in his pants. It’d be even more so if you tease him in public, but be warned he’ll fuck you mean for that.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Very early on, it was, obviously, taking off his helmet. If you asked, or Maker forbid tried, the mood would drop pretty extensively if not entirely from Din. He’d get uncomfortable, go silent, and the first time it happened, he left the room. Removal of the helmet was a very big one before he eventually showed you his face.
After you’ve been able to kiss his face over and over again and cry because you think he’s so beautiful? Nothing comes to Din’s mind really besides the kinks that are... nastier. Like literally, y’know... some other bodily... stuffs. Anyways, Din is pretty adaptable when it comes to kinks/positions and stuff. The pros of already being a kinky man...
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
Okay, Din really loves his dick sucked. The way that you wrap your lips around his shaft, kiss the tip of his penis, fondle his balls, lick and slobber on him... makes his eyes roll to the back of his head. He especially loves being able to watch you try and take all of him in your throat, seeing the tears of pleasure squeeze out your eyes, the way you hollow your cheeks around him and suck. Din loves it when you go down on him.
... Now that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like going down on you. There is no place Din would want to be more than with his face between your legs, lapping at you like a starving animal. He’ll spend hours with his mouth on your cunt, swirling his tongue around your clit, driving orgasm after orgasm from you until you’re shaking from overstimulation and begging him to stop. Din loves your pussy, the way you taste and smell... drives him wild.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
Din will most often rail you into the mattress with a fervor. He tends to fuck hard, and he likes to play rough. The pace he keeps is something that makes you see stars every time he thrusts, when he ruts into you so hard that your entire body moves. However, Din does this all with a type of passionate sensuality that leaves you in tears, he fucks you sure, but it’s also fully fueled by unwavering love. When he’s feeling especially sentimental, Din will indulge on this love, and he’ll go slower, deeper, make you feel nothing but the weight of him.
And PDA... Well, Din doesn’t take the helmet or beskar off in public, so PDA is every time Din steps in front of you to shield you protectively, it’s when he offers to carry whatever you’re holding, it’s when he fights for you, it’s when he stands close to your side, when he sends you long side-eyed glances that make you feel the love, it’s when he nudges your shoulder with his, when he lets you wrap your fingers around his, when he drapes you with his cloak, surrounding you with him... It’s the little, subtle things, the personal things that mean you’re closer to him than anyone else.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Maker, yes. Din becomes kinda addicted to having sex with you, so any and all chance to pull down his and yours pants and rut you both into a quick release is perfect for him. They don’t happen all that often, you’re both too busy most of the time, but if there’s a window of opportunity, Din will take it.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
Din’s kinda a big baby, so anything you may want to try with him in the bedroom that’s out of the norm will have him a stuttering, blushing mess. Most of the time though, once you’ve explained whatever you’re wanting enough, he’ll be down to do it because he knows you’re fine with it, and so is he. Though Din has his limits, a few things in particular that he’d never risk: safety and his Creed. He won’t ever try something that would potentially put the both of you in mortal danger, and wouldn’t do something that breaks his Code. Other than that, Din does enjoy pushing the boundaries a little once you’ve started, and he might even become more advantageous.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
Din can last long enough, that’s for sure. He’s not borderline superhuman like some other men, but Din doesn’t tap out early either. With the skill he has with his hands, he’s easily able to make you cum a couple times before he dicks you down, and sometimes he’s even able to draw out an orgasm or two when he’s balls deep inside you. It all usually depends on his energy level, if he’s pumped up and well rested, expect a long, long night, but if he’s so tired he can barely keep his eyes open, honestly he might just cum if you jerk him off a little bit.
Though sleepy sex with Din, although it’s very short, is also a bit of an exercise in absolute trust with him. He’s able to fall asleep in your arms, all worn out and buzzing from his orgasm, it makes him feel fully at peace.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Haha, no. Din is such a minimalist, he didn’t own any type of luxury like that, unless you count the handcuffs, but he technically uses those for his job. It really is he just doesn’t have the space nor the credits he’s willing to spare, and he didn’t have a partner before you so really it would’ve been pointless for him. But now that he’s got you in his life (and bed)? Yeah, Din might splurge a little bit and buy some things to make your romps a bit more... interesting. Be that a vibrator, some silky rope, a plug... just some fun things.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
He likes to tease, because edging you edges him and that satiates the deep-rooted sub inside of him. Din likes to have you begging for release just as much as he likes the feeling of his cock practically screaming to sink into your velvety core. The teasing really goes both ways, even if Din is the one who’s technically doing all of it. He also gets really into dirty talk (for as long as he can actually speak) and will be saying all sorts of nasty things in your ear like “C’mon, cyar’ika, tell me you want my fingers” or “Pretty girl, use your words. You want my cock or no?”.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Din is loud, but in a quiet type of way? He like... whisper yells, like his voice is already naturally low, so when he’s got you all in his grasps it’s like the volume of his voice doesn’t increase, but the intensity does? Din fills the room, essentially, being the only thing you hear, even over your own moans, squeals, screams, etc. It’s mostly a lot of strained dirty talk, like each word Din says to you is determined, but he’s got to push them through clenched teeth because his dick’s twitching so hard and your pussy is just too good... and shit, once you’ve drawn the first moan out of him, it’s over for him. Din will be moaning. Once he’s lost in the sauce, which happens sorta quickly, Din becomes just as incoherent as you, maybe being able to babble out something about seeing you fat with child or maybe about how well you’re swallowing up his cock, but it really devolves into lengthy, horny moans and hefty grunts. So yes, our man’s is loud.
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
Din loves when you tell him how much you think he’s attractive. He’s spent basically his whole life with his face in a bucket and his body in armor, so he’s never gotten compliments about his authentic self before. This kind of hampered his self-confidence and racked up his insecurity? Din doesn’t necessarily have any specific qualms with how he looks, but he also is very unsure of how you think of him. So when you tell him that you love his face; his crooked, hooked nose, his soft, honey brown eyes, his patchy stubble, and even his ridiculous moustache... it makes his heart soar.
