#and now i want liam to stay just for the hell of it
calla-lilly · 5 months
i am so entertained by this week's eps like we are SO back
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Thinking abt my dupe ocs again, and I'm returning to my cringe fail silly ones who exist solely for me to have fun. Basically one of the colonies is sort of a lil experimental ground dupe wise where most of the dupes get to have some fun critter biology meshed in there, with most of them being fairly stable, but a few of them having a bit of a harder time for some reason or another. Such as having no bones and the most fragile skin known to dupe kind.
#rat rambles#oni posting#this colonies ada is the no bones guy shes mixed with a void bug#she actually is able to function mostly just fine its just that she has to be like super careful all the time#it doesn't help that her insides are mostly just foamy goo so the colony doctor doesn't rly know how to treat her wounds#on the bright side shes extremely light and can jump onto other dupes shoulders for fun#she cant fly tho very sad#even if she was the lightest thing in the world her wings are on the back of her head and arent as flexible as an actual shine bugs wings#she mostly uses them to gesture with like an extra pair of arms#and to paint with since shes also an artist#she's passionate abt her art but shes also super passionate abt being an engineer and a lot of her art ties back to that#mostly because she was printed only abt a month before the pod went offline so after that her fellow dupes became a lot more protective of#her since they felt that if smth went wrong now they wouldnt know how to help her#this frustrates her a Lot especially since prior to this she was mostly left to figure out how to manage this stuff by herself#she ends up tinkering in private when no one is around since she has a lot of ideas and wants to try making them#one of her biggest goals is to find a way to fly or glide without jetpacks since she's convinced she could find a way to#if she can be knocked off her feet by a light breeze then she can totally find a way to stay in the air longer shes sure of it#in the meantime the rest of the critter squad are trying to convince liam to not eat sand because itll just make his sensitive tummy worse#he knows this conceptually but his heart tells him that he ate a meal and started to feel sick so its clearly poisoned and the cook is#sick or trying to poison him and hes going to die if he keeps eating food from the fridge and so he must eat sand#unfortunately this is a fairly common anxiety of his since his stomach rly can only half handle anything ever#I imagine he and ada have a complicated relationship as while they do get along one of them has violent anxiety and the other is fragile as#hell but hates being babied so ada often avoids liam to his dismay
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Welcome to the Harem
"Are you quite alright, Sayyid?"
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Liam woke up, startled. In front of him, blocking the sun stood a tanned young man with dark hair, looking down at him.
"Excuse me?" answered Liam, still not fully awake. His accent revealed his origins. He was British.
"I'm sorry, Sayyid. I have noticed you have fallen asleep in the sun, and I am worried you might burn your skin."
The other man was probably a few years younger than Liam, possibly in his early twenties. Unlike Liam, who was a tourist visiting this sun-kissed region of Hurghada, he seemed to be from around here: his skin was dark and his body lithe and strong. He had a slight Arabic accent, which added a certain exotic flavor to his words.
"Uh, I guess I dozed off a little."
It was hard to rip his gaze away from the young man in front of him, since he didn't even look half-bad, but Liam knew better than show any signs of homosexuality here. Even coming here, to a resort, as a tourist wasn't entirely without risk, but the British man had made a pact with himself not to let anything stop him from relaxing for the first time in years. And what better place could there be to escape the endless rain of the kingdom than the beautiful, sun-drenched beaches of the Red Sea.
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"Ah, Sayyid, I fear that I have noticed too late. Apologies."
Liam was confused for a moment until he looked down on himself. And really: his exposed upper body had turned a bright shade of red.
"Bloody hell", he cursed, before smiling back at the native apologetically. "Sorry for that. You are right, I shouldn't have stayed out in the sun for so long."
His conversational partner seemed to look all over Liam before he smiled the same thin smile from before.
"Do not worry Sayyid, it happens a lot. The sun here is stronger than where you are from. If you want, I can offer some soothing lotion against the burn."
"Well, I'd appreciate that, thank you. What did you say your name was?"
"I am called Hassan." Hassan said. "Please allow me to apply the lotion."
Liam felt a bit uncomfortable, as the young man produced a glass bottle filled with a milky white substance and unscrewed the lid. He knew a bit or two of the Arabic language and knew that the name was rather fitting: Hassan meant 'handsome' in English, and Hassan was, indeed, rather good looking. Liam feared that it might be just a tad too exciting being touched by a handsome guy with lotion, but it was probably exceedingly rude to reject the offer.
"Sure, thanks a lot."
He just had to control himself a bit.
However, nothing prepared him for the feeling when Hassan carefully began rubbing the white substance onto his skin, with careful, almost tender touches. Liam felt the heat radiating off the young man's body while his fingers massaged the lotion onto his body, which, in contrast, felt cool and soothing, and he had to fight an erection forming. It didn't help at all that Hassan seemed to know exactly what he was doing, massaging his skin just the right way.
"There you go, Sayyid. You will feel much better soon."
Liam was fighting very hard but despite his efforts felt himself chubbing up in his tight speedo. Damn it. He should have worn something less revealing. Now he could only pray that Hassan wouldn't notice.
That hope was short lived. With skillful hands, he massaged the lotion into all visible skin, even right next to his tented speedo. While Hassan didn't acknowledge the show of indecency per se, he did take his time on the sensitive skin there, gently rubbing the lotion, and Liam knew exactly what the Arab was doing. He was teasing him, and it worked. The Brit was painfully hard and was glad when Hassan finally pulled away.
"There you go Sayyid. That should allow your skin to regenerate." he said, still with his thin smile. By now, Liam's head was at least as red as his chest, and he couldn't bring himself to directly look at Hassan.
"Ehm, thank you. That was very kind of you. What... kind of lotion is it exactly, by the way? It sure smells interesting."
The question was mainly to change the topic of the conversation to a safe territory, but Lian was also genuinely intrigued. Most suntan lotions he knew smelled fresh and flowery - or not at all. But this one... The smell was strong, and herbal, but with an interesting undertone. It smelled somewhat musky and manly, like a gym or a locker room. And there was something else, something familiar that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
"Ah, I'm glad you asked. It is a special recipe from my boss, Sheikh Tariq, himself. Do you like it?"
"Yeah, it's... pretty intense."
"Sheikh Tariq's recipes are always very... powerful, you know. You shouldn't have any problem with your sunburn anymore, but if you want, I can check on you again tomorrow."
Lian felt a strange pull from the handsome Arab and couldn't bring himself to refuse.
"Very well, Sayyid. May I ask your name?"
"Eh, yes, sure. It's Lian."
"Liam, is it?"
"No, Lian, with a 'n'." This was hardly the first time people confused his name, so Lian was used to it by now. Something seemed wrong about that, though, even though he couldn't say what.
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"Very well, Lian. I shall return tomorrow."
With a final nod, the young Arab walked away, and Liam watched his toned, muscular body moving before he lay back down. The lotion did feel nice, and he felt his muscles relax and his burning skin soothe. Still, to be extra sure, he moved to the shade before he dozed off again.
Lian was surprisingly hungry at the evening buffet this day and wolfed down plate after plate of local food, which was delicious. When he went to his hotel room afterwards, he just felt wonderful. He decided to take a shower before bed and was amazed to find the redness had disappeared completely, leaving his pale skin smooth and soft. Except... it wasn't quite as pale anymore. Instead, he had acquired a slight tan. It looked good on him, he decided, as it complemented his lean definition and sparse body hair nicely.
That night, Lian had strange dreams. He dreamt that he, somehow, was pale as a piece of paper, thin like a stick figure and, of course, completely smooth all over his body. That was of course nonsense, Lian laughed about himself when he woke up. He probably had some distant ancestors from a sunnier region of the world, since even in winter, his skin never really lost its tan, and was often compared to a surfer's.
It was a good day for sunbathing again, and, secretly, Lian wouldn't mind meeting Hassan again. He packed his towel, his sunglasses and his book, and went outside. However, it wasn't long until he had dozed off again, and when he was woken by Hassan again, it was already afternoon.
"Ah, good evening, Lian. Are you feeling better?"
"Yes, yes, a lot. Thanks again for yesterday. You really saved my vacation."
"Don't worry, Sayyid, this is my job."
He looked at Lian with an appraising look but was apparently not too happy with what he saw.
"Would you like another application of the lotion, Sayyid?"
"Yes, thank you, Hassan. That would be lovely."
The Arab was just as good with the lotion as the day before, and as soon as his skillful hands touched Lian's body, his dick grew hard again. However, since it didn't really pose any problems yesterday, Lian didn't even try to hide it today. Besides, it was probably normal, right?
He half registered that the tent in his underwear was much larger than yesterday, but that was probably imagination.
"Do you know what ingredients the lotion contains, Hassan?"
"Yes, Lian. We use a special extract of the Aloe Vera plant, as well as essential oils of local herbs. And then, there are some secret ingredients that only Sheikh Tariq knows about."
"Damn, that Sheikh really knows what he is doing. Are you Bedouins?"
"Yes, in a way. However, we no longer live the traditional nomadic life. Instead, the Sheikh founded an island resort that is open to the most exclusive guests.
"So, he is kind of a businessman then?"
"Yes, that is a way of putting it."
"Wow, that sounds fascinating. I'd love to see that."
Hassan smiled his thin smile, as he carefully massaged the area around Lian's throbbing erection. It was almost like he was amused about a secret joke.
"I can ask him, if you want. Your name was Lian, right? And you come from...?"
"Layan", corrected Layan. "And I'm from the United Kingdom, although my dad immigrated from the UAE."
"So, a man of mixed race then. Very good. I'm sure that will please the Sheikh. If you excuse me, I'll have to make a phone call."
"Sure", Layan agreed. His own slight Arabic accent felt somewhat alien all of a sudden, but it was probably just because he noticed the way Hassan spoke. After all, Layan had it all his life now: Even though he was born and raised in the UK, they only spoke Arabic at home, since his father refused to learn English, even now.
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The smell from the lotion was even stronger today than yesterday, and it mixed so well with his own body odor. Layan's tan skin was sweating a lot, like usual, and the small pelt of black body hair was always soaked with his manly smell. He liked it that way: If he didn't have to, he didn't use any deodorant at all. And now, the smell of the spices completed his own odor nicely.
It didn't help that his dick was so hard, and his balls ached. His speedo was obscenely tented and for a moment, Layan feared someone in the resort might find it offensive. Truth be told, the conservative atmosphere in the resort was one of the few reasons that held him back from rubbing one out right here and now, seeing as a wet patch of precum already stained the tip of the tent.
Before Layan could think more about that, however, Hassan came back.
"Good news!" he said, and it took Layan a bit to notice that he had switched to Arabic.
"The Sheikh would be delighted to have you in his resort. We can leave immediately, if you want to. It also might be a more private atmosphere on his island."
The last comment was obviously aimed at Layan's throbbing rod, but Layan surely wasn't one to be easily embarrassed by his own masculinity.
"I would love to come. Let me just grab my stuff." he replied in the language of his father and got off his deck chair. Hassan nodded and waited politely, while Layan hurried to his room to pack his stuff. However, once he had arrived in the privacy of his hotel room, he couldn't help but admire himself in the mirror: He was a fine specimen of man, really:
His skin was a beautiful golden color, his black hair was short and shiny, and his dark, stubbled face gave him an exotic and masculine air. Not to mention his defined chest, his ripped abs, his well-trained arms, and his powerful legs, all covered with a layer of soft, black hair. And in between those powerful legs hung the pride of Layan, a heavy, uncut Arab dick, surrounded by a bush of the same black pubes.
He just couldn't help it. Hassan would have to wait a few minutes longer, he decided, as he closed his fist around the erect shaft and started to pump. He really needed that! He hadn't shot his load since... this morning. No, he was a man, and he needed release every few hours! In a few minutes, his large dick was shooting a stream of cum all over the room, and he sighed happily. He would leave that to the room service to clean up, as he didn't want to delay Hassan any further.
However, once he left the room behind him, he suddenly realized what the smell of the lotion had reminded him of: Cum. Was that the secret ingredient? Well, it probably wasn't, but it was a nice and naughty thought, in any case.
Together with Hassan, he boarded a private yacht that set course to the Sheikh's island. He couldn't help but admire the young man's physique as he steered the boat and licked his lips involuntarily.
Finally, they arrived. The island resort was luxurious, even more than Layan had anticipated it to be: Palm trees lined the white sand beach, and several servants awaited the two guests, who were led to the main building. It was a modern, western style house, but with some traditional middle-eastern touches, like the intricate wooden window panes and the colorful tiling. What Layan noticed, though, was that everyone they met, the many servants and the very few guests, were men, in their prime. There were no children or elderly, and certainly no women. In short: Everyone was hot!
"Sheikh Tariq will be expecting you, Sayyid", Hassan told him, and led him into a private room.
"But before you meet him, let me apply the lotion one more time."
"I'd love that, thank you!", Layan said with a grin.
He was a bit surprised but didn't resist, when Hassan grabbed his speedo and pulled it down, exposing all of Layan's body to the handsome man. His cock was quickly getting hard again.
"I need to apply the lotion to your whole body, this time." Hassan explained and, without hesitation started to work, as the totally nude Layan stepped out of his speedo and widened his stance until he stood legs shoulder-width apart, in his typical power-stance.
This time, Layan was prepared for the wonderful feeling of Hassan's strong hands and his teasing ways and could fully enjoy the sensation. He smirked and let the other man do his work, enjoying the touches with closed eyes.
Due to these, he missed the fact that his body changed drastically under the repeated effect of the lotion: Even more hair sprouted, and his frame quickly packed on more muscles. He even grew a bit taller, still, now significantly bigger than Hassan in every way.
As Hassan massaged his hard cock, a soft moan escaped Layan's lips. The cum-like smell, mixed with his own body odor made him even more horny, and his dick grew even bigger in the skilled hands of Hassan, until it was positively massive, both in girth and length. His old, unimproved, British cock would have fit twice over into that monstrosity.
Layan didn't think much about it, though. In fact, as Hassan progressed, he thought less and less. His thoughts became even simpler and more and more focused on nothing than his body, and his need to *fuck*. Yeah, that was right. Layth was a pure-bred piece of Arab prime beef, created for nothing but one thing: Bringing pleasure to men, and fucking them senseless. His name meant "Lion", and, true to that name, he was nothing short of an animal in bed.
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Only when Hassan withdrew his hands, Layth opened his eyes. The smaller man had an obvious erection in his pants, but nodded politely, while licking his lips.
"I'm sure the Sheikh will be pleased with his newest addition to his harem. I can't wait to play with you, once Sheik Tariq had his turn."
