#and no it doesnt look like a hippo ..what
galaxymagick · 9 months
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240101 instastory | @ vixx_stagram
하마를 닮은 용… 🐉 돼따 다 그려따😂 A dragon that resembles a hippo… 🐉 Done, I drew it all 😂
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 months
was thinking about this since there's the action duel event in duel links, what's your opinion on the action duels in the actual arc-v anime?
OH THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION i looove action duels. i love a funny Spinoff Series Duel Gimmick, i think theyre so SO fun. but also like everything else in arc-v action duels are....hm. it's very 'the concept here kicks ass but the actual execution in show is DETERMINED to throw itself off a cliff" LMAO
LIKE THEYRE SO COOL ON PAPER. AND FOR LIKE ALL OF SEASON 1. youve got this natural progression of Solid Vision where the sets and the monsters have physical mass to them and are also kind of alive but dont worry about it, you can climb around on shit and RIDE YOUR MONSTERS!!! and duck and weave and explore and it's so fuckin cool, it's got such a crazy kinetic energy to it that just entrances me. I didn't realize until literally like a couple days ago that the Japanese game show influence is HUGE wrt the way duelists navigate Action Fields and scramble to grab Action Cards and such and it's such a such a fun vibe to bring to the ever-evolving depiction of this insane card game. It's like if a yugioh duel was also Wipeout but was also an old Nickelodeon kids' game show but was also the battle at the beginning of a pkmn movie but was also an old crash bandicoot game. fucking obsessed with them
And the Action Fields in season 1, these critical Duel Settings, are also just especially so cool, and it's frustrating that after that point we kind of just Dont Get Action Fields until literally the last few duels in the series. 'Crossover' is barely an Action Field let's be so real. It turns the immediate area into a platforming minigame but it is not nearly on the level of MASS SWORD GRAVE DUEL FIELD or TURN PARADISE CITY INTO ZOOTOPIA DUEL FIELDS.
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and i think that's kind of just another unfortunate element of how much the wheels on arc-v's quality/storytelling start falling off by mid season 2 and 3. it's like seeing budget cuts in real time. we can't do Cool Volcano Field anymore. get on the Bland Floating Platforms.
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at least we'll always have yuya's hippo showgirls
but anyway. i think the one (1) big issue Action Duels have, and the one thing about them that has me a bit Agonized watching action duels is the GODDAMN ACTION CARDS. FOR SOME REASON THE WAY DUEL LINKS IMPLEMENTED THEM IS LIKE LEAPS AND BOUNDS BETTER THAN IT IS IN THE SHOW. Like the way in DL you have to carefully pick out your 3 Action cards, they have to fit the 10 point quota the game gives you, they need to work With your deck and not Critically Carry Your Deck and Your Ass, I wish all of that was how they were in the anime!! Would make things more interesting!!
Cuz like in the show it's more 'ok random burst of Action Cards is scattered on the field' which could be cool but then the writing doesn't do anything remotely unique with them 90% of the time. They're like the Plot Crutch of all time in-show. It really just has this vibe of "it doesnt matter if your dueling sucks if you just grab the asspull action card that's in every single action duel that just Makes Your Opponents' Attack Miss" and thats just what Yuya does for like. every action duel he's in. other people have talked more eloquently about it but you really kind of realize just how BAD Yuya is at dueling when you sit and look at duels he won because he pulled the Convenient Ass-Saving Action Spell at the last minute and not because of anything he did with his dueling ability. And I do love me some Yugioh Plot Ass Pulls but here it just never feels earned... just like a bunch of other shit in arc-v HJDFGSDF. it just feels like the writers backing themselves into a corner and popping an Evasion Ex Machina. I Am So Goddamn Tired of Seeing Evasion. Miracle is Also On Thin Ice
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THERE JUST HAD TO HAVE BEEN BETTER WAYS THEY COULD HAVE IMPLEMENTED THIS FEATURE. like idk make action cards more like speed spells in 5ds where theyre already IN your deck. or. or. oh the world if action cards in the show were more like a Chopped Basket where you get a set random selection of them predetermined before the duel and then characters have to really figure out how to use them creatively to help bolster their deck. life could be a dream
tl;dr I LIKE ACTION DUELS A LOT AND I THINK THEYRE SOME OF THE MOST FUN 'GIMMICK' YUGIOH DUELS. BUT WHY DID THEY MAKE ACTION CARDS LIKE THAT wish they were used in a more interesting way!! wish we got to see more insane duel fields past season one!! really curious to see how theyre handled in the arc-v manga. yugo stuck in the volcano field to look at if you dont like my posts
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thydungeongal · 2 months
Also on the subject of race stuff in fantasy RPGs, while it's not quite the same as what you were talking about, I always loved how Inverse World/Inverse Fellowship handled race. They divested it from a few of the negative connotations fantasy race normally has as a parallel to real life racial constructs by... just connecting it to another set of stereotypes instead.
In those games, your parents race has absolutely 0 impact on your own. Your races is determined entirely by the actual physical location you are born in, causing it to have more in common with regional cultures than skin tones. Yeah of course the people born on the floating sky islands have wings, how else are they going to get around? Of course the people born in caves have darkvision, it's how they live their life.
It is by no means a "We fixed the issues with race forever!" solution, or even that it doesnt have any overlap with existing racial views, and I don't think they intended it to be so. But it is a fascinating lense to look through at our normal portrayal of race in fantasy. And a nice change of pace.
Yes, I do think Fellowship and Inverse World's approach to this stuff is one of the best I've seen! It actually makes for a really interesting and fantastic approach to the issue, where it does away with stuff like bloodlines and species as a scientific concept in favor of an approach like "in a world where magic is commonplace, genetics probably doesn't work like most people would expect it to." It actually manages to turn it fantastical!
