#and personally i truly love the drama series that originated from that site
gxtzeizm · 1 year
that feeling when you found a local drama series that being originated from a local streaming platform in which the plot reminds you of a fic that you wrote 6 years ago
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newbookcats · 3 months
Book Review: Truly, Devious by Maureen Johnson | How to Solve a Century-Old Murder as a Teenage Prodigy
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Review also available to read at https://newbookcatsreads.blogspot.com/2018/01/book-review-truly-devious-by-maureen.html
Stevie is experiencing a My Lottery Dream Home moment; however, instead of a multi-million dollar prize leading to a new house and bonding time with the show's host David Bromstad, Stevie is enrolling in Ellingham Academy, a school known for teaching the brightest teenagers as well as the site of the near-century-old murder of previous student Dottie Epstein and the kidnappings of the school founder Albert Ellingham's wife and daughter. Both the murders and kidnappings are known to be done by the anonymous Truly Devious -- evidenced by a ransom poem crafted and sent nights before the terrible night in April 1936. 
Inclined to solving the school's cold-case with her passion for forensics, Stevie becomes engrossed in a group video project staring the school's Hollywood star Hayes Major. Their focus is to recreate the series of unfortunate events after Albert became aware of his wife and daughter's kidnappings; unfortunately, Hayes is murdered after a night of filming the group project. 
Amidst her awkward attempts at romancing an upperclassman and balancing her school work, Stevie investigates if Truly Devious has made a possible return to the school. However, with stolen badges, the school's underground tunnel network, and teenage drama, Stevie begins to wonder if she can really trust her classmates, especially the ones in her own dorm, in this young adult mystery. Discussion:⭐⭐
A girl from Pittsburgh came to Ellingham Academy and she wanted to see a dead body. She got her wish.
A story involving two murders, separated by nearly a century, at a famous entrepreneur's school for prodigy children should be exciting. A story of the young woman solving these crimes should be inspiring, if not jaw-droppingly impressive. Truly, Devious should be a novel of twists and turns, consistently leaving readers in awe as the main character Stevie navigates the mysteries of Ellingham Academy. Rather, this novel leads with the above interesting premise, struggles with a slow middle section to attempt a concerning romance, and attempts to redeems itself with 50 pages of absolute adrenaline. 
The writing itself is not an issue -- I absolutely adored Johnson's wit and humor she instilled in her characters and their dialogue. For example, within the first paragraph, the reader meets Dottie, one of the brightest students in Ellingham's 1936 class. Dottie is meeting with her school counselor and is berated for "acting smarter than everyone else," to which Dottie blatantly replies with:
"But I am." Not out of arrogance, but because it was true. 
Dottie's personality is reminiscent of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory/Young Sheldon, and I am here for the sassiness. Even Stevie's friend Nate quickly becomes my favorite character with his Dottie-esque straightforward replies and limited social skills, though he initially presents as stoic and nearly as infuriating as an angry hormonal teenager.
Instead, my main issue with the novel is the lack of depth and development in the characters, particularly with the main character. Johnson's original image of a quirky, rebellious, and "super" intelligent female lead are consistently undermined by Stevie's inability to handle simple situations, such as crossing the boundaries of her boyfriend's past or withholding crucial information from police. Although her passion for solving crimes and her ability to use her experiences with anxiety and panic attacks as strengths are redeeming qualities, Stevie's isolation tactics and poor decisions lead to the demise of her friendships and ultimately leave a bad taste in my mouth. Overall, Stevie as a relatable main character has yet to capture my love for wearing black hoodies and listening to My Chemical Romance songs on-repeat when I need to mourn a heart-wrenching book. And, I promise this is not just a phase, mom!
 As for the rest of the novel's innards, it appears that Johnson is attempting to throw diverse cultures and relationships into the story without much regard. In the beginning of the novel and when Stevie first enrolls at Ellingham, a female student wearing a hijab is mentioned; however, this student never reappears within the novel. Maybe, Johnson is attempting to show the wide range of students accepted into the prestigious school; however, 'hijab-wearing student' doesn't even get a name or an interaction with Stevie. Then, Johnson introduces Stevie's best friend Janelle as lesbian and eventually writes a romantic relationship between Janelle and a classmate. At the discretion of the publishing author, including a diverse array of relationships and characters is essential to represent our community and its values; however, the relationship is not given the quality or the depth of even being a side romance. Not even Stevie and David's back-and-forth flirting and eventual kissing sessions are given time to develop or mature into a realistic relationship. In a romance, I am looking for a slow burn; unfortunately, this novel was unable to accomplish what Johnson may have sought to do although she had enough pages to build the storyline and develop the characters and their relationships with each other. Moreover, Janelle's relationship launches Stevie into fits of jealousy in fear of losing her relationship with Janelle. Consequently, I wish Stevie had shown half the support that Janelle responded with to her passions and overall respect for their friendship; unfortunately, Stevie remains self-absorbed in her own drama throughout the story's entirety.
Lastly, despite the flaws of Truly, Devious, I appreciate the attention Johnson brought to Stevie's passion for forensics. As someone who meticulously researched cold cases in high school and now hopes to enter a career in medicine, it has been essential for me to remember that there is face to every situation or problem encountered. Bettering or fixing a problem can lead to intense focus for solely the solution; however, the spreadsheets of data and creativity needed to address an issue all stem from the individuals directly affected by the case. 
"This is about real people, not figures from fiction. [C]rime itself is popular. But crime has a human face. If you're going to study crime, you have to remember the people involved."The above quote sums up the previous paragraph and includes an important lesson. Stevie, as she typically does with adult advice, shrugs it off in the moment but does use it to her advantage when working through Hayes crime, which did surprise me in the end. 
Overall, I will stick to the Sherlock Holmes, the Agatha Christie novels, and many other of my beloved mystery stories rather than trial the subsequent books in this trilogy. I'll never say never; however, from my reading experience with Truly, Devious, I expect for the other books of this trilogy to be drawn-out versions of the main murder mystery that ominously attracted me first. Additionally, I do not have the patience for Stevie's irrational antics or the troubling romance between her and David. 
What are your thoughts of Johnson's Truly, Devious or the complete trilogy? What are some of your favorite mystery books, young adult or not? What steps would you take to solve the murders of your new friend and a previous student from 1936? Hopefully no steamy make-out sessions, but it's your case! Chat with me in the comments below or via any of my social media.
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Do you personally find there are any "bad" reuses of costumes? For example a gown not being given the right undergarments to sit properly or a costume being used in clearly the wrong era?
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This is a great question! My answer is going to be a little depressing – I apologize in advance.
When I started this website I had a rudimentary knowledge of period clothing. I just knew that I found many costumes in period dramas “pretty.” And don’t get me wrong – there is nothing wrong with watching costume dramas just because the clothes are pretty.  It’s just that with time, my view of those costumes that I used to love so much unfortunately changed.
With all of the time and research that I’ve put into this website over the past ten years, I’ve come to learn a tremendous amount about the various clothing from different eras. I remember when I first found one of Janet Arnold’s pattern books in my college library, and I just sat on the floor mesmerized until the library closed.  It was the first time I really truly understood that clothing used to fit like a glove in a way that modern clothes could never ever hope to achieve.
I do not typically go into great detail with regards what is correct and what is not correct in my descriptions because that was not the original the aim of this website, and also because the always wonderful FrockFlicks does a far better, more thorough job than I ever could. If you aren’t following them and you enjoy costumes, you should check them out, because they are AMAZING.
Because I have learned so much over the years, I can tell you that yes – sometimes the costume reuses are very, very bad indeed, to the point where I almost always know if a costume is new versus reused. Not only that, it has heavily marred my enjoyment in period dramas. Now instead of just looking at pretty dresses, I have years of knowledge behind me that immediately show me wrinkled clothes, bad alterations, incorrect undergarments…it’s really a bummer.
Now, please don’t mistake me here. I am not calling the practice of reusing costumes bad. It’s great! It’s economical!  Without it, this site would not exist. I also completely understand the limited budgets that costumers face with regards to not being able to purchase the proper undergarments or limited time that doesn’t allow for proper alterations. I’m not trying to knock any costumers, because what they do is awesome, I could NEVER do it, and they always do a good job with what they have.
But yeah – being able to watch pretty much every costume drama and go “Eh, that was used originally in The Three Musketeers, and it doesn’t fit as well.” really kind of stinks. I also feel terrible when friends come to me and say “You should see XYZ movie, it has beautiful costumes and I know you’d love it!” and I’ve already seen the film in question and the costumes fit terribly, and my friend is just trying to be kind.
Here are some of the worst offenders when it comes to “Badly reused recycled costumes.”
This costume, first created for the mini-series Lillie fits like an absolute dream. When Princess Diana re-wore it later, she chose not to wear the proper undergarments. You can see the drastic difference in shape.
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This yellow piece from Dangerous Liaisons is one of my favorite costumes ever. It was reused in Dark Shadows without any kind of undergarments, and I have no idea what is going on with the lace…
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This next gown from North and South doesn’t fit exceptionally well in the first place, but it at least fits better than its reuse in Another Period.
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Then there is this costume from Elizabeth that was reused in The Tudors. It doesn’t fit at all.
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Lastly there is this costume from Doctor Who, reused in The Great Fire. This example appears to be poorly fitted and without the proper undergarments.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
Tokushima Shinbun Interview with Yano Shougo
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Interviewing Yano Shougo-san, who has starred for the first time in the topical anime “Given” and is originally from Tokushima. “I wanted to be an actor that would make people go, ‘I’m glad I entrusted the role to him’.”
Yano Shougo-san (30), who is from Tokushima and belongs to the troupe Super Eccentric Theater (SET), played a starring role for the first time as a voice actor in the anime “Given”, which aired from July to September on Fuji TV. “Given” is a heartrending story that centers itself around a romance between men from the same rock band. Having received high evaluations for his acting and singing voice, which portrayed with excellence the delicate emotions of the protagonist, Satou Mafuyu, Yano-san has told us about the feelings he put into the role and about his future goals.
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——Good job on your first starring. Please tell us again about your impressions from when you were entrusted with the leading role.
Thank you very much. Playing a leading role in an anime series was my goal for 2019, so when my manager contacted me saying that I had passed the audition, I was happy to the point of shedding tears, but at the same time, I was also relieved. I could not sleep a wink the day before the recording of episode one, and at any rate, I was nervous. On the recording day, I was thinking as I headed to the studio, “It’d be great if the recording were tomorrow”, but I got over it a little by the moment that I thought, “If this anxiety would continue until tomorrow, then it’s actually better for it to be today!” and I remember relaxing straight away at it
——Yano-san, your fragile voice was a perfect fit for Mafuyu. What did you keep in mind when performing him? Were there any points that differed greatly in comparison to the roles you have been playing until now?
Mafuyu has an extremely painful past, unable to move a single step from where he was, as he bore a huge wound. Still, he has proper thoughts and feelings of his own, as well as a stubborn side, and though he has a mild and introverted personality, I figured that he was someone who had a strong core.
Other than that, when I saw him playing basketball with his friends, smiling and earnestly absorbing himself completely in music, I had the impression that he was a “high school boy that you can find anywhere”. This was something I always cherished when performing.
I have played uke roles before, but this was the first one where so many of my lines were ��...” (laughs).
——What parts of Mafuyu do you think you have in common, Yano-san, and what parts are the total opposite of you?
I think we are just a little bit alike in that we are greedy about the things we like, and we are unable to concentrate on anything else when there is something that we need to do our best in order to achieve. What I feel to be the opposite is that Mafuyu gives off the impression that he is a big shot in some way, even without speaking much, while I am talkative and shy (laughs).
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——You were also in charge of singing the insert song and ending theme song.
I knew ever since the audition phase just how essential Mafuyu’s song was for the series, so rather than my being happy about singing, the pressure was much more prominent. As a matter of course, the frequency of my voice training soon increased, and learned the basics and techniques of singing as much as time allowed me to. When I was first told about the composition, I thought, “This song was made for Mafuyu’s sake”. That is exactly why, rather than the technique, I reflected about why and how Mafuyu would be singing those lyrics, as well as the emotions that would be overflowing from him, and I thought I should sing it with care, without sugarcoating it.
——What did you keep in mind when singing as Mafuyu?
The song that Mafuyu sings bears his definite resolve to face his past and live in the present, thus I believed that I had to make it into something like a love confession, so to say - a song that could be sung because Mafuyu was the one doing it. For this, of course, technique was important, but I kept in mind that it would be okay even if it was rough-hewn or even if my voice faltered, as long as I sang in a way that would spit out everything Mafuyu had been shouldering.
——Although Noitamina has produced countless master piece animes, this has been their first Boys Love (BL), a series that depicts romance between males, so was there anything you were particularly conscious of when performing?