Just like that, a vacation can turn into a calling for life. I'm sure the Sheikh will be impressed! You can enjoy a few additional versions of our newest addition to the harem over at my tip jar.
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quin-ns · 2 years
Complicated (Joel Miller x Reader)
Word count: 2.1K
Summary: joel lets the fear of losing you get twisted and ends up pushing you away. he realizes his mistake when you get hurt
Tags: cw: violence (not from joel), angst, fighting, possessive!joel, implied stalking, joel’s bad behavior is mostly ambiguous so take that however it suits you, reader is a badass, injury, hurt/comfort, very complicated relationship, but also humor and fluff (this really isn’t as dark as it sounds I promise), making up
A/N: wanted to try something with more angst for a change. also wanna start exploring joel being a lil darker than I usually write him since he showed that side in the last few eps. not full dark yet tho. I actually weirdly wrote it with a lot of internal humor with the reader.
cross-posted to ao3 • tlou masterlist • main masterlist
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“Joel—stay away from me,” you warned, jaw clenched and gaze hardened. 
His throat bobbed as he swallowed, trying to come up with a response. Something that could calm you down and make you just see that he was trying to protect you.
Joel lifted his hands and held them in front of himself, as if he was approaching a scared animal. Or maybe a dangerous one. He silently pleaded with you, the look on his face trying to emphasize his point. I’m not a threat. 
Maybe not at first, but now you weren’t so sure.
“Please, we can talk about this.”
God, did he have to make this harder? “I’m asking you as someone who you care about; please just give me some space.”
Joel’s frown deepened. He was starting to realize he couldn’t get out of this one. “For how long?”
You let out a tired sigh. “I don’t know,” you admitted. “Just… leave me alone.” You turned your back on him then, retreating to your apartment in the QZ. 
For the first time in a long while, Joel made no attempt to follow you. 
For a week, you hadn’t seen Joel. Like, at all.
That almost made you more nervous than catching a glance of him once in a while just out an about. 
Being without Joel was an unfamiliar feeling, and a part of you screamed that it just wasn’t right. You weren’t dependent upon him, it wasn't that. You had just become so accustomed to his presence that looking over to your side and finding you were all alone was jarring.
That feeling was extra high as you packed your bag, on your way to meet up with a contact and make a trade.
You looked over your shoulder constantly, kept your hood up, and stayed out of eyeline from the cameras as best you could as you made your way to the meeting spot.
For something like this, you missed Joel. Well, not missed him. You didn’t miss him. It was the smart thing to do, he was getting too overbearing. 
Although, you’d believe that a little more if you weren’t aware of the fact that you were trying to convince yourself.
You shook your head, physically trying to rid those thoughts from your mind. It was just a simple trade. Sure, when you were with Joel you felt safer. You could fight, but Joel could kill. Sure, there was safety in numbers. Being a woman alone at night wasn’t ideal and this was a rough business. And sure, you didn’t recognize the two men approaching you and…
Where was your contact? The only way they could’ve found you is because of him (you never learned his name).
“Who the hell are you?” you questioned, hand drifting to the gun on your hip.
“Liam sent us,” one of them said.
You hummed, more so to yourself. So that was his name. “Alright, well, that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Don’t worry about it,” the other one said. “Do you have it?”
You relented, but maintained a reasonable level of suspicion. You reached for your bag and swung it off of your back. You pulled out a bag of pills that you and Joel had smuggled in.
Maybe after the deal, you’d split the money with him. Or at least give him a third. Yeah, that was better. You were taking all the risk right here right now.
“You know the price?” you asked, scanning their faces in the dark. It was hard though, you couldn’t really make out any of their features. It put you on edge even more so.
“Yeah,” the same guy said. He slung a backpack off of his back and let it fall to the ground. He crouched down and unzipped it.
As he reached into the bag, a bad energy edged over you. Your instincts were right. The guy pulled out a gun and with no hesitation, he fired recklessly in your direction. Not a single bullet connected thankfully, but this was not a good situation to be in.
“Really?” you asked out loud, annoyed. You weren’t expecting either of them to answer.
The other guy suddenly charged at you, tackling you to the ground. You managed to pull your gun in the struggle, but he knocked it out of your hand. Bastard was strong. 
Thankfully he didn’t have a gun, but the pocket knife he pulled out didn’t look much fun. 
Your heart slammed against your ribcage as you fought against him. His buddy had run off after realizing that his shots had missed. Probably wouldn’t have had the guts to kill you anyway if missing spooked him enough.
The guy you were wrestling against, though, did have the guts. And that wasn’t good news for you as he got the upper hand.
You hardly registered the pain as the stranger's knife plunged into your abdomen. He released the handle as you fell backward, thinking that the blade had done the job. In a quick motion, running on adrenaline, you yanked the knife from your own body and slashed at the assailant as he leaned over you. The blade connected with his neck. 
Maybe he didn’t deserve the death penalty for the attack, but it was you or him. He made that clear. And you weren’t about to succumb to death from some overzealous thug. No way in hell.
Blood hit your skin in heavy drops that slowly became a gush. You heard the thud of his body before you registered his weight on half of your body. You scrambled out from under him, scraping against rocks and dirt as you dragged yourself across the ground and away from your assailant.
You laid on your back and stared up at the sky. There was some light saturation from the QZ, but you were grateful it wasn’t enough to totally erase the stars. You reached down, blindly, trying to cover your wound and put pressure on it.
You let your eyes slide shut for a moment as pain started to erupt from the wound. You heard footsteps and a male voice that sounded muffled by the time it hit your ringing ears.
Larger hands gently nudged yours out of the way as he took over applying pressure to the wound with one hand. 
You didn’t have to open your eyes to know who it was, but you did anyway. 
You wished you could’ve been surprised to find Joel kneeling at your side, but you knew him all too well. 
“If you’re gonna stalk me…” you took a heaving breath in. “…you could at least save me quicker,” you wheezed out. 
“I know, sweetheart.” He actually sounded guilty, like it was somehow his fault. Despite everything that had gone wrong, it was a brief reminder that Joel did care for you. Even if it had crossed the line from protectiveness into something darker. Obsession was the word you had used before, when you found out the lengths he was going to in order to keep an eye on you.
“I’m getting tired of you treating me like property,” you told Joel, trying to open his eyes to what he was doing. “It’s like an obsession and that’s not normal. You have to know that.”
“I’m just trying to keep you safe,” Joel argued.
You scoffed. “You don’t get to just say that as if it’s a justification for everything.”
Joel would disagree. And that was the problem.
Joel ran his hand up the side of your face, calloused fingers grazing skin until he was able to brush strands of hair out of your face. “I should’ve been here to watch out for you. Should’ve never let you out of my sight.” 
You scoffed out a laugh, the slightest bit of blood trickling from the corner of your mouth. “That’s not the lesson I want you to learn from this.”
“Lesson? Jesus, Y/N,” Joel said, sounding somewhere between offended and dismissive. “I’m gonna lift you now, okay? Take you and get you patched up.”
Joel tucked his arms under you then, hoisting you up. You groaned and Joel carried you bridal style towards the infirmary—you couldn’t be sure where he was going, actually, but it was a good guess. You didn’t want to think about what would happen when the Fedra doctors found out what happened…
The rapidly decreasing adrenaline sent you into a dizzied state. It was like the world around you was spinning incredibly fast and then just stopped. Your ears were ringing and maybe the injury wouldn’t kill you, but fuck did it hurt.
The pain was overwhelming, and your last coherent thought was one expressing gratefulness to your own body for sending you into unconsciousness to avoid dealing with the pain.
That, and registering the scared look on Joel’s face as he watched your eyes slide shut. You hardly ever saw him scared.
You felt yourself coming back to consciousness in what seemed like seconds, but it had more than likely been hours. 
You hadn’t opened your eyes yet, but you frowned a little, trying to go back to sleep. You were laying down in a bed with fresh, clean clothes. And you could tell you’d been stitched and bandaged up.
Joel reached for your hand, his larger one encasing yours. Those sad brown eyes of his watched as your eyes finally fluttered open. You met his gaze immediately and everything came flooding back.
You realized quickly based on a scan of your surroundings that you were in the hospital, not a jail cell. Not even cuffed.
“What lie did you tell them?” you asked hoarsely, throat dry. 
“Half truth, half lie,” Joel revealed under his breath. “Said that you were jumped by a couple of guys, didn’t say why. If they ask you were trying to take a shortcut home and got lost in the dark.”
You closed your eyes and sighed. Exhausted—mentally, mostly. “How screwed am I?” It couldn’t be long before the body was found. Even if it was self defense, the man was still dead.
“Not at all,” Joel told you. Your eyes snapped open. “But since there were no cameras near where you were and the two guys ran off, Fedra may not be able to find and punish them.”
You furrowed your brows as you looked at him. “That’s not right,” you pointed out. 
The lie had rolled so smoothly off his tongue, but you caught it. You weren’t that out of it.
“I know, but there’s nothing we can do. They’ll get caught eventually,” Joel responded. His tone was even, but the way he looked at you… it was a warning. Not in a threatening way, more like he was pleading with you.
Keep your mouth shut. Let me help you.
Of course.
“Well, I always have you to protect me, don’t I?” Your emphasis on the word was bitter. You hated that it was true. He never thought you could look out for yourself and it was like stupid stabby guy intended to prove that true. 
What you really wanted to do was ask Joel what he had done with the body. Had he dropped you off, left, and then come back? You couldn’t ask him with nurses passing by. 
“You handled yourself pretty well, actually,” Joel said it like a confession, pulling you from your thoughts. And oh look, the world kept turning. Maybe it was still a crazy, messy, terribly fucked up world—but it didn’t end simply because Joel admitted you weren’t some helpless damsel.
It could’ve been because he rescued you, or it could’ve been the morphine, but a wave of affection washed over you. Your expression softened You became more presently aware of Joel’s hand overlapping yours. You turned your hand, palm now facing his. Joel’s eyes flicked down briefly as your fingers curled over his hand.
Joel let out a content sigh, like he’d been holding his breath. He held your hand a little tighter after you gave his a light squeeze.
“I was worried about you,” Joel said as if it was some big secret.
You nearly laughed. “Yeah, no shit.”
Joel cracked a smile, which had become rare for him recently. He even let out a small chuckle at his own expense.
“I don’t want to lose you.” The amount of sincerity in his voice left no doubt. 
He had tried so hard to keep you that he caused you to leave. You were sympathetic, you knew he wasn’t a bad guy. He’d done some things that wouldn’t be considered good. There was a difference. In a world like this, there had to be.
“Then don’t,” you replied. You could’ve said more, but Joel understood. He had one last chance and he couldn’t screw it up.
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joel taglist: @the-ice-frozen-ground-red-rose @dontphunkwithmylove @cilliansangel @amethystwonders11 @frogsmuahh037 @andy-rocks @melllinaa @alitaar @melanie451 @b00kw0rmsworld @reverieisaway @avengersfan25 @aheadfullofsteverogers @strangeh0rizons @spideysimpossiblegirl
if you would like to be added to the joel taglist just send me an ask or a message!
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Steve being a hidden nerd in certain ways (ei: sports, camping, outdoor stuff like camping & vegetation/botony, bugs, animals & shit) the kids losing their collective mind as Steve tells them about it. Maybe on a camping trip or something???? I especially want Hop to be impressed.
This is maybe my first request that didn't have some kind of romantic relationship Steddie. They do have a little flirty moment, but beyond that, I liked the idea of just everyone loving Steve and being so intrigued by his knowledge of all of this random nature stuff. Also, no research was done here. Like, zero. I don't know what is true and what isn't so assume none of it is. This is fiction based on fiction and we're here for a good time. I've never been to Yosemite, but it is on the list for me and Liam to go! - Mickala ❤️
No one expected Steve to actually want to go camping. Sure, he wanted an RV, wanted to go to National Parks and see mountains and lakes and rivers, but they assumed he’d just want to stay in the RV.
They hadn’t expected him to bring tents.
They hadn’t expected him to suggest sleeping in the tents.
“But…we have an RV,” Mike said, suddenly no longer interested in their trip to Yosemite.
“To travel in. But we won’t all comfortably sleep in it. It’s made for five people at most.”
And that was that. The only people sleeping in the RV were Hopper and Joyce and Max and El, and everyone else was sleeping in tents.
The entire drive there was filled with arguments over music, arguing over who got to sit where, and Steve’s “fun facts” about the land they would be staying on.
He had apparently done quite a bit of research, or he had been hiding a whole wealth of knowledge from everyone.
His fun facts were actually interesting, and everyone quickly tuned in when he started telling them about how the mountains could be dated because of the type and color of the rocks, and how much of the sequoias had been destroyed over the last couple of decades and what they were doing to preserve what was left.
When they arrived, everyone stared in wonder at the meadow in front of them, the mountains as the backdrop to a beautiful sunset.
It would still be light for close to two hours, so they didn’t rush to set up the tents. They went on a short walk along the road they took to the campsite, Steve pointing out different types of plants and birds as they went.
Everyone was in awe of his information, but no one was as surprised as Hopper.
“Where did you learn all this?” he asked on the way back to the campsite as the kids raced each other ahead.
“I went to camp once when I was seven and then I was obsessed with nature. My parents wouldn’t let me go back to camp, but they let me get books and movies about plants and animals. In high school, I took geology and almost had a perfect grade. I just like this stuff,” Steve shrugged.
“So you only went to camp once? Is this your way of going to camp?” Hopper asked casually.
He didn’t usually ask questions that didn’t tell him something he absolutely needed to know.
“I guess. And to spend time with everyone. I like when we can all be together without hell surrounding us, ya know?” Steve admitted.
Hopper’s hand rested on his shoulder and squeezed in silent agreement.
Putting the tents up had been relatively easy, especially when Steve managed to show them a trick he taught himself when he was young and wanted to set up a tent in his backyard but never had anyone there to help him.
No one commented on how sad it was, but Steve realized it after he said it.
As everyone got their sleeping bags and lamps set up in their tents, Steve found a large rock along the edge of the creek in the meadow and sat on it, watching as the sun finally sank behind the mountains.
“Hey,” a voice startled Steve.
He relaxed when he turned to see that it was Eddie.
“Mind if I sit with you for a minute? Kids are being a bit too much right now.”
“Go ahead,” Steve gestured to the spot next to him. “Not exactly a comfy seat, but the view can’t be beat.”
“Oh, so you’re rhyming now?” Eddie teased as he nudged Steve’s shoulder.
“Not on purpose,” Steve laughed. “It’s pretty great out here, though.”
“Yeah it is. You did good, Stevie.”
