#and of course Girl Crush comma Mostly The Cover These Days
elainemorisi · 7 years
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kirislut · 4 years
Hihi!!! Could i request a headcanon for Kirishima, Denki, and Bakugo, when you fall asleep while studying together and how they react?? Thank youuu ❤❤
a/n: hi hi! ok i’m so so so sorry it took me so long to get to this 😭 i’ve been so uninspired to write but now i’m trying to force myself lol. and i’m glad i did i think it turned out good? anyways i hope you enjoy! 💖
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eijirou kirishima
kirishima may have placed second in ua’s entrance exam, but he still needs to study. a lot
your also pretty smart but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to study as well, so when kirishima asked if you wanted to study with him it was perfect for both of you
it was also perfect because the two of you have fat crushes on each other
the two of you were going to meet up in your room after class ended, since your room was easier to study in—
when class ended, you walked over to kirishima’s desk. once he packed up the two of you started walking to the dorms
“hey (y/n) can we study english today? since we have a quiz tomorrow.” kirishima glanced at you, to see if you’d agree
you nodded your head in response, “good idea, we probably should review the material from today. it’ll most likely be the majority of the quiz.”
the two of you continue to easily converse about how to study for today, you have always been able to easily talk with kirishima
it’s definitely one of the reasons why you fell for him
when you get to your dorm, the both of you sit at your chabudai desk. sitting across from each other because you’re not sure if you’re ready to sit so close to kirishima. he’s not sure either
as you start getting your notes out from your earlier lesson, kirishima is currently worrying about being in your room. it’s his first time being in your room, with only you.
you snap him back to reality, “kirishima? are you going to get your notes out?”
the red head tenses slightly since you caught him spacing out, “right sorry (y/n)!” he laughs nervously and fishes his notes out from his backpack
the two of you then spend the next few hours studying your english from material from that day and the rest of the week
“kirishima, you forgot the comma here.”
“(y/n) which sentence structure do i use here?”
“wait how do you spell ketchup again..”
“why is english so complicated?!”
after almost four hours of studying, mostly english but the two of you completed the homework due tomorrow as well, you were starting to get tired. it was already dark outside as well
you let out a big yawn, causing kirishima to pause what he was doing and look up at you. “getting tired? maybe we should call it for today.”
you immediately shake your head at the male, “no i’m fine let’s just finish since we’re almost done.” even if you were tired you didn’t want this to end, you were actually having fun studying with kirishima. he definitely made it more enjoyable
kirishima definitely didn’t think you were just fine, but he let it slide. he was planning on letting you sleep if you let out another big yawn like that though
you continued to work on a worksheet but you were having trouble remembering something. so you got up and plopped down next to kirishima, “can you help me with this? sorry it’s just easier to sit next to you instead of sliding the paper back and forth.”
kirishima was a little surprised that you were now sitting so close to him, your shoulders touching with his now. but he swatted that thought away and focused on helping you with the worksheet. a small blush still spread along his cheeks however
he started to explain it more thoroughly, not realizing that you had started to lean against him. it was only after he finished explaining that he fully noticed that you had fell asleep while leaning against him.
you were already pretty tired, so when kirishima started to smoothly talk, plus his comfortable warmth. yea it just soothed you into an easy sleep, leaving a very surprised, flustered red head
the red head blushed deeply when he saw that you were now slumped against him and sleeping. he couldn’t help the lopsided smile that easily spread on his face as he watched your sleeping form
but now kirishima was contemplating whether he should move you to your bed or not. he was so afraid of waking you up, the sweet boy didn’t want to disturb you. you looked too cute sleeping anyways
but while he was deciding there was a sudden knock on the door, which then opened quickly after
“hey (y/n)! the girls were wondering if you wanted to join...kirishima!! what are you doing here?” mina was standing in the open door frame, along with tsuyu and hagakure
kirishima immediately brought his finger to his lips to shush the loud pink girl, when mina shouted in surprise you started to stir slightly
“please don’t wake up (y/n), they just fell asleep.” the red head was quietly trying to make sure the girls weren’t too loud again. but they were struggling from holding back their squeals of excitement since of course they knew about your crush
“ok we will leave then, but not after taking a dozen pictures first!” mina quietly shouted, then whipped out her phone and started to snap pictures of your sleeping form leaning against kirishima.
the next day you practically died from over heating after seeing all the pictures mina took, but at least you and kirishima got high grades on the quiz
the two of you would definitely be studying again together
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denki kaminari
it’s no secret that kaminari needs to study more, i’m pretty sure everyone knows that much
he’s actually ranked last in class 1-a’s grades, this idiot
so when kaminari practically begs you to help him study, since bakugou doesn’t want to teach him anymore, you can’t refuse him
besides it helps you learn as well, plus of course you don’t mind spending more time with your crush
during lunch the blonde practically drags you to the library to help him review for a test they have right after lunch.
you can’t even stop him from dragging you because you’re blushing from him just holding your hand
honestly kaminari would be a little short circuited as well but he’s too worried about failing this test
kaminari finds a table for the both of you near the back of the library and immediately starts to bombarde you with questions
“how do you memorize all of this laws?”
“do heroes pay for building damages or is it covered by the government?”