There was not. Just as I do when performing roles from other series, I performed while keeping in mind that I was going to live in the world of “Given” as Mafuyu with all my might.
——I believe there was such a huge response to “Given” due to its painful content, but did it get to your ears?
There are many fans of the original work not only in Japan but also overseas, so I became aware once again of the popularity of “Given”. That is just how high the expectations were for the anime adaptation, and I wanted people to like it even more when watching the anime, so I was truly happy when I actually did get evaluations like that on Twitter, etc.
——The airing of the anime “Given” is over, but a movie adaptation was green-lit. Please leave a message for the fans.
The story of “Given” will continue from now on too. I hope everyone can watch over what kind of sounds will come from Mafuyu’s song, Given’s (as in the band that Mafuyu and the others formed in the show) music and their romance from now onward.
——From here on out, Yano-san, I want to ask you about yourself. It seems you wanted to be an announcer at first.
I had the vague desire to move into the television business, and from yet another vague motive of wanting to become an announcer and engage with my favorite variety show, I started thinking in my third year of high school that I wanted to be an announcer.
——Why did you aim for voice actor from there?
After graduating from high school, I took a gap year in order to attend university, and during that time, I watched “Neon Genesis Evangelion” as per a friend’s recommendation, so with this as the trigger, I became interested in anime. I had almost never watched anime until then and was unfamiliar with voice actors, so I was shocked when I read in the end roll that Ogata Megumi-san was the one who played the role of Ikari Shinji, a boy, thus I became interested in them.
——Was there anything you put effort into in order to become a voice actor?
During my gap year, I watched many animes, looked up the voice actors that piqued my curiosity and imitated their acting, and performed lines from anime and manga with as much emotion as I could. I also bought a training book for becoming a voice actor and practiced enunciation while keeping it a secret from my family.
——What are the details of your joining SET?
I was was part of a the theater research association in university, but when I was in my fourth year, I once gave up the way of an actor and went job hunting. Even so, I wanted to have a job that was related to acting, so I took the recruitment test of a major production company hoping to become a manager, but during the individual interview, the person in charge told me, “Are you really all right with giving up on becoming an actor? If you want to be a voice actor, then go study theatre”.
And so, I began wanting to challenge myself one more time, so I stopped job hunting and after looking into audition magazines, I took an audition to become a research student of SET, where I could learn the essentials for musical, action and comedic theatre. I became a research student at 23, and after about a year of lessons and a graduation performance, I became an official member at the age of 24.
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——Please tell us about the works and roles you did before your voice actor debut.
During my first year in becoming a troupe member, I played the role of Saburou, the protagonist of the TV anime “Nobunaga Kyousoukyoku”, as a motion actor - the kind of actor who does the gestures that are used as base for the characters’ movements.
I also participated in the troupe’s own public performance. It was a role where I had to drink coffee and say only one phrase, “It’s sweet”. It was a sentence that connected with a funny punchline, so I had been thinking all along about how I should act it out in order to induce laughter, and even during the performance, I did many attempts.
——After that, you debuted as a voice actor in the anime “Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V”.
When I was selected, I was really happy to be able to take the voice acting job that I had once given up on. I was brimming with confidence for some reason, even though I had no experience points. But when I went to the studio, I was no good at all; I would get nervous every week and had to stay overtime a lot, so I honestly hated going to the studio (laughs). Even so, thanks to the director and all the co-stars not throwing away someone like me, who did not know left and right, and instead nurturing me during the three years of “Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V”, I changed my thinking and posture in regards of acting.
——Afterward, you became capable of being entrusted with important roles, such as in “iDOLM@STER SideM” and “Tsurune —Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu—“, but were there any parts of them where you could feel your own growth?
In that I started thinking it was fun to perform. Even now, I still get nervous when going on-site, but as I would read the script, think about the role and create a foundation for my acting, I feel like I have become able to perform in front of the mic by responding to the acting of the person playing the other role, without thinking about unnecessary things, little by little. The moment I feel that the air has set to motion and it has turned into a drama is, if nothing else, enjoyable. I started having challenges, aspirations and goals for myself, such as, “I want to perform like this more” or, “I could bring this role into life more if I performed like that”.
——What are the fun and difficult parts of voice acting? Please tell us about your future goals too.
I believe the fun in being a voice actor is that we can perform roles that would be difficult in filming or on a stage.
There are many things that you can only learn in a recording site. When I go to them, I find a whole lot of people who are better at acting than I am, so I have to earn a role for myself. I fail most of my auditions and get depressed each time. Even so, I want to keep showing up in those series and play a role that moves the story. I always strongly think that I want to become an actor who can make people go, “I want to use Yano for this” and, “I’m glad I entrusted this role to Yano”.
——From now on, between actor and voice actor, which one to you plan to put more strength into?
Voice actor. That being said, in order to broaden my ranges as an actor too, I think I have to take on all kinds of jobs that require technique for different facial expressions on-stage. For us voice actors, charming people are mostly those who are also charismatic on the stage, so I think I also want to become a charming actor.
——Are you able to return to Tokushima regularly even now?
I make sure to go back as often as I can during summer vacation and New Years.
——Are there any parts of your life in Tokushima that have been put to good use in your acting jobs?
I seldom have any chance to come in contact with anything related to acting in Tokushima. Even if I had interest in voice actors and acting, wanted to attend a training school or thought about going to watch a play, they were all things that could not come true if I stayed in Tokushima. That is why I created many opportunities to come in contact with acting after moving to Tokyo, such as joining my university’s theatre research association and attending a school where I could study voice acting. I think I could cultivate something like a hungry spirit exactly because I used to live in Tokushima.
——If there is anything or any place in Tokushima that you like, please tell us.
Awa Dance, I guess. I did not like it that much when I was little, but after I became an adult, the group dance I watched from a box seat was stunning, and it made me so emotional that I started crying.
Also, the park that my grandfather often took me to when I was a child, though I don’t know if it still exists. I would put rice balls and pickled horseradish in a big plastic container and go there. I have memories of eating them with cold tea from a polyethylene teapot with my grandfather, after playing badminton. I want to do the same with my children and grandchildren when I become a parent and a grandpa.
——Yano-san, since you have made your dream come true, please leave a message to the young people who are chasing their dreams in Tokushima.
Time passes in a flash. For now, please do what you can with all your might. It can be anything, like classes, club activities, cultural festivals, sports festivals or romance.
If there is anything you can work your hardest in over there, please try facing it with all you have. It will certainly become a sustenance for your life from this point onward. I believe that it is better to do something and regret it than to regret not having done it.
Should there be anyone aiming to become an actor, please take action while constantly thinking about how you can get closer to the future that you have as your goal. I think there are surely many things you can do even if you are in Tokushima.
If you do not know what you should do after doing a research and reflecting on it, have courage and go consult someone who can give advice. Nothing is in vain, but rather than spending time not thinking about anything, I believe that spending time thinking about whatever is more worthwhile.
Please do your best. I will do my best too.
——Please leave a message for the fans who are cheering for you from Tokushima.
Thank you so very much for supporting me. The other day, when I took part in a recital play being held in Tokushima, I was able to show my acting to my family for the first time. They were very pleased.
Most events are held in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, so I believe that people cannot go watch them even if they want to. My wish for more and more people to experience an event in Tokushima and see me working has become even stronger.
I will be doing my best from now on too in order to be able to take part in more series, play all kinds of roles, get to do an event in Tokushima again someday and have people come talk to me. I will be counting with your continued support from this point onward too.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: The 6 Best Books On The History Of Manga And Anime
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  Say you’re a fan of anime and manga who’s looking to learn more about history or craft. Where do you begin? There’s whatever insight you can glean from the work itself, of course. There’s also a good amount of information available online, from animation blogs to translated manga interviews to personal pieces. But when all else fails, turn to the library. Here are some excellent nonfiction books on the manga and anime industry that I’d recommend to just about anybody. I’ve also read at least sections of every book on this list, so you have my guarantee of their quality!
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  Image via Penguin Random House
  Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World reaches beyond manga and anime to encompass Japanese pop culture post World War II. But there are plenty of stories in here that fans of anime and manga might find fascinating: 
  The toy car that inspired top developers at Nintendo
How the karaoke machine led directly to idol culture, as music producers sought to produce music that ordinary people could sing
The manga-obsessed student radicals of the 1960s, many of whom came to work on later anime projects like Mobile Suit Gundam
  Author Matt Alt’s choice of interviewees and attention to detail marks Pure Invention as one of the best of its kind. If you’re a curious reader looking for an accessible (and recent!) popular history, I highly recommend this book.
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  Image via Bloomsbury.com
  For fans abroad, the history of anime begins with the airing of Osamu Tezuka’s Astro Boy on Japanese television. But this wasn’t enough for Jonathan Clements, a long-time anime and manga scholar who continues to blog on Schoolgirl Milky Crisis. His academic text Anime: A History begins in the 1910s, 50 years before the airing of Astro Boy, in fact, Astro Boy only appears halfway through the book! Clements is concerned not just with the medium of anime itself, but the cultural traditions, historical events, and individual people that brought it into existence.
  One of the greatest obstacles standing in the way of English-speakers seeking to understand the history of Japanese animation — besides, as Clements notes, the haphazard nature of even those resources available in Japanese — is the language barrier. Online writers at sites such as Sakugablog have done fantastic work in making some of this information accessible, but those same writers would be the first to acknowledge there’s still plenty we don’t know. Anime: A History synthesizes countless Japanese-language source texts and interviews about the history of animation, yet Clements is careful to acknowledge that the testimony of individual actors within the industry must be weighed against both their own agenda and the words of others. While Anime: A History would be a valuable text if it was nothing more than a synthesis, Clements’ ambition to build a coherent history of Japanese animation from a production standpoint that thoroughly examines its subject matter and context from all angles is what makes it essential.
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  Image via Stone Bridge Press
  Jonathan Clements collaborated with equally prestigious anime and manga scholar Helen McCarthy to produce The Anime Encyclopedia, whose third edition was published in 2015. It’s an enormous text (over a thousand pages long!) that covers everything from summaries and critical appraisals of popular titles to specific themes and tropes to nuggets of cultural history and influence. If I were to criticize this project, I would say that recent anime writing outside the United States exposes The Anime Encyclopedia’s biases; for instance, the magical girl series Ojamajo Doremi only merits a few paragraphs despite its status as a beloved children's series in Japan. Keeping that in mind, it’s an impressive resource that is great fun to browse (and to disagree with)!
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  Image via j-novel club
  Mari Okada is one of the most prolific and influential anime writers of the past decade. She’s worked on adaptations, original projects like Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day and KIZNAIVER, and even directed her own films. In her memoir, From Truant to Anime Screenwriter, Okada frankly discusses her personal struggles: her fraught relationship with her mother, her years as a young student when she couldn’t bring herself to attend class, and the process by which she gathered her courage to touch upon her personal experiences in her work. There are chapters of this book that wouldn’t be out of place in an Okada-written drama, which I suppose is the point.
  Okada’s memoir is in part a testament to her work ethic and her willingness to tackle any challenge no matter how difficult or annoying it is. But it’s also a rosetta stone for her work: not just in how it overlaps with her personal life, but in its emphasis on the importance of communication despite how difficult it can be to voice even simple feelings. Whether you’re a fan of Okada or not, I found this to be a great resource for writers nervous of the fraught boundary between fiction and personal experience or for readers who want to know what makes Okada’s work so distinct.
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  Image via Stone Bridge Press
  Frederik Schodt is one of manga criticism’s greatest elder statesmen. His book Manga! Manga! put him on the map, not only for its editorial content but also for its translated excerpts of Japanese comics — including what would be, for years, the only available English chapter of Rose of Versailles! Yet that book was published in 1983 and sections can’t help but read as dated now. So I’m recommending the sequel here, 1996’s Dreamland Japan. 
  Like its predecessor, much of Dreamland Japan is devoted to detailing Schodt’s theories as to what manga is and how it works. But the sections of the book I personally find most valuable are the profiles where Schodt writes at length about specific manga artists he either personally enjoys or believes to embody a specific genre unique to manga. The freakish kitsch of Suehiro Maruo; Ryoko Yamagishi’s historical epic Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi (Emperor of the Land of the Rising Sun); and alternative artists like Kazuichi Hanawa and Shungicu Uchida. These chapters stand as a stark reminder that despite the recent popularity of manga in the United States, many fantastic comics remain completely unknown to most English-speaking audiences.
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  Image via ComiPress
  Finally, there’s Udagawa Takeo’s Manga Zombie! Translated into English by John Gallagher, it’s an eccentric and rewarding text that profiles several avant-garde manga artists from the ‘60s and ‘70s. Udagawa strongly dislikes the market-driven manga hits that would go on to rule the world from the pages of Shonen Jump and fights instead for the careers of authors whose work was published in the pages of pornographic magazines as often as they were in Jump or the alternative magazine Garo. Most of these authors have never been published in English, whether officially or through illicit means like scanlations. If not for the translation of Manga Zombie — or for Udagawa’s further works of manga scholarship — the artists he writes about might vanish into history without leaving a trace.
