#and not only is it better. but its SO much better that it makes bbt look WAYYYY fucking worse
storm-of-feathers · 1 year
Something insane is that Young Sheldon decided to retcon Sheldon not being autistic by saying actually he is his mother just refused to accept that and therefore everyone has lived under the impression that he isn't (which also re contextualizes the "I'm not crazy my mother had me tested" running joke which is now even less of a joke)
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cogbreath · 8 months
i waint to hea r your bbt things
sheldon is also not the only one whos autistic imo. im not certain of who i all headcanon as such, but i feel its a fitting one for amy and bernadette actually. i think a lot of the problems with the way sheldon's autism is written is the fact that other characters don't *respect* him about it. like his needs and behaviors are often belittled or treated as nonsensical. overall i think everyone should be much kinder and understanding about it towards him seeing as they are literally his friends and all.
also probably a nitpicky thing and a matter of my own autistic sensory preferences but i feel it makes more sense for sheldon to NOT wear his sleeves rolled up for sensory reasons. whatever though im allowed to project. also i think they missed an opportunity to explore his interest in vexillology more? like there was maybe 1 or 2 episodes i remember about it but if youve ever met a vexillology enjoyer you know its a common topic they gush about.
speaking of gushing i think the dynamic between sheldon and amy would be like. two autistic best friends who love to infodump at eachother and do parallel activities. at most maybe they have some sort of queerplatonic thing going on? but im not actually super versed in what that means despite being aromantic myself xP
oh anothet thing that bothers me is how the female characters are written as not getting any of the geeky stuff??? it's stupid. like, yeah penny isnt a nerd, but she's an aspiring actress i think she would know what a star trek is. -_- honestly like, all of them would understand a lot of those things and are probably into similar stuff. bbt seems to think that like, these are Guy interests that all women dont understand or get when in reality like, dc comics n shit like that, literally your average person can follow along so i hate that they make the women seem as if they don't understand star wars references.
obviously this is probably one of the most common complaints about the show but id love to have made a lot of the pop culture references controlled and niche. we dont need a reference every other 5 minutes, id like to define each character's interests in a more sensicle way outside of just "haha guys look theres nerd stuff on tv hahah did you guys get that reference"?
also another problem is the way howard behaves. like some episodes his behavior is like, sexual harassment at times, which is met with a laugh track every time. not cool, and unnecessary, should be written to be more respectful. and then of course id like to make him have a better view of his mother, the dynamic in the show is one based off of antisemitic stereotypes about jewish mothers, and thats shitty. i wont retcon it to be a perfect mother/son relationship, like they would definitely still bicker, but i want to potray his mother as more than nagging and obsessive, like perhaps she does care too much and doesn't always treat him as an adult at times, but i dont find a lot of the overall nastiness that happens in the show between them to be funny or interesting.
raj is a pretty okay character imho, but definitely needs to be written more respectfully. He is a major example of the trope of characters of colour being sidelined. like the fact he was the ONLY character to be single in the end of the series? its kinda fucked up lol. obviously as mentioned before i think raj x howard should be the canon outcome. howeber both of them are bisexual, they both are potrayed as having interest in women; but i also think their interest in eachother is serious, or at least should be written as such. its also probably likely that the way he's written in terms of his culture should be improved but i havent gotten around to that just yet. i also think his anxiety issues should have been written with more respect, like the fact he was physically unable to talk to girls i think shouldnt have been an issue he had with *just* women. it seems they were trying to potray him as having selective mutism? but obviously thats not a thing that ONLY happens when one is a around ppl they r attracted to.
bernadette im actually rlly excited to write better because she reminds me of myself at times. i will dial her mischievous nature and her interest in microbiology up to 10. i will make her infodump about prions just i do.
also imho leonard is transmasc. i dont have any like, "evidence" or theory for why i think that other than just he feels that way to me. not that we even need justifications for transgender headcanons around these parts though.
also wil wheaton will NOT be existing anymore as a character in the narrative due to the fact he blocked me on tumblr for some dumbass shit. LOL.
uh i didnt expect to actually have all that much to say about this show... LOL.. enjoy my rambling!
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life-0r-death · 3 years
@yugirl made a ship meme for connectionshipping and I wanted to make one for galileanshipping.
Galileanshipping is a GX/5Ds polyship created by @kitsunephantom09 and myself, involving Jaden/Judai Yuki x Bastion/Daichi Misawa x Yusei Fudo x Jack Atlas. “Galilean” comes from the Galilean moons of Jupiter for which there are four major ones: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Io is a moon covered in active volcanoes. Much like Jack’s Burning Soul. Europa is a moon covered in ice, much like Yusei’s Stardust Dragon and his calming yet cool demeanor. Ganymede, though another icy moon, is the largest and has the greatest magnetic pull. Much like Jaden, it draws attention and has a surface that retains both cold and hot. Callisto is the second largest moon, and yet does not retain the magnetic pull from Jupiter. It is outside the connection and therefore is not affected by tidal heating. It, too, is the most heavily cratered moon. Much like Bastion, it is alone and apart, scarred from years of abandonment, yet it is the most helpful, considered to be the best habitable moon for human life.
With the Galilean moons, the ship was created, giving a tie to the movement of space and time.
But now, onto the ship meme part!
Who made the first move;
Technically it was an equal part from Jaden and Yusei. Jaden and Bastion were already in a relationship just as Yusei and Jack were. Yusei and Jaden met in BBT, and never forgot one another. Soon, they wanted to involve their current lovers, so Jaden and Yusei brought them all together and spoke honestly, telling the two they wanted to form a poly relationship.
Who said ‘I love you’ first;
Between Bastion and Jaden, Jaden said it first. Since returning from the Spirit World, he’s had a greater appreciation for people and those who stuck by his side, as well as those who suffer from their own darknesses. He learned to see Bastion and to learn from him, eventually forming into a deep love that couldn’t be contained.

Between Yusei and Jack, Jack said it first in an annoyed rage. They ended up together soon after that.

Between Yusei and Jaden, Yusei said it first. After bending time to see each other once more, Yusei found himself just unable to let Jaden go. He told him in full earnest emotions that he loved him and wanted him to stay in his era.

Between Yusei and Bastion, Yusei said it first. Yusei fell deeply in love with Bastion’s calculating thoughts, his need to write formulas, and his beauty and intelligence. It sort of just came out of his mouth, watching Bastion write his thoughts down upon the wall. And he just opened his mouth to compliment his ideas, but a ‘I love you’ came instead. Bastion didn’t talk to Yusei for a week, too flustered to even look him in the eye properly.

Between Bastion and Jack, it was Bastion. Their relationship starts off rocky, not as committed as the others are. But after some time, Bastion and Jack find they have a mutual affection for each other. Jack doesn’t know how to label it. Bastion does, and after a heated fight, Bastion states that he doesn’t want bad blood between them because he loves Jack. And from there on out, their relationship got better.
Between Jaden and Jack, they don't remember who said it first. They just seem to have said they loved each other always.
How often do they fight;
They have petty fights, small things that irk them that cause annoyance and talks. Yusei and Bastion are ones who want to talk everything out while Jaden and Jack are much more inclined to physical relief. Their petty fights don’t amount to much, but their big ones are disastrous. Often, its between Bastion and Jack the most as they have opposite opinions on several matters that are important to them. Yusei and Jaden often run interference. Yusei rarely fights with anyone, and it is typically resolved quickly. Jaden rarely fights, and if he does, he usually settles it with a duel or a fist fight.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon;
There are two constants and there are two that change depending on the sleeping cycle or habits. Yusei is always the big spoon. He enjoys holding his partners and making them feel safe. Bastion is always the little spoon. He never asks for it, but his shoulders often slump in a way that indicates he needs affection, and his partners are more than willing to provide.
Jaden and Jack are flexible. They cuddle as the dynamics need or what they want. But, in a percentage, Jaden is big spoon 75% of the time and little spoon 25%. Jack is big spoon 45% of the time and little spoon 55%.
What are their nicknames for each other;
Yusei: (to Bastion) Bas; (to Jaden) Jay; (to Jack) my King
Jaden: (to Yusei) babe, daddy, Yu; (to Bastion) Bas, Basy, babe, pretty boy; (to Jack): Jackie, babe, baby, my King[after hearing from Yusei]
Bastion: he doesn’t really do nicknames, mainly calling everyone but their full name, but he does at times call Jaden ‘Jay’ when he’s flustered or aroused.
Jack: doesn’t really call anyone nicknames other than shortening Bastion to Bas and Jaden to Jay.
Who’s the better cook;
Bastion and Jack. Jack is the best cook of them all, having taken time to learn while under Godwin’s custody as it was often a stress reliever. Bastion is a bit of a health nut, so he cooks and enjoy it to make healthy snacks while Jack is all about baking treats and cakes.