“and also—“
he goes on for a minute or so before finally taking a breath and letting you process, you can’t even hold yourself back from laughing because half of the stuff he said wasn’t even related to what you had learned in class
“kaminari, do you even pay attention? here let me explain what we learned this week.” you grabbed your notebook and moved to sit beside the electric boy
as you read through your notebook, reviewing the weeks material, kaminari just stared at you as you talked
seeing you beside him definitely hit different, it just meant he could admire you up close. also he never knew hearing you talk so confidently about this subject would be hot
congrats kaminari thinks you’re smarts are hot too
when you finished explaining, turning to face the blonde, you definitely weren’t expecting him to be so blantantly staring at you
a pink tint spread on your cheeks as you looked back at him in confusion, “kaminari? were you listening to anything i said?”
“huh?” it took the blonde a moment to register your words, but he then smiled sheepishly. “what of course i did, your good looks just distracted me slightly that’s all.”
your mouth dropped open slightly, eyes blinking slowly as you sat in shock. yea you knew kaminari could be a flirt, but it didn’t mean that you were immune to it
as your cheeks grew red, you cleared your throat and focused back on helping the dunce face study. “right well if you can answer these questions then you should be fine for the next class.”
kaminari was silently grinning in victory, loving your adorable reaction to his flirting. he wanted to flirt with you more
you quickly wrote down a couple of questions, from some worksheets and other you made up, so that kaminari could answer them
you gave the paper to kaminari and he stared to answer them, leaving you with nothing to do. so you decided to rest your head on the table, using your own hand as a pillow for your face
the previous night you slept pretty late, for no particular reason you just couldn’t sleep. so it didn’t take much for you too easily fall asleep in the quiet library
that’s a BIG lie we both know you were probably up on your phone, maybe watching tiktok as well don’t think i don’t know
kaminari finished all the questions and was about to slide the paper to you when he saw you had fallen asleep
the blonde was surprised to see you had fallen asleep so easily, and now he was unsure what to do
the thought of the test quickly fleeted from his mind as he just watched you. your small rising and falling with each breath, your mouth slightly open, and your hair gently framing your face
the blonde gently reached over and brushed some stray hairs that dared to block your face. he couldn’t help but smile as he did so
goodness kaminari couldn’t help but think you were still so attractive as you slept! but now that he thought of it, of course you would be attractive with everything you do
he decided to let you rest, mostly because it was an excuse for him to watch you. he laid his arms on the table and laid on them as well, watching you as you took a little nap
after a few minutes of watching you, he knew that the bell would ring soon. so instead of letting the bell wake you, he decided that he would rather do it
a mischievous grin spread along his face, his charges his finger with enough electricity to definitely wake you up. but of course not enough to hurt you or anything like that
as he pressed his finger against your arm you immediately jolted awake with a little gasp following
“k-kaminari!” you shouted, forgetting you were in a library. everyone around you immediately shushed you to silence, making your cheeks turn red with embarrassment
you shot a glare at the blonde who was holding back his laughter, “i’m sorry (y/n), i couldn’t help myself. you fell asleep and the bells going to ring. can you look over my answers?”
you were still upset with the male, not angry or anything but you were still pouting about him shocking you. you looked over the paper as you grumbled about him shocking you awake
“well you passed, but this is the last time i’m helping you study.” the bell rung as you stood from the table, grabbing your things to walking to leave the library
the blonde panicked when you got up and did the same, “wait (y/n) i’m really sorry! i promise i won’t shock you, you’re the best and only tutor i have!”
hearing kaminari beg made you grin, of course you were going to get him back for earlier. you stopped in your tracks and looked back at him
“hm fine, but next time, you better be paying closer attention.” you squinted your eyes at him, trying your best to threaten him
he nodded quickly, “yes yes of course!” he was grateful you were going to study with him again, he wouldn’t want to study with anyone else anymore
“kaminari...you left your things in the library and class is going to start soon...”
“huh? oh crap!” you laughed as you watched the blonde scramble back to the library to grab his things. who knew studying could be so eventful?
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katsuki bakugou
ok we all know that bakugou is smart, like he look like the type to slack off. but when he says he wants to be the best, that includes grades
this guy is actually a nerd, like funny how you call deku a nerd when you’re a big one yourself bakagou
and the two of you compete, with training, with grades, with like almost anything you can compete with
so when the class came back from a long day of training, to get their quiz scores from the previous week, you were devastated to see that you barely got a passing grade
usually you got high grades but this new section of math, definitely had you struggling. you just couldn’t quite get it right
bakugou was definitely proud of his high score and turned to you, wanting to know your score. so that he could flaunt it in your face that he did better then you, since he usually did only slightly better
“hey dumbass, guess who got a higher score than you again.” he showed you his paper, a proud grin plastered on his face. you didn’t even pay attention to him, still distraught about your score
seeing that you didn’t even notice, the blonde just got more annoyed. “hey idiot don’t just ignore me.” he snatched the paper out from your hands, to see what you got, but once he saw your score he went silent for a moment
that’s rare
bakugou started to laugh, catching you off guard. why was he laughing? were your bad grades actually funny to him?