  The comics detailed in Manga Zombie can be grotesque, ranging from the “fleshbomb style” of artists like Masaru Sakaki to prescient weirdos like George Takiyama. Some might be repelled by the content here; personally, I’m disappointed by the lack of female comics artists featured, although Udagawa (who mentions the girls comic pioneers the 49ers in the foreword to his book) is certainly aware of them. But I love reading folks talking about their favorite work that I’ve never heard about, and Udagawa makes for an idiosyncratic tour guide to some truly unique material. For those willing to brave the world of Japanese exploitation comics, Manga Zombie is a hidden gem.
  What’s your favorite text about manga or anime? Is there an interview you consider especially interesting? Let us know in the comments!
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      Adam W is a Features Writer at Crunchyroll. When he isn't reading weird fantasy novels and horror fiction, he sporadically contributes with a loose coalition of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying? You can find him on Twitter at: @wendeego
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a feature, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Adam Wescott
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fandompitfalls · 3 years
Prodigal Son: The Story of Fan Activism
Originally posted: 5/21/2021
On September 23rd 2019, Fox television premiered a new kind of crime drama. A disgraced FBI profiler asked to work with the NYPD on major crimes committed in the city.  The profiler’s name is Malcolm Bright and he was responsible for the police capturing noted serial killer “The Surgeon” at the age of 10.  The serial killer who also happened to be his father.  Being the son of a serial killer, Malcolm has the unique ability to view crimes from the point of view of the killers, giving the NYPD the edge and the information needed find and capture their target.
Rounding out this show is a cast of amazing actors.  Malcom’s father, Martin aka The Surgeon is played by Michael Sheen. Malcom’s surrogate father, the man who mentored and now has Malcolm assisting him, is Lieutenant Gil Arroyo played by Lou Diamond Phillips.  The cast is rounded out by Malcom’s family, played by Bellamy Young and Halston Sage as mother Jessica and sister Ainsley respectively as well as Gill’s team of Aurora Perrineau as Dani Powell, Frank Harts as JT Tarmel, and Keiko Angena as Dr. Edrisa Tanaka, (in my opinion) one of the best medical examiners on television since 2017.
The show gained popularity quickly because of both lead stars; residual popularity of Michael Sheen from his recent run on Good Omens and The Fold, the online fans of Lou Diamond Phillips eager to see their favorites on the small screen once again. Once in, fans quickly realized that there was more to this show than the initial star power.  As I personally stated once “come for Michael Sheen, stay for Tom Payne.”
It's the truth.
The interaction between Martin, who now resides in Clairmont Psychiatric Hospital, and Malcolm, who is not only dealing with the notoriety of his father being a famous serial killer but his own fears and anxieties that he will become just like him is jarring at times.  Sheen plays the line between loving father and intelligent psychopath brilliantly. We all have issues with our parents, but they aren’t nearly as chaotic as Malcolm’s. Between a serial killer father, a high society, alcoholic mother, and an ambitious younger sister who is determined to make her way up the ladder by any means necessary, it’s easy to understand why Malcolm ties himself to the bed to keep him from sleepwalking from hurting himself from waking nightmares.
With Gil’s team, he has a different interaction.  From JT, a detective who never know what to think of Malcom to Dani, who immediately takes a sympathetic role towards what The surgeon is doing to Malcolm’s psyche to finally Edrisa, the ME who has a huge crush on Malcom and is the only one who is able to understand and connect with his weird sense of amusement, (getting excited over headless bodies while the rest of the team looks on in concern is prime Malcolm and Edrisa content).
Over two seasons, Prodigal Son has held its own on Fox.  Their loyal fanbase, lovingly known as #Prodigies, rallied in the beginning of Season One to let the broadcasting network know they wanted a Season Two.  A global pandemic couldn’t keep them down, the fans continually going onto Twitter to keep the name and interest alive, holding watch parties, keep the hashtags going.  When Season Two came on in January 2021, the fan base was ecstatic and immediately began their push for a Season Three.
On Monday May 9th, 2021, Fox announced it was cancelling Prodigal Son with the final two episodes of the season being the last.
Immediately the fans rallied to save this beloved show. First with a petition, then, led by twitter users @tinkerbritt @ProdigalSaviors has become an organized effort to not only bring awareness to the plight of the show but to convince another network that the show is a viable and comes with a fan base that will follow it to another network or streaming site.  With catchy hashtags such as #SaveSunshine (referencing Malcolm’s bird)  and #BewaretheHeels (Jessica is deadly with heels) this grassroots campaign has been getting traction and has been helped by members of the cast and crew as well.  On May 18th word circulated that Warner Bros was looking into the possibility of taking over the show.
Prodigal Son is an uncut gem.  In its Sophomore season, it can only get better.  There are still so many questions to be answered, not only between Malcom and Dani (Brightwell shippers unite), but JT and the problems he is dealing with as a black man on the police force.  There’s the question of if Ainsley is the one who will truly follow in her father’s footsteps and of course, will Gill and Jessica finally get together (Gillica shippers unite). Story lines and threads ranging from Malcolm’s past and the lingering effects of being a child of a serial killer, the missing victims of The Surgeon, the repercussions of what happened in the end of Season One, so many things to draw from.  And come on, if you haven't seen the Season Two finale, the networks cannot leave us like this! Malcolm Bright fans worldwide shouted at that ending!
Prodigal Son deserves to have it story told. It is one of the prolific shows on television and it deserves to have a chance to shine.
If you want to join the other Prodigies in our fight to Save Prodigal Son, just follow the link below and embedded within this post.
Fan Campaigns work, we’ve seen it multiple times, from shows like Lucifer, who was cancelled by Fox after three seasons and moved to Netflix where it is currently on its 5th season, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which was cancelled by Fox after its 5th season and picked up by NBC for three more seasons, to Sense8, a Netflix series that was brought back for a 2 ½ hour finale to wrap everything up.
Prodigal Son deserves to have it’s name on this list as well.
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sinagrace · 4 years
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Iceman’s been back on my mind lately. It started with the internet rumor that Shia Labeouf was being considered to play the role of Bobby Drake in a Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the X-Men. My DMs and @Mentions on social media were a mixture of intense reaction and then asking my take on who would make a great Bobby Drake (for the record: in my head I always saw him as a younger Antoni Porowski with a theater background, ‘cuz playing the funny guy with a vulnerable streak requires serious acting shops). My mind went back to the time of BC, when I was doing a lot of touring, and answering this very question because of my work on the Iceman book at Marvel. One thing led to another, and I decided to take a trip further down memory lane to look at my favorite volume of the series: Amazing Friends. Now, I know I’ve spent equal amounts of time publicly stating what a gift working on Iceman was, while also calling out the challenges that came with the experience, but the third volume really was a pure blessing. I was able to take every valuable lesson I learned as a writer, and apply it to telling a story that would be interesting to one person: Me. I’ve been a lifelong X-Men fan, I live and breathe comics, so my own expectations for a return to the series seemed like the only ones to really worry about meeting/ surpassing. The first two volumes had been so bogged down by rotating editors, complex continuity, company-wide events, multiple artists… The third volume was my chance to focus on what an Iceman series was outside of so much context. All that mattered was challenging myself to do an X-Men story that focused on the aspects of the franchise I felt were valuable and relevant, meaning: excuses to have Emma Frost be an asshole and finding an opportunity to make fun of Kitty Pryde’s haircut. Before moving on from Marvel, Axel Alonso made time to call me for a pep talk about the series. I wanted to get the series extended, and he wanted to help me succeed with the ten issues he could commit to. First, he offered an eleventh issue to give me more time on the stands. He took a look at everything I had planned, and basically told me to restructure with an eye for ramping up the pace. My writing background comes from prose and essays/ think pieces… both of which are methodical and provide some allowance from the reader to really take your time and set up the world before diving into the meat. That’s not the case with comics. You gotta work fast. Especially in today’s market, there is less and less room for a retailer to say, “give it two volumes, because shit starts really coming together by the third trade.” That was literally my speech for hooking people on such iconic series as Invincible, Fables, and Strangers in Paradise. Nowadays, every single issue is not a brick to be laid down as foundation so much as a bullet in your gun. Conflicting imagery, but that’s the point. Axel told me to think about the Big Moments in my life and sort out how to inject the mutant metaphor into it and make the most compelling comic book story I could. This was epic advice that I took with me into the new arc, but I struggled a bit with what could be bigger than the “coming out” storyline in volume one. Love was off the table because I wanted to keep Bobby single and ready to mingle. Death was off the table too, because my editor felt like we’d done enough with Bobby’s parents in the first two volumes. Upon looking at my own life, and considering the stuff me and my friends were dealing with, I landed on something a bit more reflective than LIFE or DEATH. I wanted to focus on that moment when a gay guy looks outside of himself and realizes the folks around him may not have it so easy. After everything we’ve been dealing with this summer, Iceman’s “big issue” of the arc feels oddly prescient. Bobby Drake had to reconcile his accidental complicit role in keeping the Morlocks down, and he has to investigate new approaches to being a better ally to those who don’t want to or can’t live under the protection of the X-Men. I used the Morlocks to allegorically speak to the issues that the trans/ NB community face today. Considering that trans folks are facing higher rates of homelessness and murder than other members of the LGBTQIA+ community, all I needed to do was find a perfect villain to treat the Morlocks as “lesser-than.” Cue Mister Sinister, who I wrote as particularly Darwinist with a major flair for interactive theater. While Amazing Friends definitely is the most fun I’ve had working on the book, it was also full of the heaviest shit I’ve written about. I’m so grateful that my editor let me use Emma Frost for a story about the trauma of gay conversion therapy with her brother Christian, but I’m still annoyed he wouldn’t let me put her in a sickening Givenchy outfit for her reveal. Similarly, creating the Madin character required that I chat with several mental healthcare professionals and members of the NB community to respectfully portray them as a resilient and fleshed out hero. I included personal lessons that I learned from years of the therapy (the sandcastle / sea image, a Jay Edidin fave moment). My editor and I weren’t always aligned, but we definitely were on each other’s side. He understood what I was trying to do and asked questions when something flew over his head, and he even had the good instincts to stop me from going too heavy handed with the ending. My original idea for the arc’s finale was to have Bobby become permanently scarred in his fight with Sinister, where he’d have a cool ice gash running across his face or something, a la Squall from Final Fantasy 8. The goal was to show Iceman stripping himself of his ability to pass as non-mutant to save the Morlocks, but the Mutant Pride fight scene being a stand-in for the Stonewall Riots kind of already made enough of a statement. Plus, no one in editorial wanted to deal with remembering to track his scar in other books. At first I tried to balk at his point of view, but when I looked over my original notes for the series, the point was to focus on optimism and hope. Giving Bobby a permanent scar and emphasizing the notion of sacrifice was too bleak a message for a series wherein the hero carbo-loads hoagies while riding an ice scooter and mutant drag queens emcee local festivals. Of course, the crowning achievement of the series… my mutant drag queen :) I’ve witnessed a lot when it comes to the world of pop culture and myth-making, and I 100% believe that you can’t plan the success of something. I’ve seen bands forced into breaking up because labels spend six figures failing at making listeners connect with an album. I witnessed firsthand how The Walking Dead was built from relatively humble beginnings as a buzzy cable drama into a literal international phenomenon over the course of its first three seasons. Everyone hopes for the best, but you never know how something will land with audiences. When the Shade character took off, I was truly astounded. Things I posted on Instagram while half-asleep became official quotes on major news sites. Queens and cosplayers were interpreting her like Margot Robbie had unveiled a new Harley Quinn lewk. The impact was so legit and immediate that we had to jump in and give Shade a proper Marvel hero alias, to truly welcome her into the X-Men canon. Hence the name change to Darkveil. (Funny story: I tried to fight hard for Madame X as an alias, but CB didn’t want another Agent X / “X-Name” character. Three months later, Madonna announced the Madame X album. Phew!) There was a time where I felt uncertain that the folks in charge at Marvel would bring Darkveil into any stories outside of the ones I wrote. My understanding was that Hickman was like the Cylons and had A Plan-- one that didn’t include her character. I made peace with my contribution to the Marvel Universe being contained, but then someone on social media pointed out that Darkveil showed up in an issue of Marvel Voices. After breaking down and reading Hickman’s House of X, I saw that his Plan was one of endless possibilities, and that he was moving EVERY character into new and dynamic places. I have hope now that he sees the possibilities with Darkveil, and takes advantage of her and all of her many body pouches. Amazing Friends really is my favorite thing I’ve done for the Big Two. I made a lifelong friend out of artist Nate Stockman (DC, please hire us for a Plasticman book), and I got to run a victory lap with the most encouraging and supportive readers out there. It was worth every dreadful conversation, every shitty thing a person said to me online, and all of the fun nonsense that goes into being creative for a living. Being stuck at home in quarantine has given me a lot of time to reflect on the gift that my career to date has been, and I feel so grateful to be where I am today. Other people may groan when they have to talk about something they’ve moved on from, but not me. I made people happier, I got to work with my favorite characters at Marvel, and and I'll say it again: it’s a frickin’ gift to make people move from your work. So, I will engage every tweet or message asking me my thoughts about who should play Bobby Drake in the Marvel Cinematic Universe… I’ll just never have a good answer.
