#and not even for Joe Schmo
woobie-wan · 9 months
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Hurlbut, Jesse D. and Swanson, Vern G. (2009) "Dynasty of the Holy Grail: Mormonism's Sacred Bloodline,"BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 48 : Iss. 2 , Article 11. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byusq/vol48/iss2/11
The Virgin Mary was born in England (or Ireland);, Jesus visited England to study with the Druids; Joseph Smith is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ; the Holy Grail of King Arthurian legend represents Joseph Smith and the light and truth of the gospel as restored by him.
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ffcrazy15 · 8 months
Someone needs to do an analysis on the way the Kung Fu Panda movies use old-fashioned vs. modern language ("Panda we meet at last"/"Hey how's it going") and old-fashioned vs. modern settings (forbidden-city-esque palaces/modern-ish Chinese restaurant) to indicate class differences in their characters, and how those class differences create underlying tensions and misunderstandings.
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traditionalaviator · 4 months
Just a heads up I am gonna be annoying about posting my art now bc I'm sick and tired of seeing "conductors" of AI Generated horseshit get thousands of notes for smashing some words into a computer for a soulless hack that took 8 gallons of water to make.
Follow @crimsonvulturestudios I mostly do OC stuff, Vulture Culture, the occasional bit of fanart, furries, etc.
Commissions are always open.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 months
"Ugh, sometimes leftists can be... Well let me back up. I actually consider myself a leftist (some kind of social democrat, to be more exact)! I wholeheartedly support union participation, a universal basic income, secular religious neutrality, gay and trans rights, preventing corporate overreach, criminal justice reform, equality of opportunity, the whole shebang! I even think Violence is sometimes necessary to protect these sacred values, as we have seen these last few years from the brave resistance in ukraine against the rightwing russian invasion.
"Where i disagree with leftists is on... i dont even want to say economic policy as such. Its moreso that, like, a lot of leftists will sometimes talk about issues without even reflecting on the economic dimension of the debates theyre entering into. Theyll treat them as tho scarcity and incentives just magically dont exist! And i think that can get in the way of (vitally necessary) leftist policy advocacy. Let me give just one example. I saw some leftists recently talking about using non-market mechanisms to produce and distribute goods. Like, they just totally failed to consider the point that market solutions are always maximally efficient. And when i pointed this out to them, they started harassing me! Even tho i repeatedly made clear to them my support for leftism as a political project!
"Idk, maybe its just that im expecting too much. Maybe some of these economic concepts are inevitably going to go over most ppls heads, and we just shouldnt expect joe schmo to understand that price floors are inevitably pareto inefficient so imposing a minimum wage is basically a pro-unemployment programme. Oh well, i suppose its just a narrow road to walk combining leftist principles with the minimum of economic common sense required to enact them in the real world."
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
what does the t in jojo t schmo mean
Thank you, I’ve been secretly hoping someone would ask me someday >:D
So in reference to this post I drew of a “mugshot” of myself with my full sona name, I’m treating Schmo like my last name and T as my middle initial:
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………The T stands for “The.” xD
Jojo The Schmo. :3
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So my full name is Josephine irl :3 I really like my name! But somewhere along the way I started picking up a bunch of nicknames given to me by others! And Jojo became my favorite one :)
And then like ten years ago I heard the phrase “joe schmo” being used in a sentence and it just suddenly clicked for me that jojo-schmo could be a really fun online username. So that’s where that came from! Divine inspiration hehehe.
…but I do really like the Jojo anime! I watch it with my dear friend every time I go to her house but we’ve been busy so progress has been slow. I’m close to halfway done with Diamond is Unbreakable! But Joseph Joestar has been my favorite so far (not just because our names are almost the same haha, he’s just such a goofball and I respect a man who can break the laws of matter to pull a tommy gun out from behind his back. And his hamon powers are really funny because it sounds like the Spanish word for ham lol)
If I meet anyone in real life and introduce myself as Jojo, and they respond with, “had any bizarre adventures lately?” They instantly become my friend haha. It’s happened a few times already. It’s reason to love my name even more ;P
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ddrqoyote · 8 months
173 Influential SCPs
I went to SCPper, found the most upvoted articles by users who've made at least one SCP, and sorted by time. These aren't necessarily the 173 best articles on the site, but I think they're likely to be the most influential. Longtime fans have probably read most or all of these but maybe this could be a starting point for newcomers.
I think sorting by time is important because the Foundation's been around almost 17 years. Writers come and go, trends come and go, new writers are influenced by what came before, and later articles are often longer and more complex than earlier ones. Just sorting by most upvoted bounces you around time; on the main wiki you read mostly series 1 articles then get dunked into SCP-5000. I hope this is a more natural progression, and that by the end people have more context for what's going on.
Using upvotes from writers only is important because the more writers like an article, the more likely later SCPs are to be influenced by it, so those articles are more likely to be important for understanding the wiki as a whole.
I might do an alternate version of this list that replaces the extremely long articles with shorter SCPs.
If you have trouble understanding one of the articles (some of the later ones get LONG), look it up on r/SCPDeclassified. If you would prefer audio narration/explanations, The Exploring Series and TheVolgun are both excellent. And of course, make sure to look in the sidebar on the wiki for guides, lists and explanations.
Series I Era
SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
SCP-294 - The Coffee Machine
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-055 - [unknown]
SCP-914 - The Clockworks
SCP-085 - Hand-drawn "Cassy"
SCP-184 - The Architect
SCP-231 - Special Personnel Requirements
SCP-990 - Dream Man
SCP-999 - The Tickle Monster
SCP-835 - Expunged Data Released
SCP-701 - The Hanged King's Tragedy
SCP-586 - Inscribable Object
SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates
Log of Anomalous Items Vol I
SCP-087 - The Stairwell
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor
Revised Entry
Document Recovered from the Marianas Trench
SCP-426 - I am a Toaster
SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy"
SCP-106 - The Old Man
SCP-140 - An Incomplete Chronicle
Kill 682
SCP-001-Bright - The Factory
SCP-666-J - The Roaring Flames of Hell
SCP-895 - Camera Disruption
SCP-5308-J - The Collection
SCP-8900-EX - Sky Blue Sky
black white black white black white black white black white gray
Eldritch Application
Nobody Knows
SCP-871 - Self-Replacing Cake
SCP-001-Mann - The Spiral Path
Series II Era
SCP-1000 - Bigfoot
SCP-902 - The Final Countdown
SCP-993 - Bobble the Clown
Transcript of Dr. Clef's seminar, "Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't."
