#and my friends got me into this weird game called genshin-
toastermin-it · 2 years
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what's up everyone? hello! it me :)
(unfortunately for you guys i am the same min, just a year or so older and way more tired.)
(i spelled put wrong in the tags i am so sorry guys it's "put" not "out")
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noellefan101 · 1 year
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Bakery Love
Genshin impact, modern baker au, reader´s family owns(and works at) a bakery + reader works there, gn!reader
characters: Tighnari, Albedo, Kazuha, Cyno, Nilou, Xiao x gn!reader
Warnings: kissing, baking(duh), romantic relationship (+ planoinic in some but not with the main), kissing, , tell me if i missed anything
Note: I'm sorry if there´s any mistakes, english is not my first language and this is not prof-read yeah enjoy ;) and it feels so weird to write for Nilou when the rest is men, i didn´t think abt that. luv you all, mwah ;)
i feel like he would be there to get a birthday cake for Collei, (im sorry it just sounds too cute) and you were at the front desk in your apron talking to a customer, when he walked in and ordered. you looked at him, asked what he would like and wrote a note down so you could remember - he ordered a "healthy" cake with green frosting on one side and red on the other with Cuilein anbars on the green side and baron bunnies on the red side. and then he also leaves his number woth the order bc he thinks your cute so you start to become friends. anyway, thats how you met onto when you start dating
you would come over to his house after your shift, or when you both have time, and bring him some baked goods for him and Collei/i feel like they would live together in a modern au, like Tighnari would still be her caretaker, just like in the game/. you and Tighnari would definitely bake together, and you would teach him how to bake certain pastries and stuff, and Collei/+Cyno maybe/could join if they wanted to (it would be so cute wtf). i also think he would be like a florist or smt, like he owns a flower shop, so he would bring you flowers or just plants in general. so the bakery would have a lot of plants that he´s given you. and your family (lovingly) hates him because where tf are they gonna put all these fricking flowers and stuff he gets you every week. tho their happy for you and they also got free decor for the bakery so they don´t really complain.
to him you´re like a rose, beautiful, even if sometimes you sting, he adores you just as much
he was just there to study at first, maybe get some coffee and a piece of cake, when he saw you behind the counter he kinda.. uhm.. fell in love at first sight, yeah... anyway now/because of your beauty/he is there studying more often or when you´re there to be exact. your sibling or parent called it out but you denied it and didn´t think much of it. and then he finally asked for your number
when you finally start dating, he would still study at your bakery but it´ll be a little more often. and not only on your shifts but on other family members too, mainly bc he wants to get to know them better. he also brings his little sister, Klee, with him more often so she can meet you and your family + see the bakery. he also would make some artificial things for you, like flowers and stuff, you could either put in your room or around the bakery. yk the flower he makes in his idol or whatever its called, so like one of those or just anything you want really. he could also paint there, but he´ll just start painting you and he doesn´t want other people to think he´s stalking you.
to him you´re like a painting, pretty in many ways, and perfect in his eyes
he would visit the bakery once in a while, finding it relaxing to be there and finding great inspiration for his poems and stories. and something he has noticed is the beautiful person that is sometimes behind the corner/you hehe/and starts to slowly become his muse. he couldn´t help it its like keeping a secret from someone, but sharing it with the world at the same time. he finds himself going to the same place over and over again, only wanting to see your face one more time. (wtf happened to me) while he was unknowingly falling in love with this new muse, you were falling for him. (ok i need to fricking stop, omg)
when you two finally started dating, he still kept you as his muse, but this time you were both aware and laughed a little together because of it. anyway he would be there even more to just sit and write about something, then later in the day/or week if you both were busy/he would read them out to you. and at some point you would start giving him notebooks every few months just so he could write his poetry on something other than the tissues from the bakery(omg that would be so cute and hilarious at the same time). in return he would gift you your favorite flowers and try and learn to bake, even tho its not perfect he tries and you love it. sometimes you´ll bake something with him and teach him properly how to do something/or do it the way your family does it/and then after you eat it together.
to him you're a miracle, your his love, his life, and his muse, he doesn´t know what to do without you now
he´s a policeman (the hot kind) and there was an incident with your neighbor bc their store got robbed/in my mind it's a jewelry store but let your mind go wherever/so you got a few questions since you were on your shift at the time they came in. but you then after went into the back/your home to get your parents. and then after he started showing up more both because of the situation but also because he generally liked your pastries and cakes. even after the case ended he still came over on a lot of all of his breaks, maybe it was sometimes to see you but you ofc didn´t need to know that ;)
so when you guys started dating, he would ofc still come over but also look out for you, your family, and the bakery. also in his free time/even tho its not often/he would "help" you with baking. aka your teaching him how to bake bc he can´t for the life of him, but he brags to his friends abt it "cough". anyway, he would love to try some new recipes you find online or in your family cookbook, and help as much as he can. if you made him some pastries for him to take with him to work, he would fall even more `head over heels` in love with you, seriously do it. he would definitely stop anybody that tries to steal anything from the bakery, and get them arrested immediately.
to him your love is like a drug, addicting, but even if he knows it he will still love you for eternity
yk the cake she eats in game, that would definitely be the reason you two met. like it would be in the bakery´s window or smt and she would order that with a smile, while you where on your shift ofc. and she would get all exited and stuff. + she thinks the way you and your family make it is much better, so she´s basically a reguler bc she orders at your bakery so often. and then she starts to fall in love with one of the bakers there (you), and so she tries to find out when your shift is and stuff. (my brain couldn´t stop sry, that was a lot)
anyways, when you start dating she would definitely want to try and learn the recipe and bake it with you, but ofc she needs practice so she´ll eat your portion at the start, but you can´t complain you´ve literally done this your whole life ofc you´re better. she´d also want to meet your family early on bc you told her about some baking days when you test new recipes and stuff, so she´d be the taste tester and give tips if she could. aand you would give her discounts for some kisses. she would also dance in the bakery, with you and your family´s content ofc, so she could attract customers with her beautiful dancing.
to her you´re like cake, has many flavors, not all perfect but to her you are too perfect to enjoy only once
i see him getting dragged there by some friends/yk aether, venti, kazuha, heizou and then scara is getting dragged there too. so basically 6rezze(sry if thats wrong) or 5wirl, but they aren´t famous/and they drag him to your bakery. bc they wanted to try the cakes and stuff. and your the one behind the counter(idk if thats a good thing or not, but ig it was?). and so you had to deal with some boys yelling at each other while one of them was completely silent/xiao/he just ordered and explained what the rest/but not for heizou, kazuha cuz i feel like they would already have ordered/you just got the pastries and cakes they ordered, and they then sat down seeming to calm down.
after you started dating he wouldn´t come to the bakery often, but he´ll definitely come over like once a week/before was like once or twice a month/and he won´t order much but is just there to support you. otherwise, if he comes to the bakery he´ll just go straight to the back to see you/they know who he is ofc, but for first-time workers that might be weird/and he would be a little sad if you were too busy to give him attention. if you give him some non-sweet cake or pastries he´ll love you even more(i swear thats impossible). he´ll also feed you, and let you feed him in return. if you want him to learn how to bake he´ll do it, but only if you teach him ofc. so there you are in your kitchen with xiao, trying to teach him to bake the non-sweet cake he likes.
you´re like the cakes you make, sweet, although he doesn´t normally like sweet things, he loves you more than anything else
Author: the sweet things at the end of each one, omg how tf did i come with those aaaaahhhh i´m freaking out right now. also if you want me to do more of these pls tell me + the characters you want in it.
thank you for reading, luv ya-Masterlist
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AITA for being upset that all my friends constantly play a game together that I can't touch?