“i can’t believe it, you turned into an ACTUALL dumbass!” he calmed down from his laughter, only to tease you of course. this just annoyed you, causing you to pout at the spiky blonde
“yeah well maybe it’s your fault for calling me dumbass and idiot all the time.” you retorted, stealing your paper back and stuffing it in your bag.
bakugou just rolled his eyes at you, “yeah whatever shitty girl.” he packed up the rest of his things and headed out of the classroom.
you also grabbed your things and followed beside the male, it was just an unspoken aggreement that you two walk to the dorms together
actually at first he yelled at you for following him, but now he just doesn’t care and maybe just maybe enjoys your company
you know you need help on the current math section, and you know the next math test will have half of it’s problems about it
you also know that the person who can probably help you, is also the same person who laughed at your bad grade
so when you guys arrive at the dorms you know what you have to do. “bakugou,” you start, which made him glance over at you briefly, “please help me with math!”
bakugou stopped walking to look at you, you were seriously asking for his help? “as if idiot, why should i help my competition?”
“well didn’t you say it’s not worth winning if your opponent is not giving it their all?”
awe shit, you got him there
bakugou growled under his breath, angry that you were right. “fine fine! besides it’s annoying hearing you whine so much.” he grumbled under his breath as he walked too his dorm room.
you ended up going to your dorm to change out of your uniform, then went to bakugou’s so that you could study
you entered his room and saw that he had prepared everything already, a cushion was set out for you and his notes were all organized. man you really had fallen for a nerd
the next two hours went as following:
“it’s literally so easy you idiot.”
“can you even read?”
bakugou may have thought that last one was hot
but finally after yelling and dealing with bakugou LITERALLY trying to whack the math homework into your head, it finally clicked
“god it took you long enough dumbass, now hurry up it’s almost eight.” you shot a glare at bakugou but sighed, not wanting to argue you anymore
bakugou was also a little proud of you for working so hard, BUT YOU HEARD NOTHING FROM ME
you were getting tired yourself but you wanted to finish the last few practice problems to make sure you got it down
you rested your head against your offhand, continuing to work out the equations and such. your eyes were starting to feel pretty heavy and before you knew it you passed out
today you were more exhausted from usual because of a particular rough day of practice, and you were partenered with bakugou for sparring. he did not let you get off easy
bakugou heard the thud from when your head fell against the table, worried for a brief moment before he saw you were just sleeping
“they really fell asleep...oi wake up, you’re not sleeping in my room.” bakugou pokes you with his pen, continuously doing so until he got annoyed since you weren’t wake up
he grumbled under his breath about how you were such a pain in the ass and such, you know. the usual.
the spiky blonde sat there, wondering if he should leave you or not. but seeing as you weren’t waking uphe decided it would be better to move you
bakugou let out a soft, woah he can be soft, sigh as he easily picked up your sleeping body. he walked over to his door and peeked out first, making sure the coast was clear
no way was he going to get caught carrying you back to bed like a NICE person, oh no he’d rather jump off ua
as he walked over to your room he couldn’t help but watch you sleep. how could you be so peaceful after he kept trying to wake you up
also, how were you still able to making his ears turn all red, even though you’re just sleeping. maybe it’s because you’re so close to him, or the fact that he’s holding you
goodness this just fueled his anger for his crush on you, no way he’d let you win his heart so easily. but it was already too late for that
bakugou was distracted, so when todoroki asked him what he was doing he was caught off guard
and this idiot DROPPED YOU
with being dropped you finally woke up, your back and butt hurting from the impact but it was nothing lasting
bakugou whipped around and started to yell and shout and poor todoroki, about how he shouldn’t scare people and that he was a stalker and...
todoroki was in for an earful, poor boy
well actually poor you, because you were sat on the floor in utter confusion. weren’t you just studying? it took you a moment to connect the pieces
and it it took you seconds for your cheeks to flare up from realizing that bakugou was carrying you moments ago!
you didn’t get to ask bakugou about it because he was still yelling at todoroki, only for him to stomp away angrily when he was satisfied
todoroki was unfazed and went to help you up, asking if you were ok and such. you were fine and went to your room so that you could finally sleep
you were definitely planning on trying to study with bakugou more, and maybe even try to find a way for him to carry you again
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cryathon · 6 years
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please read author’s note at the end, thank you!
You love Peter Parker, and he was a not so subtle crush on you, the only problem is that he’s your best friend’s ex.
word count- 1.2k
// Masterlist // part one //part two // part three // part four  // series masterlist
Peter subconsciously pulled at the ends of his sleeves. Your father’s menacing glare piercing through him.
“Peter” your father simply said, not really to greet.
“Sir,”  Peter wiped his hands on his jeans. If there’s one thing that he learned over the years it was that your father is kinda old fashioned in the way that demanded respect. A firm handshake and mannerism, lord help the boy that broke her heart.
Peter was the boy who broke your heart this time. He should’ve known that you would’ve told your dad about what happened, probably not going into some much detail, but just enough for your father to know that your sadness was caused by Peter Parker.
“Is (Yn) here?” Peter tried as hard as he could to not let his voice show the nervousness inside.
“She’s here.” Your dad looked Peter up and down, if Pete was crazy he said that your father was sizing him up.
