#i may not be as active or funny as before as i get the hang of things again and find new quotes to shove down your throats
toastermin-it · 2 years
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what's up everyone? hello! it me :)
(unfortunately for you guys i am the same min, just a year or so older and way more tired.)
(i spelled put wrong in the tags i am so sorry guys it's "put" not "out")
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Line of Sight
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: You're almost certain that Jake Seresin could care less about you, that is, until you're in a tight spot and the one guy you assume will hang you out to dry, instead comes to your rescue.
Warnings: language, creepy club dudes, hangman being a little cold but actually he's just shyyyyyy
Notes: this is for @ussgallifrey who let me bang on about the feelings this man has given me <3 honestly this might turn into a mini-series because i havent even begun to resolve all my emotions about this whole vibe yet
Series Masterlist
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“Wait, is that Rooster?” you frown, trying to duck your head to see around the crowd of people at the club bar, your straw falling away from your lips as you do. “And Payback, and–” you cut yourself off, now certain of who and what you were seeing, and turn to look accusingly at your companions. Next to you, Phoenix follows your line of sight, but shrugs, seemingly unbothered about the impromptu appearance of the rest of Dagger Squad. Across from you, Halo winces guiltily, and lowers her brightly coloured cocktail away from her face.
“I may have mentioned our little soiree, and extended the invitation…” she admits, before hurriedly placing down her drink altogether and lifting her hands in a surrendering motion. “Look, in my defence, we’re all friends, and whatever you think about Hangman–”
“–It’s not what I think, Cal! It’s him who clearly doesn’t think much about me!” you stress, a little frustrated that your carefree girls night was now going to end up like all the other weekend nights you’ve had since befriending Dagger.
You loved Dagger, you really really did. They had welcomed you unofficially into the squad with open arms after Phoenix and Bob had adopted you one night at the Hard Deck. You’d been stood up, then dumped unceremoniously, and after crying off all your makeup in the bathroom, you’d been comforted by Nat, who had then introduced you to all her friends, all of whom seemed to dedicate the rest of their night to cheering you up. 
It was funny now to think that that was how this all started, but soon enough you were close with all of them. Well, almost all of them.
Hangman had been nice enough that first night, but after that it seemed as though he could care less about your presence at all. He wasn’t ever actively rude or mean to you, not at all, instead it was like you were just perpetually a stranger. Him snarking at you would be a step up, in your opinion. At least then you’d feel like he saw you as a friend, but as it stands now, his tight smiles and quiet chortles felt like a slap in the face compared to the mega-watt grins and regular peacockish behaviour he’d display with his other friends.
You hate yourself a little that it affects you so much. You know it shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. You liked Hangman. Although a little prideful and pricklish, you could see yourself getting along with him quite well, could exchange banter with him nicely, if he’d ever actually give you a chance. It certainly didn’t help that you weren’t immune to the way he looked, perfect in every single sense, smoulderingly hot even when he wasn’t trying. He was exactly your type, right down to a T, including, you suppose, the fact that he didn’t want you at all.
It had been bothering you more and more recently, and where once you would just shrug him off, now you realise, you’ve been actively avoiding hanging out with your friends, just to sidestep the kick in the guts that came every time he fixed you with a level, seemingly emotionless pity-smile. This week would mark one year since the night you’d been dumped and subsequently picked up again, and if you’d thought about it for longer than five seconds, you’d have agreed with Halo that you should have been celebrating with all your friends.
Phoenix easily waves down the boys, and soon enough your tall standing table is filled out with the rest of the team, and you let yourself relax for a moment as you accept several hugs, the longest of which is with Javy, who shakes you a little as he does, before he reaches for your drink and finishes it off in one.
“Happy one year, bay-bay!” he announces cheekily in the face of your protest, and you playfully swat him away. Coyote relents, but leans back just enough, with his mouth open, and you roll your eyes, before plucking the maraschino cherry from your now empty glass and placing it between his teeth.
The display is enough to make you laugh genuinely, and you watch with a far more relaxed and happy grin as Javy pushes back from the table, pointing at you, Phoenix and Halo.
“Another?” he asks, quickly gathering everyone’s orders and announcing the first round was on him as he disappears toward the bar. Unfortunately, that is when you realise his empty spot at the table is stepped into by someone else, and despite yourself, you can’t help but look.
If you hadn't known that he’d only just arrived, you might have fooled yourself into thinking Hangman been here all along, with how natural he looks leaning with one arm against the table, his eyes scanning the club behind you over your head as you take him in.
You refrain from cursing at just how good he looks in civvies. It was rare you’d see him in anything aside from either his flight suit or his tan uniform, and you’re fairly certain the only other time you had was at one of Dagger’s many beach parties, where he’d been barely dressed at all. Now though, Hangman is filling out a pair of dark wash jeans and a silk jade-green button down like nobody's business, his hair for once not slicked back and styled for work, and he has what you can only assume must be several days worth of stubble.
He looks goddamn good, and you almost vibrate all the way across the room because of it.
Bright green eyes suddenly lock on to yours, and you most hope he calls you out for staring, teases you relentlessly, but after a moment, he simply nods at you, and turns inward to the table.
“You look great,” he says simply, and after letting out a quiet sigh, you choose not to let this ruin your night.
“Thanks, so do you,” you reply, maybe a little sadder sounding than you intended. Hangman glances back over at you and your heart skips just a little when he lifts his chin at you.
“Same dress you were wearing the night that asshole dumped you, right?” His voice holds slightly more humorous inflection than usual and you hate yourself a little bit more for living for the crumbs he gives you.
“Yeah. figured it was thematic or whatever. Look at me now, and all that,” you wave a hand, and really try hard not to sound so glum this time, but you’re not sure it works. Hangman cocks his head, and you swear you see a playful glint spark in his eyes just as he opens his mouth, but unfortunately you never get to hear what he has to say, because Javy chooses that moment to reappear, placing down an armful of drinks and beers right between you.
With the reappearance of his friend, Hangman seems to go back to ignoring you, and you go back to pretending that it doesn’t bother you.
Five minutes ago you had been dancing wildly and laughing with Rooster and Phoenix, three drinks down and getting your giggle on. Now though, you’d managed to lose both your friends in the crowd, which had been okay at first, you weren’t exactly a wallflower and didn’t mind getting your flirt on with a stranger or two, but now, you were wishing hard that at any moment either Rooster or Phoenix might show back up again and save you.
While you weren’t a wallflower, you also weren’t anywhere near as cock-sure as Halo or Phoenix, you weren’t the type of girl who felt comfortable stamping on a creep’s foot and telling him to fuck off and that you weren’t interested.
Which is exactly what you wanted to do right now.
You were trying to be polite still, for some reason, but the drinks in your system prevent you from really reacting as necessary, even as you attempt to move the hands of the guy you're dancing with back to your hips and away from your ass.
“Hey, look, I’m going to get a drink!” you yell over the music, trying to extract yourself from this guy, but just as your luck would have it, he nods happily and makes to move with you, his hands still trying to feel you up.
You move anyway, hoping that at least you might be able to lose him in the crowd, but your new shadow seems determined to stick with you. You really don’t know at this point how to shake him, and as a last resort, you desperately begin scanning the edges of the crowd for any of your friends, so you can try and make eyes for them to bail you out.
Strangely, all your friends seem to have disappeared from the table you’d left them at, even Rooster and Phoenix are nowhere in sight, but you do catch sight of something familiar toward the bar. For once you don’t dread the sight of Hangman and his expressionless gaze, and for once, you attempt to maintain eye contact with him as he glances almost dismissively over at you.
Maybe it’s the look on your face that causes him to doubletake back at you when he briefly looks away, but whatever it is, you’re glad for it, because the next thing you know, the blond is frowning at you, his eyes flickering between you and your unwanted companion. You watch as he straightens up from leaning against the bar, his face filled with the kind of determination that you had only seen on him during the more heated rounds of pool at the Hard Deck.
You could almost let out a cry of joy when he pushes away from the bar and begins beelining towards you, seemingly making sure that he doesn’t lose sight of you even despite the throng of people that he has to weave in and out of. When he’s only a few metres away, his expression shifts from almost angry, into an easy cocky smile that he’s never directed toward you before. It nearly throws you off step, but even if it had, it wouldn’t have been an issue. In a few short strides, Hangman is in front of you, his arm smoothly slung around your shoulder and he uses it to tug you a few steps into his side, and away from your prior dance partner.
“There you are,” he says sweetly, actually sounding glad to see you for once. In your sheer relief at his rescue, you let your hand fall to his chest, your fingertips gliding over the soft silk of his shirt, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. You blink up, mouth open to utter a soft thank you, and get ready to excuse yourself from the other man’s company, but a tugging at your hand cuts you off.
“Uh, I thought we were getting a drink,” the other guy interrupts, looking accusingly between you and Hangman. The blond barely even looks at him, an insult you know well, before he’s focused back on you, and arm around your shoulder pulling you even closer into him, and forcing your dance partner to release you.
“I’ll take it from here,” Hangman says to him, though he’s gazing at you, doing a damn convincing job of seeming lovesick. “You thirsty, sweetheart?” he adds as he begins to turn you, lead you away from the scene, and you find yourself embarrassingly speechless, only able to nod at for once being on the receiving end of Hangman’s notorious charm.
“Whatever, just so you know man, she didn’t say she was taken,” you hear from behind you. 
“She shouldn’t have to.” Hangman doesn’t even stop moving as he turns his head to shoot back, though his voice is filled with more annoyance than you’ve ever heard from him before. You could almost trick yourself into thinking he was actually mad on your behalf.
“Fucking slut.” The words are just loud enough for the both of you to hear, and even though you tense up at the accusation, you expect the both of you to keep moving, at least until you’re away from this guy. That doesn’t happen though. Hangman does stop this time, though unlike before, you don’t see a trace of anger on his face. Instead, he takes a step back toward the other man, his arm dropping from your shoulders to wrap snugly around your waist. He smiles wide and full, completely infuriatingly, and you see him size up the creep, look him deliberately up and down before he tips his head and opens his mouth.
“And yet, she’s still not going to fuck you,” he stays smiling, wide and cheshire-like. You feel yourself drop into a pool of complete and utter enamour with him, as at last he pulls you away again, leaving your unwanted partner behind, mouthing dumbly at the killer of a takedown he’d just endured, now totally forgotten by the both of you.
You’re still recovering from the utter annihilation when you finally reach the bar, and at last Hangman lets his hold on you drop, and he comes to stand next to you at the bar. He’s still grinning, though it looks like it's to himself, but it widens ever so slightly when he glances down at you while motioning for the bartender. He orders himself another beer, and the same cocktail Javy had stolen from you earlier before you’re finally able to get your thoughts straight again.
“Thanks for that,” you say, nodding towards the dance floor. Hangman looks almost surprised for a few seconds before he shrugs and pays the waiting barman.
“S’nothing.” he waves you off, but fixes you again with a slight frown moments later. “Are you alright? You looked pretty upset when you were trying to shake him.”
You think this might be the most genuine emotion the man has ever shown you, and you’re too far gone to question why, for now you simply want to bask in it.
“I’m no good at telling guys to piss off. Mostly they get the hint, but sometimes… that’s why I always stick with Phoenix or Halo,” you explain a little bashfully. You know how confrontational Hangman can be, you’d seen it for yourself tonight, so you know he likely sees your lack of assertiveness as some kind of weakness. Maybe that was why he didn’t like you?
Hangman frowns again, deeply this time, and hands you your drink. For a while he doesn't say anything, but it makes you anxious the way he doesn’t stop staring at you even as he takes a good long drink of his beer. After a moment he relaxes somewhat and glances away. You’re hoping maybe he’ll drop it, or maybe some of your friends will come along and spare you whatever comes next, but he doesn’t, and they don’t.
