#and my clueless ass would be like 'sometimes! not all the time tho'
ur-dad-satan · 8 months
Hello! Can I plz request where the Obey Me brothers react to their s/o getting turned on by their fangs? The s/o is like: plz bite me~ And if the brothers ever get angry and snarl or show off their fangs the s/o just gets turned on. It's ok of no tho! 🥰
Anon, bestie, I got you <3
MC was what most would consider a trouble maker. They loved getting on people's nerves. Despite now being constantly surrounded by beings that could kill them in many different ways in the snap of a finger, this habit persisted. But now, they had a reward. Their partner's fangs. It was just something about those sharp little teeth that seemingly flipped a switch in the horny human whenever they saw them. MC had a daily goal of annoying the brothers just to see their fangs; the brothers didn't know that was the reason for MC's behavior at times though. But when they found out?? It went a little like this.
!!Suggestive but not explicit!!
Making Lucifer mad was one of the easiest things MC could do
They knew just how annoyed he got when his work was disrupted
All MC wanted was a little attention (allegedly)
Somehow, the human ended up in Lucifer's office bothering him while he tried to work
They squeezed themselves between the eldest and his desk.
He sighed and tried to tell them to move but they would refuse
He'd get annoyed quickly and flash his fangs but he would notice how MC's eyes lit up
Being as smart as he was, he finally caught on
"You like my fangs, don't you, MC?"
His lips and sharp fangs would graze across MC's neck causing their breath to catch
"You should have said so earlier, Darling."
"Please bite me."
"Maybe just a little..."
Ooh MC will be marked for a week straight and everyone will see it
The silly little simp would be flashing his fangs all the time
And MC would take advantage of it all the time.
Throw him a complement or two and he's flashing a goofy little crooked grin; showing off his fangs
Tell a joke? He'll laugh his ass off and his fangs will be on full display
The poor man would be clueless until...
The second born would be watching a movie with MC and they wouldn't stop looking at him
Eventually he'd notice and want to know why his precious little human can't take their eyes off him
"Not that I'm complainin', but you've been starin' at me for the last ten minutes. What gives?"
"You're just so damn cute. From your pretty hair to your pretty blue eyes, and especially your fangs."
Oh the butterflies he would feel. But he wouldn't let them see it (they know)
"W-well if ya like 'em so much, how about I just bite ya!" It was supposed to be a joke, but...
"Please do."
And he will. Only for his human. After he stops malfunctioning
Leviathan always celebrated a win audibly whenever he gamed.
He always had something to say followed by a giant toothy grin showing off his fangs.
He never noticed how MC would sometimes throw a match to see his teeth when he celebrated.
He never noticed how their tone changed after seeing him celebrate.
And he certainly never noticed how MC liked to look at his fangs, not his smile when he went on and on about one of his interests.
But MC would throw a match and he'd notice this time.
And the next. And two more times before he decided to speak up
"MC, why do you keep looking at my mouth? Do you... like... like my smile... or something?"
Not quite, love
"Yes, but I'm looking at your fangs. They look so hot."
He'd blush and blabber but that just made them more visible
MC knew that this next part would almost kill him, but it seemed to slip out of their mouth anyway...
"Please, bite me Levia-chan."
He'd be broken for a bit, (poor boy) but he would build up the courage and bite them ever so gently
Satan's poor temper was one MC never pushed too much on
They could calm him, but usually for a price...
That didn't mean that they didn't love the way he scowled and grimaced in annoyance at just about anything
Lucifer said something? How dare he
Solomon was mentioned? Why would you do that?
MC loved to do teeny tiny things to make Satan mildly annoyed just to see his scrunched-up scowl and those sharp fangs
They bothered him just a little bit while he was reading a book
They mentioned something "funny" Lucifer said
Now his fangs were on full display
"MC, why must you annoy me like this?"
The answer was obvious, and they didn't even need to reply as he realized what they were looking at
"This is about my fangs, isn't it?"
MC would nod and get close so close they were almost touching
"Bite me, Tan?"
If he didn't, they would mumble something about how Lucifer would if they asked him too
Then, he had to make sure he didn't draw (too much) blood
Asmodeus wasn't really one to lose his temper so easily, so MC really had to play dirty to annoy him
Yeah, his fangs would sometimes show if he was smiling wide enough
But that wasn't enough for MC
They did a lot of little petty stuff like get in Asmo's way or hint that his outfit isn't his color
There was only one time MC pushed the demon just a little too far...
MC had put on their absolute favorite outfit and all their favorite accessories like they were about to go out
Asmo had asked where they were going looking so good
But the demon was ignored... MC talked to everyone else, but pretended he didn't exist
Asmo had enough and finally pinned them to some wall where no one else was
"Why the hell are you ignoring me, MC? Did I do something?"
They smirked. They were quiet until Asmo was scowling and about to say something else
"I love when you're mad at me. I can see your fangs."
"That's what this is about?! You could have just asked!" He was pretty upset
"You should bite me."
Asmo would take them to his room and MC would need an icepack and maybe even a wheelchair
Beelzebub doesn't smile very often but when he did, his fangs would show just a bit.
They would also show whenever he opened his mouth to eat
That's why MC liked to watch him eat
However, his fangs showed the most when he was lifting
MC would always watch beel work out or work out with him just to see him grit his teeth and flash his fangs
They loved the sight of the big string demon all sweaty and straining
Sometimes they would push him a little too much to see him grimace with effort
But he started to notice how much they stared in his face when they worked out together.
"Do I have food or something in my teeth? You keep staring at them."
"No, no... I just want you to bite me." It came out more dreamily then they intended but they didn't care
"Bite you?" He continues on the squat rack, gritting his teeth and showing his fangs
"Yes please." Oh would MC get an after workout snack
The dumbass is definitely going to need a wheelchair now
Belphegor was the one who's fangs were most difficult to see
He was always so tired that it was rare MC got to see his fangs
He liked to cuddle into MC's neck when they napped together so they couldn't see
It was a struggle for MC to turn around in Belphie's arms as he slept like a log
But sometimes they could wiggle free enough to turn and place their hands on Belphie's sleeping face
They just wanted to see his fangs. Nothing else
They tried to move his lips but he somehow woke up
"Stop. Sleep." His voice still low and gruff and he would cuddle back into the human
MC loved it almost as much as his fangs. Might as well ask
"But I want to see your fangs." MC almost whined
Now he's more awake
"Why?" He's not moving from his spot without good reason
"They're hot." The youngest brother would think about it before showing off his fangs
"Please bite me."
He would leave lazy bite marks and hickeys all over anywhere he can reach without moving too much
Sorry this took so long anon, but it's done!! I hope you like it!! <3
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months
Some Cardcaptor Sakura stuff ended up on my dash and now I'm thinking about a classic magical girl au. Magical girl Izuna my beloved,,
Has anyone done that yet? Am I going to have to be the one to do that? I'm totally going to have to be that guy aren't I. You know what tho, I think I'm ok with that
✨️ Magical girl Izuna time ✨️
I think one or the biiju should be his animal mascot / contractor. Kurama is the obvious choice but Matatabi could be fun, and also like, cmon, fire cat.
Alternatively though in a totally different direction, maybe Amaterasu can be the contractor. It could both play into Uchiha lore and also have some shit about his power coming from the rising sun with his magical girl transformation. Maybe he gets stronger the higher the sun is in the sky, and then weaker at night to the point that he can barley even transform. Maybe the villain of this hypothetical magical girl show could be contracted by Kaguya, and get stronger with the moon in contrast.
Fun scene where despite it being night, he's able to transform because of sun lamps or some conviniently placed solar pannels or smthn.
Maybe the villain of that episode was depending on tech or something, so he gets to shout some quippy line about how "Oh yeah don't you just LOVE the wonders of modern technology!" Before fucking bludgeoning them to death with a magical girl staff or whatever his weapon is
Anyways, set it in vaguely highschool because this shit is always set in a school and I wanna have fun hitting all the tropes.
It acts on a "monster/villain of the week" system with some big shadowy bad guy apparently pulling the strings behind the curtains. The monsters are all existing people or animals, "corrupted by the shadow of the moon" or something along those lines. The moon promises them power to fulfill their wishes but then the wish will inevitably go wrong or the power will be too much for the person, corrupting them.
Izuna uses the power of Amaterasu's light and violence to purify whatever person/animal and return them to normal. Only some people are harder and sometimes require some good old power of friendship yelling to get through to them (this does not stop Izuna from usually just defaulting to violence tho)
Amaterasu lore dumps on him that they must be being corrupted by the power of Kaguya-hime, who was sealed away over a thousand years ago. And that with each monster made, she must grow closer to fully escaping. Which is why it's important that Izuna purify these people as fast as possible, to make sure that Kaguya doesn't receive power from their contratracts with her.
In the meanwhile, they need to brainstorm a way to put Kaguya back in her prison if she escapes. Because if she continues corrupting people for their energy, unless Izuna finds out how she's able to communicate with them from her prison, she will escape.
I want Hikaku as the token best friend who's let in on the magical girl secret (maybe by accident at first) and helps from the sidelines despite having no real power (he's the one who would have pulled in clutch with those solar pannels / sun lamps)
Tobirama can be the classic "ice prince" character who Izuna kind of hates and has a stupid rivalry with that usually seems one sided; Till he manages to rile up Tobirama enough to bite back
Touka as a foil to Hikaku but for Tobirama, acting as his best friend and occasional pain in the ass for both him and Izuna (she thinks Izuna is hilarious and that the stress migraine he causes Tobirama is good for him)
Seemingly clueless Madara and Hashirama, who turn out to be the reincarnations of the guys who originally sealed Kaguya away. They've both just graduated and seem to be too busy entering the adult world to notice Izuna getting caught up in magic shenanigans
School princess and shrine maiden Mito, who's ancestor was someone who helped to seal Kaguya, and who's family shrine still contains some hints at how they did it.
Itama as that one specific trope of a really sickly guy who everyone at school is always gossiping about, and who Tobirama is wayyy overprotective of.
Izuna, Hikaku, Touka and Tobirama are all in the kendo club. Hashirama and Madara were kendo champions and rivals before they graduated and now Izuna and Tobirama seem to be taking up their mantles.
So, Izuna is defeating new moon-mad monsters every week. A lot of them seem to pop up in conviniently nearby places, but he's no closer to finding out how Kaguya supposedly gets in contact with them.
As his adventures progress, he sometimes catches the coat tails of a mysterious other magical girl, but magic prevents him from remembering their face. But they'll appear and help out when he's in a really bad situation, and he sometimes catches them just watching. Suspicious!! But they're too fast for him to ever pin down for a real conversation.