Also sorry about this because I'm going to stray from the topic now, like I also do have to rep Chivalry & Sorcery because since we're on the subject of orcs just being some guys: C&S very much takes the approach that besides the game itself being a medieval society simulator, the world should adhere to a medieval paradigm. That means that in the book where they introduce orcs and trolls into the game there's a whole essay explaining how according to [insert Christian philosophers of the time whose names I forgot here] orcs would totally count as people because they are capable of thought and making moral choices and thus any good Christian in the world of Chivalry & Sorcery would extend the same grace to an orc that they would to a human! According to the church fathers and idk St. Augustine of Hippo or something, orcs have souls and thus they are capable of receiving God's grace and salvation! (Chivalry & Sorcery is, like, really interesting to me as a game, and I would very much like to write an essay about its approaches to issues like gender and race, because there is a lot of nuance to it!)
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bucketspammer4life · 6 months
im totally sorry for this poll (im not) but this is a question that must be asked, which boxer is most likely a furry?
and i dont just mean "oh this boxer has a animal in their name im sure theyre a furry!!" You can go off anything: general aura/vibes, looks, voicelines, expressions, speaking tone, movements, literally anything and everything
you dont have to take literally everything into consideration since that would be uncool and not very cash money, but you can if you want
the typo on Macho was on purpose
arguments for some of the boxers & my own biases below cut
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bald bull - very likely, very very very likely
he fucking moos in the ring
hes very animalistic
he has bull in his name
he gives me furry vibes idk
king hippo - maybe?
hes pretty animalistic also
he doesnt look very human
animal in name, i hope you understand
He growlsss
bear hugger - not very likely
he has bear in his name (but what if its the gay kind of bear tho?..)
he eats raw fish (bears also do that(
hes besties with a squirrel and a bear (he could be a disney princess?)
great tiger - nuh uh
animal in name, very suspicious
that is literally it what
don flamenco - i had to do some mental gymnastics for this one purely based on vibes, could be both a yes and a no
look at him and tell me he secretly wouldnt be a furry. hes balding and he does eyeliner that has to be a gateway to becoming a furry
Flamenco is really close to flamingo...
he looks very furry to me (not as in hairy, if we were going off of that he would be a naked mole rat)
glass joe - yes, but purely off vibes
going off vibes again with him; he looks like someone who would have a ferret or a bunny as his fursona
he just gives me those vibes trust me
source: i think im correct
mr sandman - maybe, but leaning towards no
he doesnt have any possible things that would point to him being a furry somehow (he could be good at hiding his interest maybe?)
its always the people you dont expect being a furry that turn out to be a furry... you can never be too safe you know...
aran ryan - nope
hes just insane and evil
nothing animalistic here, hes just a bit hyperactive
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ohshy · 8 months
Feelin kinda down so fuck it- how about some burnt bread hcs if you got any?
If not, how about disco kid?
~ fan-mans
hope u feel better soon bro ! also HELL YEAH BURNT BREAD !!!!!!!! one of my favorites :3
so where does it all begin? well.... (under the cut bc its Long)
aran didnt actually have to use any of dirty tricks to take joe down, so they didn't start off on that bad of a foot, or a bad foot at all. (fighting is par for the course for this sport, of course.)
that being said though, you still see n hear things ab eachother, and have assumptions as a result. Aran initally sees joe as a snobby, wimpy man, and joe aran as a scary, unpredictable brute.
eventually, however, aran starts looking at joe... a little differently. he pranks him a lot because yknow. its funny. but joe doesnt seem to mind it at all... in fact, he takes his pranks really well, and it makes aran see strong joe is in a way and how much of a sense of humor he has.
joe at the other hand, noticed that aran, outside the ring, was actually fairly tame, outside of his pranks of course. it helped a lot with mellowing his perception of him. combine this joe's many hobbies and aran's try-everything attitude, and youve got the start of a click !
news of their little budding relationship spreads around the minor- and world circuit, and kaiser begins to take notice ab how joe talks ab aran, how hed normally b horrified at the prospect of him being anywhere NEAR him.
so one day, in all his eternal german grace, he says...
''well if you love him so much, why don't you two kiss, hm?''
and joe hadnt gotten that thought out of his head since.
as for disco kid hcs, ive already told most of them so ill talk ab how the minor circuit reacted to joe wanting to confess to aran instead !!
disco, albeit kinda scared of aran, is ecstatic for joe, wishes him luck and wants to know EVERYTHING about how it went afterward
i imagine hippo would be pretty whatever about it. guy isnt too concerned ab peoples love lifes. wishes him luck like disco tho.
meanwhile kaiser? ''Eh, it is your funeral''
I imagine the world circuit wouldn't be as close with eachother seeing as how theyre busier n likely more hounded by journalists, but they do know in broad terms what goes on in the lives of eachother.
so macho catches wind of aran's crush, and he basically shittalks joe to arans face
''I know everyone's standards are too high for you, but joe's just a sad bar, even for you.''
Aran, not even reacting to the dig against him, starts ranting to macho about how joe is admirable as all hell for getting back up after 99 losses, and how that must mean he has a real love and respect for the sport. He even boldly exclaims that joe arguably works harder than macho, the victories who seems to come so easily to him.
macho eventually leaves, deciding aran's not worth his precious time.
aran then turns around, and OMG HE SEES JOE STANDING THERE !!!!!
anyway he heard all about what aran said (thats right, overhearing ooc conversations and miscommunication happening is OUT, overhearing conversations and gaining respect for someone is IN), and confesses right there and then. aran, hearing prolly the most romantic speech thats ever been directed to him in his entire life, is at a loss for words. He can't say anything other than ''of course, joey.''
and thats the start of their relationship :3
as for other misc hcs that dont fit anywhere else...