Basically, my friends (20s) and I (25nb) have known each other since high school. We used to hang out constantly but with adult life existing we just have less time to kill on silly things. Because of this, we now mostly have voice call hangouts on discord since its not as demanding of time.
Most of the time we would just chill and work on our own things, but a few months back a few of my friends started getting into Genshin Impact and would play it together while on the call. Eventually the rest of my friend group followed and started joining in, which I had no problem with, because it was a "sometimes" thing.
Recently though its been an "always" thing. Whenever we have a call everyone plays Genshin, and naturally a majority of the conversation is about what they're doing in Genshin, to the point where its kinda feeling like I'm interrupting if I talk about anything else.
I don't really have anything against the game, I just can't touch it because I have had previous issues with gambling type stuff and I recognize it's not something I can play. I'm glad I realized this early on when I was young and had limited disposable income + couldn't legally get a credit card, but the amount I spent on mobile games like this is nothing to sneeze at still. Now that I'm an adult with a decent income I try my best to be diligent.
I have been very open with my friends about this fact and they know my issues. I've tried asking them if we can play something different sometimes, because I feel kindof excluded. At best I've gotten back a "yeah sure" with no real follow-up or change, at worst I've gotten a "It's actually really kind to their F2P players and you don't need to spend money on it to progress etc etc etc" which. I've tried explaining that's not how this works and f2p won't stay f2p for me but sometimes it feels like they're just not listening.
Every time I bring up an alternative to try I get back a "Sorry I don't have the money rn" (bc anything without gambling mechanics costs money upfront) which I understand! But if I offer to buy a game for everyone when it's on sale or something they refuse because they feel weird accepting gifts.
I kinda got to the end of my rope with it because I don't think they were getting how isolating it was to be the only one not playing when we were hanging out. I kinda blew up after they gave me the same "nono don't buy me anything" on a game that was literally $3, and asked if actually gave a shit about including me in things anymore, which obviously they got super defensive about.
I feel bad about it because it was unfair even though we've barely talked about anything other than Genshin lately, and I tried to apologize but they basically froze me out. I snapped a little again after one of them told me I was being too sensitive about it and making my problem everyone's issue when they were just having a good time, and I haven't tried to talk to them for a few days now.
Obviously I don't want to lose my friend group over a stupid anime game, and I'm probably going to try to fix it. But I just want to know if I'm actually being too sensitive about this (I am pretty upset at being excluded bc of my issues, intentionally or not, and idk if that's affecting my judgement), or if theyre being too flippant about the problem.
AITA here??
What are these acronyms?
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sonicstalker123 · 4 months
I imagine some genshin characters saying…
“Lmao what a mood”
(If he had a partner without a vision) “Visionless behavior” (to troll)
“Lol no vision??” (To troll)
“Haha, relatable”/“can’t relate”
“That’s my beloved comrade”
(If somebody saw his partner get hurt/saw that his partner was hurt) “Oh boy is it on sight.”
“This person here is a massive bitch”
*surprised pikachu face*
“This snow is beautiful and sparkly, it’s a shame that my Fatui duties are making me change its color to crimson.”
“It’s all good here, compadre”
“You good?”
“It’s all good ‘round here.”
“Dude did you see what I did with those Lavender Melons, it was kickass, I kicked them for the lols and they went flying like 60 feet”
“That’s my partner, they’re so badass”
“Yeah no Kuki had to get me out of this tricky situation last week involving Heizou”
“Dude, I’m so proud of you for doing that thing you were afraid of doing!”
“Eat shit, Raiden Shogun!”
“Bro did that really just happen??”
“Lol/lmao, how did you trip over that rock?”
*surprised pikachu face*
“Duuude, look at this crab!”
“Nightmares are just horror movies that your mind makes up as you sleep.”
“Dammit, here comes the fun police.” (Referring to Kuki, Heizou or Sara)
“Don’t do that again you idiot” (he says “idiot” in his own weird loving way)
“Yes, dear, you’re my idiot and nobody else’s.”
“Oh my partner? What about them. You got something to say about them??”
“What a nuisance.”
“Yes, this is the first time that somebody has acknowledged who I am, these feelings are new to me.” (“These feelings” can be seen in a friend way or romantic)
“Yes, the Fatui can eat sand for all I care.”
“Watching this snow fall in Dragonspine is rather peaceful.”
“Rain is just water, it can’t hurt anything 😒”
Adeptus Xiao
“Yes, dear, you called?”
“Darling, our pet cat is okay, she’s right here.”
“Our cat is so cute.”
“Your friendship/romantic relationship with me is something I’ll cherish forever.”
“Why are you friends with me? I’m a Conqueror of Demons, I may hurt you.”
“All I’ve wanted in my days is somebody who I can be close to, regardless if it’s friendship or a partner.”
“Allow me to accompany you… please?”
“I will be gone for a while because of my adepti duties, I’ll miss you. Please wait for me. Say my name if you need me for anything.”
“Hi, sugar pea! Wanna go get some dim sum together? 😁”
“Dude, that dude over there needs to chill out and like drink some tea for real”
“I can’t believe it’s supposed to rain this bad, this wasn’t supposed to happen!”
“I’m about to go training for my Wushou Performance next week, wanna go?”
“Wanna go to the pride parade next week?? It’ll be my first pride parade I’m going to and it’d be fun to go with somebody!” (I hc him as bi)
“Wow, it’s really hot out today! Make sure you have water so you aren’t dehydrated! I care about you, ya know?”
“Wait, huh? What do you mean they can’t come with me?! They’re my partner and I want them to be with me, regardless if it’s training or not!!”
“Morning, sugar pea! Did you sleep well? Have good dreams?? 😁”
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isshua · 2 years
So, something weird happened to me while I was playing Genshin today.
Venti is my favorite archon, and one of my favorite characters. He was actually the first character in Genshin that I really started to care about. When I saw he was getting a rerun alongside Cyno’s debut, I was overjoyed, because I didn’t have him before.
So I started saving up primos, and then I began pulling. Didn’t get Venti once. I was a little disappointed to say the least, but I knew I still had time to get him. Keep in mind I really wasn’t expecting to, since I have awful luck.
So today, I was in a call with a friend, and I was screensharing my game with him. I was joking about how Venti is “my beloved” and my favorite Genshin god. I decided to do a ten pull, not because I thought I was actually going to get Venti, but just because I wanted to show my friend the mechanics of the game (he hasn’t touched Genshin and probably never will). I made a big show out of it, going to the top of the Barbatos statue and making jokes about how if I didn’t get Venti, I would be so sad.
I do the ten pull. And what do you know? Venti comes home.
To say the least, I wasn’t expecting it and was quite shocked. I know it was probably just because I won a 50/50 after getting QiQi before Venti, but the fact that I got him RIGHT AFTER I made a big show of telling my friend he’s my favorite archon and one of characters I love most in the game is sort of strange to me.
