#send me more prompts guys!
whumpetywhumpwhump · 8 months
hi, i’d love to hear your thoughts about touchstarved whumpees!
mmmm touchstarved whumpees make the best whumpees in my opinion- perhaps they've experienced some sort of trauma in their past which has led them to alienate themselves from people, or perhaps they've always wanted love but have just never found it. either way, seeing them melt into the arms of a caretaker at last is just *chefs kiss*
as a sickfic enjoyer, I also have to point out the incredible scenario which is a touchstarved whumpee who is usually too scared to ask for physical contact being so sick that they curl into caretaker's side or seek their warmth out.
or, perhaps, their fever is so high that even the feeling of caretaker pressing a damp cloth to their forehead is so gentle it makes them sob
when it comes to recovering whumpees, I also love the non-sickfic unconscious reaching out for caretaker, usually when whumpee is asleep and doesn't even realise what they're doing. it's a small step on the road, but it means that whumpee is getting better, and even if they won't admit it yet, they need human contact more than ever.
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shadedheart138 · 4 months
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sandersontheside · 2 months
"The customer is sometimes very, very wrong." From the Drabble list 7 for prinxiety ♥️♥️ I think they would be fun
First prompt and it ended up being perfect for the coffee shop AU. This is set sometime in the future of where the story is now, so Roman and Virgil are a lot better terms here. (prompt lists: 4,5,7)
“You made my drink wrong!” The customer’s voice was as shrill as it was demanding, and loud enough that Virgil’s head snapped up from his lunch, even from his spot in the backroom. 
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry, ma’am,” Roman flashed a typical charming smile. “I can remake the drink for you. What seems to be the problem?” 
“I asked for two and a half pumps of vanilla. This clearly has three pumps!” 
Roman’s smile faltered for a millisecond. Virgil doubted the customer noticed. “Ah, I see. Well, no worries. Let me just take your cup and I can add—” 
The woman jerked her hand away. “No! I’m keeping this. You said you would make me a new drink!” 
Roman sighed. “Of course.” 
“You know, I’m shocked at the incompetence of this staff,” the woman continued. “How hard is it to make a simple drink?” 
Roman didn’t respond, too focused on getting “half a pump”—not a real thing, by the way—into the fresh drink. Apparently, this was a mistake. 
“Excuse me? Are you ignoring me?” The would snapped. 
“I am simply focusing on making your drink correctly,” Roman responded, some of his irritation finally bleeding through in his tone. Even the best actors having a breaking point. 
Unfortunately, this did not go unnoticed. “How dare you speak to me like that? Where’s you manager?” 
And that was Virgil’s cue. With Patton gone on his honeymoon, and Remy off for the day, that left Virgil as the sole manager on duty. 
“I’m right here,” Virgil said, stepping out of the back. “I was just on my break. How can I help you?” 
“You should know that this young man is one of this most incompetent workers I have ever—” 
“Let me stop you right there,” Virgil cut her off, unwilling to hear anything more she had to say. “I’ve heard you do nothing but berate my employee for the last ten minutes. You are rude, entitled, and no longer welcome here. Take your two and a half pumps of vanilla and get out.” 
The woman sputtered indignantly. “I’ll just take my business elsewhere, then.” 
“Good! Don't come back!" Virgil gave a sarcastic wave. She left in a huff, and Virgil turned to Roman. “Are you alright?” 
Roman was staring at him, eyes wide, as he nodded silently.
“Are you sure?” Against his better judgment, Roman’s silence worried him. 
“Y-yeah,” his voice shook slightly. “But, um, should you have done that?” 
“Really, not even a thank you for defending your honor?” Virgil rolled his eyes. “She was being an asshole. I was totally within my rights to throw her out.” 
“I mean, I know, and thank you, I do appreciate it,” Roman finally seemed to be calming down, finding his usual loquaciousness. “But isn’t the customer always right?” 