Their song;
Take This City by Everfound
Who remembers their anniversaries;
Bastion the most. He’s very aware of holidays and birthdays as well as anniversaries as he wants his partners to feel loved and adored. Yusei is a close second as he often makes sure their anniversaries are directed toward Bastion the most. Jack and Jaden don’t really care and often forget. To them its just another day. Yusei understands that to Bastion, it’s an event of their love, lasting longer and longer, and he is the one who needs the reminder the most. So Yusei is always sure that Bastion knows they all know (even if he’s the one reminding Jack and Jaden).
Their favorite thing to do together (besides sex);
Jack and Jaden love dueling one another. Either in standing duels or riding duels, they get the greatest enjoyment in challenging one another and beating the ever-living crap out of one another.
Yusei and Bastion adore working on projects together. That could be deck building or bike updating or even house updates or plans. They plan it out and they figure out all the nuances of their projects and they absolutely lose themselves in each other.
Jaden and Bastion love to cuddle. Jaden always starts it, Bastion just letting him hold him or pull him into his lap or Jaden lying on his. They can be in bed sleeping or they can be relaxing on the couch reading/watching tv, but their favorite thing is to physically be near one another.
Jaden and Yusei are often training, Yusei learning to harness his Clear Mind and Jaden controlling his Darkness powers. The two powers work pretty well to repel each other as well as work together. Jaden loves using his powers and Yusei loves pushing their limits as well as experimenting (sometimes Jack joins using Burning Soul while Bastion helps keep track of their scores/health/stats/etc. but more often than not, its mainly just Yusei and Jaden's thing)
Jack and Bastion are also cuddlers, but often they have emotional chats. Bastion and Jack just lie beside one another in the semi darkness of Jack’s room, talking in quiet tones about all sorts of emotional stuff. Babies, families, traumas, sex, fights, parents, growing up, etc. All sorts of things where they are crying or smiling or laughing.
Who ‘wears the pants’ in the relationship;
Yusei always wears the pants.
Jaden always wears the pants for Bas and Jack, and will sometimes wear the pants for Yusei but mostly doesn’t for him.
Jack wears the pants for Bas, but does not for Yusei and Jaden.
Bastion never wears the pants.
How they would get engaged;
Everyone but Bas aren’t really into marriage. They see no need for it. Bastion follows in their thoughts and never proposes, but he does dream of the idea of getting married. They do, however, eventually get married but more for financial and medical reasons than for romantic ones. Yusei and Bastion marry as Yusei understand Bastions dream for it better, and they take it much more seriously. So Yusei proposes to Bastion in a small but simple way, walking around town and then getting on one knee with a ring in hand. Bastion, of course, flushes red and cries, mumbling a yes before Yusei is standing, slipping the ring on, and kissing the daylights out of Bastion. When they do finally marry, Bastion takes on Yusei’s name in a hyphenation so he becomes Bastion Misawa-Fudo.
Jaden and Jack marry for the financial/medical reasons. They don't particularly do a proposal, they just say 'we should do it for xyz.' They do not take on each other’s name, and they don’t make a big deal of it.
What would their wedding be like;
Though they don’t care for marriage, each married couple does have a wedding.
Bastion and Yusei have a calm wedding with family and close friends where the only media allowed is Carly. The media is allowed since Yusei is a figure for the people, but mostly it is just the enjoyment of each other. Yusei wears a black tuxedo. Bastion wears a white tuxedo (though I have thought of Bastion wearing a white wedding gown). Their rings would be simple, just silver bands. But on the inside would be all of their names etched.
Jack and Jaden have a much bigger wedding with all the press and all the bells and whistles. Jack makes it a big extravaganza, wearing his best tuxedo with the finest threads. Jaden would wear a red tuxedo. There would be talk that Jaden is similar to the famous ‘Jaden Yuki’ that disappeared years ago, but often it is thought he is just named after the same man. They don’t correct that thinking. They too have simple silver bands, much to the presses’ disappointment, but inside is also all of their names.
How many kids would they have;
This has been plotted between Kit and I for a long while, as well as a recent addition from Yugirl.
Jack Atlas (mommy) + Jaden Yuki (papa) = Shiloh Yuki (female)
Jack Atlas (mommy) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Lily Fudo (female)
Jaden Yuki (papa) + Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) = Yubel “Yubie” Yuki (male)
(From yugirl: Jaden + Bas = Rosalie [female])
Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Zebadiah “Zeb” Misawa-Fudo (male)
Jack Atlas (mommy *but not one who gave birth) + Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) = Soul Misawa-Fudo-Atlas (born female; later non-binary)
Jaden Yuki (papa *but one who gives birth) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Orion (male) [note: this is more of a concept and this child doesn't appear unless certain circumstances are met)
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wittywallflower · 4 years
Shenny! All the other titles looked interesting but then I saw Shenny and my heart leaped. Talk about it please!
That would be my Sheldon/Penny BBT fic Penny’s Code Of Condust For Sheldon Cooper that I havent update since January, lol. Its been a while since I rewatched the show and i’ve been distracted by other fandoms. 
The premise for the fic is that since Sheldon likes contracts so much, and responds well to rules and structures, Penny makes her own contract/friendship agreement for him to sign. largely to get him off her back about things he wont shut up about and to make him less annoying. They actually help him understand how to be a better friend tho and it helps the two grow closer. Its supposed to get shippy but I keep failing to actually work anything beyond friendliness into it. By Ch. 8 a reader actually commented like “slow burn is great but there’s gotta be a little heat to spark it!” lol 
Here’s a WIP snippet that hasn’t made it into any chapters yet:
“Friends help each other, Sheldon. Like when everyone helped with that huge Penny Blossoms order. Or when you loaned me that money.”
“Or that time when you went to San Diego to help me get my World of Warcraft character back.”
“Yup.” Penny said, popping the ‘P’ and giving Sheldon a grin before she turned to unlock her door.
As Penny made her way to her bedroom to change out of her work uniform, Sheldon settled into his chosen seat. He had not re-examined that occasion with the new knowledge he had both of the social conventions surrounding friendship, and the added insight into Penny herself he had recently gained.
A GOOD friend would have come to San Diego to pick them up. But only a truly great friend would have invested themself in the boys’ original goal the way she had. It wasn’t her fight, wasn’t her video game account. At the time Leonard couldn’t bring himself to call his own romantic partner for assistance for fear of being mocked. But Penny had understood.
Penny always seemed to try to understand.
Penny, who hadn’t played video game before she met the boys but still threw herself into Age of Conan. It had been quite enjoyable questing as Sheldor with Queen P at his side, until she had become rather obsessive about it. She hadn’t wanted to risk a repeat and had refused to try World of Warcraft herself but she had never made fun of Sheldon for his investment in his character. She had committed actual physical violence to get it back for him.
To say Penny was a good friend was to greatly understate her value and abilities in that area.
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
OMGG YOU SAW THE KEYCHAINS!!! I've actually never had jasmine milk tea 😳😳 But I got the strawberry one!!! Both of my bbt orders have strawberry in it so it only makes sense for me hhsh. And tbh?? my first order isn't rlly bbt, Its literally just a strawberry smoothie w/ tapioca lmaoo. But my second one now that I think about it, highkey sounds HORRIFIC. Its a strawberry green tea w/ salted cheese and boba hshshs. BUT I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL?? I was sick and wasn't able to reply sooner 😭😭🍙
GASPPPPP I have an addiction to milk tea so it’s just a baffling thought 😳👉🏻👈🏻 you should try jasmine milk tea but considering your tastes I’m not sure yoh would like it all that much
Anyway your second order... HOW DID YOU EVEN COME UP WITH THAT LMFAOO OMG ok well I like matcha milk tea and boba so we have that in common...😗
AND I HOPE YOURE FEELING BETTER 🥺🥺🥺 if you’re not I’m coming over there and making you soup and binge watching hq with you!!