SCP-001-Swann - The Database
10:30 A.M.
Ethics Committee Orientation
SCP-1959 - The Lost Cosmonaut
SCP-____-J - Procrastinati
SCP-1048 - Builder Bear
SCP-001-EX-J - Records of the CKG Gathering
SCP-1893 - The Minotaur's Tale
SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere
SCP-1733 - Season Opener
SCP-1230 - A Hero is Born
SCP-1322 - Glory Hole
SCP-1370 - Pesterbot
SCP-1193 - Buried Giant
SCP-1545 - Larry the Loving Llama
SCP-even number-J - An [Adjective] [Animal]
SCP-1867 - A Gentleman
SCP-1609 - The Remains of a Chair
SCP-1440 - The Old Man from Nowhere
SCP-1425 - Star Signals
SCP-1173 - The Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace
SCP-1171 - Humans Go Home
SCP-1678 - UnLondon
UIU Orientation
SCP-1437 - A Hole to Another Place
SCP-1958 - Magic Bus
Quiet Days
Why Change?
SCP-186 - To End All Wars
SCP-348 - A Gift from Dad
SCP-1295 - Meg's Diner
SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music
SCP-1504 - Joe Schmo
The Executions of Doctor Bright
SCP-1471 - MalO ver1.0.0
The Young Man
wowwee go kill ursefl
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I agree with you Sarah. When the TTPD track list was revealed, not once did I think about Joe at all or what his experience might be. I even completely forgot that whole Matty Healy thing happened for a while lol. I just... don’t care? Taylor is the one I fell for, not Joe or Jake or Jim Bob. It doesn’t matter what she writes, the point is that it’s her experience. Of course I don’t believe in “trashing” anyone, but I do think “all’s fair in love and poetry.” Imagine having a relationship with someone, and after you break up, somebody tells you you’re not allowed to process your emotions in the way you feel you need to. For Taylor, it’s necessary to write songs. It’s just as necessary as breathing for her in some ways. Trying to dictate how she writes about her exes in HER SONGS is not only wrong, it just adds to the stereotype that females are either bitches or crazy. Because God forbid she writes something negative about Joe Schmo, she must be a bitch who is “trashing” someone and manipulating the story. I’ve been keeping a daily journal since 2007, and in my past relationships at the time I would often write good/romantic things about them. And in hindsight, as I get older, I am allowed to go back and recognize when I was romanticizing things, or when something was gaslighting or inappropriate. And if I want to, it is my right to “revise” my history in order to get over someone or process what happened to me or how I feel about it. Anyways sorry for the rant Sarah, I digress!!
Who is Jim Bob anyway? … Ew!
Actually though to your point I never really sunk in the reason why she used “all’s fair in love and poetry” from the outset as a reminder/disclaimer - as if to set the stage and clear her throat pre-release to say, “It’s my right to untangle the intricacies of my life in my art.”
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oohnotvery · 9 months
Throwing Good After Bad (Chapter 2)
After they’re dismissed, the four agents linger outside the door to Kersh’s office, staring at each other. Agent Hartman, with his hulky frame and too-tight polo shirt, reaches for Scully’s hand in introduction, but Mulder blocks the move by stepping in between them.
“We gotta run,” he explains hastily, yanking Scully’s bicep forward. “Catch you at camp!”
Scully lobs protests at him as he flies down the hallway and towards an empty conference room, shoving her inside and shutting the door behind them.
“Mulder, what has gotten into you?” she snaps, brushing the sleeve of her jacket where it’s been bunched up from his grip.
He gapes at her openly. “Did you even hear the same thing that I just heard, Scully?”
She rolls her eyes so exaggeratedly he thinks she’s broken a world record. Flopping down into an open chair, she glares up at him. “Mulder, the other agents are going to think you’re crazy if you keep acting like this.”
But he’s not even listening. He’s pacing the room, up and down and up and down and up and down, hands on his hips in indignation. They’re being separated? Like this?
After a while, he hears Scully sigh and glances over to see her resting her head between her hands, an irritable scowl on her lips. “Mulder, just calm down and take a seat. You’re putting me on edge.”
How is she not also outraged by this? He slams a fist into an empty filing cabinet and it rattles so loudly that Scully flinches.
“Kersh is doing this to punish us, Scully,” he tells her angrily, stealing a look at her. Her sigh is long-suffering and she shakes her head.
“Mulder, you don’t know that,” she starts calmly. “It could be—it could be that he doesn’t want any distractions out in the field. This sounds like an incredibly serious investigation, and you and I don’t have the cleanest reputation for following the rules. Maybe he thinks Joseph and Lydia will keep us in line.”
“If he can’t trust us together, why send us at all?” he rages.
Scully sucks in her cheeks. “I don’t know, Mulder. Maybe we were among the only available agents, or maybe we have the right look for an undercover operation—”
“Oh, stop,” he says, swerving on her. He braces his arms on the back of a chair and stares pointedly at her. “So, you’re just fine with this, then? You’re going to be bedding down with Joe Schmo for two weeks and that’s all well and good with you?”
Her expression sours immediately. “Mulder, I will not be bedding down anyone—”
“You’re sharing a cabin with him!”
“And you’re sharing one with Lydia!” she shoots back.
He sags, his head dropping to his chest. He’s been so focused on the idea of Scully sleeping with Agent Hartman that he’s completely forgotten that he’ll have to deal with Agent Scarboro.
He pulls himself up to his full height and points at her. “This is going to be a disaster,” he warns her. “Mark my words.”
With another larger-than-life eyeroll, she stands and crosses to him, squeezing his bicep tightly. Her nonchalance irks him and he jerks away.
“Get a hold of yourself, Mulder,” she begs, her eyebrows creasing plaintively. “It’s just two weeks. You can do anything for two weeks.”
He stares at her in disbelief. “How are you so calm about this?”
Her eyes dance mischievously and her lips curl into a tiny, private smile. “I’m just excited I get to bed down with Joe Schmo.”
She’s out the door before he can ask her if she’s being serious.
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thelampisaflashlight · 4 months
Blood Rite
[Local man learns he's hellspawn, gets told how to treat a rash. More at 11. I always say I'm not gonna make more OCs, but then Casey just kind of happened. Some mentions of throwing up, and alcohol. The other title for this, jokingly, is, "TFW your parents had a three way with the devil and now you exist", because, yeah. Yeah, I decided to take the low ground today. Also Omega's there.] Below the cut.