“Could I talk to her?” As nervous as he was, patience wasn’t something that Peter had mastered. He was frustrated. Frustrated at himself for walking out on you. Frustrated at May and Ned, who seem to think that their advice about his feelings are better. Frustrated that your dad was so menacing and tall and basically bigger than him in every way.
“Give me one good reason why I should let you talk to my daughter.”
Those words hurt, Peters not gonna lie. Of course, he deserved that, if he was in your father’s place, he would be just as angry, maybe even angrier.
“Dad, stop.” Came a small voice from behind the wrestler of a father. “Let him in.” It was you, wearing considerably comfortable clothing. Made sense, as it was a Saturday.
Grudgingly, your father moved aside, letting Peter into the apartment. The living room/ kitchen smelled of bacon. Peter awkwardly stood in the living room, the semi-minimalistic set up mildly comforting him. It’s not he’s never been in your apartment, it was mostly an in and out trip. When you had to grab something from your room or forgot a charger before the group of friends were off to somewhere. If the three to five of them were lucky, your mom would be home and offer the teenagers some drinks or snacks. They always obliged to do so, it was polite.
Your father stood behind Peter, his arms crossed as he stared angrily at the back of Peter’s head.
“Hey dad,” you started, successfully getting the attention of the rhino of a man you called a father. “Would it be alright if me and Pete talk alone for a bit?”
“It’s ok, whatever Peter says, he can say it to the both of us.” Your father's usual mellow voice coming through, a tone that he only took with you and your mother.
Despite the change in tone, Peter’s eyes widen. He could never, ever, confess his love for you in front of your dad. The thought alone of rejection stung him from within, but adding your dad to the mix, he would surely burst into flames of embarrassment.
“Dad. This is important, just stay here and watch some of your Sense8 show thing well Peter and I talk in my room, please?” Peter noticed the slight change in your voice. The higher pitch surely meant you were begging.
Your father agreed, only if you left the door open. Which Peter understood, the whole ‘protective father’ trope still apparent.
The walk to your bedroom was short, but it felt like forever. The anxiety of it all finally washing over Peter. You sat awkwardly at your desk, the minimalistic theme still going in your bedroom, but with a few nick-nacks here and there, some Star Wars posters and even a map of the moon covering your walls. It was a teenager’s dream.
Peter sat on your be. It was a few minutes before someone spoke.
“I’m sorry.” Said Peter, wholeheartedly.  Your face showed that you were mildly confused, or angry. Peter wasn’t very good at reading people. “I shouldn’t have walked out like I did and-”
“Well, you did.”, the harshness of your voice cutting there Peter like butter. He visibly flinched.
“I know, which was such a dick move- and I justed wanted to apologize to you for leaving, I guess?”
“You guess? Peter, you left me there. I felt humiliated and confessed. Not to mention the fact that I literally just exposed my feelings for you, I mean, what was so important that you couldn’t just say no?” Tears were close to falling, which made Peter feel even worse. This was not the way that he planned this would go. You kept talking, but sadly, Peter didn’t listen. Too busy trying to sort his feelings.
Whether it was the frustration, the nervousness and almost definite signs of a nervous breakdown, or the confidence that caused the following outburst, but it happened.
“Dammit! Don’t you get it? I’m trying to tell you I love you!” This efficiently shut you up, your memorizing (ec) eyes widening. Peter looked you dead in the eye and stood up. “I’ve loved you since that first day of Freshman year.” Peter grabbed your forearms and stood you up, bringing you to his height, and there, in the middle of your bedroom, on any old Saturday. Peter kissed you.
Eventually, you two had to separate, the basic human need for oxygen interfering with your moment. You remember your mom telling you that your first kiss would be magical, and in a way she was right. I mean, the average human doesn’t share their first kiss with the person they had a crush on for almost 4 years.
The overall shook of the situation faded away, your brain switching back to reasoning. You looked up at Peter, whose face was in a goofy grin.
“And what about Tris?” out of any single phrase to come out of your mouth, you decided on that one. Which seems logical, she was the only person holding you back from asking out Peter.
“And what about her? She doesn’t matter.” Pete sighed, the string lights hanging around your room were dazzling in his eyes. “I know you girls have some sort of code, but in the words of Michelle, ‘its a 20th-century idea set up by men to put girls against each other’ fear of numbers or something like that”  His grip around your waist slightly tightening.
You laughed, the grin on Peter’s face spreading. There, you realized something;
You were absolutely in love with Peter Parker. Disgustingly adorable in love with him.
“So is this” you gestured around you two, “a thing?”
“Only if you want it to be.” He says, hope in his chocolate brown eyes.
“Of course, I want it to be” you smiled.
You pulled him down and brought your lips together once again.
The stress that came with a crush suddenly disappeared, the thoughts of Tris didn’t matter, even your Calculus final didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you were finally in a relationship with Peter.
tags// @stephie-senpai @sleepy-demon @avengersinfinitybeard @emmatrashforfandoms @hellomywonderfulwildflowers @falseosterhollandfantasies @arronity @flopobrien @stevieboyharrington @haha-barnes @tmrhollandkay @heartbreakerholland  
all peter/tom stuff @dorkyparkers
if you’re reading this, then you obviously saw the note at the beginning (extra points for you!) Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for this incredible journey, and support through all this. However, this gratitude comes at a cost, I am sorry to announce that this marks the end of the Girl Code. Yep! and 7k words, like 400 sentences (I love my commas) this is it. However, there is a sequel in the works, I kinda wanted the whole getting together thing in one set of parts, but this story is NOT over yet. I assume anyone who has asked thus far to be tagged in Girl Code would also want to be tagged in this still unnamed sequel? Please shoot me an ask, and free feel to tell me what you liked about this (or tell me to delete my blog, it’s up to you) Anyways, thanks again! See you soon my dudes!