one time, when cleaning out aran's jacket pockets (joe's a bit of a neat freak), he found... a bunch of lint. But also !! he found a ton of crumpled up notes. They included phrases for the ring, comedic poems... but they also had affirmations for himself, about his family, but also about joe. joe, sans the lint, left the pockets as is. ever since then though, he's felt closer to him than ever.
joe will often try to pick up aran like a princess. considering hes still decently muscled, he can do it succesfully.
joe loves baking, especially bread, but aran will ALWAYS manage to set something on fire. think spencer from icarly.
they infodump to eachother ab their respective countries histories and folk tales, joe esp ab the former n aran ab the latter.
one time, joe and aran set out for a night walk. then, they (or rather aran) thought he heard a banshee screech. what they actually heard prolly was a car tire screeching in the distance. aran, however, was never the less scared SHITLESS and ran tf home, screaming highpitched. He had to be comforted by joe all night after they got home.
aran loves going to theme parks. he loves the rush. joe, however, hates the tall rides like the rollercoasters, n prefers the calmer rides like the teacups. They have a ''goes onto the rollercoaster alone'' x ''holds the persons stuff while theyre gone'' dynamic.
they rly like singing duets together, especially after a couple drinks. wine in joe's case and beer in arans case. theyve sang at macho's parties before as well, and needless to say they make for great entertainment.
aran often sends joe cursed memes n selfies that joe just Does Not understand
''aran, i will Not hold feet with you, zat's disgusting''
''come on joey..... do ye love me or not......''
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papirouge · 1 year
im the jpop anon. thank you for the long and thoughtful reply! :)
yeah, theres something really wrong with kpoppers. i actually remember what perfume video the "fat legs" comments were from - it was their first budokan concert back in 2008, i think they were wearing the pink outfits (or perhaps the yellow ones from drream fighter). i think what those kpoppers might meant were kashiyukas thighs, since she wore very short shorts in the pink outfits, and while her legs are thin her thighs are plumper. but like, thats literally what makes her known as "the hot one" among fans. like shes very renowed for having very nice legs, and in general its normal for women to have bigger tighs and wider hips. i guess one could just shrug it off as kpop fans being salty and petty, but many kpop girl members have crazy thin legs. like if you look up snsd aka girls generation, youll realize that many of their promotional images have them with really skinny legs. one of the very few kpop songs that i like is "gee" by this girl group, and i decided to look at the comments of the dance ver and some poeple were defending one of the girls because koreans fans were being mean to her for being "fat". i think she was called jessica or something like that, and i look her up to know which one of them was and like, if they didnt mention anything i wouldnt even have realized but her "problem" was basically that she had this "square-y" body type and that made her look like 0,5 millimeters bigger that the rest.
another thing that happened to me very recently was that i was looking for a notebook to buy and there were selling some with kpop groups in the cover, and i stumbled upon one that had this boy band named stray kids, and god dammit... these guys have such heavy plastic surgery like wtf... some of them look like literal wax figures its scary. i remember when kpop fans were saying it was racist how some people made fun of boy bands by saying they all looked the same, and sure, definitely some of them probably were, but you cant deny that some of these guys (and girls) dont end up looking the same when they get their faces botched up all to follow the same very narrow korean beauty standards.
and yeah, i can see the difference between kanon and akari, but i also think it was because kanon was much bigger than akari. like she even made fun of herselkf many times when she introduced herself. i always remember when michishige sayumi was asked which animal fit their teammates the best, and she said kanon was a hippo or an elephant 💀 i always got the impression that kanon making fun of herself like referencing she had a full meal before a performance so she was full of energy was a defense mechanism - a lot of fat people usually make fun of themseves because they want to do it before others can make fun of them first, like "look at me, im fat and i know it and dont take it seriously, please dont make fun of me because i already do it and it doesnt hurt me at all!".
speaking of sayumi, she once was also asked which helloproject group she would least like to be stuck with on an island, and she said berryz koubou because they seemed like they liked to eat alot.. im guessing she was referring to maasa and risako.
i wanted to say more but this got so fucking long lol sorry papi... perhaps ill send another message later...
Tbh Kpop visuals are so ridiculously filtered that I'm pretty sure those girls are made prettier and skinnier than they really are. People these days are soooooo freaking guillible and believe anything they see online. These girls get ps to oblivion and still need to be photoshopped like mad.... They're not perfect. Nobody is.
The thing is japanese idols aren't expected to look perfect like Korean do. Jpop idols aren't supposed to look 'flawless'. Perfume debuted when they were like 12-13 years old ; we saw them grow before our eyes, so if they did anything shady with their appareance everyone would have noticed. These women are soon 35 and still kicking.. - I wonder how these Kpop girls will look at that age 👀
I don't even think that Kpoppers know what "sexy" is anyway. What's stricking with Kpop is that despite how much polished their aesthetic are, they emanate 0% charisma. They give off an absolutely frigid energy. Every single of their move and face expression are policed. Kpop MV would make anyone epileptic so much shit is going on because that's how bad the artist themselves can't put it up themselves.
At least, old school jpop idols still have a lil bit of personality - which is why we still remember of them 10, 20 years later. The same couldn't be said for today's one tbh (I lost interest after Morning Musume 13./Michishige graduated because all the newcomers were more dull than the others... Even Riho who was hailed as The Ace of the group didn't leave the same impact as OG members (Ai Takashi, Tsuji Nozomi, Ai Kago, Maki Goto, Reina Tanaka, etc.) AKB48 fell off after the Kami 7 all graduated (the sister groups are meh).
But to be fair, the new Reiwa era (more conservative ) isn't just prone to leave raw personalities pop out in like that... Ai Kago stunts would have made her cancelled without afterthought or second chances today...😬 The idol group era is pretty much over in Japan. Right now, 'boring edgy' like Aimyon or Yonezu Kenshi are popping.
I can't bring myself to find Kpop boys attractive. Period. They are all ugly and I have no shame to say it because they were all much better before doing plastic surgery. So no it's not racist to say they all look the same because plastic surgery made them look the same - not their race...