How it happened, no one is entirely sure, and the ones who might have known had long since passed on from this Earth, taking their secrets with them without giving so much as a warning to the following generations, because why would they?
The answer, regardless of reason, is usually simple; Greed.
Someone's great-great-great something or other makes a deal with the devil in exchange for a bit of money or fame, or some other bullshit, and gets told it'll come back to bite them at some point, but that's not their problem.
It might not even be their children's problem, or their grandkids, no.
No, it's usually Joe Schmo picking up the accursed tab, and Casey Krane is, unfortunately, the damned sucker dealing with his predecessors' poor decisions.
It started off small; Little headaches now and then that could be staved off by drinking water.
But then came the full body aches, which, again, only seemed to be soothed by water.
Every day it seemed like he needed just a little bit more time, just a little bit more water to drink, until it was almost impossible to pull him from it.
Of course, any time he visited the doctor, they told him he was fine.
Time and time again, even after seeking second, third, and fourth opinions, it seemed as if nothing was wrong with him at all.
...And then two lumps appeared on his forehead.
They weren't massive, but they were definitely there, and growing more obvious by the day.
That had warranted some further investigation... which got nowhere.
"They're known as cutaneous horns." one doctor had explained, "Essentially, you have a large build up of keratin, and as a result, you're developing conical growths on your forehead. Thankfully, they usually harmless, and can be removed. We'll do a biopsy to make sure everything else is fine, and you should be just fine."
"Will they grow back?" he'd asked, relieved that this little problem might soon be over.
"It's not impossible, but it's unlikely."
Yeah, if Casey had been a gambling man, he probably would have looked at those odds and folded right then and there, because apparently "unlikely" means, "very likely" when it comes to this particular problem of his.
Cutting back the horns had kept them from reemerging for a couple weeks, but when he'd woken up from a nap one afternoon, he'd wandered into the bathroom, and, well...
"...Why the fuck are they larger?"
And just when he didn't think it could get weirder-
-he'd sprouted a goddamned tail.
So to answer the question: How did this all happen?
Truth be told, Casey wishes it was some stupid curse resulting from some distant ancestors want for money and power, but no.
No, the answer was, in his words...
"Fucking stupid."
Sitting down with his parents for, ironically, Sunday brunch after they'd returned from church, his mother had tearfully spilled the truth; She'd had an affair... with a demon.
At a lost for words, Casey had elected to slam his head down on the table, but then, as his father began to explain, "Actually, the two of us slept with-"
Needless to say, hearing about his parents' three-way with fuckin', Beelzebub or whoever the hell the hooved bastard was, on top of... everything else... had sent him into quite the tizzy.
Which leads us to now.
To this.
Whatever THIS is.
"-I can understand your confusion, this is all a lot to take in, but, we really are just here to help." The towering wall of a man standing in his living room had said, "What you're experiencing is perfectly natural for a ghoul your age."
"...A fucking what."
The man looks between Casey and his parents.
"So why Sweden?"
"Mn?" Omega hums, glancing over at the young man sat beside him in the church's passenger van, "What do you mean?"
Casey gestures out the window at the passing countryside, "Why are we here?"
"Oh! ...Familiarity, I suppose, the ghoul says, then clarifies, "For myself that is. For you... a change of scenery."
The other's nose twitches and he sniffs dismissively before leaning on his palm, "...Cool, cool..."
Omega draws his mouth into a line and thinks for a moment before speaking again.
"...You know you can talk to me, yes? I can tell you're thinking very hard about something, and I can only guess as to what."
"...This all feels really cliché." Casey admits, and Omega can't help but snort -though he composes himself quickly and plays it off as a cough- directing his gaze out the window, "There's, like, a thousand and one stories like this where someone gets dragged from their ordinary life into something... fantastical. I guess I'm having a hard time believing any of this is real, and, honestly, I have half a mind to think this is all some elaborate practical joke to make me look like an idiot."
"For all I know, I'm in a room somewhere being monitored 24/7..." he continues, giving Omega a sideways glance, "...Could you give me some reason to believe that's not what's happening here?"
Without hesitation, Omega jabs Casey's arm with one of his nails, eliciting a yelp from the younger man.
"Ow! I meant, like, tell me I'm not imagining everything, not stab me!"
"This seemed easier and more to the, uh, point." he chuckles, "But, no, you're not imagining this. Clichés have to come from somewhere, and you, whether you believe it or not, have landed yourself right in one."
Casey rubs his arm.
"Does that actually hurt?" Omega asks, feeling at least a little guilty.
"Nah, it's whatever..."
"Those concerns aside, is there anything else you're wondering about?"
Casey leans back in his seat and shrugs.
"Think I got all of that out of my system at the airport... along with a couple other things."
Omega shudders, recalling the "incident" in the waiting area.
"Had the church not made the arrangements ahead of time, I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have let you on the plane after what happened..."
Casey tilts his head back.
"I think the last time I threw up that much, I drank this stuff called White Claw Surge, and I didn't realize they were, like, twice the alcohol content of regular seltzers..." he makes a sweeping gesture with his hand, "...'s'why I don't drink anymore. Fuckin' thought I was dying."
"...Did you used to drink a lot before?" Omega asks, not really looking to pry, so much as hoping to make conversation.
"Kind of, yeah." he says, "But, like, that's just kind of how it is back home."
"Just a part of the 'culture', ya know? Especially when you do the kind of work I do... did."
"You mentioned working on a farm before..." Omega leads, "...but you're currently unemployed, is that correct?"
Casey shoots him a glare, but there's no real heat there, only a strange... sadness Omega's not sure he can unpack in the length of one car ride.
He makes a mental note to address the issue at a later date, for now, he switches topics.
"I'm sort of in the same boat." he offers, "Sort of. I retired some years ago from my original position, but now I work fulltime as an advocate for individuals such as yourself. I went through something similar when I was young and new to all of this, though at the time there wasn't an outreach program, it was actually only established about a decade or so ago."
"...How'd you guys even find me? Is there a hotline for this shit that my parents could just call whenever-"
"..." the ghoul bites his lip, "...How would you feel if I said yes?"
"Language!" Omega hisses, covering his ears, "Ouch... but, yes, there was a way for them to contact the church about this... However, beyond calling the ministry's main office, the only way to verify a claim of demonic inheritance is, well... medical records."