This same sentiment goes for his body too, which Din does have a couple of more prominent issues with. For one, he’s a tad soft around the middle (age + indulging himself + taking excessive off days = weight gain) which makes him feel semi-insecure about what you may think when you don’t see chiseled, perfect abs, and he’s just generally self-conscious about his age. But when you’re fine with it? When you say you find his chub endearing?? That he’s really not that old and that he shouldn’t worry about it??? Din is beyond happy.
And in a complete 180, Din has a very high sperm count. Like astronomically high. A medical marvel type of high. So... if you indulge on his desire for a big family... expect a lot of little Djarin brats really fast.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Din is built like a himbo. He’s built like he’d ask you what pussy size do you wear when he buys pads for you. He’s built like the dude that comes into the store you work at every so often who’s just so captivating and out of this world handsome that you stare at him as he looks at the same thing he always does, until he leaves after not buying it for the third week in a row. He has a very good figure, muscular in all the right places from a lifetime of brutal physical activity. Din’s arms and shoulders are probably his best feature, the entirety of the appendages being toned with taut, powerful muscle and perfect for holding you. His chest is quite toned as well, though his pecs are softer and have a smattering of chest hair brushed on the muscles. Although he has a relatively trim waist and a defined Adonis belt, Din’s belly is actually pretty soft. He’s like a muscular boy, but with a bit more chub (if anyone gets that reference, you’re extra sexy), so Din doesn’t have a defined set of abs. He does have a dark happy trail that leads to the special someone between his thick-muscled thighs.
He also, from time and age, has a bit of a weathered look to him that makes him look experienced and jaded. His body also has a smattering of scars, most of them old and silvered, from scuffles and fights he’s had in his past. 
Big Dick Cum Daddy Din is hung. His penis is a mouth-watering 9 inches (22.86 cm) of throbbing glory, not overly girthy (2 inches, 5.08 cm, in width) but perfect nonetheless. He has a very prominent vein on the bell end of his cock, as well as fairly defined ridges on the sides, like he’s fucking ribbed for your pleasure. His penis is actually circumcised, so the head of his cock gets especially red once you’ve got all the blood and horniness in his loins. Din’s balls are perfect too, weighty things that hang a bit lower that only shows their virility.
Din is pro-choice. He’s a firm believer in people having autonomy over their bodies and having the ability to choose. So when it comes to abortion, even though the thought admittedly makes Din a little uncomfortable, he would fully support his partner choosing to have one, if that was their decision.
Also, Din is a bisexual icon, I don’t make the rules.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Yes. Ever since you come into his life, Din is horny like a teen boy all over again, it’s almost ridiculous. At the very beginning, it’s just a lot of him fantasizing about what he wants to do to you, because A) you’ve both just met, B) his Creed, and C) it’d be so embarrassing for him for you to find out how much you affect him. But once you two start getting closer, and spend weeks and months dancing around each other, Din starts to get a bit more flirty, more frisky. You definitely start noticing how much he’s wanting you, so really it comes to the point that at any time you reciprocate your feelings and consent, Din will be on you in a second. After that first time, it’s over for y’all. Din will want to fuck all the time, everywhere, whenever possible. Your pussy becomes his dick’s permanent home.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Din isn’t an easy sleeper in general, so after sex it’s really not much different. It always takes a while for him to fall asleep, so you’ll definitely be passed out before he even starts to feel tired. He’ll spend most of his time after making sure you’re taken care of with his exquisite aftercare, and then mumble sweet nothings to you as you fall asleep. Even after you’re out, Din will still lie awake and talk to you quietly about anything and everything that comes to mind before he eventually falls asleep too.
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slutsofren · 4 years
not the only way
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din x neutral reader✨
Summary: Things are going good in the world of bounty hunting alongside one Mandalorian and his green baby. But he wants more. He wants to see you with his own eyes.
Word count: 1,400 exactly lmao
basically we got to talking in the discord server about Din revealing his face and well- i couldn’t be bothered to stop soooooooo here is a totally self indulgent fluff piece for my loveee
read on ao3 here
Things were… good. Better than good, they were great if you were being honest with yourself. You weren’t in the habit of jinxing things when everything always seemed like an uphill battle but you couldn’t deny how incredible the recent month was.
You’d been off carting around the galaxy with a beskar clad Mandalorian for nearly a year and a half. Your work with the man was a constant threat to your life, keeping you on your toes and being more vigilant meant you hardly had moments of reprieve. It was okay though, you thought. Days like this meant the universe to you.
Bounties came along easily, the most recent few hardly putting up a fight for their worth. The pay had been phenomenal. Fuel costs were low, maintenance on the Razor Crest were far and few in between now.
Yeah, things were good.
It was when things got slow did your mind wander. Thoughts of the man under the beskar helm, how his voice would sound without the modulator distorting it. Was it naturally low or was that the manipulation of the helmet, you wondered. Like small clouds shifting in the wind your mind tried to conjure up ideas of the color of his eyes or the texture of his hair. There were so many possibilities.
Your mindless daze got the attention of the man on your mind. “What are you thinking? You look lost in thought,” he spoke beside you in the cockpit of the Razor Crest.
“I’m wondering how long this is going to last, Mandalorian.”
His sharp silver helmet tilted to the side, wordlessly encouraging you to continue.
“The last few jobs have been easy, you know? We haven’t had anybody chasing us in weeks. These last few days have been really peaceful and it’s nice. I can’t help but wonder that’s all.”
He let out a soft hum at your admission, likely feeling the same way. He was tired, stars you were both tired. It wasn’t like either one of you were getting any younger either. Being chased by the last remnants of the Empire really aged the two of you.
The Child, Grogu, cooed in Din’s arms and reached towards you, wanting to be held by you.As he settled in your lap the quiet hums of the ship filled the comfortable silence. Your mind still wandered as you stared into the mesmerizing sight of hyperspace as your trio scampered off to the next bounty.
Eventually you dozed off, as did Grogu, only for you to be awakened a short while after by a leather clad hand gently shaking your shoulder. You furrowed your brows, let out a questioning hum and opened your eyes. Din stood above you and you looked past his body out towards the window, noticing that you were all still in hyperspace. 