I think I’ve been thinking about Sagau a bit too much. Or who knows, maybe Venti heard me and finally decided to come home. Either way, I’m glad I finally have him.
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Since you got the beta : does it feel like genshin ?
Asking since a lot of things are very similar to genshin (BP, Artifacts, Gacha, Constellation, ect...) and I'm genuinely scared about that (mostly the gacha honestly)
Not really?
Gameplay wise, it has some Genshin-like mechanics like what you said, but it also has Honkai-like mechanics (like Simulated Universe which is similar to ER, or the Support friend feature, or the "phone" menu that they turned into an in-universe mechanic).
There's anti-boredom features like autofighting which means you can literally just eat popcorn or go do smth else while the fight happens, which is super great for any "grinding" type of activity. This is my big yes because what really put me off Genshin after a while was the tediousness— I don't find Star Rail tedious thanks to stuff like that.
Re: Gacha, I don't overly mind the 50-50 because the standard characters are characters I actually want, and after 300 pulls on the standard banner you get a whole ass selector to grab whoever it is you wanted that you never got. So like, much kinder than Genshin on that regard.
Re: Exploration, the quest system is similar but it's very often about playable or at least recurring, named characters, which makes them much less boring or "why should I care?" compared to Genshin's. They're not JUST here for the quest.
Re: Lore, it's embracing the "really weird space opera" genre and having a blast. If you thought the space train was weird... well, the very first area is essentially the SCP Foundation (in space).
Re: Story, it's a found family story much like Hi3, not an isekai. The main character talks, has a personality and relationships, weirdo moments, unhinged dialogue options, there's actual banter and teasing, and even when there's no clear end goal to the plot you're having fun because it's 80% character driven.
Also Welt is there, still advertising his anime on random planets via his HoR powers, and calling himself an ordinary white-collar worker.
So in conclusion I guess it feels like a less complicated Genshin/Honkai mixture that actually learned from mistakes of the previous games? It's not perfect, but it's really good, quirky and unique.
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skeletor9000-blog · 2 months
Elden Ring vs Modern Game Design (The utilisation of FOMO)
FOMO. "Fear of Missing Out." The concept is used in many, if not 90% of facets of capitalism to get you to buy in, to try this new toaster, watch this new show, play this new game so you don't miss out on THE DISCUSSION. The Discussion is a concept I'll be using in this shitpost repeatedly to refer to the cultural zeitgeist, mainly because zeitgeist is a pretentious word that people only say to make their peers believe they're cultured when in reality we can tell you took that take off Twitter Joe.
The Discussion, to explain a little more, is the cyberspace, the discord, twitter, reddit, your friends, your coworkers all talking about the same thing. "oh did you see Man U last night?" "Benedict Townsend dropped a new video did you watch it?" "Damn did you get the last boss?" and this has been weaponised for most of the modern age to get you to buy into products for fear of missing out on The Discussion.
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Now video games are no stranger to this desire to be part of The Discussion but lately games have wanted their players and talkers to talk about everything. EVERYTHING. Right now. Everything needs to be discussed, all that hard work and artistic vision NEEDS to be seen, to be fawned over, to be critcised. And you can't miss out otherwise everyone will race ahead of you, so get on your PC! Get that new Genshin character, buy the battlepass and make sure you get that fried chicken gun or Tina from Accounting will laugh at you!
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you thought I was joking
FOMO is weaponised not only in multiplayer games but in Single Player games too. Take for example God of War Ragnarok. Great game. Super fun. Does it have incredible gameplay, graphics, story, love within every aspect to the point you can tell this is nigh perfect? Yes. But it also utilises FOMO to great extent in the form of the map.
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nothing left to chance
So the devs have made it so you do not miss a single thing. Every post is marked, every chest every draugr hole, every "secret" boss is shown clearly for our lovely ideal ADHD player who was concieved of in a boardroom that every game making company has to adhere to.
Every game company bar one.
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the software of from
Hey, Hey! Stop writing that note! I am aware of Indie Developers doing shit like what I'm about to describe for years but this is about the mainstream damnit so stay in your lane (the next post will be about them)
So From Software. The guys that changed the ga- scene with their title Demons Souls and iterated it again and again until we got the behemoth that is Elden Ring. Let me take you back a decadeeand a bit, to the wonderful, military shooter filled, Obama-lusted times of 2009.
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this wont have any repurcussions
2009 was a big year for video games, notable releases such as Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2, Skate 2 and the critically acclaimed Sandy Beach for the Nintendo Wii
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i cried at the end because someone threw sand in my eyes
The gaming scene was getting bland. This was the zero dawn point of the Horizon that was oncoming, that is to say Call of Duty became nuclear popular and every game was about to copy it and be even worse. The scene had many good games but all of them had little booklets, tutorials, checkpoints, save points, proper wuss shit for the average gamer. You couldn't walk 10 metres without a "checkpoint reached" littering your very cluttered UI.
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this is america's joe biden
In comes Demon Souls, a game that flew in the face of this hand holding, quite far from it actually. there were barely any tutorials, you got killed in one shot by most enemies. Your only reliable defence was a roll and everything was hard. Most importantly, you didn't know wtf was going on. There's a vague character here, a secret you missed there, some weird world tendency bullshit going on in the background, people had no clue. It was a ball of black mystery dropped in a sea of devs enticing you with shiny gimmicks.
And that's why people still talk about it today.
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this is the beginning.
Demons Souls was the blueprint. It had winding levels that double backed on themselves in ways you wouldn't imagine, side characters who had quests which made 0 sense on how to progress, difficulty upon difficulty for new gamers, it was so different. The beauty of it flying in the face of conventional gaming meant people HAD to talk about it. It didn't just grab The Discussion, it had it a nigh permanent place the other forms of media would die for.
You had to talk to other people to progress. Whether it be to find clues to secret weapons, to notice shortcuts others had found, to even finding boss weaknesses to give tips and tricks on how to progress.
By making all this knowledge unavailable from the get go, Demons Souls had forced players to become each others guides, and as a result people would keep playing it because you'd find something new someone else said that you'd wanna check out. It might not even be true, some guy could start a rumour about the penetrators armour being available and players would go and see if he was correct and find out the liar was ahead, but the wonder of naiivete had returned. From Software had taken a weary artform, and showed everyone there was another way.
And then they got good at it.
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sony greenlit horizon 2 but never want anyone to mention this game for some reason
Admittedly I never played Dark Souls 1 or 2 (I'm sorry) but the one game where I felt From Software peaked in terms of utilising FOMO was Bloodborne.
Bloodborne is another From Software game that's set in 1990s England, where London has run out of beans so the denizens put blood from an alien on their toast instead and go crazy at the lack of flatulence it gave them. The gameplay was tight and faster paced than Dark Souls, and the aesthetic had gone from Dark Fantasy to Victorian Gothic architecture (if ur a smartass pls correct me on this).
It is fantastic. The story and lore created by this game is given to you in drips and drabs from small item descriptions and minimal lines from NPCs who either try to kill you or die from you trying to help them. This happens a lot.