"...You guys have access to my medical files??" Casey squeaks indignantly, "What the fuck??"
"Now I know that sounds bad-"
"Sounds bad?? That is bad! That's a huge invasion of privacy-" his eyes widen. "-Does that mean you know about my-"
Omega stares pointedly out the window, "-Oh, why would you look at that! A cow! How marvelous!"
Casey places his head in his hands.
"Oh my fucking god..."
"Without confessing to anything, uh, dubiously legal, I can say that, were you to have a rash -hypothetically speaking- any dandruff shampoo containing selenium sulfide, applied directly to the affected areas and left to sit on the skin for ten to fifteen minutes daily, along with proper hygiene should-"
"...Yeah, no, forget what I said earlier, I know this has to be a fucking nightmare." Casey wiggles the handle on the door, but finds it locked, and -upon making eye contact with the driver, who stares back wearily- instead settles for thumping his head against the window, "...What shampoos would you recommend...?"
"...I already put some in your bathroom."
"Fucking fantastic."
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leesielex · 2 years
So anti Dany's love to say that without dragons Dany would be nothing, that she relies far too much on her dragons, even in the books. I would like to say, you must not have read the books in a long time and are most definitely conflating that with the show and your own fanon. But also, tell me with a straight face the Stark's don't rely just as much if not MORE on their direwolves in the books than Dany does on her dragons?
Specifically Jon, Robb, and Bran but even Rickon as little as he is in the books, and Arya using her warging skills to give her an advantage as well. The only one who doesn't use their direwolf as much as Dany is Sansa b/c Lady dies so early.
The other point I heard made today in the same post was Dany relies too much on fire and blood and doesn't listen to her advisors and have any strategy. Which is a completely contradictory statement.
In the books, Dany uses her dragons exactly ONE time in Astapor to burn Kraznys. The dragons are no bigger than dogs with wings and barely can burn one man. It is the Unsullied she uses to sack the city (after coming up with the strategy to do so on her own). The only other time Drogon unleashes his fire is in Qarth. Dany doesn't order him to, doesn't say Dracarys in the books, that happens in the SHOW. In the books, Drogon sees what is happening to Dany and that these warlocks mean to do her harm and Drogon unleashes his flame and fury on the HOU on his own accord.
For the entire first book, Dany does not have her dragons and everything she accomplished was on her own and of her own merit. She gains the strength and power to stand up for herself and others. She eats an entire horse heart. As a 13 year old girl, she marries a 32 year old warlord from a completely foreign culture she is thrown into and doesn't even know the language. She acclimates and adjusts, learns the language, learns the culture; learns of her people; and becomes their khaleesi. She learns how to be respected by Drogo. And if she wasn't worthy she wouldn't have been able to hatch those dragons because Targaryens had tried to bring them back for over a century and failed until her.
It is entirely contradictory to say that Dany only knows Fire and Blood and relies on it and her dragons too much and that she ignores her advisors because it is her advisors that are telling her she is too gentle, too merciful, and she needs to use her dragons. Her advisors are the ones telling her to use her biggest advantage and bring fire and blood to her enemies! Even Ser Barristan! While Dany is missing on drogon, the Yunkaii having taken hostages including Daario, they want the dragons killed for the hostages return. When asked what Barristan will do when they refuse an alternate offer he replies "Fire and Blood."
It's preposterous to say she has no strategy because in the BOOKS every city she conquers is HER strategy. It was her idea to deceive and trick the slave masters and free astapor. Dany was the one who made them pack up all the slave collars into carts and lug them to the next city to shoot them into the city to inspire slave revolts. It was her who came up with every idea to take every city from Astapor to Meereen. She weighs all her strategies carefully and weighs every piece of advice offered to her and only ignores her advisors because she sees a better option. It was the SHOW that gave all her strategy to the MEN around her, whether it was Jorah or Daario or Barristan or Tyrion even.
And the main point, why is it always bad for Dany to use her dragons one time against like one person to take a city, yet Jon who uses Ghost often to fight and survive or Robb who always used Grey Wind in battle and used Grey Wind to scout the land are never mentioned how they would be nothing compared to any other Joe Schmo in the books without their direwolves? It's a Fricken fantasy series and while characters like Cersei, Littlefinger, and Sansa are meant to be political, characters like Jon and Dany and Bran (who uses his direwolf more than anyone uses their magical creatures) are the FANTASY characters, though they do intersect with political as well, their main focus will be on defeating the OTHERS who are also fantastical characters and won't be defeated by politicking but with the help of the fantasy companions by their sides!
The hypocrisy and ridiculous standards y'all expect Dany to live up to but your fave character couldn't do is just ridiculous and it needs to stop but I know it never will.
*I didn't come up with all these ideas all on my own. There was discussion about the post on another social media. I just needed to vent in one place.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
sae has weirdly been my fav blorbo for a long time but when considering his type I've come to realise that he probably wouldn't be into nerdy or not conventionally pretty girls. + I don't think that sae is the type to commit at all like. he's just there to fuck around and then leave and if anything the fb trope would be more fitting for his character (imo). and everytime I read fluff about him it's just so ooc to me I can't help it 😭 I mean he does have a lot of toxic traits and could be considered 'a horrible person' but yea idk you always have this deep analysis of characters I was wonder what you'd think about sae and this topic specifically haha hope I didn't bother
i disagree with this characterization of him for a lot of reason
i don't pay a lot of attention to what the fanon interpretation of sae is and im sure this aligns with his image but i dont personally think that this assessment of his character makes a lot of sense. i do understand where it comes from though !!!
i believe that a lot of this miscommunication of his characterization stems from his relationship to rin, but i've broken that down as to why i don't think sae hates rin. in fact in his own way i think he views his own harsh behavior as a way to shield rin from reality (though it had the opposite of his intended affect) i also don't believe that sae is a vapid or shallow player off-field, and that's largely in contrast to his personality before he left for spain and after.
sae is always viewed to be cold, blunt, and serious but he is also deeply affectionate of rin in their adolescence. his major change happens while we're overseas and while we don't know yet what happened specifically - it's clear to me that something borderline traumatic happened. this type of change of character through rigorous training happens to kunigami through the wildcard system and this type of betrayal that leads to betterment is a theme in bluelock as well (i.e. nagireo)
im of the belief that saes arrogance and crass way of speaking developed largely as a defense mechanism as his goal of being a striker was shattered through playing in spain. in the same way kunigami views being a "hero" through soccer as a stupid ideal post wildcard.