Steve looked over to see Eddie already smiling fondly at him.
“Yeah. And, for what it’s worth, I think it’s pretty fucking cool that you love nature so much. Nature isn’t really a good friend of mine, but it’s pretty nice to hear about it from you.”
“I’ll make an explorer out of you yet, Eds.”
Eddie looked at him with a look he hadn’t seen on anyone before, at least not towards him.
“Maybe you will, Stevie.”
Eddie only sat there for another minute before excusing himself to check that none of the kids touched his brand new acoustic guitar.
Steve sat there until it was completely dark around him, watching the land in front of him shift ever so slightly as the breeze picked up and the cicadas started their nightly song.
Robin sat down next to him, rested her head against his shoulder and sat with him in silence for a few minutes.
“It’s good to be out here. I don’t think Max ever expected to see mountains like this. She keeps asking when she can climb them,” Robin whispered.
“She does remember her legs aren’t at 100% yet still, right?” Steve asked.
“I think she’s willing to give it a go anyway. What’s the point of being here and surviving everything if you can’t even try?”
Steve nodded.
“Wanna come tell us more about the trail we’re taking tomorrow?”
“You guys wanna hear about it now?”
“Yeah. We like that you’re passionate about it.”
Steve felt his cheeks heat up at the words.
“Okay then. If you guys don’t mind. There’s supposed to be a specific type of rabbit who burrows along this specific trail during the summer and they can grow to be nearly two feet long.”
“That sounds terrifying. Come tell everyone about it,” Robin said as she got up and offered him a hand.
He took it and made his way back to the group.
Everyone listened to him talk about their plan for tomorrow, not interrupting when he got sidetracking talking about the type of trees they would see and what kind of flowers tended to bloom during this particular time of year.
When Steve and Eddie slipped into their tent an hour or so later, they could have stayed in their respective sleeping bags.
But Steve was still too eager to talk about things, so Eddie sidled up next to him in his sleeping bag and held his hand while he talked for another hour about the waterfall they’d be seeing and the type of fish that would most likely be in the river.
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utilitycaster · 13 days
what are those 5 things? 👀
Seeing people start admit that maybe Imogen and Laudna did in fact pressure Fearne excessively hard to take the shard. I think it's good Fearne took it in the end, but yeah they really made it difficult for her to express her doubts and that was shitty of them. I got extensive hate for saying that at the time from people who are literally saying the same thing now. It's very funny.
The (entirely valid) complaints I've seen that people care more about imo/dna as a ship than Laudna as a character and are making her book solely about the fact that Imogen will show up in it. I pointed out this exact same problem occurring while Laudna was dead, almost two years ago.
Caleb considering leaving the Nein means they aren't really bonded. Imogen considering leaving Bells Hells means she's so perfect and caring and selfless and noble and good. Anyway yeah sure I definitely believe that if Imogen were a man played by Liam everyone would definitely be totally uncritical and love everything she did. (This is also a layered one, given how Twitter has been bashing Orym nonstop for over a year).
I know it's been a month and I've said this repeatedly so this is a bit tacky but I'm still riding the absolute Irony High of people being like "STOP TALKING ABOUT HUBRIS STOP TALKING ABOUT HUBRIS anyway of COURSE Bells Hells would NEVER see the gods as a messed up family, just like them" and then jump cut to Laudna literally saying that. It's just genuinely so funny that people mad at everyone calling Aeor full of hubris proceeded to get their wax wings straight up vaporized at the top of episode 102.
People calling imo/dna the bestest most organic most slow-burn sapphic ship ever (it's not even the longest slow-burn f/f ship on Critical Role; even if you're stupid enough to count the two years we know virtually nothing about just for the purposes of padding out the time to eliminate Beauyasha on a technicality - nevermind that slowburn is about the length of the story itself and not the length of time the characters have known each other, since it's obvious that if someone said 'here's Jane and Kate, they've known each other for 300 years, now they are kissing' this would not be a satisfying slowburn unless like, you went back and filled in the 300 years - Kimallura STILL wins) but as someone who received a decent amount of harassment for saying it wasn't very interesting and as such kept tabs on the people engaging in that harassment...they've been dropping like flies. If it's the best sapphic ship ever and it's canon and you're in the top 5 ships for the show of all time on ao3 and Delilah's gone and they're going to get their cottage, funny how a good chunk of the shippers haven't even managed to stay interested in CR. Also why are half the people who HAVE kept up like hmmmm what if I threw Fearne or Ashton in there. Like believe me, I support a poly hells situation, but uh. quite a tumble for what people used to call the Beating Heart Of The Campaign (TM).
Bonus! This is below a cut because it has spoilers for next week's Re-Slayer's Take that's only out for Beacon subscribers but
we see Devexian, and he meets Frog (an aeormaton PC) and his overall statement on Aeor is "it created us to serve, and we fought for our autonomy. It was both a beautiful and terrible place. Anyway the past is past, what's important is that we as aeormatons take our chance to live now, and my personal goal is not just to bring back as many aeormatons as I can, but learn how to make more aeormatons." He is completely uninterested, at least in 839 PD, in any sort of action against the gods. Like, I think he regrets the fall of Aeor because a lot of Aeormatons and knowledge died in it but he literally is like "your life is defined by your own choices, not your designation at the time of Aeor." The actual survivors of the fall of Aeor are like anyway, we want acceptance, autonomy, and the means to control our own production in modern day Exandria. Ludinus whomst.
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angstywaifu · 2 months
The Lost Sister - Part 40.
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Ophelia Riorson)
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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”When do you think she will wake up?” A low, familiar voice says, breaking through the fog in my head.
”Hard to say. I’ve never seen a signet like hers before. No one has.” A voice I can’t quite place. But still slightly familiar.
Me. They’re talking about me.
”Do you think the damage it’s caused is permanent?” A gruff female voice asks. Imogen. Definitely her.
Damage? They can’t be talking about the Wyvern I took down. There was nothing left of them. Perishing into a pile of dust as they hit the ground behind Garrick. And Garrick... He seems to be ok. That means they’re talking about me.
”Hard to say till she wakes up. The internal damage looked worse than it was due to the blood she was coughing up. But it will be interesting to see if she can see out of that eye now with the colour its turned.” The voice I still can’t quite place says.
Who was that? Definitely not Bodhi. Liam? No…. I know Liam’s voice. Who the hell was it?
Before I can try to pinpoint it the fog starts to seep back in, pulling me back to its depths.
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This time when I break through the fog I’m able to open my eyes. It’s night, the room I’m in cast in an eerie glow from the mage light next to my bed. The familiar sound of wind hitting the cliffs.... Wind hitting the cliffs. A sound I hadn't heard in years. A sound that I would only hear in one place.
I sit upright, releasing my hand from another's grasp as I survey the room. My room. My room in Aretia. Home. I was back in Aretia. I hardly have time to absorb the surroundings before I am enveloped in a tight hug. The individual's arms press me against their trembling body, their sobs shaking us both. I don't need to turn my head to try and see who embraces me, recognising the familiar scent that fills my nostrils.
I immediately wrap my arms around him as my own tears roll down my cheeks. I was alive somehow. He was alive. We had survived. Something we both hadn’t thought would happen. And yet here we were. Sitting in Aretia of all places.
Garrick finally loosens his grip on me as he pulls back to look at me. Both of us looking over each other to make sure this is real and we’re both ok. It’s then I see the new scar adorning his face, stretching from his temple down to his jaw.
”This is new.” I ask, my voice hoarse and gravelly from not being used for a few days.
He nods slow. “Yeah, I got it after you-”
I watch his eyes gloss over with fresh tears that threaten to spill over as he takes a shaky breath. I’d never seen Garrick like this, and it’s easy to tell what had gone through his mind in that moment. He had thought I was dead. He’d watched as I’d doubled over, coughing up blood before collapsing. And judging by the shadows around his eyes, and his slightly sunken in cheeks, I’d been out for a few days at least.
”I’m here. I’m alive. I’m not going anywhere.” Reaching out to caress his cheek, my fingers tracing lightly over the new scar.
He chuckles darkly, “Forgive me if I don’t quite believe you. I’ve had to go through pretty much losing you twice in my life now.”
Ouch. But he wasn’t wrong. Twice in six years he had to go through thinking I was actually dead and thinking he’d just watched me die.
”Trust me, I’m doing my best to stay alive.” I try to assure him in a joking tone.
Garrick’s eyes harden ever so slightly and I know he hasn’t take my joke lightly. “Then you promise me you’ll never do whatever that was again. What was that?” His voice raising slightly.
”I honestly don’t know.” I start as I look down at my hands where the shadows had come out of. “I just panicked when I saw it direct those Wyvern at you. I just wanted to do anything I could to stop it, to save you and I just remember feeling this surge or power and…”
”And what?”
I take a deep breath before looking back up at him, noting the way his gaze flickers to my left eye.
”Death. It felt like what I’d imagine death to feel like.”
Garrick takes a sharp breath, his gaze locking back on my left eye. “Well that might explain why that happened.”
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, Garrick turning to grab a mirror from the bedside table. He hands it to me, reflective side down. Clearly giving me the choice on if I wanted to see what had happened straight away or ease myself into it. I grasp the handle, turning the mirror towards my face. I’d honestly been expecting a scar or terrible bruising to adorn my face. But there wasn’t a single mark on me. Not a single scar or a bruise. Instead my left eye being a usual bright green, is void of any colour. As if the colour had been drained out of it, and I can’t help but be reminded of the way the colour had been drained from the ground after the Venin had channelled. Almost as if whatever I had done had taken some life out of me to do it. As if I’d drawn something out of me to do that.
”Well good news is I can still see fine.” I try to say positively as I look back over at Garrick, handing the mirror back out to him.
”Least that’s something.” He mutters as he places the mirror back on the bedside table before standing and walking over to the window that over looks Riorson house.
I stand on shakey legs, having to use my bed to steady myself as I stand. Definitely had been a few days I’d been out for then if I can barely stand.
Least you’re alive little one. Not everyone can say that.
I breathe a sigh of relief at hearing her in my head. Also feeling a little guilty I hadn’t reached out to see if she was ok. But if I was alive I knew she was to. But I sense a double meaning in her words.
What do you mean not everyone? I ask, almost snapping at her.
I remember Soleil and Fuil not making it. Something about her tone makes me think we lost more. If it was Xaden, Garrick would have told me.
“Liam and Deigh.” Garrick mumbles from the window, before turning slowly to me.
I shake my head, not wanting to believe his words. But there’s no denying the slight hurt in Garricks eyes. Liam was dead.
I blink back the tears that threaten to fall down my cheeks, a few managing to escape before I quickly rub them away with the back of my hand.
Liam was dead because of the Colonel. Soleil was dead because of the Colonel. All those people in that outpost dead because of him. Because they wouldn’t tell us the truth. Wouldn’t teach us what was really out there.
“Why do you look like you want to kill someone?” Garrick asks, a hint of concern in his voice as he watches me.
“Because I do.” I say sternly as I wobble over and join him at the window, look out over the place I call home. “If they just told us what was really going on out there. If they didn’t lie to us…”
“But they do. And they will continue to do so.”
I snap my head towards him. “And we’re just going to let them?”
“Yes, because if we go back there and start telling everyone what we’ve seen then they will kill us all.” He warns me. “We’ll be lucky if they even let us live when we go back.”
Shit. He was right. As angry as I was. As much as I wanted to fight back and show them as the liars they really are. We couldn’t. They’d kill us all without any hesitation.
“They’ll let us live.” I tell him confidently. “They have no choice but to let us live. If they do, they’d have to explain what we saw. What we fought. They can’t kill us because it will arouse too many questions.”
“I hope you’re right sweetheart, because I can’t have them killing us after this.” He says softly, a slight shake in his voice as he steps back from the window slightly.
No not stepping back. Kneeling. Kneeling down on one knee and holding the box he had placed in my hands at Athebyne out to me. The box he had told me to look after. And now I know why. Inside the box is a ring I had seen countless times growing up. Had seen it every summer when his family had come to stay with us. A beautiful silver band adorned with emeralds. His mother’s ring. Probably the only thing he had left of hers. I look down at Garrick with shock, his familiar cocky smirk on his face as he looks up at me.
“I know you said you’d let me know when you’re ready. But I will be damned if I’m waiting a moment longer to do this. Twice now I’ve thought I’d lost you. Twice I thought I’d lost my chance. Twice I’ve asked for someone’s blessing to marry their daughter and sister.”
Oh gods. This is really happening. And all I can do is stare down at Garrick in shock, just like he’s done when he’d seen me in to rotunda nearly a year ago. Or when I’d approached him near the Parapet on Reunification Day.
“Ophelia Riorson. Will you marry me?”
To Be Continued.....
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd @callsign-blue @1islessthan3books @side-angel @wolfbc97 @just-an-ace-elf
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everythingne · 8 months
log out! (akin to a pride verse) (ls2)
a collection of times reina posts on her .jpg account, and one time she accidentally forgets to log out of her main.
warnings/notes: mentioned drunkeness, jokes about sex, will i keep them a couple or just besties?? i dunno, stay tuned !
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reitanaka.jpg made a new post! (private account)
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liked by logansargeant, maxverstappen, oscarpiastri, and 108 others...
reitanaka.jpg: logan sushi weekend!!! (we are drunk on soju!!!)
maxverstappen: oh?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: hehe •̀⩊•́
logansargeant: i need everyone to know that ribbon cut off the circulation to my finger
liamlawson: oh ive been waiting for this
kimiantionelli: so when are we debriefing about this. bc i know you want ur ‘pre race debrief.’
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: UGH. monte carlo. find my room when u land ig
logansargeant: oh so suddenly i’m NOT ALLOWED to hang out with my bestie without it being seen as weird.
⤷ oscarpiastri: logan. u are shirtless in one of those photos.
⤷ logansargeant: I WAS HOT. WE DID CARDIO.
⤷ alexalbon: what kind of cardio?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: this isnt very buddist of u alex.
⤷ oscarpiastri: rei shut up im w alex on this one.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: im gonna block u both.
maxverstappen: i’m so intrigued.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: max close ur eyes
danielricciardo: absolutely crying my eyes out over these comments
oscarpiastri: 'omg why does everyone think we're dating!!!" LOOK AT YOU.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: @ lilyzneimer hes being meannn
⤷ lilyznemier: os knock it off
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reitanaka.jpg made a new post!
