#and my brita water filter
seraphim-soulmate · 8 months
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"how are you?"
from left to right: post-it note stack with the top one reading "schizoaffective" that's been on my desk for 3 weeks, cigarette case with Marilyn Monroe containing vogues, nausea medication, probiotic medication
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amrv-5 · 5 months
water is out AGAIN less than an hour after they said they fixed it it has been on for like 2 hours total of the last 48 this haaaaas to be illegal what the fuuuck
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woodentrain · 10 months
Observe: this is the face of a man who does not want to spend his day selling/changing/collecting money for water filters
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For the love of god woman just give me my money and stop with the water filter crap
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sonofsin · 9 months
yes I can cook with tap water. no I cannot drink the tap water without intrusive thoughts about plumbing slime and lead! yes I can drink it filtered. sometimes. no I cannot make iced tea with tap water nor can I make cold brew coffee with it, but I can boil tap water for coffee just fine.
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hobbithoes · 1 month
Thought my water company people finally found out I’ve been #finessing them for like 9 months and shut off my water but they were just replacing the pipe bc it might’ve had lead 😭
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kissingwookiees · 8 months
crawled into bed and under my covers thinking 'i dont need a glass of water' but now that im here... that glass of water sounds delicious
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ochrophyta · 2 years
im so weak from filtered water all summer i tried to drink a cup of sink water and havent stopped coughing and my tongue is burning this is so embarrassing
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its-willl · 2 years
i own a cursed sweater & i need to immediately perform an exorcism on it.
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magdasabs · 2 years
A big reason people don't drink still water is because the regular tap water is poor quality. Of course it's different between regions within a country. I've heard about American exchange students who've asked "Are you sure it's ok to drink water directly from the tap?" when they've been in Sweden. They have great tap water.
I get that but you realise that you have to buy sparkling water, right? So the pure, good quality still water is right next to it at the store. Also we're mostly talking Germany or other central european countries, most of them have very good tap water
In any case I meant taste preference, not what's accessible to people 😂 not gonna judge you if you have no access to something, I'm not a dick
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apollo3-1-5 · 2 years
yes i have a headache. yes i will continue to just lay here wallowing about my headache and planning to get up for tylenol after 2 more minutes of wallowing.
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princessbrunette · 5 months
Rafe fucking jayj’s step sister to piss him off because he has a feeling your relationship with him goes beyond being step siblings
- 💅🏽
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
rafe has been watching you. he was intrigued truly, how a sweet girl like you wound up being a pogue. he knew you couldn’t be jj’s actual sister, no— you didn’t quite look the same, and the way you and him interacted, even in public was odd. too touchy, yet cautious, overly self aware. shit, he couldn’t blame jj. if a fine piece of ass like you found your way into his family he’d probably do the exact same.
the need to get back at jj came when he went down for technically vandalising toppers boat. technically, it was pope. but pope didn’t have anything that rafe wanted… jj however…
you were stood so shyly at the entrance to the cameron residence, having received a message from ‘ward’ (actually rafe) that he was interested in hiring you, some kind of personal assistant job. but ward was out of town, and rafe was welcoming you inside.
“y’know i—i don’t know what he was thinking inviting you round right now, he’s out of town.” he scratches his temple, squinting apologetically.
“oh…” you fiddle with your fingers, glancing around at the inside of pristine tannyhill.
“yeah… yeah, i’m sorry about that. you want somethin’ to drink? whilst you know, whilst you’re here?” he extends his arm, backing up towards the kitchen.
“oh i couldn’t possibly—”
“please, anything you want.” rafe waves you off as you follow him through to the next room.
“well, if you insist. just a water please, i’m a little parched from riding my bike over here.” he tries not to snicker, thinking about that little pogue-mobile of yours. it was so you, rickety little thing with a pink basket on top. cute, rafe thought.
even the look of a brita water filter seems to slightly excite you and he smiles, filling up a glass and handing it to you. as you drink, he speaks— seemingly making conversation.