Virgil snorted a laugh. "The customer is sometimes very, very wrong." 
“Don’t let Patton hear you say that,” Roman smirked. “He would not agree.” 
“Good thing he’s not here then,” Virgil paused, narrowing his eyes, summoning all the threatening energy he could. “And neither of us is going to tell him about this, right?” 
Roman gulped, but pantomimed zipping his lips and throwing away the key. “My lips are sealed.” 
Virgil bit back a smile. “God, you’re a dork.” 
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plulp · 11 months
*ahem* can you draw the love interests with swapped personalities? Like they all had some type of BIG concussion and now they all swapped personalities I have an example (i really don’t count the uhh … animals it’s very questionable to me but ya know you don’t have to take my request)
Robin and Kylar swap … that’s all the rest I DONT FUCKING KNOW 😇🔫
robin and kylar? dont worry ive GOT YOU 🫵
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taralen · 5 months
Thoughts in Reflection
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A prequel to an INBOX Story idea proposed by @clowny-rolls (Thanks for the idea!!!)
NOTE: This story won't make as much sense unless you read the stuff I wrote here for better context: Click Me.
The illustration is inspired by a drawing a friend of mine did of Spamton, but it's currently not uploaded anywhere. Sorry guys. 😭
The year was 1994.
Spamton G. Spamton, a former Addison and a now esteemed entrepreneurial businessman who founded BIG SHOT AUTOS was one day asked, "Mr. Spamton, are you seeing anyone?"
Much to Spamton's chagrin, the one asking was his close friend Bant, a Blue Addison who was the only one of his former friends and coworkers with whom he stayed in contact. He leaned against the wall, waiting for any chance to talk to Spamton once he was off the phone.
Spamton rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking?"
"You haven't seen any ladies, have you? I figured with your newfound success, the women would be flocking to you." Bant chuckled.
Spamton raised his hand and dismissed this with a gesture. "I'm too busy."
"Not too busy for me, though." Bant smirked.
Spamton froze and his cheeks flushed pink.
Bant tilted his head, flashing that iconic closed-eye Addison grin. "Hey, if you're interested, one of the restaurants Sen's been running fliers for is setting up blind dates. I've been the one coordinating things to bring people together. The restaurant has had a nice uptick in business since! The campaign is running for another week. It might be kind of fun to try it out. I can set you up with a cute girl, exactly your type!"
Spamton narrowed his eyes at the mention of Sen, or Yahoosen, the Yellow Addison he once worked so closely with but did not believe in his vision. Hearing Bant's involvement softened his expression but not his demeanor. "That sounds stupid. How will this benefit me at all?"
"If you have a good time, you could leave them a good review, and then I can convince the owner to vouch for your shop whenever they need a new car or some fixing. What do you think?" Bant's smile widened.
Spamton raised a brow. "Uh, give me a moment. Step out of my office for a bit."
Bant sighed. "What for?"
"I need to make a call, obviously!" Spamton said as he sat down at his desk with his finger already on the dial.
Bant huffed and pushed off the wall. "Fine. Let me know when you're done." He slipped out, closed the door behind him, and paced the hall. Although he was just outside the office, he could not hear what Spamton was talking about. Thankfully, the call was brief, and only a few moments later, Spamton opened the door, looking up at Bant. "OKAY. I will do it!" He adjusted his collar and flashed a handsome, toothy smile.
Bant blinked. "Huh? Really? Did whoever you were talking to on the phone tell you it was a good idea?" He laughed a little awkwardly.
"Huh?! Why would I ask my esteemed business partner about something so silly?" Spamton laughed, dismissively waving his hand. "Go on! Set me up with this blind date! I trust you know my tastes in women well."
Bant furrowed his brows. Having known Spamton for years, he knew when he wasn't totally genuine, and this seemed to be one of those moments, but he smiled anyway. "Okay, I will. I'm sure not to disappoint you!" ☎️☎️☎️
Waiting in a hallway near the restrooms was a small lady, a White Addison. She wore a silken pink dress far too expensive for her salary and tied her hair up in a matching pink bow. People passing by stared at her, whispering words she did not want to hear.