Anyways; Eventually it seems like the monster of this week is going to be a steadily growing tense and unstable Tobirama. Izuna had started to learn the signs of oncoming moon-madness, and he can sense Kaguya's power eating away at him. He swoops in just in time as he sees the power start to consume Tobirama, only to watch as he's somehow able to fight back and regain control.
Still, Izuna will do his due diligence and burn the power away before it can turn him!
Tobirama does not seem to appreciate this. At all.
Queue identity reveal! Only not on Izuna's end.
So, the first twist in our story is that Tobirama ends up being the bad guy.
Flashback some months ago to when this all started:
Tobirama somehow stumbled on Kaguya where she was sealed away. Just like how Amaterasu can only interact with the real world through Izuna, without a magical girl contracted to her to act as her hands, Kaguya could do nothing to escape. So when Tobirama found her, she was immediatley readying her pitch; promising him power, knowledge, all sorts of things if he just helped to set her free. Even offering to bring back his dead brothers.
Though... well, Kaguya's power was fickle. All gods powers are. Amaterasu was only able to contract Izuna without exploding him with the heat of the sun because he was already born one of her children. And Tobirama isn't Kaguya's to claim, which means he ran the risk of getting fucking vaporized or corrupted or going crazy if he accepted the contract.
But with the promise of bringing his brothers back on the table, he wasn't about to say no. And maybe it was through sheer fucking stubbornness, but he was able to handle it. Kind of. He's managing.
(Which is why Izuna can't just purify him with Amaterasu's light or by talking him down, like he does with every moon-mad monster he fights. He's not possessed like they are, he's a proper countracted magical girl, just like Izuna)
Tobirama was able to bring back Itama and give Kaguya some more freedom behind her seal, but still mostly locked away as she was, Kaguya didn't have the power to bring back Kawarama as well, and Itama was brought back weaker than he'd died as.
Which is when Tobirama took matters into his own hands.
He began approaching other people, much like Kaguya had approached him. Offering them contracts with Kaguya on her behalf— only they turned out to not be able to hold on to the contracts like he could. Being corrupted or going mad and becoming moon-posessed. Still, each contract he made added to Kaguya's power and brought her a little closer to escaping her seal. (And closer to giving Tobirama his last brother back)
(And hey, with Izuna keeping the damage to a minimum and helping purify the people after, Tobirama didn't have to feel as guilty about the damage he was causing)
(Still though, when it looked like Izuna was struggling, he'd try to pitch in. Or when a person made an especially desperate wish or had a specific goal to fulfill with their contract, he'd try his best to help with that. If only as an apology)
But stubbornness wasn't enough to keep him safe from the sharp edges of Kaguya's power forever, and as time passed and the more contracts he made and power he gathered for Kaguya, the more he began to risk being consumed himself.
Which leads back to the here and now, with Tobirama assuming that since Izuna attacked, he'd been made. And Izuna first being really fucking confused, then really fucking concerned, then really fucking mad.
They fight, Tobirama gets away, and the next day Izuna gets to experience the most painful school day of his fucking life. Starting with the realization that, while he can recognize Tobirama since he saw him transform, Tobirama doesn't actually know Izuna is the magical girl
Izuna: What the fuck why did he get a wish when he became a magical girl, I want a wish why the fuck didn't I get one
Amaterasu: :3
Amaterasu: teehee <3
Izuna: Don't you fucking teehee me right now
Tobirama, knowing he's going to lose himself to Kaguya's power and aware that a) he's come too far there's no backing out now, and b) he's ok with losing himself if it means he can at least bring Kawarama back, decides to go full throttle. Skips all his classes and dissapears to go do shady shit behind the scenes as he massively moves up the time table for setting Kaguya free
He's already losing himself, might as well pump more power into people to create bigger, badder monsters— getting Kaguya even more power and putting even more strain on himself
This is about when Touka finds out what's happening with him, and decides she's ok with embracing the morally gray lifestyle for her bestie. She gets Tobirama to agree that once Kawarama is back, hes ending this shit for good. But till then, well, she always did tell him she'd have his back no matter what. Now she gets to parallel Hikaku even more!!! Yay!!!
Queue final battle time! Kaguya is on the very edge of escape and funneling more power into Tobirama than ever! Tobirama is either about to explode from the inside out or turn into a whole moon monster, it's unclear but he is this fucking close to losing it all. Quite literally, actually.
Touka gets to have a teeny bit of Kaguya's power for this battle, knowing the fight would be short enough and that she has enough self discipline to not immediatley go moon-mad.
She gets to face off with Hikaku, who gets his kendo sword blessed by Amaterasu so he can fight back against her moon powers.
It's all very dramatic and Tobirama gets to fully break out of his ice prince shell as he and Izuna scream and beat the shit out of eachother.
Im thinking that no matter what happens, Kaguya still gets free in the end and it's revealed that actually she and Amaterasu are like, bitter exes and this whole thing was a fucking lovers spat
Season 2 is just 20 episodes of Izuna being mad at Amaterasu as she and Kaguya make out passionately in the bg
Kidding. Probably. Idk I'm having a lot of thoughts rn, there's a shape of something to continue the magical girl train but I need to go do work shit so I'll leave this here for now and come back to it later
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jnnul · 1 year
nct dream in college
a/n: my third fucking time posting this istg this is why i quit the first time tumblr let me post things in peace
word count: 2.6k
tags: idk the frattiest boys in town doing what college dudes do, just fluff, hinting at insecurity + fear for the future, and a couple mentions of ppl not following their dreams for practicality sake but what can u do tw: mentions of drinking & underage drinking, mentions of sex but no graphics
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Originally posted by choi-soobin
gif creds: @choi-soobin​
finance bro w a music minor
i’m so sorry to all of the ppl who hc him as a nerdy music kid who just always thinks abt music
but that boy is a finance bro thru and thru and i will die on that hill
he’s in a frat but he’s honestly rlly shitty abt act going to the non-party frat stuff
and even the parties, he rlly only goes to bc he dj’s every single time
ppl get annoyed sometimes bc mark always tries to slip in some of his stuff into the mix but it’s honestly so good that he gets away w it
his homies make fun of him for it but he sits in the first three rows bc a) he’s fucking blind and b) he act rlly likes finance
like he enjoys the idea of finance + what he could do w it in the future
even if he doesn’t necessarily like business calc
goes to church on sundays (if he’s not hungover) and will be so respectful abt it that he convinces some of his non-christian friends to go to
mark has a good rep on campus for being an all around pretty chill dude
everyone’s also half convinced that he’s a plug
swears up and down that he doesn’t smoke but ppl have videos of him puffin like it’s his side hustle
it is
kinda sticks to his own friend group bc he’s a little shy
but when he’s drunk (when someone wrestles him out of his little dj booth to do shots w them)
he knows everyone and their mother all of a sudden
kinda cute when he’s drunk cause he’s rlly lovey
ppl kinda like like him as that cute guy in their class but he never rlly goes out of his way to pursue anyone so anyone who’s interested has to be the one who chases
isn’t clueless but is oblivious until one day you’re basically sitting on his lap during lecture and he’s like 😟🤨🧐😏
the day he gets cuffed tho literally no one can pull him apart from his girl
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Originally posted by rainbowrenjun
gif creds: @rainbowrenjun​
so...this might be controversial
but i think renjun would be a international relations major, not an art major
i feel like he’s a practical guy and he likes art but not enough to pursue it as a livelihood yannowhatimean
isn’t that well connected on campus bc he keeps his friend circle very exclusive but literally everybody and their mother knows him
kinda has a reputation for being a little cliquey but he gets away w it bc he’s just genuinely a decent guy who’s on the more private side
you will never catch him drunk
like he def won’t be sober at parties but you’re never gonna see him stumbling around
the type of guy to keep an eye on a girl’s cup if she leaves it somewhere, even if no one asks him to
also volunteers on the weekends at a local shelter for ppl of different nationalities
a private guy tho. ppl rlly don’t get to know or understand him unless they’re part of his friend group
which is nearly impossible to join
just kinda cruisin’ thru life bc he’s unproblematic and just rlly wants to get a degree and dip
gets the some of the best grades out of his friends (jeno is the only one who does better and jaemin make a close second) but donghyuck insists it’s bc renjun’s major isn’t a real major
chenle threatens to send the video of donghyuck and renjun slipping on their asses and falling into the pool as renjun tried to fight donghyuck to every single person that renjun even considers seeing romantically
probably dates once a year, eventually falls out of attraction and then swears off dating
until donghyuck gets on his ass abt not having sex and then renjun’s competitive streak gets activated
during which he speed dates for like three weeks before finding someone and then trying to date them
isn’t very emotionally invested in his romantic relationships
except for one of them, and ever since they told renjun off, he was unseperable from them
renjun may or may not have a masochist streak it’s still unclear
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Originally posted by poppypeachy
gif creds: @jaemtens​
a physics and education double major
he didn’t really know what he wanted to go into so he was undeclared for the longest time until he took a physics gen ed and ever since then, he’s been super into physics
only added education as his second major after he ta’d for physics 1 and for the first time, could actually see himself in that career
gets the most shit for being in a frat and simultaneously being the biggest fucking nerd but he just thinks its funny
isn’t super smart (like he’s not a genius or anything) but he works rlly hard for his grades so even tho his friends (donghyuck) make fun of him, everyone is inspired by his work ethic
until it’s the weekend
and then it’s like he’s another person altogether
he’s downing shots like there’s no tomorrow and if jeno lee attends a party by himself, then he’s leaving with at least one person
on a particularly daring occasion, he was seen leaving with three
people are convinced that jeno has a twin brother bc of how bold, lively, and undeniably charismatic he gets when he lets go of his inhibitions
jeno just smiles a sweet smile and redirects the conversation
a very much go with a flow type of guy
he’s down for pretty much anything as long as he makes it home in time to study for the next day
spontaneous camping trip? sure. smoke a blunt? sure. join a threesome w one of his best friends and his girlfriend? sure.
