#and now I know how much of a lore mess this film is BUT
doli-nemae · 5 months
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Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
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wavernot4love · 4 months
some.... personal favorite greatest hits of the clancy stream 2nite i feel the need to compile (with little or no context)
- the entire LEAK/LEAK LISTENERS bit
- (tyler asking about our "jammies" etc situation) "i mean it like a... (cool) uncle kinda way"
- josh's progressively growing collection of snacks as the stream went on
- (tyler, about his new ukelele) "it begs to be plucked" (josh) "same"
- talking about them just.... going and filming in front of random storefronts for lavish and a dude that owned a watch store having seen them outside of his place and apparently thought it was awesome
- everyone just continuing to talk as it panned to the snap back video with tyler just. sitting there with no sound whatsoever until someone realized
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- save me cute lil uke (aka technically original) version of next semester ..... save me ....... uke version of next semester save me .....
- running gag of josh not knowing next semester and him just going "graduate now!" in response
- randomly unleashing lore stuff like after navigating talking about when josh has been real or hasn't in terms of music videos
- routines and navigating are both on the album due to josh pushing for them
- josh messing with tyler about navigating not being on the setlist because apparently it's his (tyler's) least favorite
- (tyler, about oldies station) you guys deserve to know how i’m doing and how i got here - and i was thinking of you guys when i wrote this"
- "listen to the end of paladin strait, you tell me, does it sound like the end?"
- also paladin video is coming soon (early june) and will be lore related
- also just gonna drop the paladin placeholder since i love it
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but genuinely, this was so much fun and i couldn't think of a better way to have spent my/our first (nearly) two hours of clancy being out into the world (well, in ohio time, aka est). grateful for these tunes, the dudes, and this community and as always, stoked on the shows
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strawberrybyers · 5 months
okay so after that video was posted of the screams at the radio station, i remembered i wanted to look up info on what these episode titles mean and i think it gives some insight as to what the hell is going on at that radio station. so yeah let’s get into it 👇
first things first: the episode titles of the first 6 episodes has been released via jeff sneider. apparently sneider is an award-winning film critic so idk i imagine this would be legit considering he wouldn’t want to lose his credibility considering his status?? but who knows
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episode 1: the crawl ( i wrote about this episode when they first announced the title)
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episode 2: the vanishing of ***** wheeler (personally i think it’s karen going missing. it just makes so much sense to me. she had her own poster for s4. she has had contact with the mindflayer when she tried to have an affair with billy when he was a host. there’s interesting parallels between karen and the creel family. like karen is going missing i just know it. and nancy also said in s4 that something happened to her mom in one of the visions vecna showed her!)
episode 3: the turbow trap (ok so apparently a turbo trap is an acoustic tool?? so my assumption after reading up on it, is that a turbo trap basically absorbs the bass through the tube of it because there is a hole on the top of it and depending on the size of hole, dictates the air flow which then puts out a certain frequency. basically, the more air a turbo trap can “trap”, the lower the frequency it can reach. i imagine they are going to be creating a big turbo trap involving music and/or sound since that is a deterrent for vecna and it also attracts the demo bats?? and they’re also filming at the radio station a lot and radio stations are frequencies (think FM and AM radio stations you go to to listen to music or the news or whatever))
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episode 4: the sorcerer (i mean my immediate thoughts went to el, but then after reading some D&D lore about the connection a sorcerer has with dragons (imagery/mentions of dragons throughout the seasons and the painting was of the party up against a dragon), a possible touch of a demon (vecna/mindflayer), and the mention of how they’re competitive to the usefulness of wizards (will the wise) in a party… i’m like holy shit is the sorcerer potentially WILL????? like will finally evolves to becoming a sorcerer in s5?? or the sorcerer is el and will remains the wizard and we get the super duo willel???)
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episode 5: shock jock (this is the definition of a shock jock. i’m thinking which character would fit this description and i say it’s murray. that would also make sense as to why he’s filmed there at the radio station. remember murray’s character was introduced as someone who was investigating the russians and the lab and all that, so for him to start a radio station being the “humorous, controversial guy” in all this mess makes 100% of sense to me lmao)
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episode 6: escape from camazotz (i feel like this title gives some insight as to what the hell was going on in the new footage of screaming at the radio station. a camazotz is basically a death bat. i assume it’s the demo bats making a comeback from s4. but here’s the thing: a camazotz is described in one description from some computer game to have a very specific screech. if this screech, hits an enemy god then the sound wave will echo. just think back to the explanation of the turbo trap and what that does. so yeah, i think camazotz are at the radio station and the screeching was THEM. the screams sounded so chilling thinking it was steve or someone else, but i don’t think it was human screams! i think they were demo bat screeches 😎 also, steve was attacked by one of these things so idk does he have some connection with them now and that’s why they’re after him???)
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med-ex · 5 months
feelin rlly idk HAPPY?? over this franchise as a whole✨
I wasn't even alive for Fallout 1 & 2 - but upon entering the world 3 years after they were released, would grow up hearing its name constantly... never did i think it would take GTA's place as my favourite video game series. Like literally never thought the weird little isometric game talked about by my older cousins would be the one.
I played Fallout 3 at the worst period of my life- it became a pure escape from graduating high school, becoming a severe alcoholic and moving off my mountain into my province's capital city. I was in love with it to the point that when I came home to my family home to visit, I would haul my xbox 360 in my backpack and strap my little tv to my back with a rope- ✨that's✨ how addicted I was to it.
It resonated with me in a way no other game series has. No, I obviously didn't grow up in the same standards as the wastes, but could resonate with foraging for food, no clean water & mess, destruction and despair everywhere you turned.
Fast forward a year or so, and I try Fallout: New Vegas. This is where it finally became my favorite series ever. I could list all the reasons, but they're similar to what you'll see all over the net; it's just amazing. I already was all "fuck the government" since I was a child but it made me think- think about the rule of authority, think about perseverance, weigh out what "right" and "wrong" truly means and the blurred line between the two.
By the time I was 21, I tried Fallout 4. It took some getting used to in the terms of its modern graphics, but I really loved how I got to experience conversations that felt like I was actually having them. I loved building the world back up and when I was brave enough to try mods- then shit got real interesting. I was already obsessed with Fallout 3 & NV but we can thank Fallout 4 for getting me into the community as a whole.
I was one of the ones to make fun of FO76- the launch was a huge part of that, but I just didn't understand how it could ever truly fit into the Fallout series. I played it for the first time when I was 2022, and now after 2 years I wholeheartedly regret shitting on it so hard. There are so many cool quests/stories and though some of them are silly seeing as it's online-based and they need to cater to that and though it's a bit strange at first, it feels so cool to be around other players adventuring the wastes + actually having to persist to build your own base, feed yourself and survive- as console commands don't exist in the same realm they used to with the earlier titles.
Now, we arrive at the airing of the first Fallout television show. I seriously thought it was gonna be shit- I just couldn't imagine them being able to do a good job but as we can see, here we are. The show is amazing and I didn't even know it was something I wanted so badly. The only real-life renditions of Fallout I've seen is that one live action trailer for 76 + cosplay- so seeing it in film, is seriously so fucking cool.
Idk guess im just gettin a little ✨sentimental✨ towards a series that has given me so many lessons, so much ability to cope with my own shit + gotten me into such a fun community filled with funny jokes, amazing art, discussions and rich lore that maybe one day could leave the video game + TV screen and become even a book.