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jenmyeons · 5 years
Favorite Fics 2019
hi hello it’s me your local mess. ok so this hit me on my way to work the other day and since it’s friday i feel like today is a good day to hopefully make someone’s day/night/weekend a little brighter? 
i love reading fanfics. periodt. there are lots of incredible writers out there on this site and other platforms who take time to write beautiful fics about the real people and characters and their emotional support kpop ladies and gentlemen to show their love and appreciation so i want to dedicate this to my favorite fics of this year. these fanfics are of varying lengths and genres but they all have two things in common 1) they were posted this year 2) i love them.
(most of these are exo but i have some other groups sprinkled in there too)
other favorite fics of mine can be found under my fic recs tag!
A Decade of Midnights by @chogi-wae 
queen of noir! grumpy chenneth! sexy detectives! murder mystery! do i even have to say anything else? oh yes! we also get coroner!baekhyun 
ps: jae has a sequel started for this with two parts already having me at the edge of my seat. i love all of jae’s writing but this one takes the cake
Enough by @yeoldontknow
anything kat touches turns golden and holy mother of everything that is self-love and reflection. this is a fic for all us sexy ladies with a body that doesn’t conform to what society has decided is “beautiful”. i can’t call myself plus size in any way but i do not have a flat tummy or legs for days or perky titties. quite the opposite; i’m a short lady with love handles, saggy tits and stomach rolls (yes we’re going tmi here but it’s important ok). park chanyeol is the opposite of that and he’s the best fucking man ever in this fic. he’s a muscle man but he’s a man with the biggest heart and he says “you have a cute butt” which is enough reason for you to read this. when i feel bad about myself, i think about enough and i become a little happier
Empty Vessels 
another yeoldontknow masterpiece! i stand by the statement that this is the best fic i have ever read. probably read this five times already and i think about it almost daily. junmyeon is a witch from salem and that’s only one of the many reasons for you to check this out and hopefully fall in love with it as much as i have. it’ll rip your heart out and stomp on it. dub me professional empty vessels promoter already kat!! 
Dichotomy by @kyungseokie
dia hurts you in the best possible way with this fic. bawl my eyes out every damn time i read this because fucking hell this is emotional investment and hearts broken and everything hurts and this is not your average love triangle where one guy is obviously worse than the other. NO! this can go either way and you just want everyone to be happy and baekhyun needs a hug!
Teacher’s Pet by @suhoerections
teacher junmyeon getting called daddy “threatening” to bend you over his desk and fuck you hard is a lot for a suhoe stan such as myself to think about but i’m not mad, just jorny.
Clouded by @mayrubyy
uhm yes do you want to cry some more? this is an emotional rollercoaster, you have been warned! this fic has great potential and it’s maya’s child and when the next part is posted you know shit will go down and ashjgff i have no words only love for both the author aka my baby and the fic itself🥺💖
Familiar Stranger by @myforeverforlife
love love love love LOVE familiar stranger! a beautiful story about reader losing all memories of the last five years due to an accident which includes her entire life with fiancé kim jongdae. dae is an angel, we all know that, but he’s somehow even more angelic as the most patient person ever in familiar stranger. this hits right in the feels (can you tell i love to read angst ahjdsf) and it’s not your usual wham bam thank you ma’am all-memories-recovered-in-five-seconds kind of situation either and i’m praying for another update of this because this is not just one of the best fics of this year but one of my favorites period.
Sunny Side Up by @dreaminghaos
i love everything fee writes with a burning passion y’all
this fic is everything everything everything!!! i can’t get enough of this fic and i probably never will get enough of it either because i love this pairing and i’m in love with struggling writer!jeonghan 
Magnetic by @softyexo 
did anyone say ceo!myeon? this is a recent love of mine. i read it just the other day and have been thinking about it non-stop since. absolutely in love with oc’s and junmyeon’s dynamic in this one and it feeds all my lovesickness for this man made of pure husband material. thanks for coming to this ted talk.
Hold on to silence by @dropsofletters
amazing! show stopping! incredibly unique! absolutely astonishing! idiots in love! omg i LOVE this one! yixing as chanhun’s manager is everything i didn’t know i needed and holy crap this is such a lovely story please read it and experience the feels™
Neon Moon by @kyungseokie
they were roleplaying! ROLEPLAYING!
Trauma by @baekwell--tart
dad and secret mafia man!byun falls in love with his babysitter after being an absolute asshole to her and oh my god i am so invested in this masterpiece. whenever bella updates trauma i yell. i’ve re-read this many times already and i continue to find new reasons why i love this story with my whole entire being
Mr. Byun
bella once again proving that she writes the most amazing bbh fics. angst and smut combined i swear i was a whole lot worked up with all the spice in this one and then i cried like a baby when it ended. have i told you that i’m a very emotionally stable person?🤡
Bedazzling Heart of Gold by @baekonsforbreakfast
i love this song! baekhyun gets dumped and falls in love with oc who runs one of the biggest hostess bars in all of sk and holy crap you just love everyone in this fic. even that one character who you feel like you should hate but kind of still empathize with on a deeply emotional level. no? just me? ok then. i love you belle and i hope you know how much i enjoy your writing💗
Mr. Muscles by @chogi-wae
short and sweet drabble about oc biting jun’s bicep. no but for real i’ve read this one countless times and i just love a domestic jun so go ahead and read duality and dyson as well because nobody writes cute domestic fluff like jae ilysm
Money Makes Her Smile by @ninibears-erigom
mrs gom has written one of the dirtiest but also loveliest smut series of 2019. jongdae’s part was posted yesterday and holy fuck i have never read better jongdae smut ever i think
Business Before Pleasure by @pcychedelic
actor minseok! i repeat: actor minseok!
they get down and dirty in like the second chapter and i’m in love. not because of the obvious spiciness but because the amazing portrayal of minseok in this fic. love a strong female character? then you will love oc too!
High Voltage by @skyesins
there’s also the original ofc version on asian fanfics for those who aren’t into reader inserts and it’s just as good! 
Literally every single aesthetic that @kpop-daze has written but some favorites include exo as broken love / exo as ephemeral tenderness /  exo as fleeting heartbreak 
Unfitting by @heechulhamster
no wait... this has real descendants of the sun vibes and i love it so much can i have a soldier!xiu por favor
Fire and Frost by @writing-exo-things
queen of drabbles! i love every single one of them but this one is next level™ i cried like a baby this is truly amazing!!!
Take Care by @omyeol 
 g o d i felt this fic on a deeply spiritual and emotional level 
False Hope by @pastel-kpop
i hate you and i love you for writing this it still hurts reading this like YES MAKE ME HURT AYESHA THEY ARE IDIOTS 
Mocha by @stainandscribble  
the whole café series is lovely but mocha and espresso really stuck out to me i’m so soft for the whole aesthetic of these! 
ever imagined that jackson wang is your date to your brother’s wedding? well @softseunies did and it turned out fucking amazing! what i love the most is that it’s very open for interpretation and of course jackson is always a mood when will he be my date and mayhaps potential bf at the wedding of the brother i don’t have?
little forest by @myforeverforlife
not his to love by @boogerines
can you hear me sobbing? this hurts so much let me go back to crying over this again after i re-read this for the nth time
this blurb right here is adorable @sprinklesofktrash did that!
wild valley by @fairyyeols
wild valley is that bitch™ and that’s all i have to say i live and breathe for this installation of exo customs my favorite, in fact
blossoms in the wind by @marshmallow-phd
don’t @ me but this goblin!au with junmyeon as the goblin and baekhyun as the grim reaper is more intriguing than the drama and that’s saying a lot but i cry with every new chapter ohmygoddddd
wrong number by @yeoldotcom
i’m a hoe for fake texts and zee makes the best ones🥺🥺🥺🥺
also love love love bf!jun in food buddies
break up with me by @exoangst
don’t mind me i’m just crying in a corner as i read this for the millionth time and cry over how well written oc is and how fucking amazing that breakup scene is like has anyone done it like that before? maybe, idk but this is the only one that counts 
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Dragon Dancer IV: In the Light of a Blade
I lay in bed but I wasn’t asleep when Mingfei came in at 4 am, reeking of alcohol and soaking wet, like he’d been walking around in the drizzle.
I couldn’t even be angry. I was too worried about what was happening to one of the most important persons in my life. I sat him down on the bed and, as the leader of Club-S, told him to tell me what was going on with him.
Mingfei was blaming himself for everything that was happening. I couldn’t catch all of his reasoning because he was slurring his speech and barely staying awake.
One thing was clear to me: EVA had truly turned against us. She had been holding back video evidence of Mingfei and I in our draconized states. Everyone in the Secret Society with access to those records knew that we could break the blood threshold, coming close to pure blood dragons. We grew scales and wings and teeth befitting a top predator.
“What are we, Carli?” He asked, laying in bed in his clothes, staring at the ceiling. “I have to figure out what I am. If I really am a monster... shouldn’t I just turn myself in?”
I shook my head. “You defeated Herzog in that state. You’re a hero. The Academy just doesn’t understand that people like us can fight for what’s good and right. I think Anjou understood. That’s why he kept us secret for so long.”
He looked at me with sunken eyes and a distant gaze. “I felt like I should know Herzog. Like we had met before. Crow’s going to take me to a place I can get more information. If it’s too hard on you to do that, I understand.”
I lowered my eyes. No one on earth had hurt me as personally as Herzog had. When I lifted my eyes again, however, I’d made my decision. “Hey... you need people who understand you to stand beside you. I’m the only one with you in this crazy world right now.” 
I took his hand and squeezed it. “Consider this my duty as President of Club-S.”
The next day, Crow opened the heavy iron gate. “What Tachibana Masamune... or Herzog left behind is all here.”
Behind the gate was a huge warehouse.
The warehouse was hidden in an inconspicuous place in Tokyo. The warehouses behind this fence were all unmarked and looked the same. The fenced in area was at the end of a maze of gravel service roads. If you didn’t know exactly what you were looking for, there was no way you’d be able to find it without getting lost.
Ru’Yi was strapped to my back in a special carrier. Spider Fang and Tongzi hung at my hips. I stood next to Mingfei while Nono and Johann stood behind us. Crow undid the padlocked chain on the heavy door and held the door open for us.
The first thing we saw was a blood-stained black trench coat, lined with the Amaterasu painting of the famous cave scene. It hung on a headless model with a sword at its side.
As soon as we saw it, we stood in silence. I remember this coat flying like a battle flag, Chisei looking at me with golden eyes as he stood on the fire escape of Tokyo Tower. Then and now, I’d stood both in awe and fear of him, the emperor hybrid.
Mingfei likely thought of his relationship with Chisei as Akira Ryuu where he thought of Chisei as his precious Aniki and loved him dearly.
“Why are Chisei’s clothes here?” He asked, after our moments of silence.
“Only a few people know that Herzog is a demon that misled the Hydra clans. Among most of the ranks, he’s said to be the family ancestor who sacrificed himself to save us all at Tokyo Tower....” Crow said, his voice a monotone, his face schooled into a blank expression.
I let out a loud hiss and looked away. “Is that why you ignored Aoi Gen?”
Mingfei looked at me, confused. “Who’s Aoi Gen?”
Crow glanced down at me, smirking. “Now you’re thinking like a politician. If we acknowledged that Tachibana turned the Hydra Clans against her family and massacred the original Gen clan, well... we’d have to admit to everything... including his fake gravestone at the family site where you’ve been staying.”
“As sad as she is... she’s not worth that much drama.” 
I turned back to him, glaring fiercely. “So you’re going to continue to ignore her?”
“Officially? Yes.”
“Officially being the operative word?”
“Chisei can’t ignore something like that.” He looked back to the trench coat, changing the subject. “There are those who still come here to pay their respects. This warehouse is called the Teacher and Student Collection.”
I turned my eyes back to the coat. There were so many memories I had of it. Most of them were unpleasant and yet, the memory of him surfaced, of his hanging out of the helicopter hatch over the Red Well as we prepared to face death together. I couldn’t help but be moved.