I DARE someone to tell me the 2 dudes on the left aren't the same. The one at the top particularly looks like an otome game character 💀 like- he straight up looks like his face was DRAWN.
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And you know what freaks me out the most? It's that from one picture to another THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE THEMSELVES??!?
Like wtf is this shit???
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It's supposed to be the same band but the faces.... don't match others pictures 💀
You know society colllapsed now that stray kid dudes are considered attractive....when back in the day we had natural and authentic beauty like Takeshi Kaneshiro *sigh*
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downgrade of the millennium. Mishima killed himself for this.
And you know what freaks me out the most about these kpoppers? It's that they seemingly don't "exist" beside these ridiculous doctored photoshoot. Are there any candids of them out and about in the street? Without perfect lightening, angle and filters? Tbh I wouldn't be surprised they are AI or shit like that.
Perfume look the same when they do bc....they arent botched
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Michishige is RUTHLESS 😭 I mean, in Morning Musume she had the persona of being a narcissist so it makes sense she put down other girls for not being as pretty as her. But yeah dunking on a girl who's like a decade younger than you is shitty. Those idol group are shoving together girls from entire different generations (Michishige was in her mid 20s when she graduated and the youngest member of the group were like 13-14 years old 🥴) so awkward girldrama situations are bound to happen.... That being said, it's a very bad idea to get into an idol group if you're feeling awkward about your physically appearance... Kanon should've never been in Momusu, imo.
I always found Berryz Kōbō was much coherent than Morning Musume ; members were closer in age and experience. I was a smaller band and the lineup was consistent so you weren't lost in the amount of new faces every other years (like Momusu regular call for new members).
I think its fitting that some of its members love eating when they have a song called 1億3千万総ダイエット王国 ("A kindgom of 130 million [people] complete diet[ing]") *the population of Japan is of 125 million but I guess the evened it out for the song that was kinda critical of diet culture. Good for them tbh And that song was bop. Berryz Kōbō truly delivered the few years before disbanding.
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
I am just so fed up with taylor content on internet (with no criticism!) that finding your account feels like fresh air. I hated listening to her new album. It's like she looked up cliche quotes online and hit ctrl+v. She isn't a good singer, she doesnt want to expand her vocals beyond her comfort zone.
(From previous anon ask)Mass produced music is so bad. Swifties think taylor can finally make all the music she wants under one production company when this new music is so bad????? We've had 6 albums since 2019. SIX ALBUMS!!! Most artists don't even have these many albums in their lifetime. Writing and producing takes time. About her era aesthetic- she just builds on whatever's in trend at that moment.
tbh I’ve heard her do the rock version of wanegbt during her 1989 tour and she was actually really good vocally, but she doesn’t utilize her vocals. she writes whatever song sounds like it’ll win her praise and doesn’t stick to a sound that compliments her voice and skill level. I think she saves it for live performances on purpose because she never does it in songs and it’s such a shame, because she could be making good music with killer vocals and just doesn’t. it’s about what will make her the most money, sacrificing real artistry for what she Thinks will seem the most Hozier so she’ll profit, and yeah it’s definitely a LOT of albums for someone who claims to be SO hated. like how are you the victim when you’re ALWAYS winning and making millions? it’s ironic she had a falling out with big machine over her masters because her dad literally bought shares in it so that scott would give her a record deal. and even now that she’s “free”, she still utilizes the same marketing strategy she claims she was oppressed under while with big machine. hippo crispy all around.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the taylor-negative space! feel free to rant/vent/comment whenever you want on or off anon. my dm’s are open as well for private chats. also if you wanna pick an emoji so I know it’s you on anon, feel free! it’s hard to keep things straight sometimes.
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breadboylovin · 2 years
i have animals to show off: fish edition
tenches (tinca tinca) are cutie little awkward guys
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but they have fucked up looking pharyngeal plates
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(via university of nottingham)
these european sturgeon (acipenser sturio) are autism creatures
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crevalle jacks (caranx hippos) are also just Guys
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monkey-face pricklebacks (cebidichthys violaceus) are silly in name and face
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surf smelts (hypomesus pretiosus) are equally goofy
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bonus: i just like that this man-of-war fish / nomeus gronovii parasphenoid looks like a sword
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(via UF's fish atlas)
the tench looks so O___O its very funny also i love any animal with a stupid repeating binomial name (gorilla gorilla....). i wont lie i dont know what a pharyngeal plate is (i HAVE heard of pharyngeal jaws tho) and i fr thought that was a slug or something before i noticed the teeth
those sturgeons are soooooo silly i love when animals have mustaches
the crevalle jack looks like he swims fast as fuck he looks right at home on a salt life t shirt or something
the monkeyface prickleback looks like a mudskipper but even sadder somehow. maybe hes sad that he doesnt even get to walk on land like they do
sadly the surf smelt is not my favorite because it just looks like a sardine or anchovy and i think those guys both taste bad and look too normal. i do still respect small schooling fish tho they look pretty all together like that. do you know if these guys are cleaner fish at all?
i didnt even know there was a man of war FISH thats fucked up. i watched this video of the dudes from hivemind (my fav youtube channel rn) learning about weird sea creatures and god SO MANY of them are just named after land animals we dont need to start naming them after other sea creatures too 😭
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sciencepapa · 2 years
can u go full story time mode on the bitch in gym incident? when did they came? wut did they say?
ok SO
i went to te gym and there was this bi8g fuckin hippo theren. he tried to help like get started on exerceise at first? by giving me a weight that was eavier than i was????? i told him as much and you know what he dd? he fucking PICKS ME UP like a RAGDOLL and DOESNT PUT ME DOWN until i SCRATCH HIM.