Ty to the crew of original artists who started this back in the 90s, and thank you to the crew of artists at Bethesda in this current century who kept this game going💖
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tnoy-keraxis · 14 days
What would each CC characters podcasts be about
THE QUESTION EVER!!!!!! I have developed this au so far and I love talking about it. I am going to put a cut after the background info because im going to be so annoying
So, for background, they all work for a little podcast network known in my heart as 'Bogs Hollow FM' (BHFM) <3. It was founded by Ragweed and The Narrator (David)* after their podcast was so successful that they could afford to not only expand their podcast but acquire others and fund some new ones!
*Note: I know that this mixes the two layers of fiction that we are given in CC. I know that the Narrator and Ragweed don't actually know the main characters. I know the characters are played by The Players. I know the story in CC is mostly fiction. This is just me having fun <3 Im just saying this because I would argue with myself over this.
but anyway!!! talk about the podcasts below the cut because this shit is LONG (i know you didnt ask for all the lore but i like talking)
Starting with the one that started it all, Ragweed and David have a weekly podcast called The Woodblock (this is one of the few names I'm sure of). It is just general news/guys talking. It got popular fast and good on them. It's become a huge production and most of the audience just shitposts about how they seemingly get divorced every episode. Ragweed's real name isn't Ragweed, but he refuses to tell anyone what his real name is.
Then, when The Woodblock became so successful, and they started BHFM, they acquired 3 other podcasts that were already successful in their own right and gave them increased funding.
First, The Prince (Nicholas) has a podcast which is essentially a painful rehash of alpha-male podcasts. But it did not find it's intended audience... Now it's essentially got the worlds queerest audience that just makes fun of him, but he does not notice. People assume it's a parody. It was originally just him, until he bullied Tadius into being his cohost but that's a story for another day
Then, Ella has an audience helpline podcast where she just answers questions and does general self-help/wellbeing content. We love a girl working through her trauma and helping others at the same time. She doesn't have a cohost but occasionally invites Lucy and Justine on, but they don't take things seriously enough. It is her sanctuary, and she wants to keep it as just hers. The last podcast they acquired was The Stepmother's podcast which is just an aggressive drama podcast, tragically the only way I can explain the energy is Frenemies meets Drama Alert, and I hope that gives you an idea of how horrific the energy is. Putrice and Rancilda are frequently their as well.
But when they acquired those 3, they also got handed some spin-off podcasts (which i dont have much to say about):
Rancilda has a daily riddles podcast that she is "hiding" from her stepmother (she isn't, its call "ranciriddles"). She has an audience suggested riddle every week.
Putrice has a more lowkey gossip podcast because she wants to be just like her mother but its way less toxic and tbh it's a good time.
Lucy and Justine have like a fun little sleepover style podcast, they just play games and talk and have a good time. They once did a whole episode reading fanfic about The Prince and Tadius just to fuck with them.
Crumb and Sir Hop-a-Lot (real names Chris and Harold <3) have a motivational/workout podcast, they are just the world's most chaotic duo, no one really understands what their podcast is trying to be.
The Fairy Queen has a daily affirmations podcast that she films at 3am. No one knows her real name. No one knows who she is.
and then lastly, they have a group dnd podcast run by David with the exact plot to Cinderella's Castle. It's a mess.
and that's a basic rundown of all the podcasts. There has been a lot of drama between them all including the aforementioned fanfic beef, the several times Tadius has been locked in a storage cupboard and why the Fairy Queen records at 3am but that's a post for another day.
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petrichorium · 2 months
i am barging in to demand (humbly request) the shanks/pluvi lore. specifically how you met. please. i just really wanna know your vision
I am always ready and eager to talk abt shuvi lore truly i hope ur ready for So Much Yappage here 🙏🏻
The basic gist of it is I’m a lighthouse keeper and I end up kinda saving his life when the red hair pirates wreck near my island bc they didn’t listen to me LMFAOOOOO but I’ll put a more detailed account under the cut 🫣 and talking abt this inspired me to make a lil moodboard for our slowburn while i still live on my island (for a timeline it takes about two yrs for him to finally wear me down enough that im like yeah sure ill fuck u, n then abt four more yrs of us in a steadily ramping up fwb until i finally do leave w him—which is a Fraught Decision and a Whole Thing i will not get into here LOL)
It's a year after shanks lost his arm and they left the east blue, uta's with them bc the vague "uta is canon but film red is an au" thing lets me do what i want and what i want is for her to be integral to me warming up to the whole crew LOL (i have aged her up a bit tho, she's 12 here; shanks is 28, im 32ish bc again i do what i want and what i want is to age myself up KJSHDBFJKH). Anyway again im a lighthouse keeper, there's a storm brewing and i see their ship in the distance so i call them up on their transponder snail..........
I think they're coming in from a scuffle tbh, kinda intending to make landing and lick their wounds as they wait out the storm. im like hey ur Too Late and Too Far and ur gonna wreck if u try to make landfall rn. they do not listen to me and attempt anyway. it's a mess, the ship's already pretty damaged and the crew tired and in the chaos uta ends up going over—shanks jumps in after her, one armed and all, and they r swiftly separated from the ship in the storm
uta's fine enough when they wash ashore right beneath my lighthouse and shes also Loud enough that i hear her over the wind so i make the trek out and take my little pulley-lift down the cliffs and like listen. nearly unconscious man i know was one of those pirates who didnt listen to me...... i would not have bothered. but little girl soaked and sobbing and terrified clinging to him........ would be cruel not to help. so i grumble and bitch and trudge over to throw his arm over my shoulders and Attempt (w uta's "help" which is more just her bawling and yanking on his shirt, and also his help which is a bit more useful but still Not Great) to lug him back to my lil lift.
Im in like. Work overalls and a pair of grungy waders and a big ol wool sweater and a coat thrown over—real waterman chic yk—just soaked to the bone bc it’s pouring and the seawater’s doing nobody any favors, cursing up a storm bc shanks is a big fucking man and I’m very much doing the heavy lifting. Anyway he’s half conscious and drops a uh...... clearly addled “you’re beautiful” and I’m like okay dude if ur awake enough to be pulling that bullshit ur awake enough to walk better than this cmon now……….
