#and no i've not seen this episode yet bc it's 8 am so if it's not a yann situation pls do tell me
are you telling me ted lasso actually gave isaac the skam france yann (tm) reaction to his bff coming out?????
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yukipri · 1 year
The Bad Batch Season 2 - Mid-Season Eps 7 & 8 Spoilers & Thoughts
Ranted it out on twitter last night and forgot to share here.
LOT of thoughts this time
Major Spoilers beneath cut!
Really trully phenomenal writing, so much more than I expected to be said so explicitly. Open discussion of clones' rights, their futures, their lack of personhood under both the Republic and the Empire, even the threat of decommissioning.
What we always knew, what we wanted explicitly addressed in mainstream canon, stated by the clones themselves. Truly ecstatic about these episodes.
Absolutely loved the confirmation that yes, this is what Rex has been doing all along. We saw it implied with Gregor in S1, but it's so good to see it clearly stated, and to see him in action. It makes me hope he got Cody out too.
It also made me crave a show dedicated entirely to this fight. I once again understand and am okay with the TBB centering solely around the Batch. But it's hard not to be anxious knowing what all the other clones are facing. Which makes me understand Echo even more.
Echo's decision. I knew it would come to a boiling point, trusted it would. I'd hoped that Echo would convince Hunter + co to care, but they have their own priorities. I love Echo more bc he decided he couldn't walk away.
He said that his place was with the Batch, and I like to think that he found some kind of home with them. But unlike the rest of them, he sees the rest of the clones as his brothers too. I hope this isn't the last we see of him, but I know he is loved and respected with Rex.
These episodes were a wealth of nostalgic locations, and seeing each one caused such a beautiful ache. I love all the lush new planets explored in the other episodes, but Coruscant felt like coming home.
The specific locations: 79s, the Senate building, Riyo's room that looks so much liked Padmé's, the Martez sisters' place, the clone memorial, the lower levels, even the star destroyer, the stunning of the troops specifically evoking S7's finale. Everything the same but different.
We didn't get to see all of these places with the new graphics, bc TCW S7 only had 4 arcs and TBB S1 covered a lot of newer locations. But gosh what a treat. It was all so beautiful, both aesthetically and metaphorically. Defs need to rewatch so many times to truly appreciate.
Rampart's fall surprised me, bc I did feel he's the lone Big Bad of the show so far, the true embodiment of anti-clone. He's done a lot of unforgivable things and having Palps lock him up isn't satisfying, even if it was surprising. I unfortunately doubt that's the last we've seen of him, though who knows. I admittedly don't care too much either way, but if he's gone, it'll be interesting to see who steps into the next "main antag" shoes, bc I doubt it's Palps himself.
(or should I say, Emperor)
I'm so glad to see her again
(also, apparently I've been saying her first name wrong all this time??? Am I the only one who's been saying Ree-yo when it apparently shoulda been Rai-yo?)
Rex had his tiddies uncovered the whole time and I was so concerned he'd get shot. i mean he's the only chara guaranteed to live, and I'm also glad he's got a better disguise, but dear please wear some protection
(but yeah ngl it's nice that we got to see him armorless with the beefier new model. I am still remembering TCW Saleucami and thinking my gosh this man is a STICK he is STARVED they ALL ARE. I am always for adding more beef to clones.)
Really curious where they're going with the chips brainwashing the clones. Both Rex and Wrecker appeared conscious of the whole time they were under, trying and unable to stop and remembering it afterwards.
Yet other clones seem to be gradually "waking up," even though many of them likely should have been equally horrified at the moment O66 went live. Rex and the Batch aren't exceptions being Good Guys, the vast majority of the clones are extremely loyal and honorable.
Makes me wonder if after an extended time under the chip's control, that feeling of wrongness/fighting against it fades, until it seems the new ordinary? But then the more time passes, the Order weakens, and they're able to feel more discrepancies, hence the desertions?
The clone assassin definitely seemed super "under" an Order, extremely Off and not himself, like what I'd imagine a freshly O66 clone to be like. Which makes me further curious that Rampart had him (and presumably more like him) under his control. We'll have to see!
But yeah, to conclude: Cody didn't die! (didn't show up!) Named clones I cared about too much in the few minutes we had them DID die and I am still sad but, it could have been worse.
Also huh, not even a glimpse of Crosshair? (feeling a wee bit bad for his fans, that out of the first 8 eps, he's only in one of them...hopefully the next one will be about him ^ ^; )
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chaoticwholesome · 8 months
8 and 14 for the ask game!
8. Do you get confused with other nationalities? Which ones and by whom?
Ok so I have an Autism Accent bc i picked up a lot of speech from American TV, so other South Africans, people who are from the same places I am, tend to assume I'm Australian a lot? At least one stranger assumed I was American once even though I wasn't pulling out the rhotic R?? This is compounded by every Aussie or Kiwi friend i have ever had telling me "yeah you just sound normal to me". Assigned Australian at the grocery store.
14. Do you like your country's cinema and/or TV
GO WATCH SUPA TEAM 4 ON NETFLIX NOW!! Go watch the Aau's Song episode of Star Wars Visions, and go watch Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire on Disney+!!! :D
This is a fascinating question bc like. until recently historically South Africa hasn't really produced a lot of its own TV? We have had some shows! Especially soap operas and reality TV! So much reality TV. But like in my field (animation) for example, a lot of South African studios have worked more in service provision for international productions (like local studio BlackGinger doing post production and VFX on some Marvel movies, and now-defunct studio Clockwork Zoo working on individual seasons of established shows (I know people who've worked on Caillou lol)) and a lot of the locally made shows I grew up on were Sesame Street esque puppet shows (Thabang Thabong, Liewe Heksie, Takalani Sesame even) BUUUT we're recently having our place in the sun with a lot of Disney and Netflix deals coming to fruition - see the above shows! Aau's Song contains some of the most gorgeous visuals i've seen in a 3D short, Supa Team 4 follows some Zambian superhero girls with extremely fun snappy animation, and Kizazi Moto is a really fascinating pan-African anthology animation series i have yet to watch but am SALIVATING over. For more animated shorts, also go check out the thesis short films of students at The Animation School, an institution i have no bias towards whatsoever :). Particular standouts are The Sugarcane Man, Don't Drop the Goose, The Other Side, R.I.P, and The Boy and The Robin. Also 'Undone' if you wanna bawl ur eyes out.
For personal taste reasons not a lot of other local TV has excited me this much, but I did used to like local soap opera 7de Laan (7th Avenue) back when it was good and funny lol!
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juneviews · 1 year
hi axelle! do you have recent or currently airing BLs to recommend? I'm bored LOL
hi :) yes I do! I've honestly been enjoying the latest bl batch so much tbh, like it's not incredible but I'm having a great time! in order from my fave to my slightly less fave (I also included shows that stopped airing less 2 months ago):
be my favorite: it's no secret that I'm HOOKED to this show already! it really has the potential to become a favorite of mine if it plays its cards right bc I love the premise of someone disatisfied with their life traveling time to make it better, as I find it highly relatable. I also love the characters already and I think the writing & pace of the show is extremely well done so far :) episodes watched: 2/10. grade so far: 8,5/10.
bokura no shokutaku: I started this show with zero expectation & we all know that's how you get the best surprises. and yup this show has stolen my heart entirely. I literally spent the last episode clutching my chest while smiling like an idiot, it's such a wholesome, feel good show while also working through the characters' traumas & the ship is SO good! I absolutely love it :) episodes watched: 9/10. grade so far: 8,5/10.
la pluie: idk the general opinion of this show & I don't wanna know (unless it's my followers, share away babes!) but I really like it. I think the characters are very lovable, especially the brothers saengtai & saengtien, I think the acting is good, the plot is simple yet interesting & makes you want to watch more, the chemistry is very good as well, and some of the themes of the show about love, soulmates & breaking up are definitely worth exploring. overall it's also a show I look forward to every week :) episodes watched: 6/12. grade so far: 8/10.