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koiandjelly · 4 years
So Fila’s actual past isn’t very detailed, because she’s not a main OC, and I haven’t spent a ton of time actually thinking about her as a character lol. 98% of my Creativity goes to my original content characters, cuz someday when I finish actually crafting my worlds, I’m gonna write a book. I’m aiming for the lofty goals of making a full, fleshed out, intricate— just fuckin’... a whole ass Multiverse system comparable to the Lore content of Tolkien’s works, or The Elder Scrolls— gah fuck y’know what, I’m changing this post from being about my Fantasy Life OC to being about my creation baby, the effort of about 6 years (I am 20 years old, and although I didn’t know it at the time I started, I was 14 when I made the shitty Fire Emblem Manakete rip-off race that I’m gonna actually now talk about, because holy fuck this ain’t gonna fit in a parenthesis “btw have some info” bubble)
A’ight so I have a hard time keeping track of time, especially in a large scale across years. Apparently it’s related to being severely depressed without medication (communication error on my part, my parents are very lovely and helped me ASAP when I spilled the beans) while also having moderate to severe ADD. So, ya know, keep in mind that I was yet another terribly depressed 8th grader when I talk about my creation’s early days. I wouldn’t experience that time of my life for any sort of payment ever. It was goddamn miserable, because when I was midway through the age of 14, not only did the aforementioned depression spring up, but I also realized I was bisexual (And I live in the infamous state of Alabama, for reference. Don’t fear for me though, I was too unnoticeable to be bullied if anyone did know, and my wonderful mother, whom I love and cherish with all of my heart, is one of the few Christians that actually... like... do what their own God tells em to. That is, Jesus. I’m an atheist and have a general discomfort about the idea of super powerful entities actually existing irl, but I do agree with the stuff I’ve heard and remember from a decade ago in Church about Jesus. Good guy. But yeah my mom not only accepted me and reassured me when I came out, but she’s gone even further and is of the opinion/fact that lgbt folks are, really, good and normal and that God created them, so she really genuinely just... loves and accepts me. There’s no “I love you despite of this” in the equation and I am so grateful. But again. I digress)
Pause after that sidetrack, to recap, all of my medical issues began to emerge about 6 months before I turned 15. Including what I hate most, the emergence of my Fibromyalgia and Sjogren’s Syndrome, and for an added kick to the flesh, an undifferentiated connective tissue disorder. Meaning, as what I understand it to be, a nameless chimaera of many symptoms in a way that the disorder either is it’s own thing, or just can’t easily be recognized as any one disorder. And I had anxiety. If I recall correctly on *that*, forgive me cuz it’s been a while since it’s been diagnosed/brought up in a significant way, I have or had either general anxiety *and* social anxiety, or just lightweight versions of both, or something, but at the time I was horribly shy and I couldn’t even talk to the teacher after class about schoolwork, even though I tried rationalizing it to hell and back that I shouldn’t be scared— as you’ll guess, shit didn’t work out til I got medicine for it, because no amount of logic and rational thought will change the fact that I was struggling because of a literal disorder, an error of the brain, and as with that walking with two shattered femurs ain’t gonna work, trying to talk when the talk machine broke... ain’t going to goddamn work.
God. I am rambling a lot. But anyway, shit fucking sucked as a teen for me, because I got that wombo combo, prepare for trouble, make it double, precision strike at my existence as a person during fucking already difficult puberty— I am rambling. It’s 4:55am as of this sentence lmao. I had a nasty cocktail of both mental illness and physical disorders pop up once puberty hit me, so I, through many events starting from loving to draw as a toddler, to play pretend stories of heartbreak, betrayal, and death as best an 8 year old could understand via playing with Polly Pockets, and all the creative power I inherited from my Dad, plus the motivation borne through a need to escape, I started making my own characters.
So, to return to the present state of my creations, which will now be referred to as Bounding Beyond the Stars, or BBtS, I’m gonna get some things out of the way. Just to clarify, yeah? I have created my worlds in a way that is specifically meant to stand apart from the irl universe as we know it. I’m certainly not a knowledgeable researcher with any level of comprehension on Spacial law and quantum physics and shit like that. So hey, if something ever seems... like, off, or wrong? Unless it’s pretty obviously wrong in the “hey you just googled how a thing works, and misunderstood it, and made a detail based on a failure to understand stuff and that’s dumb in a catastrophic way that even a high school level viewer would notice...” kind of mistake, then hey, shoot me a message. But if some sort of universal rule seems fucky in the way that it doesn’t make sense, but isn’t a catastrophic structural error... well, Imma use that sentence to start a better one. For an example of a catastrophic error, perhaps... this: “This planet has no seasons cuz of its shape and axis! And it is also like twice as big as Earth!” That would be catastrophic alone because anyone with a grasp on planetary gravity or something, may go and think “if it’s that big, gravity’s gonna be way more intense”. And you’d be right! Which is why I usually account for those things with... *Magic*.
Before I split this post for Length reasons, and I’m sorry the majority of this was me rambling about how my general experience with life sucked from ages 14-17, I’mma state something very important about all my creations.
Magic, which will be explained in depth at a later point, is a fundamental, essential, and omnipresent force of not just any one universe in my Multiversal Trio. It is a key piece of Reality itself, as magic is the flow of many multiples of millions of unique and mysterious energies, concepts, and laws existing anywhere that Is.
To end this post, I’m going to put a quick summary and explanation why I’m rambling about any of this: The rant about my age and circumstances at the start are relevant because it’s necessary context for the tone and type of writing my creations are built upon. The foundations of BBtS are borne from a sometimes angsty, sometimes genuinely upset 14 year old who found escape in the art of Creation. There have been many, many, many heavy edits, rewrites, scrapped info and ideas, and even more info built upon it. It used to be pretty pointlessly edgy in a lot of ways, and redundant in grimdark, morphing into *grimderp* plot devices and character traits. The way it’s written today, I like to think the lore of my many high fantasy-alien societies, and all its denizens and creators and whatever else, are still written to be dark, be dangerous, even angsty... but more skillfully so, with the sort of nuance a 14 year old wouldn’t really even begin to understand. Cuz I still like high stakes stories with real consequences and character deaths when appropriate. And I enjoy characters who have tragic pasts, but now that I’m older and I’ve seen and read about and done so much more— I can write that stuff *better*. And more over, what I’m most satisfied with, is that I’m more in touch with myself as a person, and I’ve evolved many of my personal beliefs and ideals and all the things of the world I can have opinions on. But most of all, I’ve reached a point where I have consumed enough content from others to where I have figured out how to write something that should be interesting, and maybe a bit new, because I put a looot of Damn focus on identifying, and understanding, writing structure, cliches, plot holes to avoid, character traits to handle differently, and just generally making something that’ll appeal to both me, and my audience, should I get that far.
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anissapierce · 5 years
top ten most infuriating baits? is trobed number one?
This is all dudes bc mb i excuse it more w women n see it as not baity or when i feel baited i tend to find it annoying but then move on
Trobed is number 1 bc of general shit surronding it .... It wouldnt be #1 if it werent for frankie, dean and chang stuff in the bg
Raj (bbt) is actually 2 because god thats a long con of coding a character as gay for jokes .....n then they nade him rlly involved in stuarts love life n in the end hes the one unmarried friend ? Also they literally made it so tht he n stuart had a threesome ? Like thts uhhhhh nxt lvl (also them revealing the threesome story was literally when teen me Stopped watching)
Common law just ....the whole show is #3 ...i almost put almost human but idk ... I think combined theyre #3 because i feel like u dont watch one without the other but common law def more so
4. Gus n shawn from psych ... I havent watched all if it . I quit once i was told tht gus's character was gonna deteroriate n its sooo lomg lol. But yeah self explanatory though i can esxplain more if asked
5 turk and jd 5sure ... Though again i havent watched in forever
6 ravi chakrabati .... I feel bad putting him so low but like hes a nearly secondary character compared to the others on this list ykim. Plus they nvr like .....hint at his attraction to other men they just uhhhh highlight his parrellels w gay men a Lot and even have the character lampshade tht (which is the case w the other dudes on this list for sure.....but their friendships w other men r also a part of it)
7. Letterkenny is an uhhhh bizarre baiting situation i think its just the combination of everything tht makes it ....in the same way the combo of stuff w community makes it infurating. The only pair tht i genuinly root for tht i feel like is .... Kinda baity is stuart n roald ?
8.ds9 bashir n garak ... Again sth tht i nvr finished so thts y its low...it just nvr felt as frustrating to me or yknow as poking fun at the gays. N is it baiting if both actors rlly wanted it to happen?
9. Castlecs Ryan & esposito .....sth i hacent seen from high school but i checked n yeah theyre seen and teased as being a couple a lot
10. Being Human ... Im not sure how much Hal& Tom was baiting despite them pretending to be a couple to fool the child protective services and i havent seen it since i was in high school but idk
(honorary mentions) :
Lady edition :amy and penny on bbt
Dont trust the b in appt 23.... All of the characters. Though it feels less shitty bc a lesbian is the showrunner n creator
Kahlan and Cara legend of seeker
Dude edition
Walter Bishop n William Bell on Fringe
If i werent postive tht the show was gonna adress of it wasnt canceled Zeke Figuero and Shao Fantastic wouldve been #5..