he just didn’t take a lot of things too seriously (besides his academics and whether or not his dick got wet)
and that was why a lot of ppl liked him
he was also a rlly easy person to talk to
everyone knew that the first half of his office hours were for actual physics and stuff and the second half was just for chilling w him
which is how he met his s/o, actually
they used to come for office hours every single time jeno held them and would stay the whole time; it was only two weeks later when jeno accidentally saw their test scores (straight 90s without the curve) that he realized that maybe, he was in the clear to make a move
after the semester is over ofc
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Originally posted by donghyuckkies
gif creds: @donghyuckkies​
a poli sci major with a minor (or as he likes to call it, a concentration) in criminal justice
will not let you forget that he’s in a frat
no one has the heart to tell him that he almost got kicked out of the frat 3 times but they keep him around bc he’s just a good guy overall
plus he brings the most girls to parties so it’s rlly not all that bad
the dude who’s surprisingly quiet and intellectual, but only when you catch him on his own
when he’s with his friends, he acts completely differently, even if he turns around and mouths “i’m sorry” while no one is looking
probably runs a club like devil’s advocate club but it’s just a silly club that uses university money to buy snacks, chill, and talk about controversial opinions
lowkey the guy to go to if you need something or need something done because the man knows everyone
and everyone knows him
will make fun of you for studying, and might even steal your textbook, but sends you a quizlet with last year’s answers bc that’s just the type of person he is
does not study. will not study. would rather listen to music w mark or party w jeno.
still has pretty decent grades bc he’s charming and persuasive and what is political science besides the art of professional bullshitting
once you get close to him, he becomes one of the best ppl for advice
will not let you go after the sneaky link turned situationship
mostly bc he knows exactly what said situationship is rlly up to behind the scenes (i’m telling you, the fbi wishes that had him; he knows everyone’s business)
will die before he tells anyone but probs runs one of those confession pages
partly how he gets all of his info from
thinks it’ll ruin his street cred if he tells ppl he’s secretly playing cupid and that’s why he’s always messing w seemingly random combos of ppl
until one day, a confession comes in for him
def one of those boys who ‘reforms’ after he meets his s/o but is a loving menace nonetheless
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Originally posted by jae-min
gif creds: @jae-min​ 
microbiology major on the pre-med track with a minor in visual art
has tried dropping the pre-med track at least 4 times but absolutely will not bc he gets too much fomo
also wants a job. with guaranteed 401k compensation and benefits. so.
is one of the less toxic pre-med kids but only because he’s so close to dropping out that he just can’t seem to take or give a shit anymore
lives in a perpetual state of caffeine high bc he will be damned if jeno gets better grades than him
lowkey, i feel like he’s one of those guys who only goes to parties to find ppl to fuck
like he doesn’t rlly like to drink or smoke (although he will take the occasional eddie)
but mans is stressed from the constant personality clash (within himself) so he literally jackhammers his stress away
too crude? sorry.
was once upon a time in every single club known to mankind
dropped out of almost all of them when he made the friends he wanted to make
somehow always ends up having to pay when everyone goes out
doesn’t tell anyone that he always loses on purpose (unless it’s to chenle) bc he knows that college is tough and not everyone has the same financial freedom as he does
exclusively studies at the school library bc he doesn’t rlly spend time w his friends outside of his main friend group unless its while he’s studying or at a party
although he’s not rlly studying bc he probably already got the notes and answers from the people who took the class a semester earlier than him
but again, he’s got a competitive streak about his grades so studies anyway
which is where he meets his s/o bc they’re always sitting in the same spot, looking stressed as fuck as they study
one time, jaemin and the other person are the only two ppl left studying post 3 am during hell week and he offers to buy them coffee
studies w his lovely s/o from then onwards and offers to bite donghyuck whenever he tries to disturb them <3
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Originally posted by istjun
gif creds: @istjun​
marketing major i’m so sorry
he’s just such a finance bro + business major but he hates finance so he goes into marketing instead
school is a fucking joke to him
he’ll try hard enough to get by in his classes (and bc just being around poor stressed out jisung gives him motivation to study) but no more and no less than that
the first one to call it quits when they’re all studying together but renjun practically tapes him to a chair
also surprisingly intuitive and good at marketing so even if he barely tries, professors love him and somehow make him pass anyway
knows every international kid on campus bc he gets what it’s like and makes an effort to make them feel more at home
gets invited to every party that the international kids throw and never looks at a frat ever again
they go so fucking hard at those parties that chenle, THE business major, gets tired and has to turn in pre-2 am to avoid alcohol poisoning
doesn’t get home until 7 pm the next day bc a) he’s hungover and b) they love him so much and force him to stay so he just bums at their place until he’s good to go
will make fun of you and your bad decisions (even if they aren’t that bad) but will protect you at every turn if anyone else tries to say smth
will fucking go to bat for ppl he doesn’t even know that well bc chenle hates mean ppl
is on the intramural basketball team w a couple other guys
is very popular on the team bc he always knows the best restaurants and has been known to pay when he knows someone’s a tight spot
is very lowkey abt his wealth bc ppl like to take advantage of it so the ppl he does choose to help out are also very lowkey abt it
the type of dude to spot you like $50 and won’t ask you abt it
but ppl always pay him back whenever they can bc they know he’s helping a lot of ppl in rough situations, even if he’s very hush hush abt it
is the reason why jisung joins a frat and singlehandedly boosts his rizz by a decameter
probably has a childhood sweetheart that lives at home so he doesn’t partake in the romance scene on campus at all
is in love with them and will boast abt being taken
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Originally posted by fool4nct
gif creds: @fool4nct​
a dance major
impractical? maybe. but the world’s going to shit anyway so might as well do what you want, right?
that’s what chenle says to jisung the day that he’s applying to his top school
is literally the student that the school begs to have join
offered every single scholarship under the sun to have him join bc such raw talent is rare nowadays and he’s just stuck like 😟😟😟
bc he had no idea that he would get in, much less have them like him so much
but for all his talent, he’s always fucking stressed abt something
sometimes it’ll be about a choreo and other times it’ll be abt the fact that he’s almost 98% sure he won’t get a job after college but his friends always get him out of his head
has abt 6 friends on campus (total) and it’s bc of chenle
so after freshman year, he decides to get out of his shell a little bit
and jisung park is the MAN to be around when he does
he’s charismatic, tall, an amazing performer, and really, just such a suave guy that straight men kinda have that weird jealousy where he’s so cool ppl wanna be friends w him and also hate him
still gets insecure abt his skills or his future but has ppl around him who love him and help him out of it every time
i’m ngl i think that he singlehandedly makes the dance team tryout numbers go from 12 - 15 ppl to 50 - 60 ppl
dance is his entire life and when he’s not rizzing up ppl (or honestly, getting rizzed up by them; he can’t flirt for shit when he rlly wants to) he’s on the dance floor
donghyuck has had to physically rip him off the floor to get dinner after a particularly rough night
even his fave dance teacher revoked his after class dance room privileges bc ppl got worried abt how much time he spent in there
decides to take a break when he realizes just how empty his days are w/o dance
gets into music production and has worked w mark more than once under pseudonyms
won’t say anything but listens to what everyone says abt the song when mark plays it at a party
still working on himself so a s/o isn’t rlly in the picture but ppl are not mad abt it bc he’s a good time with or w/o commitment
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mywons · 1 year
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៹ bf!maknae-line enha when you don't know anything about k-pop prior to meeting them.
▸ ִֶָ tags est. enha x fem!reader + teasinggg + really just cute ass fluff + kisses + the maknae line being super super annoying ,, i hate love them so bad + niki being lovingly mean. warnings! && none really !! REQUESTED : could i request boyfriend!enha w a girlfriend who didn't know much ab kpop before meeting them? ✿ 0.5k words —
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kim sunoo !
he would tease you but probably would have so much fun turning you into the biggest kpop stan ever
so, he's kinda happy you don't know anything because it's something you guys can spend time together talking about <3
probably quizzes you on the members of his favorite groups
you go to all of their concerts <3
if you start liking another group a little too much he is not happy
"you like them more than enhypen huh??"
oh and don't even let him find out you bias anyone but him???? he will act like it's the actual end of the world
loves acting like he's upset bc you don't know/understand a certain thing ab the industry bc you're so cute when you're apologizing profusely even tho he tells you it's a joke immediately afterwards
^^ "dramatic gasp how could you not know!!!!"
two seconds later he's kissing every piece of you he can reach
yang jungwon !
literally doesn't care ??$!7#??
like honestly. he just goes oh & moves on ab his day
when you guys get closer he's like "you don't need to know any groups that aren't enhypen"
like he thinks it's cute you've been able to avoid knowing anything ab kpop for so long, and now he wants to keep it that way bc you're his :((
plus he knows firsthand how bad the industry can seem sometimes, so other than playful jealousy, he genuinely doesn't want you to be corrupted by that
naturally he's very protective & that translates into your relationship
but he may introduce you to some of his favorite idols because you're still a very important part of his life (and he wants everyone to know how wonderful his girlfriend is)
buys you some of his photocards to put in your phone<3
teaches you the easiest parts of enhypen's choreography for the very small and reasonable price of cuddles
just so adorable omg !!
nishimura riki !
the biggest tease ever
like it literally does not matter how little you know & it doesn't matter how much you learn as you guys date, he will always find a way to poke fun at you not knowing anything before your relationship
you could be a kpop expert once you become his gf and he's still like "awh you're finally learning something" in the most condescending way ever
absolutely loves teaching you his choreos even if you're horrible at dancing
if he hears a good song he adds it to the playlist he made for you to listen to more kpop—"oh i think my girl would enjoy this one"
needs your approval for literally everything. he could be standing in front of you & a dancing coach + he'll still be like "jagi, how did i do???"
^^ the members tease him but he literally doesn't care. sure you're clueless but you're his & he needs your praise !!
probably lies ab what some kpop stan vocab actually means to make you look silly
not a big fan of you stanning other groups especially bgs but he'll tolerate it ig only because he loves seeing how happy you are when he surprises you with concert tickets
just so perfect in every way,, the best bf you could ask for
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mywons © 2023 ## please do not plagiarize my works.
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Thoughts while watching Wish:
- base princess personality trope
- Never getting over the face that the goat is named Valentino
- 7 dwarfs vibes with the friends
- Hans type character
- Weird ass love song to wishes
- Evil Chris Pratt went from 1-100 really fast
- The wife was 1000000% the kings wish and he used magic to get it
- Angry guy is played by GIZMO MY BELOVED
- 100 year old man move like a 60 year old fr
- Asha also goes from 50-100 real fast
- My favorite song was a little disappointing:(
- What she’s singing and what the animation gives dosent match
- Wifey is CLUELESS
- Star is still cute
- When you are a Star and accidentally make a devils trap in the tree lol
- IM A STAR ⭐️
- thanks for not eating me John
- Throwing books like your cramming for a test
- King is bipolar like actually tho
- What are you five ?
- Best friends help each other commit crimes against the kingdom
- King really is evil he made everyone go to an assembly and they aren’t even in school
- how old is the king ? Do we know at all ?