Anyway we make it to the lift up to the lighthouse w uta just absolutely inconsolable and shanks drifting in and out of consciousness. Im taking the moment to catch my breath and steadily get more and more pissed bc she’s called him captain enough times for me to know he’s definitely the one who just Blatantly Ignored my warnings And she’s called him Shanks enough times that I’ve finally put a finger on who he is—bc one of my responsibilities as lighthouse keeper is also to warn the island of who’s approaching so I keep tabs on the more Infamous pirates of which the red hairs are so I’m even more irate LMFAOOOOOO sooooo serious I am such a cranky spinster in this selfship (even tho again I’m only like. 32 JDNCKSNKDND)
Anyway. Once the lift brings us up to the lighthouse/keeper’s quarters I help shanks to the spare room and grab him some dry clothes and he’s Out by the time I’ve showered n gotten into my own. Uta’s a bit better esp once I get her showered and dried too, she hovers near him for the first lil bit and then is spooked enough by the storm and yk her unconscious father that she ventures back out to stay w me. To help calm her nerves I decide to call into town and see if the rest of the crew has popped up (bc i know the currents and know generally where a ship like that would end up)—im decent friends w the local bartender and shes like yeah they showed up n now theyre weathering out the storm. she puts me through to beckman and he talks to uta and then he n i kinda agree better to just wait until the storm passes and then theyll come take uta and shanks off my hands
it takes like a couple days!!! the lighthouse is abt thirty mins from town but the storm's so bad the route is too dangerous for a bit. shanks remains largely unconscious for most of that; i take care of uta and she n i rlly bond during this time, in fact i let her sleep w me bc shes too flighty to sleep well w shanks.
and then she lets her fleet of uncles into my house while im tending to the light and i come back to be jumpscared by beckman and im like wow this is awful gtfo of my house take ur captain with u i want all of u G O N E 😭😭😭 i am not a people person and i do not naturally get along w men esp not. the kinda men the red hair pirates are i fear so i am very curt and quick to send them off.
it takes shanks another day or so to sleep it off n then he wakes up to a disheveled crew and a wrecked ship w them all stuck for at least a month while the ship is repaired. He only has very hazy memories of me regarding the whole ordeal and it's one of the primary reasons he comes out of it A Bit Obsessed but v much nothing concrete.......
ofc when i finally venture into town beckman points me out and shanks approaches me very eagerly n offers to buy me a drink n im like :) no thank u i would rather not do that actually pls take ur arm off my shoulders and never speak to me again JSHIBFJHB idk........ it takes a couple of other interations && watching me w uta before his Full Infatuation sets in but within the week shanks is v much enraptured and also in denial abt the romantic aspect (in his head he just wants to be friends w me bc uta adores me and i saved him; its like a funky little challenge in his head LOL)
then it's two yrs of him finding every excuse to come back "for uta's sake, shes always asking after her favorite auntie" and slowly coming to realize hes into me and then starting to be Very Obvious about it until i again finally give in. its sweet, idk hes the kinda guy in my head who falls Hard but doesn't realize until hes in the thick of it, poor Beckman who saw the entire future the moment he started asking uta about me when he woke up LMFAOOOOOO
n e way there we go 🙂‍↕️ 🙂‍↕️ i hope it lives up to ur expectations JHADBFJHB
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thysanniia · 7 months
Tell me about your godzilla stories I want information dumped in my brain like a horrifying Medieval medicine
Ok so this has sat in my inbox for a couple days now and I've just been mentally preparing myself for writing this obscenely long post, but I think I'm ready.
You wanna know about all of my Godzilla stories? You're sure? In way too much detail for anyone to sit through?? Ok, if you insist. Strap in, it's gonna be a long one.
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Ok so all but one of these are my major overhaul of the MonsterVerse, and seeing as the standalone one is my most recent creation, I'll save that for last. So we start with Godzilla (2014). This was always my favourite MV film, so it was always going to stay relatively similar in my version, but more recently I've been developing thoughts about restructuring the narrative to be more framed around keeping Joe Brody alive and having the film focus on his relationship with Ford as the events unfold. Ford feels guilty for dismissing his father all these years, and Joe becomes painfully aware of just how badly he's neglected their relationship too - especially now that Ford is tied up in this whole mess, and his job as a soldier puts him in serious danger when shit goes down. I haven't quite figured out the details of how this all unfolds and develops (I struggle a lot with character writing and figuring out relationship arcs, my brain isn't exactly wired that way even though my neurodivergent brain loves compelling characters). But I have a feeling it will still end in Joe sacrificing himself - or perhaps at least attempting to? Yeah, this is still fairly new and also not my primary focus at the moment so it'll be brewing for a little while longer. Obviously all the stuff with Godzilla and the MUTOs stays more or less the same, save for perhaps a little more fun lore courtesy of Monarch as they interact with Joe more.
I am going to bring up Kong: Skull Island, even though it's not Godzilla, because it's still a part of the MV. Jokes on you though - I'm only bringing it up to tell you I'm not changing it! I think it's fine how it is, it's kinda stand-alone anyway so I feel no need to tweak anything. Maybe I'd make Kong a little bigger, idk.
So then there's Godzilla Vs Kong. Yeah, plot twist, that one's next, and it's pretty substantially overhauled. The general idea is to have it mostly focus on Kong and Jia's relationship, in a doomed-by-the-narrative sort of way, because this is Kong after all. It starts off on Skull Island, which thanks to climate change affecting the storm conditions is slowly dying. It also doesn't help that westerners have introduced diseases that are harming the Iwi. But anyway, out from beneath the island emerges Camazotz, digging up through the passageways from the Hollow Earth. Naturally, it fights Kong, and some human intervention accidentally causes it to fly away and off the island. Having a loose flying kaiju is obviously not great, but it gets even worse when its return brings Godzilla in tow. Alarmed by suddenly discovering there's been a giant ape here this whole time, Godzilla gets aggressive and Kong gets defensive, resulting in a full on fight that ultimately ends in tragedy when Godzilla inadvetently decimates the last remaining Iwi. Kong is understandably not ok and retreats into the Hollow Earth down Camazotz' tunnel. Ilene and Jia go in after him, accompanied by others from Monarch, and while they are eventually reunited with Kong, things aren't really smooth from there. I haven't developed this part fully yet, but essentially through various Hollow Earth experiences it becomes clear that this is a place where he is safer and more at home, but his guilt, refusal to leave Jia, and fear of this new place leads him to flee up a new Camazotz tunnel that leads to Hong Kong. Predictably, now back on the map he is immediately greeted by Godzilla and shit goes down. They have their fight, and Kong actually does well, motivated by his desire to protect Jia, but it becomes clear that Godzilla will just keep getting back up. He can't stay here. So, in the end, Kong lays down his axe and submits to Godzilla, and leaves for the Hollow Earth alone. It's kinda bittersweet - he and Jia both survive, and they get to say goodbye on their own terms. Plus there are hints that there might be more like him in the Hollow Earth. But, ultimately, they do still have to say goodbye and go their separate paths.
Ok so when I started writing this I didn't plan to write out a full synopsis or anything, but because that one is more of a step-by-step story I felt I couldn't properly explain it without just dumping everything. I'll not do that for the rest because their plots aren't quite as fully organised yet (and also that would make this post excessively long).
So, finally (kinda) there's Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Or, well, something vaguely based on it. I'm not even sure what I'm calling this one yet, but the main point is that it's the one with Mothra, Rodan and Ghidorah (plus Anguirus and Hedorah now too!). This one is much more preachy and focused on showing a clear message, although hopefully still with a compelling central character arc too. It's focused around how, in times like ours when the people in charge refuse to do the right things and our elders don't do enough to challenge them, it's up to us as the youth to take real, drastic action to fight for our futures. Each kaiju is related to something: Anguirus is ecocide, Rodan is war, Nozuki (lol yeah) is greed, Hedorah is pollution, and Ghidorah is climate change. Godzilla retains his general theme of being a force to restore balance - not necessarily on one side or another, but when governments fight back against him we lose our only chance of winning, and the only way we can get him back is through Mothra, who symbolises our hope and will to do right. So... yeah, it's pretty in-your-face and obviously a representation of my own feelings (did I mention that the main character is a trans girl?) but I don't think that's a bad thing. I am a little worried about whether it's possible to get everything I feel needs to be included into a respectable film runtime, I've considered cutting one or two kaiju but I feel they're important enough to keep? I don't wanna cut the kaiju that's the embodiment of capitalism's consequences (although perhaps I can just demonstrate the same thing through other kaiju?), nor do I wanna cut Hedorah because she kicks ass and I love her. But I might restructure it a little, again hence why I'm not going into the beat-by-beat plot quite yet. I'm still happy with the broad strokes of how it's shaping up though, and hopefully I'll have something more final to share soon. This idea is kinda what shaped everything else, I'm very attached to it.
