#and nerve wracking
h0e-y · 20 days
2 and 91
2) Who you’ve fantasised about
@demonsascent // @withacurse coz I can’t pick just one
91) who gets you hot under the collar
@violentwavves // @paradoxicallyamusing 😍😍😍
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apt502-if · 1 year
I'm super excited for the demo! Thank you for your hard work and for sharing your story with us! 🥰
ty! i will likely have a demo date posted this week or the next!!! (yay!) :}
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rainyrindou · 6 months
if y’all ended up on one of those youtube speed dating shows with your f/os, which one do you think you’d end up with?
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roseyjustice · 1 year
Medical/surgery mention cw
But !! I got my final surgery consultation for my mastectomy tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous !!
I couldn't get the complete top surgery approval but my main surgeon is going to try to make it as flat as possible and give me some contouring to get the desired look !
It's weird that it's happening but I'm oddly excited hnng
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dorothygale · 5 months
*about to call mutual by name* *checks their bio* *i remembered their name correctly* *starts writing the post* *deletes it and checks the url again* *stares at url telling myself i know their name* *checks their bio again and i was still right* *writes post* *drafts it so i can check one more time before posting*
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keithsgaycousin · 1 year
guys i might actually be making friends. i think i’m gonna throw up
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shiiro-arts · 4 months
Official art Nalu vs manga/anime Nalu is so different you would think mashima is actually a horny fan drawing fanart of their OTP
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What do you mean this is official
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These just look like the fanbase most popular headcanons come on…
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mareastrorum · 4 months
The discourse thoroughly distracted me, but I also have to say: the fact that Marisha was able to improv that PVP scene and so consistently stick to Laudna's character in every decision was fucking incredible. Marisha is phenomenal at embodying people who are nothing like her. She did an amazing job in that scene from start to finish.
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teaboot · 5 months
He is three weeks old and his mom's owner has sent a picture
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Momma is the big grey cat, the ears are the bottom of the photo belong to one of his sisters, and the runty black jellybean up by her chin is him.
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realstrap · 9 months
Please help my partner, a black multiply disabled lesbian, get their autonomy back!
my partner @800-dick-pics is a multiply disabled black lesbian in need of urgent funds for a service dog and the costs associated with travel!!
This is all so sudden and short notice, they happened upon this prospect while doing research and it fell into their lap, a puppy in a breed with the best temperament and size for their mobility needs. This is opportunity is huge for the independence of my fiancé.
For years now, my fiancé has been fighting with the medical system, I've seen them struggle to be believed by doctors due to medical racism, turned away and ignored at the ER, gaslight by ED clinics and multiple times I've physically caught them when they've passed out during a POTS episode. Their POTS EDS and CFS have rendered them housebound in this past year, unable to leave the house by themselves and it's gotten to the point where we both are afraid for their safety when they're alone in any capacity. I worry for them so greatly when I have to leave them for more than 20 minutes at a time because anything could happen.
This has been years in the making, even before we were together even. We've had to put this on hold for countless reasons throughout the years and at this point it can no longer be put off for the sake of my fiance' autonomy independence and quality of life. They're tired of not being able to hold a job or go out with friends or even just experience life outside of the walls of the house. This is incredibly important and this is our chance to change their life forever.
We need to meet this goal THIS WEEK, to be able to secure this opportunity including flight tickets, hotel room, training toys for the dog and food
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We would not be asking if it wasn't so urgent, this can't be put on hold and all my fiance wants is to have a life again. Please help us if you're able, this opportunity means the world to my partner!
CA: $sleepyhen
VM: wildwotko
DM me for p@y pal
$0/2600 goal
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crouteann · 5 months
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“im not gonna do anymore thumbnai—“
this one is fun, i will probably mess with the idea some more but i really want to make a rhaenicent print… they make me crazy
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zaahvi · 8 months
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ghilan'nain, mother of the halla 🦌
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puppyeared · 2 months
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Nick and Pearls
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banditblvd · 29 days
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Bad boys..... Ssave me bad boys..... Oh God oh no.......,,..
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mynqzo · 1 month
posting art on insta and twitter and then coming to tumblr, kicking my shoes off sinking into my couch and sippin a cool one. its like coming home
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sodatelle · 2 years
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kaedehara kazuha and the bad bitch he pulled by fighting his mom
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