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gingywritesimagines · 7 years
Requested by the cutie anon with the pure ideas\
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(featuring my favourite gif of Harry tbh)
Title: Interview
Fandom: Disney Descendants
Pairing: Harry Hook x fem!reader (my first Harry fic, yay!)
Request:  “Hi! May I please have a request? Harry's girlfriend finds out she's pregnant with his child. In fear, she goes to Auradon and Harry finds out when she's asked about the baby during an interview. He then goes to Auradon. :)” -anon
Warnings: teen pregnancy, a bit of language, hints of past smut, nosy ass paparazzi, overuse of commas as always (It’s also a lot longer than I thought it’d be I’m sorry)
Description: Having dated Harry for quite some time, (Y/N) was absolutely certain she loved him, but how certain was she about how he’d feel seeing those two little lines. Maybe he wouldn’t have to see them... maybe he’d find out another way...
Living on the Isle of the Lost wasn’t exactly fun and games, but its inhabitants still found a way to make their own fun. Some kids stole, some kids vandalized the place, and some kids- like the kids in Uma’s infamous pirate crew- prefered to just rule the whole island. Uma, daughter of Ursula, and the massive army of kids who followed her lead were the most terrifying group anywhere. Uma’s right hands- Harry, Gil, and (Y/N)- were among the most feared in the ranks, but that didn’t mean they feared each other. In fact, they were the tightest-knit group of friends anyone had ever seen. Harry and Gil were like brothers to each other, the two of them treated Uma like she was as much their little sister as she was their boss, Gil and Uma were as protective of (Y/N) as possible, and Harry and (Y/N)- well, they were in love. The four of them were as thick as thieves, and they loved how they lived their lives. Other than their shifts at Uma’s restaurant, their days were spent plundering the streets, fighting with swords, and “partying” at night. Most of these nights ended with hangovers and laughable stories, but every so often, they ended in passionate evenings between Harry and (Y/N).
“That’s how this happened.” You muttered to yourself, “It has to be.”
You sat in the bathroom of Uma’s ship, staring terrified at the device in front of you. You hadn’t been feeling well for the past few weeks and you had decided to take a pregnancy test- just in case. You began to regret the decision as you stared terrified as the two blue lines in the little window. Thousands of horrid thoughts swirled through your head as you sat petrified against the wall. You sighed, tossing the test in the garbage and pulling out your cellphone. You choked up as you dialed in a number. Harry loved you, you knew that, and he’d always been good to you, but you were mortified at the idea of how he’d react to being a father- especially knowing how he felt about his own father. You knew of only one thing to do, and you prayed it would work as you held the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of the line asked.
“Evie? It’s (Y/N). I know I don’t deserve this, but I need your help.”
You could almost hear her smile through the phone, “Of course I’ll help, (Y/N). What do you need?”
Having been friends with her before she left, you told Evie what you could without breaking completely, and gave her your request. She came through, tenfold, and within the next week, King Ben had invited you and a few others to start a new life in Auradon. You told Uma of your invitation, and she encouraged you to go, mostly so you could spy on Ben and Mal for her. You agreed, letting Gil help you pack and having Uma distract Harry until you left. You said quick goodbyes and hopped in the limo, but you were in such a rush to get out of there that you almost didn’t notice that Harry was still on a job for Uma when you pulled out of the drive- you almost didn’t notice that you hadn’t said goodbye to him. Unfortunately, before you had a chance to say anything, the driver had breached the barrier and she had officially left the Isle of the Lost forever.
With help from Evie, who had also convinced Mal and their Auradon pals to assist, your transition into your new life was easier than ever. They helped cover up your baby bump with ease in the early stages and they agreed to keep it low key until you figured out what to do. The problem was, this plan didn’t last long. The larger the bump got, the harder it got to conceal, and one day the secret broke through. You were in your dorm, with Lonnie and Evie trying to help you adjust your dress, when Fairy Godmother walked in looking for Evie. She saw the bump and stared at you, mortified.
You gasped and started to panic, “Fairy Godmother, please. Please don’t freak out.”
Eyes still wide, she shook her head and closed the door promptly, “I’m not freaking out. I’m just... surprised at this, this... and I’m just curious about you and your life inside you and how long have you been pregnant exactly?”
The more she rambled on, the more tears threatened to spill over onto your cheeks. You were so terrified that she’d expel you for this; you couldn’t go back to the Isle, especially not like this. How would your parents react? How would Harry? 
Fairy Godmother was still staring at you, waiting for an answer, when she saw a few tears roll down your face. She sighed as Evie wiped a few of the tears away.
“Girls, could you give us a moment please?”
The girls left, shooting you apologetic looks, and Fairy Godmother sat you down on the bed.
“I’m not mad, I’m not upset, I just want to know. How long?”