Chisei and I were enemies for a long time. However, in the end, we shared certain intimacies with each other only and with no one else.
Crow chuckled. “Should we leave you two alone? It seems you have things that need to be said.”
My mood immediately dampened. “I’m not not sure what you mean?”
“There were certain rumors through the senior clan members that you two were more than just friends...”
“He tried to kill me!” I objected loudly.
Crow held his hands up in defense. “Don’t shoot the messenger!”
I crossed my arms and looked away. The memories of my baby dying in the Red Well came to mind and tears sparked my eyes.
Mingfei reached out to me. “If this is too much for you...”
“Look. I’m not leaving. Let’s just stay on topic.” I dismissed him with a wave.
Johann spoke up behind us. “You have the same swords?”
“Ah. A keen observer!” Crow exclaimed. “The swords on the dummy are replicas. Carli has the real thing.”
Crow turned to lead us inside.  “All of these things are in Herzog’s collection. And he’s quite the collector. He’s got everything from ancient buddha statues to classical paintings... there are 5,000 rare books, 6,000 vinyl records...”
Crow continued to go on as we walked through what was essentially the Museum of Herzog.
“What a pig.” Nono grumbled.
“I know right?” Crow said coldly, stopping next to a jeweled Fabergé egg.
“What’s this?” Mingfei pointed to a box on the table.
“Oh... don’t open that. That’s his hair collection.”
“Hair?” Mingfei asked, confused.
“Yeah some people have a bit of a fetish with it comes to women. They sleep with them and then take a lock of hair as a memento. Of course, Herzog was obsessed with keeping things secret so... his women didn’t survive the encounters. What’s in that box is all that’s left of them. We used it to identify them and inform their next of kin.”
"Christ...” I whispered, looking away in disgust. “You should bury that you know. Those are human remains.” 
I paused, nausea rising in my throat. “Mingfei, I think you were right. I shouldn’t have come here.” I spun on my heel, going back the way I came. “I’ll wait for you guys out front.”
Mingfei nodded, solemn.
“Go with her.” Nono said to Johann. “Don’t touch anything on the shelves.”
“Yes ma’am.” He murmurred
I looked at Johann reproachfully, once he was next to me. “Why do you say ‘yes ma’am’ like you’re twelve?”
Johann’s eyes shifted, bewildered.
I sighed. “Never mind.”
We made our way back to the front of the warehouse where Chisei’s trench coat hung. I stood in silence for a moment. I needed to do something to get rid of the emotions I was feeling. Johann Chu carefully avoided my gaze until I got his attention. “Hey.”
He raised his eyes to mine, hesitant to meet them. 
“You know how to swordfight, right? Here, take the replica sword and lets do Shohatto drills!” I said. It was both an invitation and a demand. I didn’t want to burst into tears again. I wanted to be done crying.
I remembered something Johann had told me while we were in China preparing for our second ‘official’ wedding to allow his mother to participate in a ceremony.
He told me he was looked down on in elementary school because his mother had taken custody of him in the divorce. Everyone in class knew his father wasn’t his real father. His real father was a lowly chauffeur. They said he only got to go to this private elementary school because his mother was pretty, that the only reason his mother was married to his stepdad was because she was pretty.
The ringleader of this group of bullies was a karate black belt, the youngest blackbelt in China. Because his dragonblood wasn’t awake yet, Chu Zihang couldn’t defeat him.
But Zihang went to the Children’s Palace to train and soon had a black belt himself. He did it in three years, but not because he was a genius. At that point he was still just an ordinary child. He was just incredibly driven to beat that bully before they graduated from elementary school.
Before the graduation ceremony, Zihang challenged him and completely tore him to pieces. He had studied the bully and deliberately trained to counteract his strengths. He’d rehearsed the fight, according to him, ten thousand times.
The bully was like a cobra meeting a mongoose. No matter what he did, it didn’t work on Zihang. But Zihang’s every strike landed with full force!
Now that I thought about it, Johann had changed very little when it came to his core personality. He was straight as an arrow and once locked onto his target he would never let go!
He walked over to the trench coat and I watched him carefully. He glanced up at the headless dummy as though he were asking permission. Then he took the sword, still sheathed, from the model
He nodded seriously to me and my heart lifted. When it came to training, this Johann and the Johann I loved had no differences between them.
Johann and I stood a distance from each other, side by side.
“Shohatto.” I said.
We bowed in unison and then drew the swords in unison.
Shohatto was the most basic samurai drill. These drills had all the essentials of fighting: a draw, a cut, and defensive positions, finalized by sheathing the sword and bowing after each series of actions. Each drill was made facing a different direction.
The goal was simplicity, efficiency, and precision in footwork and motion.
If you had put up a mirror, the reflection couldn’t have followed our movements closer than we followed each other’s. I watched him in my peripheral vision. He was no longer a phantom in my mind. This was the sword drill he’d learned when he was young. He’d passed it down to me and now I was performing it with his young self.
Once again, I felt a strange sense of privilege for the opportunity.
We went through all the standing drills and then transitioned to the kneeling drills. 
My voice murmured. “Shohatto.” 
This was a little bit trickier because it required balance and Ru’Yi was a large sleeping stone of a baby attached to my back, but with my core strength intact I was still able to stand from the kneeling position and kneel from a standing position despite the tension in my back and legs to keep balance.
Johann had the drills down to pinpoint accuracy. Of course, he trained every day, and maybe he had gotten to a very high level by fifteen. But he was no longer looking at me. His eyes were straight forward with a glazed over look.
He was performing from muscle memory. 
Like a person who daydreams while driving, he was performing these complicated motions, but his mind was elsewhere.
At the end of the final kneeling drill, we faced each other on our knees, our swords in front of us. I wasn’t sure who I was looking at, my Johann or the 15 year old Johann. 
I couldn’t ask him.
We placed our hands on the ground in front of us and bowed.
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maswartz · 5 years
Hey folks. Scott (Kaiser) here.
There's been a lot of talk the last year about what the future of DragonBall Z Abridged is, and while we've tried to update people, we've failed at making things crystal clear to everyone. 
We're planning on a full video talking about it, but we want to make sure that we can give you the full rundown, now that we've made our final decisions.
We currently have no plans on continuing with the Buu Saga, in the our original style, or in the style of the ShortZ, at this time.
Recently, we publicly announced that DBZA will not continue via the original footage ala our classic method of Abridging. However, we talked publicly about possibly moving forward with the Buu Saga via the same animation provided in the ShortZ.
Unfortunately, after serious deliberation, we currently find this process untenable.
For those of you with questions, I'm going to try to address them here:
"You guys promised Season 4 of DBZA. Why did this change?"
Several factors.
1. The ending of the Cell Saga gave us a sense of finality that is impossible for us to escape. We put our hearts and souls into making that finale stand out, and everything we've worked on with the original footage since has left us feeling hollow. This is a distinctly personal reason, but it's also incredibly important. Many shows lose steam as time goes on as the creators extend their work far beyond its natural lifespan; we're feeling that with this, and that's a scary, depressing thought.
We don't want to end up like The Simpsons, Dexter, Scrubs M.D., just to name a few.
And yes, we know, there's more story to work with. But in all honesty... there just isn't the emotional attachment and passion for the arc that drove the last three seasons. This is another, very personal reason, but it's unavoidable.
We do not enjoy tearing down and mocking the things we love. We want to celebrate them, expand on them, explore them, and sometimes make light of their shortcomings. That's what gave you the best of DBZA up until now, and ultimately, we find ourselves at odds with that approach and the majority of the Buu Saga.
2. We're burned out on the original method, in general. It's been an absolute blast to bring DBZA to life, but after 11 years of the same project... it's gotten oppressive. Which, again, is a scary thought.
I love DBZA, more than anyone on the planet. Not because it gave me this job, not because it helped pay the bills, not because it got me invited to conventions.
Because it made me a better person. A better writer, a better director, a better actor, a better editor, a better worker. I learned so much while working on DBZA, and I got to express my love for comedy, drama, and DragonBall to the world. Anyone who's seen me talk live about the finale of 60 has seen me coming to tears when talking about how proud I was to show it to everyone, and how overwhelmed I was to hear such a positive response. Just how happy I was to be able to share something I worked on with all my heart with all of you guys.
The idea that we could come to resent the series by forcing ourselves to work on it past the point where we feel artistically fulfilled? That's awful. And I honestly hope you all can understand why.
But it's not just me: Nick and Curt have also lost their steam with this approach, due to the limiting nature of the production, and our aforementioned perspective on the Buu Saga as a whole.
3. Our YouTube channel is our primary source of revenue. While the Patreon absolutely has helped us with several new projects (episode 5 of Unabridged is now in the can, and we continue filming early February), the lifeline that sustains the company is our main channel.
Copyright claims have put us at risk of losing that channel, and our livelihoods in jeopardy. We have our employees to look out for; our friends, our colleagues, and doing right by them—by striving to create original, monetizable, copyright friendly content, that also carries our heart and soul as creatives—is undeniably important.
We've thought about hosting DBZA on other sites, but nowhere has been safe, and worse, it would serve to draw attention away from our hub, which ultimately could lead to less views, less support, and either the scaling back or collapse of our company.
And frankly—and I say this with all due respect—the expansion of our company, to better fulfill the creative wants and needs of our employees, and the financial stability of all therein, is paramount here.
4. Our relationships with other companies have been strained by the nature of DBZA.
Fair-use exists in a nebulous area; even though we believe in it wholeheartedly, that doesn't mean there's no trouble between us and the copyright holders, and that tension leaks into the ecosystem in which we look to coexist with other companies. As writers, actors, etc.
We want to ease this tension moving forward.
5. We mentioned the nebulous nature of copyright. Over the course of the last 11 years, we've avoided major legal challenges, but we cannot continue to press our luck in this regard. We want to live in a less gray area, without the Sword of Damocles above our heads.
"When was this decision made?"
There is no concrete date, but it was in October, 2019 that we decided to no longer use the footage at all.
It started late August/early September. We'd been working on the script for Bojack since May, and had been struggling to get anything of substance down on paper. While it wasn't a complete wash, we weren't happy with the bulk of it. We'd also restarted the scripting process a couple times, trying to approach it from different angles, but we found ourselves at wit's end.
So we started to reflect and talk about the nature of our struggling, and Nick, Curt, and I came to the conclusions I gave you above.
At that time, we'd already written out several of the ShortZ and were looking to get moving on those before the year's end. They were originally conceived solely as connective tissue between Cell and Buu. We quickly realized that, if we could get things rolling, we could possibly continue working on DragonBall Abridged via the ShortZ, potentially solving a majority of our problems.
I actually made this post over on the Reddit after Bojack was cancelled and we totally borked the announcement of said cancellation. It reflects a lot of what's said here.
However... it was over the course of the last two weeks that we started to realize: 
Continuing via the ShortZ was untenable as well.
"You mentioned continuing via the ShortZ. What changed?"
Imagine you're a child wanting a puppy. You beg your parents all year, and then they say, "Alright then, we'll get you that puppy for Christmas!" Then Christmas comes around, and they hand you a box. A wrapped box. And in that wrapped box isn't a puppy, but a WowWee Chippies Robot Toy Dog.
Tumblr media
While there are plenty of fans who've cheered this on, for all the freedom it allows us, and the ability for us to monetize it, the drop in visual quality and change in overall tone and style ultimately make the Buu Saga a lesser version of what we've provided for years.
Furthermore, the time to actually produce an entire season with this new animation would put the series off for an unbelievably long time, and unfortunately be incredibly costly.
The ShortZ will continue, but we have no intention at this time to utilize them as a way to cover the Buu Saga.
"What of us who are contributing specifically for DBZA?"
We have continuously, time and time again, tried to communicate that this Patreon was not made to fund DBZA. It was made to fund projects outside of DBZA, while maintaining our production of our keystone project through to its completion. It has helped fund FFVII Machinabridged, AWF, Unabridged, Fist Master, Super Knock-Off VS., X Minutes, Cell VS., [Unannounced Project(s)], and essentially all non-mainline DBZA content.
But there's an unavoidable truth here: We promised DBZA would continue beside those projects, and that they would not interfere with its production in any meaningful manner. We also announced Season 4 at the end of Episode 60 in September 2018, leading people to believe that the show—as they knew it—would continue as per the usual.
Anyone who was looking to secure the creation specifically of DBZA Season 4 via their patronage will likely feel frustrated or even betrayed by this reveal, and we're sorry about that.
We also failed in our communication in a timely manner. The moment we decided that DBZA was not happening in it's traditional capacity should've prompted a much quicker announcement to that effect. Please understand that the biggest driving factor behind not saying anything was that we desperately wanted to have a real plan for you folks moving forward, not just bad news and a vague idea. As you can see, even debates on providing the Buu Saga via the ShortZ was not something we'd come to a conclusion on until these last couple weeks.