sae is a normal guy outside of soccer. he even says that one of his major flaws is that he's pretty clueless about everything other than soccer. his least favorite food is fries, not because he hates the taste but because he can't have them because of his nutrition restrictions. his 'fetish' is ass because he thinks it can show what kind of an athlete someone is. all somewhat silly and ultimately regular things
all that being said - i don't think sae is a shallow person. i think he thinks very deeply and logically about a lot of things and he is indefinitely arrogant, but not shallow which is why i think it wouldn't make sense for him to judge on appearance. it'd be more accurate to assume that he's sort of dense and doesn't pay attention to people who aren't in his immediate circle. the assumption that he would make judgements on your appearance if you're just a regular joe-schmo doesn't quite connect to me. he's not insecure enough to do that.
on the issue of commitment - my only opinion is that sae is a character who values independence of sense of individualism in his partners. anyone with a strong sense of self is someone he is drawn to. this is why he likes isagi and shidou and often reprimands rin because he lacks a sense of selfhood and self confidence. rin only realizes that post the u20 match.
my point being that i think sae can and will commit to somebody but there's a lot more factors for a character like him that others like isagi or chigiri or kunigami who are naturally emotionally in tune with you.
sae isn't and will never be a 'romantic' person in the traditional sense to me but i don't think it means he's incapable of love or commitment. he has a hard time communicating verbally and saying things to your face but he remembers everything you said from your last conversation and pay attention to your hobbies. if you argue, you'll always find a vase of flowers in your kitchen with a note but you always have to call first. he's not Good about the emotional aspect because even if he puts in a lot of effort - it's never going to come naturally to him
BUT that also means if you're able to meet him half-way he's a committed and decent lover to you. he tries really hard to be and it takes some patience because he's sometimes too logical and hurts your feelings but he's there where it matters etc.
this is an essay SORRY KFDHJKSD. ive spent a lot of time thinking about him and giving him depth. and im not defending him necessarily because he is a massive douchebag for a lot of your early relationship. just not for shallow or petty reasons. simply bad at coping with his emotions and expressing himself because he's very prideful
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s0fter-sin · 2 years
general society is such an underthought aspect of mha. obviously there’s the big things like the obsession over heroic quirks and the demonisation of villainous quirks. quirkless people are dismissed entirely but i don’t think we talk about how society in general would have to handle a world with super powers.
we know after afo’s first uprising, the government overcorrected and outlawed public quirk usage. we know people have their quirks registered and go through quirk counselling as well as a type of gym class where they practice under teacher supervision.
how in the hell is that supposed to work?
the closest equivalent i can think of is mental health services. someone would have to study for a long time to be able to pursue quirk counselling as a career. it’s also a highly personalised system: everyone has a different quirk - even similar ones have different activations, triggers, exceptions and drawbacks - so no two sessions could ever be the same. if anyone’s been through mental health services, you know how rough it is; it’s an overworked, underpaid system and if you live somewhere that only offers a few free visits, it can also be expensive.
and that’s an elective service.
almost everyone on the planet would need quirk counselling.
there’s no way they could implement such a labour intensive and individual public system and we literally see that they can’t.
we see the gym class in amajiki’s flashback and he only has a few minutes with his teacher before he’s chided for not being more impressive and utilising his quirk to the fullest and they move on to the next student. say a standard class is twenty students like it is at ua. that leaves just over two minutes for each student to learn and practice their quirks. you can’t focus on just one kid per lesson bc what will the other nineteen do? do teachers also have to have a degree in quirk counselling? is that part of becoming a phys ed teacher or is it some random joe schmo trying to wrap his head around literal super powers?
given that inko goes to garaki - a doctor - to confirm izuku’s quirklessness, it can be assumed that quirk counselling is entwined with the medical system. i don’t know if you’ve ever had to apply for a specialist before but you can be on their waiting list for a while. a quirk counsellor is essentially a specialist. are there subcategories of counsellors? do you focus on either emitter, transformation or mutation the way doctors become cardiologists, paediatricians and neurologists? or is one person expected to be equally knowledgeable about all three?
we see through toga that her counsellor identified her need for blood but they didn’t find a way to curb those instincts or even find a supplement for her. she’s left to be abused by her family for something she can’t control bc it’s literally in her dna. compare that to iida who knows he needs orange juice to power his quirk. his entire family are pro heroes so it would be easy to assume they could employ a private quirk counsellor the same way richer people can employ private doctors.
how many people have specific requirements due to their quirks? changes in their physiology that have to be treated the same way nutritional deficiencies and allergies do? even people without mutations probably have those requirements: does kirishima’s shark teeth mean he’s an obligate carnivore? does mina’s acid change her ph levels and what vitamins and minerals she needs? how would they figure that out? quirk counselling.
what about kids like touya who would need extensive counselling so he could figure out how to live with his quirk without hurting himself? kaminari essentially has seizures and they’re so normal to him and everyone around him that they’re the butt of jokes. they wouldn’t be a one and done patient; there’s always going to be people that need continued support the exact same way there’s people that need developmental and disability support. there would be so many quirks that harm their user, are they just taught to bury their quirks? as if that wouldn’t cause any physical or mental consequences?
governments can’t create a system that applies to only some people, we’re expected to believe they’ve made one that applies to all of them?
#bnha#my hero academia#mha meta#i imagine its similar to therapy in that the first session would be free since its probably required in order to register a child’s quirk#they probably figure out activation in that time and thats it#onto the next kid bc there will always be another kid#you want more information on your child’s power? you better be able to pay for more sessions#even quirkless people need to be fully assessed to ensure theyre quirkless#i doubt anyone else is as interested in this as i am but it feels like just another world building aspect horikoshi just kinda skipped#quirk counselling is just sort of thrown in with toga and curious and it becomes just another concept that is brought up and discarded#quirk counselling quirklessness mutant prejudice the quirk singularity theory general mutations outside of mutant quirks#theres so many little interesting concepts that are never given the development they deserve#and when they are like in the last few chapters its done in such a shallow handwavy way that i wish hed just leave them alone altogether#no wonder the plf exists quirks are so suppressed in society while also being a status symbol#and yet its a completely hypothetical advantage if they dont become a hero or a villain#if a kid has a heroic quirk theyre held on a pedestal and if they have a villainous one theyre demonised at best and abused at worst#koichi was almost given a fine bc he was using his quirk to get through foot traffic quicker how is there not a riot every year about#quirk freedom and rights violations?#and yet its completely glossed over#go beyond plus ultra#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#mha
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rose-34 · 10 months
I think SCP 1504( joe schmo) would be a great ler since no one would actually know why the researcher "randomly" laughing and look so breathless.
