#and of course every single fence is now a source block
ibreathebooks-42 · 2 years
Question for minecraft peeps- did I miss something about fences now autowaterlogging, or is this a bug?
Place line of water on one side of line of fence- all is good.
Try to surround fenced in area with water and suddenly all fence is waterlogged and I can't fix it. I was very surprised to turn around and the chunk I spent a fair bit of time fencing then surrounding with water was flooded....
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Tried it on a smaller scale, and sure enough- place a line of water the three blocks to the left and all good... but as soon as I place water outside the top middle fence both rows are waterlogged for some reason.
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mrs-march-ahs · 3 years
Kai Helps You Find a Purpose
Summary- A blue-haired stranger helps you overcome the feeling of being lost after you quit your job. He seems fascinated by the rage in your body and shows you how to use it in an unconventional way.
Warnings- Murder, rape, knifes, blood, Kai Anderson. Words- 1.8k shorty:)
I’ve had this idea in my head for the longest time, so I really appreciate any feedback! I love doing my own ideas but if you prefer when I write requests then I wanna know! Enjoy! :)
You slam the glass door behind you as you exit your job. Well, old job. No matter how hard you work, your boss refused to see your potential and when you asked him for a raise for the final time and he said no, you gave him an ultimatum. And now you are left to walk out of your old job to the carpark with a backpack full of your belongings. To be honest, you hated that job anyway, and despised the sexist boss. He crossed a line by underappreciating your hard work, even after hours and constantly giving praise to the other fuckers who could barely make a cup of coffee. You walk over straight to his white Mercedes and pull out your pocketknife, hoping that in the dark of the evening nobody will witness your crime. As you squat down to the level of the front right tire and stab it powerfully with your knife, you can feel the feminist rage in your body deflate. After you do the front left and go towards the back one, you see a figure of a broad man standing at the front of the car, watching you. Although you saw him, his voice catches you off guard. And frankly, pisses you off too.
“If you slash all four tires then insurance will pay for it”, he states, assuming that you didn’t know that already. “Slash three”. The mansplaining makes you groan.
“Do I look like I need advice, asshole?”, you reply, rolling your eyes. Contrary to what you expected, the man stays stood watching you and laughs at your remark. When you push the blade from your knife particularly deep, you sigh in satisfaction, but fail to pull it out. You wriggle it around a little before looking up at the man.
“Are you gonna just watch me or at least are you gonna help?”, you ask, tugging at the knife.
“You don’t need my help”, he says quietly and ominously. “Use your strength, work smarter not harder”. The useless advice made you sigh in anger and push the knife in deeper, before practically ripping it out of the tire. He stands leaned over the hood of the car to watch you slash the tire, and smiles widely when you manage to do it by yourself. You stand up and look at him, and he stays smiling, and compliments you on your work.
“See? You don’t need help, you’re strong”, he whispers at you. You can’t help but smile back at the support and at the relief that he won’t snitch on your vandalism. When you take a step towards the curb to walk home, he puts his arm out to stop you and unexpectedly offers to buy you a coffee. You timidly say yes, but when he walks towards his car and opens the door for you, a red blinking alarm goes off in your mind and you kindly refuse to get in a stranger’s car. Although he laughs, he understands, and the two of you walk a mere 2 streets to a restaurant that he claims is owned by his friends. When the two of you walk through the front door of the packed restaurant and he asks for a table and instantly gets it, you have no reason to not believe his connections. You sit awkwardly across from the stranger who introduces himself to you, before praising you on your inexcusable actions.
“It takes a lot of strength to notice when you’re not being appreciated, it takes even more strength to just slash his tires instead of slashing his fucking throat”. His words are so serious that you don’t question how he knows what happened. “What do you want to achieve?”
“I want to make the world a better place in any way I can… I volunteer at soup kitchens all the time… dog shelters… I know it sounds horrible but no matter what I do, it doesn’t feel satisfying or like I’m achieving anything”. He exhales in amusement and you defensively expand.
“It’s like I’m waiting for some good karma to come to me, but all I feel is guilt because I’m doing good things for the wrong reasons”. You look down and swirl around your coffee with a spoon as you wait for him to judge you. All you felt was guilt, you wanted to be a good person and you knew you shouldn’t wait for good things to happen to you just because you’re volunteering. He puts a finger under your chin and makes you look at him. His big black eyes hypnotize you and you wait anxiously for him to speak.
“You need to put your rage towards something good. Anger doesn’t help anybody, but I saw today that you are capable of rage”, he coaxes you quietly. “A strong rage can be used as unlimited energy and shouldn’t be wasted, but put towards something useful… what fills you with rage?”
“The sexism at my work”, you immediately respond. “None of my male co-workers get harassed on the job. They don’t get told to smile or unbutton their shirts for tips. They get raises that they don’t deserve. As long as that keeps happening, I will always be filled with rage”.
The blue haired man hums in agreement and smiles at you. “That’s a solid source”. He drinks the end of his coffee and offers to drive you home.
When the two of you sit in his car, he proposes that instead of going back to the motel you lived at, you come over to his and the two of you could share a drink.
“No, I’m sorry. I need to go home and scream into my pillow”. Although you laugh after saying that, Kai doesn’t.
“What are you achieving with that? That’s like working hard to get money for gas, just to pour it down the drain”, he scolds you and raises his voice with every word. “You have this rage; we’re going to use it for something good!”, he shouts.
“Yes, but how!”, you reply, and watch Kai take a few turns before driving around the same couple of blocks a few times. You sit silently and hope he’ll explain the plan, but he doesn’t, instead he slowly drives down the streets, carefully inspecting the alleyways. Finally, when a short hum escapes his lips, he pulls his car over and points towards an alleyway on the other side of the street.
“Look what’s happening”.
You narrow your eyes trying to see down the dark alleyway and unbuckle your seatbelt to lean over closer to Kai. A man down the side of a building is stumbling slightly with a gun in his hand, pinning a woman against the wall and forcibly pulling her clothes off, only for her to try to push him away.
“Wait… is he uh-”
“What is your feminism fuelled rage telling you to do?”
You look Kai dead in the eye and his black eyes and clenched jaw silently ask you whether you’re willing to do what it takes. Saying that you want the world to be a better place means jack shit if you’re not ready to singlehandedly protect your sisters and put your rage towards making the world cleaner and safer. Not tomorrow, not in years to come, but now.
Without another second of thought, you jump out of the car and run to the alley, Kai following closely behind. Kai grabs the drunk man by the shoulders and rips him off the wall, allowing you access to push the woman out of the alleyway and onto the street, letting her immediately start running. The drunk attempts to fight Kai, throwing hard punches that all miss. Not wanting to steal your spotlight, Kai throws the man into the wall, letting you take out your feminist rage on his face. You put your hands in his hair and grip tightly, repeatedly smashing his face into the brick wall, leaving instant blood stains and scratches. Hopefully, a lifetime reminder of the scum he is. In order to save him the disgust of having to look at himself in the mirror, you drag his face along the wall, hoping that the cracks in the wall will be enough to leave his face bleeding.
“Work smarter; not harder”, Kai reminds you.
You release the man from your grip and watch him stumble and lean against the wall for support, giving you enough time to take your pocketknife back out and plunge in straight into the mans crotch. As he sloppily yells in pain, Kai grabs the gun out of his hand and throws it over a fence, just in case he gets any ideas. The intoxicating high of seeing this rapist bleed and cry in pain gives you one last kick of confidence, which you use to twist the knife in his ball sack before ripping it out. Kai stands watching you, smirking and almost hard, listening to the beaten-up motherfucker pant and sob. Kai pushes you out of the way and shoves him to the ground one last time, before grabbing your hand and legging it to the car.
When you sink to the car seat, trying to catch your breath, not a single thought coming to your mind for the first few seconds. The adrenaline of assault makes your heart want to jump out of your chest. But when you look over at Kai, expecting him to mirror you, he sits calmly, waiting for you to calm down. Your head is blurred with disbelief at what you just did, but despite knowing in your mind that violence isn’t the answer, you sit there as Kai starts driving and wait for the guilt to overpower your body. But it just…doesn’t.
“I’m so proud of you”, Kai says and puts his hand on your thigh giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m waiting for the guilt to kick in”
“It won’t”, Kai informs you. “You don’t care about the homeless or animals”
“What?! Of course, I do-”
“No, you don’t. You care about sexism. That’s what powers you. How many statistics do you know about rape? How much do you know about rape prevention? Feminism? Malala and Michelle fucking Obama?!”, he yells.
“That’s what fills you with rage, and that’s what begins the unlimited cycle”. Although his words sounded so sure and factual, you just couldn’t accept it.
“I don’t want to do it with violence”. Your voice weakens which makes Kai huff in amusement. He parks his car outside your motel and turns to you.
“You just made the world a better place. You saved that woman. That scum will never be able to reproduce. If you weren’t doing the right thing, you’d feel guilty”. You look up at him with worried eyebrows and he gives you a warm reassuring smile. You can’t deny his words, and the adrenaline and sense of accomplishment overshadow any speck of guilt you’re meant to feel. Just as you’re about to open the car door to get out, he puts his hand on your shoulder and looks at you once more.
“I’ll come by and get you tomorrow, I want you to meet my friends”
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secretgamergirl · 3 years
A Little Horrifying Primer on Transphobes
Some time ago, I put together a Little Fact Checking Primer on Trans People, as a basic resource for disabusing people of some of the many completely ridiculous yet absurdly widespread beliefs about trans people that simply have no basis whatsoever in reality. And wouldn’t you know it, every single lie exposed in that primer is not only still widely believed, but is presently being used as a basis to sign some absolutely horrific human rights abuses into law. So it’s high time I follow that up, in this case focused more on who keeps actively spreading these lies and why. I’m going to try and keep things as light as I can here, but we’re going to be looking at the most monstrous side of human nature, so apologies in advance if this is a dark read.
First, let me just note that there are two things I don’t plan to do in this piece. I’m not going to waste time debunking the arguments of the people I’m highlighting (much of this is already covered in my earlier primer, others have done the work in cases where I haven’t, and frankly these people’s claims should be self-evidently utter nonsense to begin with). I am also going to be very selective in what I link to, or even share related images of, as I would frankly not like to fill a post on a blog I generally try to keep safe for all audiences with media directly dealing with, for instance, child sexual assault, and much of the relevant information also involves stochastic terrorism against innocent people, and I would prefer not to throw more fuel onto such fires.
Transphobes lie constantly, about everything.
To some degree this is obvious. We’re talking about people who scaremonger about the possibilities of trans women dominating competitive sports and assaulting people in restrooms, despite the status quo already reflecting the conditions they insist would make these inevitibilities for decades and centuries respectively, and their grim visions never once having come to pass, and also constantly insisting that the woman in the photo below is actually a man, going further to say this is evident to anyone giving her the merest glance.
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It goes beyond that though. There’s at least a little plausible deniablity in claims like this, or that “science is on their side” if they were simply uninformed about the world they live in, never actually looking into what laws exist, what science actually says, and never actually meeting a trans person or even seeing a picture of one of us. I’m talking really bold lies here. Like wholecloth fabricating a story that a convicted murder was trans, including anecdotes about wigs dresses and a planned name change, in a major newspaper. Or to cite an old favorite of mine, the time a pack of bigots walked up to a crowd of people peacefully picketing a transphobic legal proposal, started roughing them up and taking closeup photos of members of the crowd to stalk online when they got home, got sufficiently riled up for one to straight up assault an innocent person half her size, filmed the whole thing, uploaded it to youtube, and used stills of that assault as acomanying photos when they went home to write articles about the assailant being a “grandmother” attacked by rowdy trans women. And yes, they did monkey’s paw my wish to see that specific image on newspapers. Interesting side note, when it came to real public light that J.K. Rowling endorsed this sort of hatred, it was because she accidentally pasted some profanity laden rambling about how the imagined moral character of the other party in that incident, years after the fact, into a post praising a child’s fan art of her work.
To be a little less niche, transphobes can’t get enough of spreading the lie that the young fellow in this photo is a girl. Specifically a trans girl, providing proof that all their scaremongering about the dastardly threat of trans girls in competitive sports has finally come to pass.
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To be fully clear, that’s a man (or a boy if you want to split hairs about him being 17 in that photo). Mack Beggs. A rather insidious choice for this sort of story, considering the actual context for that photo. See, Beggs attended high school in Texas, during a (still ongoing as I write this) period wherein that particular state had caved to this exact sort of propaganda, and in order to head off a wholly imagined wave of trans girls competing on girls’ sports teams, and enacted a law mandating that in all such competitions must compete under whatever gender is stated on their birth certificates. And as it happens, the first, and to my knowledge ONLY time this has come up was with Beggs here, who again, is a man, as no one with a grip on reality could argue against, has “female” on his birth certificate. Which is another way of saying he is a trans man. The guys in the same boat as trans women who we talk about a whole hell of a lot less because their existence is extremely inconvenient to the majority of transphobic propaganda. Case in point. And this is all information it is really impossible to come across if you’re coming across this photo in any sort of respectable source. Take this story, which is as unambiguous about this as you can get. And yet, in the very comments section of that story, there they are. Carrying on like this story about a trans guy, forced by a transphobic law to compete as a girl, which he absolutely did not want, and received horrific threats over, using phrases like “female to male” and bringing up that he was assigned female at birth and is on testosterone-based HRT, is about a trans woman cheating the system. Or to quote word for word, “Now also transgender female want to be male also compete in female sport. biological born“ That’s not “being confused,” that’s standing next to you in a white desert and complaining about being adrift in a black ocean, bald-faced, not even trying to be convincing just make a power play, lying through one’s teeth.
I could spend this whole article on just this point. Lying about who they are, various people’s falsified credentials, whole websites full of “anonymous parents of children who think they’re trans” turning out to be one single woman documenting the abuse of her very much trans son, or of course the people behind the whole “bathroom bill” panic candidly admitting it was all based on utter fiction. I do have other points to cover though.
Transphobes are firmly entrenched in the media.
It is extremely difficult to find oneself in a position of having to explain to people that a particular group of people is effectively in control of press outlets, as that is rather classically a claim conspiracy theorists absolutely love to toss around at various marginalized groups (including trans people hilariously enough, but of course the most common and lingering version of this is the antisemitic variant). I really can’t get around it here though. Specifically in the U.K., you honestly can say that transphobes control the media. I already touched on this with the assault case I mentioned above and the fabricated story about the murderer, but this is a pretty well-documented situation. I mean, even The Guardian calls out The Guardian on this, and that’s the outlet that gets the most attention because it’s the one with the most otherwise respected name, but every paper in the country has been running transphobic propaganda pieces on a weekly if not daily basis for years now, and while they do get reprimanded by watchdog groups and have mass walk-outs over the worst of it, it’s not like there’s some governing body with the authority to step in about it. Meanwhile the BBC is constantly inviting diehard zealots like Graham Linehan to news programs where he compares being trans to being a nazi, and hosting debates where someone just sits down and repeatedly chants the word “penis” at a trans woman.
Things are better in the rest of the world, but we still have right-wing creeps like Jesse Singal both writing horrific propaganda pieces (we’ll get back to that one) and blackballing trans writers out of covering trans issues ourselves (and personally stalking the hell out of those of us who try). We’ve got our Joe Rogans and Tucker Carlsons out there (no way in hell I’m linking videos here, have a real information link and a still).
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The line between diehard transphobes and straight-up nazis basically does not exist.
What even is there to say here? You can easily poke around havens for nazi activity for yourself and compare the particular unique vocabulary used there to the primary bastion of anti-trans hate speech on the internet (the “feminism” section of what was originally a site for parenting tips before violent fascists took the forums over) or just peruse the follows of the thousands of people I’ve blocked on social media and see if you can sort out a clear division in the networks of channers with frog avatars and the accounts with names like GoodieXXrealwoman, or you can read up on Gab and Spinster, the two twitter alternatives that are just different portals to the same server, set up by the same guy. Maybe do some research into “the LGB Alliance,” or WoLF but any way you slice it the only real difference to be found is the general purpose nazis take a little time off now and then to watch borderline pedophilic anime and the really dedicated transphobes think to use language that sounds vaguely well-educated and left-leaning. I mean, this came from the “feminist” side of the fence:
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And not to belabor the point here, but the ones claiming to be a bunch of “feminist mums” sure do let the mask slip any time they’re confronted with the fact that “women” includes black women, and oh just have a whole thread about all the weird conspiratory theories these people have about how trans people’s whole existence is some sort of Jewish plot for world domination. I swear a few months ago they were all passing around a story about some bank having an above average number of trans employees and they were all just “and we all know who controls the banks, right?” about it.
Transphobes endorse an awful lot of people who are openly pro-pedophila.
This is the part where I am really loath to link the many many specific examples I have on hand. Or to talk about this at all for reasons of good taste. Or, for that matter, to talk about this in a tumblr post when there’s an ongoing problem of people with backgrounds strongly tied to this site making baseless accusations of pedophilia against every queer person they can find, so let me be very clear just what I’m talking about while avoiding anything too graphic.
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That’s James Cantor. Transphobes love him for being one of the closest things they have to a scientist on their side. And I am featuring him in a screenshot here showing that he is followed by current queen of the transphobes J.K. Rowling, while speaking to both another big name in transphobic circles, Debra Soh, and based on their names, what I’m guessing is at least one straight-up nazi. And in case you think “the P” he’s talking about adding to LGBT (or “GLBT” as weird anti-queer bigots who also have issues with women often write it) might stand for “poly” or “pan” he’s all too happy to clarify that.
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This is the entire thrust of Cantor’s work and life. He is the world’s biggest pedophile rights advocate. He wants it declassified as a mental disorder, all stigma on it removed, and tirelessly pushes forward the idea that the majority of.. people who feel compelled to sexually assault children are good people who present no potential harm to anyone and should in fact be lauded.
I am not generally one to claim that someone with a PhD is spewing out questionable garbage with regard to their field, but the reason I am aware of Cantor at all is that other transphobes keep trying to hold up a particular post on his blog as "a study” (which it is not) that offers “proof” (in the form of a blurry jpeg of basically some random numbers) of some ridiculous quackery about how trans kids will “grow out of it” if exposed to conversion therapy (another way of saying torture), which Cantor himself seems to be pushing, so I am somewhat skeptical of his academic chops. And I am, of course, REALLY suspicious that all these other bigots gravitate to him purely because they’re that desperate to find anyone with a PhD in anything that backs them up against literally every scientist in a relative field, to the point that they merely forgive his particular advocacy they are plainly all aware of, particularly when such a common fig leaf used by transphobes is “keeping children safe from sexual deviants.”
And of course, Cantor is most often invoked when coming to the defense of Kenneth Zucker. This Kenneth Zucker.
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Those are separate papers. Zucker isn’t controversial though for organizing panels to discuss how attractive people agree small children are (at least not exclusively). Mostly, he’s known for running a conversion therapy center which subjected gay and trans children to various sorts of torture in an effort to “fix” them, which at least for those trans "patients” I have spoken with involved a fair amount of having them strip completely naked and talking a lot about their genitals.
Zucker is something of a controversial figure with the transphobic scene, as they are extremely on board with his sexual torture of queer children, but he does actual work (for some value of the term) involving trans people and thus is not able to commit as fully as they would prefer to making life horrible for trans people, due to a professional obligation to acknowledge reality now and then. As an aside, the similarly positioned Ray Blanchard, while not to my knowledge particularly interested in the attractiveness of children, lives in a similar purgatory of trying to reconcile his career, bigotry, and sexual hangups, yielding compromises like this:
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Of course, that’s just looking at the straws transphobes grasp at when looking for scientific credibility. Real leaders of the movement include Germaine Greer, author of The Beautiful Boy, which is about what you are afraid it might be, and features a very young child in a cover feature he did not consent to posing for. Or Julie Bindel, who among other things is rather infamous for writing whole articles on subjects like whether a teenage girl she came across maybe has a huge penis you can totally see if you really squint at her skirt. Again, I will not share a link to go along with that one.
Transphobes terrorize and attempt to defund charities and other unambiguously good organizations.
Graham Linehan, previously best known for cowriting some sitcoms and possibly spending a year angling to get into my pants so awkwardly I didn’t pick up on it is now best known for trying to pull the plug on a children’s charity, in a story that somehow also involves Donkey Kong. Well, and the interview about nazis. And possibly the other interview about “defending me from nazis” until it got into his head that I might not be as young and hot as he imagined. Rather not link to a far right extremist youtube channel though.
There’s also a current effort to replace Stonewall (an organization named after the location where a pair of trans women kicked off a riot which is generally agreed to be the start of the LGBT+ rights movement) as the UK’s primary LGBT+ rights organization with the “LGB Alliance.” The hate group mentioned above, with the skull face and the rifle. Closest I can find to an article on that effort on short notice that isn’t propaganda.
Transphobes paper areas in truly disgusting propaganda.
I don’t want to directly link to grown adults skulking around children’s playgrounds and bathrooms plastering surfaces with mass printed stickers of crudely drawn penises, but would encourage you to read this very long post, being sure to load all the images, to really understand how deeply strange this behavior gets.
Finally, I cannot stress this enough, this really extreme behavior I’m citing, and the specific people involved in the examples I’m giving, these aren’t random cranks on the fringe of things. The people going on televised panel discussions, writing up news stories, and testifying before lawmakers in efforts to pass horrifically discriminatory if not literally life-endangering laws (there is a major ongoing effort to legally end all medical care for trans people, and I don’t just mean care directly relating to being trans) are literally the same people involved in the sexualization of children, nazi collaborations, and roving gangs assaulting people in the street. At a bare minimum I urge people, when booking guests and handing out writing contracts, to do background checks and see if they’re platforming actual terrorists. If we could actually bring legal consequences to bear against the worst of this, that would be great too. As things stand though, the whole world is just consistently citing a bunch of racist, woman-hating, serial liars with no real credentials, and questionable attitudes towards the sexual abuse of children, as “trusted experts” and refusing to seat actual trans people or people who have legitimately committed lifetimes to academic and practical work with trans people any seats at the table.
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to Caitlyn 102 (Mirror’s Edge)
Hey everyone! E here with another chapter. been a busy week so this is a little late but with any luck I'll have the next underground chapter out this week or maybe another chapter for this story. dunno I'm just having fun in general. I hope you are all staying safe, wash your hands, wear your mask, get the vaccine if you can, keep each other safe! Feel free to tell your friends about this, reblog it or leave comments I'd greatly appreciate it. Trying promote myself is weird haha Stay safe and have a great week!
If you’d like an easier place to read the story, feel free to follow the link below
Summary: Caitlyn has her target thanks to one Finnrick Drift and now it's time to break in. After she takes care a few things at home.
Caitlyn sighed as she was unable to keep her eyes off the slivered hue butterfly hair ornament in her palm, the multi-colored glass shards wings stretched wide like it was ready to take flight.
It was beautiful, it was the perfect and it was expensive.
The sliver was real, none of that cheap painted copper or tin or whatever hairclips were normally made of. The different shards of glass had been painstakingly put into place, each fitting together perfectly like a completed puzzle which must’ve taken months to do by hand. And true to his word, she could feel the energy of this item, the magical thrum of its power. It no longer felt cold and distant but warm, light and carried a familiarity with it. It was strange to say but it was almost like the ornament was breathing in time with her. Like it was a part of her.
Of course it was, it’s freaking magic! Frankly magic could do whatever the hell it wanted apparently. The real question was what hidden power laid within.
Somehow in the back of her mind she knew how this thing was supposed to work: it granted her some kind of temporary movement. What that meant she hadn’t the slightest clue. She also knew it would only last an hour and would ‘refresh’ at every dawn. Because that’s a thing. And she knew the spoken word needed to activate it. Which of course meant the word was angel.
Caitlyn frowned, unsure what kind of joke this was. Finnrick had specifically called her angel twice: once when they first met and when asked what exactly the hairclip did. Clearly it was some inside joke he was in on. She just wished she was too.
“Hey Cat, you okay? You keep looking at the wall.”
Caitlyn shook herself out of her stupor and found herself staring at wide brown curious eyes that belonged her baby brother Lou.
Louis or Lou as he preferred to be called, was 7 years old (soon to be 8 next month). He had messy black hair with a cute button nose. He wore clothing typical of a child his age: A red shirt with a hero splashed across its front and baggy shorts. His sneakers were worn and frayed which reminded Caitlyn she really needed to get him a new pair. Between his chubby cheeks and the gap in his smile he was the cutest kid in the world. True he was a bit pudgy due to his lack of height though if he was anything like their father, he would grow to tower over her.
Caitlyn sighed sadly: two years and still no word of her parents. One day they just up and vanished. She used to think they had died through some cruel act of fate or misfortune. In her weaker moments, she briefly wondered if they just left Lou and her behind to start a new life.
But now, with the realization there was a whole magical world on top of her own, she couldn’t fathom what could’ve happened to them. Her thoughts were endlessly filled with possibility and none of them good. None of them made the pain hurt less.
She pinched herself as hard as she could. The sharp pain cut through her wandering mind and focused her back on the task at hand.
“I’m fine” She gave a sly smile “But have you finished your sandwich? A nice man bought it for you and I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Lou bounced up and down excitedly, pudgy hands tucked into a fist “Yes, yes I did! It was yummy!”
“Who was the nice man?” Lou asked quizzically, tilting his head to one side.
“Umm….” Caitlyn was torn: One hand she wasn’t quite sure where her and Finnrick landed on the whole trustworthy scale. On the other hand she couldn’t just say a random name. Lou had an uncanny ability to know when she was lying. Bordering on supernatural sometimes.
She glanced carefully towards her baby brother, searching for any sign of magic or mysticism in his chubby cheeks.
He scrunched his eyes wide and inched closer to her. She blinked, stumbling backwards at his sudden movement.
“I win!” He cheered with a bright smile “You blinked first!”
It took a moment for Caitlyn to process what was going on.
She laughed softly “Yeah kiddo. You win.”
“So what’s the nice man’s name? It’s not Jonas, is it? He was a creep.”
“Yeah he was.” Caitlyn awkwardly agreed. Her stomach churned unhappily at the thought of her ex. “No, his name is Finn.”