Hangman points back toward the dance floor with his beer hand and fixes you with a hard, intent stare.
“You feel like that again, you come find me, alright? I’ll tell them where they can go,” the blond tells you firmly, making you blink and splutter, but he holds up his hand and waves you off before you can deny him.
“Halo doesn’t always come out with us, and Phoenix and Rooster are currently eating face, so,” he takes half a step toward you and leans lower into your space, almost making you stumble back. “Next time,” he slings his arm across your shoulder again and grins almost maniacally. “Let Hangman sort them out for you.”
For the first time you really feel like perhaps Hangman is warming up to you. No longer were you feeding off the crumbs of attention, now you see the man revel in your sputtering embarrassment, fully teasing you like you’d wish he would for the past year. You were in his sights now, and you feel your whole body trill with satisfaction.
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gok1bvri72 · 9 months
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×+×+×+ Random Death the Kid splurbs +×+×+×
/Reader's Gender/: Irrelevant, not mentioned
/SFW ofc/
Honestly just me simping for this boy, I simply adore him! He's just so funny>< My cringe, 2000s - 2010s mindset just eats up all the very angsty content that is just a beautiful snapshot of the era! I wish I could have just have been old enough to have experienced it myself T^T
Okay but seriously how did you land him, I want clear cut directions and instructions.
All the girls (and even some boys👁👁) are INCREDIBLY jealous of you. Kid's the cutest boy in the school!
/And/ he is Lord Death's son! Literally just about every girl is seething at you when you walk past them, biting on their shirt/dress collars all angry like.
If I had to guess, it was probably you who asked him out.
He may be absolutely gorgeous, stunning, and have a silver tongue but that doesn't exactly mean he knows how to use any of it....
What I'm saying is is guy is /awkward/ with a capital A.
Sweetheart with good intentions once you get to his core and can find a way to look past his obsession with folding toilet paper, but still awkward regardless.
So whether you boldly walked up to him and declared your love with a bouquet of roses and dramatic lighting and music or you were stumbling over your words, on the verge of crying and soiling your pants, and just giving up and running away- you were still the one to ask him out first.
Depending on how you asked I can see him responding in a plethora of ways but my favourite is dead ass looking you in the eye and saying "Even though I'm asymmetrical garbage?" while a singular tear just dramatically trails down his cheek.
Realistically he probably just said yes at first cuz he had nothing better to do. Or if you were the ladder option of the before, probably felt bad.
But the more time you guys hung out the more he found himself beginning to actually /like/ like you.
Maybe you were helping him snap back into focus during his episodes- or maybe you were trying to make him happy by dressing as symmetrically as you could and folding your toilet paper. (Even if it wasn't perfect, it's the sentiment that counted for him this time.)
At first, it just felt weird when you weren't around and he would find himself thinking about you in those situations. But then he started finding himself actively seeking you out when you weren't there.
He would be having a perfectly normal Sunday and then he would find a picture that reminded him of you in a magazine or maybe saw a shirt in the clothes store's window that he thought you would look cute in.
Then he would begin to wonder what you were doing at that moment. He would find himself missing your presence. And when he noticed this, he immediately denied it.
He just agreed to hang out cuz he felt bad/was bored, right? /Right?/
But it kept happening, more and more. It began to happen when he was on missions, he would get distracted and slip up. Okay, this wasn't working out. He needed to do something about this.
He asked you to partner with him on missions.
Let's assume you're a weapon in this scenario. (If you're a meister you just go with him with your own weapon.)
His excuse was "Well if Liz or Patty is out of commission, I can't fight. And since you're a set of perfectly symmetrical twin blades you would make for an excellent back up."
So you started going on missions with him, a lot.
But one time, Patty got sick. So just you and Kid went on the mission while Liz stayed home to take care of her.
This started happening more and more. (Not the Patty getting sick part, although she did probably get sick off of eating crayons regularly a few times.)
At this point, you were essentially going on as many solo missions with him that he had gone on and goes on with Liz and Patty.
But what really made him realise that he does actually like.... /like/ like you was when the two of you resonated souls.
It was weird, being able to hear each other's unfiltered thoughts.
He learned about a lot of weird things that go on inside your head after that- but that's besides the point.
Point being, with how easily the two of you resonated souls without having ever practised before was kind of the last nudge he needed before he decided to stop running from and denying his genuine feelings for you.
He didn't really change much after that, after all you don't exactly become a new person immediately after he acknowledged his feelings, but he did seem a lot happier once he came to terms with it; lot less tense at least.
He seemed a lot less hesitant when asking you out for a spot of tea and was /a lot/ less hesitant when touching you. Of course he still isn't /huge/ on PDA outside of hand holding, but he doesn't feel the need to slather his hands in hand sanitizer after holding yours and doesn't ask you where you've been before hugging you.
That and he doesn't do the awkward side hug anymore, he iniates actual hugs now. Not often, like I said he isn't much into PDA and probably- no, /definitely/ doesn't like his clothes wrinkled but.... maybe he doesn't mind so much when it's you.
After all, he /does/ love you.
And you fold the toilet paper for him.
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pretzel-box · 17 days
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Sebastian scowled deeply, his broad, muscular frame wedged uncomfortably into a plastic chair. A certain blue-haired menace had shoved him into it with no concern for his dignity—or the fact that his sensitive tail was now crammed awkwardly against the hard plastic. His back screamed in protest, and all Sebastian could think of was how much he wanted a brick—preferably two—to hit Sasha square in the face.
“Anyways, that’s why we’re here,” Sasha concluded her rambling monologue, sipping cold instant coffee as if it were the finest brew. She perched on her own plastic chair, clipboard on her lap, annoyingly comfortable. Why? Because she had a pillow. A pillow that Sebastian was now actively fantasizing about smothering her with.
“What?” Sebastian growled, trying to focus despite the torture device they called a chair. He hadn’t been listening, not really. The only thing he cared about was why in the world she had trapped him in this nightmare of cheap plastic. Maybe he could jot down her reason on her gravestone later.
Sasha shot him a smirk, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “God, Seb. Did the plastic chair squeeze your brain cells out of your bu—”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” he warned, his patience hanging by a thread.
As the two bickered, the scene around them was no less ridiculous. They were seated in what could only be described as a half-finished construction hall, with a makeshift stage in the middle. Lanterns hung haphazardly above it, casting a dim, uneven light, like a knock-off Broadway production. And across the stage, a banner hung proudly, the black letters sprawled in a tragically misspelled announcement:
**R O O M M A T C A S T I N G**
Roommat casting.
Sebastian squinted at the banner, incredulous. "Roommat... Casting?"
Before he could even digest the absurdity, you strolled onto the stage, taking in the scene with your unique creation, called OC. You glanced up at the banner, eyes widening slightly before you burst into laughter. “Roommat Casting, huh? So, what, we're auditioning to be someone's far cousin of a doormat?”
Sebastian groaned, sinking deeper into the torture chair. "If I survive this, Sasha's definitely getting a brick.”
“So, who are you?” Sasha asked, leaning forward with that signature smirk of hers, eyeing you curiously.
Sebastian was about to jump in and argue that this whole thing—interview, or whatever Sasha was pretending it was—was an absolute waste of time. In fact, he was mentally preparing himself to smash the plastic chair beneath him and storm out. The chair, after all, had it coming.
Around 3 hours passed, 15 cups of coffee, and a bunch of people that live here in the blackside.
“Are we done?” Sebastian groaned before Sasha stood up. Unlike him, she wasn’t stuck in a chair.
“Indeed. I found the perfect people.”
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And with that, welcome to the final announcement for the House of Entities.
I got plenty of submissions and would like to thank everyone for the support and the opportunity to try out such a funny community project!
Please, welcome our newfound blackside residents!
@pretzel-box with Sasha
@glowingsquiddragon with Tapu
@kairikibearist with René
@hampterfae with Cheshire
@fuyunoshimo with Amilia
@pompohills with Angela Meri
@immahuman with Violet
@frazilfraz with Roxy
@creator-of-creativious with Allo
@the-reader22 with Osiris
@iamactuallyacrow with Asterion
@nicksies1 with Nick
@seaxarchives with Casimir
@chamomilesweettea with Nautilea
@agonybell84 with Garpol
@hightoasterr with Cyrus
@splatting-stampede with Cordelia
@xyurishux with Yuri
@bombcake with Pearl
and finally @theroseofazrael with Hanako
[This author may or may not forgot to ask for some peoples tumblr tags. Will be added once I recieve the names. Sorry. If someone is missing, please text me.]
Credit for all ocs goes to the original creator, thank you all for participating and letting me use your ocs!
I can't guarantee 100% accuracy, but I hope you all will like seeing your creation in this project anyway.
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Across a Crowded Room Part 4
Just one more chapter after this and I've decided to release a chapter a week for a story and post a different story each day of the week except Wednesdays (it's too hard to post on that day because of WIP Wednesday, it's overwhelming).
In this one we have Wayne being wise, Eddie picking the perfect thing to cheer Steve up and just being cuties, and Robin figures out her housing problem.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie went back to his hotel and stewed about it for awhile. He knew Nancy was rough around the edges. That was what he loved most about her. She smart and funny and yeah, if Eddie had been straight and she hadn’t been with Jonathan he would have tried for a relationship with her.
But now, knowing what he did, all he could taste was bile. He knew he could call her up, bitch her out, never speak to her again. And even though Steve didn’t tell him he couldn’t flip out on her tonight, it was advice he was going to take anyway.
Plus, it may have only been 8pm here, it was nine where she was and he knew she went to bed early so she could be up at four to write.
He went out to a gas station to get a pack of cigarettes and some beer. It was going to be long night and he need to relax.
When he got back to the hotel, he stood out in front and lit a cigarette. He called the one person who could make sense of everything that happened tonight.
“Hey, kiddo,” Wayne greeted. “How goes things with your boy?”
Eddie let out a shuddering sigh. “Have you ever been so wrong about something that what you thought was a mole hill turned out to be the tip of an active volcano? Like you have this friend that had rough break up, but you got to be real good friends with the ex so you just kept telling the friend to get over it and move on. Only to find out she cheated on him and lied about it?”
“Oh Ed.”
Wayne had met Nancy and liked her well enough. She was smart and tenacious but she had this coldness to her that rubbed him the wrong way. But Eddie really liked her so he never said anything.
“Is Steve okay?” he asked.
He told Wayne everything that happened earlier.
“Steve is being a fucking saint about the whole thing,” Eddie barked bitterly. “And now I just want to call her and yell at her. Like how could she continue to hurt Steve that way? Because she had to know it was, right?”
Wayne hummed his agreement. “What are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to wait a couple of days to calm down before calling her,” Eddie said after taking a drag from his cigarette. “Might even wait until I get back to LA, because I don’t want her cloud hanging over Steve and me.”
“Sounds about right,” Wayne said. “I didn’t know she cheated on him, but always thought that how quickly she moved on was a little suspicious.”
Eddie frowned. “What do you mean?”
“They break up and two days later she’s with Jonathan?” Wayne said. “Come on, son, you don’t stop to wonder about that?”
Eddie ducked his head in shame. “She always said that it was a mutual understanding between her and Steve that since she was in love with Jonathan, she should be with him.”
The story had always been that Steve broke up with her and told her to be with Jonathan because she clearly loved him. But in light of her cheating on Steve, he doubted the conversation was as cut and dried as all that.
“I just feel like I’ve let Steve down after all these years because I never asked him what his side of the story was, you know?”
“I can understand that,” Wayne said. “But follow his lead on this. Don’t beat yourself up for something if he’s truly moved on, alright?”
“Yeah...” he breathed out and all the tension and worry just flowed out his body. “I think I’m just going to have a couple of beers and go to bed.”
“You take care now, ya hear?” Wayne said.
“You, too.”
Eddie hung up and finished his cigarette. He tossed the butt in the appropriate ashtray and went up to his room to crack a couple of beers. As he opened his door, he got a photo from Steve.