- Casually dooms yourself to an eternity of pain because you got insecure
- ok how do wishes work again ? Was gramps not free to still inspire people
- Not the mom pleading for her daughter to only get her wish trampled on (definitely don’t need to look at how accurate that is)
- Star said SQUARE TF UP
- He’s literally just your king hit him with your bookshelf
- Returns to your stable if anyone asks pLaY dUmB
- when you have to speed run the 5 stages of grief bc you are the main character damnit
- I know what your thinking- WELL I DONT girl that star doesn’t have an expression on his face
- I can not swim *proceeds to jump into the water with reckless abandon *
- You’ve been hit by, you’ve been stuck by LOSS OF YOUR WISH
- ‘AMYIA darling your just in time come meet my new TOY’ why would you WRITE IT LIKE THAT
- Hot take anyone who calls their partner darling is on THIN FUCKING ICE
- King man went insane that is fun
- Dont worry im a talking mouse but very clean
- When you only want to be a loyal knight but you end up betraying your friends- happens to the best of us dude
- Good find Valentino - my butt found it
- introverts deserve sanctuary— louder for the people in the back
- STRIKE, STRIKE newsies vibes
- YES fulfill your Sabos wish
- doc and dopey slayed
- They all did
- They are like any queer friend group fr
- the chase scene is cool
- I was fooled by the love I felt- Its ok queen you were definitely manipulated not your fault
- Don’t destroy never land you bastard
- A stick ? What am I supposed to do with this ?
- Poor gizmo can’t catch a break no matter what universe he’s in
- a dress on a tree more likely than you think
- Dude bro dear got into the mushrooms fr
- Sometimes a plan is just you and your six friends jumping from a high place
- thanks John
- Your so right bunnies are terrifying
- Nope nope nope nope nope
- StAr GeT aWaY fRoM tHeRe
- Yay singing again
- THE power of collective singing will always save the day
- MyWiShEs dude get a grip
- Simon and queen should be besties now
- Peter Pan origin story 👀👀
- bippty boppty boo the magic wand is fixed
- Give GIZMO THE WAND 😭he deserves it
- Fireworks yay
- 5/10 movie
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mehidktbh · 2 years
I saw your bo Sinclair x reader about having a big chest I also from this problem 🧍🏾‍♀️ so could you do another one with Thomas Hewitt cause I love him so much 👉🏾👈🏾 also I don't mind a nsfw version as well 👀
Thank you 💓💞💞💞💞💞
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt x Fem!Reader
Warning 18+: Hoyt being rude and a jerk, SMUT/NSFW, mentions rude/sexual comments made towards y/n, protective!Thomas, fluff and a whole lot of Thomas tho
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- You go perfectly with Thomas Hewitt, I mean he's got one big fat ass and you having a big chest only glues the puzzle together. He probably likes it knowing you guys share something in common or at least to him.
- The first time he ever sees you is probably the only time he's ever tried to be respectful. Your huffing and puffing your lungs out as you try to catch your breath from running away from him. Only when he watches from the corner does his eyes drift down to your semi-seethrough shirt.
- Even when your tied up and thrown down into the basement, huddled in the corner does he inspect you more. Getting up close and personal to you, practically breathing down your neck as he smells you. He wishes he could bury his face in between your breasts, he's so close he can smell the sweat in between them.
- On the topic of him wanting to smother you. He'd openly be open to laying on you any chance he got, from his bedroom to the basement he only wants his head on your breasts. Sometimes he can't sleep without being up close and personal to you, he's so needy.
- But as much as he wants it to be only him interested in you, it's more different. Since the day he met you someone else had their eyes on you, from morning to night he'd catch out of the corner of his eyes Hoyt staring.
- Hoyt would either be reading the newspaper or helping you with your chores. But actually, he'd be peaking over his newspaper to watch you as you ate in the morning, coming out at just the right time to lend a hand. It would make Thomas feel insecure and mad, on one hand, what happens if you fell for Hoyt. Or that maybe Hoyt would do something to make you feel uncomfortable, the list goes on and on,
- Sometimes you'd come to him sad and uncomfortable, telling Thomas about what happened and how Hoyt would say something inappropriate or do something inappropriate. But you bet your ass that Thomas has your back, Thomas wouldn't mind getting mad at Hoyt and showing him who's boss.
- Thomas loved you for you and was there when you had insecure, he'd kiss you all over and personally make time just for you... ;)
- It's not a secret that Thomas would have a soft spot for you in bed, he's never had experience before in bed and only had the 'talk' once. He was practically clueless, who knew having you there to teach him was more than fantastic.
- Sometimes he'd feel so taken away when you guys would finish, he'd be there laying by your side or on top of you watching as your chest fell and rose. It only made him crave more, the thought of going to bed every night bothered him when he worked almost every day.
- He wouldn't be able to focus on working while he had an erection, trying his best to calm himself down or hide it from any passing people.
- But when you came down to check up on him you'd almost instantly get thrown against the wall or on the table, quickly pulling his pants down as he continues to trust into you. (Quickes aren't uncommon <3)
- Even in bed Thomas would be gripping your shirt, trying his hardest to rip it off or get the stupid buttons undone. His hands would grope you almost every time you guys had sex, from licking to sucking on your nipples he'd do it almost every time.
- Mostly every time you'd end up breathless and tired, his cum all over your breasts and some bruises or hickeys left from where he couldn't control himself. But he'd come in to clean you off, a nice warm rag as he gently cleans your body. The rag wipes your breasts as he tries to clean up what he left behind. (Sometimes it would lead to only another round...)
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Hi! I’m the anon who wrote the ask about Hunter’s parental issues and about his attachment to Kevin. Thank you for answering my asks, I absolutely love the way you write and how you explain everything! You’re extremely talented!🫶
I honestly didn’t notice how in love Hunter was with Kevin until I watched the movie a second time. It’s crazy how you can literally see all feeling in Hunter’s eyes when he looks at Kevin. I also loved how you said that their relationship fits a BDSM bratting dynamic, because I totally see it.
[and as someone who has ADHD and deals with RSD on a regular, I completely understand him. It sucks.]
Hey 🤘 [prev ask for context] Yeah I obviously couldn’t be 100% sure they were from the same person but it definitely makes the most sense lol
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoy my rambling thoughts about Hunter as a character <3
If you do like my writing, I’m tempted to sheepishly gesture over to my actual Metal Lords fics over on Ao3 if you haven’t checked them out, even tho it makes me feel like a bit of a dick to do so 😅 (They are mostly locked to registered users, blame AI data scraping. The only Metal Lords fic not locked rn is a tiny ficlet. An Ao3 account is free tho 👀)
In any case, I really appreciate that you pushed me to do a bit of analysis again. Because sometimes I tend to forget that all the stuff that lives in my head as “obvious” isn’t always stuff I’ve said out loud on here lmao
There’s a lot to pull from the film if you’re willing to be a bit mentally ill about it.
And you’re absolutely right about the way he looks at Kevin, I mean, it happened enough for me to make a whole ass gifset of it lmao
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Look at him. The boy is smitten. Clueless, of course. But smitten.
Which I credit basically entirely to Adrian Greensmith, as it was a vision he had for the character. I really can’t imagine Hunter having been played by anyone else as he brought so much to the role. (Fun fact, if I remember correctly: Noah Urrea, who plays Clay, originally auditioned for Hunter. No harm but I'm very glad he didn't get that. He makes a good Clay and Hunter just needed to be played by Adrian.)
One of the key things Adrian brought to the role also being, probably accidentally, his anxiety.
"I spent a lot of Metal Lords feeling a bit anxious [...] and in hindsight I wonder if some of that was just a sign that Hunter was quite an anxious character [...] I mean his body's so tense all the time." - Adrian Greensmith.
I shortened that quite a bit so I'm including a slightly longer clip of the interview audio for more context. (I can upload a subtitled video clip if anyone wants that as well as link the video on yt but I'd have to do a bit of a search for that)
Aside: If I had to guess I'd say he's probably referring to Peter Sollett who directed Metal Lords when he mentions a 'Pete'.
And yeah the bratting thing was a little bit of a joke but mostly not a joke. Without going absolutely off the deep end, the mentality behind bratting is something I really see in Hunter.
Evie Lupine has a wonderful video about bratting and why people would be interested in it (and why some people hate it) but a short snippet that always spoke to me from that is the following:
"The motivations behind bratting are pretty varied. I think one of the main ones would be a sense of security and comfort. This is when the acting out is sort of a way to be reassured that even when you, break rules, even when you push at things, the partner that you're with is not going to abandon you." - Evie Lupine
Obviously, with Hunter's fear of abandonment, it's easy to see why this would appeal to him.
He also just...idk he has brat energy - sincerely, a brat.
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And Kevin does just play out the counterpart to that. He doesn't always have Hunter under control but he tries to.
And he does mostly act as that safe person to brat against, which again amplifies the impact it has when Hunter starts to think he's actually losing Kevin, destroying that feeling of safety.
Aside: I obviously don't think that these characters, in universe, negotiated for a bratting dynamic. In universe it'd be something that just sort of organically developed within their friendship/relationship. But even more than that it's an archetype of a dynamic that we as the audience can easily read into their interactions if that makes sense.
Can you believe the shit they will accidentally put in movies? lmao
And yeah, I have ADHD as well. And RSD is something that affects me pretty fucking severely. I've only really become more aware of it in the past year or so as my partner has pointed it out more and more.
So it's definitely something that I then noticed more and more in Hunter too.
Obviously this is all just my take on the character, and other people might have totally different interpretations. That's the beauty of art, we all get to find what we need in it and read it in our own ways, influenced by our own life experiences.
Thank you again for asking, Anon 🤘 (if you want to use a nickname or smth to identify that you're the same Anon, let me know. If not, that's totally okay too, but I might not always know it's you)
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pondslime · 1 year
Jack and David for the Headcanons PLEASSEEEE
oh u have UNLOCKED the evil demented pandora's box of my brain. I'm about to be FULLY annoying. TYSM
below are 3 pros and cons of dating my Favorite Boys Ever™
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sidenote: if we're talking canon CANON, the fact that both of them are VERY dead is the MAIN and only VALID con. IMO. but I digress!!! for the sake of this list, they are very alive and very smoochable
(under the cut bc DAMN can a bitch talk. and I do not want u all to have to scroll thru a WALL of text of me bein humina humina awooooooga abt my current hyperfixation 💀 ur welcome)
anyways!! this was incredibly fun and I have tmrrw off!! so feel free to send me a character of ur choice for headcanons and I'll give u 3 pros and 3 cons of dating them. if ur so inclined!!!!
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man is goofy. GOOFY. he is so intensely unserious. the banter (both flirty or otherise) will be IMMACULATE.