Lem n phil better off ted
(Insert classic white man baity show tht i dont care v much abt n havent thought abt much but have watched parts of itl
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Brooo omg ok!! My favorite thing to imagine Ever is queen cuddle piles? Like platonically or not i just love the idea of them all snuggling together and having a little nap and being comfortable around each other I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
dude okay you have no idea but when i’m angsting it all up i’m like dreaming up as much fluff as possible this is a fluff safe zone
so it all begins with roger being a dick 
basically in the flat that they all shared together there was one (1) good couch
it was given to them by a group of uni girls who were moving out and freddie managed to sweet talk them into giving them the flat with use of roger’s unbuttoned shirt and baby blues
(he totally got three out of five numbers) 
so yeah they have the Good Couch and then there’s the Other One
that one they dug out of a dumpster and cleaned off because they’re poor and they’re thrifty and that’s how life works sometimes
no one wants to sit on the other one for too long because the springs are kinda broken and they’ll poke you in the ass 
and it’s kinda saggy and on the back some stuffing is coming out of it
and honestly it sucks but they’re too broke for a new one and there’s four people in one flat
but yeah they’ve decided to watch a film together for Band Bonding Time (BBT) 
and while deacy’s getting the drinks and freddie’s bullying brian into making them popcorn and grilled cheese
roger decides its the perfect time to claim the Good Couch
he just flops onto it and spreads out as much as possible 
there’s room for one person with narrow hips to squeeze himself in between roger’s head and the arm rest
the other 90% of the couch is coveted by roger
when the other three come out and see what roger has done part of them???? want to smother him
but the other part is like this is Not Worth An Argument which honestly??? is super mature of them because three months ago before they all moved in together roger would have been jackhammered off the couch and slammed into the ground
It’s Character Growth™
brian manages to get his bony ass on the couch 
freddie and deacy are banished to The Other One
exactly fourteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds into the film deacy is Fed Up
he has had a spring jammed up under his ass and no matter how much he wiggles it won’t move
so he gets to his feet, goes to roger, lifts his legs, and makes to sit
now roger is, above all things, a little shit
so roger is doing everything in his power to keep his legs on the couch not limited to kicking, wiggling, making them dead weight, and, weirdly enough, just shaking them back and forth
its almost like wrangling a toddler into a onesie
they’re whisper yelling at each other and brian is whining because he can’t see and freddie is swearing because he can’t hear
but john is nothing but persistent and so, with a grunt and a well aimed elbow to the kidneys
john gets on the couch
unfortunately, the compromise is that roger’s feet have to be in his lap
which, okay, sucks but anything is better than getting your butt poked by a spring
so now, to recap, it’s john sitting with roger’s feet in his lap, roger still laying down, and brian squashed all on The Good Couch, and freddie on The Other One
is not okay
so freddie decides to take matters into his own hands and on a commercial break (because he’s not a heathen unlike john) he comes over and gives roger an ultimatum 
either roger sits up or
freddie will sit on him
again, roger is a Little Shit™ so he’s like fucking sit on me i dare you
freddie sits on him
and stays there for nine minutes
roger is turning an impressive shade of puce but mama didn’t raise a bitch so he’s suffering through it 
brian takes pity on roger’s ribs and lungs and well, all vital organs
and pushes freddie back so that he’s technically only got his legs over roger’s torso but his ass is on the cushion
and they finish the film like that
the next time they go to watch a movie, it almost starts the same except this time they don’t bother with The Other One
and they just let roger stretch out over them
or deacy will pile onto freddie’s lap
or brian will sit on the floor with his back against their legs
or, freddie’s favorite, he’ll get to spoon one of them from behind while his feet are in someones lap
but basically, movie time is cuddle time because no one likes The Other One
and also, well, cuddling is fun yo
(not gonna lie this is 100% taken from me and my siblings only we’re not as nice to each other there are way more curses more kicks to the kidney and my mom usually has to come down and yell at us)
(we’re all over 20)
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ten · 6 years
one of my best best best friends & her parents took me out for beijing roast duck for the first time and it was so nice!!! i had such a good time 💗
also??? her parents kept piling more food on my plate asjds they were so sweet to me :(( i’m beyond grateful for my friends and i’m just gonna go on a tangent for a bit but like.. i’ve nvr felt so Soft while going out to eat tbh. it reminded me of how fortunate i am to have such kind-hearted friends and how lucky i am to be surrounded by people who genuinely care about me. not just this meal, but that friend’s presence in my life in general is smthg i’ll nvr rlly stop uwuing over. not to go off but she’s:
a really good listener. she really does care and she shows it through the way she listens to me ramble. i’m definitely comfortable enough to tell her anything that’s going on in my life- whether it’s good or bad news
super smart even if she’ll never accept it!!!! not just her grades (which are rlly rlly rlly rlly good btw. like... she’s so mf smart oh my god) but her drive motivates me tbh. even when she complains about how she’s always tired of staying on the Grind (understandably), she manages to get everything done, and do an amazing job on it too. it’s just smthg i wish i could do, because even if im technically capable of doing smthg, sometimes i just get so tired that i halfass it or don’t do it entirely. she’s gonna become someone big i Promise you
the Best at reading people- she knows what to say and when to say it. sometimes i’ll be having a horrible day.. but while my other friends acknowledge that and say something to try to make me feel better (which i also appreciate btw), it doesn’t always work. the one person i can depend on to make me feel loved and cared for 24/7 is deb. she’s so warm and idk asjds bye im literally tearing up i love her so much and she deserves the whole entire fucking world but i can only give her my uwus
so fun to talk to and just be with. she laughs so easily and it’s one of the things i really love about her. i can make the lamest reference (that i think is funny ofc.. bc i find everything funny) or make a joke about the dumbest thing, but she’ll always validate my shitty ass comments by laughing her ass off asdjs and our FACETIME CONVERSATIONS AND SCREENSHOTS OH MY GOD AHHSDSDHAJS those.. are smthg else! we were looking over the screenshots today while we were drinking bubble tea and i honestly had the best time. that was when her parents walked into the bbt place to ask if we wanted to go eat roast duck with them.. while my face was red from laughing and i was in the middle of choking from laughing!!!! not to be corny but i love sharing small moments like that with people bc those are the moments that you’ll remember and cherish, even if they seem insignificant to people who weren’t part of it. like.. its our moment.... Our Moment bitch !!!!!! ours !!!!!
idk im literally crying writing this bc i love her so much and i can’t even return all the love she gives me :(((( anyway i love her and i would genuinely die for her. deadass if i had to choose to save her but die while doing it i would.
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led123123 · 4 years
I told this ajuma girl a joke too.. that’s yo mama joke.. and it went like this. “do you know this joke? your mom is ajuma”
185 damage in 15 shots
fire rate is.. like.. what??? on prowler?? is it slower than r-99? by how much
it must be like. around 1000 at least
I think it’s 1200 because volt is 800 already. it must be like r-99
so.. like.. lets say 1000. that means.. like.. no.. it can’t be 1000. dps should be around 200. so.. like.. volt damage is 16. I don’t know what prowler damage is.. it’s like.. 12 or 13 or sth
10 shots. is.. 150 damage.. so.. it’s 15??? damn that’s so high
185.. 15 x 15= 225.. what the heck.. it’s supposed to be.. oh right.. it’s 1000 rounds per minute.. not per second.. so.. it’s.. like.. 17 rounds per second.
okay then that makes sense. but like.. 17 x 15.. it must be like. almost 300 dps
wow it’s really 15 damage. but only 800 rpm. I though volt was 800 rpm and prowler seems a lot faster
wow volt is actually almost the same rpm as prowler
I though prowler had higher rpm
I though it’s a lot higher than volt
volt felt a lot slower 
wow there are some groups in chrome now?
so it’s.. like.. 13.33 rounds per second
13.33 x 15 = 200
my math’s correct
nobody gave a shit about my reports few years ago.. like.. people still don’t care most of the time I think
lol they are reading hunger games in school these days lol what the heck.. this book is about violence.. what the 
really they teach hunger games in school now?
tut mir Leid. lol. this word actually sounds french
my tooth seems like it’s getting better
feels like it’s a lot better. like.. it got really a lot close to the final state
it looks like it’s really close to be sitting properly 
it’s kinda.. stuck.. it is kinda stuck.. and I move it around so it gets unstuck and gets in position. deeper in its socket
it seems like it’s getting close to being in good position
I had the worst problem with one side.. bottom side on one side
but it looks like it’s getting close to end 
what was other song
was it this one?
lol nobody steals all books??
you think you can beat me 123
damn this english 
f*ck you all
passing by NPC
I was just sleeping today.. fortunately there was someone else to help at work so I just slept and didn’t have to work too much
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cognizantlyalive · 4 years
probably shld detail the day w dillon so that it will never be forgotten. he has treated me so well it is amazing. and i feel touched. i was treated rly well by zane and didnt think/ know it could b better but dillon has been incredibly attentive and super invested. ok here goes
he was early to meet at orchard central, and waited for me outside tokyu hands cos he knew i wanted to go there. cos i mentioned im looking for a cute notebook, he went ard the entire store to look for it for me ._. i mean so i didnt have to walk that much i guess, though i had just wanted to spend time w him and browse. hm. he was dedicated to finding what i wanted for me. then later on when we were walking to muji i commented that cute notebooks rly make me happy and he said “oh tts easy i will just buy you a cute notebook and give them to u every day haha” he rly wanted to make me happy o.o 
subsequently we went to don don donki but it was too crowded (he was busy checking the time for our dinner reservation) so we ended up not queuing and went to get bbt. becos i wanted to intro him to chicha san qian, i treated him and he said tt was so generous of me (even tho it was a small gesture :() he was ready to pay and had taken out his card haha. anw i guess i didnt wna take him for granted. 