It was of him curled up on the sofa with a large blanket and a tub of ice cream. Eddie smiled down at the image. He pressed and held on the imaged and gave it a heart.
-Love you, baby. Take care yourself and we’ll meet up tomorrow.
-Love you too sunshine.
Eddie gulped down the hard lump that had formed in his throat. God did him love this man.
He got into his pjs and sat down on the bed, legs stretched out. He pulled out his phone to plug it in to charge, and looked at it a moment.
He wasn’t going to call Nancy. He had already made that decision. But there was one more person he could talk to.
Jonathan. Maybe he had some insights to all of this that the rest of them just didn’t.
After a good conversation with Jonathan, he hung up feeling a little better about the whole thing.
Then he settled down to read. He had this book that he had been trying to read for the last couple weeks, so he pulled it out to read it. There was a Netflix show about it that he moderately liked and wondered if the source material was any better.
He looked up at the clock on the wall with a frown. He hadn’t gotten too far into the book, but it was already after one.
Sighing, he put the book down and sent a message to Steve to tell him good night, like he had the night before.
Eddie wasn’t expecting a message back, but he got one anyway.
He shook his head and got under the covers, letting himself drift off.
Steve woke up early the next morning and stretched. He felt a billion times better from his quiet night in. He loved Robin and Eddie. They were his best friends for a reason. But they were loud and over the top. Hell, that was why Steve was so in love with Eddie. But he needed soft last night and he could get that better on his own.
Not that Eddie couldn’t be soft!
He didn’t want to suggest otherwise, but he needed the time to decide what he really wanted with Eddie. They had gone from friends that only talked on the phone and barely visited each other to a relationship and sex in zero to sixty.
And as crazy as it all was, Steve was even more invested in going all in with him.
Because he respected Steve’s wishes. Because he sincerely apologized. Because he felt like shit about it. They could have not believed him. Blown him off, telling him it was years ago. Him and Robin both.
But they didn’t.
He had barely turned on the coffee machine when his phone rang.
“Ello mellow,” he greeted absently.
“Steve!” Robin cried. “You’ll never guess what happened last night?”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah?”
“I was talking to Kendra and she has this cousin who’s moving out to New York next week to do ballet and while her parents bought the apartment outright want her to take a roommate to help with the utilities and shit. So we called her and talked. And now I have place to stay, stay and I don’t need to crash on Nancy’s couch. Hell, I don’t even have to tell her about what happened between you and her and I can just phase her out of my life. Isn’t that amazing?!”
She hadn’t even taken a breath throughout the whole speech.
Steve laughed. “That does sound amazing. What’s her name?”
“Chrissy Cunningham,” Robin said. “Steve, she’s like gorgeous and a ballerina and funny and I’m going to die but I’m going to die happy about it.”
“I’m happy for you, Robs,” he said. “You call Nancy yet?”
“No,” she replied grumpily. “I wanted to talk to my bestie first.”
Steve chuckled. “Bestie informed. Now go tell her of your changed plans.”
“Love you, dingus!” she said with a kissy noise. “Call you back soon!”
Steve stared at his phone for a moment or two in just sheer awe. Like if Eddie hadn’t gotten the record deal out here, none of this would have happened.
It probably would still turned out all right, but now things were going great.
He got his coffee and made him a bow of cereal. He was going to have to go grocery shopping. He was a little lower on things than he thought he was.
He had finished rinsing out his bowl when he got a call from Eddie.
“Morning, babe,” he said softly. Fondly.
“My glorious Stevie!” Eddie greeted back. “I have decided that because yesterday was shit, we are going to the zoo today.”
Steve blinked. He didn’t think he’d ever been to the zoo out here in Chicago. “Sounds like fun. Should we make a picnic out of it?”
“Yes!” Eddie cried. “That’s perfect. I get the drinks and sides and you bring the sandwiches?”
“Sounds good,” Steve said. “The best supermarket is on...” he listed the address and texted it to him. “Why don’t we meet there in an hour and do our shopping together.”
“See you then, Eds.”
“Bye, honey!”
Steve did the sniff test and decided he’d shower when he got home. He was about to smear sunscreen all over himself and figured it would be easier to get just one shower today.
He went to the cupboard and pulled out their sunscreen. Robin being the cute freckled thing that she was burned in sixty two degree weather in severe overcast wearing a large hat and covering up the rest of her so he had the good stuff.
He checked his balance and satisfied he had enough for the zoo and groceries, he went and got dressed, applying the sunscreen under his clothes for maximum effectiveness.
Steve grabbed his keys and wallet and locked up.
Eddie found the place easy enough. The problem was that he arrived twenty minutes before he said he would meet Steve. So he left early to make sure he could find the place and not leave Steve waiting, so sue him.
He was finishing his second cigarette when Steve pulled up next to him and hopped out.
“I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” Steve said with a smile.
Eddie pulled him in close. “Just a few years, but that’s okay. I’d wait forever if it meant I would get you in the end.”
“Sap!” Steve teased, but he threw his arms around Eddie’s neck and kissed him deeply. “You don’t have to wait anymore, sunshine. I’m in it for as long you want me.”
Eddie’s smile was bright. “Mmk.”
They walked into grocery store and got a cart. Steve pulled out his phone and got the stuff on his list. Then they got the stuff for their picnic.
“I’d make my potato salad if I had the time,” Steve lamented when Eddie threw in a tub of the store bought.
“You have a potato salad recipe?” Eddie cackled. “Is it yours or Claudia’s?”
Steve clutched his chest and placed the back of his hand on his forehead. “I’m wounded to think that I would steal Claudia Henderson’s potato salad recipe! She uses Miracle Whip, the heathen!”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “There is nothing wrong with Miracle Whip, babe.”
“I like to add my own seasoning and that stuff throws off the whole balance!” Steve protested.
Eddie kissed his cheek. “If you say so, Stevie.”
Steve blushed and they finished their shopping.
They went back to Steve’s so that they could put away his groceries and make the sandwiches.
They stood side by side as they made their sandwiches. Then they packed the cooler.
Steve bullied Eddie into putting on sunscreen by telling him that he need to strip for it.
Eddie was naked in no time at all and moaned the injustice of it all when Steve told him he already had some on.
They loaded everything into Eddie’s rental and sent off for the Chicago zoo.
Eddie was most excited to see the primate enclosure, while Steve wanted to see the wild cats. He couldn’t call them ‘big’ cats because the African Blackfoot was the size of house kitten. And that wasn’t included the manuls. Or Pallas’ cat. Grumpy faces, short little legs, and fluffy as hell.
Eddie pointed to one of the manul kittens. “That one looks like Dustin!” he cackled.
Steve laughed. “It really does!” He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture.
He sent it to Dustin with tag, “I didn’t know you were at the Zoo today!”
The response he got back was a single eye roll emoji.
“You know,” Eddie said looking over Steve’s shoulder, “I swear that butthead has gotten less fun over the years.”
“I know, right?”
They got to the aquatic part of the zoo and there was this little boy who couldn’t have been older than two or three just glued to the otter exhibit. He had both hands on the glass as the otters swam and splashed as if they were showing off for just this little boy.
“I think they have to be that cute at that age to avoid you murdering them when they go on a tear in their underwear smearing poo on the entire hallway,” Eddie said with a grin.
Steve laughed. “Let me guess there are pictures of baby Eddie doing exactly that?”
Eddie pursed his lips and rocked back on his heels. “I plead the fifth.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t burn them when you turned eighteen.”
They moved on to the elephants.
“I tried!” Eddie cried. “Wayne won’t tell me where they are. He says he wants to show them to my future partner so he can see if they pass the litmus test.”
Steve kissed his knuckles. “And what test is that?”
“Whether or not they’d except the crazy with the sane,” Eddie murmured.
Steve pulled him in close. “I prefer the crazy to the sane, baby. The crazy keeps me from getting too far into my head.” He kissed the tip of his nose. “Okay?”
Eddie gave him a quick hug. “It’s no fair, because Wayne already loves you, so I don’t get to watch him get all protective and shit.”
Steve gave a half shrug. “I think I got enough of the protective father figure when we first started being friends, Eds. I think he actually growled at me once.”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, my god, I forgot he did that.”
Steve just smiled as they took their time through the whole zoo, just holding hands and being with each other.
Finally it was time for lunch and Steve went to go get their cooler while Eddie found them a picnic table.
Part 5
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Drawing each other (CRPS 1/2)
I'm probably going to forget to break these posts up unless like- I dont write all the fandom parts at once so I'm sorry you guys have to see the same prompt but different groups of characters/fandoms over and over LMAO
Characters: slenderman, splendorman, masky, hoodie, ticci toby
Notes: reader is GN, admin tossed a coin on whether or not the reader is an artist or not
CWs: none
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neither of you are... good artists... but neither of you are about to judge one another for your skill levels
im... not even sure hes picked up a pencil before in his life, and that shows in his drawing of you
he keeps the art you make of him tucked away somewhere, where exactly... youre not actually sure, but you know he keeps them as youve caught him holding them before
you keep his drawings of you tucked away somewhere where they cant be damaged
... its not the best bonding activity, but its a nice little moment between the two of you that feels... normal
he love love loves watching you draw, so when you approached him with this idea hes over the moon! you want to draw him? and you want him to draw you as well? say no more!
hes not insanely skilled, but he doodles here and there! likes using bright colors, so expect his drawing of you to be vibrant! if you let him hes going to add extra stuff such as glitter and stickers! youre not sure where he gets them...
waits patiently for you to finish your drawing, he even does his best to sit as still as possible so you can get a better reference of him
even if its not your best work- in your opinion- hes going to treat it like its the greatest piece of art made by anyone ever
hangs it up on the fridge, and will constantly praise you
is it a little much? ...yes... but damn it hes going to let you know how much he loves it!
i like to think that proxies are the ones who create slenders pages, and... well they arent exactly pretty, a lot being just scribbles
doesnt find much enjoyment in drawing, but he may agree to do this with you
now you on the other hand, you like drawing... and its likely masky may pick up on some of the things you do when making it, even if you dont notice him hes somewhere watching you
his drawing of you has the scratchy look a lot of the pages have... but since hes given more time to work on it, it looks a lot nicer than some of the pages even if theres some flaws in the anatomy and all
quietly looks at the drawing youve made of him, he doesnt seem offended by your portray of him so at least you have that going for you!
gently places it on the table, but youre sure hes going to put it in his stash somewhere in the house to keep for later
not much of an artist, and neither are you
generally the interaction is pretty light hearted, even if there isnt much talking between the two of you
very proud of his drawing of you, even if it ends up being a mass of colors that only slightly resemble you- similar to masky, theres a lot of that scratchy black scribbling on his drawing of you
gives you a thumbs up when he receives your drawing of him, he doesnt say anything but thats to be expected from him
tucks it into the back pocket of his pants
he cant draw, but you can... it leads to a.. funny exchange
you put so much time into drawing him how you view him, even if its just a quick colored sketch, its going to look like mona lisa compared to what toby is about to show you
you both poke fun at the skill difference between the two of you, it quickly leads to the both of you needing to take minute in order to catch your breath
hes not interested in art, or improving his skills however hes going to jump at the idea of you offering to teach him some stuff
just to spend time with you, really! there isnt much spare time to do that given his being a proxy thing... likes any excuse to hang around
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mysteriawrites · 10 months
Ice Skating with Them
Ft. Luxiem
An: I’ve never ice skated before so these will probably be very short.
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Luca Kaneshiro:
As expected Luca will mainly try and goof around on the ice.
He’s a pretty athletic guy so I imagine he has a good sense of balance and control over his body. Therefore I don’t think skating will be that hard for him to learn if he doesn’t already know how.
If you know to skate then he’ll mainly just skate around you and try to do funny tricks to impress you.