The Mandalorian held his gloved hand out towards you. “Come, I need to speak with you,” he paused, looking towards the sleeping child, “privately.” You accepted his hand and stood then placing the sleeping bundle into his pram in the corner and quietly shutting it closed.
Din led you through the shutter doors, just past the ladder leading toward the hull of the ship.
Towards his private quarters.
“Trust me,” was all he said after noting your hesitation. For all the time you’ve worked together the two of you have always gone out of your ways to give the other privacy and space. In such a small ship, it was well needed for both of your sanities some days.
Your eyes wandered around his room, taking in everything as fast as you could. Much like the rest of the Razor Crest, it was dark in his room save for the small blinking lights littered around the walls as indicators of various mechanics. You were able to see that he had few items, much like yourself. A small simple bed, a couple storage crates stacked neatly against the wall, his beskar spear and some blasters resting on top of a lone crate by his bed, and nothing else. Simple pleasures for a simple man, you thought.
“What did you want to talk about, Mandalorian,” you questioned.
For such a brute man on the field, he seemed to shrink into himself, his body language screamed the anxiety that lurked beneath. “Hey,” you put a hand on his right pauldron, the same one marked by his clan symbol, “what’s going on?”
“I would like to kiss you,” he admits softly just before a whisper of your name crosses his lips.
You straighten up for a brief moment, taken back by surprise. He notices this, as he does everything, and takes a step back away from you, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t-”
“Wait, Mandalorian, no,” you stop him and take a step and another step closer until you’re practically breathing in his scent. Bergamot, leather, and blaster powder fill your senses, his familiarity ingrained in your mind just as this moment will be. “I think I would like that too.”
You raise your hands up towards the dark fabric of his cape that tucks just beneath his chest piece, your eyes focused on the visor of his helmet. Your spine steels itself in its place, each breath that escapes your lips filling your heart with more and more hope that this is happening.
This is really happening.
“Are you sure, cyar’ika?”
“More than anything.”
His own hands reach up and cup your face, bringing his helmet down to lean gently on your forehead softly. A Mandalorian kiss. 
This was a lot for him, you knew. The creed, the covert, everything about his status as a Mandalorian relied on secrecy and honor. He was trusting you with this and in return, you’d honor him.
Your bounty hunter leaned away as his hands left your face. Inhaling a sharp breath, you closed your eyes in anticipation as a hiss filled your ears noting that he removed the heavy metal from his head.
The fabric of his thick cape itched under your palms as you inched your fingers higher and higher slowly to the back of his neck. Giving him a chance to stop if he needed to.
Soft hair tickled the tips of your fingers, a small breathy chuckle left your lips at the feeling. Soft delicate touches reached forward and you began to feel the roughness of facial hair along his jaw, your smile grew wider. “Cyar’ika,” Din’s deep voice tingled your ears.
Oh, you thought, you could never get used to this but you’d welcome it all the same. “What is it, Din?”
“Open your eyes,” he asked softly, nearly a murmur, “let me see your eyes.”
Your heart fluttered at this. Uncertainty pushed far to the center of your mind. “Din-,” you began.
“Don’t worry your pretty mind with anything, just,” he stumbled, “please let me see you.”
“But The Way-,” you began.
“The Way doesn’t have to be the only Way.”
A heartbeat passed. Two. Three.
Opening your eyes was likely the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life, all these worries infested your mind but that voice, that pleading. It was so hard to resist when Din’s sweet voice asked so softly to see you.
Those small blinking lights casted a soft glow on the face in front of you. The first feature you noticed were his lips, by the stars, his lips. Your gaze trailed upwards to his well groomed mustache, a feature you’ll likely store away for later in your mind, his sharp prominent nose, and finally his eyes.
Stars, his eyes.
He gazed upon you like it was your first time seeing each other, truly seeing the other. And it was, in a way.
“Din, you’re so handsome,” you spoke softly. His lips twitched a smile at your admission. He leaned his head forward and gave you yet another Mandalorian kiss. You threaded your fingers to the back of his head, feeling the soft curls beneath your fingers as the two of you inhaled each other’s presence. You whispered, “Kiss me.”
Tentatively his lips touched yours and it wasn’t perfect by any means but you still felt as if you were as light as a feather. His mouth moved in tandem with yours deepening the kiss the two of you always wanted but never let yourselves have.
Not once have you seen more beautiful brown eyes.
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kanerallels · 3 years
Ok ok eeee!!! I'm so excited! Okay, how about a Kanera princess and the frog au?! I was thinking the scene where they turn into frogs (or should it be lothcats?) Aka when she has to kiss him and then the line "how did I get down here, and how did you get all the way up there?" Until they have to fly away on ballons at the party? (Maybe Chopper can be the dog and Hera's just like "My dog just talked?!") Lol I'm so excited cause I know how good you are at AUs, congrats on 111!!😍
Heck yes my favorite Disney movie let's GO!!!!
Pairing: Hera Syndulla/Kanan Jarrus
Word Count: TBD, I'm on mobile
Tags/Warnings: G (for green. It's the green, it's the green, it's the green that Kanan needs...)
In the dressing room of her best friend’s bedroom, Hera changed out of her stained brown dress and slipped into the shimmering dark blue dress Omega had provided her with. In the other room, she could hear Omega chattering excitedly about the charming Jedi who’d shown up-- Kanan Jarrus, the apprentice of the deeply respected Depa Billaba. He’d swept Omega off her feet almost immediately, although from what Hera had heard, the young man had quite the reputation for such things.
Hera couldn’t focus on her friend’s words, though. In her mind, she could only replay the moment when she’d heard that she’d been outbid for the ship she was trying to buy. With it, she’d be free, to explore the galaxy by herself, not dependent on anyone.
But tonight, she’d gotten the news from the salesman himself-- they’d handed it off to someone with more money. She could still hear the man’s condescending words echoing in her ears-- a little woman of your… well, species, would have had her hands full trying to run a ship on her own. You’re best where you’re at.