subsequently i let him have my bbt cos he forgot to add milk in his tea hm. 
okies so we went to dinz and he looked out for the bus for us etc, led the way etc. i noticed he was carrying his backpack today so asked him why and he said its actly cos he brought me a gift :O was like :OOO then at dinz he ordered everything i said i liked. when i asked him what wld he rate 5/5 stars for the dinz, he said he wld rate my generosity in constantly offering him my bbt (cos i knew he preferred it) haha then when i said i liked the beef he immediately proceeded to order one more portion. he rly went all out to try to make me super happy. for that i am grateful. aft tt he ate all our yakitori when i was talking to him abt some stuff HAHA so he felt bad and when i suggested we go for dessert, he immed got up and paid O.O i thought he was getting dessert at first idk think i rly didnt expect him to take so much initiative. w zane, zane would sometimes let me lead the way, and wld typically split the bill. it was only in the later part that he got up to pay immed. anyway, aft dillon came back, i offered to split and he said it wld b his treat if i gave him the pleasure of treating- so sweet??? so i offered to get us desserts :)
he agreed and we went to DDD to get snacks and mochis and my mentaiko mayo. he rmbed lil things i said and tried to find the mayo for me even tho i had forgotten aft looking for mochi. i think hes all round rly sweet and in tuned to my needs and everything i express. i think whilst we were gg down the escalator, he noticed that i had carried the plastic bags until there were marks on my arm, and thus he offered to carry my bags a few min later even tho i had not asked and had not expressed any discomfort. with zane, it happened once when i was carrying my laptop bag, and i commented that it was rly heavy, then he v kindly picked up my bag when we stood up to leave the resto, commenting that “he has not done it for me yet”, which i thought was rly sweet alr. o.o 
so yeah dillon has been way better in every respect- much more in tuned to my needs and being there for me... which i wld say im not deserving of, definitely. subsequently, when we cldnt find a dessert place, he took the lead and immed suggested getting a cab to nearer my place. i suggested holland v and he agreed. when we eventually got the cab (i had to use my app but he offered to split and i declined), he rushed out with his umbrella to get the door in order to ensure i was sheltered o.o i felt like i was treated like a treasure, which was rly v kind of him ><. then when i commented i felt cold, he immed gave me his bag to hug becos he wanted me to be warmer. he said i shld “protect myself” whatever tt means. LOL after that he helped me scroll his phone for 2am dessert bar menu and again helped to shelter me from the rain when i got out of the cab... he was standing q close to me and i bumped against his chest ><. he also v kindly opened doors for me and checked to see if i was ok by turning around on the stairs/ whenever we werent walking side by side. he was super kind and intuned to me... at times zane would run off ahead of me wo looking back cos he walks fast, and then after that apologize for not slowing down for me ._. but dillon was diff. there were a few parts that looked slippery so he put his arm out for me to hold, and hold i did ._. 
he also gave me a plastic bag for my wet umbrella, and guided me by putting his hand on my back when we were walking at some parts/ to the cab stand for my cab. also he texted me immed aft to ask me to tell him when i got home safe. essentially being w him made me feel 100% taken care of and i felt v uplifted. it was nice being with him. it’s diff w zane, zane is a lot more confident and calm, thus it was reassuring to be in his presence. dillon is more reticent and doting. 
on a side note the present he gave me was mooncakes cos i had offhandedly commented during our first meet up tt i wanted to eat them but my mum wldnt get them for us o.o how sweet and sensitive is that?! kennut even..........
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smallsushi · 4 years
♡ get to know me stuff♡??
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
- my boyfriend
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
- outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
- uhh no one
4. Are you easy to get along with?
- yes i think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
- my boyfriend
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
- hopeless romantics, smarties, good at math types. geeks, gamers. kind of goofy.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
- i am in one not a very good one.. so maybe not
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
- no one
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
- no unless it’s a dude
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
- Leon
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
- “come watch stream” by my boyfriend
12. What are your 5 favourite songs right now?
- i’m really into joji rn and brent faiyaz
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
- only if i like them
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
- i want to so i lowkey do
15. What good thing happened this summer?
- i made friends and some especially good ones like Z, L, Ne and D
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
- no
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
- why not? maybe woooo woo
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
- haha no never ever >__<
19. Do you like bubble baths?
- ofcourse
20. Do you like your neighbours?
- idk them
21. What are you bad habits?
- overthinking and vaping! i promise i’ll stop sometime soon~
22. Where would you like to travel?
- paris, i just want to be there some day
23. Do you have trust issues?
- yes i have been wronged by many people i would never hurt
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
- sleeping and dreaming. and ofc day dreaming in the morning. my life.. well isnt that exciting right now.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
- all of it, i’m ugly asf imo
26. What do you do when you wake up?
- lay in bed for a while and think...
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
- honestly... lighter. people always say smth abt my skin tone. my boyfriend likes lighter girls too. would help me feel better.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
- no one like completely..
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
- no i’m sure he hates me for dumping him
30. Do you ever want to get married?
- my instant thought is no, but i know if i am truly happy i would want that.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
- yes
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
- to me thinking abt celebs like that is weird they are like real life humans. and i haven’t found anyone incredibly sexually attractive to share fluids with thanks.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
- kjzw bro my name has 5 letters
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
- i was in basketball and gymnastics for 2 years
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
- tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
- yes, because i was too young.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
- something that makes the situation worse.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
- is it weird that my dream guy is straight out of a novel series? the guy who buys flowers, sends hand written letters, makes playlists, surprises me, has my picture in his wallet, isn’t afraid to be madly obsessed with me ok ok i’ll get out of my head now.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
- i dont have favourites but i love sephora
40. What do you want to do after high school?
- bro i want to die i’m 22
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
- umm sometimes. we are all human.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
- i’m hurt
43. Do you smile at strangers?
- sometimes if they smile at me
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
- no
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
- at this point.. i want to go to paris. i want to see paris before i die. i’m extremely suicidal but thinking about not seeing paris before i die kind of gives me hope UwU
46. What are you paranoid about?
- being lied to, or made a complete fool of.
47. Have you ever been high?
- yes
48. Have you ever been drunk?
- yes
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
- yes
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
- grey
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
- all the time
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
- i wish i could be prettier... maybe then i wouldn’t get treated like shit.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
- too faced.. always ♡
54. Favourite colour?
- pink and purple... i like pastels..
55. Favourite food?
- good ol spaghetti and meatballs with heaps of parmesan
56. Last thing you ate?
- lol coffee, i havent ate in two dayss depression gang :3
57. First thing you ate this morning?
- coffee
58. Ever been in love?
- yes
59. How many pillows do you sleep with?
- 4
60. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
- i wish i could but i dont have any stuffies atm
61. Favourite animal?
62. Favourite tv show?
umm black mirror, mr robot, bbt, you etc
63. Favourite movie?
- requiem for a dream, mr nobody, anything that blows my mind tbh
64. First person you talked to today?
- my boyfriend
65 Last person you talked to today?
- my boyfriend
66. Name a person you hate?
- dont hate anyone
67. Name a person you love?
- ig my boyfriend
68. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
- no
69. Do you regret anything from your past?
- yes
70. Do you miss anyone from your past?
- nope
71. Ever broken someone’s heart?
- yes
72. Have you ever been on a horse?
- yes and it was scary
73. Is something irritating you right now?
- a lot of things but i dont mind
74. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
- no, usually it hurts after they like me back
75. Do you have trust issues?
- lol yes
76. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- my boyfriend
77. What was your childhood nickname?
- bubblegum was a favourite so ill say that here
78. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
- yes
79. Favourite book?
- 1984 George Orwell a big mind fuck fest
80. Are you afraid of the dark?
- yes, and even more scared when im actually with multiple people like which ones the ghost ah!
81. Are you mean?
- sometimes when im moody or angry
82. Is cheating ever okay?
- nope never
83. Do you believe in love at first sight?
- no its probably just lust
84. Do you believe in true love?
- i do because i love truly
85. Are you currently bored?
- very, life is dull atm
86. What makes you happy?
- sunshine, travelling, people watching, music, cats, anime, gaming, reading, someone loving me truly but hey lets be real~
87. Would you change your name?
- no i actually love my first name
88. What your zodiac sign?
- im a sag
89. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
- one is married, one is too pure to like me and the other one is someone i do kinda have a vibe with, either way i will stay away and tell them its wrong since i have a boyfriend.