This game was released in 2015, and never got a sequel, nor a remaster, just 1 dlc and that's it. It didn't follow convention, sticking to the tried and true method of lore and story you have to dig out, bosses who you'd need to look online to help with, sidequests that make 0 sense, Areas that require moon logic to enter, but goddamn it did it well. And, as a result, people STILL have discussions about Bloodborne to this day.
The Pale Blood Hunt is essential reading for any Bloodboner out there looking for lore btw, but I'm losing focus.
So this strategy of lack of direct information, lack of direction, no easy hints to what you have to do has led to a higher barrier of entry but also it leads people to WANT to explore more of your game. There is no checklist on a map, it's more "I found a spooky ass castle did you find the vampire in it?" and then you ask wtf what castle. Your next hours are spent trawling through nightmares again to find an invitation to a spooky carriage that whisks you away to 10 more hours of wonder.
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this is an optional area
again, you're found wanting more, and the game giving it to you. Your friends, people online, youtubers are all diving into the content to find the nooks and crannies instead of having it all laid out to you as quest markers or on your map. The Discussion is still holding a round table for avid fans to talk about Bloodborne. This felt like peak From Software game making at the time. An interesting world, so much content, incredible gameplay, what more could they do?
Little did The Discussers know, From Software hadn't even begun to peak.
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I'll shatter anything and anyone for a chance with you babydoll
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ALL OF THIS you can visit
Elden Fucking Ring. The best open world ever created, the magnum opus of design, absolutely shattering the philosophies about overworld design and creating such an inviting vista that you beg to explore, rather than begging you to check out the neat trick it conveniently has marked for you.
The biggest beauty of Elden Ring to me compared to God of War is that God of War is afraid. God of War is scared you'll miss out on what they've worked hard on so they have voicelines reminding you of the berserker's existence, of any objective or sidequest you haven't accomplished, it has an exhaustive checklist so you can guiltlessly leave from any area without having your anxiety spike thinking you might miss something. Elden Ring says fuck tthat.
To get to the hardest boss in God of War Ragnarok, you just go to the marked berserker locations, smack em up and then find the final man.
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he is really fun to fight to be fair
To get to the hardest boss in Elden Ring you have to get one half of a medallion by robbing a homeless person:
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he tweaked so hard after i stole from him.
the 2nd half by beating up an angry paraplegic (if this isn't the correct term pls can someone lemme know) :
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look i'm the one in trouble here
THEN you take that to a secret elevator
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i need a manicure
you then end up here and have to find a secret town:
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bring blankie
After finding the secret town you're treated to the invisible locals who have knives that wanna kill you:
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thank you miyazaki
after solving the puzzle you get to ANOTHER area:
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i wonder if that's edible
murder every innocent being in there to gain access to the SECRET CASTLE underneath:
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it's more like a fort really
and take a giant elevator to see her sleeping:
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and... this is all barely hinted at. This boss became a legend, one that could heal with every hit, one that had an "undodgeable move", and I went through all of this just to have a taste of what OTHER people were talking about. Nobody gives a rats ass about the Berserkers from God of War nowadays even though they were front and centre but Malenia, blade of miquella, is still talked about 2 years after the game released and will be for years on. She's a phenomenal design, the build is amazing and, most importantly, she utilises FOMO in the opposite way.
The Berserkers are there to say "hey! i know you have no content left but there's a superhard boss here for you to kill!" so the player does exactly that to get some rewards for a new armour.
Malenia is hinted at in the game but there is so much to uncover to get to her in the first place. And it's all discovered by The Discussion. Where to get the medallion, where the town is, what the puzzle fucking meant, how to beat the Haligtree and finally how to beat that waterfowl dance.
The Discussion loves this shit, there's so much implied, so much to talk about and the developers don't worry about the boardroom created ADHD gamer missing out because, in reality, one guy will find one step, one girl another, then someone else and someone else and that buzz, that wonder that curiosity will fuel people into going for the ultimate prize. Not the boss, not the rewards but the journey itself, the discovery, helping others, finding weaknesses of the boss, finding new shortcuts to get to her, and having it all documented, discussed because any shred of information discovered becomes invaluable in attaining the goal.
The game is FILLED with things like this but I've gone on long enough already, with more secret bosses, unassuming caves containing game changing items, weapons you need to go through confusing mazes to find, From Software don't beg you to engage with their content. They just give everyone a world and relies on every human's unique perspective and desire to help to find out everything for them. You're never going to be missing out when you start, you're just finally joining in.
anyways this was really long, i will make it a youtube video soon. until then, developers, keep it real. I did find GOW fun but Elden Ring will always be something else.
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dreadnoughtus · 10 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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boy-above · 6 months
tagged by @vespertin-y to share three random facts abt myself sooo
1.) i have a big phobia of lakes or just dirty water in general, and submechanophobia, i can't stand looking at like cars submerged in water. i don't seem to have the same fear of the ocean, for example i would never swim in a lake and i'd probs have a panic attack if i fell in one, but i went to the beach for the first time in my life a couple years ago and i got in the ocean just fine. i didn't go very far out bc i was afraid i'd get pulled in, im very small you see and i can't really swim, but i enjoyed it and my friend got seaweed for me to touch ajdjf. despite not being afraid of seawater i do Not like boats and wouldn't get on one on the sea or in a lake. i'd probs feel Better about being on a boat in the sea but the feeling of being in a boat in general feels Wrong to me, like my primal monkey brain is like "humans shouldn't be able to float above water like this".
2.) i have very repetitive stress dreams every night of my life, i don't think i've ever had a Good dream before and im not joking. usually the mundane stuff like being back in high school and not knowing where my classes are or my locker combination etc (which is wild bc that's never something i actually needed to worry about in high school, like i never once forgot things like that). also losing my phone or having it stolen seems to be a theme lately as well. HOWEVER when a dream isn't mundane, i manage to have REALLY weird dreams. the first nightmare i ever remember having was when i was like three years old and i dreamed a tree was chasing me. like a legit tree. i never saw it walk, it would just move when i wasn't looking and would be closer when i looked back. i ran home and still have the vivid memory of slamming my front door and looking behind me to the window where the tree was "looking" inside at me. it didn't have eyes or anything im just assuming it must have been looking at me lmao. anyway i was Terrified of this tree but hindsight that's literally so funny. a tree. also had a dream where my trash bag climbed into bed with me. and one where it was "emu hunting season" in my neighborhood and everyone was hunting emus. i probs don't have to clarify that there aren't emus anywhere near my midwestern city.
2.5.) interesting combination of the first two facts, which is why this is a bonus fact™️. i realized a recurring aspect of my dreams is something highly specific to me and not normal. i didn't realize this from conversations with people or anything i just suddenly was like "oh that's actually very weird and specific to my particular phobias". the aspect in question being that in multiple dreams over several years there's been partially submerged roller coasters in my dreams. like the roller coaster is like 1/4 submerged in a dirty lake and i either just see it and am like "eugh" or i'm actually forced to ride it and have to deal with the horror of both the anticipation of the dirty water part plus the actual contact with the dirty water. i'm not afraid of roller coasters or anything i guess my brain just found a way to tap into my submechanophobia. very weird brain thing that sounds very stupid and it is ajdjr
3.) on a lighter note, i have five genshin impact accounts, although i don't use two of them anymore. i have my main account, an anemo only account, and a new gimmick account that is a secret. my other accounts were just a replay account to experience exploration again, and one that i was gonna call carrot run where i only used xingqiu. i might still end up playing on that one again eventually given that i have xingxiu and sac sword on that account already in very early game with was lucky 4 me.
this was longer than i thought it would be i just decided i like talking about myself apparently LMAO
i don't rly have anyone to tag bc i'm afraid of bothering ppl so AJDHDHFH will leave off the post here
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manofmanymons · 8 months
You got any ships that'd have people side eying you?