Best where I’m at? Hera thought, frustration boiling through her veins. Working two jobs, sacrificing any semblance of fun or enjoyment just so she could save enough, scrimping and saving and making so many hard choices, and just when she thought she’d had a chance? It was all gone.
She stepped into the main bedroom as Omega was saying, “You know, I was starting to think that wishing on stars was just for babies, and crazy people.” She paused as Hera came into view, and a smile crossed her face. “Well, aren’t you just as pretty as a magnolia in May?” Taking a silver-and-blue headpiece from the chest of drawers in front of her, she brought it over and placed it on Hera’s head, saying, “Seems like only yesterday we were younger, dreaming our fairy tale dreams-- and tonight, they’re both coming true!”
Hera couldn’t bring herself to correct her friend, and Omega was so excited she didn’t even notice Hera’s silent demeanor. It was only seconds later that she swept back out into the party, leaving Hera alone in her room.
Reaching into the pocket of her stained dress, she pulled out the flimsi advertisement for a VCX-100 ship she’d found when she was little. Her mother had always encouraged her in this dream-- her father was a little more skeptical. Still, the memory of Eleni Syndulla holding her close as she excitedly talked about the ship she’d own one day was enough to make tears prickle in Hera’s eyes.
Moving out onto the balcony, she stared out at the Rylothian landscape, determined not to cry. But she’d been so close. So kriffing close, and she’d lost it all again. It was hard to imagine attempting this again, after how hard she’d work the first time-- and now she had to start over?
Releasing a shaky sigh, Hera blinked away her tears and lifted her gaze up to the sky. Her eyes landed on one of the stars-- the brightest one, that her mother had always told her and Omega stories about when they were little. A star you could make a wish upon, and it would always come true.
It was just a story for children. But in her current emotional state, Hera was about ready to believe anything.
Her gaze darted around the balcony. Finding it empty, Hera muttered, “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” All the same, she lifted her gaze to the star and internally made her wish. Please. Please.
She closed her eyes for just a moment, then opened them, knowing nothing had changed. Wishes only came true in stories. Hard work was the only thing that would ever get her anywhere.
As it turned out, something actually had changed. Hera’s gaze drifted to the left, and her eyes went wide at the sight of a frog perched there. She wasn’t exactly a fan of frogs, if she was being honest, although she had nothing personal against them.
Remembering one of the other stories her mother had told her and Omega, a small smile tugged at Hera’s lips. “So what now?” she said, directing the comment at the frog. “I suppose you want a kiss?”
“I’m not about to say no to it,” the frog said with a smirk.
Hera wasn’t exactly proud of how she reacted next. But coming face to face with a frog that sounded like a grown man who thought he was more charming than he actually was? That was too much for her. Letting out the closest sound to a scream she’d made in years, she stumbled backwards and crashed into a shelf full of Omega’s things.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” the frog said, hastily hopping towards her. “I didn’t mean to startle you--”
He cut himself off with a yelp as he leapt to avoid a book from Omega’s shelf. And then a holodisk. The tooka doll Hera threw actually hit him, although it didn’t make much of a difference. Leaning his forearms on it, he remarked, “You’ve got a strong arm, Princess.”
Hera responded by grabbing the vibroblade Omega’s brothers had given her, and the frog’s eyes widened. “Please don’t--”
He dove out of the way just in time as the knife embedded itself point first in the wooden floor, and jumped up on top of the chest of drawers. “Okay, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kanan Jarrus, Jedi--”
Hera slammed a cup she’d found over him, neatly trapping him. “--Knight,” he finished. “What the kriff?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Hera snapped. “How would you like me to react to a talking frog??” And then his words caught up with her. “Wait. Jedi Knight? If you’re the Jedi Knight, who’s that down there charming Omega?” she demanded, releasing the cup without thinking.
Kanan immediately shoved the cup off of him with a grunt, letting it roll free. “How would I know?” he pointed out. “All I know is one minute, I’m a dashing Jedi Knight, handsome, excellent dancer, I might add--” Hera rolled her eyes extensively-- “and then I’m stuck with these.” He thrust one webbed foot in her direction, wobbling towards her dangerously, and Hera grabbed a book nearby in defense.
“Wait!” Kanan all but shouted, his eyes going wide. “Wait, wait-- I know that story! The one with the frog who used to be a prince-- what’s it called…?”
“‘The Frog Prince’?” Hera deadpanned.
“Exactly!” Kanan waved for her to hand over the book, almost toppling over under the weight. He managed to get it settled against the mirror, and flipped it open. “I used to hear this story all the time in the Creche. This-- this is it! This is the solution!” Turning towards Hera, he said, “You-- must kiss me.”
“Excuse me??”
Moving to his feet, Kanan directed her a charming grin that probably worked on most women when they were not incredibly irritated by him, and he was also not a frog. “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it. All women do.”
“That’s revolting,” Hera told him flatly.
“I doubt you’ll be saying that soon,” Kanan said, his grin widening as he leaned forward-- and then the sac under expanded out, and Hera jerked back in alarm. “That’s new,” he assured her.
“Look, I’m sorry,” Hera said, which was only mostly a lie, “I wish I could help you. But I don’t kiss frogs, and I certainly won’t kiss you.”
“Wha-- you literally asked me back on the balcony!” Kanan protested, the alarm on his face growing.
“It was sarcasm!” Hera snapped. “And I certainly didn’t expect you to answer. There’s absolutely no way I’m kissing you.”
“Come on-- look, not only am I incredibly good-looking, but I’m with the Jedi Order,” Kanan pointed out. “I can make sure you’re rewarded handsomely for this. Surely there’s gotta be something you want, some wish we could grant?”
Despite herself, Hera’s eyes flicked to the flimsi poster for the VCX-100 that had gone flying across the room in the kerfuffle. But this was stupid. It was just a ship, she didn’t need it that badly.
Yet even as she thought the words, she knew it wasn��t true. It was more than a ship for her, it was freedom. It was a dream she’d had for as long as she could remember. And if there was a way to attain it…
“Just one kiss?” she asked, wavering.
“Unless you beg for more,” Kanan said, smirking.