a boss and a babe: a show I did not plan on ever watching, but I'm so glad I did! even though it's a pretty simple show &, yes, is still definitely an hr violation lmao, I really liked it. it really shows that you can make a basic show so much more interesting by developing all of its characters including its side characters, touching on their mental health & other traumas well. you can tell the writers really cared about their characters & it made for a surprisingly healthy & heartfelt show. definitely hope to see more bl shows like this one in the near future :) episodes watched: 12/12. grade: 8/10
step by step: even though this is a basic show, I also really like its writing. all of its characters are treated with care & developed well, even when it means not rushing the main relationship which might make the show boring for some. I really appreciated that the last relationship of the main character is developed so well too, it's rare to see a bl show build up the secondary lead that much, even having him kiss the main character before the main lead. it also feels more like a show about a queer relationship than a bl show to me. so while, yes, it's not perfect, and it's also definitely another hr violation lol, I am enjoying it. I wish all bl shows put in this much care into their story & characters, bc it really adds something. episodes watched: 7/12. grade so far: 8/10
love mate: I wanted to include some korean bl lol, this one was really cute & the chemistry was frankly perhaps the best I've been coming from a kbl. it's short & sweet, nothing too out of this world but I would recommend it :) episodes watched: 8/8. grade: 8/10
house of stars: lastly, this will be my controversial pick bc from what I've seen people don't like this show, and I don't love it either, but I'm kinda fascinated by it so I needed to include it. there is a lot in this show that I would change, yet I am so intrigued by its main character gun lol, I'm lowkey obsessed with him, and I am so intrigued as to how the love triangle will resolve. I don't expect it to become better with time, but I think this show stands out insanely from other bls & contrarily to what the trailer let us think it's not nearly as exploitative in terms of sex as I thought. just bc of all of that, I would honestly recommend it if you're looking for something messy, mysterious & that will probably let you down in the end lol. if you're watching it come tell me what u think of it in my asks so we can try to make sense of this show! episodes watched: 6/12. grade so far: 7,5/10
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jinx-blackout-84 · 10 months
hi jinx!! for the ask game, 12, 34, 38, and 68 :D
12: yep, pretty consistently. My insomnia gets really bad during my depressive episodes and I recently had a pretty bad one for about 8 months which is why I wasn't on Tumblr for a long time, but making my goodnight posts is a way to cope with that and try to recover. I can't make a goodnight post if I don't sleep, and I like making them bc they make ppl happy!
34: okay so I'm assuming this is not about nightmares, because it said dreams, so here I go. Also I have a dream journal so this one's gonna be a long answer.
I was at a sleepover summer camp and it was the middle of summer. It was a church camp, more specifically, bc my mom is still trying to pray the gay away which is fun (she dosent even know I'm a boy yet just that I'm bi)
One notable thing about this camp is that I'm forced to go every year, so I spend most of my time at the concessions or the communal ping-pong area. It's got walls and a roof, but also is open air bevause the windows have no glass. It's my favorite place in the whole camp.
Because I am still (unfortunately) fem-presenting, people tend to assume I don't know what I'm doing. I look to be about 12, too if that helps paint the picture. (I am most definitely not 12, just VERY short for my age) which means that 16 or 17 year old guys will normally pity-play me if I ask nicely enough.
I am VERY good at ping-pong however, and would consider it to be a skill of mine (I've been forced to go to this camp for over 8 years now, and while my friends were going on icee dates, I was dominaring the ping-pong tournaments.) So I mostly hang around there bc it's fun to screw with the older douchebag Christian guys who think they're better than me because they own a tractor.
So anyways, the dream starts with me walking back from a Bible lesson. After Bible lessons, we get free time, so I make a beeline for the ping-pong area, which is called the Ping-Pong Palace.
I walk in and grab a pin-pong ball out of my bag, which is full of ping-pong balls because I steal them put of the ping-pong ball bowl when nobody is looking (you're supposed to pay 25 cents for them, but no way in hell am I giving money to a church camp)
I begin to scope out a target. I find an older guy (probably 17 or 18) with a mullet. Bingo. I watch him play his friend for the rest of their game, and afterwards walk up to him. I ask him if he would play me, to which he says yes. I toss him the ping pong ball. We're serving fives, three faulties. The nets are a little higher than usual, which had been his Achilles heel the whole game because he had a low serve.
I give him first serve. He looks bored, and before we start the game, I tell him not to go easy on me. He serves easy. I hit it back. We volley for a while as he becomes increasingly more panicked.
I go for the killshot. It goes off the edge and I celebrate. His next serve is a real serve that wpuld be hard to hit off of if I wasn't good at ping-pong. We continue like this for a while and I win by a lot, I can't remember the score. He leaves, going over to his friend and pointing at me.
I'm looking for a new target and I see them. They are the most gorgeous person I have ever seen. They are gender envy personified. Short cut-black hair, shaved on the sides and curly on top. Fairy prince cheekbones and dark blue eyes. Vampire pale and eyeliner with mascara making their eyes seem to take up their entire face. They're wearing a Marron hoodie and black sweatpants. Vans to go with it.
They walk over to me, holding a ping-pong paddle. They smile and ask me to play them. I asm what rules they want to play by and they smile at me "serving fives and three faulties, table end rule. No overhand one bounce"
I am shocked. Those are my rules. The same ones I always play by. How did they know my rules?
The game starts. Their skill outmatches mine, shocking me. I begin to lose. I start to notice that they look really familiar. I end up losing badly.
I congratulate them and inform them that nobody has beat me in ping-pong in a while.
"I know," they say.
I ask for their name. Their reply? My name. The name that will be my dead name someday.
"But you can call me Jinx." I woke up after that.
Some of this has much more detail that the dream did, but I wanted to write it fancy soooo...
38: No. I had a huge depressive episode for the better part of this year and it's just been a rough time. Things are looking up though, so we'll see about next year :)
68: my IRL friend (and lovely beta reader) we talked about morality and how trauma can affect people. And about if there are any people that are truly bad. I was pretty cynical about the last subject, whereas she was willing to extend more grace. It was a very interesting and intellectually stimulating conversation. Really enjoyed it.
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noblechaton · 11 months
so ultimately I really enjoyed season 5 as a whole and think it might be my new favorite season of ml in general since most episode were bangers and the finale eps weren't really any different lmao
but there's two elements that - like other folks I've seen - are kinda bugging me and bog it down a good bit I feel and I kinda wanna ramble about em. ml spoilers below (no salt tho I am complaining somewhat)
the first thing was something I'd caught a glimpse of just before I passed out last night thanks to some lovely blogging from a few mutuals and that I caught onto midway thru the second part of the finale and that is of course the weird attempt at seemingly redeeming? Gabriel in some capacity
now of course he's not at all redeemed to us, the audience, and it doesn't feel like a redemption so much as like. absolving him? but either way like....why at all? 5 seasons (2 specials and a video game too) across like 8 years I feel sorta showed that the guy legit could not be redeemed, especially S5 itself with multiple instances of him doing just. unforgivably heinous things to everyone including that son of his he kept talking about protecting and like for a time in the show maybe I could have seen that path where he was genuinely doing this to improve Adrien's life but that was tossed a long time ago lmao, he's actively tormented Adrien more than anything and that's without factoring in his beatings of Chat Noir, threats towards Marinette, etc.