Uuuuuuh out of any fandom ever? Short answer: yes.
Long answer: it's a little complicated what I would define as a ship for me bc when it comes to ships I actively ship and actually think should kith I have incredibly few. But when it comes to ships where someone else will be like "these two are cute together" and I'll go "yeah I see it" and maybe rt/rb a post about them it's like...almost any ship. Y'all have watched me write hcs for almost every mix and match combination of almost every character in Survive even though I have like,,,two ships from that game. And also what some people consider side eye worthy is different from what I do.
Like,,,for example, I know I've said it before, but I don't think human x digimon ships are inherently weird. I think it varies on a partner-to-partner basis. I've seen a lot of people in gg fandom ship Ruli and Angoramon or Kiyo and Jellymon and...yeah I think that's fine. But no one ships Hiro and Gammamon because that would be weird. And I don't think I really have to explain what the difference there is. But I know for some people it's just a hard no across the board lmao.
Probably the only ship I actively ship rn that people think is weird is, for reasons I will never understand, ThomAya. For those of you not in Genshin fandom they're just a classic cute longtime best friends to lovers ship that some people unironically think is incest because Ayaka told one person one time that Thoma is kind of like a second brother to her. These same people will turn around and ship him with her actual brother tho which...what? Like if you actually think they're related or whatever how would that not, in your eyes, also make him related to her brother I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU PEOPLE. I digress.
OH OH OH NOT TO KEEP GENSHINNING BUT FUN FACT I totally got canceled on twitter for shipping kaether back when it was implied but not explicitly confirmed yet that Aether's an adult so the "Traveler is literally minor-coded" crowd came for my ass. I tragically got blocked by one of my only mutuals who liked Digimon back then over that shit lakfdjak. Like sorry for assuming a character who had "seen the birth and death of stars" but is kinda short was at least 18. I was right though.
I know a lot of my KH ships are side eye worthy because they'll be between characters who have literally never met (i.e. most mix and match combos of the characters who are Nobodies of or replicas of or the embodiment of darkness extracted from the other major characters). Some of them are between characters who, despite literally having entire arcs dedicated to establishing that they are NOT the same person, people will still point at and call self-cest. (i.e. shipping Roxas with Sora or Xion). So again I genuinely don't think they're weird, but I know other people do.
I've seen people say it's weird to ship Pao-Lin and Lara in Tiger & Bunny because of their "age difference." They are 16 and 14. Sue me.
Here's a special segment for things I shipped in middle and high school that no one thought was weird back then but would DEFINITELY get a side eye in 2024.
I was a sebaciel shippper when I was like,,,12. Would I still ship it today? Probably no. But hey it was 2013 and I'm pretty sure the show WANTED you to ship them.
Almost any hetalia ship. I am not even joking, almost every character in that entire show was related somehow or another. It was like 2015. I was not immune to smashing pretty characters together and shouting "now kiss." I also was not doing deep dives into whether or not the immortal personifications of countries were technically related or had age gaps, I'm sorry.
Totally shipped Yoichi and Gekkouin from OnS. I mean my main ship was kimiyoi but multishippping is real. To be honest it was just a classic case of being a teenager and shipping the character I related to with the character I thought was hot. It was not any deeper than that.
TLDR: if any of y'all do now or ever have shipped anything weird, I'm not gonna judge you for it. I literally do not have the right to.
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msviolacea · 5 months
Okay! Random thoughts and observations about Star Rail 2.2! Spoilers, obviously!
tl;dr - not as coherent as 2.1 was, story-wise, but SO MUCH LORE. SO MUCH. But honestly most of the below is random nonsense and shitposting.
I didn't think Xipe was the kind of god to go Catholic, but apparently they have confession? Huh.
Bravo to Hoyo writers for pulling off the "it was all a dream" gambit in a way that actually works.
I was willing to possibly buy that we were just getting a slightly disappointing easy-out right up until a) the IPC went "nah, we don't want the planet anymore" and b) Ratio and Screwllum were vaguely happy to work together. At that point, it was like "ahhhh, we're in a DREAM dream y'all."
Poor Sunday, radicalized by being an overly protective older sibling. Relatable, tbh. You know, except for the making yourself a giant supervillain mecha god. Though that's tempting some days, I won't lie.
On the other side of things, it did feel like a disappointing cop-out after spending SO MUCH TIME on his story in 2.1 to just be told "yeah, actually Aventurine just got rescued off-screen."
HOWEVER, kudos to Argenti for surfing into Penacony, immediately finding the forbidden dreamspace and rescuing an IPC ambassador, then rolling up to take 2nd place in an idol competition before fucking off to find more beauty or whatever. King shit. Bravo. Come back soon.
Speaking of the HSR husbando game, BOOTHILL. Who thinks pointing a gun in your face is a way to say hello and has a Plan C that's just "... guess we'll take hostages!" Stay forever, you insane space cowboy.
On a slightly related tangent, I loved the flashback exchange between Firefly and Blade, showing their relationship to each other as Stellaron Hunters. After all the Luofu nonsense, it's fun to see Blade as a weird older brother figure.
Another related tangent to the above: since I also watched some of the most recent Genshin patch on YT this week, shoutout to Daman Mills for having the "deep raspy voiced tragic murder hobo" to "ridiculous androgynous magician twink" range. [insert Patrick Stewart "Acting" gif here]
But back to Firefly, I think she had a nice showcase here, though I wish they'd given her more focus in the last bit instead of sorta-kinda-maybe-probably not killing her offscreen via a short Acheron speech. I assume she'll be back, given that she's dropping as a playable character next patch, but still. There was just a lot going on in this patch and not enough time to do everything they really needed to do.
However, they COULD have cut the idol competition, because that added absolutely nothing to the plot and only really existed because someone clearly went "huh, how do we fit more puzzles and trash fights here?"
We also needed more Robin. She was awesome, don't get me wrong, but again, I would have given up the stupid idol competition in favor of maybe getting more time to play her and not just Sparkle-as-Robin running around giving people ... doomsday buttons?
Speaking of which .. wtf? Like, those went NOWHERE. Maybe they're for later payoff, but given that she was explicitly telling people to use them during the concert ... it was weird.
Dan Heng: Listen my past life just cold clocked me over the head, I need time to process and not deal for a while, Imma stay out of Dream Disneyland and chill. Also Dan Heng: so, my friends are in trouble AGAIN, not like this isn't a "must be Tuesday" occurrence for the Astral Express crew, but my first instinct is to use this very important button to call the saner of my previous life's ex-boyfriends to bring an army to help.
Like, I'm CERTAINLY not complaining about the Jing Yuan cameo, even just as a dream, but that was a very quick response, Dan Heng. I see you. (PS: as long as we're giving VA shoutouts in this post, shoutout to Alejandro Saab for Jing Yuan's everything.)