That decided it. If it was only to get rid of this pain in the neck, Hera would do it. “Deal,” she said, nodding.
The frog instantly puckered his lips, closing his eyes, and Hera reeled backwards. It was just… gross. The idea of pressing her lips against those of a decidedly slimy looking--
She pushed that thought out of her mind, replaced it with the image of the VCX she’d own after this, and lunged forward to kiss the frog.
The moment her lips met his, greenish light flashed over them, and Hera felt it engulf her. Everything went black.
She didn’t know how long later her eyes slid open, but when they did, she was enveloped with some kind of blue fabric. Shoving it off of her, she looked up and saw a wide-eyed Kanan staring down at her. Except he was still a frog.
“.......kriff,” he whispered.
Uncomprehending, Hera blinked hard. “You look remarkably like a frog. Still. Aren’t you supposed to be handsome? But why are you up there? And what am I doing down here, with all this--”
She glanced down at the pool of fabric, seeing the green of her skin against it. But there was something different about it. Something off with the texture and the feeling of it.
Also, she was missing a finger.
Hera jerked to the side and caught sight of herself in a mirror. The face of a frog stared back, and she let out an undignified shriek. “What--” With a leap that was entirely instinct, she flew to the top of the dresser and crashed into Kanan, bowling him over. “What did you do to me?” she demanded, staggering to her feet.
“Easy-- don’t panic,” Kanan attempted to calm her. “It’s not so bad.”
Catching hold of her hand, Kanan said soothingly, “No, no-- it’s not slime. You’re secreting mucus.”
That was the last straw for Hera. She narrowed her eyes in a death glare at Kanan, and his eyes went wide just as she tackled him across the room. They crashed into a cushioned stool, bouncing up, slamming against a shelf, then down again and landing on a precariously balanced sniper rifle of Omega’s. Before Hera could act on the many threats she had boiling in her head, a book toppled off the shelf and landed on one end of the rifle, catapulting both her and Kanan out of the room, over the balcony and into the party below.
They plummeted towards the band below, landing on the drums. The drummer, a big male Togruta, instantly went after them with his drumsticks as they both dove away from him and attempted to make a break for it.
Hera heard the other band members start a faster song to match the renewed tempo as she and Kanan went flying through the air and landed on the nearest person. Unfortunately, it happened to be Omega. And it was less landing then falling down the back of her dress.
She started hopping around frantically with yelps of shock. As they were jolted around, Kanan remarked, “You know, for a costume ball, you’d think they’d be a little more welcoming!”
“This is not the time for jokes,” Hera snarled.
As Omega toppled over, the two of them managed to escape out of her voluminous hoop skirt, just in time to hear Hunter, Omega’s father figure/brother, shout, “CHOPPER! GET THE FROGS!”
Karabast. Hera caught sight of Chopper-- the tame vornskr that Hera had befriended-- jerk his head up, then bolt towards them. Next to her, Kanan grabbed her hand. “Run!”
As he leapt from the skirt to the nearby buffet table, flying past the shocked Kanan-lookalike, Hera snapped, “I can’t run, I’m a frog, thanks to you!”
“Then hop!” They landed on the buffet table, Hera almost slipping off the edge. Kanan hauled her up quickly and the two of them started hopping frantically down the table as Chopper came flying after them, scrabbling at the tablecloth. “Down!” Kanan shouted. “Down, you kriffing monster dog!”
Chopper did not listen, partially because he was not a dog, and partially because he was Chopper. Kanan and Hera kept going-- straight towards a pair of guests. One of them brandished a fake sword that looked a little too sharp, and swung at them viciously. At the exact same time, the man next to him, wearing a boga hat, ducked, and the sword severed the top of the hat. The hat dropped on top of Kanan and Hera, effectively covering their vision.
The next few minutes were a haze of chaos-- shouting and yelling and a lot of running. Finally, the boga hat came off of them, and both Kanan and Hera went flying forward, tangling in the strings of a bundle of balloons.
Hera frantically tried to disentangle herself as she spotted Chopper still charging towards them. “Wait! Chopper!” she shouted.
Kanan had other ideas. Grabbing the string of balloons, he jerked them free. “Going up!”
As the balloons zipped up into the air, Chopper lunged for them, and Hera shouted, “Chopper, it’s me, Hera!”
“Hera?” the vornskr gasped.
Before Hera could react to that, Chopper plummeted back to the ground, and they continued upwards.
“Chopper just talked,” Hera managed as Kanan grabbed her by the hand, pulling her up so she could grab onto some of the balloons. “The vornskr talked.”
His voice irritated, Kanan said, “You know, if you’re going to let every little thing bother you, this is going to be an even longer night!”
As they flew away from the party, Hera shot Kanan an unseen glare. The sooner she got away from this pain in the neck, the better. She had a bad feeling that wasn’t going to go as well as she hoped, though.
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First light, last love
Summary: a lazy, fluffy morning in bed with your love, Santiago Garcia.
Author’s note: Very quick blurb in response to an ask- not my best but hope you like it! You can decide whether he means literal breakfast or “breakfast” *wink wink* at the end, depending on how you wanna be woken up.
Warnings: language, it’s Santi.
Word count: short and sweet. 
Tagging: @phoenixhalliwell​ @lostgirlheather​ @justrunamok​ @aellynera​ @damerondjarin​ @blushingwueen​ @iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall​ @holybatflapexpert​ @himbopoes​ @arabellathorne​ @yourbucky084​ @mandoplease​ @mylifeliterally​ @arkofblake​ @multifandomlife22​ @yougottakeeponkeepinon​ @aisling-beatha​ @stardust-galaxies​ 
GIF by @twillight
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The morning sun is the first caress on your skin, gently easing you awake. Santi’s hands are the second, pulling you from the warm embrace of slumber and into the warm embrace of him.
As you stir, you feel the sturdiness and familiar shape of Santi’s body pressed firmly to your back as he forms a big spoon around you. You absorb the texture of bare skin on skin as his nose nuzzles into the back of your neck, and his hand languidly wanders over your belly and your thighs. His fingertips trace symbols on to your flesh, which only those fluent in the language of love might hope to ever decipher, easing your consciousness into the waking world and to a place where you feel completely safe and content and held; in his arms.