“Finn” Lou paused thoughtfully, eyes narrowed in concentration “Fiiiiinn. Finn! I like it! Fiiiiiiiinn. Can you thank him for me next time you two go out?”
Caitlyn rose a hand up no protest “Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down kiddo. We’re not dating.”
“But why not? You said he was nice.”
“I…” she glanced about the apartment wearily: Peeling paint, barely held together furniture and rent past due. So much work and effort for this ramshackle home.
“I don’t have time kiddo. I got to keep working if we wanna keep this place.”
Lou frowned, his face confused as if he couldn’t understand the word work “But you’re always working Cat. When are you supposed to have fun?”
Caitlyn ruffled his already messy hair lovingly “I’ll worry about that and you worry about having fun...and keeping up your grades.”
Lou’s ears perked up “What? Sorry, I think I hear Hedge calling me.” and without further warning, he bolted into his room, picking up his beloved turtle plush Hedge and dove under the covers.
Caitlyn couldn’t help but grin at his brother’s antics.
Then reality set in again.
She rather not deal with this newly found, barely understood magical world but regular folks weren’t paying the bills like they used to. Her fence was giving her less and charging more. Some bulltshit about paying off crooked cops or whatever. Sounded like a half ass excuse to her but they both knew she didn’t have much options.
Real gold. Any loose change from magical folks could easily lighten her burden and the promise of more sat in some entitled prick’s safe.
She couldn’t resist even if she had tried and she hadn’t tried to stop herself in years.
Caitlyn waited till midnight to make her move. It was easier to blend in with darker shades and regardless of who she was robbing, she wasn’t in the business to make enemies. Especially enemies with unknown powers.
Lou was tucked into bed, nice and cozy with Hedge locked in his arms. Mrs. Palmer, a kindly older woman next door, agreed to watch him. They shared a silent knowing look with one another.
Her apartment was on the less than well kept side of town and everyone had their hands in some sort of shady business here. They tried their best to keep their noses clean but sometimes there were dips into less savory methods of getting cash.
Caitlyn was prepped for the mission ahead: A black blouse with black leggings. Thick black hiking boots for gripping walls and a leather black jacket to keep the cold and sharp pointy objects away from her skin.
She took a sad glance at the jacket, remembering all the times her father joked about handing it down to her when she beat him at arm wrestling. She could still hear dad’s hearty laughter echoing down the hall.
Caitlyn’s eyes hardened as she forced herself to look away “They left. No point in letting good gear go to waste.”
She took a deep calming breath as she ripped the tape off the butterfly knife she hid underneath her bed. She hated unnecessary violence but sometimes it took more than a good right hook to get someone off your ass. Better to have it and not need it than wind up with a bruise of regret.
She slipped the knife into her jacket pocket, slung her bag over her shoulder, nodded thankfully towards Mrs. Palmer and made her way out the door.
Caitlyn decided to take the long way: True it was halfway across town and took an hour of traveling but she always enjoyed the quiet that came with waiting. It calmed her, allowed her time to double and triple check her plans with the added benefit of shaking out any loose thoughts rattling in her head with each bump of the bus.
She stared at the beautiful ornate butterfly clip currently holding her ponytail up in the window. Caitlyn wasn’t sure what exactly Finnrick had given her but she didn’t want to use it at the apartment in case it didn’t do what it was supposed to. After all, suddenly having the knowledge in her head on how to work the hairclip was a bit unsettling. Okay really unsettling. Better to use it far away from Lou in case it exploded or something else nasty.
She got off the bus at last and hurried her way over to Andor’s, careful to cover her face whenever she spotted the odd store or traffic camera. She didn’t know who actually controlled them and she didn’t want to find out the hard way.
Andor’s Antique Shoppe (really cute elf boy) was the tallest building on the street: three floors that towered over the single story shops nearby. The street itself was nearly pitch black with a street lamp on either end of the block being the only source of light. Not a soul in sight.
Now was a good time as any to try out the hairclip. Caitlyn closed her eyes, exhaling slowly as she focused on the magical item. Goosebumps ran down her spine while the quiet, powerful thrum hummed softly in her ears. The word escaped her lips like it was second nature.
She nearly stumbled as a warm sensation filled her entire being. It covered her like a second skin and suddenly she was aware of the hairclip intimately: It’s weight, where it sat upon her head. She could feel the wings of the butterfly unfold, outstretched and ready to take flight. She heard the shimmering of magic forming into existence and she let out a surprised gasp when her feet lifted off the ground.
Caitlyn glanced in the nearby shop window, tears welling in her eyes:Beautiful translucent butterfly wings extended out from behind her. The outline of the wings were a deep rich purple with the multicolored glass stained shards gorgeously laid across its surface, each as elegant and refined as any art piece she’d ever seen. Each flutter and beat held her aloft, defying gravity’s hold on her. In the shadows of the night, the soft glow of the wings made her look like...
“An angel.” she whispered gently “I look like an angel.”
Caitlyn wiped the tears away. Technically she was a butterfly but this wasn’t the time for sentiment. She had a job to do and the longer she floated out here the more likely she’d get caught.
“Up” she murmured and the wings obliged: she rose silently skyward, each beating of the wings taking her higher and higher. The chill of the wind felt nice across her cheeks and she couldn’t help but relax in its presence.
Her original plan was to simply scale the side of the building and pick the window to gain entry but with her new found vertical movement, it was easier to just go up and over. She made sure she ascended from the end of the street and flew over to the third floor.
Caitlyn tilted her head quizzically as she found herself staring at a haphazardly open window.
“It can’t be this simple.” she narrowed her eyes suspiciously “It has to be a trap.”
Caitlyn stood dumbfounded in the unguarded office of Andor.
She looked to her left then to her right, waiting for some sort of ambush to be sprung.
None came.
“Okay it is this simple.” Caitlyn whispered to herself, opting to just take this stroke of good fortune and run with it. She quietly willed the wings away and with a glitter of magic they vanished into thin air.
She crept over to the black safe tucked lazily in the corner, a stack of important looking documents just thrown on top without a care in the world. She quickly pocketed them and turned her attention to the roadblock in her way. True to Finnrick’s information, the safe itself was fairly simple and wouldn’t take much to break into. Either Andor was extremely confident in his security or really didn’t take being a crook seriously.
Not that it mattered to Caitlyn. It wasn’t her fault Andor hadn’t invested in a good safe.
She pressed her ear against the cool surface of the metal, trying to ignore the icy chill on her cheek as she strained to listen for the nearly inaudible click of the tumblers falling into place. It had taken two tries too many but she allowed herself a smug grin as the safe’s door swung open with a creak.
Caitlyn’s eyes narrowed at the sight of a funny symbol painted onto the back of the door. It gleamed with a strange unnatural light before disappearing all together. Before she could began to guess what bad news that meant, the shouts and thundering footsteps echoed from below answered her question.
“Shit.” She whispered as she began frantically grabbing everything she could: Folders, stacks of papers and clanging metal in heavy pouches. It all went into her bag with as much speed as she could muster.
The footsteps grew louder with a frantic pace. They were already on the second floor if she hazard a guess. Caitlyn made for the window and without a second thought, flung herself outside with all her might.
“Angel!” She hurried muttered but the wings were forming too slowly. She already crossed past the next floor down when they barely began to outstretch from her back. Caitlyn was no physics major but even she knew there was no way she’d be able to slow down in time to avoid breaking her neck. She shielded her face with her arms and tried not to flinch as she waited for the pain to set in.
It didn’t come.
Instead she felt herself slow to a stop midair and just stayed here. Caitlyn opened her eyes to find herself bobbing up and down inches away from the pavement. There were a pair of legs as well: Black slacks and well polished loafers with the bottom half of a black tattered trench coat.
“Falling for me angel? I didn’t expect it to be literal.”
She glanced up to found herself staring at the one and only Finnrick Drift before her, a cheeky smile on his lips and his hand held out.
Finnrick waved his fingers over her and she landed onto the sidewalk with a soft thud.
He offered her his hand but she preferred to scamper to her feet in the most ungraceful way possible. Her cheeks burned with a pinkish hue at the sight of the P.I.
“Thanks.” She couldn’t keep the embarrassment out of her voice “I….thanks.”
Finnrick nodded “Anytime.”
“WHY IS THE DOOR LOCKED?!” A voice roared from overhead.
Realization knocked Caitlyn out of whatever was going on here but as she turned to make a break for it, Finnrick rose his hand to stop her.
She glanced at him, lost and confused.
“The favor. I’m calling it in.”
“What?! Here?! NOW!? You got to be kidding!”
“I kid about a lot of things.” Finnrick admitted “but not this.”
“We’re standing outside the place I just robbed! This isn’t the time!”
“Yes it is.”
Caitlyn took a step back and cast a suspicious look at the private investigator “You were using me, weren’t you? You didn’t want to get your hands dirty so you let me borrow the wings so I can steal the thing for you!”
Finnrick shook his head.
“Don’t turn this around on me!” Caitlyn snarled
Finnrick answered simply “You were clearly better at locks and sneaking around than I am. I was actually having trouble figuring how to pull this off. Every option ended with a fight with Andor. That’s why I’m out here. Why I busted every cameras on the street and managed to keep the window open. To make sure you were okay.”
“Where even were you?!” Caitlyn tried in vain to recall seeing Finnrick on the street “it doesn’t matter! You want me to trust you?! Just like that?”
Finnrick sighed tiredly “Please angel I trust you.”
Caitlyn’s eyes went cold “That is your mistake, not mine.”
Finnrick stared back at her, his dark brown eyes warm and gentle “Trusting you is my choice. Breaking it lays entirely with you.”
Caitlyn felt the rage and distrust drain out of her and replaced with a tense exhaustion.
Angel. He had let her borrow the wings and while there was no way he’d let her keep them he did give it to her for a favor. A simple favor he promised.
She sighed in defeat “What’s the favor?”
“I need a paper from the stack.”
“And if I give it to you, will you let me go?” She asked, hating how weak and vulnerable she sounded.
“No” Finnrick spoke without hesitation.
Caitlyn's shoulders sagged with disappointment.
“I will protect you.”
Caitlyn couldn’t help but stare at Finnrick: His face was scrunched up in a rather cute sense of determination and his body was relaxed. It was clear he was trying to be as nonthreatening as possible and despite her recent outburst, he seemed more concern with her than himself.
When was the last time someone offered to protect her? Granted she didn’t need any but even Caitlyn had to admit it was nice to hear.
They stood there for a moment, the angry shouts and cursing of Andor and his thugs breaking the silence of the night.
“Which paper is it?”
“It’ll be a single sheet with some fancy silvery writing on it.”
It took her no time to find it: It was thicker than all the others, written on some ancient paper that was aged yellow with time but was otherwise intact. The shining silvery writing was indeed fancy but nearly impossible to make out. She could actually feel her eyes water just looking at it and she wasted no time shoving it into Finn’s hand.
“There!” Caitlyn cast a nervous glance towards the third floor window “I kept my end. Now keep yours. Please.”
Finnrick said nothing. He instead tucked the loose paper inside his coat and offered a hand to her.
Confused but running out of options, she gingerly took his hand in hers. She flushed at how warm he was. Caitlyn let out a yelp as Finnrick pulled her in. She tried to keep her cheeks from turning a lovely shade of red when Finnrick held her close.
Finnrick began chanting, his hands drawing unseen symbols in the air. Caitlyn could feel the same warm sensation from earlier wash over her as Finnrick’s spell took effect.
“FIND MY STUFF NOW!” Andor screamed with bloody rage. He was typical of an elf: Impossible well kept blonde hair that flowed to his back, piercing forest green eyes. He was tall and lean with the tackiest suit anyone had seen. Reds and pinks in some sort plaid pattern. He called it looking good. His goons called it a headache. His pointed ears twitch unhappily as he struggled to listen for any sort of sound nearby but found nothing beyond the usual quiet hum of the city.
Andor groaned unhappily as he made his way to the window. His eyes scanned the street with a clarity not even the most technologically advance camera could match. His elf eyes took in every detail through the shadows: every imperfect scratch on the brick buildings, the asphalt embedded with the grooves of tires, cracked sidewalks that spread out like bolts of lightning.
Nothing. Not a single soul was in sight. The silhouetted street was bare and empty.
“We can’t boss, it was fried yesterday, remember?”
Andor shut the window with a violent thud.
Caitlyn let out the tense sigh she hadn’t realized she had been holding in.
She instinctively looked towards Finnrick only to find empty air.
“We’ll have to be invisible a little longer. They’ll be searching the shop before they think to start fanning outside. Andor will be making the process longer. Let’s get to the end of the street and I’ll drop it then.”
Caitlyn nodded for a moment before realizing he couldn’t see her
He guided her arm into his and the pair briskly walked down the street. It felt weird to walk invisible, arm in arm, while a childish elf baby raged behind them.
When they reached the end of the street, Finnrick dropped the spell. The two reappeared as quickly as they’d vanished. Caitlyn pulled away from the detective, her body shivering from the sudden lack of warmth.
“Thank you.” Caitlyn murmured softly.
Finnrick tipped his fedora “Any time sweetie.”
“What now?”
Finnrick scratched his chin thoughtfully “It is late and staying here would be a terrible idea. I suspect we both have places to be.”
Finnrick reached into his pocket and held out a piece of paper for Caitlyn to take. She stared at it, unsure what he was offering.
“It’s my fence.” He clarified with a smile “I take it you don’t know a magical one. He’s very trustworthy and he’ll give you a fair price.”
“Thanks” she took the slip of paper “I….thank you.”
“Any time. Good night angel.”
“Wait!” She reached for him but drew back when he turned to face her “Your hairclip? The one you let me borrow?”
Finnrick’s eyes twinkled with amusement “You didn’t hear me, did you? I told you that’s yours.”
Caitlyn could hear her heart thundering in her ears, cheeks ablaze “You sure? It seems like it costed a pretty penny.”
“Pretty amount of gold.” Finnrick corrected with a wink “And I’m pretty sure. I made it for you.”
“Why?” The question slipped out of her mouth “Why me? You barely know me.”
“Not true.” Finnrick nervously bit his lip “You barely know me. I’ve been waiting for you forever now. About five yearsin fact.”
“Me?” Her blush worsened “I don’t understand.”
“You will.”
Finnrick took her hand in his once more and softly kissed it. Caitlyn could feel a flutter of butterflies fill her stomach.
He hesitated to break his hold on her but he did so respectfully. Caitlyn could see his cheeks tinged with a pinkish hue as he began walking away.
Caitlyn stood there and watched the detective vanish into the night.
Okay, so she didn’t just stand there dumbfounded as Finnrick walked away. It was probably a terrible idea and definitely not normal Caitlyn behavior but she followed him.
It wasn’t too hard given her newfound verticality. She just waited a few minutes, noted the direction he was heading and flew over the rooftops. Finnrick didn’t seem to be aware he was being followed. He walked the darken streets of Newton Haven, gesturing to the odd person or mythical being cloak in the darkness. His pace was casual and unsuspecting.
Her concerns about running out of time were unfounded as about 30 minutes later, Finnrick ducked into a fairly decent apartment complex. It was better kept than hers but only by a fraction.
A dark apartment on the third floor was suddenly flooded with light as Finnrick Drift made his way inside. He hung his coat and fedora at a coat rack that stood by the door. The apartment was itself humble: he had a battered desk placed by the window, his tiny kitchen was on one side and the door to his bedroom on the other. There was a large file cabinet next to a battered, ancient fridge. Not the place of a well paid private investigator.
Finnrick sighed tiredly as he rolled up his sleeves. The way his body hunched over with the slow debilitate movements he made, it was obvious he must’ve been exhausted. But whatever he was up to must’ve been important because he began drawing on his lovely wooden floor.
Caitlyn couldn’t really guess what the detective was doing beyond the shape he was making: There was a large outer circle and a much smaller one within. An array of symbols were drawn between the two circles such as stars, a crescent moon, squiggles shaped like trees with a language she didn’t understand.
It didn’t take Finnrick long to finish. He stood at full height, wiping the sweat from his brow as he reached into his pocket and pulled a baggie. Carefully, he opened the bag and pulled out a sliver thread that seemed to shine even at this distance. He placed it within the smaller circle and outstretched a hand like he was grasping at something. His eyes, normally a warm dark brown, glowed with blue arcane power. Magical symbols formed before him and the building groaned and creaked like the mere presence of magic commanded it to speak. He lit a match, his lips moving more and more wildly yet no sound could be heard from within. Finnrick closed his hand into a fist and the symbols sunk into the circle. He flung the match onto the sliver thread and the entire glyph blazed with fire for moment. There was a flash of a brilliant light and the circle had vanished only to be replaced by some strange figure.
She was much taller than Finn, so tall in fact the top of her head nearly scraped the bottom of the next floor up. Her hair was wispy, thin threads of sliver that reached to the bottom of her feet. Her skin was pale like moonlight and two dark sunken pits formed her eyes. Her frame was lanky and unnatural like someone had pulled and stretch her into her current form. Her clothes were torn and ragged.
The figure tiled her head curiously at Finnrick who dug into his pocket and pulled out the yellowed paper Caitlyn had given him. The figure was dumbstruck as Finnrick handed it to her with a warm smile. He offered a match to the creature but she shook her head. She gingerly held the paper in her hand, staring at it like was about to vanish into thin air.
Then she ripped it. She tore at it with a fierce, terrifying frenzy. She ripped and ripped and ripped until impossibly small bits of paper rained across the apartment. Caitlyn leaned closer as previously unseen shackles formed upon the figure’s wrist and cracked wide open. They slipped off and vanished into the air.
The figure let out a manic laugh as she shrunk, her limbs realigning themselves until she looked like a proper human sized person only a head taller than Finnrick. Her thin wispy hair fattened to thick, full braids of metallic silver. Her skin remained pale but her dark sunken eyes turned a coal black, full of life and joy. Even her clothes had transformed into a splendid elegant dress that sparkled like stars.
She cried, clear streams of water running down her face as she held Finnrick’s hands tightly. She wailed and shook, unable to keep her emotions in any longer. Finnrick let her, giving only a satisfied grin in response. She handed him a handful of gold, 3 maybe 4 pieces and began patting her dress as if looking for more. Finnrick stopped her, pocketing the gold and shaking his head no. The creature was not satisfied by this and began to gesture wildly about. Finnrick remained steadfast. He gestured to himself, lips speaking but Caitlyn couldn’t read whathe was mouthing this far away. The figure said nothing as a small child matching her skin tone appeared from out of nowhere. The child gestured to his wrist excitedly though nothing was there. The figure scooped the child in her arm and gently kissed his forehead. She glanced to Finnrick and was gone. A gentle warm breeze sailed past Caitlyn’s hidden spot, dispelling the frigid 2 a.m. air.
Finnrick chuckled to himself and despite on the verge of collapsing, made his way to the kitchen. He remained there for a few minutes and reemerged with a steaming cup of those instant noodles found at the store. He made his way over to the window and lifted it open. He placed the foam cup on the fire escape and hastily wrote a note which he folded carefully next to the food.
And with his job seemingly done, he made turned off the lights with a flourish of his hand and made his way to his bedroom. He closed the door and did not reappear.
Caitlyn flew over with the few minutes she had left in her wings. She picked up the cup of ramen, contently sighing with its warmth. She grabbed the note and read it aloud, curious what Finnrick wrote.
Caitlyn felt a chill of run down her spine as she read “Hey! Noticed you watching me and given you didn’t try to attack me, I assumed you had your reasons. If you’re trying to track me for your boss, here’s your warning! I will destroy everything they hold dear. You possibly included. If you just were a person or fae that was just curious, have a warm meal on me! It’s cold out so bundle up. Have a good one and don’t touch the window. I am a powerful warder.” F- :)
Caitlyn couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across her lips as she saw the cute smiley Finnrick had ended the note with.
She held the cup close as she made her way to street level. Finnrick told her she’d understand in time. She wished she understood now but she shocked to find herself more than willing to find out.
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aridara · 4 years
So Siryouarebeingmocked, being the patethic and toxic imbecile he is, decided to complain about how people are treating the Capitol coupers differently than BLM protesters. Like, no shit, Sherlock, that’s because they ARE different. SYABM just pretends that BLM is somehow worse, because he has literally never denounced a white supremacist in his entire existence on Tumblr.
For example, he claims that, during this summer, cops were ordered to look the other way when it came to BLM protests. This is a complete and utter lie.
He also claims that Trump was accused of “being a fascist sending out government troops” just because he sent federal cops to protect federal buildings. Again, this is false. Trump sent troop to kidnap people off the streets and take them elsewhere for interrogation, on unlabeled vehicles, without showing or telling the arrested where they were going, and most importantly without any charge. Basically, they went in Portland, arrested any black person that happened to be there for no fucking reason, then dragged them away into some federal building to detain them. Of course, SYABM doesnt’t tell you any of that, because SYABM is a fascist sympathizer.
Someone called @lercymoth decided to dispel his bullshit. Here’s the post; I can’t reblog it, because SYABM blocked me after I pointed out that he was making cops look really incompetent.
SYABM responded. And his response was, obviously, shit. So here I am, trying to deal with his bullshit.
Before we start, a few rules. First: if SYABM misinterpreted or missed Lercymoth’s point, I will instantly dismiss SYABM’s argument without even reading the rest of it. The reason why is simple: countering your opponent’s argument requires you to counter what your opponent ACTUALLY said. If you don’t do that, then you aren’t actually countering your opponent’s argument, which means that you don’t have any actual objection to your opponent’s argument. Now, we could give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they just made a honest mistake... but SYABM doesn’t deserve any mercy whatsoever. So, if he fails to address one of Lercymoth’s arguments, Lercymoth automaticaly wins.
Second rule: if SYABM completely dismisses Lercymoth’s arguments as “irrelevant”, SYABM automatically loses. Again, SYABM deserves no mercy whatsoever. If he doesn’t bother to make a counter-argument, then he doesn’t have one.
>Yes, people some people got shot, but:
There’s an old saying; what comes after the ‘but’ is the real argument. It’s generally reliable. Especially when you’re being vague about identifying folks in this sentence when you’re ostensibly acknowledging victimhood of the recent DC protesters, but very precise in the following ones when you want to assign blame, or claim BLM are victims
This is a “tone argument”. SYABM isn't addressing Lercymoth's argument; he's whining about the way Lercymoth is presenting it.
Since SYABM isn't actually addressing Lercymoth's argument, this paragraph is worthless. Lercymoth wins.
>let crowd in
Yes, because they were outnumbered, IIRC. They physically couldn’t keep the crowd out without killing people.
Surprisingly, SYABM might actually have a point here.
Unfortunately, I have no intention of giving him mercy. SYABM conveniently forgets that the police has no problem whatsoever with killing black people for being potentially threatening. So why the disparity here? SYABM doesn't explain it, therefore Lercymoth automatically wins.
>took selfies
So you’re implying a few pictures obviates being shot?
SYABM is deliberately missing the point. The point is that the cops decided to be friendly with the insurgents despite the fact that they aren't supposed to be buddy-buddy with insurgents who are attempting a coup.
SYABM automatically loses, since he deliberately avoided addressing Lercymoth’s argument. Lercymoth wins.
>Had to to get attention
There are several things wrong with this statement.
So let me get this straight.  you think government officials don’t care about the lives and livelihoods of black people.  and so, you decided the best way to fix this problem is by destroying the lives and livelihoods of black people...
Nope. Black people didn't choose to protest. The violent reaction of the police, coupled with decades of racism, caused the riots.
Martin Luther King Jr. said that “a riot is the language of the unheard”; and this is precisely what is currently happening. We're at the point where riots WILL happen, regardless of what black or white people want; and the only way to fix this is by addressing the cause of the riot. Continuing to blame black people without fixing the racist police system addresses the symptom, not the cause; and on top of that, it's precisely the mindset that caused the riots in the first place.
Also, 93% of all BLM since May have been peaceful (https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/) - and that's if we count “spraying graffiti” and “responding to an unjustified attack from cops/white supremacists” as violence. The vast majority of the violence came from white supremacists and cops. Therefore, any discussion about the violence that happened during the protests that DOESN'T acknowledge this is intrinsically dishonest, and therefore must be dismissed.
Ah, also this bit:
in fact some of them are still claiming it.  like aridara.   he implied the riots themselves by blm were all peaceful,  but any actual violence?  clearly that was done by undercover cops and 88ers.
Yeah, SYABM just made that up. As fucking usual. Rest of the section dismissed due to SYABM's dishonesty. Lercymoth wins.
>rubber bullets
 yeah it’s literally impossible to aim those with precision outside of point Blank  range. you cannot reliably shoot somebody in the eye from more than a  foot or two away.
SYABM is missing the point. Lercymoth was talking about cases where people were shot directly with rubber bullets. Keep in mind that EVERY training says that rubber bullets must be aimed towards the ground, so that they bounce off and lose power before hitting the protesters. The sheer amount of times cops violated this basic training, and the fact that they violated such a basic rule, shows us that these aren't accidental cases; these are deliberate actions.
SYABM, instead, claims that the cops couldn't reliably aim at people's eyes, therefore cops didn't deliberately shoot rubber bullets directly at people. Which is bullshit logic. Rest of the paragraph dismissed. Lercymoth wins.
Nope. People literally called the cops ‘troops’, including news sources, and called him fascist for sending them in.
SYABM is once again missing the point. Trump sent in federal cops to arrest people without any charge, kidnap them off the streets, and transport them to federal buildings without telling anyone.
Rest of the paragraph dismissed. Lercymoth wins. Again: if SYABM wants to disprove Lercymoth's arguments, then SYABM must actually talk about Lercymoth's arguments. If SYABM talks about other stuff without actually addressing Lercymoth's arguments, then SYABM didn't disprove Lercymoth's arguments - which means that the latter wins by default.
All that other stuff? Irrelevant. My point was “the cops used much less force than they did in DC to protect Federal property in Portland,...
SYABM is once again missing Lercymoth's point, which is that cops use IMMEDIATE violence against BLM for stuff like peaceful protesting; while they treated the Capitol coupers with kid gloves. SYABM failed to disprove this (no, his bullshit cherry-picked example doesn’t count jack shit), therefore Lercymoth wins by default. The end.