Little detail I didn't catch myself, but saw someone online point out today - Welt gave the IPC the ammunition they need to take out the Dream Master. Early in the patch, he points out that the poker chip Aventurine gave us is actually a transmitter and recorder, and takes it with him to meet with Robin and Sunday and the Dream Master. At the very end, we see Aventurine playing with the chip, and Jade mentions that they obtained a recording "from your Trailblaze friend" that would help them on Penacony/with the Dream Master. So shoutout to Welt for ... well, deciding that space capitalism is preferable to crazy assholes who are trying to use innocent people to revive a god? I guess he's seen plenty of nonsense in his time, tbh, so I'm going to trust his judgement.
Speaking of Welt, Acheron's name drop was not the only Honkai Impact 3rd direct reference. It was an interesting touch for them to include Welt's "real"/original name in the credits sequences. Don't know if it's anything more than just an easter egg for HI3 folks, but still. Interesting.
Harmony Trailblazer is actually pretty strong. I'm definitely going to build mine.
All in all, I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the last patch, but it's the difference between like a 9.5/10 and an 8/10. Coherent self-contained stories mean a lot to me, but the lore and character stuff that was in this patch was A+, and I'm still digesting half of it.
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blank-and-ocs · 6 months
𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝖎𝖓𝖋𝖔 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖜𝖍𝖔 𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖙𝖔 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖒𝖊✍ R.C: you mean us? . *those who wish to interact with us 1: no NSFW stuff here please 2: feel free to interact with oc's however you want in whatever tone you want however each one of them have certain ways to react to certain things 3: most of my oc's aren't from random fandoms however some of them are 4: please don't be a creep when interacting 5:feel free to ask just about anything in the ask box however if you're an anon who wants to ask things frequently please name your anon so i can remember so i can call you something (eg.bunny anon, flower anon) 6: on another note, i'm not okay with any racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any of these sorts of things and should you support these and interact with me, i will block you 7: i genuinely have no idea what i'm doing so please bare with me for a while and don't make rude comments
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Quick little intro here, i'l be going by the name of Blank, and i am the creator of these ocs aswell as this account and while you can rp with me as you would with my ocs i don't really rp as myself so keep in mind that i won't be popping up as much. i'll just be ramshackle's weird 'vice house warden' who can never be found when needed As you could probably tell by rule 3 i'm in multiple fandoms some of those being Genshin, Twisted Wonderland, Demon Slayer, Apothecary Diaries, HxH and few others, however i've only put ocs in a few fandoms (eg. Twisted Wonderland and Demon Slayer) a list of ocs so far has already been added so feel free to read through that and ask the questions you want feel free to dm me or tag me, i don't bite R.C: we might tho Dest: what she said Ryuco: no biting R.C: awww :( oc's will text similarly as shown above, with their names labled and with a specific colour that matches the fandom (blue: don't belong to a fandom. green: Twisted Wonderland. orange: HxH, Purple: canon characters) (also when i say dragonborn i don't mean them actual canonical dragonborn. in this au, it's similar to dragon fae however dragonborn have more draconic features in their 'human' form and they prefer to be in their dragon form. they also have better control over certain elements and magic according to their species as well as slightly more draconic behaviors and instincts)
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𝑶𝒄𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒓:
𝚁.𝙲 Name: ℝ𝕒𝕚 ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠 R.C Nicknames: trash panda, racoon Gender: female Species: racoon beastwoman Grade/Class: first year, B-07 Birthday: June 6 Age: 17 Height: 171 cm Dominant hand: right Homeland: ҉A҉҉z҉҉u҉҉r҉҉e҉ ҉E҉҉m҉҉p҉҉i҉҉r҉҉e҉ not of this world Club: mountain lovers club Best Subject: animal languages Hobbies: collecting shiny things, watching and caring for racoons Pet Peeves: boredom/being bored Least Favorite Food: none(?) Likes: racoons, pranks, games Dislikes: long high pitched noises Talent: making jewelry from random things
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R.C is a mischievous person who's definitely on the extroverted side trying to get to know those who catch her interest as best as she can. She's a bit of a chaotic person and while those who see her at first don't think she'd be one to get serious, she can and she will when she needs to. How she actually got into school is a mystery since she seemed to have appeared out of nowhere (it caused quite a few rumors that R.C enjoyed hearing for the drama) but she did and now stays at the Ramshackle Dormitory with Yuu(my au) and his friends. She's easy going and doesn't like too much trouble, always with a grinning look on her face that says 'i'm here for the chaos'. Other than that she loves to spend time with her familiar Gremlin, a racoon with a red bandana and very good understanding of human speech. R.C: Ryuco can't find Dest, Yuu(my au) is dealing with the braincell squad and i'm free to play pra- *get lightly hit by Gremlin* Hey! i thought you were on my side!
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Dest Name: Dest Cloverfield Gender: female Species: Luck dragon-born Grade/Class: first year, A-09, part time teachers assistant Birthday: May 15 Age: 16 by human calculations Height: 163 cm Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Club: none Best Subject: art Hobbies: sleeping, hoarding collecting, drawing, playing around Pet Peeves: loud high pitched noises Least Favorite Food: eggs Likes: clovers, soft things, marshmallows Dislikes: hunters, poachers, dust Talent: acting, playing the kalimba
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Despite some seeing her as lazy, Dest is actually very active around certain people she likes. Dest has been best friends with Yuu(my au) and Ryuco since she was little and they've been stuck together by the hip since (Ryuco and Dest had a breakdown when they couldn't find Yuu(my au) when he first came to Twisted Wonderland). She keeps some of her draconic features (eg. scales in certain places, slit pupils, fangs) out instead of hiding them however many mistake her as some sort of dog beastwoman due too the floppy dog like ears and the fluff ended furry tail. Dest is a cinnamon roll who loves being in her full dragon form in her freetime, often going on for a fly around campus or just to sleep more comfortably in the Ramshackle attic (which she had claimed as her 'room'). She has a slightly playful way of going about things like a nervous kitten and feels more at ease around other draconic people be it fae, or dragonborn. Despite looking like a fully capable teenager, Dest is actually still considered a hatchling just barely at fletching stage (meaning she's a child in the eyes of other dragonborn and maybe fae) leading to Ryuco being extremely overprotective when she's out of Ramshackle. Dest: Ugh, we have class already? guess i gotta go hide from Yuu(my au) and Ryuco again...