If you don’t know how to skate he’ll teach you the best he can. He’ll be very gentle and patient, taking it slow so you don’t fear falling and having complete faith and confidence in you.
Once you get the hang of it he’ll be very proud of you and congratulate you but still will try and stay near you incase you fall.
Shu Yamino:
Despite not being one to touch grass much, Shu is one of those people that’s just good at everything so I think he’s also good at ice skating or at least decent at it.
If you don’t know how, he’ll skate in front of you holding both your hands and giving you words of affirmation and encouragement.
It’s kind of like when a parent or older sibling is teaching someone to ride a bike for the first time and yet he doesn’t make it feel condescending at all.
If you do know how to skate he’ll mainly watch you and ask you to show him some moves.
He’s mainly just here to chill cause you wanted to go and he’s down for doing anything you want to do.
Ike Eveland:
It’s actually canon that Ike knows how to skate. Not only is he Swedish, but he was also a pretty athletic person before arriving in this time period despite his nerdy aura.
He’ll be very excited to skate with you. For him it’s like sharing a part of his childhood and activities from his homeland with you.
If you don’t know how to skate he’ll be more than happy to teach you. Like Shu and Luca he’ll ne calm and patience and share words of encouragement, but I also feel like he’d be a bit more demonstrative and precise.
Demonstrating exactly how you have to move your body and positioning your in the best stance to not fall. Very hands on if you know what I mean ;).
If you know how to skate then he’ll be thrilled and it’ll turn into a romantic montage of you two skating and having fun on the ice before heading home and having hot coco in front of the fire.
Mysta Rias:
Does not know how to skate at all. He’s even slightly afraid to. He flails around like a clumsy foal.
If you don’t know how to skate then unless you two plan on clingy to each other for dear life the whole time or got dragged into going by a friend, then you probably wouldn’t go.
If you do know how to skate and managed to somehow convince him to come with you, then expect to have a screaming fox clingy to you the whole time.
You can try to teach him how to skate, but I don’t imagine it’d go very well…
Yeah you guys are probably better off just building a snow man or something.
Vox Akuma:
I feel like Vox would act like he knows how to skate to impress you, but when it actually comes down to having to skate he looks like a baby giraffe learning to stand for the first time.
He’ll have the idea in his mind of you guys romantically holding hands and skating gracefully across the ice, but instead he’s clinging to the wall for dear life.
If you don’t know how to skate, then that makes him feel a bit better and less embarrassed. Either he’ll suggest you two learn together and you’ll have a lot of fun laughing and falling over, or he’ll suggest y’all just go home and do something else.
If you do know how to skate however, he may be a bit pouty and embarrassed. He will let you teach him though so he can impress you and sweep you off your feet in the future.
Goofy demon man is trying his best.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Twenty One.
Kyojuro x gn reader
A/N: Today is my 21st birthday, since Kyojuro’s is only three days after mine, I figured I’d write this </3
Word count: 1.2k
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You’re humming softly, hanging the laundry on the line so it will dry as the sun rises. It’s peaceful, dew covering the grass as a symphony of frogs can be heard through the trees by the pond. Birds chirp softly as they wake, accompanying you in your solitude. Today is a special one, Kyojuro is turning twenty. You smile at the thought, you had some activities planned for the day to celebrate his completed teenage years and welcome him into early adulthood. You’d make breakfast together, spend the morning quietly just as he liked.
Then, in the afternoon you’d go on a walk to the pond less than a mile from your estate and have a small picnic. Finally, in the evening, you’d be meeting up with your fellow Hashira to really celebrate him. Kyojuro wasn’t aware of any of this, which made it even more special to you. It was hard to get anything by him, never mind surprise him. You clipped the last piece of laundry, yelping as warm arms wrapped around your midsection. “Kyojuro! You scared me!” You’re laughing now, feet leaving the ground as he twirls you. “Sorry, my love.” He’s laughing too.
“It’s alright, it doesn’t even matter.” He’s setting you down, allowing you to turn and face him. “What matters is this…” you're pushing upwards, kissing his lips tenderly before pulling away. “Happy birthday, my shining star.” You smile harder as his face blooms red, eyes diverting from yours with a wobbly smile. “What’s that look for?” You teased softly, hands cupping his warm cheeks. “I didn’t think anyone would remember.” He confesses softly, a look of hurt dawning on your face. “Didn’t think anyone would remember? It’s May 10th, the most important day.”
He’s turning redder, eyes shutting as he presses his forehead to yours. “I’m sorry.” It’s soft and meek, you have to wonder how many birthdays passed him by where nobody remembered. “Nothing to be sorry for, it’s your birthday so stop apologizing.” A real smile creeps up his face, eyes opening slowly to look down at you. “Thank you.” You kiss him again, hoping it gets your feelings across better than any words you could utter. “I have a whole day planned for you, Kyo. So why don’t we start with breakfast?” His smile was blinding . “We’ll make it together?” He was letting you go, taking your hand in his to pull you back towards the house.
“Of course! We’ll make whatever you want.”
The kitchen was a mess by the time you were done, flour covering your cheeks while strawberry jam covered his. You were laughing, sitting on the porch because the sun had yet to dry the dew off the grass, eating the breakfast you had made together. “This is why we don’t make breakfast together.” He’s laughing as he eats, watching you carefully as you try the food. “No, this is why you don’t make breakfast.” It’s lighthearted, funny even, and it means the world to him for some reason. He loves how unserious you can be, a beautiful change of pace from the life he knew after his mother passed. He could laugh with you, speak his mind and not worry.
“Touché.” His face was beginning to hurt from the smile that wouldn’t leave. You made his heart feel so impossibly full, as if it would burst at any moment. “So, I was thinking we could clean up, us and the kitchen I mean. And then we can pack a basket and head down to the pond. Maybe go see Senjuro too, or even invite him on the picnic?” You loved the way his eyes seemed to sparkle. “That sounds wonderful, I’ll send a crow to him in a little bit. I’m sure he’s still sleeping.” If Kyojuro could, he’d have already moved Senjuro in with the two of you by now. The boy didn’t want to leave their father alone, even if he deserved it. Kyojuro respected the decision of course. Despite everything, he still loved his father.
“You know, I was thinking of ways to make this day special for you. Especially since you’ve been granted some time off by Master. I’ve been struggling, but I hope the things I have planned for you are worthwhile.” You were pretty sure he’d love it, though you still harboured doubt. “You could never disappoint me. This is already more than enough.” Which was the honest truth. A simple happy birthday from you would have been enough to make his heart full. The fact that you were going the extra mile was enough to solidify his decision… he’d ask you to marry him. Perhaps even at the picnic today, with his little brother present.
He’d been holding on to the ring for a while now anyways.
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The ring on your finger sparkles in the early morning sun. A whole year has passed, once again May 10th has arrived. Kyojuro turns twenty one today. Similarly, it marks one year since he asked you to marry him. You began clipping the fresh laundry, humming softly as you worked. Unlike last year, Kyojuro wasn’t home. He’d been sent on a mission, apparently many people had gone missing while riding a particular train. Knowing Kyojuro, if all went well, he’d be home by this afternoon to celebrate this special day.
“I wonder if he’ll want to go on a picnic again…” you hadn’t planned this day out like you did last year. The surprise party with the other pillars had turned into an engagement party as well. You smiled thinking back on that night, you wanted to go back so bad. You’d never seen Kyojuro smile that much, eyes sparkling in wonder like a small child trying candy for the first time. But, since he was on a mission, you figured taking the day to relax and spend time with one another was for the best. You could always go out with friends some time later in the week.
You’re soaking in the quiet morning, surprised you don’t hear birds chirping or the frogs croaking down by the pond. Rather, it seems everything has gone still, only a slight breeze rustling the leaves of the trees around you. The morning dew wasn’t as prominent as it had been last year, though you didn’t mind your feet being dry. Humming still, you picked up your half empty basket and made your way around to the other side of the drying line. The gentle flapping of a crow had you stopping in your tracks. “Oh, he must be on his way back…” you smiled at the thought.
You watched the crow land on top of the drying line’s pole, waiting for Kyojuro’s message. But, the words the crow uttered had your laundry basket slipping from your grasp. The basket tipped as it hit the ground, damp laundry spilling into the grass as you fell to your knees. Violent sobs shook you to your very core, lungs threatening to collapse as all oxygen was pulled from you. The morning that had been so unusually silent was now filled with your blood curdling screams, tears spilling down your cheeks in rivets. Kyojuro had left the world the same day he had entered it.
Never quite making it to twenty one.
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fallow-hollow · 5 months
this is a bit of an obscure ask but could you do some hcs for crushing on holm? i like to imagine he's surprisingly charming despite being so quiet and laid back... preferably with a reader who's the total opposite of him (loud, feisty, etc.)
spirit of pining
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…ft! holm kranom x gn! reader
…tags! pining, fluff, confession, pre-relationship, relationship study, banter
…word count! 1152
…notes! i’m glad i can feed the holm fans on this fine day. writing for side characters truly is the activity of all time
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Unless you’re somehow extremely subtle about your feelings, Holm probably knows or at least has an inkling.
Even though he finds you pretty interesting himself, he doesn’t make much of a move immediately. He tends to prefer taking it easy and not rushing things, so he’d instead just focus on spending time with you, letting things develop gradually and finding out more about you.
If you’re in the same party as him, you can expect a lot of light conversation and banter to fill the time while exploring the dungeon. Everyone else has sort of picked up on how you two always walk next to each other, and it’s pretty much become common practice during your explorations.
“You’d think after this long, they’d learn…..”
This probably shouldn’t have been funny to you, considering that up ahead, Kabru was struggling to yank his leg free from the grasp of a man-eating plant. Nonetheless, laughter caught in your throat as you approached the scene with Holm by your side. This situation didn’t give off much urgency at all, but you thought it was best not to dawdle.
“Quit it, that’s not nice!” Attempting to pout at him only resulted in an awkward expression between laughing and frowning, which only seemed to amuse him further. “Let’s go, before the poor guy is hanging upside down.”
Holm was even relaxed enough to maintain his half-lidded smile and loose grip on his staff through all of this. “I suppose you’re right… otherwise Kuro will get thorns up his nose again.”
Holm is generally a pretty lax guy, but he does his best to assist you whenever possible. This goes for all of his teammates, of course, but it’s more enjoyable to spend time with you, so he has a slight bias.
Sometimes he’s even able to push through his tendency to freeze up if you’re in desperate need of assistance during a fight, it’s pretty sweet.
If you don’t know as much magic as he does, he’ll be happy to teach you! (Fun fact, gnome-style magic is generally recommended for tallmen to learn as opposed to elf-style magic because of its lower mana cost!) He also may help you commune with spirits as well, such as his undine!
Speaking of Marillier, I think it would be pretty funny if she took a liking to you because her guardian does, too. Perhaps the spirit even picks up on his feelings.
Your cheek was now soaking wet from the glob of water that was almost nudging itself against your face, but you couldn't find it in you to be upset, finding the behavior rather cute. In fact, it roused curiosity in you more than anything.
After a few moments of searching, your gaze landed on the undine’s guardian, who was currently observing you with equal parts endearment and surprise.
“It seems like she likes you a lot.” The corners of his mouth perked up ever so slightly, a subtle change that clued you into his mood. “That’s pretty rare — she’s usually shy around others. Maybe it’s because I let you feed her before?”
A playful grin washed over your face. “Or maybe she’s taking after you! You know, because I’m your favorite and all!”
The gnome knew very well you were just teasing, so he merely responded with a chuckle and an utterance of “Sure, let’s go with that.”
What he didn’t tell you is that spirits do tend to be very intuitive, and pick up on the emotions of those around them… but he’d rather not dwell on that possibility at the moment.
A lot of time is also spent with you and thinking about you outside of dungeon work, too, which sets you apart from the rest of his traveling companions.