Gabriel sacrificing himself at the end was something I sorta always knew was coming bc nothing else really made sense. no way he'd go to jail, he couldn't just be absolved of all he'd done and there was no real other option and yet they tried to absolve him anyway?? not to mention how little sense I feel it makes for Adrien to believe this in the least after even just the last few episodes, let alone the season and then some
Paris in general treating Gabriel like a hero sucks - most of the class at least should know better - and while I think there's a chance it'll lead to some juicy drama between Marinette knowing the truth and Lila knowing what she knows, one of them feels bound to take it to Adrien, I'm concerned it'll just be a flat point never to be addressed again
now I've often felt the show is more clever than ppl give it credit for but idk. something about it just feels weird and wrong and not just bc of what it is on the surface - Marinette building a lie into her relationship with Adrien is fascinating and it should absolutely come up in the future, but I'm worried it won't
and the reason I'm worried is bc of how Adrien was handled in the finale - in that he wasn't really handled at all
I understand that the story had him locked up in a cube, I get that he was purposefully tossed aside by that same father he supposedly believes is heroic now but like....why did we get nothing from him past him forfeiting the ring? why did he give up so easily? why was he a total nonentity in the finale of what is, essentially, his arc? in this story that has the most bearing on Adrien, Adrien himself was just....gone for most of it, arguably all of it
I feel like it flies counter to a lot of what the show's been doing especially lately with him in how Adrien is basically stripped of any and all agency by the end of the finale and honestly I hate it lol. him having no say on anything, no knowledge of anything or any real reaction to....anything that happened. we don't see him really react to the lie of what his father did, to Nathalie being returned to health or to the mysterious blonde woman at the pool who may or may not be his actual mom (the storyboards and deleted scene apparently confirm it was, at least, at some point), we don't even see him get his ring back. like I wasn't expecting a reveal at this point - I don't think we're gonna get one tbh - but....nothing??
which is part of why I feel the stuff at the end with him and Marinette in the garden - while very nice and cathartic after 8 years of watching - felt so off, almost hollow. Adrien didn't really get to be a character in the finale and just sort of reappears to finally kiss Marinette again? that's it? he's all smiles and sunshine again after being genuinely, undeniably tortured by his father that he again somehow believes is heroic in some manner? huh??
I think I'd feel better about things if we at least got his reaction to things - if he somehow rolled up on his destroyed house or found Nathalie walking around under her own power or w/e but there's just nothing. like he's an action figure that got lost under the bed for a bit. and again there's a chance we get some of that next season but like, not only do I think we shouldn't have to but I also see it as less likely than the Gabe stuff proving to be a plotline since that feels much more like a lingering presence that sorta needs to be dealt with and honestly Tomoe needs to be dealt with too idk how Kagami could ever go back to her after this
which really has me excited about season 6 more than I was - I admittedly kinda groaned when they revealed there'd be more seasons since I knew about the 5 season arc (especially since main villain Lila did not interest me in the least at the time lol, and still kinda doesn't tbh) but if I'd sorta softened on the decision across the last few years, I've fully turned around with this - so long as they address some of this stuff going forward at least bc I feel like if nothing else there's some really juicy drama and story potential in the Gabriel lie coming undone
ultimately again I loved this season and felt the finale was appropriately crazy - the kwamis in their ultimate forms, Gimmi's appearance, Bug Noir and the fight across the mansion, it all worked really well imo and there was a lot of payoff still in the finale even if I feel they didn't really stick the landing with a couple of rough edges and odds and ends hanging out
I also wanna say that I kinda like the ideas I've seen floating around about how the epilogue might not be what it seems - that Gabriel's wish wasn't so pure in nature, it kinda fits him to warp reality in just such a way after all but idk if that's what's going on here for sure yet. think it'd make a really cool twist if that evil AU special thingy came straight off of this tho, or if we got midway thru S6 and it's like, oh dang we're living a total fabrication!! I love stuff like that lol
also also ngl I am not excited about the whole team being back at all in any capacity lol. think a smaller team - which would now be Ladybug, Chat, Carapace, Rena, Ryuko and Argos maybe - just works better
also also also - addendum that ties into the Adrien stuff - it feels really weird that Chat Noir wasn't present at all during Monarch's defeat right? like. idk that just doesn't sit well with me, like he should have had some impact there, some role. maybe he could have broken out and given Ladybug the ring himself (albeit in a mask or something) or done literally anything. idk. really weird
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lerr-writes-fic · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
thanks for tagging me @stephmcx!! I'm always so surprised when people tag me in these things 🥹🥹
8 of my favorite shows are M*A*S*H, Twin Peaks, Dynasty, Seven Deadly Sins, Neon Genesis Evangelion, The Witcher, Hawaii Five-0, and Gorl World YouTube Drama
you can read my unhinged ramblings below the cut ♥️♥️
M*A*S*H: this show was my absolute favorite in high school, and it took me so long to watch because I had to rely on re-runs. If I was lucky, I would catch 2 episodes Monday-Thursday and 1-2 episodes on Saturday 12-2am. The series finale completely destroyed me to the point that I have a hard time finishing any TV show these days.
Twin Peaks: yet another show where the then series finale really stuck with me until we got The Return finale which also really stuck with me. Special Agent Dale Cooper remains one of my all-time favorite characters. His optimism and work ethic are inspirational.
Dynasty: y'all haven't lived until you watch an 80's soap opera. The drama and wardrobe are phenomenal. Some of the craziest shit I've ever seen was in Dynasty season 2 and 3. The plot points to get to this clip... incredible.
Seven Deadly Sins: this is the first anime I really got into, and it changed my life. Ban was my first husbando, and the rest is history. The series finally ended in two parts last year, and I kinda wish the second part never happened. It's sad that the series was dropped from the original animation studio, so later seasons do not have great animation. It's a fun ride! Just don't want the second half of the last season.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: a lot of my favorite shows have endings that just rocked my world, and boy howdy is Evangelion one of them. At the end of the anime, I was very hopeful, but I was devastated after finishing End of Evangelion. Two endings that are supposed to be the same but different. I am Shinji. Shinji is me. I first watched this show in 2019 and then rewatched in 2021, and it hit different in the midst of a pandemic and after the Texas 2021 Winter Storm. Excited to rewatch again this year!
The Witcher: while I prefer the video games now, the show is so good that I ended up binging the first season in 1 day with a friend of mine and then I bought Witcher 3 on my PS4 the next day. The rest is history. I love Geralt of Rivia so much. He is my special traumatized old man with a praise kink who has seen some shit boy.
Hawaii Five-0: this is not a show, it is a gay fever dream. I started watching this show while visiting my grandmother last year because she had crime show re-runs on constantly, and I always hoped that Hawaii Five-0 would come on. I am continually amazed by how close Steve and Danny are that I sometimes don't believe it's a real show. How did they get away with it all and still not make McDanno canon? They lived together, went to couple's counseling, shared the same bed, cuddled on the couch, DANNY TOLD STEVE TO PICK A BASE. gay gay homosexual gay.
Gorl World YouTube Drama: I fell into Gorl World about 2 years ago, boy howdy I can't stop watching. I don't enjoy reality television, but I sure as fuck am down to watch hours uponhours of coverage on everything that goes down with Foodie Beauty, ALR, Nikocado Avocado, and others. FB in particular bc her life is so buckwild that it can't be real. i miss the nashie era. long live Queen BBJ ♥️♥️
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homocidal-invader · 1 year
ok. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Well dang :V
1: What was the first episode you’ve seen? Episode 1 because I intentionally looked for the show to watch it after seeing clips of it online.
2: What’s your favorite episode? Episode 1. It's one of my favorite first episodes of a show ever and I really like how well it introduces everything. I love other episodes of the show of course I just think the first episode did a great job and should get more praise for that!