You hum softly to signal to him you’re awake, and a blissed out smile eases over your lips, the joy that comes from waking up next to your love and enjoying this closeness spilling visibly out of you.
“Morning, Princesa,” he breathes, hot air and the deep rumble of his voice fanning over your neck. Santi presses a gentle kiss to your neck, propping himself up onto his elbow to allow his kisses to journey along your jawline, and you turn your head to greet his lips with yours, giggling into the kiss.
Every time you kiss him it feels like arriving home. Each moment with him holding you feels like breaking dawn. Warm, fresh yet familiar, and an inconceivable blessing.
You peel your eyelids open, failing to quell the happy smile which beams out of you as soon as your gaze greets his, those warm, coffee eyes the only wake-up call you need.
You love waking up slow with him like this. No alarms; no place to be, except beside each other.
“Morning, handsome,” you say softly, as his broad hand comes to gently cup your cheek.
Those hands of his. You love them so. Those hands which were trained to be lethal, but which felt like they were made to love you. When they feel so good against you, what other purpose could they possibly have?
Instead of craning your neck, you swivel until you are flat on your back, Santi’s prone body still tesselated neatly into your side. He smiles back at you, his eyes skimming over your face and hair as if he is seeing you afresh with the start of the new day; even though he has looked at you so often, you sometimes question how he could possibly still wonder at the sight of you. Even when you’re like this, still shaking off the dregs of sleep, face and hair still fresh from the pillow, Santi’s eyes are glowing with adoration.
Santi runs his hand over your contours, fingertips guiding his gaze and sweeping languidly over your chest and stomach and legs. The callouses of him rub against the smoothness of your skin as he cups handfuls of your soft parts in his palms as if you are his daily bread. As if he might bring you to his lips to sustain him. After all, how could he live without you?
As you enjoy his touch, light filters intermittently through the curtains, hazy and half-cocked, ocassionally finding its aim on your face or throwing bars of gold daybreak over Santi’s chest, sun glinting off his dog tags. 
“Holy shit, baby,” Santi breathes as he studies you. “Once again you’re even more beautiful to me than yesterday, and less beautiful to me than you will be tomorrow.” Santi’s lips quirk up playfully, as his fingertips continue to wander the planes of you. He’s never lost when he’s touching you. He’s never lost, like he has been so often in dense jungle, tunred around and scared for his life. His fingers always know their path. His lips always know thier route to your lips, even in the dark. And yet, although he knows you so well, he never tires of you.
“Fuck, Santi,” you say, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the light, feeling out your limbs and emerging gradually from the heaviness of sleep. “Just when I think you’ve run out of ways to charm me, you come out with something like that. Before you’ve even had coffee.”
You turn your body towards him and Santi lowers himself back to the pillow. You shuffle until you lie nose to nose with each other, shimmying the blankets down until they rest across your hips and tangling your thighs with the meat of his.
“I fuckin’ hope I never run out of ways to charm you, preciosa,” Santi says in earnest.
A lazy grin inches over his face, and you enjoy the creases which form around his eyes and mouth. Then, muffling his confession, Santi dips his head forward to nuzzle kisses into your neck. “Plus... alright, I confess to raiding the greeting card aisle yesterday while I was waiting for ‘Fish to checkout the beers.”
Your fingers filter into his grizzled curls as a soft chuckle shakes your chest up against him, and you absorb all the textures of him possible as his stubble grazes pleasantly along your collarbone and your breasts, soothed by lazy caresses of his lips and tongue. “That one made me think of you, cariño,” he whispers, his voice entirely earnest again as he tips his chin to look up at you from beneath his lashes and heavy brows with sincere eyes. 
You snicker softly as you nose into his curls, planting a loving kiss to the top of his head and lingering there to inhale the unique scent of him. Wrapping your arms around him more tightly, you tug him into your chest, and Santi hums contentedly, thoroughly dissolving into your embrace as you bring him closer and tangle limbs with him.
You feel so happy you might float to the ceiling, if you weren’t tethered by the blankets and by his embrace.
You both tug in a deep, steadying breath and exhale it together, enjoying nothing but the silence and the presence of each other for a few, extended moments.
“How is it-” Santi eventually begins to wonder idly as your arms encase him “-that I spend most of my time surrounded by a trained squad of killers, but I never feel safer than when you hold me like this?”
“Hmm. You didn’t get that from a Hallmark card, did you?” you tease, deflecting some of the raw emotion in his tone with humour, as it almost feels too overwhelming to handle, sometimes, Santi’s love. “That one was all you, you charmer?”
His words have a happiness blooming right from the core of you, and, you hope, suffusing back into him as you share this moment of loving each other, transmitting love back and forth through every touch and brush of lips and fingers and skin.
It is moments and mornings like this which you love the most. Not the grand gestures of love. Not the greeting card moments or the surprises or the special ocassions. The mundaness of love is everything to you. The simple, small joys with Santi are the ones you treasure the most.
“Yeah,” he jokes. “The rest said: everyone knows not to fuck with you, mi Reina, because they saw you tear Will a new one when he was a dick at our housewarming, and now cartels and drug lords cower in fear. Happy Thanksgiving.”
You laugh, a lilting sound which draws Santi’s eyes back to your lips, and you flop back on to the mattress, your arms raised above you on the pillow. Santi takes the opportunity to roll on top of you, craving even more contact. He boxes you in securely with his arms, and nudges your knees apart so he can lie in between your legs, hips pressing up against you. The weight of him against you, the feel of the solid mass of him on top of you is such a comfort, grounding you entirely when only moments ago you were lost to your dreams; still, moments like this with your love seem beyond your wildest dreams.
The chain of Santi’s dog tags jangle and pool on to your chest as he settles over you, the cool metal a pleasing contrast against your warm skin and the body heat emanating off of him. You regard them warily, ever since that time they chipped your tooth during a particularly vigorous embrace, but you have grown to love the familiar extension of him, and the reminder that although he is lethal, he is nothing but soft for you.