SOLID movie buddy energy. since he's the first one to bring up lon chaney jr./the pentangle on the wall, I like to think he's a hammer horror movie enthusiast. and since we know that the two of them have been friends at least since the 8th grade, I find the idea of these two little dorks staying up late and catching reruns of the movies...........SO cute. so v v cute. jack's little 12-year-old ass insisting that they CAN'T MISS frankenstein meets the wolfman. no, david!! u can't go tf to sleep!! we need the LORE!!!! so anyway. he'd show u a bunch of old horror movies and point out all the weird lil details to u. get ready 2 be mst3k-ing every film. man has cable tv and chill written ALL over him.
knows his way around nyc and WILL take u to a funky lil hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves the best sandwich u have ever had. he might forget his wallet @ his apartment and end up paying for it w/loose change he has stuffed in his jacket pockets, but goddamn was that hot pastrami incredible.
he's 5'7'' (this is also a pro)
a little bit of a whiny bitch. will make a mountain out of a molehill. thrives on melodrama and hyperbole. but he's right 90% of the time, so as annoying as it might be. u can't fault him too much for that
used to being the comic relief friend. chronically friendzoned. probably going 2 be a bit annoying about that. it's kinda difficult to get him to snap out of sarcastic showboat-mode. sometimes that can make him seem a bit ingenuine and detached. mild to severe performance anxiety vibes. once u crest over that. he'll trade any nervousness for comical overconfidence and it'll be off to the races. but in the interim................................lmao
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SWEET himbo boy. v affectionate and complimentary dude. clear w/his intentions and fairly emotionally open. v much so gives the vibes of a guy who claims to want to have 74873848 flings before settling down........but will immediately fall head-over-heels and want to introduce u to his family. golden retriever boy
canonically!! gives good head. need I say more
has a sense of adventure. likes challenging himself and breaking up the routine. outdoorsy. he probably likes hiking. did track or soccer or smthn in high school. his sheer enthusiasm for GOING OUTSIDE will force u to get ur ass off the damn couch. u love to see it.
v much BIG "first person to die in a traditional horror movie"-vibes. not the best at reading situations. will bamboozle himself into a bad scenario purely bc his street-smarts are sometimes lacking. kinda clueless. it's v hot but also v dumb of him. u would think that growing up in nyc would've tempered some of that. occasionally it does. occasionally. not enough tho.
possible mama's boy/golden child. even if this is NOT true, he still lives at home. which means there WILL be tomfoolery afoot if u stay over @ that house. and VERY little privacy!! get ready for his younger siblings to find the most inconvenient ways to interrupt ur time together. ur patience and mental fortitude will be tested. u will be living in a crash course parent trap/home alone-simulator. have fun!!
u know when u were a kid and ur mom would see someone she knew @ the grocery store and talk w/them for an eternity. and u would just be standing there and waiting for her to END her conversation so that u could LEAVE. yeah. david gives me big "endless conversations in grocery store"-energy. u run into a bodega @ 9 PM to grab some chips and soda w/him. but this is his stomping ground and he somehow manages to run into 3797432989 different ppl who know AND adore him. and they've all got to ask him about how school is going. what's he majoring in again? how's the family? do u still know blah blah blah from blah blah blah? and ur just standin there sipping ur coke. which is rapidly becoming more and more room temperature w/every sip. when will it end. he's been talking about his sixth grade biology class for the last ten minutes
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fluffy hair (x2)
there's two of them. u can and SHOULD date both of them simultaneously. IDEAL throuple situation.
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xiaoao · 2 years
Things I think my favorite characters would call you "friendship" ver ! ( when you guys werent dating yet )
summary : nothing pretty serious that you should take note off :)) you two were just pretty close
characters mentioned : Xiao, Tighnari, Cyno, Kazuha, Heizou, reader
warnings : nothing, pure fluff :3
genre : fluff 😚
Xiao : He'd call you your name but a cute nickname rather, he'd shortened your name and / or add more letters to your name to sound extra cuter, he'll also call you "swan" because he's desperately trying to hint that he loves you so much
Tighnari : Tulip. He'd call you tulip, the whole rangers knows your name but he calls you tulip all the time and the rangers get confused who the hell tulip is LMAOO, he calls you "mon amour" sometimes, your clueless ass doesn't get what it means but hey ! Now you know and now its vise versa.
Cyno : he calls you "butterfly" because you're like one soaring up the sky ever so beautifully, so peacefully, and so gracefully. If anyone makes fun of that name they get a death glare by him. He sometimes call you "precious" but it isn't often unlike butterfly, if ever he calls you that his voice would be so soft and so loving both at the same time. .
Kazuha : The nickname he'd oftenly call you is "My maple", you remind him of one because of your glowing aura, to him, maple leaves are the most beautiful thing in the world, then he met you, you are the most beautiful / handsome person in the whole world to him. He calls you "sweet" sometimes ( e.x : good morning my sweet." Or sum like that ) because he believes you're the most sweetest person in the world and he hopes that never changes.
Heizou : he full on calls you every romantic pet name possible. Mans isn't even hiding the fact that he's inlove, numerous names bro you can't even count, the main one he calls you is "my grace" you're the most elegant person he's seen so.. he'd oftenly call you "my honey" bcs I hc that his favorite dessert is honey, why did he think of that nickname ? Because he's hungry for your ass.
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dielitttt · 2 years
Astro observations pt. 4 🕷
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Am I the only Capricorn mercury who loses breath while reading or talking fast or in like a fast pace?? Like when I used to do music class in elementary and middle school I used to be put to sing but I would go out of breath rlly quickly and that’s y I hated it.
Why do Sagittarius placements or fire sign placements always forget things quickly somehow? (Including me😕)
People with strong Leo placements usually have issues w their eyes a lot of times
Some people with major pisces,cancer, air sign and Aries placements tend to have adhd sometimes (don’t self diagnose yourself w this pls)
Cancers with Gemini and pisces in personal planets tend to gaslight, manipulate, and bring up things that bother ppl
I’ve dated someone that’s a cancer with a mix of air signs in their chart, and they’ve dated someone else while hitting me up saying “I wanna break up with her but I don’t wanna hurt her feelings” because he wanted to date me again??? Makes no sense at all
Idk but Earth suns, earth moon and a mix of Sagittarius placements ppl are very private and barely date anyone even if they like them, if they let u date them your probably very lucky!
Sagittarius sometimes have issues with their stomachs, for example I know many Sagittarius risings with fast metabolisms and tend to be insecure about being skinny sometimes.
People with Uranus stelliums are always labeled as “weird” or “odd” from their own family members sometimes 😕
Aquarius chirons and Liliths need hugs like actually the way they’ve been treated by their own peers or family is sad
Aries rising are always seem to be very masculine and sometimes labeled as a homosexual because of their masculinity sometimes unless they have strong feminine placements tho
I barely have any water placements and I hide my emotions easily and can numb my emotions rlly randomly. But when I’m mad that shit shows so easily in my facial expressions.
It’s so weird how astrology is so accurate..
Mercury-Saturn or Pluto-saturn aspects tend to have a rlly controlling family towards their career sometimes especially their mother
Leo moons either hate or love eating a lot of sweets
Pisces in neverland people tend to sleep to escape from their real life problems they don’t wanna deal with or just sleep as an escape to things in general
If u look more identical to your parents and have a lot of their facial features sometimes u can have their rising sign
Water moon people HATE changing their music taste sometimes
Sagittarius’s and Aquarius’s tend to love different music taste and have a very random music taste with a bunch of genres in it especially leos too
Sagittarius’s suns with water moons and Sagittarius rising probably get their music taste from TikTok or would lie abt their music taste for someone they like ☠️☠️ (don’t take tjis to offense pls)
Scorpio Lilith people with Capricorn placements are so funny when they try to manipulate someone sometimes like I be watching them manipulate someoen so obviously and the person they manipulate be so clueless sometimes..
Gemini mars men are the type of people who fantasize having public sex ☠️
the way my mom has gemini Venus and my dad has gemini mars+ my bestfriend has gemini mars 2 is crazy bro 😭😭
The stereotype that Aries risings have big forheads is true and not and the same time
Aries placements probably have a fear of drowning because they’ve probably drowned once. Y’all Aries placements should be careful w water sometimes.
people be surprised that earth mercurys are funny bc they always have some dry ass humor sometimes I swear 😭😭
Ik this has nothing to do with astrology but why is migos always have the best verses on the songs he features in??
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svtinq · 2 years
highschool headcanons (DCKZ ver.) pt.1
- the foreign exchange student ™
- the guy who is too good looking compared to the people he hangs out with
- probs be friends with the greasy yt boys who are like science nerds idk
- would only talk to them bc they showed interest in his rock collection once in pity
- would be clueless and not fit in to his own friend group
- group uses him to catfish the girls but he lowkey is clueless abt it
- gets so many girls and I mean SO many
- very well presented but can be overwhelming at times
- probably dresses really nice and comes from some rich family
- his english is freakishly good but sometimes he makes really dumb pronunciation mistakes that have the straight ass guys gushing
- varsity kid there's no question
- can see him being trouble and does a lot of stupid things to "test his limits"
- I feel like he's smarter than he looks and would have pretty good grades
- tutors math as a side job… n would flip if anyone found out
- he wouldn't care about popularity but I feel like he would be VERY popular even with the people in the higher and lower year levels
- the schools pride, they have all collectively adopted him as their son
- varsity jacket and girls on him all the goddamn time,
- does all the school tours with his own charm
- def gets sports captain
- golden boy ™ protect.
- but for once it's not a jock
- feel like he would be a drama kid? like the really attractive one that lands the lead everytime
- makes drama girls go FERAL and fight so hard for the lead
- the boys stand no chance against him in auditions vbthudis
- uses acting skills to make girls fall for him lmao or sometimes unintentionally
- you can't lay eyes on this man and not continue living with at least a small crush
- he's kind of stupid when it comes to academics tho but it's cute so who cares?
- feel like he would have an unpooular/reserved best friend who everyone is jealous of and they keep him in check like all the time lol
- football player
- like the stereotypical w/ a cheerleader s/o? (was prob set up)
- very quiet and resetved
- doesn’t want attention but gets it
- is in w the popular kids but he doesn't talk?