Speaking of everything else, that's not all! Even though that's supposed to be the big film conclusion, at least for now, I was also inspired by Monarch: Legacy of Monsters to do a spin-off show that ties into the events, because I think it's a really interesting concept and I wanna show more perspectives than just those inside Monarch. Currently I'm titling it Monarch: Monster Hunters although that's subject to change. The idea is that it follows some people who come together to search for the truth about what's going on behind the scenes, propelled by creating the ORCA. Simultaneously, it follows someone inside Monarch trying to track down MUTOs such as Camazotz as it leaves Skull Island. Their paths converge, and the group are let into Monarch thanks to their invention, teaming up to search for MUTOs together. However, the more they learn the less they like the organisation, and in the end they rebel against it in order to protect the kaiju. You might have noticed a pattern of Monarch not really being the good guys in these lol. Very excited to include more original kaiju in this one too, which I won't spoil quite yet...
Oh, also it's gay. At least one of these was bound to have lesbians in it, come on.
I'm also toying with a second season taking place after (not)KotM. The first season would bridge the time gap between GvK and KotM, tying in quite closely to both. But the post-KotM world does leave lots of interesting opportunities, even if i initially wanted the world-ending threat of Ghidorah to be the big finale. Toying with ideas of parasites, Shimo, and even Battra... I might have to wait for Godzilla X Kong to see if any ideas for it spring from that.
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Ok, so that's everything for the MonsterVerse, but then there's also my original Godzilla story. This kinda sprung out of thinking about Mechagodzilla, and the best way I can describe it is "Cyberpunk Pacific Rim except we're the bad guys". It centres on a Mechagodzilla pilot slowly realising that their endless battle with Godzilla is little more than a war for war's sake, a corrupt government covering for their own mistakes by trying to win a battle of their own creation despite all of the lives it costs. It's their nukes that created Godzilla, their attacks that instigate the destruction he causes, and their own war that they try to win to retain the public's support, even though it becomes clear that no blood would have been spilled if not for their actions. The pilot themselves have to confront everything they believed, come to terms with the part they played in all this, and atone for the lives lost by instead fighting the people that did this. Oh, and Ghidorah is thrown in there as a third party just to complicate things. It's fun, and I'm looking forward to developing the plot more. Currently resisting the urge to include my beloved Mothra, she'd make absolutely no sense to include but also I love her so much...
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Anyway, if you somehow actually read all of that then you're absolutely gorgeous and I wanna kiss you on the lips (mwah!). If you have any questions or anything by all means go ahead and ask, I'm more than happy to talk more about anything you're interested in.
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I might update this with future developments if they're significant enough, who knows, we'll see.
And, finally, thank you unfortunatefloweryfool for asking me to write all this out. It took, uh, way too fucking long and I should not be awake right now but it's fun to have an excuse to dump all of this. You're the best, thank you for enabling me.
And with that, thank you and goodnight :3
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rollingsins · 1 year
Hey so i thought id tell you how it went!! I only saw the first one since I didn't have the latest, I was very thankful it wasn't as gory as I was expecting, I still had to scroll forward to see what was coming up but I actually ended up enjoying the film!! They were all interesting characters.
Yes of course all hers tara is much different to Canon Tara but heck I have at least a bit of insight into her. The opening scene was really interesting, I thought when she was heavily breathing it was not just because she was scared but her having asthma, like jenna had to make that known. The hospital scene was a mess like I mean lol seeing her struggling to get into that wheelchair and them wheel it, and hearing the squelching sound from her hand reopening, urgh I was going 'poor baby' 'poor pookie' but then when she was kicked off the wheelchair.
So I'm guessing that it was Amber who stabbed Tara? I kinda wanted a reaction from Tara? Like finding out her best friend (?) Did that to her. Or does that come up in scream 6? It was good to see her to kill someone at least lol.
Also that pink jacket thing?... god she looks so comfy in it like I dunno it screams pookie lol
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I am of course a bit lost when they were monologuing becuase I don't know the lore of scream. But I'm guessing they were making fun of past screams? Saying how the last couple were trash and how they needed to go back to basics but with a twist, hence this?
In any case I'm glad I've seen one of them now, I dont mind waiting for scream 6, or even if I can rent it someone, as long as I can scroll forward a bit to know what's coming lol.
Also urgh Sammmmmmm, what a woman lol, oof she can manhandle me and throw me over her big shoulders ;) but my heart will choose pookie.
So at some point I'll finally start all hers from the beginning and I hope you look forward to my reviews and thoughts, and...ideas and requests lol
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Amber and Tara were a couple in the original script which makes the first movie quite interesting imo.
Not the Sam thirst 😭
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hellou-i-guess · 2 months
Hello, hello
Welcome to episode 3 of Things that frustrate me, Hellou, for some reason
Today I present to you:
This entire post came to be simply because I have seen many people and videos say 'All franchises (MCU and Star Wars most frequently) now want a multiverse' or something along those lines.
Now onto the program:
It's just semantics, really.
I think that it is pretty clear what the word 'multiverse' stands for, but I like the order so you get the unnecessary etymology.
The word 'multiverse' is made up of two words - multi and universe. It's used in science and storytelling to tell us that there are multiple different universes that happen at the same time where things are different.
From a storytelling perspective it's mostly used in comics. Firstly used in 'The Flash', but now commonly tied with MCU because of the Multiverse Saga.
And here is my a bit harsh opinion - MCU is not a multiverse. Currently at the very least. Not many things that are called 'multiverse' are actually functioning multiverse.
They deal with the multiverse but are not the multiverse.
DC and Marvel as comics are multiverses, because they have comics happening in different universes to theirs, but I will not be focusing on those, because I don't want to entangle myself into like 90 years of comics and retconning and 'is this now cannon or not or did it happen on Earth xxx'.
So there are a couple of examples I would mainly like to focus on in this amateur essay - Star Wars, DCU (the presentation on Gunn's plan for it specifically), MCU - the multiverse saga and 'Legend of Zelda' Franchise (post 'Ocarina of Time').
Gunn's plan for DCU
This will be brief as we don't know much about how this will actually pan out, but DCU as it is planned is actually a multiverse.
Simply due to them not dismissing the other movies and saying that they plan to make movies not connected to the storyline that they will call 'Elseworlds' stories.
So essentially the story is taking a place in another universe and exists inside DCU it just isn't the part of main continuity we are following.
That is a multiverse as they exist inside the same entity with same characters, but in different universes. Simple enough.
MCU - The Multiverse Saga
Unlike the above mentioned DCU, the MCU deals with multiverse. Doctor Strange, Ant-man, Spiderman and Loki are characters whose stories are interconnected with the multiverse - hence the name of the saga.
However, MCU as entertainment entity owns no films or TV shows that have stories running or happening in different universes that have nothing to do with the main continuity. All of the stories take place in one universe with brief touches on other universes.