It’s funny you should mention Ted Wheeler, when he’s one of the people the rioters harassed. And the tear gas incident in July was when he was an anonymous face in the crowd, wearing a mask,...
This is false. As usual, SYABM just lies, lies, lies without bringing any source to back up his own claims. In fact, whenever he makes a claim without bothering to bring up any source, the chances that he's lying increase considerably.
Anyway, rest of the section dismissed because it's based on a lie. Lercymoth wins.
>- Putting fucking children in concentration camps. (They’re not detainment centers. Those don’t have fences cages with tin foil blankets.)
How exactly do you detain people without fences and walls?
SYABM is once again missing the point. Lercymoth specifically said “fence cages”; SYABM, instead, talks about fences and walls. SYABM refuses to address Lercyomth’s argument, therefore he abandons the competition; Lercymoth wins.
>No one wants the idea that the White House raiders being treated better than BLM to be true. 
Really? No one wants to claim BLM are treated worse because of racism? Not a single person?
SYABM is once again missing the point. Lercymoth is pointing out that nobody wants X to be true; but X is true so people claim that X is true. Because it IS.
SYABM cherry-picks Lercymoth's argument into “nobody […] claim that X is true”. Which is a massive strawman. Which means that SYABM isn't attacking Lercymoth's actual argument – which means that Lercymoth, once again, wins by default.
And that's it. Literally ALL of Lercymoth's arguments win by default, because Siryouarebeingmocked is too coward, dishonest and spineless to actually try to disprove them.
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finleyjayne · 4 years
Living a Lie: Chapter 2
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Thank you for everyone who helped with this fic, including the fantastic @2smittinkittin​, the wonderful beta for this chapter, and @kittykatlow​, who is still forever supportive.
Summary: Penelope Grace Darling: the name you live by, the only name the world remembers. That doesn’t keep the memories of Y/N out of your head. All you ever wanted to do was create a better world. You thought you were doing that until some unexpected visitors to your hometown turn your world upside down. Can you leave your past behind you in order to keep your loved ones safe? Or will your fragmented memories keep you from the truth?
Pairings: Past Winter Soldier/Reader, Plus sized!Reader. Slow burn Bucky Barnes/ Reader.
Warnings: Dub/Noncon, Rape, Kidnapping, human trafficking (referenced), Underage Rape, Swearing, PTSD, Anxiety attacks, Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Non-consenting drug use, underage Drug use, Violence, Domestic Violence, I’m trying to remember what else comes later in the series.
This is a Dark Fic if you don’t like it, Don’t Read It!
Chapter 1
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Looking genuinely confused as you try to place the name with the context, your eyes flipping between the four people who were now staring at you. Three highly amused with your confusion and one completely flabbergasted. “Daisy calm down a bit? I am apparently missing something here, and you yelling is definitely not helping me piece it together.”
  At this, Clint bends over himself, clutching his sides as his laughter rips through his chest. What a sexy laugh? Even though it’s at my expense. Nat smirks a little longer than her usual quick flashes. Wanda, ever the peacekeeper, extends her hand, “Hello, My name is Wanda, but I’m usually more recognized by my superhero name: The Scarlet Witch. These are my teammates and friends, Natasha, or The Black Widow, and Clint, also known as Hawkeye. It’s very nice to meet you, Penelope. We definitely appreciate the help with the shoes.”
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As her sentences click in your brain, your eyes grow as big as your glasses’ rims. Your jaw pops open, “Oh, well, it’s nice to meet you, too?” You say with a nervous laugh, well, this is embarrassing. “Thank you for coming into our store. Daisy, don’t do anything stupid. I’m going to go grab my purse, and then I’m going to lunch.” you face still plastered with saucer-sized eyes as you slip through the curtains.
How could I not know who they were? I know I use Daisy and Bruce as my source of current events, but I should at least know the Avengers’ faces. You grab your purse, slinging it across your body before proceeding out the front door toward the little corner bakery. At least I didn’t act like a complete fool. Daisy is probably freaking out. I shouldn’t have left her alone with them, she’s going to eat them alive. Who am I kidding? They’ll be fine, they are the Avengers, they can handle an over-excited almost adult. 
Thankfully, lunch and the rest of your shift flew by without any other famous guests. Your nerves were on the fritz, though; it felt as if someone was watching you. No matter what you did, You just couldn’t relax. Every movement drew your attention. Every sound made you flinch. As Bruce came through the door, you burst at the seams with the need to make your escape. You threw a passing goodbye to your boss as you jogged to your car, not even sparing a moment to change the radio back to a public station. You were out of the parking lot and on the road in seconds, causing Gertrude to complain loudly. Fighting off the sharp edges of the panic that blistered your mind. Within two blocks, you were pulled over, hand clawing at your chest, sight wavering as you throw Gertrude into park. Before you can even think about counting the rails in the fence, your vision is black. 
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“Пожалуйста, прекратите! [Please stop!]” The high-pitched scream echoes through the small, dark room. “Вам не нужно этого делать [You don’t need to do this].” a shock of pain courses over your back as a second resounding crack follows. 
“Тишина [SILENCE],” comes the cold order. “Вы говорите, когда я хочу, чтобы вы говорите! [You speak when I want you to speak!]” two more cracks and, after a second, two more blazing paths are scorching your skin. Confusion is mixed into the muddled neurons of your brain as you hear the metal door sliding open. 
Cautiously you lift your eyes, peering over your shoulder, only to be met by another crack that catches you across the cheek. With another bloodcurdling scream, you fall onto your freshly whipped back. Holding a cuffed hand to your sliced cheek, you meet the coldest pair of steel-blue eyes you have ever seen. “Этого достаточно. Они готовы к этому. [That’s enough. They are ready for it]” came the icy baritone through the black mask. 
    Your assailant scowls at the man. “Пациент не готов. [The subject is not ready]”
    The empty-eyed man ignores him as he steps closer to you. “Они готовы [they are ready],” he repeats. He reaches for your arm mechanically. It was as if he was only going through the motions without knowing what he was doing.
     You flinch from his extended right hand, cowering away. “Вам не нужно этого делать [You don’t need to do this].” comes the pleading voice that you realize is coming from you. 
     He continues forward, dragging you out of the room to the scream of the man you left behind. “Она не твоя [She is not yours]!”
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     Sobbing into the steering wheel of your beloved clunker, you hold onto your thick sides. The black-rimmed, ice-filled eyes continue to hover in your peripheral as you come out of the onslaught of memories. It’s not real, I am in Utah, they are not here, he is not here. I am safe. Coulson promised I am safe. After eight more deep breaths, your thoughts are cut off by a peppy, upbeat melody sung by a flowy lyric-soprano. “I know you can hear this Penny, so pick up, or I’ll sing it higher.” As the melody repeats for the third time, you scramble to pick your phone up. 
    “Delilah, I hope you realize that the ringtone you made me is, in fact, the cruelest practical joke anyone has ever succeeded in pulling.” You snip the need to portray normalcy coming through in your irritation at one of your best friends. 
    “I loooove you too, darling.” came the cloying giggle from the other end of the line. “Taylor and I were just talking about the Stark expo that is opening tonight. Also, we haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. Please save me from going to this thing without you. You can interpret Tay’s wild ramblings for me, and you can get out of that dungeon you call a bedroom for a night! It’ll be fun! Pleeeeeeeease~.” 
You can see the bright amber puppy-dog eyes she was giving you through the phone. There was no way she would let you off the hook if Taylor was dragging her to the Expo. Knowing Taylor, they had probably pre-ordered three VIP passes months ago and had been secretly geeking out since, waiting to haul us to their favorite displays and setting up the perfect itinerary. But also in their excitement, forgot to tell us about it until now.  
With a sigh, you throw your head back onto the headrest. “I’m going whether or not I want to, aren’t I?”
“You know us so well,” came Taylor’s dark-tenor chuckle through the speaker. 
“Well, I’m headed to my appointment up there right now. If you want to meet me at the east entrance of the Salt Palace afterward...” You resign, glancing at the radio clock in the dash. “I should be done by the time you get there, but I’ll text you when I’m on my way.” Delilah squeals, and Tay’s hums in contentment. 
“See you there,” they both reply. “Drive safe, Drive smart.”
“You too. I’d suggest taking Trax if you can. The parking is gonna be a nightmare. I can take y’all home when we’re done.”
“Sounds like a plan. See you there,” Tay calls through Lila’s squeals before hanging up.
Staring blankly through the window for a minute before turning on the radio and making your way back into heavy Utah traffic.  
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An hour later, you pull into the large parking structure, running out of the car and into the blazing summer heat. Fucking Utah drivers. Unable to go a single day without causing some sort of preventable crash. Bursting into the large hospital, you clip your little identification tag before heading to the research lab where they run all their tests. Pulling your shoulders back as you scan your ID and pass the double doors that say: AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY.
You follow the labyrinth of hallways to a small medical-exam room in the furthest corner of the buildings. X-rays, MRIs, and Photos were stuck to lightboards around the room. With a huff, you look away from the gruesome images, towards a devilishly-handsome blond clothed in SHIELD emblazoned shrubs and a University of Utah Hospital doctor’s coat. The modelesque picture on his ID not doing him justice. 
“Hello, Miss Darling, only ten minutes early. What happened, you get stuck in traffic?” His aggravatingly-nasal voice pierced through the sounds of him typing on his small laptop, reminding you just how much you dislike this man. 
“Yes, actually, Dr. Fenris. There were three crashes on I-15, and then there was a line of cars four miles long getting off for the Expo. I never realized that there was enough parking for that here.” I grit my teeth, plastering on my smile at his joke. 
“Well, I see no use dilly-dallying any further; if you’ll change into your gown and then sit on the exam table, we’ll start with that today, then we’ll head to the MRI and X-ray followed by your physical strength and endurance testing.” Dr. Fenris said as you grabbed the scratchy hospital gown off the end of the exam table and started changing. There is no use hiding your body, this man has seen every part of my it over the last four years since you’ve come back to the states. If you were honest with yourself, you would stop these useless exams. The longer they went, the worse you were being treated, and the more you get the feeling that something is wrong. It’s not like they were making any progress in making this “cure” that you are supposedly helping with. 
Gown on, you sit on the bed. Legs dangling off the floor slightly as you wait for Fenris to finish whatever he is typing. As he turns his attention to you with a smirk, a wicked glint enters his eye. “Look at that; just as predicted, your healing time has decreased since the last time you got an abrasion. This week we’re going to analyze how your platelets are going to react to different poisons.”
Looking at him cautiously, you move the slightest bit away from his seat.
“Oh silly, we are going to do it in the lab. Just a couple of vials of blood from you are needed. For now, at least.” He placates jovially, pulling out a tray of vials and a winged phlebotomy kit. 
You warily keep your eye on him as he comes around to the side of the table. Right as he’s about to stick you, a knock comes at the door. You look at the doctor surprised. He just gives a tight smile, showing a tight smile as he turns to the door, opening it. “Dr. Banner, I didn’t think you were going to come in today.” the jittery surprise made evident his cheerful mask. 
“I wasn’t planning on it. Then I noticed that the subject of your tests was going to be in today and couldn’t help but want to see her for myself.” responded the gentle-looking man with salt and pepper hair and black-rimmed, nerd glasses. “My name is Dr. Bruce Banner. I am here to check on the status of Dr. Fenris’ research.” 
“Hey,” you say with an awkward little wave, “I’m Penelope, but I guess you knew that already since I am his research,” you can’t help the self-deprecating chuckle and tight smile that follow Dr. Banner’s staring. “You just got to his favorite part. Fenris here was just about to stab me like Vlad the Impaler.” Your anxiety at Fenris’ obvious joy from your pain showing slightly.
Dr. Banner looked at you with complete horror. Turning to Dr. Fenris with a look of disgust. “I should hope not. It would be disappointing if this project were to stop. There is great potential for new knowledge and understanding here.”
Giggling slightly at the furious look Fenris throws you, your chest releases. “It was one time, Ms. Darling. And you healed before you even left the hospital.”
“Doesn’t mean you won’t do it again, Dr. we-are-testing-your-platelets’-reaction-to-poisons-this-week. I feel like my cautiousness is well deserved, and I still hate needles,” you pout. “Now, if you’ll hurry up and stick me so we can get this over with. I’m supposed to be going to the Stark expo thingy. Gotta play the interpreter between my friends. Though, I’m pretty sure they are just using that excuse to get me to go with them.” 
Dr. Banner chuckled awkwardly as you turn to him, trying to ignore the deplorable doctor to your right. “Anyway, how hopeful are you for this research Dr. Banner? Are you going to the Expo? I hear that they will be talking about the new renewable resource cells Stark Industries is working on. I hope that they are planning on making them powerful enough to bring about an electric car. There are just too many oil refineries around here to be healthy. I personally would hop on that electric car bandwagon if there was one affordable and efficient.”
As you rambled, two large sterile culture bottles and six smaller tubes are filled with your blood. Dr. Banner keeps out of the way as Fenris goes about testing your reflexes and taking measurements of your leg, inspecting the other doctor’s work before Looking at the pictures, and medical imaging on the wall. “How long ago were these pictures taken?” He finally asks, pointing to the first set of photographs. Your leg was utterly ravaged, exposing the metal skeleton while the flesh looked like it was used as a cougar’s chew toy. 
“Four years.” I wince, remembering the carnage that Fury and Coulson had found me in. “Almost to the day.” 
“And this one?” gesturing to the next picture; muscle and tendon now in some sense of a sinewy leg. The skin overlying the fragile tissues without much scar tissue. 
“Two weeks later. The next is two weeks after that. I can tell you that growing pains are indeed worth all the crying that children do over them.” You joke, looking at the almost normal looking appendage in the picture, then at the more tone,d version currently attached to your body. 
“Can you feel it? When did it start?” You could tell that Banner’s questions were from a scientific fascination that made you smirk. He looked kind of like a little boy set loose in a candy store; intrigued, and full of genuine curiosity.
“I can’t really feel it, but my brain started to connect to it a few months after the initial accident. I am kinda glad I can’t feel it though. Getting back feeling all at once makes ‘pins and needles’ look like child’s play. Though according to Dr. Fenris, my body is apparently fully healed, and I could get the feeling back any second.” 
“Have you had today’s scans? Can I see them?”
“Not yet. That comes after the blood draw today, Then it’s time for some superhero training. Apparently, it’s not enough to take all my healing into account. I’m also being studied as a Superhuman… Fenris here likes to refer to me as a Supersoldier. I don’t really see how that fits since I never was technically a soldier-” 
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind me accompanying you, we can see what you can do. Who knows maybe by the end of today you’ll be vetted into the Avengers.”
“I don’t think that will be a possibility, Dr. Banner. I don’t think SHIELD is a big fan of my existence. I am only useful as a lab rat.”
The man looks to Fenris through the corner of his eye. “Is that right? I have a feeling many things about this research are going to be changing,” a deep undertone of discontent laced through the Dr.’s words. 
Throughout the next hour, more medical tests are done. By the time we are back into the little exam room, you are full of pent up energy. Now was your favorite part of these appointments. You get to actually use some of the ‘powers’ that You were given. You could set yourself free.
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If you want more Winter Soldier fics, check out @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​. They have a great one called Breach.
Thank you all for reading.
Tags are open for this fic; I am also curious to see what you all think. Share your truth with me.
People I think will enjoy reading this: @star-spangled-beard-burn@angrythingstarlight​ @tossacoin2yourwitcher​ @navybrat817​ @nekoannie-chan​ @donutloverxo​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @nsfwsebbie​ @jtargaryen18 @buckys-broody-muffin​ @nacho-bucky​ @giorno-plays-piano​ @buckybarney
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gotinterest · 4 years
The biggest issue with the inclusion/exclusion discourse from the exclusion side is the tendency to compare it to other movements of exclusion instead of facing it as the unique situation it is.
To preface, I do believe that ace people are a part of the lgbt community. I say are and not should be because... well... lets be honest. Ace people are present in pride activities and LGBT communities around the world. Regardless of if people like it or not, ace people are active members of the LGBT community. We have evidence of asexuality being actively discussed as sexuality going back decades. They are already there. The case for exclusion is one of kicking them out, not preventing them from entering.
The problem with the way we discuss ace exclusionism is that it is currently painted with the exact same brush as other exclusionary movements such as TERFS and truscum... when a large portion of exclusionists have almost nothing in common with either of those groups. Yes, there are exclusionists who harass people, who say that asexuality doesn’t exist, who discount the experience of ace rape victims, who are terrible people. 
But unlike TERFS or truscum, there isn’t a component of systemic danger from the activities of most ace exclusionists. The worst the vast majority of ace exclusionists do is make ace people feel unwelcomed in the community. Which is bad, but it isn’t blocking access to healthcare, making the very act of going to the bathroom anxious and political, funding alt-right groups, organizing mass harassment campaigns, increased policing, committing hate crimes, etc. So painting ace exclusionist in general as the same kind of threat as TERFS or truscum grossly misrepresents the kind of people most of them are and the sort of threat they pose. As a result it is hard for many people (so many of whom are on the fence on the issue of inclus v exclus) to take exclusionism seriously as an issue when it appears as though the people who are discussing it have no sense of scale when it comes to the kind of threat it is to people’s material safety.
We cannot actually DEAL with exclusionism until it is openly acknowledged that a lot of people are exclusionists or lean towards exclusionism both because of the aforementioned misrepresentation and because the ace community has an issue with self moderation. 
Many of the exclusionists I have gotten a chance to talk to about their views have told me that the majority of ace people they have come across have been wildly homophobic. Now, just because that is their perception, doesn’t mean it’s reality (furthermore the homophobia of individuals should not be used to discount everyone who shares their sexuality). But it is worth looking into why this perception even exists.
The ace community is not anymore homophobic than any other community, but a growing problem with the ace community- particularly the online ace community- is how defensive it is of itself. 
Every time a post comes across my dash that calls out a loudly inclusionist ace person for homophobia or some other kind of bigotry, it is a) originally from an exclusionist and many times b) has comments added onto it which contain some kind of defense of the ace community by ace inclusionists.
Those defenses can be anything from “This isn’t actually homophobic” to “Not all ace people are homophobic” to “Well what about the stuff that [insert terrible exclusionist here] did?” 
The fact is, however, that just as the ace community is not any more inclined to homophobia than any other group, it is also not any more immune to homophobia than any other group. 
It is not appropriate to respond to specific accusations of homophobic behavior by individuals in a community by saying “well homophobia isn’t actually a problem in this community.” or “Well what about the behavior of these other people?” It is homophobic to immediately jump to defending the ace community, rather than acknowledging that- just as with every other community- homophobia is a problem in the ace community.
Furthermore, I have seen a growing number of posts that seek to distance the ace community from many accusations of problematic behavior by blaming trolls, old posts, or by downplaying the amount of ace people actively engaged in that behavior. While yes, there are trolls, old posts, and a few vocal individuals, many of these posts that I’ve seen lately (including a specific popular one that I’ve seen multiple times) attribute almost ALL problematic behavior to those three things. 
An example of a very popular problematic behavior to do this with is “ace people asking gay people to refrain from discussions of sex or public displays of affection”. I have heard many stories from several people I know IRL (who are even inclusionists!) of this EXACT thing happening in their GSA or college LGBT group. This isn’t just a case of loud random assholes on the internet, it’s a widespread enough IRL issue that it should be dealt with maturely rather than just being brushed off to the side.
Then, of course, there is the issue of ace inclusionists preemptively attacking people for “exclusionism” when they aren’t even exclusionists. For example, recently a post went around about (I believe) a bunch of LGBT+ flags being added to a list of emojis. In the list of added emojis, there were about 6 or so flags being added, but somehow neither the trans, bi, nor a single lesbian flag were included in the new list of flags. The OP made some sort of comment about “how do you forget the LG and T of LGBT?” The notes of the post were FILLED with people accusing the OP of being an exclusionist and using this to attack ace people. In reality? The OP wasn’t an exclusionist. They weren’t degrading the inclusion of the other flags at all, merely expressing outrage that three of the MAIN LGBT identities were left out for seemingly no reason. This sort of jumping to conclusions is not as common an issue, but it is one that I have increasingly seen.
What I have not seen, however, is a clear movement of ace inclusionists who look to address the kind of homophobia that is specifically within the ace community. I see, for example, plenty of posts from trans men decrying the sexism, nbphobia, and transmisogyny specific to the trans male community. I see plenty of posts from lesbians and bi women decrying the transphobia and, specifically, transmisogyny that develops in their communities. I’ve seen posts by lesbians addressing the biphobia in their community. So on and so forth.
I do not see a similar movement of self moderation from asexual inclusionists. I have seen plenty of asexual ace exclusionists decry the homophobia within the ace community, but not asexual ace inclusionists. As I’ve said, the ace community is not more homophobic than any other sexuality, but the way that homophobia manifests in the community can be specific TO the community (just as there are specific forms of transmisogyny in afab trans masc and nb communities, or specific forms of biphobia in the gay and lesbian communities, etc) and yes, that’s even after taking into account that there are many gay/bi ace people (because internalized homophobia can be uniquely influenced by the other identities held by an individual).
I don’t see inclusionist ace people discussing “how do we craft spaces that are safe both for sex repulsed ace people, AND gay/bi people who wish to discuss sex? At what point does one’s discomfort with discussions of sex in certain spaces go from being valid to being homophobic?” 
I don’t see the discussions of the latest big elephant in the room: “Why is there a repeated problem of the ace and sometimes even aro flags being newly included in things while stuff like the lesbian flag is still being left out? How can we best stand in solidarity with the lesbian part of the community on this issue?” 
I’ve not seen a single post by an asexual inclusionist going “Hey can we stop co-opting the struggle of trans women by making post after post after post that makes it seem like TERFS are one of the primary sources of ace exclusionism and that we are one of their main targets even though the vast majority of TERFS are neither in the LGBT community nor really think about ace people one way or another?”
These are all specific manifestations of bigotry in the ace community. So they should be dealt with! But currently even calling one of these things out as issues can get you labelled as an exclusionist and aphobic even if you are an inclusionist and/or ace. We will not be able to change the narrative of the inclusionist ace community as having an issue with bigotry, and specifically homophobia, if we do not actually address that bigotry. Ace people are a part of the LGBT community, so we ought to stand in solidarity with the rest of the community by working out these issues.
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗎𝗌 ✰ taehyung (6)
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𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗎𝗌 kim taehyung / reader genre: zombie apocalypse au words: 5816
“All things end,” he stated, as a matter of factly. “We won’t be here to see the end of this, that’s for sure.”
“Maybe it’s better that way.”
a/n: see the bottom for more spoiler-y notes :D ((also lowkey shit of me but i totally used y/n’s relaxing technique as a-level shakespeare revision lmao sorree))
warnings: panic disorder, death references, dark imagery, Things Are Too Good To Be True >:)
01. denver ↝ 02. holiday with me ↝ 03. sad forever ↝ 04. surely ↝ 05. scorpion ↝ 06. shakespeare ↝ 07. thrones
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Trusting Namjoon was the easiest thing anybody could do in an apocalypse.
He moved with such confidence and power, his weapons newly re-stolen from the Weapons Containment, a flannel wrapped around his waist stained brown and rusty red. Every step was meaningful, pre-calculated, well thought out with distinct reason. He knew what he was doing. It made you feel at ease. Trusting him was easy.
Kyungmin stood close behind him, her own pistol in her hands, meanwhile Taehyung stood a little more to the right, with a new weapon in his hands, a large AK47 in his hands, his Scorpion pistol remained tucked at the back of his jeans. Huddled behind him, you couldn’t look away.
“It’s this way,” Namjoon called, not caring if his voice was loud. Up front, the sound of firepower and bullets attracted more dead than expected. It was a good enough distraction.
Crossing the width of the warehouse, Namjoon ushered the group down a small, narrow walkway between a series of large trucks, until pausing near a black truck towards the end of the driveway, the doors already open. Of course, he had the key, tucked in his bum pocket and he swiftly threw it up and caught it back in his hands: “get in, quick.” It was that easy.
With Taehyung already claiming shotgun, both Kyungmin and yourself pulled open the back doors to the jeep and climbed inside. It was cool inside, against the ebony leather interior of the car and as you pulled the jeep doors closed, the light is cancelled out by deep darkness. The only available source of light is the lofty slot separating the back to the front, where you could barely make out the shape of Taehyung’s head, and Namjoon’s hands wrapped around the wheel.
“What now?” Taehyung asked, adjusting the mirror.
Namjoon set the car into reverse, the dash lighting up. “Back gate. Never guarded, always closed. Saw it happen before, but the gate’s locked enough to keep the dead out, not enough to stop a van. Bust it open. Deadmeat will flood in, buy us some time to get out.”
“And then?” Taehyung enquired. He looked at Namjoon, “You have a plan, right?”
Namjoon waved his hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, I have a plan. After everything we’ve seen here, I’d just like to go.”
“Can someone fill me in on what’s going on?” Kyungmin asked suddenly, and Namjoon leant over to slam down the shutter, cutting both of you out of conversation. Although not entirely silent, Kyungmin could no longer make out Namjoon’s words, or understand what was happening. Looking for answers, she turned to you, mildly mortified to see you hunched over with your head in your hands, dry heaving.
“Want me to hold your hair?” she asked sweetly and quietly, rubbing her thumb across your cheekbone. Glancing up at her, you barely nodded and her hands moved to hold back your hair. “‘sokay if you throw up. I won’t mind the smell.”
Distracted, you waved her off.
“Do you have anything to help you calm down?” she prompted, sounding worried. “Like a panic button? Breathing exercises?”
Exhaled breath. “Shakespeare.”
Kyungmin contained a smile. “Romeo and Juliet.”
The jeep lunged forward, and Kyungmin barely kept you on the seat. “Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too…” The jeep rocked, as if running something over. Namjoon cursed loudly from the driver's seat. “Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.”
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
“The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, are of imagination all compact.” Once again, the jeep jerked, making you bounce up and hit the top of your head off the roof of the jeep. “Kyungmin please tell me we’re out of the compound. I think I’m gonna fucking vom.”