You follow the bobbles of the chain up and over his smooth chest, corded neck. To his face. God, he’s handsome. All over and at all times, but especially in the mornings like this, when he’s in nothing but his boxers and his watch and that chain. When his skin is bare and warm against you except for these shocks of cool metal. When he is still slightly grogged and unguarded, fresh from sleep. You love seeing his mussed mop of curls and the overnight sprouting of his stubble. Love having him all to yourself.
Santi swoops his soft lips down to kiss you again, and as he pulls back up you admire the happy glow in his heavy-lidded eyes. Admire the flexed muscles in his shoulders as he holds himself above you, and the soft curve of his belly pressing against yours. You drink him in, and you know he’s doing the same with you. 
While enjoying this moment, the like of which seems so rare these days, it suddenly strikes you how long you have gone uninterrupted.
“Santi, the house is quiet. What did you do to the boys?”
Santi grins down at you like the handsome devil he is and greedily kisses almost every inch of your face, bit by bit. “Sent the boys off to lake. Wanted you all to myself today.”
You smile broadly and gratefully at your thoughtful, adoring man. You were really enjoying the week out at the lake with the squad, but the boys could be a lot, and you did agree; you wanted Santi all to yourself for a little bit too. Ok, a lot.
“Thought we could have a lazy morning then take a picnic up to the coast? Found a good place you can do some reading while I lie in your lap and gaze longingly at you?”
You look at him adoringly and Santi takes the opportunity to swipe his tongue languidly along your lower lip, humming into the cave of your mouth as you grant him access and slowly mingle your lips and tongue with his like you have all the time in the world. 
You wind your arms lovingly around his neck, and pucker your lips to plant a delicate kiss to the tip of his strong, perfect nose. “You’re a genius, Santi. In fact, you know what? I love you more than I did yesterday, and less than I will tomorrow.”
Santi doesn’t smile at your words, despite the playful grin on your own face. He simply looks at you in wonderment again.  As if he’s seeing you fresh. Like every moment with you is a breaking dawn. “Fuck, Princesa. Who’s the charmer now?” Santi looks at you as though he’s the luckiest man in the world, and that never fails to floor you.
Yes, these were without doubt your favourite kind of mornings. You treasure these small moments together, where you have all the time in the world to adore each other. And you did; you do. You adore each other more and more every single day.
Sometimes, perhaps, waking is a sweeter dream than slumber, when your love makes every moment like a new day. Makes each feeling cheesy enough to write in a greeting card.
You smile conspiratorially, fluttering your eyelashes at Santi. Pushing your luck, even though you���re already the luckiest woman in the world. “Have I charmed you enough for you to make breakfast, my love?”
“Breakfast, mi Reina?” Santi purrs, pumping his eyebrows. “You just lie back and I’ll take care of breakfast. I’ll take care of you, ‘cause, fuck, do I love you too.”
Yes, this is it. This is definitely what dreams are made of.
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scoundrvls · 2 years
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋 𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍. the spaces between were exquisitely measured down to the atom and polished to precision. slopes were angled at satisfying slants that lured a trooper or two to a hike a boot up. not for any tactical reason, but to appease the part of the brain that could be enchanted by a puddle. even parapets with perfect dimensions like the hedges of a coruscanti garden provided cover for advancing cadets. evenly cropped towers emulated the various oblongs scattered across the galactic skylines. the perfect simulation to replicate the perfect scenario.
      and the perfect canvas for turning men into fodder.
      a waste. pure and simple. jango fett had given the kaminoans everything they needed to create the greatest army the galaxy would ever see. from his veins, the genome of the greatest warriors to ever exist. fett too had summoned nearly a hundred masters of war from the same mighty line to teach these soldiers to be warriors — and the damn slip-skins squandered it.
      warriors needed to feel the earth beneath them. to master adaption as fluid, thoughtless. the consistency of the soil, how its resistance changed with the moisture content or lack thereof. the way light refracted off textures and how microvariations in the environment spelled the difference between victory and death.
      as the mand’alor watched squad after squad tackle the predictable layouts of every simulation, could see the travesty for each young man unfold. a pivoted ankle here meant nothing, but a root breaching the undergrowth would tear ligaments. no clone adrenaline deep in a simulation believed that the real field would look as precise as a mock-up, but memory was as much a detriment as it was an asset. all they knew were the anemic hallways of the kaminoans. the only natural thing about their upbringing were the feral rains that assailed the city every rotation.
      dark eyes observed a group of aspiring troopers with passive expertise. just another teacher spotting for necessary adjustments before the potential for a lethal mistake became hardcoded in their dna. no one could guess behind the detached look was a man watching doom prowl closer, lured in by the scent of artificial experience.
      there was no saving every clone that stood out with the dull shine of promise. their scope was as narrow as tipoca’s natives. kaminoans understood molecular strands, but not the creatures it created. the variations of life were byproducts, nothing that couldn’t be overcome with further analysis. besides, the growing army’s existence was still restricted to the kamino atmosphere. fett’s freedom and the presence of cuy’val dar were enough to make many in the kaminoan hierarchy experience some semblance of emotion.
      the deaf ringing in his chest returned as it always did when his thoughts strayed down this road. jango detached himself from the scene and filed his ruminating into the opaque cluster of his burdens. still, even with another task in mind, thoughts were manufacturing themselves. nipping at the nape of his neck, they demanded solutions only a leader could provide. full lips churned to wave them away as they formed a face. identical to his with decades sheared away, but with scars all its own.
      boots clacked in parallel notes as the bounty hunter glided through sterile white tunnels. the vestiges of last night's storm had cleared away; the system’s lonely sun peered in through the cloud cover. the echo lingered in his ears long after the sound was absorbed by the blinding walls. he knuckles strained into the molytex gloves, as his thoughts settled into the roots of a terrible idea.
      painful deliberation cauterized the trip between oval antechambers as jango returned to his apartment. a hand outstretched for the door flinched back as the hatchway hissed open. his son, glowering from a whopping hip-height, formed an accusatory blockade.