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liked by kellypiquet, maxverstappen, logansargeant, and 120 others
reitanaka.jpg: drunk and thinking ab the weekend i babysat p and vics kids and now im missing them. guys look at how cute they are. LUCA karting w ME??? sobbing.
oscarpiastri: just so everyone who is not here knows, she is literally drunk crying into her phone rn
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: oscar im gonna crashgate u
⤷ logansargeant: SCREENSHOTTED.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: i’m gonna send max after you both
⤷ maxverstappen: pls i’m gonna get fined
kellypiquet: penelope won’t stop talking about you. please come back to monaco soon she might lose it.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: booking a flight rn
⤷ maxverstappen: reina i will fly u out
⤷ logansargeant: both of u pls she is trying to pack a bag while drunk as hell and my stomach hurts from laughing at her failing
⤷ reinatanaka.jpg: im gonna bite youloghan
⤷ logansargeant: please not again.
⤷ maxverstappen: AGAIN?
⤷ logansargeant: shes a biter when
⤷ maxverstappen: when?
⤷ logansargeant: no nevermind im realizing i should censor myself in front of u
⤷ oscarpiastri: logan stop talking.
maxverstappen: two days later and im still trying to figure out what logan means here.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: yeah max i bite him. are u gonna judge me for that? muscles are fun to bite
⤷ maxverstappen: im judging you very harshly.
⤷ kellypiquet: no i do it too reina (we have discussed this at length)
⤷ maxverstappen: wait a fucking second.
⤷ kellypiquet: ive said too much. he has connected the dots. godspeed logan.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: KELLY HOW COULD U DO THIS TO US
⤷ danielricciardo: oh max is just now realizing???
⤷ logansargeant: im never showing my face around red bull again
⤷ maxverstappen: logan.
⤷ logansargeant: nope !
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reitanaka.jpg made a new post!
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liked by liamlawson, logansargeant, danielricciardo, and 215 others.
reitanaka.jpg: @ logansargeant stop playing ur stupid sim and ake jelloshots w me pookie <3
maxverstappen: i watched her pull all of these out of her camera roll.
⤷ maxverstappen: she also has many shirtless photos of him.
⤷ liamlawson: yeah ive seen logans camera roll
⤷ maxverstappen: oh god.
felipedrugovich: did not need this on my TL !
⤷ theopourchaire: be blessed u werent on the phone w liam when she dropped this post
⤷ zackosullivan: LMAOOO PRAYERS FOR YOU
arthurleclerc: HELLO????? HELLOOOOO????
logansargeant: WHERE DO YOU FIND THESE????
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: my pookies on pinterest
lilymhe: ur so real for this babe (i need alex ones)
⤷ lilyzneimer: me too i can never find funny oscar posts :(
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: both of u give me ur pinterests i have albums saved for each driver i know
⤷ lilymhe: YESSSS
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: ignoring u for my mental health
kimiantionelli: the fourth one??? fourth one??
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: go away bitch
liamlawson: this is criminal. ur actually sick in the head.
⤷ logansargeant: help me
⤷ liamlawson: nah man u did this to urself.
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liked by ayumuiwasa, logansargeant, oscarpiastri and 120 others…
reitanaka.jpg: test ride (him or the car?)
jakcrawford: NO SHOT
richardverschoor: is this a 'slay'
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: omg richie u did it &lt;3
maxverstappen: WOAH WHAT?
maxverstappen: REINA THE CAPTION?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: MAX LOOK AWAY
⤷ maxverstappen: NO WHAT THE FUCK
⤷ danielricciardo: REINA RUN.
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: i cant. (i was serious about the caption)
⤷ danielricciardo: OH MY FUCKING GOD REINA
liamlawson: GO REI GO GO GO !!!!!!!!
⤷ kimiantionelli: imagine
⤷ olliebearman: @ reitanaka.jpg YOU TOLD HIM AND NOT ME?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: this is for being a cunt yesterday
logansargeant: i apologize in advance to everyone. we are going to be unsufferable.
theopourchaire: GOD THESE COMMENTS
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reitanaka.jpg made a new post!
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liked by francocolapinto, olliebearman, logansargeant, and 111 others...
reitanaka.jpg: this is my official soft launch even though i know u all know now
kellypiquet: penelope is sad she has to share u now
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: she always comes first
logansargeant: who is this tall fellow?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: shut the fuck up
liamlawson: we KNOW
jakehughes: ur comments are a hard launch
alexalbon: I TOOK THE SECOND ONE!!!!
⤷ lilymhe: no the FUCK you did not. I DID.
⤷ alexalbon: IT WAS ON MY PHONE
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: ladies ur both beautiful stfu.
juanmcorrea: wait u guys weren't already dating??
theopourchaire: you dont even need to soft launch anything
olliebearman: notice how max is just. not here?
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: he lost priv account privileges bc he stole my kit kat
⤷ olliebearman: damn fair enough
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reitanaka.jpg made a new post!
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liked by logansargeant, lilymhe, olliebearman and 210 others...
maxverstappen: rei where are you??
⤷ logansargeant: dw shes currently laying face first giggling into my chest, she keeps calling me pookie and idk what to do
⤷ maxverstappen: gl when she starts to cry bc she loves u
⤷ logansargeant: what.
⤷ logansargeant: MAX HELP???
⤷ maxverstappen: lol
theopourchaire: LOGAN P3 RAHHH
alexalbon: lily and rei are crying together this is rlly funny
liamlawson: omg pookie &lt;3
⤷ logansargeant: im kicking you in the balls next time i see you
⤷ liamlawson: not if i kick u first
oscarpiastri: most unserious hard launch ever reina
zackosullivan: why is he scared in the first one???
olliebearman: @ kimiantionelli u owe me
⤷ kimiantonelli: wtf.
richardverschoor: ofc reina posts the funny one first and the nice ones second
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: gorrakeep hisego smaller thsn his dick
⤷ richardverschoor: drink some water rei
⤷ reitanaka.jpg: SOHU 11111
danielricciardo: godspeed logan!
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reinamatsumoto made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, maxverstappen and 5k others...
reinamatsumoto: breaking news on the jpg account ! jealous logan takes hot and sexy girlfriend reina on impromptu beach trip after reporter flirts with her ! more after the race!
oscarpiastri: OH MY GOD REINA
maxverstappen: REINA
logansargeant: REINA
olliebearman: UH OH
landonorris: NOOOO REINA!!!!!!
logansargeant: REINA NO
logansargeant: REINA DELETE THIS
carlossainz: oh hello logan!
charlesleclerc: @ arthurleclerc ??????
⤷ arthurleclerc: ur not on the jpg. u dont get it.
⤷ charlesleclerc: what the fuck i want jpg privileges.
kellypiquet: good luck prema and williams PR (do not hire me to help)
premaracing: UH. SO??? @ williamsracing
⤷ williamsracing: OH. HEYYYY??? (we are sprinting to find logan)
⤷ premaracing: OH MY GOD I HAVE HER LOG IN
⤷ logansargeant: PREMA ADMIN GO GO GO GO
theopourchaire: @ logansargeant LOGAN DO SOMETHING???
danielricciardo: OH MY GOD IM LOSING IT
gerihorner: well this is new! congrats!
this post no longer exists
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reinamatsumoto made a new post!
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liked by williamsracing, logansargeant, gerihorner, and 560k others
reinamatsumoto: the williams double date y'all have been waiting for (and totally my hard launch of logan what are u guys talking about?)
tagged: logansargeant, lilymhe, alexalbon
user has limited comments on this post!
gerihorner: so cute rei &lt;3!!!
user1: yes reina this is the only post you have made.
user2: MY PARENTS!!!!
williamsracing: we love our healthy couples! (this is the only post you have made about logan.)
hanatanaka: [glad you're happy !!]
liamlawson: logan has escaped jpg jail (i did not)
⤷ reinamatsumoto: LIAM.
⤷ logansargeant: imagine not making it to the main account
⤷ reinamatsumoto: LOGAN.
⤷ user4: OH MY GOD?
user3: does he have the red bull seal of approval?
⤷ redbullracing: begrudgingly.
logansargeant: love u
⤷ reinamatsumoto: love u too pookie
⤷ logansargeant: STOP WITH POOKIE.
maxverstappen: surprised i dont see more shirtless logan w how many pics of him u have in ur camera roll
⤷ user5: MAX CALLING HER OUT!!!!!!
arthurleclerc: ive been WAITING.
olliebearman: oh finally ur public (it has been several months.)
oscarpiastri: wheres OUR double date?? @ logansargeant
⤷ logansargeant: BRING LILY TO LONDON!!!
⤷ lilyzneimer: yeah osc wtf??
⤷ reinamatsumoto: GET HIS ASS LILY!!!
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thelarriefics · 8 months
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UNIVERSITY FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find more fics that take place in college. (Part I)
📖 Underneath It All by @peachypetalhazz (394k)
Enemies to friends to lovers AU where Louis is a cliché bad boy that Harry can’t seem to get rid of.
📖 there's no fair in farewell by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (218k)
When Harry and Louis, two Cupids who have been bringing people together for decades, are tasked with making Soulmates Liam and Zayn fall in love, it proves to be much harder than expected. But maybe, just maybe, that isn’t such a bad thing after all.
📖 blue moon by @aquietlarrie (152k)
or the self indulgent 50’s au where i wanted a safe space to explore the culture, history, and sexuality of being gay in a time when it was extremely difficult to do so. includes, lots of questionable dancing, healing your inner child, and one heck of an emotional ride.
📖 Never Be by @cherrystreet (117k)
The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
📖 Pour Your Heart Out by @hrrytomlinson (92k)
Louis is his soulmate. Or at least Harry thinks he is. Louis feels the same as Louis. But there are a lot of people named Louis in the world and this Louis might not be the Louis. It’s besides the point though, because Harry knows he can’t allow himself to get close to any boys. He just can’t and he’s told himself this multiple times. He has to simply stay away from Louis Tomlinson. But he can’t. Harry Styles can never stay away from Louis Tomlinson. It’s physically impossible for him to.
📖 knock knock, i love you by @thelovejandles (86k)
Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
📖 Are There Second Chances? by @kissyboystyles (85k)
the most eventful twenty-four days of Louis Tomlinson's college career.
📖 A Distant Hazy Light by @greenfeelings (76k)
Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down. Or, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
📖 Bikestrike by @thinlinez (68k)
What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise.
📖 always you (i should have known) by @28goldens (60k)
or the one where harry and louis cant stand each other and fake date to make someone jealous.
📖 Start A Revolution From My Bed. by @rainbowsandlovehl (57k)
Louis is ready to live on his own, in a dorm, in a new city. He is ready to make new friends, have fun and study a little. But he is not ready for Harry, his pretentious roommate who is out to ruin Louis' sleep and make his dorm life a complete hell.
📖 Love's On The Line, Is That Your Final Answer? by @moonhusbands (54k)
Harry can’t believe it when Louis, the boy he’s always had a tempestuous rivalry with, asks him to be his boyfriend. Well, pose as his boyfriend, that is—for a new television game show in which young couples are quizzed on how well they know each other for a jackpot of thirty grand. Reluctantly, Harry agrees—because he's got student loans to pay off, hasn't he? What's the harm? And he can totally deal with keeping his secret thing for Louis under wraps too. This is all just to win some money. It's fine. No big deal. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything. Obviously.
📖 The First Year by @parmahamlarrie (46k)
When Louis Tomlinson was assigned a first year student to be his roommate for his final year at the University of Manchester, his expectations were low. All he needed was a cheap place to sleep and keep his stuff amidst his nights out, willing his brain to forget his past. He never expected Harry Styles to become his eclectic, sweet, and cuddly best friend. That was never the plan.
📖 your lips in the low light by @givesuethemoon (20k)
Set over the course of one night, at one fateful frat party. Louis and Harry find that there are not many things they will ever need more than each other.
📖 getting yourself wet for me by @dreamersdivin-headfirst (10k)
frat boys take on watersports
📖 my heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck (i'm in love now) by @bottomhaztoplou (8k)
Five times Louis gives Harry a courting gift and one time Harry reciprocates.
📖 Hea(van) Is A Place on Earth with You by @insightfulinsomniac (6k)
University students Harry and Louis want to spend some alone time together — the problem is, both of their respective roommates are fast asleep. Harry solves that problem with some blankets, a secluded parking space, and his beloved beater van, Belinda.
📖 Lost In This Craze For You by @larrysballetslippers (4k)
Louis thinks he is incapable of making his boyfriend come, but Harry just needs a little more from him.
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iaminfourthwing · 22 days
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter XIII
The day that every first year, that is still alive, dreads, is finally here. Threshing.
The gathering hall is oddly quiet this morning, every first year lost in their own thoughts. Violet next to me looks a little green and minutes prior I saw Ridoc running to find the nearest bathroom or trash bin. I ate a little bit of fresh fruits because after all, I am nervous as fuck as well.
The general seemed so sure about me claiming a dragon, but right now … I am not so sure anymore. The fact that I have to see him again, if I claim a dragon today, makes me swallow anxiously. If I fail … I don’t want to know what happens then.
My eyes find the bright blue ones Liam owns and he gives me an encouraging smile. He is one of the best in this quadrant, there is no doubt of him claiming a dragon. I bet he isn’t as nervous as everyone else here. Even Barlowe is quiet, and that must mean something but after all, he is just human as well.
A shiver runs through me as I can feel someone staring at me and when I look up, the startling hazel-colored eyes, that even follow me in my dreams, are studying me. He looks like he is somewhere trapped in his mind and even over the distance I can see the worry and anxiety radiating from him. I give him a small tight-lipped smile, which he returns.
Half an hour later we are all gathered at the entrance of the bowl-shaped forested valley, where we’ll hopefully find our dragons or our possible death. I had to promise Violet that I’ll let her go alone but I will definitely stay near her. I won’t take the risk and lose her. She is strong, she has proven herself over the last months, but the way Jack and his entourage look her way … I’ll definitely trust my instincts and follow her through the valley. When it comes to the dragons, there isn’t much I can do, that’s when I’ll leave her.
Dain stands beside her and whispers probably some instructions into her ear. He looks just as worried as I feel about her but even as he knows what she is capable of, he still doesn’t appreciate her strength. Idiot.
When we finally get the go, some of the cadets eagerly run into different directions while others walk slow, unsure into the valley.
Violet is around 50 feet in front of me, so I take a deep breath and start to go after her.
For around half an hour I simply just walk behind her as quietly as possible. A few dragons could be heard in the distance, even cadets screaming. The short girl suddenly halts. “I know you are here” she says, without turning around. My eyes widen. Fuck, she is good. I should have expected that.
“Sorry Vi, but I am not taking the chance and risk your life, without trying to protect you” there is guilt in my voice, but I know, I am doing the right thing.