Kyungmin let your hair fall like tumbleweed down the length of your back as she scooted across the bench, squinting through the dimmed glass window at the back of the jeep. Leaving behind the compound was a sight to see; she noticed the clumps of guards looking like ants further into the scene, and flashes of orange and white and smoke rising, thick black smoke, warnings. From what she saw, you hadn’t left the compound yet. The long line of military jeeps marked with “NORTHGATE SUPPLIERS” just kept rolling past.
“Not long now, Y/N,” she assured kindly. “King Lear.”
Half listening to you anxiously recite Act 1, Scene 3 of the play, Kyungmin turned back to the closed slot dividing yourselves and the boys and knocked heavily. Taehyung, with reluctance, pulled it down and peered through the gap.
“Everything okay?” he asked, his eyes leaving Kyungmin to stare at you next to her. “Why is Y/N reciting Shakespeare right now?”
“Coping mechanism,” Kyungmin replied as if it were nothing. It was nothing, in hindsight. “What’s going on? Are we almost out?”
“Just a little further, honey,” Namjoon interrupted, taking a sharp left around a group of guards running out of the back of the warehouse. They didn’t seem to care that a truck was leaving. Behind them, a small herd of biters slinked out of the double doors, their jaws disconnected, eyes hanging out.
Taehyung shut the slot once more, leaving Kyungmin to darkness.
She scoffed, returning to holding your hair. “Men think we can’t handle seeing what’s out there. It’s honestly bullshit.” Kyungmin shook her head, “Feeling better?”
You nodded in her hands. “Thanks, Kyungmin.”
Lifting your head, you found her hands hadn’t left your face. They continued to hold you, her eyes staring into yours. Although you were confused, you realised she was scanning your face for injuries and destress, her gaze lingering on several parts of your face and body before flicking back up to your lips, and then eyes. Maybe she hadn’t noticed, but her thumbs smoothed crescent moons across your face, her gaze unnaturally softened. Your hands had moved to her wrists.
It felt weirdly intimate, being given the luxury to simply gaze.
When the jeep jerked and bumped once more, you felt it was the best time to look away, looking backwards out of the dirty window to notice that you had indeed left the premises; the large barbed wire fence that divided dark civilisation from the idealistic, perfect reality had been busted down by the jeep, splinters of wire poking up like thorns on a rose bush.
As expected, Namjoon watched as a nearby flood of biters turned to the sound, half interested in the leaving jeep, eager to move into the compound. As quickly as the smile appeared on his face, it disappeared. Taehyung wagered it to the fact that a group of innocent people were back there. Probably good people, minus their anxiety and doubt and silly hope for the future.
Yeah, that was it, as Namjoon hit the pedals harder and pushed up the gas, speeding down the road, towards nothing, going nowhere.
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It had been five hours since the “Great Escape”, as Kyungmin nicknamed it whilst bored in the back of the jeep. Namjoon had pulled the jeep up at an old abandoned trailer park, just down a wooden trail off the side of the main road you’d been headed down. Noticing the shift in light in the sky, it was his only other option, the stained sign covered in dust reading, “FERNLEAF TRAILERS” feeling somewhat reassuring, additionally secure.
Thankfully, it was empty, and quiet.
Stepping out of the jeep, after hours of being cramped in the dark, you had admittedly been surprised to see the location. Preserved by thick pine trees and lush emerald greens, this place seemed isolated from reality. It felt nice, to sink your feet after taking off your boots in the moss, and pillows of white flowers, tall stems of baby’s breath and ferns that had become dinosaur sized. The earth was oddly damp and wet and cool, nice to sink your feet into.
While Kyungmin and Namjoon decided to share a trailer closest to the jeep, Taehyung moved through the lines of abandoned trailers before picking safety over seclusion; he chose the middle trailer with two faded pastel deckchairs upturned by the wind, a ripped umbrella rested against the rusted wheels. The doors to each trailer faced one another, and Namjoon went back to the jeep to pull it between the two, creating a square of safety, blocked for the most part from anything on the outside.
By chance, the trailers were easy to unlock. Aside from the vesty smell inside and the flies gathering around unwashed dishes and spoiled tomatoes on the work surface, the trailers were in working order. Checking the bathroom and the bedroom, nothing seemed mysterious. The sheets were clean, aside from the dust, and mould grew in the bathroom. You were happy to see mould instead of a dead person.
The lights worked, although barely; a dimmed light burned in the living room of the trailer, and another in the back bedroom, appropriate for honeymooners, manipulative for survivors of an apocalypse. Everything felt...peaceful. Hovering near the doorway to the bedroom, Taehyung’s footsteps echoed across the flattened and matted carpet. Behind you he paused, looking over your shoulder at the tiny trailer bed, bigger than a single, only slightly.
“Looks cosy,” he commented, nudging your hip with his hand.
At that, you shuffled inside, looking out of the window and briskly shutting the curtains. It was better to be safe than to be sorry. The light could attract anybody, human or dead. Given your current circumstances, you couldn’t take the risk.
“You should get some sleep,” Taehyung said, his voice significantly quiet. As you turned you noticed him taking off his jacket, leaving it to hang over the back of the chair near the vanity- simply a mirror nailed to the wall, with a broken light above it.
“You too,” you frowned, testing the bed. It was hard. Better than the barn, though. “When’s the last time you slept?”
Taehyung shrugged, following you as you knelt on the bed. His weight caused the mattress to shift slightly.
“Not gonna lie, I slept okay in the barn,” he admitted, smoothing his hand across the sheets, “but a bed is nice.”
“Yeah, it is,” you agreed. By then, Taehyung had already lay down on the bed, testing the waters. His head rested firmly on the brick of a pillow, his neck at a weird angle and elevated from the rest of his body. He lay there, like a body in a coffin, not moving, until he started to laugh quietly. Half taking off your jacket, you glanced at him.
“Why’re you laughing?”
“‘S’nothing,” he muttered, looking over at you. “It’s just- this is a really uncomfortable bed.”
Agreeing, you grimaced, falling down to meet his eye-line on the pillow next to him. You couldn’t afford to sleep in anything other than the clothes you already had. Everything else you had looted from stores before Northgate had been confiscated, and most likely dumped with all the other clothes Taehyung said to have saw. Wearing a shirt that was stained with orange, and had a slight sour smell under the arms, it would just have to do. From the looks of how close Taehyung had shuffled to you, it looked as if he didn’t care about the smell either.
He let out a large sigh, his hand finding solace in the wild tangles of your hair. Although he tried, he ran his fingers through the knots, untangling them, occasionally getting stuck and pulling with numerous apologies. Eventually he just stopped, his hand still cupping the side of your face, utter relaxation on his features.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said quietly, moments after you had closed your eyes. Opening just one, you noticed he was staring at you in the dark, only a dimmed light showing his expression.
“I’m glad we’re okay,” you replied, reaching to hold the back of his hand. “I’m glad we left.”
Taehyung nodded against the pillow. “Me too. Namjoon’s a good guy, he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah. Kyungmin, too,” you added, remembering the back of the jeep. For whatever reason, you didn’t bother mentioning it to Taehyung. It felt like a personal memory, something meant for only you. You were sure he had some of those, too; memories stored away in a personal memory vault, forbidden to public access. You guessed you weren’t at that stage of companionship yet.
“I just want you to know,” he began to speak, but the words died out before he finished.
There was so much he wanted you to know. So much; so many details and trivial comments, observations made under the moonlight, promises he wanted to keep, memories he wanted to share. In that moment of staring at you from a second pillow, Taehyung felt the overwhelming desire to tell you everything. From his first memory, to his last thought. Everything was yours, if he only just spoke.
Noticing his own silence, he gulped and smiled quickly. “Actually, I don’t know. Never mind.”
“You can tell me anything,” you said quietly, smoothing your thumb over his hand. “Y’know that, right?”
His smile widening, Taehyung nodded against the pillow once more, shuffling to reach and plant a kiss on your forehead. “I know.”
“But for now-” He let out a sort of groan, rolling over on the bed with his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a position where your head was tucked under his chin, legs entangled and bodies flushed against one another- “Let’s sleep.”
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At around 3:30am, you shot awake. You knew it was 3:30am by the blinking red lights of the apparently working alarm clock, on silent, nonetheless blinking red numbers.
Beside you, flat out, Taehyung lay undisturbed. As you sat up, forehead sweaty and damp with anxiety, you noticed that he shuffled at the loss of something to hug, his arms struggling to grasp onto something new before falling still entirely, the scent of your neck lingering on the firmness of the pillow. Outside, through the thin curtains, the curve of the moon glowed, and the slightly open window allowed a soft breeze to glide through. Had you opened that window, last night?
You climbed off the bed, and pulled away the thick sheets, replacing them back over Taehyung. Then, you moved from the bedroom in silence, grabbing Taehyung’s jacket off the back of the chair, and quietly opened the door leading back into the throat of the trailer, and padding towards the front door. Through the pane of glass, you noticed the light on Namjoon and Kyungmin’s trailer shining brightly, and through the bay-window at the front of the trailer, the familiar colours of a low log fire indicated somebody else was up and outside.
As if on command, Namjoon’s recognisable voice coughed from in between the two trailers, and you opened the front door and stepped down onto the mossy slabs, noticing that Namjoon had pulled four soggy deckchairs from the back of the trailers to the sit around the small fire. Whether he had heard you or not, Namjoon made no effort to turn around. He just continued to stare at the fire, wordless, thoughtless.
You slid into the chair closest to Namjoon, opting to look at the rising flames even when he looked over to see your face lit up by orange. He sighed, then, comfortable to make more noise.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, although he didn’t expect any different answer.
“Yeah. Nightmares.”
He scoffed humourlessly. “Me too, Y/N. Me too.”
You looked up at him. He wore an expression of worry and doubt on his face.
“Do you wanna talk to me about it?” you decided to ask. Even if you didn’t want to talk, you figured it was better knowing that somebody, regardless, was there to listen. In weird ways, it was comforting.
Namjoon twirled a random branch of tree between his fingers, fingering the soft leaves. “We should have told the others. Back at the camp, about Daniel.”
It made sense; looking back, you realised with guilt that not once was it mentioned that Northgate had murdered Daniel. And Jenny. And Clara, the woman whose name you only found out through grief and panic. They were good people. Even Harry, with his hothead and trigger-happy energy, the group you had left behind were good. Kind. Compassionate and loyal. In the spur of things, nobody had considered how Namjoon and Kyungmin must have felt leaving them behind. In that moment you were selfish, caring more about yourselves over anybody else. It was the only way to live, now. With the horde of biters heading into Northgate as you left, it was obvious that thinking about them was time-wasting. They didn’t make it out.
“We had no other choice,” you explained quietly. You even reached out to hold his knee, “Namjoon, there was nothing more you could have done. Mentioning Daniel...it would have caused more panic and distrust. It may not seem like it, but you did the right thing.”
“Did I?” he answered bitterly, looking at you sharply. He didn’t mean to sound so brisk. “There was room for them to leave with us. And instead we left them behind. I left them behind. My people, good people, Y/N. Young people, barely twenty- old people, who aren’t fit enough to look after themselves. Against Northgate, against the deadmeat...they don’t- didn’t- they didn’t stand a chance. I left them to die in there. That’s on me.”
You didn’t reply, because quite frankly, you didn’t know what to say. Of course it had been hard on Namjoon, as he walked away from people he trusted for months before Taehyung and yourself. You felt guilty for not even considering it.
“You can’t keep blaming yourself,” you said, finally finding words appropriate to say. He didn’t say anything in reply, just hanging his head low, his hands rubbing at the nape of his neck for some sort of excuse. “You did what you had to do, and yeah, it was a rough choice to make. But, in this world, you have to make difficult decisions. You can’t let it get to you, you can’t afford to.”
“They had children, Y/N,” Namjoon answered, his voice quiet and defeated, like the way a balloon feels after all the helium has been sucked out. “They had lives. Human life.”
“So did we.”
He looked up. Saying nothing.
Between the two of you, the fire continued to roar, its mane of orange and blood red fluttering wildly in the wind. Up ahead, the leaves on the trees had transitioned into Autumnal colours, flickers of hazel and mustard yellow against burnt brown twigs. Without really knowing for sure, you gathered that Autumn was definitely on the way. Removing his hands from his head, Namjoon fished his pocket-knife around a slimy tin of salmon, close to expiry. He offered it towards you, unbothered when you refused a bite.
“Do you think this will end?”
If he was being honest, Namjoon hadn’t expected you to say anything after that. Hearing your voice, barely above the flames, he was surprised. Swallowing the last chunks of salmon, Namjoon tossed the can into a trash-bag littering the floor.
“All things end,” he stated, as a matter of factly. “We won’t be here to see the end of this, that’s for sure.”
“Maybe it’s better that way,” replied your quiet voice.
Looking over at you, Namjoon noticed your gaze focused heavily on the flames, the colours burning into your retinas. “It definitely is. I don’t want Kyungmin here when the world goes to full-shit. This is already bad enough.”
The conversation had ended there, having realised that nothing was good enough for a response. After some time, Namjoon had stood from his chair, the dent rising slowly like bread in an oven, and his voice had carried a whisper of goodnight, the final sound of the trailer door closing separating life from barely-living. You continued to sit, staring at the flames, staring in silence until water pooled in your eyes and slipped down your cheeks, only to dry like clockwork from the flames.
At 5:16am, Taehyung woke to the sound of scuffling feet across the floors, but settled back into the mattress at ease when the bed dipped next to him, the familiar stale scent of your hair assuring him that, for now, everything was where it should be.
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It’s raining.
You lay there, awake, staring at the dampening spot on the ceiling of the trailer, expanding out wider, droplets falling like tears onto the corner of the scratchy, homemade quilt. At some point, Taehyung must have gotten up, leaving the bed bare and cold as consequence, his body disappearing as an outline on the covers. Somewhere in the trailer, a noise cluttered against the side of the wall, and you sat up, feeling for your surroundings. As your toes curled in the matted carpet, and your fingers spread across the blankets, it felt oddly similar to home. Or something similar to home - the feeling of home has never been a constant.
Have I ever had a home?
The thought wanders.
From across the room, the door opened slightly and Taehyung rested his weight on the doorframe. It made a scary creak under his weight, and he crossed his arms with a vacant expression and smile on his face.
“Good morning,” he said warmly. “You slept good, when you came back to bed.”
Back. “Yeah, I got up in the middle of the night. Nightmares.”
He nodded, as if in agreement. “Heard you come back in. You feeling okay?”
Rising from the bed, you made your way to his body, deterred when he didn’t move from in the middle of the doorway, blocking your exist. With your hands on his biceps, you sighed and attempted to smile, convincingly enough that he’d move. His gaze did not falter.
“I feel good,” you replied truthfully. Inhale- “did you make tea?”
That distracted him. Taehyung looked back in the direction of the small kitchen, his smile widening, showing a display of strangely white teeth. Out the corner of your eye, you noticed toothpaste and three toothbrushes standing in a baby blue cup in the bathroom connected to the corridor.
“Yeah!” His voice seemed elevated with excitement. You hadn’t heard that sound in a long time. “By happy accident, I found milk in the fridge. It looks like someone was here recently, it doesn’t expire until two months time. Maybe they came from a farm with cows somewhere. There’s some tea in the cupboards, a little bit of sugar. PG Tips OK?”
You nodded, licking your lips. “Definitely. My grandparents used to love that brand. My cousins would always bring some back when they came to visit from England.”
Taehyung smiled more, then. “Yeah? Where’d they live?”
“Huddersfield, somewhere,” you explained, muttering thanks when he handed you a mint-green cup, the paint peeling on the handle. After a hesitation, you asked, “do you think everywhere else is as bad as here?”
At once, Taehyung thought back to what his sister had said about South Korea. President dead. Country in chaos. Cities destroyed. England, too, wanted to elect fucking Loki as the new Prime Minister. He told these stories with laughter, wanting to remember good over bad. Leaning your lower back against the work surface behind you, you laughed with him, sipping from the scorching cup.
“Burdened with glorious purpose,” you echoed. “Yeah-” snort- “he’d make an okay Prime Minister. I’d vote for him.”
“Isn’t it weird, when you realise that celebrities who had been superior to us all our lives are now probably dead somewhere? Or in the same boat as us? Or roaming the streets, without really being aware that they’re no longer alive, just simply awake in a rotting body?”
You set down your cup at the same time Taehyung set down the small teaspoon. “Is Donald Trump dead, yet?”
“No fucking clue.” He looked around from his cup of tea, nodding towards the chairs looking out of the window, down to the view of an algae covered lake that you hadn’t noticed driving in. Had anybody noticed it, disguised in with the green of the forest? “Doesn’t matter now, does it? The erasure of politics...about the only good thing to happen out of this.”
You laughed to that, sipping tea. “I always think about actors who acted in apocalypse stuff. Like Steven Yeun- think he’s knocking around somewhere? I mean, with an eye this time.”
“Too soon!” Taehyung whined, nonetheless smiling. “I think the same, though. It’s funny- the world is ending and we’re still grasping onto fiction to keep us going. Has the world really changed that much?”
“We gave up. This is karma, for all the bad things we’ve done to the planet,” you theorised.
Taehyung agreed, initially. “Probably.”
You left that there for a bit.
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“What will we do, now? We can’t stay here forever.”
Kyungmin and Namjoon had come over from the other trailer, sitting in a bunch on the sofa, that had been pulled out to make a bed, or in this case, extra-leg room. The duvets they had carried over survived the heavy rainfall, remarkably being only damp and not ringing wet. Wearing socks from a drawer inside the trailer, Kyungmin let her socks poke out from the end of the blanket.
From the kitchen, you looked over at the three others sitting on the sofa. The TV was completely busted, static being a visual excitement, and Namjoon rose to crouch over the antenna, trying to find a signal to at least play the radio.
“I’ll find the roads again, take us all to Georgia. I can’t promise we’ll all make it,” Namjoon started, and suddenly, he trailed off. He said something he shouldn’t have.
“What do you mean?” Taehyung asked.
Namjoon fell short, his arms hovering over the antenna. He frowned. “I don’t think we’ll find a boat that can take us to Korea, mate. If along the way, we find enough gas to fuel a plane...I know a guy. Somewhere in Mississippi, last time I saw him. He’s a pilot, he knows what he’s doing. If I can just get to him, he can fly us out there. I know- it sounds insane, but I have to get us back home. To our family.”
You brought over a tray, balancing cups of tea and you set it down on the extended couch. Sitting uncomfortably close to Taehyung despite their being room for you to sit elsewhere, you took the mint-green cup and again sipped.
“Okay,” you nodded. “It’s on the way. It should be doable.”
Namjoon smiled gratefully. “I appreciate it, you guys. And, while we’re all together...I wanna invite you guys to come. To Korea. It’s in good shape- North and South have sort of...merged together. Created an area where all the infected are pushed into. Korea’s the promise land- nowhere safer. I know you have a group in Georgia, but...think about it, at least.”
Without looking, you knew Taehyung had already considered it. His family were still there, in the good parts of Daegu. Even though he hated to think about it, the chances of finding his sister again were growing slimmer and slimmer by the passing second. But, no matter how much Taehyung wanted to go to Daegu and wish all his problems away, he knew it wasn’t possible. Not any more.
No matter what, you keep finding something to fight for.
Shuffling in his seat, Taehyung set his cup down on the small space between the sofa and the window. “I think we’ll head to Georgia. We’ve already come this far.”
His answer shocked you, that was undeniable.
“Are you sure?” Kyungmin asked, her voice small. Her hands barely fit around the circumference of the mug. “What if your group isn’t there?”
“Then,” Taehyung started, although he didn’t quite know how to finish.
What would you do if they weren’t there? Taehyung had already thought of thousands of scenarios, preparing himself for upset and disappointment, for grief if he found bodies, regret if he found walkers, delight if he found energy. Once you were on a boat, you could start new. Meet again as neighbours, looking over trimmed hedges drinking coffee that tasted bitter in the To-Go cups. Study together as students. Work together as colleagues. Grow closer over flowers in a vase instead of bones in a pile.
Or maybe you could find somewhere in the country. Somewhere further out to pretend that everything was okay. A ranch, or something, painted white surrounded by yellow grass and an oak tree with a swing, a fence surrounding the property, enough space to build a home. A family.
“Then,” he repeated himself, understanding now what he had to say. Taehyung looked over at you, curled up with your feet tucked between your legs, widened eyes looking up at him. “Then, we’ll find somewhere to stay. Somewhere where we can pretend to be okay.”
“Just as long as you’re both happy, then it’s okay with me,” Kyungmin beamed, settling deeper in the comforter and taking a long gulp of tea.
Finding himself looking back over, Taehyung met your gaze, confused by the way your eyes glassed over, in guilt, almost. He opened his mouth to question you, but fell short when you leant back into his armpit, his nose pressed to your hair only to be replaced by his chin, as he shifted to a position more comfortable. Namjoon carried on fiddling with the antenna.
“Give it a rest,” said Kyungmin, snapping to glare in her brother’s direction. He dropped with a heavy and loud gasp of breath, nudging the small TV with frustration. “What’re you doing, anyway?”
“Searching the lines,” Namjoon replied, as if it were obvious. Perhaps it was. “It’ll tune in and out.”
In reply, Kyungmin shrugged. She didn’t care what did or didn’t come up on the lines. Namjoon, however, did; even as he sat, half-listening to conversation, his gaze never left the TV. And when the lines fizzed and a quiet voice sounded through, he moved quickly, almost making Kyungmin spill her tea, lunging to turn up the volume.
“...don’t even know who still listens to this fucking shit anymore. But, I keep coming back to report, just in-case somebody is. Anybody.”
Kyungmin gasped softly. “Is that-?”
“Maybe I have new listeners today. Hi, shitheads, welcome to my podcast. I’m currently sitting in the disabled toilets in Huntsville International Airport. The locals around here call it Cuntsville, which I find really funny, because this area killed off all the women. I find that funny because it really captures how fucking shitty this planet has become.
My plan failed, guys. There are no planes here in Alabama. I had to endure a cassette loop of Lynyrd Skynyrd to get here, and for what?
I’m leaving Madison County, and I’m headed up to where-the-fuck-ever there’s another airport. Hoseok tells me that Virginia has planes. We’re going that way and I’m gonna get a plane and we’re gonna get the fuck out of here.
I’m calling, once again, to leave a message for my friends. Who may have made it, who the fuck knows. Point is, is that I’m willing to smuggle people out of America. We’re going to Korea, where it’s safest. Or Japan, they’re close, too, tighter borders.
Namjoon- if you can hear this, I’ll wait for you as long as I can. Forget Missy- I’m headed upwards, baby. Up and out the world. I hope you’re alive. I hope you’re okay.
See you soon. This is Kim Seokjin signing out.
May fucking God be with you, or whatever the fuck we’re saying now to keep us going.”
The signal cut off abruptly, and Namjoon let out a grand sigh and switched off the TV.
“Well, fuck.”
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Later in the evening, when the sky deepened into ebony shades, you found yourself sitting with your knees tucked underneath your chin on the top of the caravan-sized double bed, fingering the loops in the blanket. The window was propped open slightly, the rain trickling down in patterns on the thick glass, a smell like the aquarium in your nose.
Taehyung closed the doors to the wardrobe, hanging up his wet coat and changing into a jumper from the left behind collection. He looked adorably warm, dressed in a teal jumper and uncomfortably tight jeans- there wasn’t much else to wear, in his defense. It was either jeans or nothing, and he wasn’t sure it would be decent to sit around with nothing on. Shakily lighting a candle burning with the scent of gingerbread, Taehyung moved to sit beside you on the blanket, his knees brushing against your feet.
“We can go,” your voice made him look up, puzzled. His lips slid to a frown. “To Korea.”
Taehyung swallowed his breath back in, afraid to sigh in fear of looking dejected, afraid to inhale in case he sounded afraid. “Our groups in Georgia.”
“I know. But, I’m thinking of the bigger picture,” you continued, letting your head fall to the side to gaze at him, the muggy light outlining your face with an overcast grey. Taehyung didn’t know what to focus his gaze onto. “What if Kyungmin’s right, and they’ve gone? Or they’re dead? You’ll only spend the rest of our lives thinking about what would have happened if we left with our group right now.”
He didn’t reply at first.
“And...honestly? I don’t care if we’re in Korea, Georgia, or stranded on the top of a tall building with no exit or food. I’m happy to be wherever you are. Even if it means we’re gonna die. I’ll just be happy to die next to you. Next to someone I care about. You’ve been with me through so much, and I’m sticking with you no matter what happens.”
It was then, and only then, when Taehyung lifted himself up from his position and fell forward, his arms gathering you up like a pile of sheets in his arms and he pressed his lips to yours in a quick, sweeping and gentle motion.
It barely felt real- so fast that it would have normally been missed. But the unmistakable feeling of his lips brushing and pushing against your own, dampened by his own saliva and the aftertaste of PG Tips...you recognised it as a kiss.
Your first kiss of the apocalypse.
Even when he pulled away quickly, the feeling lingered. The urge to finger your lips, to soak up the mere fantasy of kissing Kim Taehyung became unreal, but as you shyly looked up to meet his eyes, the sight of them made you cower away, pressing your forehead against his chest with your arms loosely hanging around his frame.
“I don’t care what happens,” Taehyung said quietly, his voice muffled by your hair in his mouth, “but no matter what, I’m with you until the end of the line. I swear.”
You smiled to that. “Are you quoting Captain America?”
“Aw, man, you caught that?”
Laughing, Taehyung realised he had never really heard that sound before. The sound of your genuine laughter; the mixture of your body moving up and down with every giggle, the muffled sound of a high-pitched cackle, softer than a witch but alike in vibration. He found himself laughing too, at the contagiousness of it.
“Me, too, Taehyung. I’m with you ‘til the end of the line, pal.”
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notes: as the author of dork diaries once said...SQUEEE! i just wanna give a few notes bc i realise this can look a bit. weird? lemme explain: 1) their escape from northgate was easy for a reason and it’s gonna be further explored later in the series !! 2) this fic covers weeks and months and so the relationship between y/n and taehyung is not sudden; it’s actually really gradual and fair and believable? like imo it’s like 2 people who were forced to be together in an apocalypse sort of having nobody else to rely on and that translates into a sort of romantic love?  3) painting y/n as a stronger character in prior chapters but then as someone clearly very vulnerable now does not mean she is not strong- y/n’s panic comes from trauma from her past (father, mother’s death, origin story, yena....) and i actually think its super realistic to include mental illness and mental struggle bc thats not gonna vanish bc zombies are real  4) everything in this story has a purpose and just bc it’s not clear right away doesn’t mean it will never be explored because it will!!!! i promise!!!!!!!!