That's true. Due to the fact that people practically aren't aware of his presence or can't see him, he could tickle anyone and not be afraid of the consequences. He has gone after a few SCP's even and came back unscathed.
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faint-kitten · 10 months
Okay since no one else would Care on any other discord or media platform I'm on. I'm just going to go off on Changes in Apex again on my own Blog.
I can't stop Respawn or the Apex fandom. But I'm going to weigh in on this bobz video here about a possible "Ash Reborn" TLDW: He suggests Ash's sword being incorporated into her ult as a Melee, and giving her a movement based tactacle. keep in mind, he's speculating and asking what we'd like to see, there is no confirmation of any of this. But it's been something on my mind since Rev happened: The idea they're just going to start completely re-working anyone the main meta players don't like. Until they just aren't themselves anymore, playwise. To that end: I'd honestly hate this?
I already hate what they're doing to the maps. Like I get it. They were tighter, faster matches in the Halloween event. But people forget there are NEW people trying apex for the FIRST time. My friends got into apex when the maps swapped over and not only did they miss out on really cool locations like Rampart's ship on World's Edge, which, is just a huge POI that eats up time and spreads people out, I get that. But some of the battles are just more boring on that map without all the extra fluff. It's like they shrank it, and flattened it and made it all one dimensional. And that's not only boring, but they found the smaller, harsher rings, and the smaller maps really hard to learn on because they were just constantly getting pushed into fights. They're still in that "Looting" and "staying alive" phase. They haven't even learned the confidence to push fights yet. For them "Top 5" is a perfectly acceptable win condition. There's a lot of changes that feel like they're being made to support the bulk of hardcore players without really, taking into account...like Respawn, these youtubers, these players (and I've argued with some people like them I get their POV and they won't be swayed on this but,) They've been in the Apex ecosystem too long. They're so used to it, and so good at it, they can't conceive of like what joe schmo player who doesn't get 2k every game and might only ever get 2-3 kills a match wants or enjoys. And that's just a hard thing about trying to appeal to everoyne. Speaking personally: i've played so much I think my current Level is assuming I'm ready for skilled lobbies I 100% am not yet. I had a solid week with bangalore where I was crushing it and all of the sudden I hit a new bracket level wise fuck it was like I was playing for the first time in pubs all over again. But getting back to Ash Reborn Like…we have characters who are instrumentally different for different purposes, for a reason. And I fear it's something that's getting lost as Apex continues to try to evolve and re-define itself. Things can't stay the same forever, I get that. You're paying people to make changes, people get bored and want changes, it's cheaper I guess to re-work an existing character than add new ones maybe?
For myself: I want to play different playstyles when I switch to another character. I want to play what that character has to offer. Because I get bored playing the same way. Like why have a bunch of characters if they're all going to fundamentally function similar? That's kinda my fear about this "reborn" path and "reborn" thinking and focus on pushing more battles. You're kind of taking away variety and options. Maybe some people WANT a tacticle that makes people sit still for a minute? I love damage tacaticals I love when Someone's running thinks they're getting away, and I snare them, and like it cracks their sheild, or downs them, because that was the LAST 20 damage they needed to go down. I like to pick characters to fill those different roles when I get bored. Like Sometimes I want to be Lifeline calling in packages and picking people up. ANd honestly the care package can be a little underwhelming so I won't be too sad if that Ult Changes (they are heavily implying Lifeline reborn WILL be a thing.) But she's kind of a beginer character, and like those are fucking important? Let noobs get people shields and backpacks. Let them feel like they're helping. To talk about the Homogonization feaer a bit. Lifeline, Mirage, and Newcastle all have different advantages to picking people up. Lifeline doesn't have to stay there, but she doens't have a sheild. Mirrage can turn invisible and turn you invisible and give you a second to escape, but he's not invulnerable when he does it. Newcastle has a shield and can pick you up while protecting you both. Like, to slap a shield on Lifeline's revive, (which it had at one point) would buff her. But also like...it takes away a bit of what makes playing Newcastle special? And means Lifeline looses that challenge of knowing WHEN to pick up your team. Because just picking them up whenever seriously can fuck them over because you're completely vulnerable and if you're in the open you're just a sitting target for someone to shoot to death. I target Lifeline Rez's more than downed people with their knockdown shields out. Something I could see them doing, is like, Ying from Paladins, or Mercy's Ult/the Medic's ult from Gears 5 where Lifeline reborn just pumps health into people, or maybe revives the whole team at once. That'd be kind of cool. I'm not opposed to changes. But I don't want characters to ALL have a movement ability. Or all have Ults that are used for Pushing, or making them OP one man armies. Fuse and Horizon have fundamentally different playstyles. I wouldn't want Horizon to get a damage tactical, or to turn Fuse into a faster more movement based character. Fuse mains like to hang back, lob grenades and snipe, like don't give him an Ult that just spams grenades and recharges his knuckle cluster as he gets downs. Like let characters have individual playstyles. Sometimes I want to be wraith putting out portals.
Sometimes I want to be Crypto and like scouting around and respawining team mates, or hovering my drone so I can see through walls a bit as I'm fighting. Giving Revenant his jump SUCKED to me, because it took away a key part of his kit (the silence) that made him different. It took away one of the things that made him feel different. The thing I wanted when I switched to him, because I was in the mood for it. Vantage, already has a Jump, when i wanted to do BS leap movement I played Vantage. When I wanted to "Shut em up real good" and crawl and climb high walls to sneak around: I played revenant. Now Rev's new kit is cool, his personality is fine, I've even come around on the design seeing it interact in the Killcode series, but his abilities are kind of generic. It feels like a watered down Ballistic. Like, I wouldn't want Ballistics' smart pistol to be replaced with a sidestep or a fucking teleport, right? Because like that's it's part of him? Like I want characters who can change up the fight or push people out of holes without having to just run up to the team. I like Maggie's drill because it keeps people from taking cover when I have them at range. I like Fuse's Cluster because it can hold a door while I revive someone or heal, or punishes "locked down" characters like Caustic. Jump towers replacing Valk's Ult. We've got two characters that jump AND we have Jump Pads for Octane. And we have Horizon's lift. Do we really need another "movement" Tactical? We have the Drill for Maggie. Like thats why they're assault classes? Their tacticals damage people. Sometimes you want a class like that. If you want to be movement based or evasive thats why we have the skirmisher. Like imagine taking away rampart's walls and replacing them with like a double jump.