Bant approached her. "Ah, Ms. Thetalan, you look quite lovely. That dress Orvar loaned you fits you nicely!"
Orvar, short for Orvarstok, was an Orange Addison who worked with Bant. He advertised clothing curated by Queen herself, ranging from everyday wear to fine garments. Through their established trust, Bant easily convinced him to loan a dress on the promise he'd foot the dry-cleaning bills afterward.
She turned to the Blue Addison and smiled meekly. "You think so? I hope he likes it, too."
"He definitely will. You are exactly his type." Bant winked. "He is an esteemed businessman, so he has fine tastes. He should be here within the next five to ten minutes. Just wait here for now."
"Fine tastes?" She blushed. "Okay. I will wait right here," she answered meekly. She watched him disappear down the corner. She was certain this guy was the same Blue Addison she saw with that man she fell in love with a year ago—a man who appeared to be a White Addison like her but with black hair. She etched his name into her heart: Spamton G. Spamton.
Despite her suspicions, Thetalan didn't dare pry too much about the Blue Addison's possible relations. He approached her directly while she was walking down the street and asked if she would like to participate in a blind date with all the expenses paid to support a local restaurant. Usually, she'd be wary of such things, but because of his familiarity, her intuition told her to trust him and take on this offer. She told him about the kind of man she wanted to meet, and he said, "Ah, perfect. I know just the guy for you! He is a handsome businessman and not too unlike an Addison." He raised his head and pointed at his own nose. "What, with one of these just like us!"
Few Darkners chose to court Addisons outside of work-related reasons, but this Blue Addison described someone so specific that she could only think of one person, and it was him. To have this opportunity of seeing Spamton again... It made her tremble with excitement.
With bated breath, she gazed into the nearby mirror, trying to collect herself. Though she was excited, anxiety swarmed her entire being. She hadn't seen this man since last year and wondered if he remembered her. He occupied her mind constantly, and as she stared into her beautified reflection, her hands wringing restlessly, she thought, "He has no idea how much I wish he could see me."
(To be continued...)
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djsadbean · 11 months
#19 for the ask game!!
how do they silently express love because they are so cute I cannot do this I am GOING TO COMBUST
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
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adam flies like 5 cities over to buy new teas for steven every month so he feels very cozy :D steven thinks hes just getting them at the store lol (yes adam has sleeves this time! its october rn in my mind for them!! u know how fionna's world existed in simon's head? theyre in MY head)
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i strongly hc adam has night time anxiety and needs nice smoothing stimulation to go to sleep (not projecting, why would i need asmr to sleep? oh btw i added my asmr recs playlist in my pinned post :3) anyway, steven whispers his lecture notes for the next day and combs adams hair and down his back and arms like a massage but its mostly just combing motions. i think adam would have an eye mask but i wanted to draw his eepy lil face :3
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necrotic-nephilim · 21 days
your Kon post was sooooo good, like yes the core four are queer platonic, however Kon is hypersexual enough to have made out with (or more) everyone in young justice at least once, yes, including the non-corporal Greta don’t ask me how that worked
I love all of these posts!!! how many of these ask game things do you have in your inbox??
thank you so much!! and i ABSOLUTELY agree with you on hypersexual Kon (truly i just adore characters with grooming/rape trauma like Kon coping through the lense of hypersexuality) and even if YJ is queerplatonic, Kon has made his way through most of them. including Greta. he's creative he'd find a way. probably involving TTK. bc TTK in sex is a thought i have daily. endless potential for using it to basically turn someone's body into a living fleshlight he can manipulate from the inside out- specifically have a TimKonBart idea in my head about that where Kon coaches Bart through sex, since Bart is a speedster with a bonkers refractory period who struggles to feel satisfied, and Tim is caught between them getting used to get Bart off with Kon using TTK to manipulate Tim's body. fun times. fun ideas.