and then he has the audacaity to get mad atME for ruining his stupid fucking JIM SHIRT. thne i tried to go to the treadmills and he followed me, and when iw as ignoring his ass on the treadmill, you knwwhat he does? he fucking CAVES IN THE FLOOR BENEATH THE TREADMILL I WAS USIG!!!!
i was going to kill him but then decided to leave that to nikolai ad went to the ggim pachine to work out. and i got tired and he throws some mineral water to me which was nic i guess, but then he LOOKS OVER Y SHOULDER WHILE IM TEXTNG!!!!!!!!!
and then he left nd i left and i got wasted at a party
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khadgarbignaturals · 1 month
i love the elden ring dlc so much but i have 2 things i have personal beef with: i fucking cannot stand how the golden hippos look i hate looking at them, and i hate EVEN MORE the scorpion spiders. hate hate hate i cant handle being in an area with them let alone look at them. if i turn a corner and see even just 1, i have to look down and run past as quick as possible before they can get close to me. the big ones truly suck do not get me wrong (the one in enir ilim feels just mean) but the little ones? hate it hate it hate it. the swarms of them mean my strat of looking down DOESNT WORK.
i’m still traumatized by an encounter with them i had. so i was running through an area with the aforementioned scorpion spiders, already disgusted and horrified, and rounded a corner to what i hoped was a way out but was actually another room with the scorpion spiders. i couldn’t handle it literally at all i just clapped my hands over my eyes and waited for them to kill me. i don’t usually talk or make sound when im playing alone but those stupid fucking things make me say shit like “nononono please no nonono get away!! get awa no please goawaygoaway” along with various fear noises
the hippo thing sure does seem like it’s not that bad in comparison. and it is but i still cannot stand seeing them. i’m not afraid of them like i am the stupid bugs, im just disgusted. at least the scorpion spiders aren’t a boss unlike the hippo
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fkyumerica · 8 months
Tue 5:40 PM
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millie venillis sons kids inbred
paul mccartney
highlander/dave mustaine
he had to go back again
kids again
married each set they had
to rule europe
best friend assholes
sports stars
dave mustaine was old
he was not ng
not 15 in 1985
they changed the years after
that type of metal was then
same family
leave it to beaver
not living with the other ones
kids still at home
and grandkids next door i dont live there
and hey new wife wwalks in
he says it when he walks in the neighbors house
both did
corner house from sam was paul mccartneys
insane guy
already got anne marie pregnant
saved me from him
i got 5
highlander said it
and we will send  the prequel
stars since
their kids
their kids
their kids 2000s
when they let their kids out to meet
no she doesnt know
she lives here
doesnt meet the neighbors
passes out on drugs they can only get saved by their moms a couple times before they realize they have dicks
the moms fuck their husbands the whole time
and beaver
hey go eat her out
and her husband fucks her at the same time in their bed in the bedroom
and eats it too
his diapers
now let me rape her
and does
well lets see has a doctors book
when to put her in
got it
got it
got it
got it
pregnant reborn again got it
tv show got it
with us got it
the old got it
we got it
fire at me
boom no arrms im grbbing  in a choke hold the whole time
now im eating
now im beaming
now im raping
now im tailing
now im
amber went with deedee ramone
left him
mike was her son
and the older mike was him
marc bolan was bigger to me
than the ramones
their oldest daughter made her cheat
the girl in bride of chucky, 21 dresses
she kept having kids too
gerard way was their kid after
he cheated she got one ot mate with her
is him
eddie van halen was his dad
and ariana grande was his too
all of em
anne marie
the whole block loves me
block party
this many drugs at once  think they are r family
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and sexy to not touch them
any family
we go in come out
we rape hher in the back after
she had how many infants no she cant live
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put a tiara on a turkey
and in the house
 like him
give her
and what guy took em in
and gay
make em visit
cake decorating is so fun to watch
when i know the people down the street again, they only love each other
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sausage perfume
who they look like
where they go
when they goin
re my queen!
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Tue 7:38 PM
twiggy had her parents get easat and west to smash into each other to kill each other and get them together
the whole time
and split everyone up we got a problem with
they are all it
in a quiet place
is he rmother
her dad in the other movie
then them both aliens
and their son who married her
george bush sr sr
she is barbra bush
they did rob everyone only told kids
a veil is that her old woman mask
and on her parents too
everyone have sex on them
this blanket
their family never existed
hid her
one jumps on the roof everyday
and magnets us
she was crying on her
it was on the roof
it went to get mom
again with that dog
and she let out hers
barbra bush was a fat ass
mama cass
Tue 8:45 PM
hippo women are 200
years old
and let out crystal meth all night
we said we will make  safe and let  girls go to school
i know the inbreds will definitely bring the older ones to beat  to death after  see the inbred
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and the oldest one doesnt care has ape parents, they let him walk out of a prison sentence because he fucked jo, alanis morresette was it, jeffery/brett/woo hoo
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and wanted to fuck an ape
got raped and mated with one
and has the nothing is around me attitude
will not realize he has a family or raise them or care they are there or alive
or that anyone is
and will not realize it either
im safe
arrest me
and get executed sitting down looking
18 have to have sex with him to do it
another one? now 19
she says it
and old? apes who did it
be cute, be gay, dont care piss in the corner break in and ruin their house, be serious, then be i wasnt serious about it, then tell them all, then model it, then go outside and say  were styling over there
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him with them
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does piercings, does her, does , is fine with it, can talk about it, rock hard for her then im cheesey/system of a down singer, mime it, cry it, fuck a infant then a toddler it meant, be gerard way after no way they let me do it no one saw it, i saw it, shes here fake a girlfriend, got it good, we're here, i'm there i can live if i go over there, i;m gerard way i wanna get married it can be  i mean i wanna marry , now im a girl after, now im korn, now i missed her im david, now im slip knot, now im kai's dad in a police uniform, now im out again, im her, no problem with it, me either,, now im noroi went with  and filmed it