91. Favourite lyrics right now?
- "I'm not living, I'm just killing time." - True Love Waits, Radiohead
92. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
- closed
93. How tall are you?
- 5'2
94. Curly or Straight hair?
- curly/wavy
95. What’s your favourite quote?
- "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" -Mewtwo
96. Do you believe in ghosts?
- noo
0 notes
entamewitchlulu · 7 years
Besides the resentment cause by some people, what is your current opinion on Vrains? Personally overall I like it but I just wish Yusaku wasn't so perfect and people would stop staying this is best thing in yugioh ever when we're only 10 eps in.
welllllll okay, at the risk of sounding kinda bitchy….I’m not particularly enjoying it so far. 
Don’t get me wrong, I like it!  About as much as any other Yu-Gi-Oh series (except for Arc V which is…always going to be on a different level for me for personal reasons.  But I digress).
Resentment towards the fanbase and it’s antics aside, the show itself is…just a little lackluster for me.  It’s kind of why I stopped doing those episode by episode reviews, because I didn’t want to steal anyone’s thunder with my own lack of enthusiasm.
But…anyway.  Let me try to quantify my feelings more specifically; i’ll put it under a cut cause it might be a bit long.
ALSO, please bear in mind that I’m…actually two episodes behind;;;;  So some of the things I complain about may or may not have been addressed in those two episodes, I don’t know. (but then, there’s the main problem right there…I haven’t felt an urge to watch them….anyway.)
first…the setting.  I just…don’t feel like it’s been utilized to it’s fullest extent.  Virtual reality is cool!!!  It’s super cool!!  But….but VRAINS just looks like….regular space.  Regular space with the occasional data stream/storm to hoverboard through.  It’s not….very visually interesting.  Everything about it is pretty subdued, realistic, and with a darker, duller palette, which are not my favorite aesthetics.  Like, it’s virtual reality, man!!!  Show me beautiful ridiculously spread out environments like mountain ranges and meadows and forests, not just…the same old cityscapes that we see in the real world.  VRAINS and the real world do not look visually distinct, at all.  If not for the avatars, I would not know when the characters were in one world or the other, and I fail to see the necessity of the VRAINS system at all.  Why is it important?  Why is it more important that the duels take place on that stage rather than anywhere else?
The visuals of data storm duels just…aren’t very interesting to me, either.  They’re getting repetitive, and I’m already sick of seeing the Link Summon animation because it’s so LONG.  and what with the backgrounds being so boring, too, i just…I want them to have to zip around obstacles and shit, instead of just zooming down a freeway and then occasionally getting sucked into a data storm, where Yusaku does the exact same animation for his skill as always. (like man there is so much recycled animation in this series, his transformation sequence, the Link Summon sequences, the Storm Access skill…no wonder the animation is so good and consistence, they only have to animate new footage for about half the episode)
Second, the characters so far.  I just…I don’t feel much of a connection to them.  As far as Yusaku goes, I do like him, and I’ll get into the parts that I do like about him later in this response, but as far as he goes, I feel like we’re watching him from the outside, rather than actually getting into his head.  We’re not getting much, if any, of his internal monologue.  I feel as though we’re being told how he feels instead of being shown how he feels.  There’s nothing wrong with a stoic character!!  Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all, I mean, I adore Yusei.  What I don’t like is a stoic character who’s….just stoic.  Yusaku is just a little too perfect so far; he never gets tripped up by anything, even when it looked like Blue Angel had him on the ropes, it turned out he had been planning on the entire situation from the beginning.  Like…I’m getting BBC Sherlock vibes out of him at the moment, and I…I don’t like it.  Let me see Yusaku fail.  Let me see Yusaku get upset when he does.  Let me see him feeling, let me see his flaws, besides his single-minded focus on revenge.
I found Go somewhat lackluster as well; his aesthetic didn’t appeal to me, and he just………what about him was “”entertainment dueling”” ?  Maybe once he joins the crew and interacts I’ll enjoy him more but I really can’t even say much about him because I don’t feel like I learned anything about him.
And as for Aoi…..let me preface this with the fact that she is by and large my favorite character in the series so far.  I think she does the subdued personality better than Yusaku does so far, but i think it helps that we have the duality of her Blue Angel persona to really give her some depth to her conflicted personality and nature.  But besides that…?  She’s been treated very poorly so far.  They set her up as a very powerful and important duelist, which is great! ….but then they immediately had her possessed by the bad guys and sent her into a coma.
and….as an aside, i was….uncomfortable with the long, drawn out scene where she was fighting her possession.  There was really…no actual reason for that whole scene of her losing her wings and falling, like…what exactly was happening there????  And just the drawn out sequence of her just sitting here, screaming, without seeing her internal struggle–like, was she actually fighting the virus?  if so, instead of seeing her losing her wings and falling, I would have liked to see her shouting at the virus in her head and struggling with it.  Instead we just got….almost five minutes of her just screaming in pain and it almost felt like torture porn to me.  I would have accepted the losing her wings scene if we had seen some kind of internal monologue about her feeling like she was failing her desire/purpose to prove herself to her brother, and that was why she felt like she was losing her wings, but…instead it was just, straight up screaming in pain.
don’t get me wrong, i loooove seeing characters get broken down, i just like to feel like there’s a character point to it instead of just seeing it to see it
and finally……the plot.  A lot of people have hailed this as the “first yugioh series to focus on plot” but i would counter with….exposition is not plot.  What we have gotten is not plot so much as it is info-dumping.  And there’s nothing wrong with that, not at all.  I just…it rubs me the wrong way to call it “”plot”” because so far, the plot is still developing.  You can’t act like they dumped all of it into the beginning, and you can’t act like a series not doing the same thing is somehow “not plot.”  Plot is the overarching storyline; what we have right now is not plot it’s just…….vague info dumping that makes me feel like i know less than if they hadn’t told me anything at all.  A lot of that info-dumping has been done in an incredibly stilted manner imo, also.  Like Akira talking to Bishop, and he explained things out loud to Bishop that….both of them would have already known.  He was just saying it for the sake of the audience.  That’s…imo that’s a poor way to explain backstory.  It’s telling instead of showing, instead of letting the plot simmer up through the actual story and peek through the cracks, slowly drawing you into the world and slowly getting you involved.  Nope just…just dumps it on ya.  Here it is.  Here’s the back story.
honestly, let me clarify that previous complaint with this: I am 100% a character over plot person.  Give me characters that I love and I will ride through any plot, no matter how convoluted or poorly written.  I am of the firm belief that if you have well-written characters who interact in interesting ways, the plot will fall into place behind them.  My first rule of thumb when writing is, if you have a scene with only one person, do whatever you can to add at least second person for them to play off against.
So far….?  VRAINS has not wowed me with its characters interactions.  And I think the plot is suffering for it.  I don’t know these characters.  I don’t know how they feel about each other.  The majority of interaction comes from them zipping around from a distance on the field, and they don’t really talk…they mostly talk to themselves about what the other person is doing, and then do some loud trash talking that isn’t real interaction.  The closest VRAINS has gotten so far to getting the kind of interaction I want to see is in the intro ep for Blue Angel, where Yusaku had some good interaction with Ignis and Kusanagi, and then with Naoki and Aoi.
I think it’s telling that the only parts of the show that I’ve really, really enjoyed so far are the above mentioned instances.  Not the duels, not the backstory, not the evil dudes plotting, not the new cards or summoning types, not even the fucking virtual reality gimmick.  The only parts I’ve actually really, really loved watching are the parts where Yusaku is put on the spot and expected to awkwardly interact with things that have nothing to do with his overall mission.
And i think that’s a good segway into what I do like about VRAINS so far.  First, what little we DO have of Yusaku, I do like more than i dislike.  I think he’s cute, and like I said before, during those brief moments of awkwardness he had with Ignis/Kusanagi’s teasing and with Naoki strongarming him into the duel club, i loved a lot.  That is what i want to see more out of him.  I want to see him put on the spot, dragged out of his comfort zone, forced to see things from outside his tunnel vision.  I do love his ticks, like his “three reasons” thing, I think that’s actually a very interesting master gesture for him that implies an extra depth that i hope will be explored later.
I like Ignis, and I like his relationship with Yusaku.  I like that it’s almost a reverse Yuma/Astral thing.  I love how expressive Ignis is even though he’s just an eye. 
The animation is good!  My complaint about recycled animation aside, the animation actually is v good, the CGI bits aren’t too bad, definitely improved since their first usage in BBT.  The characters are nicely articulated and expressive in their movements.  My complaints about the backgrounds and sameness aside, this is a style that would become more than just beautiful if and when it decides to expand from it’s current repertoire of backgrounds.
And the parts of the plot that they haven’t explained?  I am fascinated by that.  TBH I could care less about the AI subplot, but the flashback of tiny Yusaku getting dragged out of a house in a blanket as though there was some kind of fire?  That is interesting to me, because they left questions unanswered, and didn’t throw any exposition at me for it yet.  That i am looking forward to seeing explored and explained and threaded through the story.