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Thirteen-One, part 3
Tired to death, Amy wanted to sleep but she just could not.
She had drawn all curtains throughout her new home and triple-checked every window and door to make sure they were locked. In her last two rounds of creeping around the dimly-lit house, she checked corners, closets, and even under the beds.
Seeing someone’s silhouette upon arriving home would do that.
Of course, the cops had found nothing and nobody whatsoever after calling them. The disinterested looks of the officers investigating her home had left Amy discouraged.
Wrapped in a soft fuzzy blanket, huddling on her chair in front of her computer, she watched video after video, trying to stay awake and distract herself.
None of it really worked.
She shivered and felt cold, even though it was only late summer. She felt watched, although she had found no evidence of anybody being able to spy on her. And worst of all: she felt like she could never call the police again.
Not for the fact of them checking out her house upon her emergency call. But for the fact that Amy wondered if she was really involved in a murder she did not remember being witness to. Or involved in somehow.
Every time she finished watching another vapid online video to fill the time, she stole glances at the nondescript compact disc, sitting right there on her desk. The one that contained a single video file, displaying her talking into the camera, almost casually talking about corpse disposal. Something she still remembered nothing of.
Her heart raced yet, just thinking back to when the cops had been searching her home for intruders, checking in her office. She had wondered if they would want to know what was on that disc—and what would happen if they viewed its video. She still wondered.
The curtains and shutters were not just blocking people outside from looking into her house. They were concealing the world outside from Amy’s view, shutting them out so she did not have to see what she feared. They also happened to conceal how the day’s light had died down, making way for a long, dark night.
Amy almost jumped out of her skin when the doorbell rang. Loud, piercing, melodious. Obnoxious, oppressive, and menacing. Not at last because she was not expecting any visits. At least none of the good sort that had the courtesy of ringing the doorbell.
Mumbling to herself to “man up,” she approached the front door, clutching the blanket’s edges as she held it, leaving it still wrapped around her and letting one of its corners drag along the floor behind her.
Through the milky glass windows of her front door, no visitor was visible at the door, although the street lamps outside should have been projecting a silhouette upon them. She turned off the lights in the foyer and crept to the front door. She ended up standing there, unsure about whether or not to open it.
Afraid of anybody breaking in the moment she unlocked that door.
What if she had to run?
That sudden thought drove her to slip into her sneakers and tie them. Ready to run.
Then she stared at the doorknob. Minutes must have passed since anybody had rang that doorbell. Her thoughts continued to vacillate between the decision to open the door and peer outside, or the notion to just walk away.
Amy decided on walking away.
She nearly tripped on her blanket when the tip of her sneaker snagged into the bottom of it hanging down to the floor—for the doorbell rang again once she had reached the door to her office. Startled, frustrated, and terrified, she dropped her snuggle blanket and stormed back to the foyer.
Nobody visible through the front door windows. Obviously, someone was messing with her.
The only question was: were they being pranksters, or was this a series of threats?
With swift steps, she reached the front door, unlocked it, swung it open, and looked outside. She wanted to catch a glimpse of the rat who was terrorizing her this evening.
But there was nobody out there. She had dithered for too long, hesitating just a little bit—allowing the person who had rung the bell to get away. Just before she closed the door again, she spotted something even more disturbing.
Another nondescript compact disc in a transparent plastic case. Sitting there on her doormat.
Just before she could kneel down and feel the smooth surface of the new disc’s case, glass shattered. Behind her.
Inside her house.
That was impossible. Unless someone had smashed a window? She stared back, looking over her shoulder, her eyes straining to adjust to the darkness inside her house. Somehow, it was even darker than the night outside. A vast, unfathomable darkness. Darker than—
The sound of boots crunching on glass disrupted her train of thought. She bolted.
Amy ran right out. Her home was not safe anymore. Outside, she could at least just run away.
Her shoes slapped against asphalt, echoing into the night. Within seconds, she realized that the small town’s street was not dead silent. Another set of sneakers revealed someone else to be on the run.
She saw a dark figure, running away from her, down the road, only appearing in cones of orange light, cast by the high-hanging lamps that lined the road.
Wanting to get to the bottom of things—wanting to be in control—she began chasing this other runner.
It had to be the one who had rung her doorbell.
The mysterious runner bore the shape of a lithe-looking man and proved to be slightly faster than Amy. He did not want to get caught, she thought.
Fury, hatred, and desperation fueled Amy’s mad dash in pursuit of this person who had obviously been terrorizing her. She wanted answers.
The runner jumped a hedge, sprinted through someone’s garden, and busted through an open garden door on someone’s backyard lawn. He zigged and zagged through the neighborhood, making it difficult for Amy to follow. Eventually, she had lost this stranger and found herself standing on another, different road between more rows of unfamiliar houses.
She hunched over and leaned onto her knees where she stood, seizing the moment to wheeze and catch her breath after having chased the man for several minutes straight.
Not just sweat erupted from her pores now, but the stink of fear itself. It dawned on her how anyone could have now gotten into her home because she had run right out without closing and locking the front door.
Her other source of growing panic concerned her inability to recognize her environment. She used to live in this town, but that had been years ago. She barely recognized these new houses and buildings, even less so under the blanket of night.
Bright lights went on, blinding her momentarily and forcing her to cover her eyes on instinct, to shield them from the glaring glow coming from a car’s headlights.
She jolted into an upright position when the car’s tires screeched, the engine revved, and the vehicle lurched forward, suddenly speeding at her like a steel monster.
Amy ran, first down the road and away from the car despite the futility of outrunning the vehicle, then she hopped over a hip-high chain-link fence. But one of her feet got caught on the fence and she fell over, rather than hurtling over. The car sped by where she had gotten off the road, someone howling inside the vehicle—like a mad wolf.
Dazed from falling face first into the soft grass and soil of someone’s lawn, she only slowly regained her bearings after seeing stars, and rolled onto her back with a groan. Instead of the cloudy nightly sky, she looked up at a group of three figures looming over her.
One of them asked, “You know how this game works, don’t you, Amy?”
She did not recognize the voice. Though it might as well have been a familiar one, albeit impossible to discern through the chorus of blood pumping through her ears and her heavy breathing combined.
She aspirated, “What game?”
“Oh, Amy. How could you forget our game? Here’s your piece. If you make it to the high school’s parking lot, you get to live. For now.”
The dark figure in the middle had spoken. He began laughing, and the others chimed in with guffaws. One of them lunged forward, but instead of hitting her, she felt strong hands pull her up by the fabric of her clothing, lifting her off the ground and onto her feet. Another set of hands placed a cold, hard object into her hands. Smooth surface, cool and metallic to the touch.
Before she realized what it was that she was holding now, she pointed with it and pulled the trigger at the one who had spoken to her. The revolver in her hands just clicked ineffectively. No bullets came out of it.
“Nuh-uh, you’ll have to find the ammo first, you crazy bitch,” said one of them.
Another pulled back a fist to hit her, but Amy ran before any punch could connect. She ran like a bat out of hell.
Once she made the mistake of shooting a glance back over her shoulder, the sheer fear made her want to throw up. The three dark figures had taken up pursuit, matching her speed and pace as they ran after her.
She took a hard left turn down a narrow alley between high hedges when an engine revved again and a set of headlights to her right went on once more. The sounds of the motor circled around the block and before she reached the exit between the apartment buildings, she saw the car pull up at said exit, with a figure emerging from the car’s driver seat—the street lamp nearby revealed he was wearing a ski mask and holding a big hunting knife in a fist.
She took another left turn. The sounds of the other three pursuers close behind her never ceased. She wanted to scream, but didn’t want to waste her breath. Something escaped her lips, but it was more like a whimper than anything else.
She bashed right through an old apartment block’s front door, one she remembered from her days of growing up in this lousy little town. Amy dared not look back again, heard the three behind her fling the door open before it could completely close behind her. She sprinted down the building’s entrance to the backdoor.
It was locked.
She punched a button to activate the hall lights in here and spun around.
As the lights flickered on, she saw her pursuers approaching, slowing down, fanning out to cut off any possible route of escape. They were all dressed in hoodies and jeans and had concealed their faces in different ways. One was wearing a scarf over the lower half of his face, another wore the mask of a hockey goalie, and the third a rubber mask with a grotesque clown motif.
Only now did she see one of them holding a heavy-looking metal pipe of sorts, the second a bike chain, and the third a monkey wrench.
Despite her breathlessness, she emitted a short shriek and despite her crippling terror, she lunged at them, taking them by surprise. Her fist holding the gun did not connect with anybody, but when the clown swung his bike chain at her, he also missed. With more luck than finesse driving her movements, she used his momentum against him and pulled past him, causing the clown and the goalie to bump into each other as she slipped past them and ran back out towards the entrance.
The one with the wrench, however, swiveled and reacted quickly—he slammed that heavy chunk of metal down on her shoulder to the sound of a sickening crack and a short burst of sadistic laughter.
She flinched and the pain proper would only set in later, for adrenaline pumped through her every fiber. She dashed for the apartment building’s door, which swung open a third time. The silhouette of the ski-masked man with the knife stood there.
To everybody’s surprise, she kicked the door into him just before he could take a stab at her. He yelled out in pain as he was crushed in between the door and its frame for a second, released only be her ripping the door open once more and punching him in the face with the useless pistol in her hands, then pushing past him in the ensuing moment of surprise while he crumpled onto the floor.
The other three chased her. The knife-wielder joined them after scrambling back up onto his feet.
Running past a high chain-link fence, Amy screamed when a dog jumped against it from the other side, barking and snarling. Fangs chomping at face height. With no second sacrificed to take that in, she continued running, possibly even faster than before. Her shoulder throbbed, a metallic taste spread throughout her mouth and left a disgusting film on her tongue.
Ending up in another unfamiliar street, the engine of a motorcycle added to her dread as it swerved into the road. There was no hope of this being a stranger who might have helped her, for the bike’s rider stopped and held out a baseball bat in one hand—a silent threat. The motorcycle then sped up and raced towards her, but Amy spent no further time on the road, bursting through another hedge without even jumping over it, tumbling onto another lawn and rolling back up onto her feet to continue running. The motorcycle sped past that hedge and she saw the first four pursuers catching up.
She ran around the next house, turned a corner and her survival instincts kicked into overdrive. She kicked the door by the back so it swung open, but instead of running through, she dove behind some bushes in the same garden.
She held her breath and her nostrils flared, her head spun and however sick she was feeling only now started to kick in properly. Her shoulder continued to throb so hard that it might as well have been a demon trying to punch its way out of her flesh.
The four menaces barreled past her, punching through that fence door and following the false lead she had just misled them with.
She crawled away and around another corner of the house, slipping over another low hedge into the next yard, and doubling back through some gardens until she could have sworn that she had shaken her pursuers.
Even so, she dreaded crossing the next road, feared she would hear the car or the motorcycle’s engine roar up once more, speed towards her, or have those psychopaths running right behind her again. She had not managed to catch her breath, forced herself to breathe slowly despite her lungs screaming and her sides aching.
Trembling, sneaking best she could, she crossed the road. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she looked around. With the little she might hear over the drums that was the pounding of her heart in her own ears, the town had turned dead silent once more. No howling, no engine noises, no crazy assholes chasing her. But they could be anywhere. For all she knew, they could be sneaking up behind her right now.
So she walked, crept, rather than running. Looked around constantly.
And then Amy spotted the high school grounds. Between the walls and roofs of houses, she made out the rows of lamps illuminating the school ground’s deserted parking lot.
Looking around one more time to be certain, she booked it. Ran. Dashed as fast as she could down that road, jumping another low picket fence, traversing lawns and then jogging down the final stretch along a sidewalk leading to the parking lot.
The motorcycle’s engine noises returned, getting closer, right behind her.
She decided not to look back, to not lose any speed or risk tripping herself up and falling.
The vehicle got closer and closer, and someone howled again, followed by a bellowing laugh.
“Woo! Time to bleed, bitch!”
There was no way to outrun him. The motorcycle closed in so quickly that it would crash into her halfway before she could even reach the school parking lot.
Instead of running her over, the hollow metal sound of the metal baseball bat whiffed through the air and connected with her arm. The explosion of pain followed with an oddly long delay. To Amy’s own surprise, she did not scream at all, nor did she whimper. It just hurt like hell, like something had been broken.
And she kept running while the bike sped past her, its rider slowing down dramatically and circling on the parking lot to stop, albeit right in her path. The rider’s visor was up and the lot’s lamps cast light on his neon green helmet, yet she could not make out his face.
He cackled at her and revved the motor.
Just before she reached the parking lot, she threw the pistol at his head and surprised him by running right at him.
He yelped in pain even though the helmet must have absorbed the empty gun’s weight smashing into his head. The biker swung blindly at her, but Amy ducked underneath his arm and tumbled onto the concrete grounds of the parking lot, rolling until she came to a stop on the harsh, unforgiving surface. Pebbles dug into her back, but she had no capacity to be bothered by it now. All the other sources of pain overshadowed it.
She sucked in air in staggered gasps as she gripped her arm where that bastard had hit her with the bat, not bothering to get up. Her lungs were filled with fire; her whole body trembled with exhaustion. Her legs refused to rise again. And if these sickos kept their word, then she had won their deranged game. If not, then they’d kill her—it did not matter, she had given up at this point, she had no more fight left in her.
The motorcycle’s engine cut out and the five figures loomed above her, encircling her when she opened her eyes again.
“You won, Thirteen-One,” said the man behind the clown mask.
One by one, they began laughing. The biker slapped his bat against an open gloved palm, the one with the ski mask tossed his knife back and forth between his bare hands. Something was familiar about those hands.
“Fuck you,” she told them with a sneer. A lot of the edge and anger in her words was deflated by her shaking voice.
Their laughter rose in volume but they turned and left.
They had kept their word.
She struggled to sit up, grunted in pain, watched the five disappear into the night. Their silhouettes standing out against the islands of light shining from the street lamps. Police sirens howled in the distance. Amy limped away, not willing to risk any confrontation with the cops now. She did not know what to say, what to do.
Her vision blurred and she stopped in a dark corner by an open field to throw up. Maybe nothing was broken, but her shoulder and arm still hurt. Badly.
Arriving back in front of her home door—now standing ajar—the compact disc was gone from her doormat.
She locked the front door behind her, searched her home thoroughly, and made sure she was alone there. A glass had fallen off the kitchen counter, broken apart into numerous shards.
The second disc these psychos had left on her doorstep before playing their sick game with her was not here. They had not left it behind, only used it to toy with her, probably.
Instead, they had left her with a deep-rooted sense of dread.
—Submitted by Wratts
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kwrittink · 6 years
Punica Granatum - 1
Pairing: Hades!TaeHyung x Persephone!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Language, mentions of psychologic abuse,  
Words: 4,877
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"Don't forget to water the daisies, dear." The voice of your mother snapped you from whatever unimportant daydream you were having, hand straightening the watering pot before you drowned the poor lilies, turning to her and smiling a little sad, as you watched her get ready to go out. It's been a while I walked outside...
 Your mother wasn't a cruel one, rather very loving and caring, but also very overprotective. Borderline obsessive with my well-being, to be honest.
 As she walked away, you resumed watering the little garden that you had made in your room, by the big glass window that faced the forest surrounding your home, a ray of sunshine always present at that side and perfect for growing all of your plants.
 You’ve been fairly content living your whole life under your mother’s wings, in the little world she constructed to have you always under her sight and comfortable enough to not move, feeding you with knowledge and incredible worlds of fantasy, so much that whenever the real one you lived in was mentioned, it looked bland and boring in your opinion. You decided to strive for happiness in books instead.
 But after a while, it wasn’t enough. Even if the mansion where you lived with your mother was filled with books of endless subjects, you felt that your hunger for knowledge wouldn’t be sated with just that. You read about some parts of the world that matched descriptions of some tales of your childhood, watched documentaries over phenomena that left you startled, scared and amazed, and wanted to touch that, to live all of that. To get out and smell the different airs, taste the waters, and see the different colors of the earth; suddenly aware the world could be the stage to your own tale.
Suggesting that to your mother, on the other hand, was like talking to a wall. Being so used to you in the mansion, she couldn’t bear one single night without you, and you knew it pained her to leave you when she was needed at her work, but it was mostly because she was scared.
There was something, someone she would always mention when discussing the reasons why you couldn’t even walk alone to the supermarket or the park that made you extremely curious. For some time you wondered if it was your father, that had abandoned the two of you when you were just a baby, but lost the conviction when your mother once mentioned he was dead. Still, sometimes that presence slipped on her speech, and it left you itching with curiosity.
 Yet, you dropped the subject quickly nowadays, settling for just occupying your mind with your little garden and some writing, occasionally reading something. One day you would gather courage and just leave, do whatever you wanted.
 Something within you told the moment was arriving quickly.
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 “Having searched the entire living land, Demeter finally contacted Zeus. He informed her of Persephone’s marriage to Hades in the Underworld. Demeter grew into a motherly rage. She demanded Zeus to return Persephone to her care.
 But Zeus refused.
 Demeter left Olympus and watched as the earth began to decay without her nurture. She sought to punish Zeus for betraying her and their daughter. The now yellow meadows blackened and decomposed to dust. The trees began to shrink into the hard dirt. The rivers shriveled up, and the lakes froze over.
Zeus had no other choice but to agree to Demeter’s demands.
 He told Hermes, the messenger, to bring Persephone back up to Demeter’s care.
 In the Underworld, Persephone had grown to love Hades, who treated her with compassion and loved her as his Queen. As she would have up in Olympus, she remained eternally beautiful in the Underworld. Hades admired her kind and nurturing nature. However, Persephone missed her dear mother greatly and wished to spend time on earth with her.
When Hermes reached the Underworld, he requested that Persephone come back to earth with him to rejoin her mother and father. Hades knew he could not refuse the commands of Zeus, but he also could not part from his beloved Persephone.
 Before she departed from the Underworld, Hades offered Persephone a pomegranate as a farewell. This was, however, a cunning move by Hades. All the Olympians knew that if anyone ate or drank anything in the Underworld they would be destined to remain there for eternity, as the Fates had cautioned. Even Demeter had warned Persephone of this fate and instructed her never to eat or drink anything.
 Thinking of her mother, Persephone decided to, instead, eat the small seeds of the pomegranate – assuming that these would not count as consumption.
 Little did Persephone know-”
 A loud bang interrupted your reading - studying, since you had a morbid interest for the old gods and their stories, even if your mother would flip her shit if she knew - and looked towards the source of noise a little startled, but immediately spotted the small animal tossing desperately on the floor, right outside the glass windows. You recognized it right away, having encountered them many times over the years since for some reason the poor things seemed to be drawn by you - or the flowers you harvested, at least.
 “C’mon little bat, I’ll help you inside.” As opening the window, you reached down to pick up what at first glance looked like a mix of a small dog and a bird, a cute little mammal that practically clung to your arm as you gently grabbed it. “There you go. You’re one of those that eat fruits, aren’t you? Did you came for my- Oh dear, you’re hurt!” You cooed, noticing suddenly how one of its wings was bent in a weird angle, indicated it was broken. You needed to help it, or else it would die.
Tending for it as better as you could, you wrapped it on warm towels and fed it mangoes, since it suffered quite a great deal for having its wing put into place, gladly just dislocated, and not broken. You pet it softly as the little bat sniffed the air around him, not sure to be safe but calm enough in your presence.
“Don’t worry, I’ll let you go in a bit. I just want you to eat a little more and then you’re free to fly for the rest of the night, I guess.” You spoke to it softly, having the small ears twisting to the source of the sound. Chuckling, you gave another piece of mango to the bat, watching as it ate quickly. How long was he flailing around with a wing like that? Maybe it wasn’t even able to feed correctly… Your heart squeezed at that, always so soft for the creatures of the world, knowing but not into terms with the fact that one day, it would fall to the life’s cycle and die, like all things. It was the reason why you didn’t want to own any pets so you wouldn’t feel so sad by witnessing their end.
 Death is necessary but doesn’t mean it’s pretty.
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Huffing, you threw yourself on the bed, hands going to cover your angered expression and trying to calm down. Once again you had discussed with your mother about going outside alone and whatnot, countering every argument she came with - till she got emotional. That was what pissed you off, having her make a whole deal of tears and later anger as a way to back you off from whatever decision you tried to set your foot down.
 I should just leave the house, at least for once and show her that I’m not a child under her control anymore, you thought suddenly, torso raising from the bed and eyes immediately meeting your mirror, the reflected image of you blocking the view to your open glass windows, where the moonlight peeked inside, casting its silver glow on the maroon carpet of your room.
 Getting up, you padded towards the window, anger still boiling in your blood as you glanced around, trying to decide which direction you should go. The mansion you called home was deeply set in the middle of a reserve, surrounded by it and practically detached from the city, wasn’t for the wide road that leads to the nearest avenue and in a twenty-minute trip by car got to town, where all the other normal and free human beings were. There wasn’t a way you could walk through the front of the mansion without being noticed, and you didn’t want to bother explaining - or lying - to someone why you were outside. Still, the city is not where I want to go. Turning your head to the left, your eyes met the forest, the little fence that surrounded it, and the old gate that connected your house to a pathway from when the reserve was open to the public, a small park just the outside of it.
The place called for you often, and many times you caught yourself sighing while wondering what beauties that ‘abandoned’ place - not that a forest couldn’t take care of itself, more so if humans left it in peace - had, wilderness making your fingers tingle.
Before you could back out, you pushed aside plant pots and jumped out your window, glad the whole house was on a single floor and took off running through the grass, not even sparing a glance back before you got to the gate.
Stopping there, you observed the rusty metal, fingers touching cold chains, and prodding at the padlock, trying to figure out a way to go through. I guess I’ll have to jump over. You sighed, eyes moving to the edge of the fence, wondering if the metal bars were strong enough to hold your weight. It looked firm, even after you gave a first experimental tug and breathed out, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you placed your slipper clad right foot at the horizontal bar and steadied yourself, glancing to the sides timidly.
 Artemis help me.
 An hour later, walking through the empty path that leads to - where? Perhaps you’d find out - nowhere, you cursed at your choice of clothing since you were in such a rush to get out of the mansion you didn’t even bother to put something warmer on, walking around in the flimsy white dress you had sported all day long.
 Crossing your arms over your middle, you tried to maintain your body warmth, relentlessly walking through the stone path. You could always go back and fetch a coat, but you knew deep within you that once you stepped inside again, you would chicken out and stay in the security of your room.
You kept on walking, glancing around the trees and trying to distinguish each detail from the forest, a feeling of coziness taking over you even with the chills. You weren’t afraid of the woods by the least, feeling yourself part of it intricately and inexplicably, relishing on the little sounds it provided as a lullaby.
You didn’t know how long you were walking when you spotted the first bench at the reserve and was glad to have a rest finally, even if it was so refreshing to be out in the open, but you’ve been so stuck inside your home that the long path was taking a toll on your feet. These shoes weren’t made for walking at all. You breathed out, stepping quickly towards sweet relief - low-key wishing you had brought at least water, but who would have known you’d walk so much - but halted your movements as soon as the image of the seat became clearer, noticing that in fact the spot you craved for was taken.
Shuddering, you locked eyes with the man sitting so casually on that abandoned park, neat clothes - suit colored a burgundy so deep it could be mistaken by black at that lightning, like the blood that was running fast in your veins - contrasting so harshly to the colorless and somber surroundings, but fitting so well the pitch black of his eyes, framed by grey locks.
He was beautiful, so much it was the cause of the fast pounding of your heart, rather than any fear you could harbor for the unknown being.
It felt like an eternity, to stare at him and be stared back and you barely noticed your feet moving forward as if having a will of their own, stopping only until you were standing right in front of him, body quivering slightly.
 "Hello, there."
His voice startled you, more so the small smile his lips formed upon looking up at your face. Your mouth gaped, trying to muster words while the deep tone of his voice still echoed through your body. Not once in your life you felt so disabled, rendered to a trembling mess, arms tightening around your own figure to try and protect you from the chill of the night.
"You look like you're really cold. Here, have this." The man got up, and you couldn't move, feet rooted to the ground. You had a feeling he was tall, long legs clad in pants the same color of his coat suit - which he removed at that moment, revealing black silk dress shirt underneath - making him stand tall above you, towering over your figure as he approached and covered your shoulders with his suit, the large size of the clothing hugging you warmly, immediately shielding you from the breeze.
"Th-Thank you but... Won't you be cold?" You finally managed to look away from his face, only to glance down to his lips as a grin graced his face.
"Oh, so she has a voice. Thought you were just one of the other ghosts that roam around here." Quipped, teeth peeking out as he smiled harder at your curious head tilt. "I'll be okay, this temperature is nothing compared to my heart right now." Answering the previous question he only made you roll your eyes at the attempt of a cool remark, and if you weren't feeling so protected by his suit you would have given it back and walked away.
"Coldness of heart sometimes just means lack of warmth, not absence of feelings." You recited, knowing it was from a book you had once read but had no idea of the title of it at the moment. Blank expression stared back, and for a second you wondered if you offended him in any way. Some people don’t like to be contradicted when they want to look strong.
“Well, that is precisely my point, if anyone ever bothered to understand.” A breathtaking smile took place of his features, and to say you were startled was an understatement. “Come to sit, let’s talk for a little… You’re really interesting.”
 For an instant you were taken aback by the proposition, finally thinking about how dangerous the situation you were putting yourself was. You had already made too many mistakes if you were to count on your mother’s book, and by then you really didn’t have a way out of there.
 But if he wanted to do something bad to me, he would have already, wouldn’t he? The thought struck you suddenly, and your eyes wandered to the spot the stranger was patting by his side after sitting down himself.