now say it we are gay and leave
he had rocks on the top of his head to keep his head down
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then down more to stay in bed
at me
he was priscilla lee presley
he looked like her, it wwas like times 10
wanted him to be prettier and felt it made her prettier
Wed 12:11 AM
https://www.tube.com/watch?v=I6dG_QukIjI she told her rapist dad of all ages to attack any person she wanted
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Aggressive Dad wants to slap his daughter over tantrum! 🫣
she attacked us
with him
there are like 14 kids in there
multiple litters she had with him
nanny 9-11
the mom her and him sometimes she cant collect them all
hide them in the steps too
he doesnt have a fucking face either neither do them
need glasses to keep their face on
https://www.tube.com/watch?v=5muRMM_wpNY&t=1501s closed her mouth too and moved her face up
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mama cass
all apes were this
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i love the teenage mutant ninja turtles so much they are so fucking cool like it's literally awesome like four turtles that are teenagers and mutants and ninjas and one of them is cool but rude and one is a party dude and there is that cool vanilla ice song and they all have different cool weapons like swords and shit it's literally so awesome and there are so many different versions of the ninja turtles and its so cool to see the differences between them all and the different aspects of them all and how the lore changes with each version its so fucking cool and the krang are literally like octopus aliens that live in robot suits thats so fucking cool and there are bebop and rocksteady like dude a warthog and a hippo running around doing crimes together and they are friends and shit its so cool and they have different coloured bandanas and they love pizza which is cool because pizza is good and everybody likes pizza im lactose intolerant and is still like pizza it's literally crazy and the technodrome is like a giant sphere that comes out of the ground and stuff and there is a turtle blimp and a turtle van and the turtles dad is a rat like thats literally crazy its so cool i kinda wanna play the uncharted games again those games are good i should play them again tom holland was a bad choice as nathan drake and mark wahlberg was a bad choice as sully holy fucking shit i love the teenage mutant ninja turtles there is casey jones and he is a guy who beats people up with a hockey stick that is so fucking cool but i didn't like when steven amell played casey jones i dont like steven amell and he doesn't support striking so he is a bad dude those micheal bay ninja turtles movies suck steaming horse shit the shredder suit is so over designed in the first movie its so ugly like what the hell and splinter is so ugly in that movie two and will arnett is in it and i like will arnett but he is so boring in that movie god the second micheal bay movie is a bit better though its still not great but the turtle designs are better and splinter looks less freaky and will arnett is in it less. will arnett was really good as lego batman i think that the lego batman movie is probably the best batman movie its crazy how there are like different people from different places and they are kinda different like some people have accents and the people who i consider to have an accent thinks i have an accent and they dont have accent its crazy like why is it that people from scotland sound different than people from canada yet they speak the same language it is crazy and doesn't make any sense also the police kill 10,000 dogs a year and i reckon that is bad because dogs are pretty cool and police are bad and stuff yeah i think i will play the first three uncharted games i have them all on one disc but i dont have the forth one i think those games are fun i havent been playing a lot of shooter games lately i quit fortnite a while ago because i was spending all my money on it i have red dead and 2 and there is shooting in that game but it is kinda boring and the shooting is weird i wanna play the doom remake from 2016 but i wonder if that will feel different because it is shooting aliens and monsters from hell and stuff and not humans i should play the last of us 2 again that game is so good i have played through it like 3 or 4 times the story is great and i love how they portray innocence and guilt and revenge it is so compelling i also think that the story in the 2nd uncharted game kinda sucks it is mostly just chloe being like "i betrayed you wait im a double agent no im betraying you again but actually the bad guy made me betray and i actually think you are great and i am in love with you nathan drake" i like the teenage mutant ninja turtles a lot i think the toys are cool and its also cool how it started as a parody of daredevil that doesnt really get talked about anymore i also like how kevin eastman and peter laird who are the creators of the ninja turtles get a cameo in like every new version of the ninja turtles its cool
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mekatrio · 1 year
finished watching it mmm my misc thoughts:
- I Want To Be Your Canary poster is so cute aww
- the hippo npcs look freaky!! and in a bad way djnsjdks
- vivi hugging chocobo is sooo cute AWW
- the music is saur awesome
- the npc interaction autoplaying as vivi views the fountain is a very cool addition/idea
- oh that jump-rope animation is err
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- they added drunk people to alexandria fjsjfks also having a guard in the alleyway doesnt rly make sense.. like she just let puck walk thru with that big ass ladder then?
- i love the little references to other ff games so cuteeee
- omg the stained glass referencing other parts of the game is so clever... reminds me of ww. i like it!
- why is prince puck being all class action rn LOL
overall its rough in some spots but HEY pretty fricking good as a fanmade proof of concept. very cute! would not want an actual ffix remake to be like this but as a little fanmade project it was rly nice to see ❤️
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bucketspammer4life · 8 months
Random Idea. The boxers' SO has taken up boxing, and the boxers have been put in a match against their SO. What would would be going through their head during the match?
hell yes anonnn!!
Glass Joe - mans concerned. Mostly for himself because you'll probably win since hes the human version of a twig, but my god this man CANNOT tolerate hitting you,so he just stands there like "uhh"
Von Kaiser - Really happy that youre getting into matches but scared he'll accidentally hurt you, he has to ask you like "mind if i punch you??"