But we accept the responsibility and blame for keeping you in the dark for too long, regarding DBZA.
So I ask of you this: If you are a Patron solely—or even primarily—in hopes of funding traditional DBZA, please consider ceasing your patronage. If you continue to donate for any particular reason, thank you so very much. But if you don't feel that you are getting your money's worth, we truthfully understand, we will not blame you for choosing not to continue to support us, and we appreciate all the support you've given us thus far.
We will not judge you for being discerning with your own incomes and time, nor will we feel scorned.
"Is there any chance you'll change your mind?"
I cannot say so. We've made this decision and it's what we truly feel is best for us moving forward.
If you guys have any more questions, I'll make myself available in the comments section.
Thank you for your time and your support. I hope you'll continue to see us into new horizons, but as we said before: We will respect your decisions, whatever they are. Thank you for your support,
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Hi, everyone! It’s time to venture back out into the world which is a little scary, right? That’s where we are in Northern California – like turtles starting to stick our heads out just a little bit. We’re starting to visit family, actually going to the grocery store, and getting haircuts for everyone – a good thing since we’re all looking a bit like muppets.
Though with the latest numbers in California, who knows where we’re headed. It’s terrifying. Masks, masks, masks, wash, wash, wash.
In case you missed the last two installments of my blog posts, you can catch up by clicking here for week one and here for week two.
This week I’m thrilled to share an insider look into the mind of author Barbara Delinsky, who just dropped her latest hot read, A Week At The Shore, which immediately hit the New York Times bestseller list – her twenty-third novel to do so.
Both Pip and I enjoyed A Week At The Shore immensely.
Full disclosure: Barbara is one of my BadRedhead Media clients (and I’m supremely grateful for that!). I handle her social media, street team, blog and book review optimization, and a good deal of her book promotion.
After finishing the book (which I loved), I had a few questions for Barbara about her writing style, so I emailed them to her and she was kind enough to respond.
A Week At The Shore by Barbara Delinsky Interview
Q: I notice you don’t only use ‘she said’ for dialogue, which I personally love, though as I’m sure you know well, it’s a DEBATE.
A: I’ve actually spent a lot of time thinking about this. I don’t use half as many other words (“she exclaimed,” “she intoned,” or “she declared”) as much as I used to. Yes, there’s something to be said for simple and real. That said, the constant monotony of “she said” gets boring, so I try to find a comfortable balance. This actually ties in with your next question.
Sometimes, the sub for “she said” can express emotion, as in “she cried,” or “she dare say,” or “she whispered.” So it does add something. Still, though, not quite the “show, not tell” rule (see more on that below).  
Q: Also, the ‘show, not tell’ rule regarding feelings. You sometimes say what emotions Mallory {Ed. the main character} feels (at times). If I wrote that in my creative writing classes, my teacher would’ve jumped out a window, yet it works. Again, love. All this ‘do this, not that’ advice can be confusing for writers, regardless of genre, myself included.
A: Yes, it does work at times, at least, for me. But then, I never took a creative writing class, so maybe I just don’t know how to show rather than tell. Here, too, I think you have to be guided by common sense. If by “show,” you mean having a character “start to huff and puff,” to show upset, rather than simply to “cry in alarm,” I’d opt for the simpler.  
The image of huffing and puffing will distract the reader from what you’re saying. IMHO, the “show, not tell” rule applies to larger things, like rather than saying “her husband could be nasty,” saying something like, “her husband could see her scrubbing the dinner dishes and tell her she was made for this.” So, it’s really giving an example of what you’re saying in summary. Does that make sense?
Q: Yes, absolutely. Also, you write about the past in the present tense – I do this with memoir and blog posts, and prefer to read books or even blog posts/articles written this way. It’s more immediate. When I work with writers in my workshops, they tend to write in the past tense. I haven’t read all of your other books, so I wonder if you do this with all your books?
A: I’m actually not even aware of writing about the past in the present tense, unless it’s a bonafide flashback, in which case it would be in the present. I’ve been experimenting with different tenses book to book. My last book, BEFORE AND AGAIN, was in the first-person past tense, A WEEK AT THE SHORE is in first person present tense.  
The latter took some getting used to. And it’s possible that I botched the flashback tenses simply because I’m not ultra-experienced with first-person present. My editor didn’t catch or change anything, though. I agree with you. There is an immediacy to first-person present tense that is nice. That said, the new book I’ve started is in first-person past tense.
Q: Basic skills – I get it. This is how new writers learn. You aren’t new (after writing hundreds of books and stories), so you break rules – is that it?
A: I’m not “schooled” in writing, so I don’t know I’m breaking the rules!!
Q: You’re so skilled, Barbara. Your characters are intricate and layered. This book is a CLASS in writing. Do you ever think about young writers reading your work and learning from you?
A: You are too kind, Rachel. Seriously. I’m just muddling along, basically doing what works for me as a reader, since I have no formal training. Truly. Now I’m just enjoying it.
Barbara has written a few articles for me on my biz site about breaking the writing rules, which I hope you’ll read. She’s a true writer’s writer. I hope you’ll read her books and articles. She’s also an avid reader herself and does weekly book reviews on her blog.
What I’m Reading Now
I’m now reading the third book in the Discovery of Witches series, The Book of Life, and it’s fabulous, just like the others in this series. I’m not going to spoil it for you if you haven’t read these. Harkness is a wonderful writer, and she weaves history, passionate love, and the supernatural together in a way that carries you into other worlds. Even though it’s vampires, witches, and demons, it’s not glowy, corny vampires and evil witches on broomsticks. Harkness’ stories are wholly imaginative.
When I found out Sundance made the first book into a series, I paid for the app ($5.99/month – totally worth it) and watched the entire series in one day. SO GREAT. Perfectly cast, well-acted, leaving me yearning for more. I’m now re-watching it.
What Else I’m Watching
I never did see Being John Malkovich so I watched it with my daughter. Weird flick. Good, but super weird. Definitely takes the, ’15 minutes of fame,’ motto and turns it on its head. Speaking of heads, I’ve never seen such horrible hair in any movie.
Have you seen it? What are your thoughts?
Space Force just came out on Netflix and it’s hilarious. If you’re super conservative, you may not like it, so beware (though they poke fun at both parties). If you can laugh at the ridiculousness of government, please watch. Carrell is great, as usual, and the relationship dynamics are brilliant (and there’s John Malkovich again – great, as usual).
Vanderpump Rules I mentioned previously that this is the one reality show I watch with my 20-year-old daughter, Anya, and we watched the reunion shows – all three of them. I know, ridiculous. Jax is such a joke (his blatant homophobia disgusts me, though he says he supports gays – what?), Jax and Brittany together are just ugh, and Max makes me want to vomit (breaking news – he just got fired – ha!).
And honestly, could Vanderpump be any more white? We’ve been saying this for years.
SO much has happened since last week – wowzers. They’ve fired four people as of this writing for making racist remarks. Either the show will be retooled or canceled. I’m sad to see the epitome of white-girl whiteness Stassi gone – she was at least honest about her privilege. What do you think?
I’d be pretty much done with this show if it wasn’t for my daughter begging me to watch with her (we do watch movies and other shows as well). I’m glad Pumpy fired their asses, otherwise, I’d be done DONE.
What’s missing from most reality shows is compassion, which is why I don’t enjoy watching them. We see (and hear, loudly and repeatedly) the negativity, toxicity, and the worst in people because that’s what the editors and producers know will keep viewers coming back – drama.
There are flashes of compassion, e.g., when dealing with the death of a loved one, coming out, infidelity, or mental health issues. I appreciate when Bravo, for example, handles these issues well. I don’t appreciate it when they have not – and they have not in many cases. An overall lack of compassion appears to be missing from many of these people’s lives; however, using The Four Agreements, that’s an assumption on my part; we don’t see behind the scenes or when the cameras are off.
I do have compassion for the casts of these shows who have decided money is worth more than their privacy. They are adults making decisions about their lives, and all that comes with it, as any celebrity does. Now, they’re dealing with the fallout.
“Make good choices!” as Jamie Lee Curtis’s mom in Freaky Friday admonishes a young Lindsay Lohan’s Anna (and we all know how that turned out). Oh, Lindsay. Honestly, she’s such a product of dysfunction, it’s truly sad, but that’s a whole other post.
If only people would listen to their Hollywood movie mothers…
Products Supporting Black Lives Matter
In no particular order, here’s what I’ve bought and am loving:
YUBI: The original fingertip makeup brush is amazing. Worth every penny. How did I not know about this?
Pat McGrath Real Makeup: I’m a sucker for a great eye shadow palette. McGrath’s are pricey but fab-u-lous. Why so spendy? All her products are highly-pigmented so you don’t need much; they’ll last a good long time. Here’s the one I purchased on Amazon. For when, ya know, I actually have somewhere to venture out to.
Body Butter Lady: Lip stuff and of course, body butter. Affordable, smells amazing, and will last a good, long, time.
LipBar: Lips for days, tons of colors and textures to suit anyone.
LipSlut: Awesome colors, and 50% of all proceeds go to support women and children’s charities all the time. Right now, they’re supporting Black Lives Matters. 50% towards charity, 100% against tyranny. Cruelty-free, Vegan.
Their newest shade, F*ck Trump on pre-order, will support civil rights organizations specifically targeted by the Trump organization – I mean, administration. Oopsies.
Here is my current personal selection (F*ck Kavanaugh is a favorite – a pretty brownish-red that wears well):
So that’s it for this week. Would love your feedback on COVID-19, books, movies, shows, makeup, racism, or whatever you want to discuss. Thanks for stopping by!
Read more about Rachel’s experiences in the award-winning book, Broken Pieces.
She goes into more detail about living with PTSD and realizing the effects of how being a survivor affected her life in
Broken Places, available in print everywhere!
        The post Venture Out Of Quarantine With Me appeared first on Rachel Thompson.
via Rachel Thompson
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BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5GB or 8.4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec.
With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel Movie Download Torrent.
There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol DanversA365 DNI Dayss Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.
There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”.
Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 MovieA365 DNI Days infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.
If you've kept yourself free from any promos or trailers, you should see it. All the iconic moments from the movie won't have been spoiled for you. If you got into the hype and watched the trailers I fear there's a chance you will be left underwhelmed, wondering why you paid for filler when you can pretty much watch the best bits in the trailers. That said, if you have kids, and view it as a kids movie (some distressing scenes mind you) then it could be "right up your alley". It wasn't right up mine, not even the back alley. But yeah a passableA365 DNI Days with Blue who remains a legendary raptor, so 6/10. Often I felt there just too many jokes being thrown at you so it was hard to fully get what each scene/character was saying. A good set up with fewer jokes to deliver the message would have been better. In this wayA365 DNI Days tried too hard to be funny and it was a bit hit and miss.
Playmobil: The Movie fans have been waiting for this sequel, and yes , there is no deviation from the foul language, parody, cheesy one liners, hilarious one liners, action, laughter, tears and yes, drama! As a side note, it is interesting to see how Josh Brolin, so in demand as he is, tries to differentiate one Marvel character of his from another Marvel character of his. There are some tints but maybe that's the entire point as this is not the glossy, intense superhero like the first one , which many of the lead actors already portrayed in the past so there will be some mild confusion at one point. Indeed a new group of oddballs anti super anti super super anti heroes, it is entertaining and childish fun.
In many ways,A365 DNI Days is the horror movie I've been restlessly waiting to see for so many years. Despite my avid fandom for the genre, I really feel that modern horror has lost its grasp on how to make a film that's truly unsettling in the way the great classic horror films are. A modern wide-release horror film is often nothing more than a conveyor belt of jump scares stPlaymobil: The Movieg together with a derivative story which exists purely as a vehicle to deliver those jump scares. They're more carnival rides than they are films, and audiences have been conditioned to view and judge them through that lens. The modern horror fan goes to their local theater and parts with their money on the expectation that their selected horror film will "deliver the goods", so to speak: startle them a sufficient number of times (scaling appropriately with the film'sA365 DNI Daystime, of course) and give them the money shots (blood, gore, graphic murders, well-lit and up-close views of the applicable CGI monster etc.) If a horror movie fails to deliver those goods, it's scoffed at and falls into the "worst film I've ever seen" category. I put that in quotes because a disgPlaymobil: The Movietled filmgoer behind me broadcasted those exact words across the theater as the credits for this film rolled. He really wanted us to know his thoughts.
Hi and Welcome to the new release called "Playmobil: The Movie" which is actually one of the exciting movies coming out in the year 2018. [WATCH] Online.A365 DNI Days Full Movie, New Release though it would be unrealistic to expect "Playmobil: The Movie" Torrent Download to have quite the genre-busting surprise of the original, it is as good as it can be without that shock of the new - delivering comedy, adventure and all too human moments with a generous hand.