And as for what I’m looking forward to: I’m looking forward to Yusaku getting a squad.  That’s basically it.  I think my opinion of the show will increase tenfold once Yusaku has his friend group.  Like I said, I’m a character person.  I want characters over plot.  Once Yusaku has his team put together, I think I’ll be much more engaged.
So my overall thoughts, if somehow you read through that entire monstrosity of a response?  I don’t hate it, but I’m not currently very engaged.  This isn’t meant to be a comparison, but coming off of the high of Arc V, which is very important to me for personal reasons, it’s harder for me to become engaged in the new story when it doesn’t hit my buttons for the things I generally like in media.
I’m still definitely in it for the long haul, I’ll be watching the entire series no matter what, and I expect to enjoy it, but I don’t expect it to overtake any of the other yugioh series in terms of my overall love and interest in it.
And I apologize sincerely if this wasn’t the kind of thing you wanted to hear…I really do wish that I enjoyed it more, and I’m glad for all the people who are enjoying it.  Please don’t let my own disengagement take the wind out of your sails.
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imcomedic-sans · 7 years
What would you do
The following is a drabble between both my muses: Babyteeth and Twitch
Babyteeth was adjusting a log into the fire place when he arrived. The skeleton had become less twitchy as of late, but his presence hardly seemed any less ominous. He was seated right on top of the dinning table, hands propping himself on either side as he had a leg draped over the other in a lazy manner. He stared at his alt's back with an expression of airy amusement, and very faintly, his signature, clacking chuckling could be heard.
“you rang..?”
Babyteeth had already sensed him coming in. The voice didn't startle him even if he had his back to him, and he proceeded striking a match to set the pieces of newspaper tucked under the wood on fire. Once it was hot enough, the wood would catch fire itself.
“...i have a question for you.” His sockets were fixed on the growing flames, and as they began licking at the logs, he stood. Twitch had removed himself from the table when Babyteeth turned, his hands dug into his pockets and body leaning to one side as if Twitch were trying to look around him at the flames. Except, he wasn't. A singular, dark red eye was pointed toward the other skeleton. The fire behind Babyteeth obscured the small shack into shadows, yet Twitch seemed to carry one all on his own. The orange glow did not touch him. For a moment, all Babyteeth could see was the one eye, and fighting back a shiver he made his way to the couch.
“.....” Twitch straightened slowly, following him with his gaze. “...well? aren't you going to ask?”
It was strange not hearing that stutter anymore. It made Babyteeth uneasy; another reminder of who the other was. Or... used to be. Babyteeth took a seat.
“...it's a delicate question.” He forced himself to look at his alternate. Meeting his gaze levelly. “and i'm only going to ask if you're going to be okay with it. and, even afterward, if you don't want to answer... i understand.”
The reassurance did little to appease Twitch... The single pupil still remained, and his sockets narrowed. Regarding Babyteeth silently. He had a suspicion to what his question could be relating to, and Twitch didn't want to talk about it.
Withdrawing a hand from one pocket, soft clicking noises are sounded as Twitch absently played with the toy given to him by Reset. Thoughtful. The silence was long and stretched between them, but the antsy skeleton eventually moves. He makes his way back to the table and, hopping on top of it, sits crossed legged on its surface. Babyteeth wondered if there was a specific reason for that or if he just wanted to be a general nuisance and not use a chair. Either way, he didn't look at Babyteeth and kept his gaze on the cube.
“...ask away.”
He almost didn't want to. But Babyteeth had called him here. It was too late to back out now, and taking in a deep breath, he forced the words out.
“why didn't you do it?”
Twitch glances over to him.
“why didn't you do it..?” Babyteeth repeated. Resolved. “what stopped you?”
The blue-jacket wearing skeleton watched the other evenly. Searchingly. Waiting for the slightest motion of discomfort or threat. And as if he were stepping on thin ice that cracked dangerously, he spoke with caution. “when edgy... your edgy... when you found him and he was... he was...”
It didn't matter. What confidence he boosted up had failed him as he faltered. It felt like his words had turned to stone. They sank back down his throat. He felt Twitch's narrowed gaze as intensely as the flames in the fireplace, he wasn't able to keep his focus on him anymore. He had to look away.
But Twitch, yet again, removed himself from the table to make his way to him. He stopped across the coffee table from him and laid his hands on top of it, and- while Babyteeth still felt the intensity of the gaze- when he glanced up he saw Twitch was grinning at him, visage one of laid back appeal.
“go on.” He encouraged. “spit it out.”
Red eyes met darker ones, and for the first time, Babyteeth actually looked at Twitch. Not just glance at him, not just look over him, but at him. He never wanted to focus on him. Never wanted to acknowledge that they were similar in any way and that he really was just a 'what if'. A path his life could of taken or maybe even still take.
Babyteeth was afraid of Twitch. But not in the same way others were. He was afraid of what he represented. Of what he himself had the potential of doing, if just the right circumstances fell into place. He was reminded of his hatred. His temptation to kill. To screw the risks and get rid of the problems permanently.
To just... give up.
Very slowly... Babyteeth took in a deep breath. He didn't avert his gaze this time. He made himself look back at him, not just through him. And, placing a hand to his chest, he answered.
“...i would've done anything.” His hand tightened on his shirt. That's right. Anything. That was just the kind of impulsive reaction he'd give. “i would've tried anything to save him.”
He lowered his gaze. Faintly, he could feel his soul beat beneath the material.
“...i would've given anything.”
The grin was still there on Twitch's visage. Yet, somehow, it's absence was signified as if it wasn't. Babyteeth couldn't see the dark pupil anymore, but he knew Twitch was looking at him.
Slowly, the other skeleton pulled away. His hands went into the pockets of a jacket that didn't truly belong to him.
It was all Twitch would say before he turned away. He took only several steps, however, before he paused.
“...you're right.” He went on. “i was going to do it. i was willing to risk anything.”
He cocks his head slightly to the side. The pupil there once more. “anything. if his soul was damaged... a whole one could fix it... right?”
“...but paps stopped me. i was so close to going through with it. but either by chance or because he found out, he put a stop to it. he begged me not to do it. and you know what he said to me?” Twitch turned fully to him now. “'i can't lose you, too', he said.”
A silence fell between them before Twitch would say anything else. He looked even smaller within the shadows, and for a moment, he didn't look like a sickeningly, creepy threat ready to strike. He looked... vulnerable.
“i didn't want to die.” He went on. “i didn't want to be lost in the process. i just... had to try. but after that..? heh... i had to give it up.”
Babyteeth didn't have a stomach. But if he did, he would have felt it sank. If he had skin, his arms would have been prickling with goosebumps. The reality of the answer... it hit him hard. Like a rolled up punch. And it hit him because he knew, knew, he would have been close to doing the same thing. And it was because of that he had to ask his next question.
“...did you ever regret it?”
Twitch gave a shrug, absently fiddling with the cube. “almost everyday. recently, though..? not so much.”
“only two things could of happened,” he continued. “either it would have failed, and we'd both be damaged. then i'd be leaving both our brothers to deal with the repercussions. or, it would have worked. edgy would be fine. but guess who'd be the one broken?
“....” Slowly. Twitch lowered his hands. “...edgy wouldn't be able to live with that. i wouldn't want to put him through that. our roles would have been reversed...”
“and, even then... would edgy be the same? souls are complicated things. if i had given him my entire soul and his body didn't reject it, would he still be himself or retain my memories and feelings? i could of possibly end up a lifeless husk if my soul fused with his and mended it rather than erase or replace it, i suppose.”
“but on top of dealing with me being gone, one way or another, edgy would still have everything else he'd need to cope with, too.” Twitch stopped speaking abruptly. His hands were lifted once more and his hands were squeezing the cube tightly between them. For awhile now, his gaze had grown distant and Babyteeth was almost convinced he had lost him now. He didn't dare say a word lest he disrupt this spell and anger him.
It didn't matter. Twitch's eyes flicked back to him and Babyteeth nearly jumped, startled. Twitch stared at him long and hard for a few solid seconds before his visage suddenly relaxed to another one of his grins. The skeleton chuckling.
It was short lived, though. It died quickly, and while he couldn't frown, it was reflected in his sockets. “...i don't know what that would of done to him. i don't want to think about it. he's gone.”
An abrupt laugh bursts out of him and Twitch bites the rest of it back, planting a knuckle between his teeth and sucking in air. He seethes as if he's in pain, visage contorted, but it soon twists as more laughter bubbles out from him. Before it could rise into a crescendo, however, he takes in a very sharp, deep breath. Holds it. Then... releases it slowly.
“...he's gone.” He repeated. Matter of fact. “and... it's probably better that way. in the end...”
Even so. Twitch looked far from happy about it. He seemed to reflect on this for awhile before he turned furrowed brows on Bbt.