“You saw me fight these last months, you saw me getting stronger and even then, you still don’t trust me? Don’t trust what I can do? Am I really that weak to you, that you desperately try to protect me? I know you have to do this because of my moth-“
“NO! I do not do this because of your mother! I do this because you are my friend, no, more like a sister! I believe wholeheartedly in you! I am so proud of you and your growth; you have no idea. But I do not trust Jack and his hounds. We both know you all alone have no chance against the four of them. I really just wanna help you” I finish.
For a few minutes she just stands there, looking at me with nothing but adoration. “You know, if we would have been into girls, I would totally kiss you right now” she finally says as we both continue our walk through the valley. I laugh. “But here we are, totally into boys we aren’t allowed to have.”
She snaps her neck my way, wide eyed. Oh, fucking hell. “You what?! You too?!?! Who?”
Shit. Me and my loud mouth. “Well … I mean- maybe- a certain ... cousin … of your … little crush” I stutter, admitting my interest in the handsome male.
Her jaw drops in pure surprise and shock. “HIM?! Oh my-“
We hear a little growl somewhere in front of us. I try to look between the trees and see … something golden? Oh no. Violet seems to have the same thought.
“The feathertail” we whisper simultaneously. We both step forward into the clearing, where we get a better view of the little dragon.
“Gosh, it’s so cute” I whisper. As if the dragon heard me she looks up … offended?
“Oh god, sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you” I say, panic dripping in my voice while Violet snickers quietly beside me.
The dragon looks curious at us both and steps forward when we hear something snapping behind us. Like someone is walking into our direction. I have an extremely unsettling feeling, who that could be. To small and quiet for a dragon, it's definitely a human. More like, a bunch of humans.
“You have to hide or fly away!” Vi whisper shouts to the little golden one. “Go! Fly!” We both run to hide behind the trees, but Vi stumbles over a branch and falls. “Shit Vi, you okay?” I ask her while helping her up. I think I heard a pop but am not sure.
“Damn it, my ankle … go hide” she hisses in agony.
Reluctantly I let her go and hide behind another tree. In the last second, I decide to climb the tree, hovering a bit over Violet and see everything that’s going to happen. And just a few seconds later Jack with his lapdogs come out of the tree line. Shit. I hate when I am right in the wrong situations.
“We have to kill this little thing! It’s a danger for everyone!” Jack says loudly.
Tynan, Oren and Trevor are behind him. While the other three are determined walking to the little golden dragon, Oren looks unsure whether he should join this shitshow. They seriously want to murder a dragon? Are they really that dumb? I can only hope some other dragons are possibly near and hear, what these pathetic humans want to do. Or at least a third year, that could talk some sense into them, even though with Jack there is probably nothing we could do besides throw him into a cell and never let him see the daylight again.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. What if one if the third years see us” Oren says. “They aren’t allowed to interfere” Jack shrugs.
“You can’t do this!” Violet says loudly, stepping out from behind the tree. Shocked I look down to her. Fucking. Hell. Violet.
I stay seated.
“And why not, Sorrengail?” Tynan sneers. “It’s against everything we stand for and believe in!” Oren still looks unsure about Jacks plan to kill the little dragon.
While they are insulting each other and Violet trying to get the dragon to flee, I feel something prickling in my head. Like … someone tries to ... reach me? I definitely need more sleep. This is getting ridiculous.
‘Oh, so now I am ridiculous?’ a feminine voice says in my head. I- HELLO?!
‘No need to scream, I hear just fine. Just because my ears are old doesn’t mean I am deaf.’
Oh fantastic. It’s sassy.
‘I need to help my friend before I can deal with you!’ I hiss in my head. I need therapy. Is there any therapist in Basgiath?
‘Well now you sound ridiculous.’ I try to ignore her, for now.
“I would advise against trying to do that” a dark voice echoes over the field. On the other side stands our wing leader and behind him, between the trees, shimmer … golden eyes. Sgaeyl. His dragon. And the way her eyes are fixed on the boys in front of Violet tells me how annoyed she is.
“And what if we don’t listen to you? You can’t do anything, Riorson” Jack mocks him. “That may be true, but Sgaeyl isn’t really a fan of bullies” To underline the statement, there is a deep growl echoing through the trees. Oh, she is definitely pissed.
Xadens eyes find mine and he smirks.
“Besides that, it’s not Sgaeyl you should be worried about right now” he says.
“Whatever” Jack growls and leaps forward into Violets direction. She throws a dagger with unbelievable precision into his shoulder and with a shout he goes down. That’s my girl.
While Trevor stays behind, Tynan and Oren attack together. Now I am thankful for the bow and arrows I grabbed as my weapon of choice, because the arrow I aimed landed directly in Tynans thigh. I jump down the tree and join the fight.
“Oh fantastic, the Generals little warrior princess is here too! Have you found yourself a dragon already? Surely Codagh or daddy must have bullied them to claim you!” Jack sneers and runs. First he says THAT again, and in front of the dragons too??? And then he runs? What a coward. But I can’t keep my focus on him when Trevor is attacking me as well. I hear Violet grunting somewhere behind me. Fuck, I need to focus.
‘Watch out!’ the feminine voice shouts in my head. ‘I know’ I growl back.
With my dagger I land a deep blow in Tynans abdomen. He screams in agony as I cut through him. He’ll bleed out if he won’t get any medical treatment. So far, I am completely unharmed.
I join Violets side in front of the golden dragon, to protect the little thing.
‘If she hears you calling her ‘little thing’ she’ll try to bite you’ there she is again. ‘Oh, so it’s a she’
‘Andarnaurram. Andarna for short’
Well thanks?
‘You’re welcome’
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Are you okay, Silver one?” I ask the girl next to me. “I’ll live. Hopefully” she says.
“I won’t let anything happen to you” I growl pissed. During the fight Xaden must have stepped forward, because he is not leaning against his tree anymore. As if he wanted to… to help Vi? Damn, talk about whipped.
Oren lays unconscious in front of us after Vi knocked him out with the grip of her dagger, Tynan stands behind him ready to strike again and Trevor is a bit more far away. My eyes are fixed on him because I know for sure he wants his revenge for the challenge he lost against me.
Suddenly, both of them look ridiculously shocked and Trevor runs into the forest. A dark shadow flies over the field and when I turn around, I flinch violently. The black dragon. He is incredibly big but not as big as the black beast. And he looks pissed. I move out of the way the same time as Violet.
Tynan tries to run away but his thigh is still wounded due to the arrow sticking in it and the blood loss of the wound in his abdomen. The black dragon growls loudly and then … there is fire. In just a few seconds there is nothing but the smell of burning flesh and death in the air.
Xaden and Sgaeyl are long gone.
“I can’t kill an unconscious man!” Violet suddenly says while looking up the dragon. What?!
“Yeah, that surely says something about them but not me.”
Oh. Oh my god. My eyes widen. The dragon, THE black dragon is choosing her! I am a bit jealous of her I have to admit.
‘Excuse me?!’ someone is offended.
‘Well while you are watching your friend bond with Tairn, I am waiting for you! There is a boy here, trying to claim me but I am just bored by him. You think you can finally show up?’ she asks annoyed.
‘What boy?’ I ask curious while I make my way to her. My feelings are leading me through the woods, leaving Violet behind me. Whatever happens now is out of my control. I just hope she can stay seated, or Tairn is catching her if she falls.
‘The one that just ran away from you before Tairn showed up’ she says.
The boy that run- oh HELL NO! Trevor! That is MY dragon, you fucker! I run through the woods as fast as I can to reach them. She chose me, so therefore he can fuck off. I reach the part of the valley, where she leaded me and step forward into the clearing.
‘Oh, now you accept me, little flame?’ she asks amused.
‘Little flame?’ Where does this come from?
‘Your hair is resembling fire’ Ah, makes sense.
And that’s when I see him, Trevor in front of a … massive midnight blue dragon. Amari, she is gorgeous. ‘Thank you, I can say the same about you.’
Furious, the boy turns around and glares at me. This is going to get dirty.
‘Show me, what you are made of and you will never have to fight alone anymore, little flame.’
Come on Trevor. I’ll rip you apart.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 5 months
I've got one for ya. What were the first kisses in the N/V/Uzi relationship like. Uzi and N first, Uzi and V's first, and V and N's first.
(Bonus points for V and N's first kiss at the manner for some bittersweet angst)
Also, good golly gumdrops, love your stuff, even if you don't answer this one, still gonna keep enjoying
oh oh i love these kinds of ideas :"D tho it takes a bit of brain power to think of a good scene uhm.... lessee....
Ok so first up, although im still waiting for a canon first kiss for NUzi- since they are a thing now, i still like to think of something separate for my own version- [since obviously the main show isn't going towards a poly dynamic lmao]
See, we all know that the show is fast paced and its hard to find any empty spaces between each event, hell it almost feels like earth was blown apart and the DDs were on copper 9 the next day, Liam we need a fucking timeline order. 🙄 soooooo i personally like to imagine that there's a lot more time between events than is shown in the actual show. like- lets maybe put a few days between Uzi administrating N and V and the arrival of J and Cynessa- like.... maybe lets put a few NIGHTS between that??? what's the freaking rush 😭
But anyway yeah- i would put the first NUzi kiss somewhere around betwenn the camp and the flashback eps probably :p my idea would be that since the camp incidents, Uzi would be having a lot of bodily changes to deal with, one of which being her inability to tolerate the sun much anymore. other things would probably be the growth of literal flesh and blood and bones inside of her and lets make this morbid by adding her throwing up blood but keeping it a secret from everyone :p she may sneak back to the other two at night and stay with them- clearly shaken up- [V probably also being shaken up because on one hand she's terrified of seeing this transformation take place- but at the same time, she clearly cares enough about Uzi AND Ns happiness...] asking for help and advice- and the 3 grow closer during this. They practice with her for flying or controlling her tail- maybe some stuff on her control on oil hunger too. she probably also gets some fighting, sneaking and sparring practice with V-
//insert one of those cheesy moments where V riles up Uzi enough to tag her on the snowy ground but then realizes its the same position she got V in her solver!mode and starts panicking and pushing herself back- V getting back up and asking what the heck was that and Uzi just saying she doesn't want to hurt her and V is an insensitive jerk for making her spar with her in the first place and tries to fly away to calm down-..... which probably just ended with her falling face first in the snow and a lecture from both N and V.
overall they all started subconsciously getting even closer. tbh there's so many things i could add here but i gotta keep it a few NIGHTS not a few MONTHS until the next event 😭
either way during this i guess N and Uzi could have maybe ended up alone at some point- maybe after a flying lesson having gone right and they were a little too happy on top of a building or upturned bus or something lol- i imagine after a hug maybe Uzi asks if she could kiss N but quickly backtracks saying nvm it was stupid or something but N softly says its okay- //probably picks her up too, adding to her embarrassment- cuz she's short lmaooooo// and Uzi just decides to give a small unsure smooch- but decided to make it not too long. they decided to just hug after that to not let the other see them blushing like hell 😭 [also they didn't really decide anything after this cuz they are idiots????😭😭😭]
but anyway for the Vuzi first kiss i have no idea if or when V would return if she's been set to remain alive in the canon- but for me its probably when she appears again in her normal form, as herself. not a clone. Alice isn't alive to take the cores and make them sluggish with heat and the sentinels wouldn't have a chance against the solvers centipede lookin ass form.
Anyway if we consider that one way or another Uzi, N and V will meet up again, [and N and Uzi preferably get to share a better kiss this time-] the first thing Uzi is doing is landing a swift punch in Vs face and then kissing the daylights out of her- //confusing herself and everyone in the area in the process including V herself...// overall she would scold V on the whole "i trust you" shtick and leaving them alone- but yeah :p [ keep in mind that im also considering a few nights between when J and Cynessa show up and when they decide to actually go and find and search the labs, because PLOT REASONS :D ]
as for the first Envee kiss- ill do you one better and make it more angsty and say that N and V used to always spend time with each other and do silly things like hold hands in secret or send internal chat messages to eachother, draw and read books together- maybe N used to put flowers for her sometimes. But at some point a certain little corrupted drone started feeling possessive of her favorite "big brother" figure not spending time with her anymore...
one time, N had asked V if he could kiss her and at that they were both blushing messes but before V could respond they get interrupted- maybe by someone giving them orders or maybe by Cyn. either way, V quickly whispers to him "later, i promise" with a smile, making N happy and giddy. but the later never comes... V becomes comatose soon after... N sadly reading books to her and sometimes whispering to her to wake up and that she still has to keep her promise...
anyway after all things are said and done in the future and the solver is defeated- whether they are still living on copper 9 or any other planet idk- N, V and Uzi are all close, but since both N and V are close to Uzi, they also start spending more time with each other too. maybe one time on a walk or going out and about N was able to catch up with V and they reminisce about old memories they can now remember; and when V was finally able to open up a bit to N, he mentions that he still remembers the promise and asks her if he could kiss her again and she lets him.
and thaaaats all the brain power i have for tonight... i think... hope it made yall smile or cry or idk something lmao. :")
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bitbybitwrites · 1 month
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It's been awhile again since I've done any of these - lately computer issues have kept me from writing, but here's a few snippets ( one Klaine and one FirstPrince WIP) that I was working on before my computer decided to be a pain in my ass.
Thanks to the following people for tagging me for WIP Wednesday and Six/Seven/Several Sentence Sunday in the past few weeks ( if I forgot anyone in this list below I'm sorry!):
@taste-thewaste @thighzp @porcelainmortal @getmehighonmagic @littlemisskittentoes
@thesleepyskipper @alasse9 @stratocumulusperlucidus @softboynick @sophie1973
@sheepywritesfics @onthewaytosomewhere
Snippets are under the cut.
1.) From If I Can Make Your Heart My Home ( Klaine fic) cc @datshitrandom
“But you never came by when I was awake.”
“I . . I was too afraid to hear what you’d say if you saw me.”
The blood began to pulse in Blaine’s ears.  “What did you think I would have said?”
Kurt sighed.  Now he was the one averting his eyes.
“That you never wanted to see me again.  That you hated me. . .” he murmured.  “I . . I hurt you, Blaine.  I can’t change how badly I fucked up.  I know I did.  I know I did big time.  And . . it was . . it was horrible of me to do everything that I did. Because you are right.  You deserved so much better than that.”
Kurt stood up and began to pace nervously.  “Look.  I was afraid. Hell, I still am a bit.  Afraid that maybe Sebastian was right.”
Blaine sat up straighter at the mention of the younger Smythe’s name. “’What?  What did Sebastian say to you?”