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Ryuco Name: Ryuco Nox Gender: male Species: storm dragonborn Grade/class: second year, E-011 Birthday: November 3 Age: 17-19 by human calculations Height: 195 cm Dominant Hand: right Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Club: none Best Subject: PE Hobbies: flying, racing Pet Peeves: leaving cabinets or doors open Least Favorite Food: nothing (for now) Likes: meerkats, cloud gazing Dislikes: very large crowds, loosing sight of Dest Talent: making realistic owl noises, finding Dest
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Ryuco is a gentle giant putting on a tough act when in reality he's a big softie around those he cares for. He acts serious quite alot however he tries to be more relaxed and open around those he trusts. He's also basically the other babysitter of the ramshackle dorm students alongside Yuu(my au) and spends the majority of his free time making sure that everyone is behaving and doing well. He doesn't like the idea of leaving Dest alone due to her still being rather young but entrusts her to Yuu(my au) when he has to leave. Similarly to Dest he also prefers to have his draconic features (straight white horns, scaly wing tipped tail, slit pupils) out however having two pairs of wings can cause problems in small spaces. He likes to use his tail to wack students on the head when they annoy him too much. Ryuco: So you wish to know more about the ramshackle students. Well, all i can say is you've come to the right place
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Shiloh Name: Shiloh loch Gender: male Species: kelpie Grade/class: second year, C-016 Birthday: April 17 Age: 18 (got held back a year) Height: 178 cm Dominant Hand: right Homeland: ҉E҉҉n҉҉g҉҉l҉҉a҉҉n҉҉d҉ not of this world Shaftlands Club: none Best Subject: P.E Hobbies: swimming, scaring students by pretending to be a normal horse, collecting things Pet Peeves: boredom, people assuming he eats humans Least Favorite Food: nothing (for now) Likes: shells, pictures of water, water, Dislikes: anything that would tie him down. chains, ropes, etc Talent: finding cool things out of nowhere
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Shiloh is a person who comes of to people as calm, quiet and well reserved when in reality he can actually get quite cocky and bold when people challenge him. he hates having things tying him down, schedules included, hence the reason he was held back a year. Shiloh, like the Ramshackle students is infact from a different world, more specifically, the world Yuu comes from. However he was transported to Twisted Wonderland earlier, three years having past by in Twisted Wonderland and only a few months having passed by in Yuu's world. He likes to say that he's not as bad as he used to be however he still acts like a possibly over confident colt when people challenge him. He has yet to find anyone who has won against him whether in human form or in his kelpie form. Shiloh has also not yet come across someone who has actually 'broken' him, only having attempts from a few Savannaclaw and Octavinelle students (they all failed).
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Shiloh: why do i have such sharp teeth? why do you ask? do they perhaps make you nervous? don't believe every myth that you read, alot of them are false.........you just have to figure out which ones
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ultraviolet-ink · 1 year
Hiii idk if it's still relevant BUT
for the choose violence ask game: 3, 10, 12 ! 😁
Hello!! I'm always down for asks, thanks for sending this one!! (o^▽^o) 3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr Oh god there's this one take I've seen a year or two ago that still makes me lose my mind lol! Basically it was a post talking about how no one understands the point of the joke "Dead Dove, Do Not Eat" and how it's not supposed to be "what's on the tin" but the absurdity of someone putting a dove in a fridge, and THAT was why it was a joke. Fam, do you not know the next line? "I don't know what I expected", dead dove note on a bag -> dead dove in the bag! That's the joke!! That's why we use it in fic to be an extra label (Aka, mind the tags, product may contain peanuts, etc.) tbh, funniest bad take I've seen in a while tho
10. worst part of fanon Found. Family. It went from one of my most favorite tropes ever, to the one that makes me roll my eye the hardest. People can be close without calling each other family, they're allowed to be friends (Like hell I'm calling one of my old professors my "dad" or "weird uncle", or "mom" or "vodka aunt" we're JUST friends). I also don't like how it all just defaults to a nuclear family set of roles, like there has to be two parents, some kids, and then everyone else is somehow a cousin. I've been getting into GOT/HOtD lately, and damn THOSE family lines are easier to follow than some of the shit that gets passed off as "FAMILY DO NOT SEPARATE OR WE WILL SEND DEATH THREATS!!" And to harp on that second point, it just brings so much wank! I have a friend who made a super SUPER niche DGS ship, and no one ever said these characters were family before they started posting about it-- but one of the characters is often headcanoned to be a lesbian (which, yeah, I'm basic, I also hc the same), so when this "rival" ship came about, it was suddenly "fOuNd FaMiLy". Mostly, I just roll my eyes now at this trope, which is sad because it can be so beautiful. Family really can be a bunch of people you find, and it doesn't need labels!! to summarize: Fuck the concept of the nuclear family, all the homies hate the concept of the nuclear family
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Seishirou Jigoku, he's big and dumb and beefy, pure babygirl <3 But in all seriousness, he is such a fascinating character to me! He really seems like the kind of person who could have done good things in his own little sector, totally inconsequential and mundane, but good. I think he shares a lot of the same characteristics as Genshin and Yujin, optimistic and a bit patriotic. I like to think that he was pretty close with Yujin, it was HIM that convinced the latter to go on the trip after the death of Ayame after all! I just love to think about him so much, how he is with those around them. When it's just him as the judge, he's calm and collected, serious and gets the job done. With Yujin (And I presume with Genshin as well), he's jovial, a little bit goofy and all around enjoyable to be around However, with Stronghart, he twists in on himself, and he leads himself to hell. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I think that really does describe his character so well! He wanted to change the court system in his home, to make it brilliant, but he had to eventually do the unthinkable that fateful night in the cemetery <//3 At the end of the day, he's a small and bitter man... See, he's so interesting!! Prompts here!
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Ok, let’s see here, how am I going to do this…oh, I got it!
Hey everyone, my name is Tánxiāng Rambelgard! My mom is half Liyuese and half Inazuman, and my dad is half Mondstater and half Snezhnayan! We live in a village in a sort of weird neutral zone between a few regions, partly because dad’s alcohol business may not have been the most, um, legal? Anyway, we’re nearer to Sumeru and I got to study at the Akademiya!
I study Pokemonology, similar to one of the other me’s in the rotomblr multiverse, so I am somewhat like what you guys would call a Professor. I still don’t really know what they are, but I just know they’re called Pokemon
Pokemon kinda just showed up out of nowhere and I figured that, if I could study them, I would either make a name for my family or create a new field of study, like how architecture and biology are fields of work and study. I managed to get it to be considered a crossway between about half of the six Darshans, but the way these creatures are basically caused a BIG fight between, um, almost all the sages. Biology/Amurta, Spantamad/Alchemy and Ley Lines, and Aetiology/Vahumana kinda didn’t know what to make of this new, well, thing. None of the sages did. Since I was “new blood”, passed an entry exam, and was just lucky enough to have kinda befriended one, I think it’s a Sylvee? I don’t know, I’m just going by the sounds they make. But all that kinda made the sages put me in charge of this with help from one student from each school/Darshan until this fully settles into one or two categories instead of being in this weird ambiguous mess.
Definitely feel out of place being the daughter of what’s basically a liquor-runner and a former teahouse tea-farmer in a group of people who had parents with some expectations of them getting higher education outside of trade work. Yes, my mom was a tea-farmer for a teahouse.
//OOC under the cut
So, her personality is that she’s extremely friendly, sometimes unnervingly so. She just grew up with watching her family go through a lot and so anyone she considers “safe”, basically meaning they’re not friends but she knows or perceives them as being accepting and possible sources of assistance in a time of need, or a friend or ally, she wants to at least help when she can, though it’s usually food related. She is very observant and her “singing ear”/left ear can pick up on one’s pulse just by being within normal conversation proximity, wanted there to be a backup explanation for why she knows what she does.
Her service cat is based on my very real service cat, just slightly more exaggerated for entertainment purposes.
Characters she has deemed “safe” or allies: Diluc, AlHaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari and all associated with him, and Candace. “Allies”: Amber, Jean, Zhongli, Cyno, and most of the anemo and geo vision holders in general, she just vibes with them. “Friends”: razor, lisa, kinda Kaeya, and Gaming. Everyone else she is friendly but uncertain about for one reason or another.