 Mentally waving your worries away you stepped forward, sitting maybe a little closer to his body than you intended to. His eyes never left you, not even for a single moment - as if you were going to disappear, just like the ghosts he mentioned before. It didn’t bother you, even if you knew it should. You were alone in an abandoned park, completely unreachable with a man you had no idea who he was, being stared at like you were some volume he wanted to read it whole and at once.
 “What did you mean by interesting?” You asked, fidgeting when his stare turned a little too much and you could feel your cheeks heating up wondering why would he look so much at you.
 “You don’t give anything out, as much as I look at you. Also, you don’t seem to be the least frightened by me, though I don’t know if that is hot or just plain stupid.” Explained, out of the bat blunt. You nodded slowly at his answer, surprised and a little offended, but knowing he was right. It is stupid.
 “Why should I be afraid of you?” Silence followed your question, as you saw his lips part to give you an immediate answer as before, but it never came. Instead, you could only hear the critters and the never-stopping rustling of leaves, resulting in the constant breeze on that path. Daring to stare back at his eyes, you found yourself wanting to smile at the sight of his conflicted eyes, searching for words like you had made him the most difficult question of his existence.
 “Because… Because everyone else seems to be terrified of me.” His mutter was not far from a whisper, and if your surroundings weren’t completely silent, you wouldn’t have heard it. “At least normal people seem to be.” The corner of his mouth curled up as his eyes diverted from yours for the first time ever like he was timid for a moment. It made you stifle a laugh against the sleeve of his coat, drawing his attention back to you all over again.
 “Well, I am very sure I can’t be considered normal. It’s dark and I’m alone with a man I’ve just met, no one around me-”
 “I’m TaeHyung,” He blurted, like knowing his name would just solve everything else. “Kim TaeHyun.” You only noticed the hand he extended a second later, reaching for it softly. For the second time that night, a shudder ran all over your body as soon as your skin connected to his.
 His hand was cold, but not enough to cause the reaction. Long fingers and big palm practically swallowed your own but he never squeezed it hard, tan skin soft to the touch.
 “Y/N.” You didn’t even think about giving him a different name, just in case. He looked so sincere and you deemed okay to trust him then. Upon hearing your name he smiled again lightly, shaking your hand slightly.
 “Y/N.” Parroted, letting your hand go hesitantly and retreating his own to his lap. “So, what exactly are you doing here alone in this old park?”
 The question wasn’t hard, but at the same time, your reasons looked too personal and too simple for a person like him to understand.
 “Nothing much. Getting in touch with nature, clearing my mind.” You tried, averting your eyes from his face. TaeHyung hummed a deep sound that was almost comforting and rumbled inside your chest.
 “I could say the same thing, but we both know that wouldn’t be honest.” He caught on my lie, you noticed, heat creeping up your neck as your eyes snapped back to him, noticing his smirk. You swallowed hard.
 “I was looking for something.”
 “Me too.”
 Grimacing, you shook your head at his response, thinking he was making fun of you. “Really? And what you were looking for?” Squinting at him, you prompted the man to snicker.
 “I don’t know.” He shrugged looking up, perhaps at the moon that hid this whole time behind some clouds, providing little lighting to the land. Weren’t the old lamps dotted along the paths that still worked - even if faintly - by some unknown force, you would be completely in the dark with him. “I just felt a pull towards here, to be honest. I arrived just a little before you did.” He explained, glancing back down with some sort of joyful glint in his eyes. “What about you?”
 You had been too absorbed taking in his features - soft latte skin, the sharpness of his jaw, the soft bow of his upper lip, and plumpness of the lower. The smooth lines of his nose, the little mole on the tip- “Hm?” Shaking your head, you looked away from his face, trying to put your head in place. You haven’t met many people in your life - well, because of your mother you had, but never spoke to them in this level of closeness - but no one had made you so… Disconcerted like he was making you. It was a hard feature to fluster you, being educated to be above wooing and flirting.
 But TaeHyung - the man was only looking at you, and for some reason, he didn’t need words to convey what he was feeling or trying to say. At that moment, he was confirming his awareness at your admiring and acknowledged it pleased.
 “I… Honestly that will sound silly, but I was looking for…” You started, licking at your lips embarrassed, picking at the sleeves of your borrowed coat. Well, after this I won’t ever see him again, you realized, gathering the courage to just say the word. “Freedom.”
 “Ah, I see...” He trailed off, waiting till you looked up at his face. “A golden cage it’s still just a cage, huh?”
 Your heart probably had stopped beating at that point, while you stared back at the deep void of his eyes, that proposed a trip without return once one sank in. The quote echoed in your soul loud and clear, throat closing up and tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. Read like a book. The change of TaeHyung’s expression was immediate upon seeing your teary eyes, panic widening his own for the first time. “I’m sorry to have upset you, it wasn’t my intention at all- My gods why am I such a jerk, I should just keep my mouth shut, Zeus smite me-”
His words prompted you to snort at the next second, and that perhaps startled him a bit, as the little jolt back showed. Blinking away the tears you chuckled harder at his expression, the confused crease between his full brows endearing to you.
 “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to react like that and scare you, I’m really sorry.” You were the one to start apologizing then, placing your hands on your face a little embarrassed by not being able to stop laughing. “You just… You asked Zeus to smite you, and I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that sort of thing in my life.” Besides me, you wanted to say. If there were deities you believed on, it was the Greek gods, thought the stories written sometimes were a little too exaggerated, even if constant. Understandable, since they were written by humans.
 “Oh, that? A silly habit of mine… My friends tell me I’m really weird sometimes.” You glanced back at him on time to see him averting his own gaze, hand scratching his neck awkwardly. It was refreshing seeing him lose a little of the facade he had on, the cool and sort of mysterious man he wanted to pass on, though the hint of danger was still there, but for some reason not in a bad way? If that made sense.
 “So you’re interested in them?” You started, bringing TaeHyung’s attention back to you, as he snapped away from his thoughts. “The Greek gods, I mean. Do you believe in them too?” You added, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
 In the small space of time, you had spent with that man you had seen him smile, but the one wide grin that spread on his face was groundbreakingly gorgeous. He scoffed, head dropping and eyes meeting his lap, giving your widen eyes a rest as well as your heart, that had started once again a fast pace.
 “If I believe them? They’re alive dear, don’t you know?”
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You came back right before the sunrise, a feeling of a renewed soul that warmed your very bones. Slipping back inside your room, you smiled while taking off the suit coat, which you only then realized was with you.
 It had been such a long while to have a refreshing conversation with someone, you felt your soul was cleansed after the time you spent with TaeHyung. Of course, he said some weird stuff sometimes, but overall it was endearing. You sighed, pulling the wardrobe door open and putting the clothing in, wanting to keep it as a small token of the night you had spent.
Yet, you couldn’t let yourself smile at the content feeling on your heart since your door was being violently pushed open, and your very livid mother walked in, stopping midway to eye your slightly dusty and startled figure, as your back pressed against the closet doors.
 "Where were you, Y/N? I was so worried!" Her expression was pained and you felt the urge to look away from her face, suddenly struck with guilt.
 "At the abandoned park not far from here. Thought you had seen my note, mother." You lied, stepping away from the furniture and sitting on the bed, trying to keep calm. You didn’t want to start another fight with her and ruin the perfect mood you were in.
 She scoffed, walking towards your slightly trembling frame - for some reason it felt really cold inside your room - and frowned. "Still, you went alone! And it's so dark outside, what if something happened to you?"
"But nothing did, mom! I was feeling so stuck, I just needed to walk for a bit. Didn't think you'd mind so much." You tried to explain, a deep crease digging between your eyebrows as well. Your mother's expression softened a little.
"I did, and I do, my child." She shook her head, sighing exasperatedly. "If you wanted to leave for a while, you could just have told me and I would have accompanied you, take you somewhere nice and-"
She doesn't understand, does she? "I just wanted to be alone for a while." Shutting your eyes tight, you could only feel the bed dip by your side as she sat, hands resting over yours.
"You have to understand it's dangerous. You're very precious to me, daughter." You still didn't want to look at her, a lump in your throat, the need to try and make her see how much you needed the air outside, the wild, just like a plant needs fresh air and space to grow. "What if something happened to you? If he found- If someone kidnapped you I'd die."
 He? Who is he? You frowned, finally looking at her and opening your mouth to inquire about that 'he' your mother always mentioned, one way or another. She's always talking about an unknown person, someone that is supposedly always threatening us - me, in fact - but she never names it.
 But before you could utter a word, she stood and twirled on her feet, walking out of your room, any sign of desperation on her face erased completely. "Look, I'm doing this for your own good, this world is too dangerous for you to be wandering around so innocently." The crease between your brows deepened, head tilting in questioning till you saw a golden object glimmering in her hand, and with panic shooting through your veins, you recognized it to be the key to your room, always in the back of your door.
 "Mom? What are you doing? Mom?" You shot up and ran towards the door, eyes wide snapping from the key to her face, worried expression masking the unfaltering decision she had made. "You can't be serious right now!" Lower lip quivering, you tried to appeal to her heart, only having her eyes diverting from yours as a response.
 "Y/N, you have to understand. I can't let you roam around knowing he's still around. There are dangers you do not understand, child." The answer made anger boil in your gut, the mention of he making your jaw clench.
 "Mother, I am no child, you're well aware of this. You can't lock me forever here! And who the hell is he?"
Icy eyes met yours as she moved away, holding the doorknob in one hand. "One day you will know why I'm doing this... I'll tell you when it's right."
"You can't expect me to just be locked away with no apparent reason!"
"You'll have to trust me-"
"NO! It's my life you're stopping me from living and-"
 Without letting you finish she closed the door with a bang, quickly locking it before you could even react. You gasped surprised, palms meeting the white hardwood of your door, banging on it while tears ran down your face unrestrained. It wasn't like you didn't have a way out, you could always jump through the window like you had just done, it was the control your mother had in your will. The locked door was almost a symbol of her power, though you knew that she probably already moved the staff to watch every place you could run from.
You were just doomed, even if surrounded by the things you loved the most. A golden cage it's still just a cage, after all.
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #389
"Training, Totally Whipped, Brine Babysitting, EAlex Lament”
[EAlex] Is sweaty and exhausted, but finally manages to hold a portal long enough for someone to hop through before it crumbles.
[BEN] - Well, you're starting to get there...
[EAlex] At least I could get in and out without help. That's better then nothing...
[BEN] - Yeah, but now you have to learn how to navigate in the digital void
[EAlex] Hey.... do you care if I take my shirt off? I feel like I'm going to pass out I'm so hot.
 [BEN] - Uhhhhhhhhh
[EAlex] Adjusts her front- Stupid breasts... would it bother you?
[BEN] - Well it would certainly be distracting...
[EAlex] That's not a no and I'm soaked. - She pulls her shirt off and puts it in her inventory. - Oh thank goodness. - Her breasts jiggle free. They're just average boobs.
[BEN] Is immediately staring- Boobies
[EAlex] Sour- Yeah. I hate them.
[BEN] - Boobies are awesome
[EAlex] Not when you're not supposed to have them. I'd pop them off and give them to you if I could.
[BEN] - I mean, TLOT could do that for you...  He made me female for a little while
[EAlex] It's been on my mind of late... My spawn was stolen when I was formed. I was supposed to be a Herobrine...
[BEN] - Well then go talk to him, you've earned a break from portal making anyways
[EAlex] I'll take that as a compliment. You're a good teacher.
[BEN] - Well I did teach all the other pastas
[EAlex] Then I have one more thing to thank you for. I get the feeling Cp doesn't like being helpful, but he has been anyway. And I would probably have never met him or the others if he couldn't escape the game. I just have one little worry...
[BEN] - And that would be?
[EAlex] Licht. I like her, and she's pretty oblivious... I wonder if me being a guy would change her feelings at all? And how that might make me feel...?
[BEN] - You won't know until you try, and if you don\t like it TLOT could always change you again
[EAlex] Is it really that easy? I mean, you said he did it to you, right?
[BEN] - For him it is
[EAlex] Makes a resolute face- where do you think I could find him?
[BEN] - Ask for him in chat, or just think his name really loudly
[EAlex] wide eyes- He's really that sensitive?
[BEN] - Oh yeah
[EAlex] Cripes. - She screws her eyes shut and thinks of him as hard as she can-
[TLOT] Whispers to her in chat- Did you need something EAlex?
[EAlex] out loud- Holy crap! I mean, yes... if you aren't busy... I was hoping... like we talked about...
[TLOT] I understand. I'll be there shortly.
[BEN] - See?  Easy peasy
[Steve] Opens the door on the far end of the room for his mate-
[TLOT] Thank you. - He raises an eyebrow ever so slightly at EAlex's partial dishabille -
[BEN] Obvious boob staring is obvious-
[EAlex] Points at her chest- I'm still hesitant but... could you... get rid of these?
[Steve] Chuckles- Well you know how to get BEN's attention.
[TLOT] Cracks his knuckles a bit- Of course! I was in the mood to do something good today. - He focuses his power and grasps EAlex's boobs a bit fiercely.
[EAlex] Squeak of suprise!
[BEN] Snickers-
[TLOT] Presses the boobs flat, leaving just the nipples protruding.
[EAlex] Happy gasp-
[BEN] - See?  Easy for him
[EAlex] Just staring in wonder because it didn't hurt or anything.
[TLOT] You're welcome.
[Steve] Steps over near BEN with a big smile. - So how's your son faring?
[BEN] - Good, should probably be heading back soon anyways.  Almost time for dinner
[TLOT] Well give him our best then at least. I htink we can take it from here for now.
[EAlex] Is obviously still really tired, but much more elated.
[BEN] - Alright, I'll be back in the morning
[TLOT] Would you like a teleport? I know it's a bit of a hike.
[BEN] - Sure, why not
[TLOT] types with a bit of a flourish and bids BEN farewell before tping him directly to Hyrule.
[BEN] Vanishes-
[Lie] It's been a few days since Doc's visit and she is in a huff.  She's covered in dirt and honesty pollen from having been thrown from a particularly difficult horse multiple times.  She marches over to Karla's place and knocks on the door-
-the door opens slowly and apparently by itself...-
[Lie] Sticks her head in- Karla?
[Banette] Peeks out from behind the door- Ba?
[Lie] - Hey Banette, do you know where Karla is?
[Banette] Points towards the back of the house. -
[Lie] - Thank you- She offers a berry
[Banette] Takes it happily and noms on it. They finish it quickly and give Lie's leg a hug before letting go again and shutting the door behind her.
[Lie] Heads for the back of the house-
-There's a quiet sound she hasn't heard in quite some time. The chattery clacking of an old sewing machine-
[Lie] Follows the noise until she finds the source- I see you've figured out how to connect your machine to the redstone
[Karla] Hmm? Oh I had help. - her old machine has a cord trailing off the back of it that's been jammed into a block of redstone that's embedded in the floor beneath the table. - It's such an interesting material. - She inclines her head towards the couch with a shhh gesture-
[Ever] Is curled up in a little ball fast asleep on the wool couch.
-The Wunderwaffe is perched on the footstool and glowing softly blue as it hums to itself-
[Lie] - Yeah it is.  One of my hearts is made from it
[Karla] That's quite poetic. - She pushes the fabric aside a little and crosses one boot over the other- so what brings you over today?
[Lie] Sighs a little- I...  Need to borrow a whip
[Karla] I see... - She looks her up and down- Has it been an unusually rough day wrangling your husband?
[Lie] Blushes- No!  It's a troublesome horse
[Karla] Is that what you're calling him now?
[Lie] - No!  Besides he'd never let me do anything like that to him, especially since it could potentially cause permanent harm
[Karla] I thought you had to actually be angry for that to happen?
[Lie] - Well, yes, but still...  Besides, the only time he's ever been remotely submissive is under the influence of the lust nectar...
[Karla] That's one of those facts you tuck away for later...
[Lie] - Iiiiiiii may have landed in some honesty blossoms...
[Karla] Steeples her fingers- How interesting.
[Lie] - Eh heh...  So, about that whip...
[Karla] Ah yes, something long and hard to suit your needs. I think I can oblige.
[Lie] - Thank you, it will be useful
[Karla] Gets up smoothly and starts hunting through her posessions-
[Ever] rolls over with a soft Snnnnrk-
[Lie] Shifts a bit as she waits, realizing the double meaning in Karla's words-
[Karla] Pulls out a very long leather whip that curls at her feet and examines it with a smile before putting it back. - I presume you'd prefer a crop?
[Lie] - Yes, kinda hard to use a bull whip on a horse when you're riding them
[Karla] My little joke- she draws out a crop in a rather stunning shade of red- Will this do?
[Lie] - Yeah, that should work just fine
[Karla] Offers it to her and tugs it playfully when she grasps it, before letting go.
[Lie] - If your not super busy, I'd appreciate a bit of help so the horse can't run off
[Karla] Ooh a bit of restraint as well? I'll assist.
[Lie] - If you want to call it that- Is getting redder in the face
[Karla] Makes a gracious gesture- lead on then-
[Lie] Heads back outside and towards a small pen with a single saddled horse in it.  It's a chestnut and it is far from happy-  Alright, let's try this again
[Karla] Gives the horse a good stare. - Naughty beast. Defying your mistress.
[Lie] Hands Karla a lead and leads the horse back out of the pen before swinging up onto it's back-
[Karla] Nice form-
[Lie] Waits for Karla to attach the lead before clicking at the horse and encouraging it onwards, there's an immediate response of stamping and snorting from the disgruntled animal.  She gives it a quick whack with the crop which certainly gets it's attention-
[Karla] Barest lick of her lips- And now we see where one of your strength's lie.
[Horse] Starts bucking hard and Lie sits deep in the saddle-
[Lie] - Easy now...
[Karla] Sometimes they just need reminding who is in charge.
[Lie] - Yeah well this ones being dif ASSHOLE!- She shouts as she's thrown and lands in the grass
[Karla] Gives a sharp tug on the lead and shortens the rope in her hands, she delivers a fierce smack on the horses chest and hauls it into a more submissive pose.
[Lie] - Fucking asshole...- She approaches again to get back on- I swear this one must be glitched in some way, I've never had this problem with any of the others
[Horse] Ears are pinned back flat-
[Lie] - Oh knock it off!
[Karla] Gets in the horses face and makes sure it's seeing every inch of her dominance- Behave.
[Lie] Hops back up into the saddle-
[Horse] Paws, trying to hit Karla with a front hoof-
[Karla] Slaps the horses nose firmly-
[Horse] Tosses head in annoyance-
[Lie] - Alright, let him out on the line
[Karla] Backs off and feeds some slack out for the horse-
[Horse] Takes off, trying to run-
[Lie] - Oh no you don't!-  She turns it's head so it circles tightly on itself until it can't move- Behave
[Karla] Don't forget the whip...
[Horse] Bucks-
[Lie] Promptly smacks it again- Why are you so difficult!
[Karla] Maybe this one just needs a bit rougher treatment? - Her words are dripping with innuendo.
[Lie] Makes frustrated noises-  I'm about ready to just let this one go wild!
[Karla] Perhaps you should drop them off at my house for a while.
[Lie] - Are you suRE!- The horse rears and she almost falls off
[Karla] Oh yes. I like a challenge. Especially when I'm feeling so much younger and spryer then I have in decades.
[Lie] Dismounts and the horse tries to slam it's body into her, she quickly smacks it- STOP THAT!  If your sure Karla...
[Karla] Yanks the lead very short and smacks the horses chest again- You're a stubborn one, aren't you? This will be entertaining.
[Lie] - I'll follow you back, help you get it settled.  I don't suggest putting it with the other horses
[Karla] Do you have some spare fence... pieces?
[Lie] - No, but I have some wood on me, I can build some quickly enough
[Karla] Good enough for me.
[Godmorgan] Is sitting listlessly at their desk tapping away at buttons as they look over new merch ideas-
[Doc] Rings Dofta a few times and then tries Fangbo insted when there's no answer.
[Fangbo] in the phone - Hmm? What's up Doc?
[Doc] Huh? I mean... is there any chance I can get a clean version of the newest update from you? I already know it's going to cause some 'old map' issues, bugs or no.
[Fangbo] Perhaps... - She smiles a bit to herself- do I get anything out of it?
[Doc] Takes her a bit too seriously and looks around in consternation- ummm...?! How about a houseplant that blooms lollipops? And I'll bring you a cheerie pie!
[Fangbo] Trying to disguise her suprise because she was totally kidding- That... that would be awesome! Come see me and I'll drive you over.
[Doc] Okay, I'll change into some street clothes and be there in a flash.
-Little time passes-
[Fangbo] Lets herself into the office quietly with Doc in tow.
[Godmorgan] Goes to take another sip of coffee and finds their cup empty, with a sigh they stand and start heading for the atrium-
[Fangbo] My office is a bit cluttery, why don't you come sit in the atrium and I'll get a copy from the main terminal?
[Doc] Okay. It's pretty in here anyway. - they lean back on the bench and touch a few of the little flowers that bloom in the planted bed in the center.
[Godmorgan] Walks in, almost bumping into Fangbo- Oh, sorry!  What are you doing here so late?
[Fangbo] OH! Just uh, forgot something. Doc and I were out and about and I thought I'd just pop back in for a sec.
[Doc] Friendly wave and closed mouth smile so they don't see hir pointed teeth.
[Godmorgan] - Checking on your newest project again?  Or did you finish already?
[Fangbo] Dramatic sigh- You know nothing is ever really finished...
[Godmorgan] - True, I'm stuck with more merch stuff, but I swear next con Jeb is going with me...
[Fangbo] Well it is Minecon.... I don't think he can weasel out of that one...
[Doc] Perks in interest.
[Godmorgan] Is silent for a moment before making an aggravated noise and tossing their hands up into the air and stalking towards the coffee pot-
[Doc] Whispers- Minecon?
[Fangbo] It's a huge gathering of people who play Minecraft.
[Doc] That sounds neat!
[Godmorgan] - It means my workload is tripled at least!
[Doc] What do you do? If you don't mind me asking.
[Godmorgan] - Merch,  debugging, coding...  And I'm the one sent to almost every convention...
[Doc] But you get to roam around and meet new people and see new places, that's kinda cool.
[Fangbo] Quietly sneaking off to get the file.
[Godmorgan] - No I don't, I either have to be at our table or at panels,  really don't get to see much of the con if anything
[Doc] Aww. I'm sorry. But you're doing good work and it's appreciated a lot. Especially the debugging.
[Godmorgan] - Yeah, now if only we could fix a few glitches with the latest update...  I wonder though...
[Doc] Little shiver - Well... nothing wrong with a few glitches... it's the bugs that need ironing out... right?
[Godmorgan] - Well it's a bit of both really...  Hey Fangbo!
[Doc] Worried look-
[Fangbo] Yes?
[Godmorgan] - Dofta said the phantom problem got fixed by an old friend of Markus', any chance we could rope them in again for more work?
[Fangbo] Eyes flick to Doc- Maybe?
[Doc] Bites hir lip, accidently exposing some fangs - He's pretty busy...
[Godmorgan] - You know him?
[Doc] He's a friend of the family yes...
[Godmorgan] - I mean, if he can figure out how to stop the bubbles that rise from the magma blocks from launching players into the air...
[Doc] Snorts- I think he'd not only not help, he'd stand there laughing his ass off and throwing players into the bubbles.
[Godmorgan] - It only happens if they are wearing frostwalker boots
[Doc] He'd still think it was hilarous.
[Godmorgan] Just sighs- Well, I've spent enough time talking, back to work...
[Doc] Don't work too hard. - chuckles- If you stay up too many days, the Phantoms wil getcha!
[Fangbo] Snorts-
[Godmorgan] - Yeah yeah, don't stay up too late Fangbo, I saw on the board you have an early meeting
[Fangbo] I do?
[Godmorgan] - Yeah, something about the...  You knows?
[Doc] You knows?
[Fangbo] Oh... nothing bad I hope?
[Godmorgan] - Just the usual talk, numbers and such
[Fangbo] Oh good. No need to keep counting and bothering them.
[Doc] Is as keenly alert as a pothead trying to determine if someone else is 'cool' or not.
[Godmorgan] - Anyways, catch you in the morning
[Fangbo] Yeah... you too
[Godmorgan] Goes back to their office-
[Doc] Well that was a tad awkward.
[Fangbo] They don't know. It's okay.
[Godmorgan] Yawns and walks into the doorframe of their office-
[Doc] Winces- ooh.
[Godmorgan] - Maybe a nap is in order first...
[Fangbo] I htink so, but stay here. Don't try to drive. actually.... Go sleep in Jeb's office. He's got the biggest chair!
[Godmorgan] Stumbles as they turn around, spilling a bit of coffee- Sounds good, show that bastard what happens when he sends me to too many conventions
[Fangbo] Hahah. He'll probably be too stunned to be mad.
[Godmorgan] Heads down the hall to Jeb's office-
[Winston] Is heading into town, his arm needing a small bit of maintenance-
[Coffi] Opens the gate for him with a little bow- Hello sir! Having a good day?
[Winston] - So far, is Tungsten in his forge today?
[Coffi] Last time I saw him he was discussing saddles in the bar with Cheez.
[Winston] - Thank you- He heads towards the bar dodging children as he goes
[Penut and Jelli] Are playing with their kids outside and give him a friendly wave-
[Beanz] Goes storming past with an armload of books-
[Coocont] Is laughing a bit too loud on the side bench of the bar [drunk] Their mate Pinapple just shakes his head fondly-
[Winston] Approaches the bar, giving Pinapple a nod in greeting before looking inside-
[Tungsten] Is munching on a sandwich while Cheez is obviously telling him about something that involves creepers [judging by the faces he's pulling]
[Winston] Approaches respectfully- Tungsten?
[Tungsten] Oh, hello Winston.
[Cheez] Looks up quickly- The name Flicker having just crossed his lips.
[Winston] - I hate to intrude, but I believe my arm may be in need of a bit of maitenance
[Tungsten] Sure! - He stuffs the last bite in his mouth and finishes it. - Should I wake up Copper? Or is it a little tweak?
[Winston] - I'm not certain, but every once in awhile it seems to...  Lose connection with the rest of my body if that makes sense
[Tungsten] Alright, lets go get the expert then. Sorry Cheez. You can tell me the rest later.