3: Favorite Irken? I like the main character a lot but if I had to choose a second favorite uhhh the Tallests as 1 entity I can't choose one over the other
4: Favorite Human? I like the other main character a lot also but as a second Professor Membrane bc he's funny and I had a mental image of him before watching the show
5: Favorite Other Race? There aren't really a lot of those to pick from :V
6: Any fan characters? Yesssss a few but this particular one I made several comics about
7: Favorite fanfiction? It's NSFW and I haven't actually finished the full series because it's long and I suck at reading! I might consider linking it at another point :V Favorite bc I took some inspiration from it for Est and I enjoy NSFW fics lol.
8: Favorite fanart?
I've got a few really inspirational ones on my computer! I recently made a long comment on the Irken propoganda poster fanart (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like the Corrupted Data 99% one (and made my own fanart based off of it), I like this sketch dump of Tallest Zims bc it's cool and bc of the comment "all I do is lie to myself" which I quote all the time now, this FnF song video that I keep trying to do a full version of because the OP said I could but haven't gotten around to it yet, and a bunch more I don't feel like tracking down lol.
9: Do you write for the fandom? Well I make comics but for fanfiction I've made one, short ZaDr fic but in character somehow
10: Do you draw for the fandom? Yes, here's my art tag for this blog and here's my askblog
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11: Would you be scared if Jhonen found your art/fanfics/blog? I've watched his Twitch streams (he might still be doing that every Monday?) and sometimes when he searches stuff up he ends up scrolling past fanart and doesn't acknowledge it lol. So not really, he's not as mean a guy as the fandom seems to demonize him wrongly as. I actually think meeting him would be pretty cool!
12: Do you like pairings? If so, which? I mean aside from ZaDr I like RaPr and basically am open to any if ppl write it in a way I like. Those two I just enjoy in particular.
13: Do you believe there are any canon pairings? Like, intended by the writers? I don't remember any prominent characters dating canonically no lol.
14: OTP? ZaDr. I watched episode 1 and shipped it immedietely after their first interaction XD If that's not a "One True Pairing" I'm not sure what is.
15: Favorite enemies? (Tak and Zim or Zim and Dib… etc) Does enemies to lovers count? Idk I am more of a HELPLESS ROMANTIC type I am only into enemies if it's charged in some way XD Otherwise it sticks out to me less so nothing really comes to mind that easily.
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16: Favorite Tallest of the four? I can't choose Red or Purple it changes every day! I like Miyuki and Spork but come on they don't have that much screentime and Red and Purple have far more changes to be funny lol
17: Favorite thing about Invader Zim? ADHD and artstyle
18: Least favorite thing about Invader Zim? that's hard. Even when the show disturbs me I take it as a positive. Uhhh. when ppl in the fandom are judgemental about other people's headcanons in a mean way lol
19: Do you have any blocked tags, relating to the fandom? probably but finding out would mean I'd have to look through my blocked tags! I frequently block people though.
20: Do you ever do crossovers? I had some Gravity Falls crossover sketches back in 2021, and I've done a few crossovers between characters in my own discord servers sometimes, but nothing large/prominent.
...Unless crossovers between zim askblogs count.
21: Any parts of show that actually scare you? Probably not scare but definitely disturb me. I'd need to rewatch it to remember.
22: Any parts of the fandom that actually scare you? I'm very sensitive as a person and have anxiety so people scare me easily!
23: Part that made you laugh the hardest… I'd need to go clip hunting for that! Good news though I recorded myself watching IZ with a friend in 2021 and am slowly editing the clips so I'll find out eventually.
24: Part that you could relate to… Zim very ADHD
25: Least favorite episode? I like all the episodes and I see grossing me out as a bonus bc rarely do things disturb me and it means that it succeeded but uhhhhhh I mean least likely to rewatch probably rise of the zitboy lol
26: Least favorite scene? Sometimes there's fatphobia in the show and that sucks :V
27: Do you like G.I.R.? YES I don't draw him as often as other characters but if you look around my askblog he makes it into tons of the posts lol
28: If you could be anyone from the show, you would choose….. Trying to send me to hell??? Rude.
29: Are the Tallest intelligent or not? Yeah they just don't care lol
30: What do you think an Irkens blood color is? I like it when it's either pink or matches their eye color. I want a rainbow blood smear of irkens after war. imagine it.
31: If you could write an episode, what would happen? I've thought of several fake episode scripts, like where Dib gets suspended for pushing Zim at school and goes to a better nicer school, then ends up back at normal school at the end of the episode because the world is built to hurt Dib, or an episode where Zim gets stuck in his elevator and can't get out bc his PAK legs are too long and his rockets are useless and GIR is useless.
If I could write an episode though it'd probably end up being gay shit tho ngl
32: If all the voice actors and artists were different, would you still want Invader Zim to come back? Well if the writers are the same... hmm, though a lot of what was good about IZ was the synnergy between all the writers, artists, and VAs, like Rikki who voiced GIR also being a background artist, and somehow a bunch of these ppl are still friends 20 years later.
I think it'd be fun to see it even if they totally and completely fuck it up though because then the fandom would tear it apart and it'd be funny
33: Do you consider any of the characters your ‘babies’? Depends on the day but I do love random navigator drone from Florpus. Baby bc Evv is totally based off of them XD Adopted!
34: Do you have any fancharacters that are the result of two canon characters getting together? Fankids? I'd say Wur, even though it's not Dib's biological kid he's still its dad XD
35: If you could meet any of the characters, who would it be and what would you say? Dib's insufferable but I think he just wants someone to listen to him lol
36: If you could meet any of the voice actors, who would it be and what would you say? Probably Richard bc I've seen lots of interviews with him and he just seems really friendly and nice to talk to!
37: Other than Zim, who is your favorite Irken Invader? Damn :V Well we don't really get to meet the other invaders much, do we? Like it's either Skoodge or you just REALLY like a background character lol
38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father? I'd like him to be good but yk all the times he's good it could just be argued it's because his kids are science experiments XD When I write him he's neglectful and cold but more on accident than intentional abuse. He wants the best for his kids but he's just not equipped to deal with their emotions.
39: Favorite quote? I'd need to rewatch the show there's too many good ones lol
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40: Zim’s taken over the planet… Now what? Calls the Tallests to tell them about it and they're like..... We're not flying over there!!! Uh... we told you to watch it not take it over!!! uhhhh whatever, good job [disconnects].
Zim would have his fun being king for a day then things get back to normal by the end of the episode lol
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emponies · 2 years
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♦Well uh, hi!! you can call me chob(she/her)! i love Empires SMP and ponies, so i made a blog for empires ponies. because yes here i will be posting art i create of emponies. enjoy but pls read this post first for some cautions and heads ups and warnings and all that. ty
♦Currently all drawings/desings will be from season 1 as i have not seen any episodes from season 2 yet. i probably will in the near future tho.
♦feel free to ask me something, or request a scene/character to draw
♦NOTE: As this blog first starts out, most of the art you see will be mere concepts of what I think each cc would look like, both cc wise and empires canon wise. but after i got a rough concept of everyone then the fun starts lol
♦NOTE 2: This is NOT AT ALL intended to be a daily doodles type thing. i draw/post when i feel like it. sometimes a bitch be artblocked asf.
♦NOTE 3: Not every drawing is going to be a completely finished full piece. sometimes i'll just post some doodles. i am dogshit at natural backgrounds. So dont expect much of that lol
♦NOTE 4: Smallishbeans , ldshadowlady, and mythical sausage are my all time favorites… so you'll probably see a lot of art of THEM especially. juuuuust a heads up. i am planning to have many art pieces of each member tho so uh dont worry abt ur fave being excluded
♦NOTE 5: check out the emponies twitter !! also follow ME on twitter!! bc i said so. i follow back btw. would like some more empires/afterlife mutuals
♦NOTE 6: i swear a lot lol
♦NOTE 7: warning for a mild amount of shipping. not much tho. may occasionally make a joke abt two characters dating or i'll draw something dumb or sum I am only intending to ship the empires characters, not the actual creators. Of course if a creator says they are uncomfortable with shipping i will not draw anything of that sort
this does not apply to joel and lizzie since ofc they are already a thing. you will probably see lots of joel+lizzie stuff.