Disco Kid - finds it nice, will probably chat with you instead of actually participating in the match
King Hippo - Really up for the challenge but will hit lighter unless you ask him to not do that, but will joke around a bit more
Piston Hondo - Literally turns into a human statue. no moving no punches nothing. Unless you tell him its okay to fight hes not throwing a single punch since his heart probably cant take it
Bear Hugger - finds it nice and jokes around, will ask before if you want to just joke around or go for a real match
Great Tiger - happy that you both can train together, will tone down his usual show-offy nature but will still mess around
Don Flamenco - hes just flirting, its not even a fight at this point hes just practicing pick up lines on you
Aran Ryan - over the moon to see you here, will still fight but will toss aside his flail if he has it and take the horseshoes out since he doesnt wanna break your jaw
Soda Popinski - He'll share his drinks and chat with you a lot more during breaks, will hit a bit lighter unless you tell him to not
Bald bull - happy for you but petrified hes going to hurt you so he just freezes up
Super Macho Man - just looking at you like "noo i cant punch you" And will just chat with you unless you want to fight
Mr Sandman - finds it nice, will do the match but will be a bit more kinder
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Can you a steven grant x male reader, where the reader is like this cute guy who visits the museum every day to check out the stuff there.
And he catches steven's eyes, then steven just stares at the reader unknowingly. He doesnt realize it until the reader goes up to him to buy a hippo stuffed toy.
Would be nice if the reader is also shy, so when he feels steven's gaze on him he blushes.
Shy love
Steven grant x Male reader x Marc spector
(Just a sprinkle of Marc.)
(Might be a bit too short tho)
This is going to be my first fic in a while, so forgive the grammatical errors, and I decided to twist the request a bit.
and I removed the cupcake van scene, cause nothing will change and it will take too long to write all of it.
(Just realized, my writing style may be confusing, but bare with me. I'm trying to improve.)
Thanks for the request, I appreciate it a lot.
Hope you like it
"Oi Stevie, get back to work, stop staring at that bloke."
Hearing Donna tell me as she passes by.
"It's Steven."
I say. She just rolls her eyes.
A few minutes or so passes by, I spot the guy again, this time admiring him, noticing his h/c, that looks sofy, bouncing a bit with every step he takes. Noticing his short frame, probably a few inches shorter than me.
Feeling eyes on me, I turn around searching for the person whose gaze I managed to catch. Looking at the counter, seeing a guy with dark curly hair, soft expression and tanned skin. Look at me with a shine in his dark eyes. I begin to blush, walking to the next object of interest, trying to avoid his stare.
A few moments have passed, deciding to get a souvenir, I go up to the cashier spotting a cute hippo plush, grabbing it and putting it on the counter. The guy from earlier who was staring at me, looked up from what he was doing our eyes meeting, can't help ourselves but stare at each other, studying each other's faces like it's a piece of art painted by the finest painter in history. Breaking away from his beautiful face. I managed to speak out a few words.
"I- I- would, um like to ahhh b-buy this p-please."
Can't help but stumble on my words. Looking down at the plush.
"Th-that would be ahh, 10 pounds."
He says with a soft voice, smiling politely at me, smiling back I hand him a tenner.
I say as he starts to bag the plush, putting the receipt in the bag, he hands it to me looking at my face. I can't but blush, noticing me blush, he also begins to blush. Looking away swiftly.
Exiting the museum, I decided that I will be visiting again tomorrow.
Gathering my stuff ready to leave for the night, I exit the museum, going to a burrito shop to buy some food, then I begin looking for the guy in gold. Finding him, I sit beside him. Getting comfortable unwrapping my burrito, I begin to tell him some stuff
"Heyya mate, this guy came in today, he looked amazing, he looked perfect, I wanted to ask him out but just got shy. He just looked so perfect, soft h/c, just the perfect shade of e/c in his eyes. A face that looked like it was carved by the gods themselves. Red lips that looked like he just ate cherries and the colour stuck to his lips. Ow and before I forget."
After saying the last words I pull out a burrito from my bag and put it in his hat. After putting it in the hat, a couple came up to us, asking me to take a picture of them with the golden man.
Snapping the photo, I tell them about the hat after dropping a few coins in they walked away.
"Welp, it's getting late, better go now. See ya soon."
Arriving in my apartment, I begin my nightly routine. Feeding Gus, taping the door, adding a bit more sand around my bed. After brushing my teeth, I sit on my bed, putting on the ankle restraint, I grab the rubik's cube on my bedside table and begin to play the audio of a woman talking about relaxing.
Finding it hard to sleep, I get up, removing the restraint and follow what the lady is saying. Reading a book for a bit. After a bit I begin to feel groggy, climbing back into bed putting on the restraint. I begin my adventure to the land of dreams.
I wake up in a jolt in the middle of somewhere feeling my jaw hurt then realizing it has been displaced, fixing my jaw, standing up I look around in-front of me, seeing a village.
"No no no!"
"Great, the worm is back."
"Give the body back to Marc."
"I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about."
"Surrender the body."
Looking around, I see a wall behind me, with two people walking the wall. I wave my hand. One of them says something to the other and they start shooting at me. I run for cover tumbling down the hill I was on. Running towards the village.
I've been visiting the museum, pretending to look around for two days now. Feeling sad that the cute guy at the counter is not there yet again, deciding to just look around a bit more and leaving.
Walking outside the museum, seeing the night getting is getting dark.
"Did I really spend that long in there? It was still bright when i went inside, damn. I really need to be more aware of the time."
Saying to myself silently hoping none of the passing people heard me.
Making my way towards my apartment, I noticed Steven, based on what I saw on his name tag the other day, also going to where I'm going. My mind telling me to catch up to him and strike up a conversation with him. But my body refuses to even move a little too close to him.
Seeing Steven go inside, I decide to just stay back a bit to let him use the elevator first. After seeing him go in the elevator and closing the door, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Not seeing his eyes look at me for a second or two as the elevator doors were closing. Seeing as I had my eyes closed to relax.
Going up to the elevator, hearing the ding signaling that the elevator has stopped and seeing the doors open. My eyes widen seeing Steven standing by the entrance of the elevator, but he doesn't look the same, he has a frown on his face, like he's angry at something. He began closing in on me, my heart racing. Then it happened so fast. Now I was here inside the elevator, hands behind Steven's head pulling at his curls, his hands gripping my waist tightly. With him towering over me.