 Kurt flinched at the sharpness in Blaine’s tone.  “He . . he said . .” Kurt wrapped his arms around himself, sinking back into the other end of the couch.  “Sebastian said that . . I was nothing but a novelty to you. A joke . . basically some sort of low brow entertainment for you on the side.  I wasn’t anything that was worth your time. And there was no way I could be able to keep up with your . . lifestyle . . .”
Blaine paled.  “Kurt . . I would never . . you. . .you don’t really believe I felt that way . . .”
Kurt let out a wet laugh.  He shrugged his shoulders.  “No . . but . . Blaine, come on.  What could I possibly give to you?  I can’t take you to fancy restaurants or trips out to the Hamptons. I don’t own a penthouse or a limo.  I don’t even own a restaurant.  I’m just this  . .  this nobody from a rural town in Ohio. . . You’re . .”
“Don’t.  Don’t say it.”
“You’re an Anderson, Blaine.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I might have to disagree.” Blaine muttered
Kurt shook his head, his expression sofenting.  “Look, if you take your father out of the picture, the Andersons are pretty amazing.  They are caring and selfless. They are philanthropic and so loving and open-hearted.  You. . . your brother. . . your grandmother.  You’re all the same.  And it's wonderful.”
2.) From Puppy Love (FirstPrince fic) - cc @omgbarbiegurl
“Now do you have all of your stuff?  Remember you’re at Tia Nora’s tonight.”
Raf nodded.  “I packed everything.  Even a ball so I can play with Tia Nora’s next door neighbor.”
“That’s nice.” Alex said as he hustled around his apartment, shutting off lights.
“He’s adopted and he’s really nice. Sometimes he’s allowed to come over and play with me if I stay over.”
“You finish your homework first, right?” Alex asked
Raf sighed and rolled his eyes.  “Yes.  Tia Nora won’t let me do ANYTHING until I finish my homework first.”
“That’s good.  Glad you made a friend over at Nora’s.”
Alex  hummed as he started flicking through his phone , partly to see if there were any new work messages from Liam or June, partially to see if Henry had texted him. “Yeah, mijo?”
“Are you sure we can’t have a dog?”
“Raf . .”
“I’d take care of it really well, I promise . .  .” the little boy pleaded.
Alex knelt down as he could be more at eye level.  “Hey, I know you want one.  But it wouldn’t be fair to a puppy to be left alone so much - with my work schedule and then you not even being home at at Tia Nora’s place.”
“But we could bring it there.”
“Tia Nora is doing me a HUGE favor by watching you when she can.  It wouldn’t be fair if I gave her 2 kids to look after - a human one  AND a furry one.”
Raf pouted, crossing his arms.  “I don’t think she’d mind.”
Alex pulled his son into a tight hug.  “Once everything kind of slows down and we can get things settled so we’re home more, we’ll look into it.  Until then, you always can come with me to the rescue and help out playing with the animals who don’t have homes yet.  They get pretty lonely there sometimes.”
A small dramatic sigh erupted from the small frame in Alex’s arms.   He had to bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. 
“OK . . but can I do it soon?” Raf asked.
“I’ll check the schedule with Tia June and we’ll see what we can do.”
“¿Prometes? (You promise)” Raf asked as he held out his pinky to his dad eagerly.
“Si.  Lo prometo, mijo.(Yes, I promise, son.)” Alex said with a smile.
And for anyone who may want to play . . a BIG OPEN TAG . . but also:
@myheartalivewrites, @gleefulpoppet @wowbright @14carrotghoul @iboatedhere
@itsmaybitheway @little-escapist @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @sarkyblueeyes @tailsbeth-writes
@rmd-writes @cha-melodius @madas-ahatters-world @kirakiwiwrites @shegoestoeleven
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fourthwingfan · 6 months
Madness - Chapter 12
Hi, My Lovely Readers! I really appreciate your messages. You guys are awesome!
And as I promised the new chapter is here. Enjoy :)
Presentation Day is unlike any other. The air is ripe with possibilities, and possibly the stench of sulfur from a dragon who has been offended. Never look a red in the eye. Never back down from a green. If you show trepidation to a brown…well, just don’t.
—Colonel Kaori’s Field Guide to Dragonkind
There are 169 of us by the time the morning is done and, and with our time we’ve placed first out of the thirty-six squads for Presentation—the piss-inducing parade of cadets before this year’s dragons willing to bond.
Anxiety seizes me at the thought of walking so close to dragons determined to weed out the weak before Threshing, and I suddenly wish we’d placed last.
The fastest up the Gauntlet was Liam, of course, earning him the Gauntlet patch. Pretty sure he doesn’t know how to take second place. But I’m really proud of him. He deserves it.
The box canyon that makes up the training field is spectacular in the afternoon sun, with miles of autumn-colored meadows and peaks rising on three sides of us as we wait at the narrowest part, the entrance to the valley. At the end, I can make out the line of the waterfall that might be just a trickle of a creek now but will rush at runoff season.
The leaves of the trees are all turning gold, as though someone has brought in a paintbrush with only one color and streaked it across the landscape.
And then there are the dragons.
Averaging twenty-five feet tall, they’re in a formation of their own, lined up several feet back from the path—close enough to pass judgment on us as we walk by.
“Let’s go, Second Squad, you’re up next,” Garrick says, beckoning us with a wave that makes the rebellion relic on his bared forearm gleam.
Theo and the other squad leaders stayed behind. It’s only the five of us.
“Into formation,” Garrick orders, his tone all business, which doesn’t surprise me given that his leadership style is more mission first, niceties last. Go figure he seems to be so close to Xaden. Unlike Xaden, though, the right side of his uniform has a neat line of patches proclaiming him Flame’s section leader as well as more than five patches advertising his skill with a multitude of weapons.
Interesting. We’re in the Tail section. Why is he here?
We comply, and Liam and I end up near the back this time.
Garrick’s hazel eyes skim over us. “Hopefully Theo has done his job, so you know that it’s a straight walk down the meadow. I’d recommend staying at least seven feet apart—”
“In case one of us gets torched,” Ethan mutters from ahead.
„Correct, Ethan. Cluster if you want, just know if a dragon finds disfavor with one of you, it’s likely to burn the whole lot to weed one out,” Garrick warns, holding our gazes for a beat. “Also, remember you’re not here to approach them, and if you do, you won’t be making it back to the dormitory tonight.”
“Can I ask a question?” Vila says from the front row.
Garrick nods, but the ticking of his jaw says he’s annoyed. I can’t blame him. Vila annoys the shit out of me, too. It’s her constant need to tear everyone down that makes most of us keep our distance.
“After Gauntlet I met a couple of the second- and third-years, and I talked to some of them…”
“That’s not a question.” He lifts his brows.
Yep, he’s annoyed.
“Right. It’s just that they said there’s a feathertail?” Her voice pitches upward.
“A f-feathertail?” Rio sputters from directly in front of me. “Who the hell would ever want to bond a feathertail?”
I roll my eyes, and Liam shakes his head.
“Professor Kaori never told us there would be a feathertail,” Ethan says. “I know because I memorized every single dragon he showed us. All hundred of them.”
“Well, guess there’s a hundred and one now,” Garrick replies, looking at us as if we’re children he’d like to be rid of before glancing back over his shoulder at the entrance to the valley. “Relax. Feathertails don’t bond. I can’t even remember the last time one has been seen outside the Vale. It’s probably just curious. You’re up. Stay on the path. You walk up, you wait for the entire squad, you walk back down. It really doesn’t get any easier than this from here on out, kids, so if you can’t follow those simple instructions, then you deserve whatever happens in there.” He turns and heads over to a path before the canyon wall where the dragons are perched.”
We follow, breaking away from the crowd of first-years.
“They’re all yours,” Garrick says to the quadrant’s senior wingleader, a woman I’ve seen a few times in Battle Brief murmuring to Xaden. Her uniform still has her signature spikes on the shoulders, but this time they’re gold and look sharp as hell—like she wanted to throw in a little extra badass today.
She nods and dismisses him. “Single file.”
We all shuffle into a line.
Liam is at my back and Rio just ahead of me, which means I’ll be treated to his commentary the whole time, no doubt. Awesome.
“Talk,” the senior wingleader says, folding her arms across her chest.
“Nice day for a Presentation,” I joke.
“Not to me.” The senior wingleader narrows her gaze on me, then motions to the line of cadets before her. “Talk to your nearby squadmates while you’re on the path, as it will help the dragons get a sense of who you are and how well you play with others. There’s a correlation between bonded cadets and level of chatter.”
And now I want to switch places.
“Feel free to look at the dragons, especially if they’re showing off their tails, but I would abstain from eye contact if you value your life.” She pauses long enough for that bit of advice to sink in, then adds, “See you after your stroll.”
With a sweep of her hand, the senior wingleader steps to the side, revealing the dirt path that leads through the center of the valley, and up ahead, sitting so perfectly still that they might be gargoyles, are the hundred and one dragons who have decided to bond this year.
The line starts, and we give one another the suggested seven feet before following.
I’m hyperaware of every step as I walk down the path. The trail is hard beneath my boots, and there’s a definite lingering odor of sulfur.
We pass a trio of red dragons first. Their talons are almost half my size.
“I can’t even see their tails!” Rio shouts from in front of me. “How are we supposed to know what breed they are?”
I keep my eyes locked at the level of their massive, muscled shoulders as we walk by. “We’re not supposed to know what breed they are,” I respond.
„Fuck that,” he says over his shoulder. “I need to figure out which one I’m going to approach during Threshing.”
“Pretty sure this little walk is so they can decide,” I retort.
“Hopefully one of them will decide you don’t get to make it to Threshing,” Liam says, his voice quiet so it barely reaches me.
I laugh as we approach a set of browns, both slightly smaller than General Sorrengail’s Aimsir, but not by much.
“They’re a little bigger than I thought they would be,” Ethan says, his voice rising. He’s in front of Rio. “Not that I didn’t see the ones at Parapet, but…”
I look over Rio’s shoulder to see his wide gaze flickering between the path and the dragons. He’s nervous.
“So Ethan, how long do you know each other with Liam?” I ask him, continuing to walk forward past a handful of oranges.
“What?” He asks.
“We’ve been squadmates for a few months now, but I don’t know much about you.” I try to distract him.
“Well our family were close before…you know.” He says slowly, tugging down his sleeves. Yeah, I know. “We practically grew up together. And we were always in trouble. Mostly because of him.”
“Come on, really?” I laugh and glance back at Liam. He smirks and shrugs.
“Yes. He and his sister were real troublemakers.” Ethan laughs with us.
“But you never said anything. You always took the blame with us.” Liam says behind me.
“That’s true.” Ethan nods. “Because we’re friends.”
“I didn’t even know about your sister.” I say over my shoulder, lowering my gaze immediately when I accidentally make eye contact with one of the oranges.
“She’s just like you. I think you would get along well.” Liam says. “Sloane is fierce and her personality is matches yours.”
“What do you mean by that?” I glare at him.
“You’ll see. She joins us next year.” His voice is thick with concern.
“Don’t worry, Liam. We will be there for her. I promise.” I smile at him.
I will do anything to make him survive the year. That’s the least I can do for him.
“And what about you?” Liam asks. “Are you going to write someone once we get priviliges?”
“Yeah. Probably for Mira.” I say. “She used to write letters for Violet and me. And I think it’s a bullshit rule that we are not allowed to write letters in the first year.”
“You don’t think it encourages loyalty to the wing?” He asks.
“I think I’m just as loyal to her whether I’ve had a letter from her or not,” I counter. “There are bonds that can’t be broken.”
“I’d be loyal to her, too,” Rio says, turning around and grinning as he walks backward. “She’s one hell of a rider, and that ass. I saw her right before Parapet and damn, Aelin. She’s hot.”
We pass by another set of reds, then a single brown and a pair of greens.
“Turn around.” I make the spinning motion with my finger. “Mira would eat you for breakfast, Rio.”
“I’m just wondering how one of them got all the good traits and the other looks like she got the leftovers.” He refers to Violet.
“You’re an asshole.” I flip him the middle finger.
“Just saying, maybe I’ll write a letter of my own once we get privileges.” He turns and continues walking.
We pass more dragons, and my breathing starts to settle. The smell of sulfur disappears, or maybe I’ve just grown accustomed to it. They’re close enough to torch us, but I can’t hear them breathing or feel it, either.
We pass the halfway mark and continue.
Is the way the dragons stare at us scary as hell? Absolutely, but they want to be here the same as we do, so at least I hope they’ll be judicious with their firepower.
“When did you come up with your plan about the rope? Or the dagger?” Liam asks. “I know it bothered you a lot, that Violet couldn’t make it to the top. You could have told me. You can trust me, you know.”
“I trust you with my life, Liam! And we didn’t think of it until yesterday,” I answer, taking the time to look over my shoulder so I can see him. “And if it didn’t work, I didn’t want you to be an accomplice. You have a real future here, and I refuse to bring you down with us.
“I don’t need you to protect me.”
“I know. But it’s just what friends do, Liam.” I shrug as we walk by a trio of browns, the soft crunch of our boots on the dark gravel path the only sound for a few minutes. “You protect me, I protect you. It’s simple.”
“You keeping any other secrets up there?” He asks.
“I think it’s impossible to know everything there is to know about someone. But you know me the best.”
He snorts a laugh. “If that wasn’t skirting the question.”
“At least I was honest.” I laugh too.
“You guys done bonding back there?” Rio sneers. “Because we’re almost to the end of the line, if you haven’t noticed.” He pauses in the middle of the path, his gaze swinging right. “And I still can’t figure out which one I’m going to choose.”
“With arrogance like that, I’m sure any dragon would feel lucky to share your mind for the rest of your life.” I pity whatever dragon—if any—chooses him.
The rest of the squad is gathered ahead of us, facing our direction at the end of the path, but all their attention is focused to the right.
We pass the last brown dragon, and I inhale sharply.
“What the hell?” Rio stares.
“Keep walking,” I order, but my gaze is transfixed.
Standing at the end of the line is a small golden dragon.
Sunlight reflects off its scales and horns as it stands to its full height, flicking a feathered tail around the side of its body. The feathertail.
My jaw drops as I take in the sharp teeth and quick, darting movements of its head as it studies us. At its full height, it’s probably only a few feet taller than I am, like a perfect miniature of the brown next to it.
I walk straight into Rio’s back and startle. We’ve reached the end of the path, where the rest of the squad has been waiting.
“Get off me, Melgren,” Rio hisses and shoves me back. “Who the hell would bond that thing?”
My chest tightens. “They can hear you,” I remind him. “And who the hell would bond you?”