I imagine he even takes the time to write to his sister about you, only for her to write back that Kabru had long since informed her of your whole mutual pining deal. The man would be absolutely mortified about it.
If you’re not the type to take initiative, he’ll definitely confess eventually, but if you’re a more hold type, he’d likely let you tell him about your feelings at your own pace. He may find it cute to see you be so earnest, but he isn’t motivated purely by self interest — Holm is actually a pretty empathetic guy, and just really doesn’t want to rush you. After all, he hates having lots of pressure put on him, so he’d do his best not to do the same to you.
It was during a stargazing session that you’d told him.
He enjoyed these evening outings with you, and observing the sky was a common activity that you’d partake in together. Sometimes, he’d talk about the practical use of constellations, or even the air spirits that played a vital part in weather patterns, but often, mutual silence was just as fulfilling.
The intense stare you’d been giving him for the last few minutes was hard not to notice, if he was being honest, but you seemed not to know that he was already aware of your gaze, so he let it be. If you had something to say to him, you’d say it when you were ready.
“Can I ask you something?”
Ah, there it was. Holm took his sweet time turning his head to look at you. It’s not like you were going anywhere, after all. At least, if his desire to stay with you was reciprocated.
“Mhm, what is it?” The way you fidgeted with your clothes left him nothing short of charmed. Your eagerness truly was something to be admired… and admired, and admired some more.
Under the canopy of stars, there was little light to be found, making it a bit hard to see your face clearly. The movements of your lips were clear enough, though. “Well, I was just wondering if we could try going out again sometime… in more of a date-ish setting?”
The clumsy phrasing didn’t stop him from smiling warmly at your words. He wasn’t surprised or startled at all, but he had visibly softened.
“Of course, I thought you’d never ask.”
Your silhouetted form jolted sharply at his response. “You— you knew I would…?”
“Well, I had an inkling.” Far more than an inkling, really, but he didn’t want to embarrass you that much, as amusing as it was. To soften the blow, he added, “Or maybe it was just my wishful thinking. I feel the same, after all.”
“So it’s a yes?”
Even in darkness, those eyes of yours were as bright as the stars. How could he deny anything you said, really.
“Mhm,” he nodded in response. “Though, let’s keep this to ourselves, alright? Knowing the others, Mickbell probably started a betting pool on when we’d start dating. And he’ll probably throw a fit when Kabru ends up inevitably winning, so let’s delay that a while.”
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joocomics · 5 months
Yo! How'd you know i love the moon?! Haha 🌙 anon fits perfectly, thank you 🫶🏻 I love reading your work, unknowingly you've piqued my interest in Xdinary Heroes too 😆 Love their latest music, will definitely be checking out more. You write beautifully for them too 👌
Anyway, I've come to contribute a thought to your Keeho writings (hopefully). I've been thinking about how Keeho is funny and all, sure, but he's also so introspective and well spoken. Very mature, maybe because he's the leader. So I was thinking of him in a sort of ... Calm Boyfriend x Golden Retriever Girlfriend dynamic. Admittedly I'm not the most girly or cutesy 🥹 So sometimes I daydream about Keeho with a S/O that's a little bit tomboyish, golden retriever-ish, but is also just as sensitive and thoughtful as he is. So much that it makes him look like the calm and quiet one between the two 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ Very self indulgent I must admit...
I would love to hear your thoughts 👀 be it soft and/or hard thoughts ☺️
Have a good weekend! I'm almost done with my readings for uni so you can 100% expect me to drop by more often soon.
- 🌙
i can see him in such relationship! since his field of work can be often overwhelming he would like to have a person in his life that would take his mind off of things and would allow him to tone down his personality in a way; someone who can be fun and playful around him, and not mind it if he’s enjoying their company in silence…
calm bf!keeho would let his golden retriever!gf take him anywhere, anytime… every time you share about a place you’re interested in going to, he plans it right away. doesn’t matter if it’s a restaurant, a trip or any other activity he always makes sure to make it happen because he loves how excited you get whenever you get the chance to explore new things and places. you bring him new experiences and he appreciates that.
during trips you often walk ahead of him with a wide smile on your face, pointing at different cool spots to see and he nods reminding you to watch where you’re going cause it’s crowded. if you’re in a different town or country you haven’t been before he frequently has to pull you towards him by your hoodie or by gripping your backpack when you get too excited cause he’s on edge you may slip away from him.
his friends absolutely love you. some of them may even tease him about how such an ordinary guy like him managed to impress such a fun girl like you. whenever you hang out together keeho always lets you tell all about your trips without feeling the need to join you. he has good skills when it comes to storytelling, but the way you get along so well with his friends makes him really happy, and he doesn’t mind when you’re in the spotlight. he actually really likes it, and has more fun listening to your enthusiasm ringing in the room.
calm bf!keeho with a golden retriever!gf results into lots of skinship… although none of you say it both of you are secretly suckers for the way you always end up touching each other no matter what you’re up to. you like the way his hand always finds yours as you’re out and about - he intertwines your fingers together and you swing your hands back and forth; he loves when you cling onto his arm in the elevator that always makes him pat you on the head; or when you follow him around, wrapping arms around his body from behind while he’s doing something.
༻ nsfw
make out sessions often have banter in the most passionate way which turns the foreplay into one long edging. personally, i see keeho as a switch, he prefers to go with the flow when it comes to sex, and this applies here too. sometimes he dominates, sometimes not so much, one thing that’s for sure is that he loves receiving body worship until he’s left in all kinds of marks.
in bed, i see him really enjoying it when you take your time teasing him. he doesn’t need to admit it cause it’s written all over his face, and the way his body succumbs under your touch says enough. biting, scratching, marking - he stays still with eyes shut in bliss, letting you use him like he’s your toy. your playfulness in addition to your confidence always turns him on, and seeing your lustful smile as you kneel in the middle of unzipping his pants is enough to get him leaking. he slides two fingers into your mouth and takes them out with a smirk after realising you’re already drooling for him. even if you didn’t have oral fixation before you will end up having one after dating him cause he loves having your mouth on him 24/7…
a/n: i’m happy to hear you like ur emoji AND xh! <3 they’re amazing and deserve all the love. tysm for the kind words omg 🫶🏼 i really hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts, it’s my first time writing this dynamic and i’m a bit nervous if it turned out well. i don’t mind talking about it more tho cause i can really see keeho with a s/o like this, it fits him a lot ~ and most importantly, we’re here to indulge in our own fantasies!!
hope you’re having a nice week <3
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jqmalikhsgib · 12 days
it’s been four month since you and aaron have been dating. the most amazing four months of your life. aaron has done nothing but love you and treat you like a princess. it’s been a total of ten months since you’ve been here in total.
you’ve enjoyed your time here. you didn’t know if you’d like it too much but you did. so much has come to you in virginia. you and spence became closer, you became friends with his team, you found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and you’re a mom to the most beautiful nine year old boy.
he’d just turned nine a few months back. you and aaron made sure he had everything he wanted for his birthday party. currently you were at one of his soccer games. you cheered as he scored a goal.
aaron turns and smiles at you. he gets back to coaching the team. he claps for his son before continuing to coach the team.
after the game was over you wait for jack as he runs over to you. “did you see, mom? i shot a goal!”
“i did, baby! so proud of you.” you ruffle his hair. aaron walks over to you.
“hi, honey.” he kissed you gently.
“hi! you noticed you have an audience?”
aaron eyebrows furrow. “hmm?”
“come on, aar! you’re an attractive man. these women are probably all over you every game.”
aaron simply shakes his head. “yeah but, you’re the only woman i see. the prettiest too.”
you blush before kissing him. he grabs your hand before the three of you walk towards the car. when you arrived home you told both your boys they needed to shower. aaron playfully rolls his eyes before he grabs jack and heads upstairs.
aaron made sure jack was showered first before he got ready for one himself.
“care to join me, honey?” he smirks as he wraps his arms around you. he was already shirtless. he smelled like sweat. you gagged.
“you stink! you need to be cleaned. no funny business until after you smell like my aaron again!”
aaron chuckles. “yes, dear.” he kisses the top of your head before he walks in your shared bathroom to shower.
you shake your head at your boyfriend before you walk into your sons room. you see jack playing with his toys. you smile before joining him.
“yeah, baby?”
“can we hang out with uncle spence tomorrow? he said he has this really cool action figure from star trek he just bought! i wanna see it.”
you laugh. count on your best friend to be a nerd.
“ill text him and ask if he’s free to come by.”
jack smiles and nods. “what’s for dinner?”
“i don’t know! im sure your father wouldn’t mind if we order a pizza. we’ve all had a pretty active day. we deserve to be a little lazy, yeah?”
jack nods his head. you hum before heading back to your room. you bite your bottom lip when you see aaron walk out of the shower. he had a towel loosely hanging below his waist.
“forgot my shampoo in my go bag. he states. you barely heard a word. you were too busy ogling him. he noticed with a smirk.
aaron walks over to you and kisses you with so much passion. it felt like he was taking the air right out of your lungs. it’s been a little while since you two had sex. over two weeks to be exact.
last week you had the worst period ever. you didn’t even want aaron touching your shoulders. this week you’d been so busy with your art and aaron had been on a case.
to say you both were sexually frustrated would be an understatement. you needed him more than anything. he knew it too. but he needed you just as bad.
“hmm?” he starts kissing right below your ear. “dinner. pizza.”
“can wait!” he growls.
“our son may feel otherwise.”
aaron groans before pulling away. you give him a sad smile. “im sorry, honey.”
“not your fault! jack comes first. but tonight, hmm?” he asked in a whisper.
“tonight!” you agree. aaron groans once more before heading back in the shower. you call the pizza place before waiting patiently. once the food arrives aaron was officially finished with his shower. the three of you sit down and enjoy dinner.
“dad, may we watch spiderman tonight?” jack asked as he takes a bite of his pizza.
aaron hums. “of course!”
“may we have popcorn?”
aaron looks at you for clarification. you simply nod your head. “yes, buddy.”
jack nods his head happily. he continues to eat his pizza. once everyone’s done you make the popcorn as aaron and jack head to the living room. once you finished you walk over to your boys and sit in between them.
you enjoy these times. the times you get to spend with aaron and jack. makes you feel like a proper family.
for the first twenty minutes you enjoy the movie before you hear a phone ring. normally when you hear a phone ringing it’s aarons. this time it’s yours. your pause the movie before looking at the caller id. it was your father calling. you sigh before answering the call.
“yes, dad?”
“is that a way to talk to your father when he’s just trying to check on you?”
“sorry. i was just enjoying a movie. hold on, dad.” you put your father on hold.
“you can continue the movie. ill be right back.” aaron nods as you head upstairs to your room.
“what’s going on, dad?”
“im just trying to see if you’re okay. you haven’t called us in a while. you at least called your mom and i every once a month. it’s been three months since we’ve heard from you. i would have called the police if i didn’t have spencer’s phone number.”
“im sorry. i just been busy.”
“i didn’t mean for it to sound like that. i just—things are going great, dad.” you state.
“yeah? you don’t need anything?”
“no dad. im alright!”
“i just—i miss you sweetheart. you don’t ever come home, you’re not calling anymore, you don’t even send a simply email. i just wished you’d talk to us more.” your father sighs. you felt guilty. but you knew you needed the space.
you couldn’t deal with the judgement comments and stares. you’ve never felt so free!
“im sorry, dad. im just—you know i love you, yeah?”
“i know, baby. i love you too. just call your old dad from time to time. im almost sixty.”
“and yet you won’t retire?” you smile.
“retire?! i don’t know what that word means! are you making things up again, baby?”
you simply laugh.
“when can we come visit?” your dad asked.
you bite the bottom of your lip nervously. “i don’t know, dad. i have major responsibilities now. im—”
you wanted so badly to update your father on your life. on your amazing boyfriend who loves you like no other. on the beautiful boy he had that now calls you mom. but you didn’t need him telling your mom who would scold you constantly.