If the MCU, for example acquires Iron Man: Armored Adventures and that comes under the MCU umbrella, then, yes, the MCU is a multiverse, but until that or something similar happens it is not a multiverse.
'Deadpool and Wolverine' does not change this fact as the MCU has acquired characters, but not the movies from 20th Century Fox. They essentially have the same entrance to MCU as America Chavez.
The Legend of Zelda - post 'Ocarina of Time'
As anybody who played the games or has watched a lore video explaining the Zelda timeline at 2am instead of sleeping will tell you - it's a mess.
I'll be short (shocking), after the events of 'Ocarina' the timeline splits into three - the hero is successful which leads into child and adult eras and Ganondorf succeeds. Different games happen during this three eras and they are fully independent of each other and events that happen in them. 'Wind Waker' has no impact on 'Twilight Princess'.
This was specifically included for that rift in the timeline, because whether 'The Legend of Zelda' is a multiverse depends on how you see the multiverse.
If your definition of multiverse is completely different universes that have existed independently of each other then no, it is not a multiverse.
If you count diverging timelines as different universes branching out from the same one then yes, it is a multiverse.
Of course, these are only valid if we ignore the existence of 'Breath of the Wild' and 'Tears of the Kingdom'.
Why? Because of their placement in the timeline.
If the timelines converge sometime before the events of 'BotW' then no, it is not a multiverse, just a timeline issue bordering on multiverse.
If they don't refer to previous if loop.
Unfortunately, 'BotW' has no official placement in the timeline and this thing is still murky. I have seen people put it in different spots in the timeline.
Star Wars
While we're on the topic of timelines. Star Wars is the most frequent franchise I have seen referred to as the multiverse and it's just not.
It's the simplest example here do dissect.
It's stories taking place in different points in the same timeline of one universe. There is no mention of other universes of diverging timelines.
Same as 'House of the Dragon' and 'Game of Thrones'. It's the same universe, it's just that one takes place nearly 200 years before the other. There are just larger time jumps and different political conflicts and state of political rest (empire and republic).
In conclusion, just because a franchise has different projects or deals with the multiverse does not mean that franchise itself is a multiverse.
If you read this far - thank you, sorry for the long read
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villainessprefect · 1 year
title: The Magic of Movies
summary: How does one get Idia to talk? Vil knows that certain movies can get him going.
ship: IdiaVil
word count: 1,135
note: I dont drop the movie/game title but its p much Silent Hill. anyway I just wanted to try writing this ship lol
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If there is one thing Vil can share with Idia, it's a love for movies. While their reasons for the art differ, it still brings them together.
One enjoys being on stage, being filmed. Vil enjoys becoming someone else and pushing himself to new heights. All eyes are on him, captivated, breathless, mesmerized at what he will do next. For a moment, he becomes someone else. Of course, he also enjoys the history of the industry and those who once stood on the same stage. It's fascinating to learn from seniors and surpass them.
Meanwhile, Idia could care less about the acting scene. He appreciates the actors, the characters that blossom to life as their story is told. Live actions are a little blander in his eyes. Animation is stunning. There's more to explore, unimaginable things that could not be captured in other forms of storytelling. Escaping into another world, and finding comfort in a character, even for a couple of hours helps him get by.
Despite his obvious interest in animation, Vil is still surprised at the variety of films Idia has watched. Whether it be on a whim or following an idol or current interest, he can hold himself with the classics. He's not as lively when speaking of him, but the fact that he knows is enough for Vil. And it's almost shocking to find out that Idia has watched one of his movies. Well, not too shocking, really. Why wouldn't Idia be interested in anything he stars in?
"...I know there's only so much you can pack into a two-hour movie and keeping the main plot is fine, but still?! They change so much! I guess it is better to have two protags instead of one running around since dialogue with one character would be awkward. The portrayal of the other world being parallel to ours is pretty neat. In game, you're usually going back and forth, so this is like a new version that probably got cut. Wouldn't make sense lore-wise, ya know?
"Aside from the obvious fanservice, the movie is still enjoyable to watch IMO. Normies who aren't familiar with the series get a taste while enjoying some cheap horror gimmicks. They'll never get to experience the true atmospheric horror the game can offer. Heh. If they're terrified of that version they wouldn't stand a chance of playing the original games. Ah man, makes me wanna whip out the game now. The second game may be better, but you can't beat the classic that started it all."
Vil keeps quiet as Idia speaks to his heart's content. It's absolutely beautiful seeing his passion ignite over one thing. The usual timid male explodes into a fiery mess when speaking about topics he's well acquainted with. The queen notes the little things about him that change too. How he stands taller, speaks louder, and keeps his eyes on his. There's also the noticeable change in his fiery locks. The blue flames that are barely a wisp seem to burn, shining brighter and even turning to another hue entirely.
Seeing Idia like this makes Vil proud. He knows that he has it in him to be assertive and strong, he's seen it before. All it takes is a little push. If he can fan the flames he can watch them grow right before his very eyes.
Unfortunately, this burst of growth never lasts forever.
Idia blinks, whimpers. He slouches and brings his hands together as his eyes dart around his room.
"S-Sorry. I know you told me to give you a b-brief synopsis of the movie. B-But I just...that series..."
Idia holds his breath. He was more than happy to talk about one of his favorite games being adapted into a movie. There's always a lot to say about them, especially from a gamer's perspective. He just feels bad for rambling and going off-topic. At least he hadn't gotten into the more grotesque aspects of the series. That was a bullet he managed to dodge thanks to a QTE. Someone as interested in beauty as Vil would never be interested in the abnormal and weird.
Then again, Vil did find him beautiful and he was just that.
Vil waves a hand, unbothered by his rant. Carefully, he tests the waters and rests his hand over Idia's. He doesn't flinch, only gulps. Golden eyes try to maintain the focus they once had on his lavender ones.
"I know the main actress in that movie," Vil starts. "She didn't know the game beforehand."
"Of course, casual."
"But. She did play during her free time. She couldn't make it too far into the game but promised she would finish it. She spoke to me about the changes but enjoyed them. The intended audience was not just old fans, but new ones as well. You can imagine that she was one of the latter."
"I d-don't know about acting like you, but...I did like her character."
"Even if there are discrepancies between the original and adaptation, if you watch closely you can still feel the heart of a character."
Idia nods, silently. The realization of his rambles caused him to hold back. Yet, he still has to ask.
"Have you ever played the game?"
"Unfortunately, no. That was a home console game, was it not?"
"Ah, yeah..." Idia isn't surprised. Learning that Vil dabbles in games from time to time is surprising. But that's old news. Now it's picking about what games he plays and what he's willing to play. An actor always on the move would be more interested in handheld games.
"W-Well...I do have a copy of it. Would you..." Idia takes in a breath. "W-Would you like to...W-We can play it whenever you're free! It is a one-player game though, so, uh, if you'd want me to speedrun it just for the story I can a-and fill you in on everything as we go..."
"Hmm..." Vil closes his eyes, thoughtfully. "Perhaps I can give it a go?"
"I can explore areas and- wait, wait wait. You want to play it?!" Idia gasps. "I-I mean, you're free to, of course!"
"What's with that look? Don't think I can handle it?"