You took a deep, shaky breath, “4 months, I guess.”
She nodded slowly, “You want to take care of it, don’t you?”
“Yes.” You nod rapidly, “Yes, I do, but please, I want to raise it here. In Auradon.”
She smiles at you, “I understand. Why don’t you come with me?”
You both stood up and you stared at her in terror, “You’re not going to expel me, are you?”
“Oh goodness, no!” Fairy Godmother cried, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “No, sweetie, I’m going to take you to a doctor. If you’re going to go through with this, I want you to be as healthy and as safe as possible.”
“Thank you, Fairy Godmother.” You smiled weakly.
“Of course! And, don’t worry, I’ll try my best to make sure that no one knows about this.”
Back on the Isle of the Lost, Harry was crushed; he’d pretend he wasn’t, but everyone knew he was. You’d left forever without so much as a goodbye. He held out his hook at waist level, staring at it and reminiscing your times together as he defended you against Uma- who was upset that you hadn’t sent her details on the whole Ben and Mal situation. She sighed when she saw the look on his face.
“I know you miss her, but the more information we have on this, the sooner you’ll see her again, Hook.”
Harry gave her a look, knowing that her statement wasn’t certain.
“You know what’ll make you feel better?” Gil interjected, smiling, “Watching some TV.”
With that, he clicked the power button on the rusty old television and watched as it slowly sparked to life. All three of them gasped loudly when the picture loaded, revealing you being ushered through Auradon by guards and chased by reporters. Outraged, Harry smashed his hook repeatedly against the old set, turning up the volume so they could hear the reporter’s voiceover:
“... has been shocked today as medical sources have confirmed that one of the newest ‘second-chance’ children, (Y/N), is in fact pregnant. She apparently was expecting when she first came to Auradon and the maternity has progressed since. There is no news yet on when the baby is due or what the staff of Auradon Prep plan to do about this situation, but the entire kingdom is certainly perplexed by the first case of teenage pregnancy in its history.”
Gil, Uma and Harry all stood staring at the screen before them, speechless as their jaws hung open.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Do you plan to keep the baby?” a reporter screamed.
You whirled around, mortified, “Of course I do!”
“(Y/N)! Do you know what gender the baby is?”
“Why is that any of your business?”
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Tell us about the father!”
At that question, you froze in fury. The guards tried to hold you back, but you marched right us to the man’s microphone and stared intensely into his eyes.
“Don’t you dare speak of him. Don’t you dare spin this story in your favour. Don’t you dare exploit me for your profit. Don’t you dare exploit this baby, and don’t you dare exploit its father. We may be villains, but we are people, just like you. I will not let you use us to sell your stupid story, and I will definitely not let you use him!”
You turned back around and marched off with the guards. On the other end of the screen, your three best friends stood shocked at what had just happened.
Gil was the first to speak, “She didn’t leave because she wanted to, did she?”
Uma shook her head, “No, she left because-”
“Because she thought she had no other choice.”
Solemnly glaring at the ground, Harry turned on his heel and marched out, setting his plan in motion.
You stood at the window of the castle, looking out onto the courtyard as the limo pulled up out front. The new batch of villain kids were arriving today and everyone refused to tell you who it was, so you were curious. It’s not like you could go visit them yourself, you hadn’t stepped outside since the news story aired. You rubbed your bump soothingly as you watched the limo doors open and the driver climb out. He opened the passenger door to reveal four kids who you recognized but knew very little about. As the kids clamoured out, a guard went to open the trunk, only to have Harry tumble out in a very ungraceful manner. Your eyes widened in shock as you watched him race away from the guards and straight to Evie.
“Evie!” He growled, dashing out of the limo driver’s grasp and grabbing her shoulders, “Where is she?”
She gulped and subconsciously turned to look at your window. Harry followed her gaze, making eye contact with you and when you ran, he ran too. He expertly avoided every guard, teacher staff member who tried to stop him. He maneuvered his way through the school, running and jumping until he found you in a stairwell. Your eyes locked with his, and you moved your arm to shield your belly, but you said nothing.
“You didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?” He was shaken to the say the least, and shut the stairwell door as his voice dropped to just above a whisper, “You didn’t even say goodbye.”
After a few moments of silence, you spoke up, “Harry, I... I didn’t want you to hate me.”
He whirled around in disbelief, “Hate you? Dear God, (Y/N), how could I ever hate you?”
You shrugged, tearing up as you stepped closer to him, “I know how you feel about your father, I figured you’d feel the same way about being a father.”
“(Y/N), baby, no.” He chuckled, “I could never, especially not when you’re the mother.”
You laughed and kissed him sweetly, and he returned your kiss with passion before pulling away. He slipped his hook off, placing it in your hand with a quick “hold this for me?”, before running both of his hands over the bump. He laughed to himself before smiling up at you.
“Promise that from now on, it’s just us?” You asked hopefully.
“All three of us. You, this baby, and I.” Harry smirked, “We ride with the tide.”
Taglist: @fandomsneverdie14, the lovely anon that requested this 
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
When was the last time you used a pair of ear/headphones? Last night.
Have you ever tried to count to infinity? I remember as a kid I’d try to see how high I could count, but I got bored quickly lol.