"You taste as sweet as you look."
He said as we pulled apart panting, noticing he lost his accent and now has an american one. Looking down at me with a smirk on his face.
'Bet he's loving this size difference.'
I thought to myself.
"Would you like to go on a date? Just me and you, I know this steak place."
He says still gripping my waist, lips barely touching mine, my hands still giving the back of his head a gentle massage.
"Hurry up sweetheart, I don't have long."
He says leaning down towards my ear biting it then licking it, I moan in delight. Feeling his wet tounge on my earlobe.
"Mmmm~, y-yes."
I say my eyes now closed trying to contain another moan, I blush feeling embarrassed with the sound he managed to pull out of me.
"Good boy."
He said in a gravelly low voice that had me weak, going back to kissing me roughly like tomorrow he will disappear, his tounge plunging into my mouth forcefully entering my mouth, licking my teeth, exploring my mouth, like an unexplored cave and he had been assigned to map it out, licking every spot he can. He takes my bottom lip in between his teeth, biting hard enough to draw another moan from me, pulling apart. He looks down at me admiring the mess he had made of me, panting like a dog who had ran a mile, I look up in-order to meet his eyes.
Giving me a smirk, he released my waist, turning around he walked towards his apartment like nothing happened.
"This is going to be an interesting week."
I say still blushing, trying to catch my breath my face very pink. Still in a daze I make my way towards my door fumbling with my keys, putting it in and unlocking it, opening the door, looking at his door before going inside my apartment.
Decided to add Marc, cause let's be honest, Steven would be too scared to make the first move. And I just wanted to have a pretty spicy ending.
Hope you liked it!
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b0nerf4rt · 2 years
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how they react to an s/o that acts like a kid
not in a sexual way !!
including : steve o , chris pontius , johnny knoxville , and bam margera
warnings : afab ! swearing
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steve o :
- acts like a child with you
- watches cartoons with you and gets pissy when he cant, like if hes called in to film early and cant watch cartoons with you he'll pitch a fit
- he'll order you kids meals just for the toys, but one kids meal isnt enough for you so he buys like ten at a time which pisses the mcdonalds employees off everytime they see you two walk in
- and he'll also steal you those burger king crowns that are meant for little kids everytime he goes there
- he learned how to make different balloon animals for you because you told him once that you liked animals and balloons
- if you like to play in the water he'd set up his hose and sprinkler for you to jump around in
- he'd also bring you to the ocean a lot and collect shells or chase seagulls with you
- omg steve o loves legos and if you do to he wouldn't be able to stop fan girling
- would literally make you stop what your doing and make you help him finish building his millennium falcon lego set
- this is weird but he'd buy you little ducklings and keep them in the backyard in a little kiddy pool
- but anyways he'd play checkers with you or any other type of boardgame
- he tucks you in at night 😫
- but he messes up the little blanket burrito he rolled you in by trying to get into the burrito with you
- secretly buys you stuffies when your having a rough time in life or when your stressed
- will finger paint with you and bake cookies or cakes
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chris :
- plays hide and seek and has water balloon fights with you or any game like that, and he gets like fifteen other guys to play with you two
- he endorses your childness and even takes part in it
- if stuffies are your type of thing he wouldnt judge you, hed buy so many more and even name them and give them all separate personalities
- he'll let you play with his fingers and tolerates when you poke and prod at his body
- is willing to play hungry hungry hippo with you for hours on end
- but he never wins
- if you like bugs he'll catch different bugs for you, and everytime he catches one he just has to bring it inside the house to show you and "accidentally" let go of it in the house
- even if its like a venomous spider he'll "trip" and let it out of his hands
- will kill someone if they comment on how you act
- lets you play and mess with his hair but he grounds you if you pull to hard
- if you like dinosaurs or mythical creatures he'll buy you those figurines of them and hide them around the house until you find them
- has lego batman themed bed sheets
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johnny :
- literally spoils you so much
- he says that your his little girl and that you deserve to be spoiled
- embraces your childlike side and even encourages it
- hes very understanding if you act like a child due to trauma
- says its okay because everyone has their different ways to cope
- he honestly loves how you act like a child because he thinks he grew up to fast, and having childlike energy around him helps his inner child come out too
- he'll sit on the floor and color with you
- or paint if your into arts and crafts
- likes to watch disney movies even if you dont like them
- he also lets you paint his nails and toe nails and dress him up in pretty dresses like hes a doll
- occasionally lets you put makeup on him, like false lashes and everything
- one time he bought a diy birdhouse for you two to build together but you guys couldnt figure out to assemble it correctly without a bunch of duck tape and elmers glue
- lowkey sheilds you from the world but would never ever admit that
- daddy johnny 🥸
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bam :
- the one thing he doesnt comment on
- finds it enjoyable watching you look at all the different toys in stores
- will even buy toys that you like
- he will never admit that he likes seeing you happy and instead says that he likes toys too
- expect many many toys during christmas wrapped nicely sitting under your tree
- but if you like slime or putty hed stray away from that because he thinks its gross
- "its like your playing with somebodys cum" he says while trying to remove some sticky slime from his fingers
- but he honestly loves kinetic sand so much but he would never tell you that
- he secretly plays with your (if that's your thing) kinetic sand while your away
- like he sits in the closet with the lights off and just messes around with it
- its his secret pleasure type thing
- and he also loves collecting hot wheels so you have to wait around for him in stores to pick out his favorite hot wheel car
- he likes how excited you get in toy aisles, hoe your eyes light up and your face glows under the florescent store lights
- every easter he buys you a little bunny or chick stuffed animal and shyly gifts it to you
- and also those little cartoon themed boxes of chocolates
- but if you say anything about it he'll tackle you and act like he never gave you anything
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