currently, i have one more ask game ask in my inbox (tho always feel free to send more!) that's BruJay focused. though i *do* also have a couple other asks that are just ideas i pan to use as prompts for full fics. just haven't gotten to those yet bc i'm currently busy with packing to move states so. i have *not* had the time to write i wish i had. i will not reveal too much but one involves JayTim fucking during the Titans Tower incident, another is JayTim with animal traits leading to porn, and then another is Tim/Kon/Jon with incest kink stuff. so! i have many things planned, i just need to settle into my new place, however long that takes.
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crimeronan · 9 months
hmm. been musing on this for a couple days, so i guess i'll ask: would there be any interest in me creating a discord server for princess luz AU discussion?
my main reasoning is that there's a small number of you guys who have been having a lot of fun with it, but most of the discussion right now is facilitated thru my ask box, and i can't reply to every single ask i'm sent (there are Many i haven't responded to). people are obviously having a lot of fun splashing around in this sandbox and playing with different timelines and characterization and relationships -- there might as well be a space to chat properly about it?
the main caveat is that i've never created/run a discord server before and i am Very bad at consistently checking messages and dealing with responsibilities. aka i'd be a godawful mod. so everyone would need to be nice to each other.
(i'd set ground rules and different channels to have space for dark shit, lighter shit, and shitposting. so everyone can stick to their own personal comfort level. i'm just not equipped to deal with any Drama (TM) between people.)
i need to know if any of you guys would actually Want to do that tho. bc there's not much point to creating a server if it isn't useful.
if you guys just want to talk thru the notes on posts here, that's perfectly fine as well! i've been having a lot of fun and i have no qualms about continuing to spam my followers. i presume anyone who's really annoyed has either unfollowed or blacklisted the AU by now.
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covenofthearticulate · 4 months
wait a fucking second I am just now putting the dots together and realizing all these short sentence drabble prompts are all coming about because I reblogged that sentence starter meme originally on my Louis RP blog LMFAO. It is so jarring to see niche tumblr rp things make it into the wider fandom and I was so confused but now I'm mostly delighted LOL
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missingmelody · 2 years
*inhales* turtle tots get along sweater!
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sterekchub · 1 year
So @chubby-derek-and-friends used the amazing sentence: “He ends up with a fetish for Stiles and greasy fingers…"
Which….made me spiral to a Derek who happily uses his werewolf abilty to just....show off. When he hears Stiles is into gainers, Derek takes it a little too far like "Yeah? I'm going to just drink straight grease with my fries and dip this donut in butter!"
Proving Stiles is VERY easy to flirt with because - hell that will work for him! Their first date Derek kissing him and burping in his mouth because he's eaten too much? There goes his " no putting out on the first date, rule."
Derek answers the door with his belly hanging out of his shirt, grease from the pizza slide he's holding dripping down.... Stiles is handing him his house key.
It gets inconvinent. Derek is gassy and so stuffed he doesn't want to think about moving and all Stiles can think about is dragging Derek to the bedroom.
People see Stiles distracted at work and joke, "hot text?" and Stiles shows them the text...which is just a long list of of his lunch- with typos abound as Derek struggles texting with grease-slicked fingers.
Derek's "I'm going to get you hot and bothered" is the same as Stiles telling Derek "I'm going to make you gassy and fit to burst"
Stiles keeps getting Derek "gifts" that are sort of just challenges. The bucket of lard. The soft-serve machine mixes that are calorie black holes (and they don't have a soft-serve machine...) The white-button down shirt that Stiles can't wait to see look stain splattered and button-less before long.
Derek gasping and wheezing to get down another shake.
"Too much of a workout for you?"