"N-No! The early games have difficulty setting options, so even newbies can play. I-It's just a little hard trying to envision you playing a survival horror game." Idia sports a challenging grin. "But can you handle the hell that this game offers? The graphics may be old, but the monsters still hold up. If you get scared of a creature you're free to give up and hide in my arms, fuehehe."
"Oh? You think I would be frightened that easily?" Vil chuckles, amused. He enjoys the challenge presented to him. "I have time to spare. So, let's play, shall we?"
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marine-indie-gal · 5 months
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So if you're one of the Many People who follow Me, you'll know that I've created my own Personal Bully Character for my own Rudolph Adaptation Project. Welp, here he is. Just as I've been doubting on what the Son of Blitzen would even look like but after sketching it out and even coloring it, so far, this is the True Concept on how I imagine my own Antagonistic Reindeer character would be.
Meet Storm, one of the Yearlings of one of the Reindeer of Santa Claus (Blitzen) as well as an Arch-Rival to Rudolph. Inspired by the Character from the 1998 Version, Arrow. Those who have seen the Famous Rankin Bass version might very unfamiliar towards the Underrated Goodtimes version (to those who haven't seen nor never watched the 90s version), specifically being very unfamiliar on who this "Arrow" is that I speak of that this Character of Mine is based on within Another (yet, Obscure) Adaptation. 
If you're "Half" the kind of Christmas Movie fan that's unaware of the Lost Media of Christmas films out there or to those who have a Lost Memory in case if any of y'all have at least seen the Goodtimes version in your own Childhoods, I'll give you guys some brief info of where my own Character draws from;
Arrow is a Cousin to Rudolph (specifically in that version where Rudolph is Blitzen's Son, Cupid, Comet, and Dasher are Rudolph's Uncles/Blitzen's Brothers as Arrow is the Son of Cupid). He basically constantly bullies his own Cousin because of his Red Nose at School just to ridicule Rudolph, but only then that it's confirmed that there's a Love Triangle between The Two Cousins over one Doe that being Zoey (not "Clarice" like in the R/B version). In addition to this Original Character's lore, at the Reindeer Games, when Rudolph's Nose glows (only to cause Arrow and the Other Reindeer to go blind and lost the game), Arrow is crowned champ & for some reason, Zoey breaks up with him after all of these years somehow (causing his own Cousin to go off on a Lost Journey where his Ex-Girlfriend had to find him).
Now while I do think that the idea of a Love Triangle for a Character within the Trope of The Ugly Duckling sounds very Interesting, the Writing behind the OG Love Triangle is such a confusing mess that I personally think it could've been done better. I don't wish to spoil every much detail of that version but given on how that Goodtimes Entertainment is a Dead Company, only to be infamously known that their own personal Adaptations are only infamously known to be "Bootlegs", I don't personality understand nor why people would randomly call a Non-Disney adaptation of a Famous Old Story a "Knock-Off" just because of the Cheap Animation that almost looks similar to your average run-of-the-mill Decade 2D Animated Film. Though, one thing that I will have to admit is how some of their adaptations can be poorly written or just left explain as the '98 does have a lot of its problems than the '64 one.
(Seriously, you need to look up on how that their Movies are so comparable to Disney's).
Granted, I KNOW for a fact that the '64 definitely didn't aged well either, but in regards, I wouldn't even want to come close as to wanting to call the '98 version "Problematic", it's just suffers from most of Goodtimes' writing and so many Interesting concepts were left out on what could've been.
Without any further, here is some brief info about my Personal Rival Character;
Storm is the Son of Blitzen and Pele, as well as The Youngest Brother of Lighting.. He is a Braggart whose shown to be Misogynistic, Arrogant, Overconfident, and Narcissistic whose shown to be within of a more "Bad Boy" type as he tends to prove willingly that he's strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh someday in order to follow and take over his own Father's hooves. He's also very envious as he shown to be very jealous of Rudolph. Deep down, outside of his Mean-Spirited Nature, he's shown to be passionate and loyal enough for his Father in order to improve himself that he can be complex when it comes to his practice towards his Flying Skills. 
He somewhat holds an Platonic Interest towards Ava as he likes to tease her just for giggles (though No Romantic Affection is shown as to why he likes her), but he desires to have her and other yearlings be on his Future Team for someday when they fly the Sleigh as The Next Generation of Santa's Reindeer to gain his Father's legacy and prove that he can actually be the lead Reindeer of his own herd.
When Rudolph came to class for the very first time, Storm recognized his Red Nose as he began to make fun of it (causing the Other Yearlings to ridicule him), making Poor Rudolph to cry. However, when Ava came and took Rudolph in her own Friend Group, Storm somewhat became jealous of Rudolph that he took one of the Yearlings off his own future team. Although He didn't seem to care about Ava's own herd anyways, since the Reindeer Bully had to look for New Yearlings for Special Teammates in order to produce a "Friend" Group of his own Herd to start a Bully Posse.
When the Day that the Reindeer Games came, Storm and his own Group rivaled against Other Yearling Teams (including Rudolph's) as The Reindeer Games only had about 5 Teams of their own Herds. But Storm and his Herd were a Match against Rudolph's, beating every level that the Naughty Reindeer Posse could just so that they could afford to win an award of their own. During the Final Showdown, when Storm was about to beat the Very Last Level of the Games, Storm instantly threw dust into Rudolph's eyes, causing his Nose to blast a huge glow (which made Storm's final award to be ruined) as everyone else was very shocked to see Rudolph's shining nose.
This huge level failure caused Storm to be angered and even more envious for he wanted to get revenge on the Reindeer for doing so on what he did to him in the Games.
On a regular basis of a day, He and his Group pretends that they've completely reformed for themselves as Storm (lyingly) apologizes to Rudolph of what he did to him of all these years of ridiculing. Believing in Storm's lie, Storm then leads Rudolph the way (along with his troops) into a long walk through the Forest away from Christmas Town. Confused about where they're at now, Storm instantly pushes Rudolph off of a small cliff as he lands on the Ground hurt which soon reveals the hidden dark truth as Storm and his Gang leave him to rot alone in the Forest.
Throughout the Story, Storm sures himself not be worried about anything if his Father were to find out the Truth about Rudolph or else, he won't get any presents for Christmas as he keeps his own Truth to be hidden while Rudolph and Ava (who are split apart by their own Groups) are still out there looking for each other.
Near the end of the Story, when everyone found out about where Rudolph was all along throughout that Crazy Snow Storm, Blitzen was extremely pissed and disappointed in his Son for not telling the truth all along that he left Rudolph out there in the Woods, when Storm tried to convinced his Father not to ground him and swear that he'll change for the better, he was then punished to be on the Naughty List as he was not allowed to get Presents this Year as Storm would then for now on have to face his own actions for his consequences after when Christmas was over.
In an early concept when creating this Character, I was originally going to name him "Spike" (to try rhythming it with "Blitzen") but then I realize that the first name itself had absolutely nothing to do with the common nature of Blitzen (but I also realize on how stupid the name was and how it was often more of a Dog's name rather than an Reindeer name), so I instantly switched it to a much and more fitting name to suit within of a Spawn of a Particular Folk Figure's Meaning behind the Name itself.