Do you like making mixed cds? I used to, yeah. With things like Spotify; though, there’s no need anymore.
Would you want to live forever if it meant being a tree? No?
What is the strangest thing you’ve put chocolate on? I don’t think it’s weird, but chocolate covered potato chips are delicious.
Could you earn a good living selling weed? I wouldn’t know.
How would you use a photographic memory? It would have been useful when I was in school.
What would you do tomorrow if you had $500? I’d put it towards my new laptop fund.
What body hair gets the most attention? The hair on my head.
What’s your favorite commercial? I don’t care for commercials.
Do you like pie? I like cookies and cream pie and banana creme. I don’t like fruit pies.
Do you appreciate dishwashers? Yeah.
If you could change someone else’s past, what would you change? Yikes, I wouldn’t. I’m playing this game called Life is Strange, and the main character has the ability to do that, but it’s the whole butterfly effect thing cause you can’t change something without changing everything else. The changes could be good or bad.
What’s the worst experience you don’t remember? The incident that paralyzed me. I was only 7 months old, so I have no memory of it.
Are your dreams usually cheerful? They’re just super random.
What’s your favorite color of eyeliner? Black.
How’s the weather where you are at? It’s finally starting to feel like fall.
Anything bad happen today? Nah.
Can you solve a Rubik’s Cube? I���ve never really tried. I give up fast.
What was the last thing that you microwaved? A microwave tv dinner thingy.
Did you have an easy-bake oven when you were little? Yes.
Have you ever seen a donkey? Yes.
Do you like sheep? Sure.
Do you like dogs? I love dogs.
Do you have one? I do.
Do you ever want to be married? Meh.
Do you take a lot of pictures? Of my puppy, haha.
Where is the boy you want most? Off somewhere not knowing I exist, ha.
Where will you be 2 hours from now? Here.
What is your current mood? Hungry and tired.
Where are you going tomorrow? I have a doctor appointment.
Who was the last person you yelled at? *shrug*
Do you think you’ll be a good Mother/Father? I don’t even know if I want kids.
The last thing you drank? Coke.
What’s in your pocket? Nothing.
What colour are your fingernails? Natural color.
Have you ever left school just because you didn’t want to be there? No.
Did anything cute happen today? My puppy is cute.
What are you currently hearing? The TV.
Are you afraid of the dark? Yes.
Do you usually tell people when they hurt your feelings? Very rarely.
Do you have a common first name? I knew a few Stephanie’s growing up, but it seems less common now.
Do you like your middle name or your first name more? My first name.
What year would/did you turn 21? 2010.
What was popular when you were a kid? Barbies.
Do you wear more rings or necklaces? Neither.
Have you ever been engaged? Nope.
Can you see your veins through your skin? Yeah.
Do you worry about having good grammar online? Yes.
Do you know anyone with a lazy eye? No.
Did your parents let you have pets when you were a kid? Yep.
Would you rather live in an apartment or a duplex? I live in a duplex.
Do you like spicy chips? I loved spicy chips and spicy everything, but I can’t eat that stuff anymore due to health reasons. :/
Do you have any ‘different’ keychains on your keys/purse? Yeah.
Do you collect pins? No.
What band was on the last band t-shirt you wore? Nirvana.
Do you wear more pink or yellow? Neither.
Have you ever been out of the state you were born in? Yes.
Do you have any tattoos on your arms? I don’t have any tattoos at all.
Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? No.
When was the last time you felt jealous? I don’t know.
What’s the last thing you bought besides food/drink? Sweaters.
What album is the last song you listened to from? I forget what the last song I listened to was.
Who scheduled your last doctor visit? My mom still does that for me.
What’s the last video game you played? Life is Strange.
Do you have anything on your wrists right now? Nope.
Do you have any holiday theme’d socks? Yes.
What kind of accent do you have? Californian, I guess?
What’s the last funny movie you watched? Hmmm.
Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Yes, of course.
Is there anyone who you just absolutely cannot STAND being around? No.
What is the design on your shirt? It’s an old school Star Wars shirt.
Do you know anyone who just flat-out fails at life? Me?
Are you a Ghoulscout? No.
Do you know someone who’s just always wrong about everything? Kinda.
Do you make fun of people often? No.
Do you read your friend’s surveys? I read the answers to a few people on here that I follow.
If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick? I’ve been wanting to get free bird tattooed on my inner wrist, but I’m a wuss.
How do you feel about band tattoos? I don’t feel any kind of way about them.
How much are you willing to pay for a pair of sunglasses? I don’t wear sunglasses cause I wear glasses.
What is the origin of your last name? Irish.
Do you ever use the n-word? No.
What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? Not into piercings anymore, but I used to like snakebites.
What brand of hair dye do you prefer to use? I get my hair done at the salon.
What country do you live in? USA.
Did/do you ride the bus to and from school? I had to take the bus sometimes while in college.
Do you prefer beef, chicken or steak? Chicken.
Are you any good at applying make up? I suck. I just keep it simple with eyeliner and mascara.
Do you misuse commas? I don’t believe so.
Have you ever bitten your dentist? No.
Are you someone who likes to make simple things difficult? I’m great at making everything difficult.
Who makes you laugh the most? My lil bro.
Do you have any plans for this weekend? Nope.