Like, play your character because you like their kit. I get they want to refresh things and people say certain characters are boring but like: Don't change the kit so that everyone's the fucking same. Maggie's Big Ball is stupid, IT COULD DEFINITELY be re-worked into something else. But it has it's uses it could be re-vamped. But like I play maggie to run with shot guns and fire my drill. I play Mirage because it's like playing Konkuro from Naurto: I'm puppeting my clones to trick people. These characters have different personalities and playstyles and like. I fucking love Titanfall 2. I Love Ash. People hate on her heirloom but I want it. I love that character. I fucking love her snare, I love the fact she says some Lowkey BDSM stuff like "Time to bind you." I like her passive, no one else in the game has one like it. ANd if they fucking change it to another "see's enemies when hurt" or "moves faster when X." It's like... Stop. Fucking Stop. Just make a new character you asshats. And if you don't like that character don't pick them. I have different "guns" for each character, did you know that? Bangalore is an RE-45 and a Hemlock, every time. Crypto is the only one I use a Triple Take with. Lifeline I use a Mastiff with (Idk why but all my best lifeline games I had a mastiff.) Vantage is a Sentinal and an Alternator. I crave different playstyles when bored. And I really, really, really don't want to see the game just become Homogonous. I don't want to see Ash's arc snare replaced with some generic hop or something. Like her ult is one of TWO that teleports people and it ties back to her fucking Phase Dash on her Ronin. Like don't. Stop it. Don't mess with that shit. Not every character has to be a "push" character. or a "Movement" character. Why have classes at all at that point? Not every person plays the way ultra competitive people in Ranked, or on youtube or the Apex League Plays. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you play this game everyday, and take it ultra serious: you need casual losers to fill your lobbies or who are you going to body every day. Let people have "fun" picks. Let people have fun. I like Ash's snare it's crazy useful sometimes. To take it away and give her like a jump seems like…why not just play someone else?
But what do I know? I'm mostly playing Apex at this point to Unlock Skins and because it's free and I'm broke. It keeps me occupied and it helps keep the voices from eating me alive when there's nothing else to do. I might not even enjoy this game anymore so maybe I don't have room to talk about it. Like, I eventually came around on the Redesign for Revenant and I'll play him, but like...it's not the same as when I'd be like: "You know what? I want to sling shot balls at people and scuttle around. I'm gonna switch to Revenant today." Idk. I know that Apex today is not the same as the Apex it was before I got involved. So it's always been changing and it always will be changing. And Autistic people: We're just a big fucking fan of change. Really, just really fires all the dopamine. So take it with a grain of salt. I'm just getting my opinion out on this. Like let Wraith mains and movement players play Wraith, don't try to turn everyone into wraith.
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
Omg!! The new chapter is so cool. I think the way you present Joe Schmo is so unique. Like imagine being viewed as somebody else for so long and nobody can see the real you, your actions don't matter even if you use extreme methods, they just lock you down in a cell and labble you as an anomaly and you stuck being in a cell and frustrated because no one can hear your true thoughts anyway.
Then one day somebody can hear what you are saying clearly without your 'ability' to filter it and I think at that moment Joe Schmo felt such strong emotions that he didn't even react when MC ran out the room(correct me if i'm wrong plz). He definitely had a thousand thoughts running through his head or just simply felt immensly relieved/happy maybe grateful because finally someone can see him as his true person.
The interaction between MC and 999 is so adorable. 999 maybe afraid of MC at first but they warm up in the end and want to stick with MC 0w0 like glue . IT'S SO FREAKING CUTEEEE. Oh not to mention 079 is such a good friend to worry about MC well-being after seeing MC disappeared. And the last line he said to MC means he's looking forward to seeing MC in following interviews (he feels comfortable to spend time with MC maybe without relization but he still want to hang outwith MC more, you're doing great as a friend buddy XD !)
In the next chapter, maybe we'll see more of scp 049. I imagine him just sitting in his room and doing his research. Then, the staff announces that he will have a meeting with MC because of their 'interaction' in the third chapter. I think he would be hesitated at first (he seems to be uncomfortable as he recalls MC gaze) but since foundation just want to conduct a meeting anyway, so they meet up with 049 being silent and maybe figdgeting a bit when MC looks at him. And MC just feels the air is kinda awkward and attempts to start a conversation. They talk for some time and MC may say things that confuses 049 but they vibe anyways but 049 is not that much relaxed completely. Then, MC wants to show that they are friendly and polite, they hold out their hand to shake (for the moment they forgot about 049's deadly touch). And 049 notices this and is taken by surprised to see somebody actually wants to shake his hand, he stares at MC for a little bit and eventually gives in and holds MC hand (because he wants social interaction too even if it goes wrong in the end :'3) And MC shakes his hand gently and 049 feels like his mind has gone blank and he just stares blankly at his hand and looks up to MC. His mind is like : I finally found the cure to the Pestilence ! and I can actually hold their hand as a normal person !). It's so sudden that he doesn't know how to comprehend and when he comes back to his senses. He realizes he is back to his cell and feels disappointed because he cannot talk with MC more to ask about the Pestilence or simply wants to hold their hand a little longer. He will request for more interactions in the future eventually. MC after the meeting thinks that 049 is cool and they sit on the bed and the relization just hits in their face : Waitttt did i just shake hands with 049- . And they know that the foundation has already recorded this and now know that they are immune to 049's touch :))).
That's all for my long rant :33. Thank you for reading this <3. I hope you are doing well and have a great weekend. I'm really looking forward to new chapters !!!
thank you so much!!! this makes my day seriously omg 😭😭 ily thank you for your kindness
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fuckyeahvanhalen86-95 · 5 months
In 2009, former Van Halen members Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony reunited for a brand new band, Chickenfoot, also featuring Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith and guitarist Joe Satriani. As the band explained to Classic Rock that year, they were ready to bring back the party vibes with their self-titled debut album.