And obviously this blog is going to be entirely SFW. even though i say fuck.
♦NOTE 8: I have also seen afterlife smp, so you may see some doodles from there too. i may also draw and post pony versions of ccs who aren't in empires but associate with their group(ex: afterlife ccs like oli, meghan, etc). I've also seen 3rdlife/lastlife(NOT doublelife atm) so you may see some art from there too. though it'll probably only be joel and lizzie lol
♦NOTE 9: currently this account is only ran by me, chob. if you want to mod with me, dm me on twitter (@hitmonchob) and we'll get things sorted out
♦NOTE 10: do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
♦NOTE 11: i am fairly new to tumblr. i have never owned a blog before. little to no clue how this stuff works. bare with me lol
i think that's it for now! Sorry for typing a whole ass novel lmao… i thank you for reading all of it Enjoy your stay at emponies ig !!
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convenientalias · 3 years
would you be willing to rate cdramas on: your recommendations for someone who hasn't seen many cdramas yet?
I can try. But also the first cdrama I ever completed was Nirvana in Fire, which I've heard a lot of ppl specifically say is not a good first cdrama. So this is all with a grain of salt.
Also, to be noted: I assume that a drama delving into Chinese culture is not a minus in this case, as long as it's still comprehensible or would be with a little research. (E.g. when I watch a historical drama set in an era I have no experience with, I usually do a little googling at the confusing bits and come out fine.)
Also to be noted: Since I usually just rate every cdrama I've ever watched (...it's only eleven. I'm also a person who hasn't seen THAT many cdramas, tho there are more I've DNFed) I'm just going to do that even if I don't actually rec the drama at all. You get a range!
So with no further ado, here are the dramas:
Ancient Detective--8/10 as an introductory drama, actually I think this is a good choice in a lot of ways. There are a lot of wuxia aspects to the show, from wanderers in the jianghu to martial sects to bands of bandits to legendary doctors to improbably perfect disguises to weak heroes who faint because they have a curse of coldness on them. So it's kind of cool as an introduction to that genre. However, it's also just a case procedural show, and the plot's easily understandable. Also, it's only 24 episodes, making it the second shortest drama on this list. I feel I must mention that the next shortest dramas here (Granting You a Dreamlike Life, Handsome Siblings, and Weaving a Tale of Love, tied) are 40 episodes long. Love Is More Than a Word is shorter. But Love Is More Than a Word is not very good (I love it but its quality is not high).
The Disguiser--7/10. What's not to love about a spy drama? Gave me a crash course on China's politics in WWII. Has a lot of intrigue and great characters. There is a small fandom. It is in love with a pair of adoptive brothers who are also employer and employee (and kind of ships the two) and it is not wrong about this but what I want is for ppl to care more about is the youngest brother of the Ming family and his awful relationship with his ruthless and manipulative spymaster mentor. which broke me into small pieces. Not rated higher bc 1) I think most ppl who watch this first watched Nirvana in Fire and became obsessed with one or more of the actors in it so I'm sure that influences our perception of it and 2) it has some episodes that are just kind of boring and a couple things about it really annoy me. (Like, why can't ppl show Ah Cheng some more respect, damn it?!)
The Flame's Daughter--God, I don't know. On the one hand, inter-sect intrigue, martial arts, vengeance, incredible whump, beautiful and color coded costuming, all things I love. I am constantly trying to get more ppl to watch this show. On the other hand I want to punch the male lead in the face, the main romance sucks, and the main plot only really kickstarts at about, hm, episode 6 or 7. And it only gets REALLY good (just imo) around episode 20-ish. But also, Dilraba Dilmurat! Even if her character develops slowly, I just love her! Idk, pick between a 8 (for "please watch this I am begging you") and a 4 (for "you might just quit around episode 4 and I wouldn't really blame you").
Granting You a Dreamlike Life--Again, can I rec this show? I'm really not sure I can rec this show. The love triangle, depending on how you feel about the characters and about love triangles in general, could easily be a huge drag. Also it's non-stop melodrama and tropiness. But it has nice whump and also has Zhu Yilong (most ppl know him from Guardian, which is not on this list bc I never finished it. He's a good actor). I guess I'll give it a 5/10. If you try it, try not to get bogged down in the first half (more like 3/4) of the first episode, which is all framing device.
Handsome Siblings--There are a few adaptations of the novel Handsome Siblings is based off of out there. I'm talking about the 2020 version. And honestly? 8/10. For me this show is the best wuxia I've seen, and probably the most classically wuxia at that. It is very over the top. A lot of Villains and Heroes who are self aware enough to call themselves literally villains and heroes. But it's also doing a little commentary on this--Jiang Xiaoyu, the real MC, calls himself both a hero and a villain depending on the day, and the real villains who drive most of the overarching conflict of the show are believed to be heroes by the general public. Anyway it's just a lot of fun. I only take the last two points off bc 1) the deuteragonist, Hua Wuque, is a drag, and his romantic arc is even more of a drag, and 2) there's definitely some sexism going around--sexual harassment jokes, for example, and Jiang Xiaoyu being generally sleazy. So those are serious downsides but I think the pure fun of the show makes up for it. Idk I think it's worth at least trying out. (...just make it past the first episode and a half of backstory before you judge.) ALSO THE FOOD LOOKS REALLY GOOD.
Joy of Life--4/10. I'm biased; I don't like Joy of Life very much even though a lot of people like it a lot. But apart from that assessment. Imo Joy of Life is a parody and a genre mash-up and better watched after you've already watched one or two more serious (or at least earnest, if humorous) wuxia or palace intrigue dramas. Like, it's more fun to see the Crown Prince and Second Prince awkwardly feuding if you've already seen Nirvana in Fire princes doing the same with a way higher sense of gravity. Watching Joy of Life before watching a sincere wuxia or palace intrigue drama would be like getting into Watchmen as someone who doesn't know superhero comics--it's not like you can't do it, but it kind of feels like you're skipping a step. That said, you said recs for someone who hasn't watched "many" cdramas, so, depending, it might be fine. But I also just don't like it that much. I think the characterization and tone are kind of weak. (...in general, ppl disagree with me on this.)
Love Is More Than a Word--5/10. On the one hand, very slashy and very SHORT, which is not something I can say about many cdramas. On the other hand, disappointing ending. I'm trying to rec cdramas that make you want to watch more cdramas, not ones that make you say "huh, well, that sure was a show" or tear your hair out. But again, it's short, so if time commitment's an issue, you could do worse. And it has fun historical vibes and a litttttle political intrigue.
Nirvana in Fire--Subjectively 10/10. The first cdrama I ever watched to completion, the drama that hooked me on cdramas in general. And imo easier to follow than many political dramas, bc Mei Changsu (or Prince Yu or Jingyan, depending on the episode) always takes a moment to monologue to the audience surrogate (usually Meng) and say "if you can't tell what I'm trying to do here. This is what I'm trying to do." So it's not too overwhelming. Also it's just. really good. And a lot of ppl view it as one of the best cdramas ever. And there's an actual fandom with a lot of good fic. However, objectively, the first couple episodes can be confusing, and the show in general is kind of dry. so if I was being objective I might rate it lower but I'm not going to bc this is my list.
Sword Dynasty--2/10 the real question is why would you watch this at all. But if you're a beginner with cdramas maybe you wanna watch a drama with a lot of swordsfighting and that's valid. But maybe you should watch Handsome Siblings or The Flame's Daughter or literally any other drama instead bc Sword Dynasty honestly is just not good. And it's very confusing! So confusing! I honestly thought I'd missed an episode when I started the first episode and never quite got over the sense of holes in the narrative and characterization; stuff I felt like I was supposed to already know, characters I felt like I was supposed to already be invested in. There are some good actresses here and some nice fighting scenes but I do not recommend the show.