Storm (c) Me Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May
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warrior-of-the-sands · 5 months
So I guess you could say that I am More Than Meets the Eye because while this blog is pretty much exclusively dedicated to Skylanders, I actually have been a huge Transformers fan all along! Don't worry, im not gonna pivot the subject of this blog to TFs now, but the Transformers One Trailer came out today, and I felt like giving my 2 cents about it. Overall, I think the trailer looks ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffun! (Spoilers for the trailer below)
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The big thing to remember with this, above all else is that: this is a kids movie. This is not gonna be some grand, sci-fi epic that FINALLY proves to the normies that Transformers was always good! it's gonna be a decent quality film to get the younglings interested in the series and get them to buy toys, which is really Transformers back to square one. I've heard a lot of people complaining based on the trailer at how bad the humour is and yeah, it's not that special, it definetively carries a bit of that "Uhmm, that just happened" energy But. Have you never watched a trailer for a kids movie? It's almost always a bunch of obnoxious gags taped together, while an actual synopsis of the plot is squeezed somewhere in there. And that's the kind of thing that gets kids into seats at the theater. I would know! I was a kid who was duped into watching tons of terrible movies based on these type of trailers! Not saying it's a good thing, just. It's clear that for some people, this is the first time they watched a kids movie trailer in a long while. So, moving on to the animated part of this animated movie: I think it looks quite impressive! Overall, aesthetically I really vibe with how they made this robot planet look! Maybe not so much the actual robots. The overly smooth faces and basic proportions aren't exactly how I like my Transformers to look, but I don't think they bad either. I can live with it. The thing I am REALLY excited for are the QUINTESSONS. I am so happy to see them back! I always thought that they were such a good part of the TF lore (And the superior origin story) and it's such a relief to see them used here as the main antagonistic threat! I know that at their core, they're just generic bad guys, but, in a franchise that had it's main villain be a righteous revolutionary who OOOPS! Becomes the most evil tyrant in the galaxy, I think some generic, uncomplicated baddies are welcome. And yeah, this movie still sorta does the Megatron, revolutionary backstory and im just so tired of it. It's just white noise, it's just his default backstory at this point. It's almost never expanded upon because it's just alredy there, whenever anyone decides to write their version of Megatron with their own ideas. I guess in this version everyone in the main gang is a slave worker but it doesn't really change anything. This could be a bit of a comeback for Transformers that I think Hasbro has been trying to achieve. I know we said the same thing with ROTB, but when it came to the trailers and marketing of ROTB, it was quite a mess. We didn't really know what movie we where getting up until it's release. This meanwhile is incredibly clear about what it is, and that makes me more confident in actually excited about. Also remember that Paramount is funding IDF and to pirate this movie when it comes out.
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Pgs. 271 - 308
There are some dark forces you just don't want to mess around with. You understand this better than most.
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I think it’s kinda funny how people will be all over the meta parts of Homestuck but act like it didn’t start until like halfway through the comic when you have the Exiles who literally make use of the medium of the comic’s command system in-universe.
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I gotta bring up this GameFAQ section, I haven’t been talking about it much because it’s mostly just Rose in her prosey words describing what’s been going on, but here we have uh
a choice of words???
Removing the lid signals the moment your life becomes a great whirling batshit pandemonium, somewhat resembling the chaos of an especially ethnic wedding. Somewhere, a soused uncle deliberately shatters china on the floor. Muddy livestock is decorated, and then lost track of. The question "Who's mule is this?" at times can be heard over the din. This is now your reality.
I just... what???? huh???? excuse me????? Rose???? Hussie???? what did you mean by this???? what the fuck are you talking about??? bro????
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things are looking FUCKED.
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Homestuck except John’s sprite is the side-side-side-villain of the entire story.
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Homestuck except John’s sprite is a racist.
also what is he doing.
EB: no, i have to go! bye! TG: wait wait TG: armageddon's gettin waged on us TG: but im-a gettin armed and dangerous TG: sending men in space for savin us TG: see which playa's more couragerous TG: ben or bruce? dudes reach a truce TG: put their blowchutes to use and up-suck it TG: afflecks saclifice, i mean -crifice, would have to sufflice. aw fluck it TG: bro be a stained-glass saint, up on a cross gettin hella christ-plagiarous TG: bruce's like offa that cruciflix, nuff a this fuckin savior-fuss TG: restrained his ass per mclane-redux while buscemi remained derangerous TG: when a plan gone astray pays off a wasted craterous TG: ash tray caterin to layers of matt maconnaheys vague remainder-dust TG: wait TG: uh TG: macconahey wasnt even in any of those meteor movies was he TG: ill have to make a rap about TG: i dont know TG: morgan freeman or something TG: being the president TG: itll be called TG: "obama made it so that no one gives a shit about black presidents in movies anymore" TG: see youve got to fill me in on whats going on TG: so i have something to rap about besides all your dumbshit movies
I very much like the visual of Dave being completely alone without anyone to talk to and simply resorting to making up a shitty rap called "obama made it so that no one gives a shit about black presidents in movies anymore" which is such a CinemaSins-style film critic thing to say might I add.
I have to give partial credit to Homestuck for the inevitable modern day memeification of Barack Obama, it was ahead of its time.
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look at John smile as he talks to Jade, how adorable.
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and then Dave is still fucking going.
TG: when the film crew zooms where the presidents at TG: im like if that dudes black ill eat my hat TG: turns out he is, so we're all "damn, director's got gumption" TG: like we'll all flip our shit he aint shining shoes or somethin TG: its called freemancipation. if its not pres-election its god-ascension TG: in bruce almighty. whoops, different bruce from the one i just mentioned EB: aaaaaarrrgh! TG: cant explain to me why this aint condescension to think ill shit a brick TG: not even he can convey the intention with his quickspun wit TG: rather defray all this tension, sit on his lap while he whittles a splint TG: and some guy eyes what he does and patronizes: i guess negrocity's the mother of invention
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There are some dark forces you just don't want to mess around with. You understand this better than most.
haha yeah Rose imagine falling into the dark arts, ha.
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her ass is READING‼
I’m a big fan of the fake Lovecraft lore going on here.
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god these intro pages for the kids are so cool.
but this one is not the coolest, there is a cooler one.
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gontagokuhara · 7 months
uhhh got any cursed camp facts? (pranks that went wrong, cryptic izuru, nagito dealing with the kids?)
hi anon! you sent me this ask in september 2019. this is me answering now in february 2024. oops! and well, not actually — everything below the cut was written also in 2019. why did i not post it? im actually not sure because when i refound it today it made me giggle. so i’m leaving it untouched as i left it because 1) it still bangs, and 2) it’s all still fun pointy objects lore that i think illustrates how deeply i’ve thought about the silliest aspects of this fic…….and for how long.
so here we go. KRAKEN RELEASED!!!