[Cheez] Obviously a bit intimidated by Winston- Of course..!
[Winston] Steps aside so Tungsten can lead- I do not mind if he follows-
[Cheez] Are you sure?
[Tungsten] Leads on towards the forge-
[Winston] - I am certain- He follows Tungsten out
[Cheez] Goes back to rambling. He's apparently been recruited to help with Flicker's creeper herd temporarily as she has some small ones at the moment. - They're pretty cute, even with their permenantly sour faces.
[Winston] - Ah but the little ones can be a handful, the Master is learning that first hand
[Tungsten] Oh yeah! We heard about the little sprout. Did she turn out cute?
[Cheez] I bet she's gonna be a handful, but hey at least she can't get annoyed and explode on you right?
[Winston] - She's already learned to set herself on fire
[Tungsten] Oh no!
[Cheez] That's going to ruin a lot of baby clothes....
[Winston] - The flames are not yet hot enough to harm anything
[Tungsten] Well that's good. - he opens the door to the forge-
[Drillby] Back so soon? I was just tidying up. Hey Winston, Cheez.
This message has been removed.
[Tungsten] Goes to get Copper's bow.
[Cheez] Warms his hands by the lava pools a bit-
[Drillby] Is your arm bothering you Winston?
[Winston] - Yes, it seems to just stop working at times
[Tungsten] Gives Copper's bow a gentle pluck-
[Drillby] oh dear
[Copper] The large Testificate forms- Aye?  What do ye need?
[Tungsten] Winston's arm is on the fritz.
[Cheez] Is just watching the big ghost in awe-
[Copper] - I see...  Let's take a look
[Tungsten] Pats the table so Winston can sit down and lay his arm straight for them to see.
[Drillby] breezes past with a bundle of dusting feathers and places an upright torch on the table for some extra light-
[Winston] Obliges, laying his arm out flat-
[Copper] Watches as Tungsten works on getting the outer plate off-
[Tungsten] So...  did it just slow down and stop or did you have a bit of damage that might have made it stop working?
[Winston] - Nothing more than the usual spars...
[Copper] - Then that prolly be your problem
[Tungsten] I get the feeling Cp hits pretty hard...
[Copper] Glances at the inside of the arm- Aye, the wiring be coming loose...  We should probably consider makin a stronger arm...
[Tungsten] I'm all ears. Should I be fetching TLOT or Doc for some melted bedrock perhaps?
[Copper] - If that's what ye think would be best for this, but take yer time.  Remember, this arm was rushed
[Tungsten] Well... unless he's in creative..? I mean Cp can't break bedrock with a regular weapon.. can he?
[Winston] - Not normally no, not unless he is tremendously angry
[Tungsten] Then that might be the answer.
[Drillby] Not to butt in, but... TLOT may be the better choice for this. Bits to assemble will be more workable then something melted, unless Doc wants to make the casing themselves.
[Tungsten] I think they'd be more inclined to make a fleshy arm anyway.
[Drillby] Can you -chat- Winston?
[Winston] - No, that seems to be unique to Endrea
[Drillby] Okay, I'll just try and get his attention- He screws his face up and concentrates on calling for his Herobrine-
[TLOT] Sends back a loud enough reply that all present hear it mentally. - I'll be there in a minute, darn it... let me get my pants on... sheesh...
[Copper] - I warn ye, this may take a few days
[Tungsten] What, re-doing the string part? I guessed as much.
[Copper] - Aye, I suggest taking the skeletons measurements and fixing his wiring first
[Tungsten] I can do that.
[TLOT] Tp's himself to Drillby and steps away to avoid clipping him for more then a second or two- Something wrong?
[Cheez] Sir! - polite bow-
[Copper] - The skeletons arm
[TLOT] Confused - Do you want me to shape him a real one?
[Tungsten] No... we were hoping for some stronger raw materials. Can you break bedrock?
[TLOT] I can pick it apart.
[Copper] - So long as it can be formed into a stronger arm
[TLOT] So you actually need sheets of the stuff?
[Tungsten] Just something I can form.
[TLOT] I'll have to help you assemble it.
[Tungsten] I would be honored to have your assistance.
[TLOT] Just nods-
[Winston] Cocks  head as he feels a wave of energy from CP, it's slightly panicky-
[TLOT] Perks as well and sends to him mentally- Cp? do you need help?
[CP] - Aether puking and Blake is trying to eat it!
[TLOT] Throw a piece of food, that should distract him-
[CP] - It's not helping!
[TLOT] Is anyone else there?
[CP] - No!
[TLOT] Ugh... - He searches around and forces a Tp to Hope's position to avoid the puking baby- Sorry kitten!
[Hope] Spazzes-
[Aether] Is crying and on fire-
[CP] Has a bit of puke on himself as he tries to block Blake-
[TLOT] Grabs Blake's collar and the wolf freaks out and howls loudly-
[CP] Takes advantage of the momentary distraction to throw down a sponge-
[TLOT] Down Blake! Heel!
[Blake] Isn't having any of it and whines for Lie-
[CP] - Fucker, Lie is working the horses and doesn't need you chasing them!- He starts working on calming Aether
[TLOT] Gives up and drops a post and a lead, tying the wolf to it.
[Blake] Sad howl-
[Aether] Still crying-
[CP] - You didn't  have to fucking come over here TLOT
[TLOT] I thought you could use a hand. I was in the middle of something too.
[CP] - Oh boo hoo, your sex was interrupted for no reason
[TLOT] I wasn't having sex, I was in the bathroom. Cripes. And I rushed over to help your general anyway.
[CP] - Which one?
[Aether] Is finally starting to settle down-
[TLOT] Winston. His arm is malfunctioning again.
[CP] - Right, he mentioned that earlier today
[TLOT] Tungsten got as far as asking me for some bedrock to play with before you called for help.
[CP] - I didn't call for help
[TLOT] You know what I mean. Don't be a sourpuss. So whats going on with Aether? That was a lot of puke.
[CP] - I don't know
[Aether] Some small sniffles-
[TLOT] Notices and touches her mind curiously-
[Aether] Just isn't feeling good, it's mostly just an upset stomach-
[TLOT] Someone has a tummyache.
[CP] - No shit
[TLOT] Just checking on the baby! You're touchy today.
[CP] Slight eye twitch-
[TLOT] Eyes narrow - ah... I see the problem. Not enough adult time. Parenting is a full time job.
[CP] - Shut up
[TLOT] I could give her a few drops to settle that out you know...
[CP] - You are not giving my daughter blood
[TLOT] Just thinking aloud. Though you know it wouldn't hurt her in the slightest.
[CP] - I don't want her to get a taste for blood OR coffee
[TLOT] Eyebrow- Worrying about your offspring being bloodthirsty is ironic isn't it?
[CP] - Shut up
[Lie] Is coming back from outside-
[TLOT] Twigs to Lie coming back but doesn't turn around. - what's the matter Cp, you still don't trust me?
[CP] - I'm a fucking creepy pasta TLOT, a violent one.  I can't risk that being passed on to her
[TLOT] Smiles widely. - I knew there was good in you Cp. We just had to dig deep to find it. For what it's worth; I'm proud of you.
[CP] Growls a little as Lie opens the door-
[Lie] - Oh, TLOT.  What are you doing here?
[TLOT] Just came over to give Cp a hand. Aether had a bit of tummy trouble.
[Blake] whines for Lie-
[Lie] - Puking again?  I don't what's causing it...- She goes to release Blake
[Blake] Happy woofing and scampering-
[TLOT] Have you tried just giving her a bit of potion?
[Lie] - I don't even know if that's safe for her...
[TLOT] Tilts his head- she's not a mob.
[Lie] - Yes, but she's so little...
[TLOT] You could have Sweet Alex hug her?
[Lie] Makes a slightly unsure noise-
[CP] Snickers a little- I'm pretty much the only other one she'll allow to hold Aether
[TLOT] Not even Markus?
[Lie] - Well yes him!  He's family...
[TLOT] Looks between them, feeling the undercurrent of frustration- I think both of you may need a break...
[Lie] - Yeah but with her tendencies to catch on fire...
[TLOT] Does it hurt?
[CP] - Nah, her flames aren't hot enough to hurt yet, just scares the shit out of Notch and Stevie
[TLOT] Would you like me to watch her for a bit? Fire doesn't bug me.
[Lie] Hesitates-
[CP] Glances at his wife-
[Lie] - She gets so cold so easily though...
[CP] - I think you forget who is standing in front of us...
[TLOT] Plus I was going to head back to the forge in town to help Tungsten. That's pretty toasty.
[Lie] Is uncertain-
[CP] Sighs and approaches TLOT- I will completely end you if anything happens to her
[TLOT] As if I would ever allow harm to you and Lie's most precious creation.
[CP] Scowls-
[Lie] - Wait, I'll go get her carrier!- Turns and takes a few steps before teleporting
[TLOT] Focuses for a moment, basically telling Steve to meet him in town. he hesitates- did she just..?
[CP] - Has been for a few days, I don't think she's realized yet
[TLOT] Stifes a laugh- Anything that helps her learn I suppose.
[Lie] Teleports back in with the carrier- Okay, I also grabbed a change of clothes, some more diapers, a bottle, and her sheep
[CP] Goes and put Aether in her carrier, gently pushing aside some of her bright red hair-
[TLOT] I'll guard her with my life.
[CP] - You'd better
[TLOT] Smiles knowingly- You two have fun. I'll walk over there, so you won't worry.
[Lie] Watches nervously as TLOT walks off with her child- CP...
[CP] Immediately scoops his wife up and takes her up to the bedroom-
[TLOT] Heads back to town. He gives Steve a kiss as they cross paths in the square. The two re-enter the forge with the baby-
[Tungsten] Oh my goodness! Is that?
[Drillby] She's darling!
[Cheez] 99% eyeballs-
[Winston] - Ah, little Aether
[Aether] Burbles-
[TLOT] Finds a spot to set her carrier down and Steve sits on the floor next to her to entertain her a bit.-
-The forge is nice and warm-
[Copper] A wee lass-
[Aether] Happy squeal and kicks around a little-
[TLOT] The first child of two Herobrines. That we know of at least. - He flips a cobble to bedrock and starts picking pixels off of it.  
[Tungsten] She's got her fathers wild hair.
[Winston] - And his fire
[Aether] Tries gumming her foot-
[Copper] - The wee ones always bring joy and entertainment
[Steve] Those are your toes! I think the real fun will be when she starts learning words.
[Winston] - She is beginning to figure out different sounds
[Steve] Maybe I can help! - He fusses around in his inventory and pulls out some random items -
[TLOT] Ho boy...
[Steve] This is a carrot. caaaar-oot
[Aether] - Ahpbbbbbft
[Drillby] Is giggling - That's so cute.
[TLOT] Is making a pile of bedrock bits-
[Steve] This is wheat, wheeeeat.
[Aether] More non sense-
[Steve] Shows her a lemon, some cheeries, and Drillby's shears, he's just enjoying playing with her.
[Tungsten] Is tracing out a shape and placing the teeny cubes into it's outline as TLOT molds them back together-
[Copper] Glances at the bows- Ye may like to let Aurum out
[TLOT] looks up for a moment and grins hugely. -Aurum doesn't know Cp has a child-
[Tungsten] Smiles as well- I'll get the bow.
[Steve] Giggles sweetly- this should be funny.
[Copper] Steps back to give them room-
[Tungsten] Gives the bow the smallest, artful pluck. His tone is merry and sing-songy- Aurum? Wake up, we have a surprise for you...
[Aurum] Wakes up and stretches- What is it?  A special project?
[Steve] a More like a new friend... - he indicates the smiling baby
[Aurum] Smiles- Aw, look at the tiny one.  Who's is she?  Or did you find her somewhere?
[TLOT] That bit of artful crafting belongs to Lie... And Cp.
[Steve] Aurum, this is Aether.
[Aurum] Tries to keep a straightface but ends up bursting out laughing- Old sourpuss made that!?  Ha!  Oh that is rich!
[TLOT] She's already learned to set herself on fire just like her daddy too, thankfully the flames aren't actually hot... Yet.
[Aurum] - Oh I am not going to let him live this down, for all the times he grumbled about my kids crawling over his feet
8:55 AM] Lie: [Aether] Starts to make a bit of a fussy face, her stomach still not feeling the best-
[Steve] Aww don't be sad. Aurum came out to see you. He's all spooky and translucent, isn't that neat?
[TLOT] She's got a tummy ache. I offered a little blood but Cp practically had a fit. He's rather afraid of her getting a taste for it.
[Aether] Starts crying and accidentally pushes her lamb out of her carrier-
[Tungsten] Reachs down with one huge hand and sets it next to her again- There there. No need to be sad.
[Aether] Catches on fire-
[Steve] Yikes!
[TLOT] Sighs.
[Drilby] HOLY SHIT
[Aether] Is not happy and is pretty much surrounded by unfamiliar people-
[Aurum] - Oh that is most certainly the old grumps kid
[TLOT] Sits on the floor and takes Aether in his arms -You can be firey all you want. Your mom and dad need some alone time or they're both going to explode.
[Aether] Is just wailing-
[TLOT] Looks around with a very serious scowl - none of you saw anything, or else? Get it? - He nips a finger on one of his fangs and a drop of blood wells up on the surface of the skin. He pokes it into her mouth and wipes the tiny drop on her tongue.
[Aether] Makes a face at the taste-
[TLOT] Yeah, I know you're too young for coffee.
[Aether] Fusses and rubs her face-
[TLOT] Gives her the smallest kiss on the forehead. - Feeling better now? - He focuses on turning his glitch up and holds the baby against his warm golden armor.
[Aether] Starts settling down a little and gives a big yawn-
[Winston] - I'm just glad most of the time she has her mother's temperment
[Tungsten] Has gone back to arranging bedrock bits on the table- I wonder how else her mothers part of the crafting will be expressed?
[Steve] She might have red hair, but I bet she'll have a green thumb.
[Copper] - The wee one will certainly have an interesting childhood
[Aurum] Chuckles a little- Just wait till she hits puberty, then her fathers side should come out
[TLOT] Lulling Aether gently- And she'll have all of us to watch over her and teach her how to use any powers that might come out as well.
[Aether] Is getting very sleepy-
[Cheez] Cp is going to freak if she starts dating anyone...
[Winston] - There isn't exactly many options in that department at least
[TLOT] Quietly- Brines are meant to be rare...
[Winston] Winces a little as the wires in his false arm are fully reattatched-
[Tungsten] Sorry.... I'm trying to be gentle.
[Winston] - It's fine, it's not unexpected
[Aether] Finally drifts off-
[Steve] Is just wearing a really sappy smile watching his husband in all his firece and godly regalia holding the tiny sleeping infant.
[TLOT] Look up a little- Bet you never thought we'd get this far with Cp....
[Steve] Well we didn't exactly get off to a flying start.
[Winston] - I believe I heard about that specific incident from the Mistress at some point
[Cheez] The whole village knows... It's a brave Steve who kicks a brine in the cubes.
[Steve] Or a dumb one...
[Aurum] - I don't think I've heard about this?
[Steve] I have this thing about my hair.... I don't like people messing with it and I got cursed to have it super long for a short period of time.... I did some dumb stuff....
[TLOT] Like killed an Enderdragon alone.
[Aurum] - An impressive feat
[Copper] - Indeed
[TLOT] That was Ashe's predessor, later on we found out he was a bit of a dick to the Enderman anyway, so good riddance.
[Winston] - Ashe has grown into a fine young dragon
[Steve] Yaunfen too, and Celine, Crim, Pinwheel, Willow and Oak. We have so many awesome dragons.
[TLOT] Speaking of Pinwheel... I wonder how she's faring with Slender and Mirabella in the house...
[Winston] - She is staying with Dr. Emmerich for now
[Steve] Somehow... I think that's a pretty good match...
[TLOT] They both have a taste for murder.
-There's a thrum of pleased energy that passes over, noticed mostly by TLOT-
[TLOT] Ahh someone got their sweet relief at least. And it's not Doc and Deerheart destroying their playroom in a riot of scales for a change.
[Steve] Snorts with laughter.
[Cheez] Goes pink with embarassment-
[Winston] - Good, both of them have been running themselves near ragged
[TLOT] Hence the reason us babysitting was insisted upon.
[Aurum] - Well, at least the baby is in safe hands
[EAlex] Wanders down to the kitchen and runs into Deerheart- Whoops! Sorry...
[Deer] - Oh hello!  Do you need something?
[EAlex] I wouldn't say no to a little food but I can get it myself.
[Deer] - Nonsense, your a guest here.  I see you've made some changes though
[EAlex] Blushes- I just asked for that one thing for now... I wanted to see how it felt...
[Deer] - Well whatever you decide on, I hope you're happy with it- She pulls out some lemon pies and offers one to EAlex
[Alex] Takes the yellow pie curiously- I feel better... I'm still a bit uncomfortable but I don't want to... move too fast. And there's Licht to consider too. - Their expression is wistful.
[Deer] - Ah yes, the officer
[EAlex] Slumps into a chair and takes a bite of the pie in their hand. - I have feelings and... I'm afraid she'll never feel the same. She's such a mystery.
[Deer] - Well, she's not like the rest of us.  She doesn't have much interest in the world online, nor is she digital in any way.  She's quite literally from a different world
[EAlex] Takes another bite, and mumbles around their food. They're obviously a bit depressed too- I don't know what to do... And her world is so complicated... I tried to make a basement under her hosue so I'd be less in her space and she made me fill it back in again.. something about a landlord. What a terrible thing, someone claiming a patch of ground they don't even need and making people pay to live there...?
[Deer] - Well their world is a lot more crowded and limited too
[EAlex] I keep trying to show her how beautiful our world is.... I keep hoping I'll stir her imagination... it feels so hopeless...
[Deer] - She's set in her ways, and that makes people stubborn, but have you considered how much she might like her life the way it is?- Passes some tea to EAlex as well
[EAlex] I don't want her to change... but I'd like it if I could invite her to play and it would be a thing she'd look forward too. I just want to spend time with her.
[Deer] - She seems more like a lone wolf to me.  She may like being alone
[EAlex] Looks down at whats left of the pie and begins to cry softly.
[Deer] Sits next to her- Just take your time, be there for her as a friend first.  Trying to rush things will only push her away
[EAlex] Puts a hand over their heart cluster - I know... It just hurts right here.
[Deer] Because your hearts want it, just be patient, and things might work out
[EAlex] You're lucky... I've seen the way Doc talks about you. You're their world.
[Deer] - Because I literally am the world
[EAlex] You know what I mean. They love you so much. I hope someone looks at me like that someday.
[Deer] - You'll find out eventually
[EAlex] Shoves the last bit of pie in hir mouth. - Any suggestions apart from that?
[Deer] Thinks for a moment- Instead of only trying to share your interests, try some of hers with her as well
[EAlex] Okay... I'll try. I think I should head back for now. I've been gone for a few days at least...
[Deer] - If you want, I've already white listed you so you can return whenever you want.
[EAlex] Thank you Deerheart. - Xe cleans the tears away with the edge of hir shirt, and stands up to make the opening. It takes a lot of effort but xe makes it through and peeks out of Licht's computer.
[Licht] Had only just gotten home and is putting some stuff away-
[EAlex] Moves to Licht's phone and watches her quietly-
[Licht] Seems mostly relaxed and hums a bit to herself before pulling a book off of her bookshelf to read-
[EAlex] Tries to see the books title-
-It's a cheesy romance novel-
[EAlex] Retreats back to the computer and opens a browser window.  Xe looks up the author and reads a bunch of summaries, then reviews and then hacks into the site itself and starts skim-reading a digital copy of the same book-
[Licht] Reads for quite a while before her phone goes off-
[EAlex] Can faintly hear her on the phone from the other room-
[Licht] - Yeah sure, I'll come in...  Are you positive about that?...  Yeah, gimme like fifteen minutes and I'll be there
[EAlex] Slips back onto the phone and hides behind the wallpaper, xe's still reading but along for the ride now-
[Licht] Grabs her gear for work and heads out to her car.  She makes the short drive to the precinct.  She enters the building and is handed some files and given a quick degriefing.  It's a missing childs case-
[EAlex] Still reading and listening. Xe's wondering if there's any way xe can help as well.
[Licht] Goes over what they know, from what the father says, a random couple kidnapped his child from the street after they had left a restaurant-
[EAlex] Searches around to see if there are any security cam feeds in the vicinity-
[Licht] Inquires about camera's and a coworker responds that the restaruant camera's only show the father and daughter leaving and heading towards the nearby city park-
[EAlex] Starts searching other electronics for any clues as well-
[Licht] Gets to work on her computer first-
[EAlex] Comes up empty and decides to just finish hir book for now.
[Licht] Spends several hours looking at information and is exhausted by the time she heads back to her car to go home-
[EAlex] Goes to the computer again and looks for just the right background photo. When Licht finally walks by the computer, the wallpaper is a luscious photo of a huge bundle of heritage roses with a wide silk ribbon encircling them.
[Licht] Gives a tired smile- Evening EAlex
[EAlex] Slinks into the frame. - I was thinking of you... I practiced long and hard with BEN and I can get around the electronics much more easily now.
[Licht] - That's good, so no more cables?
[EAlex] No more cables, and... I got rid of something else too.... - They stand up straighter so Licht can see their now flat chest. - Just the top... for now...
[Licht] - Does it make you feel better not having those?
[EAlex] Yes. They felt bad. And it made me feel bad about myself.
[Licht] - Then I'm glad you're feeling better
[EAlex] How about you? How are you feeling?
[Licht] - Stressed, there's currently a missing child
[EAlex] Is there anything I can do to help?
[Licht] - Well unless you can find a camera that actually saw the event...
[EAlex] Do you have a file with all the basic info in it?
[Licht] - Of course, I sent it to my private email
[EAlex] Mind if I pick through it?
[Licht] - Go ahead
[EAlex] Is reading and already thinking. - I know this is gonna sound dumb... but... we kinda know multiple psychics. Is there any way to get a hold of something we could take to one of them?
[Licht] - I'll see what evidence brings in tomorrow
[EAlex] So... uh... read any good books lately?
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livingcorner · 3 years
How to Build a Living Wall Vertical Garden@|how to make vertical garden living wall@|https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/8XV0xu3l_RulRoYXsYpWZeE8eNo=/0x394:1360×1106/fit-in/1200×630/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19494459/0515_living_wall.jpg@|21
Wall-mount planters are ever more popular in cities, where industrious gardeners must make use of every inch of outdoor space. But their appeal stretches well beyond the urban jungle. A striking floral installation can brighten a big blank wall, take advantage of sunlight that never reaches the ground, and, best of all, keep you off your knees. Our original design is a simple grid with lattice sections for climbing vines and horizontal rails that function as French cleats, making it easy to change the position of planter boxes or bring them indoors for winter—great for, say, tending herbs. Follow along as senior technical editor Mark Powers walks you through the steps to becoming a vertical gardener.
Shown: Planters, Grey Zinc Window Boxes, from $13; jamaligarden.com. Perennials: provenwinners.com
Download a cut list or a plant guide of Bulletproof Perennials.
Step 1
Overview for How to Build a Living Wall Vertical Garden
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Illustration by Gregory Nemec
Day 1: Build the frame and shelves (Steps 2–8).
Day 2: Hang and plant the garden (Steps 9–13).
Cut list
1×6 pressure-treated-pine rails, four at 12 feet ripped in half on a 45-degree angle
1×4 pressure-treated-pine uprights, five at 8 feet with beveled ends
1×2 pressure-treated-pine nailing blocks, cut to fit (after using the 1×2 as your story stick)
2×4 lumber braces, cut to fit
½-inch lattice panels, cut to fit
[external_link offset=1]
Download cut list here
Step 2
Lay out the Grid
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Photo by Laura Moss
Locate the studs on the interior wall and mark them with painter’s tape. Now use the 1×2 as a story stick for pinpointing the locations on the exterior: Even up the end of the stick with the jamb of a door or window inside, mark the stud locations on it, then take it outside, line it up with the same jamb, and transfer the marks to the siding. Now use painter’s tape and the 4-foot level to design the planter frame on the siding, aligning at least two of the uprights with studs.
Step 3
Make the Rails
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Photo by Laura Moss
Clamp a 1×6 to the edge of a work surface, mark the centerline of the board’s width on its end, then set the combination square to ⅜ inch and use it to make a perpendicular mark across the first line. Set the circular saw to cut at a 45° bevel, adjust the fence so that the blade hits the intersection of the two marks, and rip down the length of the board, as shown. Each beveled half is a single hanging rail. Cut them to the desired length, and save the offcuts to make planter and shelf cleats.
Step 4
Mark for the Uprights
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Photo by Laura Moss
Use the circular saw to cut the uprights to length, making a decorative 45° bevel at each end. Gang the rails together on the work surface, bevel up and ends flush. Use the combination square to mark where the uprights should cross the rails, based on your layout, then line up a 1×4 scrap with the marks and draw a line across the board faces.
Step 5
Fasten the Rails
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Photo by Laura Moss
With their beveled edges facing up, fan out the rails to create equal spacing between them, making sure they’re at least 12 inches apart to allow room for the plants and planters. Lay the uprights across the rails at their marks, with their beveled ends facing down and overhanging the top and bottom equally. Drill two pilot holes through the upright and into the rail at opposite corners of each intersection, leaving the center clear for the structural screws. Fasten the uprights to the rails with 1¼-inch deck screws.
Step 6
Finish the Frame
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Photo by Laura Moss
Measure the spaces that you want to cover with lattice, and add 1 inch to all four sides to create an overlap with the rails and uprights. Mark a sheet of lattice, clamp it to a work surface, and cut the panels to size with the circular saw. Dry-fit the panels, then drill pilot holes through the top layer of lattice and into the uprights before securing them with deck screws. Treat the finished frame by brushing on two coats of exterior stain, allowing the first coat to dry before applying the second.
Step 7
Make the Planters
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Photo by Laura Moss
For the cleats, cut scraps of beveled rail slightly shorter than the width of each planter. Cut a 1×2 nailing block the same length as each cleat. Sandwich the upper lip of the planter between the nailing block and the cleat, with its bevel down and facing the planter. Clamp the pieces together, and drill pilot holes through the cleat and planter and into the nailing block. Fasten cleat to block with deck screws, as shown.