“so you’re uh… maybanks sister, right?” he leans on the counter. he sees you stiffen slightly, knowing the two of them have had their quarrels, but jj never really letting you in on the ins and outs. “s’okay, i can separate the two of you. we’re all adults here, right?” he reassures.
you put the glass down on the counter, wiping your wet hand on your dress. “well, he’s my step-brother.” you clarify.
“ah, yeah… yeah i thought so. no one acts like that with their step sibling.” his gaze doesn’t leave yours even when yours flickers away, guilty. right then, that moment there — rafe knew his suspicions were true. he steps back, nodding for you to follow him. “lets go sit down, yeah?”
you feel you have no choice but to follow him, sitting on the large couch now beside him with your hands on your lap. he leans his elbow on his knee, watching you.
“i—i wanna be straight up with you, that okay?” he drawls after the small talk time is up, eyes boring into yours.
“i know it’s not my business but i… i feel like your step-brother is doin’ things to you that he shouldn’t be doin’. and… it just wouldn’t be right for me to sit here n’not intervene i mean i’m older than you, right? and — and it’s my duty to watch out n’protect girls like you. i’m… right aren’t I? he’s touching on you?”
“rafe… no.” you shake your head, looking away shyly, clearly scandalised.
“you know it’s not very polite to come to someone’s house n’ lie to them, sweetheart.” he squints one eye, the idea of upsetting him making you nervous.
“no i’m sorry it’s just… it’s not like that, okay? he teaches me stuff. that’s all. i… dont have a lot of experience so he’s helping me. that’s it, i swear.” you break easily, and rafes fighting everything in him not to smirk.
“your brother?” he almost sounds mocking, like he wants to laugh and your brows furrow.
“step brother.”
“yeah i…i dunno, kid. you know you could have anyone on this island. m’serious, with a — a pretty face like that? shit.” he leans back, shaking his head. “even i’d help you out.”
and that’s how he gets you, right there on that couch — because fifteen minutes later he’s got you on his knees, sucking on his tip as you look up for guidance.
“yeah, yeah like that. go ahead n’start twisting your hand for me. that’s right… see, kid? don’t need your brother. you got me now.”
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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ryan-sometimes · 6 months
Like a week or so ago my friend Blake accidentally filled my water bottle at his place with the brita his roommates use to filter vodka. I had a sip and made fun of how vodka-y that water tasted, then I threw my bottle in my bag and forgot about it. Today I was taking my biochem final and discovered my water bottle, and I thought yay! I’ll have something to drink during this 3 hr exam! Then like 20 min I go for a sip and I’m hit with the taste of straight fucking vodka
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clearkind · 7 months
from the vault danny fenton
when I wrote this...literally an era. like ohhh my god. tumblr is judgment free right. Anyway this is just from my sea of endless unfinished drafts. It was gonna b about senior yr danny or something like that, ghost/human forms merging, I don't know. I have more scenes for this particular unfinished fic but it's only scene 1 here.
gdoc name is "unstable"
Danny Fenton slammed awake, his blood pumping, the room bathed in an eerie green light which pulsated a little with his heartbeat; he shut his eyes hard, and it mellowed out into inky darkness with just a little starlight. He felt slightly sick, and bent forward and put his head in his hands, and felt sweat on his brow. When he finally really opened his eyes, he saw that same green light reflecting dimly off his hands.
“Oh, god,” he said, sitting up. 
He rolled over off his bed, kicking off the covers still clutching at his ankles as he picked himself up, and crossed the hallway outside his room to the bathroom. He opened the bathroom door gently and was immediately greeted—without even needing to flip on the lights—with the sight of his eyes in the mirror glowing a strong and ghostly green, mapping out vague impressions of the rest of the room. The wave of sickness came again, and he braced himself with both hands on the countertop. Danny looked closer into the mirror: his goddamn glowing irises were soaking over his pupils, spreading across the white of his eyes—the whole of both eyes on their way to getting suffused by the stuff—and Danny shut his eyes again like that’d help. All it did was bring back the wave of nausea. Danny found himself with his head practically in the sink, chunks of luminous green phlegm forcing its way out of his throat and down the drain. He ran the tap water, suddenly finding that he couldn’t care less if Jazz or his parents heard.