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YESSSS OMG I LOVE THIS ASK!!!!! theres so many im thinking wont have a place actually in the fic so getting to expand on them is :D
a few months before kaito ends up at camp (~a year before shuuichi shows up at camp) the full year kids are tasked by a weary nagito and hajime to find a group project to work on together so theyll get along and stay out of the counselors hair. someone jokingly suggests making a documentary about life at camp, and the two counselors tell them to do whatever they want, and get them a camera to use.
of course, kokichi decides to ignore the thing about staying out of their hair, and thus ‘nagitoe toemaeda: the curse of camp hopes peak’ is born.
clownery of the highest degree ensues. they harass nagito with the camera, not telling him what it is theyre filming; when izuru happens to stumble in while theyre filming, they spend a whole day getting footage of him that they can later on mess with; it’s a fucking shit show and the finished product is 70 minutes of pure garbage but none of them can think about it too hard or theyll die laughing
the feature runs as a found-footage and interview based horror movie; people descibing the fearsome toemaeda, intercut with creeper shots of nagito just doing camp business, intercut with footage of izuru picking fights with nagito and being ‘killed’, intercut with bad dubbing by kokichi over clips of nagito speaking. even hajime ends up in the film, reading a script from somewhere just out of frame and commenting intermittenly about how dumb this whole thing is
the watching party is a massive success. everyone is rolling from how stupid and hilarious the whole thing is. nagito doesnt leave his office for three days afterwards, traumatized by the yells of “here comes toemaeda!” whenever he shows his face.
kaede first meets izuru when she is twelve, several months into living at camp. she has had no prior knowledge on him because nagito does his very best to keep him away from the campers, but he cant be everywhere at once, and kaede finds him in the kitchen one day while looking for a snack
she doesn’t quite know how to react, so she just goes about her business, thinking maybe he’s somebody’s weird parent, or something. but when nagito shows up out of nowhere, and the situation turns tense, she becomes frightened.
as it turns out.....nagito and izuru aren’t real big fans of each other. an uncomfortable staring contest turns into an argument that turns into an all out fight, and kaede, only knowing nagito as a pseudo-weird-parent-figure who she cares about pretty much more than anybody in the world, starts crying and trying to get izuru away from him
thinking in 12 year old girl terms, she starts throwing things. the first thing to actually hit izuru is a box of saltines. he goes very, very still after he’s hit, and kaede thinks he’s going to hurt her.
he stoops down, picks up the box, and rummages around. pulls out a saltine. eats it, slowly, nagito breathing heavily a few feet away. eats another one. looks between nagito, and kaede, and nagito again, before slowly stealing out of the room, box in hand.
kaede has found a way to placate him. nagito always makes sure to stock up on saltines after that.
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roxenne-the-vixen · 10 months
--gonna add those to her about page too when I finally have free time BUT some small things about Roxenne have changed
*VOX is Roxenne's boss as well as holder of her soul. In short-- He Owns Her
Rather than being his glorified slave/PA who did small gigs on the side she is now basically a full on idol that ajao sings at A Speak Easy known as The Rabbit Hole (run by her best friend Vio the Bunny who she knew in life too) For a little side money as VOX takes most of her profit. He contracts her as per the deal she made.
The Deal: Roxenne fell into Hell looking for someone, her lover who she followed in death (Arackniss)--in her written canon-- ((there is a whole mess of deep, dark lore that I am happy to go into in DM as well as some written in her about)) and while it didn't happen right away, she eventually wound up in VOX's hands with the deal along the lines of "I can get you seen everywhere-- and he could find you!" --Cliche? Maybe But thinking about it in her perspective she was naive and in love-- over time of course she grows to dread this deal but is now stuck with him as basically one of his money making puppets.
*Yes she still DOES know Angel Dust as a part time actress who has guest started in a few of his films.
--singers/idols appearing in movies and shows IS a valid thing so this still works on how she knows Angel Dust as a "CO worker"
Her base story is pretty much still the same I just changed the terms of her "employment" under VOX and their kind of relationship.
--of any VOX writers are interested in playing with this kind of relationship with her as well as/or something shippy over time PLEASE HMU I would love to write and plot with you!
--Her demon form is a Lunar moth-fennac fox hybrid as such, she actually DOES have an extra pair of retractable arms. She doesn't let them out much, so as to remain more constant in her fennec fox form since she resembles a fox more-- and she doesn't like to let them out or use them but she can and she will if it's absolutely nessasary.
-- She favors her fennec form over her moth/insect like pieces (plus she looks more like a fox than a moth) so she tends to keep that as her base form and hides her wings (which are in a way retractable like her arms). She does however let them unfurl during shows or modeling for photoshoots. (At her concerts she uses them to fly over the crowd as both a way to look for people and interact with her fans during her performance. She has the look of a small butterfly fox or however big she decides to let herself grow into for her show)
There are other head canons involving her Vox and Val but as for her default "General base for everyone" this is pretty much the premise-- with of course added plotting along the way.
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ferallester · 9 months
okay I no longer have the energy to finish this, pls enjoy a third of pinof react #3 and my rereaction
oh wow immediate smack with literally zebras and conclussy— DAN
when they said dapwe pinof my reaction was ‘nobody’s called it that’ and then I think someone did so
I fucking love their conversation about the algorithm
their outfits do in fact suck in pinof 7
nose pressure <3
“Spock sideburns” FUCK OFFFFF YOU’RE RIGHT BUT NOW I WANT TO KNOW YOUR TREK OPINIONS (I have already said this but I reiterate it anyway)
“oi!!” *Phil laughs in the background*
I’ve paused on a very Dan derp of his I’m way too tired for this
Phil: *attempts to explain himself and gives up* (dork)
what the fuck is going on in the bottom of Google
grass hair babey!!!!
Dan’s hair evolution apparently boils down to side parting straight to side parting curly
what even were those boxers Phil
piss mention
Phil fails at the singing but not entirely the Scottish accent, nice
fuck the stress mushroom!!!! I’ve never seen how truly gross it was until now tho ewwwww
they make fun of them moving to Dan’s room and then their only reaction to it is that the lighting sucks, okay
wish they’d reacted to the king of the universe moment
Dan fails maths, and worse, I believed him in that second because I was sleepy and on my way to work LMAO
god bless the John Cena memes
phulge 🙄
rubber chicken scream my beloved!!!!
SOUND BARRIER I keep referencing it in my fics help, it’s up there alongside ‘stay still’ ‘stencil’ from the bloopers
the fucking heart hole— 😭
the nacho fic makes me incredibly uncomfortable
Phil shut the FUCK UP we KNOW you’re touching (affectionate)
I’m trying to read their reactions to Phil saying exhaust pipe sexily and currently I’m just getting gay disgust
Phil’s Grandma’s Lore is fucking iconic
hand thing
boys shut the fuck up
I cannot fucking believe their window was open
I also can’t believe Dan actually trusted Phil enough to do a trust fall
old merch talk!!!!
sneeze fetish 😭
love that the sneeze fetish site is not only in New Zealand, but that it’s a government site
pinof 8!! my first pinof!! their haircuts are fucking awful
ADORE the outfits tho
they say that haircuts make them look startled— yeah that tracks
fucking cowards, Bork and Boof are both heckin valid
did we even fucking realise that they were probably trying to get that ad bc I distinctly remember we were just excited to get so much content
Phil can’t spell <3
weird soft launch
YAS CAT!!!! YAS CAT!!!!!!!!!!
violence, “we touch very early in this one” shut the FUCK UP
tiny dan on Dan’s thumb is so fucking funny
Dan is INCREDIBLY violent as a lawnmower
can’t believe Phil said yaoi
Dan meanwhile is just a horny mess who likes Wang™️ (and can I blame him? nah)
the boys, upon hating the mannequin challenge: fuck it we sleuthing
I am too tired to figure out what film posters are hanging up
the weird water edit leading into the boys talking about how they used to edit together 🥺
also fuck I’m only a third through and it’s a quarter past one in the morning, I’m doing the rest of this tomorrow
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