      ❝ you’re leaving. ❞ boba waited for the door to close behind his father before launching into his needling.
      the boy weaved around him like an overeager tooka but jango deftly counter-maneuvered as he disassembled his armor. ❝ not this time, boba. ❞
      ❝ you said that last time. ❞
      a close-knit smile hugged the corners of jango’s mouth as he traded his flight suit for spartan fatigues. ❝ last time i didn’t know this time would be too dangerous. ❞
      ❝ i’ve been in danger before. ❞ resolute, boba crossed his small arms across his chest, ruffling the sea blue tunic that was almost too big for him. the boy stubbornly chased his father to the banquette where the bounty hunter reclined, his arms stretched along the backrest. jango closed his eyes, leaned his head back, and remained so for several moments before giving in to the presence he felt drilling him with a stare.
      a single eye peeled open. boba had planted himself right at his father’s feet, arms stiffly crunched in the same crossed position.
      it was hard to hide the smile.
      ❝ no, ❞ came with gentle finality as the mand’alor retreated into the darkness behind his eyes. he heard boba sigh and sulk away, and let a hint of a grin creep onto his face. threads of rare sunlight filtered through the broad shutters. there wasn’t much in the way of warmth, but bounty hunter basked in it nonetheless.
      ❝ haURGH! ❞ jango’s eyes flew open as boba dropped his entire weight onto his father’s lap, a holobook straddled between his hands. the boy ignored the hunter’s grimace as he got comfortable, retrieving where he’d left off with a pout.
      ❝ what about next time? ❞
      jango sighed in his third attempt to get comfortable, ❝ no promises. ❞
      it was a rare day. hours passed with little activity within the apartment. there was little for jango to do but wait for kamino’s star to be swallowed by the sea. boba spent his day entrenched in his book. he finished the one he’d nearly pelted his father with and dove headlong into another he’d borrowed from whrr. eventually the effort got the better of him and boba slipped into a ball of contented sleep as the sun’s rays faded from the window.
      fett was careful not to disturb the boy as he transplanted him from the banquet to the bed. it was a moment before boba settled enough for jango to leave ( his son kept seeking out his presence, fitful until the bounty hunter placed a pillow in the space he’d normally occupy ).
      there were still preparations that needed to be seen to. jango was selective about where he was seen and when he went unnoticed as he conducted his business. what’d been a crisp day melted into a drizzle as the midnight hours squeezed the stars from the lofty prism. thunder heralded the arrival of a grueling storm, one that jango planned to use for cover as he strutted down the walkway towards slave i’s designated platform.
      a figure stood beside her, nearly indistinguishable from the firespray’s oblong shadow. the first swell of rain erupted from the sky. the sensors of his helmet crackled with the sound for a brief moment before automatically dampening the torrent. while the chance for witnesses was slim, jango punched in a command into his gauntlet’s console. a mechanical hum could barely be heard above the deluge as slave’s boarding ramp extended, an interior light iluminated the now open entryway.
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                                    ❝ let’s go. ❞
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arc-77 “fordo”  — @galaxycrxss
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shadowglens · 2 years
🔥📙😊⭐🌀 for sara!!!!!!
🔥 give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
sara has grown so used to the sterile walls and feel of the temple that anything bright or loud puts her off a little. she clings to her white leathers and linens like a crutch, even once things fall apart. also, she prefers cold climates, if only because it’s what her body was biologically designed to survive in. she secretly likes snow.
📙 what kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your oc find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? what kind of stuff do they just find fun?
once her connection with the force was sealed over with scar tissue and she became a little more settled in her melancholy, sara discovers her love of teaching. yoda definitely fostered some of it, but sara has always liked helping and guiding. it’s not until she takes her first introductory class with the newest batch of younglings to be brought to the temple that she feels like she’s found her calling as a jedi. she teaches respect for the force, teaches the very base ideaologies of the jedi, helps guide younglings down a path best suited to their inherent skills and interests. if she can make the temple and the order a softer, more comforting place for these children, then she will. 
😊 what can make your oc smile even when they’re feeling down? what cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? is your oc genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? what about your oc makes others happy?
sara was never one to show much emotion, good jedi that she was. even after things fall apart and she starts a new life, the emotional coldness lingers. some of the younglings she taught would make her smile, with their jokes and triumphs and laughter, but it was always a small, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it kind of smile. these days, dane has mastered the art of pulling happiness from her in his own way, and how can she resist when he is so beautiful before her? she doesn’t connect with many people from the order once it falls, but seeing cal again, seeing the young man he has grown into from the quiet, self-deprecating youngling he was ... that makes her smile too, in the way any mentor would. 
⭐ what is your oc afraid of? any crippling phobias or some such? how do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? does anyone ever find your oc scary? why?
she still carries a slight fear of crowds and cities and any large gatherings of people, because even if she’s got her hypersense and empathy on a tightly-held leash these days, any large group of people is still Very overstimulating. the memory of dina taking her into corusant as a padawan and sara flying into a full-blown panic from the amount of emotions flooding through her rings heavy in her mind, even years later. there was a reason she never left the temple until it started burning down around her. most of sara’s other fears are internal-facing, and she doesn’t have any other phobias. meeting dane, and having his searing, weighted presence always lingering in the back of her mind now, helps calm her more than anything. sometimes she’ll reach for his composure in a situation, and he lets her leech off of it until they’re both a little more solid. 
🌀 where is your oc from? where were they born? do they still live there, if not why did they move? if they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? how many places has your oc lived in and where has been their favourite?
she was born on atoa, a frigid planet of ice and snow in the ghost nebula. the atoan people had long remained secluded from the galaxy, not wanting to become involved in galactic politics. upon discovering the great power in their daughter’s veins, sara’s parents had intended to bring her before the high priestess so she could be raised by the theocracy as was tradition. the priestess’ instead handed sara over to the jedi in an attempt to forge an alliance with the order, but things didn’t work out. sara was two when she left atoa, and she has not returned since, even when she hears of the imperals attacking it not long after the order falls. she wouldn’t know her family even if she was standing right in front of them. 
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