When it didn’t feel like he was on the verge of throwing up again, he splashed water into his face and gurgled it around his mouth. When he spat the water out, it, too, glowed.
Danny sighed, hard. “This is disgusting,” he muttered to himself. He looked back up into the mirror, that glow in his eyes settling down. “This is....”
He shut off the tap water and padded downstairs for more water, filtered this time. He drank about three whole glasses from the Brita pitcher, and then suddenly the sun was rising, and the sky turned red, and the day was blazing. He groaned. It felt like he hadn’t slept at all.
“Oh? Who’s down here?”—a voice. Just his mom.
Danny decided to fill up his glass again. “Just me, Mom,” Danny called. 
She poked her head out from behind the entryway wall. “Danny?” she asked. “What are you doing up so early?”
“Uh…I had to do my…morning run?” Danny said, his voice going upwards at the end. “Yeah. It—I definitely do that. Definitely a thing I do.”
His mom frowned. “Really?”
His mom frowned further, but it was more just confused this time. “Well, alright, Danny,” she said. “I’m headed down to the lab. Breakfast is in the fridge.” She glanced at the fridge: it was stuffed so full it didn’t shut properly, a bunch of anti-ghost experimental bull probably inside. “I think.”
“Okay, Mom,” Danny said. He watched as she descended into the basement. He threw back the rest of his water like it was a shot, then turned the glass upside down and watched the leftovers run into the kitchen sink.
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goddess-ofdeath-old · 5 months
How are you on this rather silly day sister?
I am doing well, you?
//ooc freezing. The temperature in my dorm is so cold that the water in my brita filter froze.
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dragonbma · 7 months
// All my Vos-centered MC:SM AUs & concepts: //
(Can’t remember how many I’ve shared here already, but I’m making a masterpost nonetheless.) Find all reference designs here!
Possession!Vos (Vos Possession AU) 👁️
(My prized AU:) After the adventure to the Sea Temple goes awry, Sammy is killed, Vos is left trapped, and Jack flees. Vos survives being caught in the obsidian cage, and Romeo has more in store for him… if he agrees. Unfortunately for the Admin, our favorite Sea Temple adventurer is incredibly homesick and declines his offer to be a champion. A decade later when Jack finally returns to the temple with Jesse, Vos is overjoyed to see his friend again. However it would seem the Admin isn’t quite done with him yet… Chaos and shenanigans ensue as the brita filter man is puppeteered by god himself!
—Full masterpost: here!
—Read here!
Oarfish!Vos (Oarfishposting AU) 🐟
Set in an AU where most characters are half-animal, Croco!Romeo is a ‘collector’ of rare hybrids. His challenges are all secretly traps to ensnare anyone he finds interesting. Unknown to Jack, the Sea Temple was specifically built to catch Vos… and it worked perfectly. Finding Oarfish!Vos and Pangolin!Jack intriguing, Romeo designed the temple to split the trio, kill Hawk!Sammy, and snare Oarfish!Vos in obsidian nets. Jack escapes and Romeo later lets Vos out of the nets while he quietly brainstorms traps for Jack. Without the gauntlet, Vos is able to explore the rooms, but can’t open the main entrance doors. The Admin still checks on him every now and then even if Vos doesn’t seem to enjoy his new home. He gets along well with the guardians at least so that’s a plus.
—Land, Sea, and Sky trio my beloved
—I love him.
Drowned!Vos 🔱
AU where Romeo curses Vos to become a Drowned and hunt down Jack. The Admin is upset that Jack threw away the gauntlet and abandoned the challenge after the Sea Temple adventure went awry and aims to use his presumed dead friend to take care of the problem. After filling the obsidian cage with water and uh… waiting, Romeo inflicts Drowned!Vos’ goggles with curse of binding that warps his mind into believing Jack left him there on purpose and fills him with blind rage. He is also given a prismarine compass that always points to where his target is. Not sure if a potion of weakness and a golden apple will cure this one, Jack…
—He might also get a trident if I’m feeling extra silly.