Weaving a Tale of Love--5/10 in that I wouldn't discourage watching it but I don't think it would be very rewarding as one of your first cdramas. It's got some lovely episodes--fun political intrigues, cute flirtations, angst, all the good stuff. The aesthetics are good and the main actress is really cheerful and just fun to watch. But it really takes its time getting started. The first couple episodes are backstory, and then you have to see Liuli as an adult, and then Liuli has to sort of meet some people and her love interest and do some shenanigans, and THEN you finally get to the main political intrigue and revenge subplot. I didn't get bored by any of these arcs but I think for a beginner it might get frustrating. It's also not good enough that I'd put it in a category of "something you simply MUST watch". It's popcorn.
Winter Begonia--7/10, but with emphatic pros and cons both. This show has a lot going for it: It's slashy. It's a historical, and not in a vague wuxia sense; it's set solidly in the 1930s and deals with culture and events of the time. Watching Chinese opera in this show is a great look at a traditional Chinese art. It also has a lot of adventure, intrigue, shenanigans... However, the tone might be off-putting to some watchers, because the tone is a bit hard to place. Sometimes it's very melancholy, talks about changing times and living in a country at war. Other times it's slapstick comedy, and characters are yelling at each other or chasing each other around tables. Or petty intrigue, opera-circle melodrama and sabotage. Often it's more than one of these things in the same episode, or even in the same scene. For me it took a couple episodes to really get a sense of what Winter Begonia was going for in terms of tone, so I don't know if it would be a bit difficult for a beginner in cdrama-land to get a handle on it. However, I've shown this show to my mother, who had previously only watched two other cdramas, and she enjoyed it a lot. So honestly I feel I can rec it with a clean conscience.
And now I should really go to bed.
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Hi! Congratulations on the 400 !!!!!
you are amazing and deserve all the love of this world!!!!
For this ship game: I'm very shy at first, but when I build trust with people I become quite talkative (maybe too much) and I'm always doing stupid things that make people laugh. My friends always tell me that I am very loyal and protective of them. I've always thought that Fives and I would be best friends and do a lot of stupid things together. Lately, I have a hobby of embroidery and I have embroidered a lot of pennants of things that I like and mean a lot to me *cof* star wars *cof* .
(I would like to be paired with a clone)
Thanks, and again Congrats!!!! love you.
PD: I suck on tumblr I hope I did this right jajaja.
celebrate with me ✨
you say... fives as best friend. but what about fives as boyfriend.
but. u know. if it's not fives. what about wrecker my dearest, the light of my life?
LISTEN. just hear me out alright. wrecker is a sweetheart. he is the loveliest fella you'll ever meet. and you guys would be so sOFT together. like. for real.
my mans is loud, nothing new here, and he's an extrovert through and through so he'd obviously would make the first move. bUT. he's a silly guy, so maybe you guys met in one of those nights at the 79's where the place is packed and maybe your friend went to the restroom and they are taking a bit too long bc maybe they making out with some shiny and you're starting to get a bit uneasy.
and wrecker's been watching u for a little while now and this is it !! he's gonna go and talk to you. but babe's kinda clumsy, and he stumbles and makes an not so smooth entrance and goes "uh- oh, uh hi!" and gives you this awkward, charming smile and HE LOOKS SO CUTE I SWEAR.
shy eyes because he just made a Ridiculous out of himself, hand rubbing the back of his neck and he sort of sits not so graciously on the stool beside you. and you giggle.
and I don't know why I'm writing this bc it has nothing to do with what you said about yourself but this is so cute and totally how I picture you two would be and anyways when you giggle wrecker finds his confidence bc oh woah you so cute he mUST hear that sweet sound you just made again and again until the end of times okay.
and you're a bit shy, short answers, blushing here and there, not meeting his eyes for longer than a second, fidgeting with the drink on your hand. but he's so sweet, and charming AND funny. and you started to loosen up as time passes, growing more comfortable with him by the second.
and a few dates later and you can't shut up and wrecker is here for it. he loves your voice and how your eyes light up when you ramble about something you like. and he loves your laugh and your smile and how you look at him and he's so wrapped around your finger u know.
you two are always doing stupid things to make the other laugh, that's a FACT. because he loves your laugh and you love his and it's so easy to be with him, to love him so much and so hard. it's easy for butterflies flutter in your stomach when he's around, too.
and you're very protective of each other, wrecker's always making sure you're alright and feeling good. and you're always defending him when needed, maybe you can't do much with your firsts in comparison to wrecker, but you always have a quick remark when someone says something not so nice to him.
AND THE EMBROIDERY !!! (actually had to translate what the f was that and sincerely thought it was something that had to do with death i- I'm a dumbass and I'm sorry lmao) BUT ANYWAYS THAT WOULD BE SO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 FRICKING CUTE.
like imagine. JUST IMAGINE. you're making this little thingy and wreckers like "ohh what's that" and he tries. to like. do something on his own. but his fingers are so big and the needle is so small and he breaks it and he's all sad :(
baby just wanted to make something with you.
but you just go and sit on his lap, hands cupping his cheeks and YOU KNOW I IMAGINE HIM LIKE. IN THE 8 EPISODE. sad eyes looking down and you're like "it's alright baby. just a needle. no worries." and you kiss his lips.
and it's just a needle. but he's so used to destroying things and this one time. this one time he wanted to create something it all goes to shit.
but u know how there are this like, thick needles? well it might be a little messy, but he's !!! so happy !! and he tries to make something cute for you. like, maybe you have this pattern of uhhhh, flowers or whatever. and you teach him how to stitch and he's so happy!! so happyyyyy. and has the biggest smile on his face and sometimes he takes you on his lap and you do you and he does his but he kisses your temple from time to time and tells you what a good job you're doing and thIS IS SO SELF INDULGENT I WANT WRECKER AS MY BF.
sorry I'm gonna steal him away. you keep fives i-
AJSKAJS IM JOKING I CAN SHARE. but anyways let's keep going before I actually melt for how cute this is okay so. IMAGINE.
there's this one time where he came home with the biggest smile on his face, and he's vibrating with excitement. you can practically feel it.
"what's going on?" you ask at the same time he goes,
"close your eyes" and you give him a puzzled look and when you're about to do it because well. you trust him, he quickly adds "and give me your hand." his words are so calm, but you can see his eyes shining with this happiness and you've never seen him like that.
so you oblige, closing your eyes and extending your hand. and it's not long before you feel it. a soft fabric is placed in your hand and you smile so widely. you don't need to look to know what it is.
"you can open them." his voice is a whisper, and you know the change of tone is due confidence slipping away just a bit.
giving gifts is something so weird. to feel such excitement that is followed by a small uncertainty because you don't know if the person is going to love it and-
you do.
you gasp as soon as you see it.
it's his helmet stitched in a soft, beige fabric, surrounded by little flowers with your favorite colors and you don't miss the 99 at the top left.
it's beautiful, clumsy stitches adorning it whole, and there are a few spots where you can see the pattern he followed, some little holes of the times he missed placing the needle correctly are scattered around.
and you have tears in your eyes and haven't spoken yet and he's getting a bit nervous.
"i uh, i told omega the flowers were too much but–" and you meet his eyes, his caramel ones looking almost shy, soft, an excuse for his actions behind them in case you didn't like it.
he cuts himself off when he sees your face.
"it's beautiful." your voice is a threat, a light whisper he might've not heard if he wasn't paying so much attention to you. "i love it, thank you." it's the little smile on his lips that make you break from the whatever enchantment his gift put on you.
you couldn't love him more than right there, at that exact moment, clenching the cloth close to your heart as if you could keep it there forever, next to the muscle that swells for him.