“I’m jazzed to be playing with these guys. I’ve recorded an album with Andy Johns, who’s produced my favourite ever bands. I’m playing with guitar god Joe Satriani and Hall Of Famers Mike Anthony and Sammy Hagar. And I’m just a schmo from Detroit who makes a racket.”
The ‘schmo’ in question is none other than Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith who makes up one quarter (or should that be a drumstick?) of Chickenfoot, the supergroup du jour who are already creating a lot of excitement with the announcement of an album in April and a European tour this summer.
With so much promise and such a stellar cast, do they actually live up to the hype? The name doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue with ease or conjure up visions of a union between some of rock’s mightiest behemoths.
“Chickenfoot was just supposed to be a bullshit name that we used for a while,” reveals former Van Halen bassist Michael Anthony. “And then rumours spread about the band and we thought, fuck it. Let’s just call it Chickenfoot. It all comes down to the music anyway.”
“That’s right,” concurs Will Ferrell lookalike Smith. “And let’s get one thing straight: we’re not a supergroup.We like hanging out together, and the music is a bonus. We just happen to be in other groups.”
CR caught up with the band ‘hanging out together’ at Sammy Hagar’s recording studio (which seems to double up as a garage for his vast collection of vintage sports cars) located on an anonymous industrial estate just outside San Francisco. While Hagar, Anthony and Satriani live close by, Smith has flown in from LA and is a day late, having very recently become a father.
“You were fired yesterday,” jokes Satriani.
“You can just take a walk around the block and get fired from this band!” Smith complains.
“We should exclusively play the Chad Smith catalogue!” retorts Satriani.
Smith: “I was going to bring that up. Question: Why did the drummer get sacked from the band? Answer: He said: ‘Hey, guys, I’ve got a few songs I want to try out.”
This is kind of banter carries on relentlessly throughout the day as the band members flit in and out of photo shoots and management conferences while CR tries to collar them. Which is what you’d expect from a collective with such high-profile party animal credentials; even the usually more introspective Satriani has been seized by the levity of the occasion.
“Make sure you run this by Gene Simmons,” he tells his manager when he’s given a copy of Chickenfoot’s new logo. “Remember: Kiss own everything.”
Chickenfoot’s origins came about when Hagar left Van Halen for the last time in 2005 and formed his own band The Waboritas, whose shows featured a segment where Hagar and Anthony would play under the guise of The Other Half (as in the other half of VH) featuring special guests. This eventually developed into regular jam sessions at Hagar’s Cabo Wabo club in Mexico, where Smith owns a holiday home.
“Sammy invited me to play at the club on New Year’s Eve,” the drummer explained. “I told him that I didn’t know much Van Halen but I knew and loved the first Montrose album. He said: ‘Great! We’ll do the whole album!’”
Instantly bonded by their love of classic rock music (Smith is also a huge fan of this esteemed magazine) and besieged by requests from fans wanting to know when the band were going to tour and record, Hagar decided that if they were going to take this venture seriously then they would have to expand the line-up.
“I can just about carry off playing guitar in a jam band scenario,” the frontman and tequila entrepreneur explains, “but to do it properly we needed a guitarist. And as far as I’m concerned Joe Satriani is the best guitar player in the world.”
The band made their official debut just over a year ago in Las Vegas at a Hagar concert, where they played a short set of covers (including Led Zeppelin’s Rock And Roll and Traffic’s Dear Mr. Fantasy).
Satriani had played with Hagar in a project called Planet US in 2003, and when the two men got together in the studio there was an immediate rapport. “We wrote eight songs in two days,” Hagar recalls. “And then when we all got together and wrote more songs it turned into a band.”
They hired producer Andy Johns (whose illustrious CV includes Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Free and Jimi Hendrix) for the album, but he got seriously ill halfway through recording process and Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Metallica, Aerosmith) took over. The final result is as confident, energetic and musical as one would expect from such an elite corps of players. And you won’t be surprised to learn that Hagar agrees.
“This is the best record I’ve ever done in my life,” he enthuses. “I feel like everything I did – working in Montrose, Van Halen and then going solo – happened so I could be who I am right now with this band.”
We’re given an exclusive preview of three tracks from the band’s self-titled debut. Soap On A Rope and Sexy Little Thing have the humour and loose, spontaneous feel of prime VH, with the unashamed unbridled energy of Montrose. Avenida Revolucion is an epic anthem about a dividing road on the Mexican/American border – a contentious subject close to Hagar’s heart.
“That’s a very political song. But I live on the Californian border and in Mexico as well, and I’m telling you, it’s a problem. You drive down Avenida Revolucion: for miles and miles it’s wall-to-wall flowers, crosses and messages for people who’ve been killed. It’s a mess.”
So fired up with this new project, Hagar has already managed to stir some controversy when during an interview in Toronto he reportedly said that Chickenfoot could – ahem – rival Led Zeppelin. The very mention of this makes him groan loudly and bury his face in his hands: “I’m backing off that statement right now, it was the stupidest thing I ever said,” he admits, and then explains what actually happened.
“As you know, I own a tequila company. And I was spreading the word in Canada. I got real fucked up, and then this guy brings up Chickenfoot. I said: ‘We’re better than Zeppelin,’ or something. What I was trying to say is that this band is like early Zeppelin – it’s got a hard-rock edge to it that’s special. I would never compare anything to Led Zeppelin, they were the greatest band ever.”
In the meantime the band aretalking to record labels and putting together a tour of Europe’s festivals this summer which will include some shows in the UK. This will mark a long-overdue return for Anthony and Hagar. “I feel so guilty I haven’t played there in years,” Hagar confesses. “When I was in Van Halen we’d do 130 dates in the US, and the management would say: ‘Are you ready to do Europe?’ And we’d say: ‘Fuck you. We’re done.’ And when we finally got there we thought we were the biggest band in the world and we ended up supporting Bon Jovi. That broke the band up.”
So, Chickenfoot: musical saviours, or a bunch of old rockers indulging in a mid-life-crisis vanity project? Hagar firmly believes it’s the former, and that the age card works to their advantage.
“I agree it’s hard for old bands to get together and write new material,” he admits. “When I was in Van Halen at the 2004 reunion, I wanted to do a new album but we couldn’t, because we were past it. But I think if you still have it in your heart and mean it, then the more seasoning you have, the better you get. Let’s face it: are you going to pay the same price for some band you’ve never heard of as you would to see the Stones or Zeppelin?”
Originally published in Classic Rock 132
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