“It’s fucking yellow.” Vila points right at the dragon, disgust curling her lip. “So not only is it obviously too small to carry a rider in battle, but it’s not even powerful enough to be a real color.”
“Maybe it’s a mistake,” Ethan says quietly. “Maybe it’s a baby orange.”
“It’s full grown,” Liam argues. “There’s no way the other dragons allow a baby to bond. No human alive has ever seen a baby.”
“It’s a mistake all right.” Rio looks at the golden one and scoffs. “It’s freakishly weak.”
“It looks powerful enough to burn you to death,” I counter.
“Maybe you should be the one to burn to death, Melgren.” He sneers. “You’re useless. You’re only trying to protect Sorrengail because she’s weak, and because of this you’re weak too. The likes of you should be eliminated.”
Before I can say anything Liam lunges between us, grabbing Rio’s collar. “Don’t ever say that about a squadmate, especially not in front of unbonded dragons.”
“Let him go—he’s just saying what we’re all thinking,” Vila mutters.
I turn slowly to stare at her. Is this what happens to us the second we’re out of hearing range of any superior cadet? We turn on one another.
Ethan puts his hand on Liam’s arm. “Don’t make a mistake in front of them. We don’t know what they’ll do,” he whispers. And now we’re grouped up.
I shuffle backward a little as Liam drops Rio’s collar.
“Someone should kill it before it bonds,” Rio sputters, and for the first time in my life, I actually want to kick someone while they’re down…and keep kicking until they stay down. Or I should simply kill him. It would be easier.
„It’s just going to get its rider killed, and it’s not like we get a choice if it wants to bond us.”
“You’re just picking up on that now, are you?” Liam shakes his head.
“We should go back, they’re staring at us” Vila says, her gaze darting around the group.
We take off one by one, leaving the suggested space between us. Rio is the first, Liam goes before me this time and Ethan follows behind, with Vila bringing up the rear.
„They’re pretty incredible, aren’t they?” Ethan says, and the wonder in his voice makes me smile.
“They are,” I agree. “I’m so excited to see which dragons will choose us.”
“They’re honestly a little underwhelming after seeing that blue at Parapet.” Vila’s voice carries all the way to Liam, who turns around with a glare.
“Like this isn’t stressful enough without you insulting them?” He asks.
I need to defuse this quickly. “Yes, Sgaeyl is amazing but, don’t think these dragons sizes mean they’re weak. And it could be worse. We could be walking past a line of wyvern, right?”
“Oh please, Aelin, spare us. You’re ridiculous.” Vila says sarcastically. “Let me guess. Wyvern are some elite squad of gryphon riders created because of something we did at a battle.
“You don’t know what a wyvern is?” Liam asks, then begins walking again. “Didn’t your parents tell you bedtime stories, Vila?”
“Do enlighten me,” Vila drawls.
I roll my eyes, continuing along the path. “They’re folklore,” I say over my shoulder. “Kind of like dragons but bigger, with two feet instead of four, a mane of razor-sharp feathers streaking down their necks, and a taste for humans. Unlike dragons, who think we’re a little gamey.”
I notice each dragon as we pass, but my heartbeat steadies. “Violet’s father used to read to us those fables every night,” I tell her. “And Violet seriously asked him one time if her mother was going to turn into a venin because she could channel.” I laugh at the memory.
Liam chuckles as we walk by a set of glaring reds. “Did he tell you people supposedly only turn into venin if they channel directly from the source?”
“He did, but it was after her mother had a really long night, and her eyes were bloodshot red, so she freaked out and started shrieking.” I laugh harder. “She took her book of fables away for a month because the guards all came running, and Violet was hiding behind her brother, who couldn’t stop laughing, and, well…it was a mess.” I keep my eyes front and center as a large orange sniffs the air when I pass.
Liam’s shoulders shake with laughter. “I wish I could have seen it.”
“That sounds like some border-village nonsense.” Vila scoffs. “Venin? Wyvern? Anyone with a modicum of education knows that our wards stop all magic that isn’t channeled directly from dragons.”
“They’re stories, Vila,” I say over my shoulder, and I can’t help but notice how much ground we’ve covered.
One of the dragons blows air on us. There’s a smell of sulfur. Maybe we should hurry before the dragon decides to scorch us.
„Oh my gods, the smell,” Vila complains.
“What did you expect? They’re dragons.” I roll my eyes, turning around to level a glare at her, but Liam’s face makes me pause.
His eyes are as wide as saucers, and his mouth hangs open. “Aelin.”
It’s a whisper, and I wonder briefly if I heard him as much as I saw the word forming on his lips.
A warm huff of steam blows against the back of my neck. My heart thunders, the beat increasing erratically as I take what might be my last breath and turn toward the line of dragons.
The golden eyes of not one but two greens meet mine, consuming my field of vision.
Oh. Fuck.
To approach a green dragon, lower your eyes in supplication and wait for their approval. That’s what I read, right?
I drop my gaze as one chuffs another breath at me. It’s hot and appallingly wet, but I’m not dead yet, so that’s a plus.
The one on the right chortles deep in its throat. Wait, is that the sound of approval I’m looking for? Shit, I wish I’d asked Mira.
I lift my head and suck in a sharp breath. They’re even closer. The one on the left nudges my hands with its giant nose, but I somehow stand my ground, rocking back on my heels to keep from falling over.
Greens are the most reasonable.
The one on the right sets its nose right at my breasts and chuffs again.
What. The. Hell.
It inhales, making that noise in its throat, and the other shoves its nose into my ribs, making me raise my arms just in case they feel like taking a little nibble.
“Aelin!” Liam whisper-shouts.
“I’m all right!” I call back, then wince, hoping I didn’t just seal my fate by screaming in their ears.
Another chuff. Another chortle, like they’re talking to each other as they sniff me.
The one under my arm moves its nostrils to my back and sniffs again.
Realization hits and I choke out a tight, surreal laugh. “You smell Teine, don’t you?” I ask quietly.
They both draw back, just far enough for me to look them in their golden eyes, but they keep their jaws shut, giving me the courage to keep talking.
“I got if from Mira.” Slowly lowering my arms, I run my hands over my snot-covered vest and the armor carefully sewn into it. “She collected Teine’s scales after he shed them last year and had them shrunk down so she could sew them into the vest to help keep me safe. You will meet her sister too. Violet is here and she has the same vest as me.”
The one on the right blinks.
The one on the left sticks its nose in again, sniffing loudly.
“The scales have saved me a few times,” I whisper. “But no one else knows they’re in there. Just Violet, Mira and Teine.”
They both blink at me, and I lower my gaze, bowing my head because it feels like the thing to do. Professor Kaori taught us every way to approach a dragon and exactly zero ways to disengage one.
Step by step, they retreat until I see them take up their places in line in my peripherals, and I finally raise my head.
“Thank you for not eating me.” I smile at them.
“Aelin!” Liam groans.
Taking several deep breaths, I try to lock my muscles to keep me from shaking.
 „Aelin.” Liam is only a few feet away, a look of terror in her eyes. He must have been right behind their heads.
“I’m fine.” I smile and nod. “I have dragon-scale armor under the vest,” I whisper. “They smell Mira’s dragon. Please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t,” he whispers. “You’re all right?”
“Other than having a few years of my life shaved off.” I laugh.
“Let’s get out of here.” He nods, his gaze darting toward the line of dragons.
“Good idea.”
He turns and walks back to his place, and once there’s fifteen feet between us, I follow.
“I think I just shat myself,” Ethan says, and my laughter only pitches higher as we move through the field.
“Honestly, I thought they were going to eat you,” Vila remarks.
“Me too,” I admit.
“I wouldn’t have blamed them,” she continues.
“You’re insufferable,” Ethan calls back.
I focus on the path and keep walking.
“What? She’s obviously not fit to be a rider. We need to be strong and mercless. We need to choose a dragon-“
A blast of heat singes my back and I halt.
Don’t be Ethan. Don’t be—
“Guess the dragons think she’s insufferable, too,” Ethan mutters. Our squad is down to four first-years.
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Morning love
Theo reason x reader smut + a lot of fluff cause I'm a softie also it has some Stydia reference because we Ship them them😤
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that's so freaking cute!!! Unable to cant😭
Yn woke up with the feeling of someone gently caressing her face. She hummed softly at the feeling, how long had it been since anyone touched her like that?
She cracked her eyes open and was met by Theo, green eyes staring softly at her, mouth parted into a soft smile.
"Morning sleepy head" he murmured to her, his voice still groggy from sleep.
Yn smiled gave him a tired grin and snuggled close to his chest.
She felt theos run his hands softly through her hair "we promised Liam that we'd meet with him at the preserve remember?"
"I don't want to go...I just want to stay here with you forever and ever" the girl replied stubbornly her voice slightly muffled as she pressed closer to his body.
"Me too baby..."
Yn looked up at him and gave him a tired smile " then let's stay here, damn Liam"
"Oh really? Then Liam will come here and take the katana back and send me straight back ro hell" he replied giving her a teasing smile.
"He wouldn't be cause if he did I'd personally de ball him"
"You are so Stiles sister" he chuckled and bent his head slightly down and pressed his lips against yn's.
The sunlight came through the window illuminating the room in which the teenagers were. Still tangled in the bed sheets, pronouncing their love for each other.
Yn didn't know how but the kiss suddenly took a smutty turn. Her skin felt as if it caught fire, and she longed to feel Theos skin against hers. The arm that Theo had around her waist moved so that she laid on her back with Theo above her propping himself up in an elbow kissing her. Yn found that she didn't feel slightly uncomfortable with the way that Theo kissed her, softly, lovingly and somehow demanding. Somehow it didn't feel as if he was asking something from her that she didn't feel comfortable to give.
Yn hands wondered to his hair. Messing it more that what it already was, she pulled him closer, letting him kiss her more deeply. Her skiing clawed and she felt a somehow familiar wetness between her legs, she knew what she wanted now. She wanted him, more like needed.
Softly she jerked her hips up clashing with Theos side. Theo quickly pulled back and stared down at her with slightly wide eyes. His lips red from kissing and hair a complete mess.
Yn started back at him biting the edge of her lower lip nervously. Maybe she had done something wrong. But that doubt suddenly faded when Theo reached down again and kissed her.
"Are you sure about this" he asked her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah...I just. I've never done it before...I mean I know all about it, just that you're the first guys I've ever even kissed..." she said nervously. She assent nervous because of him. She was nervous because she didn't want to do anything wrong.
"We don't even have a condom" he told her softly, Theo wanted her, but he couldn't bring himself to do something that she wasn't comfortable with.
"Uh.. I think Stiles has in the bathroom of the hallway"
"Ill get it"
As Theo exited the room she thanked her lucky stars once gain that Her father wasn't home. Hed totally freak out if he was the chimera in boxers wondering in the halls.
Yn giggled at the though. Her dad would surely skin her alive.
Theo returned "he had, why does he even have any? I though he and Malia had broken up" he said climbing into bed.
"Oh forgot to tell you... with my help stydia happened" she was so proud of herself, her brother was finally happy... except currently he was in a ghost riders dimension. But never mind.
"Finally?! I though they we're never going to admit their feeling for each other?"
"I know... but I helped plenty..."
"Huh.. really? It took you so long to admit you had feelings for me?" Theo gave her a playful smile as he laid again next to her.
"That's because I was young and stupid and they already had working chemistry. I only had to add a few touches." Yn said smiling turning to her side to face him." And also because I'm pretty awesome" she added with a wink.
"That you are" Theo. Breathed out as he wrapped an arm around Yn gain and flipped her to laying on her back him hovering above her, propping himself in an elbow. Green eyes looking softly down at her, as if caressing her with a look." Are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this?" He asked her again.
Yn nodded with a small smile.
Theo reached down again and and kissed her forehead softly and then claimed her lips once again. Their lips moved in complete sink. Though more heated up. He softly bit onto her lower lip. Prying her lips open. She granted him access and his tongue explored her mouth, tongues meeting and teeth clashing. Theo ran his hand softly against her side, from her stomach to her tight, fingers lingering over her clothed skin.
Yn ran her hands through his hair, relishing on the feelings he made her feel. She was pretty sure that by now her underwear was soaking wet, and her body was covered in goosebumps.
Theo gave a low moan into her mouth as she pulled on his hair. They parted the kiss and stared at each other.
"No way you get turned on when I pull your hair"yn giggled, Theo rolled his eyes and rested his for head against hers.
"Yn I could smell your arousal form a mile away. No way you get turned on when I kiss you" he retorted back, and before yn could get over the shock that he actually said that, he kissed her again. Yn kissed back after a moment purposely pulling in his hair, she could feel Theo trying to keep his moans at bay.
"Why did you stop?" She asked teasingly pulling back.
"I think I'll live the moaning to you sweet heart" he whispered and tried to kiss her again, but Yn stopped him.
"Dont. I like to hear you" She pulled him down and kissed him again. She didn't know where she had that confidence from but she liked it. She wasn't exactly shy in their relationship, but she left all the smuttiness to Theo because she had plenty.
Theo then started kissing her jaw and then down to her neck. Bitting softly just below her jawline. Yn took a strangled breath as he continued kissing down her neck. Moving her.. well actually his, shirt to the side. Exposing her shoulder. Yns eyes closed shut as Theo found her sweet spot. She felt him smile into her skin as she have a low moan when he started sucking.
"Theo don't live hickeys to big or my dad will skin us BOTH alive" she told him.
She felt him remove his mouth from her neck " uh... you can wear a turtle neck?" He asked sheepishly.
"Theo if my dad sees that..."
" it's only one" he complained.
"Just don't put any marks on my neck, you can live marks anywhere else"
Theo's eyes lit up and Yn wondered if she shouldn't have told him that, but he returned once again to pampering her neck with kisses. Here and there he bit softly. Just to hear her let out a breathy moan, one that only he alone would ever hear.
His hand wondered below her shirt and softly caressed her skin. Making Yn shiver slightly, pulling Theos hair. He lowly moaned into her skin. Sending vibrations through her making her smile. She was enjoying this so very much.
Theo then pulled away from her neck and lifted the hem of the shirt slightly "off...?"
Yn lifted her torso slightly and let him pull the shirt off, leaving her chest and stomach exposed. She blushed slightly because she knew that she had a slightly flat chest which she had tried to ignore all through her teenage years.(this is because you see... I have a flat chest and need to feel like I belong:()
She bit her lower lip as Theo looked at her body. Smelling her embarrassment he looked at her face. "You know you're beautiful right?" He whispered softly.