“this new job is very important to me, dad.”
“what do you do?”
“im a nanny!”
“nanny? do you enjoy it?”
“yes! this kid that i watch is amazing. you’d like him dad. he reminds me so much of vick!”
“speaking of your brother, he’s having another baby! can you believe it?”
you simply laugh. your brother and his wife had a total of six kids as we speak. you weren’t shocked at all that he was having another. when you were growing up he’d always say he wanted a big family. you expected him to fulfill that promise.
you loved each of your nephews. he was also happy to have boys. growing up with two sisters made him want at least three boys.
“im not surprised, dad.”
“when can i expect grandkid from you, baby?”
your eyes widened. your dad loves being a grandfather. you knew the the moment your brother told you he was expecting his first child. the first grandchild. and when your sister got married and had children, he was over the moon!
he’s never really brought up you having kids. neither has your mother. you enjoyed they didn’t pester you with that. with your parents getting married at nineteen and having kids by twenty-one, your brother getting married by twenty-two and having kids a year later, and your sister having kids and married within the same year, you thought it would be another thing your parents would continue bothering you about. you were lucky enough not to bear that. in just a few weeks you’ll be twenty-nine years old. it was bound to be asked sooner or later.
you turned as you hear the door open. aaron walks in and wraps his arms around you. “everything okay?” he whispers.
you nod your head.
“who’s that?”
your eyes widened. for a man who can barely hear when a pen drops he sure did hear your boyfriends voice.
“dad, i gotta go.”
“baby, who is—”
you end the call frantically. aaron frowns. “honey?”
“it was my dad.”
“is he alright?”
you simply nod your head. “i just—they don’t know about us yet, aar. im not trying to hide you. i just,”
“don’t wanna hear anything negative? i get it, baby. i haven’t exactly told my mom about you either.”
to be fair aaron hasn’t talk to his mom in over ten years. he’d receive a postcard from her on holidays and birthdays but nothing else.
you knew aarons mom wasn’t exactly the greatest woman. she barely liked haley. aaron knew she’d feel indifferent about you.
“are we horrible for not telling them?” aaron wraps his arms around you. he shakes his head before kissing the top of yours.
“we’re both adults who have parents who still like to meddle and control our lives. we’re allowed to keep each other away from toxic family members.”
you both stand there in silence for a while. “i love you aar. no matter what, i will love you.” you look at him seriously. he caresses your cheek gently. “i love you too, honey. forever!”
you knew you made a promise to each other to finally relieve the sexual tension. but you were exhausted. you kept thinking about how you’d officially tell your parents about your life. you just wanted to sleep in your boyfriends arms.
aaron understood. he didn’t even have to ask. he simply lied you on the bed and tucked you in. he got behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. you fell asleep in each others arms.
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the next few weeks consist of aaron planning you a surprise party. spencer helped as well as jack. when your birthday arrived everyone was gathered at your house. aaron got spencer to take you out shopping. you enjoyed yourself with your best friend. when you arrived back home you unlocked the front door and turned on the lights.
hearing shouts you jumped a little startled. you see a few of your nanny friends and aarons team.
“surprise!” spencer cheers. you playfully hit his chest. “you hid this from me, loser!”
“hey! hotch was the one who planned it. hit him.”
aaron walks over to you and wraps his arms around you. “happy birthday, baby.” he pecks your lips.
“thank you!”
aaron hums. “just wanted you to have a good day.”
you knew what he meant by that. you’ve never really had great birthdays growing up. your mom would always forget and your dad, who remember most times, would be too caught up in a case to do anything for you. your siblings tried to make it special. buying you a cake and balloons to celebrate. after a while you just stopped celebrating. until you got a little older. you’d spend your birthday with spencer. your birthday was three days apart—spencer being before yours—you’d take each other out and buy each other gifts. spencer made your birthday mean something again! you never went a year without spending it with him.
your eyes begins to water. “thank you, aar. this is—this means so much.” he kisses you once more.
you enjoy the rest of the time with your friends and family. the whole time you felt great. you haven’t felt so much love in forever.
when you heard the doorbell ring you turn to aaron. he shrugs his shoulders before looking around. he knows everyone he’s contacted was here. now he was on alert.
he gets in front of you before looking in the peephole. he frowns as he opens the door. “may i help you?”
“yes, we’re looking for a yn yln?”
“honey, this can’t be the right place, can it?”
“yeah, dad. she’s probably in an apartment somewhere.”
“im telling you, chris tracked her down and this was her address.”
you recognize those voices anywhere. you gently move aaron out the way. you widened the door.
“mom? dad?”
your parents smile hugely. “happy birthday, baby!”
so much for having a peaceful day.
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peachhcs · 5 months
so high school au ★ “you know how to ball i know aristotle”
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→ emma grace x gabe perreault
or hockey player meets top of her class (inspired by taylor swift's song so high school)
→ moodboard + au masterlist
★ ☆ au background + timeline ★ ☆
gabe meets emma first semester of freshman year at boston college
he's taking a french class for fun even though he's fluent in french
him and emma end up next to one another for the class
at first, emma's not so sure about gabe since he acts kind of dumb in the class so the professor doesn't know he's fluent
that annoys her because she thinks it's stupid when people play dumb even though they're super smart
his athletic persona also throws her off a bit and she thinks he doesn't ever care at all because he's just forced to be in his classes to be able to play
they start talking after the first week of classes when gabe's actively doing another class's work
emma actively laughs out loud when she sees him trying to do economics
"something funny?"
she shakes her head and thus starts their mini whispering argument about economics
eventually that leads to gabe asking for her number to get help later on since emma claims she's so good at econ
after a few tutoring sessions emma realizes she might've been wrong about gabe all along
the two become close fairly quickly and he convinces her to come to one of his games that weekend
she starts learning a lot about hockey from gabe whenever he'd start rambling on about it during their tutoring sessions
finally after a month of tutoring gabe decides to ask her out on a date once the boys convince him she'd say yes
she agrees!
they go out to a fancy dinner where they're both pretty nervous it goes super well & gabe kisses her before dropping her off at her dorm
they start dating a week after!
→ emma grace:
emma grace cooper
she's a twin! her brother, tyler, also goes to bc and he swims
her and her brother are super close and always have been hence why they went to the same college together
her birthday is june 15th, 2005!
she's the top of her class & is always at the library trying to get her work done
4.0 slay
she's also fairly fluent in french so her and gabe enjoy talking back and forth in french around his friends so they don't know what they're taking about
enjoys swimming like her brother and sometimes does laps with him during free swim on the weekends
doesn't know a lot about hockey, but she enjoys learning more from gabe
starts falling in love with going to the games and starts showing up early to be at the front of the glass to see everything better
always has her nose in a book & rants to gabe about what happens in each of them
gabe quite literally towers over her since she isn't that tall, but she likes that he's taller than her
wears a lot of neutral/cool tone colors
a bit of an extroverted introvert so once you get to know her she becomes super talkative and can never shut up
talks gabe's ear off a lot when they're hanging out
makes gabe go to the library with her a lot and half the time he isn't even studying and just staring at her instead of
enjoys calling gabe dorky in an endearing way and he secretly loves it
→ gabe perreault:
younger brother to jacob, jeremy, and liliane perreault
he's fairly close with all of his siblings
mostly goes to lili when he needs relationship advice since he knows his brothers would just chirp at him
birthday is may 7th, 2005!
he's been playing hockey since he could walk since his dad is a famous professional ice hockey player & all of his siblings are hockey players as well
he's now a forward at boston college and was drafted 23rd overall by the new york rangers
he's best friends with his roommate, will smith
he's instantly attracted to emma when he first meets her and they sit together in class
he's actually super smart and only acts dumb sometimes because somehow he's got in his brain that athletes can't be smart at the same time
emma definitely changes that perspective for him
was super super nervous when he first asked her out
he's more of an introvert so him and emma balance well because they can both agree staying in is better than going out
loves listening to emma ramble on about what book she's currently reading and even starts reading them too!
when she goes to his game for the first time he almost combusts when he sees her in the sweatshirt he lent her for it
emma most definitely tries to give his style more variety so it isn't just sweats and sweatshirts all the time
the guys start chirping at him a lot when they find out he likes emma
can get a little possessive and jealous sometimes what emma says goes "walk him like a dog"
his siblings love her when they first meet emma
he enjoys calling emma "pretty girl" or "emmers" or "em"
→ quick author's note:
hii!! a little break in the 700 celly requests to introduce my newest au i've been saying for months i'd do!! i absolutely adore gabe and this au idea was actually sent in by anon in my inbox, so whoever you are thank you so much for the idea i love it!! i can't wait to develop their story more, so please send some requests in for emma and gabe too!!
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Unexpected 3
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The list of what you can do is shorter than those things barred from you. The doctor merely confirmed your deepest fears and sealed Lloyd’s sentence. A baby. A whole other life and you’re supposed to be responsible for it. You know for a fact he won’t be, at least, not beyond tossing money at the situation.
Your arm is tender from the implant removal. The procedure was emblematic of your state. The excision of part of yourself, the last remnant of your old self. You mourn the loss quietly, keeping your face blank as you pretend to read the literature shoveled into your hands by the nurse before your departure.
Lloyd is gleeful, he can’t hide his joy but you are not deluded. It’s not some wholesome delight at bringing a new life into the world, no, it’s celebrating the life he’s ruined. Yours. A child is the brand that marks your ownership.
As you enter his house, it feels bleak. The pristine white and gold aesthetic is dingy and beige to your eyes. The world is grimmer, constricted. Your leash is tight and cannot reach beyond these walls.
A sudden smack across your ass jolts you from your melancholic trance. Lloyd takes a pamphlet from the pile clutched in your hands and unfolds it. He gives it a once over and hands it back.
“I got a treadmill in the gym. You should hop on that every once in a while. Stuff says you need to stay active,” he shrugs, “wouldn’t mind a workout buddy.”
You squint at him. There it is. All those times Colin gently tried to goad you. ‘There’s a special at the gym’, ‘let’s make a new years resolution’,’ it wouldn’t be a bad idea to try something new’.
“Or… I could go for walks outside,” you suggest, “get some fresh air.”
“Don’t be fucking smart,” he warns, “I’m not being a fuckhead here, I’m trying to help. Do what’s best for the baby but don’t you dare lose that fucking ass. A brisk pace, no running.”
You sigh. This man has the audacity to dictate everything around him as if the world is built just for him. In his head, maybe it is. From the looks of it, he’s never been denied anything in his life. 
“So, you still don’t trust me?”
“Trust?” He clucks, “that’s a funny concept. But no. You wanna go for a walk, I’ll take you out for one like a good pet.”
You scowl and he smirks, reaching to tap the end of your nose. You wipe your face of all emotion and pull away, refocusing on the booklets in your hand.
“Decaf,” he declares, “and we should look into some vitamins. Doc says at your age–”
“I wish you hadn’t just welcomed yourself in, you know? It’s kind of… private.”
“Hey, I’m the father, I got every right to know what’s going on with my kid.”
“Mmm, sure, and what about when the kid shows up? How about diapers? Colic? Sticky hands?”
“That’s what nanny’s are for,” he wrinkles his nose, “ew, you’re– such a pessimist, baby face.”
And you're a dumbass, you keep the retort to yourself and shake your head at the next page. No coffee, no hot baths, no sushi… Sounds like a wonderful nine months.
“One thing at a time,” he nears and grasps the clutter in your hands. A brief tug-of-war as you clamp down but relent, letting him take it before it scattered, “we still got a wedding to plan.”
“Plan? I thought Vegas was easy–”
“Dresses,” he insists as he places the papers in the console table drawer, “get your coat off. We’re gonna do a little fashion show.”