- he also isn't as abnoxious as the other football players
- drinks respect women juice
- hard to approach but when you talk to him he's actually quite shy
- blushes a lot shdhuiwhs when it gets personal
- he would be smart and actually get good grades in school
- always find him in the library during exam periods by himself
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omegawolverine · 3 years
goth kid headcanons, gimmie. -Batz 🖤💜
cracking my knuckles and snickering gayly lets go
-ends up being the shortest goth by the time theyre all in high school (with the exception of firkle who is still in middle school, but he is also taller)
-hello trans dude. i see u. he/they/it + neos
-listens to evanescence more than he'd like to admit
-his favorite color is teal but it doesnt look good on him so he sticks with red and purple, both of which he likes and looks good in
-he is absolutely horrendous when it comes to dying his hair despite the fact that his hair is the hardest to dye and maintain out of all four of his friends. you'd assume he wouldve learned at some point after years of having it done but he is just Clueless. henrietta is the one who bleaches and dyes it red, michael helps with buying him stuff thatll maintain the color longer, firkle reminds him when he needs a touch up. his hair would be a mess without them.
-writes to fruitiest poems about michael but like. in the most gruesome ways possible? like they are very gorey but in a romantic way. michael finds them endearing. firkle would be lying if he said he wasnt a bit concerned.
-going off that ^ pete is a hopeless romantic and his love language is gift giving. he's always getting the homies shit they dont need but he knows they want and it's gotten to the point where they have to not say when they like things just so he stops spending money
-has a big sweet tooth (which is basically canon, have yall seen how much sugar he puts into his coffee?) but he pretends he doesnt
-is very bad with expressing himself verbally so he writes long ass essays when he is upset or needs help or whatever and gives them to the goths
-the groups resident slur sayer. stop calling ur boyfriend a faggot in public before u get ur shit rocked pls-
-is on honor roll and he is embarrassed by it just bc south park gives them like. t shirts and shit as a "reward"? it's weird as fuck.
-wants to be a piercer when he gets older, has given firkle and pete a couple piercings
-has a stick and poke of a cat on his ankle from craig. it was an odd experience but he still likes it.
-his favorite movie is donnie darko. he does not understand the plot At All.
-even tho giving (+ recieving) compliments makes him uncomfortable, he tries to give them to his friends bc he knows they all get shit from other people for various reasons and he doesnt want it to affect them. he hopes it balances out or smth
-him and henrietta have best friend necklaces made out of resin encased bugs
-has broken his nose at least twice in a moshpit
-really likes collecting rocks <3
-is the mom friend but like. an aggressively caring way.
-is naturally a blonde but she dyes her hair black. only her family and the goths really know
-also on honor roll but she is very proud of it <3
-she is tall!! like 5'11" ish!!!
-is the laziest when it comes to doing makeup out of the four of them. literally just puts on bottom eyeliner then Goes. meanwhile pete and firkle are out here doing a full face every morning and michael is color correcting his eyebags just to REAPPLY MAKEUP OVER THEM.
-wears rings on every single finger bc she likes the jingle jangle
-always writes personalized stories for each goth during the holiday season
-really good at math but hates doing it
-resident mean lesbian <3 just wants her boys to shut up so she can think about Girls
-does the whole groups nails every week for funsies
-her room has an oogie boogie shrine that freaks michael out. he is not a fan of the big bag man. thinks the movie mightve given him a lasting fear of Just oogie boogie.
-has somehow befriended kenny wendy and pip. they are her normie exceptions <3
-weirdly good at fps games considering she doesnt like them
-threatens everyone. sometimes he means it. he is like the worlds shittiest chihuahua that just barks at everyone and you can never tell when he's gonna actually bite.
-trans dude no2. he/it. maims cis peo-
-listens to n unhealthy amount of metal music in his free time
-very into candles and incense, it drives pete crazy bc he has a sensitive nose
-the other goths have never seen his house bc firkle thinks his parents would be very weird about him having only older friends
-has a soft spot for shows like beyblade digimon and adventure time
-once watched all of switched at birth by himself just so he had something new to complain about everytime he met up with the goths. they offered to watch with him and he gave a very firm no.
-wants a pet opossum more than anything
-love language is being way too protective of ur friends who are way older than you and can handle themselves
-big dnd nerd
-in dire need of a regular sleep schedule but he also hates sleeping bc it feels like "wasted time"
-doesnt like asking for help but he tries to anyways bc he knows it makes the others happy
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levinneheart · 4 years
Home, Sweet Home
➳ Pairing: Aone Takanobu x F!Reader
➳ Genre: Fluff, Hcs, Engagement Proposal, Domesticated, Established Relationship
➳ Warnings: Slight manga spoiler if you squint, extremely long, may or may not give you diabetes cuz of sweetness overload, self indulgent cuz i need smth soft to enlighten my emo mood, also me being a hopeless romantic so be warned
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When he became a college student, you two moved in together along with a couple of his vb teammates at a two story flat
You and Aone ofc shared a room while the others had their own rooms separately, although sometimes his underclassmen Koganegawa would barge in to ask if he could pratice tossing with your bf
Not that you hate him or anything but... one time, he almost walked into you two doing the deed 😳 Aone bless him immediately reacted by pulling you close, tucking you underneath him before covering you both under the blanket and pretended to be asleep
Poor baby chick was so clueless and confused cuz he thought he heard both of your voices and assumed that you two would be together inside, I— 💀
But that’s a story for another time~ 😝
You would always laugh when you remember that tho, while Aone would just have his usual small smile with that soft doting look in his eyes as he watches you
This man knew right there and then that he was gonna marry you so you could stay by his side forever and he would come home to you making dinner
He could even imagine himself waking up everyday to see your face first thing in the morning and stare at you lovingly while thanking his lucky stars for bringing you in his life
He mayhaps.. start thinking of making a family together with you in the future, it doesn’t even matter if you don’t want kids cuz he’s satisfied with fur babies too 👉👈 aww 🥺
His friend Futakuchi was def the first one to know, next are his upperclassmen in vbc and lastly everybody else he was acquainted with
Aone, despite being quiet, would already have something planned out so he lets everybody in on it and nobody gets left behind, just cuz he babie 💗
Ngl everybody was highkey shooketh and impressed when he told them his plan of proposing since it was simple yet so meaningful
Everyone helps out as much as they could and started calling it ‘Mission: Get Aone Engaged’ or Mission GEA for short
Time skip to the day of the proposal — Aone held your hand and began leading you to his car before driving off to somewhere as you soon as you got into the passenger seat
You quietly watch the scenery passed by the window for a while before glancing back at your ever so quiet bf “Are you taking me there? Where you wanna show me smth?” You asked as he hummed in response, looking at you through the windshield and smiling softly
You smiled back and continued to look out of the window while enjoying this little adventure and his company duh, ofc you were ecstatic yet nervous at the same time cuz it’s been a while since Aone took you somewhere and surprised you
Last time was when you came home late and drunk from a night out with your colleagues after work, he took you outside of the backyard where it was decorated with fairy lights and lanterns with a pillow and blanket fort in the middle
He got you sober by making you eat snacks and drink water as you two played board/card games all night before binge watching some anime and streaming any disney/barbie/ghibli movies on your laptop
This called me out as single lmao
You two arrived at what seemed to be an empty house, it was decently sized with a somewhat large backyard, a porch and a small garden up on the front
You heard a grunt from Aone, making you turn around to face him and gasping at the sight: your tall light-haired sweetheart was kneeling down on one knee with a small box help up held up in one hand
He slowly opened it to reveal a note attached on the inside lid of the box that said ‘marry me?’ and a cute simple pearl ring before ‘locking onto’ you
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Ofc you said yes, how could you say no to him??? Aone’s literally husbando material, FIGHT ME 😤 jkjkjk
You also show him the ring that you were supposed to give him when you proposed— Well, if he wasn’t already whipped for you, he is now but more intensely 🥴
When you did, the whole deadass Date Tech came out of hiding, popping wine and confetti everywhere while congratulating both of you
Everyone tells you that Aone planned and built this house with the help of others and them ofc, but he planned everything so he gets all the credits 🥺
Your reaction would literally transition from 😮 to 🥺💗💞
Your heart mayhaps had exploded from the overwhelming love and adoration that you have for him ✌️😌 same tbh, loves
Futakuchi rolled his eyes at the sight of all the lovey-dovey stuff he’s just envious cuz he’s still single lol and was about to say smth snarky but Moniwa smacked him right on time lmao
When the congratulation party was over and everybody had gone home, you asked Aone why he picked this day in particular
“It’s the day we first met.” “You remembered?” “Of course.” “Aw, Nobu.” You cooed before leaning up him, their lips touched for a soft kiss before parting
“Guess, this is: home, sweet home.”
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Since I promised y’all that if my first Aone fic reached 100 notes, I’ll write another w/ a surprise bonus so here it is
Tagging: my mutuals/friends @whitedragon127 @zephyrria @currentconcern @kiddiegore @honeyvanilla-hq and the ones who liked the previous Aone fic @youtube1230 @nekoglasses @lealexio @lunadinottes @stephisapotatoe @haikyulover @fatty6669 @trashys-things @amateur-maniac @wow-im-a-mess @tigress445 @mokke-chan @i-m-not-a-cat @yikerb @ash-draws-alot @livinginthatstate @that-fic-bitch @dumbassbrigade @polarbearaone @osforgodss @soy-clob @your-stank-ass @nicouwu1 @viviendracula @dpqssmdd @g-r-boiii @just-perish @luvsunshine-fields @kara-grayson04 @cheereios @nialeesato @ohmypurin @ssvgawara@thecastielmoriarty @akaawhore @bear-likes-mushrooms @haikyuu-biatch @wowthatsuckss @karebearrrrrrrr @littlemissmonster12 @miiixed @doesngiveafuck @noya-senpai-imagines @trash-trashington continuation in the comments!
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Can I get a cup of uhhhhhhhh dating headcanons? For Todo, Baku, and everyone's favourite sleepy dad?
One cup of headcanons, coming right up!
Warnings: Just fluff
Todoroki Shoto
-Actually getting to the dating stage is kind of a wholeass mission. I wholeheartedly believe that Todoroki is the dumbest smart person ever; he’s clever and strong, but he also strikes me as the kind of guy who thinks 1KG of steel is heavier than 1KG of feathers.
-Lol everyone knows you’ve got a crush on him. Everyone except for him. He just doesn’t think that much about dating or romance or anything like that, unless prompted. His whole life, he’s been forced to focus on hero work, so it’ll take some time for him to get out of that mentality.
-He doesn’t clue in to his feelings for you, not for a while at least. He’d start off pretty indifferent towards you like he was with everyone else, but over time he’d begin to notice that he likes having you around. He feels more relaxed around you, and more inclined to converse and be present and friendly. 
-I think he’d chalk it up to ‘is this what friendship feels like’ meanwhile he’s out here training extra hard in hopes that you’ll see and be impressed.