Do you crack your knuckles? Sometimes.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee.
Do you know anyone named Matt? Nope.
Wearing any bracelets? No.
When were you last outside? Uhhh.
Do you need someone to cheer you up right now? Meh.
Are your nails painted? Nope.
Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? No.
Do you think you’d make a good parent? If I decide to be a parent someday I would like to think so, but as of now I don’t see myself having kids.
You start crying. Who do you want by your side? No one.
Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? Yeah.
Did someone screw you over lately? No.
Would you ever get your hips pierced? No.
If you were given the chance to go to Paris, would you go? Um, YES.
Who was the first person you talked to today? My dad.
What’s your favorite musical? I have a few I like, but I don’t have a particular favorite.
How do you get to sleep? I get so tired that I pass out. ha.
What happened at the last party you went to? I hung out with some people. That’s about it.
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Nope.
What’s your hair like at this present moment? A mess.
Are you more comfortable sitting or lying down? Lying down.
What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen? *shrug*
Are you an untidy person? No.
Have you ever been a fan of N*Sync? Yep.
Do you watch a lot of television? It’s mostly on as background noise, but I do have my shows I watch.
Do you think you’re fat sometimes? No.
Do you like to flex your muscles? What muscles?
Do you think you’ll ever get plastic surgery? No.
Have you ever completely misunderstood what somebody was saying? Yeah. It happens.
Favorite kind of cake: Funfetti or white cake. Always with buttercream frosting.
Was it a boy or a girl to text you last? Boy.
Name something you are doing tomorrow? I have a doctor appointment.
Do you sleep on your stomach? No.
Where are you going to be at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow? Probably still at my appointment because they take forever.
Are you missing someone? Yes.
Do you like horror or comedy? Comedy.
Who did you last share a taxi with? My friend.
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
What were you doing at 12 this afternoon? Sleeping.
Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? No.
What’s your favorite season? Why? Fall and winter.
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? I don’t know.
Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? Yeah.
Who was the last person you hugged? My mom.
Do you think you would be a good parent? wtf lol i swear this survey has asked this three times? <<< Okay it’s not just me I was like wtf?? Enough with this.
When was the last time you cried? The other day.
Who was driving the last time you were in a car? My mom.
Does any part of your body hurt right now? Yes.
Do you like your bed? Yes.
When did you last talk to your brother or sister? Just a bit ago.
How much cash do you have on you? I don’t have any on me.
Are you tanned? No.
Did you get any compliments today? I haven’t gone anywhere. Not that I would because I look like a mess.
Have you ever gone to court? No.
Do you get jealous easily? No.
Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? Nooooo.
What are you doing Saturday? Nothing. I should get my hair done, though.
What is in your back pocket? Nothing.
What were you doing at 3:00 a.m. this morning? Playing Life is Strange, current obsession.
What do you usually do first in the morning? Check the time.
Are you any good at math? Nope.
Any plans for Friday night? No.
Do you have a little crush on someone? Yes.
When’s the last time you ran?
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? No.
What are you dreading right now? My appointment tomorrow.
Do you celebrate 420? No.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? Yeah.
If anyone came to your house on your “lazy days” what would ya’ll do? Ha, everyday is my “lazy” day. I don’t like unexpected visits.
Who last grabbed your ass? Probably Joseph.
Have you ever been on your school’s track team? No.
Do you own a pair of Converse? Yep, a couple.
Did you copy and paste this survey? Well, yeah?
Do you eat raw cookie dough? I used to as a kid when I didn’t know about salmonella.
Have you ever kicked a vending machine? No.
Don’t you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? I don’t listen to the radio anymore, but yeah that was annoying.
Do you watch Trading Spaces? Nope.
How do you eat oreos? I twist ‘em and only eat the part with the creme and I dip it in coffee.
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? Yeah.
Are you cocky? No.
Could you live without a computer? I’d really rather not.
Do you wear your shoes in the house? No.
Who or what sleeps with you? I have stuffed animals on my bed.
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real? I think about 8.
What do you do when you’re sad? I’m always sad, so I just go about my day and do what I do.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery? My mom.
Last time you saw your best friend? Last night. I slept in super late today and she already had left for work when I got up.
Are you in high school? Ha, no.
What jewelry are you wearing? None.
Is anyone on your bad side now? No.
What’s the first thing you do when you get online? Tumblr.
Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy? No.
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes? Sure.
Where do you work? I don’t.
What are you doing tomorrow? I’m answered this so many times.
Do you return your cart? My mom does.
Do you have a dishwasher? Yes.
What noise do you hear? The fan and my brother cooking.
Would you survive in prison? No.
Who is the youngest in your family? In my immediate family it’s my younger brother. In my extended it’s one of my 2nd cousins.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely overpack? Me.
What’s the last thing you purchased? Food.
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? Yes.
What brand are your pants right now? *shrug*
Ever been to Georgia (the state)? I have, actually.
What irritates you most on the internet? Just some posts I see and comments made about certain things.
What brand is your digital camera? I use my phone for my camera.
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? No.
Are you taking college classes right now? Nope.
Do you like sushi? No.
Do you get your hair cut every month? No. I haven’t had a haircut in like 2 years.
Do you go online everyday? Yep.
What makes someone a best friend? You just have a special connection.
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