“Oh, fuck off. Just gimme the one with the most last,” you huff as you unbutton your coat.
“I think we should weigh our options, baby,” he opens the closet and hangs his jacket, “so you’re gonna strut and do a pretty little spin. If your ass don’t look good, we know it’s not the one.”
“You are so romantic,” you say dryly as you add your coat to the row along the rod.
“Oh, I’m thinking the whole nine yard. Veil, flowers, something blue, something inside you–”
“Right, let’s just get this over with before I vomit,” you interrupt him.
“Ah, little baby Hansen already causing trouble.”
“No, you. You make me sick.”
He snickers and grabs your arm. He pulls you to him, his other arm looping around you. He leans in and you try to turn your face away. He catches your chin and holds you in place as he plants a sloppy kiss on your mouth.
“You think they’ll let me kiss you other lips at the altar,” he purrs as he parts, “climb up under your skirt–”
“Do you ever stop?”
“Not really,” he answers, another slap on your ass, “let’s go, peaches.”
He keeps an arm around you as he guides you away from the entryway and back to the front room where the rack of dresses waits. The golden bar has been righted and the garment bags rehung. Lloyd lets you go and strides ahead of you, pushing apart the wire hangers with a hum.
“Oh, this one is my front runner,” he turns to you and holds out a white bag, “this one first.”
You glare at him and slowly approach, taking it with hesitance.
“So, when exactly is this wedding supposed to happen because I probably won’t fit into these soon–”
“You sign?” He challenges.
You swallow and give an indecisive look to the ceiling.
“I told you I would–”
“Later,” he waves you off, “don’t spoil this.”
You barely keep from rolling your eyes. You? Spoil it? You look down at the hang and drag away the long garment bag.
“Change here,” he insists as he sits on the sofa, stretching his arms wide across the back, “behind that… whatever.”
He points to the fanned divider placed to the impractical aesthetic of whatever designer he paid to decorate. You sniff and near the wall, pulling it out to angle it around so you have some room behind it. You peek over at him as he feels his mustache and smirks at the room.
You dip behind the barrier and unzip the bag. The contents are worse than you could ever imagine. A white leather halter dress. Not your style, if you can claim to have any. You sigh and pull it out.
“What’s up, doll face?” Lloyd taunts from the other side.
“Nothing,” you lie, your tone betraying your agitation.
You undress and open the zipper as wide as it goes. You struggle to pull the tight leather sheath up your body and strain to do it up. You’re less impressed by the cut out over your cleavage and long split down the thigh. Worse, the way it stretches over your stomach makes you feel even more exposed.
“This isn’t it,” you drone, “I’m taking it off–”
“Get out here,” he speaks over you.
“Lloyd, I hate it–”
“That shit’s designer so you walk your ass out here and give me a look,” he intones, “now, sweetheart.”
You hold back another frustrated exhale and move slowly. The leather creaks loudly and you cringe. You come around the divider and march over to the sofa. You stop before him and cross your arms.
“It’s too small.”
“Fuck,” he leans forward and steeples his hands, brushing his fingers up under his chin, “you look fucking hot.”
“Your tits look huge. Like… humongous–” He makes a motion as if squeezing your chest.
You stare at him, unable to conceal your anger. Is he just saying he likes it because he knows you don’t or is he really that tacky?
“Turn,” he spins his finger in the air. You take a breath and obey. As you do, he growls and slaps his thigh. “Damn, that ass. I mean, you can’t see it but let me tell you, it looks magnificent. The kinda ass a man could dive right into.”
“Right, thanks,” you face him again with a sneer, “can I take this shit off?”
“You can hike up that skirt and give daddy a ride,” he sits back as he drags his hands up his pants and pulls his knees apart. The bulge beneath the white pants is all too obvious.
“This isn’t the dress, Lloyd. There are a dozen more–”
“I know it’s not, but you gotta fuck me in it at least once,” he picks at his fly.
You cringe and slowly bend to grab the skirt, pushing it back at the split as you get closer. He pulls his dick above his pants and strokes himself, reaching for your hip as he guides you into his lap. You get on your knees as you fight the leather around you and he rubs his tip against your entrance.
You sink down onto him and he trails his fingertips up your body. He covers your tits with his hands and squeezes, bucking below you as he groans.
“Fuck, baby, I don’t think I’m ready to share these,” he leans forward and buries his face in your cleavage, shaking his head with a lewd noise. He pulls back and tilts his head up to look at you, “I’m just fine with a formula baby.”
You push him against the couch and rock your hips. It’s the only way to shut him up. And you’ll gladly take a moment of peace before they’re gone for good.
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or0ch1maru · 1 year
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🏮Fourth of July with the Akatsuki🎎🎉
Hi loves! Back from my not planned hiatus. My job and small business took up most of my time but now I’m back! Bringing some fun little POV’s and smut. Lots of it!! 😇
-sobbing silently in a corner as to how much money everyone is spending.
-puts on a happy face as he joins his comrades with firework shopping, cringing away when the cashier rings everything up.
-would be slightly depressed but once all the bangs, pows, and booms begin, he cheers up. His green eyes reflecting all the colors dancing across the sky.
-is normally found leaning up against something, watching and observing. It isn’t until Hidan and Konan drag him to join in the festivities.
-DRUNK. Downing as much honey wine and sake his body can handle. Which is a lot may I add.
-tends to be singing random songs throughout the night. Sometimes he hits the right key, but most of the time he sounds like a drunk sailor. Words slurring, thinking he sounds good.
-first one to fall asleep. Hidan forces himself to stay awake as long as possible to continue his drunken antics, and of course, to watch the pretty fireworks.
-may set off one or two, but you’d most likely find him playing with sparklers.
-constantly running away from Tobi who’s trying to send a firework off in HIS direction.
-finds himself up high in trees just to avoid his masked comrades ‘abuse’ as deidara likes to call it.
-will soar up high on his bird, sending his clay bombs down to the earth, causing large explosions. Has a ‘go big or go home’ mentality.
-aims his bombs towards Tobi, and claims it was just an accident when he gets hit. Finds it funny when all he sees is Tobi’s mask flying away through the smoke.
-for about two months before the holiday came around, you’d find him working in his room, creating his own fireworks. Some smaller, while some have larger explosions.
-tends to stick with shades of red and oranges. Makes sure each one has a picture when it goes off. Ex: akatsuki symbol, Tobi’s mask, pains eyes, Konan’s hair clip, Deidara’s bird, money stacks, jashin symbol, and Zetsu’s leafs.
-is the one to take a ton of pictures. His camera sits around his neck as he snaps shots of his comrades and of the art display in the sky.
-runs around all over the place, lighting sparklers, and bottle rockets. Dodges everyone as they try to confiscate the lighter from him, forgetting he can use his fireball jutsu if he wanted too.
-pretends to be scared when the larger ones go off but starts jumping around afterwards. Saying how pretty it was.
-for the few moments he’s actually calm enough to pay attention, he’ll sit crisscross on the ground staring up at the sky.
-whoever ends up sitting beside him, will end up turning into Tobi’s head rest. After all the activity, Tobi will fall asleep resting against someone.
-it took him quite some time getting used to all the noises and different smells that are apart of the holiday. Didn’t like it at first, but now truly enjoys the day.
-you’ll most likely find him near Tobi, talking and joking around. Maybe planning a new way of pranking deidara.
-scared of fire and anything that could burn him. Goes to Konan for help when it comes to lighting something. Turns pink in the face when his sparkler starts to go off. Happy that he’s ‘doing it.’
-just like Kakuzu, he’ll be found resting against a nearby tree, watching as his comrades run around and light off explosives.
-will be hanging around Kisame, who would rather be with his partner than joining in with everybody else. Itachi tries reassuring Kisame that he’s fine by himself and that he should join in.
-ends up with multiple smokers that change color. Tried hiding his coughs through laughs and random comments.
-by the end of the night he’s on cleaning duty with the few that are still awake. Has to help everybody drag in the snoozers.
-when he’s not glued to Itachi’s side, he’ll be handling the food. Grilling, and snack preparing. Took over drink duties since Hidan ended up drinking almost everything.
-makes killer hamburgers. Has to make countless packs after packs since everyone comes back for seconds.
-proudly wears the ‘kiss the chef’ apron Itachi got him as a joke. Refuses to take it off, even when the excitement and night is done.
-when it’s time for his photo to be taken, he holds the spatula in one hand and a lit sparkler in the other, grinning widely, showing off all his sharp teeth.
-just like Sasori, she learned a new jutsu, Just for the occasion. her paper bombs would have colorful explosions and different shapes.
-would be found sitting on a blanket, sending her butterfly origami papers into the sky.
-Konan would zone out on and off during the night as she takes in the loving and fun filled atmosphere around her. would be found later on that night asleep on Pain’s lap.
-would be running around after the trouble makers; Hidan and Tobi. Trying to get them to settle down. The two give him a run for his money.
-becomes the ‘father’ figure of the group and makes sure everyone is okay and well fed.
-will be the main one setting off fireworks and bottle rockets. His thumb will be calloused and sore by the end of the night.
-is in charge of music but will let others play a song or two. Tries to keep any sad or depressing music from hitting the radio as it’s supposed to be a fun experience.
🏮overall, the akatsuki would have so much fun that’d they’d be tuckered out by midnight. Wouldn’t make it to their bedrooms and would agree on having a slumber party in the living area.
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painfulrant · 1 year
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Peace and Life
JJ Maybank x Reader
Little Angst, mostly fluff
Peace and Life
It was a normal day at the Chateau, everyone packing up to get on the boat. Kiara carried a cooler of ‘apple juice’ while JJ rolled a few. Everyone had been so on edge lately that you had just decided to get everyone out and on the water to let worries wash away with the tides. Of course, they’d come and go but there were other people present and you knew that with everyone around, no one would think of things for long.
When Pope and John B got back with gas for the boat, Sarah finally came out of John B’s room having just woken up. She looked to be decently clothed but you couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled from you.
“Love, you’ve gotta change. It’s quite warm today and we’re going on HMS Pogue.” You called kindly with a soft smile before you watched her freeze and groan, turning around before disappearing with a loud thud from the door having been slammed shut.
“Someone's cranky today.” JJ muttered what you were guessing was supposed to be to himself for when you turned with a raised eyebrow and amused eyes, he rolled his eyes and turned away. Your lover boy has had quite the attitude today and you weren’t sure if it was just him waking up on the wrong side of the bed or something that someone did.
Nonetheless, you knew he wasn’t angry or upset with you so you glided over, squatting in front of his form that sat with his elbows propped on his knees, a paper and stuff in his lap. He wore his black shirt with his swim trunks and his red cap backwards which you always loved.
“I think everyone may be.” You hummed, offering a smile. You gently grabbed his hands to stop him from his activity before moving your head so you could see his ocean blue eyes. Something was off. His eyes said as much from the unnatural dark shade to his eyes and the way he seemed to be holding every emotion behind a wall that he hoped would numb them all.
“What is it, sweet man?” You whispered, letting your fingers gently run and trace his face. Over his eyebrows, along his cheek bones, then down to his jawline. On and on, trying to ease the both of you.
He took only a moment, studying you as he usually does before deciding whatever it was wasn’t important enough to tell you. It stung but you knew it was his way of keeping the both of you safe from negative emotions and cruel thoughts. He looked down and grabbed his hat, squeezing the bill between his hands before running his fingers through his hair and placing it back where it was before.
“Nothing. Come on, they’re all waiting.” He answered, interlacing your hands so you couldn’t pull away. Not that you wanted to in the first place, you knew it was just a fear of his and you had no issue being close to him. You loved it in fact.
When the HMS Pogue stopped, water surrounded all sides with glimmering reflections of the sun that cast heated rays all around. Everyone was talking and chatting, JJ having just tried to pull off his ‘party trick’ where he stands on the edge of the boat while it’s still moving, holding a beer so he can try to catch the liquid escaping the bottle. It was funny to watch but annoying when beer matted everyone's clothes and hair.