-Someone will probably have to say something to get him thinking about his feelings for you. Either that, or he accidentally admits to you that he has a crush on you, but he doesn’t know it’s a crush, and you’re just like ‘oh bby’. You’ll have to spell it out for him.
-He finds you after class one day and asks to take a walk around campus to talk, and you’re like ‘okay sounds cool’.
-It’s a little awkward and quiet at first, and eventually you’re like ‘are you okay, did you need to talk about something?’
-And when he turns towards you his cheeks are flushed and he looks uncharacteristically flustered. Then he goes on to tell you how whenever you’re around, his heart beats faster and he gets warm even though his quirk isn’t active, and how he always wants to impress you even though he doesn’t care what other people think.
-He probably admits some really dumb stuff too, like how he still has the pencil you lent him at the beginning of the year, or how he fell on his ass during training because he was too busy staring at you.
-Pls be kind to him when you tell him about feelings. I think it will surprise him for like 0.5 seconds, but then he’ll be like ‘oh that makes sense’ in his usual way.
-Even after all that, you’re gonna have to be the one to ask him on a date. He’ll definitely say yes to you, but would still struggle with asking for himself.
-Anyways, once you guys have gone on a few dates and decide to make it exclusive, it’s a pretty relaxed relationship. He trusts you, so he’s pretty up front about everything, and if he doesn’t know what he’s feeling he’ll let you help him work through it.
-He’s not always clueless though, and he gets a lot better at expressing himself the more time he spends with you and the rest of the class.
-He’s pretty into casual touches, which he figures out after you sit beside him on the couch in the common room and set your head on his shoulder. He’ll ask you in private if you could do things like that more often, and over time he’ll start reciprocating, and it’ll just be a relationship full of head pats and held hands and forehead kisses.
-Also pls cuddle him when it’s just the two of you. Hold him close and run your fingers through his hair. 8/10 times he’ll fall asleep.
-Will want to train with you, and during class exercises he’ll seek you out as a partner/opponent. He wants to learn how to work with you, in case the need ever arises. But he also just wants to spend time with you, and likes watching you be bad ass.
-If you’re upset with him, or not quite feeling so great, please tell him. Don’t give him the cold shoulder, or be like ‘you know what you did’, because he absolutely will not know what he did. Let him know if you have an issue with something he did, from small things like eating the last of your chocolates, to more serious things like accidentally doubting your skill or flirting with other people. Just. Verbalize how you’re feeling.
-This also goes for when he does something good. Tell him when he’s made you happy, or helped improve your mood, or validated your feelings, or smth. It’ll reassure him that he’s being not only a good friend, but a good boyfriend too.
-Also,okay so he has that thing where he looks cool and aloof at first, but is actually soft and big-hearted right? There’s a whole bunch of other things he doesn’t show at first, which you are the first person to experience.
-He’s hella shy about kissing you. He’s pretty chill about PDA like holding your hand and hugging you and stuff like that, but kisses? It’s just such an intimate thing to him.
-Once he figure out he really wants to kiss you, he’s relentless in trying. Probably tries at the most inopportune times though, like at lunchtime and in the middle of class. Don’t be too mad at him, it’s the only thing his brain cell can concentrate on.
-So much so that he takes a hit during training and falls flat on his back. And you’re like ‘oh shit??’ and rush over to him once he doesn’t get up right away. You kneel over him and ask him if he’s alright, gently touching his cheek to try and calm him.
-And he just stares up at you because you look like an angel. Deadass blurts out ‘I want to kiss you so badly’ without a second thought, and smiles his little smile when you get flustered.
-And that’s how your first kiss happens, in the middle of an arena with your whole class watching. Aizawa probably scolds you.
-All in all, I think he’d be a pretty good boyf. He’d need some patience at first, and a lot of verbal affirmation and open communication, but that’s a good thing to practice in any relationship. He loves you a lot and is devoted and caring and always willing to fight for you.
Bakugou Katsuki
-God, okay, definitely the shoutiest boyfriend. He’d probably be pissed af when he realizes he’s catching feelings for you. He’s definitely not verbal about his feelings, but he’s not stunted like Todoroki is. He knows what he’s feeling, he just doesn’t like it.
-He thinks you’re a distraction to him, and probably takes it out on you. After all, if you hate him then it’ll be easier to let go of you and he won’t have to deal with you being around him.
-Sike tho, either he makes you sad and instantly feels guilty about it (which he hates), or he makes you Big Mad and you serve him his ass on a silver platter. Both ways, he’s not able to make you dislike him, and he only ends up liking you more.
-He’ll calm down after a couple weeks though, and come to terms with the fact that this is his life now and that he’s gonna have to deal with the annoying heart palpitations he gets whenever you’re around.
-Though a bonus I guess is his palms also get sweaty when you’re nearby, which means more explosions. Which we all know is a good thing for boom boy.
-Over time, he begins to slip up, and you begin to notice. His gaze lingering on you during training and during class, his lack of insults towards you, just generally being less unpleasant when he knows you’re around. Some of your classmates have also picked up on it, but none of them have really put two and two together.
-You have, though, and you know he won’t be the one to make a move. So you corner him one evening outside the dorms and confront him about it. He vehemently denies it, but all it takes is for you to look at him and he huffily admits it.
-Nothing is really agreed upon right then and there, but as the days and weeks pass, you pretty much just end up dating. You spend more time together, studying or training or goofing off. Well...he doesn’t really goof off, but he sits nearby while you do. You even convince him to come to game night with the bakusquad and -after much poking and prodding- he even plays a couple rounds of mario kart. 
-He either wins or he accuses everyone of cheating. It’s funny to watch.
-He doesn’t really know how relationships work, so be patient with him also while he figures it out. If you’re mad at him, don’t try to act snide about it because it’ll just end up blowing up in your faces. He might grumble if you tell him outright, but overall he’ll try to fix it. He’s a ride or die boyfriend, and however temperamental he is, he hates making you sad.
-Also he’ll never say it out loud, but he loves cuddling you. He’s pretty strict about not showing his softer side in public, so most of your more affectionate gestures are behind closed doors. Sometimes he’ll just show up at your dorm room, slam the door shut, and flop down on your bed. This is his way of saying ‘i feel like shit, come pet my hair’. 
-Most of his needs are conveyed nonverbally, so you’ll have to learn how to speak Bakugou.
-The only time he’s ever told you what he wanted out loud is when you guys had your first kiss. He was noticeably tense throughout the day, so after class you pulled him aside and asked him what was up.
-You hadn’t expected him to turn tomato red and mutter that your lot of friends had been teasing him earlier about kissing, and his lack of experience. You asked him if he wanted you to go kick their asses, and he was like ‘no, i want you to kiss me’.
-Cue both of you being flustered. But it lead to a really sweet kiss, soft and surprisingly gentle and thoughtful. 
-He’s more open about kissing you publicly, if not for the fact that he’s low key addicted, then definitely because it sort of lays his claim on you without being too mushy. But those kisses will be shorter and cooler than the ones you share behind closed doors.
-When it’s just the two of you though? He’s got you held close while your lips meet, fingertips sliding across your jaw and arm held fast around your waist. Those are the kisses that lead to heated makeouts usually.
-All in all, also a good boyfriend. Abrasive and loud, but loyal and smart and willing to explode everyone if it would make you happy. He calms down over time once he gets used to the relationship, while still maintaining an air of pride. Will never hesitate to brag about you, and will affectionately shout compliments at you whenever he feels like it.
Aizawa Shouta sleepiest dad
-Anyone who knows him knows that he’s got a busy life. Between teaching and being a pro hero, he probably doesn’t have a lot of down time. So you have to be okay with him having so much work.
-He doesn’t mind if you miss him during the days, in fact he would be mildly off put if you didn’t miss him (at least a little), but you can’t be someone who would try and make him change his schedule permanently to give you more attention.
-A day or two off here and there? Sure, the occasional lazy day break is nice and also reasonable, but I don’t think it would work out if you were super clingy.
-It probably gets a little difficult when the dorm system is implemented at the school, since he’s there overnight most of the time now. I think that’s one area where he’d be willing to try and implement a better system, whether it be having you on campus with him during the nights, or allowing him to head back home.
-Because as busy as he is, he’s not a neglectful partner. Even if he’s dead tired when he comes home, he’ll always take the time to greet you and sit with you and ask you about your day and tell you about his. He’ll lay back on the couch with you across his chest, and listen to you tell him about all the dumb shit you’d witnessed throughout the day.
-He’s a little rigid about PDA, mostly because his friends tease him and he doesn’t want to risk any of his students seeing (lest the also tease him), but he’s fine with casual affection. Walking with your arm tucked around his, hugs, chaste kisses, that sort of thing. He’s an adult in a relationship, he’s not gonna deny you any of those things just because he’s shy (though he will never admit that).
-Despite his outward uncaring appearance, he’s actually really intense, and feels a lot. He’s an emotional person, he’s just really good at keeping it on the down low. So you’d have to be pretty good at reading him in order to get him to open up, but also not push him too hard. Let him know that you know he’s stressed about something, but give him the room to make the choice in coming to you.
-He’s a pretty low maintenance boyfriend. He doesn’t need all the bells and whistles and fancy dates. He’s fine making dinner together and then hanging out to watch a movie, or maybe occasionally going out for a drink or a walk. What he cares about most is spending time with you, and just getting to be around you.
-But he is still perpetually tired, so he’ll be most happy on his own couch. Dinner and movie nights often lead to cuddles, which often lead to soft kisses, and then more heated kisses, and then hands touching you everywhere.
-It’s very easy to get carried away when he kisses you. Unless you’re in public, even the smallest kiss could snowball into a good romp, granted you have the time. He’s intense and firm, but his lips are warm and pliant, and he kisses you the way he needs oxygen; desperately and absolutely.
-Arguably the best boyfriend, but maybe i’m biased because he’s my type lol. He doesn’t ask for a lot, but requires your respect on the few things he needs, and in return he’ll be there for you when he can. And when he’s there? His attention is solely on you, all his thoughts and energy. He’s quiet and patient and loving, and behind closed doors he’s pretty affectionate. If he’s dating you, then it isn’t just something casual; he’s already seen that you’re someone worth putting his time and energy into. By the time he asks you out, he’s probably already in love with you.