Yn looked in his eyes and knew he was telling the truth. She nodded slightly still a bit unsure. Theo kissed her lips once again." Yn you're are the most beautiful girl in the world, don't think otherwise" she smiled up at him.
"Thanks" she whispered
"I'm only telling you something you should already be aware of"
"That's why I'm Thanking you, you know I love you right" she said softly.
"I love you too Yn" he whispered back. As if only for her to hear, as if only she should ever hear Those words.
Theo kissed her once again softly, and started to kiss again for her neck.
"Wait..." she stopped him" off..?"
Theo chuckled and pulled his shirt off. Exposing his toned chest and abs. Yn ran a hand down his chest. Never tired of seeing his shirtless.
"See something you like?" Theo asked with a cocky grin
"Spare me the cocky act Reaken"
"Whatever you say Stilinski" and went once again to kissing her neck. He went down to her exposed chest and down the valley between her breasts making shure to live a hickey. One if his hands slid up from her taight to below her breast but to shy to do what he wanted to do. Yn noticed it.
"Theo..." he hummed from where he was kissing in her stomach." You can touch me" she told him quietly. She was comfortable with him. And she knew for shure that's what he wanted.
He looked up to her face and Yn swore she saw him blush slightly but never said anything because she wanted to keep his dignity as a man.
Theo bit in her skin again slightly, earning a breathy moan from Yn who had closed her eyes shut as he worked his wonders on her.the hand that had been resting below her breast he slowly ran up. Thumb circling her nipple. Yn sucked in shakky breath eyes still closed tightly, hands in Theos hair. Theo then reached up and sucked gently on her nipple still massaging her breath with his thumb. Sucking slightly and biting softly. After a while he went and gave the same attention to her other one.
Yn's phone on the night table beside her bed. Dinged with a notification. Yn never put he phone in vibrator since sometimes her pack needed her and had a specific ringtone to all of her friends.
"That's pup" yn told Theo.
"It's only 9 in the morning he shouldn't be bothering" Yn rolled her eyes with a smile at her boyfriend.
She was going to say something when Theo pulled her pajama pants down a bit. Lokking at her for reassurance. Liam forgotten, Yn nodded,.lifting her hips, letting Theo pulls her pants down, living her with only her underwear which was very wet because of her arousal. Once gain she thanked her lucky stars that she had waxed and shaved a week ago because Malia had wanted to go to a pool party. It ended up raining and they didn't go, not that Yn complained. Though Yn knew Theo wouldn't mind if she hadn't shaved at all. But luckily she was spared the embarrassment.
Theo again went up and missed her lips. "You weren't kidding when you said you were wet" he joked.
"I never said that. You did" yn answered, a little abashed.
"Well, I was right"he kissed her again then pulled back looking serious "yn, this is your first time and I will try and be extremely gentle. But if I get out of control ,I need you to lock yourself in the bathroom and not come out till I'm calm" he looks gravely into her eyes "You know I'll never hurt you but I'm still a werewolf with a bit of coyote" he said his eyes softer.
Yn have him a smile " I know you'd never. But I'll keep it in mind."
Taking the condom that he had put beside them in the bed, he pulled his boxers down, reveling his hard length. Yn had seen him naked a few times before. When he turned into a coyote or wolf and sneak into her room through the back door. Thats probably how she got hold of some of his clothes. She stared at him as he opened the plastic wrap and pulled the condom on and it struck her that she was extremely lucky to have a boyfriend that cared so much.
"Ok... are you still sure about this?" He asked once again
"Theo, yes... I'm sure"
Theo nodded and slowly pulled her underwear off, discarding it somewhere around the edge of the bed along with the rest of their clothes.
He pulled her legs apart and set himself between them. He looked at yn in the eye and rested their fore heads together."not going to lie... this might hurt. So try to breath in" he whispered, and kissed the tip of her nose.
Then slowly he pushed half his size inside of her. It didn't hurt so bad at first. Problaly because she had, and was, dripping wet.
"Do you want me to go all the way or.."
"Yeah go all the way" she breathed out.
He pushed inside if her gently. And Yn scrunched her face up in pain. Theo kissed the tip of her nose once again. He stayed still all the while letting yn adjust to his size inside of her. She shifted a bit under him and it hurt pretty much. Then suddenly all her pain vanished and she furrowed her eyebrows as she felt pleasure instead of the pain that had been tormenting her.
"Theo did you...?" She looked at him wide eyed " you took away my pain?" She whispered.
"I don't like seeing you in pain" he whispered " are you good now?" He asked her.
"Yeah, yeah.. you can move now"
Slowly Theo pulled out a bit and inside again. The wave of plesure Yn felt was amazing, she let oh a breathy sight, legs automatically wrapping around Theos torso pulling him closer. Her fingernails involuntarily scratched Theo's back.
"It ok, ill heal" Theo whispered between slight pants.
Yn nodded not trusting herself to talk.
The sunlight snaked it's way to the bed where the couple expressed each other a love that cannot be said or written. Along all the pleasure she was felling. She wondered how people ever had sex with anyone they didn't love, with anyone they sometime didn't even know. This was the most special way, anyone could express their love.
"Oh fuck" Theo murmured as he felt Yns falls tightened against him. She was close, and honestly if she kept tightening around him like that he'd be too. Actually he though he would come right then.
"Theo..." Yn asked unsur saying his name with a light wine in the end " I think I might be close" she said between low breathy moans which made Theo turn on even more.
" whenever you're ready baby ok?" Theo reassured her softly moaning when she involuntarily scratched his back, fingers curling around the bedsheets by the side of her head.
Yn felt a lightly familiar knot on the bottom of her stomach, she had felt it before when she had touched herself, but this one was much more prominent. Theo's head fell into the crook of her neck, his movements a little rougher than before. He lightly kissed her neck and let out a low moan when Yns hips jerked up meetings his stroke. Yn's walls tightened once again.
"Theo" she moaned, Theo felt as if be was in could 9 as he heard his name being said like that by her" Theo I'm gonna..."
"Ok, come for me sweet heart" he whispered into her neck.
His words had her come undone, she came wetting the sheets below then and him a bit. As she came with a moan that sounded in all the room, she jerked her hips up, sending Theo over the edge and cuming inside the condom with a moan and a grunt. Tightenig the grip he had around her waist.
The layd there panting the sun hitting Theo softly on his back which was healing from the few scatches that yn gave him.
Theo have yn a wet kiss on the neck" that was great" she murmured, receiving a humm of agreement from her boy." We have to do that again some other time"
"You never been righter" Theo said lifting his head from her neck and kissing her lips.
"Now I don't want to go to the preserve at all" yn said with a pout.
"How about I take you on a date after?" Theo suggested kissing her cheek.
"Its a deal"
Hi my beautiful readers!!! This is my first smut, and its funny how all the smut readers and writers are all virgins, including me 😂 I'm at leat a 99.0% percent sure of it. Anyway check my account for more stories and have a nice night/day. Love you guys!!
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miyaniacs · 9 months
Corrupted by Darkness
- Introduction -
Facts ; Wattpad
ACOTAR x Fourth Wing x OC
You know how there’s Good and Bad in the world? Heaven and Hell? Angels and Demons?
For every good person, or fae, there’s an evil one out there. Somewhere.
Well it’s the same for dragons.
And I’m not sure if I found the good one or the bad one.
Hello Family,
I’m sure you all are thrilled to … read from me.
Until I found out you were spying on me the whole time?
Come one! Cassian? Do you have no trust in the way you trained me?
Or you Azzie? You made me a fucking shadow yet you’ve sent your shadows to spy on me?
I know I know, Im still a child in your eyes… but I’m as old as the others around me - besides I’ve survived with you as my “family”, you really think this will kill me?
Anyway, I finally have the privilege to annoy you all with endless letters, the first year is over and I’m still alive baby.
So let me tell you about my year…
On my very first day I made a friend, Rhiannon. We ended up being in the same squad too - Fourth Wing, Flame Section, Second Squad. Two new friends we made in our squad are Ridoc and Liam. I know you told me to stick to the other fae around here… But she’s a bitch and I’m this close to kill her every second she opens her mouth. And I really don’t know why our wing leader is fucking with her- like literally. Humans need to meet more fae, otherwise he’d realize that she’s not special. I really hope more fae will come to the riders and help mixing humans and fae in the future… Geographically our worlds are connected but somehow we are not. Back to this bitch tho. Her Name is Eve and she’s the daughter of some lord from Autumn, who’s dad is or was friends with Beron - this should be enough for you to know that she’s a bitch. So anyway now my friends and our section leader Garrick are now judging Xaden for fucking with her. Which made Xaden, our wing leader, hate me… Don’t ask me why just me and not the others too, but just me.
Maybe it was because I once said to Eve that I know she’s just messing with him because she can’t have the real Shadow boy ( yes I’m talking about you Az) - and he was right behind me. She looked offended tho, so add her to the endless list of girls that want to fuck Azriel, yet he still choses the life of abstinence.
Okay uhmmm all the fighting stuff is actually way too easy for me which is why I’m mainly training with Liam or Garrick and not the other first (now second) years.
The food is awful and doesn’t get better the longer you eat it (pls Rhys I’m begging you, pull some strings and get me a care package).
Well other than that… I know you what you want me to talk about… The dragon who chose me.
What can I say - I or We were the talk of the month when he appeared during Threshing and chose me. Everything around me became black. I couldn’t see anything and then… two glowing red eyes appeared in front of me and he spoke. He spoke in my head.
‘I’ve been waiting for you.’
Then the darkness … vanished and there he was. An enormous black dragon. His scales are razor sharp spikes, his horns ( he has for of them) are so long, I could hold them while riding him. His teeth come close to the size of you Cassian. His tail ends in something that fades into a shadow… just like his wings. They have holes in them and the ends fade into shadows…
He wasn’t a normal black dragon I was sure of that.
Thanks to being a fae I got on top of his back and somehow managed to stay there during the flight.
I’m sure you heard all about the drama that went down afterwards.
He shouldn’t be here.
He’s supposed to stay a legend.
Is he even real?
How can he possible bond to someone?
He doesn’t just look like the Dragon Amren told us about. The one she saw when she first landed on this continent.
He IS that dragon.
And he’s a sarcastic bitch that doesn’t know when to stay out of my head or my business- you two would get along so well.
But he’s pretty cool.
And he’s not screaming in my head rn to write this.
Well… and now to the other matter.
My…signet …
So there’s the one… everyone knows of… Shadow Wielding. That’s kinda obvious with how Noctis looks (and forces me to spend more time with Xaden, since we both have the same signet and he’s told to teach me).
But it’s just one of them… Rhys… I feel it. I feel the blood of the people around me. One time Rhi was bleeding and it just wouldn’t stop and I didn’t know what to do… I just wished it would stop. And then I felt it. I felt her blood running out of the cut on her arm and… I made it stop?
I know it sounds crazy but.. then there was this other time … I was just minding my own business during lunch and Eve had to sit down right in my eyesight and make out with Xaden… I got so annoyed… and just wanted it so end. I thought about blood running down her neck… and then… it started to run. Run out of her nose, down her mouth and…down her neck. She needed to go to the healer’s because it just wouldn’t stop.
Rhys.. what is wrong with me?
Noctis just tells me that he knew why he waited for me.
I know I should go to my teachers.. and learn how to control it.. but something tells me that I shouldn’t.
Oh and Rhys… His power… feels like yours.
Talk to you all later…
With a sigh I put away my pen.
Shadows crawl around me and caress my face.
I smile and look at the male behind me.
“Did I wake you up?” I ask him.
“No… But I’m kind of offended our activities knocked me out more than they did to you.” He laughs and gets out of my bed. His lips touch my shoulder blade, right where Noctis marked me. His fingers trace the thin lines on my body, that run from the dragon on my back all over my body.
“They’re beautiful.” He mumbles.
Pfff obviously. Noctis sighs and I feel him rolling his eyes.
“Come back to bed now.” He says and walks backwards, dragging me with him.
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mythicalmaven · 4 days
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♥ I made a promplist in case people wanted to request something, but aren't sure what to :) ♥ Just let me know the numbers you've chosen, which driver(s) you want it to be about & if you want fluff or smut (or both) & I'll try to write it asap💕 (im open to write a lot of types of pairing, like f.e. f!reader, m!reader, driver x driver or maybe even a threesome or foursome, whatever you like)
♥which drivers can you request? lando norris, oscar piastri, daniel ricciardo, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, alex albon, george russell, pierre gasly, oliver bearman, franco colapinto, max verstappen, liam lawson, kimi antonelli, jack doohan
⬇️ Down here you can find a list with either fluff, smut, angsty prompts out of which you can choose (feel free to combine)
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PROMPTLIST (smut&fluff)
"use my thigh"
"if you wanted to see me naked this bad, all you had to do was ask"
"like what you see?"
"don't be shy, touch me"
"keep your eyes on me, love"
"Can you be good for me?" 
"It's so hot when you talk like that." 
"if you keep looking at me like that, we won't make it to the bedroom"
"but what about the cameras?" - "they can't see us from this angle, if you stay still"
"you look su fucking hot right now"
"you have no idea what you do to me"
"do you wish it was *name* touching you right now?"
"you’re fucking soaked"
"Care to join me?"
"Do you like it when I talk like that?" 
“touch yourself, i want to watch"
"you can practice on me"
"fucking hell, if I knew you were this good, I would have gotten you on your knees earlier"
"Do you have any idea how many times I thought about you.. with my hand down my pants.."
"let them know you're mine"
"you want me, don't you?"
"don't make me say it"
"I..uh.." - "I have never done this before"
"We can take things slow if you want?"
"We don't have to have a label, if you don't want to"
"i didn't realize I was in love with you until it was too late to stop"
"okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?" 
"we shouldn't do this"
"Leave me alone." - "Don't say things you don't mean" 
"i don’t want anyone else."
"what does this make us?"
"Do you really think it’s so crazy to feel that way about me?"
"nobody can know about this, okay?"
"I think about you all the time."
"Are you blushing?! That’s adorable."
"you're so cute"
"So.. this is the part where we kiss, right?"
"I never thought you'd feel the same?"
"Did you just kiss me to shut me up?"
"I don’t want him/her. I want you."
"is that my shirt/hoodie/jacket?"
"My eyes are up here, babygirl:
"Jealous? Me? Pff.. absolutely not" - "Okay.. fine.. I am jealous. Happy now?"
"I'm not jealous, it's just that you belong to me"
"God, I am so in love with you"
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that"
"But.. I thought you said you didn't feel the same"
"For my sanity, i think we should start dating"
"Do you even need to ask?"
"I don't think I can explain it either, but yeah. Yeah, I do."
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