You now sat in his lap, moving one of the many wash clothes that you hid inside the HMS Pogue seats against JJ’s beer smothered face. He was laughing and nodding along with Pope while the girls played music and chatted about their men and their experience. Which happened to be the exact reason you weren’t hanging out with them at the moment.
When JJ turned his attention to you, you saw his eyes darken once more and felt a creeping doubt that maybe it was you who he was upset and angry with. For what, you had no clue. You tilted your head, smile falling with concerned eyes that searched for the answer through his. When his eyes studied where your smile once was, a sharp ping jutted through your heart.
“Did I do something wrong?” You asked quiet enough so the others couldn’t hear but loud enough so he could. When his expression changed from one of distant thinking to one of shock and then again to a slightly frustrated emotion, you couldn’t help but begin to fidget with your hands that laid in between the both of you.
“No, of course not. I just…” He started, breaking the eye contact that you so desperately wanted.
“I can’t offer you anything that others could. I can’t give you a home… or money, or even really peace.” He stated, growing more frustrated by voicing his thoughts out loud. “I can’t support you and heaven forbid if you ended up pregnant, I couldn’t support the baby either.” He lifted you gently, making sure not to harm you but rushing to set you down and stand up. To leave this conversation because he didn’t want to hear your usual reassuring words. He knew they weren’t true and he didn’t want pretty lies.
You watched as he walked away, feeling your heart clench more with each step he took. What did this mean? Was he thinking of leaving? Of dipping on the relationship? All these worries hit you like a one-ton truck and you felt a dizzying spell from it. Swallowing the pain down, you stood before offering a smile to John B who had watched the encounter with furrowed eyebrows. It wasn’t unusual for you and JJ to fight but it was unusual for you to have just let him walk away. Usually, you wouldn’t allow that, that being if you could stop him in the first place.
Walking to the edge of the HMS Pogue, you stripped your shirt, remaining in your jean shorts and swimsuit before jumping into the cold refreshing water. One of the many reasons you loved water was for the fact that it acted as an escape for you. You could usually hold your breath for a while, just sitting in the water and letting your thoughts and emotions out around you.
So that’s exactly what you did. You let the air from your lungs slowly seep out as you sink before letting your body lay limp, the tides moving you. Your eyes were closed and you just let the sound and feeling of the tides wash over you, letting it ease your worries and numb your feelings. You knew this way of releasing emotions wasn’t necessarily safe but nonetheless you still continued to do so. Soon your lungs were screaming for air but you couldn’t find it to move just yet. You wanted the rush that came with having a time limit to swim to the top. You wanted the peace you felt in that instant to last forever. Forever wasn’t an option though.
As you broke the surface of the water, you found everyone searching the water before letting out a relieved breath from seeing you smile and wave.
“Don’t you ever do that sh*t again!” Kie screamed, worried lining her every feature. You stared confused before JJ cursed under his breath, calling you a ‘psychotic woman’, before jumping in as well.
“You were under twice as long as usual.” Pope explained with an impressive look.
“How long?” You asked, confusion and surprise making you ask the question you really didn’t want to know.
“Four minutes.” He answered, shaking his head. Your eyes bulged before you felt JJ’s arms finally slip around you. Without one second of hesitation, you turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, knowing he had probably flipped out when you hadn’t surfaced at your usual time.
“I’m okay.” You reassure before moving so you could place your hands on both sides of his face, not allowing him to move or look away.
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” You stated before your features soften a bit, placing a soft lingering kiss to the crown of his head. “You are my peace, J. If you keep avoiding life then you’ll never find peace. Okay? So stop trying to push me away.” You demanded.
He was silent, just staring at you before you took a deep breath and made a pouting face.
“Okay. I’ll work on it, sweets.” He muttered before glancing down to your lips.
“Will you kiss me now?” He asked, hope laced into his voice.
“Not yet. I have one more thing to say.” You answered, biting your lip with a half smile that you attempted, and failed, to hide.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” You hum, teasing but also being completely serious. You knew for some time he was struggling with his self image and you decided now would be an appropriate time to hint at it. Whether he found out what you were truly trying to say or not was up to him.
He stared at you with asserting eyes before he thinned his lips, trying to decipher what you meant. You gave him only a moment before speaking again.
“Now I will kiss you.” You whispered, leaning forward to gently brush your lips with his, quick and swift but holding all the love and affection that the two of you had.
When fake gagging noises sounded from the boat, you smiled against JJ’s lips, letting giggles fall from this. Today has definitely been a good day.
You cannot find peace by avoiding life. - Virginia Woolf
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw
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brooooswriting · 2 years
How about some fluff with nat x reader where they are together and nat introduces her to the team because they kept it to themselves in order to keep reader safe and to just enjoy what they have so they didn’t know nat was dating anyone. just some funny cute fluff where reader just makes everyone fall in love with her and the team absolutely adores her and can tell how much they love each other. cute flirting moments with her and nat and the team can see how happy nat is
Welcome to the family
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Avengers x reader
Meeting your partners family was always the scariest, it could be every relationships make or break. One wrong thing and it could be over.
So no wonder you were freaking out right now. Tony stark was hosting a small get together for the Christmas time before all of them went to spend their time with their families and Natasha wanted to take you as her plus one. Something that you loved at the beginning soon turned into your biggest horror.
You were honored at first but then you realized the weight of the situation. They were like her family, she told you that often, and one of the most important parts of her life. Somehow this was even worse than meeting her other family.
You stood in your room on this particular Saturday afternoon with your whole wardrobe laying scattered around your room. You’ve tried everything on but nothing seems good enough, some things were too fancy, some too boring and some just not right.
“Natasha, I need your help! Right now! You have 5 minutes to come here” you told her before hanging up. Not thinking about how this would 100% activate her spy modus, she was deeply scared about something happening to you.
Three minutes later she crashed into your room trying to catch her breath. “What’s wrong baby?” She heaved out looking around the room surprised at the mess. “I don’t know what to wear and I only haveeee 2 more hours to get ready” you whined throwing yourself on top of her bed. “You’re kidding right?” She asked shocked as she couldn’t believe that you were being for real when you shook your head. “I thought someone was trying to kill you or shit. Jesus, why would you do me like that?”
After coming down she came back to your problem. “My love, you look great in anything so just wear something you feel comfortable in” she said sitting at your side and stroking your waist. She had to hold back her laugh at your frustration.
“Nat, that’s not helpful at all. Please just help me” you grumbled sitting up and looking through your cloths. As cute as your pout may be the redhead didn’t want you to suffer any longer so she stood up and helped you.
When you finally decided what you were gonna wear you went into the bathroom to get ready. Natasha, who was already ready, went to your living room to watch some tv while she was waiting for you.
An hour later you were putting on your jewelry as your girlfriend walked into the room. She walked up behind you grabbing the necklace to close it behind your neck as you were watching her through the mirror. When the necklace was closed she wrapped her arms around you and placed soft kisses over your neck. “You look so stunning” she mumbled as she admired you before taking her phone to snap a couple of pictures of you and her.
When you had to leave you were quick to grab a bag and your bag before walking to the car. “What’s in the bag?” Natasha asked you as she started your car only to get the response “you’ll see”. Even after your nerves calmed when you found a outfit, you were now back at freaking out. Your leg was bouncing and you were pulling at the skin of your nails. Nat noticed your behavior and grabbed one of your hands intertwining them with hers and softly placing them on your bouncing leg causing you to calm a bit.
“You ready?” Natasha asked you after you’ve arrived standing in front of the compound, your hands still intertwined. You nodded and walked into the compound.
“Natasha” several people screamed and made their way towards you. You stepped back a bit to give them the space to great her before introducing yourself. When everybody greeted her you stepped towards to say hi. “Hey, I’m Y/n” you said waving at everybody.
They all introduced themselves. You met Clint, Tony, Wanda, Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Fury, Carol, Thor and Pepper. “So I didn’t know what you guys liked but I also didn’t want to come empty handed so I brought alcohol and self made cookies” you told them pulling out a container of cookies and a bottle of white wine. They all laughed before taking the things from you and setting them down in the kitchen.
“I already like her” Tony mumbled to Natasha who could only grin, she knew they’d love you.
You stood in the kitchen talking to Wanda and Bucky as Natasha came and hugged you from behind. “You alright?” She asked you and you nodded. “I’ll get you something to drink babe” she said and walked away causing Tony to aww. “Who would have thought that Romanoff would be a Simp” he laughed out until Pepper hit the back of his head. “Watch it Thin man. Just because I’m ‘whipped’ for her it doesn’t mean that I won’t kill you with a fork” she threatened him walking back to you with your glass and a fork. “Natty, nu-uh” you mumbled shaking your head causing her to put down the fork.
During the dinner the team made it to their mission to embarrass Nat with stories about her. “And then I was like can you heat up the water? And she burned the water. How? I do not know but it was hilarious” Bucky told you and the rest giggled while your girlfriend blushed and grumbled about how stupid this was causing you to put a comforting hand on her leg.
“Does anybody want something to drink?” You asked the people around the table taking their ‘orders’ before making your way into the kitchen only to be followed by Fury. “Miss Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, y/a years old and working as a y/d/j for over two years” he said as he walked into the kitchen. “Uhm yeah, hey” you said unsure of what to say. You knew that he was like a father to Natasha so you could guess where this was going but you still didn’t know what to do.
“So let’s do this quick before Romanoff follows. That girl is like a daughter to me and if you hurt her or break her trust then I will make sure that you’ll disappear quicker than you can say sorry alright?!” He told you and you only nodded before taking the drinks and quickly disappearing into the living room.
You gave Wanda, Sam and Natasha their drinks before sitting back down next to your girlfriend. “Are you okay? You look like you’re getting ill” she asked but you only shook you head and kissed her cheek.
“Ohhh, I have another story” Sams face lit up as he spoke out. “We were on a mission and she did her signature move you know. The one where she wraps her thighs around their head and does… well I don’t know what she does but it works you know? So she does this incredible thing and the moment she’s supposed to just step out of the jet she slips and hurts her wrist” he laughed out while you giggled. “My goodness it was one time where I wasn’t careful. You’ll never let that life down huh?” She asked him clearly frustrated.
“Naw, come here my love” you mumbled as you sat down with her on one of the couches in the compound. She pulled you close to her and buried her face in the crook of your neck while you kissed the top of her head. “You alright?” You whispered into her ear and she nodded. “Just a bit embarrassed by the stories” she told you causing you to lightly laugh. “You don’t have to be, remember all the stuff that my family told you?” You reminded her causing her to giggle and nod. “So you don’t have to be embarrassed. Plus I love all those things about you” you added pressing soft kisses to her lips.
The team was watching you from a big away awing at the way you two interacted. They’ve never seen Natasha so soft and in love and the way you looked at her? It made them long for something like that as it seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world. And they also were more than happy to see Natasha so happy, they knew that opening up and loving was hard for her.
After some cute moments between you the team decided to interrupt. “So how about some games?” Thor asked as he carried in some board games. You decided to play monopoly with Tony, Steve, Clint and Sam while the rest played Uno. You were focused so focused on the game that you didn’t even notice Natasha making her way to sit behind you and pull you into her chest.
“I thought you were playing Uno” you told her as you took the money from Clint. “I did but Maximoffs cheating so it’s no fun” she grumbled like a child and you coed. “I’m sorry baby, wanna play Monopoly with me?” She decided to only watch while you were clearly winning the game.
When you left that evening Tony was whining about how you were cheating while the rest could t wait to see you again. And you and Natasha? More than relieved that the liked you and accepted you.
Soon they wouldn’t be just Nats family but also yours and they’d, just like her, protect you at all cost.
I hope you like this! Leave requests guysss
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