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cdt12345 · 2 years
A tumblr game! I've been so caught up in my binge watching, that I am so late on these! I'd like to say it's been school work that's kept me busy, but let's be honest! It's just TV. 😕🙄 Thank you @mrs-monaghansblog for tagging me even when I take forever to respond. Don’t give up on me! 😂🤣
Nickname: Carrie/Care bear (although my dad is the only one who still uses that one.)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 4"11
Last Thing I Googled: Interwar and WWII years art themes. (Oh God it’s so boring! It was for my class work I was doing yesterday.)
Followers: 3,854
Song Stuck in My Head: Yes - I’ve Seen All The Good People (I blame CSI: Crime Scene Investigation for this. I’ve been doing a re-watch of the show this month and it came out in an episode I watched the day before yesterday. The first half of the song has been stuck in my head since.)
How Many Hours of Sleep: 8 hrs. if I’m lucky. I don’t go to sleep until 2 or 3 am, but I wake up late.
Dream Job: Film director
Lucky Number: 15
Currently Wearing: Black leggings with a red cable knit sweater. It’s actually cold in Houston today!
Aesthetic: Not completely sure what my aesthetic is, I would think anything with puppies and pop culture or movie related. Lots of jewelry. I love accessorizing. Blue since it's my favorite color.
Favorite song: It’s always so hard to choose because there are so many great songs out there. Linkin Park is my all time fav band and they’ve meant so much to me, so I’ll choose Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit This song has always meant so much to me and takes me back to high school. I miss Chester!
Favorite Author: A writer who I’ve read a lot of growing up was R.L. Stine. I loved the Goosebumps, Fear Street, and Mostly Ghostly series when I was young. Fear Street is my favorite!
Favorite Animal Noise: This is a very strange question, but okay. When my Husky Misty howls, it’s adorable!
When she was a baby I got the best video of her doing this. The TV was on Christina Aguilera’s Genie in a Bottle music video and Misty started howling bc I accidentally changed it. I changed it back to Christina and she started starring at the TV. It was like she was upset that I changed it. It was hilarious and adorable! I didn’t mean to go into a whole story, sorry! It was just too cute not to share!
I don’t know who hasn’t done this yet or been tagged. Anyone who wants to do this should!  
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0tivez · 2 years
I feel like to a certain extent I also had that toxic phase of calling people a poser lol and people calling me a poser as well :p in the end we like what we like and fuck people who try and make us feel bad about those things <3
I LOVE R/JUJUTSUSHI!!!! its the best place for spoilers 🥰 jk jk. I could go on an ugly rant it as well. Imagine someone cringe bc they find someone attractive and consume the media around them??? I hate people's logic sometimes; lemme enjoy hot anime 2d men/women fuck off :D
LMFAO I think thats the only downside of talking with strangers about theories and such I think?? sometimes they don't understand or aren't open minded about other povs (and the latter is fine, you don't have to accept something that you dislike but pls don't be mean about it you're gonna hurt my feelings)
I hold haikyuu people to grown up standards but they're literally in 1st year of hs tf TT lets be best friends! I'll be the Yamaguchi to your Tsukishima <3 but fr, I don't know if you've reached this point but the episode where Tsukki's backstory was revealed...I feel nothing but pain. I can also relate to him as well tbh; I like how Haikyuu characters are, as far as I know, very humanly fleshed out!
Ohhhh I love cotton candy! It's been a while since I've eaten it tho :,) ill add it to my watch list! lately ive kinda been fixing my life/schedule so I hope I can start reading csm and jjk and watch more anime!
I...I was watching, you know...I was watching pørñ TT
YOU JUST MADE ME REMEMBER!!! I WANTED TO TELL YOU BUT IT SLIPPED MY MIND ANYWAY WE GOT A RELEASE DATE!!!!!! THE MOVIE IS GONNA BE RELEASED THE 24TH OF MARCH allegedly and I say allegedly bc even though news channels have made comments about the release date, cinemas over haven't said anything?? but ig lets just hope for the best TT my cousin wanted to go to the movies wearing outfits inspired by Gojo and Nanami and it would be fun so imma just hope for the best :,)
I would also watch the shaky version. no doubt, no hesitation. A bookstore over here was selling jjk volume 8 at a discount price and I really wanted to buy it but my dad wouldn't let me TT I need to get a job fr
EYYYY CSM PROPAGANDA >:) I think its more of a Latin American Spanish thing tbh BUT LETS GO
Yuzuru is an ethereal being. There's just so much about him that blows me away I cant- and all his skating outfits :,D I keep thinking about skating aus since the olympics; they're plaguing my mind
I think one of my friends told me that mappa kinda exploited their workers but I wouldn't be 100% sure; I didn't fact check. I also don't know if im using the ; correctly bc I don't English very well as of lately lmfao.
I don't know where I stand with cosplays, I like the ones that aren't a carbon copy of the characters but outfits inspired by them and such. I think those are very neat!
I hope you had a nice weekend!! <3
-🥳 anon
right lmao it's also those same guys that drool over rem and shit too
i don't think i've seen his backstory yet. i DO know that his brother is voiced by geto's va tho 👀 i should really finish it
you were watching PORN in your FAMILY CAR??? you're a menace to society and i don't know if i respect you or hate you for that (jk jk.... unless)
i saw 18th of march but it was for usa :') it's nowhere close to where i am lol i might watch the crappy drive versions. for now, i will be hyped for the batman
AAH ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR VOL8 AND 9 FOR AGES BUT THEYRE BOTH SOLD OUT! they are not translated which means they are so fucking expensive but i was ready to pay for it.... anyways i bought vol 0 and 1 for very cheap, i need to just wait for them to get translated :') they're only at vol 2 but damn i can wait to see getos fat titties and toji traumatizing gojo
mappa most likely does exploit their workers. i did hear tho that they are paid well, better than most other animators, so baby steps ig
lol i don't really look for punctuation either, it's impossible to learn lol so PSA if i ever have weird punctuation, it's cause i do it the way i do in turkish lol
i agree! most cosplays don't work out well for that reason :( hakken is a god tho
have a good one!
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Maybe you spoke too soon about first point bc starting lesson 24 it's soooooo hard to pass without at least one UR. I've seen ss from a constant spender who are in the same fb group I'm in, that even with complete ur sets, all are on lvl 100, it's barely enough to pass lesson 29. Now that's just lesson 29, how long are the lesson will continue, and what if the devs keep raising the score requirements up sky high like now? As if gently forcing us to own ur & ur+.... Which ain't cheap 👄
I don't know how it is for others but I haven't had much problems? & I only started playing a couple months ago so I haven't had as much time to get a lot of good cards and level up? Like I've only got 1 UR that's got all 5 stars and is leveled up to 100 & 4 SSRs that have all 4 stars and that are leveled up to 90 & 1 UR+ with 3 stars all my other SSR cards and UR cards barely have 1 star. From my SSR memory cards only 2 have 4 stars and are completely leveled up, the other memory card I'm using is a fully leveled up SR card but I've managed to get three stars on some of the new lessons even without using a glowstick.....? (Making no progress with the hard lessons tho)
This is what I am doing to get past newer lessons;
1.) Glowsticks! In the week between new lessons look at your tasks & complete missions that will give you glowsticks. Play the boot camp and events and get glow sticks. Get glowsticks through jobs and daily bonuses. Use those glowsticks. Only use the rainbow ones if you have no other option.
2.) The little face! The little face doesn't have to be XD it can be :) and you can still get three stars (I have!)