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jonhitampan · 5 years
Tumblr media
Título    : Street Dancer 3D Titulo Original : Street Dancer 3D Títulos Alternativos : Street Dancer 3D Dirigida por : Bhushan Kumar Reparto : Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor, Nora Fatehi, Prabhu Deva, Punit Pathak, Dharmesh Yelande Géneros : Drama Países : India Compañías de Producción : T-Series Fecha de Estreno : 2020-01-24 Tiempo de Ejecución : 146 min.
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Ever since hulking lawman Hobbs (Johnson), a loyal agent of America’s Diplomatic Security Service, and lawless outcast Shaw (Statham), a former British military elite operative, first faced off in 2015’s Furious 7, the duo have swapped smack talk and body blows as they’ve tried to take each other down. But when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) gains control of an insidious bio-threat that could alter humanity forever — and bests a brilliant and fearless rogue MI6 agent (The Crown’s Vanessa Kirby), who just happens to be Shaw’s sister — these sworn enemies will have to partner up to bring down the only guy who might be badder than themselves. Watch Street Dancer 3D Online Free Streaming, Watch Street Dancer 3D Online Full Streaming In HD Quality, Let’s go to watch the latest movies of your favorite movies, Street Dancer 3D. come on join us!!
What happened in this movie?
I have a summary for you. It’s the first rose ceremony of the movie and the drama is already ratcheted up! Two very different men – Blake and Dylan – have their hearts set on handing their rose to Hannah G., but who will offer it to her and will she accept?
All About The movies
Euphoria centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — only to have him tragically taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamp’s mysterious properties for their own purposes, Abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets, both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be after all.
#123Movies Watch Online Street Dancer 3D: Complete movies Free Online Strengthens
Crusaders and mountan Moorish commanders rebelled against the British crown.
How long have you fallen asleep during Street Dancer 3D Movie? The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in Street Dancer 3D. I have never been able to see another Movie five times like I did this. Come back and look for the second time and pay attention.
Watch Street Dancer 3D WEB-DL movies This is losing less lame files from streaming Street Dancer 3D, like Netflix, Amazon Video.
Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. These are also movies or TV shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites, such as iTunes.
The quality is quite good because it is not re-encoded. Video streams (H.264 or H.265) and audio (AC3 / Street Dancer 3D) are usually extracted from iTunes or Amazon Video and then reinstalled into the MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download Euphoria Movie Season 1 Movie 6 One of the streaming movies.
Watch Street Dancer 3D Miles Morales conjures his life between being a middle school student and becoming Street Dancer 3D.
However, when Wilson “Kingpin” Fiskuses as a super collider, another Captive State from another dimension, Peter Parker, accidentally ended up in the Miles dimension.
When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-Man, they soon joined four other Street Dancer 3D from across the “Spider-Verse”. Because all these conflicting dimensions begin to destroy Brooklyn, Miles must help others stop Fisk and return everyone to their own dimensions.
the industry’s biggest impact is on the DVD industry, which effectively met its destruction by mass popularizing online content. The emergence of streaming media has caused the fall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2020, an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix DVD, No Manches Frida 2s. It was stated that Netflix was continuing their DVD No. No Frida 2s with 5.3 million customers, which was a significant decrease from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming, No Manches Frida 2s, has 65 million members. In a March 2020 study that assessed “The Impact of movies of Streaming on Traditional DVD Movie Rentals” it was found that respondents did not buy DVD movies nearly as much, if ever, because streaming had taken over the market.
So we get more space adventures, more original story material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films.
Watch Final Space Season 2 — Movie 6, viewers don’t consider the quality of movies to differ significantly between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming movies including fast forStreet Dancer 3Dding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming quality movies as an industry will only increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of quality content.
He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. . And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a movies commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together.
Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy AStreet Dancer 3Dd for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.
Watch Street Dancer 3D Movie Online Blu-rayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source), and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions).
BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch Street Dancer 3D The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source.
BRRips only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch Street Dancer 3D Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed.
At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club.
BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5GB or 8.4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec.
With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel.
There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.
There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”.
Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie Street Dancer 3D infinity (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.
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bearingwater · 6 years
January Forecast for Aquarius
Ease your way into 2019, as gently as you can. The calendar’s turn is always a little weird for you, because the Sun is in Capricorn and your sleepy twelfth house until the third week of January. Going straight from celebration to hibernation is what your system naturally wants to do. But this go-round, that might not be so easy. With two eclipses jolting you into action on January 5 and 21, there are important moves to make…and you don’t want to snooze through those!
On January 5, your twelfth house of closure is activated by a partial solar (new moon) eclipse in Capricorn, which could shut one door firmly so you can open another. What part of your identity or your past no longer serves you, Aquarius? Let it go so you can make way for the new. With structured Saturn traveling close to the Sun for the first week of the year (making an exact meetup on January 2), you may boldly shed an outworn part of your identity or life. Your father or a significant male might factor into events at this eclipse. You may also establish a new relationship with a mentor figure or be trained by a helpful person who’s a seasoned veteran of your industry. Artists and healers could gain unexpected recognition at the solar eclipse, or you might decide to commit yourself to mastering your craft in 2019.
On January 11, the mystical side of this eclipse could reveal itself, when the Sun makes its annual conjunction (meetup) with transformational Pluto in Capricorn. You may feel called to do some deep forgiveness work, especially if you’ve been clinging to resentment or projecting your past pain onto someone you care about. This Sun-Pluto meetup could bring a psychic moment, perhaps through a dream or a session with a healer. If you’ve ever wanted to try a past-life regression or work with a medium, you may get a serendipitous sign from a departed loved one now. Some profound puzzle pieces can come together in the first two weeks of the year, but you’ll have to be receptive to intuitive flashes and “messages” from your subconscious. Journaling, meditation or sound healing could open the channels.
Amid all this right-brained activity, your logical left brain will also have a heyday in January. Your co-ruler Uranus will rocket out of a five-month retrograde on January 6, powering forward in Aries and your third house of communication. Your trailblazing ideas (and possibly your shockingly authentic commentary) will be back on the fast track again. With assertive Mars also in Aries from January 1 to February 14, your feistiness could reach epic levels. Be careful not to get TOO in people’s faces about stuff, Aquarius, even if you’re valiantly defending your creative freedom or beliefs.
Still, it’s important to nail down your messaging now because on March 6, Uranus will depart Aries, not to return again in your lifetime. You’ve got two more months to put yourself out there in a bold and original way. Writing, teaching, social media and communication-based projects get a special boost. With Mars and Uranus in your third house of community, you might suddenly pick up and move to a new neighborhood or take on an unexpected role in a local project. Your inner social-justice warrior could be fired up now, and this is the perfect year to collaborate with like-minded people around a world-bettering cause.
But before you go splashing truth serum on the world or blasting out an opinion you can’t un-Tweet, make sure your thinking is clear. On January 13, the first of this year’s three challenging squares forms between outspoken Jupiter and hazy Neptune, which can lead to confusion and mixed messages. Jupiter is in your eleventh house of groups while Neptune is in your second house of money and security. This could bring anything from a confidence shake-up to disruptive drama in your social circle. Who are your real friends, and who’s just hanging around because they want something from you?
You may start to notice that a certain friendship has become one-sided or codependent, especially with needy Neptune in the mix. Perhaps there’s someone whose ego always needs a boost or who expects you to pick up the pieces (and the tab) when they make a mess out of their lives. Are you relying too heavily on others for validation or to boost your own status? With Jupiter in your technology house, you might need to take a social media break, especially if you’ve gotten overly concerned with counting “likes” at the expense of connection. Jupiter and Neptune will form two more exact squares on June 16 and September 21, but you’ll feel their tension throughout the year.
You’ll be ready to focus on numero uno again starting January 20, when the Sun swings into Aquarius for a month, kicking off your birthday season. Hibernation: interrupted! Those sluggish vibes that started the year will soon be a thing of the past. Unclear about your direction for 2019? The fog lifts, and you’ll radar in on what YOU want to accomplish this year. Any adventures topping your bucket list? Enlist a couple of trustworthy wingpeople and make those into a reality.
Your closest ties come under major scrutiny on January 21, when a Leo full supermoon and total lunar eclipse blaze into your seventh house of committed partnerships. From romance to finance to friendship, this eclipse will shake up the status quo. A budding connection could move swiftly into official status—or end abruptly. Or you could have an epiphany about what you’re willing to accept from a relationship or how to make your bottom line your top priority. If finding love is on your 2019 resolution list, this eclipse will bring a no-BS realization about how you might be blocking that…or what your savviest next steps should be.
This is the grand finale in a two-year series of eclipses that’s lit up the Leo-Aquarius axis since February 2017, transforming your personal identity as well as your approach to commitment. You’ve gotten so much clearer about who you are and what you stand for, since every six months an eclipse would nearly force you to assert yourself or step into the spotlight. Your interpersonal dynamics have naturally shifted, and as a result there could have been a reshuffling on Team Aquarius. You won’t experience eclipses here again until 2026, so use this powerful portal to make sure your relationships are on solid ground.
Once again, you may have to put on some filters before you clear the air, though. Also on January 21, intense Mars in your communication house locks into an embattled square with rigid Saturn in your twelfth house of closure. Even if you need to set a firm boundary or let someone know that you’re upset, watch your tone: This cosmic clash can either make you overly aggressive or the host of an epic pity party. Instead of hurling accusations or playing the blame game, try to begin any statement with “I feel” rather than “You.”
Or just wait a couple days until January 25, when Mars will form a harmonizing trine with authentic Jupiter, helping you serve up the #realtalk with love and generosity. The blissful union of these courageous planets will activate your interpersonal sectors, helping you step into other people’s shoes and listen with much more acceptance. It’s an amazing day to branch out and network, sparking up new dialogues and friendships.
Redirect your attention if you’re angry. Who knows? That person or issue that seemed SO infuriating a few days ago may now become comedic fodder. Your tale of woe could be a story so outrageous it sends you and a rapt audience into side-splitting hysterics when you reenact it. Laughter is truly the best medicine, and you might enjoy a hearty dose of it as the month ends.
Love & Romance
Witty banter and stimulating conversations are your most effective aphrodisiacs this month as lusty Mars blazes through Aries and your mental, expressive third house until February 14. This can have the effect of drawing people to you like moths to a tiki flame. If you’re looking for romance—or just some fun, flirty times—this is one exciting transit!
But if you’re coupled up, or just not feeling it, you may want to lay a little low because you WILL be found! You might be attracted to a brainy geek or wordsmith; “boring” is not going to cut it for you! With aggro Mars heating up your communication corner, watch for a tendency to be a bit argumentative or sarcastic. If you’re in a relationship, don’t take your beloved for granted or make the rookie error of dumping your stuff on them. It will NOT be appreciated!
The first week of January, when fellow lovebird Venus is flitting through Scorpio and your prominent tenth house, you might be stuck on being “right” or hammering home a point at the expense of getting along. Try to catch yourself in action and nip that behavior in the bud before it spins out of control and you foster resentment. On the upside, this is a great transit for talking about shared future plans and maybe launching a sideline business together. Single? You could be drawn to someone older or more established than you.
Then, from January 7 to February 3, Venus will sweep through Sagittarius and your eleventh house of socializing and technology. If you’re not attached at the hip, you’ll prefer to keep your interpersonal interactions on the light-and-breezy side and put off getting into anything too serious. Since this zone rules your digital life, this is a particularly good time for online dating. But focus on the fun and adventure of it, not the “end zone.”
January brings a pair of romantic red-letter days, so watch for them. On January 18, and Venus and Mars align in a harmonious trine that could set the stage for meeting someone through mutual friends or a dating site—which could catch you totally off-guard! On January 22, Venus makes her once-a-year merger with fellow “benefic” Jupiter. You might spark a new connection with a person from another culture, who lives in another time zone or works remotely from various location. But if the chemistry (and other qualities) are there, you won’t mind. Couples could travel together, perhaps with mutual friends. Rally your favorite people and book a ski lodge chalet or a cool Airbnb rental.
Love Days: 17, 21 Money Days: 27, 10 Luck Days: 25, 7 Off Days: 19, 23, 5
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asfia2009-blog · 5 years
[!HBO-Channel!] Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Online
How to Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Online Free Trial Access. Episode 7 “The Trials and Tribulations” |HBO| 62Min | Drama Action Sci-Fi
Full Episodes!! Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Online Free Streaming, Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Online Full Streaming In HD Quality, Let’s go to watch the latest episodes of your favorite series, Euphoria. come on join us!!
What happened in this episode? I have a summary for you. Rue gets depressed and watches 22 straight episodes of a British reality show; Jules visits an old friend; Cassie looks for advice in the aftermath of Halloween night.