Suggestive is ok, no overtly nsfw, no underage ships just on principle, minirs dni suggestive content.
Ok, so this is set right after the vison hunt decree was made, and therefore AlHaitham is not the Grand Sage and is still the Scribe, Zhongli is still Morax, Fontaine is still in danger, BUT the Stormterror threat is gone.
I am working with a canon without The Traveler purely because the timeline is not the most well defined and I am just not dealing with that.
I won’t do a crossover rp unless initiated, otherwise it will be treated as a normal genshin rp.
No teams, but I will keep Sylph the sylveon, Kagehime the umbreon, and Joan the eevee as each consistent AU “team”. I used the Chinese word for Sandalwood because Sandalo is spanish for sandalwood and is part of the scientific name for the tree.
I will be referring to the different Pokemon by their cries in the anime because obviously people in Teyvat, just having the things show up, wouldn’t know what these are
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● Hello tumblr! I am (kinda) new here and i really want some people to talk to! So if you're interested, stick around!
♡About me
● My name is Twig, but you can also call me Lucy!
● Though i won't say my age, i will say that i am a minor, so keep this in mind!
● As my name says, i am brazillian, with my mother tongue being portuguese - but during the pandemic i learned english and spanish (but i kinda suck at spanish, any help welcome-)
● I'm pansexual and agender and go by all/mirror pronouns
● Okay this will be a long one- i am not gonna list everything bc i think i am a fandom colector at this point-
- Bands & Musical artists in general:
• AJR (i love them with all my heart)
• Lovejoy (literally my wallpaper)
• MARINA (my first fav artist-)
• Imagine Dragons (i kinda have to balance the weirdness of the others ig)
• Mother Mother (why do i relate to their songs so much? - 2018 me)
- Series, cartoons, animes, etc:
• FNAFHS (Oh, the memories [little me had such a crush on Fred istg])
• The Owl House (I'm the Luz Noceda from my friend group)
• Gravity Falls (how can you forget the thing that got you into creepypastas)
• Sailor Moon (whole childhood)
• B99 (thanks uncle)
• LEGO Monkie Kid (perfect)
• Saiki K (i just think is neat)
• Spy X Family (i love romcons)
• Any 1990s-2000s cartoon and anime tbh
- Books:
(I am a bookworm since birth, this was necessary)
• The Folk of Air (i got two editions of the cruel prince for some reason)
• Anything written by Holly Black (love her)
• Riordanverse in general (my siblings are mithology nerds, got it from them)
• The divine comedy by Dante (the first self-insert fanfiction of history)
• The school for good and evil (tbh kinda mixed feelings but i love Dot)
• Moomins (be gay do crime, the book series)
- Games:
• Deep Sea Prisioner (thanks online big sis for this trauma)
• Sonic (i fucking love sonic omg)
• Pokémon (i am obsessed with pkmn)
• Every single game the "weird kid" archetype is know for (yeah i was the weird kid)(still am)
• Cookie Run franchise (UNICORN CREAM MY BELOVED)
• Minecraft (thanks to this i am the person i am now)
• Genshin Impact (kinda)(just started playing)(i like kaeya)
● I just discovered that tags help alot so i may be using them-
- #twigtalksdsmp (i watch dsmp but got out of the fandom a long time ago, if you don't like dsmp please just block this tag-)(i will not tag lovejoy posts with this tag tho)
- #twigexplains (i know damn well i will be explaining random theories or facts so i might as well me a tag for it)
- #twighuehue (for when i speak portuguese)
- #twigocs (very self-explanatory)
♡ Finalization
● Well, that should be it. Will be adding more as i travel in this hell site. Thank you for you attention! <3
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Guess who's back
Back again?
🐉 Anon's back
Tell a friend!
Jokes aside, hello again!
I agree completely. I feel mihoyo realized that people might not have felt that strong of a connection to the Traveler (even though they're motives are the entire reason we do the stuff we do in the game) due to how little we actually hear them, how little they might come off as their own living, breathing person. And since they probably it was already too far into the game to rectify this error, they instead elected to have the Trailblazer be voiced more instead. And it really does so much for them, because they really feel like they're a character themself, instead of just another player-insert, it's also super refreshing with just how unhinged, how much of a the Trailblazer can be characterized as. Plus, I especially love the VA for Stelle, and my favorite line that she's delivered so far has got to be:
"Wow... the cringe is strong."
The palpable disgust in that delivery is beautiful.
March is legit so absolutely adorable, 100% would jump in front of the Disaster Beast's disaster-beam to protect her again. Would take photos with her, even though I'm honestly not much of a photographer myself. And again, I just find the sibling dynamic that the main trio have is just to die for. Then we add in certain characters calling Stelle big sister and just... AUGH. I think I may have become so attached, that I have trouble playing different teams. And considering how they'll simply reappear in the dialog sections, is that kinda weird? Eh...
Either way, they all have a special place in my heart, the fucking faces March makes when you choose the trolly dialogue options LMAO
And great! I'll get around to sharing some of them with you in the next day or too! Though be forewarned, there is angst, there is trauma. I swear the spirit of Hoyoverse must've come over me or something, because basically all the characters I've come up with have some sort of issue... does that prospect make you uncomfortable?
Also also, I was wondering if you're open to taking writing requests atm? Because I had a couple of potential ideas for some genshin stuff if you are!
hi lovely welcome back hehe <33
yes i agree!!!!! the trailblazer feels like... an actual character, you know? stelle has her own personality and thoughts and is an actual fleshed-out character. it's endearing. the trailblazer is just so so important to me, i love her sm <33 she feels so much more real than aether or lumine do. also, i personally feel far more connected to stelle's narrative. the traveler's objective is solely to find their sibling, but with stelle, the emphasis of her journey does not seem to be the destination but rather on the journey itself. and i love that. because the traveler's sibling literally DOES NOT want to see them and idk how they don't get tired chasing after someone who isn't interested in reconnecting. like. i don't like that standoffishness, you know? it's really annoying to me. how can lumine (in my case) be so cold and enigmatic towards her literal TWIN BROTHER?? just talk to your brother bro it is not that hard PLEASE i am tired of chasing after you AJSKAGKFHD
UGH SAME. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY STELLE IT IS MY TURN TO THROW MYSELF INTO POTENTIALLY FATAL DANGER IN MARCH'S DEFENSE!!!! i picked up photography last year as a hobby and i honestly love it sm. i would absolutely take photos with her. beloved. also hook calling stelle big sister and getting flustered about it is the cutest to me!!!!! that's my daughter and i will not let anyone hurt her. same i know i will need to change up my team comp eventually (it is the trailblazer, dan heng, march, & hook at the moment) to make combat easier but i love them sm?!?!?!? i do not want to abandon them?!?!?!?!?!
this is actually a bit funny to me! anyone who knows me--knows my ocs--knows very well that i think there is NEVER enough angst. there is always room for more trauma. so no, it does not at all make me uncomfortable!!!! do your worst in my inbox!!!!!
also yep! my reqs are always open, so feel free to send in any thoughts at any time <3 you can send as many as you want as often as you want to! just be sure to send all your reqs seperately.
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