—Read here!
‘Neath!Vos 🥀
A spin-off of the Possession AU where Vos again rejects Romeo’s offer. Rather than simply locking him back up in the cages to rot, Romeo instead teleports him to a secluded part of the ceiling in the Underneath and traps him there via obsidian roots. The scavengers come across him and inform Binta who helps him escape and he becomes well acquainted with the Fred Folk after everything. Jesse and Jack eventually find him when they go to the Underneath with Xara.
—Based on a fever dream I had
—More here!
Champion!Vos (Champion Vos AU) 🗡️
A second Possession AU spin-off where Vos loses hope in being rescued from the temple and accepts Romeo’s offer to be his champion. Our favorite Sea Temple adventurer is trained as his apprentice until the Admin sets his sights on another, a certain “Slayer of the Witherstorm.” After things don’t go to plan, Vos may be reunited with an old friend… just not in the way he was hoping.
—Jack gets the clock :[
Mage!Vos (Fantasy Trio AU) 🪨
—Fantasy/DnD AU where the adventure trio (Barbarian!Jack, Mage!Vos, and Archer!Sammy) explore a magic castle in search of ancient artifacts. Rather than killed by guardians, Sammy is felled by drakes. Vos is afflicted by a tipped arrow he blocks and slowly turns to obsidian much to the horror of Jack. Nowhere near the entrance, Jack is forced to leave his friend until he can come back with a way to break the enchantment. But that may be a few years…
Ailment!Vos (Abyssal Symptoms AU) 🪸
It would appear the guardians and colossuses are not the only weapons hidden within the temple’s walls. A mysterious illness may befall any unfortunate enough to make it too far into the Sea Temple. In this AU, one unlucky adventurer will be one of the first to face an ancient ailment that affects both body and mind: the Abyssal Symphony.
Chipped!Vos 🏜️
A portal-hopping AU where the adventure trio find the enchanted flint and steel and make it to Crown Mesa. Computer chaos ensues as Jack and Sammy must save their friend from the clutches of technology beyond their understanding. “Welcome, Vos! Yay!” :]
Sandwaste!Vos & Treescape!Vos (MC:SM TempleSwap AU) 🗺️
AUs where the adventure trio visited alternate temples made by the Admin (instead of the Sea Temple.) Depending on the biome, they will face the harshest challenges both desert and jungle have to offer. Sand and vines aren’t as harmless as you’d think.
—This AU was mainly an excuse to design alt outfits for Vos.
Angel!Vos (MC:SM Angel AU) 🪶
AU where the angelic trio find out just how dangerous an abandoned shrine can be. Though the shrine that killed the Witherstorm was thought to be dormant, a quick venture around proves otherwise. In other news, someone comes into contact with the Witherstorm remnants and becomes biblically accurate! ^^
—Witherstorm laid waste to the land and killed everyone, making them all into angels. Admins remained Gods.
—The shrine was constructed as the angels’ last stand and it proved successful. After the storm’s defeat, the creature’s body fell and caved in the structure, leaving the place in ruin and littering its lowest levels with dangerous remnants.
Imperial!Vos (MC:SM Flight Rising AU) 🐉
—I have a WHOLE STORY about this lad but that’s a post for another day… Flight Rising my beloved ^^
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if you have a water filter or system that you use/recommend for drinking water. I’ve been trying to do my own research but it’s hard to figure out where to start and all of my non-waitlisted doctors have just had blank stares when I ask about sensitivity to drinking water that isn’t solved by Brita or its off the shelf relatives. Thanks!
Hey friend, sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. We use a reverse osmosis system that hooks up under our sink. You can also get countertop ones that work pretty well if you’re unable to do the plumbing involved with the under sink ones.
I forget which model we have but it’s from 3m and it works really well. I also have friends who swear by their Bekrey water filters but those are out of my price range/the required cleaning is not something I often have spoons for.
Hope that helps!
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