All About The Series Euphoria centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — only to have him tragically taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamp’s mysterious properties for their own purposes, Abby will discover that the swamp holds mystical secrets, both horrifying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life may not be dead after all.
#123Movies Watch Online Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7: Complete Episodes Free Online Strengthens Crusaders and mountain Moorish commanders rebelled against the corrupt British crown.
How long have you fallen asleep during Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Episode? The music, the story, and the message are phenomenal in Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7. I have never been able to see another episode five times like I did this. Come back and look for the second time and pay attention. Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 WEB-DL Episodes This is losing less lame files from streaming Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7, like Netflix, Amazon Video.
Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. These are also episodes or TV shows that are downloaded through online distribution sites, such as iTunes.
The quality is quite good because it is not re-encoded. Video streams (H.264 or H.265) and audio (AC3 / Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7) is usually extracted from iTunes or Amazon Video and then reinstalled into the MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download Euphoria Episode Season 1 Episode 5 One of the streaming episodes.
Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Miles Morales conjures his life between being a middle school student and becoming Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7. However, when Wilson “Kingpin” Fisk uses as a super collider, another Captive State from another dimension, Peter Parker, accidentally ended up in the Miles dimension.
When Peter trained the Miles to get better, Spider-Man, they soon joined four other Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 from across the “Spider-Verse”. Because all these conflicting dimensions begin to destroy Brooklyn, Miles must help others stop Fisk and return everyone to their own dimensions.
the industry’s biggest impact is on the DVD industry, which effectively met its destruction by mass popularizing online content. The emergence of streaming media has caused the fall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster.
In July 2019, an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix DVD, No Manches Frida 2s. It was stated that Netflix was continuing its DVD No. No Frida 2s with 5.3 million customers, which was a significant decrease from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming, No Manches Frida 2s, has 65 million members. In a March 2019 study that assessed “The Impact of Episodes of Streaming on Traditional DVD Episode Rentals,” it was found that respondents did not buy DVD episodes nearly as much, if ever because streaming had taken over the market.
So we get more space adventures, more original story material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films.
Watch Euphoria Season 1 — Episode 7, viewers don’t consider the quality of Episodes to differ significantly between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved by streaming Episodes including fast-forwarding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming quality Episodes as an industry will only increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of quality content.
He is someone we don’t see happening. Still, Brie Larson’s resume is impressive. The actress has been playing on TV and film sets since she was 11 years old. One of those confused with Swedish player Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader. And soon, he will play a CIA agent in a series commissioned by Apple for his future platform. The series he produced together.
Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an Academy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true story of a woman who was exiled with her child by predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan.
Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Episode Online Blu-mayor Bluray rips directly from Blu-ray discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on the source) and uses the x264 codec. They can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions).
BDRips comes from Blu-ray discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p). BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usually 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 The BD / BRRip episode in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher quality source.
BDRip only from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as they drop in the source disc resolution. Watch Euphoria Season 1 Episode 7 Episode Full BDRip is not transcoded and can move down for encryption, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolution because they are transcribed.
At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to Hollywood’s hottest actress club.
BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can vary between XviD orx264codecs (generally measuring 700MB and 1.5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5GB or 8.4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and quality of release, but increasingly the higher the size, the more likely they are to use the x264 codec.
With its classic and secret beauty, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “Crazy Amy” by Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel.
There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainly by women. And it feels. When he’s not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be very independent. This is even the key to his strength: if the superhero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his ability since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad it’s not enough to make a film that stands up completely … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired.
There is no sequence of actions that are truly shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continually weakens empathy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers very good things to the person including the red cat and young Nick Fury and both eyes (the film took place in the 1990s). In this case, if Samuel Jackson’s rejuvenation by digital technology is impressive, the illusion is only for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it show that digital is fortunately still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not say more about his role not to “express”.
Already the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 years ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Episode war infinity (The 100 Season 6 Episode, released April 24 home), this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the body and to be really refreshing. Let’s hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.
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echelonlab-blog · 6 years
Echelon Author Interview -- Lolainblue
Echelon Author Interview
Your URL: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lolainblue
Your name: Missie (Blue is my nickname)
Link to your Masterlist: https://lolainblue.tumblr.com/post/174506158608/masterlist-20
What was your first experience with 30 Seconds to Mars? A friend had bought their first album and brought it over while hanging out. We listened to a few songs, I immediately fell in love. She asked me “Guess who the lead singer is? It's Jordan Catallano!” I was so stunned. 
Your Favorite Mars song? I could never pick one. There is one for whatever mood I am in. I love Attack, a lot of the old stuff, Buddha for Mary... They have changed so much over the years but I still love all their sounds.
Has anything ever happened to you solely because of being a 30STM fan? There are people that I met only because of Mars, and friends I have made in the fandom I wouldn't have otherwise.
What is your favorite thing about the fandom? Your least favorite? I think this is a very welcoming, supportive, and open fandom for the most part. It does have certain cliques, which is all right, everyone has their things they're into, but it would be nice if they got along a little better.
Is there any advice you would give to someone who is new to the fandom? Don't get too caught up in rumors. There are some people who are crazy obsessive and love to trash talk. It's a strange combo.
How long have you been writing? Since I was in elementary school.
Why did you start writing? (Either in general or for Mars specifically) I went through a catastrophic health event a few years ago. I found myself stuck at home and mostly bed bound, looking at a slow recovery. I started reading more, and also reading more fanfiction. I restarted my Tumblr account and came across some Mars writers. @thepromiseofanend and @fyeahproudglambert were actually among some of the first writers I read here and very much inspired me to keep writing for the fandom.
Do you write for other fandoms? If so, which ones? I have written for other fandoms in the past but right now the only one I am writing for is Mars.
Do you share everything you write? If not, is there a reason why? No. Not everything I write is Mars related, and some of the pieces I am working on only sporadically and I will share when I have more of them written.
Have you written things that aren't fanfic? If so, could you tell us about those works? I have written plays and screenplays, short stories.. I write a lot I am currently working on a paranormal novel that is original fiction.
Of all your works, which is your favorite and why? I think Fangs and Fairytales is probably my favorite, I love horror and vampires and the paranormal, and it's fun to play with an alternate timeline like that.
Is there one that was particularly difficult to write? Why? There is one I am working on currently that is not yet published that I draw from some difficult personal experiences and struggles. I am not entirely sure I will share it when I am done.
What is the ideal writing environment for you? At your desk? Quiet? Music? I work on my laptop and I prefer to have silence. I can't stand having the television or music on when I am writing. The location doesn't matter much but the silence does. If I can't get silence I will put on headphones with ambient sounds, like thunderstorms. When I was writing the first part of Thunderbirds, I had a site that had cafe sounds that I listened to a lot.
What type of fanfic are you most comfortable writing (drama, fluff, angst, drabbles, series, etc.) I absolutely love to write angst. I torture my characters mercilessly. I also tend towards long pieces.
What is your favorite fanfic trope? Enemies to Friends, Ooops there's only one bed, Mutual Pining
Is there any trope or subject that you won't write? There are certain kinks that I don't care for, and extreme stuff is off the table. Don't make me name them all.
Are there any special tools that you use when creating or writing your story? I use either Open Office for short pieces or Scrivener for longer more structured stories. Grammarly is a lifesaver.
Do you write your story in order or do you jump around and then string it together at the end? Mostly in order. I am a very linear thinker.
Do you outline, or do a great deal of prep work or do you 'fly by the seat of your pants'? I have a general outline and a plan for each story. Some are more detailed than others.
How do you usually get your inspiration? Dreams, music, other stories, movies... I get so many ideas, it's the execution that's an issue more than inspiration.
Do you have ideas on the drawing board or in progress currently that you haven't shared yet? Yes. I have two series that I am working on. One I had originally planned to be ready in a few weeks but due to illness I am behind.
If you have an unpublished work in progress, please pick two to three sentences and share them without context.
Jared assured me however that he was fully prepared, gripping me ever tighter as he pressed me into the upholstered bench seating, no sign of shyness in regards to the driver who was currently ferrying us through damp and intimate back streets. The evening's earlier rain had broken and everything was left looking freshly glazed, colors amplified in reflection. It would have been a lovely drive through the Latin Quarter if he had paused from his advances long enough to look out the window.
Do you like requests? Would you like more or less of them? I love requests but I don't always have time. I have several series I am actively working on for myself, several things in the lab, another collaboration as well as original work. But one of my favorite oneshots (Overtime) came from an anon request. You can always ask. I may not be able to fill it but you can always ask.
Is there an upcoming project from you that you are excited about? Why, and what can you share about it? I am excited about all my writing. There is one piece that won't be coming for a while but it's a new Shannon series with a rather different romantic interest.
The best piece of writing advice you've ever received? Eliminate your inner audience. Whenever we write we have a tendency to think of the people who might be reading it and how they will react. It can limit us from being true and fearless with what we are producing. Write for the characters, focus on the story, and don't mentally allow other people to look over your shoulder. Especially when writing smut.
The worst piece of writing advice you've ever received? For overcoming writer's block: Just sit down and write. If I could do that Karen, I wouldn't be complaining about writer's block.
What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting to write fanfic? Don't worry if you don't get a lot of attention to start. Don't worry if your stories aren't as good as others. Just keep writing and try to make each piece a little better than the last one. Compete against yourself. Your writing will grow and develop as you continue to work and as it does you will find your audience.
Three (stories, series, scenes, etc) written by others that you really like or that inspire you? Only three? I think Save Me by @spillinginkwithlove was probably the thing that truly drew me in. Closer to the Edge (@thepromiseofanend) has my OTP of Mia/Jared. @darklydelicousdesires has my favorite piece of Shannon smut, Double Measures
Are any of your characters closer to being “you” than others? Any reason in particular?  All of my characters have tiny pieces of me in them, whether it's a taste in food or future aspiration. In a lot of ways, I think I'm more Jane than anything, a lot of Jane and Roger’s childhood memories come from my own experience growing up in small towns in Illinois and Indiana -- but there are characters in two pieces I am working on that draw deeply from a lot of my life experiences.
Are any of your characters based on someone you know? Roger (from Thunderbirds) is actually very strongly based on an old boyfriend of mine.
Are any of your plots based on something that happened to you? The upcoming pieces Bodies, Rest and Motion and Mirror Ball both draw strongly on my own personal experiences, although the characters are unique as are the circumstances. The stories aren't autobiographical in any way, I have just drawn on things that I have been through and know to create something that conveys those experiences.
Favorite font for writing? Segoe UI ( In 14pt because I'm blind)
Do you consider yourself a reader outside of fanfic?  Yes. I love to read.
Your favorite book? I don't know about any one book, but I love Brandon Mull, Tad Williams, and Charlaine Harris. Also Poppy Z Brite, Terry Pratchett, so much science fiction and horror.....
Your favorite things to do when you're not writing? I love to cook, watch movies, binge Netflix, hang out with my dogs, play video games and just be with my family.
Two truths and a lie? I owned and ran my own catering company, I lived briefly in Italy, I was the drummer for a punk band
Something surprising about you? My original career ambition (and the college program I started in) was for experimental high energy (particle) physics. I still love science. I am a huge nerd.
Favorite food to enjoy while watching Netflix? Popcorn, of course.
Favorite way to spend a Saturday night? The activity doesn't matter to me as much as the company. I just want to be surrounded by good people. I love a good meal and a card or board game with friends and family. (I love tabletop games and have a small collection. Gloom and Betrayal at House on the Hill are two of my favorites.)
Blankets Tucked or Untucked? Untucked!
Do you have any pets? Would you like to tell us about them? I have two rescued pit bulls that are big love bugs (Twilight and Lokii) and two cats, Coyote and Mayhem. Lokii is the only one that is technically mine (Twilight is my son's dog, and the cats are just household pets) and Lokii never leaves my side. He is very protective and watches over me when I am feeling ill. He is also very goofy and loves to play
Are there any particular battles or struggles in your life you'd like to tell us about? I've been through a lot. I have somehow managed to pick myself up and keep going each time I've been knocked down. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. There's really no other choice. Just keep going. There's always something good ahead.
Anything you'd like to add? I am horrible at initiation and maintaining friendships. It's mostly an anxiety issue, I feel like I'm annoying people, I think they don't want to talk to me, that they simply tolerate me... I know there are lots of you that can relate to that. Chances are really good that I'd like to talk to you, even if I seem stand-offish or seem to have withdrawn. Please don't ever take it personally. And if we've never talked, well feel free to say hi, or ask me a question. I love to chat, I really do, I'm just bad about keeping things going until I get used to people. I take ridiculously long to get used to people. I guess what I'm saying is I'm a big mess and I have social issues but if you're into that, come chat with me.
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