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daenqyu · 4 years
— bnha boys and songs that remind me of them
includes: bakugou, midoriya, kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, dabi & shigaraki
warnings: swearing, manga spoilers in dabi’s, minor manga spoilers in shigaraki’s
a/n: had this idea while i was listening to my bakugou playlist and i thought it’d be fun to do it :D
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BAKUGOU reminds me of “i hate everything about you” by three days grace. i just feel like that’s exactly how he would feel when he realizes he likes someone. he’s in denial. doesn’t want to admit the fact that he actually grew a soft spot for that person, that someone managed to make him vulnerable. he wasn’t one to believe in all that sappy bullshit in the first place, hell he even thought he was sick when he started feeling butterflies in his stomach. but after they smile at him and leave a chaste kiss on his cheek as a ‘thank you’, he thinks that maybe having a crush isn’t so bad after all.
MIDORIYA reminds me of “crybaby” by melanie martinez. and it’s not because he cries a lot, but rather because people shame him for it. back in junior high that was one of his biggest insecurities, how sensitive he was, but with time he learned to embrace it. being emotional didn’t equal being weak, and midoriya it’s the perfect example of that. so what if he’s easily moved? what if he’s an emotionally driven person? at the end of the day, that doesn’t make him any less of a hero.
KIRISHIMA reminds me of “this is home” by cavetown. more specifically, the part that goes “get a load of this train wreck, his hair’s a mess and he doesn’t know who he is yet”. even tho he doesn’t show it and tries his best to hide it, kirishima is a very insecure person. he thinks he’ll never be good enough to be called a man, let alone a hero. but just because he doesn’t know how worthy he is, doesn’t mean he’s friends do too. they all admire him for being so confident and brave, for his selfless personality. and it takes a while, but a day comes in which kirishima looks at himself and no longer sees failure.
KAMINARI reminds me of “monster energy drink” by kevinkempt. this one isn’t as deep as the others, but you cannot tell me that this song doesn’t scream kaminari denki. something tells me this man drinks monster religiously, specially because sometimes he gets way too absorbed in the video games he plays. there’s even days where he forgets to drink water and sero has to check up on him just to make sure he hasn’t passed out. he drank it before it became a trend, so he has a huge ass collection of monster cans. and before you ask, yes. he has a monster energy gun.
TODOROKI reminds me of “daddy issues” by the neighbourhood. everyone knows how bad todoroki’s relationship with his dad is, and it’s all for a reason. endeavor left him (and his family) scarred, he damaged their image of what a father should be like, he broke them. and thanks to that, he has a hard time opening up to others and relationships in general. he can be oblivious and dense, often not understanding when someone is trying to ask him out or trying to give him a compliment. but it’s not his fault. he tries, really hard, to let go of the past, to keep getting better, to forget about the hurt, but...the past never dies.
DABI reminds me of “burning pile” by hayloft. a little ironic considering his quirk it’s cremation, but we all know that dabi’s life is far from perfect. he’s a runaway, a villain, the son that couldn’t be good enough, a failed experiment. and at first it hurt, knowing that your father only wanted to exploit you and didn’t even see you as a human being. but with time, he became numb, to the point that sometimes he looks back on his life and can’t help but laugh at how pathetic it all was. he didn’t know what to do when he was a child, he was clueless on how he could escape it all, but now it’s different. now he has a goal. and that’s to take endeavor down, no matter the cost.
SHIGARAKI reminds me of “teenagers” by my chemical romance. something tells me that in high school he was an outcast. he probably had 1-2 friends, if not none, and he probably sat alone. shigaraki is full of hatred towards the hero society because they didn’t save him, didn’t give any other chance but to become the villain he is today, so it’s not a surprise that he finds everyone annoying. but especially teenagers. they’re so selfish, so arrogant, acting like the world revolves around them and being full of joy. they think that adulthood equals independence and freedom, yet it’s the complete opposite. life’s shit. and once you’re able to understand that, you feel disappointed. well that’s how he feels too, he didn’t want his life to be like this, he wanted to be a fucking hero. but not everything goes according to plan, right?
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staylavendertea · 4 years
young avengers characters and relationships as songs
billy kaplan : season of the witch by donovan and mr. sandman cover by joe p, it’s fun, there’s that groove, it’s witches and it’s dreams; a total billy kaplan jamming out in his room in his boyfriends too big shirt 10 at night moment with that magical and just like ,, witchy billy vibe i can’t explain through words that i love dearly, it also just gives me a connection between him and wanda i really love, the family witches between soul mother and soul son and that bass in mr sandman for some reason screams billy
teddy altman : space girl by frances forever need i say more, that song screams smiling golden tall boy theodore in overalls and sweaters, prince charming of space deserves the song space girl, the song is soft like teddy is, all hugs and kisses, that is until “stupid boyfriend putting himself into stupid danger all the stupid time” and “why do i try he never listens” “i heard that” “sure now he listens” then it becomes all hugs, kisses, bickering with the boyfriend, and threats of mauling people, but that’s for childrens crusade and family matters arc to tell
tommy shepherd : rebels by call me karizma but also steady, as she goes by the raconteurs mostly just for that guitar and music, i heavily head canon billy as the pianist and tommy as the guitar and bass player all the way and steady, as she goes screams tommy’s kind of music, the song rebels because that boy is the biggest rebel around and i wouldn’t be surprised if he was an arsonist
eli bradley : i just wanna shine by fitz and the tantrums i honestly had a bit of a hard time finding a song that really perfectly fit eli, but i think this one really hits the spot - eli is totally the boy that’s just trying his best and live up to his and everyone else’s expectations, i think he’s actually a softie and repressed nerd that believes heavily in doing what is right and i think that this song encompasses that, i really miss eli bradley thank you for coming to my tedtalk
cassie lang : blackbird by the beatles (cover by dodie) cassie gives me total adorable and soft but such a cool person dodie vibes, but i think the song blackbird fits cassie on so many levels, especially the lyrics as growing up after losing her dad, getting and learning to control her powers, and growing as a super hero she knows her dad would be so proud of, i love every single one of the young avengers but mygod cassie
nate richards : run boy run by woodkid and something better by hidinin i feel for nate, that poor kid literally is running away and trying to kill his future because he knows it’s a bad road and honestly he’s so brave for that and it’s all thanks to nate that we got all the young avengers in the first place so credit will be payed where credit is due, nate is really just a clumsy teenager thats a total nutcase and a bit clueless without that common sense sometimes that will think a pack sour troll gummies and a bottle of gateorade is a well rounded training diet but he’s also a descendent of sue and reed richards and what’s there to expect from child geniuses
kate bishop : love club by lorde and ribs by lorde i kinda just stumbled upon these honestly forgotten songs in my playlist and was pleasantly surprised how perfectly kate bishop these songs are, the lyrics most likely mean something else but i see the love club as the young avengers and “go get punched for the love club” just sounds like a kate bishop thing to say, these songs give me vibes of kate bishop in a rolled sleeves black and purple flannel and black jean shorts with scuffs and bandaids on her elbows and knees, probably also a developing black eye and bloody nose but lookin badass per usual
david alleyne : karma by ajr i picked this one for david because the second i heard it david was immediately the person i thought of when listening to it, i haven’t read many comics with david in them, i’m searching tho, but i am reading the current x factor and david just goes through a lot poor dude just wants to learn and help with what he can and i love him every moment for it
america chavez : a good song never dies by saint motel and dead girl in the pool by girl in red i honestly don’t know much about america besides some basic background stuff and some her character and personality since i haven’t been able to get my hands on some ya v2 issues besides what i’ve seen online but what i have seen of her i already love her and know she is so badass and a bit chaotic but in the best way possible from the little i do know about america’s character i think these songs just fits both the vibes of how she presents and holds herself but also her personality, america is a good song that just never dies are vibes i will happily live with
loki : run the world!!! by dayglow i haven’t really read much of loki in the comics, the versions of them i know the best being the actual norse myth god and movie loki and i know how the movies can be with their comic book characters, but from what ive heard about kid and teenager loki is that they’re a little punk and this song seems to just fit that perfectly
jonas : growing pains by coin i honestly didn’t know that there was more to jonas besides ya v1 and childrens crusade but now i’m intrigued, but this song just speaks jonas to me who i was also calling judas for like ten minutes without realizing i had a totally wrong name, but from what i read and his whole thing with cass, i think growing pains very much fits a mr. jonas
now for the relationships/ships - this post is so long i am so sorry for all the reading but i’m having fun -
david and tommy : affection by between friends im not even sure completely why but the music just screams david and tommy’s vibes, especially how tommy is usually head canonized in relationships, *chiefs kiss* of a song
nate and cassie and jonas : in the middle by dodie this song is literally the three of them, like perfectly, the lyrics fit to a t and it’s literal perfection for them
billy and teddy : pleaser by wallows for how much i love them i surprisingly had a hard time finding a song for them, i know at one time i heard and had a song that was perfect but i can’t remember it all, but i think pleaser fits just as nice, it fits their personalities and the music itself is the vibe they give off to me : imma make an edit from this post previously cause i’ve been thinking about and i would like to add the song leaves by joe p cause it just fits too well, especially when looking at billyteddy fan art whilst listening to it, it’s too good : HI THIS ANOTHER EDIT IMSORRY but it literally took weeks to remember but now i remember what the original song for them i had picked - electric love by borns - it also gives me billy lightning powers vibes and i do adore some billy lightning powers, i think it would be so cool to see them mixed in with his reality warping ones
eli and nate : talk too much by coin honestly it’s them, it’s a vibe they both argue and to each other, talk way too much, i’m calling it they kissed like at least once just to see how that would go - probably arguing who was the better boyfriend when they were both single
eli and kate : falling for u by peachy! and mxmtoon this song is very eli and kate for me, especially the beginning of their relationship not relationship, was that ever really established what was happening there ?? but this song fits perfectly amongst the bickering and racking numbers of how many times they’ve saved each other’s asses
kate and america : given it all by hayley kiyoko and midnight love by girl in red i love this ship and i have no idea if there was ever a thing happening between them or if it was pure fandom but it’s amazing and i love it, hayley kiyoko and girl in red is an of course and i think these songs speak them
- now just the young avengers as a group -
leaves by joe p a song that is totally just a hang out and drive all around all night as teenagers without a care in the world song and can totally see the gang jamming out to it
hey barbara by IV of spades this song literally speaks “hey did you watch that one beach episode” sunny and everyone vibing and hanging out, i can totally imagine tommy trying to get david to dance this and the attempts made is hilarious
teenagers and na na na by my chemical romance now last but certainly not least mcr because of course mcr, these kids can definitely be punks when they wanna be, especially when they’re mutant/alien/super hero teenagers that will literally do what they see fit, all in good manners of course
whhoooopp this was a lot longer than what i was initially expecting to make but after a few hours of song surfing and trying to make tumblr typing fonts work with me we’re finally here, this was just something fun for me since i associate music with everyone, but if you’ve read this far and wanna mention a song you think fits, totally put it out there, share the music !!
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