"*huff* N- never. *burrrrp*"
Or Stiles putting a tube in Derek's mouth, so he can use both hands to try and hold up part of his belly, enough that Stiles can actually find his dick under all that fat, and Derek is sucking harder than Stiles, belly getting heavier and heavier and he hopes that Stiles finishes him off and takes the tube out of his mouth....shake dribbling down his chin and he comes with just...a loud groan and earth shattering *fffffrttt*
Stiles who has to take the time (occasionally) to clean all his folds and under that massive belly (because Derek is 100% turned on and leaking alll day and always just...sweating trying to exist with all that mass) and while he's doing it....Derek is just gorging himself and making another greasy mess on his moobs and the shelf of his belly and chins that Stiles has to clean again...
'Don't know *fffrt* why you bother."
"You're not the one who has to suffocate in your fatpad!"
Derek grin proudly, shake dripping from his chins. "You....love it."
teases Derek with “can’t believe you were so *skinny* Derek, what happened?” As he puts another bucket of fried chicken in front of him.
Or watches Derek waddle his way to the kitchen, panting a little and struggle to catch his breath “Sure you’re a werewolf?“
Derek ends up grunting a lot “shut up and *wheeze* feed me.” And Stiles is happy to oblige
Derek starts looking almost disappointed when Stiles is able to find his dick- (even if it takes a lot of work) and starts eating with a frantic pace, both hands shoveling food into his mouth, getting so gassy even Stiles is reaching to open windows and telling Derek to slow down…
He loves watching Stiles sputtering and gasping, pulling himself out under Derek’s boulder sized belly and fat rolls, “you did that on purpose!”
And the first time maybe he can get away with the fake apology “don’t feed me so much first *frrrrt*”
And Stiles figures Derek is getting kinda gassy the fatter he gets, because it means his stomach can just hold that much more greasy junk….
But two times is chance- 3 is intentional and Stiles figures out quickly “oh my god you get off on it don’t you!”
Not much else Derek can do to get back at Stiles for all his little tricks when he can barely get off the couch (like the milkshake that was mostly cheesecake. Or the meal where everything was fried and Derek was sure he was going to split open) so he definitely gets off demanding Stiles around, crushing him with or suffocating under his blubbery…and hotboxing Stiles any chance he gets (or making out and as soon as Stiles leans into his super stuffed belly? *Buuuuurppppp*)
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tommys-wings · 24 days
I. I forgor to colour the flower on my previous fanart 💀💀💀💀
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dogearedheart · 5 months
the way u see dean is how i see dean and i think that’s so baller
I am not sure if there is a specific post or comment that prompted this ask or if it's just an overall vibe, but I guess that just means that we both have great taste and opinions, anon ;) I have to admit that I usually don't talk much about my opinions of certain characters because there are other people who've said the things I think about way more eloquently than I ever could anyway. dean is very special to me, and maybe I'm a bit biased because of it...or maybe not, I don't know. thank you for living this ask in my inbox tho! because contrary to what i just said, I do enjoy talking about stuff like this very much!
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ive always thought about a fic where grey just doesnt show up for work one day, after being run down for a few days with light symptoms, none of which anyone truly notices. elijah obviously would be concerned and would go find grey to find him in however severe of a state you chose.
you're thinking about it and now I'm also thinking about it because it's *chefs kiss* (no pun intended) perfection haha. thanks for sending, will definitely be using this SOON
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withacapitalp · 2 years
Being a baby in the tags lmao ignore me
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kasperhateslife · 1 year
Actually funny bits to use for transmasc jokes from a transmasc (mostly about packing)
Transmasc character can't find their packer and ask their partner (or any fitting character idc) and asks "where's MY DICK" and the partner pulls out a annoy character (one the partner probably dislikes or get overwhelmed by) and says "them?"
Transmasc character looses packer again. Partner (or any fitting character) asks "what's wrong?" And transmasc says "I can't find my cock!" And partner pulls out a chicken.
One character is menstruating and transmasc character (that doesn't have their period anymore) says "I once had those too... Would you like me too get you anything?"
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