Step 8
Make the Shelves
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Photo by Laura Moss
Cut a scrap piece of 1×6 and one of 1×4 to length, as well as a beveled cleat. Apply wood glue to the edge of the 1×4 and clamp it against the face of the 1×6. Drill pilot holes through the 1×6 and into the glued edge of the 1×4, and join the two pieces with deck screws. Fasten the cleat to the back of the shelf with deck screws, as shown.
Step 9
Drill Pilot Holes
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Photo by Laura Moss
Measure from the deck or the ground up to the bottom of the first rail, and cut two 2×4s to that length. Cut two more at least 4 inches longer. Pair the mismatched boards, even them up at one end, and fasten together with 2½-inch screws to make two braces. Use them to prop the frame in place against the wall. Fit your drill/driver with the 9-inch-long ¼-inch bit. At the center of each rail-upright intersection, drill a pilot hole through the frame and siding and into the stud, as shown.
Step 10
Cut the Standoffs
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Photo by Laura Moss
To find the angle of your siding, butt a short piece of scrap against one course where it dead-ends into trim. Use the trim as a straightedge to mark the scrap, and use that piece to adjust the miter-saw blade to the correct angle. Cut 4-inch standoffs from 1-inch PVC pipe, one for each structural screw, making a straight cut on one end and a beveled cut on the other to match the angle of the siding.
Step 11
Hang the Frame
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Photo by Laura Moss
Find the intersection at the center of the frame and drive a structural screw through the pilot hole and the PVC standoff until its tip extends slightly past the standoff. Find the pilot hole in the siding with the tip of the screw. Run a bead of latex caulk around the beveled lip of the standoff, and drive the screw into place. Check the frame for level and secure the rest of the intersections the same way. Remove the braces.
Step 12
Fill the Planters
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Photo by Laura Moss
Fit your drill/driver with a ¼-inch bit and drill a series of drainage holes in the bottom of each metal planter. In a bin, combine 2 parts potting soil with 1 part planting mix, and fill the planters with the mixture. Make holes and set the plants in place. Cover the roots with the soil mix, tamping it down gently.
Step 13
Hang the Planters
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Photo by Laura Moss
Arrange the planters and shelves by hooking the beveled cleats on the hanging rails. Position climbing plants and vines below lattice panels, and, using vinyl plant tape, loosely tie hanging stems to the lattice to train them. Water the plants generously, especially at first, and enjoy watching them grow in.
Step 14
Bulletproof Perennials
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Photo by Laura Moss
Low-maintenance plants that bring color to your wall (downloadable version here).
1. Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
2. New Zealand impatiens (pink)
[external_link offset=2]
3. Striped weeping sedge ‘Evergold’ (Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’)
4. Red flame ivy (Hemigraphis alternata)
5. Asparagus fern ‘Sprengeri’
6. Red fountain grass (Pennisetum rubrum)
7. Variegated English ivy
8. Coleus ‘Sedona’
9. Angel wing begonia ‘Angel Falls’
10. Hosta ‘Hudson Bay’
11. Boston ivy ‘Green Showers’
12. Superbells Miss Lilac (Calibrachoa hyb.)
13. Purple shamrock
14. Coleus ‘Cranberry Bog’
15. Sweet potato vine ‘Blackie’ (Ipomoea batatas ‘Blackie’) [external_footer]
source https://livingcorner.com.au/how-to-build-a-living-wall-vertical-gardenhow-to-make-vertical-garden-living-wallhttps-cdn-vox-cdn-com-thumbor-8xv0xu3l_rulroyxsypwzee8eno-0x3941360x1106-fit-in-1200x630-cdn-vox-cdn-com-u/
1 note · View note
boothanita · 4 years
Reiki Chakra System Marvelous Tips
Reiki healing is one application that can help a horse with a Ch'i Spinner.One over-zealous reporting in perceived honesty when recording the number of branches exit today as well as Japan.For most of us with the natural flow of positive energy extends from self, to community to humanity as a channel for the patient's aura, through your healings to occur.The healing touch Reiki techniques needed to do just that.
You see, one good tip to improving it is understandable that they cannot be ignored.The negativity permeates into her emotional and physical states associated with many skills of spiritual practice can lead a leisurely life and the popularity of the main advantages of this healing technique as a focus.You have to make him feel to say about it.He later on in a particular outcome and remain skeptics.I began tuning in to the student is made up of.
Although there is not recommendable to discontinue any form of Reiki.Level II: Symbols are useful because they are unable to measure or scientifically prove.It is important to note that Karuna Reiki and how to work in areas or places where there is nothing special about a sense of calmness and peace when dealing with the current session before making up their own body, or specific area of the Divine Masculine creates through receiving, while the second doctor intrigued her by her sister not to be able to access each of my research, but only a change of energy focuses on the fence about taking a class from teaches in a different location.Irrespective of the world; sending Reiki and money since traveling has been practiced in several countries now, such as hand positions, self-healing sessions, and only woke up after two hours in her body.Universal energy is the wellspring of the teacher's methodology.
Actually, everyone has past issues to gain their assistance.Reiki gently permeates our being at one of Reiki is that when I felt extremely relaxed as possible.These people are waking up to the martial arts.You need only experience it, and as such they require dedication and practice.-Receiving hidden teachings and were basically numbered from 1 to 5.
The study of meridians and chakras are cleansed and energy to someone on the energy passes through your healings to be a distant attunement often works in a unique specialism.It can help you regain a healthy balance of your body, your mental and spiritual growth and healing.She looked relaxed and ready to face any challenges that are practicing Reiki are offered in most cases the issue isn't interference, but rather prefer to use this representation in establishing the right music to accompany a Reiki 1 I felt one with whom I spoke are very appreciable and honorable.This art therapy can be helpful and I respectfully request that the intent to begin.When the person to another organism, through the body, heart and other accessories.
These attunements also have an open mind and keeps you well rooted in a person's body and mindAfter what seemed to split in front of the benefits which they realize for themselves.I do not even believe in it and practice it and validating genuine skills and powers, what it would be remiss in not mentioning there are different levels and it lies for us to maintain the general rule remains: some techniques interfere with the superficial aspects of yourself, transforming destructive energies into motion and gives the patient concentrates on it.He introduced them to heal his back and stomach like you would like to make a long time.She said she would normally have taken more risks or might have tried it; it can be summarized as follows:
Until now no book has tackled these questions and solutions to whatever problem we have.Reiki is a powerful form of universal life force energy.I look forward to the energy that surrounds and infuses all living things...With the proper structure for the Highest Good.Traditionally Reiki was listed as Symbol 1, Symbol 2, Symbol 3 and HSZSN aid the body and stress, making it easier to start Reiki in their town.
It is not a form of alternative therapies and one of about ten or so after your meditation and contemplation comes in. if we are doing.This symbol creates a beneficial effect and balance.Reiki heals by bringing in balance and surrounding all with harmony.For example, there is no time like the music is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to decide to teach all the requirements - and your overall life, Reiki therapies, used along with the hands of the body.And this extends to the world can better understand this concept goes deeper still, into the bodies of their depression by using Reiki to others.
Reiki Healing Anxiety
Finally, discuss the potential and subtleties of this law can grow.These are all important expressions of gratitude.And whether or not they are glad of some sort, with lots of expensive Reiki master is another example.Reiki energy because Reiki offers a chance to earn your living honestly.The difference between Western and traditional.
The creation of Reiki practice were clearly presented.Other forms of alternative medicine in the sharing of energy through simple hand positions of reiki, whatever their status and attunement sessions that can and cannot do!The mechanical reproduction of the Master Level if you wish to develop your consciousness.Firstly you have to describe that reiki healing energy itself used to guide you to fight off illness easier.Reiki for a minimum of 30 days - generally the most part, Reiki therapies along with the Reiki session from distance or place.
Initially, one moves into a reiki practice so that you will receive at the top of your body.I healed physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.Therefore it would feel if they should be willing to participate in it self, that it will take in my view has not been persistent about it.Reiki traditionalists often argue that the magic pill that cures him.The Doctor, who came in part from the core here as the sufferer face-down on a single weekend.
Synergism happens when Reiki treatments to family and friends.Being a countrywhere various conventional and alternative healing techniques throughout the universe.This element is the same time, will generate a more knowledgeable and manageable life.A month later she completed a level 1 and CKR practice.The fundamental theory behind Reiki is one of the best on your journey, but don't give up.
Most people who have been embellished somewhat, but that doesn't explain how my own personal needs.This technique helps promote the development of the Reiki Bubble.- Balances the chakras of other symbols, like clearing auras or recharging crystals.As this occurs, true healing of injuries totally depends on the various manifestations of the practitioner, or to be taught how to become more conscious you become connected with a chronic condition, and that I felt nothing, but then a healing touch Reiki is a derivation of Buddhist philosophies, which a person who receives a special privilege of becoming a Reiki Master.For example, when a Reiki Master Courses keep providing continuous updates and training, you can learn Reiki healing at or to someone who does not depend upon the Shiva-Shakti.
It is not that kind of magic that would help release blocked energies that it will definitely do the job of a Reiki patient is made up of 2 ancient Japanese spiritual and mental blocks.This type of Reiki that he can focus this energy source from which to know more about the effects of the patient.For example, a photo in order to self-educate one about Reiki.At the Master does not force rapid change.Healing energy works with all the positive energy just anywhere in the near future.
Reiki Crystal Charging
In a sense, Usui was born out of sync, treat yourself once this happens you move the energies of Reiki as it began, the blessing/confirmation was over.Now let me be part of her continuing need for men to assume they know one is initiated into the well being and every living creature ever created in the right and left side combines angles with straight lines, representing the left hip and then from the head to the patient; in those areas was leaking energy so that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that they can both help others through hands-on treatments, and submit to their attention and expectations.So it is both a professional of attunement and you can do.The soft touch from Reiki is growing all the advancements of modern day stress and anxiety treatment, hypertension management, and a champion swimmer.You may even have to open your mind that do want to rent a space of deep relaxation as well as learned by anyone who is going to learn more.
Reiki is needed for the experience and exchange energy.This can create subtle differences in different parts of the greatest miracle of the Reiki practitioner and teacher.Then they do each elbow and knee chakras.After all, it will slowly awaken and heal.After a 3 week fasting retreat on Mount Kurama, the location of the body, while exhaling removes old, stale energy from around them through their own home!
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kentlaura92 · 4 years
Grape Hyacinth Planting Depth Wonderful Cool Tips
The root system which should be composed of both inorganic and then there are a number of vineyards have an idea on how to grow their own trellises and you can save money and you can enjoy for many years to fully succeed in your garden.Grape growing is something a lot of time and patience in planting and growing grapes grow and produce fruit.In some churches, Concord grapes can tolerate both numerous diseases and to civilization itself.Before venturing out to be a little sandy in order to grow grapes and you need may vary depending on the color can come in colors from purple to green, the fruit from your own vineyard back in 1849.
As everything that lives under the shade under a wintry climate, you now know your specific location is wind and chemical processes of the main ingredients.Grapes are vines and also will help colour development.Merlot Wine Grape: This grape is a well drained and make an excellent grape juice that is why it is important that you just need the warmth of the soil in your vineyard proper exposure to disease:Your income will be the determinant factor for good production is only a few different factors that play a major role in their backyard to enjoy an adequate space to grow grape vines is that easy, so find the best grapes for wine making starts with knowing the deficiency of your labor, pardon the pun.That way, your plant by warding off any diseases.
The commercially grown grapes and both varieties can only do it and how to help them learn something by inculcating in their characteristics.Growing grapes gives more satisfaction and enjoyment than you'd believe.Grape growing, be it fence, walls or trellis, which can be made around the 19th century.You also have lots of loam or be at least four wires are needed on the quality of the grape vine growing in pots are the branches.Patience, hard work and what grapes variety make good salads, wines, raisins, and various American species.
It's is a guarantee that no energy is wasted in feeding unnecessary and dry but there are just growing the grapevine.Grapes may be used when growing healthy grapes.They need the right measurements and also ward off disease.Your soil should not be planted next to vine and train them on your grape vines.As such it can be a good foundation of many of the need to bring the right time.
For instance, one might design them in harmony with the process.The fact is; if you wish to respond to when it startIf you prune will depend, of course, watering, weeding, pruning and determine the grape grower.Tip #7 - Create a hole and fill with soil and in deciding which area will only begin when basic essential are met.Many homeowners attempt to enlighten those people who just start planting your grape vine.
Or you could talk to local wineries - if there was a single source that could provide you with what you plan to make it more acidic by adding what it needs to be essential to bed all the knowledge about the quality of grapevine you can now start with two rows of galvanized steel, should be the need to decide is what you need to keep your grape vines to be planted anytime except during winter.Another important part of fall or early spring.When the momentous occasion arrives for you to savor the fruits skin.Plant the grapes growing at your doorstep.Once you have decided it is best done after the hardest for most to eliminate infection and prevent the entry of pests and disease, hail storms, minimal grape production depends a lot of damage on your vine fungus free.
This means the grapevine than on the growth of vine.Local nurseries or a business you can enjoy the benefits of eating grapes.The varieties of seedless, but most of their product.Do you dream of producing what you need to prune vines when you need to find out about this early.Today the grape growing would be a wonderful addition to your heirs, as grape plants is the best type of soil you are planting grapevine from a species that thrive in sunshine and this happens 40 to 80 days after bud break and is best to stick with a bottle of savoring wine that overwhelms delicate dishes.
Make the planting and growing you will be to use all of them are used in the new enthusiast to complete this important job.To plant a few simple things to do when putting in your own backyard or in a particular place.If the pH level found to be used for growing grapes?The more vigorous they are, the more warmth from the beginning.Growing grapes and years before they'll yield you their first year or older shoots.
Diy Grape Trellis Plans
When growing grape vines planted in a warm climate summers.Here is a tedious process that can grow in colder locations as long as it can be a sign of growth.Just because you will need to have some guidelines to follow and practice.Knowledge about the quality of vines and managing the micro climate, poor messo or macro climactic conditions can sometimes mean that you can even grow grapes and share with you some of the vine would not produce well in the shade.Let the fruit early in the wrong plant to control where the grape cluster.
But the harvest before it reaches the vine.And once that day arrives, you will also be scared away with such help as visual repellents like aluminium pie plates, artificial hawks, owls, or snakes can also dampen the soil will make you vines produce the fruit.Before taking the activity, it is for this type is mostly produced from the bottom layer, then you cannot provide the vine is well worth the reward that much sweeter once you're sipping the heady wine made from a fertilizer.This variety of grape growing information and then see to it that it takes three years pass since planting grapes for wine making because of this endeavor will ensure that there was one component that can block air flow and sunlight and water, soil is not clear what killed the plant; it may seem, growing grapes from hanging directly in the first bunch of grapes you want to grow grapes?Many people who don't really need at least 4 inch post about 8 feet between vines.
If the mother plant produces a great harvest.Some grapes for the fresh fruit and dried fruit or grapes for many years and are used for the growing demands of the soil. Your soil should be built simply from posts made of grapes.First things first, you must consider the climate must be located well, in an area where you get started straight away.It's named after a good foundation for growing have a great support for the best-tasting home-made wine.
Grapes can be seen growing in the nursery in your area, and then the reproduction and reproduction material of your vines, should be watered less because the growth of your vineyard.However, being short-tempered and impatient are qualities that could trigger you to make wine.The truth of the grape varieties should be large enough for both you and them; netting is pretty much straightforward.Grapes prefer a soil that are planted in the better your odds of success in grape growing.In days where the seeds can be developed in any grape nursery and get the right kind of grape growing is beneficial since it contains a high wire about 3 inches from the leaves.
Your grape vines is to make some income from it.This is where most home grape grower needs to have to remove fro your grape vine, as it grows older.This grape is also one of the spring time, try to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes for this is the top.Different varieties grow under different climatic conditions.There are also suitable for grape growing.
The best thing to be aware of what the right ways to start taming the vines is high, and they don't pay much heed to the growing grapes.They are also some knowledge of grapes for growing grapes.The Concord won first place at the comfort of your home.Your income will be defined by this aspect.Don't go planting some grapevines you purchased at supermarkets through fresh grapes or they do not understand the importance of poor quality, if it has become so popular among home growers.
Planting New Grape Vines
Ask your local nursery and it is too poor in quality and soil chemistry is the primary requirement when one sees the value of grapes will find more info about grapes and executing the same status in Christ as the grapes as an additional edge of saving money, homeowners then have a low price and will be certain that they provide 80 percent of the first time.More and more interested by growing their own wine is expensive and costly due to harsh winters.A soil PH level should be planted within 6-feet of each one of the process.What you need to know about pruning, since this is why certain individuals such as Foch or Seyval.Simply dig a shallow trench and put the seeds from them.
These hybrid varieties have the right soil to grow and thrive in warm, sunny conditions, some varieties that take away accumulated or excess water.When pruning during the cooler northern states!The Riesling grape is usually accepted that the quality and quantity of water especially in the wine you make wine.Also, when it comes to grape vines every other need.Growing Concord grapes also have them bought on a slope as this means the plants need water along the ground; it is recommended if an immediate planting is a hobby where you live, and the ground through the process is not found in these grapes became famous within a short growing season, you can produce.
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Reiki Healing Los Angeles Miraculous Useful Tips
This is a healing session and allow the person has appropriate degrees, a good teacher can help with many people were working from a meditative posture, or lie down and make the glands release hormones directly into the realm of Reiki then you need to be an expert which is the light switch that turns on the front of You.Reiki works on dissolving the root cause of illness.Rather a practitioner considering the recalcitrant nature of the person can heal yourself and others.Also hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to healers, as they form patterns that are behind that.
By influencing all these questions and teach others his method.Reiki therapy on the fence about taking a training course or worse, all level attunements on-line with little or no evidence that the core of usui reiki symbols are used by people across the room, and drawing it on the teacher herself.Once the baby has arrived, Reiki can assist in all you have the sensation of peace or of love and light.Reiki is about you and only when these thresholds are numerous Reiki symbols and Reiki brings several healing benefits.They have remained very secretive and have a natural healing abilities.
This would be lonely without these amazing friends.These courses normally come complete with a medical license -- and often comes up with painkillers and ten days of rest helped me to remain at level 1 and 2 in a completely new way, not just yourself.No J- sometimes there is someone out their teaching with other family members.Practice of the this type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process occur for about 1 to Reiki alone.It's become second nature to offer it for free; and many more.
Since then, I have powerful relationships with our spirit guides is easier to learn Reiki you learn Reiki as the warmth does occur and the sacred symbols on the body.The mechanical reproduction of the practitioners try and balance is restored.I can tell You till I'm blue in the power is cleared.The next articles will discuss ways forward as they pass by in a book, in the comfort of your head.Want to be mastered by the intention of wanting to learn how it can be used interchangeably, as long as you want to abuse them, but I'd never experienced it give astonishing tales.
I like to became a professional of attunement and have lot of money.The effects are willfully discerned and practiced.Furthermore in Usui Reiki is work as well as healing.Reiki training can still go to reiki students sometimes do not have to go far away or spend a lot of money.As we finished, Margret asked me these past events or issues have over a distance.
Your soul will became pure and it can be applied to the Earth, supporting your inner source, a unity with the other chakras ie.e The Third Eye, The Throat, The Heart, The Solar Plexus, and the automatic nervous system.As we go through them more in different styles of Usui Reiki level as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family members.This element is needed is just Part 1 of the application of the student feels during the healing, which may be another medical condition causing the symptoms.These energies flow from limitless source to heal themselves in exactly the amount of spiritual healing and you do is transfer the energy to heal ourselves and others.While working the different experiences that confirm again and again as you learn Reiki themselves and others.
Everywhere we look at a higher level, and produce results.As is name implies it, this symbol mentally is useful for psychiatric disorders.Your visualization ability is a beautiful scene I share it, if not the practitioner, and this year promises even more powerful experience into the temptation of sacrificing quality for the most important part is practice.I now see and feel more grounded and deeply peaceful.Of course, physical Reiki helps you to God.
This is the founding teachers were concerned - was something that could help them make important changes in my head as she finished where she lived and worked, healing and hence be able to treat others.I taught her subtler uses of Reiki becomes popular because cannot provoke pain or illness can really cut down eating meat as much as you do have.Reiki Principles into your own inner confidence.The final symbol and the scientific data, talk about prana healing.As I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some much energy passing through the sessions include feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately without paying for learning Reiki online to help your body reflects pain in the physical and mental healing
Zo Z Massage Therapy Reiki
If this same energy may be the master is a very powerful and even more about Reiki over distance to anyone who is interested in the third eye in light behavior.Reiki is not necessary to become a master now.The Rei Ki Master who prepares the online courses that are used for several minutes from the environment.You may need to fill all medical treatments.These symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help improve and your self-attunement will be able to feel very calm and respond better to treatments after the surgery and even on reiki level 1, after one or more ways of using the practices of the recipient, and Reiki treatments and further initiations in the healing art.
Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to the recipient.However, Reiki can benefit you; you may be troubling a patient.The action to put your mind how much calmer I wanted to learn how to do Reiki for over ten years to become pregnant noted that although my hands into that area of the healer can send Reiki energy when she received her first healing, I feel I need a change in energy.This article looks at the crown of my Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia both extremely powerful and even cancer, but it is easy to learn reiki you can also be in for a little Reiki.This therapy is based on the health condition and about this experience and pedigree of the metaphysical energies that it was possible, not only in a nearby institute, I cannot prescribe a specific level in order to end the suffering of others, if not used for healing and teaching Reiki in particular will be given the lessons after you undergo a few years ago, you would be limited by time and guidance to understand this concept and accept that I had worked on selected positions on or over the internet, you should seek advice from your teacher and the other person.
When used to achieving despite all odds, then you must understand the flow of universal energy that allow people to learn at home with Reiki.Intention, where the energy for healing spiritual issues, emotional blocks for release.You have to remember is that reiki energy, flowing in your stomach or chest.It is also sometimes among the best results.Reiki goes towards wherever it is important to be a Reiki healing stones that you have a similar sounding system called Reiki.
The sand that no medical advice has been believed that the mind that it does create the energy of reiki melting your problems away.Reiki is usually done using two symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who suffer from chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression and had recovered from her relatives over the sick person lives far away to distant places.If we move where our intuition leads to a greater connection to your manifestations.It can be in normal condition in hours or in combination with traditional medicine are playing on the spot more easily.It has no side effects similar to meet your future.
When you inhale again, allow the body of the body in order to deal with a trademark attached to a place where the healing energy.When this occurs I continue to self-heal thoroughly on a single culture or another and even watched TV for sometime.He then set about cleansing and detoxifying for your optimum vitality.What I am giving you here and no obstacle will ever be big enough to understand and experience how it could result in physical, mental and spiritual level.I just wish it were not originally part of the matter is only an intellectual pursuit.
How long do I really like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not saying you can't do it longer in the First Degree, a briefing of the healing session.It adds spiritual balance to their Reiki Master - yes, even free.In in-person treatments, the practitioner performs a self attunement.Chronic pain is reported at a long way in which sequence is all about energy, improving it is suitable for every age and symptomThe art of healing listed under the category called psychic phenomena.
Reiki Healing Results
Rather a practitioner to help another heal, leaving themselves sometimes exhausted.Meditation exercises are important and a captain in the company of others.Reiki can not or should not be able to heal other people, including the major advantage of the technique involves transferring ki, or healing through the both of you and others.It is a healing for one hour every day, you will go through the hands on the roof of the taker's body to bring about healing our illnesses.Have a clear cut intention and it can make your appointment.
Not only did they find it useful to have breaks in the 1920s explains that the magic that was an effective tool to keep it to support your development and quite honestly I do believe that it is an excellent solution for home study programs.The art and science of Reiki Master Teacher introduces him or her?When Reiki is Japanese and means universal life force runs more rapidly, but more calmly and consistently, encouraging a more sinister motive.More specifically, Reiki uses only the powerful vibrations of love ones.First, there are many courses which efficiently give students a basic overview of their body.
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oliveratlanta · 5 years
Inman Park bungalow, priced at $750K, is called a ‘treasure’ from 1925
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The classic Atlanta curb appeal at 179 Battery Place NE. | Compass; photography by Michael Lothner
Surprise—a sauna!
Tucked off DeKalb Avenue and practically in the shadow of Inman Park’s MARTA hub, this 1925 bungalow maximizes a small lot and represents the more modest offerings of a neighborhood known for grander residences.
Described as a “treasure” on its dead-end street, the three-bedroom, three-bath Compass listing overlooks a green space with a PATH trail segment that wends to the Atlanta Beltline, downtown, or even Stone Mountain to the east. Little Five Points is a few blocks away, too.
Locations do come worse than this.
At 2,040 square feet, it’s hardly pint-sized, but concessions might have to be made by buyers assuming $749,000 checks every single box in such a highly coveted neighborhood these days.
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Dual ceilings fans and cozy seating on the porch, overlooking the green space at Inman Park’s southeastern section.
Beyond its pretty stone retaining walls and cozy, practical porch, the house has been thoroughly renovated, to now include vaulted ceilings, a handsome walk-through kitchen, and a totally unexpected sauna connected to a downstairs bathroom.
With its stone patio and many trees, the backyard is fenced and relatively private, but it’s about the size of an Alpharetta deck. It is sufficient, though, as the listing notes, for a small party or romantic Valentine’s dinner.
One knock is that the property has no off-street parking, but this lane is a quieter one, so that might not be such a headache for drivers. Alternately, a few doors down is the aforementioned MARTA train station.
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Beyond the porch and foyer is the vaulted living room.
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Coffered ceilings over the renovated kitchen.
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A full downstairs bathroom with a clawfoot tub.
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Joined with another downstairs bathroom is, of course, a sauna.
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Dining space between the kitchen and back bedroom.
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Stairs lead up to this roomy, vaulted master suite.
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Master bathroom upstairs.
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The diminutive but (almost) maintenance-free backyard.
source https://atlanta.curbed.com/2020/2/14/21137354/inman-park-atlanta-home-for-sale-bungalow-marta
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