3.) Level up! Spend Grimm on leveling up your cards as fast as possible to the highest max. (Grimm is easy to come by so it shouldn't be a problem)
4.) Unlock spaces in the devil tree! Replay parts of the game focusing specifically on the tokens you need to unlock spaces. Look at your tasks and complete them to get more tokens. Play the boot camp and events to get more tokens
5.) (This is something I haven't done yet) But level up/unlock spaces from at least 1 card of each sin (including memory cards). If you could do two each that'd be even better
6.) Use Nightmare! Use the free pulls because once in a while they give you SSR and URs. But also use the 27,000 Grimm pull daily. It almost always gives you parts of at least two SSR or URs for each pull. Slowly collect them and assemble them
7.) Save up the 18 points you get each day and use them on the congratulations pack they give you each time you pass a level. That shit's 99points and it's the best! You get 5 rainbow glowsticks, 5 vouchers, Ap and Grimm from it.
8.) It doesn't matter if you're behind on lessons! Go at your on pace that's completely fine. You don't have to play the lesson the second it drops. Block spoilers on tumblr and just play it when your cards are good enough because they will get good
Seriously obey me is not a game where you have to pay actual money to play the main storyline. I've got to lesson 29 without paying a cent on the main storyline (admittedly I have spent money on some events to get a certain card) and I've kept up to date with the new lessons. With the lessons getting harder all you need is a little patience (and not the kind of patience you need to have with something like The Arcana where you have to use large amounts of coins (depending on the option they can range from 150-300 coins) to unlock actual scenes in the game and they only give you a reward of 5 coins per day, a fortune wheel that rarely lands on coins and a mini game that only starts properly giving you coins after you've collected almost all the postcards). It's also not a game like Love Island where not only do you have to pay around 25 gems for certain options but these options can affect the amount of affection a character feels for you (you can also earn affection points by buying new outfits which again cost gems) and the only way to earn gems is by playing an episode and getting 2gems at the end of it, but there are never enough episodes to make up for the amount of gems you need. What I'm saying is even with the harder lessons you don't need to spend actual money in order to play obey me's main storyline. With obey me you'll just need a few weeks of patience and a strategy!
Sidenote- I absolutely adore Love Island the Game and The Arcana but they can be absolutely frustrating because of the paid options. Love Island specially tries its best to pressure you into buying new outfits for the characters every few episodes. Obey me's a breath of fresh air compared to that
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seraphsfire · 4 years
hi! i've been seeing a lot about the untamed the last few months. what is it about? why are they all so attractive?
this is show is a JOURNEY, about a bunch of people who won the genetic lottery, mainly the story of Two Boys who to go highschool together and the cute, sunshiney one annoys the stoic elf one until the elf falls in love with him, which takes about two seconds (well, i’d say 8 episodes in) but they don’t figure it out until sixteen years later!! 
the sunshine boy ends up dying and coming back in a brand-new body sixteen years after he decided to study Dark Magic (not a spoiler bc it’s ep 1), which everybody told him not to do (you’ll find out the reason why later on) because a member of one of the clans wanted him to take revenge on the people who did him wrong. So our sunshine (Wei Wuxian, informal name Wei Ying, title of Yiling Patriarch) is stuck back in this world where he goes on a quest for revenge for this dead guy, Mo Xuanyau. BUT THEN he sees his highschool crush, stoic elf boy (Lan Wangji, informal name Lan Zhan, title Hanguan-Jun) and FLASHBACK TIME it goes back to when they met in highschool studying Cultivation and the shenanigans they got up to, until you meet them back in the present day, and you get to see them FALL IN LOVE ALL OVER AGAIN!!! i love to see it! 
This show’s got everything:
--”I thought you were my soulmate” “I still am” (HOLY SHIT THIS STUFF IS CANON)
-Touching, Staring, and Tenderness (somehow in a show where they never kiss, it’s more tender than any couple I’ve ever seen? this show makes me crazy, dude) Our elf boy almost never moves his face, so when he does even the slightest bit you can tell so much about how he feels! they are ALWAYS touching each other’s hands! they get to hold hands! they get to take care of each other when they’re injured! They declare their devotion to each other!!! 
-Symbolic marriage! Several Instances!
-Beautiful Boys And Girls ! 
-Found Family! Wei Wuxian LOVES his adopted brother and sister so much!! he gets to hold their hands and hug them and touch their faces!! he loves them more than anything and they love him! They both love soup together!!! He adopts a doctor from an enemy clan and her little brother, as well as an orphan boy, along the way! 
-Lan Wangji’s older brother ships him mega hard with Wei Wuxian to the point where he sends Wei to where his brother is tAKING A BATH SO THAT WEI CAN TALK TO HIM??? im yelling how is this show real? 
-BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES! the wigs have kind of Bad Sideburns, but you get over that after how good their hair looks in the wind. Everybody just looks so, so damn pretty all the time? 
-Honorable Mentions: the most ADORABLE undead boy who is a ghost-army general covered in chains, chicken stealing, sneaking gay p*rn into ur crush’s lit book when he’s not looking, a villain who is taking revenge for his pinky finger, bad cooking, silly cgi, floating on roofs, BEAUTIFUL SWORD FIGHTS, and lots of SLEEVES and CHEEKBONES. BLATANT GAY LOVE, even though they couldn’t get like, kissing in there. 
A lot of the bad guy stuff, especially at the beginning when you’re not interested yet can get tiresome and everybody’s titles are hard to get used to, but other than that... i just kept watching it bc everybody was so hot, and now i’m uhhh learning chinese....and watching other chinese costume dramas (the sleuth of ming dynasty is a good one)... i hate myself bye lol. 
it’s on netflix OR YOUTUBE pls give it a shot ;-; 
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louisemcbear · 5 years
A few thoughts about the new TS video
I've already reblogged stuff about it but heads up to people who haven't watched it yet and haven't blocked any tags, if you want to avoid spoilers please block the tag 'TS spoilers'.
This isnt going to be anything coherent just random thoughts probably.
1. Thomas and friends really aren't making it easy for cosplayers anymore, are they? I mean, look at this trash boy:
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Idek what the casual cosplay would be for him. But I'm sure someone will come up with something. (Though this may be because I'm salty I can still only easily cosplay 3 of the sides and I have nothing green...)
2. I don't know much about the Jacksepticeye and Markiplier characters but when I thought saw Remus, he kinda reminded me of them? That may just be the moustache thing though.
3. I've seen quite a few people who seem to have fallen in love with Remus but am I the only one who kinda preferred Deceit's entrance? Not to say this wasn't a hella good episode, because it was, but I rewatched Can Lying Be Good? at least once a day for a solid week and got goosebumps everytime, whereas this felt more like a fever dream.
4. (Also I was thinking it was fairly quick since we last had a new character, but it's been 16 months or something like that so time is a terrifyingly relative concept.)
5. It's really cool to see how comfortable Joan and Camden have got with using special effects, considering we've gone from 12 Days of Christmas where it was a single effect to multiple different instances in this video of the Sides (and Thomas) interacting in the same frames. Idk much about video editing but it makes me very excited to see how they continue in the future.
6. There's a lot of stuff about pairs of light/dark sides and the colour theory going round (which they have been for what feels like forever now) and at this point I'm almost expecting a twist. Thomas is probably aware that we all assumed Virgil was a dark side and has given that to us, but it would be interesting if the next side wasn't orange, but was white or multicoloured or just something that throws the theory out of the window.
7. Adding to this it's interesting to see that (if the pairing thing does become canon), there's both a dark side/light side pairing that doesn't get along so well and one that does. Deceit gets along pretty well with Roman, Logan can tolerate Remus (I think) and if Virgil is included in this, he and Patton do seem inseparable.
8. Doesn't entirely fit, but would people be interested in a censored summary of the video? So then if you don't feel comfortable after seeing the warnings you could still get an idea of what happened? Bc it was definitely a change in tone and I think i may already have to do a summary to give to my sister rather than showing her the video.
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