“so why do you ask?” He said, bitterly. “your edgy is fine. he's not in need of any souls. why bring this up?”
“i'm... i'm sorry...” Babyteeth glanced away. “i'm just... trying to understand. i guess...
“...my dad didn't have a soul. but he was saved. your- reset. he was shattered, too, and...” He drifted off.
“hm...” Twitch flips his cube around. “so what of it? i hope you're not implying the same could of happened to my edgy. i've already had to deal with that roller coaster and it's a never ending ride, i don't need the reminder.”
“i- no... no. i think.... whatever happened, you did the best choice. the best choice.”
Twitch paused, and looked at him oddly as Babyteeth rose from the couch.
“there was no wrong or right in your situation,” Babyteeth continued. “that's just... not fair to call it either one. you did what you had to. what you felt you had to. there was little choice given. it's like asking to jump in a pool of sharks or a pool of lava. to pick which person to save out of two even though you care about them both deeply. any of the results would suck, to put it lightly...
“you only did what you had to.”
“....” Silence. Twitch didn't respond for a long while. Nor did he have his gaze on him. At length, he turned and started heading for the door.
“if you're asking because of that weed,” he grumbled, “talk to reset. he would know better than i would.”
Babyteeth was taken aback. “w-wait, how did you..?!”
But Twitch had already vanished.
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anissapierce · 5 years
this is apropos of nothing uve posted, i was just blog hopping and needed to share the utter hilarity of ppl trying to redefine the term QB so it applied to canon-gay they're not interested in: a show's gay ship isn't the central focus? QB. a show's gay rep is 'easy'? QB. a trashy show has gay rep? Omg don't you know that's WORSE than no rep at all?? QB. and the kicker? they're all the same st*cky/d*stiel ilk(with the occasional-
- h*nnigram bc that's Proper gay-rep) like it's painfully obvs they want to make themselves Look Better for shipping Basic white m/m, so they throw around words and terms to de-legitimize the rep we're seeing more of bc they're stuck in m/m 'subtext' fandom and instead of moving forwards: tear down out of bitterness instead(plus i just generally disagree with the notion that all gay-stories have to be Good, fuck that we can have trash-garbage fun too, it's Equality)-
- it's just funny to see these ppl writing long-winded posts about why x-Clearly Straight media is actually somehow some Perfect bastion of queerness bc they can't admit they've been kidding themselves for 10+ years, it's both funny and really, really sad. oh and s*n/m*u fans mocking other silly media? lmao, yeah like those are anything other than mid-tier trash-fun and in s*n's case: has only gotten worse over the years and is now ur bog-standard soap opera lvl of quality--
for me QB is a term that fandom in general has watered down too much and gets applied to any m/m ship that gets popular but isn't canon. like no, they're friends and you read too much into it, it IS in fact that simple(and ofc, as i've seen u post, characters/ships that actually would twig fandom's QB!! radar if they were two white guys are never included in these histrionics) but anyway, sorry to descend into ur inbox, i hope ur having a good day or evening :)
Oh yeah for sure qbait has been watered down ? 110% and this is unrelated to anything I've said tonight but I constantly harangue of the fact tht fans never bring up instances of qbaiting (for humor !) Used in Scrubs,Common Law,Psych,Almost Human, iZombie, Community,Big Bang Theory . Where a man of color (three cases here its south asian men, but most listed here involve black men) is being presented as gay* and the joke is positioning the man as too close to his friend or others assuming their gay or him and his friend emulating a couple. And like occasionally bbt gets brought up as a footnote for those articles but like .. it doesnt deserve academic regur to the subject but it's kind of needed?
And yeah fans deluding them is so fucking true like I complain abt white man worship disease (Google's keyboards next suggested word was 'disease' btw) n thts truly wht it is and also wht causes lesbians to headcanon all these shitty white Canon cishet dudes as like trans women ....bc they feel guilty. When rlly like .... Diversify your pallet. And lol I haven't seen supanastyworld fans do nething bc like entirely different Spheres but the idea of them mocking ne1 is so... And yewh this all just reminds me of ppl praising Neilman bc thts the fandom tht I occasionally bump into now and putting transphobic and homophobic potrayals on like lists of lgbtq rep tht he's contributed to
And i agree w u Abt trashy tv too like I've watched many a websrs bc it had gays of color or just gays n most had subpar quality but that's Fine. Ppl don't appreciate the art of shitty corny trashy gay art nemore.(not to sound like john waters)* (which is different but connected than the trope of the effeminate asian/brown guy where the joke is him not adhering to Western masculinity ideals, bc I could add parks and rec to this along w a bunch of other shows).
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mandssisters · 7 years
After the storm. BBT Pavilion 25th May 2017
Feeling as fresh and alert as a toddler taking its first steps we head off towards the airport. Picking a later flight time was definitely a winning choice! Making the most of the 60 minute flight time, I took the opportunity to power nap. I only fell off the drinks lap tray twice. Apologies to the gentlemen sat next to me. The weather forecast was not wrong. Heavy rain. We shall overcome. Tesco value poncho all the way. The rain made for a cold morning. Thankfully we were actually under a covered area. By mid morning Laura had already been to Target for extra layers, and purchased for us a super fluffy fleece blanket, #partylikeapineapple It was indeed another lifesaver. This time lunch was hand delivered in the form of Burger King by our buddy Kent. As four people had already warned us that Camden has the highest crime rate in the whole of the states. It left us no desire to want to explore the neighbourhood for food. The high level of police presence was very reassuring. Thank God for portapotty number two, (don't even think about even entering number one). It wouldn't be a blog entry without feedback on doors to green. Outside barriers had been put up early in the afternoon and we all sat happily in the line. We knew about the small bag rule that came into force for this show so had all bases covered..... Or did we. There was also BAGLESS lanes, plus a bag lane. BAGLESS being the majority choice. Thanks to NJ Laura I was entering the pit on a Stubhub American Express business card under the name of Emma.... Wot no ID! What could go wrong. All afternoon we could see security in the lobby getting their uniforms and instructions. We had great confidence in the venue. Come 6pm disorder came, a security lady said the credit card lane was on the right only??? Surely not so, the entire gig was credit card entry, I did not believe her. Then the doors opened, only to fool us, as they decided it would be better to push us back onto the road to start the wanding. Some lanes had started to be let in, then security got right shirty and said doors weren't green and stopped any further entries. After the lamest wanding ever, credit card entry actually went smoothly. Too good to be true. Two women, sat behind a desk, form a line to get your wrist band...... She checks the ticket, rips it in half, writes on the back, writes on a list, and then hands it over to the other wristband lady. A mass of people descend on the desk, so much for that orderly queue. Turns out also that they were still sound checking and we were actually in a holding zone now. Fast forward 20 mins with anxious people pushing towards some steps. Finally we are let in. It was a mass bundle to the barrier. What fun. Some people happy, some not so. Kevin Garratt, very good again, growing in confidence. Marcus and Ben joined him again. Always an added bonus. We could see the sky getting darker and darker outside, and we were well aware of the predicted thunder....... A change to the opening number Snake Eyes is back! Then LLM, then OMG.... It's only BABEL!!!! This had already made my evening. Back to Wilder Mind and White blank page, and then when Marcus starts to make his way up to the drums for Lover of the Light, the lights come up, and management announce that the show is being stopped on the grounds of Safety. Thunder and lightning was on way and the lawn crowd were to make their way safely to the pavilion for shelter. Boy they weren't wrong! It bucketed down, and there was a good light show as well. After about ten mins of waiting around, a fight broke out again in the pit! Security ejected 3! Don't drink and fight chaps! 20 mins into the stoppage, Marcus appears on stage and said don't get excited it was going to be another 15 mins. Make that 30! The venue curfew time was officially 11pm, we had thought the worst and that the set list would be cut, but NO we were to get the full set! Happy days. They smashed their way through, Marcus saying how they took the time out while everyone was sheltering to "discuss the best quality show they could do..... And get pissed!" A change of line in Ghosts, "you saw my pain, washed out in the mother fucking rain" Blind is now a firm favourite, as is "If I say.... " It could have gone either way, but the lads pulled it back and it was party time. A different twist on the encore, with 'If I say' starting the set, we thought they had bailed on the b stage. But hell no! We were treated to Cold Arms and then SISTER. The others walked back to their usual spots, but Marcus stayed and started quietly singing "streets of Philadelphia" some boohing at this stage.... Why? It was a treat to hear a new cover. Marcus just said we couldn't not honour Bruce. Much bouncing to 'I will wait', and the Wolf. And then it was over. One for the memory...... Disaster averted. If only we could have heard 'after the storm'! Thanks to Kent for safely returning us to the comfort of our hotel. Narrowly avoiding a wrong turn In deepest Camden. Safe travels back Kent. Thanks for your company this week. Xx
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